ladyof1000masks · 4 hours
You Give Love A Bad Name
I HAVE BA in Creative Writing for fuck's sake. I even graduated salutatorian yet there's this annoying bitchy voice screaming negativity in my brain.
"Maybe my entire class was composed of poor writers." I doubt it. A lot of my classmates have found a measure of success.
Maybe my professors were too lenient and the classes too easy. Then I remember the time my screenwriting professor, a stern passionate man made me cry over a fuck up. Is this imposter syndrome?
Please read the finished rough draft. I don't expect you to pepper my alabaster cheeks with sweet comforting kisses. I accept critiques so long as said critique is constructively given to me. In other words, don't be a cunty fuck nugget. Give me suggestions. I need a cute nickname befitting of Scarecrow.
Without further stalling here's my edited "finished" draft inspired by "Shot Through the Heart." (I'm a perfectionist, this bitch will never truly be finished in a way that satisfies me
Int. Arkham Asylum - Night (Post Arkham Knight)
DARK WOMAN, 5'0 wreathed in dancing shadows watches the cell block below. Her orange eyes aglow like Jack-o-lanterns stalk the patrolling guards with predatory keenness. A palpable anger emanates from the figure as her eyes land on the cell at the far end of the block. The bodies of fallen guards lay at her feet.
SCARECROW/JONATHAN CRANE cowers in the corner of his cell jabbering to himself. His milky blue eyes dart fearfully to the minutest movement outside his cell.
SCARECROW: Bat... Ashes... Piano.
Guard 1: (bangs his fist on the glass of Crane's cell.) Shut up in there!
SCARECROW: (Screams.)
Guard 1: Not so scary now are you?
Guard 2: Batman really did a number on him. Not much left of the poor bastard now. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
Guard 1: (Laughs.) Poor bastard? He's lucky Waller doesn't let us beat him more.
Guard 2: It was fun making Crane shit himself for a change. Speaking of which has he had his share for today?
Guard 1: Haha! I love my job! Nothing like unleashing my aggression on these psychos.
The two guards approach SCARECROW's cell. Guard 1 withdraws his baton and smacks it against his open hand. SCARECROW shrinks into the furthest corner of his cell, shielding his already disfigured face.
A cadaver plunges from the catwalk, landing behind the two guards with a wet crack. The two whirl around to confront the source of the noise. A shattered face stares back at them with melted eyes.
Guard 1: What the fuck?
Guard 2: Who did this!?
Two more bodies fall from above landing in a twisted heap at their feet. Drawn by the commotion more guards investigate, gathering around the corpses. GUARD 3, wielding a flamethrower, followed by the more conventionally armed GUARD 4 and GUARD 5 study the scene.
Guard 4: *wretches .* God! What happened to them?
Guard 5: Ugh. Definitely closed casket viewings.
Guard 5 nudges one of the corpses with the toe of his boot. As soon as he does the body erupts in a cloud of green chemicals and gore, triggering a chain reaction among the other corpses.
Covered in viscera and the mysterious chemical their armor sizzles and bubbles.
Guard 3: (Screams)
A dark veil of orange smoke envelopes the hall as the woman leaps down in front of the guards. Her silhouette can barely be seen through the thick, acrid smog.
Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
Darlin', you give love a bad name
The guards blindly rush the woman through the smog, coughing violently. She parries their blows with elegant ballet-like movements. Her flexibility and dancelike manner of motion give her an uncanny and inhuman quality.
An angel's smile is what you sell
You promise me Heaven, then put me through hell
Chains of love got a hold on me
When passion's a prison, you can't break free
Frigid terror takes grasp of the guards, wracking their limbs with tremors and causing them to jump at shadows. The woman materializes from the smoke behind Guard 1 and plunges her needled fingers into his exposed eyes.
Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah
Oh, there's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done
Guard 1: (screams in agony clutching his bleeding sockets.)
Guard 3 unleashes a gout of flames upon the woman. The woman calmly stares down the fire and casually tosses a powder bomb at his feet, consuming him and his colleagues in flame. The surviving guards attack each other as a new contingent of guards pours in.
Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name (bad name)
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name (bad name)
Hey, you give love, a bad name
Paint your smile on your lips
Blood red nails on your fingertips
A school boy's dream, you act so shy
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye
The woman walks down the block tossing small bombs at each passing cell. Inmates join the firefight, throwing the Asylum into chaos. She closes in on Scarecrow's cell pausing to sadly gaze upon him.
Woman: (In a soft southern accent, think Southern Belle) What have they done to you?
Whoa, you're a loaded gun
Whoa, there's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done
Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name (bad name)
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name (bad name)
You give love, oh
She produces a bloodstained keycard from her garter. The cell door slides open as she swipes the card and punches in the number (or uses a severed finger for a fingerprint recognition scan)
Scarecrow jumps at the footfall of boots clicking against the cell floor, his milky eyes darting toward the noise. A flash of familiarity warms his gaze.
Scarecrow: Rag... doll... Bat... hurt...Flame
The woman kneels next to the slender, much taller man and gently grabs his chin. Their eyes meet. He flinches when she strokes his cheek.
Woman: (Shushes him) It's okay darlin'. You remember me, don't you?
He relaxes as she briefly examines his face. Deep death black bruises paint his cadaverous face and sinewy arms. Her eyes narrow dangerously.
Scarecrow: Home... Ragdoll... Safe.
Woman (Ragdoll): Yes, Jonny *she pats hands.* You're safe with me. Nobody's going to hurt you ever again.
Ragdoll helps him to his feet, draping one of his long arms over her shoulders. The two use the chaos to escape the asylum.
Ragdoll: I'll make you better, I promise you, Jonny.
Oh, shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name (bad name)
Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name (bad name)
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name (bad name)
You give love
You give love (bad name)
You give love
You give love (bad name)
You give love
You give love (bad name)
You give love
You give love
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ladyof1000masks · 20 hours
Part One because I'm tired as fuck and want to go to bed. Inspired by the song "Shot Through the Heart."
Int. Arkham Asylum - Night (Post Arkham Knight)
A figure wreathed in dancing shadows watches the cell block below. Their orange eyes aglow like Jack-o-lanterns stalk the patrolling guards with predatory keenness. A palpable anger emanates from the figure as their eyes land on the cell at the far end of the block. The bodies of fallen guards lay at their feet.
SCARECROW/JONATHAN CRANE cowers in the corner of his cell jabbering to himself. His milky blue eyes dart fearfully to the minutest movement outside his cell.
SCARECROW: Bat... Ashes... Piano.
Cunty Guard: (bangs his fist on the glass of Crane's cell.) Shut up in there!
SCARECROW: (Screams.)
Cunty Guard: Not so scary now are you?
Guard: Batman really did a number on him. Not much left of the poor bastard now.
Cunty Guard: (Laughs.) Poor bastard? He's lucky Waller doesn't let us beat him more.
Guard: Yeah, remember when Chuck beat him last week? Crane shit himself - literally.
Cunty Guard: I love my job! Nothing like unleashing my aggression on these scumbags.
The figure kicks one of the bodies off the catwalk. The body lands in front of the two guards with a wet crack. It stares at them with melted eyes and a sloughing face.
Cunty Guard: What the fuck?
Guard: Chuck!? Who did this!?
The figure jumps down. A petit red-headed woman about 5'0 lands on top of Chuck spraying a little bit of his juice onto Cunty guard's shoes.
Mystery Woman: (In a slight southern accent think southern belle) Hiya boys.
Both guards rush the woman. She parries their blows with elegant dancelike movements. Her supernatural flexibility makes her seem uncanny and inhuman, unnerving the guards.
Shot through the heart And you're to blame Darlin', you give love a bad name
To Be FUCKING continued. It's a rough draft/kinda outline. Sorry for the cringe.
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ladyof1000masks · 2 months
TW Animal Death + Grief
Things haven't been great at all. Last Friday our rescue cat, Maze passed away at home from respiratory failure.
We rushed him to the only veterinarian nearby that would care for him. The hospital in town refused to take him in as a patient.
His asthma went undiagnosed and untreated for too long causing irreversible lung damage. They were basically scar tissue. His original owners' neglect and abandonment sealed his fate before we rescued him. He was sick and so they threw him away.
Before any grief vultures reading this accuse me of neglect, I took him to the vet when we first rescued him, but the vet missed it.
The night Maze died the vet gave him a shot of Depo-medrol and sent us home with prednisolone. Just the stress being away from home worsened his breathing. I blame myself for stressing him out.
I wished the vet would have just euthanized him. He could have drifted off free of suffering instead of like he did. I genuinely wished I didn't have to witness what I did. I don't want it to haunt me like it does. I want to forget, but my brain takes snapshots of moments so vivid I can remember every detail.
He crawled to me. He believed I could make it all better like I always did and I couldn't. I couldn't make the suffering end. I had to watch him die gasping and choking.
And then when it was over I felt a sense of peace, like I was glad it was over. Fucking selfish. I had the gall to be relieved! Like it was my burden not his. I just want to sleep.
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ladyof1000masks · 4 months
Sorry I've been gone. As if anyone noticed. Honestly, my absence is because I had a depressive episode because my body stopped absorbing my meds due to a critical vitamin deficiency. Oh and people still suck.
Last night was a good example. I was replying to a serious Suicide Squad game post on Reddit titled "Will the insanity end when the new game is released?" There was a slightly off-topic, but still relevant conversation going on.
I got into how odd it is that Waller didn't take any interest in Scarecrow as he was the only rogue in the Arkhamverse to unmask Batman and brought him the closest to defeat/breaking any of them ever had. Fuck, he even out planned Bats on a couple occasions.
I don't know if anyone here realizes just how amazingly OP Arkhamverse Batman in almost every discipline, but for a rogue to get a couple steps ahead of him is a feat unheard of. Scarecrow devised a Thanatos Gambit on the master of the technique. He technically won.
Sure Scarecrow didn't make Batman cross the line he most feared but he gave him a good shove toward that precipice. Using fear toxin, a substance very well known for breaking people permanently even in it's weaker variant, on criminals is extremely morally dubious.
The strongest indicator of the damage done, is that he injected Scarecrow with the almost always lethal version with the intent of destroying his mind. I expect cruelty like that from Scarecrow or Riddler, they're the "bad guys" not our dark brooding hero.
But I digress. I didn't go into it as much as I have here because doing so guarantees no one will read my post.
The OP came back with "Not sure what fear toxin would do against robots." No shit! I'm so fucking stupid I wouldn't know something so obvious. I never implied that fear toxin would affect robots. Completely missed my point. I was talking about his chemical genius, brilliant mind, and ability to out gambit Batman.
Never once did I say he'd be one of the ground forces in Taskforce X. Any fan knows Scarecrow isn't a fighter, that he specializes in psychology and excels in unraveling sanity as opposed to a physical threat.
You'd think Waller would have at least "recruited" Crane to be on the support staff and put his genius to good use. That's all I was saying.
People seem to hate all the Rogues I like in the Arkham subreddit. Riddler and Scarecrow are especially unpopular. Honestly, the more assy they get about me talking about Scarecrow, the more I'm going to mention him.
It's okay for others to make multiple posts describing the explicit things they want to do with Bane, the Joker and Batman but I get shit for just talking about Scarecrow?
Not even in a sexual way, either. I may exaggerate my obsession with Scarecrow in an attempt to be funny but everyone on that sub exaggerates in some way.
Fuck your double standards. Also fuck feline respiratory infection and double fuck the blizzard ruining my cat's vet appointment.
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ladyof1000masks · 5 months
Me: I need to be kinder to myself.
Also Me, directed at myself: Get over possibly never seeing OG Mewtwo again you stupid bitch.
(You can exchange Mewtwo with Arkham Scarecrow or any other character I loved that's never coming back that I'll inevitably become depressed about.)
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ladyof1000masks · 5 months
Sorry for the Mewtwo spamming and the long absence. I deeply relate to Mewtwo as a character. Sure, I'm not an artificial being created to be the world's strongest or a weapon, and I'm not confused as to what I am nor do I have to worry about being real.
I relate to the trauma he's suffered, the effect that it's had on his psyche, and his strength of character to persevere against trials and tribulations he cannot conquer with his awesome powers. I really admire the message conveyed by his saga, specifically in the Japanese version because 4Kids decided to bastardize the script in America.
Depression fucking sucks. I'm feeling worthless and lost, my feelings and thoughts regarding myself, about anything pertaining to me and my work are highly transient. Nomadic. I don't know what to do with myself most times so I sleep a lot. Why do anything if I can't satisfy myself with the result? Why do anything if not even one person gives a shit? I mentally exhaust myself fretting over things related to special interests or what I'm doing with my life.
I'm trying to train myself away from these destructive habits, but I've lived my entire life this way. It's difficult to shatter the manacles of a lifelong pattern. Society tells me that to be useful, and to have value my existence must benefit it and other humans or I am lazy, a lesser human. Why should I live my life solely to benefit others? Surely, being alive means much more than that.
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ladyof1000masks · 5 months
I would probably burst out laughing if I saw him leaning over me trying to scare me to death while nibbling a pocky stick.
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[When you’re trying to live up to your sinister and spooky reputation; but at the same time you love sweets and need them to survive]
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ladyof1000masks · 5 months
It'd be nice for OG Mewtwo to be confirmed male in the Japanese version like he was in the English.
“As expected. Even Mewtwo cannot stand solitude. He needed companions.”
– said by Giovanni to Domino, in reference to why there are clones in Mewtwo’s hideout, Mewtwo I am here [Japanese]
Not sure how accurate the quote is.
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Did they really refer to Mewtwo as Mister and Sir in the Japanese version of Mewtwo Returns?
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Again is that real?
EDIT: Thanks to a friend I've confirmed that Mewtwo has indeed referred to as male in Japanese properties. Specifically the original Mewtwo. The fact that the Mewtwo in the Detective Pikachu movie is male and based on OG Mewtwo only reinforces him being male.
He also has a male telepathic voice which he projects with his amazing mind meaning he perceives himself as male internally. He's a boy. If you actually me one more time People In the Internet and tell me Mewtwo is genderless I'm going to punch you in the throat. Yes, all of you. It's only in the games that Mewtwo and most legends are genderless (or more accurately in Japan, gender unknown). The anime and the games are separate continuities.
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ladyof1000masks · 5 months
Okay… Let’s examine the skills/talents Mewtwo displays in his movies. I don’t mean his powers, we’re all aware he’s an OP super-mon. I mean things like: 
Architecture. He made a castle with his brain. He’s the ultimate architect, no building code can conquer him. 
Following from that, basically all the things that go into making a building livable. Plumbing, electricity, some sort of heating system (to make sure your human slaves/prisoners don’t die until you want them to)… He’d have to understand these things to make them. 
Design. His castle+everything in it, the pokeballs he made, all creepily beautiful. He clearly has an eye for functional art. 
Science. When creating his clones he used the data left behind by his creators, BUT he obviously improved vastly on their work, because his clones didn’t die. 
Coding His OP pokeballs and automatic cloning machine probably required some advanced coding. Sure, he built off of things that other people had already made, but his were 100x better. 
Engineering. *gestures at pokeballs and cloning machine* 
Theatre/Performance. He’s dramatic AF. He put a lot of energy into looking impressive+badass. He could have made everything bare bones and functional but he went the extra mile to put on one hell of a show. 
And it did not take him long to do all of it. He’s smart even for a super-genius. 
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ladyof1000masks · 6 months
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ladyof1000masks · 6 months
Remember the fanfiction I was writing for Arkham Scarecrow? Here's an excerpt from it just in case anyone gives a shit.
She named him Jonathan after the boy she never had. A proper biblical name of Hebrew origin meaning “gift of God.” She named him as though it was an honor to bestowed with. Jonathan didn’t feel honored. He didn’t feel like a gift, at least not one that anyone ever wanted. Like all unwanted gifts he sat in the dark dusty recesses of the closet, hidden behind Granny’s dresses among her worn boots watching shadows crawl to-and-fro past the slit of light peeking beneath the door. He was too afraid to turn the doorknob or test how fast the door was held. It was no use. The old woman always locked the door.
With his knees tucked into his chest Jonathan snuggled further into the closet until he felt the cold toes of shoes dig into his back. He ran a small, calloused hand over “the spot”, his spot, where finish on the floor had long eroded away, dug his worn fingernails into its thready grains, not wincing even as splinters lodged themselves beneath his nails. He bit back a sob. Only pussies cry! Don’t be a pussy! He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the familiar burn between his eyes away. Yet, the tears came anyway.
Like rain his tears could not be fettered for long, falling steadily down the swell of his cheekbones and onto his shirt collar where they were absorbed.  Warmth welled and trickled from his fingertips staining the old, faded planks a rich red. He bit the sleeve of his shirt, grinding it between his teeth to muffle his whimpering as a large shadow blotted out the light beneath the door. Soon sleep fell upon him like a cold, heavy curtain and he drifted away on a troubled sea of dreams. Dreams menaced by bigger more assertive boys like Bo and his friends. Dreams of shrieking murders and the beating of ebon wings.
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ladyof1000masks · 7 months
I haven't been feeling well this week both mentally and physically so I really haven't written much for Jonny's childhood story. I'm still going to write the story. I want to be in a better place first. Also, I'm a slow writer and I'm pantsing this. For those who care, just know I haven't given up and will endeavor to deliver the best story I can.
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ladyof1000masks · 7 months
To celebrate the month of October, the stark beauty of Samhain, I have begun writing an Arkham Scarecrow fanfiction based on his childhood and the tragedy that traumatized him and scarred his heart. Well, scarred it more.
Sadly, I am a very slow, unconfident writer so please bear with me. I haven't written much as of yet because I'm pretty sad right now and I FEAR it will not be to the standard of good fanfiction. I am pantsing it because my executive dysfunction makes me terrible at plotting. This will be my first fanfiction and I am rather nervous about it. There will be grammatical mistakes and weird wording as I am a bit rusty.
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ladyof1000masks · 7 months
Me: Why am I in the audience at an Oprah show? I hate crowds. How did I even get here?
Oprah: Everyone look under your seats! One member of the audience will get a personal Hroo Hraa from the infamous Scarecrow! The rest will get a free lifetime worth of psychological damage.
Me: How does that make sense? *hears a muffled Hroo hraa come from under my seat.* Oh. *sitting there as everyone else gets gassed and pandemonium ensues.*
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ladyof1000masks · 7 months
What I'd like to see from Pokemon... Pt1
I would go supernova with pure happiness if we finally got a Mewtwo-centric Pokemon game especially one that heavily takes inspiration from the Ash-led anime timeline. Mewtwo never really got the legendary treatment in-game that most legendary Pokemon received in the past and continue to get now. He has never been a box art mascot. There's never been a mainline game with a storyline focused on him. He was never given the same importance in the games as he was in the anime.
The section immediately preceding this sentence will purely detail the selfish, yet not mandatory, part of my dream.
Mewtwo, being a genetically engineered weapon, should, by all means, be highly adaptable and capable of improvement due to its nature. It would make sense if Mewtwo got upgrades like an ultimate form you can't legally obtain in-game like the Eternamax Eternatus form you defeat at the end of Sword and Shield. Or at the very least restore its BST (base stat total) to what it would have been without the nerf (744) in Gold and Silver.
No temporary ones like both hideously designed Mega Evolutions that haven't been relevant for nearly ten years. I know Mewtwo getting any form of attention will piss off Kanto haters, but fuck'em.
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ladyof1000masks · 8 months
I'm exhausted by this world. I say something while being friendly, giving a compliment "You grew into the character and improved over the years", but being truthful that I preferred the character's original voice actor and I get blocked.
I'm an idiot who just can't person, I guess. Like always, I'm going to assume it's my fault and feel like trash about it. Meanwhile, my "friends" on the discord channel I used to frequent completely ignore me now even when I reply with questions directed at them. At least my cats get me.
My apologies for the "poor me" party. Just screaming into the void. Now back to obsessing about Shudo's/M01 Mewtwo. I was stoned as all fuck last night thanks to eating two CBD gummies. Weed affects me weirdly. Even then I was still able to write a coherent response last night.
I promise I'll start talking about Arkham Scarecrow again. Maybe I should make a separate page for my other interests.
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ladyof1000masks · 8 months
My Greatest Dream
As a child, I had a boundless imagination filled with creativity. I remember the odd cast of characters I used to roleplay scenes, conversing as one character and then as another in different voices. I could entertain myself for hours even without toys. I hid in the world I created, a better world where there were always happy endings, unlike the one I lived in.
As I grew older, I became interested in writing once I learned that my stories could live beyond my mind and be shared with others. I wanted my characters, worlds, and stories to live in the real world, and become immortal by living in the hearts and minds of others. Nothing could stop me from writing page after page. I didn't understand plagiarism, copyright, or trademark. I didn't know what a fan character was.
All I knew was I loved them. I loved them because they were mine and I could do with them as I pleased. It was a way of coping with the grief not just in the real world, but when a character I loved died or was harmed in another's world. The very movies, shows, and games I played and loved, the worlds and characters made by others had inspired mine. I wished to share them with the world.
I knew that my characters could live in others through the same mediums that sparked my imagination, so I set out to write. Then when I became a teen I let the cruelty and bitterness of others and the pain I experienced in with me. It was tainted. I lost the spark. I miss it dearly.
I still badly want to share my characters, worlds, and stories with the real world, but I am troubled by fears of my writing's quality, my struggle with the plot, and how people perceive my characters. They're one of the few things I love about myself.
My greatest dream is to bring my characters, stories, and world to other people and inspire something within them. Good hopefully. As arrogant as it sounds, I'd like to see my characters become someone's comfort characters, read the lovingly crafted fan fiction written about my characters, peruse fan art, see fan theories, etc.
Not because I want fame. Fuck no. I hate being the focus. Even though I could really use some fucking money, it's not even about that. No, I want my characters, their world, and stories to live much like Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, Pokemon, and Batman franchises do. They needn't be as popular as any of those, just enough to survive my mortal existence and persist beyond.
Wouldn't it be funny to be reincarnated in a world where my stuff exists as a game, book, TV show, or whatever and become a fan of it?
I'm too afraid it will be terrible, so terrible that it will be hated or forgotten. Ol' Craney Pants is right. We do fear leaving nothing behind. I wish I could tell my fears to take a flying fuck off a cliff and weaponize them (though not as literally), it's not easy. I doubt anyone is reading this or even cares about the shit I spew onto my blog, but I needed to get this off my chest and where better to do that than on a blog nearly no one cares about!?
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