#// i was going to use papers please as a second example but
swanno-arts · 6 months
im quoting from a critical theory final im writing but its really neat how return of the obra dinn is not a game about you.
there is no self in the game. you dont control anything, you were not part of the obra dinn's tragedy and nothing you do in-game can change their fates - or anything for that matter. they will remain dead, the obra dinn will disappear with the storm, you have no power to change the story or the game. your self do not matter, even if you are represented by the eyes of the inspector.
what mattered are the other, the memories, the stories of adventure and tragedy of those aboard the obra dinn, how they relate to other characters in their struggle or in their demise. this game is not about you, it is about them.
but its a cycle of remember and re-member. you feel a disconnect to these strangers' stories and experiences but you are thrown into their boots. you were not part of the obra dinn, but you feel pity, anger, sadness, disgust and fear for their fates, do you not?
and i think that's really neat. also im very drained </3
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yerimbrit · 1 month
10 hour flight : p. hanni
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synopsis: you bump into a girl more than once at the airport. you learn that she's on the same flight as you, and to top it off, sits right next to you on the plane.
# pairing ! trainee!hanni pham x art student!reader
# tags ! fem!reader, slowburn...?, strangers to lovers, fluff, hanni's debuting soon, reader did some... insane shit in her past, but tbh she's not all that insane herself i swear, she's just reckless, hanni's afraid of flying, reader is '04, reader is a loser unfortunately
# wordcount ! 16k
# warnings ! lots of mentions of injuries/scars
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today was probably one of the biggest days of your life.
you had just graduated from high school in australia in may about 2 months ago, getting into SNU's college of fine arts. you intended to pursue your passion in painting. ever since you were a baby, you've loved to have a hand in art — always scribbling colorful images on everything you could touch, from big pieces of scrap paper to the walls of the living room.
from a young age, you have won a significant amount of trophies and medals for your paintings entered in art competitions. your parents were highly supportive of your hobby, pouring months worth of paychecks into your art lessons and academy tuition fees.
although you were quite grateful, you thought they could be overbearing sometimes. that's why you chose to attend a school far away; to have a breath of fresh air, away from your overprotective mother and father. you could never relax and let loose like you wanted if they were worrying over every little move you made.
for example, the time your parents had left you alone in the house for the first time because they were going to a friend's wedding. they made an extensive list of things to do and not do, and of course, you used the 'not do' side as a checklist.
in your defense, you hadn't planned to have so many people over, just your friend group. but your friend chaeyoung knew a girl that knew another girl that knew a guy, and suddenly your house was hosting a massive party for the entire student-body. it was an honest mistake on your part, vowing to never host a party like that ever again, and sticking to stunts that you could do yourself for some healthy adrenaline.
obviously your parents weren't pleased when they returned, seeing the aftermath of the events taken place the day prior. you were given a big scolding, but you didn't let that stop you from attempting to wreak havoc the next time they were out.
now, family gatherings weren't your favorite. you couldn't get away with anything so long as someone older was watching you. they thought you were a demon. an artistic prodigy demon. they didn't understand how someone like you could be so good at something that was supposed to be so peaceful. you think you've matured enough though; it's been years since you've actually done something bad.
a few of your relatives stayed in seoul after your parents left for melbourne, including your idiot cousin hyein and her parents. it was decided that you were going to live with them, since you've already stayed there on previous visits.
speaking of hyein, it had been a while since you've seen her, last being christmas, which was a disaster. did you say it's been years since your last incident? well, you lied.
all the adults were out for something that you don't remember anything about, and you, being the troublemaker that you were, had convinced the younger girl to help you hang yourself from the ceiling right above the tree. your reasoning was that you'd "wanted to be the star for the night," and sweet little hyein agreed because why wouldn't she agree to her cool older cousin?
(you don't know where hyein got the harness and rope, or how hyein managed to wrap the rope around the beam on the ceiling that extended past the second floor, but the younger lee's eyes practically sparkled at the thought of accompanying you in one of your schemes, so you decided to ignore it.
hyein buckled the harness, tightening it as you squirmed against the restraints. she flashed a mischievous grin at you.
"i was born ready.")
both of you failed to realize that the rope you were using was extremely frayed at the ends and had definitely gone through years of wear-and-tear. it ended up snapping, and in the process, dropped you onto the christmas tree that had just been decorated that morning.
your relatives came home to you and hyein on the floor, wide-eyed, with wounds littering your face and arms from falling onto the tree.
needless to say, you and your little cousin were never allowed alone without supervision again.
on another note, you finally arrived at the airport!
your dad went around the car to open the trunk and started taking your luggage out. shortly after, you and your mom got out of the car and went to join your dad in getting your things.
"so, SNU huh? you're going too far, kid!" your dad chuckled, extending his hand for a handshake.
you gripped his hand firmly, feeling the roughness of his palm, and moving your hands up and down once.
you grinned. "i'll be back before you know it, dad."
you were about to let go until your dad brought you into a tight hug, leaving a kiss on top of your head.
"i know... it's just, we'll miss our star girl, you know?" he patted your back. "it'll be hard for this old man without his little girl around all the time."
you stared amusedly. "even though i always cause trouble when you're not looking?"
your dad let out a hearty laugh and ruffled your hair, much to your chagrin. you took this moment in, absorbing as much of it as you can so you could remember every detail. there were more wrinkles in his skin, and there were visible bags under his eyes. even though he's aged physically, you could tell in his laugh that he was still the same old dad that you've adored since you were little. (he was always the more spoiling parent between him and your mom.)
he stepped back, allowing your mother to rush in for a passionate embrace. you slowly felt your sweater getting damp as your mom sniffled into your shoulder.
"be sure to call when you land, okay? and eat on the flight, it's a long way there. also, the plane is cold so use that blanket i put in your backpack, and-"
you gave your mom a squeeze and briefly pulled away.
"i got it, mom. you told me all of this last night, remember? i even checked everything you said off before we left this morning so i wouldn't forget, so don't worry about me."
she managed a small smile and brought you back into the hug.
"let us know when you've arrived at hyein and her parent's house. and tell them we said hi and to take care of you."
you gleamed. "of course."
after making sure you had everything you needed, you gestured to your parents for a big group hug.
"i love you guys."
"ditto." your mom slapped your dad's shoulder, and you all laughed.
once you made it to the security checkpoint, you waved your parents one final goodbye, before the start of a long journey ahead.
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"excuse me," you mumbled, narrowly avoiding bumping into others in the bustling crowd of the airport. there was a lot of people going back home after vacation, or going back to school or work after visiting home.
heaving a sigh of relief after making through the crowd, you took a moment to look around the area, a plethora of shops and restaurants standing before you. in doing so, you failed to realize you were still in public with thousands of people walking around you, and bumping shoulders with a girl.
"ah!" "ow!"
you widened your eyes as you turned to look at the person you just walked into, swiftly picking her bag up from the ground and handing it to her.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry. i wasn't paying attention," you said, bowing out of habit. the girl giggled. 'oh my god. she has the cutest laugh ever,' you thought to yourself, before looking up to see her face. 'oh my god. she's the cutest girl i've ever seen.'
"it's okay. at least we didn't fall over, right? are you hurt?"
snapping out of your daze (you were staring, and she definitely noticed, you think), you shook your head.
"no, i- i'm okay. are you?"
"mhm, i'm fine! don't worry about me."
you tried to muster out any words relating to asking the girl out, but when you opened your mouth she was already waving to you and turning around.
you cursed to yourself, frowning. "damn it, y/n. you can do all sorts of stupid stuff but you still can't even talk to a girl?"
for as long as you could remember, you've always been unlucky with the girls you talked to. for example, the girl you met at a music festival, who you went on a few dates with. she stopped talking to you after hearing about all the risky things you've done. or the girl who you were paired up with in your advanced painting class, who you almost dated. she cut things off with you because you were too much of a "genius" in art. you still thought that was an asshole move, because what does that even mean?
shaking your head, you forced yourself to stop thinking about your love life in ruins and instead started strolling around the spacious corridors of the airport. you made a mental note to buy something for hyein upon seeing the variety of gift shops lined up next to each other.
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you sipped on your steaming cup of coffee, mindlessly scrolling on your phone to pass the time. your croissant laid half-eaten on the plate. the chatters of the people around you became white noise as you fell into the cycle of liking a post and scrolling down to the next one. if you zoned out enough, you could make out some of the conversations around you. you sighed.
'i miss mom and dad already...'
a bag being placed on the table interrupted your inner monologue before it could even start. startled, you looked up to see a girl. 'oh, a very pretty girl. wait, isn't this the girl from earlier?' you blink. 'shit! it's the girl from earlier!'
"excuse me, but could i take this seat?" she glanced around, then met your eyes. "there's, well. not exactly anywhere else to sit, ahaha..."
opening and closing your mouth, you wordlessly moved some of your things so she could set her cup down. she smiled at you, eyes crinkling up into slight crescents, and you think you've met the love of your life, judging by the way your heart thudded in your chest after seeing the human embodiment of an angel.
she took a sip of her drink. "thanks."
the atmosphere became suffocatingly awkward, and you nervously tried to redirect your gaze to anything but the pretty girl sitting in front of you. your attempts failed, unfortunately, because apparently trying not to look at someone is a lost cause, and your mind automatically filled with the brief memory of the stranger's laugh, smile, and face. giving up, you let your eyes find their way back to her face, surprised to see that she was already looking at you. you coughed.
"so," you started, "whEre-" 'what the hell. leave it up to me to have a voice crack while starting a conversation.' she giggled, and you bit your lip trying not to scream.
fiddling with the hem of your shirt, you cleared your throat and started again. "ahem. i um, meant to say... where, where are you headed to?"
she hummed, taking another sip of her drink. "korea. i'm... hoping to make music there. where are you going?"
you nodded. "music, huh... that sounds really cool," a look of realization dawned on your face, and your eyes widened. "wait, did you say korea?"
a questioning look appears on the girl's face, and she nodded. "yeah, korea. why?"
"i'm going to korea too! i got accepted to SNU's college of fine arts. i paint and stuff."
her mouth formed an "o" shape and she gave you an impressed look.
"that's impressive! it must've been stressful for you."
you grinned, taking a small bite of your almost-forgotten croissant. "it was. i almost lost hope, refreshing my email page over and over at night," you said, shaking your head. "by the way, what's your name?"
the girl looked startled, clearly not expecting the sudden question. the flash of surprise only lasted briefly, however, and she hastily cleared her throat to reply.
"hanni," she smiles, "hanni pham. what's yours?"
"y/n. lee y/n."
"well, y/n... it was really nice meeting you. maybe i'll see you in korea. you could design one of my album covers, haha."
you gulped, trying to ignore the burning heat rushing to your cheeks at the way your name rolled off her tongue. "oh! yeah. it was great talking with you, hanni. and if we do meet again... i'll do my best with the design."
she took her finished cup of whatever she ordered, and her bag, and waved to you with that angelic smile of hers as she walked away with her suitcase.
"nævis, calling-" as if right on cue, your phone's ringtone went off, the beat drop of aespa's next level playing at an extremely loud and embarrassing volume. you sheepishly mouthed sorry to the people around you, who were staring because of the noise, and picked up the call.
you cleared your throat, lowering your voice. "hello?"
the excited voice of hyein rang out into your ear, "unnie! y/n unnie!"
you winced and moved the phone speaker slightly further away from your ear.
"hi, hyein. what's up?"
you heard some shuffling around, and what seemed to be like your aunt's voice scolding hyein for yelling.
"hello y/n, sorry about hyein, she's really excited to have you here soon."
you subconsciously smiled at the thought of your little cousin counting down the days until your arrival. "don't worry about it, auntie. did you need something?"
there was some whining from hyein in the background, and your aunt sternly called her name, effectively shutting her up. "nothing, nothing. just wanted to check in with you. you're at the airport now, yes?"
you nodded, even though she couldn't see you. "yeah, i am. i got some coffee at a cafe and i'm about to head to the gate. by the way, did you guys want anything for the last time in a while? the chocolates at the gift shops are always good, i know you and uncle like them."
there's a thud, and you blinked at the silence that followed. you waited, checking your phone to see if the call was still connected, and raising an eyebrow when hyein's voice finally crackled out into the microphone.
"haah... haaaah... finally..."
"i want a kangaroo keychain! the cute plush ones!" you once again pulled the phone speaker away from your ear when she yelled again.
'aren't those really expensive?' you thought, slightly grimacing at the thought of your soon-to-be empty wallet. 'oh well.'
you laughed as you pressed the phone to your ear to speak again. "okay, okay. anything else?"
"get two. i wanna match with you, unnie!" by now your wallet was really crying. 'the things i do for you, hyein.'
"alright... well, i have to get to the gate now. i'll see you later? say bye to auntie for me," you told hyein, finishing your pastry and cleaning up your table before getting up from your seat.
"okay! bye unnie!" and the call dropped. you sighed, shaking your head while smiling, and started making your way towards your gate.
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(you held the small keychains in your hand. they were the size of your palm, and you turned it around to check the price tag.
"holy shit, 15 dollars for this tiny thing?!"
"it's for hyein, she wants to match. it's for hyein, it's for hyein, it's for hyein...")
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well, that was sooner than you thought. as soon as you made it to the seating area, you spotted a familiar face: the pretty girl named hanni that you bumped into earlier. before, you couldn't start a conversation with her without stuttering and stammering, but the feeling of your lighter wallet must've left you more easygoing after mourning your diminished funds on the way to the gate. (you were at least glad you could make hyein happy.)
she gestured to the seat next to her, her bag occupying it moments prior. grateful, you thanked her, and moved to sit, setting your suitcase in front of you. just as you started to relax, hanni gently tapped your shoulder, nearly making you jump.
"fancy seeing you here?" she said, her grin accompanied by a lighthearted tone.
you breathed a sigh of relief. her lopsided smile sent waves of comfort through you, allowing you to ease into the moment.
"yeah, what are the chances? we're on the same flight," you remarked, a small grin settling on your face as well—hanni's smile was very contagious when you weren't distracted by her beauty, you noted.
hanni nodded, grin widening. "seems like the universe has its plans. maybe it's fate?" she quipped.
"haha, maybe."
a moment of silence passed, and you both burst into a fit of giggles.
you never believed in fate, despite your friends talking your ear off about it. whenever they asked for your input, you brushed it off as a silly superstition. comes with messing around doing stunts all the time, you supposed. after all, you were unpredictable, and so was the world. the thought of your future being predetermined made you shudder.
wanting to continue the conversation, you racked your brain for anything she told you earlier. what was it she was doing... ah, music!
you cleared your throat, bringing hanni out of a daze. she turned her attention to you, eyebrows raised.
"you're doing music, right?" she nodded, "yeah, i've already signed with a company and all."
"really? which company?"
she hummed thoughtfully, and pursed her lips. "sorry, i'm not allowed to tell."
"ah, that's okay," you said, scratching your neck. "do you play an instrument? or do you sing?"
"i do both, actually!" she said with a smile, her voice warming. "but i'm focusing on singing. what about you? you do art, right?"
you perked up at the mention of art. "yes, i do, i love painting," you said, eyes brightening.
"actually, there was this time where i tried to smash my head through the canvas for a project- hey, don't laugh, let me finish! i tried to make it so that the end product would be my face, with action lines outside the rip marks, but the canvas broke in half, and i ended up with a ton of scratches on my face..."
the two of you continued to chatter away, the conversation flowing effortlessly between you. your surroundings became a blur as you lost yourselves in the moment, unaware of anything happening outside of your bubble of conversation.
you suddenly remembered that you were waiting for a flight, and frowned. "hey, don't you think it's been a while since they've said anything? it's close to boarding ti-"
the calm voice of a flight attendant interrupted your question.
"attention all passengers going from melbourne to incheon: there's been some technical difficulties, and we are disappointed to inform you that your flight will be delayed. departure time will be pushed back by approximately one hour. thank you."
as murmurs spread through the gate and disappointed voices filled the air, you felt a sense of frustration wash over you. fishing your phone out of your pocket, you quickly sent a text to your aunt about the delay, your irritation evident in your furrowed brow.
hanni puffed out her cheeks in frustration. "ugh, unlucky."
you nodded in agreement, a sigh escaping your lips. "yeah, it's frustrating. now we're gonna be there even later in the night," you replied, your gaze shifting from your phone to meet hanni's disappointed eyes.
"i guess there's nothing we can do about it now."
"yeah, i guess so."
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hanni always thought she led an honest life, steering out of trouble and focusing on her passion for music. she made sure to feed the dogs, keep up with her studies, help her mom cook, and get along with her younger sister. she had a lot of friends, and she was in a dance cover group with some of them too. she played the ukulele, guitar, and piano, and she sang as well.
then she auditioned for hybe, and passed. her family was proud of her, and she left to korea for training shortly after. she missed home a lot. like waking up to milly and mia's excited barks for breakfast, or bickering with her sister in the car on the way home from shopping, or having family bonding time during dinner.
love was the last thing on her mind when she started training. sure, she's had some crushes here and there, but she's never pursued any of them. that was all there was to it; just a silly crush. when she became a trainee, any thoughts of crushes in hanni's mind were pushed aside for dancing and singing lessons, as well as korean classes.
but after your fateful encounter (or, well, encounters) at the airport, hanni thought she could forget about coming back to training for at least one day.
from the moment she saw you, hanni pham was dazzled. when you bumped into her, you immediately apologized, and even picked up her bag for her. when you finally looked at her, and she could see your face, hanni almost screamed. you were so, so, beautiful. and she had to make her leave before she actually screamed.
then hanni saw you again at a random airport cafe, and everything clicked. lady luck must've finally looked on her side this time, because there were clearly open tables all around you, but you still let her sit with you. with that, she let the conversation flow between the two of you.
by the end of your second encounter, hanni must've thought her luck ran out by now and left with an open offer, knowing you would never see her again after she left.
and then you finally reunited at the gate. well, if hanni thought her luck ran out at the cafe, then it had definitely run out now. there was absolutely no way she could get any luckier than being on the same flight as you.
was it bad she's started to develop a crush on you?
there was a thump next to her, and hanni felt an added weight fall on her shoulder. she turned to see if you dropped something, but it seemed that your head dropped on her shoulder, having fallen asleep. your head. on her shoulder. you fell asleep on her shoulder.
hanni's face was bright red at the realization. you fell asleep! on her shoulder! her body immediately tensed, instinctively trying to get you off, but gave up after you only shifted closer to her. and well, she didn't want to interrupt your sleep, since you seemed exhausted just moments ago.
she couldn't help but think your sleeping face was beautiful too.
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"attention all passengers going from melbourne to incheon: apologies for the wait. boarding will begin in 15 minutes. thank you."
the announcement jolted you awake, and you sleepily rubbed your eyes and lifted your head from where you were leaning it on, stretching your neck to hear a few satisfying cracks.
"did you sleep well? you just suddenly passed out; i was worried," a soft voice asked.
you tried to blink out more of the sleep out of your eyes and focus on the voice next to you, finally seeing hanni's concerned expression.
clearing your throat, which was hoarse from your nap, you offered her a sheepish smile. "yeah, i slept well. i was so anxious last night that i went to sleep really late, that's probably why. sorry about that."
hanni nodded. "no worries! going away from home is scary, i agree."
you tried to reach for your phone, only to look down and see hanni's jacket draped over you. 'huh?' you thought. 'wait, come to think of it, what was i sleeping on?'
you shot a glance over to hanni, who tilted her head. you squinted your eyes, trying to connect the dots. then, it hit you like a pile of bricks: you fell asleep on hanni's shoulder. your cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment, and you cringed at even the thought of it.
'god, that's embarrassing!' you thought, feeling a sense of mortification burning in your chest. 'she even used her jacket as a blanket for me, and she asked if i was okay when i woke up...'
"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" you blurted out, the words tumbling out of you in a rush. "i really didn't mean to fall asleep on you, i mean i didn't even realize i was falling asleep, but-"
hanni giggled, the pleasant sound resounding through your ears.
"it's okay, y/n. i don't mind."
'ah... it's almost like an angel got sent down from earth.'
despite you intruding on her personal space, hanni was still so kind and considerate to you, even though you only met each other a couple hours ago. a heavy blush overtook your face.
"here's your jacket back, at least," you offered, a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment showing in your tone.
she shook her head, waving her hands. "oh no, you can keep it on. you must be cold in only that sweater."
you opened your mouth to protest, but ended up just smiling.
was it too soon to say you liked her?
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the flight attendant walked up and down the aisle, checking for everyone's seatbelts. you and hanni sat comfortably towards the front of the plane, flashing friendly smiles at each other.
you and hanni sitting next to each other? what? wait, let's rewind. how did you find yourself sitting next to hanni, the girl of your dreams who you were talking to at the gate, and at the cafe, and outside of the security checkpoint?
well, the two of you were in the same boarding group. and taking a look at your tickets, you were actually seated right next to each other.
funny how fate plays out, huh.
it seemed like hanni was thinking the same thing, because she started giggling, nudging your shoulder.
"it's funny how fate plays out, huh?"
"absolutely," you replied with a grin, matching hanni's playful tone. "seems like fate has quite the sense of humor, doesn't it?"
hanni giggled again, her laughter echoing softly in the aisle.
"definitely," she agreed, a hint of amusement sparkling in her eyes. "who knew our paths would cross like this? and especially so many times in a day?"
as the flight attendants made their final rounds, you relaxed in your seat and turned to observe hanni, who was looking out the window. her gaze wandered, from the people on the ground crew to other planes preparing for takeoff. you noticed her shiver, and quickly took her jacket off from your shoulders and draped it over both of your laps.
surprised, she looked over to you with raised eyebrows, then smiling at you, mouthing a 'thanks'. she turned her attention back to the window.
you directed your gaze to your lap, leaning back in your seat. your seatbelt kept you from slouching back. you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and you unlocked it to see a text from hyein.
from: mom's favorite child (🐣) UNNIE!!!!!! 😚😚 what do u want for dinner moms asking also did u get the keychains 😈
you laughed to yourself, typing in your response. you purposely waited between each message sent, to tease her; hyein always hated when you did that.
to: mom's favorite child (🐣) hi hyein 🤓 i want kimchi jjigae!! also [attachment: 1 image] yes i did
you almost drooled at the thought of your aunt's kimchi-jjigae. the first time you had it, you were hooked. no matter how many times your mom tried to recreate her sister's cooking, it never hit the same as when you'd stay at hyein's house for the holidays and wake up to the smell of your favorite dish in the morning.
from: mom's favorite child (🐣) got it o7 (replied to [attachment: 1 image]) ↪ AHH THEYRE SO CUTE OMGOMG (replied to "hi hyein 🤓") ↪ who are you calling a nerd.
giggling to yourself, you decided to leave hyein on read, swiping out of her contact after reacting to her text confirming your request with a heart.
the jets of the plane fired up, starting to taxi down the runway, and you pocketed your phone and joined hanni in looking out the window.
"have you flown here before?" she asked, keeping her gaze outside.
you hummed, thinking back to your very eventful past visits to your aunt's place for vacation.
"yeah. i have family here, that's where i'm staying for college." you said. "i've gone over a bunch of times for the holidays."
the girl next to you stayed quiet, still staring outside. the plane started to tilt up, and you could see hanni bite her lip. as the aircraft gained elevation, going higher and higher, her eyes grew shut and her face scrunched up.
then her hand flew to yours, clasping yours with an almost crushing grip, eliciting a slight wince from you.
her eyes remained tightly shut as she stuttered out a response. "so-sorry! i'm a bit... afraid. of- of planes."
you felt the plane make a sharp tilt to the right, and the left, and hanni's grip only intensified.
"no matter how many times, i- i fly... it doesn't seem to get any better... i'm sorry," she mumbled. if you weren't craning your head to listen, you wouldn't have caught half of what she was saying, considering she was trying to focus on containing her fear.
her hold on you loosened, almost as if she was ashamed, but you only responded by firmly squeezing her hand back. if she's scared, then you should comfort her, right? it's only the right thing to do.
the action caused her to whip her head towards you, her gaze darting between your hand tightly grasping hers and your face. this went on for a few seconds, your concern for the girl growing as the moment stretched on. you watched her closely, noticing the furrow in her brow and the tension in her soft features.
when she finally stopped at your face, you offered her a comforting smile. she blinked a few times, widening her eyes, and reciprocating the gesture.
the plane started to stabilize in the air, letting hanni's anxiety simmer down while you rubbed soothing circles into her palm. it seemed to help, since her shoulders visibly relaxed as she took deep breaths, flashing a grateful smile to you. despite the plane now flying steadily, you never let go of her hand, continuing to offer a sense of solace in case the girl's anxiety spiked.
after around 10 minutes (you didn't really know, your watch was in your bag and you still hadn't let go of hanni's hand) a flight attendant started making her first round down the aisle for drinks and biscuits. as she reached your row, her cheeks raised up in a cooing smile, her gaze clearly lingering on you and hanni's now-intertwined hands.
"aren't you two just the cutest couple," she remarked, her smile widening.
hanni's cheeks flushed, and she quickly shook her head, stammering, "oh, no, i'm, we're not-"
before she could deny the attendant's assumptions, though, you swiftly interjected, flashing a grateful smile to the attendant. "thank you. we'll have a cup of water," you glanced at hanni, thinking for a moment, "and some hot tea."
the attendant gladly poured your refreshments, sending you a "hwaiting!" gesture before moving on to the next row.
"i'm so sorry," you turned to hanni, releasing her hand. a wave of disappointment hit you at the loss of hanni's warmth. she seemed to share the feeling, although you didn't notice.
"it's fine. it would've been embarrassing for all three of us, anyway."
the two of you turned away from each other, blushes overtaking your features.
'the thought of dating her doesn't seem so bad.'
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it had been about an hour and a half since takeoff. you texted some of your friends, who checked in on you frequently, asking things like 'are you dead' or 'did the plane crash yet', to which you replied 'not yet sadly' or something similar. you were doodling random cats in your notes app in between texts.
to your left, hanni had pulled out a book, seeming invested in the pages filled with words of plot. she was almost at the end, you noticed—there were only a few pages left.
a few more minutes passed, and the girl closed the book with a content sigh. after tucking the book safely into her carry-on bag, she peeked around her, her eyes landing on you, scanning your features.
"hey, how'd you get this scar on your cheek?"
you felt a poke on your upper cheekbone, hanni's finger pressing lightly on the tender patch of skin. you brought your hand up to your face to touch the already fading scar, and tried to remember which incident it was from.
"i think it's from when i jumped out one of the school windows," you answered, turning to look at hanni.
"oh," she replied, then raised her eyebrow. "wait, what? you jumped out the window?"
you scratched your neck, feeling embarrassed. 'she's definitely gonna be scared away after i tell her,' you thought ruefully. glancing over to hanni, you quickly realized you weren't going to get away with not telling her the backstory of the scar.
you sighed. "it's not that interesting, i mean..."
the girl beside you watched with expectant eyes, eagerly awaiting your next words. you pondered, wondering if you should really tell her.
"i set off some firecrackers on the school roof, and they found out it was me not even five minutes later," you explained, "i sped down the stairs and hid in some cleaning closet. but they somehow knew i was in there, so i had to jump out the window and run home before they caught me."
a few beats of silence followed, your self consciousness catching up to you as the tip of your ears flushed bright red. when you sneaked a glance to your left, you saw hanni's mouth agape.
"wow," she blinked. "that's insane."
"i know."
you rubbed your elbow, fidgeting with the fabric of your sleeve. 'she's definitely weirded out. see, y/n, this is why girls never-'
"but you're okay, right?"
'huh?' you thought to yourself, then facing hanni. she had a worried smile on her face, head tilted to the side. your cheeks burned. you couldn't win against pretty girls.
"oh. yeah, i am. i just landed in a bush, and a branch scratched me."
she nodded, scanning your features. aside from the one on your cheek, there were a few other minor scars on your face, from similar events, although those were more hidden. there were a lot of them around your body too, from burn marks to scratches and cuts.
"what's this one from, then?" she pointed under your ear, where a small scar from a healed cut laid.
"this one? it's kind of recent. i was trying to make an outline of myself with throwing darts, but my friend had terrible aim. it grazed my neck."
hanni winced, cringing as she imagined how that felt for you. "yikes."
she thought for a moment, a memory resurfacing at the mention of darts.
"that reminds me, there was a time me and my friends were playing darts, but we all kept missing the board," she smiled, reminiscing on the past moment. "we hit everything in the house but the dartboard."
you smiled as well, finding humor in the similarities between you and hanni's experiences. well, except for the fact that your friend was supposed to miss you, the target.
"what did your parents say?" you asked, genuinely curious. your parents usually restricted your actions, like not letting you go out after school or supervising your purchases, but ultimately let you off the hook in the end. you thanked them for that mentally, albeit feeling a tad guilty for being spoiled.
she tapped her chin. "they just scolded us and told us not to do it again. and we had to clean up our mess—there were a bunch of darts on the ground, and things that fell because of the darts."
you laughed, finding her memory relatable. there were countless times you were made to clean up your messes, although you didn't exactly learn from your "mistakes." (you considered them "happy accidents," as bob ross said. alas, your peers, relatives, and teachers alike, disagreed.)
"how did your parents react to your injuries?" hanni questioned, her expression softening.
you and hanni started getting to know each other better, warm and lively conversation filling the air. you learned that she was raised in melbourne, and that both of her parents were vietnamese. she had two dogs and a younger sister, and she played a variety of instruments.
you told her about some other incidents, to which she was amused by, and touched lightly on the awards you've received for your paintings.
topics shifted constantly, the two of you seeming not to run out of things to talk about. with debates on something as trivial as which juice flavor was better, more memories from your childhood came flooding back, the two of you sharing your experiences and bonding over them.
'this is nice,' you thought, a glimmer of hope rising. 'maybe, things will go well this time.'
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from: 🆕👖 (soon) meanjee 🐻 hanni are you on the plane? kitty kang 😾 did you bring the tim tams dani ☀ omg did you get tim tams for us 🥺🥺 you yes dw i also made a friend meanjee 🐻 who dont lie 🤣😂 you excuse me her names y/n shes an artist guys shes so cute 😭 we kept bumping into each other and guess what kitty kang 😾 you tripped over yourself? dani ☀ you asked her out!? you (replied to kitty kang 😾: you tripped...) ↪ do you want the tim tams or not kitty kang. (replied to dani ☀: you asked her...) ↪ NO we just met but i was TRYING to say that we bumped into each other accidentally like 3 times and we're on the same flight and sit next to each other dani ☀ it's destiny!! meanjee 🐻 i never thought i'd see the day hanni having luck in girls 💀 you WOW im js gna ignore that. remember my fear of flying? she held my hand the whole time bc she saw i was scared :(( shes js so AUGH :] i think she likes me too kitty kang 😾 she has more game than you im glad she could comfort you though dani ☀ AWW that's so cute you two are so cute i wanna meet her! you maybe if things go well with her hyeinie THE BEST MAKN😎E hiii whats going on (replied to you: excuse me her names...) ↪ wait did u say y/n?? you yeah why? hyeinie THE BEST MAKN😎E um actually its nothing i have to help mom with cooking bye unnies!! you ???
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hanni stared at your hand, which was holding out an earbud, in confusion. she tilted her head.
"ah, sorry. do you want to listen to something with me? you can choose the song," you smiled, showing your phone screen which displayed the spotify search menu. (you made sure that it stayed on the search bar and not showing one of your many embarrassing playlist names.)
her eyebrows raised, a flicker of curiosity in her eyes as she processed your words. you swallowed nervously, about to retract your hand until she took the earbud from your hold, her hands brushing against yours briefly.
"sure," she agreed, then reaching for the device from your other, outstretched palm. "do you like daniel caesar?"
your bangs fell over your face as you nodded eagerly, blocking your vision. you moved to tuck your hair behind your ear, though hanni beat you to it, her cold hands contrasting with your now-burning-red ears.
hanni cleared her throat with a quiet cough, breaking into a smile shortly after. the two of you listened to the melody of the song that was being played into your shared earbuds, hanni occasionally humming along.
"and i'd love to make you mine," she softly sang, her gentle voice filling your ears. she sounded like cotton candy, so sweet, like honey drizzled over warm toast on a sunny afternoon. each word that she sang sent you into bliss, arrows of cupid piercing your heart. 'maybe,' you thought, 'just maybe. i'll ask her out on a date by the end of this flight.'
the last few seconds of the song faded out and started playing whatever was recommended by your spotify (which was a wave to earth song) but you couldn't pay attention as you found yourself replaying hanni's singing in your head.
noticing your furrowed eyebrows and your dazed look, hanni nudged your shoulder. "sorry, was i too loud? i tend to sing along sometimes; it's always been a habit of mine."
you widened your eyes, shaking your head no. "no, you're fine! i think your singing is quite nice, actually. you have," you blushed, "a very pretty voice."
her cheeks lifted into a closed smile, sending a flutter through your chest. you took a few deep breaths, trying to calm your thumping heart. at least you didn't panic at everything she did, unlike the past 10? 20? times she did so much as smile.
"thank you," she giggled, leaning her head on yours. deep breaths were not going to help in your situation, since it seemed to get even worse for your heart every time. instead, you focused on the song playing in your ear, and the rise and fall of hanni's chest. it wasn't too long after the next song started when you started hearing small snores next to you.
'ah,' you thought. 'she must've been tired.'
moving her head to sit more comfortably on your shoulder, you brushed her bangs out of her face, unconsciously smiling at how peaceful she looked asleep. you adjusted the jacket that was laid over both of your laps to cover more of her legs instead of yours, slightly shivering as you instantly felt the cold from the cabin aircon replacing the warmth from hanni’s fleece jacket.
‘oh, well.’
you rested your head on top of hers, sarah kang’s once in a moon quietly playing into your shared earbuds, and you let yourself slowly drift off to join hanni in dreamland.
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you groaned as you rubbed your eyes sleepily. your neck was stiff, your shoulder was sore, and you had 12 different cramps in your legs from your uncomfortable position in the airplane seat.
hanni shifted on your shoulder, and you panicked, thinking you might've woken her up from your stretching. thankfully, her soft snores continued after a few moments.
you sighed in relief. you would've felt insanely guilty if you ended up waking her.
stretching your shoulders back, (though still careful not to wake the sleeping girl leaning on you) you reached into your backpack under the seat in front of you, and pulled out your sketchbook.
the thing itself was around a year old. over that year, you'd nearly filled it to the brim with dozens of drawings, including ones you drew on buses, trains, at parks, in history class, on your bed, everywhere. similarly, you kept a sketchbook for each year prior to the one currently in your hand. it was almost time to retire this one; you only had about 3 pages left.
taking a small pen out from your wallet, you pressed the fine tip to the smooth beige paper, soon letting your arm move freely across the page, sketching things you could see around you—the overhead aircon, someone's paper cup of water from the recent beverage round sitting on their tray table, and...
you looked to hanni, then back to your sketchbook. you'd subconsciously started drawing hanni while looking around your surroundings (or, lack thereof). although it was quite difficult to get a decent look of her features as a whole, you managed to sketch out the way her bangs framed her face, the curve of her eyelashes, and her mouth slightly ajar.
the people around you must've thought you were crazy watching you try to lean forward to look at hanni, while also trying to keep your movements minimal as to not wake her. but that was okay. people back home already saw you as crazy when you did anything, especially after the wheelie incident, which you didn't want to think about.
after finishing the initial sketch, your hand appeared to have a mind of its own, because it moved to the next page over and started doodling more of hanni. you squinted your eyes, trying to remember what she looked like when she bumped into you, when she sat across from you at the cafe, and when she was sipping from the cup of tea you called for her a few hours ago.
the page was filled with hanni's face in the blink of an eye. you didn't know how it happened, but it would be really embarrassing if said girl woke up and saw this right now.
...why didn't anything go your way?
you flipped back to the page full of doodles of the cabin before she could see anything, covering the page with your sleeve. you tensed your shoulders in nervousness, quietly clearing your throat.
"sleep well, hanni?"
hanni's lips upturned into a sleepy smile (you screamed a little mentally at her cuteness) and she nodded, giving you a thumbs up.
"thanks for letting me use you as a pillow," she said, rubbing your numb shoulder.
you laughed to yourself, mostly because you couldn't feel your shoulder as hanni touched it. "it's no problem. i wasn't going to let you have neck cramps from leaning on the wall."
she nodded again, stretching out her muscles and letting out a big yawn. her eyes shifted back towards you and down at your lap, where you placed your sketchbook.
"what's that?"
a bead of cold sweat rolled down your forehead, and you gulped. what if she was creeped out at your drawings of her? then, your mind wandered to the moments you shared just earlier, and you thought, 'there's no way hanni would act like that.'
you shyly uncovered the page, passing the book to the girl, watching intently as she pored over the details that you'd meticulously drawn. her mouth gaped in astonishment, in awe of your ability to capture the scene around you.
she turned her head towards you, eyes sparkling. "this is amazing, y/n!"
you bashfully scratched your neck, giving her a sheepish smile.
"it's nothing, really," you tried to say, but her attention was already on the next page.
"this is... me?"
"um, yeah. it is. there's not much to see from our seats, so i ended up drawing mostly you," you tried to defend, hoping she wouldn't take your actions badly. "you're also, very," you cleared your throat, blushing, "pretty. very... pretty, yeah."
she grinned, cheeks dusted pink, and trailed her hand down the page, tracing over the soft features—her features—that you'd effortlessly drawn as she slept.
"can i keep it?" she asked, looking into your eyes for approval.
shrinking back from the unexpected eye contact, you gulped and nodded. you were thinking about giving it to her anyway.
"yes. i'd love to give it to you, as something to remember me by, haha."
after you finished your sentence, you gently grabbed the sketchbook from hanni's already offering hands, and left your signature on it. the ripping sound of the book hummed as you removed the page from the confines of the spiral spine, handing it to your seatmate.
her grin grew wider as she accepted the paper. "thank you so much, seriously. this is so cool!"
"it's no problem," you laughed, tipping your invisible hat to her.
the flight intercom beeped.
"hello, this is your pilot speaking. we have arrived in incheon, local time is 10:42 pm. please make sure your seatbelt is secured and your seat trays and window blinds are up, and also unplug any devices you may have. enjoy your stay in korea and have a good night."
hanni, who just tucked your drawing into her bag, looked over to you with surprised eyes. "it's the end already? i swear we've just been here for like, 3 hours."
you were shocked too, your eyebrows raised. "i know, right? but i guess we did spend a lot of it sleeping."
"yeah, you're right," she giggled.
you took a deep breath, not knowing what to say. "it was, um... really nice getting to know you. i know it was weird seeing each other so much in a day by chance," you said, "and uh, if you'd like, we could, um, go out on a date sometime?"
a scarlet blush overtook your face, and you think the people behind and in front of you must've heard you say that because you heard a gasp or two from your surroundings.
hanni's face was terribly red as well, and it made you feel a little better knowing you weren't having one-sided feelings.
"o-okay. deal."
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the rest of the time spent after that was a blur to you, and it took you until you sat down on hyein's living room couch that you forgot to give hanni your number.
holy shit, y/n. you asked a girl out on a date. and after spending basically the whole day together, you forgot to exchange contact info with her? this was on a whole new level of sick and twisted, even for you.
"we're home!" a gruff voice called, followed by the sound of the heavy door closing, and the sound of excited footsteps followed, rushing in your direction.
a minute later, you got tackled by a very hyper hyein.
"unnie! unnie, you're here!"
her hold on you was incredibly tight. you don't think you could squeeze out even if you wanted to. nonetheless, you returned the embrace, patting her on the back and nuzzling your nose into her messy hair.
"hey, hyeinie. i missed you," you murmured, moving your hand up to card through her dark brown locks.
your younger cousin's eyes sparkled, and she broke out into a huge grin. you felt yourself being squeezed even tighter, before you coughed and wheezed out, "can't- breathe."
your uncle gently separated hyein from you, and you stood up so you could bow and give him a hug.
"welcome back, y/n!" he laughed, giving you a rough slap on the back which made you stumble a little.
your uncle was a warmhearted man, much like your father, even though they weren't blood-related. you didn't exactly know what he worked as, but he was always dressed to the nines whenever he went out, regardless of the occasion.
"i'm glad to be back. i'll be staying for a while, too," you added.
turning and smiling at hyein, you ruffled her hair, making her stand up and do it back to you. thankfully, you dodged in time. wait, did you shrink? or...
"hyein, you got taller again!" you exclaimed. last christmas, she was at about your height; a little above average, a solid 5'6. but looking at her now, she was probably around 5'7, almost as tall as her dad.
the younger girl blinked, staring wide-eyed at you. she slid her hand from the top of her head to the empty space above yours. being honest, the difference wasn't all that much, but your brow twitched at having to even slightly flicker your eyes up to make eye contact.
"did i?"
this was starting to irk you. you knew that hyein just realized this was something she could hold against you, and that was the last thing you wanted to happen.
defeatedly, you sighed.
"dinner is ready!" your aunt called from the kitchen. your eyes lit up as the scent of your favorite kimchi-jjigae wafted through the air. bless your aunt's soul.
you slowly turned to your cousin, a glint in your eye.
"last one there is a rotten egg."
and then, chaos.
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"y/n, you haven't been here in a while. now that you're here to stay, would you like to do anything in korea?"
you adjusted the bandaid on your knee, and hissed as hyein pressed on the bruise just below it. of course, you hurt yourself while trying to race the younger lee to the dining room.
snapping your eyes to your aunt, who was setting the pot of stew in the middle of the dining table, you tried to think of something you've never had a chance to do. but you've been to korea countless times before, and you'd always gotten to do something new. it'd been around a year since you last came, since your relatives came to you for christmas 7 months ago.
"i guess... just walking around like a local? going to a café, walking around the city. and..." you bit your lip, struggling to remember the name of the theme park that was so famous.
"oh!" you snapped your fingers, "lotte world!"
hyein's hand twitched. one glance at her, and you could see that she was practically buzzing with excitement. she looked as if she was about to bounce off the walls like a pinball. you pinched her arm, causing her to yelp.
"lotte world! that sounds fun," your uncle commented, "i wish i could join. work's been busy lately."
your aunt laughed, "me too! but y/n," she shot you a stern look, "don't go causing trouble for people. i don't want to see you on the news for the wrong reasons."
'that's very encouraging and totally non-threatening!' you shivered. still, her words only tempted you. knowing you, it wouldn't be long into the school year before you were a known figure on campus.
portions of the stew were distributed to everyone's bowl, and you licked your lips. you didn't have anything on the plane, since you'd slept through most of it and missed the in-flight meal.
"thank you for the food," you said, before bringing a spoonful of the stew to your lips.
with that single bite, you think you've ascended to heaven and above. you wolfed down the rest of the food, eating like you hadn't eaten in a week (which you felt like you didn't) and before you knew it, you'd finished your dinner. seeing this, hyein also tried to finish her food quickly, but was stopped by your aunt.
taking a few swigs of water, you looked to your aunt, who watched you in bewilderment. "auntie, that was so good. seriously, that was soooo good. can i have seconds?"
everyone at the table broke out into a fit of laughter.
"of course, y/n."
as dinner went on, and you caught up with hyein and her parents, everyone had finished their serving, and you, your third serving. you tried to help your aunt with the dishes, but she just shooed you away to you and hyein's shared room.
despite already having been in the bedroom to drop off your luggage, you let your cousin lead you to it. it was very spacious, having enough room to hold a sizable tv that you could watch netflix on from the bed, and enough room to walk around comfortably. hyein's desk was messy, as always. it was filled with school papers, colored pencils and highlighters, and a book you got her the last time you visited.
speaking of the bed, it had been replaced by a very charming bunk bed, complete with fluffy white comforters and a surprisingly stable ladder. you already claimed the bottom bunk as yours, your phone laying on the plush pillow.
"tada!" hyein presented to you, doing jazz hands towards the bed. "i know you've already seen it, but try laying in it! it's pretty comfy for a bunk bed."
following her suggestion, you went ahead and sat yourself on the bed, immediately sighing in content. moving your phone so you could lay down, you swung your legs over the bedframe so you could soak in the comforting feeling of the bed. the mattress was fairly soft, perfect for your strange sleeping positions. you flashed an upraised thumb to hyein, who grinned triumphantly.
she puffed up her cheeks. "see?"
"i do see, hyeinie," you said, reaching for your backpack, "before i forget..."
the younger lee gasped at the sight of the matching kangeroo plush keychains, even though she'd already seen them over text. one was purple, her favorite color, and the other, blue. attached to their hands were small magnets, which would allow them to connect together.
she squealed, holding the purple one to her chest. "they're so cute! i love it, thank you y/n-unnie."
you were, once again, brought into a soul-crushing hug. 'at least hyein is happy.'
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10 minutes later and you and hyein were now wrapped up in a fiery race of mario kart. you had successfully hooked up your switch to the tv just a bit ago, and of course you had to compete with her in your shared favorite game. it was a tradition for the two of you to play through at least two rounds of the grand prix mode, usually playing for the special cup for one of the rounds.
a hand covered your field of vision, and you batted it away, groaning at your little cousin. "stop, i was winning!"
she cheekily stuck out her tongue, swiftly overtaking you in the race. you cursed whoever picked the mushroom cup (you did) because the piranha plants in sweet sweet canyon were beating your ass, and your rank just kept dropping after hyein rudely interrupted your groove with her hand.
"ahhh..." you sighed as a bot passed you on the second lap. setting the cpu level at the maximum was a mistake. hastily, you collected the power up block, your eyes lighting up seeing the formidable blue shell on the dice roll. spotting the shortcut, you performed a sharp-angled drift that you were only able to do after years of perfecting the technique, and expertly boosted yourself to catch yourself up to 4th place.
it appeared that hyein was too focused on smoothly driving through the track, so she didn't notice your newly-acquired trump card. you smirked. 'she won't see it coming,' you mischievously thought.
it was now the third lap. you were saving the shell for right before the finish line, and you were currently in a solid 3rd place, with hyein in 1st and a bot in front of you.
the younger lee glanced at your side of the screen and widened her eyes. 'did she just now notice i had the blue shell?'
"unnie! you can't! i'm so close to winning!" she shouted. the finish line was nearly in sight. the bot slipped on a banana peel and your smile only widened as you watched the flailing animation while passing by. hyein tried kicking you to distract you, but it was no use. you had already thrown the power up that would help you win the race.
"checkmate," you smugly said as you patted hyein's back. the girl was watching the finish screen in despair, gripping her controller tightly in annoyance.
she slowly turned to you, a menacingly determined look on her face. "i'll win the next one. it's thwomp ruins, you suck at thwomp ruins."
damn it. she was right.
hyein ended up winning the next race, as she declared. you always had trouble avoiding the obstacles on the track, much to your dismay. with that win, she also won the cup, because she also won the first two races. you blamed it on the jetlag.
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(when you awoke, you felt a heavy weight on your chest. you blinked, barely making out the image of hyein laying on you, softly snoring. you checked your phone. 5:12 am. well, whatever. it was too early to think about anything. gently combing your fingers through her hair, you fell back asleep.)
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the door to your shared bedroom creaked open, and you shoved the covers over your face. 
“y/n, it’s 11:30, wake up,” the voice called.
slowly, you peeked from under the comforter that was very much doing its job at keeping you comfortable, to see your aunt standing in the doorway with a ladle. reluctantly, you climbed out of bed.
"morning, auntie," you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes, making your way to the bedroom door.
she stepped aside to let you exit the room. "good morning, sleepyhead."
you spent a few minutes to brush your teeth and wash your face in the bathroom before coming out to the living room. the house was eerily quiet without the presence of your uncle and hyein.
...wait, where's hyein?
looking around suspiciously, you still found no trace of the younger girl in the house. she was gone when you woke up, too. where could she have gone? it was summer break, and hyein was barely entering high school.
coughing, you asked your aunt, "um, where's hyein gone?"
"oh, she's at the company. she has practice today, didn't she tell you?"
"what practice?"
"...dance practice? vocal lessons? she's debuting this month, remember?"
debut... dance... vocal... that rings a bell...
'wait, what the fuck? is hyein a kpop idol?'
your heart beat faster at the revelation. hyein? your cute little cousin who you swore had just graduated from elementary school two years ago? you knew she took dance lessons, and her other activities that came to a halt last year, but... debut? she was still a kid! and it sounded like this debut was serious, the real next step in her career.
your emotions were all jumbled up upon thinking more on the matter. why didn't she tell you?
"y/n? hey, how about you eat now," she placed a bowl in front of you, "and maybe later you can talk to hyein about it. don't worry until then."
"easier said than done," you replied, digging into the rice with your spoon. but she was right. you could talk to hyein later; you still had to unpack your bags.
breakfast tasted dry and bland, even though you were sure your aunt cooked it with perfection and love in mind. there were just too many thoughts in your mind.
putting your finished bowl in the sink and washing it, you shuffled back into you and hyein's room, intending to tidy up the space and also set your things down. this was where you'd be living for the next four or more years, after all.
this bedroom brought back memories. what used to be a guest room that five-year-old you would sleep in during the holidays, was now turned into your dear little cousin's haven of comfort. from the moment she was born, you've adored her—it was like having a little sibling, since you were an only child. the guest room was more lively, more full of energy with hyein there.
as she grew up, there were times where she, of course, kicked you out of the room, because it was 'too embarrassing' to have her older cousin sleep in the same room with her. although you always woke up in the middle of that night to see a hyein-shaped lump on top of you. it was endearing, really, to see, to know that the girl loved you as much as you did her.
you traced your finger along the edges of the old closet in the corner of the room. there was a barely noticeable dent on the side, from when you were playing a game of operation and accidentally threw the tweezers too hard in a fit of rage.
a piece of duct tape you'd painted white that was stuck onto it for a good week, because that was the best that a 14-year-old and a 9-year-old could think of. your mom and auntie still got mad, though.
you got to cleaning and unpacking, patiently waiting for time to pass so hyein could come home and you could talk.
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dinner came and went, and you were now sitting on the bed, waiting for your cousin who was washing up in the bathroom.
"hey unnie... why are you just sitting there?"
you wordlessly patted the space next to you, your silence being an indicator that what you wanted to talk about was serious.
"why didn't you tell me you were a trainee?"
she stared at her lap, guilty. "i..." she choked out, "every time you came, i was just having so much fun. and i didn't know when to tell you because i thought you would make fun of me, or something. i don't know."
hyein sniffled, and looked at you with tears streaming down her cheeks. you sighed and wiped them away with your thumb. she continued.
"and this training, i know you think it's a lot for me and it is, but my members, they make it so much fun. and i'm so close to achieving my dreams, y/n-unnie! july 22nd. that's in 20 days, i'm gonna be a real idol. topping the charts, i just, urgh-"
you brought her into a hug, rubbing her back as she sobbed into your shoulder.
"...i support you. i'm not judging you, i was just worried about you," you planted a kiss on her forehead.
"you're my baby cousin, of course i wanna protect you from the nasty entertainment industry. but... if this is what you want to do, then i'll cheer you on from debut to retirement."
she sniffled. "that's in like, a gazillion years, you're gonna be dead by then."
"shush," you pulled her back into your embrace, "let's just go to sleep."
at 6 am, you woke up with hyein sleeping soundly on your chest, again. this time, you carefully slid out of bed, brushing your teeth in the bathroom, and then sauntering over to the kitchen where your aunt was already awake and cooking breakfast.
"up so early?"
you groaned. mornings were never for you, especially since you always stayed up to paint during your spurts of inspiration.
"i talked to hyein." a pause. your aunt took a minute to wash her hands, and turned around to face you.
"i told her i support her. and we fell asleep talking about which member of bts was the best. and now my eyes are super swollen 'cause we had a crying session right before that."
in the background, you could faintly hear the sound of rushing water. hyein must be awake.
"morning..." the younger girl walked in, rubbing her eyes.
you smiled. "good morning, hyeinie."
"woah, you're awake... you're usually passed out at this time."
"are you disappointed?"
"settle down, kids. breakfast's ready."
you ate in silence, occasionally asking for a napkin, or asking how each other's sleep went, and hyein went in to go get dressed for the day.
the sound of the garage door opening resounded throughout the house; uncle must be back from running errands.
"that's me," your cousin said. you adjusted the cap on her head.
"you're sleeping on the bottom bunk tonight, just so you know. i don't want you falling off in the morning, while i'm 'passed out'."
she slipped on her shoes, grinning widely at you. then, she set off with a skip in her step. you shook your head at the sight, giggling.
a few hours later, around noon, your aunt came into your room holding a wrapped... lunch? it looked like the ones you would get from your own mother for field trips, a boxed lunch wrapped with a cloth with a cute design on it. you paused in the middle of your painting of the view from your window. it was time to take a break, anyway.
"what's this?" you took it from her. the cloth concealed the smell pretty well, so you couldn't tell what was in it.
your aunt crossed her arms. "hyein's lunch."
okay... that's weird. why would she come in and give you hyein's lunch? wasn't she supposed to- oh. "you want me to bring it to her, don't you."
she only nodded, leaving the room right after.
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hybe entertainment was a big building. like, a seriously big building. it was also weirdly pleasing to look at, but you thought that way with how the city looked in general with all those big buildings with their fully windowed walls.
hyein's manager was supposed to come get you at the lobby. it felt awkward waiting there, since it was so prim and proper compared to any other place you'd been to. you felt out of place. you were just a trainee's cousin, not some important figure in the industry. hell, you weren't even in the industry!
from: mom's favorite child (🐣) why'd mom tell me to send my manager down? are you here? to: mom's favorite child (🐣) yeah from: mom's favorite child (🐣) why???
you chose not to answer that. 'did she really forget her lunch?'
after around five minutes (and after receiving some curious looks from staff members) the manager led you to a dance(?) practice room, nodding and opening the door for you.
"unnie!" you were immediately crushed by the tall girl. you think the cramp in your spine was fixed by her intense embrace.
she gave you an excited look. "why're you here?"
you held up the box, dangling it in front of her eyes. "you forgot your lunch."
she took it from you with a straight face, but then changed the topic without saying anything else. what the...
"meet my members!" hyein stepped aside, revealing four girls who looked almost as confused as you were.
but they were all very pretty, you noted. especially that girl on the right, with the bangs. and those pretty eyes. and ah...
'oh my fucking god.'
you stood there in shock. out of all the places you could meet again, it was at your cousin's workplace? and, it turned out that they even worked together?
you were pulled into the practice room, and now you were sitting on a metal folding chair, in an icebreaker circle that took you back to middle school. it all happened in a blur, one second you were staring at hanni and the other you were forced into a chair by hyein. everyone else looked slightly uncomfortable as well.
"this is y/n, my older cousin!" she introduced you to the other girls. then, she pointed to them one by one.
"this is haerin-unnie." the cat-eyed girl nodded at you.
"minji-unnie." she waved, offering you a tight lipped smile.
"dani... danielle-unnie." she also waved, though with much more energy and a wider smile. cute.
"and this is hanni-unnie, but i suppose you two are acquainted already."
you ignored how hyein's posture became stiffer and how she suddenly started talking in a formal tone, like what she did when she was starting to plot something.
nonetheless, you bowed in your seat and waved. "i'm lee y/n... incoming first year at seoul national university. i'm looking to major in painting."
there was a brief period of silence, and you awkwardly traced the bruise you got two days ago through the hole in your jeans.
danielle(?) started clapping, the other members (including hyein) following suit.
"can we see some of your works?" she excitedly asked. you, once again, found it hard to resist a pretty girl.
"yeah, for sure!" fishing your phone out of your pocket, you pulled up the album titled 'finished paintings' and chose a landscape painting of the blue mountains which you did on a short vacation to newcastle in march. you used the pictures your dad took on his professional camera as reference, and it ended up being one of your best projects in your portfolio.
you tilted your phone horizontally so they could see the full piece, chest swelling with pride when their faces lit up with wonder.
"it's beautiful," minji commented, her eyes trailing from your phone screen to you. you blushed at the sudden eye contact.
danielle loudly gasped, shaking hanni back and forth. "oh my gosh, it's the blue mountains!"
another aussie?
"yeah, went there during a trip to newcastle," you replied in english. the girl's eyes seemed to light up even more, if that was possible. her smile became so blinding that you felt you had to shield your eyes.
"newcastle!" she pointed to herself, "that's where i'm from!"
"really? it's so pretty there, especially by the beaches," you said. "i wish i could go back and paint the views."
your stomach growled. right... you hadn't eaten since way earlier in the morning. you scratched your neck in embarrassment when haerin and hyein started giggling.
"have you girls had lunch yet?"
at seeing their heads shake 'no', you stood up and stretched your arms back. "wanna go eat something? it's my treat," you suggested. "i think i saw a tonkatsu restaurant on the way here."
the cat eyed girl, haerin, made a sound akin to the squeak of a cat (ironically) and tugged on minji's sleeve. she whispered in the girl's ear, and minji turned to look at danielle and hanni for approval.
"fine with us," she affirmed, sending you a gummy smile. "i'll tell our manager."
hyein poked your shoulder. "what about my lunch?"
"uh... we can watch something tonight and you can eat it then, i guess. i won't tell your mom?"
[hybe -> new area unlocked: tonkatsu restaurant]
the seating arrangement went as follows: haerin, hyein, and danielle on one side of the booth, and minji, you, and hanni on the other side. you mentally braced yourself for kicks from hyein, but your heart also sped up at being next to hanni again.
the group made their orders, you prepared to empty your wallet, and were now engaging in conversation with danielle and hanni. next to you, hyein, minji, and haerin were having a separate conversation—something about sparklers and filming.
"so, danielle," you started, folding a napkin into an unlimited amount of halves. she interrupted you before you could continue, smiling, "you can just call me dani! i find being called my full name a bit... you know."
you nodded in understanding. "dani, so you're australian too? must be nice to have a fellow aussie in your group," you nudged the girl sitting on your right. she nudged you back, but her hand made its way to yours under the table. you tried your best not to freak out.
"yep! speaking of which," danielle pointed between you and the 'fellow aussie'. "how do you two know each other? there was that whole thing when we first saw you and everything."
by now, the other three girls have tuned into your conversation. it seemed that they too, were curious.
the vietnamese was the first to explain. "we met at the airport, after i visited my family. we bumped into each other like, three times before finding out we also sat next to each other on the same flight."
minji raised an eyebrow, "wait, this is the y/n you were talking about?"
hanni looked to the side and tucked her hand behind her ear. she was talking about you?
you gave her hand a squeeze, causing her to look down at your now-intertwined fingers. when did that happen?
across the table, hyein eyed you suspiciously.
thankfully, the food came and you enjoyed your lunch, which sufficiently tamed your prior hunger that led up to this situation. you recounted more of you and hanni's first meeting, but the more you talked the more it felt like you were introducing yourself as her girlfriend.
"wow, is that why you left me on read?"
you snorted. "no, i just wanted to annoy you."
hyein kicked you under the table. you made a mental note to check your foot for another bruise later.
"to be honest," you said to the group after you finished your last bite, directing everyone's attention to yourself. "i didn't think i'd end up spending the afternoon with soon-to-be idols."
next to you, minji laughed. it tickled your brain, the way her deep voice was so sooth and calming.
"i don't think anyone here expected to spend the afternoon dining with our youngest's relative."
you laughed along with her, dabbing at your mouth with a napkin. "but i mean, we'll probably be seeing each other often. i'd love to get to know all of you."
the girls made noises of agreement, either nodding or approving verbally, and soon everyone was done eating. you paid the bill (rest in peace, wallet) and when you came back from the counter, hanni, danielle, and haerin are gone.
"they went to use the restroom," minji informed. you made an 'ahh' expression and gave an 'ok' gesture, and made to sit down to wait for the three. hyein stared at you and minji.
"i think you're really cool, y/n."
you almost did a spit-take with your glass of water. that caught you way off guard. what are you supposed to that?
"...and i was just wondering, could i get your number?"
you blinked. minji blinked. and out of the corner of your eye, you could see that hyein also blinked.
but... who would turn down an offer from a(nother) pretty girl? not you.
so obviously you punched in your digits onto the girl's phone, saving yourself as 'y/n 🎨' and by the time you were done, the rest of the group had returned to the table.
when you and the girls arrived at the company, minji left with a wink toward your direction, danielle and hyein hugged you goodbye, and haerin waved at you. only hanni was left, but both of you were reluctant to go.
"i hung the sketches up in my dorm room."
your eyes slightly widened. "really? i'm glad you like them. it's embarrassing, but you're sort of turning into my muse."
you coughed as to hide your scorching blush. hanni giggled, her cheeks also tinted red.
danielle called for her from the entrance, and you both looked to the building.
"i should go."
"yeah... oh, here." you handed her a torn piece of napkin paper with your number written on it. "my number, 'cause my dumb ass forgot to give it to you earlier."
she pocketed it and sent you an eye smile, before waving and turning around to catch up with her group members.
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one week later and you and minji became quick friends. she was funny, very dry but very funny. and you were too shy to text hanni much despite your show of confidence when you gave her your number.
you also hung out with the oldest member a lot. just the other day, you went to the mall with her and got frozen yogurt, and since the day you met her you've been texting every night. though not as much as you did with minji, of course you hung out with the other girls too, like when you visited the company a second and third time. (coincidentally, it was because hyein had forgotten her lunch, again)
you actually just got back from visiting minji at the dorm. it was your first time there, and you mostly just stayed in her room after being given a tour. (you ignored the disappointment in your heart after finding out hanni had a schedule, and wasn't at home)
hyein already had some of her things moved to her dorm room, but she was allowed a few more days at home until she had to stay there long-term. but lately, you've been noticing her staring at you. it often happened when you were texting or hanging out with minji. you would just see the younger girl stand in the corner of the room, 'distracted' with her phone as soon as you turned to look at her.
you were resting on your bed when the door burst open. startled, you sat bolt upright and turned your attention to whoever rudely interrupted your peaceful hour of doom-scrolling.
"unnie, do you like minji-unnie?"
"what the fu-" you stopped yourself. auntie would scold you if you slipped up in front of her kid. "no! what!?"
"oh." she sat herself next to you on the bed. "but you talk to her all the time. it's like you don't even like hanni-unnie anymore!"
it took you a second to process the younger girl's words until you exploded into a blushing mess. "how- how did you know i like hanni?"
"it's way too obvious," she shrugged.
hyein left the room, leaving you confused, until she came back in with a rolling whiteboard. where did she even get that?
you watched as she wrote on the board with a pink marker. 'operation... confess... to...' wow. you didn't like where this was going. at all. why should you confess? shouldn't she be focused on debuting? you wouldn't want to be a distraction to her. and you're pretty sure she didn't like you like that.
hyein put a bullet point under the heading, the marker squeaking as the ink dried within a second.
you frowned. "i don't think i should confess, hyein. you can put the board away."
she looked disheartened for a moment, but shook it off and faced you. "i'm like, 95% sure she likes you back. she doesn't shut up about you when she's alone in her room. i don't think she knows that we can hear her talking to herself."
choosing to keep quiet, you laid back into bed and covered your face with a pillow. that was a matter to think about later, and it was hard to stop hyein once she'd started.
"let's see... hey, pay attention; this is for everyone's sake!" the pillow was snatched from your hands. you groaned and sat up. guess it wouldn't hurt to at least hear her out. "you should do something to catch her attention."
you scoffed. "like what?"
she finished drawing two stickfigures (you and hanni, presumably) holding hands with an obnoxious amount of hearts surrounding them, and rested her hand on her hip. "you could... mysteriously take her away after one of her schedules?"
"absolutely not! that's kidnapping."
she crossed the prompt off the list. "take her on a romantic tour around the city with a rented double decker bus?"
"i don't have money for that..."
"you don't have to pay for a driver, can't you drive?" hyein pouted.
you sighed. "what's the point of renting it for her then? also, hasn't she been here long enough to know the city? plus, i don't have a korean driver's license yet."
another prompt was crossed off the list, and you waited patiently as hyein thought of another idea.
"you know, the other day..." you blinked, and now she was in front of you. 'oh god.'
a wide grin spread on her face, and you paled. "i saw some window cleaners the other day. they looked like spiderman."
"and like, that's so cool! you could do that. we could get a harness from that store down the street..."
"hyein, please."
"and a rope from there, too."
"don't you want to catch her eye?"
it was tempting. it'd been so long (christmas) since you've done something fun (insane) and hyein knew just how to push your buttons.
...damn this kid.
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from: hany/n supporters mom's favorite child (🐣) added you, haerin, and mj to the group. mom's favorite child (🐣) heyy 😍 you what is this 🙁 mj ^ haerin ^ mom's favorite child (🐣) planning for hany/n to succeed also dani unnie isnt here bc she cant keep a secret mj oh finally mom's favorite child (🐣) updates will be here 😈
over the next few days, you'd been spending more time at the newjeans dorm, discussing the "plan" in depth with minji, haerin, and hyein. whenever danielle and, you smiled, hanni, dropped by, you always just changed the topic and let them join the circle, leaving the discussion to be finished in the groupchat or the next day.
but hanni's schedules had slowed down, and she was at home more often. on the other hand, it was haerin and hyein's turn to be busy, leading to you and minji hanging out on your own.
it was clear that you and the taller girl had grown way closer since your first encounter, to the point that you could joke around with her with no repercussions or shame. this year's sketchbook was a gift from minji, and the first few pages were drawings of her as a show of courtesy from you.
minji was slowly becoming your best friend since moving to korea long-term. back in australia, you didn't have a best friend, just some people that would tolerate and get along with you. but you could really connect with the stupidly tall girl that reminded you of a bear.
naturally, neither you nor minji didn't think that hanni would pay any mind to your blooming friendship.
according to minji three days later, you were wrong.
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"this is giving me deja vu," you grinned at hyein, who was currently fastening the straps of your climbing harness bought from the sports shop close to hyein's home.
she rolled her eyes, tapping your helmet. this time, there would (hopefully) be no injuries. or splinters... you hated splinters.
"i'm gonna go back to them, i'll let you know where we are so you can drop down with your," she gestured to the piece of cardstock which you decorated last night, "poster."
the ropes were checked for secureness for a seventh time, and you were assisted with being lowered down the side of the building before hyein descended the stairs and to the elevator which would take her to the second floor.
[||] hanni
"what's up with you and y/n?" hanni questioned minji. it's not like she was jealous, or anything. not of how minji got close to you faster than she did, and hanni was the one to spend a whole day with you, alone, with no interruptions before they even found out you were connected. not of how she could hear the two of you laughing away at night, sometimes even including hyein and haerin in your little hanging out sessions. not of how you flashed minji, not her, minji, your signature smile which made her heart go ten times faster, because she had gifted you with a new sketchbook to replace last year's.
okay, maybe she was jealous. just a little bit.
but it didn't help how you called her 'mj' so naturally, like you'd known her for years before. or how you always snuck off or changed the topic whenever hanni appeared, acting like you were talking about something else even though she knew you weren't.
"huh?" the taller girl stopped in front of the window at the end of one of the second floor corridors. hanni tutted, "it's like you're... you're dating! or something."
minji froze, mouth agape. that wasn't a good sign. but then she started laughing like a crazy woman, making hanni even more frustrated.
"we're not dating. i don't like anyone," she paused, a shit-eating grin slowly overtaking her face. hanni scowled. "what, were you jealous i'd steal away your c-r-u-s-h?"
she dodged hanni's punch to the shoulder, still laughing at the absurdity that was her friend's thoughts.
"but you guys are so close. and hang out all the time," hanni emphasized, making wild gestures in the air with her hands.
that would be a fair point. but to minji, letting her win would be the end of the world.
"that's because-"
"hey guys!" the sounds of three sets of footsteps became louder upon approaching the pair.
"hey, hyein. hey, haerin, danielle." minji greeted, turning to the window as if she were looking for something. haerin and hyein joined her from behind. 'what the fuck?'
"what are you guys doing?" danielle asked, trying to tiptoe to see over their shoulders. unfortunately, she couldn't get past the obstacles that were freakishly tall giants named lee hyein and kim minji.
sighing, she stepped back to face the vietnamese girl, with a pout. "oh yeah, what were you talking about? we watched you try to punch minji earlier."
"it wouldn't hurt to ask for a third opinion," she mused. "do you think there's something between y/n and minji?"
danielle's eyes nearly bulged out of her head. "y/n and minji?"
"i mean... they do spend a lot of time together. but i don't think... she—minji i mean—likes y/n like that. actually, it also seems like y/n's got a different vibe to her when she's with minji, but it's not a romantic feeling-y one, you know?"
"there she is!" hyein shouted, pointing at something that hanni couldn't see from where she was.
haerin quietly dragged her by the hand to join them in looking at the thing hyein was pointing at and- was that you!?
hanging from a rope that did not look like it supported your weight, there you were, in all your glory, outside of the window holding a sign that hanni had to squint to read.
"what the heck," she pressed her hands into the glass. "why is she outside of the window? also, is that rope even secure? and," she was nudged by minji.
"read the sign, bro."
she grumbled but squinted more to make out the words on the paper. there were flowers painted onto it, with two stickfigures holding hands, and the letters written in bold...
"han, let me take U on a d8 <3" with two comically large exclamation marks following after. han? as in, her? hanni? hanni pham who you met two weeks ago? on a date? a date!
hanni was about to shout her answer until she realized you literally couldn't hear her, because there was a window separating you two, and the rope snapped.
the rope snapped! you just fell down the side of the building! what the hell!
next thing she knew she was running out the lobby and on her way to the hospital while the ambulance carried hyein and your unconscious body.
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white walls. blinding lights. faint smell of disinfectant. it had been a while since the last time you landed in the hospital.
except you don't recall the absence of a cartoonish hygiene poster that was always visible immediately when you woke up. or the presence of another girl resting her head on the side of your bed topped with plain white sheets.
on the other side of the door, you could just barely hear two people conversing in korean.
that's right, you were in korea, not melbourne. and you'd fallen from the building after the rope holding you up had snapped.
you knew you were the definition of "fucked around and found out" but... holy shit, your body hurts like hell. looking down, you could see that your right leg was in a cast, and you were unable to move your upper body, feeling immense pain whenever you tried. to add on, there were many, many, bruises along your arms and from what you could see, your other, non-broken leg.
normally, your mother would barge in at this time, scolding you for doing something stupid again. but it wasn't "normally" today. a warm, wet sensation, a tear, rolled down your cheek. maybe it was the pain that finally triggered it, but it was the first time you cried since leaving your home for college.
"fuck," you murmured, lifting up your arm that wasn't occupied to wipe away the waterfall of tears that threatened to burst. in doing so, the girl holding onto your hand shifted. she scrunched her nose, wiping the sleep away from her eyes, and you could finally see her face. hanni. why was she here?
she stopped and stared at you for a moment before her eyes widened. "you're awake! you're- hold on, i'm- here's some water."
hanni helped you sit up, your upper body burning in pain, and you gulped the liquid down in seconds, gratefully handing the glass back to her.
"are you feeling okay?"
that was a good question. "i feel like shit."
she burst out in laughter, and you tried to as well, but ended up groaning in pain. damned body. you felt soothing rubs on your back from hanni, and you shot her an endearing smile. her actions made you feel all warm inside. like a cozy campfire on a cold, dark night.
"be careful," hanni chided, "you broke two of your ribs. and if you didn't know already, your leg too." that explained the extreme pain when you laughed.
you fell into a silence, getting lost in the girl's eyes before she coughed, blushing. "careful, can't have you falling before the first date."
breaking out into a dopey grin, you squeezed her hand. "i'm afraid i've already fallen."
"well then you better hurry up and get better so you can take me out on that date you promised, before you ended up here."
date? promised? the... the... what was it... you searched the depths of your sluggish mind, which was really hard considering you woke up five minutes ago.
sign. the... sign? oh, she saw it! the sign that you and hyein had stayed up making yesterday, to ask hanni out. it was a last minute thing, since you kept putting it off and forgot about it before last night.
a pair of lips pressed onto your cheek, but left as fast as they came. you snapped your head to hanni, touching the affected area with your palm.
without thinking, you surged forward and crashed your lips together, melting into a (not so) perfect kiss, but it sure felt perfect to you. hanni kissed back with even more fervor, hands tangled in your hair and leg moving in a slight crawl in an attempt to get closer to you without hurting you.
you pulled away, stupid smiles on both of your faces.
"you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that," you said, sneaking in another peck on her lips.
"you have no idea how long i've been wanting to kiss you." she said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
an idea popped up in your head after spotting your sketchbook on the table next to your hospital bed. you'd been wanting to paint her properly since the first time you drew her on the plane. "han, let me paint you. please? after i get discharged, whenever that is."
she blushed, blinking at you without saying a word. then, she pulled you into a short, but sweet kiss, and pulled away to plant a small kiss on top of your intertwined hands. you recalled minji saying something about hanni's strong distaste for kisses, but her behavior at the moment was contradicting minji's words.
"you'll have much more time to paint me, wherever, whenever you want."
you giggled, giving a squeeze to her hand. "does this mean i get sneak peeks of songs?"
"...maybe a little. just a little bit, because i like you so much."
you pumped your fist, whispering a "yes!" before she captured your lips in another passionate kiss.
"i like you a lot, too. more than painting. wait..."
you, lee y/n, were a girl who could not get a girlfriend no matter what you tried. but on that fateful day, the day you met hanni, you only had the stars and fate to thank for letting you meet the love of your life.
10 hours, in the sky, let hanni pham wiggle her way into your life. and you had to say, it was a change for the better.
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a/n : i'm finally done... THIS was hell to write let me tell you omg it's been in my drafts since early january GOODBYEE but now i can focus on all my other stuff so....... chaewon next! LOL (and also lovergirl pt. 2 i didn't forget i swear) thank you so much for reading 10 hour flight, sorry it's so long it wasn't supposed to be 😭 ily guys
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Odd question but - I'm looking to study in the UK this fall, and I'm trying to get to grips with the grading system. Could you explain the grading boundaries to me please? It's different from the US, as far as I can see!
I found this handy table which you might find useful - I don't really understand the US system either lol.
Here's what I will say though - I have many times before seen Americans online seeing the percentages for the UK grade boundaries and immediately wax lyrical about how EASY and SIMPLE it must be to do well in the UK because OH MY GOD I could tooootally get 70%!!! In the US that's barely a C!!! Wow education must be soooo simple in the UK -
And uh. I have seen very few Americans in those discussions stop and ask themselves how much harder it might be to hit 70% in the UK. Which, as the international academic office in every university will tell you, is the crucial question you absolutely should be asking. Does an American 70% look the same as a UK 70%?
(It Does Not.)
So don't be fooled by that! Over here, at undergrad the pass mark is 40%. 40-49% gets you a third; 50-59% gets you what's varyingly known as a lower second (formally), a 2:2 (most commonly), or a Desmond (by sad people. It's a reference to Desmond Tutu - two two). A 2:2 is also the most commonly awarded degree classification over here.
60-69% is a 2:1, or upper second class honours. And then the top level is the first - 70% and up. The vast majority of firsts are earned by students who got 70-79%. Exceptional work pushes into the 80s. It is incredibly rare that you ever see a mark in the 90s, and when you do, it's almost always on maths papers where there are right or wrong answers and that's it.
I can't remember how the US's summa cum laude etc stuff maps onto that, though you could probably find that on Google as well. But as a rule of thumb, think first = excellent, 2:1 = good, 2:2 = fair, and third = you need to be careful and see what you can do to improve (although that is still a pass at university and that is not to be sniffed at).
Ooh, as a final point, though, there's also how assessment works, which again, I know is very different over here (again I don't really understand it in the US). Your lecturer cannot set random work here and there to count as summative assessment. Every module is different in how it's set up, but let's give an example:
Module: Coastal and Marine Conservation Two assessments, each worth 50% of the final grade. Assessment 1: A report on the biodiversity of Ramsey Island in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Explore the cause of the lower biodiversity there than nearby Skomer/Skokholm; how was this challenged/rectified? How have species recovered since? What should be done into the future? Assessment 2: A two-hour closed book exam. Half of this exam (50 marks) will be a mix of short and medium length questions; things like "Define these five terms (two marks each)", or "Describe the process of longshore drift and its impact on sedimentation patterns (15 marks)" or what have you. The second half is a 50 mark essay - pick one of three essay questions offered, and off you go. (Essay questions are a staple feature of exams over here, and multiple choice questions are extremely rare and generally frowned on as being Not Sufficiently Academic.)
Now, in the case of this module, these are the only two assessment points. Both the report brief and the exam paper are registered with the academic office in the summer before the academic year even starts, and both are triple verified - by the lecturer who writes/sets them, by an internal verifier in the department, and an external verifier from another university. This is part of quality control.
If, for some reason, you fail one of these, or cannot submit them by their due date, or what have you, you still have to do them. If you claim for Extenuating Circumstances (e.g. "I was made homeless and my cat blew up, so I couldn't do it in time") then you get an extension on it; as long as you submit by the end of the academic period, you're fine. If you don't, you need to resit it. This normally means over the summer after the main term ends.
But, in the UK system what we can't do is go "Okay never mind, how about you submit a write-up of the volunteering you're currently doing with SeaLife instead and we'll count that?" The reason being, under the UK system that is not a quality-controlled solution. That has not been checked and verified as an equivalent assessment to what the rest of the class has done; so if you do that and get a 2:1, there is no assurance that you are actually of the same academic quality as one of your peers who got a 2:1 for that research report on Ramsey's biodiversity.
Which... don't let it scare you! As I say, there are a LOT of systems that can help you if things start going wrong (always, always, always keep Student Support and your lecturers in the loop). But that is a different system from what I understand you might be used to, so heads up on that.
(I am not arguing that one is better than the other, by the way. Last time I explained a difference in the UK university system I got a very hostile and aggressive American in the notes throwing a right strop over how terrible the UK system clearly is because XYZ, right up until I had to actually say "I am literally just describing how it's different, not claiming superiority," and then they went mysteriously quiet and stopped replying. So to forestall that, I am only describing the differences. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.
The UK system is certainly more inflexible. But it does, incidentally, at least free you from the tyranny I see reported so often by US students of the dreaded Tenured Professor who deliberately as a matter of pride sets impossible exams that everyone fails. Over here, that shit Does Not Fly. So there's that.)
Anyway - hopefully that answers your question! Any others, hit me up. Good luck, and enjoy your studies!
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isaksbestpillow · 14 days
Ossan's Love Returns eng sub masterpost
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The legendary queer ossans who paved the way for the post-2018 Japanese bls are back! Haruta and Maki have progressed from coworkers to husbands but their life is still as chaotic as ever and the people around them all kinds of unhinged.
Please watch my favourite show! This is an independent second season so you can jump right in without having seen the previous material. The acting is top-notch, the writing clever and the editing hilarious. This is a laugh-out-loud funny, feel-good show about aging, love, and chosen family.
You can also watch the show on Gagaoolala, but their subs are somewhat incoherent at times and leave a lot to be desired. There are also many jokes and references to Japanese language and popular culture that may go unnoticed, which is why I have included notes for all episodes in this post.
I have a kofi but I appreciate a little comment just as much.
Links and notes under the cut.
How to download:
Download all files onto your computer. Make sure they are in the same folder. You cannot stream the subs on Google drive.
The subtitle file will auto-play on VLC Media Player as long as it has exactly the same name as the video file. It may not be supported by some other players.
Do not reupload to any streaming sites.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Special episodes
Haruta & Maki's first night as newlyweds (Tver special)
Telasa spin-off part 1
Telasa spin-off part 2
Episode notes
Episode 1
The first dream of the year (hatsuyume) is said to predict the year.
Shiritori is a word game where you can’t say a word ending in N or you lose. For example: imo - mori - risu - sushi - shio - ossan (lose)
Bashauma Cleaning literally means Carriage Horse Cleaning, but it's a reference to the idiom bashauma ni hataraku, work like a (carriage) horse, so I've translated it to include the joke.
Yabusame is Japanese horseback archery.
Nandeyanen: a classic reply in manzai (stand-up comedy with two people). I had to replace it with something situational.
Hierarchy between supervisors goes kakarichou (Haruta), kachou (Maki), buchou (previously Kurosawa, now Takekawa). I’ve translated buchou to chief just because it’s short, so my translations may not correspond to anglophone hierarchy.
Episode 2
Kurosawa uses hyper formal and humble customer service language at all times, which is weird coming from your old boss since seniority plays a big part in Japanese communication. I’ve tried to retain some of it in the translation since it’s a running joke and a huge part of his character in this season.
In Japanese rock paper scissors (janken) the winner can hit the loser on the head with a toy hammer and the loser has to guard.
Urusee kuchibiru: Kuchibiru is lips. Urusee can have a million meanings from noisy to annoying to picky to fuck off so it was hard to land on a single translation when the full context of this line isn’t yet given. I decided to go with pesky lips since it kind of covers all bases.
Episode 3
Hirugao (japanese bindweed) was a popular drama about cheating that aired in 2014. Hirugao is a reference to a somewhat new idiom heijitsu hirugao tsuma (weekday japanese bindweed wife) that means a wife who cheats while her husband is at work. It was also nominated as one of the trend words of 2015, so I decided to keep it as it is.
Kin'youbi no tsumatachi e ('to friday wives'), also known as Kintsuma, was a popular relationship that aired in the 80s. Making references to popular culture seems to be Kurosawa's thing.
Sontaku: A word that became popular after the Moritomo gakuen political scandal in 2017 and is often used jokingly. I didn't translate it because there is no simple translation as it is a cultural concept rather than just a word and I wanted to maintain the scandal link. Here is a wikipedia page about sontaku. Basically it means to do something the other person wants you to do without them saying they want you to do it.
Convenience store restrooms usually have a poster that says something along the lines of thank you for always keeping the restroom clean.
Dogeza: the ultimate kneeling apology. Not actually used anymore sans some press conferences after a major fuck up.
Before you become a memory, show me your smile one more time: This is actually a Spitz lyric. Takekawa-san's Twitter account is also a reference to Spitz. Here is the song:
Episode 4
Akito & Haruta: Aki means autumn, haru means spring
Kikunosuke: Kiku means chrysanthemum, the flower of the emperor, so it’s a very regal name, as is Kiku-sama.
Oniisan: Kiku has a habit of calling everyone oniisan/older brother. It’s normal to call strangers oniisan but Kurosawa is a bit past the oniisan age lol.
Soiya, soiya, sore, sore: These are cheers. The scene is a reference to this song from the 80s:
The bachelor is a cameo by Dean Fujioka.
Shougi: Japanese chess
Teppei’s pun song: o-shiri, o-shiri, hey Siri, douka o-shirioki kudasai ore wa omae no otousan janai. O-shiri means butt so that’s the pun here.
公安 kouan ‘public safety’: I’ve translated this to NSB (national security branch) because I needed a short word that people might repeat many times without getting the meaning. In a previous episode Haruta had to google what kouan is. I dont know how security and intelligence services differ across countries so please don’t pay too much attention to this particular word.
Vivant: A popular suspense drama that aired in 2023. Hayashi Kento who plays Maki actually appears in it haha.
Winter Sonata: A Korean drama from 2002 that was immensely popular in Japan and started the Korean wave
Yong-sama: Japanese fans’ nickname for Bae Yong-joon who starred in Winter Sonata
老々介護 rouroukaigo: Literally 'old old caregiving’. This means an elderly person caring for another elderly person. It’s becoming a social problem in Japan and Takekawa-san is haunted by it at the moment.
Episode 5
The raffle guy is a cameo by Dave Spector. He’s an American tv personality based in Japan and known for his puns.
Happi is a tube-sleeved coat worn during events.
I made everyone swear quite a bit in the ryokan battle scene because they were using the vulgar speech register (except poor Izumi-san).
There were many puns in this episode. I tried to translate them all to the best of my ability, but here they are in Japanese:
akan desuka aka wa ‘is red not good’, translated not red not your color
Wariine Dietrich 'Thanks Dietrich’, translated to thanks a latte
Atamitte attakami 'Atami is warmth’, translated to Sea You in Atami
Hageshiku doui: strongly agree; hage doui: bald agrees, translated to nod nod nod, bald nods (or something along those lines, I forgot lol). This is an iconic line in Japanese and got used a lot in the fandom. It's really common to come up with portmanteau words in Japanese so hage doui sounds like a valid abbreviation for hageshiku doui but the meaning is unfortunate. Hage is commonly used as an insult.
When Kurosawa is not in his customer service mode, he uses a lot of zoomer and internet slang. Kibonnu: internet slang for please originating on 2chan. Ma: short for 'majide', seriously. Kawachii: a new way of saying kawaii, cute. I tried to recreate his speech patterns the best I could.
Daruma-san ga koronda 'the daruma doll fell over’, a game similar to red light, green light.
Nanmaida: colloquial namu amida butsu, a Buddhist chant
Azatoi: Haruta gets called this by Kiku. I translated it to coy due to lack of space, but it’s a cultural word so the meanings may not match entirely. Azatoi is someone who performs cuteness for personal gain. The official subs translated it to 'idiot’, so yeah that’s what you’re paying for…………………..
Episode 6
Valentine's Day is a pretty big deal in Japan. Traditionally, women are supposed to give chocolate to men and men are supposed to return the favour a month later on White Day. Many people actually find this exchange stressful because of giri choco, 'obligation chocolate' given to all male co-workers. In recent years the popularity of giri choco has been steadily falling and it has even been banned in many workplaces, and now many women are instead giving friendship chocolate to their friends. The opposite of giri choco is honmei choko (true love chocolate) given in a romantic setting.
The wedding planner is a cameo by Crazy Coco. She's an ex flight attendant who does comedy videos on Instagram. Please pay attention to the non-Japanese pronunciation of English loan words in this scene.
Sukima Switch: This is the name of the band who contributed the theme songs for both seasons so I left it untranslated. Revival from season 1 plays in one of the scenes.
Nukazuke: A type of preserved food made by fermenting vegetables in rice bran (nuka). The pickling bed is called nukadoko. Nukadoko is a living organism that you can keep using forever as long as you take care of it. There are nukadoko that have been passed down for generations.
Takenoko no sato & Kinoko no yama ('bamboo shoot village' & 'mushroom mountain') are two types of chocolate by Meiji sold at every supermarket. You have dog persons and cat persons, mountain persons and beach persons, takenoko persons and kinoko persons. So it's not just any random chocolate, it's an ordinary everyday product that everyone has an opinion on.
Episode 7
The title of the episode (How do you live) is also the title of a novel by Yoshino Genzaburou and the Japanese title of Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron. I’ve been lazy and not translated the previous titles but this one felt important enough to include.
Fukuro/bukuro: bag
Isshou isshoni itekureya: When Izumi completes Haruta’s sentence after asking him about Maki, the line is a lyric from Lifetime Respect by Miki Douzan. It was a big one hit wonder in 2001.
Single mothers are some of the most socially disadvantaged groups in Japan and their plight is only worsening. 50% of single-parent households live in poverty.
Drag/drug are pronounced the same in Japanese (doraggu).
Anta: This is a rude second person pronoun that stands out because Izumi is usually well-mannered at work and never calls Haruta anything but Haruta-san. I obviously couldn’t translate it literally since it literally just translates to you, so I made Izumi say bullshit.
They make you drink barium at the annual health checkup to screen stomach cancer.
Episode 8
Ending note: This is an English word made in Japan. It’s a bit like an informal will with no legal standing to reflect on your life or express your wishes for your funeral.
Toketsu: blood vomit Tooru futatsu: two talls (Kiku-sama’s rice ball size), hence the slip of the tongue
When you fall, fall forward: originally said by 19th century revolutionary Sakamoto Ryouma
Tabelog is the biggest restaurant review site in Japan.
Episode 9
There were once again numerous puns, word plays and funny expressions in this episode, I did my best. The squid game one was impossible however so I’ve explained it in the subs.
Pokapoka: Onomatopoeia for something that’s nice and warm, such as a mild sunny day. I feel like this line lost some of its charm in English unfortunately. :(
Haganezawa Iruka: Iruka means dolphin. This character has a painfully fake American accent.
The book Maika is reading is titled Heya to Y-setsu to watashi, Room and Y-setsu and Me. Y-setsu is code for waisetsu which means pornography lol.
The Japanese title for My Neighbour Totoro is Tonari no totoro, next-door totoro.
Makkuro kurosuke are the soot sprites seen in Ghibli’s films.
Engacho: Maki does this to Kurosawa. It’s something kids do after touching something disgusting.
TVer special
It’s common in Japan for the wife to handle all family finances and only pay the husband an allowance. I’ve seen some queer couples do it too.
Telasa spin-off 1
This is Sumikkogurashi:
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Yakatabune: a fancy Japanese boat for cruises
bubble generation: the generation that entered the workforce at the height of the bubble economy
Telasa spin-off 2
Tsumagoi is a town in Gunma prefecture known for cabbage.
Ikebukuro (‘pond bag’) is a commercial district in Tokyo.
Hotei Tomoyasu is a renowned guitarist. I think Takekawa-san was maybe trying to perform the theme from the yakuza film Shin jingi naki tatakai/New Battles Without Honor and Humanity. I don’t recognise his lyrics from any Hotei song lol.
Akito and Izumi talk to each other using vulgar speech. It's very different from how Izumi interacts with others.
Maro calls Kikunosuke too kenage. I translated this to persevering but honestly there isn’t a word in English that quite captures the full meaning of kenage. Kenage means heroic or brave but it’s used to praise a weak or powerless person showing courage in the face of adversity, such as a child, so it's not really a compliment.
Ribbon and Nakayoshi are shoujo manga magazines.
The lifetime together line is again a reference to the one hit wonder Lifetime Respect.
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cherllyio · 3 months
Pigsy and MK, father/son scenarios, bc i am sucker for it.'
I have 4 scenarios in mind, so just scroll to whichever ones you find interesting
Also, if you wanna draw or use any of the scenarios in any way, im completly happy with that!
Just tag me, so i can reblog it and love it forever :)
Nuwa and Wukong suck at parenting, Pigsy is amazing at it.(listen i love Wukong being a dad to MK, but Pigsy is legit his dad)
Pigys' Parental Strengh
Flashbacks of Pigsy raising MK
Pigsy being scared Nuwa will take MK away form him
Scenario 1: "Nuwa and Wukong suck at parenting, Pigsy is amazing at it"
I really want a scene where Nuwa(for whatever reason) and Wukong are trying to be good parental figures towards MK. So they make him some food, bc nothing could possible go wrong with that, right?
Yea- they end up giving MK something he is deadly allergic to. So pigsy (who ofc knows this)has to save MK.
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Example 2: "Parental strength".
So, lets say MK is battling this bad guy, right? But, he ends up pretty badly hurt, and it seems like he is about to loose. Yet, at the last second, Pigsys parental strength kicks into high gear, and he absolutly inalites the bad guy.
While yelling something along the line of: " DONT YOU DARE TRY TO HURT MY SON." (omg i would cry)
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Scenario 3: "Flashback of Pigsy raising MK"
I just want a flashback of sort, where we see like Pigsy raising MK.
Taking MK to his first day of school
Making noddles together
Teaching MK how to drive
Pigsy putting MK to sleep
Signing the adoption papers
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Scenario 4: "Pigsy being scared Nuwa will take MK away from him"
This is the one i see as the most "plausible", and maybe something that could be devoted to an entire ep in season 5. Because:
Pigsy has just accepted MK as his son, and they are both so happy for it.
But now, Nuwa may come into the picture, and she is the closest MK has to a "biological parent", and that would terrify Pigsy.
So Pigsy would start to deny he is MK's dad again, accdently pushing him away. He just wants what is best for MK, and he thinks for MK to be happy he has to be with his "real parent".
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"uuuh, kid you know im not your-"
Which would just confuse MK, because Pigsy is his REAL parent. He is the one who raised him, and has loved MK his whole life.
(i just want a MK and Pigsy centered ep in season 5, please)
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wannawritefast · 7 months
Comfortember 2023 Day 6: “Notes”
A/N: My sporadic contribution to Comfortember. It’s short but Johnny Cage bbs come get y’all juice. It’s my birth month and I’m closing in on the end of my semester so I can’t promise anything but please enjoy!!
Pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
Warnings: none, fluff :)
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Notes. Johnny left them everywhere. Don’t get him wrong. He definitely preferred the convenience of using his phone to send you little memos. It was instant and Johnny could really accommodate his own attention span by using his phone but when he found out on accident how much you loved them, he made a point of it.
You both still remembered the first of its kind.
A pink sticky note on the back of your script that said “And it was all a dream!” with the most hastily-drawn smiley face ever.
You laughed when you saw it. It was a miracle that it hadn’t become a casualty to the rough handling of your scripts before you discovered it.
He had to have done it when you were putting your post-its in your script, marking it up the night before. You hadn’t thought much of the clumsy kiss he gave you when he checked in as the sun went down. Then again you hadn’t been paying that close attention to him or anything else for that matter. A glass of water. A “How’s it going, baby?” A stumble and a peck. And his leg and hand knocking right into the back of the thick stack of 8.5 by 11 copy paper in your grasp as he had moved to sit next to you.
The bump into the script in your hand had been completely intentional, you realized with delight at the table read. It made your Instagram story in seconds accompanied by the words ‘original illustration by @johnny.cage’ and some pink hearts in the top right corner.
That had sealed it.
The next one you found was in your purse. Well, not your purse exactly. It was in the compact in your purse. Blue. “Hey, good-lookin.’” A winky face. It had fluttered out as you were landing out of the country for a shoot. You still had your neck pillow on. You sent Johnny one of the ugliest selfies you had ever taken with it. Against your protests, it became his lock screen photo.
Then they truly popped up everywhere. Your boyfriend was relentless.
A set of expensive rings you’d stared at a little too long on Rodeo. Purple sticky note. “For my precious.” A noble but indecent-looking stick figure attempt at Gollum was near it, partially scribbled out.
Surprise coffee in your trailer. Yellow note. Sunshine with sunglasses.
New boots, courtesy of Johnny. Pink. “Step on me in these.”
Sleeping in while he had left at the crack of dawn. Pink. “Busy all day. Sushi at our regular spot for dinner.” Heart.
Almost all of them made your Instagram story. The dick that looked like it had been drawn by a middle school boy on a blue sticky note slapped to the bathroom mirror, for example, hadn’t made the cut. The ones that did though… Johnny reposted each within 5 minutes, no matter what time it was.
Like the orange sticky note you woke up to under your glasses that said ‘Jinkies!’ You had gone to bed and left them on your nightstand at 4 am. Johnny had stayed up with you. He had left at 6 am for the day. It made you worry about his sleep schedule.
It didn’t matter that you couldn’t keep up with his god-like speed in making unique sticky notes. You posted them. And you kept and remembered all of them. All of them. Yes, even the blue doodle dick.
Again, Johnny definitely preferred sending you texts and voice memos as soon as he felt like you were forgetting how hot you were, which was usually several times a day. It should also be noted that the sticky notes never detracted from the amount of attention he was already giving you. Johnny was a beast at reminding you how much he loved you.
As he had said it once: “There’s no threshold, baby. I’ll die telling you how sexy your walker is; the last sticky note I ever leave you will tell you the same thing.”
He slapped one on your ass after he had said that. Yellow. “Johnny Cage wuz here.”
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sassykattery · 7 months
This is a little smut fic I wrote for Diavolo's birthday, but since I have two fics now and this isn't a "birthday-themed fic," I thought I'd post it now.
CW: MC is AFAB and nameless, uses she/her pronouns. Piv sex, creampie, roughness, harsh language.
WARNING: This fic is centered around the CNC kink. I will explain what that is, but if it's something you may not enjoy due to trauma or other issues, please don't read!!!
CNC: Means consensual-nonconsent. The premise of a cnc scene is that beforehand, both partners agree to certain types of rough or aggressive sex that is of "nonconsesual" nature during the scene. The consensual part is the agreement before the actual sex occurs, where safewords, boundaries, and other parameters are in place. Some people call it rape play, I don't necessarily agree with using that as a blanket term for CNC. This is risky and should not be taken lightly, just like BDSM.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
Third person POV, reader insert
18+ only
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"So we are in agreement. We're doing this?"
"Yes... I think so."
"You can't just think so. This is something that could go poorly for both of us if we aren't both on board with it."
She was quiet for a moment, deciding what to say next. Diavolo lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes, a softened but serious look in his.
"I want this. We have our rules, we agreed to the rules, and we know our way out should we need it," she answered confidently.
"Then... so it shall be."
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She sighed as she gazed at her test score. It was fine, but she wanted better. Quietly, she folded it and set it aside so she could focus on class. That was, until she saw Diavolo walk in, making a beeline for the teacher's podium.
"Good morning everyone. Your professor had to take leave today, so I will be filling in for the day. His message to you all is to work on your assignments due this week. You may ask me questions if you need to. No lesson for today," Diavolo explained.
The class became quiet and got to work as instructed.
Except her.
She stared up at Diavolo for a solid minute until his eyes finally landed on hers. She raised an eyebrow. The corner of his mouth barely tipped up.
Today was the day.
She began to work on her homework for the next hour, counting the minutes and seconds until class was over. It was so much more distracting to have him there, just steps away from her own desk while he sat at the professor's. The anticipation was building, and all she could do was organize in her head how this would go. Her thoughts were consumed with running each scenario, every word, every single movement they could make. It was so important that this went right, and maybe–
"And that's class. Thank you all for coming. Have a good day," Diavolo announced, standing at the podium. Everyone was already up and leaving, having packed their things while she just sat there daydreaming.
Once the room was cleared out, she cleared her throat quietly and got up from her desk, her test in hand as she walked up to the podium.
"Hey, I had a question," she stated confidently but softly, trying not to intrude. She saw the papers on his podium and knew he was likely busy.
"Yes, what is it?" He replied in his usual candor, golden eyes gleaming and bright white smile beaming.
"I got this score on my test, and I really thought I did better... Is there any way I could... get some help?" She answered, handing him the sheet of paper. He looked over his nose at her and nodded, taking the paper and setting it down to look at.
"I'll see what I can find."
He scanned it over, reading every question and answer. If there was any skill he mastered, it was looking at anything unfazed and replying in a similarly unaffected manner.
"I see. So, you seemed to have not totally understood this concept here, and this one could have been better here," he explained, pointing out to her what he meant. She came closer and nodded, listening carefully. "I think this one could have used a few more examples to drive home your point as well."
She sighed. "Yeah... That's what I thought, too. I wish I'd done better..." she murmured to him.
Her mind became distracted again, thinking about how good he smelled, the amber and musk filling her head with ideas other than this test.
"Are you listening?" He asked quietly, bowing his head to look at her.
"Oh, sorry..." she mumbled.
Finally, she turned her own head up to look at him, and she swallowed thickly at the idea buzzing in her skull, the one making her question every fiber of her moral being.
"Is there... anything I could do to improve my score? Anything at all?" She asked carefully and slowly, bringing herself closer and peering up at him with slightly widened eyes, her expression maybe a little innocent.
"Did you have something in mind?" Diavolo asked in reply, his voice pitching lower in his tenor range smoothly.
She mentally took a deep breath, centering herself. I want this. I want to try this, she thought to herself.
"I mean... What are my options?" She asked, her own voice stepping just a hair lower in pitch as well, leaning into the intensity of the moment. Her body moved closer intentionally, now just mere inches away from his.
"Don't be coy, I think you and I both know what you're implying," he answered, a bit dominantly. "I saw how you stared at me all hour. You can't stand here now and tell me you don't know what you're asking."
Here we go.
"Surely I don't know what you mean..." she stated, sounding slightly shocked.
His arm snaked around her waist, and he snatched her closer, a little roughly, and bowed his head down to whisper in her ear.
"Don't lie. You want me to improve your grade in return for something, right? A little mentoring? Well, I know what it is you want, and I know what I want, so why don't we skip the rest and get to the point?"
She nearly trembled then, with excitement and nerves from how he spoke to her so harshly but still yet so seductively.
"I... I don't understand. I just wanted to see–"
"Shut up, and come here," he snapped quietly in her ear, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her over to the desk. He pushed her against it, wrapping an arm around her when she became off balance from the sudden movements to hold her up. "You asked for it, now I'll make sure you get what you want, and I'll get what I want," he murmured in her ear before biting on the shell of it.
"But nothing, now am I going to take these off, or are you going to help?" He interrupted her again, pushing her to sit on the desk and slipping his thick fingers into the belt loops of her slacks with a hard tug.
"No, I really didn't mean–" she tried to insist.
"I guess I'm doing all of the work," he mumbled, quite literally ripping her slacks off with his inhuman strength like the material was paper.
She started to yelp, but he slapped a hand across her mouth to cover it and keep her quiet.
"Now, are you wanting your classmates to know you want your headmaster to change your grade in exchange for sex?" He challenged her, his gaze piercing her soul. She shook her head. "Then be quiet."
With her torn slacks on the floor in pieces, his hand skimmed up her warm thigh, and he roughly opened it out wide so he could stand between her legs. He looked down and smirked as her underwear peaked out in the creases of her thick thighs and soft tummy.
"You were anticipating this, weren't you? Wearing just a black little lacey thong today. Were you going to ask your professor for this too had he been here?" He mocked her, snapping the band of her panties against her, making her flinch and moving his hand from her mouth. "Answer me," he snapped.
"No, I wasn't asking for this! I��"
She clamped his hand on her mouth again while tutting her. "I said be quiet. Do not yell again unless you want this to get much worse for you," he commanded. She nodded. He smirked at her panicked expression, tears welling up in her eyes. "Now, there's no need for that. I'll give you what you want. Besides, you're going to be good for me, right? This is all for me, and I'll make sure you enjoy it too."
She shook her head, and he ignored her as he slid her panties down her thighs. When she started to fight him, closing up her legs and pulling away, they met the same fate as the slacks. His eyes dilated when he started to see his prize, and instantly got more aggressive.
"Don't. Fight. Me," he barked at her, grabbing both her thighs and throwing them open wider so he could see her perfect little wet pussy on display for him. She still tried to fight against him, pulling away and shaking her head while she whimpered. He sighed and rolled his eyes. Finally, he pinned her down against the desk with his massive hands on her shoulders, papers flying everywhere. "Are you done?"
She stopped for a moment, looking up at him. Her hands had gripped onto his elbows, trying to hang on as he pinned her. She tapped her finger once against his elbow before saying, "Stop! This isn't what I meant at all!" She pleaded with him.
"Oh, but I think deep down it is what you wanted, pet. I think you were waiting for the perfect moment to use your little charms to win me over, but now you have cold feet. You know you want this. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," he answered menacingly. "I'll make sure you enjoy it, at least a little."
She shook her head and sobbed. Seeing that she wouldn't stop making noises, and he found them to be rather adorable, he snapped his fingers to block sounds within the room from being heard outside.
"What a mess..." he mumbled with a sigh.
He began kissing her on her lips, hoping to shut her up just for a little bit. He ground himself against her body and let his hands wander her body. His fingers made short work of her uniform jacket and blouse, quickly loosening her tie and gaining access to what was beneath it all. He gave a purr of content as he got a glimpse of her. She laid there, still squirming and whimpering, trying to push him off, but that was like pushing on a brick wall when it came to the prince of hell.
"You are beautiful," he murmured in her ear before licking the shell of it a little obscenely. He ducked his head down and left hard kisses, little bites, and trails of his saliva on her chest.
"Stop," she whimpered, turning her head away from him, but he just chased her down with his lips hot on her exposed skin.
He chuckled darkly in her ear and groaned. "I'll even do you a little favor," he told her while he slipped a hand down her exposed form to her pussy. He danced his fingertips along the slit before sliding them past the crevices to reach her clit where he rubbed it generously.
"Noooo..." she groaned, finding it harder to fight against him. "Please don't do that."
"Ohhh, but you're so wet, pet," he murmured to her, and even she couldn't deny how much more slick she became down below. "You're loving this no matter how much you want to deny it."
He trailed his kissed lower and began feasting upon her breasts, sucking and laving his tongue over her perky nipples with elation.
"Finer than any forbidden fruit, sweeter than any sugar," he mumbled against her flesh. "I can't wait anymore."
Diavolo brought his head up to kiss her with his tongue bullying into her mouth. His hands began to unbuckle his belt and send his slacks to his knees. He quickly shed his uniform jacket and loosened his tie.
"You ready, dulcis? I need you," he said huskily in her ear.
Just after he spoke, she felt something warm and hard pressed against her thighs. Pre-cum started to coat her thigh as he rubbed it against her.
"Please don't, please," she pleaded with him, with a tear rolling down her temple.
"Shh, it'll feel good, just enjoy it," he whispered to her.
The demon pried her legs apart again and stood between them, leaning on one hand on the desk while the other grasped his cock to start rubbing the fat head against her little clit.
"Just a perfect little pussy, and all for me," he mused, feeling her slick coating his length. He bowed his head again to murmur in her ear. "Don't fight me. This will go a lot better if you just take it," he warned her before kissing her temple again. All she did was squirm again beneath him.
After pulling his hips back and angling himself, he slid his cock into her, groaning at the overwhelming tightness of her walls.
"Oh god," she whined, trying to worm away from what was bullying its way into her depths.
He chuckled and kept her in place with little effort on his part. "There's no god here to help you now. It's just you and the Demon Lord," he rumbled darkly in her ear.
It took a few more moments for his cock to be fully seated in her. He took the moments after to breathe in her scent, the glistening light sweat on the sides of her neck, and her sweet, sweet arousal. It was fuel for his fire to keep going.
"You're mine. You're all mine, and I'm not letting go," he stated with a malicious chuckle.
The first thrust was rough, and she cried out at how harsh it was. She couldn't help but cling onto him, her little hands gripping the fabric of his shirt along his elbows. He went back to planting a field of dark blooms, hickies and bites galore. With every thrust, he grunted, fighting the urge to completely lose it. Little squeaks and groans fell from her lips as well, signing conjuction with the rattles of the desk.
"Hells, darling, you're going to make me let go too early," he murmured against her neck. "You can't tell me anymore that you didn't want me to fuck you raw on this desk, not with you dripping down your ass and my thighs."
"I didn't," she insisted weakly, knowing she was losing the fight to stop him and now trying to win the fight to make it through to the end.
He grunted again as he made another hard thrust into her. His pre-cum and her wet walls made it such easy glides in and out, but there was something so cute to him about how she squeaked and whined with every pounding he gave her.
Diavolo chuckled again. "Right, and you don't want me to release inside you too, hmm? You don't want to feel me finally fill you up properly, to give you what you've wanted for so long? You wanted to be fucked, and now you're simply getting the best."
"Oh god," she whined again, clutching onto his shirt along his chest.
"God doesn't save whores like you who beg to be filled so deeply," he replied in her ear, his voice much more serene for someone who was doing this.
He kissed her neck and wrapped his arms around her body, trapping her entirely as he made the last few thrusts count. Using the desk as leverage, he leaned forward more to bring her hips up so he could penetrate her deeper. It took all of just mere moments to start moaning and crying with relief as he hit that sweet spot deep inside, and only that many more moments to make her body lock up as the most intense orgasm of her life befell her. The hot sparks of pleasure bloomed from her abdomen and spiraled out to her limbs. The chasm of pleasure was a deep one, and when the Demon Lord felt her walls contract around his cock and pulse, he was pulled down with her into the abyss of carnal bliss. Hot jets of his cum filled her in waves as his hips rocked forward with each one.
When it was over, the pair lay there, heaving and trying to catch their breath. Diavolo was the first to relax and gain his bearings again. He looked down at his human lover, feeling a wave of passion and simultaneous anxiety.
"My love... My love, look at me, please, baby," he cooed to her, stroking her cheeks with his hand.
Her eyes fluttered open. She looked relaxed at peace.
"We're done... Finis," he softly whispered to her, his hand rising up to pet her hair back. She nodded in understanding and let go of her iron grip on his shirt. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt?"
She shook her head and reached up with a trembling hand to touch his cheek next. He smiled and kissed her palm, reaching with his to grasp her hand gently. He bowed his head slightly to prompt her.
"I'm okay. No pain," she finally verbalized it for him.
"That's good. Shall I take you home so you can rest?" He asked her in a throaty murmur. She nodded. Standing upright, he reached for his red uniform coat and wrapped it around her as he pulled her up right. It was already long, and on her, the coat looked like a blanket and kept her decent. He then put himself back in order, slacks up and buckled, and shirt back in place.
He slid his arms beneath her and picked her up effortlessly in a princess carry.
She laid her head against his shoulder and asked him softly, "What about the rest of the day? My classes?"
Diavolo chuckled and shook his head, carrying her out of the door, snapping his fingers to use magic to reorganize the desk they just laid waste to with their fornication. "After that, you deserve some pampering and all the care I can give you." He then bent his head down to whisper to her, "Besides, those are the perks of being the lover of your headmaster, no? I make the rules, I say what goes."
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated
Tags: @delphidreamin @biteable-pink-pixie @itsmeninerz
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sillystimmings · 8 months
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why it matters: people have to make the gifs, it’s a way to show respect and appreciation towards their efforts. we wouldn’t be able to create what we do without them!
okay but the original post was deleted. now what?: posts get deleted, blogs deactivate, it happens you’ll run into it eventually. cite it to the last post you can before you reach a dead end. why? again, it shows respect and that you tried. it’s also important to some people that they know where their getting their gifs from. it may not seem like it but you can tell a lot about a defunct blog from who used their gif.
but how do you do it?
it’s so simple and it takes like two seconds
1) find the gif you want
for this example i’ll be using these cats from @heartnosekid
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2) save the one you want
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you know how to save an image silly press and hold until options pop up and click save
3) copy the post link
one of the most vital steps! click this little arrow
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and then press copy
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now you have your link! but where does it go?
4) keep track of your links
i like to use notes app to make a list of my links. you can use any document app like google docs or even make a draft post on tumblr to keep them there. it doesn’t really matter how, just as long as you keep track of them
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5) adding it to your post
so you’re ready to post, yippee!!! organize your gifs how you please and then add text to where you’ll link your sources. i like to use x’s like
x x x / x x x / x x x
with each section representing a row so it’s easy to get to the gif someone might want
but you can do whatever you want! get funky with it use emojis idk have fun
add your marker and then highlight it
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while highlighted click the little paper clip icon
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that’ll bring this pop up. paste your link in the box and then click add link
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congratulations you’ve done it! that’s all there is to it. mistakes will happen. you might source something wrong or link to a defunct page but that’s alright! as a gif maker, seeing someone make a good attempt with a mistake is better than no attempt at all.
189 notes · View notes
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Male Reader X Lesserafim Huh Yunjin
Length: 13,200 +
Tags: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, friends,
A/N- Merry Christmas. the smut on this is is a bit short but I enjoy the plot I created. I hope you do too.
Can you remember your first time using a pen? Maybe a pencil? 
Honestly, you would be lying if you said you remembered the first time but one certain time stuck out to you. 
It was a rainy day. You can remember that because you weren’t allowed to go outside for recess, the favorite part of the day in 4th grade. As you sat in your chair sulking about your afternoon, your teacher clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.
“Ok, now boys and girls. I have a fun activity planned today. Now I might have mentioned it before but I have a sister who is also a teacher in New York. We thought it would be fun if our classes were penpals!” 
“What’s penpals?” 
“Ah well, penpals are basically people who become friends by writing letters. Each of you will be given someone to write a letter to, so everyone pull out a piece and paper and a pencil please.”
Despite your thoughts still lurking on recess, your body reacted on its own to grab the materials you needed. Setting the notebook down on your desk, you grabbed your pencil and just held it in your hand. One by one, your teacher handed out a sheet to each student until she reached you. 
“Ok Porter. You will write to Jennifer. I ran out of boys sadly but I’m sure this will still be fun.” 
A groan left your mouth as you heard it was a girl you were gonna be forced to write to. 
“But I don’t want to write to a girl Mrs. White.” 
“Porter. This is your assignment. You need to do it. Just have fun with it. Talk about anything you like.” 
As your teacher walked away, your eyes just started at the blank sheet. The scratches from your classmate's pencil’s echoed in the air as you just sat there. 
“Three more minutes!”
You knew Mrs.White would be mad if you didn’t write anything but you had nothing. Each second that ticked by the more nervous you felt. With one minute left you quickly scribbled a few words and there and put your pencil down. 
Hi, I’m Porter. How are you?
Your teacher came by and saw your note and frowned a bit. Despite that, she grabbed your note and folded it. Once she put it in an envelope, she took it back to her desk. Maybe that would be the end of all that. 
A week later you found yourself walking back into class after recess. As you sat down at your desk, you noticed a small envelope sitting on top. 
“Ok, everyone. Your letters from your pen pals have arrived. Feel free to open the envelopes and read what was written to you.” 
Looking around, you saw your classmates grab their envelopes and begin to read the notes they got. Following their example, you ripped open the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper. Opening it, you saw there was more than you wrote. 
Hi Porter, I’m Jennifer. I’m ok thank you. Where are you from? I’m from New York. It’s loud but fun here. Is it fun where you are? What do you like to do? Bye.” 
As you finished reading the note, your hands extended out and ripped a new piece of paper to write. You honestly aren’t sure why you grabbed some paper when you didn’t want to write to her in the first place but it would be rude not to respond. 
Grabbing your pencil, you began to write. 
Hi Jennifer. I’m from New Jersey. It’s loud here too but I have fun. I like recess. What about you? Do you like recess?” 
As you finished your note, you folded it and set it down on your table. Mrs. White came close to you and saw the letter was ready. 
“Wow. You are done already. I’m glad I didn’t need to tell you to write to her.” 
“I’m not mean.” 
“No. You aren’t.” 
Grabbing your letter, Mrs. White took it and put it in an envelope. Guess it’s just waiting time now. 
5 months later
It was the final day of 4th grade and you sat at your desk. Everyone was excited it was the day before summer vacation, but you were excited for another reason. 
“Ok class. This is the final letter from your penpal so please enjoy.” 
Tearing the envelope open, your eyes quickly scanned the words on the sheet of paper.
Hi Porter. It’s the last day of school huh? I had a lot of fun talking to you all this time. I know we are done with the letters in class but can we keep talking? I asked my teacher and she said it’s ok. Send me another letter if you want to. Please?
“Yes, Mrs.White?”
“Jennifer seems to really like talking to you so she asked her parents to see if you guys could keep sending letters. I already asked your parents also and they said ok. Would you like to?” 
Your body reacted on its own as you just nodded aggressively. 
“Very well then Porter. Your parents have her address to send the letters so feel free to continue. You are the only one who is gonna keep talking to their own pen pal.” 
“Jen is really nice.” 
“Well, I hope it continues to be fun. I’m glad I could get you a new friend.” 
Walking away, you could agree with her. You really do have a new friend. 
6th grade, October 
Walking into your math class, you went over to your seat and began to take a seat. A sharp pain shot all over your butt as you jumped up. Looking down at the chair, you could see there was a thumbtack facing up. Laughter came from the other corner of the classroom as you saw your usual bullies enjoying your suffering. 
Moving the thumbtack off your chair, you took your seat just as the teacher walked in and commenced his class. The rest of your day continued with much of the same. Dumb pranks being pulled on you while everyone else’s just ignored it. 
Your walk home was calm for once as you managed to avoid all the other students leaving. As you saw the familiar outline of your home, you noticed the mailman dropping off your stuff in the mailbox. Seeing him made you excited, so you decided to run the final stretch to your home. 
Once home, your hand opened the mailbox and pulled everything out. Grocery store fliers, bills stacked on top of everything. Despite looking for a few seconds, your excitement never dissipates, and for good reason. 
At the bottom of the pile, a letter addressed to you could be found. From the handwriting alone, you could already tell who sent you this. Running into your home, you closed the door behind you and ran up to your room. 
Closing the door, you jumped on your unmade bed and ripped open the cover. 
Hi Porter. I hope your family is ok. I’m sorry you have been struggling with bullies at school. I want to tell you something my own parents told me. They said people who bully others normally have a horrible life at home. They just do it to make others feel how they feel. Keep that in mind, they are just sad about their own lives. 
Let’s talk about something else to distract you. I recently heard some music that I think is cool. It’s called K-pop. I’m Korean so I know what they are saying but you might not. Either way, the beats are great. Check it out. I recommend 2NE1. 
I have to get going but I’m looking forward to hearing from you port. Take care, please. 
Love Jen 
A large smile was plastered on your face after hearing from your best friend. Before you write something back, you decide to turn on your computer and go on YouTube. Typing in the name Jen gave you, you saw a couple of options pull up for this group. 
Easy to say you were a bit reluctant to even listen to this music but Jennifer never did you wrong. Clicking on the first song, you noticed the title was Fire. The loud EDM-style beat started playing in your ears. Your head began to bop to the beat despite not understanding all the words. After a minute your whole body began to dance along to the video. It was official, you were hooked with just one song. 
The rest of your afternoon was you going on a K-pop binge. Jumping all around from all these different artists, having fun. After a few hours, you heard a knock on your door it opened. 
“Porter. Dinner is ready. Also, what’s with all the noise in here?”
“O-Oh, nothing mom. I was just getting ready to write back to Jennifer.” 
“Well just write up your letter and then come down for dinner. Ok?”
“Ok, mom.” 
As the door closed, you made your way back to your desk and got to writing. 
Hey Jen. 
I’m not even gonna lie. That music was so fun to dance around with. If you have more recommendations then let me know. 
Thank you for saying those nice words also. You’re my best friend and I appreciate it. Mom came and told me dinner is ready so I should head down. I will talk to you in the next letter. 
Bye, from Porter. 
As you ended the letter, you quickly folded it up and put it in an envelope. All of your envelopes are already stamped and ready to be sent with how often you talk to Jen. Walking downstairs with the letter, you placed it down on the table next to the front door and made your way over to the kitchen. 
Your best friend really did help distract you from some of the bad things in life. 
8th grade, August 
Summer vacation is one of the best times for a kid. As you sat down in the living room to watch tv, you couldn’t help but take small glances at the clock above the screen. As the clock strikes 1 pm, you dashed from off the couch to the mailbox outside. 
You timed it perfectly as the mailman had just dropped off the correspondence for your home. Grabbing all of it, you ran back into your home and jumped back on the couch. 
Looking through everything, you quickly found the letter addressed to you and ripped it open. As you read through the letter the best you could. With the obsession of K-pop between the two of you, you both decided to work on your Korean. Jen obviously wanted to make sure she kept up with the language her Parents spoke but you wanted to finally understand what you have been singing along to. 
After 2 years, your Korean is decent enough that you can have a conversation. 
Dear Porter
Sorry I missed our letter last week. Lately, I have been stuck singing all the time. My parents even tell me to be quiet at times with how I begin to belt songs out. 
I actually want to run something past you. What would you think about me becoming an idol trainee? Sure you have never heard my voice but I keep having these dreams of me performing on a stage. Maybe that’s a sign. 
If I do go with this I would have to go back to Korea for the first time in years but I think I could do it. What do you think, Oppa?
Be honest.
Love Jen 
Yes, she calls you Oppa even if you are only a few months older. 
Right off the bat, you knew if she went back to Korea the mail would probably have to stop but you were not about to stop this girl from going toward her dreams. 
Getting your pen and paper, you got to writing.
Dear Jennifer
Don’t ever be sorry if you miss a week. We might have to get used to that. 
If this is really what you feel is meant for you in life then do it. Even if I said no, you should follow your own gut. Yes, I haven’t heard your voice but I can just tell you have an amazing voice, just trust me on my gut feeling. 
Go for it. I know you can do this. We can figure out how to keep in contact later. I wish you luck in deciding what to do. 
From Porter
Only time will tell how this continues.
10th grade, November 
High school somehow had a change. You ended up with a reputation for being very relaxed with everyone and helped people when they needed it. Nobody made fun of you anymore and in fact, respected you. With your new confidence in school, you began to take up new activities to make more friends. 
Hockey ended up being your pastime. Making up for some of your spare time in the afternoon. Some of your other time was also spent on a few girls. 
Yes, girls. You had a random glow-up one day that brought you the attention of plenty of girls. You had a few girlfriends in a year and a half but they always ended with you not being able to give your everything to the girl. 
As you stood outside the front of the school, your now ex-girlfriend was walking away as you just ended things with her. It hurt you but it was for the best.
With no practice today, you made your way home on the bus. After the short bus ride, you got back home and walked into your home. With the house empty, your legs went straight to your room as you lay down on your bed. 
A bit of time passed as you got back up and sat at your desk. A part of your afternoon is spent just doing your homework until it’s 5 pm. At that time, a ringing sound could be heard in your pocket. Searching, your hand pulls out your cell phone and answers the call you got. 
“So how full is the bus today?” 
“Surprisingly empty. Even though I’m running a bit late.” 
“Did you forget to put on your alarm?” 
“Yes. It was an accident.” 
“You gotta make sure your school attendance is good. Too many mess ups and they won’t let you continue as a trainee.” 
“I will make sure to continue doing well. Don’t worry about me, Oppa.” 
“Speaking of doing well. I’m assuming that’s how you are doing with your training?”
“I-It’s tough but I think I’m doing well.” 
“I k…”
“Oppa I’m sorry but I need to hop off the bus. We can talk later tonight, bye.” 
Before you could get another word out, Jen hung up the call and left you there. You weren’t mad at all as you knew she was late for school. Putting your phone down, you ended the rest of your afternoon with dinner and a few games. 
1 AM came around as you began a FaceTime call. After a few rings, the call was answered. Looking at the screen, you could only see some brown hair as well as a brown eye. 
“We have been FaceTiming for a year and a half now and I have only seen the corner of your face all this time.” 
“I have told you before. I’m shy.” 
“I know I know. I’m just playing. How was school today?” 
“Not bad. I managed to make it with one minute to spare so that was good. I have practice in a few hours and you started a call. Figured I could kill time with my B-Best friend.” 
You couldn’t help but notice a small flutter in her tone as she said that. 
“Well thank you for picking up my call. I actually sent you a care package to your P.O. Box. I’m not sure if you got it yet.” 
“Yeah, I stopped by the post office. I see it’s a box. What’s in it this time?”
Not waiting for a response, Jennifer ripped off the tape of the box and opened it. 
“Yessssss cheez-it’s. They can be so hard to find here in Korea. Thank you!”
“No problem. There are a few other snacks in there so I hope you enjoy them.” 
“Thanks, Porter Oppa. I never got to ask but how was school for you today?” 
“Oh. It was ok.” 
“H-How’s Natalie?” 
There was a bit of a sad tone in that question. 
“Oh. I ended things” 
“WAIT REALLY? I mean why?” 
“I couldn’t reciprocate her feelings properly. Why continue a relationship I’m not entirely in?” 
“Yeah, I get that. That happened to me with all my previous relationships. I guess I’m stuck on trying to find the perfect guy.” 
“W-Who is the perfect guy?” 
“I-I guess it would be a sweet guy who encouraged me with everything and helped me when I needed it.” 
In your mind, you were hoping she was describing you but it’s best not to assume. 
“What about you Oppa? What’s your dream girl?” 
You. That’s what you wanted to blurt out but it would be best not to risk it. 
“A sweet girl who will want to talk to me even when she is tired. Someone who just gets me.” 
“W-Well. I hope you find your dream girl one of these days.” 
“Enough about relationships. What song did you choose for your monthly evaluation?” 
“Well this is a bit of a throwback but I’m doing Lonely by 2ne1.” 
“I love that song. 2ne1 reminds me of you and the start of my love for K-pop.” 
“Yeah. Man, I can't believe it’s been a few years already.” 
“Yeah. Time really flies.” 
That statement was very true as you took a small glance at the time, it was 3 am. Your body reacted to that sight with a yawn. 
“Shoot, it's been a few hours already. I should let you sleep. Good night Porter. I’ll talk to you later. Love ya.” 
“Night Jen.” 
Hanging up the call, you quickly close your eyes and lay on your bed. Exhaustion took over as you quickly passed out. 
12th Grade, June. 
As you parked your car, you stepped out of your vehicle with your cap and gown still on. Today was a day of celebration but you didn’t feel like doing that. As you entered your house, the sound of nothingness was apparent throughout the house. 
Sitting down on the couch, you just sat there in silence with a picture frame in front of you. 
Two months ago your parents sadly passed away in a car accident. It was the shock of your life that nearly broke you. You managed to graduate but just barely. The only thing you don't have to worry about is money. They left you enough to last a decade. 
Staring at the image, your eyes began to water slowly. You could have started sobbing if it wasn’t for the sudden ring from your cell phone. Cleaning your eyes, you pulled out your phone and saw who was calling. Pick up the FaceTime call, you smiled at the screen. 
“Thanks, Jen.” 
Even after all this time, Jennifer was still hiding her full face. All you could see on the screen was her left eye. 
Despite only her eye on the screen, she could look into your own. 
“If I was there I would hug you myself. Your parents would be proud.” 
Those few words were enough to make you break your facàde. Your tears began to roll down your cheek, falling from your face. 
“I miss them. I-It’s just hard being alone.” 
“I’m sorry Oppa. They were great people. Every time I talked to them, they treated me like I was a part of your family too. 
“Yeah. That’s how they were. Kind.” 
“I know you said you are alone but I want you to remember that you have me. I'm not going anywhere.”
A simple statement but it reminded you that Jennifer had stuck by your side for so many years. She would continue to stick around. Smiling towards the screen you cleaned up your face and laughed a bit. 
“Thank you, Jen. It’s a happy day. I should try to be happy. It’s what they would want.” 
“Yeah. I actually took the whole day off from all plans so we will spend the whole day eating and watching movies. Ok?” 
“Sure. That sounds great.” 
Your whole day went by doing exactly that. Eating junk food and watching movies all day. The pain still lingered in your heart but Jen did everything she could to make you happy.
Once it got dark out, you looked at the time and saw it was early morning. A small snore could be heard from the phone. Jennifer stayed up all night with you to celebrate. This little action just confirmed how you felt. 
Picking up your phone, your finger hovered over the red button. Before you ended the call, you said four words to the sleeping girl. 
“I love you, Jen.” 
As your heart pounded from saying those words, you hung up the call and laid back on your couch. Maybe one day you can tell her in person. 
November 2022 
In a year, you found yourself studying in a little trade job. Higher education wasn’t really in your sight for the future and you felt joy working with your hands. 
After a long day at work, you found yourself cooking. And by cooking, you were just heating a microwave dinner. Pulling the small box out of the microwave, you placed it down on your kitchen table. Grabbing your utensils, you began to move your food around till you heard your phone ring. 
A groan left your mouth as you were already getting ready to eat. Pulling your phone out, you saw it was a number you didn’t talk to often. 
“Oh hello Mrs. Huh. How are you?” 
“I’m well Porter. How are you?” 
“I’m ok. Was getting dinner ready.” 
“Oh I’m sorry to bother but I want to talk to you about something.” 
“Oh sure. What’s up?” 
“Have you had a chance to talk to Jen today?” 
“No, not yet. I haven’t spoken to her in 2 days but we speak when she can. She says her training is getting harder so I don’t want to bother.” 
“I see. Well, Jennifer has been stressed lately and I was thinking about giving her a gift to make her happy.” 
“Oh, that’s a great idea. Did you want me to pitch in?” 
“No. I want you to be the present. I think it’s time for the two of you to meet.” 
Your eyes shot open at those words. Was she serious?
“W-Wait really?” 
“Yes. Me and Mr. Huh think it’s time for the two of you to meet. She needs her best friend I feel and it’s best to get an actual hug from you in person. We will cover all the costs and such. You just need to be there in time to be her Christmas gift.” 
It was your dream to meet Jennifer in person but should you do it? 
Your heart took over somehow as the word “absolutely” left your mouth. 
“Perfect. So the plan is that I will tell Jen that a package from me is at the post office. She always lets me know when she’s gonna go get it so you will wait for her there. She will hold a medium size red box with snowmen all over it. When you see her, you can go and surprise her!” 
A little bit of a weird plan but you were down for it. 
“Ok. Let’s do this then.” 
December 22nd, 2022 
Sitting in a restaurant, you found yourself just going over things. You had a month to plan your visit so you decided to see what else you could do in South Korea during your trip. 
Conveniently enough. On the 24th, there was gonna be a special fan sign meeting for your new favorite group. Lesserafim quickly took the place as your favorite 4th gen K-pop group. Each member had qualities you loved so you were excited to meet every single one of them but one specific girl always caught your attention. Yunjin was such a chill and cool person that she seemed like the type of person you could talk to for hours. 
Heck, it felt like you almost knew her. Her voice even seemed familiar. Probably just your imagination. Either way, you were excited to get to meet the idols who made you smile. 
Taking a final bite of your chicken, you raised your hand and asked for the check. A woman quickly ran over with it and put it on your table. Seeing the total was 30,000 won, you placed three 10,000 won bills on the table and walked outside. 
With a short two-minute walk, you entered a post office and sat down at a chair. 
Today was the day you would meet her in person. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Taking a few deep breaths, you began to relax until your ringtone went off. Pulling it out of your pocket, you saw it was Jennifer’s mom. 
“Porter. Are you there?” 
“Yes, I am Mrs.Huh.” 
“Perfect, she will be there in two minutes. Remember, the red box with snowmen around it is her.” 
“Got it!” 
Hanging up the call, you continued to take small glances at the door that people entered and left. Finally, after what seems to be Four minutes, you happen to see 2 girls enter the building with masks on. You couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with these two subjects but you paid them no mind. 
At that time your mind gave you the bright idea to start looking around as the girl could already be in the building. Once looking, you were met with a nightmare. Several people had red boxes with snowmen on them. As each person passed you, the more you felt confused about who Jennifer could be. Heck, maybe she wasn't even here anymore. 
At that moment, you got the bright idea of calling Jen’s phone and seeing if she picked up. Once your phone was out, you found Jennifer's contact info and clicked on her number. Putting the phone up to your ear, you began to look around to see if anyone with a red box picked up their phone. 
As your eyes scanned the group of people, you heard a ringtone come from your left side. Looking for the source, you saw the two girls from earlier walking out with a red box with snowmen. As one of the girls puts up her phone to her ear and removes her mask, you finally hear a response through your phone. 
You had no doubt, that was Jennifer. Standing up, you began to run after the girl. 
“Hello? Oppa?” 
“Oh hey, Jen.” 
Once outside, you looked both directions and saw the 2 girls walking towards a van. Running behind them you began to get closer and closer to them. 
“Why does it sound like you're running?” 
“I-I am.” 
Finally, behind the blonde girl, you tapped on her shoulder. The girl jumped a bit and turned around. Once she faced you, your eyes shot open. Your heart began to pound as you stared at the familiar girl in front of you. It was Huh Yunjin from Lesserafim. 
Both you and Yunjin stood there in silence for a moment until you heard a cough. Looking for the source, you saw it was the girl next to Yunjin. 
“Hi there. I'm Chaewon. You are?” 
“I-Im I-Im P-Porter.” 
Chaewon’s own eyes shot wide open as she heard your name. You were so confused about what was happening but you knew you needed to speak to Yunjin. 
“I-I never knew you were-“ 
Before you could get another word out, Yunjin ran towards the van and opened the door. As she jumped in, you began to run after her until the driver came out of the van and grabbed you. 
“Jennifer! Talk to me please!” 
The man that grabbed you got angrier but before he could do anything you heard a voice next to the both of you. 
“Oppa. He's a friend, please don't call the police. Just give me a minute with him ok.” 
The man who you could now assume was their manager let go and sat back in the van. 
“Porter. Let's step back.” 
Listening to Chaewon, you both backed up from the van, out of earshot. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you. What are you doing here?” 
“Her parents made this happen. They thought it was time for the best friends to meet in person. It was a surprise.” 
“Of course they did. It's a great gift idea but you caught Yunjin off guard. Just give her a minute to cool down. Are you in town for a while?” 
“Yeah. I'm here for a couple more weeks. I was also gonna attend the fansign but I guess I shouldn't now.” 
“No, it's ok. You can come. I'm sure she will be ok with all this by then. Just give her a bit, ok?” 
“O-Oh ok then, Chaewon. Thank you.” 
“Call me Noona. It was great to meet you either way. I’ll see you at the fansign.” 
With a nod, Chaewon ran back to the van and sat down. As the door closed you could see Yunjin was just staring at you. Once the door was closed it began to drive away. 
It wasn’t until you were all alone that it hit you. Yunjin’s English name is Jennifer. Her last name is Huh and she lived in New York. How were you so dumb?
Despite all this, you were just hoping that Jen wasn’t mad and would talk to you later on. Seeing a cab, you hailed it down and made your way back to your hotel. 
The ride in the van was silent. Chaewon nor your manager decided to talk to you as you just looked down at the ground. Once in the parking garage, you opened the door and made your way up to the apartment. Time just flew as you were suddenly at your front door. 
Once the passcode was typed in, you made your way into the home and ran into your room. Seeing there was no one in there, your hand quickly locked the door and then threw the box on your bed. Ripping it open, you found a small envelope in the center of the box. 
Pulling it out, you opened it and found writing that you recognized as your mother's. 
Call me. I hope you liked your gift.
An annoyed grunt left your mouth as your hand pulled out your phone. Finding your mother's number, you rang her up waiting for her to pick up. As you heard someone pick up, you didn’t even let them get a word out. 
“MOM, WHY?” 
“Why what? Did you enjoy your gift? Is Porter there with you?” 
“No, he’s not here mom. I-I got in the van and left him there.” 
Silence is all that could be heard. You could already tell your mother was not happy. 
“Huh Yunjin. I taught you not to be rude. Why would you do that?” 
“Because I’m not ready to meet him in person yet!” 
“So when will be the right time? When you are both senior citizens? You always say you aren’t ready. Why?” 
Before you could answer you heard the door handle begin to rattle a bit. 
“Unnie? Are you ok?” 
“I-I’m fine Eunchae. Just on a call with my mom.” 
“Oh sorry. I’ll go.” 
As the sound of footsteps hit your ears, you heard a ring come from your phone. Your mother was now wanting to do a facetime call. Picking it up, you could see the angry look on her face. 
“Why do you keep saying you aren’t ready?”
Hesitation is what you felt before you spoke until it just came out of your mouth. 
“What if he acts differently because I’m an idol? Do you know how many times he told me Yunjin from Lesserafim was his bias? Not only that, I have been lying to him for a year now.” 
As your mother looked at you, her angry stare became one of care. 
“You have known Porter for over ten years now. Does he seem like the type to change because of that? If I recall correctly he always said Yunjin was his bias because she seemed like the two he could be great friends with. That’s what you told me he said. He will still treat you like his best friend, he will also understand why you kept it from him. What is the real reason you are scared to see him?”
It wasn’t until your mother said those words that you realized those weren’t the real reasons.
“Yunjin, Sweetie. Be honest with yourself. What is the reason?” 
“What if he doesn’t love me?” 
You were shocked those words left your mouth but that was the real reason. 
“Sweetie. Do you really think a boy who spends all his time waiting to talk to a girl, even sacrificing his sleep, doesn't love her? I have seen how the two of you talk over the years. That boy is head over heels for you and he had never even seen your face.” 
The source of comfort from your mother finally filled you with a confidence you never had before. 
“What are you doing talking to me then? Go find him!” 
“Right. Bye mom!” 
Unlocking the door, you yanked the door open. Out of nowhere, you felt a weight fall on your body as it dropped to the ground. On top of you was the combined weight of all of the Lesserafim members. 
Jumping off you, the girls all stood up and helped you up. 
“Sorry. We couldn’t help but be nosey. Are you ok Yunjin?” 
“I’m ok Kkura Unnie. I just really need to go find Porter.” 
“Yeah, manager Oppa doesn’t want us going out for the rest of the day sadly.” 
“Chaewon unnie. Can you talk to him, please? I need to talk to Porter Oppa.” 
“I’m sorry Yunjin but he said no exceptions. I do have a nice bit of information to share with you though. Guess who will be going to our fansign?” 
“Yeah, he will. Take that moment to say a few words to him.” 
“But I want to say more than just a few words!” 
“Why don’t you invite him to our Christmas party at the dorm? We can all talk to him more at the time also! Most of us will be leaving before midnight to visit our families so you can have some company until tomorrow as well.” 
“Zuha! You’re a genius!” 
“I know. So guess we are all meeting your future husband then.” 
A slight blush filled your face as the girls laughed. 
You were gonna try to make it up to him. 
December 24th, Christmas eve
Stepping out of your taxi, you began the short walk up the sidewalk to the building. Seeing a small line for the door, you got behind everyone and began to wait. After a few minutes, the line began to move into the building. 
Once through the metal doors, you saw everyone going up to a desk where they were checking in. The process seemed to be shorter than you thought as after 5 minutes you are in front of the woman. 
“Welcome. Do you have your QR code to check in? I will also need to see an ID.” 
“Yeah, one sec.” 
Pulling your phone out, you opened the email with the QR code and handed it to the woman. As she scanned it, you pulled out your passport and handed it to her. Matching your id with the information on her device, the woman handed it all back and gave you a small badge. 
“Ok Mr. Ward, now you just need to pull your number out of this box and it will decide what seat you will be in.” 
Putting your hand in the box, your hand began to roam around passing small pieces of paper. Landing on the top right corner, you grab the piece of paper closest to your hand and pull it out. Unfolding the blue sheet, you felt excitement and Nerves as you saw the number Seven plastered in the middle. 
“Ah. Lucky number seven. You will be in the front row! When you enter, just look for the chair with the same number. That will be the seat for the fansign.” 
“Thank you, miss. Have a good day.” 
A few steps away from the desk you made it to the security section. Once you pass the various machines and people checking you, your legs follow the signs to the hall for the fansign. Entering, you saw all of the previous people in line already in their seats. The excitement is plastered on their faces despite having face masks on. 
Walking into the front row, you looked at the numbers until you found your seat. Sitting down, you proceeded to pull out your phone and just play on it. Various people were walking around and such but your concentration was stuck on your mobile device. 
Open on the notes page, your eyes scanned over the various things you had written. Each paragraph was a different thing you could say to your best friend. Should you be funny? Nice? Dorky?. 
You had options for all of those but your mind was running a million miles per hour, thinking about what was possibly the right thing. Time just passed as you suddenly heard the tap of a hand on a microphone. 
At the top right corner of your phone, 6:00 pm was plastered. 
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Are you all ready to see Lesserafim!?”
The cheers that left everyone’s mouths nearly left you deaf at that moment. Despite the back of your mind still being stuck on what to say, your excitement overtook all other emotions you were feeling. As your own cheers began to fill the air, the door on the right side swung open. 
A man you recognized as manager from before walked into the hall with the girls in tow. Chaewon walked in first, waving at everyone in the crowd. Next was Sakura who was shooting finger hearts at everyone who did the same. 
You thought it was going in age order but as the playful maknae ran in and jumped on Sakura, you saw it wasn’t. Riding on Sakura’s back, Eunchae's actions just warmed your heart. Kazuha got closer to the Maknea and began to pull her off her unnie’s back. 
Despite the sound of laughter filling the room, one distinct laugh blessed your ears. Even in this full room, you could recognize the sound of your best friend. As she walked in, a smile was plastered on her face watching her members' interaction. 
The black beret with little white cloth balls dangling matched her white sweater on top. Below all of that was a short checkered skirt that showed her long legs. You were hypnotized by the young idol as she stood on stage, next to her group mates. 
“One two three, Hi we are Lesserafim!” 
Applause from yourself and other fellow fans filled the hall from those seven words. As each girl looked around, Yunjin’s eyes suddenly met with your own. It felt like you two were the only ones in the room at that instant. 
Her face was just blank as was your own. A sudden tap on Yunjin’s shoulder brought her back to her senses as she went back to the fansign. With each joke that the members made, the more you forgot about your worries. 
“Ok, I think we have killed a little bit of time. Let’s get started with the fansign. Pull out your albums and they should have post-it notes on what pages you want to be signed already. With that said, let’s get out fansign started.” 
As everyone clapped, you pulled out your album and went over what pages you wanted to be signed. 
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Now we will be going in numerical order. Number one will start with Chaewon, then go down the line. Each person will go up as the next chair opens. Ok?” 
Confirming you all understood, the first fan made his way up the small stairs and sat in front of the baby cheetah. As each person went up the staircase, you prepared yourself to meet the idols that stole your heart. 
A security guard at that time tapped on your shoulder and pointed at the first open seat. As you stood up, your legs began to shake as you stepped closer and closer. The three steps up to the stage were soon behind you as your behind sat in the chair. 
A wide smile was on the leader's face as she saw you. 
“Porter! How are you?” 
“O-Oh I’m ok Chaewon. How are you?” 
“Good and remember I told you to call me Noona, ok?” 
“Right. Sorry, Noona. I’m not really used to that. Also doesn’t help that I'm such a big fan.” 
“It’s ok. I'm sure you will get used to it. We have heard so much about you that you are basically a friend of ours already.” 
A small ring of a bell let you know your minute was over with Chaewon. Passing your album to Sakura, the cheese ball smiled at you. 
“I’ll talk to you later. Enjoy the rest of the fansign!” 
“Thank you Noona.” 
Sliding to the next seat, you are now face to face with the oldest member of Lesserafim, Sakura. When in front of the Japanese girl, her face gave you a giant smile as she made eye contact. 
Looking down at the album, her eyes almost popped out as she saw your name. 
“So you are the famous Porter.” 
Sakura must have said that louder than she intended as the rest of the members down the line looked over at you. A small blush must have appeared on your face as Sakura began to giggle. 
“Don’t worry. I have only heard good things. So how long have you been a fan?” 
“O-Oh I was a big fan of Izone and was very sad after, well you know what. The second I heard you and chae would be in a new group together I was so excited and couldn’t wait. Your debut didn’t disappoint.” 
“Well, I’m grateful you continued to support me and Chaewon after that difficult time. Please continue to support us all!” 
The small ring from earlier returned, signaling your time is up. With a small bow, you slid over to the next seat facing the beautiful swan that is Kazuha. 
“Hi, Oppa. How are you?” 
“I’m great Kazuha. How are you? Your Korean is sounding great.”
“Thank you. I am practicing hard. I hope you like Korea. It’s really nice.” 
“Oh yeah. The food already has me in love as well as other things.” 
Taking a small glance down the line. You saw Yunjin with a wide smile towards the fan in front of her.
“Yeah, unnie is great. She was one of the few people I could talk to when I came. She’s the best.” 
As the bell rang, you took one more glance at the Japanese girl's eyes. You could see the sincerity in her love for Yunjin. You’re glad she has friends like them. 
Waving goodbye to Kazuha, you hopped to the next seat in front of the young maknae. 
“Hi, Eunchae. Did you enjoy your ride on Zuha earlier?” 
“Of course I did. Piggyback rides are the best Oppa. Maybe one day you can give me one.” 
Just as you thought, she was very playful. 
“I hope the girls treat you well but I’m sure there are times when they scold you.” 
“Yeah they do but it’s ok. I love my unnies. Yunjin has been helping me study English more.” 
“I’m sure she’s a great teacher. She’s always been smart.” 
“Were you always good at Korean? You speak it very well.” 
“Oh. Well my friend Jennifer helped teach me. You should have seen the beginning. I could barely say hello. She had plenty of patience with me and that helped a lot.” 
Before either of you could get another word out, the small ring echoed in your ears once more. 
“Bye Oppa. Good luck.” 
With a small nod, you began to stand up from the seat. Taking a glance at Yunjin, your legs suddenly felt like jelly. All the strength in your legs left as you fell on the seat perfectly. At that moment you couldn’t bring yourself to look at the idol, Your glance just toward the table. 
“Hi, there! Porter right?” 
As you finally found the courage to look Yunjin in the eyes, you were met with a sweet smile like the other girls. The sight paired with her voice took all feelings of anxiety away. 
“H-Hi Yunjin. It’s very nice to meet you.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you, Porter. You don’t seem like you're from here. Where are you from?” 
“Um. New Jersey. Kinda close to where you lived right?” 
“Yeah. New York. It’s always nice to meet a fellow east coaster. I hope your visit here was worth the long flight.” 
“Y-Yeah. It’s starting to feel like it was.” 
A small blush appeared on Yunjin’s face as she continued to write in your album. As much as you wanted to make more conversation, you honestly weren’t sure what to say. Before you knew it, the ring from the bell told you it was all over. 
“I-Um. Thank you Je- I mean Yunjin.” 
“Of course Porter. Please continue to support us. And I hope you liked my message in the album.” 
Grabbing the album, your legs pushed your body up from the chair. Stepping down from the stage, you made your way back to your numbered seat and relaxed finally. As you went through the pages signed, you couldn’t help but chuckle at the kind words from Yunjin’s members. 
Eunchae’s note was the most playful.
“I’m happy to finally meet in person unnies, future husband.!”
Moving on from her note you went on to the last page signed, Yunjin’s. As you finally opened the sheet of paper on the book, your eyes were suddenly brought to something that was written. 
On the pages was an address written out on the sticky note. 
“Meet us here at Seven. It’s our Christmas party and we want to spend time with you.” 
Reading those words made you excited yet a bit let down it did say that she specifically wanted to spend time with you. Either way, you would take this blessing and roll with it. The rest of the fansign went by in a flash with the girls performing their latest hit Antifragile for everyone before leaving. 
The travel back to your hotel room was uneventful and short. When you entered, your mind automatically went to your gift for Yunjin. Finding the wrapped package in the corner, your hands picked it up and put it in the black backpack laying on your bed. Would Yunjin like this gift? 
Only one way to find out. 
Walking out of the hotel building, you found the Uber you ordered waiting. The red tint of the car matched the red tint from the box you used to find Yunjin a few days ago. Had you been told that your person would be going to meet up with Lesserafim a month ago, you would have called them crazy. 
Your life was just filled with surprises. Scrolling through Twitter made the car ride flash by in an instant. Saying thank you to the man, your legs brought you out of the crimson vehicle into the large city. Looking around, you saw that the girl's home was in a nice part of town. 
Strolling up to the large glass building, your arms opened a door leading you to a small gangway of sorts. The door has a scanner for a key fob but since you didn’t have one, you would need to ring the doorbell. 
Finding the button to apartment two hundred twenty-one, your finger then hovers above it for a few minutes. You hadn't even realized time had passed until your senses came back to you. Pressing the button, your ears picked up the buzzing sound coming out of the device.
Waiting for a response, a few seconds passed until you heard a voice. 
“H-Hello. It’s Porter.” 
“Oh, Oppa. Take the elevator up to the 15th floor. Our apartment will be on the right side when you exit. Third door on the left wall.” 
“Thanks, Eunchae. I’ll be up there soon.” 
Once you heard the buzzing, your hand pulled on the door opening it. Finally in the building, you saw a few chairs in that lobby as well as some plants. Taking a few steps further, you found yourself in front of the elevator summoning it to the lobby. 
A familiar ding fills the lobby as the metal cube arrives. Once the doors opened, you stepped on and saw it was one of the nicest elevators you had ever been in. Ordering the button to the 15th floor. The doors to the metal machine closed rapidly. The elevator began to rise the floors quickly as a little tune echoed in there. 
Once a ding hit your ears once more, the doors opened showing you the white hallway. Following Eunchae’s instructions, you exited the elevator and went right. Walking past two doors, your feet brought you to the apartment of the girls. 
Knocking on the door, you patiently waited as you heard whispers behind the door. With a swing, the door opened showing you an excited Maknae. 
“Hi, Oppa. Come in!”
“Oh, thanks Manchae. Can I call you that?”
“Of course. Now let’s go!”
Grabbing your hand, Eunchae pulled you into their home. Once passed the small hallway, you found yourself in the middle of the living room. The giant living room was blessed with a skyline view. Easy to see when the window in the room was the entire wall. 
“Yeah. The view is amazing huh Oppa?” 
“Yes it is. I’ve only been in here yet I can tell this is an amazing home. Can I sit down?” 
With a nod of approval, you sat down on the leather couch as Eunchae sat next to you. On your right side, you could see several figures moving around rapidly. 
“So Oppa, are you in love with unnie?” 
That question made you choke on your air suddenly. Your aggressive coughing seed to get everyone’s attention as a couple of heads popped from the kitchen. 
Sakura was like a mother. Standing up, you made your way over to the kitchen for your dinner. The nice Samsung fridge caught your attention as you saw all of the top-of-the-line appliances in there. 
“Welcome to our home Porter. We ordered a variety of food I hope you enjoyed.” 
“T-Thank you Kkura Noona.” 
Grabbing your plate, you filled it to the brim with a variety of noodles, rice, and meat. As all the other girls finished serving their plates, you went and picked up another. Filling it with the same food as your own, you then picked your spare plate up and brought it to the living room with the rest of the girls. 
“Why did you get two plates, Oppa? Are you that hungry?”
“No Zuha. This plate isn’t for me.” 
On cue, footsteps came from the second hallway. Time felt like it stopped with each step the person took. After a few seconds, a shadow appeared and grew bigger and bigger until a figure appeared. 
Her beauty just took your breath at that moment. Her blonde hair just flowed perfectly down her shoulders fitting in well with the white sweater she had on. The short skirt showed you her milky legs that just made your mouth water at that moment. Looks like she didn’t change clothes. 
Looking up, you made eye contact with Yunjin who was smiling at you. The two of you must have just frozen as laughter and the sound of Chaewon got both of your attention. 
“If you two are done staring at each other the food is getting cold.”
“O-Oh. Yeah, let's eat. Let me get a plate.”
“NO! I mean, I already got you a plate.” 
Stretching out your hand, you showed the plate to Yunjin who walked over and grabbed it. 
“Ttboki, chicken, these are all of my favorites. You remembered.” 
“Of course. Enjoy your meal, Jen.” 
“T-Thank you Oppa.” 
Sitting next to You, the group began to eat and enjoy their meals in silence for a bit. The echo of silence began to feel awkward, Your mind honestly couldn’t come up with anything to say. 
“So how was the fansign Oppa? Did you have fun?” 
“Oh, Yeah definitely. It was my first fansign ever and it met all my expectations. It’s honestly so crazy I got in. Some of those fans buy so many albums but I still got in!” 
Your overexcitement was funny to the girls. Sure they saw it from fans all the time but to have one of those fans in their home, also a close friend of one of them was a completely new thing.
“Well, Porter. I’m glad you had fun but we all wanted to get to know you more so we told Yunjin to invite you. Plus I think she owes you that after running away a few days ago.” 
“YAH! That was an accident. Oppa I-I” 
“We can talk about that later? Ok?” 
“Ok. Let’s just enjoy this holiday.” 
“Yeah Porter. Tell us about your family and such. 
“Oh. Well, I'm a single child and I had two amazing parents. They sadly aren’t with us anymore but they supported me a lot. I owe them a lot.” 
Your body sulked a little thinking about your parents but the sudden feeling of a hand on your back got your attention. Looking to the right, you saw that Yunjin had her hand on you as a sign of comfort. A basic sentiment but it was enough.
“I never met Porter's parents in person, though they always treated me like I was a part of the family. They really were great people.” 
“Yeah. Anyway, do you have any more questions?” 
At that time Sakura raised her hand to ask a question. 
“Yunjin never specified but how did you guys meet? It’s a little weird that best friends had never seen each other's face before.” 
“Wow. She never told you? Well, Yunjin and I met in fourth grade. We were penpals.”
“What are penpals?” 
“Oh, you don’t know Eunchae? Well when you are younger, sometimes your teachers will start this project. You get assigned someone you are supposed to write letters to who is from another location. Sometimes it’s with others from another country but we were assigned because our teachers were sisters.” 
“So you both met by writing letters to each other?” 
“Yep. That’s how Zuha.” 
“That’s cool. How did it continue?” 
A glance at Chaewon showed you how excited she was to learn more. 
“Once the assignment was over, our teachers noticed that we got so invested in being friends so maybe we should continue. They gave our home info to our parents and asked us if we wanted to keep going. Months turned into years as we continued to talk. Not only that but cell phones and video calls improved.”
“Oh, we know all about your video calls. Yunjin would never let us in the room when she would talk to you.” 
“Jen why?” 
“Hey it’s true, Yunjin. Plus he would find out one way or another. It’s fine either way. We saw the way talking to him made you smile.” 
Laughing at what you heard, you wrapped Yunjin in a side hug as she sulked. Neither of you reacted to your action at first until you heard the Lesserafim girls scream in excitement. Realizing what you did, your arm came off of her and stood back at your side. 
“Hey, you shouldn't have moved your arm, Oppa. I’m sure unnie liked it.” 
“Ok, that’s enough Eunchae. Don’t bother your Unnie.” 
“Ok ok. I’m sorry Oppa and I’m sorry to you too unnie. Or should I say, Mrs.Ward.” 
The maknae said that last bit in a whisper but enough for everyone but Yunjin to hear. Hearing Eunchae call her your future wife made your heart flutter at that moment. It was like music to your ears. 
“Ok ok let’s keep talking. Anything else you guys are wondering?” 
All of the other girls raised their hands in that instant. Looks like it would be a long talk. 
Hours went by as it finally reached 11:30 pm. The various questions that both you and Yunjin answered made time get away from everybody. The sound of the front door opening got everyone’s attention. The sight of their manager seemed to get a response from the girls as everyone but Yunjin jumped up. 
“Go? Oh did I take up too much of your guy’s time? I’m so sorry.” 
“No, it’s ok Porter. Me and the rest of my members are going home for the holiday. Yunjin is staying here until tomorrow so you guys can still catch up. We are going to go get our stuff.” 
Before you could respond to Chaewon, all of the rest of the girls ran to their rooms and grabbed their bags. In a matter of seconds, the girls all returned to the living room handing their small backpacks to their manager.
“Two minutes girls. I’ll see you all in the van. Yunjin, have a safe holiday. And you, be smart please.” 
Taking a glance at Yunjin, you saw a small blush appear on her face that matched your own. Standing up, you went over to their manager and shook his hand.
“Have a good night.” 
Releasing your hand from his grip, you suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around you. 
“Goodnight Oppa. I hope to see you more one day.” 
“I hope so too Manchae. Take care.” 
Saying your farewells to almost everyone else, Sakura walks in front of you and extends her hand. Shaking it, Sakura then gives you a smile and whispers at you.
“Make her smile. Ok?” 
“Always. Safe travels.” 
Waving goodbye, Sakura walked out of the living room leaving just you and Yunjin standing there. Deciding to take the initiative, You walked back over to the couch and grabbed the backpack you had placed down. As your left hand opened the bag, your right hand pulled out a green box you had wrapped up. 
Facing your best friend once more, your feet took a few steps towards her until you were just a few inches away. 
“Merry Christmas Jen. I-I hope you like it.” 
Raising her hands, your best friend then took the box from your hands and sat down on the couch. A look of excitement was on her face as her hands ripped open the wrapping from the box. With the cardboard box now free, Yunjin then took the lid off and looked inside. 
Her face changed from one of excitement to one of confusion as she pulled out a large book. Despite being confused about what was in her hands, Yunjin pulled open the cover of the book. Just like other times in the day, her eyes shot open but there was quickly a mix of tears added. 
“A-Are these?” 
“Yeah. These are all the letters you sent me over the years. I kept every single one and put them all in there.” 
Yunjin proceeded to flip through the pages as tears rolled down her cheeks. Despite her scrolling through, her hand went back to the first page. 
“The first letter. I was so curious about your life then. Talking to someone from another state sounded amazing to me. I’m sorry if I annoyed you back then.” 
“Hey. Don’t ever apologize. I was a salty little kid who didn’t want to do his work. Your excitement about the project made me write to you. Thank you for just being you.”
As you finished those words, Yunjin jumped into your arms and took you in an embrace. The action was sudden but her warmth in your arms felt just perfect. As your nose laid next to her hair, the smell of lavender filled your nostrils and then your senses. You could have kept smelling her but much to your dismay, Yunjin pulled back and ran away.
You were about to stand up and follow until she looked back at you. 
With those words said, Yunjin ran back towards her room. After a few agonizing seconds wondering if you did something wrong, you heard the same footsteps as before come towards you. The tall idol had returned with a wooden box. Placing it in front of you, Yunjin opened the lid showing several small letters. 
“You aren’t the only one who kept all the letters. I have every single one too Oppa.” 
Almost like a routine, a smile filled your face looking through the box. It was nostalgic seeing all of the things you wrote before to her. 
“Thank you, Jen.”
“Oppa. Can you call me Yunjin a little more often? I don’t mind Jen either but I was just wondering.” 
“Oh. Of course, I can. I’m sorry about that. I guess I’m just really used to calling you, Jen.” 
“No no. It’s fine. I guess it is an adjustment since you-“
Yunjin was silent, just looking at the ground. 
“Since I didn’t know you were Lesserafim Yunjin?” 
“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Oppa. I-I just, I wanted to- I don’t know what to say. Are you mad?” 
Silence filled the room as you just looked into Yunjin’s eyes. You could tell she was nervous. 
“I-I’m not mad at you per se. Look Yunjin, I’m not happy you didn’t tell me because I should have been there for you when you needed me. You probably had to lie to me about your struggles. I-I wanted to be there for you. I want to be there for you.” 
With a sigh, you grabbed Yunjin’s hand and held it. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
After a few seconds of waiting, the girl opened her mouth. 
“At first, I wasn’t sure I would debut. The first time was when I went on produce 48. I wanted to surprise you if I passed. I thought it would help excite you more. Then I lost. I was ashamed that I failed so I decided I wouldn't tell you.” 
“You still should have told me. I should have been there for you.” 
“I’m sorry Oppa.” 
“What about when you debuted? Why didn’t you tell me then?” 
“W-When I debuted. It was the joy of my life. The music video came out and I called you. I didn’t get to say anything as you were talking about Kkura unnie in the music video.” 
“Well, I was a big Iz*one fan. I was excited to see her and Chaewon debut again. I’m sorry about that but why would that stop you from telling me?”
There was some hesitation in Yunjin’s look. Her words began to fumble out of her mouth nervously. 
“I promise I won’t get mad, Yunjin. Just, talk to me.”
Taking a deep breath, Yunjin tightened her hold on your hand. 
“I-I was nervous they would take you from me.”
“Take me?” 
“Y-You always talked about how Sakura was so pretty, how Chaewon had an amazing voice. If I introduced you to them, there would be a chance you would ask me to introduce you. I wouldn't be able to say no to you so I would do it. You are an amazing person. I could see the girls loving you. This was their first time meeting you and they did. I-I didn’t want to lose you and now that you know I lied I still might.”
Hearing those words from her broke your heart. Raising your left hand, your fingers began to caress her cheek. 
“How could you ever lose me? I-I love you Yunjin.” 
Those four words caused the idol's eyes to nearly pop out of her head. 
“I know it sounds stupid but you were there for me all the time and the more we spent time talking and such, the more I fell for this dorky girl from New York.” 
Yunjin is just silent. Now you’re scared you freaked her out so you begin to let go of her hand. In a sudden movement, Yunjin tightened her hold on your hand and began to tear up once more. 
“I-I love you too Oppa. That’s why I didn’t want them to take you from me.” 
Your heart began to pump rapidly as you heard her say it back. As you both stared into each other's eyes you began to feel an attraction to her. Your lips felt drawn to hers and she must have felt the same as you both began to get closer and closer. With each inch you got closer, the more you felt your heart pump. 
Closing your eyes, your left hand grabbed her shoulder and finally pulled her in for the kiss. It’s quick, a little peck but your first kiss with Yunjin. Opening your eyes, you are met with the girl you love and a grin on her face.”
“Please tell me you're gonna kiss me Better than that?” 
With a new challenge issued, you grabbed Yunjin and laid her down on the couch. Getting on top of her, you dipped your head back down and put your lips back on hers. Unlike before, your lips stayed attached to hers for a few seconds. As you felt Yunjin kiss you back, your tongue began to push forward.  
Seeing that you want access, Yunjin opened her mouth and let your tongue in. The idol gave you no resistance as your tongue began to swirl in her mouth. The subtle state of watermelon could be felt as your tongue asserted its dominance. 
Moving your hands from Yunjin’s face, your fingers began to move down her shoulders, then to her breast. Feeling the round-clothed surface, your finger tightened its hold on her mound. Each squeeze you gave to her clothed breast received a small gasp from your friend. 
Pulling back from the kiss, you finally were brought back to your senses. 
“Wait Yunjin. Is this ok?” 
“More than ok Oppa. Make love to your girlfriend please.” 
Raising her upper body, Yunjin grabbed the ends of her sweater and pulled it over her head. As her hat and sweater came off, your eyes were blessed but the sight of your new girlfriend in a white lacy bra. 
Your mouth began to water at the amazing sight, and a smirk was Present on Yunjin’s face. That smirk broke your trance, causing you to reach for the back of her bra and unhook it. Your girlfriend's breasts were not as big as other girls but it was perfect for you. She was perfect. 
With a sudden movement, your head dipped down a bit and latched onto her nipple. Starting with small sucks, your tongue began to swirl around just as it did in her mouth. As you took the girl In an embrace, your fingertips moved down to her long legs. Feeling the smoothness of her white skin along your fingertips nearly distracted you from her breast. 
Pulling your head off her right boob, Yunjin pulled your mouth to her left nipple and latched you back on. Each suck you have made your dick twitch in your pants. The sudden sensation of a hand on your rod surprised you. Yanking your mouth off of Yunjin’s erect nipple, you’re faced with your girlfriend giggling. 
“Eager aren’t we Oppa? Well, I am too.”
Hopping out of your arms, your girlfriend dropped to her knees and looked up at you. 
“Let's get you ready to fuck me.” 
Unhooking your belt, Yunjin undid your pants and yanked them down in one swoop. As your dick was free, it managed to hit Yunjin in her face. Wrapping her hand around it, your girlfriend began to stroke your length slowly. A bit of Precum leaked from your tip with those actions. Raising her left hand, her index finger began to circle the top of your tip, collecting the leaking semen. 
“F-Fuck Yunjin. Such a good girl.” 
Bringing her finger to her mouth, Yunjin began to lick the fluid off her fingers. 
“I’ve dreamed of this before Oppa. I’m done waiting.” 
Bringing her face to your cock, Yunjin’s tongue began to give your tip a few licks. Once done with her teasing, your girlfriend wrapped her lips around your length. You expected her to start slowly but the sudden constricting feeling around your rod made your legs jolt. 
Raising her head, Yunjin began to bob her head rapidly on your length. Your hand instinctively went for her head as you formed it into a makeshift ponytail. Each movement from your girl caused you to push her down a little deeper. 
With one final push, Yunjin had her throat around your rod. Holding her down, Yunjin’s nose began to expand widely as she took in air. After a few seconds, your girlfriend began to tap on your leg rapidly. Letting go, Yunjin swooped up gasping for air. 
“Fuck Oppa. I guess you like it rough.” 
Grabbing your girlfriend’s arms, you threw her on top of the couch. Raising her waist, Yunjin reached back and lowered the zipper on her skirt. Helping her, you lowered her skirt to the ground. The white lacy bra from earlier had a matching pair of panties that covered your prize. 
Lowering your head, your nose began to take in the smell of lavender coming off her thighs. Puckering your lips, you began to pepper her thighs with kisses. Each smooch on her upper leg decreased at height as you got lower and lower. Closer to her snatch, your kisses began to get near her folds. 
Spreading open her legs, Your tongue came out of your mouth and extended over her folds. Giving it a few small flicks, Yunjin began to gasp and shudder at the contact. Wrapping your arms around her thighs, you brought your fingers toward her lips and spread them open. 
Finding her little nub, your tongue began to attack it with a constant barrage of licks. The young idol began to jolt around in your legs as you continued to lick her clit. Unwrapping your arms from Yunjin’s legs, you brought your hands straight and pinned her folds once more with your left hand. 
With her pussy now open, your right hand brought your index and middle finger to her folds and pushed in. With a bit of resistance, your finger went all the way in and stood there for a second. Pulling your finger back out, the digit moved in and out of her snatch. 
“T-That’s it, Oppa. Just a little more and I’m ready.” 
Speeding the movements from your fingers and tongue, Yunjin then grabbed your hair and pulled you in deeper. Yunjin must have needed this as her yells began to fill the room. The jumps from her body became wild and erratic as a rush of fluids hit your mouth. 
Drinking as much as you can, some of the fluids ended up on other parts of your face. Once Yunjin calmed down, her chest moved up and down as she took in as much air as possible. Raising your upper body, Yunjin did the same and kissed you suddenly. 
After a few seconds, your girlfriend pulled back from the kiss and smiled. 
“D-Damn I taste good.” 
“You came fast. I’m guessing you were a bit needy.” 
With a nod, Yunjin grabbed your hips and lined your cock with her folds. Teasing her snatch, Yunjin wrapped her arms around her body and pulled your face towards her neck. 
“Come on Oppa. Shove that c-“
Your girlfriend didn’t even get to finish her sentence as you pushed your length into her pussy. The constricting feeling from her throat couldn’t even compare to how tight her pussy was. Taking a few seconds to breathe, You then pulled your hips back till only your tip was in her. 
Kissing Yunjin’s neck, your ass suddenly felt a slap as you plunged back into her walls. The moan that left your girlfriend’s mouth was mixed with a giggle as she talked in your ear. 
“Fuck my pussy Oppa. This is years of pent-up emotions. Let them out.” 
Your left hand went down to her waist as you began to enter and exit her pussy. Before you were going to go a bit more softly but the words Yunjin said to you got your emotions feeling wild. The speed at which you piston her cavern increases. Her moans and grunts echoed in your ears as your pants began to come out. 
“Fuck. You are so hot, Yunjin. I love you.” 
“I love you too Oppa.” 
Lowering your hand to her left breast, you began to take handfuls of her mound. Bringing your fingers to her nipple, you began to squeeze on them. The extra stimulation caused her walls to begin to tighten around your length. Spinning around, you sat down on the couch and placed Yunjin on top of you. Taking this opportunity, your girlfriend began to grind her hips on you while you helped her bounce. 
The tight feeling from her walls returns as the grinding and bouncing speed up. With all the energy you have left, you helped Yunjin grind on your cock. The grinding helped stimulate her clit as the young idol began to pant harder and harder. 
“I-Oppa I’m gonna cum!” 
Continuing with the speed, the young idol began to jump around in your hold. Her fluids began to leak down your rod as she came. Giving her face small kisses, your girlfriend began to come down from her high and laid down on your body. 
“You are so pretty, sweetie.” 
“T-Thank you Oppa. You haven’t cummed yet. Where do you want to? My body is yours.” 
“Yes. Anywhere Oppa. Why don’t I just decide for you?” 
With a smirk, Yunjin began to hop on your length once more. The rapid speed at which she fucked you returned. Taking hold of her waist once more, you helped Yunjin move up and down on your length. As her body moved back a bit, you couldn’t help but look down at Yunjin’s toned abs. 
“Oh. Do you like my abs Oppa? I know they aren’t as good as Zuha’s but I work hard on them.” 
“I love them, sweetie.” 
Yunjin then at that moment flexed her muscles showing you a better view of her abs. The sight was amazing but you were distracted by the flexing of her vaginal muscles. 
“F-Fuck. Do that again!” 
Seeing you enjoy the flexing of her muscles, Yunjin flexed them once more. Repeating this action as you rammed your length into her, your length began to twitch more and more from the constricting feeling. 
“Shit I’m gonna cum Yunjin.” 
“C-Cum in my pussy oppa. I’m safe.” 
Those words were all you needed to hear as you shoved your length into her cavern one final time. With each jolt of your legs, a shot of semen left your cock. Yunjin’s walls got painted white in that instant. It could have been seven or seventy shots of cum you shot in her but after a while, you came back to your senses. Panting for air, Yunjin pulled your lips towards hers and kissed you aggressively. 
Your girlfriend's lips left your mouth after a couple of seconds. Smiling at Yunjin, the young idol gave you one back. 
“So this was quite a meeting for best friends.” 
“Meeting between a new couple you mean but yes. I just can’t believe we finally met.” 
“Me neither. I’m glad I finally have you in my arms, Sweetie.” 
“I love that nickname. Might be stereotypical but I think honey fits you perfectly. I’m sorry for lying. No more of that.” 
“Good. I also better see your face in video calls now. And talk to me about any of your troubles. Ok?” 
“I promise I will.” 
Picking up Yunjin, you began to walk towards the hallway she came from earlier in the day. 
“The door at the end of the hall.” 
Following your girlfriend’s instructions, you arrived at the door that was luckily already open. Pushing it open, you found a single bed in the corner of the room and walked toward it. Laying Yunjin on the bed. You followed behind her and got in the sheets. The sudden sound of a bell got both of your attention. 
Finding the source, you saw it was a little clock that showed it was midnight. 
“Merry Christmas Yunjin.” 
“Merry Christmas Porter.” 
With one final kiss on her lips, the two of you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. 
The next day 
Walking out of the complex, you saw a car pull up and park in front of the building. Both doors opened as two familiar figures walked over. 
“MOM, DAD!” 
“Yunjin, how are you my little one?” 
“I’m ok dad. I-I would like to introduce you both to Porter. My boyfriend.” 
“H-Hello. I’m Porter.” 
Yunjin’s father walked up to you and glared at you. Your heart began to race until the man smiled and pulled you in for a hug. 
“It’s great to finally meet you, Porter. Treat my daughter well please.” 
Your girlfriend’s mother then walked up to you and hugged you just as her father did. 
“I’m so glad you finally met.” 
Pulling back from the hug, Mrs. Huh looked at her daughter and smiled. 
“Did you enjoy your gift dear?” 
“Yes mother. Thank you very much. I was wondering, C-Could Oppa come to the family dinner?” 
You were wondering what the response would be, but with a quick nod and smile, you were happy. Taking hold of Yunjin’s hand you all made your way into the car and set off for the dinner. 
After all this time you were finally with your penmate, the girl of your dreams. Who would have ever thought one letter would lead to a relationship like this? 
It might be hard with the long distance but you are gonna find a way to make it work. 
A/n 2- Thanks for reading. I am going to try to get one last quckie out this year but if I don't, then thank you for a great year. As always sorry for typos and see you next time
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
the tyrant (iii)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠:  sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,859
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭:  arrange marriage, mention of infertility, polygamous marriage, slow-burn yandere, usage of drug usage (nothing harmful), power imbalance, Sussykuna
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  "you were the apple of Sukuna's eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you."
𝐚/𝐧: I have come back with a bearing gift. I intentionally had made this chapter shorter for a purpose reason. Gonna add more drama in the next too, gotta add a lot of spices to reader's life. Please comment down below in the "comments" for tagging, it would be easier amd help me to see who wants to be tagged since if I'm asked in dms or inbox, I might forget.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Sukuna wasn't a man who was easily disturbed, but his temper was somewhat one thing that could be tampered with if you knew how to strike it right. Like a hot iron, you cross it every time, but he wondered how long you would keep up your farce before the metal of his patience broke in half. Sukuna knows your dissatisfaction with him, but your life lies with him no matter what. His affection and favoritism keep you alive in his harem; without them, you would be a piece of meat for the awaiting dogs to rip apart.
The man trusts you no matter what you do, despite having eyes and ears everywhere. But the ongoing whispers he heard in brief passing about you taking a second lover or having a secret infidelity with Yuichi from the concubines stir a little sore spot. Although he knew rumors are rumors with no backing on concrete evidence, it was bound to be a fraudulent use. Unless they dare to tamper by advocating a lie to slander your name and shame the ground you walk on, he might raise a hand to hush those loose lips. Sukuna may have power above all else, but controlling the central harem wasn't his job since the mother figurehead he had married was supposed to manage while he dealt with politics. Two different businesses shouldn't be mixed until he needs to get involved.
“Lord Sukuna,” Uraume appears in the room and shuts the door quietly behind them. “Everything is done per your instructions.” Sukuna lets out a hum of approval and carelessly tosses a thick packet of papers onto the table as it makes a slap. Sukuna almost forgot about the bandits that had hurt you and attempted to rob his people; he made good use of making an example out of them. Upon his will, he had ordered them to be lacerated in minor cuts every five minutes to allow them to bleed to death slowly before using their corpses as scarecrows while impaled by pikestaffs and placing them under the sweltering summer sun. Within hours the corpses will start to rot and smell. Sukuna purposely set them out his city gates, along the pathway, to warn any potential fool(s) who comes under the guise of a humble person will have the same fate as them. For the leader, Sukuna didn't outright kill him; it would be merciful; he had become nothing but a drug and poison tester. It didn't take long for his mind to be wiped away with a few different doses of drugs and poisons, and Sukuna had instructed him to be alive as possible. If the man were to die, let him enjoy thinking about having his life taken away until it is almost snuffed out, only to be brought back again as he goes through the ordeal again.
Sukuna: “Anything else to report?”
Uraume: “Besides the prisoners, I've sent out formal invitations in advance to other Lords and all the ladies' families for the Fall Festival. Should I inform Lady Eisha to prepare materials in advance too?”
“Sure.” Sukuna then dismisses his subordinate with a single wave of his hand, “Bring me the doctor before you go; I have a lot of things to discuss with him.”
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Eisha was sitting in the courtyard, surrounded by a few concubines. While chatting amongst themselves and giggling with one another, all were enjoying snacks and drinks from wonders of the world. Sometimes moments like this were fleeting for her as a figurehead.
“I fear that this child might be keeping me up all night,” Lady Kiko said, caressing the bump protruding through her expensive silk kimono just below the obi. Eisha eyes the concubine growing belly with subtle green envy that contains the life she wished she had, only being blessed with a daughter; she hopes for a boy desperately to maintain her symbol and the power in the harem. Even if she were to be absolute, it's uncertain; as a woman, her livelihood always depends on the children she brought into the world. Eisha's title could always be stripped away unceremoniously.
“Do take care of yourself and the child's health; any blessing from Lord Sukuna is a blessing to us all,” Eisha spoke as a true sage while gracing Lady Kiko with an unharmed smile that she would use for others. Eisha can not let them doubt her in the harem; as long as she converts people to her cause and side, she shouldn't be worried about using her family image all the time as a backer. Using other people for her dirty work was always a tactic taught or learned through years of hardship.
“But speaking of Lord Sukuna,” one of the concubines gave a side disdain look to another who returned the sentiment, “he hasn't been visiting us lately. More or less, he has been with her, and we rarely got time to spend with him anymore.” There was an agreement of murmur around the table. Eisha observed the mood and saw all the concubines were low-spirited about you being favored, as always. You were constantly the center of gossip regarding the harem matter. It was nothing new, but the growing jealousy increased as time passed, no matter how much they tried to dissuade or separate you from Sukuna; that just made the man hold onto you tighter than ever.
It was tiring to see Eisha admit, but she was patient.
Eisha: “Enough about this matter regarding her. Lord Sukuna will come to us when it's time again.”
Lady Natsuki: “You're right; we won't discuss this anymore. But I'm excited for you, Your Lady, since the Fall Festival is coming around again; you had impeccable taste and set for decorations and hosting.”
There was a chorus of agreement and singing praises.
“Enough with the sweet words; everyone is excused.” Eisha presents a fake bashful smile at the concubine, who is trying to flatter her. With a wave of her hand, all the concubines stood up and did a courtesy bow. Eisha stands up but feels faint when she sees doubles of each harem woman's back. She doubles over at the table, knocking down a porcelain cup that shatters against the ground. “Your Lady!” Eisha's lady-in-waiting came to her side immediately. The women currently leaving turned around and found Eisha on the floor in a daze and unfocused as they all rushed back to her side. There was a bead of sweat rolling down the side of Eisha's temple as she felt her body going numb and growing colder. A slight pain attacks her abdomen.
“Someone, go get the physician now!” Lady Enya roared out at the nearby servants, who scampered immediately to find help.
“B-Blood! Her Lady nose is bleeding!” Lady Natsuki shouts in panic as she ushers her handkerchief under Eisha's nostril.
A while later...
Eisha sat in her chamber as the doctor took her pulse. They gave her acupuncture to return her body to its normal state, but it wasn't easy. “I did what I could, Your Grace,” there was a slight hesitation and a strange look from the physician as they weren't sure if it was right to look at her in the eyes.
Eisha: “Go on.”
The physician took his hand back, “It seems that you have rushed yourself in haste and destroyed your foundation. Your body couldn't keep up with all the tonics and remedies you've been taking, thus forcing your body to produce too much blood to go in the same area.” There was a slight pause. “I fear this might render you nearly infertile.”
Like cold water poured over Eisha, she felt her heart drop, and her body experienced nervous hot and cold flashes. She felt like the world had crashed around her orbit and was going against her. The future child she had always wished she had was flying so far away from Eisha; the road to her dream suddenly became narrow, longer, and darker. But she didn't want to give it up.
Eisha: “Is there anything you can do?”
The doctor was once again silent, carefully threading his words. “I can, but you must stop taking what you have been ingesting. Not only are you experiencing low body heat, but the slightest chill could also render you ill and potentially decline your health. So avoiding anything cold is best; keep anything warm close by.”
Eisha: “You also said I'm not nearly fertile, too; what do you mean by that?”
“Your Lady, I mean that if you were to try to get pregnant this instant, it would be slim and deadly. Your body isn't suited for childbearing due to low heat and blood levels. Not to mention you told me about searing flashes and sharp pain in your abdomen; it might be possible that there are scars in your womb which would make implantation impossible, but on another note, even if you were able to get pregnant and conceive a child, the possibility of carrying them to full-term is also low since your body will fight against it and the chances along with miscarriage to you hemorrhaging and bleeding out is high too.” The physician's words were nothing but advice to Eisha, who felt herself turning deaf.
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You were roaming the halls after a short visitation from your outing. Up ahead, you notice the turf of pink hair and quickly halt your steps. Making a turn to another hallway to delay your road longer, but it was futile as Sukuna saw the waves of your simple but colorful kimono and followed suit.
“You're so eager to get away from me.” Sukuna sneered, but there was an underlying affection hidden in his words, as always. “Are you done with your little game? I would like for that poor doctor to reevaluate you again.”
You were slightly annoyed at his persistence in chasing you every time you appeared in his view. “It's always the same result; when will you stop?” Sniding back at Sukuna, he intercepts himself between you and Yumi with a few long strides. He took you by the arm and opened one empty room, and shoved you inside while closing the door with a snap right behind him. Yumi calls for you outside, but not loud enough to alert other people.
You: “What are you-”
Sukuna inches close to you, only a mere inch apart. “I've been patient,” Sukuna's eyes glower. His voice was above a whisper; you tried to keep your posture straight and face calm. It was rare for his reaction to change; you know he won't harm you...but what are the chances when you keep pushing him away? You can't falter no matter what; you weren't taught to cower away, but the hammering of your heart keeps resounding in your ears like drums.
“I never told you to do anything for me,” scowling at Sukuna, whose face hardens at your words. It's always like this; you deny him any chances of gaining affection from you, and he who tried to be patient still cuts every road short in hopes of reaching your heart faster. “When will you understand that we are just husband and wife in name and title, not a married couple?”
If Sukuna could clench his jaws and grind his teeth harder, they would've shattered upon compression. “We are husband and wife.” Sukuna started. You can't help but think no matter how much you tried to change his cognitive function of you, it just backfired by his stubbornness. “If the world knows how much I worship you, they wouldn't think we are just a name and title; we would be considered revere in the eyes of the public.”
There we go. That's it.
“You see, everything you do isn't for me; it's for you,” without shame, you start to nitpick everything that seems wrong with this whole ordeal since you married this pink hair fool. Holding back your tongue was already hard enough, but lashing it out was more accessible, it seemed. “Everything here feels like a transaction; therefore, in conclusion, we do not love each other.”
Your words seem to be taking effect on Sukuna as there was a glow of danger looming and his pupils growing into slits. “Do not say that I don't love you. What man will go back and forth for you? I've given you everything, and it never makes you happy. Or is there someone before me that you still love all these years, and that's why you keep rejecting me?”
A thin line appears on your lips. A few moments pass in silence, and Sukuna slowly inhales a breath thickly, feeling his body beginning to shudder in anger when the thought of you loving someone else that isn't him pinched the back of his mind painfully. Then he slowly exhales a breath.
Something seems to snap in his mind, but he replies quickly as the anger washes away slowly, although not completely. “I see.” Straightening his back, Sukuna stares down at you like a mere insect through his half-lidded eyes.
For some reason, Sukuna's two-word scares you. The look in his eyes didn't die; the hard truth was a hard pill for him to swallow. Even if he were to remain calm, unpredictability was something that he was always capable of, no matter what. You know how to hide your mind with practice and put on a fake facade, but Sukuna could do it with mitigation like it was second nature to him.
Sukuna took a step away from your stature, then another with his back turned out this time, and opened the door with a quick motion. The door slide hits the other side with a loud clack that spooks Yumi whose shoulders jump up in fright.
When Sukuna entirely disappears, and his footsteps can't be heard anymore, you only allow yourself to breathe freely when a part of your deception falters. Rubbing your eyes with your thumb and forefinger in agitation, you tell yourself to water down your anxious thoughts. Now it looks like you can't always rely on your aloofness and nonchalance to do all your work in warding off that damn demon. Sukuna is an intelligent man; you would be biting off too much if you think Sukuna isn't one to be wary of.
You already give leeway to him to have an advantage over you due to your stupidity and inability to answer.
“Mistress, are you alright?” Yumi appeared right by your side.
A long sigh overcame you, “I'm not even gonna bother sleeping here in the castle.”
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Sukuna grabs a vase and tosses it against the wall. The ceramic shattered with such impact that its pieces flew everywhere in the room with his rage. His temper was flaring and coursing through his veins like lava. Sukuna could feel a gaping wound opening up inside his chest; the mere thought of someone else occupying his precious wife's mind and heart stirred his demons. Who is this particular person that could take away your attention? Sukuna thought about Yuichi but immediately dismissed the thought.
The inferiority complex starts to bite his ego; the last time Sukuna ever felt this way was when he was barely fifteen. His competitive side to win at everything and anything makes him ruthless; he's not above using undermining tactics and people and cutting them down whenever it suits him. Sukuna wants others to think that he's enough for them to take advantage of them later on. The false sense of security when someone finally lets their guard down and him eating them alive makes him feel humming; the look of betrayal and disbelief fueled his ego and sadism.
“Uraume,” Sukuna spoke out with a tone that sounded like a hush, but it sounded more like the acceptance of what he was about to do next. “Find anyone who had any relationship with Lady (Name). I want to know.”
The figure at the corner of the room now in respect after getting their order; before they leave, they tell Sukuna something. "Before I do, Lord Sukuna, Lady (Name) left the compound half an hour ago to stay at an inn."
"Let her go and keep a close eye," sure, he's angry, but you always remain in his mind. Your safety comes first before anybody else. Uraume half bow again then leaves for good this time. Now Sukuna is all alone, mulling inside his mind with stoic swimming across his gapes. Even if his eyes say nothing and a person who truly knows him or a portion of it could see how mirth lays underneath those red orbs.
Sukuna sits down on the floor mat with a slump and brushes a hand through his pink hair; he takes a shogi piece and places it on the board.
Now, what to do? He'll let you go and cool down while he does the same. Sukuna isn't one to idle around for long, though; as soon as a solution comes up, he executes it perfectly. He's an extraordinarily detail-oriented man. It won't take long for him to make you comply by force this time.
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Taglist: @sukunasobject @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy @pinkrose1422 @skepticalleo @please-help-therapy-needed @whatsonthemirror @krispsprite @loser-alert @saturnknows @samidrc @littlemochi @akigoat @mxghostbee @rose4958
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symbioticfic · 6 months
Producing Pleasure: Prologue
(Main story of Idol Alternate Universe)
Tags: Original Characters, no smut, just a teaser, an intro to the world
This is an alternate universe. Some events may differ from real life.
Thanks to @twice-inamillion The Company series for making me revive this idea from the drafts. Check out their awesome work on their blog.
“I said, I want you to produce our new girl group.” Mrs. Kwon repeats herself. You rub your face in disbelief, hoping your CEO is joking.
“With all due respect Ma’am, I’m already a leader of a group and you put me in charge to become our group creative director. That’s quite a lot. Why not choose Eunji or Keenan for the job?” you plead your case. All your focus is for your co-ed group, Twelve Six, along with Eunji and Keenan. With being creative director for your group and sometimes groups under your label, you don't want more stuff in your hand.
“Well, Eunji is also helping out as a composer for Phoenix. And Keenan is broadening our A&R connections. We may be an up and coming label in this industry, but we are still short staffed.” Slumping back to your chair, gears in your brain are working hard to find a way out of this.
“Then why don’t you hire someone who has experience doing this kind of stuff? I know you have the money to find one. If the three of us are spread thin like this, when are we going to make music?”
Mrs. Kwon always says that the three of you were geniuses and is the reason why OTB is the rising star of companies in Kpop. Take Shamrock for example. A thirteen member boy group and the first idol group under OTB. You recommended a talented Japanese street dancer that you used to battle and Keenan found a genius kid producer online. Both of them become important members of Shamrock. As for Eunji, she trained OTB’s first GG, Phoenix in vocals. With her and her sister, they composed and produced music for the five member group, resulting in them competing in the Red Sea of girl groups right now. Also not to mention, your group Twelve Six. Your group’s music is able to breakthrough the public listeners. Decades after the last big co-ed group, finally Twelve Six changed that. Now, Korea sees Twelve Six as “Music for the people” because of your group penmanship and music move and touch many people's souls, not just in Korea but also the world.
“Because I trust you and I see potential in you to be a great producer.” there she goes again, putting huge faith in you. Ever since joining your label, Out of The Box (OTB) Studios, you have been one of her favourites. As an experience street dancer and performer, also having a brain being a portal to fantasy world says Mrs. Kwon, she has pushed you to the limits. She even goes as far as creating you a co-ed group with her youngest daughter Kwon Eunji and a Korean American rapper named Keenan Shin. The three of you were born on the same day and year, the twelfth of June, hence the name Twelve Six comes from.
With all the money in the world and full trust on you, Mrs. Kwon will do anything to help you to become one of the greatest artists in K-pop. But you doubt your ability if you are given another responsibility.
“Listen, Choi Sesang.” you sit up straight as your CEO calls you by full government, “Just please look into this file and consider it.” a brown file is presented in front of you. Reluctantly, you take it and open it. The first name on the paper almost made you jump out of your seat. You flip through the pages and surprisingly most of the names are familiar to you.
“Ma’am, there are-”
“Yes, they were idols. Some had troubles with their past companies and ended their contracts, and some I bought them out of their contracts.” bloody hell this rich woman. Her way of using money to get what she thinks is the best for the company still baffles you even after years knowing her, “They deserve a second chance and I know you’re up for the job. And rumour has it, you have your ways with girls.” she gives you a teasing look.
“Your daughter really has a nasty mouth, you know that?” Mrs. Kwon laughs at you cursing her youngest daughter.
“I don’t care if what Eunji implied was the truth or not. But I do have my own eyes.” she says after calming herself, “Your relationship with the Phoenix girls is admirable. They see you as a brotherly figure and a safe space to talk to. Those girls are strong minded and some are hard to get through, but you easily befriend the girls. That is enough for me to know you’re the right person for this project.” you look down to the file in your hand, taking in all what Mrs. Kwon says. A heavy sigh escapes your lips.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Splendid!” she claps her hand in joy, “Also, there is one thing I need to tell you.”
Here you go, the catch in all of this, “Doing this job means you have got out of your way to get the job done. I know you are a good kid and have been staying clean until now. But sorry to say son, you have to get your hands dirty with this one. It's part of the industry, the system. No matter how long you try to avoid it, your time will come.”
Saying those words with a beaming smile so easily creeps you off. Well, a CEO of a K-pop company is not exactly the most morally right person in the world. Mrs. Kwon has always been brutal when it comes to business and you are led into one of her traps. Situations like this remind you where Eunji gets her nasty personality from.
Defeated, you know there’s no way out of this. Your fate has been sealed by the devil. Already, you try to drown your mind to come to terms with this twisted system. With heavy heart, you look straight at Mrs. Kwon. You can see insanity behind her eyes.
“So… do the job by any means necessary?”
“Correct! There you go, already getting a hang of it.” it’s supposed to be a laugh of joy for Mrs. Kwon, but it feels like she’s laughing at you. Soon enough, you will be playing with people's lives just like her.
“The girls will be coming in next week. Prepare yourself, mind and body. I have a feeling you will like them.” with a smirk, she leaves the room. You groan as you throw yourself back into the chair. The dreaded day is near. By next week you will become one of those industry scumbags. You love performing and singing, but you despise the industry. Being in it long enough to know stuff. The girl that you will be working with surely also knows a thing or two.
Thinking about your doomed future only makes you mad at yourself. Feeling suffocated, you pack your stuff and go home, not before leaving a text in the group chat.
Chat Room
Three silly peas in a pot
@Enzy your mother is a fucking witch
I mean you’re not wrong
But still…
Dorms now
I need this juicy story 👹
_ _ _ _ _
Three days since you operate as the main producer for OTB’s new girl group. You’ve met with the company staff and instructors over the week to discuss the training program. These three days have been orientation and waiting for the rest of the girls to join the company. Today is the day where they all finally present and training will begin to ramp up.
You arrive at the company at eight. Not wanting any problem, you do a morning check up every day just to make sure. After doing that, you take a sip of your black coffee while looking through the girl's profile again. You seriously can not wrap your head around the names on the list. Mrs. Kwon really is a crazy businesswoman for getting these girls to become trainees again in your company.
“Damn they’re hot.” startled, you almost spilled your hot coffee onto the papers. You look back to see Keenan peeking over your shoulder. His curly dark brown hair really needs a cut. It almost pokes your eye.
“Could you not sneak up on me like that?”
“You’re the one who’s busy staring at these profiles.”
“Hey!” he takes a seat next to you and slides the file over to him. You let him be, as you need a break from reading those papers over and over again.
“Still can’t believe they are trainees here.” Keenan says.
“Me too.”
“Mrs. Kwon is one damn good negotiator.”
“You can say that again. It’s like a person playing DnD and always rolls Nat 20 on persuasion.” Keenan laughs at your cheeky joke.
“Yeah… so, which one you gonna fuck first?”
“I- what?! Bro, shut up.” you punch his arm only for him to laugh even more.
“Come on, seriously bro. There are some hot chicks right here. If I were you, I would try every single one of them.”
“But I’m not you dumbass. I’m not some guy who will fuck every girl he sees.”
“Not yet.”
“Fuck off.” Keenan's laugh now turns hysterical. He’s always been like this. Being from Brooklyn makes him more frontal than your average Korean. He’s been teasing you since both of you met. With your ability in speaking English, you bonded easily with him. You also help him get accustomed with his homeland culture. But it seems you can’t take Brooklyn out of Keenan.
You take back your file from Keenan and walk off, “Ay! Where are you going?”
“Training is almost starting! I’m needed in the dance room!” you shout back at him.
“Okay then! Tell me if you score on one of them!” you don’t look back and flip him off. You can hear Keenan laugh fading as you walk further away from him.
The dance room for trainees is in the basement. Everything related to the trainees are in the basement. Only the ones who debut are the only ones who can experience the freedom of the city view from the artist dance room upstairs. For the trainees, the dark and damp basement is their prison. Some even will never see the day of light from the dungeon. Sound of blaring music can be heard at the end of the hallway. The girls may be stretching right now.
Other than being the main producer for the group, Mrs. Kwon also personally assigned you to be one of the dance instructors. Talk about a burden. It’s not the first time you are teaching a class. During trainee days, you already helped to train the fellow members of Shamrock and Phoenix. It’s just for a few sessions because Shamrock have a capable and experienced dance line and for Phoenix they are natural performers. Not the same can be said for this group. Maybe one or two names stood out, but they are nowhere near the talent as your fellow labelmates when they first join the company. And your part is to train them to be on par to standards.
Standing before the dance room door, you take a deep breath before twisting the door handle. The sound of your arrival alerts the girls. Quickly, they line up in a line with one of them scrambling to turn off the music before joining the line.
“Good morning PD-nim.” they greet you in unison.
“Good morning. At ease.” you say that, but they are clearly tense. Fifteen girls standing in front of you. You recognize their faces with a few unfamiliar ones. Some of these girls had a respectable career as idols. They are without a group due to them being in a project group making their contract length shorter than normal or suing their way out of their contract because of how stupid their company was. Some were in a group that disbanded. Others are trainees from different companies. Now, here they are starting from zero once more.
Knowing you have to keep professionalism, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Starting today, you will have these girls' fate on strings. Toying with their dreams, giving them false hope. Just like Mrs. Kwon you thought. You open your eyes and give them a big smile.
This is when you notice Mrs. Kwon foul tricks, attacking your weakness: boobs. Most of these girls have sizeable to huge tits. You felt your cock twitch at the sight of the girls wearing tight sports bras, pushing their boobs together. One of them has a big enough bust, it outlines her baggy shirt.
“My name is Choi Sesang. For those who don’t know, I will be the main producer for this debut project as well as your dance instructor. Pleasure to finally meet you all.”
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Like I said on the top, this was an idea that was collecting dust in my google docs. @twice-inamillion The Company series really got me thinking about this idea again.
I already have a few names for the girls: Chaehyun, Natty, Hyeju, and Xiaoting so far, with the first three already having a rough idea for it.
Recommendations for idol names are gladly accepted with the general prompt of the story would be helpful also.
I know I said a Pokémon story is on its way but that's on hold for now. I have struggles for the smut scene of that story. Wait a little more.
See you next time 😄
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 1 Cafe Dream
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz! Next Chapter Summary: SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe. 
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss
The alarm rings, waking up SMG4 from his deep slumber, with a groan he smacks around the side table till he finally hits the alarm. He yawns and stretches, still feeling drained as he walks to the bathroom of his newly built castle. He was still getting used to having a place to call his own, it was nice and the perfect place for making videos without interruptions. 
Though he still felt guilty over how he ended up in his current residents, no matter how hard he tries to look at the positives. For example, his rival of several years finally became his friend. He brushes his teeth then splashes water on his face to wake up, he really needed to stop staying up so late editing videos. As he walks back into the main hall he hears the front doors get kicked in, there was his rival and friend SMG3 charging in with a huge smile. He blinked when Three flashed an envelope at him “Oi! You know that cafe I have been saving up for? Well you're invited to the grand opening tonight!” 
Four takes the envelope and opens it “Wow! This is amazing Three, i didnt even think you could make coffee.” SMG3 glares at the man before noticing that Four was still in his pajamas, not to mention his hair was still a mess. He sighs and crosses his arms “It’s one in the afternoon Four, don't tell me you just woke up.” SMG4 gives the other man a sheepish smile as he puts the invite away “I might have stayed up a little too late…”  SMG3 rolled his eyes then started walking to the kitchen, curious Four followed to see what he was up to. He sits on the counter as he watches Three grab a bag of coffee beans “Watch and learn scrub as i show you how good my coffee is!” Four smirks and crosses his arms “You sure you can make that good of coffee? I have you know as a coffee drinker myself it actually requires a very high IQ and a level of artistry-” before he can finish his sentence SMG3 throws a roll of paper towels at him to shut him up. Pleased that the towels shut the man up he turns to go back to making coffee, of course he was making the coffee to show he had running a cafe in the bag and not because of how drained SMG4 looked. Four glares at Three for the sudden attack in the middle of his sentence only to then end up staring in awe of the cup of coffee Three sets in front of him.  He picks up the cup and hums at the smell of the fresh brew, he takes a sip and notices the smug look on SMG3. SMG4 turns and takes another sip. “Meh, it's not bad, maybe you can run a cafe.” Three nods with a huge grin on his face “Guess that means I have that high IQ you were blabbing about earlier.”  Four rolls his eyes and puts his cup down “Now now i didn't say you did just said you might be able to run a cafe,” before the two men could start arguing they hear the front door open. Three takes out more invites and walks out of the kitchen, once the man is gone Four looks at the coffee and smiles softly “He is even a tsundere when making coffee.” 
Finishing the drink he walks out of the kitchen to see the crew congratulating Three on the opening of his cafe. Mario grabs the invite and starts chanting “Spaghetti spaghetti!” SMG3 sighs trying to get the plumber to calm down “Mario it's a cafe, We don't serve spaghetti!” The words only made things worse as Mario’s demands got louder to the point that Three gave up “Okay yes spaghetti just for you so don't set anything on fire when you get there tonight.” Meggy pats Three’s back “Don't worry Three i will watch over Mario!” 
Four chuckles seeing the group being rowdy, he could only picture how the trip to Three’s cafe will be like. SMG3 says his goodbyes as he heads off to his cafe, everything was going to plan he had employees at the ready plus his new friends were invited. Nothing could ruin the day for him, he makes it home and takes the elevator to his room. He removes his hat revealing his hair in a bun before setting his long hair loose. He sits on his bed and starts writing in his notebook, he couldn't hold back his excitement at finally opening his cafe. Eggdog seeing his father home hops on the bed and snuggles up to him, Three smiles softly as he pets the pup.
He still wasn't sure on uniforms for his cafe yet, every cafe he went to had them so he knew they were a must to make him stand out. At the moment all he had were aprons with the cafe logo on them, he hums as he makes a note to himself to doodle some designs after the grand opening. Looking at the time he still had four hours before he had to get ready for work, he cuddles up with Eggdog to take a nap.
Suddenly the phone starts ringing, he rubs his eyes picking up the phone “Hello?” he hears a sigh on the other line “I’m sorry boss i won't be able to go in.”  Three sighs pinching the bridge of his nose “Okay thank you for letting me know,” it was just one employee it's not like everyone is going to call out. His phone starts blowing up with text messages from the others saying the same thing, panic starts to rise. Looking at the time he frowns, they all called an hour before opening. How could this happen? 
He gets dressed and hurriedly puts his hair in a bun with his favorite blue hair tie then slaps his hat on, he goes up the elevator nervous. He invited so many people to the grand opening, it will be just him and everyone he invited. He takes a deep breath. There is no way everyone will come, he can do this. He opens the door with the best smile he can muster “Welcome everyone to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee N Bombs!” Everyone charges in looking around excitedly, Three stands at the ready for the orders to come in. Just him and a full house of people, noticing people lining up he takes out his notepad. It was smooth at the start only a few people ordered giving him time to make the drinks and drop them off. 
Mario walks up “Hmmm spaghetti!” SMG3 rolls his eyes at the order “Yeah sure be right on that.” He watches Mario excitedly take his seat with the crew, then SMG4 walks up with a small list “Here is what everyone wants, have to say Three this place is pretty packed i'm sure you and your employees have your work cut out huh?” “Yep so busy I had to send some out to get more beans, guess that means i'm a success!” He takes the list hoping that Four bought the lie. SMG4 smiles at Three “I'm happy for you three,” he walks away to sit with the crew. He starts making everyone's coffee then remembers Mario’s order “I have no choice…I must commit coffee sin if I don't want that idiot to melt down.” looking around he goes to the kitchen to make spaghetti then mixes it in a cup of coffee for Mario. He stares at the drink in disgust but he knows his avatar will be ecstatic about the drink.  
As he hands the crew their coffee he hears the door open, turning he sees a huge swarm of people go in. His eyes go wide at the amount of people that walked in, he runs to take everyone's orders getting confused with which table what order went to. Four frowns looking at the line and then at Three, he started to wonder where the other employees were. He had a feeling they were not on a bean run. SMG3 was panicking, this wasn't how his first day was supposed to go he couldn't take it anymore “Excuse me everyone, i need to get more coffee from the back!” 
He runs to the back room and sits on the couch trying to catch his breath. He was starting to burn himself out and he had no idea how to fix this mess. Suddenly he hears footsteps, looking up, he glares at the unexpected guest “SMG4 this is for employees last i check you don't work here!”  Ignoring the aggressive tone, Four sits next to Three “I notice things are pretty busy and I don't see anyone else but you…are they really on a bean run?” 
SMG3 sighs, figures the idiot would put things together “They all called out, i'm the only one working here.” he gets up and grabs a bag of coffee beans getting ready to face the crowd waiting for him “I have work to do, so leave and drink your coffee.” Four steps in front of the man with a determined look “Let me help, I have been a waiter before and with the two of us I'm sure we can calm this storm happening!” SMG3 shakes his head “I don't need your help,” he tries to step around Four only for SMG4 to move with him. With a groan he grabs an apron with the cafe logo “I will pay you for today, but don't think you work here now. The last thing I want is a scrub like you around me all the time.” 
SMG4 smiles and takes the apron, both men nod at each other as they step out ready to face those waiting in line. Four takes out a red hair tie picking up his hair, he taps his shoes for wheels to come out. Three looks at the wheels surprised “You wear Heelys?!” Four nods as he slides around the cafe dropping the orders at the tables “Helps me get around faster!” 
SMG3 kept taking orders then making the coffee for SMG4 to take, he couldn't help himself watching Four skate around handing people their coffee. How can his rival look so adorable in a ponytail, realizing his thoughts he blushes shaking them out of his head. There was no way he would be attracted to the idiot, he was just distracted by the man's work skill. As time passed the hoard of people thinned out till it was closing time, the moment Three locked the door both men collapsed on the floor “So that went well.”
SMG4 lets out a small chuckle “Yeah you can say that, we make a pretty good team.” Three and Four look at each other and smile softly before looking around and seeing the mess the cafe is in. SMG3 groans “I will pay you overtime if you help me clean this place,” SMG4 gets up and offers his hand to Three “Sure, lets clean up!” The two of them finish cleaning the cafe while teasing each other on who was the fastest on fixing the tables. Four had to admit he had fun working with Three like this, sure it was busy with the huge crowd they drew in but seeing another side of SMG3 was worth it for Four. He takes off the apron and hands it to Three, they both say their goodbyes and separate. 
Both of them go to their own room smiling in bed at the fun they had working together in the cafe, slowly both men pass out with their minds filled with each other.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫 • 𝐇𝐁𝐈𝐂
synopsis: the head of a notorious fraternity decides to go toe to toe with the student council president after a very heated hearing.
content warning: black fem reader, soft dom Phinks, choking, deep missionary, unintentional creampie, praise kink, make up sex, fingering, use of bitch and bastard.
this is the second installment in the HunterxHunter collegeverse commission from @annie-franny. I thank you so much for your support and patience on these. I am so incredibly sorry it has taken this long but I really hope that it has been worth it. I’ve loved working on this series and I can’t wait to finish the final one as well.
wc: 4.7K
“Miss president, the council is waiting for you. Right this way.”
“Thank you.”
The short exchange took place between (y/n) (l/n) and one the twelve members of the Yorknew State University Student Council. The dozen, hand selected co-eds, who’ve exhibited exemplary behavior among their peers, as well as maintained exceptional grades..all to be considered among the upper echelon. You were held to a much higher standard than the rest of the student body. Because of this, it was your job to maintain order and hold others to the same standards. Who better than to cast judgment, critique and friendly advice than the very same people they’d attend class with? Besides, with a fellow student, the chances of facing true consequences for their actions were slim to none, right? At least that’s the way it was until (y/n) (l/n) came along. Ruling the campus with an iron fist and keeping order when others refused to. You had been coined ‘The Ice Queen’ for how intolerant you were to your cohort’s behavior. It could’ve been chalked up to the fact that you were used to being the one who constantly watched others get away with so much whilst you had to walk on eggshells to even get a fraction of the accolades they were handed. Hence why you had no interest in showing mercy when it came to passing down punishment. Today’s hearing was no exception..
“Miss President, the defendants should be arriving shortly. Please, take your seat.”
“This is already a waste of my time as far as I’m concerned so they might want to make it quick. Has everyone been briefed on the situation?”
Receiving a nod from your subordinate as you both made your way over to the plush chairs; regal-like decorations scattered about the room. A Victorian-esque interior lining the walls and providing a dark academia aesthetic. Dressed in your normal council uniform attire; a blue blazer, plaid skirt, black leggings and flats, you’d toss the freshly styled box braids over your shoulder, checking your lip gloss over once more and crossing your legs, (y/n) proceeded to open the black binder sitting before you as you began sifting through the papers clamped in them. On the docket today? “Bring him in.” soon the old, rustic doors to the entrance would open and a fellow scholar appeared. Tall with distinct facial features, blonde wefts combed over to the right..dressed in a black button down, gray slacks with a gold plated belt buckle and a small matching chain dangling from his neck, along with a wristwatch. Another rich boy prick probably expecting to walk in here unbothered and walk right out unscathed. No consequences for their actions whatsoever. Unfortunately for him and the others currently filling the room..you had other plans! Hell, because several members of said fraternity had given you a hard time in the past, maybe you’d make a nice little example out of them.
“Mr. Magcub..you and your fellow fraternity brothers are here on accusations of defamation of school property, reckless endangerment and misappropriation of funds. How does the accused plead? Speak..one at a time.” Once issuing your orders, the four gentlemen stood in a straight line, heads to the ground and faces scrunched into a scowl. As if they were angry kids being chastised by their mother. Too bad, this was the result of their very childish actions. They’d lean up to the tall blonde and whisper something before he’d wave them off entirely. Rather, he’d take a step forward and bow his head. As if he were truly remorseful. And yet, what followed were a string of not guilty pleas. So typical. Crossing your arms, you’d scoff and proceed to flip to the next page of your notes. Then, he’d proceed to speak once more.
“Ms. (L/N), on behalf of the Alpha Phi Delta fraternity, I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies for the destruction, pain and problems that myself and my fellow brothers have caused. As their leader, responsibility rests solely on my shoulders and I am willing to atone purely on my lonesome. So as long as my brothers will be spared any repercussions.." Having heard of your reputation and how brutal you were when laying down the hammer, it wasn’t a fate that Phinks would wish on anyone but it was a burden he was willing to bear entirely on his shoulders. Because that’s the type of man he was..a true leader and a stand up guy. Because you’d have no way of knowing this, but the property damage? Faulty electrical in their house almost started a fire so rather than bothering the one sole maintenance worker, who was stacked to the brim with repair requests already, Phinks decided to take matters into his own hands and hopefully teach his privileged frat brothers a thing or two about hard work. Where he came from, if you wanted the job done, you rolled up your sleeves and got to it. It damn sure wasn’t handed to you on a silver platter. However, they had a few hiccups and put a couple of holes into the wall of the main corridor. Reckless endangerment? one of the four standing there decided to mess around while another was on a ladder, doing some patchwork; causing the boy to fall, resulting in a brief hospital stent and a broken arm. And for the misappropriation of funds? Well, all a dumb misunderstanding and honestly, a mistake. They probably should’ve consulted an actual electrician but instead, Phinks utilized the knowledge he gained from working at his father’s own electric company as a teen and decided to take the two grand to Home Depot and do it all on his own. If anything, his only crime was being too damn stubborn and cheap to hire professionals! However, that wasn’t going to cut it..
“Gentleman, I trust that you all understand the severity of these accusations. At YorkNew University, we hold ourselves to a higher standard..we do not tolerate nor accept such trivial and downright dumb behavior. Regardless of the circumstances, what you all did could have resulted in much more bodily harm than it already has. Or something far worse. These are matters that should have been brought up to your superiors rather than taken into your own hands. I’m not only angered but extremely disappointed. As a leader and president, Mr. Magcub, I would expect you to implore far better common sense and yet, you neglected to do so…” as he stood there, listening to you scold him in front of his peers, the entire room fell silent..without so much a single whisper. And no one with half a brain would dare interrupt you either. You were ruthless and practically inconsolable when you got on these rampages. There truly was no stopping you, honestly. Yet, Phinks couldn’t help but to respect and empathize with you. He knew how rough you had it with some of these students and how a few of them even resented you for your punishments but you had no choice. Especially when said accused have been getting away scot free their entire lives. Tossing daddy’s money at the problem and expecting it to go away. You were sick of it..little did you know, that wasn’t the case with Phinks. He was the furthest thing from. Even so, it wasn’t going to sway you in the slightest nor would it change how you were going to proceed with this..
“..as it stands, I hereby call for the indefinite suspension of Mr. Magcub and his immediate resignation as president of Alpha Phi Delta. Meeting adjourned, thank you all for your time.”
the words couldn’t even make it out of your mouth good before the entire place erupted. Audible gasps, slamming of books from your fellow council members and the four frat brothers, raising hell on the floor below you. If anyone had ever encountered the Ice Queen, then they knew your word was absolute and that there was no changing your mind. Standing from the chair; dutifully pulled out by one of the male cohorts, you’d proceed to get up but were quickly interrupted by shouting from the others. “You can’t do this, lady!” “Yeah, he was only trying to help! You can’t kick him out over a fucking mistake.” Still, you stood firm and your decision was absolute. Despite all of their ranting and complaining..the only one seeming to understand that was Phinks himself..or so you thought! With his head still hung low, he’d wave an arm up to his brothers as to silence the riled up trio. “It’s fine, boys. Really. That’s a part of life. Owning up to your mistakes and facing the consequences, I get it. Don’t worry about it..” but the second you’d turn on your heel, thinking the ‘former’ frat president had accepted his fate lying down, he’d hit you with another surprise:
“I have a question though, Miss President..or should I say (y/n ‘s nickname)..since when did you become such a bitch?” Soon, everyone was glaring at the two of you as if they had heard some shocking revelation. And truthfully, it was..for you at least! It was like a shot to the gut hearing that former childhood nickname being hurled at you because as far as you had known..there was only one person in your entire life to refer to you by it. Even so, you had to remain poised and professional. Stand firm within your ruling and not little petty, trivial cheap shots sway you either. Dismissing the remainder of the council members, (y/n) stood near the door; arms folded and guarded as the room dissipated to only yourself, Phinks and his frat brothers. That was until he ordered them to leave and said he’d catch up later. Once the two of you were officially alone, you’d lock the door and resume your discussion without pause. You had a few questions of your own but first…you’d gladly answer his.
“Who the hell do you think you are?…calling me a bitch? Talking to me and throwing out silly nicknames as if we’re old acquaintances. Have you lost your goddamn mind?”
spewing the words with pure vitriol and anger. Your plump lips curled into a scowl as he glared at you with that signature stupid smirk on his face. You hated him…hated him for making you look like a damn fool in front of your peers and embarrassing you. But Phinks was quite unbothered by the entire matter because he saw right through that facade. Through the big words, tough exterior and iron fists. When he looked at you..all he could see was that little girl with the curly afro puffs that used to be parted into buns atop your head as the two of you explored the neighborhood. The one who he used to play with until your parents had to all but drag you back in the house..and the girl he became a man with in his senior year of high school..losing his virginity together with the only woman he’d ever trusted. Holding hands as he claimed your sweet flower for his own. Kissing you softly on his bed as he begged you to stay quiet out of fear of someone hearing the two of you. Wiping your tears when that proverbial cherry popped..telling you to scratch his back if it ever hurts. The best night of his life, if he were being frank and yours as well. But somehow, that all changed when the two of you went to college. When he began so foolishly neglecting his best friend for others and soon, you were nothing more than an afterthought. Telling you he loved you only to allow another girl on top of him shortly thereafter. That heartbreak manifested to pure hatred for not just these other petulant students, but men entirely. For Phinks and anyone who reminded you of him. You wanted them to suffer and when you finally got your opportunity to enact revenge on the sole scorner of your fragile heart, you laid down the hammer without so much as a second thought. Even though you were never dating, it still stung and it was a wound that never healed. Still..he wasn’t about to let you and your lust for power get him booted out over a simple misunderstanding!
“You can drop the whole wicked mistress act, it’s just you and I here, alright? No need to be so uptight, sweetheart.” That deep tone of his vibrating throughout your body as he stepped forward..bridging the gap of space between you. As he approached, you caught a whiff of that cologne radiating from him. Tom Ford. A far cry from the Axe he used to practically bathe in when he was younger. Truthfully, it was all he could afford. His entire demeanor had shifted, quite honestly. He seemed so mature..so poised..so handsome. The Phinks you knew would’ve never stood for such an injustice and would’ve been throwing things around the room but for (y/n)? He was a different man. One who had spent the past two years contemplating the actions of his dumb mistakes. Not just with the frat but in general. The fact that he all but abandoned you the second he touched campus soil. Wanting to fit in and find a different crowd so badly, he forgot the one person who had always been there. You were bitter and rightfully so. But if he could do anything to rectify it..it’d be right here and now. Because it would be nearly impossible to ever have this access to you again so he’d make his shot count!
“I’m sorry, (y/n). Sorry for humiliating you like that and calling you out of your name but I knew it’d be the only way to get your attention. The only way you’d respond is if I pushed your buttons. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” “A little too late for that, don’t you suppose?” Still stoic and stonewalled as ever. Turning your face in the opposite direction so that you didn’t have to look at him. But like always, he got the better of you. Running a finger underneath your chin, he’d tip your head up and twist it back towards him so he could glare into your eyes. Far past your soul as he had such a horrible habit of doing. Smooth talking and charming his way out of it. By now, you were pressed against the end of a nearby table and he was closing in on you..softly caressing your cheek in the process. “I see you’re still wearing the necklace I got you. Can’t believe you kept it after all this time.” Referring to the thin gold chain and heart locket dangling from around your neck that he gifted you for your seventeenth birthday and still at twenty one years old, you were still sporting it. Along with the scars and pain he left on your fragile heart. Scars he wanted to heal right here and now..
“(Y/N)..listen to me. I can’t turn back time. I can’t erase what I did in the past but I’m trying my damnedest every single day to become a better man for it. I know you’ll probably never forgive me and I don’t expect you to, that would be selfish..but I hope that you can at least hate me a little less. I don’t want you bearing this feeling forever. Not because of my stupidity..”
with your faces only a few inches apart, you’d glare; transfixed on his eyes as yours welled with tears. Hard as you may have tried, you couldn’t bring yourself to not be infuriated. So much so, you’d smack him with an open palm across his right cheek. Unable to contain those overflowing emotions. The tears, the anger, the pure, raw passion that you had for him. That never faded after all that time! “You bastard..how dare you? How dare you leave me and then come back after all this time? I missed you so fucking much and you just left—“ by now, you had broken into full blown hysterics, inconsolable being back in the arms of the one and only man you had brought yourself to love. Rather than meeting your melodramatics with more hostility, he’d simply cusp your cheek into his hand and bring you towards him for a searing kiss that caused your words to trail off into nothing more than a muffled whimper. In that split second, your entire world seemed to have come to that of a complete stand still. Frozen right there in his grasp and when you finally came back to reality, you didn’t want to end..without so much as another word exchanged between the two of you, Phinks reeled you back in, this time deepening the smooch and bridging the gap between your bodies. By now, there wasn’t a single other soul in the vicinity to witness this spectacle. Or to interrupt it for that matter. Regardless of the fact that the two of you had just been in the midst of a heated dispute moments ago, and now, attempting to disrobe the other, it was apparent that whatever feelings you had for one another were still as strong and that once dormant flame of passion was burning brighter than before.
his hands roaming your body, yours trailing his…it was all a blur but finally, Phinks found himself shirtless and you working away at his belt buckle when he came to. But he was quick to halt you..as he had plans of his own. “Wait, sweetheart. Stop..” “What do you mean? Are you—“ however, before you could complete whatever rant you were about to partake in, he’d press a finger to your lip, instructing you to be quiet. “Don’t..don’t speak. Please..”’Even taking it a step further and allowing you to suckle on his fingertip. Normally, if a man had said such a thing to you, it’d be literal hell to pay. But something about Phinks and that gentle, domineering nature of his always threw you into submission..as much as you hated it! “Just let me make things right, okay?” Slowly, that same finger trailed south and to your own top, unfastening the buttons one by one as you watched along with bated breath. Your chest heaving with every passing moment as your skin became exposed to the cool air wafting throughout the room’s ventilation. Shortly thereafter, becoming marked by the curvature of his soft lips. All the while, tracing his fingertips up your bare legs. Which he’d prop on the table and spread apart. “Do you have any idea..how long, I’ve waited to have you in my arms again, (y/n)? To say I’m sorry for being so shitty? For making you feel less than your worth?” Amid his speech, his fingers would make haste in hooking around those thin lace panties you were wearing and pull them back. Exposing your warm and dripping sex to the cool air as well..you’d suck your teeth when he made slight contact with your clit. Biting your lip as you’d watch him carefully. “But I won’t be so stupid this time, I promise.” Before you knew it, you found yourself filled to the brim with one of his thick fingers, releasing a loud gasp in response. Sliding down, you’d begin gently rock on those digits.
“So just lay back and let me take care of you, alright? Don’t worry about anything..” closing your eyes whilst you let him overtake your body. Holding dominion over you in ways you could never imagine. Merely listening to the sound of his voice to get yourself off, not to mention being impaled on his middle and index. The tight bundle of nerves becoming undone by a few pushes to your g-spot. Meanwhile, your nipples lie dormant in his mouth, gently suckled...flipped around by his tongue and kissed by his lips. Eventually, allowing them to trail back up to your neck. Muttering into your ear with a smirk plastered his face. “You remember that night after graduation..when you let me finger you in the backseat of my old Camaro?..I recall that night so vividly. You looked just like this..so cute and innocent. Just begging me to keep going..” sweetly taunting you with his thumb parting your lips. “It was the first time we had complete privacy, without having to cover our mouths. And we were being so damn loud. I swear, you had the prettiest moans.” Making you both begin to laugh, reminiscing on those times. He continued to speak when all you could muster were muffled whimpers. “You got so wet for me..damn, you were so wet..” “..yeah, and I freaked out because you made me squirt for the first time and thought I had done something else.” Prompting you both to laugh about it. The memory unlocked something inside of him that drove the tall jock to sink his fingers further and even grunt. “Yes…fuck. I couldn’t forget. You had my seats covered in it but it was kinda my fault. I couldn’t stop fucking you. You just felt too good.” Nibbling at your ear with that slick grin before pressing deeper and mashing your very swollen clit with his thumb..making slow circles until your head fell backwards. Which he’d tug back up with a gentle hand, staring you right in the eyes.
“Which is why I’m going to do it again.” Declaring as those digits continued pumping in and out, drawing forth high pitched wails and plenty of juices..never had a man made you feel the way this one had. And as quiet as it was all kept, you had no use of interest in anyone else other than Phinks. There was something about him that drew out your softest energy; made you feel safe and protected, not to mention free to be yourself. “I’m going to make love to you right here and now..because I don’t want to spend another second being apart from you, (y/n). Two years..two long years. I missed you.” The tone in his voice causes your legs to tremble on instinct. The sheer pleading and desperation doing something to you. But before you had a chance to truly gather your bearings..he was already another step ahead. With his pants shuffled to his waist, unfastened and unbuckled, you could spot his exposed pelvis but once he withdrew those fingers, you found yourself filled with his cock instead. “Hnghh! Oh God..” eliciting a loud cry from your lips which were muffled by his own as that swollen tip made its way inside of your entrance. (Y/N) was heaving, trembling and clawing at his shirt whilst holding him close. Your legs spread wide and placed atop his shoulder as Phinks eventually tucked the end of his shirt between his teeth, holding it out of the way so that he could get a perfect glimpse of his cock sliding in and out of that wet warmth..coating him with the two gentle strokes that he had already given. Whining from the sensation of “Shh..it’s alright, baby...” cooing to you quietly. He could tell that you were still having some trouble taking him so he’d go as slow as possible. Letting you become acclimated to his size again. Meanwhile, a sheath of silky cream began dripping down his shaft as he was able to work a few more inches in. Wiping those stray tears away in the process. “..just like our first time, angel. You’re so tight..you’re with me now, where you belong.” It’s that sentence alone that allowed you to open up and unclench for him, allowing him a little more room to maneuver. Feeding you those deep strokes at a steady pace. Your eyes averted down to watch him go in and out.
“Phinks…I—I’m so sor—“ but before the words could leave your lips, he was halfway to the hilt, grunting and pulling you further into his grasp. And now, forming a slight bulge in the pit of your tummy. “No..don’t you dare apologize. This is my fault. All me, baby. But I’m gonna make it—up to you, I promise. Will you let me do that?” Practically pleading as the grip of that pussy began to take its toll on the frat leader. He was a strong, stoic and tough guy. Epitome of a stereotypical jock or athlete when it came to braun. But as with anyone, Phinks had his Achilles heel and you were most certainly it. He became weak and quite frankly, pathetic when you were in the mix. He couldn’t contain himself..losing all semblance of control with no regrets. So much so, his voice began to crack and that once established rhythm sped to sporadic stroking; some sharp and others all over the place. “You can take me, baby. C’mon. Let me have it..let me have that pussy, please.” By this time, the table underneath your bodies was rattling around, knocking against the wall. Your skirt was flipped to your stomach and your breasts were jiggling wildly, from your unfastened shirt. “Mmm! Please..don’t stop. Take it, this is yours..fuck!” That sentence alone forced him to lose it. Clutching a hand around your throat, he’d shove his tongue into your mouth and pound you until he began pulsating through those walls. Your flesh cusps him and refuses to let him go..which led to something neither of you expected:
“Oh God! (Y/N)..fuck!” Crying out with a guttural moan, Phinks’ hard pounding ceased all together and before you knew it..he had you filled to the brim with his cum. That warm, milky load stuffed and nestled inside of you as if he wouldn’t dare put it anywhere else. The two of you stared in shock before bursting into laughter, examining the aftermath. “Jesus, (y/n)..I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—oh fuck, you felt so much better than I remember. I just couldn’t help myself.`` But you didn’t hold it against him too much. In fact, you thought it was quite funny and you liked the sensation a little more than you’d expect. Leaning down, gently stroking your clit, you’d watch it seep out onto the wooden furniture. “It’s okay..I’ll be fine.” Planting a kiss to his lips as he worked to regain his composure. Tilting his chin up so that you could stare at him as you uttered your next words. “Hey…I love you, Phinks. I always have.” “I know, gorgeous. And I love you more. I promise I’ll never leave your side again.” Still resting inside of you whilst your bodies remained close. He never wanted this moment to end or to be apart from you that long ever again. However, there was still one order of business that you two had to sort out…
“So about this resignation..you seriously gonna kick me out?”
batting those eyes at you as if they would change your mind but the previous events may have definitely softened your heart just a tad bit.
“Meet me in my dorm later for round two and we might be able to work something out.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were propositioning me, ma’am.”
but all in all, it seemed that things were finally on better terms with the two of you and you were thankful because being apart from the only man meant for you was exhausting!
“Well sir, it’s a good thing that you do. Now help me up.”
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companionjones · 1 year
The Most Anxiety Inducing Experience of Your Life
Pairing: Pre-established!Beck Oliver x Fem!Anxious!Reader
Fandom: Victorious (Nickelodeon)
Summary: This is based off the episode “Tori the Zombie” where you take the place of Tori. Some things are changed. For example, you are in a relationship with Beck.
Warnings: Cursing
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    “Baby, relax. It’s just an audition.” Beck tried to calm your nerves as the two of you sat in a line outside the Black Box theater.
    His words did nothing to soothe you. “You’ve done a hundred of these, Beck. This is my first one, and I’m freaking out. Maybe I should just head home--” You moved to get to your feet.
    Beck put a hand on your shoulder, preventing you from standing up. “No way. Babe, you’re the most talented person at this school. I’m not going to let you go a whole semester without doing one play. Plus, you need it for your grade.”
    “This is not a play. This is a musical,” you corrected. “You have to sing and dance in musicals.”
    He shrugged. “I don’t usually do musicals either, yet here I am. I’m a little nervous too, but I’m working through it.”
    “You don’t need to be nervous. You have a wonderful singing voice, Beck. You should use it more often.”
    “My point exactly, except reversed back onto you.” Beck took one of your hands in both of his and kissed the back of it. “You can do this, sweetheart. I know you can.”
    When the cast list was posted about a week later, you nearly fell when you saw the results.
    “Yes, I got Clive!” Robbie fist-pumped as he congratulated himself.
    Rex then spoke up. “Yeah, you’re the villain in the play and you’re the villain in my life too.”
    Robbie and Rex continued their bickering, and you heard the somehow fainter voice of your boyfriend right next to you. “Oh my god, we got the leads, baby! I am so proud of you!” He gathered you in his arms and kissed the side of your head.
    “How the hell am I gonna do this?” You didn’t know if you had thought that inside your head or voiced it out loud.
   A month later, you were well into rehearsals. Your director had just called to “Take five” because there was a problem with the lights.
    “Whoa, guys. Everyone shut up a second.” Jade suddenly got the attention of the crowd. “I just got an email from Principal Eichner.” She read, “To all students involved in this years production of Uptown/Downtown, Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th, and will be personally attending your opening performance.”
    Sofia Michelle was the woman who wrote your musical. She was one of the biggest playwrights on Broadway.
    “Why don’t we sit down?” Beck offered, lowering you to the lip of the stage.
    “I think I need a paper bag,” you told your boyfriend.
    “To breathe or throw up?”
    “Jury’s still out.”
    Beck had you lay on his shoulder as he tried his best to calm you down.
    About a month after that, you were hanging out in Beck’s trailer, trying not to think of opening night of the show, which was the following night. Well, at least one of you was trying not to think about it.
    “You know you’re gonna be great right?” Beck commented as the two of you laid in each other’s arms in his bed.
    You took a big breath, and tried to think about things rationally. “Yeah, I know,” you finally answered. You raised one of Beck’s hands to your lips and kissed it. “As long as you’re there with me.”
    Just then, your phone started ringing. You and Beck sat up in bed as you answered it.
    “Hey, Cat--” was all you were able to get out.
    “Oh my god, oh my god! I need your help! I took this I took this class for special effects makeup and I can’t figure out how to make people look like scary monsters so I just keep on making them cute and the models keep quitting on me! Please, if you don’t help me, I’m gonna fail this class!”
    She was getting so loud that you had to hold your phone away from your ear, yet you and Beck could still hear Cat clearly.
    “What do you need me to do?” you asked her.
    “I NEED TO PRACTICE MONSTER MAKEUP ON YOU PLEASE!” Cat’s voice sounded even louder through the speaker on your phone.
    You and Beck shared a look. Not seeing another option, and not wanting Cat to get any louder, you both nodded.
    “Come over my place, Cat,” Beck offered.
    “Thank you! Thank you so much!” Cat’s voice went back to regular volume before she hung up the phone.
    “Hey guys! I got some pizza if you--JESUS!”
    A couple hours later, Beck had stepped out to get some food. When he returned, he almost dropped the pizza he was holding.
    You had been standing right by the door (maybe, probably, definitely) trying to scare your boyfriend, and succeeding. “What do you think?” you asked him, “Don’t I look hideous?”
    Recovering from the scare you had just given him, Beck responded in a sweet boyfriend way, “You’re still beautiful to me.”
    “Oh no! Really?!” Cat started to revel in failure again.
    Beck tried to backtrack, but he didn’t want to hurt your feelings. “N-no, Cat! Y/n looks...uh...I think I walked into a trap, here.”
    “I’ll get you out of it,” you joked to your boyfriend. “You did a great job, Cat. I look like a monster!”
    “Yay!” she celebrated.
    “Alright, you put this on, you took your pictures. Can you take this off now?”
    “KK!” Cat smiled before readying her makeup station again.
    Beck put down the pizza, then noticed something in Cat’s makeup stuff. “Cat, what is this?”
    Cat didn’t spare it a second glance. “Oh, that’s glue!”
    “I know that. Why is it with your makeup supplies?” His voice was becoming more and more concerned.
    You decided to take a closer look at the kind of glue he was holding. Your stomach dropped. “Is that Grizzly Glue?!”
    Beck was still asking Cat questions. “Where did you get this?”
    “I ran out of makeup glue so I got that from my father’s tool box.”
    You got mad. “Grizzly Glue is like industrial cement, Cat. It’s not supposed to come in contact with skin!”
    “I’m sorry!”
    You, Beck, and Cat spent the next hour trying to get the makeup off your face. When that didn’t work, you three spent the next hour after that on the phone with doctors and the Grizzly Glue company.
    Beck got off the phone with the doctor first. “Okay, she said it’s not going to cause any damage to your face, just that we won’t be able to get it off.”
    “I could’ve told you that,” you remarked sarcastically.
    Cat got off the phone too, but she wasn’t relaying any of the information to you and Beck.
    “Well?” you asked her.
    “Oh, right!” Cat turned to you. “Apparently, they make a solvent. We have to drive to Bakersfield to get it.”
    “Bakersfield?!” you and Beck yelled at the same time.
    “Relax,” Cat calmed, “Trina owes me a favor. I got her out of a date like a week ago. After school tomorrow, I’ll get her to drive me there to get the solvent, I’ll bring it back, and everything will be good again!”
    “Everything will be good again if you get that solvent on my face before the show starts tomorrow.”
    “Omg that’s right you guys start your run tomorrow! How are you feeling?” aimlessly wondered Cat.
    “DarlingAngelSugarLove,” Beck addressed you with every pet name he could think of in this time of desperation. “It’s going to be alright.”
    “In what world is it going to be alright?!” you whisper-yelled backstage, “We are going on in two minutes, and I look like a zombie! Cat and Trina still aren’t here!” Your breathing started to get all out of wack. You could’ve sworn that you were going to pass out.
    Suddenly, Beck kissed you.
    You melted into the kiss, and it lasted long enough for your breathing to get back under control.
    Beck broke the kiss. “I love you. You are the most amazing person I know. Now, you are going to go out there and rock this show no matter what you look like. Take a deep breath with me.”
    You did as you were told. “Thank you so much for dealing with all my crazy.”
    “We’re in show business,” he smiled, “Our lives are always going to be crazy.” He started walking away from you to get into places.
    “And Beck?”
    He turned back around.
    “I love you, too.”
    Your smiles matched each other as you stood on opposing sides of the stage.
    So, you went through the show looking like a zombie. Well, most of the show. During the last number, you glanced backstage and saw Cat and Trina with the solvent.
    André was in the band, and he was aware of your situation, as was everyone involved with the show, so you subtly signalled to him to stretch the song out. He nodded, and you all but ran offstage.
    You made it back in time for the last chorus of the number, and you were so hyped on the adrenaline of the show and just barely making it on on time, that you kissed Beck during the final pose.
    The curtain closed, and Beck picked you up and spun you around without breaking the kiss.
    You two had to split up again for bows, and from the shadows, you saw Beck mouth, “I’m so proud of you.”
    You were so happy that you kissed him again during your bows.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Heyy :)))
any writing tips for beginners?
First off, can I just say, it is genuinely such an honor to get asked this question? It makes me so happy.
The biggest thing I would recommend for beginners is just to write. The more you write, the more used to it you get. I know that doesn't sound like very productive advice, but it is the truth. I have been writing fics since I was twelve and I am twenty one now. My first fics were shit. One of my earliest ones (its a BSD Akutagawa x Reader fic called Project X I started when the show first came out back in 2016 and finished in 2022 that is still up on my wattpad, which is linked in my pinned post, if you want proof I am not lying) is genuine shit, but I put a lot of passion and a lot of time into it (to the point that if you read the book, you watch me learn how to write). It was the practice and time spent that did the trick. So write and write and write. You don't have to post it anywhere or show it to anyone until you feel like you are ready (or at all). The more you do it, the more everything will fall into place.
The second thing I would recommend is to write the stories that you want to read, whether fanfiction or not. You have to be invested in whatever you're making in order for it to work. If you don't care, you wont put the effort in. You wont take the time for it. The only reason I started writing in the first place was because I would read fic after fic and I never saw anyone else putting the ideas I had on to paper (this actually lead to me starting a mini trend in the BSD fic community on wattpad lol). This will also help, if you are putting your work out into the world in some way, with the idea of reward. Whether through notes or readers or whatever, as long as you like what you are writing and you want to read what you are making, it is worth it and it is enough.
Third is to read. One of the ways I developed my own writing style was by taking note of the things I liked about other peoples writing styles (doesn't matter whom. I take a lot of the way I write from poets and authors like Annie Dillard and Terry Pratchett as well as other fic writers). So much of writing is about aesthetics and personal preference. Once I knew what I defined as 'good writing,' I could figure out how to morph my own work into something I deemed 'good.' This also counts for reading the things you yourself have written. I go back and re-read and edit my own work all the fucking time, both out of an enjoyment for the stories I create and in an effort to make them better. The best thing you can do is to read your work out loud. Listen to what you change when you read it out loud, what sounds odd or uncomfortable, where there are gaps. It really helped me when I first started writing fics almost ten years ago, and it still helps me now.
This is a weird one, but when you're writing about emotions, try to feel the emotion yourself. Think about what something like fear does to a person. Picture the situation you are writing and take the time to think about the ways in which you personally, or your character, would react to it. Writing reactions, body movements, things like that, has always been the most difficult for me, especially when its in-between dialogue and not just big blocks of text. Taking a moment and closing my eyes, feeling the shiver down my spine or the burst of sudden joy, really helps pin down the ideas and figure out how to describe them.
Also, if you know other languages, think about the things you like about the way those function and how you can incorporate that into your work. A lot of the way I structure sentences comes from ancient Greek, for example, with my usage of participles and timing. It doesn't have to be an ancient language though! And it doesn't even really have to be another language. All that matters is that you are actively thinking about the way the words interact with one another and what is pleasing to you. English is such a flexible and fun thing, there is so much meaning in every word and if you want to, it can be really fun to play around with. (I am a philologist. I am sorry for the little rant.)
That being said, it is important that you understand the grammar of the language you are writing in. This might just be a personal thing, but incorrect grammar tends to really bug me. Once you know the rules, they are easier to follow and it makes a huge difference. Also, incorporating techniques like varied sentence length/structure and literary devices like metaphor, allusion, ekphrasis, and simile can really make a piece more enjoyable for a perspective reader (whether the reader is yourself or someone else.)
Write what you know, write what you love, write what you want, write what you need, write. Don't worry about it being 'good enough,' if it is on the paper it is good enough. The hardest part is starting. Once you've got that under your belt, anything is possible.
Now that this post is almost excessively long, I am gonna make myself stop. I really hope at least some of this made sense and that you find it helpful.
<3 <3
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sunsafewriting · 1 year
for the prompt: do a flip universe + TLOU
“Well, obviously more than one. Two or three, at least, right?” Ava says. 
She's got her head in Beatrice's lap, having usurped the print-out Beatrice was reading a few minutes ago. It's inarguably the best setup in the world: she's got the whole rest of the couch to stretch out on, and both of Beatrice's hands on her — one gently stroking back her hair, the other resting on Ava's arm. 
“Three seems like a lot,” Beatrice replies.
But that’s not a no, and Ava can work from there. “Diego will help us, won't you, bud?” 
He looks over at them from where he's sitting on the carpet, sketching out a new comic. He prefers to draw on the floor rather than at the table, which is presumably because the artistic vibes are simply better lower to the ground. “Totally,” he confirms. 
Ava beams at Beatrice, reaching up to catch her wrist, to sweep her thumb over the soft skin there. “See? We can do three. Or four.”
There’s a moment of deliberation, but Ava knows when she’s won. Not only does Beatrice have about six different tells — microscopic, but observed by Ava over the years and lovingly documented — but also Ava has a compelling track record when it comes to this sort of thing. 
“Okay. Three,” Beatrice agrees. “But four is definitely too many.”
“True. It might get confusing.”
“Also, I don't feel that a zombie apocalypse is likely enough to merit four separate survival plans.” 
“HBO makes a very compelling case, babe. A lot of things can go wrong.” 
Which Beatrice is aware of, because she sure doesn't turn a lot of pages of her book while Ava's watching The Last of Us on the TV. 
“Plus, it's best to be prepared,” Ava adds. “You love being prepared. This way, we have a backup for our backup.”
While Ava still prefers a general guns-blazing, swing-first-think-second approach to life, she has come to appreciate the value of planning ahead. For example, she’s managed to streamline her morning routine to maximise the window of time she has for making out with Beatrice before one of them has to go to class or work. 
“I have paper,” Diego says. “We can write them up now. I think the most important thing is probably to get a catapult, or a sword. But there aren’t a lot of good places around here to get swords.” 
“Put down get a sword as step one anyway, that’s a great start,” Ava tells him. “I also vote that we steal a really cool car for step two. Obviously, it has to be heavy-duty enough to plough through zombies, but the most important thing is that it’s super dope. Better than Mary’s. I’ve got to have this, because you know she’s going to out-apocalypse me.” 
“Steal a car,” Diego echoes back. “Brackets, cool.”
He’s been getting very into brackets, as of late. Also semicolons, but he seems to just pepper them into sentences whenever he wants, with no regard for their intended function. Although it’s very possible that he actually does understand how they work, and is just drunk on the power of learning a new punctuation mark. 
“Clean water. Or some means of effectively decontaminating water,” Beatrice suggests. 
Ava shakes her head. “No, that’s too legit. We can put that in our, like, good plan. The second plan. This first one should just be based on what you’d most want to do if all of society fell apart.” 
“I’d most want to make sure we had clean drinking water.”
“It has to be ridiculous and fun. Like, we should also steal a boat. The zombies most likely won’t be able to swim. And I think I’d rock a captain’s hat.”
“Or a pirate hat,” Diego supplies. “Boat is step three. Hat is step four.” 
“Exactly. See?”  
“This is starting to seem less like a survival plan and more like a list of your dream crimes.”
“The beauty of the apocalypse is that nothing is a crime,” Ava tells her. She kisses the back of Beatrice’s hand and then nudges it back up to her hair. Beatrice automatically resumes her steady, gentle motions, and Ava settles into the feeling with a pleased hum. 
“Well, I don’t really have a list of dream crimes.”
Ava can’t say that comes as a surprise. Beatrice does have a list of dream bookstores to visit though. If the zombie situation isn’t too out of control, they could totally manage to hit a few of those locations post-apocalypse, too. 
“You can borrow some of mine,” Diego offers generously.
Ava nods. “And then we can put your clean water in the third plan.”
“I thought it was going in the second?” 
“I demoted it. I think our second plan should be to secure a mall. Then we’ve got everything we need. We can just lock all the doors and keep the zombies out. Boom. Nailed it. Can’t have a boat in a mall, though, so that needs to be its own separate plan.”  
Malls are also currently in Ava’s good books because when she went to buy a jacket last week, she got to kiss Beatrice in the changing room. But they’re also strategically defensible strongholds. Never let it be said that Ava's decision-making is too heavily influenced by opportunities to make out with Beatrice. Even though it is. 
“That’s so smart,” Diego says, scribbling down the idea on another sheet of paper. “Malls even have water, too, so that works for everyone.” 
“And we should get a horse for the mall.”
“How does the horse help with the zombies?”
“I don’t know, but that had horses in The Last of Us, and it just feels right.” 
“So then also cowboy hats,” Diego reminds her.  
“Of course.” 
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