#“Disabled allies” when people with disabilities actually suffer and it's not just some kind of romanticized version with watered down
will-pilled · 8 months
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xxlovelynovaxx · 8 months
Did you know that shitting on people with restrictive and similar eating disorders by saying "it's fatphobic that you personally struggle with a health condition that makes you terrified of being fat, even if you don't view it as a bad thing for anyone else and are in all other ways an ally to fat people" isn't activism?
The word does start with a and end in ism, though.
It's ableism.
Feelings don't have moral weight. Feelings cannot be bigotry. And feelings that are the result of an illness - a phobia, OCD, an eating disorder - DOUBLY SO.
It's not sex negativity, whorephobia, being a puritan, or anything else, to think you personally are a horrible person if you have any other sex than married procreative missionary sex if you don't apply that to other people. That's likely religiously-motivated moral OCD.
It's not ableism to experience uncontrollable terror over a visible disability of some kind, that's a phobia - and I'm pretty sure the person with the phobia would ALSO rather not feel that way and feels TERRIBLE if they make the visibly disabled person feel bad at ALL.
And it's not fatphobia to have PANIC ATTACKS over the idea of gaining a single pound or not being completely skeletal, especially not when you readily admit that this is a standard that only applies to you!
I am fat. I have struggled with disordered eating - severe restricting, purging, calorie counting, and more. I have struggled with those WHILE FAT.
I am speaking FROM EXPERIENCE when I say someone's eating disorder ISN'T ABOUT YOU.
If they MAKE it about all fat people and START being fatphobic, call them the fuck out THEN. But fuck right off with the ableism of "your severe mental health condition causing you intense distress over the idea of being fat harms ME, actually".
This includes people suffering from eating disorders talking about it in recovery spaces, actually. Yes, even if you're also fat and recovering from an eating disorder. There are ways to facilitate these discussions safely, and if conflicting access needs come up, a qualified moderator should already be there to help with that.
And quite honestly, it may in fact BE another fat person struggling with their fears and feelings around being fat that NEEDS nonjudgmental guidance to SURVIVE their eating disorder and learn to be okay and happy with being fat, as much as YOU might need a space where there's never negativity about fatness to survive.
This applies to other mental health conditions than the ones mentioned. My severe depression told me I was a horrible person and worthless because of things like a lack of intelligence, as one example. Never once did I think that ANYONE who wasn't intelligent was a bad person, because mental illness ISN'T LOGICAL. It only applied to ME.
My younger brother who has severe ADHD and learning disabilities I always thought of and looked up to as a perfect angel because it wasn't really about the intelligence, it was about denying me the traits I personally wanted to have and using that as "proof" that I was worse than useless and should die.
But especially because I see so much ableism towards people with eating disorders. Y'all keep acting like it's a choice, that people just DECIDE to feel that way about fatness and their bodies. Not only is it not fatphobia, but since they can be CAUSED by fatphobia, people with eating disorders are VICTIMS of it. Don't make them victims of yet more ableism too.
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scaryspears · 11 months
Edenian supremacism probably comes with the Sindel retcon. They were originally allies of Earthrealm and as much victims of Shao Kahn as anyone else - Kitana and Jade were actually freedom fighters for Edenia. Why they're now apparently all soulless pieces of shit (and why the narrative turns against Kitana beginning with Aftermath, seriously listen to how Spawn just dunks on her), I think, has to do with a change in society as a whole.
As more and more previously unheard people speak up and tell their stories, more and more narratives are getting flipped, and rightly so - those we've been told to admire all our lives are turning out to be bigots at best and greedy, power-hungry butchers or heartless religious zealots at worst. Conversely, the people society whose voices society wishes it could silence - BIPOC, LGBTIA+, workers, those with disabilities (ND included), really anyone who's suffered at the hands of the powerful and privileged - are finally starting to be vindicated, to have their complaints validated, and their stories heard.
In other words, our heroes are turning out to be way worse people than our villains ever were, and fiction is starting to reflect this; The Boys would be a textbook example, nobody with superpowers in that franchise is anywhere near heroic, and honestly I'm a little disturbed that anyone would want to play Homelander in MK. The Edenians were presented as the most virtuous in the original universe, so they were the obvious choice to be the rotten bastards in MK11 (not a choice I exactly agree with, or even the Sindel retcon at all, but if I got to make every choice cheese curds would grow on trees, so)
Having made that observation, I still consider having villains more sympathetic than your heroes to be an immense failure on the part of the author. Let's be real, "princess" is part of Kitana's identity, and that implies she's up to her eyeballs in some sort of privilege. The thing is, free will exists, and privilege does not (or should not) hard-lock you into being an asshole. Even Kitana could have chosen integrity and real compassion, to do what's best for the people even when it came at expense to herself, but nope, she chose to play footsie with Kotal's buddies and attack people for not meeting her sky-high standards.
This is not the Kitana Outworld deserves, and this is not the Kitana the MK community deserves.
I'm falling asleep at my laptop rn, so good night and thank you for pointing out that Sonya is trash.
Not gonna lie, I always saw Sindel as an evil character even with the whole mind control thing. If their own queen was willing to kill her own husband, an Edenian, to have a stronger one (Outworld-ian) then they shouldn't be flabbering about supremacy.
I've been meaning to vent out about Sonya but didn't know when.
"I'm a little disturbed that anyone would want to play Homelander in MK" I thought this was a joke when I first heard it, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually meant it.
When it comes to villainising the heroes I think it's more of a Severus Snape situation, where we the viewers find out there's more to the villains and the heroes. I think NRS figured we were tired of goody two shoes and wanted to see those goody two shoes be more humanised, if humanised means less decent. And then proceeded to butcher some beloved characters, I guess. Harry's been told his parents were good people only to find out they did terrible things. When shown that Mileena just wanted a family we can hold some kind of sympathy for her, even though it doesn't excuse the fact that she's a blood thirsty killer.
One thing to be noted is that there's a lack of consistency when it comes to the games, and not just designs, so when you're talking about "those we've been told to admire all our lives are turning out to be bigots at best and greedy, power-hungry butchers or heartless religious zealots at worst." I think it's the writers changing their minds to fit the mindset of current audiences, acknowledging that it's not just kids playing the games nowadays and it's their way of making things more realistic.
As a Johnny Cage stan, I can very much tell you that there's a lot of things wrong with him, but he's an angel in comparison to the other heroes. (even if he was sexist and mouthy in the past, he is the most relatable) He is a good example when making a flawed character in my opinion, or maybe I'm being too soft on the guy.
I don't think Scorpion was held accountable for screwing everyone over, either. Or killing Bi Han. Poor Bi Han.
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Last but certainly not least, Chuck! What does he want, and how will his Stone help him get it?
As our funky little starter villain, Chuck’s heel-face turn wasn’t a surprise. But I trust the writers will give depth to his character arc rather than the surface-level "he feels Sad and is now Good and everyone is his friend now". His heel-face turn wasn’t even motivated by an improvement in character! His values didn’t change at all!
Chuck served the Great Leader because he believed the Great Leader had traits he admired, namely bravery. Once the Great Leader was revealed to be a dirty coward, Chuck naturally dropped him like a hot potato and latched onto Kid because Kid had been actually, demonstrably brave several times. Of course Chuck regrets having caused problems for the person he realized was worthy of respect all along!
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That Chuck calls Kid “Great Leader” when he apologizes in “Bad Good Guys” further cements this idea. He’s now in a position to let go of his old ways of thinking, but he has not yet done so.
Because being good is a choice, and right now Chuck doesn’t have a choice. If he hadn’t allied himself with Kid and co., he’d have been taken away by the Biker In Black. Maybe if he still had his legs he’d be able to run and hide from them, but then what? Live out the rest of his days on a primitive planet with no allies, no hope of rescue, no accessible information about what’s safe for him to eat or drink or use for first aid? Oh, and there’s definitely coyotes and vultures and whatnot out in the desert that he’d have to fend off as well. He can only truly choose to stay with our heroes when he has the choice to abandon them, which means the story needs to get him some sweet robo-legs ASAP.
Even before losing his legs, Chuck didn’t have much in the way of autonomy. He was a minion in a crowd of minions all exactly alike, existing to serve the Great Leader and nothing more. The closest the average Nephropid (which is what I’m calling his species until further notice) can get to “having autonomy” is “being important”, which they are rewarded with when they serve the Great Leader exceptionally well.
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In “Epic Fail”, Chuck expected to be given a planet if he delivered the Stones. Presumably he’d get to make some of his own decisions if he held a middle management position.
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And he could have been a total sourpuss towards Rosa in “Precognitive Cat”, but he played princesa with her anyway because he liked pretending to have a high status.
His Stone won’t be orange like his skin or blue like his uniform, but rather Fuchsia, the dark pinkish-purple color in the outfit Papa G made for him. It’s the first personalized outfit he ever had, that he was given because Papa G trusted he could be good even before he switched sides. After all, “evil’s just a cry from a heart that’s hurting”.
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Chuck’s desire for Autonomy existed long before he lost his legs, but it’s hard to assign a power to that because basically any superpower could apply by virtue of Letting Him Do Stuff He Couldn’t Otherwise Do. (The Green or Purple Stones could be used as mobility aids, for example.) So his power is going to be something more vital than the power of sleep or zoopathy, something that lets him be Important. It’ll be a stereotypically heroic power to emphasize that he’s getting a redemption arc and to contrast with Flo’s stereotypically villainous power. And he wants to make up for his past evil deeds, so what better power for Chuck’s Stone to give him than the power of Healing, which will literally let him undo damage?
While that’ll go a long way towards keeping the team in good shape, it’s probably not going to get him his legs back. Since he lost them when he was an enemy, getting them back as an ally could imply some kind of cosmic punishment/reward at play, and “disabled people are disabled because the universe is teaching them a lesson” is a shitty idea. Perhaps the Stone can’t heal injuries that are too old or too severe and he’ll still need mechanical prosthetics. Or perhaps the Stone could heal him a little, regenerating enough nerves and flesh to hook him up to some kind of biotech prosthetics!
Either way, being good won’t get him the reward of autonomy, getting autonomy will give him the opportunity to be good. And that might not pay off immediately! Maybe he ditches the group for a bit, only for his conscience to win out so he can return and save the day at an appropriately dramatic moment. Maybe he won’t be compassionate at first and refuse to heal injuries that come from being reckless, until he realizes that relieving suffering is more important than teaching someone a lesson. Maybe he’ll unnecessarily injure someone because he reasons he can just heal them and it’ll be fine, except that healing them doesn’t really cancel out the fact that he hurt them in the first place.
All that is going to be frustrating, for both Chuck and his allies! Being good is hard, especially when you’re not used to it. But so long as he tries to be better, they’ll be there to help him along.
(Carl) (Carlos and Ramona) (Carla)
(Hamburg and Fry) (Flo) (Chuck: You Are Here)
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linkspooky · 3 years
I wonder what your thoughts are regarding Kamo Sr, especially regarding his goals compared to his host's and Gojo's
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It’s kind of hard to give an opinion on Kamo Sr.’s actual character because he’s not established yet? There’s more we don’t know than we know about him. We know he spent 1,000 years making deals for the sake of the change of the world, we know he cares more about cursed energy than individual people, we know he’s absolutely ruthless in his methods of bringing about change, but also that change seems to be just a recreation of the heian era he once lived in, but we don’t really know why he does these things? Geto has both a goal, and an established motivation for those goals. So far we’ve only seen Kamo Sr. in terms of his goals, we know what he’s doing, but not why he’s doing it. 
However, since you asked specifically in pertains to his goals I can discuss what his goals are in the broad scheme of things. To understand his goal you have to compare it to Geto, Gojo, and also Yuki Tsukumo. 
1. The Kids Aren’t Alright
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Geto and Gojo share the same primary goal, to protect young sorcerers so they never have to go through the same trauma that destroyed their youth. However, they have opposite ways of going about it. They both view sorcerery society as something that is corrupt and destroys individual lives, but they place the blame in different areas. 
Gojo blames it on the elders on top that hold power in their society. He believes if he can raise students as allies who are strong enough to replace them, then the new regime will replace the old and will get better.
Geto believes the problem lies in the uncaring masses. That a minority (in this case sorcerers) is being oppressed in order to protect a majority of peopel who don’t even know about their struggle.That the masses are blind to the fact that they create curses, and because of this sorcerers have to needlessly sacrifice their lives over and over again in an unchanging system. 
They’re both wrong. Like, Gojo is not trying to kill a bunch of people obviously but he’s only addressing half the problem. He believes if he raises children as political allies to replace the elders with a new, better regime things will improve politically and the previous generation will stop oppressing the new generation but he sort of misses out on the fact that he’s still using children as tools. 
But Gojo’s like, no they’re my tools, I’ll treat them well, because I’m the strongest when I send them into battle as long as they’re also strong they’ll be just fine. (Joke). 
What I mean to say is, basically what Gojo teaches his students is being stronger is what will fix your problems, when Gojo himself knows that doesn’t work. He says after losing Geto “Being strong isn’t enough to save people.” Gojo doesn’t know how to teach his students cooperativeness or getting along with others. He knows that’s what he’s missing but thinks the solution is in raising others to be strong as his, not like... teaching people to come together.
You can look at how the students fight in the Shibuya Arc as an example of this, all of Gojo’s students, run off on their own, try to be strong indivudally and fail. Yuji loses to Choso because he was fighting on their own, Megumi flips out and does a suicide attack, Nobara slips up in a fight against Mahito and gets her face blown off. They also didn’t really listen to other people, Nobara was told to stay back by an adult concerned for her well being because she would get hurt and she recklessly charged in. Megumi advised Yuji not to run off or be reckless, but Yuji did anyway and Sukuna rampaged. Gojo knows strength but he doesn’t know cooperativeness, and he doesn’t seem to understand how complex society’s various abuses can get, it’s not just a bunch of corrupt elders on top, it’s familial abuse, it’s corrupt clan politics, it’s disabled people like Kokichi not getting the help they needed and being used as tools. Gojo’s solution is just, if I raise these kids to be strong enough, then they wont’ be affected by the corruption of the world around them. 
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Geto’s philosophy is more wrong (obviously), but he at least picks up on the fact of how wrong it is to be using sorcerers as disposable tools. Geto values cooperativeness, and the strength of the bonds between sorcerers. Geto loves empathy, he loves the connections between people and believse that’s what makes people stronger. He calls the people he’s helped his family. I mean, you can tell the difference between what Geto and Gojo value from the way they treat Megumi and Nanako + Mimiko. 
Geto raises them as his two daughters. Gojo shows up, offers his protection, gives them money, and then has them live mostly alone. Geto isn’t perfect either but he did offer himself as a substitute family. Also Geto doesn’t predicate his help to Nanako and Mimiko on the fact that they have to be allies to him growing up. Gojo offers his help to Megumi on the condition that, when you grow up you have to be a political ally to my side. I mean he ends up using his family as tools as well, but Geto even directly pulls them out of harm’s way and orders them to retreat, whereas Gojo sent his students as backup to the fight against Yuta and Geto on the premise that they would get hurt, and it would motivate Yuta to fight. 
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They’re just different in the way they see people in treat people, Geto doesn’t want sorcerers to be used as tools, Gojo is like, what if I made sorcerers into stronger tools, hmmm.... then they wouldn’t get hurt. 
Something Gojo doesn’t seem to realize, because he views himself as a tool ultimately too. However, even if Geto were to accomplish his goal of eliminating everyone but sorcerers, young sorcerers would still continue to die because the sorcery world is still politically corrupt. 
Gojo idealizes indivudal strength and believes that if he raises people to be individually strong enough, they’ll replace the old regime with something better. (That’s wrong.) Geto idealizes sorcers as a whole community, and believes that if the problem of curses were removed from the world, that Sorcers as a superior species to humans would all be able to come together and make a more ideal world. (That’s also wrong.) 
Geto and Gojo both agree on the same idea, that sorcery society should be fixed so that the youth will not have to keep suffering the same mistakes as their predecessors, that no one will have to live the childhood that Geto and Gojo did, but they both have half complete methods for bringing about this fix. 
I spent so long on elaborating on that because I wanted to establish, Geto and Gojo, in their own way both care about young sorcerers and would fight the world in order to protect them. Yuki and Kamo Sr. both don’t care about individual people at all. They’re very much the world > people. 
2. Who Cares About Them Kids?
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I think the fact that Yuki Tsukumo purposefully sat on her hands while people were fighting and dying, waited until the last possible moment to intervene, and then when Yuji was left in the aftermath didn’t really offer that much of a helping hand just sort of walked away shows that she’s not really that hung up on the suffering of individual people.
Both Yuki and Kamo are so focused on cursed energy, that they don’t really pay attention to individual people. They believe the way to change the world lies entirely in cursed energy, ignoring the plights of individual people. You know, even though the world is made up of people. 
Yuki’s not outwardly malicious, she’s just careless. The senseless loss of life in the Shibuya incident doesn’t really bother her the way it does people like Yuji, because that’s not where her focus is. It’s not like one of them is the good mad scientist and one of them is the bad one. It’s more like Yuki is lawful because she at least seems to abide by some rules, whereas Kamo Sr. is chaotic because, he purposefully promotes chaos as a way of finding the ideal answer, and also he willfully breaks all of society’s taboos. 
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When she brings up Toji Zenin she’s not really interested in him as a person, she just thinks he’s a cool science experiment that he wants to study. I once thought Yuki Might have been manipulating Geto but, I was wrong on that front. I don’t think she’s the kind of person who would purposefully manipulate someone to that extent because of the way she views individual people, they’re just not interesting enough. What she’s interested in above all else is cursed energy. The fact that Geto eventually was corrupted didn’t even register to her, because she’s not focused on his individual well being. He’s one piece in a big game she is playing (this is just my guess of course we have nothing on her). 
So while opposite Kamo Sr., both Tsukumo and him sound eerily alike, because they both prioritize cursed energy over people. 
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They have different methodology, but their ideals are the same. 
I think Tsukumo at least is an idealist in the grand scheme of things that she doesn’t want to introduce more unncessary suffering into the world to achieve her results, and also is worried about the consequences of her action on a large scale. 
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But at the same time, like I said she’s not an ally of any one individual. She’s not on anybody’s side. She’s not really sympathetic to Yuji or his plight considering she just, wanders off, because her concern is with the world. 
Now to finally get into Kamo Sr.’s methodology, there’s an interesting paradox between his ideals and his method. He says he wants to bring out the potential of human beings, but we’ve estalbished again and again Kamo doesn’t actually care about the welfare of individual human beings.
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I thik it’s imporant to show the way he treated Choso and his family. He dismissed Choso and his brothers as failures, before they were even born, and then abadnoned him. 
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Then he diagnoses the fact that they were wrong because they were a failed creation. That’s like, objectively wrong here. Choso and the others never reached their potential, because he didn’t stick around to see their potential. I think the reason they failed is because you abandoned them about five seconds after they created. 
Kamo Sr. wants to experiment with people to force them to grow and reach their full potential, but he also doesn’t really care about what happens to them. He wants to see individual potential, but ignores individuals and looks away from them. See, his methods are at odds with his ideals.
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Kamo Sr. also tries to introduce chaos in order to witness that potential, but he like... at the same time is a complete control freak. These ideas conflict each other. He wants to witness chaos to see what will happen, but he always has to be in control. He has to be the one to have a hand in the creation for chaos. His idea of making chaos is, spending 1,000 years making binding vows that he controls, and he releases. A binding vow is represented by chains, that’s like, the opposite of freedom.
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Not only that but his directly stated world he wants to create, is a contradiction. He wants to create a new world, because he believes the safety of the modern age has caused sorcery to stagnate as a whole. Which is why he prefers the chaotic heian era, because the danger and constant fighting pushed sorcers to their peak, the so-called golden age of sorcery. 
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However, his idea for creating a new world comes from... an over idealization of the past, and a desire to hold onto the old ways. His ideals might be to create something new, but his methods are just, the same old thing. Traditionalism. The past was better. Things should be like they were in the past. 
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This all leads to the fact that Kamo Sr. isn’t actually creating a new world, not really, he’s hitting a reset button on the world and undoing 1,000 years of progress because he thought the Heian era was better. 
Kamo Sr. claims to be something else, but he’s actually no different than the elders who currently hold power in the Sorcery World. He’s sacrificing the young people,  out of some idealization of the past and a desire to return to how things used to be, when things in the past were never really that good. He says he’s for change, but his actions are actively resisting change by trying to push the world back 1,000 years, because the chaotic heian era was just so much better with its lack of universal medical care, and indoor plumbing. 
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lifewithchronicpain · 3 years
Despite best intentions, I don’t think website will be started today. But I still worked on it by writing a new section:
My section on how to make activism events more inclusive is probably going to be my last piece but hardest to write because I’m gonna have to try and think of lots disability needs beyond my own, but I definitely got some great feedback in that area, it will help.
So tonight I wrote a piece on why should this matter to abled people, it’s a rough draft so criticism or typo comments all welcome:
Why Should it Matter?
The current pain crisis should matter to all people, whether you suffer from chronic pain or not. 1 in 5 people in the US suffer from some form of chronic pain, meaning there is a good chance someone you know and love has been affected by the opioid restrictions, and that’s not the only reason.
You can be healthy now but one car accident from permanent disability with chronic pain. These restrictions have caused many ERs to not give acute pain meds for broken bones and such, or sufficient post surgery meds. Then you try and get a doctor for you new bad neck and no one will take you own because of these restrictions.
Or maybe you will avoid such a fate only to suffer from arthritis so bad in your elder years that only opioids help. I personally never thought I would be housebound by 32 with severe pain caused by genetic conditions I had no knowledge of until the pain made me look for answers.
This is not an abstract problem and it’s almost inevitable you will experience this disability personally or through a friend or especially a family member. It should be our moral and ethical duty as a society to treat pain seriously and aggressively. Untreated pain ruins lives, takes lives, and takes the unlived futures of all touched by this cruel condition. The dangers of opioids have been overblown and overemphasized while the genuine benefits for pain patients are ignored and minimized.
Lastly and importantly, this should matter to you because opioid prescriptions are at an all time low while opioid deaths are at an all time high. Whatever roll big pharma had in pushing these drugs, it is done now. Continuing the restrictions against opioids serves only one purpose: punishing pain patients for needing a legal drug that has been drilled into society’s as nothing but dangerous. If you actually care about stopping overdose deaths, wouldn’t you want to go after the drugs like illicit fentanyl that are actually killing people?
Addiction is a problem that deserves the same kind of compassion I have asked for pain patients. Personally I believe restriction is a failed rhetoric around addiction, remember prohibition did not stop drinking. I believe in more science based approaches to addiction that many have a knee jerk reaction to, like having places to allow people to het high in a safe environment and where they can talk to people if they want to and have access to addiction cessation information. I think addiction needs a human approach that doesn’t restrict but rather helps people to get to better circumstances so there won’t be be a needb to escape their lives through illicit substances. Knowing that there are better directions to go with addiction treatment, it almost seems like restricting legal drugs to be security theater, a way of being seen to do something.
To be clear, have nothing against reasonable regulations that keeps pill diversion low. I’m just tired of the restrictive hammer coming down on addicts (who aren’t stopped from accessing illicit drugs) and hitting pain patients instead. If the restrictions as they stood actually saved addicts then I could understand why people would support it. Since it has not, it’s time to look elsewhere and let pain patients decide with their doctor what meds they need and not prejudiced guidelines.
I realize that my suggestions on why this should matter to you, the ally, is I am assuming you have a heart and don’t want to see people in pain. I also know we are evolutionary programmed to empathize better with friends or family, as opposed to the internet stranger I am.
So once again I return to my first point. This could be you, your family, your friend. Do try to be a pain ally for me. Be a pain ally for your mom who just got 30 less pills and can’t go out to dinner like she used too. Think about your son with a broken leg screaming in the ER with pain, and they only give him Advil. Think of you friend who you used to hand out with all the time, but then they got Fibromyalgia and now you see less and less and less, until suddenly not at all because they were forcibly removed from her meds and can’t leave the house anymore.
We need you to think of us, we need you to care about what’s happening! Pain patients have the unique distinction of the conditions that oppress us are also conditions that make it impossible to protest and be active on the way we wish to. For so many, especially with forced tapering, it’s a daily fight to just get through the day. We need ally’s to step up, lift our voices, and maybe even plan direct action activism.
Now that you know why you should care, will you do something? Pain patients are dying, so if not now, when?
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angel-archivist · 3 years
cracking the code abt the lgbt characters for straight ppl and lgbt characters for lgbt ppl its like. the amount of struggle they sprinkle in. like if its "oh to be different and suffer 😔😔™" thats dEFINITELY for straight people. but if its "oh my god im none binary pogchamp i have truama but its not related to my identity anyway look at all the bis and pans and epic trans omg ✨ el ge bee tee queueueu commuhnity" that is for us 😔💖 yum pogchamp homies of the gays
Its about the tokenization or the queer stories being told my cishet women, im oh my god im so happy this cishet man/cishet women is going to talk to ME about Queer trauma and provide a shitty representation of what its like to be queer in 2018. Like oh my god, his families ALL accepting except his dad kind of makes homophobic jokes sometimes ://// 
Versus Queer people writing stories based on their own struggles being trans, gay whatever and actually SHOWS the nuances in relationships and yes some people get accepted by their families and that's amazing!!! thats the trouble with havign your super cool queer story only focus on White gay men you dont get different PERSPECTIVES you dont SHOW how complex it is to be queer and make the cishet allys feeling ‘comfy’ with the queer community their like: wow enough activism for today *ignores queer people of color, disabled queer folks, ND queer folks, and trans people in general*
when QUEER people write from THEIR suffering then its a stonger story they KNOW how complex and frusterating and dangerous it can be to be queer even know is ‘2o2o woWOWWOOowoo  homophobes still EXIsT HAHah??” yes bart homophobes still FUCKING exist you just SAYING its 2020 doesnt get rid of the bigots 
And back to the tokenization: 
Cishet ppl writing queer characters into media: wow look how quirky they are OR look how just like us they are look how well they blend into cishet society look there is only ONE queer character and maybe some bicurious characters haha 
Queer people writing queer characters: and theres a lesbian and some enbies and bisexuals and pansexuals and there all fuckign badass and amazing and their trauma isnt just from being queer and isnt the focus of the story but is still IN THE STORY 
sorry this is LONG i get pissed when i think about cishet queer media 
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nicostolemybones · 4 years
Odd One Out
Tw: references of ableism, discussions of consent and boundaries (just to clarify there is not underage sex referenced implied or depicted as a result of this discussion so no worries)
Nico was always the odd one out. No matter what, there was always something about him, always a strike against him. Son of Hades. Immigrant. Gay. Neurodivergent. Disabled. That last one was a relatively new revelation for Nico- it wasn't like he hadn't noticed the pain, hadn't used being lazy or being in the underworld as an excuse for people to leave him alone on days where the pain was so bad he couldn't move- because he didn't want anyone to know. And he didn't want it to be real. All he had going for him was his ability to fight, his freaky powers that gave him the upper hand, his command over the dead. But some days he was in so much pain that he'd lay in bed and cry. Sometimes after using his powers he'd pass out asleep for far too long to be normal. And it was getting worse, because he'd been ignoring it.
It wasn't that he thought less of himself for it. Or that he was ashamed. It was the limitations. And sure, people loved to tell him that he could do anything and he was only limiting himself- but that wasn't true. Sure, today he could go and train with Percy. But he'd probably collapse in pain, potentially cause himself irreparable damage trying to push himself too far. He'd end up in the infirmary with Will having to sit him up whilst he cried out in pain, he'd be unable to stand because the pain would be so bad he couldn't physically load bare.
Simply: he had physical and mental limitations. And Nico was struggling to accept that. 
He was struggling to accept it because yesterday he was running around playing capture the flag, and this morning his hips felt like somebody had a cheese grater on his joints every time he moved, flaring with a sharp and dull burn. His body felt heavy and sore and he felt like he was suspended in a heavy raincloud- he barely had the strength to get up. He hadn't slept last night- he'd tried, but Nico suffered with insomnia. It wasn't abnormal for him to go several days unable to sleep, even with sleeping tablets. It also wasn't abnormal for Nico to flit in and out of long bouts of naps for two days straight unable to eat or move apart from to go to the bathroom. 
He was struggling to accept it because nobody else did.
Today he was using his walker. He'd already had a camper say he didn't need it because he was running just fine yesterday. He'd already had someone chastise him for using the disabled toilet because he wasn't really disabled. He'd already had someone tell him he was useless as a demigod. He'd already had someone say he wouldn't last long because natural selection would pick him off. Not disabled enough to deserve aids, too disabled to deserve respect. Not visibly disabled enough for people to accommodate his needs, too visibly disabled for people to not speak to him like he was an infant- or worse- ask someone else what was wrong with their friend whilst saying what a shame it is their friend is disabled. Nico wished the word used was disabled. Instead it began with an s. Then when Nico yelled at them the next word used against him began with an r. 
He went back to his cabin after that for a shower- he could feel his energy just draining away by the minute and his pain was worsening and he knew he'd probably be unable to shower comfortably soon. He knew he'd probably need his wheelchair for a few days. And he knew camp was absolutely fucking terrible to navigate in a wheelchair. Tables were too low or too high, the apparently flat ground was bumpy and he kept almost tipping out every time he hit a bump, uncut grass kept snagging in his wheels, he couldn't reach a lot of stuff, and the ramps- the ramps were so fucking steep Nico was practically sisyphus reborn but instead of pushing a boulder up a hill it was Nico trying to push himself up a goddamn ramp just to use the bathrooms. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Nico was scrawny- strong yes, but malnourished and disabled. Pushing himself up those bumpy steep accessibility ramps made him want to tear the whole thing up and scream. And then the doors- wide enough for a wheelchair yes. But not wide enough when someone's arms are at the sides trying to push themselves through it. Nico's arms were so scraped and grazed already from the doors- which were heavy and did not stay open, trying to close and hitting him repeatedly, and then there was so little room to actually manoeuvre anywhere. Nico was losing his mind. And then his cabin- well that was just steps, of course he had to struggle up them.
So despite knowing he should probably use his chair today, he kept to his walker. He was in so much pain and he knew he should be in his cabin or in his chair but it was so much hassle at camp and any time he complained somebody was always there to tell him that camp was fully accessible for people with real disabilities. He was sick of it. Sick of people defining his disability, his accessibility, his capabilities, his limits- sick of people seeing his mobility aids as a burden to Nico. Because no, they weren't a burden to him. They were helping him to fucking move. He needed them and he wanted them. He didn't care if people kept telling him they were unattractive or how much more amazing his life would be if he just tried to walk. Bitch he didn't owe anything to anybody, he didn't have to put himself through pain just to be somebody's inspiration porn. And worse- whenever Nico called someone out, rather than apologising and listening, they'd wax poetic about how much of a good ally they were trying to help and how Nico was being ungrateful.
When Nico emerged from his shower, he was surprised to see Will Solace sitting on his bed- Nico blushed a little, but he was even more surprised to see his walker completely covered in yellow smiley face stickers. "Will?"
"I know people really suck," Will said, "and I know you feel like the odd one out and I know you get insecure because you're tired of everyone's bullshit. So I just- I wanted to remind you that it's all okay. Something to make you smile. Also I wanted you to know that I don't see your mobility aids as ugly or tragic like they all think I do. And I like putting stickers on all my favourite things and- your walker helps you to be in less pain and that's important to me. I don't care if it's bulky or if it's always in our photos. It's a part of you, kind of, and I love and accept all of you, and I hope the stickers don't come across as me trying to improve the walker and make it less ugly and if it does let me know so I can apologise and stuff…" Will trailed off, glowing nervously, in a way that Nico found endearing.
"Thank you," Nico said softly, "for trying to cheer me up, for not- treating me like a burden- for always trying to make me feel like I'm worthy of love."
"You are, Nico," Will said softly, "you're a person, a good person, you deserve to be respected and loved and you deserve the world, okay? And I can't give you the world but I can be cheesy and put my favourite stickers on your stuff to try make you smile. And maybe think of me when you feel sad and you look down at the floor. Because then when you're sad and you look down on the floor you'll see the happy smiley stickers and that's me reminding you that I love you and accept every part of you and assholes can fuck off and shut up. I know a few stickers won't fix everything but I hope it at least makes you feel less alone."
"Will…" Nico knew his angsty demeanor was completely melting. He could feel the heat in his cheeks. 
"I'm sorry if I'm not helping very much…"
"You fucken dork," Nico smiled, making his way to Will. "I love you."
"I love you too, sweetcheeks."
"Call me that again and I'll rip your face off," Nico laughed.
"Sure thing. Sweetcheeks." Nico laughed. If Nico was uncomfortable with a pet name, he'd always say so, seriously. He'd communicated this with Will- threats were playful banter in response to cheesy nicknames, and meant he was okay with them. Will knew Nico wasn't uncomfortable and trusted that Nico would communicate if he was. Will rested his hands on Nico's hips, and Nico moved them up to his waist instead. "Sorry," Will said sheepishly, "is that a no-go always or just right now?"
"I'm not sure, Nico answered honestly, "I just felt a little uncomfortable because your hands were so close to my ass and my junk. I think maybe I'd be okay with you holding my hips when I'm not on edge, but wait until I give you the okay to do so? I'll move your hands where I want them to be."
"Of course, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable." Nico leaned down to kiss Will softly, and Will still looked guilty. 
"Will, I'm not upset. You haven't crossed my boundaries. I trust you. I know that if you get handsy I can just push you away and I know we'll always talk about it. Relax and kiss me. I'm grumpy and I want to be carried to campfire later."
"You mean you want to feel my muscles whilst I carry you?"
"Shut up," Nico blushed, letting his fringe fall over his face, "but yes. I have a gorgeous boyfriend, why wouldn't I take the time to appreciate that once in a while?"
"I'm jealous of your boyfriend," Will joked, and Nico snorted. 
"Fucking dork. Wanna make my day and take me out for lunch?"
"Of course I do! But out of curiosity how much do my chances of kisses-"
"Sleaze," Nico joked.
"I'm kidding, Neeks. Even if I didn't ever get kisses I'd still love you and go out with you. You don't owe me kisses."
"I know," Nico smiled, "I trust you and your self control."
"What about my intentions?"
"Will. You're a teenage boy. So am I. Of course I don't trust your intentions," Nico joked, and Will snorted and glowed.
"Okay okay I want so badly to tell you you're wrong," he giggled, followed by "but seriously. My intentions are to make you happy, not to get in your pants. I mean I won't deny that my mind is very familiar with being in the gutter but I respect you and your body and your consent and your worth as a person. My dirty mind is my responsibility not yours. We're kids, casual dates and kisses are more than enough."
"Will, I love you and I know this," Nico smiled, "It's okay to joke about these things and have these feelings. I don't feel pressured by you at all. It's fun getting you all flustered and riled up. But I do appreciate that you always respect me and I do appreciate that you always clarify that I'm enough. But we've already had these serious talks, it's okay to joke about and talk about it. It's kinda flattering. You're my boyfriend. I'm comfortable with your feelings for me and I'm comfortable enough with you to know how much you respect me and love me."
"Does this mean I can stare at that ass in training?"
"Will. Do you really think I'm not purposely teasing you when you come to watch me train? With the tight leggings and my hair in a bun? Taking my top off?"
"Wait what." Will was staring, dumbfounded. He was bright red to the tips of his ears and glowing. Nico smirked. He liked teasing Will. 
"I know you like it," he admitted, "consider it my treat."
"Neeks you don't have to put yourself on display and wear things for my benefit, my feelings are my respo-"
"Will. Shush. I know you're being respectful and I love that about you but have you thought that I like knowing I make you feel like that? I do it because I want to. Not because you'd like me to. But I like flustering you. I love it when you finally allow yourself to stare at me and you have to excuse yourself. It's fun, it's harmless. We're not crossing any boundaries by flirting. You're allowed to like my body. You don't make me uncomfortable and I'd say if you did. Relax. I like it when I catch you staring at me. When you're eager to kiss me. It makes me feel wanted. I like feeling sexy and wanted. I like knowing that my boyfriend finds me attractive. This is your permission to shamelessly stare at me and think about me. I know you won't cross my boundaries or make me uncomfortable or try to rush our relationship until we're old enough. You're a perfect gentleman but Will please be at least a little selfish sometimes? You can stare at me and you can ask for kisses. It's okay to be needy. It's okay to want kisses. It's okay to want- well, me, things, relationship stuff! I know you're trying to make sure I'm comfortable and happy. But Will. For gods sakes that doesn't mean you gotta act like a monk or something. It isn't a bad thing to be selfish and ask for kisses. You don't need to feel guilty for wanting to kiss your boyfriend. You don't have to wait for me. Just kiss me. Just grab me in the mornings and pull me behind the infirmary and pin me against the wall kiss me silly. Just pull me close of an evening and kiss me slow and hot just the way you like it. I'd tell you if I wasn't in the mood for kisses."
"O-okay!" Will looked like a very radioactive tomato. His blotchy red blush was reaching down his neck and he was glowing like crazy.
"Well w-what?"
"You're dense, Solace," Nico huffed, yanking Will to his feet and kissing him hard. "Kiss me and don't hold back. I trust you won't take it too far."
"O-okay! Yes! I can totally do that! The kiss of your life-"
"Will, stop being adorable! Shut up and kiss me like you mean it-" Will seemed to finally get the message and engage his last brain cell, and gods, Nico could die like this, because Will was a filthy kisser, and gods, Nico loved it. 
Nico didn't feel like the odd one out with Will. Instead, Will made him feel like he was his whole world, one in seven billion. Will made him feel special and wanted and loved. 
[Taglist: @spencerwritestuff @i-am-triple-a @minty-ships @fullobjectcreation] {you can ask to be added/removed! Also yes you can rb if you aren't on here}
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Whumptober Day 18: To Fix What Is Broken
Summary: Written for Whumptober Day 18, follow-up to Day 12. Set after Httyd 2, not canon-compliant with THW. Years after their mistake, the Gang may need to force Hiccup to break down the wall he's constructed since then. It may not end as terribly as it did last time.
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut
Pairing: None
Words: 5 187
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: "Panic Attack”
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: NOTE: The rape/non-con elements in this fic are purely implied and referenced. Nothing is explicitly shown.
Not sure how much I've succeeded at portraying a panic attack in this one. I’ve only done it once before and it’s in an unposted one-shot. So I have no idea how well I’ve written a panic attack.
Might also be too long. I tried to look at what needed cutting, but I had no idea what.
Also written as a follow-up to Whumptober Day 12, which I will be linking.
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Ao3 to Whumptober Day 12
Ao3 To Whumptober Day 18
In the end, nothing got fixed. After his outburst in the Dragon Academy and doing "damage control" with his father, Hiccup somehow managed to convince him to let him go back to the Edge, and then it's like everything went back to normal.
Normal as in Hiccup pretending like nothing happened and continuing on as usual. Giving orders, prioritizing dragons and beating Dragon Hunters, sassing, the whole charade. He simply goes about his business, truly as if nothing happened that day, as if they hadn't hurt him and he hadn't hurt them.
A part of them is selfishly relieved and wants to go along with the pretend, but a slightly bigger part of them knows it isn't right, that Hiccup is simply ignoring the issue altogether in the hope that it will just go away.
So they've tried to bring it up with him. At dinner, during game night, during a patrol, any moment where he can sit down and have a talk. But he always shuts them down as soon as the subject is brought up, telling them not to make such a big deal out of something so stupid and small and to let it rest.
Sometimes they don't even get the chance to start talking before Hiccup would leave the room as soon as they sit down. There's just something about the way they sit down whenever they try to talk to him that tips him off to what they're planning on doing.
This whole thing has made him a hypocrite because he wouldn't just let this rest if the person suffering isn't him. Though to be fair, he would be a lot more sensitive about it than they have been.
The worst part is that their attempts at reaching him aren't only in vain, they make things worse between them and him, too. Though he and Toothless seem to be doing fine, the two of them go off together without the rest of the Dragon Riders a lot more than they used to even at the very beginning of the Dragon Academy.
Hiccup spends more time by himself, while game night often keeps going until the wee hours of the night, he only stays for an hour or two before retreating to his hut or forge to do whatever.
And then they get captured again. The Riders fight and fight to make their captivity end as soon as humanly possible, to save Hiccup from more hurt, but when they get home, Hiccup and Toothless disappeared for days.
So instead of suffering through this period of pain on the Edge, he was suffering through it somewhere else instead, with only Toothless there to see it.
It's so unhealthy. The way he avoids it altogether, pretends like nothing is wrong, like his head isn't full of what he's enduring. The way he runs from his second home, from his friends, to suffer completely on his own only to return and continue to act like nothing's happened and like he hasn't been gone.
So they let it rest, feeling like they have no other choice. After telling Stoick had been disastrous, after returning to the Edge, after attempt after attempt ends in failure, they decide to let it rest. Maybe them "letting it go" will, at the very least, urge Hiccup to stay home when he has these troubling episodes. That way, he's safe with them when he has them and not off to Odin knows where.
Unfortunately for Hiccup, life has a way of confronting someone with their traumas.
Years pass.
Drago Bludvist happens, Hiccup finds out his dead mother isn't actually dead, Stoick is killed, Hiccup becomes Chief of the Hooligan tribe at the young age of 20, and Eret joins the Dragon Riders. Once again his life is turned upsidedown, but besides a few references here and there, Viggo's criminal acts are never talked about.
Despite this, the Riders know that the former Dragon Hunter Chief is far from forgotten, even while dead.
Because Berk is a very handsy place and Berk doesn't know about Hiccup's ever-growing aversion to touch. They act around him as they always have, Hooligan friendly, and his friends have seen his discomfort that everyone else is either blind to or attributes to his awkwardness.
On that front, Eret is very observant, keeping it at friendly shoulder pats.
But it isn't just the "no touching", the Riders can see Viggo's influence on other aspects of Hiccup's life.
They can see when he's having a particularly bad episode by the bags under his eyes from a lack of sleep, by the weight he loses when eating becomes a problem, or when he suddenly and inexplicably needs to leave a room and won't be back for hours.
They've never disturbed him before, but they know he's at the cove with Toothless when he does this. So at least they know he's safe.
But Hiccup's wardrobe isn't lost on them either. Going from a simple tunic and somewhat plain armor to layers upon layers with armor on top and belts in more places than they need to be, one dagger strapped to an arm, and his Inferno strapped to his thigh,... the Riders aren't idiots.
Berk may think it's his taste for the dramatic, but they know that he's making up for a concerning lack of a sense of security. Viggo's death hasn't made him feel any safer and Stoick's has made that even less so.
It's all leather, too, all except for his tunic.
It always takes him minutes just to reach his main tunic and knowing Hiccup that is bound to bite him in the ass someday.
And it did.
Having allies means coming to their aid in their time of need and that can sometimes result in one of the Dragon Riders getting hurt. This time, it so happened to be Hiccup.
Aiding the Berserkers when an enemy tribe thought to raid them, the Dragon Riders came to help and in the ensuing battle, Hiccup got knocked off Toothless.
It is easier to down a disabled dragon than a fully-abled one, even with a rider, but throughout the years, their grace in the sky hasn't just grown, but their chances of being downed have lessened.
Unfortunately for Hiccup and Toothless, that means crashing just hurts more. As a dragon, Toothless is sturdy and can therefore shake a crash or two off, but as a mere human, Hiccup cannot.
Unable to just walk it off, he was taken to the healer to be looked at and treated. He'd been unconscious the whole way there, a blessing because that meant he didn't need to feel them move him and cause him more pain in the process, a curse because that meant he woke up in a stranger's home.
"He won't let me treat him," The healer had to tell the Riders and Heather, the Berserker Chieftess. Despite her many attempts at soothing him and telling him that he needs to be examined, he still won't let her.
The Riders, standing outside of her shack, all look at each other, knowing why Hiccup is refusing treatment and too afraid to say.
Heather places a hand on Astrid's shoulder, sharing her troubled mood. She, too, knows of Hiccup's fear, having lived on the Edge for a time and experienced his episodes for herself.
"Maybe it'll help if his friends are there? A familiar face can do wonders." She suggests, while Eret steps forward.
"This is so strange. The Chief has his reckless moments, but refusing treatment just seems... not like him." He says and he's right. This is beyond being reckless, this is endangering his own life.  And not just for some stunt, but for refusing treatment!
"We can go in and see what we can do, but you're going to have let Toothless in. Hiccup won't accept treatment without him in the room." Astrid tells the healer. It's not a plan that guarantees success, but it's better than forcing him to comply with something that triggers an old fear.
The healer sighs and nods. She's not particularly happy to have a Night Fury in her home and place of work, but she recognizes that she needs to allow it for her patient's sake.
Astrid turns to face Toothless, who was all but glued to the door of the shack, awaiting the moment he could join Hiccup's side again. Was because he's already entering after pawing the door open.
So she turns to Eret instead.
"Eret, I know you want to help, but I need to ask you to stay here." She tells him and Eret nods. It's not that she wants to exclude him, it's just that he probably doesn't know and Hiccup would probably like to keep it that way. Until he wants to talk about it himself, that is. They've learned their lesson about telling people something this personal, even if they think it's for his sake.
The rest of the Riders, they follow Toothless inside. What they find is Toothless and Hiccup having what can only be called a stand-off.
"Oh great, guys, can you tell Toothless to move? He's not letting me leave." Hiccup requests when he notices they aren't alone anymore, but quickly resumes his staring contest with the dragon, who is rumbling challengingly. In a "you just try to get past me" kind of way. His tail is swaying behind him.
"Leave? You need medical attention, you can't leave!" Astrid replies surprised.
"Which I can get plenty of back home. Berk isn't far by dragon." Hiccup passes Toothless and for all his bravado, he realizes that he can't actually stop him from leaving the healer's hut.
The Riders and Toothless watch him limp towards the door, holding his side. He still looks like just as much of a mess as when Eret brought him in, including the bloody pants that he has bandaged rather messily. As someone who knows at least a thing or two medically and knows of the importance of proper treatment, this only shows his urgency to get out of here.
Catching him trying to limp past them and out the door, Astrid comes to stand before him, effectively stopping him in his way. Blinking in surprise, Hiccup looks at her.
"Wow hey, you can't just leave. A few hours by dragon is still far when you have injured your ribs. Especially when you have healer and supplies right here." She tells him and Hiccup doesn't like what he's hearing. She's making sense to him as well, of course, but his high levels of discomfort are overruling his common sense.
"Astrid, I'm fine. I can breathe fine, albeit, with a little bit of pain, I can make the trip back to Berk."
"So you say and then, once we're over the ocean with no island for miles you discover that, oh no, you suddenly can't breathe out of one lung! You faint, you and Toothless crash, and you both drown." Astrid puts her foot down and crosses her arms, scolding him for his way of thinking. "A little bit of pain" does not equal "okay".
"But that's why I have you guys, to keep that from happening." He says.
"Oh yeah, because we can definitely fix a collapsed lung on the spot." Snotlout sides with Astrid and comes to stand next to her, obstructing Hiccup's way out further.
Hiccup sighs and a look of pain passes on his face, the too deep release of air hurting his side.
"Hiccup, why don't you want to be treated?" Astrid asks, having some idea, but not wanting to jump to conclusions.
"It's just... It doesn't feel good to have a stranger..." Touch me, he wants to say, but having put up a wall between the Riders and his "issues", he refuses to say it.
"To have a stranger what?" Astrid asks, suspicious of what he actually wants to say.
"I just trust Gothi's expertise more." A rude thing to say, especially for him. They're lucky the healer isn't here to hear him.
The Riders glare at him and Hiccup looks away, uncomfortable with how rude he's just been to a woman who simply wants to help him. The words had left him before he could stop them and he regrets them already.
"Okay, we'll stay." He finally decides, but keeps standing by the door because he doesn't actually feel like moving, more so because of how much it hurts to use his injured leg.
He doesn't know what he cut his thigh on, just that it bleeds enough to require stitches and be at risk for infection. Which makes his decision to leave seem even more foolish and unlike him.
But the Riders don't blame him because they know exactly what causes this out of character behavior.
Offering her hands, Hiccup lets her help him sit down on the bed behind him. He'd been lying on it before, when he woke up and the healer tried to examine him and he was being too difficult of a patient.
Hiccup wipes his sweaty palms on his pants, he's anxious and his friends notice. Astrid crouches down in front of him.
"We can stay if you want us to. Fishlegs knows how to heal, he can even do it while the healer watches and helps where needed. We already convinced her to let Toothless stay. If having a familiar face helps you get through this, we're here for you." She talks vaguely about him not needing to be touched by a stranger or being left alone with a stranger on an island full of strangers.
Hiccup mulls it over, thinking about her offer, but then shakes his head lightly.
"This is stupid, she's not even..." A man, like he was. But he doesn't say it, whispering more to himself than he is talking to Astrid. They don't need to know. As if they don't know already.
"You're really anxious, it's not stupid." It's Snotlout who says this as he's surprisingly sensitive about this forbidden topic.
Hiccup looks up at his friends, Toothless purring as he invites himself in their space and nudges his human's uninjured leg in support.
He's not ready for this. He can feel himself sweating, his heart is pounding so much in dread that it aches, his anxiety is already through the roof.
He doesn't want to do this, but Astrid is right, this could potentially be needlessly life-threatening and he would be dragging Toothless down with him.
He just has to stop being so stupid and let the woman do her job.
"Okay, call her back in." Hiccup requests and lies back down with some difficulty while Fishlegs leaves to get her.
It'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine. It doesn't matter how many times he'll be repeating that in his mind, he'll have to do it as many times as it takes.
The old healer enters her hut again and she wants to get to work.
Hiccup watches her move around, his eyes following her as he attempts to control his breathing, as hard as it is with his ribs aching. Every breath in and out hurts him and that some part of him wants to draw shorter and shallower breaths with his rising nerves doesn't help.
She takes everything she may need. Cloth, bandages, water, herbs, anything to treat his injuries with.
It'll be fine, it'll be fine.
Everything in hand, Fishlegs helping her carry her stuff, she approaches and sets it all down.
"It'll be fine." Astrid looks at him when she hears him mutter.
But the second he feels hands trying to undo his belts, he panics. He takes her hands and pulls them away from him before rushing to sit up and hurting himself in the process. A cry of pain leaves him, everyone jumps to attention.
"Hiccup, wait, it's okay." Astrid tries to tell him, grabbing a shoulder.
"No! Nope! None of this is okay! I'm not okay!" He tells her before he winces and has no choice but to fall back down, holding his side and jostling his leg, which has bled through the bandages by now.
The Riders and Toothless gaze at him, the healer keeping her distance as she can tell this is a rather personal matter and so doesn't involve herself.
They listen to him groaning in pain, see the expression of agony as well as the sweat already glistening on his skin in the candlelight. His air intake is ragged. It is shallow and too fast, which only hurts him more.
"Hiccup," Astrid speaks his name, he shivers beneath her hand.
"No, I can't I... I just can't. I can't let this happen." This is wrong. This feels so wrong to him. The hands of someone that he doesn't know on his body where they don't belong.
In the past few years, the only ones who have been able to infiltrate his personal space in such a close manner have been his father and Toothless, maybe occasionally the Dragon Riders. Though, the Dragons more than the Riders.
And Berk, of course, but that was beyond his control. He doesn't like any of it and that is already hard to suffer through. Doing this is more than he can bear. He wants out.
He can already feel it creeping onto him. The hands.
"Hiccup, you need a healer." Astrid gently reminds him.
"I can put you under a sedative if that makes this procedure easier on you." The healer offers Berk's Chief some peace, at least for the next few hours.
"What? No! No sedatives!"
"Not even painkillers? It might help." Ruffnut suggests.
"No, no painkillers either. I want nothing." He's breathing so fast, he's becoming lightheaded. Meanwhile, his ribs burn.
"Then what do you want us to do?" Astrid asks, hoping Hiccup can tell them what he thinks will help him get through this most.
They've already gone behind his back once and it had made everything worse for him, had made things terrible between them.
But Hiccup shakes his head, not even knowing the answer to that question himself.
Gods, he can feel them. Disembodied hands where they don't belong, touching him where they were never meant to touch.
He wants to cry.
Astrid offers him her hand and he takes it too quickly and squeezes too hard. He's dying for comfort.
But he knows he needs to go through with it.
"Just go ahead with it. Just do it." He tells them uncertainly and the healer steps forward again, hands moving to his belts to undo them.
This time he lets her, but his hyperventilation worsens and so does his trembling. His eyes close as if it'll help if he can't see her hands on him. Feeling them on him is already bad enough.
He can feel other hands creeping upon him. They're bigger with more callouses and they aren't actually there, which is why they creep.
They belong to a man that isn't even alive anymore and yet, with every unwanted touch forced upon him, he can feel him again.
"Shhh, it's okay. You'll get through this. Just breathe, Hiccup, breathe." Astrid tells him and he tries to keep a hold of himself to the best of his ability.
His vest is splayed upon and more wounds are made bare. Besides the aching of his ribs, there's a splotch of blood on the right side of his lower abdomen, close to the hem of his trousers.
"He's bleeding through his tunic." Snotlout mutters, bringing attention to it. The healer takes the hem of his tunic in order to take a look.
Hiccup can feel it, is too aware of her every move. Still squeezing Astrid's hand, he squeezes even tighter and she lets him. Tears wet his eyes and when she cautiously pulls it up, they slip free and he seizes her hands again, unable to bear any more of this.
"Hey, shhh, it's okay." Astrid holds all of their hands as she hushes him.
Toothless intervenes and headbutts his human's face, a gesture of affection that Hiccup returns.
"Yeah, it's okay, we're all here with you." Snotlout tells him, stepping forward, but not daring to go as far as Astrid is going. One of them is probably enough.
"Breathe, Hiccup. Breathe."
"I can't. I-I can't."
Fishlegs comes closer.
"Then maybe I can help! Try to follow along with me, okay?" Hiccup leaves Toothless to face him, who exaggerates his breathing in a slow and timely manner so he can keep up.
It's hard, but Hiccup tries his best to follow along until his breathing comes to a more natural pace and his lightheadedness doesn't turn to darkness.
Astrid manages to make Hiccup let go of the healer and hold onto her instead.
They don't like any of this, the panic attack, the sweat sticking his clothing to his skin, or the tears now sliding down his face. His lip is trembling, his everything is trembling.
This is what he hid from them after their damning talk with Stoick for so long, this is what Viggo has done to him. Their fearless leader rendered to this. The fact that they still don't know the details haunts them to this day.
He can still face any enemy, can stare down death itself if he has to, but he can't stand being touched, not even if it's for his own well-being.
"This is so stupid." They hear him mutter, something they've heard him repeat over and over again with whatever involves his issues. They don't know what he thinks is so stupid, but they've heard him say this so many times by now.
Astrid dares to take a seat on the bed next to him and lets go of his hand to cup his cheeks. He stares up at her with a wild look of panic. If he wants her to let go, she trusts that he'll let her know.
"Hiccup, please listen," She starts and hopes that's what he'll do.
"We're all here to protect you. I know we've failed you before, but no more. You're safe with us. Tonight, tomorrow, every day for the rest of your life, you're safe." She tells him and his hands take hers, but he doesn't pull them away. Her touch is light, so it wouldn't be hard to remove them, he wants them there.
"We love you. Please let us protect you." She requests with genuine emotion.
He nods.
"Okay," He says quietly, barely above a whisper as most of his voice is stuck in his throat. It's a miracle he even got that much out.
Toothless rumbles encouragingly and invites himself partially into the bed, pretty much wrapping his forelegs around his Rider, but staying mindful of his injuries.
Hiccup lets go of Astrid's hands, gaining some control over himself.
Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut take them, watching for any reaction that might tell them this is the wrong move to make. So far, there isn't any.
This might be it, the opening they've been waiting for. For years Hiccup has been completely closed off on this topic, he's locked his fears up tight and thrown away the key. But now, perhaps the door stands open on a creak and they're allowed a peek inside with a promise for more.
Whether this is what it is or not doesn't matter at the moment. What does matter, is helping him through tonight.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" Back on Berk, Astrid asks Hiccup this question as they enter his home a few days later.
Looking up from his blueprints, he watches them enter with a tired smile.
He's sitting on a chair, wearing a comfortable tunic to spare his bruised ribs the weight that comes with many layers. The stitched gash on his lower abdomen benefits from this, too. He doesn't like it, but Toothless is with him always and so is Sharpshot, who lies curled up on the table. His injured leg rests on another chair, the wound having been stitched closed and showing no signs of infection so far.
"Eh, tired. Maybe in need of some more painkillers. It's been a few hours and my everything hurts again." He answers as they walk further into the home, greeted by Toothless who croons their way happily. He's lying curled up around Hiccup's spot, helping him feel secure as he can't wear his "shield".
Ever since that night, something has changed in their group again. Talking with him, being around him, it's easier. It's as if there's been this tension for so long that nobody even noticed after a time, and now that it's finally gone and they can all feel that lack of weight.
"I'll go make some!" Fishlegs offers himself up and disappears into the kitchen.
"How is everything with the village outside?" Hiccup asks, hoping that his work isn't stacking up as he spends his time inside recovering. He is weirdly okay with staying indoors. So far, at least.
"We're managing things, the twins are actually fixing stuff more than they break it," Astrid informs him.
"Hey, we can be very good repair people." Ruffnut protests.
"Besides, just means there's more for us to break later," Tuffnut mutters to her, and the two snicker. Astrid and Snotlout both roll their eyes.
"We'll make sure they don't break stuff later." The latter promises with a deadpan. Hiccup smiles at him gratefully.
"Here it is!" Fishlegs returns with a painkilling, and possibly sleep-inducing, broth and hands it to Hiccup.
"Thanks," He says, taking it and then staring at it as he holds it in his hands. He's not exactly looking forward to it, these broths never taste that pleasant. This one doesn't even smell good.
He should take it, get rid of the pain, and maybe get some shut-eye. These blueprints can wait.
But first, there's been something that he's been contemplating as he waited for his friends' inevitable visit for the day. They always come by.
"Hey, um..." He starts, gaze still on the cup with the broth.
The Riders look at him, wait for him to talk, and say what's on his mind as there is clearly something.
They aren't quite prepared for the topic he's about to bring up, but the day they've been waiting for has finally arrived.
After some hesitation, Hiccup forces himself to say it.
"He never went all the way."
Surprised to hear him talk about it, the Gang listens.
"Vi-Viggo, he... He never..." Hiccup stops talking then and they don't interrupt or try to finish his sentence for him. They can tell it's taking him everything just to talk now, he's not even looking at them, hand coming up to hide most of his face from view.
Toothless purrs, sitting up to meet Hiccup at eye-level, but he's not looking at him either.
"It really did just stay with words and... and touches... Every time I got captured and taken to him, but... That's it, nothing else." It's not like they don't know that something's been done to him, but to actually hear him say it, to hear their suspicions be confirmed is something else entirely.
The twins share a saddened look, Fishlegs looks down at his hands, and Astrid and Snotlout both feel themselves tense up. It's been a good few years and still, it makes them so angry that any of it happened.
Back to the conversation, Snotlout wanted to remind him that that wasn't nothing, but Astrid stops him. Hiccup is finally talking, they should let him have his say before they comment.
Still unable to bear to look at his friends, Hiccup wipes his sweaty palms on his trousers.
"It-it-it... "It" never actually happened so-so it-so it just seemed so stupid to feel the way I did. The-the way I do. Like-like I was hurt when I wasn't." That was part of the problem, it wasn't as bad as it could've been and that made worrying about it seem so dumb to him.
He's lucky. That's what he's been telling himself. He's lucky.
"So stupid," He repeats, feeling like an attention seeker for something that was "not as bad as it could've been". So many people have suffered worse than him, he shouldn't complain.
He rocks nervously, trying to cope with the influx of memories that have festered over the years, with the shame welling up. Thus far they've only been dealt with by cramming them into the darkest corners of his mind, a fruitless effort that usually ends in frustration and anger. There they have continued to rot and chipped away at him piece by piece like an untreated infection.
Bringing it up now still hurts just as much as it would've hurt to bring up back then.
As a brief silence sets in, Astrid dares to take a step and sits down at the table on a seat next to him.
"I think you and I both know that he doesn't need to go "all the way" for this to hurt, Hiccup. What happened was so, so traumatizing, doesn't matter how far he did or didn't go. And it happened... It happened multiple times." Astrid has to swallow, feeling like she might throw up if she doesn't.
"If we were in each other's shoes, you would be telling me the exact same thing." She tells him and Hiccup finds that she has a point.
If this had happened to Astrid, to any of his friends, he wouldn't stand for them to call their reaction to being... to being... He wouldn't call them stupid, he wouldn't call them calls for attention.
"He hurt you and you have every right to be angry, even now." She continues.
"We all hurt you." Snotlout admits, coming to sit at the table as well. The others, they swiftly follow their example.
To hear them tell him that he has every right to be angry, to be hurt, is more relieving than he can ever express.
But there's a question Snotlout has been wondering about this whole time and he wonders if Hiccup will answer.
"How... I understand if you don't want to answer, but how far did he get?" If he's not ready to tell them yet, if he'll never be ready, then he'll understand.
Hiccup doesn't answer and while he's told them he never went "all the way", "not all the way" still seems to be pretty far.
He wants to cry again. The memories running rampant inside his mind, the non-existing hands that refuse to leave him, they make tears gather in his eyes.
He's in pain and has been for much too long. He feels like he's been on fire this entire time and that someone is finally putting out the fire.
It's with a mere cup, but it's a start.
Managing to look at his friends, Hiccup cautiously gazes at them all, fearing judgment as he finally bares it all.
Astrid reaches and takes his hand, squeezing it lightly. Perhaps, it's time to talk and let his family in.
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mannatea · 4 years
Excuse me I want the opinions about the apocalyptic humans are the real monsters please!
>Are you sure you would like to board this train?
Anyway, sure! I have a lot of thoughts. And opinions. And considerations. Hopefully this train of thought is worth the trip. All aboaaaaard!
Part I: This Mentality Doesn’t Exist in Just Fiction!
I take issue with this phrasing as a general rule because humans are still human. Calling them “monsters” for their evil deeds—something everyone is capable of performing, by the way—is just...asinine to the nth degree. Sure, we’d all like to imagine we’re not capable of Great Evil, but WE ARE. 
I don’t want to dive into Purity Police Politics here, but here’s a question for (general) you: where is the line drawn? What makes a “bad” person “a monster” vs. just being a bad/thoughtless/careless person? 
I think we can all agree that objectively some acts are evil. If you’ve been following the news this year, you probably have a million examples, but (TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS LINK) here’s a particularly terrible one; they even call the abusers monsters in this news article. Why? I think you know why. They want to emotionally distance themselves. They want to believe that these people are unique in their ability to cause harm and suffering to another human being.
But WOWEE!!! Spoiler alert: the writer is just as capable of abuse as the people who committed the crime!!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I think most people are UNLIKELY to commit a crime like that, or even hurt another person with malicious intent or hatred in their hearts. But to pretend we are not all capable of it is putting yourself on a pedestal above the rest of humanity, and...I dunno. That’s awfully cocky.
Tumblr in particular loves to talk about toxicity and abuse, and they love to paint themselves as “better than” or “above” that behavior, but 1) we are all capable of toxicity, have been problematic in our lifetime, and have probably done something abusive to someone else at one point or another, and 2) we must remember that this is true of everyone else as well as ourselves. The important thing is that we strive to behave better, to learn to recognize when we are hurting someone else, to CARE THAT WE MIGHT BE HURTING SOMEONE ELSE, and to actively work to just be better/kinder people.
I totally get the desire to call a cruel, abusive, or evil person “a monster” but THEY ARE NOT. They are people. People are not infallible. Monsters by definition are imaginary creatures, but the abuse these people inflict is real. The crimes are real. The hurt is real. The effect these people have on those around them is as real as they themselves are, and to pretend for even a moment that it’s not, that they are somehow separate from  you and I, that the rules apply differently for them than you and I, is just...harmful? 
Because again, where do you draw the line? 
Part II: Using Monster as an Insult
Monsters are creations, always, as they are by definition imaginary creatures. I think some might look to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate when it comes to criminal acts to try and justify their use of the word “monster” to refer to people like the abusers in the link above (aka: “society shaped them into that, it was never their natural inclination”) but that feels vaguely like cherry-picking to me, and I don’t like it.
Also, “Monster” is used as such a joking insult online these days (you’re a monster for dissing my anime waifu headcanons) it’s lost its bite if it ever had it to begin with. My beloved cat CiCi’s nickname was ‘Monster’ because the first Christmas I had her she rolled around on the Christmas presents and hissed at anyone who tried to move them. We also have an energy drink named Monster. Cookie Monster. Created ‘monsters’ with their own lore like werewolves and vampires and kelpies and Bigfoot.
So you risk one of three things by calling someone a monster: 1) it comes across like a joking insult/cute pet name, 2) you’re putting them on par with beings that literally do not exist except in fiction, and that half of this hellsite wants to fuck MANY people actually enjoy talking/reading about as part of an entire literary genre, or 3) you’re saying they’re literally not human beings and therefore not worth being considered as such.
None of these options are good.
Part III: “Humans Were the Real Monsters All Along!™”
Maybe when literacy levels were super low and only the wealthy had the leisure time and access to literature they could read for fun, this kind of reveal was Intriguing, but I’m here to tell you that it’s never been interesting to any person who has lived in the real world, like, ever.
I feel like for children this may be different (I dunno, as a child you don’t always understand what’s going on around you/are more likely to be sheltered from these kinds of truths outside of fiction), but I highly doubt that, say, peasants in 1620 weren’t well aware that humans were capable of evil.
Sure, they did the same thing we like to do and called people who committed particularly heinous acts ‘monsters’ (probably for the same reasons we do as well as because they wanted to believe they were safe in their communities and that their neighbors were also different and not capable of doing that sort of thing) but again you see the general level of denial:
This person is not like me.
I am different.
I must call them something else.
Which, yes you are different, but the difference is NOT in WHAT you are, it’s in HOW YOU ACT and the emotions you act upon!
Society has a history of doing this separation, and of revealing in fiction that humans are actually the real monsters, but again, those of us who exist in the real world already know that human beings are capable of great evil. Even if we are surprised by the level of vileness or not is irrelevant; we all know that logically this kind of thing happens in the real world and that human beings are responsible for it.
Part IV: Bad Reveal. BAD!
In some pieces of media, the writers go out of their way to be like, “THE MONSTERS WE’VE HATED ALL THIS TIME AND HAVE BEEN FIGHTING WERE ONCE HUMAN LIKE US. WE COULD BECOME LIKE THEM! OH NO!”
Let’s look at zombies, a monster created for the sake of this kind of narrative. They were “once human” but are now mindless beings completely unaware of the hurt they are inflicting, even on those they might have known in their lifetime. Zombies can infect living human beings, turning them into zombies. The humans in these stories don’t want to become zombies, so they fight the zombies (with varying results, depending on the particular piece of media you choose to consume).
Zombie stories have a huge cult following; people love this kind of thing. On the surface you might think zombie stories fit the above narrative, and they do, but like...literally. “They were human once but aren’t anymore!” is almost never a reveal in these stories; it’s something everyone already knows and is actively fighting against.
"Humans are the real monsters” rarely has much to do with the zombies. It almost always occurs when a human in the group of survivors betrays the others in a big way.
The betrayer is then painted as the REAL monster here, the REAL threat. You might notice that lot of post-apocalyptic and/or humans-vs.-monsters fiction follows the same pattern: humans fight monsters, (optional ingredient: the monsters were once human!), and then they find out that Actually, Humans Were the Real Monsters All Along!
Again, anyone reading this post already knows that. They go out in public and see people who can’t be assed to wear a mask. “Wah it itches.” “Wah I can’t breathe.” “Wah it’s inconvenient for me and I’m not infected I know I’m fine!”
These same maskless fools would tell you to your face that the betrayer in these stories is a monster. They themselves, however, are not capable of hurting other people! They’re better than that! That person is a monster! They would never betray their allies. Except they do, every day, by refusing to wear a mask to protect other people from themselves. “Just in case” isn’t a good enough reason for them because it’s an inconvenience and they don’t like how it feels.
Sure, wearing a mask during a pandemic seems like such a small thing compared to, you know, betraying your fellow survivors in the apocalypse, but you have to consider context. If wearing a mask during a pandemic that has literally killed huNDreDS oF thousands is so inconvenient they won’t even wear it for the 3 minutes they are in the gas station...would you trust this person in a post-apocalyptic setting? Would they gather food for a physically disabled survivor? Would they literally fight to protect someone ill? Share resources fairly? You know if they can’t wear a mask for three minutes in a whole damn day they wouldn’t step up like that. They could easily end up being the betrayer in a situation like that. They’ve never been desperate enough to do something like that before, and they probably don’t think they’re capable of it now, but we know what they do when something is a minor inconvenience to them. Imagine a major inconvenience. Imagine their whole life being turned upside-down!
My issues with the reveal of “Humans are actually the real monsters!” are many, but the biggest issue I take with it from a writing perspective is that it’s almost never accurate when you look at the scope of the story.
Tens of thousands of zombies vs. one (1) betrayer: and you’re telling me the betrayer is the real monster? The bigger threat??? BULLSHIT. Sure, it takes a real asshole to betray people during the literal apocalypse, but that act doesn’t take away from the fact that they are human, LET ALONE the fact that using this particular point as a Big Important Reveal tells me you’re a shit writer who thinks you’re smart.
(For the record, you might have a character who will prioritize this and consider that betrayer the bigger threat, but we’re not talking about character development/motivations so much as overarching narratives the writer includes in the story separate from that.)
Anyway, I’m not saying stories with this premise in them are shit, I’m saying that this concept as a big plot reveal/climax of a story is shit. How can this even be a reveal worth revealing? Has anyone ever turned on the news?
Part V: Drawing the Line and Other Particulars
I definitely do not have the expertise or the experience to make this a detailed point, so please forgive me for that, but let’s talk about that line again, because this point absolutely cannot be overlooked.
Where is it? What makes one person who commits a crime or evil act a monster and not another? Is it the act committed? Their mental state? What about the mentally ill? What about neurodivergent people? What about children?
As an extreme example: is a woman who throws her baby off a building a monster? NO!!! SHE’S HUMAN and she did something terrible. We might like to say we’re different and we would neVeR do that, but we don’t know because we have never been in her shoes. We are missing context even the courts will never have or fully grasp. We do not know or understand her mental state no matter what the doctors say. Calling her a monster doesn’t do anything but put her in a separate category from the rest of us, which is harmful on SO many levels, starting with the fact that it means nobody talks to her, nobody gets her side of the story, nobody listens, and so we have no perspective, no understanding, no desire to learn.
Things like this are why it took so long for PPD to even begin to be understood, and why EVEN NOW women are afraid to talk about it and all related issues. I follow a ob-gyn on YouTube and the amount of women in her comments who thank her (oftentimes VERY emotionally) for openly saying it’s normal to not immediately feel a connection to your baby when they are born is mind-blowing. Not everyone will feel that! Sometimes you have to get to know your baby because they are an individual person and that is how love works for some people! But 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 100 years ago: that was unthinkable to admit. You lied about it and you felt like a terrible person instead. What kind of mom doesn’t love their baby instantly? You must be the worst. Meanwhile, the woman you’re getting your information from doesn’t feel that bond either and is lying about it because she feels pressured and just as bad as you do. All this suffering, and for what?! Stigma. Being told you’re not human if you don’t feel like that.
Don’t you know the bond with that baby suffered from this issue, too? Don’t you think it affected the parent/child relationship for the rest of their lives?
Not everyone who commits a crime falls into a category like this, and maybe the woman in my example doesn’t either, but I hope your takeaway is that calling people monsters keeps them separated from other people to the point where their story becomes just as fictional as the monsters they are called, and when it is heard it is enjoyed as fiction, rather than seriously considered.
Let’s not pretend that this separation of humanity into “human” and “not human” based on the way someone acts hasn’t hindered progress in the mental health/medical fields for everyone. When people are not considered human they are not given human treatment, rights, consideration, or empathy.
Part VI: TL;DR:
we are all human and capable of doing bad things.
the difference between a bad person and you or I is a lot more complex and multilayered than “they did a terrible thing and I did not do that terrible thing.”
calling people ‘monsters’ for the bad things they do dehumanizes them and may:
strip them of responsibility for their actions by insinuating they were born that way or they aren’t actually human like you and I, and/or
prevent them from getting the help they need/from others who have not done anything bad yet getting the help they need
it’s not a good reveal in fiction
because most of us already know people commit evil acts,
and it is oftentimes is presented in a way that doesn’t actually make sense for the story.
Sorry that it got long and probably isn’t very well organized! I wrote it in bursts at work. But anyway yeah...
I don’t mind when characters feel this way about other characters, but to see it used as a narrative feature/reveal/et cetera in fiction is like, so tiresome. No shit, Sherlock. I turn on the news. I followed true crime for a while. WE ALL KNOW PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF DOING TERRIBLE, AWFUL THINGS TO OTHER LIVING THINGS.
Having *that* be your big reveal in a story is so childish it embarrasses me to see it. Wow, congrats on figuring out something at 47 that the rest of us learned on the playground before we turned 7!
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attack-on-neverland · 3 years
4. Ending the Cycle of Hatred
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Eldians vs. Marleyans, Humans vs. Demons
Everything discussed so far has led back to the question “How do you stop the never ending cycle of hatred?” Both Attack on Titan and The Promised Neverland have explored the possibilities of negotiation, intimidation, violence, and full-on annihilation of those who get in the way. However, despite ending up in different paths, one hopeful message reigns clear.
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The Alliance - a group made of Eldians, Marleyans, and those from other nations
In Attack on Titan, it was mentioned that conflict will always exist as long as a diverse set of people with different ideals exist in the world. Conflict is part of our world and it will never cease to exist. The only way around things to work through them, even if it is seemingly impossible. Even Eren knew that the Rumbling was an unnecessary act of violence, which was why he wanted to take the blame for himself. While it’s true that the attack on Paradis would have ensued immediately if Eren didn’t act quick enough, there were definitely other alternatives that didn’t involve purging the whole world. If the Survey Corps and the Marleyan captives were able to form some sort of truce with one another, why can’t it work with the whole world?
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The conversation between Grisha Jaeger and Kruger
As Eren Kruger puts it “Love someone within the walls. Even someone on the street, it does not matter. Your wife Your child. If you can’t do it, we’re doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes.” This is one of the most beautiful quotes in the whole series because as cheesy as it sounds, it shows how unconditional love caan really change things around. Eren Kruger is a Marleyan (and is naturally discriminatory towards Eldians). However, he urges Grisha to love these ‘devils’ or else hate and history are bound to continue in a never-ending cycle. In the end, it does work out. He ends up loving his wife (Carla) and passes on the duty to his son (Eren). In fact, Grisha becomes one of the characters most loved by the others in the story as he took in Mikasa without hesitation, cured countless Eldians from their illnesses, and was a loyal ally to Keith Shadis. Going back to Kruger, what’s interesting is that it’s eventually revealed that Eren utilizes Paths in order to deliver that message to Grisha. Eren /did/ believe in the power of loving the other, but his desperation caused him to prioritize the lives of his friends instead.
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Niccolo and Sasha
One example of the “Love someone within the walls” idea was the relationship of Niccolo and Sasha. As an avid food lover, Sasha immediately took a liking to Niccolo’s Marleyan cooking, and despite being deprived of seeing their relationship develop (in both the manga and anime), we do see glimpses of what had happened between the two. After Sasha’s death, Niccolo proclaims how Sasha had saved him from this “stupid, worthless war” and showed him that he could bring happiness through his food. Despite his prejudices towards the Eldians at first, it is evident that Niccolo changes over his time with the Scouts. Even after Sasha’s death, he keeps his ties with the other Scouts and even saves them from a potentially fatal event. He even invites Sasha’s family for a meal to honor their daughter. Here, it is evident that the cycle of hatred has been broken. However, we see the remnants of this cycle when we backtrack a little.
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Gabi and Udo witnessing the death of Zofia who is crushed under the rubble
The one who killed Sasha was actually Gabi Braun, one of the younger Marleyan warrior candidates. After Eren’s destruction of the city and the Eldians coming to save him, Gabi is left in shock and distraught as she sees Edo and Zofia die before her very eyes. The young girl is suddenly exposed to the realities of war as innocent civilians are ruthlessly crushed, bombed, and murdered. If you think about it, this is actually Eldia’s counterattack for the hatred they’ve endured all these years and their seeming “banishment” from society. So this shows how the cycle continues. In the beginning, it was attacks towards other civilizations, then attacks towards Paradis, then counter attacks towards Marley, and now a little girl fighting back by killing one of Paradis’ elite soliders. The cycle was even supposed to continue right then and there if the senior Survey Corps members weren't there to stop them from killing Gabi. However, you do see how the cycle of hatred continues to manifest in Gabi as she continues to belittle Eldian civilians, calls them devils, and rejects any offer of kindness from them. This goes on and on until Gabi is saved by Sasha’s family. It was only when it dawned on her that she was saved despite killing their daughter that she realized that the Eldians are not devils, but people like her. From that moment forward, she began to cooperate with them and the vicious cycle stopped (for this group of people, at least). The selfless extension of generosity by the Braus family has touched Gabi’s heart as her hatefulness turned into understanding. AOT has shown that the cycle CAN be broken and that there was a possibility that Eren didn’t have to take those extreme measures to save the Eldians.
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Sonju teaching the Gracefield kids the necessary skills they need for survival
In the Promised Neverland, the cycle of hatred for most of the Gracefield kids was broken early on due to the enthusiasm and empathy that Emma immediately extended to Sonju and Mujika. It was also relatively easier for them to break this hatred because it was the demons who rescued them out of their own volition. However, this cycle of hatred had continued to be perpetuated by the Lambda experiment kids for quite some time.
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"Mass-produced" humans who never get to see the light of day
Those part of Lambda were subject to human experimentation and torture by the demons. However, it is interesting to note that while the demons are the ones acting out these abuses, they are really primarily working under the order of Peter Ratri, who is a human himself. Still, this caused Norman and the Lambda children to develop a deep-hatred for demons for treating them as mere cattle, and mercilessly torturing them to understand how to produce the best meat. Experiments of Lambda have experienced adverse side-effects which include uncontrollable headaches, coughing blood, development of disabilities, or bearing some strange human power. Apart from that, Norman saw how the “mass-produced” children were attached to tubes, had no names, and never even experienced consciousness. These cruelties caused him to hate the demons even more. While Emma was optimistic about using Mujika’s blood to stop demon regeneration (therefore ending the need to farm humans), Norman stays a realist and tells Emma that there is still no surefire way that demons will stop hunting humans until they are all exterminated. Norman reiterates demons have the utmost advantage physically as they are huge creatures that are agile and would beat humans in a race thousands of times over. Apart from that, they could also be outclassed intellectually because demons can keep eating and eating humans to boost their intelligence. As crossing to the human world was also deemed an impossible dream (at that time), Norman believed that the only way to end the cycle of hatred is to exterminate all the demons.
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Eren distancing himself from his friends, Norman stylistically drawn as a child when he realizes that he was wrong to carry out the genocide attacks
Like Eren, Norman knew that this was not the right choice. This is why he also distanced himself from his friends and took up this heavy burden alone. However, he could not bear the thought of any human suffering again, and continued on with his attacks to regenerate the demon villages. In the midst of this chaos, Emma finds him and makes him realize that the demons are also capable of joy and sadness, have their own groups of children and elders, and like them were just thrown into a cruel world where the cycle of hate already exists. Emma also goes on and reassures Norman that they would be there every step of the way to help out with the reversal of the regeneration. Once again, it is Emma’s unconditional optimism and selflessness that gets to Norman and he agrees to stop the attacks in favor of finding an alternative. It can again be seen here how the cycle of hatred is broken with the one act of kindness enacted by Mujika and Sonju onto Emma, with Emma spreading this love to Norman. This is something they eventually pass down to all the humans and demons in the farms as well. This one act actually trickled down and became one of the reasons why they were able to overthrow the Ratri clan and forge a new promise that allowed both sides to live in peace.
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attackoftheyeti · 3 years
Personal Injury Law Savannah
Savannah Personal Injury Attorney
Insurance carriers will even sometimes delay settlement payments or outright decline to spend out settlements. If you were recently the victim with an accident or sustained a serious injury, communicate with Kenneth Nugent, P.C. immediately in order that we are able to show you the way to best proceed using the claim.
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If you have sustained a serious injury from a crash and now you have a permanent disability or perhaps you require permanent care, it is essential which you communicate with one of our attorneys at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. immediately.
Our company of highly skilled lawyers offers you a precise calculation of the things your damages and injuries are worth. Learning the way the injuries you sustained will impact regardless of whether you can still earn a full time income is likewise complex and sometimes requires knowledgeable assistance.
Personal Injury Attorneys in Savannah
What In Case You Expect out of your Savannah Accidental Injuries Attorney?
If you have been recently involved in an accident that you sustained injuries, you need to get in contact with a personal injury lawyer at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Hiring the best personal injury attorney will probably be especially vital for those who have sustained serious injuries.
Filing a personal injury lawsuit often required specialized raining and skills in conjunction with extensive legal knowledge. It can be never a great idea to make an effort to file a personal injury lawsuit without the help of a legal professional.
Specific varieties of injuries and accidents typically require the help of a legal professional. In these situations, getting a personal injury lawyer is often worth the costs involved to spend the lawyer to assist you fight for that compensation you will be rightfully eligible to.
You are able to still make use of getting in contact with our law office for your free consultation even though your claim isn’t listed in the categories below.
When Is the best Time to Hire a Savannah Accidental Injuries Attorney?
It usually is better to meet with a lawyer to represent your case for those who have been involved in an accident that ended in serious injuries or you can find complicated legal rules which were implicated through your injury claim.
To be sure that you gain the most from your personal injury claim or lawsuit, you may require a lawyer who will assist you to pursue every available method of compensation associated with your injuries and losses.
The severity of your injuries is really a key determining factor in relation to the amount of compensation that you get for that damages that you may have incurred. Insurance providers work out how serious the injuries are, the kind of injury you possess sustained, the expenses involved for medical bills and treatment, along with how long it provides taken anyone to recover.
As being the potential volume of compensation keeps increasing, you will be most probably reach the limits of your defendant (at-fault) party’s policy. If that happens, the insurance policy provider might just pay you out a significantly lower amount when compared with what you really are actually eligible to. If that’s the way it is, you will need a legal professional on your side to pursue the compensation which you rightfully deserve.
If you have just sustained a crash and then there are multiple individuals that could be held responsible for your damages, it really is still vital that you engage a lawyer. If you can find multiple parties associated with your accident, the insurance policy providers can become incredibly complex.
Since multiple people could have suffered injuries, the settlement figure to be awarded to each and every individual helps to reduce dramatically. You might also become one of many subjects to have an insurance claim utilizing parties and this could mean being forced to agree with the settlement amount being reduced or lowered to beside nothing from your relative fault within the accident.
If you have suffered injuries after being involved in an accident or perhaps you were partly at-fault for that accident, factors to consider which you communicate with our law practice at Kenneth S. Nugent. Our lawyers will help by offering your protection from counterclaims or cross-claims by another party which had been active in the accident.
Insurance providers may sometimes refuse to provide a fair settlement or in some cases even refuse to spend out anything. In case you are unable to reach a binding agreement with the insurance company of your defendant by yourself, or perhaps the negotiations with the insurance company have broken down, that’s the best time to get a personal injury lawyer.
The insurance company you are coping with may on certain occasions engage in what is referred to as “bad faith” insurance tactics. If that happens, it is only a lawyer using the right, relevant experience litigating the “bad faith” insurance claims will help you.
Here are the most notable benefits associated with hiring one of our lawyers from Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
We provide you with all our prospective customers a free consultation. You will have the freedom to contact other lawyers and law offices before making the choice to engage a lawyer that will match up for your situation and case. You are able to gather important info surrounding the details of your claim in the initial consultation using one of our lawyers. It is highly recommended which you ask all you need to understand abut the state they achieve a better understanding of it.
Immediately you make the decision to get a legal professional to represent your interests in your personal injury claim, he/she will begin to contact insurance carriers as your representative. That can mean less concerns and worries to suit your needs and provides you with ample time to center on recovering from the injuries you sustained.
The majority of folks are not too acquainted with the way the legal procedures surrounding personal injury claims actually work. Your lawyer, on the flip side, works on and concentrates on such varieties of claims every day.
Our lawyers know specifically what type of legal documents really need to be filed, the simplest way to complete the claim forms, and the applicable statute of limitations. Our company is also mindful of how insurance companies try difficult to avoid paying you out for that settlement you will be eligible to by invoking legal technicalities and our attorneys will usually protect you from insurance companies that could make an effort to take full advantage of you.
If you have opted in an attempt to deal with an insurance carrier yourself, you may be at risk of losing on a lot of money in relation to your settlement.
The battle against most insurance companies is usually incredibly frustrating as you would expect and may be somewhat cumbersome. Determining to fight the battle yourself is similar to coming to a real battlefield without needing any weapons. Insurance providers are familiar with this and know they have more bargaining power.
Insurance carriers won’t hesitate in any way to work with the tactics above against you. Our attorneys know specifically how insurance companies operate according to the paying out from claims. Your lawyer can be your most valued ally in relation to ensuring that you get fair compensation. Allow us to boost your probability of obtaining the maximum possible settlement amount.
If all tries to settle your claim out from court fail, you can rest assured which our lawyers will fight as your representative when the case ever goes to trial. In legal circles, it really is popular that a lot of the injuries will normally rule against insurance companies.
If you have a highly skilled lawyer representing you, it indicates towards the insurance carriers you are not willing to down again. It will always be a motivator for ensuring that you get a much more equitable offer that’s settled much sooner. Insurance carriers can also be more open to negotiating an agreement offer if you engage a lawyer to handle your case.
Compensation is of two main categories in relation to the damages awarded in the personal injury claim. The 2 categories are punitive damages and compensatory damages.
Compensatory damage types are of numerous differing types, but on the broader level could be categorized into either general or special damages. Compensatory damages are directed at reimbursing or compensating the victim for harm and damages sustained. This type of damages is created designed for almost all injury cases including auto accident, slip and fall, along with medical malpractice cases.
Compensatory damages are also often awarded in wrongful death cases, although the damages designed for such cases are generally unique and can not be found elsewhere.
Punitive damages are only ever awarded in the select quantity of cases. Such damages are generally awarded for the purpose of punishing the at-fault party for certain specific varieties of behavior such as gross negligence. Compensatory damages and punitive damages are awarded directly to the victim.
This is a much more in-depth check out the several types of compensation provided to victims in personal injury cases.
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.1 Bull St STE 400, Savannah, GA 31401
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awomannfrom · 4 years
Savannah Law Firm
Personal Injury Attorneys in Savannah
What In The Event You Expect from the Savannah Personal Injury Attorney?
When you have been recently in an accident where you sustained injuries, you ought to get in contact with a private injury lawyer at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Hiring the correct accidental injuries attorney is going to be particularly important if you have sustained serious injuries.
Filing a private injury lawsuit often required specialized raining and skills coupled with extensive legal knowledge. It really is never a smart idea to try to file a private injury lawsuit without the help of legal counsel.
Specific varieties of injuries and accidents typically require the help of legal counsel. In these situations, employing a accidental injuries lawyer is frequently worth the costs involved to pay the lawyer to assist you fight for your compensation you will be rightfully eligible for.
You can still benefit from getting in contact with our law practice for your personal free consultation even if your claim isn’t indexed in the categories below.
When Is the Right Time for you to Work with a Personal Injury Attorney?
It is usually wise to meet with a lawyer to represent your case if you have been in an accident that resulted in serious injuries or there are actually complicated legal rules which have been implicated by the injury claim.
Insurance firms will also sometimes delay settlement payments or outright decline to pay out settlements. Had you been recently the victim with an accident or sustained a serious injury, make contact with Kenneth Nugent, P.C. immediately in order that we can easily explain to you how to best proceed with all the claim.
Here are the situations when you are able trust our law practice to assist you:
1. You May Have Long-Term Disabling Injuries or You Have Suffered Permanent Damage
When you have sustained a serious injury from any sort of accident and you have a permanent disability or else you require permanent care, it is crucial which you make contact with our attorneys at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. immediately.
Our company of highly trained lawyers offers you an accurate calculation of the your damages and injuries are in reality worth. Determining how the injuries you sustained will impact whether you may consistently earn a full time income is also complex and frequently requires knowledgeable assistance.
To make certain that you will get the best from your own personal injury claim or lawsuit, you will demand a lawyer who will help you pursue every available type of compensation associated with your injuries and losses.
2. You May Have Sustained Severe Injuries
The degree of your injuries is a key determining factor with regards to the quantity of compensation that you receive for your damages which you have incurred. Insurance companies works out how serious the injuries are, the sort of injury you have sustained, the costs involved for medical bills and treatment, together with the length of time they have taken one to recover.
As being the potential amount of compensation keeps increasing, you will end up probably make it to the limits of your defendant (at-fault) party’s policy. If that happens, the insurance plan provider might just pay you a much lower amount in comparison with what you are actually actually eligible for. If that’s the case, you require legal counsel working for you to pursue the compensation which you rightfully deserve.
3. Multiple Parties Are Participating or Liability Is Just Not Clear
When you have just sustained any sort of accident where there are multiple individuals that may be held liable for your damages, it is actually still vital that you work with a lawyer. If there are actually multiple parties involved in your accident, the insurance plan providers could become incredibly complex.
Since multiple people could have suffered injuries, the settlement total be awarded to each individual can reduce dramatically. You may also become among the subjects for the insurance claim off their parties and also this could mean being forced to agree with the settlement amount being reduced or lowered to close to nothing because of your relative fault in the accident.
When you have suffered injuries after being in an accident or else you were partly at-fault for your accident, factors to consider which you make contact with our law practice at Kenneth S. Nugent. Our lawyers can help by giving your defense against counterclaims or cross-claims by another party which had been working in the accident.
4. The Insurer is Engaging in Bad Faith Tactics or possibly is Refusing to Pay
Insurance companies may sometimes refuse to provide a fair settlement or in some cases even refuse to pay out anything. Should you be incapable of reach an understanding with the insurer of your defendant on your own, or even the negotiations with the insurer have broken down, that’s the best time to hire a private injury lawyer.
The insurance company that you are working with may on certain occasions be involved in what is referred to as “bad faith” insurance tactics. If that happens, it is only a lawyer with all the right, relevant experience litigating the “bad faith” insurance claims can help you.
Listed here are the most notable benefits associated with hiring our lawyers from Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
1. Free Consultations
We provide all of our potential customers a free of charge consultation. You have the freedom to contact other lawyers and law offices prior to the choice to work with a lawyer who will match to your situation and case. You can gather important information around the specifics of your claim through the initial consultation using one of our lawyers. It is strongly suggested which you ask all that you need to learn abut the state they acquire a better understanding of it.
2. Less Stress
Immediately you choose to hire legal counsel to represent your interests inside your accidental injuries claim, he/she will quickly talk to insurance carriers for you. That will mean less concerns and worries for yourself and will provide you with enough time to give attention to dealing with the injuries you sustained.
3. An Effective Comprehension of the Law
The majority of everyone is not very knowledgeable about how the legal procedures surrounding accidental injuries claims actually work. Your lawyer, however, works on and concentrates on such varieties of claims every single day.
Our lawyers know specifically what sort of legal documents must be filed, the simplest way to complete the claim forms, and also the applicable statute of limitations. We are also mindful of how insurance providers try challenging to avoid paying you for your settlement you will be eligible for by invoking legal technicalities and our attorneys will invariably protect you from insurance providers that may try to benefit from you.
When you have opted to try to cope with an insurance company yourself, you might be vulnerable to losing out on quite a lot of money with regards to your settlement.
4. Our Attorneys Will Handle All of the Dirty Work
The battle against the majority of insurance providers is normally incredibly frustrating to say the least and might be somewhat time consuming. Deciding to fight the battle yourself resembles coming to an authentic battlefield without the need of any weapons. Insurance companies know about this and know that they have more bargaining power.
Insurance firms won’t hesitate by any means to utilize the tactics above against you. Our attorneys know specifically how insurance providers operate regarding the paying out from claims. Your lawyer is the most valued ally with regards to ensuring that you receive fair compensation. Let us improve your chances of receiving the maximum possible settlement amount.
5. Our Attorneys Are Certainly Not Frightened of Planning to Trial
If all tries to settle your claim out from court fail, you can be sure which our lawyers will fight for you in the event the case ever will go to trial. In legal circles, it is actually well known that a lot of the injuries will most likely rule against insurance providers.
When you have a skilled lawyer representing you, it indicates for the insurance carriers that you are not willing to back. It will always be a motivator for ensuring that you receive an even more equitable offer that’s settled much sooner. Insurance firms is likewise more available to negotiating an agreement offer if you work with a lawyer to handle your case.
Which kind of Compensation Is It Possible To Be prepared to Receive?
Compensation is of two main categories with regards to the damages awarded in the accidental injuries claim. The two categories are punitive damages and compensatory damages.
Compensatory damage types are of various different types, but around the broader level could be categorized into either general or special damages. Compensatory damages are geared towards reimbursing or compensating the victim for harm and damages sustained. This category of damages is manufactured available for just about all injury cases including automobile accident, slip and fall, in addition to medical malpractice cases.
Compensatory damages may also be often awarded in wrongful death cases, but the damages available for such cases are typically unique and can not be found elsewhere.
Punitive damages are simply ever awarded in the select number of cases. Such damages are usually awarded for the purpose of punishing the at-fault party beyond doubt specific varieties of behavior such as gross negligence. Compensatory damages and punitive damages are both awarded straight to the victim.
This is an even more in-depth investigate the different kinds of compensation presented to victims in accidental injuries cases.
1. Special Compensatory Damages
The special compensatory damages are geared towards compensating you for any monetary expenses incurred as a result of injuries. The damages are unique to your specific circumstances and customarily change from one case or victim to a different. The special compensatory damages are made to allow you to the victim whole in association with the money lost or even the expenses that have been incurred for the incident or accident that caused the injuries.
Special compensatory damages cover all of the expenses and losses associated with injuries. Additionally there is no limit with regards to the special compensatory damage claim types that may be claimed or maybe the amount that may be claimed for. Here are the most popular special compensatory damages that accident/injury victims often seek:
- Medical bills
- Costs linked to future medical costs
- Reduction in earnings
- Household expenses
- Reduction in future earnings
2. General Compensatory Damages
The overall compensatory damages will compensate you for your non-monetary damages incurred because of injuries sustained. The damages are termed as ‘general’ simply because they address the harm that’s typically or generally sustained from an accident. All accidental injuries victims will usually possess a few general damages. Listed here is a list of the more common types:
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Reduction in consortium or companionship
3. Wrongful Death Damages
The wrongful death damages are geared towards compensating the surviving family or family of your deceased. The most frequent varieties of wrongful death damages include:
- Reduction in consortium or companionship
-  Emotional distress of your family or children of the deceased
- Expenses associated with medical care ahead of the death of your victim
- Funeral and burial expenses
- Reduction in service and support
- Reduction in financial contributions
4. Punitive Damages
The punitive damages are generally awarded to victims only if the defendant’s wrongful action was despicable/reprehensible. The common types of situations where punitive damages are awarded arise if the defendant is liable for wanton or malicious acts.
Had you been recently in an accident that resulted in injuries and/or damages, you need to make contact with our law practice today at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Just about the most important decisions you will make is hiring our lawyers.
Our company of attorneys always has your greatest interests at heart with regards to negotiating an agreement by having an at-fault party’s insurance company. We are also ready and willing to handle your case in the courtroom if you fail to reach a good settlement with the insurer.
Make contact with is today if you have any concerns or queries about your own personal injury case and benefit from the free consultation that we offer our clients in order that we can help you better understand what you are able actually claim for.
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madlymiho · 5 years
Ah finally open! I love reading what you write ❤️ If I can please do headcanon with Crocodile, Zoro and Kid how they react when they figure out their s/o pregnancy!
Hehehe, it's always a pleasure to see that you're happy when I open! 💖 Ooooooh love this!!!! This is so cute!!! Thanks for the ask!
Hope you will enjoy it ~
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Crocodile :
• Crocodile doesn't really appreciate the idea to have a family. Basically is a grown-up man who already is 47 years old, and doesn't have time to have a kid to fool around. He doesn't want one, and he's more than sure of this choice
• When he figures out that you might have something hidden in your belly, Crocodile first, observes you closely. He can't believe that you have been so reckless, and hopes that you just have a sort of fleeting illness, and nothing else
• But the more you start to show, and the more he understands you are actually carrying his child. And for a moment... Crocodile is more than pissed and disappointed by your attitud. He wants you to spit it, and you will need to have some nerves to handle his harsh words and his sassy nature, now that you're busted with your little secret
• Crocodile needs plenty of time to analyze the situation, and during those long days, you don't feel really desired or even loved. If he can actually avoid you, you better be sure that your cold old-man will do his best to keep his distances with you. He needs to think, and to find a proper way to handle this unwanted surprise. It's difficult, and harsh for you, but at least you're not suffering from his everlasting cold stare, or his mean sentences
• But deep down... Crocodile starts to feel... thrilled by the idea to have a heir, when he allows himself to think about it, alone in his office. He wishes that his empire continues to grow, and what a better option but to have a legacy in this world. He starts to imagine his life with a smart kid on his lap, slowly learning the codes and the tricks of his business, while he's now more than certain he's going to be proud of this kid
• Crocodile, eventually ready, sends Daz Bonez to shop for you, and for the kid to come, and one morning, you'll wake up with dozens of bags with many different gifts for you, but also for your baby, and you understand that Crocodile is now ready to accept the idea to become a father
• He keeps a close eye on you, and doesn't really care if it doesn't please you ; you see the best doctors, your alimentation is watched closely, and you can't come and go as much as you want. He makes sure that you stay calm, relax and well, so there's no problems with you or the baby
• More than often, when you're at that state that you can't hide your pregnancy anymore, Crocodile checks on you in the middle of the night, his only hand wandering on your swollen tummy, making sure that everything is fine. He doesn't tell you anything, but it tends to worry, his profound possessive nature burning inside of him when he lays his eyes on your sleepy face that he loves so much
• You sometimes bust him with something else but his traditional business notes in his hand when you drop by his office, as he reads some books about the fatherhood and having children, but he immediately puts them away, keeping a cold face as he denies his reading and proposes you to have a walk in the garden
• In the end, Crocodile is more present, and tender. He tries his best to offer you some quality time, and clears his schedule to spend some time with you. He didn't want to have a child, yes, but having one with you seem like the best option in his life, and you feel it deeply
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Zoro :
• Zoro loves to have unprotected sex with you, but he's absolutely lost when it comes to the consequences. He knows how you make babies, of course, but sticking his fourth sword inside of you doesn't mean you're going to have some brat soon... right?
• So Zoro is absolutely clueless when you finally tell him that you're carrying his child... He first thinks that you're goofing around, and he snaps at you that it's really not something funny. But in front of your serious and disappointed look, Zoro understands that you are pregnant
• He panics, and doesn't know how to react. He yells at you that you've been stupid, then he yells at everyone one the ship because, well, it's their fault as well! They didn't tell him that you'd carry his child someday if he keeps having sex like this with you... And he was certainly not ready for this kind of news!
• He sees that you are hurt by his reaction, but he doesn't really find a way to make things better, at first. He can't look at you in the eyes, not because he's mad at you, but because he's absolutely lost and terrified. He knows how to fight enemies, and monsters, but stepping so early in the fatherhood while he's nothing but reckless and imprudent? He feels so bad and unsure about it...
• He needs to talk, but not with you, and after the first period of panic, now he's seeking for help with the older members of the crew. Robin is his best ally, and more than once he looks for her and asks her what he should do, making sure that now one else on the deck see him this way ; and thanks to the raven-haired woman, Zoro knows that he needs to support you, now more than ever
• Clumsily, Zoro makes some efforts to help you along with your pregnancy. Still a bit grumpy and hesitant, he carries whatever you have in the arms, he also circles your waist and helps you going down the stairs (even if you laugh that you're not disabled). He even watches what you're eating during lunches and dinners, asking if this is truly a good meal for you under the dark stares of Sanji (who certainly prepared the best meal for you!)
• After a moment, Zoro finally dares to touch your belly, and it becomes a sort of addiction and a real pleasure. Often, he plasters his large hand on your tummy, enjoying the roundness and the softness of the spot, while he says nothing, but simply drags you even closer
• He's much more tender, despite his lack of confidence on the fact that he's going to be a father. Even in public, he sometimes puts a kiss on your neck, or brushes your arm, his eyes always looking at your swollen tummy and the fact that there's a piece of him growing in there
• Oh you better be sure that no one will ever get close to you! Harsh, possessive, Zoro shows his teeth whenever someone approaches, and you feel utterly protected by your man. It's almost like an instinct within him, and Zoro wouldn't really admit that he tends to lose it when you're around
• Yes, of course, he hopes that you're going to have a lil' warrior, and that he will be able to teach him some sword moves. He definitely accepts that he's going to be a father, and even if he keeps this thought for himself, everyone knows how much he's happy about the situation
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Kid :
• Oh... the most difficult topic you would ever have to bring on the table is finally here. You know how much Kid hates children and weak creatures, and for a moment, you're truly afraid about his reaction
• And frankly, you were right. As soon as Kid understands that you're pregnant, you can only picture his angry stare, and that look of disgust spreaded on his face. He's terribly mad at you, because the fun part of having you in bed was because he was sure you weren't stupid enough to get knock up
• He tells you to piss off, and to go away, and for a long time, you are almost sure that Kid is that close to throw you out of his boat. You feel desperate, because you can't even wish to have a word with him. He turns his feet when he crosses your road, he slams his door if you walk in front of it, and he snaps you to get away from his sight whenever you enter the kitchen room for dinner time
• For a long, very long moment, you're alone with your thoughts, and only Killer is there to make you feel slightly better. He reassures you a lot, and says that Kid is someone brutal and stupid, but if you are still around, it's because he wants you but he needs to man-up, and he will accept the situation
• So one day, and out of nowhere, Kid slams your door open and walks angrily to your bed, sliding his body in your sheets to suddenly drag you against his chest, sighing heavily, as if he's doing the greatest effort of his life. "If you pick a dumb name, I swear I'm not recognizing your shrimp." He snaps, putting your face against his chest so you don't see his embarrassed features
• From an absolutely walking nightmare, Kid suddenly becomes your brutal guardian angel. He's always by your side, pushing people if he believes they walk too closely, throwing his middle finger in the air if someone dares looking at you. He tends to overreact, but deep down, it makes you feel so good to be protected this way
• "Kid is having a baby" becomes the main topic on board, and hell yes, he's bragging at the dinner table, saying that he's going to have a warrior, and a damn good pirate, and you can't even say anything, watching your man getting all excited about his fatherhood, arguing loudly to whoever dares not to follow his ambitions about his child
• He's completely lost for the baby stuff though... He thinks that you doesn't need anything particular, and when Killer comes back from town with baby clothes, dummies and diapers, for the first time he keeps it quiet and looks at all of this with some curious eyes
• When you're lied in bed in the afternoon because you're absolutely lifeless, he wants to talk about all the things his kid would do, and despite your tiredness and the fact that you heavily wish to nap, Kid keeps you up for hours, talking about his dreams and hopes for your child, his hand sometimes touching your tummy
• You wouldn't know how much Kid is proud to become a father, and despite his violent and harsh nature, you certainly feel his love for you in his proud stare on you, whenever he slaps his hand on your rear, and greets you with a carnal smile and a "that's my girl here", full of an endless desire. You're his woman, his love and his treasure, and you understand how much he's going to love his kid
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lgbtqueeries · 4 years
Intersectionality: A Necessary Tool
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TL;DR Intersectionality plays a role in our everyday life as we deal with the weaving of our identities in various institutions and situations. Intersectionality is also a pivotal tool in creating frameworks that analyze and attempt to fight against system oppression, in which intersectionality has multiplicative effects on individuals. While focused on Black women feminists in this post based on the articles I was provided this concept extends so much further. 
NOTE: Written with help from a fellow student Brennan Ventura taking Intro to WGSS Studies via our College. Feel free to reach out and chat with us about your feelings, understandings, comments, and questions!
Another day, another project in the name of awareness and activism. While this blog may seem to center on only queer rights I want to make it very clear that that is not the case. This blog speaks about and stands up for the many types of injustices present in our current systems and institutions. They do not have to intersect with Queer rights and advocacy but it’s time we focus on the fact that many actually do. Oppression doesn’t seem to go one at a time. You don’t generally deal with the racism inherent in all systems from simply being followed by shop owners in stores to a higher likelihood of police brutality one day and the next day dealing with inaccessible public places and buildings. This doesn’t take into account the discrimination you face from inside your own “safe” communities. 
Because of this, I want to want to bring to people’s awareness a couple of concepts that have been pivotal in sharing such eye-opening perspectives on the mix of oppressions. Intersectionality and system oppression are very important terms that can help in analyzing the lives and situations different people or groups of people across the world may be experiencing.  First off is intersectionality, intersectionality is a fairly new idea and a lot of different authors and people across multiple areas of interest such as activism, politics or science the answer to, “what is intersectionality”, would vary greatly. Most simply put, intersectionality is basically the differences and intricacies that humans in the world face in their daily lives. According to Sirma Bilge, and Patricia Hill Collins, sociology professors at Université de Montréal and the University of Maryland, say that intersectionality is “a way of understanding and analyzing the complexity in the world, in people, and in human experiences”(Collins and Bilge 2020, 1). But more so, intersectionality is a lens that helps to analyze the different situations and dilemmas that people across the world go through and how many times, issues such as gender violence, racism, sexuality, discrimination are connected through underlying strings and the issues that involve these systemic problems typically overlap as well. Kimberlé Crenshaw, an American lawyer, and civil rights activist, uses intersectionality to unveil the hidden binds in cases that deal with race and gender discrimination. Crenshaw views intersectionality as a way of showing that issues such as race and gender that may only seem as racial discrimination or gender prejudice are often overlapped in their issues. In a 2016 TEDWomen speech by Crenshaw she stated “in the same way that intersectionality raised our awareness to the way that black women live their lives, it also exposes the tragic circumstances under which African-American women die ”(Crenshaw 2016). And this leads us to system oppression or systematic oppression through the lens of intersectionality. 
System oppression is the unwritten societal standards and traditions that are discriminatory towards certain races, ethnicities, genders or groups of people in general. For instance, in the United States African-Americans have undergone systematic oppression for generations and still continue to be oppressed today due to the societal standards grandfathered in by millions of people across the United States. Although explicit discrimination against African-Americans or explicit discrimination of any kind towards a specific group was made illegal by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, system oppression and the unwritten discrimination of certain groups throughout the United States are still as prominent as ever. And through the lens of intersectionality, it is evident that more often than not, an issue that may seem only racially charged or motivated is often intersectional and involves problems and perspectives from many other areas of oppression such as gender discrimination, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, etc. and just looking at the issue as one caused by racism will not solve the issue and lead towards more problems later on down the line. Looking at system oppression through intersectionality it is evident a vast majority of issues do not merely involve one aspect of oppression and discrimination but multiple aspects like race, gender, homophobia and many more. According to a case by Kimberlé Crenshaw a young girl was in a lawsuit against a  company that did not hire her due to what she thought was racial discrimination, however, the judge overseeing the case did not agree with the girl’s pleas. When analyzing the lawsuit, Crenshaw noticed that the judge was not looking at the case through the right lens, and because of this, the young girl lost the lawsuit. Crenshaw described this case through a lens of intersectionality and how the young African-American girl could not get helped because she was suffering through both racial and gender charged systematic oppression. As we can see, system oppression and intersectionality play a big role in the world today, and intersectionality, seeing an issue through multiple perspectives, can help to solve so many of the issues brought about by system oppression and discrimination in the United States and other nations across the world that face similar issues and problems. 
These concepts are far-reaching but I think it important to first analyze them in the concepts that they were emphasized in. The frameworks for viewing interlocking systems of power, in this case, focus on weaving feminism and anti-racism together. In the introduction of the book But Some of Us Are Brave we see this eloquently spoken by Gloria T. Hull and Barbara Smith, “Because of white women’s racism and Black men’s sexism, there was no room in either area for a serious consideration of the lives of Black women. And even when they have considered Black women, white women usually have not had the capacity to analyze racial politics and Black culture, and Black men have remained blind or resistant to the implications of sexual politics in Black women’s lives” (Cooper, Hull, Bell-Scott, and Smith 2015, xxi). It is out of absence for this framework that these movements are born. Because of the interlocking identity, instead of being embraced by both communities, they are cast aside and their needs are not spoken for nor are their experiences being shared. Kimberly Crenshaw on her TedTalk about “The Urgency for Intersectionality” spoke about how pivotal that these voices are heard. Her example also focuses on the lived experiences of Black women, mentioning that with the trickle-down sense of social justice that we have currently, people are slipping through the cracks and being left at crossroads of communities, alone and vulnerable (Crenshaw 2016). Social justice movements, despite their call for equality only tend to mention the story of those with other privileges, for instance, feminism speaking mostly for the equality of white women. In this manner, those with intersecting identities have multiplicative effects of oppression and discrimination. As Crenshaw states, Black women brought down by police violence are not covered in the media as breaking news like that of their fallen brothers because of their status as women that are Black and the media simply doesn’t have a frame for how to portray that. 
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Of course, Black women are not the only intersectionality groups to have created such frameworks, demanding they be heard for their experiences. Similar movements have happened with queer people of color, disabled queer people, and indigenous people of nonbinary gender identities. Each of these groups speaks out against injustices of racism, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism, and ableism at the crossroads of where they interact, the very spot they were abandoned at. This is a commonality of all of those groups. They have formed communities based on this separation from not only the dominant, privileged culture but also the groups that are supposed to help them as well. This is by far not a new concept. These groups have been standing up for themselves for decades, creating liberation groups like the Salsa-Soul Sisters, a group made for and by Queer women of color. Just because their history has been erased, covered up, and ignored doesn’t mean that they haven’t been there fighting back. These groups are taking a stand for their stories and would love for allies to help spread their cause. Stay safe and stay educated and don’t forget to stand up for what you believe in!
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Work Cited
Collins, Patricia Hill, and Sirma Bilge. Intersectionality. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2020.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé. “TEDWomen 2016.” TEDWomen 2016.
Cooper, Brittney C., Akasha Hull, Patricia Bell-Scott, and Barbara Smith. But Some of Us Are Brave Black Womens Studies. New York: The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2015.
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aliciaashowalter · 4 years
Physiotherapy - A Remedy To Rub Individuals?
To see a beloved one suffer due to stroke is a pitiful experience. The psychological pain, perseverance and also hope that he will become mobile and restore the capability to talk one day are always within us. Physical therapy is carried out to a stroke individual within a couple of days he gets admitted to the medical facility. It has been confirmed that physiotherapy makes it possible for clients conquer their handicaps though it is time consuming. Different programs are associated with the physical treatment. The objective of physiotherapy for individuals that struggle with stroke is to provide stamina as well as maintain the person's arm or legs motile as well as stop the reoccurrence of stroke. To prevent the muscular tissues and also limbs from becoming weak it has to be kept in mind that correct attention is provided and workout methods are maintained. The patients and the care taker are trained in a proper method to make sure that they carry out the workouts properly. A few other strategies that are taught to the treatment taker as well as the person are maintaining all things safe as well as secure, such as maintaining the clients far from ovens and also ovens, removing any barriers from the people' course, ways to cook food, and assisting them with balance. One must be added cautious while leaving a patient that is affected by stroke alone. Physiotherapy is offered patients affected by strokes at health centers or at rehabilitation centers. A lot of individuals who are affected by stroke remain in healthcare facilities for long period or set up a home like atmosphere. Many workouts done by physiotherapists for patients influenced by stroke resemble those taught for those struggle with impairments. Several of the techniques made use of are percussion instruments, massages, sucking, prescription of medications and evaluation. For people that have lung as well as respiratory issues, physio therapists suggest workouts which entail coughing as well as taking deep breaths ... Persons that can handle to base on their very own discover other workouts which might at times or may not involve making use of walking aids. They try to rise from the bed, relocation from a chair to a wheel chair or trying strolling without case. Stroke patients are likewise shown exercises which include stretching, strengthening the muscular tissue, endurance and deep breathing. A lot of techniques are used by physiotherapists for stroke people having talking troubles. Short- term speaking therapy has actually been successful in recovering speaking skills in patients impacted by stroke. Speech therapist works on the language of the stroke patient for 3 hrs on a daily basis for some weeks. The person will be given ample time to try as well as speak as it is recognized that emotions interfere their speech patterns. Physiotherapy which when provided for stroke patients makes up diagnosis, treatment, care, massage therapy, conversation as well as exercise and they lead the client through the path to recovery.
Why Utilize Physiotherapy To Deal With Back Pain
Physiotherapy dates back to the ancient times yet the modern-day technique of this allied medical care began in the 1920s. It is used to address problems like reoccuring pain, musculoskeletal conditions, as well as movement disorders. The healthcare professional who is trained in this area of endeavour is referred to as a physiotherapist or a physiotherapist. Nowadays, the services of physio therapists are commonly looked for by a lot of individuals that suffer from a wide array of ailments. One of the most common of which is back pain. It made use of to be that when an individual has backache, he goes straight to a physician. Presently, he has one more option and that is to engage the aid of a physical therapist. Backaches are available in different kinds depending on the details damaged area. The causes are rather varied varying with those resulting from injuries due to electric motor crash, some conditions or an undesirable lifestyle. It might remain in the kind of lumbar neck and back pain or thoracic pain in the back. Thoracic pain, generally called upper pain in the back or center neck and back pain, is due to a great deal of reasons like degenerative disc diseases. It may likewise happen because a spine special needs. Sometimes, the continuous repetitive motion in the upper body or a joint disorder might result in top back pain. Given that the upper back is far more steady contrasted to the lower back, top neck and back pain are much less common compared to reduced pain in the back. Lumbar neck and back pains or lower pain in the back is a much average incident with a variety of reasons. It may be due to a torn ligament, a herniated disc or slid disc, muscular convulsion or just simple bad position. Even the act of lifting improperly of a hefty box might lead to reduced back pains. Back pains may be short-lived as well as small, where an individual will certainly just really feel a twinge of pain or some tenderness or it can be reoccuring and also disabling. People that are plagued with chronic neck and back pain are far better off starting treatment with an accredited physiotherapist. The relief will be extra lasting for it will target the source and not simply deal with the signs and symptoms. For some, it is an option between physiotherapy as well as surgical treatment with the last having a higher danger variable. In physiotherapy for neck and back pain, a mix of techniques is made use of in the therapy process relying on the factor for such a condition. In case of problems with back discs, only a qualified physiotherapist is supposed to operate in controling back the disc into area. Accredited physiotherapists underwent substantial education and learning and also training to be geared up with skills required to handle injuries such as herniated discs. Surgical treatment for herniated discs is fairly costly and risky. There is a long recovery period additionally where one needs to be maintained stationary. Massage therapy may likewise be utilized to kick back the muscle mass at the back and also to eliminate the pain caused by torn ligaments. Myotheraphy as well as hydrotherapy can be made use of to reduce back pains, not simply briefly but also for a life time. For the sake of maintaining this post short as well as not slowed down in recommendations I don't have every single article on biomechanics as well as pain/injury mentioned in this blog site. With that said off the beaten track here is when biomechanics do and also do not matter ... We know from the clinical literature that specific biomechanical activity variables can be risk aspects and/or mechanisms of particular injuries such as: Filled spine flexion as well as disc injury1 Dynamic knee valgus & ACL tears2, PFPS3, patellar dislocations4 and MCL tears5 Various FOOSH (fall on outstretched hand) injuries such as scaphoid fractures6 and A/C joint separations7 Ankle inversion & eversion sprains8,9. Shoulder (and also hip) abduction & external turning as well as dislocations10,11. Prolonged stances and bone and joint pain12,13. Things you have to bear in mind when looking at biomechanics are ... 1) A great deal of biomechanical variables that individuals cite in their evaluations & professional thinking designs either can not be reliably assessed and/or don't correlate well with discomfort including. Relaxing scapular position14-- 17. Resting back lordosis, cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, as well as sacral angle18-- 25. 2) Injury does not always equal pain. We have great deals of instances in the literature of individuals that have degenerated/bulging discs26, arthritis27, as well as partial potter's wheel cuff tears28 yet they don't have pain. Alternatively many people can additionally have discomfort without injury. 3) We know in the literary works that psychosocial aspects can play a huge function suffering, particularly in chronic pain29,30. 4) The body can adapt to tons as well as stress and anxiety assuming that the stress and anxiety is used and also progressed appropriately based upon the standing & demands of the individual31. 5) The quantity of load/speed during a details activity pattern is essential. A lot of the examples of biomechanical injury mechanisms above put on high speed and/or high lots activities. Clearly you do not have as much "activity kindness" deadlifting 700 lbs as you would certainly flexing over to grab modification. Ask any kind of top degree powerlifter where leading level athletes squat 1000+ pounds and also bench press 500-800+ pounds (depending upon equipped or otherwise) and also they will inform you that there isn't much margin for mistake with technique. 6) Our words can be extra effective than we assume as well as when made use of incorrectly can develop a nocebo result (the opposite of sugar pill impact) 32. When mentoring movements & exercises it's important to make use of favorable training & cueing for workout & activity methods to stop kinesiophobia and also concern avoidance. It's additionally vital to infuse positive ideas in customers concerning their bodies. So as you can see, biomechanical variables are still appropriate to health & physical fitness experts yet they need to be considered because of both real biomechanical proof (not just speculation) and also the biopsychosocial model of pain.
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