#( listen i just want them to goof off i think they deserve it! )
mcelroyfamilystaff · 3 months
It's MaxFunDrive! If you're already a MaxFun Member, all of this year's Bonus Content should be in your feed already - this year's TAZ BoCo is a one shot of Plato's Rave, with all three boys GMing while Clint is the only PC, and it is ART. The MBMBaM BoCo is a recording of the boys trying to figure out how to run that game, and it's so, so fun - honestly you could listen to either one first and I think it would work well, but imo listening to them plot how they think things will go first is a very fun way to go about it.
Sawbones has another Kid's Q&A this year, with Charlie guest-hosting along Syd and answering questions from young listeners, Shmanners has an episode and video all about emojis, and Wonderful! has a one-off return to Rose Buddies! If you're not a member yet and you wanna listen to all this great stuff, head on over to MaximumFun.org/Join and sign up at $5 or more a month! You'll get access to not just this year's Bonus Content, but all of the Bonus Content from every show, from every year we've done the Drive. There's a TAZ episode DM'ed by Matt Mercer, the Charlieverse episodes, the Prankee Doodle Dandy episode of MBMBaM, truly an abundance of s-tier goofs await!
Also we have so much other stuff planned for the Drive! We're gonna be streaming more or less daily on YouTube, starting with Griffin doing a Fuser DJ stream today at 10am ET, and then Justin and Sydnee streaming watching a buckwild Netflix movie, I Believe in Santa, around 1pm ET.
On top of all of that, we've set our own bonus goals for the Drive, starting with this: At 3,000 new & upgrading members, Fungalore will hear your wishes LIVE. What does that mean? That's such a good question. Only one way to find out! If you wanna see the rest of our goals, you can check 'em out here. If you want to stay up to date on everything we have going on this week, turn on notifications for our Instagram story, that's where we'll be posting all the time-sensitive stuff.
Last but not least, thank you. Truly, from the bottom of all of our hearts. Whether you can afford to join or not, y'all's support is the reason we all get to do this for a living, and it genuinely is a joy to get to spend our days making these goofy things in hopes of bringing a little levity to someone's day. Means the absolute fuckin' world to us. We hope you have an absolute blast during this Drive, you deserve it.
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
Hi!! I wanted to ask a reader with abusive parents and the main 4 reacting to this
Sure thing!
National child abuse hotline: 800-422-4453 / National domestic violence hotline: 800-799-7233
TW for (implied) abuse!!
South Park - Main Four With a Partner Who Has Abusive Parents
He understands the struggle
Honestly he’d be the best out of the four to vent to about this, he can absolutely empathize
And you can empathize with him when he needs to vent
You also share tricks that you use to avoid the abuse
Whenever it gets to be too much, you both sneak out and meet at Stark Pond
You don’t always talk when this happens, because sometimes you just need some silence and a hand to hold
Oftentimes you’ll vouch for each other in public when you try to hide it
And you’ll help change the subject
“Oh, that bruise? I just fell down the stairs.”
“Yeah, I was there. Okay, new subject—”
But deep down you both know the truth
If/when you finally decide to tell someone about what’s going on at home, you have a pact to do it together
He invites you over a lot just to get you away from home
And when he walks you home he goes veerrry slow
He’s constantly reminding you that you can always come to his place whenever you need
When you vent to him, he SEETHES
He HATES your parents
He has refused to meet them on multiple occasions
“Wanna come inside for a snack?”
“Are your parents home?”
“I think so.”
“Then no.”
Will absolutely indulge you in making “hypothetical” plots to violently murder them
He wants you to get help, but won’t push you
He has offered to help you speak up about it though
In the meantime he just wants to always be there for you and offer a safe space
He also empathizes with what you’re going through
He knows his house isn’t that much better, but he’ll still invite you over when you need to get away
Goofing off with him and Karen usually cheers you up
If that doesn’t do the trick, Kenny loves to cuddle you while you vent
It does make him sad, but he just holds you tighter and reiterates how much he cares for you
“I’m so sorry baby. You don’t deserve that. You deserve the world.”
The few times he’s been around your parents, you’ve noticed him glaring at them with clenched fists
He really wants to punch them
He won’t though, he knows that’ll just make it worse for you
Whenever you tell him something particularly shocking, he tries to convince you to get help
Gets a little frustrated when you decline, but knows that you’ll do it when you’re ready
He just doesn’t like seeing you suffer :(
Out of the main four, he empathizes the least with your situation
Genuinely doesn’t understand why you “let” it continue
“Why do you let them treat you like that?”
“It’s not that simple, Eric.”
“Do you want me to do it for you?”
“…Do what?”
“Kill them. Torture them. Whatever. I dunno.”
Unfortunately, he’s more bark than bite; if you agree to let him “help,” he’ll most likely chicken out when he actually meets your parents
When he bosses his mom around, he’ll tell you to take some notes
This both baffles and amuses you
He’ll only ask you to get professional help once; he’ll drop it if you decline
He’ll listen to you vent, but the most he can do in terms of comfort is say “that’s stupid/messed up” and give you snacks
He does use your situation as an excuse to have you over like. All the time
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Thank you for this request! And thanks for reading, stay safe guys <33
National child abuse hotline: 800-422-4453 / National domestic violence hotline: 800-799-7233
(divider by saradika)
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sexy-sea-basss · 5 months
for @swissndewdrop because i love youuuu, and you love Swisstom. Please enjoy a cute Swisstom picnic date!
triggers or warnings: kissing? wee bit of anxious Phant?
A/N: Unedited, if you see a mistake, no you didn’t.
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It was a perfect day, the birds were chirping, the sun was out, a light breeze cooling the heat from the sun. Phantom was washing dishes used for lunch when Swiss walks up and leans on the counter, “what are you doing later quint?”
“I was gonna listen to a podcast Lus recommended. why? what’s up?” Phantom responded a little too eagerly.
“I’m taking you out later. Dress cute” and with that, Swiss walked away leaving Phantom with more questions than answers. Where were they going? How cute? Ah! so many questions!
After dishes, Phantom ran to his room to find a cute outfit for whatever Swiss had planned. After destroying his closet, he found the perfect outfit.
He heard a gentle knock on his door,, “ready?” he heard Swiss say. “Yes! Is this okay?” Phantom asks. Swiss walks up to him, cups his face and slowly kisses him, “absolutely perfect. Now c’mon, we’re gonna miss it if we don’t hurry”
miss what? Phantom wondered
Hand in hand, Swiss lead Phantom through the abbey grounds to a clearing in the woods on top of a hill with the perfect view of the beach and the sun. There lay a picnic blanket with a basket, flowers, a bottle of something (Phantom couldn’t tell), along with cups and plates. “Swiss, what is this?”
“I figured I’d take you on a cute date.” “But why?” Swiss shushed him with quick kiss, “Shh, cmon, let’s eat.”
They sit on the picnic blanket, and Swiss pulls out PB&J sandwiches, fruits, desserts, and poured sparkling apple juice into his cup.
“Honey, you brought my favorite foods” “Of course! I did!” They eat and enjoy each other’s company, laughing and talking about whatever came to mind.
Out of nowhere, Swiss pulls out a disposable camera, and starts snapping pictures of Phantom eating, or staring off into the slowly setting sun.
“Stop it, you goof” “Nope, you looks absolutely adorable and I want to take pictures”
“Give me the camera!” “Nooo! Never!”
They start to lightly fight over the camera, and Phantom grabs a little bit of cake and smushes it all over Swiss mouth. In surprise, Swiss lets go of the camera and Phantom takes the opportunity to snap a picture of Swiss’ caked face.
Both are laughing and having a delightful time. Swiss grabs phantom from the back of his neck and bring him into a kiss. Now they’re both covered in cake. Camera still in hand, Phantom snaps a picture of them kissing.
“Shhhh, the shows about to start, little quint”
“what sh-” a hand covers his mouth.
Swiss sits up and puts Phantom in between his legs. They watch the sunset and when a few moments after sunset, the fireflies start blinking around them.
Phantom’s never seen fireflies, so he’s just staring in awe. He holds out his hands, and a few land on his hand. He stands and walks through them, Swiss snapping a few more pictures to add to his scrapbook. He looks at Phantom with love and admiration. How can someone so wonderful and pure love him so much, Swiss thinks. Phantom deserves the world and more. Swiss looks up to see Phantom chasing a few fireflies like a cat. He just laughs and snaps another picture.
After a while, the fireflies dissipate, and they pack up. Swinging their hands together, they walk back to the abbey and finish the night falling asleep in Phantom’s room surrounded by a mountain of plushies.
I love you
I love you, too
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
tw: internalized homophobia dedicated to @figthefruitfaeth bc zoey and i were talking abt comp het and femme4butch nancy and then this was born.
Something is wrong with Nancy.
This was her third failed date since her breakup with Jonathan.
She doesn’t know what it is, why this was her third failed date. Nancy doesn’t do failed dates, much less three of them within the span of a few weeks. She’s not gonna call him—James or Jasper or whatever his name was—the date was awkward and suffocating and Nancy really just wanted to leave, but, manners and all that. To make things worse, Nancy just, couldn’t find him attractive. It felt like a pity date on his part, mostly. And to make things worse, they had absolutely nothing in common. He kept talking about what he expects from a woman; a stay at home wife and kids and everything that Nancy detested. Everything she actively wanted to avoid.
At least her and Jonathan had shared trauma, and a genuine connection—even if it was as just friends.
That’s why they’d broken up, actually. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him, she did! She loved him more than she ever thought about loving Steve, but it wasn’t in the way that she knew he ought to be loved; he deserved better than that. She couldn’t love him more than that. There was something wrong with her.
She just doesn’t know what.
Nancy sighs, rubbing her face and staring back at the ceiling. The ceiling stares back, and Nancy knows, despite the downpour outside, that she will not be sleeping tonight. At least, not for a little while, anyway.
She tosses to one side, arm curled under the pillow, now staring at her bubblegum pink walls, and recalls the events of all three failed dates, trying to see where they all went wrong. And all three come back the same; Nancy just... didn’t like them.
If she’s honest, she would’ve rather spent time with Robin at Family Video, unofficially stocking tapes and goofing off, making a ranking list of best to worst Molly Ringwald movies. Or listening to Robin ramble about whatever book she’s reading, or about her nerves for college.
Now that she thinks about it, she doesn’t even know why she went on those dates in the first place.
That’s a lie. She does know why. She needed a distraction. A distraction from a certain dirty blonde who works at the video store.
Nancy doesn’t know why she can’t stop thinking about Robin. She should be thinking about Jeremiah or Jacob or whoever the hell she saw tonight, but, no matter what, she keeps going back to Robin.
Her and Robin’s friendship had come easy after spring break. Both of them too afraid to be alone for too long, and Nancy specifically, wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen to Robin. She almost lost her in the Upside Down and she was not going to lose another person to that godforsaken place.
And maybe that’s why Nancy can’t stop thinking about Robin, because she reminded Nancy so much of Barbara. Down to Robin’s nerdy little interests, so close to Barb’s own nerdy interests—stuff that Barb was always so passionate about that Nancy always wanted to listen to her. Couldn’t help but listen to her. Nancy was never sure what it was with Barb, why she always felt this magnetic air around her, an electricity that Nancy constantly tried to ignore when Barb would accidentally brush her pinkie walking side by side in the hallways. She always wanted to be around Barb, and she could never figure out why.
Why Nancy loved it when she made Barb laugh with her stupid jokes; why she thought seeing Barb smile—she could be a little serious, much more serious than Nancy, so making Barb smile was usually the highlight of Nancy’s day—was like winning the lottery. Why their sleepovers always ended with Nancy curled up into Barb’s side, trying to get warm, and an arm slung over her waist, pulling her closer.
Why her death destroyed Nancy. A mourning that sometimes, Nancy never thinks she'll get over. What happens when you don’t know where to put all of that grief? Where does it go?
Nancy huffs, turning to the other side, where bubblegum walls and Tom Cruise stare back at her, still wide awake.
It was nice to have another friend, too, one that she could call in the middle of the night and talk about anything—everything—and feel like she’s got a real friend again. A best friend, even. She’s not a replacement for Barb by any means--nobody could replace her, but it is nice to have someone to talk to again. Someone who shares her love for stupid little jokes and who never fails to make Nancy laugh, even when she doesn’t want to. Someone who Nancy feels drawn to; this warm, giddy feeling inside when Nancy hangs out with her.
Thinking about Robin now—her laugh, her eyes, her hands—the feeling returns, taking root and blossoming inside of her, warming her inside and out, making her face flush and her stomach flip. Nancy can’t help but smile softly into the darkness.
Isn’t that how she was supposed to feel about Jack? That fluttery nervous feeling?
Wasn’t that how she was supposed to feel about Steve? And Jonathan? And the other two guys she went on a date with?
What was wrong with her?
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fishgirl514 · 7 months
I REREAD UR INTRO POST. MP100. need to tell u this. consider aslfua mpo au. on one hand. esper cheol. his repression and social anxiety swag. listen 2 me… him playing w his powers in the countryside …. but then he doesnt use them at all anymore ….
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SORRY I AM RESPONDING TO THIS LATW i had to let it marinate sufficiently in my head it was just so good…..
jinseop and teru both had to experience humbling but jinseop could definitely maybe use a little more LMAO free my girl song-i rest she deserves better T_T
also thank you so much for cheol psychic powers bc he has always been so autism to me (avoiding eye contact, extremely awkward, not very good with adults and being formal, struggles to process and express his feelings, shuts down and stops speaking when he’s freaked out, intimidating by accident, prone to outbursts when overwhelmed, quiet, uncomfortable around people, antagonized by the school system and the people around him despite being the victim because of a perceived “threat”, mi-ae is his adhd counterpart) and we all know that mp100 is about autistic people have psychic powers
mi-ae is kind of like tome? the energy and the goof factor for sure. she would be a non psychic who thinks psychics r so cool and her whole arc w cheol would be him thinking she only likes him for his abilities and he’s kind of like god fuck off!!! bc he feels like all anyone cares about is his powers whether they’re scared of him or they want to use him or they’re gawking at him and treating him like a zoo exhibit. everyone being scared of him bc they’ve heard he has insane powers and had an outburst in the past, but she genuinely just wants to be his friend bc she remembers being friends as kids and stuff and he starts using his powers in little ways to protect her !!!!!!! UUUAAAAHHHH
LIKE LIKE the first time it happens it s like he hasn’t used his powers at ALL in like years but one time mi-ae gets into trouble and someone kind of starts to threaten her and suddenly he uses just a little bit of psychic power to freeze the guy and be like hey dude. stop. AAAAAAHHH !!!!! literally thinking abt this in real time oh this post is going to be an essay. and then he starts using his powers to like. catch her when she trips or send a note across their windows or silly little things as he gets more comfortable using it again. ugh. i love them. and her genuine lack of fear of him and appreciation for who he actually is makes him fall in love like in the regular series OTL
and obv we don’t know shit about whatever the hell happened between them back in the country side STILL UGHHH but i would think it would b something like. they are like playing together and he’s using his powers comfortably and freely in front of her and it’s such a bonding moment god i love them <33333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and like in the future he likes to float her around to tease her (she also loves it and requests it because she gets to be taller than him and fly like an airplane LOL)
he will put her in air jail when she needs to settle down
i also feel like they might have a fight scene with some sort of “jason this isn’t you :( just look at me jason ok? it’s just you and me right now” kind of moment LMAO but it would actually be good and not corny, more like the scene from avatar with aang and katara in the desert
anyway THANK you for this i am going to think about it forever i hope i was able to contribute and expand upon it
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 21 - Discuss Gwen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
gwen!!! i love gwen. i think she’s fascinating. she’s normal - she’s fucked up. she’s empathetic - she detaches from the people closest to her. she loves rhys - she loves jack. she knew torchwood was toxic - she joined anyway. she’s just a really fleshed out, grounded character, akin to some of the doctor who companions imo, but because it’s torchwood she gets to be a little more of a straight up asshole - i love it. i think she’s a brilliant character. and she’s also adorable and funny and badass and gorgeous and sweet and lovely and a little bit deranged. i adore her. 
my fav gwen moment would have to be when she retconned rhys in combat 😭 HEAR ME OUT. that’s the moment i was like ‘oh holy shit she’s fucked up’ and that made me feel compelled by her... she’s since become my second fav character and i think if that scene didn’t exist she wouldn’t have reached that point for me. esp because it established her as a certain type of fucked up, you know? her cheating on rhys wasn’t nice, but it was interesting. i think her struggles with emotional faithfulness and how easily she was pushed into sexual infidelity from stress and isolation make her interesting. her and owen are psychological marvels to me, in the best way fshdfkjds they’re both really fascinating characters with really interesting and, bafflingly, well-done trauma responses. listen, i like rhys a lot, and i pity him, but my main issue with that plot is less that she did it in the first place and more that that plotline was never given closure. i don't rlly have much interest in condemning cheating as it exists in fiction, it's just a plot device to me so it doesn't register as particularly immoral when done by characters (as in, it doesnt make ME hate them; i know some people think it's a Grave Sin) - but i do think rhys did deserve better than never being offered transparency in that regard. but i don’t blame gwen herself for that, so much as i blame the writers.
and then aside from that, i have several fav gwen-being-cute moments, because she’s like a fluffy little creature to me fhsdkj there’s something about eve’s tooth gap i think and the way they do her hair, and those big ol’ eyes…. i want to keep her in my pocket. i love the handful of times her and owen goof off, i love her crying pizza scene, i love the scenes where she’s being playful with rhys, i love her reactions when she's talking to emma about sex in out of time (eve’s comedic acting is so funny too btw like some of the faces gwen makes at shit kills me. shes just so tangible she looks and feels like a real person you’d be friends w like thts gwen my friend gwen)... i love the way she bonds with female characters, idk why that was something that really stood out to me like she way she bonds with other women, i love it. with jonah’s mom and with beth... in an era where women were pitted against each other a lot (we see it happen w her n tosh in, like, countrycide a little), it's nice they subverted that. i love when women take care of each other. nice little thing to include in tw of all shows.
my least favorite gwen moment… i can’t really think of one of the top of my head? OH i know. the way she treats andy in adrift bothered me a bit. i think the concept of ‘torchwood’s changed you, you’re crueler now’ is brilliant, but it’s a little more personal between them, and she's unnecessarily a bit condescending w him, so it rubbed me a little wrong. but torchwood in s1 were meant to be cocky so ig maybe that could've rubbed off on her too... but the show doesn't suggest that so eh.
i don’t think i have any unpopular opinions, other than i think she’s a great character + she’s very likeable and compelling, and i think gwen bashers are misogynistic morons ❤️ oh also! i think she’s just as bisexual as the other three, she’s just not as tapped into her attraction to women. gwen to me is a “when i was a kid i used to stare at my best friend and think about how pretty she was… but that’s normal right i mean thats just loving your friend right. feeling warm when you brush her hair at a slumber party is normal right” type of wlw fsdkjfd. i think she emotionally latches onto women (like i said we see this happen in the show) but she’s just gone through life assuming she’s straight so she never clocked herself as having the capacity for that emotional attachment to be something romantic instead. not unlike pre-gbg tosh.
fun headcanons… her and owen are besties. this is canon as far as im concerned but i’d like it to be even More. they just sort of have a surprisingly easy rapport, like they enjoy each other's company (somewhat surprisingly, given their contrasting personalities) and are weirdly in sync esp in s2, but they also poke and prod at each other. they have a shiv & roman from succession relationship to me - “hey slut” “hey f-g” HFSDKJFHDKJ do you see. do u see my vision. (not the sibling shit obviously just That Vibe.) i love writing them bantering back n forth, it's tons of fun. also lowkey projecting shit from the actors onto them - eve used to just straight up wrestle burn and that feels like a gwen owen activity i think she should pick him up and slam dunk him into the ground. theyre boygirlbesties to me i think they should go shopping together and try shit on and insult each other. i think they should go to more movies n sit in the back n whisper back n forth. i also think gwen and tosh should be closer as well im sending them on a spa trip. girl’s night! oh speaking of girl’s night ive also had this fic in development for a while about owen playing with gender (i think he needs that i think it’d heal him) + it has two separate scenes where gwen puts makeup on him cuz i think they should recreate that lesbian makeup image. thats their relationship to me. i also think she should peg him platonically. do u kinda see the vibe im going for here. speaking of pegging… shit that needs to be introduced into her relationship w rhys. female characters who i’d fix by buying them a strap-on. also she needs to have gay sex it’s crucial. ok ill shut up now. idk if i have any other non-cursed hcs HKSDF sorry im evil xD ill show myself out. gwen cooper they could never make me hate you i love you mwah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Hey pookie it’s ya boy @what-are-you-willing-to-do I wanted to do a mash up 😍 
I’m 5’11 275 pounds so I’m a big bitch 😍. I’ve got really curly hair that I wanna dye half blonde. (Fun fact I want a mustache 😭) and I’m an INTP with a shit ton of anger issues. I have depression, severe adhd, social anxiety, ied and I’m getting screened for autism. I’m usually really sweet with people I don’t know like sickly sweet but around people I’m close with I’m really funny and raunchy. I usually try to be really serious but end up goofing off because that’s who I am. BIG METAL HEAD. I’ll send you my fucking playlist bro like fr- I’d like to dress up 80s trade goth but usually just go simple with a metal t shirt and jeans. And uh yeah that’s the basics knock yourself out 😍
(If your still doing them of course-)
I paired you up with...
♡ Michael Myers ♡
(Rz version)
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This unit of a man is a big stronk boy at the whopping height of 6'8. Personally, my size kink wouldn't allow me a single day of peace with someone like him
I thought about giving you Bo but it didn't end up convincing me as much as our myers babygirl here. I did a quick search and this version of Michael is a isfp which are likely to get along with your mbti type
About the anger issues this can seem like out of character but this Michael is the calmest out of all three but he does have his fair share of anger. I feel like he would understand more deeply how does it feels and in some way knows how to and to not react when you're angry, and even how to help you to calm down. He's as always a man of few (he doesn't talks) words but he communicates so much through small actions. Like I genuinely think his love language is being there when you feel the most sad or bad, doing what he wish someone would've done to him when he was feeling like shit.
You being sweet with people you don't know it's probably what saved you from being killed. This man has never known an ounce of actual kindness besides from his mom so to find someone who treats him like he's an actual human being with emotions is a pretty big deal. He knew he was gonna stick around the moment he first laid his eyes on you. Appreciates the funny side too, you kind of make him feel more alive and energetic. He likes the fact you trust him and like him enough to be this relaxed around him and even if you can't see it bc the mask he smiles quite a lot when he's around you
SEND ME YOUR PLAYLIST I WANNA SEEEE. Have you seen this man? You can not tell me he's not a metal head too, maybe he tends to like more classic rock but he enjoys how hard and aggressive metal music is. He will definitely pester you into listen to music with him and occasionally will come back home after killing with posters of your favourites for you. He finds music as a way to bond with you and tries to make you listen to songs that have some sort of meaning for him so you can get to know him without the need to get all personal
Help this man to dress better cause all that height and that pretty face deserve pretty outfits. Would love things like band tees or band sweaters ecc he really just allows you to do with him what you will as long as you don't try any funny business by pulling off his mask.
Song recommendation time!!
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Fifty Three.
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Stifling out a yawn, I will never get bored of seeing the sunrise in Dubai, I mean because I am out here and meetings in America happen, I have to be awake. They do it around nine at night there in LA so it’s better for us but it’s still not better for us, I hate it because now I am awake fully, but I have a busy day ahead of me “I hate these” Amanda said, “I was mentally thinking that, I was literally grumbling to myself about how fucking long it is but I have things I need to do today really” Amanda smirked “don’t!” I spat laughing “I am just smiling, why are you mad” rolling my eyes playfully, I mean Taylan is in Dubai, we are still going strong as friends, and he came here. I did say I would come to him, but Fenty is always busy, I have no fucking time to do that so he said he would come here, he has been here five days now and every day we have met up, so I said today we can meet for breakfast, I really enjoy his company and this really, I don’t know but it can work out for us, in a way it can because he is potentially moving to America to play football, there. I hope he does get the deal because he deserves it, I enjoy his company and nothing is sexual, nothing is awkward between us either. I won’t even show him that I do like him, but I think he gets the vibe from me a lot “are you getting dressed up for breakfast? I mean since I am not invited” Amanda is being sensitive “stop it” I laughed “I always get dressed up for you, I am not even going to do anything. I am literally just going like this, no makeup or anything” Amanda put her thumb up “I wanted to ask, you seemed really happy about him saying he is going to America, are you hoping to go back?” nodding my head “yeah, I can’t see my future here, this place is beautiful, but I want to go home, I want my comforts of America, but right now it’s fine. I am happy though” I grinned “I can tell, go for it. After you telling me everything you have been through, you deserve a man that sees you for you. When I came back to the apartment and saw you both laughing at memes I was like what nerds” I grinned “see what I mean, we are literally just goof balls” let me at least brush my teeth.
Waiting outside the restaurant, he better not leave me hanging and waiting around for him, I won’t have that shit from him, I hate when people are late “boo” I jumped at a pair of hands grabbing my hips “idiot” I said to him laughing “I was literally right across you and you just ignored me and like was mad” letting out an oh “sorry, I was thinking if he takes any longer I am going home” he shook his head “you are so dramatic, what are you like. Let’s go in” he gestured for me to go in, I mean I hate the accent, but it suits him, the accent makes him even cuter, and I like it. Shuffling my chair in “I look rough don’t I?” he looked up at me, his eyes darted to the menu already, this boy can eat, he is a big boy “sorry, I was already eyeing up the menu” he laughed “what is wrong?” waving him off “no, no don’t do that” he laughed “I was listening” he is a damn lie “no, you haven’t been. I said I looked a mess and you agreed” he pulled a face “did I? I didn’t you are lying, you look fine, just tired” least he is honest “so I look terrible” rolling my eyes “why do you have to be dramatic” I shrugged “but buy anything, my treat, you paid for the meal yesterday so it’s only right” he clapped his hands together “then I better order the whole thing” I believe he would, I wouldn’t put it passed him “mhmm yeah you better not” he chucked “how was the meetings? Did you fall asleep” I sniggered “at one point but I made it, I wrote some notes down and just will go off that, not easy running a business when my mother is watching” he cringed “I can imagine, your mom built that, so she isn’t going to let her daughter mess that up by sleeping” he is so rude “shut up” I am always falling asleep in them, it just gets boring at some points.
Taylan seems a little apprehensive, like a little off and I feel it and I see it “what’s wrong?” I asked him and I hope he is just truthful with me “erm, like I feel that me and you can work, like we gel, and we get along and I see you fitting in well with my family, I know you will and I like that. My mom is my whole heart, I love her, and I know she will love you. When I do look for a girl I always think how she will be with my family, but I want to be truthful, I want us to both have trust and if and when we do take that leap I want you to know me as a man and I know you, we said this . I asked my brother about it and he said that if I see it as a real relationship then I should, and I do. So erm” he cleared his throat “I did something when I was erm, nineteen, and I got charged for an assault, this was like big in Australia news, I was on a night out. This was last year, I was intoxicated, and the guy was just saying things and it was caught on camera and I ended up beating him, but the courts didn’t hear that he also hit me, but it happened, I was charged, and I took the punishment, but I don’t want this to be bought up in any form, and really I want you to know the truth. I did it, it happened, and I feel bad because like it could have really ended me, but it hasn’t, I hope and pray I end up in America, I think it’s there but the game there is so different” I was not expecting this from him “wow, that took a turn” I laughed “but I like you told instead of me finding out because I didn’t Google search you, that wasn’t my style, I wanted to know you for you and I see how you are. Under that big guy exterior, you’re just a good hearted man” he laughed “that gives good hugs” nodding my head “you do, I get lost, I am totally happy with that statement but like I think maybe it’s a slow pace for you” he shook his head “erm, you know when you enjoy someone’s company, you enjoy how they are. Time is nothing, I enjoy your company, I enjoy you as a friend. I erm, my mom always said I am a sensitive soul, maybe she is right” he laughed “you are, so the assault is out of character. This is why we don’t drink” he must be a bad drunk “I get violent” letting out an oh.
I haven’t spoken to Rylee since Taylan has been here, he is always coming over and really there is not much time to be together so I have not spoken to Rylee, but I know mom was with her, that was weeks ago though and I haven’t since spoken to her so I thought I would call her on skype. She answered the skype huffing and puffing “mhmmm?” I said, “I am on the bike, but I can talk” letting out an oh “who pissed you off to get you into a gym?” she laughed “life!” she spat “clearly, you never needed the gym” she rolled her eyes “that was before that big headed child of mine Ti, he ruined my body” poor her “but your body is nice still, you’re just self-conscious. I didn’t know you was doing this, how are you?” I asked “well, Aziel is not with me he is with him, so I got time, how are you?” she asked me “I am good, sorry I have been busy” I apologised “remember I told you about Taylan, he is here” Rylee sniggered “so you forgot about me yeah” shaking my head “I am busy too with Fenty, you can’t just say that” she really can’t “yeah well I did text you but never mind, I guess my mom is my sister now” oh she is not happy “Rylee” I said “Ti, just forget it ok. How is he? You like him? Don’t get pregnant, I am serious” I had to laugh because she is hating life “thank you for the heads up, I won’t but I like him a lot and I think you know he is being truthful to me about things, he was charged with assault when he was younger, he is truthful with me” Rylee looked down at me “mhmm right, don’t be coming to me when he is angry one day and attacks you, men aren’t real” oh she is so negative “just because your local thug didn’t work out, I am being careful we are friends, why can’t you just be positive” she rolled her eyes “well when I needed you, you wasn’t there. mom flew here when it should have been you Ti! Just whatever, I am busy myself now anyways. Just put the phone down, I don’t want to speak” she is a brat “you don’t want to speak because you think I am not there for you? When did you ask me for anything?” I am confused “check your phone, and don’t come back to me, bye Ti” she put the phone down on me, oh she is mad with me but when did she ask me for help. Tapping on her name, see we haven’t messaged in so long, I have been busy with him and work “shit” she did message me too, wow. She messaged me weeks ago too, I don’t remember seeing it, she literally said things are going upside down SOS “fuck” I am in the bad books now, I am so stupid.
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I love being taken out, like I love being spoilt and coming back from London, well since I’ve been back from London I’ve not had peace, I’ve had the kids at home just up to no good, getting Imani in order just kids but Chris is back home from New York and he’s all mine and he’s taken me to my place, he knows my place “you can’t stop smiling twin, you’re too happy, this place will never be my fave place” I frowned at him “do not disrespect my home” Chris chuckled “we haven’t done this in time” he is right we haven’t, we don’t really go out either “we are boring now Chris, our life revolves around the kids really doesn’t it” Chris nodded his head “we spoil them don’t we really?” He said “we do, a little too much but I think we just care a lot, I also feel like personally I need to make it up to the girls, I wasn’t there for them then, like this isn’t anything to do with them, like we have moved on but me, in my heart. I feel like ok; I wasn’t there then but right now I can be, just make it right in my heart” I admitted, I do feel that way “I feel like they need their mom more now than ever, it’s bittersweet really. Even Imani, it’s like I try but I find a way to offend her, I hate it but you know. Girls, they grow” I cooed out “do you feel neglecting poppa? Awww Chris” he waved me off “shut up before I throw a spoon at you, it’s whatever. It’s always drama anyways, you can deal with that. Even in the family group chat, Rylee leaves every five business days, I am so sick of them, but it’s calm right now” I cringed “she is funny, I think what got me was when she said none of you are being supportive of my weight loss because Junior made a joke, and then she left” Chris sniggered “I asked how she was and she said you laughed bye, ugh! Kids, but I got Emi, she is the new baby girl, she loves me” I think Chris is feeling unwanted “Imani is difficult Chris, we just have to take it as it is” I shrugged “I know, she finds me so annoying. Like she wants to move out, do all these things and I know she isn’t ready for that. Just hard to tell her that we are worried about you, she wants to be independent but it’s different for her in so many ways then the older two, I feel she knows she is different but is pushing to be normal and I don’t know Robyn. I want her to be safe but I know we have to let her fly at some point” he is right we will “I worry about Raihan now, that kid wanting to be G Herbo good twin, I’m like sit yo ass down but it’s funny, how life has switched up, we just about our kids that really we don’t hear or see the drama anymore” smiling at him “I think it’s just us growing old and growing out family, but I know Rylee is livid, she goes before I left to go to the airport. She said all these years you was being nasty now the guy I’m not with is your long lost son” Chris snorted laughing “I would be pissed too, you are annoying with that” they have a point, I am annoying “I think if I could have him as a son in law I would be more than happy for it, I feel like he is the calm to her chaos but that’s on them or whatever happens, I am staying out of it” Chris looks in shock “son in law? You’re so nasty, how you jumping on this now, get out” Chris spat, he’s stupid but I am being serious about it.
I just know Chris after all these years hates Giorgio Baldi like this place does anything to him “I hate that you hate on my comfort place” Chris is laughing like he isn’t disrespecting the food “not that, just not hungry. Ayo, Junior though. Like that kid is amazing, I am always speechless watching him. The boy is literally running like his life depends on it without even being tired, he is amazing. I am like the proudest father; he is dead ass too. When he always points at me to watch I know he about to do something disrespectful, and I am there with my phone out. You see that video of him though that I posted, bro. That shit was posted onto the news, like he about to head to the stars” he is so proud of him “too much attention though, when Fox sport said can we interview him, I said no, the hell you are. Y’all can stay away from him, when he hits college, he will be problem. Did I tell you about Mel though, since then she hasn’t spoken to me, she messaged me about something, and I said you ask me when you want something? Are we seriously doing this? Taking sides with the kids, I don’t want to lose that, she said it’s too far gone, I am like whatever. Melody shouldn’t have got involved with that shit, I knew that kids would have our friendship down the hill” Chris shrugged “she is pathetic, how you think her daughter was going to be? Her mother is bitter, I am sorry Robyn you have done so much for that fucking family, you treated those girls with love and care, and they attack our daughters? Yeah fuck that, it’s jealousy” shaking my head “it upsets me, you know that I have done so much for them but like my main priority is my family, my mom acts like she didn’t disrespect my kids, that is her delusion” I chuckled “mhmm” Chris rolled his eyes “it’s a nasty trait to have, jealousy. Majesty always been that way” he got a point “what are going to do about Herb? I am not happy you punched him in the house” mean mugging him “he deserve it, talking shit and he knew that Amerie was there, it was disrespectful so yeah, then Imani came down hearing him. I care about him, but he is a mess” I shrugged.
Looking over at Chris, and then back at the text from Taina, I am not the type to just ignore someone like Taina, she is vulnerable “Chris” I said “mhmmm” he looked over at me “getting my dick sucked tonight right” I laughed “ok but, you may not agree or be mad with me. Taina needs me, us. Can she stay at the house? She said that Herb is making threats to her because of the child” Chris groaned out “we can’t protect her, tell her go back to Texas” I knew he would say that “Chris” I said his name “bro” he sighed out “fine, tell her to come then. But she needs to make other plans, this doesn’t get you out of sex either” well he said yes “we need to pick her up” I saw Chris roll his eyes “oh boy, I just got a message from Rylee” I said “ain’t it late over there? Like early morning maybe, the hell she awake for” Chris said, opening the message. Scanning over the message “so?” he asked “Oakley is seen out with another girl, mom I am not happy” looking at Chris “it’s not our problem, tell her she has to get over it if so, he just the father of her child, advise her properly. She is doing well, just watch herself, no need to watch him. He is doing right by his son, the only concern for us is her, so tell her let it go” Chris is right, he isn’t cheating because they aren’t together anyways “she is so sensitive, she added if that bitch is near my son I am beating him up” Chris chuckled “then say to her that lay the rules, that the kids shouldn’t meet the partners but then again Rylee did that with Brian, she has to be careful” let me call her instead “just go to Taina’ home please” tapping on Rylee’ name, she answered so quick “why are you awake?” I asked her “well I went to the bathroom and I see that Aziel is with him but clearly not, then I text him asking where is my son, he said he is asleep in bed. He was seen coming out of the club, then he talks to the guard and pointed behind him, some white bitch is there, it’s a video! I seen it” she is highly emotional “Rylee, listen to me. He isn’t yours, he is the father of your child, you are doing so well, you really are, and I am proud of you. Remember that Rylee, you know the one I am speaking on” Rylee sighed out “oh and Ti can choke, she ignored my SOS and then had the nerve to talk about a guy she is meeting up with” here these sisters go again “oh great, Rylee. Just go to sleep, be an adult now, I love you and I am proud of you, those headshots were perfect” she gets too worked up “thanks mom, love you too” she put the phone down “this girl, Ti and her too” I grumbled, there is always something with them “you know what, being a father again at this age. I feel like I am enjoying it, there is much more peace, I love it” I am glad Chris is enjoying it “you wasn’t sure about having Emi so I am glad you are now enjoying it” he loves his daughters.
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zombie-girl-13xo · 10 months
I'm not to sure how this is all going to come out written here verses how it sounds in my head, because in there, it's perfect. I am writing this because i don't know when you are going to want to hang out again. Your being elusive again, your M.O with me as of lately. I find it comical, I was running away first, now it seems like it's the other way around. It may not be like that at all, but it could be interpreted like that, haha. If that is the case, I deserve that fully.
This is going to end up being long, I can already tell, but please read it all, if you would. I have so much to say and I rather say it face to face but we haven't seen each other again yet and I don't want to wait to say this shit, I can't wait. I'll forget everything I want to say subconsciously and I just am not going to allow that to happen this time. I can't.
Time doesn't wait for anyone and I have wasted more time pushing away, trying to silence and hide from these thoughts and feelings when it comes to you than I would like to admit.
You asked me why I love you or think I love you. Well, Ill tell you why.......When I say it's you, it's literally you. Your a sweetheart, your a gentleman, your kind, considerate, thoughtful, intelligent. Your demeanor is intoxicating. I like the way you walk, you hold yourself confidently and it's attractive. The way you talk, your laugh. Your eyes. Your fucking smile. The way you sing and get down to your music. Your mind ...I love it. The way your brain processes life and how you try to not let shit get to negative. If life's going bad, you accept it and you find a reason to laugh. Life is something beautiful to you and it's contagious. That energy bounces off of you and onto me when I'm near you.
I appreciate your moods, your thoughts, opinions, feelings. I have seen many in the past year.
I've seen you mad, sad, crying. I've seen you try not to break down, I've seen you break down
because sometimes you just can't hold it in anymore. I've seen you mad for breaking down, mad
that tears are coming out of your eyes. I've had you push me away because your breaking down
and maybe you didn't want me to see that moment of vulnerability. I've seen you sick. Tired. I've
seen you lazy and not wanting to do anything and I've seen you amped up on energy. I have
seen you laugh, smile, goof around making jokes, talk shit to me, get silly as fuck because you
don't smoke weed. I've seen you bratty, pushy, comforting, exhausting, sweating, naked.
And i know that there is more to you, there is more to learn, to know, to see, to experience.
That's not even half of it, it's just a preview 😏
Every mood and side of you I have been blessed to be able to experience, I adore. I like. I
accept. I can relate and understand. I love. The good ones, the not so positive ones. ALL OF
I hate the way you make me feel, hate how comfortable I feel In your arms, how comfortable I
feel with you. I hate that because it makes me so vulnerable, so unguarded, so open and
scared. I'll be honest though, I love it. I feel this inner peace, this serene, blissful calming vibe.
The thoughts slow, the chaos of life, the over thinking, the self doubt, my fears, my problems,
my pain. Your presence is soothing, intoxicating, addicting, captivating.
I feel like You like me for me. Who i am, how I am. Just me. I feel like you care, you listen to me
barely talk (because I admit I am quiet around you). You want to know me, about me, what I like,
feel, think, how I cook. I am always the one who puts more into things than others do, I ask questions, make attempts to learn about what makes someone who they are. That effort has
rarely ever been matched, people don't care to throw back the layers of another, it's too much
Too much work? Wtf... I want to put that type of work into someone (and i want that effort put
back into me) I want to know it all, learn every last component that goes into what makes you
who you are. What happened in your past, what you want in the future, how you feel now, last
night, yesterday, everyday. What scares you? What broke you? What makes you weak in the
knees? I want the fucking flaws. I want the good parts. I want the bad parts. I want it all.
I wasn't raised in this society we have now, where you just dispose and replace things when
they don't work right. I hate that. I want to work, I want to work on it every fucking day and never
stop, because that's the only way to make it last. Just so you know, I have a fantastic work ethic
and my resume is pretty impressive lol
You cant have the good without the bad, you cant have heaven without hell, you can't just
expect sunshine and rainbows, I have learned this and life wouldn't be as interesting if there
wasn't a little shit thrown in the mix anyways.
You make me feel good. I feel like I mean something to somebody when I'm with you. I don't
care if I do or not, the feeling is nice either way. I feel wanted, accepted, safe, desired,
appreciated when I'm with you for just being myself. I don't need to change who I am to please
you. I love that. So many times in my life I've been told I need to water myself down or conform
to something I'm not just to please another person. To this day, the best compliment i have ever
received was one I got from you about being a free spirit. You are the only person who has ever
called me that besides myself.
Now all that's just a preview of some reasons why. I can sit here and continue to list things,
reasons, qualities and such but I'm gonna open up more, get deeper. I'm gonna totally let my
guard down, force this anxiety away and I'm gonna lay some shit down that leaves me
unprotected, no walls, no filters, barriers, blocks, barracaids… Nothing. Being vulnerable sucks,
it's scary as hell, makes me want to throw up, cry and run away all at the same time…..
I'm not getting any younger, the fingers on the hands of time are only going to flip me off as they
continue to keep flicking seconds from my minutes, minutes from my hours and hours from my
days. I can't be that person who bites my tongue anymore, I don't want to be. I won't be.
Marc, you asked me constantly the other night if I was ok. Yeah, I was/am in general. But no, I'm
not ok. I don't think I've been ok. I've been lame, stupid, foolish, challenging, a pain in the ass,
frustrated, annoyed, scared, nervous, locked in this stubborn, closed off, boarded up shell that
makes me second guess, over think, deny, ignore, and silence the free spirit in me and honestly
just the me in general. I've really been thinking alot, not over thinking, just some good, deep,
logical and realistic type of thinking.
In the past year some of my actions, over thinking, second guessing and the list goes on.. could
have made me lose you. And i don't mean i would lose the "relationship type of things" we do...i
could have lost your companionship. Someone whose company I'd choose over pretty much
anyone elses. I could have lost my friend. You have been there for me so many times in such a
small period of time. I cherish the friendship we have more than i can express. I never want to
lose that, your an amazing fucking person and the friendship you give is rare, hard to find and
bomb as fuck. I'm thankful as fuck your still here and never will i make the same mistakes again.
I dont know the exact way you feel about me… us? Maybe "us" is too much of a commitment
word for me to use. I don't fucking know, I want to know. I want to read your mind so I dont have
to wonder. Yeah, yeah your an open book….
No. Your not. Your guarded too, but your smooth and "answer" questions without answering
them. Open book my ass….
Those few times I have gotten answers or I was privileged enough to hear those
thoughts/feelings you guard and be the one by you as your walls weaken and your inner
demons crawl to the surface have solidified the feelings I have for you. Your fucking perfect in
those moments (your perfect in alot of moments 😍😍) and i just want you more. I want to hold
you, help you, heal you and be there for you. I want to be in your corner, always have your back
and hold you up when you feel like your going to fall. I want to be the person you know without a
fail will be there for you. I will ride and die with you, for you… i want to fight with you, but know
that we are going to talk it out and work thru that shit before the day ends, Because your not
supposed to go to bed angry, there's a quote about that and your old like me so you probably
know what I'm talking about.
I am not lying when i say i think of you every day. I have thought about you constantly for the
past 365 fucking days. I love thinking about you.
Your literally always on my mind.
This is really long and i can say so much more but ive sat here steady for hours. My daylight is
gone… you can question or not believe i could love or be in love with you, I respect that fully.
But i have never told someone i love them first. I have never written my thoughts out like this. I
have never thought about someone all the time. I've always thought of you. Even after high
school. Every time i past the spot in colton where hollywood video was on la cadena and valley,
i fucking see my first kiss with you. No joke, no lie. Every time im in the area, since the day it
For me, your worth the risk. I'm willing to take the risk. Too show you how it feels to be loved
100% for you and who you are. I would be willing to be vulnerable, to knock down those walls
and guards and put trust in what we could be without doubt.
I just see you as someone i could find that…
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badluckblackjack · 2 years
Alex here. So this is going to be a bonkers thing to post but I need to throw it out there or Im not going to be able to continue my day which would be bothersome. Right now I feel like i can’t move on because i can’t make it right with anyone except the canonmates I have. And god i’m so fucking lucky to know them. Being able to make peace with Karl Wilbur charlie and george of all people… god i’m the luckiest guy on earth which is the funniest thing ever considering the url i chose for this. But i’m a greedy bastard and you all know this. I want to be able to be friends with everyone again and listen to how they feel. Tell them how I feel. So throwing it out into the void helps because maybe someone important will see it. Below the cut i’m going to continue talking and i’m going to try not to feel mortified for posting this. The soundtrack to this post is message in a bottle by the police.
Basically as a blanket statement im sorry. And not in the shitty half assed way i did it in source. Believe me i have personalized apologies for all of you people. I think about you all the time and i know what ive done wrong... I still struggle with taking accountability and blaming other people, i wont lie, but god im trying so hard. I want to be better for you all.
For most intents and purposes i am better. I think in this life im more like Tubbo or Aimsey was. I know the right thing to do is to keep striving to be kind. Never give in. Power is never what i needed and nobody else needs it either. We just need to work hard to protect ourselves and our loved ones, and accept each other. I still have my moments but. You know.
I got so far with this and now I dont really know what to write. I dont really know what to do except go down the list.
Tommy i should have been better to you...i should have been there more. Having abandonment issues isnt an excuse for leaving you alone. And im tired of people acting like i was soooo good to you! like for fucks sake man i really wasnt, i did the bare minimum maybe 25% of the time, most everyone else just somehow sucked harder than that. I really dont deserve that praise. But this time around I know what i would do. Im not afraid to cut in and defend you because i dont have my own personal beefs wrapped up in everything. I just want to help you now like i should have then. And if you dont need my help then we could goof off. Or you could not talk to me at all, thats genuinely fine too. Im sorry i was so selfish. You deserve good people in your life. You deserve security, safety, and good fucking friends.
Tubbo im sorry im such a stubborn ass. None of how i treated you in las nevadas was okay and none of what happened was okay. It was just as much my fault as it was wilburs. And...listen man, I dont know. I know youll feel weird that i said this, and youre free to feel weird, or be mad, but. That festival was the worst day of my fucking life. I have never felt so stupid, useless, and incompetent in my entire life. Because you were my best friend. I should have gotten us out of there way before then. Im sorry i got us into that mess. None of what ... you know, he did is an excuse for that. So.. i wish i could go back and undo it. Or something. God im fucking crying writing this HAHA i love you toby i hope thats proof.
Jack , youre probably looking at this like im insane if youre reading this, but i just want you to know, you didnt deserve what happened to you, and im glad you were my friend, and also im sorry i stole so much of your stuff. I liked your pants that you would wear.
Fundy... you know its complicated, i know its complicated, its fine. For what its worth, im sorry for never being a true friend to you. I hope that wherever you are youre happy. I really, really dont expect that you would ever want to talk to any of us ever again besides probably Eret, but just know, my door is wide open to you. Through everything, im still wanting you around. And i can do way better this time. Ill take care of you as much as i can.
Ranboo, you deserved better. Im sorry i never got to know you very well. Im gonna be honest, pretty much everything you do makes me angry, but it just makes me angry because it reminds me of myself? If we were to speak i would get ahold of myself and not take that out on you, because you dont deserve that, but I dont really know how to apologize without bringing that into it. I see so much of myself in you. Youre growing. Im proud of you. Keep trying your best. This sounds so fucking condescending AHAHA sorry buddy.
Technoblade, you were a victim, and you didnt deserve any of what I did to you. you werent even a person to me, you were a symbol of everything that made me hate myself; you were actually powerful, i was scared of you, and you were mentally strong, too. Its not okay to treat someone that way. In this life ive been able to let go, so you dont have to worry about my annoying ass on your case anymore, ever again. Youre really cool. I want to be able to appreciate that for what it is without letting how much i dont like myself get in the way. Pride is stupid! You are awesome.
Purpled... Im never going to do anything like that again. You have my word. And for what its worth, im sorry. You didnt deserve any of that. I think youre really cool, and I always have thought that, so just... stay swaggy? I dont fucking know. Go keep doing awesome things. Im not going into detail here because Im trying to spare you the annoyance lol.
Nikki, I love you. Our friendship is basically the nicest memory i have of the whole fucking server. Im sorry we werent closer and didnt stay in touch. YOU WERE IMPORTANT TO ME. so fucking important. Also karl misses you too but dont tell him i told you. I hope you are doing something creative lately. My current demeanor is similar to yours back then so I think we could get along preetttyyyyy well again....wink...please be my friend again. If i sound desperate its because i am. WINK.
Okay...Bad. Let's get into it. I still think i was right to try to stop you, but I was wrong for holding a grudge, and i was wrong for trying to tell you that you should be striving for your own power or something stupid like that. The way to feel at peace with yourself is to hang out with your friends. You know this, i know this, we both got BRUTALLY taught this lesson over and over, so lets either just silently acknowledge this and never speak to each other again or bury the hatchet and be buddies.
Connor if youre reading this i love you.
Sam, we had the most unhealthy dynamic on earth, and I think its best if we probably never speak to each other again just because I still feel really unresolved about everything so I know im going to accidentally end up trying to forcefully recreate how it used to be. But, i shouldnt have pushed you around, and Im sorry. I shouldnt have done what i did to dream either but I dont think an apology is enough to even begin covering that. Just know... i know it was wrong and its never going to happen again. I wont let it happen again. I have control over myself, at least, and nothing that bad is ever going to happen again.
Foolish... I care about you so fucking much. Im sorry for pushing you around, too. I should never have manipulated you into joining my country, and I should have never lashed out at you either. This is going to sound stupid but it felt like if I was actually nice to you and treated you how I wanted to treat you, then when you inevitably left it would just be another time i got my heart broken after giving it up. by this logic at least if i was mean it was still my fault and i had control over the situation. Its fucked up, and sucky, and you deserve better, so much better. So, im sorry, and i hope things are going well for you. I hope the people around you appreciate how fucking awesome you are. Im not afraid to say it now, youre fucking AWESOME, youre the coolest motherfucker around. Thank you for everything youve done for me.
Tina, i didnt meet you in source yet, but I know i loved you. So just know that. Lets be friends? Karl misses you.
Sapnap...I dont really know where to start here because theres so much to say. Im sorry i left. Im sorry i didnt believe you when you said karl was sick. Im sorry i didnt try harder to come home. Im sorry i was so fucking scared all the time, and emotionally unavailable, and just...terrified. Our timing was weird and I hope we ended up getting it right at some point... but for now youll be pleased to know, Karl is my best friend now. We still have issues every now and again, were both emotional little shits and struggle to communicate, but hes my best fucking friend, okay? But a piece of our hearts are missing, so just...were waiting here, buddy. Theres a spot at the table for you. We both have hella trust issues so it might be hard for us to actually believe you when you say youre Sapnap but its worth a shot right? Maybe thats too presumptuous. Idk, i just love you. Come be my friend again, okay?
And finally... to myself, im sorry. I didnt deserve what happened to me. So ill keep trying to stop telling myself that i did deserve it, because i didnt. I dont need to be perfect. I dont need to be powerful. Its okay to just be my silly, anxious, ditsy, emotional, annoying, fun loving self. Its okay to just be.
if you read this much you are a brave soul. See you next time i have a letter to write. For now, alex out.
0 notes
skiesclouded · 2 years
closed starter || ribbing
 for @agustinmeanswell !
Pepa is, in some ways, a wholly different person than she was when she met Agustín. But there are some aspects of her personality that have never changed. Like the innate desire to tease a brother, whether he be her blood or not.
“Agustín,” she says, a smug look on her face so similar to Camilo’s that it’s jarring, “you should watch your head.” She would almost sound serious, if not for the wavering, childish lilt in her voice.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Hello everyone! How long has it been since one of my Overly Long Analysis?
God, I missed being able to do this, so, to celebrate, this one will be a 3 parter on yesterday's lore!
As always I'll be talking about the characters exclusively unless stated otherwise.
The Dialogue is color-coded so we'll have: Sapnap, Eryn, Michael, Punz, Tommy, Sam, Jack, Dream
Everything under the cut
First up is Sapnap's stream: Late Thanksgiving Stream On Dream SMP (LORE) FINALE because after the last 2 streams my boy deserves to be in the spotlight
Starting off strong with a "wtf is happening, why is Sapnap like this?". In all seriousness though, they were just messing around and having fun at the start. Sapnap, Punz, and Callahan just goofing off together.
Sapnap canonically hates NFTs. George is still sleeping.
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Dadboyhalo moment, reminding his kid to feed the horse he stole properly.
Eryn may have just joined Kinoko Kingdom. Karl is canonically watching Over The Garden Wall (good choice).
The bell in the Prime Church is gone, which could become an interesting detail for later.
Glad to know that Sapnap's first instinct when seeing any type of pet is still murder.
"Why is he [Dream] in there? I've barely gotten the whole- why is he even in there?" "He's in there because he didn't pay me enough" "He's in there because he did some fucked up shit Michael" "What- what did he do?" "He wanted to control everyone on the server and he, well, he tried to take everyone's-"
We finally got someone trying to explain to one of the newcomers what Dream has done. It's interesting that Punz immediately made it about himself while Sapnap was trying to explain that Dream had hurt everyone.
"Okay Michael fine, you wanna know- you wanna know why he's in there?" "Yes" "He's fucked up, alright? He was my friend but he's fucked up, okay? He wanted to control everyone" "So do you think he should be in there?" "Yes" "For how long? (...) Because I never got a straight answer. I don't know what he did past trying to control people" "He did fucked up shit. You see this fish [Beckerson] Michael?" "Yeah?" "You see this fish? Beckerson? He took- he tried to take Beckerson from me. Beckerson! You know who Beckerson is?!" "I don't know who Beckerson is" "Beckerson is the first pet on the server" "And he tried to take- why?" "Because he wanted to have power over me like he wanted to have power over everyone"
I apologize for cutting out Eryn's lines here, but this is rather long as is and he was mostly just agreeing with Sapnap. That said it's really interesting to see Sapnap try to explain everything, mostly because we finally have someone who is trying, but also because he has such a unique perspective on things. He used to be Dream's friend and still cares about him and it hurts him that Dream would try to have power over him. It hurts him to know what kind of person his friend became.
And Michael's skepticism makes sense in the situation. As he mentioned, he never actually got an explanation about anything. He never got specific actions, just general statements on why Dream's a bad guy.
"But I still love him, Michael! I still love him" (reiterating the point that Sapnap never stopped caring)
"Listen, listen, Michael, you just need to listen to the man, he said he's [Dream] fucked up-" "And what did he do to you? What did he do to you?" "I- I don't know. I'm just in it. I'm just in it" "So you are blindly following then?" "No no, I just, Michael, I just don't care" "But have you heard any other opinions?" "I mean, I mean. At the end of the day Michael..." "I don't think you've heard any other opinions"
I think this one was a really interesting exchange. Both of them are new and both of them are completely ignorant to the history of the server, but it's interesting to see how differently they approach their lack of knowledge.
Eryn doesn't really care that much. Just in general. The two things he seems to care about so far are chaos and Tommy. Everything else is just generally inconsequential to him. Whether Dream is actually a bad guy or not it doesn't impact him.
For Michael it's the exact opposite. He wants to get to the truth, that seems to be his main character drive. He isn't satisfied with just adopting someone else's opinions on the matter, especially not if he's not provided with any compelling reason to do so.
And it's very clear that they don't understand each other. They're talking past each other because to both of the the way the other has of dealing with life is inconceivable.
"Michael, even though Dream is fucked up I still care about him-" "Do you?" "But he's gotta stay in prison" "For how long?" "I don't know. As long as it takes for him to stop being fucked up"
Another little thing I wanted to point out here: Michael keeps asking how long Dream deserves to be in prison for, because that's how it normally works. You serve your sentence and that's it. And that's how some people in the fandom seem to view it as well. But, here's the thing, Dream wasn't locked up to be in prison. He was locked up because he had the Revive Book, otherwise, he would have been killed. The prison was the only option for him to stay alive because nobody on the whole server felt safe with him being out.
"He took away everyone's most prized possession! He took away my fish, he took away Tommy's Axe of Peace" (...) "I think he took Tom's discs also" "Oh yeah shit, you're right, that's way more important. He took away Tommy's discs" "Yeah I heard that one" "He tried to take Skeppy, he tried to steal Skeppy!" "He tried to- he took Skeppy. He took a whole ass person!" "He took him and put him in a box" "That's fucked up he literally kidnapped Skeppy" "Okay, like, Michael, he- he- he put Skeppy in a box to control Badboyhalo" "See nobody had explained that part to me, that is pretty fucked up. Now that I think about it maybe it's good that he is in there [the prison]"
Okay, 3 things I want to quickly say about this:
1) Sapnap recognizing the importance of the discs out loud is so important to me. Just anyone that isn't Tommy recognizing that, yes, they've had a huge impact. They are important even if they're pretty basic items.
2) Eryn is surprisingly knowledgeable for someone who generally doesn't care to ask. I'm guessing he probably learned about the Skeppy cage and Tommy's discs off-screen. No idea if it was from stumbling on the attachment vault or from Tommy himself.
3) To all of those thinking the Skeppy cage was just a silly bit with no consequences: how does it feel to be so wrong? Because that's what convinced Michael of the fact that Dream should probably stay in prison. Because everyone here was pretty horrified by Dream's actions.
"Micheal, Michael, Michael, from what I've heard, from what I've heard he bombed an entire country just for the shits and giggles" (okay, he definitely learned his information from Tommy because Tommy was one of the few who heard Dream's spiel about destroying L'Manburg because it was fun)
Eryn actually mentioned seeing the 3/4 Syndicate members and finding it rather shady, so it's nice to see that that had consequences.
Niki joining trying to be as casual as possible and immediately making everyone suspicious because none of them had heard the alarm yet and she mentioned it unprompted. That's a big fail right there.
Sam comes in yelling at everyone to go toward the prison and finally, they actually do. Tommy also arrived. There's a bit of fighting where everyone suspects Sam of lying to them about Dream's escape.
"Tommy, Tommy, I wouldn't lie about this Tommy" (immediately going to reassure him instead of everyone else. Awesamdad moment)
"Tommy, where are you?" (Sapnap also looking for Tommy to keep him safe)
"If Sam isn't kidding and Dream's actually breaking out this is the worst possible fucking thing that's happened" "This is- this is not a fucking joke guys" "Tommy, Tommy calm down" "Don't- don't fucking tell me to calm down Michael, you don't know-" "Tommy they don't know, they don't know. They don't know Tommy" (general noises of confusion from Eryn and Michael) "Excuse me? What is wrong with Dream?" "They don't know, I've tried to explain it to them" "Eryn, You don't think Dream's that bad?" "I don't- I haven't met the guy!" "We just have not met him, we don't know" "Okay, you fucks listen to me: no matter what anyone tells you on this server, Dream- Dream is the worst man on this entire server. He's done thi- he's put me in exile, he's left me to die, he has killed me! Just- he's put me through shit that no one should ever see just for the sake of his own fun, alright?!"
So proud of my boy for being able to finally explain how much Dream hurt him even while having a full-blown panic attack. This is the closest he's ever gotten to mentioning the abuse as well. Also, Sapnap supporting him all the way through while also trying to explain that the other two aren't doubting him out of malice but just genuine ignorance.
"No nononono we, we know Sam Tommy and Sam- Sam doesn't fuck around like this" (Sapnap acting as the voice of reason after everyone started doubting Sam once more)
"Eryn, Michael, listen to me: if Dream comes near you, if he interacts with you, he is not a good man, alright? He'll dig his claws into you and manipulate you from within. Please, whatever you do, listen to me right now if he gets out then everything is gonna turn upside fucking down, alright?"
It's really fascinating how Tommy describes things. Wilbur's brand of manipulation is an insidious little thing, a bug crawling into your brain and making you take wrong decisions. Dream's brand of manipulation is more overtly destructive. It claws at you from within and warps your perception of the world, turning it upside down. Tommy's speeches are always really simple and direct, but they get the point across wonderfully.
"Sapnap just let me stay with you- let me st-" "Just stay with me Tommy, he won't be able to get you if you're with me" (Sapnap once more acting as a shield to protect Tommy from Dream, a nice callback to the Disc War Finale)
Dream, Techno, Connor, and Ranboo come out of the prison and Sapnap doesn't hesitate a second to start attacking Dream and yelling at everyone to help Sam.
"No I can't get hit by him [Dream], not again, I can't go through this" "Tommy stay back, just stay back" (In case anyone doubted that Dream's abuse towards Tommy was also canonically physical, here's your answer. Also Sapnap taking a moment from his fighting to help Tommy calm down)
"Michael, Eryn, listen to me, if he [Dream] makes any contact with you, if he makes any- any- any measure to interact with you do not believe anything he says. He's a manipulator and a liar" (Tommy still focusing on getting his point through to the 2 new members since they'd be more vulnerable to Dream's manipulation)
Sapnap mistakingly killed Cottonball and that's the first time you can hear instant regret for killing a pet.
"Don't focus the Wither, focus Dream!" "But the- but the Wither will destroy everything" "Who gives a shit, Dream will do way worse!"
Reminder to everyone that Jack hates Dream more than literally everyone else on the server. He was there to see him destroy everything time and time again, he was there to fight against him on Doomsday, he's seen what happens when Dream is free, and Jack is willing to get some of the server destroyed if it means avoiding that.
"Niki was spawning Withers! I knew she was a fucking part of this Punz, I told you" "Yeah, what a fuck?" (I suppose that even working with Dream, Punz wouldn't have known that. Either way, Niki managed to fool no one from the start)
They meet up with Hannah and Boomer again when chasing Dream and the Syndicate and Hanna is immediately in favor of killing Dream. I didn't remember whether she had an opinion on him or not but guess that answers the question.
Also, there is another bit of infighting where Eryn is saying that they should leave Dream and the rest alone, he mostly doesn't understand what's happening and is decidedly confused. On the other side, Punz, Sapnap, and Hannah are very vehement about NOT leaving them alone because they are aware of what they'd done and don't want a repeat of that.
"I know where he [Dream] went but I'm not telling you guys" "Why would you not tell us?!" "I don't think we should kill him! Everyone deserves redemption!" "Eryn, you were not fucking here to make that call!"
Jack being based as f*ck once more. The problem with Eryn's line of thinking here is that he doesn't know. Much like Phil or Techno his actions are based on ignorance. He doesn't know Dream, doesn't know if he'd even want to redeem himself and he doesn't know what he's done. And Jack is right, Eryn wasn't there, that isn't his decision to make.
Also, Michael's makes a point here that he is also interesting. He understands why Eryn is struggling with this decision because he too is ignorant. He never met Dream and it's hard to make a decision while they're under so much stress. But also he thinks that, after Tommy's speech especially, they have to at least keep tab on Dream's whereabouts even if the two of them don't intend to kill him.
"There's no time for this shit! Did you not here- Tommy not fucking get through your that he's a- what he's done?" (I have such a hard time thinking that this guy is supposed to still be one Dream's side with how upset he sounds about them not taking Tommy's words seriously enough)
The group splits up and Sapnap decides to only take Punz with him to fight Dream as they're the only ones who may have a chance.
"Who would be first on his [Dream's] agenda?" (Yeah, wonder who. I forget sometimes that the only people who are aware of Dream's obsession are Tommy himself, Quackity, Sam, and Jack. And now maybe Phil if he connects the dots)
They split up once again at Punz's insistence, and I'm guessing here is maybe where he meets up with Dream? Someone who watched his pov can tell me.
"We need to tell- Eryn doesn't know. Eryn, Dream is gonna be the worst person you ever fucking meet. He used to be great! He used to be my best friend, but he's changed. He's not the same. Just be careful, if you see him don't fight him. You won't stand a chance"
Honestly, I really appreciate the fact that Sapnap is one of the few characters that keep trying to solve the misunderstandings in the server instead of just not communicating. And, since he's not sure if he got through Eryn, he simply wants him to stay safe. He's not mad about it, just concerned. It's refreshing.
"Do I really have to kill my own best friend?" (Sapnap trying to come to terms with his own promise)
Also, Sapnap is convinced that Ranboo is one of the people who helped Dream escape. And he was the one to tell Tubbo that Dream escaped apparently.
"Are you a Dream apologist Sam?" "I'll kill you" (Welp, that answered that question)
After Sam arrived the group (made of Hannah, Boomer, Eryn, and Sapnap) started questioning him on how he could let this happen, with Hannah also bringing up that she's disappointed in him for that.
"I don't know anyone might wanna get him [Dream] out because he manipulates people, that's what he does! That's what he's good at!" (Sapnap proving once more that he knows why Dream is so dangerous)
"Where did Tommy go? I hope he's okay..." (There are 2 things Eryn cares about, I'm telling you)
Sam confesses to Sapnap that he thinks there is a mole amongst the guard because Techno couldn't have known how to break into the prison like that. So Dream has managed to create mistrust among them even without realizing so by giving Techno the blueprints. Apparently, even Sam doesn't suspect that Dream would go after Tommy immediately, huh.
"I know where he's gonna go" "Where?" "Sapnap I know where he's gonna go. Where is- who has his stuff? His armor?" "What armor?" "Oh no. I'm gonna go where- where the bunker was, where we arrested him. You try and go find somewhere else" *Sam leaves* "His armor. His armor. His armor? I know where he's going- I know where he's going next! He needs his shit!"
They figured this one out about 20 minutes too late. Still, though, they both managed to put their emotions aside long enough to think logically. It's more or less expected from Sam by this point, but it's impressive from Sapnap considering that he's usually a lot more on the impulsive side. Meanwhile this whole stream he's been a constant voice of reason.
Sapnap remembers that Tubbo was the one to take Dream's armor and heads to Tubbo's secret vault. Of course, he gets there in time because Dream was way too busy tormenting Tommy at this time, and manages to get everything from there, even wearing Dream's own armor.
Dream does in fact go to the vault as Sapnap suspected, even if he's already armored.
"Sapnap! Sapnap it's great to see you! Do you have my armor?" "Yeah, I do. I've everything" "Give me it. Come on" "Don't think I can do that pal" "What do you mean?" "I don't think I can just hand you over your armor. Why did you guys- why did you get out?" "Eh. It's my armor, I'd like it back"
Dream's tone just shifts drastically as soon as Sapnap refuses to comply with his demands. It's the closest we've seen Dream act like he does with Tommy with anyone else.
"I don't know Dream, I'm not gonna lie it kinda- it kinda feels good on me. Dream, I told you to stay in there [the prison], didn't I?" "What are you saying?" "I told you to stay in there, why did you get out?" "What do you mean why'd I get out?" "Why did you get out?" "What did you want me to rot in- I was getting tortured! Did you want me to rot in prison forever?" "You were getting tortured? Who was torturing you?" "Yeah Quackity was torturing me" "Quackity was torturing you? What do you mean he was torturing you? Like literally torturing you?" "He was trying to get the revival book and so he was torturing me" "The revival book? What revival book?" "It's a long story" "Do you have it on you now?" "No, I don't. Just give me my stuff. Give my stuff and I'll leave, I'll be out of here"
Taking another break from transcribing this long-ass dialogue to point out a couple of things here:
1) Sapnap, much like Tommy, is immediately sympathetic to Dream for what he went through, showing once again that the torture was not something anyone on the server approved off, no matter how much they dislike Dream, or, in Sapnap's case, how much he thinks that Dream deserves to be locked up in prison
2) This is not the first time that someone who was at the Disc War Finale seems not to know about the book, despite the fact that Dream having that was the literal reason why they locked him up instead of killing him, which makes me wonder if people thought that Dream's revival powers were something he simply had instead of having been acquired from somewhere else
"What are you planning to do? I think I deserve to know" "I was planning to leave and get away and just be away from everybody" "You're just gonna leave and get away and live on your own? Away from everyone? That's your plan?" "Yes, if you give me my armor I'll do that. I'll go away" (...) "Dream I can't do that"
So, of course, we don't know what Dream's actual plan is. We don't know the details of it, nor his end goal. But, considering the fact that, at this point in the stream, he already spent quite a bit of time psychologically torturing Tommy and telling him that he would make him immortal it does seem extremely likely that he's lying to Sapnap.
And, since I know some people are wondering if that was just Tommy's hallucination, right after this conversation Dream gives Techno the Axe of Peace that was previously buried in Logstedshire. He had to have been there and we as the audience have no reason to believe otherwise as of now.
Either way, Dream gives Techno his ax back in exchange for him and Tubbo leaving and blocks himself and Sapnap in the vault with some obsidian he had.
"Dream! You're not the person- you're not just gonna live off in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, are you?" "Okay, you're right! Look, I won't, I'll live here but I'll be peaceful everyone- everyone will see that" "Dream, I would love that, I really would. That's all I want. But that's not you. And the fact that you broke out of that prison is just a testament to that"
There are a couple of things to note here. For one thing: Sapnap saw right through all of Dream's deception. He's aware that his old friend is a liar and he doesn't let his promises deter him. But also one thing that's very clear all throughout this interaction is how much he still cares about Dream. So much so that Dream being out and being peaceful is all he wants. And he has to go again his own affection for his best friend to stand his ground because that's the right thing to do.
"Dream, you left me behind once before, I'm not giving you the opportunity to do that again" (The difference in perspective. Dream and Sapnap both claim to be the ones who've been abandoned. I'm inclined to agree with Sapnap here though, Dream abandoned him when he gave a speech about how he only cared about controlling Tommy)
"What have you been up to the last couple of months Sapnap? How about the last year? What have you been up to?" "Working on a kingdom. With Karl. And George. You remember George, don't you?" "Ah, kingdom, where is that located at?"
If anyone remembers this is the way Dream fishes for information about people's attachments. He did the same with Techno when they were talking in prison, only this time it's made a lot more obvious with the intention of being intimidating. After all, what Dream is after right now is his armor, not Sapnap's attachments, and he's more likely to falter if he's nervous.
"I bet George misses you a whole lot" "I bet he does" "He definitely never talks about you, I'll tell you that much" (Sapnap is trying to use a similar tactic to Dream's here, trying to hit him where it hurts. Sadly for him, he gets no reaction since Dream hasn't really cared about him or George for a long time now)
"Dream, if you want it [the armor], take it off my dead body, I'm not handing it to you. You can say you're trying to negotiate with me all you want, I'm not budging" (This was just cool)
"If I give this to you I don't even wanna know what you're gonna do"
Deciding that that's probably a fight he can't win since Dream doesn't have that many resources at the moment, and even less after he used some to torment Tommy, he decides to change tactics, get out of the room and threaten Kinoko instead.
"If you really wanna live that way in a house, in a cottage then you don't need this armor, just go and do it. But I'm not giving you stuff that's gonna enable you to hurt other people, not again Dream"
Once again, Sapnap is being extremely rational in this stream. He realized that Dream really wouldn't need weapons and armor if he was telling the truth. But he isn't. And Sapnap can see right through him.
Dream still manages to evade Sapnap's chase and leaves him telling him they'd see each other again.
Sapnap heads back to Kinoko and meets up with Karl to try and explain everything. Karl disagrees with Sapnap actions saying that he believes that Sapnap has made Kinoko a target.
They end their conversation agreeing that they'll have to prepare. Make a watchtower, get more people, and so on.
Sapnap throughout this stream truly impressed me. He managed to keep his cool for the most part and think before he acts, which brought him to both be able to predict Dream's next move as well as to be able to see through the bs. It's also interesting that, while Dream most likely doesn't see Sapnap as an equal, he still sees him as a definite threat, at least pvp-wise.
It makes me really curious to see what kind of role Sapnap will cover moving forward.
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
OH EM GEE what if masturbation headcanoms for the whole crew.... IF THE WHOLE CREW AT ONCE IS TOO MUCH then maybe just gigi andre and brett <3 ateehee
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tw : drug use + drug ment!!
FANK YEW TO @shrimpsoupsoda for bouncing ideas with meee
He’s so shy about it. Like,, extremely shy about it.
It isn’t that he doesn’t masturbate at all - he definitely does, it’s just,,, a very nerve wracking thing at times
He feels weird about letting himself feel good?? It feels like smth that he needs to Earn or Deserve,, and a lotta the time he feels like he doesn’t deserve it??
That being said, there’s absolutely things that,,, set him off <3
Someone telling him he’s done a good job?? Like a genuine, sincere ‘you did a good job on xyz’ is gonna make his legs feel wiggly <3
He has a fleshlight!! It’s in the bottom drawer of his dresser and makes him lose his fucking mind <3
One of his frat buddies got it for his birthday as a joke but,,,,, he kept it <3 and uses it when his hand just Isnt Doing It For Him
It has like?? swappable sleeves and everything?? its surprisingly elaborate msnds
Smth about,, being able to run his tip along the outside before pressing in?? Or even feeling his cum drip out after <3333  
Somewhere in the back of his minds he,, kinda wants one of those Half Torso Sex Dolls?? the ones that’re just the stomach, thighs and genitals?? He’d absolutely never buy it for himself but <333 he thinks about it a lot s,mnds
Definitely a,, once a month affair. Maybe every few months. Definitely not,, Enough for him to feel satisfied on any given day smdns.
constant and unending
No but seriously,, masturbating is one of his favorite things <3 it’s just,, such a great way to relax??
Alternatively a great way to keep himself,, stimulated and alert throughout the day?
Listen if he’s stuck in his office reviewing paperwork, he’s absolutely gonna keep a Vibrating Plug handy to keep himself alert <3
I could totally see him owning a Metric Fuckton of sex toys?? Like he just slowly collects them from parties n orgies he’s been to over the years?? he has em all laid out in his dresser??
(Him and Myc 100% share some of them but you didn’t hear that from me)
Speaking of Myc, they’ve absolutely jacked off together!! Not even just in a,, Hookup kind of way
Seeing who can last longer, who can cum faster from Super Silly Porn, etc. (definitely moreso for,, just Goofing Off, yk?)
When jacking off, he uses a frankly obscene amount of lube. enough to be dripping down his thighs. He really likes the Oily, Smooth feeling <333
Also the soundddd <3 that vv wet, slick noise when he strokes?? Best thing in the world, drives him batshit
He likes having a Lotta Different stimulation at once - maybe smth playing on the TV, smth on his phone, smth inside him, all while stroking himself?? <3 absolute bliss, overstimulation is his jam
50/50 on how high he’ll be. Sometimes he wants smth,, slightly more lucid, othertimes he genuinely wants his brain to be oatmeal by the end. Just,, a cocktail of assorted drugs + a vibe inside him, facedown on his bed?? A few hours of that and he can barely remember his own name <3
Sometimes she swears people,, purposefully do stupid things just to give her more work. How hard is it to not murder someone?? How difficult must it be, to not accidentally leak state secrets??
Needless to say, she appreciates what little private time she has <3
The whole shabang - a nice warm bath, candles, fancy soaps, maybe some nice music. If she’s gonna enjoy herself, she’s gonna go all the way!!
She likes to take things slow, so that kinda helps - a lot of her life is very,, Go Go Go, Rushing to keep up with the PR nightmare so,, it’s <33333 nice to have a few hours to just Relax.
Toys > fingers - she almost always has her nails done, and it’s just not worth the effort of getting them removed just for masturbating.
Besides toys are just,, so much more efficient
she likes smaller, hand-held stuff - she’d rather a simple Bullet Vibe over smth like,, A Wand. She can just melt into her bath and let it do the work <333
That’s not to say she doesn’t have a,, solid collection, but it’s nothing like Andre. Just a few of her favorites!!
Medium volume?? Lots of quiet murmuring under her breath, as if she was talking to smb <333
‘power is attracted to me’ gives me the vibe that she’s used to being in a more dominant role <3!! So murmuring little praises is instinctual at this point smndsd
She prefers to edge up to one Big orgasm, rather than a bunch of smaller ones!!
I am going to marry her <3
You think she doesn’t build her own sex toys??
LISTEN her nails are,, always short bc she Chews Them Constantly - so theoretically she could use her fingers but like,,
w h y?
She can never get the angles right??? Her hand always cramps up?? It kinks her wrist in a weird way??
So yeah she definitely sticks to toys when she’s taking care of herself!!
She absolutely has this little,, invention under her desk to take care of her at the end of the day!! There’s a little switch, hidden under a pencil holder to activate it
kinda,, like a suction cup almost?? It slithers out and Envelops the entire area? If she’s being quite honest, it eats her out better than most ppl she’s been with smdsnd
The walls are <333 soundproof. She doesn’t get all that loud - mostly just little hisses and groans (and swearing. plenty of swearing.) but,, it brings her peace of mind
She absolutely has a fuck-machine too!! It’s in her lab, disguised as smth innocuous - voice activated, so nobody’s gonna discover it accidentally!!!
Listen she spends more time in her lab then at home sometimes, it’s not worth going all the way back home just to grab sex toys - besides, who watches the cameras anyways??? It’s their own fault for being nosy smndsd
It wasn’t actually something he considered at first?
I mean his first moments as a Fully Sentient Being were,, in a few words Extremely Hectic
and then the,, Unplanned Hemicorporectomy
altogether, Beating His Robotic Meat wasn’t exactly high on his priority list sdnsmdnd
Most likely?? it was something that occurred to him during his,, Months Of Sitting Alone In Bottom Storage A Glass Jar Completely Alone.
The idea sparked one day that,, Well, Some Of These Wires Absolutely Used To Connect To My Genitals - If I Find The Right One And Run A Current Through It...
Emphasis on ‘the right one’,,, the first couple dozen times it just Hurt Like A Motherfucker, since was,, in essence sending a current through his nervous system smdnsd
He was,, basically about to give up before he accidentally brushed against some Extremely Frayed wires a bit deeper in his torso and damn near rebooted-
It took some finangling to figure out how to get that reaction Consistently but,, once he got a hang of it? <33333 New Favorite Thing
It isn't smth he does all the time
...  maybe the first few days he goes a little overboard, but it’s literally his first time very experiencing these sorts of things. It moreso just becomes a part of his routine!! Definitely,, very nice to have smth to clear his head after dealing with,,, The Gang’s Shenanigans smnds
He definitely prefers,, Fast, Hard sensations instead of lighter ones - the new stimulation is,, very interesting to him. Does this mean a few wires get snapped? Maybe but its probably fine smnds. Overstimulation babey <3
oh if this isn’t the most Repressed motherfucker in the world idk who is.
I get a very ‘White Picket Fence’ vibe from him - probably grew up in a very, very, very conservative family down-south, military fam, etc..
🕺✨ abstinence only education babey 🕺✨ :////////////////////
Sex and masturbation were heavily frowned upon in his household. Like,, you Did Not Talk About That.
*adjusts glasses* apparently Dolphins have Prehensile penises? Like they writhe and move around,, almost like a tentacle kindasortamaybe?? I read Several Scholarly Articles for this ask sdnsdn. I know so much about dolphin weens now and how scientists find things out about dolphin weens. In the immortal words of Brian David Gilbert : this is all im qualified to talk about now
He,, quite honestly still hasn’t entirely gotten the hang of it?? Mostly from the fact that he doesn’t do it often-
Doesn’t matter if he’s alone. he could be in a bunker on mars, the last man alive, and he’d still feel self conscious about masturbating.
It’s definitely more of a Milking motion that straight-up stroking??
His jaw is,, WIRED shut. He really tries his best not to make noise (’’’’’it isnt manly’’’’ etc, etc, please bring his ass to therapy), but,,, when he’s close he has tendency to keen?
Just,, this quiet mewling at the back of his throat?? <333
His eyes are either closed, or staring upwards - he much prefers his imagination to anything else.
He cums a fuckton - i mean, even before the whole Surgery Thing he did, but,,,, there’s Quite A Fucking Lot. He usually takes care of himself in the shower, so there’s less cleanup!!
Right after he tries to occupy himself with,, Something Else so he doesn’t have time to feel guilty about it :’)
Probably written in his schedule if we’re being quite honest
LISTEN,, he,,,, is exceptionally busy trying to ensure the Deep State doesn’t collapse in on itself on pretty much,, a bi-weekly basis.
His favorite thing at the end of A Long Week is just,, collapsing into his armchair with a stiff drink and jacking off.
it’s definitely a ‘thank fucking god, finally’ situation - getting time to himself has become,, more and more rare lately. The noises of Pure Relief this man makes are,, incomparable <3. Big, heavy groans right at the back of his throat <3333333333
Definitely depends on his energy levels - sometimes he just needs something quick to get the stress of the day out, other times he,,, Wants Smth A Bit More Extensive, yknow?
In ep.1 we see he has a folder on his laptop labeled ‘Definitely Not Porn’ so,, that question’s answered!!
In terms of what specifically? He’s absolutely had his mistresses record JOI videos for him - all the Joy (badumtiss) of being told what to do, without actually needing to interact with someone <3
He’s memorized all of em - he knows them by heart. Doesn’t matter, he still loves every single one <333
Some of them are pretty short, others are,, a few hours. Depends on his particular needs for the evening
He’ll beg even if there’s nobody there <3 he just,, likes the feeling of begging. He loves the shame of being knocked down Several Pegs.
Depending on his mood, he might synch his tie to give a bit of ~asphyxiation~ smdnsd nothing major, just enough to make the sensation  Noticeable. Alternatively, yanking his own hair <3
What could I say about Myc’s sexual habits that the show hasn’t already explained in graphic detail-
LISTEN THE SHOW BASICALLY COVERS IT, he’s got,, an entire Machine dedicated to milking him <3
And honestly??? It’s the most efficient way he’s found?? I mean sure, he could definitely start grinding his tentacles up against walls, but,, it just ends in a mess?
Besides! Spending hours in his machine is,,’productive,, or something’ since it collects all his Goo for later use smdnsd
He would spend all day in there if it,, wouldn’t,, Probably Kill Him Due To Dehydration And Sucking Out His Soul sdmnsd
His tentacles aren’t as sensitive as you’d expect!! they only get Super Sensitive and Tingly when he’s aroused!!
A lot like now smb can like,, have a hand on your knee and it’ll Just Feel Like A Hand On Your Knee, but when you’re horny it feels like Actual Heroin? Yea that!!
Even if there’s nobody around,, he’s extremely vocal smdns. Like shamelessly - the people next door can absolutely hear him. He does not care. Not just moaning - full out sentences, describing how good it feels <3 you’d think he was railing smb if you heard him through the wall
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marauderundercover · 3 years
The Strings that Bind Us: Ch. 3
Marinette is nervous. It’s worse than any other nerves she’s ever felt. Today was the day she was going to meet Bruce’s sons. They’d been dating for almost two months and even though she’d met Alfred (and often called him to talk and trade recipes), she had yet to meet Bruce’s sons. Mostly because she didn’t want to interrupt their lives. She didn’t want to walk in and meet them and then be gone. Neither of them deserved that. So, she had waited. And now the day was here and she was panicking. She glances around the small grocery store, determined to get the ingredients to make dessert for dinner tonight. Bruce had told her that Dick had an insane sweet tooth, and she didn’t want to bribe the kid, but she really did want him to like her. Bruce had already warned her that Jason was a little less welcoming, but she had hope that the cookies would work on him as well. Grabbing a bag of chocolate chips, she heads over to the frozen section to pick up a few staples.
“I don’t understand why we have to hang out today. I thought you hated us.” A voice says, and she frowns.
“I don’t hate you. And I just wanna warn you, make sure you know that just because she’s here today doesn’t mean she’ll be here tomorrow.” A second voice says. Shaking her head, she moves past, trying hard not to listen to the boys’ conversation as they walk away. It wasn’t her business, after all. She grabs a couple bags of frozen veggies before heading up to the checkout and paying. She leaves the store, taking note of her surroundings as she walks. She looks both ways before crossing the street and heading into the bank. She needed to send some money back home to her parents for the anniversary since she couldn’t be with them in person this year. She’s just about to get to the teller when a loud bang echoes throughout the bank. She whirls around and eyes widen at the man who just entered the building. His suit was interesting, half of it was a solid gray color and the other half was bright and patterned. But that wasn’t what shocked her. What shocked her was the way half his face was completely red and scarred. Well that, and the ten men with guns that walked in behind him. Her eyes dart around the room, searching for anything that may be helpful, when her eyes land on two boys. Both tense as they look at the man, but instead of fear (like everyone else had on their face) the two looked determined.
“Ah, how nice to see the two of you here.” The man says, walking up to the two boys and grabbing the younger one’s wrist tightly. Marinette’s eyes narrow as the boy winces slightly.
“Let him go.” She snaps, storming over and glaring at the man, trying hard to ignore the way the guns were now trained on her.
“Oh and what, you volunteer instead?” He asks, and she scoffs.
“I never said that, now let him go.” She demands, giving the man her worst Ladybug glare. His eyes narrow, but he lets go of the boy and she shifts so that she’s between the two. “Now, why don’t we talk about this like grown ups.” She suggests, crossing her arms.
“Do you know who I am?” The man practically growls. She raises an eyebrow.
“Non. I haven’t been in Gotham for long.” She admits, trying (and failing) to come up with this man’s name. He was obviously one of Gotham’s villains, if the reaction of everyone else was anything to go by. And the fact that he came with goons instead of by himself made her believe he wasn’t your everyday bank robber.
“Tell you what. Since you decided to take the kid’s place, we’ll let the coin decide your fate. Unmarked side, I let you go and you can go on with your day. I’ll even leave the bank.” The man starts, and her stomach drops. Two Face. That was his name. And he was leaving her fate up to chance. To luck. “Scarred side, I shoot you in the head. Or, if you don’t wanna play, we can let the kid play. Whaddya say?” He asks with a grin. She grits her teeth and hopes that her years with Tikki had left her with enough residual luck to make it through this encounter.
“Go ahead. Let the coin decide.” She says, whirling around and hushing the boys behind her who are objecting suddenly. “Not now.” She hisses, terrified that if they object he’ll move along to them next. She turns back to Two Face and nods, watching as he tosses the coin in the air and catches it. Her heart beats out of her chest as she watches him reveal...the unmarked side.
“Looks like lady luck was on your side today.” He says, and his smile almost appears genuine, which makes her stomach churn. “Pack it up boys, we made a deal.” He says, and all of his goons turn to leave with him. They make it all the way out the door before she hears the sirens pulling up. She frowns. The police here were not great at showing up on time, were they? Her eyes widen when she sees Batman drop down, joining the fight. That’s definitely unusual. Turning away from the chaos outside, she turns to the two boys.
“Are you two okay?” She asks, scanning their faces.
“That was really stupid.” The younger one says, a scowl on his face. She ignores him, instead looking at his already bruising wrist.
“May I?” She asks, holding out a hand. He frowns.
“Let her look, Jason.” The older one says, sighing. She smiles at him in thanks before holding the younger boy’s wrist gently. She pokes softly and turns it, trying to make sure there isn’t a break. She glances at the boy’s face to gauge his reactions.
“I don’t think it’s broken, but you should definitely ice it when you get home.” She says softly. The boy just snorts and rolls his eyes, taking his arm back and frowning at her.
“Why’d you do that?” He asks, and her heart aches at how he looks at her. As if he’s suspicious of her. As if someone helping him has to have an ulterior motive.
“Because I don’t appreciate people picking on children.” Marinette says simply. The boy starts to answer, but is cut off by a gruff voice.
“Ma’am, other witnesses are saying you were targeted by Two Face?” She turns and is unsurprised to see Batman.
“Ah, not quite, sir. He actually went straight for these two. I simply diverted his attention somewhere else.” She says.
“Why?” He asks and she blinks in surprise.
“Um, because they’re children? And they’re innocent. I don’t see that there needs to be any more reason than that.” She says. Batman nods.
“The police want your statement. I’ll take the boys’ statements.” He says and she nods, but hesitates to walk away from them.
“Do you boys have someone who can come pick you up?” She asks, not willing to let them walk home alone after something like that. The oldest nods.
“Yeah, we’re fine. Thank you.” He says with a small smile. She sighs and returns the smile, turning to go talk to the police. If she could get through that situation, surely she could survive meeting Bruce’s sons.
Marinette squeals as Bruce lifts her and spins her around, before setting her down and kissing her gently.
“What was that for?” She asks, smiling up at him through her lashes.
“Being you.” He says simply. She snorts and whacks his chest gently, rolling her eyes.
“You’re such a goof.” She teases, turning and immediately heading towards the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” He asks, slipping his hand into hers.
“To say hi to Alfred and set down the cookies.” She says, swinging their hands as she drags him to the kitchen.
“Good evening, Miss Marinette.” Alfred says, a soft smile on his face.
“Evening, Alfred. I brought some cookies for dessert. I hope that’s okay.” She says, letting go of Bruce’s hand to give Alfred a quick hug. The two had grown close in the little time they’d known each other, and Marinette could honestly say that she adored the older man’s company. He was funny, and she often got to hear embarrassing stories about Bruce (not that she’d ever tell him that).
“Mari, just a warning, the boys might be a bit...distant tonight.” Bruce says suddenly, stopping the conversation that she and Alfred were having about his latest attempt at macarons. She frowns.
“Are they okay? Should I leave? We could reschedule, I don’t want to-” She starts to ramble, concerned for the boys. She may not have met them yet, but she’d heard enough stories from Bruce.
“They’re fine, please, stay.” Bruce says, grabbing her hands and turning her so that she faces him. He cups her cheek gently, smiling down at her. “They’re fine, love, I promise.” He says. She lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding before nodding.
“Did something happen?” She asks. He sighs and lets go of her face, running a hand over his own.
“They were caught up in a Rogue attack downtown.” He says quietly and she gasps.
“Bruce Thomas Wayne!” She scolds, frowning at him. “They were involved in a villain attack and you expect us to just, meet? I doubt either one of them wants to go through the trouble of meeting some completely random person after going through something like that. Mon Dieu Bruce, they may say they’re fine but that has to be emotionally draining.” She says, shaking her head. She pushes the loose strands of hair out of her face, sighing.
“Mari-” He starts, but she shakes her head.
“Bruce, honey, I don’t want to intrude.” She says, standing on her toes to give him a quick kiss. “We can meet on a day when they haven’t been through something traumatic.”
“Well shit. Looks like we’ve already met you little girlfriend B.” A familiar voice says. She whirls around and her eyes widen at the sight of the two boys from the bank standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She glances at Bruce and raises an eyebrow at his tired expression.
“Jason, what have I said about your language?” He asks tiredly. Jason shrugs.
“To not say things like that.” He says, making both Bruce, and the boy that Marinette assumes is Dick, sigh.
“I can still leave.” Marinette offers the boys, ignoring the frown on Bruce’s face.
“To be fair, you went through something traumatic too. Might as well stick around and deal with the trauma together.” Jason snarks. She smiles, though it’s a little forced as she remembers she had almost watched one of Bruce’s sons be shot today. If she hadn’t stepped in….
“It’s nice to meet you in a, er, calmer environment.” She says with a small wave, resisting the urge to lean into Bruce for support. “I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng, but you can call me Marinette. Or Mari, if you want.”
“I’m Richard, but everyone calls me Dick.” Dick greets with a small nod in greeting.
“And I’m Jason, but you knew that.” Jason says, crossing his arms. Marinette just smiles, but this time it isn’t forced. This was going to be interesting.
“So, Jason, Bruce tells me that you enjoy reading. Do you have a favorite author?” Marinette asks, trying to keep the conversation going. Both boys were still hesitant, and she wasn’t sure if it was her or the incident from the bank. She hoped it was the latter.
“Not really.” Jason says, hesitating before adding, “I like classics though.” Marinette grins.
“Really? I could never get into them when I was your age, couldn’t sit still long enough.” She says with a laugh. “But in the last couple of years I’ve found myself really enjoying Hugo and Dumas. Oh! And the Brontë sisters.” She adds, eyes lighting up as Jason grins.
“Have you read Hunchback of Notre Dame?” He asks and she laughs.
“They may have thrown me out of Paris if I hadn’t.” She teases. She feels herself relax as she talks to Jason about books, grinning at the boy’s enthusiasm and genuine love for literature. It reminded her of how much she loved designing before she got so caught up in Hawkmoth. She feels someone hold her hand, and she sneaks a glance at Bruce, smiling softly at him and squeezing his hand before turning her attention back to Jason. The rest of dinner flies by, with the conversation mostly being led by her and Jason. Dick is much less talkative. Which contradicts many of the stories Bruce had told about him. Though, many of those stories were from when he was younger. Once it’s time for dessert, Marinette stands to help Alfred clear the dinner plates.
“Miss Marinette, I can bring in the dessert just fine.” Alfred scolds, gesturing for her to sit down. She just grins.
“I know, Alfred, but you already made a lovely dinner. Let me help.” She says, grabbing some of the plates and following him into the kitchen. Once the kitchen door swings shut, she starts clearing the plates and glances at him nervously. “Do you think the boys like me?” She asks, worried.
“I believe young Master Jason does. And although he may not act like it, I do believe Master Dick does as well. He just needs time to be able to show it.” He says, and Marinette feels the tension in her shoulders seep out. She nods, glancing back towards the dining room.
“I really like him, Alfred.” She says quietly, afraid that Bruce or one of the boys would hear her. “I don’t wanna mess this up.” She admits.
“If I may be frank, Miss, Master Bruce has smiled more in the past two months than I’ve seen in years.” Alfred says, and Marinette blushes. She feels her chest warm and she sighs happily.
“I don’t think I’ve smiled this much in years either.” She admits, smiling softly at Alfred before grabbing the cookies and taking them out to the dining room. This was the happiest she’d been since Hawkmoth first started his reign of terror all those years ago, and she was willing to do anything to keep her little slice of heaven.
Tag list: @maribat-october-rarepairs @stainedglassm @kittenmywaythrulife @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @ashbrea381writings
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
punishment games
natasha romanoff x reader
synopsis; in which your efforts to get back Nat’s attention leads to a much different result than expected 
warnings; smut obvi, use of strap ons, degradation, light impact play, use of restraints
a/n; so recently i’ve been on a binge of reading nat fics and goddd did i miss her!! anyways this idea came to me last night so i wanted to get it out asap before i forgot lol as always i hope you enjoy!!
also fuck the marvel timeline but if you place this around age of ultron it works
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You were being testy. And you knew it too. You also knew it was wrong to push blame onto someone else but technically Natasha started it. (no she didn’t)
It was another Stark party, a night of drinking and loud music over a meaningless celebration. However you loved them nonetheless, being able to smother Nat and taste the vodka on her lips while you both watched the boys goof off as if they didn’t normally.
However that was all pushed to the side when you saw some random blonde chatting it up with her. Usually you weren’t the type of person to be upset over someone talking to her but the moment the unfamiliar hand reached forward to tuck away a strand of loose red hair, no offense to Bruce but suddenly you were seeing green.
It was at an instant the gears in your head started spinning. Making your way to the small section where you were all sitting you marched right past her, adding a little sway to your hips before approaching the key to making this little plan work. Thor.
Ever since you had met him you had a little tiny crush on him. Who wouldn’t he was a god for fucks sake, 6’4 and sculpted to perfection. While yes, Natasha was your soulmate and only had eyes for you, she understood the appeal.
“Is this seat taken?” you asked twirling a piece of your hair leaning in for him to hear you over the bass pounding. 
It was as if he knew exactly what thought was swirling in your head just by taking a look past you to the sight on the leather couch parallel to him, he met your smirk as he responded, “Always a place for you my pretty little mortal.”
You giggled as his hands went to your hips pulling you down onto his lap. Your arm went around his neck, fingers running through his golden locks.
Turning your head you looked back at Natasha who was suddenly no longer interested in the woman sitting next to her.
Y/n: 1, you thought in your head. 
The next hour was spent still in Thor’s lap. As bold as you two were being he never let his hands steer any lower than your hip or waist. He caught you up on Asgard business. Even promising to take you someday. As intimidating as he seemed deep down he was nothing but a puppy. 
A few more minutes of laughing it up and he tapped on your thigh, “If you’ll excuse me my dear but I need to make a quick trip to the gentlemen’s room. However I will pass you on to my friend here,” he said pushing you onto another lap. 
You waved goodbye before turning your attention back to the newest player in your little game, “Hey there soldier,” you said with a smile. 
“Hey Y/n,” Steve said with a playful roll of his eyes. 
“So how’s the party been for you,” you asked before he cut you off. 
“Cut the shit Y/n.” 
“Woah Steven! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” you said with a laugh. 
“I just wanna know why you’re here instead of oh I don’t know hanging around your girlfriend.” he said nudging his beer bottle in Natasha’s direction. 
“Well when mommy’s and daddy’s get in fights-” Steve’s groan cut you off, “Anyways. She’s caught up in her own conversation.” 
“Really because it looks like she wants to bite someones head off.” 
This time when you turned around, dark green eyes were glaring right into yours. And they said the winter soldier stare was scary. However instead of fear it was nothing but pure heat shooting straight to your core. 
Looking back at Steve you played with the buttons on his blue, size smedium button down “Listen all you gotta do is sit here and look pretty, maybe give me a good squeeze once in a while. Nat’s not gonna hurt you.” 
The blonde scoffed, “Why do I find that hard to believe.” 
“I don’t like this attitude on you Steven,” you said playfully furrowing your brows, “did your little boyfriend Sam teach to act like this.” 
Steve lifted up his finger like he was about to scold you when a cold hand on your shoulder made you both freeze up, “Don’t bother Stevie, I know just how to put her in her place.” 
Natasha: 1
Her hand went down to your wrist pulling you along down the hallway and into an elevator, “Nat-” 
“I don’t wanna hear a single fucking word from you. Got it?” she said facing the metal doors. You gulped seeing the way her jaw clenched. Nodding your head knowing she was watching from the corner of her eyes. 
Once in your room she wasted no time in shoving you on the bed. Her lean frame over yours, trapping you under her. 
“Do you think it’s funny to act like a little slut in front of all our friends?” 
“No Nat-” your sentence ended before it started when a slap was landed on your cheek. The impact making you moan out. 
“Is this what you wanted princess? Did you need me to bring you back here and use you like the little fuck toy you are?” she said lips mere inches away from yours. 
Learning from past mistakes you kept your words to yourself and eagerly nodded your head, panting from the steady ache between your legs. You whined as she got up, watching as she walked to the little chest where you kept all your toys. 
“Get to the center of the bed and put your arms up,” she said without looking back at you, “clothes off, except your panties.” 
Instantly you followed her request going as quickly as you possibly could. She made her way over with metal cuffs, locking you in place before going back to the chest. You watched as she turned and made her way to the bed again, a long red toy attached to a strap was in her hands. 
She let out a mocking laugh as she noticed your eyes get wide when she lifted your legs to put on you instead of herself, “aw you didn’t think I was gonna reward you did you angel?” 
“Natty please I’m sorry,” you whimpered out as she moved to straddle your hips. The material of her jeans rubbing your legs made you painfully aware of you state of undress. 
She reached forward to squeeze your cheeks in one of her hands, “You should’ve thought about that before you wanted to whore yourself out to the boys.” 
“Now you’re gonna lay back and watch me fuck myself. And just maybe if I’m satisfied enough I’ll think about fucking you,” she said stripping herself of her clothes. 
You watched as she settled between your legs, one hand on the silicone cock and the other on your thigh, making you jolt. Her pink tongue licked a strip up the toy before she took it in her mouth. Never once did her eyes leave yours. 
It was as if you could feel her actions, the way she moaned around the toy bobbing her head. You knew it was nothing more than just to tease. The drawer full of lube suddenly forgotten about. 
Once she was done you watched as she settled herself on the tip of the toy, slowly lowering her self down. One hand squeezing on her breast, fingers rolling her perky pink nipple. You mewled at the sight, hips rising and digging the toy deeper inside her. 
“Oh look at my cute little toy just aching to make me feel good,” she said as she started moving her hips in slow circles. 
All you could do was dumbly nod in agreement. Your hands ached to touch her soft skin. Imagining the sight of little crescent marks on her hips as you fucked into her had you going crazy. 
“You know this could’ve been you malysh,” she said with a swift roll of her hips, the soft coo of her accent going straight to your core, “I would’ve even settled for a double ended toy, but from what I’ve seen tonight you don’t deserve any relief.” 
She picked up her rhythm, palms steady on either side of your head as she bounced up and down on the silicone cock. The sounds of her juices and moans drifting through the room was like music to your ears. 
You swore you could’ve cum on the spot. The sight above you was nothing short of heavenly, “Nat please let me help you,” you said breathlessly. 
“Please let me touch you! ‘M sorry,” you slurred out. 
“Aw my pathetic little baby,” she said leaning forward to wrap her hand around your throat. The slight amount of pressure making you gasp.
“I haven’t laid a single finger on you and you’re already so mindless,” said finally letting her lips touch yours. You moaned at the familiar taste of her favorite alcohol. 
It was almost embarrassing how on edge you were. Her words alone could make you finish. And you wouldn’t have been upset about it. 
She pulled away and reached up to undo the cuffs. Your hands falling limp to the side before you grabbed onto her face. Pulling her lips back onto yours like you had been missing all night. 
“Wanna make you cum,” you said against her lips. With one hand on her hip the other went to rub on her aching bud. Her head fell to your shoulder, leaving bites to muffle her mewls and whimpers. 
“That’s it princess, make me cum for you. Such a good little fuck doll for me to use, baby,” she heaved out. 
“Just for you Nat!” 
With a few more rough thrusts of your hips and figure eights just how you knew she liked them you felt her body spasm over you. Soft lips forming a perfect O as she let out a silent scream. Her ragged breathes warm against your skin as she rode out her high. 
Once calmed down she got off the toy, helping you take off the strap and tossing it to the side. You were about to sit up when she pushed you back down into the sheets, leaning over to grab her phone from the bedside. 
“Nat what are you-” A quick glare from her was all you needed to shut yourself up. 
“Hey Thor? Yeah I’m gonna need a favor, and bring Steve with you.” 
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