#( t - slings and arrows )
refiwrites · 2 years
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader, Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Summary: Tonight was the night you fought for Hawkins, for your life, for your future. Was breaking up with Steve a mistake? Or perhaps breaking up with him made you see what you truly needed?
WC: 8.8k (the longest one i’ve written yet holy shmokes)
Warning/s: VOL 2 SPOILERS! lots of swearing, HEAVY ANGST, mentions of a panic attack, graphic description of injuries, wounds, blood, all in all just pure violence.
Note: What the heck I am absolutely baffled at the amount of people that supported the first part 😭 I never imagined that being a hit but here we are and here's the long-awaited part 2! And for those asking for them to be tagged, I am greatly sorry I wasn't able to tag all of you, since the limit of tagging in a post is 50! :(
I worked very hard on this, feedbacks, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated, let me know your thoughts!
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You kept your chin up, holding your crossbow as you put on a fake smile. “How’s the shield lookin’?” You greeted, watching Eddie’s hand grip the handle, hurling it towards the air.
“Light. But durable,” he says, punching it towards the air again, getting a better grip. “Deadly. But reliable.” Eddie smiles proudly.
“Looks cool.” You compliment the two, Dustin bows his head before the two of you looked at Eddie to see him raising his hand, his foot stepping on the basket. “Hear me now,” he begins dramatically, raising a fist to the air before opening his hand. “There will be no more retreating…” He pumps his fist down, doing a little jig of happiness. “From Eddie the Banished.”
Eddie looks at you as he toyed with the lid, his smile still etched upon his pretty face. “No more.” You assured him, smiling back.
Dustin stands up, holding his own shield. “Hey, Eddie, guess you’re really ready for bat-tle.”
The two of you look at each other before looking at Dustin with a serious look.
Dustin nods, checking if the two of you got the pun as he chortles. “You guys get it? Bat-tle.”
Eddie tilts his head at him, raising his eyebrows.
Dustin rolled his eyes. “B-A-T. No?”
Eddie shook his head, dropping his shield to the ground as you watched. “I thought I had a good one.” He says before he’s fully tackling Dustin, making you gasp out in surprise. “What are you doing?!” Dustin exclaimed; poor boy hadn’t got the chance to defend himself.
You laughed out loud before Eddie was pushing Dustin away with a teasing smile.
Dustin wouldn’t let himself go down that easily, being a tough kid he is. “You son of a bitch!” He said in fits of laughter as he tried tackling Eddie down, getting his own taste of revenge.
“Alright Henderson! Take him down!” You cheered. “No wedgies! No wedgies!” Dustin shouts, making you even laugh harder, clutching at your stomach.
You watched as the play-fight ceased, how Eddie laughed out of breath, his hair sticking to his face from the light layer of sweat as he held Dustin.
You smiled. You could tell Dustin really looked up to Eddie, how Dustin’s smile widened, it was like seeing your own favorite superhero come to life. “Never change. Dustin Henderson.” Eddie spoke. “Promise me?”
Tilting your head, you watched the two. “I wasn’t planning on it.” Dustin responded. “Good.” Eddie said. “Good.” Dustin repeated. They laughed as Eddie pat his back.
“And what do we have here?” Eddie breaks away from Dustin to face you, eyeing the crossbow in your hand and the arrows poking from your back.
You raised your crossbow, which was loaded, but the safety lock was on.
Eddie takes a second to glance at you. He noticed that your eyes were a little puffy, a sign that you had cried again, but he let it slide.
“We have our own archer.” Eddie says to you. “This is the coolest thing I saw there, why not? And my aim is very accurate.” You proudly say.
Eddie’s stare lingers on you for a little longer, you could feel it as you fixed the strap of your crossbow, slinging it over your body.
Eddie noticed his actions; he shakes his head before walking a few feet away. “Hey! Sinclairs!”
“How are those, uh… spears coming on?” He shouts over to them. You looked at the siblings, Lucas seemed to be struggling whilst Erica looked like she was doing a great job. Lucas throws a thumbs up in your direction, smiling.
“It just doesn’t make sense.” Steve says, holding the funnel still so Robin could pour gas onto the glass bottle. The conversation between the two of you bore into his mind, your words echoing in his head.
“Get your shit together, Steve. Because it’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair.”
“We’re done.”  
“What doesn’t make sense?” Robin asked. Steve shakes his head, changing the topic.
“That was Dan Shelter, he graduated, like, two years ago.” He spoke. “So?” Robin replied. “So he’s in college… Which means he was visiting on spring break. Fast Times was returned like- I don’t know, a week ago?” He looks at Robin to make sure she was listening.
“Right? Unless she’s got some horndog brother we don’t know about… which is possible- Or she’s just really into Judge Reinhold?”
“Steve.” Robin interjected.
“What?” Steve looks at her. “I don’t care. I don’t understand why you do either with everything that’s going on… Honestly this feels like a perfect time for that little pull of the rug because… In the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low.” Robin said.
Steve sighed. “Yeah, I mean, I get you there, but I still have hope.” Hope for what exactly? Steve doesn’t know. Now that he just took a huge wrecking ball in your relationship, he wonders if its still able to be repaired.
“Not everything has a happy ending.” Robin noted. “Yeah, yeah, believe me. I know.” Steve replied.
Robin chuckled, looking at you, but Steve’s gaze was at Nancy. “Your relationship’s fine, Steve, don’t sweat on it.”
Steve clutches another bottle, his other hand holding the funnel. “No. It’s not.”
“Not? What? Why?” Robin questioned.
“I messed it up, and I think- I think I’m still in love with-“
Robin glanced at you, then at Nancy, before looking at Steve. “No shit? Steve, come on.” Robin said in a hushed tone. “I- she broke up with me- earlier.”
“How are you holding up?” Robin said. “I don’t know, I feel…” Steve shrugged, it felt empty.
“Try to fix it if you can. I know she cares about you, Steve. Have you seen the way she looks at you? Even back then in the mall she couldn’t handle being in the same room with you ‘cause she’ll turn so red.” Robin reminisced.
Steve looked at Robin. “Whatever you do, make it count since… I have this terrible, gnawing feeling that… it might not work out for us this time.”
“You think we shouldn’t be doing this?” Steve spoke. “I think we’re mad fools, the lot of us, but-“ Robin sighs as both of them look at the rest of the gang.
Nancy was trying to regain her aim, while you, Dustin, and Eddie were playing with the shields. Dustin running away from the two of you before grabbing the shield that Eddie clumsily dropped and now, he was the one getting chased. Steve watched as you and Dustin playfully pretended to jab Eddie with the shield, how he plays along with you, kneeling to the ground making pained noises, laying down on the grass in defeat. You laugh, sitting down on the grass in front of him, catching your breath. The Sinclair siblings were trying out their spears, Lucas spinning it around while Erica was testing the sturdiness of their work.
“We have to try. Right?”
Steve tears his gaze away from you, looking at Robin. “Yeah.”
Steve raises a bottle. “To killing Vecna.” Robin does the same, smiling. “Slash Henry.”
“Slash one.” Said Steve before they let their bottles clink.
Thankfully, there were more time for everyone to get dressed. Everyone was now clad in their battle armor. Now with the plan in mind, everyone was silent for the whole ride towards the Creel house, where Lucas, Max, and Erica were stationed. Then you, Dustin, Eddie, Steve, Robin, and Nancy were in charge in the Upside Down. You, Eddie and Dustin were tasked with distracting the demobats, while Nancy, Steve, and Robin were tasked with taking care of Vecna.
The sunset colored the interior of the RV in an orange hue. You and Eddie were once again sat together.
“If our plan doesn’t work, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Eddie mumbled, his head in his hands. You frown, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It will, we’ll make sure of it.”
“And there’s no way they wouldn’t fall for it, if our calculations are correct…” Dustin trailed off. You watched as Eddie places his hands on the table, his rings glinting thanks to the sunlight through the window.
This night, this night would probably be the biggest battle you had to face in your entire life. Your future depended on it. You couldn’t help but stare at Steve in the driver’s seat, how his face looked solemn. You bit your lip, swallowing. You couldn’t feel guilty now, you needed to focus.
The two of you hadn’t spoken ever since earlier. Although your eyes would find each other every once in a while, or so.
The van halted to a stop, outside was the Creel house.
As the door opened, Erica, Lucas, and Max steps out, holding their lanterns. The door slams shut, the atmosphere feeling suddenly heavy as you watched Max step foot into the house as the van began moving again, letting them disappear from your view.
The sky slowly turns dark as Steve parked.
“Okay. I wanna run through it one more time.” Nancy said, looking at everyone. You nodded. “Phase one.” “We meet Erica at the playground, she’ll signal Max and Lucas when we’re ready.” Robin answers. “Phase two.” Nancy said. “Max baits Vecna. He’ll go after her, which’ll put him in his trance.” Steve replied. Nancy looks at him. “Phase three?”
“Me, Dustin, and Eddie draw the bats away.” You said, then from the corner of your eye you see Eddie ruffling Dustin’s hair, which made Steve look at the two before turning back to Robin as she spoke.
“We head into Vecna’s newly bat-free lair, and…” Robin raises the Molotov, sloshing the liquid inside. “Flambé.”
Nancy nods, staring at the ground. “Nobody moves on to the next phase until we’ve all copied.” She looks up. “Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?”
“Got it.” You all reply in unison before exiting the RV.
Once again, you all jog your way into Eddie’s trailer, opening the door and closing it once everyone got in. Steve flicks the light switch on, his eyes gluing onto the glowing red gate to the Upside Down.
Steve drops his bag, approaching the makeshift rope.
“Be careful.” Dustin says to Steve. “Thanks, buddy.” Steve said, giving him a light pat on the chest. Taking in a breath, Steve grabs at the rope. “Here goes nothing.”
Steve successfully climbs into the Upside Down, his feet landing with a thud as he hits the ground, looking back up and shrugging nonchalantly. You rolled your eyes, always the showoff. You could hear Robin muttering sarcastically. “What does he want us to do, applaud?”
You see Steve dragging the mattress, flopping it on the ground, serving as a landing pad. “Alright, let’s go.”
First up was Nancy, who got an extra boost from Robin. Nancy hits the landing pad, you could see Steve offering his hand, pulling her up. And you swore you could see them stare at each other, shaking your head, you brushed the feeling off. Next up were the bags, you threw your weapons in.
Second one was Eddie, followed by Robin. Now it was your turn. You lunged yourself up, grabbing the rope as you climbed. Going through the gate you suddenly feel the weight of gravity hit as you flop onto your back on the bed with a gasp.
You blinked a few times, then you saw two hands reaching out for you. Steve and Eddie, on either side of you. Looking at neither, you grabbed both their hands as they hoisted you up. The next was the shields, spears, and a few more bags as the last person to come through was Dustin, he lands with a thud, a surprised look in his face.
He sits up, amazed before he was being pulled by the shirt thanks to Eddie and Steve.
After gearing up, Nancy opens the door, stepping out, followed by all of you.
You could hear thundering as you were back in the gloomy place. Shivers began to crawl up your back seeing everything with dark root-like features crawling everywhere. You let out a breath you realized you had been holding.
“Hey, guys, listen.” Steve said, suddenly turning around to face the three of you. “If things here start to go south, I mean, at all- you abort.” Steve said, looking at you, before glancing at Dustin and Eddie. “Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep ‘em busy for a minute or two. We’ll take care of Vecna.” The three of you nodded.
“Don’t try to be cute or be a hero or something… Okay? You guys are just—”
“Decoys.” The three of you reply. Steve looks at you, pursing his lips and nodding. “Don’t worry. You can be the hero, Steve.” Dustin said. Eddie agreed, “Absolutely. I mean, look at us.” He glances at Dustin then at you. “We are not heroes.” He looks back at Steve, chuckling.
Steve began walking away but Eddie calls out to him. “Hey, Steve,” They look at each other. “Make him pay.”
Steve nods, grabbing the chance to take one last look at you as you did the same. You sent him a nod and a small smile. You could see the edge of Steve’s lip curl up, but a second later he was already walking away. As they began their journey, the three of you began nailing bits and pieces of metal onto Eddie’s trailer, making sure that when things go south, you’ll be protected from the inside.
You hammered it on, looking to the side to see Eddie ripping off a fence, placing it onto the rug along with miscellaneous materials as Dustin and Eddie pulled it towards the trailer. You hopped off, done with your work, you decide to help hold the metal scrap as Eddie drilled it in. “Sure, you got that in, Munson?” You said, looking up at him as his tongue sticks out in determination. You chuckle at the habit.
“Yes…ma’am.” He replied, patting the new layer of protection. You smiled at him as he also smiled at you. You avert your gaze, the smile never leaving your face. After a few more minutes of reinforcing Eddie’s trailer, the three of you step back to admire the work you’ve done as thunder booms in the distance.
“Not bad.” Eddie said.
“Not bad at all.” Dustin said as he smiled.
“Great job, boys.” You said, breathing out. Eddie chuckles, shaking his head. “We’re only getting started. Now for the fun part.”
You and Dustin looked at each other before the three of you entered his trailer, heading straight to his room. Eddie halts, eyes going wide. “Jesus Chr…” Eddie lets out almost something akin to a whimper as you watched. Dustin chuckles as Eddie slowly approaches his guitar mounted on the wall in awe.
“It’s like… she was destined for an alternate dimension.” Eddie said.
He slowly reaches up to grab it. “What do you say, guys?” turning around he looks at the two of you. “Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?”
“Hell yeah!” You smile.
“Is that a rhetorical question?” Dustin remarked.
Eddie slings the guitar on him. “Let’s do it.” With a devilish grin, he slings the guitar onto his back.
Even with the thought of impending doom in the back of your mind, being with Dustin and Eddie was enough to calm your nerves, but your mind often had you rethinking about Steve. Where were they now?
Steve watched Robin as she was rambling on about the possibility of them getting lost.
“We’re not lost, Robin.” Nancy said. Only thing she got was a chuckle from her. “Robin, hey. Watch out for the vines! Hive mind, remember?” Nancy reminded her as Robin took off. “Thank you!” Robin responded, and then she was off.
“Uh, don’t worry about her.” Steve said, walking besides Nancy. “She’s just stressed, y’know, scared.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” Nancy replied. “It’s just…” “She’s a super klutz?” Steve finished, looking at her as she chuckled. Steve tried to keep the conversation steady, his mind flashing back to you. At this point, Steve just wanted things to be done with. He was still conflicted, having Nancy in front of him all this time had him reminisce of the past that they had together, which Steve will admit that was long gone. However, after all the time had passed, with you getting with him and him rarely seeing Nancy, it was easy to forget the hole that she left in his heart, that was eventually filled by you.
“She did tell me that it took her longer to walk than most babies, so…”
Steve chuckles, shaking his head. “I really shouldn’t laugh.”
He was being a total asshole, he realized that sooner than he liked, now he’s walking in the Upside Down with a broken heart. Seeing Nancy only made things worse, as he realized how he’d pine over her the past weeks, always wanting to be near her, hell, he even forgot you. That, that was fucked up of him. Now, all he could do was pretend everything was fine.
“When I was a baby, I actually crawled backwards.” Steve admits.
“Crawled backwards?” Nancy repeats. Steve looks at her for a split second, before acting it out. “You know, I’d push with my hands like this. Beep. Beep... Always in reverse, you know?”
Steve looks at Nancy, gesturing with his hands. “Come on. It makes sense. You push to move, right?” “No, no. It doesn’t make sense.” Nancy laughs. “Well, it did to my tiny little Harrington brain.”
Steve shrugged. “That is, until I reversed my baby butt down a flight of stairs and thumped my head really good.” Steve looks at Nancy, seeing her face in disbelief. “Yeah.”
“Wow. That explains so much.”
“Yeah. I think it kinda does. I think, like, right out of the gate, like- I’m super confident. But y’know I’m also, like, an idiot… Which is just… I mean it’s a brutal combination.”
Then Steve remembered how he was just like that, with you, but the only thing was, you were the only one able to understand him for what he truly is as a person, you’ve uncovered many things in the span of the two of you being together, that made Steve realize how much he had to learn through you, how you taught him of certain things in life, that not everything gets to be handed to him in his life, he’s got to work hard for it. To truly understand what it was like.
“But, I mean, the good news is, I get a big enough thump on my head, I can change, you know? I can learn.” What happened between you was a lot more than a thump to his head, it was like someone had dropped a gallon of ice-cold water on him, bucket included. “I can crawl forward.”
But at every glance he takes at Nancy, there’s an ache in his heart, no matter what he does. This was wrong. He was beating himself up in his mind. How could he just simply throw a perfect, loving, healthy relationship with you for someone that doesn’t even like him that way anymore? Steve glanced back, even though he was farther away from you, it still doesn’t help that the uneasy feeling pooling in his stomach at the thought of you being so far away about to bait yourself from those goddamn bats that almost killed him. It sent him shaking his head, trying to focus that you were safer there. You were safe with Dustin and… Eddie.
Steve shakes the thought of you and Eddie in his mind, focusing on the conversation with Nancy.
“Listen, I guess what I’m trying to say in a really stupid, roundabout way is, um…” Steve sighs, stopping with a click of his tongue. “…Is thank you.”
Nancy wears a look of confusion, being taken aback. “Thank me?”
“For giving my head the biggest thump of its life, two years ago, and now.” Steve breathes out. “I needed it. It’s changed my life.”
“What do you mean now...? Steve?” Nancy questioned.
“I used to think if I hadn’t done the things I did…a part of me still thinks that we would’ve made it.” Steve didn’t know what he was doing, it probably wasn’t the best way to earn closure like this. He was just spewing out words that made sense to him.
“Steve…” Nancy began, Steve looked down, swallowing. “You can’t do this, Steve.” Nancy said. Those words came crashing down on Steve’s chest.  He knew he didn’t stand a chance but seeing and hearing those words from Nancy solidified it. “Have you thought about (Y/N)? I mean- how would she feel? She’s been with you longer than me, Steve. She’s been with you through everything that happened. She loves you, Steve, I could see it. I only didn’t speak about it since I thought maybe we were just catching up together- as friends.” Nancy breathes out.
Now that felt like he was given another thump on the head, thanks again to Nancy. Friends. That’s all they would ever be, no more, no less. And you just broke up with him.
Steve was about to open his mouth to reply, but then rushed footsteps and Robin’s voice was heard. “You guys! Awesome news!”
Steve bit his lip, he didn’t know if he should be thankful for the disturbance or not, since it means he was once step closer to his grave.
“Looks like we weren’t going the wrong way after all.” Robin pants. “Come on!”
Steve and Nancy look at each other. Steve gives up, jerking his head towards Robin, walking away. “Let’s go!” Robin rushed.
“Okay.” Steve muttered; the words unsaid leaving to rot in the back of his head.
Every second you felt your anxiety getting worse. Waiting atop of Eddie’s trailer, Dustin was tasked communicating with the other team, listening if your phase was about to commence.
Tapping your foot, you were stood by the edge, overlooking the rest of the houses and trailers scattered, with the forest looming over. You had everything planned, nothing could go wrong, right?
There were a few taps on your shoulder, looking around you spot Eddie, wearing his usual smile, moving to stand next to you. “So, you feel alright?”
“I don’t-“ You sigh, gesturing all over the place. “I don’t know, really… we just have one chance at this and if we fuck this up I-“
“Hey, hey…you know I’m also close to shitting myself here but,” You laugh at Eddie’s words, easing your anxiety. “We’ll get through this, okay? When all this is over then we’re free to do any shit we like.” Eddie said, smiling.
“Hmm, and what are you planning on doing when all of this is over?” You asked. Eddie lets outs a sigh, eyes blinking in thought. “Never really had someone ask me that.”
“Well, here I am, asking.” You smile.
“Dunno, probably clear my name first, then, like, go back to my band or something- even go on tour- Sounds weird now that I’m saying this out loud.” Eddie looks down, chuckling. You shake your head, laughing with him.
“Doesn’t sound weird to me, and I promise you, we’ll do everything we can to prove to everybody that you’re innocent.” You promised. Eddie smiled at you, he always liked your aura, its like everywhere you went there followed hope. Even when Eddie could tell that you were hurting, your smile still felt genuine, well, to him anyways.
Maybe, after all of this, he’d definitely would like to get to know you better. Maybe even teach you how to play D&D, who knows.
Then the two of you hear the chatter of Dustin’s walkie talkie.
“She’s in. Move to phase three.”
“Copy that. Initiating phase three.” Dustin replied.
Both you and Eddie look at each other. “Goodluck.” You said, moving over next to Dustin, plugging the amplifier as Dustin cranks the volume up, the feedback ringing in your ears. Eddie looked nervous; you could tell.
He nods, yanking the pick from his necklace. With a shout, he grabs his guitar then began strumming.
You and Dustin watched in awe, smiling as the two of you bopped your heads to the music. “Go Munson!” You cheer.
Meanwhile Steve watched as the bats screeched, flapping their wings, moving in unison toward the direction of the loud music. He knits his eyebrows, worry crossing his features. He hoped you remembered his advice earlier.
As Eddie strummed, you almost forgot you were in an alternate dimension, you watched as Eddie headbanged as his fingers worked their way in playing with all their might. You and Dustin continued to headbang yourselves as the two of you laughed. “This is amazing.” Dustin commented, watching Eddie.
He places his foot up onto another amplifier, continuing to rock. Dustin pulls out his telescope, watching for any signs of the demobats.
After a moment Dustin looked, he stands up. You looked to the distance. “Eddie! We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!” Dustin shouted at him. Eddie nods, licking his lips before continuing to play louder.
Looking toward the distance you could already see a flock of them, making you stand up.
“T-minus 20!”
Eddie’s eyes sent you a wave of determination, looking at you before he shreds the solo. You could already hear your heartbeat drumming in your ears as the adrenaline rush began. “Let’s go Eddie!” You
“T-minus 10!”
Eddie pushes through.
You could hear the thunder cracks began to get louder.
Eddie finishes, the last strum echoing as it fades.
“Move, move, move!” You screamed. “Let’s go!” You all jumped down towards the pickup truck and back onto the ground as the chitter of the bats neared. You rounded towards the makeshift gate. “Go! Go!” Eddie ushered. “Shit! Shit!” Dustin screams.
Once you and Dustin made it in, Eddie followed. “Hurry! Eddie, shut it!” Dustin screamed at him. With a huge clang, Eddie shuts the gate, just in time as the bats landed.
“Hurry! Come on!” Dustin said, opening the door. You and Eddie made your way in, Eddie slamming the door.
Catching your breaths, you all looked at one another. “Dude! Most metal ever!” Dustin screamed. “Oh my… Oh my god!! Eddie followed Dustin, jumping up and down with adrenaline. You joined in, screaming and jumping with them. You laughed as it stopped, Eddie balling his hands into fists and screaming. “That was- jeez that was awesome.” You breathe out. Now that the bats were distracted, you couldn’t help but let your mind drift to Steve.
Holding your crossbow in hand, you listened closely to the swarm of demobats as they thrashed the trailer, clanging and banging everywhere.
Every slam of the creatures on the wall had you gripping the crossbow tighter, your knuckles almost turning white as you let out a shaky breath.
Then the thrashing stopped.
“Hey, dipshits!!” Dustin calls out. “Give up that easy, huh?!”
“Shh!” Eddie shushed, “Is that really necessary?”
You were about to speak when the clattering began sounding from above the trailer. All of you simultaneously stare at the ceiling. “They’re on the roof.” Eddie spoke.
“No shit.” You reply.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” Dustin repeatedly mumbles. The three of you follow the scattering, your eyes trailing down towards the vent. “They can’t get in through there, can they?” Dustin asked, gripping his spear.
As if it was on cue, a demobat smashes the vent down, creating a hole as it stuck its head inside. Eddie and Dustin jumped back; your eyes widened. Wasting no time, you aimed your loaded crossbow, turning the safety off before shooting at it, you successfully hit its wing, leading it to crawl back out of the hole.
Eddie and Dustin screamed as more demobats tried to squeeze through, grasping their spears, they rushed and began poking through the vent with their spears. “Die! Die!” Dustin shouted. You loaded another arrow, raising the crossbow and aiming. Shooting, you successfully hit a demobat on the neck, the creature dying with a screech.
Eddie looks back, he seemed to be looking for something. He rushes towards the side to grab a chair. “Eddie! What are you doing? I need you!” Dustin said. “Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” He screamed, placing the chair towards the vent as he hoists himself up. With a yell, Eddie blocks the vent with one of the shields.
The demobats trilled.
Eddie and Dustin catch their breath. “Holy shit. Holy shit.” Eddie said. “Nice.” Dustin said. “Thanks.” Eddie responded, high-fiving Dustin.
“Guys,” they both turn to look at you. “Are there other vents we should know about?”
“Oh shit.” Eddie breathes out, jumping down from the chair and rushing to his room. You followed as Dustin let out a few more curse words. As Eddie slams the door open, the demobats already rushed in, flocking around his room, screeching. “Fuck!” You exclaim. “Go, let’s go!” You pulled them both away from the door, slamming it.
You knew the wooden door stood no chance against them as they began chipping at the wood, already making slits through the door. “Come on, come on hurry!” You scream. Eddie grabs the other shield; you gripped your crossbow. “That’s not gonna hold!” Dustin said, referring to the almost beaten down door.
“Go! Climb!” You shouted at Dustin, he grabs at the rope, grunting as he pulls himself up. “Come on, quickly!”
Dustin safely makes his way back into Hawkins, flopping on Eddie’s bed.
“(Y/N)! Hurry!” Eddie shouts at you, for a split second you didn’t want to leave him there. You wanted to stay, you wanted to fight with him. To hell with your future if you died now.
But as Eddie shouts at you once again, you knit your eyebrows, slinging your crossbow onto your back as you climbed the rope fast as your body can. Your heart hammering in your chest. You flop down onto Eddie’s bed with a thud, you wasted no time standing up, looking at Eddie.
“Eddie, come on! What are you waiting for?!” You screamed at him. Eddie threw the spear and shield away, already hoisting himself up. You watched intently, wanting Eddie to get over here as fast as he could, to make it safe back here in Hawkins. You wanted him to climb faster. It was already a losing battle. You could hear the door cracking in the distance as Eddie turns to look at it.
“Eddie come on, please!” You shouted along with Dustin. “You’re so close, Eddie come on now let’s go!” Dustin screamed. “Leave it, Eddie! We’ll find another way!” You shouted.
Eddie stopped.
The thought already clicked in your head as your eyes widen, watching him drop down back onto the ground. “Eddie.” Dustin called. Eddie looks up at the both of you, his face stricken with gloom as he already made the decision in his mind.
“Don’t- don’t fucking do this to us, Eddie.” You spoke. Eddie rushed back, grabbing his spear and shield, he aims the spear at the rope as you tried to grab onto it.
“DON’T! EDDIE!” You pleaded. He screamed, slicing the rope off as it fell limp in your hands.
You shake your head, looking around everywhere for a chair able to jump yourself back in the Upside Down. You looked up to see him moving the bed out of the way. “Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop!” Dustin’s voice cracked as he pleaded, you felt your throat tighten, hearing how Dustin pleaded. You knew Eddie meant so much to Dustin. “Stop, stop, stop.” Dustin said, holding his head in his hands, looking at Eddie.
Your breath quickened. Your chest hurt. You needed to act.
Rushing towards the chair, you trashed everything that was atop of it. “Eddie, what are you doing?!” Dustin screamed. “I’m buying more time.” You could hear him say.
Oh, you absolute little shit You thought, trying to push the thought of Eddie sacrificing himself just to get more time.
“No!” Dustin disagreed. Eddie fades out from view. “Eddie, please!” Dustin cried.
You rushed, throwing the rope away before replacing it with the chair. You grabbed Dustin, patting him on the shoulders as tears ran down his cheeks. “Dustin, hey, whatever you do, don’t- don’t follow, okay? Promise me?” You pleaded.
Dustin looks at you, the poor kid’s eyes widen as he shook his head. “No, no, not you too, (Y/N) please.” He begged, fresh tears running down his cheeks. You shake your head, smiling as tears blurred your vision, trying your best to smile at him. “Dustin, listen, hey,” you say, wiping off his tears with your thumbs, in hopes to comfort the kid. “I have to, okay? We must end this, once and for all. No more trouble, no more Upside Down bullshit.” You spoke. “You’ll get to live your life out there.” You spoke, blinking your tears back.
“Please, (Y/N)…” Dustin croaked as he sobbed. “I’m sorry, buddy, please,” You say, shaking your head you pushed him away, leading him to land on the floor. “Don’t follow.” Was the last thing you said before you ran for a jump start, using the chair as leverage. The chair drops as you managed to hoist yourself up.
“(Y/N)! NO!” Dustin scrambles to stand up, wanting to reach out to you but it was too late. You already dropped into the upside down on your side with an agonizing shout. You definitely felt something break.
Trying your best to disregard the aching pain in your shoulder, you stood up, seeing the door open. “Hold on, Eddie.” You mumbled as you heard Dustin screaming above you.
You braced yourself and ran outside. You could hear the chittering of the demobats. You could see a flock of them following something, or someone.
Flinching, you heard a chitter behind you, it was a demobat hissing. You slung your crossbow back, trying to load and aim as it circled you. “Come on, come on.” You mumble, waiting for the right time. As it circled around you once more, you took the shot. It fell limp on the ground, screeching.
You stared at it, then your head perks to the direction of the flock. Looking around, you spot another bike.
Running towards it, you rode it and began biking, wanting to reach Eddie sooner. Your legs felt like they were on fire as you dreaded every second you weren’t with Eddie. You took on the other side of the road, you were slowly gaining up speed, catching up to him. You could see the bats gaining up to him as well.
There was only one thing you could do.
“Come here fuckers!!” You shouted, catching the attention of a few demobats as they trilled, switching in direction. You spot Eddie, looking at you as if you were a ghost.
“Come on, what are you waiting for?!” You screamed. Half of the demobats were now onto you, you biked faster as your legs could. “(Y/N)!” Eddie called out. You paid no attention to him, you only cared about diverting the demobats away from him.
“Yeah, that’s right! FOLLOW ME!” You screamed, lungs burning, not only from screaming, but from inhaling the particles floating around.
Eddie could only watch as the demobats chasing him were now onto you.
He was in shock as he saw you there with him, biking along, letting the demobats use you for bait. A part of him felt relieved, at least in this moment he wasn’t alone, somehow you still found the courage to join him even if it meant no chance of making it out alive.
The other part of him wanted to be angry at you, he wanted to be angry at the fact that you followed him, risking yourself in the process. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was scared. He’s scared. Never in his life he thought he’d be fighting for his life in the year that he even hoped to graduate in.
As if any of that even mattered anymore. Even if his sacrifice goes unnoticed, he still felt at peace in knowing somehow, he was able to save all of Hawkins. But he couldn’t let you do that for him.
You were doing a good job at making the creatures chase after you. That is, until the chainrings snapped.
Eddie’s eyes widen as everything he saw played in slow motion.
Your eyes struck with fear as you lost your balance, swerving to the right as your body’s instinct was to flee itself from the bike, your body landing in a thud as you rolled a few feet away due to the speed you were going. “(Y/N)!” Eddie shouted, gaining speed on his bike to reach you.
You groaned in pain as you tried your best to stand up, your body ached. Looking around you find yourself surrounded by the demobats as they circled around you. Grabbing your crossbow again, you loaded it as the pain in your shoulder became unbearable as you let out an agonizing grunt. There were a few already trying to make a bite at you. Your ears rang from their constant chittering.
Shooting one down, you were unaware of the one behind you as it already landed on your leg, taking a bite out on the side of your thigh. You screamed, smacking the bat with your crossbow as blood seeped through your jeans. “Fuck,” You shudder. The bite stung. You kept your head up, looking around for any more demobats that could unexpectedly come at you.
“(Y/N)!” You hear Eddie.
Looking around you spot Eddie, throwing his bike away, grabbing his spear and shield, and was headed towards you. “Eddie!” You called; he could see how your face contorted in fear. “Hold on!” He said, trying to find a way in to get to you.
You tried moving but the bats prevented you from doing so, in the corner of your eye you could see Eddie, pushing his way through as couple of bats nip and bit at him. “Eddie!” You called again, aiming for the bat that was on his back, breathing out, you shot it down as Eddie rushed toward you, now the two of you are back-to-back against these hellish creatures.
“I couldn’t let you do this on your own!” You shouted, hoping he heard. “And you’re stupid enough for that!” Eddie shouts back. “I couldn’t care less, let’s finish this!” You said, suddenly you remember stuffing a Molotov inside your bag. Eddie shouts as he tried fending the bats away, jabbing them with his spear.
“Eddie.” You called. “Yeah? A little busy here!”
Shooting another bat down, but one got to your arm as it took another bite at you. Dropping your bag, you grab an arrow, gripping it tight enough. With your vision going dizzy you jammed the arrow into the bat’s head, its blood splattering as you yanked it off of you. Eddie also looked to be suffering from a few bites too as his shirt had tears and blood seeping through them.
“Cover me!” You shouted at Eddie as you ducked to rummage in your bag. Eddie looks at you before doing so, defending himself with the shield and thrusting his spear into the air to hit a few bats.
Successfully grabbing the Molotov, you only needed one more thing.
“Eddie! Please tell me you have some kind of lighter with you!” You shouted. Eddie blinks back, thinking. “In my jacket, left side pocket!” He replied. You thanked all the gods as you reached in the pocket of Eddie’s leather jacket, pulling out the lighter.
Then another bat came at you, biting down at your stomach as you let out a scream, dropping the lighter in the process. You could feel its teeth sinking in deeper as it chowed away at you, your blood darkening as it seeped through your shirt. “Get away!” You hear Eddie, grabbing the bat by the hand as he pulled it from you, slamming it onto the ground, scurrying away. “Shit, (Y/N).”
You shake your head, grabbing the lighter again, ignoring the pain in your stomach.
“Eddie, if I say run, run, okay?!” You said, clutching the Molotov with you as you tried to see if the lighter worked. “What about you?!”
“I’ll follow, I’ll throw these at them, hope to God it works, and when they scatter, we run, run as fast as we can to that house, okay?” You instructed, pointing at a much stable house not far away from where the two of you were as you hissed in pain. Eddie nods. “Do it! I’m getting sick of these bastards!”
You crouched, your thumb striking the lighter. It sparked, yet there was no flame. You tried again, nothing. “Hurry up, (Y/N)!” Eddie hollers.
“Fuck, give me a second!” You struggled, repeatedly striking your thumb onto the spark wheel. You were slowly getting frustrated, it didn’t help that you were also losing blood by the second. “Oh why won’t you fucking wo-“ You strike it again finally, there was a flame.
“Hah! Hah, oh my god.” You breathe in relief, immediately sticking the lighter to the towel. “Okay, get ready!” You said to Eddie. “Yep, come on!” He shouts.
“Come and get this!” You shout in anger, standing up and throwing it at them. Everything suddenly glowed a bright orange as the fire spread throughout the bats as they let out pained screeches. Then they scattered, avoiding the fire yet some were too late. Eddie watched as every bat that flew were either catching on fire or dropping to the ground. You sling your bag back on, absentmindedly grabbing Eddie’s hand. “Come on!” You tugged him as the two of you ran towards the target house.
“Jesus Christ that was…!” Eddie exclaims as the both of you ran. Your leg and stomach stung from the bite, leading you to tighten the grip on his hand a little bit as you lightly tripped, mind getting hazy. “(Y/N)? Come on, come on, I got you.” You hear Eddie says as he pulls you to stand again as the two continued to run.
Reaching the house, you scrambled to find a window that wasn’t covered by the vines. When you did, you slid it open, whimpering in pain as the wall grazed your stomach. Pushing yourself into the house, you landed in a thud. Eddie followed, once the two of you were in safely, he shuts the window and slides the curtains on.
The two of you sat against the wall, panting and whimpering heavily. Your lip quivering as the both of you narrowly escaped death. Letting out a shaky breath, you threw your head back and closed your eyes. Hoping the bats were burning, suffering. Your head pounded as your vision seemed to spin even with your eyes closed.
“Fuck me…” You hear Eddie say from beside you. “I- I thought- I thought I wasn’t going to make it.” He groans, looking down at his bloodstained shirt, wounds on his stomach hurting. Everything felt numb, every slight movement you make sent a jolt of pain throughout your wounds.
You laugh dryly, “You’re stupid for thinking that,” you breathe in. “I couldn’t let you.” You said, opening your eyes, looking at him.
He looks at you. “Why?”
You chuckle. “You have so much to live for, Eddie Munson. And I did promise you we’ll help in clearing your name, right?”
Eddie looks at you, there was silence between the two of you as the distant sounds of the demobats hurting sounded in the background. You stayed looking at each other. “Uh, thank you.” Eddie breaks the silence, looking down at his wounds and shaking his head as he lifted his shirt. “This is going to be one hell of a scar.”
“Believe me.”
The two of you went silent again, deciding to find a first-aid kit. Wanting to patch up the larger wounds that you and Eddie sustained. Thanks to the house you were in, there was indeed a first-aid kit laying around in the bathroom.
As you sat in the living room, avoiding the vines, you had patched up your wounds and now you were patching up Eddie’s.
He watched as your hands worked, he was biting down on his leather jacket to keep himself from screaming, only letting out little grunts as you disinfected the area, applying the gauze.
“I’ve noticed,” You began, Eddie breathes out as you left your own finishing touches. “Dustin really looks up to you, huh?” You asked as you finished patching his wound. “That kid…yeah, yeah, I guess he does.” Eddie said. “He’s a great kid, I promise you. You should’ve seen him together with Steve.” You laughed at the duo, but your smile turned into a thin line at the mention of Steve. Eddie tensed.
You shake your head. “Anyway, I’m done.” You smiled at him, moving away to let him see. Eddie’s hands reached towards his stomach. “Thank you.” Pulling his stained shirt down, he sighs. “You think their dead?” Eddie said, referring to the demobats. “I sure hope so.”
“We’re stuck here, then?” Eddie asked. “Looks like it, doesn’t hurt to wait a couple more hours…” You answered. He nods. Minutes felt like hours as you waited.
But then the sounds of something dropping was heard, a couple, actually. You and Eddie looked at each other. “What was that?” You asked, before he could answer, you were already standing up, sliding the curtain a few inches away so you could peek through the window.
“Holy shit.” You said.
“What? What happened? What is it? (Y/N)- (Y/N)!” Eddie frustratedly says as you unlocked the door, opening it. Eddie rushes to stand, clutching his stomach. “(Y/N)!” He whisper shouted, stepping out and walking towards you.
“Look.” You spoke. He obeys, looking around he spots the mass of demobats on the ground, dead.
“What the hell?” Eddie mutters. “You think they got Vecna?” You asked, hopeful.
“Seems like it.” Eddie said, not believing the sight in front of him before looking at you. “Should we go…back?”
You debated, things looked clear so far. “Yeah, let’s go back…just be careful.” You said. Eddie does back in the house to retrieve the spear along with the shield. You slung your bag over your shoulder.
“Ready?” You asked him. “Ready.” He replies, both of you started walking away, looking at all the demobat, some were burnt to a crisp while the others just looked to have dropped dead. The smell wasn’t great either as it had you and Eddie scrunching your noses.
Returning to Eddie’s trailer, the two of you sat on the ground, breathing heavily. Then there was a loud thud and a groan. You and Eddie snapped your gaze inside.
“Ah, shit, that hurts.” Dustin was there.
“Henderson! I thought I told you-“
“(Y/N)! Eddie!” At the sound of your voice, Dustin’s head perks up, scrambling to get on his feet. “(Y/N)! Eddie! Oh, thank god it’s really you!” Dustin ran to the two of you, and in an instant, he bends down to hug the both of you tightly. “Op, op, op. easy there Henderson.” Eddie breathes out. You smiled, hugging Dustin back, but the closed space between you and Eddie made you feel something. Dustin pulls away, his smile bigger than before. “And you- Eddie, I didn’t like what you did earlier.” Dustin scolded him.
“To be honest, man, I didn’t either,” Eddie chuckled. “Thankfully, (Y/N) here came to my aid, thought we’re both going to be the main course of those assholes.” Eddie shows his patched up wound along with pointing at yours.
“Shit...” Dustin’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Yeah, shit.” You reply.
“You guys just about had me into having a full-blown heart attack back there.” Dustin sighs. “I’m glad you two are safe. And by the sounds of it, I think the other three are too.”
Letting out a breath, somewhere in you was relieved to find out that Steve was alright. He made it.
“Guys!” You heard someone shout from the distance. “Robin!” Dustin shouts back as you saw the trio making their way towards Eddie’s trailer. You and Eddie stood up, meeting them halfway. “How did it go?” You asked. “…He’s…” Robin trailed off.
“He disappeared.” Nancy said. “Wait what?” Dustin said. “How?”
“I don’t get it either, we burnt and shot his ass back there then he got thrown off the window, when we went to see him, he was gone.” Steve explained.
Before anyone could say anything, there was a loud booming noise, familiar to a clock chime. Vecna.
All of you looked at each other, this could only mean three things.
Vecna got Max. Four deaths. The last gate has been opened.
The ground beneath you rumbled as you braced yourself. “What the hell is happening now?!” Eddie exclaimed. “Get away, look!” Nancy said as bleaks of red through Eddie’s trailer glowed, his trailer cracked, the ground separating.
Losing your balance, your first thought was to grab somebody closest to you, that someone being Eddie. You backed away, pulling him with you as the ground shook immensely, sending you both to the ground as Dustin ran to take cover.
Eddie wrapped his arms around you as your face nestled on the crook of his neck, holding you tightly as the earthquake ceased.
Once it was over, you slowly pulled away from him, staring up into his eyes. “You alright?” He asked. “Yeah… sorry.” You apologize, sitting up when he lets you go. “Don’t be.” You caught him say before Steve spoke. “Everyone alright?”
“We’re good, man.” Eddie said as Dustin nodded.
“Guys… that doesn’t look too good.” Robin said, pointing at the reason for the earthquake. It stretched as far as all of you could see. No doubt it had already caused a massive damage in Hawkins.
“Oh man.” Dustin said.
The rest planned on how to get out of here now that there were massive gates connected to each other. You suddenly felt overwhelmed seeing Steve. You breathe out, stepping away from the scene, walking a few feet away. It dawned on you that all of you weren’t going to be experiencing things the same way now that the gates were complete. You held your head in your hands as you closed your eyes.
“Feeling any better?”
“No, honestly not. I feel like shit.”
Hearing them chuckle made you realize that it was Eddie, guess Steve still didn’t have the courage to face you, nor that he even planned to. And somehow, you find yourself being okay with that. Maybe it was time to move on. Maybe even he deserved to move on.
“When I come back there…do you think they’d still be chasing me with pitchforks and torches?” Eddie wondered, standing beside you. You laugh. “Hope not, look, if they do, I promise I’ll be the first one to defend you.”
Eddie turns a slight shade of red at that, would you really?
“Like, I guess I’ll chase them down too, with or without my crossbow.” You added. Eddie laughs. “Thank you, that means…a lot.”
“You said it yourself, right? Whatever happens, there’s no more retreating from Eddie the Banished.” Acting it out dramatically.
Eddie plays along, raising his fist to meet yours in a fist bump.
“No more.”
And that night signified a new blossoming relationship between you and Eddie. A friendship that Eddie hoped would soon become more as he wanted to get to know the real you better than anyone else can.
“Through thick and thin?” You asked. “Through hell and back.” Eddie said as the two of you turn back towards the rest of the team, planning your next move.
Earlier as you and Eddie engaged in conversation, Steve found his chest aching, not from the battle, but instead because of you. He watched as you smiled and laughed with Eddie. Steve knew he no longer stood a chance, he hated himself for letting someone like you slip off his fingers so easily. A sigh escapes his lips, looking down on the ground as Nancy, Robin, and Dustin talked.
There was nothing he could do to get you back. He wished there was, but what could he do? The damage was done. You were about to move on when he wished you wouldn’t. But how could he stop you when he hasn’t moved on himself?
Whatever happens now, Steve promised himself that as long as you were happy, he was happy. Even if it meant to hurt like hell.
TAG-LIST: @jay-haisteads @nanainwonderland @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @fzziiee @mrs-hotchner @naturalswifty89 @joekeeryswife @snixx2088 @justifymyfeelings @mattyskies @anuncalledbridge @maisieisbae @peetahpahkah @bored-as-hell-666 @louweasleymalfoy @parker-natasha @ajeff855 @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man @lwtannie @s-tealyourheart @thelostone91 @littlestarfighter03 @am-3-thyst @kaitlyn2907 @thatgirlstrawberry @prettyboyswow @gingerrosecosplay @jmw24 @creativedogs @papadragun @imsleepdeprivedfr @fujiihime @kaylinfayezink @whyisaah @theimaginationgotmegood @idkwhattodowithmyshittylife @malfoyscamander @daydreamerblues @padf00ts-l0ver @lagataprrr @amialesbianorindenial @bleuatlas @stcrrjoon @zucchinimalfoy @bitchyymeme @ladyapplejackdnd @themberff @theartoflovingcinema @livingdeadgirl7 @ggclarissa
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drarryruinedme7 · 1 year
hello, im actually really nervous because i am just starting to get involved with the drarry fandom. im trying to write a fic but it's my very first one. it has an accidental blood bind AND harry as a healer. in other fics it's usually draco as the healer so i thought it would be fun to switch it up. i just wanted to tell someone because i'm so excited!!! they make me so happy.
Hello nonnie! Good for you! I'm glad , always glad, to see someone new in the fandom, we need novelty, we need to not let our marvelous Drarry fandom die !
I love Healer Harry and you're right, there's never enough. But in the meantime, you gave me the idea to rec some of my faves (that might inspire you, who knows!) Good luck with it and make sure to let me know when it's posted, I'd love to read it :)
Nothing but a Heartbeat by maraudersaffair (E; 1.5k; 2018)
Summary: After Draco is attacked by a werewolf, Harry attempts to help him. Too bad Draco wants to eat him whole.
The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune by secretsalex (E; 3.1k; 2017; mpreg)
Summary: if Astoria refuses to carry their child, Draco will—which is how he finds himself alone, pregnant, and a patient of Healer Potter’s.
Show Me My Options by unadulteredstorycollector (T; 5.6k; 2018)
Summary: Harry is currently training to be a Healer, which is going great! Except then suddenly the lecturer mentions male pregnancy and Harry is very, very confused. And unfortunately there's only one person who can explain it to him.
Constellations on your skin by @orange-peony (E; 56.4k; 2022)
Summary: “I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.
“Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks.
“The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.”
Fire Meet Gasoline by @lettersbyelise (E; 62.6k; 2022)
Summary: When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right?
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pedrostories · 1 year
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✨   J - M   ✨    
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Here you can find an extensive list of writers for the fandom worth following! If you’re a writer for Pedro characters (or you know about a writer) not on this list, let us know and we’ll update it as soon as possible!
As PPCU fanfics don’t have a universal tag we could track, we would like to ask you to please tag @pedrostories in your post, or if you’re not using taglists anymore, #pedrostories in your tags under your post so the blog members won’t miss any of your updates. 💚
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Due to some tumblr bug we can’t tag every writer in one post, so we divided the list to different posts in alphabetical order.
✦ 0 - C ✦
✦ D - I ✦   
✦ J - M ✦  
@janaispunk @jangofctts @januaryembrs @javier-pena @javierpena-inatacvest @javierpinme @javigutierrez @javiscigarette @jbbuckybarnes  @jedifarmerr @jessahmewren @jksprincess10 @jobean12-blog @joel-millerr @joelalorian @joelmillerispunk @joels-shitty-puns @joelsflannel @joelsmochi @joelscruff @joelsgreys @joelmillers-whore @jollyrancher87 @jomiddlemarch @jonsa1 @judysxnd @juletheghoul @julesonrecord @jupiter-soups @jura-moon @justagalwhowrites @justanotherblonde23 @just-here-for-the-moment @justsomerandomfanfic @jwritesfanfics
@katareyoudrilling @katiexpunk @kaysfanficcorner @kedsandtubesocks @keeper0fthestars @keeshya6 @kilojulietsierra @kiwisbell @knivesareout @krissology @kteague 
@l0ngschl0ngking @la-lunaluna @lacroixwh0r3 @ladamedusoif @lannister-slings-and-arrows @laureliciousdefinition @lavendertales @lavenderursa @legendary-pink-dot @leslie-lyman @levi-llama @liltangerineart @lincolndjarin @linzels-blog @littlebirdsbookshelf @littleferal @littlemisspascal @littlepadika @lokischocolatefountain @loslentesdepedrito @louswrld11 @loversandantiheroes @lowlights @lucyeyelesbarrow @lumoverheaven @lunasblipsandblurbs @luvpedropascal @luxurychristmaspudding
@macfrog @magpie-to-the-morning @magpiepills @mandoalorian @mandoblowmybackout @mandoisapunk @mandorush @mandosmistress @marisferasiop @marvel-and-mischief @massivecolorspygiant @max--phillips @mcfreakin-bxtch @mendessi @mermaidgirl30 @metalnecklace @mewhenimsad @miceenscene @milkymoon2483 @milla-frenchy @millersaurora @millersdjarin @mishasminion360 @misslexilouwho @misspearly1 @missredherring @mochiduh @mondaychildsworld @moon-sang @moondirti @moonlight-prose @moralesispunk @morallyinept @mostly-megan @mothandpidgeon @mountainsandmayhem​ @mourningbirds1 @movievillainess721 @mrsjavierp @mrsmando @multifandomfanfiction @multific @musings-of-a-rose @mybworlds @mylostloversbookmarks @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
✦ N - S ✦   
✦ T - Z ✦  
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topazy · 10 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Shane Walsh × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood
Chapter: 2.06
“Morning,” you say, approaching the rest of your group outside the RV.
“Morning Lily, morning little man,” T-Dog says, tickling Jace’s cheek.
“Hey Glenn.”
“Nothing’s up. Why?” Glenn picks up a piece of wood from the ground and swiftly walks away to join Rick and Shane while they discuss the places still to be searched.
“Is it me? Is he acting stranger than usual?” T-dog asks.
“Stranger than usual,” you laugh.
You pick up two apples and head into the tent Daryl is lying in. Rick told you he thought Daryl was becoming restless due to not being able to join any searches over the past few days. You sit down beside him and toss him an apple. “So, how does it feel to be on bed rest?”
“I’m starting to wish that bullet hit me in the head,” he answers dryly while poking holes in the side of the tent with his arrow. “I just hate being useless, ya know.”
“Yeah, well, count your blessings; it’s only for a few more days.”
You take Jace out of the sling and gently lay him down; he stares up at you with wide, curious eyes. While holding an apple in one hand, you use the other to tickle Jace’s belly and try not to laugh at the faces he pulls. Daryl didn’t mind you going into his tent, unlike some of the other folk in your group. In fact, he seems to enjoy the company. Probably more so because you don’t force him into having a conversation with you; you were fine sitting in silence.
“You're not useless, Lily; you’re a mom.”
You look over at Daryl, who has turned to face the other way. The softness in his tone surprised you; it was the first time someone said those words to you without making you feel small.
Hearing the irritation in Shane’s voice, you get up. When you bend to pick Jace up, he starts to whine, “It’s fine; leave him with me.”
“Thanks, Darly.” Stepping out of the tent, you toss the apple core into a bucket of leftovers to be fed to the pigs later. You walk over to Shane, Rick, and Dale. “What’s going on?”
Shane puts his arm around your shoulder and says, “Carl had a gun.”
“How the hell did this happen?” Lori asks.
“Well, it’s my fault. I let him into the RV,” Dale says. “He said he wanted a walkie, he said you him for one, Rick.”
“So on top of everything else, he lied.”
Shane sighs. “He told me he wants to learn how to shoot. Now it’s none of my business; I’m happy to do it, but it’s your call.”
“I’m not comfortable with it.” Lori shakes her head when your brother looks at her and sighs. “Oh, don’t make me out to be the unreasonable one here, Rick. He’s just a child.”
“I know, I have my concerns too, but—”
“There’s no but; he was just shot. He’s just back on his feet, and he wants a gun?”
You move out of Shane’s arm and go over to Carl, who’s sitting sulking not far away, sitting in a fallen tree log next to the campsite. He knocks his hat down playfully and says, “Hey munchkin, what’s going on?”
“I wasn’t going to play with it!” He says defensively. “Dad and Shane are gone all the time; I just want to learn how to protect you, my mom, and Jace. And help look for Sophia! But I can’t do any of that without a gun.”
“You know you shouldn’t have lied, right?”
“I know; I’m sorry.”
“It’s not me you lied to, kid; you should apologize to Dale. Now go and explain why you want a gun to your mom and dad.” You kiss him on the cheek before standing up.
“Uh, we’ve got a situation here.”
You turn to see Daryl holding Jace, both of them covered in spit. “I am so sorry; if you give me your top, I’ll wash it along with Jace’s clothes.”
Daryl disappears back into his tent, which you assume is to get changed into a clean top. You turn back around to make sure Carl went straight to his parents, which he did. You smile at Shane, who looks at you blankly before turning away.
You watch as Shane packs the last of the supplies he’ll need into the boot of his car before slamming it down. He looks at Glenn and says, “You coming?”
“I've gotta help Dale clean the spark plugs on the RV. He said he was going to teach me mechanics. I should probably go look for him.”
“You found me.”
Glenn looks at the older man, startled.
Dale looks at Shane and says, “He’s a good learner.”
Shane shakes his head and says, “Whatever.” He goes to walk right by you but stops just as he’s about to enter the car. He lets out a sound of frustration. He turns back and kisses you lightly on the lips, saying, “Be darling.”
“Bye, be safe.”
Carl waves to you from the back seat; he was happy that his mom agreed to let Shane teach him how to shoot. You stand beside Dale and say, “Spark plugs, huh? Mind telling us why you've just lied your ass off?”
Glenn gulps down; he had been on edge the last few days. “You’re a mom, a woman, and you’re old. You’re—you both know things. So... what if somebody told you something that somebody else should know?”
“I’d think I was back in high school.”
“Glenn, stop being dramatic. Spit it out,” the older man says seriously.
“There are walkers in the barn, and Lori’s pregnant.”
Oh, hell no.
“I think we should keep this to ourselves for now.”
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate the help, but I’m assuming you have an ulterior motive for joining me.”
Your mind was still reeling from the information Glenn shared with you, and in all honesty, you didn’t know which piece of information would have a worse outcome. If the walkers escaped the barn, then everyone's lives would be at risk, but once they were dealt with, it was the end of the problem. When Rick and Shane find out Lori’s pregnant, it will only be the beginning of something. Gods, you really hoped the baby was your brother. It would absolutely destroy Rick if it wasn’t, not to mention how badly it would hurt Carl.
But right now, another issue is plaguing your mind.
“You caught me,” you admit. When you saw Hershel going to bend broken fences on his own, you offered to help him since Jace was napping. You left him at the RV, and Glenn said he’d call you the moment he woke up. “I had a uh—I was wondering, how do you test to see if a dog is deaf?”
“Why? Are you thinking of adopting one from a nearby shelter?” He chuckles.
“No,” he said, biting down on your bottom lip.
Realizing you’re not joking Hershel stands and leans against one of the posts. “Have you been having problems with your hearing? Maggie told me how your group escaped a building that exploded not long ago.”
“My hearing is fine... but I’m worried about my sons. I used to sing to Carl to get him to sleep when he was a baby, but I know that Jace can’t even hear me. I know I sound crazy because he’s a baby and can’t talk. But I swear Jace doesn’t know what I’m saying to him.”
“I’m not one to question a mother's intuition.”
“When Andrea fired her gun, she was right beside us, and Jace never even flinched.”
“Is that the first time he’s been unaffected by loud noises?”
“It’s happened a few times. Dale pointed it out to me weeks ago, but I didn’t want to listen.”
“I’m not a trained doctor, but I’ll have a look later on if you like; I can see if his ears are blocked by anything.”
“Thank you; it means a lot.” He seems taken aback when you return to helping him mend the fence. “I don’t mind being out here, so anytime there’s a hole or something that needs to be fixed, I don’t mind doing it.”
He gives you a courteous nod and continues repairing the fence.
“Shit,” you hiss.
“What did you do?”
You look up at Lori and say, "I cut my finger washing clothes on this goddamn thing.”
She chuckles. “It takes a while to get used to. By the end of the week, when I first started using it, my fingers were covered in lots of cuts.”
You didn’t mind washing clothes; in fact, you liked having something to do, but using the metal board was a nightmare; you kept catching your fingers on it. And after Daryl’s top was covered in baby sickness, you doubted he’d be happy with your blood covering it next. At least trying not to cut yourself was a great distraction from Lori being pregnant, because if you allowed yourself to think about it, you’d think it was more likely that Shane was the father. Hearing the metal gate slamming, you see Maggie storming over in your direction, with Glenn chasing after her, urging her to stop.
“Hey! We've got your stuff!” Maggie yells.
Lorie looks panicked and tries to usher Maggie into her tent, saying, “Come on in here.”
“Why? There is nothing to hide. We've got your special delivery right here.” Maggie begins to toss each item onto the ground. “Hey, get your lotion, get your conditioner, get your soap opera digest.”
“Maggie!” Lori pleads.
“Next time you want something, get it for yourself. We’re not your errand boys.”
Maggie tosses a pack of medicine at her and says, “And here are your abortion pills.”
Lori turns and stares at you, not knowing what to say to you. “I’m going to go check on Jace.”
When Jace woke from his nap, he was grumpy. When feeding didn’t settle him, you decided to take a walk around the farm house, and on your way back, you noticed the cars had returned. From the direction you walked back, you ended up on the opposite side of the RV, and nobody could see you. You’re about to make your presence known when you hear Shane talking from the other side.
“A little boy lived because of what he met down that night. I think you ought to show some gratitude.”
“I wasn’t there,” Dale says.
“No, man, you weren’t.”
“But this was the time that you raised your gun, Rick. You had him in your sights, and you held him there.”
You feel numb. You lean your back against the RV for support, feeling as if your legs are about to give out from underneath you. The sudden movements cause Jace to grumble, “Shhh.”
You gently tried to rock him and listen in at the same time, but it was difficult. You can only make out Shane saying, “I love Rick like he’s my brother.” Before Jace starts to wail, “Lily, is that you?”
“Hey, is that you back?” You plaster on a fake smile while walking around them. “Jace has been a little restless, but I’m sure now that his dad is back, he’ll be much happier.”
Shane seems genuinely happy when he stretches his arms out to take Jace, which makes you feel physically sick. You didn’t want to let him anywhere near your baby; it felt as if you couldn’t refuse him. You knew Shane would never hurt his own son; he loved Jace far too much. Dale must have had it wrong. Shane was capable of many things, but he didn’t have it in him to kill Rick. He just couldn’t.
Dale gives you a look, suggesting he knows you’re faking how sincere you were being. Noticing Glenn walking towards the three of you, you grab a random book that’s sitting and go over to him and say, “I found it.”
“Wha—this is a book about gardening.”
“Keep your head down,” you say, shoving the book into his hand. “Please tell me you weren’t about to do what I think you were.”
“Come on, I gotta tell Shane or Rick,” he whispers. “I’m awful at keeping secrets.”
“I get that, but trust me when I say, you cannot tell Shane about the walkers in the barn. Promise me you won’t tell him at least until we talk to Hershel and Rick first.”
“Fine, I’ll hold off for now.”
“Thank you.”
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OC Questionaire
I'm gonna respond to a couple people on this post so this is gonna be a bit of a big one! First, @mk-writes-stuff
What would you go back and do differently if you could redo one event in your life?
Narul: "I wouldn't have stopped to pick those flowers, I would have gotten back to the others before..."
Ninma: "I would have told Jani to stay, I would have told him that we didn't need the wine."
Otilia: "I would have left Korithia ages ago, I wouldn't have lived with that horrible man, I would run away."
Akard: "I would've stopped the Makurians. I would've kept them away from the children."
What’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever worn?
Narul: "Um, this I suppose." He gestures to the great shaggy sheepskin drapped on his shoulders, stained and matted from years of use.
Ninma: "My mother gave me a green shawl, it was the color of throw up, the weaver who made that should be thrown into the river."
Otilia: "Ugh that white...sheet, that Wadikir made us wear."
Akard: "Ugly? Hmm, when I was a boy I was told to wear a Kishite style robe, so that the Apunians would not forget my heritage. But the palace seamstresses did not know how to make it properly, so it was baggy and one sleeve was longer than the other."
How do you feel about children?
Narul: He glances at Ninma and chuckles, "Their a bit loud sometimes, maybe a little more energetic then I would like, but...I don't mind them I suppose."
Ninma: The five year old crosses her arms and sniffs regally, "They're stupid and immature, and they don't know anything about good food or poetry."
Otilia: "They're alright. I will say that I'm not terribly saddened by the fact that the gods have decided that I can't have any of my own."
Akard: At the mention of the world children he grimaces and turns away, "They are precious. The person who would do them harm...is owed no forgiveness."
And next up is @illarian-rambling
What's your favorite legend and why?
Narul: "Oh! I like the legend of the giant, Huma. I don't hear it all that often, most people don't like it because there isn't any fighting or monsters in it. Huma was a giant, like me, he was big and strong but he never used that to hurt people. There are so many stories about him. Once to protect the people of Shipra from bandits he built an entire wall for the city by himself in one night. When the fields of Shepra were dry he dug an entire river to irrigate their crops. Once when a merchant ship was stuck in a storm off the coast of Kotsa he used a sling and a rope of leather to catch the storm spirit and held it until it agreed to let the merchants get back to their homes. I know that most of the stories aren't true, but I like imagining someone that looks like me that doesn't hurt people and that people aren't afraid of."
Ninma: "Seha and the Golden Trout! Seha was so cool, and she fights monsters and forestfolks, she talked to the ancient Kiriki. She's just so cool, I think she's even cooler than Tamel was, it's easy to do impressive things when you're a demigod, Seha was just a princess from Makur."
Bazus: " The story of Tamel and the demon. When Tamel and his followers landed on the shores of Kishetal, they were attacked by a great demon, before they could escape he broke their ships and consumed three dozen people. Tamel fought the beast with his bow, and the arrows just bounced off, he fought it with his fists but he could not break the fiend's bones, and so finally he took up the hammer he had been given as a gift, a hammer of Arkodian Bronze, and that is what he used to slay the demon. And that's where they made the city of Udur, the first Kishite city. That hammer was the symbol of Royal power in Kishetal, until it went missing with Tamel's son. I wonder where it went.
Zenit: "Hmm...there's a story in Shabala, don't laugh, it's about a crow spirit that falls in love with a dove spirit. And their children became the spirits of the wind, the warm southern winds are from their mother, the cold northern winds are from their mother. It's not exciting or anything, no monsters, I just think its nice."
How do you celebrate your birthday?
Narul: "Um...I don't really know when my birthday is. I don't know if I've really ever celebrated it. Getting older...and bigger wasn't really something that I wanted to celebrate when I was younger."
Ninma: "Oh! For my fifth birthday my father would threw a big feast with fish and peaches and roast lamb, and we had a singer and dancers, and he gave me a new dress and new perfume, and all sorts of new things. And there was forestfolk with feathers like a peacock, I felt bad that he was in that cage but he was so pretty!"
Bazus: "My father throws a feast and invites all of the various nobles of Labisa. And we go on a hunt, usually for boar, auroch, or something like that. We did hunt for lions on my fifteenth birthday, no luck."
Zenit: "I don't really remember. Hutbari doesn't celebrate his slave's birthdays. "
What's something you'd regret if you died without doing?
Narul: He blushes and coughs, "Um..."
Ninma: " Hmmm...I want to be famous for a song or something like that! I want people to know who I am!"
Bazus: "Seeing my children grow up to be greater than me."
Zenit: " Putting my feet in the sea again..."
tagging @elsie-writes , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @abalonetea , @roach-pizza
Your questions are:
What is your favorite beverage for a warm summer afternoon?
What is something that keeps you up at night?
If you could switch lives with any one you know who would it be and why?
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mimilind · 8 months
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Stranger of the Falls - Part 2
Pairing: Boromir x Reader
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 1600
Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
2. Lord Främling
In the afternoon you became busy with a new patient; little Kalle, Vidar’s stablehand. He was a boy of ten, his hair a flaxen mane around a freckled face, and his arm had swelled into twice its normal size. 
“Was it Svarten again?” you guessed.
The boy nodded and swallowed a sob. Trying to be brave, young as he was.
“Vána give me patience; someone ought to do something about that black devil,” you grumbled as you helped him sit on your kitchen table and drink a cup of weak mead with willow bark for the pain. While it took effect you continued talking, again using your voice to calm a frightened patient. “I wonder why Vidar keeps that infernal, troublesome horse. This is already the third accident in that many months. If I were him I would have gotten rid of it a long time ago.”
“Svarten sires good foals,” Kalle objected.
“Still not worth the trouble keeping him, I would say, but I guess it is not my stallion.”
“Who is he?” asked the boy a bit unsteadily, trying to focus his gaze on the stranger.
“A man I found below the Falls of Rauros; I do not know his name. I will examine you now.” You began to carefully prod his arm. “Let me know if it gets too painful.” 
He winced. “It’s alright.”
“It does not appear to be broken. You were lucky,” you concluded. “In a few weeks you will be as good as new.”
When you helped the boy down from your table a while later, arm bandaged and supported by a sling, he went over to the bed. Kalle and you had been speaking Rohanese, but now he said in the common language: “Goodbye, Lord Främling, and I hope you get well soon.” 
You smiled; Främling was a fitting name for a stranger.
He did not react.
Kalle left and you went on with your day. In between chores, you checked on Lord Främling, emptied his bedpan and tried in vain to make him swallow anything. He made no movements, no sounds, and did not open his mouth.
As if he had decided to die.
Something about the set of his jaw made you certain Främling could be a very stubborn man, but you were a very stubborn healer. You would win this, you determined.
Drawing your comfortable chair closer to the bed, you studied his profile. Again you wondered who he was and what he had been through to make him capitulate so completely. 
Part of it might be because he feared becoming a cripple, you figured. He was tall and handsome, and strong. A mighty swordsman. Perhaps he had been a famous hero in his country – and now he was lying here, partly paralyzed and unable even to control his own bladder. It was probably enough to break the spirit of the bravest man.
Yet, you did not think it was only that. There was something else. The darkness in his eyes went far beyond hurt pride.
You wished he would talk and explain.
You wished you could help him – and not only with his physical injuries.
He intrigued you. 
You fell asleep in your chair again. When you woke, Främling was moving fitfully in his sleep. You immediately recognized the symptoms of fever.
As you checked him, you saw one of the arrow wounds had festered. Around the edges the skin was swollen and an angry red, and a putrid liquid seeped from the uneven hole. 
It was the one where the arrow shaft had been broken. Had a splinter become stuck in there? If so, its poison might spread into the bloodstream and kill the man.
You were uncertain what to do. You could cut away the infected flesh and try to find the splinter, but that would be unbearably painful for him without a strong pain killing potion. 
You decided to wait a while longer and smeared on more yarrow ointment. Maybe it would be enough to counter whatever was poisoning the wound. 
Lord Främling groaned and his eyes flickered open. He tried to push your hand away but had no strength in his arm. 
“You still do not want anything for the pain?” you asked.
He did not reply. Did he really not understand the common language?
There was no way to tell.
You had finished putting on new bandages when there was a knock and Maja, one of the shepherdesses, came in with a puppy on her arm. 
“Can you heal my Ludde?” she asked in a small voice. She described the symptoms, how the poor dog could not keep any food down and had diarrhea the whole day. It had started yesterday after she brought him with her to practice herding sheep. Could he have been poisoned somehow?
You examined the puppy but saw no signs of poisoning. No drooling, no trembling. This time of year there were not many poisonous plants or mushrooms around so you doubted that could be the cause anyway.
Maybe the water, though? The many puddles and pools near the river were none too clean, and several of them were natural tar pits where a thick, oily sludge occasionally bubbled up. Tar was a great resource for waterproofing baskets and roofs but less great for thirsty animals.
”Did he drink anything when you were out?”
”Just pond water. He had so much fun chasing water birds and I did not have the heart to stop him. Was that bad?”
“He must have caught something in it, but worry not, it will probably pass. I shall feed him boiled water with honey and broth, it will calm his stomach. He can stay with me today, and I will notify you as soon as he improves – and in the future, do not let him drink anything but river water or water from the well.”
A bit calmer, the girl left and you began preparing the treatment. 
There seemed to be no problem with the puppy’s appetite. He swiftly emptied the bowl you put down, licking it clean.
“There is a good boy. Try to keep that down now,” you instructed him. 
Thankfully he did not vomit, and after an hour or so you ventured some mashed potato with more honey water. When you took him out for a walk a while later his bowels were less runny. 
Relieved you went back inside. At least this patient would be cured.
But as for your other one… Främling’s face had grown pale and sickly, with droplets of moisture forming on his bandaged forehead. When you touched it he felt burning hot.
You tried to slip a spoonful of potion between his lips, hoping he was becoming too confused by the fever to remember to refuse, but he snapped them shut and frowned at you.
“Damn your stubbornness,” you muttered between clenched teeth.
He looked like he was thinking exactly the same thing about you.
You went to the kitchen, cooking yourself a warm meal. With luck, the irresistible aroma of lamb stew would make him so hungry he could not stop himself.
But in all honesty, you were seriously beginning to doubt that. The man’s willpower was unbelievable. You feared he would win – that he would die on you.
While you ate, Ludde was becoming increasingly lively. The food had revived him and now he bounced around the room, frolicking like a colt, attacking the furniture and chewing on your boots. 
You decided to ask Torsten to fetch the shepherdess; her dog was good to go. 
When you returned, you were surprised to see that Ludde had jumped onto Främling’s bed. But even more surprising, the man was clumsily petting the puppy with both hands, though the left one was still the most agile. He must have regained more mobility during the day.
“You can move your right hand,” you exclaimed, pleased.
He quickly put it down with an almost sheepish look, like a boy caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.
You sat in the chair beside him, leaning forward. “And – just now you heard what I said and understood it. Do not deny it. You put the right hand down. You have understood me this whole time, you stubborn man!”
He neither replied, nor looked at you, but it was too late. He could not fool you anymore.
You turned his face towards you, forcing him to meet your eyes. “It is a relief that you understand, because I need to tell you something important. I suspect there is a splinter left of one of the arrows and it is poisoning you. Corrupting the wound. That is why you have a fever.”
He did not reply but you knew he was listening. His gaze did not waver.
“I have to cut away flesh to find it and get it out. It will hurt. Much. I have a potion that can take away the pain and I need you to take it. I do not want to torment you needlessly.”
For the first time a hint of insecurity flickered across his eyes. Then he firmly shook his head. 
“Nno… lleave me alone,” he slurred, trying to push you away but he was weak as a kitten.
“I will not let you die,” you said with emphasis. “You are my patient and I am a servant of Vána; I have sworn to use her herbs and flowers to heal, and to do everything in my power to save lives. I will try and it will hurt. Please, accept the potion. It is stupid not to.”
His gaze hardened. 
You made yours equally hard. Stern. 
He frowned angrily, turning the left corner of his mouth down. “Uck you.”
“I will pretend I did not understand that.” You put the spoon against his mouth. ”Open up.”
With a last, furious glare at you he obeyed.
Hurt/comfort incoming in 1… 2… 3… (Did I mention it’s among my favorite tropes?)
Trivia: Vána is one of the Valar, married to Oromë the Huntsman, whom the Rohirrim call Béma.
Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Next Part > ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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merryfortune · 8 days
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
AiYusa Month 2024 | May 26th-June 1st | Week Three
Prompts: One Last Word | “If I don’t say this, I’d die.”
Title: the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Ship: Aiballshipping | Ai/Yusaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,540
Tags: Truth Serum, Happy Ending
Day 1. Hour 0.
   “Whoa, Ai, are you okay?” Playmaker asked, he had barely skirted the danger but Ai had gallantly taken the worst of it, anything to protect his one true love.
   Or so he had claimed - and crooned - as the shower of arrows rained down on him.
   The effects of the trap that had been triggered faded. The arrows had been made of light: bright white and soft cyan. The cascading weapons had rained down on Ai and he took them valiantly, with muted and occasional grunts.
   So long as his partner Playmaker was safe, yeah?
   Ai laughed as he turned around, twisting like taffy as he came down closer to 
   “Never better.” he cheerfully exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head.
   Already the animated effects of the triggered trap had begun to fade. Its not like Ai looked like a bright and shiny pincushion anymore, just his regular old self. Even so, Playmaker’s brow formed a frown as he examined Ai as best as he could. He gave him a poke and a prod.
   “You sure?” he asked, to be extremely certain.
   “Yes, yes, would I lie to you?” Ai asked.
   Playmaker was quiet. The answer to that was yes, Ai, you would.
   His icy silence made Ai chuckle sheepishly, shrinking in on himself, “Gee, tough crowd.”
   “Alright. I believe you but that’s enough exploring for today. I think we’ve found ourselves in enough trouble today as is.” Playmaker decided.
   “Too true!” Ai cooed and that was that.
   They logged out with little fanfare and little funny business. Kusanagi couldn’t agree more, putting one foot wrong on even the most minor of missions would have unsettled anyone as a thing of more to go wrong. He dismissed them both from Link VRAINS duty as well from hot dog van duties, they may as well have the rest of the afternoon off.
   If only it were so simple.
Day 1. Hour 6.
   Nothing really went awry in Yusaku’s eyes until several hours later when he realised he had quite the mundane conundrum on his hands.
   “What should I have for dinner tonight?” Yusaku asked as he stared down his truest, most longest-time enemy: the sparse insides of a dingy refrigerator. He sighed, “Am I even that hungry…?”
   “What does it matter?” Ai asked, “It’s not like you’ll choose something actually good for your meat bag body or your bank account.”
   “Hey.” Yusaku grouched. He closed the refrigerator with a slam.
   That was… a little mean. Which is fine. Ai was mean sometimes. Heck, he was mean sometimes. Sometimes they were even mean to each other but in this particular instance, it felt more than a little uncalled for. They’d had a big day but was it really so big as to demand a short fuse? 
   Yusaku’s brows furrowed and Ai yipped. He put his hands in front of his face and began to panic.
   “Sorry. I said that without thinking.” Ai apologised.
   “That’s okay, that was gonna be my guess.” Yusaku murmured.
   “Like, it’s just.” Ai stammered. “I care about you. You're my partner! I want to see you take better care of your body. You're not immortal. Like please. Eat a vegetable, any vegetable. Maybe drink some milk for your bones or something, please!”
   His ramblings came across as sweet even if it didn’t go beyond a fond look on Yusaku’s face.
   “Thanks, Ai.” he said. “Let’s go to the convenience store, make some veggie onigiri or something.”
   “That’s better than nothing, I guess.” Ai replied.
   Yusaku hummed but kept this spat in the back of his head. There was just something ever so subtly off about it. It stuck out to him as he collected his wallet and a reusable bag so the two of them could hit the nearest convenience store real quick so he could buy things to make dinner for tonight and things for the next couple of days. He did have school tomorrow.
   And oh boy.
Day 2. Hour 33
   Thanks to Yusaku going MIA for three months last year, and not having his head in the game academically at all thanks to his activities as an underground hero in the Link VRAINS, he had a lot to catch up on this year and was being made to repeat. That meant Aoi and Naoki were now in the year above him and the peers who were once in the year below him ostracised him worse than his previous classmates but honestly. That was a bonus to Yusaku. No distractions, no nothing. He didn’t mind being the class pariah.
   But even he still had some vain semblance of dignity here and there.
   Dignity Ai was, apparently, in no hurry to preserve.
   They had come to an agreement. Call it love, call it codependence, call it whatever but where Yusaku went, Ai went too and given he was an Ignis, he could go easily under the radar so long as he kept his trap shut.
   If only it were that simple and so far this year, it had actually. Until now.
   It was no secret that Yusaku was the odd one out in his new class. He was slightly older, had a weird aura and an even weirder reputation but he was there. He did his best to stick to the status quo despite very much sticking out as the sore thumb of the group. Yusaku didn’t care either way.
   Not even when his ears (and, heaven forbid, Ai’s) caught whispers of his classmates spreading rumours or gossip. Their words, under their breath or under their desks, were probably meant to be malicious but it didn’t phase Yusaku that much. He had had several years of practice by now to perfect the art of the aloof teenage boy’s nonchalance.
   He didn’t even care if it was the teacher at the front of the classroom who was the one passing on such utterances either.
   Since it was still the beginning of the year, Yusaku didn’t feel an intense urge to study or even focus in class. Maybe he should but it was quite whatever with him. He still had recollection from last year so he just wanted to cruise on through to the last term on a bludge. His teacher didn’t appreciate such a lazy approach, however.
   Yusaku was, admittedly, staring out the window in the most blatant manner possible. He had his chin propped up on his fit, his elbow dug into his desk and his face was pointed out the left of him. He watched as the world idly existed outside his classroom. Birds flitted about trees, ants and salarymen alike scurried around, it was pleasant.
   Until it wasn’t.
   His teacher harrumphed, “Interrupting your daydreams, am I?”
   “Huh?” Yusaku’s eyelashes fluttered as he focused his eyes again, his reverie broken.
   Apparently the  answer to the teacher’s question was yes, but the answer to his other question was not silence either.
   “I said,” the teacher reiterated testily, “are you paying attention? Can you answer the question on the board?”
   Yusaku sheepishly recalibrated. He turned his head and began to frantically scan the board for the answer. This was maths, his strong suit! He should be fine just give him three seconds but his teacher had no interest in mercy. Students who displeased him were not students he showed sympathy to.
   “You may as well quit school at this point if you are going to sleep through it.” his teacher sneered.
   Yusaku fumed vehemently but bit his tongue.
   Ai, having no tongue to bite, didn’t hold back, however.
   “And what do you know, mister?!” Ai piped up. 
   His voice rang through the whole classroom, pausing all the usual clamour. The sound of clicky-clacky keys on tablets, hushed chatter, the sound of pages in books being flicked about. It all ceased eerily as the teacher tried to figure out who had sassed him.
   His face went pink with irritation - but Yusaku wasn’t doing much better. He knew whose voice that was, after all. And its a shame that that voice kept going, had much more to say.
   “Yusaku is the best! He’s smart and works hard, YOU need to provide actually mentally stimulating classes, I’d grade you as an F-minus teacher!” Ai yelled from hiding underneath Yusaku’s sleeve.
   “Are you mocking me, Fujiki-kun?” he snarled.
   “N-No, I have no idea who said that.” Yusaku said.
   “I will be seeing you for reprimand after school, Fujiki!” his teacher snapped.
   Yusaku nodded and clamped his hand over his wrist, as discreetly as he could, too. A reprimand after school, whilst humiliating and scathing, was not the worst thing in the world. He could cop that on the chin but he couldn’t cope with Ai. Not after this, anyway.
   What had gotten into Ai? When Yusaku thought about it, he could really only think of one thing…
   The blush to Yusaku’s face began to recede as he knuckled down in mathematics after this incident. But in the meantime, as he did his arithmetic, his skin crawled and his mind raced. They had talked about this. He and Ai had talked about this exact thing at length and how it was completely and utterly antithetical to the whole staying on the downlow about the existence of the Ignis. 
   Now it was official.
   Things were getting really weird.
   Anyone with eyes could see that there was something sketchy going on with Ai. Let alone Yusaku who spent basically every hour of every day with his partner. It had been bubbling under the surface ever since yesterday but there was just something spotty about Ai. Like he had been hooked up to a coffee machine and was now on the fritz from consuming too much caffeine. He was talking faster, twitching constantly.
   As soon as the class was dismissed for the first break of the day, Yusaku bolted. Since he had a hall pass of the five finger discount variety, he made his way to the most private place in the school: the rooftop. He bypassed its cybernetic security and closed the door behind him.
   All so he and Ai could try and figure things out because that little outburst from earlier crossed the line.
   It was getting on Yusaku’s nerves and of course, it was getting genuinely worrisome.
   “Are you sure you are okay?” Yusaku asked, much heavier in tone than how he had since what he was willing to believe was the precipitating incident from yesterday.
   “N-Never better, beloved.” Ai yapped in reply.
   Yusaku’s eyebrows twinged. He still couldn’t put his finger on it but he let it go for now. 
   He just couldn’t pinpoint exactly what Ai’s problem was beneath the surface of the excessive, frenetic energy he was bubbling with.
Day 3. Hour 72.
   And this energy was a problem.
   Whether Ai wanted to admit it or not.
   It was beginning to drive Yusaku up the wall.
   He had been doing his best to simply ignore it but it was becoming extraordinarily obviously clear that this wasn’t going to go away on its own. Ai was fast coming to that conclusion to as they butted heads together. Or ai tried to stop himself from opening his big mouth. Yusaku wanted to focus on the important things - school, his health, the Link VRAINS - and Ai acting on the fritz was incredibly counterintuitive from that and boxing themselves up in his apartment. Not the solution apparently.
   “I think you need some fresh air.” Yusaku suggested - and that was saying something since he, famously, did not touch grass and Ai didn’t even have lungs to breathe with but he still really needed something.
   It was clear by now - to both Yusaku and Ai - that whatever Ai was going through, it was coming to a head. The afternoon had been so stifling since Ai’s last outburst. It had kept him so embarrassed that they had given each other some space but even then.
   The aftermath was still apparent. Yusaku could hear Ai downstairs with Roboppy, they would bicker and make up and bicker again. Just like with him, really but Yusaku was finished with his homework and it was once again time for him to break fast with a homemade dinner. But first.
   He had to address the elephant in the room with Ai.
   Defeated, deflated, Ai nodded, “Yeah, let’s take a walk.”
   Yusaku agreed.
   Yusaku picked Ai up, Duel Disc and all, and walked him outside. He locked his apartment behind him and felt the chill of an early winter breeze. It was surprisingly crisp for being the inner city but Yusaku adjusted as he began to take his stroll to the park nearby.
   He kept his wrist down but he could all but feel Ai hunkered down in embarrassment until they found a little spot. It was quiet right now. Anyone who was out and about at this hour had likely already made their way home from work or to the nearest restaurant for a night out.
   The city was dim, lit by yellow windows and orange streetlights which seemed so distant as they were plotted along the concrete path that criss-crossed through the park. The green space was perfectly calculated from clipped grass to pruned trees evenly spaced along the path.
   “You ready?” Yusaku asked, his voice low as he stayed to the side of a tree, sitting down on a park bench.
   He heard a grunt and let Ai make his way up. He held his arm like a plank so he could give Ai some semblance of an equal platform. Ai rolled up and began to stretch. The nerves he gave were prickly as he jerked and warmed up to whatever it was he had on his chest until his eyes opened. The yellow of them gleamed with determination which cut through Yusaku’s expectation and was followed by a declaration.
   “If I don’t say this, I’d die.” Ai said. “I - I think, anyway.”
   Yusaku was… dubious to say the least but he could understand the severity and depth of Ai’s emotions, however. He had been in full view of them in the past seventy-two hours, after all. 
   Ai placed his hand, now balled up into a fist, in front of his chest. Where his heart would have been if he weren’t an android. Or an Ignis. He licked his lips and his voice box crackled.
   “I love you.” Ai confessed. “I mean it. From the very bottom of my soul.”
   “I know.” Yusaku replied, a hint of a smile. “I love you, too.”
   Ai blinked. He looked like a refrigerator on the fritz. He also looked like he was beginning to wind down from the virus that had kept him infected for the past seventy-two hours.
   “Is that… everything you wanted to say?” Yusaku asked.
   “I-I think so.” Ai said.
   Yusaku chuckled, “I’m glad you're more like yourself now. You had me worried there for a second.”
   He lifted his wrist closer to his face and let Ai hug him, nuzzling against him in a relieved kiss. The effects of the virus that Ai had clearly been suffering with already became a distant memory as they soaked up the calm that finally followed it.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - noon Nov 8 🇮🇱
"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
▪️CONCERNS… (Amit Segal, Ch. 12) From PM office announcement, “meeting with the heads of the authorities in Judea and Samaria is taking place today as part of a visit by the War Cabinet to the Central Command, in view of the security officials' warning of a serious security escalation in Judea and Samaria.”
▪️IDF ON THE MOVE… Enemy sources report online that IDF tanks are inside the Ansar outpost in southern Gaza City (Tel El Hawa area).  According to them, this indicates that the front of the foot soldiers is already much deeper inside Gaza City.
▪️EXTREME PALLYWOOD… a bit surprised at the EXTREME OBVIOUS staged photos from Gaza, yet being published in mainstream media as real.  Photo 1 - 10 children run towards camera (away from ‘bad things’).. area dusty, children clean, in the background group of men smoking drinking coffee not very worried about bad things.  Photo 2 - man spontaneously holds his head screaming near rubble in clean white t-shirt, whoops 2 different photographers on opposite sides of him caught in picture.  Photo 3 - man holding child (child with clean white undershirt) running away from ‘bad things’ through burnt tree branches, with a crowd (with a man with clean white t-shirt) behind him who is casually walking the other way.
I’m sure there is real horrible things happening, but EVERY GAZA HAMAS PICTURE IN THE MEDIA is FAKED, MANIPULATED, or AI.  Every.  Single.  One.  https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/news/israels-ground-invasion-ramps-up-as-gaza-death-toll-surpasses-10k/
▪️ROCKET STATS… The percentage of successful rocket interceptions is over 88%.  About 9,600 launches from 4 arenas since the beginning of the war.  David’s Sling intermediate range interceptors scored 60 interceptions for the system with 100% success.  And 2 Arrow long range interceptions, one noted as the first-ever live interception of a missile in space.
▪️WORKERS… (A portion of the Israeli economy operates using lower-cost foreign workers, in construction, farming, elder care, and some basic jobs at restaurants among others.  Palestinian and Gaza workers filled many of these roles.)  Minister of Interior MK Arbel, "We signed a very important agreement with Sri Lanka to receive thousands of workers.”
▪️TEL AVIV CITY… The Municipality decided to budget about NIS 50 million for the construction of protected areas in the municipal kindergartens where there is no protected area. 
▪️WORLD POLITICS… US SEC STATE “There is no possibility that Hamas will continue to rule Gaza. A transition phase is needed after combat.  Israel cannot manage/control Gaza and its captains have informed us that they have no intention of doing so.”
▪️ISRAELI POLITICS… Justice Minister calls meeting of Committee to Select Judges, the delay of this meeting being one of the primary controversial issues in Israel prior to the war.  It will meet next Thursday at the office of the Minister of Justice in Jerusalem.
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braxiatel · 2 years
“We Double as a Drama Troupe”
(Link to read on AO3) 
“To be, or not to be, that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them,” Ren spoke, his voice bouncing off the crastle walls.
“To die - to sleep, no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; to sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub: for in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause… Yes, Scar?”
“Question,” Scar began, leaning against the armrest of the netherite throne. “Wouldn’t it be more fitting if you were the evil king?”
Cleo and Cub groaned in unison, something they had had abundant opportunity to rehearse over the past week.
“I’m just saying,” Scar defended.
“And what exactly is it you’re saying, Sir Scar?” Ren asked testily.
“Why, that you are our most luscious of rulers, of course. Why should you have to settle for being a mere prince, when you could be a king?”
With a click and a whirring sound, the blinding stage lights went out.
“What’s happening down there?” Cub called from the balcony.  
“Just another Scar-break,” Iskall yelled back.
“Did you miss the part where he is the antagonist of the story, Scar?” Ren interrupted, ignoring the squabbling squabs. “A king as beloved as I could never pass as such a vile snake. None of my subjects would find it believable.”
“That’s a bit offensive,” Cleo pointed out, flicking her hair.
“Really? I thought it was rather apt,” Ren admitted, ceasing to project his voice throughout the throne room.
“I laughed!” Bdubs said from where he was juggling at least a dozen different hats, trying to recall which he was to wear in the next scene.
“You didn’t!” Iskall accused. “He’s standing right there, he heard that you didn’t.”
“Shut up!” Bdubs hissed.
Scar giggled.
“He said the thing!”
Cub, who had somehow appeared at the throne, glanced at his bare wrist.
“Perhaps now would be a good time for our lunch break, your majesty? Union rules, and all that. ”
Joe perked up.
“There’s a union?”
“No and no,” Ren sighed. “Come on, people. The premiere is tomorrow, and this whole thing is still a mess. Scar, you keep complaining about getting one of the biggest parts in the play. Cleo and Joe, you spend more time gossiping than you do acting.”
“Was it not the great playwright himself who said that all the world’s a stage? So technically, by that logic, are we not all of us acting at all times? Even at this very moment?” Joe posited.
His comment went completely ignored by the rest of the company, as they so often did.
“— Iskall, you forget to show up half the time, and you are still doing that voice—”
“The queen is a dignified matriarch, this is how one of those speaks,” Iskall protested.
“I think he was referring to you doing it even when you’re out of character,” Cub speculated.
“It’s called method acting!”
“Stanislavski would be rolling in his grave,” Joe sighed to an audience of no one.
“—Bdubs doesn’t know half of his lines—”
“Would be a little easier if I didn’t have to play more than half of the characters,” Bdubs grumbled, something that either went completely ignored by the king, or more likely he would hear about it later, in private.
“— and Cub, you have apparently joined a union?”
“Started it, in fact,” he grinned.
“Man, he’s really laying it on thick with this corruption arc,” Scar commented, to a collective hum of approval.
“Guys, can we please just take this seriously for one day? It would really mean a lot to me,” Ren pleaded.
The rest of the troupe shared a look, coming to an unspoken agreement that ultimately going along with Ren’s latest terrible idea was worth it to make their friend happy.
“Sure,” Iskall agreed on behalf of everyone.
“Thank you. Now, shall we get back to the scene?”
“Before we do, to get us back into the flow of things, I just thought I’d share an interesting fact about Hamlet—” Joe began, meeting a resounding groan from the rest of the company.
The bickering resumed, even Ren joining in at this point.
Cub, who had taken a seat back and was simply watching the chaos unfold, glanced at the skull sitting abandoned on the floor at downstage left.
“Alas, poor Impulse,” he murmured.
For the seventh time that day he wondered if he should actually defect to the soup group, or if selling tickets to this shitshow would ultimately price a more profitable business venture.
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floragaleflower · 1 year
InuKag Week 2023 Day 5 - June 2. Heat @inukag-week
Tumblr media
∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ Kagome eats some spicy food that she cooked for everyone, including Inuyasha. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ I would have posted this on June second, but I only just finished writing this, so, sorry ‘bout that. I’m kinda dealing with some writing burnout from writing so much in the past two weeks, so I won’t be writing for a few weeks. Maybe. There is one idea I do want to write, but I’m not sure if I have the wherewithal to actually write it. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what I wrote! AO3 ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙
Kagome smiled to herself as she added the last ingredient to her soup. She was making a nice vegetable soup with carrots and peas and lentils along with a ramen noodle base. She’d added some spices in the mix to give it that extra little bit of flavor. She hadn’t tasted it yet, but she was sure it would be delicious!
She especially hoped that Inuyasha would like her cooking this time. The guy rarely complimented her cooking, but she always hoped anyway. Maybe since he was in her body, he would be able to taste the flavor she’d put in?
She felt Shippō jump up onto her shoulder to look at what she was doing. He asked, “Is it done yet? I’m hungry!”
Trust Shippō to be impatient about food. He was still a small child yet, so it wasn’t really that surprising. Kagome looked at Shippō and tried to give him her best disappointed face. She said, “Shippō, be patient, ok? It won’t be much longer.”
Shippō pouted at her, but nodded and leapt down off her shoulder before scrambling off into the bushes.
Kagome turned back to her cooking pot and stirred it one more time before taking it off the fire and setting it on the rock she’d set up for it. Kagome then grabbed the bucket of water she’d gotten earlier and doused the fire with it, putting it out. Now all she had to do was wait for the food to cool enough to be eaten. Shippō wasn’t the only one that was hungry.
Speaking of, she should probably go tell the others that lunch was almost ready and that they should finish up whatever they were doing.
She turned and walked to the other clearing where Inuyasha was trying to shoot a tree with arrows and missing and Sango was sitting on a nearby log watching while trying her best to avoid Miroku’s wandering hand. Shippō was nowhere to be seen, but Kagome knew that he was probably hiding somewhere nearby.
Sango quickly noticed her presence and turned to look at her before smiling. Sango said, “Kagome, is lunch ready?”
Inuyasha, having heard Sango, lowered his bow and turned to face Kagome. He was scowling a bit more than usual. Miroku, who was sitting next to Sango, had a goofy grin on his face as he looked over at Kagome.
Kagome smiled at Sango, nodded her head, and said, “Almost! It just needs to cool a bit first.”
Sango nodded her head and got up, picking up her Hiraikotsu and slinging it on her back. Inuyasha crossed his arms and snorted before snarking, “Keh! I bet it’ll be so spicy it burns my tongue off.”
How dare he! Kagome scowled and snapped, “Inuyasha! No, it’s not! My food is never that hot!” Everyone else liked her cooking and she’d never put enough in to even feel a slight burn!
At that, Inuyasha stuck his nose up in the air with a petulant expression on his face before sarcastically saying, “Sure!”
Sango, who had been watching them with a mildly amused expression on her face, rolled her eyes and said, “Kagome, ignore him. He’s just frustrated that he’s so bad at archery.”
Inuyasha angrily interjected, “Hey! No, I’m not!” He did his best to glower at Sango with his borrowed face.
Kagome did her best to ignore him, and replied to Sango, saying, “Yeah. Anyways, we should probably go eat. The soup’s probably cooled off enough by now.”
Kagome and the others walked back to their camp and saw that Shippō was already there, shifting from foot to foot and visibly drooling. From the looks of things, he’d left the soup alone so far, although he likely wouldn’t have held out much longer than he already had.
Kagome smiled at Shippō and said, “Shippō, I’m about to serve lunch!” She motioned for him to sit down on the grass near the now dead fire.
Shippō grinned and said, “Yay! Food!” He then scampered over and sat down. The others followed suit and did the same.
Kagome grabbed a bowl from the stack next to the pot containing the soup and began ladling soup into the bowl. One, two, and three. Now that the bowl was full, she took a spoon, put it in the bowl and walked over to Sango to hand it to her.
Sango smiled up at her and said, “Thanks! This smells great!”
Kagome gave her a nervous smile back. She hadn’t yet tasted it yet, so she didn’t know for sure. She then walked back over to the pot and began filling another bowl.
Shippō piped up, saying, “Me next! Me next!”
Kagome looked over her shoulder and smiled as she finished filling the bowl and said, “Sure Shippō!” The little fox kit must be really hungry for him to be so eager.
She grabbed a spoon and gave the bowl of soup to Shippō before affectionately patting him on the head. He really was quite cute.
Shippo grinned up at Kagome and said, “Yay! Thanks!” He then dug into his food.
Sango paused eating for a moment and said, “Hey, Kagome, this is delicious, as always! You’re a really good cook!”
Kagome looked over at her and saw that she was smiling. Kagome replied, saying, “I’m glad!”
Kagome saw Inuyasha roll his eyes as he groused, saying, “Keh! I still say it’s too spicy.”
Kagome rolled her eyes as she turned around and walked back to fill another bowl. It just wasn’t worth it. Inuyasha was simply determined to be a grump sometimes.
Miroku said, “Inuyasha, you can’t say that. You haven’t even tasted the soup yet.”
Inuyasha said, “Miroku, she always makes it too spicy!”
Once Kagome finished filling one bowl she started filling another bowl. She figured she may as well give Inuyasha and Miroku their food at the same time. After that, she’d get herself a bowl.
In a mildly irritated tone of voice, Sango said, “Inuyasha, it’s never been that spicy. I’ve certainly never felt my mouth burn from her cooking.”
Now that the second bowl was full of soup, Kagome took two spoons and put one in each bowl. She then walked over to Miroku and held a bowl out, saying, “Here! Enjoy!”
Miroku reached out and took it, smiling and saying, “Thanks, Kagome!”
Kagome then turned towards Inuyasha and held out the remaining bowl with a smile. She hoped that Inuyasha would at least try what she’d made. She’d done her best to make it taste good.
Inuyasha huffed and turned his nose up at her before saying, “Kagome, I don’t want to burn my tongue again.”
Kagome scowled at him and said, “Inuyasha, could you at least try it? I worked really hard on this and I really don’t appreciate it when you won’t even taste it!”
Inuyasha looked back and forth from her, the bowl, and the others who were silently watching their argument. After a few moments of this, he rolled his eyes and said, “Oh, fine! I’ll taste it.” He grabbed it from Kagome’s hand and roughly shoved a spoonful into his mouth.
Kagome nervously watched as Inuyasha frowned and ate another spoonful, and another. After a few more bites of the soup, he paused and said, “This… isn’t too spicy!” He looked at Kagome and said, “It’s edible.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. She knew what he meant by that. He was just too embarrassed to actually admit that he’d been wrong about her cooking, despite actually liking it. She smiled at him and said, “Happy you like it!”
Inuyasha blushed and said, “Keh.” He went back to eating.
Kagome then turned and went back to get her bowl of soup. She filled a bowl and grabbed a spoon for herself before she walked over and sat down next to Inuyasha. She was really looking forward to eating her soup. Even Inuyasha had liked it this time!
She dipped her spoon into the soup, brought the spoonful to her mouth, and ate it. Instantly, her mouth lit on fire! She reflexively swallowed and the soup set her throat on fire as well. She felt her eyes water and she yelped in pain. Kagome couldn’t believe that her soup could be so spicy! She hadn’t even put in all that much and nobody else had had any complaints!
Gah! Kagome knew she needed to clean her mouth out. This really hurt!
Kagome set her bowl down and bolted for the nearby stream, hoping that the water would cool her mouth. As she ran, she heard Sango say, “Kagome? Are you ok?”
Kagome yelled over her shoulder, saying, “Yeah! Just too spicy for me!”
Once she arrived at the stream, Kagome dropped to her knees and stuck her mouth in the water. She filled her mouth with the water and swished it around before spiting it out. She did this multiple times before sitting up and taking a few deep breaths. The burning sensation returned, but lessened a bit from the washing.
She heard a twig snap and she looked over to see Inuyasha walking towards her. He looked worried. He crouched down and sat beside her before saying, “Kagome?”
Kagome looked into his eyes for a moment before staring down into her lap. She knew she should apologize for not believing him about her cooking, but she hadn’t thought that it was possible for someone to be that sensitive to spice.
Kagome sighed and said, “Inuyasha… I… I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”
She jolted in surprise when she felt arms encircle her in a hug. She looked over at Inuyasha and saw that he was looking up at her while hugging her.
Inuyasha said, “Kagome, it’s ok. The soup was good. You did your best.”
Kagome knew he was trying to make her feel better, but that didn’t change the fact that she hadn’t believed him about her food being too spicy. Kagome sighed and said, “Inuyasha, I should have believed you when you told me that my food was too spicy. I should have listened!”
Inuyasha smiled at her and said, “You know now, right?” His hug tightened for a moment before he released the hug and grabbed one of Kagome’s hands. He said, “I want you by my side.”
Kagome smiled. Inuyasha was right, you can’t do anything to change the past, no matter how hard you try. Kagome nodded and said, “Yeah, I do now! I’ll try to remember to cook food for you that isn’t spicy.” It was the least that she could do for him.
Inuyasha nodded his head yes before leaning into her side and relaxing. Kagome looked on in surprise before leaning into him as well.
∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ I was inspired to write this by how I’m very sensitive to spicy foods. While I’ve recently gotten a slight tolerance to it, I used to be so sensitive that things like peperoni pizza and even slightly too much black pepper in food would have me reaching for the milk. Anything spicier than mild salsa would be really painful to eat. At least I can now eat pepperoni pizza without my tongue getting set on fire, but I still have a hard time eating more than a small amount of mild salsa. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙
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ravensilversea · 11 months
I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose
Title: I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose
Author: Raven_Silversea
Rating: T
Pairing: Colonnello & Aloy, background Colonnello/Lal Mirch/Reborn
Prompt: Reincarnation AU / Oblivious Flirting
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Nora!Colonnello, set during Horizon: Zero Dawn, Post- The City of the Sun Quest, Pre- Into the Borderlands Quest
“You could go back, you know,” Aloy says in the middle of looting a supply chest. “I mean,” she gestures at the bodies and destroyed machines all around them, “the killers are dead, you avenged your brother, and I bet Sona and Teersa will support your return-”
“I have people I’m looking for, kora,” Colonnello cuts her off. He tosses a broken arrow to the side and pulls another, still intact, one from the next body to add to his collection. Jumping down from the quarry ledge to the wooden platform Aloy’s crouched on, he splits his arrow collection in half and passes some to her. “I would have left years ago, but the Matriarchs wouldn’t give me the Seeker’s Mark, even though I won the Proving.”
Aloy frowns. “I thought you could ask for anything.” She does a cursory wipe of the arrows to remove any wet blood before slotting them into her quiver. 
Colonnello snorts as he haphazardly throws his own arrows into the quiver on his back. He’ll clean and organize them better next time they make camp, so there’s no reason for Aloy to glare at him like that, especially since she’ll also have to clean her arrows later. “Yeah, well, you’re not supposed to ask for leave to come and go from the Sacred Lands, kora.” He about-turns and starts walking towards the quarry exit, and the scrambling of boots against stone tell him that Aloy’s following. 
“So…” she drawls. “What did you get as your boon?”
Colonnello sighs, looking up to the blue afternoon sky and beseeching a dead god for patience. “I settled for changing my name and getting a post on the border.”
“Bet the Matriarches took that well.”
“Ha! They hated it almost as much as my mother did.” If his brother hadn’t been her favorite child before that day, he certainly was after. Not that Colonnello blames her for it. He’s always been a shitty son, and this is now the second life running he’s left his mother grieving while he fucks off into danger to run away from his own grief.
Aloy brushes past him and does a running leap to the first handhold. The sunlight gleams off her red hair, and her smile almost puts its brightness to shame. She’s so goddamn young, and his brother was too. Too young to hold all of Teersa’s hopes on her shoulders and far too young to die. 
His climb up the handholds and ledges is slower than hers, which she always takes a moment to tease him about. “Do I need to slow down for you, old man?” she asks from above him with a grin.
“I’ll show you who’s old,” he grumbles and hauls himself up and over the last ledge out of the quarry. He’s not old. He’s nowhere near old. Twenty is nothing compared to being a hundred despite being physically fifty. Just because she’s sixteen and wandering around with only one set of memories doesn’t make him old.
Well, he thinks as Aloy runs up to their Strider and does minor repairs on it before slinging her packs over it’s rear end already to get going and do the next thing. Maybe he is a bit old.
“One of these days, kora,” he says, mounting up behind her on the horse-like machine, “I am going to introduce you to the concept of a siesta.”
Aloy laughs. “You keep saying that and have yet to do it.”
“It hasn’t been ‘one of these days’ yet, kora.”
Aloy waits days to ask who he’s looking for, and Colonnello’s honestly a bit surprised she waited that long. She doesn’t exactly have tact and does have a desire to know everything about everything. 
The campfire crackles as Colonnello rotates the rabbits he’s cooking for their dinner, and somewhere in the distance, a Longleg blasts something. Probably a fox. Maybe some poor fool who got too close to the machine herd.
Aloy shifts so that she’s sitting directly across from him, which makes it hard to ignore her expectant expression.
He sighs and sits back against the rock behind him. How does he even explain that he’s looking for people he’s known most of his life but also never met? People who are long dead and possibly not even born, or born and don’t remember him? The stars and Milky Way above him give Colonnello no answers.
“Were they taken in the Red Raids?” Aloy asks quietly, already seeming to brace herself for his answer. She’s heard enough people’s stories at this point, Colonnello supposes it’s only to be expected that she starts there. Still…
“No. Well, maybe, kora. I don’t know.” He jabs the poker stick into the fire and nudges the logs until one’s back begins to crumble off. Pulling out the stick, he shoves the glowing tip into the dirt to extinguish it. “They aren’t Nora.” At least, he doesn’t think they’re Nora. Even without their memories, he’s pretty confident he would have recognized them.
At least… God, he hopes he would.
Aloy’s brow furrows. “Then how… you’ve never left the Sacred Lands.”
“Until now, yep.” Colonnello tests the rabbits, determines they’re cooked, and tosses one to Aloy. “It’s… complicated.”
“Complicated as in Rules of the Nora complicated or complicated as in why you know so much about the Old Ones complicated.” 
Colonnello gapes at her, even as Aloy takes a large bite of her rabbit and raises her eyebrow. She’s sharper than a tack, he can’t deny that no matter how much he grumbles about it. “Viper would skin me alive for dropping enough hints for you to pick up on that, kora,” he mutters. Aloy grins. 
Colonnello takes a bite of rabbit and chews it thoughtfully. “The second one,” he wags his pointer finger downwards in the air like he was picking a gameshow answer. “I knew them Before. In my last life.”
Aloy’s eyebrows climb so high, they almost get lost in her hairline. “Your what.”
“My last life. What part wasn’t I clear about, kora?” Colonnello says with a broad, teasing grin. “I have memories of the Old World when I was an ‘Old One’.” He fingerquotes, and Aloy screws up her face in confusion when he does.
She gestures at the air. “What was that? Why did you do that?”
“Oh it’s an Old Ones thing. You wouldn’t understand, kora.” He takes another bite of his dinner while Aloy makes a teakettle noise of frustration. 
He spends the rest of the meal explaining different idiosyncrasies of the Old World before there were machines and when the ruins were actually towering buildings people lived and worked in. But as they climb into their bedrolls, Colonnello knows Aloy isn’t done with their initial conversation. She’s far too nosy to be.
He’s right, of course. Aloy brings it up again one night while they’re riding along the road, right after they’ve outrun a herd of Chargers who took them going past as a challenge for about five miles. “You love her, whoever you’re looking for,” Aloy says.
Colonnello watches the last Charger disappear from the horizon behind them and turns back around. They literally spent most of the day sitting in a small cave waiting out a sandstorm, and she waits until now to ask. “Them. I love both of them, kora,” he whispers.
Aloy’s quiet for a moment. Colonnello isn’t surprised. While there are a few polyamorous partnerships amongst the Nora, she’s spent maybe a week amongst the tribe itself and most of that was spent helping in the immediate aftermath of the Proving. It’ll take her a moment to add the concept into her worldview, but only because she never considered it before. While she does, he looks over her shoulder to the road ahead, trying to draw centuries old constellations in the new starfield again.
“What were they like?”
Fuck, how to describe them? How to encapsulate all that is Reborn and Lal into a few short sentences when they were two of the Strongest Seven with reputations to match? 
He settles on, “He was an asshole, and she could kick my ass,” to start.
Aloy bursts out laughing. “Sounds like my kind of people.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” Lal would absolutely adore Aloy. She’s the right kind of scrappy and smart that would make Lal want to take her right under her wing. Reborn would take those same qualities as a challenge, and he’d spent every waking moment trying to trip her up and make her even better than she already was. All in all, Aloy was scary now? The earth itself would quake beneath her feet after those two were done with her, and Colonnello wishes he could see it.
“Both of them were terrifying teachers, but they wanted their students to be their best. Reborn was just more willing to drag the more useless-appearing ones to greatness while Lal had a more sink or swim mentality.”
“Got personal experience with that one?” Aloy smirks over her shoulder, barely visible in the moonlight.
Colonnello chuckles. “It’s how I met Lal. I was assigned to her squad, and she ran me over with a tank- uh, those square-ish ruins with a canon we see along the road sometimes.”
“She ran you over with one of those?”
“Hey now! I lived didn’t I?”
Aloy gives him a squint-eyed look that says so much about what she thinks of that. She mutters something about it breaking his self-preservation a whole lifetime later, but he can’t quite make it out.
“Reborn was my best friend,” he continues. “Dramatic to the extreme, loved tormenting his students and seeing them shake in their boots, but he would have killed anyone who tried to touch a hair on their heads.” He trails off. “I’d be more worried about any Carja who tried to drag them off during the Red Raids then them to be honest. They were two of the strongest people in the world, and everyone knew it, kora.”
“Now you’re exaggerating.”
Colonnello shakes his head with a smile, but there’s no real explaining the I Prescelti Sette and the Arcobaleno Curse, much less his role in it. At least, not right now. Instead, he fills the night with stories about Reborn and Lal, both their accomplishments and their most embarrassing failures, as well as how they all ended up together. Just glossing over the curse and mafia aspects of it all.
They arrive at Meridian in the gray hours just before dawn. A man is waiting for them at the gates and introduces himself as Blameless Marad with a closed-lipped smile and knowing eyes, and Colonnello immediately pegs him as a spy. Unlike Viper, who had carried themselves with a disinterested air that allowed them to slide into the background unless you were willing to buy the information they had, Marad clearly wants them to know he has information and is not afraid to use it. It makes him dangerous.
Colonnello rests his hand on the hilt of the knife he keeps on his hip. Marad’s eyes follow the motion before cutting back up to smirk at Colonnello. “The Sun-King requests your presence, Aloy and Colonnello of the Nora,” he says. “If you would follow me?”
Marad leads them through the early morning bustle of the city, merchants and tradesmen only just beginning to set up their tables while guards conduct a shift change. The palace is separated from the city proper by a long bridge, and then by seemingly endless stairs dotted with Carja nobles also seeking an audience with the Sun-King.
Twisting her head at every noble they pass, Aloy’s eyes clearly track up and down the fine clothing, accessories, and distinct lack of weaponry. Their escort skillfully redirects her attention to their ascent with quiet lectures about the history and architecture of the palace while Colonnello pointedly glares at every noble who mutters something about rising early every morning for days and the “Nora savages” getting to skip the line. He may be able to restraint himself from picking a fight, but Aloy’s only sixteen and has the short temper to go with it.
It doesn’t stop Marad from dryly catching Colonnello’s eye when Colonnello starts tapping his fingers against his knife hilt.
They climb the last stairs and turn towards a balcony. The view is primarily blocked by a large metal-carved throne facing out over the city, and Colonnello has to respect the dedication to the view despite the security hazard. But then again, it’s not like any of the tribes have developed (or dug up any) snipe rifles yet, and arrows only go so far.
Three figures step out from the shadows of the throne. The first, a bare-chested man save for an open-robe and a large metal-and-machine-part necklace, wearing a geometric headpiece. Presumably, he’s the Sun-King. He greets them with a bright smile. The second is Erend, who pulls Aloy into a tight hug.
The third… It’s the tilt of his head that gives him away, and Colonnello is moving, brushing past the Sun-King mid-sentence, and wrapping his arms around the shadowed man just as dawn breaks over the mesa. Arms wrap around him in return as he breathes in the new but familiar scent of resin instead of gunpowder, oasis and desert instead of coffee, and sunlight which has somehow stayed the same.
Colonnello pulls back to look into the same gunmetal colored eyes he remembers and says, almost breathes it feels like, “Where the fuck have you been, kora?”
Reborn huffs. His stupid curly sideburns have also the journey from one life to the next, and Colonnello wants to pull them just to see them bounce again. “Right here, idiota,” Reborn says before leaning in and kissing Colonnello. 
It burns like the morning sun against the cold desert night, and Colonnello wraps his fingers in the curls on the back of Reborn’s head, pulling him closer as if to soak up all the rays and embed the feeling of this one kiss into his bones. Because last life, he had almost forgotten this feeling, up on that cold mountain with Lal and the other soldiers and endless swarm of machines and no idea if Reborn was still out there somewhere while the apocalypse rained down upon the world.
Reborn’s the one to break the kiss, leaving them both panting. The bastard smirks down at him, carefully untangles Colonnello’s fingers from his hair, and pulls away. “So,” he says, “When did you adopt a kid?”
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littlebeethings · 3 years
A Simple Misson
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Reader Word count: 3098 Warnings: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Some Violence and Blood Summary: The mission was a simple one, get in, get the data, get out. Then you're hurt and Marcus is taken. Now you’re stuck with making a hard decision. Do you defy your orders and possibly leave Missy with no one? Or do you go and save Marcus? Request: "Shh, it's okay. I'm here." - Marcus Moreno's fellow teammate, 2nd girlfriend and fiancée(Who has no powers but she is a great archer and martial artist/hand-to-hand fighter) saves a tortured(by being badly beaten up and electrocuted by a shock collar for fighting back. Poor Marcus. T-T), bloody and bruised Marcus Moreno and Marcus Moreno is safe with his family again in the hospital. Masterlist | Ao3
“Everything was going fine,” you said to the board. You sat in a chair with your left arm in a sling. Across from you was a half-circular desk with the Heroics board members. You twist your engagement ring back and forth on your finger. “It was a simple, routine mission. I could do it in my sleep.”
“So what happened?” The director asked.
“I. . .” You bit your lip, looking down at your ring as you willed the tears to stop. What were you going to tell Missy? There was nothing you could do as they took you off active duty.
The director called you by your last name. “What happened?”
“As I said, it was a routine mission. Get in, get the data, get out. . .
The jungle around you was humid and green. Very very green. The trees were a deep brown with large green leaves. The ground was blanketed by ferns, moss, and tall grass. You moved through the jungle quickly, yet each step was silent.
“Having trouble keeping up, love?” You said into your bracelet.
“No,” Marcus panted. “No trouble.”
You smiled. “I’m coming up to the facility now.”
“I’m right behind you.”
You stopped a few trees away from the jungle’s edge. You pulled your bow off your shoulder where you had slung it and notched two arrows. You watched two guards chatting by the door. They were a few feet apart but with the right placement. . .
You pulled the string back just as Marcus stopped a few feet behind you. He had watched you train for years and every time you let an arrow go his heart skipped a beat. But watching you in the field? That took his breath away. 
You let the arrows go and time slowed as they flew through the air. Each arrow hit its intended target and the guards fell to the ground.
“Wow,” Marcus murmured.
You turned and smiled at him. “Nice of you to join me.”
Marcus moved towards you faster than you had ever seen him move. Your back hit the tree as pressed into you. He leaned down as you bit your lip. Your eyes darted between his deep brown ones and his plush lips before closing. He kissed you. In the middle of a fucking mission, he kissed you.
Oh, but he didn’t just kiss you. His tongue darted out and ran along the seam of your lips. The kiss deepened and pretty quickly turned heavy. His hands found your hips as your fingers dug into his neck.
“Marcus,” you moaned.
“Why don’t we skip that part? Shall we?” The director said. 
“Yeah, of course. My apologies,” you said. “We got into the facility pretty easily. The guards I killed had badges on their person that allowed us access to much of the building.”
Once inside you made your way to the command center. Together, you took out anyone who crossed your path. 
When you reached the command center, you jogged over to the controls and plugged in the heroics thumb drive. Your fingers moved gracefully across the keyboard as you prepared every file to be transferred to the USB. 
“Does this feel strange to you?” Marcus asked, guarding the door.
“What do you mean?” 
The status bar popped up on the screen. The number grew as each file was imported. 
“It was a little too easy, don’t you think?”
The bar was at 75 percent now.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said, looking over your shoulder at him. “Maybe you’ve just been out of the field too long.”
The bar was getting closer and closer to the end. You tabbed your finger on the desk, willing it to go faster. The number reached 99 when something flew through the air, attached to the desk, and exploded. All in a matter of seconds. Neither you nor Marcus could stop it.
You heard Marcus yell your name as you flew through the air slammed into the wall. A man in a metal suit through a door you hadn’t registered as a door. It appeared on what used to be a concrete wall. 
Marcus confronted the man with his katana sabers. They fought while you sat there. Your head had hit the wall pretty hard. There was blood running down from a cut from shrapnel on your forehead, your left shoulder had been dislocated. You watched through hooded eyes as the metal man knocked the weapons out of Marcus’s hands and grabbed him by the throat.
“Marcus,” you groaned, voice rough and quiet. 
“My eyes closed then and next thing I know I’m on a Heroics chopper without Marcus,” you told the board.
The board members all looked at one another. 
“Is there any news on where he is?” You asked. “When is the team leaving?”
The director’s eyes met yours. “There won’t be a team going after Moreno.” “What do you mean?”
“His tracker is offline. Before it went offline, his vitals spiked before flatlining. He is presumed dead.”
“Presumed dead, not dead. There’s still a chance.”
“I know you and Moreno were engaged.” “Are. We are engaged.”
“Go home,” the director said. “Get some rest and heal. You are being given two weeks of mandatory leave. Three months if you wish—”
“I don’t want or need three months, I need to go after the sons of bitches that have Marcus.”
“You’re free to leave,” the director said. She turned towards the man at her side and began to discuss something in hushed tones. 
You were being dismissed, Marcus was being dismissed. Just like that. The life you had built over the past few years was gone.
Time passed strangely. One second you were being escorted out of the meeting room and the next you were walking into your house. You heard Missy and Anita Moreno in the kitchen, presumably cooking up dinner. They were laughing and chatting. You stopped at the doorway and watched them. Taking in the calm before the storm.
Missy looked up and smiled, not seeming to register the sling until she was already wrapped around. Your good arm curled around her and lifted her a few inches off the ground.
“What happened?” Missy asked, her smile faltering. “Where’s dad?”
“I don’t know,” you said, answering honestly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Anita asked. “Where is my son?”
You slowly made your way to the dining table. Marcus had made breakfast this morning while you set the table. It had been important to his late wife that breakfast and dinner be eaten at the table as a family, something Marcus continued after her passing and you were grateful to be invited to.
“The board believes he’s dead,” you said.
“No!” Missy yelled. “No, he isn’t dead. He can’t be.”
“That’s what I said.”
“Then where is he?” Anita asked. “Are they looking for him?”
“I don’t know but they aren’t going to look. His tracker went off, his vitals flatlining.”
Missy was crying and Anita pulled her close.
“You have to go after him,” Anita said.
“I can’t,” you said. Your eyes were fixed on a mark on the kitchen table. “I’ve been suspended.”
“I…. I wasn’t too fond of the way they dismissed me after telling me that they weren’t going to search for Marcus. Words were exchanged, fists were thrown and a bullet from one of the guards' guns may have. . . entered the director’s arm.”
“You shot someone?” Missy asked.
“I shoot people every day, Missy,” you said.
“Yeah, but you shot your boss.”
“And now I’m suspended until my hearing.” You found Anita looking at you, eyes full of disappointment. “Marcus was always the cool-headed one.”
Missy pulled away from Anita and moved towards you. She cupped your face in her hands.
 “Do you really think he’s still alive?” Missy asked.
“I know he is.”
“Then you have to get him.”
“I can’t, Missy. Not with a broken arm and without my heroics tech. They took everything from me.”
“They didn’t take everything,” Anita said. “What about the others?”
You went to Miracle Guy’s house first. He and Marcus were close and you knew if anyone was going to help you find him, it would be Miracle. Then you went to Red Lightning Fury and Crimson Legend’s house. You and Marcus had gone on a double date with them once. It actually wasn’t that bad and it turned into recurring game nights once a month. Adult time without children. They were quick to join your mission.
The next morning, you met your little team at your house. They had stopped by Heroics HQ and Miracle had bumped into Tech-No and Blinding Fast. They also joined, grabbing their gear and following everyone to the house. 
Anita and Missy watched and listened as you planned out your mission. 
“This is the last place his tracker went off,” Tech-No said, having stolen the data before leaving HQ. 
“They wouldn’t keep him there long,” Miracle said.
“No,” you agreed. “They would move him quickly. I remember seeing a location on one of the files I was trying to get.” You moved the map on the tablet screen. “Here.”
With a plan in your mind, your team left the Moreno house.
“I believe this is yours,” Miracle said, passing you your bow and arrows from his trunk.
“Thank you,” you said. “But I can’t. Not with one arm.” Miracle smiled. “Good thing I grabbed these too.” He pulled out Marcus’s katanas. “Do you think you could use one of these one-handed?” 
You grinned. “Yeah. I think I can figure something out.”
“Good. Let’s go get Marcus back.”
Marcus fought with everything in him. He had to protect you, lying unconscious a few feet away, and he had to get home to Missy. The man in the metal suit wouldn’t have it. He fought just as hard as Marcus, and maybe if Marcus had kept up with his training more and hadn’t been out of practice, maybe he would’ve won. 
One of his katanas fell to the ground with a loud clunk and his right arm was bent back at an angle arms shouldn’t be in. He groaned in pain before a metal hand met his stomach, causing him to double over in pain.
“Don’t hurt her,” Marcus pleaded. “Please.”
Then his world went black. 
Marcus woke with a shock collar around his neck. He was in a chair, his wrists and ankles bound. His head fell to the side. It took so much strength to lift it even a little. He didn’t know how long he had been there or how long the torturing took after he woke. 
Question after question passed through one ear and out the other. He refused to answer every single one. Each refusal resulted in a shock. His neck burned with each new shock.
Marcus tried to use his powers but there was something in the cuffs that dampened his powers. He was stuck here and there was no way out. The only thing he knew for sure was that you were safe. When he asked about you, the man asking the questions said you were in another room. That the others were having fun. Only Marcus had a daughter who went through a long faze of lying about the cookies that would go missing from the cookie jar his wife always kept full. He could see it in the man’s eyes, you weren’t here. That little bit of information made it easier for Marcus to take every shock and punch a little easier. You were safe. Missy was safe. That made everything okay.
The man interrogating Marcus took a break. He sat at a desk across from Marcus, eating a sandwich and drinking soda.
“Just answer my questions and all this will end,” the man said, taking a swing from his coke can.
Marcus shook his head. “I can’t do that.”
“Then you’ll continue to suffer. Your girl will continue to suffer. Do you really want that?”
“Stop lying,” Marcus groaned.
“What makes you think I’m lying?” The man said, throwing his napkin down on his empty plate and grabbing a remote. He moved towards Marcus. “I’m not lying. She’s here in the building right now.”
The monitor above the man’s desk turned on. Grainy security camera footage played on the screen. You were on it, walking down a hallway with your arm in a sling and one of his katanas in hand.
“No,” Marcus muttered. You were injured, badly. Heroics had to have given you mandatory recovery time. Then he remembered who you were. You probably got suspended after doing something without thinking when they told you you couldn’t be a part of the team to come to rescue him. 
“I may have been lying before, but I’m not now.” The man put his hands on his knees and got down to eye level with Marcus. “Hear me now, Moreno. Your girl will feel everything that you’ve felt and more.”
Marcus growled, rocking the chair back and forth. “Don’t touch her.”
The man grinned and pressed a button that sent shocks through Marcus. The man chuckled as he watched Marcus wither under the painful shocks that went through his body.
A groan echoed around the room but it wasn’t Marcus. The shocks stopped as the man looked at the monitor. Marcus watched through hooded eyes as you took on two guards one-handed. You cut the first one’s stomach open and he watched in shock as his organs fell into his hands. You spun around guard one’s collapsing body and thrust the sword into guard two. His mouth opened and closed as his hands gripped the blade. Blood dripped down his chin.
“Gross,” you said, pushing him to the ground. You pressed down on the guard’s chest with your foot and pulled the blade from his body. You tossed it in the air and caught it. The balance was perfect. “I need one of these.”
“What were you saying you were going to do to her?” Marcus asked, chuckling to himself.
The man turned on Marcus. His eyes turned red. He pressed the button and held it. Marcus screamed in pain as shock after shock invaded his body. Marcus couldn’t control his body as it shook. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was the man’s angry eyes.
“I found him,” Miracle said into the earpiece.
You plunge the blade until another guard. Blood was splattered across your face and clothes. You wiped your face with your shirt sleeve.
You followed Miracle’s voice navigation until you reached the room. Marcus was laying on the ground, Red working on cleaning his wounds. Tech-No stood off to the side talking into his coms. He had called Heroics HQ for a med team and chopper. 
He was muttering your name. Red grabbed his hand and squeezed.
“She’s coming, Marcus. Don’t worry.”
You moved quickly, collapsing beside Marcus. Burn wounds surrounded his neck and his face was a bit puffy from the hand-to-hand combat yesterday. 
“Marcus,” you whispered, taking his hand and squeezing it tight. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here.”
Marcus smiled up at you, his hand coming up to brush your jaw. He mumbled your name again.
“I’m here,” you repeated. “It’s okay.”
You leaned down and kissed his uninjured cheek. The chopper arrived shortly after and you refused to leave Marcus’s side. You didn’t think they would even let you back into Headquarters after what happened yesterday, but no one stopped you as you walked beside the gurney, hand still gripping Marcus’s.
They had to put him under to repair a few things. Anita brought Missy and the three of you waited for the surgery to be complete. Then you sat in the recovery room in Heroics medical bay, waiting for Marcus to wake. Time passed slowly but no one complained. You were all just happy to have Marcus back safe.
Missy fell asleep with her head in your lap. You smiled knowing that the little family you would soon marry into was safe. There was so much love in this little room and you could feel that. 
When Marcus finally woke, you were the only one left awake. Your name fell from his lip and you leaned forward, careful of Missy, and took his hand.
“I’m right here.”
Marcus smiled at you, squeezing your hand. “You’re safe.”
“I’m safe? You were captured and tortured.”
“I thought I lost you. Watching you fly across the room and hitting that wall.” Marcus shook his head and winced.
“Don’t move your head too much.”
Marcus sighed but turned his gaze to Missy. “How is she?”
“Better now that you’re back. Promise me you won’t make me do that again.”
“Do what? Save me?”
“Well, that too,” you said. “No. I meant don’t make me tell her her dad might not be coming home.”
Marcus winced, not because of physical pain but because he knew what you were talking about. He remembered having to tell Missy her mother wasn’t coming home. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do.
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
“I am too,” you said, knowing what he was thinking about. Everything grew quiet except for the soft beeping of the heart monitor. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Missy stirred then. When she realized Marcus was awake, she sat up quickly.
“Daddy?” She gasped.
“Hey,” Marcus smiled as Missy quickly climbed onto the bed. 
“Be careful,” you said as Missy’s elbow went into Marcus’s broken rib. 
Marcus winced in pain.
“I’m sorry,” Missy said, pulling away. “No, it’s okay,” Marcus said. “It’s okay.”
He pulled his daughter close and kissed the top of her head.
“I missed you,” Missy said.
“I missed you, too.”
Marcus reached out and took your hand, squeezing it. “Mi familia.”
You smiled, bringing his hand to your lips. He was right, this was your family. You thanked the universe every day that this right here was yours. You were so grateful for everything Marcus and Missy and even Anita gave you. Love, happiness, and family. And you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Five months later, you legally became a Moreno and on your honeymoon, Marcus gave you a wedding gift.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said, knowing that no one else had given you anything seeing as you were both grown adults who could afford everything you wanted on a normal registry. 
“I know, but I wanted to,” Marcus said. “Open it.”
You carefully unwrapped the package and inside were two katana sabers.
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
«[T]he Trump trials are more than his means; they are his ends. The trials are not the sideshow, but the heart and soul of Trump’s campaign. They have become his essential fundraising tool to finance his defense, his platform for whipping up his followers into a constant state of excitement, and his instrument for dominating the media to make himself the center of attention and blot out coverage of anyone else.
The trials are the message. They are the drama around which Trump plays his role as the unjustly accused victim, whose rights are trampled and who is the martyr for his oppressed “deplorables”. He is taking the slings and arrows for them. The narcissist is the self-sacrificing saint. The criminal is the angel. The liar is the truth-teller. If any Republican lapses in faithfulness, they are more than a mere doubter or skeptic, but a betrayer and traitor. Trump’s trials are the rigorous trial of his followers’ faith. Rejection of temptation in an encounter with an impertinent fact that might raise a qualm shows purity of heart. Seduction by fact must be resisted. The siren song of critical thinking must be cast out as sin. Trump’s convictions are the supreme test of his followers’ strength of conviction.»
– Sidney Blumenthal, author and onetime senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, writing at The Guardian.
Trump frames himself as a quasi-religious figure – which is ironic given his personal lack of spirituality.
It's not at all gratuitous to refer to Trumpism as an extremist cult. Members of this cult will even flirt with death at his suggestion. We remember how large numbers of the Trump cult followed his quack medical advice during the pandemic emergency rather than observe scientific medical practices. Many became human sacrifices to the Dear Leader.
The only way this cult will end is to utterly defeat its leader. Reasoned arguments and logic won't cut it with the profoundly self-deluded. And the only way to defeat Republicans is to vote Democratic in large numbers.
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onamentalone · 1 year
Wings, (Daryl Dixon)
fem! oc x Daryl Dixon
warnings: slight implications of smut
setting: greene family farm
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Taite was unsure as of yet if she was searching for something to live for, or a reason to die.
She knew that her family had been shielded from what was really happening in the world, I mean her father believed that these things were sick for gods sake.
When the group of survivors had come to seek refuge at her families farm, she knew that the difference in opinions would cause conflict.
They’d already cleared out the barn of undead family that her father was so carefully protecting and feeding.
Taite had always felt like an outcast to her family, she was the middle child - older than Beth, but younger than Maggie.
“Y’ got a spare?” A gravely voice called from behind Taite. She turned to face Daryl, a pariah such as herself. She’d noticed that he’d always kept himself to himself, stayed silent during debates, even refused to camp near the rest of his group.
The air was humid yet still nippy, a low mist hung over the unkept grass and the shallow waters of the pond swished against the cattail plants.
“Nope.” The girl responded after a second. She pulled the cigarette from her lips and offered it to the man. She was surprised that a man like Daryl would even associate himself with the farmers daughter.
He took the cigarette and took a large drag. “I’m Taite.” The girl spoke, disrupting the silence. “I know who y’ ’re.” smoke trails escaping from his mouth as he spoke.
The two looked into each others eyes, they both realised their similarities.
He took a few more draws before handing the singular cigarette back, by that time it was almost finished.
“Haven’t been able t’ get ma hands on one of them f’r a while now.” He spoke.
She stayed quiet, taking a drag and allowing the flame of the cigarette to finally burn out. She stomped the butt into a patch of dirt, holding her hair out of her face in the process.
“They’re my daddy’s.” She responded in a light southern accent. “What? Y’ steal ‘em?” He asked, a small smile creeping onto his face. The girl only giggled in response, tucking one side of her hair behind her ear.
“Ay, watch out!” Daryl suddenly half-yelled. A growl sounded from the behind the girl but before she could turn, she was shoved out of the way.
She tumbled straight onto the floor, a sharp pain becoming apparent in her ankle from the impact of the hard dirt.
The sound of an arrow releasing from Daryl’s crossbow sounded and the growls stopped instantly. The girl turned onto her side, whimpering slightly and clutching onto her foot.
“Ow!” Taite managed to get out. Daryl quickly took notice of the injured girl, slinging his crossbow back over his shoulder and crouching down into the grass.
“Y’ alright?” He spoke, unsure on whether to touch her or not, instead flailing his arms awkwardly.
“M-My ankle…” She muttered, “I think I twisted it.” She managed to sit up, her grip still tight around her foot. “I don’t know if I can walk.”
Daryl didn’t need her permission, he quickly wrapped his arms around the girl and stood up without delay.
The girl was now being carried bridal style, back towards the farm house. Daryl stomped through the wispy grass, eyes set on the glowing home.
“She twisted ‘er ankle.” He announced once stepping foot through the door. The girl used one hand to cover her face, her cheeks turning a deeper shade, embarrassed at the fact she’d injured herself so easily.
Daryl slumped the girl down onto the couch, a few family members flocked to assess the severity of the sore.
“What were y’all doing out there anyway?” Maggie asked, her brows knitted together as Hershel pushed her dirtied cargoes up her leg.
“We were ju-” “Nothin’!” Taite interrupted, not wanting her father to know where his missing cigarettes had disappeared to.
Carol, Maggie and Hershel exchanged quizzical exchanges, deciding not to question any further. Hershel pushed some ice wrapped in a cloth onto her ankle and allowed it to rest on the arm of the seat.
“So, what were y’all actually doing?” Carol asked, now sat on the porch with Daryl.
Daryl gazed into the window at the now, deep in slumber Taite.
“We weren’ doin’ anythin’ ju- just… smoking a cigarette, sh’ didnt wan’ Hershel knowin” He finally spoke, tearing his eyes away from the window.
“Really?” Carol smiled, not quite believing that Daryl wouldn’t grab at the opportunity to get close to a pretty girl.
Daryl just scoffed, knowing no amount of convincing would make Carol accept the truth.
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thatesqcrush · 2 years
Accident and Fortuity
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Bryan Kneef x Reader. Rating: NSFW/18+ for kissing, smut (male & female oral, fingerbanging; p in v penetration), talk about birth control in varying forms; salty sailor language.
AN: For Wet Hot Summer Bingo hosted by @melk917 @lannister-slings-and-arrows & @pascalispretty [camping square]
AN2: S/O to @beccabarba for all of your help
WC: 4.1K
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Looking back, you should have paid more attention to the campground pamphlet. Or the deeply discounted single room ticket. At the time it seemed like a too good to be true kind of deal - a weeklong yoga retreat in the tropics. Hindsight after all, is twenty twenty. It wasn’t until you arrived at the campsite that you realized you were at a couples intimacy retreat.
You had hoped that this vacation would be exactly what you needed to release some much needed stress. Instead you were eating a granola bar, semi-hiding behind a large tree, watching everyone gather around the bonfire.
While signing in, you spoke with one of the group leaders who kindly (and maybe pitifully) explained that while there would be focus on tantra, the retreat emphasized connection with yourself or with others. You hoped the latter was true and the week wouldn’t be as mortifying as you built in your head.
There was the sound of footsteps behind you. You turned around and locked eyes with a pair of intense green eyes, which belonged to an obscenely handsome man. He was slightly taller than you with dark, but greying hair and a neatly trimmed beard that matched. He had broad shoulders and the T-shirt he wore clung to his upper body, showing off a thick, solid physique. The v-neck of his shirt hinted at a broad chest dusted with hair. His shorts were fitted and shorter than what other men around were wearing. His lips curved upwards in a smile before speaking.
“You know Kind bars are just glorified candy bars, right?”
You shrugged. “This is all I’ve got, you’re not taking this from me.”
The man laughed and then extended his hand. “Bryan Kneef.”
You smiled back and took his hand, introducing yourself. You jutted your head towards the bonfire. “Aren’t you going to go join the group?”
Bryan snorted. “Can’t join the group if I’m all by myself.”
“No kidding, so am I.”
Bryan nodded. “Girlfriend was supposed to meet me here and well, she ended it over text while I was already halfway here.”
You let out a low whistle. “Sorry, that sucks. So why are you staying?”
Bryan shrugged and looked you over. You were attractive to him. Your hair, your eyes, full lips, the curve of your waist, thick thighs and broad hips. The cropped tee, leggings and high pony-tail look that you were sporting made you look like you were coming off an 80s fitness video. Still, he’d bang you. You lacked the shiny tautness of someone who frequented aestheticians and he found that refreshing. Your lips were lush and he wondered if they were as soft as they appeared.
“I already have the time off. I paid too much for this trip anyway. What’s your deal?”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “I didn’t realize it was a sex retreat when I signed up. I was just looking for a week of yoga and disconnecting from social media.”
Bryan let out an obnoxious laugh, which garnered the attention of some people in the circle. The main leader, Kamran walked over. “Please, make way to the circle.”
You and Bryan eyed each other warily and you let out a chuckle when he rolled his eyes. It appeared that everyone was coupled-up, sharing about their relationships and why they were at the retreat. The first day’s activity included journaling what goals you were hoping to achieve at the retreat followed by trust falls. The group gathered in a line and you were in front of Bryan. You turned to him.
“Don’t drop me.”
“I won’t drop you.”
“I’ll sue you if you do.”
Bryan laughed. “You realize I am a lawyer, right?”
You let out a laugh, not responding. It was now your turn. You stood in front of Bryan with your arms crossed and closed your eyes. You took a deep breath and just as you were about to go, Bryan interrupted your thoughts.
“You’re holding up the line sweetheart, just fall already.” His deep voice was dark and the timbre rolled over you warmly.
You swallowed hard, and then whipped your head to glare at him. His green eyes met yours, the gaze intense. Childishly, you stuck your tongue out. Bryan cocked his brow, as if to say ‘oh really’ and he smirked. You felt the impact of that gaze in the heat and wetness that gathered between your thighs.
Bryan would be remiss if he didn’t enjoy this interaction - granted he didn’t know you well, but as a lawyer, his job is to read people for who they truly are. You had a spark about you, something that made you seem playful, quick, but with a bratty, teasing side. All the other people he had been with who did unspeakable things at unspeakable hours all had the same personality that could be found in a fruit fly.
Bryan caught you, his big hands on the back of your rib cage. His firm grasp on you sent a bolt of pleasure throughout your body. As he brought you back to standing, you felt your cheeks warm. He lowered his mouth to your ear, letting out a quiet growl. “I wouldn’t dream of purposely hurting you sweetheart.” Your panties flooded again in response. Bryan rubbed a small circle on your back, enjoying how soft your skin was. He imagined how soft your skin was in other places.
By the time evening fell, you and Bryan were hitting it off as the third wheels. The last thought you had as you settled into sleep that night was how maybe the week won’t be as terrible as you thought. Sleep was futile on the shitty mattress and lack of air conditioning. Your back felt achy and you were sweating. Every once in a while you had to smack a mosquito off of you.
The next morning, you made your way outside after getting ready. The water pressure had been terrible so you still felt unclean. Someone had made coffee for the group and there were packets of oatmeal and fruit. You spotted Bryan sitting, having coffee. After getting some coffee of your own and a banana, you walked over to Bryan.
“Mind if I join?”
Bryan raked his eyes over you, taking in your exhausted appearance with dark circles under your eyes. “Not at all.”
You sat down and peeled your banana “How’d you sleep?”
Bryan grunted and you nodded. “I get it, same here.”
“I wonder what they’ll have us do today,” you continued. “Did your girl-ex I mean, give you any details about what to expect?”
Bryan shook his head. “She blathered about it but to be honest, I wasn’t listening.”
“No wonder she broke up with you,” you quipped before smacking your hand over your mouth. You felt your cheeks burn. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. I —“
Bryan smirked and held up a hand. “It’s fine, you’re not entirely wrong. My line of work doesn’t really allow for relationships. But yeah, I have no idea what’s in store for us.”
The day focused on a group discussion on the ‘roadblocks to orgasm’ which encouraged everyone to to dig deep into their past; pinpointing their difficulties in letting go. Thankfully no one called on you for answers. Bryan made sure to share his sexual prowess. You thought about how his hands felt on you as he regaled everyone. And just when you didn’t you could handle anymore insider knowledge, he had the audacity to wink at you.
The mortifying group time evolved into meditation and you were grateful for the quiet.
You had your eyes closed but the quiet didn’t last. Bryan was leaning over to you. “This is the saddest circle I've seen.”
“All right, everyone, let the sound of the bowls wash over you,” Kamran announced. “Let it cleanse you from head to toe and everywhere in-between.”
“These bowls got their work cut out for them,” Bryan continued to which you snorted in response. “I rather smoke a bowl.”
“Everyone, close your eyes and quiet the mind, and receive the healing vibrations. Let the sound bathe you. When you feel called to join the bowls, begin with a soft hum.”
“How are we gonna get out of this?” Bryan whispered.
“I'm not going anywhere,” you replied as you tried to focus your mind.
“Oh come on, you really going to stick this out?”
“What are we gonna do? We're in the middle of nowhere. Besides, you said you already spent the money. And I did too.”
Bryan grunted. “I’ve had enough anusara savasana vinyasa downward facing dog mumbo jumbo that’ll last me a lifetime. I am going to use the shitty reception we have and find another place. There has to be something better close by.”
“Well some of us are going to take the higher road.”
When you were roused by the sound of quiet knocking on your door, it was well into the next morning. It was still dark and you slowly shuffled to the door. You let out a yawn as you opened the door, finding Bryan fully dressed with his suitcase.
“What’s going on? Are you leaving?” You croaked. You frowned at the sound of your voice and tried to clear it.
Bryan nodded. “There’s a resort not too far, 5 star, all inclusive. Come with me.”
You were tempted by the idea of possible air conditioning. “I don’t know,” you replied, worrying your lower lip. “How are we getting out of here?”
“Gee whiz, why don’t you get into my invisible car?”
“Ha.” You thought it over - the idea of going off on an adventure with a hot stranger was titillating. The rest of the week without said person’s company would be awful. “How am I sure you’re not going to murder me?”
“I am not. I am an asshole but not a murderer. If I was going to murder someone, I’d hire someone. I’m not getting my hands dirty.”
Bryan saw the look of horror on your face and he was quick to reassure you. “I’m kidding, I’m joking.”
“Don’t quit your day job.” You replied dryly. After a beat, you continued. “Why can’t we leave in the morning? I need time to get my stuff together.”
Bryan shrugged. “Fine, in the morning. I’ll arrange for a cab.”
And in less than twelve hours, you were poolside basking in the sun, drink in hand. “Isn’t this much better?” Bryan asked. You agreed wholeheartedly.
Bryan was next to you, arms behind his head, resting his eyes. Thanks to a boutique inside the resort, you were now sporting a swimsuit. Bryan took notice of your attire and he had to will himself to not get an erection. And with his eyes closed he could ignore how the material barely covered you, highlighting your assets.
A member of the resort staff approached. “Mr. Kneef?”
Bryan opened his eyes. “Yes?”
“There is an issue we need to speak with you at the front desk.”
Bryan groaned as he stood. You used your hand to shield your eyes from the bright sun as you watched him walk away. His sinuous back muscles flexed and rippled and you had to clench your thighs together, desperate need growing. You wanted Bryan badly and figured a little hookup would be perfect. The attraction seemed mutual as you figured why else would he invite you along.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the sound of the outdoors. A shadow came over you and you opened your eyes to see Bryan standing over you.
“There’s a small issue with the room.”
“What is it?” You sat up straighter in the lounge chair.
“There’s only one room sweetheart. Computer glitch. They’re a bit overbooked.”
You felt your cheeks warm and you knew it wasn’t the sun. He called you sweetheart again and there was only one room.
“We’ll make do with it just fine,” you replied. “Unless you have a problem sharing a bed with me.”
“Not at all,” Bryan replied. “You’re sure you’re okay with it?”
You nodded. You were growing warm and tingly. “Um, I am going to go take a dip. Care to join?”
Bryan shook his head. “I’m going to order another drink and lay back in the sun.”
You nodded once more and made your way into the pool. You did a few laps as Bryan watched you through his sunglasses. When you eventually climbed out, Bryan laser focused on your tits, your nipples hard and pert due to the cold water. He wanted to take them in his mouth.
You both had dinner at the hotel restaurant.
Dinner was going well, with drinks flowing a bit too easily. The two of you cracked jokes about the retreat and wondered if an orgy had ensued yet. The atmosphere was rife with sexual tension and flirty banter. You both kept waiting for the other to crack.
That night, Bryan had said he would sleep on the floor but you insisted he sleep in the bed - it was king sized with plenty of space.
When you came out, Bryan was already in bed. He was on top of the sheets, furiously tapping away on his phone.
“Even on vacation work calls,” he replied to you, without looking up.
“Well you don’t get to be a partner at a law firm without having to do some work,” you replied. You climbed into bed, noting that logically there was plenty of space between you, but somehow it felt as if you were right next to him.
“Yeah but as a partner, I get to unload a lot on those beneath me. I have strict rules about not being bothered when out of the office.”
The thought of him unloading while you were beneath him flashed through your mind. You ached to touch him, to feel the warmth of his body, to have his cock stretch you. You imagined how it would feel like, to sleep in his bed each night, with his arms around you, his lips on yours.
You had enough.
You needed to get laid.
“So Bryan, we’ve been at the hip since the retreat.”
“Uh huh.”
You paced the room, continuing your questioning. “And then you invite me to take off with you.”
Another ‘uh huh.’
You walked over to Bryan’s side of the bed, where he was still tapping on his phone. Bryan looked up at you in your sweatshorts and tank top. Your skin was flush. “What does a gal have to do to get fucked by you?” you inquired as you plucked his phone from his hand.
“Hey! My pho—wait, did you just say?” Bryan’s bright green eyes darkened with lust. He pulled you into him, so you were now on top of him.
“You are right. An orgasm never hurt anybody.”
You blinked at his comment. And then you let desire take over. You sat up and yanked your top off before ducking your head down to kiss him. He returned your kiss, moving at a fervent pace, as if he was trying to get as much of you in him as he could.
Bryan rolled you onto your back. He covered his body with yours and used his hand to grasp your jaw, angling your face up to kiss you deeper. His tongue delved into your mouth and rolled against yours. Bryan broke the kiss reluctantly and sat back on his haunches so he could remove his tee.
“Do you have protection?”
Bryan nodded. “Never go home without. What about you?”
“I have an IUD,” you remarked as you lift your hips to remove your shorts and underwear. Bryan’s eyes lowered, taking your naked form in. He lowered his own bottoms off, revealing his very thick, very veiny, very hard and weeping cock. He spat on his hand and gave himself a stroke. Pearly fluid collected at the head of his cock. He used his thumb to swipe it and pump himself again.
“See what you do to me sweetheart?”
He lowered himself over you again and brought his mouth to your ear. His fingers descended onto your throat, squeezing lightly.
“You’re gorgeous,” he replied huskily. “Makes me want to ruin that pussy.”
You let out a whine at his comment. Bryan didn’t waste any time teasing, just pushes your ample thighs open, pressing a finger to your weeping slit. You cried out, grinding against his finger as he marveled at how wet you are already.
He removed his finger and gingerly traced your folds before rubbing your clit. “Such a needy pussy. Gonna be so easy to stuff my cock inside.”
You closed your eyes, your chest beginning to rise and drop in an unsteady fashion as pleasure courses you. Bryan inserted another thick finger inside and resumed thrusting his fingers. Your slick covered his hand, dripping. Your hands gripped the sheets. “Fuck,” you draw the word out into two syllables.
It’s when his tongue hit your clit, that your back arched. Bryan pushed his face all the way in, licking a broad stripe up your cunt. He is methodical, starting off slowly and softly, teasing you with his fingers and tongue. He then increased his pace as he ate you out, making sure to devour every inch of you. His beard scraped against you, causing a delicious burn along your sensitive skin. One hand shifts to grab your ass, bringing you closer to his mouth. He kept his lips wrapped around your clit as his fingers continued to work your cunt, the pace faster and faster.
Bryan pulled back for a moment. “Come for me sweetheart. Make a mess for me.”
So you did what any good girl would do in your situation — you grabbed a handful of his hair and begged him to ruin you.
He crooked his fingers, finding that tiny spongy spot that no one else was able to find. A few strokes in a come hither motion and you’re done for, crying out his name as you come hard. There was a rush of wetness that burst out of you but it didn't make Bryan stop. He continues to eat you out, sucking and slurping your juices through your orgasm. He finally does pull away, but not before nipping your thigh. You look at him, all dazed. His face is a mess of your arousal, his beard and mouth coated.
Your legs are wobbly but you managed to get onto your knees. “Damn, you’re good.” You wrapped your arms and kissed him, tasting and smelling yourself on him. Bryan embraced you tightly, returning the kiss. His hands landed on your ass and he gave a good squeeze.
Your hands reached into his beard and tugged as you opened your mouth to allow him to deepen the kiss. Bryan tilted your head so he could kiss and lick your neck. You let out a swear when his teeth graze your skin sharply. Your tone quickly changes into a sigh as his tongue ran over the sore spot, soothing it. Bryan beamed at the purple mark quickly forming.
“I want to suck your cock,” you whined. A rumble emanated from Bryan and you could have sworn the sound alone made you even more wet.
Bryan flopped onto his back, his cock landing with a smack against his stomach. His cock was in his hand and he used his other hand to beckon you. You laid on your stomach and shooed the hand holding his cock away. You gripped his cock and opened your mouth, ready and willing to take his cock deeply. Bryan let out a groan as you swallow him. His hand runs through your hair in a caressing manner as you begin to bob along his length. You breathed through your nose as you took him deeper, all the way to the back of your throat. Bryan groaned again and his hand in your hair tightens. “Gonna fuck your throat,” he grunted.
You let off his cock with a gasp. “Yes, fuck my throat. Use me.” You swallow him back down and you fight the urge to recoil and gag as he pressed your head down even tighter. Your nose was buried in his (neatly trimmed) pubic hair. His long, thick cock filled your throat. He thrusted into your mouth, the pace fast, abusing your throat. He momentarily mourns the fact that you don’t have makeup on because he would have loved to see the dark tear streaks on your cheeks.
Bryan’s hips continued pumping upwards into your mouth and you took it, delighting in how it felt. You just hoped he didn’t plan to come down your throat because you sure as shit, wanted him to fuck you. You noted that his thigh muscles twitched and his hands got rougher as they pulled your hair. You were let down because it didn’t seem like you were going to get fucked. To your surprise, Bryan pulled your hair, forcing your head back, popping your mouth off his cock.
“Next time I’ll shoot my load down your throat sweetheart but I really want to fuck that tight pussy of yours.”
You were sweaty, your hair sticking to your face. Your lips were wet and swollen. “How do you want me?”
Bryan slapped his thigh. “Saddle up.”
You nodded and climbed over him, straddling his big thick thighs. “I’m going to give you the ride of your life.”
Bryan leaned over slightly and grabbed the condom you didn’t realize he had readily at hand. He ripped the foil and rolled the condom on. Even with your arousal, you still felt the burn of his cock as your cunt struggled to take him in all the way. You sighed shakily, letting yourself adjust to his girth, as Bryan groaned at how tight your pussy was. He barely fit and he hadn't even moved yet. He was so deep. “Fuck, I think you’re splitting me apart,” you moaned. Bryan smirked, he felt like a fucking king.
“You sure you can take me sweetheart?”
You let out another whine as you sunk further on his cock. You leaned forward, gripping his beefy pecs. Your breasts dangled in front of him and he leaned up to take one in his mouth, sucking and licking. His teeth grazed your nipple and you cried out.
Once he completely bottomed out and you were adjusted, you began to roll your hips forward. Bryan’s hands rested on your hips, digging deeply, sure to leave bruises. He matched your pace at first, his hips snapping upwards.
You met him on the downward as he continued to pump his hips upwards. Pleasure exploded inside you as his cock dragged against your special spot with every deep stroke. Bryan watched as his cock pistoned in and out of you. “Sweetheart I wish you could see how your pretty little pussy is taking every fucking of my cock. It’s like my cock was made just for you.”
There were spots inside of your cunt you didn't know existed until Bryan. The scent of sex was thick in the air, along with the sounds the two of you are making. The headboard rattled against the wall and you did not even give a shit if someone complained. Bryan is murdering your pussy and you will happily let the world know.
Bryan slapped your ass twice in succession. “That’s what you get for sticking your tongue at me.”
Your mind drifted to the memory. You slowed your pace intentionally. “I’d do it again. Can’t stop me.”
That earned another two spanks.
Bryan growled, taking the opportunity to grip your hips and fucking you with more gusto. His pace is sloppy and shorter, frenzied almost. You snake a hand down and rub your clit, chasing your high. Bryan felt the walls of your pussy flutter around his cock.
“Be a good girl and let me feel you cum on my cock.” It was Bryan’s turn to beg. “Be my good girl and give it to me.”
You obliged at his words and you let your orgasm wash over you. The sight of your head thrown back, your face wrecked, broken sobs falling from your lips - it was too much for Bryan. He let out out his own deep groan along with a chant of fuck fuck fuck as he stilled, shooting his thick load inside of you, filling the condom.
You slumped forward and the two of you lazily make out for a few minutes. Eventually you dismounted Bryan and he got up to toss the condom. Your body is indeed wrecked and you find your eyes closing in post orgasmic bliss. The last thing you note before you drift off is Bryan climbing back in the bed. “Best vacation ever,” you mumbled as you turned into him.
When you wake up the following morning, Bryan is outside on the balcony. He is leaning against the railing, gazing at the horizon, coffee in hand. You wrapped the sheet around you. You noticed two covered serving dishes had been brought up to the rom alongside a carafe of coffee and orange juice. You pad along to join him on the balcony. Bryan turned to you and smiled.
“Morning sweetheart.”
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Tags: @madpanda75 @mgarner1227 @beccabarba @alwaysachorusgirl @a-brignac @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @dreamlover31 @neely1177 @skittle479 @witches-unruly-heart @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @garturbo @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindos @storiesofsvu @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @annabelleb49 @bananas-pajamas @zoeykaytesmom @pieceofshittytitty @jazzyjoi @teamsladsandgents @lv7867 @evee87 @rachelxwayne @permanentlydizzy @rampantmuses @bisexual-dreamer02 @averyhotchner @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @tintinxtintin @amelia-song-pond @wanniiieeee @detective-giggles @detectivebarba @law-nerd105
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this-witch-writes · 1 year
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Slings and Arrows
Andrew Minyard had spent a lot of his admittedly short life waiting to die. The evidence was right there on his arms, in every cigarette, in the way he stood between those he’d chosen to protect and a world that wouldn’t hesitate to leave him in a cold ditch.
So he was a little surprised that now that he was going to die he was so pissed off about it. His only thought as the gunshot rang in his ears was a pathetic ‘this isn’t supposed to happen’ like life had ever cared what he thought.
When he thinks it's the end, Andrew considers his complicated relationship with his own survival.
Read on AO3.
Rated T+ 5.9k words. No warning.
Tags: Past Suicide Attempt, Non-Linear, Self-Harm Refs to Past Child Abuse, Gun Violence, Happy Ending
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