#(.make my messes matter: dash games)
ignisregina · 1 year
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? her hair smells like apples, her skin lavender. she doesn't like overpowering scents (makes her dizzy) so she wears hers gentle to the nose.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? there was a time they were calloused and rough, back when she didn't have mastery of her powers and would scorch herself by accident. now the fire gently consumes old skin, giving way to a new, softer layer. she must always use moisturizer, though. the shedding is annoyingly itchy. she's very particular with her lotions.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? she's not big on breakfast, somedays she'll have it, most days she won't. she'd settle for pancakes, french toast when she has some time. anything quick to cook would be good lunch or dinner - maybe a chicken or egg sandwich for the former, a speedily prepped pasta for the latter. she's more likely to fix up more elaborate meals when there is special company.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? yup. she might sing in the shower but not while working.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? after a terrible nightmare, instead of falling back to sleep, she'd drink coffee because she can't sleep anymore and "the night is wasted anyway". she'd clean up a space completely before she starts working - can't work in a messy space.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? a shirt and pleated pants in the studio, slip on shoes - something she doesn't mind getting messed up with paint and are easy to clean. outside work she favors jumpsuits, turtlenecks, simple blouses and jeans. she'd usually pair these with blazers for more formal work functions.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? in private and mostly in small gestures. she's not open to acquaintances being touchy. she might not check on people for a time, though, because she's busy and tired, and she struggles to keep up with everything. but she remembers important days and wouldn't fail to reach out on those. she's more open to people reaching out than doing it herself.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN? on her side, at the edge of the bed, arms crossed in front of her chest.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? no, she doesn't like drawing attention to herself. she's not exceptionally quiet, it's just that she doesn't like being disturbed and would like to extend the same courtesy to those around her.
Tagged by: @songbirdsandsugar
Tagging: @inrovina, @iincantatorum (for delia), @huntingtogether (for claire), @hungryyheart, @heksery (for jules) and anyone else who wants to have a go at this!
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dinomite2 · 7 months
Yandere Agents x reader headcanons
so I asked a writer on wattpad named @sodapoppss if they could do a request for me and she requested this so Enjoy I guess?
Also I have never done a yandere in my life so I'll try and improvise and Happy splatoween 🎃🎃🎃
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Agent 8
(I love this gif and idk why)
● Now I would say that Agent 8 would be the quiet but Extremely loyal and amazingly sweet and girlfriend to will murder someone for you in cold ink and choke a person to death in less than 5 seconds if you were remotely insulted by someone
● At first her meeting you and becoming acquaintances with each other was the best thing that ever happened to her she felt emotions that she never felt and she wanted to stay with you for a very long time in fact and she wanted to make you happiest person possible
●Now to start off in her daily obsession over you She would do Anything and I mean ANYTHING to make you satisfied with her care and company firstly she would buy things you wanted even though you didn't need them now
● Oh ! you saw a Squidshort on your phone of how to make chocolate s'more cookies but you don't have the ingredients for it ? She make them and give and feed them like a baby to you no questions asked , you wanted physical copy to a sequel to a game series that you love but it was too expensive for you She's gifting it to you now!
● And oh and have I mentioned 8 LOVES to stalk you in the middle of the night in your apartment level while you are awake or asleep and if you ever lock your doors and windows when you have the very strange feeling that someone is stalking you while you are resting in your home dont forget that she was a trained octarian soldier in the past and she will know how to get inside of your home one way or another and watch you till night's end
● At some times she would be highly but silently jealous of your friends and she would show them you appreciation for them by either hugging your arm hugging you from behind or simply just smiling at you and hoping that you would smile back at her or do some "convincing" if necessary to her
● but sometimes 8's jealously can get a biiiit crazy TOO crazy in fact
●Now it would all depend of how people treated you and either it would either be a swift splatting death or pure ummerciful torture for the poor inkling or octoling
● 8 will wait until your nightly conversation is over with a friend and quietly follow the unaware suspect that hurt your feelings today and when they enter their household the worst happens and it's best to not know what she would do to them when she makes physical contact with them
● but overall 8 is not that bad to a yandere she will not kidnap and make you live with her forever you need to do is not talk or interact with anyone! and nobody will get hurt if you even knew that ...
" Aw Y/n could you stay with me for just a little bit those people won't matter in the end "
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Agent 4
● Now her is an interesting case Her first meeting you in person was like absolute heaven to you but it felt like a Rollercoaster of fuzzy emotions crashed onto her face and she didn't know how to respond to them at all
● when 4 sees you She either becomes a blushing mess or one massive flirtatious or maybe rarely both and it can result a bit awkward interaction and a 4 dashing away from you in a flash crashing through people like a bullet
● She would do things to get your attention and admiration like trying to show off cool tricks to you at turf wars handing you gifts and giving you great food or tell you the most flirtatious marks She can make
● and at times where she would be jealous she would very quietly curse out the person you were having fun with or having a simple conversation with
● in all first sight everything looks a-ok around here no problems Overall
● at times when you're talking to a friend or family member 4 will just stare and smile at you no words will come from her mouth she'll stare at you with a cute but threatening like Chara from undertale smile and it started to make you super nervous about this
● She would also take pictures of you without your permission and stick them to her wall and cherish them like a cultist till the end
●more of your friends a were starting to dissappear more inkling were starting to avoid you as fast as they could stuff was feeling like to be downhill for you until 4 invited you to her house one day you both talked, ate, and drank but everything was starting to get dark in your eyes and all you could see was her face smiling before completely blacking out
● And now you were kidnapped By 4 and best try to adjust to your new life now because it will be quite torturing to you but pure bliss for 4 she gets to feed you cuddle you, And take care of your entire life that is if you try to escape that is ...
● She won't mind to cut you a little bit or set a "example" to what happens when you TRY and leave her...
" Y/n you're not going to try to leave me again cause Bad things will happen to you right!?"
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Agent 3 / Captain 3
(There's 2 types of agent 3 but I'll be discussing the captain 3 from splatoon 3!)
● Now 3 would be the silent but slightly controlling sort type of yandere
● everything all started when you first recruited by the new new Squidbeak Splatoon and became the new agent 3 in alterna and ever since you joined in 3 took a small liking to your eagerness and confidence and 3 kinda liked that
● She would do things to help you but try to also try to be the serious captain that She is like popping up behind you scaring the ink out of you and giving you advice on new missions in kettles
● 3 also has a whole small to medium sized book all about you just like Marie has with Agent 4 and what you like or don't like how much times that you brush your teeth in a whole week most amount of time you weared a certain cloths/brand
● and she would rarely give some gifts like a pretty flower that she found or something that would at least make you interested she could also train you if you wanted to but expect little to no break time around training Time
●but sometimes when your about to do a hard kettle sometimes 3 will just stop you there and go in herself and Let's hope those fuzzy octolings get the quick treatment from 3 ...
●And at times she would just tell you to take a break when you're working a bit to hard for her standards she won't go to weird precautions to hug you silently and so damn hard that it might turn your bones to dust
● 3 also would politely and very quietly ask you for dates at her house and most of it is just hanging out or cuddling each other witch is pretty much ok
● Surprisingly she doesn't barely get jealous with other people if that is if they become a jerk to you She won't be afraid at ALL to do some "talking" to the person stop them
●Overall 3 may be a be a big ol no talk hard-core captain but she's a softie and will do things no other inkling would even think of you to do for you
"Uh Y/n can we talk about something tomorrow it's about a certain guy I should be talking about "
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Neo Agent 3
ya'll really really like these yandere headcanons so here is a little bonus for 22 likes for all of you guys 👍
● Neo 3 would be the Dedicated and slightly hard-core loving kind of yandere
● It all started you both met each other in the lobby playing turf wars and you practicing for the next fews anarchy battle with your weapons and just after a long time you met Neo 3 and she was an experience to say the least...
● she was a bit rough in the edges but overall you both became quick friends with each other doing more turf wars and open anarchy battles with together and had pretty great teamwork
●but she would do some crazy things to either flirt or interest you to and add it to the max since she is the most chaotic agent in the group
●and you would not believe what she'll do for you at all
● she would do things like set up fireworks at random open place to impress you she'll replicate every move and strategy you do she'll even as far to redecorate a entire room in her house to have a piano and she'll lie on it while wearing a bright colored dress and she'd fed herself grapes...
●but not only that but she would strangely get EXTREMELY aggressive at times at not only turf wars but at times where just talking to a random octoling or inkling and suddenly Neo 3 would just suddenly slam their head on a locker or a wall for literally just having a conversation with you about chargers
● she would also take you on trips you sometimes didn't want to go at all to but she brought you anyway like som sudden 3 hour hike in the middle of the desert and consider them as "Dates"
● she would start to be more possessive of your life and what you do no friends no family not a single word you would utter to them
● but one day you took an afternoon walk after a heated argument with Neo about her taking over your whole life but until then you were sitting on a bench thinking of apologizing to her and reasoning with her but you felt pressure on your neck and everything blacked out on your eyes
● Great you've been Kidnapped by Neo and this new life will be with her and doing hard-core activities and having romantic times with her forced to make you love her
● and wipe out any ideas or dreams of you escaping her cause she'll go unknown lengths to find you a get you back and when you get back it's not gonna be fun for you......
" Y/n just face it you're not going to leave me EVER"
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And done I hope you all enjoyed my first ever yandere headcanons along with the little edit and the addition as always stay safe stay cool and most importantly stay on the nice side my dudes peace ✌️
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sanjoongie · 4 months
𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕩: 𝔸𝕦𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞/𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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🥀Pairing: Beta! Mingi x Alpha! Reader (f)
🥀Genre: Smut
🥀Rating: 18+, Minors Do not Interact 
🥀Au: a/b/o au, werewolf au, supernatural au
🥀Trope: poly, established relationship
🥀Summary: one the full moon, you play a game of Find and Fuck, where you hunt down Mingi with only the sound of his noises as he masturbates
🥀Kinks: auralism, sensory deprivation, Dom! reader, sub! mingi, background poly ot8, masturbation (m), cock ring pussy (it'll make sense just wait), getting tied up/restrained
🥀Word Count: 1,243
🥀Betas: @mejuii
🥀Day Five: Dacryphilia 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Seven: Voyeurism
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You could hear Mingi masturbating, like a siren call to your senses. The lewd skin slapping noises as his cock fucked his hand had you wet in anticipation. But it was the choked moans, that deep voice echoing in the empty castle, desperately calling for you, that made you struggle in your chains. 
“This is fun,” Wooyoung said in a stage whisper to Yeosang. The other wolf hushed Wooyoung, who made a face of his fun being ruined. 
“Turn the hourglass,” Seonghwa instructed. “Heart, you have exactly ten minutes to break your chains and fuck Mingi. And if you’re not able to do so…”
Hongjoong chuckled darkly. “Then you have to suffer and watch as we have our fun with him.”
Jongho nudged San in the ribs. “Wish you had pulled the short straw tonight, huh, old son?” The younger provoked the older wolf. San silently snarled back.
It was the night of a full moon, but instead of being tortured and pulling your clothes apart to be free in your wolf form, your pack played a game. “Find and Fuck” is what Yunho crudely called it but really it was a game of strength and skill. The beta’s of the pack volunteer if they wish to play, consenting to  being the prey for the night--and all the sex afterwards. As the predator, you need to break free from the titanium steel chains, and with only your sense of hearing, you were to track down your ‘prey’. Tonight it was Mingi and now you knew why; everyone in the damned ruins would be able to hear that wolf while he pleasured himself. 
You focused inward, connecting with your wolf side and poured that supernatural strength into your human body. The links on the chain began to groan in protest. But it still wasn’t enough. 
To make matters worse, Mingi was getting more and more vocal. “Oh, yeah, Heart.” With your evolved hearing, you could even hear his frenzied swallowing. “Fuck me just like that, yeah, you feel so good, hnnnnn, fuck, squeeze me just like that.”
You growled deeply, making the chains twinkle to the vibrations. “I’ll show you squeeze.”
“Time’s ticking,” Yunho taunted you.
“Just thinking about those plush lips around my cock is getting me hard,” Yeosang commented. 
“Oh yeah mmmmmm gonna cum, gonna cum for you Heart,” Mingi cried out, “Make a mess of me, make me squirt inside of you, hnnnn, that’s it--yesssssss.”
That was the last straw, with a howl, your head cast back, you broke the chains and then you were dashing down the hallway. You’re practically skidding around corners, banging into the walls and then launching yourself more. You follow the beautiful moans of Mingi until you finally locate him in a room where the roof caved in and the moonlight focused on Mingi, making him glow. There was a blindfold around his head, empowering his anticipation of either you finding him--or the other’s gangbanging him. 
“Heart!” Mingi, who clearly caught wind of your smell, smiled lazily at your approach. You saw his cum all over his hand and the ground. 
You didn’t know how much time was left in the hourglass but you needed to get Mingi inside of you as quickly as possible. You grabbed his wrist and yanked him upwards. Naked for everyone's pleasure, Mingi gasped when his ass kissed the cool stone of the castle ruins. You took his wrist and pinned it above his head. You then used your free hand to grab his cock and then crooked your leg around his waist. Your underwear was impatiently pushed to the side so that you could take Mingi’s length within you. 
“I love it when you’re rough with me,” Mingi admitted.
“Because you’re a little beta whore,” You growled.
Mingi’s tip was barely inside of you when you started to rock your hips to work him into you. He moaned loudly and you could hear a hoot from the other side of the castle. You must have arrived within the ten minutes you had been allotted. 
You pushed Mingi’s face towards his arm being pinned against the wall and then started to nose his neck. Mingi always smelled like the deep scent of the evergreen tree to you, accompanied by the sweetness of the citrus fruits. He was clean and fresh and simply delectable. 
You squeezed your cunt around Mingi, pulling fresh moans from his plush lips. “Heart!” he cried out for you.
“I’m going to make you cum so many times, Mingi, you’re going to be begging me to stop,” You threatened.
“Hhhhnnn,” Mingi whined, “Don’t threaten--oh fuck--me with a--yes, just like that!--good time!”
You bite down on Mingi’s shoulder, careful to not draw blood, but enough to make his dick twitch inside of you. You growled and then uttered, “Mine,” against his skin.
“Oh, yes, make me yours,” Mingi begged. You expected him to act out, to buck up into your heat, but his ass stayed against the stone’s, like a good little beta was supposed to. He wasn’t like San or Wooyoung. 
There was a rope hanging from some broken rafters, and quickly wrapped them around both of Mingi’s wrists. Then you grabbed the rope to hold your weight as you braced both of your feet against the wall and started to work overtime. The new lewd noises of your ass against Mingi’s pelvis was exactly what you wanted.
But the deep, desperate noises of Mingi’s, the small puffs of air hitting your neck as he buried his face there, that was truly what kept you going. The fact that your beta couldn't shut up about how fucking good it felt while you fucked him urged you on. 
Mingi truly was the perfect submissive for an alpha. 
“Oh shit,” Seonghwa hissed as he entered the room. 
“I told you she was going to be fucking him into tomorrow,” San sulked.
“Don’t make him raw,” Hongjoong cautioned you.
“Fuck off,” You cursed at the other alpha. 
As your own orgasm approached, Mingi’s long cock hitting that good good spot inside of you, your female alpha anatomy kicked in: a ring of your vaginal muscles clamped down on Mingi, to stop him from ejaculating inside of you. You were an alpha, not a body to be bred, but to rule. So this was nature’s response to halt such progress. 
You howled again, your orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks. The pleasure washed over you, and soon all you could hear was your own heavy breathing and Mingi’s disappointed whimpers. 
“C-can I still cum?” Mingi softly kissed your neck, begging, pleading with you. 
Eventually your ring of tight muscles released Mingi, and still he held himself in place. You carefully untied him and climbed down. Yunho approached behind you and you sent him a look of warning. He was not about to claim your prize when you had won the contest. 
You pulled off the blindfold around Mingi’s head and felt a need to take care of the beta. His eyes were so very big and pleading. You ruffled his hair. “I’ll let you cum in my mouth, how about that?”
Mingi’s face broke out into a sunshine grin. “Really?!”
“A good beta should always be rewarded,” You replied.
Mingi folded himself into your body, and you were thankful for your supernatural strength. “You’re the best,” he whispered in your ear.
“Hey,” Yeosang protested half heartedly, “We heard that.”
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🥀Day Five: Dacryphilia 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Seven: Voyeurism
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fr-likes-chocolate · 6 months
(inspired by this song) (mainly the end)
Everyone was worried for Phil, he had dark bags under his eyes and scars that were too fresh to be from purgatory. Of course, the islanders had their rumors about why Phil was a wreck, he had a run-in with the federation, or the stress of single-handedly caring for two eggs was getting to him.
Phil only let the people he was closest to know why he was a mess, that meant Fit, Etoiles, and Missa. he did not want to worry others, they had bigger problems to worry about.
As the days dragged on, Phil’s hallucinations steadily increased in size, getting to the point where Phil would fall asleep on Quesadilla Island, and wake up in Endlantis. When this happened he shakily opened his communicator and call for Fit or Etoiles.
His hallucinations weren't all bad, sometimes he was in a large forest, feeling Rose’s influence all around him, or walking among quartz pillars in the nether, or by a beach, content to watch to ocean.
However, that didn't stop Phil from isolating himself from the others, making everyone worried.
After a full month of madness, Phil finally decided that he wouldn't hide anymore. He made his way to an abandoned field, waiting until the hallucinations started. It did not take long for the world to change, the ground condensing into endstone and the sky turning dark and cold.
“Ender king!” Phil screamed, “I've come to stop this torment!” He glanced around, waiting, no, praying for some sign of a response. The very air seemed to mock him, how naive he was to try and confront the Ender king!
Foolish crow... You dare challenge me on my own turf? You didn’t even bring anyone to help you, how do you expect to get away, let alone stop me?
Void tendrils seeped from the ground, pulling at Phil’s clothing, he pulled away from the tendrils and ran, this was a horrible idea! He pulled up the chat as he ran, clumsily typing for someone to help him.
Ph1lza: I need help
FitMC: where are you?
Etoiles: what happened??
Ph1lza: I cant type coords, find me on the map. Please come quick, its gotten out of hand.
Fit immediately jumped up, he knew what ‘it’ was, he quickly located Phil on the mini-map, he was over 500 blocks away from the closest warp, Fit cursed under his breath before warping. As soon as he got there, he checked what direction he was going before running. Minutes ticked by as Fit ran, he could see flashes of what looked like Etoiles, Bad, or Foolish. It hardly mattered as they all had the same goal, getting to Phil.
They wouldn't think anything of it, but when they ran, plants and trees moved to make a clear path, almost as if nature itself wanted to help Phil.
Phil’s legs burned as he pushed himself to his limit, he couldn't keep this up for long. He was so tired...
As Phil jumped to avoid another void spike as he dashed into an open field, he looked around for the best place to run to when suddenly he heard someone call out his name. There on the left was Fit! He dashed towards him, seeing others break the treeline. “FIT!” Phil screamed, feeling the void tendrils trying to trip or pull him.
“Phil! Grab my hand!” Fit shouted, holding his hand out. Phil lunged for Fits hand, he was so close! Just grab on and-
A void tendril grabbed Phil’s foot, the teleportation magic working immediately, Phio disappeared into a shimmer of ender particles, leaving only his hat behind.
Fit gasped, searching the area for where Phil could have gone. “Phil?!” Etoiles looked around frantically. “What on earth?! He just disappeared...” Bad muttered. Fit sighed, “I think I know what happened... Tell me, have you heard of the Ender king?”
(part 2 here)
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qqtxt · 1 year
[🌸] i’m sorry w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / comfort fluff 🌸 ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 500 words for each member / altogether, word count: 1,340 words ✿ in which you’ve done or said something to hurt them and you try to reach out to apologise to them. (the reverse of ‘apology’) ✿ i enjoyed writing the first one, so this is what i imagine the reverse to be like! [masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut! / @kflixnet​​ ✨​
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again... being in a relationship meant that it takes two hands to clap; two to tango. in some scenarios, he’s the one messing up and saying something to spike a thorn in your chest. in others... today–right now–it was your wrongdoing of saying something that may have gone out of line to prick him in the heart. it wasn’t something big but... it was definitely hurtful. two days have gone by and it’s been quiet, too quiet for your liking (or his, but he won’t admit it).
[🐰] soobin  two knocks on his door and he knows who it is when no one is saying anything from the other end. the door squeaks open and he tries not to look as he remains seated on his bed, legs stretched out, back against the headrest and eyes stubbornly glued to the book he’s holding. it’s painfully obvious that he wanted to see you, to have you here but when you’re actually here, it looks like he’s conflicted. stepping in and closing the door behind you, it takes courage from within yourself to approach him slowly. it’s like approaching a wild animal; in fear that if you move too quickly, they’d dash off. being with soobin felt like that sometimes. the uncertainty scared him, and the way things moved too quickly has him in a blur so he appreciates that you’re being careful. when you reach close enough to him, you extend an arm out from behind your back to reveal that you have a packet of almond milk as a peace offering. upon laying eyes on it, and hearing your voice quietly saying i’m sorry, soobin-ah, he reacts faster than his mind can process it. peeling the drink from your hands, tossing it to the side and gripping your hand to lure you down onto him so he can hug you. he hated how you both know that him hugging you like this was to offer you comfort but in reality, he loved having you in his arms as a reminder that all was well again between the both of you.
[🦊] yeonjun a no-brainer that yeonjun would be in the dance practice room, nearly dancing his feet and soul away from the frustration he feels. he hadn’t even noticed that you were standing there, nearly giving him the fright of his life but... once that initial surprise dissolves, he hates how his heart blooms at the sight of you. yet, the reminder of what had happened, that he was left feeling hurt in the end, strikes back and it hits him in the chest that he turns away from you. his heart pounds in his chest hearing your footsteps approaching him in the quiet of the room with his music fading away. he feels a tap on his shoulder and he lifts his head up, meeting with your lowered gaze through the wall mirror in front of him. he intends to take his time but... he can’t. he can’t ever pretend like you don’t matter to him, so he doesn’t. never once has. his body ignores his plea from his mind and he turns around. his brows furrow when he sees you’re holding out a note to him. he glances up to your face for confirmation or a hint, but when he sees you’re remaining quiet, he takes your note and unfolds it to–his hard gaze softens at the feeble scribble of ‘i’m sorry, jun-ah. you mean the absolute world to me and i’m sorry. convenience store ramen? my treat. :)’ he looks up from the note to meet with your eyes this time, watching as your pupils tremble but seeing the light sparkle when he realises you’re smiling because he’s smiling.
[🐯] beomgyu beomgyu stubbornly remains looking at his computer screen, making no moves to pause the game even when he knows you’re right here next to him. his eyes snap shut when he feels torn at the way he knows you’re waiting for him to finish his game first before wanting to talk to him and how bloody selfish for you to be so selfless to think about that in a time where he wants to hate you? he bites the inside of his cheek and exhales deeply. your eyes peek at his screen to see that his character remains unmoving and you gasp when he lets his character die off. that cues him to remove his headset and put it down onto the table next to the keyboard. he still doesn’t say anything but to you, it was a green light to do what you came here to do. carefully, you move to stand behind his gaming chair so you can roll him back just enough for you to come around to sit on his lap. as you sink in his embrace and wrap your arms around him, the soft confession of i’m sorry, gyu-yah. beomgyu already knows it’s game over. “this is unfair,” he murmurs into your neck, arms circling around you tighter, “you made me lose that game. you owe me twice as much cuddles.”
[🐿] taehyun telltales of taehyun being in the studio became increasingly obvious when each stop, each place you’ve tried finding him proves that this has got to be where he’s at. you’re proven correct when you give the door a knock and the sounds of music seem to quiet down. twisting the door open, stepping in, you gently nudge the door to a close behind you. clearing your throat, hands behind your back, you fiddle with your fingers as you try to muster up the courage to speak as you stare at the back of his head, body slightly covered by the chair as his back faces you. what started out soft, gradually picks up in volume as you try to vocalise your apology. “i... tae, i’m sorry. i’m so sorry. i just–”you instinctively cut yourself off when he stands from his seat, turning around to face you. it’s like you’ve shrunk tenfolds watching as he takes the image of you in front of him. he heaves a deep sigh and spreads his arms out towards you, as if he’s beckoning you to come here. swallowing the lump in your throat, you drag yourself over until you enter his embrace and he immediately wraps his arms around you, clearly much better now that you’re here with him (and he is).
[🐧] kai kai stubbornly has his eyes shut even though he knows you know he’s not asleep just yet. his body reacts the second you step through the door that it takes every nerve in his being not to react (even if he wants to). he’s silent, clutching onto one of the plushies he’s held onto as he’s tried to sleep but... it’s to no avail when he shows slight movement to the sounds of you entering his room. he feels his bed dipping down a little, signalling to him that you’ve taken a seat by his side. he didn’t plan on turning to look at you but when he feels something else being pressed onto the side of his hip, he shifts in a way that he’s able to spot the molang plushie he’s got you a while ago, eyes meeting with yours briefly before he notices you’re using the plushie to cover your face. “y/n says they’re sorry, and that they miss you.” kai lets out a sigh and pushes away the plushie in his arms, then the molang covering your face. all he does is give you a small nudge and it gets you to lay down on top of him so he can curl his arms around you to bury you in his arms. it makes you sigh against his chest, arms crawling beneath the mattress so you can return the hug and he kisses the side of your head with a soft admission of i missed you. (and the way you hug him tighter with a nod confirms that you did just as much, too)
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windwheeler-aster · 1 year
your consequences
summary: after travelling for so long, you and alhaitham are more than ready to get a good night’s sleep in. however, there appears to only be one bed... perhaps now is the time to address your feelings for each other, hm?
masterlist | advent calendar
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pairing: alhaitham x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader has been traveling for a while with alhaitham, and reader is not traveler
word count: 770 words (3 mins~)
genre: romance, fluff, confession, one bed trope
format: one shot
warnings: kissing/making out and suggestive if you squint
a/n: hehehewhew, alhaitham💖 a dashing young lad, ain’t he? a nice guy to write for. many thoughts about him. but hope you enjoy this💖
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The snow storm had transformed into a blizzard just as you and Alhaitham had checked in. The innkeeper was kind and ushered you two to a spot near the fireplace. They couldn’t do much else, as they had to tend to other guests after they signed you two in, but they did hand you both a warm drink. The kind gesture was still appreciated by Alhaitham and you, though.
Once you two had entered your shared room with Alhaitham, exhaustion overcame you. It seemed to have seeped into your bones, making your movements sluggish and painful, and it caused you to flop onto the nearest bed. You sighed heavily as the blanket’s texture brought a heavenly comfort to you, and the pillow you groped for was just as nice. 
However, your brief moment of bliss didn’t last long as Alhaitham realized something.
“There’s only one bed,” he murmured.
You rolled over so you could look at him, “Do you care?”
“About which part?” Alhaitham began to shrug off his coat. “The room with one bed for the price of two? Or sleeping with you?”
“Sleeping with me,” you clarified for him.
“Obviously, that doesn’t matter to me.”
“Yeah,” Alhaitham said, as if he did not just say something so bold and flustering that it made you a mess in the bed. “What about you? You okay with sleeping with me?”
“Of course.”
“‘Of course’?” He parroted.
You flipped over to your preferred side of the bed and began to climb under the covers, “Yeah, now go to sleep, pretty boy. I’m tired— you look tired— so go to bed.”
“‘Pretty boy’?” Alhaitham whispered hoarsly, his cheeks flushing a beautiful scarlet red. He didn’t want to seem desperate, however, all traces of dignity and self preservation were lost in his sleep deprived state. Which led Alhaitham to flip you over, slow enough not to shock you, and face him. “Alright, you’ve got to explain yourself now.”
“There’s nothing to ‘explain’—”
“Yes, there is!” he whispers harshly, lowering his face down so it now hovered only an inch above your own. “You’ve been flirting with me this whole trip! It’s— oh my goodness, it’s so—”
“— does it make you uncomfortable?” you asked, worry and fear eating at you as you stared at the gray-haired man. You had indeed been flirting with him this whole trip, as his responses and reactions always made you smile. However, you didn’t consider that those reactions could be coming from a place of unease and—
“Archons no,” Alhaitham reassured you. “It’s so flustering, that’s what I was trying to say.”
“Oh,” you say, dumbly.
“And I just— I need to know, that this isn’t some screwed up game to you.”
You frowned, your heart breaking slightly at the fearful expression on Alhaitham’s face. Slowly, as you did not want to startle him, you began to caress Alhaitham’s cheek. Then, you slipped it up to his hair and began to part it in a way that made him appear even more handsome to you. 
“Oh, archons above, Alhaitham,” you said gently. Then you met Alhaitham’s eyes and softly smiled, “I would never dream of it.”
“Good, because my feelings aren’t something you can toy with,” his eyes darted from yours to your lips, causing his own to part slightly, “not without consequences.”
“Oh? Consequences such as…?”
He was now only staring at your lips, “May I show you…?”
“Gladly, Alhaitham.”
Your chest burned, with longing so deep it hurt, as he moved his body impossibly closer to yours. Then, his lips came crashing down onto your own. And Alhaitham’s actions were clumsy at first as he positioned himself comfortably over you. However, as the kiss progressed, it became more fluid and passionate with each second you went without air.
Finally, you two did break apart. Alhaitham panted over you, his cheeks a lovely pink now. He chuckled at your equally flustered expression, falling back onto the bed as he regained his breath.
“Good night, Alhaitham,” you murmured, sleep drowning out your excitement as your exhaustion returned. “See you in the morning.”
“What? No good night kiss?” he teased, settling in next to you so that his chest pressed against your back. 
“I just gave you a good night kiss!”
Alhaitham chuckled, “Alright, sweets.”
Then, he leaned over so he could press a kiss to the side of your temple. He also moved his arms so they had a firmer grip on your hips now, giving them a gentle squeeze as he closed his eyes too.
“Good night. I’ll see you in the morning too. Sweet dreams.”
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@x-zho  @cxlrosii​ @i23kazu​
(send an ask to be added or removed)​​
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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I've looked through the gheist stuff, and apparently, their reasoning is that's what the characters would say. Also, they're used to being around people who aren't so 'sensitive' and that they've been around real marines and veterans. I'm white, so I have no right to decide anything, but I just thought I could offer more insight.
(prepare yourself, this is long, and this is by no means an attack to you, just me using this to voice my opinion)
Let me start out by saying: I absolutely agree...
And, sure, if we're addressing it from a (I wanna say 'realistic' but I don't like that word for the context of the game but also nothing else fits) realistic lense, then, sure, yeah, soldiers in general are absolute bastards (affectionately) and make racist/homophobic jokes often.
I've seen it irl and online, it's just a fact of the matter, their humor tends to be dark (I mean look at Ghost in game as an example, many soldiers have said his dialogue is realistic) and many more soldiers online make jokes like "oh if being called a fagg*t offends you, you wouldn't survive a day in basic training" or whatever.
It's also worth mentioning that different circles will view and 'engage' with certain topics in different ways. Things that 'fly' with a group of people will not fly with others (all ethical and legal concerns aside).
And just like, I believe, @/weebumochi said, if they wanna make those jokes and can make them 'freely' with their friend group without upsetting people? Great! They SHOULD do them with their friends!!
But that doesn't mean that some of the people that read that joke and felt upset at it (asians and not + mexicans at one point were involved) aren't also in the right to feel that way.
The moment they made that joke in a public blog they got themselves open to being crictised for it.
It also does not excuse gheistheist's behavior and the way they addressed the joke afterward, and how they addressed people's concerns over the joke, or any of their actions afterward including the dismissal of the joke and the mention of the Palestinian genocide.
Plus, just, in general, I am not (and everyone else are also not!) required to allow that mess to remain in my dash.
I don't want to be involved.
I don't want to see it.
I don't want to engage with it.
I don't even wanna think about it any longer.
I want my peace of mind and I'm getting that by blocking them.
(I'm not encouraging anyone to block them or unfollow them! I shared what I saw as the facts of the matter and what I've been told, what you do from there is your own decisions)
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trulybetty · 8 months
Sunday | Week In Review IX
I feel like I just wrote the last Sunday Week in Review five minutes ago and like six years ago at the same time. Short work weeks and coming off the back of vacation really do mess with your sense of time.
Another short week ahead too, Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow, happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks who observe this holiday! 🧡
October has brought so many good stories to my dash that my drafts list is out of control and I still have so many good fics I haven't finished reading yet! Having said that, I've enjoyed the pause to jump in with these October x 500 prompts. It's been a jolt of inspiration/creativity that I needed.
Having said that, on with the week in review!
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
october x 500 (masterlist)
oct' x 01 - ruffled hair (joel x gn!reader)
oct' x 02 - apple scent (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct’ x 03 - full of colours (tim rockford x f!reader)
oct' x 04 - walks in the forest (strings!joel x reader)
oct' x 05 - autumnal (dieter x gn!reader)
oct' x 06 - falling leaves (gold rush!joel x charlotte)
oct' x 07 - chestnuts (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . .
On Deck (One Shots) (Jack AU) by @something-tofightfor Just when I think I’ve gone through someone’s master list, I manage to find a gem and this is one of them. I have no clue about baseball, went to a game and had no idea what was happening no matter how many times someone tried to explain. However, I am 110% positive that if Jack was to explain the rules to me, I’d know him inside and out, oh and maybe a bit about baseball too. Gotta make sure those lessons get stretched out…
Bloom (Joel AU) by @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheetsThis was such a delightful opening chapter! Reader has their own flower shop, and just so happens our favourite Texan pays a visit. The characterization of Ellie almost steals the show from Joel’s meet-cute with Reader - I’m not going to spoil it, but I had to pick myself off of the floor after - just saying…
Working Title | Chapter 13 (Dieter) by @rhoorl I’m so rooting for these two! Both deserve a happy ending (in more than one sense!) and yet it seems there's those who want to bring them down or stand in their way. This update was a little angst, incredibly sweet and the last bit, well - I can't wait to read the next update!
Kinktober Day Two (Frankie) 🌶️ by @youvebeenlivingfictional I love the whole fun roleplay trop between established couples and this one does an excellent job of doing just that! Reader and Frankie are out at the bar having fun and, I'm not going to spoil it - go enjoy it for yourself!
Tip Your Server (Dieter) by @nothoughtsjustmeds This is just the best! Dieter and wife!reader on the night of his Oscar win and it’s just so much hilarity, sweetness & spice and the banter between the two is just the best. Please go read it, you won’t be disappointed, I promise! 
Kiss Me Quick (Dieter) by @secretelephanttattoo This, how I love this so! It’s a love letter to the British seaside and is told through a day at the beach with the one and only Dieter. It managed to not only invoke laughter but homesickness too. I’d go to the seaside for a stick of rock any day of the week with Dieter. 
Sofa So Good (Frankie) by @secretelephanttattoo This was cozy, domestic bliss wrapped up as tight as my fingers would be in Frankie’s hair. This was a sweet slice of life and so done so well. A perfect cozy Sunday read if you’re looking for one!
Video Nasty I & II (Joel) 🌶️ by @sin-djarin I don't think I've recovered from these two yet... Oof, incredibly hot, incredibly Joel and incredibly read-again worthy! Also provided a fun memory of mine working in a video store and will Marcus be forever associated with a poorly titled porno? Yes. Yes he will be.
Paranoid Heart (Javier P.) by @goodwithcheese This was such a great opener and introduction to our main character and Javi. Now, if you're thinking you need to watch Narcos to read this, take it from me, Ms. Truly 'I think I've watched six episodes now but can't remember' Betty, you don't need to, because Megan is so good at immersing you in her characters worlds that you'll be well taken care of. Can't wait to see where this story leads us!
A Month of Sundays(Various) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey I love each and every one posted so far! There’s something to be said about drabbles, little slices of life etc., six-sentence fics - because they’re not as easy to write as you think. There needs to be some establishing of what’s going on, and while not a resolution - something to end on. These are all great insights into some established characters and some we’ve not met before and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the month brings!
No Panties, No Problems (Frankie) by @blackfemalenerd Frankie is an A-grade menace here and, oof is this hot? Please do yourself a favour and go read it and leave your comments - because I think we all deserve some more of this Frankie!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 7 (Triple Frontier Boys) by @rhoorl Jess really knows how to weave multiple stories and character backgrounds together and take you through from start to finish and never feel like you've missed something or added confusion. This week's installment is no different! We've got it all packed into this chapter and I don't want to spoil anything, but please go check it out!
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M E M O R A B L E  P O S T S . . .
The next guest appearance on Mulefalls Court @rhoorl
the grey sweatpants revelation
hands, hands and more hands
a visual from @maggiemayhemnj that I won't be forgetting anytime soon, and this one here where I might still be on the floor from
a good Tumblr 101 + reblog etiquette post from @morallyinept
Bob's Burgers fest started by @darkroastjoel
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B R O U G H T  T H E  J O Y . . .
Just how lovely this community is - this week I've had so many great interactions with equally amazing people and I'm so happy to have found a home in this little corner and appreciate every one of you who comes and interacts with my blog and me in whatever capacity 💕
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F R A N K I E  C A T ™️ . . .
I missed last weeks update, so here’s an update on Frankie Cat - she’s very much settled in. She is pretty laid back as her name sake, but sometimes her tiny humans can get on her last nerves, but baby Truly #2 and her are BFF’s (mostly because baby Truly is forcing Frankie to love her, like I would the actual Frankie…)
She also has to go back to the shelter today for treatment, as she’s not 100% a Truly until her spay (which if anyone has tips for care after I’m all ears) - hopefully she doesn’t get excited and think she’s finally getting away from us… sorry Frankie Cat, you’re one of us now. Even if you do rip my feet to shit. 
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T H I S  W E E K ' S  J A M . . .
Back in my Sons of Anarchy feels as I finally work my way through season seven (no spoilers or talk please, I've gone this long without a spoiler, I'd like to finish it out the same way)
Happy Sunday all! Here's to another great week! Feel free to share your favourite posts, stories, thots and whatever and never hesitate to tag me in it 💕
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ninapi · 1 year
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Premise: Rintarou unexpectedly meets the girl of his dreams through an online game and he does his best to find this mysterious girl in the real world and keep her for good.
Word Count: 3591
Chapter 3: Mine.
The way back to your place has never been this tedious, not only was the hot weather really getting to you at this point, but the bus was just not coming. You wanted to get home faster which is why you decided on taking the bus instead of the train since the station was farther away from the school but seems like you missed it.
Your phone lights up with a chat notification, Suna literally dashing over to his house, took him less than five minutes to arrive at his destination, all he wanted was to hear your voice again. “Let me know when I can call you. I’m home now.” he added a sticker of a fat cat laying on his bed texting, this making you laugh and forgetting the hatred you were feeling towards your local transportation system. “The bus won’t come, save me.” his heart was crashing against his own bodily cavities, you were just too cute for his brain to process.
Your phone rang right away, startling you, but you answered the call instantly, “Someone told me you were in need of being saved.” your quiet giggles were all he needed to survive now, who needs food. “Seems like you live closer to your school than I do.” you keep on looking around, hoping to spot the bus, “Nah, I just ran real fast. Had a cat lady waiting for my call.” was he always this smooth? He was surprising himself with his antics, “You didn’t have to run, I bet you were already tired after practice.” Having someone worry over him and his levels of stamina was heartwarming for the middle blocker, all he heard all the time was how he needed to stop being so lazy, you were certainly an angel. “Practice was pretty intense as usual, but you are that important.” you were officially a blushing mess, now hoping this bus wouldn’t come any time soon, at least you were alone at the bus stop and nobody could see you.
“You are making me blush~” you teased him just a bit but that was all he needed, the last push, he was dying to see you. Your phone started beeping for it to switch to video call, your heart about to burst, you heard he saw a picture of you, but you’ve never seen him, being as nervous as one can be you even forgot what was needed to accept the call, fumbling with your thumbs. Once you managed to get it to work, your soul left your body, “Hey gorgeous.” It’s all he said, giving you a small smile, he was laying down on his bed, still wearing his uniform. “Oh my god, hi! Look at your face! So squishy.” your dreamy eyes were digging holes in his existence, that picture did no justice to you, with the poor lighting of the bus stop you looked almost ethereal, “Squishy- is that even a good thing-“ your giggles, live, all for him to see, life was being so good to him, he promises never to complain again, “Being squishy is the best thing ever, well at least for me.” and at the end that’s all it mattered to him.
“So, am I the only one who really wishes teleportation was like a thing? Because I’m about to search in the black market for options.” how does he manage to make to make you laugh with everything he says, is beyond comprehension but he enjoys it heavily. “You are not. Let me know if you find something, otherwise boring old trains would have to do.” was he even serious when he said he would visit you on the weekend? He doesn’t even know where you live. “Yeah, about that. It’s a bit far from here, so I’ll get on the first train, should be in Sendai station around 10, would that work for you? If you think this is too weird or you just don’t wanna meet me yet, we can-“ you cut him off immediately, of course you wanted to see him, you wanted to see him right now. “I’ll be there! Let’s meet outside at the main entrance.” he nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. He was doing something crazy, you should not meet random online people, that’s a rule, but the Karasuno dudes knew you, is not like you were some shady unknown woman.
Your phone was flooding with notifications coming from an unknown source, but you decided to ignore them for the time being. The bus was now on sight, and you had to end the call, of course not without promising Suna you would text him as soon as you arrived home safe and sound.
The dopey look on your face was making people around you stare, but you were just so happy, not like you could control your face. You not only managed to find your mysterious stranger, but you have a date on Saturday! You haven’t had an actual date in forever and the last one you had was awful, Miyuki wanting you to date her boyfriend’s cousin, who let’s just say wasn’t an ideal fit for you, making you avoid going on dates for a while.
Once you were comfortable on your seat, you checked the messages you got earlier noticing they were from Tsukishima, he wanted to make sure you arrived home safely. He was a sweet lad, you made so many friends in a single day, you were really appreciating choosing Karasuno over Seijoh.
Tsuki was already in his house, staring at his roof, waiting for your reply. He wasn’t sure if he was even allowed to text you this quickly, but the look on your face when you were on the phone with Suna was hunting him. He’s never crushed on a girl like this, of course he’s been intrigued by a couple of girls in his life, but they were never worth the risk. You on the other hand, were driving him nuts.
He remembered how a few nights back his older brother was teasing their mother saying it was time for his hormones to kick in and that she shouldn’t be surprised if he brought a girl home any time soon. He thought it was all nonsense as usual, but his hormones were clearly out of control today. He thought of how soft your body felt pressed against his own, your hair smelled so sweet, almost like going into a candy shop, the way your tiny hands wrapped around his massive one….sent his mind to the gutter, he needed to get up and take a cold shower. But that’s when his screen lit up displaying your name, “Not yet ☹ I missed the bus, but I’m on my way now. Thanks for worrying, Tsukishima-kun, you are really sweet.” you thought he was sweet. No one had ever said that about him, not even once. “Just call me Kei. Let me know when you get home, or I won’t be able to sleep.” you were being spoiled by two handsome men, how did all this happen, people rarely even look your way. You sent him a cute bunny nodding sticker and stashed your phone back into your bag, our friend Tsuki though was staring at the sticker thinking of your cute little button nose, you looked just like that cute fluffy rabbit. His mood swaying from the need to do something about his raging hormones, to the need of wrapping himself into a blanket burrito, something was really off with him today.
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Saturday was finally here, and you spent all night trying every single possible outfit, nearly crying in despair. Nothing was just good enough for you, but you went for a fitted summer dress, concentrating all your effort into the hair and makeup side of the outfit instead, you weren’t sure what he would even like in a girl so you wanted to play it safe for now.
When Suna got off his train and walked over to the entrance he was just frozen in place. You were trying to fix your bangs using your phone as a mirror, very much noticeably nervous. He just couldn’t believe what he was doing, he’s never been even that interested in women and that train ticket was hella pricey. But every penny was completely worth it the moment your eyes met. You gave him the widest smile he’s ever seen, your eyes filling up with tears and you just ran straight into his arms. “Well hello to you too, stranger.” he looked down at you, resting his forehead on yours, “Are we even strangers at this point-?” you were so cute he just wanted to smother your face with kisses, maybe even bite those cheeks a bit, but that was definitely not the place or the time for that. “This is the first time we officially meet, so technically we were until just now.” he reached over to hold your hand, pulling you with him, “The term ‘boyfriend’ sounds better though, you might want to use that one.” you were smiling widely, hiding your face on his arm as you walked along the sidewalk. “Right, so what are we doing today, dear boyfriend of mine?” his chest puffed out on its own, pride filling every inch of him. “Hm, if it was up to me, I would just bring you to my house and we would watch a movie, eat some pizza and probably nap.” that actually sounded like a perfect date to you, “But sadly, its hours away from us and doing that in your house might be a bit too much for your family specially since we just met-“ you stopped walking, shyly looking down, “Mom is working till late today, so it would be just sausage and us. I mean if you want to, that sounds like a great plan but I know it could be too fast-“ this time it was him the one who cut you short, “Lead the way, gorgeous.” he motioned for you to guide him through the city he had no interest at all in knowing, meeting your cat being way more interesting than sightseeing.
You stopped along the way to buy some cake for later, Suna quickly falling into the boyfriend role, holding you from behind while you guys waited for the lady to wrap your choice of cake. Of course, none of you knew Tsukishima was going out from the athletic store right across the street, he wanted to get new shoes as he kept on growing and they were starting to feel tight again. He thought he heard your giggles, making him look around in a paranoid frenzy, was he officially loosing his mind now? But then he saw his worst nightmare, aka.Suna Rintarou, nuzzling his face on your neck right there for everyone to see, what was he, some sort of animal? Was it necessary to mark you as his or something?
He knew this would happen, it was very clear that both of you liked each other, and he had accepted this and willingly decided to wait for you, but saying this didn’t hurt was utter bullshit. He didn’t want you to see him, so he went back inside the shop saying he changed his mind and wanted them in white instead of black.
You took Suna to your house, your cat being the skilled ninja he is, immediately jumped on his head, enjoying his soft locks and claiming them as his new bed. This made you both laugh, “Told you, he likes you.” getting off your shoes, you grabbed a hold of his fingers, pulling him into the living room, “Hope you like me too, otherwise I might have to kidnap this cat as a consolation price.” you rolled your eyes at him, wasn’t it obvious that you did? Plopping on the sofa, you turned on your tv, giving him the remote to choose what to watch while you scrolled on your phone for a pizza place, “Pretty sure I like you more.” pleased with the answer he got comfortable next to you, carefully moving the cat to set him on his lap, choosing the scariest looking movie he could find. You scheduled the pizza to arrive a couple of hours later and got your comfy blanket out to go under it with Suna. Even if it was boiling hot outside you turned the A/C to its max to have your house freezing on purpose, cuddling the middle blocker being the ultimate goal.
Who would have thought you would be doing something so intimate with someone that was a complete stranger a week ago, but it was so soothing to be pressed to his side, your head resting on his chest while enjoying the beauty of horror.
He was sneakily trying to tickle your sides, his suppressed needs from Friday hitting him like a truck. “Rin stop! You know I’m ticklish!” you squirmed against him, trying your best to continue watching the movie, but that wasn’t good enough, if sausage could make you giggle like crazy he would accept that challenge and steal his place. He looked down at you, expressionless, before attacking your tummy with his fingers in full force, you’ve never laughed this hard, his fingers were digging into the softness of your body skillfully, the cutest sounds coming out of you as you gasped for air. Before you could actually react to what was happening you saw Suna pretty much on top of you, his lips less than an inch away from yours. You were panting heavily, your cheeks as red as they could be, eyes glossy and lips slightly parted, he lost all control of his body, his lips crashing hard on yours. Not what you thought the first kiss you’d share would be like but who were you to complain, your arms wrapping around his neck, bringing him down on you. Your lips were as sweet as the rest of you, he just couldn’t get enough of you and his mind was getting clouded, against his better judgement he lets go of your rosy lips, looking into your eyes for what felt like an eternity before going back to his spot on the sofa.
After regaining your breath, you checked your phone seeing the pizza guy was already outside waiting for you to pick up your lunch, Suna went for it, setting it down on your coffee table. The rest of the day went pretty much as planned, you finished watching the movie, having to go back a few times due to some steamy kisses here and there but the task of finishing it was over by mid afternoon. He wanted to take a short nap, having to wake up so early to take the train taking its toll on his body. You indulged him, having a mass of heavy warm muscle pressed against your body for about an hour, he slept like a baby, but you weren’t able to close an eye, too self-conscious of the situation you were in. After having some of the cake you bought earlier, it was getting pretty late and was time for him to go back home, not looking forward to number of hours needed for him to return, he just wanted to live under your bed forever, maybe no one would notice.
You walked him to the station, none of you wanting to let go of the other. Holding his face on your hands you pecked his soft lips, “I’ll go visit you next weekend, I promise.” he hated this, would Karasuno accept him? They were clearly in need of a good middle blocker, maybe he could convince his parents. “Can’t I just live in Sausage’s house? Looked pretty comfy.” It broke your heart seeing how he didn’t want to leave either; you were now understanding completely why long-distance relationships were hard. “I wish you could, but your team needs you as much as I do. Though, I like to think I need you just a tiny bit more than they do, specially after today.” you let go of his face, grinning up at him, his train was leaving in ten minutes and he needed to hurry to the platform or he would indeed need to share your cat’s cardboard house. “They can all turn into monkeys and join a circus for all I care. I’m quitting school and becoming a cat tamer.” You burst out laughing, patting his backside for him to start walking, “Got it, then let’s buy a camper and travel across the country showcasing your cat magic.” hey that didn’t sound like a bad idea, but before he could think on it more he saw his train displayed on the screen, it was already there and he would have to run, “I’ll start looking for campers in the train. Text me when you get home.” he leaned down to peck your lips once more before leaving, your heart going with him in the process.
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
It’s been just a few weeks since the last time you were able to physically see your boyfriend and you’ve been so down. You wanted to see him and not just through a damn camera. His kisses were so warm and addicting, you just needed more of him. Sighing loudly, you slumped on your chair, school was over and you should probably get going, but Nishinoya came looking for you shortly after, “Hey (Y/N), the boys and I are going to get some ramen, practice got cancelled since the school is repainting the gym. Would you like to go with us? Tsukishima has been acting weird and you seemed pretty down, I bet that would make you both feel better!” some fatty unhealthy but delicious food was just what you needed, besides, the guys are fun to be around, “Sure, why not. Let’s go!”
When Nishinoya arrived at the shop with you following, the boys got overly excited, Kiyoko had declined the invitation and having a lovely face around was always welcomed. Tsukishima however couldn’t look at you without thinking of the disgusting expression on Suna’s face, making his mood even more sour.
“Hey Tsuki, why don’t you sit next to (Y/N)? I’ll seat over there with Kageyama.” before he could say anything, Yamaguchi had already pushed him down beside you and was running to hide behind Kageyama, suddenly fearing for his life at the cold look on his friend’s face. “What are you going to order, Kei? I’ve never been here before, not sure what’s good.” Kei???? Every pair of eyes now on Tuskishima’s face. Not even Yamaguchi calls him by his first name. “Hmm, you would probably like the shoyu ramen best.” you smiled at him, trusting him completely, “Got it, then that’s what I’ll get.” you deflated on your seat, resting your head on his shoulder, “Tired?” you just nodded, playing with a napkin. The team was silent taking in what was going on between you two as they waited for the food to arrive. Since when have you become this close? They didn’t know you’ve been talking daily, only Yamaguchi knew about this.
Once the food arrived, the usual bickering of the team continued, making you laugh and forget about your depressing afternoon, Hinata’s nose was currently dripping with soda and you just couldn’t stop laughing, Tsuki’s mood changing for the best. He knew you were taken now but just spending time with you was fun and he enjoyed having you by his side. He leaned over, cleaning the excess oil from your mouth with his napkin, this making you blush at the sudden touch, just what he wanted. He just went back to his ramen bowl, giving it no thought. He wanted you to get used to him, to his touch, to his presence, he wanted you to think of him whenever you felt sad, whenever you needed someone.
Your phone’s screen lit up and you answered the call right away, “Rin! How was practice? I’m eating dinner with the volleyball team right now.” he wasn’t jealous of them per say, he just wished he could be there and join you for dinner, “Heh, I bet those hungry men are all staring at your gorgeous self, not even eating.” your demeanor changed right away, earning a deep sigh from Yamaguchi, he really wanted his friend to find love and stop being so salty all the time, but you were definitely head over heels with this other guy, “Don’t be silly, everyone here knows I’m yours.” Ouch, that hurts. Tsuki got up, taking both of your empty bowls along, silently walking over to the counter, trying his best to be a man. He knew it would take time, he might not even succeed ever, but he had to be patient, “His, huh? We’ll see about that.”
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
You’ve been dating Suna for the past seven months, he’s been the most loving boyfriend you could ever wish to have, as funny as always, bringing happiness to your heart every day.
But long distance relationships are hard.
You loved him so much, all you wanted to do was to be by his side. Be able to cheer for him during his matches, having him hold you to sleep. It was now physically showing how desperately you wanted this, it was clear to everyone you were barely sleeping, lets not even mention eating. You weren’t looking good at all and Tsukishima was worried.
You were forced to run for the school sports day, not being many girls in your class every single one of you were obligated to multiple roles. You didn’t even had two hours of sleep last night and breakfast…well…who had time for that, so you were feeling a bit dizzy to say the least.
Your friends were there to cheer for you at the race, Tsuki being in the first row making sure he wouldn’t miss a second. But the one that missed something was you, as soon as you started running you blacked out, falling in front of your classmates and even being stomped on by some that weren’t able to stop on time. “(Y/N)!!” the last thing you heard was Kei’s voice and that just brought you the sense of security you needed to completely loose consciousness.
Tsukishima ran over to you, lifting you in his arms and running over to the infirmary. Miyuki, who was holding your phone, called your boyfriend first before following the first year into the building.
The nurse told him you were exhausted and probably haven’t been eating much, so she wanted you to stay there for the rest of the day with I.V fluids. One of your schoolmates had also stomped too hard on your wrist and it seemed broken, so you would need to go to the hospital after class, your mother was not available to take the nurses call so she left a message and told all this to Tsukishima so he would rely the message to you when you woke up.
It took a couple of hours for you to stir, Tsukishima had been holding onto your good hand all this time hoping you would wake up soon. “Kei..? What happened?” you were very disoriented, the pain killers in your I.V being very efficient, you could barely feel any pain. “You blacked out on the middle of the race. Was told you aren’t sleeping or eating. Why are you doing this to yourself, (Y/N)? Is it because of Suna?” you could hear the amount of venom coating his last question. If he was your boyfriend he would take such good care of you, just when were you going to realize that?? “I’ve just been having a hard time lately, it’s all on me though.”
Before Tsukishima could retaliate to your argument the doors to the infirmary burst open, a very agitated and panting Suna blocking the entire doorway. “Baby, are you ok? I came as fast as I could!” he ran over to your side, cradling your face gently in his hands, taking a good look at you. You looked dead tired, sick even. “No. She’s not ok. She hasn’t been sleeping or eating for months now. Just look at her! She’s so weak can’t even run properly and got hurt, now she has to go to the hospital and get her wrist fixed and why? All because you aren’t here for her! Isn’t that what a boyfriend is supposed to do?” he was fuming, you were as startled as Suna was, what’s gotten into him? “It’s not like I don’t want to be here, Tsukishima. Do you have an idea of how far my house is from here? Why do you think it took me so long to come? I had to beg my coach to drive me here, I don’t even know how am I going back home I even forgot my school bag and my wallet is in there. I’m doing the best I can.” you reached over, placing a peck on the side of his hand, you knew he was having as much of a hard time as you were and you just appreciated him so much. “Well, it’s not enough! If you can’t fulfill your role as her boyfriend then maybe you should step down so someone else can take the spot. Someone who can and will be there for her all the time.” he was growing louder, a small crowd forming outside the doors trying to see what was going on.
“Oh? And let me guess, that person would be you, right? Pft, look, I appreciate all you’ve done for her, she adores you and you are a very important friend for her, even I know that, but you gotta understand she is MY girlfriend and that isn’t going to change any time soon.” Suna was growing more and more agitated, not even Atsumu has gotten him this aggravated before. “You see her like twice a month, Suna. How can someone like that be there for her? Think about her, about her well being! If I was you I would have done something already to be by her side.” now you were the one getting angry, why do they keep on talking like if you weren’t there?
“Don’t even talk about things you don’t know. I wanted to transfer to Karasuno but (Y/N) wouldn’t let me. She’s proud of the fact that Inarizaki scouted me to play for their school, my family moved all the way from Aichi just so I could be part of the team and I was more than willing to leave it all for her, so don’t talk like you know everything when you clearly don’t.” the blonde middle blocker was losing his last straw of patience, so what? He would have done it anyways. “So? She has to throw her life into a trashcan just so you can become someone one day and you’re just going to agree with that? Just like that?” you were now sitting up, giving your friend an annoyed tired look. “No, kei. I’m not that stupid. That’s why I’m transferring to Inarizaki next spring.” Both of them were staring at you bewildered, not even your boyfriend knew about this. “That’s why I haven’t been sleeping well, their entrance tests aren’t easy and I wanted a full scholarship to make sure my mom would agree to it.” Tsukishima’s heart was cracking and he didn’t know what to do, “But (Y/N)! What about us? You have so many friends here that love you. Are you willing to leave us all behind that easily?” you could hear the desperation in his tone of voice it was heartbreaking. “It’s not easy, Kei. Did you really think I was just sad and loosing sleep over missing my boyfriend? Of course that’s a huge part of it but making this decision has been tougher than I thought it would be for me. Not only will I be leaving my friends but also my mother, my hometown, everything I’m used to. Do you think that’s easy? But I would never make Rin come here for me, it would be like stealing his future. He is fantastic at what he does and you know it’s true. There’s nothing I can do here that I can’t do at Inarizaki, so I must be the one to move.”
They were both in complete shock, Suna’s heart was about to burst with so much love. You were really willing to leave everything behind just to be closer to him. He never thought he would find someone like you, for someone who didn’t believe in love for majority of his life he’s been blessed with the best of the best.
“We will still talk every day as we do now, Kei and I will visit often. I’m sorry to disappoint you I’m just doing what I think is the best for my boyfriend’s future and my own.” he just nodded trying to take everything in. You were leaving in just a few weeks, then what, was it all over for good? He hasn’t even had the chance to confess his feelings to you yet.
Suna was moving away your covers, gently removing the I.V from your arm. “What the hell do you think you are doing? The nurse said she had to stay with that on all day.”
“I know, but (Y/N)‘s mother, who’s a doctor, told me to bring her home after taking her to the hospital to get her wrist checked. She will get her back on it as soon as I take her to her room. Now if you excuse me, I have to take my girlfriend to the hospital.” he told you to hang on tight as he carried you bridal style out of the infirmary, all the onlookers either jealous of you or trying to snap a picture to gossip later.
Was it really the end? Was there nothing he could do? Tsukishima collapsed onto the bed you were laying on just a few seconds ago, thinking about a way to covey his feelings before it’s too late.
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf, @lauraagrace, @thisbicc, @jcrml, @karasunoya
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Heart Breakers: Chapter 3A - When Seb wins
I strongly advise you read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 if you haven't already. Written from a request from @simpy-slytherin F!MC is called Leina in honour of her MC
Sebastian x Leina x Garreth
This is 1 of 2 alternate endings. In this chapter, Sebastian is end game 💚 Chapter 3B will see Garreth get the girl.
He wasn't in the Undercroft or in the clock tower. Leina avoided the spot where she had seen Trixie all over Sebastian, hurrying on in her search for him. Eventually, she found herself standing outside the Slytherin common room, students wandering about giving her curious looks.
Maybe they were hoping more drama was about to kick off. She really hoped not.
After about 15 minutes of waiting and hoping Sebastian would appear, Ominis came down the staircase, wand out flickering. He headed for the door but paused, head tilting slightly. "Leina, is that you?"
"Yes," she said, stepping forward. "How are you, Ominis? I feel like we haven't spoken in a while."
"You have had your hands rather full it seems, no time for chit chat," he said. "What are you doing here?"
"I was hoping to catch Sebastian. Do you know if he is around?"
"Hmm, yes, you two do need to sort out this new mess of yours," he sighed. "He has been an absolute monster to be around lately. I'm growing rather tired of it."
He paused in thought and then moved a little closer. "You won't find him here. He mentioned needing to catch up on some Astronomy assignment work and headed that way after dinner. I would assume he is still there in the tower."
"Thank you, Ominis, I will give it a try."
"Before you dash off, may I say something?"
"Of course."
His brow pinched and a glimmer of sadness washed over his face. "I know he has upset you terribly, but please, don't go too hard on him. He is the bane of my life sometimes, but he is also like a brother to me. I know when he is hurting, and he is definitely suffering. He still hasn't got over the events of 5th year. And as for Trixie, well, her behaviour has been disgusting to say the least. Sebastian was in a very bad place that night, and roaring drunk to boot. She took advantage of him. Had the roles been reversed, a boy would have been reprimanded within an inch of his life. I do not believe he set out to hurt you. In his own stupid way, he thinks he protects people with his wild ideas and protective nonsense. Anne being a case in point. I think what I am trying to say, is that he feels deeply for you, and that is why he tangles himself up in knots."
"Feels deeply for me?" Leina felt like her lungs had been squeezed at those words. "He has never said such a thing to me."
"He would never admit any of this to himself, or anyone else for that matter, he is far too stubborn for that. But he doesn't fool me."
Leina stood there taking this speech in with her eyes wide. She took a long, shaky breath as she tried to process all of it. She reached out a hand and placed it on Ominis' arm. He flinched a little, but didn't push her off.
"I understand," she said. "Don't worry. The last thing I want to do is hurt Sebastian. I just want to try and make things better because they can't go on as they are."
"Then we are agreed," he said with a smile. "I wish you luck."
Sebastian rolled up his parchment now that his ink was dry and put a stopper in the ink bottle. The Astronomy Tower was now deserted and quiet and he liked it that way. It was peaceful.
He sighed and moved towards a railing to look up. It was one thing to stare through the telescope and mark the detail of the stars, but when you stood and took in the whole blanket of them across the sky, it just hit you differently. It was huge, beyond comprehension, and you remembered that you were one small thing before it. Your troubles a mere wisp against the great, and therefore, should be more manageable to carry on your shoulders.
He wished that were true. He rubbed a hand across his eyes and gingerly moved them to his neck. The bruises there were less tender, the sticky salve on them seeming to do the trick. He scowled about the how and where of the salve, hating that he had to go begging to Leander Prewett, of all people, to ask for help. Wiggenweld just didn't seem to budge the dammed things and he hated the way people were staring at them, sniggering behind their hands.
Most of all he hated that Leina had seen them. His heart wrenched at the way her eyes had dimmed, losing their usual spark and fire. He hated that he hadn't been able to take her hand and try to soothe away the hurt. But, it was on him. He had nobody but himself to blame.
And now, he owed fucking Leander Prewett a favour for bailing him out with a Herbology trick for getting rid of bruises. The smugness on the idiot's face made his wand hand itch something terrible.
But he had been desperate. Desperate to hide the marks that had left him feeling dirty, stained. He shivered at the memory of her tongue violating him. It made his skin crawl. Never mind the stares of others, he needed to scrub all the evidence away that she had ever touched him in the first place.
Footsteps on the stairs signalled the end of his peace and quiet. He sighed and turned to gather his things, not really in the mood to stay for small talk. He froze when it was Leina that appeared at the top of the stairs, though. Alone, and looking right at him.
"Hello, Sebastian,' she said softly. "I've been looking for you."
Now that Sebastian was there, right in front of her, any words she had been trying to piece together on the way up here slid right out of her mind. He stood stock still, eyes wide and fixed on her like she would startle if he so much as blinked.
She stared at him in the moonlight, drinking in the sight of him, that heavy feeling in her chest shifting, feeling as though it might shrink a little. It was just him, and her, just like she was used to, and that had never been a bad thing. Not really.
She pressed her lips together, tears burning the backs of her eyes and then she was running, crossing the gap between them and throwing herself at him. Her arms wrapped about him and she buried her face deep into his neck, breathing in his scent like she had been holding her breath since the last time she had touched him.
He had stiffened at first, shocked perhaps, but then his arms circled her waist and crushed her to his chest.
"You're such an idiot, Sebastian Sallow," she said, her voice thick with emotion.
"I know," he said. "I know. And I'm sorry."
His voice cracked on the last word and she pulled back to look at him. He gulped, a hand reaching to swipe quickly at the tear that rolled from his eye. He tried to look away from her, but she wouldn't let him. "Its alright," she whispered. "It's just me. You're alright."
His lip wobbled and she pulled him in tight again, her fingers sliding into the hair at the back of his head as the dam broke and he cried into her robes.
The moment wasn't lost on her. It was the mirror of what she had done to Garreth, and Garreth had not questioned her need for comfort. She would not question Sebastion either, not if he wasn't ready. But she could hold him, she could soothe him and, maybe, it would help.
"I'm alright, honestly," he said. He pulled back and wiped his face. "I don't deserve your hugs, as lovely as they are."
"Everyone needs a hug at some point, Seb," she said. "How could I not comfort you if you need it?"
"I should be the one comforting you. I...I've been a fool, Leina." He hung his head. "There aren't enough apologies in the world to make up for it. But, I would like to try."
"Then, let us try," she said.
Her eyes drifted down to the marks on his neck and she swallowed, her nose wrinkling in distaste at the goop covering them. "Blimey, Sebastian, what on earth have you smeared on your neck?"
He groaned. "Don't ask. It's some nasty salve to get rid of bruises. I can't wait to be rid of them."
"You and me, both," she said, grimly.
An awkward silence filled the air and Leina shivered, the cold evening breeze cutting through the dampness of her clothing. Perhaps she should have changed after all.
"You're cold," he said. He rubbed at her arms.
"A little, unfortunately my clothes are a bit damp," she said. She tugged at the front of her jumper, wrinkling her nose, and he frowned in curiosity. "There was an incident during my Potions detention, I got a bit soggy."
His frown deepened. "I assume Weasley is just as damp?"
Leina stepped back out of reach of his arms. They dropped to his sides, fists clenched. She wrapped her own arms about herself, maybe because of the chill, maybe because she felt like she needed to protect the soft feelings she was harbouring in her chest for Garreth.
"I didn't come here to argue with you, Seb," she said. "But, let me make one thing very clear. I won't hear a word said against Garreth. He doesn't deserve it, not one bit."
She could see the clench in his jaw. Clearly, there were words fighting to get out, but he held his lips firmly clamped. Let them stay there. She didn't want to hear it.
"If we are going to have any chance at moving forward from this point on, then Garreth is non-negotiable. He is someone important to me and I won't give him up. Not even for you."
He processed that. He didnt like it, his eyes flashed, but he nodded. "Okay, so Garreth is off the table," he said slowly. "What did you want to talk about? Why did you seek me out?"
Her heart pounded. Yes, why did she seek him out? Did she want his confession of undying love for her? Now that she was here, she wasn't sure if she could handle it. It felt too huge, too all encompassing a thing, and she felt her chest tighten. It didn't feel heavy anymore, although she definitely hadn't forgotten the image of him wrapped up with Trixie. She wasn't sure if she ever would.
But, was that fair? He didn't owe her exclusivity. They weren't a couple. She had clearly spat the words into his face that a few kisses didn't lay a claim on each other. Also, how would he feel to see her wrapped up with Garreth? Livid, thats how, if his rage in the Undercroft was anything to go by.
Even here, in the chill wind cutting right through the tower top arches, she felt her cheeks warm. What if she had kissed Garreth on the floor of the Potions classroom? What if Sebastian had walked in on that? If Sharpe hadn't caught them, she thought it was quite likely she may have kissed him, and the thought threw her into a spin.
It was all too much. Her mind was fudge, and she didn't know what on earth her body was trying to tell her. He was there, waiting for an answer and she didn't know what to say.
She backed up a step, two, her lungs burning for air but she was gasping it in.
He frowned. "Leina, what's wrong?"
"I...I..." She threw a look towards the stairs, the exit, escape. Coward. "I accept your apology."
Inwardly, she cringed. Gods that was so formal. So cold. She didn't mean to be, and the flicker of uncertainty on his face made her want to run.
He took a careful step to the side, slowly lifting his hands. All the times they had been in a duel, fought dark wizards, trained together, it had given them a bond, an understanding of each other. He knew she was going to bolt just as much as she knew he was going to try and stop her. Their bodies were in tune, they could read each other in a split second.
She stepped back and to the side, one eye on him, the other on the exit. He stepped as well. Her heart hammered right up into her throat, her ears roaring with it and she forgot about the chill of her clothes.
Tension, electric and hot, sizzled. To her shock, she felt it in her abdomen, curling like some wild thing. Would he chase her? If she ran for those stairs, would he chase her? What if he caught her? Unbidden, a small sound came from her throat at the idea.
What the fuck was wrong with her??
He lifted an eyebrow at that sound, she was so distracted by it, and the slow curving tilt of his lips, that she had let her guard slip. He was closer than before. Damn him!
"I will catch you," he said. His voice was low, dark. Filthy.
She swallowed, her throat working double time. She shook her head in denial, but it was a pathetic shake, weak. Gods, he made her weak and she couldn't be. She had to get a grip on herself.
Her eyes darted to the exit and back to him. Where would she run to? That was a lot of fucking stairs to get down, she would no doubt end up tumbling to her death, if his smile didn't kill her first. Look at him, his smirk, that wicked, wicked mouth. Fuck!
She ran. Her feet bounded across the Astronomy deck and into the stairway, cloak and hair flying as she took the stairs in a leap. He was right behind her, feet pounding on the wooden steps, she could hear his excited breaths.
She ignored the shooting spear of fire that shot through her, if she didn't she would falter, and if she faltered then it would be too late. He'd catch her.
Oh, but what if he did?
Legs trembling, she skidded across the landings on the switch back steps, hands shoving off from walls for momentum, before hitting the next flight of stairs, curving down, and down, to her inevitable doom.
Leina was almost at the Room of Requirement. For a split second, she considered it an escape, but the door needed to form, it would take too long, and he was gaining on her. Was that the brush of finger tips on her cloak?
A cry left her lips, a cry that sounded far too excitable for her liking, and she pushed harder, feet slapping against wood as she hurtled down the corridor past her secret haven.
The corridors were getting smaller, portraits and statues whizzing past as she ran, legs beginning to burn, every breath now a fight, and still, he was right behind her.
He wasn't going to quit, it wasn't his style. He could be near death and he would keep chasing her. Now, that thought nearly made her stumble as she burst out into the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower.
She barely had time to glance at the shocked faces of the students in the seating area as she made a desperate sprint for the switch back stairs going down, down, down.
She hadn't planned on it, but her feet were carrying her closer and closer to where it all began. That Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom where she had knocked him on his arse on her first day. And, what was underneath it? The Undercroft.
She risked a glance back, he was so close, face flushed but determined. A laugh, rasping and breathless trailed behind her as she kept going, on and on until she thought her legs might just give out from under her. She was flagging as she passed the rhinoceros skeleton and she felt fingers catch hold of her flapping cloak.
He had her.
They both stumbled to a stop, his hands tugging her closer and she braced her hands against his heaving chest. They barely had the breath to laugh, but somehow, they did.
"So...now what?" He puffed. "I caught you...what's...what's my prize?"
She stared at him, fighting for every breath. This was crazy. Stupid. Reckless. How very them.
She smiled and grabbed his hand. A quick glance told her that the coast was clear, no prying eyes to see as she tugged him towards the secret entrance of The Undercroft.
He did the spell to open it, she watched him, couldn't tear her gaze from him. She remembered how she had realised how alive he made her feel, living life on a dangerous edge. It was exciting. Was it enough? What was enough?
She needed to know, her heart and soul had a choice to make. Was this love?
Leina was holding his hand. He stared down at their interlocking fingers as if to fully confirm that he had her in his grasp. All he had to do was keep her there.
He was fucking knackered. Chasing her down all those stairs had damn near killed him, but he would do it again, in a heartbeat. He would run after her until he dropped dead if he had to. She was worth every burning breath, every screaming muscle.
She led him in to the centre of the Undercroft. The last time they had been here, they had fought. How many times had he gone over it? He wished he could turn the clock back.
But they were here now. The anger was gone from her face. He looked at Leina, her cheeks flushed, eyes bright, her hair was some kind of chaotic right now, but he didn't care. She was beautiful!
He asked her again, his breaths more regular now. "What's my prize?"
He gave her his best smirk and watched her gaze drop to his lips. She was trying to pretend she wasn't looking, but she definitely was. He loved that. When she had done it up in the Astronomy Tower it had turned him on, the force of the burn overwhelming. How could he resist chasing after her?
She let go of his hand. Disappointing, but she wasn't turning away from him. "Alright," she said. "Your prize. But first, a truth for a truth."
"What?" He frowned. "Play fair now. I've already won, I caught you."
Her lips twitched. "Maybe I let you."
Dangerous smirk. "You wanted me to."
Her lips parted, little pants of breath slipping out. He wanted to make that sound come out of her with his touch, his mouth on her, her mouth on him.
"Alright, I'll play," he said. He tilted his head, thinking. She wanted a truth. He grinned. "When I was six, I stole Anne's favourite doll and tried to cast charms on it with my Father's wand. I accidently made it explode. To this day, she still doesn't know it was me."
She gaped and then frowned, folding her arms. "That's just mean, and totally not the kind of truth that I meant. And you know it."
Oh, he knew it. He just got a kick out of the little huff she did when he wound her up. He leant towards her, smirk in play. "Your turn."
She hesitated and damn if a little flush didn't colour her cheeks. He lifted a brow, waiting.
"I...I punched Trixie in the face. And I liked it.' She winced.
"I know," he said. "Have you seen her since? That was quite a punch, Leina. I'm impressed."
Impressed and so fucking turned on. Beautiful, and she could throw a mean punch. He tilted his head thoughtfully, still playing the game. "That wasn't a truth I didn't know, you're supposed to tell me something I don't know. So, spill it. What's your deepest, dirtiest secret?"
Wow, now that was a glorious blush she was sporting now. She pressed her fingers to her cheeks, her eyes darting away from him.
He hesitated. Something slippery, cold and sickening filled his gut. Gods, no. Surely not. Would she? Did something happen with her and Garreth?
His fists clenched, her warning up on the tower coming back to him. She said Garreth was important to her, that she wasn't prepared to give him up.
Suddenly, this game didn't seem so fun anymore. Not when he was terrified of what might come out of her mouth.
"I...oh, Merlin," she whispered. She touched her fingers to her lips. His stomach clenched. "I can't believe I'm going to say this..."
Don't say it, don't say it. His hands ached they were clenched so tight.
She looked him right in the eye, cheeks crimson. "I touched myself in the bath while I was thinking of you."
Her fingers clamped over her mouth and the silence that followed seemed to swallow him whole. His eyes burned because he was so frozen in shock, he didn't think he could blink. She did what, now?
Well, fucking hell, he was speechless. He asked for her deepest, dirtiest secret, and she had delivered. That was definitely dirty.
Her saw her begin to regret the words and snapped himself out of his stupor. Come on Sallow, bring the charm. Somehow, he pulled a quip out of nowhere. "Why didn't you just ask? I could have leant you a hand."
He heard her sharp intake of breath, her fingers twitched. He smiled. This was back to being fun.
"Your turn," she said, quickly. "And you need to better mine."
Oh, you clever girl. Nothing like throwing a challenge down in front of him. Although, his heart skittered at the thought of speaking these next words out loud. But she wanted the truth, and he always wanted to be able to give her what she desired. He tried and failed not to imagine her, naked and wet in the bath, her name on his lips...yep, definitely worth running after.
He nodded. His mind was made up and he was terrified. But he hid it well. "I love you."
I love you.
Three little words. One, two, three. So simple, and yet so big. Earlier, she had been too scared that he would say it. And now he had.
He looked more vulnerable than she had ever seen him, even more so than that day he had been slumped on the floor of the catacombs after taking out Solomon.
She swallowed. They had been through so much. The webs that surrounded their lives had thickened and strengthened, and how could it be anyone else?
Garreth. He flashed up behind her eyes and her heart squeezed. Oh, she loved him, she really did, but it wasn't like this.
It wasn't running so fast, waiting for him to catch her, wanting him to catch her, it wasn't knowing each other so well that when one moved, the other did, like a dance. It wasn't covering up murder so you didn't lose them. It wasn't punching a girl in the face because you couldn't stand that she had touched what was yours.
Yes, that's right. He was hers. Sebastian Sallow was hers, for better or worse.
She walked up to him, slowly, savouring every step. He watched her, lips parting, eyes darkening. Smirk for me baby, show me that wicked mouth, she thought. Better yet, let me taste it.
She stared at that bottom lip, swiping her tongue over her own as she reached up on tip toe. He didn't move an inch, watching her as she slowly kissed that bottom lip, teasing it ever so gently.
And then, there it was. His delicious smirk. She gave him one of her own. "So, you love me?"
"I do," he said. His voice was deep, silky dark, full of promise. "I love you. I always have."
She could drown in those eyes. If she wanted. And, oh she wanted to. "I love you, too," she whispered.
He looked like he was afraid to believe it. Her Seb, so smooth, so cheeky, and yet so vulnerable, so deep and dark, so passionate, if only one cared enough to take the dive and see.
"Kiss me, Seb," she whispered against his lips. "Make me burn."
His kiss stole her mouth, and this time it wasn't about making a point, this time it was making a fire, and she was ready to burn. His tongue slid over hers, dominant but sensual. Her toes curled in her shoes and she let her body melt into his hands.
Her robe slid to the floor, his hand slid under her shirt, fingers grazing the skin of her back with trails of fire. Her head fell back, a soft sigh escaping as his mouth slid to her neck, tongue swirling up under her jaw. Her hands luxuriated in his soft hair, trailing against his scalp, drawing a moan from his lips.
Impatiently, he tugged her collar loose, his mouth dipping lower. Her hand skimmed down from his hair and slid through the sticky balm on his brusies. She froze.
She winced. She couldn't help it, she could see that bitch sucking his neck and her chest twisted.
"Don't," he said. He shook his head, voice strained against her throat. "Don't say it, please."
She released him and looked at those bruises. The balm had made some effort to erase them, but they were still there, taunting her. She took a deep breath and flexed her fingers.
She had promised herself she wouldn't use it. It was too powerful, too dangerous. People died when she threw that much power around. But, she had been practising. She was getting better at controlling it.
She took another breath and placed her fingers on his bruises. He stared at her. "What are you doing?"
His lips were damp from her kiss. Nobody gets to kiss that mouth but her. Her mouth, and her mouth alone gets to taste him.
"Trust me," she said. She focused, careful, controlled, and a delicate wisp of blue curled from her fingers.
He gasped as they swirled against his skin. "That's cold."
"Hold still." He did. She traced his bruises, erasing them, wiping every last trace of her. She had to fight to focus, to keep a lid on the fury that tried to awake at the thought of her. But then, all the marks were gone. She drew her fingers back and he watched as the delicate, blue wisps were absorbed back into her skin.
"There, much better," she smiled.
He put a hand to his neck, eyes wide. "They're gone? You...you healed them?"
"You look like my Seb again," she said. Her eyes narrowed. "If she touches you again, she will live to regret it."
If she wasn't mistaken, she thought she saw a flicker of fear in his gaze. She couldn't blame him. She scared herself sometimes.
She took his hand. "Now, I don't know about you, but I could do with a bath. You coming? I might take you up on that offer of a hand."
His smirk was perfect. "I fucking love you, Leina."
"I know," she said, grinning. "Let's go."
Notes: You guys are awesome, thank you for reading! And, yes, I admit it. I went in to Hogwarts and had my MC run down from the Astronomy Tower for that scene 🤭. This got so long and I didn't get to the smut (angst came first, sorry 😏) However, I might do a bonus Smut part for Seb and Leina. For now, let's get to 3B and give Garreth some love. ❤️
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ignisregina · 11 months
Travel out to sea and I will tell you your role on a pirate ship
The Navigator
Honestly, the daily monotony of rigging and deck and rope has never appealed to you. When you went to sea, it was for one reason and one reason alone - to fill in the blank spaces on the maps you spent hours poring over. Here there be dragons, but dragons are a myth; your quest is to find out what's really there. Down in the map room is where you spend your days, among parchment and ink, charting every inlet and bay you dock at, naming the nameless uninhabited islands you find. When the captain needs a bearing, you jump to it, and guide the ship through rocks and storms and narrow straits. By night, you are out on deck watching the stars, taking in the constellations and charting their courses. Nobody knows these waters better than you - if someone blindfolded you and abandoned you on a rock in the open sea, you would find your way home in a heartbeat. Every captain clamours for your expertise. But you will only sign on with the boldest, the hardiest, those who dare adventure to the places the map does not name. This world is a vast and life-filled thing. You will not rest until you have seen every inch of it.
Tagged by: @heksery
Tagging: @arcanescholxr @hcavcnswept @nykrose
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 14/10/2023
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume AI
Ripped by ChickenSuitGuy
Look, I know, this is like what, the seventh Super Mario 64 rip I've covered on the blog now? Be it Piranha Plantsom, Harder to Breathe 64 or something more out there like Super Mario 64 Submarine Ending, the game and its music is a treasure trove for rippers looking to create gold. That's obviously best exemplified with the endless amounts of rips of the Slider theme, one of the most frequently ripped themes on the channel, and the focus of today's rip - WA-HOO DISCO.
Part of the fun with having a theme as frequently ripped as Slider, especially if its still beloved by the fanbase, is that it lets rippers experiment and mess around with the jokes whilst still drawing in viewers. Whilst I'll always wish that more SiIvaGunner fans simply watched all the rips that are uploaded, fact of the matter is that there's a large amount of viewers who simply watch rips of games or themes they're interested in. The Slider theme is like a perfect middle-ground in that sense, as its both a theme offering immense versitility for rippers to mess about in, whilst being immediately iconic to this more passive audience. A lot of Slider rips have used some bizarre sources in their arranging before: be it the theme song of the GameDude YouTube channel, music from Geometry Dash, or songs from bands such as Panic! At The Disco...it feels like a way for rippers to express their niche interests into rips that will inevitably garner attention in some form.
WA-HOO DISCO isn't quite as niche as some other Slider rips, but its source material isn't exactly a worldwide phenomenon either - YO-KAI Disco from Mamorukun Curse! is primarily only known of within the YPTMV/MAD community as an amazing piece of VGM. I previously covered it in its biggest ever rip on SiIva, 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT), but beyond that it's been a meme on both YouTube and sites like NicoNico Douga since the beginning of the 2010s - SEN-TRY Disco, anyone? It's an infectiously energetic song, as is to be expected from its legendary composer Yousuke Yasui, and I'm honestly shocked it hasn't been featured on SiIva more.
Part of the fun in Slider rips is that they almost all arrange the songs used *into* the silly accordion sound of the Mario 64 track itself, which leads to rips like WA-HOO DISCO sounding really unique when compared to their source jokes. It may just be my ears playing tricks on me, but WA-HOO DISCO in particular sounds almost a bit pitched down when compared to the original track, which alone helps bridge the gap between the two songs and make it sound entirely seamless. I couldn't be happier with the end result - ChickenSuitGuy has been featured on the blog so many times already, but I can't help it when his ability to follow through on executing jokes in this fashion is so consistently top-tier.
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storiesiwrite · 1 year
Muse ☾ Lee Seokmin
Genre: fluff, second chance trope, exes to lovers, mutual pining
Word count: 4470
Summary: It’s been two years since you and Seokmin broke up, but you can’t seem to move on. It turns out he feels the same way.
☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎
It’s a quarter past three in the morning, and sleep evades Seokmin. 
It’s both baffling and frustrating; he genuinely thought he would collapse on the bed after retreating to his hotel room. Yet he’s been tossing and turning all throughout the night, cheers from the crowd still echoing in his head long past the show. His hands brush the sheets beneath him, as soft as silk yet devoid of familiarity. Devoid of that feeling of home. 
That’s what this job entails, he’s tried to tell himself. Arrive in a city, perform the concert’s setlist, then leave. Moving from one temporary stop to another, not truly belonging to one place. He hasn’t even stepped foot inside his actual home in months, his schedule so packed he barely has time to settle down. 
Days pass by so quickly they coalesce into a blur. And nights feel the longest, the most brutal, because it’s during the darkest hours when loneliness tugs at him, and memories slither in through the cracks of his being.
Visions of a familiar face. Of someone with warm eyes and the most intoxicating laugh. 
He grabs his phone and unlocks it, its light illuminating the darkened room. He hates the fact that this is what has become of his nightly routine.
Opening his gallery, he scrolls up to find the last image of you and him, dated back to two years ago. Autumn, at a carnival. He remembers that evening so clearly. He remembers how packed it was, how loud, how he kept on bumping against people wherever he went. The decorations and lights that festooned the venue, the stalls lined with plush toys you could win in games.
All that beautiful sight, but what caught his attention was you.
Clad in a black trench coat and a cream turtleneck, a stick of swirly cotton candy in one hand, you looked dashing. And Seokmin couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. 
“What? Is something on my face?” You’d asked him then, your fingers searching for stains of the pink confectionery. 
Heat creeped up his neck, embarrassed at having been caught outright staring. It didn’t matter that he’d been dating you for a year; sometimes he’d still get shy whenever you were around. “You’re just... you’re really beautiful.”
Now it was your turn to get flustered, your cheeks running red. It was the cutest thing Seokmin had ever seen. Your eyes struggled to meet his, though he could never understand why. There was nothing you had to hide.
“You make me blush when you say things like that, you know,” you finally admitted.
“But I love it when you do.” He laced your fingers with his. “Especially when I’m the reason why.”
He couldn’t forget the small smile that lit your face afterwards, reserved only for him. It was seared onto the deepest corners of his mind.
He couldn’t forget how lucky he’d been, how happy he’d felt those few months with you. They were the best moments of his life, and he realizes, albeit far too late, that even though he now gets to live his dream and tour across the world, something is still missing, severed from him. A gap, one neither sold-out stadiums not record-breaking albums can ever cover. 
Regrets. They fill him now, but they can’t change the past.
Seokmin continues looking at old pictures and videos, until a heaviness clings to his eyes. Until he is a mess of bittersweet memories and untangled feelings. Tossing the phone to the side, he buries himself under the covers as though they would smother them all.
What a terrible thing, he ponders. His last thought, before sleep drags him under. What a terrible thing, to still miss someone who isn’t longer mine. 
☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎
Whatever it was that drove you to think this would be a good idea, you’re starting to regret it.
The streets are dark as you make your way towards the stadium, the cold clinging to your skin despite the thick duffle coat wrapped around your body. You were worried you wouldn’t be able to find the venue, but the moment you turn a nearby corner, you see a throng of people already awaiting outside the stadium doors. 
Loud, excited chatters fill the air as you push your way through the crowd, the ticket a crumpled piece of paper in your fingers. It’s difficult to stay calm in a space as suffocating as this, with a lot of fans fighting to claim the best spots at the very front of the stage, though you know it’s not the sole reason you’re feeling anxious tonight.
What were you thinking, agreeing to go to Seokmin’s concert?
“Oh, come on,” Chan had said through the phone, playfulness lacing his words. He’d called you earlier this morning, explaining how he’d bought a ticket months ago but wouldn’t be able to make it. “You’re free tonight, aren’t you? You don’t have to pay; I’ll give it to you for free.” 
“But... I just can’t. It’s Seokmin we’re talking about here, and I just...” you trailed off, but you didn’t have to explain further. You weren’t ready. And it hit you then, the realization weighing down on you, that even though you’d ended things with him two years ago, the wound from the breakup is still startlingly fresh.
That it would take a hell lot longer to move past him.
“I thought... I thought you parted with him on friendly terms?” Chan continued, his confidence shrinking. 
The split was amicable; you and Seokmin simply realized you both had different goals that would be taking you in different directions. Becoming a performing artist means Seokmin would have to travel to places, whereas as a writer, you prefer to stick to one.
The relationship ended amicably, but it’s not as if you remain on speaking terms, either.
You’ve thought about reaching out to him more often than you’d like to admit. Sometimes you’d find yourself searching him up on social media to see what he’s been up to. The photos, videos, and little snippets that he uploads.
You can’t help thinking how you used to be an integral part of his life. And now you’re completely out of the picture—just a stranger, typing messages to him but always leaving them unsent. 
A crackle through the line. When you said nothing, Chan took a breath.
“I’m sorry,” he said in all earnestness and remorse, his voice reduced to almost a whisper. “I’m... I’m starting to realize that this is insensitive of me. To ask you, of all people. I just thought...” You could hear Chan fumbling for words. “I’ve asked everyone else. Mingyu, Joshua, Jun. None of them can go. And then I thought of you and I just... I’m really sorry.”
The idea of rejecting the offer flashed through your mind like a constant warning sign. You knew deep down that you’re terrified. You’re terrified to see him, to confront the truth. That perhaps, Seokmin has been better off without you, whereas you still wander down that narrow path of ‘what if’s and wonder what could have been.
And yet, stronger than that fear is an undeniable part of you that longs to see him. A part of you that wishes him well and still considers him a dear friend, despite how everything unfolded. All those promises you made back then, of being there for him every step of the way, of coming to his shows—they’re what still remain. And you realize the least you can do is to honor them.
And so you finally said, “Okay, Chan. I’ll go.”
“You will? You sure about that?” The hesitation was clear in his voice.
“I’m sure.”
But now, standing in the midst of loud strangers in a wide expanse of a darkened concert stadium, you’re not so certain anymore. 
So wrapped up in your thoughts, you’re not sure how much time has passed. You watch as the stage grows brighter and the crowd explodes with a deafening scream. A tall figure enters the stage, and your heart races at the sight.
With a guitar slung to one side, he walks to the center and stops in front of a mic that has already long stood there. His eyes are like crescents as he beams at the audience before him, waving his hand.
“Hello everyone, thank you for coming! Wow, what a cool crowd.” His voice is teeming with delight. You haven’t realized how much you’ve missed hearing it.
So many girls around you begin shouting his name, banners lifted above their heads. You can’t help the pang of jealousy that assails you. 
“Tonight, I’ll be singing songs from my new album, as well as old tracks you may not have heard before. I hope you enjoy!”
The crowd screams in excitement, yet you can still hear the thumping of your own heart, stubborn and relentless. Strong emotions you’ve been trying to bury come barreling toward you. It’s too much all at once, difficult to drown out.
This is a bad idea, your mind keeps telling you. A terrible idea, but for some inexplicable reason, your feet stay rooted to the floor, your eyes trained on nobody else but him. 
Dark hair slicked back, clad in a black shirt underneath that brown suede jacket. A touch of make-up on his eyes which shine under the lights. Seokmin looks so devastatingly beautiful. Happier than ever.
“The first song...” he pauses. A slight change in his tone, one anyone else might have missed, but you’re not just anyone else.
He smoothens out his features so quickly that you think you imagined the shift altogether. “This is a song I wrote years ago, one I’ve never sung in a show before. It’s definitely one I hold close to my heart.” A tight-lipped smile as he looks down and adjusts the guitar. “A love letter to someone who knew how I felt.”
The cheers turn to silence as the soft strumming of his guitar begins. A familiar tune, one you’ve heard many times before, drawing forth a memory from years ago.
You remember being in your apartment, the room dimly lit, noises from the streets below drifting through the open windows. Seokmin was on the couch, playing the guitar as he tried to conjure melodies befitting the chords. You sat beside him, basking it all in. 
It was a rough day, you can still recall, college work piling up on your desk but you couldn’t begin with any of them due to writer’s block. Instead, you’d called your boyfriend over, because you knew his presence would lift your unease.
And you were right. The moment the apartment door swung open, he immediately folded his arms around your body, pulling you in. You shut your eyes and let his scent fill your lungs. His tenderness, his care—they coursed through you, kindling a warmth you’d been bereft of when he wasn’t around.
“Hey,” he began, a comforting whisper against the troubled thoughts in your mind. “You okay? What’s wrong?”
You leaned against him, your words so muffled you worried he wouldn’t catch them. “Today just isn’t my day.” 
You couldn’t say more. And you didn’t need to, because he immediately understood.
He always did, in ways you realized nobody else could. Perhaps that is the reason why, after so many dates Chan has put you through these past two years, you can’t seem to let go. And now, as you watch him perform, you realize that you and Seokmin share something that can neither be so easily forged nor so easily cast away. 
And that song, the one he sang for you in your apartment that day, had been a work in progress. An unfinished version of the song he’s now singing on stage in front of the crowd.
The memory of it makes you wonder if he still thinks of you whenever he sings the song. If you ever once cross his mind. 
Chances are, he hasn’t even thought of you these past two years. The breakup must have messed you up more than it did him. Regrets have kept you up late through the night, while he probably has moved on with his life, keeping himself busy with his music career, meeting someone new—
But when the song comes to an end, he scans the crowd and, like a stroke of luck, his gaze lands on yours. And you could have sworn he stiffens at the sight of you, in the same way your heart plummets and you can no longer think straight. 
☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎
The chaos disappears the moment Seokmin shuts the door behind him. His breath runs ragged, and light sweat sticks to his clothes. He can’t seem to compose himself; there’s only one thought that runs circles in his head.
It was you, he knows for a certainty. You’d been there. 
He recognized you. Of course he did; he’d recognize you anywhere, among any crowd. 
But he can’t help asking himself why. Why you came after everything that went down. 
He spends the next hour in his trailer wondering. Wondering if you enjoyed the show, if you liked the way he sang. Wondering if, after all this time, he haunts your thoughts the way you still haunt his.
None of that should matter, because you’re no longer his, and he is no longer yours. 
The break-up was one of the toughest moments he had to live through. He recalls sitting next to you in his bedroom, tears staining your cheeks and his own. With bloodshot eyes, you asked him, “Are we really doing this?”
“I guess we are.” He had never sounded so resigned. 
“Thank you for everything, for being such a loving, supportive boyfriend and being so much more than I deserve,” you said with a sniffle, and his fingers found your cheek. 
“You deserve the world. You deserve more than I can ever give you.” He tried to put on a smile, tried to be strong. “You’re the better half of me, remember?”
A humorless laugh. “You’re the better half of me.”
He shook his head. “You’re the kindest, most amazing person I know. I’m so lucky to have ever been yours.”
“So am I. I really wish you didn’t have to go.” Your voice was cracking all over.
Guilt lanced through him. Your relationship wouldn’t have had to end if Seokmin had chosen another career path. But performing on the stage was and has always been his passion, and he could never imagine himself doing anything else. You knew this, and yet you chose to stick by his side, and for that he was grateful.
“I’m really, really going to miss you.” He sobbed, pulling you into an embrace for one last time. He held you close, inhaling your scent, reveling in the feel of your body flushed against his.
And when you walked out the door, it was as if you’d taken parts of him with you, the world having lost its color.
Seokmin truly thought letting go would get easier as the seasons march forward, that time would stitch the wounds strewn across his heart. But two years have passed and here he is, still grieving the relationship he lost. Two years have passed and yet, he still keeps coming back to you. 
He hates the way he can’t stifle his emotions, his longing for you practically woven into his every song. At first, he resorted to songwriting because that has always been his way of coping with circumstances he can’t change and feelings he can’t comprehend. 
But now he’s gone and made you his constant, his muse.
It shouldn’t matter, he keeps telling himself. But the fact that you showed up at one of his shows... 
It feels like an opening, a crevice in the invisible wall that stretches between you both. It gives him hope that perhaps, he isn’t the only one struggling with these feelings. It gives him the courage to do what’s next.
He’s going to go and see you.
☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎  ☁︎
The sky has turned dark beyond the windows, the busy day drawing to a close.
Like any other Sundays, the café was teeming with people, some of them stopping by for brunch or a quick meet-up, while others lingered longer, books splayed out on the coffee table, their faces illuminated by the light coming from their laptop screens. Today was particularly exhausting since one of your work colleagues, Vernon, took a sick leave, which meant you had to handle more workload than usual.
And tonight, you’re in charge of closing the café, the others having left not long ago. You begin wiping off coffee stains on desks, the action so familiar that you can do it without having to think twice. Your eyes are heavy, limbs threaded with fatigue, and the only thing that keeps you going is the fact that you’re almost through with work. 
You’re about to turn off the lights when, suddenly, the doorbell jingles. You frown. It’s beyond closing time.
“We’re about to close—” you call out, but as you look up to see who it is, the words come to a halt, dread running through you.
It’s Seokmin, lingering by the door.
You blink a few times, not quite believing your eyes. But there’s no denying that he is standing there, just a few strides away. The confidence he carried just the night before is now nowhere to be found, and it seems like he’s trying to amass his courage to step through the threshold.
“Hi,” Seokmin starts, his features inscrutable.
You’re unsure how to proceed. Unsure how to address him now when you’d always regarded him as your boyfriend. “Hi. Um, I… we’re about to close.”
A stupid thing to say, but you can’t imagine why he would show up if not for the coffee.
He pushes the bridge of his glasses up his nose. “I know. I just… I was nearby and thought that maybe, you still work here. I guess I wanted to come by.” He continues with more certainty. “I wanted to see you.”
Your mind seems to run blank. How can you respond to that?
He misconstrues your silence and begins stammering. “Uh, well, I mean, unless... Unless this isn’t what you want, which I completely get.” He gestures with his hands the way he always did whenever his self-assurance dwindled. “I’m sorry. I can leave if you want me to—”
“No.” The word leaves you in an instant, so full of emotion you curse yourself for it. You move closer to him, striving for a semblance of calm. “What I mean to say is, it’s okay. You can stay.”
“Yeah?” A timid smile on his lips. “You’re about to close the shop, aren’t you? I can help you with things.”
Your heart warms at his words, at his kindness, and you can’t help but smile back. Being an artist hasn’t changed him. “Would that be okay? I’m almost done, actually. I just have to clean the tables and wash some cups before I leave.”
He rolls up his sleeves and grabs a cloth. “Then I’ll help you with it.” 
It doesn’t take long to complete the remaining tasks. You and Seokmin fill the silence by catching up, and you find it comforting how, for a moment in time, you can slip back and pretend as if things are alright. There’s no awkwardness as you banter with him, and he seems genuinely interested to hear how you’ve been. He’s always been a good listener, attentive of even the smallest of details—it’s one of the reasons why you fell for him in the first place.
And before you know it, it’s a little over midnight and you’re locking the doors, about to head home. Seokmin has offered to walk with you despite his early schedule tomorrow, and you’re aware—perhaps too aware—of the way he keeps on glancing at you, like he has something he wishes to say but the words remain unspoken. 
That makes it the two of you, then.
The trees lining the sidewalk sway under the wind as the temperature grows colder into the night. You cross your arms over your body and look over at Seokmin, who isn’t faring any better than you, shivering under the purple sweater he dons. His hair is a ruffled mess, and you find yourself wanting to reach out and rake your fingers through it. 
It takes everything in you to abandon that idea. 
After a while, Seokmin finally breaks the silence. “You were there.” 
Your stomach drops. You know where this is going. 
“The concert last night, I mean,” he says, looking at you, and you don’t know why the sight of him tugs at your heartstrings so. 
You don’t know what to say. You had a feeling earlier that this would come up at some point, but still, you don’t know how to behave when he’s no longer the Seokmin with whom you’d exchange stories and secrets. The Seokmin you’d search for when you had good news to tell or terrible news to break.
At last, you settle for this: “I was. You were amazing out there, Seok. Truly.” The words you’re saying—even though you mean them, they sound so strained. 
A pause, before he asks, “Why did you come?”
“I promised you, remember?” You can’t quite expel the heaviness lodged in your throat. “I promised I’d be there.”
Seokmin doesn’t reply, but the small smile he wears tells you that he remembers.
He takes a deep breath. “I’m… I’m really sorry. For everything that happened between us. For the break-up and all the pain I caused you.” His expression is pained, and it hurts you to see him that way.
“It isn’t entirely your fault. I’m sorry, too.” You try to contain your grief but to no avail. “The break-up was difficult for me. And to be completely honest, it still is.”
You don’t know why you kept on talking. It feels like reopening old wounds that haven’t quite scabbed over, letting him in through the cracks he left.
Seokmin looks like he’s surprised. “It is?”
You nod. “I… I keep coming back to the day we broke up, and whenever I do, I’m overcome with regret. I still wish we’d done things differently.” You can’t put a brake on the words that spill out of your mouth, your pent-up emotions finally coming to light.
“I keep thinking of you,” you continue, your voice wavering. “And often, I wonder if you think of me.”
Tears are beginning to well in your eyes. You don’t realize you and Seokmin are no longer walking, having come to a stop in front of your apartment building. It’s time to part ways, but a part of you is having a hard time saying goodbye.
“I…” he begins. He seems like he’s about to reach out to you, lifting his hand briefly towards you only to drop it to his side. You hold his gaze, his brown eyes so striking yet warm. The bangs that frame his face. That small mole on his cheek that he used to hate but you adore so much you helped him change his mind. The perfect curve of his nose, the faint, crimson tinges on his cheeks.
You try to remember the little details, because you know this will be the last time you’ll ever get to see them. The last time you’ll ever get to see him.
Seokmin says nothing in return. He just looks at you, his face inscrutable, and you curse yourself for having let yourself be vulnerable. For putting him in a more uncomfortable position. It’s embarrassing, how you yearn for him when he clearly doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.
“I’m… I’m really sorry for having said all that. I was speaking nonsense, really. I just… I think my brain’s all muddled after today’s shift and all.” Your courage wanes, and you wish you could disappear right now. Fishing out the apartment keys, you gesture towards the door, not stopping even as Seokmin looks like he’s about to say something.
“Thank you for walking me home, Seok. It’s really good seeing you,” you utter quickly, unable to face him. It’s too much.
But you don’t, walking away from him with tears in your eyes. It’s embarrassing. So fucking embarrassing—
“I’m still in love with you!”
You stop in your tracks. You can’t believe your ears.
Are those words meant for me? You turn around to see him gazing at you, something like longing and desperation in his eyes.
“I’m still in love with you,” he repeats, quieter this time. 
This time, you’re the one who’s speechless.
“You said you wonder if I think of you.” He continues, slowly closing the distance between you both. “There’s not a second that I don’t. My music, all those lyrics I’ve written—they’ve always been about you. You’ve always been my muse.”
He stops moving when he’s within arm’s reach. “I’ve tried to move on, but I can never seem to let you go. I can never forget how happy and complete I felt when I was with you, and there is never a moment that I don’t regret breaking up with you.” His voice breaks, but he goes on. “I promised myself that if I ever get the chance some day, I’d try to make things right. And when I saw you during the concert, I thought it as a sign.”
What he’s saying is so hard to believe that you have to ask him again. You have to make sure.
“Are you saying that you still love me?”
“I’ve never stopped.” 
You can’t help the smile that slowly spreads across your face. “I’ve never stopped loving you too, Seok.” 
He lets out a laugh of relief, lifting his hand to wipe the tears from his eyes. “Even after all this time?”
You don’t answer, closing the gap between you both. Touching your forehead to his, you shut your eyes to revel in the moment. The midnight sky above you, millions of stars strewn across it. The rustling of the wind that moves the trees. The person you love right in front of you. It’s too good to be true.
“Can I kiss you?” He murmurs, his breath fanning your cheeks.
“Yes,” you reply immediately. “God, yes.”
And then his lips meet yours, soft as ever. His fingers graze your chin, tilting your head up to deepen the kiss, and your arms find his sides in a way that reminds you how familiar this is. 
This, you realize, tucked in Seokmin’s gentle embrace. This feels so much like coming home. 
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Poly reader with Ada and Emil headcanons
They're my little skrunkly's Warnings: Mentions of asylums/mental hospitals, Mentions of hypnosis
Story type: Fluff
Characters/pairings: Ada - “Psychologist”, Emil - "Patient", Reader (Gender-Neutral), Victor - "Postman"
(possible ooc)
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Ohh boy, how did you even land yourself these two? You're in for one wild ride if you did. In order to be in a relationship with both of them you'd probably have to have know them both while in the asylum, however there is a possibility that they'd fall for you during their time in the manor. However it's more likely for one or both of them to catch feelings if you had been close while they were both at the asylum. During games as soon as you get chaired Emil will be dashing over there like a mad man with Ada behind him to help support or bodyblock if needed. Both of them absolutely hate leaving you behind in matches and will do anything they can to keep you alive even though they know you'll just be sent back to the manor. These two are willing to pull the riskiest moves ever just to make sure all three of you escape and three out of five times it usually works. Ada knows she can't always save you but Emil always beats himself up when he can't believing he could've done better. You and Ada always comfort him afterwards and reassure him after matches that he did great and did what he could. Cuddle piles, cuddle piles with these two are absolutely amazing. Ada is more of a big spoon but doesn't mind being the little spoon while Emil is more of a little spoon but every now and then will be the big spoon. You usually end up with Emil being sandwiched between Ada and you, him happily snuggling into either you or Ada while you and Ada just blissfully stare at eachother or chat away. Both of them can get jealous easily and are generally very protective over you, basically like guard dogs. Will be glaring at the killer before and after matches, and will throw hands with any of the survivors if they get you hurt. If you go through pains similar to Emils, Ada with perimission will use hypnosis to help you and it helps push her to research more and more both to help you and Emil. If there's one thing she despises it's seeing either of you in pain. Emil absolute loves messing with your hair, it was a thing he discovered while cuddling with you. You were very tired and were cuddling in Emils room when he suddenly started running his fingers through your hair. You were too tired to care at the moment and just let him continue while Emil had the biggest grin on his face. The length of your hair doesn't matter, he just finds messing with it fun!
One time during a match you had gotten paired up with Victor and your partners. This would've been perfectly fine if Victor didn't have Wick with him. Emil is absolutely terrified of dogs and sadly Victor didn't know that so when Victor sent Wick to go deliver a letter Emil let out a scream, causing you to fail the calibration on the cipher you were on. You were going to run to Emil to check on him and were vaulting a window but because you weren't paying attention to your surroundings now you didn't realize jack was literally right behind you and invisible. Next second, you got terror shocked. You guys somehow beat that match but it ended up with a terrified Emil, a angry Ada, and a confused Victor and you.
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ninjadeathblade · 7 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part twenty eight)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 927
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Here! They're happy now! Don't sue me for the previous part! I did keep my promise. Seriously, I have made them happier so you can't be that mad with me. Enjoy!
Grooves looked at his phone as it buzzed, checking the message he'd received.
Hey DJ, do you know where Empress is? - Snatcher
He quickly tapped out a reply before returning his attention to the movie on the TV.
It was one of Conductor's ones, his earliest in fact.
About a yellow feathered protagonist and his partner in crime love interest with reddish feathers.
Grooves sighed, flicking off the TV.
Grooves sighed, knowing the voice he was hearing was stupid.
Conductor wasn't here.
Conductor was at the studio.
Conductor didn't love him.
Conductor's movie didn't deserve him and he didn't deserve Conductor's affection.
“Grooves! Pecking hell, open yer window!”
Now that sounded too realistic to be his imagination.
Grooves crossed over to the window of the room, opening it up to the harsh weather outside.
“Finally!” Conductor shouted, small sodden form a bright spot against the dark road.
“Grooves! I'm an idiot, I'm sorry! I got nervous back there and said somethin’ that wasn't true!” Conductor continued. “And you were right! Love is like oxygen! So can yer please forgive me? I like you a lot too!”
Grooves paused, clinging to fragments of hope that this was real.
That it wasn't a dream.
“Wait there!” Grooves settled on, closing the window and dashing across the room.
He snagged an umbrella from by the door, racing outside into the rain.
“Grooves! Peck, Grooves, I'm so sorry.” The words poured out of Conductor's mouth as he stood in the torrent of water.
“I messed up. I do it a lot but that's nae an excuse for what I said. I like you so much and I don't know how to deal with that. But I would love to be with you. I'm so sorry for hurtin’ you,” Conductor apologised, hands fidgeting with the strap of his satchel.
Grooves walked over to him, holding the open umbrella over the two of them.
Conductor's feathers clung to his frame, making him look even smaller than usual.
“How are we meant to go about this then?” Grooves asked quietly.
Conductor shrugged. “I don't know. But we'll do it together. I haven't been with anyone since Scarlett but I would like to be with you.”
Grooves smiled softly at the owl, gesturing back towards the block of apartments.
“Want to come in then?”
Conductor shivered and nodded. “That'd be great.”
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“Hey Grooves, d'you have any bandages?” Conductor inquired from the other room.
The penguin looked up from where he was ordering takeaway for the two of them.
“Yes, why?”
“The ones I had on got wet when I was runnin’ here. Plus I bled through them,” Conductor explained.
Grooves rushed into his bedroom where the owl was getting changed, staring at his partner.
Conductor grinned sheepishly as he pressed a handful of tissues against his left ankle.
Grooves shook his head, opening a draw and rummaging through it for a bandage before sitting down on the floor in front of Conductor.
“How did you hurt your foot?” Grooves asked quietly, pushing aside the tissues so he could begin to wrap the foot.
“Mucked it up when I was running after you. Didn't make it in time though, elevator was already going,” Conductor said, picking up the towel next to him and continuing to dry his feathers.
“I am sorry,” Conductor continued. “I-”
“Stop apologising,” Grooves instructed, glancing up at him. “We're together now, aren't we? That's what matters.”
Conductor leaned forward, resting his forehead against the penguin's.
“I'm just glad nothing in my bag got ruined,” he admitted.
“Why? What's in the bag?”
“Just some more tapes of me from when I went to theatre club. Figured that even if yer didn't want to be with me, it would still be a decent apology,” Conductor admitted.
“Diamond, you're such an idiot,” Grooves chuckled, tying off the bandage.
"Throw the rubbish in the bin in the corner. And once you've gotten changed I can hang up your clothes to dry,” Grooves stated, standing up.
"Thanks Grooves.”
Grooves finished ordering their food then picked up his phone as it rang.
“Grooves, I'm taking tomorrow off. Also, did Conductor show up?” Empress replied.
“Oh, that's fine. And yeah, he's with me. Why, are you looking for him?"
“I would be if I found out he hadn't showed up. I'd knock some sense through his thick feathered skull! If he hasn't apologised, tell him that-”
“Everything's fine, bye!” Grooves interrupted, quickly hanging up.
Conductor limped out of the other room, lying down on the sofa and curling up against Grooves' side.
“Sayin’ about what an idiot I was?”
“Kind of, yeah.”Conductor sighed, curling further into the hoodie he'd borrowed from Grooves.
"So, you bought tapes to make up for stuff?” Grooves questioned.
“You really want to see those, huh?” Conductor laughed, sitting up slightly and reaching over and picking up his bag.
"Okay then. We've got Phantom of the Opera, Oklahoma, Newsies, Chicago, Heathers, Hamilton, or An Inspector Calls.”
“How is only one of those not a musical?” Grooves chucked at the way that Conductor's face screwed up.
“I told yer, we did lots of musicals,” Conductor mumbled.
Grooves sat up, wrapping his arms around the owl's waist.
Conductor's feathers puffed up and he leant back slightly, just enough to rest more of his body against Grooves'.
"You should pick what we watch,” Grooves decided.
Conductor let out a hum of thought.
“I want to watch all of them though,” Conductor whispered, hugging the stack against him.
“So let's do that.”
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bbyquokka · 2 years
please believe me
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→ PAIRING: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
→ GENRE: angst 
→ SYNOPSIS: Changbin ghosts you after the event that happened, leaving you to reflect and come to terms with your feelings.
→ WARNINGS: bit suggestive | explicate language | one-sided feelings, ghosting | rejection | alcohol consumption | drunk confessions | she/her pronouns
→ WORDS: 3.7k
→ part one  | part two | part three | part four
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
→ m.list → series m.list → you can also read it on my ao3
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It was all just fun and games, right?
You was left dazed as to what just happened. Changbin dashed out of the toilets at speed, leaving you standing with his mess inside you to clean up. That didn't phase you. What phased you was the fact that Changbin left so suddenly and that he suddenly remembered his mother was coming to visit.
In that moment, nothing makes sense. Changbin never forgets about his mother coming to town to visit. He is so close to his family so why would he suddenly forget? Unless he was so busy with work lately, that maybe he did forget. It happens, right?
You scratch the back of your head, confused as to what happened between you both. To the outside world, it's pretty black and white as to what happened.
Changbin and you fucked and he dipped.
But that’s not Changbin. He’s not the type of person to do something like that. You know him better than anyone else. You grew up together so of course it’s only natural that you know everything about Changbin, even the littlest of things. 
You left the unisexual toilets, mind still trying to process that you crossed the line that should never be crossed. You make your way home to your apartment, being greeted by your two cats – Minho and Felix – as you walk through the door. You make your way to the bathroom, turning the shower on as you take off your gym gear.
The remains of Changbin trickles out and down your legs as soon as you take off your panties. You shiver at the feeling, feeling somewhat grossed out but a little sad. You step in the shower and stand under the warm water for a solid half an hour, thinking and thinking about what happened.
The more you think, the sadder and more confused you become. No matter how many times you replay the scenario, thinking you could have done something better, you always came to the conclusion that you couldn't. Your mind raced, thinking of the worst thing possible.
What if this is it for you and Changbin? What if the guilt was too much for him, that he couldn't face you anymore. Before you know it, hot tears are falling fast down your cheeks. Whimpers and sobs escape your lips as you feel your chest tighten. You couldn't lose Changbin – not now and not ever!
Your heart hurts. The pain in your chest tightens as your mind spins a thousand thoughts and scenarios. Your sobs uncontrollably leaving your lips as tears cascade down your cheeks. The sound of the shower mutes your sobs as the water combines with your tears.
The pain in your chest loosens up with a few more sobs and cries, making it easy for you to calm down. After you’re somewhat calm, you wash your hair and body, little sniffles escaping your lips.
Stepping out the shower, you towel dry your hair, deciding to let it air dry from the lack of energy you have. You dry your body before putting on underwear and your comfy loungewear. Walking to the kitchen, Felix and Minho are meowing at you, begging to be fed.
You grab their food, filling up their bowls. They rush to their bowls and munch away happily. You look through your cupboards and fridge for something to cook, but decide to order from your favourite takeout store.
After ordering, you plop your body on the sofa, wrapping yourself up with a fleece blanket. You put on the tv, flicking through every channel, until you settle on a cooking contest. Shortly after, Minho and Felix walk to the sofa, sitting beside it whilst licking their lips to collect any remains of the food they just ate.
Felix settles on grooming himself, licking his paw before swiping it over his head and ears. Minho approaches him, sitting beside him and helping him groom before they switch positions. You smile softly at the interaction.
“You two are adorable.” Minho meows at you as if to say “yeah, we are!” With full stomachs and clean fur, they curl up beside each other and take a nap. Your food finally arrives and with a full stomach and a heavy heart, you soon fall asleep on the couch.
The next morning, you awoke with the feeling of something on your chest. You slowly open your eyes, bringing a hand up and rubbing the sleep away, letting them get used to the harsh light. Your body aches from sleeping on the sofa, Felix's loud purrs ringing in your ears. You lift yourself up, looking around. Minho sees that you’re awake and approaches you, meowing loudly for some breakfast.
“Good morning, you two.” Your voice raspy from lack of us. Felix rubs his head against your jawline, purrs increasing in decibels. You smile, stroking his head.
“C’mon Felix, get down so I can feed you both.” You pick up Felix, placing him down on the floor before pulling your fleece blanket off your tired body. You walk to the food bowls, filling them up with some cat food before grabbing your phone. You yawn before looking to see if you have any missed messages or calls.
You sigh, the pain in your chest resuming from last night. Your mind running away with useless and ridiculous thoughts. You shake your head as if to shake away the thoughts before composing yourself and getting ready to start off your day.
Whatever happens, happens. Things happen for a reason, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You [12:15] : this new trainer is rough
You [12:20] : when are you coming back, Binnie?
You [12:30] : this session is really hard. Binnie, come back!! 😭
You [12:40] : HELP!!! It hurts so muchhh!! hhkhkhjgg 
You [12:50] : i did it! It was tough, but I did it. 😁
You [13:00] : this new pt doesn't understand me the way you do 😭 i miss you Binnie. You’re probably resting right now which is probably why you’re not replying. Rest up Binnie so you get better faster and we can see each other real soon. 😘 xx
You sighed, sending the message. You arrive at the gym for your usual PT session with Changbin only to be told that he’s sick. Changbin rarely gets sick – which doesn't surprise you with the amount of health vitamins he takes – but even the fittest of people are not immune to illnesses.
You’re stuck with a new personal trainer – Lee Minho. You cannot deny the fact that he is a handsome looking man with cute bunny teeth and that he shares the same name as your cat, but he is brutal.
You only did one hour with him and your body feels bruised and exhausted. He pushes you, showing you no sympathy whereas Changbin’s more sympathetic, caring. He knows your limits so would only push you if he knew you could do it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s approaching day 3 of you and Changbin not speaking or seeing each other since the event. You feel yourself slowly starting to get frustrated at Changbin. He has not returned your calls or text and to make it worse, he was still ‘sick’. You’re slowly getting used to Minho's ways of training but that still didn't lessen the pain of you missing Changbin. 
You’re stumped on what to do. You’re hitting a brick wall with Changbin constantly ignoring you. Not only that, but you also haven’t seen his mother since she came to visit, which is rather odd – so you asked your mother. You become even more confused and the pain in your chest slowly spreads throughout your body once you learnt that Changbin’s mother never came.
Changbin had lied to you.
Changbin is many things. sweet, sensitive, naïve and a pain in your backside, but a liar? Never. Changbin hates liars, so why would he become something that he hates?
Something more was happening, something much more serious and you couldn't sit around and wait any longer – so you contacted the two people that Changbin falls onto for support: Jisung and Chan.
You try Chan first. Him being the eldest out of the three of them, you feel like he would give good advice on what to do. Unfortunately, the call went straight to voicemail, so you try Jisung instead.
“Ji! It’s y/n”
“Oh, hey! What's up?” Jisung was audibly chewing on some food, his voice muffled.
“Uh, have you heard from Changbin lately?”
“Yeah, we just got off facetime about 10 minutes before you phoned. Why?” Your heart sinks. So he is avoiding you after all, but why?
“I haven't heard from him since –” You stop yourself, memories of you and Changbin flooding back to you once again.
“Since you both fucked?” Your eyes widen in horror.
“How did–”
“Changbin told me. He tells us everything, y’know.” you sigh, running a hand through your hair.
“Yeah, well, he's been avoiding me since and i don't know why.” Jisung laughs softly before letting out a soft sigh
“Honestly, you’re both so naïve. Changbin is so naïve to his feelings and you’re just naïve for not realizing.” You furrow your brows, confused at Jisung’s riddles.
“Huh? what do you mean?”
“Look, y/n, all I'm going to say is this. Look back and reflect on yours and Changbin's relationship. I'm sure you'll find the answer – you're a smart woman, so I believe. I have to go. Have fun.” Jisung hangs up on you.
Reflect on your relationship with Changbin? What is that supposed to mean!?
You groan in frustration. Your conversation with Jisung left you with more questions than answers. You spent the last days thinking about Changbin and how things could have been planned differently. Maybe you should have turned a blind eye as soon as you saw Changbin hard.
He wanted it just as much as you did. Maybe he regrets it – which doesn't seem unreasonable. Yes, you both crossed that line that best friends should never cross. Yes, you do somewhat regret it but at the same time, isn't the feeling of regret enough to sit down together and talk?
You want to talk to him, clear the air and shake some sense into him. You was no longer feeling upset with him and the situation – you spent countless nights crying about it – you was starting to feel angry, frustrated. You left him messages, calls and for all of them to be ignored or denied.
How could you talk to him when he just ignores you? This is the same man you use to know. Changbin is no coward, he will talk about his feelings however painful it may be. He isn't afraid to beat someone up when he feels one of his friends are being bullied.
Because that's what he used to do for you.
He was always there for you, since the very beginning. holding your hand when you went to get your annual vaccination. Being a shoulder to cry on when you experienced your first heartbreak. Picking your drunken self up off the floor of a nightclub and dragging you back to his to look after you.
Changbin has always been there for you – no matter what.
The familiar pain in your chest comes back. It feels like someone has just reached into your chest and is squeezing your heart, tightly. The more you thought, the tighter it became.
Is this – love? You’ve never experienced true love before. You only knew about it from the movies you’ve watched and books you read. Nah, it couldn't be, right? You loving Changbin seems impossible – but even the impossible becomes possible.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"So, what did you want to talk about, y/n?" You called your best friend. You were struggling even more to process the situation between you and Changbin and with the added information that you could possibly love him, made it even harder.
"Me and Changbin." You mumble, bringing your alcoholic beverage to your lips, taking a sip. You decided to go on a night out, thought it would be easier to talk about your feelings with a little bit of alcohol in your system.
"What's happened?" Your friends eyebrows furrow together.
"3 weeks ago, we had sex in a public bathroom. Changbin left, lied to me since then and to top it off, he's been ghosting me." 
"You and Changbin had sex?!" your friends eyes widen. You sigh, running your fingers through your hair 
"If we are just going to talk about me and Changbin having sex – then I'm just going to leave."
"No no! stay, I was just a bit shocked, that's all. You and Changbin finally had sex!" You raise a brow.
"Finally? what do you mean?" Your friend scoffs.
"C'mon, y/n. you seriously have not seen the way Changbin acts around you?"
"That's normal, no?" 
"You are so naïve! I have guy friends too, just like everyone else in this room, and I can safely say, that they do not do or say half the things Changbin does for you." 
"What do you mean? He's just being a nice guy, that's all!" Your friend sighs, scoffing again.
"Look, as a person on the outside looking in, it's clear as daylight that Changbin is smitten by you. I see the way his eyes light up when you kiss his cheek, how his face turns sour when another male approaches you. He gets jealous, y/n. he wants you to himself. It's clear that he is so madly in love with you! " 
You laugh hard, shaking your head and clutching your stomach. "Nah, that's impossible! Changbin, loves me?!" You continue to laugh, your friend sipping their drink and waiting for you to calm down 
"You're delusional, y/n and blind and for a smart girl, you can be stupid too. Look back at your relationship with him, reflect!" You groan. 
"Oh god, you been speaking to Jisung about this too?" Your friend looks at you confused "He said the same exact thing to me when I called him up. Told me to reflect and think long and hard." You downed the rest of your drink, calling the bartender for another.
"Maybe we wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't needed. It's clear to everyone around you that Changbin loves you, yet you two are the only people that are blind to your own feelings!"
"What do you mean? I don't love him – at least not in that way." Your friend gives a look that says "really" you roll your eyes at her, paying for your drink before taking big gulps 
"Honestly, I don't." You pause, thinking. "At least, I don't think I do." you whisper, looking at the liquid inside the glass.
Your friend places a hand on your shoulder, stroking it gently as a way of providing comfort.
"Talk to me. We have all night, hun." 
You talked. And drank. And talked some more. Your friend helped you realised that maybe you do love Changbin after all. You remembered feeling jealous when he announced he had a girlfriend and when they broke up, you felt extremely happy, overjoyed.
you hated that he had one night stands. you hated the thought of other women's hands all over his body – it made you sick with jealousy.
You sent him photos of you wearing clothing that you knew would drive him insane, purely because you liked his reactions. you liked the compliments. He made you feel special, beautiful and empowered. 
You did send him a photo of you in a new bikini one time, claiming you needed advice, when really, you just wanted to see him flustered because you thought it was cute to see the tips of his ears turn red, tripping over his own words. You thought it was cute – you found him cute 
When he started to work on his body and gain muscle, your perception changed. He is still the same sweet guy but with added muscle! You was impressed. Impressed with how motivated and consistent he is. impressed with his knowledge on the human body.
Smart, attractive and caring. What more could a girl want in a guy? Changbin is the perfect embodiment of Mr. Perfect and you have been too blind to see that.
Now that you have, now that you realised that Changbin loves you and you also do, things became clearer for you. Changbin's actions towards you made some sense. You understand why he is ghosting you – to protect himself and his heart from any more disappointment
But he should still talk to you! Clear the air between you both. communication is important. How else are you supposed to know what's going on inside that head of his? 
"Hello?" Changbin's raspy voice sounded through the receiver
"Hey Changbin. it's y/f/n."
"Hey y/f/n. what's up? it's 2 in the morning."
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry to have woken you but uh, I need help." 
"What do you need help with?" Your friend rubbed the back of her neck 
"Is that's Binnie??? you talking to Binnie?" Your voice heard in the background. Changbin sat up straight in his bed, fully awake once he heard you.
"Is that y/n? is she drunk?"
"Ah, yes and yes. We went out for a few drinks, spoke about you two. I think she realised some stuff and kind of got drunk." Your friend laugh, awkwardly. "Sorry Changbin but I need you to come pick her up. I'd take her back to mine but, I live an hour and half away."
Changbin sighs, putting on sweatpants and shoes, grabbing his car keys. "I'll be there in 5." 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Binnie! I haven't seen you for sooo long!" You slur. Changbin hums. Your arm draped loosely over his shoulders, his arm around your waist to support your drunk body as he drags you to his apartment 
"Damn binnie. you're shoulders feel more broader!" You squeeze them, laughing. 
"yes yes y/n now come on, in you go." Changbin opens his apartment door, walking you inside, kicking the door closed and walking you to the sofa.
You plop down, slouching and groaning. Changbin walks to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water. He crouches beside you, offering you the water 
"Drink. It'll help you sober up." You shake your head no, crossing your arms 
"Make me." Changbin sighs, putting the glass on the table and standing up. 
"I'll grab you some clothes you can change into. Then you can sleep it off, okay?"
You stick your tongue out at him, folding your arms as you glare. Changbin walks to his bedroom and grabs some spare clothes handing them to you 
"Here. you can change in th–" Changbin's eyes widen as you stand up, stripping yourself off your clothing. You stand in underwear, unclasping your bra from the back
Your breasts bounce free as you throw your bra on the floor. Changbin turns his back on you instantly, tips of his ears turning red.
you put on Changbin's t-shirt. The size of the shirt compared to your figure, drowned you. you inhaled his scent – cinnamon with a hint of lavender from the fabric softener he uses.
You grin as you sit down again. Your heart starts to beat fast and hard against your rib cage – whether it was because of the alcohol or because you’re in Changbin's presence again – it didn't matter to you.
once you realise that you’re with Changbin again, your eyes fill with tears as memories and feelings came flooding back to you. Tears cascaded down your cheeks as broken sobs leave your lips causing Changbin to look at you in surprise.
"y/n?! what's wrong?!" Changbin sits next to you, concerned at the sudden outburst.
"You liar! you're a liar b-binnie!" You wailed, your cries increasing in decibels. "Your mother. She never came to town! I asked my mother and she told me!"
Changbin swallowed, looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry." He whispers.
"Why binnie? why lie to me? why ghost me? especially after what we did. you left me alone to clean up your cum!!" Tears and snot fall down your face, your skin red and eyes slowly getting puffy from the outburst.
Changbin looks at you with a sad smile "Because I had to protect myself, y/n, so I ran away."
"Protect yourself from what?! That you love me??" Changbin's eyes widen in horror, his brain short circuiting. His words stuck in his throat as he tries to speak but ends up spluttering.
"No one! I figured it out myself. I did some investigating. I spoke to ji and y/f/n they both told me to reflect on our relationship. I know you love me binnie!" You wipe your snot off your face with the back of your hand.
Changbin tuts, grabbing a tissue and wiping it for you along with your tears. "Honestly, y/n what would you do without me." He shakes his head, laughing softly 
"You're right. what would I do without you. I also reflected on myself and have also realised that I love you too!" You grinned big.
Changbin laughs, standing up. "funny, y/n" your grin faulters, anxiety slowly creeping its way up. You’re slowly sobering up, suddenly feeling the tension in the air as Changbin's body stiffened.
Did you fuck up again and say the wrong thing? But it seemed like the right time to confess, either that or you just gained confidence because of the alcohol running through your veins.
"if this is your idea of a joke, i don't find it very funny." Changbin says, coldly. you blink fast, new tears spilling down your cheeks.
"N-no binnie. It's not a joke, I really do love you.." 
"Stop! just, stop with this bullshit." You look down at your lap, your heart breaking into a million pieces. Changbin runs his fingers through his hair before letting out a long sigh and walking to his bedroom.
"Get some rest, y/n. you're drunk and not thinking straight. you probably won't remember this in the morning anyways."
"But binnie-" You plead, head spinning in his direction only for him to stop you from talking.
"Good night, y/n" 
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