#*squeezes big red nose* honk honk bitch
insignificant457 · 1 month
Red Rising characters as questionable lyrics from Taylor Swifts new album
(For legal purposes this is a joke)
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thebigqueer · 4 years
Summary: Will is possessed with a VSCO demon that will turn him into the one and only Billiam Thabdrew Sksksolace, a VSCO girl.
Word Count: 3513
Note: This is my first writing on Tumblr so everyone sing happy birthday! also its terrible! also I GREATLY APPRECIATE FEEDBACK (but please give it to me gently cuz im a Sensitive Bitch TM) (if you even sound a little mean ill start crying)
ALSO: Credits to my online bff for Nico’s pet hyena, Bambi. (HI I LOVE YOU)
Nico knew something was wrong with Will.
He could tell that there was something always bothering him, hidden deep beneath that sunshiny facade he always seemed to use in front of other people. He was hiding something, and it seemed to be eating at him like a parasite. 
Nico’s suspicions began when he first noticed Will’s slight speech slipup. Will and Kayla were discussing the new demigods that were to move in soon, and Kayla let loose the fact that she was a little iffy about one of them. Will’s eyes had widened, showing off the blue of his eyes, and he said, “Anna oop-”
He clamped a hand over his mouth, but it was too late. He’d already said it. Nico didn’t know what it meant, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous. (Was it some kind of prophetic power? Did Will just spew some words from a prophecy in a totally different language? Maybe Nico would ask Rachel later.) When Nico confronted him afterwards, Will just turned his head away and said he was going to head to sleep.
It wasn’t only his foreign phrases - it was also the stuff he bought. On their dates to New York City, Will would slink him and Nico away to a store and buy something. Sometimes it would be an oversized T-shirt, other times it would be scrunchies, and one time he even bought a gigantic water bottle. (“It’s called a Hydroflask,” Will told him.)
Will was scary in those moments. His eyes would get big as he eyed all his new items, and his hands would tap furiously on the wooden counters while he waited. Nico wasn’t sure what this meant, but it seemed that Will was going through something. Something terrible. 
And the moment they got back, Will would start immediately sobbing. Nico would literally have to hold him from falling face down on the ground because of how hard he would be weeping. He’d cry, “It’s not happening, it’s not happening! I can’t become VSCO!” 
All Nico was able to do was watch his golden boyfriend sob in his arms, unable to help, unable to understand.
It wasn’t until a late day in November when Nico found out what his boyfriend was hiding from him. Will had been antsy all breakfast, avoiding Nico’s eyes like it was the coronavirus; Nico knew that he wasn’t the only one who noticed - Kayla and Austin had given him furtive, sympathetic glances. Nico’s heart pounded in his chest, anxiety spiking his pulse and chilling him down to the bone. 
Nico couldn’t help but to wonder, Is he going to break up with me? 
Safe to say, his breakfast was ruined, and he pulled just a little away from Will. He didn’t miss the awkward looks he got from Kayla and Austin, nor did he miss Will’s slight flinch at the loss of contact between the boys.
After a silent breakfast, when everyone had left to start their daily activities, Nico stood to go. If Will didn’t want to talk to him, then fine. He’d manage that. 
But a warm hand clamped on his wrist, begging him to stay. Nico turned his face to Will’s, absorbing his golden features and the heavy vulnerability in those blue eyes. It hit Nico that whatever Will wanted from him, it wasn’t going to be good.
Nico sat back down carefully. Will’s pink lips were turned at the corners and, having a closer look at his face, Nico realized his eyes were puffy and red like he’d been crying.
Upon seeing his boyfriend’s expression, Nico reached out and touched Will’s tan face gingerly, brushing his own pale fingers through his golden locks. “Will,” he whispered, “what’s wrong? You’ve been so… so closed off from me. Is everything okay? And don’t lie this time, please. I’m serious.” 
Will opened and closed his mouth, then unlatched his eyes from Nico’s and closed them. He took a deep, shaky breath, as if gearing up for a long and tiring mission. Nico squeezed Will’s right hand - His baby hands, Nico thought ridiculously, all small and cute - and laced them together, squeezing lightly. A “Hey, I’m here for you” squeeze. 
Will turned his focus back on Nico, a small smile lacing the corners of his mouth, but not quite eradicating his internalized pain.
“Nico,” he began, “I… I have an issue.” Will’s freckled cheeks bloomed with bright red blotches and he sheepishly looked away again. 
Anticipation and anxiety gripped Nico like a vice and his breath hitched. “What’s wrong?” he asked, trying to tamper down his growing unease. He didn’t want to make Will feel more nervous than he already did.
Will swallowed, as if he was trying to keep down the words from ever appearing. Nico brushed his pale thumb over Will’s, hoping it would calm him a bit. A beat passed, and Will said, “I have this… demon inside me. It’s a terrible demon. I was possessed as a kid.”
“What?” asked Nico. “A demon? What do you mean?”
Will sighed shakily, his eyes focused on the floor. “It’s called a VSCO demon.” 
“Will…” Nico started, but he wasn’t sure what he would say. I’m sorry? That didn’t seem right, not at this moment. It seemed like Will wasn’t quite looking for pity. Instead, Nico opted to inquire more about this demon: “What exactly does the demon do? How much is it going to impact your life?” 
“Well… actually, it’s going to impact my life a lot. Essentially, it’ sgoing to make me a VSCO girl. You know what that is, right? I explained it to you.”
Nico nodded.
Will continued. “First, it’ll start off with more subtle things, like specific hand spasms.” Will demonstrated what he meant by bringing his right hand to his face and then turning to the side, then frowned. “There’s also some expressions that I might repeat a lot. Like… ‘anna oop-’, or ‘oooh, tea, sis!’ or ‘sksksksk.’” 
Nico watched Will’s expression as he said each phrase and his heart felt like it was being squished. Will looked like he was trying very hard not to let it take over him, let those stupid terms make him into a new person, but he was so exhausted. Nico touched his boyfriend’s face again. “I’m… sorry, Will. That’s terrible.”
Will nodded, but he didn’t seem to hear Nico. “When it gets worse, you’ll start noticing. I’ll be wearing oversized T-shirts, I think… scrunchies on my wrist, maybe.” He sighed again, but this time a small sob escaped from his lips too. When he looked up, Nico saw he had fresh tears glassing over his eyes. “I’m going to be carrying that stupid Hydro Flask with me forever, Nico. Forever.” 
That seemed to do it. In a matter of seconds, the floodgates of Will’s emotions had opened up and he was spilling everywhere. Nico pulled him close, despite not being much of a hugger, and drew small circles on his back. He felt Will’s tears soak through his T-shirt, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he felt so heartbroken by Will’s emotions, he wanted to start crying himself.
But he had to keep it strong, for Will. Nico bit his lip to keep himself from letting out a few tears himself. 
After several moments, Will seemed to calm down enough to pull away from Nico, even though tears still ribboned down his cheeks like liquified crystals. He pulled a tissue from his sweatshirt pocket and blew his nose, honking like he was the goosiest of all geese.
“Anyway,” Will continued, sighing heavily. “I have to tell you something else.” He threw the snot-saturated tissue over his shoulder, where some poor sucker would have to pick it up themself and throw it out. Taking a deep breath (Nico swore he was just trying to steal all the oxygen out of the air now, probably trying to photosynthesize or something), Will pulled Nico’s hands to his chest. “When the demon takes over me, Nico, my alter ego will come out. I will not be able to control it. His name… is Billiam Thabdrew Sksksolace.”
Will paused dramatically, letting that name sink in.
“Oh, Will,” Nico said quietly, throwing his arms around his boyfriend. “Is there a cure to this? Can you fix it?”
Will rested his head in the space between Nico’s neck and shoulder. “No,” he answered, his voice muffled. “There isn’t. I just have to live with being a VSCO girl from now on.” Pulling away so that he was mere inches from Nico’s face, he asked: “Would you still love me, Nico? Even after I become… become Billiam?”
“Of course,” Nico exclaimed, not a moment of hesitation. “Of course! You are more than your stupid demon. You can be as much of a VSCO girl as you become, and I will always love you.”
Will’s face crumpled again and he pulled Nico tighter, so close Nico could almost swear his ribs were going to break. 
“Thank you, Nico. Thank you.” 
It was only a few weeks until the real changes started showing up. 
When Nico went into the Apollo cabin in the mornings, sometimes he’d see Will in an oversized T-shirt, waving around a metal straw with his baby hands, exclaiming, “OOOH THAT’S TEA!” whenever one of his siblings said something, or referring to himself as Bill Sksksolace when someone called him Will. 
Those spells wouldn’t last long, but it was still discerning. 
As the days progressed, it got worse. The spells wouldn’t last in just the morning - they’d appear in the afternoon, in the night time, and at nine in the afternoon. Nico would walk in on a conversation Will was having with another camper, and just when things seemed like they were going smoothly, Will would mutter: “SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS.” The camper would look at Will strangely, laugh a little, then leave. 
Nico would have to sit with Will and tell him that it was alright, that it’s just part of the course. He’ll be alright.
Despite the fact that things were getting worse, it didn’t bother Nico too much. He already knew it would happen sooner or later, so there was no point anticipating and being scared over it.
And yet, nothing would prepare him for the gut punch of when it really did happen. 
It was a morning like any other. The sun shone above the camp in brilliant golden rays, and the wind was windy (as wind is) and just perfect for a November day. Nico was hopeful today; maybe they’d go out to New York City, like old times. Try to get Will’s mind off his doomed fate.
Nico had an inkling something was wrong the moment he knocked on the cabin door. Maybe it was the shift in the wind, maybe it was anxiety, or maybe it was the fact that he heard people shouting, “PUT THAT METAL STRAW DOWN, WILL!” that made him nervous. Nevertheless, he waited outside. 
Kayla was the one to open the door. She looked exhausted, like she’d been running after someone all morning. When she realized it was Nico, her expression told Nico everything he needed to know. 
Nico stepped in tentatively, nervous about what he would find. 
And boy did he have every right to be nervous. Nothing could prepare him for what he was about to find.
Will had transformed. Like, completely transformed.
Gone were his golden curls. In place of them was a messy bun at the top of his head, wrapped with a purple scrunchie. If one scrunchie wasn’t enough, he had literal sleeves of them over his arms, all the way up to his elbow, of all kinds of nauseating and headache-inducing colors. On top of that, a knee-length T-shirt covered him from the shoulders to his thighs, and in his small baby hands was a Hydro Flask with a metal straw sticking out of it, which was currently sticking between his teeth.
Upon seeing Nico, his eyes widened and he offered him a bright smile. “Sksksksk!” Will exclaimed. “Oh my gods, it’s literally Nico!” He rushed towards his boyfriend with his arms wide, and just when Nico thought he was about to get a crushing bear hug, Will surprised him last minute by shoving twenty scrunchies into his hands as well as a metal straw. 
Nico looked at the treasure in his hands - Where the everloving fuck did he get so many? thought Nico - then back at Will, and again back at his treasure. Tears pricked at his eyes and his chest constricted, making it harder to breathe. “Will-” he began.
Will looked genuinely confused. “Who’s Will? I’m Billiam Sksksolace. And that’s the tea here today.”
“Right. Billiam.” Even saying the new name hurt him in ways Nico didn’t even think were imaginable. He placed a hand on Will’s - No, Bill’s, Nico reminded himself - cheek, tracing his lover’s freckles. “How are you feeling?”
“Anna oop-” Billiam said. “I feel fine, sksksk. Why?” He raised his eyebrows and leaned in, tilting his head for a second. “Is there tea?” 
Nico sobbed, his heart wrenching. Where was Will? “No, not at all.” He kissed Bill’s face. “Not at all.”
Nico had successfully gone crazy.
He and Billiam had three kids. Each one blond. Each one young.
Each one just as VSCO as their dad. 
It was an endless cycle of “SKSKSKS” and “ANNA OOP-” and they had about fifty thousand metal straws strewn around their house. Their kids didn’t even wear pants anymore, just oversized T-shirts. They didn’t even have the demon - it was a Monkey See, Monkey Do situation. 
And Nico was done. He’d even developed a twitch in his eye. From the moment he got up in the morning to the moment he fell asleep at night, his mind swirled with unwanted expressions and metal straws in his eyes and Hydro Flasks on the table and oversized T-shirts strewn across the bed and he was positively done.
There was only one thing left to do. 
Nico grabbed the knife from the kitchen drawer. Then he turned to the onions on the cutting board and started chopping with rage. (It was his turn to make dinner tonight, and he hated every moment of it.)
But he had something to look forward to, and he had everything ready. 
Bill was home from work now, sitting in the living room and scrolling through Instagram. Nico watched him, thinking about that fatal day several years ago at Camp Half-Blood when everything had gone wrong for him. 
Well, Nico would fix that today.
“Bill,” Nico called, gritting his teeth. Calling his beloved William “Bill” still stung him, despite it having been years later. “It’s time for dinner. Call the kids.”
Bill stood from the couch and fixed his messy bun, then called, “Billiam, Jr.! Litpollo! Percy, Jr.! Time for dinner! Sksksk.” 
Nico made his way down the hall and opened the garage door, crying out to his pet hyena: “BAMBI! Come on, boy. Time for your yummy chinken dinner.”
Bambi growled and bounded into the building, turning towards the kids that had now come into the dining room. Bill eyed the oversized cat with scrutiny. “Bae, I think we need to tame that thing.”
Nico turned his head to look at his hyena. He shrugged. “Seems fine to me.”
“He’s gnawing on our child’s head.”
Nico eyed his kitty, who had its jaws around their child Litpollo’s head. “No he isn't,” Nico decided. “It’s just licking Litpollo's head. Litpollo just has a really tiny head.” 
Bill opened his mouth to protest, but Nico clapped his hands and exclaimed: “Time for dinner!” He offered Bill a dazzling smile. “And I have a surprise for you.”
Bill’s eyes widened and a smile of his own flashed across his face. “Sksksk. I’m excited. Yass queen.”
Nico’s eye twitched. “Yes, time for dinner.”
The family of five (including Bambi the Hyena, it was six) sat at the dinner table. (Yes, Bambi sat at a dinner table. Nico considered that quite domestic of Bambi). 
“Now, before we start, I have a little something for Bill.” Nico stood again and pulled out something from his pocket. Bill leaned in to look at it, and realization dawned on him. He hissed and jumped up from his chair. 
“Skskskskskkssksksksk!” he exclaimed. “That’s a cross. Why do you have that?” Just being in the presence of it seemed to make him antsy.
Nico offered him a dangerous smile. “Well, you see, Billiam, I became a priest online. I have a certificate and everything.” He tilted his head innocently and, with that smile still plastered onto his face, said, “I am here to eradicate the Demon of VSCO.” 
“No,” Bill said shakily, but his voice had changed. It was rougher, scratchier, a voice he wouldn’t have on any other normal day. “No, you can’t. You’ve been going behind my back this entire time? How dare you.” 
“I’m here to save you, Bill. Or should I say… William.”
“NO!” Bill screeched, picking up Litpollo and shielding his face with the child. “I REFUSE! SKSKSK!”
Nico only smiled wider, his dark eyes shining with fearsome mirth. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and off and a harsh wind blew across the room. Outside, clouds started gathering like they were ready for a shitshow to happen. Nico rose from the floor, the wind carrying his weight like he was lighter than paper. He held out the cross in front of him, showing it to Bill’s VSCO demon. Bill hissed, and his eyes starting glowing bright yellow, clearly aggravated by the cross. He dropped the child, who squeaked and ran off to eat his dry chinken dinner.
Nico’s own eyes had started glowing, but his were a bright red flash like he was about to shoot lasers. “BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME,” Nico exclaimed, his voice projecting outward and all around the house, “I PRONOUNCE THEE, VSCO DEMON, GONE.”
Nico slammed the cross against Bill’s chest, making steam circle and sizzle around Bill’s chest. The blond cried out in pain, but Nico ignored him. 
“BEGONE, THOT!” Nico thundered.
A big bang resonated between them, and Nico and Bill were both thrown across the room. Their children screamed, but all Nico could think about was Bill and whether or not he was back. Despite being disoriented, he sat upright and looked across the room. Billiam was thrown to the kitchen, and his messy bun had come undone. The scrunchies on his wrists were hissing and smoking, but otherwise he looked fine. 
Nico stood up slowly, keeping his hand on the wall for balance. “Will?” he said quietly. It was strange using that name after so many years, but it felt good. It felt comfortable.
Bill didn’t answer. Nico’s heart started racing.
He rushed to Bill’s side, checking his pulse and touching his face, making sure was alive. When he decided that he was alright, Nico let out a breath of relief. He shook Bill gently. “Will? Will, please, wake up. Tell me you’re okay.”
For a moment, all was silent. Nico’s children had even stopped screaming, but Nico wasn’t sure where they were or what they were doing. Right now, it was only about Billiam. 
Suddenly, Bill started coughing. He sat up a little straighter and coughed into his arm, and Nico patted is back in means of helping his partner. Bill stopped after a few moments, but his focus was only on the kitchen tiles.
Nico’s heart pounded in anticipation. Was Billiam gone? Was Will back? Goosebumps prickled his skin. 
“Will?” Nico asked. “Are you okay?”
Bill started laughing. Nico wanted to take this as a good sign, but the laughter seemed eerie. He took Bill’s baby hand in his.
Bill turned to face him, a wide grin on his face. “YOU FOOL!” he exclaimed. “YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?”
Nico gasped and threw himself away from Bill, shaking his head. “No,” he whispered. “No. It should have worked! I went onto Wikipedia for the instructions!”
Bill only laughed harder. “YOU DIPSHIT! YOU MULTIPLIED ME!” His eyes danced with his laughter.
“Multiplied?” Nico exclaimed. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” He frowned. “Also, no swearing in front of the kids. Watch your fucking language, asshole.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bill exclaimed. “MY CHILDREN,” he called, turning his face away from Nico’s. “COME!”
From the dining room, the children’s small feet pitter-pattered across the floor. Rage filled Nico’s chest, and he tackled Bill to the ground. “VSCO DEMON!” he cried. “What did you do to them? If you hurt them-”
“I did no such thing,” Bill said. “I would never hurt them.”
“Then what did you do?”
“NOOOOO!” Nico cried. “WHY?”
“Children,” Bill said, “what do we say to Nico?”
“SAVE THE TURTLES!” And they all took off their oversized T-shirts and threw them in his face.
The end. Nico sobbed forever.
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ohtheseboysilove · 4 years
Omg, I’m living for the winter writing prompts! Could you possibly combine 1 and 6, smutty and fluffy with Ben?
01. we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward.
06. we always carpool home for the holidays from college but a storm hit and now we’re taking the last room at the local b&b (bonus: bedsharing! we’re adults!)
4248 words (???). Smut and fluff.
!!! Christmas / Winter prompts !!!
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"You got everything ?"
You nodded with a tired smile and slid into the car seat, buckling your belt, immediately turning on the heater. The weather was bloody cold and foggy, making you winced.
"You’re sure it’s safe to drive home ?” You asked as Ben jumped behind the steering wheel, taking off his favourite brown beanie from his head.
You chuckled at the mop of curly blond hairs emerging on the top of his head, making him looked much younger than his age.
"My mom said it must be alright, if it’s not snowing we should be okay" He shrugged, always the positive one and started the car, letting you decided for the music. "And I don’t know you but I, really want to go back home for Christmas, no way I’m staying in my shitty uni room for the holidays” He smirked, one hand on the wheel and the other hand scratching the stubble on his chin, eyes focusing on the busy road.
“Yeah, true" You agreed and changed the radio station until you stopped when you heard the familiar rhythm of an old Arctic Monkeys’ song.
You and Ben were from the same little town in the north of England so for every holidays — when the two of you went back home at least — the both of you did the travel together. You shared the petrol price and sometimes when Ben was really tired, he would ask you to drive. It was a win-win situation. So for the third year in a row, you were driving to home, only five little hours away from your native town.
Only two hours into the travel, the traffic was still awful, cars barely moving as everyone wanted desperately to go home for Christmas.
"Ben, close this fucking window ! It’s bloody cold" You scolded him as he took a big puff of his cigarette, blowing the smoke outside the car.
"If I don’t have my fag right now, I’m gonna wreck this asshole who is honking for the past five minutes" The blond groaned and yelled something to the man, giving him his middle finger when he finally managed to pass him. “What a prick" Ben scoffed and watched him drive away, his hands and lips red from the coldness.
"You have literally no patience" You chuckled and popped a m&ms in your mouth, lazily chewing it.
The blond shrugged and threw his cigarette butt on the road, earning a warning glance from you. He gave a big innocent smile and you would lie if you said that your heart didn’t miss a beat at this moment.
"Gimme one, missy" He opened his mouth, head lightly turned toward you.
You threw it one which fell on his lap then somewhere on the floor, he complained about your aptitude to throw correctly and you gave him your middle finger for all answer. He asked again and this time the sweet hit him square on the teeth, a pathetic whine escaping from his plump lips.
"You’re such a baby" You rolled your eyes.
"Am not, you could have break my fucking teeth" He scolded and ran his tongue on his mouth, checking if everything was still here in the little mirror above his head. "Now gimme one correctly please"
"For a rugby player you’re a total pussy, you know that ?" You sighed and handed him the packet, ignoring the memories about the few times you had the chance to witness Ben in his tight little rugby short. It was true sight for the eyes. The blond smirked with amusement but didn’t move his hand, simply opened his mouth. "I’m not gonna feed you, Benjamin" You stated with a death glare, pushing another m&m’s in your mouth instead.
"My hands are busy" He gave you a cocky grin, wiggling his fingers firmly wrapped around the wheel. "Come on, pretty please ?" He fluttered his eyelashes exaggeratedly but you simply ignoring him, gaze looking outside the window.
"Ouch !" You gasped when you felt a harsh pinch on your right thigh. "Asshole" He simply smiled wider, still waiting for his chocolate.
He squeezed your thigh again and this time you decided to cave. The warmth of his hand around your leg was distracting you way too much. And you still have few more hours before arriving home so it wasn’t really the time to get naughty thoughts about Ben. You pretended to be annoyed and grabbed two m&ms, popping them between his pink, pillowed lips. You felt warmth spread around your neck when he playfully bit your digits, giving you a teasing smile.
"Thanks, love" He sent you a smirk and gazed back at the road, a satisfied smile floating in his face.
You mumbled a low ‘you’re welcome’ and swallowed nervously, hoping your cheeks weren’t as red as you were feeling hot. That was the thing with you and Ben, this constant...sexual tension. You knew each other for three years, hanging out together sometimes, no quite as usual as you did with your other friends but still friends nonetheless. Ben was hot, you couldn’t denied that and you weren’t bad yourself, you caught him checking you out more than once and he probably did the same with you but nothing never happened. Mostly because when you met, you had a boyfriend for most of the year. Then he started seeing this girl from his class when you broke up with Chris. Timing was always a bitch for the two of you and honestly you weren’t a fan of one night stand with one of your friend. It could be really awkward. But for the first time that you found the both of you stuck in the car for hours, you were both completely single. Meaning anything could happen. But you weren’t sure if you wanted something to happen. Or if he wanted that.
You were already three and half hours into the drive home but still bloody far away as the roads were busy and slowed down because of the bad weather. You both decided to stop for a wee and a coffee at the first gas station.
"I took you a latte" Ben yawned when you came back from the toilet, seating in front of him at the little picnic table outside.
"Thanks Benny” You lazily replied, the cold wind making winced.
You drank in silent and quickly, stealing little glances to each other. You hated how cute he looked with his beanie back on his head, few curls escaping from it.
"I’m gonna buy fags, do you need anything, love ?" You shook your head and thanked him when he threw you the car keys.
You rapidly went back into the warmth of the car and slid off your shoes before dropping your clothes feet on the dashboard, stretching lazily your arms.
"It’s so bloody cold" Ben complained when he came back few minutes later, rubbing his hands together as he sat back. "And bad news, it’s snowing"
"It is ?" You gasped and opened the window to check, few snow flakes falling slowly onto your hands before melting. "Shit"
"The cashier said a storm is coming and most of the road would be close soon enough" You dropped your head back into the seat with a desperate groan. "He said there is a little motel not far from here but we should get going if we want to find available rooms" He sighed and looked at you, a grimace on his face.
"Great, this is great" You crossed your arms above your stomach and shrugged. "Well let’s go I guess. We don’t really have any choice, right ?" You watched Ben nodded weakly as he started driving again, fingers drumming nervously on his thigh.
You only had fifteen little minute to the cheap motel but the weather turned out absolutely horrible. It was now heavily snowing, you could barely see the road and it was quite dangerous to keep going without snow chains. When Ben finally reached the motel you were both relieved and quickly made your way to the reception, praying there way still rooms.
"Hi, could we rent two rooms for tonight, please ?" You asked with your nicest, pleading smile.
The old lady at the reception checked the reservation on a clipboard, her glasses pressed on her nose as she looked for available rooms.
"Unfortunately we have only one room left for tonight, would you still have it ?"
You and Ben exchanged a quick glanced and immediately accepted. The options were pretty limited anyway. She handed you the keys of the fifteenth room on the second floor and the blond told you he would go grab your and his stuffs. You walked to the room and sadly, it wasn’t twin beds but only a double one in the middle of the room. The situation was awfully cliché but it did make you nervous.
You sighed and checked the tiny little bathroom, your body craving for a hot shower. You decided to take one now, it would be done for the night as it was already six in the evening.
"Feeling better ?" You almost jumped as you found Ben laying on the bed, one arm flexed under his head as he watched something on the small t.v hanging on the wall.
"Yeah, much better" You tightened your grip around the white towel around your body as you entered the room, looking into your bag for some comfy clothes.
You felt your heartbeat quickened as Ben’s eyes followed your movements, glancing at your legs freshly exposed. It was certainly going to be a tense and long evening.
The both of you were munching on ham sandwiches nicely made by the lady owning the hostel as mostly everything around was close because of the snowstorm, the electricity was long gone because of the weather. No t.v or lights. That why you were in a strange romantic atmosphere with candles and flash lights, seating criss-crossed on the bed, sharing a bottle of rhum together. The heater wasn’t really good and there was nothing much to do expect play cards and get drunk.
"Alright, you won again" Ben sighed and threw his cards on the night table after losing for fifth time in a row against you. "Can we do something else ? It’s not fun anymore” He complained as you beamed with pride, loving teasing him about your wins.
"You’re a sore loser Benjamin” You smirked and took a good swing of the rhum, grimacing a bit at the strong taste. "But I agree, it’s a bit boring to always beat your ass"
He rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle from your hands, taking an equal big sip as you.
"Never I have ever...suck a dick" Ben grinned, apparently really proud of his phrase as he knew you would probably drink.
"Very mature, Benny" You clicked your tongue but took a sip, feeling like in a fucking teenage movie. You played to this kind of game quite often but with much more people in the room usually. You felt like the situation could get out of hand really quickly. "Never I have ever...lick a pussy" You decided to play his little game and childishly blew him a raspberry.
"You don’t know what you’re missing. Pussies are delicious" He shrugged and drank, running his tongue on his pillowed lips to catch a lost drop of rhum. Your neck warmed at the thought of Ben eating you out, his pretty red face buried deep inside your thighs could certainly be a beautiful view.
The game went on with stupid sex questions which had for only goal to make the other drank more. When you both ran out of ideas you stopped the games and instead told each other awkward and a bit embarrassing anecdotes.
"He didn’t not !" You giggled loudly as Ben’s eyes were wide open after you told him about the time you ended up spending the night with a weirdo. "God, that’s crazy"
"Right ? And fuckin’ embarrassing, I was so drunk" You giggled more and squeezed Ben’s knees. "You turn now, mister Jonesy"
He nodded and wiggled his button nose, thinking about something funny to tell you. Your gaze lingered on his face, admiring his strong and perfectly well-define jaw, his high and beautiful cheek bones or his large shoulders barely hiding by his thin white cotton tee-shirt. You felt your features burned when you met his — gorgeous — green eyes, catching you checking him out shamelessly. He held your gaze for few seconds, wetting his pink lips with his tongue. You quickly looked away, pressure bubbling in your belly at his intense stare.
"Okay, I have a good one" Ben announced with a raspy voice. You looked back at him, ignoring the goosebumps spreading on your arms. How where you supposed to sleep next to him tonight ? "Do you remember Sasha’s party for his twenty-two birthday ?"
"Of course I do" You snorted at the memories, it had been a wild night.
"And this girl I brought home with me ? Natalia ?" You frowned your brows then nodded, remembering the beautiful blond girl from Sasha’s class. "So we hum...we had sex but I called her the wrong name" He confessed, the tips of his ears reddening.
"What ? Oh Ben, this is awful" You cackled loudly, covering your mouth with your hand to stop the stupid giggles.
"I know I wasn’t very proud" He playfully smiled and swallowed quietly, his Adam’s apple bobbing harshly. "And now she hates me"
"Can’t really blame her" You teased him.
"True but I can blame you" Ben said bluntly, his large palm rubbing his chest under his top. Thing he did when he was embarrassed.
"Me ?" You squealed with arched brow, not sure where he was going with this information.
"You" He repeated and you shared a long, heavy gaze, only broke when you watched his hand slowly rubbed on your clothed thigh. "I...I said your name that night" Your eyes widened but you stayed silent, not knowing if you were supposed to laugh or not. "I saw you wearing this tiny little skirt, the brown one and I couldn’t think about anything else that night" You felt your breath stopped for a long second, excitement bubbling inside your stomach.
"Y—yeah ?" You murmured quietly as he crawled next to you, his hot breath falling against your face.
"It’s wasn’t the first time I thought about when I was with someone else" He whispered back, the shadows of light from the candles were dancing on his face, the green of his eyes deeper than ever. "Thought about you a lot, more than I should" He slowly trailed a pad on your burning cheekbone, testing the water.
You were silent, a bit shocked by his words. Ben, probably one of the hottest person you ever met had naughty thoughts about you. It was insane. A pool of wetness was already forming in your knickers.
"I did too" You breathed quietly, shivers rolling down your spine at the just filling his pretty eyes. It was happening. For real.
"Can I kiss you ?" His nose bumped slightly against yours and for all answer you pressed your needy lips against his.
The kiss was hungry and hot, tongues quickly messing with each other, hands roaming on both of your bodies. It was a kiss from years of building tension finally exploding in a rough, eager kiss. You tugged on his top and he took the hint pretty quickly, throwing it somewhere on the floor as you immediately sponged pecks against his strong and smooth chest, heavy sighs escaping both of your mouth.
"God, I need to see you, love. Please" The blond murmured and you let go of his nipple, taking off your tee-shirt and exposing your bare breasts to the gorgeous man under you. "Holy shit, you’re so hot" He cursed, tongue trailing around your tits, one of his hand already working inside your pants, fingers rubbing against your socked panties.
"Ben, need more" You cried, hips bucking against his frame, your hand firmly gripping his curly hairs. "Take my pants off” You said in a panting pleading, watching him with quickly did it before doing the same with his own.
He didn’t lost a second and dove two fingers inside your mouth, making you suck them before caressing your folds, earning loud moans from you. Soon enough it wasn’t his fingers anymore but his burning tongue inside you, legs bended on his shoulders, his thumb taking great care of your throbbing clit.
"Oh shit" You whimpered, pressure building inside you dramatically quickly and you couldn’t do much expect pushing his mouth further between your legs. "Keep going Ben !" You rolled your left nipple between your digits, babbling incoherent words as you reached the edge of your orgasm.
You came in a shamefully loud pleading of Ben’s name, waves of pure bliss crashing down you. You could here him sucked his fingers clean, making you whimpered at the obscene sound. He grabbed your chin for a lusty kiss, teeth knocking against each other but frankly you couldn’t care less, you just needed him at this moment.
"Oh god, love !" Ben cried when you wrapped your fingers around his cock, giving few pumps on it.
"Do you have a condom ?" You breathed quietly, nails sinking into the skin of his neck as he nibbled naughtily your collarbone.
"Yeah" He pushed himself of the bed and you didn’t miss the occasion to look at his perky pretty ass before he came back, proudly shaking a condom. "Come here, love" You did as he said, spreading your legs just for him and he quickly rolled the protection on his hard length, his chest panting up and down. "You’re ready ?" You nodded, bottom lip trapped between your teeth as you watched his thick shaft disappeared inside you, a grunt falling from Ben’s throat at the same moment.
It was clearly better than you could have imagined.
You were freaking out. Hands against the sink and your gaze facing you into the mirror.
What now ?
You just had sex with Ben. Incredibly good sex by the way. But still, what now ? You hated this kind of awkwardness, you were already overthinking every little details of the evening and it was wasn’t looking good. You still have two hours and half of driving tomorrow with the blond, why on earth did you sleep with him ? Was it only a one-night stand ? Probably. He never mentioned any feelings toward you.
You swallowed nervously and after peeing, you splashed fresh water onto your face, taking a deep breath before joining Benjamin. He was casually laying under the covers, only wearing his boxer and it was incredibly distracting but you didn’t look at this chest, feeling already too uncomfortable. He was lazily scrolling on his phone and gave you a little, tight smile when he met your gaze. Awkward. He seemed as uncomfortable as you were. Great.
You hurried up to the bed, wearing your fluffy pyjama and slid under the heavy covers, barely looking at him.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)" He called your by your name and it was a very rare fact. You felt even worse, rolling the covers until your nose to hide your flushed face.
"Night, Ben" You closed your eyes and quickly fell asleep, as far away as possible from him, — without being too obvious — tired by the amazing sex you just had.
The next morning was even worst. Few words were exchanged as you both packed your things after a quick shower and a disgusting cup of coffee, making your way to the reception in a dead silence.
"Oh my dears, but the roads aren’t clear yet, the snowstorm is probably going back in the end of the morning so no circulation before at least tomorrow afternoon" The old lady explained when you handed her back the room’s keys.
"What ? Are you sure ?" You asked with nervousness, the thought of staying stuck here with Ben was making your stomach churned. You weren’t one for confrontation, more like avoiding awkward situation like this one.
"It’s all over the news, sweetie. The electricity is back but I’m not sure for how long" She gave you an apologetic smile and you kept the keys, not having much choice anyway.
Ben was surprisingly silent as you made your way back to the room, a ball of stress eating you alive. It was the worst fucking scenario ever.
"I’m gonna for a smoke" The blond said before disappearing quickly, leaving you all by yourself in the bedroom.
"Bloody hell" You cursed and let your face fell in your palms, wondering how the fuck you were supposed to spend more time together in this tense atmosphere.
You opted for a coward escape and slid under the covers, pretending to nap when you heard Ben in the hallway. He opened the doors and silently took his shoes off, seating on the side of his bed, sighing quietly.
"(Y/N) ? Are you awake ?" He murmured and ran a hand into your messy hairs, making you swallowed silently. "Come on, love, I know you don’t nap so early in the morning" You simply buried your face further into the covers, neck bright red with shame. "We need to talk" He added and tugged on the covers, trying to see your face.
"I’m sleeping" You mumbled and he simply chuckled, opting for an other tactic. He slid under the cover and moved until he was face to face with you.
"Hi there" Ben murmured with a little smile. "It too hot under these covers, how can you even breath ?" He exclaimed and you simply shrugged, nose buried into the pillow to avoid his intense gaze. "(Y/N), come on. I wasn’t that bad, was I ? Can you at least look at me ?" He tried to joke but the glance you gave him making stopped immediately.
You were so uncomfortable and Ben was just making the situation worse.
"I don’t wanna talk about it" You whispered. "We just had sex, it’s not a big deal" You mumbled with a bitter tone and wished you could just disappear from here right now.
The blond chewed on his lip for few seconds, one of his finger gently caressing the shape of your jaw, making you froze.
"I think it’s a big deal. Or you wouldn’t react like that. Not talking to me, barely looking at me" He stated the fact and you felt even more ashamed. It wasn’t your fault if you were the kind who get too easily attached or who couldn’t just have sex with someone then pretended it never happened. "I can’t read your mind, love. You need to talk to me" He slid two fingers under your chin, forcing you to finally look at him and you probably never felt more vulnerable than right now.
"Does it mean something to you ?" You murmured anxiously, cheeks burning from how uncomfortable you were. "Or was I just a...random shag ?"
"Of course not, (Y/N) ! You’re my friend, I would be totally stupid to go to you if I only want a quick fuck" Ben frowned his brows, a bit destabilised by your words. "I like you, (Y/N), I thought it was quite obvious" A delicate shade of pink painted on his face, his voice less confident than usual. "Especially after yesterday night"
You were both a blushing mess, the memories of the night before still freshly inked in your minds.
"I...didn’t know" You replied in a whisper. "You barely talked to me this morning, I thought you regretted it" You voice broke at the last word and Ben’s face fell when he noticed that you were hurt because of him.
"I’m sorry, I should have said something yesterday but you were so uncomfortable, practically running to the bathroom then going straight to bed..." He sighed heavily, his warm hand softly cupping your cheek. "I didn’t want to push you to talk to me so I thought we can talk about it today but it was even worst, I didn’t know how to speak about the subject anymore. I’m sorry if you felt like I used you like for a cheap and easy shag, it’s not true"
You let out a shaky breath, relief rolling down your body and pressed a hand on Ben’s cheek, giving him a timid smile.
"I’m sorry too, I hate awkward conversation and I didn’t know what to say so I just...avoid it" He rubbed his thumb against your skin before pressing a butterfly kiss on your cold nose. "But I like you too, Ben. For few months now" You admitted with a shiver.
"Try few years" He chuckled softly and you looked at him with shock. "It’s alright our timing had always been awful but we finally got it right” He winked and you nodded shyly, biting on your lip before capturing his mouth for a slow and tender kiss.
"You know what ? I’m pretty glad for this shitty snowstorm" You giggled as he trailed few pecks on your face, looking at you with tenderness.
"I think people called that a Christmas miracle" Ben smirked and you cackled louder before he found your lips again, sweet and perfectly shaped for each other.
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darkheartvamp · 5 years
At Peace with the Silence
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~Hello lovely’s Tis me again. I know. So i don’t know where i am gonna go with this fan fiction but i know i wanna write it. So come along for the ride. Its gonna be a long one. I plan to post this maybe once every week or so. See how its doing. I want you guys in on the experience too. Tell me what you think. Give me ideas on how you think its gonna go down. I am all ears for this. I would really love and appreciate your comments and answers. Please don’t hesitate to ask for anything i do write one shots and preferences. Welp let us move along. ~
       The creaky door to the small apartment gave way as i  trudge into the darkness wearily scanning before turning on the dim lights. Illuminating the soft leather couch and living room into view. Tossing the keys i had in hand into the cauldron placed onto the old scuffed table beside the door. Sighing softly into the silence i make my way slowly to the kitchen kicking off my shoes against the bar stool. Glancing around the dim kitchen bar i flick the light on. Opening the refrigerator door i scan the bare shelves looking for some semblance of food. 
       “ Guess it is a fast food night” Sighing to myself, shutting the door to the fridge i trudge lazily into the bedroom to change out of work clothes. Throwing on some sweats and a giant comfy sweater. Standing at the vintage mirror i bought at the flee market down the road. I take in my tired appearance My long brown hair cascading down past my shoulders. My big brown eyes and smallish button nose stand out against my semi full lips that are drawn in a line of annoyance. 
     “ This sweater make me look fatter” I huff, puffing out my round chubby cheeks. My body was a not what society deemed worthy or model type. I was plus size. fat in other terms. I had big boobs that struggled to find bra’s in the right size. My hips where huge and my thighs could barely hold in jeans. My tummy was very round and my butt was probably my favorite part of my body. Like Terry from Brooklyn nine nine once said “ Terry got butt for days”.  
     “ Welp, faster i go the faster i can come home and watch my movies.” Grabbing my wallet and phone and keys. I head out the door locking it behind me. Placing the earphones into my ears. The song Fall apart by Post Malone blast through my speakers. Making my way down the stairs out to the street watching as the sun fades into purple and red hues. 
     The streets are slowly dwindling of people that had gotten off work. Hearing the blaring honks from the cars passing by in anger at people crossing in the middle of the street. Ignoring the world around me I head towards the new sushi bar that opened not even a month ago. Stepping into the establishment I head towards the bar to make my order. Glancing at the menu for a few minutes, I hear the song Bullet Proof Love by Pierce the Veil pull me from the menu. 
“ Hey bestie! What’s up? Everything ok? “ chuckling into the phone. Then with rapid succession i hear a bang a few cuss words before i hear the familiar voice. 
“ Hey sammy! We are ok! nothing much we let ourselves into your apartment! you weren’t answering. Where are you?’ Signing to myself. Of course these two would break into my apartment. 
“ Yea Miranda, I am alright. I’m down the street at the sushi place. You guys want anything?’ 
“ Yea we would love sushi! Want me to set up Captain America civil war? “ chuckling at her announcement of our favorite movie lately to watch together. 
“You betcha, Call dibs on Bucky!” i hear in the distance 
“ Girl you prefer Captain Sparkles over Bucky anyway!” I say with such sarcasm dripping from my tone it could coat a piece of toast like butter. 
“ Laddies! laddies! laddies! how bout we watch it without claiming men today. “ I hear Miranda tell us. Listening to the grumbles come from Emily. I sigh letting this one slide. 
“Fine! mooom i promise not to call dibs on the men this time.” Heaaring the huff and a good from the end of her side. I smile before saying good by and ordering our food for the evening. Taking our food and heading straight back to the apartment. I am bombarded at the door by Emily screeching at the top of her lungs 
“ YOU TOOK SO LONG I AM FAMISHED” rolling my eyes at her childishness. I push past her into my now cluttered apartment of snacks and drinks galore. 
“ I had to order alot of sushi for us ladies. Lord knows my fat ass can eat.” I speak teasingly back at her. Setting down the food on the bar i begin pulling out everyone’s boxes of sushi. Hearing the patriotic theme song of the movie playing in the background. I make my way over handing off the food to each girl. 
“ Alright ladies lets get movie night underway” plopping down on my giant couch. Between commentary from us on the movie, To in between bits of informing each other about are days since we last hung out. We forget time passing us by. Between popcorn fights and the cheesecake that miraculously looks to fluffy to be a cheesecake. We settle down into the movie till i hear a sigh come from Miranda.  
“ I wish we could be in this movie” I look over at her as she is staring wistfully at the screen Noticing the fight sequence happening between Bucky and the armed men. 
“ I wish we where in their world. Fuck the movie” Snickering at Emily’s declaration. 
“ Yea i second that motion. What i would do to be there beside Cap, Sam, and Bucky. Hell! i would even take Loki or Thor man!” I exclaim at the two ladies who are sipping on the champagne that was mysteriously taken from my wine rack. 
Out of know where I hear a pounding in my ears and I feel like my stomach is being thrown inside out. Gasping and clutching onto the leather beneath me. I feel a squeezing feeling. I hear distantly Emily and Miranda shout out. But its so muffled i can’t quite make out the words. I shut my eyes at the pain gasping at the feeling of being weightless. I feel the air swoosh beside me as i open my eyes to see the sky. The scream i make can only be described as pure terror as i crash into the grown. The world swirl’s into nothingness as i fight to breathe and to stay awake. 
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peachymhaechan · 6 years
“How could you not know?”
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Genre: angst to fluff 
Warning: language, underage drinking, drug use, mentions of sex 
Pairing: Haechan x female reader 
I’m sorry but this gif killed me so now you all have to suffer with me:) love you, babes!!
you and donghyuck had been best friends for as long as you could remember
you had gone to the same elementary school but didn’t really talk until middle school
the first time y’all had talked to each other was a full on roast session
he walked up to you with a few of his friends and went, “who let you out of the house with that shirt?”
oh no, sis
he did NOT just say that to you
“who let you out of the house with that damn attitude? fix yourself before you try and come for me, dumbass.” 
and that was that
he looked at you with wide eyes and a blush on his face and he was Sold
you owned his ass and he owned your ass from that point on
you two became inseparable pretty quickly
anywhere one would go, the other would follow
that included parties, sleepovers, vacations, etc
your parents loved hyuck so much
they loved him like he was their son
sometimes you would have to stay after school and you’d get home to find hyuck sitting at your dining room table with your parents, eating dinner and gossiping like he was part of the family
you and hyuck were very close, the definition of best friends
as a result, you both had the same friends for the most part
it was senior year and most of your friends had left and gone to college, but you had a solid group of friends: renjun, jeno, jaemin, Chenle, and jisung
Chenle and Jisung were your freshmen babies okay
haechan was like their dad and you were Mom™️ 
full on Mother
one time some little freshman bully tried being mean to your boys
the entire friend group (aka Dreamies) were not putting up with it, but you went fucking ape shit
you dead ass found him after school in the parking lot
you waited in your car for three hours for the dick to be done with baseball practice so you could kindly talk to him:) 
and by that I mean scare the ever living shit out of his bitch ass
to make a long story short, you basically said that if he ever tried to talk bad about the boys, talked to the boys, looked at the boys, or even breathed near the boys you would show up at his house at three in the morning and cut his dick off and tape it to his forehead, then everyone at school would call him a rated r unicorn :)
needless to say, the boy started crying, ran home, and jisung and Chenle never dealt with him again!!
so one day you were driving your children to school
hyuck was in the passenger seat with the aux, jamming out at seven in the morning, how the fuck did he have so much energy?
the other boys squeezed in the back (very illegal, pls don’t do this!! not safe at all, babes, pls be good drivers and follow the laws of the road and be conscious of your safety and the safety of those around you!!)
you stopped at the local coffee shop bc hello?? tired teenagers trying to make it through the day
so y’all drank your coffee and jammed out to shitty early 2000′s pop while on the way to school
when you pulled into the parking lot, nobody wanted to go inside 
I mean,,, it’s school, who tf really wants to go to school when you don’t have to
so yall waited in the parking lot until right before the bell for first period rang
during that time, hyuck took the opportunity to tell everyone about a college party mark had invited everyone to
“mark told me to invite all of the Dreamies to a party that him and his friends are having, and-”
“A college party?”
“Yes, and-”
“Where there will be alcohol?”
“Well, yeah, and-”
“No way.” 
you stood your ground (at first) which made everyone upset
“But Y/N, we want to go!” a chorus of whines answered you
“No way, you’re all too young, and I don’t want to have to drag your bitch asses home when you get plastered,” you argued
“Y/N we are literally the same age,” Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Hyuck all said at the same time
“Okay but who drives y’all everywhere? Who gives y’all the answers to the homework? Who fakes your parents’ signatures to get y’all out of school early? Who helps you when you are injured and becomes a nurse? Who lets y’all take over my house when my parents aren’t home? Who cooks y’all food all the time? Who stands up for y’all when people try and be mean?” 
radio silence was the response you got
“That’s what I thought. We might be the same age, but I take care of you guys all the damn time, and most of the time, nobody notices. Plus, Chenle and Jisung are fucking babies. There is no way in hell they are going to a college fucking frat party.” 
for a couple of days, you had won that argument
but then you were facetiming hyuck one night at two in the morning and he managed to convince you otherwise
cue his squeal and “thank you thank you thank you!” 
the next day at school you told the boys to be ready in time for the party
“if you’re not ready and at the door when I get to your house, you’re not going. You can walk,” you told them, still a very strict mom
they all were very excited obviously
bc I mean,,, wow very cool, high schoolers at a college party?? wow very cool
the days leading up to the party were normal
for you, at least
normal drives to school, normal things during school like sleeping through college algebra, skipping class with hyuck to watch Netflix in the basement janitor’s closet, and normal drives home from school, normal dinners with hyuck and his parents, and normal facetimes at one in the morning with hyuck
like I said earlier, you did everything with that boy
no wonder so many people at school thought you were dating
I mean, that and the whole holding hands and hyuck kissing your cheek and hyuck constantly clinging to you thing
but ya know sometimes a homie just needs a kiss on the lips😔🤠 
but then the day of the party came and all the boys could talk about was what they would do at said party
“What do I wear?” Jisung asked
“Wear that cute little umbrella hat and your “mommy’s little angel” shirt, dumbass. you wanna be flexin on them hoes, don’t you?” you replied
“How do I not get drunk but still drink?” Jeno thought out loud
“Drink water, fool,” you answered in typical mom fashion
“I’m scared, what if there are scary college kids there that make fun of me?” 
“Then Y/N starts a fist fight and we leave the party early, no big deal,” Hyuck told a worried Chenle
it was time for the party
and you were lookin cute or whateva
so you left the house- an EMPTY house bc parents were out of town, YEET
first stop: bitch ass hyuck’s
you honked the horn to let him know you were outside and he ran outside with two bowls of ice cream in his hands
“Hyuck?? What the fuck??” you asked as he got in the passenger seat and handed you a glass bowl, full of ice cream
“I thought you’d want some,” he sweetly replied, thoughtful as ever
“I mean yeah, I’m always a slut for ice cream, but I’m literally driving.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll feed you.” 
and so he fed you spoon fulls of ice cream as you drove to pick up your dolphin, flirt, panicked gay, toddler, and aggressive baby
once they all were in the car and ready to go (aka nervous as shit), y’all headed out to Mark’s party
you knew you were in the right place bc y’all could hear the music from the party a block away
bitch?? it’s 11 o clock?? aren't your neighbors pissed??
but then you remembered you were surrounded by different frats and sororities and nobody within a three mile radius cared bc they were most likely shitfaced, so. ya know
you parked the car and piled out
you ever see a clown car?? bc that was y’all getting out
there are string lights thrown everywhere, beer cans littering the front yard, some guy throwing up in the bushes, a couple making out on the front steps, and a random fog machine in the doorway
the freshies and even your fellow seniors were in awe
you were the only one who hadn’t been pumped for this party but you were starting to look forward to it?? 
but you had to be the designated driver:/ 
sike hyuck could drive
you led the group of scared but excited little ducklings into the house and were greeted by a tipsy Mark picking you up in his drunken happiness
“Y/N!!!!” he yelled into your ear and fucking. spun you around and shit 
“Hello, Mark! How much have you had to drink so far?” you asked, shocked that he could be that fucked up when the party had only started less than an hour ago 
“So much!! Haha anyways-” he set you down on the floor and greeted the others
he knew the freshmen babies from going to hyuck’s “bangers” and shit
and by banger I mean the #gang watching john mulaney in hyuck’s basement and playing cards against humanity until three in the morning
he gave the boys hugs, him and hyuck did their dope ass handshake, and he took everybody into the kitchen for drinks and to socialize
“this is my frat house, do you guys like it?” 
“Mark, since we are best friends I think you deserve my honesty....” you started and glanced at Hyuck
“It’s a shithole,” you both said at the same time
Mark laughed and told you both, “Thanks, I appreciate it. It usually looks better when red Solo cups aren’t laying everywhere.” 
mark led y’all into the kitchen and the first smell that hit your nose was alcohol, and the second was weed
luckily the people carrying a bong left the kitchen and went out in the backyard so the initial impact was gone
the scent still lingered tho which was not so cool!! 
and as a result, made you latch onto your children
there were people in there making out, and they were about one clothing item away from doing the deed in the middle of the kitchen
Chenle and Jisung grabbed your hands so you knew they were //afraid//
Mark stopped and said hi to people along the way, all matching the stereotypical frat boy look
“Hey Yuta, pour everyone a drink, would you?” he asked some guy standing at the island with a bottle of vodka in his hands
the boy oozed narcissism and made you want to punch him in the face when he made eye contact with you and winked
the boy had the audacity to wink ?? boy if you don’t
donghyuck scooched closer to you and introduced himself
“hey, I’m donghyuck.” 
“I’m Yuta, and you are?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you
“Jailbait. Fuck off and hurry up with the drinks.” 
a cackle sounded behind the group and a few boys appeared next to mark
“I think that’s the first time any girl has ever talked to Yuta like that. I’m Johnny and this is Jaehyun, Taeyong and Lucas.” 
opinion on Johnny: chill, very tall
opinion on Jaehyun: tall, pretty smile
opinion on Taeyong: sharp features, mom friend vibe
opinion on Lucas: tall (again), fuckboy but a sweetheart
opinion on Yuta: fuckboy and full fuckboy at that
Yuta handed your drink and you took a sip while everyone watched, waiting for you to make a face or something
“Really?” Jisung asked, shocked that you didn’t have a problem with it
“Mama didn’t raise no pussy,” you told him, taking another sip 
Yuta handed everyone their drinks (thankfully he gave Chenle and Jisung hardly any in their cups, bless up bitches)
Mark dragged y’all outside where the pool was
and bc there was a pool there, there were a bunch of drunks swimming
and beer pong set up, which meant more drunk party goers
“you still have to meet more people!!” - drunk mark gesturing to literally everyone in the damn building
“this is Ten or Shitty Phone, whichever you prefer,” he said, smiling at a short boy who was engrossed in a game of beer pong
“Doyoung and Jungwoo....” the two boys were terribly dancing to a Chase Atlantic song
“Winwin, Kun, and Taeil..... that should be it.... I don't know half of the people here to be 100% honest with you guys.” 
“Great, thanks! We will leave you to it, dude. I’m sure we will find you later on in the night,” Hyuck said, telling Mark to go and socialize at his own party instead of just standing with the lame high school kids that were there for some reason
jeno and jaemin clung to each other, fighting over who would be on their teams for beer pong while Chenle and Jisung were fascinated by everything
“wanna play beer pong?” Hyuck asked, to which you automatically agreed
let’s just say that wasn’t your first rodeo to beer pong and you knew you could kick some major ass at it
“you and me on a team?” 
“yes, you fool.” 
so you two played against the winner of the game that was going on at the time (Yuta and Taeyong) and completely forgot about your children oof
since they won the previous game, they went first and missed the first shot:)
you and Hyuck did rock paper scissors to see who would go first on your side
you won, so you picked up the ball and got it in a cup on your first try (you go sis!!) 
Yuta and Taeyong looked at each other in shock and also slight worry while Hyuck smugly smirked like //yeah bitch that’s my bff, what’s good//
to make a long story short, you and Hyuck only missed one shot the entire game
Yuta and Taeyong, however, missed seven 
obviously team full sun won
by the time you had played over half the party guests, both you had quite the buzz while Hyuck didn’t drink that much so he was A-Okay
after a short bit of time, you decided “It’s too hot out here” 
“Y/N, so help me God, don’t-” Hyuck started but got stopped mid sentence by buzzed Y/N starting to strip
rip to your favorite jean jacket that was ripped off and thrown into the pool
rest easy queen, you will be missed:(
after that, the party was a blur
you thought they’d play a bunch of rap but they played indie and alternative over the speakers (not that there are any complaints here tbh)
occasionally you’d spot your kids and stop to talk
of course there was a red solo cup in your hand, full of some hard ass liquor that you definitely should not be having
“Y/N, I’m two months older than you-” only to be stopped by a completely drunk Y/N pinching his cheeks 
let’s be real tho: we’d all love to pinch that boy’s cheeks, sober or not
“Y/N, where is Donghyuck?” Renjun asked, slinging an arm around your shoulders and trying to get through a crowd of people to find Hyuck
“I don’t know but I miss him.... can we find him? Oh, wait, can we find Jeno and Jaeminie and Jisungie and Lele? I need to make sure that they’re okay!!” 
“Y/N honey, I think you’re the one that they should be checking on to make sure you’re okay...” 
“Junnie, I love you so much, I hope you know that. I’m so incredibly glad you are in my life, and- oh, is that tequila?! Doyoung, be a doll and pour me a glass of that, would you?” 
cue Renjun trying to motion to Doyoung to stop but doyoung really had nothing to lose so 
you grabbed the cup from doyoung before Renjun could reach it so he was very :)))))) oh really doyoung haha :)))) yotl bitch !! haha :)))
he dragged you to the backyard where donghyuck was talking to mark
about half of the people outside turned to you, who had been practically laying on Renjun
you yelled hyuck’s name with your head down and after a couple of seconds you popped right up like nothing was wrong and walked over to him
him and mark looked at each other like //fuck dude// 
“my boys!!” drunk y/n cooed
you had no idea where jeno or jaemin or Jisung or Chenle were but it was okay bc at least you had three of your sons together
“I want to go swimming. Mark, can I go swimming?” you asked, sounding completely normal for a couple of seconds before cackling and telling everyone that it was a false alarm
“Y/N, honey, I don’t think that is a good idea, please do not go in the-” 
nice try, mark. you tried. 
the devil works hard but shit faced Y/N works harder
within seconds, you ripped off your shirt and shorts and shoes and jumped in
which then caused everyone to stare, which then caused everyone to realize what a good idea swimming was, which then caused everyone to jump in the pool
meanwhile, Hyuck, Mark, Renjun and the others (who were all standing on the side and getting videos of everything your kooky ass did, thanks guys) were in pure shock
never did they ever think that you’d be the difficult drunk
but whaddya know!! life sure is crazy sometimes :)
“Y/N, please get out, Y/N, please-” Renjun kept saying, reaching down for your hand on the side of the pool
you remained unbothered tho
until Hyuck came over and all he did was give you a look but you understood and became very uwu
“hyuckie!! my baby hyuckie!! I love you so much!!” you screamed and swam over to him
he smiled and said, “I love you too, Y/N, but I need you to get out of the pool.” 
“Why?? Are we going to get something else to drink?? Are we going to dance??” 
“Yes we can dance, but only if you get out of the pool,” he said
he helped you out of the pool and put his jacket around you and mouthed to Renjun “get the keys and get in the car”
cue Renjun immediately collecting the others and bolting to the car
“Donghyuckie!! Can we talk to Mark before we go and get another drink??” 
“Yes, sweetheart, let’s go say goodbye to him and thank him for inviting us, yeah?” 
“Are we leaving so soon?” 
“Yes, unfortunately we have to go home.”
“But why?”
“Because the party will be done soon and we have to go and get Jisung and Chenle home before their bedtime.”
“Yes, exactly!! Now say bye to Mark!! Bye, Mark, thank you for inviting us!!” 
“Bye, Mark, I love you! I will miss you so much, thank you for inviting me! I love you so much, I- I would kill someone for you, you know that? I will literally murder someone if it means you are happy. I will do it. You say the word and I will cut off the problem immediately, and-” 
mark was fucking shaking in his boots but also slightly flattered??
wow, get you a best friend that is as dedicated as you are to mark
mark cut you off by hugging you and giving Hyuck a look that said //get her home right now lmao she is fucking wasted//
so before you got the chance to run off (Hyuck already knew you were gonna do that smh) Hyuck threw you over his shoulder and carried you out
Renjun, jeno, jaemin, Chenle and Jisung followed and watched as angry y/n pounded on hyuck’s shoulders and back because she wanted put down
“sorry, sweetheart,” Taeyong said, knowing that Hyuck wasn’t doing that just for the fun of it
they laughed, and Yuta said, “Nope, looks like Donghyuck has everything under control.” 
meanwhile, Jeno had his phone out and recorded the whole thing
Hyuck managed to make it through the party and to the car without losing anyone
AND without you causing any serious damage to his back
Renjun ran to the car first and unlocked it and started it up 
Renjun got in the driver’s seat, Jisung got in the passenger seat, and the rest of y’all piled in the back
again, illegal, don't do that
also don’t drink underage
you sprawled out on everyone’s laps, your feet on jaemin’s lap and head on hyuck’s lap
“Hyuckie, play with my hair please,” you whined, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes
of course he played with your hair, he wasn’t a damn idiot and also heard you talking about how you’d kill for mark so.....
“Renjun, take the backway, there is almost never any cops there.” 
“I know.” 
Renjun tried his best to drive home as quick as he could even though he had your ass in the back of the car
“Can we stop at McDonald’s?” 
“No, Y/N.” 
“But chicken nuggets!!” 
“We have those at home.” 
“No we don’t!!” 
“No nuggets, Y/N.” 
and then you started crying real tears because no nuggets:(
but finally you guys got home safe, thank you Renjun
the people in front got out first, then jeno and jaemin who were by your feet
Chenle and donghyuck helped you out, helping you walk since you were too wobbly to do it yourself
Renjun unlocked your front door and everyone went inside
they all practically lived there so they knew where the blankets and pillows were, and they went into the kitchen to get snacks
Jeno ran upstairs to get clothes that the boys had left there before in case of an emergency sleepover
Hyuck helped you up the stairs
“Do you want to take a shower?” he asked you
“Yes. Can you bring me clean pajamas please?” 
“Yeah, go jump in the shower and I’ll lay them on the toilet.” 
You somehow managed to shower without throwing up or falling over and when you got out you found new pajamas laying on the toilet and that Hyuck had taken your dirty clothes (aka your bra and underwear and his jacket since you stripped at the party)
you stumbled to your room, where Hyuck sat on your bed and played with the frayed end of one of your blankets
“I got you a glass of water and medicine,” he said when you walked in the room
you flopped down on the bed next to him and laid face down on your pillow
“Are you okay?”  
“Mmmmmmmphghapppp” (y’all know what that means)
“I’m going to go downstairs now-” 
he couldn’t hear you because you mumbled, so he walked away but before he was out of your reach you grabbed his arm and said, “Stay.” 
he stood still for a couple of seconds, just processing what you said
finally, he laid down next to you and rubbed your back bc he knew you were feeling very not so good
“You okay?” 
“No. I feel terrible,” you told him, not slurring your words anymore (yay!) 
“Well, you drank a shit ton, so I’m not surprised.” 
“I don’t think I’m ever going to drink that much ever again,” you groaned, rolling over to look at him
Hyuck smiled, but noticed you rolled over to look at him
poor boy was so whipped that he stared into your eyes and didn’t even realize it
“What are you looking at?” you asked, smirking a bit
your brows went up and all you could think was //oh shit//
“I like you,” Hyuck boldly admitted, deciding that that was it, enough was enough, 
he was going to finally admit his crush on you after five years
it was like he was the drunk one and not you
you responded with a stunned silence
“How could you not know? I’ve liked you since we first met. Any time I’m around you, I feel safe, I feel- I feel like me, like I can breathe, like I can do anything I put my heart to. You give me butterflies in my stomach, you make me dizzy, you give me reason to try and do my best in life. It’s you, Y/N.”
o o f
y/n.exe has stopped working
“That’s good to hear,” you said, smiling and blushing
“Why?” Hyuck asked, confusion and scared bc he just laid his heart out to you
“Because the feeling is mutual.” 
Hyuck immediately broke out into a big smile and started giggling
“I’d kiss you but I’m still kind of drunk and fee shitty and my mouth probably tastes like alcohol.” 
he smiled and then yawned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest
“I really shouldn’t be doing this in case you throw up but I don’t really care, this is... nice,” Hyuck whispered into your hair
“But the lights are on and hurting my head,” you whined, wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling closer
“I’m too lazy to get up..... RENJUN!!” 
cue tired Renjun running up the stairs bc he thought something was genuinely wrong
Renjun burst into the room yelling “IS EVERYTHING OKAY? WHA- yo what the fuck?” 
“Shhhhh, she’s asleep. Can you turn the lights off please? I’m scared to move and piss her off,” Hyuck sheepishly asked, partially lying
there was a reason he yelled for Renjun
he knew Renjun wouldn’t make a big deal out of it but if you or Hyuck ever crossed him, he’d tell everyone in a heart beat
so all you guys had to do was not do him dirty and y’all would be okay !!
you fell asleep in hyuck’s arms and woke up a couple hours later with one bitch of a hangover
but you being you, you wanted to cook food for the boys so you forced yourself to get out of bed
somehow you got away from Hyuck without waking him up
you went downstairs and saw jeno, jaemin, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung all in one big pile on your living room floor, blankets and pillows thrown everywhere
you took a picture of the boys to use as blackmail (but also because those boys were your best friends and the most important people in your life and wanted to treasure one of the rare moments where everyone was 100% peaceful and calm)
you started cooking pancakes and bacon, all while nursing a hangover
Jisung was the first one to get up, and he wandered into the kitchen half asleep with bedhead
he sat down at the dining room table and zoned out
you set a glass of orange juice down in front of him and ruffled his hair, saying “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” 
one by one the boys woke up and wandered to the source of the delicious smell coming from the kitchen
“Y/N, are you wearing sunglasses?” Jeno asked, stealing a piece of bacon and going into the dining room
“Yes. Don’t steal any more bacon, you fucker.” 
donghyuck was the last one to get up, so he stumbled into the kitchen and didn’t even notice the glasses, but he saw you and
homeboy done did it
he gave you a back hug
in front of all of the kids ?! 
you weren’t upset about it tho lol
he rested his head on your shoulder and said, “Damn, we knew you were a classy bitch but you didn’t have to flex on us this early in the morning.” 
“Hyuck it’s literally 11 in the morning and I have a hangover,” you told him, leaving your spot to take the food over to the table
Hyuck smirked and sat down next to you, avoiding the many stares of the others
others including mark, who randomly was sitting at your dining room table?? you asked no questions
“Close your mouths, you all look like trout,” you replied to the stares, putting a couple of pancakes and bacon on your plate
“Are you guys going to explain or should I ask what in the fuck is going on?” Jaemin asked, cutting right to the chase
and of course Renjun sipped on his orange juice, knowing exactly what in the fuck was going on
“I mean.... Y/N is cute or whatever so....” Hyuck announced, blushing and trying to act tough but failing miserably
“He’s alright I guess...” 
“Well it’s about damn time!” mark exclaimed
“Mark how the fuck did you get in my house?” 
“I still have the spare key your parents gave me four years ago,” he admitted, shoving his face full of pancakes
the rest of breakfast was spent eating with your boys and reviewing the night before
you said, “I DID WHAT?!” at least ten times (I can’t say I blame you tbh)
by the end of breakfast, everyone was full and had laughed so much that their stomach hurt
they all helped you clean up and do the dishes (angels!!) and then it was time for everyone to leave:(
since some of the boys lived close, they just walked home
but Renjun and jisung’s parents had to pick them up (and since hello!! your parents weren’t home!! they had their parents pick them up from hyuck’s house next door, oooo clever boys)
and since you and Hyuck were ever so kind, y’all drove mark back to his frat
Hyuck drove tho, you were still too fucked up to drive so you sat in the passenger seat and mark was in the back blabbering away
when everyone except for you and Hyuck had gone, it was.... pretty nice
instead of beating around the bush, y’all got right to the chase
“want to go on a date on Saturday?” Donghyuck asked, not caring to phrase it differently since the feeling was mutual 
“Yeah, sounds good, text me details,” you said, giving him one last hug before he went home
as soon as he got home, the boy texted you details for your date (a moment he had been dreaming about since middle school)
and let’s be real, you had been waiting for that moment for a really long time and you’re glad drunk y/n was impulsive because hey! 
you snagged the best boyfriend ever! and there is nothing you wouldn’t do for him, and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you!
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xans-ex · 6 years
Games (Bambam Smut)- One Shot
Pairing: Bambam x Reader Genre: Smut Length: Long
*Warning: Rated (M) for mature, unprotected sex, overstimulation, daddy kink, hair pulling, dom/sub kink*
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This is for my best friend of 4 1/2 years, @yumiko--cosplay​ who is such a big Bambam stan and i can’t blame her cause that man sure is beautiful. Anyways hope you enjoy this boo xD it’s weird writing a smut that you requested but our friendship is weird so I kinda expected this. Love you bitch :)
Summary- Your friend Irene invites you to a party to get your lazy ass out the house. You’re glad that you got your lazy ass out that house.
“Y/N, come on! You have been laying in this bed for three days. You’re going to literally die in that bed if you lay in it any longer.”
Irene was poking at you, your body slumped under your covers as a sign that you were not planning on leaving the comforts of your bed any time soon. “That doesn’t sound so bad.” Irene scoffed at your dry reply, having had enough of your mood.
“Come on! There is this guy I know, and he’s having a party at this big cabin near the lake. It’ll be fun...maybe...you could get laid?” Irene poked a little harder at your side and you removed your cover from your face, scowling at her. “I have no interest in going to this party, or getting laid for that matter.”
It wasn’t that you hated parties...or sex...it was just that you were not in the mood. Since summer started you had no time to yourself, following Irene around like a lost puppy and partying every weekend. All you wanted to do was rest your tired feet and give yourself one weekend without a killer hangover.
“When is the last time you’ve had sex? Like a decade ago?” Irene’s voice cut into your thoughts and your scowl returned as you glared at her. “You are so dramatic, and I just want to relax. All I have done is party.” You sat up in your bed, your arms crossing over your chest. “You can rest next weekend.” Irene pouted, her eyes staring down at you as she begged. “That’s what you said last weekend.” You mumbled, looking away from her to avoid her puppy dog eyes.
“Please? You’re like...my only friend and I don’t want to show up alone.” You looked at Irene as she spoke. You and Irene had been friends for years, your bond stronger than anything. You sighed, rolling your eyes at her. “Fine...” You groaned and you watched as Irene’s face lit up like a light bulb. She squealed, her arms engulfing you in a tight hug. “Thank you!” She squealed, her arms squeezing you so hard that you thought your spine would break.
“I’ll pick you up later tonight! Make sure you dress sexy!” She hummed, her body doing a little dance as she walked out your room. Your eyes rolled again, a huff leaving your throat as you covered yourself once again under your sheets.
Later that night
You looked yourself over in the mirror, checking to make sure your makeup was nice and that your dress was hugging you in all the right places. Your feet by this time were so used to wearing heels that it felt like tennis shoes to you now, and you looked yourself over, feeling satisfied with the results.
Irene’s signal of her arrival reached your ears and you sighed, grabbing your small bag and phone before heading out the house. Irene’s red convertible was shining under your street lights and you flashed a small smile at her as you got inside. She looked you up and down, her eyes dancing over your figure. “Damn Y/N, you look sexy.” Her compliment, which was normal, was still enough to make you scrunch your nose in embarrassment. “Stop...” You whined, moving slightly so you could put your seatbelt on. “Alright hun, lets get ready to party.”
Irene’s convertible slowed to a stop in front of the cabin house, the trees surrounding it decorating it nicely. “Have you ever seen Cabin In The Woods?” You looked over at Irene as she stared back at you with a raised brow. “Is this you trying to reference some serial killer movie?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying that if a unicorn impales me, it’s your fault.” You teased, getting out of her convertible.
You looked at the cabin, sighing slightly as you walked down the stone walkway with Irene by your side. You could hear the bass of the music blasting, the windows showing bodies walking and dancing past it. You and Irene arrived at the door and you watched as Irene’s manicured finger rang the doorbell. All too quickly, the door swung open and you saw a man around your age flash Irene a smile.
“Yugyeom!” Irene quickly hugged the male, a bright smile on her face. “it’s good to see you.”
“Come on in.” Yugyeom looked at the two of you, moving out the way so you both could walk inside. The inside was huge, the walls decorated with hunting gear and animal heads. It wasn’t exactly what you’d picture to be perfect party decor but it wasn’t like the animals were talking to you or anything. You looked around, your eyes gazing up at the upstairs and the people leaning against the wooden railing.
Your eyes scanned until they froze on another pair of eyes, his brown orbs burning into your eyes. He was lean, his skinny frame leaning against the railing. His eyes were still on you as he sipped from his red solo cup, his silver hair slightly covering his eyes.
“Careful...he’s a player.” Irene whispered in your ear and you jumped, surprised by how close she was. “What do you mean?” You looked at your friend. “Bambam. He’s a player. Just a warning...but he is still cute so don’t be scared. I think he might like you...” Irene teased and you scoffed, rolling your eyes. You looked back up at where Bambam was standing only to see an empty space. You looked around, scanning for a head full of silver hair but found nothing.
This party was longer than you thought it would be and it was killing you. Your feet were starting to hurt and you were lazily sipping on whatever alcoholic concoction was made and you started to feel a little light. You leaned against the kitchen counter, looking around. Irene had gone off with whoever and was dancing and drinking to her hearts content, something you were amazed by. How did she wake up every day ready to party and wreck herself only to wake up fine, ready to start all over again?
“It’s a gift not everyone should have.” A voice cut your train of thought and you realized you had been talking out loud. You turned your head to be met with a familiar pair of brown eyes.
He smirked at you, his hand lifting his cup to his lips. He took a sip of his drink, his tongue quickly swiping over his bottom lip as he looked you up and down, drinking you in. “Oh, uh..” You stammered and your face heated up as Bambam only chuckled. “What’s your name?” He asked, his eyebrow raising slightly. “Y-Y/N...” You mumbled, your name almost hard to hear and it caused him to lean closer to hear you. “You don’t really go to parties do you?” He asked and you sighed. “I um...I go to too many actually. My friend dragged me here...and there...and literally to every party that happens within miles of our town.” You groaned in annoyance at the end.
“Then how come I never seen you before?” He cocked his head to the side, his bangs swaying. “I usually just stay to the side...” You started to become a little more comfortable, his close proximity made you nervous but there was just something about him that relaxed you. “Well...I’m glad I found you.” He hummed, reaching up to gently run his fingers through your hair. You gulped, his fingers grazing the side of your face. “Are you nervous?” He asked, his tongue once again swiping over his bottom lip. “N-No.” You stuttered.
You were lying, but Bambam said nothing. He just continued to hover his hand over your skin softly, barely even grazing. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “Have you heard about me?” He was leaning closer to you. He’s confident. Maybe because you hadn’t pushed him away yet, or that was just his personality. “A little.” You squeaked. “What have you heard?” His question came fast and you were almost caught off guard.
“Um...I-I heard that you’re a player.” You stuttered again. He was making your heart beat a million times a second, but for some reason you wanted more. It was like he had a gravitational pull on you. “Do you think that’s true?” He was extremely close now, his lips only inches from yours. Your breath was labored as you slowly shook your head and your eyes flicked back and forth from Bambam’s eyes to his lips. He hesitated, his breath tickling your lips. “Hm...well it is.” He almost groaned his words out as his hands found its location on your lower back.
You felt a shiver run down your spine and you heard him chuckle, his lips keeping its small distance. “Do you like that? My hands on you?” He was talking dirty to you, and you didn’t know if it was because you hadn’t been touched in a while or the fact that you were in public that made a heat rise between your legs. You nodded slowly, the need for more was becoming more and more overbearing.
His hands started to move down until they were at your ass and you tried your hardest to contain a moan as he squeezed your flesh. “N-Not here...” You moaned softly.
You felt Bambam’s body freeze for only a second at your moan, his tongue licking his bottom lip once more. He quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you up the stairs and down a hallway. You looked around, seeing many rooms and doors closed before looking at Bambam as he pulled you into an empty bedroom. He quickly closed the door behind him and locked it, his swift movements catching you by surprise.
“Do you do this often?” You asked, watching him as he neared closer to you, your body moving back until you were against the wall and Bambam walked until he was against you, his hands trapping you on both sides of your body. He leaned close until his lips were against your neck, completely ignoring your question as he pressed wet kisses against your skin. His hands were back on your ass again, his hands kneading you and another moan left your lips as he sucked on a sensitive part of your neck.
“You sound so sexy when you moan.” He growled and you felt your knees start to shake. “Kiss me...please.” You murmured and Bambam pulled away from your neck, looking at you with hungry eyes. “Why should I?” He teased, his eyes flicking back and forth between your lips and eyes. “Don’t play games with me, Bambam.” You whined. “Why not? I like to watch you beg.” He growled as he slowly lifted up your dress till it was at the top of your waist and your thighs clenched when his cold hands touched your exposed skin.
“Please...” You whined again. Bambam hummed, his eyes looking you up and down. “Get on the bed, baby girl.”
You shivered at the nickname he gave you and you were quick to walk over to the bed, hesitating before laying down on it. You looked over at Bambam, who was just staring at you with a playful smirk. “Do you touch yourself?” He asked. You blinked a few times before nodding. “Use your words baby girl...Daddy wants to hear your voice.”
When he called himself ‘Daddy’, a moan escaped your lips. “Yes.” You moaned. “Yes what?” Bambam’s voice was almost threatening. “Yes Daddy...” You murmured. He hummed at your response. “I like that. Touch yourself for me like the good little slut you are.” His hands were slowly unbuckling his belt as he spoke and you watched as he did so, your legs spreading slowly. You slowly pulled your dress down and off of your body, leaving you in just your bra and panties.
Bambam only stared at you impatiently and his eyes flashed with irritation. “You’re taking too long...” He frowned and you were quick to take off your underwear, your teeth taking prisoner of your bottom lip as you exposed your bottom half to the man you had only met a few minutes ago. You stared at Bambam as your fingers slowly went into your mouth, coating them in saliva before you slowly moved them down to your core, your fingers slowly rubbing along your clit and moving along your folds. You touched yourself, sinful moans leaving your lips.
You could hear a soft groan and you looked over at Bambam, surprised to see him jerking himself in front of you. He was thick, and your mouth watered as you watched him touch himself. “You like it when I touch myself?” You asked. Bambam shook his head quickly. “Only I can ask the questions baby girl...” He took off his shirt, exposing his lean figure and you hesitated before slowly inserting two fingers inside yourself, a delicious moan reaching Bambam’s ears and he growled, quickly making his way over to you and smacking your hand away. “Did I say you could fuck yourself with your fingers?”
You shivered at the way he scolded you. “Then hurry up and fuck me then.” You weren’t sure how you gained the boldness to say that, the words leaving your mouth before your brain could think about what you were saying. Bambam was almost taken aback by this, no girl had ever said something like that to him. He was used to always being in control, so to be told what to do was surprising, and turned him on to no end.
He took off his pants, his body completely nude and you watched with hungry eyes as he slowly got onto the bed, stopping so his face was near you core. “Not yet baby girl...I want to taste you.” He leaned down, his lips pressing soft kisses against your inner thighs. You knew you were wet, the familiar feeling was all too known. He looked down at your pussy, his tongue sticking out to lick his lips. “Your pussy is so wet...fuck...” He couldn’t wait any longer, his tongue licking a long stripe up your pussy and between your folds. Your back arched slightly and your legs instinctively came together on both sides of Bambam’s head, locking him in. He didn’t mind this though, and it only encouraged him to wreck you, his lips and tongue starting a war with your pussy. 
Moans escaped you rapidly, your hands reaching down to tangle in his silver hair. He groaned against you, the vibrations making your stomach start to become tense. You were about to cum, and you were tempted to tell him, but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t let you. You decided to stay quiet, the need to cum was overbearing and your moans were almost screams as you neared closer and closer. With a strangled cry of his name you came, your legs shaking violently. He ripped away from you, his lips coated in your juices. “Did you just come without my permission?” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Yeah...I did.” You felt more confident now. The urge to defy him and go against what he wanted was almost like a drug to you. You liked to play games with him just as much as he did with you too. “I see...on your hands and knees.” He commanded and you slowly did as he said, your body slightly weak from your peak.
“You want to play games huh?” He stared down at your exposed pussy, your ass clear and on display for him. He raised a hand, his eyes on you before quickly slapping your ass, the pain from it sending a sting throughout your whole ass cheek and you moaned loudly. “You think it’s okay, huh? I’m the one in control.” He was angry, and his never-ending slaps against your ass proved that. He kept going, your ass becoming red and tender. “Apologize baby girl.” He growled.
“No.” You were able to choke out an answer in between bursts of cries and moans. “No?” He couldn’t believe it. At this point, a girl would be begging for forgiveness so she could get fucked, but you just didn’t care. “Fuck...you’re unbelievable.” He groaned. He was so turned on it was ridiculous. He needed to be inside you...now.
“You’re lucky I’m impatient baby girl, or else I’d just punish you more.” He groaned, his hand grabbing his dick and lining it up with your entrance. “Hm, next time then.” You groaned. Bambam looked at you as you looked back at him. Your eyes met and he felt this weird feeling in his chest.
You wanted to do this again.
If this were any other person, he would have said no. But for some reason with you it was different. He actually wanted to do this again, and again, and again.
He snapped out of his train of thought, focusing on what he was dying to do and with one swift motion he slowly pushed into you. Your pussy was tight and stretching for his cock and you both moaned at the same time, the sound almost like a harmony. “Fuck...” You moaned out, your hands clutching the pillows in front of you.
Bambam was still, not moving at all and it was starting to annoy you. You started to move back and forth, his dick moving in and out of you and you felt him freeze before another smack was landed on your ass, causing you to move even faster. “Fuck that’s so hot...moving like that like a good little slut.” He landed another smack on your ass. You let out a sinful moan, the sound almost didn’t sound like you. “You like that? You like that huh? Fuck this dick.” Bambam leaned forwards until his chest was against your back, his lips whispering dirty words into your ear.
He started bucking into you, your toes curling at how deep he was fucking you. He quickly leaned back, his hands taking hold on your hair and he pulled, forcing your head back. Your mouth was open as he fucked you hard, your breasts bouncing fast as he pounded into you faster and faster.
“Yeah..yeah fuck me.” You moaned and Bambam moaned back in response. You were close to coming again, and you bit your bottom lip, shaking as the need to cum was building in your lower stomach and Bambam could feel you tightening around him. “You gonna cum, baby?” He growled. “Fucking cum for me baby, fucking cum on Daddy’s cock.” He landed two hard smacks against your ass, his hand pulling your hair even harder and his hips were almost hard to keep up with as his pace was almost inhuman and with a cry you came, your walls tightening around Bambam’s dick and he gritted his teeth, his thrusts became sloppy and with a loud moan of your name, he pulled out, cumming all over your back. You were shaking violently, and as Bambam was panting hard, watching his cum slowly squirt from his dick, he reached down and started rubbing at your clit.
You squealed. “Bambam...no! I’m-” You started but Bambam continued, rubbing your clit faster and his other hand smacked your ass. “Shut the fuck up.” He snarled and your fists were clenched, your nails digging into your palms as you felt your need to cum building up quickly and with a strangled cry you came for the third time, your body falling onto the bed. Your legs were limp and your body tingled. You felt the bed dip slightly and a soft kiss against your shoulder. “Next time you defy me, I’ll make you cum three more times.” He warned. You nodded, taking his words very seriously.
Next time. So there was going to be a next time.
Bambam got off the bed and disappeared in the bathroom before coming back out with a wet towel. He slowly wiped off his seed from your back, cleaning you off. “That was um...amazing.” You murmured, your energy was completely gone and at this point all you wanted to do was sleep. “I appreciate that.” He smirked, leaning down to press another kiss against your shoulder. You closed your eyes, ready to doze off before you heard your phone ring and you groaned. “Can...can you get my phone? It’s in my bag.” You sighed and watched as Bambam grabbed your phone from your bag and held it out for you, your arm reaching out and you grabbed it quickly.
“H-Hello?” You groaned. “I know you went off with player boy. Hope everything went well. You ready to go?” Her voice was loud compared to the still blaring music that was deafening even from upstairs. “Um...yeah...just give me a minute-” Your phone was taken from your hand before you even had time to protest and Bambam had it to his ear. “Hey Irene. She is a little exhausted so she can stay here with me tonight. I’ll drop her off in the morning.” He said before hanging up and placing your phone on the nightstand.
 You didn’t even have the energy to complain or scold him. “I...I can’t just stay here. This isn’t my place.” You mumbled lazily. “I know that, it’s mine. Now shut up and go to sleep.” He said, going over to his clothes which were laying on the floor. He started to put them on and you pouted. “You’re not going to sleep next to me?” You whined. “As much fun as that sounds, not right now. I got over fifty drunk idiots in my house right now and I want to make sure this doesn’t turn into a Project X party.” He rolled his eyes at the thought. He reached for the door handle, about to open the door but your voice stopped him. “Did you mean it...when you said ‘Next time’?”
He looked back at you with a smirk. “Of course baby girl...you’re fun to play games with. Daddy will be back later.” His answer left another shiver down your spine and you watched as he walked out the room, the door closing behind him.
What have you gotten yourself into?
Author’s Note
I really hope you guys enjoy this...I tried to make it as dirty as possible but I’m real awkward so...
Also, this is my first fic with an idol other than someone from BTS so I hope all the Ahgases are satisfied with this. :’)
I was going to post Chapter 8 of Goomar tonight but time flew as I was writing this so I’ll most likely post it Friday night. :)
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lucifer-lacroix · 5 years
Strawberry Chapter 1 (Rewrite)
Arthur X OC RDR 2 Fanfiction, Romance, Action, Mystery. 
"I decided to take a ride out of blackwater on my own for a while. Hosea has been riding me all week about getting into trouble at the saloon again, guess I should not have had that third bottle of whiskey. I thought it best to disappear till things cool down. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around them since they are trying to cook up some big plan and they compared me to a bull in an antique shop. I heard up Mount Shann there is a bald eagle or two nesting near the top. I have never seen one before, so maybe I might get lucky and shoot one out of the air or... at least get a sketch of it and some feathers. Who knows. Strawberry is a beautiful town, and I am enjoying the scenery up here. The stable is well built with wooden carvings and statues around the property. Someone is either pretty wealthy or handy with small tools."
The blonde man known as Arthur Morgan scribbled into his leather back journal a picture of the Gate to Strawberry, he sat on the back of a Grey and White Arabian horse which grazed on the pile of hay inside a trove. The pair were sheltered from the rain at a nearby stable down the road from the small town of Strawberry.  Arthur was dressed in a white bison leather coat as well as having a wolf pelt draped over his shoulders. It was a wet afternoon, and the sun shone high in the sky breaking apart the rain clouds which had just finished their storming, though the distance dark thunder clouds were still looming in the distance. His worn and torn green hat tipped low over his eyes casting a large shadow over his face as people walked by paying him little mind as they went about closing up the stable for the evening. After the rain calmed to a spit, he folded up his journal and tucked it away into his satchel, He shook out his fur cowl of any last remaining droplets of water and dusted off his sleeves. He reared the horse back away from her food, and she honked disapprovingly having been interrupted during her snack. "Hey, now Princess lets get moving there will more once we arrive at the hotel." He said patting her neck as she pranced in the spot shaking her wet mane. He leaned back and eased her to turn around slowly. He clicked his tongue on his teeth and gave her a squeeze with his thighs, and she pushed forward heading back for the road and up the hill. The short walk made harder for the steed from the extra weight of a buck carcass hanging off her rear. Behind them, a mule was following close on their tail led by a single rope tied onto Princess's saddle. He too was carrying a buck much larger than the other, and he was trotting along behind happily honking once Arthur looked back to him with a smile. "Good boy." He said and tugged the rope so the Mule would follow closer to him on his left. As they crested the hill, they entered a bustling town with muddy streets. Carts and horses had gotten stuck in the mud from the sudden burst of rain which had flooded the dirt streets, there were crowds gathered trying to pull people out of the mud, and the main thoroughfare was a dangerous zone for travellers. Arthur dodged his two mammals around the long way and through the shallow mud avoiding the thick areas and brought them to the closest hitch he could find. The cowboy dismounted and hitched them up positioning the Arabian along with his mule and secured them together on the post.  As he approached the butcher counter no one was attending it as a group of people were gathered in the street around some commotion currently blocked from his view by a carriage stuck in the muck. He walked towards the crowd curiously and heard two women fighting, their screams of anger shrill and loud echoing around the group that had gathered. As he was but a few steps away, the people cheered loudly as a loud smash of wood was heard, and he dodged a flying piece of wood which smacked someone else in the face — quickly turning back to see where the projectile had come from. There were two women in a pit of mud covered head to toe wrestling each other, pulling hair and screaming like banshees. "You lying bitch! That was my momma's ring, and I'll be damned if I will see it on your whore of a finger!"  The first girl said screaming, her dark brown hair a muddy mess tangled and knotted as the woman she was fighting was currently bending her over using her hair as leverage over her. Her clothing was slick with pale brown mud revealing much of her figure to the crowd, the dress was torn and shredded at the sleeves, and she was currently at the others mercy. "I bought it with my own money, take it up with the jeweller! I paid for it!"  The red-headed woman holding her down said with a mighty voice and a scowl on her face currently in control of the fight. She too was slick with the pale brown mud and her red expensive corseted dress was splattered with muck, she was struggling in the dirt under the constraints of the skirt and heels, but for the moment she had things under control. There was a broken bucket beside them on the ground, and the redhead had splintered wood in her hair and blood was dripping out her nose. "What happened?" Arthur asked witnessing the fight now taking in the scene. He felt his chest tighten as the crowd just stood there and watched as these two rather lovely ladies fought like animals to their amusement.   "That little bitch there just smashed that whore in the face with a bucket Hooheey! Fight! Fight!" A balding drunk chanted along with other encouraging the fight. "Disgusting, you just sit there and watch!?" Authur shouted and marched into the centre of the crowd towards the two brawling women. He entered the mud pit which slowed his pace and without hesitation joined the fight. As the red-head slipped in her heels, the brunette swung her foot up in an attempt to kick her, but Arthur slapped it down and grabbed the redhead's hand and pried it free from the brunette's hair. "That's enough!" He shouted and forced them apart. The redhead barely fought against him as he pried her hand off of the girl. He threw her hand away, and she pulled it to her chest panting heavily but still looking at the strange, handsome man who decided the fight needed to stop. The Brunette, however, took this moment to attempt to tackle through Arthur but he stopped her easily and picked her up. She kicking and screaming started splashing mud over Arthur trying to get past him to attack the redhead. He carried her a few steps away and set her down on her feet. "Let me go she's nuttin but a who-Augh!" In the midst of her tantrum, Arthur pushed her back, and she slipped in the mud and fell onto her butt in a large paddy of thick mud. "Shut up and go home." He barked loudly. It was clear she was the one who started the fight as the redhead merely stood there trying to regain her breath and was suffering from being smashed with a bucket. "The fact you have anything to say about me Henrietta is a laugh! You've slept with half the town for free!" The redhead shouted after she brushed her hair back off her face and noticed the blood on her fingers. She tried to move but ended up stuck in the mud unable to escape her heels. Arthur saw how she was trapped and left the brunette to flounder in the muck to assist the woman in red by giving her his hand. She took his hand and with his grip firm and solid arm she was able to pull herself free from the thick mud. "Are you alright mam?" He asked and noticed her red matching coat to her dress was stuck in the mud too. He pulled it out and shook it off and handed it to her which she took and collected under her arm. She was still trying to accept the fact they got drenched in mud, and her head was spinning, so the woman barely glanced at him. Arthur, however, studied her for a moment, her face half smeared with mud, and he could scarcely see the freckles which crested her shallow nose. Her eyes, however, were a stunning green shade inside perfectly shaped almond eyes which could not be masked by the dirt. For a brief moment, she glanced back and mouthed a thank you then held her face where she got hit with the bucket. "Thank you. I should be alright." She said and touched her nose and winced. Before Arthur was able to say anything mentioning her possibly broken nose face, Henrietta interrupted.   "I'll kill you!" Henrietta screamed and finally scrambled up off the ground. Once Henriette got onto her feet she grabbed a piece of splintered wood and headed back for the woman in red. She stopped in her tracks as all the attention turned when the click of a gun being cocked sounded. Arthur had a surprised look on his face as he watched the redhead lightning quick drew his silver-plated volcanic pistol from his belt and pointed it at the brunette.  He looked down to his belt and back to her somewhat intrigued on how she was able to stealthily and speedily draw his gun. The crowd stood still as everyone froze waiting for the snap of a bullet to fire. Only silence followed. A second click of the hammer and a second gun was involved. This time eyes turned towards the carriage where the fight took place. "Excuse me. I think it's time you got back into the carriage, Isabella." A third woman stated in a soft, elegant voice with a British accent. She was wearing a large white hat with plums of coloured feathers and flowers with blonde curly hair tumbling out from under it. Her royal blue and the well-tailored corseted dress fit her curves snugly, and something about her struck Arthur as familiar as if he had seen her before. She was enchanting to witness, but her angelic look was contrasted by long barreled high-velocity rifle firm in her grip. She was standing in the door of the carriage with her boot stepped up on the frame so she could rest the barrel of the gun on her thigh and had pointed it at Henrietta.   Arthur started to feel the sweat dripping down his neck at the situation he found himself in since his pistol was no longer in his hands. "May I suggest," Arthur spoke and put his hand on the Redheads and lowered her gun in a gentle motion. "You give her the ring?" He asked the woman who glared at him in response.   "If she can pay for it." The blonde woman from the carriage said. "I can't pay for it... but it's mine." Henrietta had tears in her eyes, she was full spirited and ready to fight, but the two guns pointed at her left her scared and nervous. "Is it worth dying over?" Arthur asked her kindly. "...Yes," Henrietta replied as her eyes swelled up. Whatever the ring meant to her. It was surely something important since her face was red with rage. "Ugh! Fine!" The redhead let the pistol fall, and she let out a long frustrated growl and shoved the pistol into Arthur's hands. He eased her rash actions and took the weapon and held it in hand more confident in the situation now with his gun returned to him.  The redhead pulled off her gloves and removed a small gold ring from her finger that has a sapphire embedded into it. "Take it, but you need to cover the costs to clean my clothes, the gentleman's too." She said and pulled herself through the mud, the train of her dress dragging through the mud but she walked with a hauty march, she approached the miserable girl and handed the ring to her. As Henrietta gripped the wood in her hand, the splintered wood weapon still tight in her grip she wanted to swing, but the blonde still had her at gunpoint. Henrietta dropped the chunk of wood and took the ring back, shaking her head silently in agreement. "Now that's the end of that! Everyone can go right fuck off then eh!" The redhead yelled at the crowd who groaned seeing such an anticlimax end to the argument. They started to move on as the blonde released Henrietta from gunpoint. "I will pick up your clothes tomorrow at noon for cleaning. I can't afford the cleaners, but I can do it myself." Henrietta said and slipped the ring on her finger and held it to her chest. "I am fine no need to worry about my clothes," Arthur said and attempted to leave. "Nonsense. A Gentlemen like yourself does not get to leave so suddenly. You stepped in the middle of a fight that is not your own to protect ladies from their own squabble.  We have to thank you." The blonde spoke up and shouldered her weapon. "I merely did not want to see bloodshed today. I'm glad I could assist good day mam." He said and tipped his hat to them and walked off anyway. The ladies started discussing things amongst themselves, and Arthur exited the mud pit and headed back to the butchers counter where the man who was watching the event had returned too.  
A white bison leather jacket, handcrafted after hunting a rare creature in the snowy mountains was now splattered with mud and fertiliser as Arthur slugged through the mud which flooded the street of Strawberry. The weather in the distance started to darken as the thunder clouds began to grow above. What was a freak downpour was about to become a storm and Arthur looked up assessing what his next steps should be? He looked to his horse and mule and started to untie the carcasses from their backs while his thoughts were stirring. Hiking up a mountain trail with two mammals was hard enough, but Princess was an extraordinarily skittish girl, and as Arthur lifted the buck off the Arabian's back she danced and swayed in spot huffing heavily and shaking her mane. Princess would not fare well in a thunderstorm even with all of Arthur's attention, and he could not ignore his mule. After Arthur handed off to the first buck to the butcher, he returned to the happy boy who neighed with joy when Arthur came near and stroked his neck. "Who's a good boy." He soothed him as he began to nibble at his bandana tugging it gently. No one could ignore the...
"He's cute, what's his name?" A feminine voice spoke up from behind him. It was the blonde Englishwoman from the carriage. She must have followed him across the road since her perfectly clean black boots now had muck on them yet she was immaculate from any mess on her blue dress. "I call him the Duke," Arthur said giving him a few heavy pats. "I'm in love with how sweet he is on you." She said and folded her hands over her heart watching the Mule fawn over his loving owner. "He's a handful alright, always wanting attention but he is a good boy," Arthur added when the Duke snatched the bandana from his neck and ripped two buttons off his shirt at the same time — trying to eat it while he was distracted. "Hey! No no no give it back." Arthur scrambled to pull the fabric out of the Duke's teeth before he swallowed it as a cackle of giggles burst from the blonde beauty who watched in amusement. Arthur stepped back away from the mule who extended himself to the maximum range he could on his lead, his teeth still desperately reaching for Arthur as he looked at the slobbery bandana now torn in two. "I'm glad I can entertain you," Arthur said and pocketed it as she finally overcame her giggle fit. "My apologies, but I had to come over and talk to you myself, and I'm not here to tease I promise." She said and stepped back allowing Arthur the space he needed so he could finish unloading his kill to the butcher. Arthur returned to his task and started to unstrap the second buck from the Duke's once he distracted him with a sugar cube. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Arthur asked as he hauled the buck onto his shoulder with ease. "If you would allow myself and the girls to buy you dinner, as a thank you. Bella is too proud to ask for help let alone thank someone herself. She doesn't like being a damsel in distress, but you stepped in when we needed someone to step in." The mysterious blonde stood and watched him work, and Arthur could feel her gaze as he hulled the buck onto the table. A sly little grin on his face and he puffed his chest out a little bit when he stood back up. Taking off his hat to comb his hair back with his fingers as the butcher handed him a handful of cash. He took the money and thanked the butcher and walked back to girl replacing his hat on his head. "Well, I was going to ride north and camp in the mountains, but with this storm coming in and an invitation as welcoming like that. I'm still going to have to decline." Arthur said bluntly walking up to her to be direct. Her mouth was agape, and she gasped, but there was a massive smile on her face in response to the grin on Arthur's. "You are something else. Well maybe this will change your mind, My name is Lady Rosalyn Bush, and I suggest you reconsider. " She said and cocked an eyebrow at him. "That's a familiar name," Arthur said looking at her curiously. Her face brought a sense of nostalgia to him, he had seen it before, and that name was making it even more so.   "A man who enjoys camping must have a can of beans or two in his satchel. Perhaps you should take one out and look a little closer." She crossed her arms with an air of pride. Arthur, now curious, did indeed have a can of beans on him, so he flipped open his bag and not taking his eyes off her pulled it out and checked the label quickly. "Well, I'll be damned. Is this you?" He asked turning the label towards her. The image of a lady painted on the side beside the company brand with long braided blonde hair and big blue eyes. "Yes sir, and that is my recipe too." She said with a smile and struck the pose on the side label flashing her brilliant smile which was what brought that nostalgia to him. Many years were spent staring at her face on the side of the can beside campfires and dirty ditches.   "Then I must be dreaming if I am in the presence of someone truly famous because I sure do enjoy your beans very much," Arthur said and gave her a bow. A little guilt behind his eyes. "Most cowboys do, but I don't very much like all the cowboys. Or girls for that matter, ever since we arrived the people have been nothing but hostile towards me and my caravan. It's been a while since a kind soul has crossed our path and I do not wish to risk bad luck on the rest of our journey by not taking care of those who show my girls and I kindness. So I ask you to please reconsider and let me spoil you." Rosalyn was very stern with her words but welcoming and kind. She spoke like Dutch did when addressing the gang with a fierce intensity behind her eyes which locked onto his. He fell victim to her gaze once again this time unable to decline. "Oh alright, you can buy me dinner. Though I'm probably going to need a bath as well to clean up after that little fight your girl started." Arthur added and unhitched his two companions from their post. If he played his cards right, she might even cover all his costs to stay in town for the night and perhaps he could leave with his pockets a little heavier then when he came. "My girls start no fights, but we do finish them I'll explain later. The carriage got stuck in the mud, so everyone already went on foot to the hotel. Why don't you get those two cuties stabled and meet me there?" Rosalyn said and hicked her skirt up to ready herself to trek through the mud. Her boots already stained with two inches of dirt on them, and they didn't look like good boots to stomp in through the mud. "Get on." Arthur gestured to Princess. "Really?" She asked gazing at the beautiful white Arabian. "You're wearing expensive clothes. I'll give you a ride." He said and held the lead for Princess towards her. "Is it friendly?" Rosalyn asked and approached the horse. "She's skittish, but with me here she will be alright." He said as Rosalyn walked up to her and took the lead before approaching her cautiously and slowly. Princess swayed away from her at first but relaxing as the Lady pet her neck gently.   "She is beautiful. What's her name." "Princess." "Ah, I get it." She pointed between the two animals and chuckled. "Very cute. Am I to be right to assume this is a rare horse? I don't see many albino white horses roaming around" She asked and hoisted herself up and sat side saddle on the White Arabian and held the horn to keep her steady. Arthur got up onto the Duke who honked very loudly when he was mounted and turned to her. "You could say so, hard to tame though. Probably won't be able to sell her for much if I can't get her to relax." He clicked his teeth and gave the command, and the pair started back down the hill towards the stable.
Most of the ride was spent giving Rosalyn instructions on how to keep Princess settled, with a strange rider on her back and her attempts to ride all ladylike. The horse was left agitated the entire time. Rosalyn almost getting bucked off twice when she tried to lead her to roughly yanking on the reins trying to stop herself from falling off.   "Okay, I think it's time I got off now." Rosalyn's voice was shaky as she struggled with Princess to lead her up to the stable. One of the hands had to run out and grab Princess before she reared and Rosalyn hopped off her quickly as the Horse began to prance more and more, and the blonde escaped the horse. "I should have told you to sit properly, or else she won't respect you."  Arthur was chuckling the whole way down riding gracefully on the back of the Mule who marched with pride now that the love of his life was riding his back. "Well, it's a good thing the hotel isn't far from here. I think walking will be safer." Rosalyn ran out of the stable leaving the horse hand and Arthur to take care of hitching them up. They were de-saddled, housed and fed before Arthur left them inside and headed back out to meet Rosalyn who was in the middle of paying the Stableman. "Give them some extra treats and a bath for me please." She said and gave the gent a kiss on the cheek and an extra 5 dollars. "Yes, indeed Lady Bush." He said and tipped his hat to her running off as Arthur approached. 
"Would you like to meet my girls now?" Rosalyn asked. "Sure!" Arthur said and took off his hat as they headed into the hotel, he didn't even have to ask she was throwing money around.  What was once a hunting trip to escape the gang's noose, was going to turn into a pretty hefty score if he played this woman right.
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Departed Chap 6 Pt 2
Ship: Slow burn Sprace
Warnings: Flashback type thing. Albert being a dumbass
Spot was shocked awake by the sound of loud banging at his apartment door. He closed his eyes, willing whoever was knocking to go away. It was Christmas morning for chrissakes, couldn’t he sleep?
The knocking persisted and he felt Race groan against his chest, “Spottie, go get that and tell whoever it is to shut the fuck up.”
Spot pulled himself from Race’s embrace and stumbled out of his bedroom. Whoever was at the door was still knocking.
“Shut up, I’m comin’!” Spot shouted. He opened the door and was greeted with Albert and Finch, both wearing reindeer antlers.
“Merry fuckin’ Christmas!” Albert exclaimed, smiling brightly.
“Albert Schuyler DaSilva, it is too early for you to-”
“We brought Christmas breakfast,” Finch cut in, holding up a dish with a basket of bagels balanced on top.
Spot held the door open wider, “I hope ya know m’only lettin’ you guys in cuz you brought food. Any other circumstance I’d have slammed the door in ya faces.”
“Oh, we know,” Albert said, making his way to Spot’s bedroom, “ANTONIO HIGGINS, GET THE FUCK UP! IT’S CHRISTMAS!”
Albert walked over to where Spot and Finch were setting the table, “He’ll be comin’.”
Sure enough, Race walked out of the bedroom two minutes later, wearing an old Christmas sweater, “Hey, Finch?”
“Your boyfriend is awful.”
“I know,” Finch said, leaning over and kissing the offended look off of Albert’s face.
The four boys dug into the feast, “Y’all doin’ anythin’ today?” Albert asked, mouth full of cinnamon roll.
“Don’t eat with your mouth full, love,” Finch piped up.
Albert frowned and swallowed, “So are y’all?”
“We’re gonna go down to Rockefeller Center ta see the big tree,” Spot said, spreading cream cheese onto a bagel.
“We are?” Race cocked his head.
“Oh yeah, forgot to ask ya,” Spot said, “Hey, Race, wanna go see the big tree in Rockefeller Center?”
Race rolled his eyes, “Yeah, Spot, I’ll go see the big tree with ya.”
Spot kicked him under the table and Race laughed, “Anyway, yeah that’s our plan. What about you guys?”
Finch shrugged, “Nothin’ really. Prolly gonna watch some Christmas movies and make cookies.”
“You guys can come see the tree with us if ya want,” Spot offered, “I was thinkin’ of goin’ around 8 ish.”
Albert and Finch exchanged a glance, “Okay, sure.” Albert said, “Y’all are welcome to come make cookies with us before.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Race said, cheerfully.
The table was cleared not long afterward and Spot and Race went to get dressed while Albert and Finch relaxed in the living room. Spot tugged off his pajama shirt and pants, then rummaged through his drawers for a clean long-sleeved shirt. The door to the bathroom opened and Spot thanked the heavens that he was wearing boxer briefs at the moment.
“Oh shit, Spot, sorry. Shoulda made sure you were decent,” Race spluttered, turning an impressive shade of red.
Spot hastily pulled on a pair of jeans, “S’fine, man. S’not like you haven’t seen me in a swimsuit or somethin’ before.”
“Dude, Tae Kwon Do is makin’ you ripped,” Race blurted. His eyes widened when he realized what he had just said, “I am fuckin’ up so badly right now, so I’ma jus’, uh, walk out of the room.”
Spot watched, half-amused and thoroughly flustered as Race backed out of his bedroom. He blinked a few times to compose himself, then pulled on a grey sweater that he’d forgotten he owned before exiting his room as well.
“Cookie time!” Albert cheered. They made the short walk across the hall to Albert and Finch’s apartment. Upon entry, Albert and Race made a beeline to the fridge and pulled out two packs of Pillsbury Christmas tree cookies.
“These are better than drugs and no one can convince me otherwise,” Race said, ripping open a pack and placing them on a cookie tray that Albert had supplied.
“I agree with that statement and I’m a strong believer in weed solving all of life’s problems.” Albert said, earning a scoff from Race.
Spot and Finch sat in the living room as the other two boys baked the cookies.
“How’s Race been?” Finch asked after several minutes of comfortable quiet.
Spot shrugged, “He has his ups and downs. He’s still avoiding talkin’ about Melissa too much, which kinda worries me.”
“That’s valid, ‘specially after the way he reacted when she showed up at ya door like a freaky bitch.”
Spot scoffed, “That about sums her up- and yeah, she’s definitely affected him way more than he lets on.”
“I wonder if it’s not necessarily that he’s afraid of lookin’ weak or sum, rather he jus’ doesn’t wanna acknowledge that he went through somethin’ like that,” Finch said, thoughtfully, “I remember when Al was in that car crash n’ he lost his brother, he refused to talk about it for months. When he finally did, it was like he was truly acceptin’ it for the first time...God that was messy.”
Spot frowned, he remembered the several months following Albert’s accident. It had been their freshman year of college and for a while, Albert had seemed like nothing but a shell of the charismatic person he usually was. His brother, Henry, had been the closest person to him and losing him had near killed him. What Race had gone through had not been of the same nature as Albert’s experience, but it definitely had instilled a similar trauma into him.
“Yeah, it would make sense if it’s somethin’ like that,” Spot said, “I guess he’ll talk when he’s ready.”
“Time is all ya can give these kinds of thing,” Finch sighed.
“I suppose.”
Albert and Race came out with a plate full of cookies, “Movie marathon time!” Race said, “Albert and I made a list of the movies we’re watchin’ today. First is a Christmas Story.”
At 7:45, the four boys were gearing up to go. Finch had suggested they make hot cocoa to bring, so they all were carrying Christmas themed thermoses that they had found in the apartment.
“I’m so excited,” Race said as he pulled on the hat that Spot had let him keep after their ice skating excursion, “I haven’t been ta see the tree in years.”
“I’ve never been,” Albert admitted.
Spot turned to him in shock, “You’re tellin’ me you’ve lived in New York City all your life and you haven’t seen the big tree?”
“I’ve only been livin’ here since I was fourteen and I’ve been,” Finch added.
“My parents weren’t big on Christmas, okay? Not my fault,” Albert huffed.
Race laughed and clapped him on the back, “No worries, brother. We’re here to help ya lose your Rockefeller Center Tree virginity.”
“Why d’you hafta word things the way you do?” Spot asked and Race wrinkled his nose, pulling his scarf on.
They arrived at Rockefeller Center to find it bustling with people. The tree looked magnificent. It towered over the square, lighting it up with brilliant white lights. A soft blue glow was spread across the ice skating rink directly under where the tree stood, adding a mystical aura to the area. Spot glanced over to Race, who was staring in awe up at the tree. The blue glow reflected in his eyes, making them impossibly bluer. The lights from the tree reflected off his fair skin and Spot couldn’t help but think how beautiful he looked as he stood, completely enraptured by the scene before him. Race turned his head and made eye contact with Spot.
He smiled and reached out to hold onto one of Spot’s hands, “Spot, this is beautiful. I’m really glad we came.”
“I am too,” Spot said. Race stepped closer to Spot’s side and laced their fingers together. They stood, sipping their hot cocoa and taking in the sights and sounds of New York City on Christmas for what felt like an eternity.
Their peace was interrupted however by the sounds of several cars honking loudly. Race jumped, his hot cocoa mug slipping from his hands and spilling it’s contents down the front of Spot’s shirt.
“Shit! Ow,” Spot exclaimed, jumping backwards.
“Fuck, Spot I’m so sorry,” Race said, backing away, “I-I’m sorry, I-” His breath hitched and Spot looked up from his shirt to see Race with his eyes squeezed shut, covering his mouth with one hand. From where he stood, he could tell Race was shaking. He doubled over slightly and Spot forced himself to recover from his shock. He carefully walked towards where Race was standing, reminding himself not to touch him. People were starting to stare and Spot glanced around to look for some kind of cover. There were a few storefronts a little ways away that looked pretty vacant, so he decided to aim for those.
“Hey Race, canya hear me?” He asked, working to keep his tone soothing and not at all accusatory. Race didn’t answer and Spot cursed to himself.
Albert and Finch materialized by his side, “What happened?” Finch asked, alarmed.
“He spilled his hot cocoa on me,” Spot answered, his attention still directed towards Race, who was visibly crying now, “Racer, c’mon. Are ya hearin’ me?”
Race backed up another step, “I-I’m sorry,” Spot heard him whisper.
Spot stepped closer, “Antonio, I needya ta listen. C’mon, I promise I’m not mad and I’m not gonna touch ya. Canya please hear me?” Spot begged. He felt helpless.
Albert stepped tentatively next to Spot, “I think he’s havin’ like a flashback sorta thing. I used ta get ‘em after..ya know. Can I try to-” He gestured towards Race and Spot nodded. Albert walked carefully over to Race so he was standing right next to him.
“Race,” He said, softly, “It’s me, Albert. Jus’ me n’ you here. I promise that’s all that’s happenin’. Canya open your eyes, please? I promise, it’s Albert. You can open your eyes and you’ll be safe.”
Spot watched as Race blinked open his eyes. He flinched violently before making eye contact with Albert. The relief that flitted across his features broke Spot’s heart.
Albert continued, “Nice job, dude. Think we can move somewhere a lil’ quieter? I think that might make ya feel better.”
Race nodded and the two of them weaved through the crowd towards the storefronts Spot had noticed earlier. Finch and him exchanged a look before hurrying after them. They got caught behind a few groups of people and by the time they got to the other two, Race had stopped crying.
“You good, man?” Finch asked, sympathetically.
Race shrugged, “Yeah, m’better. Sorry ‘bout your shirt, Spot.”
“It’s okay, Race, I swear ta ya I ain’t mad or nothin’.” Race nodded.
“Why don’t we head back?” Albert suggested.
“I think that’s a good idea,” Spot agreed.
Back at the apartment, Spot waited in the bedroom while Race took a shower. He mentally replayed what Albert had done to help Race in case he’d ever have to get Race through a bad situation again, though he prayed to anyone who could be listening that he wouldn’t. Race emerged from the bathroom looking drained. He sat down on the bed by Spot’s feet.
“I want to talk about it. I want to share more than I have,” He paused and took a deep breath, “I need to talk it out, I know that I won’t get past it if I don’t. It just-” His voice cracked and Spot sat up to run a hand up and down his back, “It just hurts so goddamn much. She hurt me so goddamn much and I don’t wanna live it again by talking about it.”
Even from his space behind him, Spot could tell that Race was holding back tears.
He stopped rubbing his back and reached for one of Race’s hands, “Talk about it when you’re ready. I’m here to listen whenever that is. You’re not alone, Race. You’re not goin’ through this alone.”
“I’m sorry I ruined Christmas- and your shirt.”
“You didn’t ruin anythin’, Race. Nothin’ that happened tonight was your fault.”
Race gave a watery laugh, “What did I do to deserve you, Spot?”
“You deserve everything good, Race. You deserve support and help and love.”
Race didn’t answer. Instead, he gave Spot’s hand a squeeze and laid back against his chest. Spot lifted his free hand and carded it through Race’s hair. He began to softly hum under his breath until he could feel Race’s breath even out into sleep- finally looking at peace.
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable @aw-jus-let-em-spook @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @thatpoorguysheadisspinning @newsies-of-nyc @andthewoildwillknow
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Stroke of Midnight -Chapter 8 (Pennywise x reader)
Chris Sheffield grunted as you stepped on his foot. Again. You grimaced. “Sorry.”
“That’s alright,” Chris chuckled as the two of you danced. “I know this is rough for you.”
You shook your head and glanced down briefly. “And this dress isn’t helping either.”
This was your first full dress rehearsal. You had four more days left to go until the big premiere. Chris spun you around and your shoe snagged on the bottom of your dress. You stumbled, but Chris caught you. Another dancing couple bumped into you.
“Cut! Cut!” Mrs. Tunstall yelled from the front row. Everyone stopped. You fumbled with your fingers and shook your head. “I am never going to get this,” you whispered.
Chris put a hand on your back. “Yes, you are.”
Mrs. Tunstall stood at the front of the stage, leaning on it. “Y/N, Y/N.” She shook her head. “We have four more days left. This is the most pivotal scene in the play.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” you said desperately.
“You need to get this right,” Mrs. Tunstall told you. She went back to her seat. “Let’s take it again from the top,” she hollered.
After practice, you sat on a bench behind the stage, tying your sneakers.
“You know she’s like that with everyone, right?” came a voice on your left.
You turned. Chris was standing with his hands in his pockets.
You finished tying your shoe. “I know. But she knows how much I struggle with ballroom dancing.”
Chris sauntered up to you. “And she wants you to be the best.”
You stood up. “Right. Little Miss Graceful me.” You waved your hand in the air.
Chris was right in front of you now. “You’re gonna get it.”
“I don’t have much time left,” you responded.
Chris leaned in towards you. “Maybe you just need to find someone you like dancing with.” He patted you on the shoulder and left.
You thought about what Chris had said as you drove. Find someone you liked dancing with? Did he mean find someone else to practice for the play with? Or did he mean something else entirely? You did like dancing with Chris. And acting with him, even though the two of you just had a couple of scenes together. You hadn’t really talked that much since you had been cast as Cinderella and the prince, but he seemed very nice. Even in school he seemed like he had been a nice person. Fullback on the football team. Popular. But he had never been what you would call ‘boyfriend materiel’. Not for you anyway. You were quiet and reserved, until you got up on stage anyway. That was your place. That was your home away from home.
You pulled up at the Denbroughs’. Aunt Susan had invited you to dinner after practice. She was in the dining room setting the table when you walked in.
“Hey, Aunt Susan,” you said cheerfully.
“Hey, hon,” your aunt replied.  “Good gracious, what happened to you?” she said when she glanced up and saw you.
“I wrecked my bike.”
Aunt Susan came over to inspect your arms, which sported a few bruises. Some of the cuts still lingered.  “You must have fallen down somewhere rough.”
You folded in your lips and gave a curt nod. “Yeah. You can say that.”
Bill and Georgie walked into the room. You smiled and held out your arms to Georgie. “Hey bud, come give me a hug.”
Georgie ran up to you and you squeezed him tightly.
“Hey, cuz,” you told Bill.
“Y/N, I need to t-talk to you.”
You could tell on his face that something was wrong. “Okay.”
Bill glanced at his mom, and you followed his gaze. “N-not here,” he said.
You followed him into the living room. “What is it?”
“Did you h-hear about Patrick?”
You took a deep breath. “No. What happened?”
“He went m-missing.”
Your eyes grew wide. “What? Since when?”
“Since Sunday.”
You started wracking your brain. The last time you had seen Patrick was on Sunday morning when he jumped over the bridge to go after the boy from the library. Three days ago. But of course you couldn’t tell Bill about that. Not without telling him everything else that had happened afterwards.
You licked your lips. “There could have been a lot of things that happened to him.”
“I know. And I still w-worry about Georgie too. Ever since the s-storm last week, h-he doesn’t like to play o-outside much. It’s like he s-scared of something.”
You raised your eyebrows. No guessing as to who, you thought.
You put your hand on Bill’s shoulder. “I’m sure Georgie will be ok. Patrick too. Let’s go get ready for dinner. We can talk about this later.”
You lay awake that night, your senses overly alert. Patrick Hockstetter was missing. Had Pennywise had anything to do with it? Every time you would close your eyes you would see intense yellow ones staring back at you. And those red lips. You closed your eyes and tried to think of something else. You saw yourself dancing with Chris, his green eyes shining down at you as he twirled you around on stage, him in his royal overcoat and you in your shiny blue gown. You smiled. Finally you fell asleep.
You were surrounded by satin. Like you were inside a large parachute. You tried and tried to climb up out of it, but it just kept closing in around you. You pulled and pulled, sinking farther and farther. You called for help, screamed. All of a sudden, the parachute started pulling away. You could feel it sliding down you, until it was gone, as though someone had yanked it out from underneath you.
Then you were floating. The air was still around you and it felt so light. You felt light, weightless. Your hair even floated. Everything felt so calm, so peaceful. You felt something gently grab your leg and slowly pull you down. It was Pennywise. You landed almost flush up against him. He put his arms around your waist. He was so much taller than you, you had to crane your neck up to look at him. His chest felt so firm, solid. You put out a hand to touch it. More satin. He leaned down towards you. His eyes were a silvery yellow. 
"Did you like floating?" he asked.
"Yes." Your voice was an echo.
"Would you like to do it again?"
You nodded slowly. You felt so drowsy, like you could just sink into sleep.
"You can do a lot of things, Y/N. If you come down here. You can do a lot of things with me."
"Mmhmm." Your eyes started closing.
"Come to the well, Y/N." His voice sounded distant now. "Come to the well."
You felt something rubbing against your arm. You moaned. The rubbing stopped. Something snaked around your waist. You opened your eyes. You were laying on your left side facing the wall. It was still dark. You reached out to touch the arm that was around you. Firm satin. You smiled. He was here.
You rubbed his arm. “Hmm… why is it that every time I need you, you show up?”
He leaned over and started nuzzling your cheek with his nose. “You needed me, kitten?”
“Well… not really needed. I was just having a nightmare. It started out as one, but then it actually got kind of…nice.”
“Reealllly….How so?” You could hear the amusement in his voice.
You rolled over on your back. Pennywise settled his hand on your stomach.
“It was silly actually.” Now that you thought about it, it was kind of silly. “I was… in some kind of parachute thing.” You waved your hand about as you explained your dream to him. His mouth went into an “o” shape when you got to the part about the floating.
“And did you enjoy it?” he asked eagerly.
“Yeah, I actually did,” you admitted. “It was like there was no gravity, like absolutely nothing holding me down. I was just…floating. It was really peaceful.”
“Then what happened?”
You grinned. It was like you were telling an exciting story to a little kid.
“Then you pulled me down. And I was in your arms.” You put your hand on his wrist and started playing with his ruffle.
He put his face down to where it was inches from yours. You could smell his sweet cotton candy breath. “And did you enjoy that?”
You sighed. “I always enjoy that. I just wish…”
He brought his hand up to stroke your cheek. “What do you wish? Tell me.”
You took a deep breath. “I just… I wish that me and you could just…hang out together. You know? You could come visit me at the library. We could go to lunch together. Go to the park, just,” your shrugged your shoulders. “Something.”
Pennywise brought his hand down to rest on your shoulder. “If that is what you want, then it is mine to give you.”
Your heart started pounding in excitement and eagerness. “I do want that. I really, really do. It’s just… what are people going to think of us?”
Pennywise put his hand on your neck gently. “My dear, sweet Y/N, do you not trust me?”
You sighed. “I do trust you.” Yet inside you were thinking ‘what in the world is he going to do?’
@honk-honk-bitches  @fuck-the-clown  @wtf-it  @hoe-for-daddywise  @dallonweaksme  @floatingwithpennywise  @lesteefightme
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lucifer-lacroix · 5 years
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x OC (Rated T)
Story: The Gang is set up in Blackwater as Hosea is looking into details on a plan for a lucrative heist. Arthur decided to leave on a hunting trip to keep the heat off the Gang and stops in Strawberry before heading up the mountain. In town, he meets a gang of ladies travelling through looking to settle down in Strawberry who hire him as a bodyguard as they set the foundation down for their business. 
"I decided to take a ride out of blackwater on my own for a while. Hosea has been riding me all week about getting into trouble at the black water saloon again, should not have had that bottle of whiskey. I thought it best to disappear till things cool down. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around them since they are trying to cook up some big plan. I heard up Mount Shann there is a bald eagle or two nesting near the top. I have never seen one before maybe I might even get lucky and shoot one out of the air or... at least get a sketch of it. Who knows. Strawberry is a beautiful town, and I am enjoying the scenery up here. The stable is well built with wooden carvings and statues around the property. Someone is either pretty wealthy or handy with small tools."
The blonde man known as Arthur Morgan scribbled into his leather back journal a picture of the Gate to Strawberry, he sat on the back of a Grey and White Arabian horse which grazed on the pile of hay inside a trove. The pair were sheltered from the rain at a nearby stable down the road from the small town of Strawberry.  Arthur was dressed in a white bison leather coat as well as having a wolf pelt draped over his shoulders. It was a wet afternoon, and the sun shone high in the sky breaking apart the rain clouds which had just finished their storming. His worn and torn green hat tipped low over his eyes casting a large shadow over his face as people walked by paying him little mind. After the rain stopped he folded up his journal and tucked it away into his satchel, He shook out his fur cowl of any last remaining droplets of water and dusted off his sleeves. He reared the horse back away from her food, and she honked disapprovingly having been interrupted during her snack. "Hey, now Princess lets get moving there will more once we arrive at the hotel." He said patting her neck as she pranced in the spot shaking her wet mane. He leaned back and eased her to turn around. He clicked his tongue on his teeth and gave her a squeeze with his thighs, and she pushed forward heading back for the road and up the hill. A short walk made harder for the steed from the extra weight of a buck carcass hanging off her rear. Behind them, a mule was following close on their tail led by a single rope tied onto Princess's saddle. He too was carrying a buck much larger than the other on his back trotting along behind happily honking once Arthur looked back to him with a smile. "Good boy." He said and tugged the rope so the Mule would follow closer to him on his left. As they crested the hill, they entered a bustling town with muddy streets. Carts and horses had gotten stuck in the mud from the sudden burst of rain which had flooded the dirt streets, there were crowds gathered trying to pull people out of the mud, and the main thoroughfare was a danger zone for travellers. Arthur dodged his two mammals around the long way and through the shallow mud avoiding the thick areas and brought them to the closest hitching post he could find. The cowboy dismounted and hitched them up positioning the Arabian along with his mule and secured them together.  As he approached the butcher counter no one was attending it as a group of people gathered in the street around some commotion currently blocked from his view by a carriage stuck in the muck. He walked towards the crowd curiously and heard two women fighting, their screams of anger shrill and loud echoing around the group that had gathered. As he was but a few steps away, the people cheered loudly as a loud smash of wood was heard, and he dodged a flying piece of wood which smacked someone else in the face — quickly turning back to see where the projectile had come from. There were two women in a pit of mud covered head to toe wrestling each other, pulling hair and screaming like banshees. "You lying bitch! That was my momma's ring, and I'll be damned if I will see it on your whore of a finger!"  The first girl said screaming, her dark brown hair a muddy mess tangled and knotted as the woman she was fighting was currently bending her over using her hair as leverage over her. Her clothing was slick with pale brown mud revealing much of her figure to the crowd, the dress was torn and shredded at the sleeves, and she was currently at the others mercy. "I bought it with my own money, take it up with the jeweller! I paid for it!"  The red-headed woman holding her down said with a mighty voice and a scowl on her face currently in control of the fight. She too was slick with the pale brown mud and her red expensive corseted dress was splattered with muck, she was struggling in the dirt under the constraints of the skirt and heels, but for the moment she has things under control. There was a broken bucket beside them on the ground, and the redhead had splintered wood in her hair and blood was dripping out her nose. "What happened?" Arthur asked witnessing the fight now taking in the scene. He felt his chest tighten as the crowd just stood there and watched as these two rather lovely ladies fought like animals to their amusement.   "That little bitch there just smashed that whore in the face with a bucket Hooheey! Fight! Fight!" A balding drunk chanted along with other encouraging the fight. "Disgusting, you just sit there and watch!?" Authur shouted and marched into the centre of the crowd towards the two brawling women. He entered the mud pit which slowed his pace and without hesitation joined the fight. As the red-head slipped in her heels, the brunette swung her foot up in an attempt to kick her, but Arthur slapped it down and grabbed the redhead's hand and pried it free from the brunette's hair. "That's enough!" He shouted and forced them apart. The redhead barely fought against him as he pried her hand off of the girl. He threw her hand away, and she pulled it to her chest panting heavily but still looking at the strange, handsome man who decided the fight needed to stop. The Brunette, however, took this moment to attempt to tackle through Arthur but he stopped her easily and picked her up. She kicking and screaming started splashing mud over Arthur trying to get past him to attack the redhead. He carried her a few steps away and set her down on her feet. "Let me go she's nuttin but a who-Augh!" In the midst of her tantrum, Arthur pushed her back, and she slipped in the mud and fell onto her butt in a large paddy of thick mud. "Shut up and go home." He barked loudly. It was clear she was the one who started the fight as the redhead merely stood there trying to regain her breath and was suffering from being smashed with a bucket. "The fact you have anything to say about me Henrietta is a laugh! You've slept with half the town" The redhead shouted after she brushed her hair back off her face and noticed the blood on her fingers. She tried to move but ended up stuck in the mud unable to escape her heels. Arthur saw how she was trapped and left the brunette to flounder in the muck to assist the woman in red by giving her his hand. She took his hand and with his grip firm and stable she was able to pull herself free from the thick mud. "Are you alright mam?" He asked and noticed her red matching coat to her dress was stuck in the mud too. He pulled it out and shook it off and handed it to her which she took and collected it under her arm both of them accepting the fact they got drenched in mud. "Thank you, and I should be alright." She said and touched her nose and winced. Before Arthur was able to say anything mentioning her face, Henrietta interrupted.   "I'll kill you!" Henrietta screamed and finally scrambled up off the ground. Once Henriette got onto her feet she grabbed a piece of splintered wood and headed back for the woman in red. She stopped in her tracks as all the attention turned when the click of a gun being cocked sounded. Arthur had a surprised look on his face as he watched the redhead lightning quick drew his silver-plated volcanic pistol from his belt and pointed it at the brunette.  He looked down to his belt and back to her somewhat intrigued on how she was able to stealthily and speedily draw his gun. The crowd stood still as everyone froze waiting for the snap of a bullet to fire. Only silence followed. A second click of the hammer and a second gun was involved. This time eyes turned towards the carriage where the fight took place. "Excuse me. I think it's time you got back into the carriage, Isabella." A third woman stated in a soft, elegant voice with a British accent. She was wearing a large white hat with plums of coloured feathers and flowers with blonde curly hair tumbling out from under it. Her royal blue and the well-tailored corseted dress fit her curves snugly, and something about her struck Arthur as familiar as if he had seen her before. She was enchanting to witness, but her angelic look was contrasted by long barreled high-velocity rifle firm in her grip. She was standing in the door of the carriage with her boot stepped up on the frame so she could rest the barrel of the gun on her thigh and had pointed it at Henrietta.   Arthur started to feel the sweat dripping down his neck at the situation he found himself in since his pistol was no longer in his hands. "May I suggest," Arthur spoke and put his hand on the Redheads and lowered her gun in a gentle motion. "You give her the ring?" He asked the woman who glared at him in response.   "If she can pay for it." The blonde woman from the carriage said. "I can't pay for it... but it's mine." Henrietta had tears in her eyes, she was full spirited and ready to fight, but the two guns pointed at her left her scared and nervous. "Is it worth dying over?" Arthur asked her kindly. "...No," Henrietta replied as her eyes swelled up. Whatever the ring meant to her. It was surely something important since her face was red with rage. "Ugh! Fine!" The redhead let the pistol fall, and she let out a long frustrated growl and shoved the pistol into Arthur's hands. He eased her rash actions and took the weapon and held it in hand now more confident in the situation now with his gun returned to him.  The redhead pulled off her gloves and removed a small gold ring from her finger that has a sapphire embedded into it. "Take it, but you need to cover the costs to clean my clothes, the gentleman's too." She said and pulled herself through the mud and handed the ring to her. As Henrietta gripped the wood in her hand, the splintered wood weapon still tight in hand she wanted to swing, but the blonde still had her at gunpoint. She dropped the chunk of wood and took the ring back, shaking her head silently in agreement. "Now that's the end of that! Everyone can go right fuck off then eh!" The redhead yelled at the crowd who groaned seeing such an anticlimax end to the argument. They started to move on as the blonde released Henrietta from gunpoint. "I will pick up your clothes tomorrow at noon for cleaning. I can't afford the cleaners, but I can do it myself." Henrietta said and slipped the ring on her finger and held it to her chest. "I am fine no need to worry about my clothes," Arthur said and attempted to leave. "Nonsense. A Gentlemen like yourself does not get to leave so suddenly. You stepped in the middle of a fight that is not your own to protect ladies from their own squabble.  We have to thank you." The blonde spoke up and shouldered her weapon. "I merely did not want to see bloodshed today. I'm glad I could assist good day mam." He said and tipped his hat to them and walked off anyway. They ladies started discussing things amongst themselves, and Arthur exited the mud pit and headed back to the butchers counter where the man who was watching the event had returned too.
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lucifer-lacroix · 5 years
Strawberry CHAPTER 1 (rewrite #2)
Arthur X Original character
With pictures from my game of actual outfit
"I decided to take a ride out of blackwater on my own for a while. Hosea has been riding me all week about getting into trouble back at the saloon again, guess I shouldn't have had that third bottle of whiskey which started the brawl. I thought it best to disappear until things cool down. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells since Hosea and Dutch are trying to cook up some big plan. Anyways, I'm heading up to Mount Shann where a bald eagle has nested. I have never seen one before, so if I get lucky, I'll see one for myself.”
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It was a wet afternoon on a spring day along the trail of the State of New Hanover. It was 1898, and a blonde man known as Arthur Morgan scribbled into his leather back journal on horseback, stopped on the edge of the road. A charcoal pencil in hand he sketched the gate of the fence specifically of the pillars of wood holding up the frame. The horse he sat upon was a young white Arabian which grazed in the grass sheltered from the rain under a tree. Grazing at the horses' side was a dark brown Mule tied by a rope to the Arabian's saddle. Down the trail from them was a large gate welcoming travellers to the town of Strawberry which he had sketched roughly into his journal. Arthur dressed in a white bison leather coat with a wolf pelt draped over his shoulders studied the image after he deemed it complete with a proud little smile on his lips. A worn and torn green gamblers hat tipped low over his eyes cast a shadow over his face. As people walked by, they paid him little mind as they scurried down the road heading for the train whose bell chimed in the distance. As the clouds started to disperse the sun broke through as mother nature finished her storming. After the rain calmed to a spit and the crowd dispersed, Arthur folded up his journal and tucked it away into his satchel for safe keeping. He shook out his fur cowl of any last remaining droplets of water and dusted off his sleeves before taking up the reigns of his horse. He reared the beautiful creature back away from the grass on the ground, and she honked disapprovingly at him for interrupting her snack.
"Hey, now Princess there will be better food once we arrive at the stable." He said patting her neck as she pranced in the spot shaking her wet mane. Arthur leaned back and eased her to turn around slowly where the sound of a loud honk sounded the mule standing behind them. He clicked his tongue on his teeth and squeezed Princess with his thighs, and she pushed forward heading up the hill through the gate. The long ride to this point had exhausted Princess, the extra weight of a buck carcass hanging off her rear slowing her stride. Behind them, the mule too was carrying a buck much larger than hers but was happily trotting along behind them on the lead tied to Princess. He was honking for Arthur who looked back to him catching the Mule trying to nip at the horses tail. "Come on you jealous boy?" He asked and tugged the rope so the Mule would follow closer to him on his left and leave her alone.
As Arthur and his two beasts crested the hill, they entered a small yet bustling town inside a forest. Beautiful trees surrounded the village, and many of the buildings were in the middle of being constructed. There was also a flowing river that had a bridge erected over it and on a sunny day, it would have been a gorgeous place to visit. Unfortunately, like most poorly laid out towns, the weather had swept chaos through and wreaked havoc. Carts and horses had gotten stuck in the mud, and some people were even knee deep trying to recover their things. The main thoroughfare was dangerous for how many people in panic were trying to pull their stuck horses from the mud pits. Arthur dodged his two mammals around the long way and through the shallow mud avoiding the populated areas by keeping to the grass, and brought them to the closest hitch he could find to the butcher. The cowboy dismounted and tied them together on the post. As he approached the butcher counter no one was attending as the majority of people in the area were gathered in the around some commotion by a black and blue fancy carriage. He walked towards the crowd curiously and heard two women fighting, their shrill screams echoing from the foot of the carriage door. Arthur got closer by weaving through the crowd as the people who cheered loudly. Sheer morbid curiosity enticed him to see why there was a cheering section to the fight. Once he got through the last of the crowd, a loud smash sounded as wood splintered across the face of one of the aggressors in the conflict. Arthur dodged a projectile which smacked the man behind him in the face making his yelp and cover his nose — quickly he turned back to see the two women. They were in a calf-deep pit of mud covered head to toe in grim and wrestling one another. One woman was standing ankle deep in the dirt wearing a red dress and heels. She was tall with broad shoulders and muscular arms current pulling the second aggressor's hair. "You lying bitch! That was my momma's ring, and I'll be damned if I see it on your whore of a finger!" Victim to the strength of the broad woman A girl of sixteen screamed like a banshee as she struggled to break free. Her dark brown hair a muddy mess tangled up on her head like a lasso the lady in red used to control her. Her ragged clothing was revealing too much of her figure to the crowd, and she was currently at the mercy of the Lady in red. "Take it up with the jeweller! I paid for it!" The Lady in Red had a malicious tone but spoke calmly. She had control of the fight to the sacrifice of her expensive clothes now splattered with muck. She was, however, struggling in the dirt under the constraints of the wet skirt. There was a broken bucket beside them on the ground, and the red-head had splintered wood in her hair and blood dripping out her nose. "What happened?" Arthur asked witnessing the fight and taking in the scene. He felt his chest tighten for some reason as the crowd just stood there and watched as these two rather lovely ladies fight like animals to their amusement. "That little bitch there just smashed the Devil in the face with a bucket Hooheey! Hit her again!" A balding drunk chanted along with the others encouraging the fight. "Disgusting, you just sit there and watch!?" Authur shouted and marched into the centre of the crowd towards the two brawling women. He entered the mud pit which slowed his pace and without hesitation joined in. As the red-head slipped in her heels, the brunette swung her foot up in an attempt to kick her, but Arthur slapped it down and grabbed the redhead's hand and pried it free from the brunette's hair. "That's enough!" He shouted and forced them apart. The red-head barely fought against him as he pried her hand off of the girl. Once he threw her hand down, she pulled it to her chest panting heavily now she could regain herself. Dizzy from the head injury she looked at the strange, handsome man who decided the fight needed to stop with blurred vision. The Brunette, however, took this moment to attempt to tackle through Arthur but he stopped her easily and picked her up. The teen started kicking and screaming splashing mud over Arthur trying to get past him to attack the red-head again. He carried her a few steps away and set her down while she freaked out. "Let me go they're nuttin but a who-Augh!" In the midst of her tantrum, Arthur pushed her back, and she slipped in the mud and fell onto her butt in a large paddy of thick mud. "Shut up and go home." He barked loudly. It was clear she was the one who started the fight as the red-head merely stood there trying to regain her breath and was suffering from being smashed in the head with the bucket. "The fact you have anything to say about me Henrietta is a laugh! You've slept with half the town for free!" The red-head shouted after she brushed mud-soaked curly hair back off her face. There was a fury in her eyes as she tried to move but had gotten stuck in the mud. Dazed and unable to escape her heels she sounded tough but looked somewhat helpless. Arthur saw how she in distress and left the brunette to flounder in the muck to assist. He reached out giving her his hand, and she took it. Arthur gripped her firmly so she could peel herself out of the mud with her strength as he kept her balanced and guided her to solid ground.
"Are you alright mam?" He asked as she held her head. He noticed the matching red coat to her dress was trampled in the mud. Once she was standing on her own Arthur retrieved it for her and handed it back after shaking it out first. She took it and collected under her arm accepting the fact her dress got ruined. Her head was spinning, so the woman wasn't able to make good eye contact with anyone let alone formulate a response just yet. Arthur studied her for a moment, her face half smeared with mud which she was trying to clean off using her coat. He could scarcely see the freckles which crested her shallow nose from too much sun exposure and the scar on her chin which had healed poorly. However, Her eyes were a stunning green shade inside perfectly almond shaped lids which could not be masked by the dirt. For a brief moment, she glanced back and mouthed a thank you to him, and he felt his heart skip a beat. "I should be alright." She said and touched her nose and winced. Arthur approached her to get a better look at her injury, but before he was able to say anything, Henrietta interrupted. "I'll kill you!" Henrietta screamed after she finally scrambled up off the ground. She had gotten to her feet and grabbed a piece of splintered wood heading back for the woman in red. She stopped in her tracks as all the attention turned when the click of a gun being cocked sounded. Arthur had a surprised look on his face as he watched the red-head lightning quick drew his silver-plated volcanic pistol from his belt and pointed it at the brunette. He looked down to his empty holster and back to her somewhat intrigued on how she was able to stealthily and speedily draw his pistol. The crowd stood still as everyone froze waiting for the snap of a bullet to fire. Only silence followed. After a quiet minute of blood-curdling tension, A second click of another gun sounded behind him. This time eyes turned towards the carriage where the fight took place. "Excuse me. I think it's time you got back into the carriage, Isabella." A third woman stated in a soft, elegant voice with a British accent. She was wearing a large white hat with plums of coloured feathers and flowers with blonde curly hair tumbling out from under it. Her royal blue and the well-tailored corseted dress fit her curves snugly, and something about her struck Arthur as familiar as if he had seen her before. She was enchanting to witness, but her angelic look was contrasted by long barreled high-velocity rifle firm in her grip. She was standing in the door of the carriage with her boot stepped up on the frame so she could rest the barrel of the gun on her thigh and had pointed it at Henrietta. Arthur started to feel the sweat dripping down his neck at the situation he found himself in since his pistol was no longer in his hands. "May I suggest," Arthur spoke and put his hand on the red-heads and lowered her gun in a gentle motion. "You give her the ring?" He asked in which the red woman glared at him in response. "If she can pay for it." The blonde woman from the carriage said. "I can't pay for it... but it's mine." Henrietta had tears in her eyes, she was full spirited and ready to fight, but the two guns pointed at her left her scared and nervous. "Is it worth dying over?" Arthur asked her kindly. "...Yes," Henrietta replied as her eyes swelled up. Whatever the ring meant to her. It was surely something important since her face was red with rage. "Ugh! Fine!" The red-head let the pistol fall, and she let out a long frustrated growl and shoved it into Arthur's hands. He eased her rash actions and took the weapon and held it more confident in the situation now with his gun returned to him. The red-head pulled off her gloves and removed a small gold ring from her finger that has a sapphire embedded into it. "Take it, but you need to clean my clothes, the gentleman's too." She said and made her way over to Henrietta, the hem of her dress dragging through the mud, but she walked with a march. Once she approached the miserable girl, she handed the ring to her abruptly. As Henrietta gripped the splintered weapon tight in her grip, she wanted to swing, but the blonde still had her at gunpoint. Surrendering to them she dropped the chunk of wood and took the ring back, shaking her head silently in agreement. "Now that's the end of that! Everyone can go right fuck off then eh!" The red-head yelled at the crowd who groaned seeing such an anticlimactic end to the argument. They started to move on as the blonde released Henrietta from gunpoint. "I will pick up your clothes tomorrow at noon for cleaning," Henrietta said and slipped the ring on her finger and held it to her chest with a small smile on her lips. "I am fine no need to worry about me," Arthur said quickly left the situation. "Nonsense. A Gentlemen like yourself does not get to leave so suddenly. You stepped in the middle of a fight that is not your own to protect ladies from their own squabble. We have to thank you." The blonde spoke up and shouldered her weapon.
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"I merely did not want to see bloodshed today. I'm glad I could assist good day mam." He said and tipped his hat to them and walked off anyway not turning back around. The ladies started discussing things amongst themselves, and Arthur exited the crowd he headed back to the butchers counter where the owner had just returned to after the fight ended.
“No one's going to buy you a drink for stopping that show partner.” He said as Arthur removed his wet wolf pelt and threw it on the saddle of his horse. “Hm Howdy to you too. I got a catch for you or would you rather I haul this off to someone else?” “Oh hold on there, I only kid show me what you got.” Arthur paused for a moment leaving the butcher to wait as he patiently thought out his next steps. Luckily his white bison leather jacket, handcrafted after hunting such a rare creature in the snowy mountains was only lightly splattered with mud. The wolf pelt, however, did not survive so well and shooting a new one would be easier than getting it cleaned. He could sell it, but he would rather sit on it for now. The weather in the distance started to darken as the thunder clouds began to grow above. What was a freak downpour was about to become a storm? If he needed to stay warm, it was the best thing to keep. He looked to his horse and mule and started to untie the carcasses from their backs while his thoughts were stirring deeper. Hiking up a mountain trail with two mammals was hard enough, and Princess was an extraordinarily skittish girl.  Even while Arthur lifted the buck off the Arabian's back, she danced and swayed in spot huffing heavily and shaking her mane. Princess would not fare well in a thunderstorm even with all of Arthur's attention, and he could not ignore his mule. “Ah, I sell em so yeah, what can you give me?” Arthur shouted to the butcher as he hauled it over and hung it on the rack. “Pretty good shot here mister, right through the heart with... a rifle?” The butcher inspected the creature as Arthur returned to the happy mule who neighed with joy when Arthur came near and stroked his neck.   "No! An arrow! Who's a good boy?" He soothed the goofy eared mammal after he shouted to the butcher who investigated the carcass with an impressed look. Arthur ruffled the mules floppy ears as it huffed and shivered nudging Arthur's chest with his nose before it began to nibble at his bandana tugging it gently. The entire time Arthur was giving him rough scratches behind his ears with gloved hands and a smile on his face.
"He's cute, what's his name?" A feminine voice spoke up from behind him. It was the blonde Englishwoman from the carriage. She must have followed him across the road. "I call him the Duke," Arthur said giving him a few heavy pats. "I'm in love with how sweet he is on you." She said and folded her hands over her heart watching the Duke fawn over his loving owner. "He's a handful though, always wanting attention but he is a good boy," Arthur replied when the Duke snatched the bandana from his neck and ripped two buttons off his shirt at the same time — trying to eat it while he was distracted. "Hey! No no no give it back." Arthur scrambled to pull the fabric out of the Duke's teeth before he swallowed it as a cackle of giggles burst from the blonde beauty who watched in amusement. Arthur stepped back away from the mule who extended himself to the maximum range he could on his lead, his teeth still desperately reaching for Arthur as he looked at the slobbery bandana now torn in two. "I'm glad I can entertain you," Arthur said and pocketed it as she finally overcame her giggle fit. "My apologies, but I had to come over and talk to you myself, and I'm not here to tease I promise." She said and stepped back allowing Arthur the space he needed so he could finish unloading his kill to the butcher. Arthur returned to his task and started to unstrap the second buck from the Duke's once he distracted him with a sugar cube. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Arthur asked as he hauled the buck onto his shoulder with ease. She was beautiful alright with her bright blue eyes and plump pink lips, but the smell of trouble was on her, and it was as strong as her perfume. "If you would allow myself and the girls to buy you dinner, as a thank you. Izzy is too proud to ask for help let alone thank someone herself. She doesn't like being a damsel in distress, but you stepped in when we needed someone to step in." The mysterious blonde stood and watched him work, and Arthur could feel her gaze as he hulled the second buck onto the table. The butcher took his hat off and made a loud whooping sound checking out the second carcass. "My lord! You are one good shot! Through the heart again! I bet the taxidermist would want this one look at the size of him!" The butcher started fishing out cash from his apron and collected it into a clip. A sly little grin on Arthur's face and he puffed his chest out a little bit when he stood back up. Taking off his gamblers hat to comb his hair back with his fingers as the butcher handed him the handful of cash. He took the money with a thank you and walked back to the girl who watched biting her index finger and eyeing him. "Well, I was going to ride north and camp in the mountains, but with this storm coming in and an invitation as welcoming like that. I'm still going to decline." Arthur said bluntly walking up to her to be direct. Her mouth was agape, and she gasped, but there was a massive smile on her face in response to the grin on Arthur's. "You are something else. Well maybe this will change your mind, My name is Lady Rosalyn Bush, and I suggest you reconsider. " She said and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Well, now that's a familiar name, where have I heard it before?" Arthur asked looking at her curiously. Her face brought a sense of nostalgia to him, he had seen it before.  Lady Rosalyn stood tall and hicked up her skirt and stuck a pose like she was having her photo taken. "A man who enjoys camping must have a can of beans or two in his satchel. Nothing less than the best for the strong men who built our country. Perhaps you should take one out and look a little closer." She spoke with an American accent, and it was her voice which sang the song of beans on a film reel he saw at the theatre. Rosalyn rocked her hips and held her head up with an air of pride. Arthur, now curiously enchanted by her, did indeed have a can of beans on him. He flipped open his bag and not taking his eyes off her pulling it out giving her a hard look before checking the label. "Well, I'll be damned. Is this you?" He asked turning the label towards her. The image of a lady painted on the side beside the company brand with long braided blonde hair and big blue eyes. The painting was wearing revealing clothes with body proportions slightly elongated, but there was no doubt in his mind it was her. "Yes sir, and that is my recipe too." She said with a smile and struck the pose on the side label flashing her brilliant smile which was what brought that nostalgia to him. Many years were spent staring at her face on the side of the can beside campfires and dirty ditches.   "Then I must be dreaming if I am in the presence of someone truly famous because I sure do enjoy your beans very much," Arthur said and gave her a bow. A little guilt behind his eyes. "Most cowboys do, but I don't very much like all the cowboys. Or girls for that matter, ever since we arrived the people have been nothing but hostile towards me and my caravan. It's been a while since a kind soul has crossed our path and I do not wish to risk bad luck on the rest of our journey by not taking care of those who show my girls and I kindness. So I ask you to please reconsider and let me spoil you." Rosalyn returning to her natural voice was very stern but welcoming and kind. She spoke like Dutch did when addressing the gang with a fierce intensity behind her eyes which locked onto his. He fell victim to her gaze once again this time was unable to decline. "Oh alright, you can buy me dinner. Though I'm probably going to need a bath as well to clean up after that little fight your girl started." Arthur added and unhitched his two companions from their post. If he played his cards right, she might even cover all his costs to stay in town for the night and perhaps he could leave with his pockets a little heavier then when he came. "My girls start no fights, but we do finish them I'll explain later. The carriage got stuck in the mud, so everyone already went on foot to the hotel. Why don't you get those two cuties stabled and meet me there?" Rosalyn said and hicked her skirt up to ready herself to trek through the mud. Her boots already stained with two inches of dirt, and they didn't look like good boots to stomp around in through the mud. "Get on." Arthur gestured to Princess. "Really?" She asked gazing at the beautiful white Arabian. "You're wearing expensive clothes. I'll give you a ride." He said and held the lead for Princess towards her. "Is it friendly?" Rosalyn asked and approached the horse. "She's skittish, but with me here she will be alright." He said as Rosalyn walked up to her and took the lead before approaching her cautiously and slowly. Princess swayed away from her at first but relaxing as the Lady pet her neck gently.   "She is beautiful. What's her name." "Princess." "Ah, I get it." She pointed between the two animals and chuckled. "Very cute. Am I to be right to assume this is a rare horse? I don't see many albino white horses roaming around" She asked and hoisted herself up and sat side saddle on the Arabian and held the horn to keep herself steady. Arthur got up onto the Duke who honked very loudly when he was mounted since Arthur was rather heavy. "You could say so, hard to tame though. Probably won't be able to sell her for much if I can't get her to relax." He clicked his teeth and gave the command, and the pair started towards the stable beside the hotel. Most of the ride was spent giving Rosalyn instructions on how to keep Princess settled, with a strange rider on her back and her attempts to ride all ladylike. The horse was left agitated the entire time. Rosalyn almost getting bucked off twice when she tried to lead her to roughly yanking on the reins trying to stop herself from falling off.   "Okay, I think it's time I got off now." Rosalyn's voice was shaky as she struggled with Princess to lead her up to the stable. One of the hands had to run out and grab Princess before she reared and Rosalyn hopped off her quickly as the Horse began to prance more as she escaped. "I should have told you to sit properly, or else she won't respect you."  Arthur was chuckling the whole way down riding gracefully on the back of the Mule who marched with pride now that the love of his life was riding his back. "Well, it's a good thing the hotel isn't far from here. I think walking will be safer." Rosalyn ran out of the stable leaving the horse hand and Arthur to take care of locking them up for the night. They were de-saddled, housed and fed before Arthur left them and headed back out to meet Rosalyn who was in the middle of paying the Stableman. "Give them some extra treats and a bath for me please." She said and gave the gent a kiss on the cheek and an extra 5 dollars. "Yes, indeed Lady Bush." He said and tipped his hat to her running off as Arthur approached. "Would you like to meet my girls now?" Rosalyn asked. "Sure!" Arthur said and took off his hat as they headed into the hotel, he didn't have to rob her she was throwing money around.  What was once a hunting trip to escape the gang's noose, was going to turn into a pretty hefty score if he played this woman right.
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