#1 juan 4:10
mesientotanamada · 8 months
No me siento tan amada.
A veces.
Hay momentos en los que no me siento amada por Dios, ni por nadie.
Y me siento sola.
Me di cuenta de este pensamiento ayer al revisar el blog. Pensé: tengo que cambiarle nombre, porque estoy mintiendo.
Y luego entendí que es normal no tener siempre esa sensación de paz y amor pleno con Dios. Que es normal a veces dudar de Sus promesas, de Sus tiempos, de Su voluntad. En medio de los problemas, de las dificultades, de la incertidumbre, del sufrimiento, es normal pensar que nadie me quiere y que estoy sola ante los ataques.
Y aunque me sienta abandonada, y totalmente olvidada, Dios me sigue amando.
Cuando no veo absolutamente nada, cuando nada tiene sentido a mi alrededor, cuando todos se han ido, Dios sigue ahí amándome.
Me ama a mi, con mis defectos, con mis pecados, con mis quejas y mis dudas. Me ama a mi con mi físico, con mis pensamientos, me ama tal y como soy. También cuando yo no me quiero a mi, y no le quiero a Él.
"En esto consiste el amor: no en que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que él nos amó y envió a su Hijo para que fuera ofrecido como sacrificio por el perdón de nuestros pecados." 1 Juan 4:10
Este último periodo estoy llena de dudas, me enfado continuamente con Dios por como hace las cosas y por Sus tiempos que son para mi siglos de espera inútil.
Me enfado con Dios porque no cumple con mi plan, con mis ideales, con mis expectativas.
Me enfado con Dios porque a lo mejor me prometió algo, y como aún no me lo ha dado, Él es malo.
Me enfado con Dios porque me siento sola y porque no me siento amada.
Pero Él está ahí amándome.
Y me enseña que no importa lo que opina la gente, cuántas amistades tengo, si mi marido es más o menos cariñoso, si en mi trabajo me valoran o no. Lo que importa es que Él está conmigo y que Él está enamorado de mi.
Me cuesta mucho verlo, dudo mucho, pero me acuerdo de esa oveja que, sola, perdida, Él fue a rescatar. A mi me rescata todos los días.
Y si eso no es amor...
"No bien decía: «Mis pies resbalan»,
cuando ya tu amor, Señor, venía en mi ayuda.
Cuando en mí la angustia iba en aumento,
tu consuelo llenaba mi alma de alegría".
Salmo 94:18-19
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lumafiiks · 2 months
"Satanás y su obra"
Satanás, ¿Quién es éste personaje? La sociedad ha estereotipado a Satanás, como un ser físicamente horrible, con cuernos y cola, una pata de cabra y otra de caballo, con barba de chivo y olor a azufre. Supongo que el mismísimo Satanás se ríe de esta imagen, ya que en realidad él es hermoso, más bello que cualquiera de nosotros, él fue creado por Dios, la Biblia dice en Ezequiel 28:12-15 e Isaías 14:12-17 que el día de su creación hubo fiesta y gozo en el cielo, tan perfecto era él, que se ensoberbeció pretendiendo ser igual a Dios.
Ese fue su primer pecado y grave error, se constituyó en enemigo de Dios y fue arrojado a la tierra, por ello también se le conoce como el ángel caído. Ahora Satanás el Príncipe de este mundo, y es su deseo que todos estemos con él. Así que al “cuidarnos” de un ser muy feo, es que no percibimos la sutileza de sus astucias para envolvernos suavemente.
Su obra principal: El pecado, este se define como: “Hecho, dicho, deseo, pensamiento u omisión contra la ley divina”, como verbo, prácticamente ha desaparecido del léxico humano, tu solo escuchas hablar de pecado en la Iglesia, difícilmente escuchas esta palabra en la calle, en la escuela o en cualquier otra parte, y por otro lado si llegares a escucharla seguramente es aplicada a un concepto equivocado. He escuchado decir que nada es pecado, que es pecado solo para quien lo considera pecado, y esto debido a que en la sociedad que vivimos las acciones que escandalizaban a nuestros abuelos en el pasado ahora son parte de la “normalidad”.
Por ejemplo, decime, en la TV ¿Cuántos programas hay que enseñen MORALIDAD o RELIGIÓN? ¿O por lo menos normas de conducta ante la sociedad? Lo único que vemos es, un alto contenido de sexo, adulterio, partiendo de los anuncios comerciales, llenos de erotismo y mensajes subliminales, ahora enseñan a los jóvenes que pueden festejar sus logros alcoholizados “siempre y cuando” exista un conductor designado. Enseñan que a través del dinero se obtienen bellas mujeres, así que incitan a jugar lotería, aunque el mensaje no es jugar lotería, sino obtener el dinero fácil, las series televisivas enseñan que la “buena” de la película es la amante y no la esposa, que una joven estudiante de 16 años puede aspirar al “amor” de su profesor, hombre casado con más de 30. ¿Y que me dices de los dibujos animados que ven los niños? Donde están aprendiendo que el “poder y la fuerza” se obtienen de diversas fuentes, menos de Dios.
Dios el Señor todopoderoso no existe en la TV, sin embargo si está subliminalmente repleta de idolatría y fetichismo.
Las revistas y periódicos, ¿qué enseñan?, en gran parte lo mismo, sexo, amor al dinero, droga, ambición de poder, etc. ¿Y que me dicen de la música? Acaso no hacen creer que con una atractiva melodía la dama exclama “Ese hombre es mío, a medias, pero mío” o bien “Eres el hombre perfecto, pero tienes un defecto, eres casado”.
Satanás se ha inmiscuido poderosamente y hábilmente en los medios masivos de comunicación y usted y yo nos hemos convertido en excelentes receptores de todo esto.
¿Qué debemos hacer? ¿Irnos al rincón mas alejado del planeta para huir del pecado? ¿Acaso prohibir a nuestros hijos y familiares que vean la TV? ¿O prohibir que lean periódicos y revistas? ¿pedir que ya no escuchen música mundana? ¿Que no se comuniquen con otras personas a menos que sean Cristianos? ¿Que se alejen de las conversaciones que no son constructivas? ¿Que demos vuelta la cara o la espalda a todo el mundo? Todo esto ¿Acaso lo haces tu mismo?.
¡No, esa no es la solución!, tu no puede evitar vivir en el mundo, Jesús clamando al Padre por nosotros dijo “No te pido que los quites del mundo sino que los guardes del mal” (Juan 17:15). Lo que debemos hacer es aprender y practicar la conducta y actitudes correctas delante de Dios (Proverbios 3:1-3), debemos aprender a amar por sobre todas las cosas al Dios Verdadero (Deuteronomio 6:4-5), debemos aprender y entender que solo podemos triunfar si dependemos exclusivamente de Dios, a fiar en Dios (Isaías 26:4) a dejarnos guiar por El. Aprender a resistir con los aprestos de la fe y con la Palabra de Dios los embates de Satanás para salir victoriosos (Efesios 6:12-17).
Dado que el pecado es sutil y agradable a nuestros ojos y sentidos ¿cómo pues, estar dispuestos a llevar a la práctica lo anterior?. ¿Cómo estar permanentemente conscientes de las asechanzas del Diablo, y de nuestra necesidad de permanecer en Dios?. Esto solo es posible si de verdad amamos a Dios; ya que solo así existirá el deseo sincero de crecer en Él (1 Pedro 2:1-3)
Si decidimos seguir a Cristo, estemos conscientes que no es fácil nuestra vida en esta sociedad donde reina Satán, a quien Jesús llama el príncipe de este mundo (Juan 13:30). Todos aquellos que caigan en manos de Satanás van a sufrir eternamente en el lago que arde con fuego y azufre. NO LO DIGO YO, LO AFIRMA 👉🏻 Apocalipsis 20:10 y 21:8.
No perdamos de vista que nuestro paso por la vida es corto y efímero. Los verdaderos valores están en la eternidad donde al Cristiano le espera Justicia, Gozo y Paz, ya que: cosa que ojo no vio, ni oído oyó, ni han subido a corazón del hombre, son las que Dios tiene preparado para los que le aman (1 Corintios 2:9-12).
Satanás no descansa, trabaja 24 horas al día, ahora mismo él está trabajando ahí alado tuyo, te quiere para él. Así que estemos alertas, firmes y sin fluctuar en nuestra fe, sabemos muy bien en quien hemos confiado, quien nos dará la Victoria y nos llevará a la eternidad juntamente con ÉL a vivir una vida plena en armonia y dicha eterna.
Dios te Bendiga! Esperando ser de Bendición para vos en medio de un mundo lleno de maldad y depravaciones que no agrado de Dios.
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dergarabedian · 1 year
10 pasajes de la Biblia de fortaleza
10 pasajes de la Biblia de fortaleza
Para tiempos y momentos de dificultad recurro a pasajes de la Biblia de fortaleza. Todos enfrentamos momentos difíciles en nuestras vidas, ya sea algo aparentemente pequeño como un día estresante en el trabajo o un evento más significativo como un diagnóstico médico preocupante o la pérdida de un ser querido. Continue reading Untitled
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alonetimelover · 10 months
pairing: Harry Styles x equestrian!reader
fc: Jessica Springsteen
summary: in which harry needed to learn how to ride a horse for his daylight music video
a/n: thank you to the anon that requested equestrian!reader
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 42 101 others
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harrysmoustache STOP whatever you're doing, just STOP
harrysmylife King is back
harryshoee this is for daylight, i'm telling you!
⤷ stylesbabie didn't he film sth with james?
⤷ harryshoee i think it was only for the show and not the original music video. at least I hope so!!!
harrybestie phoebe is that you?
harryno1fan he has a strange mind...
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liked by harryupdates and 24 301 others
yourinstagram Olympics are no more for us, so Don Juan joined a circus!
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hArrysbtch ill recognise that bitch anywhere!!!!
harryshoee ariana what are you doing here?????
harryupdates 👀
user49 hello, why are "Olympics no more"?
⤷ yourinstagram hiii! jumping has been removed from Olympics because of an incident that happened during one of the competitions.
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liked by hArrysbtch, stylesbabie and 33 201 others
harrysupdates HARRY FOLLOWED YN YSN ON IG AND TWITTER! he liked all of her photos and commented on the last 10!
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harryupdates YN YSN is equestrian that won silver medal at the 2020 Olympics! she also is rumoured to be involved in harry's daylight music video!!
hArrysbtch nah, that bitch is gone!
harrysmoustache he's taken?!
harrysmylife maaaaan, he in love
stylesbabie oh she so posted a picture of harry on her ig then
harryshoee we're the same. I've done the same to her profile. I love her too
liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 67 208 others
view all 10 401 comments
harryupdates what is going on?????
hArrysbtch what if he drops ot during the final show????
harryshoee im losing my shit rn
stylesbabie im seeing him in Rome, he better played it in the background!!!!
harrysmoustache screaming crying throwing up
harrysfan82 I died dead
harrysfan03 i lost the idgaf war....
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liked by yourinstagram, harryshoee and 58 401 others
harryupdates DAYLIGHT MV 19th JULY 5PM UK
view all 6 402 others
harryupdates guess what? im not sleeping again tonight!
hArrysbtch excuse me, i have heart problems
harrysmoustache yellow bird supremacy!!!!!
yourinstagram 🏇🏻🏇🏻🏇🏻
⤷ hArrysbtch what you mean???????
⤷ harrysmylife yn, tell me you're involved!
⤷ yourinstagram 🤫
harrysmylife he's in his taylor era
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liked by harryupdates, yourinstagram and 8 301 031 others
harrystyles DAYLIGHT MV just for you, H xx yourinstagram
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yourinstagram Don Juan looks magnificent!
⤷ harrystyles what about me?
⤷ yourinstagram we still need to work on your posture
⤷ harrystyles yes, ma'am
⤷ hArrysbtch WTF, he knows how to comment?????
harryupdates that's your best video to date
harrysmylife he can ride??? what can't he do??
annetwist Proud ❤️
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liked by hArrysbtch and 49 302 others
harryupdates "She was the first choice from the moment the idea popped in my head. I couldn't be happier about it. She's the best." HARRY ON WORKING WITH YN IN DAYLIGHT MUSIC VIDEO BTS
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hArrysbtch he in love
harrysmoustache HE BLUSHED SO HARD!!!!!
harryshoee the clips of the laughing together??????
harrysmylife and and and the way he looks at her
harrysfan94 but the clip when yn's doing all the jumping and all??? she's sooo good. couldn't harry just have her starring in the mv?
⤷ yourinstagram yeah, harrystyles?
⤷ harrystyles there is this version...
⤷ hArrysbtch WHAT
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liked by harrystyles, stylesbabie and 492 301 others
yourinstagram THE Don Juan and some indie singer on their first lesson
view all 49 302 comments
harrystyles the star 🐎
harryupdates the shade???
stylesbabie uhhh, they so together
harryshoee do you give lessons to ordinary people?
⤷ yourinstagram during the summer when there's no competition I'm holding a camp. you can enrol with the link in my bio!
⤷ user92 be careful, it's expensive as hell!
⤷ yourinstagram well, we do not take any money from our pupils. we ask for food or money (however much you want) donation! hope that helps, x
harrysmoustache oh, I'm so in love with them
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liked by harrysmoustache and 49 301 others
view all 7 492 others
hArrysbtch oh so we know what he's going to do during the break
harrysmylife 😭that's😭so😭sweet😭
stylesbabie he looks so cute in his little outfit
harrysmyman unholy thought, unholy
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liked by harrystyles, hArrysbtch and 830 201 others
yourinstagram ❤️❤️❤️
view all 49 201 comments
harrystyles congratulations, darling.
commemt liked by yourinstagram and 68 302 others
harryupdates the support
hArrysbtch we haven't heard from him in months
⤷ harrysmoustache and we've got a prize today for waiting patiently
stylesbabie everyone say: THANK YOU, YN
harrysmylife and everything started because this man has a mind strange enough to start a circus...
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redcurrantarot · 1 year
Pick-a-Card Reading: Who is your Future Spouse/Life Partner?
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Hello everyone, and welcome to my first PAC reading! Use your intuition/call upon your spirit guides or higher self to choose the image/group that you feel called to as it holds the message meant for you.
Decks Used: Caroline Myss Archetype Cards, Tea Leaf Oracle Cards, Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
PAC Theme: Howl's Moving Castle
Disclaimer: This is a general tarot reading for entertainment purposes meant for a wide audience and isn't targeted towards every specific person, so not every message will resonate with every person reading 100%. Take what information resonates with you and leave what doesn't. All of the info provided in my readings are my own personal interpretations of the cards and messages that come through. Because of the general nature of the reading, it's best not to take it too seriously and keep in mind this is just for fun!
© redcurrantarot 2023 — all rights reserved. Do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
Group 1
Cards: hills, caterpillar, elephant, hammock, samaritan, student, beggar, saboteur rx, chariot rx, page of pentacles, 8 of swords, 8 of wands, 2 of cups
Hello and welcome to your reading group 1!
Starting off, your future spouse/life partner is someone who is still figuring out their life and seems to be quite young and is just starting out their journey. Specifically I'm seeing they're still in school (higher education so college or university most likely) they're in a period of their life where they're a student and in a position where they're learning new things, as for what they're interested in or majoring in I feel like it's definitely something related to helping or communicating with others or societal issues. The thing is though, your future spouse at this point in time seems to also be kind of struggling with lacking direction and feeling stuck in life. It's giving me the feeling of being in school but also being confused with how their life is going, what they want to do and where they're headed. There's a lot of feeling trapped in their circumstances and not knowing what to do and feeling aimless. They're giving financially struggling college student, the type to barely make ends meet and might eat instant ramen a lot. It seems like they're probably lacking a support system in their life and feeling kind of helpless. I can also see them working a minimum wage type of job most likely and just trying to survive. I think the main reason for this is because of the fact that they seem to be some type of foreign exchange type student as in they're probably from another country and are attending school in another and have only themselves to depend on money wise. They're honestly working super hard to the point where it can be kind of unhealthy and they might not be able to take care of themselves very well because they're just trying to get by. Things won't always be this way for them though as things seem to be looking up and a change is coming their way. I'm seeing specifically that this is how the two of you meet each other, your person eventually decides to go on a trip or a vacation of some sort maybe back to their home country or wherever but it's definitely somewhere far away and then that's how both of you end up meeting!
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Group 2
Cards: bear, coins, boat, heart, messiah rx, prince rx, don juan, angel, knight of cups, 4 of wands rx, 10 of wands, king of wands rx, king of pentacles
Hello and welcome to your reading group 2!
Alright this is interesting, your future spouse/life partner is someone who comes off or acts in a way that is arrogant and they're someone who is also very powerful I'm seeing when it comes to their position in life and their social standing. They're someone who has a very large presence and who gives the impression that they know everything and are pretty intimidating too as if everything is in their control, they have a god complex. But I'm also seeing the reason for why they act this way/give this impression and it's because it is an act/a mask or a defensive mechanism in a way, I don't believe they actually truly believe they are better than others or above them but they take advantage of their power, their charm and attractive qualities to protect themselves because there is a lot of burden on them since they are incredibly connected to money and might be at risk a lot because of this. I'm seeing that this facade they have is because of issues and pressures due to their upbringing/family and because it's likely they come from some sort of generational wealth, in a way it's like they have to serve them which gives me the impression on top of this pressure already, they might be the heir to their family as well which comes with expectations. They might feel like everything is on them to succeed and they carry a lot on their shoulders. There are always people flocking to them and around them, sometimes not with the best intentions because not only do they have wealth from their family, they're also very good at making money and doing business and are held to high expectations by others and also themselves. I also think they're someone who's very smooth and knows how to use their seductive qualities to their advantage. Despite all of this though, underneath it all, this act and this performance they are someone who is truly kind and incredibly caring at heart. I'm seeing that they're someone who is probably pretty sensitive and soft hearted which is even more of a reason to put out a strong front, despite having so much wealth, they're also altruistic too and they definitely use their money for the right reasons and give back to others and to the right causes eg. charities, non profit organizations etc.
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Group 3
Cards: torch, july, tree, apple, mediator, king, priest, monk/nun rx, king of swords, king of cups, 5 of pentacles rx, ace of cups, 4 of pentacles
Hello and welcome to your reading group 3!
I'm seeing that for your future spouse/life partner, they're someone who has a talent for connecting with people and has great communication skills which can bring people together. They're someone who can combine their intelligence and perception as well as their emotional sensitivity and compassion to move people and persuade them. I'm seeing that they're also someone who commands a level or respect and they also have some type of authority and are a leader in some way, they're someone people look up to. One thing that comes out very clearly about them is that they're also someone who is incredibly devoted to their spiritual/religious beliefs, they're very pious to the extent where it's something that they're known for and they might dedicate themselves to their religious beliefs to the point that they take priority over material matters at times or become overly concerned with them. They strongly give me the impression that they use their skills to help others in some way and offer them care and compassion. For some people their person might be a counselor of some sort or a therapist but I also can't help but feel like they do in some way use their spiritual/religious beliefs to tie into their work somehow or that it is in some way related. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if they were some kind of religious/spiritual advisor or even a priest or just someone important in their religious/spiritual community that people turn to for help or guidance. They kind of give me the impression of someone who is good at preaching or might even want to "save" others. Another thing that is coming through is that they have a lot of self control or discipline towards themselves because of their beliefs and seem to be conservative in some way and for some of you, your person might be the type to want to "wait until marriage" or at least further in into the relationship if you get what I mean. One last message that is coming through is that for some of you, you guys might be part of the same religious/spiritual community and your families might know each other and it's possible you'll meet because you're introduced to each other through them and that this could be an arranged marriage/pairing.
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Group 4
Cards: mice, broom, camel, tree, healer, child: wounded rx, vampire, mentor, 8 of cups, 10 of pentacles rx, the hermit, 6 of cups 8 of pentacles, the sun
Hello and welcome to your reading group 4!
Your future spouse/life partner is someone who is on a healing journey. They're someone who has experienced a lot of pain and trauma in their past, specifically their childhood and growing up from their family and is finally leaving it all behind in the past and recovering from this. I'm seeing that they've finally walked away from this and probably have cut them out from their life and moved away into a new home and life and have made a lot of effort and spent a lot of time alone to self reflect and introspect on the issues their trauma has caused them. This caused them to become aware and more protective of themselves and to not let others take advantage of them anymore, but I'm also seeing that through this self healing journey they found a new purpose in life that is part of healing their inner child and past wounds. It's really beautiful honestly, not only are they healing from this but they've decided to use their experiences and pain to guide others, specifically other children so that they can give them what they never had. I'm seeing that this person is very likely a teacher of some kind or at least for sure works with children, they could work in a school teaching them or could even be a daycare/kindergarten teacher or a child therapist of some kind or they could work with families, maybe even child protection services, something along those lines. But whatever they do they truly put in a lot of work to be a good mentor to other kids and to help and guide them. It's something that they're truly passionate about and it brings them a lot of joy not only towards themselves and their inner child but to other kids as well, they're someone who is constantly and consistently putting in effort to learn more and heal by working with other children and just spending time with them.
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Thank you for enjoying and supporting my PAC readings! I'd love to know your thoughts, please feel free to let me know through my asks. Any feedback is appreciated ♡
© redcurrantarot 2023 — all rights reserved. Do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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browsethestacks · 8 months
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Art by...
1) Juanjo Guarnido
2) Eric Canete
3) Tim Sale
4) Francesco Francavilla
5) Matthieu Lauffray
6) David Petersen
7) Juan Diaz Canale
8) Alex Medellin
9) Derek Laufman
10) Juanjo Guarnido
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cinamun · 1 year
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Named after one of my favorite books and albums, Things Fall Apart is an epic tale of lust, greed, betrayal, vengeance and, above all else, growth.
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This story never started as a legacy nor was it intended to be anything other than gameplay.  However, these characters evolved and, as such, so did their stories; each intertwined and forever impacted by the others. 
Written, played and photographed by The Watcher circa 2015. This story is best read/viewed on a laptop, tablet or PC.
Should you choose to continue, please note that this story is rated MA for Mature Audiences and contains strong language, violence, adult themes, strong sexual content, nudity and a variety of triggers appropriately tagged for depression and abuse in all of its forms. This story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 (DNI).
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Pictured above is the original cast, from left to right:
Elise Farrow ~ Juan Rivera ~ Darren Drake ~ Indya Williams ~ Jerrilee Coleman ~ Dr. Jules Carter
As you make your way through their lives, names will change and you'll find that new characters emerge for either good or sinister reasons.
Shall we begin?
Act One
Chapter 1: Understanding Indya | Chapter 2: The Horsemen | Chapter 3: Toxic | Chapter 4: Demons | Chapter 5: Vengeance | Chapter 6: The Aftermath | Chapter 7: Chances | Chapter 8: Restart | Chapter 9: Moving Forward | Chapter 10: Several Steps Back | Chapter 11: Unfinished Business
Act Two
Chapter 12: The Trial of the Century | Chapter 13: The Demon's Return | Chapter 14: I Do | Chapter 15: Conception at the Summit | Chapter 16: Hopeful | Chapter 17: Milestones | Chapter 18: Growth | Chapter 19: Growing Pains | Chapter 20: The Fear of Letting Go | Chapter 21: A New Journey
Act Three
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Chapter 22: A Thin Line Between Life and Death | Chapter 23: And Then There Were Four | Chapter 24: Illusions of Independence
Pictured above is the current (2023) cast from left to right
Elliot Mahajan* ~ Darren Drake Jr. ~ Indira Dior Drake ~ Jayce Carruthers ~ Hope Diamond Carruthers (Drake) ~ Indya Drake ~ Darren Drake Sr. ~ Jerri Coleman
Bonus Content
Story Commentary | Story Extras
In case you need a palate cleanser at any time, check out my Globetrotter Challenge or The Greenwoods for a little Rated E for Everyone fun!
Buy me a coffee?
Posting Schedule
I typically post story updates/episodes on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I post in the mornings (US CST) and reblog in the evenings.
Author's Note:
This story has been a labor of love, writing is a hobby and so is gaming. Combining the two has helped me in ways I cannot put into words. I am thankful to you for enjoying this hobby with me. Writing urban fiction using the sims, for me, will forever be inspired by mochasims, rest in paradise, dear friend. Mocha created a community for Black storytellers where one didn't exist anywhere in the Sims Community and paved the way for other Black writers to follow with her epic tale of Men and Stilettos and of course Kasim's adventures!
I will be forever grateful for the safe space she created to tell real, Black ass stories. Much love sis.
Reactions to Mocha's passing:
1 | 2
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amor-madonna · 4 months
𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑦 ☮︎
1: Find an Appiration you connect to
2: Read the story
3: Look at the details & associations (exp: Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego on December 15th when the Planets Venus,Mercury & Saturn where visible so you can offer things associated with that.) so by that i mean just really look at the detail.
4: Offer Roses (shes obsessed with them)
5: Shes very often associated with Plants so devote a Plant or aspects of Nature to her
6: Modify the Prayers and look at the details. (Exp: Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy.) When you think Mother you think creator or protector. So by that i see Mary as the Saint who controls Mercy and where it goes)
7: Check how the people she appeared too reacted to her. (Juan Diego Bowed down immeditely and so you can do that when doing your Marian devotions)
8: Pray the Rosary (ik it turns a lot of people off bcuz we've been taught that its super complicated & shit but you can actually modify it to your liking. Connect to the Mysteries of her. No matter if their Biblical or not and really just do what you want with it)
9: Incorperate certain things into your practice.(exp: blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus) for me could indicate to femininity and thus, Devote thingd that have to do with that.
10: Meditate. Feel her presence and note what it feels like. Motherly? Loving? Like another Deity? All personal.
11: make a Visual represenation of what you picture her as. It could be a painting or a Moodboard. Really try capturing her energy with it.
12: GO TO THE SOURCE!!! pray to her, ask her for signs really go out there and try to connect to her & understand what SHE has to say to -> you <-.
𝐻𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑝𝑠!! ❤︎
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intuitively-her · 1 year
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How would your celebrity crush react upon meeting you?
Pile 1-(Justice, The World, Queen of pentacles, 4 of swords, 3 of cups, 4 of cups, The Devil)
They would feel like meeting you was fate lmao. You look like someone that has money or has a high status. They would want to take you under their wing and teach you some things. Like a mentor. They would love how social you are. You're probably the type of person that can talk and connect with all walks of life easily. You would be very refreshing to be around. You would be such a temptation to them. They would probably try to fly you out places.🤣
Pile 2-(5 of wands, King of cups, 6 of swords rx, 7 of swords rx, The Tower, 10 of cups, 2 of swords, The Empress rx, Judgement)
This person would charm tf outta you. Don Juan kinda energy. They would love how honest you are. They would also feel like you need to see more of the world. Idk why. This person would feel like they could create happiness with you. However, they also feel like you could ruin them in some way. You would have this person stuckkk. They would be a little judgmental, but only bc they wouldn't know how to feel about you. Something about you feels too good to be true.🤭
Pile 3-(Temperance, The Chariot, Death, The Star rx, The Hermit, 3 of pentacles, The High Priestess, Strength)
They would see you as someone that's at peace with their life and themselves. Jhene Aiko kinda energy. They would think that you're very transformational and you hold a lot of knowledge. Someone here could be a student. You know what you want for yourself. This person would think that you're a loner and don't enjoy too much attention. They would see that you're very confident and you hold yourself to a high standard.
*channeled song: what a life by jhene aiko
Pile 4-(8 of wands, Knight of swords, King of swords, Page of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, 6 of cups, 8 of swords)
Something about you would be very fast moving. Maybe you're a fast talker lmao. They would be possessive over their time with you. This person would think you're very opinionated and love it. I get the vibe that they may encounter a lot of simple-minded individuals. They would think that you have a lot of good ideas that can lead you to financial success. However, they would also feel that your environment holds you back in some way.
*channeled song: I just died by Amerie
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the-puppet-bracket · 7 months
The 35 most submitted characters:
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1. The Professor- Puppet History (18)
2. Spamton - Deltarune (14)
3. Keiji Muppet - daily keiji (14)
4. The Puppet/The Marionette (11)
5. Wally Darling- Welcome Home (8)
6. Juan Carlos Bodoque - 31 minutos (8)
7. Lil Cal - Homestuck (7)
8. Slappy - Goosebumps (6)
9. Scaramouche/Wanderer - Genshin Impact (6)
10. Geno - Super Mario RPG (6)
11. Cedar Wood - Ever After High (6)
12. Kermit the Frog - The Muppets (6)
13. Puppet Dr Habit - Smile For Me (6)
14. Rattus Rattus - Horrible Histories (6)
15. Yellow Guy - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (5)
16. Red - Everhood (5)
17. Pinocchio- Dimension 20: Neverafter (5)
18. Pinocchio - Guillermo Del Toro's Pinoccio (4)
19. Nadja Doll - What we do in the shadows (4)
20. Fantoccio - Billie Bust Up (4)
21. Herta - Honkai Star Run (4)
22. Gonzo - The Muppets (4)
23. Ricky - My Friendly Neighborhood (3)
24. Miss Puggy - The Muppets (3)
25. Scout - Hello Puppets (3)
26. Lost Doll - Gregory Horror Show (3)
27. Belle the Tinkerer - Sonic the Hedgehog (3)
28. Lamb Chop - Lamb Chop's Play Along (3)
29. Hacker T. Dog - CBBC (3)
30. Rex Powers - Victorious (3)
31. Jane Doe - Ride The Cyclone (3)
32. Banette - Pokemon (3)
33. Rod - Avenue Q (3)
34. Audrey 2 - Little Shop of Horrors (3)
35. Puppetmon - Digimon (3)
The 22 most submitted Fandoms:
1. The Muppets - 24
2. Puppet History- 19
3. 31 minutos - 17
4. FNaF - 14
5. Deltarune - 13
6. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared- 12
7. Welcome Home - 11
8. Avenue Q - 11
9. Homestuck - 10
10. Sesame Street - 10
11. My Friendly Neighborhood - 8
12. Genshin Impact - 8
13. Hello Puppets - 8
14. Horrible Histories - 7
15. Smile for Me - 7
16. Goosebumps - 7
17. Lazy Town - 7
18. Ever After High - 6
19. Super Mario RPG - 6
20. Everhood - 6
21. Lady Town - 6
22. Fragile Rock - 6
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catindabag · 4 months
A guide to Festus Creed’s ✨code names✨ for his classmates whenever they execute their super secret ✨Operation Felix✨ in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU.
[Read this for context]
1. Festus - Garbage Man 123.🚮
2. Coryo - Cabbage Soup.🍲
3. Sejanus - Sugar Daddy.😘
4. Felix - Hello Kitty.🐱
5. Lysistrata- Droug Deleour.😉
6. Clemensia - Blood Orange.🍊
7. Persephone - Cannibal.😬
8. Livia - Hot Pink.😌💅
9. Juno - Princess Peach B*tch Witch.👸
10. Hilarius - Queen Bee.🐝
11. Androcles - Catch Me If You Can.🏃
12. Arachne - Spoon On My Nose.🥄
13. Vipsania - Buff Baby.💪
14. Pup - Commando Sleeper.😴
15. Florus - Introvert John.😐
16. Domitia - Cheese Maiden.🧀
17. Gaius - Zoolander.🦁
18. Dennis - Illegal Man Juan.😏
19. Iphigenia - Skeletor.💀
20. Apollo - Sunshine Valley.🌞
21. Diana - Moony.🌙
22. Io - Nuclear Lover.☢️
23. Urban - Anger Issues.😡
24. Palmyra - Deadly Pie.🤢
So when they do ✨Operation Felix✨, they’ll be like:
Festus: *is using a kid’s walkie talkie* Sugar Daddy, Sugar Daddy, do you hear me?
Sejanus: I hear you loud and clear, Garbage Man 123.
Festus: Good. Cabbage Soup, do you copy?
Coryo: Copy.
Festus: Say my code name, Cabbage Soup.
Coryo: No. It’s stupid.
Festus: Say it.
Coryo: Garbage Man 123, copy.😑
Clemensia: Has anyone seen Hello Kitty? He hasn’t been responding to my calls lately.
Lysistrata: Hello Kitty is currently distracting the Peacekeepers, Blood Orange. I repeat, Hello Kitty is-
Clemensia: I hear you loud and clear, Drug Dealer-
Lysistrata: It’s Droug Deleour.
Clemensia: Whatever.🙄
Coryo: Is Catch Me If You Can inside the Monster’s lab already?
Vipsania: No, not yet, Cabbage Soup. Catch Me If You Can is currently crawling under the sewers with Anger Issues and Zoolander.
Coryo: Copy that, Buff Baby.
Sejanus: Guys, bad news! I repeat! Bad news!
Coryo: Sugar Daddy, what’s wrong?!
Sejanus: Deadly Pie is currently serving her family’s deadly apple pies to some poor scientists!
Festus: Not again!😩
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Compañeros, hermanos, amigos escuchen y regocíjense.
Europa está en caos, el imperio español se está derrumbando, Portugal continúa perdiendo influencia y Francia pelea en demasiados frentes, es hora de unir nuestras fuerzas, nuestros pueblos pelearán por la libertad, por la justicia ¡Por América!
No sólo derrotaremos a los gachupines, portugueses y franceses en el campo de batalla ¡También nos veremos mejor que ellos mientras lo hacemos!
Esta encuesta determinará quién de todas estas sensuales personas latinoamericanas será la que opacará más a los europeos, a la que más gente le encantaría tener en su cama por una noche ¡El mas grande ejemplo de exquisitez latinoamericana!
¿Quieres nominar a alguien para tan aclamado premio? Puedes hacerlo aquí
1. Puedes nominar a todas las personas que quieras, el formulario no tiene un límite
2. Animamos a que manden propaganda (en inglés o español o portugués)
3. Sexy man/hombre sexy es un término sin género, todos, todas y todes son bienvenidos.
4. Serán juzgados en base de las edades que tenían durante las guerras por la independencia y los admins se esforzarán para encontrar los retratos apropiados.
Comrades, brothers, friends listen and rejoice.
Europe is in chaos, the Spanish empire is collapsing, Portugal continues to lose influence, and France is fighting on too many fronts. It is time to join forces, our people fight for liberty and for justice. For America!
We will not only defeat the gachupines, the Portuguese and the French on the battlefield. We will also do it while looking better than them!
This contest will determine who among these sexy Latin Americans outshines the Europeans the most, who most people would invite to their bed for a night. The best example of the exquisiteness of Latin America!
Do you want to nominate someone for such an honor? Nominate them here.
You can nominate as many people as you want. The form does not have a limit.
Propaganda is encouraged (in English or Spanish or Portuguese)
Sexyman is a gender neutral term.
They will be judged based on the age they were during the wars for independence and the admins will try their best to find appropriate portraits.
La lista hasta ahora/The existing list is here:
Virreinato de Nueva España
1. Agustin de Iturbide
2. Leona Vicario
3. Juan Aldama
4. José Maria Morelos y Pavón x3
5. Vicente Guerrero x2
6. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada:
7. Antonio Nariño x3
8. Antonio Morales Galavís
9. Policarpa Salavarrieta x2
10. Francisco de Paula Santander x 2
13. Simón Bolívar x2
14. José Antonio Paez
Virreinato del Perú:
11. Manuela Sáenz de Vergara y Aizpuru
12. Micaela Bastidas
15. Manuela a.k.a Manuelita Saenz x4
16. Antonio José de Sucre x 2
17. María Ana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Zurbano
21. Manuel Javier Rodríguez y Erdoíza
22. José Miguel Carrera Verdugo
Virreinato del Río de la Plata:
18. Manuel Belgrano
19. José de San Martín x 3
20. Martín Miguel de Güemes
23. Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana
24. Juan Antonio Lavalleja
25. José Fructuoso Rivera y Toscan
26. Toussaint L’Ouverture
Brasil/The Empire of Brazil:
27. Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque
28. Maria Quitéria de Jesus x2
29. Joaquim Gonçalves Ledo
30. Maria Leopoldina
31. Pedro I
32. Hipólito José da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça
33. José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva
34.Francisco Gomes da Silva
35. Domitila de Castro Canto e Melo, Marquesa de Santos
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Films watched in 2023.
Top 10 February & March.
1. Chronique d'une liaison passagère (Emmanuel Mouret, 2022) 2. Betty Tells Her Story (Liane Brandon, 1972)     3. So Is This (Michael Snow, 1982)     4. Terror in a Texas Town (Joseph H. Lewis, 1958)   5. The Killer (John Woo, 1989)  (gif vía: leofromthedark) 6. Walk Up (Hong Sang-soo, 2022)     7. Landscape Suicide (James Benning, 1987) 8. Los dinamiteros (Juan García Atienza, 1964) 9. Wings of Hope (Werner Herzog, 2000) 10. INU-OH (Masaaki Yuasa, 2021)  (gif vía: kakuusei)
(My list on Letterboxd -click here-)
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louisupdates · 4 months
John Delf/ Sennheiser interview: FITFWT Sound Engineering
24 Jan - Bengkel Space SCBD, JAKARTA: video 1, video 2, video 3
28 Jan - Sidney Myer Music Bowl, MELBOURNE (fitfwt24: melbourne)
30 Jan - Riverstage, BRISBANE (#fitfwt24: brisbane)
2 Feb - Qudos Bank Arena, SYDNEY (#fitfwt24: sydney)
30 Mar - MONTERREY, MEXICO (cap. 80k) (#fitfwt24: tecate) (PRESS CONFERENCE) MTY 360, Tiempo, El Ambiente, Reforma
IHEART RADIO AWARDS - 1 APR 2023: Joshua Halling wins Best Tour Photographer
2 Apr - SÃO PAULO, Brazil: Radio Mix FM, Foquinha, MTV Brazil, CNN Brazil, Capricho, POPLine Brazil, g1, Nickelodeon
4 Apr - SANTIAGO, Chile: Los 40 Chile, CNN Chile, Canal 13, Bio Bio Chile, La Cuarta, Radio Disney Chile, Radio Planeta
6 Apr - BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: Los 40 Argentina, TN La Viola, HeinowPY, MTV Sur, Clarín, Sergio Aguero, TELESHOW, #velez sarafield stadium, Esto es Datta, Tu Musica Hoy, Telenoche, Canal 13, Billboard Argentina, Algos De Musica, Radio Disney LA
NORTHERN MUSIC AWARDS - 23 APR 2023: raffle (#northern music awards)
LOUIS TOMLINSON LIVE - 24.4.2024: Fan videos vs Spotify canvas
LOUIS IGTV - 27.4.2024
2 May - Centro de Convenciones Amador, PANAMA CITY
5 May - Coliseo de Puerto Rico, SAN JUAN
8 May - Jeunesse Arena, RIO DE JANEIRO
11 May - Allianz Parque, SÃO PAULO (#fitfwt24: são paulo)
12 May - Ligga Arena Cap, CURITIBA
15 May - Antel Arena, MONTEVIDEO
18 May - Velez Sarsfield, BUENOS AIRES: (#fitfwt24: buenos aires)
21 May - Jockey Club del Paraguay, ASUNCIÓN
23 May - Bicentenario Stadium, SANTIAGO (#fitfwt24: santiago)
26 May - Arena 1, LIMA
28 May - Coliseo Medplus, BOGOTÁ
30 May - Parque Viva, SAN JOSE
1 Jun - Autodrómo Hermanos Rodriguez - Curva 4, MEXICO CITY
4 Jun - Auditorio Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, QUERETARO
8 JUN - MERIDA, Mexico (cap. 10k+)
22 Jun - LANDGRAAF, Netherlands (cap. 70k): 5:50 PM to 6:50 PM
4 Jul - ARRAS, France (cap. 40k)
7 Jul - Ruissalo Island, TURKU, Finland (cap. 35)
21 Jul - VILA NOVA DE GAIA, Portugal (cap. 30k)
26 Jul- PORTO DE A CORUÑA, Spain (cap. 20k)
2 Aug - BURRIANA, CASTELLO, Spain (cap. 50k)
3 Aug - SANTANDER, Spain (cap. 15k)
10 Aug - BUDAPEST, Hungary (cap. 92k)
16 Aug - ST. PÖLTEN, Austria (cap. 140k)
18 AUG - CHARLEVILLE-MÉZIÈRES, France (cap. 90k)
23 Aug - PORTSMOUTH, UK (cap. 65k)
24 AUG - ZURICH, Switzerland (cap. 80k)
6 Sep - Festival Park Yenikapı, ISTANBUL, Turkey (cap. 10k)
7 Sep - Olympiastadion & Olympiapark, BERLIN, Germany (cap. 100k)
8 Sep - Olympiapark and Olympiastadion, MUNICH, Germany (cap. 50k)
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kalibabysworld · 3 days
Tennis Players as THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT Track list
(Based purely on the title not the content)
1. Fortnight
- Novak Djokovic: He breaks a new record every two weeks (at least it feels like it)
2. The Tortured Poets Department
- Iga Swiatek: She's a Swiftie and I really want one know her reaction to the album announcement and her first listen
3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
- Andrey Rublev: *montage of broken racquets here*
4. Down Bad
- Alex de Minaur and Katie Boulter: He flew to San Diego to watch her final after he won the title in Acapulco. I've never felt so single in my life
- Taylor Fritz and Morgan Riddle
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Again. I've never felt so single in my life.
5. So Long, London
- Andy Murray: He's English. And we're saying goodbye to him😭
6. But Daddy I Love Him
- Casper Ruud: My heart hurts every time he loses
- also: me whenever a player is injured
7. Fresh Out the Slammer
- Simona Halep: drug testing and trial
8. Florida!!!
- Ben Shelton: University of Florida alumni
9. Guilty as Sin?
- Alexander Zverev: Self explanatory
10. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
- Jannik Sinner: idk what was in the bottom of that trash bin hut I don't think anyone wants to play him now
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
- Andrey Rublev: (sorry for the repeat) I don't like his temper but he's hot. I could fix him.
12. loml
- Roger Federer: The love of my life my first tennis idol. Also the loss of my life
13. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
- Rafa Nadal: He's doing it with a broken body right now. And it breaks his heart to leave
14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
- Diego Schwartzman: For a tennis player, he's really short (I'm so sorry Diego)
15. The Alchemy
- Juan Carlo Ferrero, Darren Cahill, and Simone Vagnozzi: They have made gold in Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner
16. Clara Bow
- Maria Sharapova: It girl of Hollywood and it girl of tennis
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
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9-1-1 season 5
➥ episode sixteen: may day (dir. juan carlos coto)
[Image description: 10 gifs from 9-1-1 season 5 episode 16, May Day, directed by Juan Carlos Coto. Gif 1: Eddie and Linda sip from their coffee cups as they watch May and Claudette fight. Gif 2: A close-up shot of Carson as he connects some wires before the fire. Gif 3: Claudette and May sit together in the time-out room. Gif 4: Chimney, Bobby, Buck, and Lucy look up at the building. Gif 5: Eddie walks in slow motion as he takes his helmet off. Gif 6: May talks to Claudette as the fire in the time-out room burns behind her. Gif 7: Eddie stumbles out of the building with Terry leaning on his shoulder, shouting to the firefighters off to the side. Gif 8: Albert and Chimney hug and Chimney tries to blink back tears. Gif 9: A panning shot as Buck, Eddie, Lucy, and Bobby run into the building with their gear. Gif 10: The 118 walk out of dispatch together after rescuing Bobby and May. /end ID.]
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