#1800's fic
lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 25 - Criminal AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 25, word count 857
Sirius, wrapped in his brand-new wool cloak, sauntered down the street, perusing the wears of the local sellers. It was market day, and the locals were out in their droves. Normally, Sirius wouldn’t deem to mix with the riff-raff, but after the stifling morning of lessons and the lecture from his parents about upholding the family name, he’d needed to escape. To lose himself for a while. 
Out here amongst the lesser mortals, he could pretend he wasn’t the heir to the most prestigious family in the country. Even the royals couldn’t hold a beacon to the power and respect garnered by the House of Black. 
He breathed in the putrid smell of the lower classes and revelled in the freedom. He’d just spotted a shabby-looking pie shop and debated braving the questionable-looking meat when a tall man with a face lashed with scars knocked into his side. 
“Sorry, excuse me,” The man mumbled hurriedly before continuing down the street. 
Now, Sirius was many things, but a fool he was not. He checked where his coin purse had been secure in his pocket, and of course, it was gone. 
“Hey, you! Come back here!” He bellowed down the street, his anger rippling through. The man glanced over his shoulder and took off at a full run, his long legs an advantage over Sirius’s shorter ones, but only for so long. 
Sirius had lived his entire life in a saddle, pushing himself and his horses faster and faster for longer and longer. He was built for endurance. His well-muscled thighs were still pumping as the thief began to tire. 
The thief clearly knew the streets well, but so did Sirius, having come here many times over the years to escape. He followed the man down every twisting, turning alley until the lanky being took a wrong turn and trapped himself in a dead end, his back up against the wall.
Sirius slowed to a long stride and casually leant against the narrow passageway in front of the exhausted man. He extended his arm and raised his brow. The thief sighed, threw the purse to his waiting hand and slumped to the floor, breathing heavily. It was then that Sirius noticed how skinny he was and how ragged his thin clothes were. 
“You do this often, then?” Sirius asked sternly, trying to get a feel for the man. The man looked up, shocked to see Sirius still there watching him. He pulled his thin clothes around him tighter and scowled at the brown puddle against the brickwork. 
“No,” He muttered. “You looked like an easy target.” His eyes snapped up to look straight at Sirius. “Clearly not.” He spat onto the ground. “Why are you still here? Get the Bobbys if you want. I’m in no condition to move now.” 
Sirius watched his chest heave with each laboured breath and sighed. For some godforsaken reason, he couldn’t leave the half-starved vagrant.
“You got someone waiting for you?” He asked. The thief flinched. 
“Yes,” He said, and Sirius knew it for the lie it was. This man had nothing and no one. 
“You good with your hands?” He questioned further. Those warm brown eyes dropped and stared beneath Sirius’s cloak. The man began to crawl forward and was reaching towards Sirius when Sirius realised what was happening. “No, no! That’s not what I meant!” He gently pushed the man’s hand away from the buttons on his trousers. “We need a groundsman to tend to the flowerbeds and whatnot. Keep the grass cut, walls intact, that sort of thing. There’s a small hut and a salary with the job. If you want it, of course.” He’d started babbling, so he stopped himself. The brown eyes darkened. 
“What’s the catch?” He rasped from the floor in front of Sirius. 
“Nothing, no catch. Just don’t tell my parents this is where we met.” Sirius panicked for a second. His parents would have the man killed if they knew where he’d come from.
“You live with your parents?” The man snorted but stopped quickly, catching himself. 
“I’m in a different wing,” Sirius explained. He held his hand out to the crouching man. “Sirius Black, heir to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black.” The man gawped. Sirius motioned with his hand for the other man to take it. The man hesitated before slowly accepting it. Sirius helped him haul himself to his feet. “And you are?” He prompted when the man didn’t reciprocate. 
“Remus Lupin. I don’t have a fancy title to go with it.” He said blandly. Sirius threw his head back and laughed. 
“Well, Remus,” He said, wiping the tears from his eyes. “The first thing we’re going to do is get a hot meal into you, and then we’ll pick out some new clothes, but the main thing you need, my new friend, is a bath, because and I do mean to be rude here, you smell worse than the Thames.” He softened his words with a smile and a wink before he turned on his heel, Remus following close behind him as they reentered the bustling streets of London.  
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carebooks · 1 year
ideas for the Lockwood & Co. crossover with Bridgerton
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beware, this gets pretty dark for the Bridgertons
Lockwood and Co. are investigating an old mansion in Mayfair, ever since they’re recent adventures surrounding the bone glass they’ve been moving up in the world a bit. And now it was time to locate and contain a Type 2.
When they arrived, they were faced with a much worse terrifying feeling of dread than from their previous cases. Yet, it was also twisted and different, not quite the same as they usually expect. It took a while to find any ghost at all, let alone a Type 2, and most of what Lucy could hear were happy memories from the house of different people, a family most likely.
Finally, she started hearing a low buzzing, and so did the boys too eventually. They made their way to the mansion’s cellar and that’s where they discovered:
“Please tell me that is not what I think it is,” spoke Lucy since no one else would. The boys remained in uncomfortable silence for a minute or two.
“That looks like…” Lockwood trailed off.
“The bone glass.” George finished for him.
A warped copy of the bone glass they had dealt not six months ago sitting in the middle of the floor.
They froze finding that thing, but the strangest bit about it was despite looking like the bone glass, it was missing the most crucial part of the relic: its center.
The rest of it resembled the first one they encountered, only slightly bigger, almost the size of a Viking shield. But the center was missing, it was just gone, an empty circle where they could see the cement floor beneath it.
When Bickerstaff first made his infamous bone glass, not many knew that it was not the first attempt. Nearly fifty years before when he was a young man he made his first attempt.
His first try was on a rich family of the ton. In his older age he would come to regret going after such a well-known family, but they were accesible to him and the perfect number he needed. The mother had eight children, they were all more than enough for his glorious venture.
That night, the Bridgerton family were all together, they were celebrating Hyacinth’s twelfth birthday, it was the whole family minus their spouses. Daphne came with her son as Simon and her were going through a small tiff at the moment. And Anthony’s wife, Kate, was visiting her sister out of town. It was supposed to be a lovely affair, filled with laughter and dancing. And birthday hats, of course.
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Unfortunately, that night came a man. He was a Lord, from what Violet could remember. A Lord that lived a bit far off from their city and was always invited to the ton’s balls, especially during the matchmaking seasons. He had danced shortly with both her oldest daughters if she remembered correctly.
No one knew what Bickerstaff was doing there. No one expected him to commit such heinous, morbid, inhumane crimes. He went after the servants first, killed them and made sure the home was isolated. Then he went after the men, easier to subdue the women with them out of the way, it may have involved threatening their mother. Then after that it seemed easy to just go oldest to youngest. They screamed and they cried and he didn’t care. But as he went through them all he noticed something by the time that all that was left was the mother. He had taken his seven souls, seven Sources, but she had eight children. Who was missing?
He tried forcing her to tell him, threatening to kill her if she didn’t speak the truth. But what good was that when she was already dead by the time he cut into her firstborn? She would never tell him where her last living child was, she’d rather join the ones that were taken from her. And just as he was going to torture it out of her, she got the upper-hand, he was too distracted, she was gaining some adrenaline. And so she took the knife he had been wielding and drove into his torso, leaving him on the floor and taking the macabre object he made with her children’s remains. She refused to leave what was left of them with their killer.
And so he chased after her until he caught her near the up the stairs. It didn’t take long for a fight to ensue and she realized what she would do. She didn’t know what this strange relic was or why he had to destroy her family to make it, but she didn’t care. She lost what was most precious to her and now so would he. She made a determined step to the balcony overlooking the foyer, it had been bent and open during the earlier fights with her boys fighting the intruder. Still gripping the bone glass, she stepped off the ledge and made sure to aim it at the ground. She died on impact as the glass shattered around her. Her revenge complete and his crimes wasted.
He tried repairing what was left back in the cellar, but to no avail. It was damaged beyond repair. He left it there and didn’t look back.
Hours later, the third daughter and sixth child had arrived. Francesca Bridgerton had arrived late, coming all the way from her private studies in London. With gift in hand for her little sister, she didn’t know she would arrive to her home only to find her mother and siblings all horribly murdered. Her screams were heard throughout the neighborhood, alerting all of the ton practically.
The papers called it the Butchered Bridgertons.
Simon drank and barely left his manor when news of his wife’s and son’s murders made their way to him.
Kate, now a grieving widow but with no son to inherit the Viscount title, started living with her step-mother again. She goes back to India a few years later.
Penelope lost her best friend and her long time crush in one swoop, she stopped writing as Lady Whistledown for a year.
Lady Danbury visits Simon often, at this point just trying to make sure he doesn’t drink himself to death, and when she passes in her sleep six years later, he does.
The Queen had ordered her men to find the criminals responsible for her own subjects being murdered in their home. Mainly because the ton started talking of how the King and Queen cannot protect their own people. Everyone has become even more distrusting ever since.
Francesca Bridgerton is the last remaining Bridgerton left alive.
She cannot inherit her brother’s title and it’s passed on to a distant male cousin she barely knew. She cannot stay in Mayfair any longer. Rather than become some stranger’s ward and be forced to live in the place where so much death happened, she took what money she could find, her mother and sister’s jewels, and her brother’s hunting knife. She headed North, as far as she could get from the ton and from that house.
She eventually settles in a small town, finding work as a serving girl, and a few years down the line she marries a kind man and they have four children, two boys, two girls. She names them after her siblings and her mother.
When Violet Bridgerton jumped off that ledge and smashed the bone glass, something happened. One might never know what caused it: her self sacrifice, the love and grief of her children, or perhaps just blunt force to the relic— but something she did changed the bone glass. It no longer had those tormented souls, its Sources were in pieces and they suffered less. But it was still powerful. With her death, her ghost created its Source: the bone glass. And all her ghost ever wanted was to go back to a time when her children were happy and alive.
And then it did.
For decades, Violet’s ghost just kept going through the bone portal. Watching her children laugh, cry, and fall in love. But it never lasted, it always ended the same way. She still kept going back to it. She carried it on like a loop. Because that’s what it was.
Two centuries later and Francesca’s descendant would be finding her way to the Bridgerton manor. Finding the remains of the family and discovering what kind of ghost still haunts the area, eventually leading to the activation of the bone portal.
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Her source was uncovered and the pretty girl fell first. The boys cried out for her, the taller one diving trying to catch her before it was too late. But as his hand barely grasped hers, he was being pulled down too, and then the third one did his best grabbing the boy’s ankles, to no avail. Soon, all three went falling through the bone window.
When they woke up, to their surprise, they were still alive.
They just weren’t in the right time.
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marcobodtlives · 4 months
My chat gpt history is just me asking questions about 1800’s medicine so I can be Paradis Island accurate 💅
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
???? Who the fuck says that its a must read to understand edelgard????? What the hell are you talking about. Its called a fanFICTION for a reason, of course its not going to be 100% accurate to the game, it's made by some edelgard hyperfan apologist. What did you expect? what did you REASONABLY expect?
Here is a link to a document made by those of r/Edelgard. In it you will find in this document - which has the purpose of collecting the most valuable pieces of 3H meta that the fandom has created throughout the years - this:
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You will find this fanfiction - one of the only fanfiction on this doc, mind - lumped in with all of the meta pieces, with it being described as "long-term analysis of Edelgard's character." And within the actual fic itself, you will find Cap'n saying this in one of his author's notes:
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That in fact, he does believe that fanfiction is meta. He claims to have done an immense amount of research about the game - going over paralogues, supports, explore dialogues, with that showing up in how he'll oftentimes incorporate canonical dialogue into his work. With him viewing fanfiction as, "by its very nature," having merit in being considered meta, it then reasonably means that he considers TEatG to be part of his meta too. His meta, the collective of which is described like this in the aforementioned doc:
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With all the main conclusions this doc writer said his meta amounted to - C-PTSD, Edelgard being once being deeply devout, and wearing a mask - all being crucial parts of the fanfiction itself. And with some of said meta being described as, wouldn't you guess it, required reading to understand characters, like Edelgard as shown in the screenshot and Dimitri as shown here:
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And with people - different from this doc, mind - who outright uses dialogue that is a invention of the fanfiction to make a point about the canon game 3H:
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"It's called fanFICTION of course it's not going to be 100% accurate to the game" and you're right. Fanfiction shouldn't be expected to be held to such a strict degree of accuracy to any source material its based on. TEatG, however, is not considered just fanfiction. Talking points that are specific to this fic are used as genuine meta, by both the author and others. It is said by both the author and others to be meta. People say that the meta that this fic is filled with is crucial in trying to understand the characters.
So what do I expect from that? I expect there to not be glaringly obvious mistakes that a base reading of the game would debunk. I expect Byleth not having the actual ability to rain down actual javelins of light onto her enemies after merging with Sothis, or to commune with the dead and have them give her an advantage in battle by changing the weather (Chapter 58). I expect Jeralt to not be act like Alois. I expect the basic, bare-bones numbers to be correct, like it being correctly stated that the Southern Church attempted its insurrection 120 years ago and not 160. I expect to not have an extremely poor understanding of a completely different language merge with the genuine, actual opinions and meta of the author and for said bad interpretations to appear in the fanfiction. I'm literally asking for the bare minimum, and oftentimes I'm just not seeing it in this piece of fanfiction that both the author and others are claiming is a meta piece, that people keep saying is needed in order to understand characters.
This sort of fanfiction is about what I might would expect from Baby's First Woobie Fanfiction, and if it was taken as that by the fandom then I literally wouldn't care about it; I'd just blacklist it, But it is seen as meta, it is accepted as meta, and people use its talking points to form their genuine opinions about the game. So yes, I am going to be expecting a bit more from it than I would pretty much any other fic
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filet-o-feelings · 1 year
I keep saying I don't write smut, and then I write some more smut 😐
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Wordcount of the day: 1100
Yay! 91 WiP is wrapped up! Happy dance!
Also, Monarch fic got posted today (in case you didn't catch my earlier post or the reblogs).
Details on Monarch fic here.
Thanks to a certain mutual's comments, I am going to go ahead and add to this AU. I have lots of ideas surrounding life for Atem and Yami traversing the unexpected path of parenthood.
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metalmiez · 5 months
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Another 1800s Aziracrow Drawing inspired by the most recent chapter of @riathedreamer s GO fanfic „Are we meant to read the footnotes?“ 🥹 (i tagged the fic in the comments)
I really liked the flirty Crowley trying to get his Angel closer by simply playing to be a really annoying customer 🖤
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slaybestieslay946 · 4 months
Luke Castellan and Persephone!Child (I know she doesn’t canonically have Demi-god kids but I feel like it fits well) with a story similar to Eurydice and Orpheus’s sad tale.
thank you so much for your request, it acc ties in really well to a fic idea ive had for a while, so i was so excited to see this in my inbox!!
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word count: 1800
pairing: luke castellan x persephone!reader
warnings: death, minor depictions of violence, angst
a/n: partly inspired by the request, partly by mitski's song 'circle' honestly i think it made this extra gut-wrenching. hope you all enjoy!
'Nobody knows my lover, is buried underground.'
When Luke Castellan received his quest, everyone knew who he would pick to take with him. 
Immediately, he turned to you, flashing you a bright grin, and beckoning you towards him. You laughed, wading through the crowd to your lover, smiling brightly all the way. 
The rest of camp half blood rolled their eyes fondly at the pair of you, and just how disgustingly in love you were. 
It had been like this ever since you arrived at camp half blood, mere months after Luke himself. 
You’d been escorted to the Hermes cabin by one of the older campers, and sat down on a bunk bed. You had looked around the place, lost, confused, and homesick. 
And then a boy stepped up to you, asking how you were, what your name was. And gods, even at the age of 14, you knew he was the most beautiful person you’d ever seen. Luke thought the same about you. 
He was so drawn to you, he couldn’t stay away. 
Now, even 4 years later, nothing had changed. 
He was openly enraptured by you, just as Hades was with your mother. He was never seen without you by his side, so of course he’d pick you to bring on his first quest.
A few days later, you set off, Luke’s half-brother, Chris Rodriguez in tow. Everything started off well, you’d managed to locate someone to tell you where the Garden of Hesperides was, in order to retrieve the golden apple that you had been sent for. 
On the way there, you hardly encountered any monsters. You lived comfortably, even if you slept in motels every night, and dined on gas station food. 
It all went downhill when you finally reached the garden. 
You and Chris stood guard whilst Luke stepped towards the tree, no sword in his hand. You kept your spear gripped tightly in your hand, should he awake the dragon sleeping at his feet. 
He eventually reached the foot of the tree, taking a deep breath before reaching up into the branches, and trying to snag one of the apples. Meanwhile, you didn’t take your eyes off the dragon, watching it for any sign of movement. 
And when it finally opened its dark eye, looking up at Luke, you ran forward, sprinting towards it with your spear outstretched to stab it. 
But you weren’t fast enough, and it turned, slashing a talon across your chest, and sending you collapsing onto the ground, blood soaking into your shirt. 
Luke darted towards you and in his rush, he wasn’t able to avoid the sharp tail of the dragon whipping across his face, leaving a fine cut all the way down it. 
He ignored the biting pain, barely able to register it when all he could see was you, lying on the floor, a pool of blood encircling you. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He whispered, patting your cheek gently, cradling your body to his chest, “You’re gonna be alright, yeah? Just open your eyes for me baby.” 
You struggled to do as he asked, looking up at your lover with confused eyes. 
“You-” You coughed, “You have to go. It’s over for me. Gonna go see mom.”
“No, no. Gotta stay with me. We can get through this.” He cried, brushing his thumbs across your face.
“I- I- I love y-you. W-we’ll s-see each other ag-gain.” You did your best to smile, and while all you wanted to do was reach up and hold his face, you found you didn’t have the strength to do so. 
He continued to cry and beg you to come back, but it was all for nothing, you’d gone silent, and your eyes were all still. 
And then vines began to wrap around your body, pulling you into the earth, down towards Persephone, your mother. 
Luke kept crying as they took you away from him, leaving nothing but your camp necklace behind. 
“Hey, man, we gotta go.” He heard Chris call, and he whipped his head around to berate him, until he saw his half-brother was currently in combat with the dragon that had killed you. 
He was right, they had to go. 
He scooped your camp necklace off of the ground, and ran towards his brother, who detached from his fight with the dragon to run away from the garden. Luke followed after him, tears streaming down his face the whole way. 
When Luke got back to camp, he was different. Numb. 
Annabeth ran up to him when they descended the hill, a bright smile on her face at her older brother's return. It faded slightly when she saw you weren’t right beside him. 
“Where’s Y/N?” She asked, looking around as if you’d pop out from nowhere.
“Gone.” Was all Luke could manage to say, pulling his little sister in for a hug he so desperately needed, confirmation that at least she was still here. 
For the next few months, he barely left the Hermes cabin, only ever going down to the amphitheatre in the early hours of the morning, where he could be seen slashing recklessly at wooden dummies left right and centre. 
He didn’t know how to live without you. He always thought you’d be with him forever. He had this vision that together you would grow old, and would die while sitting on some front porch, holding hands as you went at the same moment. 
Now he realised that it was a pipedream. You were demigods, it was never going to work out like that. 
But he couldn’t go on living like this. He didn’t want to wake up in the morning if you weren’t beside him. So he formed his plan, to go down to the underworld and retrieve you himself. 
His father was the god of travellers, and your mother was the queen of the underworld. It could work. 
So he travelled to the entrance to the underworld, your camp necklace in his hands, and prayed. First to your mother, asking for an audience, and second to his father, asking for use of his access to the underworld. It was the first time he had ever asked Hermes for anything, and if this worked, it would probably be the last. He’d never want for anything again if it meant you were with him again. 
And it did work. The gate opened to him, a long staircase down into the darkness. Luke descended quickly; he didn’t want to keep Persephone, or you for that matter, waiting.
He soon found himself pushing through crowds of lost souls, keeping a look out for you, but you were nowhere in sight. He then turned his attention back to reaching Persephone’s throne, breathing a sigh of relief as he finally found himself at the foot of it, looking up at the goddess herself. 
“You requested an audience with me, Mr Castellan. I hope this is not about my daughter.” Persephone said sternly, looking down at the demigod, her fears confirmed when she saw the string of beads clutched in his hands. 
“It is, but-”
“There’s no buts. I can’t do anything about your predicament. It is not within my jurisdiction.” She declared, her voice growing regretful, “My daughter is in Elysium, and that’s where she must stay.” 
“My lady, I understand that this is difficult for you. But we both know Y/N… died before her time. She would want to come back. She deserves to have a life.” 
“And you would give that to her?” 
“And you would protect her, better than I can?”
Luke gulped, “Just as well.” 
The goddess sighed, and muttered, almost to herself, “We have had this problem before, persuasive mortals and their tales of love. Let’s see if you can fare any better, Luke Castellan.” 
“I will release my only daughter from the underworld, on one condition. As you lead her back into the world of the living, you mustn’t look back at her. She will be following you, trust me on that, demigod.” 
“And if I do? Look back?” 
“Then you will never see her again. Not in your world, nor mine,” She looked down at him once again, a sad look in her eyes, “Now go, exit through the fields of asphodel, she will follow you from there.” 
Luke nodded firmly, and turned back around, returning the way he came, smiling more brightly than he had in months. 
He was going to see his Y/N again, all he had to do was not look back at her, how difficult could that be?
He pushed his way back through the fields of asphodel, keeping a tight hold of her camp beads. As soon as they reached the surface, he would string them around her neck again. He’d be able to hold her face in his palms, to kiss her, to hug her. Everything would be alright again. 
As he returned to the staircase, he felt a rush of wind behind him. It had to be her. Then, to confirm his suspicions, he heard soft footsteps on the stone staircase. Luke smiled to himself once again, wishing so desperately that he could greet her, but not wanting to break Persephone’s rules. 
He continued up the staircase for what felt like hours, it was definitely taking him a lot longer this time. The thing that kept him going was your footsteps behind him, a reminder that you were still there, following after him. 
Until they stopped, right as he became able to see the light coming from the living world above him. 
He paused for a moment, listening out for you. But he couldn’t hear anything besides his panting breaths and the odd screech of a harpy. 
Luke began to grow worried, a pit forming in his stomach, but he kept climbing the stairs. Persephone told him you’d be following, she wouldn’t lie, would she?
Or maybe it was all some elaborate joke. Fortune hadn’t been on his side recently. 
Maybe he should check. Just a peek, it couldn’t hurt, could it? What was so wrong about him looking back anyway, why shouldn’t he want to see his lover, the girl he would do anything for?
So he did. He turned, to look over his shoulder. 
And of course, you were right behind him, just like your mother said you would. 
At first you looked joyful to see him, and then your face fell in horror as you realised what he had done. You reached out to touch him, to hold on, but you couldn’t quite reach. And then you felt yourself being pulled back, away from him. 
Luke watched on in horror as you fell back into the abyss.
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foolishlovers · 3 months
Hi! I love your recs so much! Thank you for all the work you put into them! I hope it is okay to request my own? I would love to see a list of your favorite humorous explicit fics starring our ineffable idiots. I prefer non AUs, but if you have an absolute masterpiece, I'll take it no matter what!
Only if you want to, of course! Thank you, again!!
hey, that's so sweet, thank you so much!! 💜
of course, here are some of my favourite non AU humorous explicit good omens fics: [you can request more fic recs here.]
i made an excuse (you found another way) by orphan_account (1k) “Angel, the restaurant’s right there.” It was. Crowley gestured to it with a definitive arm wave. The Ritz was at the corner of Piccadilly and Arlington, and they could see the hotel facade as they stepped out of the park. “We can walk there.” “Let’s drive.”
Booty Call by emmagrant01 (2k) “It’s called a ‘butt dial,’ Angel. A ‘booty call’ is something else.”
The Angel Line by FancyTrinkets (2k) The one in which Aziraphale purchases and listens to a pornographic audiobook that just so happens to be narrated by Crowley. Aziraphale cringed and covered his face. This was going to be awful, and also thrilling, and he wasn't sure what he ought to be feeling about it, but there was a definite sense of vicarious shame.
Just a Taste by summerofspock (3k) See, it wasn’t so much the eating. It was the noises. It was the indecent look on Aziraphale’s face. It was the way he licked his fingers and wiggled in his seat. Every little action felt specially created to undo Crowley. And Aziraphale had no idea.
The Rake by CopperBeech (3k) During the long estrangement of the 1800's, Aziraphale practiced a secret hobby – and it wasn’t the gavotte. Crowley finds out in an unexpected way.
For a Good Time, Call by seashadows (3k) Three rings. Four. Seven, and then “Hello?” “Hello, sssssweetheart,” Crowley said. “How would you like my long, slithery tongue up your tight little –“ Then it hit him: he knew that voice. Dear. Fucking. Satan. (Sometime in the depths of the 1990s, Hell tasks Crowley with spreading lust. As usual, he makes as little effort as he can, but gets a heaven of a lot more than he bargained for.)
The One in Which Crowley Discovers Wanking by for_autumn_i_am (5k) It began, like most memorable events in Crowley’s life did, with a bad decision; like most bad decisions, it involved poor impulse control and copious amounts of alcohol. The Antichrist had been born, and he put on lipstick and kitten heels to deal with it, but knew that the clock was ticking, and at times when time was slipping away, it helped to hold onto a bottle of gin.
Fine Dining by iamshame (13k) "There was something else I was going to ask you," Aziraphale continued, unabashed. "Ah… How to put it?" He tapped his hand on his thigh for a moment, and then apparently found inspiration. "Ah! When you're…" Crowley made the mistake of making eye contact with him, and Aziraphale gave him another outrageous wink. "Dining out… What cutlery do you prefer to use?" "I'm sorry?" Crowley said pleasantly, trying his best not to cause anything in the dining room to catch aflame in his frustration. Aziraphale gave him a reproachful stare, as if Crowley were being very stupid. "When you're eating, Crowley. Do you favour the… The knife?" Aziraphale actually glanced conspicuously at his own crotch, and Crowley considered leaving the dining room via the nearest window. "Or the spoon?" Another raised eyebrow. "Or even, let's say, a fork?" "What the fuck is the fork in this situation?" Crowley hissed through gritted teeth. Aziraphale mentions that he'd like to have sex with Crowley. Crowley is completely taken-aback, and very conflicted, and very interested. Aziraphale is also trying to kill him by using elaborate food metaphors to explain the whole subject, which is not helping in the slightest.
Trial & error by fellshish (15k) The Metatron brings in the demon Crowley to stand trial in Heaven. For tempting an angel. Uhhhh. Awkward.
Feast by Ashfae, mostlyjustgoose (15k) Crowley's spent the whole of lockdown asleep. Aziraphale has spent the whole of lockdown baking, cooking, and becoming increasingly frustrated with his solitude. Which eventually leads him to the perfect way to solve all his problems at once… Or, Aziraphale attempts to seduce Crowley with a truly excellent meal, and Crowley is amenable.
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan (17k) "All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?" Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.  "The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening." AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
Ideal Partner by summerofspock (17k) “Would you like to explain why you’re watching pornography? In your bookshop? During business hours?” Aziraphale flaps his hand, typically dismissive of any criticisms of his abysmal business practices. “Did you know I’ve been on this earth for nearly 6 millennia and have never engaged in intercourse before?” Crowley grinds his teeth and feels his cheeks heat. What is he supposed to say to that?
Anything for Science by Magnolia822 (20k) Aziraphale decides he wants to make an Effort, so he watches a lot of porn for science. And when he asks for help with more hands-on experimentation, Crowley is only more than happy to oblige.
The Loophole, or, How to Convince a Demon God Exists in Three Easy Steps by fellshish (24k) Ah, yes. Being an Archangel is going splendidly. Aziraphale accidentally erases God from the Book of Life.
32 Questions That Lead To Love by ffonippop (32k)
”First formulated in 1997, [32] questions to fall in love is a study by psychologist Dr. Arthur Aron which took place at Stony Brook University, New York. The aim? Speeding up the creation of intimacy between two strangers.” The Cosmopolitan
Okay, fine.
Crowley was 32-Questions-That-Lead-To-Love-ing Aziraphale. Sue him.
He had no expectations, all right? Just, an innocent curiosity.
The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a 'G' In It by indieninja92 (79k) After the Apocalypse, Aziraphale ventures into a new space in the gay milieu - Grindr. There he starts talking to a charming young man who certainly doesn't bear any resemblance at all to a certain long streak of demon, not one bit, no thank you. Meanwhile, Aziraphale and Crowley navigate their friendship after the world failed to end. There is much drinking and silliness, but could it be that there are other feelings lurking underneath?? Of course there are, this is fanfic.
[you can find more fic rec masterposts here]
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jaylver · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS: Having a one night stand wasn’t your forte, but with the help of adrenaline, and most definitely not alcohol, you managed to rope yourself into one. Worst part of all was the fact that you didn’t even know his name! The only distinguishable part of him was his blinding white hair. You figured you will never see him again after, but you were so wrong. Your friend practically set you up for failure after convincing you to take her place on a blind date to try and drive the guy away, only for it to be the one you slept with, who also happened to be your mother’s best friend’s son that you met right before that. 
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PAIRINGS: ice hockey player!sunghoon x afab!reader
GENRE: strangers to lovers, college sports au, romance, comedy, slice of life, angst
WARNING(S): profanities, slight violence, suggestive content (no smut), drinking, partying (subjected to change)
RELEASE DATE: (estimated) 8th September 2023 / (latest) 15th September 2023 / 11.30 pm GMT+8
AUTHOR NOTES: send in an ask/comment to be added to the ongoing taglist! will be closed before the release date (when i update it). after the last jayke fics being filled with angst, i've decided to go back to my roots and write something more light hearted.
TAGLIST (CLOSED!!!!!): @1800-beomgyu @yawnzshit @shinrjj @skzenhalove @taekwondoes @lalalalawon @ce1ight @enhacqke @winteringdream @strvlveera @rikisly @rikakhai @renchai @sievenderz @fariylixie0915 @enhastolemyheart @ckline35 @imhuh @yenqa @jayfrvr @tobiosbbyghorl @liikno @vizstars @kells5595 @addictedtohobi @rikisly @luvkpopp @delulu4-life @leep0ems @moonlighthoon @internet-folks @flwrshee @beansworldsstuff @bitehee @asyleums @luv4cheol @yur1a1 @dammit-jjk @kjrcrz @jhopesucker @enhaz1 @lilriswife4life
© jaylver all rights reserved.
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Never in a million years would you have expected yourself in some random guy’s bed, naked and a throbbing head reminding you of last night's mistake. Blacked out, you were too drunk to even remember making a callous decision in fucking a guy’s name you couldn’t even remember now. Wow.
How did you even manage to bring yourself into this situation? Well, a frat party might explain it. Letting Wonyoung and Yunjin drag you to their favourite frat party was already the first mistake, but when you discovered good booze and consumed too much of it, you ended up wandering off and found a hot man, not turning back, instead you ventured into his bed. Horniness along with a pinch of alcohol could really cloud someone’s mind and awareness, unfortunately you could prove that fact since you were a victim of it. 
It was currently 4 am and the man you fucked last night was dead asleep with his back facing to you while on the other hand, you were wide awake, swallowing whatever information you got from last night. You remembered him as a charming, flirty, funny white headed man who had a big dic—heart—excuse you, that was equally respectful and polite. 
He was just as handsome, gorgeous and breathtaking as his personality. Bright eyes, pale skin that complimented his hair, a pair of dimples that had you swooning, and legs long enough to outshine a professional model. Hell, how was he not a model in the first place?
Whatever happened yesterday night stays in the depths of his bed. Period. Though you couldn't deny his … skills, and you wouldn't mind another night with him, yet something in you was rejecting the idea of seeing him again and determined to have him remain as a one night stand.
Frankly speaking, you didn't want to leave this bed of his at all. Was he a morning stay in bed cuddling type of person? You wouldn't know and you're scared to know. What if he kicks you out? You needed to save yourself the embarrassing walk of shame in the morning, so instead, you slowly slipped out of bed, making sure he was still sound asleep before scurrying out.
The clothes scattered on the floor were unsurprising. You picked up your undergarments and the skimpy black dress you wore, pulling it on quickly as if your life depended on it. You weren’t cold hearted enough to leave without saying nothing, that was too low. Taking the nearest piece of paper you could find, you wrote down a few words of farewell and thanked him for the night, cringing all while you wrote it. Gosh, this was shabby but it would have to do.
Rounding your things up, your handbag and phone in hand as you buckled your heels strap, you quietly and sneakily exited from his dorm room, thankfully no signs of his roommates were around. Now, the problem was walking back to your part of the dorms in the cold of the night. Exciting, wasn’t it?
The moment you got back, the dorm was silent and dark. Wonyoung was asleep in her room, but Yunjin was lying on the couch with her hair in a mess and you knew she was going to have the worst hangover in the morning. You crept past her sleeping figure and went into your own room, letting out a sigh of relief before dropping into the comforts of your bed. Never again.
. . . to be continued !
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opscuritas · 4 months
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"Every day's most quiet need"
My art for GOMM 🥰. The fic is absolutely beautiful and it features 1800's husbands, The Vest™ and the bookshop opening!
The fic is still a draft but I'm posting the link hoping it works when it's finished! @felicitywilds did an amazing job, I'm so thankful to be paired with such a talented writer ! ❤️
If you enjoy my work you can support me on Ko-fi 💜
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Okay so, I'm getting increasingly confused over the timeline of when Aziraphale and Crowley have met over the ages.
Since I'm writing a S3 fic with lots of flashbacks, I figured that I needed to have a concrete and canon timeline so I don't end up accidentally writing a meeting when there shouldn't be one (ie when Crowley was asleep in the 14th century), and I cannot for the life of me find one that has S2 in it so I present to you:
The Nice and Accurate (hopefully) Timeline of Aziraphale & Crowley and their many meetings throughout the ages.
By Yeahthatswhatimtolkienabout.
Pls let me know if I've missed anything.
Before time was invented - God created the universe.
Before the Beginning - Our dynamic duo meet for the first time, as Crowley creates a Nebula with Aziraphale's help.
After The Beginning (the bible never gave dates for this kinda thing) - Crowley saunters vaguely downwards towards hell with the others who are cast out.
4004 B.C. - Eve is tempted by the Demon Crowley (in snake form) to eat the forbidden fruit. This is the first time we see Crowley in his demon form and the first time he (as a demon) meets Aziraphale, well - that we know of anyway.
3004 B.C, Mesopotamia - OI SHEM! Aziraphale and Crowley meet and watch as Noah gathers the animals two by two onto the ark.
2500 B.C, Uz - Aziraphale and Crowley work together to save Job's children from being killed. Aziraphale lies to heaven and fears he will be taken to hell. Bildad the Shuite is a babe.
33 A.D., Golgotha - Aziraphale and Crowley witness the crucifixion of Jesus. Crowley remarks that he 'showed Jesus the kingdoms of Earth'.
41 A.D., Rome - Aziraphale tempts Crowley to Oysters.
537 A.D., the Kingdom of West Essex - Knight of the table round, Sir Aziraphale encounters Crowley as the Black Knight. This is where the 'deal' is first raised.
1301 A.D - 1400 A.D - Crowley sleeps through the 14th century.
1601 A.D The Globe Theatre, London - Aziraphale and Crowley meet at a production of Hamlet. They have been participating in the 'deal' for some time now.
1650 A.D - Aziraphale does the apology dance for the first time.
1793 A.D, Paris, France - Aziraphale is about to be beheaded, but Crowley intervenes and saves him.
1800 A.D Soho, London - Aziraphale opens his bookshop and Crowley successfully prevents him from returning to heaven at Gabriel's orders, by fooling him with some mannequins.
1827 A.D Edinburgh - Crowley and Aziraphale meet Elspeth, a body snatcher, and are caught up in her endeavours.
Aziraphale then does not see Crowley until...
1862 A.D London's St. James Park - Crowley asks Aziraphale for Holy Water, as a 'just in case'. Appalled, Aziraphale leaves.
1941 A.D London - Aziraphale is caught up in a bait and switch with some Nazis. He is rescued by Crowley. One thing leads to another and Aziraphale is a magician in a show, the Nazi's become Zombies and to cut a long story short, it ends with the pair dining together.
1967 A.D Soho, London - Crowley meets Lance Corporal Shadwell and plans to steal Holy Water from a church. Hearing of this, Aziraphale appears to him in his Bentley and delivers a flask of it to him.
2008 A.D Soho, London - Crowley and Aziraphale meet to discuss the Antichrist and plan to become his godparents to raise him as a 'normal' child, neither influenced by heaven or hell.
2008 A.D - 2019 A.D - Crowley disguises himself as Nanny Ashtoreth and Aziraphale, as the Gardener Brother Francis, and the two try to influence Warlock.
2019 A.D - The events of the first season of Good Omens happens, our pair prevent Armageddon and live happily ever... wait what, a second season?
2020 A.D - 2022 A.D - Lockdown happens. This is where the 'Lockdown' video takes place.
2023 A.D - Pain, otherwise known as Season 2, happens.
I really hope this helps some of you with fic planning and stuff. I was getting really confused over when they met and when certain things started happening, that I needed a record for myself - then thought I should share it!
Edited to add: Thank you for the comments, pointing out some things I've missed! I've added lots of them in now. I've only really included events where the two have met (either in show or in book), and have not added in the bits that Neil Gaiman has added (such as the Wild West scenes etc). If there is a script book for S2 and they are in there - I will come back and add them in.
For a timeline that goes over other significant events in their history, please check out the amended version by @graviitron - they've added some cool bits in there, so thank you! 🥰
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anika-ann · 9 months
Little Miss Red (R.D.)
Type: blurb, one-shot, drabble (for me it's drabble-length okay)
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader          Word count: 1800
Summary: Ransom’s looking for a good time tonight.
When you walk through the door, he knows he’ll get it. And you? Oh you’ll get it too. He's going to make sure of it.
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Warnings: NSFW FILTH, 18+, smut!!! I mean it. Filth, y’all. Fingering, oral sex. Written in Ransom’s voice, so language and greyish lizard brain. Hints of degradation, praise kink and innocence kink.
A/N: this is COMPLETELY on @chase-your-dreams-away who claimed she has no time to write it after just throwing the plot bunny out here with @murdock-and-the-sea supporting her.
A/N: divider by amazing @firefly-graphics; the title of the fic does not refer to dd/lg dynamics nor the actual body proportions of the reader
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Ransom knew he was going to have fun with you the moment you walked through the door.
A little unsteady on your feet, but deeply embarrassed expression coating your face when you stumbled and swiftly righted yourself; unsure on your high heels, not drunk out of your mind. Little red dress hugging your ass and not much else lower, the hem riding up higher than midthigh as it had probably been intended, your hands quick to remedy it. Cheap make-up which he could spot a mile away, a courtesy of being the child of small-business-loving mother.
You looked so out of place in the luxurious club and so out of your debt that Ransom knew he wanted to play cat and mouse with you.
Except you were definitely a kitten; there was no arguing it later when you nervously tasted the head of his cock, shy kitten licks turning into a small purr around his head when you tried to wrap your lips around him, clearly doing so for the first time.
He knew that was what you were looking for when you came in. He was good at reading people – that was what made him so good at his game. Your sinfully red lipstick spoke for itself and he predicted that the night was going to end up with that colour smeared all over him, with mascara running down your cheeks. He had you blinking up at him with tender wonder and want with just a few sweet words and lured you in into the private saloon with a promise of a good time and being a gentleman.
When his mouth found yours after two minutes of idle meaningless chitchat, you had smiled contentedly into the kiss. Your breath quickened as soon as his tongue pushed between your lips, a silent squeak into his mouth – but leaning into his touch eagerly, heart like a cute little hummingbird – when his hands started wandering to your breasts, so prettily wrapped in the crimson dress. Yes. You might be of limited experience and playing coy, but you came here for one thing and Ransom was happy to give it as long as he got to take from you much more.
You responded to even the faintest touch. When he ran his fingers through your folds over the absurdly thin excuse for an underwear, you were already soaking and fuck, the needy whine that escaped your swollen lips when he circled your puffy nub… it almost made him cum in his damn pants. He was going to eat you up.
If he wasn’t so determined to see your red mouth around him, he’d take your cunt. She was sucking his fingers right in, greedy for more, and yet it was almost as tight as if you were a virgin and was just as sensitive. He’d know; he had taken plenty. He loved stealing their innocence, ruining them for other men. He breathed in the power he gained when he was the first to claim that territory, all warm, wet and so damn snug; having them cry his name as their pain, that delicious pain he both caused and took away, blended into pleasure and pleas for more. Breathy. Needy. Begging so sweet and filthy, obscenities spilling from those good girl lips that had trembled a bit at the size of his cock and yet took it so well.  
You asked for more too, weak voice coming out in gasps as he stuffed the third finger in, the squelch of your juices filling the space and sending blood straight under his belt. By the time you were trapping his fingers in with how hard he made you cum, he was ready to burst the second you’d take him to your throat. It was a thrilling game of control and self-control; and he’d always win.
You were a fast learner. After paying attention to the head, you took him in and sucked experimentally, eyes fluttering shut when he placed his big hand on your nape, encouraging you to take more. And so you did. Fast learner; eager learner. Ransom loved them eager to please him, especially when they were first timers, face all flushed at the mere suggestion of sucking him off at first. Now? Your nose was on his pubic bone, hair ruffled from how he gripped you close for his tip to brush your throat, your pretty cheap make-up running, lipstick all where he needed it.
As a bonus, you clawed your hands on him all over; over his thighs, over his ass, pushing away and pulling closer, your hips bucking forward in search of friction. And fuck if that didn’t get him going; his Little Miss Red enjoyed the hell out of sucking a cock and choking at it, gagging and grabbing at him as if she didn’t feel him deep enough. Who would have thought.
“That’s it, kitten, that’s it, take my load…” he coaxed you and caressed your hair with his free hand, lost to the vibration around him when you hummed in agreement, purring like a little obedient affection-hungry kitten indeed.
“Oh baby, look at you, a good little girl acting like such a whore for a big cock, hm? Fucking love that virgin mouth. Look at the mess you’re making of yourself for me.”
You had. You struggled to swallow and breathe, saliva pooling and escaping your mouth but damn, you were so excited to do better, holding onto his ass, his inner thighs, trying to brush your weepy core against his shin to earn some of that friction you so obviously craved.
Your fingers stroked over his balls and he spilled down your throat with a satisfied groan, fingers in your hair flexing to keep you there and swallow it all as you coughed and sputters, more black streaks painted your pretty face, throat spasming with a choked sound.
You curiously left him in your mouth as he softened, that little experimental lick almost enough for him to get hard again. He pulled you up and walked back to the couch to tug you into his lap, claiming your mouth with his own, tasting his victory in the salty tang on your tongue. What a sweet picture you made; a fucked out mess, eager for more, innocence ruined. He almost took a photo to make the euphoria last longer.
But you got shy again, all wide-eyed, when he pulled out a wipe from his breast pocket, spitting a bit to clean your face up from the worst smudges.
“Told you I’d be a gentleman, didn’t I, kitten? Can’t have you walk around the club like this, everyone would know what you’ve been up to,” he smirked, cock twitching at your meek thank you and the little spark in your eye that told him that you might like that. You might enjoy other people knowing what was in your mouth and now in your belly, wear your ruined cute face like a badge of honour.
Fuck, he could keep you. If he only cared enough for the shit that came with keeping just one girl at his arm. Keeping anyone, really.
Your legs were a little wobbly after he tested you were wet for him again and you buckled into his touch, but he sent you walking out with your purse all alone, satisfied for the night – or at least half of it. Still sprawled on the couch, he tucked himself in and gathered his breath and composure before he returned to the few bearable members of his fraternity fraction. They hit up a club every once in a while, a little hunting trip for pussy. The one who’d score first during the night out paid for the drinks.
Ransom’s smirk widened as he stepped back into the main room. He had no doubt he was the winner tonight; that feeling was damn worth the few hundred bucks he’d pull out of his Valentino-
The smirk slipped from his face when all his palm was the fabric of his empty pocket, his lips parting with mute shock, anger flaring up in an instant.
“Son of bitch-“
His head snapped up, instinctively searching for you; and finding you by the entrance again. You smiled at him sweetly, one corner of your sinfully red lips higher in a smirk as you waved his wallet at him. He froze mid-step.
Blowing him a cheeky kiss, you dropped your timid demeanour like a paper-thin mask, letting it drift towards the floor as slowly as you sunk to your knees for him.
An act. He had fallen for a cheap fucking act. You were no first timer; you were far from shy, apparently.
With bitter clarity, he recalled your hands clawing at his ass when he had thought he had it all under his control, including you, as you struggled to breathe. Your throat spasmed so sweetly, showing him heaven, while he dragged you to hell.
Or he had believed so. Now, watching you disappear behind the door as if you had been nothing but a fever dream, it was easy to see it was the other way around; or maybe you were both going to hell already.
A fist bumped into his shoulder, laughter of his wannabe friends reaching his ears.
“Well, well, well, looks like someone already scored tonight,” Harold howled, cackling as other guys booed and whistled. “Drinks are on Drysdale tonight, y’all!”
Oh Ransom would be drinking tonight, alright. Son of a bitch. That little, little bitch.
“She stole my wallet,” Ransom muttered, barely audible, still hypnotizing the door as if you were to come back. Yeah right.
“Wait what? Dude! You gotta block your credit card and call the cops before she buys a fucking Ferrari at your expense or something! Come on!”
The outrage in his Bryan’s voice snapped Ransom from his stupor, his head slowly turning to the man who spoke the sound advice.
The image of the check Little Miss Red buying a luxury sports car just as red for his money. It should strike him with terror. It should make his blood boil. It should make him want to grab your cute little neck and choke the life out of you.
But his surprise and exasperation gradually blended into the strangest feeling of pride.
You participated in his game of cat and mouse; you were the kitten. You were the cat.
You won fair and square even as both of you played more than dirty.
He could respect that.
“Nah. I’ll let her have it for a bit. It’s kinda like having a sugar baby…” Ransom mused, shrugging it off. “When she least expects it, I’m gonna find her and make her show how sorry she is. …or maybe make her my sugar thing for real. I mean… those lips looked really pretty around my dick after all.”
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Mics masterlist
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Yeah, the stealing the wallet bit and Ransom kinda respecting the reader for it was the “innocent remark” @chase and @murdock came with and my brain went hggggnnnn, because yeah, he would.
Thank you for reading. I'm gonna go bath in holy water, excuse me.
(the convo that inspired this filth... we know he would)
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
The Witch of Camden Town: Part 15
Alfie Solomon's X Jovonka(FemOC)
A/N: Hey everyone I want to say I apologize for bringing the next part out very late. I honestly had a hard time knowing where the ending should stop but here it is part 15!!! I hope you all have a lovely chill day and I am very proud of this part mostly the ending got a bit intense. As always everyone please comment, reblog, and thank you all for sticking around reading this story. I really am proud to have come along with this story I never thought it would change my way of writing. I appreciate every single one of you guys. As always good morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you guys are in the world. I'll catch you all in the next one and again Enjoy!!! See Ya!!!
Word Count: 7,496
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Some Cussing, Some Lit Graphic Blood, Some Themes of Assault, Fluff, & Death
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219, @i-love-th-characters1, @zablife, @alikaheroes, @ao3feed-symbrock, @theshelbyslimited, @theshelbyclan, @annisse, @omgeternal, @jarvisrocks, @weirdgirl16355, @97freaknik, @mollybegger-blog, @rikki-b-lake, @buttercup32sstuff, @bubblyani, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @dailydeliciousdesires, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @edwardthomashardy1, @veddieiscanon, @solomons-finest-rum, @symbean, @madame-wilsonn, @queenofthefaceless, @queencoraline3, @quarterpastmidnight, @thefics-that-drip, @lovebitesimagines, @alfiesolomons-treacle, @professor-alfie-solomons, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @shelby-solomons, @evita-shelby, @twvstedsouls
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The quiet, chilly, smooth breeze of Margate became a welcoming greeting to a new day. But a certain peculiar vehicle rode its way along the dirt road overlooking the endless blue ocean. Sabini took in another long drag from his cigar while Bob had his eyes fully forward on the road. It has been over an hour since they left London to come to Margate. All because Sabini needed to see for himself that Jack and Bob were telling the truth and they were not lying to his face. Sabini felt a sense of hope to see the boy that Jack and Bob informed him of. Especially what he wanted to look forward the most to was the girls themselves, particularly Jovonka. He imagined the amount of money that he will get when he returns the circus runaways to Gustovo. Or if he chose to not accept the money, Sabini would rather buy Jovonka off the circus. Only to have her as a pet of his own and possibly a gold mine that he would inherit money from her. The Italian wouldn’t care how tired, warm out, and physically damaged the witch dancer will become. What mattered in Sabini’s eyes was a warning about his money and nothing more. 
“Fuck me, it’s cold out here. How far are we from the Jews’ house, sir?” Jack complained, wrapping his black coat around his body more tightly, already on the brink of losing his mind because of the cold.
“Oh, will you shut up you fuckin’ twat, I also am freezin’ my arse here as well. So enough with your childish whining’ will ya?’ Said Bob, keeping his eyes on the road while he breathed out hot air on his right hand.
Sabini didn’t bother to shut the two men up since his mind was more focused on speaking with Alfie. While he took in the last few drags from his brown cigar, he noticed the house up ahead of him. 
“Ah, finally we have arrived gentlemen,” said Sabini between letting out a cloud of gray smoke as Bob made the vehicle come to a full stop in front of the house.
Bob made his way to open the door for Sabini while Jack’s bottom lips chattered. Sabini got out of the car and threw the small piece of cigar on the ground. He looked at the nice big house that Alfie possessed, thinking how his loyal friend got so lucky to get one. Especially in a place like Margate, looking out at the endless ocean.
Lucky fucking bastard you Solomon’s…
“This won’t take long boys, I’ll be back before you know it. If any of you lads need to piss, do whatever you please and piss whenever you like. I’m sure Mr. Solomon’s wouldn’t mind if you water his plants for him,” said Sabini over his shoulder with a sly smirk on his face while walking his way toward the front door. 
“With pleasure, sir,” Bob said as he took out a cigarette from inside his coat pocket, giving one to Jack.
Once Sabini made it to the wooden door, he then knocked twice, patiently waiting for anyone to answer. After what felt like minutes going by, he impatiently banged on the door knocker. Then suddenly the door flung open as an old maid appeared in front of Sabini. 
“Well, this is very surprising, isn’t it? Darby Sabini good afternoon. I thought it was a madman doing all that dreadful knocking. But I was terribly wrong. How may I help you, sir?” Edna said, opening the door wider as Sabini gave a smirk at the old maid.
“My apologies for my unnecessary behavior madam I didn’t mean to startle you at these hours. And yes afternoon to you as well, may I ask if your master’s is in? I would like to speak with him. It’s urgent and I need his help very much. If it’s not too much to ask,” Darby said, tipping his hat off from his head and giving another smile at Edna.
“Unfortunately, Mr. Sabini is still in Camden Town, which you should already know by now. He will come back until late tonight, but if you would like, I can let him know you came by to speak with Mr. Solomo-.”
“Edna darling, do you think I am the type of man who wants to leave a message when my request is being rejected? Now I will ask you one more time my dear,” Sabini took out a small pistol from inside his dark blue coat pouring it directly at the poor and frightened old woman as he continued on speaking, “where the fuck is Alfie and those pathetic circus runaways? My men told me they saw one of them around here in Margate and made me wonder if Alfie might have helped them. This could be the reason that nobody hasn’t found them for the past few months. And that is why I need to speak with your boss, you old hag.” 
Edna held back a breath, feeling that her heart was stuffed inside her throat. Feeling everything around her went slowly. Edna knew exactly what Sabini was talking about since Jovonka came with Alfie all those months ago. She grew a bond with the young woman, loving every second and minute of her company. Helping the old woman with cooking foods she never imagined tasting and making, sharing stories about herself when she was younger, and feeling as if Jovonka was like the daughter that she could have never had. Before she came along, Edna felt only loneliness when Alfie left for Camden Town. Silence only consumed the atmosphere. But once this young creature came into the picture, the house never went back to that same old dark and quiet place. Edna’s eyes grew wide, fearing that this might be the end of her life, and never thought of being killed by Sabini more than a peaceful death. As the Italian clicked the hammer back with his right thumb, the old maid's eyes glistened, forming heavy tears. Edna lifted both of her hands up, her bottom lips quivering with fear. Having a terrible feeling that this could be the last breath she will breathe in.
“And if at any moment you are lying to me where exactly he is right now, I swear I’ll put one right against your pathetic skull. Do I make myself clear, you old bitch?” said Sabini in a threatening tone, gently resting the front muzzle against Edna’s forehead and closing her eyes while her muscles tensed up at the small icy touch.
“Mr…, Mr. Solomon’s is at the marketplace near to here, Mr. Darby. Please, that’s all that he told me just… don’t hurt me,” Edna said between broken shivers in her voice, feeling that her end is not too far away.
“Marketplace, you say. Was there something specific about why he went there? Or does he have someone that I should know about as a secret companion of some sort, hmm? Maybe went along with some sort of circus runaways that have been missing for many months. Does that seem to ring any bells for you, madam?” He said, trailing the weapon from her neck and landing it between her breasts. Edna let out a small whimper, feeling a small tear trailing down from the side of her right eye. 
“N-no sir, not that Mr. Solomons and I are not aware, but he has mentioned the times when you went to visit him at the rum distillery. That you told him that these young girls and a young man were missing from Mr. Gustovo’s circus. But I have seen none of these people around Margate. If I would have seen them, then I would have told Mr. Solomon’s by now. I’m sure they might have left the country already, as we are speaking. Please, Mr. Darby, that’s all that we know… just… I don’t want to waste any more of your time,” Edna said, feeling the mullet of the gun pressing further against her skin while Sabini gave a deathly stare at the woman.
“I must warn you right now Edna if you and your boss were involved in helping these people all this time. Let’s say I’ll put this lightly on both you and Alfie, keep your eyes from behind your heads wide open. For you know what will happen if someone is lying right in front of my presence. And if you two were giving these circus girls and boy under your bosses protection,” Sabini then pulled the trigger with his right index finger but no bullet came out of the pistol making Edna left with shock in her eyes while he continued finishing his speech, “this bullet that you got yourself lucky to avoid will one day go inside your body yea? Do you understand what I am saying, Mrs. Edna?”
She couldn’t speak a word because she just nodded her head ‘yes’ in a slow gesture. Sabini put away his pistol as he placed his hat back on top of his head.
“Now then, I must pay a visit to my dear friend. You have a good rest of your evening, Edna, don’t forget about what I told you, hmm?” He said with an arched brow and a smug ugly smile towards the old maid. 
He didn’t wait for Edna to agree with him, so he instead made his way back to the car where Jack and Bob finished smoking their cigarettes. Jack then opened the back door of the car for Sabini as he made his way inside. Once the car moved forward, Sabini took out his pistol, opening the cylinder and revealing only one bullet inside. 
You got yourself lucky Edna… but it’ll come back to you without you noticing…
“Jovonka, Jovonka, can I get one of those hats please, please? Can I?” Elena said, pulling gently on her big sister’s hand, making Alfie smile at the little girl’s behavior. 
“Elena, you just bought yourself a new dress. Don’t you think that is already enough for today?” Said Jovonka, but her little sister didn’t listen as she made her way to look at the many hats.
As Elena was busy putting on different hats on top of her head, Alfie was enjoying the time with both the little girl and his beloved. However, his mind still remembers the vision that he had seen since the morning. Alfie couldn’t believe that his own lovely queen was carrying his own blood inside of her. And those words that kept repeating in his mind for the entire day only made him feel nervous and yet happy all at once.
We are going to have a child together… you and I are going to create life…
He wanted to believe in the future he will have with Jovonka however, his doubts and worries were not letting him feel joyful. Alfie hasn’t yet forgotten the many horrifying nightmares he has been seeing. What does the blood, the scars on her body, the bruises, everything that he has seen, including Sabini? Alfie has been on his guard when he goes to Camden Town, keeping an eye out for Sabini’s and Gustovo's men. Whenever he was with Jovonka and her sisters, he would walk further behind. Even if he had both of his trustful and loyal men, Adam and Vlad. Alfie still thought it was still necessary to look out for Little Elena, Isabel, and especially Jovonka. Not wanting to lose sight of the girls for even a minute or even small seconds. While Alfie was busy looking at the immense crowd of people walking around the marketplace, Jovonka looked back. Seeing that his full attention was looking beyond the many townsfolk of Margate. She walked her way to Alfie’s side, reaching out her right hand, which she placed on his muscular hand. He then flinched at her touch but then relaxed his body knowing that it was Jovonka and no one else.
“Alfie love is everything alright my dear? You seem distracted as if you are not here presently. Is something bothering you?” She said, gently caressing her thumb against his knuckles. He then gave a gentle grasp against her, hand feeling calmer.
“My apologies, my treacle, and, of course, nothing is bothering me at all. Just… thinkin’ about how Ollie might do at the rum distillery since I am not there. But I’m sure he’ll manage. After all, he is a big boy with big pants, and well… I also thought about… our vision you shared with me,” he said, cupping Jovonka by her chin with his left hand, making her crack a smile. 
They both exchanged a sweet kiss, and suddenly Alfie saw the same image inside of his mind. Jovonka carrying his future baby boy, while the little infant laughed and cooed, looking directly up at his wonderful mother. Alfie only had this big smile against his lips as he wrapped his arms around Jovonka’s waist. Feeling so many emotions that he couldn’t accept the fact of how blessed and lucky to have a beautiful woman who gives him a small bundle of happiness. Jovonka leaned back from his lips, resting their foreheads against each other. 
“Hehe, I’m sorry my love, I had to show it to you again just… I can’t believe that I am carrying our child that we will raise together in the future. This child will mean so much to both of us, knowing that we will be wonderful parents. And Alfie, I’m sure Ollie is doing fine, but poor dear, I think he might stress out without your guidance. You know it’s still not too late for you to go to Camden Town, you know that don’t you love?” Jovonka said Alfie only groaned at this, not really wanting to go to work, but she was right at the same time.
“Jovonka, Jovonka, can I please get this hat? I promise you this will be the last thing to ask you. I won’t ask for anything more. It is such a nice hat and it’ll look nice to my dress,” Elena said, holding the small material in her hands, making Alfie chuckle at the little girl.
“Alright fine, but this will be the last thing and nothing more, alright?” Jovonka said with a smile, knowing that she wants to make Little Elena happy with whatever she wanted.
Little Elena only gave a big smile as she put the hat on top of her head and Jovonka only chuckled while shaking her head. 
After Alfie paid the vendor for the hat, they continued walking around the marketplace while Elena held onto her big sister’s hand. The crowd became larger as they got closer to the middle of what looked to be a statue of some sort. But right next to the monument, there stood a small wooden stage while some performers told a story with some puppets. In the front sat a small group of children of all ages while laughing at the silly puppets. 
“Jovonka looks over there. Can we go, please?” She begged while pointing a finger at the stage.
“Of course, little sister, find yourself a seat. I’ll be there with you soon. Alfie, do you want to come along?” Jovonka said, grabbing onto his right hand. 
“No, no, I’m fine dear. You and Elena run along and enjoy the show alrigh’? I’ll be over here watching you girls from afar, yea?” He said, giving a small wink and smile at his beloved, making her chuckle. 
“Very well then, we won’t be long,” Jovonka said, making her way toward the sizeable crowd, but before she did Alfie grabbed her left hand, making her stop in her tracks. Without a second to react, Alfie clasps his lips once more against her sweet lips, wrapping his other arm around her waist. They both let go of each other’s lips. Jovonka then caressed Alfie’s right cheek with her hand. 
“I love you very much, Jovonka. I hope you always remember that,” said Alfie, giving a kiss on top of her forehead, feeling her cheeks turn red. 
“I also love you more, Alfie, and of course, I will always remember how could I not?” She said as she nuzzled her nose against his, making the bearded man break into a small chuckle. 
Jovonka then made her way towards the crowd of people, seeing that Elena found herself a seat to sit down. The sun was setting as some lamplighters turned on the street lamps. As the show continued on for some time, Jovonka, Elena, and the rest of the townspeople were laughing, cheering, and clapping at the performers. Who were now doing some magic tricks that everyone was mesmerized and entertained. All the while, Alfie was overlooking the crowd as he sat down on a wooden bench where he could see Elena and Jovonka. He felt warm to see how the girls were enjoying the moment, knowing they haven’t felt this much freedom before in their lives. As the performers continued on with their magic but somewhere on the other side of the marketplace, however. Sabini was walking through the crowd while Bob and Jack followed behind him. They reached where the show was being held, seeing the now more crowded audience. 
“Hmmm, this is pathetic nonsense. Would rather see a group of dancing girls instead of this ridiculous magic that is false,” he said, taking another puff from his cigar and seeing the many smiling faces of both children and grown-ups.
Looking around, his gaze stopped dead when he saw Alfie sitting on the other side of the crowd. Sabini’s eyes went wide, surprised to see his friend in these types of events. Knowing that Alfie is not the type of man that doesn’t enjoy seeing these silly child shows. But the other half of his mind questioned why he was here in Margate and should be instead in Camden Town. Without a moment to lose, Sabini then told his men that he’ll go have a talk with the Jewish man. And told them to keep an eye out for any sign of the girls or the boy. Jack and Bob nodded their heads as they went their separate ways, one going one way and the other going the other path. Through the laughing crowd, Jovonka and Elena were still busy being entertained by the magician’s performance. When they were preparing to finish their final magic acts, Jovonka looked back in Alfie’s direction. But her heart pumped uncontrollably, noticing Sabini walking towards him. She held her breath, feeling a lump forming in her throat, trying her best to act normal, gazing her eyes forward. She lowered her head, hoping that they did not easily see her. Elena wasn’t noticing any of this since all of her focus was on the magicians. Jovonka slowly looked back at where Alfie was still sitting. Her eyes grew wide in fright, seeing Sabini talking to her beloved king.
“So Mr. Solomon’s,” the Italian said, taking a seat next to the Jewish man as he continued speaking, “what brings you to this festival that you’re oddly here than being at Camden Town? What happened just felt like not doing any business. Or is there something or someone that kept you from going to work?”
Alfie stayed quiet for a moment, gripping his hands on top of his wooden cane. He could feel his heart pumping out of control. But Alfie steadies his breathing, looking back into the eyes of Sabini, waiting for him to reply.
“Well, I heard this festival was coming to town, so I said why not? A man of business like me should have a day off for himself, don’t you think so, Mr. Darby?” Alfie said, arching an eyebrow at his friend as they overheard some cheers and claps from the audience.
“Hmm, I see, and you think seeing a bunch of low-life frauds is a thing to do on your day off? That seems a bit out of your character Alfie, and here I thought you weren’t ever interested in such things,” Sabini said while he eyed both Jack and Bob from the other side as the two men looked around the crowd that was scattering from one way to another.
“Elena, come quickly and keep your head down and do as I say, ok?” Jovonka told her little sister, grabbing hold of her small right hand as they tried to blend in with the rest of the people.
The girls rushed their way toward an alleyway as Jovonka looked back behind her. Seeing Alfie still speaking to Darby as they both now were out of view from the outside. 
“You might wonder why I came all the way here to come and see you. If you haven’t heard or noticed, but some of my trusted men informed me they’ve seen one of those runaways around these parts. And I was wondering if you have been helping them out in any kind of way since this search has been going on for months,” said Sabini resting his left hand against the grip of his pistol trying his best to get some details out of his best friend as he kept a steady hand on his weapon.
“Are they really? Well, that is some news to me, that is. How did I not overhear or see these people around here yet, eh? What a coincidence inn’t guess I was too busy looking after the bakery too much without realizing these people have been staying here for God knows how long. Seems I might have to keep me eyes wide open the next time I see them around here,” said Alfie pretending to look and sound surprised, knowing very well that Jovonka, Elena, Isabel, and Novel have been under his care all these months for a good amount of time.
Sabini quietly nodded his head toward him, thinking if he was being serious or likely fucking around with him. The Italic was this close to putting his gun between Alfie’s eyes, thinking that would be a way for him to get the truth out of him. But Sabini also knew the consequences of killing another gangster, mostly because he has made deals with Alfie many times. If he was just a normal-looking man, Sabini will gladly end the man’s life right in front of him, but it was in the end business. And if he dies, so will the business crumble down to the ground and everything will be meaningless. 
“If you're wondering mate if I have any involvement with these circus people. The answer to that righ’ is no since I already told you in our last talk. I don’ have any interest, especially in that girl dancer Jovonka. She doesn’t catch my attention, let alone don’ want anything to do with her sexually. I have no time for women in my life anymore Darby you already know why,” Alfie said looking straight ahead and seeing small groups of people walking one way to another what he really was searching for was Jovonka and Little Elena but they were nowhere to be found.
“Yes, yes, I know, women for you are off the fucking table. Come on, Solomon’s, don’t you want to at least you know maybe be curious about how she might be and feel behind closed doors? Imagine, oh, I can really picture her in all her lovely physique while she dances for me while naked. Won’t that be something to don’t you agree mate?” Darby said, feeling his aching bulge forming between his gray trousers. Alfie felt furious on the inside about how he would really love to punch, choke, and kill this man with his bare hands again. 
Unfortunately, he couldn’t since there were people around walking about, which bothered Alfie very much. 
“Goddamn look at the time now, eh,” Sabini said, taking out his watch from his right pocket as he continued on, “well then my friend, I must get going then. However, I’ll still keep you posted if I find any of these circus freaks. Seems like the search might have to be expanded, which that idiot Gustovo should have thought of since the beginning. But fuck him, might as well do my plans smarter than he does. Don’t you think so, Alfie?”
“Do whatever you think suits you Sabini, I still believe these people have been long gone by now. Pretty sure they probably might be back in their homeland already. While Gustovo keeps hoping for his own people, or we’ll find them first, that is. But I wouldn’t keep my hopes high if I was in him righ’, anyway I also should be headin’ back home. It’s gettin’ fuckin’ cold around these times, but it was an unexpected pleasure to see you again, my friend. Best of luck to you in finding those girls and that one young boy, but farewell Mr. Sabini,” said Alfie hoisting himself up with his cane and extending his right hand out to the Italian both men shook hands like they had nothing between the two.
Jovonka meanwhile, took a careful, quick peek out, seeing that both men were parting their ways. She reclined herself back as Little Elena sat on the gray concrete floor, hugging her legs together.
“Elena, follow me. We’re going to walk straight back toward Alfie’s home. But we have to hasten and not look back, you understand?” Jovonka said to her little sister, nodding her head in agreement. 
“Oh, believe me, Alfie, I have a feeling or two that she might be close by soon,” Sabini said, knowing where his next stop would be before leaving Margate. 
As both men parted ways, Sabini made his way past the somewhat deserted marketplace and the Italian turned a sharp turn, seeing up ahead both Jack and Bob. Talking to one of the local girls of Margate, Sabini just rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
“Hey you two, let’s get going, we’re not finished here, not yet,” Sabini called out as Bob and Jack tipped their caps to the two ladies and they giggled together.
“So any luck, sir? Did he say anythin’ about these circus folk?” Bob asked, walking beside his boss as did Jack.
“No, but I got a better idea that’ll capture Alfie’s attention eventually,” Sabini said with a devil-like grin forming on his lips, as the trio made their way to a particular restaurant that he was interested in visiting too.
I hope this will get your attention Solomon’s… 
Back in the safe walls of Alfie’s home, Jovonka and Elena were sitting in the warm living room waiting for Alfie for his return. Jovonka felt a sigh of relief to be out of harm’s way from Sabini, out of all the people she feared the most. It was making her realize that this could mean that he was this close to maybe capturing her and her family. And possibly which Jovonka didn’t want to think of too much, even wanting to murder Alfie with his own hands. It made her think of the many possibilities of what made him coke all the way here to Margate. Could it be that the false spell is thinning out? Or could it be possible that one of his henchmen discovered their hideout without them noticing their presence? Jovonka only felt on edge in all of this, thinking about the safety of everyone. Little Elena, Isabel, Novel, and as well as Alfie. 
“Jovonka dear, don’t you worry so much already, Mr.Solomon’s will be home soon. You’ll see. He is a big man that can defend himself no matter what,” said Edna, trying to reassure the young woman as best as she could, knowing how troubled Jovonka is feeling.
“I know Edna just frightens me that Sabini is this close to discovering us at any moment. And what troubles me the most is your safety, Elena’s, Isabel, Novel, and also my lovely Alfie. I feel this is still all my fault. I should have never run away or tried to fool with Sabini at the night of the party,” said Jovonka, covering her face with her hands resting her elbows above her thighs, “I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, my dear Jovonka, this is not in any way your fault my child,” Edna said sitting next to her on the long velvet couch and gently placing a hand behind her back, “if it wasn’t for Alfie to save you that night, I wouldn’t want to imagine what horrendous things that scumbag would have done to you.”
Jovonka wrapped her hands around herself, looking back at the old woman, nodding her head in agreement at Edna’s words. She knew for a fact if Alfie never came to her rescue, she would have gone back to the circus and suffered the same old life she has grown to hate. They suddenly heard the front door open, hearing Alfie’s voice calling out Jovonka’s and Elena’s names. 
“Jovonka, Elena, are you here girls?” he said, closing the door behind his back, not bothering to take his coat and hat off.
Jovonka made her way to meet Alfie, Cyril and Elena were following right behind her. 
“We’re right here, my love,” Jovonka said, standing outside of the living room. Alfie suddenly dashed his way toward her as both lovers embraced in a tight hug.
“Fuckin’ hell my dove, you all gave me a fright. I thought they took you away from me, but I’m glad you and Elena came straight back home,” Alfie said, placing both hands against the side of her face and resting their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry for scaring you, my king, but what matters is that you are here with us now,” Jovonka said, giving a small kiss on his lips.
“Alfie, Alfie, your home safe at last,” Elena called out, giving a big hug against Alfie’s left leg, making him stumble back a bit. Cyril only wagged his tail, happy to see his owner once again. 
“I am happier that you and your sister are alrigh’ and nothing bad happened to you both,” he said, hoisting the little girl up in his arms as Elena hugged him around his neck.
As everyone settled down in the living room, Edna brought a tray of hot tea along with a plate of chocolate biscuits for everyone to eat. Edna, however, spoke out about her chilling encounter with Sabini earlier in the evening. Alfie only became infuriated with rage after Edna told him everything that had happened to her.
“That fuckin’ bastard, he is going to fuckin’ hell for this,” Alfie said, looking out of the window balcony gripping his hands into fists, “did he hurt you besides threatenin’ you with his pistol?” 
“No, Mr. Solomon’s, he did, however, ask me about Jovonka and her family, thinking that you might have been helping them all along. But I lied to him straight at his pathetic face about you keeping everyone safe. I fear he might come back anytime sooner, sir,” said Edna, recalling the encounter in her head that sent chills down her spine.
“I hope to God he doesn’ come back here, because if he steps a foot here again. I’ll end his life with my own hands and send him straight to fuckin’ hell,” said Alfie, still gazing out into the dark night. His eyes were full of nothing else but rage.
Sometime later, Jovonka helped Edna with washing and putting the dishes away. While Little Elena was resting her head against Cyril’s warm stomach. Sleeping restfully without a care in the world, Alfie then gently carried the little girl upstairs to the room. As he put Elena to bed, he then covered her up warmly with the white bed sheets. Cyril cuddled next to her, resting his head on top of her small stomach. 
“You take care of her, you big mutt, yea?” Alfie said to his dog, petting him on top of his head only for his tail to wag in reply.
Before making his way out, he then heard Elena call out his name.
“Alfie, will the bad men still come looking for us and try to take us back to the circus? I really don’t want to go back to that evil place ever,” she said, sitting up straight from the bed. Wrapping her small arm around Cyril, Alfie made his way to sit on the edge of the bed.
“They will not take you away or your sisters or Novel. Not as long as I’m here to protect you all. And I know, my child, I won’t let you step foot in that place ever again. I promised you already that I will keep a close eye on you girls and Novel. So you worry about it too much yea?” He said, giving a reassuring smile at the girl nodding her head in silence. 
“But what if… what if you’re too late to save us in time? What do you think they might do to me, Jovonka, Isabel, Novel, and you?”
“Sweetheart, why are you askin’ me these outrageous questions? I don’t want to imagine what things they might do to you all. Especially to you, since you’re the youngest out of your sisters. A child like your age, I worry very much so, I wouldn’t imagine what they will do to you or take you somewhere that I will not see you again. But as I have told you before, my dear Little Elena, none of those demons won’t have a chance against me. Even if it means for me to die to see you all safe and out of those filthy hands of that Sabini devil,” Alfie said, placing a hand on top of her right shoulder. Elena then embraced the Jewish man in a small, yet big hug.
Alfie returned the hug gently until Jovonka came inside the room, seeing her sister and beloved sharing a tender moment. 
“Oh thank goodness, I thought you both went off somewhere, but you are all here. Elena dear, go back to bed now. It’s getting awfully late,” Jovonka said, kneeling down beside her baby sister.
“But I’m not tired anymore, besides I don’t have school the next day. So why go to bed so soon?” Elena protested, Alfie only chuckled, and Jovonka smiled and shook her head.
“No excuses young lady or you will feel tired throughout the next day,” Jovonka said only for Elena to make a pout with her lips.
“You should listen to what your sister tells you, Elena, how about this yea? First thing, when I get back from work, I’ll take you and your sisters to go on a shopping spree. You can get whatever you want and, even better, we can bring Cyril along. What do you think of that, eh?” Alfie said Jovonka’s eyes grew wide in surprise, thinking he was crazy to say such a thing.
Elena only nodded her head ‘yes’ a smile grew across her face. 
“Well, that settles then, now get some rest yea. Tomorrow is another new day for us all,” said Alfie as he stood up from bed while Jovonka did the same gesture. 
“Goodnight, Little Elena, we’ll see you in the morning,” Jovonka said, covering the little girl with the bedsheets and lastly giving her a kiss on top of her head.
“I love you sister so much,” said her little sister Jovonka, smiling back and placing a hand against her small left cheek.
“I do as well, Little Elena, so much.”
As Alfie and Jovonka quietly made their way out of the room, closing the door behind them. They made their way to his bedroom, and the couple entered inside. Once inside, Alfie then took off his hat and coat. Jovonka, however, sat on top of the bed silently, without saying another word. Alfie noticed her body language change, knowing something was wrong just by the way she was acting.
“Jovonka love, are you feelin’ alrigh’ my dove?” he asked her, making his way to sit next to her, placing his right hand on top of her lap, staying silent for a moment or two.
Without saying a word, Jovonka stood up on her feet, strolling to the other end of the bed. Wrapping her arms together tightly, thinking about what happened today at the marketplace. 
“My dove, what is troublin’ you, eh? Tell me, don’t go all quiet with me. It makes me feel anxious when you don’t speak-.”
“Alfie, we should run far away from this place, out of London completely. I worry about what will happen next if we stay here much longer. I saw him with my own eyes. I have feared all along he’d be coming around these parts,” Jovonka said, her back facing Alfie’s direction, hunching her shoulders and feeling a chill running through her body.
He then ambled his way toward his woman, hearing a small shaky whimper coming out of her. Alfie, with much affection he could give to her, placed his arms gently around her, hugging her tightly against his muscular chest. 
“Come with us, Alfie,” Jovonka said, placing her hands above his forearms and looking sideways, their heads touching against each other as she continued talking. “come to our home in Romania my love, please. We all can start a new life again. You, me, Elena, Isabel, and Novel everyone will feel safe in our homeland. I just… I don’t want to see anyone getting hurt, including you, my love.”
“Treacle,” he said, turning her around now facing each other, “I would love that very much. I truly, really do. I made a promise to Little Elena that I’ll keep you all safe. But let me tell you something, yea. I cross my heart and I swear unto God and to you and your family, we will leave tomorrow night. After finishing our shopping, we will take off, leaving no traces behind. How does that sound to you, my queen?”
Jovonka’s eyes went wide in surprise, not believing what Alfie had just proposed to her. She gave out a small smile, placing her hand against his right cheek, feeling nothing but hope in thinking about all of this.
“My king that… that sounds amazing, yes. You do not know how much I feel at this moment about what you’re telling me. Imagine you and me enjoying a sweet warm day, Elena, playing in the green fields with Cyril, while my sister Isabel and Novel cooking traditional foods together. We used to love to eat. And being together with no worries and away from everything that will try to harm us. And most of all, bring a child into our life,” she said, grabbing Alfie’s left hand and placing it against her stomach as she pressed her lips towards his thick lips.
Those visions once again manifested, hearing now a small and yet strong beating heart, the laugh of the infant, Jovonka smiling down while carrying the small baby, and Alfie hugging and smiling with so much glee on his face. As their lips parted away, they were back in reality. Alfie smiled, holding her closer, placing his hands on top of her hips. 
“I will never get tired of you showing me our future with the child that is growing inside of you. Your blood and my blood will live on within this baby girl or boy. I never thought I would create life with you out of all women. I’m glad that it is you and nobody else,” said Alfie, nuzzling his nose against hers and letting out a small chuckle. 
The couple exchanged another long tender kiss, not noticing they were both now on top of the bed. Their kiss became deeper while Alfie was hovering on top of Jovonka, trailing small kisses on both sides of her neck. They both lean back, catching each other, some breath looking deep into each other’s eyes. Alfie then notices Jovonka’s eyes turning, that same bright amber glowing eyes appearing in front of him. 
“I mean everythin’ I said to you, my lovely jewel, we will get out of this place and start a new beginning in your birth land. We will be there sooner than you think. I love you, Jovonka,” Alfie said, kissing the top of her forehead and caressing his right thumb against her cheek.
“And I also love you more my Alfie Solomon’s and I can’t wait to reach that new life with you forever,” she said in return, giving another kiss on his plump lips as it became much more passionate than before.
Meanwhile In The Restaurant
“Novel, take these last few trash bins outside in the back for me, please. And you can go on your way home, my boy. Again, I appreciate you very much. You have been such good work around my place,” Lars said while wiping down some tables while Novel did what he was told.
“Not a problem, sir, just doing my job that I am grateful to do. But yea, I’ll bring them to the back. I won’t be long then,” the young boy said as he went to take both bins into the cold midnight.
As Novel tried his best to empty the trash, he didn’t notice two unknown figures coming toward him. 
“Mr. Novel, is it?” said an unknown voice, making the young man look behind his back and saw two men with their caps covering half of their upper faces.
“Who, who the hell are you people? And how do you know my damn name?,” Novel said, demanding an answer, feeling uneasy about these men.
“That is something you shouldn’t worry about, my dear boy,” said another voice behind the two first men until they parted ways, revealing the man that Novel recognized the man’s face puffing into his brown cigar.
“You… no, this cannot be true. How the fuck did you know I was here?” Novel shudders his words, not wanting to believe that Darby Sabini is here in front of him.
“Well, you see lad, my most loyal boys here told me about seeing you here in Margate. And not only were you mentioned, but they told me you also had others you might be familiar with. Some certain I don’t know circus girls,” Darby said, giving a wide ugly smile as he puffed out an enormous cloud of smoke.
Novel shook his head with nervousness, still wanting to deny all of this. The circus boy then stepped back a bit, thinking of fleeing from the alleyway to get away from Sabini. Suddenly, they all heard the voice of Lars coming from inside the restaurant.
“Novel. Is everything alright out her-.”
The man stopped speaking as he saw the three strangers not recognizing them from around town.
“Lars, please go back inside sir, I have this under control trust me,” Novel said, trying his best to make his boss go away, but Lars ignored his command
“Who are you? And why are you bothering this young boy at these hours, huh? We are trying to close shop-.”
Without letting the man finish his sentence, Bob drew forth his pistol and released a bullet that went straight into Lars’s chest. The old man let out a small heavy breath while blood spilled out from his chest. He slowly fell to his knees, landing on his side with a loud thud, only for his body to become lifeless and cold.
“NO, you fucking bastards,!” Novel yelled out, making his way toward Lars, but Jack and Bob were quicker as they restrained him.
“Oh, very sad, isn’t it? It would have been fair if I just let him live and go on with whatever was left of his life. But I am a man that doesn’t like to leave witnesses alive,” said Sabini, lightly kicking Lars with no remorse. 
Novel tried to fight back as best as he could, but he was too weak since it was two men against one. Suddenly Jack placed his arm around Novel’s neck and tighten his grip. Ever so, Novel suddenly couldn’t breathe any more air. Slowly, his vision became black as Jack kept a firmer grip on him. And sometime later Novel passed out his whole body, unconscious and out cold.
“He is out cold for now. What should we do with that old man, sir?” Jack asked, grabbing Novel from under his arms as Bob hoisted the man’s legs.
“Cut him to bits and throw him in the ocean. What matters is that we have the boy. Make it quick now, will you, boys?” Sabini said, giving his last drags from his cigar as the two henchmen said ‘yes sir’ in unison while carrying Novel’s conscious body back to the car.
Now this is going to be fun… and let the games begin… 
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chas3supremacist · 9 months
big brother, best friend
pairing/s: Robert Chase x Sister!Reader (Platonic, obviously.)
summary: Robert Chase being the best big brother for 1800 words straight despite being through hell himself.
Request - Anonymous asked:
what about older brother/cousin/family friend (basically someone you're close to and grew up with) Robert Chase who hates when people in the hospital try to flirt with the reader. maybe he even gets the rest of house's team + wilson to also prevent them from getting hit on
 cw: overprotective big bro chase!! cat calling, sexual harassment, mentions of child abuse, childhood trauma
word count: 1.8k words
a/n: I love big brother chase!! best big brother on planet earth!! Also, I know that chase canonically has a younger half sister who he took care of, but for the sake of my fic, I'm going to be ignoring that - The reader is chase's full sister! Also, for the first couple paragraphs of this there is little to no dialogue, just backstory! Also I kind of differed from the request so I hope you liked this anon! also this is an absolutely atrocious ending on my part im so sorry
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For as long as you could remember, your older brother had looked after you - Despite him being 5 years older than you. He'd try and settle you the best that he could while your father was away on his work trips, and when your mother was drinking and couldn't deal with the two of you and she would lock you in your fathers office. He knew that your mother hated the two of you from a young age, but it didn't click for you - You loved your mom more than anything ever, even if she didn't feel the same way about you.
When your dad left when you and Chase were ten and fifteen, it left the two of you to look after your alcoholic mother - Chase took the brunt of looking after her, since you were still so young. He had taken on more than any child his age should have ever needed to, he was responsible for both you and your mom. He was responsible for making sure that you got to school and picking you up, responsible for making sure that you were eating, that your homework was done. Well, that was until your father made a brief return, only to tell your brother that he was sending you off to boarding school in England, claiming that Chase should be focusing on more important things rather than looking after you since that should be your mom's job. You spent 3 years at boarding school, on your own in a country you had never been to in your life before your brother decided that he would attend seminary in England.
Despite everything that had happened to you in your relatively short life, Chase had always known you to be happy and cheery even in the darkest situations - However, 3 years at boarding school had clearly had a negative impact on how you viewed your life and yourself. You were excited to see your brother, of course you were, but you were nowhere near as happy as you would have been had your father not torn you away from your entire life and made you start a new one at 10 years old. Chase took you out at the weekends when he could, but found himself having 'a crisis of faith' - Meaning he slept with the groundskeeper of the seminary's wife and was reconsidering his commitment to his faith. Upon leaving the seminary, Chase found himself considering returning to Australia to attend the University of Sydney to continue his study of medicine - He felt terrible for considering not telling you and disappearing. But he soon remembered how you were feeling when he had first seen you, you looked exhausted and as if you hadn't eaten in days; Remembering that, Chase knew that he couldn't leave you.
Since then, you had been living with your brother, moving to New Jersey with him since he had went for a job at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital - Unbeknownst to you, your father had called up Chase's boss, Dr House to convince him to give him the job. You had turned 18 the week before Chase started his new job, and since you were starting college, it appeared that you both had something to celebrate. Chase was beyond proud of you, you had gotten straight A's all throughout high school and had received a full scholarship to Stanford Law School in California, where you could at least travel back to see your brother since at least this time you were in the same country - Which you often did. Your drive to become a lawyer was so you could specialise in family law, after talking through your childhood with your therapist, you decided that you wanted to make a difference to children like yours lives before things could go as far as they did for you. Now on your summer break from your junior year, you were going to spend the summer in New Jersey with Chase - He had told you of the new fellows that House hired, Allison Cameron and Eric Foreman. You had teased him about Cameron, saying that you gave it 3 months before they were sleeping together.
You rubbed your tired eyes as you walked through the hallways of the Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, you hadn't managed to sleep on your 5 and a half hour flight from San Diego to New Jersey and it was really taking its toll on you - You didn't cope well without sleep, which your brother would attest to. You sighed and threw your head back against the wall of the elevator, exhaling heavily as your backpack weighed heavy on your shoulders. You gave a tight lipped smile to the janitor who stood in the elevator with you, who grinned back at you, giving you an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You looked away from him, opting to look at your legs instead.
"You're a beautiful girl, you know," He told you, reaching out to touch your shoulder. You shied away from him, feeling your heart pound against your chest as you saw his face screw up at you implicit rejection of his advance. "Listen, I'm just trying to compliment you, you don't need to be a bitch about it." He scolded angrily, moving to stand in front of you as you blinked back the tears which burned in your eyes.
"Please just leave me alone," Was all you could meekly manage out as a response to his anger at your rejection. He stepped back as the elevator dinged at your floor, acting as if nothing had happened. As you pulled your hoodie over yourself, you froze as the janitor grabbed your butt. You sighed and shook your head, trying to stop yourself from crying as you stepped out of the elevator and made your way to the diagnostics department. You sighed as you opened the door to the office, freezing like a deer caught in headlights as an older man, who you presumed to be Dr House, spun around to face you.
"Chase, why is there a mini you standing in my office?" 
Chase looked up, a grin on his face as he saw you in Houses office. House knew that Chase had a sister, but he had never met her - Now he wished he had met her sooner.
"Hey," You greeted him, looking out of the office window, fearing that the janitor had followed you to the office. Chase took note of your lack of enthusiasm and how alarmed you seemed to be. He stood and came to hug you, noticing how you almost flinched at your brother stepping towards you - From this alone, Chase knew that something had happened.
"Are you okay?" His big brother instincts were cranked up to 11 as he saw the tears bubbling in your eyes, threatening to spill over at any second. You always got this way when something happened, you would try and be brave about it, but the second someone asked if you were okay, you would crumble. Chase knew you were close to crumbling when your bottom lip started to tremble. "Okay, why don't we go outside," You nodded in agreement to chases suggestion, not listening as he apologised to House, who made some kind of snide remark that you didn't care to listen to. 
You managed to hold back the tears until you got out of the office, and that was when you crumbled, breaking down into tears in your brothers arms. "It's okay. Why don't you tell me what happened?" Chase asked you, his heart breaking and anger filling him at the thought of someone making you so upset.
"W-well I got in the elevator to come up here and there was a janitor in there too and so I didn't say anything to him and-and then he called me beautiful," You tried to compose yourself a bit before continuing so that your brother could at least understand you a little better. "And so he like...reaches out to touch my shoulder and I move away from him and then he says that I'm being a bitch because he's just trying to compliment me and then when I left the elevator he grabbed my butt." You explained to him. Chase was beyond mad. How could someone do that to you? To anyone, never mind his own baby sister.
"Did you manage to see his name on his badge?" He asked you gently, not wanting to upset you anymore than you already were. You sniffled as you nodded, rubbing your eyes and nose as you tried to calm yourself down.
"Yeah, it was David, he was like..5'3, bald, had a really weird looking beard," You described to Chase, who nodded as he hugged you again. He'd make sure that he was punished to the full extent Cuddy could punish a janitor, which would hopefully mean that he would lose his job, and have to explain to potential employers that he was fired for sexual harassment. And maybe, just maybe, Chase would pay him a visit. Chase was by no mean a violent person, but if someone messed with his little sister, he wouldn't let that slide - He had once hospitalised one of your ex boyfriends who had sent an explicit photo of you around your school.
Yeah, maybe you didn't have such a terrible big brother.
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Scared to Love you - I
Pairing: Hangman x Reader
Warnings: Passing out, Swearing
Request: yes! by a lovely anon, find it here
Word Count: 7.9k 
Synopsis: Due to some grueling training and the extreme heat, you find yourself passing out from heat exhaustion. Luckily, Hangman is there to catch you. 
A/n: first Hangman fic lets goooo ! love this guy and it was such a pleasure writing for him :)
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GIF by @unicornships
You lean your head back against the leather couch, noting with a groan how the fan above you is doing little to alleviate the heat sticking to your skin. Though it’s on full blast and shaking so much you think it might fly off the ceiling, it feels as though it’s doing absolutely nothing. 
From beside you, Fanboy lets out a gasp as he refreshes the weather app for the twelfth time. 
“Please tell me that it isn’t hotter from the last time you checked.” You mutter, reaching up to wipe the sheen of sweat off your forehead as you glance over at him. 
Fanboy makes a face, his mouth opening as he goes to speak but is interrupted as Hangman walks over, “Hate to break it to you, but it did in fact just got hotter. Now that I’m here, that is.” He says with a grin, taking a seat on the other couch. 
You glare at him, “You’re insufferable. Especially now.” 
All he does is wink at you and despite how much you’re already sweating, you hate how heat rises to your face from the simple action. Damn him, you think as you let your head fall back against the leather. 
“How hot is it really, though?” Hangman asks, leaning forward as Fanboy tilts his phone towards him, “Holy shit.” 
You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling, “Do I even want to know the temperature?” 
“If you want to be able to prepare yourself for when you’re up for training.” Fanboy responds. Suppressing another groan, you unstick yourself from the couch and lean forward so that you’re arms are resting atop your knees, “Just tell me.” 
“117 degrees.” 
“Fuck me.” You sigh, your head dropping into your hands.
“Well, only if you let me take you out to dinner first.” Hangman says, and you can hear the smug grin in his voice. Not even bothering to look at him, you let your hand do the talking as you flip him the bird. 
Fanboy laughs at the exchange, “Wow, the tension here is making me sweat.” 
“Dude, you’re literally already glistening.” Hangman states. 
“You’re no better, my guy.” Payback says as he plops down next to Hangman, his flight suit tied around his waist in an attempt to not over heat. You hear more footsteps and look up as the others walk in, having just finished their time in the air for the day. 
Eyeing Rooster, you sit up a little as he approaches, “How is it out there?” You ask as he practically collapses onto the bar stool across from you. He just shakes his head, unzipping his flight suit, “It’s so hot and humid out there it feels like we’re walking through Satan’s ass.” 
“Ew, man, what the hell.” Payback groans. 
Rooster just shrugs, “It’s true. You’ll see, they’re calling the next teams up in a minute.” 
“Lord help me. I’m going to melt out there.” You say, shoving your flight suit off your shoulders, “God, the AC in here sucks.”
“You’d think it’d be better since it’s like, the military. But, no. No, they hate us.” Fanboy mutters as he drains the last of his water. 
Hangman chuckles, “Considering how much they need us they really to like to see us suffer.” 
You nod along as he speaks, the uncomfortable feeling of sweat rolling down your back making you antsy, “But come on, they couldn’t spare a little on some decent air conditioning? I mean, my apartment has better AC than this and it’s from the fucking 1800′s.” 
The others make grunts of agreement, the heat seemingly melting their brains to form any other type of response. What you would give right now to get an ice bath. 
Looking over, you almost leap out of your seat as you see Phoenix and Bob return, arms full of bottles of water, “Your saviors are here!” Phoenix says as she hands out the water. 
“You’re an angel, Phe.” You say as you catch the bottle she tosses to you, the condensation from the cold water breathing some life back into you. You drain the water in less than a minute, the coolness spreading through you and leaving you gasping for air as you bring the empty bottle back down. 
The room falls into silence, save for the crinkling of water bottles, as the others do the same. “I’m going to need like seven more of these little blue bitches.” Payback says as he finishes off his drink, his fingers running along the wrapper as he draws on the condensation. 
“Be my guest to go find more.” Phoenix tells him, “I swear we had to go clear to the other side of the base for some cold ones. Everyone’s clearing them out like it’s the damn apocalypse.” 
“May as well be. It feels like the world’s on fire.” Bob admits, holding his now half full bottle against the back of his neck. Watching him do it, you wish you had held off enough water to be able to do the same. But you didn’t, and now you’re just sitting here sticking to the leather sofa in the unyielding heat. 
The room falls into silence once more, until the admiral walks into the room, waving his hand to keep you all from standing at attention. You look over as he addresses you, “Alright, next team to go up will be Hangman, Artemis, and Phoenix and Bob. Get your gear on and head out there, even though it’s hotter than hell.” And with that he walks out of the room, using his clipboard to fan himself.
You groan at the idea of moving, the heat weighing down your limbs. Rubbing at your eyes, you’re just about to get up when you notice Hangman offering his hand to you. Raising your eyebrow at him, he just smiles in response, “You seem like you could use some help.” 
If your face wasn’t already so red from how hot you were, you would’ve been embarrassed at how fast the heat rose to your cheeks. But in this moment you couldn’t find it in you to care as you took Hangman’s hand and accepted his help in quite literally unsticking you from the couch. 
Now standing, you're close enough to him to smell his cologne that somehow masks any scent of sweat. You feel him squeeze your hand before letting go, another simple wink from him leaving you stunned. 
“Alright, Artemis. Let’s go- as Rooster said- have some fun in Satan’s ass.” Hangman laughs at himself before walking towards the door. 
“That still sounds nasty, man.” Payback calls after him. Shaking your head, you pat Payback’s shoulder as you pass, “At least you don’t have to fly with him.” You say. 
“Ooh. I wish you luck.” He tells you, to which you wave your hand at him without turning around, “Thanks. I’ll need it.” 
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Once in the locker room, you splash cold water on your face and neck before going to get the rest of your gear on. Phoenix shares your look of discomfort as the two of you get ready. 
“Great, more layers. Just what I wanted.” You mutter, sweat already rolling down your neck again. Phoenix nods in agreement, “Let’s just get through this and then before we know it we’ll all be drinking ice cold beers at the Hard Deck.”
“Oh, don’t tempt me with a good time.” You say with a grin, thankful to Phoenix for being able to bring light to the situation. 
She shifts her vest on, “I swear, the minute I get a drink I’m going into the ocean with it, I don’t even care.” 
You lean your head against the lockers, “God, that sounds so good right now. I would literally fly into the ocean if it meant being able to cool off.” 
Phoenix laughs and then fixes you with a pair of squinted eyes, “Don’t actually do that though.” 
Raising your eyebrows at her, you shrug, “Why not? I’ve done it before.” 
As the two of you walk out of the locker room she gapes at you, “Huh?”
You can’t help but laugh at her expression, “Oh, don’t tell me that you’ve never heard this story before.”
“Heard what story?” The two of you look over as Hangman joins you, followed by Bob. Phoenix gives her WSO a fist bump before answering, “The story of when Artemis apparently flew into the ocean.” 
“What?” Bob sputters, his eyes wide. You roll your eyes at his and Hangman’s shocked expression as the four of you make your way to the tarmac, “Well, crashed into the ocean. But yeah, it was a couple of years ago and honestly wouldn’t mind doing it again today.”
Bob nudges your arm, “Please don’t. That look of yours makes me unsure on if you’re serious or not.” 
You simply pat his shoulder as you smile at him, “Well, we’ll just have to find out now won’t we?” 
As you push open the doors, you’re immediately hit with the thick air that takes the breath out of your lungs for a moment. Slipping on your aviators, you find that they do little to stop the blazing sun from making it feel like your eyeballs are about to melt out of your head. 
“This is disgusting.” You say, pulling at your collar as you make your way to your jet. Hangman reaches over and squeezes your shoulder, “Good thing you’re here then to make it all better.” He says to you. 
You stop next to your jet and fix him with a stare, the way he said it making your heart flutter, “Was that sarcasm? Are you joking with me right now, Seresin?” 
He doesn’t answer, but there he goes again with winking at you and making your stomach do front flips. Hangman gives you a little wave as he smiles, “How about we give everyone a show, huh?” 
You roll your eyes, but a smile still finds its way onto your face, “Lead the way, Hangman.” 
“Aye! Stop eye-fucking and get in your jets so we can get this over with!” Phoenix yells over to you both from where she’s already sitting in her own jet. 
You and Hangman share a look, the two of you barely suppressing your laughter as you smile at each other. He gives you a fist bump before jogging over to his jet and climbing in, you doing the same. 
Upon getting set up and closing your canopy, the air feels a little more stuffy but the familiar hum of the engine takes away from your discomfort. Though you would much rather be swimming somewhere in the ice cold water, nothing can ever diminish how much you truly love flying. 
Glancing over as Hangman starts moving his jet towards the take off point, you realize that it isn’t just your love for the sky that is easing your troubles. 
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Whipping your jet around, you feel your stomach flip as you come back from being inverted, the sun seemingly spinning around you as you right yourself. Gripping onto the lever, you pull back just as you complete the maneuver that you all had been tirelessly working to perfect. 
“WHOOO!!! That’s how it’s done!” Hangman cheers as he brings his jet up next to yours. You look over and see him positively beaming at you and you’re sure your heart is about to jump out of your chest. After unclipping your mask, you smile back at him and knock on the canopy with your fist, “That was awesome!” 
He throws his head back in laughter, the sound of it like honey to your ears. Shaking your head a little from where your mind was drifting to, you look over to the left at Phoenix as she speaks, “I’m pretty sure we beat our own record with that. It was literally perfect.”
“Of course it was, I’m team leader.” Hangman says, his voice dripping with confidence. 
“Barely. Pretty sure Artemis did more leading than you, Bagman.” Bob cuts in, though his tone is one you recognize to be joking. Chuckling at his comment, you look over to Hangman only to see him staring in Bob’s direction with his mouth open in shock. 
“Low blow, Bob.” He mutters, his eyes squinting toward the man. 
You look back to the left and see Bob shrugging, “I only speak the truth.” 
“Alright kids, let’s head back. I’m in desperate need of a cold shower.” Phoenix says as she turns her jet to the side and heads back to the ground. You follow, “Aren’t we all.” 
As you descend, the adrenaline from the successful maneuver begins wearing off, leaving your mind a little hazy. You can hear the muffled voices of the others speaking, but all you find yourself focusing on is how hard it is to catch your breath all of a sudden. 
You shake your head, blinking rapidly as the tarmac comes into view. You’re following Phoenix’s jet and reach up to rub your eyes when suddenly there’s two of her. Taking a deep breath, you tightly grip the lever as you line your jet up for landing. 
There’s a muffled voice in your ear and it takes a little too much for you to simply respond, “What?” Though you're not entirely sure who was speaking. 
“You’re looking a little low there, Artemis.” Hangman’s voice comes across to you, “Pull up a bit. There you go.” His words bring the smallest amount of focus back to you, just enough so that you’re able to successfully land without any issues. 
As your jet rolls to a stop, your hands fall away from the controls and you lean back against your seat, breathing hard. Shaking your head again, your wipe the sweat from your eyes before opening the canopy. 
You’re vaguely aware of it moving as you stare ahead, a loud ringing in your ears. Your body doesn’t feel like it's your own as you lift yourself out of the jet and climb down the ladder, your hands shaking slightly. 
Once your feet are back on the ground, you find yourself unable to let go of the metal rungs as you star at the tarmac beneath your boots. Blinking hard, you squeeze your eyes shut as your head spins. 
A gentle hand on your shoulder brings you to open your eyes again, looking to the side to find who the hand belongs to. In staring at them, you can see that their lips are moving but you hear nothing. 
The ringing in your ears grows as you fumble with the strap on your helmet before clumsily taking it off, barely feeling it leave your grasp as it tumbles to the ground. You stare up at the man talking to you, “What?” You ask, your voice coming out weak and distant. 
You barely catch the way Hangman’s expression creases in concern, his other hand coming up to cup the side of your face, “You with me, Artemis?” He sounds as though he’s underwater as he speaks, leaving you feeling very confused as you’re certain that you aren’t underwater. Right?
Taking a deep breath, or at least trying to, your hand drops from the metal rungs of the ladder in favor of gripping onto Hangman’s wrist, “Why are you so quiet?” You ask, looking at him with squinted eyes as the sun burns down on you. 
He shakes his head, his eyebrows drawn together, “I’m not- are you okay?” 
You nod, blinking hard as you step away from his hold, “Yeah. ‘M fine.” You answer him, feeling as though you’re trudging through mud as you force your feet to move forward. Reaching up, you hold your hand above your eyes in an attempt to block the sun. 
Hangman’s voice drifts over to you but the ringing in your ears keeps you from fully hearing him. A part of you plans to just ignore him in favor of focusing on walking forward, but you think better of it and turn to face him. 
As you do, your vision blurs as the world tilts sideways. You stagger to the side just before finding yourself on your knees. You’re left staring down at the tarmac, confused for just a moment before gentle hands find their way to your arms. 
Looking up, you lose all feeling in your body just as you fall backwards. All you can see is Hangman’s panicked face in front of you as your world fades to black. 
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Hangman is still jittery from the team’s success in the sky as he practically jumps out of his jet. He waves at Phoenix and Bob, who wave back before turning to finish up their final checks. Despite the heat, Hangman swears he has never felt better. 
There’s just something about things going perfectly that fill him with a type of joy that reminds him of just how much he loves what he does. Ducking under the nose of his jet, Hangman smiles as he catches sight of you descending your ladder. 
“Artemis!” He calls, his hand waving over to you. His smile drops ever so slightly when you don’t respond. As he walks closer, he watches as you stop at the base of your ladder, still gripping tightly to the rungs. 
His pace quickens and all traces of his smile are gone as he jogs up to you, his hand coming up to rest on your arm, “Hey, you okay?” 
Your lack of response fills him with the beginnings of panic, and just a little bit of hurt. His first thought is of you just ignoring him, but upon bending down a bit to get a better look at your face, he throws that thought out the window. 
He should’ve known something was wrong when you started to get a little unsteady during your landing. Gripping your arm a little tighter, Hangman tries again, “Artemis?” 
The relief he feels when you finally look at him in unmeasurable. Though, as he meets your eyes and sees how unfocused they are, that relief is overthrown by his growing panic. 
“What?” You ask him, your voice not nearly as strong as it usually is. Hangman feels his throat tighten as he reaches up to hold the side of your face, just to keep you looking at him, “You with me, Artemis?” 
His heart rate quickens as you let go of the ladder and hold onto his wrist, your grip barely there, “Why are you so quiet?” You ask. Hangman blinks at you, his hold on your arm tightening once more, “I’m not- are you okay?”
Though he hates to, he allows you to shrug him off as you nod, “Yeah. ‘M fine.” Hangman watches as you turn away from him, but he leaves his hands still outstretched towards you. He isn’t quite sure what’s going on with you, but not one part of him likes it. 
The second he sees your feet misstep he’s following close behind you, “Artemis, I don’t think you’re okay.” Hangman cringes at the way his voice wavers ever so slightly. He’s reaching out to you again as you turn to face him, your mouth open as if you’re about to say something. 
But it never comes, for you stumble to the side and fall to your knees before Hangman can even breathe. The sight of you falling sends him into overdrive and he’s by your side in under a second, his hands holding onto your arms. 
“Artemis?” He asks, his voice filled with panic as you blearily look up at him before your eyes roll into the back of your head. Hangman hardly has time to react as you go limp in his hold, your head jerking backwards as you fall. He stumbles and skids his knees on the tarmac as he catches your head. 
Brining your body close to him, Hangman pushes the hair that was stuck to your cheek back, “Hey, hey- Artemis? Artemis?” He asks, his voice growing with panic as your body jerks a little. 
“Shit, shit-” Hangman doesn’t know what to do as he looks up, his eyes frantically searching around for help. He lands on Phoenix and Bob, who have their backs turned. 
“Hey! Hey- get help! We need help!” Hangman yells, causing both pilots to whip around. Upon seeing your collapsed form in Hangman’s arms, Bob takes off running to get the medics as Phoenix hurries over to you. 
“What- what happened?” She asks, kneeling down beside you as she grabs your wrist. Hangman shakes his head as he watches her check your pulse, “I don’t- I don’t know! She was out of it a-and then she just-” His breath catches in his throat as he looks down at you. 
All of the color was gone from your face and your eyelids were fluttering violently. Phoenix grips onto Hangman’s arms, which brings his attention back to her, “We need to get her inside- now.”
Hangman is nodding and lifting you up before she’s even finished speaking. The way your body just falls against him pulls at his heart in a way that makes it hard to breathe. 
Phoenix runs ahead of him and holds open the door. Hangman watches your head as he rushes through the doorway, frantically searching for help. Before he’s even a couple of steps into the building, he almost collides with Bob as the man comes sprinting around the corner. 
“Medics!” Bob exclaims, his eyes wide, “I got the-” He cuts himself off as he steps out of the way of the nurses, his hands motioning towards the stretcher they’re pushing. 
Barely processing what’s happening, Hangman rushes forward and gently places you onto the bed, barely daring to even breathe as he catches your hand and grips onto it before it drops over the side. 
The nurses begin rolling the bed through the halls, Phoenix and Bob running ahead of them to open doors as they move towards the med wing. The whole way Hangman is by your side, his eyes not leaving you as he holds onto your hand so tightly he loses feeling in his own. 
Just as they reach the med wing, a gentle hand on his chest stops him. Your hand is pulled out of his grasp as they push the bed away, just for you to disappear out of his view as the doors close. 
“I- I have to-” Hangman starts but the nurse in front of him gently grabs onto his forearm. She gives him an understanding look, “We’ve got her from here, Lieutenant. You’re welcome to stay out here until she’s steady again, okay?” 
Hangman blinks at the nurse, her words coming across muffled to him. After a minute though it clicks, and all he can do is nod. She offers him a smile, “We’ll let you know as soon as we can.” And with that she walks to the doors that you had just passed through moments before. 
He stands there for a minute, staring at the doors as they swing closed. Glancing down, he finds that his hands are trembling. Shaking his head, he reaches up and runs them over his face as he takes in a deep breath. 
“Hangman?” Phoenix’s soft voice pulls his attention away from the doors. Looking at her and Bob, he finds that for once he doesn’t have it in him to say anything. 
Without speaking, Phoenix leads him over to the chairs, understanding in her eyes. As he sits down, Hangman’s eyes lock onto a broken floor tile and his gaze stays glued to it as Phoenix reassures him that everything will be fine. 
He knows they’re both talking to him, but he has no idea what they’re saying. All he can focus on is how he had watched the color drain from your face and barely caught you before your head hit the ground. Gripping onto the armrests of the chair, Hangman blinks hard as he feels the sting of hot tears. 
“Get some rest, okay?” Is what he finally catches from Phoenix before her and Bob make their leave. He just nods at them before leaning forward and dropping his head into his hands. 
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Hangman’s eyes are closed when he hears the sound of footsteps approaching. He looks up as they stop in front of him, and he offers the smallest smile when he sees Phoenix. She smiles back before motioning to the seat next to him, “May I?” 
“Please.” He nods, folding his arms across his body. 
Phoenix lets out a sigh, “How are you doing?” 
Hangman shrugs, “Fine.” 
She doesn’t look convinced but doesn’t push it. Instead, she looks him over, “Did you shower?” 
Nodding, Hangman runs a hand through his hair, “Yeah. Rooster came and got me to take one with him.” 
He glances over and sees Phoenix’s expression buffer for a second, “You... showered with Rooster?”
“Yeah.” Hangman says before his brain finally catches up, “Wait- no. No, no. We didn’t- I didn’t shower with him. I just- He came and got me but we didn’t-”
“I know.” Phoenix chuckles, “I figured.” 
Letting his head fall against the wall, he lets out a breath of laugh, “Oh, you are an ass.” 
She just grins at him, “Did you eat?” She asks, changing the subject. He raises an eyebrow at her, “Yeah, before we went up in the air, remember?” 
“The last time you ate was before the training session?” Phoenix asks, the sudden concern in her voice causing Hangman to fix her with a confused look, “...Yeah? It was only a couple of hours ago.” 
“Jake, that was seven hours ago.” She states. 
Hangman’s mouth goes dry, “Wha- seven?” There’s no way it had already been that long. He had been sitting here in the waiting room this entire time, save for the ten minutes he allowed himself to step away for a shower.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Phoenix reached over and dropped something in Hangman’s lap. Looking down, he saw that it was a bottle of water and a sandwich wrapped in plastic. 
“I figured you probably hadn’t eaten.” She admits, motioning for him to dig in. He shoots her a thankful look before doing just that, only now realizing how hungry he was. 
As he finished his sandwich and had taken a couple of gulps of water, Phoenix cleared her throat, “Have you told her?” She asks. 
Almost choking on his water, Hangman looks over to her in confusion, “Sorry?” 
Phoenix’s gaze softened, “Jake, I’ve known you for a long time. And never once have I ever seen you react like that. To anything.”
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Hangman shrugs, “I was worried. That’s all.”
Phoenix shakes her head at his answer, “That wasn’t just worry and you know it.” Hangman feels his throat tighten. He had done good hiding his feelings, hadn’t he?
From his lack of response, Phoenix decided to continue, “You really care about her, don’t you?” 
Dropping his gaze to his hands, Hangman chewed on his lip, “Yeah.” Is all he can think to say. Because it’s true. He does care about you... but it’s also so much more than that. So much more. 
He can feel Phoenix staring at him and it takes more than he thought it would to lift his eyes to meet hers. Once met, Phoenix’s expression softens into one that he had never seen before. 
“Do you love her?” She asks, her voice impossibly quiet. 
Blinking at her for a moment, it takes a second before her question hits him. Letting out a slow breath, he leans his head against the wall, his mind filled with nothing but you. All entirely you. 
“Yeah.” He breathes out, “I do. I really do.” 
Phoenix hums, and Hangman can tell that she already knew the answer to the question before she even asked it. 
“Why haven’t you said anything, then?” She questions, turning her body so that she’s facing him full on. All Hangman can do is shrug as he thinks of what to say. 
He clears his throat and sniffs as he picks at the skin on his hands, “I guess... I don’t know.” He shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I didn’t want to fall in love with her.” 
As he says it out loud, it shocks him just as much as he can tell it does Phoenix. She falls back against her seat, letting out a slow breath before she speaks, “What do you mean by that?”
Hangman looks at her as his gut twists with the feelings that he’s been trying to ignore since the day he met you. Running a hand down his face, he inhales deeply before trying to explain, “I... I flirt a lot and I make jokes, but I never expect them to lead anywhere, you know? I know that I come off as this cocky, confident ass who knows exactly what I’m doing- which I do but-” 
His ramble is cut off by Phoenix as she cocks her head to the side, “Where is this going?” Her exasperated look brings a slight chuckle out of him as he shakes his head, “Sorry, sorry. What I’m trying to say is despite how I act and everything... I care far more than I let on.”
Hangman’s voice trails off a bit, his words getting caught in his throat as his brain scrambles for the right things to say. Phoenix stays quiet as she urges him to continue, which he does after a moment, “I guess I thought acting like I didn’t care would make it true, but all it’s done is make it clear to me just how much I do care. Not just about Artemis, but about all of you. I don’t know if you even know it but-”
“We do.” Phoenix reassures him as she pats his arm, “We know, of course we do.” 
He shoots her a grateful smile before continuing, “And with Artemis... I don’t know- I mean, the thought of falling in love has always been in the back of my mind but I never thought it would actually happen, you know? Especially not with someone like her.”
Phoenix is quiet for a moment, “Did you not mean to fall in love?” She asks hesitantly. Hangman sighs, “I don’t think anyone ever means to... but, I just... I didn’t want to. With what we do...” He looks up to the ceiling, imagining what the night sky looks like above. 
“Every time we go up there’s no guarantee that we’re going to come back down.” He says simply, “I couldn’t... I didn’t want to fall in love with her... or even act upon it because I couldn’t bare the thought of leaving her alone. I couldn’t do that.” 
His eyes stray on the ceiling tiles before they drift to Phoenix, who stares back at him with an expression full of nothing but sweet understanding. Her hold on his arm tightens a little as she speaks, “Being in this line of work, every pilot knows the risks. We’re actively aware of them every time we fly and though we may not like them, we accept them. We accept the risks.” 
Hangman nods along with her words, but his throat tightens in a way that doesn’t allow him to speak. Phoenix catches on to his silence and continues, her voice quiet but stern, “I’ve known Artemis for a long time. She’s one of the most talented, strongest people I’ve ever met. I’ve never known her not to do something out of fear of what could happen. Once she’s set on something, there’s no changing her mind... even despite the risks.”
He knows this about you, he’s seen it. That’s part of why he just completely and utterly adores you. You were never one to back away, despite being scared, though you never let anyone know it. And you never failed to make him laugh with whatever remark you could think of to retaliate against his stupid comments. 
Hangman smiles at the thought, though his voice stays quiet. Phoenix pats his arm, “Tell her. Part of being in love is being scared, but if you just talk to her... it won’t be so scary anymore.” 
Nodding, Hangman breathes out deeply before fixing Phoenix with a grin, “Since when did you get so wise?” 
She smiles, “Always have been. You’ve just refused to acknowledge it.” 
He laughs sarcastically, throwing his head back for emphasis. Phoenix lightly hits his bicep, but he notices that she’s laughing too. 
Balling up the plastic from his sandwich, Hangman nods to her, “Thanks for the food. And for the pep talk.” 
“Anytime.” She responds before getting to her feet and brushing off her pants, “I’m going to head to bed, you should try to get some rest too.”
He gives her a two finger salute, “I’ll try.”
She hums before motioning to his water, “I want you to finish that and then go get another one.” Hangman chuckles as he twists off the cap of his half emptied bottle, “Okay, mom.” 
Rolling her eyes, Phoenix turns on her heel, “Night, Hangman.” 
“See ya, Phoenix.” He responds, watching her go until she disappears down the hall and out of the doors. Doing as he was told, Hangman drains the rest of his water before tossing it in the recycling. He walks over to the vending machine and presses the buttons for water. 
After watching it clamor off the shelf, Hangman reaches down and retrieves the drink from the bottom. 
Sitting back down in the uncomfortable chair, he rests his head against the wall and allows his eyes to slip closed. His last thought before he drifts off is of you. 
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A soft shake to his shoulder is what wakes him. Opening his eyes, Hangman sits up when he sees the nurse standing in front of him, a clipboard in her arm, “Are you here for Lieutenant Y/L/n?”
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Hangman nods as he gets to his feet, “Is she okay?” He asks quickly, his heart rate picking up as he waits for the nurse's response. 
She smiles gently, “She’s fine. She just woke up, if you’d like to see her?” 
All he can do is nod before the nurse is leading him down to your room. He can hear his heart beating loudly in his ears as his feet carry him through the hall, his hands fidgeting restlessly at his sides. 
The nurse stops in front of a door labeled B2 and turns to face him, “She’s on some medication so she may seem a little out of it but she’s going to be completely fine.” 
As soon as the words reach him, he feels an unmeasurable amount of relief flood through him, “Okay, thank you. Thank you.” 
She gives him one last smile before stepping away and heading into another room. Reaching for the door handle, Hangman finds himself freezing with his hand clasped around the cool metal. A thousand thoughts scramble through his mind before he shakes his head and takes a deep breath. 
Turning the handle and hesitantly entering the room, his relief only grows when he sees you sitting up in the hospital bed. You’re in an old academy shirt and sweat pants, the sight of you not in a hospital gown eases his worries ever so slightly. He wasn’t sure if he could handle anything that might make you seem worse off than he thought you were. 
As he closes the door behind him, it feels as though his heart practically lights up when you look at him, a smile finding its home on your face at the sight of him. In just seeing you smile at him, he has to stop himself from dropping down on his knee right then and there. 
God, he loves you.
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Quiet beeping is the first thing you notice, the second being the scratchy sheets underneath your fingertips. Opening your eyes, you squint at the florescent lights before taking a moment to look around.
You’re confused for a moment as you take in the hospital room and the IV’s connected to your arm. Poking at them, you frown. What happened?
The door opening brings your attention away from your arm and to the doctor entering the room. She gives you a smile, “Looks like someone’s finally awake.” She says as she walks over and checks through your chart. You watch her flip through the pages, still confused. 
Peering over her clipboard, you can see when she notices your confusion, “How are you feeling, Lieutenant?” 
You swallow, “Uh, thirsty.” 
Nodding, she heads over to the sink and fills you up a cup of water before handing it to you. You thank her before draining it in a matter of seconds, feeling the cool liquid flow through you. 
“Do you remember what happened?” She asks you, looking over the machines that are off to the side of your bed. You think for a moment. 
“Um..” You say, leaning your head against the pillow. “We were flying... but then once I got back to the tarmac I started feeling... weird.” You tell her, the events of before blurring in your mind. 
She hums as she leans over and places her stethoscope against your chest. It’s cold against you skin as she talks to you, “You passed out from heat exhaustion.” She informs before returning her instrument to its home around her neck, “Why they had you go up in the air when it was pushing close to 125 degrees, I don’t know.” 
Biting your lip, you wring your hands together as you think back to earlier. You remember the excitement from completing the maneuver- completing it perfectly. But then how disoriented and distant you felt comes back to you, the feeling of the metal ladder still beneath your hands. 
“I will say, you’re lucky your friends were able to get you here so quickly, or else we’d be having a very different conversation right now.” The doctor’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. 
You turn to her, a question playing on your lips, “My friends?” 
She nods, “Lieutenants Seresin, Trace, and Floyd. They alerted my staff and we were able to get you help within minutes of you losing consciousness. I was very impressed with them.” 
That’s right, you were out flying with them. You remember how Hangman was the one who came over to ask if you were okay. How he was right by your side when you passed out. 
How he was the one who caught you. 
You feel your heart rate pick up and heat flood to your face, nothing but his concerned voice playing on loop through your mind. 
“Lieutenant?” The doctor asks. You turn to her, “Can I see him?” 
She looks taken aback by the urgency in your voice, but then understanding filters across her features, “Of course. Let me just finish up here and then I’ll have someone get him for you.” 
You nod, the rest of what she does goes by in a haze and before you know it you’re left alone in the room. Looking down, you tug on a loose string on your shirt, thankful to not be in a hospital gown. 
You never were one for hospitals, the pristine cleanliness of the room and the bright fluorescents bringing you nothing but discomfort. Sipping at the new cup of water the doctor had given you before she left, you try to focus on something else. 
The ticking of the clock almost sounds as though it’s mocking you, each click only adding to your uneasiness. Sitting up on the bed, you fold your legs together in front of you, resting your hands impatiently in your lap. 
You’re just about ready to jump out of the bed and go see what’s taking so long when the door opens, revealing the very man who ensured that you got here. Watching as he walks in and gently closes the door behind him, all of your uneasiness seems to melt away the second you meet his gaze. 
The relief in just having him here in front of you makes you feel fuzzy, but in a good way. The best way. A smile makes its way to your face, and you can think to do nothing but hold out your hand to him. 
Surprise floods across his features for just a moment before he’s taking your hand and sitting down on the edge of the bed, his thumb circling gently across your knuckles. 
As you watch him, you feel your heart pick up and heat rise in your face. Though this time, you can’t find it in you to care about the heat. Not with him sitting right there, holding your hand in such a way that dissipates every worry you ever had. 
Not quite knowing what to say or do, you slowly reach towards him and cup the side of his face, tilting his head up so that he’s looking at you. Meeting him with a smile, you gently brush your thumb across his cheek, “Hey.” 
He relaxes into your touch, “Hey.” You don’t miss how uncharacteristically quiet he is, or how he’s holding your hand as if it’s the only thing anchoring him down, “You okay?” You ask softly. 
He huffs out a laugh, reaching up to take your other hand in his own, “I feel like I should be the one asking you that.”
You squeeze his hands, “I’m okay.” Leaning forward, you’re so close to him now that you can smell the sweet honey of his cologne, “Thanks to you.” 
And does he ever just look at you. As your eyes meet, you’re overwhelmed with everything that’s swimming within the sea of blues staring back at you. Hangman studies your face for a moment before taking a deep breath, “You really scared me, you know.” 
Your brows crease together as a frown pulls down on your lips, “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, “You don’t have to be, there’s nothing to be sorry for.” 
“But I can understand.” You tell him, “How scary it is, I mean... to see someone just... collapse like that.” 
He stares back at you, his eyes searching for something but you’re not quite sure what, “That’s the thing... it wasn’t just someone. It was you.” 
Your breath catches in your throat as he speaks, your head shaking slightly, “I don’t-”
“I know I can be an ass sometimes.” Hangman interrupts you quickly. You blink, your mind almost short circuiting because where did that come from? He takes your confused silence as a sign to continue, “I know how annoying you find me and-and that you can’t stand me but seeing you- watching you fall and being barely able to catch you made me realize something.” 
Your chest tightens, your heart beating so loud in your ears that you’re surprised you can even hear him as he goes on, “I... I realized that I don’t want to be scared anymore. I don’t want to be scared of- of what I feel, or what sort of unpredictable things could happen in this life.”
“Jake...” You start but he shakes his head and pulls your hands to his chest, “I have spent so much of my life being scared- being scared of things that I almost never even got the chance to have.” 
All you can do is stare at him, a million thoughts racing through your head. A part of you is searching for how to respond while the other part is so eager to hear what he has to say. You don’t even notice how you’re leaning closer to him, hanging on to every word as if it’s the very thing that’s breathing air into your lungs. 
Hangman stares back at you, his eyes glistening in such a way as they reflect the lights that no longer seem so unbearable, “There’s so much that I want to say to you, but that- that fear held me back for so long that I...” He shakes his head, dropping his gaze to your hands. 
You immediately miss the sea of blues, your heart pulling as you watch him struggle to speak, “Tell me.” You lift his chin up, your faces mere inches apart, “Talk to me, Jake.” 
“I’d never forgive myself if I never got the chance to tell you...” He whispers, his breath ghosting across your lips. Gently moving your hand to the back of his neck, your fingers tangle in the ends of his hair, “Tell me now.” 
He looks back at you, his eyes telling you everything you need to know even before the words pass through his lips, “I love you.” He’s barely finished speaking before you’re closing the distance between the two of you, your lips slotting against his. 
You feel his arms wrap around your back as he pulls you to him, the small amount of space in between the two of you closed off in one movement. One hand tangles in his hair while the other cups the side of his face, the fire inside you surging throughout your entire being as you deepen the kiss. 
Your hands trail down his back, gripping onto his shirt just as the two of you break apart, gasping for air. You breathe him in, every part of him as you stare into his eyes, the cool blues doing little to calm the heat igniting within you. 
He reaches up and cups the sides of your face, leaning forward until his forehead is resting against your own, “I love you. God, I love you.” He says, placing a gentle kiss against your lips once more. 
You smile into it, “And I love you.” You lean back so you can see his face. Your heart flutters as his expression practically lights up, everything that he is positively beaming at you, “I love you... even when you annoy me.” 
He laughs and the sound is the sweetest melody to your ears. Wrapping your arms around him, you bury your face in the crook of his neck as he holds you, “What I would give to be able to freeze this moment and be able to live in it forever.” He says softly, his voice muffled slightly by your shoulder. 
Your face is beginning to hurt from how hard you’re smiling, but you can’t find it in you to care when you lean back and stare into those beautiful eyes that you promise to commit to memory, “Why stay here when we have the rest of our lives?” You ask him. 
There’s no greater joy than watching his eyes widen and his smile grow, “You mean that?” He asks, holding you tighter. Your head falls back as you laugh, “No, I was just saying it to sound cute.” 
“Oh, you-” Hangman cuts himself off as he kisses you, his lips fitting against yours in such a perfect way that you can’t believe you waited this long. He leans against you and you feel yourself get pushed gently into the pillows, “I will never stop loving you.” He says into the kiss. 
You push him back with a hand against his chest, “Is that a promise, Seresin?” 
He looks down at you with a smile, nothing but love swimming in his eyes, “With everything that I am, darlin'. I love you.”
Your hand turns and you're pulling him to you by the collar of his shirt. You pause just before your lips touch, “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Then you kiss him, all the love you have for this man and his absolute ridiculousness going into it. 
The idea of love used to scare you. But knowing what you feel for Jake, it doesn’t seem so scary anymore. 
A/n: Hangman is an absolute sweetheart when it comes to the person he loves. I swear by that, and I love him for it. Hope you liked it :)
Tags: @rosiahills22 @obiwankenobis-lap @haljordangreenjedi @ollyoxenfrees @dempy @alluringshawn
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