#21 years old
neonarboretumart · 1 year
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Hey, fun nugget, I MADE IT TO 21!!!!! I’m still shook, if I’m honest. I made it to 21 in the midst of a pandemic that impacts most strongly folks like me that are immune compromised and immune suppressed, disabled, and sick. Okay, so maybe my 21st year could’ve gone better so far, I’m now about 70% bedbound and stuck upstairs, but I’m ALIVE and I’ve not ended up in hospital yet!
Now I’ve just gotta make it to the next one.
[Image Description: The image is a traditional illustration of the characters from Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach. The four main animatronics are crowded around a present box that’s bursting open, a spring and confetti coming out of it. The small bear animatronic, Helpy, is leaping from the box. He has a big round badge with ‘21’ on it on his chest. ‘Happy Birthday Superstar’ is written at the top of the piece, made to look like neon lights. Montgomery Gator is doing fingerguns and blowing a party blower. Glamrock Freddy is beaming happily, wearing a striped party hat. Glamrock Chica is wearing a spotty party hat. Roxanne Wolf is laughing, she has a red party hat on. End Description]
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manicdreampixie · 3 months
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The post photos of you at age 21 on Instagram inspired me to reshare this one here.
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blurryfangirlansuke · 2 months
Hello everyone it's my birthday 🎂 🥳 I am officially 21 meaning I can drink lol kidding not gonna rush. I wanna Thank you all so much for supporting me and enjoying my fun fanwork of Vampair and drawing nice things for me. I'll be adding some art piece received from artist friends here. Drew Duke in his birthday suit with my sona where he made her a new dress to celebrate and don't forget wine bottle ~
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Thank you all and have a great day or night ❤️ ^^
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everlastlady · 11 months
Happy Birthday to me! Greetings admin Terra/Bella/Lady Everlasting. Today is my birthday I'm officially 21 years old how wonderful. I'm glad to have made it to 21 and I get to celebrate with my friends and family. I've grown a lot and learned a lot. And I know I still have more to learn but today I shall enjoy my day and happy birthday to anyone else who was born on June 8th! 🎂
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thornyangel101 · 1 year
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Happy birthday to me
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vollzeh · 11 months
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annual birthday drawing. It’s hard to believe I’m 21 😭
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balluprojects · 8 months
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Asma21, 2018
Mixed media: watercolour, colour pencils, pinball pens and gouache on 230g paper. Original piece size 29,7 x 42 cm
Remaking a self-representational piece from 2013 for the individual exhibition O meu nome é um Eco (=My name is an Echo).
High quality prints are available for you ^^ Have a smooth Saturday everyone <3
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mercyillustrator · 4 months
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Happy 21st birthday to me!! ( this is me as my persona os yea) I’m officially 21 year old also not going to drink lol so yea
I wanted to say thank you all so much for supporting me and being there for me. I’m so honored and blessed for being there ever since day 1. When I first posted my drawings on social media in 2017 as a high schooler as a freshman because I only drew pencil on a school notebook instead of a sketchbook and sadly I threw away my old sketchbooks away even though I only posted few of them not so much cause I used to be insecure of my drawings and almost quit being an artist til 2018 where I made countless drawings of different fandoms, my friends OC’s, and many more!!! Then I learned how to do digital art since 2010 when I was little but actually posting around 2018 I was around 10th grade at age 15 then I got to do paint canvas, and I’m so grateful that I’m still an artist that made me learn new things, new friends, new art journey, new comics, new vids of mine, new OC’s and etc, I hope I would look forward to continued more and not get art block by not pushing myself. My journey is do animation as my dream hobby
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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multifancore · 1 year
hoje é um dia mais que especial, fazendo mais 1 ano de vida 😅🤣 parabéns, feliz aniversário pra mim 🥳🥳🎂🎂🍰🍰🎉🎊💖💖
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today is a more than special day, making 1 more year of life 😅🤣 congratulations, happy birthday to me 🥳🥳🎂🎂🍰🍰🎉🎊💓💓
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luckytiggertalia · 4 months
Other than the 101.2 fever, positive Covid test, and shivering every 4 hours, my bday was genuinely really nice. Red velvet cake and new boots <33. I'm 21 now and I'm allowed to drink legally! Only a matter of time till I let myself get drunk >:3
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skummp · 3 months
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It’s my birthday!!
I am officially old as hell! (21 y/o)
2023 kinda sucked, but I learned a lot and I’m wiser for it. Moving forward, I am determined to make 2024 matter. No more getting in my own way, and finally seeing through the projects I’ve been planning for 4+ years now.
Stay tuned, cuz new things are on the way and I am super excited!
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tugmataludtodtalata · 2 months
Ngayong kaarawan ko, pakiramdam ko, ang hinahon sa 'kin ng mundo.
Tinrato ako nitó nang may pag-iingat.
Ngayong kaarawan ko, ang sayá-sayá ko.
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ketokisss · 3 months
Hi everyone this is Lily I make keto snack and desserts I have autism and I am 21 years old please hit me up a follow here!
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xpeebx · 3 months
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It’s my birthdayyyyy !!!
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datkaijufan24 · 4 months
It's my birthday today, I'm officially and legally 21.
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elleeroughs · 1 year
Existem dias em que eu me acho forte e capaz de vencer tudo porque eu olho para trás e vejo o quanto eu caminhei e não desisti até chegar aqui... e outros dias em que me sinto destruída, começo a achar que não são os problemas externos me afetando, mas EU por me afetar tão facilmente com pequenas infelicidades. Quero dizer à Thaís do futuro que ela é uma boa pessoa e que por mais que o mundo possa seja injusto e as pessoas também, ela fez o seu melhor e é por isso que todos seus sonhos estão sendo realizados.
Para as garotas mais tímidas, "mundo da lua", introvertidas e desconfiadas... eu entendo vocês. As pessoas são maldosas com a gente. Somos taxadas de estranhas e muitas vezes não nos encaixamos em grupo nenhum. Não fica triste... não deixa isso se tornar um fardo, algo ruim. Conexões são reais e o Universo sabe quais as pessoas certas para colocar e tirar das nossas vidas.
Quando criança era mais comunicativa, nunca me encaixei em grupos, mas sempre tive uma ou duas amigas por perto. Sofri bullying, mas também participei para que outras crianças sofressem e aprendi minha lição anos depois. Ódio não se combate com ódio e acho que a melhor resposta para alguém que quer o seu mal é tratar ela como qualquer outra pessoa. Eles odeiam saber que não são tão importantes assim... e não são. Entenda que é uma tortura com você mesma deixar isso te consumir.
Tenho muito que aprender e por mais que eu tropece e falhe diversas vezes nessa jornada, eu sei que não tem como voltar atrás. Então apague da sua memória aquilo que você não quer que esteja lá e se conecte com aquela criança que era invencível. Quem é você se não sentisse medo? Quem é você se não tivesse inseguranças? Quem é você se importasse apenas com a sua vida?
Tá vendo? Não é fácil. Eu ainda estou engatinhando aqui, como um bebê. Pensei em desistir, mas continuo aqui. Algo me diz que vale a pena, como um filme... quero saber o final, certo? O caminho até ele é mais interessante com surpresas, tristezas, felicidades... apenas para chegar ao fim.
E eu quero ir embora feliz. Sabendo que realizei diversos sonhos que surgiram durante esse processo, que vivi o que desejei e tinha que viver, que perdoei e fui perdoada. Minha alma é antiga e tão sábia, mas eu só tenho acesso a resquícios de uma enxurrada de informações sobre esta vida.
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