#ARF trooper boil
alamogirl80 · 6 months
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Boil and the Force…
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Too much Force!!
Boil is like catnip for Force butterflies and Waxer thinks it’s adorable. 😂
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Rex definitely gets the intrusive sensory thoughts, you know the ones. There the thoughts that pop up when your peacefully eating rice and scream YOUR EATING BUGS and you gag and almost throw up and you can’t eat that food again for 6 months. Rex gets those a lot and tends to stick more to granola bars and soft mush foods like mashed potatoes but some days it’s so bad he can’t even stomach that and he just drinks vitamin water. Fox, Echo, Dogma, Boil, Gree, Faie, Hunter, Sinker, Fixer, Sev and Alpha-17, and whoever else you want really, also experience this for various reasons. Like I headcanon Fox has a general ED, Dogma has ocd, Echo is autistic, Hunter has sensory issues, Gree is complicated but he once had a hyperfixation on beetles for a while so strongly he had a nightmare about beetles and he’s been freaked out by them ever since, Alpha-17 has a bug phobia and everyone else has general anxiety induced paranoia.
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hello-there-cyarika · 11 months
Hive Troopers!
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But what if the Kaminoans crossed Jango's DNA with some sort of Nabooian or Alderaanian honey bee? It probably helps them communicate on the battlefield, and obviously they get the benefits of not needing a jetpack! I've got a lot of thoughts about these boys, but I'll just give some of the basics for now:
The troopers can use communicate sort of like a hive mind! It's not as sophisticated as using communicators, but they can convey feelings and vague ideas
Their antennae are very sensitive! They can be used to sense touch, smell, taste, some vibrations, temperature, and more! I think that ARFs like Waxer and Boil would probably learn to use them with a lot more skill through their training, in the same way they'd learn to use more complex or advanced HUD modes.
I think that troopers' stingers would be closer to the stingers that wasps have: retractable, and doesn't cause them to die after one sting by getting ripped off.
Troopers' wings are also probably way more durable, I can't imagine the Kaminoans sending them into battle with anything fragile like that, so they probably modified the DNA. I think the wings are pretty flexible instead of being breakable.
I'll go into this more another time, if anyone is interested, but I think that the distribution of internal organs would be significantly different with the addition of the secondary abdomen.
The boys are FLUFFY!!!
I think that the fluff would be kinda waterproof (I mean,,,, they grew up on Kamino and all) but on the other hand I think it'd make fire waaaay more dangerous. I think that blaster bolts could also cause the fluff to catch fire....
Can they make honey? yeah dude they're beeeeeees
They probably made space-mead out of it lmao
I have a lot of feelings about the way cadets are grown in little tubes land sleep in tubes on the walls like bees use honeycomb for their larvae and its all in large curved structures and how the whole thing seems just a touch like a hive......
They can DEFINITELY dance maps like bees can!!!! The ARCs and ARFs are the best at it.
They don't have compound eyes, but they do have hexagonal pupils!
I'm gonna doodle more of this whenever I have time, so let me know if you want to see anything specific, or have any fun ideas from this? I'd love to talk about them!!! <3
I also want to say that I have been VERY heavily inspired by @mothask! Please go have a look at their amazing fluffy moth boys!
@yukipri's winged au is also a huge inspiration for this! Y'all have GOT to go check out "Take Flight, Brothers All" on ao3 it's SO GOOD!!
And finally, a lot of the ideas I've developed about the bees' ARF training have come from the Reconstruction Corps AU (specifically Open Skies), created by the amazing @cacodaemonia!! I've got a lot of plans for Wax and Bo as ARF bees that I'm so excited to get started on!
So much love and appreciation to all of my inspirations!!!!! <333333
I have no idea if anyone's made anything like this before lol, but if anyone has I'd love to know!!
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website <3
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Fortunately Unfortunate
Jesse x GN!Reader
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Summary: Jesse’s number is drawn in a lottery, forcing him to participate in a cross-training event with the 212th, and he’s not happy about it. However, his view of the training mission changes when he crashes into your life, literally.
Pairing: Jesse x GN!Reader
Characters: Jesse, Rex, Cody, Waxer, Boil, Sinker, Violet (OFC)
Tags & Warnings: 18+, grumpy Jesse, vehicular accident, no injuries, clone jokes, bad puns, shirtless clones, fluff, humor, angst with a happy ending, implied sexy time offscreen, suggestive themes
Word Count: 9.2k
Author's Note:  Apologizing now for the word count (my small ideas never stay small), and for the fact that this fic only went through two rounds of editing before posting... This fic was written for @snippy-tano as part of the @rare-clone-fic-exchange. I hope you like it sweetie, and I hope you don’t mind the additional side characters 😘 As always, please enjoy 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: Tradition
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“You can’t be serious?” Jesse groans with an exaggerated eye roll.
“I am,” Rex answers. “Your number was drawn, so you’re going.”
Jesse grunts. “This program is stupid!”
“This program is tradition,” Rex retorts.
“Can’t you send Fives?” Jesse asks. “He loves this stuff.”
“Fives’ number wasn’t drawn, yours was,” Rex crosses his arms and scowls. “ You’ll just have to learn to love it too.”
“That’s an order,” Rex interjects.
Jesse grits his teeth. “Yes, sir.”
“Good,” Rex hands Jesse a data-pad. “Your transport leaves in an hour. I suggest you take that time to adjust your attitude. Cody is a good friend of mine and I don’t need you giving him grief.”
Jesse takes the data-pad. “Yes, sir.”
Rex turns to leave and Jesse is left in the cargo bay alone. He sighs as he sits down on a crate to review his new orders. Every month, the battalions swap a few clones in the name of “cross-training”. The clones are picked at random via lottery, and unfortunately for Jesse, his number was drawn this month. Out of the millions of clones, why did it have to be him? It’s not that he’s opposed to cross-training, but he shouldn’t be forced to leave his own battalion to do it.
Jesse swipes through the data-pad and skims over the details. He’s been assigned cross-training with the 212th attack battalion, specifically their ARF unit. He scoffs. The 501st has an ARF unit, and a darn good one. There’s no reason for him to be shipped off-world to play ARF trooper with a different battalion. If the GAR wants to cross-train clones so badly, then he should be able to do it with his own brothers, not with a bunch of clones he doesn’t know.
Jesse sets the data-pad down next to him on the crate and shakes his head. He wants to make Rex proud, but his heart just isn’t in it. Even if meeting a marshal commander does sound interesting, he knows he won’t be working with him exclusively. He’s an ARC, and he wants to do ARC things, and go on ARC missions with Fives and Echo. It's a shame that he’s missing out on their newest assignment. It sounded like a wild ride, and he was looking forward to it.
The intercom speaker interrupts Jesse’s thoughts to notify him that his transport is boarding and will be departing soon. With a heavy sigh, he hops off the crate, grabs his data-pad, and makes his way to the transport. He straps in and closes his eyes, letting his mind go blank as the transport whirs to life and delivers him to his new temporary post. The time it takes to get there is just under one standard rotation, so he takes this time to try to prepare himself for anything.
The transport lands and as the ramp descends, Jesse raises an arm to shield his eyes from the bright sun and the dust swirling into the transport. He steps down the ramp and observes his new surroundings, which isn’t much to look at. It’s a desert planet with little to no vegetation, and the sun glares down hot onto his plastoid armor. He experimentally grinds his foot into the tan earth beneath him and it shifts like powder until he reaches a layer of rock underneath.
“You must be Jesse,” Cody says on approach.
Jesse looks up to see the commander and straightens himself to attention. “Yes, sir!”
“Welcome to the 212th,” Cody gestures for Jesse to follow him. “I’ve heard good things about you from Rex. He says you’re one of his best.”
Jesse follows next to Cody as they make their way to the command center. “Just doing my duty to the Republic, sir.”
“He also mentioned that you’re not particularly fond of this assignment,” Cody adds.
Jesse grimaces and tries to backpedal. “With all due respect, sir, I only meant that I’d rather not be away from my brothers at the 501st when they might need me.”
“Fair enough,” Cody says. “However, if the survival of the entire battalion rests on you being there at all times, then perhaps Rex should be demoted.”
Jesse scrunches his face with indignation and raises his voice. “Captain Rex is–”
Cody turns on his heels to face Jesse and crosses his arms in a silent word of caution.
Jesse takes a startled half-step back and holds his tongue. “Nevermind, sir,” he stammers with embarrassment.
The rest of the walk to the command center is silent. Jesse kicks himself as he realizes how far he stuck his own foot into his mouth. So far that he’s surprised he hasn’t choked on it yet. He doesn’t want to embarrass Rex, yet here he is picking a fight with a marshal commander. It’s definitely one of the dumber things he’s done in his life. But, when it comes to his captain, Jesse finds it difficult to control his emotions. Their history together is too deep not to defend him.
When they enter the command center, Jesse sees two ARF troopers in camouflage armor with colors matching the tan dust that’s been sticking to him since he arrived. He also sees another trooper in gray and white armor standing next to them. As he gets closer, he can hear them chatting away about something nonsensical. He eyes the three clones and mentally sizes them up; not entirely sure what to make of them yet, but he’ll reserve judgment for now.
“This is Lieutenant Waxer and Boil,” Cody gestures with his hands. “They’re part of our elite ARF unit, Ghost Company, and will be conducting your training for the next few rotations.”
The four clones trade head nods of acknowledgement.
Cody turns to Jesse and the clone with gray armor. “I expect you to address them as you would a commanding officer, with respect. Follow their orders and do what they ask of you.”
“Yes, sir!” Jesse and the other clone affirm.
Cody nods. “I’ll leave you to it.”
A moment of silence passes between the four clones as an awkward air blows in.
Waxer is the first to speak up. “Do you guys have names?”
“I’m Jesse,” Jesse answers and stretches out his hand to shake that of the two ARFs. “With the 501st.”
The clone in the gray armor follows suit. “I’m Sinker, with the 104th.”
“Nice to meet you both,” Boil adds.
Another awkward silence passes between the clones and Jesse starts to question the validity of his new assignment. Perhaps this whole thing is a big joke and he can board the next transport off this dust bowl. He absentmindedly grinds his foot into the dusty floor, a habit he picked up somewhere during the war to keep him from running his mouth when he’s bored. If someone doesn’t say something soon, he might, and they probably won’t like what it is.
“Alright, boys,” Waxer says with a gesture of his head towards the door. “We’re heading out to the corral.”
“Corral?” Jesse asks, raising an eyebrow. “Are we learning to ride animals?”
Boil chuckles. “Sort of.”
Jesse looks at Sinker, hoping that he’s on his side about how crazy this whole thing sounds.
Sinker shrugs. “Sounds fun.”
The three clones head out of the command center, leaving Jesse alone in his bewilderment. When his brain catches up to him, he jogs up to the rear and follows them out to the so-called corral. Although, Jesse wouldn’t call it a “corral”. It’s just a barricaded motor pool full of AT-RTs. A part of Jesse is relieved that he doesn’t actually have to ride any animals, but his intuition tells him that whatever they have planned isn’t going to be as easy as he thinks.
Waxer stops in front of the barricade and addresses the squad. “As part of your cross-training in the ARF unit, you’re each going to learn how to ride an AT-RT.”
“Don’t you mean drive?” Jesse interrupts.
“No,” Waxer answers. “An AT-RT isn’t just some machine you can climb on and control. It takes concentration, skill, dexterity, and a mutual understanding between you and the walker. You don’t drive an AT-RT, you ride it.”
Jesse rolls his eyes. There’s a reason he’s an ARC and not an ARF. He doesn’t have the patience for these pansies, talking about a machine as if it’s a living animal. What utter nonsense.
“Shinies don’t even look at an AT-RT until they can show competency riding a living breathing animal,” Boil continues the explanation. “Since both of you are well-established and accomplished soldiers, we figured we could skip the live animal part and see what you’re made of.”
A smirk flashes across Sinker’s face and Jesse realizes he’s alone in his feelings about the training. He grinds his foot against the dusty earth again, feeling way out of his element. ARCs don’t “ride” AT-RTs, they infiltrate enemy lines, perform sabotage, steal secrets, and tip the scales of an assault. His last hope that he might get some in depth reconnaissance training has officially been dashed as Waxer opens the corral and ushers them inside to show them the AT-RTs.
“Do you name them?” Sinker asks as he inspects one of the units.
“Of course!” Waxer exclaims with a proud smile. He pats the side of the unit Sinker is looking at. “This one’s name is Sella. She’s a little glitchy, but she’s seen a lot of combat.”
If Jesse rolled his eyes any harder, they would roll right out of his head.
“Can I ride her?” Sinker asks, his eyes bright.
“Eh, not for your first ride,” Waxer says. “Like I said, she’s a little glitchy.” Waxer moves across the motor pool to another unit and pats the side. “Vala here will be a good starter for you.”
Sinker punches Jesse’s shoulder in excitement and heads over to where Waxer is standing. Jesse rubs his shoulder in mock discomfort, then crosses his arms. He’s still not convinced this is proper ARF training. He wants to be looking at charts and battle strategies, not galivanting around in AT-RTs. There’s nothing useful about this exercise that he can take back to his unit, unless they let him take the AT-RT as a souvenir, which he highly doubts they would.
“How about this one for you?” Boil asks while leaning against another unit. “Her name is Mina and she’s pretty gentle on the new guys.”
Jesse huffs and approaches the AT-RT. “Sure.”
The AT-RT training goes just as well as Waxer and Boil expect. Both Jesse and Sinker fall off their AT-RTs multiple times just on start-up, when the machine initially jerks to life. The breath is knocked out of Jesse’s lungs more times than he can count and he wonders if Kix can order him a replacement set if he ever makes it back to the 501st alive. The only buffer he has is his ARC armor and it’s not enough to prevent the litany of bruises from growing on every part of his body.
By rotations end, Jesse and Sinker manage to stay on their AT-RTs and even take a few steps forward with them. It’s been hard work, but they’re finally seeing the fruits of their labor and Jesse’s ego is just as bruised as his thighs. He gets it now. He understands what they mean by riding an AT-RT instead of driving it. It’s not like a starfighter or an ATTE that he’s driven in simulations. No, these things are like living animals and they need to be respected as such.
At the end of the training session, Jesse doesn’t stop for food at the mess hall. Instead, he hobbles to the medbay for some bacta, then makes his way to the barracks. He gingerly pulls his armor off, each flex of muscle a new sensation of pain. He winces and grunts until it all comes off and he stacks it neatly beside his assigned bunk. He pulls out a ration bar from his pack and settles onto the cot, mindlessly munching away at the bland bar while trying not to move.
Tomorrow, they’re taking the AT-RTs out on a fake reconnaissance mission. He’s not sure who decided that he and Sinker are ready to take the AT-RTs into the field, but he definitely doesn’t feel ready. He doesn’t even know if he’ll be able to move when he wakes up in the morning, let alone climb onto the back of an AT-RT and ride it out into the middle of who-knows-where. Just the thought of his legs doing that climbing motion again makes his thighs twitch in protest.
The next morning, Jesse wakes when the sun rises and its rays shine into the barracks. He was right, his entire body objects to him moving even one inch off of his cot, but he doesn’t have a choice. He feels like a cadet all over again. Like he just went through a rigorous course of simulations and he needs to go again. Those are days he wishes he didn’t have to remember. He’s much stronger now, and more resilient, but his aching thighs force his recollections.
Jesse swings by the medbay before meeting up with the others at the corral. He begs the medic on duty for anything he can give him to help soothe the pain. He’ll even take a muscle relaxer at this point, even if it makes him drowsy. The medic takes pity on him, tosses him a small bottle of painkillers, and threatens him not to mention it to anybody or he’d be returning to his battalion in a bodybag. That’s a risk Jesse is willing to take. Besides, Kix has threatened him with much worse.
Jesse downs a few of the pills, stuffs the bottle out of sight in one of his belt pouches, and heads to the corral. Everyone else is already there, and he hopes that he isn't too late that they make an issue about it. Luckily, no one mentions his tardiness, but Waxer does have a small grin on his face that makes Jesse suspicious. He wonders how much enjoyment Waxer and Boil get out of torturing their shinies with this training, because clearly they know why he’s late.
Waxer gives the squad a short briefing on their fake mission. He pulls out the data-pad with the map coordinates on it, their rendezvous point, the intel they’re supposed to be acquiring, and any enemy obstacles in their way. This is what Jesse has been after ever since the beginning of the cross-training. He studies everything Waxer shows them, eagerly consuming all of the information and stuffing it away in his brain to use later when he’s back with his own battalion.
After the mission briefing is over, they mount their AT-RTs, Jesse on Mina and Sinker on Vala. Waxer and Boil mount their personal AT-RTs, the ones they’ve been using since they became ARF troopers, and the squad heads out into the desert. Unlike Waxer and Boil, Jesse and Sinker do not have ARF trooper armor. Since the mission is fake, there is no need to outfit them. The squad looks rather odd up close, but from a distance no one can tell they’re mismatched.
The squad spends hours in the desert. The constant back and forth motion on the AT-RT has Jesse convinced he’s also going to need a spine replacement. He wonders how hard it will be to requisition and if there’s a special form he needs to fill out. He tries to pop a few more painkillers but as the AT-RT continues to lunge forward like a jack-rabbit, it makes the task very difficult. In all honesty, he’d rather be dropped out of a LAAT without a jetpack than do this full time.
Around mid-day, Waxer calls over the comms to let the squad know that they’ll be stopping for a break soon. He gives them the coordinates for the only known piece of civilization within ten klicks of their location, and they all head in that direction. Jesse can’t wait. His back, thighs, and butt all thank the Maker that he’s going to be able to rest soon, even if he has to fall off the AT-RT instead of hopping off. At this point, he’s not even sure his arms are still attached to his body.
As they approach their rest-stop, Waxer gives the order for the squad to halt. Waxer, Boil, and Sinker all stop relatively close together, but Jesse keeps going.
“Jesse, halt,” Waxer calls through the comms.
“It won’t stop,” Jesse calls back while pressing every button he can think of to try and stop.
“What do you mean it won’t stop?” Waxer asks as he watches Jesse move further away.
“I mean, it won’t stop!” Jesse yells.
“Hit the emergency brake,” Boil orders into the comms.
“I did,” Jesse answers. He refuses to panic, but the building is getting closer and his AT-RT is not obeying his commands. “I think there’s an electrical malfunction.”
“Great,” Waxer sighs. “Just steer her out of harm's way and we can figure it out.”
“About that…” Jesse pauses. His heart rate increases as the building is looking a lot bigger than it did a few seconds ago. “The steering isn’t responding either.”
“Bail!” Waxer calls as he starts his unit up and rushes over. “Bail, Jesse, bail!”
It’s too late. Jesse braces as his AT-RT crashes into the side of the building.
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“Order up for table twelve!” the cook calls from the kitchen as he rings the bell at the end of the order window.
“Coming!” you answer, then rush over to grab the order.
“What’s the hold up?” the cook asks. “Are you daydreaming again?”
“Only everyday I’m stuck working here,” you sing back with a sweet smile.
The cook huffs. “Just make sure the customers are fed. You don’t get paid to daydream.”
“Yes, sir!” you answer with a mock salute as you balance the tray of food on one hand.
You turn around and roll your eyes before walking the food over to table twelve. You’ve been stuck working at this diner for four cycles now with no end in sight. It’s not the worst job you could have, but with the small amount you’re being paid with no raises in the near future, you’ll never be able to afford to go find a new one. It’s an endless cycle of work, work, work, and never any time for yourself or what you want to do. It’s agonizing, but it’s all you have.
The only reason you even have this job is to pay off your parent’s debt. They left you on this barren rock to go on their “galactic tour” and never returned. From what you know, they made a deal with the owner of the diner to ensure you had a place to stay, and in return, when you were old enough, you would work for him to pay off the debt. It’s definitely not the life you would’ve chosen, but it’s the life you have been given, and you should be grateful for even that much.
Your only solace is your best friend Violet. She also works at the diner and hates it as much as you do. The two of you became fast friends when you first started working at the diner and now you spend all of your free time together. Violet also doesn’t have any parents planet-side, so there’s an even deeper connection between the two of you and an unspoken understanding about life. At least you have each other, is what you tell yourself when things get unbearable.
“Tooka got your tongue?” Violet asks as she peers over your shoulder.
“Ah!” you startle. “Where’d you come from?”
“Table eight,” Violet answers. “You had that look in your eye again.”
“What look?” you ask.
“The dreamy and distant one,” Violet answers with a flip of her hair.
You groan. “That obvious, huh?”
“If you were any more obvious, you’d have a neon sign stuck to your forehead,” Violet laughs.
You sigh. “Don’t you want more?”
“More what?” Violet asks.
“I don’t know,” you answer. “More anything.”
Violet thinks for a moment. “Yeah, more sleep and more credits.”
You pout. “Besides that.”
“What else is there?” Violet asks as she picks up another tray of food.
“Oh, you know…” you trail your voice quietly while bussing the table next to hers. “Like love and stuff.”
Violet snorts. “What? Love? Out here? In this dust bowl? You’re nuts.”
“I am not!” you retort. “It could happen.”
“Yeah, sure,” Violet rolls her eyes, “because gorgeous and attractive people just tumble into our diner like it’s a speed-dating site.”
The violent shockwave shakes the diner to its core and knocks both you and Violet off of your feet and flat onto the ground. You instinctively cover your head as pieces of debris and dust fall from the ceiling. The patrons in the diner start screaming and run past you to the diner exit as you lay on the floor, stunned by what just happened. You slowly open your eyes and look over at Violet, making sure she’s okay. She looks dazed, but nods and you both help each other up.
“Kriffing banthas!” you exclaim. “What was that?”
“I don’t know,” Violet says with a shaky voice, still in shock.
You turn around and see a gaping hole in the side of the diner and your eyes grow wide. A mess of twisted dura-steel, snapped electrical wires, and broken water pipes are poking out in every direction. You’re not sure what to make of it. You tilt your head from side to side trying to figure out what happened until you see a clone trooper’s body laying under some debris. You rush over, climbing through the rubble to get to the trapped man. He’s unconscious, but breathing.
“Violet, help me!” you call back. “He’s trapped!”
Violet climbs up alongside of you and you each grab an arm, tugging with all of your might, but it’s no use, he’s too heavy. You pant at the exertion and look around for anything that you could use for leverage. But before you can make your next move, three more clone troopers burst through the front door of the diner. They look around frantically before meeting your gaze as you wave your hands to try and get their attention. They must be with the clone that’s trapped.
“Over here!” you call out to them. “He’s over here!”
The three clones rush over and replace you and Violet. The two troopers in camouflage lift the debris and the third clone in gray armor pulls the trapped clone out from underneath it. They carry him away from the debris pile and lay him on top of one of the diner tables. The clone in gray armor pulls out a bag with a medic symbol on it and rummages through it. Finding what he’s looking for, he scans over the unconscious clone with the device, then sighs in relief.
“No internal injuries,” the gray clone says. “Looks like he just got knocked out. He’s lucky.”
One of the clones in camouflage shakes his head. “Of all the things to go wrong.”
“At least he’s not dead,” the other clone in camouflage says. “Try explaining that to Commander Cody and Captain Rex.”
The first clone in camouflage visually bristles.
“Um, excuse me,” you interrupt with a slight raise of your hand.
The first clone in camouflage takes his helmet off. “Apologies, I’m Waxer, with the 212th.” He points to the clone next to him. “This is Boil, also with the 212th, and that’s Sinker, with the 104th.” He looks down at the clone on the table. “And that one is Jesse, from the 501st.”
“Pleasure…” you say as you try to take it all in. There’s so many numbers and names, you’re not sure how you’ll keep them all straight.
“Wait, hold on,” Violet interjects, dumbfounded. “Y’all just crashed into our diner and you're exchanging pleasantries like you met at the local market?”
“Correction,” Boil says. “Jesse crashed into your diner.”
Violet’s jaw drops and she turns to you. “Are these guys for real?”
“I assure you ma’am,” Sinker says. “We are, in fact, real clones.”
You start to snicker and Violet throws her hands up in defeat. “You know what, I’ve had enough for one day.” She takes her dusty and torn apron off and tosses it on the ground with the rest of the debris. “I do not get paid enough to deal with clowns!”
“Don’t you mean, clones?” Boil asks.
���I meant what I said!” Violet yells back as she navigates around the debris to the exit.
You try to stifle a laugh, but fail. “Don’t worry about her. She’s just stressed. It’s not every day we get clones crashing into our diner.”
Waxer rubs the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. One of the AT-RTs had a malfunction and Jesse couldn’t get it to stop.”
“I see,” you look down at the clone on the table and knit your brows with worry. You feel bad for him. It must have been scary, being stuck on an uncontrollable collision course and knowing you can’t do anything to stop it from happening. Well, at least for you it would have been scary. You’re not even sure if clones feel fear. It’s not something you’ve ever thought about, until now.
“We’ll fix the wall for you,” Waxer says. “Might take us a couple rotations, but we’ll get it done.”
“The owner will definitely appreciate it,” you smile. You’re not quite sure where the cook went off to, but he must have bailed when the wall was smashed. That coward. He talks a lot about your head being stuck in the clouds, but when things go wrong, you’re the only one keeping a level head.
“Can you stay with him?” Waxer asks. “We need to comm our superiors.”
“Yeah, sure,” you agree, then pull out one of the table chairs to take a seat. You didn’t realize how much your legs were shaking until you were sitting down and relieving them of their duty, but now that the adrenaline is wearing off, you’re starting to feel exhausted.
You watch Jesse like Waxer asked you too, but to be honest, you’re not sure what you’re supposed to be watching. You look him over from head to toe and take in all of his features. He’s wearing different armor than the other three clones, but it’s not the standard issue clone armor that you see in the news either. You’re not sure what it is. He’s got two thick leather skirt-looking things around his thighs, two holsters, and a big flappy thing across his shoulders.
You shrug and continue your examination. He also has some type of pouch on his chest that looks like it could either hold ammo or snacks. You figure both are important. There’s also an extra chest plate on top of the standard one. Must be for extra protection. You then look at the blue markings that adorn his arms and legs and wonder if they have any meaning. The last thing you look at is his face. There’s a huge GAR tattoo covering one side. Curious, but not bizarre.
You lean over his body to get a better view, when you hear him stir. You quickly remove yourself and wave your hand over his face to try and get him to wake up.
“Hey,” you call. “Wake up, Jesse.”
Jesse groans as he comes to. “Am I dead?”
You chuckle. “No, just got a little knocked around.”
Jesse hisses as he tries to sit up and raises a hand to hold the side of his head. “Ow, my head.”
“It’s gonna hurt a bit,” you say. “That was a nasty crash.”
Jesse closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. “What crash?”
“You don’t remember?” you ask in concern.
Jesse opens his eyes, and as they finally focus, he sees the mess of twisted dura-steel and a crushed AT-RT within it. His body jolts at the memory. “The building!”
“Whoa!” you put your hands on Jesse’s shoulders to try and get him to calm down. “Easy, Jesse, easy.”
Jesse breathes heavily at the new surge of adrenaline, but settles down. He shoots you a quizzical look. “Who are you and how do you know my name?”
“Oh, right,” you laugh nervously then introduce yourself. “I’m a waitress here and your friends are just outside. They pulled you out of the rubble and told me to watch you.”
Jesse leans his head back against the table and groans. “Rex is going to kill me.”
“Who’s Rex?” you ask to try to keep him talking. Concussions are very serious, and without knowing if he has one, you don’t want him falling unconscious again.
“My captain,” Jesse answers. He drapes an arm over his face. “He’s the one that sent me to this desolate dust bowl.”
You chuckle at his disdain for the planet.
“Oh, sorry,” Jesse apologizes. “I guess this is your home, huh? I didn’t mean to be rude.”
“No worries,” you wave off the remark and smile. “I think it’s a dust bowl, too.”
Jesse chuckles.
“I’m sorry about your AT… thing,” you offer, trying to remember the exact acronym.
Jesse laughs. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t mine.”
You snort and then laugh along with him. “You’re funny.”
“And you’re pretty,” Jesse blurts out.
You stop laughing as you process what he said. “You think I’m pretty?”
Jesse’s stomach flips when he realizes his thoughts didn’t stay in his head. “Kriff, did I say that out loud?”
“Uh, yeah,” you answer nervously, your face feeling warm.
“Maker, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that,” Jesse apologizes, the embarrassment written all over his face.
“So, you don’t think I’m pretty?” you ask.
“Uh, no, I mean yes, well, you see,” Jesse stammers, then gives up trying to explain himself. He sighs. “I think my brain got scrambled in the crash.”
You chuckle and pat his arm. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
After your short but awkward conversation with Jesse, the three clones reassemble in the diner to debrief the now awake Jesse. Waxer commed Cody, Boil commed Rex, and Sinker commed Wolffe, although from the sweat on Sinker’s face, you can tell who has the most commanding officer of them all. The consensus is that the GAR will pay for the damages and the four clones will repair the diner wall. None of them seem too thrilled about it, and you don’t blame them.
By the time the excitement has calmed down, and the materials to fix the diner are located, it’s nightfall and you are exhausted. You’re practically dead on your feet, body swaying with your broom while trying to clean up some of the debris on the other end of the diner. You’re the only staff member left to help clean up, so you chose to stay. Of course won’t be paid for any of this, but the faster the diner is back in business, the faster you can start getting paid again.
You dump another dust pan of rubble into the trash receptacle, then plop down onto one of the stools lining the diner counter. You yawn wide and lean your elbow on the counter, propping your face up as you close your eyelids for just a moment to rest. The moment must have lasted longer than you expected, because when you open your eyes again, you wake up in one of the booths with a blanket on top of you and another one folded under your head for use as a pillow.
It’s still dark out, the moonlight beaming in through the large transparisteel panes that line the front of the diner, and you sit up to get your bearings. There’s three clones nestled on the floor, all tangled up together in a mess of armor and limbs. You’re not sure how sleeping like that is comfortable, but more power to them. You realize Jesse is missing, and you pop your head up over the booth to look for him, hoping that he hasn’t wandered off somewhere and gotten lost.
You tiptoe around the sleeping clones, blanket hung around your shoulders to keep the desert chill out, and walk around looking for Jesse. He’s not inside the diner, so you walk outside. You really hope he didn’t leave to relieve himself and you’re about to walk in on something you’re not prepared to see, and luckily you don’t. You circle the entire building and you still can’t find him. Finally, you hear your name being called and you look up to see two legs dangling from the roof.
You shake your head and climb up the side ladder to join Jesse on the roof.
“You should be asleep,” he says, not moving his gaze from the horizon.
“So, should you,” you retort back. “You’re injured.”
“I’m fine,” he dismisses. “Barely even a scratch on me.”
You sit next to him and let your feet hang off the edge. “I was talking about your brain.”
Jesse chuckles. “That’s fine, too.”
“No more accidentally calling me pretty?” you jest.
“Not making any promises on that one,” he smirks.
You smile and fidget with the edges of the blanket. “Did you move me to the booth?”
“Hope you don’t mind,” he answers. “That counter was doing nothing for your back. Probably should’ve asked first.”
“Oh, no,” you dismiss with a wave of your hand. “I just wanted to say thank you.”
Jesse smiles. “You’re welcome, mesh’la.”
You don’t remember falling asleep on the rooftop, but when you awaken feeling like a rolled up burrito with Jesse’s arm draped across your side, the memories start to come back. You must have talked for a while before dozing off, because you feel like you barely got any sleep at all. The blanket wrapped around you is tight and you wiggle to try to get yourself free from it, but as you do, you start to roll away. You panic slightly before feeling Jesse’s firm hand stopping you.
“Going somewhere?” he asks, his voice rough with sleep.
“Thought I’d roll myself to work today,” you answer.
Jesse raises an eyebrow. “How’s that working out for you?”
You wiggle against the restraining blanket. “Ten out of ten would not recommend.”
Jesse snorts and sits up. “I didn’t want you to get cold or fall off the roof.”
“Appreciate it,” you strain out as you wriggle some more. “Please help me.”
Jesse unravels your blanket cocoon and helps you to your feet. You straighten your dirty uniform out and climb down the ladder to get the day started with Jesse trailing behind you. Violet is already inside the diner, chatting with the other three clones. She gives you a knowing look when she sees you walk in with Jesse, but doesn’t say anything. You’re just happy she’s here to help. When she stormed off yesterday, you weren’t sure if she was going to come back.
As the clones start discussing their plan of attack, the two of you decide the best way to start the day is to eat a hearty breakfast. There’s a lot of work to be done and everyone is going to need as much energy as they can get. The cook never came back, but that’s of no matter, you know how to cook. In no time, a full breakfast and hot caf is served. You dust off some of the debris before placing the plates and mugs down on the table and everyone digs in.
Once breakfast is over, the four clones get to work hauling away the large debris pieces from the wall and the crushed AT-RT. You offer the use of the dumpster in the back of the building, but they insist that the GAR will come pick it up and you should use the dumpster for smaller debris. You don’t argue with them and set out with Violet to clean whatever you can of the mess inside the diner, making sure to wear gloves so you don’t cut your hands on any sharp pieces.
As the day continues, the desert heat begins to seep into the diner. The crash must have broken the refrigerant lines, but with the gaping hole in the side of the diner, the climate control wouldn’t be of much use anyway. You and Violet switch gears and make a refreshing batch of Tatooine Sunset to ensure everyone stays hydrated. You also put damp towels in the conservator to help cool everyone off during breaks. It’s barely midday and you know it’s only going to get hotter.
Soon enough, the clones start shedding their armor, at least the top halves of their armor. You’ve never seen a clone without their armor, but honestly, you haven’t seen that many clones to begin with. It’s when they start taking the top black portion of their bodysuits off that you really take notice. They’re jacked. You stand back in one of the corners, mindlessly moving your broom as you watch them work. Not a single piece of debris makes it into the dustpan.
Violet elbows you in the side.
“Ow!” you exclaim. “What was that for?”
“You’re staring,” Violet answers.
“Am not,” you argue.
Violet crosses her arms. “Four hot, shirtless men are flexing their muscles and sweating in our diner, and you’re not staring?”
You purse your lips trying not to give her any satisfaction.
“Well, I’m going to stare,” Violet says. “I mean, look at those abs. But the difference is that I can stare and sweep.”
You roll your eyes and push some garbage into the dustpan.
“You wanted more,” Violet says as she nonchalantly scoots away with her broom. “Well, more is standing over there with a giant tattoo on his head.”
You open your mouth to protest, but she’s too far away. You hate it when she does that. Violet always seems to know what you’re thinking before you’ve even thought it yourself. According to her it’s her gift to the world, but really, it’s just a nuisance. She is right, though, because Jesse does make your heart flutter. You’ve just met him, but it's like you’ve known him your entire life. Talking to him feels as natural as breathing, and for the first time, you truly feel fortunate for your job at the diner.
You lean on your broom and start staring again, watching Jesse walk over to the rubble, pick up a large piece, then carry it out of the diner and drop it onto the pile. Each movement he makes causes the muscles in his arms and torso to ripple with dramatic effect. The sweat that drips down his body only serves to accentuate how toned he is. Before you even realize it, Jesse’s looking at you and you nearly fall off your broom in embarrassment, but he smiles at you.
You continue cleaning up the diner while stealing glances at Jesse, but he also glances back. You want so badly just to sit down and talk with him more. Your conversation on the rooftop last night was a lot of fun and you both shared different things about your lives. You told him about your parents and how you got stuck working at the diner, and he told you about his battalion and how he got stuck going on this training mission. Both equally unfortunate, but now, it feels okay.
The late afternoon break comes around, so you and Violet make another batch of Tatooine Sunset, as well as some sandwiches. The clones inhale the sandwiches so fast that you’re embarrassed you didn’t make more. You offer to, but they turn you down, being grateful just for the opportunity to eat real food instead of rations. You smile and turn back towards the kitchen. Jesse follows you through the double-doors and leans his hot back against the cool conservator.
“Like what you see?” Jesse asks with a smirk.
You turn around to look at him. “The wall’s coming along nice.”
Jesse scrunches his nose. “You weren’t staring at the wall.”
“How do you know?” you jest. “Maybe I like walls.”
Jesse tilts his head to the side and folds his arms over his bare chest. “Are you sure you don’t like something else?”
You groan. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”
Jesse gives you a devilish grin.
“Fine,” you sigh. “I like what I see.”
“I knew it,” Jesse says, a little too excited.
“Maker above, would you two please get a room!” Violet exclaims from the order window. “I’m so sick of you staring at each other. The closet is empty if you’re looking for a place to smash.”
“Violet!” you yell as your face flushes with embarrassment.
Jesse snorts. “That closet can barely fit a broom.”
“Then kiss or something,” Violet says. “Anything to get you two back to work.”
Jesse pushes off the conservator and heads towards the double doors. “You heard the task-master.”
“Wait,” you call. “Aren't you going to kiss me?”
Jesse stops and turns his head. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
You fidget with your hem. “Kinda.”
“Kinda isn’t a yes or a no,” Jesse says.
“Yes,” you correct. “I want you to kiss me.”
Jesse takes his hand off the double doors and walks over to you. Your eyes dart around as your nerves start to get the better of you. You can’t believe you just asked him to kiss you. You’ve never kissed anyone before. What if you’re bad at it? What if he doesn’t like it? What if you accidentally bite him? Maker, your stomach is in knots. Your breathing becomes heavier as he gets closer, but your nervous energy comes to a halt when he cups the side of your face.
Jesse smooths his thumb over your cheek and gives you a reassuring smile. He dips his head and tilts it to the side before pressing his lips against yours. His lips are warm and their touch ever so gentle as they melt into yours. You place your hands on his chest and all of your worries and concerns slip away as all you can think about is Jesse. You don’t want this moment to end, but eventually he pulls back, breaking the kiss, leaving you breathless and wanting for more.
Without a single word, Jesse turns on his heels and leaves the kitchen to go back to work fixing the wall. You stand there, alone in the kitchen, completely dazed by what just happened. You’re not sure if you’re dreaming or not, but you’re too afraid to pinch yourself to find out. You press your fingers to your lips, thinking about the kiss, and your body warms. You’re not sure how you can work now, but you do know that you’ll be spending every spare moment you have with Jesse.
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Finally the repairs are complete and tonight is your last night with Jesse. Your stomach aches at the thought of him leaving. Only a couple of rotations ago, he crashed into your life and stole your heart. You didn’t mean to fall for him, but his soulful brown eyes and bright smile captivated you. Besides, the feelings are mutual. You don’t want him to leave, but you know he can’t stay. He’s a soldier, with things to do and places to go, and you’re just a waitress at a diner in the middle of nowhere.
You’re spending your last night together sitting up on the rooftop of the diner, legs dangling over the edge, as you gaze up at the moon and soak in each other’s presence. It’s quiet, like it usually is in the desert, and not a soul would dare to disturb this moment, not even Violet. You want your last night with Jesse to be a memorable one, and what better way to end it then with the way you started it; on the roof. It may be silly to some, but it makes the pain a little easier.
“You’re leaving tomorrow,” you say sadly.
“Yeah,” Jesse answers, equally feeling sad about his departure.
“I don’t want you to go,” you admit as your voice quivers.
Jesse wraps an arm around you and pulls you against his side, leaning his head atop yours. “I don’t want to go either.”
“Stay?” you ask.
“You know I can’t,” Jesse sighs.
“Please,” you plead while nuzzling into his neck. “Don’t go.”
Jesse’s heart breaks. He picks his head up and cups the side of your face, leaning in and closing his eyes to capture your soft lips with his own. You press your body against his, deepening the kiss until Jesse is laying flat against the roof and you’re straddling over his stomach. Your lips are locked as Jesse glides his rough hands over your smooth back, pulling your shirt in different directions as he maps out the plains of your body.
Jesse breaks the kiss for a moment. “Come back to Coruscant with me,” he whispers while ghosting his lips over yours before nipping at your bottom lip and pulling them back against his.
Now it’s your turn to break the kiss. “Jesse–”
“We could get an apartment,” he cuts you off before you can protest, then plants a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth. “I’ll take care of you.” Another kiss finds its mark. “My vode will adore you.” A gentle suck at your bottom lip. “We’ll make lots of babies.” He smirks and you can’t stop the giggle from forming.
You sit up and release a soft sigh. “Sounds nice.”
Jesse reaches up and cups your chin. “But?”
You melt into his caress for a moment before removing his hand from your face. “But I can’t.”
Jesse bends his knees so you can lean back against them, then laces his fingers under his head. “Why not?”
You absently draw small circles around his chest with your fingers, the longing evident in your actions but missing from your words. “My home is here.”
“I could be your home,” Jesse reassures with a small smile.
You briefly smile back and tap at his chest. “What if something happens to you? I’ll be alone.”
Jesse knits his brows and frowns, fully understanding your hesitation. He’s a soldier, created to be expendable. His brothers die every day and no one bats an eyelash. There’s no guarantees that he’ll come back from his next campaign alive, but still, he wants this. He wants you.
Jesse untangles his fingers from behind his head and takes both of your hands in his own, kissing them tenderly. “I can’t promise tomorrow,” he admits. “I can only promise now.”
A single tear rolls down your cheek. “Then can I have you, at least right now?”
Jesse wipes your tear with his thumb, then flips you onto your back so he’s hovering over you. He leans down and presses his lips to yours once again, yearning to taste as much of you as possible. If this is his only moment with you, then he wants to remember everything. Every sweet taste, every curve, every bump, and every heavenly sound you’ll make for him as he ravages your body with only the moon above as a witness.
“Jesse,” you say his name breathlessly as your desire builds. “I want–”
Jesse places a finger against your lips to hush you. “I know, mesh’la,” he soothes while rubbing his finger across your plush lips before gently pushing it into your mouth, causing you to gasp. “We’ve got all night.”
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The light of the rising sun pierces through your eyelids, rousing you from your slumber. The morning comes quicker than you expect and you groan as you sit yourself up on the hard dura-steel roof. You rub the sleep from your eyes and look over to your right, expecting Jesse to still be sleeping, but he’s gone. Your heart sinks and you whip your head around to make sure he didn’t get up and stretch his legs, but you don’t see him. He must have left before you awoke.
Holding tears back, you stand up and pat down your wrinkled and disheveled clothes, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy. But who are you kidding? How could you ever be normal again after a night like that? A night of romance, passion, and longing that made you feel everything and nothing all at the same time. You know this is for the best. He’ll go back to Coruscant, back to the war, and you’ll be here, working your minimum wage job.
You break at the thought. Dropping to your knees you begin to sob, grieving over what you let go of. You don’t want Jesse to leave. You don’t want him to be a one night stand. You want a life with him. Even if it means him being away for weeks at a time or that he may leave and never come back. That slim chance is lightyears better than never seeing him again, than never feeling his burning touch on your skin or hearing his deep voice whisper sweetly in your ear.
You have to go after him. You can’t let him leave, not without you. Maybe it’s selfish, but you don’t care. Burdened with the thought of never seeing him again, you wipe your face, pick yourself up, and head to the ledge. You grab the ladder and stare off into the distance, wondering if you’ll catch a glimpse of him, but you don’t. You may be too late. Regardless, you slip down the ladder, ignoring the rungs and land with a thud onto the dusty ground.
You’re breathing heavily, your hair is a mess, and your clothes are horribly wrinkled, but you don’t care. You push open the front door violently. “I quit!”
Violet looks up at you from where she’s mopping the floor and pauses to lean on her mop with a knowing smile. Love wins, she guesses, and she’s right.
You walk over to Violet and throw your arms around her. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”
“I know,” Violet says as she hugs you tightly.
“I’ll miss you,” you whisper, the tears barely held back.
“I’ll miss you too,” Violet answers with a tremble in her voice. She breaks your embrace and composes herself. “Now go, or you won’t catch him.”
You reluctantly let go of your best friend, and with tears in your eyes, you back away and leave.
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“You got everything?” Waxer asks as he carries another crate into the transport that’s taking Jesse back to Coruscant.
“Hm?” Jesse snaps out of his daze. “Oh, yeah,” Jesse answers, and then pauses. “I… I left something in the desert.”
“I hope it wasn’t valuable,” Waxer laughs.
Jesse stares out towards the dusty horizon and sighs. “Priceless, actually.”
Waxer claps a comforting hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “Sorry to hear that.”
Jesse gives Waxer a half smile, but it quickly fades back into a frown. His transport leaves within the hour and he wonders if he made a mistake by not saying goodbye. He thought if he left without a word, it would be easier for both of you, but he was wrong. His chest feels tight and his heart aches. What he wouldn’t give to hear your voice one more time. He didn’t think it was possible to leave this dusty planet more upset than when he first landed, and yet here he is.
Jesse takes one last look at the place he initially despised, then turns to board the transport. It’s not just you that he left in the desert. He left his heart there too, on the rooftop of that old diner. He sits on one of the crates in the back of the transport and leans his head against the cold frame. He didn’t want this assignment. He didn’t want to come here. It could have been any other clone, but no, his number was drawn. The universe has a cruel sense of humor.
Before the ramp closes, Jesse hears someone calling for the transport to halt. Leaving his bucket on the crate, he makes his way back down the ramp to ask what’s delaying the departure, thinking it might be something mechanical. However, as he barely steps off the ramp and onto the dusty earth, he sees a speeder in the distance. He grabs a pair of scopes from a nearby clone trooper and dials in on the speeder. His breath catches in his throat. It’s you.
Jesse gives the scopes back to the clone trooper he took them from and starts walking away from the transport, his heart beating rapidly out of his chest, wondering if it’s really true or if the desert heat is playing tricks on him. Did you just want to say goodbye or do you want to go with him? He doesn’t dare let himself think the latter. You made it clear to him last night that you won’t go with him, but he wants to hope so badly. He wants to believe that it’s the only reason.
The speeder comes to a screeching halt a couple yards away from Jesse and he watches with bated breath as you jump out of it and sprint towards him.
“Jesse!” you yell as tears fall from your face.
Jesse smiles and opens his arms. You jump into them without a second thought and bury your face into his neck. He wraps his arms around you and lifts you off of the ground and onto his hips, one arm cradling your butt and the other securing around your back.
“I didn’t think I was going to make it in time,” you cry.
“You made it, mesh’la,” Jesse soothes as he kisses your cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.”
You pick your head up and look at him through blurry vision, a small smile growing on your lips. “Not goodbye. I’m going with you.”
Jesse’s eyes dart around your face, looking for any semblance that you’re joking or maybe this is a dream, but he can’t find anything. “You’re coming with me? To Coruscant?”
You nod your head, afraid that your voice will crack if you try to use it again.
Jesse squeezes you tighter, terrified that at any moment you’ll be ripped away from him. He can’t believe that you changed your mind, that you’re going back with him. His thoughts race a mile a minute as he thinks about your future together. He has a stake in this war now, something worth fighting for that wasn’t thrust upon him by someone else or programmed into him as duty and loyalty. No, now he has you, and he will fight this war to make sure you stay safe in his arms.
“Let’s go home,” Jesse says as he carries you into the transport.
You smile and rest your head on his shoulder. “I’d like that.”
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petrifiedforests · 7 months
No, pressure, of course, but perhaps Waxer/Boil and 💛? 😘
💛 reunion kiss / relief for you @cacodaemonia without any angst. Just fluff.
Everybody knows it's Waxer and Boil. Boil and Waxer. WaxerandBoil.
They have become such a fixed entity in their squads minds that the shinies always seem surprised they're not attached at the hip.
Okay, so sometimes they are, but off-duty bunk arrangements non withstanding, they are ARF troopers.
They are among the best in what they do and so they are loaned out to other legions or sent out alone quite often.
Which is to say, Waxer is currently waiting for Boil's shuttle to set down and he can't stop from bouncing slightly on his feet.
He missed him.
The shuttle circles lazily above the landing area and finally with one last burst of the thrusters, it sets down gently.
Waxer knows Boil is fine, he's been at the kriffing debrief where Boil commed in what he found. 
So, this is the time to implement the plan that has been in the making ever since Boil had become so flustered watching that kitschy holo a few weeks back.
He's got one shot at this and he's going to make it count.
He watches carefully as the ramp lowers and Boil emerges, blinking rapidly against the glaring sun.
With all the grace Kamino's training has brought him, Waxer quickly closes the distance between them and knocks Boil's feet cleanly out from under him.
Boil yelps loudly, arms windmilling and Waxer grins as he catches him and dips him deeply.
"Hi darling," he grins, "welcome back!" 
The deep flush spreading across Boil's face up to his ears is utterly endearing. 
Waxer simply must lean in and kiss him for all he's worth.
It's proper romantic. Just like that holo.
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kurara123 · 10 months
Time for an update of my Black Series collection!!!!! 😁
I ordered them from Aliexpress so they are bootlegs but Hasbro are so stupid for not giving them official figures 🤨and they are all amazing!!!!!
Waxer and Boil!!!!😍
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Here with the rest of 212th
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Umbara boys + 332nd clone trooper (Hardcase with his Z-6 Rotary Cannon 😭I love him soooo much🥰)
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and with the rest of 501st 😌
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my collection at the moment
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these three...I swear.... I love them soooooooo f much!!!!!!!
(I would insert big explosion at the background but i don't have a time to do it 😂)
The one thats are missing from my collection (that I'm aware of) are of course Rex (he is so expensive right now I hope Hasbro will be smart this time and re-release him), ARF trooper, Arc Fives and Bootleg Tup (i was late and already he is not available in aliexpress 😫
I hope that Aliexpress will made Thorn and Hound I reeeeealllly need them 😭
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 5 months
lfkjgkflg I am legally compelled to ask about 'Save an AT-RT (Ride an ARF Trooper)' :D
Haha, I knew as soon as I put that in there you might come knocking 😂
This is the title of a PWP I started writing months ago before I had actually written anything spicy and wanted to practice first. You may recall me mentioning a half-done Waxer/Boil fic where I had written like, the shell of the story but skipped the juicy middle? That's this one.
Handily, it fits really nicely with a Week 3 prompt for @waxerboilmonth so it will debut then! But I can give you a little snippet:
Boil lay there, still gasping, and threw an arm across his eyes while he waited for his heart rate to slow. That was when he heard it. The most terrible sound he had ever heard in his short, war-torn life. Applause. "Woohoo!" came the cry from the tent next door. "Thanks for the show, boys!" Wooley called.
I promise Waxer is there too, he's just dealing with something NSFW 🤫 I hope that makes up for my recent Last Line challenge!
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hawkeykirsah · 10 months
So, this was originally supposed to be my fifth prompt fill for the Codywan Sleep Bingo that I didn't finish in time, so now you get it about three months too late.
Prompt used: Sleep position Back to Back Words: ~880 Rating G
Fic is under the cut!
Ghost Company had been on this Force-forsaken planet too long, if anyone asked Cody.
Nearly two weeks of trudging through ankle-deep mud, rain continuously sleeting from rolling gray skies, pooling into large puddles, the rivers bursting their banks. It was cold and damp and fucking miserable.
Communications with the rest of the 212th—be it on-planet or on the Negotiator—were spotty at best, courtesy of the deep valleys cutting through the mountains, and each evening brought the same course of action: the search for a comparatively dry campsite.
Boil was the one to shout out this time, his outstretched hand pointing at a slightly darker spot in the face of the rock to their right.
“I think you might be right,” Obi-Wan said, squinting through the sheet of rain pelting down on them. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” And with that he took off, jumping easily from rock to rock. 
It didn’t take long for Cody’s com to crackle, Obi-Wan’s voice filtering through for all to hear, “Tell Boil very well done indeed. It opens to a nice, dry cave. Watch out when you close up, the last ten meters are pretty slippery.”
“He heard you, General,” Cody replied, watching his ARF trooper preen at the General’s words. “Moving to your position now.”
The cave was a tight fit for the platoon but it was dry. They set up camp quickly, routine making sure everything ran like clockwork, and still it was near midnight before Cody found himself sitting beside Obi-Wan by a fire. Around them the men that weren’t on guard duty had settled for the night, quiet murmurs filling the air before they slowly went to sleep one by one.
Cody moved slightly, gaze sweeping through the cave once more, his back brushing against Obi-Wan’s. He winced. There wasn’t really much room to stretch out. 
“That alright, sir?” he asked, glancing at the general over his shoulder, hesitating to lean against him more fully.
“Certainly,” came the soft reply, followed by, “if you don’t mind?” as Obi-Wan shifted, settling more firmly against Cody. It couldn’t be very comfortable with Cody in his armor but Obi-Wan seemed unbothered by the discomfort.
A small smile snuck onto his face, “Not at all.”
“Try to get some rest, Cody. The men have things well in hand.”
“You, too, sir,” he replied, stifling a yawn, and relaxed against Obi-Wan’s broad back..
He returned his attention to his surroundings, gazing out at the curtains of rain beyond the cave entrance and the guard post set up just inside. He nodded to himself, satisfied, eyes growing increasingly heavy until they slipped shut.
Typo rubbed the sleep out of his eyes when Gearshift roused him to take over a watch. He got up and stretched, making room for the other to lie down. Blaze was already up, talking to Crys. All three had their eyes trained away from the cave entrance. Frowning, Typo followed their line of sight and started. There, back to back, sat the general and the commander, heads tilted back and leaning against each other.
A holorecorder clicked beside him and he turned his head to see Wooley wink at him.
“For our collection,” he said, keeping his voice low.
“Collection?” Typo asked, gathering the last of his gear.
“Mhm. We have a collection of holos of the Commander and the General falling asleep together on missions.”
There were several other telltale clinking sounds.
“So…I can take a holo of them?” he asked, adjusting his helmet. He didn’t have any other means of capturing an image.
“Yes, as long as it stays in the 212th unless Cody or Obi-Wan give the okay to share it more publicly. I’d go with asking the General, he’s easier that way,” Crys confirmed, suddenly appearing at his side. “Better get to your station before Cody wakes up and sees there’s nobody guarding the entrance.”
Typo nodded and quickly made his way over, but not before snapping an image.
Cody woke to something tickling his nose and the sound of low voices and hustling and bustling around him. He blinked lazily, finding himself looking at what seemed to be Obi-Wan’s ear and a strand of reddish hair. Right. He'd apparently fallen asleep leaning against his general on the dusty floor of a cave. Hopefully nobody had—
—taken a holo yet.
“Morning, Commander!” Waxer said cheerfully, not even bothering to hide the holorecorder in his hands. “You look almost comfy.”
Cody scowled at him because, fuck, he was stiff, when a slight shaking at his back caught his attention. Obi-Wan was laughing softly, tilting his head further back on Cody’s shoulder and looking up at Waxer. If Cody turned his head to the side he could easily brush a kiss to his cheek. He pushed that thought aside.
“Good morning, Waxer. Did you get all the holos you wanted?” Obi-Wan said, amusement coloring his voice despite the raspiness of sleep.
“And then some, sir,” came the reply.
“Well,” Obi-Wan said easily, standing up and dusting off his trousers before offering Cody a hand up, “you can all show us later but first let’s see if we can’t get off this blasted rock.”
Cody nodded, stopping Waxer before he could leave, and said, "show me."
He looked at the holo and nodded again, the corners of his mouth twitching to smile. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.
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gaeasun · 3 months
🌤️for the ask game, gedet'ye.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
I think that's definitely this one:
Boil salutes before talking.“Sir, I have ARF training. Where do you need a scout most?”  “Hrm,” Alpha muses. “How are your eyes?” “Sharp, sir.” “He’s my best scout and trooper in one,” Cody offers. Rex looks at him with half a second of mock offense before sobering back up.  “Why hadn’t you sent him to me then?”  “Sorry sir, he was too helpful, didn’t have time for you to break him and fix him up again,” Cody grins slantedly.  Alpha huffs. “Fine. Time for that in the future.” Boil slowly pulls out of his salute.
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pixelpython · 1 year
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ARF Trooper Collection
"Don't cry, kid. We'll keep you safe. I…I promise." - Boil
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jenstar1992-2 · 3 years
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Clones being dads, because it warms my heart. 😊🧡🖤💕
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meerlichts · 3 years
Chapter nine of someone to watch me die is now out!!
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anstarwar · 2 years
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ARF helmets are utterly boopable
Waxer and Boil agree *nods*
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mrfandomwars · 2 years
Thinking about my version of Hound
Thinking about how he felt like he didn't fit in his hatch with Boil & Waxer and Sinker & Boost as they immediately become inseperable and even though they loved him and tried to include him on stuff, he still felt like an outsider.
Thinking on how he was found by the Cold Batch after getting lost one day and being basically adopted (Spar: I leave you alone for 5 minutes-)
Thinking about him feeing like he finally belongs to somewhere, even if he has to sneak past bad trainers and was only able to do that during the late hours.
Thinking about the Cold Batch slowly separating themselves from Archer and Hound for what seemed no reason and how Spar kept pulling them back to it.
Thinking about how Spar left, Archer and Hound were officially separated from the cold batch but still tried to keep in touch, even if at times it seemed impossible because they promised each other that they wouldn't leave them like the Cold Batch did.
Thinking about how Hound's batch didn't immediately realize that the Cold Batch had seemingly unadopted him because he still kept going outside of their designated "room" because he was either trying to meet up with Archer or trying to not have to force his vode into including him "out of pity".
Thinking about him being watched by Kaminoans and Trainers alike, being considered for decomissioning, because it's not that hard to find who had more interactions with the Cold Batch and thus Spar, which means that he should be watched incase he turned "insane" like Spar as every Alpha and clone that interacted with Spar had been.
Thinking about him being assigned a battalion and kind of settling down, becoming friends with some other vode.
Thinking about him being assigned to Krell's battalion and having to get used with the "Jedi" we all know Krell was never truly a Jedi not being what he thought they would be as the lives of the vode under Krell become meaningless and being synom with canon folder so he would try to not get attached to anyone other than older survivours but even then it doesn't really mean anything, on battlefield or not.
Thinking of him being one of the last 6 members of his Company with other people that he was friends with, his death being faked with their but being the only one sent to the Coruscant Guard with a new number that's a mix of Archer's and of his batch, feeling alone again, because he has no one he knows on Coruscant.
Thinking about him wondering if his batch would miss him or if they wouldn't notice that he was gone at all, having been assigned away from their battalions, wondering if Archer would notice him gone as because of Krell not allowing comunications with outside battalions they hadn't been talking.
Thinking about him first keeping to himself when on Coruscant and being given Grizzer (who everyone thinks is a boy but plot twist, it's a girl), but slowly being dragged into the Corrie family because they need to stand together to survive and if you don't work together then that means you are a more likely prey to Coruscant.
Thinking about him settling as the new boss of the massiff unit, feeling like he belongs.
Just thinking about my version of him.
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cacodaemonia · 3 years
Got any Waxer and Boil headcanons? How do you think they ended up ARF troopers at Geonosis?
Hi! Um, I’m not very creative, so I don’t really have any of my own ideas, aside from the very nebulous Reconstruction Corps AU (post-war) that I’ve done some images for. I mean, I like to think they’ve known each other a long time and are bestest buddies, and Boil pretends to “put up with” Waxer’s sweet nature but actually adores him for it. Haha, but as everyone else seems to think that as well, I don’t know if it counts as a headcanon? XD;
As for why they were in ARF gear on Geonosis, then went back to standard armor later, I would love to know that as well!
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kaijusplotch · 3 years
Deaging clones fic wip
so this is titled "Rejuvination" and i wanna share this so...ENJOY!
Cody was glad that the latest campaign was over. It had been hell for the 212th and the 501st. While casualties had been low, it was still a blow to each battalion. They felt too much, sometimes, both Rex and himself; as well as their generals. Something heavy was hanging over The Negotiator, and he was sure that was the same over on The Resolute.
“Cody, we need to change course,” Obi-Wan said softly as they stood on the bridge.
“Sir?” Cody frowned worriedly, wondering what it was that pulled his general off of their return route to Coruscant.
Obi-Wan just smiled and patted Cody’s shoulder. “It’s nothing bad. The Force is...pulling me toward something. But it’s a good feeling.”
Cody eyed his general, raising an eyebrow before shaking his head. “Alright. Should we let The Resolute know?”
“Yes, if Anakin hasn’t sensed it as well. There’s a planet that has a strong force presence; a peaceful one. It must be a well of the Force or something like it.”
Cody hadn’t seen his general so relaxed in a long time. If this detour was going to give Obi-Wan a little more peace, then Cody was all for it. He smiled and nodded to Siren. “Send the coordinates to The Resolute. I think we’ve all earned a little detour/shore leave.”
The command center was filled with cheers from the clones, and soft laughs from the nat-born administrators. Some peace and quiet (or as much as Cody could get from some of his men) would be nice. He just hoped Waxer didn’t try to adopt any local wildlife.
The planet was uninhabited by any sentient species, which was a surprise to Cody. The air was safe, even had safe food and water if they wanted to have a snack. What seemed to be what drew the Jedi was a strange abandoned temple. What drew Cody’s, and by extension most of the exhausted 212th and 501st command structure were the hot springs.
“You should enjoy yourselves while here,” Obi-Wan said with a small smile. “The scanners are working on the shuttle; there’s no need to be on edge.”
“Are you sure, sir?” Cody watched his General carefully. He seemed already to be so much more at ease, he wanted to thank whatever deities existed.
“Very. Nothing bad will happen here.” Obi-Wan was so confident in his assessment that Cody had no choice but to have faith in him.
“All right.” Cody sighed and looked up as the sound of another shuttle breaking atmosphere broke the peaceful silence. He smiled, noticing the nose-art of the two LA/ATs settled down besides the 212th. Cody was excited to see his little brother, and hopefully catch up on the chaos that the Domino Squad was no doubt causing.
“Hey Master!” Anakin cried as he jumped from the shuttle, beaming and stretching. Behind him Ashoka was already pulling an exhausted looking Rex from where he had settled.
“Anakin, Ashoka,” Obi-Wan said with a smile as he walked to meet them.
“General, Commander, Rex’ika.” Cody grinned when Rex just glared at him.
“Really, Cody?” Rex grumbled.
“I’ve effectively been given a short term leave by Obi-Wan. I can call you whatever I want.” Cody beamed and punched his brother’s shoulder playfully. He looked up when the rest of the 501st came out, smiling as they mingled with brothers from the 212th.
“You’re right, Master. This place feels...so bright and light!” Ashoka smiled and closed her eyes as she stood with her masters.
“General Kenobi says there’s nothing here to be worried about, I have to believe him, if only for how much better he looks,” Cody said, smiling at the young Torgruta. “Although I’m more interested in the hot springs.”
“Hot springs?” Anakin and Ashoka asked with bright smiles.
“Sorry, claimed first use,” Rex joined in, looking more eager than he was before.
“I want to meditate anyway first. The old temple is this way.” Obi-Wan beckoned the other two Jedi away and toward the eroded stone ruins on top of the small hill looking over the deeper valley below them.
“I’m up for hot spring dip!” Hardcase chirped beaming and already stripping out of his armor as he hurried away.
“YES! C’mon Boil!” Waxer grabbed his twin and dragged the other ARF trooper toward the several large hot springs tucked close to the mountain side.
Cody snorted and looked to the rest of the troops who were joining in with the rush to fresh hot water. “C’mon. Maybe we can find a pool that won’t be full of chaos.” He pulled Rex along at a more sedated pace, soaking in the good feelings and bright warm sunlight filtering through the trees as they stepped under them.
Already piles of blue and orange-gold armor were on the edges of the pools, with a few piles of blacks already. hanging on low hanging branches. Cody spotted the Domino squad chatting away with Jesse, Kix, Waxer, and Boil. He was glad to see that even with Echo and Fives going off on missions with other units, they were still close with Droidbait, Hevy, and Cutup.
“This one’s small, but no one else is here,” Rex called past a small collection of small shrubs and thin seedlings.
Cody smiled, spotting the ten foot wide pool and nodded. “Brotherly bonding time it is then.” He said smirking and pulling his armor off and piling it to the side, stripping down completely.
“Oh come on, leave your briefs, I don’t want to see your junk, Cody!”
“We have the same junk.” Cody rolled his eyes and tossed his shorts over a branch before walking into the hot water. He hissed a bit before settling down and finding a rock to sit on, leaning back against the edge of the pool with a sigh. “Never knew you’d become such a prude.”
“I have a 14 year old FEMALE Padawan on the ship.” Rex grumbled, settling in next to his brother in his underclothes. “AND she’s here on planet.”
“Oh...kriff, good point.” Cody frowned and stood to turn around. “OI! Someone better be on watch to stop Ashoka from walking in on the sausage festival!” Cody cried to the loud chatter of his brothers. The answering “KRIFF!” explained all he needed, even as he heard water splashing and yelling at brothers to toss each other their shorts.
“See?” Rex tossed Cody’s shorts in his face and smirked.
Cody glared and splashed him back before putting the shorts back on. “Shit head,” he spat, although it just felt good to not be a soldier and just be an older brother.
“Shebs kisser.”
“I know you are but what am I?”
Rex burst out laughing and Cody couldn’t help but join him. It felt good; he felt younger than he had in - well - forever. He held his breath and dunked under the water, rubbing his face.
“Gods this feels so good…” Rex said with a deep sigh.
“Second that, Rex.” Cody leaned his head back, closing his eyes and letting the hot water and the peaceful energy soak into his muscles and bones.
The laughter and splashing of the sixty-some brothers in the other larger pools was a siren song and Cody slowly found himself falling into a restful drifting sleep; even as a few voices sounded slightly different. Nothing bad would happen here. His General promised him.
Obi-Wan wasn’t sure exactly how long he, Anakin, and Ashoka had been meditating, but when he finally felt the gentle caress of awareness brush his consciousness he finally allowed himself to come out of the meditation. Opening his eyes he had to hold a small chuckle at the sight of both his Padawan and grand-padawan sprawled across each other in a peaceful sleep. The lines of stress across their faces were gone; like they never happened. Even their force signatures were lighter and brighter; even the super-nova-like brightness of Anakin’s.
“Anakin, Ashoka,” Obi-Wan gently prodded, poking their feet. He was rewarded by a very classic Anakin whine and grumpy face. Obi-Wan openly laughed at that. It had been so long.
“Ugh! Master, I don’t want to get up!”
“We should, especially if we want to go to the hot springs, Master.” Ashoka slowly uncurled from where she was sleeping and stretched. She looked like a Tooka as she yawned widely and arched her back; another reminder for Obi-Wan of her carnivorous nature.
“I should make sure that the boys are at least decent.” Obi-Wan stood and stretched, feeling his aches gone and his heart lighter. “Come on, both of you up. It’s nearly sundown and we should be getting back to the ships soon.”
He left to the complaints of both of his friends, knowing well that they wouldn’t leave before everyone had had a soak. He wasn’t as cruel as he played. Besides, Obi-Wan hadn’t felt this good in years. The Force was soothing and rejuvenating; lifting the years of weight that seemed to double from the war.
The path down into the small group of trees near was clear of any stones, although the piles of armor that were peeking out from between bushes and shrubs broke up the monotony of neon green and purple. The sound of a panicked scream broke through the peaceful chatter of aves and other creatures, causing anxiety to well in Obi-Wan’s heart.
“Cody?!” Obi-Wan rushed forward, abandoning his outer cloak to the wind. He burst through the bushes that blocked the path and drew his saber, only to stare in shock.
Sixty high ranking clones were staring back at Obi-Wan with wide, slightly shocked, slightly terrified, brown eyes. Most were scrambling to hold up their too-big under clothes as they abandoned the pools, some were swimming in their blacks, some were trying to use their armor to hide their nudity. Cody and Rex were part of the first group, staring up at Obi-Wan. Every single one between the ages of ten and 12.
“Oh dear…”
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