#Also thank you for letting me draw so many fun hairstyles
sasusakucoded · 9 months
Sarada: I'm reviewing for the written test, Mama. Can I see your notes when you were still a genin? Just want to make sure I've covered everything.
Sakura: Wait, let me find it.. Are you sure you want it? It's probably outdated and dusty. *searches the shelf*
Sarada: Yes, that's fine!
Sakura: Here.. I think that's all. *gives 3 notebooks*
Sarada: Thanks, Mama! I'll be in my room for a while.
Sakura: Sure, dear.
Sarada looked through the pages and the first thing she noticed were the drawings. "Th-This is—"
Sarada: Mama!!
Sakura: What is it?
Sarada: *shows the drawings*
Sakura: *takes the notebook*
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Sarada: It's okay. You're married now.
Sakura: Y-You're not supposed to see that.
Sarada: *laughs* Mama, it's okay. Give me the notebook. I'll go back to reviewing.
Sakura: No! You don't need it.
Sarada: I still have the other two..
Sakura: G-Give them back.
Sarada: Didn't know you can draw well, Mama. *teases*
Sakura: *embarrased* Sarada.
Sarada: Every page, there's a drawing of Papa's face. I've seen all angles!
Sakura: Please—
Sarada: I think I've also seen all his hairstyles. The duck butt hair was perfectly drawn.
Sakura: You know I really, really liked him—
Sarada: I can tell because of the "I love you Sasuke-kun" in so many random pages.
Sakura: *holds her face*
Sarada: Mama, it's okay. I actually find it cute.
Sakura: You do?
Sarada: Yeah. Does Papa know?
Sakura: No!! He'll get annoyed. I never lent him my notebook. If he borrowed it, I made sure to write in a clean one.
Sarada: Let me have it. I was just messing with you. *sticks her tongue out*
Sakura: You really are my daughter. Here. Just don't make fun of my young self. *laughs*
Sarada: Papa..
Sasuke: Hm?
Sarada: Have you seen this? Wait, don't tell mom I showed you.
Sasuke: *nods*
Sarada: And you can't say she's annoying!!
Sasuke: *nods*
Sarada: Here. I find it cute.
Sasuke: *flips through the pages* i haven't seen this notebook. I've borrowed notes several times..
Sarada: Yeah, she told me. She said she wrote in a another clean notebook when you asked for notes— Are you blushing, Papa?
Sasuke: *red as tomato* No.
Sarada: *laughs* I have 2 more notebooks. Do you want to see them?
Sasuke: *nods*
Sasuke: Someone wrote, "Sasuke-kun, let's get married and have many children." Do you know?
Sakura: A-Anata..
Sasuke: So I guess that's the 1st item in our agenda tonight.
Sakura: Sasuke-kun!
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starrysharks · 6 months
(positive) thoughts on black madoka
-the contrast with homuras pale skin means they'd look really good as a pair, imagery like them holding hands and the such would look so nice
-as an artist that often has thoughts on making characters black solely through a color scheme angle, if anything I'd say make her darker so you can get more contrast with her bright light pink hair
-YOUR COLORS ARE SOOOO GOOD just so cute and bright and fun and candy like and harmonious
-lastly as a white person I'm wondering if you'd have any advice or if you have any pet peeves with darkerskined character designs, I choose my ocs skin tone solely based on the color scheme (and whenever i draw canon characters with darker skin i tend to do so based on their pallette and to get more variety in the cast) and sometimes I get worried I could accidentally be making 'poor representation' sense I'm not considering they're race at all. (like I don't even decide if they're black or like, Indian or some other race/ethnicity with darker complexions) and so many 'guide on drawing black characters' focus on more like, realistic stuff (like don't de-saturate the skin tone[what if the color scheme calls for it???]) and honestly most of them make me scared to draw black characters at all because i'm scared I'll do it wrong, i want to play around with stylizing fun hair styles but I don't because I'm worried I'm not 'allowed' to as a white person
-anyway have a good day your art is top tier, like i've spent time studying how you use shapes and colors to improve my own art level top tier (i also have aheavy focus on shapes in my art :3)
firstly, thank you for the compliments on my madoka design!! i did also draw her with contrast and pallete in mind. when it comes to my own designs, usually it's a mix of what aids the color pallete and representation, i guess - i want to make fun, diverse casts, so i make sure to put a lot of variety in character races and ethnicities. sometimes it's also because i think a black character would be awesome in a pre-existing trope that's usually only delegated to white characters - such as the cute and confident girl-next-door mallow, or the badass gunslinger lunette! that's also another reason why i wanted to draw mado black, as there is an obvious shortage of adorable "moe" black girls in general media, let alone anime.
when it comes to learning how to draw non-white people for white artists, i would say one thing - talk to the demographic you are drawing! many black artists are open to questions, and there's even a trend going on twitter where black artists are drawing curly and coily hairstyles in their own styles. feel free to experiment with stylisation, but i would really recommend both directly taking from real life references and talking to black people for advice and critique! and when it comes to different lighting, there's a world of guides and references to black skin in all styles from realistic to cartoony. also about desaturation to fit a piece's pallete - it's fine (for me), so long as it fits the rest of the piece's saturation levels. think of it as the 'rule of thumb' for lightening dark skin in pastel art - when everything including the skin is lightened, we can tell what the original tone of the skin is. of course i am just one black guy and am not the spokesperson, so please talk to other black artists (and other non-white artists) for advice if you feel you need to!
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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🍕 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙃𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙀𝙮𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘼 𝘽𝙞𝙜 𝙋𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙚,
► A story about Italian vampires, secret admirers, and pizza.
Galileo x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 1,863 • characters: mc, galileo, francis, leonardo, napoleon, comte, dazai • tags: Pizza; Secret admirer; Romance; Cliché; Feelings Realization; Crack treated seriously  • masterlist
a/n: I don't know. I don't know.
I blame the English Ikesen twitter for informing me it's international pizza day (in a very creative way), which led to me going "haha three italians in ikevamp" which made me remember one very bad movie full of pizza and cliché, which led to me coming up with this. I don't even like pizza that much.
Idk if I should label this as crack, but don't take it seriously either way.
MC and Galileo's first encounter described in this fic is canon and you can read a translation of it here - many thanks to @cirillafionariannon
I wanted to try my hand at writing for our new two vamps, and this could also be an early Valentine's Day fic! Hope you enjoy!
Fun statistics!: the word pizza appears 33 times in this fic.
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Leonardo was in Comte's room, lounging around with a drink and listening about his friend's most recent trip to the 21st century. While Leonardo was a man with passion for knowledge, not everything that Comte talked in great detail about was to Leonardo's interest. Mind trailing off in random directions while supposedly continuing to be a good listener, he suddenly feels the need to interrupt his friend.
Waving a hand in the air and looking over the Gucci shades that Comte actually bought for himself, he motions a pause.
"Forget about that, tell me if they made an International Pizza Day in the future yet."
"…Why, there actually is a day like that. It's the 9th of February, if I remember right."
With a little over a week remaining until Pizza Day, or Just Another Thursday as 19th century Parisians know it, Leonardo mobilizes the mansion into preparing something grandiose for the occasion.
"We're going to feed the whole of Paris with pizza."
MC blinks in apparent bewilderment. With the amount of crazy stuff happening around the mansion already, one would think that feeding the whole of Paris with pizza would find its place low in her list.
They're all gathered in the kitchen as if it's some kind of conference hall, with Leonardo using a blackboard to illustrate his schemes. So far he's drawn just one giant pizza taking all of the blackboard. He taps the chalk against the board.
"Think of it as a charity. While everyone would be free to help as well as consume, we'll prioritize those who are in need."
Dazai raises a hand. "Let me guess, you always wanted to invent a giant stove and this is your mastermind plan."
Leonardo enthusiastically points at Dazai with the chalk in his hand, "Esatto! But not exactly a stove. While fixing various gadgets for people in town, I had this idea of making a massive hot plate," he draws an oval under the oval supposed to be pizza, "which is a metal plate heated by charcoal underneath. Some of you will help me assemble it, others will get the word around town. And for those who are incompetent with cooking pizza…"
"I can give out a lesson or two." Napoleon says, with a raised hand. "I love the idea. I have volunteered in food banks a couple of times already around town. I'd be glad to help."
"Heh, Napoleon, knew you had that Italian blood still running hot in you. Alright then, it's settled."
MC is in her bed, staring a hole through the wall. Eating in bed is something she rarely indulges in, moreso if it's pizza, but she can't help it. As she chews with eyes squinted in deep concentration, she tries and tries to make just any connection between recent events and the possible reason behind all of this.
Just a couple of days ago, some white haired guy with a half-up hairstyle started coming to the mansion.
"Pizza delivery! Miss, that's for you. You don't owe anything. Enjoy! Bye!"
Wait, pizza delivery in the 19th century? It was strange the first time, and it's still strange the tenth time it happened. Some of the residents advised she don't eat it, but in the course of events (and hunger) she found out that's some damn good pizza. The best she had ever since she came here. And it was addressed to her. Is this a secret admirer situation?! Very strange.
Of course she suspected Leonardo. With his pizza hype recently it only made sense, but also that would be too easy. Placing the box on the nightstand, she sighs and goes over the possible leads in her head one more time.
The next day she takes Napoleon's pizza cooking class and conveniently stays behind until everyone else leaves the kitchen - namely Vincent, Mozart, and Jean. Napoleon takes the bait and praises her efforts at perfecting her pizza-cooking skills, being more than willing to give her some extra lessons.
Then they have clichéd and intimate dough kneading moment where he stands behind her and guides her hands; she pokes her nose into some private topics as carefully as she could, taking the conversation in the direction of love and cooking a meal full of love. Still, nothing she samples for the sake of learning tastes nearly the same as that same pizza delivered to the mansion's door every night.
Looking out of the window up at the moon that is nearly full, MC can't help but remember about a recent encounter with a strange man. It happened when she had to deliver some Blanc to Isaac who was working late at the university. In one classroom there was a white haired man with beautiful purple eyes looking through an old-fashioned telescope. There was something intriguing about him; about the shooting star they saw together, the timing, his comment about "still looking at the stars even in this day and age". The name he introduced himself with. All of it, full of mystery.
And yet the biggest mystery of her life currently revolves around pizza.
The man with white half-up hair approaches the merchant brig ship has recently docked at the Seine. Night has long fallen but the light inside is unmistakable; of course it's his friend baking pizza again. On his ship, nonetheless.
"Again, Galileo? That's the sixth time this week. I'm not going out this time. And please be careful not to burn down the ship, okay?"
The other whitehaired man doesn't as much as acknowledge the other's presence, too absorbed in his craft. The parmesan falls from between his fingers like a snowstorm over a tomato-red sea; in the next second he's at the cutting board; going left and right like a madman. Or like someone inlove.
The other sighs.
"I'm hearing something about a pizza charity in town. Basically everyone's gonna cook a giant pizza together and then give pieces away. Sounds like your thing, eh?"
Galileo's eyes dart towards his friend for a mere second, his hands never pausing.
"Where are you taking all my pizzas to, anyway? And I'm not participating."
"As you wish."
He exits the kitchen, opting for the company of the moon outside instead. The gentle lull of the waves make him crave a nap ever if it's technically close to his sleeping time. He notices the telescope nearby, unused by his friend in some time, which is awfully unusual of him.
"Man, this stress-cooking is going to ruin him."
The day finally arrives. The masses are buzzing around the square where Leonardo shows his invention that aims to leave everyone with a stomach full of delicious pizza, so long as there are enough hands to help. And they are. Soon the place gets overcrowded, the air smells like heaven, and the chilly February day gets as hot as a midsummer one.
All MC can think about is her secret admirer. With all the pizza being passed around and under her nose, she swears she's not crazy when she claims she didn't catch a whiff of That One Pizza. Will the whitehaired man be here today? Is it him, after all, stating that all he does is deliver it to her door, yet lying? No, there was no trace of such feelings in his demeanor; not the thrill of seeing her, nor the hope of learning something more about her in those short encounters. He was merely a proxy. But whose?
Defeated, the reason why the smile hasn't already left her face is solely the fact that she saw a lot of happy people today. Pizza really does bring people together; Leonardo was right all along. He was excellent at what he did, but he did it only with the people in mind; not a lover, much less her. She liked helping him today. And Napoleon too, who thankfully didn't think anything about her strange behavior the other day.
With the sound of street musicians who joined the celebration drifting in the distance, MC walks along the Seine, admiring the moonlight dancing on the surface. The noise and the hustle had gotten to her, so this little walk was welcomed, and it matched the feeling in her heart. The emptiness wasn't only there, though.
"Haha… I made so much pizza yet it seems like I didn't eat anything all day."
"I can see that. The growling of this belly of yours could be heard all the way here."
Eyes widening at the sound of that voice, she looks at the direction of a docked ship. The man exiting it seemed familiar, along with the voice, and it took just a couple of seconds to remember.
"Ahh, you're the…"
"The man with the telescope. I didn't think we'd meet again."
Right, this is the man who introduced himself as Galileo. The silence was awkward, his earlier comment not helping much, but she still felt good about seeing a familiar face. Though, they're barely more than strangers. Or maybe after having their second encounter, they're not strangers anymore?
MC stares at the fullmoon high in the sky, and surprisingly, so does Galileo. She giggles and breaks the silence.
"It's like a big pizza pie."
That's the single most absurd thing Galileo Galilei has ever heard in his life, being a person who devoted himself to astrology.
He scuffs at her remark, too taken aback to even say anything that won't ridicule her. He decides to spare her.
"So? Are you hungry? I've got some pizza on the ship."
Ah, pizza again.
"Sounds great."
Hoping for a distraction, she followed him on the ship. If anything, with all the pizza flavors she tasted recently, her palate would hopefully forget about the one that her secret admirer makes for her. What a silly story. She's sure it all ends tonight, the person likely pranking the whole of Comte's mansion in relation to the whole pizza cooking event or something.
"What a yummy smell. I must be really hungry. Did you make this yourself, Galileo?"
The man visibly tenses a little, possibly at the fact that she remembers his name. He should've given her a different one, after all.
MC bites into the piece, mind elsewhere. She wonders if she'll be sick of pizza ever since today.
The flavors clash in her receptors and realization hits all at once; she looks at Galileo.
This taste!
"It's you."
The man with the beautiful purple eyes hums at her, without a clue what she is talking about. He hasn't shared his pizza recipe with everyone other than Francis, the look of recognition on MC's face not making sense to him.
He would soon come to know; but not tonight.
With the assurance that she must be mistaking him for someone else; and with the need to help her get home due to the late hour, their second encounter soon comes to an end.
And for Galileo, who barely kept his composure in the face of the one he strangely fell hopelessly inlove with, he swears he'll make sure this time it truly would be their last.
Unless the stars have other plans for him.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran   @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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munadrawson · 10 months
Commentary on the Beach comic
Here is the commentary post. However, I may explore this theme again because I want to tell cute beach scenarios, especially one with Deep Cut as a group being old farts even though they are in their 20s... That's what happens after college. After you graduate, one hot summer day after leaving the gym, you reminisce.   FYI: This is long AF. Also mention of colorism and misogyny at the final thoughts section.
As I mentioned, this fan comic was unexpected but had a purpose. I did not want to jump into the folk song fan comic until I ironed out the few doubts in my mind:
Which desi river folk songs do I want to use to tell this story? What would be the theme? What would Frye and Shiver wear? What would each of their hairstyles be? Location? Location? Location?
The body proportions between the two were also in doubt. So I took the opportunity of this being a learning experience.
It is difficult not to beeline and draw it when I cannot stop playing the scene in my head whenever I listen to the songs. I HAVE to let this story simmer. I know it won't be perfect, but I want to tell it right.
Initially, the comic starts with Frye bringing in the watermelon for the rest of the crew. However, the delivery falls flat since we know about Frye's antics.
Plus, as much as I love the yellow desi-inspired inkling, I want to give equal attention to the other two. The most difficult one to draw is SHIVER. I see too much myself in them, let alone the chubby square face shape with sharp eyes. Whenever I indulged in fanfic, I would react like, "oh noooo. What is up with these sudden attacks? I just want to read a cute story and not be CALLED OUT LIKE THIS." The game makes it worse, tho.
Anyway. I have trouble drawing Shiver and Big Man (easier than Shiver) and have yet to write a comic where the two would interact. The two are the comedy duo in this story, while Frye has no intention besides munching on some grub. Mood.
I wanted to approach this fan comic as lazy as possible, but it can't be helped. An overachiever perfectionist is in my bone. I'm already exhausted from designing a college mascot as my day job. I didn't feel like using my brain.
And yet, I drew details onto their swimwear. *cries*
I had been referencing writers' works in each of my artworks. For example, Shiver and Frye as gaymers. Multiple fanfics had them adorably playing video games together. Another example is The Big Comfy Couch. There are numerous fanfics where they would have Adult Fun Time on a couch, whether in the dressing room or at home, as if it were part of a mythos. Some fluff moments are on the sofa, but Adult Fun Time outweighs them. I'm not complaining! It is rather amusing.
Me: *Slaps an arm of The Big Comfy Couch* "This bad boy can support so many adult fun-time sofa scene fanfics on it. It's a staple!"
This time, I referenced the swimwear from chapter 6 of Girlfriends by IslandsChickenScratch, the mahi mahi resort scene. The foundation because, as I stated, I went on adding the details and the add-ons... Thank goodness these characters don't have mammal-like hair, or else I would spend days drawing each strain.
I'll talk about the least to the most troublesome I had when designing the swimwear.
The most challenging character to render yet the easiest to give them an outfit. The cool n chic masc energy, let's goooooo.
The foundations for them were swim shorts and a strapless bikini top. As well as the back tentacle pinned up. I added the bottom bikini or a g-string to emphasize their hips. They enjoy flaunting their hips. Also, it gives off that cutout design of their default pants without the actual cutout.
The design of the swimshorts is a combination of the "Chili Octo Aloha" button-down shirt with S3 sunken scroll ten sharks:
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I also added the orange gills on the top bikini to break the solid blue. Before, I had flora patterns in mind, but then I remembered that I loved seeing other illustrators draw Shiver with scars. It truly embodies the shark-like energy—one true blahaj.
Gosh, I am so envious of their chest size. Sure, mine has gotten smaller thanks to the gym, where sometimes I see them as pecs. But dammit, it would be great not to deal with sports bras. *grumbles* Oh well, on the brighter side, they did get smaller. So, I'm happy with the result, lol.
Lastly, I added the octopus medallion??? Pendant onto the kanzashi but with no additional frills. Simple, the better.
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I love seeing other fan creators incorporate those pendants with different outfits.
Big Man:
You would think drawing a triangular, ideal Doritio body would be easy. Nope. Not at all. Not one bit. The struggle is real. But I give my best.
His base swimwear was the diving mask with a snorkel. I opt out of the snorkel because… I was too lazy to draw it lol—also, the war flashback of drawing the slopsuit helmet on him. I can't.
However, after taking away the snorkel, he felt so naked. I know he's a nudist. Big man the truest punk who doesn't conform to societal norms. I fold it instead.
I added the garland, adored with Brazilian flowers. It looks adorable on him! It is not a lei. I'm connecting it to a queer animatic story that I came across on youtube, "Pritty" by Pritty Not Pretty. Queer black boys love story by the poolside. It is so cute that I watched it three times. I can't wait for the animation.
I've seen some fan creators depict humanoid Big Man with Afrocentric features. I ain't that creative, and I don't want to draw a humanoid version of him. He's a blessing because, sometimes, I don't wanna draw LIMBS. He is a nice break. Delta.
Despise the lack of ears; a necklace is always a great choice because he's pritty cute. *Frye's finger guns*
She's the opposite of Shiver when it comes to drawing. She's more freeing thanks to her personality, but the damn outfits tho. The problem is that she can wear anything.
She wore a one-piece bikini with cutouts in that scene. So, I combed through a folder of old references I gathered I had saved for my project. I found this orange one-piece bikini with a sarong and sunhat. Sure, it is a more mature look, but it is hot. Hot cute. The sunhat adds the cute factor. Subjective, I guess.
Similar to Shiver, I placed her pendant on the hat.
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I added additional jewelry because the girl is at the beach, and of course, there are some desi songs associated with the anklet, nupur paye, to a stream.
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Unlike the gold bands where she wore one on each arm and wrist, I only drew one anklet. I connected to a Bangla pop song, "Ek paye nupur amar," by Anila and Topu. Gosh, the music video is so dated and awkward, but basically, the song talks about the two options of a relationship. Would you rather deepen the connection and jump on the ship with them or have it severed?
I signify that Shiver will always choose the anklet, the one by the sea. Although the sea can be unpredictable with it's rough waves and storms, they would happily take Frye to the next level, and Frye would happily agree to it.
Yes, this comically fan-comic was kinda deep lol.
*cries* Why can't I just draw Frye crushing a melon... Then have gay brain goes "brrr me totes gay." "OTL
Final Thoughts:
Whew, this commentary is getting pretty long. I learned a few things when it comes to coloring the environment. I hate being a colorist. It gave me a migraine for a few days. So, I'll do flat colors for the folk songs fan-comic except for the bonus part.
It will be a doujinshi length worth. Ohmigawd, my first one ever?! All this effort is going for a certain gay yellow desi-inspired squid? Yes. Why?
I could not abide watching from the sideline as I looked and read comments about Frye. Have her music be reduced to just "Bollywood" music. Look, I do listen to old movie songs, and I do enjoy them, but there are other genres...
And also, sigh. The blatant misogynoir. As an observer who witnesses colorism and misogyny close, approximately within and outside the family. I had to step in. It hurts knowing it hits close to home.
Me as Marie in January 2023:
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"...I guess I'll step in. I don't wanna work. I just climbed out of the rabbit hole, battling my two years of depression, but as a light-skin desi with whatever art skills I gained over years, it is my responsibility to do something about this. I am a bottom feeder of an artist but, I DO have that privilege. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
It does feel cathartic whenever I happen to draw Frye pretty. I usually announced it to my younger sister afterward, who always replied without a hitch, "Thank you."
It is a small step but a worthwhile endeavor. The duty of an older sister.
I'll continue to draw a small fan piece or two while working on the long-ass folk song fan comic. I want to finish the new fan comic before I go to Bangladesh in November.
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space-blue · 1 year
I wanted to let you know that I am super SUPER excited for your recom picrew 😩 it looks beautiful already!! I've got two questions. I wanted to ask how difficult the process is for creating one, I've thought of trying to make a na'vi one myself. Is it complicated with all the layers and all of that? And wanted to also ask if you have any more avatar-related picrew projects planned for the future!
Ahaha, thank you Anon!! I'm excited for it to be over as well tbh. I wanna play with it and more importantly move on with my life lmao. I truly believed it'd be 3 days work... And I was wrong.
Yeah, gotta be honest, it's a massive bitch.
Mostly the issue that is costing me a ton of time is the stripes. Picrew does not surpport blending modes. You only upload normal PNG files. Because of that, I can't have a single stripe pattern for every skin colour.
No : I must export as many stripe colours as I have skin colours. And the stripes MUST match the colour of the ears for better transition... AND there are 3 types of faces in what I've done, that means that for EACH design of stripe, I need to export 3 shapes x 4 colours.
Another issue has been the noses. Entirely my fault mind you... But hiding part of the eye with broad noses, like here :
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Meant I needed to have painting INSIDE some of the noses. Which I did on a single file. And uploaded. And matched to skin colour so you don't see my ugly patching up job.
But the nose needs to be on top of the eyes... The stripes must be under the eyes and on top of the nose... Which can't happen... So I have two options, and I've opted for redoing all my stripes better... And then realised fixing the noses instead would be so much easier.
I do wanna cry a little sometimes lol
But they look better now. I have 3 styles of stripes and I want to do 3 or 4 more, because I really love striping and it makes characters really unique. Next up is potentially eye colour (if y'all suck my metaphorical dick hard enough because what A PAIN).
Sanhi/Tanhi whichever spelling it is, is giving me grief and I'm looking for a CSP brush that would sort of automate it for me.
It's a LOT of tedium. Drawing is easy and has been very fun! I was dreading making the hairstyles and get ups for Na'vi, but I think I'll revisit the picrew itself later and add them as new options rather than making a separate one.
File uploading on the website is such a bitch. Here's the tutorial I use btw. I also use a firefox add on to auto translate the page.
Will I do more? Definitely. In time. I lost the one job that pays for my food, so was thinking of opening a few comms and focus on that rather than just faffing about, but I'll definitely be returning to picrew, either for more Na'vi stuff or simply to try my hand at some other style. I'd love to see more people do their own Na'vi picrews!!
I made this one simply because the options are so limited!! There's two and one is full bodied and chibi. That's nice but doesn't scratch my pfp or OC needs. Feel free to make more, I'd love to play with it!!
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the-ship-maker-2 · 2 years
Hello. Thank you so much again for doing thi Creepypasta match up for me, I'm really grateful for that. So, here's my info ;
Im Gabriela, but they call me Gabby, Luna, Gabbs or Gabika. I'm 17 years old girl from Slovakia 🇸🇰, I am Libra, 5'9 ft tall and I'm only child.
I have brown-green eyes, dirty blonde hair to my shoulders, I'm tall and slim and I have cute little freckles all across my cheeks and nose. I love to work out daily. I have black glasses. Yep, I'm a nerd 🤓
I have Russian accent since childhood because I am half Russian and half Slovak. Slovak and Russian are my native so I speak perfectly in these languages obviously.
My personality type: ENFP
I don't give my trust down so easily. I would avoid everyone and I won't speak to them but when they won't give up on me, we can be friends.
I am an introvert, shy, empathetic, cooperative, short tempered, impulsive, nerdy, smart, logic, hotheaded, very quiet and 100% honest person and I am natural born leader. Leadership is my biggest skill. I am focused, determined and I have an excellent memory.
I am a deep thinker and I analyze everything around me. I think differently from the rest and I like it. I don't like being a center of attention and I don't like to bring attention on my person so I tend to listen and analyze every single thing about a person or than to talk about myself. I'm rebelious and cute. I give this "pop-punk princess" vibe
My style: I always have my hair up in a bun on top of my head with my headband or in a ponytail. I love to wear dark clothes than light ones but I can wear light ones when I'm in school. I love to wear chokers, rings, bracelets and I ALWATS wear my heart shaped bracelet with a G in that heart. It's my lucky charm. I always wear mascara and some Dark eyeshadow. Mostly blue, light blue, purple or black.
Music is my life. I love to sing and dance and I have always my black headphones on. I love to play on my guitar or piano and I enjoy acapella singing.
I am a huuuuge bookworm. I love to read everything, from smut to Enemies to lovers and from horror books to thrillers and romance and comic books. My favorite genre of music is Pop, Rock and rock and roll and of course, Russian music.
I'm very creative and artistic person. I love to draw and paint but I mostly draw and walls in my home are covered with paintings with a few photos of my family.
My fav songs are Do you Don't you by Haywyre, Genius by Sia, Muddy watters by LP and Great balls on fire.
I have breakdowns cause of my grandpa, he died 4 years ago and it's so painful for me.
That's All!! Thank you so much !!❤️❤️❤️. Have a good day or night.
I match you with....
Clockwork/Natalie Ouellette
She loves to work our with you and takes pride in being fit and active and she adores your nerdy pop punk princess vibes.
If clockwork really wants to be with you and befriend with you Nothing will stop her she'll keep coming back no matter how many times you push her away. Like that one Simpsons meme.
begs you to teach her Slovak and Russian.
Natalie is very good with hairstyles contrary to popular belief. She'll play with your hair if you let her. she fucking lives for your style and aspires to be like that. She'll ask about your thoughts and have philosophical conversations with you. She likes learning other people's viewpoints and how your brain works. Clockwork will steal buy books for you even the really smutty ones she is also a sucker for enemies to lovers. Whatever you do mention that catches your eye she'll get it for you even if you just mention it in passing. But I HC her favorite book to be the book thief. She will either read with you in weird positions or have you read to her. She adores being read to. Clockwork will sing and dance with you anywhere and anytime you want especially on date nights. or at ungodly hours of the night. She loves being dramatic and having fun and being goofy with you. She's not picky with music she can vibe to anything so you always have the pick of the music. Also, the artsy type to she used to be wicked good at drawing and painting shes a little out of practice now but ever since she met you you have inspired her to make and create again. You are her music and she admires that you're so family-orientated. Clockwork understands what it's like to lose people so she's very sensitive on the topic. However, she will put her own feelings aside and comfort you and be your shoulder to cry on. Overall you have found a true ride or die.
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dearaliya · 6 months
Fourth Wing: We're so back!!
Dear Aliya...
I know I was the one to put you onto this book, and I know you devoured it long before I was able to, but now I have come to the end and I have many many thoughts! With the next book in the series due soon, I'll have to get them all to you soon!
I'll be honest, it had been a while since I'd read a proper book. I'm talking paper, turning a page, needing a light source of some description, the whole shebang! I'm delighted to say that this is a very easy book to read and a terrific pathway back into demolishing books like the good old days.
The worldbuilding is decently rounded out and the plot points are relatively paint by numbers and predictable (which I'll get to).
Shall we dot point? Thank god I'm not spoiling this for you!
Violet Sorrengail She's got all the traits of a YA fantasy heroine and then some! However special she might end up being, there wasn't once a time I thought that things were just a bit too easy for her, which sometimes takes the fun away. Don't get me wrong, she is very special with her two dragons and duel-toned hairstyle and legacy family, but it never felt like it was getting to the point of complete absurdity which is a fine line to walk.
Her disability (Ehlers Danlos, though it isn't called that in the book) was extremely well written, naturally due to the author's experience. It's a part of her, one that she's fully come to terms with and handles on the daily, no song and dance drawing all the attention to this one big thing making it her entire personality. Rare!
It provided great growth for her as well, accepting that sometimes she isn't like everyone else (not in that way) and sometimes she needs that little bit of a helping hand was a great big step! It's a struggle to accept that sometimes you need accommodations, everyone wants independence and to concede it certainly hurts.
Xaden Riorson Speaking of independence, let's discuss my- everyone's- favourite character! Now, is he my favourite because I think that he is a very good boy who treated Violet very well and did everything he could to prepare her for the realities of fighting a war so she wouldn't have to rely on anyone?
Obviously not, she thought he was going to kill her and I swooned!
Call me predictable, my head will turn xx
I think, beyond me having a crush on him, Xaden was quite genuinely an interesting character to follow. None of the mysteries are particularly deep, but I'm hardly Sherlock Holmes and they were more than enough to keep my attention. Bit by bit, he went from generic bad boy number whatever to an actual person with thoughts and a world-formed view. He's lived in this world, before the events of the book, and you can tell from his actions, sublime!
Dain Aetos Broooooski I was foaming at the mouth. Forgive my language, but brother was on my nerves and FKN stayed there!! Look, to have someone who wants to protect is one thing, but to do that by implying incapability? Violet better than me for real, I might have told him to stick it.
Every party needs a pooper and that's why we invited Dain.
DRAGONS What's this? The biggest draw in of the book? I think so!!!
Ever since I've had eyes I too have loved shiny things and Andarnaurram is right there in my heart with all the other sparklies. She is highly baby and if anything ever happens to her you will find me face down, ugly sobbing, inconsolable.
But enough about me!
I was a fan of all the dragons and how they interacted with their riders. Everyone had fun and interesting personalities that bounced well off their human counterparts. Otherworldly? Yes. Just buddies in big scaley skins? Also yes! The different colours were cool, but the different tail endings were cooler, it's a way of differentiation I'd not seen before but you're welcome to correct me.
Other, more spoilery thoughts By other, I mean some gripes. Now, I'm a picky bitch so these aren't experience ruiners but more nitpicks.
You remember how I said paint by numbers? A LOT of the plot points were telegraphed mere moments before they occurred. Violet bonding to Tairn and Andarna, Jack's allergy to oranges and the book of fables all come to mind as clumsily dropped into sentences or entire chapters. It felt a little tooooooo hand holdy, I almost expected a kiss on the forehead once we got to where the foreshadowing wanted me.
Murder was just a little too easy to get away with. Jack was straight evil to begin with, there's no way he should have remained in the fighter quadrant. I understand the explanation, strongest prevail, yadayada, at some point maybe you should kick the dude practically HALVING your cadet pool out of the quadrant? Sure, he got scolded for killing someone in a sparring match, but any leader with half a brain would have known that numbers in a fight also matter.
Nothing more comes to mind, so I appreciate you listening to my thoughts. I'll see you next time, stay well!
Hannah xx
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nogenderbee · 10 months
⊱ What nickname would you call your lover?
Sorry for this but babe (🤢) and love, prolly a nickname for them too
⊱ What are your hobbies?
I really like to draw, read, and write (my fanfiction sideblog hiding in the corner rn...)
⊱ What's your perfect date idea?
Going out to get coffee or something and cuddling
⊱ What's something you hate in others? (like a personality trait or behavior for example)
Definitely apathy, people who brag wayyy too much, and victim blamers
⊱ What are yours main 3-5 (or more if you want!) personality traits?
my self confidence is like a metronome between high and low 😍, I think I'm funny, I can insult people without noticing i hurt their feelings, I'm really self-conscious and I'm touch starved (but sort of scared to initiate touch due to past experiences), I make jokes to cope with how much I hate myself and I'm pretty sensitive
⊱ What's activity/hobby do you like?
Tbh dancing and singing is sick but that's all of the characters 😭😭😭 probably baking i love sweets sm
⊱ What's activity/hobby you don't like?
Definitely American football-
Hiii! Again sorry for late answer on your question and here you go!
So I pair you with...
Mizuki Akiyama!
⊱ so first nicknames! They don't mind if you call them by some nickname you think of or "love", or "babe". Although they do find "love" more charming
⊱ as for your hobbies, I didsgree to believe that they didn't found your writing blog by accident and spoiled it with compliments without knowing it's yours. But let's say few things about other hobbies too! So I feel like they enjoy reading but it simply depends on genre. As for drawing, they're used to it and all the problems that come with it thanks to their friend so you can count on their support!
⊱ and they also adore they idea of just cuddling together! They're not necessary the type to always drink coffee, only from time to time but they can go along with tea or hot chocolate while you enjoy your own drink
⊱ they're pretty used to insulting thanks to their friend I'm not bullying Ena here I promise so they can handle few insults and just brush them off, but be prepared for comeback! Since your sensitive tho, they'll make sure to not make them intense and to make it obvious it's all just sarcastically. As for your yocih starvation, you can be sure that with them you'll get more than enough of affections! And of course, they'll only give you support through your worse times!
⊱ And finally, you both obviously like dancing and singing! But you also like baking! There definitely were many ocassions when both of you just baked few sweets that you had wanted to try and most of the time they turned out pretty good!
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You and Mizuki were right now cuddling in one of your beds. You were both comfortably laying udners the shears while the big spoon had their arms wrapped around little spoon who had their face in others chest, shoulder or neck. Of course your partner, no matter in which position they were, they had fun just playing with your hair while lazy ramblings could be heard from maybe even both of us.
"Your hair is so soft... Did you bought yourself new shampoo or something? You need to tell me it! It's REALLY good!"
They went quiet for a second and after your answer or just few minutes of silent and playing with your hair, they received a small idea~
"Hey I think I may have a hairstyle that'll suit you! Want to try it out? It'll look great, I promise!"
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thecreatorofworlds · 5 years
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Long time no art post! (I swear I’m still alive). To celebrate Gemsona-HQ’s six year anniversary, I opened up gemsona requests for the first time in years. I originally planned to only pick a few and do very basic doodles, but I got way too enthusiastic seeing everyone’s gemsona designs and, well, here we are. :’D Better late than never, I suppose! I also got really excited when I realized I could turn this into a gemsona rainbow.
If you’d like a full-sized version of your drawing, feel free to send me a message. (Please give me credit if you use the image as an icon / header / whatever. Thanks!)
Trying to write everyone’s url got messy, so owners are listed below in order: 
It took every ounce of willpower I had left not to use this space to gush about everyone’s gemsonas, so to summarize: I love every single one of these designs! You all have such beautiful gemsonas, thank you for sharing them with me.
Photoset 1: Red Diamond Ruby - @yaboy-robin Cranberry Pearl - @some-dragon-bitch Spinel - @space-chaser Copper Pearl - @dirgeofcerberus111 Photoset 2: Honeycomb Opal - @linzobean Citrine - @wrathberries Emerald - @grey-march Peridot - @sugman Photoset 3: Prehnite - @healingn0tes Emerald - @sixsnightmare Peacock Ore - @cornbreadarts Emerald - @ayeswhoareyou Photoset 4: Turquoise - @goaterz Hemimorphite - @blazichu Rainbow Moonstone - @jacksterqueen Kyanite - @darladoodles Photoset 5: Moonstone - @artifiziell Moon - My gal, and the mascot of @gemsona-hq! Moonstone - @abigtbd Indigo Lapis Lazuli - @izzzybel Photoset 6: Covellite - @espacefleur Dolomite - @paradoxgavel Pink Spinel - @moon-wolfie Black Pearl - @cassy1235 Thank you again for letting me draw your lovely gemsonas! I hope I did them justice.These gems are so adorable, I guess you could say they’re precious stones.
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NSFW Content Warning
Word Count: 1.6k
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Megumi watches closely as the curse disintegrates in the mouth of his divine dog. The last of the monsters are dispatched, and Megumi can finally relax as the heavy pressure around him slowly disappears. The veil opens up to an unrelenting sky—rain finally falling down on the town for the first time in months thanks to the curse’s destruction.
His sharp gaze glances down to find you kneeling next to him, your hand buried deep in the black fur of his shikigami. “Who’s a good boy? You are. I’ll make sure Megumi feeds you lots of treats,” you praise to a happily obedient demon dog, his tongue hanging out from a joyful smile while his fluffy tail wags back in forth in tempo to your pets. Megumi huffs, rolling his eyes lightly at your antics, which causes you to glance up at him with a smile.
With an innocent grin, you plop your hand right on top of his head. He groans softly as you begin to ruffle black hair into a further mess as if such a thing was possible given his questionable hairstyle. “You too, Megumi. Good boy.”
“Cut it out.” Megumi grunts, shaking your hand off of him.
“Aw, but it’s so soft,” you say with a childlike coo causing him to turn his head out your reach as you pout about him being no fun.
If there’s one thing Megumi hates more than missions with Gojo then it would be missions with you, his 3rd year senpai. You aren’t necessarily bossy or prying, and you are definitely skilled in your technique, and there’s the bonus that you’re the only third-year who didn’t get suspended, but he couldn’t stand the way you treated him like a child even if he is younger than you. You’d always baby him and coo over him. It’s innocent on your end so he can’t get too mad, but he still wishes you wouldn’t do it.
As the rainy weather begins to grow heavier and cause his clothes to cling coldly to his naked skin, Megumi sighs and releases his technique. “We should get moving before we end up stuck here.”
“Right behind you,” you state, following alongside him.
As you reach the town again, the rain had developed into a full-blown storm, where seeing ahead of yourself is near impossible as everything comes down sideways and lightning cracks over the sky.
“You might want to hold my hand, so you don’t blow away,” you jokingly sing, your voice getting lost in the gust of winds. Megumi ignores your comment until he sees you stumble backward with another strong blow.
“Here,” he says, grabbing onto your arm and pulling you along with him because he’s really afraid you might actually blow away if this weather continues. You walk until the two of you manage to make it to a bus stop.
The two of you manage to huddle together temporarily under a bus stop shelter as Megumi tries to get in contact with your ride. You eye him patiently as he talks on the phone with Ijichi. The area is much too dangerous for someone to pick you up right now, all the missing rain coming down at once. Luckily, Gojo managed to call in a room for you at a local hotel.
The two of you walk into the room, finding it comfortable and warm compared to the cold and rain outside even as the lights occasionally flash and the ceiling fan shakes.
The only thing that bothers Megumi is the fact that there is one singular king-size bed in the center of the room. “Of course, there is,” Megumi grumbles, already warming at the idea of having to share a bed with his cute senpai and also thinking of how he’s going to punch Gojo for messing up so bad. Megumi guesses he can ask the front desk for extra sheets so he can take the floor instead of risk waking up with a hard-on and embarrassing himself.
“I’m going to go request extra sheets. You want anything?”
“What do you mean? This bed is huge, we can share no problem,” you say, and Megumi notices that your voice sounds fairly distant. He turns to see you standing in front of the hotel’s dryer. You cross your arms at the edge of your shirt and stretch to pull it over your head, your breasts raising with your arms as you arch your back.
Megumi instantly blushes.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
You blink once then twice before motioning to the wet shirt in your hands. “Drying my clothes?” you say, tossing the shirt in the dryer before going for your skirt but you pause when Megumi voices another complaint.
“Can’t you do that in the bathroom?” he asks.
“I want them dry when I get out the shower,” you answer, your lips poked out in an adorable pout as you look at him with innocent puppy eyes. “You should take yours off too before the wet dog smell sets in,” you recommend teasingly before closing the distance and grabbing his shirt.
Megumi shakes, his mind instantly dropping into the muck of the gutter as he hastily looks anywhere but directly at you, standing half-naked and alone in the room with him with your hands dangerously close to his body. You were so oblivious to the danger you put yourself in. If he was any other sort of man, he’d already tried to have his way with you.
“Your senpai will throw it in the dryer for you.”
Then, he remembers.
You’re being reckless because he’s your underclassman, unwary because you see him as a child to be taken cared of. It frustrates him but he’s too embarrassed to call you out on it. That is until you start to pull his shirt up to expose his smooth skin underneath, his pelvic lines and the thin line of stomach hair drawing to his crotch, and he prays for his dick not to rise with your hands so close to it.
”Senpai…you shouldn’t do that,” Megumi mumbles, a light blush on his cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, head cocked to the side.
“It’s just…” he pauses, unsure how to word the fact that you’re dangerously close to turning him on, “…I’m a man too.”
Megumi can feel himself grow more embarrassed as you blink at him. The wheels in your head are obviously turning to comprehend what he’s said, and Megumi instantly regrets saying anything.
Then, you smile, not the usual sweet girlish smile he comes to expect from his senpai. It’s crooked, wickedly amused but somehow seductive in a way that makes him gulp as you lean close towards him.
Megumi shudders as your breath blows on his ear, and you whisper, “Are you now? Then, show me.”
“I don’t—”
You repeat yourself more forcefully as your hand slowly slides down to press against his cock outlining, and you purposely press your breasts to his dampened chest. “Show your senpai how much of a man you are, my cute little underclassman.”
Megumi licks his lips, eyes focused on your cleavage pushing together against him. He releases a calming breath. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You can only smile.
Megumi whines, hands gripped tight into your plump thighs, sinking into your meaty flesh in attempts to hold back your aggressive grinding but to no avail. His cock is sunk into your center, the sound of your wet pussy sucking in his girthy length echoing in his ears along with your heady moans.
You don’t stop the rutting of your hips, no matter how much those beautifully deep moans of his break upon exit from his lips and his emerald eyes tear up from the overstimulation of coming one too many times. His balls are aching, drained empty, and the strain of them tensing as he closes in on another peak echoes each time you impale down to the hilt, smacking them with your ass.
The only thing distracting him more is the strong, desperate throbbing in your silken walls as you grip around him, making it impossible for him to pull out despite the way your wetness creams and lubes around his erection.
With another groan, his throat constricts while his feet begin to cramp with his desperate squirming underneath you as he tries to gain some semblance of control, but you weren’t even giving him time to breathe, let alone turn you over and pin you.
As for you, you look absolutely blissed out with your hazy gaze locked on his beautiful face coated with sweat as he fails to hide his pitiful whimpers by biting into his bruised lips. He already knows it’s no use trying to preserve his pride, as you’ve already gotten one warning about how loud he was being, but he still tries so he can at least say you didn’t completely overwhelm him.
Yet it’s with a broken gasp that he comes for the fourth time. This time he provides a dry orgasm, his body too sore and drained too quickly to give any more. You didn’t pause, refusing to let him catch up.
Smirking, you lift off him instead, his softened cock still connected to your pussy by a thin white string of leftover cum. Megumi grits his teeth, releasing a hiss as your hand wraps around him again despite the protest his body is giving as you work him back into a premature stiffness.
“Come on, Megumi, don’t tell me you’re tapping out already. You’re a man, aren’t you,” you tease in between soft giggling. Flushed, Megumi hesitantly meets your eyes, and you give him one of those trademark sweet and innocent smiles as your hand begins to twist.
It’s then he realizes that his innocent senpai is actually a demon.
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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viatagrinner · 3 years
Our new beginning. Kagemaru
Key: thoughts, narration, speech
The heroine and Oboro bought dango and return to hideout the Senkitai.
Oboro grinning at MC mischievously:
"But are you sure I'm the one you should've asked to go with you?"
МC: What do you mean?
Oboro: Wouldn't you preferred, say... Kagemaru? He is kind of your boyfriend.
(Is that how the rest of the Senkitai see us?)
МС: Mmm, how should I put it?
If I'm completely honest, my relationship with Kagemaru is still a bit of a mystery to me.
(Somehow we've kissed, but we've never outright admitted how we feel about each other. I just can't tell what that guy is thinking.)
MC: See, he's not exactly my boyfriend…
Oboro: Huh? But Kagemaru himself said you guys are dating.
МС: That was just a tactic to ensure I'd be able to come and go around here without any questions being asked. I mean, there are still Ayakashi who can't stand human coming and going as they please.
Oboro: You sure about that? You really sure?
Oboro pouts, looking dissatisfied.
Oboro: I think you really caught Kagemaru's eye, MC.
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MC: What?
Oboro: He's the kind of guy who knows what he wants. If he didn't actually like you, he wouldn't call you 'his girl' even for the sake of a lie.
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(You think?)
A feeling of warmth blossoms within my chest.
Oboro: You're a great catch, Airi. You should be more confident in yourself.
Oboro declares, his gaze moving toward my hair: Oh yeah, that ribbon you're wearing is different from the one you usually wear.
MC: Oh, uh. Yeah, I bought it a little while ago.
Oboro: It's really pretty. Now Kagemaru's bound to fall in love with you all over again, huh?
MC: Th-That's not why I bought it!
Half-amused, half-frustrated by Oboro's comments, the two of us arrive at the Senkitai's hideout. We head underground and Oboro begins to lead me toward his room. Along the way, we run into a familiar face.
Oboro: Oh, Kagemaru.
Kagemaru: ......
My eyes meet his and for a second he looks startled.
Kagemaru: "Back again, are ya?"
(Same old, same old. )
Oboro: Huh? Kagemaru! What kind of way to speak to your girlfriend is that? Look, she came all the way over here just to see you---
Mc: A-And that's enough outta you, Oboro! Shall we be on our way?
Hiding my disappointment, I urge Oboro along.
Kagemaru: Oi.
To my shock, Kagemaru grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.
MC: Um?
Kagemaru: .......
We're mere inches apart, his hand reaching toward my cheeks.
(What's going on? In the middle of a hallway? Really?)
His hand brushes past my cheeks and continues to reach for my ribbon, undoing it with a rustle.
Kagemaru: What're ya wearin' somethin' as scruffy as this for?
MC: Come again?
Kagemaru: Yer supposed to be the boss' girl 'round these parts. If yer comin' to see me, ya can at least dress the part.
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(What's wrong with my ribbon? Meanie ).
Embarrassed at mistaking his gesture for even a second, I blush red.
Kagemaru: Guess ya don't give me much of a choice. I'll go get---
MC: .......
Filled with a rage I can't quite understand, I push him away as hard as I can.
Kagemaru: !
MC: Sorry, Oboro. I'm going home.
Oboro: W-Wait!
I ignore Oboro's pleas for me to stay and head straight back outside again, leaving them both behind me.
Several days later.
(Oh, that hairpin is beautiful!)
During a shopping trip in Asakusa, a hairpin on display in front of a store catches my eye.
(It's really stunning. There's something special about it.)
I instinctively draw closer for a better look, the display having caught my full attention.
(They're so pretty and sophisticated. No way anyone would ever call them scruffy.)
Kagemaru: Yer supposed to be the boss' girl 'round these parts. If yer comin' to see me, ya can at least dress the part.
•••••End Flashback•••••
(Looks like what he said about me is still on my mind.)
A mixture of frustration and anger welling up inside of me, I bite my lip.
Man: ......
I sense someone approaching my side - out of the corner of my eye it appears to be a man wearing a cap.
Man: ......
He snatches one of the hairpins and quickly scarpers.
(A thief?!)
Mc: W-Wait!
Bewildered by what I just witnessed, I go to chase after him.
Man: Hey, you're in my way!
Man: !?
A woman adorned in a kimono grabs him by the arm, twisting it.
Man: That hurts!
Yuzuru: My, what a gorgeous hairpin.
Catching a glimpse of the hairpin the man is clinging onto, Yuzuru beams.
Yuzuru: And yet it seems so wasted on a scruffy old pickpocket like you.
Passersby take note of the scene and come to a halt, raising their protests.
Onlooker 1: Hey!
Onlooker 2: You get'em, Ma'am!
(She's so cool!)
Not long afterward, the thief is taken in by the police and dragged away.
Hairpin Shopkeeper: Thanks a million, Yuzuru. That guy's a thief who's been stealing what he can from around here lately. I don't know how many times he's targeted my shop.
Yuzuru: As if I could stand the thought of such a gorgeous hairpin in the hands of a slimy creep like that.
Yuzuru goes to hand back the hairpin, but the shopkeeper shakes her head: No, I want you to have it. Consider it my thanks.
Yuzuru: My! You sure about that?
Hairpin Shopkeeper: It's the least I can offer! Considering what you just did for me.
Yuzuru: …Very well. Don't mind if I do.
Yuzuru thanks the shopkeeper, then turns toward me with a smile on her face.
Yuzuru: .....
Several moments later, I'm leaving the shop with Yuzuru - or rather, Kagemaru dressed as his alter ego.
MC:  Um, are you heading to work?
Yuzuru: Oh, not today. I'm in town to pick up a little rouge for my lips.
(She's a million miles away from Kagemaru!)
(Also, I didn't realize she was still entertaining people as a geisha.)
I'm so shocked by the transformation that I'm practically lost for words.
Bar Goer 1: Hey, you two pretty ladies over there!
Two men call out to us from a nearby stall, raising their drinks at us.
MC: Um. Yuzuru…
Bar Goer 1: Whoa, you two really are something.
Bar Goer 2: What do you say we buy you a drink?
With that, Yuzuru suddenly grabs my arm.
Yuzuru: Read the room, boys.
She pulls me up against her, making sure the two men get a bird's eye view of the situation.
Bar Goer 2: Wait! What?
Yuzuru: Can't you tell? We're having plenty of fun just the two of us. And we don't need any men around to interfere.
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Bar Goer 1: ...Huh?
Yuzuru: Shall we?
Yuzuru and I pass by the bewildered men, still arm in arm.
(When I first laid eyes on Yuzuru, I was struck by how beautiful she was.)
I can feel my heart start to thump as we walk along together, still pressed right up against one another.
(Yuzuru's the perfect definition of a girl crush. She's so cool and gorgeous you can't help but fall for her!)
(I mean, I know she's really Kagemaru on the inside, but still!)
(I can't even tell if it's Yuzuru or Kagemaru making my heart flutter this much anymore.)
(But I like it.)
(I hope we can stay like this for a bit longer.)
Yuzuru: Sorry about that, Miss.
When the two men are no longer in sight, Yuzuru finally goes to let go of me.
MC: Wait, um!
I keep my arm wrapped around hers and squeeze, not letting her do so.
MС: There's somewhere I'd like to go with you!
I job a finger toward the same Japanese sweets parlor that Oboro and I visited the other day.
Yuzuru: Hah?
Yuzuru: Why'd ya want me to---
For a second, Kagemaru slips back into his usual self, but, conscious of passersby, quickly clams up.
MC: You don't have work today, right? So you can spend some time with me!
I take Yuzuru's hand and start to lead her into the sweets parlor.
We take a seat and I excitedly pour over the menu.
Yuzuru: .....
Yuzuru: …Someone looks like they're having a good time.
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(Ah. She might be mad.)
MC: Well, it's not every day a chance like this comes along...
Yuzuru: …I suppose.
At first, there's a slight hint of irritation in Kagemaru's eyes.
Shopkeeper: Here you go!
Yuzuru: Thanks, doll.
Yuzuru aims a dazzling smile at the shopkeeper as they deliver our sweets.
(Yuzuru really is stunning.)
(Boy, girl, it doesn't even matter. That kind of beauty is ethereal.)
I spend an afternoon captivated by Yuzuru's beauty while enjoying the delicious sweets.
By the time we leave the shop, it's already evening.
MC: I had a really great time today. Thanks for humoring me.
Yuzuru: Oi.
I say my thanks, about to leave when Yuzuru grabs me by the arm.
MC: Huh?
Yuzuru: Ya made me go along with that act for long enough. Ya think I'm jus' gonna let ya wander off home by yerself?
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Yuzuru starts pulling me along surprisingly in the direction of my own house.
(Is she walking me home? Is that it?)
I look up at her from my side and she stops in her tracks. I feel a rustle as she fixes my hairstyle.
MC: What is it?
Yuzuru: Turn around.
I do as I'm told, my back toward her, when I feel her undoing my hair ribbon and running her fingers through my hair.
I feel a rustle as she fixes my hairstyle. She finishes off by adorning my new look with the hairpin she received earlier as thanks.
MC: Oh wow! Thank you so much!
Yuzuru: So ya don't complain when it's Yuzuru, do ya?
I hear the faint click of a tongue and something soft brush my neck. In my shock I turn around.
MC: Um?!
Yuzuru: Ah well. Might work out for the best.
(Was that a kiss just now? And that smile…)
Yuzuru: Yer beloved Yuzuru will have ya trained in no time.
Yuzuru: She'll make ya into exactly the kinda woman fit for the head of the Senkitai.
MC: Train me?
Without giving me a chance to refuse, Yuzuru's face comes closer, her lips against my ear.
Yuzuru: I'll show you how to make the most of your feminine charm.
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MC: !
Her voice is so alluring and seductive that I'm already shivering in anticipation.
(I can't let my guard down around Yuzuru anymore than I can Kagemaru…)
I tell myself as heat gathers in my cheeks from how intimately close she's standing…
1. The heroine's pansexuality is proven.
I want to note that MС used the pronoun "she" in relation to Yuzuru, although she knows that this is Kagemaru's alter ego. It's great that a girl accepts her partner as he/she is.
2. It's great that we decided to show Yuzuru. Now I am interested in the attitude of the heroine's father to Yuzuru/Kagemaru.
3. Oboro is the best family psychologist. When a 12-year-old child is better versed in relationships than adults. I think it's time for this boy to start a psychological practice.
4. A little criticism.
The relationship between the heroine and Kagemaru at the very beginning of the story was a little annoying.
I understand that the heroine is 15 years old, that in these years the girl wants romance and showing feelings.
Therefore, there were such phrases and such thoughts:
"(Is that how the rest of the Senkitai see us?) Mc: See, he's not exactly my boyfriend… That was just a tactic to ensure I'd be able to come and go around here without any questions being asked".
The girl doesn't understand that not everyone can or wants to flaunt their feelings.
It is clear that Kagemaru wanted to help, but it looked so toxic. In the role of Yuzuru, Kagemaru is more affectionate and understanding. He could learn from his alter ego how to communicate with young girl. 😄
Yuzuru showed herself better as a partner than Kage.
I hope that in the next sonnet/event, the couple will understand how to communicate with each other.
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5 Reasons Roman Is Infuriating (And Why I DO NOT have a crush on him)
(Logince with a bit of denying and pining) Read on AO3
My first fic, based on my Logince drawing (If someone ever wants to make anything based on my art, feel free to ask. Making content is hard and people fleshing out concepts is always fun.) Word count: 3641
Tw: Cursing, Food mention, Balloon popping, Remus being his authentic self
Character’s: Remus, Virgil, Janus, Logan, Roman (At the end), Patton (Mainly implied)
He had everything ready.
Three heads turn to look at him.
"Logan, I really don't understand why you're doing this. You know I'm literally the Lord of the Lies, right? I can tell when you're lying."
"Falsehood. I am here specifically to prove to you three, the ones that have doubted me the most, what I think of Roman, so that you'll stop teasing me about emotions that aren't even there." Logan says, standing in front of a long classroom table. Virgil, Janus and Remus sit there, each maintaining their own postures and looking at him with disbelieving expressions.
"Logan, we can see your heart boner from here. You really think you can convince us with a slideshow presentation?" Remus picks his teeth, seemingly bored of the idea.
"That's exactly what I'm doing- What? Why would my heart have a boner? It doesn't have the proper parts to do that-" Logan looks lost, clutching the presentation button in his hand.
"It's an expression, Pocket Protector. It means you've got feelings for him." Virgil sighs.
Logan squints at him. "Of course I have feelings for him." Logan looks behind him, to the SmartBoard behind him. The board turns on, displaying the presentation title. "And those feelings are feelings of irritation. My name is Logan Sanders, and welcome to my Ted Talk."
There is a collective sigh from the others.
Logan takes a pointer stick (the one with the little hand on one side) from a holder on the wall, and points at the words on the screen. "This is 5 reasons why Roman is infuriating. And unlike your cognitive distortions may suggest, I DO NOT have a crush on him." He gestures with the stick where the same thing is written. "So, let's begin."
1. He likes to insist that he's the most handsome side, despite us all looking like Thomas.
It's ridiculous. All of their traits are reminiscent of Thomas's.
There are some mild changes they go through when they aren't summoned, but they are just slight shifts. For example, Janus and Remus both have different long hairstyles, and they all have a bit of a hair color change. Their features do shift too, emulating ones Thomas has seen over his lifetime that he'd associate with their personalities.
However, in person and in the mindscape, Roman really thinks 'he's the sh*t' (Virgil taught him that expression). He flaunts his beauty over everyone else's, strutting like the prettiest peacock in the flock. Sure, he's good looking, but the same level of good looking as all the other sides.
"You're all so handsome. But not as handsome as me." Logan recalls him saying in an episode.
He tries to use it to one-up the other's, even though they all know they look the same. He also enjoys flaunting his ego, attempting to emulate a lifestyle of the rich and famous when he feels like it.
It's rather ridiculous.
"You think he's good-looking?" Remus coos.
Logan glares, and changes the slide of the presentation.
2. He fights everyone all the time. (Except for Patton)
It seems that Roman has made the most rivals out of everyone.
He's rivals with his brother, he's got a rivalry with Janus but with more betrayal behind it, he's got his past rivalry with Virgil, even though now they're the closest friends, and despite making up several times, Logan is also his rival. Patton seems to be fine, despite their post-wedding event. Logan believes Roman is too worried of defending what he believes in against the literal embodiment of Thomas's morality.
"So, you two have tried making up, but have you considered... Making out???" Remus pitches, his smile all teeth.
Logan sputters a bit. "Puh- Wha- I don't think that would work."
Logan has in fact not thought of making out with Roman, thank you very much. Not even when they're so close, passionately arguing about who-knows-what in the spur of the moment, where it would be so easy to move just a little bit closer and connect his lips to the soft pink ones of the prince.
He has not thought about making out with Roman, because he does not have a crush on him. Period. End of story.
The two of them argue a lot. Whether it's how Thomas should spend his day, to the Chicken or the Egg dilemma (Logan knows he's right, by the way, Roman just won't see that the egg came first), to the ideal temperature for a heating pillow, to the best Crofter's flavor. They can range from productive, to stupid, and by the end of it they may just be fighting about nothing at all.
They jab at each other, come up with clever arguments, and although they're technically fighting, it sometimes feels more like a duel.
"Or a mating ritual." Virgil says under his breath.
"These points don't sound very negative." Janus adds, twirling some of his hair with his finger.
"It is negative. We fight a lot. He fights people a lot. Every issue seems to be a battle to him that he can outmatch, despite being better suited as a civil discussion." Logan stands taller, trying to defend his point.
"Well, that makes sense. I understand this point now. Go on." Janus waves his gloved hand in a dismissive gesture.
"Alright." Logan clicks his presenter button, and the slide changes.
3. He's loud. Super loud. All the time.
From singing to dancing to bantering, there never does seem to be a dull moment when Roman is around. Some may call it nice, but Logan would say that's a very polite description. It certainly isn't nice when Logan's trying to get work done, or watch a movie, or enjoy a peaceful breakfast, or most of the time really.
Logan has stopped working outside when he's trying to be productive because Roman will, without fail, come in singing, and then start a little fight with Logan that distracts him from his work and renders him unproductive for a long time because all he can think about is Roman.
"Hm... Wonder why that is." Janus interrupts, rolling his eyes.
"Well, you don't need to wonder. I said it was because of our fighting." Logan nervously adjusts his already immaculately placed glasses, resuming his point to his slide presentation.
It's odd, because sometimes even without leaving his room, he can still hear the sounds of Roman's voice in his head. He theorizes the absence of all that noise is making him subconsciously fill it in ( even though his mind also provides him with clear images of Roman's smile).
He can't escape the noise on movie nights. Roman will sing along to any song, scream at the most poorly-timed jumpscares, and no matter what, criticize the movie. Logan does participate in that last step from time to time.
During dinners, it depends. Sometimes, Roman will come in and do his thing, sometimes he'll make a dramatic entrance, grab a plate and then go off to work on something, and sometimes he won't show up at all, off on a quest in the imagination. Those particular meals are peaceful. Sometimes they feel empty, but so far, no one else has complained. Especially considering with Remus' and Janus' seats added to the table, dinner can be a wild event.
Sometimes, when Logan gets lonely, he'll bring his work outside. Every time, he can guarantee that Roman will be there eventually. He provides a healthy distraction, and he always feels much lighter after a bantering session.
But most of the time, he just can't stand it. How can one be so flamboyant for so many hours of the day? Logan had theorized it had something to do with overcompensation, his need for validation and attention, but then thought it was strange theorizing about his friends and went back to work.
Overall, not the worst trait, but it being applied to every scenario adds to the fact that he is infuriating.
"Hold on, can we circle back to the part where you said you thought of him smiling-" Virgil begins, only to be interrupted by Logan pointing his pointer at him.
"No, we will not. Next point."
4. He makes up stupid nicknames.
And he makes a lot of them. Even during serious talks, you'd think he had forgotten your name and was too scared to ask, so he supplies an abundance of back-ups to make you feel special. And they are quite varied, though all slightly jabbing. There are play-on-words, references thrown about... It would have impressed Logan, had all of his designated nicknames not revolved around him being a nerd.
"Hey Microsoft Turd."
"I need your help, Egghead."
"Listen here, Erlenmeyer Trash-"
"Calculator Watch."
"Oh Book Geeeerm~"
"Sure thing Specs."
Logan actually didn't mind specs, but his point still stands. All insulting, clever, but still stupid nicknames. Sometimes, he wonders if Roman keeps a book of them around. Somewhere in his room, filled with all the names he'll unleash onto his unsuspecting companions. Logan may have tried to come up with a list of his own in retaliation, but he couldn't think of anything Roman would think was clever. He spent almost a full night on it, hair a mess, glasses askew, head resting on his desk as he tried to come up with something at least remotely good enough. It interrupted his perfect circadian rhythm. Never again.
Except for the next night, where he tried the exact same stunt again, but that doesn't matter.
What does, is that all of those factors cause aggravation. He always feels weird when Roman gives him a nickname, varying from annoyance to a strange tingling.
"Are you saying he should stop?" Virgil interrupts, frustrated. "This point is going nowhere."
"I-" He's not sure. Although some of the insults are quite jabbing, Logan does want to support Roman's creative process. Not to mention, the nickname ‘specs’ oddly does hold a place in his heart.
"OoOoOoohhh, I have an idea!" Remus cackles. Although Logan is hesitant, he gestures to continue. "Okay, so pinky swear I won't try anything on you, but just close your eyes, and imagine how this nickname would make you feel if Roman said it."
Logan apprehensively closes his eyes, and Remus does nothing but lean slightly forward in his seat, and puts on his best Roman impression. Which is pretty good, considering they're twin brothers.
"How are you today, my love?"
Immediately, Logan flushes bright red from head to toe, covering his face in his hands and squirms. Remus's cackling intensifies by a tenfold, and the other two are poorly failing to contain their laughter.
"That's- That's- That's... N-not a nickname. Th-That's a p-pet name."
"Awww, but you're blushiiiing!" Remus squeals in amusement.
"Falsehood. N-no." Logan says, not enough bite in it to hold value. "We are going to move on now. That just... caught me off guard." He says, adjusting his tie several times, trying to compose himself. "The point is, his nicknames are stupid, and I don't like them- No, don't look at me like that Remus even that one- so it adds to his infuriating nature." Logan grabs the presentation button and clicks it aggressively to the next slide.
"And now, for my concluding point."
5. He is incredibly and willingly dumb.
Sometimes Logan thinks he wouldn't be surprised by the illogical things Roman would say. And then he gets proven incredibly wrong.
"Much like your... 'illogical feelings', mayhaps?" Janus drawls.
Shush, Logan is talking.
Granted, both Creativity twins have proven to be rather illogical, as they are embodiments of creativity, a force that knows only slight bounds to logic. Only with a defying mind can people push boundaries in the advancement of society. That doesn't mean however that those defying minds need to be intelligent.
"I believe Virgil specifically had called Roman a.." He takes out his special cards, flipping through them. " 'A Himbo'. Judging from his past and present behaviors and from the definition itself, it is safe to assume that yes, he is in fact a Himbo."
One instance he can remember is during a picnic in the imagination. It was Patton's birthday, and Roman wanted to do something special, so he set up a picnic for them all to attend. Logan doesn't enjoy visiting the imagination as much, as when he's there, things become more realistic and that makes him feel like a burden. Regardless, it was for Patton's birthday, and so he decided it would be polite to come along.
Everyone was guided by a trail of flowers to an opening in the forest, where a giant picnic blanket was laid out, pillows thrown around, and a large picnic basket stood in the center. There were many balloons of pastel pink and blue tied around, and the birds were chirping in a joint melody. It sounds almost like Happy Birthday.
Logan, as he approaches, hopes that his influence won't cause ants to emerge, because although that would be realistic, it would also be quite the nuisance.
He and the other's are just dressed in their usual attire, but as Roman emerges from the trees, he is wearing a shiny red party hat to go along with his prince outfit.
Roman immediately goes to serenading Patton and placing a party hat on top of his head, light blue with a little pompom on the top. He ushers him to sit on one of the largest pillows, and then goes around giving everyone else party hats. Logan stills when Roman gets to him last, a dark blue party hat with little stars in his hand.
"Do I have to wear that?" He asks. Although, sure, it does look nice, he doesn't want to seem ridiculous.
"Come on, you're in good company. Please? For Patton?" Roman bats his eyelashes at Logan, who sighs and lets him put the party hat onto his head.
Roman runs off to the birthday boy, and they all sit down. The time passes peacefully, songs being sung and Roman releasing a horde of puppies to the joy of the guests. By the time the food is out, everything seems to be going well, until they're all eating, and Roman pulls out an orange. As he's about to peel it, Logan speaks up.
"Roman, I would advise against that." Which may sound ridiculous to most people, but Logan is an expert on many logical things. ( Orange peels have a flammable liquid in them called limonene, and as both it and a balloon, made of latex, are non-polar, the liquid can dissolve the balloon, thus causing it to explode.)
"Against what?" Roman asks, but he does stop his attempt.
Logan adjusts his glasses, ready to explain. "Eating an orange near a balloon. As I cause the imagination to become more logical, doing so will most likely cause-"
"Oh puh-lease! I'm sure whatever wacky science things you're going to say don't actually work here! I mean, there is plenty of influence to go arou-" Roman, the spiteful side he is, gets even closer to the balloon, starting to peel it. Lo-and-behold, he can't finish his denying before the balloon right beside him explodes with a loud POP. The sound sends him jumping back in fear, screeching to the nine hells, and then falling backwards onto another balloon, scaring him again. Several sides laughed out loud at his pain, while Patton watched him, worried. Logan smiled internally at the karma, before getting up and making sure he was okay.
Roman did spend the rest of the party in a sulky mood, but the party was still a huge success. They had some good food, and while Logan made Patton a flower crown, he fed him forfulls of cake. It was a nice bonding moment. When everyone separated to return to the mindscape, Roman waved them all off from the imagination door. Logan turns back to look at him, but Roman makes no move to follow them all out.
"You're not coming back yet?" Logan asks, adjusting his glasses.
Roman sighs. "No, not yet. I'm afraid this dashing prince has a little bit of cleaning to do. And perhaps an adventure. You never know." He leans on the doorframe, smiling.
"Well, that is correct. I in fact do not know what you'll be doing." Logan nods to himself. "Do you need any help cleaning? I doubt I'll be much help with the adventure, but I do have hands." He gestures to his hands.
Roman looks quite surprised. "Oh, thanks for the offer, specs. I think I've got it all covered though."
Logan offers a hesitant smile. "Alright then. Let me know if that changes."
Roman quickly smiles back, a faint pink dusting his cheeks, and turns back into the imagination and shutting the door. Logan stands there for a moment, but not sure why. It's clear that Roman was not feeling all that great from the balloon moment. Even Logan, terrible at deciphering emotions, can tell that much. Perhaps he needs to let off some steam.
He just can't understand Roman most of the time. They do have so many similarities, being too proud for their own good, but it's almost like they're in two separate worlds. Logan, the learner he is, wishes he could explore Roman's own. Understand it. Understand him, and his way of thinking. Even though Roman is mostly dumb, he does make good points, and Logan tries to prioritize his input, as it's usually what Thomas is hoping and dreaming for as well.
The last slide shines back at them all. A concluding statement that makes the three watching sides snicker a little bit.
"And I believe he just doesn't understand how much we all think he's great. I swear, he's just so dense! It's so aggravating! How can he not tell that he's worth everything? Why doesn't he understand that we all care for him? That I care for him? He's wonderful, for god's sake! And that I don't mean to hurt him with my critiques. I want him to thrive! I-"
Everything stops. Logan takes a moment of silence. The three sides look at him, each with different degrees of anticipation. One looks pretty much ready to pounce out of his seat.
And all at once, everything gets strung back into motion. Confetti literally falls from the ceiling as Remus jumps for joy, circling a very mortified looking Logan. Janus, the tired soul, rolls his eyes and lets out a slow, long clap. Virgil just rests his head in his arms.
"I can't believe this. You sit us all down for a presentation you probably double-checked and proofread, like a nerd, and only NOW you realize you were wrong all along? Why didn't you say anything, snake-face?" Virgil complains, sitting up just to glare at him.
"Wo-ow, it isn't as if I was saying that this whole time? No, it couldn't be." Janus deadpans, sarcasm spilling from his mouth like an old, worn, broken dam.
Logan doesn't move from his stand-still spot beside the projector, but Remus manages to bounce in circles around him, cooing. "Lo-lo's got a cruuuush! A crushy crush! A crushed crust of a crush! A crevice cracking ‘cause of the crushed crust-" He was going to continue, throwing expired banana peels around to substitute rose petals, until the sound of the door opening catches everyone's attention.
"Hey losers, Patton wanted to know if you-" Lo and behold, Roman walks in, regal as ever, smiling until he takes in the sight before him. The boring classroom look, contrasted by the amount of confetti that stopped falling as soon as he walked in. Janus and Virgil, wide-eyed and looking at him, completely still. Remus, caught mid dance, frozen in place with a smile. Logan, looking at him in the way one may look milliseconds after being caught stealing government secrets. Roman's eyes flicker to each of them, before settling on the projector.
"Roman. I-I can explain-" Logan starts, but Roman is already reading the words on the screen.
"... 'In short, he saddles me with unnecessary... feelings'? 'Unease, and uncertainty'? Who... Oh my god! Logan!" Roman looks at him, smiling in disbelief and amazement. "I know what this meanssss!" Filled with giddy delight, he sidesteps the table.
Logan gulps as Roman approaches, turning beet red as Roman takes his hands in his two own. "Y-Yes?" He practically squeaks as Roman looks him right in the eyes.
"Yes! Ohhh, this is so exciting!" The three bystanders watch, once again in anticipation, as Roman swings their interlocked hands.
"Yes?" Logan offers a small, tentative smile.
"You have a crush on someoooone! Oh Logan, you should've told me!" Roman smiles, completely oblivious to the internal facepalm of several present members.
"I-I'm sorry..." Logan looks down, slightly disappointed but still too flustered to say anything.
"God save the dense." Janus mutters, inspecting his gloves fingers.
"Don't be sorry! Come, we must make plans! I shall be your matchmaker! This is going to be perfeeeect!" Roman, sings, dancing out of the room and dragging Logan along by their still intertwined hands. The other sides watch them go.
After a moment of processing, Virgil sighs. "Well, I thought that was going to be resolved. Turns out they're both as dense as... dense people." He can't seem to think of any other similes.
"Welp, I'm just happy that they're one step closer to getting. it. on. romantically." Remus punctuates every word with some rather immature hand gestures. “And that they stop dancing around each other.”
"Who do you think Roman thinks Logan has a crush on?" Virgil asks, cogs turning in his brain.
Janus lounges backwards. "Well, let's see... Soooo many options. Either he thinks it's someone outside of Thomas's head, or the simple answer..."
Remus and Virgil both look at him, both with looks of realization.
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asscandles · 3 years
Hello !!! I really liked ur writing (also the fandoms you do are chef's kiss) and i wanted to request for Mondo, Togami and Fuyuhiko (separately of course) with a very touchy (short 👀 I'm like 5'0") reader, who likes to squish their cheeks, hug them and give lil smoochies, sit or have the boys sit on her lap and other stuff like that? (It'd be cute if it were a mutual crush situation but I don't mind platonic either) Thank you sm in advance if you write it !!
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ!! ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴄᴜᴛᴇ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ. ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪᴛ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ!
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ + ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ
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Mondo Owada
Honestly, he never thought he would ever be in this position.
Him? The Ultimate Biker Gang Leader? Receiving a constant supply of affection?
Ridiculous. Improbable. Impossible.
Oh, but don’t get me wrong. It’s not like he doesn’t enjoy the attention. But after he accidentally shouted at you in embarrassment when you complimented his eyes, reflexively crushed a pencil and consequently showered you with the splintered wood when you ambushed him with a hug, and fled from the premises after you innocuously offered to massage his shoulders… the idea of you sticking around in his life seemed unfeasible.
But here you are.
It doesn’t take him long to grow accustomed to the attentiveness and devotion you always treat him with.
“So, we should close off this area and tighten our control around this neighborhood. Oh, and maybe--”
“Uh, sir? What’s… um… What’s..?” One of his men tentatively pointed to where you were clinging to Mondo’s back, legs constricted around his waist and arms looped around his neck, blinking blankly at the man standing before you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mondo didn’t even flinch. “Anyway, as I was saying--”
Mondo really doesn’t mind when you cling to him in public. In fact, he appreciates the warmth of your body and the unexpected sense of security that holding your hand gives him.
But, he starts to draw the line when you stand in front of him while he’s sitting, smiling sweetly as you squish his cheeks and giggle about how adorable he is. He always flushes a florid shade and averts his eyes from yours. He would never tell you, but whenever you do that, he feels so defenseless, something that the rest of his crew should never know about.
That’s why he tells you to keep such intimate actions private. When you two are alone, you can squish his cheeks and pepper his face with kisses as often as you want. You understand this, and you’re always ecstatic whenever you walk in on him somewhere he’s alone.
You’re so short he loves it omg.
He thinks that watching you struggle to reach his face with your lips is so funny. He will often poke fun at you by either pretending to not see you or lifting his chin even higher. When you finally give up and try to storm away with a huff, he captures you in his arms and lifts you off the ground while you grumble indignantly.
Okay, but when you press yourself against him and wrap yourself in the loose fabric of his jacket so that it covers both of you? BITCHHH he melts.
Due to your short stature, you often find yourself seated upon his shoulders. At first, Mondo was taunted by his friends for quote-on-quote “having his head buried between your thighs,” but Mondo easily dismissed their teasing. He knew that your intentions were nothing less than pure…
Even if he initially was nervous and sweaty at the idea of being so… so close to you.
Mondo always treated you as if you were made of glass. Since you’re so small and he’s so muscular and tall, he always feared that a single bump or scratch would absolutely eviscerate your bones and pulverize your internal organs. For a while, he had been worried that he would forget about his own strength and accidentally hurt you. So, it did take him a little longer to reciprocate your affectionate.
That being said, he nearly flipped his shit when you nonchalantly asked him to try sitting in your lap. His brain was pumping out ideas at ninety miles an hour, but his lips could only communicate half of them, leaving him stuttering and nearly choking on his saliva. He was certain that he would crush your body beyond recognition if he tried.
No way. No. No. Absolutely not.
He’s cool with having you seated on his lap, though. In fact, he even encourages it. Having such a stunning gem to show off to his men during meetings stokes the flames of confidence within him, often resulting in a shit-eating grin and a protective hand on your shoulder or around your waist.
You get unlimited access to Mondo with his hair down, you lucky bitch.
You’re absolutely bewitched with how soft his hair is as it slips through your fingers like rivulets of water, the opposite of how it feels when it’s gelled into his usual hairstyle. You spend a lot of time combing your fingers through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp. Mondo finds it extremely relaxing, and he often comes to you whenever he has a headache or needs an extra push that will lull him to sleep.
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Byakuya Togami
Before you appeared in his life, he had never been subjected to genuine love and sentiment. In his world, it was either surpass or be surpassed. Mercy was not an option, and competition was all he knew. As a result, he views everyone around him as inferior and lesser creatures.
When you first started to show kindness to him, he thought that you were merely pitying him because he spent so much time by himself. This led to him holding you at an icy distance and shooting scathing remarks in your direction.
However, you were steadfast in your determination to make Byakuya a part of your life. It took some time, but soon enough, you had earned a place in his heart.
He wished that he didn’t know how it was possible for you to have become such an essential part of his life, but he did. No matter how many times he told you that you were annoying, a distraction, or disgusting, it was clear that you were absolutely unaffected by it. You knew that his dislike of you wasn’t personal. Your tenacity is what caused his harsh words to dissipate in his throat and him to surrender to the prospect of developing a relationship with you. 
You were strong, and he understood that now.
It definitely takes him a long time to accept your clingy nature, and even then, he sometimes feels suffocated by the surplus of affection.
It doesn’t mean that he completely brushes you off. It just means that you have to be more sparing with your ministrations.
He sees nothing wrong with allowing you a quick hug or to hold his hand in public. If anyone says anything about it, he will deadass act like nothing is happening. He knows that if he acknowledges it, the chances of him becoming openly flustered will skyrocket.
He would never be able to live it down.
Anything else you would like to do to him, he prefers to keep it private.
Wow, that sounds suggestive.
Whatever, let’s proceed.
He’ll gripe and complain about you being heavy, but he never pushes you off or directly tells you to get off when you burrow your way beneath his arm and curl into his side while he reads. He’ll just sigh and settle his arm around you with the tiniest, most discreet smile.
He can’t help but chuckle to himself when you remove his glasses so that you can wear them instead. His chuckle flourishes into a genuine laugh when you promptly yank them off, your stomach churning in protest of your warped vision.
When you hold his hand in private, you pay a lot of attention to his fingers. You toy with them, marveling at how strong they are despite their slender appearance.
So, kisses are a thing.
“What was that?”
“Uh, a kiss.”
“Revolting… Do it again.”
A common thing, actually.
You plant kisses everywhere that you can: his fingertips, his cheeks, his shoulders, the back of his hand, his nose. He never fails to blush red as a rose, often pulling away and pressing the back of his hand to his mouth.
If you want him to complain in mock disgust, press a sloppy, prolonged kiss right in the center of his forehead.
If you want him to squirm, brush the softest kiss you can manage to either his collarbone or the shell of his ear. Biiiitchhhh…
Surprise, surprise. He loves poking fun at your height. How shocking. How absolutely unbelievable.
Like Mondo, he finds amusement in watching you balance on your tiptoes as you try to kiss him. You, however, combat his devious snickering by seizing his crossover tie and yanking him down to your height, catching him off guard. Then, all he can do is inwardly grumble about his blunder while you press a kiss to the corner of his lips
He once actually sat on you to trap you after you tried (and failed) to tickle him. He wasn’t expecting you to laugh gleefully and wrap your arms around his waist to anchor him to you. Since you were enjoying what he deemed a punishment, it was no longer pleasurable for him. He finds it embarrassing to voluntarily sit on anyone’s lap--let alone the lap of someone remarkably smaller than him. He sees it as a role of submission. Need I explain more?
He won’t complain if you sit on his, though. Well, I lied. This bitch complains about everything. It’s more like… he won’t reject you if you end up on his lap.
But about a half hour into whatever the hell this “cuddling” thing is, Byakuya discovers that the combination of your weight and body heat is an interesting catalyst for the onslaught of fatigue that he’s been procrastinating for the longest time.
You happen to doze off first. But upon awakening, you notice that Byakuya’s head is resting against yours, his arms loosely wrapped around your waist. His book is closed beside him.
Ngl, you thought he was actually going to rock your shit the first time you squished his cheeks. His frosty glare was enough to make you draw back in shock, but it soon disappeared, accompanied by a sigh from him.
“You have one more opportunity to do that. Don’t waste it.”
Oh, you definitely don’t.
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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Someone is???? Smaller than him???
That one inch of height makes him feel so powerful omfg.
Because of his job, he would rather keep any kind of affection hidden behind closed doors. The only people who he would let PDA slide around are those in his immediate circle, like his family, Peko, and whoever else serves directly under him.
He just wants to keep you safe, and he feels that the best way to do that is to not make it known that he has a soft spot for you.
You smile at the way his aloof, callous demeanor switches to a gentler, more amicable one when he sees you waiting for him to finish whatever job he’s been tasked with. His perpetual scowl melts away, the wrinkles of irritation blemishing his forehead smooth, and his distrusting, narrowed eyes round with an almost childlike, innocent delight.
You enjoy the latter side of him so much that it isn’t uncommon for you to cling to his waist and drop like dead weight, forcing him to drag you with him across the floor if he wants to return to work.
“Hiko… You can’t leave..!” You whine. “I’ll miss you..!”
“I’m sorry…” He huffs, taking another step while you’re dragged behind him like some ragdoll. “But I have things I need to take care of!”
You eventually sink into a heap on the floor when he reaches the door, making a half-hearted attempt to hold on to his ankles.
He chuckles and squats down in front of you. “I’ll be back later.” You sit up and sharply turn your head away with a pout. He gently yet firmly seizes your chin between his thumb and forefinger, directing you to look at him. “Promise.” His eyes are gentle, but you know he’s serious. You reluctantly release him.
“Okay,” you mumble. “Please, be safe.”
You know the, “When I was your age…” thing?
Yeah, Fuyuhiko does that shit. But, he does, “When I was your height…” instead.
A fucki.ng pO w  e R trip.
He really likes the feeling of having you on his lap. It makes him feel like he’s actually capable of offering security to someone. Bonus points if you straddle his lap and hug him close in return, resting your chin on his shoulder.
Back-hugs? Back-hugs.
The first time you snuck up on him and embraced him from behind, he almost knocked you tf out. But over time, he’s gotten used to it. That doesn’t mean you don’t manage to catch him off guard from time to time. Feeling him jolt and hearing him yelp in shock when you wrap your arms around his waist never fails to make you laugh. One time, you laughed so hard that your legs gave out and you tumbled to the ground, accidentally dragging him with you.
Whenever he’s stressed, kisses always seem to be the cure. Sprinkled across his cheeks, tracing the edge of his jaw, following the shell of his ear, pressed to his fingertips--you name it. Whatever you have to offer, he’s more than happy to let you have your way and shower him with love.
You pay special attention to his freckles. Whenever he’s had a taxing day, you vow to kiss each and every freckle on his face. When you’re lulling him to sleep with his head in your lap, you smooth a feather-light fingertip over his cheeks, playing connect-the-dots with his freckles.
But there are just some days where he needs to be the baby, y’know? On those days, he likes laying with his face pressed into your stomach and his body curled into your embrace. You watch over him lovingly, tracing the designs shaved into his hair with a curious finger and slowly massaging his scalp.
He needs reassurance every now and then, verbal or otherwise. You are always more than willing to oblige, filling whatever role he needs at the moment.
He always takes necessary precautions, such as locking the doors and drawing the curtains, before he allows himself to strip his soul bare and lay all of his impurities before you. This is a side of him that no one else must know about. Otherwise, his reputation would take a massive blow.
Speaking of “baby,” it’s no secret that Fuyuhiko positively despises his baby face. You, however, adore it. You like to squish his cheeks and coo about how cute he is. He never resists you, and will even play along by puckering his lips at you if he’s in a good mood. It doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t like his face, but if you seem to be fond of it, then maybe it’s not all that bad.
But if anyone else even thinks about touching him in such a manner, then that’s it.
Their ass is grass.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
hello ! I just discovered your blog and i mightve binged all your writing in one sitting 👉👈 I just absolutely love all your works ! 💕 anyway i saw the writing prompts you posted and would it be alright to make a request? if u could, pls do #8 + luffy and his s/o~ need more luffy fics in my life lol thank you sm ! 💖
Prompt #8 With Luffy
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A/N : another requester! thank you so much for liking my writings 🥺, and yes, Luffy deserves so much love. I’d give him meat the size of Earth if I could. 😩💖
Prompt #8 : “please, just do it with me, just once!”
Summary : Luffy with his significant other, pleading to do a little something for their amusement.
note : I actually didn’t have a really good / cute idea for this, this was harder than I thought, because it’s Luffy lol. Hopefully you’ll still enjoy this. :) + this idea is KIND OF based off a little drawing comic I read here on tumblr by a creator. If anyone knows the user since I forgot ;-;, so I can credit them, let me know!!
Warning : there’s very slight implied 14+ but it’s literally nothing. lol
Your flat out refusal made Luffy frown and pout at you. “Whyyy?” He dragged out the end, whining at how quickly you rejected him.
“Luffy, I already said no, stop whining.”
“Why nottt? It’ll be funnn! I used to do it with Ace and Sabo all the time when we were kids!” Luffy furrows his brows at you as he sat up and crossed his arms, tilting his head.
“That’s different! I can’t just do it with you!” Your cheeks flushed as you stared at him incredulously. “Don’t you have any common sense?!”
“You’re thinking too much. You sometimes bathe with Robin and Nami, right? It’s the same thing!”
You choke on your spit at his argument and scoff in disbelief. “You’re unbelievable.” You huff, turning away and going to finish what you were doing.
“You’re a guy, I’m a girl, you do understand the problem here, right?” You exhale, rubbing your temples at your captain and significant other.
Sure, you two were dating, but you haven’t even gotten to that kind of level yet. You were pretty far from it.
“What are you afraid of? It’s not going to kill you to just take a bath with me together! I can scrub your hair and you can scrub mine! It’ll be funnnn!”
Luffy continued to whine and complain to you, following after you into the kitchen, your annoyance level slowly rising.
Luffy, noticing your silence, pouts once more before bowing 90° and pressed his hands together in a prayer motion.
“Please, do it with me! Just once!”
You’d glare daggers at him, your cheeks still warm before you exhale heavily after him.
“..fine. I’m wearing a swimsuit though, and YOU BETTER TOO!” You shout at him, Luffy looking up with wide eyes, excitement running through them.
He’d grin widely before nodding eagerly. “Sure! Let’s go!” He stretches his arm to grab your hand and began dragging you out.
“Wait, right now?!”
“Of course!”
“Luffy, stop moving, you’re shifting all the bubbles in the water and you’re going to make it— LUFFY!”
The rubber male would only laugh heartily at you as he pulls back his arms and sits still for you, so you can finish scrubbing his hair.
“Shishishi~ sorry [Name]. Look at all the bubbles though!” He says, pointing at the moving bubbles in the water.
You’d only sigh and soften your expression slightly, nodding at him. “Yeah.”
As much as you didn’t like the idea of bathing with Luffy, being significant others or not, you actually didn’t mind it that bad.
Admittedly, you were enjoying yourself.
Luffy, fortunately listened to you, and wore swim trunks before he came in. You were in your bathing suit, both sitting in the warm bath together now.
Making sure it was fully scrubbed up with soap, you pull your hands away from Luffy’s head of hair and smile slightly. “I’m done, Luffy.”
Luffy pulls away and smiles at you, nodding. “Let me do you now!” About to protest, Luffy already inserted some shampoo onto his hand and waited patiently for you, making you sigh once more in defeat before turning around so your backed faced him.
“Thanks for joining me in my bath, [Name]!” Luffy grins, started to soap up your hair and scrub it. It was a bit of a sloppy mess, but he did his best.
“Sure, Luffy. I’m actually enjoying myself... maybe we can do this again.” You say softly, smiling a bit to yourself as you close your eyes.
Luffy’s smile softens itself as he continued to wash your hair, his mind reminiscing in memories of Ace and Sabo a bit.
“I hope we do this more often... Ace, Sabo and I used to do it all the time.” Luffy mumbles quietly to himself, his smile becoming sadder as he thought about his brothers.
Hearing the sadness in his voice, you slowly pull away and turn, confusing Luffy. “E-Eh, I’m not done, [Name].”
You don’t say anything, just turning to face him before smiling brightly and reach up to his still shampooed and soapy hair, messing with it and bringing the bubbles up.
Luffy would be confused before finally seeing what you did to his hair, it being a completely different style thanks to the soap used as gel.
He’d laugh aloud immediately, the sight being hilarious to himself as he’s also equally amazed. “Woah, look [Name]!” He’d change it up and give himself devil horns, laughing more at it.
You’ll smile at his laughter, glad he was already feeling better and even laugh a bit yourself as Luffy goes to mess with your hair as well.
Soon, it’ll turn into a contest of who could give the other the wackiest hairstyle with soap, which results in no winner, due to Luffy becoming exhausted in the water.
“Come on, let’s get you dried up.”
After washing off all the soap on your bodies, you’d step out and wrap a towel around your shoulders, before helping Luffy out and let him dry himself.
You’ll turn to him and smile warmly before heading off to get changed in your room.
“This was actually kind of fun, Luffy. Let’s do it again next time.”
A/N : Hope you liked it!! No lie, I really couldn’t think of anything else—
Sorry this took so long too, I’m literally only free at like 1-2 AM ;-;
Also, as much as I love Zoro—, ( he’s so freaking handsome, hot, sexy and amazingly adorably cute ), I have SO MANY requests for him lol. I gotta get working!
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Headcanons for GOM for which style both hair and clothes would they prefer on their s/o? Thank you!
There wasn’t much I could think of for this so it’s a bit short. Hope you enjoy xx
Headcanons: GOM and the style they prefer on their s/o
He doesn’t like drawing too much attention to himself so I feel like he’d tend to go for someone that’s a soft boi™️ like him
He’d probably like it if you wore more pastel colours because he just finds those colours calm and pleasing
You know, that whole spring aesthetic— flower crowns and whatnot
He doesn’t really care too much about hair, considering his is a mess half the time
But he probably likes longer hair on his s/o because he’s jealous of how much easier it is to manage
Like, you just tie it up and it’s solved??
So he pretty much lives his long-haired dreams vicariously through you
Listen, if you’re not already fashionable, Kise will make you fashionable
He loves to take you on shopping dates where the two of you just try on a bunch of clothes you pick out for each other
Obviously, he loves it when you wear the clothes he buys for you
And the two of you are totally that couple that coordinates their outfits
Kise tends to lean into the brighter coloured clothes because, and I quote: “all black outfits might always look cute, but where’s the challenge in that?”
You probably wouldn’t care too much about styling your hair because you couldn’t be less bothered
However, Kise would definitely insist on you letting him do your hair
While how he styles it is dependant on your outfit, his go-to is Dutch braids into pigtails because he thinks you look absolutely adorable in them
If you were to ask him what clothes he preferred on you his answer would probably be something along the lines of “Nothing at all,” with that stupid smirk of his
For the most part, he didn’t really care about what you wore
However, if you were to wear anything that was rather revealing, he literally wouldn’t take his eyes off of you
But as much as he’d gawk at how hot you’d look in those clothes, he had a soft spot for the way you looked in his clothes
Especially when you wore his hoodies with shorts underneath
Literally makes him melt every time
So whenever you raided his closet, he didn’t do much to stop you
You were pretty much always wearing his clothes to the point where your friends as well as his ones found it so strange in the rare times you wore your own clothes
In terms of hairstyles, he tends to like shorter hair— about shoulder length
There’s not too much explanation behind it though
He just doesn’t like getting tangled up in longer hair when things get heated up
He definitely doesn’t pay too much attention to looks to be honest
As long as it fits well and is functional, it’s good to him
He really found the more muted colours more pleasing though
It amplified the calmness of your personality that he appreciated
He liked it when your outfit would coordinate with his because he’s all about that aesthetic
Oh he really loves seeing you in sweaters for some reason
He just found it cute how your sleeve would cover your palms and give you those adorable sweater paws
He also liked it when your hair was out of your face because it really brightened up your look
Also he just liked to admire your face in its entirety because he just found you beautiful
He really doesn’t care about clothing trust me
He’ll find you cute no matter what
You’ll literally be in your pyjamas and he’d be like “Y/N-chin you look really cute.”
So you didn’t have to pay too much attention to your looks around him
Just generally, he’d be more drawn to an s/o with a laid-back and comfy style
If you look comfortable, he’s more than happy
So you’d often find yourself wearing sweatshirts, shorts and whatever you felt the most comfortable in
He also really likes curly hair
He just finds it so fun to play with
He’ll literally spend hours cuddled up with you, meddling with your hair and nothing else
As we all know, he likes an s/o that’s refined
He likes it when his s/o knows how to dress appropriately for different occasions
He generally prefers a more sophisticated colour palette on you
Dark reds, browns, and sometimes a nice white never fails to draw his attention
He secretly likes the winter time because he can lend you his coat when you feel cold
He’s instructed you many times to carry a coat or jacket but you never did
But it’s okay because he really liked the way his coat would wrap around you
In a more casual setting, he really enjoyed it when you let your hair down because he just admired how it gracefully fell over your shoulders
You usually have your hair up at other times though and he found that very refreshing too because he’d then be able to get a nice view of your eyes which he swears he could look into for hours on end
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