lordoftherazzles · 5 months
Bookbinder//Songwriter because I'm nothing if not predictable ❤️
Why am I not surprised??? And I'm not disappointed at all, because I'm gonna be working on the next chapter very soon huehuehue
I have several plot points figured out for the upcoming chapters, but I want to focus on the next one specifically.
Next chapter is going to be more Bilbo-centric, I think. We've done a lot of focusing on Thorin and the band, and now we gotta get to the other guy!! He has aspirations too!!
I think it would be fun to get some insight to those aspirations, and of course, Bilbo's book club that he has now roped most of the band into (or rather, Thorin did, because he's supportive lmao can you imagine that conversation with Dwalin, Nori, and Bofur???), and ultimately shed some light on Bilbo's goals of being an author one day. He's tried, and tried, and can never find a story he likes to continue.
It's also really fun for me because in this AU, the boys are younger, and Bilbo is creeping to his 30th birthday, which is where I am at in life too, and just discovering some new aspirations, myself. It's a case of "I'VE DONE NOTHING WITH MY LIFE" for Bilbo, and feeling like there's a race against the clock, but there isn't. Something that I feel with my whole heart lol
I just need some Bilbo focus in my life...and we're going to do that next for a while - but then consider later on...
Ask me about my AUs!
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starstaiined · 5 months
trick or treat! mari yellowjackets pairing (jackiemari if you want specific but i don’t really mind) maybe? 👀
DELETED SCENE // group interview, band au
It takes a few minutes for the room to settle back into anything resembling silence as Natalie struggles to keep the hula-hoop going. (She, so valiantly, refrains from flipping them off as they continue to giggle.) Mari can't help but eye the fishbowl of paper slips suspiciously. "Do I like, have to, or is passing an option?" The resulting jeers tell her all she needs to know; there's no getting out of this. With a sigh, she reaches forward and plucks the first white strip from the truth bowl.
The blood rushes to her face. Oh, God. Talk about a shitty card to pull. "On second thought, I think I'm feeling a little more da-"
"Hey hey whoa whoa, you're got to answer the question, Flores!" Lottie darts forward to grab it from her hands, and Mari shifts to avoid her. Unfortunately, it's directly into Jackie, who plucks the paper from Mari's grasp.
"Who was your biggest high school crush? Oh, I know this one!" Jackie wiggles her eyebrows, lips curled into a mischievous grin as she feigns swooning and falls into Mari's lap. "Danny Mears! Oh, you were so down bad for him, MarMar. Which, just saying, you dodged a huge bullet. Heard he's like, dating his cousin or some shit."
"It's his second cousin. So it's like, technically legal." Mari manages to string together, in an attempt to soften the blow.
Tai snorts. "Wow, what a distinction. Still technically a total loser."
"Okay, he wasn't that bad—" Mari defends, but Jackie's laughter cuts her off.
"Oh God, remember his hair??"
Nat joins in from the sidelines, hula hoop clattering to the ground. "How could any of us forget??"
"Guys, give Mari a break!" Mari feels a modicum of relief as Lottie interjects, before breaking into a fanged smile. "She's never had the best taste. I mean remember—"
"He wasn't my crush." Mari blurts it out, before freezing.
"He wasn't?" Lottie echoes. She looks genuinely perplexed. The band as a whole does.
"Okay then, who was?"
"You can't say that and not elaborate."
Mari looks down, her face several shades of red. She mumbles her answer. "Jackie."
The hula hoop clatters to the ground as Nat gapes, Lottie and Tai mirroring the shell shocked expression. "You had a crush on me?" Jackie asks after a minute.
"I mean, yea, how could I not?" Mari laughs, awkward, as she rubs the back of her neck. "It was the first day of soccer try outs. You guys were helping Coach run everything and you partnered with me. You were like, like this superstar. And you told me I was really good. And after, my mom was running like really late. You could've left. I mean you must've had better things to do than sit with a stupid little freshman. But you sat down next to me and waited. I mean, you even gave me your fruit by the foot."
"They're your favorite." Jackie's expression softens, but stays unreadable.
Mari's shoulders lift into a shrug. "They weren't before that." The silence hangs for a few beats too long, feels a little too palpable, and Mari shoves the bowl at the Jackie. "Okay, I answered. Now pick up the pace. Nat's stuck losing a battle to an inanimate object until it circles back to her turn."
At the mention of Natalie's plight, Jackie's attention shifts. "Right, right. Besides, there's no use dwelling on things past."
Right. Things passed. Mari laughs, ignoring the ache in her chest as Jackie shoves her shoulder. So totally passed.
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exileorexodus · 5 months
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band au purgacosmic brainrot
also retconned saturn’s chibi with the new hair update so here’s the full lineup again
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i compiled clothes dumps for them in the discord server so there’s an actual drawing of them with like. their actual clothing styles on the way 😭
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wildernesslaughtered · 10 months
gonna make a band au verse, a no crash au verse, && a post rescue verse
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strange-birb · 10 months
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More Remington Tim lol
I can’t get it out of my head… tim would . He would….
He would be a menace in stage and I want his family (except Jason and Steph) to be horrified!!! 🤣
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goldenstrwbrry · 20 days
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I forget to share my silly art how embarrassing ANYWAYS AHAHA,, AU band design from @clownmfxx !! First kinito design from @lunonehz , second from @omuricebreakfast and third from @maxzemillian !!!!!
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come-on-valdez · 12 days
Heroes of Olympus band AU:
Piper + Hazel: Lead Singers
Frank: Drummer
Jason + Percy: Guitarists
Annabeth: Keyboard
Leo: Their tech + fx guy
(Idk abt Nico cuz i don’t feel like he’d wanna be onstage)
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demidruidart · 4 days
Child of memory💠: Band au Arisanna
And a Lil Ariboo as a treat💕
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lordoftherazzles · 11 months
Kissy Prompt 46!
Last one before work, I'll tackle more later, but this one had me by the throat. A special Bookbinder//Songwriter setting for you, my friend <3 throwing some of it under the cut as it got away from me, and is a teeny bit suggestive......and yet I want to continue it.
Bagginshield kiss + out of envy or jealousy
“Hey, thanks! I’ll be sure to–” Thorin’s words were cut off, his eyes zeroing in on the bar where he’d left Bilbo to take a quick piss break, then only to be stopped by one of the regulars congratulating him and his band on a contract well secured. Someone had occupied his seat while he was gone, it seemed, and it stirred something ugly within Thorin’s chest as his lips pursed tightly.
“Is something wrong?”
“I’ll pass the message along, if you’ll excuse me,” Thorin grumbled, stalking his way back to the bar, but not too quickly as he eyed the interaction from afar. Bilbo seemed normal, far too focused on eating his fries than he was the young man who’d taken a seat next to him waving his drink around flirtatiously with an obnoxiously loud laugh. Perhaps this was one of those cases where Bilbo was just being polite, or ignorant to the fact that he was so blatantly being flirted with.
It was almost nice to see how disinterested his boyfriend was, causing Thorin to snort in mild amusement as his arms crossed, continuing to stare and burn holes into the stranger’s back. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Bilbo, in fact, Thorin trusted everything he had, mind and body, to his significant other. It was everyone else he didn’t trust. Watching as Bilbo shook his head in what had to be either a negative thought or some form of rejection, it was a miracle Thorin didn’t start cheering or applauding from his stationary position across the bar.
Until a hand started crawling up Bilbo’s arm, two fingers walking their way to his shoulder and soon rubbing circles against his back. It sent spikes of rage through the musician as his boots no longer felt rooted to the ground.
The ground should have thundered beneath those heavy steps Thorin took, parting the light crowd as he moved, and finally getting his hand to swipe under the stranger’s arm and force those crawling flirty fingers away from his boyfriend. “Beloved,” Thorin purred, pushing down his anger as he forced himself into that teeny tiny space between barstools, “sorry for leaving you for so long.” You know, as if he’d just returned from a week-long trip, and not a three-minute piss break.
Bilbo’s confused expression was endearing, and quickly smothered by the biggest and sloppiest kiss Thorin could manage, practically merging to be on the same seat as his boyfriend.
“You taste delightful,” Thorin murmured, but not so quiet that the listening ears next to them couldn’t hear.
“Like garlic fries, right?” Bilbo teased, a bright red flush across his cheeks as he couldn’t quite figure out why Thorin had returned so handsy and looking ready to take him right there on the bar floor. “Are you alright?”
“I’m more than alright.” Pressing kisses to the side of Bilbo’s head, dipping to his neck, Thorin couldn’t help but grin against Bilbo’s skin as the barstool next to him scooted away ever so slightly, and finally, the occupant was gone. Grumbling something about all the nice guys being taken already.
“What’s gotten into you?” Bilbo laughed, the tickle of Thorin’s beard against his skin always doing him in, no matter how hard he tried to keep quiet.
“Mm, nothing’s gotten into me, though I’d love to get into you—”
“Hey, hey! Take it somewhere else,” The bartender barked from the other side of the bar, promptly tossing a damn rag straight for Thorin’s head—it was a blessing that it wasn’t Dis tonight.
Pulling back and admiring that flush across Bilbo’s cheeks, Thorin pressed one last kiss to his favorite button nose, but those eyes seemed to match whatever suggestive commentary that he’d made. Flashing a glance to the bartender on duty, Thorin’s grin only widened. “Put my tab on Dwalin’s, I’ll owe him later.” Lacing his fingers with one of Bilbo’s hands, immediately he began to tug his significant other out of his seat.
“We’re done?”
“No, we’re just getting started,” Thorin teased, squeezing Bilbo’s hand as they weaved through the crowd, stopping only at the doorway where Bilbo’s flirty company before had taken root, “I’m going to make you writhe, and when we’re done, you’ll have only one name on your lips.”
“Oh, Thorin—” Bilbo sighed, hot and bothered and eager to make it at least to the back seat of his car.
“Exactly.” Locking eyes with ‘he who was not competition ever’, Thorin’s brows rose as he gave a small snort of pride. “Eat your heart out.” Tugging Bilbo out the door, it didn’t take much before it was Thorin being tugged by his still oblivious, but now overeager, bookworm.
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 10 months
Tim's killing people with music, so honestly, nothing changed? Now he's just a slaughter avatar
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copias-sewer-rat · 9 months
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Did anyone ask for Ghost x What We Do In The Shadows??? Nobody? Just me? Well, have it anyways.
I honestly think that the dynamic of the series would make for a great Ghost vampire fic but I don't know where to start on something like that😂😂.
*click on the image for better quality!!*
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jade-green-butterfly · 3 months
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Today’s a very important and special day, folks...~🌟Today is the awesome Ron Funches’ birthday, which means it’s my special darling boi, Cooper’s birthday too!!🎊🥳🎂✨😍
Preparing for the special occasion, I started thinking up of what I could draw for him and Ron this year...🤔And then I thought, ‘I know! I could draw an AU where I am a well-loved pop idol, just like BroZone and I am performing specially for Cooper on his birthday, whilst he totally yet adorably fanboys over me!’ 💡😀 I did just that and...WOW!!😲It turned out even more amazing and eye-catching as I hoped and planned~!💖🤩💖I am so pleased of how I got me and Cooper's poses spot on from what I had in mind~💗😍And yep! Before anyone asks...that IS a BroZone-inspired jacket I've got on!😆(Peach colour~✨🍑) I just had to add that for my Pop Idol AU look, along with singing the Spice Girls' 'Spice Up Your Life'~ (a late 90's hit from my childhood)🎶🎤😚 I feel my style here was a cute combination of the Trolls movies and TrollsTopia, whilst I aimed to combine the background of my performance on stage with Cooper's dreamy vision as he's truly awe(love)struck over me, bless him~💗🥰Hehe~!🤭And of course, I gave our darling birthday prince a 'Cupcake King' theme to his party hat, because he is one - my Cupcake King~🩷♛🧁😉 Hope you all like too, dears!💕✨😊👍🏻I really enjoyed making this piece, especially for Ron and my beloved sweet jellybean, Cooper~💗🫶🏻U//w//U💘
🎉🎈🌈🎊~A very Happy Birthday to you, Cooper a.k.a Ron Funches!~🎊🌈🎈🎉 =^o^=🥳🎂✨🎁 I love you with all my heart and thank-you so, so much for all the happiness and love you have brought me~💗🌈💖🥰💝🫂xoxo.
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Cooper (c) DreamWorks Trolls/DreamWorks Animation Trollsona Jussy/Justina Butterfly (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!)
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sarilolla · 5 months
I am filled with evil so I want to ask, when you finish the main Hanahaki Branch fanfic, would you be up for writing an alternate universe where he took the potion and forgot his brothers? And then they come to see him and he only knows they exist because of old family photos and vaugely remembering that he got a sickness from loving them so much.
How heartbreaking would that be? He had to pick between forgetting them or death and he decided their memories were not worth his life.
If you don't want to write it that's fine, but I wanted to put the idea out there for everyone to enjoy :)
Well, it’s a good thing I’m also filled with evil, because that was planned since the beginning-
I’ve been debated writing three endings, one good and two bad. Cured of Hanahaki and loved, takes the potion and forgetting, or dying. It’s just… if I can add more angst to Branch’s life, I will take it >:)
Hanahaki Branch au (slight spoilers/alternative ending to not finished fic)
And the thing is, Branch would have to push himself to take the potion. His brothers were his hope, his glimmer of joy for YEARS before Poppy seriously stepped in, and Branch also opened himself for more friendships. He adores his blood family, but he has found one for himself now. Plus, it’s been two decades, if his brothers wanted to find him, they would have by now, right?
So he takes the potion. He still has Poppy, he has the Snack Pack, he has Kismet, and he has friends in the other tribes, so he’s not alone. He thinks before he takes it that he can just blame the memory loss on the fact they left when he was two years old, surely that’s an excuse. He doesn’t want to die and leave the other people he loves.
But seeing four strangers a while later, so similar to him and so sure they know him, he’s certain he should feel loss. But he doesn’t. There’s no memories, no feelings, just old Knick-knacks he is sure was important at one point in his life.
And the four strangers who looks like they lost the world when he said he didn’t know them
Anyway, I went on a ramble, that thing will be more filled out and cohesive when that time comes :)
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connorsnothereeither · 9 months
I feel like within the fandom the Band AU is currently what the Vampire AU was for a Fable SMP a few months back.
Except this time I refuse to be peer pressured into writing a fic for it lmao /j
A smut chapter on the other hand… 👀 /j /j
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roysmilkers · 6 months
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Add on to my earlier band au 😗✌️
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
final reddie hc of the year perhaps…… but a hc that i really like is that during the 27 years richie became a celebrity singer instead of a comedian (you should all know at this point how much i adore singer/band richie <3 <3 ) in his 20s/early 30s, and then kind of took a break from making music after a good decade or so of being a top artist. his music covers a wide range of genres, but his most popular songs are all the ones where he sings about his love for this mysterious love interest….. richie has never lasted long in any of his relationships, so his fans all wonder who this person is that richie is writing all of these incredibly intimate and romantic songs about (plot twist: richie doesn’t know either. he knows that there is someone, someone in his heart who he loves, but he can’t quite remember who, so he lets it all out in the form of song lyrics…)
then, let unfold the events of chapter 2, richie goes back to his hometown and re-meets eddie and finally realizes who he’s been writing these songs about for his entire life…. it’s eddie. it’s always been eddie. it’s kind of a big moment for richie, but he doesn’t have long to worry about it, because there’s more important business to take care of…. like defeating that stupid fucking clown.
after derry 2.0 and eddie survives and ALL of the losers are all living happily again, richie circles back to all his feelings for eddie. he’s still in love with eddie, he always has been, and the more time that richie spends with eddie after eddie’s divorce, richie continues to fall even more in love. but, he’s still scared. he’s been closeted for his entire career, and even though he defeated pennywise he’s still scared to come to terms with his sexuality and his feelings for eddie. besides, he doesn’t want to make a move on eddie and get rejected- he doesn’t think his heart would be able to handle that.
and so, richie decides to deal with his feelings in the only way he knows how: he writes a song about it.
and it comes as a VERY big surprise to all of richie’s fans when, almost 10 years since he’s last released a song, richie puts out a whole bunch of new songs, all of them once again about this “mysterious” person that richie’s in love with. he’s asked in an interview not too long after what was the motivation for these new songs, why they were released so suddenly, what made him want to record new music after such a long time? and of course richie’s vague about it, he just says something satisfying enough and changes the subject with the interviewer.
but as eddie’s watching that interview, as he’s listening to the songs that richie has put out since their reunion, since all the late nights they’ve spent together and the long talks they’ve had… eddie thinks maybe he knows why.
eddie never told richie the real reason why he had divorced myra. he had simply told his friends that they were unhappy, and that was it. and while that was true, they didn’t know that it was also the fact that eddie had finally allowed himself to accept that he’s gay, and that he’s in love with richie. he didn’t tell richie because eddie was certain that richie was straight, that if he did confess then he’d receive nothing but rejection.
but after listening to the lyrics of richie’s songs, and finding them awfully similar to his and richie’s situation….. eddie thinks that maybe confession isn’t so scary after all.
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