#Don't want to involve themselves with the reclusive one
radiance1 · 3 months
The Justice League have a problem, one that needs some level of knowledge and expertise of a being from the Infinite Realms to give them a better chance of actually solving this problem.
Every ghost they have summoned, without fail, took one look at Constantine. Squinted (yes, squinted). Then decided to go back to where they came without a word.
This. Would have been useful, nice even. If it was a situation where they needed the summoned being of a cult to head back to where they came without a fight.
But alas, that is not what is happening.
The Justice League, obviously, ask him why the ghosts keep fleeing back to their Realm at the sight of him, but Constantine can't answer because he genuinely has no idea why they keep leaving when getting a proper look at him.
So they keep trying and they do find some success in it. They summoned a boy, most likely older than he physically looks yet it still puts some of them off because of, well.
You know.
A boy with white hair and toxic green eyes. The boy stops short, as if not expecting to be randomly transported to somewhere else, takes a look around the room, then the Justice League. His eyes settle on one person.
Constantine, in particular.
He squints (Why do all of them squint? Nobody knows) and then a sudden looking of realization passes on his face. Different from the looks of vague fear and genuinely want to not involve themselves any further, his face held slight disgust and a heavy amount of disappointment.
Thankfully, he didn't leave immediately after that.
Constantine asks what's with the look on the ghost boy's face, the ghost boy in question squints even further. Stares at Constantine for a moment or two, buries his face in his hands and brings his knees to his hand and groans out.
"He could've done so much better."
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
My Girl
➥ summary: Twin brothers Miles and Miles (Prowler) both seem to be crushing on the same girl at their new school, just a matter of them before one of them admits it. May the best man win
➥ a/n: so i decided on a storyline where they both grew up as twins, no spiderman or prowler but as to not confuse us all earth 42 miles will be nicknamed prowler, another thing fanart isn’t mine it was simply found on Pinterest and google
➥ 1610! Miles (RJ) x Reader x 42! Miles (The Prowler)
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Rio Morales watched her twin boys, Miles and Miles, grip each other's shoulders tightly with anticipation as they stood outside their new school. It was a crisp autumn morning, and the leaves danced playfully in the breeze, mirroring the excitement that fluttered in Rio's heart. The decision to move them to a new school had been tough, but after the fight that broke out at their old school, Rio believed it was necessary to give them a fresh start.
"Alright, boys," Rio said, with a mix of determination and affection in her voice. "Remember why we're here. This is a chance for all of us to turn things around, to make new friends, and grow into better versions of ourselves."
Miles, wearing a red hoodie and sporting a mischievous grin, fidgeted restlessly. He was the meticulous one, always wanting to explore every nook and cranny he stumbled upon. His friends called him the "Prowler" due to his natural curiosity and resourcefulness.
"Mama, trust me," he chimed in. "No more fights. The Prowler always has a plan."
Rio looked into Miles' expressive eyes, recognizing the genuine excitement and innocence that radiated from within him. But she also saw the darkness that lay dormant, the potential for trouble that he carried, as often seen in the consequences of his actions.
"Miles, my love," Rio began, her voice filled with equal parts love and worry, "your curiosity is a gift, but you have to learn to channel it in the right direction. There's no doubt you can do great things, but it's important you steer clear of any more trouble."
Miles nodded sheepishly, understanding his mother's concerns. He had a naivete about him that matched his mischievous nature. He longed for adventure, but deep down, he understood the importance of his mother's guidance.
Miles, his green hoodie a stark contrast to his brother's, stepped forward and slipped his arm around Rio's waist lovingly. With a confident smile, he told her, "Don't worry, Mama. We'll be good. No more fights, I promise."
Rio smiled back, acknowledging that Miles always had a way of soothing her fears with his undeniable charisma. Known as "RJ" to his friends, he had a magnetic personality, effortlessly drawing people in with his charm and laid-back attitude.
With resolve in her eyes, Rio led her twin sons through the school gate, determined to give them the fresh start they deserved. The trio embarked on a journey into the unknown, hoping to forge new friendships and redefine their identities along the way.
Little did they know, this new school would provide them with countless opportunities, both joyous and challenging. In this unfamiliar world, they would uncover hidden talents, face unexpected dangers, and learn what it means to be true to themselves while navigating the trials and triumphs of high school.
The hallways buzzed with excitement as the rumors about the enigmatic prowler named Miles circulated like wildfire. Whispers filled the air as students gossiped about the alleged incidents involving broken arms and daring escapes. Among the crowd stood two very different Miles - the reclusive prowler and the more timid and anxious RJ.
As the whispers grew louder, RJ's anxiety intensified, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt trapped, suffocated by the rumors that threatened to swallow him whole. His breaths came faster, and he struggled to maintain his composure.
Seeing the new kid on the brink of a panic attack, a young woman named (Y/N) who was a confident and fiercely protective classmate of all newcomers, stepped in. She wore her Hokage cloak, a symbol of strength and leadership, as she positioned herself between Miles - RJ, and the encroaching crowd.
"Back up, everyone!" (Y/N)’s voice commanded authority. "Give him some space and stop pestering him with these rumors."
Her declaration didn’t come as a shock to the onlookers seeing as how this was normal, and only some hesitated for a moment before backing away, allowing RJ a small reprieve from the overwhelming attention.
"Hey new kid, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
Miles - RJ, managed a weak nod, grateful for her intervention. "Yeah, just... it's all too much."
(Y/N) put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know it's tough, always is for you new comers but don’t let the stupid need to gossip about some stupid rumors define you. You're more than what people say."
Miles - the prowler, observing the situation from a distance, couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity towards (Y/N). Her support and willingness to protect his twin Miles - RJ, struck a chord within him. Despite his secretive nature, he couldn't help but feel a connection with this girl who wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in.
The hallway started to clear as the bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. (Y/N) removed her Hokage cloak and handed it to Miles - RJ, giving him a gentle smile.
"Keep this for now," she said. "It'll remind you that you have friends who stand by you."
Miles - the prowler, couldn't shake the image of the girl from his mind. He knew he had to talk to his twin, RJ, about her. Approaching Miles - RJ after school, he found him sitting on a bench, lost in his thoughts.
“Yo,” Miles said, taking a seat next to him. "I saw you with some girl in the hallways. Care to explain?"
Miles - RJ's face flushed slightly, but he knew he could trust his twin. "Yeah, she helped me when I was almost having a panic attack. She stood up for me when everyone was bombarding me with questions about you and the rumors."
Miles raised an eyebrow. "She seems a little too invested in our affairs, don't you think? We can't trust anyone easily, especially not someone who shows up out of nowhere."
Miles - RJ nodded, understanding his twin's caution. "I get it, but she seemed genuinely concerned. She's different. I've never met anyone like her."
Miles, the prowler, sighed, torn between wanting to protect his twin and wanting him to experience genuine friendship. "I know you're craving connection, RJ, but be careful. People have hurt us before, and we can't afford to let our guard down."
"I won't be naive, Miles," RJ assured him. "But she's different from those who've hurt us. I know she can be a true friend."
The prowler studied his twin's eyes, searching for any signs of deception. Seeing only sincerity, he relented. "Alright, but stay cautious. I'll keep an eye on her too."
As the days passed, Miles - RJ and (Y/N) grew closer. She welcomed him into her circle of friends, and he began to experience a sense of belonging he had never felt before. They laughed together, shared stories, and supported each other through thick and thin.
Miles, the prowler, watched from a distance, his protective instincts on high alert. He saw how much Miles - RJ was opening up to (Y/N), and a part of him was happy for his twin, but another part couldn't help but worry. The past had taught him to trust no one and to protect RJ at all costs.
One evening, he decided to approach (Y/N) cautiously. "I've been watching you and my twin," he said. "I know you've been helping him, but don't think I'll let my guard down just because he likes you. If you hurt him, I won't hesitate to protect him."
“Damn…he wasn’t kidding. Y’all look exactly alike.” (Y/N) says and Miles raised a brow at her.
(Y/N) changed her expression from one of bewildered and met his gaze with determination. "I wouldn’t hurt him intentionally. I care about him, Miles 2.0.”
“Miles 2.0?” Miles - the prowler questioned.
“Well yeah, cause well he’s the first miles I’ve met and you’re, you know…”
Miles - the prowler, studied her carefully, searching for any signs of deception. But all he saw was sincerity.
"I'll be watching," he warned before disappearing into the shadows.
A few weeks later, Miles - RJ mustered up the courage to invite (Y/N) over to his place to play video games. As the day arrived, he nervously waited for her at the door, trying to ignore the creeping thoughts of doubt seeded by Miles, the prowler's, constant warnings.
When (Y/N) arrived, she had a bright smile on her face and greeted RJ with enthusiasm. "Hey, RJ! I'm so ready to kick your ass!”
“Sup miles 2.0!”
Miles - RJ's heart fluttered with happiness as he led her inside, introducing her to Miles - the prowler, who was sitting on the couch, looking aloof and distant. He eyed her cautiously but nodded in greeting at her nonetheless. "Hope you can handle our intense gaming skills."
(Y/N) chuckled, undeterred by his dismissive demeanor. "Oh, I'm sure I can handle it. I'm not one to back down from a challenge."
As they settled in for some gaming, Miles - the prowler, couldn't help but taunt (Y/N) throughout the play, trying to unnerve her. But to his surprise, she responded with playful banter and didn't let his jabs get under her skin.
"You’re actually decent at this," Miles - the prowler, said, genuinely impressed not that he would show it.
(Y/N) grinned. "Told you I wouldn't go down without a fight. Bring it on!"
As the gaming session continued, Miles - RJ noticed a subtle change in his twin's demeanor. Miles - the prowler, seemed less guarded and a bit more at ease, thanks to (Y/N)’s carefree and friendly approach. They laughed, teased each other, and the competitive spirit in the room was infectious.
The boys mom, Rio, couldn't help but peek into the living room, where her two boys were engaged in laughter and fun. A warm smile spread across her face, relieved to see her boys making a new friend.
As the evening went on, Miles - the prowler, gradually let down his defenses, realizing that (Y/N) was genuinely a good person who meant no harm. He was confused by his own emotions and the newfound camaraderie they were sharing. It was a mix of vulnerability and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time.
As the night came to an end, (Y/N) got up to leave, exchanging a hug with the RJ and a fist bump with his brother.
"Thanks for inviting me over, RJ. I had a blast," (Y/N) said warmly.
“No problem!” Miles - RJ says.
“And good play with you Miles 2.0. I had fun.”
"Yeah, it was... fun," Miles, the prowler, admitted, trying to hide his genuine happiness.
"See you guys at school tomorrow!" Y/N called as she headed out the door.
As RJ closed the door, he turned to his twin with a raised eyebrow. "So, what did you think?"
Miles - the prowler, hesitated for a moment before cracking a small smile. "She's something else, that's for sure. I don't know what to make of it, but... I don't hate it."
RJ laughed, pleased to see his twin warming up to (Y/N). She's amazing, isn't she? I'm glad we made a friend like her."
"Yeah, me too," Miles, the prowler, admitted, surprising even himself with his honesty.
A month had passed since (Y/N) became an integral part of their lives, and both the boys found themselves experiencing an unexpected but undeniable crush on her. Each twin had their own little moments with her that left them captivated.
Miles - the prowler, couldn't help but remember the time they were walking home together after a study session. (Y/N) had stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk, and he instinctively reached out to steady her. As their hands briefly touched, he felt a jolt of electricity, and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly pulled away, trying to hide his blush, but he couldn't forget how his heart had raced in that brief moment.
For Miles - RJ, it was the time they were at the local arcade, cheering each other on during a competitive game. (Y/N) had leaned in close, her laughter infectious and her eyes sparkling with excitement. In that moment, Miles felt an overwhelming warmth, as if he had found someone who truly understood him. Her support and genuine interest in his passions made him feel seen and valued in a way he had never experienced before.
Both twins found themselves looking forward to seeing (Y/N) at school every day, eager for the chance to talk and share moments with her. They noticed how her presence could brighten even the darkest days and how her playful banter with Miles - the prowler, left him confused but with a faint hint of a smile.
As they spent more time with her, they discovered shared interests and values that deepened their admiration for (Y/N). She was caring, compassionate, and fiercely loyal, always standing up for them and others when needed. The way she treated everyone with kindness, regardless of their reputation or background, earned her even more respect from the twins.
Miles - the prowler, found himself drawn to her strength and independence, a stark contrast to his own solitary nature. He admired the way she could hold her own and how she wasn't afraid to challenge him, refusing to back down from his teasing or sarcasm.
Miles - RJ, on the other hand, cherished her ability to make him feel at ease, like he could be himself without judgment or expectations. Her easygoing nature helped him open up, and he found himself sharing thoughts and feelings he had never shared with anyone else.
One day, while hanging out in the park, the twins decided to talk openly about their feelings for (Y/N). Sitting on a bench, they shared their different perspectives, realizing they both felt a deep connection with her that they couldn't ignore.
"I can't believe we both have a crush on her," RJ admitted with a blush.
"Yeah, it's... strange," his twin Miles said, trying to wrap his head around his own feelings. "But I can't deny that she's had an impact on both of us."
Miles - RJ nodded. "She makes us feel understood, you know? And she's just so caring and genuine."
Miles - the prowler, smirked. "Well, I hope you're not expecting me to back off. I don't give up that easily."
Miles - RJ chuckled. "I wouldn't expect anything less. But let's remember she's our friend first and foremost. We don't want to jeopardize that."
The twins agreed to keep their feelings in check and focus on cherishing the friendship they had with (Y/N). As they continued to spend time with her, they found comfort in knowing that they didn't have to face their feelings alone.
After school, Miles - RJ and Miles - the prowler, found themselves unable to contain their feelings any longer. They knew they had to talk to (Y/N) about what they had been experiencing. With nervous excitement, they cornered her near the school's courtyard, determined to be honest and vulnerable.
"(Y/N),” Miles - RJ began, his voice slightly shaky. "We need to talk about something important."
(Y/N) turned to face them, her eyes curious. "Okay, what's up?"
Miles - the prowler, took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "We both... we both have feelings for you, (Y/N).”
Miles - RJ nodded, adding, "It's true. We didn't plan for this to happen, but we can't ignore how we feel about you."
(Y/N) blinked, seemingly taken aback by their confession. "Wait, you both have feelings for me?"
"Yeah," Miles - the prowler, confirmed, his voice earnest. "It's confusing and unexpected, but we can't change how we feel."
(Y/N)’s lips curled into a small smile. "Damn, well, I can't help but admit that I have feelings for you both too..."
“Both of us or…”
The twins looked at each other in shock, their hearts racing. It was a revelation they hadn't anticipated, and the rush of emotions was overwhelming.
Before they could say anything else, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. (Y/N) glanced at them, her expression a mix of emotions.
"I’ll leave a note in your locker after school" she said, stepping back.
“Wait which one of us?!” Miles - the prowler asked.
“You’ll see…”
Torn between anticipation and uncertainty, Miles -RJ and Miles - the prowler, spent the evening restless, eager to meet (Y/N) the next day and finally find out what the future held for them.
The night passed in a blur, and the next day arrived faster than they expected. When Miles finally reunited with (Y/N), the atmosphere was charged with tension and excitement.
"So," Y/N said, breaking the silence. "Seems you got my letter.”
“Yeah I did.”
Miles - RJ ending …
Miles - the prowler ending …
Both Miles ending …
(Haven’t written the endings yet but when I do I’ll have them tagged and listed)
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thelunastusco · 2 months
Also, like,
Regarding the whole "I'm not saying you shouldn't exist but I am saying you should be ashamed you do and your system should actively strive to make sure your existence is closeted so that it doesn't spread to other people because god knows fictives can't stop talking about themselves" kind of attitude,
We're not a popular system. We don't have a lot of friends, systems or singlets. We don't have biological family. We don't have co-workers and we don't really engage with community meetups or anything like that. We don't talk about ourselves all that much on our social media or in private. There's maybe five people (bodily) we'd consider good friends, and only two in our lives currently who we'd say know us intimately, one who isn't even part of the people-we-consider-friends group, lmao.
This isn't a poor me thing. Would we like more friends? Sure! Would we like to be more involved in the community? Yeah! Have we accepted things as they are? Pretty much. It is a "so where's this planet where fictives get to be seen for who they are?" thing.
We feel like most people, even systems, don't and wouldn't accept us as we are. We're older, we're reclusive, we're mostly fictives and a solid majority of those fictives are villains or grey moral types, we're adamantly proship/profic, we don't care what people do within their own system as long as no one is being harmed, and overall we just refuse to give a shit about origins or dx labels. It's just not a thrilling combination of traits for an increasingly younger + more sanitized community.
And usually, that's okay. But it does mean that once we pass from this world, there will likely be no one left who remembers us as we really were. It's a bit of a saddening thought, especially considering we're ALIVE and PRESENT on tumblr and people already get us so, so wrong sometimes, lol. (If we see one more "well they're endogenic in denial of their trauma" thing we're gonna start biting people.) We wish we could leave some little (positive) thumbprints, but also we're a system of over 700 people. And eventually, most people in history are more or less forgotten, we're not special in that regards.
But it also really goes against the idea that systems with fictives just can't stop talking about themselves or their sources. Even the people who know us better than anyone else in this world, don't know about everyone here. We just don't talk about things or people or sources unless it seems relevant. And even the people they know well, hate talking about themselves more than necessary.
We already closet our own existences.
And we shouldn't have to. No one we care about is forcing us to, but society as a whole tells us to shut up, keep your head down, don't share too much about yourselves. Pretend you don't exist. Don't be open, certainly not loud, about who you really are. And we're not the only system in the world like this. Some systems are bold and brave enough to be super open about who they are, and what they're about. We admire them. But if we had to guess, most systems are more like us, where we have maybe a handful of people who know us well.
Shame is a given as it is. The world as a whole doesn't even accept us as real. Most systems with fictives couldn't get MORE in the closet if they tried. Like, even if fictives turn to fandom spaces where they might be recognized most, (a) most fictives are different from canon and fandom perception, (b) some singlet people in fandom can get eerily entitled to a fictive's time and attention or get super creepy/intrusive with it, and (c) fandom is ultimately a sandbox where people play with their fictional Barbie dolls as a means of coping/escape and the presence of fictives can, sometimes, make things really uncomfortable for people. Valid. We, ourselves, don't want to take that away from people.
But fictives are then left to hide themselves and their identity. It's still a heavy, isolating feeling. The only time fictives really get to open up are to understanding friends, or systems who accept fictives; sometimes there's still this chasm because not all friendly singlets or systems will understand who a specific fictive is, where they're from, and who they are as a separate entity from their canon source. (And most don't have the time to sit and consume the source media + ask follow-up questions just to get a better idea, though hands down that's one of the most romantic things someone can do for a fictive in our opinion, lmao.) It's a lot harder to manage than some people seem to think. Especially in this age where there's so much disconnect and a lot of people in general are struggling to make/maintain deeper connections.
So where is this idea coming from that fictives talk about themselves so much? That they just can't help BUT talk about their source/s? That they have SUCH pull that they should be held responsible for the spread of the media source they're from?
Because as far as we can tell, it simply isn't a thing.
Why would it be, when most of the world isn't listening?
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Thinking Like That
From Control - Full Story in Progress on AO3!
Graves x Reader, hints of Ghost x Reader
Summary: Graves stops by to visit you before your night out with the team.
No Explicit Warnings
Tag: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Slow Burn, Flirting, Implied FWB, Sad Reader, Jealousy, Some Swearing, Hints of Possessiveness, Maybe unrequited feelings(?), Intimacy
Word Count: 3k
Part One | Two | Three | Four | Five Masterlist
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A/N: The next couple chapters are about to take place in the course of one long night. I'm getting ready to begin sowing in the (melo)drama, I just need a little more set up! I wanted to flesh the reader out a little more too. I'll never vividly describe the reader visually, but for narrative purposes, the reader's kinda sad and lonely. It's a bit angsty, hopefully not cringy and bad!
Chapter Six - Thinking Like That
That data you pulled from Site Delta had no discernable ties to Black Bag, or anything involving the missing missiles. It was mostly a laundry list of names and places AQ had involved themselves with -- old conversations with high profile targets, locations for illegal arms dealing, and other hideouts spread across Eastern Europe. Nothing no one didn't already expect to find.
Once Laswell’s able to sift through the threats that matter and the ones that don't, you're sure both Shadow Company and 141 will be sent out again to handle it. With any luck, one of these names would get you closer to finding out where those missiles were taken, preferably before the others learn about them.
Regardless, your last mission was a job well done. You saw no better way to celebrate than going out drinking!
Graves picked the location -- some sports bar he randomly found on Google that wasn't too far away. All bars begin to feel the same when you've visited as many as you have before, so it matters not to you where you're drinking. The company was everything. If you all didn't go out now, none of you would any time soon. And as tired as you all were after today, you knew how important it was to enjoy the little moments of peace you could share with each other.
It's what you love most about your job.
By now the others had stopped back home (most likely at a barrack) to freshen up before heading back out. Your barrack room door opens with a resounding creek, as though this small room long awaited your return for ages. It invites you in with that mundane and stilted air, welcoming you home with a cold embrace.
You take an eye full of the rushed set up you’d put together in your room. Whenever Shadow Company had you on assignment, you were usually placed in spare barracks on base, such as now. Temporary living quarters. You traveled frequently when working, so you never brought too much with you. Only the essentials. That never stopped you from trying to make your space feel like a home though.
You decorated each available flat surface in your room with tiny knick-knacks and various memorabilia, as purple fairy lights decorate the lining of your window. Your bed was still tightly made from before, your mountain of pillows resting against the bed frame. You used to be shy about others seeing your room, though now you cared little for their opinions. It's not like it was often that others saw your place to begin with.
You shed away the face you’d been wearing outside. It’s been so long you’ve almost forgotten what a lightening sensation it was to finally let go of that façade you’ve created.
Now in the safety of your own space -- for be it a hastily decorated, tiny, and dreary room -- you face the unfamiliar presence of yourself for the first time in what feels like days. You tear away from your extroverted layer and let your more reclusive self breathe again. No more games, no more having to be a step ahead. No more hiding behind your walls.
In here, there's only you.
You take in a deep breath and let out a heavy exhale, before a soft smile paints your lips. God, it feels good to be away. 
You let the faucet run in the bathroom, using two fingers to gauge the temperature, as you slowly space out into the foreground. The water grows warmer each passing second, weaving over you like fine silk. You watch it bounce against the white ceramic of the sink, swirling down into a drain. Your eyes register this, though your mind is as far off as the rushing water swirling through that tiny, black hole. 
Your exhausted eyes then drudge up to a stranger in the reflection before you.
You fixate on the little things -- the bags you’ve begun to form from the inconsistent work hours, same going for the few pounds you’ve shed these past few weeks as well. That new, little scar above your left eyebrow was in good company with the other little ones you’ve accumulated from years of physical labor. Normally when your face rested into its natural state it didn’t look so… hollow.
Sometimes it was hard to recognize yourself in the mirror. It felt almost like an out of body experience, having your eyes meet this face you see. These eyes, these lips, your worn expression.
You’ve gotten so used to playing a character, that you sometimes forget what the rest of your life is outside of your role. This.
Being alone in a room.
But what was this? What was anything? What were you?
Who were you?
The usual intrusive thoughts plague your mind, as they have since you were of adolescence -- when will someone finally fall in love with you for a change? What are you going to do if this job doesn’t pan out? Who would you have to be tomorrow? 
You cup your hands in the sink and create a small pool of water in your palms, lightly splashing it over your face. 
It gets harder each day not falling into these negative headspaces. You could spend all night in your head, driving yourself insane, before a new thought passes by and suddenly it has become the new object of your attention. So goes the cycle, though really it no longer distracts from things like it used to.
You bring more water to your face, rubbing your hands against you, as you hold yourself for a moment. You attempt to pep yourself up for tonight, running by all the nice things that could happen later. There were a number of possibilities, in fact.
All would bring some long awaited levity.
You don’t hear the knocking on your door until you turn the sink off. You weren't expecting any visitors. You step back into your room after drying off your face, making your leisurely way over to the front entrance, as you pull the door open. It's almost pathetic how happy it made you to see the Commander standing on the other side.
Graves’ expression lit up the second he could see you, his face beaming with amusement. He’s dressed out of his uniform now, opting for a more casual jeans and button-down look. A mix of something comfy yet deliberately put together. From his fragrance, you see he’s managed to squeeze in a quick shower as well.
The man was certainly ready for a good night out. You haven’t even gotten out of your own uniform yet.
You rest daintily in the doorway, your smile inviting. “Commander,” you coo. “Visiting me for a change."
Graves licks his lips with a chuckle, as he tells you, "You're a hard woman to stay away from."
"I know," you tease. "I'm quite the catch."
"I'm glad you're aware," he says playfully. "Mind if I come in?"
“Is that wise?” you ask coolly. “Someone might see.”
“We’ll have a lot of explaining to do then."
There was something about how Graves used his words -- how natural he could be so sly and yet beguiling. You knew he liked to play with his vocabulary, even as he never hid behind it. He understood the craft of wordplay, and enjoyed doing so when it was presented. 
And oh how it had a way of pulling you in.
You don’t respond, merely smirking at your commander as you step aside, leaving the door open. He steps in, using his back to close the door behind himself. The whole time, you're laser focused on each other, devouring one another with your gaze.
The door hadn’t even clicked shut before he’d taken a few swift steps towards you; his entire being encompassing you. Though to your surprise, rather than come in for a kiss or something a little more straightforward, he extends his arms out, and wraps you into a warm embrace.
Graves arms envelop your small frame, your face pressing into the crook of his neck. His scent takes over your senses, and he holds you like a snug hoodie. A proper hug. Small gestures of affection were never really his style. It's not what you expected from him, so you can’t help but gasp a little.
"You did one hell of a job today baby," he said. "One hell of a job!"
So that's what this is about. Work.
"You say that like there was ever any doubt," you joke. 
"No," he pulls away from the hug, keeping his hands on your shoulders. He wanted to look at you when saying this. "There’s never a doubt in my mind when it comes to you, Y/N."
You'd beg to differ.
Graves only continues speaking, caught up in his own words to really notice anything.
"Our odds at fixing this just went up tenfold," he said. "If we stay on top of things, we'll be home free before you know it. Then we can be done with this bullshit, and get back to how things were."
One thing you've begun to notice about Graves is how often he speaks at you. It wasn't on purpose. He was a passionate man, when it was something he found worth putting the time into. Which in that case, Graves would move mountains if they were in his way. 
And it's not that what he's talking about is unimportant either. What goes on with your missions right now effects you just as much as it does him, and you feel no shame in admitting you care even more about it simply because it means a lot to your commander.
Him wanting to talk to you about it should feel flattering. And yet…
"Just a few more steps then," you say.
"Just a few more.”
And suddenly, it's as though all that optimism he'd built up over the last couple minutes got pushed away somewhere. Replaced by something more… biting. You’re reminded how close you still are to him, his hands resting on your arms.
"That was quite a show you put on back there with the Task Force."
It's not every day he makes comments like that one.
"You shoulda seen 'em," he boasts. "You’ll have 'em wrapped around your finger in no time with that performance. You nearly had me convinced you were 141. You even had Ghost praising you; that's some serious dedication, Songbird."
"Killing with kindness is my specialty, right?" You tease.
He adjusts his hold on your arms as he looks off for a second, laughing under his breath. Indeed, you knew these past couple of hours must have given him  something  to think about. He's not this tight-lipped otherwise.
“I must admit,” he says. “Watching you out there made me…”
Graves raises an eyebrow and smirks. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“It might make me giggle,” you say. “Only a little.”
In one suave motion, his hand sneaks up to the left side of your face, taking hold of your head in his hand rather dominantly. He didn't think twice about it; it interrupts your train of thought, causing your breath to catch in your throat. That only amuses him, as his eyes look down at your lips hungrily.
When he came in close like this, it was difficult not to let the sheer dominance of his nature swallow you completely. Like a magnet, you were pulled in violently.
“Well," he said coolly. "I like it better when you’re with me.”
There’s a lot to unpack from that. In fact you’re almost unsure of what to say, let alone how to feel about it. A part of you felt like a schoolgirl being told their crush liked them back. It also felt rather possessive, for someone who seemed only interested in keeping things casual. 
And yet, there was this small part of you that wanted his words to mean something for once.
“I’m always with you, Phillip.”
He doesn’t reply to you; he avoids it. Thinking. He never has anything to say in these moments, and his silence only made you feel rather foolish for wanting to see more in this.
Graves’ eyes lift to the cut above your brow, lingering. His lips began to purse, and for a moment you think he might frown. He doesn’t, catching himself and relaxing his features into a more neutral expression.
He takes his hand and gently rubs his thumb over the closed wound, feeling all its rough ridges from where it's scabbed over. His palm grazes your cheek; they’re both warm and callus, shaped by years of constant use. You don’t flinch at his touch, keeping your eyes on him, trying to know what he might be thinking right now.
If this is how he treats girls he fucks, you wondered how he was with someone he actually wanted. These small gestures were what confused you so much about your commander; you’ve never met a man so OK with riding the middle of things like Graves liked to.
Perhaps it was a power play you should incorporate in your own works, because the control his gentle ways had over you were astounding.
But why come see you if he did not want you? Why bother with this? If it’s just to pass the time while you two are forced to work together, he should learn not to blur these lines so much. Instead of making a mess neither of you were ready to fix. 
“It doesn’t hurt,” you tell him.
“Good,” his hand falls from your face, resting it against your shoulder again. Though he continues to look at your wound, keeping up this nonchalant attitude he hid behind. “Seems I can’t trust Ghost to keep you safe after all.”
It may have been a joke, though the undertones in his voice suggested some truth in his words. You felt your previous team mate was owed some credit though.
"He saved me, actually," you say. “I’d be dead if he hadn’t been there.”
You could tell Graves hadn’t expected you to say that. He may have thought you’d agree with him and begin ripping a new one into the lieutenant. But that’s not how you felt about Ghost. Not after working with him. He seemed a good man, and one you didn’t want to see get burned by the drama you and Graves were unintentionally involving him into.
As closed off and unamused Ghost was, at least he didn’t hide that he was secretive.
You're sure it made no difference to your commander, regardless. There was never any controlling the way he'd feel about things.
“Well,” Graves says. “I’d’ve killed him if he came back without you.”
You scoff; what a drastic statement to make. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Graves really was jealous.
“Would it be that easy?” you poke at him. “Last I checked, he has a whole foot over you.”
"He does not," Graves chuckles. “Besides, it's not the size of the man that matters. Everyone knows skill and a will to win are an unmatched duo.”
“Is that what you tell yourself?”
“Among other things,” he retorts.
“Will I ever know?”
Graves takes hold of your hips, pulling you to him again.
“I’m an open book, darlin’.”
You laugh and cross your arms. “And I’m an actress.”
“I’d come watch you in a heartbeat.”
A single hand takes you by the throat -- his grasp is gentle, though firm enough so that you were aware of his sudden hold on you. You’re all but powerless when he brings his lips down to yours, all senses now absorbed by the man in front of you.
Despite everything, he kissed you sweetly, making sure that each one he left was long enough for the sensation of him to settle in. A reminder of his well-trained ways of intimacy.
His hand loosens on your neck now. He slowly curves it up to the side of your face, as you feel his fingers graze your ear, his thumb resting gently at the corner of your jawline. He slowly brings his thumb to your bottom lip, grazing it gently in between kisses. He tugs lightly, opening your mouth enough for him to deepen the kiss, before retaking hold of your face once his tongue found its way inside.
Unconsciously you reciprocate his warm gestures, resting your hands on either side of his neck and stepping up on your tiptoes to match him. He kisses you like he hadn't seen you for awhile, even though it’d only been maybe an hour since. Like a man on a mission, he keeps hold of you so that you could not slip from him. He feels you melt in his hands, and carries on with his work.
This was a fondness you’ve never gotten from Graves before, catching you off guard to the point of nearly making you weary. You rest your hand against his chest and pull away, smiling. You felt it was time you were the one to keep things straight for a change.
“We shouldn’t keep the others waiting” you giggle. “Unless you’re tryin’ to fuck right now.”
Graves straightens up. It almost seemed like he wasn’t sure what brought that on either. But never one to be caught off guard for too long (at least noticeably), he has a rebuttal.
“Right,” he says. “Can’t get too carried away. As much as I would love to show you how happy I am with your work today.”
“Buy a girl a drink first,” you tease.
“Yes ma’am.”
Graves steals another kiss from you -- a quick peck on the lips -- as he makes his way over to the exit. “Try and have some fun tonight,” he says. “You earned it.”
“Will do Commander,” you wave.
The door closes, and just like that, you’re back in an empty room. Only now it didn’t feel so refreshing to be here.
You could really use a drink right about now.
...Chapter Seven Here!
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 028 - Kaboom.
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2 Episode 3 - Minefield
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From the cold open, it's looks like we're getting a Malcom focus episode. Which is nice, we haven't had one of these for a while. Specifically, this episode is about how this man doesn't know how to relax. Which is a character trait of his which has come up in previous focus episodes of his. Also a large section of the enterprise exploded. That's probably important to the plot too.
Seeing everyone jump right into action is great. The chaos on the bridge after the explosion, and even more chaos down in engineering was great. Enterprise has done large stakes well before, but I don't think it's done this well to depict unexpected chaos like this before. I don't know why, but the cooler blue lighting is also adding to the effect. Trip being covered in grime and oil when reporting to the bridge was also a nice touch.
A second mine has latched itself onto enterprise, and Malcolm goes out to disarm it, and an unknown ship approaches the Enterprise.
Unfortunately, the explosion took out the translation systems, and Hoshi is out of commission for the episode, leaving us with no way to communicate. So, the best course of action is to pull a runner. But, since this ship can't catch a break, the one of the Mine's magnetic spikes impales Malcolms Leg.
Seeing Malcom being willing to sacrifice his leg, or even in relation to trip's backup plan his entire self very much fits his characterisation. But, Archer convinces him to just walk him through disarming the mine instead.
Once Hoshi is recovered, she does a bit of work translating the missed messages from the alien ship. Apparently they're from "The Romulan Star Empire" which was briefly mentioned in the future in Shockwave. Building towards something perhaps? Either way, T'Pol recognises the name. She does not elaborate much, but she recognises the name.
This episode really delved into Malcolm's outlook on his duty and his backstory. With his "I've been trained not to fraternise with superior officers", a lot about him makes a lot more sense, of course he's a social recluse who doesn't talk about anything accept work. His only real friend on the ship seems to be Trip, at least before his bonding time with the captain here. I wouldn't get a drink with him, but Malcolm is proving to be an absolutely fascinating character. His family's naval history is filled with people, like his uncle, who sacrificed themselves to save their crews. Of course he wants to live up to that. Phlox might be my favourite member of this crew, but Malcolm is the one I want to deep dive into the most.
So far, between Shuttlepod One and this episode it seems bottle episodes involving Malcolm and one other member of the crew are definitely hits for me. I hope he gets more episodes like this. Plus, this kind of character focussed episode is my jam in general. I really liked this one.
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gifti3 · 9 months
asmo x reader x priest AU rough outline
I had a nightmare I was being chased by a monster in a church and ended up coming up with this au because of the priest i saw in it! So I just wrote an outline cause I wanted to get it down I'm calling reader mc here (i use these two interchangeably in relation to obey me)
mentioning religion, i also mention sex like once or twice
i wanna say it's more of a modern setting cause it's easier to write but that lowkey doesn't make any sense so we are gonna just glaze over setting the time period (so its whatever makes sense in ur head)
asmo is asmo (so kinda unhinged at times especially in this AU)
mc i feel is one of those people who have had a lot of supernatural experiences their whole life
since they were young they would see and sense things other people usually wouldn't and i feel that's part of the reason asmo was attracted to them in the first place
one time mc offhandedly said that asmo isn't the first demon they've talked too but he is one of the nicer ones
this ability is an aspect of themselves they've accepted and even embraced at this point
but because of this, some people might be put off by them since they give off a "unique" vibe
i wanna describe the priest a little: -- he's an oc (i guess lol) cause he appeared in my nightmare for a moment -- he's probably in his 40s and could be considered a dilf to some people -- pale with dark hair and clothes (you know stereotypical broody, reclusive character) -- takes his position very seriously but lacks that warmth and approachability i feel a priest should have -- tldr: priest you would see in a horror game taking place in a church/cathedral
the story starts off with mc needing somewhere to reside for a few weeks until they can find a permanent place to stay -- they probably got kicked out of their home for various reasons related to their "gift"
i don't think the priest himself had the actual idea to bring in mc
instead it was one of the other cathedral hands who suggested it to help them out and whoever is in charge agreed to it (so i'm guessing the bishop??)
the thing about mc though is that they have a special friend no one else can see who likes to pop up time to time to spend time with them
(sometimes this friend can be sensed by people who are more sensitive to the environment which can freak them out)
this friend is Asmodeus, a demon who decided to keep coming back after meeting mc and ended up befriending them over time
they've known each other for 2-3 years at this point and would consider each other good friends
sometimes they toe the line of more than friends though -- they're interested in each other and there was no denying it since asmo could literally feel the moment when mc began feeling attracted to him (and of course he's attracted to them too, that aspect was there from the start for him)
however mc is worried to get intimately involved with asmo cause they think they have actual feelings for him and don't want become more emotionally attached to someone who doesn't like them just as much as they do (they are assuming this)
so sometimes they're kinda flirty but don't do anything past that
when asmo pops up to visit mc he's a bit shocked that they're just hanging out in a cathedral
i feel this demon has a bad rep with priests in general
its our boy asmo, i know he has been up to some nonsense in the past (and recently too)
he's probably been exorcised out of several facilities over the years for stuff that could have easily been avoided
and according to asmo, MAYBE he was trying to corrupt some religious figure's son or something but they didn't need to be so harsh~ -- we aren't gonna get too detailed we just know he has had bad experiences with religious folk
and even if he didn't have bad experiences, demons are usually code red level threats to humans involved in religion
anyways mc tells asmo they literally have nowhere else to go and they get a free room and food staying here as long as they help with chores, so he needs to just hold on tight until they find somewhere else to go
mc and the priest surprisingly kind of get along
I think mc themselves being somewhat (unwillingly) isolated from others and being used to putting people off made them kind of gravitate towards the priest
They aren't put off by his demeanor at all and treats him like any other person
asmo is whatever about it and is actively trying to stay away from the priest UNTIL he releases that the priest is starting to actively gain an interest in MC
And not in the ahah i have a small crush way
Like this is a I WANT you physically, mentally and emotionally type deal
I feel like the priest is so lame too trying to convert the mc behind the guise of him being a priest and that's what he does--save people's souls from possible damnation. when it's actually for very personal feelings
And mc is like nah its not really my thing (their current lifestyle would literally clash with this)
now asmo is a little worried
but he shouldn't be because hes asmo right?
he's beautiful and gets pretty much anyone he wants. mc is already interested in him too!
but part of him fears mc might fall for someone else one day
especially since mc always cuts things off before things get too spicy
also him being a demon and mc a human makes things kinda complicated for multiple reasons that i wont go into -- just know mc preferring a human partner is one of the things he worries about
So now he's like….i'm sabotaging and makes sure to actively monopolize mc's time so they won't seek out the priests company
no way is he losing his precious lamb to a PRIEST of all people
the priest has started expecting mc to show up like they always do to talk to him but they haven't in awhile so he goes looking for them
when he goes to their room mc is talking normally to asmo and the priest can hear them through the door
he knocks and mc is like oh shit and motions for asmo to get gone for a moment but asmo's being a brat and doesn't actually leave
so when MC opens the door, the priest is immediately like something is wrong
there's definitely something not of god in here
and mc is like huh what are you talking about but the priest is insistent and comes in to investigate
but there's not really anything obviously amiss since he can't see asmo and he fortunately leaves after
but after that he's paying more attention and starting notice weird things are happening around mc
sometimes for a split moment he'll see a shadow near them and sometimes even in mirrors (yes asmo is probably just moving casually about the building even though mc told him to be careful)
i'm thinking later on, he's passing by mc's room and thinks they're in there cause he hears humming and sees the shadow of feet passing by the door
but when he knocks and enters no one is there
and i feel that's when he does some shit to like purge evil spirits out of mc's room, cause he there's definitely something wrong and he's worried something has latched onto mc
so when asmo is like Okay time to go visit mc~! Nothing happens
he can't teleport like he usually does to them
and he's bitching and whining about it later after mc undoes whatever the hell the priest did
now i'm jumping to the last few days of mc staying in the cathedral
at some point, asmo and mc have a heart to heart and end up doing the devil's tango (out of all the places they can have sex it happens here SO cool of them lol. the priest may or may have not heard something going down. why is he always near mc's room hmmm 🤔)
the story is coming to a climax once mc is like yay i have found a new place to live and will be leaving soon and the priest is a bit surprised when he hears the news
he's gotten used to mc being in this place with him and he doesn't want them to leave (what will he do oooo~ i think he would suggests to the mc for them to stay and like join the church or something but mc is just like...no thanks)
asmo on the other hand is like I AM READY TO HIT THE BRICKS 🏃‍♂
he literally doesn't even have to be here, like go home dude but nah he wants to be with mc A LOT
he doesn't like the vibes of the place and honestly the priest is starting to annoy him with how he's always lurking around mc
i think this is around the time asmo and the priest have a proper confrontation
i don't exactly know what happened to make it get to this point but for some reason asmo shows himself to the priest
i'm not sure who even initiates it but asmo is just taunting the shit outta him for wanting mc in a worse way than asmo himself
in my head, the priest doesn't exactly see mc as a person with their own agency
they're more of someone he can hopefully mold into a more "god honoring person" (something like that)
someone he could be with long term without feeling like he's going against his own values
So it's ironic in a way having a demon being the better option of the two
and i bet asmo has like so much unresolved anger from past interactions he's had with religion, and then all of his feelings for mc and being in this place too often
just all these emotions mixed together just has him REALLY reckless
and he's projecting everything on to mr priest (regardless if all of it is his fault or not): "God you're so annoying! I wanna splatter your innards across the walls…" (Can demons use the lords name in vain idk lol)
So yea idk how this would end but I think at least one person should die fr AND i've decided i'm gonna talk about asmo dying cause of the angst:
He's already gone by the time they arrive. They quietly call out Asmo’s name, hoping he's just passed out or maybe even messing around. But the way he was laid upon the dirty floor wasn't right at all.
They kneel on the bloody ground. "S-Stop joking around Asmo." They gently shake the demon's rapidly cooling body. Realizing they will receive no response. They wouldn't hear his voice ever again.
A step sounds nearby and they sharply look up into an apathetic pale face. "Why?"
"Demons don't deserve mercy. It doesn't deserve your sorrow or tears."
"But he was my…" They trail off knowing it wouldn't be smart to finish.
"Even though you were…intimate with a demon. God is benevolent with his children." The priest reaches a hand out to them. "Repent and you shall be forgiven."
Mc would run away in this ending but i think its so sad they lost someone very important because they got too close to someone they thought was safe…
There can be other endings too tho! My favorite being mc and asmo leaving the church and being all happily ever after (well as happy as u can be after running off with a demon who attacked a priest in a cathedral and now you can never return to this town cause it's suspicious that you disappeared the day the priest was found dead/half-dead in the building)
Okay that's all! Thanks if you read this far. Hopefully some people liked it Heres a shoddy edit of asmo blocking someone's reflection in the mirror:
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Demon Slayer + Genshin Impact + Persona 4
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"We don't see each other all that often anymore. I think we both know we've fallen out of touch."
Character(s): Mitsuri, Alhaitham, Adachi, Itto
Genre: Angst + Hurt (/ Comfort for Itto and Alhaitham)
Type: Drabble
Description: Miscommunication is something that ruins even the loveliest of relationships
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader(Default), Reader is Part of The Corp(Mitsuri), Reclused Reader, Hints of Depression, Reader Has a Fear of Abandonment(Mitsuri, Alhaitham), Romantic, Toxic Relationship(Adachi), Pure Comfort/Fluff(Itto)
Do-du-du here to tug at your hearts strings du-du-do
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   ➢ Mitsuri
"I think we should stop involving ourselves with each other!"
"What?" It took everything to steady your voice, yet it wavered as if you hadn't at all. "I- We haven't seen each other in months and we haven't been on missions either..I just..." Her eyes, ever so intent at studying the panels at your feet since she arrived, met your own, "Wha-" A gasp left her at the tremble of your lip and twitch of your brow. "(Y/n), no- don't cry! Ohh, please.." Her hands rose to your cheeks, but they stopped short when you shrunk back and instead pushed themselves to her chest. "I'm- I'm sorry.."
She was sorry. For what you hadn't a clue. Was it the fact she said something so hurtful or was it because of the way she made you react? Either way it had your cheeks warm with tears that burned your eyes; with tears that carved a new, invisible line against your skin. No apology or long hug could reverse the stab wounds made by her words - her intent.
   ➢ Alhaitham
"..is that what you want?"
"Yes. It would be for the best." You wanted to scream, throw up, cry- something. Anything to protest against his request to end all relations between you both; anything to let him know you did want to be with him. Yet all you could manage was a plain tone and simple noddings as you bit your tongue. He wasn't happy with what you had. He didn't get the passing quips and small smiles from you anymore, things that had been a staple in your relationship. If you could just push your heart back into your chest maybe you could say 'They're still here, Haitham! I'm still here! It's hard to do it nowadays, but I can.'
"Is that all you're going to say?" For a moment you thought he heard you, that perhaps you did say it out loud like you wished. But when you glanced back to him, he stood just as he had when he entered your study. "All I can manage to say, Haitham-" A crack in your voice was all it took to blur your image of him; to the blur the dancing sun that fell into the room and painted him gold. And a quiet gasp from your aching lungs was all it took for him to hold you; to help you hold your heart together.
   ➢ Adachi
"I just don't think it's working out anymore is all."
Nonchalant. Everything about him spoke it. The way he slouched, the way he talked, the way his brows were raised like he only said he wouldn't be able to get coffee with you today. It irked you even when you felt your heart drop into your stomach. In the beginning it had a certain charm to it, made you relax when you were nervous and made conversations easy. But now? You wanted nothing more than to return home. Screw the lunch you made him. "So we're over?" You could see how he perked up at the curt tone you used, as if he was happy you were upset. It made your gut twist into itself. "That's what I said." He didn't hide the quirk of his lips.
Truly if he was going to be that way then you had every right to do the same. "Alright then. Have a good lunch." A simple wave of the lunchbox had his eyes wide. "H-hey!" A huff fell from your lips at his yell, "You're the one who ended it, babe." There was a burn behind your eyes and a gentle blur when tears tickled your waterline. You weren't going to let him see you fall apart though. Not after all the other times he got to.
   ➢ Itto
"We're still together, right!?"
The door he threw open just about broke when it slid into it's sliding pocket, an almost thunderous thwack shaking it. "Of- of course we are..! Itto-" You shifted back from the table you were seated by as he hung onto the doorframe. "Yeah! Yeah..'course we are!" He beamed even as his lips began to tremble, even as his grip tightened on the frame. "..Itto?" He lurched forward, leaning over you before dropping onto your shoulder(and upper body), "Some mean bean people...uh, they said some...things." A sigh passed through your nose, your hand coming to rest on the back of his head, "You shouldn't listen to mean bean people. They're mean bean people!" You grumbled a little, trying to lift his spirits, "They don't know anything anyways. Because if anyone notices anything about me first when it comes to you, its how much I love you."
You wouldn't tell him how your heart fell, how you wanted to cry right as he asked if you were together. All you would do was shower him in tiny declarations of adorement and precious kisses to every inch of his face.
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monocle-teacup · 9 months
On Getting Mandroid To Open Up
Because I keep writing a fic that may or may not see the light of day online, I keep thinking about what exactly it would entail for Mandroid to develop a positive relationship with someone. I'm mostly focusing on friendship because Mandroid is far too crazy for romance.
He's been on his own for years and any sort of interaction he's had with another person/being involves threats, manipulation, or violence. His conversation with Dot in Age of Evolution is most likely the only positive interaction he's had in a long time.
His goal of destroying all Transformers has obviously warped his mind. He approaches every social interaction with the thought of how it could benefit him. His treatment post accident from other people has also made him a recluse. However, he clearly wants some sort of companionship or else I highly doubt he would've programmed the Arachnamechs to have personality.
He's going to initially be distrustful of another person. The severity of distrust would depend on the context of the situation. Normal person? Highly doubt he'd even bother with them unless there was an external factor. GHOST agent? They could be the nicest person in the world but he'd automatically dislike them. He'd be polite and formal until the other person does something to piss him off.
A big part in getting him to feel differently would be how the person interacts with the Arachnamechs. His creations saved his life and the humanizing moments we've seen with him involve them. A person being scared of them wouldn't surprise him because he made them to be intimidating. As long as the person doesn't treat them like things, they're off to a good start. If they start talking to them? Mandroid seal of approval.
A person being nice to him would make him suspicious because he fully expects there to be a motive. He's been treated like shit in the past so why would this person be any different? He'd never admit it, but there's a strong level of fear about opening up to other people.
It would take something drastic for Mandroid to accept the person's kindness as genuine. Some examples would be:
-A life or death situation where the person could easily save themselves but chooses to help him instead -They see him at a low point like a PTSD episode and don't mock him or treat him like he's broken
Either way, he's going to be mind blown. He's not going to immediately think of the person as a friend, but will relax a bit. He'll be the one to start conversations and to actually inquire about how the other person is doing.
Of course how the person feels about Transformers is going to come up sooner or later. This is the tricky part. As long as the person is indifferent or hates them, things will be fine. If a person likes them? That's going to undo progress. He won't immediately reject the person as long as they don't interfere with his plans. Trying to talk him out of his mission is also going to be a sticking point.
Mandroid getting to the point of considering the person a friend is going to be a slow burn. It's basically going to be one day he realizes that he truly cares about the other person and wants them in his life. Would it make him reform? No, but it would be a start.
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soulsxng · 6 months
Royalty verse info: The four kingdoms, pt 1
- Oldest/longest established of the 4 kingdoms. Settled inside of a vast mountain range, with settlements, towns, etc. all being connected with a series of caves and such.
- Primarily Setana will be found here, with fairly little variation in species, in comparison to the other 3 kingdoms. (Setana, like Ahniri have a lifespan in this verse, of ~1200 - 1500 years, though in rare cases can live as long as 2000)
- Setia's capital city, situated inside of the largest of the mountains on that range, is called Ei Lassai, which more or less means "Of Lassis". With Lassis being the giant crystal monolith that exists at the top of the tallest waterfall in the capital, and whom the Setana have been known to worship for ages, now.
- Lassis, and by extension, the people of Setia are heavily aligned with darkness, and life oriented energies and magics.
- The ruler there is Fekik Doei vu Setia, who took the throne from his parents when they stepped down some few centuries ago. Though he is not as beloved a ruler as Sivel of the Vasyrus, for example, his people respect and trust him greatly to have their best interests at heart.
- Partly because of the bitterly frigid climate on the mountains of Setia, it's difficult for visitors to venture into this kingdom. That, coupled with the fact that the caverns and caves within Setia's mountains can be just as unforgiving as the outside at times-- especially with the lack of light outside of main cities and the capital-- mean that not many outsiders visit this kingdom. Which is fine with most Setians and Setana, as they are a somewhat reclusive peoples as a whole.
- Setia is, however, rather well connected, and extremely well off due to the variety of precious exports (specialty minerals, ore, plants that only thrive underground or in especially freezing temps, etc) they're able to produce that very few other places could hope to replicate, themselves.
- Allied with Ahnia...tentatively. More specifically, Ahnia's ruler and Setia's ruler don't get along, and will fight periodically. Sometimes there are Ahnians and Setians that decide they want to join in, thinking the fighting is more than what it is.
- Doesn't get along well with Vasyri after an incident with some members of the former's High Scholasticate leveled one of Setia's settlements. It resulted in mass casualties, and the two kingdoms have been skirmishing back and forth ever since then.
- They get along very well with the Aifaen especially well, and probably have the best relationship between two of the four kingdoms overall.
Muses involved (brief, includes minor characters for the sake of people knowing where everyone goes if they're mentioned for one reason or another):
Ippuru - Setana??? - Former ruler of Setia, parent of Fekik and Kalliah Sayek (@feraecor)- Setana??? - Former ruler of Setia, parent of Fekik and Kalliah Fekik - Setana - Ruler of Setia Ahkiriel - Ahniri - Royal consort to Fekik Razrin - Ahniri - Prince of Setia (One of Ahkiriel's adoptive children) Adaeza - Vasyrus - Princess of Setia (One of Ahkiriel's adoptive children) Areix - Setana - Fekik's first-born child, heir to Setia's throne Kalliah (@feraecor) - Setana - Speaker of Lassis, but also Ahnia's Queen. Fei's little sis. Varius - Setana -Royal guard to Fekik Tevius - Setana - Member of the royal advisory panel Kikei (@feraecor) - Setana??? (Not really) - Lassis, Head royal healer Nirbhi - Setana/Ahniri halfling - Royal Seer, and ambassador of Setia Lilith (@feraecor) - Setana - Setian nobility, runs an orphanage Marcellus (@feraecor) - Setana/Aifaen halfling - Setian nobility, Kei literally just said "Yes" when I asked what he does, so uhhh that's what we're putting down. Ezzion - Setana halfling - Setian nobility, works w/ guard and military in interrogations Felesio Eifos - Vampire - Setian nobility, member of the royal advisory panel Jinnea Eifos - Vampire - Setian nobility by marriage, member of the royal advisory panel Ezra Keter - Ahniri/Setana/Witch mixed - Tbh, I'm not entirely sure what he does in this verse. I just know he's older here than in the main verse, because it's technically based on one of his past lifetimes. He might work for Eno like Tabby does, or with Baet like Levana. Tabbris Keter - Ahniri/Setana halfling - Formerly another of Setia's ambassadors (still does some work for Fei on occasion), one of Enoch's Watchers
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caroljoky · 2 years
᯾ Our Year ᯾ Part 1 ᯾
᯾ A/N ᯾ my quite long fic about what happens when Eddie meet his match and she gets involved in the upside down thing.
᯾ Summary ᯾ Claire is in the group of misfits called the 'scrap pack'. They don't like Hellfire, and mostly Eddie but the two of punks calling themselves the two leaders of the groups keep bumping into each other at every possible occasion. The rivarly soon will become something much different.
᯾ Pairing ᯾ Eddie Munson x fem!OC
᯾ Counter ᯾ 2.6k words
᯾ Warnings ᯾ swearing, jason, mentions of Vecna's curse
᯾ Trope ᯾ enemies to (maybee)lovers
*Gif belongs to @drogonstone*
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✈︎ Claire or Clai, as people like to call her, was just a normal human existing. Eddie was the one who posed a freak and always wanted to stand out. That's what she was thinking when he started putting on some action again, this time in the cafeteria. The table she was sitting at was not far to the right, more in the corner, and she quite liked it because you could see everyone from there. It was a table of punks, outcasts, and aliens. The scrap club as some may call it. Not the one Eddie sat at, that one was called the table of satanists, nerds, and sectarians. The Hellfire club. Despite appearances, these two tables, i.e. the two packs, did not differ as much as it seemed. At least that's what everyone thought. Everyone but them. Eddie and Claire, from time immemorial, have always had a hard time digesting each other. From the 6th grade, when the girl came up with a brilliant idea to present a rock concert live on a talent show. But when this news hit Eddie's ears, he couldn't imagine how big Claire's ego was. After all, it was his idea! Even though neither person in the two packs had any idea of ​​their ideas, both groups began to think that the other was copying them. They had to sort this out in an adult way. So they gathered two whole groups on the field in front of the school(about 13 people in total) and took the two leaders to the front. Claire, leader of punks, outcasts, aliens, and Eddie, leader of nerds, satanists, and sectarians. As you can imagine, these names are invented by some amateurs who do not know what a given group was interested in. The kids stood their ground. They both wanted to do a concert, they had the equipment and songs ready, but neither of them wanted to miss such an occasion. It looked like they've met their match. Both groups ended up doing a live concert. Ever since then, Eddie and Claire have been looking at each other with great horror whenever they pass each other in the hallway or whenever they have a lesson, because God hated them from the beginning, putting them in the same age compartment. So this year was no different, Claire had to repeat it because unfortunately no one wanted to believe her talks about how music is more important than school. So she had to repeat the third year to get to some terrible job at the gas station. She already preferred to stay in school, where she ran her own music club and had some friends. Eddie was in a similar situation, and to his surprise and anger every year, he had to see Claire at every lesson from the start. Both were over 18, which made the class pair them on every occasion. It irritated them immensely, but they ended up the same way every time. They were recluse with more common than different sides, but neither of them wanted to admit it. This was what they repeated year after year, each busy with things other than boring school.
And this year was no different, they come back to the same class again, restudying the same topics, looking at the same faces only a year higher. The only faces they knew inside out were their own, and they hated it terribly, but this year started like a curse, Mr. Brown sat them down next to each other in class, almost as if he wanted to laugh all year round at their anguish. As soon as she entered, Claire didn't smile at all to sit in this class. Eddie was sitting beside the desk, his messy, curls all over his face, the same Hellfire shirt he always wore, as if he wanted to brag about all those campaigns, he was sitting cross legged scribbling something on his desk. Teacher showed her the place next to him. She rolled her eyes and tossed her old backpack with patches next to Eddie's, which, after all, wasn't that different, and she sat down already exceeding her main rule of keeping her distance from Munson for at least one meter away. She turned her head immediately, wanting to think about anything else, except that all this year she would have to turn her head not to look at him, but unfortunately she couldn't do it in peace because Eddie had other plans for her.
- Hello again, Clai May. What a surprise to sit out this next year with you again. I thought you were a little better than me, but it turns out you are worse. - He smiled sarcastically, waiting to see the nervous expression on her face. But not today Munson, not this year.
- You wish, Eddie Munson. I know you'd like to see Principal Higgins bypass me again at the end of the year, but I must disappoint you, Dear. This year is different. This year is my year. 86' will be the year that stupid Clai will come out with her diploma in the hand. Just don't let Principal Baggins shit himself when he sees what I'll show him and what I'll do with that diploma. - She looked at him funny and he laughed loudly, maybe at her words, maybe at her. Probably both.
- Yeah, sure, okay, I can already see you with your diploma in hand. You will really need good luck. That's a pity, however, that you won't get it from anyone. - He turned, continuing to scribble something on the desk and she chuckled at his insult.
Thus began the lessons that none of them paid attention to anyway. And so the days passed. And so months passed. They were sitting next to each other and every day at least one of them had to be insulted by the other. They were already so disgusted with each other that no one at school was so excited about the spring break as they were. But, of course, Munson couldn't sit through the final days of school without walking on some tables. That's how Claire hated him for how he decided to 'stand out' again by jumping on the table and giving a wise speech about how D&D is better than anything. So he started.
- ... But as long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or game when you toss balls into laundry baskets! - his victim this year was a blonde, Jason Carver, whom Claire hated similarly, but she thought that the whole show was not needed, so she just rolled her eyes and returned to the conversation at her table, but Eddie couldn't forget about her either.
- Or when you're anti-social, mean and want to be veeeery different! - He shouted at her table, pointing at her. Instantly all eyes turned to Claire and she cursed herself out a second ago for thanking God that he didn't involve her in it.
- Because the game for sects, makes y'all saints, shithead?! Look at you, Munson! - She shouted back to him even louder than Carver earlier, which made a lot of people who were marked out by Eddie applause. Even Jason.
- She's damn rigt! Nobody thinks you're cool, except you and your idiots, you freak! - the basketball player's voice spread through the cafeteria and also got a lot of cheers. Eddie just made a silly face in an act of some evil creature which pissed her off even more but she decided to leave it without a word for as long as he stopped fooling around. However, Eddie was not finished yet.
- It's forced conforming at the most part. That's what's killing the kids! That's the real monster... - it finally quieted down a little.
- So he said. He will save everyone for sure. A fucking hero. - one of Claire's friends sitting next to her muttered. Andy. She had been friends with her since kindergarten and shared her indigestion about Hellfire. She was a few years younger.
- Yeah. What does anti-social even mean? What did I even do to him? - Gordo asked. Her other friend. Everyone who knew him was laughing at him because he always said pretty stupid things.
- We didn't do nothing to them. That's the thing. They are just mean and full of shit all the time! - Brad laughed, the next in her pack of scraps. Everyone burst out laughing, nodding their heads. Everyone but one friend who sat at the end of the table staring blindly at the floor with headphones on.
- Max! Won't you throw some harsh text like you always do? - Claire asked loud enough towards her friend so she'd hear. When she felt the eyes on her, she took off the headphones and looked at each of them in confusion.
- Something happened? - she asked quietly. The rest just shook their heads and went back to eating this time more in silence. Max had just recently became a part of their scrap pack. She met Claire at the skatepark, they were called out by some boys, so they decided to join forces and stick together. It was before Hawkins' tragedy. After that Max changed quite much. But Claire always understood her. Or at least she was trying to understand.
That day, the lessons ended surprisingly quickly, and after them everyone went to a known place. For the championship game. Everyone except some two groups. A group of Hellfire sat in an art room, probably as turned on as those on basketball, just for a different reason, and a group of scraps together headed to Andy's house for some small school-end party. They were just leaving when Clai paused for a moment
- Wait, where is Max? - She started looking around without seeing her friend.
- She said that she would join us and that we don't have to wait for her. So c'mon, let's go! - said Gordo already with one foot in the land of alcohol. The rest just nodded and headed for the exit.
- Okay, go. I'll look for her. I want to talk to her about something. I will catch up with you. Peace. - Claire said goodbye to them and went back to school. Recently, she couldn't stop worrying about Max. She saw what pills she was taking and they were not light. She was often afraid that Max could do something to herself and wanted to help her, but unfortunately she had no idea how. She started looking for a friend by checking different classrooms and toilets. And she couldn't find her. Claire told herself not to panic, but after checking the last bathroom, 15 minutes of searching and still no sign of Maxine, she started freaking out a bit. A bit so that she did not even see which door she was opening and did not even have time to think when she opened the door to the art room.
- Oh, you gotta be kidding me! - Eddie shouted as Claire had totally accidentally lunched into this whole 'campaign' of his. She found him sitting on some cardboard throne in front of a table with board game figures. Even though it was a funny sight for her, it was not in her head to laugh. She couldn't find Max, but from what she remembered, a few of her friends were in the Hellfire. Those friends were standing in a circle as if they were conferring spmething. She grimaced at the sight because maybe they really are sacrificing someone here.
- Is Dustin, Lucas or Mike here? - Claire tried to ask as calmly as possible but her heart was pounding against her chest because Max was really nowhere to be found.
- Who's asking? And why? - Eddie asked, still on his cardboard throne. Claire, however, didn't have to strain to see familiar faces in the group. She turned to a fellow with a blue cap and funny curls.
- Max's missing. I can't find her. Do you know where she is? Please say that you do.. - She asked looking pleadingly at Dustin and Mike. But they looked at her and shook their heads.
- Is everything okay? With Max? - Mike asked
- I don't know- I mean I hope so, I just can't find her. Uh- sorry for interrupting whatever you're doing here- - she looked between them looking for any bodies or inverted crosses or anything but found nothing and sighed in relief in her mind. It luckily turned out, the only stupid thing there is Eddie and his cardboard throne. Maybe she was wrong about them after all. Eddie's brows furrowed the whole time and his expression was unreadable. As Claire was about to leave, resigned, he stood up.
- Clai. If you mean that redhead, I saw her today in the parking lot on the Main Street side as I was coming back from the woods-From a walk. She looked weird dormant, and I don't know if that's normal in your pack, or whatever but you should check over there. - The girl was speechless for a moment. For the first time in seven years, Eddie had addressed her without a single insult to her face. There was no anger or sarcasm on his face yet, but a slight glimmer of concern. But her thoughts quickly returned to Max. What can she do for such long time in a parking lot? Claire nodded, throwing a quick 'Thanks', and ran out of the room, closing the door. She ran towards the exit and when she left school she was struck by the moonlight. It was already dark. Shit. Now it will be even harder. She headed for Main Street, still screaming her friend's name, still unanswered. She strained her mind trying to remember where Max usually leaves her skateboard. Ah yes! Behind the wall, next to the school. She ran in that direction again and when she was not even close to the wall, she noticed her friend's skateboard. Her happiness only lasted a second, when she realized that Max is nowhere near her little Cadillac. Claire frowned and her heart sped up with each second. She didn't like hide and seek. As she was about to give up and just assume that Hargrove had come home on foot, she saw her figure by the wall.
- Max! Here you are, what are yo- - Clai barely called her friend's name when suddenly her eyes struck Max's face. Without emotion, speechless, Maxine has stood there motionless, but what surprised the girl the most were her snow-white eyeballs. Without any pupils. This sight was left by Claire screaming, not knowing what was really going on with her friend. Is it a possession? Some weird trance? What the fuck is going on here?
- Max? Max! Maxine!! - Claire nudged her as hard as she could, tears welling up in her eyes. She thought it was over. That Max is not here. That she was late and won't save her. However, as if by a miracle, Max woke up. Her blue eyes were blue again. Emotions returned to her face. However, these were not good emotions. Tears started to fall from her eyes with waterfalls.
- Claire! Oh my god Claire, thank you! - She threw herself into her arms and Claire still had to digest everything. She hugged her as tightly as she could and whispered unsightly every second that everything is okay, and that she is here now, that she will not let her go missing again.
- What happened, Max? What was that..? - she whispered as they both sat down, leaning against the wall, still hugging each other.
- I don't know, Clai. But, this thing wants to kill me and .. And everyone else. And ... I think it did .. - She swallowed hard as if she had a stone in her throat.
- Did what? - Claire asked, her voice high-pitched and trembling as if she were sick.
- Kill me.
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katyspersonal · 11 months
002 for Mico and Rom both please?
Oh!!!!!!! Hell yea!!!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
002 I Give me a character & I will tell you
• How I feel about this character
For Micolash: I feel a LOT of things about Mico. He is genuinely one of the most important fictional characters that I ever had in my life. Not just that, but there were many bizarre and significant dreams connected with him, and even some things transcending into waking life.
I actually feel a bit reclusive to elaborate as these are very intimate matters (that also touch upon spiritual matters and mental health). I'll just say that this character means A Whole Bunch for me, and I gave up trying to reason why I am not scared or repulsed by him despite the sheer depth of comprehending his insanity. Though can a hard-core fan of FromSoft games truly be sane? Hehehe~ Also I love his appearance and I want to kiss his face, and I want to give him a motherly hug and wrap him in a comfy blankey
For Rom: Roughly the same things apply; a very important character, a lot of connection with dreams, spiritual experiences and mental health profile. In fact, I sort of kin this character. It is just hard to convey since within canon she is almost a blank canvas, yet I don't even feel connected with my portrayal of her specifically. It is just A Rom. There are only a few boundaries, such as strong sense of her being one of the students. But I love all the takes on her!
I picked interest in her almost instantly, but I had a dream about being her before I knew ANYTHING about her and only saw the design. She was, and is, such a blast to develop from my very first days into Bloodborne. She is as important for me as Micolash, just except that I do not have a crush on her. It'd feel too awkward... xD
• All the people I ship romantically with this character
For Micolash: Edgar, Damian, Laurence, Rom (not my version of her though, since mine is his sister), to an extent Kos and Wet Nurse (they are weird ones since they're gods)... Yeah, I think that's mostly it! I could like some others though? For example, @saint--adeline had a ship of Mico with Adeline and like... gfjjjfjyug cursed but it actually makes hella sense, you go girl xD
For Rom: Ebrietas, Julie/Yurie, Edgar, Micolash (see above), Damian, Adeline, Maria, Willem (cursed, I know), Patches
Naturally, I am not rotating all of these ships in my brain all the time, hahaha! I just like to explore different opportunities in fiction, and these are the ones I think of!
• My non-romantic OTP for this character
For Micolash: It is hard to choose one... I think him and Archibald work well! Archie probably would simp for Micolash, though, but I just don't see them becoming a couple. However, they would work together and get along juuust fine like two mad inventors, plus Archie is basically THE chief of Yahar'gul hunters. And one of the few mad lads that was loyal to Micolash genuinely until the end.
For Rom: Which one would not become a ship, hmmm... She sure has friends, but 'platonic OTP' is a very honorable status, you know! I think Caryll falls here the best; my particular version of Caryll distances from Byrgenwerth a bit soon, but in general they are the highest Insight scholars on the block (Micolash drools and hisses and cries and throws up from envy)
Honorable mention: My versions of Rom and Micolash themselves! They are siblings separated at birth that found each other thanks to Rom's intuition and unique devotion to finding her lost brother. They went though everything together, and were close and loyal to defending each other until the end. In fact, they are SO close that arguably none of their romantic ships could rival this bond. Very codependent family bond does that sometimes...
• My unpopular opinion about this character
For Micolash: Not an opinion, more like 'then do it yourself if you're so goddamn smart' moment. But I think he should have been involved in Research Hall (very likely as one of the doctors), and I think this is not explored often enough! Just like him being a necromancer and being able to teleport is not something I see addressed often enough. Basically my opinion is that there are more sides of him to simp for appreciate than just him being Weird Guy and a cult leader. The dude got TALENTS, okay? x)
For Rom: I prefer to think that her being intellectually disabled and, I quote, "childlike", was not a side-effect of ascension but natural traits for her in life! (Her title in Japanese original uses the word 'hakuchi' that is very directly a way to describe profound mental disability, as opposed to the more vague English word 'vacuous'). No, takes along the lines of Rom being a super genius so smart that she deserved eyes for that alone are cool, I am just very biased on my way of taking her title. In my case since she is a student, it is selective disability: academically smart but very helpless otherwise. Can see everything throw raw intuition but gets none of it. Can conduct incredibly complex research on the Universe but might not know how to button her shirt or count to ten. Along those lines!
I'll say though: the day someone makes Rom not a scholar and not a teacher but a secret third thing (Willem's baby daughter) is the day I will EAT that take /pos
• One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
For Micolash: I'd LOVE it if Micolash was a friendly NPC in the Nightmare for some time (basically temporary Doll, or maybe giving us helpful updates for Insight points), and then "betrayed" us by jumping in the Lake that'd serve as teleporter to the Lecture Building. x) Inspired by the cut idea for him in beta version where he DID do that. Him being a useful NPC is just my idea to lead up to it. Maybe he'd even make lamps conveniently not work in the Nightmare to force us to interact with h- lol yeah I just wish we got to interact with him more.
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For Rom: A way to reveal Mensis Ritual without having to kill her and her babies. Just a split way of acting where if you kill her you get this, if you use roundabout way you get that... I just... I can't describe the feeling from that battle, it felt like bullying a child... even despite the fact that she has like 500 of her own children. But yeah, a FromSoft game that let's you be safe from anguish is not a FromSoft game...
• my OTP
For Micolash: Micoedgar! Edgar fell in LOVE with Micolash and he ruined his mission because he was GAY for him and he WILLINGLY gave Micolash his soul and he protects him because he is SIMP and I'll die on this hill!!!! But no, seriously, I feel like the two have the best potential. I largely characterized Edgar as someone not quite fitting with the Choir's limiting, toothless ways, and his brilliant and inquisitive mind simply found more of a kindred spirit in Micolash; the 'insane' and 'evil' guy that Choir told him to not trust and stop at all cost. And I think Micolash likewise appreciates Edgar; someone both smart (and brave) enough to listen to him and question things like him, but also an individualist enough to doubt him and concur his own thoughts if needed. Edgar refuses to wear a cage, now doesn't he? They are just equal, in the best way possible.
For Rom: I could not choose between Robrietas or Yurom/Julirom. Ever. Like yeah I know Rom has two hands (16 in her ascended form, actually), but balancing a human and a GO is hard... I think my preference will SLIGHTLY skew towards Rombrietas though, since Rom is destined to ascend anyway..
I concluded Ebrietas is a half-human herself (adult version of a celestial larva), so both Rom and Ebby would hit a very strong bond of being 'between' the mortal and the divine. Ebrietas also mourns Rom's petrified real body. I always felt like Ebrietas would much rather have Rom stay safe within the guidance of Stars and Moon, but Rom just.... HAD to go above and beyond, HAD to become a Spider (Amygdalae affiliation), HAD to secretly help Micolash... There is very deep emotion and conflict, and Ebrietas also having the Grinch heart moment; as a 'paleblood' Great One she nonetheless cries red bloody tears, as a sign of her feelings Rom 'sullying' her purity.. but also letting her touch upon her human side for the first time. Her theme and Rosmarinus both have 'why do you cry, fair maiden' bit but Rom altar has candles, so they must know WHY, right? But maybe it is because it was the first time Ebrietas cared about someone being lost to a ritual....
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There are just so many layers to the two, I could go on all day....
• my cross over ship
For Micolash: I don't know... I have a suspicion a character from ER might fit, but I'll need to learn more about them before.
For Rom: I once had a weird fever dream where she met Gwynd0lin and they were talking about their experiences, and then Rom (still human-ish enough) had to run away carrying him in her arms when Suly appeared and beckoned Aldr1ch with the bell ggjhkgkyhj It is hard to describe but the emotions of both of them, and the impending horror, felt so real that I now physically can't unsee the two having a good chemistry. I've been imagining them interacting in a crossover a few times by now.
• a headcanon fact
Damn, I did not notice upon first reading the meme that it had this oxymoron, hahaha. Like... so, a headcanon OR a fact? I'll interpret it as 'a headcanon I am firm on' because I don't see any other way x)
For both: The description of the first Brain Fluid you find mentions a man that wanted to become a doctor, and so his sister volunteered to be his patient. I believe that the mentioned siblings HAD to be Micolash and Rom; Research Hall's connection with peeking into the Sea, the fact that eventually Research Hall does become Choir's base, the fact that this description is too random otherwise.....
You pick this Brain Fluid from a female head that is guarded by a guy, sure, but not only he is lower ranking Black Church doctor/hunter (that'd probably not do experiments on ascension, unlike White doctors)... But also, his internal name is 'lover npc'. So yeeee.
I'll give some pointer though: it could also refer to maybe Laurence and Adeline (Laurence does hold Eye Pendant and Healing Church WAS interested in internal eyes through water at its first days). Or maybe Micolash and Adeline? I just think these being Rom and Micolash comnects the things way better, Rom being the zero patient from whom that research started just... just completes things so well, and explains her fate more... That Rom was honored by Kos, when other patients turned to the Stars instead of the Sea or just went mad... argh.
Thank you for the ask, it was fun to reflect on so many things! These two are indeed my favs!
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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thedaycareverse · 3 months
Stan's Daycare-Verse List
Moved the Daycare-Verse from my main account, @wilddoesdoodles.
My list of daycare attendant AUs (feel free to do ask stuff, I dunno.) Some of the AUs are more underdeveloped, and also I haven't been writing much so this will probably seem a bit sloppy.
I have a server with some other creatures in it where I have Discord QnA, extra lore, more art, and just overall silliness. https://discord.gg/TwyFdj8gHZ
Smaller Character List: Main AU: Sunrise, Moondrop, Starfall, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Charm Wild West AU: Sheriff Sun, Sheriff Moon, Bandit Solar Eclipse, Recluse Lunar Eclipse Cursed AU: Werewolf Sundrop, Wizard Moondrop, Vampire Eclipse Monster Trapper AU: Trapper Sun, Trapper Moon, Werewolf Y/N, Hunter Eclipse Experiment AU: Experiment Sundrop, Experiment Moondrop, Scientist Eclipse, Ex-Scientist Y/N Vampire AU: Vampire Sun, Vampire Moon, Vampire Eclipse, Vampire Hunter Y/N SchoolTrap AU: Teacher Sun, Teacher Moon, Substitute Lunar, Substitute Solar, Principal Eclipse, Student Y/N Kingdom Curse AU: Monster Sun, Monster Moon, Royal Advisor Y/N Post-Apocalypse AU: Survivor Sundrop, Survivor Moondrop, Infected Eclipse, Survivor Y/N
Main AU - Set in the Pizzaplex, Sun, Moon, and Star run the daycare. However, their older counterparts, Lunar, Solar, and Charm are still around, somewhere, and soon find out about them. Sun is the cautious, emotional one, but he has a bit of a temper. Moon is calmer and observant, but can become a bit obsessive with a goal. Star is sweet and wants to be helpful but ends up extremely clingy and jealous of others. The Daycare had almost burnt down over a year before due to a rather purposeful 'accident' caused by Charm, who was tired and sick of Solar and Lunar treating her badly. Solar and Charm were lost in the walls of the Plex, while Lunar was presumed dead. They were replaced with Sun, Moon, and Star. Spiteful, Solar wants to get rid of the new animatronics and take his place back in the daycare. Lunar's lost his sense of self after being abandoned in the garbage by Solar and resorts to more wild means, but ends up befriending(?) Moon and agreeing to be neutral so long as he has a place to stay. Charm is determined to finally get revenge on Solar after years of him abusing her by burning the Pizzaplex down for good. Main AU Characters - Sunrise, Moondrop, Starfall, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, and Charm (Formerly known as Starfall (1.0))
Wild West AU - Taking place in an older time period, Sun, Moon, Lunar, and Solar/Eclipse were built to aid in stopping criminals around and coming into their small town. Eclipse and Lunar ended up going rogue and Sun and Moon were supposed to stop them. Sun and Moon consider themselves cousins to Lunar and Eclipse. After an incident involving Lunar with Sun and Moon, Lunar faked his own death and left to live out a solitary life further away. Eclipse seeks revenge on Sun and Moon, who he thought killed his brother. Wild West AU Characters - Sheriff Sun, Sheriff Moon, Bandit Solar Eclipse, and Recluse Lunar Eclipse
Cursed AU - Eclipse discovers a thing (I dunno what it is yet) that allows him to curse Sundrop and Moondrop, who have been trying to get him to leave them alone for years due to his destructive and rather evil demeanor ("Eclipse, get out of the Daycare; Eclipse, don't throw the children; Eclipse, no arson in the daycare."). After starting to progress the curses on Sundrop and Moondrop, Eclipse too is cursed. Eclipse's curse develops first and less painfully, making him an immortal vampire. Sun ends up a werewolf and Moon ends up a cursed wizard. Sun is more uncontrollably violent and extremely anxious due to his curse, leaving him unable to control himself, and Moon ends up twitchy and with anger issues, unable to fully control his magic, which ends up injuring himself. Eclipse desires to control Sun and Moon once their curses are at their worse. Moon is desperately trying to find some sort of cure or something to suppress at least Sun's curse. Cursed AU Characters - Werewolf Sundrop, Wizard Moondrop, and Vampire Eclipse
Monster Trapper AU - Sun, Moon, and Eclipse used to run a daycare all those years ago; too bad monsters run rampant in their world, resulting in it overall failing due to being preyed upon by said monsters. Sun and Moon, running low on money and desperate for a way to help people, become monster trappers (catch & release, not killing/hurting the monsters). Eclipse, tired and sick of them trying to still do good in the world after it's treated them so badly, turned to hunting and killing monsters instead. Years later, Sun and Moon are still poor but in a livable situation. Their town is doing relatively better than it was before due to monsters being relocated. Eclipse enjoys causing chaos on Sun and Moon's town due to the fact that he hates the world for what happened to him but Sun and Moon are still trying to help. Eventually, Sun and Moon are hired to catch a werewolf. The werewolf was Y/N, and they were just scared and panicked when Sun and Moon caught them. Sun and Moon quickly realize that Y/N is just some person with a rather misfortunate curse and begin to bond with them. Eclipse finds out about Y/N and wants to now try to use Y/N's curse against Sun and Moon. Monster Trapper AU Characters - Trapper Moon, Trapper Sun, Hunter Eclipse, and Werewolf Y/N
Experiment AU - Eclipse, a scientist, took his younger brothers to his lab years ago to force them to undergo tests that were at first time but became more extreme as time went by. Eclipse's goal was to 'enhance' his brothers and make them into powerful demi-humans (or animatronic, technically, but they function biologically for the most part) that he could control. During the years of Eclipse testing on his brothers, he became more stressed and began to drink. He now has a crippling alcohol addiction. Sundrop and Moondrop were frequently physically and emotionally abused by Eclipse to the point where Sundrop became extremely submissive and a people pleaser. Moondrop, instead of becoming fearful and submissive to Eclipse, became extremely defensive and aggressive toward Eclipse. Eclipse has a scar across his chest from Moondrop scratching him during one test. Sundrop and Moondrop wear shackles and shock collars as a result. Sundrop and Moondrop are under Eclipse's power for years before one night, Eclipse was very depressed and had drank too much, resulting in him being careless and disoriented. He left Sun's cell unlocked and Moon convinced him to just pour a bunch of liquids together in a shot glass and hoped that it would kill Eclipse (since they needed his fingerprint and codes in his pockets in order to open up Moon's cell and remove the shock collars and stuff, etc., please, I just wanted an excuse for Eclipse to accidentally drink this). Eclipse had come back into the lab, still drunk, and drank it (it was sitting by his other empty shot glasses) and immediately coughed up oil (blood) and passed out. Sun and Moon were unaware if he was dead but did manage to get out of the cells (unable to remove the shock collars yet) and ran. They had no idea where they were going and soon was picked up by Y/N, who recognized them from the lab years ago. Y/N now takes care of them. Experiment AU Characters - Experiment Sundrop, Experiment Moondrop, Scientist Eclipse, and Ex-Scientist Y/N
Vampire AU - The vampires are a nuisance to the nearby town, resulting in hunters coming after them. Typically disposing of the hunters, they seem to find Y/N different and take a big liking into them. Vampire AU Characters - Vampire Sun, Vampire Moon, Vampire Eclipse, and Vampire Hunter Y/N
SchoolTrap AU - The School Trap is a building with (supposedly) no entry and no exit - so how would one get in? Kids anywhere within the range of 8-15 years old will end up in the School Trap when they wake up at the beginning of every month. These kids aren't chosen for any specific reason - they are purely random. The amount of kids that can show up are a minimum of 8 (this only ever happened once) and a maximum of 30 (Eclipse estimated, as there hasn't been 30, but the amount tends to fluctuate anywhere from 10-25). Eclipse is the principal of the 'School Trap', as the animatronics call it. It runs everything from its back office at the end of the Office Hallway. It's rare to see them out of their office, as they prefer to remain hidden for the most part. Their voice is typically glitchy (basically a mechanical stutter) or filled with static. It hunts whatever kids are left at the end of the month down for sport. Moon and Sun are are the main teachers of the School Trap. The topics they teach are extremely simple before spiraling down quickly into something extremely complex with little to no explanation on how/why they are teaching it, sometimes even going into completely unrelated topics. Sun is primarily the teacher while Moon usually watches for 'bad children' (kids who fell asleep, are disruptive, aren't paying attention, doing bad on assignments, etc.). These children are removed from the class (and are either sent to detention where Lunar or Solar will kill them or are killed by Sun and Moon themselves). Solar and Lunar are the substitute teachers, usually replacing Sun and Moon while they sleep (/charge). They're also hall monitors and detention monitors. They don't conversate much, but their voices are way lighter than Sun and Moon's. They're also arguably in the best shape, mentally and physically, compared to Sun and Moon, who rarely ever get sleep and are very unstable. (Just listen to Basics in Behaviour by the Living Tombstone... that's the entire plot. Also this is more information on the characters, since I copy-pasted it from my Discord.) SchoolTrap AU Characters - Teacher Sun, Teacher Moon, Substitute Lunar, Substitute Solar, Principal Eclipse, and Student Y/N
Kingdom Curse AU - A semi-modern kingdom led by a cultist king and his brainwashed followers. Monsters, typically like Sun and Moon, are captured and left to rot in prisons. Y/N, a noble, discovers Sun and Moon and begins to visit them and bring them things to keep them well, attempting to figure out a way to safely get them out. The king discovers Y/N visiting Sun and Moon and decides to make Y/N and advisor, applying a sigil to their forearm and giving them a curse that slowly makes them forget everything, primarily Sun and Moon. Slowly becoming worried and angry, Sun and Moon want to find a way out to find Y/N. Kingdom Curse AU Characters - Monster Sun, Monster Moon, and Royal Advisor Y/N
Post-Apocalypse AU - Over 85% of the population was wiped out by this infection. Zombies? No, not really, but something like that. There isn't many infected individuals left, but there isn't many people left overall. The few colonies that do exist are tightly woven and often very down in the mood and quiet. Sun and Moon take care of a colony mostly filled with orphans or individuals with no one else left. It is heavily fortified from when the infection was rampant. Their brother, Eclipse, is a bit more of an outcast due to his violent nature to the other colonists. He spends more time outside the colony, risking himself just for the heck of it. At some point, he came back weak and begging for help. Sun and Moon don't seem to catch on fast enough that it's the infection that caused everything in the first place. Post-Apocalypse AU Characters - Survivor Sundrop, Survivor Moondrop, Survivor Y/N, and Infected Eclipse
Not all the AUs have completed refs / lore. I'm not entirely sure if I'll try to write fics or just draw these goobers. Again, feel free to do any asks for them and join the Discord for extra lore & some goobers who keep trying to... marry everyone... smh my head, loyal followers.
I may add more AUs later on if I feel like it.
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elenajohansenreads · 7 months
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Books I Read in 2023
#81 - Role Playing, by Cathy Yardley
Rating: 5/5 stars
Did the author write this specifically for me? I feel like she did. (I know she didn't.)
As a lifelong gamer, I get so tired of books in any genre getting gaming wrong by a) stereotyping gamer characters in any one of a dozen derogatory ways; b) clearly not having the first clue about what playing a video game, any video game, is actually like; c) ignoring, downplaying, or simply not even being aware of the misogyny women often face in the gaming community; and/or d) assuming anyone over the age of 25 who "still" plays video games is a complete loser.
Role Playing did none of these things, instead showing us adults who enjoy gaming as a hobby, who find friendship and society within gaming, and who aren't ashamed of being gamers.
Bonus for me, I also loved Jujutsu Kaisen and Arcane, and I don't mind the properties being name-dropped, because this isn't Ready Player One that did the name-dropping constantly because, hey, remember all these geek-cred things you liked in the 80s? 'member? 'member? I feel like the references here are for flavor, not to be a tentpole of the book's entire identity, because gaming is the focus, not animated shows. (I'm not going to get into the "is Arcane anime" debate here, that's not relevant.)
If I sound defensive on the subject of gaming, well, yes, I am. I played World of Warcraft for almost a decade and was a serious raider for about six of those years. My new loves Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail (because even games with microtransactions can still be less abusive than MMORPGs, there's a good reason I finally broke up with WoW.) I'm looking forward to trying Balder's Gate 3 when I can make a little more time for it, because my husband and my DnD group chat friends are all playing and I have to stay out of the chat now so I'm not constantly spoiled for everything.
I am a gamer, and I've spent a good chunk of my life being told I'm too old to enjoy what I enjoy, it's too cringe, I'm a loser, get a life, etc. etc.
This book says "hey look at these NERDS who are awesome and deserve LOVE AND HAPPINESS."
Because there is also an incredibly sweet romance, with two people who in some senses know who they are (Aiden is very much a caregiver and Maggie a charmingly ornery woman who takes no shit) but in other senses are still figuring themselves out (Aiden's demi revelation, Maggie's struggle to find purpose beyond her sudden case of empty-nest syndrome.)
Do you know how rare it is to find anything that depicts adult gamers as functional people with rich inner lives? Because I do. This is it, and I want more of it.
(My quibbles with the book are minor, and aren't serious enough to me to downgrade the rating by a star: Aiden and Maggie having the big, serious talk about his orientation came across as a little bit "internet therapy speak," and it would have been nice if nearly every female character aside from Maggie weren't awful people, because female friendships are often lacking in romance. I do understand why the plot warranted it here--Maggie is practically a recluse and Aiden's mother's machinations to get him married off involve women who are social vampires--but we could have spent a little more time on the two long-distance female friends/family Maggie has, as positive forces to counterbalance the unrelenting awfulness of Deb and Sheryl.)
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I've been brooding about my wasted writing talent for a few days. How I've sworn for years I'd wrap up a couple fanfics and get right on the Profitable Writing, only now I'm in a new fandom and all I crave is fanfic attention since I've received next to zero for my other projects. Like damn, why can't I direct this energy toward something substantial? Why are all my interests still so goddamn juvenile?
Then I found that post of opals which reminds me of the fantasy series I was trying to build in which magical opals were a major plot point. I was obsessed with the thing for a good year or two and nearly bought some expensive opal jewelry to represent it. Then life started shitting on me harder than ever and I lost interest. And then, in between disasters, I dedicated a huge chunk of time to writing a novel-length fanfic because it made me happy.
I've still got original ideas, still have notes and a tiny flame inside to bring them to life, but at the same time... what's the point? I'm not sure I'm a good enough writer to begin with, since I remain a fanfic-poisoned moron (in the words of my worstie) at my fucking age. Plus the original stuff I want to write is YA fantasy, which is the cheapest and most derided genre of literature on the planet.
I often think of how people my age have families, advanced careers, are involved in world affairs, and how I'm... like this. Starting over in a "career" that's more befitting a 23-year-old college grad, no family or close friends, not even a vast library of literary expertise so I could pass myself off as a reclusive writer/artist. Western society is falling apart at the seams and I feel like a failure of a feminist for not writing about it.
But I've been into escapism my entire life, and I would rather give people something that makes them smile and feel, as opposed to something that makes them angry and encourages them to get themselves in trouble. I've defended this stance for half my life, when college lit classes wanted me to be political, I plugged my ears and made the content I wanted to read instead.
Does this make me childlike? Selfish? Is this why I'm alone? I wish I had the confidence to say fuck it, we writing about tailed humanoids and their relationships now, but I don't. I constantly have to second-guess myself and the things I like and do, likely because I have zero support system. And I believe I have zero support because of the things I like and do and say. I've realized I'm some kind of dark narcissist; I feel like everyone's looking at and talking about me and how annoying and stupid I am. So I flail around in an attempt to get positive attention, which makes me feel even more annoying and stupid.
I don't know. I hate it, I hate my brain. I much prefer the moments of clarity in which Lucien strokes their own ego. I truly wish I was them instead of me. Except I am them, just not often enough.
Maybe if I ~make it~ I'll use their name. God knows I've already ruined the one by which I've been going for the last five years.
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0viciouslyvague0 · 3 years
What it's like keeping them as cats:
◇Character(s) Involved: Albedo, Childe, Diluc and Kaeya
◇Genre: Fluff
◇Format: Headcanons
◇Au Setting: A crack au where all the Genshin Characters are now cats
◇Summary: Just a brief insight on how life would be, keeping the character of your choosing as cats. This was a midnight thought that simply got way too out of hand-
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◇It was hard finding the specific breed I had in mind for Albedo but I think I got it down! Red Ragdoll cats are a rare and elegant looking breed and I think they're a perfect match for Albedo.
◇Albedo would be a rather reclusive and quiet cat, spending most of his time by himself, watching the scenery outside through any clear windows you may have. You should probably give him a collar with a bell on it because he does have a tendency to dissapear for a whole day, the bell would at least reassure you that he's still very much at home, safe and sound.
◇While he isn't overly fond of being smothered in affection, he does show his love for you by enjoying your presence when he's in the mood for it. He won't make much of a show of it, simply deciding to plop himself beside your computer or on your lap to have a bit of a nap. Regardless of wether you choose to pet him or not when he does this, he always lets out soft quiet purrs when he's close to you, basking in your comfort when he chooses to seek it.
◇He doesn't really like when you have guests over but he's surprisingly very patient when children are involved. He may not go out of his way to go find them but he never minds when they find and approach him themselves. It's almost funny to you how well he handles the ocassional rough treatment from a child but skitters away the moment a friend of yours tries to boop him.
◇His favourite time to hang around you is usually when you're performing your hobbies. He seems to find what you do in your free time to relax rather fascinating and likes being close to you in those moments to witness anything new that you may have learned or discovered. If he's truly invested in something you're doing, there may be a rare chance you'll catch him trying his best to imitate you. For example, maybe you tried fingerpainting one day to use up small amounts of paints you had left over. You may find him stepping on any stray pieces of paper you have around the house the next day, as if trying his best to leave a mark on what he stepped on just like how he saw you do it.
(More under the cut!)
◇Going slightly feral here. Look, the obvious choice would be to make him a Russian Blue but this man is an Orange Tabby and I will not take any criticism- Slightly clingy with a hint of bastard energy running through his veins, I'm sorry to say this but you're stuck with this cat forever.
◇He's an incredibly hyperactive cat, if you don't have any other cats or kittens that could help entertain him be prepared for the sudden zoomies at odd hours of the day, he also has a tendency to break almost every single cat toy you've ever gotten him- He's rather clingy when he wants your attention, meowing and maybe even knocking down an item or two off your table just to get you to focus on him. You swear, his face is always so smug when he finally gets things to go his way.
◇An outdoor cat that can and will get out by force if he has to. You can't contain him- but he at least has the decency to not stray too far from home and comes back running when you call out to him, not wanting you to worry too much. Although he doesn't mind the ocassional lone stroll, he would much rather go out on a walk with you by his side. He has very strong predator instincts, so expect the ocasional dead bird, rat or snake, yes, snake, being proudly presented to you whenever he's out and about. He'll take payment in kisses and praises please and thank you.
◇He enjoys it when you have guests over, especially if they have children, it just means more playtime for him. Honestly, if you're a little loss on how to entertain your guests, just give them a cat toy and Childe will be more than happy to carry that burden for you. Although he may seem to like those you bring over to your home, don't think that he trusts them immediately though, on the off chance a guest of yours doesn't exactly give him a good vibe, you can say goodbye to that person's ankles. He's only trying to protect you and he hopes that you see it that way as well.
◇Given how Childe is almost always by your side no matter what you do, you would think that he doesn't really care when he hangs around you, but you'd be wrong. He likes being around you the most when he's feeling sleepy. He thinks the safest spot to rest will always be by your side, knowing that you'd be there protect him if anything were to happen.
◇Diluc would most likely be a Maine Coon, and a grumpy looking one at that. Don't be fooled though, underneath all that fur and angst is a cat that's absolutely smitten with you.
◇He's a very independant cat, letting you get on with your day while he gets on with his. Though, he definitely isn't going to fight you if you suddenly decide to change things up and spend time with him for a whole day. Sure, he may not seem like he's enjoying you smothering him with kisses and praises but his biscuit making and purring tell a whole different story.
◇He's an outdoor cat for sure and gets rather restless and agitated when he stays indoors for too long so he appreciates being set loose out in your backyard or being taken out on walks with you. If your backyard isn't properly covered, you may have an issue with Diluc taking a stroll around the neighbourhood without your knowledge but rest assure that his sense of direction is rather good, he'll be back before you notice. When he returns from a good day of exploring, don't be surprised when he starts gifting you small flowers or lovely coloured leaves that he may have carefully picked out just for you, he's just trying his best to show you his appreciation.
◇Doesn't particularly care if you have guests over or not and is usually on his best behavior and keeps to himself for the most part. Prefers to keep an eye on you in more secluded areas of the room you're in, just in case something happens. If a guest of yours isn't exactly someone he finds pleasant, he won't outright attack them, but expect him to hiss everytime they try to get too close to you or him.
◇His favourite time to hang around you is whenever you're in the kitchen. It's not uncommon for Diluc to take a seat on something high up in your kitchen just to watch you wash dishes, cook or even pour a glass of water. He doesn't have a habit of stealing your food, thank the Archons, but he does ocassionally like to sniff or even touch what you leave out. You found out that he really enjoys grapes, and at one point even batted your hand away for trying to take back a single lone grape you found under his paw.
◇He seems like an Abyssinian cat to me, a grey Abyssinian cat with a missing left eye. Don't be fooled though, he's just as agile and sharp as the other cats on this list, maybe even moreso as scary as that may sound.
◇While Kaeya may seem like a friendly cat, he also very much values his alone time, so there will be days where he'll kindly reject your affection and simply walk away when you try to give him some love. Don't be upset though, he still very much loves you! It's just that too much can make him feel a bit too smothered. On the bright side, understanding that he needs space will definitely strengthen your bond with him and you'll soon find that he becomes more vulnerable in his mannerisms around you.
◇Doesn't mind being indoors but really appreciates being let out every once in a while. When he's done exploring for the day, he has a strange little ritual that involves him presenting to you the many bottle caps or corks he may have encountered while on his journey. Specifically the types used for beer and wine bottles respectively. It may be a strange thing to gift to you, especially if you don't drink, but you can never find it in yourself to throw them away because of how proud he looks when he gifts them to you.
◇Is rather involved when you have guests over, coming up to them and rubbing himself up against their legs as a greeting. He's happy to let anyone come up and pet him but carrying him away from you is where he draws the line. You'll notice that while he does let people shower him in affection, he always tends to stick close to you while he receives it, only ever being completely comfortable in the presence of others with you close by.
◇His favourite time to hang around you is definitely while you're busy with your work. You swear, it's almost like he finds pleasure in distracting you by laying on your computer or important documents. Still, you have to admit that having him close by while you work is rather therepeutic, especially if you were having a rather stressful day. He always seems to know when to 'bother' you to take your mind off things for a while.
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A/N: I genuinely have no proper explanation for this- I just got inspired after a friend of mine sent me pictures of their fat orange cat- Regardless of how random this is, I did have a strangely fun time writing it and I wouldn't mind making another part of with other characters as well. Thank you to those who read this post and I hope you enjoyed it!
(Requests are open and Anon is on!)
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