specialized education and gifted children programs are so fucked up I see the purpose but the execution and expectations are genuinely horrific I've yet to meet a single one of us that's doing okay besides from those who just reached their breaking point and chose to stop caring
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puppetlooselystrung · 9 months
i love how werewolves can account for so many things. trans allegory. mental illness/mental disorder allegory. probably could go for neurodivergent allegory too if you ask the right people who think it that way
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aftermathing · 1 year
I am jealous to no end of people who have wild D&D campaigns that span multiple years. I can't even get people to play with me once. I am tearing my hair out trying to convince people that the hardest math you will do while playing this game is like adding 2+3.
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finalgirlmoment · 6 months
Noteworthy details about the first two PJOTV episodes (spoilers)
First of all, every single of them ATE DOWN. just wanted to throw that out there, i'm so so impressed with the cast, everyone was perfect and gorgeous and i'm completely sat for any and all future installments. A fine piece of media. Let's begin.
Percy's confusion and bewilderment finding out that he's a demigod. "You fell in love with God.... like, Jesus????" LMFAO but seriously his frustration in this moment, thinking there's something actually wrong with his brain, feeling lost and confused and hurt and BROKEN. the struggle in that moment is so relatable to people discovering they have some sort of mental illness or neurodivergence, especially when they weren't believed/listened to etc and i think walker played this part beautifully
luke's empathy towards Percy throughout-- his apologies for what happened to his mother at the bottom of Half Blood Hill, him telling P that he relates to the nightmares, the restlessness, the ADHD..... so fucking sick and fucking twisted, I will be sobbing at the ending, gorgeous job on both ends on making this relationship feel very warm and authentic and the trust starting to build. this will H U R T.
CLARISSE. she's so gorgeous and vindictive. Her beauty took me off guard initially, but she's such a spiteful little badass that I completely fell in love with her. I CANNOT WAIT to see more of her characterization, especially into season two. perfection.
Percy burning the blue jelly beans- the thing he'd miss most- out in the middle of the woods at night in a damn can, just to pray to his MOTHER. *sobbing intensifies* i couldn't ask for a more sweet, heartfelt, honest moment. the perfect addition. 10s across the board
Percy's ANGER. OH BOY this was one of my most favorite parts. I feel like we see Percy as a very happy-go-lucky kid altogether but I loved, LOVED to see his frustration and agitation from the very beginning. Everything is so confusing and foreign and all he knows is that 1. he's been betrayed or left behind by everyone he knows and 2. he's been ignored his whole life by his godly parent. His mission is to MAKE HIS DAD SEE PERCY, at ANY COST. Before he even knows who his dad is. He is entitled to feel ALL of this anger and hurt and resentment!!!!!!!
Annabeth calling Percy "sunshine". TOTAL CULTURAL RESET. I gasped. The dawn of a new age of Percabeth. I will be screaming into my pillow about this for the foreseeable future.
The entire characterization of Percy throughout the capture the flag scene. His contrast of being just a kid- flossing (lol), peeing the woods, petting a gecko, just vibing and hanging out VS. being thrown suddenly into attack from his peers that don't care about the rules, surprising himself and everyone around him with his finesse in battle, quick instincts, swordsmanship..... i'm weak fr. I can't wait to see him grow, train, become stronger and more confident.
Overall, I'm entirely floored and beyond happy. I can't wait to see more. 10/10
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cyb0rs · 1 year
Astrology observations
Hiiii this is my first ever post on this blog and obviously my first astrology observations post I hope you like it ♡
Men with cancer placements can be so adorable. They can be so unknowingly endearing no matter how old they are. Some of them can be in their 40s and have this sweetness about them. It’s so cute.
Libras especially libra men or literally any libra placement can be soooo argumentative it’s ridiculous and they’re never wrong in their own eyes. Like??????? And they hate when someone tries to calmly state their opinion in an argument. Sometimes they’ll even raise their voices especially the men.
Sags are so blunt 😭 wbk i know but oh my god????? So blunt it’s insane how blunt they are. The ones in my life have so many water placements so they’re a bit more empathetic and care about how others would feel. So i can’t imagine the ones who don’t have aspects or placements that would bring about that sort of empathy.
Air signs’ friendliness with strangers and new people that they meet is always a breath of fresh air. Especially gemini suns. Mwah. But when you’re someone that they know and have been in their lives for so long they’ll be a little bit indifferent that’s for sure lol.
I don’t condone diagnosing people via their birth charts but i have noticed that most people who have Saturn in the 3rd house are neurodivergent.
I have noticed for years that most makeup artists and women who love makeup and are passionate about beauty are libras. I mean that checks if i say so.
Many leo risings have troubled relationships with their mothers due to the fact that they have scorpio in the 4th house. Especially if it’s harshly aspected or have malefic planets there.
Earth placements especially CAPRICORNS when they’re funny they’re FUNNY!!!! honey. The ones that make you cry laughing. I love them so much it’s ridiculous
I see everybody talk about how much of foodies taureans and cancers are but have yall seen an aries eat??? They’ll eat a lot and they’ll eat whatever. The least picky people i have seen were aries suns
If you liked this post and want a reading with me you can check my pinned post to book your reading 🐩 I do natal and synastry readings for now <3
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vrronica-sawyer · 2 months
Oh my god, I already loved your art but I just saw your Autism Awareness Month sketches and as a neurodivergent Meryl truther I am fully living 😂 Thank you so much for your office-mandated anger management Meryl and ESPECIALLY your MerylMilly meets Farcille sketch which nearly made me pop a blood vessel I was so excited someone else saw ✨ The Vision ✨. You're doing the lord's work!!! 💙
Thank you so much I’m glad people like it! For a while I felt like my interpretation of Meryl after reading the manga was so much different from how I see other fans portray her personality it was gonna just have to be a thing for me, hence why those sketches i posted are actually from a year ago, so I’m glad other ppl see the weird grumpy autistic Meryl vision.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Neurodivergent!Hobie Brown Headcanons - Hobie Brown having AuDHD
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Hobie Brown has AuDHD (Autism & ADHD) because I have AuDHD and I love him and want him to have AuDHD :) i was reminded of this and this is mostly me projecting so uhhh...here
Love the idea of Hobie Brown having ADHD and autism
Like his attention is shit. And he doesn't care.
He's always working or tinkering or planning away at something, writing some song, but he's never doing what 'he's supposed to do'.
He's Hobie - he's going to do whatever he wants to do and whatever strikes his fancy.
It's the ADHD. He procrastinates, and if you tell him to do something - yeah, he's not doing that
but when he needs to get something done he gets it done. ALWAYS. Somehow.
Miguel is asking for mission reports and he's like 'piss off m8'. He gets it done when he needs to don't ask questions
Super truthful. He doesn't see the point in lying. He's never mean about it, but he never hides the truth.
Stims a lot.
Always fidgeting with something. Doesn't carry stim toys cause he always loses them - fiddles with anything his hands come across instead
Chews on pens when he's trying to think or write a song
Fiddles with his piercings and lip ring a lot
Constantly losing his guitar pick, gets pissed off and can't find it even though it's right in front of him
He has ADHD-combined so sometimes he's pacing back and forth and other times he's just zoned the fuck out daydreaming
DOODLES on everything.
STICKERS everywhere.
Doesn't mask AT ALLLL
If he doesn't understand a joke he will ask - especially if he can tell it's meanspirited
Sleep schedule is wrecked. He hates the AM - and gets up at like 4pm. he's up at 2am playing electric guitar on the loudest volume and drinking a coffee at 8am before going to bed
Bounces his leg really really hard then tells people to piss off when they demand he stops
CONSTANTLY repeating song lyrics, even random ones. Repeats them to himself while pacing as a way to relax
Stims on his guitar, plays the same chord over and over and over.
The chords of 'Immigrant Song' - by Led Zeppelin is a popular choice of his
Gwen stims by tapping and drumming on things so they can be sitting there and play-stimming a song without even noticing
Doesn't follow rules he doesn't understand or thinks are unreasonable
Will argue with someone over it when confronted and tell them exactly why their rule makes no sense
He'll 'talk back' to authority and someone will be like 'Hobie you can't say that!!!' and he will genuinely be like 'why???'
Used to get put in 'time out' A LOT. Big 'problem child', always talking in class, wandering off, etc
Light sensitive.
His room dark as fuck boooooyyyy
Black out curtains, no clothes in the drawers, 12,000 unattended water bottles everywhere
NEVER makes the bed but has other cleaning routines he HAS to do
loves planning shit, planned out all of ASTV in detail, keeps really detailed notes of stuff
but his handwriting only makes sense to him
remembers everything about his friends but doesn't know what day it is
Time Blind as FUCKKKKKKK. So hard to get a hold of him or get him to text back.
You see him when you see him - either he's early or he's late as hell.
Says 'five minutes' but gets distracted or severely underestimates the time.
Special interest is his records and they mean a lot to him
Knows everything there is to know about every album he owns, takes really good care of them and his player - the only thing he'll spend money on
Very creative, has many creative projects he starts and stops and never really completes
10,000 half finished patches and prototypes
But he's really talented and handy because of it
Like he knows random ass statements in dozens of languages cause he memorizes the weirdest stuff and sometimes run into situations where he really needs it
Like the first time they go to Mumbattan looking for Pavi Gwen is like "ugh how are we gonna ask people 'have you seen this boy' in Marathi?" and Hobie is like "i got this" and she's like "Bro HOW"
REAL ASS AUDHD EXPERIENCE: Being able to memorize copious amounts of information about things that don't matter at all
Hobie has so many facts inside of him that he just drops so casually
And people are like how are you so smart
and of course he's like 'i was smart this whole time'
People think he's rude or an idiot because he doesn't make eye contact or doesn't face people when spoken to
but he's not at all, and he's very good at picking up little details
Dry but hilarious sense of humor that takes seven layers of irony and 3 years of context to even process
Probably has one completely left-field unrelated hyperfixation that catches people off guard. Is completely unashamed about it
When he's overstimulated he gets very irritated and snappy and fidgety -
Has to leave the room immediately - will stop everything and just get up and head straight to the door
If he can't leave he'll start covering his ears or put his head down against a table
Has loss of speech episodes sometimes, but not only when stressed. Lots of times it happens while relaxed or really deep in thought/daydream. His closest friends can understand him perfectly fine, and can tell when he's just chilling vs when he needs support
Will stand up in a 'quiet' room and say "what's that noise??" cause he can hear electric buzzing and it's pisses him off
He still blasts his music loud as hell in his headphones
Puts something into one of his many pockets then immediately begins to look for where he put said thing
Always pulling stuff out of his pockets, looking slightly impressed but confused as to how it got there, or how long it's been there
Has the weirdest palette. Weird ass food combos. The type of guy to put one sauce on everything
Probably eats beans on toast like twice a day
His comfort food is a Gregg's Sausage Roll from a very specific branch in East London, others taste a bit off to him and he can tell if it's not the right one. He'll still eat it, but he can tell it's not right
Most of these are SUCH a projection but I love him so so so much ok bye bye
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lonewolfinthetardis · 2 months
What are some of your favorite tf2 hcs if you have any?
God, I have so many... I am of course a firm believer in the hc that all the mercs are queer, under the trans umbrella, and neurodivergent.
This is one that @jamisonwritestf2trash brought up, Medic had spoiled Archimedes so much that he's basically created a monster. Archimedes is an absolute diva, and will throw a fit when told "no". Medic also refers to himself as Archimedes' 'father' (the German word for father though).
Pyro in some part of their mind, knows exactly what it's doing. "Pyroland" is mainly a trauma response that stemmed from a massive incident that happened when they were younger.
Spy is actually very careful with his money, due to his family being very poor. Most of the flash stuff he does is for show.
Demo learnt how to play the piano from his father, before his sight eventually failed. He loves to play it because it reminds him of when he'd hang out with his father.
Sniper loves to "go bush" when he has time. He'll grab the bare essentials and just go off. When he comes back, he's visibly happier and less stressed.
Soldier has very bad hearing, and Engie made him some hearing aids. He also knows a little bit of ASL from Pyro. Soldier does not like it when people bring up his hearing, and will get very defensive over it.
Scout is absolutely crazy at folding clothes, growing up in a house with 8 other people taught him how to fold clothes quickly and effectively. I also hate when people make him a misogynist, his ma would disown his ass so fast.
Heavy is amazing at chess, and is a brilliant strategist. He's fiercely protective of his mama, sisters, Medic, and his team.
Oh Engineer, I could go on about this guy. He loves being the "Team dad" and cooking for the team, especially if someone helps him. If given the chance, this man will infodump for HOURS.
My other headcanons are mostly about Engineer (I have a massive list of them). I have so many other headcanons, I might make a post about them. Don't be afraid to ask me about any of my other hcs about the mercs.
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moofshroom · 2 years
“mom saw my report card. ‘mija, if you just applied youself-’ i am applying myself! my beast ball stitches are soo small, they’re practically invisible! and, i can read and write witch tongue in five different dialects. also i can so perfectly still that woodland creatures come and sit on me! but i guess none of this is going to matter on the SATs.” oh my GOD. the fact that the owl house is willing to have this conversation about school and how the education system is brutal on the self-perception of its students, especially its neurodivergent students is incredible to see on the screen. from what ive seen, other neurodivergent people like myself have also related to this scene and if i had that comfort of “youre not alone in these sort of experiences” when i was younger it wouldve helped me so much. a good grade or a good score on a test isnt the only definer for worth and intelligence.
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valentineish · 11 months
What I need abled people to realize is how fucked up it is to ask strangers about our mobility devices or medical equipment. I especially need you to internalize is how much this functions like catcalling.
The harassment started the minute an abled decided to approach me. There was not an appropriate way for them to ask about my body and the equipment it needs. But because of their actions, I am given the job of figuring out what's more dangerous: disclosing intimate details about my life, health, and body, or pushing back.
Without fail, ableds get hostile when a cripple like me chooses the latter. There is outrage at even the most polite expression of "no thank you". Trying to express how they've violated me isn't even an option. I am already aggressive for not performing an impossible standard of grace.
And because of this stranger's choice, because of the power dynamics at play, my existence suddenly centers on a stranger. My life needs to go on pause to handhold a totally unknown abled's feelings about my hurt they caused. All the while, I still have to brace for the potential that they will overpower me, or steal my equipment, or try to institutionalize me.
This is a terrifying position to be in. And it happens so frequently, my stomach drops whenever a stranger approaches me.
There are no neutral questions you can ask about a stranger's body – and my equipment is part of my body. This is not small talk. This is not considerate or empathetic. Despite how it looks to you, these are not like comments on somebody's outfit.
Hearing any inquiry about my crutches or limp or whatever from somebody I don't know is invasive and creepy. It's like somebody asking you "what did you do to become left handed?" or "did you always smile like... that?" or "oh my god, why do you have glasses?", then being expected to give an in-depth answer. It fucking sucks, and for disabled people, it has broader implications than you can imagine.
If you want to know why that person you spotted needs medical equipment? Tough. Shut the fuck up, mind your goddamn business.
EDIT: I want to include an ask I got about this post so it doesn't get lost in a reblog. Screenshot and expansion will be under the cut.
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Anon was right to point this out! I would like to better clarify the point I was trying to make.
I chose people commenting on somebody's smile, dominant hand, or eyewear on purpose. Expression can be impacted by things like facial paralysis or even neurodivergence. Paralysis or amputation can require changing one's dominant hand. And despite their normalization, prescription glasses are medical equipment.
Ablebodied people can get comments on these things. Some people just have distinctive expressions. People can be naturally left-handed (and notably, punishing left hand dominance was the standard for generations). Non-prescription glasses were a huge trend in the 2010's. Similarly, ablebodied people can temporarily require mobility aids! You or someone you've known has likely needed a cast or crutches due to an injury.
Strangers approaching an ablebodied person about these things is still bad. It's inappropriate, and the kind of thing you'd vent to friends about for being uncomfortable. Still, answering typically won't require sharing extremely personal, potentially traumatic information. It does not carry the fear of stating "my body is like this forever for a reason scary or inhuman to you".
When these questions are directed towards a disabled person, though? It does carry those heavy implications. We are being put at risk. A stranger is asking us to divulge our ability status, and give them wildly personal history. Furthermore, it confirms us as disabled – thus putting us at risk for discrimination of varying levels of severity, including institutionalization.
My point in making that comparison was not "people don't say those things". Strangers absolutely do this. My point was "comments about medical equipment count as body commentary". My crutches or bifocald do not get treated like the extensions of myself they are. The severity of this harassment, then, does not translate to those who don't need such accommodations.
Questioning somebody's body or the things supporting that body is never a good idea. Whether abled or disabled, a stranger is bothering that person simply to sate their own curiosity. Nothing of substance can be gained – but everything is at risk for disabled people.
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So I already know I’m the asshole here, I’m mostly wondering if it’s a YTA, JAH, or ESH situation. Or potentially I’m just treating this like a catholic confessional.
I (31, F) was on a 3 hour flight with my older sister; we had gotten aisle seats across from each other and 2 girls (I’m bad at ages, but both around 15, F?) sat next to her.
In the middle of the flight my sister tapped me to ask a question and as we were talking, I heard loud music/TikTok-esque noises. I asked my sister if she heard it and she replied that it was the kids next to her watching videos without headphones. They overheard us and one asked “Oh, sorry – is that loud?” to which my sister told them “Yeah, it’s really loud”.
At this point I put my earbuds back in, and my sister (thankfully) had noise cancelling headphones to put on. For important background, I am prone to headaches and migraines and am also neurodivergent and can get over stimulated, especially when I'm not anticipating a situation.
Flash forward to when we land – we pull up to the gate but another plane is still there so we have to wait. Normally on planes I’d keep my headphones in until it seems like people are moving, but I’d never sat this close to the front of the plane before and know I hate it when people waste time fiddling with their stuff when we’re all trying to leave. So, at this point I had already packed my thing away, as I didn’t want to hold anyone up.
However, when they announced we were landing someone near me applied A LOT body spray that was overwhelming to the point I had to cover my noise. Smells are a huge trigger for me with migraines, so I was staring to become nauseous with a headache, though thankfully with most of my usual auras. And on top of this while we were waiting, I was once again hearing music/TikTok noises, which was making me feel even worse. Normally I'm fine on planes and fly multiple times a year, but the unexpected, overwhelming, smells and noises combined to send me to a tipping point. Usually if I get overstimulated in public I just move or leave, but we were in an airplane so I was trapped in my seat.
I saw the guy diagonally from me in an aisle seat watching videos and thought it was him, and I tried to joke (you should never try to joke when you feel like shit – the tone is never going to be right) “Hey, if you’re going to watch videos that loud, you might as well let me watch too.”
Which was waaaaaay more bitchy then I meant it to be. The woman next to him commented “Oh my god, that is rude!” then seeing his face my brain caught up to the sounds I was mortified to realize it wasn’t actually him. I immediately, and profusely, apologized to him, and then my sister informed me that it was still the girls next to her. Considering we had, fairly recently, let them know they were too loud I was legitimately surprised and burst out without thinking “Oh my god, it’s still you?” They once again went “Oh sorry – we can turn it down?” and I again tried to joke, despite it not landing the first time, “Well, that or give me the phone so I can watch”
At this point the woman sitting behind them, who called me rude (rightfully) said “I’m their mother so talk to me, not the them.” I went, great, and told her they needed headphones. At this point she and her husband (next to her, window seat) started saying a lot of things that I don’t remember very well (see afore mentioned migraine and overstimulation) but I mostly remember it being passive aggressive comments about how they guess they’ll tell their kids to not watch TikTok loudly without headphones and me just trying to chipperly reply “awesome - thanks!”. I do remember the husband saying at one point “They do have headphones – it’s their choice if they use them or not.” Which thankfully, I had acquired enough situational awareness to not respond with my thoughts about that statement.
Once we got off the plane, and I felt less like vomiting, I realized I had snapped at these kids in a way that was way out of line. I truly don’t think they knew better, and even if they did I approached the situation in a bad way and really regret my outburst. Yeah, I had a migraine forming and was overstimulated, but that wasn’t their fault even if they were exasperating it. It especially wasn’t their fault considering their parents seemingly saw nothing wrong with their children watching videos without headphones on a plane while said children appeared oblivious.
So, while I know I as an asshole, I guess I’m asking - just how much of an asshole was I?
What are these acronyms?
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stvnszlr · 4 months
HI! Here to beg u for Steven adhd headcanons
Pls i promise i'll be good this year.
oh my goodness … so um this is something i am like way too passionate about !! im going to seem like the craziest crazy person EVER by sharing this cuz i wrote .… a lot but u guys gotta stick with me okay you’ll see the vision
THANK YOU for asking this btw ! this is one of the things that makes me relate to steven the most ,,>_<,, and i will literally talk abt it anytime
☆ steven adhd hc’s / reasons why i think it’s possible he has adhd ! ☆ ( coming from someone who has a severe combined type adhd diagnosis )
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please note this is all just speculation !! i’ve noticed some connections between his behavior / things he’s spoken about and adhd symptoms , but i am certainly no doctor and the only one who can truly determine any of this is steven himself . these observations are mostly just for my comfort as a neurodivergent person :)
ohhh stevie is a BIG stimmer :) he taps on everything in sight , he also hums a lot and likes to move his body ! bouncing , jumping , flapping , shaking , jiggling , playing with his hair ( i have video evidence sue me >:( )
people often describe him as “twitchy” , randomly making odd movements or sounds that can surprise and confuse those around him
vocal stims , dude . like my man is a parrot he’ll repeat random phrases over and over without thinking about it , just going about his day mumbling the most obscure sentences without even realizing
i’ve also noticed from watching videos he has a big BIG tendency to repeat things other people say !! i think that’s a combo of vocal stimming and also struggling to fit in when making conversation
he has literally confessed to having sensory issues related to taste and texture ??!?!? so i imagine he has them with other things too it’s mostly touch or sound related things that really get to him and can cause overwhelm but honestly anything that catches him at the right time will have him retreating inside himself and blocking everything out , unable to respond cuz he can’t think or listen
also seems to struggle with clothes touching his body ! he is always in loose tank tops and wears a lot of cropped pants / shorts , and has never really worn a lot of accessories unlike his bandmates . this could definitely be attributed to sensory issues , especially hating the feeling of wearing jewelry ( rings especially ) and also makeup on his face
drums !!! poppy loves drumming , it is SUCH a good stimulant for his brain cuz it works muscle memory , gives a dopamine rush , and combines both creative thought with an athletic activity
hyperfixations oh my god he is so bad . so so bad . he’ll pick up something for like a few weeks and dedicate EVERYTHING to it just to never pick it up again
very typical hyperactive type adhd , trouble focusing and sitting still OH MY GOD this man cannot sit normally for the life of him
um hyperfocus also !! drums is prolly his biggest one but if it’s something he’s super tuned into he can just . sit there and mindlessly work on it for HOURS before someone notices and is like hello take a break ??
didn’t like school cuz he always felt like he wasn’t smart , he was actually really interested by some subjects but just couldn’t keep up as a student :/ he also started getting into skating and music which were much better dopamine activities than school so he kinda just . quit ?
part of why his mom kicked him out so young , he was impulsive and reckless and very VERY high energy , easily irritated and his emotions had no filter / couldn’t control them or his actions based on them
this poor kid is so forgetful . he really cannot remember shit and it gets him in trouble a lot ! he’s gotta be reminded by the guys about EVERYTHING and it annoys them to no end , and steven always feels bad cause he wishes he could remember , but for some reason he forgets every time !
it’s where his irritability comes from too , he sometimes flips like a switch and can get really defensive and aggressive . he’ll lash out and turn really angry — not in a super serious way , but it’s the reason he gets in so many little fights with all the other guys , especially axl .
this is also tied in with the rlly strong sense of justice that neurodivergent people feel !! the reason he’d stand up and talk back when everyone else could just let it go
easier to fall into addiction and harder to get out of it . places a vice on his brain , trapping him in dependency on the drugs and making it so much more difficult to quit — why it took him so much longer to get sober than any of the others , even after all his health scares
drugs are also a coping mechanism for sensory issues and that awful , isolating feeling of being built just slightly different than everyone else
UM ???? LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT STEVEN POST GNR + LEAVING THE BAND IS JUST SCREAMING RSD ??? like the abandonment issues built up from his childhood ON TOP of being insanely sensitive to disappointing others / feeling unwanted ?? yeah i fucking understand why he couldn’t let go of it for almost twenty years of his life that’s like the worst possible thing to go through as someone hypersensitive to feelings of rejection bro . oh my god .
rsd also attributes to him being really eager to please especially with friends , and trying to talk himself up and seem cool and on their level and worth keeping around :(
i do also think it is likely that he learned to mask a LOT of his symptoms , of course not all of them ( as we can pretty obviously see in like . any video ever taken of him ) but a lot of the less socially acceptable ones he naturally forced himself to hide :( 
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lilislegacy · 3 months
(This gets a little rant-y sorry!)
I just saw the post that somebody said about Annabeth and Percy dropping out of college and I totally see that.
Something that I see a lot, especially in fanfiction, is people forgetting that these 2 are neurodivergent and severely traumatized.
College is really hard. In general, for a neurotypical person, it would be difficult.
I'm writing this from an autistic, dyslexic, adhd, ptsd point of view. College is really fucking hard.
I've seen fics where people will talk about how they'll be taking 4-5 classes per semester. That's not really possible for them.
I have been taking one class a semester, and it is excruciating.
Granted, I do not go to New rome University, which is mainly demigods. So it might be tailored differently to how most demigods learn, but still, college is really difficult.
I could definitely see them trying college but taking it at a substantially lower pace than normal.
Like the original ask said, they might just drop out because it would be too much of a mental load.
Especially because of how soon the turnaround is from their severe trauma (tartarus) and them going to college. Even if they tried their best, they wouldn't do well. (This is also me speaking from experience. When I was going through stuff in high school, it made my gpa drop like a brick.)
I'm just tired of people acting like the only symptoms of their trauma is bad dreams and that their only symptoms of their adhd and dyslexia are "oh squirrel!" And not being able to read.
(Sorry for ranting. This is just kind of a sore subject for me. Especially recently, I have had to deal with some ableism from my professor, and I'm looking into transferring to a different college because of it)
thanks for the ask @invadericee!
i totally see where you’re coming from. college is really really hard on its own. being dyslexic, adhd, and traumatized does not help.
however, i really do not believe that they would drop out. the biggest reason being they are both so determined to get though it. and when those two are determined, nothing is stopping them.
you also have to remember that new rome university doesn’t just accommodate for kids like them. the university is made specially for people like them. most everyone there has adhd. most everyone there has dyslexia. and many of them have ptsd. and likely, the teachers and staff are demigods. so they are the same way, and therefore know how to teach in a way that actually works for them. also, new rome university is a very very small college, so the students would get a lot of one-on-one time with professors and counselors, etc. so i don’t believe their learning disabilities will hurt them very much there, because the entire system is built around them having those learning disabilties. you know?
but i completely agree with you that i don’t like how people downplay their trauma a lot. and rick riordan himself is the biggest suspect of this. in chalice of the gods, percy and annabeth are mainly just happy to be alive and having a good time, and percy only makes one passing remark about his mental state not being great. and i get why rick didn’t dive into it - he wanted the book to just be happy and silly and enjoyable. but still, i wish he would show how they’re coping a little bit more. in the bits i’ve seen of TSATS, sally mentions how percy and annabeth have horrible nightmares, which probably means percy wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. but like you said, ptsd isnt just nightmares. and adhd and dyslexia aren’t just cute little issues either. now, i will say, i don’t think their adhd is the same kind you and i have. theirs is more hyperactivity than anything. and while most people with adhd struggle with not being able to focus on one thing, i think with them it’s more that they are constantly focused on a million things (becasue that keeps them alive.) i don’t know why it matters, but i just felt like giving my thoughts on that lol.
i don’t even know what my point is anymore. basically i don’t think college will be as hard for them as you think, but i agree with you on everything else 😂
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accepting aspd and npd traits instead of clinging to the ideal of a "good person" and clinging desperately to my hyperempathy made me way happier.
I let myself have my empathy gaps and times where I can't empathize at all. I let myself be more apathetic and straight forward. It actually allows me to communicate my emotions and trauma without having a meltdown and hurting myself or having a psychotic episode and lashing out and screaming.
Letting myself be narcissistic allowed me to ask for reassurance and attention, ask for praise, and act out how I felt without feeling the need to hate myself for it.
I could tell my friend "I know this is a sad thing for you, but I really don't care and I can't tell if this is okay or if I should try to give you comfort. Can you please tell me what you need so I may give it to you?" "I know you just lost your pet, but I feel absolutely nothing right now because I can't handle loss and I'll probably feel the emotions in a few days. So I'm sorry if I come off like I don't give a shit."
And then she said "it's okay, I understand. I just don't know how to feel or who to go to. Can I just have some comfort?"
Oh my god, it is so easy when you don't demonize your already stigmatized traits. I clung so hard to being a good person just to still be called bad and treated as a monster. Now I don't give a shit cause I know me, I know my experiences, and I am seeing so much healthy communication between me and my gf and me and MA. Every day our relationships get so much better. It's almost like stigma hurts traumatized individuals, gasp!
Yeah there's negative parts to my disorders, but I try to focus on the positive points otherwise I'm at risk for harm and we have to protect our body from harm. I'm so incredibly unstable and dissociated all the time. My narcissism lets me feel worth it and on top of the world. My antisocialness lets me no longer rely on people in a toxic dependent way and to also find the courage to stand up for myself instead of constantly trying to people please. I've had these traits so hidden within me cause of the expectation of a good person placed on me and because of them being "evil" disorders.
But fuck, man. I finally started being better when I realized they weren't evil disorders and I wasn't bad for having them. And seeing shit that you're constantly abusive and evil and can't feel love fucking hurts. I struggle to connect with people, my love is shown so differently, but that's okay.
So yeah, ableists, you can learn something or you can shut up and leave. We love antisocial folks and narcissistic folks around here. We rule! ^v^
This is specifically about NPD/ASPD, but any PD disorder, you're loved to especially if you fall into the category that doesn't fit the bullshit expectations of a "good person" or "good neurodivergent." You deserve some fucking love and you're welcome here.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
mask was, ironically, very low masking
warriors was (and still kinda is) VERY high masking
(Tune is somewhere in the middle + ADHD)
mask really struggled at first on the battlefield because of his extreme lack of social skills (dude was raised in the woods with a bunch of other autistic fairy kids), lack of danger awareness, and poor understanding of war/battlefield (he’s used to 1-1 boss fights not war), and the fact that as a kid, he was already much much higher support needs, not even mentioning how traumatized he must’ve been.
warriors was drowning in stress, a literally TEENAGER (I hc him being 16-20 during the war) severely masking and like, PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO STOP. Among all the other non-neurodivergent stressors (cia, A WAR, parenting two kids in battle, food issues)
warriors helped mask learn tips for surviving the neurotypical world** (TM) and made sure he was 100% accommodated, since warriors knew he, himself would never have that.
Mask subtly (and probably accidentally) pushed warriors to mask less, creating a safe space where the three bros could all be them selves. He’d throw the biggoron sword if someone so much as looked NEAR where warriors was when he was stimming, ready to fight the h8ters if necessary.
later on, the trio (and now 6 more!) rejoin, and time is pleasantly surprised to see that warriors has kept some of the mentality. Granted, he’s not made any progress since then, but he’s not gotten worse, so that’s something.
Warriors is also quietly content that time has retained the social skills he taught him, in fact, he’s picked up even more! Though he finds it hard to find time at all scary, intimidating, or powerful, because warriors knows EXACTLY what is going through time’s head when he makes that face, I mean, he taught his brother himself!
warriors now has to face the living proof that he’s not weird or broken, lest he tell that to his eight brothers who are nowhere near as masking as he is, culture shock!
I know that the idea of “normalizing” autistic kids via teaching them neurotypical behaviors is a very complex and nuanced conversation to be had, and I’m not trying to parade around supporting ABA. (not to make this about me or anything,) but this pov/head cannon/prompt (?) is inspired from the perspective of me and my lower masking/much higher support needs sibling (both are autistic) :)
Your favorite,
I love you for this oh my god
To me, one of the things Mask struggles with the most besides social cues is controlling his facial expressions when especially when talking to others, which is why the other Links just automatically assumed he was the stoic silent type, because they saw this serious looking older guy who rarely smiles and were like “oh he means business-” but really he just has very flat expressions. Similarly I think he’s very dry when he speaks, it was worse when he was younger, and he’d gotten better at making himself sound more excited/happy, but occasionally the others (not including Wars) think he’s being sarcastic when he isn’t. And this is part of why they can never tell if he’s joking about having fought the moon.
With how chaotic his childhood was (and also because of the autism), to me he’s someone who really needs stability and predictably, which is why ranch work is sooo good for him. Like yeah unexpected things happen, but he can also sit there and take care of the animals and know he will be taking care of the animals the next day (also I think braiding Epona’s mane would be both comforting for him AND the horse)
Warriors is someone I can see stressing out so much about how people view him and he’s so scared of being anything less than perfect that he ends up getting trapped masking and everything just builds up until he explodes. He certainly was not coping well during the war, with everything that was going on, but I totally agree that Mask helped him mask less. Those two absolutely helped each other, both intentionally and completely by accident. By the time he’s in his mid/late twenties, he’s gotten a lot better about not letting everything build up, and also at unmasking every once in a while when he feels safe. (you’re so right, time/mask would fight ANY haters on wars’s behalf)
Everything you said was so perfect and I love it!! I’ve written one fic centering around these two being autistic (although I didn’t explicitly state that because I don’t know if they’d have like, the medical diagnosis for that in hyrule), and i really need to write more. I myself am autistic and good autism rep is really important to me because I never saw it as a kid
You’re literally my favorite at this point, mandarin wars anon, I hope you’re having a good day 🫶
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carterthefrog · 4 months
Hi, I'm not sure if you're an expert on this or not but you replied to the funny Harry Potter vs. Percy Jackson post so I'm aiming it at you.
How do the Percy Jackson books hold up for adult readers? I know they were written as YA books but I've been interested in them and the whole "Percy helps his mom get rid of her abusive husband" thing has me intrigued.
hi! thank you so much for asking this! yeah, the percy jackson books are definitely written for a younger audience, and this is reflected in the humor and sometimes almost ridiculously fast pace, but if you're down with that then yes the series is definitely worth it from an adult perspective. a lot of the themes are about parent/child relationships, and i know that for me personally those hit hard no matter how old i get.
rereading them not as a kid anymore definitely makes you go from a "wow look cool people with swords fighting monsters" to "oh my god who let these children fight wars against gods without adult supervision" but honestly??? that perspective makes a lot of the themes even more potent. especially when the books really are about breaking cycles of cruelty and all that.
the series also centers around a neurodivergent mc, and this is handled incredibly well as the whole series was actually created for the author's son who was being bullied for his adhd and dyslexia at the time. more diversity among the main cast is definitely increased as the series progresses (especially in the subsequent follow up series, the heroes of olympus and the trials of apollo), but overall i just find percy jackson to be a very welcoming and comforting fictional universe.
anyways i went on for wayyyyy to long about this, but i hope i was able to answer your questions. happy reading!
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