#Festive Braided Pigtails
kidshairplay · 7 months
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daddydread · 2 months
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honeytama · 8 days
coming out as bisexual + pride fest headcanons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
noah sebastian/bad omens x gender neutral! reader
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a/n: *ty to @hedonists for the pic and @exitwoundsx & @somewhere-diamond for the ideas. also, if someone wants to write more on this please do. i'm gonna be feral all month long.
content: fluff and a lil bit of bi anxiety
coming out as bisexual
noah and yourself have been together for a few months
the beginning of your relationship felt like a honeymoon, but lately you’ve felt somewhat closed off and anxious
there was tension between you two up until having your first argument
the argument was about something silly, really, it could be fixed with just a bit more communication
but once you've made up, you take the chance of demonstrating your trust in him and your need to share your feelings by coming out to him, finally
“oh, you’re bi?,” his eyebrows raise. “is that why you’ve been acting weird? you wanted to tell me?” he smiles.
you confirm that’s why and tell him you didn’t want to hide that side of your life from him anymore. you felt better having opened up to him, but you didn't want him to think any differently of you.
“i understand. you're still, Y/N, to me..." he pauses. "um, what does being bi mean for you?” he asks, curious.
you explain what it means to you and explain that you still love him no matter your attraction to another gender.
“you love me, Y/N?” he smiles, wide. he looks like he’s won the lottery.
you say yes, begrudgingly. knowing he’ll tease you about it for the next week.
“i love you, too,” he takes his hand in yours. “thank you for telling me. i love everything about you, just so you know. your sexuality doesn't change who you are or how I feel about you. i'm proud of you for being honest with me, and for being true to yourself.”
a weight falls right off your shoulders and you finally feel like you can breathe.
"i'm here for you always."
going to pride fest with bad omens
with pride month coming around the corner, you get brave and ask your friends to come with you to pride fest in that city this weekend
of course, you say “if you don’t want to go, it’s totally okay” or “sorry, I’m just really excited.”
but noah assures you not to apologize. “yeah, that would be fun. we’d love to go with you. you’ll just have to show us the ropes,” you hear noah laugh over the phone.
june rolls around and you're at your place with your friends from bad omens getting ready to head out to the festival in the afternoon
folio brought his own kaleidoscope glasses and will choose to wear iridescent glitter on his shoulders and cheeks. he opts to apply it himself.
jolly decides he wants his hair in braids after hearing how hot it will be, so noah and you help him braid his hair into pigtails. he chooses from one of the pride tees you have in your closet. maybe "be gay, do crime"
nicky is super jealous of folio's glasses, but he distracts himself by letting you paint on his arms different pride flags. he makes a joke about him being the one being tattooed this time. his shirt says, "lesbians eat what?!"
noah really wants to go shirtless.
you don't allow him to, knowing he'll burn and regret it in the morning.
so he opts to wear a classic white tank. nicholas and you team up to give noah a glitter middle part in his hair.
the fest ends up being a blast and you feel so supported by your friends
they all follow around like ducks and ask you questions when they're curious
their favorite parts are the parade and the drag queen performances
you even had them stop at an atm before the fest to get some cash to tip the queens
AHHHH my heart
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alatusprinz · 1 year
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Matsuri - (Xiao x F!Reader x Scaramouche) - Modern!UniStudents!AU
word count : 5.4k
trigger warning: none except swearing. reader wears a dress and is referred to in feminine titles.
Proceed to masterlist - Matsuri .
Chapter 1 - Matsuri .
It had been exactly a year ago when you first met him. It was a breezy spring night, slightly chilly despite being late May. Hutao had claimed that her friend would be performing on a band night at your university’s clubs assembly, a mini-festival if you will. That being said, it wasn't a big event, so you felt that you could accompany her to listen to live music. 
You remembered arriving slightly late to the concert hall the bands were performing at, thanks to your professor deciding to extend the class time for another 10 minutes without realising the period was over. Stumbling over your feet almost as you hurriedly searched for your brunette friend, you found her high pigtails and signature hat peeking from behind in the middle row and you hastily made your way to the next seat while making sure not to block other students’ view as much as you could. 
Before you could say sorry for making her wait, the next band, the drummer twirling the drum sticks swiftly and setting the beginning of his band’s performance with 4 hits on the cymbal to set the rhythm. When the harmony of bass, electric guitar and every member’s heart poured from the stage to the listeners’ ears, your eyes widened in delight. Total of five members were playing an oh-so familiar song. Your eyes were drawn to the performers as your eyes fixated immediately on one member in particular. 
You simply couldn’t tear your eyes off of the pretty drummer at the back. He was dressed in all black, silver accessories glistening under the harsh stage lighting. He had a black mask on too, you could barely make out his features. Uncertain, but you could’ve sworn you saw a strike of dark green in his hair, dyed prominently and matching perfectly to his freestyle attire. 
The band was apparently known as “Breeze”, and they were currently performing that one song you assumed only you knew, the one you used to listen to religiously in sophomore year of your high school. The band performed with little to criticise, you pondered on how much practice it took to perfect the song. The intense, yet alluring voice of the braided vocalist, motions and precise strums of the guitarists, bassist who seemed to be grinning from one ear to another, and god the way the pretty drummer’s hair swayed along with his movements was effectively driving you insane. He swung the sticks with mastered motion, playing the drum with closed eyes and acute senses of musical perception. It looked so natural to him, you felt almost hypnotised. You barely had the sense to wonder how long he had been playing the drum to play with such professional aura. 
The longer you listened and looked at him, the more he took your breath away with his own beauty and his drumming skills. Hutao’s voice exclaiming how breathtaking the performance was slowly faded away the longer you stared at the drummer in the back- everything about him struck your interest. It was almost strange how pretty the drummer looked, despite his face being covered by a face mask. You'd go as far as to say he appeared like he owned this world then, simply dominating the stage with his performance. Your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest any given moment- you felt absolutely enamoured.
Hutao’s crimson eyes glanced in your direction with a raised eyebrow from your silence, wondering what’s got you so focused until she followed your gaze. Surely enough after a while she found the drummer you were staring at- who looked to be your type. 
“The drummer, is it?” She cooed with a teasing smirk, but you kept quiet again due to being preoccupied with the performance fully. 
To your dismay, the mystery of a drummer exited the stage after only two performances, switching to another member of their club as he disappeared behind the curtain. You felt your heart beat wildly in your chest- an uneasy feeling spreading from the moment he disappeared from your sight. Would you ever see him again? Would he perform again? Who even was he? Your mind raced with millions of questions.
Before you knew it, the band performances ended, and you headed home after saying your goodbyes to Hutao. Despite knowing nothing about neither his club nor the mysterious drummer himself, you felt an unexplainable bittersweet feeling swell in your chest- you felt the clawing urge to find him, try to get to know him at least. But he was nowhere to be seen after the event, silently hoping you might see him somewhere if you hung around the avenue for a while, you came to the unfortunate conclusion that his performance was done for the day and he had probably headed back already. 
With a sigh, you headed to the nearby bus station as a mocking thought entered your head- why were you so enamoured to begin with? He was virtually a stranger, were you really about to fall into the cringeworthy troupe of “love at first sight” or something of the sort? Heck, you tried your best to remind yourself that there was a high chance of never seeing him again, unless you made a move which you surely can’t. How could you anyway? Go up to his bandmate and ask for his information? You’d be damned, there was no way. 
As you found your way back home in the bus, you hastily grabbed your phone- suddenly a new idea struck you. Maybe even if he wouldn’t know it was you, the urge to express how amazing the pretty drummer looked on stage was too overwhelming to ignore. Hence, you logged into the anonymous platform of your college you almost never used before and typed away.
“ may. 6th – anonymous post. 
title: Breeze, first and second performance drummer!
content : watching Breeze band’s performance was a blast. the drummer was especially amazing! I wonder if he has a girlfriend… haha… unless? A joke, Anyways, Breeze is such a great band, you have a new fan!” 
You leaned your head against the window and spaced out, silently pondering which assignments you had to do once you went home. The reports on Tuesday class, the team project on Wednesday… Now that finals were about a month away, the professors seem to have an unsaid agreement on burying students with workload. 
Before you knew it you closed your eyes after confirming that your stop wasn’t yet near, settling on at least resting your eyes if not sleep for a few minutes. 
Amidst your attempt to ease your exhaustion, your phone flashed with a certain notification.
You have a new private message in response to your article “Breeze, first and second performance drummer”!
Anonymous: thanks…?
One year later - May. 
If someone had told you yesterday that you’d be forced to stand still in the burning afternoon sun and sit on the hard ground without anything to soften the surface tomorrow, you’d have probably rolled your eyes and possibly claimed it wasn’t a big deal. Well, what a turn of events. 
What kind of godforsaken college festival forced you to stand or sit on the ground for 2 hours prior and for another 5 for the actual performances itself with absolutely no seats? Neither the organisation committee nor Hutao, who suggested you went together in the first place, warned you to wear comfortable clothes to sit on the ground. Not to mention it wasn’t soft or grassy, it was mostly dried grass and dirt, hence how uncomfortable it was to sit on without a mat. To make matters worse, the short dried grass sticks to your clothes every time you get up, and the crisp soil would dirty your clothes completely. 
You silently cursed seeing that post yesterday online, claiming that people often wore pretty clothes to college festivals. The post claimed that it was a once in a while opportunity that allowed you to be well dressed because otherwise, everyone reached out for hoodies and sweatpants on normal campus days. It made you rummage through your wardrobe to bring out that one dress you bought months ago and never worn because you never had the occasion to, somewhat apprehensive of standing out too much while still wanting to fit in if people chose a flashier choice of outfits. It had taken you some degree of courage to wear it and leave the house, and of course you had to almost roll around in the dusty ground in that dress once you actually made it to the festival ground. Almost everyone was in comfy attire to begin with, you were the only one in a dress as far as you could see- let alone a shorter one that reached your mid-thighs. It was as if everyone was already notified of the fact that they would be sitting down on the ground, hence trousers coming in as a more ideal choice of clothing if you had only known before you came here. 
Oh well. No use dwelling over it now. 
“I didn’t think they wouldn’t have seats” Hutao hummed next to you, sitting down next to you. Although she also encouraged you to wear a dress today, you squinted when you saw she herself was in a sweatshirt and training trousers like everyone else. So much for “a flashy event”. 
“I didn’t think everyone would be dressed casually too.” You mumbled in complaint, the dress barely doing anything to cover your legs from the spiky grass under you. The more you tried to keep them from pressing into your skin, the more it seemed to leave ugly marks from the pressure. The weather was unforgiving too, the harsh sunlight pouring on you felt like pressing your body to an iron ore that had been exposed to hundreds of degrees in heat. 
“Do your legs hurt? It’s leaving quite the mark” Hutao asked, referring to the grass shaped print from the constant friction from below. 
“Doesn’t really hurt, it just looks ugly” You pulled your legs up, hugging them to your chest instead to keep them from pressing on further although it probably wouldn’t help the already formed shape. You carefully adjusted the skirt of your dress so you don’t unintentionally flash someone indecently. 
“I wish I brought the mat we use for picnics, this looks like it’ll go on forever” She chuckled awkwardly and adjusted her position similarly to yours. 
“Until the end of the festival, yes it seems so” You reluctantly agreed, wondering how long you could last like this. You were in the front row thanks to arriving earlier than most people and waiting for your entrance, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted to leave this instant and change into comfortable clothes. It wouldn’t take you more than an hour to go home and come back, and the festival wasn’t to begin for another hour and a half. But unfortunately, from the hundreds of students behind you and the festival committee repeatedly announcing that re-entry wouldn’t be permitted if you leave your own space, you found your actions restricted. Well, might as well suck it up until the end now that you were already in the best place to enjoy the performances. Or in other words, you had no choice to begin with. 
“Last year they had seats, why not-” Your eyes widened and your words were stuck in your throat when you felt pressure next to you, tugging you slightly to the left and the sensation of something hard bumped into your behind for a moment. After making sure that you weren’t imagining the weird tug, your head snapped to your side, surely seeing the culprit. Your eyes focused on the foot stepping on your dress and your brows furrowed in frustration, slight anger spread in your chest as you bit the inside of your cheek after seeing how the flowy fabric now had a nasty dusty print in the shape of his shoes. It wasn’t as if your dress skirt was spread out everywhere, it was just beside you because it wasn’t that long to begin with- and this guy just had to press his entire shoe print on it. 
With an upset frown, you raised your head to meet his gaze with a glare, finally taking in the sight of the guy who had nothing but the audacity. To make matters even more infuriating, your anger was doubled when he looked you straight in your eye, slowly shifted his gaze to realise how he stepped on your dress and just took his foot away to plop down next to you a tad too comfortably. He appeared to be friends with the other guy on his left, immediately engaging in a conversation while carelessly tossing his backpack in front of him, the bag knocking yours over. The worst part was how he didn’t even apologise or acknowledge your annoyance, in fact he didn’t even look in your direction again, shifting his position to blatantly press closer to you and practically invade your space even though it was clear he could’ve stayed at a comfortable space had he leaned back or got closer to his friend. 
You bit your lip in disbelief, then took a shallow breath to ignore his insufferable behaviour. He was even sitting on the hem of your dress he stepped on, making you passive-aggressively yank it from underneath him and wipe off the dust he oh-so-graciously imprinted on the fabric. And yet again, he paid absolutely no shred of attention to you as he absentmindedly scrolled over his phone and chatted with his friend. 
It wasn’t as though you could get angry at him, really. It was already cramped, the students were all sitting in somewhat-to-very close proximity, he had no other choice- you chanted in your mind to soothe your irritation and diverted your attention to Hutao instead. You almost rolled your eyes when she immediately leaned over to lie her head on your lap with a loud sigh, claiming how exhausted she was. It appeared that she didn’t even see your small “conflict” with the dark purple haired stranger next to you. 
Wait, purple? 
Come to think of it… You discreetly looked back at him again, noticing how his amethyst, almost plum-hued dark hair. Was it dyed? It looked majestic, his curious shade of forelocks. The blinding sunray radiated through his hair, illuminating the colour to appear softer violet in the light. You couldn’t exactly see his face or eyes clearly from the side and with him wearing a cap and a face mask on a boiling hot day, but god you’d be lying if he didn’t look pretty. 
Amidst your “discreet” staring, the stranger glanced in your direction and met your gaze. Okay, now this was something you didn’t intend for to happen. 
“Did nobody teach you that it’s rude to stare or are you just an airhead?” Your eyes widened slightly when he casually struck up a conversation like he already knew you, not to mention his sarcastic tone. His somewhat husky and smooth voice snapped you out of your senses, then you attempted to look away and perhaps apologise until you realised with a slow blink- you weren’t the asshole here, were you? With your brows furrowing and squinting slightly to express yourself, you scoffed softly and crossed your arms on your chest. 
“Do you take delight in leaving footprints over a woman’s dress?” If he was any bit startled by you firing back in the same provoking tone as he used, he didn’t show it one bit. Now that he was fully facing your direction, you had to hold your breath for a moment when your vision fixated on his bold indigo eyes that were a similar shade to his hair. You couldn’t see anything else of his face thanks to his mask, but you were sure you didn’t care enough anyways. His unfairly pretty eyes with a red eyeliner that feels like a statement or perhaps even a warning, and his upturned lashes that were probably longer than yours with mascara and lash curler combined stared into yours with absolutely no hint of emotion other than the slightest glint of amusement. 
“So I’m the bad guy because I ruined your oh-so-pretty dress. The dust disappeared when you wiped it off, what’s the big deal?” He had the audacity to yawn and stretch, yet again scooting closer to you until his knees were pressing against your legs. One second was all you needed to scan your surroundings briefly, surely enough nobody else was as closely leaning onto the person next to them so blatantly. 
“Normally, people tend to apologise for such behaviour” You didn’t even bother to hide your glare when he kept pressing your buttons more. A part of you was surprised Hutao didn’t step in, but judging from her amused gaze and observation you could see in your peripheral vision, you knew she had no intentions on disturbing her only source of entertainment as of now. 
“Oh I am terribly sorry my lady, please forgive this careless commoner for tarnishing your luxe dress” His entire face shifted into a dramatic feign of guilt, our so you’d assume from the artificial attempt at softening his eyes and brows being brought together with too much force. Not much of an emotion could be told when a mask is covering half his face, you thought to yourself. 
“Is that what you wanted to hear?” Your eye twitched subtly when he scooted in towards you yet again, now even going as far as to rest his chin on his hand, leaning in closer. Either he was doing it on purpose or he had seriously no consideration for your personal space, you noticed yet again that he was sitting on your dress. 
“It’s not what I wanted, it’s called manners and basic compensation for when you make a mistake.” This time you reached out and yanked the fabric back again, both in an attempt to pull your skirt back and hopefully put some distance between you two although it wasn’t looking hopeful at this point. 
“Compensation? Is that what you want from me, then?” He raised his brows in slight interest, his eyes shamelessly glancing down to your short dress and exposed legs thanks to the mini length of the dress. 
“I never said so, I just want some space if you will.” You reluctantly moved over to Hutao’s side slightly, not thrilled that you had to share some of your own space because he decided that he deserved to occupy half of your seat. He made no attempts to lean in close again to your relief, and you finally turned your gaze back to Hutao. 
Before you could say anything, she smirked amusedly and patted your shoulder. 
“Good job for standing your ground for once, my lady” You groaned softly when she teased you for the infuriating title he teased you with just now. 
“Don’t mention that again.” 
Surely enough, the festival started on time despite the painfully long wait. The first half were reserved for bands and singing performances while the last few ones would be dancing clubs. From the first few performances causing a positive reaction from the crowd, you finally felt that all the inconveniences were worth it in the end. Now that the time slowly flowed and it’s evening, at least the sunray stopped cascading all over you harshly. It was the most pleasant weather of the day in hot summer days, where the sun is setting gradually and the warm breeze adorned your hair. 
You decided it would probably be better to sit down while you could because you’d be inevitably standing up once the dance started. At least the vocal performances allowed you to relax for a while until you had to stand up amidst a sea of people for around 4 hours. Your feet were already aching from being here from 2pm to 5:30pm now when it finally started. 
Speaking of aching, your patience was also running thinner every second thanks to the infuriating man next to you who kept accidentally or maybe even purposefully bumping his shoulder to yours, constantly glancing at you shamelessly to observe your brows furrow in irritation. For the past hour or so you’ve been trying to find a way to put some space between you two, and yet this purple-headed menace decided that you were his entertainment for the entire duration of this festival. From what you could tell, he was barely even looking at the stage or performances, all he seemed to focus on was his phone once in a while and then his attention always diverted back to you before long. God knows why he was so insistent on pissing you off, you were half tempted to snap at him like he did with you before with no second thought, but you held back half by your patience and the way you knew that would possibly amuse him even further. Maybe if you ignored him for long enough he’d finally leave you alone. Hopefully. 
Another rap performance ended as the club members ended their song with a dramatic mic drop, making the crowd of students cheer loudly from the lively atmosphere they brought on. With a small smile you clapped, the energetic stage cheering you up a bit. Hutao cheered with a whistle, seemingly friends with one of the rappers as he waved at her with a small wink. You’d ask her later who he was, you mentally noted. 
Just as you tried to reach down to fix your bag on the ground seeing as it had dropped yet again, a particularly strong wind blew and you hurriedly held your skirt from flowing up. Hearing your small gasp, the purple-haired prick looked down at you and smirked amusedly yet again, meeting your gaze with absolutely no concealing his smug smile. 
“Having a little trouble, fair lady?” Never mind. Just how hard could it be for him to let you be? You mentally groaned at his snarky remark decorated with the irksome endearment, smoothly grasping the opportunity to ridicule you yet again almost as if he’d been waiting for a chance. Sitting down to fix your bag upwards, you got up and dusted your skirt while ignoring his words and instead fixating your gaze on the vocal performance instead. Just as you were finally appreciating the pretty voice of the singer on stage, another blast of wind made your skirt lift up even higher. This time even the infuriating stranger looked somewhat surprised by the strength of the breeze and looked around briefly (you’d assume to see if anyone saw your unfortunate fate to laugh along with him but you guess you’ll never know) and sighed under his breath. 
For possibly the fiftieth time today you adjusted your dress, pulling it down by the hem to cover your legs as much as you could. While silently cursing in your mind, just when your head hung low to check how it looked again, a heavy piece of fabric dropped on top of you. 
Immediately making you jerk up, your eyes widened in shock when something that resembled a kind of clothing completely draped over your face, obscuring your vision. You reached out to pull the fabric off of your head and held it in your hand. Surely enough it was a shirt now that you looked at it properly, a black cotton cloth material zip-up shirt. If you remembered correctly, the guy next to you was wearing this less than a minute ago.
As you stood motionlessly with a puzzled look, the guy next to you sighed loudly again, rubbing the back of his neck and he looked away. 
“Wrap them around your skimpy short dress or something, unless you want to give everyone here a show.” For a moment you thought you were hallucinating or hearing voices inside your head, there was absolutely no way he could be this thoughtful to you of all people. You slowly looked in his direction to find his face turned towards you again, above his black face mask you could see his indigo eyes boring into yours with a serious look. So he was being genuine, there was no hint of amusement or playing around from the way he stared at you. 
“...Are you just going to stare at me like that? Hurry up before the wind blows up again.” You had half the mind to murmur soft words of gratitude and wrapped the sleeves around your waist, securing it in place. Thanks to the oversized length and the fairly thick material keeping your flowy skirt in place, you wouldn’t have to worry about your dress flying up again. 
Now, you would be lying if you didn’t find his thoughtfulness touching, especially considering neither of you even knew each other’s names. Yet despite his uncharacteristically kind action, you still couldn’t help the suspicious gaze you discreetly threw in his direction, wondering what caused the sudden shift of heart. 
“Don’t give me that look, you asked me for compensation earlier and I provided you with what you asked. As simple as that.” From the way he never took his eyes off of you regardless whether you two were talking or not and from the way you seem unable to meet his gaze most of the time, you concluded either one or both of the following ideas would be true. One, he had an incredibly weighty gaze and therefore somehow made you nervous. Or two, you found it difficult to hold eye contact from the beginning. Anyhow, you didn’t have the liberties to think it over as you hurriedly looked back at the stage from the sudden turn of tension between the two of you. 
With an amused look and raising his brow, he put his hands in his pockets. Yet again he still kept his eyes on you shamelessly. From what you could tell, he could give no crap about being discreet. 
“You know, I’m starting to think you’re the one with a staring problem, not me.” You mumbled with a sigh, turning to look at him fully. 
“Something you want to say?” You could’ve sworn his face lit up in smug delight when you finally acknowledged his presence. Maybe this is what he’d been waiting for or he just absolutely adored seeing signs of  irritation on you. What a taste he had. 
“Why, is that how you talk to your saviour of the evening? I’d say I just helped out a damsel in distress, no?” Of course he felt the need to bring it up. 
“Like I said, I’m grateful. Thank you.” You repeated your words from earlier, rotating your wrists slightly to crack it, a habit you don’t even notice often now. 
Surely he did notice, adding onto your unfortunate streak of events in the span of just one evening. 
“Your wrists make quite the crack, you sure you’re not an elderly in exertion instead?” It was safe to say your eyes were permanently squinted in annoyance when his teasing continued. 
“Or the aged in agony? I’m unsure if you’re quite the damsel anymore.” 
“Oh shut it, bowlhead.” You sneered at him and rubbed your face in exasperation. Although it had barely been a few hours since you had the misfortune of being stuck next to him, you were positive you aged at least ten years thanks to this prick that had nothing better to do than distress you. 
“Virago.” Your eye twitched at his smug tone yet again. 
“You-” Without even realising when the two of you decided to have a battle on who knew the wider range of insults, it felt like it had been quite a time past when you two both quieted down when the singer’s performance ended. If you remembered correctly, she had been scheduled for 20 minutes onstage. Surely enough, it had been over 10 minutes since you wasted your time with him without even properly enjoying the show that the various club members probably spent months preparing for. And judging from the crowd cheering even louder than before, you had a hunch she did a splendid job performing. Too bad you had to miss it thanks to this gremlin next to you. 
“Scaramouche, do you know the girl next to you?” His friend on his other side called out, a white haired guy with a red streak atop his bangs peering over to you and smiling gently. So his name was Scaramouche. What in the Bohemian Rhapsody was that name? At least you were unsure but you could always ask him to do the fandango if he decides to bother you again. 
“I don’t know this-” Before Scaramouche could answer, his kind friend talked to you again with a polite wave and a small head-bow. 
“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Kazuha.” Despite his infuriating friend, Kazuha himself seemed very gentle hearted and dignified. Just from his soft smile, you found yourself curiously questioning just how such polar opposites came to be friends. 
“Hi, you can call me (Name). It’s nice to meet you too. This is Hutao, my friend.” You introduced your brunette companion next to you with a matching smile on both of your faces. Hutao made a peace sign and made small conversation with Kazuha while as expected, Scaramouche made no moves or word for self introduction. 
“What major are you in, Kazuha? What year?” Hutao’s cheerful voice rang out as she leaned over to talk to him. 
“Oh, I’m a third year in Nursing. How about you two?” You couldn’t help the pleasant surprise, yet you had a feeling he was an excellent fit for his major. If you were a patient and saw your nurse to be as kind and accommodating as Kazuha, it’d have definitely helped you feel at ease. 
“Oh, we’re in our junior year too! She majors in Psychology and I’m in Biotechnology, Food Science.” Hutao spoke over you, but you didn’t exactly mind from the way she looked happy to be making new friends. 
Neither you nor Hutao exactly felt bothered by the silence of “Scaramouche” despite the rest of you sharing a conversation, but Kazuha seemed to mind from the way he kept somewhat concernedly smiling at you two and softly nudging him with his elbow to which he blatantly ignored. For someone who looked like he couldn’t give less crap about the festival just a few minutes ago, he was focusing on watching the stage for once. You weren’t sure if he just loathed you or was unfriendly to strangers to begin with, but it was safe to say he didn’t bother you much anymore. 
“Come on Scara, you could at least introduce yourself.” Kazuha gently reminded him of the basic manner, making him begrudgingly look in your direction. You imagine you’d have been pissed if you were Hutao from the way “Scara” didn’t spare one second to look at her. 
“Scaramouche. Fourth year in Fine Arts.” That was all he said and looked back at the singers on stage, standing straight with his arms crossed over his chest. As another cool breeze blew, you suddenly felt concerned if Scaramouche was feeling cold. After all, since he gave his zip-up hoodie to you, he was now in a tight sleeveless top that showed off his slender arms. In truth you wanted to ask if he needed his shirt back, but the snarky remark bound to follow held you back as you were left stumbling over your words and quieting down.
In the corner of your eye, Kazuha seemed to notice Scaramouche’s bare arms at the same time as you did. He looked somewhat surprised to realise his friend’s shirt had mysteriously disappeared despite the slightly chilly weather until his scarlet eyes fixated on the shirt wrapped around your waist. 
If it were an animated show, you’d imagine a lightbulb would light up atop Kazuha’s head from the way his soft expression suddenly turned knowing with a slightly teasing smile. Your eyes widened at his misunderstanding, wondering just how you could explain this. 
“Moving on- it is our pleasure to introduce our next live music band, Breeze!” 
The announcement rang out through the open area full of students, the band name taking your breath away as your gaze found a familiar figure walk up to the stage.  
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soubi122 · 1 year
I recently read your ran X reader angst fanfic and I was mesmerized by the way you had heartbreak smut and emotion on such a fine line. (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)
I have been thinking about a teen Ran (w braids) X reader angst based on Constant Repeat by Charlie XCX. Along the lines of him being with the reader but not appreciating her fully.
So maybe one time after them getting it on in his room Y/N is met w Rin, Sanzu (or whoever you want that Ran gets on with) chilling in the living room and Ran gets too cocky/describing Y/N as no more as a side chick to him and she breaks it off with him as she is really hurt by him denying their blooming relationship. Ran after deflecting his emotions realizes that he is in love with the reader and tries to prove it to her but is he too late ?
Sorry if this is very long >< if you don't feel up to it no worries, take care of yourself and thank you for your writing! :D
Hello Love! I'm so sorry it look me long time to get this together. Hope you like it!
Warnings: No minors, minors DNI, smut, angst, Ran's had such an ego, did i miss anything?
A little too late.
Love wasn’t something that lingered too long on your mind but when you met him - it was a thing that was on constant repeat. 
You met Ran Haitani when he was out with his younger brother Rindou, both were just strutting around the streets of Roppongi as if they owned the place (if you only knew then what you knew now). What started as an innocent rivalry between two strangers at a festival - ended up with you dating the charismatic eldest Haitani. The festival you were attending was filled with all sorts of booths and games. A shooting gallery had a giant orange and white eel stuffed animal up for grabs, it made you want to win it and you were not going to let anyone stop you from taking it. You exclaimed loudly to your friends that you were aiming for that eel, unbeknown to you - you were on someone’s radar. 
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“(Y/N)! That thing is so ugly, you really want that?” Your friend exhales and droops her head, she knew you were going to win it. It was already embarrassing enough to say you wanted it, but to actually win it and carry it around with you - ugh she was not ready for that. “Alright little lady, if you can take out all 10 targets - you can choose any of the big stuffies.” The booth attendant said and handed you a BB rifle gun. You were testing your aiming and warming up. The first three shots missed and you realized that the barrel had a slight curve that was purposefully made to throw off your aiming. A snicker from next to you made you turn your head to see who was taunting you. Next to you was a tall male with black and blonde braided pigtails. He was handsome and made butterflies in your stomach. “Here you ya go, 10 shots and you get to pick any one of the big stuffies.” The attendant said and handed him a rifle. “Aniki (兄貴), you’re not seriously getting that ridiculous thing are you?” A second male said as he crossed his arms, he was shorter than the man next to you - he had mid length blonde hair and had both sides of his head shaved. Their eyes looked similar, could they be related?
Wait! What is he aiming for? You thought and turned to look at the man next to you. He was smirking at you and raised his eyebrows up to the stuffed eel. When you connected the two, your facial reaction was enough to make him laugh. You pouted and furrowed your eyebrows, it was game on. You hit 5 of 10, no prize for you. Hearing the BB gun go off next to you made you turn around, he wasn’t even leaning in like everyone else, his arm was extended with the rifle pointing at the targets. He had already knocked out 6 targets. You groaned and he gave you the coyest side eye. “Let’s go (Y/N). You lost…” Your friend said and was about to grab your wrist but you slammed some more money on the counter. “I’m not leaving without that eel.” You said and locked eyes with the tall man. “Oh no…” Your friend said and covered her face, she knew you were picking a fight with the man next to you. 
Getting in position, you bent over and leaned into the rifle - the curve of your ass made the male take a glance and he accidently fired off a round, missing the target completely. “Ran, you missed, you won’t get that stupid thing now.” The other male said and also took a peek at your position. So that was his name, Ran. Hmm…seems fitting for a pretty boy. Resetting the targets, the attendant took more cash from Ran, he was going to try again. Only this time, he got closer to you and your nose could pick up the scent of his cologne. After each shot, he inched closer and closer. 7 out 10, you were so close to getting that eel! Aiming for that 8th target, you were about to fire but Ran decided to ‘accidentally’ brush up against you, causing you to squeak and miss the target. “Oh come on!” You yelled and turned to look at him. “All is fair in love and war…” He said, his tone was deep and made goosebumps on your skin. He sounded much more attractive…wait what? What the hell did he just say? You ask yourself when you realized what he said. What the hell does this have to do with what he just said? Leave it to a Haitani to say something completely random, in their head it makes perfect sense.
When he adjusted his aim, you stretched your arms up and out, ‘accidently’ tugging his braid. It made his arm twitch and he missed his shot. He turned to look at you, “Now that’s playing dirty.” The smug grin you had on your face made him realize that you weren’t going to be a pushover. “I thought all was fair in love and war or whatever it is that you said?” You retorted and put your hands on your hips. “Fine…if I win - I’m taking that eel and you.” It was like a record scratch in a sitcom, what did he just say? “Me? Why me?” You question him as your face becomes dusted in pink.  “Does it matter?” He retorted and it made you furrow your eyebrows. That was rather rude, besides - you don’t even know each other. Sensing your resistance, Ran leaned in to whisper in your ear. “I wanna get to know ya…that and I like how feisty you are.” Your features softened and your eyes reflected innocence, something that he was not expecting. You thought he was going to say something about your body but he seemed genuinely interested in you, oh how he wooed you. Needless to say that you both were trying your hardest to win. 
The shooting gallery game ended up with you as the victor when the attendant announced a tie breaker. Both you and Ran had hit all 10 targets and the tiebreaker was who could hit the single target in the far back of the booth. You hit the target but fearing Ran will also hit the target you stood on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear that you wanted the eel as a body pillow - that you could only sleep with something between your legs at night. It caused him to miss, he almost ended up shooting the attendant. You cheered and jumped up and down as you were announced the victor. The way your chest bounced had both brothers and other males staring at you in awe. You looked like a child on Christmas when the attendant handed you the eel. The sweet smile on your face gave them butterflies. “So, how about I take you out to dinner? Can’t go home empty handed, right?” You say while smiling at Ran. He could have sworn he saw a halo above your head with all the lights in the background. 
Months were spent going on dates, doing things that seemed mundane any other time but seemed like a blessing with him and slowly tearing down walls that were almost impossible to climb. Though you weren't sure if Ran was serious, you held back sleeping with him until you thought you were ready. You were falling deeper and deeper into an abyss. Make out sessions ended with you fighting with yourself - Ran was getting close to having you surrender to him. His touch was like fire, he kept setting you off like napalm. There was a time when you were close to letting him strip you but a call interrupted the moment and he had to take his leave. Other times you were giving him quickies with your hands, the way he praised you as you stroked him almost made you take a taste. Dry humping and each other's hands weren't enough anymore, you wanted to feel him but when was the right moment to give in?
The little things that he would do for you, they were things that a boyfriend would do and you asked him out of the blue - his answer was enough to let your guard down. “You’re my girl, what else would you be?” He would say and lean in to kiss you and tell you sweet nothings. Telling you how you made him feel things that he’s never felt before, things that a special someone would make him feel - you were his and he was yours. Ran was in constant repeat on your mind - your feelings were blooming and it was driving you insane. How much longer could you last without telling him that you were falling in love with him? But was love something he believed in?
“Come here gorgeous…” Ran says as he extends his hand out to you, inviting you into his room. Rindou was at the gym with a friend and you both had the house all to yourselves. “I don't know Ran, Rindou might come back any minute…” You hesitated but still reached out to him. The smirk on his face as he pulled you in made you giggle - he always gave you that look before making you melt. 
The moment the door closed, he lifted you and you wrapped your legs around his waist. I think…this is it. You think to yourself and lean in to press delicate kisses on his lips. “Ran…” You whisper into the kiss and he hums in response. “I’m ready…” You say with a blushing face. His coy smirk made your heart skip a beat. He has patience and his patience is about to pay off. Slowly and gently, he lays you down on his bed and begins to trail kisses from your lips to your neck. His hands were roaming your body and tugging at the hem of shirt. Within minutes your clothes were scattered along his bedroom floor, seeing Ran’s body on full display made pools of honey between your legs. Those gorgeous tattoos that adorned the left side of his chest and back - they trailed from his collarbone down to his wrist and down his leg.
Both of you being bare was throwing your focus off. Ran’s eyes were scanning every inch of your body, savoring how your chest rose up and down, the quivering of your thighs and the glossy look in your eyes. Though he’s touched you before and you’ve explored each other's body - this was the first time going all the way with you. Finally, he was going to have a taste of heaven. 
Ran began to lower himself, trailing your body with gentle kisses, hungry hands roamed the valley of your chest. He could feel how your heart was pounding against your chest and the shakiness of your breath. Placing his mouth over your nipple, he began to flick his tongue over the hardened bud - the warm and cool sensations drew breathy moans from your lips. The moment he latched on, his right hand massaged the other mound - rolling and pinching the nub. He was being gentle, not wanting to look as if he was starved from human touch, he was taking his time to make your body feel things you’ve never felt before. “...so perfect.” He whispered against your skin and left light purple marks on the sensitive flesh. “Ran…” You whimpered into his touch, the throbbing of your core was becoming unbearable. Lithe hands reach for him and guide his hands south between your thighs. 
Long slender fingers glide between your folds, collecting the slick - making you bite your lip in anticipation. Ran slid two fingers in and smirked at how your walls contracted, he wondered if he’d even be able to fit himself inside you. “You’re so wet dollface…” His eyes look up at you, drinking in the blissed out expression and hazy scene had him also aching for attention. The way he curled his fingers as he slid in and out made you roll your hips into his touch. Your mind was muddled with desire that you couldn’t even think straight. Everywhere he touched it added more fuel to the fire. He was reaching deeper than your dainty hands could, how many times have you felt unsatisfied by being unable to reach that golden spot that made you see stars? He was determined to tease you, almost edging you for minutes on end. Every thrust of his fingers had your chest pounding and it could be heard from Ran’s position, you were so close - just a little more and you’d be seeing the white pearly gates. He slowed his pace and heard you whimper, “Getting close are we?” Your walls clenched around his finger in response to his question. 
He dipped down and nuzzled his face between your thighs making you squeak. Nibbling on your inner thighs he inched closer and closer to your dripping core. The warmth of his tongue licking your clit made your body twitch. It felt like you were gasping for air when he began to suck on your bundle of nerves. It was a deadly combination that had your hands gripping the back of his head and shifting your hips to get more friction. The fire in your belly was spreading and fast. Ran's left hand reached up to graze your lips, gently sticking two fingers in your mouth. The reaction was immediate, your tongue wrapped itself around the digits - sucking and moaning as he reached deep inside you. “I need you (Y/N)...” The longing and sweetness in Ran's voice made something snap inside you, you didn’t know what to hold on to. Heavily panting and gripping the bed sheets, your body was burning and the unmistakable sensation running down your spine - your essence coated his tongue and fingers. Repeating his name over and over again as your high reached its peak - he couldn’t help but rut his hips into the mattress. 
Lapping every drop, he felt as if he was intoxicated - you were already alluring but your core was bewitching him. He was almost sure that if you were to ask him to kill for you, he'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant he could dive back into your honeypot. Ran barely gave you a moment to catch your breath, he hovered over you and crashed his lips onto yours. He wanted you to taste yourself, for you to feel what he felt - he wanted more. Your tongues danced, with Ran taking the lead he guided your arms and made you wrap them around his neck. It was in preparation for his next move. Being perfectly positioned between your thighs, he prodded his tip in your core and made you gasp - he did not break the kiss. Your body was writhing underneath him as his cock bullied its way in. The deeper he went the more you were struggling to breathe. 
Finally, when he bottomed out he let you suck air back into your lungs. Both of you were panting, sweating and on the verge of drowning in pleasure. “I-fuck-it hurts.” You say with a hint of pain on your tongue. Ran was struggling to move, as much as he wanted to reel his hips back and fuck you - he didn't want to hurt you. “Is this your first time?” He asks while placing gentle kisses on your lips and cheek to try and sooth you. You shake your head no, it's not your first time but he made it feel like it was. “Breathe baby… focus on my voice.” His low and husky tone was calming your nerves as he did slow and shallow thrusts. To feel this full was a first - not even your personal toys could compare to him. You could feel every throb, every vein and your walls clenched around him. Ran was splitting you in half. 
The pressure between your thighs was immense but his gentle peace was slowly bringing back the pleasure. “Ngh…I'm-oh God!” You couldn't even finish your sentence, his tip was kissing your cervix and making you dizzy. The sparks were beginning to fly. Each time he would pull out, he would reel his hips farther back and thrust back in quicker. He was making your eyes roll back into your skull. Stuttering and panting you spoke, “R-Ran, please…m-more! I want more!” Your request made him smirk and sit up on his knees. The magic words he wanted to hear rang in his ears. 
He slung your legs over his shoulder and leaned in, shifting his weight to his knees then began to thrust harder and faster. Your whole body was quivering with the amount of pressure on your hips and core. The coil was winding again, it was like he was shooting electricity into your veins. Ran repeatedly slammed his hips into you making you moan loudly and cry out his name. To share this with anyone else felt wrong but with him everything felt so right. This moment meant everything to you. A numbing sensation began to creep up your spine and made your toes curl. His husky and low moans were like music to your ears and bringing you closer to the edge. “You feel so good.” Praising you like this made the butterflies in your stomach run rampant. “Fuck, (Y/N). You're gonna make me lose it if you keep clenching like that.” Ran stuttered and picked up his pace. His coil was close to snapping, just the sight of you in this position was enough to throw him over the edge. He's waited for so long to be able to sink into you. Those breathy moans and cries of his name - no one came close to how you made him feel. It was heaven, you were heaven to him.
The unmistakable sensation clawing up your spine had you babbling incoherently signaling your release. Your vision went white as your velvet walls clenched around him, coating his length with your juices and throwing him over the edge. His pace became sloppy as his hips kept snapping against you, almost bruising you. Ran's husky moans get louder as he fills you to the brim. You could feel how he throbbed with each spurt of white ropes that coated your walls. Both of you were left heaving and desperate for air. He rolled over and reached for some clean up items. This man really gave you every last drop of cum and you took it all. “I need to close my eyes for a bit…don’t mind me.” You say while grinning from ear to ear, he drained every ounce of energy you had in just one round. He smirked and placed a kiss on your forehead. “This is the first time I’ve been drained after…you know…” You say softly and bury your face into his chest. “After what? Making love?” You giggled softly and nodded, he said love making - so this was more than just sex. The sound of his heart beating had you falling deeper and deeper into a blissful sleep. Within a matter of minutes Ran drifted with you.
After about 30 minutes, Rindou came home but he wasn’t alone. The apartment was extremely quiet, a little too quiet for his liking. “Your brother is probably sleeping, leave him be or else he might just kick us out in only our underwear.” The person with him said. The other male was tall and had a scar running from the back right side of head crossing his left eye. He was not only gym buddies with Rindou but also a close friend to Ran. Both of them sat in the living room just relaxing, planning their next gym meet and other business involving Tenjiku. A few minutes passed by and the sound of Ran’s bedroom door opening made them turn their heads in fear. Oh no, were they too loud? Was Ran going to be in a bad mood? Was Rindou going to have to hide in the bathroom again?
Ran emerged from his bedroom, he was smirking and slowly walking to the living room where the other two were. “You’re in a good mood.” Rindou said as he prepared to get chewed out by a sleep deprived Ran. But the older Haitani just shook his head and lazily plopped down on the couch. “You’re kind of scaring me…” Rindou said, but Ran just kept that smirk plastered on his face. “Kakucho, I think there is something wrong with Ran.” Kakucho, the male with the scars, only chuckled when he caught a glimpse of your figure while sleeping in Ran’s bed. The door was open enough for him to see into the room, Rindou leaned over and saw you in bed. “You finally got laid?” Rindou asked as he looked at Ran. Ran has been talking about it non stop, he was waiting for you to give in - to let him have a taste of heaven but you were always a little defensive about it or the timing wasn’t right. Seeing him settle was a win for the younger Haitani. 
The sound of people chattering woke you from your slumber, turning over to see an empty bed, your eyes darted towards the open door. You quietly shift off the bed, wrapping the sheets around yourself and walking closer to the doorway. You wanted to pop your head out the door but the conversation they were having made you freeze in place. “So it’s official then? She’s your girlfriend?” Rindou asked with a shit eating grin, it wasn’t like Ran to be patient with women nor to even chase after one for so long. You could feel the blush creep up your face and your ears felt hot. Of course, it was kind of a given that you two were an item or a couple. He would call you his girl, his babe - his. Hearing Ran affirm it would make you feel gleeful. “Heh…now why would you say such a stupid thing?” For a minute you weren’t sure who was speaking, but that tone of voice - it was Ran. His inflated ego was beyond understanding. “Wait, she’s not?” Kakucho asked, the concept of a relationship was new to him and he’s never really found someone who was interested in him nor someone that he was interested in. 
“She is, there’s no way you too aren’t a couple.” Rindou said but Ran continued his cocky rant of how you were nothing more than just a friend with benefits. “It took me a while but I was finally able to fuck her - she was tight like a virigin.” Ran snickered and clicked his tongue. “I’m sure she’ll get clingy after today. She won’t be able to leave me, side chicks are always like that, they play hard to get but then you fuck ‘em and now they love you.” Your vision became blurry, the bile was in the back of your throat and ready to come out. How could he say such a thing? Were you only just a play thing to him? His end game was to get you in bed? No, he has to be joking. Your thoughts try to convince you, but the next words that flew out his mouth made you almost drop to your knees. “You guys are more than welcome to have a taste, I’ve had my fill.” This whole time you were being lied to. He was being kind and loving so that he could get you between the sheets. He was really no different from other scumbags who tried to get you before.
Quietly, you began to get dressed and wiped the tears that fell from your lashes. It was like putting salt on an open wound, the shame that had you feeling like a total fool for falling for him. The whole time he continued his banter, the other two males were trying to get him to admit that it was bullshit, there was no way Ran didn’t have feelings for you. Both Kakucho and Rindou’s faces went pale when they looked behind Ran. “Aniki-” Rindou spoke but was cut off by Ran. “Like I said, she’s just a friend with benefits. Time to look for some new pussy.” His tone was completely carefree. “ANIKI!” Rindou yelled but it was too late, you heard everything and were now behind Ran. “Would you shut the fuck up? You’re going to wake her up.” Ran said but when he noticed the shadow behind him, he felt his stomach drop. How much did you hear? “Baby-” He began but was cut off by a slap to the face. “Fuck you Haitani…” You spat and headed towards the door, not even bothering to look behind you as the three men sat in horror at what just happened. The sound of the door slamming made the walls shake, the force was enough to knock a frame off the wall. “You never learn do you?” Kakucho said, he’s seen this play out before with Izana. Only Izana really means what he says and is clear with the girls he sleeps with. But Ran always digs himself too deep and ends up getting slapped in the face when he can’t dig himself out.
It felt like you couldn’t walk fast enough out of his apartment. Tears were now free falling, completely blinding you and making it difficult to even know where you were going. People were staring at you as you walked right past them in complete shambles. It was painfully obvious to people that you just got your heart broken and judging by the direction you were coming from - they knew that it had something to do with the kings of Roppongi. The sound of your phone ringing made you pause to take a look at who was calling. It was Rindou, fucking Rindou and not Ran. You declined his call and continued walking, at this point you just wanted to get as far away as possible from his apartment. The ache in your chest was making it hard to breathe. How could he be such an arrogant asshole? Even after making love to you? Wait…did he even really consider it making love or was he just saying things to make himself sound better?
Your blurred vision made you accidentally bump into a group of men, they looked rowdy and annoyed. “Oi! Sweetheart, watch where the fuck your goin’!” One of them screamed in your face, making you flinch. “I’m sorry, please excuse me.” You said and bowed to apologize. But these assholes were looking for more than an apology, one of them gripped your chin and made you face him. His breath reeked of cigarettes and alcohol, it was making you nauseous - he was like a walking ashtray. “Let go of me!” You yelled, clawing at his face to try and free yourself from his grip. 
“Fucking bitch!” The man said and was about to strike you, making you clench your eyes shut but all of a sudden he was face first into the concrete. The sound of rushing footsteps and thuds made you stumble back to the floor. By the time you realized what happened, the group of men were out cold and kissing the concrete. “Are you alright?” The gentle voice of a man from behind you said. You turned around and saw the male reaching out to give you a hand. He had lilac hair and gorgeous lilac eyes - he was handsome too. Reaching out to take his hand, you got on your feet and thanked him. If he wasn’t there, who knows what would have happened to you. “Did they hurt you?” He asked and reached to cup your face, your eyes were swollen from crying and it looked like you had bruises on your chest and neck. “I’m fine, thank you.” You said and tried hard not to stare too long at his eyes. “Oi! Mitsuya, what the hell happened here?” Someone else called out from a distance. Looking behind him, you saw a tall male with blonde hair and a dragon tattoo on his temple. 
“Some guys were messing with this chick and I took care of them.” Mitsuya responded with a cheeky grin. “Hey, let us walk you home - I don’t want these assholes following you.” He said and headed towards the taller male. “Draken, mind if we walk her home?” He says and the other male in the distance shrugged and sighed. Looks like this wasn’t the first time this has happened. “Oh, you don’t have to take me home - please you’ve done enough.” You say and begin to follow him. “Nah, it’s ok. We don’t mind.” His smile was sincere and warm. 
On the way, they asked a few questions here and there making sure you were ok. You answered truthfully as you had no one else to lean on at the time. As someone who lives with nothing but women, Draken understood the situation and he knew exactly what to say to try and cheer you up. “Well, it’s his loss - I’m sure he’ll end up regretting it.” Mitsuya said. It was an odd sensation, somehow these two complete strangers became instant friends - funny how strangers often provide you comfort better than your closest friends. They let you yell and scream all you wanted - you couldn’t even be bothered with shedding tears again. “After this I don’t think I have it in me to date again. I should just become a Hermit.” You said with a giggle. Both men smiled at you and laughed with you. “Well, if you need a shoulder to lean on or if you wanna blow off some steam - we’re just a call away.” 
*a few days later*
“Are you sure it was ok to let her walk out like that?” Rindou asked his brother as he was getting ready to head out to the gym. “Look, I know you two really liked each other. For fuck sake Ran - you looked happy.” The younger Haitani was trying to get Ran to apologize to you but he was failing each and every single time. Ran was stubborn and had a massive ego, he wasn’t going to chase skirts after he was done taking them off. “Would you get off my back already?” Ran spat and threw the nearest object at Rindou as he was leaving. That was enough for Rindou to stop bothering Ran. Alone with his thoughts he couldn’t get the image of your broken face out of his head. Your eyes were red and glossy, and yet you had no tears rolling down your face. You didn’t cry for him, you didn’t beg him nor stay. Each time his phone rings or gets a notification, his heart skips a beat - is it you? Are you going to chew him out or keep giving him the cold shoulder? 
Mindlessly scrolling through his phone, he opened his messages and saw your name. As much as he didn’t want to he ended up tapping on your name - all the messages loaded. He was reading through each and every single conversation you had with him. 
(Y/N) on Mon 24 2023 - 10:00 a.m.
I am happy just thinking about you. Ran, I can’t wait to see you tonight.
End Message
(Y/N) on Mon 24 2023 - 10:45 a.m.
Thinking of picking up some desserts before I head over. You want your favorite? 🙂
End Message
(Y/N) on Mon 24 2023 - 7:28 p.m.
Ran, I got the two last montblanc for you! I almost had to box a bitch for them! 😤
End Message
(Y/N) on Tue 25 2023 - 2:02 a.m.
I can’t stop thinking about tonight. I don’t know if I will be able to hold back next time. You touch me and my mind goes blank… Fuck, Ran you’re bad for my health. lol ☠️
End Message
Each message you’d send him would always make him smile. Even when he was having a really shitty day, the anticipation of receiving a message from you was always there. Whatever, she’ll come back eventually. He thinks to himself as he continues to read through his messages. With each passing minute, he was getting impatient - why, who knows? He was bored, the apartment was too quiet and his phone was pretty much dead. A few hours had gone by and Rindou came back from the gym with Kakucho. They brought two girls with them, it looks like they were also gym buddies. “Aniki, we’re gonna order some food. Is there anything you want to eat?” Rindou asked as he looked over at Ran. He shrugged his shoulders and said whatever is fine with him. As their guests were talking, giggling and laughing - Ran was getting annoyed. These girls were annoying him, they sounded like airheads and attention seekers. Throughout their meal the girls kept making comments that would try to work in their favor. They were trying to get Kakucho and Rindou to compliment them. It was driving Ran up the wall. Thinking back on it, you weren’t like that, you never once asked Ran to compliment you or ask him to tell you sweet things that you wanted to hear. If anything you were always the one to compliment him, your honeyed tone and words were always music to his ears. He was the one being praised for once. In addition, you always had confidence in your looks - never did too much and always did things for him because you wanted to. His thoughts were reminiscing and he was trying not to get dragged into the pointless conversation.
“So, what’s your type, handsome?” One of them asked Ran, interrupting his train of thought. He chuckled. “I like women who aren’t self centered and who don’t seek attention.” His tone was cold and he clicked his tongue. “You see, all these stupid ass comments you’re making - you’re fishing for compliments. Are you really that insecure?” The silence in the room was deafening. It was awkward, he was annoyed with girls who he’s used to being around with. “You probably regret getting implants and that’s why you keep fishing for compliments on your tits to make yourself feel better about your mistake.” Oh no - he’s getting personal. Usually he’d play along and would butter them up, telling them the things they’d want to hear. However, he found it vexing and he wanted nothing more than these girls to leave his apartment. “What a jerk!” One of the girls scoffs, they both get up to leave even though Rindou and Kakucho were trying to apologize to make them stay. But Ran’s rudeness was more than enough to not make them turn back. “What the fuck was that?” Kakucho asks as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He didn’t expect Ran to cockblock them.
Ran simply retreated into his room and laid in bed. What the fuck did he do? This wasn’t like him. He shouldn’t be hung up over you. He shouldn’t be thinking about you at all. “(Y/N), what did you do to me?” He mumbles under his breath and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep. 
Over the next few days he realized his feeling of frustration was due to not having you around. You were always there to help him relax, to help him take his mind off things and of course you were always giving him your love and attention. At first it was only about sex, he was waiting to get you between the sheets but with how you took care of yourself and how you made him wait - he was no longer interested in that. Sex was now just a bonus, the real prize was you and your affection. Was his ego worth more than your love? He was still too stubborn to try and call you or visit you at home. Would you even answer the phone or open the door for him? It was a risk he had to take, he wanted you back - he needed you. He wanted to at least apologize for saying those things to you. 
The upcoming weeks were a drag to him, he wanted to ‘casually’ run into you to have an excuse to talk to you. He didn’t have the guts to call you. But each time he went out to the places you’d most likely be at, you were nowhere to be found. Your friends even gave him the cold shoulder and refused to give him any information about you. You must have told them what happened and of course, like true friends they backed you up and told Ran to fuck off. “Aniki, you fucked up - you really think she’s going to forgive you? You didn’t even bother chasing after her.” Rindou said as he patted Ran on the back. He’s never seen Ran like this before. Usually, he could care less or would already have another piece of ass on his lap but he wasn’t chasing skirts. Another festival is coming up soon, he will try to look for you there. He was going to give one last ditch effort to run into you before he completely caves and calls you.
*day of the festival*
Ran was left alone to wander the festival as Rindou had a date already and didn’t want his older brother to be a third wheel. He was passing through the booths that had stuffies up for grabs, there was no way you’d pass up another chance to win one. He was too distracted to notice that various women were trying to get his attention but he was not biting. “All right little lady, you get three chances. Knock down the target and the stuffy is yours.” The voice of one of the attendants said and it made Ran turn around. It was a pitching booth, the game was to knock down the one target with one of the three baseballs given to you by the attendant. He was not prepared for the sight in front of him. You were standing there with a smile on your face and were winding up your pitch. Getting ready to approach you, Ran took a step forward but stopped when he realized that you weren’t alone, the other guys with you were from Toman. However, when he realized who was standing next to you, it made his blood boil. It was none other than Mitsuya Takashi. They had some history, Mitsuya used to look up to the Haitani Brother when he was younger but when he got involved with Toman - they remained nothing but somewhat acquaintances. “(Y/N), holy shit! You got quite the pitch!” Mitsuya said and ruffled your hair. Seeing someone else put their hands on you, it set Ran off, but it was best not to confront you now - he wanted to get you alone.
A few hours later you were dropped off at home by Mitsuya. He was such a good friend, your feelings were platonic and he understood that. The worry stemmed from being an older brother to two little ones and also being kind of an older brother to the two Shiba siblings. Giving him one last look before you walked inside your apartment building, he waved goodbye and headed out on his bike.
Heading up the stairs, you made it to the 4th floor but the moment you turned the corner - there he was. Ran was sitting on the floor waiting for you at your door. When he noticed you, he got on his feet and looked you in the eye. “(Y/N)...” His tone was low, almost a whisper, you felt your stomach drop. To see him here, it completely threw you off balance - why was he here? “What are you doing here?” You asked a little hesitant to come closer. The feelings of shame and anger began to bubble inside you. After weeks of being alone and away from him, you couldn’t stand to see him, you hated him. “Can we talk?” He asked standing still, afraid to make the slightest move that might make you run away. "I heard enough that day." Your response was immediate, not even giving a second thought to his request. Biting the inside of his cheek, he held back the urge to spit the venom out of his mouth. "Just give me 10 minutes, please." His tone was sincere, it made your chest hurt and a knot formed in your throat. You were done going into things blindly with Ran, your eyes were wide open and the path with him was dark. Despite your reservations with him, he knew - he knew you were giving him your heart and he crushed it. 
Taking a step forward, he reached his hand out to you and waited for you to take it. Ran wasn't used to being in this position, he was always on the other end and never did take anyone's hand. For the second time he's reaching for your hand. Will you give in? Being reminded of the day you gave him your love was painful. The bitter taste of his kisses lingered on your tongue and you wanted to spit him out. He set fire to the rope that connected your heart to him, all you had left were ashes and pain. 
"There is nothing to discuss - you made it clear and I just don't have a heart to give you anymore. Goodbye Ran." You say and walk past him to get into your apartment. You didn't look back and closed the door, leaving him abandoned in the hallway. Ran Haitani lost his resolve, your eyes were empty - he drained the love out of you and it showed. It was cold, you were cold and he wasn't used to seeing you like this. The warmth that you gave, the same warmth that he felt in chest when thinking about you was gone. The flicker of hope he had was gone. For the first time Ran felt heartbreak.
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chososbabymama · 11 months
shybassist!choso x blk reader; MDNI!!
[CW// referenced child abuse, swearing, implied NSFW]
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gege been deprivin us of choso content so i made my own !
this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i want it gONE
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ShyBassistChoso who first sees you at a gig his band played at. it was at a local festival and your best friend was a huge fan of them and their lead singer, satoru. as soon as you had seen choso, something about him... intrigued you. the domineering energy that stemmed from his appearance was a complete opposite of his actions. as he fiddled with his base, it was almost as if he was trying to make himself smaller. you started to look a little harder at him. the way the cutoff t-shirt hugged his frame in a way that left you wondering what it looked like off. the way the dark material of the cargo pants made his legs seem miles long. but what mad you coo internally were the cute little twin pigtails that sat neatly atop his head. everything about the bass player made you want to know more. shoulders hunched in concentration, you couldn't help but peer even closer at him from your spot as he tuned and plucked the stings with an arousing expertise. as if he could feel your lustfully curious gaze, the man lifted his head and scanned the crowd before meeting your gaze. his dark orbs widened in surprise at your intensity. you've never been subtle about the things you want... and you thought it best to make that known. so you wriggle manicured fingers in his direction and flash a wide grin in hopes he'd respond. as soon as the man realized your attention was TRULY on him, his whole face flushed into the prettiest shade of pink you had ever seen before he looked back down as his bass and started to fiddle with it.. it was then you knew, you HAD to have him.
ShyBassistChoso who felt the heat of your gaze on him throughout the WHOLE set. at first he thought it was the heat from the stage lights, but as he continuously locked eyes with you between songs, the burning sensation in his ears hadnt gone away. you made choso nervous, and that fuckin terrified him. the last person he'd chosen to get romantically involved with had done great harm to him and his family (something choso didn't take lightly at all). so when you and your friend had gotten backstage passes to meet the band, his anxiety was through the roof. now that you were in their dressing room he had a better view of you and god you were just so fuckin pretty. the long floral skirt your wore had slipped down your waist a bit from all the movement in the crowd, revealing a sliver of your tummy. your two-toned black and red lips were coated in a generous amount of gloss. i wonder if she tastes sweet... choso swallowed hard, hands twitching with a fierce desire to touch. by the time you had introduced yourself to the other 4 choso had calmed down enough to stop his hands from sweating, but fuck his ears were still so red... you had stood in front of him with a warm smile on your face before sticking a hand out for him to shake.
'hi, im y/n. i really liked your set earlier! best show i've been to in a while.'
choso had quickly wiped his hand on his pants again for quick measure before grabbing yours. the soft pads of your fingers were a comforting contrast to his calloused palms, run down from years of practice.
'h-hi. im choso, i play bass... i really a-appreciate you coming, it means a lot to me- us! i mean us...'
choso once again felt his body grow warm as you threw back your head and let out a surprised laugh. your smile had gotten even wider as you stared at him with interested eyes.
'im glad i could make it then, i love supporting local artists. my best friend has a thing for gojo... as you can see'
you had pointed to the side where your friend was sitting next to gojo, LITERALLY twirling her braids as he spoke lowly in her ear. you roll your eyes fondly before turning back to choso, seeing him flicker his gaze up and down at you made your head tilt in confusion. what's he doing... his pigtails shook as he coughed nervously and reached to scratch the back of his neck.
's-so who are you... into... in the band?' he managed to make eye contact with you for all of 2 seconds before he shyly avoided your shocked gaze.
as you processed his words you took a mental assessment of the man in front of you. you could see this embarrassment had spread all the way to the back of his neck. from what you could tell during his time on stage, choso is a man filled with passion. seeing the way his eyes lit up during solos and accompaniments from his fellow bandmates was exhilarating. the way he expertly strummed his bass, it was almost as easy as breathing for him. he may not have been the lead singer, but choso dominated the stage in a way that made you wanna serve the pussy on a platter al dente.
ShyBassistChoso who as soon as the set was over, became... so fuckin soft? not in a toxic-masculinity kinda way! but in a overwhelming way that made you wanna scream and punch a wall. when the group began unpackin on stage, the crowd saw a small blur of pink hair zip through and fling itself on the platform.
'BIG BROTHER THAT WAS SO COOL!!!' you and everyone else in the building watched as choso easily slung his bass behind his back before opening his arms; catching a little boy with pink hair, wild eyes, and the cutest smile on his face.
everyone audibly coo'd at the sweet display, watching the little guy wrap his arms around his brothers neck and nuzzle into him. the look that choso gave his little brother was a sight to see. eyes once filled with adrenaline held nothing but fondness for the pinkette in his arms. cocky smirk falling into a small gentle smile, booming vocals being replaced with a deep gentle tone filled with love. choso was responding to his brother with matched enthusiasm, ruffling his hair before putting him on his shoulders and continuing to unpack while entertaining the little guy. it was something that filled your chest with warmth, watching the way choso handled the boy was enough to want to know more.
he's a family man... i could provide....
even now as you maintained conversation with choso, you could tell he was still keeping a watchful eye of his little brother bouncing around the room. is wasn't long before he made his way back to his brother, climbing and getting comfortable on choso's lap. he looked toward you with wide eyes, looking at you with a sense of wonder you only see in children. he quickly fixed a bright smile on his face and stuck out a hand.
"hi! im yuuji, choso's my big brother! you're really pretty, are you a gift from god?" the way he was completely serious...
you had covered your mouth to conceal your amusement, but choso could see your wide smile no matter how much you tried to hide it.
"no sweetheart i'm sorry, im not. why would you think that?" you giggled, yuuji really was adorable. you bent down to meet his gaze and tilt your head in fond confusion.
he raised his finger up and spoke with childlike authority,
"well uncle 'toru said that pretty people like him 'could only be a gift from god' so i thought you must be like uncle!" your head jerks back in surprise and you laugh as choso whips his head to glare at his bandmate (satoru was pointedly ignoring choso and he continued to speak casually with your friend... is he starting to sweat..?).
"i-i'm so sorry... sometimes i'm not there to monitor what they say around him. they love him no doubt... but gojo is the most unserious person i've ever met, so i can't say im surprised honestly."
choso had begun to laugh with you and yuuji had decided to entertain himself by playing with some drumsticks he picked up. as you watched choso reposition his brother to make sure he was secure you decided to answer his question.
"well... to answer your question-" choso's head snapped up quickly and he gazed at you eagerly... how cute.
"-im into this one guy in your band. tall... dark hair... really good with music..." choso slumped slightly, thinking you were referring to suguru, the drummer. untill he heard you continue,
"he also has the coolest tattoo across his nose and the sweetest little brother who called me a 'gift from god', i was actually thinkin about askin for his number, you think i have a shot?"
ShyBassistChoso who had once again flushed, but this time he was not nearly as nervous. he'd always been someone who valued his family more than anything, found included. his ex-partners had never completely understood that about him. and poor yuuji would try his best to get along with those people, but children aren't stupid. they know when they're not wanted. choso's last boyfriend had been particularly nasty, saying terrible things to yuuji and even going so far as to threaten him with physical violence in order to damage their relationship. after that, yuuji had changed. he was withdrawn and would hold himself back, not wanting get in the way of his brothers happiness. it came to a head when choso came home early to see his ex push yuuji to the ground, he'd raised his hand the smack the boy too but by then choso had flown forward and beat the shit out of the man. his ex tried to excuse his shitty behavior, citing several times that yuuji was a bother but choso wasn't having it. told the bastard to get out of his house and never come back (choso had taken all his ex's stuff out the apartment and burned it in a fire before sending him a picture of it an blocking his number, but not before taking the bastard to court and pressing charges).
ShyBassistChoso who watched you ruffle yuuji's hair (with his permission of course) with the softest smile on your face. you were usually awkward with kids, but yuuji was easy to talk to. seeing you with him made him feel...warm.
after all, he IS a family man....
maybe it was too early to say, but something about the way that you handled yuuji made him soft in ways he couldn't really explain. maybe things with you could be good. better, even. ever since that last bastard choso has done everything he could to make sure yuuji knew that nothing was more important than him... but maybe there was room for one more? choso closed that part of himself off a while ago, but meeting you has given him a small sense of...hope? yuuji had begun to play an interesting game of patty-cake (that he totally didn't just make up) with you, and you were gladly entertaining him.
ShyBassistChoso looked towards you and decided that he was done shying away from new possibilities. he smiled in your direction,
"yeah.. i think you have a real good shot."
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Helen's Uni Diary: Year Two
September - Back to Basics
Spill the beans, diary! Nikki and I plotted a full-fledged age regression for Jasmine. Imagined her as a teen, then slowly… even younger. September was teen vibes. Shopping spree for cute school-like outfits - think tartan skirts, knee-high socks, and adorable blouses.
October - Autumn Antics
October's treat? The age play went deeper. Got Jasmine hooked to cartoons and sleepovers. Nikki even did these hilariously juvenile braids! Picture this: Jasmine, in pigtails, clutching a teddy, having a Saturday cartoon binge.
November - Frosty Frolics
Snowy days are for young fun, right? Slid down the age slope further with Jasmine building her first snowman. In a kiddish red coat, mittens, and a beanie, she looked straight out of a children’s winter book.
December - Christmas Craziness
December had to be special. Painted Jasmine as a giddy child awaiting Santa. Her in fuzzy pajamas, leaving milk and cookies, and sleeping under the Christmas tree? Priceless!
January - Playtime Ploys
New year, new plot! Nikki and I pushed Jasmine into more childlike fun. Jump ropes, hopscotch, and dolls. Watching her jump in a poofy jumper with ankle socks and Velcro shoes? A trip down memory lane!
February - Valentine’s Ventures
Went all cupid-crazy for Jasmine! Arranged a kiddie Valentine's party. Picture a room full of hearts, giggles, and kiddish games. Jasmine, in a pink ruffled dress, was the centre of all mushy mischief.
March - Dressy Delights
Alright, diary, March was BIG! Sent Jasmine off to primary school. The hard bit? Convincing the school she was ‘special’. A bit of sneaky hypnosis, and voila! Took her shopping for her uniform - a pastel blue gingham dress, white ankle socks, and black Mary Janes. Getting her in the school spirit? Hypnosis played its part, making her believe she was the school's newbie.
April - Easter Escapades
Easter was classic kiddo fun. The garden was all eggs and giggles. Jasmine, in a bunny-themed dress, hunting with more enthusiasm than any kid on the block? Snap-worthy moments all the way!
May - Sun, Sand, and Surprises
Sun’s out? Beach day! Jasmine, playing with her pink mermaid bucket and spade, wearing a childish one-piece with ruffled edges? Oh, and let’s not forget that messy ice-cream face. She was the beach's darling cherub.
June - Festival Frolics
June’s jive? Making Jasmine the youngest at the summer fest. Dressed in a daisy frock with a matching sun hat, she danced around, spreading childlike cheer everywhere.
July - Movie Mayhem
July's jam? Kids’ movie marathons! Got Jasmine in a kiddie cinema, watching animated classics. Popcorn fights, laughter, and her in a polka-dotted dress? Cinema's tiniest diva.
August - Sweet Endings
August's endnote? Reflecting on the whirlwind year, turning Jasmine from teen to toddler. But hey, diary, the journey isn’t over. Nikki and I have wilder plans, trust. Stick around!
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toreii · 1 year
Tamashina Mina spoilers part 10
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Sunset Savanna - Elephant Legacy
Kalim notices that beadwork is sold all over Elephant Legacy. He says accessories like bracelets, necklaces, keychains, and coasters being sold. Kalim mentions that he saw a lot at the souvenir shops in Sunrise City. Leona says beads are familiar in the area since they’ve been used as ornaments since ancient times. There are still many bead artisans. Everything is handcrafted from natural materials making it one-of-a-kind. Vil comments that they are all beautiful.
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Lilia wonders if he should buy beaded coasters instead of a pennant as a souvenir. They often enjoy their coffee in the dorm despite Sebek being unable to drink coffee, so he just pretends to drink it. Kalim says it’s fine. Silver will be happy to receive such beautiful coasters. Lilia asks which pattern should he get. Silver is like a bird, and they are often together at school. Sebek likes crocodiles, so he will pick those. As for Malleus… Lilia says he has no likes or dislikes for animals. It’s troublesome. Kalim picks one up, and asks Lilia what he thinks. Lilia replies it’s not good enough. Rather, it should be… Kalim tells Lilia that is also good. However…
Leona has had enough. He says they’re being annoying, and picks a coaster himself. He tells Lilia a lizard is fine. It suits Malleus. Lilia ponders if that’s so. Since it is a recommendation of the locals, he decides to go with Leona’s choice. Lilia thanks him, and says Malleus will be pleased. Leona says it’s not for him. He just doesn’t want to spend time picking out a souvenir for that horned bastard. Vil snickers saying that he never imagined Malleus would receive a souvenir picked by Leona. The shop owner thanks Lilia for his purchase. He’s thrilled having bought his coasters. Lilia says he can’t wait to gift it to Malleus.♪ With that settled, Leona informs the group it is time for their special training. They’re going to the arena. He instructs everyone to get in the car.
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Sunset Savanna - Arena
Vil asks if this place will be where Catch The Tail will be held. Leona says yes. Their practice time is limited, so they should get started. Lilia states that they don’t know a thing about Catch The Tail. Leona tells him he made time to teach them. First, he tells them to take off their cloak. It will get in the way of the Catch The Tail match. Our lovely NRC trio strips, and Kalim exclaims that it will be easier to move. Lilia says his body has become lighter. Vil says it gives a cool impression. He assesses that the cloak is a subdued color, but the sleeveless crop inner is colorful. It’s a color scheme that’s perfect for a special day like a festival. The armlet isn’t just for fashion, it also supports.
Leona concurs because bodies will be colliding with each other. It’ll be troublesome to end up like Jack, and asks if everyone is taking measures against the heat. Lilia replies that he is wearing special sunscreen he brought with him. Kalim added long beads to his mask just as Leona told him to do. Leona says it’s the rules to wear them.
Vil inquires about Catch The Tail. Are they imagining an animal’s tail? Grim interjects saying if it’s about tails, he has one too! Leona corrects them. While the origin of the name originated from the beads, it actually represents a mane. Since ancient times, the lion beastmen have always sported braids in their hair in the image of a mane. (So, that’s why Leona has braids in his hair.) Grim mutters that he does not have a mane.
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Vil understands. The beads are braided pigtails. To be used by lion beastmen excluding other people. Kalim says it’s cool when the beads shake every time he moves. Leona says he doesn’t care about appearance or tradition, but it’ll be easier than other hairstyles once they get used to it.
Moving on, Leona says that the match will take place on the arena, one-on-one. The first one to get the bead attached by the opponent wins. Easy, right? Lilia concludes that the one who steals the mane wins. It’s a simple and clear rule. He does not hate it. Vil recalls that magic can’t be used. Leona confirms it. No weapons, either. They will be fighting with their bodies only. It’s a show of respect to the kings of the country who only fought with their fangs, claws, and wisdom. The tournament will be in a bracket format with sixteen teams. The team that wins two games first advances to the next round. Vil adds that if the win three games, they will win. Leona says they will fight with each other first. He’ll show them their strengths and weaknesses. Vil understands. He’s ready to get started. Kalim agrees.
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—After the practice match
Leona concludes their practice session. He tells everyone gather around. Kalim asks Leona what he thinks. Leona replies that Lilia is the best one. His attack and defense are not amateur moves. He is a perfect major piece. Kalim inquires what he means by major piece. Lilia explains that it is a word that refers to a high-value piece in chess. Leona says it’s the queen and rook to be exact. Kalim says that in other words, Lilia is amazing! Lilia giggles. To be praised so much is embarrassing.
Leona says there are also minor pieces. The knight and bishop are said to be less valuable than a major piece. In their team, that would be Vil. His strength is second to Lilia. Against most opponents, they can be counted for two wins. Just as planned. Vil is happy, regardless. He does not mind the word, minor.
Leona states the problem is Kalim. He already knew, but there’s no strength in his movement. Even without power, there are ways to strike, such as hitting the opponent’s blind spot, or suddenly ramming them. Kalim says he can’t be that cruel. Vil says it’s hard to imagine Kalim being caught in the opponent’s blindness, or by surprise. Lilia mentions that Kalim is a gentleman. He is not suitable for competitions like this. Leona tells Kalim if he struggles to fight, they won’t win one match. Kalim apologizes. Leona continues to say that in terms of chess pieces, Kalim is a pawn. Vil states that a pawn is a piece that can only advance one square. Lilia surmises that the expectation is low. He tells Kalim he will give him some tips. All he has to do is take the other party’s beads like swoosh! Pow! Bang!♪ Kalim exclaims that he will try. Vil is surprised Kalim understood those instructions. Kalim replies it’s how he learned playing the drums.
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Leona says that now that he knows what they are capable of, he will guide them from here on out. Just like the trio, Leona takes off his cloak. Vil comments that Leona looks good, as always. If he were to appear in the game, the audience would be excited, won’t they?(I think we all are, Vil😂) Leona reminds him that he can’t compete. His position is to lead the Sunset Warriors. If he were to join a team, they’d be accused of being unfair. The moment he goes up into the arena, Kifaji will jump up, and be seriously pissed. Their team will be disqualified on the spot, and all their practice will be in vain.
Vil takes back what he said, and reminds Leona to behave himself. Grim remarks that Leona is the most useless, after all. Leona is like “What did you just say? This hairball…” Lilia says that since they can’t join them in the games, they’ll have to cheer them on from the stands. He gives an example, “Lilia! Do your best!” He encourages Leona to say it. Leona is like “Says who?” Lilia calls him boring.😆 Leona says it’s time for a fun, fun lesson. They’re going to practice for hours. Anyone can do it, so they should join.
Choice A: “I’ll cheer for you!”
Kalim wants Yuu to look at him. Lilia tells them to be amazed by his brilliant technique. Vil tells Yuu to let him know if they notice anything.
Choice B: “Can I help you with something?”
Leona tells Yuu to prepare the drinks. They’re going to do some intense exercises under the sun. It will consume a considerable amount of strength. If Yuu doesn’t want to miss their exhausted faces, Leona tells them to come back early.
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—A few hours later
The sun is setting. The boys are out of breath. Kalim says he is tired. Leona asks if they’re exhausted yet. Vil notices that Leona is not out of breath. Leona says that dealing with guys who did Catch The Tail for the first time today will leave them breathless. Kalim is impressed with Leona. He heard from Kifaji. It’s more than he imagined. Lilia says he can’t stand his age.(This line sounds weird, but I don’t think Lilia means teeth like the kanji first suggests.) Lilia further says that even though they were moving under the sun, he didn’t expect there would be such a difference in ability. The age difference, or so he guesses. (I was right!)
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Leona says that’s how it is. But, they’ve gotten a lot better. Vil agrees. It was helpful to hear specific advice. Lilia says they will fight according to the strategy given by Leona in the match. Kalim is looking forward to tomorrow. Leona informs that their practice is over. They’re going back to the hotel.
To be continued
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dweetwise · 9 months
The Long Con (part 1/6)
Happy Oktoberfest! 🍻 With the festival starting today in München, I figured it would be the perfect time to start posting this fic 🥰 Please also check out @ell-clavel's amazing riconti art that inspired me to write this AU in the first place 🧡 Rated G | 1.5k words | ao3 link [next]
"Man, look at all these people!"
Meg's grin was bright as she jogged past Ace and looked around in awe, her bow-adorned braids bouncing in time with her steps.
Ace hadn't expected quite this much of a crowd, either. It was only a Monday afternoon but the festival area was quickly filling up with groups flocking to the large beer tents or shopping at the stalls lining the central street.
He knew Oktoberfest was popular, but not this popular.
"I wonder if they're here to see Denson too." Ace smirked. "You might have some competition for the spot as her number one fan."
Meg's face scrunched up. "Shut up. You're the one who insisted on flying all the way out here, not me. Oh, look, there's a chocolate fruit stand!"
Ace smiled and bit back a snarky comment as Meg excitedly took in what the festival had to offer. The girl was an avid fan of country artist Kate Denson's work—Ace had a sneaking suspicion it was something she'd listened to with her late mother—and after an off-hand comment that Denson would be performing in Münich at this year's Oktoberfest?
Well, Ace simply hadn't been able to resist.
Just like he couldn't resist obnoxiously cooing, "Want me to buy you some choccy bananas?" when Meg kept eyeing the food stall.
Meg bristled. "I'm not fucking five years old."
"Really? Could have fooled me, with those pigtails."
"I'm just blending in," Meg said. 
She did a twirl to show off the rest of her outfit: a frilly top and floral bodice combined with full-length lambskin pants. She looked like she'd jumped straight out of one of those quaint paintings of a girl yodeling in the Alps.
"Which is more than I can say for some people," Meg snarked.
Unlike Meg’s outfit, Ace’s get-up had been thrown together on a budget. The fancy red waistcoat he’d…acquired from a casino’s staff room and it clashed horribly with the cheap fake bundhosen bought from a tourist shop. Hopefully, the random scarf and traditional Argentinian belt he’d tacked on would make it seem more like a fashion statement instead of an insult to Bavarian culture.
"So I took some creative liberties," Ace said.
"Yeah, that’s probably for the best." Meg smiled smugly. "You're about sixty years too old to pull off leather pants, anyway."
Ace gasped. "Attacked by my own protégé! The audacity!"
"Wonder where I learned that from," Meg said dryly. She looked around again. "I'm gonna go scope out the other tents before the concert."
"And here I thought you wanted me to hold your hand at baby's first festival."
Meg rolled her eyes and pointed at a large tent with something resembling a clock tower next to it. "That one looks the busiest. You go check it out and I'll come find you once I'm done."
Ah, ever efficient. Ace had taught her well.
"Remember to have some fun, too," Ace said. "All work and no play makes Meg a very dull girl!"
"And you remember what we're actually here for." Meg's piercing blue gaze bore into Ace's. "If I find you in a beer chugging contest again, so help me—"
"That was one time and the frat boys dared me!"
Ace smiled and shook his head. "Of course. Who do you take me for?"
Meg raised an eyebrow. "I bet I can score more than you."
"Oh, really?" Ace countered. "Maybe whoever loses should pay for lunch the rest of the week, if you're so confident."
"Deal." Meg turned around, waving over her shoulder as she walked away. "Smell you later, old fart!"
"Have fun, Firecracker."
Meg disappeared into the crowd and Ace allowed himself a moment to appreciate how far they'd come. It seemed like just yesterday that he'd taken the girl in.
A few years ago when he'd been stateside, Ace had managed to cash out big after a blackjack win streak. When he'd left the casino, he only made it two blocks down the street before someone bumped into him and Ace was very aware of the weight of his wallet disappearing from his pocket while he struggled to right himself.
The thief had run off in a blur of red hair and sneakers pounding on pavement. After feebly trying to chase after them, Ace had stayed in the area and waited, and only a few hours later the pickpocket—a teenage girl—returned to the scene of the crime. She was clearly tailing a woman in a fur jacket and designer purse, but even across the street Ace could see that both the fur and bag were obvious fakes.
Amateur mistakes, really.
This time, Ace had familiarized himself with the surroundings beforehand and even as the girl spotted him and took off in a sprint, he eventually managed to corner her in an alleyway.
And after some angry screaming from the girl and a kick to Ace's shin, they'd ended up in a 24/7 shoddy diner with Ace buying her a meal in exchange for her story.
Meg had been homeless for months after her mother passed away from cancer. At only seventeen and with no close relatives, she'd been forced out on the streets and struggling to survive; it was only her sharp reflexes and years as a track star that kept her afloat by doing petty crimes.
And maybe it was the situation that was eerily similar to Ace's own childhood, or the fire he could see in her eyes, but Ace had only smiled before critiquing her pickpocketing technique and asking if she'd ever thought about being a con artist.
That was how Ace ended up taking Meg under his wing and teaching her everything he knew. With his experience and her quick feet, they made a surprisingly good team and had traveled across the States stealing and scamming much more efficiently than Ace usually managed on his own.
Having another person in on his schemes made a big difference. Meg could do anything from pretending to join Ace's poker table as a stranger to emptying someone's purse while Ace was doing magic tricks as a street performer. Meg had only been caught once by the police, and she'd been so convincing at sniffling pathetically and claiming she was only fifteen that the officer had taken pity and simply called her father—a.k.a. Ace's burner phone—instead of taking her down to the station.
But easy money or not, Ace hadn't expected their arrangement to last long. A few months later when Meg turned eighteen, she'd already earned enough to start her life anew—yet when Ace asked where she was planning to settle down, he only received a look of pure betrayal. And then there was screaming and crying and Meg accusing him of abandoning her, just like her dad and everyone else.
Ace had never wanted children, but as he dared to hug Meg for the first time and she merely clutched at his shirt and sobbed in his arms, he decided he'd do his best to be there for her the way nobody had been for him.
That was four years ago and Meg was still here, so he must have been doing something right.
Ace knew that their friendship was unorthodox. A middle-aged man and grumpy young woman who were visibly not related often garnered suspicious looks, especially whenever they went out to eat in a proper restaurant or money was tight enough that they had to share a twin instead of booking separate motel rooms.
Which was ironic, because it was Ace who hated sharing a room with Meg. She took ages in the shower, always sat on Ace's bed to eat and got crumbs all over the sheets, and stayed up way too late watching crappy late-night TV when Ace was trying to get his beauty sleep. It was like she knew exactly how to annoy him and did it with a smile every chance she could.
He tried not to show how proud he was of her mischievous streak.
Ace chuckled to himself. He couldn't have asked for a better partner-in-crime and he was glad they'd had enough extra cash to make the trip to Germany. Even if she tried to play it cool, Meg was clearly excited about seeing both the country and her favorite musician.
The fact that this happened to be one of Europe's biggest festivals, with countless drunk, rich patrons for easy pickings and dense crowds to quickly disappear into was simply a bonus.
Ace took a steadying breath and straightened his shirt—patterned with tiny card suits that hopefully nobody would notice weren’t traditional Oktoberfest checkers—and slipped on a familiar confident persona. As long as he pretended that he belonged here, everyone else would believe it too.
With a carefree smile and a spring in his step, Ace made his way to the beer tent to people-watch for a worthwhile target.
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
Falling Away With You | Ch. 4
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Tons of tension starts to form between you and Seb. Also, you fucking smash the egg hunt.
Author’s Note: Our first holiday chapter! Enjoy and take care :3
Table of Contents + Work Summary 
Check it out on ao3!
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The Egg Festival is today.
One of my few memories of life pre-Zuzu was when I visited Grandpa during this time of year. There’s a ton of food, mostly desserts made of fruits and chocolate, and they hold an egg hunt in the afternoon. I remember almost fighting some kid for my last egg — I wonder if I know them now? — and I won, and rubbed it in that twerp’s face. 
I originally wasn’t going to attend the event, remembering it mainly being for kids and their parents. But when I said that to Robin the other day, she wasn’t having it. She invited me to sit with her family so I wouldn’t be alone all day, and insisted that everyone goes. I’m not really looking forward to it, but I appreciate the gesture, and at the very least get along with her and Seb to a certain degree. What’s the worst that could happen?
To dress for the occasion, I put on a white, long sleeve bodysuit and fit a lavender colored, cotton, overalls-style skirt over it. For shoes, I opt to wear my white platform sneakers with tall pink socks under them. Finally, I pin some matching pink ribbons into the bands of my braided pigtails to be extra festive.
When I arrive at the town, there’s a giant carpet in the middle of the square. The only local kids we have, Jas and Vincent, are running around in the grass with a few kids I don’t recognize. I’m assuming they’re either relatives, or tourists. Pam is spiking all of the fruit punch oh my fucking god, and everyone else seems to be mingling in groups. 
I greet Pierre, who’s behind a booth selling stuff, because of course he is. Dude’s in a capitalist chokehold. Sure he has to make a living, but still. Poor Caroline is seated in the grass next to the booth, picking apart some leaves. She looks dreadfully bored.
While browsing Pierre’s holiday wares, I spy a super cute stuffed bunny that I really want, but decide not to buy it. Not yet, at least. Don’t wanna carry it around all day, if I’m being honest. I purchase some prismatically colored rock candy and move to my next location while crunching on it.
I spot Robin next, so I say “hi” and thank her for inviting me again. I don’t linger for long, as she’s mid-conversation with some other moms.
After that, I kinda just… wander a bit. I’m becoming painfully aware how little I actually know the people that I know who are here. Yoba, there are people everywhere , something I’m not great at coping with. Since when is this little town such a popular holiday attraction? I hate this so much.
Those two friendly and pretty people I ogled at from across Stardrop, whose names I learned in passing are Leah and Elliot, are lounging around by the edge of the river. The most beautiful farmcore elf motherfucker I’ve ever seen, and her equally as beautiful, romance novel-lookin’ friend (or more?)… sigh. I think back to when I saw them at the saloon, and wonder if they even remember me. It’s not like we spoke, but should I try and say “hi” anyway?
“Hey, you.” 
I turn around and I’m eye-to-eye with bright blue, heavily eyelined orbs. 
“Abby! What’s up?” 
“Oh, just scoping out the land, planning my route for the egg hunt.” 
“You’re participating? I thought it was, like… a kid thing.”
“It is. But I still compete every year. Sam does too, sometimes.” 
“Maybe I’ll try it out then,” I think out loud.
“Try all you want,” Abby basically threatens, “I take it very seriously. I’m the reigning champion around here.”
She tries to size me up. Alas, we’re both very small, and she’s wearing a pair of floppy rabbit ears on her head. It doesn’t intimidate me in the slightest. I respect the effort, though.
“You’re on.” I laugh, albeit nervously, trying to brighten the super tense mood she created. Why is she so competitive? It’s a fuckin’ egg hunt against children . Is she always like this?
“Oh!” Her demeanor changes as she looks up and behind me. “Hiya Sebby!”
Sebby? I’ve only heard his mom call him that. Sounds gross coming out of the mouth of anyone under 40, I note to myself. I look back briefly to greet Sebby . My heart flutters a ton when I look up to say hello, and he’s already softly grinning down at me.
He looks forward to Abby, not responding to her greeting, and cocks his head to the side briefly. “Sam’s lookin’ for you.”
She scurries away, and I turn around to more appropriately greet the friendly neighborhood emo man. 
Everyone has some pastel or earthy colors going on in their outfits, and for the first time, I’m actually witnessing Seb not wear all black. 
His jeans are light blue and ripped with black fishnets underneath, and he’s sporting a grayish-brownish henley up top. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, and despite the shirt only having 4 buttons, he has 3 of them undone. It’s all accompanied by a black, plain choker necklace and a black smart watch. I’ve never seen his forearms, I don’t think… they’re nice. This look suits him. Is that a tattoo on his wrist, or a birthmark? I think it’s a tattoo. It’s small, I wish I could make it out. 
“You alright?” he asks in a hushed, almost somehow seductive voice, and shoots me a wink when our eyes meet. Oh he’s fully aware that I was practically just basking in his presence. Wonderful.
I give him a stiff nod. “Does Sam need her so they can plan their MLG egg hunting strategies or something?” I joke, trying to cause a distraction.
Seb chuckles knowingly, but allows the subject change. He shakes his head and mumbles, “I’ve got no idea where he is.” Confused, I tilt my head, which prompts him to explain. “It looked like you needed saving. I think he’s off talking to Victor somewhere.”
“We went to high school with him, he lives in the city now. He’s pretty cool, for a rich brat,” he answers. “I’m sure you guys would get along nicely.”
To be honest, I don’t know if I can handle talking to any of the strangers around here, considering how many there are. I already feel so overloaded from the voices, and smells, and other miscellaneous things that my senses are trying to take in.
“Yeah, maybe,” I meekly respond. 
Seb seems to sense my anxiety, and reassures me. “It’s okay if you’d rather not. There’s a lot of people here… it’s fucking terrible,” he laughs. 
“It really is.” 
“Yeah… unfortunately, it’s not the worst thing about all this, though.” He vaguely gestures around with his last few words.
I furrow my eyebrows. “There’s something worse here than people?”
He huffs out a laugh and then eyes me up and down, mischievously. “You have terrible manners and I find it highly offensive.”
“What are you on about?”
“I didn’t get a ‘thank you’ for shooing Abby away.” 
After a brief, dead stare, I give him a loud, over-the-top gasp and cover my mouth. “Oh, how could I?!” I answer, mimicking a southern belle to my best ability. “Thank you so much Mister Sebastian, Sir! My hero!” I curtsy for added effect, before going dead-pan and snarking, “You want a medal?”
“Oh,” he raises his eyebrows, an incredulous look written on his face. “By all means, I can just call her back over and let you fend for yourself.”
I know he’s probably bluffing, but I suddenly feel small and fearful, anxiety about all these new faces being on full-blast today. “Please don��”
He puts his hand on my head, a gesture that shuts me up instantly as I squint a glare up at him. He cares to avoid the bulk of my braids, as to not mess them up, and rubs a little. Why… do I like this so much?
“I wouldn’t actually do something that cruel.”
“Thanks...” I roll my eyes.
“Unless you wanted me to.” 
“What do I look like, some kinda masochist?”
He devilishly grins, paired by a low, evil hum of a laugh emitting from him. Oh my god, that was so hot.
“(Y/n), (y/n), (y/n)…” 
He trails off in a lower volume than usual with each tsk of my name, and leans down to level with me. His hand is still palming my head — not super tight, but firmly enough to ensure that I have no choice but to look at him. I could easily tug myself away with a little elbow grease. For a freaky, entirely self-indulgent reason, I don’t. 
“You looked very natural, going all red in the face after I caught you eyeing me up before.”
I feel my heart thump in my chest.
“And given you’re just letting me take control of you like this,” he boldly continues, his grip on my head tightening a slight bit as he ever so slight bobbles it around a little, “you’ve probably got some naughty, masochistic fantasies going on in that brain o’yours, don’t you?”
…Oh my god?
My eyes feel like they’re gonna bulge out of my skull. My mouth is agape. Feels dry. I can’t halt the small squeak that comes out of me. 
How does he expect me to respond to that ? I mean, I’d be able to stab back just fine if he were wrong. But he’s not. But I’m not gonna just say that. And denial won’t get me anywhere. But again, I obviously can’t just be like Yes, you’re right, actually. Fuck me up daddy. Right?
“Er…” I mumble. 
“Just kiddinggg,” he sings, even though he definitely was not just kidding.
Before I can process how to fight back, Seb takes both of my braids in his free hand, and gives them a quick, yet firm, tug. 
I gasp at the temporary sting it leaves behind on my scalp, and goosebumps sprout across my skin – thank Yoba I’m wearing long sleeves. My eyes shut and I clasp my hands over my face, which feels like it’s on fire. 
Another evil laugh escapes the dickwad standing before me. This one’s dramatically less hot than the first.
Seb and I are sitting at his family’s table, ignoring the scientific conversation going on beside us. We’re mildly blitzed up on Pam’s special fruit punch and the various spring-themed candies scattered around, and have just finished devising my strategy for the egg hunt:
I’ll run to the top corner of the square near the water. From there, I’ll make my way down the riverbank, and back to the middle once I reach the roped-off area. Seb hinted that Lewis usually tosses an egg or two in the bed of his truck, so I should climb in there if I have the time to take a look.
He also told me that Willy likes to hide his own egg without anyone knowing, so that it never gets cleaned up, and stinks up the place in a few weeks. A truly evil prank. I love it. He caught the old fisherman putting his contraband into a flower bed last year, so I’ll be sure to check any of those that I pass by, in case he did it again.
Seb wants Abigail to lose, just once, as she was apparently truthful in implying never does earlier. I’m more than up for the challenge. He offered to set up traps, to “accidentally” trip someone, anything to help. It’s hilarious and appreciated, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Being the cynic he is, it took some bickering to convince him to not interfere.
“Alright, kids, gather ‘round!” Mayor Lewis shouts from the clearing in the middle of town.
“Ok maggot, are you ready to absolutely destroy some children?!” Seb hypes me up. 
I stifle laughter, but promptly break, not used to this energy from my usually mellow coach. “Sir, yes sir!” I reply, standing up and saluting him.
“Go get ‘em, tiger!” He doesn’t even try to contain his volume, earning a few looks. Seb’s laughing with me as he gives me a rough pat on the back — ouch, what the fuck — before sending me off. 
When I get to the line, my laugh simmering down, Abby’s watching me as if I’m her prey. Not in a sexy way, unfortunately, but rather a murderous one. I break the awkward stare-off and look at Sam, who mouths a jovial “good luck!” my way. What a good boy.
After giving instructions and handing out our baskets, Lewis blows a whistle, and we’re off. I run to my starting point, ignoring a nearby egg that I watch Vincent waddle towards. I refuse to pummel a child today, no matter how tempting. I seek out one in a salmonberry bush, another in the dirt against Penny and Pam’s mobile home, and a few in Lewis’ hedges. 
“30 seconds!” I hear Lewis call out. 
I lift a foot onto one of the tires of his truck, hurdling myself into the trunk from there — and Seb was right! I hit a jackpot coming here. The bed is decorated with flowers, garland and stuffed animals, and there’s a few eggs scattered within it all, in camouflage. I jump out without giving it much thought, practically crashing into Sam. 
“Ah! Sorry!” we shout, simultaneously, cautionary hands on each other's arms as we separate.
“10 seconds!” 
“Shit,” I whisper to myself.
I run past Lewis’ garden, grabbing an egg out of it. It’s unpainted, so I assume this is Willy’s. Feels bittersweet, ruining his demonic tradition. But I can’t linger — eyes on the prize, (y/n)! To finish off the competition, I sprint to the small and oddly-located graveyard. I manage to snag the last egg I spot from between a headstone and a shrub, just as the final whistle blows.
Pushing some stray hairs away from my face, and huffing from all the movement, I spot Seb watching me from against a nearby lamppost. I smile wide, giving him a thumbs up with my free arm. He chuckles and does the same, his other hand sporting a gigantic, spherical lollipop rather than his usual cigarette.
I hand in my basket and walk over to Seb while Lewis readies the results. “Oh I killed it dude,” I brag, hands on hips. 
“I can tell,” he giggles, “you looked intense out there.” 
“All for you, babyyyy.” I exaggerate the “baby” part so he doesn’t think I’m flirting or something. Even though I totally sort of am. I’m bad at subtleties, aren’t I?
I nod. “I don’t care about winning, I just wanted to kick Abby’s ass. And you encouraged me, so,” I cheekily shrug.
He laughs, like a genuine full-hearted laugh, unleashing a billion little butterflies in my tummy. I think his laugh is my favorite ever. “You little menace.”
We don’t say much for a bit, as we patiently await the results. I decide to go try to swipe a lollipop of my own from the food table, but when I get there I find out they’re all gone. Seb offers to share his.
“What do you mean, share it? I’ll have to like, put it in my mouth, ya know? It’s not something I can just bite and hand back.”
“Yeah, and?”
“You’re okay with eating something that’s literally covered in my saliva?” I deadpan. 
“(Y/n), I wouldn’t have offered it if I cared. Now, unless you’re skeeved out by it, eat the damn candy,” he says, holding it up to my mouth.
I stare at him, a blank expression on my face as he expectantly raises his eyebrows and grins very smugly. He waves it a little, swatting my hand down when I reach to take it from him. This is… extremely intimate, I think, glaring at him as he inserts his lollipop into my mouth. 
The innuendos I could make here are absurd, but frankly, I’m scared to comment, given his spicy charade with me earlier. Don’t think my panties could handle any more of that.
Another few moments go by. I lazily play with the end of one of my braids as Seb and I silently pass his lolli back and forth.
“Results are in, folks!”
We both perk up hearing this, and Seb follows me to the middle after I urge him to. He’s the reason I found so many eggs, ultimately — if I win, it’s his win too.
“And the winner is…” 
A few of the kids, sitting on the rug below us, tap at the ground like they’re preparing a drumroll. Cutest shit I’ve ever seen.
I beam at Seb and hand him back the lolli before meeting Lewis for my prizes: a cute straw hat with a white ribbon tied around the middle, and 1,000 bucks. No wonder Abby cares about winning this so much.
She came in a close second, with 3 eggs less than me, and in third place was Jas. They both got participation medals. Abby looks pissed and Jas looks like she’s about to cry… hm. Rather than returning back to my spot in the circle, I find Marnie in the crowd. 
“Hiya, Miss (Y/n)!” she greets me, visibly confused. 
“Hey! So,” I rush, feeling a little embarrassed, “Jas looks really upset that she didn’t do better.”
Marnie shrugs. “Happens every year. I’m sure she’ll have her chance someday.”
“Well, I actually wanted to talk to you about that,” I grin. “I want you to take some of the money. That way she can pick out her own cute hat, and, like, plushies from Pierre’s stand over there or something, I dunno.”
Marnie puts her hand to her mouth. “(Y/n), my goodness, you don’t have to do that!” she assures me. 
“I want to! I already had my own childhood fun to experience. She deserves it.” That second sentence was a whole lie, my childhood was rough , but Jas deserves way better than what I had.
She pulls me into a big bear hug, happy- sobbing into my shoulder, spilling “thank you”s and “Yoba bless you”s all over my shirt. It catches me off guard, but I’m happy that she’s happy nonetheless. 
I hand her half of my earnings, throw my new hat on top of my head and head back over to Seb. 
“What was that about?” 
“I made a peace offering with Jas’ aunt.”
He furrows his brows, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk.
“Speaking of which, you deserve some of this too.”
I hand Seb the rest of my prize money. I was doing okay without 1,000 extra gold, thanks to the inheritances that came along with the farm. I’ll live if other people can enjoy the prize. Plus, the hat is sick, I’m happy with just keeping this. Seb’s about to try and deny the money, handing it my way, but I shove his hands back towards him as Abby struts over.
“You’re an interesting lady, (y/n),” she observes. “What was the point in winning if you’re not even going to keep the prizes?”
I shrug. “It wouldn't feel right keeping something meant for the little ones and their families all to myself.” 
She glares at me, trying to find something to argue with, but it softens as she lets out a sigh. She looks around, visibly guilty. Marnie’s telling Jas the good news, I assume, because the little girl’s hopping around like she just won a pony or some shit. Abby spots them and smiles. It looks genuine; maybe she’s actually nice under her cold, edgy demeanor.
“Whatever, nerds.” She rolls her eyes at us before walking away.
At the end of the festivities, Seb takes the long way to the mountains to walk me home. We’re both drowning ourselves in mini chocolate eggs that we stole — as if the absurd amount of food Robin kept bringing to our table, and multiple cups of punch, wasn’t enough. 
I’m taking care to not get any of the chocolate on the giant stuffed bunny I caved and bought from Pierre. Named her Eggy.
Not sure if Seb is just super happy about our win, or if he’s still rushing on the sugar we’ve been consuming, but he’s full of life right now and I’m honestly kind of obsessed with it. 
“Go long,” he nudges me, mouth full of candy, getting ready to throw a chocolate that he just unwrapped.
Stakes are high, that thing’s done if it touches the ground. I refuse to waste chocolate, damn it!
I jog down the dirt path a bit, catching the little egg in my hand. Victory . I pretend to spike it at the ground, promptly shoving the snack into my mouth after.
“You sure you’re okay walking back up there alone?” I ask when we make it past the gate to my farm. 
He waves a hand, “I take walks in the mines sometimes when I can’t sleep. I can handle the backwoods on my— ”
“You do what?!” I quietly screech, halting on my stoop. “You could get killed, dude!”
“I’m alive, aren’t I?”
“Do you at least bring a sword?”
“Of course! I’m reckless not stupid.”
I sigh. “Whatever, just be safe…” 
He smiles, “No promises.”
“Goodnight, (y/n),” he sings.
I sigh. “Goodnight… Sebby.” I snicker, feeling his eyes burning holes into my back as I enter the house.
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veviventie · 1 year
hear me out..
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listen. they may be from 2 whole different universes but tell me they wont be the most wholesome couple ever.
rantaro loves when sayaka goes on tours so he can travel with her
i imagine their relationship is like those malewife girlboss typa things
like imagine sayaka coming home from a long day of practice to a clean house and rantaro, using ultra big brother instinct, massages her aifeowifhwao ghauiegeg
they probably go to festivals together omg
sayaka loves trinkets and rantaros random piercings
she probably chooses which piercing to use each day omg
rantaro loves loves loves styling sayakas hair, be it a braid, pigtails all he need is to style her hair
they wear matching outfits. end of discussion
its cute cause like idols go on tours a lot and rantaro loves adventuring different countries
rantaro being sayaka no1 fan
i imagine sayaka to love rantaros earings, piercings, necklaces, bracelets so much
she has matching necklaces with him probably
to be honest i ship this because i thought they were holding hands in that danganronpa s scene like omgomgomgogogmogmogmg
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dearjewels22 · 2 years
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Happy Halloween bitches!
Costumes are a waste of money when you have no festivities to attend so I always diy my own mood. I was feeling like Shego or Buttercup 💚🖤💚🖤
Really was feeling like Wednesday Addams😈 but did not feel like doing pigtail braids and I wanted some color in hopes to brighten my mood (it did not help) lol.
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dankusner · 2 months
Willie’s good ol’ gay boys
Dallas couple inspire Nelson's Valentine's Day salute to queer cowboys
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BOYFRIEND BOND: Tour manager David Anderson, left, and choreographer Darrin Davis are collaborating on the "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)" video shoot that plucked dancers from The Round-Up Saloon.
Willie Nelson never seemed gayer than on Tuesday night at The Round-Up Saloon.
The bar staff wore official Willie drag — bandannas with braided pigtails — as they handed out Willie rolling papers, a promotional item from his 2005 reggae-tinged album, "Countryman."
The evening, titled "Willie's Gay Cowboys Song Coming-Out Party," was also a Valentine's Day celebration.
And although Nelson wasn't at the Round-Up, at 9:30 p.m., the DJ announced that Willie just bought everyone a beer.
Earlier that morning, the country legend released "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)," a single available on the iTunes Music Store.
The Valentine's Day tie-in has a personal connection.
Two years ago, Nelson's tour manager David Anderson, who had previously been married for 15 years, came out to Nelson and his wife.
A life-long Dallas resident, Anderson met Nelson in 1973, when Anderson was an 18-year-old go-getter who booked the country star for outdoor festivals held at a parking lot near Love Field.
They've worked together for more than three decades.
By rolling the single out on Feb. 14, Anderson said they wanted to avoid having anti-gay country fans bash the song simply because of the queer content.
That's why Anderson's coming out to Nelson is being highlighted with the release: If Willie says gay folks are cool, maybe his listeners will think the same.
A year ago, through an on-line service, Anderson met Darrin Davis, a Utah native who moved to Dallas 12 years ago.
With dancing in his blood, Davis, who was raised a Mormon, found an outlet in clogging competitions.
His heart, however, was thirsty for disco beats.
After majoring in musical theater at the University of Utah, Davis eventually migrated to Big D where he works as a stylist at the Perry Anderson Salon.
Davis also freelances as a choreographer and has worked with artists like Kristine W and Deborah Cox when they perform at Dallas nightclubs.
His background in clogging hasn't gone to waste.
Davis is the choreographer for the "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly" video.
For the past two months, he scouted gay boot-scooters at the Round-Up.
Although still in the rehearsal stages, he's been working with about 30 local dancers who are preparing for a one-day video shoot in mid-March with the finished product to hopefully be ready to hit the airwaves sometime in April.
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On Tuesday, the dancers debuted their boot-scraping routine on the Round-Up dance floor.
Anderson and Davis are already focused on their next collaboration: the Aetheria Foundation.
The first planned event is a fundraising performance to be held at the automobile pavilions in Fair Park on Jan. 27, 2007.
The foundation sets up college scholarships for promising young talent from the Metroplex.
Davis and Anderson's vision is to raise North Texas' artistic consciousness in the fields of dance, acting, visual arts and acting.
As the rest of the record industry resists Internet distribution, it's nifty to see an old-timer like Willie Nelson on the sawy edge of technology.
On Valentine's Day, Nelson rolled out a new single, "Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)." By using the Internet and satellite radio to lure his fan base, the song has already earned significant national attention.
Recorded as part of an exclusive set for Apple's iTunes music store, the song was kept off of Nelson's December release at the singer's insistence.
A tribute to Willie's tour manager, David Anderson, the track compliments Nelson's rendi tion of Bob Dylan's "He Was a Friend of Mine" from the "Brokeback Mountain" soundtrack.
"Cowboys are Frequently Secretly" premiered on Howard Stern's new satellite radio show on Tuesday morning.
A regular guest on Stern's program, Nelson mentioned the tune last year when he was in the middie of the Apple recording session.
Though "Cowboys are Frequently Secretly" hasn't previously earned any headlines, the song is hardly new.
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Penned in 1977 by Lubbock-born songwriter Ned Sublette, the song was previously covered by queercore band Pansy Division on the 1995 album "Pile Up."
In 2004, singer and gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman mentioned the song while discussing same-sex marriage with CNN's Paula Zahn, claiming that he and Nelson had discussed recording it in the past.
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lunarsimmer · 3 months
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[Begin Image Description:
Image 1: Large white Zs coming out of a treehouse.
Image 2: A sim with short wavy black hair relaxing in a glass-walled bathtub.
Image 3: A sim with dark brown hair in braided pigtails relaxing in a glass-walled bathtub with a green face mask and cucumbers over their eyes.
Image 4: A group of sims gathered around a blue and white decorating Winterfest tree with presents underneath that is glowing.
Image 5: A group of sims sitting at a dining table with turkey on the plates in front of them.
Image 6: A sim with short wavy brown hair passed out on the floor as a sim with dark brown hair in a braided crown looks on while an elder sim in a festive Winterfest outfit ignores it.
Image 7: A dark grey and light grey gradient banner with the words Stone Legacy on the left with a swirly heart inside a house above it and the words gen 1 on the right with a swirly heart inside a house above it.
End Image Description]
Story and dialogue below cut:
Well, isn’t this a cheery Winterfest? Someone is sleeping in the treehouse and Didi and Hazel both somehow are in the bathtub?
Hazel: It’s the holidays after our dad died, it’s going to be a little stressful.
Fair, and here is the lighting of the tree which is somewhat bittersweet to witness without Garrett.
Ashton: I don’t know, somehow I can’t shake the feeling your dad is here?
That’s the thing about the Sims, the dead don’t necessarily stay dead annd Gemma’s passed out on the floor. Merry Winterfest everyone!
Father Winter: What did I walk into? Maybe I’ve been drinking too much eggnog...
Beginning / Previous / Next
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sigmafied · 2 years
Baby Fever - Chuuya Nakahara
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- pairing: chuuya nakahara x fem!reader
- warnings: none
- notes: it’s almost 1:30 am let’s goooo this ended up being way longer than i intended and the idea sounded better in my head ;-;
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“Chuuya! Where’d you go?!”
You could barely hear yourself as you shouted among the thousands of voices that flooded your ears. The dim lantern lights restricted your vision. Multiple bodies bumped into you while you ran through the crowd searching for your red-headed husband. Little kids ran by your legs, waving sparklers around in their tiny hands. It didn’t help that everyone around you was in a rush to buy something from one of the local food stands or novelty shops. But that didn’t stop you from full-on sprinting past the festival goers, adrenaline quickly coursing through your veins.
After traveling through the festivities for an hour, you came to a halt on top of a nearby hill. Your body had finally reached its limit. You bent over to try and catch your breath, cold air filling your lungs and tightening your chest. You noticed multiple couples sitting hand in hand watching the brilliant colors of fireworks illuminating the sky. Over the crackling and popping of the wondrous display, you heard the faint sound of children laughing and the unmistakable sound of your husband’s voice.
Turning to your right, you saw Chuuya surrounded by a circle of little kids, their faces full of awe and wonder. His hand was outstretched to the children, a red aura emanating from it. His hat sat in midair above his glowing fingers. The friendliness that showed from his grin was infectious. You couldn’t help but smile at the scene.
Normally, you wouldn’t expect someone who worked for the Port Mafia to act so soft in public. But Chuuya was different. He may be ruthless at times, but that didn’t mean that he was completely heartless. He wouldn't admit it, but the occasional times he could help anyone out made his heart swell. Seeing this side of him warmed your heart and brought you to remember an off-handed question your husband threw at you.
‘How would you feel if we had a kid, Y/N?’
He had previously mentioned the idea of starting a family with you one evening, to which you happily indulged in the thought. He couldn’t stop himself from rambling about raising a child with you. Specifically, he’d love to have a baby girl.
You could see the stars in his eyes as he described various scenarios with you and your daughter. Putting her hair up in braids or pigtails with fancy clips. Picking out the finest dresses and blouses for her to wear. Family movie nights where he could be with the two most important people in his life. Once he was finished fantasizing, however, his enthusiastic demeanor seemed to fade. His posture fell as he slumped on the couch that sat in front of you.
“It would be so nice to have a daughter. But…” he paused in hesitation, choosing his words carefully in his head before slowly speaking again. As he did, you creeped over towards him.
“It wouldn’t be safe for her. What if she were to get hurt? What if I’m not there for her when she really needs me? What if-”
You cut him off with a quick peck on his lips, bringing him back to reality. You ran your thumb over his knuckles. You could feel the slight shivers he got from your touch. Chuuya was focused on you and you alone, gazing into your loving eyes. “That’s why we’re in this together. We’re a team, right? You and I will both be there for her and that’s something the mafia will never take away.” Those words stuck with him and played on loop through his head. Maybe that’s why he became more sickly with baby fever. Maybe that’s why the two of you never gave up hope. And maybe that’s why he was fine with trying to make his dream come true.
As Chuuya waved goodbye to the children and their unhappy parents for wandering off with a stranger, you placed your hands over his eyes. Chuuya’s body tensed up slightly. As he started to struggle against you, he heard a cheery “Guess who?” He chuckled at your playfulness and went along with your act.
“This wouldn’t happen to be someone I know, would it?” You failed to hold back a snicker, but continued. “Perhaps. Who’s asking?” You smirked as you waited for his reply. “No one special, just the luckiest man on Earth,” he said, moving his hands on top of yours. “Oh? And why do you say that?” Before he answered, Chuuya grabbed ahold of one of your hands and spun you around to face him. Dipping your body downwards, he looked straight into your eyes and gave you a warm smile.
“Because I have the pleasure of being yours.”
He planted a kiss onto your nose before bringing you back up to face him. Usually, he expected you to turn your back towards him to hide your flushed cheeks. Then, he’d sweep you off your feet and fluster you again. However, he was surprised to find you leaning in towards his face, no sign of embarrassment present on your face. “Then I must be the luckiest woman to have been blessed with two wonderful people in my life.”
That took him for a twist. Two people? But wasn’t he the only one that would stay by your side forever? Nobody else was around that you both personally knew, so it couldn’t have been an acquaintance. Was there really someone that mattered to you as much as he did? But seeing the palm of your hand rub small circles into your stomach sent his mind reeling. Tears clouded his vision as he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you in tightly. “No… are you actually…?”
“You wanted to try being a father, right? Well, now’s your chance.”
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taglist: @nameless-shrimp @nullified-kiss @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15
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grelleswife · 2 years
Why do you think Mey-rin chose pigtails for her hair instead of a bun or ponytail or braids? 🤔
Hi, anon! Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about styling hair, so my opinions in this post are speculative rather than based on personal experience. 😅
Yana may just want to highlight how adorable the maid is, which I completely respect, but Mey Rin could have made this stylistic choice because pigtails are a quick and practical option for her line of work.
First, let’s take a look at situations where Mey doesn’t wear her customary hairstyle:
Working for the Qing Bang as Owl
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The Weston College cricket match (I think her hair’s been braided up into a bun?)
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The Phantomfam shopping trip (again, swept back and braided)
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Lau’s opium den
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Her and Ran Mao’s mission at the Heathfield Manor blood collection site (more pretty braids!)
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In her previous life, Mey Rin’s hair was shaggy, but shorter than in Kuro’s present day, so there would’ve been no need for pigtails. Also, since she was posing as a man during this time period, picking a more feminine hairdo would have risked exposing her true gender while she was living among a rough, dangerous group of blokes.
Because the cricket match and London trip were both festive occasions, it makes sense that Mey Rin would want to look extra spiffy in those chapters! And at the opium den and Heathfield Manor, she was trying to blend in to maintain a cover.
But why would she wear pigtails most of the time? Again, my guess is that it boils down to speed and practicality. If Mey’s woken up in the middle of the night because yet another group of enemies is attacking the manor, she needs to make sure her hair is out of the way, thus allowing her to concentrate on sniping targets. However, braids take too long when time is of the essence. A pair of loose pigtails, on the other hand, would only require a few seconds. Although a ponytail could also do the job, a high ponytail might not fit under her maid’s cap. Also, a long ponytail dangling from the back of her head could make her vulnerable to attacks from behind, since an opponent could sneak up and grab it.
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And even on peaceful days when she’s just doing her standard chores (hopefully with minimal tripping and falling! 🙏), I’m guessing that pigtails are a quick, easy alternative to more elaborate hairstyles, which lets her get right to work, yes it does!
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