Me dressing up just to go get a little drink
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damnianalghulnotwayne · 11 months
Damian Wayne is so girl coded. He has a daughter-father relationship with his father, mommy issues, daddy issues, constantly trying to redeem himself for his past, he is a perfectionist, he has abandonment issues, attachment issues, AND likes swords ‼️
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hiphiph00ray · 8 months
Got dress coded again today for having shoulders, I feel like Lewis Hamilton would never stand for this
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certified-scoundrel · 2 years
Newsies is the best musical ever and if you disagree you can fuck off
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eli-elien · 2 years
WAIT to Elijah for the blorblo doc
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perryart · 2 years
When you draw orochimaru do you think of him as a trans man or some variation of nonbinary?
Definitely nonbinary/genderfluid. Tho headcanon wise, more transfem leaning but chill with all pronouns
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jrueships · 1 year
if franklin goes Kapoot imma k*ll somebody
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
I saw someone say a while ago that Jason attacking Tim at Titans Tower was just Tim hallucinating bc he was feeling guilty about being Robin even though Jason's not dead. Which is great, amazing, I think the whole Titans Tower thing is Bonkers, but I think it would be so much funnier if Jason tried to Gaslight Tim into believing the Titans Tower incident never happened, not because he's like evil, he's just super embarassed about it. like Or Tim did actually hallucinate Jason at TT but thinks it was real, so when he tells Jason about it, Jason's so fucking confused, and Tim thinks Jason's Gaslighting him
Tim: Remember that time when you broke into Titans Tower and beat me half to death while wearing a Robin costume from party city
Jason: What? Tim, I know i'm crazy, but I'm not...Insane.
Tim, pulling down his collar: I literally have the scar to prove it
Jason: Bruce told me that was from Clayface pretending to be me, which, might I just say rude. Tim... are you ok? Did you hallucinate me attacking you? like, I know I've done that before, but...
Tim, frowning: I don't think I hallucinating. I was benched for a while after because I had to recover-
Jason: well, you were benched around the time I was dropping hints that I knew who Bruce was outside of Batman, he probably just benched you to keep you safe. You probably were working too many cases with too little sleep and your imagination started to run wild.
Tim: Are you gaslighting me?
Jason: Are you gaslighting me?
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m-oshun · 1 year
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guess I’ve got a thing for girls with 5 seconds of screentime
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cupidscrule · 4 months
"Sukuna would give you pet names" "Sukuna would have a soft spot for you" "Sukuna would be super caring"
Sukuna would call you several slurs and then throw you against a wall, then convince you that you fell
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lilianade-comics · 1 month
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stargirlelisia444 · 2 months
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( Not mine) cant find the user on Pinterest but creds to them!! 🖤<3
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Mafia AU with the batfamily, but it starts when Jason comes back as the Red Hood.
In this AU, Dick is the first one to find out about Jason being a crime lord. He finds out that his little brother is alive and running a gang and says "fuck it."
Is Dick currently a police officer and vigilante? Yes. Does he also immediately quit his day job to join Red Hood's gang as soon as finds out? Also yes.
Dick has a second chance with his brother. Is this brother a little murderous? Sure. Dick's tried to kill people too, though. Also, Dick is 83% sure Tim's got a kill count. It's fine.
So Jason is confused why Dick is willing to join a gang. The oldest brother says some cringe worthy stuff about family and Jason takes the action as the proof of love and loyalty it is (also, somehow Dick is just as terrifying to their enemies as Red Hood, but Dick doesn't kill them).
Tim, upon seeing Dick join a gang, instantly researches the hell out of this group. He finds out it's Jason, runs the stats for how crime has dropped in Crime Alley, and instantly starts working behind the scenes to create a smoother path for them. Without meaning to, Tim becomes the shadow boss for Jason's gang. The brothers are not aware that the other gangs, mobs, and rogues are wary of whomever it is that's smoothly guiding Red Hood's gang to success.
Red Hood is the face, Nightwing (though maybe a different moniker) is his right-hand man, and there's someone steering them to victory.
The startling efficiency of the gang and quick ascent drives Bruce into a paranoid bender. The man also has no clue where Dick wandered off to and why he's ignorning Bruce. Tim, as Robin, pretends to try to help Batman take down this group. This causes mass amounts of confusion because no one is aware that Tim is helping Hood besides Tim himself.
When Damian first appears in Gotham, he doesn't immediately go to Wayne Manor. He stalks it first. And what does he find? Tim is apparently shadow controlling a major mafia in Gotham.
As some convulted plan to dethrone Tim from Robin (and also because Damian is not aware that shadow controlling a gang is against Bruce's rules [like how he doesn't know murder is a big no no]), Damian decides to infiltrate Jason's gang. At first it's rocky cause Jason doesn't want kids in that line of work, but Damian being Talia's kid (and the chance to provide Damian a better childhood) has Jason and Dick adopting the child. They try to keep the runt out of the work as much as possible.
They all (minus Tim) grow closer until one night Damian overhears Jason lamenting to Dick about how the Joker is still alive. Jason hates that his father never avenged him.
Damian decides to fix that by killing the Joker.
When Dick and Jason confront Damian about this, he reveals Tim is controlling their entire mafia from the shadows.
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demonboyhalo · 5 months
and ik discovering the fanfic sex pollen effect of the sephora spider sex cream must've been traumatizing but this is much funnier than the lemonade that just kills you
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clownsuu · 11 months
how dost thou feel about the fact that we all got howdys personality wrong. i mean...we still get howdy content so A++++ but like man do i wanna strangle him (lovingly)
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I think the closest I got with howdy was with the ol “howdy gets a fuggin vacation” “””au””” where his severe couponing hinders his ability to relax and have a good time-
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clown-cult · 5 months
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Athena coming to the defence of Odysseus is very important to me.
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