blaiddraws · 2 years
I tried to imagine which other au I could fit dojoshipping into without it being cursed and the only one I could find was the ghost worm au. Imagine somehow he sticks around in the past for a bit and Zisu kisses his shiny metal head
hey check out this ask i got the other day
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truthdarespinbottles · 4 months
Literally dreading going to work tomorrow
#at least i dont have my co taught class tomorrow#bc it turns out my co teacher is a huge bitch trying to start drama#shes literally in her 50s and im fucking 24#and shes bad mouthing me to the principal#i found out bc i had a pre-observation meeting with my principal (all new teachers to the school are getting a principal observation)#and my principal started out with “hey i saw that email CoTeacher sent you a few weeks ago and it was appallinh#extremely unprofessional and cruel#and while i knew my coteacher had CCd my mentor teacher and the instructional coach#she must have BCCd the principal because i never saw her name anywhere in the email chain#i thought it wasnt a big deal and i was overreacting to the inital email (i cried for like three hours)#bc neither my mentor teacher nor the instructional coach ever added to the email chain or mentioned it to me#but now im thinking they just missed it because it was at the semester change#bc it was a terrible email#she basically told me (in professional language) that im a fucking failure and shouldnt be a teacher and am a liability for the school#(she literally did use the word liability)#and was overall treating me like a stupid kid#but then next time i saw her irl (after a five day weekend) she was all smiles and talked as though nothing had happened#so i figured i must have misunderstood or something and decided it was water under the bridge#but learning that she fucking BCCd the principal and the principal found it extremely rude and unprofessional#im second guessing EVERY interaction ive ever had with my coteacher#i thought we had a half decent working relationship#but now i absolutely do not trust her one bit#gonna ask my mentor teacher if we can talk after school
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luveline · 3 months
Hi jade, I have a hurt/comfort request for Steve, maybe reader was there with the party for all the vecna stuff and maybe gets hurt, afterwards Steve taking care of her and staying w her in the hospital and stuff? Love your writing!
thank you for requesting <3 fem!reader
“Did you know there’s like, a concessions stand?” 
You moan at the pain between your shoulders, turning onto your arm. Steve lounges in the chair beside you with a paper plate of donuts on his chest. His legs are kicked up on your bed. He’s taken his shoes off, at least. 
“Free donuts, coffee, they even had flapjacks.” 
“Steve, I think you have to pay for those.” 
He puts the plate on your bed. “Well, they can’t send you to jail.” 
“‘Cos my back’s broken?” 
“‘Cos you’re too pretty for prison.” Steve sits up properly. “You need help?” 
He moves the donuts again onto your nightstand and hooks you under the arms to ease you into a sitting position. You’re back isn’t broken, for the record, but you fell funny coming out of the gate a few days ago and you haven’t bounced back yet. Worse, you've got an infected burn on your hand, wrist and arm from your Molotov cocktail. It’s out of commission, as are you while they pump antibiotics into the crook of your elbow. Steve’s careful not to tug your IV. 
You gasp, the twinge in your back turning to flame. “I know,” Steve murmurs, shockingly sincere, “I’m sorry. You’re not supposed to lie down all the time, or it won’t get better.” 
“I know.” 
“Yeah, of course you do. You know everything.” 
Insult or compliment, you’re unsure. What you do know is that Steve’s come to see you every day since you were checked in, he’s the one who checked you in, and he’s taken good care of you so far. He’s not even your boyfriend, you thought he liked Nancy— but he’s rubbing his hands down your shoulders and looking you in your face despite the horror he’s sure to be witnessing. Bruised eye, greasy nose, hair thankfully clean but completely untouched otherwise. 
“Better?” he asks, cupping your cheek. 
Is he gonna kiss me? you think. You glance down at his lips, then back up. Steve doesn’t notice or doesn’t mention it, his fingers drawing a gentle path behind your ear as his thumb aligns with your jaw. 
“Hey, don’t cry.” 
You shake your head. “No, I’m not.”
“Sorry, you just looked so sad for a second.” He laughs wryly. Though you don’t feel like he’s making fun of you, he teases, “Cheer up. What have you got to be so sad about?” 
“You keep harassing me.” 
“Oh, that’s how it is!” He tips his head back. “Nurse! I’d like to report a thief!” 
You gasp, laugh, and attempt to cover his mouth as strikes of pain nibble up your spine. “Steve, don’t–” He catches your hands to stop you from silencing him, but he doesn’t shout again, holding your hands together in his lap, smiling smugly and affectionately at once. He has nice eyes that are almost almond in shape and a lovely light brown. They glow in the slither of light that sneaks its way through the blinds, raw amber, stomach-achingly pretty. 
You can’t look at him for too long. You defer to your hands scrunched up in the sheets instead. 
“I did pay for the donuts, by the way. I’m just messing with you.” 
You try to laugh. “Why doesn't that surprise me?” 
“You act like I’m such a jerk,” he says fondly, pulling you in for a cautious hug. He’s tender when he needs to be, you’d never have thought it of him, how sweetly and softly he rubs your back, how he murmurs near your ear. “Do you need more meds? I’m sure they can get you another dose of the good stuff if you pretend your gummy arm is aching.” 
“Thanks, Steve, but I’m fine.” 
He hums. “Think I can get them to let me stay the night?” 
“Steve, I’m really okay.” 
“It’s not about you, I just don’t wanna go home,” he lies poorly, “they don’t have donuts at home–”
His hand leaves your back. “Are you eating over my shoulder?” you ask. 
He hugs you tighter with the remaining arm. “What? No.” 
You feel sprinkles falling down your back and ignore it for now. He’ll have to help you out of bed in a few minutes anyways. He can sort it out then. For now, you lean into his chest and close your eyes tight. 
“I’ll sleep better in the chair by your bed,” he promises. 
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fandomfix13 · 8 months
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Get Him Back - Rafe Cameron 18+
* This is so super long and also completely filthy at parts SO MDNI and pls read warnings
* little bit of fluff? Def some pretty smutty smut. This did not start out as smut but here we are
* WRITTEN IN Y/N’s POV, lots of dialogue
*anything in italics is your inner monologue
Word count: 4K
WARNINGS: MDNI!, mentions of cheating (not rafe), toxic ex,  oral (giving and receiving), fingering, rough-ish??, p in v sex, hair pulling, light choking??, not rated e for everyone
The rain is pouring down in sheets. Falling harder than it has in a while. My head is pounding from holding back tears, that I might as well let out. I never thought that I would be in this situation. Forced out of my boyfriend's car after a fight at nearly one in the morning, with a dead phone, left to walk home alone in the pouring rain. How cliche. Not to mention the fact that I’m just over three miles away from home. What a dick. Some “man” he is to leave me like that. For all he cares, I could be kidnapped out here. However, it's highly unlikely being that I’m wandering in one of (if not the nicest) neighborhoods in this entire state. Constantly guarded by a neighborhood watch, with gated community after gated community.
 I can see the the sharp rain plummeting down in the glow of the street lights. Unlucky for me, the wind has picked up too making this walk even more miserable. At this point, I have two options; 1. I could continue to walk home in this miserable weather OR 2. I could lose all dignity and show up to Sarah’s house after not talking to her in months. Seeing as this storm is showing absolutely no sign of stopping, its looking like the second option is better. As I turn the corner, I approach the Seabrook Gated Community. A little ways down is the fence that Sarah and I used to hop all the time when we would sneak out. That’s my in. It’s an old rusty fence that is hidden behind some overgrown hedges behind some wildly overpriced house that rarely ever has anyone living in it.         
After nearly slipping off of the slippery fence, I make my way down the street to Tanny Hill. Mentally preparing myself for the absolute humiliation that will occur if Sarah opens the front door. We had our falling out about 3 months ago and we haven't spoken since. We have tried our best to avoid each other at all costs. At least I’ve tried avoiding her, that is, until this very moment. 
As I approach the front lawn, I genuinely consider turning around and quite literally braving the storm and walking home. As it is, I’m already soaked from head to toe and probably on the verge of pneumonia. However, I shake off my thoughts and walk towards the front door. I knock three times in hope that someone will hear. I don’t ring the doorbell out of fear of waking up the entire Cameron household which is the last thing I need to do. After a few seconds, nobody answers. This house is huge maybe they are coming. I convince myself that nobody is answering the door so I turn accepting my fate and I walk away. Suddenly, I hear the front door unlock and my breath gets caught in my throat when I hear his voice. 
“Y/N? Is that you?” Fuck. Me.
“Hey Rafe.” I choke out. God I probably look insane.
“What are you doing here?” he looks at his phone “at 1:26 in the morning.”
“Um. Is Sarah home?” I spit out, trying to avoid conversation.
“She’s not…but I am.” He leans against the door frame looking me up and down in a ‘you good?’ way. “You also didn’t answer my question.” He adds.
“I uh…I didn’t know where else to go.” I say quietly. I was right. This is in fact humiliating. He just stands there and stares at me. Clearly unamused at the fact that I still haven't answered his question as to why I am standing on his front porch looking like a wet dog. I would stare too. “Are you gonna let me inside? Or are you just gonna keep staring at me in silence.” I add.
“That depends.” He says lookin back into the house then back at me. “Are you gonna tell me why you’re here? Or are you just gonna avoid the question.” Touche. We stand here in silence for a moment as he watches me get pelted in the face by the rain and I chatter my teeth. He finally pushes the door open further and gestures for me to come inside. Thank go Sarah isn’t home because I would be shitting myself out of embarrassment right now. I walk in and Rafe opens a hallway in the closet as he reaches in and grabs a towel that he throws at me. “If You get anything wet, Rose will lose her shit.” 
“How kind.” I say with strong notes of sarcasm.
“Hey I didn’t have to let you in. I could've just left you outside on your own.” he’s right.
“Well you wouldn’t be the first guy to leave me outside tonight, so I probably would’ve been fine” I blurt out without thinking. What happened to me tonight is none of his business. Plus I’m sure he will hear about it anyway. However, he did let me inside which he did not have to do, so I could at least pretend to be grateful. 
“Damn. That's rough. Sorry about that.” he almost sounded embarrassed.
“No, it's fine. Thanks for the towel.” he nods and sits down at the kitchen counter. We stand in silence for a bit as I ring my hair out into the sink. This couldn’t be more awkward. Here I am standing in my ex best friend’s house with her older brother, who was in fact my first kiss in a game of truth or dare years ago, and who happens to be the best friend of my boyfriend who just dumped me on the side of the road in the middle of the night. This is just grand. “Do you have a phone charger? My phone is completely dead.” 
“Uh yeah its upstairs. Do you wanna-” he cut himself off before speaking again. “Do you just wanna come up with me so you can change?” Right. So. Apparently this absolutely CAN  feel more awkward. Whatever. I need to charge my phone and honestly a change of clothes sounds devine. I silently follow Rafe up the stairs and into his room. “If you want you can take a shower to warm up. Your teeth haven’t stopped chattering since you got here.” he’s being frighteningly nice. 
“Um sure.” I say hesitantly as I am incredibly confused by his nice attitude. I plug in my phone and Rafe hands me one of his old t-shirts and a pair of booty shorts that were surely left here by some random girl, but honestly I don’t care. I have to get out of these clothes. “Thanks.” I say taking the clothes and entering his bathroom, closing and locking the door quickly behind me. Literally what the fuck. There is no way this is really happening. 
I take my time in the shower as I let the steaming hot water warm me up for a while. When I’m done, I put on the clothes that Rafe gave me, and open the bathroom door seeing him sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone.
“Hey Topper called you like five times when you were in the shower.” He says unfazed. My attitude shifts almost immediately. 
“You didn’t answer it did you?” I blurt out. Nice job y/n! That wasn’t suspicious at all!
“No…why would I?” he laughs clearly confused as I let out a sigh  of relief. Once again. Awkward silence. I take a seat on the edge of the bed going through my phone. “Are you gonna call him back?” he asks. Before I could answer him, his phone starts to ring. Toppers name is displayed on the screen. Rafe looks at his phone, then back to me, then back to his phone. 
“I am NOT here. Answer it. Put it on speaker.” I say frantically. Now he's intrigued.
“Hey Top!” Rafe answers. “Rafe! I fucked up man. I fucked up BAD! I’m coming over. I need a drink asap.” I am immediately shaking my head and mouthing ‘no’. “Top I can’t tonight man. My dad is on my ass and if Rose finds out I have someone over, I’m dead bro.” Is he seriously helping me right now? 
Topper scoffs on the other line. “Since when have you given a shit about what Rose thinks? I’m already on my way!” 
“Then turn around and go home man. I can’t tonight.”
“What is up with you dude? You never turn down a drink” its silent for a minute “Oh shit do you have a chick over right now?” Im disgusted at the change in tone in Top’s voice when he  brings up Rafe having a girl over.
“Yeah bro I do. And she’s alone right now in my bed so I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow.” Rafe responds, very quick to go along with Topper’s question.
“That’s my man!” Topper laughs “is she hot? She better be hot!”
Even Rafe rolls his eyes at Topper’s comment. “Yeah she’s hot. Okay gotta go man.” Rafe responds as he hangs up the phone. Is that true, does he think I’m hot? I don’t care. Do I?
I let out a huge sigh of relief that we dodged the bullet of Top showing up here. 
“So. Are you gonna tell me why I just had to lie to my best friend?”
I shift nervously. “Well technically you didn’t lie. There is a ‘chick’ here and she is sitting on your bed.” I try to make a joke avoiding this conversation at all costs. 
“Y/n.” He says, raising his eyebrows. He clearly wants an answer. 
“I broke up with Top and he didn’t take it well.” I say on an exhale. He doesn’t say anything because he’s not stupid. He has probably figured out that much already. I let out a heavy sigh. “He kicked me out of his car in the middle of the road three miles away from my house in the fucking rain because I accused him of cheating on me. He told me that I had no idea what I was talking about. He said I was crazy, and that I was making shit up. But I’m not. I know for a fact that I’m not. It’s not the first time either. He’s done it before, which I’m sure you already know since you’re his best friend and he probably tells you everything.” I make that realization as I’m rambling my story out to him. Rafe is probably well aware of Topper’s lack of loyalty. 
“I uh. I knew about it the first time.” He admits. His honestly with the situation makes me laugh a little as I roll my eyes.
“Of course you did. Being that it was with your sister. I’d be shocked if you didn’t know.” The look on Rafe’s face instantly changes. It’s almost like he’s holding something back. “Unless…Sarah wasn’t the first girl was she. There was someone else.” Tears that I have been pushing back for weeks start to well in my eyes. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m furious. Even Rafe doesn’t know what to say. Without thinking, I grab my wet clothes and my barely charged phone, and head towards his bedroom door. “I should go. Thanks for the shower and-” 
“Y/n don’t be ridiculous” he says quickly following me. “You can’t leave right now that storm is getting worse” He puts his hand on the door, shutting it. 
I turn and he is standing close enough to me to create an odd sort of tension. 
“Why don’t you get him back?” Rafe suggests as I roll my eyes.
“I don’t want to get back with him Rafe I’m so ov-” he cuts me off.
“That’s not what I’m saying. I mean get him back. As in revenge.” he says as he steps closer to me. Jesus Christ I’m an absolute idiot.
“Revenge…right.” I laugh awkwardly. He continues to inch closer, creating an even bigger amount of tension. Not that tension is an unfamiliar thing with Rafe and I. There has always been a weird tension between us. Ya know…the whole best friends brother thing. I’ve known Rafe for almost 10 years. Something about his cocky attitude has always been attractive to me. Call it toxic. I don’t care. It’s just the truth. Rafe and I are standing right infront of each other. He is towering over me as my back is still to the door. 
“You know…They say that one of the best ways to get over a guy is to get under another.” He almost whispers while moving my hair out of my face. I can’t help but blush. The thought of getting back at Topper crossed my mind the second he cheated on me. The thought of getting back at him by hooking up with his best friend? That’s even better. Rafe leans down and starts to kiss my neck. “Rafe we probably shouldn’t do this” I whisper clearly enjoying it.
“Of course we shouldn’t. But I do shit that I shouldn’t do all the time.” He stops kissing my neck to look me in the face.
“Me too” I nod letting out a breath as I crash my lips onto his. The kiss is instantly filled with an insane amount of intensity. Rafe backs me up against the wall as he deepens the kiss. He moves from my mouth to my neck, leaving hickeys all over. He is making sure that I can’t hide what we are doing. And I’m totally here for it. His hands move from my hair, to my hips, to underneath the hem of my shirt. Well. Technically his shirt. I’m braless since my bra got soaked in that rain earlier. He quickly realizes this as his hand grazes over my tits. He starts to grip them while kissing me, making me moan softly until he stops for a second. 
“As hot as you look in my shirt…it’s coming off” he nearly growls. I lift my arms as he lifts the shirt over my head and throws it across the room. I reach for his shirt to take it off. Once he takes it off his mouth is back on mine. Our foreheads are pressed together as our bare chests are rising and falling against each other. He hoists me up, grabbing my ass as I throw my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We don’t last long against the wall before we move to the bed.
He lays me down on the edge of the bed as he hovers over me kissing me yet again. Each kiss gets more aggressive. We bite each other's lips between kisses. He moves his mouth from my lips to my neck leaving more marks. Slowly, he makes his way to my chests. The marks he makes get darker and darker. He puts his mouth over my nipple, making me moan as he slightly bites down. He quickly moves his hand up to cover my mouth.
“Shhh. Baby we gotta stay quiet.” He says as he moves from one nipple to the other. I moan into his hand as he stifles the sound that comes out. His hand moves from my mouth to my throat as he wraps his hand around it lightly. His lips meet mine again. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” holy shit. I moan into our kiss as his hand is on my throat. His hand travels down my body until its hovering over my shorts. He’s moving his hand from one thigh to the other. Barely grazing the spot where I need him the most. I breathe into our kiss as his hand stops at the waistband of my shorts. He’s such a fucking tease. He hovers his hand there for a minute sensing that I want more. 
“Oh my God Rafe” I moan out of anticipation.
“You want more baby?” he smirks against my lips.
“You know I do” Smartass.
“Say less” he moves from his position above me, to kneeling on the floor at the edge of the bed. He hooks his fingers around the waistband of my shorts, pulling them down, revealing my bare pussy. He pulls me closer to the edge of the bed and spreads my legs in one swift motion, causing my breath to hitch. He leans down and attaches his mouth to my clit. This of course causes another accidental moan to slip from my mouth. I immediately throw my own hands over my mouth to quiet the noise. His tongue is swirling circles over my clit as he inserts two fingers without warning. As hard as I am trying to stifle my sounds, nothing could stop the groan that I let out at this moment. He moves his fingers at a faster pace that matches what his tongue is doing. 
“Holy Shit Rafe.” I whine.
“You like that?” he smirks up at me. I nod and roll my eyes to the back of my head before shutting them tightly. But suddenly Rafe stops. “Open your eyes y/n. I want you to look at me when you cum. I want you to see who is making you feel this good.” I do as he says and open my eyes as I prop myself up on my elbows to get a better view. “Atta girl” He smirks before burying his face into me yet again. He adds a third finger as I throw my head back while remaining eye contact. He curls his fingers as he eats me out and I want to scream at the pressure building up inside of me. I reach forward and tangle my fingers through his hair as he grins up towards me. 
“Rafe! Oh my God” I let out a string of other soft noises and words.
“Go ahead baby. Cum for me,” I look Rafe in the eyes as I jerk my hips and arch my back, completely unraveling in front of him. As he removes his fingers from inside of me, he brings them up to my mouth. “I want you to see how good you taste.” he says as I take his fingers into my mouth until they are clean. He removes his fingers from my mouth and laces his hands through my hair as he devours me with a kiss. 
“That was incredible.” I breathe heavily.
“Oh we aren’t done yet princess.” the sound of him calling me princess was enough to nearly send me over the edge again. 
“I’d hope not” I tangle my tongue with his as he deepens the kiss by pulling my hair back. I reach for his pants and I undo his belt. 
“Eager are we?” he scoffs, pulling away for a moment. He removes his belt and  his pants. Leaving his boxers for me to remove. I gesture for him to sit on the edge of the bed where I just was. When he sits, I climb onto his lap, straddling him over his boxers. I can tease too. I lean in kissing him as I slowly start to rock back and forth on his lap. I can feel him getting harder by the second. To be honest this is doing just as much for me as it is for him. I start to kiss his neck, leaving marks similar to the ones he left on me. I start to rock faster back and forth until he is letting out moans the way I was. I cover his mouth.
“I thought we had to stay quiet.” I give him a sly smile before kneeling on the floor and removing his boxers. I come face to face with his cock as I run my tongue up the side, looking up at him while I do it. I move my tongue to the other side slowly, taking my sweet time. 
“Fuck y/n” Rafe groans as he places his hand in my hair. 
I wrap my mouth around the head of his cock and start to suck slowly, using my hands to work the rest that I can’t fit in my mouth. I bob my head up and down while I look up at him, my eyes are starting to water. He grabs my head and slightly pushes me down further, and I can feel his tip hit my throat. When it does Rafe lets out a deep moan with a mumbled string of “oh fucks”. After a few minutes, I can sense that he is going to cum. I don’t bother asking where he wants to finish before he finishes in my mouth. I swallow and look up at him with a smile.
“Holy shit. You really know what you’re doing.” He lets out a heavy content sigh. “We still aren't done yet. I need to be inside you.” He says laying me back down on the bed. I still cannot believe that this is happening. 
Rafe wastes no time climbing on top of me leaving sloppy kisses up my chest and meeting my mouth with his. “You sure about this?” He looks down at me.
“Never been more sure about anything.” I nod. 
“Good” He says as he grabs a condom from his nightstand and puts it on. Seconds later, he is lining himself up at my entrance. His tongue plunges into my mouth as he enters inside of me. His cock stretched my pussy perfectly. He moves with smooth motions leaving us both moaning into each other's mouths as he starts to pick up the pace of his thrusts. He brings his hand to my throat once again,barely applying pressure, making me let out a moan that was too loud to be stifled. He doesn’t seem to care. 
“You like when my hands are around your neck?” He whispers in my ear.
“Yes! Oh my god yes” I am starting to get louder. He moves his hand from my throat to my mouth to keep me quiet again. I moan into his hand as his thrusts hit the perfect spot inside of me. He can tell that he has hit the spot when my hips start to buck in perfect rhythm with his thrusts. I am almost screaming into his hand. As he leans down to kiss me again. 
“You gonna cum with me?” he asks, pressing his forehead against mine. I nod unable to speak, to stop myself from screaming. “Words y/n. Use your words” 
“Fuck yes. I’m gonna cum!” I whine out. He thrusts in and out a few more times, hitting the spot perfectly making me squirm underneath him. With one final thrust, I arch my back as I scratch my nails down his, definitely leaving scratch marks. We cum simultaneously as we let out deep and hungry moans into each other's mouths. He just gave me the best orgasm I have ever had. He pulled out and laid next to me.
“Holy shit. I’ve waited so long to do that.” he says looking at me out of breath.
“Me too. I always had a crush on you ya know.” I say looking at him equally as out of breath.
“Yeah I know.” He smiles and lets out a soft chuckle.
“Took you long enough to do something about it.” I laugh back.
“Thank God I did. And I plan on doing it again. Just so you know.” I winked at me 
“I’d hope so.” I smile, laying there next to him. He was right. That was the best way to get over someone. 
** hi! I really hope you liked this. If you did and want to see more let me know what you want to see! I had fun writing this and in my many many years of writing fanfics this is somehow my first time writing smut so I hope it was okay lol ❤️
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
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second, never first
part one | part two | part three | part four
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - underage drinking, throwing up, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol and yes i am 18) currently not proofread or written with pristine punctuation
word count - 2500+?? (i know its long but i had a bunch of ideas for the beginning)
this is also my first story so pls be kind :) also just wanted to mention that i wouldn’t have the courage to write and post if it werent for other writers on this app so i would just like to tag and thank a few accounts who inspired me to write<3
@lovingmattysposts @flowerxbunnie @strniohoeee @lacysturniolo @strawberrysturniolo @flynnriderishot @stuniolobbg 
for as long as i could remember, being the second option was all i knew. just always being the backup, never the go to.
this constant course of events led to my passion of reading and writing, pretty much consuming myself with content or sources that provided me with a sense of belonging, or just putting myself into a different reality.
i always had been drawn to romance. its a un-comforting comfort for me, if that makes sense. i love reading about it and watching movies about it but love just seemed so out of reach. im sure many people feel this way but i just believe there are certain people in the world that just go through life without any sort of romantic experiences. now while that may be true i also think thats just something i made up in my head to comfort myself from the fact that i have never had a single romantic experience, ever. i mean im 17 years old and havent even had my first kiss. hell i havent even held hands with a boy.
that of course all changed during my senior year.
“oh my god look at what cody sent me” anna says.
anna is my best friend, though at times she felt like my biggest competition. she is everything im not. constantly talking to boys, what people consider ‘boy pretty’, very out going and popular. the fun one.
i look over at her phone to see a text from one of the many boys shes talked to in the past year “i thought you guys were done?” i say
“yeah were not talking like that anymore but i still talk to him here and there” she says
“i dont know if thats the best idea, i mean if you guys keep talking hes probably going to get the wrong impression”
“your such a buzz kill sometimes” she says slightly annoyed. i stay silent. I might sound like a complete bitch here but when your friend is constantly talking or complaining about guy, a, b and c you eventually get bored and exhausted of hearing about it, I try my hardest to be understanding when she brings up guys, but I’m apparently never supportive enough to her standards. I suppose she wants me to be there and give her advice but what do I have to offer to that conversation?
we were driving through the school parking lot to park in our usual spot next to chris.
chris is, well complicated. ive known him since 7th grade and hated him up until about 3 months ago when senior year started. the friendship started off with him just parking next to my car everyday and him just pestering me all the time but the longer we kept parking together, the more we grew to enjoy our casual conversations.
we both roll down our windows.
“morning” i say waving at him, anna does the same “hey, i wanna skip first block if you guys are down” he says “you know i would never say to to that” anna says “ehh i dont know about today i have a bio project i need to work on and didnt getting the planning sheet so i should probably head in” i say
“alright, anna come on i wanna get mcdonalds” chris says tapping on his passenger seat.
“looks like its just us this morning! y/n me and chris can just go get food and ill bring you back something for lunch” anna says turning to me.
“ill see you guys at lunch” i say grabbing my bag and locking my car doors as anna gets in to chris’ car and they drive off.
if you havent caught the weird passive tone from anna, thats how she was. no matter how much i tried she always had to be the centre of attention . i honestly dont even think she does it on purpose. i love her and she is my best friend but i just find her insufferable at times, its just who she is. chris is a great friend to me but i always caught the vibe that chris liked anna or at least thought she was hot. which is also why i think he treats her with more respect than me.
now when i said we grew to like eachother i left out a slight detail.
even though i hated chris for most of high school for the way he treated me and constantly teased me, i couldnt help myself from starring at him from time to time as he talked or even looking at his hands. not only was he visually pleasing he could be really sweet and the conversations we shared were really meaningful at times. was he attractive, yes. was he a complete asshole to me for years and still hasnt apologized, yes. did i completely fall head over heels for him when he began to show me his nice side, sadly yes.
its so cliche but i fell for my “bully” so to speak. i hated myself for it but what i hated even more was how much i let my feelings for him effect how i saw myself even more as the second option. if it came down to it and me anna and him were the only people in the world he would still fuck anna before he even though about kissing me.
i know that i might only feel this way towards him simply because hes the only male thats shown me any attention at all. though it hasnt always been positive or romantic it was still something that i had never experienced from a male before.
like i said, second option.
i finish up my final class and head out to my car and wait for anna who is doing god knows what considering i drive her home everyday after school. while waiting for anna, chris gets into his car and starts it to heat up as it is the beginning of winter. i watch what hes doing through his car window as he scrolls on his phone for a sec and then storms into the backseat of my car, always the backseat.
my head whips around to look at him and he looks annoyed. “why do you look mad” i say. “look at what this bitch said to me” he says leaning up to the middle console shoving his phone in my face and i read texts from a girl hes talking to.
friday 3:14pm
alice: chris i cant keep talking to you
chris: what do you mean
alice: i mean that i cant keep talking to you what were doing is messing with my head and i dont want to be a victim of one of your fuck and dumps
chris: im sure i have many other girls who would kill to be in your position
alice: then go have them i dont want to be apart of your sick and twisted hookups
“ok wow” i say my eyes wide “i didnt even know you were talking to alice”
“well now you do, and im not anymore apparently” he says throwing his arms up as he sinks in to the middle seat. “we have been fucking since the halloween party, remember when i kissed her infront of you?” he says in a duh tone.
ah yes halloween. the night i went home crying after said kiss was shared infront of my face.
“yes i remember” i say blankly.
“we were supposed to hangout tonight but she decided to blow me off, i was ready to get my dick wet but i guess ill just have to be fucking boring alone” he says as i make a disgusted face.
“well i dont know what to te-“ i was cut off by anna coming into the car.
“ok sorry i took so long but i was just getting the details for a party tonight!” she says out of breath. chris sits up at the news, “maybe i will get my dick wet then.” he says smirking and jokingly raising his eyebrows.
“what? alice blew you off already.” anna says turning to chris. i dont bother questioning why anna knew and i didnt because im sure i know answer.
“yep and im scoring tonight.” he says fake punching the air as me and anna giggle.
anna and i finished getting ready at her place, her wearing jeans and a hot pink tank top and me in black jeans and a white long sleeve crop top. i stare at myself in the mirror when i hear annas phone go off with a text from chris.
friday 10:27pm
chris: here
“anna! chris is here!” i yell grabbing my phone and my drinks for the night from my bag and start making my way downstairs as i hear her close behind me. i tie up my shoes as i hear her grab her drinks from her fridge and say bye her parents. i wave goodbye to her parents as well and we make our way out to chris’ car.
upon entering were greeted by matt, chris’ brother in the passenger seat.
“hey matt i didnt know you were coming out tonight!” i say smiling at him as loud music blasts from chris’ speakers.
“yeah nicks also going so i just tagged along, plus i need to drive you guys home since chris is drinking tonight.” he says lightly punching chris in the arm. “oh yeah, speaking of nick where is he?” i say. “nicks already there he came with his friends.” i nod in response and sit back starting to chug down one of my drinks. i may be a buzz kill in annas eyes but i knew how to party and loved drinking with my friends.
matt is chris’ triplet brother along with nick. i never really got to know his brothers all that well, i just know that matt has become a lot more comfortable around me and anna as we have started to spend more time with chris.
once we arrive to the party me and anna walk around to see whos there and we meet up with some of our other friends. i can see chris from across the room laughing and talking to nick and matt.
the night goes on and i finish my fourth cooler of the night and head out to the car to grab another. when i step outside the cool air hits me and i instantly regret the 2 shots of tequila i had on top of the fruity coolers i had throughout the night. shivering and rubbing my arms i continue walking to chris’ car to sit down for a sec and when i reach the backseat i see chris’ naked back and steamy windows. i take a step back once i realize whats happening.
i knew he was going to end up fucking someone tonight since thats what he said his plan was but i did not need to fucking see it. hes not mine for the taking obviously, but seeing him constantly with girls just hurt.
i turn around to walk back into the house but suddenly feel sick to my stomach. i hunch over and throw up in the middle of the road. i cough and collapse to my knees continuing to gag as strings of spit come out of my mouth. i hear a car door shut behind me as i try to stand up wiping my mouth. i feel arms grab my waist and pick me up bridal style and thats the last thing i remember before everything went black.
i wake up in a car with the same clothes on from the party, still drunk, my hair crispy and the smell of cologne. i look around me and realize its chris’ backseat im laying in but its still pitch black out.
i hear faint voices outside and the door my head is resting on swings open and my head flys back.
“holy shit chris are you trying to kill her” i hear matts voice. “shut up, i didn’t know you put her head there.” chris says as he starts pulling me out of the car.
“chris” i say quietly. “holy shit your awake” he says leaving me to sit up. “yeah i am, what happened. i think i- blacked out.” i say slurring my words.
“well i was in the middle of getting with summer-“ he says getting on his knees to talk to me better “and i just heard gagging outside the car and it was bothering me and i looked outside the car and you were bent over on the middle of the road throwing up. i just grabbed you and told summer to fuck off and put you in the car while i grabbed matt and anna.”
“oh my god” i say as i nod off.
“woah woah stay with us here, chris lets get her inside now” matt says placing my head back up.
“where is anna?” i question.
“we had to drop her home and bring you to our house since she said her parents couldn’t see you like this.”
“of course” i say
classic anna.
“what time is it?” i ask rubbing my eyes.
“2:44am” chris grunts taking me out of the car.
“ok lets get you inside” chris says pulling me up to stand. “you think you can walk inside?” he says still holding me up. “ill try.”
he lets go of me and i slowly make it up to the front of their house but start wobbling once i reach the steps and feel both matt and chris grab either side of me and help me up to the front door. matt holds on to my arm as he uses the house key to get inside and i walk in.
they walk me over to the living room couch and i slump over resting my head on the arm rest of the couch.
“where is she going to sleep?” matt says. “my room obviously.” chris says as i smile to myself.
“come on y/n” he says picking me up again and bringing me to his room to lay on his bed. “im gonna give you clothes to change into since yours are covered in vomit.” he says opening drawers. i nod my head as my eyes close.
he tosses me a big white shirt with some graphic designing on it “can you dress yourself or-“ i cut him off “yea- yeah i got it” i say sitting up right and hiccup.
he turns around so i can change into the shirt. i begin taking my long sleeve off and i get one arm off before i get stuck. “chris, help” i say quietly and he turns around to see me with my arms slouched and my eyes closed. he rushes over “lift up your arms” he says pulling my hands up. i hold them up as he grabs the hem of my shirt and slowly pulls up. i admire chris as he pulls off the shirt completely throwing my shirt across the room all while being careful not to look at me.
he grabs his shirt and places it gently over my head and then threading my arms through the shirt. “wait” he says walking over to his closet, grabbing a pair of his sweatpants and walking over to me with them. i sit there with my eyes closed smiling as i had thought about the scenario of him taking my clothes off many times, just not the me being so drunk i cant dress myself part.
he takes my jeans off and helps me in to his sweatpants still being respectful and not starring at my body. “ill be right back just sit here im going to get you water and an advil.” he say as he walks out of the room. i just sit there, my eyes still closed, still smiling and nod at his sentence.
i lay back down on his bed and wait as i hear him rushing upstairs talking to matt and nick before walking back in to the room sitting down at the end of his bed. “sit snd open up.” i obliged to his words before he places two advils on my tongue.
“im going to fill up your mouth with water so don’t breathe.” he says opening up a water bottle and slowly pouring some in to my mouth while my head tilts upwards slightly. he watches me with concern as i swallow the water.
“please never get drunk like this ever again, you really freaked everyone out kid.” he says. i don’t respond and nod at his words.
kid, the all too familiar nickname chris gave me. it always made me feel weird when he called me this as if he was an authority figure or something.
i lay back down on his bed and close my eyes and quickly drift off to sleep. the last thing i remember from that night is him crawling in to his bed next to me and turning off his light.
“goodnight kid”
thank you for reading!!!
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propertyofwicked · 1 year
people watching | spencer reid
spencer reid x bau!reader
inspo - people watching by conan gray
2.3k words
warnings: none really - canon character death, angst to comfort :)
they're counting months they've been together, almost 49
“y/n - how long have you worked with the BAU?” morgan asked, shooting you a smirk as you threw your head backwards with a load groan. 
“i don’t know? like, 4 years?”
“4 years, and 34 days, 2 hours and based on when we got called out for your first case, 34 minutes,” reid interjects the conversation without looking up from his file. 
“for someone who has worked here for 4 years, wouldn’t one assume that you would know we never get a whole week without a case?” morgan continued, ignoring reid’s comment, chuckling slightly at the face you pulled. you knew he was right, but something about garcia announcing there’s a new case made you grumpy. as a result you simply whined in response and pushed yourself up to walk to the round table room. morgan and jj walked ahead, but spencer stayed back to walk by your side. 
“hey, that made me realise we’ve been friends for 4 years - we should celebrate!” he said, not looking at you but carrying a smile on his face. 
“depending on the case, maybe we could do movie night when we get back?” you responded, but unlike him, you turned your head to respond to him. 
“that sounds good, did you know research has shown that spending time with loved ones, even doing something as mundane as watching a film, can increase your mental wellbeing?” this time he looked at you to respond, the smile still present on his face.
“so spending time with me is mundane?” you quipped, chuckling at the end of your sentence, so he’d know you were only messing. 
“reid, y/n, thanks for finally joining us,” hotch’s voice sounded across the room.
“sorry dad,” spencer joked, taking his seat next to alex.
they met in class for metaphysical philosophy
he tells his friends, "i like her 'cause she's so much smarter than me" 
they're having talks about their futures until 4:00 a.m
“hey spence?” you asked, filling the silence. the film you had been watching ending a while ago, but the two of you stayed sat on his sofa. at some point you had turned to face him, stretching across the chair with your legs over his. he didn’t mind - he compared it to the calming effects of a weighted blanket, rattling off the statistical benefits on anxiety. 
“yeah?” he looked up from his book, with a soft gaze in his eyes. 
“if you weren’t in the bau, what would you be doing right now?”
he paused for a moment, as if to think about his answer.
“i honestly don’t know. i don’t think i knew before i joined the bau either. had i not joined the fbi when i did, i think i’d still be in college just collecting degrees until i’d done them all,” he laughed to himself, “maybe a professor, i have taught a few classes.”
“i know - that’s how we met. you told that god awful joke about a horse who became hyper aware of his own reality.”
“hey! it wasn’t that bad.”
“spence - no one laughed.”
“you did.”
“and i regret that decision almost daily,” you respond, earning a light smack to the shin that was still thrown other his lap. 
“what about you? what would you be doing?”
“i used to think id be married by now but we both know how that ended,” you mention, referencing the ex boyfriend you and spencer both hated, “honestly though, i think id still be in the FBI but with counter intelligence like i had originally planned.”
“im glad you’re not,” he said with a smile. did he mean married or in a different department? you felt safer assuming the latter - it was safer to than getting your hopes up that some feelings might be reciprocated. so for now, you simply hummed in response and allowed the room to fall back into a comfortable silence. 
im only looking just to live through you vicariously ive never really been in love, not seriously
it was clear you had been mistaken, and in the most cruel and soul destroying way - through no fault but your own. he was happy, you could see. the way he no longer had bags living permanently under his eyes - he was sleeping. he’d sneak away to the payphone, assuming no one noticed. it started off serious, like he was only asking the other person direct questions. it didn’t stay that way. soon enough you found yourself sitting in the SUV, staring at him as he laughed into the phone, basically twirling the wire around his finger like a giddy teenage girl. spencer wasn’t yours anymore. you know he never was yours really, but still you held out hope that the lasting glances, the jokes, the comfort and the spontaneous movies nights meant something more to him. it was clear you had been mistaken. 
“you know if you keep staring at him like that your eyes might dry up,” JJ spoke from besides you one day. it made you jump - you hadn’t realised she was stood next to you and you certainly didn’t know how long she’d witnessed you staring at the side of spencer’s faces as he laughed and smiled over the phone. 
“i wasn’t staring,” you defended, but she gave you a look that said she knew you were lying, so you moved on, “who’s he talking to anyway?”
“we don’t know, but morgan and i think spencies got a girlfriend,” she taunted. you didn’t react, this wasn’t news to you - it didn’t take a profiler to work that out. jj didn’t say anything else, she just adjusted the strap of her bag and walked off to find hotch. eventually spencer put the phone down and walked over to you.
“hey you guys find anything?” he asked, it was a general question but it was clearly aimed at you. 
“nothing yet from me, garcia’s still digging stuff up on the victim though. it’s clear the unsub is organised, he’s been disposing these bodies for years, concealing their identities and he’s never been caught.” concealing their identities, you should know all about that reid, you thought to yourself but didn’t allow your face to waver.
“did you know that despite the rich history in the town, only 2,000 visit the area per year on average?”
“i didn’t, no.” it was a blunt response but you hoped he wouldn’t notice. but of course he did, mr 187 who couldn’t gauge most social cues but could tell when you were off with him. it wasn’t fair. how he could act like he loved you still, even though he clearly had someone worth keeping secret in his life. 
his hand reached up to rest on your shoulder, his tall frame towering over you, giving you an intense stare as he did.
“what’s up?” damn you and your profiling skills. you contemplated saying nothing, but that would only lead to more intense questioning, so you deflected, saying you were thinking about the profile. he seemed satisfied and left you to find hotch, just as jj had. 
cut people out like tags on my clothing i end up all alone but i still keep hoping
maeve was gone. that was her name, that was the woman that had made spencer happy in a way you couldn’t. she was gone, and emotionally, so was spencer. for weeks he moped, refusing to leave his apartment. but he was still your best friend. everyday, you sent him a message asking if he was ok, or needed anything, and everyday, it was left on read. whilst he needed his space, it wasn’t in your good conscience to leave him without support. 
walking up to his door was terrifying. why? you had been here thousands of times, spent hundreds of hours watching films on his sofa and yet your heart was beating so fast you felt as though it would tear through your ribcage and fall out on the floor in front of you. if spencer was here, he’d tell you that wasn’t physically possible and you’d more likely have a heart attack. he’d then reassure you by noting the statistical unlikeliness of having you having a heart attack. but he wasn’t, emotionally anyways. you knocked twice.
“go away garcia, i really appreciate everything you’ve done but please leave,” you heard him shout through the door. it was his voice alright, but deep and strained as if he had been crying for weeks - on second thought, he probably had.
“it’s me spence, not penelope. can you let me in?” you called back.
“no. please, i need some space.” ok, if that’s how he wanted to play it, tough love it was. 
“spencer reid if you do not open this door within the next ten seconds i will have morgan kick it down.” it seemed to work, you could hear a muffled sound of him standing up, shuffling across the floor and undoing the latch. you were not expecting the sight you saw when the door opened - it made your heart shred into tiny little pieces that you wanted to sew together and give to him. his hair was greasy, his facial hair had grown more than you’d ever seen it but worst of all, his skin was pale and his face seemed almost a hollow shell of the spencer you knew and loved.
“what do you want y/n?” he grumbled.
“i wanted to check in on you?” suddenly any tough love had gone out the window, and you doubted every word you said to him.
“ok, well im alive. you can go now.”
“spence ple-”
“i said i’m fine. y/n, i know you want me to sort myself out but im not ready to. please leave.”
“i don’t want you to ‘sort yourself out’ spence,” you paused to breathe, “you need to grieve, i understand that but i need you to look after yourself. however, you clearly don’t need me, you’re clearly coping so well on your own.” sarcasm was a defence mechanism - seeing him like that hurt you down to your very core, but they way he was treating you wasn’t fair. you turned on your heal, intending to leave with your dignity mostly intact, but as you go to take your first step a hand grabs you wrist, stopping you from moving.
“y/n, im sorry, please come in.” you offered him a restricted smile and stepped into this apartment, he followed close behind. you were expecting the worst, but this took it to another level. the curtains were drawn closed, takeout containers littered the counter, the floor and the coffee table - at least he was eating. spencer moved to the sofa, shoving books to the floor and offering you a seat. 
“talk to me spence, tell me everything going on in that big brain of yours.” and he did, you must’ve sat there for 2 hours as he told you about maeve, how he first contacted her, how she understood him, the way she laughed. he spoke about guilt, he believed it was his fault and that he’d never be able to forgive himself. only towards the end did he begin to cry, so you wrapped you arms around his torso and pulled him down to rest on your shoulder. to your surprise, his arms snaked around your waist and held you tight. the room fell into silence, as it had hundreds of time, but this one was not one of comfort as it usually was. 
after some time he sat up, “you know, IQ has no effect on the size of your brain. it may be cause a change in external appearance but the size itself will not change.” you couldn’t help but laugh - it wasn’t condescending, just the mere fact that he had spent two hours talking but still remembered to correct your original statement.
i wanna feel all that love and emotion be that attached to the person i'm holding
years passed since that day at spencer’s apartment. it took him a few more weeks, but he returned to work and returned to his normal self. he no longer thought of maeve, he thought of the future, he moved on in life whilst still holding a spot in his heart for her. soon, he became your best friend again - movie nights and take out were reinstated. sometimes he had to beg you to come round after a case to watch a movie. he remembered what life was like. 
that night was a night like many others. the credits rolled and the room became dark with no light blaring from the screen. silence. a comfortable one. tonight, you found yourself with your head laying on his lap, facing the tv, his arm rested on your hip and his fingers played with a hair tie absentmindedly. you said it was comfortable, he didn’t argue - spencer liked your presence. he appreciated you being in his life and never giving up on him. he admired your work ethic, and your friendship. you provided him an outlet, an escape from the stress and constant work.
“hey y/n,” he whispered, and you hummed in response, “i love you.”
“i love you too spencer.” your heart skipped a beat, but you knew he meant as friends, that’s all you were and all you’d ever be - you had grown to accept that. 
“no, y/n, i love you.” this made your head turn and you rolled onto your back to look up at him. “i mean it. i think i always knew deep down, but i couldn’t establish that that was what i was thinking. did you know studies show that some people have to feel love in order to love?”
“i love you too spencer.” you smiled up at him, squinting through your tired eyes, and his hand came down to stroke your cheek softly. 
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eepyuii · 6 months
frostbite — pt. 1
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; some swearing, mentions of wounds & medical stuff, dottore warning (?) he doesn’t exactly do anything but y’know- it’s dottore, sort of proofread
note ; i am so scared, i’ve never posted anything like this on tumblr or at all LMFAO this is my first fic ever and very self indulgent. ive already posted 5 chapters of this on ao3 but i was curious as to how the tumblr ajax kissers would react to it. im sorry if this sort of info tab isn’t very descriptive, im just basing it off what i’ve seen from the viewer’s perspective.
ALSO, for context- tetya= aunt and dyadya= uncle in russian!
constructive criticism is appreciated!
next part | masterlist
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“hey, watch your step! snow’s gotten harder and slippier these days…”
“yes, sir!”
“yes, father!”
just as the warning rings out, it’s followed by the dry crunch of heavy boots against snow. it’s not the same soft sound as it was a month or so ago, rather it sounds almost as if the ice gnashes aggressively at the leather boots.
it gnaws at your ears painfully, though you’ve been sensitive to such sounds for as long as you could remember, yet you still flinch.
ajax notices right away. he always does.
“here,” he goes, the cloud of his warm breath visible. turning your head toward the boy, you see that he’s handing you his earmuffs.
a sheepish grin invades your lips as you wordlessly take him up on his offer. mind rid of the god awful crush of the snow, you come up with a brilliant idea.
“last one there’s a rotten catch!” you charge onwards with a laugh.
“ah, n-not again!”
ajax’s father only watches from behind as his son hurries to catch up, a defeated sigh leaves him. “these kids…”
said kids were already reaching the lake clearing at that point. the frozen water already has its own layer of fresh-fallen snow, making it seem like an entire new tundra- that is, until you and ajax brashly create footmarks and snow angels on the surface while his father is still yet to catch up. if he’d been closer you would’ve heard the old man’s grumbles about having to carry all the fishing gear.
thankfully, there were no rotten catches that day.
your best friend’s laughter and your very own echo in your head like bells in an empty chapel, uninvitedly. the entire memory is instead invited by the sight of a father on the street with his own children, he carries a bucket and fishing rods as the youngins run ahead excitedly. you conclude that you should’ve left for zapolyarny palace earlier today.
this morning cannot start off on a bad note, not when the doctor had meticulously scheduled an operation for this very day with your presence prerequisited.
you’re acutely aware of this.
you’re still acutely aware of this when you slam your work bag onto the desk with such force that even the fatui guard monitoring the palace hallway jumps.
and you’re still acutely aware of this when you almost bump into one of your boss’s segments on your way to the operation room, a most certain death that would be if you did bump into him. even as you break your stress fueled stride, the segment blocks the path forward.
“if i didn’t know any better, i would assume this is your first day on your first job. ever.”
you furrow your eyebrows confusedly while the segment coldly scrutinizes you top to bottom.
“even the lowliest of fatui recruits know that the first thing one should do after clocking in is get into the proper uniform.” he indicates with a snark in his tone.
ah- your lab coat.
“yes sir. my apologies.” with a haste in your step previously thought impossible to achieve without actually sprinting, you beeline straight to your office, which is conveniently on the other side of a very long hallway from the operation room. so long, in fact, that it gives enough time for a certain someone to slink into the office room without you even seeing it.
you don’t notice him even as you’re already inside the room. well, how could you with such tunnel vision, powered by your early-morning frustration and innate fear of disappointing the doctor. you’re practically out the door with lab coat in hand when he finally quips.
“uhm, doc?” the voice is shaky but still impossible to not recognize.
god dammit.
the tsaritsa was truly not on your side today. with a deep inhale, you do your best to keep a neutral expression as you turn around to face the head of red hair that haunts your dreams. or rather nightmares.
“how may i help you, lord tartaglia?” you still hated that title.
“well heh… this is the head nurse’s office, i believe you can help me by exerting the very function of this room?” the harbinger puts on a friendly front, acting like he can’t feel your burning glare. within it, you start to gauge at what’s brought him here, few surface-level scratches and even fewer cuts that are ever so slightly deeper present on him.
“i’m afraid i’m running late for an important appointment with the doctor, you’ll have to ask one of my subordinates.” you state matter-of-factly and start turning to leave again.
“w-wait, please!” he reaches out to stop you and the hand lands on your bicep, rather than your wrist which would’ve been a quicker latch. huh. “let me talk to him afterwards, he’ll understand. plus, i’m your boss as much as he is.”
“you’re quite literally not.”
“yeah, i’m not. still your boss though.”
childe is not of as high authority over you as the doctor is, afterall you’re one of the doctor’s assigned assistants, but the way he talks so casually and… playfully makes him seem even less bossy. but you don’t allow yourself anymore time to dwell on it, instead you roll your eyes and give in. your boss almost giddily sits on the examination bed.
the sterilized silk gloves slide snugly onto your palms as you look your patient up and down.
“how did you even manage to get yourself roughed up so early in the morning?”
“it’s never too early in the morning for a spar! though- hah… even i didn’t expect to take this many free hits.”
“who were you sparring?”
“eh, some junior lieutenants at the northwest wing. there were some new recruits there too so i figured i’d set an example for ‘em.”
northwest wing..? you visibly pause at the revelation.“that’s… on the other side of zapolyarny palace.”
“so there’s nurses there too.”
childe himself seems to pause then- you were catching onto him. he realizes he must think about his next actions as carefully as humanly possible.
“ahah… a-are there?”
good one, ajax.
you look down at the alcohol-soaked cotton ball sitting snugly between your tweezers and then up to a scratch right above childe’s eyebrow- seems like the perfect time to treat your patient. the sting comes before the harbinger can even react and much to his dismay, you keep the cotton ball on his forehead even as attempts to lean away from it.
“childe tartaglia,” you start, voice menacing and low. “did you orchestrate a sparring session with low-rank officers and get yourself injured on purpose to come see me?”
“a-ah ouch!” childe hisses. “surely you w-wouldn’t commit medical malpractice over something as trivial as this?” clearly he forgets who you work for, or pretends to at least.
“start talking.”
“okay, okay! yes, i did all that…” the red head sulks with a defeated sigh. pleased by the confession, you move away with your alcohol cotton ball of doom and give him space.
you watch the tsaritsa’s weapon of war crumple into himself, looking off into a meaningless corner of the room.
“i… i’m being stationed to liyue tomorrow.” his voice is entirely different from what it was when this entire ordeal began- quiet, hesitant.
“and?” is your response before you can even think about how douchey it sounds. it’s already too late when you see childe deflate even more and feel like you just kicked a puppy.
“and i wanted to come and give you the news.”
really? that’s all he wanted from this?
“then why go through all this effort of sparring newbies at practically the ass crack of dawn and lose? why not just come here and tell me at once?”
he scoffs bitterly. “like you’d talk to me under normal circumstances.”
the regret you were feeling from your cruel response from earlier quickly bleeds out into incredulousness.
“you haven’t talked to me under normal circumstances since we were fourteen.” you stab back and childe bites his tongue, he won’t retaliate this time. the rest of the appointment is spent in the deadliest of silences as you finish tending to his “injuries”. neither of you ever look up to face the other.
you pack up quickly as to haul ass from the office room as soon as possible. but not before you mutter stoically- “have fun in liyue.”
and childe is left to sit pathetically on the bed and contemplate his astronomical failure.
what a wretched week.
the days seem to take a thousand years each to end, the laboratory feels stuffier, the people less tolerable and you swear the pen in your hand feels heavier than a lead ingot.
“are you done sulking?”
oh yeah, there’s also the ruthless fatui harbinger you work under and the equally insulting bajillion copies of him. you know bajillion is a gross overestimation but you also gave up keeping track of how many segments the doctor has a long time ago, they’re bossy all the same.
“not sulking, sir, just… thinking.”
“thinking about the medical records you’re supposed to be overseeing surely?” he taunts and you can only scoff non-committedly.
said medical records were mere reports on several of the doctor’s past experiments and operations, arguably not worth such a commitment of your time or worth a hackling from your boss. either way the words and paragraphs had merged into blurred lines and incomprehensible messes in your eyes about ten minutes ago, you were only pretending to be doing something at this point.
the irresistible force of your boredom drives your gaze to anywhere but the papers in front of you, eventually settling onto a corkboard hung up on a farther wall of the doctor’s laboratory. tired retinas struggle to focus on the blueprints that are stuck onto the corkboard but they seem to have rough sketchings of… body parts? they’re definitely not human, no, instead the drawings indicate they’re robotical. on another blueprint is an unfinished rendering of the full robot body. the shape language is unconventionally stylized, to a point where they almost resemble traditional inazuman patterns or even… the patterns on scaramouches robes-
“l-lord dottore!! i have an u-urgent matter sent by lord pierro himself.”
“out with it. quick.” the segment doesn’t even bother to face the stammering officer that had bursted through the door right then.
“u-uhm… some of our liyue informants have reported t-that rex lapis suddenly p-perished during the rite of descension,”
“rex lapis, dying? well,” he drawls amusedly. “that would certainly be a sight. but how exactly does this development concern me? is the banker not available?”
“w-well y-yes… lord pierro specifically requested for your word on the matter a-and perhaps see if one of your s-subordinates could… be on-site?”
dottore’s segment lets out an exasperated sigh while a gloved hand goes up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “unfortunately it doesn’t surprise me that the collective surplus amount of agents we have stationed in liyue harbor proves to be utterly incompetent to the point where the jester himself would come to me for help.”
a feeling of dread settles in your chest as you try to digest the insane information you’ve been given-
rex lapis, the oldest of the seven archons of teyvat, is dead.
pierro, the head of the fatui harbingers, is requesting dottore to send one of his subordinates to investigate the scene.
that’s you, you’re dottore’s subordinate.
which means you’ll be sent to investigate an archon’s death. in liyue.
that’s where he is.
your head feels like it’ll explode any second now. the segment, ever so brilliantly clever like his prime version, seems to have the same idea as you and beams a sharp-toothed sadistic grin.
“why my assistant here does seem to be available, wouldn’t you say?” he turns a serpentine stare over to you.
“err… i don’t think i could leave my post here, sir, i am the head nurse after all-“
“nonsense, i doubt the bumbling idiots of this palace will find themselves into anything more troublesome than a papercut while you’re gone.”
oh the irony of hearing that after your… situation the other day. you huff defeatedly, standing up to start packing for your impromptu trip. the mysterious blueprints in the laboratory long forgotten.
morepesok hasn’t changed a bit since you left.
which, as much as you love your hometown, isn’t saying much- morepesok is as uneventful as it gets. in such a small seaside snezhnayan village, the only points of interest are the painfully traditional values of fishing and family.
the visit to your parents’ house is brief but comforting, some teary goodbyes and heartfelt words about how pleased and proud they are of what you’ve accomplished for yourself- achieving such a high position in the fatui ranks by merely helping people. you don’t even consider telling them about the doctor.
but what makes you feel worse is the visit to ajax’s family home. it’s like the house has been frozen in time, the place where you spent years of your childhood is intact and unchanged- except for some newer family pictures, of course.
teucer, tonia and anthon are the ones to greet you first, then ajax’s parents come along. huh… ajax. you hadn’t even noticed the switch your brain does whenever you’re back home. here, he’s ajax but in zapolyarny palace, he’s childe or tartaglia. but there’s no time to dig yourself a deeper hole in that topic because you’re presently being pampered like a very own daughter of the house by his parents.
“my dear, look at you! you look so grown and mature… have you been eating well?” his mother walks up to cup your cheeks with the most genuine parental love. she, like the rest of the environment, looks exactly as you remember her, with a few newer white strands betwixt her bright orange curls. well, remember is a strong word.
“tetya, it’s only been a few months since we’ve seen each other, i’m all the same.” you laugh and she reciprocates.
“yes yes, i know… and- oh! as a matter of fact, we saw ajax just this week, said he was being transferred to a northland bank all the way in liyue!”
and when you thought you could not feel shittier about this.
“it is a shame to have our ajax so far from home so suddenly but at least we still have you, dearest!” she grins, pinching your cheek with more vigor than you’ve seen apparent in fatui sergeants.
“hey!” the three younger siblings call out in unison.
“yeah, a-about that, tetya…” you start hesitantly. “i’m… also being transferred to liyue. there have been some unexpected developments and i’ll just be on field to check up on things.”
ajax’s mother huffs incredulously. “by the tsaritsa’s name! they must hate mothers over at that palace!” she shakes her head with disappointment. “speaking of which, have you gone to see your parents yet?” you only nod. “good good… well anyhow, are you in a hurry, dear? i could make you some hot chocolate and then you’re free to be on your way.”
how could you ever deny your tetya’s hot chocolate?
the rest of your stay in the household is spent chatting with the family and playing games with the younger kids, as well as drinking a cup of hot chocolate so delicious you almost cry. the afternoon is nearing its end when you’re walking out the door and teucer is bawling his eyes out at your departure, or maybe he’s just tuckered out.
“have a safe trip, kiddo.” ajax’s father pats you on the shoulder firmly.
“thanks, dyadya, i will.”
“oh! and take care of ajax, make sure he doesn’t get in over his head.” this time it’s tonia who pipes up and the rest of the family nods in agreement.
“bye bye, everyone!” you’re already at the house’s front fence, waving back as fiercely as you can.
the only thing you don’t notice is the knowing look that is shared between tonia and her mother when she mentions ajax.
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t8oo · 2 months
By all accounts the lupin fandom has always prided itself as a drama free ship war free open to polyamory and wildly different headcanons fandom. And I can name a few people that have worked hard to keep this place very friendly. And I really started in this fandom in a friendly place. I even managed to make friends that Liked Luzeni maybe even just as much as me. I was ecstasic. I really loved those people so much, I talked to them daily. Some of them I respected so much for their craft. Great.
Id always been upfront and very clear that they were befriending someone who was fucked in the head. And i dont mean seasonal depression type I mean Bipolar and Bpd and all the symptoms it entails. Im not even going to mention the upbringing and the life ive had. All of it was a complete and violently abusive catastrophy.
Last year I exhibited symptoms that were intense. TOXIC. It didnt mean that I was toxic to my friend, because I was rational enough to know about boundaries. I was at the end of my rope. For undisclosed reasons I had to be interned. Great. During the ultimate time that lead me to become crazy, not a single person i thought was my friend gave me a hand. I received a message from one friend while I was litteraly perched on the windowsill about to jump telling me about their life. Not asking abt me. I sent some Hey thats cool but im about to kill myself and they didnt reply. Days after I was interned they told me that my message triggered them so they had to have an emergency meeting with their psychiatrist. Cool. Nothing abt me still. Sorry ? Fallout 1
During yhat whole shitstorm and despite everything a friend became my like. favorite person in bpd terms. Just really fucking embarassing shit really. I tried to prevent it, i tried to pull out not to make it worse, which not only was making it worse but was making it toxic. I aparently blew out, which of course my memory conveniently forgot. I said something ahout their partner. They never explained what. Again, after internment I apologized. They told me they needed time. They bsolutely deserved it. I was probably horrible to warrant that reaction. I might even have been toxic. Again, I do not remember what I even said. Im not a demonic entity it couldnt have been like I desacrated them and insulted them beyond repair. Even in my anger I have always been limited. But all i can do is speculate. They never explained, just took my apology. And then They never came back. That friend I liked so much that despite everything I did to control myself became a person i liked beyond wat was normal. We have had so much fun. Not enough to mend bridges or explained anything. Fallout 2
During that blow out one friend meddled, asking that other friend for information ? I asked to pass along a message to friend B. which friend A refused. Like it was not their business, even tho they were clearly invested in the business enough to talk to both of us about it lol. No problem. 4 days ago thou i confronted a group of friends that were friends As friend, for kicking them out of an rp group for no reason, even bordering on racism. My friend feels hurt about that event, has always hinted at it. it even stopped them from rping, something they did for 12 years. They had no closure and so I tried to bring it to them. Asshole move or empathic ? Thinking back i may have been taking the situation personnaly because i was already on my way out menrally. I dont know. All i know is that four days later, after i talked for hours to that group and the reason why they treated my friend so poorly that they still had scars over it, i was experiencing a mental crisis and that friend refused a request. Great. Fallout 3
The last friend litteraly stood by and said nothing. Not before the fallout and not after. I dont even know'if that counts as a fallout. This girl was so cute, so fun, so talented, so FUNNY. And when it came to a heed she said nothing. No side taking. Neutrality. Okay
At this point I no longer had anyone to talk to I think. I was documenting my attempt and the horrible conditions of the psych ward on twitter for everyone of my "friends" to see. One i particularly loved so much because they genuinely were on the same level of insanity related to luzeni made a tweet about the late hystix, a person i did not know but a lot of the lupin fandom did. A beautiful soul that was always supportive and kind. Everyone was mourning her. It was truly heartbreaking. I hope she is in peace. Our attempts matched in timing, it was actually mindblowing. Mine just fucking failed because of nosy neighbors. I feel so close to her in spirit still. That we both struggled so much that we came to the conclusion that nothing could save us. She did not have the nosy neighbors. That friend mourned her publicly.. on twitter. Ok. Logical, its a depressing, horrible and sad situation all around. All we can do is mourn. Still, it was a friend I was genuinely close to. That never showed the empathy they did to me. Hey dude so im kind of facing the exact same issues but you never reached out ? While my torment was there and documented on twitter because again. I did not fucking know wat was going on. I was in a strict mental ward under a lot of dosage from nurses who refused to give me insulin even thou i was type 1. Friend said that they tweeted at me. No mention of the years and years of discussions we had on discord and me checking up on them everytime they pulled out for severe family matters and i was genuinely concerned. Nope they aparently tweeted something at me. Okay. Thank you for the concern. Your investment really shows. Fallout 4
after that I stopped friends all together. The fact that friends I was talking nigh on everyday to each revealed their lack of concern for me during an extreme mental health crisis was abyssmal to say the least.
Fallout 5 came with Sheen. I was managing a charity zine for Palestine, and the lack of investment from so many artists brought me to the edge. I took it out on Sheen in the softest way possible. I told them I was disapointed in their piece and that it looked low effory. Sheen, a person I had knwon for the entirety of my investment in the lupin fandom, decided that an offense was enough to block me and never speak again. Once again i was on the verge of yet another blow out. And it happened. Lol. Its just so funny in retrospect that everytime I start acting weird alluding to a breakdown people shun me out despite, you know. me being clear abt my medical record. I realized that I was rude to Sheen and it was uncalled for. Apologized publicly not in the attempt that Sheen sees it but just so that everyone knows that if they hear abt the story, at least they know its all been my fault. Online friendships are so cool because it just takes the block button to burn bridges without coming back. With no chance of mending or at least a genuine apology. so Fallout 5
Is there a reason that all of these issues happened within one fandom ? I do think so. Unless i am incredibly unlucky. Or an abusive piece of shit unbeknownst to me. I think that the lupin fandom is surface level niceties. If they dont like you you will know. It will be passive but you will be muted and eventually just ostracized. You will not be invited in fandom events, or group discussions. It did not help that my mental health was constantly deteriorating and I started developping a persecution complex, thinking that people were making secret discords where they were telling others to avoid me or something. Ive endured all of this for one thing. One Humiliating thing : i love luzeni. I love it so much I want a tatto of it. I love it so much that after years before sleep I pick a random fic and then imagine their discussions. I love their dynamic so much. I love their romance I love how fucking inhinged they are i love that they hurt and love each other the same, i love that they cant live without the other, that they genuinely complete each other in a really ugly but complete patchwork of mental illness and really elaborate kinks.
I gave up thou. Another depression, I blew out, attempted again with the window, got caught and sent to the hospital. It pulled me back from the fandom. I realized i was allocating so much of my thoughts to it and how I could be better perceived, how I could make friends again to talk about the fictional thing i loved the most in the world. And I realized that in giving up and keeping to myself, that I could be more stable. That the damage was done and I cant really enjoy this fandom anymore, but Im still attached to the hip to luzeni and so in the words of a really brilliant man... Nah... Ill do my own thing.
U might be wondering why the hell is this bitch airing their laundry publicly. Its therapeutic. You dont have to read or care. If those friends see it, and make a comment of their own about how the events did NOT happen like I told, I would love to hear how they perceived it. I do not give my friendship freely and easily and these people have done profound damage to my abilty to trust. And most of all, I never had any closure. I kept rethinking, blaming them, then myself, then miscommunication, then them and then myself again. To this day I dont know why all of this happend. Did I act like an unfathomable monster, or did my friend simply not give a shit enough to help me through this. I dont fucking know and I cant deny either options. Maybe I am talking through a completely selfish wrapped sens of perception that is not to be trusted. I wouldnt be surprised. I have a very hard time relying on my own brain lately. My health is deteriorating very fast, and shit is getting worse.
The second reason is that I am going to be interned for psychiatric issues for the next 3 months. For the first time in my life I think Ill finally get all the professional support i need, available and close. Im not going to be investing any time in the fandom, if simply talking to the psychiatrist abt this catastrophic strings of fallouts. I might be posting some luzenis, but frankly i doubt it. I only make fanart when I am happy, or sad enough but still capable. Im neither right now. You are not entitled to any of these informations, but I just wanted to write them out of my mind because I have a LOT of baggage to go on through and this is an extra bag I dont need so im throwing it out.
You cannot gauge an entire fandom from your perspective, the same way you cannot gauge an entire userbase. No, tiktokers are not the worst people in humanity. Neither are reddit users. Being on tumblr is cool, but it doesnt make u better than being on twitter. And so this is only my opinion of the lupin fandom. I met some amazing persons that i wish the best for, for ever and ever, but in all the niceties and welcoming you might see, I dont think that extends to a person with mental illnesses that are villified, or out of their control. I can fairly say that my experience was disapointing, and I dont intend to rekindle anything. Ill just be on the fringe maintaining the spirit of luzeni alive because fuck you monkey punch these are my characters now by law.
If you read until this bro get a life. Also im joking, youv given me more consideration than most people i met have. If your take after this is that I am deranged, then youv read right.
Thank you for reading. This blog has always been a pleasure to post on, even my most cringe and embarassing shippy stuff. Ive been met with nothint but support, and I truly enjoy being here because of you. I hope this isnt a 3+ month long goodbye. I hope I draw my lovers again. But I cant guarantee anything. I wish you all health most of all, and love and compassion.
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atopfourthwall · 5 months
Hey ive sent in what was basically a really well thought out fan letter like at least a month ago through here and it never got answered so im operating under the assumption that it got accidentally eaten by the ask box so I'm going to say what i had to say once more to make sure the message gets to you!
So a while ago i was very big into listening to explanations on horror series and args and whatnot and i had begun to watch a video about winter of 87 because i thought it would be interesting and when they mentioned the fact that you had made it i was surprised because my father was a very very big fan of you back in the day and I thought that you wouldn't even still be on the internet lol.
So i checked out your channel for the first time on my own with honestly quite a bit of fear because i didnt honestly remember what you were like. All i knew is that I enjoyed you as a child because my father watched you and my father was the absolute biggest piece of shit I have ever met lmao (complete kid diddler, bigot, the whole package really) so i did not have high hopes on you being a good person because of the things that my father enjoys but i was pleasantly surprised!
I decided to watch your remembrance of the daleks vid and i was really really enjoying it and all the points you put out in it but the whole time i was waiting for you to make some sort of transphobic joke about the transmat cuz hey lowhanging fruit. But it never happened. In fact it became quite clear to me you only had positive jokes to make about minorities and i was astonished.
I know youre just being a good person and all that but given my history it means a lot. As a queer autistic youth who grew up in a harmful environment its beautiful to find that the figures that i used to look up to would actually be on my side. You are just really a beacon of hope for me and a reminder that even when my life was at its lowest there was good and I think you are a very inspiring and genuinely wonderful person from everything ive seen about you.
I think I've made my point lol so enjoy your day and dont work yourself too hard! With warm regards from a fan who is clueless when it comes to nerd culture but heavily inspired nonetheless
It did indeed get eaten and sorry you had to write this all out again. I'm even more sorry that your dad's a piece of shit. Thank you for the very kind words and I will continue to strive to be worthy of those words. =)
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🍕to find this later
Aita: i called the pizza my husband was eating nasty
For some context, this will seem random but it may factor into emotions right now
My husbands best friend just moved in with us 3 days ago
My mother in laws dog was diagnosed with cancer today, and will be put down tomorrow. Everyone is very heartbroken
We were in the car after getting some groceries and my husband mentioned he was thinking of picking up pizza since he knows no one has eaten much today and definitely wont feel like cooking
I dont like pizza much, i especially dont like little caesers, im very very open about this and always have been. If im ever given a choice i never choose little caesers, but if i am hungry enough ill eat a slice or two.
We all have really dark senses of humor and often poke fun of each other and of each other's interests and laugh it off no big deal. We do this daily
So I'm sitting in the bedroom playing games, my husband and his best friend are hanging out in the living room. My husband comes over to the bedroom and says hey Im going to pick up pizza Ill be right back
Time passes and the pizza comes and everyone goes and sits at the dining room table to eat. Theres three boxes, two different types of pizza, my husbands favorite, stuffed crust, and my usual favorite thin crust. Everyones talking and I don't remember exactly what was said but my husband mentions something about thin crust my favorite or something like that. I say something like "actually with little ceasers i prefer the normal pizza the thin crust doesnt have much sauce and i like the sauce". I finish eating and get on to my handheld console and keep playing my game, half paying attention to the conversation. At some point, I honestly don't remember at all what I said or what was being said, but I remember vaguely my husband saying the box they got is "normal pizza" and i said no its not his is stuffed crust which is nasty. I was being playful, i dont like pizza to begin with, i like the crust even less, and stuffed crust just really really isnt my thing.
A few minutes later i notice my phone has a notification, i look to see a text from my husband saying I was being rude because his friend paid for the food.
I was at first extremely confused, was me playing games at the table rude? They were using their phones while eating and talking so i didnt think so. Was it because i said i didnt like the thin crust? At this point i genuinely dont remember saying the stuffed crust is nasty and dont understand what i did wrong. I text him back asking what he was talking about and he says that i called the food nasty. I thought about it and vaguely recall saying it Playfully but again i was paying attention to my game and not so much to what was being said so i dont even remember for sure.
I got really upset and kind of mad, I had just been joking and i never say ugly things to people ever so it hurt that he assumed i ment the worst.
Even then there had been absolutely no way for me to know his friend bought it. He told me he was thinking of buying pizza then he said he was going to pick it up. Plus it happened to be my and his favorite pizzas so it seemed like he picked them. I had been in a different room there was no way i could of known what they planned or who paid or anything.
Plus whenever he buys or cooks food i always tell him his is gross or nasty or w/e Playfully. And he calls my food gross too. We joke like this all the time.
And even still, weve been together for three years and weve known each other longer than that. He knows i dont like pizza. He knows i dont like crusts. Its not a strange thing for me to be vocal about it. In faxt itd be strange if i didnt because like ive mentioned we Always poke fun of each other's foods and of each other.
And maybe this is just a me thing but. I dont feel like its rude to call something like little caesers nasty, especially around people who know i dont like it? Itd be one thing if it was a strangers cooking id say something polite like "i dont think its for me" or just say it was good if i wont see them again. Or if i was at someone's house and they bought pizza for everyone. But for all intents and purposes it seemed like my husband bought it and, i cant stress enough how normal it is for us to pick fun at each others foods. He makes fun of my subway order all the time. I always call little caesers gross.
I dont know if feelings are just tense because the beloved family pet passed
Or if he's feeling extra defensive of his friend since he just barely moved in
Or if im in the wrong entirely for being upset and it actually is highly rude of me. Though. I genuinely dont understand since we make fun of each others food all the time. So if i am the asshole can people please try to explain why because i genuinely dont understand what made this different to him saying the black olives on my subway are gross. Or me normally saying little caesers is gross. Like i really dont get whats different so id really appreciate an explanation
What are these acronyms?
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
The Night From Hell (Little Duck au🐣)
pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader (Momma Evans) x Arlie Mae
summary: Chris never in a million years thought he’d get a phone call like the one he got as he sat down to feel Wesley, and his whole world shattered…
warnings: angst angst angst, injuries more on momma than arlie, mentions of drunk driving, medical terminology, a bit of comfort and fluff
a/n: idk why i’ve been hooked on this idea, but here it is, angst filled teehee, don’t worry i’ll give the family a break for a while after this and only write fluff but for now, enjoy 🫶🏻
word count: 2,067
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The loud ringing in your ears seemed to get louder and louder the more aware and awake you’d become, still strapped in the driver’s seat, your neck stinging painfully, and judging by the seatbelts tight hold on you, it had burned your neck. You knew for certain you had blacked out, but for how long? That was still undetermined. Everything ached, your ribs, back, not to mention your head which had started to pound repeatedly, but what snapped you out of your haze were Arlie’s cries from the backseat
“I’m here baby…I’m gonna get you out my love, are you hurt?”
“Y-yes, owie momma”
Biting your lip to keep from crying out yourself, you unstrapped the seatbelt, sirens now filling the space around you as you managed to get out and limp over to open the back door. When you got it open, Arlie reached for you, eyes bloodshot, but thankfully she looked okay, a few scratches on her arms and cheek from broken glass 
“Momma you bleeding”
“I-I know my love, I’m okay, we’re okay though”
You pulled her into your arms before sitting on the asphalt against the back tire, if there was anything you were thankful for right now it was for Volvo and how amazing the cars they made were, all you could see was a mangled mess of metal from the other car that hit you, but yours, albeit messed up, still looked somewhat decent
“Want daddy, I want daddy momma!”
An ambulance, followed by fire and police showed up, paramedics getting out and jogging in your direction, but you could feel yourself fading slowly
“D-Daddy will be here soon baby..p-promise..”
“Momma? Momma!!”
You had tried to fight the feeling you’d been getting while sitting against your car with Arlie holding onto you, but her voice was the last thing you’d heard before passing out, and it looked like you weren’t going to be waking up
Arlie was crying and shaking your arm trying to get you up, she was frantic and at only 4 years old she didn’t know what to do, she was terrified as she watched you fall and hit the pavement, her screams causing two paramedics to run over 
“Hi honey, hey little one, can you tell me your name sweetie?”
Arlie looked towards the young medic who crouched down to her while her partner rushed to your side to make sure you were breathing 
“Help Momma pwease!”
“Alright honey, we’re gonna help your mommy, but can you tell me your name...?”
The medic smiled 
“Hi Arlie, I’m Jess, it’s nice to meet you” 
Jess paused before a few other people came to get you situated on a stretcher, which only caused more panic to build in little Arlie’s chest 
“Arlie, we are going to ride with your mom in the ambulance, okay? We’re going to check out your little cuts and get them nice and clean, okay?”
Jess held her arms out slowly and Arlie was quick to enter her embrace so she could pick Arlie up and walk with her behind the stretcher 
“Want my daddy”
“We can call him when we get inside okay?”
Arlie nodded and they both got into the back of the ambulance and watched as you were hooked up to a few monitors and had begun to get IVs placed along your arms all while Arlie had to watch you lay silent, and that is what scared her the most, she’d never seen her momma like this at all…she was too quiet…way too quiet
Chris had just put Wesley down for bed when his phone went off again, ringing from the countertop in the kitchen downstairs, he’d heard it go off once a few minutes ago, and couldn’t get too it, so he jogged down the stairs, turning the phone to see an unknown number
“Hi is this Mr. Evans?”
Chris had started to feel anxious before he’d picked up the phone but now that feeling started to rise 
“Yes, this is him, can I ask who’s calling?”
“This is Jess McNeil, I’m a paramedic with the Newton County fire department, I’m a paramedic, there’s been an accident involving your wife and daughter”
There is no singular word or feeling to describe just how Chris felt in this moment, the sheer panic as he moved over to open his laptop, sending his mother a series of texts, the urgency in them telling her to come to the house as soon as possible. If Chris ended up going into Boston tonight, he didn’t want Wesley to be in a hospital around sick people, nor did he think he could hold it together enough for his son
“I-Wait how’d this happen, are they alright? Where are you headed, are they hurt bad...?”
“Mr. Evans, I assure you we are doing everything we possibly can for your wife right now, I can’t discuss all the details over the phone, but she is in critical condition as we speak, we are heading towards Massachusetts General Hospital, your daughter is fine, minor injuries”
Chris went to ask another question or try to get any more information on your condition when he heard his sweet little girl’s voice come through the speaker 
“Daddy, you there daddy?”
He sniffled quietly, his emotions no longer being held back
“I’m here baby, I’m here Arlie, are you okay duck?”
“I scared daddy, can you come get me and momma pwease…don’t wike it here…too loud”
The fear in her voice and slight tremble in speech making his heart clench tighter in his chest 
“I’m going to come see you and momma right now, you’ll be okay baby I promise, you stay with Jess until I get there, okay? I promise, I love you so much Arlie Mae”
“I love you daddy”
For the next couple minutes while Chris gathered a bag with clothes and pyjamas for himself, Arlie and you, they’d stayed on the phone until his mother arrived at the house, only then did Chris hang up and make his way into Wesley’s room to kiss his forehead whispering a quiet ‘I love you so much’ before going down to explain everything to Lisa and the night his little family was in for
Chris had never driven into Boston as fast as he did tonight, his car screeching into the parking lot at Mass Gen as he slid it into park, the emergency room lights casting a hue amidst the puddles of rain in the parking lot. He’d slung the bag of clothes over his shoulder before jogging to the entrance, it didn’t take him long to find Arlie first who was sitting with Jess playing with a puzzle and some blocks 
“Oh, thank god…”
Arlie turned and jumped up instantly taking off towards Chris 
“Hi baby, oh god, thank you god…you’re okay baby”
He took her into his arms instantly as she clung to him, Chris never wanted to let her go, but pulled back after a few minutes to inspect her cheek were a band aid lay, covering one of the bigger cuts
“I’m so happy you’re okay Arlie, I was so worried”
Chris pressed a few kisses to her forehead before turning to smile at Jess who’d made her way over to say goodbye as her team was going back out 
“Thank you so much, for looking after my girls…I can’t thank you enough”
Jess smiled and nodded 
“Of course, Arlie is a great storyteller, and if it’s any ease to your mind, your wife was awake when we arrived, I’m sure they’ll have a room for her soon”
Chris nodded and sent her a small smile, thanking her once again before he and Arlie chose an uncrowded corner to sit in, letting her change into some pyjamas before she curled up next to Chris, opting to watch a show quietly on his phone while they both waited for any news on your condition, right now it felt like they’d be waiting all night. 
You were more than aware of the situation you were in, the hospital bed far less comfortable than your own, the steady beeping from the monitor attached to your heart, the drip of the iv’s every few seconds, you felt like shit, there was no sugar coating that at all. Thankfully you didn’t end up needing surgery at all, and you’d been getting settled into this room when a knock at the door paused your movements to get comfortable 
“Mrs. Evans, I have some guests here to see you, they’ve been waiting very patiently”
You knew immediately who it was and nodded, still not trusting of your voice just yet. A tired smile on your face when the door opened further and Arlie stood there with Chris, her little eyes lighting up instantly 
She ran to you, and you could already feel the tears spill gently down your cheeks, everything was so overwhelming 
“H-Hi my baby”
Chris came over shortly after, tears in his eyes as well
“Arlie, remember, gentle with Momma for the next while okay?”
She turned and nodded at her dad before holding your hand gently, Chris moving to the other side to lean down and press a kiss to your forehead
“Hi handsome, sorry for the little scare”
He couldn’t help the quiet laugh that escaped him, knowing you were trying to bring some slight humour to the situation, it was too hard to look at this any differently. Arlie had managed to climb into the bed beside you, laying her head on your shoulder gently, just wanting to be close to you
“Momma, can we go home pwease?”
“Well, my love, I can’t go home just yet, I’ve got some pretty big owies I need looked at, but you and daddy can go home anytime” 
You could see Chris tense slightly out of the corner of your eye, you knew he wouldn’t want to leave, but what you didn’t expect was Arlie to shake her head, and hold the hospital gown you had on tighter in her hands, a soft yawn spilling out 
“I stay if momma stays…”
You smiled watching her closer her eyes as her voice trailed off, this was the last place you’d ever thought the two of you would end up, but you were more than grateful you’d gotten the worst of it, you didn’t know what you would have done if this was Arlie in your place instead of you 
“The uh doctor, told me all your injuries, but said we should be able to leave in a few days...”
He looked at you, the anxiety swimming behind his tired eyes, you could see right through him every time, but this was the first time you’d ever seen him this scared
“I’m okay baby, I know you’re scared, and anxious…I want to let you feel those feelings, but I’m right here, I’m okay, Arlie is okay”
He nodded leaning his head on your thigh as he gripped your hand gently, squeezing it to find more comfort 
“I thought I lost you both…and-and then when the medic told me you were in critical condition, I thought I was l-losing you Y/N…god when I got that call…my ma is home with Wes, I drove straight here”
“I can only imagine how that felt, truth be told I really don’t remember much other than getting Arlie out of the car…god that car saved our lives Chris”
Chris pulled his head back to look at you once again, just taking everything in, almost as if you’d disappear, and you almost had tonight 
“I love you, and I love Arlie so fucking much I need you to know that, and I need you to know I’ll make sure you both get better, and get any help you need, no matter what it takes” 
Bringing a hand up to cup his cheek softly you nodded, no words needed to be exchanged as Chris leaned into your touch, feeling grateful that soon he’d be able to take his two favourite girls home. He never ever wanted to feel what he had tonight, and how he felt when he got that call, so as he watched his wife and daughter sleep, he called Lisa to fill her in, and let her know everything would be okay, he’d make sure of it. 
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Hey hey heyyy im back with another request (im the same anon who requested that yandere morgana piece u wrote, absoutely loved it btw ate it up) and i was wondering if you could write some yandere! Hwei x reader? (fanfic or headcanons is up to you!) maybe the reader is an artist as well and they bond over that? Idk man up to you, also love ur takes on characters ur legit one of the best LoL writers ive seen!!
Btw if you dont mind can i be the 🍊 anon? Ive seen other blogs have their emoji anons and i wanna be one so bad fhdbfh
Hope youre having a nice day!!
Author's Notes: Of course 🍊 anon! I would love to <3
I also got tired of making so many headcanons (believe it or not, I have more saved in my drafts), I'm going to write a one-shot. I hope you like it <3. I also appreciate that you like my work. It's especially nice to know that there's someone who enjoys what I do besides me. By the way, I think Hwei is not in the Yandere “tier list” of LoL, so from how I write him and how I see him, I assume that he is a “Normal” type, because his personality reminds me a little of Ayano from Yandere simulator jjjjjjjjjj
Yandere! Hwei x Fem! reader
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Yandere character: Hwei From the videogame/anime/manga/movie/series: League Of Legends Case: Mention of stalking, allegation of theft, robbery and kidnapping. Part: 1 of 1 Warning: Excessive text LOL
You had heard that word for so long that it was already embedded in your memory. But not in the way most expected.
You hated that word, and for that same reason you almost never hung out with the teachers or students of the temple you went to.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, we better go to the beginning.
You had been born into a family that had never been close to other nations apart from Ionia, your mother was a strict woman, sometimes bordering on abusive, who always hated temples. Especially religions… Let's say she never had good experiences with it.
And your father, oh your beloved father… He was a saint in every sense of the word. He was kind, a joker… And a smile was always on his face. He had never yelled, in fact even when he was angry, he would just sit in the corner, ignoring everything around him until his mind cooled down.
And, being an only child, your life around them was quite chaotic. While your mother always tried to stay out of her entire family situation—a rather complex issue even for you—your father was the “husband of the house,” so to speak. He was in charge of teaching you both cooking and home care in general, including carpentry and, mainly, the art of home decoration.
He always dreamed of being a great artist, but in his family it was never frowned upon for a man to make the decision to undertake such a complex world of art, because, you know… that's a “women's thing.” But anyway, a lot of things have happened since the last time you talked to your uncles and cousins so… They aren't very important in your life right now.
But do you know that it is important? Where did you study.
Your father insisted a lot on your talent with sculptures and the human form; You really liked making ceramic vases manually, so much so that from the age of 8 you made your first sculpture; It was the strange shape of a dog with small eyes and a giant nose. At the time you barely knew how to paint sculptures, and your father barely knew about sculptures, and the shape of it so… Let's say it looked more like an "alebrije" than a dog with a big nose.
But that was a long time ago, and now the only proof of that memory is the figure on your father's furniture; kept as a beautiful memory.
As time went by your sculptures became more complex; from simple vases for flowers to sculptures with human figures of such a level that, at this point, we could compare them with the statues of Michelangelo.
And your father wanted that talent to be exploited to the fullest. So, after years of arguing with your mother, they both agreed that you should go to the great temple where you would learn about the art.
But there was a small problem, one that was going to haunt you a lot.
You weren't used to how strict that school was.
The first and second day at that school were quite chaotic for you. It wasn't just because it wasn't as you expected, but because everything was very limited.
If you wanted to make art, you had to do it how they wanted, when they asked you to, and how they expected it. However, not only was that not your style, but it seemed like the teachers (especially the principal) always had one eye on you. And only for a few weeks did you endure that strict issue of obedience.
But there was one boy who was particularly kind to you, and he was a young man of always unkempt appearance. His dark circles always stood out on his face, along with his hair that was rarely organized in a linear manner. From the first time he saw you, he felt charmed by the way you expressed yourself; You were good at painting and using magic, but when he saw the ceramic sculptures you made…damn, you really drove him crazy.
But you obviously didn't notice, you were too focused on trying to get along with your surroundings in general that you didn't notice his desperate attempts to get along with you.
However, in the pleasant conversations you had with him, you always saw him as the stereotype of the exemplary boy; someone who dedicated his entire life to his art, to the temple and was admired by everyone for his great talent. You thought he was assured of a great future thanks to his eccentric abilities.
And you, unlike most, learned very well from your mother that you could not let yourself be trampled; especially by anyone you barely knew. So the blood that ran through your veins and the passion for your own art that you kept for so long was slowly being tied to be limited, but with barely strong ropes. It hurt a lot to know that you were in a place that didn't belong to you, it was as if you were a squirrel in the Freljord, or a mouse in a perfume store.
And in the end, when you mentioned all these things to your mother, she didn't take it very well.
—Did you really go through all this while you were in that temple? —She asked, a cigarette between her fingers as she arranged her needles on the table.
You just nodded your head, not looking at your mother at all. The woman, at this, clicked her tongue.
—I knew that those bitches are only good for the basics, they didn't evolve at all —The woman brought the cigarette to her lips, taking a gentle drag —so, do you know something, my child? Send them to hell.
You were used to her bad vocabulary, so much so that at this, you just nodded your head again.
—I know perfectly well that you are not like me, that you want to venture out and learn about “the ways of art” and that I know —The woman moved her free hand in the air, while with the other she only lightly squeezed the cigarette. —, but if you're going to go alone so that that bunch of nuts can do you less, I'm going to get you out even by kicking you in the ass.
Your mother was tough as a chain in the teeth, and you knew that she couldn't last long without making trouble in the temple if there was someone bothering her only daughter. She cared very little if it was a student, a teacher or even the founder of the temple himself —Even though she knows that she died a long time ago— she would go and give her her dose of shit if she messed with the pride of her as a mother.
She advised you to kick their ass if they messed with you, but your father later talked to you about it, advising that you couldn't take all your feelings and thoughts to such an extreme, but that you should think coldly, and not give importance to people that were not to your specific liking, regardless of their social status. You were no less for coming from a family that came from the middle of nowhere.
During your temple walk, you always walked alone, which gave you plenty of time to think about your actions; You had been passive most of the time, however, more than once you let out those classic off-color comments when they already crossed your limit. Words like “Fuck you if you don't like it” or “You're barely able to use colors and you're going to tell me what I have to do?” escaped you in very rare cases.
You entered the less traveled part of the temple, hoping not to encounter those looks that made you uncomfortable. The song of nature resonated in your ears harmoniously, while the sound of the materials inside your bag resonated from time to time.
In the midst of your ramblings, you remembered your lost sculptures, and your forgotten materials; You were not a forgetful pardon, and it seemed strange to you not to find your favorite materials —That were metal, so they were worth a lot of money —, and even though you asked and asked, you couldn't find it anymore, so it depressed you a lot to think that you had lost something that had cost yout parents so much effort, and the mere memory of it caused you to feel that pang in your heart.
Even if your parents said it was nothing that couldn't be fixed, it hurt to know that you had lost one of the most expensive things your parents had cost you to get you.
But it was curious to think what a surprise you would get.
However, you get to hear some noises; without being the whining of baby birds waiting for food or rodents walking in search of food, but rather it resembled the voice of two people talking. You recognized both of their voices, but you thought it wasn't too important to stay there, in fact, you were already planning to go somewhere else when you heard it.
—So that girl, (Name), right?
—Yes, I didn't think you realized that issue.
The second boy's shy voice reminded you of that young man you rarely spoke to, which took you by surprise. Hwei wasn't the type of person to talk bad about someone behind their back, or at least that was the idea you had based on your interactions.
—You don't have to worry, after all it's normal for you to feel attracted to someone —Jhin mentioned, almost in a mocking manner—. So why don't you tell me about her?
You had already noticed the intention behind that interaction, however, after what happened, you thought that maybe you could calm your heart with some sweet words that you weren't meant to hear at that moment.
—Well, she is… incredible —He begins, you hear how the young man sits on a log due to the sound of the hollow wood —, she is beautiful, kind, tender… and her way of expressing her art is so… unique.
You gently leaned your back against the wood, trying not to make any sound. Something in your chest moved abruptly, as if your heart was fluttering like a butterfly in glass.
—I adore her sculptures, I feel that they are the most beautiful thing I have seen —He continues talking, slowly his emotion rose more and more —. I looked sometimes at her work in class or in the room away from her, and they are… beautiful.
—So much so that you had the need to steal them, right?
It was a single sentence, one which echoed in your head for several seconds.
—What are you talking about? —Hwei asks, arranging his hair a little, trying to place several strands behind his ear —. I would never do that.
You didn't hear how Hwei's tone of voice changed, becoming staccato, as his hands clung to his backpack, which he had in his lap.
At this, the other student laughed, almost like a subtle laugh, while his eyes wandered to where your shadow was looming. A mischievous smile forms on his face.
—So, I imagine that the sculptures that are in your room were made by you, right? —He questions, looking subtly into Hwei's eyes—. Or you bought them from her.
Your thoughts slowly formed a thread of the events that had happened. A lump formed in your throat, almost painfully so.
—Or her favorite utensils, she asked me if I had seen them last week, since she had left them near you the last time she saw them —He continued, almost introspectively—, but when I asked you, you only mentioned that you didn't see them that day either.
You shook your head, from the depths of your soul you prayed that it wasn't true, that you didn't have the school prodigy after you in such an extreme way.
—Well, I admit that I have some of her sculptures in my room, but they are the ones that she forgot in class or anywhere! —The pale boy snapped—. And I don't know what you think I did with her utensils, I don't know how to sculpt.
Jhin laughs again, barely audibly now, as if he knew that now he would have to act more vividly.
—And why were they in the box in your room? —Jhin asks him —, it even had remains of dry ceramics. Could it be that they were already used?
Hwei gritted his teeth, while his gaze met Jhin's again.
—That side of you… It's so peculiar. —He smiles —, I thought no one would see it, but you risk being seen in exchange for getting some things from (Name).
Hwei knew that darkness within his soul had awakened since the first day he saw you. And that darkness spread throughout his soul, mind and body, to the point that it seemed to consume all of his heart and mind.
—Your paintings were always warm colors —Jhin changed the subject, the smile disappearing from his face —, they were never about anything specific, but since you met that girl, something changed —He bowed gently in front of Hwei —. If it was about her, you focused on her in a way that made her seem pure, you used colors that highlighted her body or her emotion on her face. But she never looked at anyone —He subtly changed his focus —, she looked at the painter, or she didn't look at anyone, tell me, do you just want her to not look at anyone but you? Do you want her to the point that you don't want her to look at anyone but you?
He remained silent, in such a way that you could feel the weight of the words lingering in the air, causing an almost inexhaustible tension there. It was such that you could no longer hear the song of nature that you longed for so much.
—I won't criticize you, Hwei, you know that I understand better than anyone the dark feeling inside you —Jhin tried to sound empathetic —. And, if you want, I can help you make (Name) yours. I can make her fall in love with you and make that she can never leave you.
The obsessed young man understood how wrong it was to have those thoughts terrifying his mind, but he couldn't stop it, it was a feeling that had already taken root in his heart, and he couldn't tear it out no matter how much he wanted to.
—I can't… —Hwei whispered, his voice breaking —…, I don't want to harm her; She is so nice to me, I don't want to put her through all my feelings.
You heard him sob.
—You're not going to hurt her —Jhin comforts him, a hand running over his cheek —. I know you love her very much, and you notice how others hurt her. But, tell me, don't you think about those people really hurt her? —He subtly wipes away the tear that slipped down her face—. You should take care of those people, you know? So she could express her art as she loves it. Maybe she could even make thousands of statues without anyone to pressure her, and you could “borrow” them for yourself.
You had heard enough, you couldn't stay there for another minute.
However, before you could move, Jhin leaned close to Hwei's ear, his lips close to her loose strands of hair.
—Or you could take it right now, you know? This opportunity is perfect. —Jhin's mischievous smile spreads across his face.
Hwei opened his eyes to her peak, at the same time he heard a rope move abruptly.
And you felt your foot being pulled up, forcing you to hit your face against the ground, causing you to moan in pain.
—Shit. —You whispered, feeling your head spin, a small wound on your head began to make small drops of blood come out.
—That is…? —Hwei whispers, his heart sinking in his chest —(Name)..?
Today I came wanting to write. I loved how this one-shot turned out, and I hope those who read it do too haha.
I hope to receive more orders if any of you wish, until then, I will be dedicated to my hobbies and my studies.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
you‘ve absolutely re-awakened my love for drugged whumpees! what about a whumpee drugging themselves as a bad coping mechanism? maybe even specifically with a feel-good drug (because i loved those drabbles)! but this time a friend is there to take care of them and make sure they are safe, maybe they got some concerning messages from whumpee and went to visit them.
also because i am afraid of you and your angst (/positiv) please let this be comfy i am always in need of comfort
tw drugs, addiction, past trauma, alcohol mention
i love you sooo much
ive never had such a good friwnd u know that?
ur fucking awesome and we shuld hang out more
As touched as Caretaker was reading the messages, they didn’t sound like Whumpee in their usual state. They rarely ever got sappy like this, and they never resorted to the abbreviations unless they were too drunk to see the keyboard. There was something going on, and Caretaker hoped it was just a couple shots of vodka — despite it being 10 am.
“Hey, Whumpee?” They knocked on the door again, louder this time. “Can we hang out, like, right now? I brought some food.”
That was a bit of a stretch, but the door opened soon after they’d mentioned it. “That’s awesome,” they slurred, their excited grin faltering when they saw no bags in Caretaker’s hands. “Where’s it…?”
“I lied,” they said easily, gently guiding Whumpee back inside. “But I brought myself, and I can make you some food in a bit. Before that, though… Drinking in the morning again, are we?”
Whumpee gave them a sheepish smile, the promised free meal entirely forgotten. “Y’know how it is,” they said, giggling a little. “Some days y’just gotta… feel alive…”
Caretaker frowned. This felt different from when Whumpee was drunk. “What did you have?”
“Ah, just… just a bit of this and that…”
They stepped closer and cupped Whumpee’s face, taking a good look at their eyes. That didn’t look very promising. “Whumpee, did you take something?”
“Noooooo…” Whumpee tried to swat their hands away, with little success due to how uncoordinated their movements were. “No, you’re– you’re misunderstanding, ’m just… just happy to see you. Your pupils dilate when you look at someone you looove...”
Caretaker sighed. “I would like you to honestly tell me what you’ve taken. Please. I won’t judge, I won’t be mad, all I want is to stay here and take care of you, okay?”
It was like Whumpee didn’t even hear them. They kept nuzzling against Caretaker’s hands, almost purring as they did so. “You’re so warm…”
“Sure am.” They poked their cheek. “Whumpee, listen to me.”
“Would you ever kiss me?” they asked abruptly, unfocused eyes now fixed on Caretaker’s lips. “‘cause I really wanna kiss right now… Just once…”
Well, that wasn’t a direct answer to their previous questions, but it might as well have been. There was one drug they knew of that made Whumpee act like this, one they’d said they had quit months ago.
The one Whumper had gotten them hooked on.
“You wanna kiss me, specifically?” Caretaker knew well that Whumpee didn’t see them as anything other than a friend, and they weren’t the type to be going around kissing people platonically.
“Mmm, yeah… You’re a good kisser, I’m sure… I can tell stuff like that…”
Yeah, they’d definitely taken Whumper’s drugs. Fantastic. Apparently there was still someone out there who was supplying Whumpee, but that was a problem for another day.
“Tell you what,” they started gently. “Instead of kissing, we’ll go to the kitchen and I’ll make you some of your favourite food.”
Whumpee lit up instantly. “Deal!”
Caretaker kissed them on the forehead and led them to one of the chairs, making sure they were comfortable before walking over to the cupboards. They were going to have to keep Whumpee talking, so they could track their movements inside the house; they were prone to wandering whenever they were high, and they couldn’t keep staring at them while cooking.
In all honesty, there was not much Caretaker could do now that Whumpee had already taken the thing. They couldn’t even do much about the addiction itself that seemed to be ruining any semblance of a chance of a full recovery. But there was one thing they could do, and that was supervising their friend whenever the need arose.
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gabyun · 4 months
hii if you’re taking requests maybe a roller rink date with enhypen? (but like each member individually) and readers really good at skating😸
yes this is such a cute idea !! i actually just went rollerskating a few days ago so i think its funny how my first request is abt this, (btw tysm for requesting hehe) and i shall try my best to deliever.
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ how i imagine roller rink dates would go w enhypen
a/n : i hope it doesnt seem too repetitive, ive never even attempted an ot7 so i hope it came out well! (also sorry jungwons is so long wtf)
𐙚 - l.heeseung
roller skating is one of your favourite activities, but heeseung has always been a bit avoidant about it. you’ve mentioned it to him numerous times, but he always brushes it off saying he has been before but you honestly have started to doubt it as hes declined the idea, offering up something else. heeseung is always the kind of guy who likes to ‘show off’ toward you and he always wants to seem cool. so, after a really long time of asking over and over again, he finally agrees. you both arrive to the rink, and pay the money and ask for your shoe sizes. the employee hands you the roller skates, and you sit down and begin tying them up. you look over at him, extremely excited to skate with him after ages. you notice a very worried aura on him, and you ask "are you sure you’ve been roller skating before?" his head turns to you. "uhm, well-" "heeseung its okay if you havent, i can always teach you" he sighs and nods. "im sorry i made you think i know how to skate". you tell him that its okay and you think itll be a fun idea to teach him. you guys get on the rink, and your holding him up and keeping him steady. once you guys start going, (slowly, obviously) you go infront of him holding both of his hands while he steadies himself. he genuinely looks like a baby deer. you giggle, thinking that hes the cutest thing ever. (you guys obviously get icecream after to celebrate hees big accomplishment)
𐙚 - p.jay
its a late afternoon and you guys are laying on the couch together. "hey, y/n?" jay begins. "mm? whats up?" you look over at him. he turns his phone towards you, showing you a new roller skating arena that had opened the previous week. "do you wanna go tonight? theyre open until 11." you grab his arm excitedly. "do i wanna go!?! do i wanna go?!? hell yes i do, you should know its one of my favourite things!" you shoot up from your laying position, looking at him like a puppy. "yeah, thats why i asked babe." he says with a smile. you guys get ready and leave for the roller date. jay has gone roller skating before, but hes not the absolute greatest. he has wiped out a few times, falling straight on his butt. you guys arrive and put your shoes into these little cubbies and change into your roller skates. you get up, going back and forth infront of the seats whilst waiting for jay to finish up tying the laces. you notice hes done, and he gets up, slightly wobbly. you grab onto his hand leading him onto the rink. he regains his 'roller skating abilities' and you guys do laps around while holding hands.
𐙚 - s.jaeyun
jake has known about the fact that you enjoy roller skating, but you haven't talked much about it. so, one day he asked if you wanted to go roller skating for a date and you naturally complied. you were in his car, on the way to the roller rink. "im amazing at skating y/n." he brags. "oh really? im excited to see you skate then." you giggle. a couple more minutes pass and you arrive. the place is pretty huge. you guys are putting your skates on simultaneously and you’re ready to go. he stands in front of you, prepared to hold you up and guide you, but to his surprise you get up perfectly fine. so, you guys hold hands whilst leaving the roller skates exchange area thing, and get onto the real rink. "woah, y/n. you’re better then i thought you’d be." "yeah?" you replied, but you had a slight challenging tone in your voice. you let go of his hand, going in front of him and skating backwards, and doing a bunch of cool tricks. you were also much faster then him. "y/n?!?! why’d you never tell me you could skate so good." he said, extremely impressed but also disappointed. "i wanted to impress you, and plus i never really had the chance to show you my awesome skills." you make your way back beside him. "i get it, but i want you to tell me everything about you!" he perked his head up whilst saying that. "yes jake, of course." you pecked him on his cheek.
𐙚 - p.sunghoon
you’re quite aware that sunghoon has been competitively ice skating, so you wondered if he would be just as good at roller blading as you would be. you two arrived at the rink, putting the skates on. sunghoon and you whizzed around the roller rink, laughter bubbling between you both. you teased, "watch out, sunghoon! i might lap you!" sunghoon grinned, playfully stumbling, "you're just showing off now." you grabbed his hands, guiding him through twists and turns. "come on, ex-figure skater, keep up!" sunghoon chuckled, "i'm more of a blades guy, but i'll try my best." you guys raced, and eventually, sunghoon spun you into a dazzling twirl. breathless, you guys exchanged a look, and sunghoon teased, "not bad for a ‘starter’, huh?" you both sat down, worn out. "well, y/n. our next date is definitely gonna be ice skating. now i need to show off to you." you giggled, "whatever you say hoon."
𐙚 - k.sunoo
you and sunoo loved going on little dates or hangouts. you guys would much rather be out doing something, rather then laying in bed (which you guys still loved doing.) so, you guys ended up at the relatively new roller rink place. you payed the employee and they handed you the roller skates. as you and him entered, sunoo looked a bit unsure in his skates. you, the experienced skater, reassured him, "just follow my lead, sunoo!" you guys navigated the rink, sunoo clinging to your hand for stability. "i feel like a baby giraffe on wheels," he admitted, earning a giggle. you grinned, "you'll get the hang of it!" after a few wobbly rounds, sunoo found his rhythm, and soon, you guys were twirling and laughing together. sunoo pulled off a clumsy spin, and Y/N cheered, "see! look how good you’ve become!" afterwards, you guys went to the local diner and had your favourite drinks. it became a memory you and him always looked back on.
𐙚 - y.jungwon
you were sitting at home, bored out of your mind. you heard the consistent buzzing of your phone from beside you, and you grabbed it. it said that "wonnie💗" is calling, so you immediately picked up. "hii won!" you said. "hi y/nnie, do you wanna go out tonight?" "yeah of course i do, i love hanging out with you." "okay okay, ill be there soon." he hung up, and you excitedly got up to begin getting ready. you were curious as to where you guys were going. you arrived to the place, and it had bright neon lights saying "roller skating arena" and your eyes immediately lit up. "I thought it would be fun!" jungwon smiled at you, eyes crinkling. you both entered, and put on the skates and some other equipment. as you both circled the rink, jungwon's skating skills proved a bit unsteady, but his enthusiasm was infectious. you, the experienced skater, couldn't help but tease, "you've got that 'deer on ice' vibe, jungwon." he chuckled, "yeah, well, it's a work in progress." your guys laughter echoed as you glided side by side, the rhythmic hum of wheels beneath you creating a soundtrack to your guys joy. you decided to show off a few spins, gracefully twirling around. jungwon's eyes widened, "okay, that's impressive. teach me your secrets!" he whined. as you tried to guide him through a spin, jungwon's legs wobbled, and he almost took a tumble. your quick reflexes kicked in, and you steadied him with a grin, "you should be glad i was beside you" you joke. he blushed and smiled his dimples peaking through, "maybe i need more practice." but practice didn't matter in that moment as you guys continued, sharing laughter, playful banter, and the genuine joy of navigating the twists and turns of a roller rink and a budding romance together.
𐙚 - n.riki
you and niki were at an amusement park and had gone on a bunch of different rides. you clung onto his arm whilst you guys walked around the rest of the park. you guys turned a different way, into a section of the park you both were unfamiliar with. a decently large place with the words "roller skating" on it was right infront of you guys. you and niki, in sync turned to look directly at each other, slowly smiling. so, before you knew it you were both helping each other put knee pads on. niki had a little bit of experience, but he wasnt entirely amazing at it. so, you guys were giggling looking at each other, slowly gaining balance and making your way toward the rink. you spun around him in a circle, showing off your skills "y/n what the hell thats so cool?! i wanna try!!" so, he begins trying to spin in little circles and its going well and you’re cheering him on, until he completely lost balance toppling over you. you both are groaning in pain, but look at each other for a few seconds and begin uncontrollable laughing. it was a cute moment you guys shared. your ass really hurt afterwards though so you guys took a quick break before continuing.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
I’m Here - Jay Halstead
Summary: When your body betrays you, Jay makes sure to get you help and remind you he is there.
Warnings: vomiting, IVs, mentions panic attacks
Authors note: Hey guys! I haven’t been doing too great lately, not have I had a lot of time to write, so here’s a fic I wrote a while ago. I needed some comfort this evening. Love you guys!
What was suppose to be an easy morning turned to a trip to Med. Jay noticed how off you were this morning and went to check on you in the kitchen only to find you leaned against the counter, hands braced on the counter and head bent down. Jay quickly moved toward you, grabbing your hips. “Baby? What’s wrong?” He asked, moving to the side a bit to see your face a bit better. You were pale.
“Dizzy.” You whispered, leaning into Jay slightly.
Jay sighed, putting an arm around your chest and pulling you further into him. “I’m gonna pick you up, okay?” Jay warned, knowing you didn’t like being caught off guard.
You nodded in reply, reaching up to put your arms around his neck. You closed your eyes, the movement making stars dance across your vision.
Jay moved quickly through the kitchen and into the living room, settling you into the couch cushions. Jay knelt down in front of you, gently guiding your head between your knees. “I’m gonna call Will, but I really think we should go to med.” Jay stated, rubbing your back gently. When you nodded, Jay grew even more concerned. You never went willingly. “Scratch just calling Will. Let me get my shoes on, my stuff, your purse, and start the truck. I’ll be right back. Just lean back and breathe sweetheart.” Jay cooed, pushing you up and back into the cushions in fear of you passing out while he was gone. You went willingly, allowing Jay to manhandle you as you focused on staying awake.
You listened as Jay ran around grabbing everything. The safe beeped as Jay grabbed his gun and both of your badges, then slammed shut as he moved on to his next task. Drawers opened and shut and his keys jingled in his hand. The front door creaked open, but it didn’t slam shut as Jay was afraid to close it and not hear you if you called out. You heard his truck start and his footsteps as he stepped back into the house, phone to his ear.
“Yeah. Have Maggie get a room open. I’m inbound with her. Lights and sirens so it’ll be 5 minutes.” Jay muttered into the phone. “And Will, I want Nat and April on this. You got me?” Jay instructed, coming and slipping on your shoes and helping you into a jacket. “Thanks man.” Jay finished, hanging up the phone. He turned his full attention back to you. “Okay princess, Nat and April are waiting. Up you go.” Jay said, pulling you back into his arms. “I’ve got a bucket in the car. Will said you might be feeling sick. I didn’t even think to ask. Just relax though. I’ll get you there in no time.”
Will was right. You were feeling sick. All this movement wasn’t doing your head or stomach any favors. You were already feeling pain in your right flank, but the dizziness brought on the nausea. You kissed Jay’s neck in reply, letting him settle you into the passenger seat, buckle you in, slide your sunglasses on your face, and place a bucket in your lap before he kissed your head and closed the door. Jay ran around to the other side, slightly panicked by how complacent you were being at this moment. You were fiercely independent and always let Jay know.
You slipped a hand toward Jay, reaching for the comfort that only your husband could provide. Jay flipped on the lights and sirens as he backed out, making his way toward med before he grabbed your hand in return, kissing the back of it. You leaned your head back, taking measured breaths and trying to ignore the buildings and cars that flew by. Jay was going fast, though he was being extremely cautious, it didn’t help your situation. The thought of him going slower seemed even less ideal, so you said nothing and let your man drive.
“How you doing over there?” Jay asked, squeezing your hand. He could feel a slight trimmer in your hand and heard your breathing, indicating something was wrong or getting worse.
“How long?” You muttered instead, keeping your eyes shut and head back. You had a white knuckle grip on the bucket and on Jay’s hand.
“3 minutes baby girl. What’s goin on?” Jay asked, pulling your hand up again to kiss it as he pressed on the accelerator a bit firmer.
“Nauseous.” You mumbled, trying not to open your mouth too wide.
Jay nodded, though you couldn’t see him. “Alright. That’s okay baby.” Jay soothed, squeezing your hand again. “Use the bucket if you have to. We’re almost there.” Jay encouraged, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
You squeezed his hand and your eyes shut tighter. Tears were rolling down your face as you tried not to lose it. “‘M scared.” You whispered, taking a shuddering breath as you felt the strong urge to gag. You leaned forward, angling the bucket directly under your mouth.
“Shhhhh. Just a minute hunny. It’s alright.” Jay soothed. “I’m gonna get you help. I’m here. Don’t be scared. I have you.” Jay kept up his encouragements as he drove, almost hitting 90 in a 45, but luckily his lights and sirens kept the road clear for him.
Just as the first heaved ripped through you, the overhead to the ambulance bay came into view. Jay slammed on the brakes, loudly screeching into the bay. Your door was immediately flung open as Will grabbed you and placed you on a gurney, switching your big bucket for a smaller plastic one.
Jay came up next to you, instructing Will to park his truck as he helped steady the basin in your hands. “She’s dizzy and just started gagging. She’s been off for a few days, but it just got really bad. Please help her.” Jay plead with April, who you didn’t even notice appear by your gurney along with Natalie.
You groaned, reaching to clutch Jay’s arm as a heave flew through your body and you vomited into the bin he held for you. Everything was swaying and voices were echoed. You could feel every noise in your ears.
“Hey Y/n, you with me?” Natalie called, taking your wrist in her hand as they rotated your gurney. “She’s not responding. Transfer on my count.”
Jay helped transfer you and stayed to the head of your bed, out of the way, but able to help you hold the bucket. Your eyes were closed and you had a decent grip on his arm. You were still there with him. “She’s got a grip on me. Sometimes she gets ringing in her ears when she has a panic attack. That might have started when she started puking. She’s deathly afraid of it.” Jay told Nat, brushing your hair back.
Natalie nodded, helping April put some leads on you and checking your vitals. “This ever happened before?” She asked Jay, turning to reassess your file now that she’s had a look at you.
Jay shook his head. “Found her pale and dizzy in the kitchen. She’s been acting off all week and I thought she was gonna pass out a couple days ago during an interrogation. I asked but she brushed me off and went about her day.” Jay explained. “She’s been having some issues with her PCOS and right flank pain, but this is new.” Jay said, rubbing your arm once April took the basin away when you finished.
You tried to relax, leaning back against the ED bed while Nat talked with Jay. “Nat? ‘S swaying.” You murmured, gesturing around the room. You clutched Jay tighter and closed your eyes.
Nat nodded, taking your other hand. “Okay sweetie. I’m gonna give you something for motion sickness and see if that helps some.” Natalie said to you, squeezing your hand. “April, I’m gonna need a full blood panel, CT, fast ultrasound, and hang fluids with Dramamine at high flow. Jay, you can stay and you have access anywhere. If you guys need anything, let me know.” Natalie said, typing on her tablet quickly. “Do you want any anxiety meds?” She asked you.
You squeezed Jay’s hand. “No. Not yet.” You whispered.
Natalie looked to Jay, but Jay nodded. You were still coherent. This was your show. He would be there to deal with whatever comes. “Thanks anyways Nat. I’ll let yah know.” Jay said, giving your friend a little smile as she exited.
“Okay Y/n, gotta get a line in.” April said to you before turning to Jay. “Wanna keep her occupied while I set up?” April asked, knowing of your fear of needles, just like Jay’s.
Jay nodded, turning your face to his once he moved to the other side of the gurney. “Hey beautiful.” Jay whispered, kissing your forehead. “Your gonna feel better really soon, I promise. I’ll be with you the whole time. I had Maggie call Voight and the team will be here when they can. Everyone is worried about you.” Jay said, smiling sweetly at you, using his hand to keep your face toward him, successfully blocking your view of April. “When your all better, we can go home and watch some Marvel movies and snuggle, sound good?” Jay asked, just as April was about to place your line in.
Just as you took a breath to reply, April slowly inserted the needle, quickly threading the line. “Fuck.” You mumbled, tears rolling down your face. “Not fair Jay.” You hissed, sticking your tongue out at him.
Jay gave his boyish smirk, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Hey. You’d do the same to me.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows at you. The man had a point.
April chuckled, watching the exchange between the husband and wife in front of her. “Alright guys. Just gotta get some blood, then I’ll hang the fluids and meds. Y’all need anything?” April asked, quickly drawing your blood as she spoke.
“Ice chips and maybe another bucket?” You asked, sighing and leaning your head back as you suddenly felt queasy at the sight of your blood leaving your body.
“Jay, grab one of those bags behind you.” April instructed, watching as your face flushed again and paled.
Jay moved quickly, still holding your hand as he reached for the bag and quickly shook it out. You grabbed for the bag when your husband was within reach, but he just tucked it under your chin, using his other hand to push back your fly aways. “Shhhh. Breathe.” Jay whispered, rubbing your forehead with his thumb.
You gagged, holding onto Jay’s arm with the hand April didn’t have held down. You tried to take a steadying breath, but you dry heaved again. You swore you could feel the blood leaving your body.
“Okay Y/n. Just flushing it and then the fluids, okay? You should start to feel better soon.” April spoke over your heaves, making eye contact with Jay across the gurney.
You gave a small thumbs up, giving one final heave before you finally brought up a bit of stomach bile. Finally feeling okay, you leaned back and Jay took the bag, tying it off and throwing it into the garbage before he took the cloth April offered him and wiped your mouth.
“How’s it goin in here?” Will asked, popping up in the doorway to return Jay’s keys.
“Not too good man.” Jay sighed, folding the towel to wipe the sweat off your face. “I’ve never seen her this sick.”
“Well, sister in law of mine, Jay demanded the best. So, since you can’t have me, I gave you second best.” Will joked, trying to lighten the mood and hide his concern. It wasn’t really working.
“Ha ha.” You breathed, smiling slightly at Will. “Heard Jay ask for Nat.” You pointed out, raising your eyebrows with your eyes closed.
Jay let out a small chuckle beside you, causing you to open your eyes. You loved his laugh and loved his smile even more. You looked over to Will, finding the doctor feigning hurt in the doorway. “Rude.” Will muttered, hand on his chest and fake hurt look on his face.
“She speaks the truth.” Jay mumbled, enjoying the light banter in the sea of unknowns that faced you. “But seriously man, thanks for getting her all set up. Means a lot.” Jay said, kissing your forehead again and nodding to his brother.
“Anything for her man.” Will said, nodding toward you. “After all, she’s gotta put up with you. Gotta treat her right so she doesn’t throw you on me again.” Will joked, winking at you as he backed out of the room before Jay could find something to throw at him.
You knew you would be okay. No dizziness or nausea would be able to stay long. The Halstead brothers and everyone in the ED would figure this out and make you better in no time.
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eddiiiieeee · 10 months
Holding her back
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: Eddie feels like he's holding y/n back, and that's where the demise of their relationship starts
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal. have fuuun
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Eddie had walked into the woods before dnd started since he decided to ditch last period, noticing y/n finishing a sketch, she was sat at their spot, he couldn’t help but admire her for a bit "hey" Eddie said holding his hands as she looked at him, taking in his features before clearing her throat and looking back down at the drawing of Eddie. "you're still here, don't have a deal to tend to?" she mumbled slamming her sketchbook shut as Eddie watched her nodding "I-i wanted to talk to you. I figured I'd find you here" she hummed as she put her sketchbook in her bag and zip it up "ive gotta go, my dad could be here." she said needing to get away from him even though her lie didn’t work with the time "y/n, wait please, ive been holding this off long enough and its hurting the both of us" y/n looked at him as Eddie gazed back into her eyes "quickly" she mumbled turning a bit to face him "i think we should break up..” Eddie said as y/n gulped, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded “done then” she whispered as he voice cracked a bit, taking off the necklace he got her and placing it down on the table as she grabbed her stuff and hurried off to the front of the school, making sure she was far from Eddie so she could release the sobs she’s been holding in. Eddie put his hands in his face as he let his tears fall ‘this is what’s best for her’ he reminded himself. those two years of being together were over. all those memories and moments between the two, gone.
the universe seemed to hate y/n as on her walk home while sobbing her eyes out, it had begun to rain, soaking her completely as she hid her sketchbook to save it from the water. it wasn’t long that she got to her house, glad that nothing happened to her books and sketchbook as she opened the door walking in before Nick looked at her confused “kid? what happened?” he said rushing for to his daughter as she gulped, she kept her gaze on the floor, not reacting to her dads touch “we broke up” she whispered as she licked her lips “what?” Nick asked confused, Eddie was over just.a few nights ago and everything seemed fine
“he broke up with me” y/n sobbed as she held onto her stuff tightly, Nick was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed the top of her head “i’m so sorry, i’ve got you baby girl.” he muttered as he tried to calm her down “he just left you to walk in the rain?” “no, he thought you were picking me up so” y/n wiped her eyes smudging the bit of makeup that had remained on her face “i’m gonna go take a shower” she said taking her shoes off as she put her slippers on, rushing to her bathroom as she dropped all her stuff at her desk and walked into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower, turning the hot water on as she stood underneath it. did Eddie fall for someone else? did he realise y/n wasn’t good enough for him? did he get bored?
y/n spent an hour of her shower just standing underneath the water and crying, letting the hot water pierce her skin, before she actually began washing her hair and body, saving as well before getting out and doing her skincare, before getting changed into one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of shorts, moving downstairs as she dried her short hair with a towel “hey kid, you feeling better?” Nick asked as he watched her sit next to him on the couch, looking at the table and all the snacks he put out for them
“i’m not hungry” she whispered, pulling her knees up to sit underneath her chin as she sniffled “kid, you gotta eat, see i got you, pizza and sushi and noodles, and your favorite shrimps, see it’s a full buffet for the two of us” he smiled looking at her and he put some of her hair behind her ear “i’ll eat later, let’s just start the movie” She muttered grabbing the remote as she turned it on. Nick looked at her as worry sat on his face.
wayne had returned home to find the trailer quiet, when he took his shoes off and began walking to the bathroom, he’d noticed the dump Eddie’s room had become and when we went in to clean it up, he’d noticed that Eddie was sat on his mattress holding onto a shirt “ed’s, son what is all this mess?” Wayne asked before noticing how bloodshot Eddie’s eyes were “i broke up with her. i’m just holding her back, i hurt her, wayne. you should’ve seen how pained she was, i hurt her” Eddie said his lip pouting as he kept his gaze ahead
wayne sighed as he sat down next to his nephew, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him tightly “come ‘ere, son” wayne whispered as Eddie hugged him tightly “she hates me now. i messed it all up” Eddie whispered as he held onto wayne tightly, he let the love of his life go. just like that.
authors note: no happy ending for u little shits🤭
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