#I don't plan on keeping the files too much longer
lazyjellyfish300 · 4 months
The Stuffed Rabbit🐇💌💕
Miguel O'Hara x AFAB Reader s/o
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Happy Valentine's Day, Miguel Nation! 🌹💌
Synopsis: One of my Valentine's Day specials. The other one is posted now too. Woot woot! Bringing you and Miguel back from the same universe as In a Vial Around Your Pretty Little Neck. It's your second Valentine's Day together. And all you want is to go to Build A Bear. You plan an emotional surprise for him too that you hope he'll love. The quote: "Grief is love with nowhere to go," by Jamie Anderson helped inspire this. Word count: 2.7k
TW: Minors DNI since this one has suggestive content(but no smut), little angst, grief, other than that just Valentine's fluff.
"Tienes demasiados peluches, mi vida." (You have too many stuffed animals, my life.) Miguel smirks at you as he stands in your kitchen, loading the Keurig with his cup of Joe for the morning.
"Well, I need more." You say firmly, crossing your arms.
Miguel shakes his head. "The fact that they take up nearly the entire new shelf I bought you is crazy on its own. You sure you don't want a fancy dinner, maybe a little vacation, just you and I? Movie? Some earrings?" He tickles your earlobe and you swat him away playfully.
"No way. Build-a-Bear or bust."
Miguel smiles, won over by your persistence. "Well, it seems I don't stand a chance against you this time." He sighs and pours the steaming coffee into a mug, blowing on the hot drink lightly. "I'll take you to Build-A-Bear, if I can choose the restaurant we go to afterwards?"
You press your fingertips together like a villain making a deal.
"Very well, O'Hara. You drive a hard bargain, but alas, I shall concede this time and let you have jurisdiction over our choice of dining."
Miguel shakes his head. "I'll do without the theatrics."
You walk up to him, craning your neck to look up at him and lean forward into his chest with both hands on either side of his waist. "Let me be dramatic in peace. You know I can't stand surprises when it comes to food."
Miguel sets his mug down and holds your face in his hands. "Are my restaurant picks really that terrible?"
You suck your cheeks in like a guppy and Miguel leans in to give you a little peck. "Nah. But preferably not Subway again."
Miguel's face curls into a smirk and he tickles your sides which you start giggling in response, trying to to push him off. "Thought you wanted to go to the place where they 'make the food in front of you'?" he says teasingly.
"Stahhhppp it!! I- *giggles* I-I meant teppanyaki, genius! Not freakin Subway."
Miguel starts kissing your cheeks, alternating between each one, causing your stomach to flutter.
"My apologies, baby...you're right, I'll make sure to pick somewhere extra special this time."
His hands slip under your shirt, making you get a little weak and your eyes droop.
He gives you a soft lingering kiss, and mumbles quietly against your lips, "Te lo prometo, cariño." (I promise you, dear)
Your plan worked. Now you just had to get some help from Lyla. You wanted your own stuffed animal for Valentine's Day of course, but you wanted something extra special made for Miguel that you could give him at dinner, too.
You stood in front of Miguel's desk with Lyla, drumming your fingers anxiously as she was trying to download and email the file you were needing for his present before he returned from his lunch break.
"How much longer, Lyla?...." You asked, trying to keep the impatience in your tone in check.
"Almost there, almost there....." Lyla chided, jumping from one end of the holographic screen to the other. "Annnnnnd.....okay I sent it! He's gonna cry when he sees it dude, I hope you're ready."
You smile and then jump when you hear Miguel's voice. "Ready for what? And what are you doing here in the middle of the day?"
You whirl around and Lyla dissipates, trying play it off like both of you weren't up to anything.
"Nothing! Lyla was just saying uhm...she was just making sure I'm ready for tomorrow because apparently you chose a really fancy place for dinner this time." You grin, your heart racing in your chest.
Miguel gives you a suspicious look, but it turns into a smile as he scoops you up, planting you on his desk with your legs on either side of him. He gives your thighs a little squeeze and looks at the screens behind you as though he didn't buy your excuse entirely. "Hmmm...I did choose a fancy place for dinner tomorrow. I just hope Lyla didn't spoil it already..."
Lyla regenerates next to Miguel's ear. "Secret's still secure, boss!"
You nod, backing her up. "Honestly, she didn't tell me anything. Even though I was begging."
Miguel smiles and presses his forehead against yours. "Someone's impatient."
"I'm just excited! That's all..." You lean in , putting your hands on Miguel's shoulders and he helps hoist you back down.
He nods. "Trust me, you'll love it. But, dare I ask what you and Lyla were actually up to before I walked in?" He gives you a little smirk as he moves past you, setting up his workstation once again.
You quickly avert your gaze, doing your best to shield your true intentions. "Um...well, maybe there is gonna be a little surprise for you tomorrow too." You look up at him and he has a warm smile on his face.
"Really? Surprise f'me, hmm?" He pulls you back in by your hips.
You smile and rest your hands on his shoulders. "Yep. But key word: surprise. So you won't get to find out until tomorrow."
Miguel nods and ruffles your hair. "Very well, as you wish, ma'am." He calls out to you as you head for the exit. "I'm gonna try and guess what it is all day now!"
You turn your head and shoot one last teasing smile his way, "Love you baby!"
"Yo también te amo."(I love you too)
Next day, Valentine's Day
You and Miguel walk arm in arm into Build a Bear. You smile giddily and run up to the bins with all the different animals to choose from. Miguel smiles and stays a few paces behind you. He sees a cute couple with their little daughter and it pulls at his heart strings a bit. He looks around the little shop at the other families, and little kids running around and it creates a lump in his throat. He was afraid of this happening today. Valentine's Day and any other holidays would always end up reminding him of his sweet little girl every time going forward. It was bittersweet in its own way.
You were like a shower of rain upon the aching desolate plains of his heart, bringing with you a special happiness he never thought he'd be able to feel again. He fiddled with the ring on his pinky that held your blood in it as he watched you.
One of these days he wouldn't keep you waiting any longer.
He's ripped out of his thoughts when you call for him.
"Baby, I'm having a hard time choosing which one I want."
Miguel walks over to you where you have a yak in one hand and a red teddy bear in the other.
"Get em both." Miguel says, kissing your forehead.
"But..." You start to protest but Miguel shakes his head, already escorting you to the line in front of the stuffing station. "Thank you so much baby. You spoil me."
Miguel chuckles and says with a small wink. "Well, it's Valentine's Day...but don't expect this to be a regular occurrence."
You smile mischievously, "Oh, well in that case I'm going to milk this opportunity for as long as I can."
Miguel wraps his arm around you and sighs. His wallet may be on fire by the end of the night but anything for his valentine.
He watches you with a tender expression as you scrunch your nose slightly and close your eyes when you make a wish and kiss the small red plush hearts that go inside both stuffed animals. The employee takes them with a smile and hums as she stuffs both of them for you.
Miguel watched, fascinated by the machine as the stuffing churns and gently brings each animal to life.
"Alright, honey, give both of those a hug for me and make sure they're stuffed just right."
You hand Miguel the red teddy. "Can you make sure he has enough stuffing, babe?"
Miguel looks a little bewildered at first but gives the teddy an awkward little squeeze. "Umm,...he feels soft enough to me, I guess. Maybe he could use a rounder belly?" He points out the bear's small pouch.
The employee smiles, "Good call!" She stuffs the red teddy a little bit more and hands it back to Miguel. "How's that?"
Miguel gives the red teddy a fresh squeeze, his belly a little bit more full and firm now. "Perfect." He hands him back to you and you take it with a smile.
"Thanks, baby!"
Miguel's watch goes off with an incoming call from Lyla. "Perdóname..."(forgive me) You nod and give him a reassuring smile and watch him walk outside to take it, unaware that you and Lyla orchestrated the distraction.
Perfect. Everything was going to plan. You walked back to the bins and scanned them looking for the perfect one. You chose a tan, fuzzy rabbit with droopy pink ears and handed it to the employee. "Can I get this one too, please?"
Later, you and Miguel are walking to his car with three cardboard stuffed animal carriers. "Can you carry this one baby?"
The corner of Miguel's mouth raises. "Got yourself an extra one?"
You smile. "Nah I got that one for you! But you can't look at it until we get to the restaurant. It's your big surprise."
Miguel smiles and looks at the box curiously. He wasn't used to receiving little presents and surprises like this until you came along. He felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his veins as he looked back at you. "You shouldn't have."
You smile and kiss the back of his hand you're holding. "Course I should have. You're my valentine."
Miguel gives you an affectionate smile in response and you two drive to the restaurant, a gentle flurry of snowflakes begins to dust the rooftops of Nueva York as the daylight wanes.
Your hands start to get clammy as Miguel leads you into the mystery restaurant, eyes closed. You hear the familiar restaurant clatter and rush of the indoor environment, then you feel the chilliness of the outside again, then quiet and warmth greets you in an unfamiliar, new setting.
"Abre los ojos, muñeca..." (Open your eyes, doll)
You look and your breath catches in your throat at the sight around you. Miguel reserved a clear, outdoor igloo on the rooftop of one of Nueva York's finest restaurants. The night was turning an imperial blue now, the light now scarce with grey clouds smearing the corners of the sky except where the snowflakes were falling through.
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Source: Pinterest, from this online article.
Twinkle lights adorned the inside and outside of the igloo, creating a whimsical feel with tall outdoor heaters supplying warmth. There was an inviting couch with several decorative pillows and blankets adorning it. A sleek table sat in the front of it complete with soft glowing candles, antipasto on a wooden plank, and two wine glasses.
Your heart melted almost as quickly as the tears rushed to the corners of your eyes as you stood on tiptoe to give Miguel a kiss of gratitude.
You felt him smile against your lips. "You like it?..."
"Baby, I love it. Thank you so, so much..."
Miguel sits you down and you both get cozy underneath one of the blankets, lifting up your wine glasses to toast the evening.
"To you....let tonight become another sweet memory we can look back on together," he says.
You smile in agreement. "And here's to my ring finger not staying vacant for much longer."
Miguel chuckles as you click glasses. "It won't, baby, I promise you that..."
You feel your heart pound in your chest at the words he spoke combined with what you know is coming next. You turn and pick up the cardboard carrier, presenting it to him. "Time for your surprise, babe..."
Miguel grins and takes the cardboard box from you. He jokingly shakes it as though a feral animal were really inside, then cracks it open.
You giggle, then bring your hands to your lips in anticipation.
Miguel's eyes widen as he finds the tan, fuzzy stuffed rabbit with floppy ears, then his lips fall open as he takes it out.
The rabbit is dressed in a little blue soccer uniform and has a little red bow on one of its ears. Miguel's heart freezes in his chest at the familiar realization. He looks at you with surprise. "Baby...is this..?"
The tears have gotten to you already. You nod, trying to speak through the lump in your throat. "Press its paw..."
Miguel presses the rabbit's paw.
His favorite voice in the world...one that he hadn't heard in such a long time...the one that brought him so much happiness but also ached his soul. The sound that signified all his grief. His love with nowhere to go.
The voice of his little girl is heard... clear as day.
"Te amo y te extraño, papá. Eres el mejor padre del mundo. Besos de Gabi." (I love you and miss you, papa. You are the best father in the world. Kisses, from Gabi)
Miguel just sits there in awe, unable to speak. He presses the rabbit's paw again, as though to make sure he heard it correctly. Gabi's sweet voice speaks again, and he brings the rabbit to his chest, clutching it. Miguel is silent with his eyes closed, and then you notice his shoulders start to gently shake as his quiet sobs can't be contained anymore. He's just a loving father missing his baby girl.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love..." You whisper, taking Miguel into your arms.
He lays his head against your chest, still clutching the rabbit, hot tears still running down his cheeks, unable to speak.
"Thank you..." He says at last in a hoarse whisper. "I miss her..."
You nod, his head still tucked in the crook of your neck. "I know, baby...I'm here...."
For the longest moment in time, it's just you two holding one another, the sweet rabbit sandwiched between your two hearts that surely can't contain the overwhelming adoration that has just blossomed and brought you two even closer together from this tender memory. No words are needed, but when he finally regains his strength, his brings his eyes to look at you, two sweet rubies glossy with a window of tears.
"I love you so much...you have no idea how precious this is to me..."
Your face melts, your own lovely eyes caked in emotional tears.
"I love you, sweetheart. You'll never know how much I do..."
Miguel shakes his head. "I have a pretty good idea...it's my love for you that you will never be able to comprehend, mi vida..."
You bring your lips closer and he greets them with his own. Warm and cozy, you two let the emotions of tonight speak for themselves in this soft gesture. Two souls in love in a little starlit igloo while the Valentine's Day snow carries on outside, the love between you two more than enough to keep you warm.
Later, you two are chest to chest, your neck craned a little bit as you gaze up into those vermillion eyes, a love song accompanying your casual sways back and forth, fingers interlocked in a loving clasp.
The sweet stuffed rabbit, Gigi, sits among her two new friends, Yogurt, the Yak and Maraschino, the red teddy on your pillows which will be greeted by you and Miguel shortly.
Miguel drags his thumb along your bottom lip, pausing in the middle. His warm, sweet breath greets yours and you let him in, the caress of his tongue quickly making the kiss quite passionate as your lips move softly together.
You break apart, his eyes locked deliciously on you. Your chest rises in shaky, excited breaths as you feel his hands gently make their way to your clothed breasts.
Miguel notes your flustered reaction and smirks a bit. "Tired...?"
You flash him a little smile and press your forehead against his. "I can afford to lose another hour..."
A soft groan rumbles in his chest and he moves his hand to the back of your neck, skimming past the chain that holds the little vial with his blood over your delicate heart.
You feel the tiny vibration of your zipper buzz against your back as he drags it down.
Miguel whispers, "Let's make that two..."
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buckyalpine · 9 months
Fic idea - Bucky’s family & time travel
You know how I keep proposing ideas, then adding it to my wips and then I stare at it while it stares at me. Heres another. I'm so sorry. Swear this will end in fluff, you'll just suffer in between. So imagine the most angstiest angst where Bucky gets married and has a child with his sweetheart before he’s sent to war. He's loved her his whole life and now they have a little one together; nothing could be more perfect. He promises he'll be back safe and sound with a kiss to her forehead and plenty of kisses for his baby girl.
Until Hydra captures him and turns him into the Winter Soldier. His first mission is to eliminate any familial ties. He doesn't feel anything when he pulls the trigger. He's successful and carries out hundreds of others kills, each searing itself in some part of his brain but he's constantly wiped before he can piece anything together.
But then he's rescued and he has to pick up the broken fragments of his memories and its too much of a fog for him to understand. At the very least he has his best friend by his side again and he's slowly starting to remember.
His first question is about his sweet y/n and his little girl.
His happiness is short-lived when Steve doesn't say anything. Bucky doesn't understand why he avoids his gaze, why he suddenly looks so distraught. No amount of pleading or begging works, his best friend doesn't breathe a word, asking Bucky to please let things be.
To learn to live with the way things were.
He can't do that though. He needs answers. When the team is away on a mission, he find a way to get into his records that SHIELD kept on him, wondering if they ever had anything on file about his life before he was captured. Every single detail about who he was before the war to after is written with details and camera footage.
He doesn't move from where he's seated, a blank expression on his face while everyone returns. Steve approaches Bucky first, worried about why the soldier looked so pale as if he'd aged 10 years in the past 3 days.
"I killed them?" His broken whisper of a voice breaks Steve's heart when he sees the file Bucky was looking at, a picture of him, his little girl on his shoulders and wife all smiling at the camera. The sheet he's clutching onto has their names along with deceased written write across the sheet.
Bucky is inconsolable.
His dreams are no longer about others he has killed. He's flooded with memories of her; the soft ivory dress she wore on their wedding day, the baby pink lace she had on when he undressed her that same night, the scent of her perfume, the sound of her laugh, the kicks of their baby, the sound of her happy squeals when he blew raspberries onto her chubby cheeks.
Those happy memories are quickly replaced with her pleading for him to remember. To just remember at least once.
Jamie, it's me, please, m'your y/n, Bucky, don't-
Baby, go to your room-Bucky no-
Please, not Bella, James, you love her baby, you love us- please remember me-
I-I love you
The pain of Bucky's cries are too much for anyone to handle. They're a different type of sadness. So much so, even Tony's starting to worry when he doesn't see Bucky for days on end. He begs to be put back in cyro, to have his memories wiped, to have his brain fried, anything to forget. He doesn't care about the pain, he just wants it all to end.
Imagine theres a mission that involves time travel. Steve and Sam stand on the platform, ready to enter the portal, setting their timers for a specific date in the past. When Sam catches Steve adding another date without telling him, he quietly adds it on his suit as well, piecing what the Captain plans on doing.
The mission takes a little longer than anticipated. Steve is surprised when Sam is beside him when he travels back to the 40's, the both of them now with a new mission in mind, alternating the future be damned. If they had a chance to give Bucky the life he deserved again, they would do it. Bucky doesn't ask for much. In fact he never asked for anything. He deserved this.
Imagine the shock everyone gets when the portal opens up at the compound and there are now 4 people on the platform. Steve, Sam, a woman and a little girl no older than 2. She's dressed in a simple dotted dress, still wearing an apron around her waist while her baby stays clinging around her, tucking her face into her mommas neck.
Imagine the way Bucky would collapse with her when he sees his family again, crying endlessly being able to hold his wife and child, something he thought he'd lost forever. Everyone gives the little family some privacy while he hugs and kisses them, cuddling them to his chest, still right on the lab floor. Explanations for everything can wait, right now he can't believe he has his angels back.
Imagine the way they'd fall asleep that night, sleeping in bed for once, now that he's reunited with his y/n and his Bella.
imagine the endless love he'd make to her while Bella spends time with her God Fathers, aka all the Avenger men.
Imagine she's pregnant soon after and they can continue being a family in the present, doing all the things they always dreamed of.
Anyway, just a thought.
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delicatebarness · 10 days
cry baby | chapter five
Summary: John's at it again, but can Bucky control his anger this time?
Warning: John Walker. (You didn't think he was gone, did you?). Bullying in the workplace. Crying.
Word Count: 1141
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A/N: I don't have any words. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos
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Each tick of the clock echoed his taunts in your mind, he made it his mission to make every day of your working life unbearable.
Tuesday, he found new ways to undermine your every move, affecting your confidence—another meeting where he questioned every idea you had. “Do you even understand the client’s needs?” he would sneer, raising an eyebrow as you sat back down. Your colleagues would shift uncomfortably in their chairs, yet none spoke up to him. 
He would then proceed to pile extra work untoward you. “I need you to fill these out by the end of the day,” he said as he dumped a file containing more documents on your desk. “Surely, this is something you can do without backup,”
You fought back tears as the stress began to blur your vision. Your hands shook as you typed, making the day drag on longer than it should.
Wednesday, he started the day by calling you into his cubicle. Your skin began to itch with every step of the way. “I noticed more errors in your presentation,” he said, not bothering to look up from the computer screen. “It’s sloppy.” 
“But I, I triple-checked everything,” you protested, your voice trembling as you stuttered—the frustration beginning to bubble up.
“I-I-I…” he mocked, his gaze snapped to yours with a cold and unyielding glare. “Do it again.” 
The rest of the day was spent correcting mistakes that didn’t exist, the task gnawed at you.
Your exhaustion was visible by Thursday, dark circles framed your eyes, and your posture had begun to deflate into a slump. John relished in your deterioration. “What’s the matter, Baby?” his tone thick with fake concern as he leaned against your cubicle. A shiver sent down your back, your stomach felt nauseous at the sound of the nickname coming from his lips. “Work too much for you?” 
The peaceful workplace had become a battleground, your eyes welled up as you bit your lips to suppress the sense of overwhelm. Another day dragged, and with each keystroke, the air felt heavier. 
Friday was the worst. Another call to his cubicle, “You’ve been taken off the project,” he announced, “You’re not up to the task.” 
You felt humiliated as he stood, towering over you. “But I’ve worked so hard on it,” your voice was barely a whisper. Another day of your eyes burning with the sensation of tears welling. 
“Exactly,” a cruel smile played on his lips as he reached out, tilting your chin up with his finger. His gaze bored into yours. “And it’s still… not good enough.” 
The feeling of defeat settled in as you returned to your desk. For the past few weeks, you listened, took notes, planned, and braved public speaking for this project. Only for him to take it away from you at the last hurdle. 
You lingered as the office began to empty at the end of the day, unknowing how you could face the weekend knowing you failed. 
That evening, you sat on your couch watching re-runs of a 90s sitcom with a tub of chocolate ice cream. The tears you managed to keep contained for the majority of the week, finally spilled down your cheeks. 
Sensing something wasn’t right, Bucky called, your phone vibrating on your coffee table. You hesitated to answer, you knew he’d hear your cries from the tone of your voice. Yet, you felt a pang of guilt. 
You hadn’t seen your friends, not even your brother, all week. Too focused on trying to please John’s requests, you skipped the bar and now skipped Friday night at Nat and Wanda’s. Even your text to them had been affected, only replying with short answers or failing to respond in the group chat altogether.
Before you knew it, the call ended, and for a moment, the only noise was your TV. 
“Open the door, Sweetheart,” you heard Bucky call out as the sound of knocking filled the apartment. 
You stood, wrapping your dressing gown tighter around your body, wiping your cheeks with the sleeves. “Hey,” you murmured as you opened the door. 
Bucky stood straight as he took in your complexion. Your eyes were red and tired, your cheeks stained with the previous stream of tears. Your smile was barely visible. 
“Are you okay?” his voice filled with concern as he cupped your face in his hands, his gaze searching yours for answers. His concern melted for your defenses as you found yourself collapsing into his embrace. The tears spilled once again as he held you tightly for a moment.
Without letting go of your frame, he picked you up, closed your apartment door, and carried you over to your couch. The scent of leather, smoke, and the bar enveloped your senses as you buried your face into his chest. Your sobs began to subdue as you sat with him. 
“He’s making my life miserable,” you mumbled against his Henley shirt as you managed to find your words. You felt his muscles tense around you, his breathing became heavier. 
You recounted the week’s worth of torment, each little detail painting a clear picture of John’s taunts. All the extra work, the humiliation.
Bucky never said a word, he listened to every word you said. His silence was more comforting than you thought it would be. His presence, arms wrapped around you all night, and the odd stroke of your hair or rub on your back, relaxed you.
Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep. Once Bucky had realized the steady rhythm of your breathing, he lifted you gently from the couch. He cradled you in his arms as he carried you through your apartment, careful not to wake you as he made his way to your bedroom. The exhaustion of the past week had finally taken its toll and you remained in a deep sleep. 
The familiarity of your space guided him through your apartment. Nudging the door open with his foot, the light from the hall cast a gentle glow across your room.
Laying you down on the bed with tender care, he rested your head comfortably on the pillow. Stirring slightly, Bucky pulled the covers over you, tucking you in. He stood by your bedside, eyes tracing the lines of your face. His anger towards John was simmering as the seconds passed, yet, in this quiet moment, his focus was on you.
Leaning down, he wiped a stray tear from your cheek and brushed a soft kiss against your forehead. Silently promising to protect you.
Standing he began to leave your room, closing the door slowly to not make a sound. “Goodnight, Bucky,” a soft murmur escaped your lips, but you weren’t awake. 
He stopped, standing in your doorway for another moment. “Goodnight, Sweetheart,” he whispered, his voice barely audible as he closed the door behind him. 
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biblio-smia · 5 months
“sharing a pillow and waking up with their faces only centimetres apart“ with clapton davis <3 maybe if it could be like a long time crush thing and they had to share a bed at a sleepover or something? idk whatever u feel like!! tyy :)
this is so cute i got kind of carried away,, enjoy! | part of v’s 800 follower celebration!
riley jones's birthday bash is less of an extravaganza and more of an excuse to sit around with your friends and eat too much junk food. it's not some crazy party but you all like it better that way, joking and laughing under a pile of blankets in the living room with a forgotten movie in the background. riley's birthday presents sit in the corner in a mess of gift bags and tissue paper. party hats were scattered around the room, left wherever they were taken off after the tight elastic became too unbearable (you could still spot some marks under a few chins).
it takes the clock to strike 10:38 and for ione to start dozing off on riley's shoulder for her to call for the sleepover portion of the party. you all file in to riley's room to retrieve the overnight bags you'd left in there at the beginning of the night, taking turns for the bathroom.
by the time everyone has changed into their pajamas, ione is insisting that she's awake enough for a few party games like had been originally planned.
the three of you comply, though not without a few teasing comments thrown ione's way.
the four of you sit in a circle with a card game spread out in front of you, though the competitiveness has died down as the game went on and no one is taking it too seriously anymore.
"wait, wait, wait," ione stops in the middle of her turn, her head resting on riley's shoulder as she reads the text riley's just gotten over her shoulder. "why is sander im'ing you right now?"
this captures your and clapton's attention. "dude, you still haven't blocked him?" you ask riley exasperatedly.
"well, i feel bad!"
"i don't," ione says, grabbing riley's phone. she doesn't actually hit any buttons on riley's phone, but she keeps it safe in her lap.
"he still seriously thinks he has a chance with you, riley." you reach over clapton's legs to steal some of the chips he had been eating. "it's getting kind of concerning."
"he's not that bad," clapton chimes in, leaning back on his elbows.
"you don't hear him in english," you groan.
"he's the worst," ione agrees before turning back to riley. "you're stronger than me.
"he is pretty annoying," clapton admits, glancing back at you before looking at the cards in front of him. "hey, whose turn was it?"
cards get thrown into the middle when no one can quite remember and you begin to stack them into one pile while everyone keeps talking.
"are you guys ready to sleep?" riley asks, raising her arms to stretch.
"what? no!" ione protests right before yawning.
you all laugh at her while she rolls her eyes.
the four of you squeeze very unnecessarily into riley's narrow bathroom to brush your teeth, practically shoulder to shoulder with each other. you're focusing on not elbowing anyone when clapton puts his head on your shoulder.
"cap-ton!" you groan around your toothbrush. "ef you geh toofpaste on me...!"
clapton only flashes you a threatening blue-foam grin, so you pause your brushing to flick him on the forehead. thankfully, he's off of you to spit out the toothpaste in his mouth - no longer having the chance to make your stomach queasy.
riley and ione slip into riley's room but riley comes back with an armful of extra pillows, accompanying you and clapton to the living room. you let clapton do the work of picking up the mess you'd all made earlier, splitting the weight of the coffee table with riley as you move it. riley pulls out the bottom of the big couch she has until it has extended into a mattress that she decorates with a gray fitted sheet.
"okay," riley huffs as she emerges victorious from her fight with the mattress. "do you two need any more blankets?"
you glance at the huge pile the four of you have left sprawled all over the couch. "i think we're good."
ione emerges into the living room, twisting the final pieces of a loose braid together, wearing one of riley's hoodies.
it is a little cold now that the sun has set and there aren't as many people in the living room but you're sure you'll be fine after a blanket or two.
"goodnight!" riley and ione both call with a wave, ione wrapping her arms around riley's back as they head back into her room.
you wave back with a smile until they can't see anymore, yawning as you turn back to clapton.
"okay," you say, stifling a second one. "you're sleeping on the floor."
clapton scoffs. "what? there's not even enough space for me to!"
you shrug, even though clapton is right, fluffing one of the pillows riley gave you before dropping onto it tiredly.
"you go on one end, i'll stay on the other." clapton stands at the opposite edge, pillow in hand like a kid. "please?"
"fine." your voice is monotone but your heart beats wildly; you're worried that clapton will be able to hear it if he gets too close.
you can see him from your peripheral; when he disappears, you can feel him sink in next to you.
the opposite ends idea is a joke. you can feel clapton's arm right next to yours. there's probably only a few inches of space between the two of you, and that was being generous.
"move your head," clapton groans, trying to get comfortable.
"get your own pillow!"
"there's no space."
you sigh but comply, sitting up to split the pillow evenly between the two of you.
"thank you," clapton mumbles, twisting around in his spot.
he's even closer now, his shoulder practically bumping yours. his fingers are dangerously close to yours and it's incredibly late in the night; a few seconds longer like this and you might do something stupid like hold his hand. you can see clapton's chest rise and fall softly from your peripheral. he's not asleep yet; you're worried he might try to talk to you.
you force your eyes to stop trying to steal glances at him and will your body to roll over, back to clapton. he seems to have the same idea, turning around with his back to you.
there had been something there, undoubtedly - it had scared both of you and sent you both spiraling to think of anything other than each other.
"goodnight," you manage to hear clapton vaguely mumble. you lean over momentarily, just to shove his shoulder lightly.
fortunately, you're asleep almost instantly.
unfortunately, sleep does not guarantee any escape from clapton davis.
your eyes flutter open, sunlight too obnoxious and you slowly blink the haziness in your eyes away. the first thing you see is clapton's face, eye level with yours. his eyes are shut and you notice how long his eyelashes are. the next thing you notice are the light spread of freckles adorning his skin.
you don't make any moves to get up, only vaguely aware of your proximity to clapton in your eighty-per-cent-asleep state.
you watch shamelessly as his eyes slowly open unnaturally, in a way that tells you he was already awake. the two of you lie there, unmoving, staring. you watch as clapton's eyes take in your eyes, your nose, stop at your lips for a second too long. you're looking at his hair, a little messy from the night, and you wonder if clapton tosses and turns a lot in his sleep.
you don't have a chance to think about it, or about the implications of clapton pretending to be asleep once he heard the pattern of your breathing change as you woke up, as ione's voice calls out from somewhere behind you.
"are you guys finally awake? we've been up forever. we have breakfast ready!"
that gets you moving, the smells from the kitchen finally beginning to waft to your nose. you throw the blankets on top of you off and clapton follows you closely as you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
"go' mornin," clapton says from around his toothbrush.
"good morning," you repeat after you've spit some out into the sink.
meanwhile, the two girls you've left behind in the kitchen stare at the photo ione has taken, giggling quietly.
"oh, they'll definitely be dating by next week," riley scoffs.
ione grins, pocketing her phone as she hears you kick clapton out of the bathroom. "wanna bet?"
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konigsblog · 11 months
Being the task force 141 secretary..you having to handle their paperworks and admistration etc..ghost grew a liking to you and he admired you from far and you liked him too. one day you played truth or dare..sadly you had truth you had to admit if you ever been intimate with someone then ghost's eyes widens when he hears dat you are still a virgin... ghost secretly has a curroption kink and plans to show you on how a real man should treat his lady :>
this is so long, and i know i keep asking this, but do you guys prefer longer reads or shorter reads? im just wondering incase im putting too much detail and you don't like it !!;
he can't keep his eyes from wandering to your ass. the way your tight skirt hugs every curve, he can already imagine spanking you with his thick cock inside your cunt, desperate to show you the things he could do to you.
simon, unfortunately, also noticed the way others would stare at you; price always giving you orders, grinning whenever you bend over to pick some files up that you'd dropped, restraining himself from bending you over his desk and fucking you stupid.
it felt like a competition, without agreeing to one. simon wanted to be the first, your first. hearing that you were a virgin caused blood to rush to his aching cock, the dirty fantasies in his brain forming, causing a bulge to grow in his boxers. and luckily for him, you two were in the same barracks for tonight.
your barracks had a problem with the pipes, relocating you to lay with ghost, and of course, simon seduced you. through the mask, lust grew in his eyes, running his hand up your legs and watching as you tighten your thighs, hiding your sounds and arousal. he quickly undresses you, finally revealing the desires he had, how desperate he'd been to fuck you into a babbling and sticky mess.
his aching cock throbbing inside your tight virgin pussy, the sounds of skin slapping noises kept more soldiers awake than asleep, slammed into you without any mercy. he grew intoxicated off your scent, the feminine features your body had, growling while groping at your tits, encircling your nipples with his lips. full and tight balls begged to be drained, the tip pounding into your cervix, coating his shaft in slick and juices, eyes rolling to the back of your head with your back arched. you squirted all over his abdomen, the sticky liquids coating his skin, his own release spurting inside you !!! “take it, take my fuckin' cock..”
falling limp in his grasp, your hole oozing out his seed before shoving fingers inside your cunny, preventing anymore cum leaking from your hole because you were such a good girl for him :(( eyes fucked-out, looking up at him, whimpers and mewls leaving your mouth as you panted and came down from your orgasm.
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ivoryghostyy · 7 months
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「 image, not mine. sourced from pinterest. 」
「 note: previously known as "love bite" and this is the actual revamp of the oneshot. "destined pair" feels too different from the original, so here's something closer. have fun. ^^ 」
「 tw: possessive, mentions of blood, non-consensual biting, non-consensual drinking of blood, slightly suggestive?, implications of stalking, violence — read with caution, i guess. 」
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a dark chuckle reverberates through the winding hallways, filling you with a sinking sense of dread.
"come now, you can't hide from me. while i do enjoy this little game of chase, i'm beginning to lose my patience."
you do your best to calm the erratic pace of your heart, but the pressure is getting to you. you're bleeding out, for god's sake. for all you knew, you wouldn't make it out of this alive.
'how comforting,' you thought, as you basked in your own bitter notions. your mind blanks, however, when you finally notice the footsteps resounding nearby.
they're quiet—you barely heard them—but they're close.
dangerously close.
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your first mistake was exposing yourself so soon. it was meant to be a quick mission: locate the target and take him down. but he had noticed you too early—almost instantly, as if he knew the whole time.
that should have been enough of a reason for you to back out, as even the slightest risk could lead to your death. you're dealing with vampires, after all.
yet, absurdly, you continued on.
why? somehow, you didn't know either. 'could be the alcohol. or perhaps, there was something bigger at play here. regardless, you kept your pace, staying at a distance and waiting for an opportunity to strike.
which, to be honest, took a lot longer than you expected. if only you could simply kill the witnesses, too.
he was a social butterfly, easily getting along with every person he conversed with. but then again, why wouldn't he? he manages a large organization, after all. with a handsome grin, he knocked everyone's guards down, leaving them completely vulnerable to his charms.
he's beautiful, you'll give him that.
after a while, he excuses himself, and you tail after him. as an experienced hunter, you've learned to mask your presence; to hide within the shadows cast beneath the soft moonlight.
it was going smoothly.
until it wasn't.
he stopped, turning his head to meet your alarmed gaze. it was brief, but it was enough for you to know: he knew you were there.
ruh-roh raggy.
you knew that playing ignorant wouldn't work on him. you've read his files—despite them highly lacking in details. he does a good job of keeping his information confidential—it's practically part of his job to find out if someone's lying or not!
seduction? he may be hot, but really, all you want to do right now is go to sleep. you are not getting laid tonight. really?
'alright, plan C it is.'
you booked it.
cursing under your breath, you ignore the painful ache of your poor feet. you'll be fine, probably. this isn't your first rodeo. for the record, you've once managed to escape with a broken leg, a stab wound, and a splitting headache. this should be easy! don't be so complacent, dear. plot armour can only do so much.
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his looming figure casts a shadow over your guarded frame.
"there you are."
you're stuck. trapped between two unwavering arms as he grinned cheekily at you. his eyes are dilated, and he looks almost.. intoxicated.
"i warned you, didn't i? you can't hide from me, fawn."
what a stupid nickname. you sneer.
"i'm impressed, really. not many can land a hit on me."
he refers to the healing cut on his chest, the wound beginning to weave itself back together.
righr now, you couldn't do much. with a bleeding gash running from along your hips, you're basically screwed. your hand clutches the wound, blood trickling through your palm as you struggle to apply enough force to your trembling hand.
god, you feel so weak. his eyes pull you into a trance-like state, and you're barely able to hold yourself together. he leans down with an angelic curl to his lips, reaching up to stroke your cheek.
"how cute. 'still resisting, dear? my, you're quite stubborn."
you grumble under your breath. unfortunately for you, he hears it. glowing optics bore right into you, and for a moment, you thought he'd kill you right then and there.
to your surprise, however, he simply chuckles. you release a breath of relief, shivering from the hot puff of air that brushes your neck.
then you wheeze; a pained gasp fumbling out of your lips as he slams you against the wall. a rough hand curls around your throat, sharp nails poking your skin—that should be enough of a warning to keep you still.
"now," your eyes trail to the side as you shift;
but he moves in, lips only an inch away from yours.
"ah-ah, what are you looking at, fawn? i don't want your attention straying. your gaze is meant only for me."
"shut up, you i-insufferable-" you cough, lightly gasping when the grip on your throat tightens.
"-oversized mosquito!"
goddamn it-
his eyes crinkle as he laughs, and you're completely stunned; mesmerized by how genuine he sounds. seriously, has this guy considered making asmr videos?
"oversized mosquito? is that supposed to be an insult?"
his grip loosens for a moment, but he regains his composure before you can make a move. fuck vampires and their inhuman speed.
"i quite like you. you've always been an entertaining little fawn." he pauses, a thoughtful look crossing his handsome features before he smirks. "i've decided, i'll be keeping you." it shouldn't be a problem. you've always been his.
he smiles, but his eyes are dimly lit, glinting ominously.
"what!? no-" he interrupts you, a sharpened nail digging into the skin of your neck, drawing a few drops of blood.
"i don't think you heard me. see,"
he guides you impossibly closer. his lips now only mere centimetres away from yours. his thumb trails along your jaw as the other wanders up the skin of your thigh, landing on the small of your back. his touch leaves a trail of heat, a shiver crawling up your spine.
"i wasn't asking, fawn."
and in the next moment, you're pinned against the wall. he leans his weight against you, pulling your hands behind your back. his fangs graze your neck, and you can feel your heart beating frantically.
"i'll have you, even if i have to break you in the process."
the dread settles in, and for the first time in years, you're filled with pure, unadulterated fear.
"shh, don't worry, dear. the pain is only for a moment."
you're scared. he's going to bite you. he's going to bite you. as a last-ditch attempt, you move to stun him.
"stay still."
he's quicker.
fangs sink into your skin, and you whimper at the pain. the feeling of your blood being drained, of the unbearable sting of his fangs in your neck, you almost cry from the agonizing discomfort.
but this isn't what you fear the most. no, this doesn't even come close. you're not scared of pain; half your life was spent with pain playing the role of a clingy lover.
what you fear.. is what comes next.
you can't succumb to it. you can't! you can still take him down with what little strength you have left. you need to resist-
his fanks sink deeper, lulling the ache away and replacing it with a heated embrace. your tense muscles relax, and you stifle a guttural moan at the growing heat in your abdomen.
your instincts fight against the sedative effects, still trying to pull you out from drowning in pleasure.
wake up, goddamn it! he'll kill you!
breathing heavily, you once again struggle against his hold, forcing yourself to shove him off.
his jaw clenches, and you flinch. his hand pulls you closer, pressing against your stomach, causing a wave of heat to course through your trembling frame.
you feel so sensitive; almost like you're drunk on aphrodisiac.
as all fight leaves you, an open moan flittering through your lips. your eyebrows furrow. you don't feel the need to resist anymore.
why would you? you're safe with him. he is all you need.
your limbs grow heavy. why're you so tired? you groan, leaning your head back as he moves away. your wobbly legs can barely hold you up, so he takes the liberty of pulling you into his arms.
he grins in content, licking off the stray blood on your neck. you shiver, clutching the fabric of his clothes. 'you're so adorable. all vulnerable and dazed in his hold,' he muses to himself. you're disoriented, unable to think clearly as you nuzzle into his chest.
"look at you, darling. safe and warm, right here with me."
he'll make sure to take care of you. he's not just watching from afar anymore; now, you're finally in his arms.
'finally, mine.'
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eitaababe · 1 year
— chapter 20. not him.
a/n — it's a fun one buckle up lads
series masterlist. | previous / next
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written portion below. —
you were pretty sure you were on the brink of insanity.
knowing the conversation that awaited with the male sitting just across the classroom from you made you jitter in your seat, kiri having to calm you down and force you to focus every ten minutes or so.
from the looks on his face, you were almost positive ao'nung knew what was to come, and you hated yourself for it. he was perfect on paper, and always someone you could rely on.
so how could you have it in you to break his heart?
because someway, somehow, neteyam made you feel complete. you couldn't imagine yourself without him, even if you both had your faults. you pushed the guilt aside for just a moment, letting yourself forget what you had to do.
until your professor wrapped up the lecture.
you glanced over at ao'nung, the two of you sharing a nod, and with an exhale, grabbed your things and headed towards the door, waiting for students to file out.
you picked your head up to match the familiar voice, sending a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
"you wanted to talk?"
"i'm sorry," you started out, and ao'nung nodded, and you assumed he already knew. "i'm so sorry— i didn't- eywa i didn't mean for any of it to go this way. i just can't-"
"you can't control how you feel, i get it," he kissed his teeth, looking down at his shoe laces. "it's always been neteyam for you. part of me always knew that. i was just kinda hoping i was wrong. and i know i was out of line when i tried to keep it from you, i should've never done that."
"i shouldn't have blown up on you," you sympathized, heart squeezing when you noticed the soft glaze in his eyes. "but i meant everything i said, when i was with you. i meant everything, and if i could've changed anything to not rope you into this mess i swear i would. i just don't want you to hate me." you finished quietly, hoping he would meet your eye.
"i could never hate you," he smiled sadly, "but i'm gonna be honest— i'm hurt. and i can't talk to you knowing we'll only ever be friends."
you nodded in disappointment, knowing he was right. "i get it," you bit the inside of your cheek, unsure of what to say. "if it means anything— i'm sorry. again. and i'm here if you ever need to reach out and need somebody."
"thank you," he shot a grateful look your way, bringing you into an embrace. "and it means everything, y/n." he held you for a moment probably too long, shutting his eyes and pretending that maybe, for just a moment, you were his.
"i'll see you around?" you spoke, squeezing his hand reassuringly when he nodded.
you turned away, walking further and further away from ao'nung, missing the way he stood still, missing your warm embrace.
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─── neteyam !
it had been about a week since neteyam's met up with you, and he swear he's going to lose his mind if he has to wait any longer.
and yes, he knows, it was originally his idea to wait and give you time before getting back into another relationship with him, but he's really starting to think how much he took holding you for granted. it didn't help you were busy the past few days, out applying for some jobs, so you two didn't have your daily breakfast trips together.
so he opted for a cup of coffee on his day off, figuring he could get ahead on some of his work rather than procrastinating (probably with you) later on.
with a hot cup of coffee on his left and a notebook on his right, alongside with a computer screen in front of him, neteyam was finally able to buckle down, feeling contempt for the first time in the past few days.
it didn't last for long, when a familiar blonde caught his eye.
attempting to avert his gaze, neteyam practically buried his head in the computer, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand and somehow avoid violet all at once. the plan wasn't foolproof, clearly, as she spotted him almost immediately and invited herself over where she clearly wasn't welcome.
he winced at the sound of his nickname, it felt almost forbidden not falling from your lips, and your lips only.
"hey, violet."
"i've been texting you, have you been getting them?"
"can't say i have." he lied, not wanting to have another cafe fiasco with the girl.
"that's so weird," she huffed, taking out her phone. "maybe i could just get your number then? so that we don't have any more cross ups."
"violet, look—"
"neteyam," she cut him off, sitting across the table from him and grasping his hands, missing the way he went stiff at her touch. "i know things might have been a little rocky lately, but all couples go through things like this and..."
whatever violet was going on about was lost on him, and time seemed to pause when he saw you, walking through the cafe. you looked like an angel, the sunlight kissing your face and highlighting your features, a smiling gracing you as well.
a smile that quickly faded at the sight of him.
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— y/n and lo'ak are planning to apply as baristas at the cafe so when they saw neteyam's post they were going to surprise him there
— violet's starting to suspect neteyam and y/n have something going on so she went to the cafe to talk to neteyam about what they were
— lo'ak saw what was happening inside the cafe and tried to stall y/n before she could walk in the cafe
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl @alwayswndr @khaleesi56 @azaleaniath
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(translator use, Sorry if there are any mistakes in this)
First, I love you, I'm super in love with hyugo and you're one of the few people who made x reader content with him, and the writing is so well done that God. It's beautiful 😭💙
Could I request some headcanons with a shy reader? Just like the one you did with Geo but with Hyugo?
Reticence (Hyugo x Shy! MC/Reader)
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Thank you for being so patient with me Anon and @cuentademeri *quietly despairs and prays for forgiveness* and for reading my work! I had fun writing this (however, reminder that I am someone who isn't even remotely shy,so if the shyness part seems inaccurate, well, I tried). Hope you enjoy! :D
P.S Thank you for the compliments. <33 They're appreciated.
A/N: Btw if I take longer to answer requests, it's not because I gave up on them, it's simply the fact I don't want to make this blog quantity > quality. Also an original work for TKATB shall be out soon, so uh rejoice.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Reticence: an unwillingness to do something or talk about something, for example because you are nervous or being careful.
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When Hyugo first met you, he simply thought you were quiet, like Sol. Until he noticed you essentially never talked.
He wasn't concerned per se, more so curious. Did you feel awkward with him and Sol? Why even sit if you weren't gonna chat?
Tries to befriend you, is the type to wave to you and grin if he sees you around.
Is honestly a tad surprised when he finds out you're shy and reserved.
Doesn't have any issue with it though.
Will make more of an effort to chat you up. Words of affirmation and aggressive positivity galore. "The girls keep saying I'm hideous. I don't believe them but..." "You're not." "Yeah but-" "No buts! Those are for sitting! And I'm going to make sure said people who called you that won't be able to comfortably sit ever again!"
When you star talking more, he's a very happy man.
Likes it when you tell him things, doesn't matter what. He just enjoys hearing you chat about nothing.
He'll ask you at some point why you are shy. He's never been shy so he was curious.
You just explain you're simply not as outgoing as a lot of other people are.
But if you feel shy partially due to appearance woes? He'll tell you you look gorgeous! (He means it he just hasn't realised the extent of said words).
Oh, but if you get bullied? Doesn't matter for what, Hyugo'll fight those responsible (Sol's got too much on his plate already *sob*). Will stand up for you if conflicts arise, mf won't even bat an eye.
He honestly doesn't understand why people target you. You're sweet, cute, even funny when you start crawling out of your shell.
He's honestly angry about it.
He doesn't even fully understand why he feels so strongly about you, nor why he's so eager to see you.
Until one day it hits him. Hard.
It's not like he couldn't see it coming, he suspected it deep down, but refused to admit it.
He has too much shit on his shoulders to catch feelings, no matter how angelic or beautiful or smart you may be.
Alas, his heart has other plans, because it eventually will decide to beat solely for you.
Y'all are the classic "Shy x Outgoing" trope.
He's fine with it. He gets to boost your self-confidence, get you to open up bit by bit, until he's got tens of files on you; with only the necessities of course: - Where you were born - When? What time? - Parents? Carers? Financial situations (doesn't know about the debt teehee) - You get the point
Asks you out right after graduation if he's alive then anyway, to which you say yes. Obviously.
Becomes a very content guy, literally spoils you more than a king ever could. He's rich af.
Will hold your hand in public if you're shy or anxious, is okay with also not holding you if you wish although he will pout at the latter with his plump fucking lips.
Also boosts your confidence, eventually you and him end up having the most absurd, comical banter known to man.
Hyugo is am 11/10 bf, will cater for you, and will never tire of ensuring you're comfortable, content and cordial with him.
And you most definitely are. <33
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snowb3rryy · 6 months
Lucifer x F!MC
It's been a while since Lucifer had free time to spend with his beloved girlfriend, however he secretly plans a trip to spend her Birthday, just the two of them. (I definitely didn't write this because it's my birthday today)
MC is female and uses she/her pronouns. Written in 1st person.
Engish isn't my first language, so I may have made some mistakes.
It's a cold night, the clock just turned midnight and it's finally my birhday, the day I long for every year.
However it's different tonight. There's so much silence in the House of Lamentation. Levi won a few tickets for an event in the human world and Mammon, Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie.
Lucifer stayed behind because of work. I stayed too because I wanted to keep an eye on him. Tonight he's still working at RAD, some complications with the files of mew students made him work overtime for a couple of weeks now. His big bed always felt just right for the both of us, yet now I lay alone and it feels like I'm sinking in it.
1:00. No text, no call. He's still at RAD. I promised to myself to wait for him awake. I start to scroll in both human and Devildom social media yet my feed is boring and repetitive. I end up checking my gallery filled with pictures of me and my best friend, pictures of me and the brothers, pictures of me and Lucifer and oh Lord the videos. The videos we filmed making love a few months ago on a small trip we went alone.
Watching his hands roam all over my body, his lips kissing every inch of me made me shiver. The kisses and bites on my nipples on the video made me wet just by remembering what it feels like. Then I see my hands hold his back tightly as he penetrates my body and yet my soul too. So erotic and so romantic at the same time...
I miss him, I miss him terribly. It's since he started working overtime since the last time we had sex. And not just that, we barely have time to chat any more.
My eyelids feel heavy and i drift to sleep, unable to stay awake any longer.
The next morning I wake up and stretch o the bed, i turn over and see Lucifer sleeping beside me. I smile and kiss his cheek.
Wait... Lucifer is still... on the bed? What time is it?
I look at the time, it's 11am... He hates morning but he wakes up early these past weeks to go and work but... did he sleep in today?
- Lucifer, Lucifer *i shake him softly trying to wake him up*
I hear him mumbling and slowly open his eyes.
Lucifer: Darling *yawns* What is it?
- It's 11am! Don't you have to go to RAD?
Lucifer: No, I finished everything yesterday. Now come here *he says and he pulls me close to him and closes his eyes again*
- Are you... done-done? No more overtime?
Lucifer: Mhm.. Oh, where is my mind at... happy birthday my love *he says still in his morning voice*
- Thank you *i smile and kiss his cheek*
Lucifer: Now sleep, and we'll celebrate later.
We fall asleep again until the late afternoon.
We then stand up, Lucifer orders me around. Shower. Dress up. Not a dress or a skirt, we'll walk. Not this, it's too cold where we'll go.
Finally, after I get dressed appropriately for Lucifer's secret location, he teleports us to the human world. We visit an ice skating venue and we look around the snowy landscapes. The time passes quickly. After taking a thousand pictures of Lucifer's peculiar expression while explain everything we have on sign, we go to a hotel that he had reserved for the night.
The room us already dimly lit, there's roses all over the place and a box on the bed. I hurry and open the box and can't believe it, Lucifer really always listen to every little thing I rumble about ans he got me the perfect gift.
We decide to take a bath together so we walk to the bathroom, take our clothes off and relax in the warm water. I almost drift off from the warm temperature and Lucifer's soft touch on my arms, but he brings me back to reality with a few simple words. "Shall we move this to the bed?", he asks m tenderly yet with a wicked smirk that I can't see but I can imagine.
My body immediately wakes up, next thing I know, I'm on my feet, Lucifer drying my hair first and then my body, softly pressing the towel against my skin and brushing from time to time against my sensitive spots.
I feel his warm breath on my neck as I already imagine our bodies intertwining.
Soon after he's also dry, we move to the bed. I find myself laying down, my eyes staring on the ceiling as my mouth hangs open, and leaving soft sounds of pleasure as I feel Lucifer's hot lips against my skin. With a swift move, he positions himself between my legs and he starts licking and kissing and sucking my clit, my fingers move on their own and i grab his hair as my lower back arches and I no longer can hold my voice. I can feel my mind being numb, as his tongue works miracles on me, he knows every spot I like, every little angle that can make me cum in seconds, but he takes his time. He lets out sounds of enjoyment as he eats me out, I warn him I'm close but he doesn't stop, even worse, he takes his hand off of my thigh and he starts to tease my opening and soon enters 2 fingers and moves them with as roughness as needed for me to see stars. I can no longer concentrate, my legs move on their own and press Lucifer on his shoulders as I let out multiple moans as I cum on his tongue, and squeeze his still moving fingers.
We both breathe hard and he runs up to kiss me, his hands move up and down my sides and finally locate to my hips. I try to move him under me to give him head but he realises and he stops me. "No", he says.
- Why? *i ask confused*
Lucifer: Tonight, is about you, and I already nearly came from your moans and sweet juices on my tongue.
- But, I want to *i insist*
Lucifer: Darling, please. Any other night you want I'd say yes with no second thought. Tonight though, I want you to use your pretty mouth only to call out my name, my cock is more than satisfied with being burried inside you. I love throatfucking you but it feels divine when I'm inside you.
I no longer insist as I now blush from how adorable his words are. I lay back down and he starts to kiss me as he lifts my leg up and slowly starts to thrust in and out. His big size always feels like stretching me in the beginning until I can fully take him and start to feel how good he really makes me feel. With every thrust he moves harder yet always keeping the same tempo, I can already feel him start to throb and I hear him curse under his breath. He's close yet he tries to keep it under control until I am at the same place he is. His thrusts become slower, and his grunts become more desperate, I am more than lucky he lets himself so free around me.
He now warns me, "I'm close" he says, "can't keep for longer" he says.
I know he's there and his desperation rises my heart rate, i hold him tight and say to his ear, "I'm close too, give me my present Lucifer"
He smirks and chuckles, he then kisses me and starts to move to his previous rate. I put my hand on my tits a squeeze them as I too feel like cumming again any second now. A few more thusts and I start to squeeze around his as I'm almost there.
I hear him moan deep, he can feel my walls squeeze around him as much as I can feel his cock twitching again. "Fuck, I'm cumming ah-" he lets a long, deep moan as he thursts a few more times as he fills me up. When I fill him throbbing inside me and cumming, it's my last staw, I feel my face heat up as I scream his name and move my hips against him as I cum once more.
We both breath hard, he smiles, he kisses me and slowly pulls out, letting his hot cum fall out of me. He lays next to me and he takes me in his arms.
Lucifer: Happy Birthday, my love
He kisses my forehead and he immediately falls asleep. I whisper "Good night, Lucifer" and close my eyes as i rest my head on his chest.
Check it out also on Ao3, and thanks for reading! <3
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stickthisbig · 1 month
Look it was a really fuckin rough day and internet drama is what is keeping me afloat so here's some bullshit about Watcher
I don't want to talk about creative decisions. Creators deserve to be paid and TV costs a lot of money, and whether you think a TV model makes sense and reflects the brand's appeal is ultimately a matter of taste.
I want to talk about how much this fuckin thing costs.
If you are going to make a venture like this survive, you must aim at the money. I am the money. I'm financially independent and old enough to have kids who watch the show but have no income, I am a long-time BFU/Watcher fan who's splashed out for merch and a live show, and I've subbed to multiple similar services (RIP Alpha). I am the boring adult that you must convince, because I am the one who can pay for this without a second thought. You will not make it through this on the empty promises of children.
The closest comp to Watcher is not Dropout; it's Nebula. And trust me on this- they would prefer you to compare it to Dropout, because of how much better it makes them look. Compared on full prices (because you can almost always get a discount), Nebula costs half of what Watcher does, for a much, much larger catalog. I am a huge fan of Nebula. I've watched hundreds of hours on Nebula, because there is loads of varied content from creators who have expressed exactly the same wishes for creative freedom as the Watcher team.
And honestly, if we are gonna talk about comparisons to Dropout, you're never gonna be able to watch BFU on this service, so it's apples to oranges anyway.
I am certain that they will make more money percentage-wise through this service. It's not on me to care about their yield from youtube vs a dedicated streaming service vs a partnered streaming deal. That's not my job; I'm not their accountant or their dad. It's on me to look at value for money. I am not a charity, and when you put yourself up as a commodity, I'm gonna kick the tires and leave if I don't like the price.
I'm not going to pay $60 for this, or $42, or $6/month, because it's a bad value on my end. It is less content for more money. $30 still would have been too high, but there was a price point where I, the person with the intersection of money and interest, would have said yes. That is the trade-off: you can wait around forever for somebody to spend $60 and end up with $0, or you can get three people who balked in for $20 each and end up with $60.
Look, we're all friends here, we know the Watcher crew is not so damn dumb that they didn't look into joining an existing streaming service. It's not a fuckin grand revelation that there were potentially other options, and obviously they must have thought about this for longer than ten minutes. But when your service is MUCH more expensive than its closest comparison (Nebula) and the same price as the well-established competitor you'd like to be compared to (Dropout), why on god's green earth would you think I would buy it if I was anything short of obsessed? Where is your growth plan? How is this sustainable? The absolute best plan for me is to wait until the next series of Ghost Files is over, pay $6 to watch the whole series, then cancel again.
Also you're fuckin leaving money on the table by not having delayed VOD on youtube but at this point, that's none of my business.
If it's worth $60 to you and you've got the money, you do what's right for you. But I'm out. No hard feelings! But also no $60.
(Also I do think 100% saying that the back catalog will stay on youtube is a walkback and not what he said in the video, so like, watch that)
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anamoon63 · 2 months
"The future only belongs to the future itself, and the future is Electric Youth".
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Okay so, Time Traveler (The Crane Legacy) wasn’t a story in the beginning, it started as just gameplay about a young guy from the future, Robin Crane, a plumbot builder, who travels to the past and meets the woman of his dreams. Robin had a concern, though, in the Oasis Landing population files, no descendants of his were listed, so he became obsessed that he should start having kids right away, so much so, that he got into all the trouble that gave rise to the story.
Then, you know me, I started planning and writing a plot, taking posed photos for the characters, using special saves in both Aurora Skies and Oasis Landing to stage scenes, etc. And, since I had to follow a script, my characters’ lives were kind of on pause. But… in the original Aurora Skies save, where everything started, time and life continued to pass for the Cranes and the Shens (Juliette’s family), something that doesn’t happen in my story saves, where, due to technical reasons, life takes much longer to pass.
I've tried to keep secret what happens in the original Aurora Skies' save, so as not to spoil the story, but since Time Traveler is about, well, time traveling, lol, I thought we could do a little six-year time jump from 2017 to 2023 in order to introduce the next generation (3rd actually) of the Crane dynasty. So, without further ado, I present to you the third generation of Cranes.
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From left to right: Carrie, Wanda, Rowan, Jessica, and Collin. Rowan and Jessica are the oldest with 8 (real life) years; and Collin, Carrie and Wanda are 6 (real life) years old. (Yes, they're all the same height cause I don't use height sliders in order not to mess my game).
As we already know, these five kids are all Robin's children, from three different moms, which are Juliette Shen (Rowan's mom) Kaleigh Chandelace (Collin's mom) and Ann Conners (Jessi, Carrie and Wanda's mom). Despite this, they love each other as if they were full siblings, cause they all have something in common: they have the same father, and some of them, (I am not telling which ones), also share Robin's alien genes. They are currently living their lives at the fullest, learning about their alien powers and preparing to compete among themselves to be Robin's successor. Who of them will make it? I still don't know so I can't tell, and if I knew I wouldn't tell. 😉
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Sorry if this post was too long, or if it seemed like a spoiler, it's just I'm so happy with how this generation turned out that I couldn't resist, and I just can't wait for them to grow so I can tell their stories. 😋
I take this opportunity to say that Time Traveler (the actual story) is not over, it will be back, though maybe not too soon. I'm currently writing the episodes of Part Three: To the Moon and Back, where we will go to Robin's rescue after his abduction by an alien ship, and where, contrary to this post, we'll go back one generation to meet Robin's long-lost parents. It's a long way to go, but eventually we'll get there, then we'll let Robin take a rest as we move on to this brand new third generation. Of course, I want to give my endless thanks to Bee @poses-by-bee, @gabrielabenacci, @anasaquasims and Rayne's Factory and for the poses. As well as to @aroundthesims, @anzuchansims, @ifcasims, @plumdrops, lillka, blakegriplingph (MTS), and sketchbook pixels for the kids' hair and clothing. Proper credits and links here below: POSES
Child Friendship Poses, Child emotion Storytelling Poses, and Child Sit Poses by Bee. Child Posepack by Gaby's Creations. Cute Kid Poses by Rayne's Factory. Child Poses Shy by Anasaquasims.
Jessica: Loose top with Tulle Skirt, Cute Cardigan for Girls and Shine Leggings by Lillka; T-Bar Pointy School Shoes by Blakegriplingph (MTS). Jessica's hair: Nightcrawler Deep S3 Age Conversion by Plumbdrops. Carrie: Ruffle top with Cotton Jacket by Lillka; River (Shorts) by Sketchbook Pixels; Darte 77 Vans Old Skool by Anzuchansims. Carrie's hair is N03 Thyme, also by Anzuchansims. Wanda: Zipped Hoddie 4to3 conversion by ATS3 (Around the Sims 3), Winter Shorts by Lillka, Darte 77 Vans Old Skool by Anzuchansims. Wanda's hair is Anto - Milano by IfcaSims. Rowan: Sforzinda SP42 Hoodie, Studio-K Giruto Multi Pocket Pants and Darte 77/Pixicat Old Boots, all by Anzuchansims. Rowan's hair is Wingssims ER0914 also by Anzuchansims. Collin: Darte Coat and Hoodie, Darte 77 Jeans and Darte 77/Pixicat Old Boots, all by Anzuchansims. Collin's hair is Anto Male 75 by TTS -My Bluebook
Thank you very much to you all for making my game beautiful, interesting and fun. 🤗💗
The quote at the beginning of this post, is from Electric Youth, by Debbie Gibson, one of my all-time favorite songs. 😉✨
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quinloki · 26 days
What's your writing process like? Do you draft everything at once and then release chapter by chapter as you edit or something similar?
How to you keep your notes organized? I think you've said before in an ask you use Scrivener (me too!), how do you organize that? I love seeing peoples writing processes in general, if your comfortable explaining!!
Okay you're awesome thank you 💛
Process. Ah. Ahem. Organization... /sweats/
Okay, so organization I have something like that. Thanks almost entirely to Scrivener if I'mma be honest. My projects are organized by blorbo - so like all the Kid x Readers are in one project, and then broken down in files by book.
Except for A Light Touch - cause that's in the Grandline AU collection project, and all associated stories are in there with it.
Notes, though, and er... drafts... Ah.
So I would like to note I mean this in the stereotypical pop culture way, and not in the legitimate way, but I'm insane.
I have never known how long a story was going to be until I wrote it, and while I've had a few slapdash outlines for stories, I never manage to stick to them, so I barely even bother writing them out anymore.
Usually the process is something like:
Inspiration -> Idea -> details for Idea -> some notes -> decide certain parameters -> and time allowing either set aside or start writing chapter 1.
Quicksand, for instance, was inspired by a piece of fan art. It was going to be a one-shot. I started world-building and deciding functional parameters and uh... it's 20 chapters if you don't count the alternative story line. The inspired scene doesn't even happen until like chapter 18.
And even within that, I'd meant for Crocodile to be way more terrifyingly yandere to the point that Doflamingo was going to be the GOOD GUY.
That was the plan. That did not happen.
Inversely, I had the first 5 chapters of A Dragon's Clause outlined, and got so into it those 5 chapters were 8 chapters when I ran out of outline. There are, however, THREE different pages of notes for world building, characters and orgs, and important details, that I reference while I write, and I very much expect the story will be near to 50 chapters, if not longer.
Hey Doll has no outline. It's got a page of notes.
The Host Club AU as nothing set in stone except the Club itself and the owners. Yeah I did some headcanoning and world building via asks, but I still don't know what I'm going to keep and what I'm going to cut, and I'm going to start writing chapter one in June XD There is no outline.
Hell, the ending of a Heart of Gold was decided by a scene in A Light Touch, so one of the reasons I'm going to a little slower than usual is because I have to make sure Heart stays on track. (And yes, A Light Touch, Quicksand, Heart of Gold, and Thrice Prophesized all happen in the same AU at the same time - it's not just a backdrop AU for those stories like it is for Some Direction and Hey Doll.)
But yeah, that's uh... that's it. I don't really have much of a process beyond "This is what I want to work on" and then I turn on a appropriately themed playlist, pick some art to have on one monitor and write on the other. And honestly, thank fuck for like @swampstew, @mamaalpha, @standfucker, @lyndsyh24, @writing-yarn-goblin, @kazieai, @anon-germany, @theaceofflamesposts, @zorostittiesz, @leakyweep, @icy-spicy and @thus-spoke-lo and @mewiyev for all being awesome fucking friends.
Between writing sprints, and beta-reading and inspiring with head canons and thots and art and support and the list goes on and on - I just. (and gods that's not even including @friedbluechicken and @cyborg-franky and can you understand how long this list is gonna get?)
I just kind of stumbled into this whole fandom thing. I didn't know wtf I was doing or what, and I swear I tripped into being friends with Lyn and Raven and it's all kind of a blur and from those two to everyone else on that list to many more beyond that and these alarmingly talented people talk to me of all the random ass bastards out there, and folks are sending me asks thinking I'm cool and wanting to know my process and like -
I'm just a stoat in a trench coat man, I don't even know what I'm doing here.
/ahem/ Okay, I got a little off the topic, but I guess I can't really say I have a process, and I don't plan out my stories much at all. But I will have highlights like I want x, y, and q to happen, so how do I do that? And the real relief is being okay when the story goes a different way and I just let it. I wrote Some Direction inside of a month just doing that. The only thing I knew about that story was who the antagonist was going to be ^^;
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kaija-rayne-author · 9 months
So, it should be pretty obvious by now that I'm firmly against fans boycotting Bioware and Dreadwolf due to the layoffs. I'll put it in business terms. I've worked for Fortune 500 companies, and I speak from that perspective.
The people who made it are hoping, and have said, that they hope people will love Dreadwolf as much as they do. Even when they were laid off.
It would punish the creatives who made the game far more than it would punish Bioware. They likely can't even talk about it due to NDAs unless/until it's released. Can you imagine not being able to talk about a thing you loved and poured years of your life, creativity, and passion into? I can. It would be heartbreaking.
I don't want to be responsible for harming people who love dragon age enough to make it for us. If I boycott, that's exactly what I'd be partially responsible for. I'm usually very pro-boycott, but in this case, I'm not.
So here's the question... we unequivocally live in a late stage capitalist nightmare world. Do you know how many other companies have laid off employees this year?
This type of behavior has been pro forma for corporate for at least 20 years, probably longer.
So, why would people boycott Dreadwolf and Bioware when they're by far not even the most egregious example of mass layoffs?
In 2022-2023, we've had these mass layoffs.
Meat giant Tyson Foods is laying off about 15% of senior leadership roles and 10% of corporate roles, according to an internal memo shared with CNN.
Y'all gonna boycott meat? I didn't think so.
3M announced significant layoffs as part of another major restructuring plan. The brand behind Post-It Notes and Scotch Tape said in a statement it would lay off 6,000 staff around the world.
Gonna boycott tape? Ear plugs? Sticky notes?
Lyft (LYFT)’s move in November to cut 13% of its workforce, citing fears of a looming recession.
Buzzfeed announced a 15% reduction in its workforce, or about 180 employees.
David's Bridal is eliminating 9,236 positions across the United States but did not specify how many stores would be affected.
Walmart is laying off more than 3,000 workers.
And I know many people can't afford to boycott Walmart.
Meta announced an additional 10,000 layoffs across several months on top of mass layoffs in 2022.
You still use Facebook? I personally loathe it and only keep an account for marketing reasons. I can barely even make it work anymore.
Three rounds of layoffs hit Disney (DIS), announced through a March 27 internal memo to employees. Around 7,000 people will be affected by the move over the next several months.
Amazon (AMZN) said in March it would cut 9,000 jobs, bringing the total number of Amazon (AMZN) staffers eliminated this year to around 27,000.
Indeed.com announced cuts of approximately 2,200 employees, representing almost 15% of its total workforce, the company said in March.
Satellite radio giant SiriusXM laid off 475 people, or about 8% of its workforce, as part of a broad restructuring.
Zoom (ZM) said it will lay off about 1,300 employees, or approximately 15% of its staff, in a memo to employees in Feburary.
Dell (DELL) laid off roughly 5% of its workforce, the company said in a regulatory filing in February. Dell had about 133,000 employees, the company told CNN. At that level, the 5% cut represents more than 6,500 employees.
Gonna refuse to use your computer?
Microsoft said in January it would be laying off 10,000 employees, according to a securities filing.
This was only up to around March of this year. There's loads more.
Point being it's ridiculous to boycott a company and hurt the people who made a thing they love just because they got laid off.
This is what corporations do. There is 0 loyalty to the employee at a corporation. It's all about the bottom line.
Maybe all y'all haven't worked in corporate, maybe people are hopping on the 'I'll boycott too' bandwagon. IDEK.
I honestly don't care if I change anyone's mind about it all, but it’s silly. Just outright ridiculous to expect a corporation to do anything but what corporations do.
It's not right. It's awful. I hate that Bioware basically backstabbed the creatives who made them what they are. But it's not new or even remotely rare. Bioware has laid off roughly 125 employees in the past handful of months.
Every company I named laid off far, far more. And if you think I'll believe you're going to boycott Microsoft, you must have a bridge you want to sell me, too.
Here's the source, if you want it.
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chenswire · 7 months
overdue Episode 11 post
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basically the chenswire part of my stupidly long twitter thread covering ep 11 with more delusional thoughts and I ended up TLing their last scene in CN I guess (scroll to bottom) i wish i had the energy to make 1morbillion gifs but i do not so.. Excerpts from my 200 image screenshot folder it is
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So the ep starts off with a super pensive Swire which was very cute when will my wife return from the war energy
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And then she breaks out into a super un-ladylike run whaddahell!!!! this sequence was sooo well drawn wtf. handsome
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(Something here about how people were joking this part is summer chen because they call chummer 水陈 'water chen')
I like how relaxed the atmosphere was like this definitely isn't the first time something like this has happened, well I mean after all they are Professional Co-workers who do not fight 24/7 (they get into an argument immediately after)
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When they break eye contact to turn towards Hoshiguma they basically don't meet each other's gazes again as they take turns to glare at each other its insane... Also Swire saying she should take over and Chen needs treatment... Chen you understand what that means right...
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Another detail I love is how at the start they already show her battered jacket/clothes for us gamers to point at the screen and then later who those who don't know/didn't notice we have a whole close up of chen reacting to it...man.jpg And swire leaving right away once she knows chen is fine (and one of her good points. lol. lmao) you guys are sure so quick
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Link to CN version of the PUUK GAI LUNG in Paci Plaza I love how she's like 'Chen you stay right there' at the end like she's going to idk fly over ASAP to whack her (as opposed to just 'hey, chen!')
Here's a clip of the last scene with CN dub because not only do we get 'ah chen' it just hits so different...
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Hi~ Still there, Miss Ah Chen? Ah? What d'you mean by ah, huh? Aren't you a Dai Siu Ze too? Enough of that, don't you have something to tell me? What happened at Paci Plaza… I'll make sure to sort it all out and file for damages later.
Had a feeling they would go with the JP loc's 'aren't you an ojou too' since you know, anime, but keeping the 'ah chen' and that 阿什么阿 response the unparalleled casualness
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You… Remember the Cha Chaan Teng at Sheung Wan? Trying to change the subject? The one near the LGD HQ, right? I used to stop by there on my patrols sometimes. Let me treat you to something there next time. Hmm~ If we go there… I want a steak tomato and egg burger! Wait, no! Like hell I'd want you to treat me to a meal!
the longer pause after 'you...' like she was considering something else before she decided to go with her 茶餐厅 MENTION!!!!! gives this a whole different flavour... chen outright offering the meal instead of swire guessing??? THE WARM SMILE CLOSE UP i feel like im intruding on something
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Then send your bill to Chief Wei. I'm hanging up. Wait, don't hang up just yet! I heard you ran straight out of Rhodes Island in the end. What are you planning? Weren't you looking for their help? Ugh, stay down! Take a nap over there! You sure sound busy. Guess I should hang up. Tch… I'm not done speaking with you yet. Was leaving the little bunny (and the others) over there weighing on your mind? Well, whatever. (We'll just do this) Just let me help you clean up the mess over here.
It just sounds so much more casual in CN than the JP dub (which is excellent ofc) >let me do it for you instead of 'ill do it' (head in hands)
the opposite lighting and angle and chen looking away vs swire looking straight #KINO
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Don't talk like you understand me very well, Miss S. Enough!!! How many times have I told you not to call me that!! Got it, got it.
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You don't seem to get it, so I'll be nice today and explain it to you. Life is extremely precious. You're always risking your life chasing what's right in front of you. Stop doing that. Got that? Your advice… I'll take it.
That exasperated 'Enough!!!' i (turns into a plane and flies away) and the last line... it as 'thanks for the advice' which technically isn't wrong but you know the nuance of uh. kind of, almost, somewhat, accepting a... confession... (of her concern ofc) also CN chen lets swire finish speaking instead of interrupting which hehe... like i said..the flavour hits different. also that subtle movement as chen like eases in more and more between those lines aaaghhhhhhhhhh
their earlier argument was so explosive and quick, but now their banter is so tender and slow like bruh. what. even the act of chen putting down her sword to sit down in a comfortable position (loved that she sat like that One leg sitters rise up!!!) was so ??? the normally yolo speedrunner chen being so leisurely like damn. ok. ok. From 'you think you can order me around' to basically agreeing to an order (Londinium cannon vine boom) I thought Chen being this warm was more or less a delusion that I inferred through in game as subtext (since in game her expression then is usually like her default rbf face...) and seeing it here as 'text' in the show is like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 holy shit can't believe i got FED after four years incidentally i've been obsessed with a certain CN writer's fics lately because the way they write chen like a sad wet dog while showing warmth is crazyyy maybe i will blog about it next time because i was legit taking notes lmao
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rhoorl · 8 months
Working Title | Chapter 12
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Belle
Rating: Mature, 18+, for the love of all things please don’t engage if you are a minor ok? 
Word Count: 4.8k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 12 on AO3
Chapter Summary: We return to the resort post-photoshoot. Indy and Belle have a girls' night, but is Dieter able to stay away?
Chapter Warnings: SMUT. Oral (m and f receiving). Allusions to intimacy issues. Ryan is his own warning at this point.
A/N: You know I'm a sucker for an alternating POV, so we get a little bit of that. This is the most explicit thing I've written to date sooo be kind as I go crawl into a hole. 😬 But honestly, I couldn't let Belle and Dieter go any longer without something spicy happening. 
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“Easier said than done, Lizzie. I’m just so…” he leaned closer to her and dropped his voice to a whisper, “I just don’t want to fuck it up you know?”
“You won’t. I’ve never seen you like this sweetheart, I’m really proud of you,” she patted him on the knee and then felt her phone buzz. “Ugh,” she shook her head at her phone.
“What? What is it?”
“Well, you aren’t going to be happy with me, but hear me out,” she put her hands up to pre-empt his frustration, “Maria asked if you and I could have dinner with her tonight at the resort," Dieter sighed. "I know, I know, but it's good for the story."
"Ugh, okay," he looked over to Belle, who was still fast asleep.
"It's only a couple of hours champ, you can survive I promise," she smirked.
"I know," he pouted.
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You don't know how long you had dozed off, but the next thing you knew your eyes were fluttering open as the van made its way back up the path to the resort.
Dieter was on his phone when you looked over at him. He must have sensed your glance as his eyes lifted from the screen to land on your face as he gave you the sweetest smile.
When the van finally comes to a stop, everyone files out, Dieter letting Liz go first before following you.
"Did you have a good nap?" He asks as you make your way down the stairs.
"Yeah, I don't know what it is about me and moving vehicles," you chuckle.
"Hey so, I uh," he rubs the back of his neck, pulling you off to the side as Aubrey and Danny walk by. You notice Liz lingering by frantically typing away on her phone, but keeping tabs on you both out of the corner of her eyes. "Originally I had plans to take you somewhere tonight for dinner, but Liz said that Maria wants to have dinner." He looks apprehensive, unsure how you’re going to react.
"That's ok," you smile at him. 
"You sure?" He was dumbfounded by your quick and simple response.
"Why wouldn't I be? You have work stuff, I understand."
He let out a breath, "You're amazing you know that?"
"For being ok with you going to a dinner?" You laugh.
"Yeah, I … I haven't…that hasn't always been the case for me."
You sense there's more under the surface, but you don't want to press it. 
"Well, I'm sure Indy and I can come up with something to do. I haven't seen her much and we could use a good girls’ night."
"Oh nice, well don't have too much fun. And if you do, take pictures," he whispers the last bit in your ear as he pulls you in for a hug.
"You're ridiculous," you giggle as he kisses the top of your head. 
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"Indy? Are you here?" The room was quiet but you see Indy's bag on the ground so you’re pretty sure she was there.
"Babe! Ahhhh how was the rest of the photoshoot?!" She runs from her bedroom to give you a big hug. She clearly recently showered, as her hair was still wet.
"It was so good, Ind! The photographer kinda gave me the creeps and Aubrey was annoying, but Dieter … he seriously looked so good! How was your day? Did you put the leave-in conditioner in your hair just now?"
"Yes, moooom! And eeeeek! I'm so excited for you! Well, not for the creepy photographer and dumbass Aubrey. Seriously, want me to throw her in a pool at some point?" She giggles as you playfully hit her shoulder. "My day was good. They're doing some rewrites and I have a kind of sexy scene to shoot with Sam soon," she wiggles her eyebrows and shakes her shoulders.
"Well, good thing you both have been rehearsing so much. Ow!" She slaps you on the ass as you turn toward the kitchen to go get some water.  "Are you guys hanging out tonight?"
"No, he actually has a really big scene tomorrow so he's calling it an early night. What about you? You and Dieter doing something fun?"
"He and Liz are actually having dinner with the reporter who’s doing the interview. He went straight there once we got back."
"Oooo so we can have a girls' night?" She grabs both of your arms and shakes you a little. 
"I guess so!" 
"Are you expecting anyone?" You scrunch up your face, looking from the door to Indy.
"No, Ari has the night off." Indy saunters over to the door and looks through the peephole. She turns back to you and smiles before turning around to open the door. You start to make your way over too to see who was there.
"Hi miss, we've been asked to bring this to you." One of the resort staff was at your door with a bottle of champagne and a cart that carried two trays topped with a lid, hiding the contents of what was underneath.
"Oh, we didn't order anythin-" you start to say as Indy elbows you in the side. 
"Please, come in," Indy pulls the door back and lets the man wheel in the cart.
"Would you like me to open the bottle, miss?"
"That would be great!" Indy looks over to you with an excited, but surprised expression.
The man makes quick work of opening the champagne and pours you both a glass. He sets both trays onto the kitchen island and puts the bottle in a bucket already filled with ice.
"Anything else I can help you ladies with?"
"N-no, that's great, thank you so much!" You walk him out while Indy reaches for the flutes. 
Once you close the door you turn around and see Indy with a huge smile on her face. "Ind, did you order this?"
"No babe, but I know who did," she waves a little note card in the air.
You skip over to her and snatch the card out of her hand.
Hope you ladies enjoy a fun night to yourselves.
P.S. I wasn't kidding about the pictures.
"What pictures is he talking about," Indy knocks your shoulder with hers.
You tell her about the flirty exchange you had with Dieter before you both parted ways.
"Ooo, I think our boy Dee is missing you," she teases. "But we should take a photo, you know, as a thank you."
"Right, it would be the right thing to do," you wink.
"That's the spirit!"
She takes the lids off the two trays to reveal a charcuterie board on one tray and an assortment of desserts, on the other.
You arrange the trays at the corner of the kitchen island and stand to the side, ready to take a selfie. "Ok, let's take a picture with all of the stuff."
"Oh, you aren't wearing that," Indy looks you up and down. "C'mon we are having a cute night in, let's put on something fun!"
"I have a feeling you don't mean for me to put on my T-shirt and workout shorts."
Indy shakes her head. "Oh no, we've got to make Dee miss you even more than I know he already is," she winks.
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"Anything else I can get you to drink sir?"
"Water is fine thanks," Dieter smiles at the waitress. He glances down to his phone for the fifth time in the last minute. He told Danny to send something up to the girls as a surprise but now his mind is going a mile a minute since he’s yet to hear from Belle.
Did Danny do it right? Of course, he did, the kid doesn't ever let me down. So why hasn't she said anything? Was it too much? I did too much. I thought it would be nice but…
He looks up to see Liz and Maria staring at him. "Hmm?"
"Everything ok?"
"Y-yea sorry, thinking about a scene I have tomorrow," he tries to play it off and he thinks Maria is fooled but Liz isn’t. 
Her eyes narrow a bit before she returns to her conversation about who knows what with Maria. Dieter pretends to be engaged while glancing at his phone.
He practically lunges at his phone, quickly unlocking it when he sees a message from Belle. 
Belle: This was so nice of you, thanks for getting our girls' night off to a great start! 😘
Attached was a selfie of Indy and Belle, which Indy clearly took given the angle. She positioned the camera high above their heads with her long arm as they both looked up and smiled. Dieter was a little embarrassed at how quickly his eyes went from Belle’s face down to her body to see what she was wearing.
He tried to take a sip of his water but coughed a little the more he looked at her, tracing every curve he could see.
She had on what looked like a silky pair of pale pink sleep shorts with some lace trim at the bottom and a robe of the same color half thrown over a lacy, sheer black tank top. Her hair was down and she had a cute smirk, but it was her eyes that really drew his focus.
"Um, y-yea, sorry I was waiting on a text. Just got it," he smiles. "Ah, one sec, lemme respond real quick."
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"Ugh, Indy. Are you sure this isn't too much?"
"No bitch, keep drinking your champagne and stop thinking so much," she laughs as she snaps a selfie presumably for Sam.
Dieter: You're welcome baby. Looks like you girls are having fun 
Dieter: PS … love Indy, but I feel like I'm gonna need a photo of you by yourself 😉
"See! I told you I didn't need to be in it!" Indy slaps your arm as you both giggle. "Ok, we need to position you a little for this."
You roll your eyes as Indy starts an impromptu photoshoot of you, telling you how to pose while encouraging and hyping you up.
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Dieter felt a bit more settled now that he knew the surprise made it to the girls. But, he wished he could run upstairs to devour Belle instead of whatever he ordered.
Belle: How's this?
Belle attached another photo of just herself. 
Good girl, following directions.
She was kneeling on the couch with her back to the camera, looking over her left shoulder with a shy smile. Her robe was pulled down on one side, exposing her bare shoulder.
His breath hitched, surprised at how bold Belle was being, no doubt spurned on by her best friend and some liquid courage. But still, he was not complaining and started to fidget a bit in his chair, trying to discreetly adjust himself underneath the table.
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"He's going to think I'm not wearing anything under the robe." You pull the strap of your tank top back up.
"That's the point, silly!"
Dieter: wow, you're making it really hard for me to concentrate on this dinner lol
Dieter: What happened to the top you had on? I rather liked it.
"Worked like a charm," she winks at you. "Here take it off." She comes over to you and starts to pull your top off.
"Jesus Indy! What the fuck!" 
"We're going to take a picture of it on the floor, not of you,” she rolls her eyes at you. “We gotta tease him a bit. C’mon, take it off.”
You take off your robe momentarily so you can remove the top, handing it over to Indy.
“Ok, what’re going to do with that?”
“Mmm…oh, I have an idea, here, come with me,” Indy takes your hands and leads you to your room.
“Ok, lay down.”
“Seriously, Indy?”
“Just do it, I have a vision.”
You roll your eyes and hop on your bed. Indy positions your legs crossed one over the other and then drapes the top on the bed next to your legs. She comes to sit next to you and takes a photo.
“Ok, aaaand… send!”
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 Belle: Oh, you mean this?
Dieter leaned forward to put the phone down into his lap so Liz or Maria wouldn’t see it. He saw Belle’s bare legs crossed on what had to be her bed, with her top alongside her.
Fuuuuuck. Is she naked right now? 
“Should we order some dessert, Dee?” Liz looked at him a bit confused as to what was distracting him.
“No!” He didn’t mean for that to come out as loud and forceful as it did. “Ah, I mean, no, I’m good. I’m actually getting kinda tired…busy day tomorrow.” His tight-lipped smile didn’t fool Liz, who smirked at him.
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Once you send the photo, you put your top back on and go out to the living room to giggle as you snap some racy photos of Indy for Sam. You both sipped the champagne and snacked as she filled you in on some of the on-set gossip, but you couldn’t help but keep glancing at your phone, expecting a response from Dieter. As time went on, your face dropped a bit and Indy sensed your confidence dwindling. 
“Don’t get in your head about it, there’s probably a good reason why he hasn’t responded.”
“You don’t think it was too much?”
“If I have to tell you no one more goddamn time I swear I’m going to smack you.”
“Hmm…think Dee got us another bottle of champagne? We definitely don’t need it,” Indy laughs as she walks to the door to open it. “Oh, hi!”
“Hey, um is Belle here?”
You straighten up on the couch, peer over to the front door, and see a floppy mess of curls behind Indy.
“Y-yea, she’s in here,” Indy closes the door and does a little dance behind Dieter as he quickly makes his way over to you. “I’ll um…head to my room,” she winks as she grabs her glass and the bottle of champagne before retiring down her hallway.
You stand up to greet Dieter, who immediately brings you in for a hug and then starts kissing your neck.
“W-what are you doing here?” You start to whimper a bit as you feel one of his large hands move down to your ass to squeeze it as he trails kisses across your collarbone and up the other side of your neck.
“I…you…fuck you look so good baby,” he was trying to string words together between his kisses before he finally pulls back and looks you up and down. “Hmm…you put this back on, didn’t you?” He rubs his thumb along the hem of your top.
You hide your face in his chest. “Sorry, I…all of that, it was Indy’s idea.”
“And it’s the best fucking idea she’s had.” He chuckles as he moves back, grabbing your face. “You were driving me insane you know that? Could barely concentrate on dinner because I wanted to come up here and…” he trails off as he kisses you.
You deepen the kiss and pull on his sweatshirt to walk him back to your room. “W-what…hmm… what did you want to come up here and do?” You manage to get out as he nips along your jaw.
“Mmm…had lots of things in mind,” he smiles into your neck. 
“Me too.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, I um…there’s something I want to do.” 
You make it to your room and close the door. You work his sweatshirt up and over his head, and your breath hitches when you realize he didn’t have a shirt on underneath. You look up at him and grab his face to kiss him again.
“Hey,” he pulls back, panting. “I want you to do whatever you feel comfortable with ok? We could stop right now and go to bed.”
You roll your eyes and pout, “But that would be no fun.”
He chuckles as he brings you in for another kiss, working your robe off, and letting it fall to the floor.
You turn him so his back is against the door as you work on undoing his belt buckle. Once you finally get it, you start to trail kisses down his jaw, making a point to kiss the little bare patch before working down his neck and his chest. His chest moves up and down as his breathing gets faster, as you move down his stomach. You continue to work down until you’re on your knees in front of him.
As you go to unbutton his shorts he stops you, “Hey, I wanna take care of you first, baby.”
“I…uh…but I want to.” You could feel yourself losing a bit of the nerve you had. “Please…I…uh…”
You’re cut off by Dieter who bends down to kiss you, lifting you back up so you’re standing. 
“If you only knew how much I’ve been thinking about your sweet mouth,” he whispers in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. “Just have fun, I’ll tell you what I like,” he smiles into your kiss.
The butterflies come flooding into your stomach as the realization of what you are about to do hits you. But Dieter seems so eager and excited, that you don’t want to lose your nerve. So you start to work your way back down again. He keeps both of his hands at his side as you take his shorts off, one of his hands twitching, itching to touch you.
You felt how excited he was earlier, but now staring at it head-on, your mouth salivates. You hook your fingers under his boxers and your mouth parts as he springs out. He looks so beautiful and confident standing bare in front of you. You look up at him through your eyelashes to see him giving you a smug smile.
You move a bit closer, licking your lips as you lightly wrap your hand around the base and slowly start to swirl your tongue along his tip, stopping to swipe at the bead of precum which makes him shiver and whimper.
“Fuck, you look so pretty baby,” he pants.
He moves one of his hands and threads his fingers through your hair, lightly resting his hand on the back of your head as you slowly take him in. He whimpers again as you slowly move him in and out. You look up at him and see his head thrown back against the wall, slack-jawed, and his eyes clenched shut. He’s trying to praise and encourage you through his panting, but it’s coming out as an incoherent mess of "oh shit" and "fuck" among other things. 
You catch his eyes a few moments later as he moves his head to look down at you. The eye contact nearly sends him over the edge, his grip on your hair tightens as you keep a steady pace.
"Fuck…shit, I'm…I'm close baby, where…where can I?"
You hollow your cheeks as you move off of him, and an obscene pop sounds through the empty room.
"Wherever you want," you pant as you take him again with even more enthusiasm than before.
"Holy shit…I…keep doing that."
There was something powerful about seeing this gorgeous man reduced to a whimpering mess all because of you. 
I still got it.
You always thought you were pretty good at oral, you and Indy had traded enough tips and tricks over the years to each perfect your preferred methods. But like most everything related to intimacy, Ryan wrecked it. His preferred method for receiving a blow job was ramming his dick so far down your throat that you'd choke and gag on it. He got some sick satisfaction from seeing your humiliation. Oftentimes by that point, he was close and all you needed to do was finish him off with your hand. 
But with Dieter, you wanted all of him, you couldn’t get enough. As you continued bringing him in and out, you felt his thigh twitch and his grip on your hair tighten, which you surprisingly were into.
"Baby, l-look…at me," Dieter pants as you look up through your eyelashes again as you lick up the underside of his shaft. "Fuck, I'm gonna… I'm…"
You return your mouth to him as his release starts, and you're ready for it as it hits the back of your throat. Dieter is making the most obscene noises and you continue working him through until he pulls you off abruptly.
"Shit," he quickly pants. "Fuck, sorry, that was ….I'm…gonna need a second," he chuckles as he rests his head on the wall, closing his eyes and catching his breath. You take a few moments to make a mental picture of this before standing up.
You go to wipe the side of your mouth to collect the last bit of cum that escaped your lips when he opens his eyes and leans forward licking it off instead.
Your eyes go wide as he leans back against the wall. His smug smile returns before he cups your face and starts to kiss you. It becomes deeper as his tongue explores your mouth, stopping a couple of times to either slightly bite or suck on your bottom lip.
He pulls back, looking at you with a bit of desperation. "Get on the bed. Please." 
With Dieter, you were trying so hard to block out all of the bad shit that you associated with sex. Because what you just did? That was fun. He makes you feel giddy, appreciated and wanted.
You smirk and saunter over to your bed sitting on the edge as you watch him walk over, his eyes black with lust. 
"Move back up."
You shuffle backward onto the bed, feeling some deja vu from this morning. Except this time, you were more than willing to have Dieter do whatever he wanted.
He crawls towards you and stops, taking a moment to check in with you. Your chest moves up and down, trying to catch your breath in anticipation of what is to come. 
He takes one of your feet in his hands and starts to trail kisses up from the arch up to your ankle and calf before stopping at your knee. You shiver a bit as the prickliness of his beard rubs against your skin. He puts the sole of your foot onto the bed so your knee is propped up, looking at you and licking his lips before he does the same thing to your other leg. He shuffles himself between your knees again checking in with you.
"Want me to keep going?"
You nod and he shakes his head.
"I gotta hear you, baby, tell me what you want."
"You," you pant. He's not touching you at this point but the anticipation is building.
"Want me to what?"
"I …uh … I…" You cover your eyes with your hands, a little embarrassed about saying what you want out loud.
Dieter crawls up your body, one of his hands working to uncover your face.
"Hey, don’t hide. If you want me to stop I can."
"No, I …sorry, I'm just not umm…"
"Not used to asking for what you want?"
"Yeah…that," you chuckle. 
"Tell me, and if you don't want to say it then show me."
"Mmm okay. Um, I want this," you bring two fingers up to his lips, which he promptly takes the opportunity and kisses them, "here," you take your fingers off his lips and thread them between your bodies. 
He pushes off to see your fingers stop over your mound, a smile coming across his face. "Yea? You sure?"
"Yes. Please."
He takes a deep breath and kisses you. "Well, since you asked so nicely," he smirks as you roll your eyes at his sarcastic tone. "I aim to please." 
The trek back down your body is deliberate and slow as he presses open-mouth kisses over your top before stopping at the waistband of your shorts. He lets out a breath and looks up at you again. He hooks his fingers and starts to pull your shorts down. He licks his lips as he sees the black lacy underwear you had on. You push up on your forearms to get a better view. The image of his fluffy curls and broad shoulders between your legs is nearly enough to get you over the edge.
“You still good?”
“Mhmm…y-yea,” you smile.
He takes the lace off and presses kisses up and down one of your thighs as his hand caresses the other. You start to writhe in anticipation as he moves closer and closer to your core. He hooks one arm around your thigh and the other hand rests on your lower stomach. 
You close your eyes and feel him lick a long stripe up, your hips buck up at the sensation. 
“Fuuuuck,” you whimper, throwing your head back. Your eyes are clenched shut but you can feel him smiling as he continues to work his way around, like a man starved.
It honestly feels like you blacked out for a second, overcome by the pleasure of Dieter’s tongue. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before and you’re so overwhelmed by it all you can’t even pinpoint everything he’s doing or the sounds he’s making. All you know is that it feels amazing and you don’t want him to stop. You prop yourself up on one forearm and use your free hand to tug on his curls.
As he concentrates on your clit, you feel him press a finger inside you, which makes your hips buck up even more, but his other hand presses you back down. He continues to work you over, you can practically see stars as he hits a spot you haven’t felt a partner hit in a long time. You hoped that Indy had some headphones in because you couldn’t control the moans that came from the depths of your throat as Dieter pushed you over the edge.
He worked you down the other side of your climax, whispering praises as he kissed your thigh. You both sat silent for a moment, taking in what just happened. You couldn’t remember the last time you came from getting eaten out. 
“Oh my god,” you pant. “You…you’re really fucking good at that,” you giggle as Dieter comes back up to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. You could feel him smile into your neck as you catch your breath.
“I’m glad…I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he kisses you, pushing his tongue in your mouth so you can taste yourself. “You’re amazing you know that? So fucking beautiful.”
“Yeah?” You smile into his kiss.
He pushes up to look at you, tracing his thumb down the side of your face. “Why would you think you aren’t anything less than perfect?” You turn away from him, blushing a bit as he sighs. “Ugh, try and forget him yea? I knew he was a fucking idiot before but now,” his eyes trail down your body. “But now I know it without a shadow of a doubt.”
You both kiss again, a little slower than before, taking time to explore each other. Your hands find their way back to his hair, your fingers scraping lightly along his scalp. You can feel him getting hard again as he moves his hand under your top before you pull back. 
“Is…is it ok if this is all we do tonight?” You bite your lip, confused as he starts to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“We’ve done so much already!” He kisses you, still smiling. “You teased me, got me all riled up, and then I came up here and you…” his eyebrow twitched as he smirked. “All I’ve wanted is to be close to you however you’ll let me, and so I’m over the fucking moon right now.”
“Really?” he nods as he kisses you again. “Well, I am too,” you giggle as he nipped at your jaw, moving down to your neck. 
You don’t know how much time passes, but eventually, you’re both under the covers, your head resting on his chest as his fingers dance through your hair.
“Can I stay here tonight?” he finally broke the peaceful silence, glancing down at you. 
“Y-yea, I’d like that.”
“I think I need to bring you with me on all of my photoshoots if this is how they end,” he winks as you laugh into his chest. He brings his arms around you, his warm embrace filling your stomach with butterflies again. The last thing you remember is him kissing the top of your head before you doze off to sleep.
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A/N: I had plans to write other things this week, but Dieter kept yelling at me so here I am with two Working Title updates in the same week. I can’t guarantee how quickly the next one will arrive, but hopefully, this settles a bit of the slow burn we’ve been working on. There’s part two of the photoshoot in the next chapter along with another day on set filming.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate all of the kind comments, reblogs, and likes … it makes my day!
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beomgyuslilracha · 1 year
the ceo's son ✧.* [ pt. 7 ]
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⊹ pairing: choi soobin x f! reader
⊹ genre: strangers to friends to potential lovers
⊹ warnings: tiny death joke again, sorry - i do that a lot
⊹ wc: 4.1k
summary: you've been an intern at c company for roughly over four months now - directly under the ceo as his assistant. everything was going perfectly: you were saving up money to attend uni next year, and you knew that you were under the ceo's good graces to receive a great recommendation when the time came! in fact, he took a liking to you so much that he'd often joke that he wanted to set you up with his son. at least ... you thought it was a joke.
your entire body and soul was absolutely reeling from the second you went to sleep, to when you woke up this morning, and even by the time you were back at work.
just as usual, it was none other than choi soobin who occupied the reserved location in your mind. at this point, he was truly living rent free in your head with an ocean view.
this time, in comparison to the last, it was on a much happier note. all you could think about, from the moment the two of you parted ways last night, was the delicate softness of his lips as they pressed against your knuckles in the form of a goodnight.
you practically cradled your hand the entire night as the smile on your face permanently glued itself to your lips.
despite having been exhausted before, soobin's gesture ended up waking every nerve in your body. it erupted from where his lips had first grazed your hand, traveling all the way to your heart and igniting endless fireworks.
it took you way too long to fall asleep after that, unable to keep yourself from giggling every few seconds as you felt the ghost of his lips again and again.
"miss y/n, you appear to be much happier this morning," mr. choi's voice spoke through your daze - causing you to realize you had been mindlessly cradling your hand again as you thought back to soobin's kiss.
blushing in embarrassment, you found yourself pursing your lips together to suppress the giant grin that was threatening to reveal itself. "yes i am, sir," you answered simply.
you had turned back to the files placed in front of you, getting back to work to organize everything you had missed from yesterday. you were surprised there wasn't as much as you had expected, but you were definitely not one to complain.
although, while you had distracted yourself, you didn't realize the seriousness that had suddenly overcome the ceo's features.
he was delighted to see you happy, of course, don't get him wrong, but he couldn't help but to ponder on a very suspicious feeling as to why.
after a few more minutes, mr. choi had spoke up again. "do you have any prior plans for lunch today, miss y/n?"
the answer to this was a definite yes.
with his son.
although, you and soobin were still in agreeance to keep his father from meddling between the two of you. sure, he was the reason that you two came together in the first place, but you both would rather it be left at that.
with your friendship going as smoothly as it was, neither of you were open to the idea of the grown man forcing anything to occur if neither of you were ready.
of course, you agreed to this matter before you realized your developed crush on his son, so you were no longer as opposed to the idea of his father attempting to play cupid.
"i do, sir, with ... a friend," you finally answered him, though scolding yourself in your mind for hesitating.
just as you were afraid of, the ceo picked up on it. he figured not to pry for an excuse this time, though - instead, he opted for a different approach.
"ahh, you can't keep avoiding lunch with your boss forever," mr. choi grumbled now, standing from his desk. "i expect you to join me this afternoon. i will not take no for an answer."
you gulped, trying your hardest to not scream at the man.
the last thing you wanted to do was upset him, but that didn't exactly mean you wanted to tell him the truth either.
"but- but sir, i told you, i already-"
"with who, hm?" he began to interrogate, his eyes narrowing as he studied your features. "another boy? is it a date?"
your mouth dropped and your entire face began to glow the deepest shade of red from embarrassment. his sudden questions caught you completely off guard, leaving you completely unprepared to answer the jealous man.
this finally allowed you to realize that mr. choi was wholeheartedly accusing you of avoiding lunch with him because you were seeing another boy, thus betraying his own son.
what he didn't realize was that his son is the other boy!
"sir, i'm not- no, there's no-," you turned towards a thoroughly shocked mr. jeong, silently pleading for at least some sort of assistance.
clearing his throat, and trying not to laugh as well, mr. jeong finally stepped up to play middleman.
"mr. choi, it is inappropriate to accuse your intern of any personal affairs that she may be a part of," he explained formally, adjusting the glasses that were resting on the bridge of his nose. "and miss y/n, surely it wouldn't be an issue to join your ceo for lunch at least once more?"
his statements left both you and mr. choi equally stunned, seeing the faults in both of your standpoints.
mr. choi realized he was completely overreacting, getting too ahead of himself and his investment in your relationships. he felt embarrassed for having acted unprofessional in a matter that did not concern him one bit.
you, on the other hand, did also find it unfair to have been rejecting mr. choi's lunch invitations every single day. even though it cut into time you could be spending alone with soobin, you figured it couldn't hurt to throw the man a bone every now and then.
clearing his throat, mr. choi spoke first.
"i do apologize for my behavior, miss y/n. it does not matter to me what you do in your free time, and i hope that you would forgive me for my unprofessional behavior this morning."
breaking into an amused smile, you let out a small chuckle. it was now the second time that the most important figure of the entire company was apologizing to you, and it was still just as funny as before.
"i accept your apology, mr. choi," you bowed, trying to suppress a giggle as well. "i also want to apologize for not making any time to join you for lunch. i would be happy to accept your invitation this afternoon."
your final words earned a beaming smile from the grown man. completely forgetting your earlier squabble, he immediately began rambling on about making the perfect reservation at some restaurant he recommended, but you didn't pay too much attention.
you were too busy thinking of how you were going to warn soobin.
excusing yourself for a brief moment, you stepped out of the ceo's office and into the empty hallway. making sure to distance yourself from the door, so as not to risk any eavesdroppers, you dialed soobin's number.
the first ring alone had your heart racing, and you couldn't help but to feel silly. you both have spoken on the phone many times by this point, but the butterflies in your stomach still grew nervous at the thought of hearing his voice.
"y/n? hey, give me one second," soobin's beautiful voice finally came through after two rings. after a few seconds, his voice came back. "okay, what's up?"
"i needed to tell you that your dad kind of cornered me into accepting lunch with him today," you told him, chewing nervously on your lip as you waited for his response.
you could hear him sigh on the other, and you began to wonder if he was pouting in that cute way he usually did. "does that mean we have to act like we barely know each other in front of him?"
"unfortunately yes," you giggled. "as far as he knows, we've only met about twice now."
"ahh this crazy man," soobin groaned, and you could even picture him shaking his head on the other end. "i guess i'll wait for his message about where we'll meet then."
"at least i'll still get to see you," you cooed, only slapping your hand over your mouth a second too late.
you began to furiously motion slapping your own forehead at your stupidity, only refraining from actually doing so incase soobin happened to hear over the phone. you couldn't believe you blurted something so embarrassing without even thinking about it.
"trust me, i can't wait to see you either." your heart practically flipped at his words, and you wished it was as easy to race across the city to see him now. "i should probably get back to ... class now, though."
"you were in class?! why did you answer then?" you began to scold him, looking around the empty hallway in a panic. you felt as if you were about to get in trouble for ditching.
"because it was you," soobin stated simply, but he was glad that you couldn't see how badly he was blushing on the other end. he was practically screaming in his own mind for saying something so bold.
you were quite sure that your soul just ascended. your racing heart was really the only sign that you still remained in your body at all.
he was definitely going to kill you at this rate.
"you're so dumb," you mumbled, blushing furiously and feeling the entire room heat up by 20 degrees. "get back to class already."
"alright, fine. i'll see you at lunch, y/nie."
"and i'll see you at lunch, binnie."
you seriously couldn't imagine a single moment since you've known him that you had seen mr. choi, a fully grown man, so giddy and excited like a child – except for maybe the last time he had planned for you and soobin to get together.
"you're going to really enjoy what this restaurant has to offer," mr. choi had told you during the drive, chuckling mischievously to himself.
you were already fully aware of his little plan, but you couldn't help but to find the situation so funny.
he wasn't even trying to be subtle.
while you were sitting beside mr. choi, you were trying very hard to hide your phone from view while secretly messaging with soobin.
apparently he had arrived first, just like last time, and was waiting for you both at the front entrance.
your knees began shaking excitedly at the thought of being able to see soobin again. you only wished that his father was not tagging along to ruin the moment.
another downside was knowing you'd have to pretend to be unfamiliar with soobin in front of his father. instead of being able to feel his comforting arms engulf you in the most heaven-inducing hug, you figured you'd have to result back to an awkward handshake instead.
you only hoped that mr. choi would take his leave early on as he had the first time, allowing you both to be comfortable with each other again.
when the two of you arrived to the restaurant, which you couldn't help but to feel way too underdressed for, you immediately spotted the tall boy waiting beside the entrance just as he said he would.
it took every fiber in your body to keep yourself from running over to him.
you were seriously going to lose your mind.
"ah, what's this? my son! good to see you!" mr. choi announced, acting surprised for some reason - as if the two of you didn't know full well that this entire lunch was a setup.
"dad, don't pretend like you didn't invite me here," soobin grumbled, rolling his eyes at the man.
this caused mr. choi to begin clearing his throat awkwardly, having falsely hoped that soobin would play along with his act. he did not account for him exposing his plan within seconds of greeting each other.
as he then went on to explain something about treating you both to a meal, you and soobin met eyes and stopped listening to anything else instantaneously. it felt as if you were having a million conversations at once, not needing any words to communicate. the two of you were suppressing the urge to laugh, wanting desperately to cut the act and embrace one another as tightly as possible.
and this was from only two minutes of being in each other's presence.
"well, if you two are ready, we may go eat now," mr. choi called out from the doorway, smirking pridefully at the way he caught your little staring contest.
with both of you blushing profusely, soobin then allowed you to enter ahead of him before following his father into the restaurant. unlike last time, mr. choi ended up following all the way to the table and even settled into one of the chairs.
once he insisted for you and soobin to sit side-by-side across from him, you came to the dreadful realization that the man did not plan on leaving this time around.
this was going to be a very difficult lunch for you.
although, it was going to be even more difficult for soobin.
when he had told you earlier that he was in class, he was actually in a ... rather different class than you would've expected. he was, truthfully, enrolled in a free course that was teaching him a little something that wouldn't exactly be considered education-based.
flirting 101.
with a certain four idiots playing the role as his professors.
in an attempt to slowly ease into expressing his feelings for you, soobin had shamefully turned to his friends once again for advice on how to properly flirt with you.
some of the suggestions he was given were a little too bold for his taste, such as something called a 'kabedon' that yeonjun told him about, but he was eager to try some of the smaller tips.
unfortunately, now with his father present, soobin wanted to explode in frustration at losing any chance he may have had.
he did pull out your chair for you to sit, but it wasn't enough for him to consider flirting - it was more so being respectful and polite than anything else.
the gesture still made your heart flutter, of course, but soobin didn't know that. he took your small smile as a simple thanks rather than you trying to keep yourself from melting into a puddle.
"miss y/n, did you know my son here is going to be graduating from university soon?" mr. choi spoke up, beginning the typical act of bragging about his son again.
you did know this, actually, but he didn't know that.
"no, i didn't. that's amazing to hear, i'm sure you must be proud," you spoke simply, avoiding looking directly at soobin in the fear that you'd end up bursting out laughing.
"come on, tell miss y/n about all the work you do," soobin's father urged him, giving a pointed look to force him to brag about himself to impress you.
soobin waved his hands in a small refusal, shaking his head as he turned a shade of pink all over. "i really don't do that much."
"nonsense, soobin, you're a hard worker! i know you're very passionate and determined, don't be shy!"
soobin was none of these things.
he was honestly pretty sure he had been cheating an entire class with beomgyu this semester, but he was not about to admit that in front of you or his father.
figuring his son to be a lost cause, the next few minutes consisted of mr. choi promoting soobin to you himself. he told you all about his achievements from when he was younger and even boasting about his talents.
as he spoke, you found yourself genuinely intrigued. you weren't about to deny the opportunity to hear more about soobin's childhood, so you listened intently while an amused grin graced your lips.
soobin, meanwhile, was chewing on his bottom lip as he watched you from the side. you were absolutely breathtaking to him, and he wished he could casually reach over and tuck your hair behind your ear like they do in the movies - a suggestion taken, surprisingly, from beomgyu.
after having been listening to a fascinating karaoke story from soobin's father, your entire body suddenly jolted up as a sudden spark emitted from a place on your thigh.
you no longer could process anything around you, only focusing on the new presence of soobin's hand.
every butterfly in your system was awake once again, fluttering in every part of your body. there was no way no one in the entire restaurant could not hear your pounding heart at this rate, as you were pretty sure it was about to burst out of your chest at any second.
you had been afraid that you wouldn't be able to act comfortable with soobin all afternoon, but you never expected for the cute boy to be so bold despite his father sitting directly across from you.
truth be told, though, he was actually aiming to secretly hold your hand under the table, but he blindly shot too far. with a shaky breath, he figured he was in too deep and left it at that - his heart pounding maniacally as he waited for you to push his hand away yourself.
it surprised you both when neither of you made any move to change your position.
you were more focused on not becoming an obvious blushing mess, while soobin was trying to remember how to breathe.
mr. choi, however, appeared to be none the wiser. he was now boasting about some other impressive achievement of his son's, paying absolutely no mind to the new shade of pink that both of your faces had turned.
"now what about you, miss y/n? i've been bragging about my son this whole time," mr. choi finally earned your attention. "why don't you tell us some things about yourself?"
'sir, i would rather die.' you thought to yourself.
unsure of what to even talk about, you began to describe simple things about your own family. you even briefly mentioned your own achievements as well, figuring it would definitely be something his father would be interested in.
although, you couldn't help but feel like you were a talking resume after a minute. talking about yourself made you feel like you were applying to be his son's wife rather than just making conversation.
amidst the story about your college acceptance, your breath suddenly hitched mid-sentence as you felt soobin's thumb slowly graze along your skin.
you had to quickly reach for your water and take a long drink to play off your embarrassment, refusing to meet either of their confused expressions.
soobin's confusion was more of an act, though. if he was being honest, he was biting back the smirk that wanted to take over his entire face as he saw your reaction to his touch. he was never one to be very confident in his actions, but this gave him a bit of an ego boost he wasn't expecting.
"ahh, sorry, i got- i got something stuck in my throat," you lied, clearing your throat and lightly patting your chest to play onto the act.
"here, let me ask for more water for you," mr. choi told you, genuinely concerned, and began motioning towards a waiter for their attention.
while the man was distracted, you risked a glance over to the boy beside you. you realized it was a mistake after you saw him flashing his dimple mischievously, deepening the shade of pink on your cheeks to a red now.
why was he acting so confident all of a sudden??
what did it mean?!
you turned your head to look at the waiter now, smiling thankfully as he refilled the water in your glass. too many questions were racing through your head now, most of it concerning what the possible reason could be behind soobin's actions.
you couldn't help for one particular thought to consistently occur every time you thought it over ... wondering if maybe soobin's feelings reciprocated your own.
regardless of the answer, you weren't confident that you would be able to survive through the remainder of the afternoon at the rate things were going.
surprisingly, you did end up making it through the afternoon.
you were thankful, and maybe a little bit disappointed, that soobin hadn't done anything else to earn anymore reactions on your part. he had even ended up removing his hand whenever the meals had arrived.
what he didn't know was that you secretly yearned for it again immediately afterward.
from thinking he was upset with you yesterday to having him driving you insane today, you did not see yourself living a long life with soobin by your side.
one of these days, he was going to make your heart completely stop.
"thank you for lunch, sir, i greatly appreciate it," you thanked mr. choi on your way out, not wanting to forget his kind gesture - regardless of what his true intentions may have been.
the man chuckled heartily, nudging soobin to take notice of your politeness as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"ahh, miss y/n, it is always a pleasure of mine to treat such a wonderful intern to a nice meal," he told you, the smile of his even reaching up to his eyes. "and, of course, my son as well."
soobin scoffed, rolling his eyes as he felt like more of an after thought.
"if you two will excuse me, i have to call for our ride. allow me one second," mr. choi dismissed himself, taking out his phone and walking a distance away to probably call for mr. jeong to arrive with the car.
once you deemed he was far enough from earshot, you immediately turned to soobin and lightly smacked his arm, earning a small 'ow' through his laughter in response.
"what is wrong with you?" you questioned him with a nonthreatening glare. "why would you do that in front of your dad?"
"do what?" he asked you in a teasing tone, his tongue poking between his teeth as he smiled mischievously at you.
you could only squeeze your lips together in embarrassment, now avoiding his eyes as you felt your face begin to heat up again. you were still too shy to even say it out loud, seeing as thinking about his hand alone had the butterflies acting up in your stomach.
"look at you, you're so cute," soobin cooed, poking cutely at your blushing cheeks.
you swatted his hand away, but he continued to smile at you adoringly as he carefully studied your reaction. he found everything about you truly so cute.
"alright, mr. jeong will arrive here shortly," mr. choi's voice suddenly announced, causing you and soobin to instinctively take a step back from each other.
as if something that obvious wouldn't catch the older man's attention. in fact, he was very aware of it - he just chose to it ignore for both of your sake.
the three of you walked together to the end of the sidewalk, waiting for the next few minutes for your escort back to the company. mr. choi had offered for soobin to join them, but he insisted he needed to catch a separate ride to make it back in time for his next class.
mr. choi almost wanted to insist he join you both anyways, but refrained from doing so in order for his 'determined, hard working son' to make a good impression.
once the car arrived, mr. choi bid his son farewell and entered the vehicle first.
not wanting to think twice and regret it, soobin caught your hand before you could turn away and quickly earned your surprised attention.
with a soft graze of his free hand, he delicately pushed a loose strand of hair to cutely tuck behind your ear. the gesture left a shiver running through your entire body, and you sincerely forgot how to breathe.
using the hand that still held yours, he lifted it up and softly pressed his lips to your knuckles just as he had the night before.
when he looked up to meet your eyes, he cutely took notice of your dazed, lovesick expression watching his every move. he couldn't help the dimply smile that glued itself to his face, finding you absolutely beautiful once again.
now more than ever, he was finally sure.
"i'll see you tonight, okay?"
you nodded absentmindedly, unable to convince yourself that you were not in a dream in this moment. you couldn't even remember entering the car after that, still replaying his touch and his kiss over and over again in your mind.
soobin watched as the car drove further and further away, his heart racing at a million miles a second despite the confidence he had previously exuded.
had he not a single braincell in his mind, he didn't think he would've been strong enough to stop himself from kissing you then and there. you looked more irresistible than ever - the way you looked at him almost being powerful enough to draw him in completely.
he didn't exactly have a plan before, but now he desperately needed one.
because one way or another, he was confessing tonight.
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AGHH i know i'm finally proud of my own writing when even i sit here giggling and blushing because of soobin 😭😭💞 anywayyyyy i hope you all enjoy this update !!!
unfortunately, soobin will be confessing next part, which means.... my beloved ceo's son will be coming to an end all too soon. BUT i have other works in the drafts that i am excited to release once it's over <3 so pls pls pls continue to look forward to more content from me soon!!
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[ bold = couldn't be tagged :( ]
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