#I doodled my hair then went Wait That’s Too Long
cerealmonster15 · 11 months
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bazinga awoo and what have you
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worldofkuro · 2 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile III
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Pairing: Alastor x Female!Reader
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Well, well, this chapter is pure fluff. I really liked how it ended up. Please, enjoy it.
“ Can I come in yet?” you asked, outside Alastor’s bedroom, waiting for him to open the door.
You’ve been waiting for five minutes and you weren’t known for being a patient person. You were having a sleepover at Marie’s house after weeks of begging, from you at least. When your mothers said yes, you couldn’t be more ecstatic and even Alastor seemed happier than usual. He did ask you to come with a pretty dress because he had a new game he wanted to play with you. It was unusual but exciting ! 
So here you were, waiting in your pretty dress, your hair perfectly done, and a frown on your face. How long were you going to wait for him? You were ready to knock once again on his door but it jerked open before you could touch it. And there was your friend, his hair slicked back, his glasses on and his usual smile on his lips. You kissed him on both cheeks before he tugged you inside his bedroom.
“ Welcome to my humble Radiobooth !” He said with glee as he showed you his desk with paper spread on it, and.. was it a microphone ? You tilted your head as he forced you to sit down on one side of the bureau. He took the microphone, and spoke.
“ Welcome New Orleans to Alastor’s podcast ! Thank you for tuning in, today I’m thrilled to announce that I will not be alone, I am blessed with the best singer in all Lousianna !” he claimed and shoved the microphone to your face. You looked at his beaming smile and understood what he wanted from you. You smiled as you spoke into the microphone.
“ Thank you Alastor, I’m very pleased and proud to be here, with the best radio host in the world!” you declared, trying to sound ladylike. You grinned at him as you saw his smile sketch at your words.  He gave you some paper with doodles and notes that you began to read the fattest you could as he kept talking.
“ Would you like to talk about something, Miss ?” asked Alastor as he watched you read the notes he gave you. You nodded as you spoke into the microphone, Alastor holding it for you.
“ Well, yes. Last week, at school, a girl mocked my voice, saying I sounded like a dying pig!” You ignored Alastor’s sniggeer as you kept playing your role, reading the topic you were suppose to talk about. 
“ How dreadful ! How could she say something like this?”
“ Right ?” , you decided to go off script, putting the notes down “ but you should have heard her screams when I pushed her into a puddle of mud. Now, who is the pig?” you hid your smile behind your hand like a proper lady as Alastor’s laughter roared in his bedroom, his head tilted back. You giggled as he calmed himself down, holding the microphone to his lips.
“ Oh dear, you sure know how to put up a fight!” He looked down at his notes still giggling.” I did have something similar happening to me: a boy , talking badly about my mother.”
“ What?! How dare he ? I hope you put him in his place !” you shouted, feeling anger circling inside your body. Wait, was it for real or was it part of the show?
“ Indeedy I did, dear. I punched the poor fool, but it seemed like I hit too hard and he went crying somewhere and I was unfairly punished. This is why, my dear, our sleepover was delayed to this day!” he smiled as your mouth was wide open. You applauded him as he beamed with pride.
“ You did well, Mister Alastor!”
You kept doing your broadcast with Alastor, going off script when you wanted to talk about something that happened and he wasn’t there with you. Sometimes you would just shut your mouth and listen to him telling stories, real or not. You could listen to him all afternoon but he always insisted that you participate in the debate or the stories he created. He sometimes teased you as you didn’t know what to say or you couldn’t understand what he meant but you were really having a great time.
“ Oh, so she fell in love? What did you say then?”
“ That she better get up. Now dear listener, we are ready to hear your question !” he said before turning his head toward his door as Marie came inside with food and drinks. “ Oh well, here is the best cook in all of New Orleans, please come Moth- Madame! A round of applause for our new guest!” he said as he stood up, gesturing to his mother to come closer.
Marie laughed as she sat next to you, putting the tray on the desk, minding the notes all over it. You applauded with a big smile as Marie bowed her head. 
“ It’s a pleasure to be here!”
It truly seemed like Marie was having the time of her life as she was holding her belly, laughing loudly.
“ No Mister Alastor! Sweets are the best food you could ever eat if you weren’t so picky with what  you ate!” you shouted, slamming your fist on the table.
“ Are you saying that my mother’s food is not the best, you brat?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowed but still with his cunning smiling face.
“ I’ve never said that! Don’t put words in my mouth !”
“ That’s what I get for inviting a singer.”
“ Hey !”
Marie applauded before wiping her tears from her eyes. She kissed you both on the forehead before saying she had things to do but she hoped she would be invited once more for another broadcast.
You watched as she left the bedroom before turning your attention to Alastor who was writing notes on papers. You tilted your head before clapping your hands together as you remembered what you wanted to say to Alastor before he made you wait in front of his door.
“ I found a name for our cat!”
“ Our cat?”
“ The one who always hisses at you, yes. Let’s call him… Hissker!”
“ … Well, ladies and gentlemen, we will be back, for now, please enjoy this music I choose for you!” He turned on his radio so you could be lulled by the music. He laid his microphone on the table and sighed as he raised an eyebrow to you. “ Hissker ? I guess it’s because he is always hissing toward me but.. It doesn’t really sound right.”
“ Well.. Hiss.. Hiss…” you tried to find a good name that would satisfy Alastor. “ What about Husker ?” you asked and smiled when you saw Alastor nod. “ It was a very funny game, I hope we will play it again!”
Alastar grinned as he shook his head. “ It is not over yet, we haven't gone through all the notes yet. And you need to sing at the end of the broadcast, aren’t you the best singer in Louisiana ?” he taunted you with a smirk. “ Plus, we have the listener’s question to answer!” He stood up and went to take letters and put them in front of you. You took one and opened it.
“ What is your favorite color ?” you read before tilting your head, looking at Alastor. “ You want to know my favorite color?” He shook his head, claiming that it was the audience’s question, not his ! You smiled, feeling warm inside, it was not everyday that Alastor was curious about you like this, but you didn’t dare to tease him about it. 
“ Welcome back dear listeners ! Our singer here is ready to answer all of your questions !” he took the letters and began to read its content to you. You answer all the questions with sincerity and joy. “ If you could have a superpower, what would it be?”
“ Flying !” you giggled.
“ And now, our last question before our guest’s performance. What do you think about our dear radio host Alastor ?” he stared at you, the letter hiding the bottom of his face you could only see his eyes. You took the microphone from his hand, he surprisingly let you, and with a big smile you shouted.
“ He is the best !”
Your smile widened as Alastar laughed at your answer, clapping into his hands. You felt warm seeing him so happy. You gave him back his microphone but he shook his head and tugged you toward the living room, where a beautiful piano was waiting for you. You looked at Alastor, you didn’t know how to play the piano and he knew that so why…
“ Dear listeners, it’s almost time to say au revoir but before that let’s listen to our beautiful singer here.” he sat on the bench before the piano and began to play a melody. You blushed as you held on the microphone, feeling shy. You looked at Alastor who was watching you, with a big grin before closing his eyes. You took a big breath as you recognized the melody that he played. It was one of your favorite songs… 
You began to sing shyly, waiting for Alastor to laugh at you but he was keeping his eyes closed, moving with the rhythm of the piano’s keys. You closed your eyes as you held the microphone near your mouth, beginning to feel freer and freer. You smiled as you began to dance in the living room, your dress twirling around you. You jumped, moving your head with the rhythm singing like nobody was watching. You were having so much fun, you felt exthrilled, you didn’t care if you were being too loud, if you didn't hit all the right notes.  You opened your eyes and fell into Alastor’s gaze. 
He was staring at you with a big smile, still playing the piano perfectly with a little bit of sweat near his forehead. His hair was no longer neatly slicked back, some curly locks of hair were falling in front of his face. You thought you would feel embarrassed that he was watching you being a dumb happy girl but you just smiled at him, dancing and singing. After a while, even Marie came and you danced with her, as you sang and Alastor kept playing.
It was perfect.
You finished your song, out of breath. Marie applauded you with a big grin as Alastor put his arms around your shoulder and crushed you against his chest. He took back his microphone, thanking his audience as you were looking at him. You remember him being a tad smaller than you, but now… Did he get taller? He forced you to bow before saying goodbye. 
“ It was an amazing performance ! Both of you, you can be proud of you. As a thank you, I have prepared Alastor’s favorite food: jambalaya ! “ She clapped her hands together. You tilted your head, you’ve never eaten this food but from Alastor’s face, you couldn’t wait to taste it.
“ You can sleep with me sweetie, my husband will not come home tonight.” said Marie as you shook your head, holding your plushie against your chest in your nightgown.
“ We are still playing with Alastor! When we are finished, I will join you.” you said with a shy smile. Alastor was behind you, waiting for his mother's permission to stay a little longer awake than usual.  She sighed but at your pleading eyes she accepted your request. You squealed with happiness before running into Alastor's bedroom and jumping on his bed. He came after you, looking at your plushie with a puzzled expression.
“ What is it ?”
“ Well, first of all, it’s a He and he is a deer.” you smiled as you explained that when you were five, you fell down a lake and because you have never learned how to swim, you were drowning but a deer came toward you and bent down his head so you could grab his antlers ! “ My parents said that it was a tree branch that fell down the lake but I’m sure it was a deer !” you pouted, sad that you parents never trust your story. Even if you couldn’t really remember well this story, you knew what you had seen. 
“ So, a deer saved your life from drowning…”
“ Yes, so my parents bought me this deer plushie so now, when I'm scared I can just squeeze him and feel safe!” you demonstrated your words by squeezing your plushie against you. “ Do you want to try it?” 
Alastor stared at you and then the plushie.
“ How can he protect you?”
You rolled your eyes at him before pushing your plushie in his arms. You forced him to hug it, once you were satisfied, you nodded and looked at Alastor who was clearly confused. “ Now, squeeze him !” You looked at him as he squeezed it, closing his eyes. 
You stared at Alastor. You remembered the bruises on his belly that you saw last month. You knew that fathers could be brutal with their son, to man them up as your friends used to say. Maybe Alastor was the same? You loved your plushie, you really did… But maybe, Alastor needed it more than you? You looked at the boy's expression, his eyes closed, his smile hiding in the plushie’s fur, he seemed so relaxed. You nodded, accepting your own decision, until Alastor was safe, you were going to give him your plushie.
“ Mister Deer could be our very first guest in our radio show?” you smiled at him, Alastor opening his eyes slowly, staring back at you. You gulped, maybe it was his show, you were just a guest. You opened your mouth to apologize but Alastor beat you to it.
“ I’d like that.” he whispered with a soft smile. “ Our first guest.”
Without being aware, you both laid down on the bed, Alastor still hugging your plushie. You kept talking even as the sun wasn’t in the sky anymore. You yawned for the third time in the last thirty seconds as you explained how to take care of Mister Deer.
“ Now that I have Mister Deer, who will protect you?” he asked, no trace of fatigue on his face. You smiled tiredly at him, putting your head on his pillow. It smelled like him. You didn’t know why you liked that fact.
“ Well, because you hold Mister Deer, it’s your job to protect me now.” 
“ … So, do I need to hug you?”
You stared at him, his eyes shining with the moon light. A hug from Alastor ? You looked away, blushing but you didn’t know why.
“ M-maybe but…Do you want to …?”
You felt him move and you flinched as he covered your eyes with his hand. You waited for him to answer but you were so tired and now that you were englushed into the darkness with his hand on your eyes you couldn’t help but fall asleep before your could hear his answer. 
Marie walked up the stairs, it was 11pm and it was time for the kids to go to bed. She opened the door to Alastor’s bedroom and couldn’t help but smile at the sweet scene in front of her. Alastor was hugging you with a deer plushie being squished between the two of you. She walked toward the bed and covered the both of you. Well, she couldn’t wait to tell that to your mother! She left the bedroom, closed the door quietly and went to bed.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega
Ps: By the way, my deers, do you have an idea for the plushie's name ? I'm open to ideas.
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rowretro · 4 months
ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤
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✧warnings: F-boy Sunghoon so mentions of sex ig, may be a lil suggestive, possessive hoon
❁synopsis: The campus hottie, was practically perfect, smart handsome talented and rumour has it among the girls, good in bed. The male is a fuck boy, a jerk face, never once wanted to fall in love after having his heart broken once by an unlucky bitch. Heck he believed he'd be like that forever, until he came across the new girl. Yang y/n.
✧❁PART 1/???❁✧
"Oh my god you slept with him?!" one of the girls exclaimed as the other girls had their shocked reactions too "Yeah... then he broke up with me" the girl admitted "Isn't Sunghoon a fuck boy though? girl why'd you date him he doesn't even hide the fact he doesn't love you?" another girl pointed out "It doesn't matter, at least I had a great night" the girl said shrugging as the others laughed it off.
Y/n fiddled with her phone as she waited outside the classroom, one earphone in, hidden by her hair. She's heard many crazy things about this high school, having been transferred from a school in UK where she was used to everything, to a high school in South Korea. Everything is so new there, education system, driving on the different side of the road. but she had her best friend, Danielle by her side.
"Hey it's going to be ok" the girl reassured. One thing y/n is glad about, is the fact that she's fluent in Korean so language will not be a big problem for her. She smiles at Danielle as she follows her in. The teacher asks her to introduce herself as the girl blinks, staring at the class in disbelief. Introduce? first day and she has to speak in front of all these judgemental 18 year old strangers?!
"I'm y/n..." she says, forcing a smiled, the teacher points at an empty seat which was sadly not next Danielle. Making a sad pouty face at Danielle, she sat at the seat. 17 minutes. That's how long it took "Park Sunghoon late again?!" The teacher scolded as the male scratched his head then he froze. His eyes on y/n.
The girl's jaw rested in her palm as she doodled in the margin, false lashes fluttering against her glasses, her lips stained with a rosy, nude shade. Fuck she's everything. Is this what cupid felt when he saw psyche? love at first sight like Romeo experienced with Juliet? Sunghoon was captivated.
He slammed his palm on the desk of the person beside y/n. The girl didn't even flinch and probably didn't care due to the earphone blasting Itzy in her left ear. the student sitting beside her immediately got up and went to a different seat as Sunghoon slipped into the seat beside the girl. he turned to her, tapping her shoulder. the girl paused her music turning to him.
So this is Park Sunghoon, the handsome fuckboy they say. Y/n knew he was bad news "Im Sunghoon... and you?" the male asked "Not interested" she said, turning back to do her work "Come on baby, don't be like that" he said, winking as she sighed, looking at him. She then turned back and ignored him, doodling.
"Wah you can draw- that looks so realistic gurl" he complimented as the girl groaned, slamming her head on the desk. "Park Sunghoon stop distracting the new girl and get on with your work. or you can switch spaces with Eunchae!" the teacher warned as Sunghoon groaned, picking up his pencil.
2 lessons passed by and break time rolled in, she smiled, sorta running over to Danielle with grabby hands. they jumped up and down squealing like typical girls as their fingers intertwined. "I can't believe we're finally in the same schooool!" Danielle squealed as y/n smiled. "I know right?! we can finally do typical bestie stuff get our nails done, do each other's makeup, gossip, and hang out~" y/n added with a smile.
"All of this and I don't hear boyfriend... i'm assuming it's because you have one?" Sunghoon asked with a raised eyebrow as the girl sighed "No I don't never had one and never will... I don't like the idea of putting all my trust in a guy." She said, in a slight passive aggressive manner. "Ok but I'm telling you, a pretty girl like you NEEDS to end up with a trust worthy guy like me" Sunghoon said.
Y/n gave him the 'be for real' look as she rolled her eyes, walking away with Danielle. "So stupid. He really thinks I'm going to let him get in my skirt?!" y/n scoffed, handing danielle a cherry lollipop as she sucked on her own. "Please. He can't flirt for shit, and just yesterday he had two girlfriends whom he dumped back to back." Danielle added as Y/n shook her head, disappointed. Sunghoon having over heard all this, decided it was time to stop playing girls like a gameboy, and pursue his princess.
✧❁PART 2❁✧
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writerslittlelibrary · 4 months
I'll always be your safe space, drabble
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summary: when you come home overwhelmed from a long day of school, all you want is to feel safe and unwind. Lucky for you, your mom and dad are home to comfort you with whatever you need
pairing: Natasha x autistic daughter reader, Bucky x autistic daughter reader
warnings: none I think?  
genre: fluff
words: 858
a/n: hello lovelies, this fic is based on how I experience my autism. please keep in my mind that while maybe your autism might not act this way, that doesn’t make it a wrong representation 🫶
(I was diagnosed by a therapist, please don’t hate on me. I’ve never posted about my autism before because I’ve been afraid of wrong accusations)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Everything had gone wrong today. You woke up with your pyjama pants twisted around your legs and your socks were half off. On top of that, you missed your first alarms, and so you had to wait till 7.30 to get out of bed, instead of 7.15. 
Your days had started off terrible, and it was only getting worse. When you went to get dressed, you discovered the outfit you had planned in your head, was in the wash, and so you had to settle for a different one.
You ran out of your favourite breakfast yesterday, and Bucky had forgotten to buy it, so you had to settle with a bowl of simple cereal instead. 
When you had gotten to school it seemed like everyone had it out for you.
The classes were too loud, and the teachers were annoying. Everytime you zoned out, or decided to doodle a bit to calm down, the teachers called you out and told you to pay attention.
Once you got to maths, the teacher had actually given you detention for doodling instead of listening to her lesson. You tried to explain that by doodling you could focus on what she was saying better, but she wouldn’t hear it. 
Therefore, after the school day, which had already left you insanely overstimulated, you still had to sit through an hour of detention.
After you were finally done, you realised there were no busses driving at this time, so you had to call your mom to come pick you up. Of course, Natasha was happy to do so, and when she opened the door for you, she immediately sensed your mood. 
She didn’t try to talk to you in the car, rather just handed you your headphones and allowed you to go in your own little bubble. 
Once you got home, Natasha had opened your door, letting you out of the car, being careful not to touch you. After you two had gotten up to the apartment, she opened the door for you, allowing you to walk in first.
Bucky was at the kitchen island getting some work done, yet when you walked in he immediately shut his laptop. 
He greeted you with a smile but you didn’t acknowledge him. 
Instead, you kicked your shoes off, heading for the couch and letting yourself fall onto it. Natasha gave Bucky a glance, letting him know what was going on. Of course, he understood immediately, getting up and preparing you a cup of hot chocolate, that, according to you, only he could make properly so that it wouldn’t be too sweet or too watery. 
Natasha took it upon herself to grab your favourite blanket and made sure to grab your some inside clothing, walking to the couch and letting you get changed. 
You had specific inside and outside clothing, and after wearing your clothing outside, it was impossible for you to sit on any furniture in your room with your outside clothing still on. 
After you had gotten changed, Natasha helped you get comfortable on the couch, finally starting to speak. 
“Would you like to watch something, cuddle, or be alone for a moment?” Natasha asked you gently, wiping some stray hairs from your face. You shrugged, not being sure of anything at the moment. 
After a minute or two Bucky walked into the living room, three mugs of hot chocolate in his hands. He had made sure to use your hot chocolate mug, which was different from you cold chocolate milk mug, and he made sure to use the proper spoon. 
He handed you the mug, and you smiled slightly, leaning forward to give him a kiss on his cheek. 
He knew you weren’t up for speaking right now, and he didn’t dare think about pushing you. He always valued the physical affection you used to express your gratitude. 
You sat up on the couch, your favourite blanket draped over you, comfortably weighing you down. 
It was then that you decided you wanted to watch your comfort show, but you didn’t feel like talking, yet you didn’t know how else to express yourself. You though for a moment before turning to Natasha, looking at her with pleading eyes. 
“Do you need something my love?” she asked, softly stroking your hair. 
You nodded and motioned at the tv. Whether it was the fact that they were both highly trained assassins, or the fact that they were your parents, both of them immediately knew what you meant, and they didn’t hesitate to turn your comfort show on. 
They waited for you to initiate the cuddling session, and they allowed you to snuggle into them when you were ready. 
You put your now empty mug down and leaned your head over to Bucky, snuggling into his warm, strong arms and letting yourself feel safe in his embrace. You laid your legs over Natasha’s legs, and she smiled as she say you and Bucky being so close. 
She might not ever admit it, but there was nothing in the world that would ever make her more happy than seeing her child snuggled up with her dad.
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey @lorsstar1st
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sofasoap · 10 months
Little first date
Pairing: Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x F!Reader
Summary: Johnny take his bonnie out for their first date, also meet the people who are important to his life.
Warning :T-M rating. All round fluff. talk of moments of insecurity.
Part 8 of Little Bear series
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Should you? Or should you not? 
Picking up and putting down the piece of napkin in front of you, you keep changing your mind.
Gosh, why am I so indecisive?? Surely there is nothing to lose here. 
Other than my own pride.
You let out a desperate moan as you buried your face into the pillow. Thinking back to the night you met the Mohawk…. John MacTavish;
“No pressure bonnie.” as he grabs one of the napkins and asks for a pen from the bartender, he quickly scribbles down some numbers and a little doodle of bar of soap beside it and pushes it towards you. “Here’s my number, text me or ring me when you are ready. I’ll leave it in your hand.” 
He seems nice enough. Great sense of humour, handsome ( even with a strange mohawk. Is he trying to imitate Mr T? You wondered.) and those strong arm muscles… the slight chest hair that was peeking through the gap of his shirt when you spotted his dog tag…..
Ah stuff this. Why not? You always think you need to step out of your comfort zone. And this is another great chance to do it, isn’t it?
Making up your mind, you carefully thinking up of what to say, texted him and pressed send before your nerve got the better of you. 
You nearly jumped out of the skin when your phone went off not even a minute later after sending the text, you scramble forward to try to pick it up, nearly dropping it in the process.
“Heeellllo??” cursing yourself as your voice squeaked with nerve, you cough a bit and tried again, “Hello??”
A cheerful voice calls out your name, “I've been waiting for you!” Johnny chuckled, “So..you still keen to go out on a date with me?” 
“Um. Sure. I think so? If, if you are up for it??” you replied with uncertainty. 
And this is how you ended up at the pub, thirty minutes earlier than the agreed time, fretting all day over what you were going to wear, make up or not, should you walk? Should you call for a taxi, what should you order for food, what to talk about so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself?
This is all new to you. Never has someone asked you out before. Nor flirt with you. 
You have never gone on a date before.
“You alright there bonnie? I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.” steadying you with his strong arm, he greets you with his flashing smile. “You look beautiful tonight, by the way,” he added softly. 
You felt a light tap on your shoulder, dragging you out from your little swirl of panic whirlpool. Turning your head over your shoulder, there you see Johnny, dressed in tight fitting jeans, simple dress shirt and dark leather jacket. 
You feel your cheek burning hot, can this guy get any more handsome?  You stood up from your stool clumsily, nearly tripping over in the process, if his reflex wasn’t quick enough to catch you. 
He waved his hands dismissively, “They are getting here a little bit later, citing not wanting to disturb our date.” Pull out the stool slightly and urge you to sit down again, “ We can worry about them later. So, what would you like to drink? Food? Any preferences?”
“You. you look. Um, very nice too.” Oh, why are you so tongue tied? Wrangling your hands together,  you quietly replied, “No, I didn’t wait too long. So, Um. Where are the others?” You half wished his friends and sister would arrive soon, so you wouldn’t have to face him alone, but the other side of you is nervous to meet a new hoard of people all in one go , and wanting to spend a bit of time with him. Ah, that conflict of mind and emotion.
Sensing your nervousness, he gently eases you into conversation by asking simple questions about yourself, hanging onto every word you say, like each of them with great importance, asking all the right questions when you mention anything that he doesn’t quite understand. 
He only started talking about himself after you are slightly relaxed enough to ask what he does during time off, his hobby ( you found out he is a huge football fan, even played as a goalkeeper in local clubs for a while until work got too busy.) his family, his younger sister Mini, who he speaks fondly of and the all sort of mischiefs they get up to when they were younger. 
You nearly choked on your beer as you laughed with all the stories. “Sounds like you two had quite an adventurous and happy childhood.” 
“Funny enough, I was the wild one when we were younger, and she was the one who had me on a leash, now it’s the total opposite.”  he chuckled. Taking a sip of the beer, you see a twinkle in his eyes, “My parents would have to rebuild the barn countless times if it wasn’t for her stopping me setting it on fire.” putting his glass down, he stares at you softly with his steel-blue eyes, “You have a beautiful laugh, bonnie. Has anyone ever told you that?”
For the second time tonight, you think your face is going to combust with all the heat creeping up towards it. Looking down at your plate of dessert, pushing the chocolate fudge around with your fork, trying to think of a reply.
Before you can come up with something, you saw a hand slapping of Johnny’s back, making him spill his drink.
“Hello! You must be the unlucky lady that has to put up with this man here, " Johnny growled as you chuckle nervously, "Kyle Garrick, but you can call me Gaz.” Holding out his hand to shake after you introduced yourself, he smirked as he point towards your date,
A dark skinned man with a wide smile appeared.
“Oy Gaz! Watch it!!” Johnny complained, but there’s a playful smile on his face. He stood up and gave the man, Gaz, a quick hug, before turning back towards you.
“You know how excited he was when he got your text and after he got off the phone with you? He was practically dancing around the office and shouting for joy. Price, our captain, had to ask Simon to restrain him.” 
“Shut ..shut up Gaz, don’t give all my secrets away…. “ Stuttering and going a bit shy, Johnny elbowed Gaz in the stomach. 
“Well, he was telling the truth.” Another voice, deep and husky, piped up. Followed by a woman’s light giggle. 
“Where is Captain?” Johnny asked. Gaz shook his head, “He had to go home. He sent his apology to you and your lovely date, saying he would meet you next time.” 
“Hi, I’m this bampot’s sister, everyone calls me Mini.” her broad smile reminds you of Johnny’s own, you can really see the family resemblance there.
The Man right beside her, who seems to have a permanent frown plastered between his brows and a black surgical mask on, quietly introduced himself as Simon was a complete opposite to the rest of the group. This must be Ghost, who Johnny previously mentioned before. He doesn’t seem like the type of person that cracks jokes? You wondered. 
Oh, there’s next time again. Everyone seems to be so confident there will be a next time!
As the evening draws to a close, you bid goodbye to the group and with promises of future meet ups, Johnny offers to walk you home. 
The rest of the evening was spent in good company. They welcome you with open arms, Gaz and Mini taking turns to spill Johnny’s secrets and embarrassing stories. Simon even cracked a joke in between.
“That means he likes you.” Johnny whispered in your ear. “He doesn’t usually talk at all in front of strangers.
Even though it’s already springtime, there was still a bit of a bite to the evening breeze. You shivered as the wind started to pick up. 
Suddenly you see a hand in front of you, you look up, Johnny offers you his hand, silently asking with his eyes. You hesitated for a split second extending your hand, with him gently wrapping it with his large, callous but warm hand. He shifted his body slightly, blocking the wind out for you. 
Two of you slowly stroll towards your flat in comfortable silence.
“Thank you for the lovely evening.” looking up at him, as two of you came to a stop in front of your place. You feel a slight emptiness in your heart, as you realise the date has come to an end. Johnny still holding your hands in his, caressing the knuckles softly with his thumbs.
“Can I kiss you, bonnie?” he whispered softly, asking for permission. 
You only snapped back into sense after he slowly broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours. Sliding your hand down towards his chest, feeling his thumping heart.
You nodded your head shyly, body trembling slightly with anticipation. Bringing his hands up, he gently cups your face with his hands, leaning down, his lips hovering over yours for a few seconds, before closing the gap.
Oh, how you feel your body is going to melt into a puddle. Eyes fluttering to a close, your arms come up around his neck, pulling him down further, trying to make your body closer to his as much as possible.
“.. That was my first kiss…. “ you softly blurted out, making a confession. You don’t want this moment to end. Never have you felt such an overwhelming sense of emotion towards anyone else. Is this what falling in love feels like?
Feeling his arm around you, tightening his embrace, he took in a shaky breath before speaking.
“Well, I am very honoured to be your first.” he whispered softly into your ear. “And I hope this will be one of the many firsts that is yet to come.”
You knew you were a goner right there and then.
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A/N: This actually went out a little bit longer than expected. oops. Word vomited too much sorry. was half watching Woman world cup final and half writing.
Tag list:
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i'm so obsessed w your blog you really unlocked all the nostalgia that's always waiting under the surface frfr i hope you send me spiraling all the way down again i miss it here so bad. anyway can i ask. what u got on... jane my beloved... sowwy if there's already like. posts abt it i'll go thru your whole blog someday and learn everything like my uni books xx
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ok some quick warm up doodles this morning to go with the chat i got... tw for torture, stalking, really sad stuff.
link to my au that has a page with her in it
ok to start off with, jane/liu aren't TOO present in my story because jane and liu live really normal lives. most of their personal story is about recovery and growth, they were victims not aggressors. they're more involved in ninas story, rather than the overarching slender/operator paranormal problems...
jane grew up in an upper middle class household with incredibly loving parents. she was majoring in criminal psychology and lived with her parents, since they were close to the uni. it was during her second year in university that jeff began stalking her. he'd leave dead animals on her doorstep, light fires in her garbage cans, shatter windows without even entering the house, key her car, leave cryptic writings on her car that say stuff like '1f' (1female) to further scare her.
it wasn't that there was anything special about jane, but she had a super easy, very strict schedule to follow. her uni classes were all in the same building at the time, her car had a few cute stickers and decorations on/in her car that made it easy to spot, she only worked sat-mon at a cafe near her university. she was a happy person. easy victim he thought
eventually, while jane was out, he broke into her home and assaulted her parents. whether he used drugs or just stabbed them in the right place to make them immobile idk, but he got them tied up in the kitchen at some point. he was torturing them, doing the typical carved out smile bullshit, and he planned on leaving them for jane to find that night -- but, for the first time, her schedule was different. she came home from work while he was drenching the house in gasoline.
he panicked upon hearing her absolutely gutwrenching scream and quickly lit the trail of gasoline while she was trying to untie her dad (her mom was long gone by this point, her dad was barely managing a few wheezed breathes). he went to go finish jane off. he slashed her face, from her right temple, down her cheek, splitting her mouth in half and getting down to her left jaw. but the fire was spreading way faster than he anticipated, and he already heard sirens, so he bolted.
jane suffered 3rd degree burns covering her entire right leg and arm, it reached up her neck and her face, alongside some other parts of her body. she was pulled out of the fire, rushed to the hospital, and barely managed to survive.
jane had some outside family to support her, but her biggest supporter was her friend from middleschool mary vaugn. she moved into mary's house, took a semester off of school for recovery. the second she felt physically able to, she tried to drive herself right back into school, regardless of her mental condition.
she changed her major to criminal justice. she eventually graduated, fell in love with mary, got married, became a private investigator, etc. she spent a while working on jeff's case, losing sleep and hair over it- she was getting into some sketchy things to try and figure it out, because by this point jeff and ben were friends, and slenderman needs ben's help, so jeff's now protected by slenderman
but jane is one stubborn fucking woman and kept going. instead of sending the proxies to subdue jane, he sent sally.
sally was another poltergeist that kept haunting homes with newborn babies. she was attracting some attention, but slenderman cant physically stop a ghost - so he spent some time talking to sally, connecting with this little ghost girl and convincing her 'you're doing such a great job protecting all these infants, but this one needs you now'
he sent sally off to live with jane. mary's sister was staying with jane/mary after having a baby, so sally agreed to protect the baby. jane quickly welcomed sallys presense, always having believed good things of protective spirits. her mom used to tell her stories of how her grandmother's ghost would always come and soothe jane in her infancy (whether its true or not doesnt matter to jane) .
sally eventually became more than a presence to jane, almost completely integrating herself into her household's daily life. even after mary's sister and her baby left, sally stayed with jane. she felt safe there. (it helped that there were no men in the house too)
jane cares for sally like a daughter for a long time, and begins to redirect her life towards sally, rather than hatred for jeff. she never fully recovers from that night, and she never ever ever ever fucking 'forgives' jeff in any way, but she puts it aside for a while.
but sally is still a spirit, and does her fair share of wandering. she's always landing herself in the cornfields, the forest, etc, and jane goes frantic looking for her -- which is where she eventually bumps into the proxies. it's a huge mess, but she finds out what the fuck slenderman is and whats happening in that forest, but she just . . cant do anything about it. for sallys sake
eventually they get to the point where jane commonly finds herself walking in the forest with sally, or the proxies have to call jane and tell her to 'get her ghost kid' from the forest, etc.
at some point in this she also connects with liu. i don't know who reaches out first, whether it be liu desperately wanting to apologize for everything, or jane trying to figure out anything about jeff she can use to find him. this is how she finds out about nina.
jane smacked the shit out of nina when she first met her, in front of the proxies, who had to pull them apart. (i love nina but she deserved it after idolizing jeff). but nina is really fucking weird and began to idolize jane as well, and sally liked nina, which made it even more complicated, and that's why jane is the first person nina calls after jeff stabbed her ...
by this point janes hoping nina can heal, hoping liu can heal, hoping she herself can heal. ITS VERY HARD. its so unbelievably painful. that's basically where her story is at right now...
on a more positive note, she has a beautiful relationship with mary, and was hugely accepted in mary's family. she does poetry, creative writing, and is passionate about her career. she takes some extra creative writing/art courses at the local community college, just out of pure interest. she does her best to live a peaceful life
a bit off topic, but here's a little thing i copy and pasted from an old hc post too:
i cannot explain how close jane and her parents were. she was an only child in a upper middle class house to a lawyer and a real estate agent so she was always spoiled rotten, taken care of, always told how beautiful and smart she was. hence why losing them is the most fucking detrimental shit to ever happen to her. she literally worhsips her parents. she’s wore mothers wedding dress to her own wedding. her uncle(dads brother) walked her down the aisle holding a framed photo of her dad. she almost refused to walk during her university graduation because her parents couldn’t be there, despite the years worth of hardwork and dedication she put into it.
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pathetic-sapphic · 10 months
Omg jinx painting on your skin??? I’ve never wanted something more!! She’d use markers and paint just to make art on her pretty canvas (you nekkid) and maybe take a picture after just to keep her art forever<3
you drew stars around my scars (jinx x reader drabble)
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a/n: okay so initially i just wanted to quickly reply to this but it kind of escalated so uh yeah! here's a lil headcanon drabble :D thank you for the idea anon
oh she definitely would. one scenario that immediately came to my mind is what if you're having a rough day and your confidence has taken a blow. you're feeling vulnerable, insecure and cannot stop thinking about everything that went wrong today. BUT you have your amazing girlfriend jinx there to help you and she has an idea for getting your spirits up. she asks you to give up the control to her tonight and let her do all the thinking. your only job is to take off your clothes, lay on your stomach and relax. once you're naked and settled on the comfy bed, jinx takes out some body safe markers and soon you can feel the slight cold of the marker's tip dragging along your back. at first, you think she is just doodling random stuff but you soon realize she's writing something too. when you try to ask her, she just lightly shushes you and tells you to be patient. so you let her have her fun. once she runs out of space, jinx caresses your hair as she waits for the paint to dry. when that's done she instructs you to turn over, lay on your back and close your eyes. again, you feel the slowly drying paint lines being drawn on your skin and you cannot wait to see what she adorned it with. once she's satisfied with her work, she tells you to just wait for a little bit longer and asks you if she can photograph the masterpiece that is your body. once you give your consent, she reaches for the polaroid camera and immortalizes your beauty in the images she takes. once she's done, she leads you in front of the mirror and tells you that you can finally open your eyes. the sight that greets you instantly brings tears to your eyes. amongst the cute doodles of flowers and stars, jinx wrote words of praise all over you body. 'beautiful' on your tummy, 'strong' on your shoulders, 'gentle' on your hands, 'warm' on your arms and so on. she decorated your stretch marks with rainbow colored lines and drew hearts around your scars. but your favorite one was the word 'mine' written with red paint over your heart. you threw yourself in her arms and she hugged you with all her might, letting you cry your pain out. she'd always be here to listen and to hold you all night long.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Small Switch
It was a small thing. They were born at different times. Ghost a few years later and Soap a few years earlier.
Soap went through Roba and Ghost had the luck to be the new member of the SAS.
Just a tiny drabble about them if they switched places :)
Simon was... surprised. Not disappointed. Absolutely not. The man in front of him was only 5'10 but built. Tattoos decorated his arms. Simon caught the symbol of their unit on his inner arm.
"You must be Soap?" He looked at the skull mask. White over black fabric. There were doodles and little lines of color all over it like Soap had decorated it.
Simon had not been expecting Scottish, but it sounded nice. Really nice. "Nice to meet you, sir. Sergeant Riley. I was told I'd be under you."
Soap nodded. "Understood." His eyes were a striking blue behind dark fabric and even darker makeup. Deadly as a rushing river. that would slam him against the rocks until he suffocated. "Follow my lead. Don't die, yeah?"
Simon fell into step with them. For a first meeting, it didn't seem to be going well. He wasn't sure if he did something, but he had been prewarned that Soap was a bit prickly. Well, the exact term Price used when telling Simon about his new team was "Stone cold bastard". It was said with a shocking amount of affection, even if he was clearly very serious.
The mission was uneventful. There were long stretches of silence that Simon liked. It was calming. He could sometimes hear Soap's breath over the comms. Nice and even.
"Why is it so easy to shoot a fish in a barrel?" Simon had no clue why he decided to talk, but he did.
There was a long pause, Soap's breathing disappeared. After it had started to get awkward, Soap spoke up. "Why?"
Simon grinned and glanced at him. "It's already in the gun."
Soap didn't laugh. He was secretly looking at Simon's smile. The soft scarring on his lower lip, possibly from a piercing but it was hard to tell. Dimples. His hair was a bleached blond that was just long enough to be out of regulation and it curled around his jaw.
Soap looked away from him and Simon decided he wouldn't make any more jokes.
That part wasn't important. What was important was the way Soap interacted with him. Cold. Detached. It set Simon on edge.
Until he saw him interact with Gaz. It was exactly the same. Gaz treated him like a friend even though Soap barely acknowledged his presence.
Simon observed them closely. They didn't touch. Gaz was a touchy person. He had grabbed Simon's arm when they met and casually punched other soldier's shoulders and even threw his arm around him. But he didn't so much as brush his hands against Soap.
"So." It was the first time Soap had looked at him since they had been introduced. "Why is your name Ghost?"
"First unit just gave it to him. Said it was because I was quiet."
"Yeah, big guy. Doubt you're that quiet." Soap was clearly a little more interested in him. The interest made Simon's chest feel funny. Butterflies filled his stomach.
"Get fucked."
Soap laughed. Gaz whipped around to watch him before trying to play it off as subtly as he could. "Alright. You're good." He nodded to him before leaving exfil.
Gaz signaled to Simon to wait so he did. They were the same rank, but Gaz had been there longer, so Simon trusted him. "How did you manage that?"
"Manage what?"
"Soap likes you."
"That's him liking someone?"
"Yes! It took me six months for him to even speak in full sentences to me."
Simon shrugged. "I don't know. I just... I don't know."
It was two weeks later. They hadn't had a mission so they were stuck helping train recruits and handle a few things around base. Soap had a surprisingly predictable schedule. He woke up sometime really early in the morning. Ghost couldn't quite figure out how early, because no matter when his insomnia became too much and he just rolled out of bed to start his day, Soap would already be awake and dressed. He had done the math once. There was no way Soap got more than about 2 hours a night. Even that was seeming unlikely.
But every morning, he started a pot of coffee. He used his own. It was labeled and everything with a giant "Do Not Touch: Soap's" on it. Definitely smelled way better than what everyone else used. He drank it over the hours from whenever he woke up to 7 am when everyone else was finally up, showered, dressed and ready to start the day.
There were several mornings when Ghost and Soap would be the only people up for a few hours. Just the two of them. Soap never asked what kept him up. Ghost never asked him either.
Simon wanted to tell him. For some reason. That he dreamed of his dad. Or that he worried he'd come home from leave to find his Mum beaten again. But he never broke that silence. He just made a cup of tea for himself and sat next to him.
"You want to try it?" He offered to Soap one morning. Soap had the mask on. Ghost hadn't seen him do more than lift it slightly. And even then, it was only times like these. When no one was around but Simon.
Soap shook his head. "Not a fucking brit. Thanks." He continued drinking his coffee.
"Must get tiring. Being surrounded by us."
Soap was quiet for a minute. The cup of coffee was slightly lowered so Ghost could see the scarring. Deep Glasgow's. A line over his throat, right along where his Adam's apple was when he spoke. "What is the biggest export for Britain?"
Simon tilted his head, a bit confused. "Fuck, I don't know. What?"
"Independence days." Soap didn't laugh. He said it so dead pan, Simon almost didn't realize he was joking. And then he did and he was laughing like an idiot at 4:30 am in a kitchen with a man he was told was the embodiment of death.
Johnny, because Soap was not the one that thought Simon was pretty, felt his breath catch. Simon's cheeks had turned red. His laugh was just like his voice. Deep and rumbly and handsome. It took Simon a minute to compose himself, which gave Johnny plenty of time to take his fill of him and make sure he didn't show a single sign of anything. Slipping his metaphorical mask back on since he still wanted to drink his coffee.
Simon put his hand on his shoulder for just a few seconds as he passed him to sit down and Johnny's whole world melted down into that point of contact. His shoulder felt warm from the touch even through Ghost's gloves and his own clothes.
"Knew you had a sense of humor."
Four days later, Simon decided he wanted to show Soap exactly why he got his namesake. He saw him across from Gaz and silently moved closer. Even Gaz and Price, who were facing his general direction, didn't notice him. Both were distracted with other things to give them a little credit, but still.
Simon stopped when he was right behind Soap, standing just so so his shadow didn't fall on him.
"Hey, Johnny."
Soap really, really did not mean to. But as soon as he turned and saw how close Simon was standing, he hit him hard enough in the gut for him to double over and then pinned him face first into the ground.
Soap pressed him down by his head so his cheek pressed to the floor.
Simon's hair was soft. Really soft. It curled around his fingers and Soap realized with a jolt that Price had his arms around Soap, trying to yank him off.
"Jesus, Simon. Why the fuck would you think that was a good idea?" Price snapped at him.
Simon stared at Soap and Johnny felt sick when he saw how scared he looked. It was wrong. He never wanted Simon to be scared of him.
Gaz helped Price yank Soap back, who hadn't actually gotten off of him. "He asked him why his callsign was Ghost a few weeks back and said he didn't believe he was quiet. Were you trying to prove that?"
Simon touched his face. Soap had busted his lip when he had slammed him down. He looked at the blood for a minute.
"It was just an accident. Forgot to make noise."
Soap thought that was odd that Simon's default was silence instead of the other way around. He had a funny feeling Simon was lying about the accident part.
"Won't happen again, Captain. I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I didn't mean to startle you." It was clipped. Perfect professional speech.
Price nodded, clearly not believing him either but if Soap wasn't trying to yank out of his arms to get at Simon, it was okay to let it be. "Go to medical. Make sure you didn't crack a rib."
Simon nodded and quickly stood up. His footsteps didn't make a sound.
Soap swallowed. "Guess he can be quiet..."
No one laughed.
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cutiecorner · 7 months
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Ficlet • Regressor! Bruce, caregiver! Alfred
@todayimfour said: "This is probably more of a doodle promt than writing but I feel like Bruce would have a blast with those lil bath toys that are the stacking boats"
In LOVE with this prompt!!! It can be a doodle AND a fic :3c enjoy!
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“Bruce, poppet, don’t you think it’s time for a bath?”
Bruce stewed in his chair in front of the bat-computer. There was no doubt about it, he was kind of filthy. After a long mission in Gotham’s sewers to look for Killer Croc’s latest hide out, he went directly for the computer to catalog his findings. Not the best plan, but the one he decided to pursue in the moment. That moment was four hours ago, and he still hadn’t showered. Alfred had exhausted all of his avenues to get Bruce up and clean, but none had pulled him away from the computer. Except his last resort. Bruce was well aware that Alfred doesn’t call him pet names for just any reason. ‘Master Bruce’ was enough affection for the both of them, direct sweetness was a little much for daily happenings. Things had gotten particularly serious, Bruce thought, for Alfred to “poppet” him. He considered the possibility of going along with it, but he simply had too much work to do. He grunted to communicate as much. Alfred frowned, but was quickly hit with an idea. 
“Well, I suppose we’ll have to save my special surprise for another night then.”
Bruce was being baited, he could tell, but… a surprise was kind of like a mystery. Bruce loved mysteries. He just couldn’t resist. 
“... what kind of surprise?”
Alfred smiled, “I guess you’ll have to come with me to find out.”
Bruce let out a long sigh, hating to be pulled from his work, but he had to admit - he kind of wanted to get clean.  Not to mention, a pleasant surprise never hurt anyone. Once he was up from the chair, he pulled down his cowl to release his messy hair. Alfred reached for his hand, taking it to Bruce’s shock. This was serious business. 
Alfred led Bruce to the bathroom, and Bruce quickly took off his dirty suit to deposit in the laundry basket. He was starting to realize that he really did feel icky. Icky? He thought, surprised at his internal choice of words. Was he…
“I’ll start the water, dear, you go potty”
Bruce pouted. He did not go potty, he was far too big for potty. He ruminated on his big-ness as he did what Alfred told him anyway. After all, he would never outgrow taking orders from Alfred. Alfie knew everything.
“All done?” Alfred asked.
Bruce nodded in response, taking a seat in the bathtub. Alfred ran the showerhead over him to get the worst of the grime off, then started to fill the tub. Bruce always felt awkward waiting for the water to fill up, but was soon distracted by the bubbles forming. Alfie put some bubble bath in, it smelled nice too. He took a deep breath, taking in the lavender scent. He felt relaxed, fuzzy…
“I suppose it’s time for your surprise, hm?”
A bath surprise? Strange… Bruce wondered. What could be a surprise for the bath?
Before he could ponder, Bruce was presented with a pack of brightly colored boat toys.
“A bath toy? Don’t you think I’m a little old?” Bruce whined. 
“Oh, never.”
Alfred set a few of the boats in the now-full tub.
“Look, they can float, and you can fill them up with water, they even stack,” Alfred grinned.
Hrn, Bruce responded, not wanting to give in to a baby toy. He scrubbed at his hair as he tried to ignore the floaties… but they were so pretty. He bet they could go pretty fast if he pushed them. He thought about the splashy water and the ripples… No! He thought, Don’t get distracted. One of the boats floated over to him. He flicked it away. It did go pretty far! He found himself smiling. He grabbed another boat, skipping it across the water. Now he was laughing. Soon, he was playing. He filled the boats up with water till they sank, he raced them, he sorted them. 
“Alfie, look how many boats! They’re all stacked up and they still go!”
“Oh wow,” Alfred chuckled.
Bruce continued to play as Alfred finished washing him.
“Alright, pumpkin, you’re all done.”
“No!” Bruce cried, “my boats…”
Alfred smiled.
“I promise you can play with your boats tomorrow, love.”
“You promise?”
“I swear,” Alfred smiled. 
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
If I’m There : Chapter Two
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Part One
exploring the budding relationship between Noah and my OFC Natalie - ah young love - but of course to be young and in love is usually to be kinda stupid. This story will soon take us 10 years into the future and our two love birds with meet again but secrets have been kept and feelings buried away..will true love prevail?? (yeah probably but it’s gonna hurt like Hell first)
Triggers : language , violence
tags: fluff 🫶🏻 , a little angst
smut eventually I PROMISE! let them cook, so minors dni pls&thx
“Noah. stop seriously please you’re only going to make it worse” I say as I race after him down the hall, his long legs making it difficult to keep up “please stop” I plead “you think doing anything to him will make it better?”
I continue pulling his arm back to keep him from rushing towards the courtyard where my brother is no doubt sitting at his usual table for lunch.
He turns around to face me with a seething expression “Natalie. He hit you.” Noah’s hand light grazes my blackened eye. “He deserves to pay for that”
“And you think what? By kicking his ass? Or yelling to the whole school that he hit me is going to help with anything? You think it would make my life any easier?” The frustration in my voice impossible to miss.
“You don’t understand Noah, I’m just trying to make it through this last year and a half of school and escape from my shitstorm family. It would be a lot easier if my already volatile brother wasn’t provoked further” I pull his arm back further towards me “so please, just leave it alone”
Noah let’s loose an annoyed breath “fine” he grumbles.
“But If he touches you again-“
“He won’t” I interrupt “he won’t do it again” hopefully
“If he does, call me. Please. Text me. Send a fucking carrier pidgeon i dont care, just tell me.“ he reaches out for my phone and puts his number in and texting himself.
Nick coughs behind us and I turn back to him “why did you text Noah?” I question him. “I at least assume that’s why he came barreling into class with that crazed look on his face.”
Nick just looks between Noah and I and sighs deeply “you two are so dumb. I texted Noah because he talks about you all the time, figured you probably felt the same way considering I saw you doodling a figure that looked strikingly similar to him” Nick continues “I figured he’d give a shit if the girl he’s all hung up on showed up to school with a shiner”
ha sounds like Nick just said Noah likes me…wait what
“Wait what?” I turn to look at Noah and he’s blushing red from the neck up. “You talk about me all the time?”
“You drew me?”
We both speak at the same time, laughing at the ridiculousness of it.
I let him go first “you drew me? why didn’t you show me?”
I let out a nervous laugh “I mean I didn’t want to look like a weirdo drawing pictures of some guy I like” the last part came out in a rush, my brain is apparently moving faster than my mouth can filter. Oh my god shut up.
“I mean-“ I stumble
“I like you too,” he confesses in a small voice. “Sitting next to you and bothering you in study hall is one of the highlights of my day”
“You’re never bothering me” I tell him quietly.
“Ugh okay I’m leaving now” Nick says from behind us.
We continue walking but now away from the courtyard trying to slip into casual conversation. “So now that I’m not planning on kicking your brother's ass, did you maybe want to eat lunch together?” He pushes the hair that fell into his face back behind his ear as he asks me.
“Yeah, that would be great. I totally forgot to bring my lunch with everything going on at home but I would enjoy sitting with you” I smile up at him softly.
“Hell no, Natty. What do you want? My treat” he said while reaching over and wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.
We walked off campus to the taco truck a block away from school and Noah bought us lunch while we talked more. Before we went back to school he stopped me and moved his hand to cup my bruised cheek.
“Can I take you out for real?” He asks sweetly “like a real date, not just tacos at lunch time. Friday night?”
Oh my god, he’s asking you out. Noah is asking you out. He just bought you lunch. He talked to you about art and music and wants to take you out on a date. Okay you've been quiet for too long. Say something.
“Yes! That sounds great” I manage to choke out through the nerves clogging my throat.
“Awesome” Noah smiles and takes my hand as we walk back to campus.
Friday cannot come fast enough. I need to get through two more days and one massive AP biology exam so I am in an intense study session when my phone buzzes next to me.
Noah : you’re not responding to my snaps and they’re so funny. Put the notes down for 5 seconds to laugh. I promise it’s worth it. 8:46
Natalie: haha okay! Fine. 8:46
Natalie: It better be worth it, this test is like a huge part of my final grade. 8:46
I open the snap and it’s a series of videos of Noah fake falling next to wet floor sign and another of him placing a bible in the science fiction section of a Barnes and Noble. what a beautiful dork
Natalie: Those are precious moments I could have used to study, now lost forever. 8:58
Noah: Natty, you wound me deeply. Say something nice before I completely lose all self confidence. 9:01
Natalie: You have the voice of an angel, now pls let me study. 9:03
Noah: aw :) you like me huh? 9:03
Natalie: less and less now XD 9:04
Noah: You've wounded me again. I may never recover <\3. 9:04
Natalie: I will try to make it up to you later but for now biology calls my name and I need to finish studying this unit. Goooodnight noahhhh :) 9:06
Noah: I will hold you to that Natty. GN :) 9:07
I fall asleep on my textbook and wake up again at around midnight to crawl into my bed.
The next day passes quickly and it’s finally Friday ! I feel great about my test so the day is going great, and it’s only going to get better because tonight Noah is taking me out on our first official date. He doesn’t want to count tacos during lunch period as our first date, which I get, but that’s not what I’ll tell our kids….okay Nat let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
I get home after school and rush to my room to get ready. I take a boiling hot shower to wash away the oncoming nerves. Will he want to have sex? No. right? That's crazy..no way. Right.? It our first date, he couldn’t possibly expect that…but I mean he’s had girlfriends before. Maybe I’m in over my head…I’m an inexperienced, never had a boyfriend virgin loser….No. Noah is a nice guy, he likes me. Kyle’s words are just getting to me. This is going to be a great date and Noah is a great guy.
I decided to wear my dark green wrap dress, black tights and ballet flats. I don't normally wear makeup but I decided to put on a little mascara and blush and I use concealer to cover up the fading bruise on my eye. I brush out my hair and pin it half up with a clip.
Noah texts me that he's outside at around 6:00. He didn't tell me what he had planned but I'm excited either way.
As I approach the car he hops out of the driver side seat and greets me with a happy smile and moves to open the door for me. “Hi” he greets me with a warmly “you look beautiful” he pulls me into a gentle hug.
Wrapping my hands around him to return the hug I smile at him and climb into the passenger seat.
“So, what do you have planned for this evening?” I ask curiously.
“A little this, a little that…don’t worry Natty, I have the perfect evening planned” he winks at me and I can’t help the blush that floods my face.
Fifteen minutes later the car pulls into a small parking lot outside of a brick building with a sign reading “Holts Roastery and Records” a record store? That tracks.
“I’ve seen you wear some pretty cool band shirts so I was thinking finding some new records would be fun, plus the coffee here is pretty good” Noah comments as he throws his arm around me walking from the car to the front door.
We walk inside and order. I get a hot chai latte and Noah orders a mocha. We get our drinks and walk around the records and music, I see a lot that I recognize, l mostly listen to classic rock or oldies like Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones or Otis Redding. Noah is pulling out bands I’ve never heard before like Megadeath, Slayer, he hands me a Bring Me The Horizon CD and says “just listen to this, if you can give me anything at all, listen to this”
I laugh softly and take a sip of my tea taking the cd “okay, I’ll listen to it, cross my heart”
We continue browsing the shelves and talking before heading to the checkout counter where Noah plucks the cd from my hands to pay for it “my treat Natty, I want to have all the credit for introducing you to the best music you’ve ever heard” he finishes paying and we toss our drinks heading back out to the car.
“Nights not over yet, don’t worry” he laughs “one more stop and then the best burger of your life”
Noah drives us to the park near the lake, we park and walk hand in hand and he leads me to a bench. We sit and take in the warm evening sun as it’s on its path to disappear.
“I come here a lot to write, it’s one of my favorite spots” Noah comments softly “I was hoping to bring you here sometime”
“It’s a lovey spot, thank you for bringing me” I return in a gentle voice. The sun is dipping more into the horizon and the sky is filled with a beautiful orange glow.
“It’s so beautiful” I whisper, staring ahead at the glistening lake.
“Yeah, it is” Noah agrees but his gaze remains fixed on me as his hand comes up to brush the hair off my neck.
I turn to face him and before the next word leaves my mouth his lips are against mine in a kiss that quiets all thoughts.
His lips are so soft and warm against mine, he moves his hand to cradle the back of my neck as the kiss deepens slightly, my hand moves to hold onto the front of his shirt not wanting this kiss to ever end but knowing we will eventually need to breathe again.
Pulling away to rest his forehead against mine as we both attempt to catch our breath Noah speaks first “I’ve been wanting to do that since- well- for a while”
I move to fix his hair behind his ear “well I’m glad you did” I giggle and move to kiss him quickly again “now I remember you mentioning food? I’m starving”
He laughs and kisses me one, two, three - six more times and then we’re back into the car and headed to a nearby diner. We both order cheese burgers and milkshakes. He tells me more about his home life and I talk to him about my dad, him leaving, his anger but also his love for music, how I’m mad at him but I also miss him.
After we eat Noah takes me back home and after saying goodbye in his car for about fifteen minutes I reluctantly head inside to get ready for bed.
As I’m getting ready to lay down I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
Padding from my bed I open it to see my brother Kyle standing, arms crossed “so what? Now you’re dating him?” He spits out.
“Not that it's any of your business, but yes.” No sense in lying.
“You’re an idiot. He’s only doing this to piss me off” his bitter laugh cuts into his last words.
“Well then I guess it’s working. Listen Kyle, I don’t care how you feel about it, or if you think he’s playing some game. I really don’t care” I go to shut my door but he pushes past to invade my space.
“So you’ll let him whore you out just to get back at me?”
Oh fuck you, I think to myself.
“What I do, and who I choose to spend my time with is none of your business and I’m not whoring myself out you dickhead. It’s a date. It’s what young people do. You would know if you acted somewhat decently to people.”
I gesture towards my door “now please, get out of my room I am trying to study”
“You’re not going out with him” he seethes
“Yes. I. Am” I stand my ground “now get out!”
“No” he moves to grab my shoulder but I move back and using all my strength push him out of my door, shut it and twist the lock.
He’s banging on the door and screaming.
“Just go to sleep Kyle!” I scream at him “Fuck off and go to sleep, you’re acting crazy!”
First there’s silence and then he’s throwing his whole body weight into the door and bringing it off the hinges.
“KYLE!” I scream before he’s throwing me to the ground with his hands wrapped around my neck.
————-to be continued here!
muahahaha I looove cliffhangers 🫶🏻
Also I do not like the formatting on tumblr lmaoo I am still figuring out how to make things look cohesive and sectioned in a functional way…let me know if you think there’s a better way to format and I will try!
Thanks again for reading!!! I looooovvveee youuuuu
next part is hurt/comfort my FAVE
taglist: @notingridslurkaccount @lma1986
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blocksandthings · 1 year
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finally got around to doodling my hc designs for these guys :)
(more ramblings under the cut bc i can’t shut up abt them 💀)
- gil has a lot more scars than the others (smaller scars don’t really last unless you wait for a while before healing em with medicine or magic) - most of the early ones on his arms n shit come from training (not allowed to heal himself bc of “discipline” and shit like that) but later ones come from tanking hits for the other two and using his magic on them over himself (he has one that he deliberately chose to keep - a scar on his cheek that mirror’s chip’s from loffinlot that he got from the duel)
- chip’s main scars are the top surgery ones (trans chip my beloved), the one on his left cheek (from the bald men encounter 💀) and two other ones that he got from the duel (he keeps em as a reminder and bc they look cool 😐 - both resemble some of gil’s triton marks)
- jay doesn’t have many noticeable ones but she has a TON on her hands n shit from tinkering - she has a couple burn scars on her arms (from fighting her dad) and a single one over her nose (also from her dad- resembles gil’s markings too bc i can do that. they all match ok)
- early campaign gil had a lot of jewelry (particularly earrings) bc in the undersea it was a status/religious symbol (see: sun/moon earrings) and they made him feel connected to his culture - later on he keeps most of them but gives the important ones to the others (jay ends up with the sun one to match gil’s moon and chip gets the Moist Bond ring lmao) (gil ends up getting more piercings too in order to match the others) bc while he still loves his culture and wants to remember it he also recognizes the unhealthy expectations and abuse he went through as a kid and wants to redefine himself
he doesn’t wear much jewelry but keeps the ring from the b.l.o.c.k. on a necklace. also he has a little friendship bracelet from ollie (they made them together)
- early campaign chip only really has the axe earring but adds more as the campaign goes on (read: he steals more from the others, taking gil’s earrings and jay’s bracelets. they either let him or don’t notice) - he gets piercings to match with the others (eyebrow for jay, nose ring for gil, double ear piercings to fit more earrings) bc it’s just a Pirate Thing and has tattoos representing them on his back :)
he wears some jewelry?? mostly the earrings, but there’s some rings n stuff (along with bracelets stolen from jay)
- jay originally had no piercings (navy standard was no jewelry with some exceptions) but it’s a Big Thing for pirates (crews often had matching accessories and sharing shiny stuff was a sign of trust and respect - see: chip getting them all to match and stealing from them) so she originally only got her ears pierced. after the block (first time at allport) she got her eyebrow piercing (along with the tattoos) to take her mind off everything and “officially” make herself part of the crew (since chip got his too at the time) and later gets snakebites (mimics gil’s big teef)
she really likes necklaces n has some smaller ones but also wear simple bangle bracelets (she doesn’t mind chip stealing em bc they kinda get in the way of working on projects)
- in the undersea + early campaign gil kept his hair fairly short? the elders would make him cut it (for battle purposes) but he really liked playing with long hair and doing stuff with his hands (edyn let him braid her hair and he got really good at it eventually) he kinda let it grow out after being exiled (never found the time and didn’t particularly trust anyone to cut it for him) and he ties it up in a tight bun/ponytail - later he starts cutting it back (around shoulder length) and lets jay do it usually, keeping the bun but letting some out (half-up/half-down) bc he’s letting himself be a bit more unrestricted (also means he can do fun braids and stuff) and finding a middle-ground between his old, restricted identity as champion and new identity as a pirate
- early campaign chip kept his hair super short (yes the buzzcut counts but i don’t like it) bc he was really dysphoric about it :( (it usually looked really shitty bc he cut it himself with a sword 💀 but eventually he lets gil do it (he’s too scared to give jay that much power over him)) - later he’s become more comfortable with himself and his identity and lets it grow out (mullet era) but it’s still kinda choppy and messy bc that’s how he is. he has a couple small braids in his bangs (courtesy of gil) bc he likes em
- early campaign jay kept her hair pretty long but often tied it up in a tight bun (navy standard) but stopped doing that after joining chip (she ended up tying it up in a ponytail, tho, bc she was more used to that) - after the fight with her dad (b.l.o.c.k.) she cuts it back a ton, keeping it around shoulder-length (just long enough to let gil play with it. he likes braiding and she likes the feeling, win-win. she doesn’t let chip within 5 feet of them when they do this tho bc she does not trust him to not ruin it) but has an undercut that shows whenever she ties it up - (like this)
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Mr Evershed x Student!reader - who we are
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Music blasting through your headphones, you bobbed your head to the beat as you looked through your locker for the drink you had put in there not long ago.
You were supposed to be in lesson, but you had been kicked out so now you were looking for something to drink and you couldn’t find where you had left it.
“Crap…” you mumbled.
Slamming the locker closed, you made your way towards the canteen to grab one from there and when you walked in, you pulled your headphones down.
“You should be in lesson.” Mrs Paracha said.
“I know, but I got kicked out. Do you have any juice?”
“Yes, yes. Go sit I bring over for you.”
You beamed at her and sat down at a table kicking your legs up on the chair opposite you as you waited for her to come through.
You drummed your hands against the table as you waited, following a small beat stuck in your head.
“So why you get kicked out this time?”
Mrs Paracha placed some juice and a plate of chips in front of you, and you moved your feet so she could sit down.
“Apparently I am disruptive and in many different ways very disappointing.”
You nibbled at a chip, grinning up at her.
“Who say this?!”
“I forget her name, the one who’s last name is the same as a fish, and kinda looks like one too.”
“Oi that not nice.”
“Neither is her calling me disappointing but yet here we are.” You shrugged.
Sipping the juice, you looked around the empty canteen and looked at Mrs Paracha, a small frown on your face.
“Do you think I’m a disappointment miss?”
“No, of course not. You are many things, but a disappointment not one of them. You just need to focus more on work.”
“I try, but they’re always shouting at me or telling me off for something. Sometimes I struggle and none of the teachers bother to help me.”
She sighed.
“Have you spoke to Mr Evershed? He can help you innit.”
You shrugged a little, eating another chip.
“He won’t bother, sees me like the rest of em, can’t look past the green hair dye, the piercings and the tattoos.”
“Why you like this look so much?” She asked.
“Well, I guess it makes me feel more comfortable. It gives me confidence, green is my favourite colour, and I’ve always wanted piercings. The tattoos I did myself or my friends dad did for me, since he owns a tattoo studio.”
“You want to tattoo people?”
You nodded excitedly.
“Oh yeah! I’d love to be a tattoo artist! Look!”
You rolled up your shirt sleeve and showed her the tattoo sleeve on your arm, gesturing to the trees, the river and the birds.
“I did this. Well, the outline, I couldn’t shade it all myself but I did most of it.”
Mrs Paracha took your arm in his hands and carefully examined it.
“I don’t understand all this, but this bloody amazing, you did this?”
You grinned and nodded, pulling a small notebook out your shirt pocket, you showed her the doodles you did each class.
“Do you think I can do it miss?”
“I think you bloody can, and I help, come with me.”
You grabbed your plate of chips and she grabbed your juice and notebook and you walked over to the counter.
“Do any of you lovely ladies have a plastic plate of something for my chips?”
“Here love, plastic bowl.”
She put your chips in the bowl and handed it back over and you beamed, walking through the hallways with Mrs Paracha towards the front of the school.
You both stopped when the fire alarm went off and she ushered you towards a fire exit.
“We carry on after.”
Nodding, you followed her to the fire point, and you stood next to her, bouncing on your feet as you ate your chips and talked to her.
You ignored everything that was going on, and you weren’t paying much attention to whatever was going on.
“We wait for everyone to go in, then we talk to Mr Evershed.”
“About what?”
“You and how teacher treating you. It’s not right.”
You gave the woman a soft smile.
Everyone began heading inside, and you set your bowl on a wall and took your juice back to sip it while you waited.
Mr Evershed walked over and crossed his arms as he looked at you.
“Oh Mr Evershed we looking for you, we need to talk about (Y/N).”
“Yes we do.” He said sternly.
You rose a brow at him and picked up your bowl again.
“Do you think this is funny? Setting off the fire alarm? Do you know how serious that is (Y/N)?”
“What?” You asked confused.
“Oh don’t play coy, Mrs Carp already explained what happened in her class. This is the third time this month you’ve pulled that fire alarm.”
“It wasn’t me!”
“You’re the only one who seems to pull it.”
“They with me, they done nothing wrong!” Mrs Paracha huffed.
“Miss, miss it’s fine. Leave it.”
You looked at Mr Evershed and scowled.
“You seriously think I did this? Check the cameras or something.”
“Well all the evidence points to you.”
“Right, because whenever something bad happens it’s my fault right?”
“You’ve got a track record for it yeah.”
You shook your head at him, clenching your jaw.
“I’ve been with Mrs Paracha the whole time! I didn’t do it!”
“So are you going to tell me you didn’t throw a chair across Mrs Carps classroom?”
“Well no, I did that, but I didn’t pull the fire alarm!”
“If you keep going down this road you’re going to end up exactly like your parents! You’ll end up either in jail or in some dead end job you’ll be stuck in! You need to take this seriously!”
You froze.
“Is that how you really see me? Just another kid who’s going to fail in life? Seriously?”
“At this rate we need to be honest with you. Yes. That’s where you’re heading, you have almost no passing grades, you’ve been suspended more times this year than anyone has in their entire school history.”
“You can’t say that!”
“Miss it’s fine, ya know what?”
You nodded head your head, giving a half shrug.
“You’re right. I’m going to end up exactly like my parents behind bars. You’re right yeah. I should just stop trying to be anything else, right?”
“No (Y/N) that’s not.. I didn’t mean..”
He fumbled for his words and you turned to Mrs Paracha.
“Thanks for the chips.”
You turned to Mr Evershed.
“Thanks for nothing.”
“(Y/N)! Walking away isn’t going to solve anything!”
“You’re right! But it’ll solve the fact I won’t have to deal with this crap you’re throwing at me for no reason!”
Throwing the bowl at him, you turned around and ran off, jumping over the fence to go back home and Mr Evershed sighed, picking up the bowl.
“You fix this! They good student, bloody brilliant. They didn’t do anything wrong.”
She slammed your notebook on the wall and stormed away to her office so she could try and get ahold of you.
Mr Evershed sighed, picking up the notebook he put it in his pocket and carried the bowl back inside.
They had to review the camera footage of both incidents, first was you throwing a chair, and they saw it go flying through the classroom door before you walked away.
“Where did they go after?” He asked.
“Locker then to the canteen where they stayed with Mrs Paracha.” Loraine said.
“And the fire alarm?”
“That would be this boy.”
She showed him who pulled the fire alarm and he nodded, asking her to figure out who that was he made his way back to his office.
He had blamed you because both time before this is had been you, so he jumped to conclusions, and in anger he was basically told you that you weren’t going to do anything with your life.
And he felt horrible.
He knew Mrs Paracha was right, he had to fix it, so he went to find her.
“Where can I find (Y/N)?” He asked.
Mrs Paracha slammed some paper on the table and glared at him.
“They good student, sometimes but angry but good student.”
“I know, I know, it’s why I’m going to try and sort this out. Thank you.”
First he tried your flat, but you weren’t home, then he tried the next address, a small bar, and he walked in.
“Hi I’m headteacher for Ackley bridge college, I’m looking for a student (Y/N) (L/N)?”
The woman behind the bar shrugged.
“Not scheduled to work till the weekend, try the studio.”
She wrote down the address and he made his way there and walked inside the tattoo studio.
“Got an appointment?” A man asked.
“Oh Uhm no sorry. I’m actually looking for a student of mine (Y/N) (L/N)? I’m Mr Evershed, headteacher of Ackley bridge college.”
“Not seen the kid since this morning.” The man said.
He glanced up from the table he was setting up and stood up fully, and Mr Evershed involuntarily took a step back.
The man laughed a little.
“We’re not all criminals you know. I’ve not seen the kid since they stopped by before going to school, but I guess you can try the town centre, likes to go up there. I’m Dave, their legal guardian. Is everything alright?”
“There was an incident at the school, I just want to talk to them properly about it.”
Dave nodded his head and crossed his arms.
“So what did the kid do?”
“Nothing actually, well, not nothing they did throw a chair out a classroom, but that’s not why I’m looking for them.”
Mr Evershed sighed and explained the situation to your guardian, and Dave nodded his head along.
“So, basically you fucked up?”
“That’s one way to put it yeah. I’m trying to make it right.”
“Not a lot of people would, good on you. Look, I can’t help you find em, but just know they’re probably not alone, and if they’re with who I think they’re with, just.. be cautious.”
“Thank you.”
Mr Evershed left the studio, and his phone started to ring.
Someone had called the school about a student and some other people wondering about the town, so that’s where he went.
He was walking up and down the streets when he found you walking out of a shop and walked over to a group of slightly older looking people.
“Surprise.” He said.
You looked at him and glared.
“Get lost!”
You threw your bottle at him and he moved aside so it would miss.
“Come on, I just want to talk.”
“And I don’t.”
You began to walk away and he sighed.
“Can we talk (Y/N), please?”
One of the boys turned around and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him away slightly.
“Take a hint bro, they said no.”
“Kieran stop, stop it’s fine. He’s not some creep, just an asshole.”
The boy looked at you then to Mr Evershed.
“I don’t care, someone says no you drop it bro, got it?”
“Right I understand you’re concerned about them, but I’m their headteacher and we need to talk.”
You turned around.
“No we don’t. You said all you had to say, right? I’m going to be nothing but some lowlife criminal right? That’s what you think?”
“No that’s not what I think.”
“Well you basically said it!”
“And I was wrong, but can we please go somewhere where we can talk about this privately? Please?”
You ran a hand through your hair and shook your head at him.
“Don’t bother, not going back and don’t wanna talk neither.”
With that, you walked away and he sighed.
Mr Evershed went back to the school, and he pulled up everything he could find about you, grades, attendance, emails.
Anything he thought could help, and he spoke to Mrs Paracha as well, since she knew you better than anyone.
Then the following day, he was a man on a mission once more, searching the same places for you, and this time he found you near your flat talking to the post man.
The post man walked away and you looked through the post in your hands, leaning against the wall.
“This is stalking.” You said.
“No it’s not, it’s me being concerned about you and wanting to talk about what happened yesterday, and every other day in school.”
“Like I said, not going back so no point.”
You walked towards the door to your building and opened it.
“I know you want to be a tattoo artist, and I also know that the teachers at the school have been judging you based on your looks and behaviour, not your grades.”
You stopped, and turned around to look at him.
“Mrs Paracha spoke to you.”
“I asked her for help. I know you’re a smart kid, and you can get the grades if you tried, I’ve seen your test results, and homework in some classes. I just want to help you, and apologise for my ignorance yesterday. So, can we please talk?”
You turned around and held the door open for him.
“I’m only doing this so you’ll leave me be.”
“Don’t count on it.” He smiled.
He walked over and to him, this was progress, and he was hoping to make more progress by talking to you, but given how stubborn you could be, he knew it was going to be hard
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twiceinadream · 2 years
Requested: Nope
Prompt: Y/N is the teacher of Chae, who is the child of single mother Jeongyeon. After Jeong came in late because she was working a double shift, she and Y/N got a chance to talk that was a little flirty. And Jeongyeon finally scores a date with her daughter’s hot teacher…and even a little more.
a/u: Hey, everyone! I’m back~ I’m so sorry I went missing for a month, there’s just been so much going on with my life and imma be honest, writer’s block was a real pain. But I hope this smutty yet very fluffy Jeongyeon fic makes up for being gone for so long. Thank you for 3.8k+ followers! I love you guys!
Word Count: 3.4k
Category: NSFW and Fluff
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The newly fallen leaves crunched loudly below Jeongyeon’s feet as she jogged towards the school. She couldn't tell how many times she had been late picking up Chae because she had to pull a double shift at the bakery she worked at.
Her breathing was labored as she entered the nearly empty school as she made her way down the familiar quiet hall to her daughter's classroom. The door was left open as she quickly tried to fix her windswept hair as she walked in, her eyes scanned over the room as she saw Chae with her head down as she drew on a piece of construction paper. A soft smile grew on her lips as her attention went from Chaeyoung to you.
You were sitting at your desk cutting out a few designs for tomorrow’s lesson when you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up from your desk as a smile akin to Jeongyeon’s spread on your lips. The brief moment was broken as Chaeyoung looked up from the paper she was doodling on to see that her mother had arrived.
“Eomma!” Chaeyoung shouted as she got up from the little stool she had been sitting on, abandoning whatever drawing she had been working on, as she ran into her mother’s waiting arms.
You equally rose from your desk as you made your way towards the pair, “Hello, Jeongyeon-ssi.”
The woman before you turned her attention away from her daughter and directed it to you, a guilty look adorning her features as she set Chaeyoung back onto the ground. “Hello, I’m sorry I was late again, there was this whole thing at the bakery and my boss wouldn’t let me go and…”
You held up a hand to stop her rambling, “It’s okay, really, I understand. Chaeyoung is such a sweetheart, I don’t mind staying with her.” You smiled softly, “And it gives me a chance to talk with you.”
A light blush spread onto Jeongyeon’s face at your words, there had been this small tension between you two ever since the first time she had been late to pick-up. Every time she brought it up with Jihyo or Nayeon, they’d always tease her about having a crush on a teacher, but she couldn’t help that you were just so damn beautiful and kind. “Likewise. But, I’m really sorry I keep making you stay late, I wish there was a way I could make it up to you.”
In a rare moment of confidence you felt yourself smirk slightly, “Maybe there is.” Jeongyeon raised her eyebrow in interest, “Next Saturday, would you be free for dinner?”
A small gasp of surprise left her lips before a smile took over, “I’ll need to get a sitter, but I’d love too.”
You could barely contain the grin that was threatening to split your face in two as you squeezed her hand, “Then it’s a date.”
The sun was just beginning to set as you stood outside Jeongyeon’s front door, a small bouquet of flowers and a bottle of nice red wine in hand as you let out a breath. You felt almost comical, here you were a fully fledged adult with a steady teaching job, scared out of your mind as you built up the courage to ring the doorbell. You balled your hand in a fist to stop it’s shaking as you punched the button next to the door, bouncing on the balls of your feet to shake off the rest of your nervous energy.
Before your panic had a chance to set in, the door opened and you immediately ceased your fidgeting. Your jaw almost hit the ground at the sight of the woman before you, her once blue hair was now a beautiful blonde and you couldn’t help but notice how her black shirt had a teasingly low neckline that only gave you a hint of cleavage before you quickly met her eyes again, silently hoping she did not notice your wandering eyes.
You cleared your throat remembering you had to say something, “Wow.” As soon as the word left your mouth you couldn’t help but cringe at how stupid you must sound. But the blush that quickly spread over Jeongyeon’s cheeks halted your self doubt.
“Hello, Y/N.” She sounded as hesitant as the first day the two of you had met.
“Good evening, Jeong,” you transferred the bottle of wine to your free hand as you presented that and the bouquet of flowers to her, “these are for you.”
“Oh!” Jeongyeon smiled as she took the flowers and wine before she smelled the bouquet, “These are wonderful, thank you. Would you like to come in?”
You nodded, “I’d love to.” Jeongyeon stepped aside as you finally entered, toeing off your shoes by the door as she closed it.
“The kitchen is this way, I thought it’d be fun to cook together.” The mother of one suddenly stopped as she turned to face you, “Unless cooking isn’t really your thing, I don’t mind doing it if you don’t want to. You can…”
You held up a hand with a soft smile, “I’d love to cook with you.” You could practically see Jeongyeon’s shoulders immediately relax as you followed her into the kitchen, everything was already laid out neatly on the counter as Jeongyeon placed the wine you had brought on the breakfast bar before finding a vase in one of the cabinets and filled it with water from the sink as she placed them in and set it aside.
“Ready to start?” You nodded as Jeongyeon quickly threw an apron over the head and tied it in the back before handing one to you. You tried to repeat the motions but had a bit of trouble tying it behind your back when Jeongyeon stepped in, “Need a little help?”
“Yeah…if you wouldn’t mind.” She only smiled as she went behind you and tied the ending pieces around you securely, you knew you were blushing but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
Jeongyeon reappeared in front of you as she pointed to the various ingredients, “I made some seaweed soup earlier so I’ll reheat some of that for an appetizer and I have two steaks for us, which will pair perfectly with the wine you brought, could you please make the salad?”
You nodded, “Right away, Chef!” Jeongyeon giggled as she turned on the burner for the soup, bumping your hip with hers.
Empty plates were left in the sink as you and Jeongyeon sat across from each other laughing, two full glasses of wine in each of your hands as the now empty bottle you brought laid in between. Your hand had somehow ended up on her thigh between the laughs and your date couldn’t help but suck in a breath.
“I’ve had so much fun tonight.” Jeong felt the words spill out faster than she could think as she cringed at the fact it sounded like she was kicking you out.
You nodded slowly, “Me too.”
Jeongyeon smiled shyly at you, she didn’t want to move just yet because that meant that the date was over. So the two of you continued to stare at each other, your eyes tracing over the woman’s face before you as you admired how the lowlights of the kitchen seemed to highlight her features in an ethereal glow.
“Have I told you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, as you did not want to disturb the atmosphere around the two of you. A light blush began to spread on Jeongyeon’s cheeks as she finally looked up to meet your gaze, “Wow, and here I thought you couldn’t get any cuter.”
A small laugh fell from her lips as Jeong grinned at you, “You’re such a sweet talker, y‘know that?”
You huffed out a laugh as you reached out and took one of her hands in yours, interlacing your fingers as you leaned in closer to her, “I don’t think it counts as ‘sweet talking’ if it’s the truth. You really are beautiful, Jeong, I don’t think I’ve had this much fun in a long time.”
The mother of one nodded in agreement, “Me too. You really know how to make a girl feel special, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help the smile that forced its way on your lips at the compliment, “Is that so?” You quirked an eyebrow at her as you brought your free hand up to cup her cheek. You felt her hand on the elbow of your extended arm as you leaned in closer to her, “Because I was gonna say I’ve never felt so seen and heard from someone, as much as I do from you.” Your lips were mere inches apart as your eyes met again, “May I kiss you?”
Jeongyeon could only nod, not trusting herself to voice how much she wanted you. But that was all the confirmation you needed as you closed the gap between the two of you and claimed her lips in a kiss. Her lips were just as soft as you’d imagined they’d be and you couldn’t help but get lost in the feeling as you pulled away for a fraction of a second to breathe, before she was chasing after you to deepen the kiss.
You untangled your hand from her as your hand found purchase on her waist as you pulled her closer to you. Her hands found their way to the sides of your neck as she kept you close to her. But the moment you felt tongues being added to the kiss, you reluctantly pulled away from Jeongyeon as you stopped her. “Jeong, wait.” By the way your date froze in your arms you could tell that by your tone she must have been expecting something bad, but you quickly gave a small squeeze to her hip to reassure her, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stop, but if we’re gonna continue. I don’t think we should do it in your kitchen. Maybe there’s somewhere more comfortable you’d like to continue this, if that’s okay with you.”
You quickly added the last part to offer her an out, just in case it was getting too heated for a first date and you would happily take a, ‘no’ if she wasn’t ready just yet. But much to your surprise and happiness, Jeongyeon nodded as she stumbled a little out of her chair. “My room?”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little as you nodded, “I’d love to.”
The kitchen was abandoned in an instant as you both made it a few steps before you were quick to push Jeongyeon up against a nearby wall. Your lips found each other’s again as you allowed her access into your mouth. Her tongue meeting yours as you placed your knee between her thighs, she whimpered softly against your lips as you guided her to grind down on your thigh. Her breath caught as you pulled away from her mouth to kiss along her jaw and neck. Nipping slightly as you left a few hickies for her to remember you by.
Jeongyeon continued to moan as she fisted the fabric of your shirt as she continued to grind down on your thigh, she practically felt herself soaking through her panties and figured that the garment would probably be ruined by the time it came off. Oh god, she really wanted you to take them off of her.
Suddenly, she wasn’t satisfied with just grinding on you, she wanted you on top of her, inside of her, just everywhere on her. Jeongyeon pushed slightly on your shoulder as you detach yourself from her neck to look at her again, “Sorry, too rough?”
Your concern was cute, but she shook her head, “No, it felt good. Really good, I was just wondering if you wanted to take this to…my room, now?” The blush from before returned ten-fold as you just smiled at how adorable she was.
You placed a kiss on her cheek before stepping back and offering your hand to her. Jeongyeon took it as she practically dragged you up the stairs behind her, she couldn’t help but smack your ass as soon as you both reached the top as she laughed out loud at your scandalized gasp. She winked playfully as she ran down the hall, it took your brain a second to process it before you were bounding down the hallway after her. You nearly slipped on the hardwood floor as you turned into the room she had gone into. You caught Jeongyeon around the waist as she jumped in surprise, you laughed as the woman turned in your arms. She grabbed the front of your shirt and pulled you into a searing kiss, your breath was stolen from you as your hands rested against her waist. The both of you stumbled slightly as you continued into the room. You kicked the door closed behind you as you opened your eyes between kisses to see a bed behind Jeong as you walked the two of you towards it until the mother of one felt the edge of her bed against the back of her knees. The blonde woman landed on her back as she began scooting back until her head was against her pillows, she folded her arms behind her head as you began stripping in front of her. It was difficult to admit but after being a mother for five years, she didn’t get out much and she couldn’t lie. You were extremely beautiful and her very nice panties were unashamedly soaking wet, something she was hoping you’d find out very soon.
When her mind brought her back to the present you were already naked as you crawled up the bed in front of her, a small smirk appearing on your lips as you crawled above her. Your head dipped down to kiss her once again as a hand snaked itself under her shirt, your fingertips graced over the soft expanse of her tummy as you pulled away from the kiss and began tugging her shirt upwards. Revealing more of her delicate skin until the lacy, black bra she had worn was fully exposed to you.
A very pleased smile overcame your features as you pulled the shirt completely off and unashamedly stared down at Jeongyeon’s breasts. They were slightly bigger than you imagined and a few fine red lines that looked like bolts of lightning decorated the tops of them. You reached a hand behind her as you unclasped the brassiere, you smirked as you held it up to your eye level and admired the slip of lace hanging off your finger. A low whistle sounded as you looked from it back to her, “My, my, Miss Yoo. Am I to think you were hoping this was where our night would lead?��
A dark blush colored Jeongyeon’s cheeks all the way down to her chest, “N…maybe?”
You laughed lightly as you kissed her warm cheek, “That’s alright, I was hoping for the same.” You winked before getting off of her and scooting in between her legs so you could hook your finger into her pants, you looked up for confirmation before pulling it down her thighs. The sight of her very sheer black panties came into view as you reached down and ran your thumb over her clit, a small gasp of surprise fell from her lips as you once again hooked your fingers into the elastic and began pulling it down. A small string of arousal connected her dripping slit to the ruined fabric as you admired her fully. Yoo Jeongyeon was nothing less than absolutely stunning.
You placed a kiss square on her chest before leaning in to whisper into her ear, “I want you to ride my face.”
Jeongyeon couldn’t even respond with anything more than a nod that left a very happy smile on your lips.
You kissed the soft skin of her inner thigh as you made your way to where she had been wanting you all evening. A wicked little grin took over your face as you stared up at her, you watched as her breasts rose and fell with each breath she took. She was just so beautiful. Your eyes met as you finally ran your tongue through her folds, finally getting to taste the magnificent ambrosia that was, Yoo Jeongyeon. The blonde’s knee jerked as you playfully swirled your tongue around her clit, a small moan falling from her lips as you continued to lap up the wetness before you.
You reached up so that your hands rested on her soft waist to keep her from squirming as you delved deeper into her. Your tongue was coated with more of the viscous liquid, a low moan escaped from your throat as it vibrated her ever so slightly.
Her hips began grinding down in time with your tongue as her eyes fell closed. Jeongyeon placed a hand on the wall in front of her to keep her balance as she rode your face with vigor. Your hands began wandering upwards to her breasts as you pulled and teased her nipples as she continued to buck with every thrust of your tongue.
Your jaw worked furiously to match the roll of her lips as you licked a line up to the bundle of nerves that resided near the top of her pussy before taking it into your mouth and sucking. You could hear the sharp inhale Jeongyeon took in as your movement momentarily caused her to cease all of hers, a loud moan followed and you couldn’t help but look up to see her mouth open as her eyes were squeezed shut. You took the opportunity to bring one of your hands down from her breasts and lined it up with her entrance.
You prodded a single finger forwarded as you made sure to coat it in her juices before slipping it in with ease. A high pitched whine left Jeongyeon’s lips as you began thrusting in and out, her breath hitched when you added a second finger. Pistoning them in and out as you continued to lick and suck her now reddened clit. Your tongue made right circles around the straining bud as your fingers curled against her frontal wall. Jeongyeon’s breasts bounced as she began riding your fingers, chasing the high she knew was only a stone’s throw away.
You quickened your movements as the woman above you grasped your shoulder tightly, you could feel her nails dig into your skin as she finally felt the coil that had been tightening in her lower stomach snap. Jeongyeon’s eyes flew open as her release came gushing out in an instant. You were equally surprised as her orgasm came gushing out in small spurts as you moved to lap up the wetness that spilled out. Moaning lowly as the taste coated your tongue as the grip she had on your shoulder went slack as she slumped forward. You couldn’t help but smile as you sucked your fingers into your mouth as you gently lapped around her entrance to clean her.
Jeongyeon hissed slightly as she gently pressed a hand on your forehead to pull you away from her over sensitive pussy. You left one more soft kiss against the inside of her thigh as you patted her softly so you could get her to lay down beside you. It took a bit of shifting till she was wrapped in your arms.
You sat propped against her pillows as Jeongyeon’s upper half laid against your chest. Your guy’s hands were intertwined as she continued pressing soft kisses to them, a content smile on both of your lips as you kissed the side of her head, “That was amazing.”
You smirked slightly, “I’ve kind of been saving this but you are seriously a MILF.”
The second that left your mouth Jeongyeon couldn’t help give you the blankets stare before bursting into a loud laugh. It was honestly the most beautiful thing you had ever heard and you couldn’t wait to hear it again and again. Her staring caught your attention as you kissed the top of her nose, “What?”
“We need to shower.” You pouted slightly, not wanting to let go of her just yet, “And I think I owe you an orgasm.” Her voice became sultry as she watched your eyes light up.
“Yes ma’am.”
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His favorite Girl <3
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It's 8 am exactly when I open the door to English class. "You're late", the teacher scoffs and I throw my hands up in surrender. There's no way I'm getting detention again for defending myself. 'Just roll your eyes and let him have this one' I tell myself as I basically run to my chair to sit, placing my books on the desk. I sling my backpack on the back of the seat and get a quick glimpse over my shoulder of Stu Macher. He's wearing a yellow knitted sweater with visible tears around the collar, with a white shirt underneath. His left hand is decorated with silver rings while his right is completely bare. He's dwindling with his pencil in his left while his right gently taps his knee. His cargo pants are a darker shade of olive and his black boots were definitely meant to be a statement piece, as he taps his right foot on the ground repetitively. He's loudly listening to Slipknot in his headphones while he gently bumps his head to the base mouthing a few words, I watch him discreetly, smirking as I witness his dimples make a few appearances effortlessly. I turn away quickly before our eyes meet but I let my ears listen to what he is, "Killers are quite". It's one of my favorite songs off their album "Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat" and I can't help but smirk to myself. As the teacher begins the class, I open my notebook to doodle in the meantime, scribbling some Mrs.Macher(s) here and there before beginning to copy the notes on the chalkboard. I rest my elbow on the desk and hold my head up with my hand sighing. Ugh, I could've swore he went over this last week. I turn subtly to get a glimpse of Stu again. I hate that his seats behind me. Whenever I need a little break from boredom in class, staring at his features was always entertaining. Those piercing blue eyes, dimples that would penetrate his cheeks, a smile so big you couldn't help but not smile too. His 6'4 lanky frame, he towered over everyone he approached, those long fingers he'd sometimes decorate with rings. The back of them were so veiny, and whenever I'd catch a glimpse of him pulling his sleeves back, I could see the veins trail up his arm perfectly. He always almost hid his frame but you could tell he was toned underneath the sweaters and baggy shirts. I began to fantasize about what underneath his shirt would reveal and it was hard to not get lost in the fantasy of Stu Machers possibly but most likely 8 inch penis. How girthy it'd be, would it be veiny? Would there be a curve? How well would he know how to use it? Where did he learn how to use it? At this point, I'm getting ahead of myself, but it's hard not to. I feel my face beginning to heat up as I bite my lip, imagining all the different things he'd do to me. Missionary? Doggy? Ugh, just imagining straddling him as he aggressively just pou-wait... is he staring back at me? Wait, am I starring at him? Have I been this whole time? Fuck fuck FUCK! I quickly avert my eyes as I feel my face burst with heat. I know he can see how red my cheeks are from his seat which makes them burn even more. I cover my face, acting as if I'm just resting my head in the palm of my hand again. I didn't look behind me for the rest of the class, but I swear I could feel someone burning holes into the back of my head.
The bell finally rings, and I quickly close my notebook and gather all my textbooks and school supplies. My face is most likely still bloodshot red from the trauma of Stu Macher finally catching me staring him down like a creep for god knows how long. Stu Macher was completely out of my league. I'm 4'11, with a warm olive skin tone and freckles that decorate my entire face. My eyebrows are bushy and never tamed, my hair is rarely washed therefore it's always in an updo. My glasses are way too big for my face and my dad would never let me dress like Tatum, so unfortunately, I'm stuck with wearing my older sisters hand me downs which entailed to overalls, long skirts, sweats, mom jeans, baggy sweaters, oversized hoodies and loose shirts. Anything possible that could hide my already small but chunky frame. I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I stand up, slugging my backpack over my shoulder, exiting the class. I'm completely avoiding anything in his direction in fear he's already looking at me in disgust. But to my disbelief, a hand appears on my right shoulder as I reach the doorway. It almost startles me, and I jump slightly. "Woah, a little jumpy there huh?" He teases me as he looks down at me and it makes me completely flustered. "It's me Stu, you know me, right?" His face forms a grin and I blush profusely as I quickly nod, pursing my lips together and looking away from his gaze. He turns to face me and begins to walk backwards besides me "You're y/n right? A few buddies of mine let me know you're the Woodsboro hookup for all and every homework assignment possible. " He says, scanning me up and down, never looking behind him to see if any traffic is headed his way. Every student that passes him makes a note to barely graze him. His grin is spread from ear to ear and I look down as I barely mumble, "What do you need help with?"
"Small voice for a small girl huh?" He quickly lifts his brows and winks at me before continuing, "I need your help with algebra..." he says as he playfully face palms himself and sticks his tongue out, "Of course right?" He says as he laughs at himself. He faces forward and begins to walk besides me normally. "And...maybe English but I'll have to get back to you with that one." He points at me while crinkling his face with uncertainty, then stands in front of me, completely blocking my path and I almost collide into him, but he grabs my shoulders before I can and looks down at me, with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. His sharp blue eyes penetrate my dark green ones and I almost feel helpless. "You got me, right y/n?" He says, tilting his head a little to the right. My eyes are darting every which way to avoid his, I stick to looking down and I gently nod. He burst into excitement and makes a "cha-ching" motion with his hands, before quickly bending down to bear hug me. The only thing I can do is stand there in complete and utter shock from the amount of physical contact we've had in the last 4 minutes, and probably the most I'll ever have with him for the rest of the school year. I already know my face is blood shot red because as he's walking away he says, "Thanks, I'll see you at your locker after lunch, okay! And take off that sweater man, you look real real hot." He burst into laughter before he takes off running down the hallway. Everyone steps out of his way as he laughs manically, cutting the corner sharply. I'm still stuck in the place he left me at, I'd probably stand there all day if people hadn't started bumping into me to get to their classes. "Get out of the way, sheesh" I hear someone mutter as they brush past me, and it completely snaps me out of his trance. I push my glasses farther up my nose before tucking the loose strands of hair behind my ear, blinking rapidly as I join the crowd of students in the hallway treading dreadfully to their next destinations. Holy shit, what the fuck just happened? I can't believe Stu Macher just spoke to me, not even, h-he touched me, h-he hugged me. Jesus...and all you did y/n is stand there awkwardly? I wasn't even laughing at his jokes, I didn't even hug him back! Urgh! I mentally face palm myself as I reach my locker. I headbutt my locker gently as I look down at the floor, shaking my head. How much of a loser could I be right now? He tried to make me laugh at least 3 times and I just sat there like a Dimwit looking down. How could I not hug him? How could- I lose my train of thought as I begin to smell something. It's a musk that comes over me, it's a hint of marijuana with something else. Almost earthy, very vetiver. I look down at my shirt before grabbing the collar to lift to my nose. I inhale deeply and close my eyes as I let his smell wash over me, as I let it take me somewhere calming, and it does. I let go of my collar before opening my eyes, fixating it on my locker combination, completely relaxed. Well, at least I have another chance to fix it. I'm seeing him after school today, aren't I? I can't screw it up this time. . I have to talk to him, I have to try and tell him how I've always felt. God, I mean why do I have to be such a pussy? There's literally nothing that's stop- my thoughts come to a screeching halt as I watch Tatum Riley walk past me in the hallway. Her hair flows in the wind as her hips sway from left to right gracefully, her black chunky sandals drawing everyones attention to her and I know she loves it too, attention whore. She's walking around the hallways in the shortest plaid skirt she could find and a fitted long sleeve turtleneck. Popping her gum in a frenzy and my insides cringe. What does Stu even see in her? I roll my eyes as I grab a few textbooks from my locker and close it. Fuck Tatum Riley, it's my turn to be Stu Machers "Favorite Girl."
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claggorstuff · 4 months
Ok, Could you do claggor x fem/gn!reader that's autistic and when she's feeling overwhelmed or has had a bad day she just want to go non-verbal and have have him basically lay on her, kinda like a weighted blanket? Thank you sm!! :]
Indeedy doodle i can !!
Claggor x autistic reader
Gn fic, fluff, all that sugar and spice and everything nice
I walked into the last drop after a long day, gently holding my hands over my ears to muffle the noise of the bar, busy as usual, I walked down to the living area and sat down on the couch, knees to my chest tiredly, mylo instantly began to chatter at me about their latest job, it was an irritating ring on my ears, once he knew I wasnt gonna respond he just left me alone, they know me, they know its hard for me to talk at these times. Claggor came over and gently held his hand over mine, I fidgeted with his fingers, although most of the time touch is hard for me to do, hes someone who makes me feel safe. He makes me feel comfortable. Even now I was too tired to wait until lights out, I went to bed and tried wrapping myself in a blanket to get comfortable, soon claggor came over worrying for me.
"Y/N.. Can you tell me whats wrong..?"
"..mm.." all I could croak out was a whine and look at his shoulder
"If you need something, i'll get you what you need. You don't gotta talk.." he knew I was in a sensitive state and tried getting me something to fidget with, a little trinket he'd found, I toyed with it but it didnt help too much.
"..Y/N, can ya shake your head or nod, thatd help me figure this out.." I nodded and opened my arms, an attempt at telling him what I wanted.
"Uhm.. a hug..?" I shook my head, now pressing my arms down on my shoulders
"Cuddlin?" I nodded quickly, and he got in next to me, I shook my head, he gave me a confused look but then of course, since this has happened before, he realized what I needed, I laid flat on my stomach face in pillow as he climbed onto me, the weight was like a warm tight hug, I could feel myself melting in relaxation as the warmth and weight consumed me, he saw my expression and smiled
"Thats it.. there we go babe.." he nuzzled the back of my head as I took in deep breaths, feeling my eyes get heavy and Numbish, claggor scratched my scalp and it made me lean my head back, huffing as he gave me his affections, he took off his leather chestwear to get comfy and stuffed his face into my hair, I groaned and shuffled, the feeling of my hair on my neck itself was agony and he frowned, gently moving it out of the way rubbing where the hair was, I relaxed once more leaning into him
"Sleep y/n.. I wont leave you." I nodded and smiled letting myself drift off as I was finally able to relax into him
(Again sorry if its short, my newer fics for the next while might be as i get back into writing!)
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thecollectionsof · 10 months
Soulmates au 12 + crygi
Crystal’s journal appears on her bed three days after she turned 23. 
She sees it out of the corner of her eye, at first—just a glimpse of purple hiding inconspicuously under a pile of clothes she’s been putting off folding. She doesn’t know what it is at first—nobody tells you that, nobody tells you that it just finds itself hidden in your things like it’s always been there. But there it is.
She flips it open with gentle, almost reverent fingers, not knowing what it held. Has her soulmate found theirs already? Have they written in it? It can’t have been too long, she only did her laundry a few days ago, but what if her soulmate was mad at her for not finding it until now?
There are words on the first page, a neat script written in pen taking up the first few lines. 
Hi, I’m your soulmate I guess! I’m excited to hear from you!
Her heart feels like it’s beating out of her chest, the words etching themselves into her mind. Her soulmate! Her soulmate wants to talk to her!
There’s more, a line down. 
I’m not sure when you’ll find yours, I guess. I’m Gigi, by the way, it reads, a heart drawn next to the words. 
Crystal scrambles for a pen.
My name is Crystal! she writes, then takes a moment to think. How do you introduce yourself to your soulmate, anyway? She’s spent countless hours dreaming and fantasizing of times spent talking about everything, sharing love notes and funny thoughts, but never how to start. I’m glad you’re a girl, like I knew I was gay but I was still scared I’d get some guy named Jared or something. 
She regrets it immediately, but she thinks scribbling it out would make a bad first impression, so she doesn’t. The page remains the same even after she watches it for a reply for a few seconds, and she doesn’t know whether she’s glad about that or not. She doesn’t feel like she’s done but she doesn’t know what else to say, so she takes out a pack of colored pens (she was currently writing in orange) and doodles herself (and her cat, for good measure). It’s not perfect but she makes it colorful, hoping that Gigi would like it.
She really, really hopes that Gigi will like it. That she’ll like her.
Gigi doesn’t respond, not yet at least. Crystal doesn’t want to admit how long she spent watching the page, then scrolling on her phone and only glancing at it every few minutes. (Four hours by her count, each minute dragging on until she can hear more from her soulmate.)
Crystal’s usually fruitless glance shows the neat script written in the blank space under Crystal's portrait. The way she writes her name, the exclamation point, and the sheer excitement of seeing more of Gigi makes her shoot up from the slump she had fallen into as she waited.
I’m also glad. I’d hate a Jared, you’re much better. She signs it with another heart. Crystal scrambles for her pen, knocking it off her desk in her haste, but when she picks it up she finds that Gigi wasn’t done. Is this you? Do you have a cat?
There’s a space, and then she went down one line. You’re cute, Crystal. :)
Crystal watches, mystified, as the space on the next page is slowly filled with thin lines and an elegant figure that starts to take form. It’s slow but she can’t look away—Gigi’s drawing herself and Crystal wants to watch everything about it. 
The figure is thin, almost like a fashion illustration, and the pen strokes are measured as she perfects the outline, streaks of hair framing a narrow face with some kind of dress taking shape on the page. She feels almost giddy as she watches. This is her soulmate! This is Gigi!
This is me. I hope, Gigi starts writing, then she crosses it out swiftly, and replaces it with a smiley face.
Crystal scrambles for her pen. So pretty!  she assures, and then underlines it, trying to show Gigi how much she means it. 
So is yours!
I’m so sorry but I’m at work and that was my break and I have to go right now but
There’s a pause as Gigi hesitates, and Crystal watches the page carefully for the rest of the sentence.
but will you be here in a couple hours? I really want to get to know you.
Crystal finds herself nodding quickly, before remembering to put her pen to the page. 
Yeah! Of course!!! I’ll be here :) Have a good day at work!
Great see you then!!!!
Crystal sits back and closes her notebook with a sigh. She met her soulmate! And she wants to talk to her! And get to know her! She doesn’t know what to do with herself for the rest of the day, knowing that she’d just be distracted by the purple notebook no matter what she did. She just wants to learn more about Gigi, but she’ll have to wait.
But it doesn’t mean she can’t talk about her. She opens her phone in record time, hitting call on the first saved number before she even has time to think about it. “Daya, you won’t believe what I just found.”
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