#I wasn’t really sure how to classify my categories but like
cerealmonster15 · 11 months
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bazinga awoo and what have you
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Truce (S.R.)
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Summary: Reader is the new BAU Chief and Spencer is bitter about it. Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Hatefuck, restraints (handcuffs), cockwarming, show of force, rough sex, boss/subordinate, degradation, unprotected sex, semi-public sex. Potentially triggering for those sensitive to dub-con, but both are consenting. Word Count: 4.6k
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The Bureau was so much calmer at night. While there were a few brave souls burning the midnight oil, the space was remarkably bare. Everyone who remained had tucked into some seemingly safe crevice, hiding away from judgmental eyes that might hold them accountable for taking too long to finish whatever project lay before them.
I suppose that in a way, that’s what I was doing, too.
One might think it was inappropriate to consider a person a project, but I wasn’t sure how else to classify the enigmatic Dr. Reid. Although I tried to give everyone I met the benefit of the doubt, it was hard to ignore the hostility he exuded. It wasn’t anything violent or unmanageable— but it was there. Ever-present and demanding to be noticed.
I didn’t blame him. It was my understanding that I had replaced a woman he had worked with for over a decade, and the brief interactions I saw between them showed an obvious affection for one another.
It wasn’t my fault Agent Prentiss left. Spencer knew that, too, but it was probably easier to blame her absence on me. It was a shame, really, that he clung to that grudge like it would bring her back. Because truth be told, I quite liked the doctor. Then again, perhaps that animosity was precisely what drew me to him.
Regardless, it played a part in the decision that led me to the empty office beside mine. I was surprised to find him there, certain that he would have run straight home after such an exhausting case. But I guess I understood his restlessness. This moment had been a long time in the making.
“I’m glad that you like it,” I called from the door, finally earning enough of his attention to see the way his eyes glowed amber in the weak yellow lights. “You’ve been here too long not to have your own office.”
It was indisputable. I didn’t know of any agent that had been there as long as him who hadn’t moved into an office by this point. While I liked to assume that it was by choice, his excitement over the opportunity betrayed his words.
“I don’t mind being in the bullpen. An office creates more opportunities for secrets.”
“Is that what you think? I’m full of secrets that I’m hiding from you?” I asked, hoping to meet that elusive energy. When it came to my hands, though, I kept them to myself. Barely. I crossed them over my chest, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to follow them or not. If he did, it would be further proof that his aloofness was a facade. But if he didn’t, it marked him as a challenge to be won.
Unsurprisingly, his eyes stayed locked with mine, even when I stalked forward. He maintained that relentless intensity regardless of how much I breached his personal space. Even when I could feel the warmth radiating off him and feel his breath against my face. I leaned forward, breaking eye contact so that I could whisper in his ear, “I’m assuming that you also think that’s the only reason I’ve given you this office. To... persuade you to keep them?”
“I hope not,” he droned back, bored and bitter, “My loyalty can’t be bought.”
“It’s not just money, Spencer,” I purred, unable to stop my hand from reaching out to the man who would normally flinch at the notion. But he didn’t, standing steadfast while I slid the silk of his tie between my fingers.
“It’s… Security. Comfort. Authority. Those are priceless things.”
The stoic demeanor shattered with the silence as Spencer gave a low chuckle and placed a firm hand on my shoulder. For the first time since I entered the room, I noticed how stifling the air seemed. How suffocating his presence could be. The heat that bloomed over my skin made his breath almost feel cool against my cheek.
“You have no authority to give.”
Then, he was gone. His hand didn’t push me away, instead falling from me like it wouldn’t be worth the effort to try to move me at all. Expecting me to stay frozen like proper prey, even when his eyes weren’t watching.
But I wanted them to look. I wasn’t looking to be freed. That wasn’t the kind of person I was. I would rather choke on the full force of his rage than let it stay under the surface, always wondering what could have been made of it.
“You’ve never liked me,” I announced, mostly to see how he would respond.
He didn’t, really. His movements just slowed as he rounded his desk. His fingers dragged over the mahogany and I started to lose myself to thoughts of how it might feel to be in its place. To feel his fingers explore my skin like the worn wood.
I could feel his eyes on me before I looked up, and once I did I was met with a smug quirk of his lips. Like he could read the lewd thoughts and feel the fire that had sparked life in me. If I wasn’t careful, I would forfeit all power over the encounter.
And I wanted the power… Right?
“Why is that? Have I done something to offend you?”
Spencer laughed again, dropping the intensity from completely overwhelming to a simple chill down my spine.
“I don’t dislike you. I just...” he said with a tilt of his head and a click of his tongue that proceeded to press against the roof of his mouth in a terrible troubling display of its dexterity.
“I see through you.”
It was, perhaps, the most terrifying answer he could have given. The words alone were horrifying considering the images currently rolling through my psyche; thoughts of his tongue flat against the column of my throat and his nails dug into my hips. I could practically taste the bittersweetness of his lips and the way they would linger between breaths.
“Enlighten me,” I whispered, clearing my throat like it would somehow stop him from noticing how breathy my voice had become.
His eyebrows shot up at the request, but I could only relish in the surprise it caused him for a few seconds. Because as soon as the giddiness started, Spencer raised his hand, beckoning me closer to him without so much as a word.
And I followed. I hated the sound of my steps and how they moved as swiftly as my heart that seemed to increase directly proportional to the space between us. He noticed, too, letting it inflate the already too big ego that I’d witnessed on my first day.
The worst part about it was that I couldn’t fight him. He was talented enough at his job that his perception of me couldn’t be that far off from reality. I just couldn’t bring myself to try to predict what that perception was because I wasn’t even sure if I was ready to admit it to myself.
But then I had done this, placing myself under his scrutiny and failing to protect any of my dignity in the process. So, it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he spoke, slowly and quietly enough that I had to move closer to him to hear the words, “You crave validation so badly.”
The steady thumping of my heart had shifted to a completely erratic and unpredictable rhythm, leaping into my throat and preventing me from swallowing the anxiety and anticipation that grew with each passing second. Spencer seemed dedicated to making it worse, reaching out a gentle hand to cup my chin and keep my face displayed for his analysis.
“You’re pretty and clever enough that you usually don’t have to fight very hard for it. And naturally, when someone refuses to give it to you, you want it even more.”
I didn’t need to be a profiler to know that he was referring to the two of us. That wasn’t the part that got to me, though — the sexual tension between the two of us was as blatant as his disdain for me — it was the fact he was unwilling to bend. Each step was expected to be taken by me so that he could maintain plausible deniability in the event things went poorly.
As if they would. As if the two of us could ever come together in a regrettable way.
“Is that it? You just want to see me beg for your affection?” I said, no longer afraid that his interest was imagined. He was much too close, too clear and correct in his enunciation and profile. That didn’t stop with his response, either.
“You don’t want affection.”
He was so confident in his answer that I was forced to believe him. My entire body was burning with need, every cell vibrating with the urge to throw myself at his mercy. To drown myself in his eyes and beg for him to fish me from their depths. With the little bit of sense I had left, I managed to ask one last question. A question I hoped to God that he knew the answer to.
“What do I want, Spencer?”
He responded first with his hand resting under my chin, brushing the knuckles down my throat and hearing the way my breath hitched in response. Then, with a bit more excitement, he muttered, “Security.”
There was no pause in his descent, his hand brushing over my chest like it had every right to be there. It didn’t stray from its path, either, not until I was shaking before him with a tensed stomach and legs tightly pressed together. The pressure only got worse when he tucked two fingers into the waistband of my skirt, tracing the edge until he could settle at my hip.
“Comfort,” he continued.
What a torturous thing to bring up. There was nothing resembling comfort here. There was only the sweetest, sharpest anticipation. The knowledge that what I wanted most was right in front of me. If I could only play my cards right and say the things he wanted to hear, then I could have him.
But that was precisely the problem. The thing he wanted most from me wasn’t meaningless begs or romantic displays. Hell, he didn’t even want my submission. Not if it wasn’t earned. He didn’t want a slave. He wanted a game. He wanted to prove to me that of the two of us, there was only one of us who could give the last thing I had promised him.
In that moment, all I felt were his nails sinking through thick fabric to mark my skin before he forced me to turn. The world felt like it was in slow motion, and I could feel every minute change in our positions. Including the coldness that captured my wrists, stopping my hands from coming forward in an attempt to cushion my fall.
Just before my face hit the desk, my whole body jerked back with the sound of rattling chains from work-issued cuffs.
I stayed there, staring at the patterns in the grain that danced in my vision. I made no other movement; I felt so stuck, paralyzed with shock and lust that felt unbearable. But Spencer didn’t need my help. He tugged on the restraints until my back was pressed against his chest and he could comfortably wrap his arm around my waist once more.
“You got me,” I chuckled, speaking of both his apt analysis and my current physical predicament. He didn’t need clarification— he was fully aware of how compromised I was in every sense of the word.
The bastard enjoyed it, too.
“Yes, I did.”
“You gonna let me go?” I asked without ever fighting against the metal.
“Do you want me to?” he answered with his own rhetorical question. At least, I assumed he didn’t require a response based on the way his hands began trailing back up my waist at a tantalizing pace.
When I followed my instincts and ignored him the best I could, I was rewarded with a firm, arrogant hand on my chin. He turned me to face him from the little distance still between us as he teased, “If I’m any good at my job – which I am – the answer is a very clear ‘no.’”
I couldn’t help but laugh; both from the smugness in his features and the fact that it was justified.
“I should write you up for insubordination.”
“Is it defiance if I’m doing what you want?” he shot back, abandoning his hold on the cuffs to pull the end of my shirt free from my skirt. And although it was just loosening fabric, I felt lightheaded at the gesture.
When nimble fingers began fiddling with the buttons, I thought I might actually break. Because there was no reason to unbutton the top knowing that it had to stay on. He just wanted to force me to stand there and let him do it. My jaw stayed screwed shut, but the rest of me melted against him. Spencer happily took the first blatant hint of my submission.
“You do want this, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I answered sharply, the word sounding more like a breath than speech. I loved the way it brought a smile to his face. He found his own comfort in the answer, no longer needing to fear that he was crossing a boundary. Of course, that also permitted him to become bolder.
His fingers got faster until I felt the cold air hit the heated skin of my chest. But before they could be too affected by the feeling, Spencer’s hand dipped under my bra, carefully fondling one of my breasts while my whimpers grew louder.
“You like it when I touch you like this?”
Not trusting myself to speak, I simply nodded against his shoulder. My face was still turned towards him, but my eyes fluttered shut. The sight of that smirk in the metaphorical and literal darkness of the room was too devastating to stand.
“Such a good girl. You’ve been trying so hard to get my attention,” he praised, “What will you do now that you have it?”
There was no room for humility in his embrace. It would be easily discredited by the way my face burned and my shackled hands still tried to grab fistfuls of his shirt.
“Anything. I’ll do anything you want,” I rasped, “I want to make you feel good.”
I expected the laugh that followed as much as I expected his hand pressed against my upper back. “Yeah, right. Selfish brat,” he muttered before forcing me forward.
I slammed against the desk with enough force to hear shifting furniture. But surprisingly, there was no pain. I blamed it on the fact every nerve in my body was firing at once, pushing waves of goosebumps over my skin that had already started to stick to the polished wood. It didn’t bother me. I never intended to move.
Even when I heard his belt buckle come undone, I did nothing. In fact, if I’d had control of my hands, I would have helped him hike up my own skirt. I wasn’t going to complain about him having to do it, though. There was something exciting about him having to do it. Him having to acknowledge that he wanted this just as badly as I did.
When the fabric slid up my legs and exposed flimsy cotton, Spencer didn’t even take the time to remove it. No, he simply moved it to the side and gently ran one finger through the slick folds. That level of intrusion alone sent waves of pleasure through me. I nearly rolled my ankle from my unsteady stance in heels, but I was stopped by his hands holding my hips steady.
“But don’t worry. I know we’ll both enjoy this.”
Although I thought about answering, about mocking his confidence, he didn’t give me a chance. I felt the head of his arousal slowly entering me, forcing open the tense muscles to accommodate him.
“Fuck,” he groaned when my legs started to shake before he was even halfway inside.
I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t relax. This was the culmination of weeks of tension and fantasies that were finally coming to life. I wanted the experience to drag on for as long as it could. But Spencer had a different idea. Pulling almost all the way out of me, he let out a quiet, disgruntled growl before slamming back into me at full force. My muscles burned, tightening around him while I choked on sobs that were pouring out of my throat.
“That’s it, pretty girl. You can take it,” he cooed, lovingly petting my head before pressing it harder against the wood, “Cry if you have to.”
His permission did nothing but make me want to disobey him out of spite. My wrists struggled, pulling at the chains while I rocked on my heels to try and force more movement from him. To try to steal some of the authority back.
Depending on perspective, some might say it was a mistake. I didn’t see it as such. I got what I wanted.
“Don’t tease me, bitch,” he spat. His hand that had been pressing me against the desk wound through my hair, pulling me up just to remind me what freedom felt like before he stole it away again. “Take what you’re given and be grateful.”
“Yes, sir,” I squeaked. But most of my energy went into trying to suck desperate breaths in. I could practically taste the old polish that had soaked into the wood.
I’d hoped that my second showing of submission would be enough to grant me some release. I felt his hesitance waning and making room for lust, but then we both heard it — the muffled casual conversation happening in the hallway.
Just as I gasped, Spencer lifted me from my position and slapped a hot, sweaty palm over my mouth and nose. The sudden loss of air had me whining for an entirely different reason. One that he apparently did not sympathize with. Without pulling out of me, he dragged both of our bodies back to sit in his chair.
The second that we were situated, he held tighter against my face and hissed, “Shut the fuck up.”
My good behavior was rewarded relatively quickly, as he only waited a few more torturous seconds before lifting his thumb to allow frantic breath to break free. It was the only thing I could hear, but Spencer’s eyes were fixated on the shadows passing by the window.
Their conversation carried on unbothered by the chaos happening behind locked doors. Inside of that room, however, was an entirely different story.
I didn’t even notice my hips had started rocking until Spencer tried to stop them with his only free hand. He would realize quickly that he would have to choose between muzzling me and halting the action. To my surprise, he chose the latter.
I immediately used all the air available to whimper at the feeling of him still inside of me. It was impossible to ignore, even — no, especially — with the risk of being caught. Every time my stomach tensed, I felt him twitch in response. Eventually, even that was enough to elicit whorish moans from deep in my chest that even Spencer couldn’t have hidden behind his hand.
Holding me down with nails cutting into the skin of my thighs, Spencer repeated with even more frustration, “I told you to shut up.”
“I can’t. It feels too—” the words cut off by a desperate, broken moan, “—too fucking good.”
By the time he relented, lifting my hips and forcing me back down on him, I was unable to speak. He knew it, too, taking the chance to humiliate me for surrendering my dignity to him in a matter of minutes.
“You like sitting here and keeping it warm for me?” he mocked, “You like to feel how it moves inside of you every time you tense?”
He already knew the answers. He could feel my muscles pulsing around him with every syllable and the wetness gathering at the base of his cock. That didn’t stop him, though, and he made even more of a point to remain still as he whispered into my ear, “You’re making a mess, sweetheart.”
“Please,” was all I could think to reply. Somehow, he managed to understand the meaning behind the plea.
“Is that what you want?” he asked, letting his fingers find the soft skin of my stomach to draw gentle patterns over it. Tears had gathered in my eyes by the time I opened them to look at him. What I found were eyes full of want and warmth; brown eyes crashing through my defenses and reading the darkest desires that lived in the deepest parts of me.
He saw the confirmation he needed, but asked the question, nonetheless. Seeking my consent for the ultimate show of his possession.
“You want me to come inside of you?”
Again, I begged, “Please.”
That time, my hips started to rock more insistently, grinding against him and feeling every detail of his length still inside of me. Spencer was watching me with a look that felt like a reprimand. It continued even after I stopped moving and bit down on my lip to stifle my own sounds.
“Say it,” he ordered.
“Please,” I whined, trying to avoid giving him the last of me. To prevent him from taking everything in a clean sweep and leaving me wholly his. It was a fruitless battle. Because as soon as he thrust further into me, I realized I had already lost the last of my dignity a long time ago.
“Say it.”
“Please!” I cried, becoming breathier and quieter with each word until there was barely any volume left, “Please, Spencer. Please… I want you t-to… come inside o-of me.”
Everything about him changed in that moment. Tight fists loosened with his breathing pattern, indicating that he had found his own freedom in what I’d hoped would be my final submission of the night. His lips dragged over my cheek so delicately that for a second I’d thought he would break me free of my cuffs and hold me closer.
But, somewhat thankfully, that wasn’t what happened. Instead, Spencer lifted me from his lap and pushed me forward. That time there was nothing to break my fall and my cheek hit the desk that had grown cold in my absence.
Spencer didn’t waste any time in continuing where we’d left off, slipping into me with significantly less resistance than before. My body welcomed him as a distraction from my throbbing cheekbone and unsteady ankles.
“You’re such a perfect, pretty little slut,” he groaned. His pace grew faster, and with each taunt, he slammed into me harder. The few items on the desk rattled around me, but I was hung up on hearing every word he said. Each word was punctuated with a particularly brutal thrust, causing the edge of the desk to dig into my stomach.
“Desperate fucking whore,” he continued, letting his pitch drop with his hand pressing against the side of my face, “my favorite fucking toy.”
It was impossible to ignore the feeling of winding in my gut. We could both feel the end approaching, but we clung to the high of one another. Spencer’s chest heaved as he lowered himself over me, forcing himself deeper at the new angle. But that wasn’t the real reason he’d done it— he wanted to be closer to me. He wanted me to hear the way his voice faltered as he whispered, “I’ll take care of you so long as you give me what I want.”
“Anything,” I answered.
He knew it was the truth. So he wasted no time in giving me my final command before burying himself to the hilt inside of me one final time.  
“Come for me.”
The world shattered with us. The pulsing of his cock caused the fluttering muscles around him to shake even more violently, and when I felt him fill me with his release, the most blissful serenity overcame me. Every breath I took felt like it came from his lungs. Every twitch of each muscle was under his command.
Still, I knew that I had given myself to him long before then. This time, it was his submission. It was the loss of the pressure around my wrists and the littering of soft kisses over the side of my neck. I could feel his heart beating even when he withdrew and gently covered me with the soaked panties he’d carelessly pulled to the side.
My arms were too limp to lift me, but I didn’t need them to. Spencer’s arms wrapped around me, lifting me back to my feet and letting me rest against him until I was ready to leave.
But he didn’t know how badly I wanted to stay, because as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the panic in his eyes.
“What now?” he asked, and I didn’t have an answer.
Knock. Knock.
I jumped at the loud sound at the door, expecting to bump into Spencer but finding only the cold, rigid back of my desk chair. I stayed there, disoriented and staring straight ahead at the wall that I had entirely forgotten someone was commanding my attention.
And there stood Spencer, both confused and greatly concerned about finding his new Unit Chief asleep at her desk.
“Oh. Sorry, I wasn’t actually expecting you to be here yet… but I saw the light on.”
I could barely follow his words, too busy trying to fix the bird’s nest on my head and the wrinkles in my clothes. Not to mention the efforts taken to try and rub my eyes free of any sign of the images my mind had just created.
“Did you... sleep here?” he mumbled, already knowing the answer from the fact I was still wearing the same clothes he’d seen me in and the bags under my eyes.
“Um. Yeah, I-uh-I guess I did. Wow.”
“Don’t worry. It happens to all the new Unit Chiefs,” he said with an awkward, dishonest chuckle that did not assure me in the slightest. Despite that, he approached me fairly easily. Comfortably. Like he had done in the dream.
I, on the other hand, looked anything but comfortable. Each step made me inch back in my chair until I hit the bookshelves behind me. Spencer’s eyes narrowed at the sound, but still found the wherewithal to roam over my nervous figure, still twitching and trembling with tensed legs.
“Did you dream about anything interesting?”
I knew then, by the smug tilt of his voice and the soft curve of his lips, that I’d been caught.
“Hm... no... nothing... just... you know,” I managed to mutter. And although he wasn’t convinced, Spencer let me go with what little was left of my dignity.
“Right. Well, I’m going to go get coffee. You should probably do the same.”
“Thanks. Yeah, I should,” I said quickly, hoping it would cut the conversation short.
But right before he was able to step back over the threshold and leave me to die of embarrassment and need in the privacy of my own office, a thought struck me.
“Hey Spencer?”
He stopped in his tracks, turning back to me with an intense curiosity and a now visible smile.
“What’s up?” he innocently replied.
“How would you feel…. about getting your own office?”
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2K notes · View notes
forsworned · 3 years
[♥] academyau!substitute teacher {renguko kyojuro x reader}
Genre: Slight Fluff, Comedy
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kyoujuro Renguko/Reader, Giyuu Tomioka/Reader
word count: 2,538
a/n: this is a pretty long read, so read at your own risk of boredom. i guess it could also b classified as a "x giyuu" but the title is just way too long and kind of throws the main focus off. might turn this into multiple parts so let me know what y'all think! also this is just a filler for the requests i have rn i don't want to leave you guys hanging
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"I literally don't know shit about history."
Giyu sighed in exasperation. "You don't need to know anything about history [first name]. The teacher already has a lesson plan and you literally just need to pass out the papers. I just need you to cover for a couple of a days because one of the teachers are out sick."
You groaned as you threw your head back in annoyance, pushing your feet up against the edge of your desk. Even though it didn't look it Giyu was practically begging you to substitute for one of his coworkers. And he almost never asks for favors.
Giyu ran a hand through his hair. "He's super picky with his subs and everyone he's had come in hasn't come back."
"So you're saying that I'm a good pick." You mused, with your head in your hands with an annoying smug look.
"Don't push it."
You scrunched your face in disgust. "I just really, really don't want to Giyu. Middle school kids are the absolute worst. All they do is make moaning noises and forget or neglect to wear deodarant."
Giyu lightly chuckled. Your eyes darted to watch his usually solemn demeanor melted away into a small smile which immediately disappeared when you caught wind of it.
He cleared his throat and continued to speak like nothing happened.
"Anyway, so you'll do it?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll do it."
Giyu looked pleased with himself when he heard your answer.
"I mean after all, I do owe you like a million and one favors." You sarcastically mused.
Which you kind of did. Giyu was your childhood best friend and always kept your out trouble in the nick of time. Whether it was you getting chased down by the neighborhood cat, or when you got gum stuck in your hair and you didn't want your parents to find out so he quickly snipped it out of your hair with everything seemingly in place like nothing happened. Yeah you could say you were a bit of troublemaker growing up, but Giyu was like the older brother that always looked after you.
"I'm so glad you realized." He replied cooly. "Be here by 7:30AM. Don't be late, I already have enough on my plate and I don't need you embarassing me."
You used your hand to shoo him out of your office space. "Mhm, you can leave now."
"I'm serious."
He squinted his eyes at you."[first name]"
"Ok! I got it. I'll be there 7:30 sharp." You exclaimed throwing your arms up in surrender.
He smirked in satisfaction. "Good."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The morning air was crisp as the sun shone down on your blurred eyes. You absolutely dreaded waking up in the morning and despite that you still agreed to be here. Oh, how you hated that man.
"Good morning." A familiar voice muffled beside you.
Speak of the devil.
He was munching away at his raisin bread walking next to you in the most nonchalant manner. Typical Giyu.
"Shut up." You mumbled miserably.
"You know, you could be a little nicer."
Your eyes narrowed at him. Expression in full death stare mode, but Giyu was as cool as ever, and as always completely unfazed by your behavior. But before you could retaliate, middle and highschool girls were practically lining up to say good morning to Giyu, blushing like mad when he acknowledged them. You on the other hand, were getting the death stares and whispers instead.
"Must be nice to be the heart throb PE teacher." You teased, poking him with your binder.
Giyu ignored you as you walked into the building, showing you to your classroom. You ignored the stares of kids burning holes through your back as you analyzed everything. Tons of inspirational historical quotes lined the walls, pictures and signatures of past and possibly current students covered one single wall. You inspected closely trying to catch a glimpse of who the teacher you were substituting for. One person in particular caught your eye, and he was hot. With a capital H. But before you could look at the other pictures to confirm Giyu called you over.
"Miss [last name], can you come up to the front and introduce yourself."
You sighed as you approached the front of the classroom and watched as the students all stood up. As their whispers got louder, you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Good morning class. I'm going to be your substitute teacher for the day as Mr.--"You glanced over at the desk and moved the plaque in your direction. "--Renguko is out sick today."
As the class bowed in respect getting their good morning greetings, some of the children could't help but show their disappointment. You noticed most of them girls.
"I'll leave them to you." Giyu stated, and then looked at the class. "And be good to your substitute. I don't want to hear anyone misbehaving."
They bowed as he exited the room and now all eyes were on you. You sighed to yourself.
I really gotta learn to say no sometimes.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
To say you were exhausted was an understatement. It’s not that you hated kids or anything, but they always just see to have so much energy and well, you didn’t. Not even a cup of coffee could save you right now. You watched as the clock above your desk ticked and felt yourself getting more and more sleepier by the moment. Your consciousness fleeting as you lie under your warm blankets.
The image of that fiery haired man popped into your head and your eyes shot open.
You totally forgot to ask Giyu about that hot guy!
You let out a loud groan, knowing that your timing was off because now he would most definitely be suspicious if you asked him tomorrow. The curiosity of knowing that man itched at your skin. You absolutely had to know who he was.
What if he was a high school student, or worse a middle school student who looked very grown.
You outwardly icked at the thought, closing your eyes and scrunching your face in disgusted.
No way. He definitely had to be an adult. Maybe even a teacher.
“The history teacher!” You exclaimed out loud, shooting your whole body up.
It had to be him. You smiled victoriously to yourself, mentally patting yourself in the back.
And you had the perfect plan set up to find out.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had to have looked in the mirror for about three hours to make sure you looked absolutely stunning. Hair curled to frame your face perfectly, and make up subtle but very much enhancing your natural features. You rubbed your lips one more time in the mirror before smacking your hands to your face to wake yourself up. Giyu was not going to be happy.
The morning bells chimed and you were seated at the desk welcoming students as they walked in. You discreetly checked your make up in your compact mirror under the desk to make sure nothing was running and not a hair was out of place.
“Perfect.” You whispered to yourself, running a hand through your blow out. All this work for a man that probably wasn’t even a teacher here.
“Miss [last name], what are you doing here.”
You froze at the voice. Nothing could prepare you for the icy glare that Giyu shot down at you. It sent a shiver down your spine. But his glare melted right off of you as you glanced over to the man next to him. Your mystery man finally come true!
“Oh hello, Mr. Tomioka. It’s pleasure seeing you.” You smiled, standing up. You looked right over to the handsome man right next to him. His hair like rays of sunlight with eyes to match. You could barely contain your excitement. “And you must be Mr. Renguko.”
His smile as big as the sun. Scratch that. He was the sun.
Bright, beautiful and fiery. He physically made you warmer just being in his very presence. You could’ve sworn you heard simultaneous female sighs in admiration, but you were way too distracted by how utterly gorgeous he was.
“Yes, I am.” He cheerfully stated. “And you must be the substitute that was in for me yesterday.”
He took your hand in his and you could’ve sworn you melted at his touch. Finely calloused hands, indicating that he worked with his hands a lot. Not that his physique couldn’t already tell you how absolutely fit he was.
“Yes, I am. Your class was wonderful. I didn’t have any problems with them whatsoever.” You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. This really was the man and it took every ounce of you not to pinch yourself to see if you were awake or not.
“So are you going to tell me why exactly you’re here today.” Giyu chimed in. This time his icy glare had no effect.
“Oh yes, I thought I was still scheduled for today. I never heard anything back from Mr.Tomioka so I assumed that I would head back in.” You lied right through your teeth and Giyu could see right through it.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “And I remember emailing you last night confirming that Mr. Renguko was fully recovered and ready to work again.”
You couldn’t see it but Giyu was totally spitting out venom with every single word he spoke. It was almost terrifying, but you were way too distracted by the glow of the man that was the literal sun right beside you.
As if the smile on your face couldn’t get any bigger.
“That’s odd. I don’t remember getting an email.” You innocently put a finger to your lip, and looked upward as if you were searching your head for the memory of the email confirmation that you definitely recall getting.
Giyu’s went from you to Mr.Renguko. And then it finally clicked for him. His shoulder dropped in defeat. He did not have the strength required to dealing with your shenanigans today. He turned around heading out the classroom, raising a hand to dismissively.
“Just don’t burn the place down.”
You gave him two big thumbs up. “You got it!”
"So would you like to observe the class since you're already here?" Mr.Renguko interjected. He motioned to the empty seat right beside his desk and chair.
You beamed at him. "Only if that's okay with your class, of course."
"Oh trust me, they are more than okay with that." He grinned at the students. Most of them smiled and blushed looking away from your direction. You sat there in confusion, but before you could inquire about what he said, he shot out of his seat and grabbed the stack of papers on his desk.
"Alright, class we are going to go over your classwork from yesterday and finish the rest of chapter six."
It seemed like forever until Mr.Renguko had settled into his seat while he let his students work together on their classwork.
"I can see why my students are such big fans of you." He mused. You looked up from your phone and saw him warmly grinning at your face. This time you didn't fight the blood rushing to the surface of your cheeks.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well," He pulled out a stack of notecards and began shuffling through them. "I always have my students write their own evaluations of my substitutes and yours were outstanding. Lots of compliments about your appearance and how you carried the class."
Evaluation? Appearance?
Your jaw went slightly aslack at his words. The only thing that left your lips: "Evaluations...?"
His grin grew. Mr.Rengoku knew that this had caught you off guard but he continued. "Yes, I like to know what substitutes are doing their job and keeping my students in line and comfortable."
You were almost speechless. "Wow, you must really care about your students."
He smiled softly this time, and fondly looked over at his students working diligently and quietly together. "Yes, I do. They're kind of like my own kids. I want the very best for them."
Just when you thought you couldn't admire him anymore that you already did. Hot and caring? It had to be too good to be true. You pointed to the best teacher of the year awards on his desk. "I guess you didn't get those just based off your looks alone then."
He visibly blushed and chuckled at you statement as he rubbed the back of his head. "Nah, I don't think so."
You raised an eyebrow at him and pointed at the wall of photos and signatures that lined his wall. "That wall definitely says otherwise."
He laughed a hearty laugh this time. "I don't really think that's the case. Like I said I just look after my students like their my own. They really are my pride and joy."
It really was incredibly hard to not let yourself melt into a puddle in his presence alone. But before you could collect your thoughts, the lunch bell rang and students filed out to their homeroom's and handing in their assignments on their way out. Most of the girls shot you dirty looks before heading out as a way of showing their contempt towards you before the smiled at Mr.Rengoku who was collecting papers at the doorway. At this point, you literally couldn't blame them. Their teacher was a total hottie and you were practically stealing him right under their noses.
As the last student handed in their assignment, Mr. Rengoku closed the door behind them and approached his desk to set aside the stack of papers. He pulled put a box of tissues, picking one out and sneezed rather loudly into it. Cheeks were now a hue of vermillion and he slighted groaned while holding his head.
"You don't look so good, Mr. Renguko." You stated worriedly.
He waved you off. "Nonsense, I'm fine. And you can drop the formalities when were not in front of students. Call me Kyojuro."
You sighed as you fumbled through your bag handing him some cold and flu pills and a packet of vitamin c. "Ok, Kyojuro. You can call me [first name], but I'm going to need you to take these for me and get on home."
He blew loudly into his tissue before tossing into the trash revealing his very red nose. "I-I'm fine, Miss [last name]-- I mean [first name]. Really, I'm ok." He stuttered as he tried to collect himself and get up. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold himself up for more than ten seconds before collapsing and luckily you were there to catch him. He seemed to have been mumbled incoherent words as he laid heavily in your arms. You sighed as you slowly laid him down on the ground and reached for your cellphone to dial the one person you knew could handle this situation the best.
"You didn't actually burn the place down did you?"
You rolled your eyes. "No, idiot. Teacher down."
"Ah, fuck."
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closedafterdark · 4 years
BLΛƆKPIИK Chaeyoung x Male Reader
7929 words
categories: smut, oral, angst
note: special thanks to @sharpfeelings​ for all the help with this.
Read on AFF
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“Open up! We know you’re in there!”
Two women look at each other, nodding before the taller of the two kicks the door open.
Drawing their guns, they use the built-in flashlight and search the apartment.
“Bathroom’s clear.”
Bedroom’s clear too.”
Reconvening back in the living room, the two look around at the apartment. Despite it being empty, it was evident someone was living here.
“They’re gone. They probably knew we were coming.”
“Goddamn it! First lead we have in weeks and the prime suspect is already gone.”
“Jooyeon unnie. It’ll be alright.”
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Son Jooyeon looks to her side and sees Detective Lee Jinsook staring back and giving her a weak yet reassuring smile. Jinsook was sort of an anomaly. Not exactly green enough to be considered a rookie, yet not having been with the squad the necessary amount of time to be classified as a Senior Detective. Graduating from the academy at the minimum age required to do so, Jinsook was assigned to Starship Precinct as a bright, wide-eyed rookie. Having accumulated several years of experience under the guidance of you, Jiyeon and Jooyeon, Jinsook grew to be much more serious. Still maintaining her friendly demeanor when not on the field, she learned to approach situations cautiously and address all possible outcomes when making a decision.
“You’re right.” Jooyeon said, tapping Jinsook’s hand softly and responding with her own soft smile. “It’s just… this is my first assigned case for the Senior Detective promotion. Usually oppa or Jiyeon unnie would be the one leading everything. And with the Captain wanting to promote you and I... I just don’t want to fuck up.”
“Fucking up is a part of learning.” Jinsook began. Jooyeon’s eyes widened slightly, surprised at hearing how casually her partner cursed. “You guys taught me it’s okay to mess up so long as you use it to improve yourself.”
“Since when have you begun giving life advice? Usually it’s the other way around.” Jooyeon teased.
Jinsook pouted at her, giving her the cutest angry glare before heading for the door.
Jooyeon softly laughs as she also heads for the door.
“Oh, unnie.”
“Jiyeon unnie called the Captain today. She should be returning in a few days.” Jinsook said, turning back as she gave a genuine expression of worry to Jooyeon.
“You haven’t talked to her since the incident, right?”
Jooyeon shook her head, smiling slightly.
“She and I rarely talk to each other anymore.” Jooyeon began, her eyes beginning to glisten. “If anything, she’s closer with the Lieutenant nowadays. I can’t remember the last time Jiyeon unnie and I hungout, just the two of us.”
“Doesn’t help that you slept with her boyfriend, either.”
“H-Hey!” Jooyeon said, softly hitting Jinsook. “She and oppa are on a break.”
“I know you like oppa, unnie. But all three of your relationships will change if you and him get together. You know oppa will prioritize you and unnie’s friendship.”
“I know.” Jooyeon sighed. “It’s just… I really like him. And when we slept together, he made me feel so loved. I just want him.”
“Unnie…” Jinsook said, pulling Jooyeon in for a hug. The two embrace each other for several minutes, Jinsook rubbing the older woman’s bag as she comforts her. When the two let go, Jooyeon wipes away the tears built up. This causes them to laugh slightly and has relaxed her worries.
“Come on unnie, let’s go get some food. Nothing like a tall glass of beer and some spicy barbecue to calm our nerves. Plus, it’ll be fun listening to you talk about oppa while buzzed.” She said, heading for the door. Taking one last look around the empty apartment, Jooyeon is about to leave when something catches the corner of her eye. Kneeling down, she finds a thin piece of slightly durable paper. Black in color, only four words are printed on it in a pink color with a crown emblem.
“How you like that?” Jooyeon read aloud. Taking out her phone, she scrolled through her camera roll and found a photo of the first calling card left behind during the Gangnam Precinct escapes. Contrasting the one she just found, it was a pink background with black font and a square emblem.
“BlackPink in your area…” She said, scrunching her nose. “Just what are they up to?”
You wandered the empty Gangnam streets, surprised at the lack of foot traffic on a random Wednesday afternoon. Not even a full 12 hours have passed since your date and subsequent intimate moment with Son Jooyeon, a colleague you have grown close to ever since she joined the squad, confessing her feelings for you. Not to mention the fact that you and your girlfriend Kim Jiyeon were currently going through a break. Your thoughts are interrupted as you see a woman with long, blonde hair struggle to pick up various congratulatory flower pots. Quickly going to her, you pick up the pot from her arms and bring it inside the shop.
“Oh my, thank you so much!” the woman said, wiping the sweat on her forehead.
“It’s no problem.” you said. “Always happy to help someone in need.” When the two of you make eye contact, you realized she seemed familiar. Stealing a few more glances at her caused you to figure out she was the same woman who helped you choose flowers to bring to Jiyeon at the hospital. It seems she has recognized you as well.
“Oh…” you said to each other.
“Nice to see you again.” the woman said, giving you a smile. Her appearance has changed from the last time you saw her a few days ago. Her long brown hair was now a silky gold color. Her striking makeup was replaced with more natural tones, opting to equip herself with a thin eyeliner and rosy pink lips.
“It’s nice to see you again as well. Didn’t realize I walked all the way over here.” you said, carrying the last of the flower pots inside. As she followed you, she grabbed a spray bottle and tended to the various plants that lined the walls of the boutique. Her side profile caught your attention, as you took notice of her sharp eyes and cute pointed nose.
“So, what brings you by? Did your girlfriend like the flowers you picked out?” She said, returning to the back of the counter to sort through customer’s orders. When she didn’t hear you respond, she turned around and saw the sadness in your eyes. “What happened?”
“She liked the flowers you helped me pick out. But... decided we should take some time apart.” you said, remembering how you accused Jiyeon of being involved in Luda’s case.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry…” she said, sincerity heard in her voice.
“Don’t be, it’s alright. She’s a very emotional person so I understand. We’ve had fights before but I kinda messed things up this time so I’m willing to give her all the space she needs.”
“I’m sure everything will work out between you two.” she said, flashing you her trademark smile. She possessed an elegant vibe to her, a classness you could exactly pinpoint specifically. She spoke in a lower register, which was easily complemented by an exotic accent that made every word sound like honey to you.
“Thank you. I couldn’t help but notice your accent. I guess you aren’t from here?” you asked, wanting to smoothly change topics.
“Ah, yes. I’m actually from Australia. I was actually born in Auckland but moved to Melbourne when I was 7. My parents still live out there and my sister visits me here from time to time. But in my heart, I will always be a Kiwi.” she replied.
“I take it you didn’t move all the way over here just to run a flower shop.” you said.
The woman laughed. “No I didn’t, actually. I came here because I wanted to be a singer. I went to many auditions and went through the training process to debut, but it wasn’t my thing. The extreme dieting, the company pointing out every one of my “flaws”. And the hair dye. God, that stupid fucking hair dye. I had to bleach my hair so many times, my scalp is so dry and my hair is fried.” She picked up strands of her hair to show you how damaged it had become, losing its natural oils. Her hair was slightly frizzy and riddled with split ends.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” you said, unsure of what response would be appropriate.
She shook her head. “You know, despite all of that. I don’t regret any of it. The company I was signed to allowed me to meet some really great people. The final lineup for the group I was in contained myself and three other girls. And although we never got to debut, I’m happy. We went through a lot together, and while we now all live separately, it’s in the same apartment complex so we’re practically neighbors.”
“Sounds like all that trouble was worth it if you made such great friends.”
“It was. Although, sometimes I kinda wished we debuted you know? They were planning on having me be the main vocalist.”
“I’d love to hear you sing sometime.”
“Mmm, that depends.”
“On what?” you said, tilting your head in curiosity.
“I don’t sing for free.” she teased.
“I don’t seem to have any money on me at the moment…” you said, rummaging through your pockets and opening up your wallet.
“I’m just kidding.” she said, laughing. “I don’t need the money. Although, I could never say no to a nice meal.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, miss?” you said, raising your eyebrow slightly.
“What, me? I would never.” she replied, feigning innocence. You noticed her cheeks begin to blush slightly as she coughed cutely and turned away.
“I never said it was a bad thing.” you said, laughing slightly. “But I don’t even know your name. Would be rude of me to not know the name of the person I was going on a date with.”
“I-It’s Roseanne.” she said nervously. “Roseanne Park. But here in Korea, I go by Chaeyoung.”
“Roseanne… that’s a pretty name.” you said. “Any preference on what you like to be called?”
“My friends usually call me Rosie or Chaeng. And I formally go by the name Rosé. But you can call me whatever you like. Just as long as you call me later.” she said, handing you a black business card with pink colored font on it. You observed it, taking note of a rose with the petals designed in the shape of a crown.
“I didn’t expect you to be so smooth. Do you always flirt with customers like this?” you asked.
“No no, I’m not that kind of girl. Well... maybe only to the cute ones.” she said, winking playfully. “Just wanted to share a meal as a thank you for helping me out with those pots my friends sent me. And it seems like you could use someone to talk to.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” you said, waving the business card in the air as thanks before heading for the door.
“I’ll be off in a few hours. Call me then.”
You smiled at her and waved as you left. When you disappear from sight, Chaeyoung returned to tending the flowers inside the shop. She hears the bell chime as the door is opened once more.
“You’re back already? I didn’t expect you to-”
Turning around, Chaeyoung is met by a woman with dark hair slightly taller than her. She quickly bows her head in apology, the woman doing the same.
“I’m so sorry. I had a customer leave just now and thought you were them.”
“It’s alright.” the woman said, smiling.
“What brings you in today, ma’am?” Chaeyoung asked.
The woman fumbles around her pockets before taking something out and opening it up.
“Son Jooyeon, Starship Precinct Senior Detective. I was wondering if you’ve seen anything out of the ordinary recently.”
“No, nothing at all. We’ve been closed the past few days as I was recovering from a bad case of a cold.”
“There’s been a string of high profile robberies lately and we’ve been going to each business asking if they’ve seen any suspicious activity. I apologize for the intrusion.”
“Oh no, it’s perfectly fine. You’re just doing your job. I haven’t been here due to being sick. I even have these terrible tasting capsules I have to consume daily.” Chaeyoung said, holding up a bottle with a disgusted look on her face.
Just then, Jooyeon’s phone began to ring.
“Detective Son speaking. Really… Understood. I’ll be there shortly.”
Hanging up, Jooyeon returned her attention to Chaeyoung. “Sorry about that. Thank you again for your cooperation. Have a good day.”
“Wait, Detective!”
Jooyeon turned around. “If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get that flower?” Chaeyoung pointed to the one currently resting inside her hair.
“Ah, it was given to me by someone very special. Have a good day, ma’am.” Jooyeon said, bowing. As she left, Chaeyoung couldn’t help but think about how familiar that specific flower looked.
It didn’t take very long for several hours to pass. You indeed called Chaeyoung, slightly nervous that you would be viewed as desperate to accept her offer if you did so too early. She told you to give her an extra hour in order to freshen up and prepare for the date, texting you her address and the location of the restaurant you two would be eating at. You decided to take the time to have yourself presentable as well.
Arriving outside what you believed to be was her apartment complex, you were barely able to release a hi as Chaeyoung excitedly told you to start driving. Neither of you spoke during the car ride as she cycled through the various radio stations and recited the lyrics to the various songs she liked. Her sweet voice filled the vehicle with happiness as the two of you drove to the restaurant’s location.
Once you arrived, and earned compliments from Chaeyoung by placing your hand on the passenger side headrest while reversing the vehicle with your left hand, you arrived at the location of your date. The outside of the restaurant looked dated, paint chipping on the walls and windows that have been scratched up. Getting out of the vehicle, you quickly ran to the passenger’s side and opened the door for Chaeyoung.
“Such a gentleman.” she said, accepting your hand to help her out of the car.
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Park Chaeyoung wore a very elegant look - black skinny jeans that showed off her long legs and nicely sculpted thighs, a white button up shirt tucked in with a skinny black tie, a heather gray blazer that complimented her outfit nicely even though it was slightly big on her, and a white designer bag that she wore on her body. Her blonde hair that she cursed about was neatly combed, not a singular hair out of place. The black knee high boots she wore were so perfectly fitting, you weren’t sure where they ended and her jeans began. She wore minimal makeup, choosing only to equip herself with pink lipstick. The people who passed by began to silently whisper to each other about how beautiful she looked. Chaeyoung looked ready to have her photo taken on a fashion runway in any minute, not having dinner with a customer she asked out.
“Your finest bottle of red wine, please.” Chaeyoung said as she handed the menu to the waiter. Looking at you, you quickly told the waiter your order and followed suit.
“Isn’t this place a bit too fancy?” you asked, scanning the room.  All the employees wore black ties. You knew this was a fancy restaurant the moment you saw the waiters draping a towel on their arm as they tipped the wine bottle without letting the tip hit the rim of the glass. But what really tipped you off were the prices and the various plates of food arriving. The small portions of food inside such large plates.
“The steak here is amazing. And the lobster is caught fresh everyday.” Chaeyoung said. “Plus, it’s your treat.”
“I’m sorry, what?” you said, coughing after you drank water too quickly while listening to her talk. She looked at you confused.
“You’re the one who asked me out. Shouldn’t the person who does so pay?”
“But you’re the guy. Think about how people would react if I had to pay for the meal.”
“Wow, you really are something Park Chaeyoung. Times really should change. Women are able to pay fully for dates too.” you replied.
“So tell me about yourself.” Chaeyoung said as the food arrived. She cut into her steak delicately, the meat sliced with little pressure from the knife as your eyes are met with a perfectly medium rare center. Taking the piece in her fork, she uses it to wipe the sauce on her plate before putting it into her mouth. Despite the elegant environment, Chaeyoung stuffed her face. You smiled seeing her cute cheeks expand with food as she hums in satisfaction with each bite. And while you still weren’t sure if this was a date or not, you were happy to spend time with a beautiful woman who could eat well.
“What’s there to say… my life is pretty boring. Everyone thinks being a detective means I get to experience dead bodies or intense hostage situations on a daily basis. But really, it’s a lot of paperwork and sitting in front of a computer. I graduated from the academy a bit later than others. Being a beat cop for a year was very boring. During my very first field assignment, I forgot to carry a set of cuffs. I’ve had the same routine for the past four years up until three days ago. For the first time in forever, I have more time to myself than I know what to do with. So, I’m just taking things day by day.”
When you finally finished talking, you saw Chaeyoung staring at you. Her mouth was agape as the piece of steak on her fork was raised midair. You laughed at seeing her in shock. Snapping your fingers, her attention returned to you.
“Was I boring you?” you said, laughing.
“No! No, it’s just... that sounded so cool.” Chaeyoung said, choosing her words carefully. “I wish I had more structure in my life. It feels like I’m finally able to do what I want but don’t know where to begin.”
“Sometimes it’s nice to be free. Live in the moment and let things happen. Too much structure and routine is a hard habit to break.”
Chaeyoung smiles at you as she finishes her glass of wine and flags down the waitress to ask for another bottle. You sighed, your wallet was going to cry by the time the meal was over.
With both of your stomachs full - Chaeyoung’s more than yours, you sat inside your car and relaxed. You almost went into cardiac arrest once the waiter arrived with the final bill, but seeing her beautiful eye smile caused you to shake your head and smile as you gave them your card and signed the check.
At her insistence, the two of you drove to a bubble tea shop. You claimed to be full - an obvious excuse as you didn’t want your wallet to bleed any further. Chaeyoung hit your shoulder as she realized what you meant and told you she would pay. After waiting several minutes, Chaeyoung hears her name being called and picked up her order. Holding onto the tray, she hands you a bubble tea.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“Something sweet as a thank you for paying.” Chaeyoung said as she sipped her bubble tea cutely. You watched her cheeks huff as she closed her eyes in excitement.
While the two of you consume your drinks, you tell her about a story from your rookie days when you overslept and left your house so quickly, you forgot to put on pants. She laughed at every joke, even some that weren’t funny at all. You were thankful, enjoying her company as it provided you a distraction from your current struggles in the romance department.
Your conversation is cut short when the both of you feel droplets hitting you. Looking down, you see the cold sidewalk begin to be pelted with polka dot stains that gradually increase into pouring rain. The customers enjoying their drinks and the nighttime ambience quickly enter the shop, as you look to Chaeyoung and seemingly tell her to head to the car with your eyes. Neither of you carrying an umbrella, you do your best to shield her from the rain with your hands while the two of you run to the car.
The two of you set off aimlessly, the windshield wipers set on the maximum setting as you try your best to make out the road ahead of you. You look to your side and see Chaeyoung visibly nervous. She looks back at you when she feels your hand placed atop hers as you gently squeeze it and give her a warm smile.
“It’s pouring out there. I don’t think we’ll be able to get home. It’s not safe to drive right now.” you said.
“There’s a hotel a few miles from where we’re currently at.” Chaeyoung said, scrolling through her phone.
“You sure that’s okay?”
“It’s either that or we risk our lives in the blinding rain.”
“Fair enough. Just input the address in the navigation system.”
What should have been a 20 minute drive became 40 as the directions sent you off in a route that was longer than needed. Wanting to give up half an hour in, Chaeyoung provided moral support and cheered you on when you took a 5 minute breather. Luckily, there was one open vacancy available when you arrived.
The room was simple yet fairly spacious. One bed, a large desk with a built in television and writing area, a mini fridge fully stocked with overpriced snacks, and a balcony with what normally has a nice view of Seoul’s downtown area. Entering the bathroom, you noticed it fully stocked as well along with two pearly white bathrobes. Grabbing a towel, you freshen up by splashing cold water on your face. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you wondered how you got into this situation. 
You were thankful for a fun day with Chaeyoung, but expected to be relaxing in your own apartment by now, not in a hotel room very late at night. When you exited, you saw Chaeyoung trying to reach for the window curtain wand to give the room more privacy. You laughed softly seeing her struggle and chose to observe her. She tries with all of her might, standing on her tiptoes. Finally getting the wand she turns around and is greeted by you smiling at her. Feeling embarrassed, she turns around quickly before stumbling her footing. Seeing her about to fall, you managed to grab onto her before the two of you landed on the bed. The two of you locked eyes, both of you having neutral expressions. You can hear your heartbeat rapidly increasing as you feel Chaeyoung’s soft breath coming from her nose.
“I should go take a bath…” you said, trying to excuse yourself from the situation. Slowly getting up, you feel yourself pushed back onto the bed as Chaeyoung’s expression has changed. No longer was the shy, innocent woman staring at you. The look you saw in her eyes was one you knew all too well, a look that Jiyeon gave you at work whenever she felt stressed. Lust.
“Stay. I… I want you. Please.” Chaeyoung begged, her accent lacing each word with pure seduction. 
The seriousness of her tone left you far more aroused than you would like to admit. Chaeyoung leaned down and pressed her lips against yours. They had a unique softness to them, feeling like they could melt away from the heat your own were providing. Your breaths began to get heavy as your arms wrapped behind her back and pulled her closer to you. Chaeyoung nibbled on your lower lip, allowing further entry as she pushed her tongue inside your mouth. The two of you fought for control over the other as you helped her out of her coat. Chaeyoung rolled over so that you were on top of her as you both began unbuttoning each other’s shirts. She quickly loosened her tie and threw it into a far off corner of the room.
Both of your tongues and hands explored and searched each other. Your mouths locked together the entire time, with your hands wanting to explore her milky soft skin, slightly annoyed at her cute yet still present clothing being worn. Freeing each other of your shirts, you see Chaeyoung shyly brush as her lacy red bra is exposed to you. Her breasts were on the smaller side, but enough of a handful for you to play with.
Wanting to be back on the bottom, the two of you free each other of your pants until you are both left in your underwear. Chaeyoung’s cute bubble butt complimented her thighs, which were now locked onto your lap. You felt her rub her crotch back and forth against your cloth imprisoned shaft. Running your hands across her smooth thighs, you stop when it is in front of her underwear. You felt the heat radiating from her, Chaeyoung’s perfume hypnotizing you with its intoxicating smell. Grabbing onto her hips, you gently lower her back onto the bed. Your hands move back down, grasping the helm of her sheer laced panties and pull them down. You find, much to your delight, that she is already leaking as it dribbles out of her.
Pulling you back in for a kiss, you reciprocate her earlier action and bite her lower lip while simultaneously sucking on it. Chaeyoung moans as you leave a trail of kisses down her neck and chest, coating her skin and faintest amount of cleavage with your saliva. Your kisses continue as you make sure not to leave out her tummy. Chaeyoung’s moans rapidly increase in volume as you get closer to her thighs. Upon reaching the inner apex of them, you add strong licks and paint her inner creases with your tongue. You lick your lips in satisfaction upon being face to face with her inviting warmth.
You marvel at the sight of her long, milky legs as her soft thighs do little to prevent them from being closed. As her lips glisten from her juices, you watched Chaeyoung gently run her middle finger between her folds until it reaches the bottom. Dragging it slowly upward, she adds her index finger and traces the outline of her lips. She touches herself softly, her erotic moans complemented by her accent. You watched her eyes slowly close as the pleasure began to course through her body. Her breathing becomes hitched, but she manages to regain enough composure to open her eyes and smile seeing you enamoured by the show she is displaying for you. Her voice has become soft, but no less lacking in desire.
“Please… taste me.”
You returned to the previous position you were in when you removed her panties, swiftly removing your boxers and freeing your hard cock. Controlling yourself, you began by planting soft kisses on her thighs. You enjoyed the feeling of her soft, milky skin each time your lips made contact with them. You caressed her legs, taking note of how muscled yet tender her skin was at the same time. Chaeyoung’s body was slim, but her thighs were a sight to behold.
You continued leaving kisses, repeating the process on her other leg until you were finally back where you started - in between her legs. Believing you have given an adequate amount of time for foreplay and teasing, you dive right in. You stick your tongue out to taste the bottom of her slit. Chaeyoung gasps as she feels you make contact with her for the very first time. Her gasps quickly turn into long, satisfied moans as you press your tongue against her lips and give her deep, strong licks.
You wanted to savor every inch of Chaeyoung, a woman you’ve only met twice and were technically still on a date with at the moment. Her drawn out, erotic melody moans keep your attention focused on what is in front of you. Giving her slow licks, you savor the rapidly dampening flesh until you finally suck her clit.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good.”
Chaeyoung runs her fingers through your hair until it rests behind your head. Using both of her hands, you feel her nails digging into your scalp. It is painful, but is well worth it knowing you’re giving her body pleasure. The moans that escape her mouth each time you lick and suck her delicious folds motivates you to continue.
You hold onto her hips as your thumbs gently part her lips even more. The wet flesh feels so soft and inviting. You move your tongue in a wave motion as you give her rapid fast licks. You consumed the nectar leaking out of her, savoring its sweet taste. Getting accustomed to you eating her pussy, Chaeyoung was not prepared when you surprised her by biting her clit.
“Oh… fuck!” she shouted, closing her eyes as her voice was so intense that the pleasure coursed through her body. A bit surprised at how suddenly she came, you are quickly pushed between her legs. Chaeyoung feels the same way as she wraps her legs behind you and pushes your head deeper. Her taste and aroma felt intoxicating, the both of you experiencing a high that could not be replicated by any drug.
Eventually, her body stops violently shaking as her body tense up. She was unable to move her limbs from the pleasure. You were content with yourself, satisfied at your partner’s reaction to your oral skills. You consumed whatever you could, replacing her leaking juices with kisses all over her lower body as you waited for her to recover.
“Fuck… that was… fuck…”
She finally opened her eyes and saw you licking your lips, enjoying the taste of her juices on your tongue. You gave her pussy a deep, long kiss before mirroring your earlier actions and replacing your soft kisses on her tummy earlier. Reaching behind herself, Chaeyoung unhooks her bra and finally frees her chest.
Her eyes were a mix of slight satisfaction and another emotion you couldn’t quite tell. It looked like an unquenchable lust. But it carried a heaviness to it, an appearance of a woman who wanted to be loved.
You climbed back upwards until you were both at eye level, your arms supporting yourself on the bed. Chaeyoung gives you the same sweet smile from earlier at the bubble tea shop that warms your heart as you lower your face to hers and press your own lips against hers. The two of you shared a rather passionate kiss, her arms wrapping around your neck as you feel her legs spread open. She whines softly when you break the kiss, but it quickly becomes a moan as her soft skin is given copious amounts of kisses on her cheeks, neck and upper chest.
Bringing your hand to her right breast, you fondle it as your mouth takes in her left breast. Her nipple begins to harden as you tease it with your tongue. The breast you are fondling is given the same treatment as you gently rub it between your index finger and thumb, pinching it gently. Although they were small, her breasts were inviting. You truly wanted to savor Chaeyoung’s skin, as her long, drawn out sultry moans let you know she was enjoying it as much as you.
Your eyes were on Chaeyoung the entire time. Seeing her head tilt back as the steady stream of moans continued. She looked down and seemed to have read your mind.
“C-Can… Can you fuck me now? Please. Fuck me, please baby.”
As you line your bodies up, you are about to tease her when you feel Chaeyoung grab onto your thighs.
“I… want to be fucked from behind.” she said, her words mere needy whispers.
Giving yourself a few quick strokes, you roll Chaeyoung onto her stomach before pushing yourself forward into her wet pussy. Few feelings could outdo the sensation of entering a woman for the very first time. Despite the many times you’ve done so, it always gave you genuine excitement and satisfaction. Jiyeon and Jooyeon were tight in their own regard, but Chaeyoung made them feel like a hollowed out cave.
Chaeyoung’s body reacted to you being inside her by moving her hips and cute round butt against your cock. Both of you savored the feeling of your hard flesh inside her pussy.
“Oh fuck, baby… Fuck me… Please fuck me…”
Removing your cock from her body, you are delighted to see it glistening in her juices as it appears from between her soft buttcheeks. You withdraw yourself until only the tip of your cock is left inside her before thrusting back inside, your shaft spreading her lips and entering her warm, inviting flesh.
It doesn’t take very long for you to establish a rhythm with which to fuck Chaeyoung from behind with. Having sex with a woman on her hands and knees in front of you was your favorite position - next to a woman being on her knees with your cock in her mouth. And while you’ve had your fair share of women before Jiyeon that you considered to be tight, all of them would be put to shame by Chaeyoung. Unlike sex with Jooyeon, a coworker and close friend, sex with Chaeyoung was quite possibly on par with Jiyeon - an affirmation of a romantic relationship between two people who discovered feelings for each other. While it was still the physical action of sex, it was a way your bodies spoke to each other to confirm your feelings through pleasure.
You felt Chaeyoung’s hips wriggle with each thrust of your own inside her body. Her moans increase in volume while being what you believed, individual in the way you were pleasuring her. The wet, hot feeling of her pussy wrapped around your cock was incredible.
Having used her hips for support, you bring your hands to her ass, firmly squeezing her cheeks with both hands. You were delighted to see them create soft ripples with each collision of your crotch against hers. Chaeyoung gasps in surprise when she feels you give her ass a spank.
“Baby, fuck me… Fuck me harder.” She gasps. Chaeyoung no longer wanted to be fucked by you. She wanted pure pleasure.
You satisfied her desires, giving her hard, deep thrusts as your cock moved in and out of the tight grip of her pussy.
Holy fuck… Yes! Oh yes!” she screamed, throwing her head back as you increased the pace. “Fuck me just like that!”
Through your repeated thrusts, you seemed to have discovered a sweet spot that gives Chaeyoung the most amount of pleasure. It takes you a few tries, but soon your cock is repeatedly hitting that spot as you maintain the same speed and depth of your thrusts. You know it won’t be long until her orgasm arrives, having seen the same signs from Jooyeon and Jiyeon - the ever increasing volume of her moans, the way her fists grasp onto the sheets for support as the pleasure courses throughout her entire body, and of course the way her hot, tight pussy maintains a firm hold on your cock.
“Baby… I’m about to cum! I’m gonna cum so hard!”
“Do it, Chaeyoung. Cum on my cock. Surrender yourself to pleasure and cum for me!”
“Baby… I’m cumming! Oh, fuck!”
Chaeyoung’s body tightens up as the pressure explodes, her pussy clamps down hard on your cock. You wanted to keep thrusting into her hard, but her orgasm has made her pussy far too tight for you to continue. Her cute, small fists form a deadly grip on the bedsheets below as her face sinks down onto the soft cotton pillow. You see her arms give out as her upper body collapses onto the bed.
The sound Chaeyoung made is the same sound you hear when a woman orgasms, an erotic sound that will never be old to you.
Chaeyoung’s second orgasm of the night was even more intense than the first, and as such, takes her several minutes to recover from. You relished at the sight of her body still bent over in front of you, your cock still inside her tight pussy. The light from above gave you a good view of her toned back that was lined with sweat.
“Baby… holy fuck, that was amazing.” she said, panting heavily.
You smiled at her words, giving a gentle squeeze on both of her asscheeks as a response.
“I want you to keep fucking me, baby.”
Drawing your cock out of her body, you watch as Chaeyoung straddles your lap. Thinking she was going to turn around and face you, Chaeyoung shoots down that theory as she strokes your cock before lowering herself onto it. You are given an alluring view of her sweaty back as she starts riding you. Her round ass slams down against your crotch with each movement of her hips. She was slim, but contained a small amount of curves in the right locations as you slap her ass cheek with a flat palm.
Chaeyoung throws her head back and lets out erotic, satisfied moans with each slap on her ass.
“Does Chaeyoung love getting her ass slapped like this?” you asked, knowing full well what her response will be.
“Y-Yes, ah!” Chaeyoung moaned. “Is my p-pussy tight enough for you?”
“I think it could be tighter.” you teased.
“Make me cum again and it will.”
Chaeyoung fucks herself on your cock for a few more minutes before regretfully removing her body from yours. You whined softly at the feeling of no longer being inside her, but it is short-lived as Chaeyoung gets off the bed and gets on her knees. She extends her hands out for yours as you take them and stand in front of her.
Her eyes remained fixed on you, taking her position between your spread legs. You looked down and saw her beautiful face filled with lust.
She takes you inside her mouth, your cock drenched in her juices. She bobs her head quickly, working on your cock as her tongue paints your underside and her hands massage your balls and thighs. Her tongue swirls around the tip of your cock, satisfied at how sensitive your tip is to her touch.
Chaeyoung’s moans send vibrations of pleasure throughout your cock, as you savor the delicious tingles of her mouth around your shaft. Her ultimate goal was to give you the very same pleasure you gave her.
“Chaeyoung… I’m… I’m close.”
“I knew you wouldn’t be able to last much longer in my tight pussy. And while I’m sure you want nothing more than to cum inside me, I want you to watch me swallow your cum.” Chaeyoung said softly as she took your cock back inside her sweet, wet lips.
Her beautiful brown eyes met yours as her lips formed an airtight seal around your cock. Her slim fingers massaging your balls was too much for you to handle.
“I’m cumming…” you say as your orgasm finally arrives. You bobbed her head up and down as quickly as you can before pushing her head all the way down to your base. Your cock throbbed as it releases hot, thick semen into Chaeyoung’s warm and inviting mouth. She manages to push her head back from your hold, opening her mouth to allow you to see your cum shoot into her mouth, painting her tongue and back of her mouth a milky white color. Her eyes crinkle in satisfaction, seeing your face riddled with pleasure.
You were surprised you managed to keep your eyes open the entire time you came. This was the first time you ever saw yourself cumming inside a woman’s mouth. And it was safe to say, it certainly wouldn’t be the last. When you finally finished, you watched Chaeyoung wipe her lips to catch the remaining droplets of cum before closing her mouth and swallowing your load down her throat. She sticks her bright pink tongue out at you with a satisfied hum and laugh, letting you know she enjoyed your tasty treat.
You collapsed back onto the bed, completely exhausted. Chaeyoung climbed on the bed shortly after, licking your cock clean before making her way on top of you. Your foreheads rested against each other, before she cupped your cheeks and gave you a deep, passionate kiss. You opened your eyes and found yourselves staring at each other longingly.
“That was amazing…” you said, mirroring her earlier sentiments.
“You were too, baby. You made me feel like a lovesick girl.” she said, pushing back her damp blonde hair.
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“It doesn’t matter.” she said. “You really were amazing, though. I’ve never been fucked like that before. That was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.”
You smiled as she began tracing a finger across your chest.
Chaeyoung gave you even more loving kisses as she feels your cock slowly start to harden underneath her.
“Bad boy…” she said, reaching behind her to grab a hold of your shaft. “Already so hard for me again.”
“What can I say, you know how to make a person want more.” you said, resting your hands on her ass before giving her a firm squeeze. Chaeyoung playfully hits your shoulder in response.
Just as she is spreading her legs and lowering her body back onto yours, your phone suddenly rings. You give each of her asscheeks a slap before gently removing her body off yours.
You grabbed your phone from the desk and quickly headed out to the balcony.
Chaeyoung sits up on the bed and wraps her body in the comforter. At the nightstand next to her, she hears her own phone begin to ring.
“Mudkip, it’s Hyunjung.”
“Hi, Lieutenant. You know I hate that nickname.” you sighed. “What’s up?”
“I’m not even supposed to be doing this since you’re still suspended, but I cashed in my redemption. Your request has been fulfilled.”
“Really? That’s great news. Thanks so much.”
“Are you sure this person can help us? From my brief conversation with them, they didn’t seem too happy when your name was mentioned.”
“They can… if anyone is going to be able to help us, it’s them.”
“Understood. Be safe, okay? Your suspension ends on Monday.”
“I know. Thank you, Lieutenant.”
“You’re welcome. But if you really want to thank me, bring me some bubble tea when you return. Hyunjung loves bubble tea.”
“Hyunjung really does love her bubble tea…” you replied. “Thanks again, I’ll see you Monday.”
“Chaeyoung… is your mission complete?”
“Yes, unnie. I made contact with him and got the digital imprint of his phone like you asked.”
“Good. So… how was he? How big was he? He better not be like that last guy you slept with.”
Chaeyoung sighed. “Yes Jennie unnie, he was big. I don’t know why you have to ask that every time I sleep with a guy.”
Seeing you enter from the balcony, Chaeyoung whispers quietly into the phone. “I’ll call you later.”
“Are you ready for round two?” she asked, ending the call as she turns around and cutely wags her butt at you.
“Chaeyoung…” you said. Noticing the seriousness in your voice, she turned around and faced you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Something came up, I have to leave.”
“What, right now? But we were about to start round two, where we get in the shower and fuck me until I can’t stand.”
“I know, and I really want to. But it’s important. You understand, right?”
“I do…” she said, pouting. She smiled weakly as you planted a long, tender kiss on her lips.
“I’ll be back soon.”
As you quickly dress up and leave Chaeyoung by herself, you give her one final wave before exiting the room. Chaeyoung sighs as she stares at a black domino mask and pearl necklace.
“I really like him… but we can never be together. Especially when he finds out who I am.”
The meeting location the Lieutenant gave you was not too far from the hotel. Thankfully, the storm has passed as the smell of rain perfumed the nighttime air. You finally reached your destination 10 minutes later.
Entering it, you scan the cafe until you find the person you were looking for. Approaching them, you see them sipping on a piping hot cup of tea. You timidly sit across from them.
“Thanks for agreeing to see me on such short notice.” you said.
The person doesn’t respond, sipping their cup of tea instead.
“How have… you been?” you continued. You watched as they finally lowered their cup.
“You know she will kill me if she found out I agreed to meet you.”
“What can you tell me about the robbery that happened a few days ago?” you said, your tone becoming serious.
They looked at you intently, before sighing and taking out a case file from their bag.
“Four women. They hit hard and strike like thunder. They wore masks and left no traces of print or hair. They clearly know what they are doing. Stole a couple million in jewels and denominations.”
“What about the security system?”
“Disabled. Along with CCTV. One of them was believed to be disguised as a repairer. They work in pairs. Two act as bait while the other two sneak underground and execute the plan.”
“They’ve never been ID’d?”
The person shook their head. “Nothing in our database at all. Whoever they are, they’re a ghost in the system’s eyes.”
“But…” they said, causing your eyebrow to raise. “I have a hunch on who. Interpol sent these in this morning.”
They handed you another envelope containing four photos. The first three seemed unfamiliar causing you to pay no attention to them. That is - until you reached the last photo.
“Are these legitimate?”
“You know Interpol wouldn’t send us fakes. Why?”
“This person.” you said, holding up the photo.
“She has the second highest bounty. Interpol has a file on her in several other countries, namely Australia and New Zealand.” They noticed your expression changing. “Why?” they repeated.
“I was just with her…” you said. 
“How is she?” you said, changing your tone to let them know you were talking about someone else.  “I heard she’s Captain now.”
“I still don’t know why I’m here. Your Lieutenant told me you were still suspended. I could lose my job for talking to you about work off the clock.”
“You know she and I didn’t end on good terms and that affected a lot of my relationships with people. Especially ours, you and I were best friends.”
“Please…” you continued. “You know I wouldn’t ask you in this way if I had any other choice.”
“I need your help. I need your help, Kim Bora.”
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oneshot-wxnderland · 4 years
Lab Partners With Benefits Pt. 1 | Percy Jackson
Summary: Y/n becomes lab partners with Percy, the quiet guy who sits in the back and seems a mystery to the world, but Y/n ends up getting closer to him than she expected. A lot closer.
Category: smut
Part 2 | Part 3
          “Ms. Y/l/n,” your TA, Mack, called you up to the front when you walked into your lab. You approached him, trying not to get nervous. You weren’t in trouble, right? That’s such a childish thing to worry about now that you were in college, but you still felt a rush of relief when he continued,“It appears that your former lab partner has dropped this class.”
          This didn’t really surprise you, while Sam was nice and did her share of work, she never stopped talking about how much she missed home, so you were pretty sure that she had just dropped out of school all together.
          “And while normally dropping a class in the middle of a semester is unadvisable at best, this time it works out fine since we have a group of three.”
          The room was starting to fill up now and you looked around to spot your possible new partner.
          “You can partner with...” Mack peered down his roster before looking back up to you. “Percy Jackson. Mr. Jackson!”
           You saw the boy in question’s head pop up and his gaze move from Mack to you. “Meet your new lab partner, you guys can move to the back table.”
          Aside from introductions on the first day, you hadn’t ever heard him speak in class, you only knew him as the quiet guy who sat in back. Admittedly, he was attractive, but it was the “never going to happen, so why bother?” kind of attractive. Except now that you were walking up to him, seeing him up close and becoming hotter with each step, you began to think that he was going to become quite the bother.
          “Hey,” He greeted you when you sat down next to him. His voice was deeper than you thought it would be, probably because you were still used to high school guys.
          The silence between you two turned awkward as you listened to Mack explain the lab. Percy kept fidgeting and accidentally brushing his arm or leg against yours and you wondered if this lab table was smaller than your old one because all you could focus on was the guy next to you. 
          You felt like you were about to burst when Mack finally told you all to start working.
          “I’ll get it,” you said and quickly left the table grateful for the distraction of grabbing the bin of rocks you had to classify. What is going on? Has it been that long since you and your boyfriend broke up that just sitting next to a guy has you hot and bothered?
          Get it together, Y/n. 
          Unfortunately, as soon as you turned around you caught Percy’s eyes flick from your lower half to the paper in front of him. 
          Oh boy.
          The rest of the lab was excruciatingly long. You could hardly focus on your work with his thigh pressed against yours, and his bouncing leg making sure you didn’t forget about it. You nearly dropped the rock you were holding when he leaned in close and reached around you to you to grab a sample from your side of the table. His breath on your neck caused you to bite your lip and you almost sat back into his arm, but thankfully he pulled away before you could embarrass yourself further. 
          After that incident you were determined to push him from your thoughts and focus on classifying the stupid rocks so that you could finally go.
           “Wait, that guy?” Lauren’s eyebrows shot up when you mentioned your new lab partner. 
          “Yeah....” Your carefully neutral tone must have betrayed you because you found yourself being stopped and facing your friend. 
          “Oh no you don’t.” 
          “No way, Y/n. He’s bad news.”
          You shrugged her off and scoffed. “I never said I-.”
          “You didn’t have to, it’s all over your face.” She wasn’t going to let this go. “You have a weakness for mysteries and that guy is a giant one.”
          This caused you to laugh. “Even if I did, how do you even know him?”
          “He’s in my psych class,” she looked around, then lowered her voice conspiratorially. “He sometimes leaves the middle of class in a hurry, he never talks to anyone, and he has a weird tattoo.”
          “You do realize that you just described half of the collegiate population, right?” Lauren was big on any conspiracy theory or mystery she could find, so of course she decided to invent one about Percy.
          “I think he’s in a gang.” She whispered to you with the utmost sincerity and you laughed.
          “You’ve got to be joking.”
          “I’m not.” She sighed when she saw that she wasn’t getting through to you and shook her head. “Just be careful with that one, Y/n.”
          One week later and your lab class had gone annoyingly similar to the last one. The tension between you and Percy was unbearable. At one point he reached down to grab something from his backpack and his fingers grazed your thigh. You attempted to cover your sharp intake of breath with a cough, but judging by the way he brushed the same spot again on the way up, lingering for far too long for it to not be on purpose, he saw right through it. 
          “Wanna come over and work on the write-up at my place?” 
           The question shocked you and you paused packing up your things to look at him. He didn’t radiate evil villain energy like Lauren seemed to think, but there definitely was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on. That made you want to find out more. You knew you should’ve said no. You barely knew the guy! And yet... When you met his gaze you couldn’t help but accept his invitation.
          The short walk to his building was similar to the silence that you both usually worked in, but now it wasn’t awkward, it was anticipatory. 
          “My roommates aren’t here so we have the place to ourselves,” he commented as he unlocked the door.
          “Okay.” He opened the door and let you in, locking it behind him. You two stood there looking at each other. “We should get started.”
          “Yeah, we should.” Your backpacks dropped to the floor as his hands met your waist and pushed you back against the door. 
          One of your hands pulled him to you by his shoulder while the other threaded itself in his hair and brought his lips to yours. Your mind went blank as his mouth moved eagerly against yours, pressing you in between his hard chest and the door. 
          This is so wrong. I barely know this guy!
          But the way his hands gabbed your hips and pulled them into his made your mind go blank. You had never felt anything like this in any of your previous relationships. It was always just simple kisses and when things had gone farther it was nice, but the way Percy seemed to be putting everything he has into kissing you made you realize all that you were missing. 
          You were so focused on the way his teeth caught your bottom lip that you didn’t notice his hands sliding to your thighs until they pulled you up. Automatically, your legs wrapped around his waist and your gasp allowed his tongue to meet yours.
          Time seemed to stop completely while you were wrapped in his arms and only the jiggling of the door handle broke the moment.
          Your eyes widened as you pictured the embarrassing scene to come when his roommate finds you pressed against their door, but you heard, “Wrong door, idiot.” come from the hallway.
          Percy’s chest heaved with a sigh of relief and you looked back at each other. The intensity of the moment was gone but if you kept looking into those sea green eyes you knew it would be back fast. 
          Surprisingly, you were grateful for the strangers interruption because now your head was clear and you knew that if not for them, you would have done anything Percy wanted. But Lauren’s warning in the back of your mind kept nagging at you that this was a bad idea. That he was a bad idea. 
          Sensing your hesitancy he let you down, but the look of disappointment on your face kept him close. 
          “Ah, we should...” You tried to remember the reason you came over to his apartment in the first place. “Um...”
          “Yeah...” He stepped away from you and it felt like the air pressure changed. “Geology... rocks.”
          “Rocks,” you agreed and picked your backpack up off the ground. “Yeah, rocks.”
Part 2 
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
a different type of high (spencer reid/reader) pt 5
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Title: A Different Type of High (part five)
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader
Category: angst/fluff 
Content Warning: swearing, mentions of drug use/withdrawl, mentions of narcotics anonymous, anxiety, comments about someone’s weight (for like a quick second), mentions of smoking (cigarettes)
Word Count: 4,192
Summary: Reader goes to the BAU offices to meet the rest of the team, where they find out how Spencer met them. And reader and Emily have a heart to heart about their life.
A/N: i don’t have much to say here, other than thanks for reading this and loving it so much. I wasn’t expecting it to get as much attention as it’s getting! so thank you all for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
previous part    series masterlist    next part
A white and blue plastic tag was clipped to my nicest shirt. The word ‘VISITOR’ was printed in bright red at the bottom. I glanced at Spencer, feeling my anxiety start to rise in my stomach and up my throat. He seemed different here. I supposed he had to be different here because it was, indeed, his job. He had to pretend to not be a drug addict, and going through tough shit in life with some girl he met at NA. 
“Can we get lunch after?” I looked up at him as we stepped onto the elevator. Spencer was close beside me and it was nice having his presence so close to me. “Or coffee or something?” I looked back at the doors of the elevator. The lighting was more of a crispy white light, and I’m sure the rest of this building has this bright and blinding light.
“Of course… My treat since I brought you out here,” Spencer looked back down at me. He lifted an arm and wrapped it around back in a weird side hug. I swallowed and nodded before looking at the ground. 
“Do you know what we’re going to tell them?” I looked back up at him. And before he got the chance to answer, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. I dropped my shoulders and looked at the now open doors.
Spencer looked down at me with an apologetic look in his eye. He slowly lifted his hand, offering it to me to hold as some sort of comfort. I stared at it for a moment before grasping it. I looked up at his face and forced a smile, silently telling him that we could move. The lobby was very open and large. A large glass window/door showed a series of desks and a few offices. And hallways led off of either side of the door to more offices. 
“We can stop at my desk first before we go see anyone,” Spencer whispered as we walked towards the doors. I looked back up at him and nodded. “Are you okay?” his voice filled with genuine worry.
“Yeah,” I mumbled and stayed close beside him. I wouldn’t dare tell him that I was scared shitless because then he’d feel bad for taking me here. And I don’t want him to feel bad because this was my decision to come here. He wanted me to meet his friends and family. In fact, I wanted to meet his friends and family. 
The expression on his face told me that he was worried. So, me trying to not make him feel bad wasn’t working out. I guess if I pretended like everything was okay and faked it all, he’d be okay. Spencer’s a smart man, he knows how to read people (I mean, that is basically his job). To be fair, I’ve never exactly imagined stepping foot in a government facility while I struggled with drugs. And, maybe the anxiety I was feeling wasn’t from meeting actual FBI agents, but instead, it was withdrawal...
“I didn’t know you played chess” I looked at the small chessboard on the desk we were walking towards. I only assumed it was his, it just had a vibe that suited him. “My mom showed me how to play when I was 12, but… It’s been a while since I last played,” I shrugged as I watched him collect a few things from his desk. They were a few beige/brown colored folders and books. I wondered what was in the folders, but it was probably classified information that a normal citizen, like me, wasn’t allowed to see.  
“Yeah, my mom taught me when I was younger. This was given to me by an old friend that I used to play with,” he looked at the set before moving a piece, “Keeps me busy when I’m bored,” he looked back at me and smiled. Something told me that he played fairly often when they weren’t working.
“You’ll have to reteach me how to play,” I shrugged, watching as he put everything in his bag. I looked around the office and noted just how many FBI agents were around, and I was starting to feel a certain anxiety rise in my stomach. No, no, this was definitely anxiety from being in an FBI facility, because of the illegally obtained drugs. Maybe a little bit of it was from the withdrawal.
“Okay, I’ll give you the tour then everyone should be up there,” he looked down at his watch before looking up at a room separated from the desks and other offices. 
“Sounds good,” I whispered. He walked beside me, bringing me back out of the room with the desks. A small shiver went through my body as we left the room. Spencer glanced down at me before wrapping an arm around my body, holding me close to him.
He brought me down one hall, showing me to the bathrooms and his friends' offices. There were a few other boring offices before he brought me down the opposing hall.  There wasn’t much other than more offices, but at the end of the hall, was another office owned by one of his friends. 
“She has other things to do so she won’t be joining us in the conference room,” Spencer spoke before knocking on the door. A faint, but cheery, ‘Come in’ came from the other side. Spencer looked back at me before opening up the door. “I promise you’ll like her,” he whispered before entering the room. I stayed close behind him, kinda hiding myself from the other human.
“What can I do ya for, Reid,” a woman asked, her tone filled with playful sarcasm. I bit back my lips and kept my eyes on my back. At least she sounded nice… “Wait, I thought you had the day off,” 
“Just came by to grab a few things. And I brought a special guest,” Spencer spoke as he reached behind him. I looked down at his hand before gently placing my hand in it. His fingers wrapped around mine and he carefully pulled me around to stand beside him. “This is Penelope Garcia,” he looked down at me with a smile. Penelope stood up from her chair to look at me. Spencer looked back at the woman and smiled before introducing me.
“Oh! You’re Reid’s friend! I’ve heard so much about you!” Penelope exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. I froze as she embraced me, and I wanted nothing more than for Spencer to just pull me away from this situation. 
“You’ve… You’ve heard so much about me?” I asked, mostly to myself. What exactly did Spencer tell his friends about me? I guess I just assumed he didn’t talk about me at all. I looked up at Spencer with a raised eyebrow. I’m sure my expression told him that I was worried about everything she knows about me. 
“Goodness! You’re so skinny!” She added as she stepped away from me. I stared at her with wide eyes as I stepped further away from her and to stand closer to Spencer. Spencer looked at her with a raised eyebrow, silently telling her something. 
“Yeah it’s probably bc of my shitty life,” I thought to myself, “It’s nice meeting you,” I looked at her and smiled. My smile was very forced and felt very fake. Spencer knew that, and Penelope knew that. 
“If you ever need anything, anything at all, please feel free to call me. Even if it’s just to hang out,” she smiled at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded. “I know it can get pretty lonely while they’re working a case,” Penelope looked over at Spencer with a smile. I stared at her with wide eyes as I tried to figure this woman out.
“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I nervously smile at her. Spencer glanced down at me as Penelope started talking about something. My anxiety was entirely too high to actually know what the fuck she was actually talking about. Could have been anything, honestly. But, from the basic gist that I was getting, she was just asking me a million questions and Spencer was answering them.  But, the one question we both avoided was ‘So, how did you meet our precious Boy Wonder?’, like we were in some sort of relationship, even though we were just really good friends. It still scared me though, mostly because we’ll have to answer that question in a matter of minutes.
“Well, I think the others are in the conference room,” Spencer looked down at me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and faked a smile before looking over at Penelope. 
“It was nice meeting you, Penelope,” I made sure to keep my fake smile on my lips as I looked at her. She dropped her shoulders before going to give me another hug, which I accepted even though I didn’t really want to hug.
“It was so nice meeting you too! I hope we can hang out! And I hope I can see you again soon,” she placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled. I looked up at Spencer and smiled softly. The smile Penelope gave Spencer was awfully cheery smile before she actually allowed us to leave.  
I glanced up at Spencer once we were in the hallway and away from Penelope’s office. 
“I’m… I’m sorry for her,” he whispered as he grabbed my hand. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
“It’s okay, I think,” my voice was even lower than his. The uncertainty in my tone caused Spencer to look down at me. I didn’t want to tell him that Penelope was overwhelming, while we were still in the building with hundreds of FBI agents. “Just as long as everyone else is chill and they don’t ask a million questions,” I looked at him with a shy smile.
“They’ll probably ask a bunch of questions, but not a million miles an hour,” Spencer laughed lightly. The closer we got to the main office areas, the more anxious and nervous I got. I mean, I was already nervous, but this was just making it worse. It was incredibly hard not to go into autopilot mode and just fake my way through the whole interaction. But then they’d know something was wrong with me. I’m sure the pure exhaustion on my face, the skinniness of my body, and the weird mood I was already in were all good signs of something being wrong with me. Maybe they won’t question it all to my face? 
 “Do you know how you’ll answer the thousand dollar question? The one that I worry about the most?” I kept my voice low because I didn’t want a stray agent to hear my question and Spencer’s answer of ‘Oh, I was just going to tell them we met at narcotics anonymous,’. Because I just know he’s going to tell them that.
Unfortunately for me, Spencer didn’t actually answer my question. He just stayed quiet. Which caused me to have a mild heart attack as we walked back into the main office area and up a small staircase. It wasn’t until we were at a door that he answered me. 
He turned and faced me, a slight worried look in his eye. I couldn’t exactly tell what it was about though. So, that’s when my mind started running wild with all the worst possibilities. What if he already told them? And this isn’t him bringing me to meet his team, his friends, his family. No, this is him bringing me in, to go to jail. He’s been lying to me this whole time… Shit, fuck, shit… I don’t know what to do. 
Spencer must have seen something, my sudden fear, flash in my eyes. Part of me wanted to turn and run, but that’d cause too much of a scene. I’d probably have more Federal Agents on me than behind this stupid door. Whatever. 
My body partly turned, and I could feel my legs wanting to move, but I was honestly paralyzed. Spencer lifted a hand and rested it on my shoulder, stopping me from moving any further. His touch was very gentle, and I stopped all movement there. I nearly had to convince myself to actually breathe and blink. 
“It’s okay. There’s no reason to be scared…” he whispered as he pulled his hand from me. I swallowed roughly as I looked at him. My heart was going a million miles a second, and it just wouldn’t slow. “I was… I was just thinking… We should just tell them,” his voice, just like his touch, was gentle. Don’t fall for this. There’s still a chance that he was lying, that this was all a ruse. Well, wait… Why else would he want to tell them…
“You think… you… You want to tell them? Spencer, I,” I stopped talking and swallowed roughly, feeling my anxiety go higher and higher as the time passed, “I’ve barely been clean for 2 months, Spencer. You know I almost… And you… You want to tell them that you met someone at Narcotics Anonymous… Where people go… when they’re addicted to drugs… because you’re… I don’t think that’s a good-”
“Trust me. Can you do that? They won’t be mad. I think they’ll be happy that I have friends outside of work, and that I’m getting the help I need. And, that you’re getting the help you need. Two months is a big accomplishment. Even if you were clean for a day… That’d be a big accomplishment. But this is the first time you’ve made it this before,” Spencer whispered, a soothing and warm smile on his lips. I couldn’t help but return the smile, trying to hide my face from him as a very sudden embarrassment took over. “You don’t even have to tell them where we met. I’ll do it,” he whispered before grasping my hand again. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Okay, okay,” I looked down at the ground and nodded. 
“Ready?” his voice still a whisper. I looked up at him and nodded.
“Now or never, I suppose,” I shrugged. Spencer looked at my face, a worried crease in his eyebrows and in his eyes. He slowly turned to the door to open in it. It was taking everything in me to calm myself down, and to convince myself that I was not going to be arrested. 
Spencer pushed the door open and led me into the office. The least he could have done was warn about how many people would be on the other side of the door. I thought I was freaking out before. But standing in front of me were 4 other Federal Agents, and standing beside me was another. This was bad… This was really bad.
“This is Jennifer, Derek, and Aaron,” Spencer spoke, gesturing towards each person, “And of course you’ve met Emily,” he looked towards Emily. I smiled at each of them and nodded as Spencer gave them my name. “Where’s Gideon?” 
“Office. Should be up in a minute,” Aaron looked up from his folder and at Spencer and me, “It’s nice meeting you,” he looked right at me and nodded. I stared at him and nodded lightly.
“Where did you two meet,” Jennifer looked at me as she walked around the table to stand in front of me and Spencer. I froze like “I was in a freezer” froze. “A deer in headlights” froze. I slowly looked up at Spencer with my eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, where does my man, Spencer Reid, meet a person like you,” Derek then asked as he leaned against the table. His eyes looked up and down at me, checking me out… Or was he looking for something out of the ordinary? I could feel my breathing stop, yet simultaneously picking up. 
“I actually… We met at Narcotics Anonymous,” Spencer’s voice was real low, so quiet as he spoke. The air in the room got tense, so tense that it was suffocating. Everyone looked at Spencer, and just Spencer, with shock on their faces. For the first time since I entered this building, I felt invisible. Which, I guess, was good. But bad at the same time. Because, if I’m invisible to them right now, that means a high beam is on Spencer and shit could go down. 
“Reid,” Derek started but stopped when Spencer looked at him, silently telling him to stop. The grip Spencer had on my hand tightened, and it scared me. Mostly because he probably realized that this was a mistake and he’s scared now. Which, in turn, only scared me more.
“We’re both clean. I swear, we’re both clean,” he looked back at everyone. I knew he was lying, but I think that’s okay that I was the only one who knew he was lying. Granted, he was doing everything he could to get better, but… I understand being stressed, or anxious, or scared, and wanting to just turn to a weakness that could kill you. Last week, for instance… I got scared of nothing and almost made a big mistake. “I know I should have said something sooner, told you the truth instead of keeping it from you. But…”
“Spence,” Jennifer looked over at Spencer with wide eyes. She stepped away from the table before hugging him, hard. I looked at the pair hugging, wishing I had someone like that to hug me when they find out I’m going through a “rough time”. “I wish we knew… We could have… We would have helped,” she stepped away from him, resting her hands on his shoulders. I looked at her before looking down at the ground. 
“I’m… I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” I muttered before quickly rushing away from the others. More words would be exchanged between Spencer and his co-workers, his friends, his family. A family I don’t have and will probably never have. Whatever… Whatever, I’m happy he’ll have a great support system.
Once I found my way to the bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and could feel myself begin to hyperventilate. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, and my hands quickly went to my face to hide from the world. Although, I was hiding in my own world, behind the bathroom doors, in a small stall. 
My world wasn’t necessarily collapsing around me, but it felt like that. My head spun and my chest felt like it was going to explode. This sudden anxiety attack wasn’t something I was 100% expecting to happen. Although, the anxiety I was feeling beforehand was probably just building up, and I was just pushed to the edge before I broke down.
“Are you alright in here?” A familiar voice asked from outside the stall. I froze before wiping my nose. It was hard being silent, pretending like I didn’t exist. “I know you’re in here. You told us you were going to the bathroom, and I heard you sniffling just a moment ago,” she continued with a small chuckle. I looked down at the ground before standing up and pushing out of the stall. 
Emily was standing against the counter, leaning right in front of where the door was. She looked at me with a distressed look on her face. Shit, they got Spencer, and now they’re going to get me… I glanced at the door, before looking back at Emily. I could feel my body moving before I gave it the okay. My feet going quick towards the door.
“I’m not going to arrest you,” Emily quickly said as she stepped in front of me to stop me from running away, “And, we’re not going to arrest Spencer either,” she laughed lightly as she looked down at me. I looked up at her with wide eyes. “You can calm down. I promise. I’m just making sure you’re okay… You’d been in here for a while, and Spencer was worried about you,” she calmly explained as she rested a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her before nodding lightly. 
“You’re… You’re not just saying that?” I whispered, keeping my eyes on her. Because surely if I looked away from her, she’d do something I didn’t want happening. 
“I promise you, I’m not just saying that,” she reassured. I nodded and looked at the ground, “Are you okay?” She actually asked, pulling her hands away from my body.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I nodded as I cautiously looked up at her. She raised an eyebrow, silently telling me that she knew I was lying. I looked back at the ground and shrugged. “What?”
“I’ve been in this line of work long enough to know when people are lying… And to know when people are not okay,” she whispered, her voice so soft and gentle. She was genuinely concerned about me. I’ve only met her once before, and she seemed very nice. 
“I’m not okay,” I whispered as I looked at her. I don’t remember the last time I was honest with someone about my feelings. 90% of the time I lie at meetings because I don’t want a bunch of actual crackheads knowing that I’m depressed. “I think… I think seeing Spencer with everyone… And everyone being supportive…” I started but allowed my words to trail off, mostly because I didn’t really want to say I was jealous of my best friend. 
“Oh, I see,” Emily whispered as she leaned against the counter in front of me. I looked at her before looking down at the ground, then over at the door, then back at the ground. 
“Yeah, I’ve never really had a support system like he does, now, and…” I sighed deeply and looked up at her again, “I just have Spencer, and that’s a little hard when we’re both trying… To… Ya know,” I whispered and shrugged. 
“Well, I don’t know if Spencer told you this… But, any friend or family of his is a friend or family of the team. I know we’ve only met once before, but I’d gladly be a support team for you,” she whispered, and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was just telling me what I wanted to hear. But part of me knew she was telling the truth.
“You guys aren’t, like, mad or anything that Spencer was doing drugs? Or like... That he made friends with a dru-recovering drug addict,” I looked up at her, very cautiously. 
“We’re just happy he, and you, are getting the help you both need. We’re all just surprised he kept it to himself for as long as he did,” she explained. I nodded and looked down at the ground.
“And, like… He’s not going to get fired, is he? He said it wasn’t his fault that this happened,” I sighed as I looked at her. 
“Spencer’s not going to lose his job. He’s too loved and too much of an asset,” she laughed lightly. I returned the laughter and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, he’s pretty smart…” I rubbed the underside of my nose and shrugged, “The first time we kinda hung out… He kept telling me that smoking can take 6 minutes of your life away to get me to stop,” 
“Did it work?” Emily asked, a playful chuckle in her tone. I laughed and nodded.
“Kinda. I mean… I smoke every so often, but not as much as I used to,” I sighed as I looked up at her, “I still do it when he isn’t around. But when he’s around I forget things… Like… The shit hand I was dealt. Ya know? Like, he gives me something else to think about,” I furrowed my eyebrows as I spoke. Emily cocked her head to her shoulder and looked up at my face. I looked at her, feeling my face relax.
“Like what?” She asked. I could feel a small smile slowly growing on my lips. She returned the smile, kinda knowing what I meant. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say. We should probably go back out there, don’t you think? They might be looking for us,” she laughed and gestured towards the door. I looked towards the door one last time. 
“Yeah, yeah,” I nodded before stepping closer to the door, “Spencer said something earlier about lunch, and I’m starved.” I laughed and walked beside Emily.
“Where were you guys going?” 
“I’m not sure, do you know of any good places,” I looked over at her. She thought for a moment and cocked her head.
“There’s a really good deli down the street, I’m sure Spencer would love it there. They serve coffee and I’m sure you know how he feels about coffee,” She chuckled lightly.
“Whenever he stays at my apartment, he always insists we get coffee because I don’t have any,” I shook my head before laughing. Emily nearly cackled and nodded.
“Sounds like him,”
“What are you two laughing about,” Spencer looked over at Emily and I as we re-entered the conference room. I looked over at him with a smile.
“Uh, lunch,”
series taglist: @shameleswhorehourstm , @itsametaphorbriansblog , @bxtchboy69 , @sammypotato67 , @seninjakitey , @thebluetint , @honestlystop , @herecomesthewriterwitch , @mediocrity-atitsfinest​
tags that didn’t work: @mediocrehamiltrash , @thatsonezesty13 , 
(if you want to be apart of the series taglist, let me know!)
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averykedavra · 3 years
Will You Be There To Follow
I’m back! And I bring fluff! I have a million other things I should be doing, but @qprdukeceitweek​ has an adorable list of prompts for this week, so I figured I’d write something for a few of them! It was a good excuse for completely plotless, rambling fluff. Plus my own QPP @becca-becky​ likes Dukeceit, so I couldn’t not.
(Title from Anywhere I Go by Vicetone. You can find this story on Ao3 here.)
Prompt: Day 1. Snakes and rats.
Pairing: QPR Dukeceit
Words: 3388
Warnings: death and murder mentions, kidnapping mention, fire mention (but all joking), food, sympathetic Janus and Remus with one mention of Patton, mentions of many animals including spiders and rats
Remus and Janus weren’t exactly a typical couple.
They’d met in college. At three in the morning, when Remus was frantically looking for the fire extinguisher and barged into Janus’ room by mistake. After successfully putting out the flaming Hot Pockets and thwarting the teachers, Remus had offered Janus an ashy hand and an invitation to hang out. Janus agreed.
Now they were partners, lodged in the sketchiest apartment in town, and they’d only gotten in trouble with the law twice! Janus worked at the local tattoo parlor while Remus scraped his way to a bachelor’s degree. They lived off a diet of ramen and cola. Remus had suggested marriage to make taxes easier, and Janus argued that they’d be succumbing to the system.
Remus proposed anyway. Janus said yes.
So they weren’t typical, but they had followed the usual milestones--graduate, move out, get married. Janus looked viscerally horrified when Remus reminded him of this. He suggested they escape to the mountains, in order to escape the pressure of the status quo. Remus said he didn’t mind doing all the normal stuff if Jan was there, and anyway, quietly subverting expectations was the best. Janus rolled his eyes.
Graduate. Move out. Get married. Obviously, the next step was making a family--and Remus didn’t really want or need a family, but it was a good thing to tease Janus about. And a good way to make sure they were still on the same page.
That entire thought process made since to Remus.
So he wasn’t really sure why Janus almost shrieked when Remus asked “Do you want to get a baby?”
“What?” Janus managed after a few seconds. “A baby?”
“Mhm!” Remus continued chopping the carrots. “You wanna get one?”
“Get one?” Janus repeated. “What do you want a baby for?”
“I don’t, I’m just seeing if you do!” Remus shrugged. “And ‘cause of the usual baby things, right? Keep us company.”
“A sniveling infant will definitely be wonderful company.” Janus turned around to look at Remus, with his classic I’m-not-sure-whether-to-laugh face. “Where’d you get this idea?”
“It’s, like, the usual order, right?” Remus spread out his hands, and Janus ducked to avoid the carrot knife. “Move into apartment. Get married. Have baby. Have another baby. Go to soccer practice. Mortgage the house. Have an affair. Read a lot of newspapers. Slowly grow to loathe each other.”
Janus snickered. “I’m not keen on any of that.”
“Well, we could just grab a baby and see if we like it?” Remus asked. “We could always put it back later.”
“We could--” Janus blinked at him and snickered again. “Whose baby would this be?”
“How would we get it, then?”
“Adoption!” Remus suggested. “Or kidnapping.”
“I knew it!” Janus declared. “I knew this was another attempt at getting permission for kidnapping.”
“Aw, but it’s just a baby! It won’t mind!” Remus stuck out his bottom lip. “We can steal it from rich people. Please?”
“I’m not sure if my usual ‘steal only from the rich’ rule applies to newborn children.”
“We could train it up!” Remus continued, grinning. “Teach it the ways of the world. And then it can carry on our legacy.”
Janus dried his hands. “What legacy?”
“Subterfuge, sappiness, and systematically undermining the government.”
“Right, right, that legacy.” Janus laughed. “Be that as it may, I’m not exactly eager to change diapers. Get me a baby that doesn’t poop, cry, or need any sort of food, and we’re golden.”
“Hmm,” Remus said, scrunching up his face. “So you just want a talking baby doll.”
“No!” Janus folded his arms. “Those always murder you.”
“It’d be a wild way to go, though.” Remus rocked back and forth on the kitchen floor. Janus carefully took the knife from his hand and put it in the sink. “What’s something couples do instead of babies--”
“We’re not exactly a traditional couple,” Janus pointed out. “Most couples kiss each other, and don’t have a warrant for their arrest in Oklahoma.”
“That was completely not my fault.” Remus thought for a few more seconds. “Oh! Oh, Jan! We could get a pet!”
Janus tilted his head. “That would solve some of the problems.”
“We could get a pet,” Remus said, warming to the idea, “and we could hang out with it! And if it was a big one, it could guard the door from thieves.”
“A pet,” Janus repeated, and Remus squealed when he saw Janus start to nod. “That’s not a terrible idea, actually. Even if it is upholding outdated marital traditions.”
“Nah, animals are way beyond all that!” Remus spread his hands. “It’s a cool living organism! All blood and bones and sinew! Don’t classify pets with, like, amatonormativity.”
“Hmm,” Janus said. “How much would a pet cost?”
“Depends on the pet, right?”
“Hmm,” Janus said again. “And what pet would you suggest--”
Remus beamed. “Spider monkey.”
“It’s a monkey! But it’s really long.” Remus wiggled his fingers to convey the length. “I wonder if it eats spiders or just looks like one.”
“We are not getting a pet monkey,” Janus said. “They poop.”
“Every animal poops, Jan, you’re not getting out of that one.”
“Ugh,” Janus complained. “Plus I’m pretty sure that’s an illegal pet--”
“So illegal pets wouldn’t be happy in the apartment,” Janus said. “Either that, or they’re endangered and poached. We’re going to aim for a legal pet here.”
“Well, there go half my ideas!” Remus pouted. “What pet do you wanna get, buzzkill?”
“I don’t know,” Janus said, leaning against the counter. “We decided on this three seconds ago, I haven’t searched the whole catalog.”
“Are there pet catalogs?”
“There are probably lists online.” Janus’ hand drifted towards his pocket before he glanced at the half-chopped carrots and various kitchen implements. “We need to make lunch first, though--”
“Nope!” Remus threw open the cupboard and grabbed a bag of chips. “Makeshift lunch. Let’s go.”
Janus watched him with a small smile. “You’re really excited about this, aren’t you?”
“Idea!” Remus said by way of explanation. “Animal!”
“Animal,” Janus agreed, giving the carrots a regretful look before leading the way into the living room. “Pass the chips.”
Remus tossed him the chip bag and flopped onto the couch. The couch gave its usual pitiful squeak, and Remus kicked his feet up onto the armrest just to spite it. Janus curled into the other corner of the couch and pulled out his phone.
“Okay, here’s a list of possible pets,” he said. “We could--”
“Hold on!” Remus raised a finger before rolling off the couch. He yanked at the mass of papers under the couch before pulling out a sheaf of poster paper and pulling it over the TV. “Meeting time?”
“Alright,” Janus shrugged and grabbed a nearby marker. “I can write.”
“Cool!” Remus yanked away the remnants of the last meeting’s notes, which involved a parking lot vandalism and choices of flannels. “This meeting shall come to order. The subject is possible pets.”
“I’ll write a list and we can work through the possibilities.” Janus uncapped the marker and scribbled a header for the list. “Let’s see…cat, dog, fish…”
“Hamster,” Remus suggested, collapsing back onto the couch. “Gerbil? What’s the difference?”
“Guinea pigs too,” Janus added. “Birds--”
“Birds is a category.”
“If birds are all one entry, blend together the hamsters and guinea pigs.”
“I already wrote them--” Janus sighed and wrote birds, etc. on the paper. “Happy?”
“Weasels,” Remus said. “Ferrets. Monkeys.”
Janus wrote down weasels and ferrets, but not monkeys. “Snakes. Snails.”
“Snails?” Remus repeated.
“Hermit crabs.”
“People have pet crabs?”
“Geckos,” Janus continued, seemingly unfazed. “Spiders--”
“Spiders?” Remus almost yelled. “Where are you getting this stuff?”
“Old roommate in college was a total animal lover,” Janus said. “Hmm...ants.”
“We’re not getting ants,” Remus said.
“Shh, voting comes later.” Janus stepped back and tapped the marker on his chin. “Is that all?”
“Frogs?” Remus suggested. He wasn’t sure if they could be pets, but maybe if he spitballed animals, he’d land on a correct one. “Zebras? Rats? Dragons? Hedgehogs?”
“Two or three of those are real, I think,” Janus said. He wrote down most of them, disappointingly leaving out dragons. “Aren’t there more kinds of lizards?”
“Write lizards, etc, like the coward you are.” Remus wriggled back and forth on the couch. “Rabbits?”
“Rabbits,” Janus agreed. “Mice. Turtles?”
“Don’t ask me, you’re the expert-by-proxy.”
“There’s got to be a few more.” Janus read through the list. “Are goats pets?”
“Are horses?”
“We can’t fit a horse in our apartment.”
“You said it wasn’t the veto stage yet,” Remus pointed out.
Janus groaned and wrote horse on the list. “Anything else, before I can quickly cross out horse?”
Remus kicked his feet in the air as he thought. “Tiger?”
“Not a pet.”
“Only if you’re a coward.”
“Let’s just say that’s all the pets,” Janus said. “Can I cross out horse now?”
Remus sighed. “Fine.”
Janus crossed out horse gleefully and with vigor.
“Now cross out ants,” Remus said. “They’re only good for eating.”
“I sincerely hope you’re referring to their eating.”
Remus grinned.
Janus crossed out ants and skimmed the list. “I’m not too keen on snails, are you?”
“I still think you’re making them up.”
“Snails exist.”
“Not as pets!” Remus waved a hand. “Toss ‘em.”
“Alright.” Janus edited the list. “No fish.”
“What?” Remus frowned. “Why?”
“They’re absolute nonentities! Why get a fish when you can just be lonely?” Janus shrugged. “Besides, I am ninety percent sure you’d eat the fish.”
Remus crossed his arms. “That rules out all the pets, then!”
“Ew.” Janus sighed. “I’ll just cross off the smallest ones, to be safe. No mice, no frogs--okay, one of the gerbil-hamster-guinea-pigs are smaller than the others, but I have no idea which one--”
“Cross ‘em all off,” Remus said. “We’re not seven, we can do better.”
“If you say so.” Janus crossed off the several similar rodents. “Thoughts on hermit crabs?”
“They don’t exactly possess personality.” Janus paused before scribbling through the hermit crabs, then the hedgehogs.
“Hey, c’mon, we vote first!” Remus leaned over and grabbed at the marker. “What’s wrong with hedgehogs?”
Janus looked contemptuous. “Pointy.”
“Yeah, we can use them as projectiles!”
“Oh, good point.” Janus readied his marker. “Eliminate all animals that you could possibly use as a weapon.”
“Aw, come on, Jan!” Remus snatched at the marker again. “At least lemme keep the ones that would survive it!”
“No.” Janus laughed. “Okay, but seriously, we aren’t getting a bird. I have enough birds in my life already.”
“The pigeons wanna be your friend,” Remus said. “Let them.”
“The pigeons have declared war after you fed them hot cheetos.” Janus glanced suspiciously at the window. “I shall not let them near me.”
“Fine, fine, no birds.” Remus blew a raspberry at Janus, who stuck out his tongue. “At this rate, we won’t have a single possibility left.”
“There’s still a good amount.” Janus read off the list. “Geckos, lizards etc, dogs, cats, rats, snakes, spiders, weasels and ferrets.”
“Geckos or lizards?” Remus thought about it. “They’re not very cuddly.”
“So?” Janus gestured at him. “I already cuddle with you, I don’t need another cuddly animal.”
“It’d be nice to, like, hold it though. Pet it.” Remus petted the air as an example. “Hairy!”
“Hairy means shedding,” Janus argued. “I’m not getting fur all over my shirt.”
“Spiders don’t shed!” Remus suggested. “And some of them are real hairy.”
“I hate spiders.”
“Just do.”
“Well, I hate geckos,” Remus decided. “‘Cause I said so.”
Janus let out a long breath. “Maybe we’re going about this the wrong way. What animal, out of these, do you want to have?”
Remus hummed and looked at the list. Dog, cat, rabbit--all too mainstream. A gecko was slimy. A snake had no arms, and that was sad. Ferrets were cool, but not really what Remus would choose--
“What do you want?” Remus asked.
Janus made a non-committal noise that signified he’d already made his choice and was just trying to be nice. “You?”
“On three,” Remus said. “Three--two--one--”
They both stared at each other for a moment.
“Rat?” Janus finally said. “You can’t just grab something out of the sewer and call it a pet. We talked about this.”
“No, no, a nice rat!” Remus bounced up from the sofa. “A pet one! People have those, right? We could get a rat. It’s furry but I don’t think it sheds, it doesn’t take up much space--please?”
“Huh,” Janus said. He looked back to the paper and circled rat. “Alright, that can be our first possibility.”
“And you said snake?”
“Snake,” Janus said, his eyes lighting up. “Perhaps a corn snake? Any sort of snake would work.”
“Alright,” Remus said. “Snake.”
Janus happily circled snake on the list before sitting on the couch and grabbing the unopened bag of chips. Remus made grabby hands and Janus passed him a few chips. Remus munched on the chips and Janus looked like he was thinking.
“Rat or snake?” Janus finally asked.
“Sure, put a rat and a snake together, they’ll get along great.”
“Separate terrariums?”
“Defeats the purpose of cuddling.” Janus popped a chip into his mouth. “Besides, I don’t think we can spring for two pets. We’ll barely be able to afford one.”
“We don’t have to pay for the electric bill,” Remus suggested. “We can light a fire, like cavemen.”
“Arson isn’t the answer to everything.”
“You just lack imagination.”
“We’ll have to choose one,” Janus said. “And since any vote we have is a tie--”
“Nose goes!” Remus smacked himself in the face. “Ow!”
Janus hadn’t even budged. “No.”
“I won the nose goes!”
“We’re going to do this like civilized partners.” Janus leaned forward. “We’re going to discuss this, listen to each other, and come to a reasonable conclusion.”
Remus groaned. “Come on. Can’t we draw straws?”
“This is a pet we’re talking about, not who does the dishes!” Janus waved his hand. “A living, breathing animal. We need to take this seriously! It’s a big decision!”
“If you wanted to take it seriously, you shouldn’t have agreed right away and skipped lunch over it,” Remus pointed out. “You jumped into this just like I did.”
“Well, you were being all--” Janus twisted his face. “Excited. I got swept up in the moment.”
“Aw, really?” Remus’ eyes widened. “Aww, Jan, you’re such a softie--”
“Shut up,” Janus complained, swatting at Remus’ face. “Shut up.”
“You love me.”
“Yes, we’re engaged, that’s been established, shut up.” Janus huffed, his face dark with blush. “The point is, we rushed into this.”
“Yeah, duh.”
“This is probably a terrible idea.”
“Like usual, yeah.”
“We shouldn’t even get a pet, there’s no reason to--”
“Oh, see, that’s where you’re wrong.” Remus spread his hands. “There isn’t a reason not to.”
Janus stared at him for a second. “That’s all you’ve got?”
“Okay.” Janus nodded. “Okay, fine. Rat or snake?”
“Hmm.” Remus thought about it. “Rats have cool tails!”
“So do snakes,” Janus said. “Snakes have fangs.”
“Rats have cool little feet.”
“Snakes have scales.”
“Rats can spread rabies, I think.”
“That’s not a good thing!” Janus paused. “Also, can’t snakes spread salmonella?”
“I’d much rather have rabies.” Remus blew out a long breath. “You really want a snake, don’t you?”
“I don’t want any pet, this was your idea.” Janus waited a few seconds, and Remus let him wait. “I--I would prefer a snake, though. Patton had one back in college, it sat on my shoulders while I studied. I liked it.”
“Then--” Remus swallowed. “Then sure. Snake.”
“What?” Janus’ eyebrows came together. “Remus, are you sure--”
“Snakes are cool! Very sneaky and cool, and some of them are poisonous.” Remus leaned forward and bumped Janus’ shoulder. Janus instinctively leaned into him, and Remus pulled Janus closer and into his lap. “I don’t mind, Jan.”
“It was your idea to get a pet,” Janus said weakly. “Besides, rats are also cool! You could have an army, like the Pied Piper.”
“Snakes can swallow mice whole!”
“Rats can jump more than three feet in the air!”
“Snakes don’t have arms!”
Janus opened his mouth to fire back, and Remus screwed up his face in preparation to retaliate.
Janus giggled.
Remus snickered.
And they both burst out laughing.
“You could be the rat king,” Janus forced out between laughs. “You could rule the--the city.”
“You could use your snake to hypnotize people,” Remus countered.
“You could--” Janus dissolved into giggles and leaned into Remus’ chest. Remus tucked his chin on top of Janus’ head and enjoyed the way Janus melted into his arms.
“We don’t have to decide now,” Remus said after he managed to control his laughter. “Like, not even close to now. It’s been twenty minutes.”
“Fair, we should have an actual lunch.” Janus kicked aside the chip bag and glanced at the paper. “We did go a bit overboard--I don’t even know where we could get a pet.”
Remus watched Janus stand up and start to clean up the mess. They definitely didn’t need to figure it out, but Remus kinda did want to pursue this--at least because of the excitement in Janus’ eyes every time Remus pulled him into something stupid and ill-advised.
Deciding on a pet--one pet--was definitely the normal thing to do.
Since when had they ever been normal?
“Hey,” Remus said, “it’s not too cold outside, right?”
“I don’t think so?” Janus glanced out the window. “Why?”
Remus grinned and jumped off the couch. “I’m pretty sure there’s an animal shelter a few blocks away.”
“You’re kidding.” Janus’ mouth twitched. “We can’t just walk into there without a plan--”
“Why not?” Remus shrugged. “Society is a lie, right?”
Janus’ mouth twitched again, and he bit his lip to hide his smile. “We have lunch.”
“We’ll grab some on the way there!” Remus tilted his head and gave Janus puppy dog eyes. “Please? We can just take a peek at the animals they have. See what we bond with. Steal one. And ask if a rat and a snake could possibly get along.”
“They can’t,” Janus said. “They’d kill each other.”
“You said that about us, too! Our second date!” Remus grabbed Janus’ hand. “And look at us, still alive and un-murdered.”
“Don’t count on it,” Janus said, but his eyes had softened. “You’re serious about this?”
“Serious as ever!” Remus shrugged. “Look, it’s this or I go back to Plan A and steal a rich person’s baby.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Kiss my beautiful patootie.”
“Ugh.” Janus ducked around Remus and grabbed his phone. “This will be a quick trip, right? Should I bring a carrier for whatever we decide on?”
“They’ll have those, right?” Remus darted over to the kitchen and pulled out a garbage bag. “Will this work?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s animal cruelty.”
Janus pulled back his hair and grabbed his keys. Remus shrugged on a jacket. Janus gave the apartment one cursory check and, apparently finding no dead bodies, turned away.
“We’re really doing this?” Remus asked. “You’re okay with it?”
Janus paused and nodded. “Wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. I promise I’m along for the ride.”
Remus pressed a kiss to Janus’ cheek and enjoyed the way Janus stammered. “Great.”
“Don’t do that,” Janus complained. Remus knew it wasn’t a complaint. They knew each other like that. It had been such a long time since they met at three in the morning and thwarted campus security, and Remus had learned so much about Jan, and Jan had done the same. And they’d both figured out there was stuff they didn’t need to know.
Like a game plan. Or a way to fit a new pet into the apartment. Or a way to sneak it past their landlord, who Remus suddenly realized might not like pets.
But it was way more of an adventure not knowing.
Remus loved to leap into every idea.
And Remus loved that Janus always took the leap, too.
“You promise this is fine?” Remus asked.
“Yes,” Janus said. “And you promise not to make a nuisance of yourself in the shelter?”
“Nope!” Remus grinned. “You’re stuck with me.”
“Good.” Janus pulled the door open and smiled. “It wouldn’t be any fun otherwise.”
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oquinn53 · 3 years
Okay so second bnha rambling with theories because I can’t think straight so I think of bnha! Specifically Deku.
Specifically, Deku’s endgame. There are so many theories out there and I just.... think about Deku specifically a lot. I mean he’s the protagonist and everything and I love him and a common theory that I actually do kinda think about a lot is Deku losing OFA. But I don’t think he’ll end quirkless. I think a lot of things need to happen but let’s start with me rambling about Deku’s characterization, how it can all be wrapped up in this:
Deku has PTSD. (This part is LONG and talks about masochism and mentions suicide and all that. Other points are shorter!) And I don’t mean post war arc or even post Bakugo’s kidnapping, if we want to go that far back. Deku has PTSD from the VERY start. This kid is a walking mental illness. Sources? Hi, I’m a Civilian With PTSD and I saw Deku at the beginning and I watched Deku’s horrible mental health deteriorate EVEN MORE than it started off as. This is really important to me, to state that he has it from the beginning, because I believe in the character growth and development. I might be talking out my ass but it’s fun so. Why do I say he starts out from it? Let’s look at symptoms.
A) hyperfixation, my old friend. Deku fixated hardcore on All Might and Heros in general. But he fixated specifically on All Might and he gets EMBARRASSED about it a lot. (Funny enough, the embarrassment of it is also a symptom of ADHD but I’m not as well versed in that). Hyperfixation is a very very common coping method.
B) His anxiety. Kinda self explanatory here. He’s a bully victim. He also has been literally classified as LESS. Quirkless. But also defenseless. Useless. We’ve heard that, his anxiety is there but it’s because of what DEFINES him. His self identity was born from what everyone else tells him. He’s a determined boy, but his sense of self is only wrapped up in what other people think—or specifically, what All Might thinks. Which blends a bit with...
C) A loss sense of identity. I talked about this a little bit he last part but Deku’s goal to become a hero is so tied to All Might that even when he gains the quirk, he has to have it beaten into him with warning of losing the use f his arms for him to realize he’s NOT All Might. But that’s still what he sees, even when he switches to using his legs more. He has no idea who he is. He just copies. He copies Bakugo’s moves again and again. And while it’s cool to see all the parallels and growth of Deku learning from others, there is a message of “making it his own” when Deku copies others again and again because he has no idea who HE is. He analyses like crazy because figuring out how other people do things is the only way he can figure out how HE can do things. Also, the whole language change because his image of victory is Bakugo? Literally his speech pattern isn’t his own, his every day one matching his mother’s.
D) repressed and heavily released emotion. He’s 0 or 100, both when he gets OFA and with his emotions. I mean. Feral!Deku. Do I need to say more? Yes, because I was to drive home how not okay Deku is from the very beginning. Boy cleans the beach and screams bloody murder. He has no idea what emotion to have and needs to let it out. Doesn’t matter he just did a shit ton of physical release, he has so much emotions that he doesn’t know what to do with. Just like Bakugo’s anger, Deku’s emotion usually comes out as his tears. Boy cries a lot but sometimes tears aren’t enough and Deku screams a LOT. Even his own excitement bursts out in bigger ways, with his mumbling and fact dropping (god, also slightly autistic coded maybe? Blurred lines with ADHD there, it again, not my area of expertise)
E) black and white thinking. He’s young, so that explains some of this but just like I mentioned above with the 0 or 100, he represents the mindset of civilians. He literally blinds himself at the very start to even what’s happening to HIMSELF. He sees hero and he sees villian and those are his two categories. Bakugo literally tells him to kill himself and Deku thinks about how that would negatively affect Bakugo. He doesn’t and never does see Bakugo as a villian for this. He sees “wow that wouldn’t be good for his Hero image” and because Deku sees Bakugo as a hero, everything has to fit into that. And while Deku has huge growth with this next part, he also originally viewed villains as just villains. He learned a LOT and while the society’s image becomes less black and white for him (because the whole manga revolves around the gray morality of it all) he still doesn’t see much gray area. It’s win or lose. With the sports festival, he literally won the race without his quirk. He got through the Calvary battle despite being a giant ass target. He placed in the top 8 (which he probably would have gotten higher on if his goal didn’t change) and despite accomplishing his goal with Todoroki, he broke down about not doing what All Might asked him despite gaining permanent scarring and a hell of a warning re his arms. But to point back at the beginning, this is reinforced with his entrance exam. Passing the written exam meant NOTHING because he did “””nothing””” in the practical.
F) last point, Deku’s a masochist. Obviously with the broken bones and things but I’m not even just talking about the physical damage he does to himself—which is, what, 95% of the time what he gets most of his wounds from? Anyway—I’m talking about his mindset. Masochism isn’t just the physical act of causing pain. It’s that mindset of deserving pain. The reasoning doesn’t matter. Deku only “betters” himself for the sake of giving more to others. He trains so hard, not for himself, but for others. On the outside it might seems like his goal of becoming a hero is his own but he sacrifices his body and dives into situations where he’s literally been warned he’s going to die and he just does it anyway. Eri’s Arc and him “changing the future” is what I’m referring to here and you could say “well he DID say he would change that future!” And okay, sure, but he was told Sir is never wrong. But he would rather rush into that future where he dies than take even a moment to think through his actions. But anyway, my point is him at the beginning so I specifically mean the training montage. Where he was ALREADY on a tough schedule that he knew would be difficult and he literally adjusted it and added MORE. Because, to circle back to other points because mental illness always overlaps points, he can only think of himself as 0 or 100, black and white, Able To Save or Failure. If he can’t be at 100 then he believes he deserves pain and causes it to himself. The only time he regrets his injuries is when it prevents him from giving MORE of himself to others. He learns his shoot style not because he doesn’t want to hurt himself but because he doesn’t want to become useless to others. He trains and loses sleep and puts his body through hell because he thinks of himself only as something for others. (I think wanting to save Shigaraki is a powerful moment not because it’s Pure Boy Deku but because it’a his own thinking, his OWN want, but.... it’s still not for him and will still cause him pain). And a last point on this, Heros Rising showed us that Deku is willing to give up his quirk and his dream to win and it showed us that while he believed he didn’t have any other choice, he was deeply disappointed in himself. Winning wasn’t enough. Hurting himself THAT MUCH wasn’t enough. He let All Migjt down and giving up his dreams, almost dying, becoming quirkless, all wasn’t enough to counteract the shame he held. Like god. Baby.
Other small observations or relevant commentary:
1) The doctor who told Deku he was quirkless is the same doctor who worked on Shigaraki. Same doctor who can perseve dead bodies. Same doctor who worked with AFO and all that. (See? Short! Will be relevant soon)
2) One for All is tied to All for One. OFA was literally created the moment a hand reached out to help. Can one even exist without the other?
3) Bakugo needs to apologize. Horikoshi has literally said in an interview post Heros Rising that Bakugo needs to apologize. Sacrificing his life to save Deku is NOT how you apologize to Deku. Deku will ask for a receipt on this type of apology. Return to sender. Unacceptable. So. Bakugo needs to apologize.
4) Deku’s dad isn’t in the picture yet. Hasn’t even been spoken of except for the fact we know his quirk is fire breathing and his name is Hisashi. Oh and he’s abroad. Oh and Horikoshi said he’ll be in the picture at some point. Given we’re in the final arc......... this might not be relevant at all to my theory because I have mixed thoughts on AFO being Deku’s dad but it would connect a few things in the theory.
SO. Finally, all of this together had me thinking about Deku’s characterization and what this (now with COMBAT related ptsd and not just civilian ptsd) means for his ending.
Like I said, I think he’s going to lose OFA. And I originally didn’t think so because Heros Rising showed his losing it and why would they do that again? The movie is canon. Horikoshi himself said so and was a huge part of the production of it. So they did that and wouldn’t do it again. Except.... Deku GAVE OFA away. Which is significant because it was his choice. And he had shame and we witnessed how much that hurt him, but we haven’t seen what’s now been tried TWICE: OFA being forcibly taken from him. Maybe by Shigaraki, since that is building up big time. But maybe by saving Shigaraki.
Either way, what’s more significant to me than how he has it taken is what that means for him, based on everything else above: he would lose his entire self identity. He would literally have no idea who he is anymore except for the only reference he’s ever had, which his from when he was quirkless. He gained friends only after he had a quirk. Every bond he has is tied to him being a hero and he was told it was impossible for him to be a hero without a quirk. Even All Might’s adjusted answer to him at the beginning involved giving him a quirk as the answer for him being able to become a hero.
I think this is the absolute perfect chance for Bakugo to say “since when did you need a quirk to be a hero”. And it doesn’t matter much what the context is, what causes Deku to still need to be a hero (whether a Situation or just an identity crisis) and I think about Quirkless Deku as a hero a lot, since that’s how he was originally written in the one shot before he was revamped for bnha.
But I don’t think Deku will end quirkless either because of who his doctor was. I think Deku had a quirk. I think the doctor stole it. Whether that’s because AFO is Deku’s dad and saw his quirk and knew he had to take it for some reason or whether it was independent and the doctor saw it and took it. The whole toe thing can be written off so easily that Deku could easily have had a quirk at some point.
And maybe, if AFO and OFA are cancelled out, the quirks that were stolen go back to their original owners. Meaning Deku gets his ORIGINAL quirk back.
As in, Deku gets his own identity.
And what would that quirk be? Hm. I don’t know. But. His mom can move small objects. His dad can breath fire. A mutation, maybe? I’ll leave that one up in the air.
And there are a lot of implications here that this could mean for him, as far as healing. And I just want him to be happy.
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eurovision-del · 3 years
I’m back home after watching Eurovision with a friend, and I want to get my thoughts down!! (This is going to be a long post)
Top 5
Italy: Wow! I thought they could do it, but seeing them actually pull it off and win the whole thing is incredible! I can barely describe how happy I was when they won, I definitely found the voting a lot more stressful when my fave had a real chance at winning, but the payoff when they were announced as winners was worth it all! I’ve been a fan of Måneskin for a few years now, so seeing a band I like go from there to competing in Sanremo, to making it to Eurovision, to winning the whole damn thing is undescribable! Zitte E Buoni is such a fantastic song, and it’s going to continue to be one of my all time favourite Eurovision songs for many years to come!
Italy’s third victory was a long time coming, they’ve been consistently great over the past decade, but I’m very glad it was this song that did it for them! I also like it when a winner shakes up the perception of what a winning song should be, like Portugal 2017. This is the first time since 2006 that both a group and a rock act have won Eurovision, and personally I’ll be very glad if this causes a resurgence in both over the next few years. It’s also notable for being a song not sung in English, but I’ve got more to say on that later.
I always think it’s best when the televote winner is the overall Eurovision winner, so I’m very glad to see Italy topping the televote, and they did it by a decent margin, just over 50 points!
France: A very deserved second place. Barbara performed wonderfully and brought the magic to the Eurovision stage, she should be so proud of what she achieved. She was just unlucky that there was a better song this year, in another year Voila could have easily won. I wouldn’t mind seeing her, or especially her co-writer, Igit, who I’ve liked since he did Destination Eurovision in 2018, make a return to Eurovision, either as singers or songwriters.
Switzerland: I liked Tout l’Univers well enough based on the song, then it grew on me even more in the second semi final, so I was very happy to see it do well! Like Barbara, Gjon gave a brilliant performance tonight, and should be very proud of his third place! It’s great to see Swizterland, a country that struggled so much throughout the 2010s, pull off two top 5 finishes in a row at the turn of the decade. I’m hoping for more good things from them in the future!
Iceland: It’s such a shame that Daði and Gagnamagnið missed out on the chance to perform live in Eurovision, but thank goodness they were able to get that second rehearsal performance done as well as they did! The song and performance are so heartwarming, they utterly deserved this result. I’m really excited to see where Daði goes from here, I’ve actually already got tickets to see him live next year!
Ukraine: Like Italy, Ukraine managed to achieve the same result in the actual contest as they did in my personal ranking! I was worried the song would be too divisive, but the performance was perfect and elevated the whole thing, and Kateryna’s vocal perforamnce was flawless. Very pleased to see them achieve second place in the televote!
I’ve watched Eurovision since 2014, and I can say with confidence that this is the first time since that year that I’ve had no complaints about the top 5. I’ve also gone back and watched every Eurovision ever, and I’m struggling to think of a year that I’ve been this happy with the top 10, every place from 1 to 9 I think is either well deserved or better than I was hoping for! It’s not until you get to Greece in 10th place that I reach a song I think is mildly overrated in the results.
Other Countries
Finland: I won’t do a full run down on Lithuania and Russia, two of my other  favourites, as I’ve said it all by saying I’m so happy with the top 10, but I want to give a special mention to Finland. For a second I was really worried when their televote result was so high, as I thought it might indicate the vote for the two  rock songs had been split. I’m so thankful to be proven wrong, and for these results to show that not only is there a place for all kinds of rock and metal music in Eurovision, but that they can exist alongside each other and do well. I also really want to congratulate Finland on achieving their second best result ever! While I like it when countries switch things up I won’t complain if Finland look at their previous results and decide that they’ve found their niche in rock and metal music.
The Netherlands: My biggest disappointment in terms of result. I wasn’t too surprised, based on the neutral to negative reaction of the fans at large and the odds, but I still don’t really understand it. This song deserved a lot more than 11 points! In my ideal Eurovision I’d say this should be the sort of song juries reward, they should have the time to look at lyrics and composition and cultural influence and reward songs as good as this one. But apparently it wasn’t to be. I really hope no one gets discouraged by this result, and I’d be very happy to see more artists representing their stories and their non-European cultures at Eurovision in the future.
United Kingdom: Look, I have to talk about my own country. I’m honestly more worried about the backlash the media here is going to have than I am disappointed in this result. But I am still a little disappointed. I don’t think this song was the worst in the final, sure, it was definitely in the bottom half, but I can think of serveral songs worse than this. And the nil points was totally undeserved. That marks our second nil points, the only other being Cry Baby in 2003, and this song is leagues better than that ever was, putting them in the same category feels like an insult. That said, I can’t complain too much. This year was very strong, and I’m not actually sure where the points would have come from. Embers is a nice song, but it’s not strong enough or interesting enough to be anyone’s favourite, maybe it should rank in the middle for everyone, but why would it rank in their top 10?
I’ve seen an idea that maybe the BBC should just give the competition to ITV for a few years, and while I don’t think that would solve our problems, we do need a shake up. The BGM deal seemed like a good move, but if it’s only going to continue to produce ‘nice’ songs rather than ‘impactful’ songs, it’s not going to help us on the scoreboard. I fully believe that there’s no reason the UK shouldn’t do well at Eurovision. In an ideal world, we’d organise a national finla filled with unique entries, not the drivel that our last national final contained - I don’t think our strength is actually going to be in our pop industry at Eurovision, I think it’ll be in our less mainstream stuff. I’d love for us to also try sending a song in Welsh, Gaelic, or even Scots, something that’s full of cultural identity and couldn’t come from anywhere else in the world. It might not be a winner, but I think a song like that would have a far better song of catching people’s attention and doing well at the contest than songs our current strategy produces ever would.
Other Thoughts
This year was a victory for the unique and artistic, there’s not a single song in the top 9 that could be classified as a straightforward pop song. I also want to note that the entire top 3 is non-English, Italian and two French entries. This is the only time that’s ever happened since the language rule was abolished, and since the last few years of that produced English podium placing songs, it’s the first year it’s happened since 1995. I really hope that sends the message out loud and clear that songs in native languages can and do succeed at Eurovision!
In 2019 I talked a bit about the Juries vs the Televote, and how I wasn’t too keen on the Jury results that year. This year, aside from overlooking The Netherlands, I’d say they did their job pretty well. The combined results seem very fair, better than both the Televote and the Jury results individually, and I think that shows the system is working at its best. I’m very glad to see Portugal score well, I thought the whole entry was brilliant and it deserved the boost the juries gave it. Likewise I thought Lithuania deserved a top 10 result and was glad the televote responded to it enough to put it there. The best countries, however, scored well in both, I was happy to have a year without a surprise jury favourite. Switzerland was definitely a fair jury winner.
Closing Thoughts 
Eurovision 2021 has been brilliant! We got a really strong set of songs, some fantastic performances, and a set of results I generally really agree with, completed by my ideal winner! Maybe when the buzz has died down I’ll reconsider, but right now I’m very confidently calling this my favourite of the contests that I’ve watched live - maybe my favourite contest ever? Either way, it’s been a good one, and I’m already eagerly anticipating next year!
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x0401x · 3 years
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Short Story #17
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Play of Color
Shaved ice.
A summer that everyone, from kids to adults, knew about. But how to say this in English? I’d never been taught that. Could I even say it to begin with?
The beautiful man responded clearly to my offhand doubts, “‘Shaved ice’. Other options such as ‘ice frost’ and ‘snow cone’ also go into the category, but if you are to to regard the context of ‘ice that was shaved’ as important, then I believe ‘shaved ice’ is appropriate.”
“I see, so it’s a direct translation for ‘ice that’s been shaved’. Got it... A-Aaah! Didn’t you put too much syrup? Ah—”
“I will add more ice.”
A rattling sound echoed through the jewelry shop, where there was nobody but the shopkeeper and his employee. Sitting on the tabletop was an ice shaving machine. As one would expect, we couldn’t commit the barbarianism of placing it directly on a glass table, so three cloths were stacked under the machine’s legs. It wasn’t the manual and nostalgic type but an electric one.
A customer had come over with a paper bag from a famous home appliances mass retailer and bought a glittering yellow diamond that they had reserved, but on this occasion, they ended up forgetting the bag from the electronics retail store. The shopkeeper immediately noticed it and contacted them by phone, but they were in the Narita Express, going straight to Bali for vacation. Apparently, they would only be coming back in the beginning of autumn. What luxury.
The customer who was heading to the southern island had casually said, “You can use it if you’d like—actually, please use it and tell me how it went”, then bid goodbye to Richard with a lighthearted voice and hung up. Inside the paper bag was a brand-new ice shaving machine. It also came with small syrup bags. Seven types of them. The mango, ramune, cola, lime and peach ones were a shock to me, as lived in a world of strawberry, melon and lemon ones. So people could enjoy even things like the pleasure of actually visiting stalls at home nowadays?
That was how we decided to choose at our own discretion a time on the following day when there were no reservations, and began holding a shaved ice party for just the two of us. However, when I said in a joking tone that I honestly never thought we’d really get to be the first ones to use something that a customer had forgotten, Mr. Richard Ranashinghe de Vulpian sighed grievously.
“After what happened yesterday, he contacted me to inform that he had arrived in Bali. He posted on social media, ‘I forgot my ice shaving machine, so I asked an acquaintance to try it out. I’m looking forward to it’, so it seems we need to take a video of the shaved ice as fast as possible. Think of this as also a kind of service.”
“There’s all sorts of jobs out there these days.”
Marketing that introduced new products on social media wasn’t something uncommon these days. But I heard that this sort of business was strict about many things, such as obligations and deadlines, so it might be serious stuff in its own way. I thought up until this point, but then my head whispered, “No, hold on” to me. If this was really the case, then bringing along an ice shaving machine immediately before going to Bali didn’t make any sense. Could it be...?
“Did that person leave this here on purpose? It’s clearly something that you can’t bring into an airplane and would get in the way during the trip.”
“That is possible. But it is not something for a single jeweler to judge. There is a possibility that they thought they would be able to enjoy shaved ice at a beach resort but were mistaken, and are now feeling down. Oh... oh, mgh...”
“Ah, the ice turned into water. Didn’t you put a tad too much syrup?”
“Nonsense. From the market price, it is obvious that the more syrup, the merrier.”
“You told that wholesaler who came to buy a ring with lots of decorative diamonds the other day that ‘more doesn’t equal better’, though.”
“Those are two different things,” he said in an eloquent, beautiful Japanese that sounded like it had been cut and trimmed, at which I prostrated myself with a “hahaa”.
Despite the force in his eyes being certain, he seemed to be having trouble putting an appropriate amount of syrup. When he put an abundant amount of the mango, ramune, cola, lime and peach ones all together, the ski slope-like white canvas turned into a color that looked like that of Shinjuku’s gutters during a downpour. Richard would surely call this shade of gray “smoky quartz” or something like that. The fluffy pile of ice was gone, leaving a sleet – or just plain water – in the glass bowl. It would’ve been fine if he had added them little by little, but on second thought, I was thinking this way because I was Japanese, so I was used to the way we added shaved ice syrup to some extent.
As the jeweler, not discouraged, put his bowl under the ice shaving machine, pressed the button and added more ice with crunchy noises, I called out to him, “Hey. Can you lend me that for a bit?”
“I do not mind.”
I took the bowl of water in my hands, adding the syrups of each type little by little. I felt like the jeweler was staring fixedly at me, like, “You’ll only use that tiny little bit of them? Seriously?” but I ignored him. As they said, the last drop makes the cup run over.
The result was...
A snowy mountain had changed its form into a richly colored shaved ice. I thought it was pretty good, if I could say so myself.
His eyelashes fluttering as he blinked for a moment, the gorgeous jeweler whispered, “Hoo. Excellent. Beautiful.”
“Well, being told that by someone who’s like an incarnation of the concept of beauty is flattering.”
“Ahem. Anyway, this color is extremely tasteful. It bears a close remembrance to ammolite.”
“‘Ammo... nite’?”
“Not ‘ni’, ‘li’. ‘Ammolite’. Ammolite is a gemstone that derivates from living creatures, of which the components obtain an iridescent effect during the many years of fossilization.” Saying this, Richard opened a video on his phone and handed it over to me. I exchanged it for the bowl of shaved ice as if it were an assembly-line system.
What appeared on-screen was a cross-section view of the ammonite. It was split vertically like a CT image taken at a hospital. The contents were a rainbow-colored stone that sparkled brightly. A gradation of red, green and yellow. It changed depending on what angle you looked at it. A while ago, when I heard about the opal, it was revealed to me that this kind of effect was called “play of color”. Still, to think that the inside of a shell could go through such a transition. There was too much depth to the things that happened in nature, and they were immeasurable.
“So can this be called... a stone too...?”
“This would be something that happened about forty years ago, but it was classified as a ‘gemstone’ by the Gemological Society of America. Of course, I do not think it should be pushed through, even if the costumer themselves happen to say that ‘this is a fossil’.”
It apparently depended on how you thought of it. Thinking back, this applied even to the general idea of gemstones.
I flicked the phone’s screen, head-over-heels for the prism-like shells that showed up one after another. Some people used them as pendants or brooches by processing the glittering part with gold.
“How pretty. Hey, do we also have ammolites here in Etrang... eh?”
“There is a possibility that we will one day. Something the matter?”
The beautiful jeweler had been scooping the shaved ice with a tiny spoon and eating it. He wasn’t eating it in a rushed way at all, but half of the iceberg was already gone. With perfect moderation, so that the proportion of the colors of the syrups that I had added one by one wouldn’t crumble.
“D-Did you like it that much?”
“I have never eaten shaved ice at Japanese stalls. Having a frozen desert in a refreshing place like this has a nostalgic air to it.”
He had never waged shaved ice at a stall. Did that mean he had eaten shaved ice at some fashionable shop? Probably not, I thought. A normal Japanese person wouldn’t eat shaved ice at that pace. The reason went without saying. This pace was – how should I put it? – dangerous.
“Richard, hey, listen well. Shaved ice is—”
“Why are you coming close?”
“I’m telling you something important. You have to eat shaved ice at a high pace.”
“But why are you shortening the distance between us? You are too close.”
“Don’t get hung up on minor stuff. More importantly, you already ate a lot of this shaved ice, right? Aren’t you tired of it? I can eat the rest.”
“It is terribly disconcerting to hear this from the father of this work of art, but I do not see any reason for that whatsoever, thus I humbly decline.”
“Aah! Don’t gulp it down! I said don’t gulp it down!”
“I am not. I do not eat that way.”
“Like I said, that’s not what I’m talking about...”
“It is impolite for me to eat by myself. Hurry and make yours to eat as well.”
“Whatever happens got nothing to do with me...”
Glancing backwards at the jeweler as he gave me an aloof nod, I began making my own shaved ice.
Later on, after Richard pleased the customer by sending them pictures of the shaved ice, he reported back to me. He probably reported because the pictures he had sent to the customer was of the shaved ice that I had made for myself, on which the colors were scattered in the form of a whirlwind. I smiled back, replying that I was glad, and not saying anything else. I also didn’t tell him that, by the time he remembered we had to do a photo shoot of it, the beautiful jeweler was making a face that looked like a boy having a worrisome migraine due to some anguish towards the meaning of life and death.
Summer was not yet over. We also didn’t know yet whether or not the customer in Bali would come to retrieve the ice shaving machine. Etranger wasn’t that big, so Richard was probably troubled that it was left there. But if they didn’t come to get it, I might be able to enjoy eating shaved ice with Richard in the summer every year for a while, I thought. And each of these times, I’d be sure to make a shiny mountain of ice in the colors of a rainbow, just like an ammolite. Just like the sparkly smile that Richard showed, I thought that it’d be great if such a summer came around and was looking forward to it.
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ververa · 4 years
Twist In The Sobriety
Request: something sweet and fluff with mina about her insecurity and reader being understanding and saying that she loves her, you can take it wherever you want, smutt or not, I would just love something sweet.
A/N:@honeysorwell​ I hope this can do! Sorry if this is shit. Also I’m deeply sorry it took me so long. I’m just really discouraged and I’m kind of struggling rn. Anyways, hope you enjoy it!
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Wilhemina Venable x reader
Word count: 5 500
Wilhemina Venable was a professor of literature, who held the position of pro-rector for over two years. Wilhemina was known as a very strict, demanding and cynical woman. Some even considered her mean. She was respected by other professors and hated by students, as she was the one ‘ruining’ their plans. She came off as an unapproachable  woman, who had a heart of stone and no mercy. She always wore dark purple or black suits, had her dark hair pulled back in a bun and she never smiled. Most people felt intimidated by her, but you were fascinated. For you she was the most perfect woman you had ever seen. You really wanted to get to know her, but it wasn’t possible. Wilhemina spent most of the time in her office and you only saw her passing by from time to time. Though you were very observant, so you obviously made some assumptions.
You hoped that one day you would be able to meet her. You were fantasizing about how your first meeting could go, though none of those scenarios came true. The reality totally surprised you as you met her when you least expected it.
Wilhemina rarely had classes, she almost completely gave up on teaching after she became a pro-rector. She did lectures for a small group of students, who displayed advanced level of required subjects. Other than that Wilhemina barely left her office and if she did - it was only to inspect the condition of the university and to check if certain rules were followed by students and professors.
It was one of those days, when she actually got bored. She decided it was a good time to inspect one of her colleagues. In fact, Wilhemina didn’t care about what was going on in the classrooms as long as no rules were broken. She usually went there only to make herself feel better or eventually meet those students who were noticeably superior to the group.
She had heard quite a lot about you from other professors. They were always praising you and she got a bit curious. It had been a long time since anyone managed to make any impression on her. It was really hard to do it, and she started believing that no one and nothing could ever impress her again. Yet then she met you.
You had a lecture with one  of the professors that you truly despised. The man was over 50 years old. He was arrogant and overconfident, but what you hated the most about him was that he had no respect for women. He kept insulting and abusing female students for years, though none of them was brave enough to stand up to him. That was until you. You had been brought up in a family of lawyers, so holding various kinds of discussion was something that you had been taught for years. You had no trouble objecting him and then finding arguments to prove your point. Normally you tried to control yourself and be respectful, but that time was different. That time you got too angry to hold yourself back.
Wilhemina didn’t like to rush. She took her time getting to the right classroom and used the back door, so as not to interrupt. She had expected yet another boring lecture, but to her surprise she found you arguing with her colleague.
“I fail to understand how some of you, men, can be so narrow-minded. You classify women only in two categories - fuckable and non-fuckable. But let me tell you, there is more than that”
Venable scanned the room trying to understand what was going on. She decided not to interfere, because your speech sounded pretty interesting and promiscuous.
“Let’s take Miss Venable for example. You are all sure that you know her, but the truth is you only get to see the surface layer. And you are too oblivious and unintelligent to even consider that there is something more. In result you totally misunderstand her and perceive her in a wrong way” 
“That’s enough. Sit down Y/N”
“Sit down!”
“I’ll sit when I’m done”
“You’ll regret it. You’ll get punish for your insubordination”
“It’s not insubordination. We’re just having a discussion and you’re calling it an ‘insubordination’, because I’m right and you don’t have any arguments. But of course, I understand it’s hard to admit that you’re just a fool with a low self-esteem, who tries to compensate  for it by using young students and turning their life into hell if they refuse to have sex with you”
“Miss Y/L/N as a future lawyer you should know how to keep your head right, but apparently you’re not able to. I’ll not tolerate such behaviour in my classes. That’s why I think you can’t continue the course”
“Oh, I’m very calm. It’s you who takes it personal and reacts emotionally, because you can’t stand the fact that women can be more powerful. What hurts you the most is that you’re intimidated by us, by Miss Venable. And if that wasn’t enough she also took the position that you aspired to hold. And now I beat you, using the right arguments - the same as she beat you thanks to her qualifications. But of course, it’s our fault, because as women we’re supposed to serve you. I’m sorry to inform you, but the medieval times are over”
Wilhemina stood there shocked. She finally understood why everyone was talking about you. She hadn’t heard such kind of argument in a while. And you talking about her in such a way truly impressed her. Of course Wilhemina wasn’t the type of person who would admit that you made her speechless, so she composed herself and slowly approached you.
“Oh, and one more thing” you continued not realizing Wilhemina was there “Next time I find out you tried to abuse any woman, I’ll report you to Miss Venable. You’ll have a chance to ask how she's doing...”
“I’m good. Thank you” Wilhemina said as calm as possible - trying to hide her amusement 
You slowly turned round only to see her looking at you.
“Miss Venable…”
“Miss Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you”
“That’s… umm… that’s my pleasure” you said a bit dumbfounded
“Wilhemina… I can explain” your professor began
Venable said nothing, but you could notice how her hand clenched on her cane. She slowly approached the man and looked into his eyes.
“It’s Miss Venable” she emphasized her name hitting her cane on the floor “I'll make it clear, so there will be no misunderstandings. I’m truly disgusted. Your explanations do not interest me at all. And you can be sure I’ll raise this issue during the meeting of the school board”
You didn’t expect her to be there. You didn't necessarily want her to hear what you said and you obviously didn’t know how to act after that. Normally you would come up with something, but Wilhemina gave you no time.
“Miss Y/L/N” she moved closer to you
Venable looked at you, but you didn't lower your eyes like your professor. It felt weird - almost as if her big brown eyes could look right through your soul, but you held her stare anyway.
That was unexpected. Her stare was like a weapon. It made everyone feel intimidated and thereby proved that Wilhemina was in power. Everyone always averted their eyes, except for you. 
“Miss Y/N would you care to follow me to my office?” she asked, but by the tone she used you could tell it was an order not a question or request
“O-of course”
You followed Venable - counting all the tiles on the floor on your way, trying to compose yourself. Being alone with her had been something you wanted, but you weren’t really sure where that could go at that point.
“Sit down” she demanded and you did it immediately - this time not needed to be told twice. Wilhemina sat down as well and looked at you carelessly swiveling her cane.
“So…” you started after a moment of silence that for you seemed to be a bit too long
“So” she repeated doing her best to contain her amusement with your nervousness  
You were looking everywhere, but her face. Yet even though you weren't looking at her, you could feel her eyes on you. You shifted feeling slightly insecure under her stern gaze.
“You are quite a unique specimen, aren’t you Miss Y/N?”
“I… I guess I am...” you said scratching the back of your head
“I must say, I’m pretty impressed with your gift of the gab”
“Well… I must say, I wasn’t quite expecting you to hear all that?”
“Why is that? I’m glad I did. Though, I really felt quite distressed learning some of those things”
“Umm… Does that mean I won’t be expelled or suspended?”
“Oh, of course not. We can’t let ourselves lose such precious students as you”
Your eyes widened. That definitely was the last thing you had expected to hear.
“Of course, it’s understandable if you won’t want to attend Mr Smith’s classes. And if that’s the case, I’d help you to prepare for the exam instead”
“Yes. That’d be great!” you exclaimed probably a bit too enthusiastically “I mean I’d really appreciate it, Miss Venable”
Wilhemina nodded. She didn’t show any kind of emotion, but she seemed pretty pleased with your response. 
“Alright then. We shall start on Monday. Meet me at the library. 8 a.m. and don’t be late” 
Going to the university wasn’t a dream come true for you - at least not at that time. You wanted to take a gap year and travel. You wanted to see the world, meet people, party, fall in love. Though your parents were against your idea. They basically made you go to the university and study law. They had already had everything planned for you. You were supposed to become a lawyer, just like your father and then work in his office. That for sure was a good plan, but nobody asked you if that was what you wanted. It obviously wasn’t and you hated it. All the lectures were boring and most of your professors were assholes. That’s why spending time at the university was like a torture for you. Though after you started your lessons with Wilhemina it became more bearable.
You weren’t wrong saying that there was more than Venable let people see. And whether she liked it or not, you noticed everything. Every little detail about her. From the way she moved or shift her cane to the changes in her voice tone when she spoke. You could see beyond the thick walls she had been building her whole life and you absolutely loved every second of getting to know her better. She was an incredibly intelligent, independent and strong woman. She always talked so passionately about all the things related to the subject she was teaching. And even though law wasn’t really her thing, she was doing a really good job teaching you and helping with all the stuff. In fact she was better than your other professor. You loved listening to her calm voice and it didn’t really matter what she was talking about. Just the fact it  was no other than Wilhemina Venable made even the most boring thing interesting.
Wilhemina couldn’t deny that you were full of surprises. After everything she had been through in her life she didn’t think there was anything more that could make her feel astonished, but there you were. You were an eloquent and ambitious person. She knew that at once, but she had no idea how hot-tempered and sassy you could be. She got to see that side of you after some time, when you got more comfortable around her. But she didn’t mind. In fact your dry sense of humour, which perfectly matched hers, made her like you even more. You might have been sarcastic or even arrogant at times, though you never disrespected her in front of others. It’s not that other people did. They wouldn’t dare to disrespect her, because they were all afraid of the consequences. Though it was different with you. You were the one who truly respected her and you did that not because of fear, but because in your eyes she deserved that respect. And much to her dismay, it made Wilhemina feel different about you. There was just something in the way you rolled your eyes or made some snarky comment. Something that made her unable to get you out of her head. Wilhemina wasn’t sure whether she liked it or not or whether it was something good or not. The only thing she knew was that you, with no doubt, were the one who could push all her buttons down.
As you got to know her better - teasing Wilhemina became your new favourite hobby. She always knew what to say, except for those moments when she was with you. And you loved seeing her being frustrated or rolling her eyes or when she unsuccessfully tried to tell you off. She may try to seem mad, but you knew that deep inside she liked it as much as you did. 
“Do you want me to be honest, Miss Venable?” you started one time when you were in the library
“No” Wilhemina said not averting her eyes from the book she was reading
“Well, I’ll say it anyway”
“I had no doubt you’d do that” she sighed
“Oh c’mon. You love listening to me and my theories, Willy” you used the nickname knowing it would draw her attention
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” she asked closing the book
“I’m sorry, I don’t take orders” you shrugged “In fact I barely take suggestions”
Wilhemina shook her head.
“You should have been born with a warning sign”
“Shit happens” you laughed at her comment
“Y/N” she cut you off
“From the bottom of my heart - I don’t care”
“Well, I respectfully don’t care that you don’t care”
It wasn’t possible to tame you and Wilhemina knew that, but she couldn’t let you see how much she actually liked it.
“I was wondering what kind of music you like” you started 
Wilhemina looked at you with anticipation. You rarely dared to make any assumptions about her or if you did you didn’t share them with her. You were usually making fun of other people, so she was curious where your conversation was about to go.
“Well, Miss Venable, you seem so calm on the outside, but I bet that behind closed door it’s all loud music, leather and BDSM”
Wilhemina stared at you in silence. Her brown eyes did not blink even once as she examined you. Her serious face expression caused a shiver run through your body. Did you cross some line?
“I… I mean you... just give that kind of vibes… I mean no offense…"
"No harm done"
"Okay. Good" you said looking at your hands instead of looking at Wilhemina as you’d normally  do.
It didn’t happen often that you shy away or get insecure. Your silence was always very suspicious and it usually led to more snarky comments. But it was different that time and Wilhemina knew it. She knew that you got shy and she couldn’t help, but used it against you.
“You are right in fact”
“I am…?” your eyes widened
“Yes, except for the part with leather…  I’m not a huge fan of latex you know”
You blinked completely dumbfounded. You couldn’t quite process her words and so you just stared at her. 
“Oh my, did the great orator lose the ability to speak? Did I make a counselor-to-be speechless?”
“Yes, Miss Venable. You kind of did" you admitted not looking at her, feeling your cheeks slowly turning light pink. You rarely felt embarrassed or confused, so in that very moment Wilhemina felt kind of bad for you. A part of her was satisfied with succeeding and making you shut up, but  there was also that bit of her that found you adorable. She hated seeing a frown of concern on your face, so she decided to act.
“Well” she stood up “You are fine Y/N. I’m just messing”
“So, it’s not true?”
Venable was about to say something, but she closed her mouth without making any sound. She was hesitant or couldn’t find the right words - you weren't sure which one. You kept looking at her as she was moving around the table, that the two of you were sitting at. She walked slowly, her heels and cane clicking on the floor making your knees feel weak.
“To some extent it is, I think” she said finally
“W-what do you mean?” you asked turning round to look at her
“Well” she placed her hand on your shoulder “I do like loud music” she continued playing with the strand of your hair “I listen to classical music mostly, but I like rock too...” she said, but stopped as she looked at your face. 
Wilhemina didn’t know why she was telling you all that, but it felt right. And the smile on your face definitely was worth the effort.
“It’s actually a long story” she said after a long moment of silence
“Now, that you started you have to tell me. Please, please Miss Venable” you looked at her pleadingly
 "I…Would you like a cup of tea, Miss Y/L/N?"
"With you Miss Venable I could drink anything" you joked, but you actually meant that. And you just kind of wished Wilhemina knew how happy you felt whenever you were with her.
Wilhemina had been through all of that before. At some point she realized that her heart beating faster every so often whenever you appeared wasn’t just a coincidence. Such kind of tune was known to everyone, including Venable. She was well aware that she wasn’t able to win that war, no matter how hard she tried. That’s why she hoped that particular tune would never play again - at least not in her heart. Yet you appeared in her life. The battle had begun the moment she met you. You were like a hurricane that rearranged her molecules. You were the twist in her sobriety that she wasn’t ready for. And there she was - fighting with herself. It was her and no one else burning in her own hell. She knew that fighting it was a lost cause, yet she still tried to play that game. And she was doing her best, so as not to get too carried away. 
“Which part of following the rules you don’t get Y/N?” Wilhemina asked as you appeared in her office with the same enquiry for what felt like a hundredth time
“I understand everything. I’m not asking you to break the rules” you said innocently “I’m only asking to bend them a little” you added smiling
Wilhemina sighed shaking her head.
“Rules are rules” she stated not looking at you, knowing that if she did, she wouldn’t be able to remain cold anymore
“Oh, c’mon dude!” you said out of habit
That’s when she looked at you. Her eyes narrowed into a glare and as they met yours, you immediately realized your mistake. It wasn’t the first time that something like that slipped and you knew for a fact that Wilhemina hated it. She kept trying to cure you of using such kind of sentences, though apparently it didn’t go as well as she thought.
“I… I mean Miss Venable” you corrected yourself
She really wanted to play it cool and remain indifferent, but that pleading look on your face was too much to take. How she hated you for it.
“Why would I agree?” she shifted, sitting more comfortably in her chair
“Because… deep inside you have a heart of gold?”
Wilhemina raised her eyebrows.
“I’m not convinced” she was about to go back to whatever she was doing before you interrupted her
“Ugh… You’re so stubborn” you rolled your eyes
“I told you to stop doing that”
“Doing what?”
“Rolling your eyes at me, Miss Y/N”
“What? I… You never told me that?”
“Well, I’m telling you now”
“T-that’s… Ugh… Fine! I have better arguments”
“I’m all ears”
“First of all, our library needs renovation, but school obviously doesn’t have enough money. So, the plan is…”
Wilhemina kept listening to you, as you were explaining all your ideas to her. She tried hard not to show any kind of emotion, but since you appeared hiding and avoiding her feelings became rather difficult.
“Are you always such a smartass?” she asked unexpectedly 
“No…” you answered a bit dumbfounded “Only when I want to impress you” you added shrugging
Your answer took her by surprise. She really wanted to hold it back, but couldn’t and chuckled. Her cute, genuine laugh made you smile.
“OH.MY.GOD. So, you do smile and laugh” you teased
It was the first time ever that Wilhemina expressed a kind of emotion other than anger, dissatisfaction or boredom. It was new, it was different and it was all because of you. Being around you she couldn’t suppress her emotion, but she was enjoying it more than she would ever admit. In fact, she liked herself better when she was with you. And she obviously couldn’t say ‘no’ to whatever you asked her for - no matter how ridiculous it was for her. 
“Wow… Miss Venable smiled at me” you kept teasing “I’m flattered”
“I didn’t ask for your insight” she said not looking at you 
"Don't worry. It hurts a little less each time" you smiled at how flustered she got
"Keep teasing and there will be no film night or whatever other shit you come up with" she said crossing her arms
"So you agree?" you beamed
"You wouldn't leave me alone if I said 'no'" she answered playing with her pen, trying her best to focus on it instead of you
"Thank you!" you moved quickly and before Wilhemina had a chance to comprehend what was actually going on, you kissed her on her cheek. Her eyes widened. That unexpected move made her feel a thousand of butterflies in her stomach and much to her dismay she didn't know how to get rid of that weird feeling.
"I swear to God, Y/N, I'll strangle you" 
"Is that a promise?" you bit your lip
It took everything in Wilhemina to remain unimpressed and didn't let her feelings show. 
"You're walking on thin ice, Miss Y/N" her voice was calm and the usual grave expression was back, but you could notice how the corner of her mouth twitched a little as she spoke
"I'm aware of it. That's professional risk, Miss Venable" you said with pretended dignity at which Wilhemina rolled her eyes
"Don't you have somewhere else to go?"
"Perhaps, I do"
"Then perhaps you should go"
"Perhaps I should" you said, but kept standing there and looking at her
"Out! Now! Before I lose my patience and decide to throw one of the books at you"
"Umm..." You tilted your head to one side "You wouldn't do that. You like those books too much" 
You were right - she wouldn't do that, but not because of her love to the literature. She wouldn't do that, because she liked you. She liked you more than her books, in fact, and hurting you was the last thing on her mind.
"Okay, I'm leaving" you said finally
"Good" she nodded
"Oooh, one more thing" you stopped at the door and turned round to look at her one more time
"You have a beautiful smile, Willy" you said and left not waiting for her response
As you closed the door Wilhemina sighed. She stopped holding herself back. She touched her cheek and a wide smile appeared on her face at the thought of your kiss.
"You'll be the death of me, Y/N" she said to herself
Wilhemina was used to being on her own. She devoted herself to her career and didn’t feel like anything in her life was wrong or missing. In fact she was convinced that everything was in place. She never wanted to need someone ever again, but that changed when she met you. Wilhemina knew it. She could feel it, though she still couldn’t accept it.
You were everything she had been avoiding. You were loud, you were talking almost constantly, you couldn’t sit still even for a minute, you were annoying, stubborn, arrogant, sarcastic and funny and charming… She tried to hate you, but it wasn’t possible. You had awaken something inside her. Something that caused her walls to tumble down. You were the only one, who had such effect on her and she truly wanted you in all possible ways. Yet at the same time Wilhemina was scared. She had had her heart broken before, because she had let herself be led astray. She was afraid of getting burnt again.
Besides that she believed that being with you wasn’t possible. Why would you even like her? She was a horrible person. She could be really mean at times and was capable of truly anything. Ever since she had got her heart broken she treated people more like punching bags. She could cut them into pieces with her words alone and that was exactly why she was on her own.
Wilhemina never truly gave a damn about her bad reputation. She didn’t care what people thought or said about her. But since you appeared in her life she was, in fact, constantly worrying about what you may think when and if you found out about certain things she had done. She often wondered how she had became so obnoxious. Or what was it with you that made her act different. She didn’t mean to care so much. She didn’t mean to be lenient with you. She didn’t mean to enjoy your company. And she definitely didn’t mean to fall for you. But she couldn’t help it and so she hated herself for loving you.
A film night at the university was one of your many ideas that Wilhemina agreed to. She didn’t like it, but for the sake of you, she couldn’t say ‘no’. Though she made it clear, that it was just a one-off deal and you wouldn’t be allowed to do something like that ever again. Her statement didn’t really bother you. Wilhemina always said things like that, but then changed her mind because of you. You knew she had a soft spot for you and you often wondered how it would be to be with her. Yet you didn’t dare to do anything, afraid of scaring her off or losing her trust.
Wilhemina, of course, couldn’t and didn’t want to show how much she enjoyed seeing you so excited or listening to you talking about that one particular film you chose, so she made much of an effort to hide it and kept complaining. Though you were way too happy to care about it. You completely focused on organizing everything, so that everyone, including you and Wilhemina could enjoy it. You put a lot of effort into that, that’s why you were a bit upset when Wilhemina said nothing and kept ignoring you for almost whole evening. She seemed pretty wired, so you didn’t push. You tried your best to give her space, though you failed miserable as the movie that you had chosen ended and another one, picked by one of your friend, turned out to be a horror.
You hated horror movies and you never watched them on your own. But there you were forced to watch. It wasn’t even the middle of the film and you already couldn’t take it. Wilhemina, on the other hand, seemed completely unmoved. She just sat there and kept watching without any particular expression on her face. Though she did show some emotion, as unexpectedly, you hid your face in her arm - gripping her hand and clinging to her like a child. You were close. Very close. And Wilhemina wasn’t ready for it. She didn’t like when people were that close to her. She knew you didn’t do it on purpose, but couldn’t help and got tensed or maybe even a bit mad.
“Y/N, could you move out of my space?” 
“I… Sorry” you moved immediately 
You internally cursed yourself for acting like that, especially around Venable. You didn’t want to make her feel bad, but you knew you did. You tried to focus on the movie or rather on not freaking out because of it. Though it turned out to be too much for you. You couldn’t keep watching it and you definitely couldn’t hide in Wilhemina’s arms, so you decided it’d be better for you to leave.
Wilhemina watched as you grabbed your things and left without any explanation. At first she was sure you went to the toilet or somewhere, but more and more time passed and you didn’t come back. She began to worry and felt a bit guilty. Without thinking much she stood up and went after you. She slowly wandered through the corridors, wondering what she should do when she finds you. Was it her fault that you left? Should she have not acted the way she did? And why did she even do that? She was longing for your touch. She wanted you close, but then she pushed you away. Wilhemina carried on scolding herself for her behaviour until she found you in the library. You were sitting on the desk and  looking out of the window.
“Y/N?” she called your name closing the door
You jumped at the sudden sound.
“Oh my God” you placed your hand on your heart
“I didn’t mean to scare” she said worriedly
“It’s fine”
“Are you alright?” Wilhemina asked approaching you
“Yeah… I just don’t like horror movies” you shrugged
Venable nodded stopping right next to you. There was a moment of silence, that Wilhemina needed to think through her next move.
“So…” she started
“So” you repeated, remembering that your very first conversation was almost the same. The only difference was that then you were the one who were nervous back then.
“Would you mind if I stay here with you?”
“No, Miss Venable”
You could say something was bothering her, but you knew Wilhemina wasn’t the one to talk about her feelings, so you let it be. You said nothing, just kept looking at her trying to figure out what was going on inside her head.
Wilhemina stared at an old bookcase in front of her. She was lost in her thoughts - recalling her past, wondering how she always ended up making bad decisions, making the people, who cared about her sad or how they always left her. She knew that she was mostly bad and kept pretending, because she didn’t want people to know her. Yet, somehow, you managed to break through her defense and you made her someone new. You took her self control and made her forget to play her role. She loved that feeling, but still she was worried, afraid of making yet another bad decision.
Venable could feel your eyes on her. You were staring all the time, so she turned to face you.
“What?” she asked coldly 
“Nothing” you smiled to yourself and averted your eyes
“It’s not nothing. Tell me”
“I… You are just… so perfect”
Wilhemina looked at you. There was some kind of fear mixed with shock in her eyes.
“Trust me Y/N, I am not”
“Why would you say such stupid thing about yourself?”
“Just look at me...”
“I’m looking at you”
“And what do you see? For people I’m just a horrible, heartless woman… And my disability…”
“For God’s sake, if someone is truly disabled in our university, it’s professor Smith, who suffers from the lack of working brain cells. You’re fine Willy. You’re so very fine that it hurts when you say such things about yourself”
“You’re too precious to know what I’ve done in my lifetime… and, selfishly, I’ve grown to enjoy your company so much that it would tear me apart if I lose you over my past”
“Stop it. You are amazing. You are the most powerful, clever and beautiful woman I’ve ever known. You’re the best thing I’ve seen in quite some time, Willy…” you said biting your lip
“I swear to God, if you call me that one more time…”
“Then what, Willy?” you asked arching your eyebrow playfully
“Then I can’t be held responsible for my actions” she said and kissed you
You smiled against her lips. She was about pulling back, but you held her in place to kiss her back. And for a moment she forgot to worry.
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange​, @natasha-danvers​, @stopkillinglilyrabe​
253 notes · View notes
pastelsandpining · 3 years
My Only Wish (Naughty or Nice)
The fifth prompt in 12 Days of Christmas by @zelink-prompts​
Prompt List
Cover Art: coming soon!
Words: 2087
Summary: Zelda reads about a foreign holiday called Christmas and decides to bring to life one of the traditions for the other Champions. She’ll need a red suit and a bag of gifts, but luckily she knows just the person to pull off the holly, jolly Santa Claus.
BotW Pre-Calamity Zelink, not AoC related!
Zelink-mas 2020  l  Masterlist
Link was beginning to wonder if the pressure was getting to the princess. She was always pushing forwards in the face of adversity, but it wasn’t her frustration and sadness that made him believe she’d finally cracked. 
It was when they took up residence in her study and she whirled on him with a book in her hands about goddesses only knew what.
“I’ve conducted some research,” she began, which was not new to him but filled him with a sense of playful dread anyway, “regarding Hylia’s Day and other holidays we celebrate here in Hyrule. We know that culture and religion are the basis of all holidays, and the difference in what is celebrated and how stems from those traditions. I was curious about the world outside of Hyrule. I thought perhaps I could read something about their beliefs and traditions that could help me awaken my power, but I found a celebration that’s incredibly similar to ours.”
She dropped the book on her desk and cracked it open, beckoning for him to join her. He stepped over, standing close enough so that when he leaned forwards to join her over the pages of the book, he could smell the flowery scent of her hair. 
He couldn’t read anything on the page. Not when his attention was taken up entirely by her. So he listened to her speak again, following her fingers dancing along the page.
“A religion referred to as Christianity celebrates something called Christmas. For worshipers of the faith, this day is celebrated as the birth of their savior. But the holiday became something widely celebrated by people not of that faith. It became a day of giving gifts and spending time with family. People decorate with trees and lights and hold grand parties. And just like how Hylia brings joy and peace to families on Hylia’s Eve, they too have a figure that travels to every corner of the world, leaving gifts for the children! Multiple sources have claimed that this figure keeps a list sorting the children into categories—meaning whether or not they’ve been naughty in the past year, or nice. Naughty children are given coal, which is quite funny really. He goes by quite a bit of names, too. Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas—but they’re essentially talking about the same figure.”
“There’s a lot of similarities,” Link agreed, glancing in her direction. 
“I know what you’re thinking. What does any of this have to do with the sealing power?” Her cheeks flushed, the pink tint reaching to the tips of her ears. “Well, ah… it doesn’t. But Hylia’s Day is coming up and… and everyone’s been so down and patience is wearing thin and I thought perhaps we could do something to cheer everyone up.”
He wasn’t sure what sort of unseen force compelled him to obey the princess. Yet he couldn’t even bring himself to think that the scheme she’d come up with was absurd. He’d follow her to the ends of Hyrule should she ask him to. 
It was why he wasn’t exactly surprised to find himself accompanying Zelda and a holly, jolly Daruk across Hyrule. Though he couldn’t believe the princess had actually crafted the entirety of Father Christmas’s red outfit.
“This Sandy Claws really doesn’t know fashion,” the Goron said, adjusting the hat upon his head. “The less restrictive the clothing, the better for movement.”
“You play the part very well,” Zelda assured, patting the towering boulder on the arm. “Besides, I read that he’s quite the eater. Children leave out cookies and milk for him, so perhaps you’ll get lucky tonight.”
“If the cookies are prime, crunchy rock, then I can hardly resist. Right, brother?”
Daruk slapped him on his back, sending Link tumbling forwards. Zelda’s arms caught him, and he was quick to regain his balance with the feeling that the Goron did that on purpose.
“Besides, we’re really only visiting the other Champions. I wish we could do more, but we’re lacking the magical sleigh that can travel at the speed of light,” Zelda spoke again, tapping away at the Sheikah Slate. 
“Santa leaving Santa a gift, huh?”
“Oh, Link already took care of that. You’re not allowed to open it until the morning.”
Daruk turned to look at him, surprised. Link only shrugged with a small, only slightly smug smile.
“I’m sneaky,” he said. The Goron laughed and Link took a step closer to Zelda to prevent being slapped on the back and sent tumbling off of Death Mountain.
“So what did you deem me?” Daruk asked, his hands resting on his hips to Link’s utter relief.
“Nice, of course,” Zelda replied with a pat to his arm. “I can’t think of anyone who might be classified as naughty.”
Link could think of one.
But he didn’t voice his opinion and instead shrugged in agreement, and the three of them were off to Zora’s Domain. He had to admit wearing the green of the mythical Santa’s Elves was an experience—he felt a sort of respect for the color. But it was nothing compared to how Zelda looked in her costume. She’d really gone all out for this, with a green little hat and all. It was cute, and admirable really, that she was willing to go so far to spread happiness. 
Happiness they desperately needed right now, with the Calamity looming ever above their heads and constricting them like a snake.
He supposed it would’ve been hard for anyone not to react upon seeing three oddly dressed individuals, Zora guardsmen included. But all the Princess of Hyrule had to do was smile and they let it go without question.
“What’s your ruling on Mipha, Father Christmas?” Zelda asked, lifting the Sheikah Slate.
“Nice,” Daruk decided, rather unsurprisingly. But Link nodded in agreement.
“Sidon too. Can’t leave something for Mipha and not her little brother,” he pointed out.
“I’m hurt you think I hadn’t considered that,” replied Zelda with a satisfied smile. “Alright, each package is specifically wrapped. Mipha gets the red box with the blue bow, and Sidon is the blue box with the red bow.”
Daruk swung the red sack from his shoulder and rummaged through it.
“You might have to do this one, tiny princess. Not sure how the big guy does it without waking anyone.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re more than capable! We’ll be right there with you,” Zelda encouraged, pulling something from the Sheikah Slate. “But if you feel you need it, I made an elixir that increases stealth.”
“What would we do without you?” 
The trip into Zora’s domain was relatively short after that. Zelda slipped into Mipha’s room to deliver the gift while Daruk and Link took care of Sidon, and she was pleased to know it’d been successful. Then, they were on their way to Gerudo for the next Champion. 
“Urbosa was incredibly hard to gift,” the princess said, thinking aloud. But Link was listening anyway, glancing over to her incase she decided to continue. 
“What did you end up getting her?” Daruk asked as he paused to rummage through the sack of presents. 
“Something of my mother’s,” Zelda replied simply, eyeing the small, wrapped box. “I think she would treasure it.”
A tiny smile graced her lips and Link felt his fingers twitch with the urge to take her hand. But she didn’t look sad. If anything, she looked comforted.
“You should deliver this one, Princess. I mean, Santa or not, Link and I can’t get into town,” Daruk pointed out. 
“I’ll be quick,” she promised before disappearing behind the walls of Gerudo Town. And while he knew she was safe there, he always felt an anxiety he couldn’t place.
“She’s real spirited,” said Daruk, nearly knocking Link over with his nudge. “It’s mighty kind of her to want to do this for us.”
“She wants to spread happiness,” he replied with a small shrug. 
“And is it working?” the Goron asked. Link didn’t answer, but he made a point to not look at Daruk and instead kept his gaze on the arching entrance to the town. A few minutes later, Zelda came back out and the group made their way to Hebra.
“Revali,” Zelda spoke, tapping at the slate. “What’s your ruling?”
“Naughty,” Link replied, without missing a beat. The Princess stared at him for a moment, then pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter. 
“I don’t want to agree, but..” Daruk said, scratching his beard, “he did call me an ‘oversized pebble’.”
“Revali’s just..” 
“Mean,” Link input, cutting Zelda off without really intending to.
“I was going to say young.”
“Well, so are you and the little guy here!” Daruk argued.
“Revali is a strong personality, and the Rito are a proud people,” Zelda stated, crossing her arms over her chest. “It would be rather rude to gift everyone but him.”
“I thought Santa’s whole thing was rewarding the good and punishing the bad,” said Daruk.
“Yes, but Revali isn’t bad, per say. Besides, we didn’t bring any coal.”
“I live on a volcano.”
“..Daruk.. tell me you did not pack coal.”
“That would be a lie, tiny princess.”
It was Link’s turn to fight back a laugh this time, biting the inside of his cheeks to keep it contained.
“Well, I can’t exactly stop you. But be sure to leave the real present too!”
But Daruk had disappeared into Rito Village, leaving the elf-dressed duo behind.
“I still think Revali would be on the naughty list,” Link said with a shrug. Zelda gave him a playful shove.
“Be nice,” she reprimanded, shaking her head.
“Do you think it’s possible for Revali to be nice?”
“I— I refuse to speak ill about any of my Champions,” but she was smiling through her words and that was enough of an agreement for Link. “I do hope Daruk hurries. I’m not sure how long the stealth elixir will last.”
“I’m sure that would make for an interesting sight to wake up to.”
To that, she laughed. Maybe the best part of the night was getting to spend time with her outside of Calamity related business. It almost felt like they were friends.
And then Daruk was back, and the group got ready to part ways. 
“Thank you, Daruk. It was fun,” Zelda spoke, setting a hand on his arm.
“The fun’s not done just yet, tiny princess. I’ve got two more on the nice list to gift.” The Goron pulled two more wrapped gifts from his bag, handed one to each of them, then set off for Death Mountain with a wink.
Link looked at the gift in his hands, something a little heavy with a beautiful wrapping job that could only have been done by nimble fingers. He glanced up at Zelda, who seemed just as surprised. 
Well, it seemed he wasn’t the only one who snuck something into the bag.
“Um,” she spoke, fiddling with her unopened gift. “I just.. it’s nothing big, but I.. I thought you’d enjoy it and you’re a Champion as well..”
Oh, it was a cue. Link nodded once, then carefully unwrapped the rectangular object. What remained in his hands was a book, and a fairly thick one at that.
“I had to beg every chef I know to get the recipes,” Zelda said again, taking a slight step forward. “It contains food from Faron to Goron City, as much as I could find. I also threw in some older recipes I found in cookbooks in the library, but I’m not sure how good any of them are.”
“I.. thank you,” Link replied, because there was really nothing he could say. He looked up at Zelda and offered a small smile, even if it wouldn’t be enough. 
She ducked her head and started to open her own gift. As soon as the treat was revealed, he found it was his turn to nervously explain.
“I heard it’s your favorite. I, uh, scribbled down a recipe I found, so if it’s not good..”
But she was smiling at him, and his words died on his tongue.
“My mother used to make a fruitcake every Hylia’s Day,” she said, and before he could give an apology or say anything else, she was hugging him. “Thank you.”
When Link returned to his quarters for the rest of the night away, he fell asleep with one thought in his head.
One day, he would love to cook every recipe in that book for the Princess.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 68
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
It was one of those old crush dreams. And I could tell it was a dream. It had Weiss in it and she was wearing her old Beacon era outfit so I knew it was fake. That it wasn't real. It put the dream in that odd category of semi-lucid.
I was dealing with the Boarbatusk in Ports's old classroom. I was using my old sword. I felt small as I fought it.
"Save that kid!" Weiss shouted down at me. It was disorientating like she was shouting through molasses. "Jaune, save him."
I turned away from where she was alone in the seats calling to me. There was this kid down in the pit with me. I couldn't make out his face. It was that kind of dream. Colors blurred and I slew the professor's Boarbatusk.
Instead of dissolving into ash it turned into a matted mess of worms and centipedes. They overran the kid who called out something as a centipede slid over his wrists and locked tight.
I took a step forward but my legs got wrapped up by one of the Grimm worms. It wrapped over my flesh and the slime it left behind stung me.
A centipede wrapped around both my wrists and locked tight. It looked at me. It made a smug, Grimm face at me.
I tried to scream as the bugs ran over my body.
I woke up trying to scream but it only came out as a meek groan. I couldn't move and my wrists and legs still burned where the bugs had touched me.
I was awake enough to know what I was going through. Sleep paralysis, they called it. I drooled on myself a little and couldn't shut my mouth as I lay in the cot they'd stuck me in.
I waited and eventually I was able to move again. I sat up. An orderly came by in the hospital. They had to check on us every thirty minutes just in case one of us tried to commit suicide. That was the kind of ward I was stuck in. It seriously sucked.
I stood up, tired of being watched from the doorway when the nurses came by. They hadn't taken my armor or my huntsman clothes. That told me that they wanted me comfortable. Just so long as I wasn't dangerous.
I was still dangerous. I had my gods damn semblance. Nothing could take that from me.
I striped the clothes off and hung it all next to the sink as I stepped into the in suite shower and washed myself down. I felt fucking disgusting and my dream had left me shaking. My wrists and legs burned still.
Sleep didn't even hit the same anymore.
I couldn't trust it. I couldn't trust in my mind while I rested. I wasn't allowed to rest. It fucking sucked. Plus they took my weed from me and I hadn't had the chance to talk to a doctor who could prescribe something real for me.
All I had was reality. Cold and sober even in the hot shower. At least Neo could bust me out anytime I wanted, basically. They'd taken my scroll too so I couldn't call her but she'd be around. I might just take her up on it, too.
They had me locked in this place. This hospital had us under watch from the doorways at all times even through the night so my rest wouldn't have been restful even if I didn't have the nightmares.
I scrubbed at my eyes hard and thought about the people I was doing this for. Ruby. Weiss. Yang. Blake. My old friends. I had to give this a try otherwise I was a coward. Otherwise I wanted to be sick.
I picked at the inside of my ear as I stood in the shower. I could feel things crawling around beneath my skin. The shower water pounded against the ground and with it came the whispering sound of Mother's voice.
“Come to me… lend me your strength…”
I shuddered.
“I have a favor to ask you, child. Run. Run away.”
I wanted to slam my head into the shower tile wall. I hosed myself off with the little soaps they'd provided me and tried to relax as best as I could. It wasn't working so great. I wanted to hurt myself. I wanted to smoke. I wanted to die. I wanted to see my friends.
My feelings were all bottled and mixed up into a hue of utter nothingness.
It was still fairly late and I was sure I wouldn't get any more sleep tonight. Nothing good would happen to my thoughts if I did. That was when she got me. While I was sleeping I was vulnerable to her.
I was so fucking unsafe and had been for a long time. A month or more. Ever since that day I'd murdered my own friends nothing had gone my way. The things I'd learned about myself only dragged me down.
I hated it. I hated being alive. For the thousandth time I cursed Merlot who'd doomed me to this existence without a care in the world. My creator… I would make him pay. He would suffer for bringing me into this world and dooming me to be tortured so. I could feel her fingers on the surface of my mind.
They were surgical and touched me so gently but they were there, digging deep into my thoughts like tentacles. It would feel so good to give in to them. It could be everything I ever wanted.
"Mr. Arc? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," I called out to the nurse outside of the bathroom. "I'm the same as I've always been," I whispered in a quieter tone.
I could get through this. I was a hunter damnit. That meant something to me.
Does it?
The voice questioning me was my own. And it had a good point. All my dreams about being a hunter were fake. It was as fake as my name. It was given to me by an alien goddess.
She was working her way into me. She was breaking me down. I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep it up. It felt like water against a rock. Eventually it would erode. Except the rock was my mind. It was my psyche pit against hers.
"Can I get you anything Mr. Arc?"
"Something to help me relax and sleep?" I asked back.
"Just a moment." The male nurse walked away. He came back and placed a pill on a counter. "It's Clonazepam, just let it dissolve under your tongue. It should help with anxiety and sleep."
"Thanks," I breathed.
I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I savored the rough feel of the towel against my skin. The cloth was low quality and boy it felt good. I took the pill and let it dissolve under my tongue. It was incredibly sweet to the taste. I swallowed.
I immediately felt a little more relaxed but it was a bit more relaxed about being mind raped. There was only so much the drugs could do, surely. I was in it for real and I was in deep.
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
"So tell me about what brings you in here Mr. Arc." My counselor was a woman. Middling height with brown hair and green eyes. She looked trustworthy. A strong jaw and high cheek bones made her classically good looking, too. She was maybe fifty, maybe a bit older. She didn’t have the good looks of a hunter, though.
Dr. Caulbaugh was her name. And after a short introduction I was supposed to share with her my deepest darkest secrets. It was necessary for this thing to work.
"The general didn't tell you anything?" I asked. We were locked alone in a room. If I so chose I could rip her in half. Probably not a good sign that I was thinking like that. But I was.
"No, he didn't. It's up to you what you share with me. But the more honest you can be the better we can make things for you." She smiled at me and picked a pen at the corner of her mouth. An actual pen as opposed to a data pad.
"And you work with hunters?" I asked.
"Primarily. My background is in trauma victims. The overlap, I think, would surprise you."
“Not really.” As far as trauma went hunters had to be up there. Between killing people and watching their friends die day in and day out there was a lot of trauma to be had. I maybe knew a thing or two about that. I nodded and flushed out my half cape in the chair. I swept it behind me."That's why you lot let me keep my armor and clothes."
"Hunters are more comfortable in their wear. And armor isn't exactly a threat." She smiled again, trying to disarm me. That's the real reason she let me keep my cloak, armor, and clothes. That's the real reason I wasn't in a gown.
I kept nodding anyway.  
"Please, tell me about yourself, Mr. Arc."
"My father was a test tube and my 'mother,'" I gave the word quotation marks. "Was an incubator. I was created in a laboratory by a scientist named Merlot from the genetic material of a woman named Salem. My other mother."
"You're serious?" Her jaw dropped a little. It shouldn't have been outside the range of possibility. Especially in a technophilic place like Atlas.
I nodded again.
"Okay." She started writing.
"I'm biologically twenty but I'm chronological three or four."
"Oh my gods." She swore a little. She seemed a little shocked. I had been too, though. So there was that.
"Yeah. I joined Beacon academy when I was 'seventeen.' I was there when the academy went down. My partner was killed in the action. Her name was Pyrrha."
"Okay." She murmured scrawling at her clipboard.
"I killed for the first time maybe nine months after that. I just ripped this bandit in half."
"How many people have you killed?"
"I've lost count. Maybe a hundred. Maybe more," I confessed. "A lot of people."
"Okay. Alright." She kept writing frantically. "You're very young to have such a high body count."
"You've met other four year olds with a higher body count than me?" I laughed.
"N-no."  She mumbled. She picked the pen at the corner of her mouth. A nervous habit, maybe.
"Sorry. Bad joke."
"No, please go on."
"I was there when Haven was attacked. A month ago or so. Not sure if you heard about it."
"I hadn't…"
"I'm sure some details are classified. But while I was there my Mother, Salem took control over my mind. She made me kill two of my friends."
"You mean, like with a semblance?"
"Kinda," I shrugged. "I bet details about my Mother are classified above top secret. I'm sure I can't share much with you."
"That's alright."
"And ever since then I've had tactile, visual, and auditory hallucinations. I hear her voice. I see shadows. I feel bugs crawling around in my face and in my eyes."
"I see. I see. Then what happened after Haven?"
"I found my 'father's' laboratory. That's where I learned the truth about me. I had fake memories, you see. Then I came here."
"From Mistral?"
"I snuck into the country. Report me."
"I'm not going to report you."
"I was so worried you would," I said facetiously. "So what do you think, doc? Do I have PTSD?"
"Almost certainly," she was still writing very quickly. "Mr. Arc you have quite the tale to tell."
"Do I make your list of top ten weirdest patients or what?"
"You just might." She laughed. "Have you ever tried to take your own life?"
"Just after I killed my friends at Haven I tried to kill myself."
"What happened?"
"Couldn't focus. My aura wouldn't let me." I squeezed a fist as I recalled the memory. I inhaled deeply and tried to relax like I was about to try it again now.
"I see. I want to run through some mood scales with you. Is that alright?"
"Sure." I shrugged. I had no idea what those were.
"Now I want you to tell me if you've experienced these things over the past month. If you've experienced it all of the days, most of the days, half of the days, a few of the days, or none of the days."
"Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?" She asked.
"All of the days."
"Feeling like a failure, like you've let yourself down?" She went on.
"All of the days. My father classified me as a failure of an experiment, even."
"Feeling like you'd be better off dead or having thoughts of hurting yourself?" She was unrelenting.
"All of the days."
"Poor appetite or the reverse, over eating?"
"A few of the days."
"Poor sleep or the opposite, getting too much sleep?"
"All of the days."
"Which one?"
"I have nightmares from Mother. I can't sleep. I'm even afraid of sleeping. She gets me while I sleep."
She wrote notes on her clipboard. "How have you been sleeping since you arrived?"
"Okay, I'll prescribe you something for that. Next scale. Moving too slow, to the point someone would have noticed or the opposite, being more fidgety than usual?"
"None of the days."
"Fear or worrying about a great many subjects?"
"All of the days."
"Well Mr. Arc…"
"What? Never had a mind controlled patient before?"
"I can't say that I have. It seems to me you don't believe I'll be able to treat you."
"That's because I'm not actually crazy. I have someone else in my head."
"I don't think you're crazy Mr. Arc. That's not what PTSD is. I'm going to get you started on some of our atypical antipsychotics. They'll help stabilize your mood and you should notice the effects immediately."
"Which one?"
"It's called Asenapine. Have you heard of it?" She asked.
"No." I shook my head. I hadn't heard of any of the medications. I was no expert. My brain was in this woman's hands. I had to just trust her.
"Well it should help stabilize you. I want to run a genetics test on you to see which medications you'll respond best to in the meantime."
"I'm willing to bet my genetics are classified."
"Because of your origin?"
"Yeah. Because of my creation."
"Well I'll see about getting through on those. In the meantime I'm keeping you on Clonazepam and Asenapine."
"And you think that'll help?"
"Well it's not an exact science but we should be able to find a medication combination that works for you," she returned.
"We'll see, doc. I'm told you're who I should talk to about being released. About getting my weapon back, too."
"You hunters are all about getting your weapons. You're not ready to leave here, Mr. Arc. I'm putting you in for a three day hold."
"Three days?"
"Three days minimum. It's my professional opinion that you need serious help. You don't need a weapon in your hands right now."
"I could be doing real serious good. I could be saving lives."
"You could also be taking them."
"That's the job. That's what hunters are for. Let alone what I am for. I was made to kill people. I think. I’m not sure."
"You mentioned your friends. What were their names?"
"Ren and Nora." She looked over her board at me, looking deadly serious.
"Unless you want there to be more like that you'll remain calm and go through the therapies I recommend."
"Very well."
"You still seem doubtful. That sort of obstinacy is counter productive to your treatment. A large part of it is your belief."
"I'm being mind controlled. There's no cure for that. And the things I am? Where I came from? That shit's permanent."
"This mind control event is where your psychosis started? It's why you resorted to marijuana?"
"Maybe. There might have been psychosis before.."
"Then let us help you Mr. Arc. This isn't forever. You'll be back out in the field. It's my firm belief that your stay here is temporary. Have faith in the treatments. I think we can make some serious progress with your psychosis."
"I agreed to this in the first place."
"Then have faith. You're not doomed, Mr. Arc."
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
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kryptsune · 4 years
Happy Birthday UT...  -_-;
🌼Ok I am going to say a few things that may be off putting to some people... please be aware this is my opinion and just how I feel in general. This is just something I want to get off my chest... this is a very serious topic so please read with that in mind. 
I am sure some people remember the Dear UT Fandom post that I made a while back. This is an extension to that. After stepping away from the fandom I have seen more trends that have left a VERY sour taste in my mouth. This fandom used to be welcoming and passionate but lately I have seen some behaviors that I can only classify as immature, narcissistic, and entitled. Now I am not saying everyone in the fandom is like this, no, far from but as someone that has been in the UT pit for a very long time... It is disheartening to say that the more of this I see the more I begin to question if people actually UNDERSTAND what the game was trying to say to begin with.  I am going to go on record here to say that I am seriously tired. On a level that I did not think was possible. I still love what I have created and I still enjoy the content that my friends put forth that will never change. At the same time with my split from the fandom I have realized that if you are not in then you are out. In other words those connections you once had seem to break down because you are no longer in the fandom 24/7? Is that... ok? Sure people have different interests but you don’t just drop people because they aren’t in the thick of it like they used to be. What... how? I don’t even understand that.  In addition I have been seeing some highly toxic people spouting some shipping war garbage. Now I know what you are thinking... but Kit you have been dealing with that for years! Yes, sadly but this is where I draw the line. Look I know certain ships are not everyones cup of tea. You all know I am personally uncomfortable with Fontcest and Sanscest content. THAT IS MY OPINION. I am and will always be a RISK girl. That said... I have increasingly seen people become extraordinarily hostile when it comes to this.
I am not going to name who I saw this from because honestly I don’t want to give them the platform but... come on guys. It’s easy to filter tags. Does it always work? No.. but it’s a start. It’s what I do. You really have to check yourself when you go on your blog to call out a specific group of people calling them things like “sick fucks”. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you can tear down the people that do.  Their argument for this was something along the lines of... again the same beaten to death annoying excuse I get every single damn time, pedophilia. They are even claiming that those that make older adult versions are also in this category. The truth of the matter is they are spouting out mindless generalizations in favor of their own outcome... Yes, I am a Frans shipper. It makes me happy but let me tell you a little story. When I first played the game I had no shipping at all. It was a cute little game that I thought had a very profound message to tell. Then I got into the RP side of things. I have always kind of been a person that is into the dark stuff so I auditioned for Fell Frisk, hence my old username. Do you know why I started shipping Frisk with Red? Because of the interactions between my version of Frisk, which would eventually grow into Underworld Frisk, and my friends version of Red. Let’s be honest here... Red is NOT Sans. At least their version wasn’t. It was their own, an OC in a Sans the skeleton skin. That is where my love came from because I will tell you right now... the Red that existed and one I still see from time to time... I LOATHED. I hated his character so much. 
My point in telling this story is that people automatically assume that I looked at the game and went HECK YEAH they should be a couple. Absolutely not. In fact it was quite the opposite. I fell in love with a characterization under that same same. So before people go pointing fingers maybe they should stop and actually think. Not everything is cut and dry. I am sorry if I am pontificating a little bit but I can’t help myself. I am sick of seeing “you need to see help” posts by people that refuse to actually take the time to get to know people. 
That is one of the main problems of social media. How well do you actually know someone? The answer... you probably don’t. Ok I am going to pull back from my soap box. Look... I love this fandom it has been very good to me but I am glad that I am out of it now. I made the @fallenfellfrisk  blog for you all who have supported me and enjoy that kind of content because as a creator I love interacting with people. I know people want to see more of those designs and I eventually will deliver them but for now... I hope you enjoy and support this massive Hell Lore world build I have been working on. It’s going to be crazy and it’s honestly a lot of fun to play in.  So to end this very long “vent” enjoy what you enjoy and don’t be a jerk about it. Don’t put others down and accuse them of things that are not even remotely true. Instead of being so one way or the other people need to really think about a few things. We are all human beings. We are all individuals. Not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say. THAT IS OK. There are ways to shield yourself from the content you do not like. Do not attack your followers. Do not call them names. Do not treat people like garbage or spread rumors about them effectively separating them from the ones they care about. 
Try to remember that your actions have consequences and that your behaviors even more so. Be the best person you can be and remember the humanity of others. Be a positive influence in life and not a toxic egotistical and narcissistic asshole demanding something of someone else. Be... well... kind. 
Today is the day... Happy birthday... Undertale. 
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twdbegins · 4 years
Easy Day Off
Pike x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language.
A/N: Season 2 can’t come fast enough. I neeeeed to know more about Pike so he’ll be easier to write for. Like I don’t even know if Pike is his real NAME. Also note: this is pre-Snowpiercer days!
Requested By: @dianitahsstuff “How about a story about Pike and the reader before the world froze and how they got to the Snowpiercer?? 👀💕”-- So this didn’t completely answer what you requested. I decided to split it into two halves (not a 2 part series, rather just make two fics out of one request) simply for length purposes. 
Word Count: 1,366
“Oh, well I am honored to be up there with the best of the MLB.”
“Hey, P?” You called for the second time from where you sat in the living room. 
You were curled up on the sofa as you held the morning paper. He always teased you about how you were the only one who actually still read a handheld copy of The New York Times. You preferred it that way. You were a bit old fashioned when it came to reading. It was a particularly laid back weekend. You both had a few days off from work...or at least, you were supposed to. Pike never could leave his work at the office, hence why he had a home office and an office office. 
Working from home could be difficult, considering you were always wanting to talk about something. He didn’t mind, he liked talking to you. 
“Yeah, love?” He called back from the next room.
You tapped the pencil in your hand on your temple as you continued to brainstorm the final answer to this crossword puzzle you were working on;
“What’s a ten letter word that starts with ‘S’ and ends with ‘D’?” You asked, beginning to feel stumped.
You heard his chair squeak, a sign that he had leaned back in his chair to think. He was silent for a moment before responding;
“Category?” He asked.
“Mode of transportation.” 
He was silent again for a bit before replying;
Your face brightened with delight at the solved puzzle that you had spent an hour or so working on;
“Oh! Thanks!” You responded gratefully.
He smiled and shook his head, returning his attention to his work in front of him. You set your pencil aside and thumbed to the next page. The title of the article caught your eye;
Scientists’ Plan to Counteract Global Warming: What We Know So Far.
You raised a brow at that. It had been talked about for years now and had been picked apart by the media, but only now had you seen that there was some action coming into play. You read the article once and scanned it again to clarify what you were actually reading. It talked about the benefits and how it could add centuries of time to the state of the planet. It caused an eerie feeling to cloud into your head;
“Pike?” You called for a third time.
“Yes?” He replied real sing-songy like. 
“Have you heard about this scientist global warming thing?” You asked curiously.
“Oh, you mean the counteraction plan? Yeah, no that’s some bullshit,” He snarked; “No way they’ll actually do it. It’s just a PR stunt I’m pretty sure.”
You were a little doubtful of his words. Something wasn’t right about this. It seemed awfully risky. You were able to forget it soon after, though, when he finally entered the room. He was clad in sweatpants and a flannel that he didn’t even bother to button up. Typical Pike weekend attire. He sat next to you on the couch with a sigh;
“God almighty, I swear if I never had to go into the office again, I’d be a happy man.” He proclaimed, rubbing his face stressfully.
“You know, you don’t have to work from home. That’s why it’s called a day off,” You corrected; “Most of your stress is self-inflicted.”
He snorted at that. He was a hard worker (a little too hard in your opinion) and he rarely let a day go by where he didn’t work in some form or another.
“Things don’t get done when I’m not busy.” He replied.
“Your gray hairs grow faster when you are.” You fired back, matching his tone.
His jaw dropped slightly, he was amused but a little offended;
“Hey! I don’t have that much gray hair.” He retorted.
You pursed your lips into a smirk. He was usually clean shaven and didn’t let his facial hair grow out more than a little bit of stubble. He had always said that as long as he was afforded the luxury of choosing how he kept his hair, he would never be caught dead with a full beard. Whether that was because he didn’t want more gray hair to show or because he just preferred it clean shaven, you weren’t sure. You’d been with him for ten years, married for the last seven. But only in the last three or four had you noticed his appearance change. It seemed that the older he got, the harder he worked. Not the other way around. Not that you minded these changes. He was still just as handsome as when you first met him.
“Nothing wrong with a little silver in your hair. I find it rather attractive myself.” You purred.
He was more flattened and sunken into the couch, he looked over at you fully now;
“Is that so? Well, then maybe I should start working overtime to speed up the process.” He smirked.
You laughed lightly, leaning down to kiss him. He kissed back with a happy hum. Maybe he didn’t always love his job, but it afforded him most weekends off, which he was so grateful to have that time with you.
“So, what’s on the agenda for the day?” He asked once you pulled away.
A blankness came into your head. You hadn’t really gotten that far;
“Uhh..” You trailed off.
He laughed;
“I like the sound of that. We haven’t had a lowkey weekend in ages.” He praised.
“What happened to your whole ‘things don’t get done when you’re not busy’ motto?” You recalled.
He shrugged;
“Believe it or not, there are exceptions. Baseball games and my lawfully hot wife.” He grinned proudly.
“Oh, well I am honored to be up there with the best of the MLB.” You joked back. 
He blushed at his poorly worded statement, rubbing your leg with care;
“You know what I mean. I’m just glad to have some time off with you.” He claimed.
“Me too. Maybe we’ll finally get around to trying that pasta recipe that your mom keeps sending me.” You suggested.
“Oh my God. Honey, for the sake of us both, don’t try anything my mother sends. I grew up with her cooking and I can confirm that I have had food poisoning more times than the common cold.” He criticized. 
It was true. Pike’s mother was a notoriously bad chef. She tried really hard, but she just wasn’t that of Martha Stewart. You, however, were a great borderline fantastic cook. You were pretty sure she sent your recipes to learn from you without admitting her faulty cooking. 
“I admire her for trying. We should have her over for dinner tonight.” You suggested differently.
He had moved now to where his head was in your lap, his eyes closed as you ran your fingers through his previously discussed hair;
“Hell no. I just saw her two days ago. Even a momma’s boy needs a break,” He ranted; “You know that all she talked about the entire time was grandkids? That woman has grandchild fever.”
You laughed sweetly;
“Did you tell her that we’ve only been trying for a few weeks?” You questioned.
He scoffed;
“Of course I did. You were right. We should’ve waited until after you got pregnant to tell her, not before,” He confessed; “Because now it’s all she talks about.” 
“Awh. Let her be excited, Pike. She just loves you a lot.” You bantered.
He opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling;
“I know. She’s just a passionate lady I guess,” He ended that conversation, beginning a new one; “Speaking of trying...”
You shook your head;
“No, no, no. It literally hasn’t even been an hour since the last time.” You laughed as he sat up and pushed you into the sofa cushions.
“Alright, so this classifies as a round 2.” He cheekily said.
You laughed as he kissed you, your hands going to the waistband of his sweatpants. He stopped for moment to look at you before continuing;
“I love you.” He purred.
“I love you too, P.” 
The kisses continued and the rest of the weekend went by without a hitch. It was a perfectly warm and well deserved break.
A weekend that could warm even the coldest of hearts.
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
Friends who cook together...
I saw today's prompt for @auyeahaugust (College AU) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share the beginning of this fic I've been working on!
It's actually based on @e-milieeee's post, I couldn't resist the cooking trope 😬
Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 (gasp)
Lesson 1: Ratatouille
Adrien Agreste was the perfect man. Good-looking, hard-working, charming, he was the prime example of the son-in-law every parent wanted, and the people his age who didn't want to be him wanted to date him.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng wouldn't deny she might be classified in the latter category, although less so than when she was younger. She was good friends with the model now. Voluntarily so. You didn’t fight and defeat Paris’ number one villains for years, growing from a teenager into a young adult together, without getting close. Their respective crushes on each other had faded over time, but it didn’t mean they would’ve said no if all the circumstances aligned, although they wouldn’t have admitted it out loud.
The one thing Adrien Agreste wasn’t, though, was a good cook. Not that he didn’t have everything he could possibly need in his kitchen. The apartment he now lived in, although a huge step down from the Mansion that had once been his home (but what wouldn’t be), was still a lot bigger, and a lot more comfortable than what a normal student should have been able to afford.
It was a lot better equipped, too.
Marinette had told him the contractors were abusing his trust by installing things that were way more expensive than they ought to be, knowing he wouldn’t double check, but he’d waved her concerns away. With his father’s demise, he’d just wanted to move out as quickly as possible to avoid the crowds of paparazzi, and if signing a very large cheque could provide him with the knowledge the workers wouldn’t blab, then so be it. He couldn’t bring himself to sell the Mansion despite the knowledge it had been Hawkmoth’s lair the whole time -there were too many memories associated with his mother there- but he’d had some offers to rent it out for movie settings which would definitely cover the costs of keeping it, as well as his rent. He’d looked into his finances and put all the money he’d earned as a model in a bank account, and donated the rest to a fund to help Akuma victims. There was no way he was keeping his father’s dirty money when so many people had suffered at his hands.
Since then, Adrien had fallen into a nice little routine as he moved from Lycée to University. He made the most of his freedom by exploring every nook and cranny of Paris without anyone being able to say anything about it. No curfews, no limitations, but for his own tiredness and others’ private property, of course.
It left little time for him to learn basic cooking skills. He was often too tired to make anything when he came back from his nocturnal meanderings, so he went for the easy solution: food delivery. There were so many restaurants nearby he could’ve eaten something different every night for a month and still not have gone through all of the options. It was more diverse than anything he’d ever eaten, and it suited him just fine.
Little did he know that this habit would be disrupted by his best friend moving in next door.
Marinette had been looking for a new flat. Not that she didn’t enjoy living with her parents, but she found herself wanting a little more privacy now that she was at University. The reveal that she was Ladybug had brought a lot of attention to the Tom and Sabine bakery, which was good, but a lot of it was journalists prowling around in the hopes of getting an exclusive interview with her. She was tired of being pretty much mauled anytime she left the house, and although she could easily leave via the rooftops as Ladybug, she refused to let them dictate how and when she could get in and out. Which is why, when she’d seen the words “à louer” on a window of Adrien’s building as she visited him for their weekly game night, she didn’t think twice about calling the number. Adrien had been a step ahead of her, so the owners were expecting her call. A week later, she had officially moved into the flat across from his.
She hadn’t paid much attention to his habits at first. She was too busy settling in, and with all the planned evenings with Nino and Alya, plus the ones with the Miracuclass students who remained in Paris, she didn’t see how late he came back at night, and ordering in didn’t seem out of place. What better than a pizza for poker night? Or sushi for movie night? It was easy .
As winter settled in, though, and nights out dwindled to once every fortnight, she noticed the ballet of scooters and bikes that came almost at a fixed time every night. Generally when she was about to fall asleep, doing a grand job at waking her up. Groggily stalking up to the window one evening, she’d noticed Adrien meet the delivery person as he came back from wherever he’d been, paying his due and coming up. She’d dismissed it due to midterm season approaching, but exams had come and gone and things hadn’t changed. She kept an eye out, and after two additional weeks of seeing Adrien collect a brown paper bag, knowing fully well that he ate a sandwich every midday thanks to her father’s well-meaning gossip, she’d decided to take action. She couldn’t let her partner have such a questionable diet.
“What's it going to be tonight?” She asked, leaning arms crossed against her door frame one night as he appeared on the landing.
Adrien froze at the top of the stairs and looked at her like a deer caught in headlights.
“Er…“ He raked his mind for something, anything that would sound even remotely healthy, but nothing came. He sighed defeatedly. “None pizza with left beef.” He mumbled, his head lowered guiltily. He’d seen the meme the night before, and had wanted to try it out.
He repeated a little louder.
“Okay that’s it, you’re coming over to my place for dinner.”
He knew from her tone of voice there’d be no arguing with her, so he sheepishly followed her inside her flat, still clutching his pizza box. He wasn’t too unhappy about the outcome, if he was honest. Marinette was a good cook. He’d have a nice meal tonight.
“What about the pizza?” He asked weakly.
“We can use it as… bread, or something.” The girl suggested, crinkling her nose at the thought. For someone who came from a long line of bakers and was part Italian, calling the contents of the box pizza or even bread seemed inherently wrong.
Adrien trailed a little behind her as she walked towards her kitchen, marveling at what she’d done with the place.
Marinette’s apartment mirrored his in terms of structure, but whereas his decoration was very minimalistic, hers was a lot more eclectic, without looking cluttered. Her furniture wasn’t a set, yet fit together very well and gave the space a cozy feel. The painted walls, as well as the coloured posters, curtains, rugs and cushions made it feel very homey. He wanted nothing more than sit on her sofa and snuggle under the knitted blanket with her to watch a movie.
Platonically, of course.
Adrien walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the pastel yellow of the walls and warm lighting. Her utensils provided nice splashes of colour that brightened up the room. He particularly appreciated the Ladybug-themed colander that was drying next to the sink.
“If you look in that bottom draw,” she indicated with her foot before reaching for a jar of dried rice in a cupboard, “you should find some saucepans, if you could take two out please, Chaton.”
He obliged, resisting the temptation to lift her up to help her. He knew she wouldn't appreciate it.
“Can I put you in charge of cooking the rice?” She asked, handing him the packet. Adrien accepted it but looked at her quizzically.
“Sure!” He replied excitedly. “Do you have the instructions anywhere?”
Marinette stopped in the middle of washing vegetables she’d taken out of the fridge and squinted her eyes as she gauged whether or not he was joking. He seemed genuinely at loss for what to do.
“Have you never prepared rice before?”
“It’s like pasta.” His clueless face made her sigh defeatedly. “You’ve never made pasta either, haven’t you.”
“Does instant ramen count? Or pasta boxes?” He flinched slightly.
“How you’re still alive and actually fit is beyond me.” She rolled her eyes. “Right, I guess we really are starting with the basics then. Consider this lesson number one: pour some water in that saucepan.”
She moved away from the sink to allow him to access it, but stayed close enough to be able to turn the tap off for him. He clearly had no idea of how much water was needed.
“Right, now put the saucepan on the hob, and turn it on.” She saw a smirk spread on his face. “And don’t even think about making a joke, I know what it sounded like!”
“You’re no fun, Buguinette.” He pouted, pressing the button she indicated.
“Add a little salt, and then we’ll just let it come to a boil.”
Next, she handed him a chopping board and tomatoes. She hesitated before giving him a knife. “Can I trust you not to cut yourself?”
“Har har.” He grabbed the knife. “Joke’s on you, because salad is actually the only thing I know how to make. How do you want these?”
She resisted making a comment on how knowing how to make salad wasn't something he really could brag about. “Sliced. We’re making ratatouille.”
“Ooh, nice!”
He listened as she talked him through the recipe, impressed by the fact she didn’t need a cookbook to remember how to prepare it. She taught him how to prepare an aubergine, which he could recognise thanks to the emoji, but could not imagine how to bring to an edible form.
“We just want to sear them in some oil with the courgettes, then we’ll let them cook gently with the rest of the vegetables and the herbs.”
He’d been quite dainty on the amount of herbes de Provence he’d added, which had prompted her taking his hand and shaking the spice pot to cover the tomatoes with it.
He looked at her concentrated expression as she stirred the pan and couldn’t help but smile, his hand still hovering above the hob.
Marinette looked at him inquisitively. “What?”
“Nothing.” She raised her eyebrows. “I just forgot how cute you are when you’re bossy.”
Marinette stammered in response, her cheeks pinking. It didn't matter how at ease she felt with Adrien now, she still couldn't take a compliment from him. He grinned and took advantage of her distraction to steal the wooden spoon from her and taste the dish.
“Authorisation to add a little salt?” He asked, refilling the spoon with ratatouille for her.
She took it, trying not to focus on the fact his lips had been just where hers were. She let the flavours flood her palet thoughtfully.
"Authorisation granted."
She smiled fondly as Adrien excitedly added missing spices to the mix.
"See? I am a competent cook!" He added with a satisfied smile.
"Please, you're barely a sous-chef." Marinette snorted. She backtracked her slightly harsh words seeing her partner's pout. "Don't worry though, you'll get the hang of it! It's just a question of practising." She rubbed his back encouragingly. "Would making the plates pretty make you feel better?"
"I think so." He mock sniffled.
Marinette made a point of taking out her Chat Noir plates, which she'd been planning on keeping for special occasions. The way Adrien's face lit up upon seeing them made the fact they were her only dishes that couldn't be dishwashed seem irrelevant. Adrien made a mental note to try and find matching Ladybug ones, although he wasn't sure if he would be gifting them to her or keeping them for himself.
Marinette busied herself with tidying up the kitchen and laying the cutlery as he worked on the presentation. Had her phone been nearby, she would've taken a picture of him as he blepped in concentration.
"Does this look good enough for Madame la Chef ?" He asked as he presented the plates to her. He'd positioned the vegetables around the rice so as to make it look like a flower.
"It's perfect, Chaton." She kissed the top of his head as she passed behind him with a packet of smoked ham. She rolled the slices into little roses and planted them in the rice.
"A table?" She asked as she finally sat down opposite him.
Adrien dug in before she could say bon appétit .
When Adrien came home from his morning run a couple of days later, a fresh croissant in hand, he found a conscientiously wrapped package on his doormat. The black polka dots on the field of red were a dead giveaway as to who it was from. He grinned as he picked it up and opened the door.
Breakfast and washed hands later, he sat on his couch, facing the present. He was torn between tearing the wrapping, or being civilised about it. Before he could choose, Plagg flew nearby and obeyed his cat instincts, swiftly disappearing back into his Camembert cabinet with a grin to avoid his holder's reprimands.
"Je sais cuisiner." He read the title and laughed, holding the book in front of him. It was an old edition, a yellow hardback with a picture of the author on the cover.
A post-it note stuck out from the top of the book. He opened it to get to the bookmarked recipe.
For Adrien - saw this and thought of you! Since you're so keen on instructions, this might do the trick! Feel free to use it often ;-)
Love, Marinette
P.S.: I suggest we try this recipe next!
Adrien read through the page, and felt his stomach grumble. He was very pleased at the thought that something had reminded her of him and that she'd bought it for him. The "love" and the fact she was obviously looking forward to repeating their cooking experience were added bonuses.
He himself could hardly wait.
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