#I just wanna have a basis so I might edit later but this is the starting point
gumnut-logic · 3 months
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
::rolls up sleeves and brainstorms all over the keyboard::
If you want to do it, do it. Don't hide. Everyone had to start somewhere (wanna see my first ever fic? I was 18 and the internet did not exist, also, it was really badly written; you can find my second ever written fic here - its TOS Trek). We've all been there and we are all learning. Don't be scared, Thunderfam at least is here to support. For you fanartists out there, check out How I learnt Portraiture and then check out this post to prove that I can paint, honestly, really I can :D
If you do encounter negativity - block/ban. In fandom, if you can't say something nice, shut up and go away. Don't like, don't read, and mind your own business. I'm all for self curating your online experience. The only time constructive criticism is polite is when you know the person and they've asked. Like I have several members of Thunderfam I come screaming to while writing with the question, does this suck? These are my sanity checkers - Gavii, unfortunately you have taken on this mantle and suffer on a fairly regular basis. Nutty by name and nature.
Works in Progress - anyone who has known me here at all knows I leave a wake of WiPs behind me. Some I get back to, some, not so much (I promise to pull Alex out from under that building, I do!). WiPs are part of the way an artist works (I have so many in so many media, omigod). Because fanfic is published close to the leading edge of creation, its gonna happen. Fanfic is written for fun, after all. The key is to not let them beat you up in the head. Yes, there is unfinished stuff, but it doesn't mean you can't write something else in the meantime. Don't let it stop your muse. I am notorious for unfinished stuff and the real world hates it. But this isn't the real world, THIS IS FOR FUN. I know the marketing theories and the regularity of posting and popularity and what is at stake if either not enough is published regularly or if too much unfinished stuff disappoints the reader. But again, if you let the WiPs hang around your neck too much and badger you, they will drown you. It will become a job, a burden, something you hate. So don't pressure yourself. Work with your muse and see what you can wrangle out of it...at your own pace. You might be surprised what works.
The Terry Pratchett method - I don't know if it is true or not, but there is a post flying around Tumblr somewhere that claims Terry Pratchett, famous author, only aimed to write 400 words a day. This is something I have found extremely useful. If you want to write something, don't set the bar too high so you fail. Set it at a reachable level, even 200 words or 100 words. Honestly the hardest part is actually sitting down and starting. Before you know it you will have passed your low goal and blown it out of the water 3000 words later (my highest number of words in one day was 7000 - I tend to edit as I go, so it slows me down). Rarely do we have an entire day we can write, cos life keeps getting in the way. So do it in little bits. I'm doing this method with my crochet at the moment. Lots of little bits make big bits. This is how I've written many of my longer fics. Heh, I used to have fifteen minutes in the car before work, so I'd pull up on the side of the road and write as much as I could in that time. Sometimes having a limited time helps with that as well.
But the biggest thing you can do to improve your writing is to get to know yourself very well. I'm on the autism spectrum and likely have some forms of ADHD or Executive Dysfunction (I literally cried the day I found out it had a name as to why I couldn't finish things). It's taken me years to work out how to get work out of myself. How to avoid fighting myself (a fight I never win). To learn what works best for me and how I can herd the cats in my brain into them doing what I need them to do. Find out what makes you tick. Find out what sparks your muse, what way best enables you to write. Try different times of the day, different places, bribe yourself, time limit yourself, lock the family out of the room, go to the beach, write on paper, go mobile, write on your phone, scribble notes, anything that can get your brain doing what you want it to do. Sometimes reading fic can do it, showers and manual work are great for idea sparking - let the brain idle and it comes up with all sorts of interesting things. Very late night writing can be a doozy of a trip :D Find what works then do it - until it changes and you have to find it again because yes, my brain does that too, drat it.
And that is probably enough babbling from me :D I need to go find Virgil and a pick up with his name on it...or Gordon's...it's still gelling in my brain :D
I hope this helps someone, even just a tiny bit. Writing is hard work, don't let it drown you. Also, we all have up and down days, just because something sucks today, doesn't mean it will feel the same tomorrow. Never give up, never surrender, and if you do give up on one thing....ooh, look there's another one to play with.
Thank you for asking ::squishy hugs you lots::
(who despite this will still have days where the writing will not work...in which case, I'm gonna do something else for a bit until brain decides it wants to play....stupid brain, do it on demand, you pile of goop)
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jovenshires · 4 months
i did it, i read the whole thing in a day i'm not a sportsy gal, i have asthma, and was always bad playing whatever, also i'm not really competitive, so not usually a universe that calls me, you know. But we are spommy simps, what can I do. Also, big fan of your stories, and a fan of a rival to lovers trope. I just had to. Loved everything about it. At the end, i also got emotional over a bunch of fictional teens playing soccer. Coach Amanda? I'm here for it. Bonus that i'm contemplative because new years, 2024 i'll have some mor leadership responsabilities at work and i'm kinda not feeling myself so, yeah, spence, i feel you. The whole story put my mind in a good place. And I can barely wait for all the spin offs and all other stuff I know you will post as well. Like, you could share the charts mapping you said you had, and what was your thinking process behind some stuff like who as goind to be in each team and so on.
!!!!!!! this is SO so kind omg this made my whole day :')
i am no longer sporty so i totally understand you!!! im honestly shocked people read this at all LKNDFLKSNGKLNR but im honored yall did <3 thank you so, so, SO much. trust me i am emotional about the cheetahs at all times......... they are everything to me i love that dynamic. and yes im the same about all the responsibilities!!!! KALFNLKFNNR you know me so well - there's a prequel and two sequels planned ! (at least. idk where else we'll go but i Know those are in the works <3)
OH well if you insist..... @spencersagnew also asked me for this in a comment on ao3 so i suppose.... (i am dying to talk about it for the love of god). i will say if you're interested..... a lil edit might be dropping tonight that also says some of this stuff. IF you wanna wait for that. anywho all the info-dumping lore under the cut:
okay SO. i have all of the positions for the main two schools AND all the other schools charles/sorrow played. i will just post this for now but if you want other shit (ages and why i chose them, explanations on the positions, all the easter eggs, why i chose the school names, all the minor school MASCOTS bc the devil works hard but i work harder, etc. whatever you want i will never stop talking ab this fic) pls let me know.
ANYWAY. main cast:
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and minor cast:
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as for who went on what team - i built the Main Friend Groups first (spencer/damien/shayne/alex and tommy/keith/chanse), then built the cheetahs (bc i knew this was gonna be spencer's pov), and then the pirates!!
i knew i wanted shayne as like... spencer's confidant, his right hand man, etc. so he was the basis. and where shayne goes (and where my relationships/dynamics developed), damien goes. and alex was ORIGINALLY going to be the only person spencer could stand from the other team but. things got moved around and yk i love the games pod squad. so that was the core of that!!
after that, i also decided who i wanted to be in tommy's lil friend group. i Knew i wanted keith there - underrated duo tbqh. i also put him there as a parallel / equal to damien, the two who tried their best to bridge the teams together. keith is a Bitch but he's also a people person so he just made sense to me for the pirates. the pirates... i could only describe their energy as cunty. like they're all assholes in the opposite way of the cheetahs. the cheetahs are fight first ask questions later, and the pirates are gonna study you and then deconstruct all of your insecurities to cut you down. so very keith to me !
chanse was also included bc 1. that is his energy come on, and 2. he's. he's tommy but again. like joven is to tommy as tommy is to chanse. like obviously he's different but he's there to parallel that relationship. that's his best friend, his pseudo older brother, his mentor!! chanse is THE number one tommy bowe defender. period.
okay so onto the cheetahs. i knew i wanted to feature..... whatever patrick and jeremy have going on. i also thought they had pretty contrasting personalities to the four i was starting with. (jeremy in particular became... smth so personal. iwks!jeremy is his own entity. i am OBSESSED with him you guys have no idea. thats my lil best friend i wanna keep him on a shelf.) then i was like 'ykw they need. a third buddy who is so tired of their shit and yet has nowhere else to go.' my apologies to ify bc he has to suffer <3 he's so himbo trapped as the third wheel coded okay and someone has to be there for alex next year !
i started assigning positions next. and i decided i wanted spencer as a midfielder and he needed like. a partner. an equivalent. and i ended up going with brennan bc that just made so much sense to me. it needed to be someone spencer trusts, someone who he could communicate with in silence. brennan may be quiet but like he's a killer. i also just wanted some more people spencer's close with - like rock, who he's worked with like forever. rock is also just. the most sane insane person to me. like his sense of humor is fucking crazy but also if he thinks you're being dumb he WILL tell you to stfu.
tim also kind of falls into this 'people spencer gets along with' category, but honestly. this was pure selfishness. i just love tim. the bit where he didn't speak the entire time gave ME personally a really good chuckle. he's an icon and also as someone who played defense/goalie, i was biased choosing my defense/goalies. and i think tim is just such a good pick for goalie there i said it thats my guy. marcus however was pure selfishness. i needed a silly lil freshman. i chose my bud marcus. he's one of my fave Background characters in this fic because everyone's like "well........... after what happened Last Year.........." and marcus is like haha! so true! what happened :) like there's not a clue in his fucking head he just loves his captain and i love HIM for that
and then the pirates were a combo of Who Was Left and who i wanted to feature. i liked this idea of aguilar as a mythic mean bitch who's always lurking. garrett of course had to get a shoutout (my beloved goalie <3<3<3 imagine how HE FEELS letting in that final goal rn huh). and shoutout to all the guys i didn't really cover but who i think about all the time - luke being a dry humored asshole, duran banging his head against the wall, josh and peter So Scared of the atmosphere but happy to be a part of something. i love them all their dynamic is also funny to me in my brain where it lives <3
ty so so much for giving me an excuse to lore dump i adore you <3<3<3
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caltropspress · 5 months
RAPS + CRAFTS #19: AJ Suede
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1. Introduce yourself. Past projects? Current projects?
Suede God. Do your homework on my double digits of projects. 
2. Where do you write? Do you have a routine time you write? Do you discipline yourself, or just let the words come when they will? Do you typically write on a daily basis?
I write any and everywhere when inspiration strikes. I get some of my best work done on public transportation. In the past, I've written my best hooks on the drives to and from jobs. Nowadays, it’s more about atmosphere than location.
3. What’s your medium—pen and paper, laptop, on your phone? Or do you compose a verse in your head and keep it there until it’s time to record?
Notes pad but not limited to that. If I could, I’d do the Jay-Z thing and memorize bar-for-bar, but at this point I just write everything down so I don’t forget.
4. Do you write in bars, or is it more disorganized than that?
I write in ways that are more like mathematical equations. Time signatures, iambic pentameter, and rhyme schemes I vaguely remember from smoking before my 10th grade English class in the Shakespeare unit. That mixed with the fundamentals. It’s all math. 
5. How long into writing a verse or a song do you know it’s not working out the way you had in mind? Do you trash the material forever, or do you keep the discarded material to be reworked later?
Complicated question because even the “bad” stuff can be repurposed when it’s in season. Some of the bars might not flow because of time and place, but that’s always subject to change and vice versa.
6. Have you engaged with any other type of writing, whether presently or in the past? Fiction? Poetry? Playwriting? If so, how has that mode influenced your songwriting?
There are things that I want to do, but I don’t wanna say preemptively. I’d rather show if I end up being serious about it.
7. How much editing do you do after initially writing a verse/song? Do you labor over verses, working on them over a long period of time, or do you start and finish a piece in a quick burst?
I don’t often edit verses, but the longest part of all the album processes are the mix and master. Especially for the self-produced projects.
8. Do you write to a beat, or do you adjust and tweak lyrics to fit a beat?
There’s no right answer. Every song and beat combination requires different things. I do prefer to write to a beat 90% of the time, but sometimes you unlock new pockets when you write in silence and puzzle piece it together.
9. What dictates the direction of your lyrics? Are you led by an idea or topic you have in mind beforehand? Is it stream-of-consciousness? Is what you come up with determined by the constraint of the rhymes?
No comment. Can’t demystify the whole process.
10. Do you like to experiment with different forms and rhyme schemes, or do you keep your bars free and flexible?
Anything goes based on what the beat demands. I like to be like water; my style is similar to Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. It’s a mixture of all the fundamentals, but I assume formlessness based on the musical situation. The stronger the foundation, the more flows and schemes you have access to. It’s just a matter of where and when each style is going to present itself.
11. What’s a verse you’re particularly proud of, one where you met the vision for what you desire to do with your lyrics?
I love all my kids, but always proud of the verse that I haven’t written yet. That will be the best one every time.
12. Can you pick a favorite bar of yours and describe the genesis of it?
I wholeheartedly wish I could. I’ll leave that to the people.
13. Do you feel strongly one way or another about punch-ins? Will you whittle a bar down in order to account for breath control, or are you comfortable punching-in so you don’t have to sacrifice any words?
Yes, I do feel strongly about punch-ins. I will restart a whole verse before I allow myself to punch-in. I can always hear the punch-in, even on other artists' songs. If you have to punch-in a million times, your live show is going to be a disaster. Punch-in artists often perform with their vocals playing over the instrumental. A real lack of breath control. If you’re doing it from an artistic standpoint, call-and-response etc., I understand. 
14. What non-hiphop material do you turn to for inspiration? What non-music has influenced your work recently?
I would be here all day. I love a lot of music.
15. Writers are often saddled with self-doubt. Do you struggle to like your own shit, or does it all sound dope to you?
I’ve spent less time with self-doubt than most others, but it is a very natural feeling. I believe in what I can do and I’m validated by most of our favorite rappers, so I know I’m dope.
16. Who’s a rapper you listen to with such a distinguishable style that you need to resist the urge to imitate them?
ABSOLUTELY NOBODY. We all start off similar in one way or another from childhood influences, but I been in the game a long enough time that my rap DNA is 100% my own.
17. Do you have an agenda as an artist? Are there overarching concerns you want to communicate to the listener?
I just want to make the best music and let that speak for itself. I don’t have any concerns in the rap world. I just want to make a living off the music and take care of my own. 
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RAPS + CRAFTS is a series of questions posed to rappers about their craft and process. It is designed to give respect and credit to their engagement with the art of songwriting. The format is inspired, in part, by Rob McLennan’s 12 or 20 interview series.
Photo credit: unknown (hit me up)
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beverlychills · 1 year
Introductory Post
PLEASE at least skim through the tags. Navigating this autism castle I've built may get difficult if you don't.
Also see below: Guide for takedown requests
Hi there, call me Taffy! (Any pronouns)
I'm a neurodivergent fella obsessed with Lethal League. I'm also obsessed with archiving things, and I have a dedicated personal server where I collect all the LLB fanart I can.
For a while I've been wanting to give other people easy access to all this old and new content, but I don't want to invite people to the server, and booru-making is closed right now, so this—an account made to reblog every LLB post I can find—is the next best option.
For now I run this account alone, and my archiving only encompasses things on tumblr, this may change later but I can't say for sure.
I plan to keep this archive going as long as possible.
Despite my wants to preserve everything Lethal League, there are some artists I refuse to archive due to personal convictions, or being personally asked not to archive their work.
The amount of these people is presently in the single digits, and probably won't impact the rest of the blog much.
If you want a particular post(s) taken down, or would like to be blacklisted, please DM me. Please note you may have to prove your identity to do this, in whatever way you can (so long as it does not compromise your safety or super-personal information).
If you have a Lethal League post to contribute that I haven't found yet, send me the link. Even things from deactivated accounts can still be preserved if someone else reblogged them. Or I guess if you have a screenshot.
If there's something down the list you don't wanna see, just filter the tag
Warnings: #suggestive Including but not limited to - Discussion of NSFW, off-camera lovemaking, skimpy clothing or poses... whatever you older internet denizens might call "sin." NSFW jokes are judged on a case-by-case basis Overly graphic stuff, minor x adult, or straight up p0rn if there's any left, will not be included in the archive for obvious reasons #thirstposting Any rare case of people getting a bit too excited over a given LLB character. If hypothetically seeing people talk about how much they want to bone their favorite dapper googly eyed fuck wouldn't be your jam, you might wanna filter out this tag. #nudity Tasteful nudity. Think the Statue of David. #blood For when insides become outsides, but it's not straight up gutspill. #feels Because some of us don't wanna deal with angst. #emeto Vom. #eyestrain Ouchie ow oof bright colors. ^ #aberration Chromatic aberration #gore #bugs #death #eye contact #dereality #drugs #weed #body horror #loud #flashing
Please note; Despite my headcanons, character interactions will be judged through the LLB story at face value. This means ships involving Switch will not be counted as minor x adult, because he is a robot, 5 is only how long he's been manufactured, and his mental age is not entirely clear (beyond him obviously not having the mind of a toddler). This also means things like Raptor x Switch will still be archived, since although some headcanon them to be found brothers, this is not canonically confirmed.
Content type: #art Including but not limited to - Drawings, physical crafts, music, etc. #fanfic Fanfiction, whether linked offsite or posted directly to tumblr. #animation Encompasses gifs, animatics, animation memes, PMVs, the works. #modding Stuff like retexturing, 3D model editing, or even Mung Daal in Room 21 #gameplay #shitpost #textpost #cosplay
Characters: #raptor #switch #candyman #dice #jet #doombox #grid #nitro #latch #sonata #dust #ashes #toxic #dummy #mc inferno #safety league
Unlockables: #ballhead #strait jacket #zoot suit #l.2 full mecha #domino #dynamic #detective nitro #jumper cabler #safety weapon #chain engine #iron grip
DLC: #galileo #firefighter max pressure #volt (Neopolis Devastator) #ivory puppet killer #insectoid loneriding mechranger #stereo overdrive #shining gold winner #gigahertz visualizer x #nuclear nourishment #late stage illmatic #heavyduty r evolution #master of the mountain
Fandom culture: #headcanon #theory #review #ship #ship neg #oc x canon #oc #au #askblog #humanized #crossover #fusion
Archived posts will not be tagged as #ship unless the OP states so, or it is very explicitly intended to be ship art—flirting and kissing and stuff. Ships will be tagged as the involved characters' names in alphabetical order, in lieu of affectionate shipnames. This is to avoid creating extra things for you poor soul to memorize. Also, negative content about any given ship will have "neg" tacked onto the end. ❌ #candylatch ✅ #candyman x latch 🔘 #candyman x latch neg
For OCs, search their name, and for specific artists, search their blog url. ie: #cue #klayfruit Furthermore, fanon interpretations of LLB characters may be tagged like this: #henry #candyman
OC x canon shipnames will not be tagged, despite how few there are in retrospect, because I think doing that would drive me nuts.
If two OCs happen to have the same name, the name will be followed up with the creator's username depending on which OC is being referred to. This also applies if an OC name overlaps with a warning tag;
#ember sampleusername - #ember gridsbignaturals #bugs sampleusername
Other: #official Involving a Team Reptile account or one of its developers. Including but not limited to: Dev logs, headcanons from individual team members, outdated lore, threads involving them on other websites, etc. #tim #dion #yinyin #andy #kittomatic #sem
#merch Official merchandise designs and such #deactivated OP's blog is hacked or deactivated. If the URL was changed, the old URL may be tagged; for the sake of preserving the era it was posted, and so people can more easily find things if they know an old username but not the new one. #[year] Year something was posted. ie: #2015 #mod taffy
Posts with captions like "not tagging this" or things that seem personal will probably not be archived unless the OP says it's okay
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lunar-fey · 2 years
btw is there anything i can like offer to yall for money. i mean i have no problems taking donations also but atm it is like 5 or us in the house & 4 of us are disabled. and 2 of us are working, sister is trying to get a job + me n skerples r trying to get disabilities (im tryinf to get a job as well but no on is hiring part time unles youre a high school student and . i really dont wanna take a job im gonna get fired in within a week bc i keep passing out. so.). and we are all doing pretty badly apparently dad broke down crying from hunger earlier today and no one else is getting enough to eat either, so id like to know what i can offer to yall to potentially get a little money on a more regular basis than just. a donation. or if there is anything i can sell to yall? idk i can try to write but my energy levels are so nonextant. but i cant really think of uhhh anything else i could offer? maybe tutoring? betaing/editing for sure i could do. i can draw but it does take me ~60 hours what it takes most people ~5 hours to do but i mean if youre willing to be patient 🤔 idk if i would price by time bc that just seems kinda unfair. anyway this post is just for fielding suggestions for now. i might set up a donation post later (tho if you wanna beat the curve my paypal.me is /nat1172) but ya.
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divinelght · 5 months
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𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐆𝐇𝐓 ― independent, selective tav/companion character from baldur's gate 3. AURORA MOROZOV (aasimar & life domain cleric of lathander), loved by ghost, she/her, 21+, beta editor.                 aes / about / visage / playlist / memes  ― traveling with @fromxgrace @sidxreus @beyondplanes @selunyte @occultritch !
a study in : hope, forgiveness, a new sense of belonging, found family, never giving up & the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.
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𖤓 ― aurora is an original character (tav/companion) from bg3 with some elements of dnd lore! i'm still fairly new to dnd, so it's nothing too crazy, but if you see something that makes you go "HUH???", please know i only have one brain cell and i'm doing my best. 𖤓 ― this is a 21+ blog. if you are under the age of 21, i will hard block! anything nsfw will be tagged as "nsft //" and any applicable trigger warnings will be tagged accordingly. if you need something tagged for your safety, please don't hesitate to shoot me a DM. 𖤓 ― tumblr roleplay is way out of my comfort zone, so i'm still in the process of learning the proper etiquette and the whole aesthetic/editing aspect of it! please please be patient with me. ♡ my replies will range from unedited and iconless to something slightly more formatted, but i do not expect you to format your replies whatsoever. 𖤓 ― this is a mutuals only space. i will not be answering asks, rp prompts, or DMs from non-mutuals and i will only be giving my discord out on a request basis. if i follow you and you can't see us interacting in any way, it's totally okay to soft block me! 𖤓 ― for the most part, i'm very low-activity and low-maintenance. i understand that real life comes first and will never demand a response from you! i just ask that you offer me that same kindness. i'm open to just about anything, so please don't hesitate to send me ask memes or random starters/banter. in that same vein, i love meeting new people and making new friends, but i'm also very shy/very bad at talking OOC, so please don't take it to heart if i'm slow, especially on discord. 𖤓 ― i am a sl*t for ships and i will not lie about that. however, i will not forceship on you, so if it's not the vibe, that's okay! additionally, this is a multi-ship blog; exclusivity is not really my jam, but i am open to mains! if you wanna write (platonically, romantically, hatefully), we can fully plot something or wing it, whatever works best for you and your muse. 𖤓 ― to go along with the previous sentiment, i also do not operate under the guise that my choice of romance in game translates over to roleplay! i have every intention of treating each connection/thread like it's special & new and i will not, under any circumstance, assume our characters will interact a certain way based on my own personal headcanons and choices for aurora that i've made while playing bg3. 𖤓 ― general roleplay etiquette rules apply here. however, godmodding aurora is fine if it moves the plot along (fading to black, if you need her to move for whatever reason, that kind of thing dlfgmldf). 𖤓 ― i have finished the game, so spoilers are allowed and might be present, dependent upon our writing (as long as we've discussed it first!!! i don't want to spoil anything for y'all). if i post anything from later acts, i will tag it as such!! 𖤓 ― racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, incest, pedophilia, animal abuse, aging up child characters for the purposes of smut, dub-con and non-con, etc., are all unwelcome here. DNI if you fuck with any of these things.
credits: icon border / psd
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dannydehek · 1 year
Is SEO a Scam? How to Combat Sneaky/Misleading Sales Tactics - Unsolicited Email/Phone Call Pitches
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Transcribed using Descript Danny de Hek: Hello, beautiful people. How are you doing? I'm Danny de Hek. Thank you for pressing play and listening to my video. I got to be in the New York Times. I got a whole page on Danny de Hek busting Ponzi scheme that they called me the Crypto Ponzi Scheme. Avenger, what a name. And that means I've actually gained some followers while people who subscribe to my YouTube channel. Danny de Hek: So thank you so much. If you're one of those people, and you may not have seen my videos before, I record them like I'm live streaming. And then I upload them later on. I don't like editing much. I'm also dyslexic. So if you read my show notes and look at the timestamps, cuz you might wanna jump forward to the part you wanna watch, then you might find some spelling mistakes. Danny de Hek: And I really love people who comment on my videos. It's your your choice. You can comment on this video and tell me what you think and if you hit the thumbs up button that tells YouTube you like my videos and it sends it out to the masses. And then I can help name and shame these people that are running Ponzi scheme. Danny de Hek: And that's my main goal. My goal at the moment is to be a full-time YouTuber and it's not easy becoming a YouTuber. So I really value having you here. Now I'm gonna tell you a little bit of a story about something that happened last Friday that was before I was famous in the New York Times. Had a young fella from an SEO company telephoned. Danny de Hek: Now, if you've got a small to medium sized business and you have a website, you're probably experiencing the same thing I'm experiencing. You get in emails every day from people. I delete these emails. The same people email me in two days time asking me if I had a chance to read their emails. So when someone tele phones me based in New Zealand where I'm from and claims that they can do the SEO for my website and don't really understand my business or have they really researched my business it really annoys me. Danny de Hek: So this is the splash screen that we'll be doing today, website design and development companies. Sorry I said that wrong. Website design and development SEO companies. Are you being exploited? Is SEO a scam? Now I'm pretty aggressive to anyone that claims they can do my SEO, but. I take a lot of my SEO for granted because I have some good practices when I'm doing new content now I am everywhere. Danny de Hek: If you go to deek.com, you'll see that website that actually gets between 17,000 to 50,000 page views on a monthly basis. I had a real big spike last Sunday when I was in the New York Times, but that's a lot of traffic and a lot of other people I know will be lucky to get 10 to 15 people on their website every day. Danny de Hek: So what happened? Young guy rung me up and he told me he was from such and such company, like I should know the name of the company and I, I didn't hear it, but it sound official, but I didn't know who they were. Next thing he tells me that, he asked me a question, he said, Have you heard of the government incentive for blah, blah, blah, blah? Danny de Hek: Something to do with, It sounded like he was saying he was either from a government department, Or there was a government scheme where the small to medium size business may get some funding. That's what it sounded like to me. And it was well read. Next thing I said, No, I, I haven't, And he asked me if I'd like a 15 minute free website appraisal. Danny de Hek: And I said, Look mate, I don't need your SEO. Actually, I think you're scamming people by ringing them up and selling them SEO packages. He goes, Do you realize that your website is on page eight of the search engines? Tell Danny d heck that his website is on page eight of the search engines. Just a word of advice. Danny de Hek: So this is my outdoor website and as you can see, that is actually me in the middle of nowhere with a backpack on and I have an outdoor shop. That's me again. These are my photos, Not all of them are. And here's some of my products. So I said, You know, that website that you see in the search result that's coming up in page eight actually sold $36,500 worth of sales last year in 12 month period. Danny de Hek: And I said, You don't know anything about my business. And if you sold me a SEO package with five words, cause that's what they normally do, you would actually harm my business more than bring more traffic to my website. So just to give you a look, you'll have to lodge your screen if you wanna see this properly, but I've done $36,000 worth of sales. Danny de Hek: I'm just gonna rattle off some figures for those people who have Shopify websites, I know what these means. . First of all, I'm up 20% from the year before, which is really good. My average sale was $80. I had 501 orders. And if you go down to the bottom here, it tells me that sales attribute to marketing. Danny de Hek: So I got $15,200 worth of sales from marketing organically. That means I got, oh, I have to work that out. $21,000 worth of sales from organic traffic. Now, there's a whole lot of clever stuff in there that I'm not gonna tell you about, but I only sell products to New Zealanders. And that's pretty good. Danny de Hek: And to be honest, I do drop shipping for a living and 45% of that is actually profit. So if you want any help doing drop shipping, let me know and reach out to me and I'll tell you how to do it. So the young fellow was Tom and I really got stuck into Tom. I told him to go get a job and at the end I told him, I yelled down the phone and said, Get off my phone. Danny de Hek: I'm so sick of it. And then, then I'd started, I thought I'd research Tom and I would see who he is. Would you believe I found a camping store with his phone number on it. And I'm thinking the guy that rung me telling me that my camping store isn't ranking and it's on page eight of the search engines. Danny de Hek: And just for example, if you search for NZ Outdoors in the Google, I actually come up number one and I know that people aren't searching for phrases. That he thinks they are. And if I had five phrases that they normally say as a package and I was coming up on top of the search engines, it wouldn't mean I would generate any more sales. Danny de Hek: So I'm this actually, Tom is a, is a frigging awesome guy and I liked him. I've got to know Tom and his method. So first of all, I thought Tom was working for the company that owned this website. This is his hobby website. So he's taken a lot of initiative and he set himself up a little drop shipping website. Danny de Hek: But at the time I couldn't remember the name of the company he was from. And I'm thinking if this is the type of websites that EO. As producing, then he's got no show of helping or bettering anything I'm doing. And just while you're there, if you are looking at a website like this, these images aren't unique and you should have unique images, but you can right click on any image on the internet and go search image with Google Lens. Danny de Hek: That's if you're using Chrome and what it will do, or go to Google and say, this image has a footprint, let's go find to see where it is. And here we are. It is that image. These are all images of Alibaba and these are rooftop vehicles. And he's basically doing drop shipping as well. And there's the same photo. Danny de Hek: And if you come down here further, you'll see other photos as well. So this was really interesting to me. And if you look, click on the About Us page. There's a nice little story in there about him wanting to basically make your holiday better and all these images that you can see. I actually just copied images and I'm, this paragraph might be his, but this whole website isn't gonna perform very well in the search engines, and that's probably why he is not selling any of these. Danny de Hek: I can look at this website and say, I'll eat my hat if he is actually sold. One next thing, I did a search for a the phone number again, I found another website and I found a website that does website development and also SEO packages. And now I'm thinking, Oh, so this is the company that he was calling me from, but this is a 22 year old guy who set up two websites of his own because he's having a go at becoming a website developer. Danny de Hek: Now, I take my hat off to you, Tom, because you remind me of me when I was young. Now, this image that you see in the background is actually one and a half megabytes, and it's a p and g, and that takes a long time to load faster. Your website loads. The higher it will rank in the search engines. Now, just before I get off my high horse, I'm actually finished on explaining the back of the story as I've got a pie in the oven and the buzzer's gonna go off in five minutes, so I'm gonna get onto the next part of the meeting. Danny de Hek: So anyway, I went to ring back Tom, not knowing where he is from and who he was, and I wanted to say to him, How can you ring me up, mate? I've just yelled down the phone at the guy. How can you ring me up and tell me you're an SEO when I found these two websites you have done. Anyway, he blocked my number. Danny de Hek: He blocked my number because I told him never ever to ring me again. He did the right thing. Anyway, so I, I searched for his phone number, I found him on WhatsApp and I sent him a few more messages and I said, Can you please get your boss to ring me? Meet Kevin. Kevin is the most amazing person I've ever. Danny de Hek: He rung me up and addressed all the issues I had and I can see why Kevin has 25 people up to 25 people working for his company at certain periods. All depends what job. He doesn't employ 25 people, but when he gets a job, he's got a lot of contractors he can bring in to do certain things. This guy really knows how to run a company and he explained that Tom was a little bit shaken after talking to me on the phone and obviously he rang the wrong person. Danny de Hek: But between Mark and myself, we really did discuss, you know, is SEO needed and is is a scam and what services. Does he provide and why? Because I was telling him I just can't stand these companies that ring people up all day long. Cause often what happens is you go to a website development company and say, Look, I want a website designed. Danny de Hek: And they'll say, How much? And you say four. And they'll say four and a half, $5,000. You get your website and you're all excited and you sit there waiting for it to come up in the search engines and nothing happens. So then you go back to the search engine company and say, Why doesn't it rank up in the search engines? Danny de Hek: And then they say, Oh, you need to spend money on an EEO package and I'll probably charge you anything from 500 to $2,000. And then they may even encourage you to spend a monthly fee. Now, if I was ever going to use a company to do my SEO, honestly this company I'm about to introduce you to, I would recommend their services. Danny de Hek: And this is Kiwi. Kiwi website design.nz. Now, I'm not being paid for this at all, but I really gave it to one of their staff members who was a lead generator. I, I had a guess that the guy was young. I, I didn't realize I've explained my story, but the young fellow was awesome. He's having to go developing a website of his own. Danny de Hek: He's gonna learn. The only way you're gonna learn how to be good at SEO is by having it go yourself and find out what works and what doesn't. You can go to these SEO companies and you can you know, spend a ton of money with these guys and get nowhere. And honestly, if you think that your website, what you really wanna do is you wanna go to these website development companies who claim that they can have you coming up when you search for a certain term and you wanna gauge the results. Danny de Hek: that they, you get after they've done some work. So for example, if you went to a company called Evil Genius Stock Code nz, I've just done an hour and a half's worth of tickling up. Cause I noticed that that company had no SEO. And I said to my mate, who owns the business? You've got no SEO. So go in there, get a couple of hours work done, tickle up the website. Danny de Hek: So it's got it's keyword friendly. But you know, when I construct a website, I make sure the images are named. I make sure the content is on each pages. And these website development companies that charge you for a five page website and eight page website, you, they must think I'm crazy. I used to develop websites that were over a hundred pages. Danny de Hek: Now I used to have 45 different rental car companies that used to use my services and I was doing 98% of all their internet advertising and they all wanted to come up in the top. of the search engines. A lot of strategies are needed to actually have that happen. So I used to start writing itineraries about, so when people were hiring rental cars and they wanted to go from say like Christchurch to Auckland, they would be searching for the activities. Danny de Hek: They would stumble across the website, and then they would have advertising wrapped around it. A bit like driving down the road and seeing a billboard advertising a rental car for horror or a jet ski or a boat for her. When you're on holiday, you the same sort of thing really. But I'm not gonna get into that today because this is actually a podcast. Danny de Hek: And this podcast was when I met Mark and I must say I have the utmost respect for Kiwi website design. They they looked after. They just did everything right and I had to eat humble pie and I may be a bit gentler on the next person that rings me up and offer me a ceo, CEO package. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna press play. Danny de Hek: The buzzer is about to go off. I'm gonna grab my pie. I'm gonna go cook myself dinner, and I'm gonna let you listen to this podcast and when I come back, I hopefully won't interrupt you much. Also, I'm gonna have a jewel screen, so when they're talking about different things, I will bring up another thing. Danny de Hek: So I, if you hit the full screen mode, you'll be able to watch and see all the graphics on the screen. So here we go. Meet Mark. Lovely guy. So the question here is, are you being exploited by these SEO companies? Do they actually do a good job for you? And is SEO just another scam, or is it getting low hanging fruit? Danny de Hek: The first five minutes, I apologize, I'm probably a bit tired and grumpy, but you'll see the whole conversation really pans out. So here we go. Mark Magcaling: I'm so impressed, Danny, by the way. Honestly, like, I don't know. I know it's been weird that how we met, but like after I looked at your profile and how you've set up everything, it's very impressive. Danny de Hek: Oh, well we try, You learn every day . So it is a learning curve. I mean, yeah, I just I lost my business to Covid, so I used to have a business networking company, tried to move everyone onto Zoom and it was just really hard. Yeah. And so then I thought I'd start doing online workshops and cause I, with my business network and I used to do tutorials. Danny de Hek: Mm. And they were quite cool. And so I thought I'll make them into workshops, but no one wants to do workshops. Everyone's too busy. . Yeah, that's right. So I got a whole lot of gear and here I am and now a YouTube and a podcaster and all sorts of things, which I never thought I'd do. So just gotta make, try to make money out of. Mark Magcaling: But like from what I know about the industry, right? Cause I follow it quite closely. Like the thumbnails, the way you've set up the podcast and the YouTube videos, the workshops, the website, it's all aligned with everything that everyone preaches about. So, and it's very, that I've seen anyone in New Zealand do it, you know, So you, you're very early Danny de Hek: on in my opinion. Danny de Hek: Oh, well, we'll give it a go. I've got I was in the New York Times on Saturday. I got a, in the printed edition. I dunno how I, I did that, but it was so awesome because that's sort of like starting to get a bit of recognition for the work for your brand. Hey, for the brand, for Danny. The brand. Your brand. Danny de Hek: Yeah. Well the nickname me, the Crypto Ponzi scheme. Now I'm waffling on a wee bit here, so excuse me for that. But if you want to go into the description of the video and they'll put timestamps so you don't have to listen to me waffle on however, The start of this is showing, I've never met Mark before. Danny de Hek: I talked to him on the phone for about five, 10 minutes originally on the Friday. And they said, Let's schedule the time, Let's do a podcast. Read the full article
0 notes
schism-au-blog · 4 years
Chapter 1
“Pearl, Garnet, I have something I want to show you.” Rose felt a pang of guilt, and fear. She shouldn’t say anything. Nobody else needed to know. They’d hate her if they knew what she did. Why was she even telling them?. “Can we talk in private?” Oh her stars she was actually going through with this. She clutched Bismuth’s gem behind her back, and the indent dug into her hand. She should let her legacy stay spotless. She got shattered in battle. That would be better for everyone, wouldn’t it?
Garnet nodded. Pearl stepped forward eagerly. Well, now Rose had to tell them something. And holding something behind her back wouldn’t look good. She could still bail. She could ask Garnet and Pearl to close their eyes and bubble the gem and no one would know. Bismuth would be remembered as a hero for the rebellion. Rose struggled against the urge to squeeze her eyes tight as the voice in her head said, “but that’s not why you want to hide this, do you? You think they’ll all turn on you if they know what you’ve done. How terrible you are. You’re just scared to let everyone know how terribly imperfect you are.” 
Rose gathered her senses and led Garnet and Pearl to a side room off of the Crystal Gem hideout they were currently in. The room felt slightly claustrophobic, as the ceilings were rather low for Garnet and Rose, and it was clear this room was only designed for three or four gems at a time.
Rose looked around herself cautiously. Telling Garnet and Pearl was already probably too much. She couldn’t bear to tell anyone else on accident. Rose panicked. Her self-hatred and anxiety hit in. Everything could go wrong. What if they agreed with Bismuth. What if Garnet wanted to shatter her? Oh no, they were staring at her. Of course they were. She needed to buy some time. “Alright, close your eyes,” she said.
Pearl giggled slightly. “Okay, what is this about?” she asked, but she closed her eyes.
Garnet was more cautious. “You really worried me. I hope this isn’t some kind of prank.”
“Are they closed?” Rose asked. Ever since Garnet had started wearing that visor, it made it hard to tell where she was looking, or if she was looking at all.
Garnet nodded. “Yes.”
There was still time. If Rose had a heart, it would be pounding in her chest. She brought her hand out from behind her back. All of her instincts were telling her to lie, to bubble Bismuth and tackle Garnet and Pearl and play it off as a big prank. But she couldn’t. She opened her hand and looked at the rainbow-colored gem lying there. Mocking her. This was the final choice. She could tell them to open their eyes and let them know the horrible truth of what she did, or she could cover it up and preserve Bismuth- no- she was so selfish. Her own legacy was what she cared about. She made a choice.
“Garnet, Pearl, please, open your eyes.”
Pearl gasped at the sight of what Rose had done. Garnet’s expression was hard to read under her visor, but Rose knew she was worried. This was a friend she had- no. She’d made a choice. She couldn’t turn back anymore. Rose bubbled Bismuth so they didn’t have to worry about her reforming. 
The silence was deafening. Both Garnet and Pearl were staring at her like the monster she was. She should explain. She needed to explain. But Pearl was the first to speak.
“What happened?” Pearl’s eyes filled with concern as she looked up to the bubble that contained their friend.
Rose looked at the floor. “Bismuth and I went to the forge to review the weapons she made, and she had this, this, thing she called the ‘Breaking Point.’ She said it would shatter gems and that we needed to fight homeworld with a big push in order to stop them. I said no, shattering gems is wrong. We can win this war without more gem shards littered across the earth.” She looked up at Garnet and Pearl, her eyes damp. “The conversation carried on for quite a while-” Rose paused. Should she mention that Bismuth’s main goal was shattering Pink Diamond? Pearl would, of course, realize the ramifications of that, but Garnet? What if she looked into the future and the timelines where she was shattered were the only good outcomes of the war? What if she agreed with Bismuth? Rose decided to omit it.
“-until things got really heated and Bismuth tried to use the breaking point on me. Then I poofed her and told you,” Rose finished.
“Why would she want to use it on you?” Pearl questioned. “Even if you disagreed, I’m sure she would never try to shatter you. It’s Bismuth!” She exclaimed in disbelief.
“I couldn’t believe it either. I don’t know what to do now. Garnet, do you have any advice?”
“Hmm, it looks like there are two choices you could make. You can tell everyone what happened, or you can keep it a secret between us three. I also see a few timelines where you let her go and have a talk with her, but that seems volatile at best, and not the route I would take,” Garnet said.
“So do you think I should let everyone know, or-” Rose didn’t want to say the word “lie.” She would be lying but to say it would make the choice obvious, she paused, thinking of a better way to phrase it, “Preserve her memory?”
Garnet’s mouth tilted to the side as she thought. “I don’t know. I see many terrible futures and many beautiful ones in both paths. Telling everyone will most likely result in more hardship, but it will also be much better than if the truth is revealed through another route. If that would occur, I fear the war would most likely be over.”
“You mean-” Rose started, but Garnet cut her off.
Garnet nodded. “It seems it would be hard to keep the Crystal Gems in one piece. Some would still side with you, but I fear the majority would branch off and try to use their own methods. We would be shattered, each group a small shard, unable to do much on its own.”
“But if I tell everyone,” said Rose, “that won’t happen?”
Garnet looked thoughtful once again. “It still might, but it is one of many possible paths. The only way to keep the Crystal Gems running in the way that they are is to not let anyone know about what happened. But that runs so many dangers.”
“I think,” Pearl paused, “I think you should tell everyone. Most gems will understand that it would be wrong to shatter gems, even if it would get us to the end of the war sooner. We’ve made it this far, it would be a travesty if everything we worked so hard for came crumbling down because of a lie.”
“You don’t think everyone will turn against me?” Rose asked.
“No! I think most gems will trust you more because you told such a hard truth!”
Garnet looked doubtful. “That is possible,” she said.
Rose nodded. “I’ll do it. I’ll let everyone know exactly what happened.”
Garnet put her hand on Rose’s shoulder. “We’ll be behind you whatever choice you make. Now, or in the future.”
Rose laughed. “That’s an awful lot to promise, isn’t it?”
Garnet nodded. “Without you, I wouldn’t exist. You give me the courage to stand against the Diamonds and their tyranny.”
Rose nodded. “I’ll let everyone know when we give our speech tonight.”
By this point, there were multitudes of Crystal Gems, so in order to address all of them, Rose had to stand outside and shout. Still, she wanted to make sure she kept in contact with everyone, and that everyone felt they had a voice. As a result, she kept giving speeches and holding meetings regularly. She was going to give another inspirational speech to keep everyone going. But it seemed she would instead have to tell a rather sad tale.
That night, Rose approached the cliff she did much of her speaking on. Garnet and Pearl were standing behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and gave them a nervous look. Pearl smiled at her and Garnet gave a thumbs-up.
Rose turned back to address the crowd. She looked down at the multi-colored congregation, and it seemed to swirl beneath her feet. Gems from Yellow’s, Blue’s, and even her own court were standing to hear her speak. She closed her eyes and took a breath.
“Crystal Gems,” she started, as she often did. “Today is not a cheerful day. Today, something terrible has occurred. It is my solemn duty to tell you all the truth. Today, we lost a brave warrior. Not to the Diamonds or Homeworld, but to her own impatience and discouragement. Today, I went with her to the forge, and she and I talked at length. Then, she brought out a new weapon she had been working on.
It was a terrible thing. She called it the ‘Breaking Point,’ and its only purpose was to shatter gems, to remove them from existence entirely. I told her that we could not afford to let any more gems be shattered than could be helped, that Homeworld would hit even harder in retaliation, and that Homeworld would be far less likely to hear our demands. She refused to hear me out, saying that shattering Pink Diamond-” Rose paused suddenly, her hands almost flew to her mouth, but she kept them down. She hadn’t meant to tell them that. How could she be so stupid? She had to keep going. She took a short breath, hoping her silence would be mistaken for being shaken up at the event, and kept going.
“-would be the only way to end the war for good, and shattering gems would be the only way to show Homeworld what we’re made of and that we mean business. After a very heated argument, she,” Rose hoped that someday, when the war was over, Bismuth would forgive her, though she doubted it, “she tried to use the breaking point on me. In the end, I was forced to bubble her. 
It pains me greatly to recall that event, just as it pained me to do it. I hope that you all will forgive me someday, as, I hope, will she.” Rose panicked. She hadn’t thought about how to end the speech, she had been so nervous to tell everyone what had happened. “My deepest desire, second only to the war being over and the Diamonds leaving the earth alone, is that I could convince her to stay with us, not to give in to the endless frustration. I know that you are probably all growing weary of war, as am I. But we must not give into the temptation of an easy solution that would forever weigh on our gems. You surely must remember when you worked for Homeworld. You were not evil then, and neither are our opponents now. They are misguided, and our goal is not to destroy them, but to either show them our way or get them to leave us be.
So please, when you think of Bismuth, think of the brave warrior and wonderful friend you knew, and not the terrible thing she did in desperation at the end. It was a tremendous joy to fight alongside her, and I hope someday we can show her the society we’ve built, free from the influence of the Diamonds.” Rose finished speaking. She hoped she had made herself clear. She hoped she had made the right choice.
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karamfilmare · 3 years
White Gold and Maple
Kazuha x reader
Dedicated to my lovely mutual for her birthday @ahtsuwu -- sorry it came so late. You deserve this!
Description: Kazuha is behaving oddly, and for what reason?
Content: fluff, humor (?), surprise birthday, Kazuha being just the best bean. Modern AU (I think), light swearing(?), mentions of a spouse passing away (don't worry it's not too sad),
A/N: Sorry if this is shorter than my usual pieces and not as detailed. I wanted to get a short piece out, I hope it's fine. Also, not edited or proofread, sooo oops.
Stirring from your sleep, you stuck a hand out to find your boyfriend and sneak in close--only to find the spot was unoccupied and cool. Lifting your head, you frowned at the absence.
You swung your legs off the mattress and walked around, confused by the silence in your home. Until you heard some light humming.
Finding your way into the kitchen, the smell of warm maple wafted around you. You found Kazuha standing by the stove, his hair messily put up in a loose bun, as he cooked what appeared to be some breakfast. He did not appear to notice your presence yet, so you quietly walked up behind him and slipped your arms around his waist and leaned against him.
"Oh, I didn't know you were awake. I wish you'd sleep in a bit more, I was going to wake you when I was ready."
"But I missed you," you murmured, slowly breathing out a sigh of content into his back. "I'm glad to see you."
"Ok, go sit down, I'll bring the food over in a bit."
Sitting down at the stool at the counter, you propped your head up on your hands, watching him move about. He turned around, the rich scent of maple and pancakes filling the air. Setting down your portion, he continued to watch you eat, asking if he did a good job with them, before laughing at your enthusiastic nodding, since your cheeks were full of sweet fluff. Your morning had gone along well, with not too much trouble, before he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"With deep regret, I must leave to attend to some things, but it shouldn't be long, alright?"
"Already? Ok, good luck."
And soon enough, he was out the door, leaving you to clean up after the couple of dishes left from breakfast.
Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
Reluctant to get off the couch, you ambled to your phone on the nightstand of your room, seeing a text from Beidou.
"Call me."
"Really?" you wondered out loud, knowing Beidou wasn't really one for conversations in the morning. Shrugging, you
"Yo. Listen, can you swing by where I'm at? I'm bored and I need company. Ningguang is shutting me down again, saying she's busy or some shit, ya know, the usual."
"Uh, sure, that's fine. Just send me your location, I'll come by."
"Great! I'll text you the location. Don't be late."
Don't be late? Seriously? From Beidou? "Fine, 'captain', I won't hold your important self up."
"So, I didn't think you'd be a mall person, Beidou."
"Nah, I just felt like it today, though. So, are you doing anything for your birthday?"
"My wha--"
"Crazy that you remembered. But no, nothing planned."
The dark-haired woman quirked an eyebrow up, letting out a small sound. "Well, alright. This'll be my gift to you then. Let's go."
She dragged you along the mall, going from shop to shop, usually checking out food, candies, booze, and some clothes. After indulging in some boba tea and candies, you passed by a quaint little shop that caught your eye.
"Wanna go in? Come on, you seem interested." Beidou encouraged you to enter the shop, and you both quietly walked along the little stands. Earrings adorned a turning stand, necklaces and colorful rings were in glass cases, engraved paperweights, and other such pieces filled the room. You noted that these pieces didn't have the cold, pristine look of big designer jewelry stores.
"Huh, they look handmade, don't they?"
"Oh yes, every piece you see here is handcrafted by my family," a new voice startled you, an older woman with strands of grey enhancing her light brown hair. "Sorry for sneaking up. You've a keen eye."
"They're lovely." Indeed they were, the meticulous attention to detail. The rings looked like they were braided in gold, the gemstones inlaid upon them glittered under the light. Chains were linked carefully, the pendants all unique in some fashion. These pieces had character, something you would not mind having every day on your person.
Something caught your eye--a white gold ring with your birthstones, all laid along a pattern around. Not an engagement ring by any means, but something you visualized adorning your finger on a daily basis.
No, I might come back later and purchase it sometime. If it's not there, it wasn't meant to be.
"Ah, this one? My son made it to commemorate his late wife for her birthday, which is today. She passed several years back, but he chose to never forget her. This year, he decided he would create this ring that was similar to the one he made for her on an anniversary of theirs." The woman's eyes turned down slightly, her smile falling a bit. "But don't worry, he made this piece so that someone may show their love to their partner once again. Would you like to try it on?"
You hesitated, but Beidou coaxed you to try it on, before switching her attention to her phone. The woman slipped the ring onto your ring finger, finding that it fit you perfectly.
A grin appeared on her face. "It suits you, as if it were made for you."
Staring at it for a moment, you felt the slight longing for it, not just because of its appearance, but for the story that came along with it. You shook your head before slipping it off. "I might come back sometime later and see if it's here. I don't have any way to pay for this at the moment, I apologize. But it is beautiful."
"No worries. It might find itself back to you in some manner."
Perhaps, but unlikely. Nodding your head, you trudged along out of the store, expecting Beidou to be behind you, only to find her still inside the store, talking to the owner of the shop. Several minutes later, she hurried out, a faint smile lingering on her lips.
"Don't ask."
"I-- alright."
You parted ways with Beidou shortly after, and just as you leave the mall, you receive a text from Yoimiya.
"Hey, I can't make it on time to pick something up, could you go to this location for me, please? I'll make it up to you, PROMISE!! <3"
Shrugging your shoulders, you replied asking for the address, to which she replied with a pinpoint of the location. You texted Kazuha where you were about to go, just in case he made it home before you.
Except, the location wasn't a building. It was a large tent on the top of a hill, away from town. You found a slip of paper and picked it up, wondering whether the person was inside.
What the hell is Yoimiya picking up over here? Is she doing illegal business? What is going on here?
Just before you began to spiral in your thoughts, the tent opened up, revealing a smiling Kazuha. "Well, I'm glad you could make it. Come on, you're just in time."
"Just in time for--"
He pulled you close to him, guiding you to the other side of the tent next to the tree. Motioning for you to sit down, he settled himself right next to you. "Have you read the paper?"
Shaking your head, you pulled the slip of paper you found, finding words on the page in Kazuha's pretty handwriting.
The universe was blessed this day
When the heavens opened up
and you descended on earth
To touch my life.
The stars remain in your eyes,
And I wish on every single one,
That I can be called
"Kazuha..." you breathed out, your mouth not able to form the words, as your gaze turned to the beautiful man before you.
"Look up."
At his urging, you turned your face up to the night sky. Several beats passed, before a streak of light shot up, before breaking into a large burst of colors. Several more shot up, taking your breath away. The show of sparkles
"Is that--"
"I had a bit of help to set up this moment. I hope you liked it."
Silence settled in, realizing that he was so excited about your birthday all this time. So the sudden texts from Beidou and Yoimiya weren't just random, they were planned.
"Oh, one more thing." Kazuha searched a pocket and pulled out a small box, bringing your hand close. "I heard from Beidou that this caught your eye, and I couldn't let it slip. So..." The ring you found earlier appeared once again before you, settling onto your ring finger once more. "I got it as a promise for us."
The emotions that built up within you finally spilled, tears streaming down slightly. "Kazuha, I swear...I'm--I'm in bliss right now, just being here with you. I just..." You placed your hands on his face and pulled him in for a soft kiss, which was immediately reciprocated.
The tenderness of the moment cemented a new shift in the relationship, one marked with devotion, rich and sweet, like maple. A birthday like this? You would remember for the rest of your life.
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brahkest-fr · 3 years
Hey there! I’m currently trying to work out some anthro designs for my dragons, but I’m having the HARDEST time thinking of outfit designs. Sure, their onsite apparel helps, but not when the only apparel they have is a birdskull necklace and some earrings. :’D Do you have any advice for coming up with outfits?
I’ll do my best! Onsite apparel is usually not my fav but they are pretty good for figuring out themes or colors.
Let’s go through my outfit process with a new derg of mine, Alessa
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She’s a witch but I’m definitely not going for the outfit seen here - it’s just basically something to help get down the colors (so black lol) and theme.
So my first piece of advice is figuring out where you wanna go in terms of outfit. This girl’s ez pz cuz witch but if you have a derg that has barely anything on, I would ask yourself some questions like - what is their job? Do they need an outfit for that? What kind of style would they wear if not concerning a job - casual, formal, loose, tight, etc? Figuring out a term (like a job title or type of clothing like suit) for your theme is gonna be very helpful in the next part. Even something as vague as “red” will net you results.
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So I always start with a blank sort of mannequin for my dragon, just a simple pose to get a good ref going. Here I have some important features I want to keep in mind for later such as the arm feathers, the tail, the witch hat, etc which can affect how the outfit looks later on.
Theme is pretty important here as now I hit up my best friend google and slap in “‘insert theme here’ fashion.” So in this case I searched “modern witch fashion” because I want her to be a witch but not like, an old timey crinkly one.
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Not bad results! Now I will sometimes pull directly from these pics for clothes, merge/splice outfits together OR I will use them as inspo to create something unique on my own. Don’t be discouraged if finding the right inspo takes awhile as you never know what will click for you. Feminine fashion is gonna take up most search results so if you want something more masculine, just add male or masculine to your search or any other key word you’ll need.
This method will work even if you have unconventional outfits like fantasy ones or armor. Just be sure to use the right keywords that fit your theme like “cold weather armor male.”
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Some progress! I took a few ideas from various results and edited in my own ideas - for example the top has big sleeves up to the elbow so it doesn’t interfere with the feathers while the actual pic I referenced has tight sleeves to the wrist.
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Added some hair that I also referenced cuz art hard and idk how hair works lol. Reinstating the importance of refs!
But that’s basically it. Smooch some references (and by some I mean A LOT) because it’s very helpful to pull your ideas together. Even if you have a small idea like, big pants or something lol, it can help begin the basis for an entire outfit. No colors for this one yet because I’m still working on her but same rules as before apply.
Also don’t be afraid to branch out! You know those wacky ass fashion shows where people wear like trash bags or pringles and you’re like, wow that’s awful? Check out that shit unironically. It’s all about exaggeration and something there might spark an idea like a funny hat, neat shoes, or even just a color.
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doiedreams · 3 years
Order Up ◈ z.cl
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brought to you by the Neo’clock Past and Future New Years event by @nct-writers
◈⇢ Synopsis: During a busy shift at the Neo Drive-In Diner, your crush from school, Zhong Chenle, and his popular group of friends pull up. They order food, as expected, but Chenle has another request for you.
◈⇢ Genre: Fluff, 1950s AU, high school AU, retro drive-in diner
◈⇢Pairing: High school crush!Chenle x Waitress!reader (fem)
◈⇢ Warnings: many mentions of food
PLEASE NOTE: Per usual with my fics, Tumblr duplicated a paragraph. Please don’t mind it :) thank you!
⇢ [EDIT: it deleted a paragraph too D: Tumblr, apologize >:(]
⇢ [EDIT: lmao nvm I fixed it ayee 😎]
◈⇢ WC: 1.6k words
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“Order up!”
Sighing at the call of yet another order, you adjust your pink roller skates before gliding over to the counter to collect the finished order from one of the cooks who’s clearly had a long shift, as you could tell from the tone of his voice. Through the noises of the busy kitchen with burgers grilling, french fries sizzling, and fellow carhop waitresses skating back and forth from inside the kitchen to the vehicles parked outside, you could still make out the lyrics to Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock playing from the speakers.
“I sure would be delighted with your company,” you sing along, “Come on ‘n do the Jailhouse Rock with me.”
“Y/n! Hurry up already!” You jump at the sound of the head waitress’ voice, interrupting your mini sing-along. Straightening your posture, you say, “Yes ma’am.” 
Balancing two trays of food on your left arm, you read the written order in your right. Light blue Ford Thunderbird, 2 bacon cheeseburger meals, 2 strawberry milkshakes. You skate out the door, careful not to drop the trays of food, and pass by a row of cars until you see the light blue convertible the meals belonged to. Displaying your brightest smile and cheeriest voice, you stop at the side of the car and read, “Two bacon cheeseburger meals with a pair of strawberry milkshakes?”
The older couple in the vehicle nodded their heads. “That’s us,” the man in the driver’s seat stated. You pass over their meals and napkins, collect the money, and wish them a good meal before heading back into the kitchen.
It’s been a very busy shift, considering it’s a Saturday afternoon, and it’s definitely kept you on your toes. On days like this, you’re especially thankful for the swift and easy transportation you’re provided by the roller skates you and the other waitresses are ordered to wear with your uniform - a collared button-down top, a poodle skirt, and a half apron. And of course you can’t forget the perky little hat with your restaurant’s logo on it. The smell of the food, the laughter, the rock music playing on the radio, and the feel of the wind blowing by you on your skates as your skirt swayed in the wind - it all makes this job worthwhile.
Before you reach the doors to go back inside, a honking noise behind you stops you in your tracks. You turn toward the car pulling up in an empty spot and prepare to take their order. Hurriedly, you pat down your uniform trying to find your notepad tucked away somewhere in one of the pockets. Although distracted, you decide to waste no time and get right into your introduction while still searching for the notepad. “Hi there and thank you for stopping at Neo’s Drive-In Diner, the finest carhop service in-“
“Well if it isn't Y/N L/N.” You’re interrupted by the voice of one of the most popular boys at your high school.
Looking up, you meet the eyes of Lee Jeno, sitting in the passenger’s seat, and give him a polite smile. “That’s me. It’s good to see you, Jeno.”
“Hey.” Behind the wheel, and closest to you, sat Zhong Chenle, the boy you’ve been crushing on since you’ve met him. With his elbow propped up on the car door, he greets you with his charming smile.
“Hey,” you respond, smiling a little too hard. You turn towards the back of the car and wave at his other two friends, Jisung and Jaemin. The four of them, as well as a few other friends that complete their clique, are the most talked about kids in your high school. Although you don’t consider yourself popular at all, you have grown a bit of a friendship with Chenle, who you’ve just recently started growing comfortable speaking to on a regular basis. With your budding friendship with Chenle, you’ve also grown closer with his popular group of friends.
“Nice wheels,” Chenle complimented, pointing at your skates.
Flattered, you giggle and thank him. “And you too! What is that, a ‘57 Chevrolet Corvette?”
He raises his eyebrows. “Ah, so you know your cars, huh? Impressive.”
“I do see a whole lot of ‘em these days, ” you say, gesturing towards the several automobiles around you.
Flashing his incredibly attractive smile, Chenle beams at you, making you shyly look down at your skates while adjusting the collar of your uniform.
“Uh, yeah... enough of the flirting. This is my ride by the way. He’s just driving it ‘cause he begged me to let him,” Jeno laughs, ignoring Chenle’s hard glare. “He thinks he’s hip now since he got his license the other day.”
“Well, you look like you were made for the driver’s seat,” you wink at him, somehow hiding the shock you felt at the unexpected boost of confidence you just displayed. Raising the notepad you finally found in the waistband of your skirt, you ask, “What can I get you, boys?”
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“What’re you doing talking to those dreamboats over there?” your friend and coworker Molly says, nudging your side with her elbow as you both stood in the kitchen waiting for your next deliveries.
“Just... talking,” you say, eyeing her.
“Isn’t that Chenle and his crew?”
You turn to look out the window and see Chenle running his hand through his hair, checking himself out in the side view mirror of the car. He and his friends were singing along to the radio while waiting for their food. Something about Chenle in his varsity cardigan and slacks, sitting in the front seat of a shiny, red convertible was so attractive to you.
“Yup, that’s them.”
“When’re you gonna ask Chenle out?” she says with a smirk.
You turn towards her, wide-eyed. “What?! What makes you think I wanna ask him out?”
She shrugs and raises her hands in defense. “I dunno. It couldn’t possibly be because of the countless times you’ve been caught staring at him in geography class.” You glare at the evident sarcasm in her tone. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to ask out someone as dreamy as him.”
“Exactly. I’m sure someone already has and he’s not available for me to ask out anyways. Hell, he may even have a date later tonight.”
Molly rolls her eyes. “Whatever, y/n. I find that real hard to believe. He seems into you.”
You gape at her, unconvinced, and look back out the window where you met Chenle’s gaze. You quickly hide your face, wondering if he was really staring at you or looking for someone with their orders to speed up.
“Order up! Red Chevrolet Corvette. Four burger and fries combos. Four Coca-Colas.”
Molly pats your back and you take that as a cue to pick up their orders and deliver them. At the counter, you grab all four meals and shuttle them out to the car with ease. As you approach the car, the boys cheer, hoot, and holler at the arrival of their food, turning the heads of the customers in the surrounding vehicles.
“Alright, alright,” you laugh, as you begin to quiet them down, passing out the trays. As soon as they receive their meals, they begin digging in like animals, except for Chenle who was taking out his wallet to pay you.
“Here. Keep the change,” he says, placing the money in your hand as you feel a much heavier amount than expected. Before you can object to the extra pay, he says, “Oh, and I have something to ask you”, leaning closer to you from his seat, separating himself from the noise his friends were making.
“What’s up?”
“So, we’re planning on watching A Night To Remember at the drive-in cinema later tonight. If you want, we can pick you up after your shift and drive over there together. We might even go bowling after the movie. I mean, you don’t have to, of course. I know these guys can be a bit wild but Jeno’s bringing a date anyways and you wouldn’t even have to talk to the others if you don’t wanna-” He stops himself, noting the shocked expression on your face. “I’m sorry…”
“No! No, no need to be sorry for anything, I just- I- You want me to come with you?” you question.
“If it’s alright with you,” he says, with a hopeful look on his face. “I know taking a girl out on a date typically doesn’t involve rowdy friends, but uh-”
“A date? Chenle, I’d be glad to be your date under any circumstances,” you say, smiling widely at the offer.
“Really? Sweet! I’ll pick you up in a couple of hours.”
“Sounds good!”
You could hardly hide your excitement. You skate twice as fast back to the kitchen and almost forget you’re still on the job. As soon as you find Molly, you share the news of your date with Chenle and the both of you nearly squeal with delight before Molly is called to take another order. Turning around, watching her skate out the door, you make eye contact with Chenle who must have seen you freak out with Molly just seconds earlier.
You stand there staring at him, frozen and slightly embarrassed, and he stares back with his burger up to his mouth. After a few seconds of unbroken eye contact, he starts laughing. His laughter immediately brings a smile to your face and soon enough, you’re laughing with him through the window. His friends begin to wonder what he’s laughing at and why, and you see the expression on Chenle’s face shift once the boys start teasing him and laughing. Now that it’s his turn to be embarrassed, you find the exchange quite hilarious. Watching him made the grin on our face stretch from ear to ear.
“You better not be flirting with customers on the job, young lady.” The head waitress said from behind you, reeling you back into the present.
“Order up!”
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a/n: thank you for reading hehe :3
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
BNHA Headcanon #2: Kacchan is rich and the reason behind his feral gremlin resting face
Okay so it's one of my headcanon that Bakugou is actually quite loaded. Not a Todoroki or Yaoyorozu's level of rich but like highest of middle-class level or lowest of high-class or something.
If I had to list Class 1-A by how rich I think they are, the top 5 would definitely be something like this:
Now something that had always seemed kinda off to me is if the Bakugou family truly were rich, would they have sent their son to that shitty public middle-school? And would Bakugou really make that comment about being a hero and reaching the highest tax bracket at the beginning of BNHA? (Like that part really, really bothered me, since Bakugou had never shown any inclination towards wanting money aside from that one sentence...)
But then I thought long and hard about Mitsuki's general personality and temperament and about probably neither Masaru nor her came from old money and it just clicked.
Like yes, it's absolute made sense to me that she would send Bakugou to the local middle-school instead of some "elite" private school. She probably thought that her son being surrounded by old money and entitled spoiled second-generation rich kids would make his personality even worse than it is.
I think her general philosophy towards Bakugou in his childhood was basically "I'll let you try anything you want to try. But if you want something you gotta work for it."
So when he was a kid, he'd get handed pocket money in exchange for doing simple chores around the house (outside of cleaning, 'cause "it's fucking common sense to keep your room clean and tidy, like hell I'm going to pay you for it!").
And when he started to get a little bit older like 10ish and the All Might figurines and goodies he wanted started to get beyond his means and he had not enough patience to wait for his birthday or Christmas to get them, he started to negotiate with Mitsuki for "higher-paid jobs" to do.
At that time she knew he wanted the limited edition golden-age All Might figurine, so she was planning on lending him some money in advance so that he could buy it, but before she could offer he'd already gone like:
Katsuki: Give me a task where I'd get more money, these suck!
Mitsuki, (internally super amused): And what do you a snot-brat like you can do, huh?
Katsuki, super offended: I can do anything you can do, you old hag!! Don't look down on me!
Mitsuki: Anything I can do, huh?
And that's how little Kacchan ended up in the middle of a photo shoot with newly designed Masaru's kid clothes on him, with Mitsuki behind him being like "Okay, go nuts."
She definitely thought that there was no way Katsuki would have been able to model, what's with his personality, lack of patience and general bratty resting face.... But turns out her son choose to wear that angry sewer gremlin face on daily basis and he was perfectly capable of looking cute, if not downright angelic when he wanted to. And apparently he really wanted that All Might figurine.
And so when the shot was done, he just trotted back to her with a super satisfied smirk "haha suck it old hag, told you I could do it, now hand over the money."
(That's how young Katsuki learned that modeling was way more lucrative than doing chores at home and decided that it was what he was going to do from now on. And that's what he did up to his UA years.
And this also where the tax bracket thing came from, 'cause Mitsuki kept going on how "Being a model is great, right?! So how about it, did you reconsider your future job? How about you be more like mom, huh?" And Bakugou would go like "Huh?! No way! Just you see, once I'm a hero I'll be even higher than you and the old man in the tax bracket, and I'll make you regret your life choice!!")
On their way back,
Mitsuki, poking teasingly at Bakugou's nose: You know that if you tried to look like you did back there on daily basis, instead of like a feral demon child dragged right from hell, you'd be even more popular.
Bakugou, scowling and swatting at the finger: No way.
Mitsuki, curiously: Why not?
Bakugou: Auntie Inko told me that I'd grow up to be really handsome.
Mitsuki: Well yeah. Since you look like me. So, what's wrong with that? You wanna be ugly?
Bakugou, scowling even more: She said that since I'll be so handsome, I'll grow up to be a really popular hero. But I don't wanna! Heroes are cool because they are strong, not 'cause they are handsome! And I'm gonna be the strongest!!!
Mitsuki, trying very, very hard not to laugh at that logic: Oh I see that makes sense. Want me to stop near the forest? I thought I saw some feral raccoons over there the other day, you can practice by imitating them or something....
Later on, when Mitsuki told Masaru about it,
Masaru: Dear, are you sure it's okay to encourage him like this?
Mitsuki, browsing through evil feral mask pictures to print out later for Bakugou as references: Huh? Yeah sure, don't worry. He'll probably outgrow it at some point.
6 years later and still counting....
Mitsuki: Well, shit.
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Ten Things I Hate About You
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Pairing: Mark Lee x Reader ft. Haechan, Johnny and mention of Jeno
Words: 7.7k
Genre: Fluff, the tiniest bit of angst if you squint, college au
Warning: Tiniest bit of cursing, kissing, family issues, anxiety attack
Summary: You never had the luxury of selecting who you were going to tutor, so when you paired with the only person you disliked, Lee Mark, you couldn’t help but formulate a list of the ten things you hated about him.
A/N: Okay so, I will admit this is longer than I anticipated, my bad. Mark has been stuck in my head and this was my way of getting him out. Basically, each part is a snip bit/ scene from the day named in bold.  *This is very very very minimally edited 
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“Who the hell is that?” was not the most flattering thing someone could say when being given a free tutor. Hell, it wasn’t a flattering thing to say under any circumstance. Yet, there you were, walking slowly towards your literature class’s resident idiot, Mark.
“Me, I’m Y/N,” he looked you up and down, frowning slightly before looking back at the professor. The boy seemed to always believe that his opinions mattered to anyone but himself. He was always screaming his misconstrued thoughts during class or more likely not showing up at all, and everything about him seemed to piss you off.
Maybe it was the way he spoke to people, always assuming he was in the right. Or, maybe it was the fact that he spoke period, always rambling about absolutely nothing while the class was engaged in relevant and important conversation. More likely, it was the permanent grin etched on his face, as if nothing could touch him, not even the failing grade he was receiving in this class.
“Mark, this is quite literally your last shot because there is seriously nothing else I can do for you,” you tuned out the rest of the conversation, only raising an eyebrow once you heard that Mark wouldn’t be able to pass without a certain score on the final.
“And you really should thank Y/N, there are other students she could be helping,” your eyes shot up at the mention of your name, blushing lightly as the men looked at you.
It wasn’t as if you had volunteered to tutor Mark specifically. You had been tutoring since high school and figured it was the perfect work-study job to take up. Except you didn’t choose who to tutor, only which subjects. Unfortunately, literature happened to be one of them, and Mark happened to suck at it.
“Now, both of you get out of here,” he pointed to the doorway with a slight smirk on his face as Mark trudged away clearly annoyed.
“We can work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until the test. We can meet up at the library,” you offered, following after the boy who seemed to only quicken his pace. Jerk.
“Not Friday, that’s a busy day,” he shrugged, looking at everything but you. 
“The test is three weeks from today and judging by your, uhm previous scores, you need all the time you can get,” the boy whipped around at that statement, raising his brow at you. You didn’t understand why he seemed so shocked, you were only telling the truth.
“Fine, catch you later,” His eyes were looking behind you, focused on something else before he finally walked away from you. 
That was another thing that bothered you, he never made eye contact. It was like no one was worth the time of day to him. 
“What are you looking at,” A familiar arm snaked its way around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest as you prepared to go home. You smelled the familiar scent of aftershave and light cologne that immediately brought a smile to your face.
“You’ll never guess who I have to tutor,” you looked up at your best friend, Haechan, grinning at his confused face. Haechan had been your best friend since you were kids in the sandbox and since then, wherever he was you were likely right beside him.
“Let’s go eat, and you can tell me all about it,” He spun you around, walking you towards the exit.
“Maybe you’re being too hard on him,” the boy suggested, playing with his food before taking a bite. That was his habit whenever you ate together, he would mull over his food as if building a masterpiece before devouring an entire plate in a few bites.
“What do you mean?” You furrowed your brows at the statement. 
“I mean, I dunno, maybe don’t judge a book by its cover and stuff,” A slight blush rose to his cheeks as he realized how cringey what he had said was. His eyes met yours for a split second before you both let out a few synchronized chuckles.
“That was so bad, Chan,” you reached over to poke his cheek, laughing even harder as his cheeks became a deeper shade of red.
“I mean seriously, can you even name ten things you don’t like about him?” He asked, suddenly raising his brows in a challenging manner.
“Honestly, I could name ten things I hate about him,” you admitted, taking a bite of your food to punctuate your point. He only shook his head in disapproval as a response before continuing.
“Get back to me in a few weeks, I bet you’ll even end up friends. He seems nice from what I’ve heard” he sent a knowing wink your way before calling the waitress over.
As he began talking to the waitress, his question was still lingering in your mind. Ten things you hated about Mark. You already had certain attributes running around in your head, but you wondered how many more you were going to add to your list. 
          1. I hate that he is inconsiderate
It was only the first day of your study sessions with Mark, and of course he was late. You were sitting at your usual table in the corner of the library, checking your phone for the nth time. He was almost an hour late and you were anything but surprised. The boy didn’t strike you as the type to keep his word.
“Hey, tutor girl,” The voice struck you from your thoughts, coming from someone you didn’t think you’d see today.
“Mark,” You nodded towards the seat across from you, opening the textbook you had sat in front of you. The boy sat silently, a smug grin painted across his face as he looked at you, eyes focused above your head. 
“I had something pop up, sorry about that man,” even his apologies were insincere and annoying. You almost wanted to toss the coffee drink in his hands into the trash, but you found it in yourself to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Whatever, let's just get started,” He nodded in response, glancing down at your textbook with a look of uncertainty, “Did you bring your textbook?” It was then that you realized that he hadn’t brought anything with him, not even a pencil. Of course he was unprepared.
“It’s fine, use mine,” You turned yours around towards him before pointing towards a specific chapter. He nodded in response before flicking his eyes back up in your general direction.
“Today, we’ll start with the basics of analyzing a text. We’ll do ethos, pathos, and logos. It’s pretty simple but it’s gonna help with the essay portion,” You rambled on for a few minutes about the basis of arguments and speeches. His eyes were in the book but you couldn't tell if he was understanding or not. Throughout your explanation, you could see his leg shaking and his fingers tapping on the table. 
“Is there anything you want me to go over?” his eyes were still glued to the book as he looked back up at you. He was smiling, as usual, but something about the look in his eye told you that he was utterly confused. 
“No, Uh, I think I understand,” His taps became a bit more intense until he realized you were watching him and stopped. 
“It’s okay if you don't,” you said mindlessly, “I’m here to help,” as much as you weren’t a fan of Mark, you wanted him to do well. It was a part of the reason you liked tutoring. Seeing someone work hard for something, and helping them get there was one of the best feelings in the world.
“It’s fine,” he shrugged, smiling wider. You didn’t understand why he didn’t just say he needed help since it was literally your job, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
“Let’s go over it one more time, for my sake,” you went over the material again, using more examples, even some from popular music to explain the definitions he didn’t understand.
“I mean, I already understood, but I get it, more,” He said sheepishly, rubbing his face in his hand. You smiled a bit at the light pink color growing on his cheeks as you switched subjects.
“Okay, I believe you. We have some more material to cover though. Since you’re picking it up so quickly,” you smirked at the last statement, flipping the textbook in front of him to the correct page. You ignored his groan of despair, instead continuing the lesson you had planned.
You had believed after the first lesson, he might be easy to work with, but eventually, you were proved wrong. Mark was an absolute menace. His incessant taps on the table, glances around the room, random babbling, and absolute lack of interest in what you said, was pissing you off. Even the librarian had walked over to tell him to be quiet.
“Let’s take a break,” he suggested, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s been thirty minutes, Mark,” you rolled your eyes, pointing back at the sheet in front of you. He seemed to lose focus often, so you decided making him take notes might help.
“I know, but honestly my brain is full,” he whined, sending puppy dog eyes your way. Usually, you would have been able to say no, but his puckered lip and innocent eyes were beginning to sway you. 
“Fine, ten minutes,” you gave in to a smiling mark, who shot his fist up in excitement. He leaned back in his chair, looking into space with a look you couldn’t decipher. He was visibly deep in thought and you were beginning to feel very awkward as time went on.
“Tutor girl, yeah she’s tutoring me
 I wanna go home cause that’s the place to be,
Wherever I am, the vibe is nice,
Cause I’m cool like ice,” he went on and on rambling random rhymes with the biggest smile on his face. Nothing would have made you happier than saying that it sounded terrible, and while the rhymes themselves were ridiculous, his voice had a certain addictive vibe that made you want to keep listening.
He suddenly stopped, grinning at your lack of words “Shocked into silence, they say I have that effect on people,” he smirked nonchalantly eliciting a groan of annoyance from you.
“I don’t know who ‘they’ are, but your ten minutes are up,” 
“What! It’s been like three at most,” he complained, dropping his head in annoyance.
“Well, at least stop being so loud,” you rolled your eyes at the boy, who lit up once again. 
You sat in silence for a few seconds before he finally spoke, “Why are you so uptight, tutor girl?” The nickname was really beginning to bug you and so was the boy sitting across from you.
“I have a name you know,” you finally comment, ignoring his question. You were fiddling with your fingers under the table, doing anything to keep your mind off of the uncomfortable question he had asked.
“I know, Y/N,” Your eyes shot up at the mention of your name, almost giving you whiplash. 
“So, why do you call me that?” 
“It’s just a nickname,” he shrugged lightly before beginning to beatbox. He was like a child with the shortest attention span you had seen on anyone above the age of fifteen.
“It’s definitely been ten minutes now,” you pushed his paper towards him before beginning the next lesson.
            2. I hate that he really is a mystery
“I’ve never been here,” You commented, looking up at your very tall friend, Johnny opening the door for you. He was a few years older than you but you ended up bonding through the tutoring center you both worked at.
The building was a typical cafe with a warm mocha toned interior. It had bookcases lining one wall with two big grandpa chairs watching over the small tables littered around the room. The place was relatively empty, with only a few people taking up two tables near the bookshelves. It was super cozy and inviting which made you question why you hadn’t been there sooner.
“Really? A lot of people from school come here,” you only nodded in response, following the boy towards the register. 
Once inside, you immediately walked to the baked goods section, eyeing the various desserts.  
You were glad Johnny called. You had been stressed out, from your mom riding you about job applications, classes reaching finals time, tutoring Mark, etc etc. It felt like as you got older the weight on your shoulders got heavier and heavier. Everyone in your life needed you to decide on your future and you just weren’t there yet. You couldn't even decide on a pastry let alone where you wanted to be in ten years. 
“Are you ready to order?” Johnny tapped your shoulder, pulling you away from your thoughts.
“Sure,” you nodded, masking the sadness the thoughts had brought on.
You watched as the older boy tapped the service bell before peering over the counter.  “Someone’s coming,” he said, leaning back.
“Hey Johnny, what can I get ya today,” the familiar voice caused your eyes to bulge as you looked up at the owner.
“Tutor girl?” 
“Mark,” you mumbled quietly, nodding in his direction. It seemed as if your problems followed you everywhere.
“You two know each other?”Johnny asked with a grin.
Mark answered quickly “We take lit together,” you frowned at the lack of mentioning the fact that you were his tutor. 
“Ah okay,”
“How do you two know each other?” you asked, only half caring.
“We’ve been friends since his freshman year,” The older boy explained.
“Anyway, what do you want bro?” Mark asked informally, smile bright as he got ready to punch the buttons on the screen in front of him.
“I’ll have an americano, give me like two extra shots,” Johnny looked at you, waiting for your order as Mark tapped on the screen.
“Can I get an americano and a chocolate croissant,” 
“Sure,” the younger boy said absentmindedly.
Johnny reached into his wallet before you could even say anything, looking down at you with a “don’t argue” look. You were used to him paying whenever you went out together or even with other friends, even though you always put up a fight.
“Don’t worry about it,” Mark said, pushing Johnny’s card back at him, “on the house,” he explained.
“You sure?” 
“Yeah don’t worry about it,”
“Thank you,” you smiled sincerely, surprised by the gesture.
“He never pays for me,” Johnny said, chuckling as if it were an inside joke before he began looking for a seat.
He finally selected a table in the corner with two chairs beside it, right next to a window. You sat down in the chair, giving the place a once over again. Something had caught your eye this time. You watched as the dark-haired boy darted around behind the register, preparing your drinks expertly. 
“I didn’t know he worked here,” You mumbled absentmindedly, still watching the boy work.
“Yeah, he works at a restaurant too,” Johnny commented, smiling knowingly in your direction. You furrowed your brows as you looked back at him. You didn’t know he had one job, let alone two. 
“Oh,” was all you said, leaving it at that. It seemed like Mark really was a mystery to you. You knew virtually nothing about him. Something about that fact gave you an unsettling feeling that you were too stubborn to think about any further.
             3. I hate that he asks too many questions
“I don’t want to gooo,” you whined, fighting against Haechan who was currently pushing you towards the library.
“It’s only the third day. You’re such a baby,” You could practically hear his eyes roll as he stopped in front of the door. He had given you a ride to the library, as he always would if he had time.
“Am not,”
“Are too,” 
“Am not,”
“Are too,” 
“Am not,” Despite how childish it was, you literally stamped your foot, leading to a laughing fit from the two of you. 
“I can’t believe you,” he sighed, lightly shoving you.
“I’m very mature though, on a serious-,” you suddenly stopped speaking as you noticed he wasn’t looking at you anymore, “what is it?” you turned on your heel only to be met with the infamous boy himself.
“Am I too early?” he looked down at his phone with furrowed brows before looking back at you. 
“No, you’re actually on time,” you didn’t mean to come off as passive-aggressive but judging from Mark’s raised brows, you did.
You watched as Haechan reached out to shake Mark’s hand with a friendly smile and a quick mutter of his name. Mark responded by smiling awkwardly before finally reciprocating the gesture. “I’m Mark,” he introduced himself with his world-famous grin before flicking his gaze in your direction.
It was silent for a few moments before Haechan finally said something, “I’ll leave you guys to it,” he smiled one last time, sending you a mischievous look before leaving the two of you alone.
“You ready?” he asked, reaching up to grab the nape of his neck awkwardly. You quickly noticed the Jansport backpack he was sporting. It was a small thing but something about the fact that he came prepared made you feel weird.
“Uhh, yeah,” you opened the door to the library, walking quickly to the usual spot in the corner, Mark trudging quietly behind you.
“I made some flashcards for you,” You began, reaching into your bag and pulling out the index cards that you had put on a binder ring.
“Thanks,” he took the cards from your hand with a smile.
“So that guy’s your boyfriend?” he asked casually while shuffling through the cards.
You jaw all but dropped in shock as you fumbled to find the right words, “absolutely not,” you finally said, “he’s like a brother,” you clarified, waiting for his reaction.
The question made you feel uneasy coming from his mouth. It seemed random and very odd considering neither one of you had ever discussed anything personal.
“Oh, okay. You seem close,” he commented, continuing to look through the flashcards.
“We are, but uh, today lets just talk about your essay structure,” you changed the subject promptly, noticing the grin that was solidifying on his face.
Ten minutes later you could already tell he was distracted, judging by his taps on the table that were rapidly reaching a fever pitch.
He looked in your direction suddenly, “What do you want to do, tutor girl, like after graduation” 
Mark asked you the question like it was the most casual thing to say, like it was comparable to “how was your day” or “what kind of coffee do you like.” No one had really asked you that before, what you wanted to do.
“uh, I’m not sure honestly,” you were unsure of why you were even entertaining the conversation. Had it been asked a few days ago you might have just rolled your eyes and answered with the generic response you had been trained to use.
“Really? You seem like the type to plan everything a hundred steps ahead,” 
You quirked your eyebrow up in surprise “What’s that supposed to mean,” 
A light blush found its way onto his cheeks as he stumbled over his words, “No, it’s just that you, like, seem put together, like you know what you want,” he clarified.
The notion confused you to an extent. You never knew what you wanted. You had spent so long doing what people told you that you should do, that you barely even thought about what you wanted. Honestly speaking, you had only started tutoring because your mother told you it would look good on college applications. You had just so happened to actually end up enjoying it. That was the real reason you always did everything the same way and were what Mark called ‘uptight’.
“I don’t,” you admitted, “I have a hard time knowing what I want,” you trailed off quietly before asking him the same question.
“I want to pursue music, but I’m not sure if it’s practical,” he said shrugging.
“It isn’t practical,” you agreed, smiling lightly at the shocked face Mark sent you, “but if it’s something you want to do, it’s worth trying,” you finished, watching as Mark let out a breath. 
He sighed, “I wish it were that easy,” his table tapping picked up a slow pace. You nodded in agreement, realizing that you were in a similar predicament. “Well, what do you like to do?” he asked suddenly.
“You ask a lot of questions,” you replied simply, playing with the seam of your jeans.
             4. I hate that he’s unbelievably stubborn
“Mark, honestly we can just reschedule,” You watched as the boy shook his head, jumping from his previous position.
“No, I’m fine,” he shook his head a few times before gesturing in your direction for you to continue.
The boy kept nodding off throughout your lesson and showing obvious signs that he was in no way capable of learning anything. His eyes were bloodshot as if he hadn’t slept all weekend, his eye bags were at least three shades darker than usual, and most importantly he wasn’t making any noises at all. Not even his usual incessant table taps.
“Mark, you did pretty well on the practice quiz, you can take the day off,” you tried to reason with the boy whose eyes were barely open. It looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open.
“No no, y/n,” him using your real name made you feel weird and told you that he was definitely not in the right mind. “You came all the way here, let’s just start,” 
You chuckled lightly at his groggy and barely comprehensible voice as you closed your books. 
“Why are you so tired anyway? Did you work over the weekend?” you found yourself actually curious about his answer, not just asking something random for the sake of it not being awkward.
He answered simply, trying his best to hide a yawn, “yep,” 
You shook your head disapprovingly before finally speaking, “Alright this is what we’re going to do. One more practice test and then please go home and do us both a favor and go to sleep,” 
“I don’t want to be an inconvenience,” he admitted, sitting upright.
“You’re more of an inconvenience this way because I can't tutor someone who can’t even spell their own name,” I tapped on the corner of his notes, where he had written his name as “mar” leaving the last letter off.
“Fine,” he said finally, lifting his hoodie off of his head.
“You’re so god damn stubborn,” you whispered mostly to yourself.
“I can hear you, y’know,” you smiled at his remark before setting a practice test in front of him.
               5. I hate that he sees what no one else does
“Yes, mom,” you paused for a moment, waiting for your mother’s usual rant about how you never did anything right, and how at your age she was already starting her own business, yada yada, the usual. 
“I know,” pause, “I sent them out last week, remember?” pause, “I will,”
“Hey, tutor girl,” Mark greeted, taking his usual seat in front of you. He had a concerned look on his face as he noticed you were on the phone having an unpleasant conversation.
You pulled the phone away from your face, “I’ll be right back,” you shot him a small generic smile before walking outside of the building.
“Y/N if you don’t get it together, I’m going to-” your mother’s voice could be heard despite the fact that you had pulled the phone away from your face.
“I’m in the middle of a tutoring session, I have to call you back later,” you interrupted, pressing the hang-up button soon after.
You took a few long breaths before plastering a smile onto your face and walking back inside the building. You could feel Mark’s eyes on you as you walked towards him trying your best to keep up a strong facade.
“Are you okay,” the concern in his voice as you looked at him almost wiped the smile off of your face.
“I’m fine, let’s get started,”
“It’s okay if you’re not. You can tell me about it,” he paused for a few moments, tapping on the table as he usually did, “I can tell you’re you aren’t,” 
“It’s nothing, let’s just start,” you waved your hand in dismissal.
“If that’s what you want,” he phrased it more like a question than a statement.
“So, today let’s talk about how point of view affects the entire story,” you began your explanation, the fake smile long gone as you gave examples from the required reading. Mark seemed only half interested in what you were saying, which was usually normal, except today you could feel his eyes glued to your face while yours were in the book as you gestured to certain sentences. 
You were not in the mood for his antics and as time passed he was truly starting to bug you. “What!? What are you looking at?” you whisper-yelled in his direction. You found yourself feeling immediately guilty as the boy looked at you in complete and utter shock. His lips had slightly parted into an ‘o’ shape and his brows were slightly raised. His cheeks had even begun turning into a deep red.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-” he mumbled, trailing off at the end.
You raised your hand to your head, feeling a headache coming on, “no, I’m sorry. Honestly, I’m a little stressed out,” you admitted.
“It’s okay, you can talk to me about it. Like, if you want,” he looked at you expectantly, with a concerned expression adorning his face.
“It’s just my mom. She has a lot of expectations for me. It’s stressful sometimes, y’know,” he nodded at your words, waiting for you to continue, “It’s overwhelming. I don’t really know what to do. It’s like she’s been controlling my life for so long that I don’t even know what I want to do without her telling me,” you finished. 
It felt good letting it all out, and for some reason, you felt comfortable telling Mark about it. He seemed to really listen to you, like he actually cared. 
“Have you ever talked to her about it?” he asked.
“No, she’s not the best listener,” he nodded again.
“Then I think right now all you can do is try to figure out what you actually want for yourself. Like what’s something you really want to do? Like bucket list stuff,” he asked with wide eyes.
“I dunno, maybe a road trip,” you said the first thing that came to mind, mentally slapping yourself at how lame the answer was. “I’ve never really been anywhere,” you explained simply. “Kind of lame,”
He shook his head, “It's not lame if it’s something you want.” You only nodded in response.
“What you want is important, Y/N. Even if you don't know exactly what that is yet.”
               6. I hate that he is everywhere
“It’s not my fault,” Haechan rolled his eyes at your shocked expression as he spoke.
“Haechan,” you said slowly, “I really shouldn’t have to explain it to you,” you shook your head in his direction. 
You were walking down the main commons area in your school, killing time before your next class.
“If someone says to you, hey! Can I borrow your hanger, how am I supposed to guess that they’ll-” he stopped speaking suddenly, a smile breaking out on his face, “look there’s your boy,” he nodded slightly in the direction ahead of you.
You looked up, almost immediately spotting Mark. He was smiling brightly as he spoke to a girl beside him. She looked to be familiar, maybe from the year below you. You watched as they laughed together, heads falling back as if they were in a movie. You had to admit, they made a cute couple.
“He’s not my boy,” you shoved your friend with light force, ignoring the tight feeling in your chest.
“Don’t worry, pretty sure she’s dating Jeno. Actually no, I’m super sure, every time I see them, they’re sucking face,” he grimaces at the notion, furrowing his brows tightly as if remembering the image vividly.
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly, “Why would I worry?”
“Okay, y/n,” he matched your expression, shrugging in the same way you did.
            7. I hate that his car smells just like him
“No it’s fine, I’ll just find a way home,” you glanced at Mark, whose eyes were on you already. “No, Haechan don’t worry about it. I’ll text you later,” you hung the phone up and looked up at the boy ahead of you.
After you opened up to Mark the previous week, he had begun taking a seat next to you in class. It seemed like you had become friends, or acquaintances at least. That felt weird to even think about. You and Mark were friends? No, acquaintances, you were just acquaintances. 
“Everything okay?” he asked, gathering his belongings.
“Yea, I just have to walk home,” you answered absentmindedly before standing.
“I can, like, give you a ride,” he offered nonchalantly, standing in front of you.
“You drive?”
He smirked at the question, “just got a new car,” 
“Okay then, if it’s no trouble,” you agreed, nodding at him. It was super weird how comfortable you were around him now. There were still things you very much disliked about him, but getting to know him had shown you that there were some things you hadn’t known at all.
“Alright,” he smiled in your general direction before leading the way. You had grown used to his quick pace, keeping up with ease now. 
“It’s nice right,” he pats the old black car lightly, as if he was afraid something would fall off. 
“Super nice,” you agreed with a grin.
You both walked to your respective sides and slid into your seats quietly. You were immediately hit with the smell of watermelon air freshener and the cologne Mark usually wore. 
“You can put your address in,” he pointed to the GPS on the car and you promptly typed it in.
There was a lasting awkward silence after that, Mark focusing diligently on driving while you were focused on counting the red cars that went by. You wondered how long it would take for someone to say something. Eventually, Mark just put on the radio, hoping to fill the silence.
He winced slightly at the country song that began playing, “You wanna hear one of my songs,” he said suddenly, a small smile accompanying his words.
“Sure,” you were actually curious, seeing as you had never heard him rap seriously, only hearing his mumbles when he was bored.
“Press the acronym one,” he said, handing you his phone, eyes still trained on the road. It was almost comical how focused he was while driving whereas during tutoring sessions he was always distracted.
“Que-tay, uhm, qwe-ta,” you tried pronouncing the acronym, eliciting a laughing fit from Mark. His laugh was so innocent you couldn’t help but smile along even though you didn’t know what was so funny.
“Key-tah,” he finally said with a smile.
“Ah,” you nodded, turning the volume up.
The song started off subtly, with a chill beat that matched the atmosphere in the car. You could see Mark’s light blush peeking from your peripheral as the song went on. By the time the second verse began, Mark was humming along before finally fully rapping alongside himself. Again, you were reminded of how addictive his voice was. 
He seemed so passionate at that moment, so confident. He was showing a side to himself that you hadn’t seen before. Someone so comfortable where he was. Someone truly in their element.
“I get why you want to do music,” you commented as the song ended.
“You love it. I can tell. It’s like more than just a career for you, it’s a part of you,” you said matter of factly. The statement confused you to some degree. You had never seen someone so comfortable in their element. You hated to admit it but you were even a little jealous.
He smiled at that notion, “It is a part of me. Ever since I was young, my dad taught me how to play guitar and that really just jump started my love for it.” You nodded in understanding before picking a random Frank Ocean song on his playlist. 
“You should come to my showcase next week, I just got offered a spot today,” he said suddenly. You were completely shocked that he had asked you. 
“You can bring your friend, I think our whole class is going. It’s supposed to be an end of finals celebration” ah, everyone was going. 
“Okay,” you accepted simply, heat rushing to your cheeks for an unknown reason.
“just put your number in my phone, I’ll send the details later,”
The car ride from then on was more comfortable. What was once an awkward silence had become a relaxed atmosphere where you and Mark would chat about random things like the music on his playlist or the watermelon screensaver on his phone. 
              8.  I hate that he thinks can pull one over on me
 “tutor girl, what’s up?” Mark crashed down into the seat in front of you, setting down a drink carrier from his cafe and a bag.
“Hi, Mark,” you greeted with a smile, shaking your head at his noisy entrance.
“Here you go,” he pushed an Iced Americano in your direction, following with the white bag.
“Oh, thank you, you didn’t have to get me anything,” you watched the smile on his face widen as he shook his head.
“It’s the least I could I could do for my favorite tutor,” your felt your cheeks get hot until you remembered one very important detail.
“I’m your only tutor, and you still have to take the full practice test,” you said sternly, putting the straw in the coffee quickly.
“Come on,” he whined out before starting a whole argumentative speech about how the practice tests were annoying.
               9. I hate that he doubts himself
“I mean, and I say this with full respect,” Mark began, “I truly don’t think I’m going to do that well,” he admitted, toying with the drawstring of his hoodie.
“Mark, just because you say with full respect, doesn’t make it more respectful,” you said with a grin, “but seriously, you’ve been doing so well on your practice quizzes. Over 60% every time, which is way better than what we started with,” you admitted, wincing a bit at the last statement you let slip out.
“Still, that’s not a passing grade,” he shrugged, utterly defeated as he picked up the essay rubric from his desk. His usual brighter than the sun smile had disappeared, leaving you feeling uncomfortably cold.
“Honestly your lack of trust in my tutoring skills is beginning to annoy me,” 
“No, dude, I trust you,” your eyes flew to him at that statement. He was still pondering over the paper in front of him as he continued, “I just feel like I suck at this stupid subject,” he threw the paper back onto the table at that statement.
You found yourself giving a pep talk without even a second thought “No, you don’t. You’re caught on quickly. You’re so smart but you need to stop second-guessing yourself. You’re going to do well. Even better than well because you have my help.”
“Thanks, tutor girl. I appreciate you,” you could tell he was sincere because he had met your eyes, even if just for a split second. It was the first time he had ever looked you in your eyes and it was making you feel things.
“I’m serious though, you are way smarter than you give yourself credit for, and you should know that you are no matter what score you get on this stupid test,” you finish, grinning as the smile returned on his face.
“Okay,” he nodded lightly as he stood waiting for you to join him.
You chuckled lightly at the boy as you looked up at him, “What is it, Mark?” he had a sheepish look on his face as if he was nervous about something other than the obvious.
“uhm well,” He was looking intently at you when you didn’t notice, waiting for any signs that he was annoying you.
“Actually, there’s something I was going to ask you,” a light blush found its way onto his cheeks as he spoke. You nodded in his direction waiting for whatever he had to say, looking up to find his eyes on you. 
At that moment you noticed almost like for the first time how pretty his eyes were. They were so doe-like and innocent, you couldn’t stop staring. 
To outsiders, you both would have seemed very odd as you stood just staring at each other. 
“Well, I-”
“Y/N, hurry- oh shoot, sorry,” Haechan’s voice rang from the doorway, pulling you out of whatever trance you had been in.
“I’m almost done,” you widened your eyes in Haechan’s direction for emphasis, looking back at Mark who had already looked away. “What were you saying, Mark?”
He smiled lightly for a moment, “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing important,”
You furrowed your brows lightly, “You sure.”
“Yeah, we’ll talk later,” 
              10. I hate that I don’t hate him
“I told you so,” Haechan was grinning ear to ear as he joined you on your walk to class.
“I could name ten things I hate about him, yeah right,” He laughed to himself suddenly, mocking your old statement. “Imagine my shock seeing your face a few inches away from his. I should’ve taken a picture.”
“Shut up,” you pushed him lightly, finally reaching the door to the lit class.
“I’ll see you afterwards, good luck,” he said, sending you a final wave before walking away.
It was the test date and you were sure that Mark was nervous. As soon as you got into the room, you noticed his fingers tapping violently on the desk, his single mechanical pencil clattering as it jumped around. He was there early, earlier than you were and that was saying something. The room was empty except for the two of you, even despite you being only about fifteen minutes early.
“Mark,” you had to call his name a second time to get his attention. “Mark, relax,” you took the seat next to him and swiftly grabbed his chattering hand in your own. You watched as his leg began bouncing up and down as if it were mocking the pencil’s previous movement, “Mark, breathe,” his eyes were glued to something in the distance, his breath labored.
“Shit, I’m not prepared,” he muttered quietly, “I should have done another quiz,” he breathed out. “and I can’t fucking breathe,” he clenched his brows at the last statement, his breathing coming out as quick huffs.
“Look at me, Mark,” you reached up to turn his chin towards you. “I think you’re having an anxiety attack,” you said the words slowly, hoping to not make it any worse.
“You have to breathe, I’m right here and I’m not going to let go of you,” you squeezed lightly on his hand to emphasize your words.
“You’ve studied and studied. You’ve worked hard. You’re going to do well. All you have to do now is relax and breathe. In and out,” his eyes were glued to yours before he finally closed them altogether and began taking slow deep breaths.
“I’m here with you, and we’re both going to destroy this thing,” he nodded slowly at your words, opening them a few minutes later as his breathing reached a normal pace and his leg stopped bouncing. 
You released his hand in the next second, sending him a small smile.
“I’m glad you’re with me,” was the last thing he said before people began filing into the room.
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“I know what you’ve all been waiting for. I have your graded finals,” Your professor had waited until the end of the day to finally share the news, leaving everyone anxious.
It was utterly silent as he passed them around, only the sound of him saying a quick “see me after class,” to Mark, who immediately winced at the statement. You couldn’t help but furrow your brows in confusion, noticing that Mark hadn’t received his test back.
“Class is dismissed,” he pointed towards the doorway after delivering the final test, smiling lightly at the people whose arms were thrown up in celebration.
Your score wasn’t that big of a surprise, you had gotten what was expected of you. You were way more interested in Mark. So you decided to wait outside the door, watching as students filed out.
It seemed like hours had passed while you were waiting for him. You mindlessly scrolled through your phone, completely missing the sounds of someone walking up to you, that someone being Mark himself.
You yelped in surprise as you were lifted off of your feet and spun around in the air.
“What the hell,” was all you said as the boy set you down.
“Y/N, Look!” he exclaimed, handing you the test with a huge eighty-five percent scribbled in red on the top right corner of the sheet.
“Mark, I told you, you could do it,” you hugged the smiling boy, grinning brightly at him.
“I couldn’t have without you, Y/N,” the sincerity in his eyes as they bore into your own was making you melt on the spot. 
“No more tutor girl?” you asked, grin never falling.
“You’ll always be tutor girl but, uh,” he paused as if deep in thought for a moment, “I really like spending time with you. I think it will be weird not seeing you all the time,” you nodded in agreement, realizing that the semester had ended, meaning it was summer break.
“Well, we’re friends now right. We can still hang out,” you offered, watching as the boy looked down with a look you couldn’t decipher.
“Um, I know we’re friends, but,” he stepped a little closer to you, “I was wondering like, y’know if it’s possible, if you maybe wanna,” he continued to stumble over his words. You couldn’t help but smile at his very awkward, very cute way of asking you what you already knew he was getting at.
“Mark, do you want to go out sometime,” you finally blurted, chuckling at his pink face. 
“Yes, I would like that a lot,” he said nodding.
“I don’t know if you knew but uhm, I mean it was before, but basically um, I’m sorry I judged you before, Mark,” you apologized suddenly watching as he shook his head in dismissal. It had been on your mind for a while even despite him not knowing.
“I knew you felt that way before. That’s kind of why I was so like reluctant to have you as my tutor,” he grabbed your hand and squeezed lightly.
“That’s why you were so weird the day he told us,” you nodded in understanding remembering the look Mark gave you when you were first introduced, as if you spat in his drink. In his defense you deserved it.
“Honestly, yeah,” he confessed, “but in your defense, I am kind of an acquired taste,” 
“That’s not an excuse. I was an idiot,” you admitted, “Mark, you’re amazing,” he smiled lightly at your last statement, taking the time to just look at you. His brown eyes were like a pool, drawing you in until you sank, unable to stop staring.
He reached out, cupping your cheek with his hand before speaking, “Can I kiss you?”
You only nodded in response, waiting patiently as he lowered his head towards your face until he was less than a centimeter away. It felt like hours had passed until his lips grazed yours, allowing a tingling sensation to move throughout your body.
 In a flash, your arms were around his neck and he was holding onto you delicately, like you would break if he was too rough. He tasted like a mixture of mint and watermelon gum. His warm foresty and floral scent was filling your senses, actively intoxicating you as his lips moved against yours rhythmically. The kiss was greater than any apology you could have given him since it was full of the emotion you couldn’t fully articulate. Mark was fully focused on you in the moment, lips moving against yours like a magnet.
“I told you to become friends, not make out in public,” you heard Haechan’s voice interrupt, causing you to immediately pull away from the boy in front of you. You couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably at Haechan's mortified face and Mark’s intense blush.
“Sorry,” Mark muttered quietly, smiling as he looked down at you.
Haechan walked towards the older boy, looping a hand around his shoulder as he spoke, “Y’know, I always saw this coming. She said she didn’t like you, but a best friend always knows,” you could only shake your head as Mark looked back at you as if asking for help. You could hear Haechan going on and on about his premonitions as you trailed behind the two boys, feeling a sense of happiness you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Mark was someone you could never see yourself with. He was loud, always distracted, obnoxious, stubborn, and mysterious. But he was also kind, deliberate, hard-working, smart, infectiously positive, and beautiful. You didn’t know when the thought struck you, but as you looked up at the brunette boy walking ahead you finally knew what you wanted. You wanted him by your side for as long as possible.
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hellroots · 3 years
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— here you will find my rules or can also find them on my gdocs as well once i’m done with it. please like this if you read it, but otherwise don’t interact with this post, thank you. rest assured that i always read my moots rules before following and that i fully expect the same courtesy. i tried not to let them get too long but feel free to ask me anything you wanna know about them if it’s not clear ok?
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shy but friendly ! i don't follow for follow, if i follow you that means i've read your rules and want to write with you. i have no triggers nor squicks of my own except drama in the dash, for that reason i do not engage in callouts/witch hunts and if you do it on a constant basis i might have to hard block you for my own peace of mind. although i may come off too strong/harsh, i am always up to talking things out privately. as long as you are civil, so am i. any form of hate will be deleted and blocked -  sometimes mocked, if i’m feeling cocky…
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primarily run on a low activity \ effort and with a slow speed.. my muselist changes a lot, depends a lot on what i’m watching lately so bear with me please. this is a drama free zone, therefore do realise that mun ≠ muses and (obviously) writing ≠ condoning !! as a quick note, do keep in mind that my blog is my safe space, just as your blog is yours - you are responsible for your own internet experience just as i am responsible for mine. should anything in my blog annoy/trigger/squick you, i strongly encourage you to block me & not write with me - your mental health is far more important ( for me, and hopefully for you as well ) than rp. on that note, please do not softblock me - that’s annoying, just hardblock please.
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i  usually  tend to write for trigger heavy fandoms (such as asoiaf, kingdom and others) and may incorporate some of it into my writing, muses' backgrounds and overall characterization. if you're bothered \ squicked \ triggered by that, i kindly encourage you to reconsider and not follow me. no amount of rp fun is worth your mental health.  i try to tag everything accordingly and i fully expect the same courtesy for our followers' sakes. be aware that there may be mentions of death, gore, violence, consanguinamory \ endogamy (especially when it comes to the lannisters and kekkei genkai clans), rape ( kingdom, though it will only be mentioned on the character’s backstory ) and cannibalism ( hannibal and kingdom ) , as well as unhealthy relationships and dynamics alongside with powerplay, and otherwise bad behaviours.  for all that is sacred, please, do note that i, the mun, do not approve, support or condone any of these actions or behaviours !!  i simply am capable of separating fiction from reality. as long as everything is properly tagged, with mutual consent and there are no minors involved (muse and especially not muns), . i support the right of a consenting adult to explore these awful dark topics in a safe fictional environment with other like minded consenting adults, people shouldn’t have to share their traumas to strangers on the internet to explain why they write what they write, be considerate. if that notion bothers you perhaps you might not want to interact with me, for both of ours sakes. fair warning, most of my graphics and aesthetics might trigger those who have xylophobia/hylophobia (phobia of trees or wooded areas), and considering it is a main theme here i will not be tagging it, i'm sorry. but its too many. however, if you want me to create a special tag for you, there's no issue! it will be either "[your mun name] don't look!" or "[your url] don't look!", whichever you prefer. QUICK EDIT/ADDITION: i do not believe that aging up fictional characters is inherently a bad thing - from what i understand, the whole appeal of aging up a character is that while you like their personality but you do not want them to be kids (for whatever reason) but insteasd adults. if you are one of those who think that aging up a character is automatically something bad (without even knowing why it was done in the first place) don’t bother following me because i do think that opinion is quite silly.
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my tagging system is simple, i tag triggers as "tw; x" and . images that may be sensitive or triggering as "cw; x". you can further see how my tags work by taking a look at my tag dump post, just search ‘tag dump’ on my blog and you will find the most recent one i’m using.    i shitpost and talk oocly on the dash constantly but you can easily blacklist my tag if it bothers you.  here's something you should know about me:  when i'm doing drafts i usually don't feel like chatting much, so please do not spam me because i won't be able to reply, i love to talk with my moots but sometimes it overwhelms me.  on that note, please don't pester me for replies ic or ooc, i am slow and chances are that if you try to guilt trip me or just nag me about it i'll leave as the ones i'll get to in the later end on purpose, just out of spite. yes, i be like that.   please be patient - i’ll never pressure you and expect the same in return.  plotting wise: i prefer to just wing it with just a faint idea of where to take the thread but honestly i'm cool with anything. please be considerate when formatting your replies, i have a bad eyesight & if i can't read it, i won't bother with it.   my own formatting is simple and clean.   on a smaller note, please bear with me and my muses as my muses ramble a lot but you don't have to match the length, just give me something to work with. if we write together, the chances of me making edits/tagging you in stuff are really big, just lmk if you don’t like that though !
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i love shipping but i like my ships to be devices to move the plot/dynamics/muses forward, every once in a while though i partake in some much loved self indulgent shipping. just because i ship a certain pairing don't presume that my characters are approaching yours with second intentions, please.   most of the time i like to reblog those relationship memes, so if you’re interested in a ship the best way (other than  sending me a message ofc) to let me know is by sending ones. there will be some triggering ships here ( like the lannisters, both cersei x jaime and joanna x tywin are my otps, and potential inter clan ships, like with the hyugas - i mean how the hell you think they keep the byakugan in their family?? ) that may either be played with trusted friends or be mentioned/reblogged sometimes, all properly tagged so you can easily blocklist/avoid it.  most of my muses are either bi or pan, those who are not will be specified. don't be afraid to reach out to me for shipping right off the bat - i'd rather have you to be open and honest with me about the interactions you want than lying to me, just know that there will be needed some plotting and threading first to see if your muses match. as an adult, my blog is smut friendly, i partake in sexual sunday a lot because some of my muses are very lewd in nature, you can blacklist my tag if that bothers you as well.
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lastly but not least, general rp etiquette applies on my blog: no godmodding, forced ships, etc. there’s only ONE thing that truly makes me go apeshit crazy, and it’s when people don’t read my rules. i ALWAYS find out and it’s not pretty; i block it like it’s hot, ♪ ♫ ♬ block it like it’s hot ♪ ♫ ♬.   i strongly assure you that i always read your rules before both following you and also before sending memes, just in case. on a much smaller note, i’m not so hot on single shipping and i really feel weirded out about people forcing me to pic who i’m going to interact with due to theirs DNI’s. while i get DNI’s when it comes to actual predators, when it’s something seemingly random chances are that i’ll softblock you because it weirds me out how volatile some can be when it comes to a hobby. i have some trigger heavy hcs ( for example, the one about jiraiya’s hypersexuality being rooted in trauma that he suffered at a young age ) that i share with only a few muns that are closer with me, so i’ll be mentioning them every once in a while but won’t share them, please don’t insist.  i don’t really like most of the main characters of the franchises i write for, and when it comes to certain characters  i reserve the right to decline an rp for my own comfort. for further info on what i use to make my graphics please check my “CREDITS.” tag.  most of my stuff is made by me, i’ve got a lowkey rph in case you wanna check it out it’s @brazucahelps, however if you want a custom content i can see if i get a free time to come up with something :D
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myethos · 4 years
a public message to animecore and pink blogs: stop posting nekopara
TW for pedophilia, slavery, incest
I’ve seen an uncomfortable amount of Nekopara on my dash. I don’t know if it’s because of the anime, but it is not a remotely okay series. I understand the appeal, the character designs are very cute, but that is not remotely an excuse.
Details will be under the readmore, please reblog and spread this.
to begin with, here is the synopsis of the nekopara visual novels taken dirctly from the wikia
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[IMG TEXT: Nekopara is a Japanese adult visual novel series developed by NEKO Works and published by Sekai Project. The first game in the series, Nekopara Vol. 1, was released on December 29, 2014. The series is set in a world where humans live alongside catgirls, known as "Nekos," and are able to keep them as pets. The games are fully voiced (except for the protagonist) and use a system called "E-Mote" that allows the in-game characters to be animated, instead of stationary sprites. The scenario was written by Yukijin, and the theme song was written by KOMEWORKS and performed by nao. ]
as you can see, it is described as an adult visual novel series. normally that would not be enough to label it as disgusting, however, if we look at the character’s ages, there begins to be a problem:
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[IMG TEXT: Age: 9 months old]
this is the age of both of the poster girls, Chocola and Vanilla. Nekopara, being an adult game, attempts to justify this with the fact that “they age like cats, so they’ve reached sexual maturity!” But that’s not really an excuse considering the game also claims that catgirls have humanlike intelligence
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[IMG Text: Catgirls, also known as Nekos, are an intelligent species of cat-human hybrids that live alongside humans in the Nekopara universe. Catgirls physically resemble humans with feline ears the same color as their hair , slitted pupils, a tail, and a cat-like mouth. ]
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[IMG Text: Catgirls were once left homeless and living in the streets, but now they are domesticated by humans and aren't allowed to go anywhere by themselves without their masters unless they have a bell. ]
Nekopara clearly operates on some basis of slavery, even if you say “but they like it, so it’s ok!” that doesn’t make it okay. They aren’t even allowed to go anywhere without their masters without a bell.
Apparently the anime removes all the references to sex and even romance, so it’s somewhat understandable that if you don’t know the source and are new to anime you wouldn’t know this. However, I really don’t feel comfortable with seeing it at all, knowing the source.
EDIT (04/19/2020):
I have been informed by a mutual that Nekopara also features incest. Not only does the mc harbor parental feelings towards Chocola and Vanilla, and calls them lovers.
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[Transcription will be added later]
Additionally, there is an incestuous subplot involving the MCs little sister, Shigure.
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[Transcription will be added later]
Text that follows will be taken from a review cited at the end.
“ As mentioned previously, Shigure is fucking terrifying. It’s implied that all the catgirls are scared of her for conspicuously undisclosed reasons, while about 70% of her dialogue is spent expressing just how much she loves her nii-sama (and yes, it’s that kind of love). At one point in Vol. 0, she worries Kashou might have a girlfriend and plots to send said theoretical girlfriend naked photos of herself in order to sabotage the relationship (and, let’s face, probably get somebody arrested – she has to be like 12). If I were Kashou, Shigure alone would be more than enough reason to move out (as well as maybe get a restraining order). “
Text from the wikia:
“ However, despite her intelligence and elegant appearance, she is implied to harbour an incestuous and unrequited love for Kashou, her brother, occasionally lamenting how he doesn't seem as close to her as in the past. “
This just isn’t it, chief!
Nekopara Wiki
Review link: https://visualnovelreviews.tumblr.com/post/139596251290/but-i-dont-wanna-fuck-my-cats-nekopara-vol-1
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some thoughts on ÉLITE s4 immediately after finishing it
so. i have some thoughts.
i really disliked how they kept on piling up problem upon problem and i’ve seen that a couple dozen times by now and it always ends the same - nothing gets solved. Not really, anyway. The solution usually is; another problem happens, but its bigger and far more important and severe than all of the other ones combined and it overshadows everything that had happened before.
on that note, and to be fair, this is a teen’s drama show. So i don’t mind it, just to be clear here. i enjoyed the heck out of this season, right now, it’s my favorite season of all. That might change later, as all of this still is so new and fresh and exciting so my mind naturally snaps onto it.
first things first; Omander went just like i predicted - they broke up just so they could get back together eventually, after some hardcore drama. (i cried anyway. a lot.)
there’s one character i liked throughout the whole season. no, wait, two actually. first is rebeka. i feel like her decisions made sense. i liked her story arch a lot. the second one is azucena. what a queen.
.........guzman has a really bad temper. always had and probably always will. (to the samu/guzman/ari drama; why couldnt they have a pretty threesome, ari was quite obviously polyamorous (but i guess nobody has ever heard of that lol) and samuel and guzman almost fucked any second anyways so what exactly was their problem)
surprisingly enough, i liked Patrick in a lot of moments, about 50%. i absolutely despised him in the other 50%. tbh im really not sure about his character like with him, i don’t see any reasoning or goal or whatsoever. i have no clue what he wants to achieve?? guess he just wants to be gay and fuck around and honestly? fair enough
Mencia. Oh, Mencia. i liked her a lot from the get go and i still think her character is cool as shit, but there were quite some moments when i wouldve loved to smack her across the face. i also cried a lot when it came to Mencia/Rebeka. when Samu said “Fuck, you two are cute”? i felt that. i very much cringed at the chocolate scene, but to each their own i guess.
Ari; about 95% of the season disliked her. i didn’t hate her, but she was like a knockoff version of Lu? listen, i know i’m being biased here and it’s very unfair towards her, but to me, it just felt like she always tried to be the mean girl but never really succeeded. my opinion of her skyrocketed in the last few minutes of the last episode, though. we love some good sibling care in this house. not like it had been like that in the beginning, mind you.
i. fucking. hated. Benjamin. like the whole time. i think there was legit one single moment when i thought like “okay hold on that was the first (and last) good move you made this whole season” and it was when he offered Mencia to listen to her anytime she wanted or needed to. otherwise. fuck him. his attitude, his way of talking, his way of acting, fucking everything. (in the very last scene, when he destroyed the table? like yeah, i get that you’re emotional and angry and shit but my dude, your youngest daughter just told you she basically got r*ped on a daily basis by the guy *you* invited to your house because you only saw his money. can you please show some motherfucking self-control and not scare said daughter to fucking death oh my god i hate this guy so fucking much) also because he kicked out azucena. on that note, ander being protective of his mom? absolutely living for it.
aaand Ander. here we go. oof. i did not like him for a good part of the season. actually, i think it probably started in episode one and ended in the last one, lol. i just felt like there were little things that made sense? i appreciated him telling Omar that he finds this other guy (aka Patrick) hot, but like some time later, they break up in this really horrible and heartbreaking sequence and a minute later, Ander goes whoring around like there’s no tomorrow? like, literally? huh? i found myself really torn between who to dislike more; Ander or Patrick. nice el desorden reference. (both the shot where he masturbated alone in the shower and the book, lmao)
as for Omar; can the writers just leave him the fuck alone please? what did he ever do to yall to ever deserve all this shit he has to go through constantly in this show holy fuck i HATE how he got treated by Ander and Patrick and Benjamin. This boy deserves so much better. he did seem a little out of character sometimes, i gotta say. not sure why tho. most times, he was the sweet, empathetic cinnamon roll we know him as. like idk man he does so much for his friends?? the thing with Philippe and Caye at the bar was adORABLE
which leads us to
Philippe. dude. what. was his character. most of the time, i felt kinda bad for him, like his so called friends literally all just saw the royalty in him (not that he made the impression that he didnt like that in the first few episodes, but yeah it’s a thing so i reckoned that would come up later on). also i was so happy for Cayetana ughguhghguhghh they were really cute together......but then he gotta pull this shit, like what??? in the actual fuck. he’s just like “yeah some girl tried to sue me, saying i r*ped her” and then later he’s like “so yeah i’m actually a r*pist, whoops, sorry, can you stay pretty please?” like ex fucking cuse the shit out of me sir. no. the problem is i *want* to like him because pol granch is a fucking sweetheart and i’m catching myself thinking stuff like hes kind of aware that hes a borderline r*pist and that hes also very aware that it’s not okay? but like? he doesn’t try to change? don’t even get me started on his mother. ugly ass bitch. that’s all i have to say.
so i didnt like Cayetana for a major amount of s3, like at all. but yeah, what can i say. shes just a sweet girl okay and now i have a soft spot for her. much like Omar i feel like, she gets a lot of shit, completely uncalled for and there’s nothing she can do against it she just like stumbles into the pile of crap and then is knee-deep in. i feel very sorry for her man i just wanna hug her.
just for the record, there was not a single second that i thought Amomrdm(shit i forgot his name lmfao) -the bad guy- was just being nice and helpful. tbh he just deserved what he got. whoops, there, i said it.
the build up in the last episode was very nice, i gotta say. it was low key obvious who would be the one to attack Ari, but it’s alright. i did not expect the thing with Guzman tho lol. You go man. (but still, aggression problems.)
side note; dude it really sucks that guzman and samuel were too busy fighting over Ari to actually notice her missing lmao
oh also - Rebeka’s ninja kick on the dock??????? HELLO????
guzman and ander leaving made me so fucking emotional?????? excuse me??? who gave them the right?????
edit; (a day later)
just noticed i completely forgot Samu, lol. hes just so far away from my type and i dont really have an opinion on him like yeah hes kind-hearted and cares for his friends, and thats sweet, but uuuhhhhhh. i was only there for the lil gay moments between him and guzman. there were a lot of them. i was really happy when he and Rebeka made up and talked to each other again, that was kinda wholesome. aside from that tho? idk hes just kinda [shrug-emoji] for me (like he had been from s1 all the way on to be quite honest)
that said, i’m sure theres lots more thoughts in my mind but the heat is making my head hurt lol ok bye
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