#I mean I love EVERY album like seriously and the forgotten arm is like an all time fav BUT LIKE... I just relate to these three SO MUCH
realbadnews · 2 years
I think it’s time we discussed how Lost In Space, Queens of the Summer Hotel and Mental Illness are Aimee’s best albums...
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 years
Ticking Photobomb, T, 1.6k
Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & TK Strand
TK loves Carlos, and wants their relationship to work out. Before they can recapture even a semblance of the bliss they shared, Carlos needs to fix his mistake and properly introduce TK to his family. Until then... Carlos deserves at least some punishment. He only hopes Buck will forgive him, for involving him in his and Carlos's first big fight as a couple.
Only it's not Buck's forgiveness he'll need.
ao3 link
based off of this post
           He’s wary. He and TK are supposed to be enjoying a delicious meal outside at a nearby park, sun high in the sky, bright but not too cruel, as they sit together on a thin, yellow blanket, and Carlos cannot enjoy any of this beautiful date because a tiny voice in the back of his mind warns him that TK’s silence is a cover for something more sinister. His boyfriend’s smile, aimed at his phone as it has been since they arrived, means trouble. The small, continuous giggles that eke free sound like alarms. Giggles offered with every bite, where he’d type a short message and then set his phone down; only to grab it halfway through its jingling ringtone – TK never usually keeps that on. Carlos remembered him complaining how he hates ringtones, prefers having his phone vibrate. Why is it on now? And why is he texting while they’re on a date? And why does his laughter make Carlos cringe?
           “Who are you texting?” he asks, finally, Carlos pushing the plastic container with his half-finished sandwich to the side.
           TK glances up from his phone. “No one.”
           “No one?”
           “Just a friend,” TK says, pinning Carlos with a strange expression that squeezes his heart. It makes the sweat pricking his temples relocate and journey down, rolling towards his chin. Carlos wipes at his face as TK adds, “seriously, you don’t have to worry.”
           It’s the way he said ‘you’ that does Carlos in. That has him dredging up what he already considered resolved since before they sat down. Discussed, at length, over the phone, with Carlos apologizing repeatedly. TK assured him they were good. “I thought we were good?”
           TK sighs, “We are good.” Then, he mumbles, “As good as any two friends can be.”
           Carlos’s frown deepens, mouth resembling a severe gash carved into his face. “I knew it!” Carlos cries, pointing at him. “You’re still mad at me.”
           “I never said I wasn’t!”
           “You said it was settled –“
           “Because it is,” TK insists, a heavy glare drawing all breath out of Carlos’s chest. The façade he wore for their date has been pulled away, and Carlos sees exactly how distressed TK remained after he introduced him to his parents as his ‘friend’. Even with Carlos promising that he would remedy the situation soon, gather his boyfriend and family together and explain the truth of his romantic life, TK clings tight to the pain Carlos caused by letting fear sway his choice, both at the farmer’s market and when he let TK walk out of his home, relationship dangling from a fraying cord. It frays ever closer to breaking. “It’s settled until you work up the nerve to have that dinner you were talking about.”
           Carlos splutters, “That’s not – you know, with the pandemic how hard it’s…”
           His excuses further irritate TK, who retreats into his phone. He texts someone else. Perhaps the same person he’s been texting this entire time. “Then it’s settled.”
           “If it’s so settled,” Carlos asks, “why even bother agreeing to our date today?” He gestures at their unfinished meals, probably cold and stale. If they weren’t, it’s not like Carlos feels like eating anymore.
           TK stops texting, smirking at Carlos. Usually, it riles Carlos up in that he wants to kiss it off of him. Right now, Carlos swallows the urge to shove his boyfriend onto his ass.  “A date?” TK asks, words languid and breezy, spaced out by palpable sarcasm. “Why would you think this was a date,” he continues, phone tapping against his chin, “we are just friends after all…”
           Anger and disappointment converge violently inside Carlos, fighting for release. Neither can, as his vibrating phone pulls his focus from TK. He opens the message on autopilot, confused since it’s from TK. Confusion then drops into the cesspool of his emotions, like Mentos in Coke, and Carlos explodes.
           “Why did you send me this?” he demands, showing TK a picture he sent to Carlos of himself. A picture they took, together, when visiting a lake one weekend long ago during the summer. A picture taken after they spent the entire afternoon swimming, bathing suits forgotten on the pier. A picture where TK’s chiseled physique was on display, skin dazzling as fading sunlight turned water droplets into diamonds, and TK’s sunglasses rested low on his nose as he smiled to the side where Carlos was. Was. As in not anymore. Only his arm, slung around his boyfriend’s shoulder, remained. Saved by being impossible to crop out. “Well?” Carlos asks again.
           TK sighs, “Oh, I must have sent that by mistake.”
           “You wanted to send me something else?”
           “No,” TK clarifies, “I sent that to you by mistake. It was supposed to go to Buck, see?” TK shows Carlos his message thread, with the picture he sent Carlos, timestamped, showing he forwarded it to Buck first, then Carlos.
           “Yeah, Buck,” TK continues, leaving his texts and diving into his photo album. He selects a group shot of the 126, plus a few extra members. He zooms closer on one face, Buck’s, enough that Carlos can distinguish the two birthmark spots above his eyebrows. “I’m sure I told you about him.”
           “You did,” Carlos nods. He tears his gaze from Buck’s smile, fuming. “The firefighter who flirted with you.”
           “I mean, he also helped me save my dad,” TK says, “but, yeah… he also flirted with me.” TK lowers his phone, chuckling, “We’ve just been chatting back and forth – as friends do – when I realized… y’know, I told him I wasn’t interested, because I had this really awesome boyfriend who I love, but since that’s not the case anymore, we’re only friends apparetly, I figured I might as well shoot my shot. Find out if he’s still interested. Maybe once quarantine is done, I can take some time off and… see what Los Angeles has to offer.” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. TK communicated exactly what of Los Angeles he intends to see, regardless of how his eyebrows moved.
           He’s better than this. Carlos knows what TK is doing. What the picture, and its delivery, was supposed to accomplish. What it’s succeeding at. He can win this, simply by ignoring TK’s teasing.
           “You are not going to Los Angeles.” Carlos scowls, “Not without me. And especially not if Buck is gonna be there.”
           TK scoffs, “What are you, my boyfriend?”
           “Says who?” he asks, “Your parents?”
           They’re outside. In public, surrounded by people who keep their distance. Unfortunately, their voices carry wide enough they draw a sizeable crowd. Carlos doesn’t notice until TK storms off and leaves him with the blanket, the abandoned food, and their audience.
           Carlos blushes, hiding behind his hands. He wishes he never fumbled back then, in the farmer’s market. He also, briefly, wishes he and Buck switched places. At least then TK would be treating him to risqué pictures. At least Carlos would be having a good time, if he were Buck. He’d be receiving sexy photos from a certified dreamboat instead of suffering because of his own mistakes.
           Buck stumbles over his words, stuttering, rushing out his explanation to a stone-faced Eddie. “Seriously,” he says, “I don’t – I don’t know why TK sent me that picture of him! It’s not like I asked! One second we’re talking about movies and the next thing I know – shirtless TK!”
           “Yeah, I know,” Eddie huffs, arms folded across his chest, “I saw.”
           He shouldn’t have. If Buck hadn’t left his phone on the table to help Bobby in the kitchen. If he didn’t hear his phone beep with an arriving message, almost vibrating off the table from it. If Eddie, along with Hen and Chim, weren’t climbing the stairs at the moment, and if he ignored Buck’s plea to hand him his phone. To punch in the code – which he knew, of course Eddie knew – since Buck was wrist deep in a turkey’s hole.
           Buck washed his hands immediately, drying them on his pants as he chased Eddie the few feet towards the couch.
           “So,” Eddie continues, “you and TK…”
           He and TK? “We’re friends,” he says, repeating himself after Eddie’s disbelieving stare. “Okay, I mean – he did turn me down once, when we were leaving Texas. But he said he had a boyfriend –“
           “He turned you down?” Eddie asks, “You flirted with him?”
           “No!” Buck shrugs, running his hand over his forehead, frowning at the sweat that pooled there. “Well, I didn’t think I was. But he did? And – and he left before I could say anything, but I didn’t think it mattered since he, y’know, had a boyfriend!” He stomps his foot, irritation bubbling from the pit of his stomach and out his mouth. “Besides! Why does it matter if he sends me pictures?” Nice pictures. Distracting pictures that made Buck question exactly why TK misunderstanding his friendliness was a problem. “Why are you so angry?”
           “Because… because…” Eddie looks past Buck, at the peanut gallery assembled by the kitchen. Hen and Chimney watching with interest while Bobby pretends cooking a turkey involves his whole focus. None of the seem keen to jump in and help. “Because… you…” Suddenly, Eddie stands. Buck recoils, stepping backwards. “You know what,” Eddie says, digging into his pocket, “I’m telling Marjan to unfollow you on Instagram.”
           “And!” he yells, phone free and on, “I’m telling her to block you!”
           “What? No – Eddie, no! Don’t!” Buck follows his friend, pleading, “C’mon, she hasn’t even liked any of my photos yet… Eddie… Eddie!”
           Eddie ignores him, furiously typing the end of Buck’s most famous connection online. In his haste, Buck forgets his phone on the counter. Eddie takes precedence over his phone.
           Later, Buck will return to it. He will respond to TK’s picture, sending a tidal wave of texts at the Texan firefighter ranging between the immense trouble that picture landed him in and how TK can repay him by convincing Marjan to follow him again.
           But that’s later. Now Buck slams his fist against the firetruck, yelling for Eddie to unlock the door.
           Eddie doesn’t.
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oldmanatom · 3 years
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A Locked Tomb Fanmix But It’s All Classic Country
this exists entirely because one night the thought “but what if i made a Locked Tomb fanmix with only classic country songs” popped into my head, unprompted, and i thought it was too hilarious to not do.
the art on the cover is done by @starfleetofficial​​, who this mix is also dedicated to. thank you for recommending me these books, continuously “yes, and”ing my semi-coherent TLT messages sent at 5 in the morning, and being so supportive about this idea. (also check out her version, A HtN fanmix but it’s all Fiona Apple!) the cover design is referencing the famous Marty Robbins album, Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs.
my one listening note: this will probably be more enjoyable if it’s approached with an open mind and an expectation that it’s taking itself about as seriously as the official fanmixes do.
see below the cut for a song list and some lyric excerpts.
this mix has implicit spoilers for both Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth.
Gideon the Ninth mix: youtube / spotify / full res cover Harrow the Ninth mix: youtube / spotify / full res cover full mix: youtube / spotify / full res cover
Gideon the Ninth:
1. Johnny Paycheck, “Take This Job And Shove It”
You better not try to stand in my way 'Cause I'm walkin' out the door Take this job and shove it I ain't working here no more
2. Dolly Parton, “When Someone Wants To Leave”
It's a sad situation I must say When someone wants to leave as bad as you want them to stay
3. Loretta Lynn, “I’m A Gettin’ Ready To Go”
I'm gonna praise my savior's name everyday that I'm livin' Glory hallelujah I'm not ashamed to let my salvation show This old world's just my dressin' room and I'm a gettin' ready to go
4. Waylon Jennings, “I Ain’t Living Long Like This”
I tried to run but I don't think I can You make one move and you're a dead man friend Ain't living long like this Can't live at all like this, can I baby?
5. Loretta Lynn, “This Haunted House”
This haunted house I'm livin' in is killing me And the ghost of your love won't set me free Each morning finds me crying and alone In this haunted house we used to call our home
6. Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty, “After The Fire Is Gone”
We know it's wrong for us to meet But the fire's gone out at home And there's nothin' cold as ashes After the fire is gone
7. Loretta Lynn, “How Long Will It Take”
(How long will it take?) How long will it take to make you want me How much longer has this old heart gotta break (How long will it take?) How long will it take to make you need me I keep a waitin' and a wonderin' how long will it take
8. Stonewall Jackson, “Don’t Be Angry”
Maybe someday you're gonna hurt me I've been hurt in love before Only God can know And time alone will tell
9. Dick Curless, “A Tombstone Every Mile”
It's a stretch of road up north in Maine That's never ever ever seen a smile If they'd buried all them truckers lost in them woods There'd be a tombstone every mile
10. Johnny Paycheck, “(It Won’t Be Long) And I’ll Be Hating You”
Lately life with you has been unbearable All my faith in you has gone and I know it won't return I did everything to make you happy I could do Now you've gotten me hatin' things I used to love to do And it won't be long and I'll be hatin' you
11. Norma Jean, “Let’s Go All The Way”
All the way means happiness living side by side Halfway means a heartbreak if one of us should lie Just give me a clue that you love me too Hold me in your arms and say “Oh, let’s go all the way”
12. Loretta Lynn, “Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven”
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die Lord, I wanna go to heaven but I don't wanna die Though I long for the day when I'll have new birth Still I love the livin' here on earth Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die
13. Homer & Jethro, “She Made Toothpicks Of The Timber Of My Heart”
She was seasoned, I was green Yes my darling lumber queen Wound me ‘round her finger like a clinging vine
14. Patsy Cline, “The Heart You Break May Be Your Own”
You'll look around and when you've found That you are all alone Then you'll get wise and realize The heart you break may be your own
15. Buck Owens, “I’ve Got A Tiger By The Tail”
Well every night you drag me where the bright lights are found There ain't no way to slow you down I’m as 'bout as helpless as a leaf in a gale And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail
16. Charley Pride, “All I Have To Offer You (Is Me)”
Before you take another step, there's something you should know About the years ahead and how they'll be You'll be living in a world where roses hardly ever grow 'Cause all I have to offer you is me
17. Faron Young, “Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young”
I wanna leave a lot of happy women A-thinkin’ pretty thoughts of me I wanna live fast, love hard, die young And leave a beautiful memory
18. Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner, “The Last Thing On My Mind”
I've got reason a plenty for goin'      This I know, this I know The weeds have been steadily growin'      Please don't go, please don't go
Are you going away with no word of farewell Will there be not a trace left behind I could've loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind You know that was the last thing on my mind
19. Marty Robbins, “The Master’s Call”
I felt the end was near, that death would be the price When a mighty bolt of lightning showed the face of Jesus Christ And I cried “oh Lord forgive me, don't let it happen now I want to live for you alone, oh God these words I vow”
Bridge: Lefty Frizzell, “Long Black Veil”
She walks these hills in a long black veil She visits my grave when the night winds wail Nobody knows, nobody sees Nobody knows but me
Harrow the Ninth:
1. Hank Williams, “I’ll Never Get Out Of This World Alive”
Every thing's against me and it's got me down If I jumped in the river I would probably drown No matter how I struggle and strive I'll never get out of this world alive
2. Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, and Emmylou Harris, “Those Memories Of You”
In dreams of you, my body trembles I wake up and call your name But you're not there, and I'm so lonesome Without your love, I'd go insane
3. Hank Snow, “I Don’t Hurt Anymore”
I don't hurt anymore, all my teardrops are dried No more walking the floor with that burning inside Just to think it could be time has opened the door And at last I am free I don't hurt anymore
4. Patsy Cline, “Stop The World And Let Me Off”
Oh, stop the world and let me off I'm tired of goin' round ‘n' round I played the game of love and lost So stop the world and let me off
5. Charley Pride, “Lie To Me”
Oh, lie to me, say you love me Tell me I mean the world to you It would mean so much, I'd be so happy And it's the least you can do
6. Hank Snow, “Ninety Miles An Hour (Down A Dead End Street)”
Warnin' signs are flashin' by us but we pay no heed Instead of slowin' down the pace we keep picking up the speed Disaster's gettin' closer every time we meet Doin' ninety miles an hour down a dead end street
7. Patsy Cline and the Anita Kerr Singers, “I Can’t Forget”
Where are you, darlin'? Are you with someone new I can't forget you I'll always be loving you
8. Lynn Anderson, “If I Kiss You (Will You Go Away)”
You're so much hurt I wish you wouldn't stay If I kiss you will you go away?
9. Connie Smith, “Once A Day”
Once a day all day long And once a night from dusk till dawn The only time I wish you weren't gone Is once a day, every day, all day long
10. Charley Pride, “Just Between You And Me”
But just between you and me I've got my doubts about it 'Cause just between you and me You're too much to forget
11. Buck Owens, “Hello Trouble”
A comin' up my sidewalk Just as plain as day A well a here come trouble that I never thought I'd see When you went away
12. Loretta Lynn, “Fist City”
You'll bite off more than you can chew If you get too cute or witty You better move your feet if you don't wanna eat A meal that's called Fist City
13. The Davis Sisters, “I Forgot More Than You’ll Ever Know”
You think you know the smile on his lips The thrill at the touch of his fingertips But I've forgotten more Than you'll ever know about him
14. Kitty Wells, “Pick Me Up On Your Way Down” (Charlie Walker’s version is on the Spotify playlist)
When you learn these things are true I'll be waiting here for you As you tumble to the ground Pick me up on your way down
15. Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty, “You’re The Reason Our Kids Are Ugly”
And that's the reason that my good looks and my figure is gone      And that's the reason I ain't got no hair to comb And you're the reason our kids are ugly, little darling
16. Loretta Lynn, “Who Says God Is Dead”
If I were you I'd kneel and pray 'Cause we're not promised one more day Remember blood was shed Who says God is dead?
17. Patsy Cline and The Jordanaires, “Imagine That”
Can you believe I'd swallow my pride (Well yes, yes, I guess you can) 'Cause you know you've always had my foolish heart Right in the palm of your hand, oh
18. Jody Miller and Johnny Paycheck, “Let’s All Go Down To The River”
Jesus is the man at the river And he's washing people's sins away He can save your soul if you give him control Oh be ready for that judgement day
19. Bobby Bare, “Dropkick Me, Jesus”
Make me, oh, make me, Lord, more than I am Make me a piece in Your master game plan Free from the earthly temptation below I've got the will, Lord, if You got the toe
20. Lynn Anderson, “Heaven’s Just A Sin Away”
Devil's got me now Oh, gone and got me now I can't fight him anyhow I think he's gonna win
Heaven’s just a sin away Oh, just a sin away Heaven help me when I say I think I’m givin’ in
21. Loretta Lynn, “Out Of My Head And Back In My Bed”
I'm gonna search everywhere that you might be When I find you I'm a bringin’ you home with me I want you out of my head And back in my bed Before the morning comes
22. Johnny Cash, “Big River”
Now, won't you batter down by Baton Rouge, River Queen, roll it on Take that woman on down to New Orleans, New Orleans Go on, I've had enough, dump my blues down in the gulf She loves you, Big River, more than me
Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry, cry, cry And I showed the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky And the tears that I cried for that woman are gonna flood you, Big River And I'm gonna sit right here until I die
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Home (Yandere x Reader)
Word count: ~2100
“I can’t believe I wrote this.” Muttered a quiet voice in the dark.
“I mean, this is so repetitive and boring!” Exclaimed the figure in the dark, obscured by a blanket thrown over herself, light from her device creating a silhouette visible from the window. Not like anyone would see, or at least that was what you thought.
However, you were very wrong, as unbeknownst to you, a male sat right outside your window. He was cloaked in shadows and a hoodie, while wearing a grin on his face. As the unknown male peered through your window, you got out of the tent of sheets and walked out of your room to the hall.
“Now’s my chance” muttered your stalker with a chuckle, as he started picking the your window lock.
You stood in your bathroom, brushing your teeth, when you heard a noise come from your room, shaking, you put your toothbrush back and went inside to investigate.
“Hello?” You called out, your voice cracking. Your feet felt like they were freezing on the floorboards.
“I have a weapon you know!” You shouted, trying to intimidate whatever had intruded your house. You did in fact have a weapon,  which meant if worse came to worse, you could probably fight back.
You opened your bedroom door, heart pumping so hard it resonated through your whole body, only to find... Nothing unusual.
You searched through any places that an intruder could hide, behind your cabinets, behind your door, under your bed, and now your closet, the only place left, you had already armed yourself with a kitchen knife and a torch, and with a deep breath you swung open the tall door.
You gasped as you saw a man in front of you, he gave you a smile as you froze up, and spoke with a sickly sweet voice,
“Aww, you found me, babe!” He stepped out of your racks of clothes, revealing his tall, looming figure and something in his hands.
You tried to run, use your weapon, do anything, but fear had petrified you to your spot, and now you were being held down by the man as he held that thing in his hands to your mouth. You realised only too late that it was a chloroform rag as you started to fall unconscious. “Shhhh,” He hushed.
“It’s going to be alright...”
“Hey baby, I was wondering when you’d wake up!” Exclaimed a voice from... somewhere.
Yoy couldn’t seem to see until you had blinked a bit, but even then you disregarded the voice and tried to stretch your arms, trying to shake off the tendrils of sleepiness. But to your horror you couldn’t move your arms much at all. You looked around to try and find the cause of it, when you spotted that man from last night sitting at the edge of what was definitely not your bed.
"Did he actually kidnap me?" You thought, your mind started racing with questions, "What’s he going to do to me?" "Am I going to die?" "Why me?" Your thoughts were cut off though as he spoke again.
“Are you ignoring me babe?” He asked,
“You know that won’t end well. For either of us.” He whispered in your ear, causing goose bumps to erupt over your neck.
“Why am I here?” You squeaked out, holding back tears. The man noticed your fear and started rubbing your cheek despite your obvious discomfort, “You’re here," He paused, "Because I love you.”
“W-what?” You gasped out.
“I have loved you since we first met, in seventh grade, you helped me out all the time!”
He stared at you expectantly, but you couldn’t remember him, you graduated a year ago, but you'd suppressed those memories long ago.
The man looked familiar though, not with a comforting sense of familiarity, instead with a deep seeded fear, like he’d been responsible for the ‘incident' at the end of seventh grade.
“You don’t remember me?” He asked her, his voice shaky and uneven. You were just about to answer when he’d started screaming,
“You fucking bitch! How could you forget me! We’re soulmates, or are you too much of a whore to remember that?”
All of his shouting had driven you to the point of tears, not like you weren't probably already going to cry. You had tried to hold them back but they flowed across your cheeks as you sobbed quietly, willing your captor to not notice them in fear of being hurt.
“I’m sorry...” He stated calmly, although you could hear his heavy breaths, and stared into your eyes as he started to stroke through your hair. You thought of slapping his hand away but thought of the consequences, and that you couldn’t move your hands.
“I should of known you'd forgotten, seventh grade was pretty traumatic." He sighed, but you felt like he was involved in that trauma.
“I guess I should reintroduce myself then,” He added, with a peck to your blotchy red cheek.
“My name’s Blake.”
“And you babe, helped me out when no one else would!” He shifted off the bed and grabbed a photo album, “Every single day I was tormented by those fucking bastards,” He seemingly struggled to keep his voice level.
“But you always saved me afterwards!” He added with a wide smile and opened up the album to a page full of photos of you, some were from behind, some were seemingly consensual, and others had been taken while you were asleep, and all of them made you incredibly uncomfortable.
You decided to just nod along.
“Did you ever even question why everyone hated me?”
Blake chuckled and answered. “All of them made a fit just because I followed you home one day,” You felt bile crawl up your throat as your stomach began to turn.
“I was only following you to protect you from those creeps!”
“But, y’ know I taught them all a lesson babe.”
Blake's words had proved exactly what you were dreading.
He’d been responsible for the 'incident' in seventh grade.
I stood in front of the school bathroom mirror, freshening up before I’d head out with my boyfriend, or whatever we were now.
I'd confessed to him yesterday and he said he’d liked me too, although not as long as I had, so we'd decided to date.
After about five minutes I finished brushing my hair for the third time today and headed outside the main gate to meet him, but he wasn’t there.
After standing there and looking in every direction, I checked my phone; nothing.
I sent him a text:
where r u???
I waited ten minutes for a reply, but nothing, not even a ‘seen’. I started to search around, asking the kids who where still hanging around if they’d seen him. A group of them said they’d seen him following another dude through the hall,
“Great,” I thought, “he’s just gonna cop out on me before the first date.”
I figured I should at least find him and tell him my frustration if he wasn’t going to read my texts, so I headed towards the gym, presumably where one of his team members had probably dragged him off to.
As I walked through the hall towards the gym I heard a strange noise; Something muffled.
I quietly stepped towards the door it was coming from, the storage closet, and listened.
“So what did you drag me here for?” Someone asked.
“You took something from me,” Someone else answered back.
“What did I take?” The first person asked, the smugness feeling very familiar.
“YOU FUCKING KNOW!” Roared back the other person. Fearing things were gonna get ugly, I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. I looked around for anyone, but the halls were empty. It must’ve been way past the end bell now so the only people left were in their clubs.
I had one choice: to try stop this while I could.
I prepared myself and rammed the door with my shoulder with all my strength.
First try; it didn’t budge.
Second try; Something smashed in the closet.
Third try; if this didn’t work I’d need to go get help.
But thankfully, it did.
But I wouldn't be so thankful soon.
Just as the door busted open, I saw it. The beaten body of my boyfriend and a tall, dark figure grasping a baseball bat hunched over him.
I tried to reach out to him but the man grabbed my wrist, twisted it, and pushed me to the ground. Through the pain I held back tears as I tried to get up, but what I saw next had me begging for the blurry censorship my tears provided.
I got up, but before I ran for someone to break this up, I tried to punch this psycho while he resumed to beating my boyfriend to a pulp with his bat.
Instead however, he turned right around as my fist collided with his back and struck my shins with his bat, the residual pain keeping me on my knees after the initial strike.
“No, no, you’re gonna watch this,” A voice too deranged to recognise muttered.
He continued to senselessly beat the barely alive mess of flesh, blood and bone that was once my boyfriend into a pulp.
“It’s all for you after all.”
“No! No no no no no!” You cried in shock and terror.
“Oh, but yes!” He replied in a mockingly jolly tone, “You have no idea how fucking great it felt to crush that insect of a boyfriend!” He added, licking his lips and thinking with a nostalgic look on his face.
“Just... Why?”
“Why? Isn’t it obvious?”
“I told you already; I love you.”
“I just want you all to myself, tied up and away from all the fucking perves that want you for themselves.” Blake held you tightly in his arms, you knew better than to squirm.
“S-so you wanted them to hate me?” You cried in confusion.
“Well...  It certainly wasn’t part of the plan, but how could you have a relationship if everyone thought you killed your last boyfriend?”
“How could you not fall for me? The clumsy but charming guy of your dreams, who was always there?” He asked staring deep into your eyes.
“I mean seriously, how couldn’t you?!” He raised his voice, “I WAS ALWAYS THERE, BUT ALL YOU DID WAS IGNORE ME AND PLAN ON LEAVING THIS ‘DUMPSTER OF A TOWN’!” he continued, voice now booming in the small room.
Your eyes immediately dilated and your palms began to sweat, tears pricking at your eyes once again.
“W-why?” He’d finally calmed down, and started almost crying himself, the sight made you feel an uncomfortable mix of smug and sorry.
He's a murderer.
“I couldn’t live with the harassment anymore.” You started calmly, hoping you wouldn’t flare up his anger.
“Didn’t you want me to be happy?” You asked.
“But I need you to be happy.” He responded weakly.
You remained silent and decided to take a closer look at the room you were stuck in.
You were currently laying on a queen sized bed, with three layers of blankets and plain blue sheets.
The walls of the room were painted the same blue as the sheets, though it was hard to tell at first due to photos of you and posters covering most of the area.
"The room must be Blake's," You thought. "Which means..." Your stomach turned at the thought.
You'd have to sleep with this psycho.
And then what would happen?
He would push himself onto you, and you'd either have to accept it, or... You didn't want to think about what he'd do to you.
His threats when you didn't acknowledge him, the fact that he broke into your home and kidnapped you, and...
What he did to your boyfriend.
And how he enjoyed the aftermath of fear and bullying towards you. He stood by as people made your life a living hell. Because they thought you were a criminal, a murderer that was about to get what they deserved.
Maybe they were right. You did kill him. Who knows how many other deaths you were responsible for?
He killed him. Blake did.
And all of this, that's what'll clear your name once you escape wherever this psycho is keeping you.
"W-where are we?" Your voice came out softer and meeker than you'd like, but maybe that would help. Get him to believe you were just scared and worried, though you really were.
The male sat in front of you, shaking a small amount.
Uh, so this is kinda old, but then I added onto it and rewrote it to be x reader. I was mega hyped for this blog when I started writing this, even making a Pinterest board for this character, but I never actually described his appearance, and personality wise he is a pissbaby.
Bruh, my first draft on this account made realise I changed his name from Joey to Blake.
Edit: I fucking forgot to change his name once and used third person phrasing instead of second person in one part. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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jihyuncompass · 3 years
I’ll Be Home (To You) For Christmas
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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday (or just a wonderful day for those who don’t celebrate Christmas)
I wrote this fic as a Christmas present for my very beloved friend @sunshinejihyun​. Getting to meet you and becoming your friend has been one of the greatest moments of this challenging year. And I am grateful every single day to have a friend as kind, smart, creative, passionate, and beautiful as you are. As Christmas approached I knew I had to give you something as a gift. So I hope a fic about one of your favorite boys suffices. I hope you enjoy this, and again. I love you Bryn, so much. 
Summary: Kiro has been working more than overtime as of late. Still, he makes sure to spare some time this holidays for his special someone. 
Kiro x MC
Word Count: 2.9k 
Warnings: None
Kiro’s eyes shone brightly on the giant screen. I watched as the promo for his newest music video played over the large display screen at the mall. Shoppers moved around me as I watched him on the giant display screen. A couple other passersby also stopped to watch him, they also looked just as mesmerized as I did. I sighed, a mix of contentment and also sadness. While seeing Kiro’s face on a TV screen was not uncommon, seeing his face in person had become rare as of late. 
A few weeks ago Kiro had been forced to start working more. His manager and producers wanted to release a Christmas album right on Christmas Day, about a week from now. Which meant that he was forced to work. At this point pretty much day and night, I couldn’t even really remember the last time I had seen his face in person. The last time I could recall was about a week ago, and had been just for a few minutes on a lunch break. Trying to make conversation with him over frenzied bites of lunch. 
He texted whenever he could, but it just wasn't the same as seeing him in person. His texts couldn’t quite convery his smile, or his warmth. It tied me over, but not nearly enough. 
As the promo ended I sighed again and kept walking through the mall. I came here in order to try and find the perfect gift for Kiro. A task that was much easier said than done. While I knew he would like anything I got him, I still wanted to get him something good. 
Maybe I could make something for him? I wondered walking around an art store, maybe he would appreciate something from the heart? What would I even make for him? I knew how to knit, maybe I could make him a scarf or a sweater? Would he even like something like that? 
Near the back of the store was a wall full of yarn. There seemed to be colors of all types, different textures and sizes. I was practically overwhelmed with yarn. My eyes scanned over the options. When you thought of Kiro I always thought of softer colors. Warm, like his smile. 
I picked up a warm yellow yarn. It was soft to the touch, and the perfect color for Kiro. I smiled and grabbed the rest of the supplies that I knew I would need. As I took it to the register my fingers were already itching to start knitting. 
Hurrying home I was practically running back to my apartment. I held the bag under my arm to keep it from being hit with the snow that fell from the sky. My nose burned from the cold, my fingers bright red as I walked home to my apartment.
My phone dinged as soon as I shut the front door. I dropped the bag of yarn down on the table and pulled out my phone from my shoulder bag. Kiro’s bright smiling face lit up the screen. I smiled, sitting down in a chair I answered his call. 
“Kiro!” “Miss Chips!” Kiro said. “I managed to sneak a quick break so I wanted to call you!” 
I leaned against the chair, a warm smile on my face. “How’s work going?” 
“It’s going. We’re getting close to being done.” Kiro explained. 
“Do you think you’ll be done before Christmas Eve so we can spend the holiday together?” Kiro was quiet on the other end. I tried not to make any sounds that could show I was a bit disappointed. I knew this was a possibility. There was still a good chance he would have to work. 
“I’m not sure. I’m going to try though! I want to spend Christmas with you.” Kiro said. I bit my lip. 
I looked at my bag of yarn and supplies sitting on the table. “Don’t push yourself Kiro, I don’t want you to hurt yourself!” 
He hummed on the other end. “Don’t worry about me Miss Chips!” From Kiro’s end I heard a few sounds, someone opening a door and talking. “Ah I gotta go, they want me back in the studio.” 
“You should get back in then?” 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t talk longer.” Kiro said apologetically. 
I smiled, a bit sadly. “It’s all good Kiro. Go sing your heart out okay?” 
“I will! Talk to you later!” 
The phone disconnected before I could even say goodbye. I pulled the phone away from my ear. I held back another sigh, my eyes slid over to the bag of yarn again. Well, even if I couldn’t spend the holidays with him, I still wanted to have a gift to give him the next time I saw him, and hopefully, it’ll distract me from thinking too much about Kiro’s neverending work schedule. 
I finished the sweater in the late evening on Christmas Eve. By the time I finished, my fingers were calloused and aching. Still, it was finished and that’s the most important part. I sat at my desk, back hunched as I wrote out a card to go with the gift. 
In my tiny apartment I couldn’t fit an entire Christmas tree. So instead I settled for a small one that sat on my dining table. I wrapped it in twinkle lights and a few ornaments I had in storage. It wasn’t much, but it still managed to make me smile despite that. 
After wrapping the git I set it under the small tree. As I sat back against the chair my eyes started to grow heavy. I’d woken up early to bake cookies and sweets, and finish the sweater. Now, I could feel my energy running out. I rubbed my eyes to stay awake. Not yet. I can’t sleep yet. 
Wandering around the apartment I tried to find things to keep myself awake. I turned on the TV, maybe watching a movie would help? I kept myself on my feet, blinking heavily. 
“Stay awake.” I whispered to myself. “Don’t go to sleep.” 
A sharp knock at the door broke me out of my thoughts. I rubbed my eyes again and looked at the clock. It was already midnight, it must be Kiro right. Who else would drop by here at almost midnight on Christmas Eve?
“Hey!” Kiro grinned when I opened the door. Melting snowflakes clung to the ends of Kiro’s hair. A black guitar bag was strapped to his back. I grinned back and welcomed him inside. 
“You managed to get out?”
He nodded and rubbed his freezing fingers together. “Yeah I managed to convince them to let me out for the night.” He faced me and was lightly bouncing on his heels to warm himself up. I took his hands in mine. His hands were ice cold, I held them tight to try and get him warm again. 
“Just for the night?” 
Kiro quietly sighed, exasperated. “I have to go back early tomorrow morning to finish everything.” Kiro seemed to notice the way my face fell, he frowned too then pulled his lips into a smile and squeezed my hands. “But you have me all night!” 
I cocked my head to the side. “All night huh?” 
Kiro laughed, his face flushing a little red. “I didn’t mean it like that! Unless, I mean if you want-” 
I laughed, grinning at him. “I’m just joking Kiro.” I sighed and met his bright blue eyes. “I’m just so glad I can have time with you. I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too.” Kiro said. “But don’t worry, I have no plans for tonight other than being with you! I promise!” I led him further into the apartment and shut the door behind us. Kiro laughed at the small little tree on the dining table. 
I followed behind him. “Hey I don’t have a lot of room here!” Kiro turned back. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Kiro said. We both laughed, as I looked over his face, exhaustion seemed to be radiating off of him. While it wasn’t very obvious, up close I saw the heaviness under his eyes. Still, he looked like he was trying to force himself awake, he kept fidgeting and moving to try and keep himself moving. 
The plate of Christmas cookies on the counter caught my eye. I had completely forgotten that I had left them there. I briefly let go of Kiro’s hand, I picked up the plate of cookies and turned back to Kiro. The moment that he saw the baked goods his face lit up like a child’s. 
“I made these earlier!” You set the plate down on the dining table. Kiro reached to pick 
up some of the cookies. He paused for a second then looked at me. 
“Don’t tell Savin about this.” Kiro said. While his tone was humorous there was still a hint of seriousness there. I slid the plate closer to him. 
“Savin’s not here. He doesn’t have to know a thing.” I winked at him. Kiro’s face broke into an even bigger grin. Kiro grabbed a gingerbread man on the plate, he held it up to bite the head off before you stopped him. “Kiro wait!” 
He stopped, his face fell into a confused expression. “What? Why?” 
I motioned to the cookies. “Look at them.” Kiro looked down at the gingerbread man in his hand. It only took a moment for his face to break into the biggest smile. 
“Woah!” He lifted one of the cookies and held it up to his face. “You made a gingerbread me!” You nodded, Kiro looked between me and the little gingerbread man frosted to look like him. He lowered his arm and kept his eyes on the gingerbread man. “Man I kinda feel bad eating him.” He laughed, after another moment of looking at the Kiro-cookie he grabbed his phone from his back pocket. Making sure to snap a quick photo. 
“Gotta keep the memory of little ginger-Kiro?” 
He nodded. “Of course! He looks just like me after all!” Kiro set his phone down on the table. Taking one more good look at the gingerbread cookie. “I’m sorry little me, but you just look too good.” Kiro held back a chuckle and bit off the head of the cookie. 
“Taste good?” I asked him. 
“They taste perfect.” Kiro said. ��Not that I would ever expect less from you.” I rolled my eyes. Kiro took another bite. “But they are really good. I think I might just need to have a couple more.” Kiro’s hand snuck towards the plate again. 
I slid the plate to him again. “I made them for you! So have as many as you’d like.” Kiro picked up two cookies. Keeping one in his hand and giving me the other one. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at him when Kiro and I tapped our cookies together like a toast. 
“Oh, I have a gift for you too!” I sat up straight. We’d moved to the couch by this point. Kiro looked over, half a cookie still sticking out from his lips. 
“A gift?” Kiro said. His words were muffled by the cookie he was still chewing. I nodded as I got off the couch and went back to the dining table. Picking up the wrapped gift from under the small Christmas tree I walked back to the couch. Sliding under the blanket we’d thrown over our laps when we sat down. 
Kiro’s bright blue eyes were glimmering as he took the gift into his hands. I pressed my lips together, both excited and nervous. “Well?” I said poking him. “Go on you can open it!” 
He tore the wrapping paper open, pushing it away from the gift. He pulled out the sweater from the wrapping paper. His eyes were shining when he looked back at me. 
“Did you make this?” Kiro asked. I nodded, he looked back to the sweater, running his fingers over the yarn. 
I watched his face carefully as he stared at it. “What do you think? Do you like it?” 
Kiro stood up from the couch. He took off his jacket and pulled the sweater over his head. He smoothed out the sweater and looked back up at you with a huge smile. “It’s so soft.” He said. “I love it.” He said, Kiro kneeled down on the couch in front of me. He brought me into a tight hug, my face being pressed into the softness of the sweater’s shoulder. 
“I’m glad you liked it.” I said. Kiro pulled away enough to look at my face. 
“Of course I love it!” Kiro looked down at the sweater again and couldn’t get the smile 
off  his face.  “Okay, okay I have a gift for you too.” Kiro sat up straight. 
“Kiro you didn’t have to!” 
He shook his head as he got off the couch again. “I wanted to. Just wait there.” Kiro reached for his guitar case leaning against the wall by the front door. He set the case down on the floor and pulled his acoustic guitar from the case. Kiro sat down on the couch with his legs crossed. “I haven’t had a lot of time to myself while I’ve been working on this new album.” Kiro started. “But I wanted to give you something really special for Christmas, so during breaks and in between recording sessions I’ve been working on this for you.” He adjusted the guitar to sit in just the right spot. 
His fingers strummed the guitar strings. His eyes slipped closed as he played, not even feeling a need to look down at his fingers on the strings. I pulled my legs up to my chest, my head on my knees as I focused entirely on him. 
Kiro sang softer than he normally did for his performances. During those he always sang with high energy, always trying to seek the crowd's attention. Here though, his voice was gentle and warm. While he didn’t sing with the same energy, he sang with just as much passion. As he sang I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. My eyes traced the soft features of his face, the way his fingers moved across the guitar strings. 
Even without his Evol I knew I couldn’t stop watching him, I wanted to take in everything about this, I wanted to commit every second of this to memory, to replay it in my mind over and over after this moment ends. 
I hadn’t realized how breathless I was, or how tears were falling down my cheeks until Kiro played the last chord. His eyes opened slowly, he looked up expectantly wanting to see my expression. 
“What’d you think?” He asked. His face fell when he saw the tears in my eyes. “Miss Chips?” 
I took a couple shaky breaths and sniffled. “Kiro I-” I laughed trying to stop myself from getting even more emotional. “That was amazing. I-” I stopped again. Kiro put the guitar back in the case on the floor. He scooted closer and pulled me into another hug. This one tighter, warmer. 
“This is the most special song I’ve written, it’s just for you too.” Kiro said. When he loosened his grip enough I leaned back to look at his face. 
I kissed him, my hands resting on the side of his neck and his shoulder. Between kisses I whispered a “Thank you” over and over again. Kiro was smiling, his eyes glimmering like stars up close. “You know.” I whispered to him. “Being with you is the best Christmas present I could have ever gotten.” 
Kiro smiled again and laughed gently. “Aw, I’m really the best gift?” 
I nodded and kissed him again. “The very best.” I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder. The soft yarn tickling my nose. My eyes were growing heavier and staying shut when I closed them.  “I’m so sorry Kiro, I think I might be all worn out.” 
Kiro hummed. “Let’s get some sleep then. You don’t want to spend Christmas morning sleepy!” I hugged him tighter. 
“But I only have tonight with you, and I don’t want to waste it sleeping.” I complained. 
“We’ll still be together! Don’t stay up on my account okay?” Kiro said. I sighed. 
“I guess you’re right.” I looked up at his face. At the dark lines under his eyes “Besides, 
you look exhausted too. We could both probably use some sleep.”  I said.
This time Kiro rested his head on my shoulder. “I guess I am kinda tired.” 
“You look more than kinda.” I said running fingers through strands of golden hair. “Let’s go to bed Kiro.” 
We stumbled our way to bed, both of us struggling to keep awake now. Kiro curled up under the covers still wearing his handmade sweater. I pulled the covers over us, with half lidded eyes Kiro reached out and took my arm. 
“C’mon, come here.” Kiro whined quietly. I lied down, resting my head on his chest. My arm laying across his stomach. I could hear his heartbeat in my ears, a nice rhythm to make me drowsier. Kiro’s arm around my shoulder and back keeping me close to him. 
“Goodnight Kiro.” I said. Hardly awake now. “I love you.” 
Kiro was also barely awake when he responded. “I love you too Miss Chips.” Kiro took a long tired breath. “Merry Christmas.” 
I managed a smile just before drifting off. “Merry Christmas Kiro.”
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bubbashawn · 4 years
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author: This ask is from so so very long ago but I didn’t know how to write for pregnant!Y/N so I had to figure that one out lol. I did research on pregnancy and now I’m sure my mom had concerns.
synopsis: Shawn just wants to take care of you.
warnings: requested by anon. 1.3k of workaholic!pregnant!Y/N. It’s kinda angsty but ends fluffy because that’s just what I do and that’s just who I am. 😂
Everything hurt but you wouldn’t go home.
You had always been a workaholic and being eight months pregnant didn’t change anything much to your husband’s dissatisfaction. He told you no one would be upset if you took a maternity leave before you gave birth and if they did he would cover it, but you refused to sit around when all your limbs were able. That’s how you found yourself in another argument, same as the ones every other day, about taking some time at home.
“Honey, I just don’t understand why the hospital can’t switch your shifts for someone else? I’m sure your colleagues would be more than happ-”
“It’s not about that, Shawn!”
“Then what is it about? Seriously, Y/N!”
You were a nurse at Toronto Western and technically you should've started your maternity leave two weeks ago, but the idea of not working stressed you out.
Shawn has always been more than happy to pay for you on all fronts but you weren’t that kind of girl. You wanted to work for yourself and help pay for everything from taxes for your shared home in Pickering to paying the check at Monday dinners. You wouldn't let your husband pay for you even if you were carrying his baby.
“I don’t want to not work! I don’t want to feel helpless in the way of money! And I definitely don’t want to depend on you for that sort of thing!”
“Or anything,” your husband basically whispered, a sharp contrast to the yelling.
“What does that even mean?”
You hated to admit it but Shawn was right. Ever since you’d gotten pregnant you wanted to do everything yourself. It’s not like you didn’t trust him but you wanted the sense of control carrying a baby took away. You had told him that and he understood seeing he knew you better than you knew yourself.
“I just, Bub, I just need to be able to do things by myself.”
“But you don’t have to,” he looked at you for the first time that night, his eyes were rimmed with tears, “you are my wife and you are carrying our baby so let me be here with you. I’m here, okay? I know you’ve done things by yourself a lot because of the tours and my crazy schedule but I’m here now.”
“I don’t know how to let go.”
“Let go.”
It sounded stupid, Shawn just saying those words so you’d let go but they worked. He’d always been the one person who’d make you let go and that would never change.
“I’m sorry. I know I should’ve taken leave when I was supposed to but I’ve been so stressed and I threw it all into work.”
“Hey, honey?”
You hummed.
“I love you and I’m going to take care of you, eh?”
You hugged him as best you could. Shawn chuckled as your bulging stomach pressed into his body and your short arms could barely reach around his neck. This was everything you needed, just the tranquil silence of hugging your husband. As you finally let go the ache in your feet came back and the nauseating pain in your head started pushing against you but you let it this time.
“Bubba,” he hummed against your neck, “I’m really nauseous and my feet are tired. Can we go to sleep?”
“Mmm, nope.”
“Shawn, please. I actually can’t stay upright mu-”
“You need to take your vitamin B-6 supplements that I got you last week but still haven’t touched.”
That was true. Shawn had brought home all the pain relievers and at-home remedies he could find but you had brushed it off saying you were fine.
Your husband guided you into the kitchen making sure you were comfortable as he sat you down at the island. He kissed your forehead before going into the cabinet above the fridge and bringing over your supplements and a half full glass of water.
“Slow sips, yeah? If you drink too fast you’ll make it worse.”
You hummed in agreement and Shawn squeezed your hand before disappearing up the stairs. You followed his orders taking slow, small sips and eventually swallowing the pill. You had just shifted from your seat to put the glass in the dishwasher and the bottle back above the fridge when your husband snatched both items from your hand.
“Bub, I could’ve done that.”
“If you bend over or try to reach too high your blood will rush to your head.”
“When did you become an expert?”
He bashfully looked away, suddenly finding his tattooed hand much more interesting than your confused face.
“Itookadadclass,” he spoke so fast you didn’t process the words.
“I took a dad class,” he smiled shyly at your shocked features, “I’ve been going for the past couple weeks. I’m not writing a new album because then I’ll have to go on tour and I’m not leaving you alone with our baby. So, instead I used my newfound free time to go to a dad class.”
You couldn’t help but smile at your husband. It didn’t matter that you shut him out, Shawn still did everything in his power to make sure he was prepared for the day you let him in. You felt guilty tears start forming in your waterline.
“Bubba,” his thumbs were stroking your tears away, “I’m sorry for not letting you in. You’ve been nothing but perfect to me and I just keep pushing you away.”
“Honey, hey, I chose to do this, alright? I knew you’d want to do this alone but I wasn’t about to let you. So, it’s all in the past, eh? I have a bath running upstairs and then we’ll go to sleep.”
Sure enough, Shawn guided you into the bathroom pulling your scrubs from your swollen skin before undressing himself and slipping into the warm water.
“C’mere,” he made grabby gestures at your big belly, “relax, okay?”
And you did. For the first time in over eight months you felt completely relaxed. Your husband massaged your hips and slid calming strokes up and down your thighs, his silver wedding band leaving a trail of happy goosebumps. Your head laid back against his trained chest as his hands moved up around your belly.
“Yes, Baby?”
“Will you sing to me?”
He hesitated and you knew exactly why. About thirteen weeks into your pregnancy you had felt the first kick. According to your doctor, it was earlier than the average who don’t feel any movement until they’re sixteen to twenty five weeks in. It had been because of Shawn.
The two of you had been curled up on his white couch back at his old condo, your laptop sat on his thighs with Zillow pulled up. Shawn and you were looking for your first real home in Pickering. Some people said it was late in their marriage to buy a house but it made sense because your husband hadn’t really settled down yet, still touring the world every other year. His hand had been resting on your bump when he started singing a John Mayer song and the little baby kicked right into his hand.
Shawn never stopped singing around your belly until you were whining about being too sore from all the movement. He kissed you and apologized but didn’t stop singing to your baby whenever he had the chance,
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It won’t, I promise I’ll tell you to stop if it does.”
With a kiss to your cheek he started singing, stopping to giggle as the baby kicked along to the beat. You two stayed there until the water was cold. You had completely forgotten about your cramps.
He pulled an oversized shirt over your head, an outfit you lived in when you were home, before lightly dragging you to your shared bed. You laid on your side, your belly on top of his abdomen, and your chin tucked happily under his.
You fell asleep happier than you had in awhile. Listening to Shawn’s whispers of love.
“You look absolutely perfect to me. I love you, Baby, oh and you too, honey.”
Well, almost whispers of love.
permanent taglist: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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everybodyscupoftea · 3 years
idk you yet: come hang out
reggie peters x oc
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you’re working so damn hard, you forgot what you like
The problem with Reggie not telling the boys he had date plans was that, though they were on a brief touring break, Luke wanted them to stay busy. Every time he sat down to text William, Luke popped up with, “Hey, you ready to work on stuff for our next album.”
Normally he loved the work ethic. It was easy to get into Luke’s excitement and to write with him. Luke was incredibly creative and loved immediate feedback from his band members while also respecting their suggestions.
But when he just wanted a break to head back to San Jose to see William, it just didn’t seem like it would happen. The best possible outcome would be that he gets so much stuff done at the beginning of the month that Reggie would have more time for their tentatively scheduled date.
Wanna facetime?
Reggie smiled at the text and looked around their shared apartment. He knew Luke and Alex were home, in their room, and he was pretty sure Bobby was out, so it seemed unlikely that they’d actually want to work on anything without him.
Walking over to his room, Reggie collapsed onto his bed, smiling brightly as he answered the call. A tired looking William filled his screen and an ache in his chest that he didn’t realize was there was soothed.
“Hey, Reg.”
“Hey, Will, what’s up?”
William hummed, “Nothing much. About to nap before our game tonight, but I missed you.”
“Aw,” Reggie teased, “I’m more important than sleep.”
“Absolutely,” William told him earnestly.
It shocked Reggie into silence a few seconds before he managed to stutter out, “Well, I just hope it doesn’t throw your game off today.”
“You’re watching right?”
Squinting at his phone, Reggie slowly answered, “Yeah. I haven’t missed one yet.”
“I know, I just wanted to make sure. Hockey isn’t exactly your first choice to watch.”
His voice sounded a little timid, and Reggie bit his lip, “I mean I won’t watch any other teams, but I love watching you play.”
“That’s good to know,” William laughed, “can’t have the boy I like being a Kings fan.”
Reggie played dumb, “The Kings?”
“Oh hush, I know you know who they are.”
“I do, I was just trying to make you feel better.”
William laughed again, head tossed back, “Well you succeeded. My ego is sufficiently inflated.”
“Good. Hopefully you carry that on the ice tonight.”
“Always do.”
His eyes were starting to flutter a bit and Reggie smiled at the almost adorable sight. William flinched and shook himself awake with a loud yawn, so Reggie told him, “I’ll let you get some sleep. Talk to you tonight?”
“Yeah, definitely. Counting down the days until you get here.”
“I can’t wait either.”
William hung up a few seconds later, and Reggie got off his bed. Maybe, he thought to himself, he should start planning a date. Sure, William knew more about San Jose, but he didn’t want William to do all the heavy lifting. Reggie was terrified he’d eventually get tired of being the only one putting in effort.
So, he grabbed one of his many notebooks from his bookshelf and his laptop to start googling date spots in San Jose. Reggie scrolled and checked reviews, taking notes on his favorite places for future dates if not the first.
Truthfully, he had no clue if William wanted to do something simple for the first date or do something fun. They talked a lot and had gotten to know each other pretty well already, which was usually the first date activity, so they could probably afford to actually do something if they wanted to.
Biting his lip, he stared at the page. Maybe there were too many options, it looked a bit all over the place. Flipping the page, he started grouping the ideas into activities, formal, and casual. It made him feel a bit better, more organized and easier to pitch to William.
By the time he finished, it was almost game time, so Reggie put on the Sharks pride shirt he’d bought at William’s recommendation and wandered back out to the kitchen. Grabbing some leftovers to heat up, Reggie flipped on the TV and turned to the channel that normally played Sharks games. 
Pre-game commentary started, and he sat on the couch to wait for the microwave to finish up. They were talking about some players that Reggie slightly recognized from William’s stories, and he pulled up the roster on his phone just as his food finished reheating.
Moving back over to the couch, Reggie pulled his feet up underneath him and scrolled through the roster while he waited for dinner to cool. He started matching names to faces, smiling when he heard them talking about William and his three game scoring streak.
“The Sharks got a good one in Harris. I know people talked about his devaluation after coming out, how it could cause problems in the locker room, but we haven’t seen much of that on the ice.”
Reggie grimaced at his words. William hadn’t really gone into depth about how his teammates treated him off the ice, and he wasn’t exactly sure how to bring it up in case it was a sensitive topic. He sighed as they moved on to talk about Joe Thornton, another name he recognized because Wiliam said that the older player had taken him under his wing his first year in the league.
“He’s the best,” he remembered William gushing, “let me stay at his house whenever I needed and really taught me how to survive. Being on the West Coast makes travel during the season brutal. Especially when you get to like January and February.”
Reggie heard the unspoken too, the older player had never given him any grief for his sexuality. He couldn’t even imagine how hard it had been for William to come out. Easier than hiding he guessed since William had done it in the first place. Reggie wasn’t sure even he was brave enough to do something like that in that toxic environment.
While he was lost in thought the game started, and he was startled out of his head when Luke threw the door to his room open. He looked at Reggie suspiciously, “You’re watching hockey again?”
“Yep,” Reggie answered, popping the p.
“Can I watch?”
Reggie was a bit surprised. Only Bobby had shown an ounce of interest, occasionally joining Reggie in watching despite being a Kings fan himself. After a few beats, Reggie answered, “Sure.”
“Sweet! My dad used to take me to hockey games when he wanted me to be an athlete. I couldn’t skate for shit though.”
Reggie snorted, he’d seen Luke’s coordination, so he could believe it. He elbowed Luke who dropped down on the couch next to him, “If they didn’t give gays a weakness, we’d be too powerful.”
Luke laughed loudly, “You’re so right.”
The two boys lapsed into silence as the game picked back up, broken every so often by Reggie making noises in reaction to what was going on in the game. He could feel Luke looking at him in amusement every so often, and when first intermission started, he prepared himself, “What’s up Luke?”
“I need, like, so many explanations.”
Reggie sat up and turned to face him, “Okay, yeah, ask away. I don’t know everything but I know a good bit.”
Luke hummed, “Maybe I should start with the obvious, um, who’s playing?”
“It’s the San Jose Sharks and the Arizona Coyotes.” “Okay,” Luke nodded, holding up two fingers, “who is better?”
“Sharks by far,” Reggie answered confidently.
Luke asked more questions, mostly about penalties and positions, and Reggie, much to his surprise, had an answer to every question. By the end, Luke looked much more relaxed and he leaned back further into the couch, “You really know your shit,” he commended.
“It’s a new interest,” Reggie admitted.
Bobby walked out of his room just as the second period started and stared at the two boys on the couch incredulously. Before Reggie could ask how long he’d been home, Bobby spoke, “I’ve been trying to get you boys to watch sports with me for years. What the hell is going on?”
“We’re multifaceted,” Reggie spoke, chin tilted up, lips quirked up into a teasing smile. 
Bobby snorted and shook his head, “Sure you are.” Sitting down on the other side of Reggie on the couch, he stretched out, “Who are we going for?”
Reggie motioned toward his shirt and Bobby gagged, “But the Kings, bro.”
“Choke,” Reggie deadpanned, and then more teasingly continued, “but you’re straight, I don’t expect you to understand.”
Bobby laughed, throwing his head back against the couch, used to the teasing. He turned his head to look at Reggie, “Fair enough, I suppose I can’t prove you wrong.”
“Never wrong, not once.”
Luke snorted, “I’m sure.”
But instead of responding, Reggie focused back on the TV stubbornly. He didn’t want to miss in case William scored a goal. Reggie would say in case he did something impressive, but in Reggie’s humble opinion, everything William did on the ice was impressive.
“So who’s your favorite player?” Bobby asked, eyes still trained on the TV as the Sharks got a breakaway, three on one.
Reggie leaned forward, hands over his mouth in anticipation, and when William received the drop pass and took a shot, it flew past the goalie, straight in the back of the net. Jumping up, Reggie let out a loud yelp of excitement and immediately went for his phone to send William an excited text for his first goal of the season.
“Harris, huh?” Luke asked and Reggie startled, having temporarily forgotten he wasn’t alone in the room.
Reggie clicked his tongue, “Yep. He’s really good.”
“You know, his story is actually pretty cool,” Bobby leaned forward, elbows on his knees, “how he came out and stuff.”
Nodding eagerly, Reggie grabbed his shoulder and shook him a little, “Yes, that’s why I like him!” He paused and then added, “Well, one of the reasons.”
“Wait, what?” Luke asked, looking back and forth between the two of them, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Google it,” Bobby and Reggie said in unison, fist bumping at Luke’s wounded look.
Reggie took pity on him first, sitting back in between them before slinging an arm around Luke’s shoulder to pull him into his side, “Seriously though, look into it.”
The rest of the game was fairly relaxed. Luke got into it once he started figuring things out, halfway through the second period, and Bobby very reluctantly cheered for the Sharks with them. When Reggie smirked at him, he shrugged, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
“Damn right.”
William was laying in bed, Luna burrowed comfortably into his side, when his phone started ringing. Shutting his eyes, he sighed, exhausted, and picked it up after a few seconds. When he saw who it was, his mood immediately flipped, and he answered Reggie’s FaceTime request without hesitation.
“Nice goal,” Reggie told him in lieu of a proper greeting.
William beamed, rubbing his eyes a few times before sitting up all the way to answer, “Thanks, Reg.”
The other boy hummed before making a noise and pulling the phone away from his face, “Look, the shirt you recommended came in!”
Squinting, William looked at it, the black shirt with a rainbow Sharks logo, and for some reason, unbeknownst to him, his eyes started to burn. He cleared his throat a few times before speaking softly, “I love it.”
“Me too,” Reggie smiled, cheeks reddening a bit. William wanted nothing more than to pinch them, he liked when Reggie blushed because it made him look softer. 
Unable to stop himself, William blurted, “When are you coming?”
“Next week, remember?” Reggie gently reminded him, settling back against his pillow.
William pouted and Luna finally got curious enough to pop her head into view. Not acknowledging it, he told Reggie, “Can’t you come early?”
Reggie sighed, rubbing at his eyes, looking more tired than William had ever seen him, except for maybe the first time they met, “I’d love to, but Luke has been in a writing frenzy. We have daily writing sessions and I’m sure he wants to start rehearsing soon. We’re going to start recording some before we go back on tour.”
“When do you go back on tour?” William was pretty sure he’d never mentioned it, not that he remembered at least.
Reggie hummed, clicking away from FaceTime to check his calendar, and when he came back, answered, “Mid-January. We did a lot of the East Coast and West Coast and a good bit of the Midwest so we still have to hit the South and the middle of the country.”
“How far South?” William asked, curious as to what their reach actually was.
Shrugging, Reggie tapped at his bottom lip in thought, “I think probably New Orleans.”
“New Orleans sounds fun,” William offered.
“Mhmm,” Reggie hummed. He was staring at William, and William felt his head tip to the side and his eyes start to get heavier. Reggie laughed softly, “Tired?”
“Little bit,” William confirmed, yawning.
“Get some sleep.”
William nodded, “Good idea. You too.”
“I will,” Reggie promised, crossing his heart with a faux serious look on his face.
“Good,” William answered, grinning tiredly before they said their goodbyes and hung up for the night. Luna let out a huff and laid back down next to him, and William wrapped his arms around her, trying desperately to squash the sudden loneliness resting heavy on his chest.
“Soon,” he whispered.
Reggie left early on a Tuesday morning and caught a flight from LAX to the airport in San Jose. William texted him before he left, promising to pick him up after practice, and by the time Reggie landed, he was practically vibrating with both nerves and excitement. 
I’m outside in the pickup lane! 
Reggie sped up, a bounce in his step, and walked along the line of cars, looking for William. He was toward the back, looking down at his phone, and Reggie knocked on the window, shivering at the gust of wind that hit him.
William jumped at first, startled by his sudden appearance, before he unlocked the door for Reggie to climb in with his carry on. Reggie bit his lip, toning down the wide smile that was threatening to stretch ear to ear, “Hi.”
“Hi,” William responded, just as quietly. His cheeks were tinged red and his smile was more shy than Reggie’s, but he loved it just the same. 
Reggie’s fingers itched to reach up and brush the curl of hair hanging down in his eyes out of the way, but he held back, unsure if he was allowed to. He couldn’t be sure, but it looked like William’s fingers twitched too. 
Taking a deep breath, Reggie nodded, “Absolutely.”
William knew he probably should’ve focused fully on the road, but he couldn’t stop himself from glancing over at Reggie frequently. Just seeing him, knowing that he was real and there was so comforting, and part of William was already dreading Reggie having to leave the next day.
Reggie was staring out the window, forehead leaning against it, and William wanted to touch. He wanted to hold his hand or touch his cheek or something, just to reassure himself that he was real.
“Are you hungry?” he asked instead.
Reggie hummed, “A little. I could start with a coffee.”
“Me too,” William admitted, changing lanes to head toward his favorite local shop a few miles from his apartment. When he parked, William looked over at Reggie, more uncertain than before, and asked, “I go to this shop pretty frequently, it’s really lowkey and no one will bother us.”
Reaching across the console, Reggie squeezed his shoulder, “I trust you.”
William was nervous, and he wasn’t exactly sure why, but as they walked down the sidewalk, hands occasionally brushing between them, he felt his heart pounding harder and harder with every touch. When they got to the door, William held it open, and Reggie stepped into the mostly empty shop.
A barista William recognized called out a greeting, and Reggie stepped aside to let him lead the way to the counter. The menu was relatively basic aside from a side list of specialty drinks which was what William usually picked from. 
“Their special drinks are really good, I’ve tried most of them,” William muttered, shifting closer to Reggie so he could hear better.
“I might try the s’mores one,” Reggie answered, voice equally muted, “the toasted marshmallow sounds fun.”
“It is,” William told him excitedly.
He ordered his drink and stepped aside to let Reggie order his. Something flickered into the barista’s eye, William wasn’t sure exactly if it was recognition, but she didn’t say anything either way. Reggie picked the table, a two-seater tucked away in the corner, and sat down facing the door.
“So,” he started when William sat across from him, “I did some research on date places in San Jose.”
A slightly hysterical laugh bubbled up in his throat, but William shoved it back down and croaked out, “What?”
“Yeah, I picked out a ton of restaurants that look really good and offer a lot of options for any dietary restrictions you might have. And then for activities I have them grouped into casual and formal and you can pick.”
William stared at him, slack jawed, stare only broken when the barista set their drinks down in between them with a soft, “Enjoy.”
A blush was rising on Reggie’s cheeks, “I would love some feedback.”
Shaking his head, William laughed, “Yeah, that’s all fantastic, but I’ve lived here for years and have never gotten to bring someone on a date, I’ve got so many ideas of my own.”
Reggie sighed, “I don’t want you to do all the heavy lifting, I want to make this equal.”
William furrowed his eyebrows, setting down the latte he’d just taken a sip of, “I invited you here, I didn’t really expect you to worry too much about this part.”
“Well,” Reggie laughed, “guess I did all this for nothing, huh?”
“Next time,” William spoke confidently, picking his drink back up.
Reggie’s eyebrows shot up, “Already assuming there’s going to be a second date before we even have the first one, huh? That’s very bold.”
He shrugged and told him honestly, “I think the first date is going to go great, and if it doesn’t, then we’ll just have to have a do-over. Second date either way.”
“Ah, an intellectual,” Reggie responded, “your reasoning skills are off the charts.”
“Well, I did go to college.”
Reggie held his hands up, “You’ve got me there.”
“My college education is short-lived, but it does exist,” William joked.
“Okay then, Mr. College Education, do you already have a plan?”
William held up his car keys and jingled them in his direction, “I sure do.”
Reggie stared at him for a few seconds and then shook his head, “Fine, I’ll let you have your little mysteries.”
“Thank you,” William said, reaching across the table to brush his fingers across the back of Reggie’s hand. He watched as Reggie’s pinky jumped, bumping his thumb, and he chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying not to show just how fond he was of this boy he’d just met.
They spent the entire day on the couch watching movies. Luna was ecstatic to have people around all day, running around and barking until William managed to calm her down. After an hour or so, she fell asleep on the floor at their feet. Mid-afternoon, William broke out some snacks and Reggie laughed because they were vaguely healthy in a way he assumed was required for athletes but definitely not for musicians.  
It was calm, relaxing even, something Reggie hadn’t experienced in so long, maybe ever. His parents did nothing but fight growing up, and then he moved in with three other boys his age. Neither environment was very conducive for peace and quiet. But in William’s apartment, he felt himself nodding off a few times, feeling warm and safe.
“Reg,” William whispered, shaking his shoulder a bit later, and he jumped, not realizing he’d actually fallen asleep.
He rubbed his eyes and croaked out, “What time’s it?”
“About an hour and a half until our reservation.”
“Kay,” he muttered, prying himself off of the absurdly comfortable couch to go to the guest bedroom where his bag was. William had offered to share his bed, but Reggie decided that staying the night was maybe too fast already, so he declined. Thankfully, William didn’t seem to mind.
William moved further down the hall and into his room, Luna padding after him, and Reggie was snapped out of his trance when he heard the click of his door shutting. Shaking himself, Reggie pulled some of his clothes options out of his bag. None of the boys knew exactly where he was going, but the day before he left, they all sat on his bed and gave their strong opinions on his choices.
Eventually, after a few minutes of staring, he decided to mix their picks. William told him it wasn’t fancy and that he needed to dress warm, so Reggie picked the jeans Alex liked, the sweater Luke chose, and Bobby’s shoe pick.
“Hair,” he muttered under his breath, moving toward the ensuite after he was dressed. Reggie had been alive for over 20 years and he’d been dressing himself for over half of them, but he couldn’t help but wish his bandmates were there to help. It was as if they heard his wish, Alex FaceTimed him, Luke hanging over his shoulder with a bright smile on his face.
“Reggie,” Luke cheered when it connected fully, “show us the fit.”
He snorted and flipped the camera so they could see. Alex nodded, seemingly happy with his work, “Looking hot, Reginald. Is this a date?”
Clearing his throat, Reggie’s ears went hot and he shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Well if it is, leave your hair ungelled. It always looks super soft, and you look hot with that strand of hair falling on your forehead.”
Luke nodded enthusiastically, “True!”
“Thanks boys,” Reggie responded distractedly and set the phone down so he could use both hands on his hair. It was silent in the bathroom beyond the noises his friends occasionally made when they moved around or gave him instructions.
“So,” Luke started when Reggie sat on the bed, completely dressed and ready, “where are you?”
“I’m in California,” Reggie tried to deflect.
Alex made a hurt noise in his throat, “Why won’t you tell us?”
Reggie sighed and admitted, “It’s so new. It’s not really a secret, but part of me wants to keep it close until it’s real.”
“I’d say it’s pretty fucking real if you’re flying somewhere for a date.”
Tilting his head back against the wall, Reggie laughed, “I suppose that’s true.”
“When did you meet?” Luke asked, leaning in close to the camera as if trying to get in Reggie’s personal space through the camera.
“Last month on tour.” “A fan?” Alex asked, shocked. All of the boys had discussed the pros and cons of dating fans, and Reggie was stuck at a hard no when they finished the conversation.
Thinking back, he snorted, “Not really. He didn’t know who I was at first, but now he’s a fan.”
“Well,” Luke broke in, “Reg, you show that boy a good time. Don’t forget, you’re a catch and he’s lucky to have you tonight!”
“What Luke said,” Alex added, “and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Reggie rolled his eyes, responding sarcastically, “Thanks, Mom and Dad.” And just as he hung up there was a light knock at the door. He took a shaky breath and walked over, smoothing his sweater down, and when he opened the door, William’s fist was hovering in the air like he was about to knock again.
His mouth went dry looking at William, “Wow, um, you look great,” Reggie managed.
William’s face lit up and he glanced down at himself, “You think? Not as good as you, that’s for sure!”
Reggie struggled for a response, and William put him out of his misery, bumping Reggie’s hand with his and tilting his head toward the front door. Following William out of the building and into the parking garage, Reggie wanted to ask what he had planned, but he hadn’t managed to get it out of him all afternoon, so he stayed quiet.
“You want to pick the music?” William asked, holding out the aux cord and Reggie nodded, taking it eagerly. William nodded, “I want to hear what a music expert listens to.”
“Expert,” Reggie tested the word out on his tongue, “I guess technically out of the two of us, but I don’t know if I’d consider myself an expert.”
“I bet you have some fantastic playlists,” William countered, glancing over as he pulled to a stop at the first red light.
“Well,” Reggie paused because he did actually take a lot of pride in his playlists, “yeah, I think so at least.”
“There you go, own your awesomeness, Reg.”
When William said ‘reservations’ earlier, Reggie assumed it was at a restaurant for dinner, and he was incredibly confused when they pulled into an empty parking lot and William parked right near the door.
“What are we doing?”
“Tonight, since we’re in my city, I figured we could do something specific to me. Since we’re kind of still getting to know each other, you know?”
“Okay,” Reggie answered, unsure where he was going, “I like that idea.”
William sounded relieved, “Good. This is the rink my team usually practices in and I have the keys.”
“Skating?” Reggie asked, immediately nervous.
“Yep,” William chirped, pulling the door open for Reggie before reaching over to flip the lights on. It was cold inside and the lights came on slowly, one at a time across the rink. William grabbed his elbow gently, startling him, and tugged him off to the side.
“I don’t have skates,” Reggie finally spoke, realizing that one huge flaw in the plan may get him out of absolutely humiliating himself.
William waved his words away, “They do public skating nights here sometimes so they have spare pairs for rentals. Eventually we’ll have to get you your own pair.”
That sounded promising, on one hand, William was planning on keeping him around, on the other hand, he’d have to not accidentally crack his head open on the ice to fulfill his plans. But instead of protesting, Reggie was a good sport and told him his shoe size because William seemed really excited, and he didn’t want to spoil it.
“Be right back,” William told him, “I’m going to grab you a pair and get mine and put some music on. We can lace the skates up on the bench.”
“I’ll be right here,” Reggie responded weakly, stomach churning with nerves.
William wasn’t gone long before he was linking his arm with Reggie’s, pulling him again toward the closest bench. Reggie sat down, in a daze, moving slowly as William quickly tied his skates. Turning to Reggie, he saw that he had skates on but they were untied and he laughed, “Never done this before?”
“Hard no.”
“I got you,” William promised, dropping down to one knee in front of him. Reggie’s leg tingled when William brushed against it while he tied the laces. After the left one, he looked up at Reggie, “All good? Not too tight or too loose, right?”
“All good,” Reggie told him, reaching down instinctively just to check.
Before he knew it, the second one was finished too and William was standing in front of him, holding a hand out to help him up. He stepped onto the ice first, Reggie following close behind him, hovering just at the edge.
“I’m assuming you’ve never skated before.”
“You’d assume correctly.”
“Well,” William started, skating backwards a bit to give him space, “the good news is, you have the best teacher on the West Coast at your service.”
“He thinks highly of himself,” Reggie joked, taking a step out onto the ice, wobbling a bit. William kept his distance, close enough that he could get to Reggie fast, but far enough that he had room to get comfortable.
“Not to brag, but I am a professional.”
Reggie snorted and took another step, and then another and another. On his fifth step, he got too confident and almost landed right on his ass, but William swept in, catching him by the armpits, a few inches from the ice.
“Holy shit,” Reggie breathed, eyes wide.
William’s voice sounded like he was holding back laughter, “You good?”
Clearing his throat, Reggie collected himself and stepped away, “I’m good.”
William hovered around him closer after that, always within reach and coached Reggie every so often in a soft tone. It felt like years had passed, but Reggie eventually got comfortable enough to not be wobbling every few steps, and William moved up next to him for the next slow lap.
“Having fun?” he asked.
And Reggie found he actually was, he recognized the playlist and with William’s steady warmth next to him, keeping him safe, he didn’t hate it. After a few seconds with no answer, William bumped Reggie’s hand with the back of his to prompt a response. Reggie snapped out of it, “Yeah, this isn’t as hard as I thought it’d be.”
William’s lips twitched, “Sure, Reg. Whatever you say.”
They finished the lap, William still teasing him, and Reggie elbowed him in the side. William flinched like he’d actually landed a solid hit and pouted. Rolling his eyes, Reggie motioned toward him, “You’re being dramatic.”
“Never,” William responded, reaching up to grab Reggie’s hand, and when he linked their fingers together, any comeback Reggie had flew out of his brain. William didn’t say anything else either, content to skate laps with him, hands swinging between them.
Every so often one of them had a question or something to say, but for the most part it was just the music and the sound of skate blades on ice making noise. Reggie kind of understood why William liked it, it was almost hypnotizing, and he was startled when William tugged on his hand, pulling him back toward the bench.
Reggie gave him a questioning look and William smiled softly, pleased, “Playlist ended. I figure we could go get food now too.”
While Reggie was relieved to be back on solid ground again, he missed the comfortable weight of William’s hand in his. His hand felt cold, and he was trying really hard not to pout. Reggie managed to get the skates off by himself and handed them over to William to put away. 
“Be back in a sec,” William told him breathlessly, cheeks bright red whether from cold or something else, Reggie wasn’t sure, and before he could respond, William was gone.
William put the skates back and paused a second to breathe. He was in really good shape, but it felt like he hadn’t been able to catch his breath all night. Shutting his eyes, he smiled thinking back at Reggie’s nervous but determined face as he stepped out of William’s arms after almost falling to skate a few steps on his own.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, “please relax,” he whispered, unsure if he was talking to his brain or his pounding heart. Reggie was looking down at his phone when William met him back out, and he gave William an assessing look. Not entirely sure what he was looking for, William slowly offered his hand back to the other boy, and a smile grew on his face as he took the offered hand.
“What’s for dinner?” Reggie asked, finger stroking over William’s knuckles subconsciously.
William waited to answer until they were both in the car, and he cranked it up, flipping the heat up to high for them. Reggie bumped his knee, and he answered, “I was thinking we could go to a taco truck I like. They have some tables outside, but we can take them home if it’s too cold.”
“Taco truck,” Reggie mused.
Cutting off the rest of his sentence, William rushed out, “We can go to a restaurant too though, I just thought since we’re both sort of public figures we might have less of a spotlight at a food truck.”
When William finished rambling his explanation, he met Reggie’s eyes nervously, and Reggie just smiled, “Sounds like a great pick.”
“Oh,” he said, not expecting it to be that easy.
“Oh,” Reggie echoed.
William blushed and muttered, “Shut up,” before pulling out of the parking lot. 
There were a few people ordering from the truck when they got there, but there was empty seating and someone had plugged in portable heaters for people who wanted to eat there. William waited for Reggie to order before he put his in and led him over to one of the empty tables to sit. 
Reggie looked around curiously and yawned, clapping a hand over his mouth and flushing with embarrassment when he caught himself. Laughing, William teased, “Am I boring you?”
“Actually, yes,” Reggie teased back.
“Oh, that’s a shame, I actually thought this was going pretty well.”
Reggie’s face softened and he reached across the table to poke William’s hand, “It is.”
One of the workers called his name with the food before William could respond, so he just shut his mouth and stood up to go get them. When he got back, the moment was gone, and they both focused on eating. The tacos were good as always, and within 30 minutes they were back in the car, heading back to William’s apartment.
“Movie?” he asked Reggie when they got back inside.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
William frowned, “Wait, I have to walk Luna first, you good to stay?”
“I should probably take a shower,” Reggie smiled wryly referencing the sweat he broke while struggling to skate.
“Okay,” William nodded, “I’ll be back soon. Make yourself at home.”
“Thanks, Will.”
Before he could think twice, William grabbed Reggie’s sleeve and pulled him back, pressing a light kiss to his forehead.
Reggie barely remembered getting to bed after the movie, but he definitely hated the next morning when his alarm started going off early. He hit snooze and was almost back asleep when William was knocking on the door gently, “You awake?”
“Yeah,” Reggie croaked, voice cracking from disuse.
“Okay,” William answered, “I’ll make some coffee while you get ready and I can drop you off before practice.”
Reggie was touched. He knew how tired William was all the time, and selfishly, he was glad William offered because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with him since he had no clue when he’d be able to see William in person again.
He got dressed and packed and remade the guest bed before he joined William in the kitchen. There were two mugs on the counter, one made up and one black for Reggie to fix how he liked. William watched through squinted eyes, chin resting on his palm, and told Reggie, “Gonna try and remember so next time I can have it ready.”
Reggie’s eyes burned and he took a sip of his fixed drink. Glancing over at William’s mug, he asked, “What about you?”
“Splash of almond milk and a lot of sugar.”
Tapping his temple, Reggie promised, “I’ll remember that.”
They finished their coffee like that, crowded together in the kitchen, William’s forehead resting on Reggie’s shoulder between sips. Halfway through his cup, Reggie linked his fingers through William’s again, both of their hands warm from holding the mugs. He was going to miss that more than he thought. Fuck, leaving was going to hurt. In fact, he wasn’t sure anything could hurt worse.
But he was wrong. When William pulled him into a tight hug outside the airport, he brushed his lips ever so slightly across Reggie’s forehead again, just like the night before. Walking away from that, fighting to not turn around lest he be tempted to skip his flight and never leave, that hurt more.
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smutbymia · 5 years
rule breaker (haechan bratty sub au)
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WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT 18+ (no protection mentioned, sexual content)
Word Count: 6.4k 😯
Themes: femdom, friendship, fwb, switch, sub/dom themes, edging, replacement of the title Mistress with Princess* 
Pairing: Haechan/Lee Dong-hyuck  x Female Reader (ft. appearances from mark lee)
PLOT:  Dong-hyuck, the hyperactive and silly class clown isn’t used to following directions -- inside or outside of the bedroom. After his friend (Y/N) goes through a sudden breakup, and the discovery of a pair of handcuffs leads him to the reasoning why, he finds himself in an interesting position. He may be in for more than he expects when she offers to show him just what it was that her ex couldn’t handle. 
PS: Requests are open for fics and short blurbs
     You absentmindedly doodled in your notebook as your teacher taught the last lesson of the day. Graduation was quickly approaching and it was clear that most other students, yourself included, had mentally checked out.
The sun poured through the massive glass windows of the classroom, putting emphasis on the speckles of dust that danced through the air and even more emphasis on the boy in the row in front of you, one desk over, who glowed under its rays. 
His tanned skin and bronze hair looked even more rich than they usually did at this time of the afternoon. With nothing else around to distract yourself with, you momentarily admired him. Lee Dong-hyuck. I mean, yes... he was certainly attractive -- but you’d hardly admit it to his face. 
“Haechan, that’s enough,” murmured the teacher, in an exasperated tone. He called the student by the nickname most of his classmates used. The name he preferred. 
The classroom was filled with a fit of giggles, coming from the students. You missed the joke. Not that you missed much. This was a typical occurrence. Hyuck was what most people would refer to as a class clown but not exactly in the traditional sense. He didn’t necessarily crack jokes, or aim for the approval of others through his form of “entertainment”. He was quick witted, and mouthy, and quite frankly a bit of an asshole but with a class this boring -- such things were greatly appreciated to lift the spirits of the students who were surely just watching the clock in hopes of the final bell ringing sooner rather than later.
Hyuck shot a quick apology back at the teacher. Mark lee, his best friend who also happened to be seated directly next to him at the desk right in front of you, pulled him into a headlock the second the teacher turned back towards the blackboard and began to ruffle his hair. The boys tried their hardest to quietly withhold their leftover laughter from whatever stupid comment was made earlier. 
“Hyung, relax!” Hyuck jokingly began, “I know you’re used to having crazy hair, but that life isn’t for me!”. He smoothed out his hair as Mark flicked him -- a punishment for his slick comment.  
“My hair isn’t crazy... its just a bit curly!” he said, trying his best to fix the dark ringlets that cascaded over his forehead. 
You reached across your desk and softly pulled at one of his curls. “Don’t listen to him Mark, your curls are seriously too cute,” you whispered as you shot him a quick wink. His cheeks flushed pink and he responded with a shy smile and quick nod of his head in your direction.
Hyuck swivelled his head around, narrowing his eyes at Mark before turning to you with an expression you were far too familiar with. The boy pouted as he leaned his elbow back onto the empty desk next to you before fluttering his eyes as he rested his cheek in the palm of his hand. 
“And what about me, Y/N?” he asked. As lovely as he looked, still glowing in the sunlight, you had no choice but to take him down a peg... but not before having some fun with the little flirt. 
“Hmm...” you sighed, narrowing your gaze as though you were thinking deeply. You brushed your hand across his exposed cheek and leaned closer to his face. The smug look on his face disappeared with each inch you eliminated between the two of you. By the time your faces were directly in front of each other, he looked a little flustered. 
You lowered your voice seductively before speaking. “I think...” you began, “you’re probably due for a haircut.” Mark chuckled under his breath after witnessing the exchange. 
Just as you thought you’d won the battle, Hyuck quickly snapped back “But then you’d have nothing to pull on, Y/N”. With your faces still close together, he dropped his gaze to your lips before licking his own. 
“Okay, gross...” murmured Mark, before turning his attention back to the teacher who was still aimlessly drawing formulas all over the chalkboard. Hyuck’s intense gaze shifted between your lips and your eyes before you decided to break the distance between the two of you. 
“In your dreams, Dong-hyuck,” you said as you leaned back into your chair, sighing deeply and rolling your eyes. He furrowed his brows, annoyed at your refusal to call him by the name everyone else used. 
“Actually, you usually call me Haechan when you’re screaming my name in my dreams...” he mumbled stubbornly before turning back around in his seat. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, completely impressed by how nonchalantly he admitted to fantasizing about you. Typical Hyuck. 
The rest of the class passed by painfully slow. The final bell pretty much brought every student back from the dead as they jumped up, excited to start their weekends. You gathered your belongings to leave class with both Mark and Hyuck trailing behind you. 
All three of you had gone to school together for years and were considered to be pretty decent friends. Mark and Hyuck were obviously extremely close, like brothers almost, and you were once a big part of their friendship as well until you all hit puberty and the dynamic seemed to shift. Hyuck got more flirty, Mark got a little more nervous, and the time you all spent together was limited to whatever classes you coincidentally shared and conversations at parties or in passing at school. 
This was one of those moments. The three of you navigated your ways through the halls of your school as other students chattered amongst themselves about the parties happening that weekend, while emptying out their lockers for the day.
Hyuck and Mark were discussing some new album that had just been released when you reached the entrance of your school.
“Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend over there?” Hyuck asked, nudging your shoulder. 
All three of you glanced up at a boy hanging by the bottom of the staircase, speaking with a group of students. His smile dropped from his face the second he looked up and met your gaze, replacing it with an expression of... fear, almost. He quickly wrapped up his conversation and turned in the opposite direction before walking off. 
“Jeez, Y/N. What was that about?” Mark asked. 
“Yeah, he looks terrified. What did you do to him?” Hyuck began, “and where do I sign up?” He chuckled at his own remark as Mark rolled his eyes. 
The two boys turned to you waiting for a response but all they got was a shrug. This wasn’t anything new.
“Just another guy who thought he could handle me. The usual,” you stated, pulling out your phone from your pocket to scroll through the notifications. 
Hyuck and Mark both stared at you wide-eyed, not quite sure what to make of your intentionally ambiguous statement. You gracefully pushed past them, disregarding the encounter with your ex, and continued walking down the stairs. The boys fell right into step behind you.
Your mom had sent you a message, reminding you that you were going to be alone for the weekend while she went away with her new boyfriend -- for the second time this month. 
“Ugh, again?” you mumbled to yourself. Hyuck grabbed the phone out of your hand to read the message as mark peered over his shoulder. 
“You’re so lucky you have us, you know. When’s the last time we camped out at your place anyway?” he said, tilting his head while racking his brain. 
“7th grade” Mark responded, “You almost slipped off the roof when we climbed up through Y/N’s window.”
You all chuckled at the memory. You had almost forgotten just how close you all once were. The thought of being home alone for the second weekend in a row did sound boring.
Hyuck slung his arm around your shoulder as Mark fiddled with his cellphone next to the both of you as you walked your way through campus. The sun still broke through the few clouds left in the sky as students lounged around outdoors and others caught their busses home. 
“You know what you need?” he began, “A real man like me. Someone who can  protect you! Someone who can take control and --” the sound of Marks phone cut him off and quite frankly, you were thankful. 
“Oh jeez, I totally forgot that I promised Jaemin I’d help him with something tonight. Is it cool if I meet up with you guys a little later? I’ll make it just before bed, I promise!” he said, as he walked backwards, nearly stumbling over his feet as he responded to the message before breaking off into a run back towards the school entrance. 
You both shook your heads at his hasty exit. “Meet me in an hour?” Hyuck asked. You nodded in agreement before you both went your separate ways for the time being.
      You were just about to step into the shower when there was a knock at your door. You descended the staircase and opened the door to Hyuck standing out front with an overnight bag in hand. 
It may have been a while but he entered your home as if it was his own, kicking off his shoes in the same place your family did and climbing his way up the stairs back towards your bedroom, mumbling about some surprise party Mark and Jaemin were planning for Jeno’s birthday.
Once you got back to the room, Hyuck dropped his bag and flopped backwards into your bed. “Ah, I can’t believe you still have those,” he said, pointing at the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling before pulling out his phone to take a picture that you were certain he’d send to mark. The three of you struggled to get those up there the last time they were over. 
“I’m going to shower -- and before you ask, yes... without you,” you proclaimed. Hyuck, who had been ready to make that exact remark suddenly shut his mouth before nodding his head and returning his attention to his cellphone. 
A few moments later you returned to the room, fresh out of the shower, in a pair of lounge shorts and a white tank top that sat just at your waist. However, Hyuck was no longer on your bed where you left him. 
He had changed into some sweats but stood shirtless with his back facing you, his tanned skin and muscles emphasized by the setting sun that spilled the remainder of its golden orange light through your window. You really couldn’t help but take a brief moment to admire him. As you got closer to him, he turned around with a mischievous grin on his face. That admiration disappeared the second you realized why. 
“You know... I was wondering where those marks on your bed frame came from,” he teased as he held a pair of black handcuffs in his hands. 
“Did you SERIOUSLY go through my stuff?!” you yelled, marching across the room to retrieve the cuffs from him. He lifted them out of your reach and dangled them over your head. 
Your cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as you jumped up, just now realizing how much taller than you he now was. 
“Y/N, now I see why your ex is so scared of you!” he joked, “Wait.. HEY!”
You had jumped up onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist. He instinctively held onto you to avoid the two of you toppling over. Your handcuffs were finally within your reach again. When the commotion settled, you realized you were still in his arms and pressed against his half naked body. As you began to lower yourself, you were met with the feeling of his erection.
 “Okay, seriously? That quickly?” you questioned, as the bulge grew against your center. Hyuck slowly put you down with a sheepish grin on his face. 
“Its not my fault you’re basically naked!” he retorted. 
“Says you! Besides this is my room,” you countered, slapping his chest. He winced in pain as he rubbed the spot that was now plastered with a faint outline of your hand. 
“Is this how rough you are during sex?” he said jokingly. You furrowed your brows, lips descending into a slight frown, suddenly self conscious about the statement. You weren’t exactly insecure about your kinks, but because they played a role in your recent breakup the topic was a bit sensitive. 
     He noticed the sudden change in your expression and sat himself on the edge of your bed before speaking again. “Hey, I was just kidding. This stuff seems hot, I just --” he began before you interrupted him. 
     “He freaked out and started acting weird, Hyuck. He acted like I was some sort of monster for even suggesting the type of sex I wanted to have. I mean, I get it’s not for everyone but he looks at me now like I’m crazy and we didn’t even try anything,” you confessed. It felt good to get the reasoning behind your breakup off your chest because you hadn’t had anyone to speak to about it yet.
He took the handcuffs from your hand before snapping them open. “Show me,” he demanded. You were taken aback by his sudden proclamation. 
“With all due respect, I don’t think you’re the right candidate for this kind of stuff,” you said, laughing at the thought of Hyuck powerless. Your laugh faded when you watched as he attached himself to your headboard, now laying there with his hands above his head. 
He looked... sexy. Your breathing increased slightly and your nipples hardened through your shirt. You were hoping Hyuck was too distracted by his positioning to notice but his eyes scanned right over your body the second you attempted to meet his gaze. 
“Wow, you must be really into this stuff...” he said, not looking away from the rise and fall of your breasts and their protruding nipples. You were too caught off guard by the sudden change in your rooms atmosphere to speak. Instead, you crawled across the bed before unlocking the handcuffs, and freeing his arms.
“Wait, I thought you were going to...” he began. 
“If you want to see what it’s like, you need to do exactly as I say,” you said in almost a whisper. He stared up at you, still laying on your bed with a surprised look on his face. Your tone had changed. He nodded, and you turned to get off the bed before rummaging through your closet for a box that Hyuck hadn’t yet found. 
You placed it on the edge of your bed and he curiously peered towards it, ready for your demonstration. You weren’t exactly sure how far this would go. You weren’t even sure if you’d end up having sex but you were curious to see how Hyuck would feel about your preferences, and you valued his opinion. 
“Stand up,” you demanded sternly. A smile danced across his face as he excitedly rushed off the bed. “Undress,” you continued. 
“Wait, for real?” he almost yelled. It dawned on you that you were actually about to potentially cross a line between your demonstration and actual sex. You backtracked slightly. 
“Um... just your pants. Keep your boxers on,” you answered. Hyuck’s face fell, clearly disappointed. He sighed and untied the waist band of his sweats before stepping out of them. 
He instinctively stepped forward to tug at the strings on your shorts, assuming that you’d both be getting undressed. You grabbed his wrist in response, with your other hand gripping at his neck. He froze, taken aback by your quick movements. 
“Did I say you could undress me?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. Hyuck was momentarily flustered before his smile broke across his face once more.
“Wow, Y/N. I didn’t think you had it in you,” he laughed, as he freed his wrist from your grasp to rope his hands around your waist. 
“First rule. You refer to me as princess,” you said, as you removed your hand from his neck and swatted his hand away from your waist. “And you seem to be having difficulty keeping your hands to yourself...” you began. 
You returned to your closet to grab a belt -- the solution to your problem. “Can you blame me? Look at you... wait what are you getting that for?” he asked, noticing the leather belt you were carrying towards him. 
“Your actions have consequences, baby. Hold out your hands,” you demanded. He narrowed his eyes at you in defiance, his mischievous smile returning. “I won’t ask you again. Hold out your hands Hyuck,” you repeated. This was already getting exhausting. You knew he’d be a handful but you didn’t expect it to start this early. 
He finally complied, and you fastened the belt around his wrists, tugging at it to make sure that it was secure enough.
“Okay Y/N, what’s next?” he asked.  The look on your face was telling. He knew almost instantly that he had made a mistake and was quick to correct himself, “I- I mean princess,” he stuttered.
“Good, you’re learning. On your knees,” you ordered. He dropped to his knees almost immediately. You sat down on the bed with Hyuck facing you, pausing to stroke his cheek as you examined his face. He looked so beautiful on his knees in front of you like that, even though it took him so long. You could feel yourself getting turned on again at the sight of him in yet another submissive position. 
You took another moment to trail your eyes down his body, pausing at the large erection bulging out of his boxers. “Have you been turned on this entire time, baby?” you asked, still stroking his face. He nodded. 
“Please use your words, Hyuck,” you urged. 
“Yes, princess,” he said calmly. 
“You’ve already given me such a hard time. You like breaking rules don’t you?” you asked him. You had leaned forward to meet him at eye level, your faces centimetres from one another. Your every breath danced against his lips, and his against yours. 
“Yes, princess,” he admitted. 
“If you break the rules, you’ll get punished. I won’t go easy on you, especially if you do it on purpose. Do you understand me?” you said, no gripping his face. 
“Y-yes princess,” he stammered. 
“Undress me,” you ordered. He began to lift himself off his knees before you reached out and pushed him back down towards the floor. A brief look of confusion crossed his face as he looked down at his bound hands. 
“Use your teeth, baby,” you urged. You began by lifting one of your feet towards him. He peeled off your sock before doing the same on the other foot. 
You helped him up to his feet and he proceeded to hook his teeth around one of the straps of your tank top, followed by the other. He struggled slightly but eventually pulled the top down the length of your body, leaving you topless.
He stared at your bare chest, nipples erect, and stepped closer to you with a look of hunger in his eyes. “Keep going,” you demanded. He seemed to snap out of his trance as he glanced back up to meet your gaze. There was a familiar look in his eyes. A look that always came before trouble. 
Hyuck lowered himself to his knees as slowly as he possibly could, blowing air across your nipples, across your chest, and down your tummy. The sensation sent shivers down your body. You didn’t bother stopping him. It felt good. He’d be getting punished for it later anyway. 
As he reached the waistband of your shorts, he untied them with his teeth before dragging them down the length of your legs, followed by your panties. When he was done, he peered up at your naked body. 
“Fuck,” he murmured to himself. His gaze took in every inch of you. “You’re so beautiful, princess.”
Your heart fluttered at his statement. You sat back at the edge of the bed, and he instinctively returned to his position directly in front of you, like an obedient sub. 
“Hyuck, listen. Before we continue, we need to establish a safe word. If you feel uncomfortable, say sunset and i’ll stop whatever i’m doing,” you said. “Yes, princess,” he responded almost immediately, “but i think i’ll be able to handle it.” He flashed a quick wink before running his eyes back over your body again, this time biting his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“I’m serious. I’m not going to go easy on you. Especially since you’ve been such a brat so far,” you said. You slowly spread your legs then reached out and grabbed him by his hair before pulling him towards you. 
Hyuck wasted no time diving towards your heat faster than you even directed him, mouth agape. You had to pull his head back before he could make contact with your skin, no matter how badly you wanted it. 
“Don’t be so eager, baby. Wait for your directions,” you reminded him. You held him centimetres away from your slit by his hair. “Stick your tongue out for me,” you ordered. He quickly complied. You brought him closer to your center and the second he met your hot flesh, he licked the entire length of it. 
You groaned in response at the sudden contact before forcing his head backward. You had to stay in control. No matter how good it felt. 
“I- I didn’t tell you to move your tongue,” you stammered. Your breathing had increased and your chest was now quickly rising and falling. 
“Stick your tongue out. I’m going to ride your face. And you aren’t going to move your tongue until I say you can. Do you understand, baby?” you asked, still out of breath. 
Hyuck groaned, his erection desperately forcing itself against the fabric of his boxer briefs. “Yes, princess. I understand,” he responded, before resuming his position. 
You brought his head back into position, once again moaning at the sudden contact. This time Hyuck followed his orders and remained still. You slowly began rocking your hips back and forth against his tongue. 
“Oh, yes baby. Fuck... You’re doing so well,” you praised. Your other hand reached up to massage your breasts, still moving rhythmically against Hyuck’s face. He stared up at you, wide eyed, admiring the expressions of pleasure on your face. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world and it turned you on even more. 
With one hand still wrapped in his hair, you applied more pressure to yourself feeling his tongue slip through your folds as you gyrated your hips faster. His nose brushed up against your clit with every stroke and the higher you raised your hips, the deeper his tongue dove into your entrance. You watched as your juices covered his chin, soaking the entire bottom half of his face. 
“Dong-Hyuck... you- you look so pretty. Like an angel,” you began. It wasn’t like you to shower a sub with so much affection but you couldn’t help it this time. He groaned in response. The sensation increased your pleasure as his mouth vibrated. 
“Do you want me to cum on your face like this?” you asked, getting closer to your orgasm. “I’m so close baby,” you moaned. He groaned once more in response sending the vibrations back through your body, this time shutting his eyes. 
“Fuck me with your tongue. I need you to look me in the eyes while you do it,” you ordered. Hyuck followed your orders, meeting your gaze once more as he altered the angle of his tongue to better penetrate your hole. With your fingers intertwined in his hair, you forced his tongue in and out of yourself. Your free hand dropped from your chest as you began to draw circles on your clit. 
You felt the tension building up inside you. You momentarily threw your head back, enjoying the stimulation -- beads of sweat dripping down the sides of your forehead. One last look at the boy between your legs was all it took to send you over the edge as you reached your climax. It was beyond any orgasm you had ever reached before. You could feel your legs shake as the rest of your body convulsed. Still savouring every last moment, you continued to jerk yourself over Hyuck’s face, body shivering at the overstimulation, before falling back onto your bed. 
The room was filled with gasps from both you and Hyuck, as you attempted to slowed your heart rate and as he caught his breath. After a few minutes, you lifted yourself back up. Hyuck sat there still, gazing curiously at you. He was taken aback by your intense orgasm.
“Are you okay, Princess?” he quietly asked. You must have been laying there longer than you thought. You nodded. His face was still covered in your juices when you got up to grab a towel before kneeling down to him and wiping his chin. 
He watched you, attempting to read your face while you cleaned him up. As you shifted your position to get closer to him your knee brushed against his erection. He winced in pain. The poor baby had been turned on for quite some time now and he shifted his thighs looking for some relief. 
You discarded the towel before motioning for Hyuck to stand. Once he was back up on his feet again, you stripped him of his remaining piece of clothing. 
His erection sprang free from his boxers, nearly hitting you in the face due to your proximity. This time, it was you who was on their knees in front of Hyuck. He looked down at you with an equally pained and eager expression on his face, waiting for your next move. 
“Wow, Hyuck. I didn’t expect you to be this big,” you cooed, as you dragged your fingernails over his length. He shutter in response, moaning under his breath. 
“Did it turn you on when I used your face like that?” you asked, gazing up at him seductively. He shifted his footing before responding. 
“Yes princess, of course,” he said. He reached down, arms still bound by your leather belt, towards his cock. You stopped him immediately. 
“You don’t get to touch yourself. And you don’t get to cum until I say you do, understood?” you ordered. Hyuck groaned in response, clearly frustrated at the predicament he was in. 
Your hands circled around his base as you gripped him. He let out a deep moan and threw his head back, nearly losing his footing. He was so turned on, every touch seemed to numb his senses. You began slowly pumping up and down his length, watching his legs shake. A bead of pre-cum, escaped from his tip as his pleasure increased. Knowing it would push him over the edge, with a quick swipe of your tongue, you tasted him. 
“Y/N... babe, please...” he whined. “I need to come,” he pleaded. 
“You’re breaking a lot of rules, Hyuck. And you know what happens when you break rules right?” you warned.“I get punished,” he responded. 
“So you do know better, after all,” you said, releasing him from your grip. He groaned at the loss of contact. Feeling defeated. You watched as he hung his head, eyes closed. You almost felt bad but you warned him that you wouldn’t go easy on him. 
You motioned for him to lay on the bed and he did. You removed the belt from around his wrists, softly rubbing at the red marks it left behind. Hyuck looked exhausted. 
You raised his arms up and fastened him back to the headboard with the handcuffs he had place himself in before. He complied without complaints. You crawled across the bed to retrieve a black silk blindfold from the box you had brought out earlier. 
Hyuck peered over your shoulder, trying to spot the other objects inside but gave up quickly, overestimating the amount of energy he had left. His head feel back against the pillows on your bed as he awaited his fate. 
You straddled him, with his erection pressing gently against your ass causing him to stir and groan beneath you. Once the blindfold was secure, you directed your attention back towards his erection, once again pumping at his length. 
Hyuck’s body jerked in response to your touch as he raised his hips up, trying to thrust into your hand before you pushed him back into place. “Don’t be fussy. Hold still or else this will take longer than it needs to,” you warned. 
He was breathing deeply now, as more beads of cum gathered at his tip. He was trying his best not to release himself but you could tell he was close. Covering his eyes had probably increased his senses, but it also seemed to calm him down a bit more. You made a mental note of it for next time. 
You froze as you caught yourself absentmindedly thinking about having sex with Hyuck like this again. He groaned again, disappointed at the halt in your strokes. This had been the second or third time you had stopped. 
You had been edging him all this time without realizing and you knew he was nearing his limit. You took the opportunity to lick along base of his cock all the way back up to the tip. He shivered and let out his loudest moan yet. 
“F-fuck. P-please, do that again,” he pleaded. You sunk your mouth over the tip of his throbbing erection and his head fell back onto the pillow. He moaned your name as you slowly took every inch of him into your mouth, feeling the tip brush against your throat. 
Hyuck muttered every curse word he knew, along with a couple of dirty phrases that you didn’t expect to hear. He even moaned your name, which should have warranted another punishment if it hadn’t sounded so fucking amazing falling from his parted lips. Still you couldn’t allow him to speak so freely. 
You removed yourself from his length which generated yet another groan from Hyuck. You sat quietly by his side for a moment, watching his chest rise and fall and a single tear slide down one of his cheeks before picking up the discarded pair of panties he had taken off of you earlier and balling them up in your firsts. 
“You’re too loud baby. I need to fix that. Open your mouth for me,” you cooed as you ran your free hand across his chest. Hyuck whimpered before opening up his mouth. You placed the undies inside carefully. This was it. This was the image you’d have imprinted in your mind forever. The image of Hyuck cuffed and blindfolded to your bed with your panties in his mouth. You couldn’t help but lower your hands to touch yourself. You slipped a finger into your entrance, quietly moaning. 
It took Hyuck a moment to realize what you were doing. it wasn’t until the sounds of you fucking yourself increased that he let out a knowing moan and began pulling at the handcuffs. 
Wetness seeped out of you when you straddled his hips, hovering over his erection. You positioned him at your entrance before slowly sinking down onto him. He let out a deep muffled growl in response and immediately started to thrust himself up into you, hitting your sweet spot. 
“Oh my goodness, Hyuck...” you gasped, with each thrust. You shouldn’t have been letting him move so much. As each stroke became more frantic, you used every ounce of your will power to pull yourself off of him once more. 
This time Hyuck protested even more. He yanked at the handcuffs, rattling the bed frame. You knew you were torturing him at this point. He still hadn’t used the safe word yet but you knew he was at his limit. You reached towards his blindfold first, removing it from his eyes. His eyelids where low but he still shifted his gaze to meet yours. You pulled the panties from his mouth and reached up to free him of his hand cuffs. 
“What are you doing?” he asked in a quiet tone. 
“Sunset,” you whispered. His face twisted in confusion. 
“Huh? But I d-didn’t say it,” he responded.
“I know, baby, But I did. I can’t take it anymore,” you confessed.
“Can I?” his voice trailed off as he moved his hands towards you, hovering them over your skin asking for permission to touch you, as if the rules still applied. He was so well behaved -- the complete opposite from how he was when you first began. You nodded and he let out a sigh of relief as his hands traced the outline of your body, first moving up your arms before gliding over your breasts. 
He delicately ran his fingers over your nipples and then back down your stomach again. He paused at your hips before snaking his hands around you to grip your ass, sighing as though he had been waiting his whole life to do so. 
The pressure was building back up for you both. His erection still hadn’t disappeared and you were shocked he had held off for so long. You reached down as he watched you position yourself to sink down onto him once more before he stopped you. 
“You’re not in charge anymore are you?” he asked, eyes going dark. His demeanour had changed but he still was taking heavy breaths, yearning for his own release. 
“Technically...no,” you hesitantly responded. 
“Good,” Hyuck stated, as he propped himself up on the bed. Within seconds he had repositioned you. Your arms were pressed against your bed frame, as you arched your back. He wanted you from behind. Hyuck wasn’t patient as he placed one of his arms next to yours to steady himself and the other around the base of his cock. 
He thrusted into you, drawing a loud moan from your lips. He wrapped his free arm around you, applying pressure to the lower part of your stomach as he disappeared into you over and over again. 
Your breasts bounced with every stroke. He pulled your hips towards himself, burying himself as deeply into you as he possibly could. 
“I’ve been waiting so long to do this to you,” he groaned into your ear before capturing a lobe between his teeth. The sensation sent tingles down your spine. He proceeded to drop kisses down your neck, marking you, as you approached your orgasm. He quickened his pace, the sound of slapping flesh filling the room. You could feel him throbbing inside you, so incredibly close to his release. 
“Fuck, i- I can’t hold it any longer!” he exclaimed. He reached his free hand down between your legs before rubbing circles onto your clit while thrusting into you. 
“H-Haechan,” you moaned. It was the first time you had ever used his nickname and it was just enough to send him over the edge. 
“Y/N.. baby.. fuck,” he stammered. Your orgasm coursed through you as you felt him fill your insides with his cum. His body went still for a second before he collapsed onto your back, heavily breathing and unable to hold up his own weight. 
Haechan gasped for air as you moved from under him, laying him gently on the bed. Beads of sweat were scattered across his face. Before he could regain his composure, you slipped out of bed to clean yourself up. Minutes later, you returned in a new set of pyjamas and a few other items. Haechan’s eyes shot open as you ran a hot towel over his body, cleaning him up. He simply stared up at you, not moving or saying a word as you took care of him. You rubbed oil onto his wrists, massaging over the red indentations the belt and handcuffs left behind, before massaging his knees as well.
When you were done, you pulled him into your chest and bundled him up under your bedsheets. The two of you didn’t move for what felt like ages. After some time had passed, Haechan had slipped out of bed to put on a new change of clothes. You took the opportunity to grab some water and fruit from the kitchen before you both sat next to each other again, aimlessly chatting as you always did. Things had changed between you two. He brushed your hair out of your face as always, but this time his touches lingered more. He playfully licked the juices off your fingers as you fed him fruit, but still teased you as he typically would. He even stopped to sprinkle your face with kisses before capturing your lips with his own. Neither of you really knew what this meant for your relationship but that wasn’t a conversation that needed to happen now anyway. 
As you giggled with each other, picking at what was left over the fruits, you both fell silent as you heard footsteps on your staircase. 
Marks head popped into your doorway seconds later. “Hey, you idiots didn’t even lock the door, and what happened to your phones I’ve been trying to call you for the past hour!” he complained, dropping his bag next to Hyuck’s. 
“Hyung!” Haechan proclaimed, still taken aback by Marks sudden entrance. 
“Don’t hyung me, what the hell have you guys been --” marks voice trailed off as his eyes zeroed in on the headboard. 
“Yo Y/N, what did you do to your bed... wait,” his voiced trailed off once more as his eyes dropped to the marks on Haechan’s wrists. He tried to cover them up with his sleeves but was too late. 
“Holy shit, you let her use those handcuffs that you showed me on you? WAIT... What the fuck happened here?” he exclaimed, jumping off the bed in shock. 
You and Haechan burst into a fit of laughter at Mark, who looked equally horrified and disgusted. His cheeks were blushing bright red, and the warmth had reached his ears too. 
“You guys are gross, you know that...” he muttered, pulling the plate of fruits away from you both, trying his hardest not to touch the bed. 
Moments later, Marks words registered in your head and soon enough you were pushing Haechan off of the bed and onto the floor to join his best friend.
“I can’t believe you sent him a picture of the handcuffs too! You idiot!” you yelled. 
“It was BEFORE we used them!” he responded. The three of you laughed and bickered back and forth as the sun finally set. 
final words: wow this one was a bit tough to write. Haechan is a mischievous little thing in this fic and in real life too but I still couldn’t handle the thought of him suffering too much. He’ll always make me soft no matter what 🥺 also Mark was supposed to have a smaller part in this but he just fit so well I even had to put him in the opening gif! please leave your thoughts/comments or feel free to give any criticism so I can correct anything that may be insensitive/inaccurate in my fics. Thank you!
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openheart12 · 3 years
I Did Something Bad
A/N: Today is my lovely adoptive mom’s @burnsoslow birthday! I never thought me making a post about yk what would lead to our friendship and Kryce! I hope you have the best day ever and that it is every bit as amazing as you are! I’m so thankful for your friendship and how you make me laugh until I cry or pee fvhujskdghfn and you’re the only one who could ever make me into a Drake stan. I love you so much! Eat all the cake you can for me! Happy birthday, love! I hope you know how much I adore you ❤
A/N 2: This is very much full of Donald Trump hate and despitement because who wouldn’t hate him anyways jkhkdjgh there’s also quite a bit of cussing 
Word Count: 2,613
Thank you @rigatonireid for pre-reading!! 
“This is bullshit,” Kurns exclaimed as Bryce and Dick were watching the events unfolding at the United States Capitol. “This is why you don’t vote for oranges.” She said while rolling her eyes. 
“Agreed,” the two men replied in unison. 
“Jinx!” They replied again at the same time that led to twenty minutes of them saying “jinx again” in response until Dick finally gave in and let Bryce win. 
“You win, Bryce-y poo,” he had said. Kurns had kept her attention glued to the television during their little game. 
“You okay over there, banana flavored moonpie?” Dick asked, directing his attention over to Kurns. 
“No, look at all those turnips. And the cult leader himself told them to do this shit. People actually voted for this moron? They should all get head CTs to check for brain damage which they undoubtedly have.” 
“Would it make you feel better if we overthrew the government while kidnapping Donnie?” Dick asked seriously. 
“Yes, actually,” she answered with a wide grin. 
“Okay, let me make a few phone calls and can you download some episodes of My Little Pony on Netflix for Bryce?” Kurns nodded her head in response, she also took the liberty of downloading Among Us on their phones so they wouldn’t be bored on the flight. 
The flight from North Delanois was a little over eight hours and being on a plane that long with a toddler, well Bryce, was going to be a challenge. 
It was a private jet so hopefully it would be more bearable, but just in case she also downloaded a few episodes of Max and Ruby and Yo Gabba Gabba. She also downloaded some episodes of Parks and Rec and Friends for herself. 
After packing the essentials; clothing, toiletries, handcuffs, whipped cream, ice cubes -who knew- and My Little Pony gummies, they were off to the airport.  
“Dick Kock,” Dick said introducing himself along with Kurns and Bryce. 
Kurns was decked out in a Taylor Swift 1989 t-shirt and a pair of leggings with her trusty white vans whereas Bryce was dressed in a rainbow colored polka dot shirt, black and white striped pants, one blue croc and the other was yellow, and socks with weed on them. Him and Kurns had forgotten about meth since it already landed them in jail one. Chris P. Bacon was still a sore subject for the pair. 
They boarded the plane and Bryce immediately went to find his gummies. Kurns took a seat next to Dick and pulled up CNN news to get an update on the attack on the Capitol. 
Suddenly breaking news flashed across her phone screen: Taylor Swift set to release her tenth studio album later today. 
“OH MY GOD! BRYCE LOOK!” Kurns exclaimed, jumping up out of her seat to show Bryce. 
“OH MY GOD! TS10! TS10! TS10!” He chanted. 
“Oh wow, that sure is exciting!” Dick chimed in. 
“By the way, D, I think we should call this Operation ‘I Did Something Bad’ in honor of Taylor’s new album.” 
“That’s a spectacular idea, Kurnel Mustard!” Bryce said with a smirk, it had been a new nickname he had given her after the three of them had played Clue one night.
“Shut up, Apple Bottom Jeans, Boots with the Fur,” she retaliated, mocking the Little Pony named Apple Jacks. 
“Stfu,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“You must be really mad if you’re talking in text.”
“Dick,” he pouted, “she’s doing it again.” 
“Be nice you two, we have a long flight ahead of us.” 
For the first two hours, they each did their own thing; Dick was reading a hunting magazine, Kurns was watching the news, and Bryce had already finished the entirety of My Little Pony. 
“Do you guys wanna play Among us?” Kurns asked out of the blue. 
“Hell yeah! I just bought the baby crew mate and I’m dying to use it,” Bryce responded. 
“I’ve never played before but sure!” 
“Okay so you’re either a crew mate or impostor and if you’re a crew mate, you have to do these tasks whilst trying not to die and if you’re an impostor, you go around killing other crew mates trying not to get caught in the process. You’ll get the hang of it eventually,” Kurns explained. 
“Thanks love bug,” Dick placed a quick kiss to the side of her head. 
The three of them found an open lobby and talked in the chat box waiting for the game to start and when it did, Dick asked the question of, “why is my name red?” 
“Oh my God, Dick! Don’t say that. It means you’re an impostor,” Bryce explained at the same exact time Kurns called an emergency meeting. 
“It’s purple,” Kurns typed in the text box, referring to Bryce’s color. 
“What the frick! It’s so not me. I’m not playing anymore,” he pouted, turning off his phone and crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Now, children, can you two not get along? Think about the bigger picture,” Dick intervened. 
“True, but I’m still not going to play with her.”
His statement didn’t affect Kurns in the slightest and she went back to playing the game. Dick joined her while Bryce was running away from an imaginary dragon and he ended up colliding into one of the seats, face first. 
“Ow,” he rubbed his forehead that was now bright red. 
“That’s what you get for being a baby,” Kurns said, not looking up from her phone while Dick went to go check on his blueberry muffin. 
“You okay, strawberry flavored fig bar? That’s quite a hit you took.” 
“Yeah, a kiss would make it feel better though,” he said, using his puppy dog eyes. Dick smiled softly at him before kissing his forehead all better. 
The three of them spent the next six hours playing games, eating, and watching movies from the age of the dinosaurs that Kurns had saved since she was over 10,000 years old. 
After landing in Washington D.C., the trio headed straight to the Whitehouse, if people could storm the Capitol, how much harder could it be to kidnap the president? That was Kurns logic at least and as it turns out, it wasn’t that much harder. 
Kurns went to the Oval Office while Dick and Bryce went to the bunker since that apparently seemed to be Trump’s favorite place in the Whitehouse. But unexpectedly, Kurns found the Donald Duck under the office in the Oval, tweeting away on his iPhone 4s. 
“Mr. Racist,” she called and he immediately turned to look at her. 
“What? I’m tremendously busy if you can’t tell.” 
“I see that, Mr. Pigman.” 
“That is hugely racist towards me. I happen to be winning very bigly at the moment. I’m trending on Twitter!” He said proudly, he then proceeded to show Kurns his crusty ass phone. 
“Come on, I have some candy for you if you come with me,” Kurns coaxed him out from under the desk and led him to the white van they had brought with them, you know, the kind your parents warn you to stay away from. 
“Fake news!” Trump exclaimed with a huff. “You must be friends with sleepy Joe.” 
“You’re right,” she winked. 
“You know, frankly, this doesn’t make America great.” 
“I disagree, I think this definitely makes America great again,” Kurns retaliated. 
“Does Mikey know about this?” 
“Yeah, we planned it with the fly,” she snickered. 
“Well, it’s fake news, believe me.” 
“Nothing you libtards wouldn’t understand it anyways. Anyways, what's that thing on your face?” 
“My mask?” 
“Yeah, what’s that for?” 
Kurns shook her head, not even being surprised by the question. “We’re in the middle of a pandemic, Donald Dump.” 
“What’s a panoramic?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” She got out her walkie talkie to talk to the boys. “The orange has expired. Over,” she said, their code word for getting Trump out. 
“Okay, bet, we’re on our way out. Over.” 
“Good job, K!” Dick said. 
“See you soon and thanks! Over.” 
Fifteen minutes later, Dick and Bryce arrived with a six foot cutout of Donald. 
“What the fuck is that?” 
“Hey, that’s me!” Trump chimed in. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Kurns said, she was quickly losing brain cells being in his proximity. 
“That is rude, quite frankly.” 
“We found it in his bedroom… along with some other, uh, questionable things,” Bryce explained. 
“Like what?”
“Like a, uh, dildo with Pence on it.” 
“Ew…” they all turned to look at Trump who was looking away and whistling, trying to pretend he wasn’t there. 
“Oh, um, about that. That was a tremendous invasion of privacy.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” they all said in unison and he pulled an imaginary zipper over his lips and threw away the key like a literal child. 
“I can’t be near him anymore,” Kurns said suddenly, getting out her phone to call someone. 
“Who are you calling?” Dick asked. 
“Joe, I was gonna invite him to go get some ice cream.” 
“OMG! I wanna go too!” Bryce exclaimed. 
“And me!” Trump said. 
“No, to both of you. You two have to keep an eye on Don and make sure he stays off of Twitter.” She was explaining when Joe picked up the phone. “Hey, Joe, do you want to go get ice cream somewhere?” 
“Duh! Taylor is actually here right now and you don’t care if she comes do you?” He asked to make sure. 
“Of course not! You can bring Champ and Major too! I know Jill is busy right now.” 
“Okay! On our way!” He said before hanging up. 
“Where are you going to go?” 
“Probably McDonald’s or something, Taylor is also coming with us, he said.”
“YOU MEAN THE TAYLOR?” Bryce asked in shock. 
“Yeah, him and Taylor are like BFF’s.” 
“I still like her music 25% less, okay?” Donald brought up. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Kurns said again. 
“Fine, fine. But could you make sure Barron is fed?” 
“Oop,” Bryce slapped his hand over his mouth. 
“Yes, now shut up.” 
Kurns was getting ready to go meet Joe and Taylor when Melania walked up to the van. “You have Trump?” She asked quietly. 
“Yeah, why? You need him?” 
“Yeah, could you make him sign this?” She placed some papers in Kurns hand. She read them and wasn’t shocked after realizing they were divorce papers. 
“No problem, hold tight real quick. Dick, make him sign these!” 
“Of course, ladybug.” He took a hold of Trump’s hand and wrote his name for him since he wouldn’t do it himself. 
“Here you go,” Kurns handed the papers back to Melania and she left without looking back. “Okay, I’m leaving. Be careful with that moron and for the love of God, don’t let his supporters know you have him.” 
“Roger that!” Bryce responded. 
“Don’t worry, vanilla brown sugar! We’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone. Have fun!” He called after her. 
She met Joe and Taylor at a local McDonald’s and greeted both of them with a hug. “Congratulations on winning the election and congratulations on album number ten!” She reached down to pet both of the German Shepherds who happily wagged their tails. 
“Thanks!” They replied in unison. 
“So how are the boys?” Taylor asked. 
“Good! They sent their regards. They’re actually, uh, holdingtrumphostage,” she said fast enough so hopefully they couldn’t understand but they are actually educated. 
“WHAT?” Joe exclaimed. 
“Miss gurl, how did y’all pull that off?” Taylor asked while hysterically laughing. 
“It was easier than I thought! Either security sucks or they wanted Trump gone and I can’t blame them for that.” 
“Amen sister!” Joe replied. 
“Can we see him?” Taylor asked. 
“I mean, yeah if you want!” 
“Okay let’s go!” She went to get up when Joe gently grabbed her arm. 
“But the ice cream…” He reminded her. 
“Of course, how could I forget?” She playfully rolled her eyes. They all ate their ice cream before heading back to the Whitehouse. 
Once arriving, Taylor and Joe headed straight to the front doors while Kurns stood there like 🧍‍♀️. “Hey guys, he's actually right there,” she said, pointing to the white van. 
Taylor opened the door to find Bryce half asleep on the ground, Dick was listening to ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ and dancing in his seat meanwhile, Donald had his lips glued to the side of the door, making out with it. 
“What the fuck?” All three of them asked at the same time. 
“OMG TAYLOR! HI! HOW ARE YOU?” Bryce shouted, jumping up off of the floor and pulling her into a hug. 
“Hello, Ms. Swift,” Dick greeted, gracefully bowing. “Mr. President,” he nodded. 
“How did you all meet?” Don asked. 
“We actually just met, our hate for you is what we bond over!” Joe explained in terms he would understand. Hopefully. 
“Oh,” was all he said and started to play with his fingers. “I don’t know if you knew this, but Washington D.C. is actually the capital of the United Stats. Did you know that?”
“What did you think it was? And it’s the United States, not… Stats.” Kurns asked in a surprisingly concerning tone. 
“I thought it was like a stat… or well state. Whatever it is.” 
“Oh,” Kurns said while Taylor called him an idiot under her breath. 
“That’s embarrassing miss gurl,” Bryce chimed in. 
“Please, these empty promises you keep making are getting really old just like your term,” Dick said, making the others die of laughter… no literally, some Trump supporter that had been walking by had just collapsed and died. 
“And I oop-” Kurns and Bryce said at the same time. 
“IFHCBXNZNZ, HAHAHAHA,” Bryce barked out. 
“Can we get something to eat? I really want some Dino nuggies 🥺,” Trump pleaded. 
“No,” they all replied. 
“So what are we going to do with him?” Taylor asked. 
“I don’t know, what do y’all want to do with him?” 
“Excellent question, K, I say we feed him to some alligators!” Bryce exclaimed, flapping his two arms together to make an alligator jaw and started running towards Donald who jumped back in fear. 
“That’s not nice,” he pouted, a lone tear trickling down his cheek. 
“Fuck you, but not literally or physically,” Taylor said, making sure to explain what she meant. 
“I want some My Little Pony gummies!” 
“Me too!” Donald said with a smile now on his crusty, orange ass face. 
“No,” they replied again. 
“Fine,” he crossed his arms over his chest and turned his back to them, like the toddler he is. 
“Anyways, y’all want to go get Cookout?” Kurns suggested. 
“Yeah, of course!” Joe responded. 
The five of them headed to the nearest Cookout to get food and milkshakes, leaving Trump behind all alone. After hanging out with Taylor and Joe, it was unfortunately time to head back to North Delanois. With promises to meet up soon, the trio were soon enough taking off at the airport. 
“What ended up happening to Trump?” Bryce asked seriously. 
“He went to prison.” 
“As he should, period,” Kurns said with a smirk. 
“What are we going to do when we land?”
“Sleep!” Kurns and Bryce said. 
“Of course, my love doves. I’m going to try to do that right now, so please try to get along.” 
“Promise!” Kurns said, holding out her pinky finger which he took and kissed. The rest of the flight was surprisingly peaceful, Kurns and Bryce were able to get along while Dick slept. It had been a fun trip, one they hoped they would actually never have to make again. 
Tags: @burnsoslow @ao719 @callmeellabella @rigatonireid because no one else should have to read this :)
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Glamour Girl (3)
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Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel Masterlist)
Series Masterlist
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
A/N: I found more tropes on pinterest so I’m just weaving it with tropes I cam up with, *rereads previous parts to find which hairstyle I used*
Word Count: 1,931
“We should clean.” You stated, walking into the living room where Carol had been watching TV.
“What, why would you think that?” Carol asked, you raised an eyebrow and gestured all around you to your messy dorm.
“I think it’s pretty self-explanatory,” You said, Carol, leaned her head back on the couch and groaned, pouting up at you. 
You sighed and walked over to the couch, putting your hands on either side of her head and looking down at the blonde who pouted up at you. You laughed at her pout and leaned in for a quick kiss, pulling away quickly, laughing more when you heard her whine.
“If you help me clean you might get more.” You bribed, Carol shot up from the couch and grinned at you, going into your shared room to change out of sweatpants and fix her short hair.
You laughed, taking out the cleaning supplies you’d stashed away in the bottom drawer and taking your hoodie off. You wore a thin t-shirt, casual sweatpants, and Costco slippers, your hair tied up in a messy bun.
“What are we cleaning first?” Carol asked you turned around from the cupboard to face her, she wore a black, cropped tank-top and dark grey sweatpants.
“You are SUCH a tease.” You groaned, Carol grinned at you and adjusted the crop top, drawing your eyes to the exposed skin before snapping back up to her hazel eyes.
“Just go organize the other room.” You blushed, turning around to try to find the Lysol wipes.
“Aye aye captain.” Carol joked you rolled your eyes as you heard her footsteps fade in the direction of the room.
You gathered cleaning supplies consisting of Lysol wipes, disinfectant spray, and a large yellow cloth. Before you could enter the room Carol was in, you heard a loud crash.
“What the hell did you do Danvers?” You asked, heading into the room to find the wardrobe which had been pushed to the side of the room on top of multiple cardboard boxes.
“It fell?” Carol shrugged, looking guilty, you groaned when you noticed the cardboard boxes had photo albums from your years in college with Carol.
“Help me pick it up.” You instructed, Carol smiled and picked up the other side of the wardrobe, you lifted your side.
The wardrobe was much heavier than it seemed, it took all of your strength to help Carol to get it back upright, it seemed like Carol was doing most of the heavy lifting. You sighed and looked at the slightly destroyed cardboard boxes full of photo albums.
“This is heavier than it looks,” Carol commented, you nodded and picked up the nearest album, sitting down on the floor, cross-legged and fixing the cardboard boxes.
“You’re stronger than you look.” You commented, opening the album in your hand, it was the first album you and Carol created after living together for 6 months, you smiled as memories flooded through you.
“You have no idea.” Carol winked, you laughed and continued flipping through the album.
You smiled at each picture, vivid memories from the moments you shared with Carol flooded into your head. Carol watched you for a minute, just remembering the past before she got an idea and ran to the kitchen, coming back with a few beers in each hand.
“You are the worst.” You complained, reaching to take the open beer from her when Carol raised an eyebrow and pulled the beer can away from you. 
“You know you love me.” Carol teased, you rolled your eyes with a blush as she sat down, still holding the can of beer out of your reach. You didn’t answer and continued reaching for the can, Carol still held it out of your reach, hazel eyes glinting with mischief.
“Seriously?” You groaned, sitting back with a pout on your face, Carol laughed and nodded, both of you knew exactly what she wanted you to say.
“I wanna hear you say it.” She laughed, sipping her beer while taunting you, you playfully glared at her. 
“Fine, I love you Carol Susan Jane Danvers.” You stated Carol grinned, heart leaping at your words before handing over the beer can to you wordlessly.
The next hour was spent as you both looked through photo albums. Carol mostly stared at you while you looked through photo albums, heart skipping a small beat whenever she saw your eyes light up in a smile whenever you remembered an especially treasured memory. She asked you to tell the story behind a few pictures just to listen to you ramble about the memory from your perspective, she knew the reason behind all of the pictures, Carol just wanted to see you smile because of her. 
You barely even noticed the blonde staring at you, you were too engrossed in remembering all of the moments stored in the photo album. Little did you know that you’d be dating your roommate after almost 3 years of pining. 
“We just wasted 4 hours.” You laughed, leaning back against the wardrobe with your second beer in your hand.
“I wouldn’t say wasted,” Carol remarked, leaning back against the forgotten bed and looking at all of the pictures before she spotted your old polaroid camera underneath the bed.
“Remember this old thing?” Carol asked, lifting the camera to eye level. Your eyes lit up and you reached out for it, the blonde laughed and handed it to you.
“It’s not that old, I think I still have some film here.” You said, turning the camera over in your hand, then turning around to rummage through the objects in the closet before finding a small box of film left.
“Ah hah!” You said, lifting the camera and putting the film in, you had about 50 more shots left on the camera.
Carol rolled her eyes at your antics and looked outside, admiring the sunset outside while sipping her beer. She got up and moved a few things on the bed to sit down comfortably on the bed, staring outside before a ‘click’ broke her out of her thoughts.
“Here, we have a majestic Stargirl admiring the sunset.” You joked, lifting the picture the camera had taken and shaking it until it developed. 
Carol sighed and stole the picture from you, smiling at it for a second before noticing that your grin was a little too smug. 
“My turn.” She smirked, setting the picture down on the already full side table and leaning over the bed to try to snatch the camera from you.
You held the camera out of her reach, laughing when Carol climbed on top of you, still unable to reach the camera. She glared at you then propped herself on her knees, straddling you with an intense hazel gaze looking down at you. You blushed and looked down at her, propping yourself up on your elbows to see her smirk then slide her hands under your shirt, drawing lines and tickling you.
You burst out laughing at the action, Carol grinned at how easily she was able to tickle you, she still sat on top of you while tickling you until you were begging for her to stop, cheeks hurting from how much you were smiling. Carol stopped when your laughing and begging turned to wheezing and panting, she took her hands out from under your shirt but continued straddling you. 
“Give me the camera.” Carol whined, you grinned and nodded your head ‘no’. Carol squinted her eyes at you while grinning, trying to look scary but failing miserably.
“I will tickle you again.” Carol threatened, your eyes widened as you reluctantly handed her the camera.
The blonde grinned at you and aimed the camera at you with one hand, tickling you with the other. She took a picture once you’d started laughing again, weakly trying to push her away. 
You whined once she had the picture taken she got off you, tucking the picture away in her sweatpants pocket before helping you clean up. You got all the photo albums into your shared room along with a box of string lights you’d forgotten about. Carol wanted to clip the polaroids you’d taken over the years onto the string lights and hang them around the bedroom later, but for now, she led you to the kitchen to make something to eat.
“Can we just get pizza?” You whined, flopping down on the couch and deciding to put something on TV, eventually settling on Sherlock.
You grinned when you heard Carol mutter something to herself before getting her phone and ordering your favorite pizza before sitting down next to you. You scooted closer to her, Carol moved to wrap one arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side as the show progressed.
When she thought you weren’t looking, Carol slid the polaroid out of her pocket and looked at it, smiling softly to herself. She loved seeing how happy she could make you, she still didn’t think she deserved you, but every day you proved that you couldn’t care less about what she deserved, every single day you proved that Carol was the only person you wanted.
“Then you say you’re not sappy.” You muttered when you saw her looking at the polaroid of her tickling you. 
Carol blushed and tucked the polaroid back into her pocket, you laughed lightly but kept your focus on the show. Carol had gotten bored halfway through the episode, she usually loved watching Sherlock with you, but she wanted your attention.
“Pay attention to me.” She whined, pulling you closer to her with one arm, effectively pulling you into her lap as both arms came to wrap around you, you squealed at the action but still kept your gaze focused on the screen in front of you. 
“But babe, Sherlock came back, and now John is beating his ass.” You commented, Carol glanced at the show, eyes widening when she realized this is the first time you’ve called her babe.
“Babe?” Carol asked you tensed up instantly, nervously turning to face her. 
“I didn’t mean to, I mean, I thought we were dating so I thought it was okay, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” You rambled, fidgeting with your hands in your lap, Carol grinned up at you and took your hands in hers, leaning forwards to peck your lips.
“I love it babe,” Carol whispered, smiling into the kiss, pulling you closer to her but breaking her mouth from yours.
“Stop being such a tease.” You whined, one hand wrapped around her neck, gently running through the soft strands. 
“Can’t help it when I’m around you.” Carol breathed into your mouth, kissing you softly and pulling you in by your waist. 
You broke the kiss for air, going back in immediately for more, you felt Carol smile into the kiss and couldn’t help but smile. Carol’s kisses were like a drug, they made you feel euphoric and you couldn’t get enough of it.
The bell from your front door made you break the kiss with a gasp. Carol smirked up at you, completely breathless after the kiss.
“I should get that,” Carol smirked, you playfully glared at her but unwrapped yourself from her, sliding off her lap and back onto the couch.
“I don’t think I’m used to that.” You muttered, mostly to yourself but Carol heard it and smirked. 
“You have plenty of time glamour girl,” Carol shouted, you rolled your eyes while grinning, you were completely head over heels for your roommate, and you couldn’t be happier about it. 
| Part 4 | 
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson​, @dhengkt​, @5aftermidnight​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @ophelias-heart​  , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @marvelbbyx , @wlw-imaginesss let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: I needed a break from the ship requests, thoughts?
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harley-sunday · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire [06]
Summary: During a bank robbery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. Only after do you learn that your high school sweetheart now runs a nationwide crime syndicate and has you placed on a “no harm” list. You decide to pay him a visit after all these years. 
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader (F)
Warnings: Language. Character Death. 
Word count: 3972
AN: We’re slowly getting to the end, guys. Damn. What a ride, huh? This part seriously lacks Sebastian, but I promise to make up for that in the next one. Please let me know what you think, validation remember? ;) ♥
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Something feels off when you wake up. 
You reach for your phone, finding it somewhere under your pillow, and when you push the home-button to reveal the time you’re surprised to learn it’s almost noon. You roll over only to find his side of the bed empty and a heavy feeling settles somewhere deep inside of you because you know he’s not just downstairs making you breakfast. 
Almost out of habit you get up and make your way to the shower, deciding there’s no need to stay and drag out the inevitable. It won’t make him come back. 
He’s gone.
The warm water does nothing to comfort you and so your shower is quick. You settle on black jeans and a black top for today, deeming the lack of color fit for the mood you’re in. You pack your duffel bag without too much finesse, figuring it all needs to be washed when you get home anyway. Looking around the bedroom one last time to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything, you grab your bag and make your way downstairs. 
The house feels weirdly empty, even though you can’t exactly tell what it is that is missing. Maybe just Sebastian’s presence, you muse quietly as you make your way to the kitchen to do, well, you’re not sure what exactly. But are you surprised to find an envelope on the kitchen counter, propped up against what has become your coffee mug over the last three days? No. Of course not. 
There’s nothing written on the back this time, but who else would it be for? And so you carefully fold it and put it in your back pocket, not wanting to read it just yet. Not here, anyway. With no real need or reason to stay here you walk back to hall, where you find your trusted black Converse in the exact same spot you kicked them off, and as you put them on a smile creeps up on your lips when you remember everything he did to you last night, not just here but in the bedroom as well. It’s bittersweet now, for sure, but God did it feel good. 
With your shoes on, your duffel bag slung over your shoulder and your purse in your hand you step outside, using the key his mother gave you to lock the door even though it’s not really necessary. The police will get in either way if they want to. There’s a last glance at the house before you get in your car, a single tear running down your cheek, knowing very well you’ll never come here again.
It doesn’t matter, he won’t be here anyway.  
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The drive home is quick, with a short stop somewhere in Georgetown for a cup of coffee and a sandwich, and you’re home just before five. It feels like you’ve been gone a lot longer than just four days and so you’re a bit surprised to find your house pretty much the way you left it, all your plants still very much alive. God, you’ll miss it here, you think to yourself, making a mental note to contact your landlord first thing tomorrow morning. 
But not tonight. 
Tonight, you decided on your way here, you get to wallow, and have a drink or two, and feel incredibly sorry for yourself. You’ve earned it. And so an hour later you find yourself on the couch, a just-delivered pizza sitting in its box next to you, a bottle of beer in your hand, and the envelope you found in the beach house sitting in your lap. The TV is showing reruns of Friends and because you’ve seen every episode at least five times already, it’s just background noise at this point. 
You’ve finished three slices of pizza and half your bottle of beer when you open the envelope, finding a postcard with greetings from the state of California. Turning it over you find a sequence of numbers written on the back which you somehow know are coordinates.
40°25'50.2"N 124°24'00.1"W
You’re a little disappointed there’s no note, no ‘I miss you’, but you get it, there’s no need to risk it. Saving the numbers as contact details for Bonnie and Clyde in your phone, you smile at the inside joke, and adding the numbers needed to make it seem like legit phone numbers. You tear up the postcard then, tiny little pieces that you burn with the use of a candle, once again very aware that you’re hiding something from the police. 
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The first thing you do after breakfast on Monday morning is call Bert, telling him you’d like to speak to him. He sounds worried when he agrees to see you and you want to tell him not to, but you really don’t want to lie to him just yet and so you don’t say anything except for a, “See you Wednesday then, Bert.” before you hang up. 
You’re landlord is a little more difficult to get a hold of and it takes you three tries to finally reach her. 
“Darling,” she says, her voice raw from years of smoking and a love for whiskey that makes you wonder how she’s still so alive and well, “how are you? Nothing wrong with the house, I hope?”
“No,” you smile, even though she can’t see you. “I just wanted to let you know I’d like to end my contract at the end of August, Estelle.” 
“It’s not even the end of June, darling,” Estelle offers, “you know the notice period is only two months, right?” 
“I know,” you reply, “but there’s a lot going on and I really wanted to give you a heads up.” 
Estelle hums in agreement before she asks why you’re moving out.
“I uh,” the lie comes easy then, “I start a new job on September first. Out of state, so,”
“Well, I’ll miss you, darling,” Estelle says. “Call me when you’re ready to hand over the key?”
“Sure,” you agree, even though you’ve already planned to send it to her by post once the time comes. “Thanks, Estelle. For everything.”
“Don’t worry about it, kid,” she says, the familiar sound in the background telling you she’s lighting her cigarette, “I’ll see you.” 
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Hands on your hips, you take a look around your living room, a little overwhelmed at where to start. Not wanting to make it too obvious to whoever might visit you in the foreseeable future, even though there's a slim chance someone actually will, you decide to first pack the things you want to take with you, knowing it will be the bare minimum and won’t really show as a lot of things missing. You grab a moving box from the stack you picked up at Home Depot yesterday after your call with Estelle, and fold it into shape. Photo albums first then, followed by your favorite books, and a couple of the little trinkets that live on the shelves next to your books, but only the ones that have meaning. Like the figurine of a squirrel that Josh gave you for your twentieth birthday, to justify the use of your nickname. 
You fill two boxes easily and haul them to the laundry room at the back of the house to avoid them being seen, and allow yourself one more box that’s not clothes. The battered old cardboard box, filled with memories from high school including your senior yearbook, goes in first, followed by bits and pieces you collect from all over the house. This box joins the other two and that’s enough for today, you figure. You can’t really pack your clothes yet, and that’s done rather quickly anyway. 
There’s a knock on your door then, and you quickly hide the remaining unfolded boxes behind your couch before you answer it, very surprised to see your old neighbor standing on your doorstep, “Mrs Johnson?” 
She just smiles and hands you a little box.
You take it from her cautiously, “Uh, thank you?”
She nods, “I’ll be seeing you,” and then turns around and walks away so briskly it takes you a moment to register she’s gone. Looking around to see if anyone has seen you, you’re relieved to find the street empty otherwise and you retreat back inside.
The box holds an older model phone and a piece of paper with a code to unlock it. 
His birthday. 
You can’t help but smile when you punch in the code. The phone unlocks, letting you know you’ve got one new message waiting for you. Butterflies roam around in your stomach when you click on the message icon and read what he’s send you:
Went to see him. He’s ready. Photo is sent. 
It’s cryptic but it tells you everything you need to know.
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“Oh shit,” you mutter when you see his name flash up on your screen. You’re on your way to Carver State to see Bert, and this was the last thing on your mind. Stupid. Maybe it’s nothing, you think, trying to calm yourself. Maybe he’s just checking in on you, you reason, but you know it’s bullshit. 
“Hello?” you answer on the third ring, as if you don’t have his number saved in your phone.
“This is Detective Johansson,” his voice sending a shiver down your spine. “I need you to come into the station.”
“OK,” you draw out.
“We have some new information I’d like to present to you,” he continues. “The sooner you can get here, the better.”
“Uh, yes, sure,” you clear your throat, trying to sound like you’re willing to help with whatever it is he needs. “I’m just on my way to see my boss, but I could come by after that? Around three?”
“Thank you.”
“Sure,” you say, trying to sound relieved when instead you’re getting more and more worried about how you’ll be able to pull this off. You wait for him to tell you he’ll see you then, but he’s already ended the call and you’re reminded once again why you don’t like him.
You arrive at Carver State then, parking in your usual spot, taking a deep breath before you get out of the car. Of all the things you have to do, this is the one you least look forward to.
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“I’m really sorry, Bert,” you say once again, drying your eyes.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” he replies, gently patting your arm, “I understand.” He smiles then, “Honestly, I always knew this day would come, kid. It’s ok. You deserve so much more in life than to just be a bank teller.”
“Thank you,” you sob, because he’s too kind and you feel so, so bad for lying.
“Listen,” he says, sighing then. “You still have a week of leave left and after that it’s just a couple of days until the end of the month,” he smiles a sad smile, “I’m happy to just consider last Monday as your last day here. The sooner you get to chase your dreams the better, as far as I’m concerned.”
He nods, “Yeah, it’s fine. The school holidays are starting anyway and you know as well as I do that it won’t be as busy anyway.” 
“Thank you,” you say before you get up and give him a hug.  
“Do you want to, I don’t know, go out for dinner with the team as a going-away party or,”
“Oh no, no that’s fine,” you jump in, shaking your head. “If it’s ok with you, I’m just going to swing by Bea and Louise before I leave and then I’d much rather see you all again when I get back.” You throw him a wink, “Much more to tell you then anyway.” 
“Yeah,” Bert agrees, “God, I can’t believe you’re really going to spend the next year volunteering in South America.” 
Lies. Lies. Lies.
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“So,” Detective Johansson says, sliding a picture towards you, “we got this in the mail yesterday.”
You take the copy and try to hide your smile when you see it’s the one of Josh from his twentieth birthday party, just before that awful New Year’s Eve. The same one he showed to you on Saturday. But this one has something written on the back in handwriting your don’t recognize:
This is your guy.
“Care to tell me who that is?”
You look up, keeping your voice soft, “Josh Hughes. We went to high school together.” You meet your own eyes in the two-way mirror that’s behind Detective Johansson, and you study yourself for just moment, relieved to see you look relatively normal. You were a little shocked when he took you to an interrogation room and actually locked the door, as if you might plan on escaping. 
“Now, of course we do our job when we get something like this,” he says, interrupting your thoughts. Detective Johansson leans back in his chair, arms crossed in front of his chair, “Didn’t take long, Chestnut Hill Nursing Home, right?”
You just nod.
“Sent one of our guys there yesterday afternoon,” he eyes you cautiously, “he asked around a bit. Talked to nurse Betty who showed him the visitor’s log." He leans forward then, taking another piece of paper out of his folder and slides it across the table, “Care to tell me why you visited Josh last Saturday?” A copy of the visitor’s log stares back at you, your name still the only one there. 
Just like you rehearsed, you think, “Because I also got a picture last week.” 
You open your purse and take out the photo, a little worse for wear now that it has been in your purse for a few days. You hold onto it, the lie coming easily, “I found it like this, in my mailbox, no envelope, nothing. Just a picture of some graffiti that I vaguely recognized.” 
You hand the picture over then, “It’s only when I looked closer that I saw the initials in the bottom right corner,” you wait until Detective Johansson sees them too before you continue, “and then I realized they were the same initials that were on the guys’ bulletproof vests.” 
Detective Johansson’s eyes go wide, if only for a second, before he regains his composure, but it tells you that he hadn’t even noticed it before, which makes you hide a smile.
“I know I should have come to you,” you say, dropping your eyes to add to the act, “but I just couldn’t believe Josh was behind the robbery. I wanted to talk to him first.” You keep looking at your hands that are folded together in your lap, “He told me he wanted to confess so I offered to call the police, but he,” you clear your throat, giving yourself some time to remember the words correctly, “he said he wanted to do it on his own terms and I believed him.” 
You look up at Detective Johansson, your eyes wide in what you hope looks like shock, “Do you think he’s behind all those robberies?”
“Do you think that’s why the robbers recognized you?” Detective Johansson asks, ignoring your question.
You shrug, “Maybe.”
“Well,” the Detective starts, taking a plastic bag out of his pocket, bagging the photo, “As you know Mr Hughes is in bad shape, and even though he says he wants to help us as much as he can we are facing quite the challenge,” he sighs. “We need to conduct both a thorough and quick investigation and,” he shakes his head, “nothing good ever comes from those.”
“Do you need more from me then?” you ask, hesitantly.
“Yes,” he nods. He sits up then, even more serious, “If I wanted to I could have you arrested right now. Charge you with the obstruction of an ongoing investigation.” 
You just nod.
“You’re an accessory after the fact, as far as I’m concerned.” His eyes stare into yours, “In a few minutes an officer is going to come in here and he will take your statement, starting with what happened the minute you walked out of here last week. I suggest you tell him the truth, because if we find so much as a wrong time or place in your statement,” he squints at you and gets up, leaving his threat hanging in the air. 
You watch him as he leaves, shutting the door behind him. Reminding yourself of the two-way mirror you hold your composure, staring at a point on the wall where the paint has chipped to reveal an ugly yellow color underneath. You go over the story you’re supposed to tell over and over again, right until a younger, nervous looking officer walks in and asks if you want something to drink before you start. 
You decline.
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You’re turning the burner phone in your hand over and over again as you pace back and forth between your living room and kitchen. You want to call Sebastian, tell him what happened at the police station this afternoon, how you have this inkling that they’re onto you, but you know you can’t. This is the waiting game Josh warned you about, where everything seems to fall apart, but where you just have to wait. 
Wait, wait, wait, until everything rights itself again.
You know the statement you gave is watertight, Josh made sure of that, and you also know Josh will confirm everything you said. But still. There’s this nagging feeling that there’s something you forgot, some minor detail that you did or didn’t mention that will raise questions with Detective Johansson. Every time you hear or see a police cruiser pass by, you cower involuntarily, waiting for the knock on your door where they come to arrest you. 
Trust Josh, you think to yourself. Just trust Josh. 
He didn’t really tell you what his big plan was, just that he’d set things in motion for you to admit that you’d visited him at Chestnut Hill. That was all you had to do really, admit that you went out on an investigation of your own, which took you to the beach house first, then to Chestnut Hill, the nights in between spent in an hotel on the Island. The front desk clerk would confirm your story, Josh assured you, because he’d quit his job about a month later after he’d ‘suddenly’ come to some money and decided to use it on a trip to Mexico. But by then Josh was certain nobody would care anymore. 
Josh assured you that Betty would remember only seeing you that Saturday, as was evident in the visitor’s log, and she too would quit her job a couple of months later, claiming the job became too physically draining for her, when in reality she was going to enjoy her early retirement in a mortgage-free beach house on Pawleys Island. 
The phone beeps then, letting you know there’s another message, and you curse quietly because what the fuck? You unlock it with the code he gave you and open the message, a sad smile on your lips when you read: 
Heard from Elizabeth. Not long now until you need to call me.
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The call from Chestnut Hill comes four days later, nurse Betty’s voice a little hoarse when she tells you, “He passed away in his sleep last night.”
“The service is on Thursday,” she says after clearing her throat. “He’d want you there.”
“Thank you.” You hang up the phone then because it’s all too much, your chest tightening when you realize he’s really gone. You talked about this, about his end drawing near, but never in a million years would you have thought it would be so soon. The tears come then, slowly at first, but it’s not long before they spill over and you find yourself sobbing so hard it physically hurts and you let yourself fall to the floor, mourning the loss of what you now know was one of your best friends.
It takes you a while to calm down, the sobs subsiding slowly until you think you’re calmed down enough to face the task at hand. You remind yourself that even though Josh is no longer here, there are still a few vital parts of the plan that need to be executed, with this maybe being the most important one.
You grab your phone and find Sebastian’s real number in your contact list, taking a deep breath before you hit dial.
He picks up on the second ring and because he knows why you’re calling all he says is a quiet, “Fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” you keep taking deep breaths, if only to keep yourself from crying.” 
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Even though there are only a couple of rows of chairs in the little chapel in the garden of Chestnut Hill, you notice not even half of them are filled when you make your way inside. Your eyes dart across the few people sitting there, a little disappointed when you don’t see Sebastian among them. You look behind you just as you sit down, finding Detective Johansson leaning against the back wall, his hands in his pockets, looking slightly unimpressed. He acknowledges you with a nod of his head and you do the same.
You wonder if you should text Sebastian, your hand already on your phone, but the minister walks in then, and the service starts, and you figure he’s not coming. There’s a tug at your heart because you really wanted to see him. Hold him. Comfort him.
Let him know you’re still on his side. 
At the same time you wonder why Detective Johansson is here because it doesn’t seem very fitting for a Detective to pay his lasts respects to a suspect, does it?
“Dearly beloved,”
The minister’s voice interrupts your thoughts and you focus on him instead, glad to see him give more of a humanitarian approach to the service than you expected. At some point he invites Betty to say a few words about Josh’ time here and you are pleasantly surprised by how well she seemed to have known him, the warmth in her voice letting everyone know just how much she cared for him. 
The minister ends the service with a simple prayer and invites everyone who wishes to pay their respects to Josh to please do so. You wait until the nursing home staff and a few unfamiliar faces have passed the coffin before you make your way to the front. You bow your head, a sad smile on your lips when you whisper a quiet, “Thank you. For everything.”
The sun is shining when you step outside, the rain clouds from earlier having completely vanished, and you throw a wink at the sky because you’re sure this is Josh’ doing. It’s then you see him, leaning against a tree a little further down the path, his hands in his pockets, the black suit he’s wearing making your heart skip a beat. You walk up to him, slowly, not wanting to draw any attention, and he meets you halfway.
“Dragă,” he says, throwing his arms around you and pulling you close. 
“Oh Seb,” is all you manage to say before you feel the tears you’ve been trying to hold back spill over. 
He holds you until you’re calmed down a bit, kissing your cheek before he lets you go, not saying anything.
Someone clears their throat behind you then and you’re shocked when you see Detective Johansson taking a step towards you.
You look at Sebastian for help but he just winks and you’re not sure how to take this.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” Detective Johansson asks once he’s standing next to you.
You nod, “Sure.”
Taglist: @blastaz​ | @dontbetooobvious​ | @weirdfanaus​ | @lindsaywill177​ | @oliviastan17​
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kpopmalereader · 5 years
ignoring ; mark lee
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• summary: you’re a nct member and mark’s best friend, you’re the same age as him and considered to be a part of the ‘tall and broad member line’ (like johnny or lucas). you and mark share a brotherly friendship, you cuddle and hug without any problem until one day mark realizes he’s in love with you after a heart-warming event and starts to distance himself from you until you confront him about it • pairing: mark lee x male!reader • word count: 2695 • to do
You run your fingers through Mark’s hair, setting your other hand on his knee across your lap. He smiles gently, already knowing you’ve completely forgotten the show you were watching. He continues watching the TV and you continue to watch him, twisting pieces of his hair around your fingers.
“You’re very pretty.” You mumble.
He rolls his eyes, only a faint blush showing up on his cheeks. “It’s rude to talk during a show. I’m trying to pay attention.”
“I’m not stopping you,” You shake your head and pull him closer to you, ghosting your fingers over the side of his face to memorize the area.
Mark grabs the remote and pauses it, turning his head towards you to give you more surface area to work with. You smile, moving your fingers over his nose and cheekbones. The door opens and someone walks in, but both of you ignore it, talking and laughing amongst yourselves as you map Mark’s face.
“What are you two doing?”
Mark opens his eyes and looks up at Jaehyun, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, I’m just letting it happen.”
You hold his chin in place, gesturing your other hand under his face. “Look how cute he is. I like it.”
“Alright…” Jaehyun nods slowly and walks away, shaking his head as he leaves the room.
“Is this how we’re going to spend our day?”
“Mhm.” You answer simply, wrapping one of your arms around his shoulders and playing with Mark’s hand with your other. “Is that okay with you?”
Mark nods and looks back at the TV, blushing lightly at your intense gaze. “Sure.”
You watch for a few seconds as Mark smiles at the fan across from him. She holds her hands up and Mark puts one of his up, signing the album in front of him while he talks, but lets her hold his hand. She measures his hand and folds their fingers together, watching him with rapt attention.
You smile and jump out, grabbing his hands from her and pulling them back, shaking your head. “Mine.”
The girl laughs and covers her face as you wag your finger at her in fake discipline. The crowd in front of you goes crazy and you hold one of his hands over the table, letting the other go. You pretend to watch the pair closely as you talk to the fan in front of yourself, glancing at them every few minutes. As you are too focused on your little jealous show and the fans in front of you, you don’t notice Mark’s slightly sweaty hand and brushed pink cheeks. Your hands stay linked together throughout the fan-sign until you stand up to join Johnny and Lucas messing around in the front.
Mark leaves his hand in the exact place you left and watches you mess around with the other members, feeling his heart rate kick up every few seconds just because he can see you and it squeezing and bouncing around when you make eye contact with him.
“Markly!” You wave him over and hold your hand out. “Come here.”
He joins you quickly. “What?”
“I just missed you.” You wink and hold his hand, turning back to your previous conversation.
Mark’s eyes go wide as he covers his face with his free hand and shakes his head a few times, trying to get himself back to normal. You continue to have your conversations, loosely holding Mark’s hand as you move around the stage. As Mark follows you around the stage as you do different things, he overhears a few fans in the front row.
“I’m just saying,” She looks up at the pair she’s talking about, not noticing Mark listening in. “It’s very obvious to me, they have feelings for each other. I think, at least. Maybe not dating, but they seem to be more than friends.”
“They might just be close.” One of her friends says.
The original girl shrugs. “We’ll never really know. If they make each other happy, whatever, I guess. Happy being friends or more.”
Mark blinks in shock and takes a single side-step away from you, still holding your hand though. You glance over at him, furrowing your eyebrows immediately.
“Everything okay?”
He turns towards you and away from the crowd, sending you a mental sign for some discretion. “I- Do we- Am I clingy?”
“Kind of, but I am too, I wouldn’t change that.” You shrug. “If you’re going to be clingy to anyone, I want it to be me. Why? What happened?”
Mark shakes his head and ignores when you keep trying to make eye contact with him, eventually letting go of your hand after a few minutes. You continue to glance at him as he walks around with the other members but try not to let the fans see your worry about it.
Mark’s phone dings a few times, alerting Taeyong to it as Mark tries to slide it under the stacks of paper on his desk. Taeyong stares at him for a few seconds in confusion, waiting for Mark to notice instead of outright asking at first.
“Are you ignoring someone?” Taeyong asks.
Mark jumps slightly and shakes his head. “No, I’m just- I just want to focus.”
“So, you don’t know who’s texting you?”
Mark finds himself unable to lie underneath Taeyong’s look and shrugs his shoulders. “I have an idea on who it might possibly be…”
Taeyong nods his head for Mark to continue.
“It’s Y/N.”
“Why are you ignoring Y/N?”
“I’m not!” Mark answers quickly. “I just, I feel like I’m a bit too clingy sometimes and people think we’re dating, which, I guess… I wouldn’t mind?”
Taeyong waits for him to continue, knowing when he’s about to rant or not.
“He’s really nice and I heard someone talk about us being together, which I guess was the first time I’ve heard people think that? I guess a lot of people probably think that in passing when they see us, but I asked if he thought I was clingy and he really, genuinely sounded like he liked me being clingy, ya know?” Mark shakes his head and leans back in his chair. “…I like him being clingy. I like… This whole thing… it made me think differently? Why did that one moment make me think different? Why that one? None of the other stuff he does?”
Taeyong nods as Mark talk, slightly stunned. “And?”
Mark slumps forward. “You want me to say it?”
“It’ll be easier for you to say it to Y/N if you say it to me first.”
“I’m not going to say it to Y/N.”
“Well, you can’t keep ignoring him. That’s going to hurt him more than you, and you don’t even know what he feels about you, maybe it’s good.”
“The key word in that is maybe.”
Your name pops up at the top of Mark’s phone again and his finger hovers over the notification but chooses to continue watching the digital version of you on his Live instead. He almost doesn’t see your frown, it coming and going almost instantaneously, but he does see it and his heart drops. Your own feelings get pushed to the side when you look up at the camera, smiling brightly all over again, somehow making Mark feel even worse.
He notices you pushing your phone as far away as you can without being too suspicious but knows you can’t help yourself when you continuously glance at the device. You shake your head and move away from it, scooting closer to Lucas.
Mark begins to feel a pit of jealousy in his stomach, getting angry at himself, you, and Lucas all in one go. He turns off the VLive and in his slightly blind anger, he opens your messages, just long enough to know that he knows you can see he read them and closes them again.
After a while, he starts to feel bad about it but ignores the feeling for the most part… until he opens VLive again and notices you’re no longer with Lucas and Johnny. He grows concerned and worried that you’ll actually notice that he left you on read and starts chewing on his bottom lip.
You appear back in the frame a few seconds later and Johnny gestures for you to sit in between them. Mark watches your shoulders hunch slightly and your half-smile at Lucas’ antics, wondering what you were feeling or what your thought process was.
He hears his name from the phone and tunes back into the conversation, watching your face closely.
“They want to know when your next VLive with Mark is?” Johnny repeats.
“Oh,” You clear your throat, probably from not using it the entire time, and shrug. “We’ve… been really busy the last few days. I don’t know when the next time will be, sorry.”
Lucas lays his hand on your lap, leaning slightly closer to let your shoulder lay on his chest. Everyone outside of your immediate friend group wouldn’t know, but Mark can immediately tell the small movement being something that normally calms you. You have a never-ending tendency of leaning your back against someone’s chest, and Lucas, of all people, would also know how to comfort you without making a big deal of everything.
Mark starts scrolling through the comments, still stuck on watching you instead of anything else.
‘What happened? Why did Y/N and Lucas walk away?’
‘Y/N seems uncomfortable’
‘What do you mean you think something happened with Mark and Y/N? What could’ve happened? They’re basically in love with each other’
Mark scrolls back further, searching for what the last comment was replying too, but gives up after a while, going back to watching you and Lucas. Johnny starts talking to the camera and Lucas picks at the hole in your jeans as you talk to him in a quiet voice. You watch his hand for a few seconds and look back up at him, both of you breaking into laughter. Johnny jumps back and looks around, eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. You wave him off and roll your eyes, bumping your shoulder into Lucas side when he wraps his arm around you.
“I can almost see steam rolling off your ears.” Taeyong blocks Mark’s phone and raises his eyebrow. “What are you watching that’s got you so angry?”
Taeyong sits next to Mark and leans over his shoulder.
“You’re seriously watching their Live? Just go talk to Y/N, quit ignoring him and then neither of you will feel upset anymore.” Taeyong sets Mark’s phone down and leans forward. “You’ve been ignoring him for three weeks now. He thinks you’re upset with him, think about that.”
“What do you mean?”
Taeyong breathes deeply through his nose and starts explaining. “If you were in his shoes. If he randomly stopped talking to you and didn’t answer your texts, what would you think? How would you feel? It’s gotten to the point where he told me to ask for his schedule to be changed so he wouldn’t bother you. He requested different block times, he’s been staying in the studios later and later just to make sure you’re asleep when he comes in the dorm.”
“Mark, I love you, you’re a good kid, and I know you care about Y/N. I know you don’t want to ruin your friendship with him, but that is exactly what you’re doing right now.” Taeyong sets his hands on Mark’s shoulders, gripping them tightly. “You don’t know what he feels about you. You’re making yourself and him suffer because of this. He loves you more than anything, even if he doesn’t feel exactly the same way, he’s going to do whatever he possibly can to make sure that he doesn’t hurt you. He’s willing to change his entire schedule for you, and you don’t even want to talk to him?”
Mark starts to get angry at Taeyong’s accusatory tone but after the words set into his brain, he starts to feel bad about everything from the last few weeks, his hands gravitating to pull at his hair. “Oh no, oh no, what did I… what do I… what?”
“I didn’t mean to upset you or anything, I want you to know, I want you to realize.”
Mark nods quickly. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll… I’ll talk to him.”
He waits a little while until he sets off to find you, walking into your room. He looks around the room, opening the closet door before he starts picking at his bottom lip. He shakes his head when he can’t find you and goes to turn around when he sees you out of the corner of his eyes.
The air goes colder when you appear in the doorframe, weirdly making Mark feel trapped, though he knows it wasn’t your intention. You look across the room at him, stepping inside the room to let him pass if need be.
“Can we talk?” Mark bursts out and finds himself moving closer to you. “I really, really want to explain myself.”
“You don’t have to.” You shake your head, letting your shoulders roll forward. “Whatever I did, whatever I said, I’m sorry. Whatever made you feel like you needed to get away, I didn’t mean to, I understand-”
“No!” He moves even closer. “Y/N, no, not at all. Everything was my fault. I got inside my own head and instead of talking to you and explaining what was happening, I went inside myself and made all of this happen. I want to explain everything to you, but there’s only one way to do that, and I don’t know how to tell you that part.”
You reach out for his hand and lean down, looking directly at him. “You know me, Mark. We can tell each other anything.”
He nods. “That’s why it’s hard to tell you. You’re so accepting, but I don’t want to test how far that acceptance goes.”
“Okay,” You nod and turn around. “Tell me now, you can’t see my face. Pretend you’re practicing and I’m not actually here.”
Mark breathes through his nose and shakes his head, turning you back around by your shoulders. “I like you. More than a friend, that’s why I blocked you out. I overheard a fan say that they thought we had feelings for each other and then when you said you wanted me to be clingy with you and it just made me think about it all. It made me think about us and I couldn’t handle it, I didn’t want to ruin anything between us, but I kind of did that already.”
You stifle a laugh and shake your head. “That’s what made you ignore me for a month? Oh, Markly.”
He becomes partially offended and you can tell immediately.
“Sorry, I just can’t believe that’s what you thought would ruin our friendship? Feelings for me? You could murder someone in front of me and I wouldn’t care.” You cup his cheeks and lean down, almost setting your forehead against his. “Mark, I love you too much to let anything get in the way.”
“But it’s going to be awkward between us now.”
“Because one of us feels different than the other.”
“Who?” You laugh and squish his cheeks together a bit more. “I know you’re bad with feelings, but god Mark, you’re blind if you can’t see how much you mean to me. I’ve been in love with you for the longest time.”
You can see the shock and confusion in his face and bring him closer to you. “Mark, I love you. It’s not a joke, it’s not something to make you feel better, it’s as genuine as I could possibly be right now.”
Mark’s face slowly morphs into a bright smile and he wraps his arms around your shoulders, gripping you tightly. “I’m sorry for ignoring you for a month.”
“It’s alright, Markly. Just make sure you don’t do it again.” You pretend to warn him and shake your head.
“Do I have your permission to not leave you alone to make up for it?”
“I already told you, I love clingy Markly.”
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Rasputin And His Queen (Steve Harrington x fem!reader)
Description: Everyone loves Halloween. And when you say everyone, you mean everyone - the kids LOVE trick or treating, teenagers love Halloween parties and the adults love both decorating the house and to have a nice, calm night. And since one particular day, Steve Harrington fell in love with that day as well.
A/N: Inspired by Boney M’s song Rasputin bcs why not?
A/N 2: Celebration of Halloween and The King Man’s Rasputin except I am late to both parties. And I ooop.
AU where Nancy and Steve broke up before the summer break and not on the Halloween party of 84’. Just pretend that it was a normal summer party. His friendship with Dustin is still on thin ice, season 2 hasn't started officially in this one-shot.
Warnings: Billy acting like a fucking shithead he is.
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The commies, the Russians, red swines - no matter how you decided to name them, they were hated in the USA. But from time to time, you still met a Russian in your country or those who ran away from Ukraine - and most of the time, they were cool.
And since you were small, your mom took care of an old Russian lady named Anna - even if your dad wasn't very fond of your mom friending with someone who was born in Russia, your mom decided that Anna needs her help. She was old, fragile and barely took care of her. You spent every Wednesday and Sunday with that lady, you were at her place and when you were lucky and Anna was able to speak with you, she was telling you about Russian history. Her English wasn't exactly the best, but over time, you learned how to understand Anna.
No, she was not telling you stories of Lenin or Stalin, not about the commies, no. She was talking about the history of the old, great Russia, she spoke about the last czar family of the Romanovs. When you were older, she even told you about the big rumors going about the family’s relationship to a strange man named Rasputin. She was old enough at the time to remember the time when the dynasty was ruined and practically burned down, how they hunted every one of them.
Her mother was very fond of the czar imperial family, so Anna could even show you some photos of the family. It was a fairytale you didn't have in the USA - a big royal family with beautiful women, something like princesses, big balls, a beautiful dress, and the most expansive jewelry. You loved to listen about the tsars even if you had to keep your mouth shut.
And when Anna had died in the March of 84’ at the age of 87, you wanted to show her some respect without the others telling you that you might be a commie - so you decided to do it on the Halloween night. You started the preparations very early - you had a big crown on you had made from old jewelry and some shining stones, you used old shirts she gave you in her will. They were old and from Russia, there was a corset decorated with flowers and shirts that showed way more than they hid.
But when you were done with your costume, it looked pretty lit - the upper part was an imitation of Alexandra Foedorovna's dress from one photo, but you decided to have pants decorated with jewelry and high boots instead of a dress.
You kept the costume as a secret - only your mom and your best friend knew about it. Your mom found it nice - your best friend was a bit worried about it. But is suited you like hell when you had the perfect hairstyle and the right make-up.
You had your gang at school - it was you, your best friend Clara, and two boys - Steve and Lenny. Steve joined you after his break up with Nancy Wheeler, who was a really nice and beautiful girl, and ever since, you hung out really often.
It was basically the last Halloween you were able to be together - after that, Clara was going to NYC, Lenny was moving out to Alaska and you were going on a college in a near town. So that Halloween had to be perfect.
You knew Steve Harrington since you were a small child - that was the curse of growing up in a small town named Hawkins, Indiana. Estimated population? 30.000 people - maybe more, maybe less. There was a shit-ton of weird things going on in the last two years. But yeah, you knew almost everybody from your neighborhood. And since Steve was living in the house next to you, you had some pretty cringy photos and memories together.
But you only saw him as the neighborhood who sometimes greeted you as you grew up, but it became blatantly obvious when he joined your group of friends. Clara could tell right away that he has those puppy eyes for you only and that finds you funny and cute as hell. But you just laughed at that - you were sure that when he gets the first option to leave your group for better, more popular friends, he will just do that without thinking.
But as the time passed by, Clara and Lenny caught Steve stare numerous times, he was laughing at things you've said that weren't even a bit funny and he always ASKED you to help him with studies and homework. Every time you told your gang that you have to watch over your younger, dumb sister, he volunteered to take you both out - to watch a movie, to just hang out at the playground or to grab some food. And you usually accepted his offers - but you never saw the real reason behind that.
When he saw you walking down the hall with a smile on your face, telling Clara something that happened, he liked the way you looked and presented yourself. For the first week, he was telling himself that it is only the shock from breaking up with Nance - that he is only searching for a pretty face to like. But then he started his long-forgotten childhood friendship with you again - he took only small steps at a time. It officially had started when you met up at Burger King to have a study night. 
Since then, he was not only a member of your gang; but he felt something. Some nudge in his head telling him that there is something about the girl with two ponytails and shiny swimsuit he had on a photograph in his childhood album.
Steve could just tell you how he felt, serve it on a silver plate or just kiss you already; but you two were seriously too dumb for that.
The final nail in the coffin was when Steve waited for Clara outside the chemistry class just to ask her this:
"Do you know what is Y/N wearing for this Halloween?" - He leaned next to her cabin with his shoulder, chewing on a piece of gum. Steve, the Great Hair™ Harrington was trying to look as cool as he could, not giving too much away. But Clara could tell that he's nervous while he asked that question.
"I do. Why?" - She took out the book she had to read for English and which she decided she will continue with during the lunch break.
"I just want to surprise her by doing... A pair costume? I was just saying that she might find it funny?" - Steve shrugged his shoulders and took his sunglasses off. Idiot. He didn't really know how to wear them, did he? - "So... Will you tell me or you'll leave me hanging? I really don't want to go ask her mum this afternoon."
Clara chuckled and walked the hall down with Steve. Jesus, that boy was willing to sacrifice his dignity just to find out what you're Halloween costume is. And that you'll find it funny? Sure you will. And maybe it will fucking finally release the tension which is at the table in the cafeteria while Steve sits on the other side of the table and watches you like a statue from the antique Rome. There was this electricity which he was sending your way, but you were totally numb to pick up on.
"Under one circumstance, dear Harrington." - Clara rose her eyebrows and walked the hall alongside the big basketball jock. Steve sighed and looked at her. 
“I am not going to drive you to school every single morning, Clara. Not happening.” - Steve shook his head with a frown. Clara left out a burst of genuine laughter. 
“You will ask her out finally. That's the deal - if you don't, you will be explaining Mrs. Y/L/N why you need to know what is her daughter wearing for Halloween so desperately.” - She turned to the lab, he copied Clara’s moves and almost took down a girl who wasn't watching her way. Steve looked shocked - that was the first time Clara could see him like that.
“Take her out? We’re out like.. All the time.” - He said without a clue. Clara rolled her eyes, caught his upper arm and stopped him pretty aggressively. 
“Now listen to me, Harrington, because I am not gonna repeat myself. I am sick of how in love you look when she sits her ass on the opposite side of the table, how you run with her everywhere she goes like a lovesick puppy and how desperately you want to bang her or kiss her, I don't really care, Harrington. All I know is that she is my best friend and that you genuinely want to make her happy because if you didn't and just lost your interest in her, then this whole fucking thing wouldn't be going on for almost four months. Are we clear?” - Clara burst at him so quickly that steve froze down and looked at her in shock. 
She was right in every single point. It was only a rumor that Steve the Idiot™ Harrington is still a ladies man or that he is doing it for the fame - all he wanted was just a few good friends and a loving girlfriend. 
“I don't want to... Only bang her.” - Steve stuttered out in shock. Clara opened up her mouth and then shut it tight again. Was she too hard on Steve? He was as red as an Italian tomato and he was looking everywhere except her eyes.
“That is not the point, you idiot!” - She dragged him to the side of the corridor. - “The point is that I want you to date already, dipshit!”
“Hey, do not be so harsh, I understood what you mean. You just looked like you want to murder me and I just didn't know what the hell should I say dingus.” - Steve answered aggressively as well, which made Clara shut up for a second as well. Ok. So Steve was able to defend him, which made her smile. 
“Will you ask her out if I tell you?” - Clara offered him her hand and Steve looked at it with a frown. - “That is the deal. Take it or leave it, asshole.”
And like that, he just made a deal with the devil called Clara by the locals who happened to be your bestie as well. 
“Alexandra Feodorovna. The last big czarina of Russia. You have two options.” - Clara started talking when they slowly moved towards the classroom again. - “Either you can go as her husband, Nicholas Romanov or the mystical ladies man Rasputin.” 
“Rasputin? Like that Europian song? Russia’s biggest love machine?” - Steve joked a bit but turned his smile down when he saw her risen eyebrows. - “How did they look like? Where should I look it up?” - He asked desperately. But Clara didn't answer as she walked into the classroom. 
There you were again, dressed in your prettiest sweater and the prettiest jeans ever, your hair resembling Joyce Byers’s in a way, but it looked... Hot on you. You smiled at them and started to ramble about yesterday’s chemistry test - which Steve completely fucked up. 
That evening Steve the Dingus™ Harrington did something he thought he would never do - he visited the library for the first time ever. The librarian lady looked him up and down like she couldn't actually believe her eyes.
“Can I do something for you?” - She, Mrs. Remsay, looked almost amazed by Steve Harrington visiting the library. 
“Yes. Definitely, you can. Where can I find the history of the Romanovs? They're supposed to be a... Russian royal family of cars?” - Steve smiled at her nervously. Great. Now, she will think that he is a commie. Or that he is planning to be one. - “It is... For a Halloween costume, Mrs. Remsay. I swear to God that I am not with the Russians.”
“First of all, no offense, but you don't have the capacity of being a Russian spy. The Romanovs were a czar dynasty, not cars. Second of all, those books are in historic literature and third of all, five books at a time.” - She gave him a library card with a smile. Steve took it from her small palm without anything to say - she just ultimately called him dumb. But yeah, he probably hadn't got the capacity of being a Russian spy - even his essays sucked.
He sat there the whole afternoon, going through three to five books about them. Only one had a picture of that mysterious man Rasputin he knew about only from a disco song - and god, wasn't that man weird?
But what needed to be done, that needed to be done. Steve did his best - he got himself a fake beard, got an old coat which looked like it is going to fall apart any minute and rosemary with some pants and boots. When he looked at himself, he needed to say that it isn't that bad after all - but he wasn't as weird as that man. 
You decided to meet up at your place - Clara was dressed up as Cleopatra who was mummified and was brought back to life, so she had loads of toilet paper and gazes around her along with some crazy make-up and a crown in her hair. Lenny was going as his superhero idol, Batman. And he did look funny. 
But you definitely took the longest to prepare - Anna always told you that czarina Alexandra was a breathtaking young woman who was beautiful and you wanted to do her justice. Only braiding your big czarina crown and the veil going with that, falling on your back, took you more than half an hour. Then the make-up, small details... You took three hours to get done, but you were perfect. Your little bratty sister almost yelled that she wants you to take it all off so she could be the queen, but your mother didn't let her. 
When you slowly walked the stairs in your house down, you were breathtaking, at least to Steve. He gulped when he saw your neck drowned under all the jewelry and shiny diamonds, your crowned head and the boots with a slight wedge, so you weren't exactly walking high heels, but it made your legs optically longer and your ass more standing out. 
You chuckled when you saw Steve. Was he who you thought he was? 
But before you could ask, there was the Polaroid taking time™ your mother loved and you hated completely. Your mom made all of you make several pictures - you and your sister dressed like a ladybug, you and the Cleo, you and Bat-Man and finally, you and Steve. And didn't you two look like a photo of Alexandra and her devoted healer?
Steve really tried his best to copy that man’s posture and expression as he held the rosemary in front of his chest, his eyes wide open, only so you would have the best picture you could. You posed on a chair with a blank stare into the oblivion - you two really did the best you could.
It was a beautiful photo which you knew that you'll have on your wall with memories. You left the house around six with your mom screaming "be back by ten and not a minute late, young lady" at your back. You walked to Steve’s car so he could drive all four of you to Tammy's house.
She had a crush on Steve since ever and pinned after him since he and Nancy broke up. You hoped the best - Tammy wasn't exactly the nicest, but she wasn't a both either. You two never really got along, but you hoped for the best for Steve.
"So... Uh... Nice costume? - You chuckled while Steve drove the car like a maniac and you needed to hold the crown on the top of your head. - "Who you are?" - You asked again and Clara shifted forward on her seat to listen closely to your conversation.
Steve way really enjoying himself, he was excited about that evening a lot since you were there with him, but at the same time, Billy Hargrove's appearance at the party was making him a bit uneasy. He didn't like that guy - to be honest, he was almost shitting himself around Billy. That boy was a fucking maniac. Steve had a feeling that something is going to fuck up at that party.
"Can't you tell? I am the man from that song. That love machine, that's all me." - He chuckled unsurely and tried to do have a calm expression at the moment. You will see through his lies in a moment and he KNEW THAT.
"So you heard Bonney M's song playing and just told yourself that you'll be Rasputin? That's what you want me to think?" - You laughed. - "Such a coincidence while I'm dressing up as the queen he was rumored to be the lover of, Harrington. Who told you?"
"The wind, I guess?" - Steve looked from the window because you gave him those shiny eyes and a big, bright smile.
"I think it's nice of you. To do a pair costume, I mean, nobody ever done that with me." - You smoothed his shoulder lightly and then looked away. Clara just nudged his chin with her fingers, motioning that NOW'S the chance, but he shook his head and showed her his middle finger up so she would shut. Ok. She and Lenny have a plan on how to get you together anyways, so Steve being a dumb shy bitch wasn't a problem really.
The truth was that there was something magical about Halloween nights. Everyone got dressed up and pretty, they were the costumes they wore and not the people in them. Halloween nights were the best in your life since you were a kid. Your dad always took you trick or treating along with Steve and Deborah, a girl down your street who now was a total bitch. You always wore the same costumes - Steve was a great basketball player, you were a Daisy and Deb was a witch.
The best days of your life - you were just a bunch of friends who ADORED each other. Now, you were just thrown back to those days with Steve walking by your side as Rasputin while you were the queen, your hand always close to each other. But you were too dumb to hold them.
"Can I get you something, your majesty?" - He bowed a bit, making you chuckle a bit.
"A cup of cola would do the trick, my dear." - You patted his shoulder. Steve turned away before you could see that he has that dumb smile on. If there weren't so many people, he would perform the dumb victory dance he did only when he was alone. Steve the biggest ladies man Hawkins ever saw™ Harrington actually did a happy dance around a lot.
A lot of girls actually crossed by and told you that your costume is on point. Yeah. You didn't like when someone was telling you that he's the best... But your costume was DEFINITELY the best out there. The most thought through and the nicest in visage. Plus Steve had done what he had done.
But then you heard someone arguing in the back as you waited next to a living room turned into a dance floor for Steve and your Cola. You looked at Clara with a frown before stepping there.
"And you and your costume? You're just pathetic. Little. Child. Harrington!" - You heard a known voice. It was Billy Hargrove's voice - he was the current tyrant of the Hawkins high school, with his racist, irrational mind.
"Who asked you about your opinion, Hargrove? Keep it to yourself and go home. You're fucking drunk." - And at that moment, you saw as Billy pushed Steve down on a small table, prepared to give him a punch. Everyone froze down for a moment, looking at the two of them before the first gasps of "Billy!" could be heard.
"Stop!" - Nancy Wheeler suddenly jumped between them and tried to tear them apart, but another girl and Johnathan Byers, her current boyfriend, local weirdo and the best photographer you've seen had to help her. - "What the fuck is your problem?!" - Nancy yelled at him, stepping in front of Steve to protect him as she didn't let Hargrove from her stare.
There was something about Nancy Wheeler and you needed to admit that whether she was your best friend's ex who totally broke his heart of the girl you sometimes smiled at in the corridor. There was something about her.
"Steve fucking Harrington is my fucking problem!" - Billy yelled back at her. The situation was getting boiling hot. - "And if you don't get out of the way, your pretty face gets hit as well!"
"If you don't stop treating her, I'll punch your perfect teeth out!" - Jonathan screamed at him which made everyone shut up again. You could barely hear Byers speaking. He was never yelling or raising his voice. - "If you don't back off, Hargrove, I swear that I'll kick you like a little bitch and I that I'll fucking enjoy... Every... Single... Second." - Steve pointed at him and took the same defending position in front of Nance, just a foot away from Billy's face.
You watched Steve with amazement. He was so brave at that moment. He appeared to be so strong and big... To be the protector. And he was protecting the person he hated the most at the moment, even if it wasn't her fault.
"I think you should leave, Billy." - Tammy stepped out of the corner from where she watched the whole situation with fear in her eyes. - "Come around later, man."
And with that, Billy screamed like if he went completely mad at the moment. He was like a little child walking away at a fast pace, shutting the door so quickly that the window next to it shook. Before Nancy had even a chance to speak with Steve, you walked up to him, catching his face in your palms like you were about to kiss him.
But you didn't, you only checked for bruises or blood. You checked that he's alright. And Steve was, he really was, only his back hurt like a bitch since Billy pushed him on a wooden table.
"Steve Harrington." - You sighed dramatically. - "I know that you are a dingus and a friend who always makes me laugh... But this was fucking brave." - You nodded. He turned his face away with a cocky smile and a smile yes on his lips. As your hands slide on the coat which was practically falling apart, you caught his shoulders.
And he felt it. The first bolt of electricity that came from you. Steve could know it because of your eyes - they jumped from his eyes to his lips and you were leaning in like you asked him for permission. But Nancy came next to you and she made you jump away from Steve.
He watched you walk away, your cheeks were reddening as you nervously smiled, shook your head and then you just disappearing in the crowd. His heart sank. Was this the only bolt he was going to get from you? And did Nancy just fuck it up too?
"Thank you, Steve." - She smiled at him in a typical Wheeler manner and smoothed his elbow. - "Thank you for doing this to me. It was nice, I really appreciate it. And about Y/N..." - She looked behind her shoulder and nudged his. - "You guys are incredibly cute together. Go get her and make sure you're doing it properly. Show how great you are." - She leaned in to kiss his cheek and rose her thumbs up before leaning into Jonathan's hug.
Steve looked at Nancy and she only smiled wider, nodding to tell him that he should go. That was when Clara's while came as she leaned to the big stereo.
"Cover me! Lenny! Cover me!" - She yelled, balancing on her right foot, putting the cassette inside. She almost sold her soul to the real devil before she got it, but she managed to get it out of one boy that was pinning after her like hell. So Lenny stood in front of her leaned ass and tried to cover her with his cloak.
When Clara was done, a burst of victory laughter could be heard out of her posh lips. She stood up and pressed play while she leaned her shoulder into the cabinet beside her and Lenny. - "Now, just fucking watch."
You looked around the room when an uptown disco started to play. It was something from the last decade - and all you could was just to laugh when you realized that it's Bonney M's Rasputin. You covered up your mouth. Steve sneaked up beside you so stealthy you almost gave him a slap.
"It looks like someone..." - With that, he looked at Clara with a dead stare. - "Is playing my song. So... Do you wanna?" - Steve smiled at you and he walked to the dancefloor backward. For a moment, you watched him with your eyes partially closed and with a strange smile, but then you walked up to him. Even if the disco rhythm was unbelievably rhythmic and fast and made a lot of people immediately dance, your steps remained slow as you put your hand on Steve's chest, walking around him in a circle, not leaving a single centimeter out of your touch. Jesus, he was burning at that moment.
Then, instead of jumping around, your left palm rose his right and you left it up as you started to walk in circles. He saw that. In a romantic movie, his mom was watching on the TV - some noble princess lady or who danced like that century ago. But when you smiled at him from below the crown in that low light with your reddened cheek, he didn't find it cheesy. It was just... Hot. Hot and sensual.
Then you changed your hand and walked in the other direction.
"I am the czarina, remember?" - You giggled. - "And you're apparently my lover as the lyrics say."
Steve giggled as well, looking around. Clara and Lenny were intensely watching both of you with a big smile, just as a few other people around. They weren't laughing at you, they found you cute as hell. You changed the direction again.
"I sure as hell am, my lady." - Steve answered with a dumb smile, but before he could continue, you took his hand with a laugh and started to spin around, moving your body in the rhythm.
You were everything Nancy couldn't be to Steve. Just a young girl enjoying life, laughing, being happy. And that fool was just in love with you. He danced as well, completing your improvised choreography. Everyone yelled the refrain as loudly as they could, slowly progressing to the last verse of the song. You took his palms into yours and started to slowly leaned in, still singing and getting so close that you caught his shoulders into your palm.
"Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine, and so they shot him 'til he was dead ." - Everyone yelled and just before the Jamaican singer could say "Ah, those Russians", your lips were on his and your eyes were closed as you hung on his shoulders, making him catch your waist, so he could lean in as well. You, girl, you were the most desperate and the best kisser he has ever kissed until that night.
When you leaned away with your eyes shining and a big, beautiful smile on your lips, he knew that it's his time to get over with his part of the deal before Clara cuts his balls off.
"Well, when we finally made it all clear." - He stood up and looked around. Nobody was staring at you and Clara was changing the cassette again. - "Do you want to hang out? Like a date hang out? Just... I mean, you, me, movie and dinner or something like that?" - He stuttered out as he put you down on the ground. You made a shocked face and caught his face to your hand again, playing with the fake beard.
"Wouldn't you want to know, lover boy?" - You giggled and pressed another quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"After all of this? I want you to take me out as soon as you can."
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camillemontespan · 5 years
oblivion [raleigh carrera] [part three: comfort]
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Part Two if you want to catch up
Warnings: Mention of drug abuse
Raleigh and Marina took a private plane to Michigan. Marina slept the whole way, curled up under a soft blanket, her hands clenching the material. Even as she slept, she wasn't at peace.
Raleigh had called his mom before they boarded the plane to let her know they were crashing. Although he was very close with his mother, he hadn't actually seen her since last Christmas due to work commitments, girls, alcohol and rehab stints.
He was worried about what she would say about this new development in her son's rollarcoaster of a life.
In a bid to distract himself, Raleigh flicked through a magazine, only to throw it on the floor when he saw a full page spread of images of Marina lying in a stretcher and her and Raleigh leaving the hospital.
He shouldn't have even been shocked. Of course the media were all over this. This is what they did. They chewed up innocent girls like Marina Cortez and spat them back out.
His mother would have definitely seen these articles. She was an avid People magazine reader and framed many of Raleigh's old interviews when he had just started out. She even had one of his magazine covers framed in the guest bathroom, which Raleigh couldn't decide was flattering or just plain weird.
He closed his eyes. A nap would be a good distraction.
A private car collected Raleigh and Marina from the runway so they could make a quick escape.
They arrived at Raleigh's mom's house. It was made of white timber with picket fences and a yellow front door. The front garden was filled with rose bushes and the trees that lined the road were turning red. Autumn was finally here. Raleigh's favourite season.
As he expected, his mom had decorated the front porch with halloween decorations. They loved Halloween in the Carrera household. Pumpkins sat at the entrance wearing goofy grins and the windows were sprayed with fake cobwebs from a can.
Marina smiled for the first time when she saw the pumpkins.
The door opened and Raleigh's mother stood at the threshold. He noted that she had a look of concern on her face which was quickly replaced by a wide smile. She was going to act normal. She was going to act like she didn't know who Marina Cortez was and she was going to act like this was just her son bringing home a girlfriend for the first time.
'Ahh hijo!' she cried, throwing her arms out so she could pull him into a bear hug. 'I've missed you!'
'Hey mom,' Raleigh whispered, inhaling her familiar smell. He pulled back gently. 'This is Marina.'
His mom looked at Marina and held out her hands. 'Aren't you just gorgeous?' she asked, giving Marina a warm smile. 'Absolute beauty. Come in, have some tea. Do you like mint tea? I'm obsessed right now!'
Yup, she was acting normal, her typical caring self. Raleigh was grateful.
Marina felt a strange mix of bewilderment and contentment as soon as she stepped into the house. Bewildered because Raleigh's mother was already treating her like part of the family and content because this house was the cosiest house she had ever been inside.
A log fireplace was lit in the living room and pink and purple throws were draped around the back of two blue velvet sofas. Books covered every surface and there was a Halloween film playing on the TV. Family photos were displayed everywhere.
'Thank you for having me, Mrs Carrera,' Marina said quietly. 'Really kind.'
His mom looked at her seriously. 'First of all, call me Jennifer. Second, I'm not a Mrs, Raleigh's loser father made sure of that and third, make yourself at home! Seriously, honey.'
Marina accepted a steaming mug of mint tea and watched Raleigh as he gratefully hugged his mother. When he sat down, Jennifer wound a lock of his wavy hair around her finger, a maternal gesture.
Raleigh eyed Marina warily, watching her every move. He looked like a lion ready to pounce if she so much as breathed wrong.
She had forgotten this side of him. This protective and loyal side. When she had bad press at the beginning of her career, Raleigh made sure he was there to take the edge of. He would make sure he got worse press than she did, sort of like he wanted to balance out the universe for her.
When she finished her tea, she stood up slowly. 'Is it OK if I take a shower?' she asked. 'I still smell like a hospital..'
Jennifer nodded. 'Of course! I can always run you a bath, I've got cute bath bombs -'
'Mom!' Raleigh groaned. Marina smiled weakly and Jennifer turned red when she realised her error. She had forgotten about Marina's incident in her bath tub.
'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..' Jennifer whispered.
'It's honestly okay,' Marina said. 'No worries.'
Jennifer went sheepishly into the laundry room and brought out a towel, passing it to Marina.
Raleigh and his mother watched as Marina left the room.
'Jesus, ma..' Raleigh groaned. 'Way to make it awkward.'
'I'm sorry!' she hissed. 'It was like word vomit!'
They were silent for a moment until she broke it. 'How bad has she gotten, Raleigh?'
Raleigh bit his lip. 'Bad. You watch the news and read those trashy magazines, you should know.'
Jennifer wrinkled her nose. 'Actually, I make a point not to read any of the shit about you or your girlfriends. Only the good stuff.'
Raleigh chuckled despite himself. His mom was fiercely loyal. 'You're so biased.'
Jennifer placed a kiss on his head. 'You're my son.' 
The evening, while Raleigh’s mom cooked dinner, Raleigh and Marina sat on the sofa watching a film. She looked fresher after her shower, if Raleigh ignored the hollowness of her eyes and pale skin. She was wearing check pyjama bottoms with a slouchy red sweater, choosing comfort. 
They sat a couple of inches apart, as if they were afraid to touch. Maybe they were; it had been months since they had last seen each other. Their relationship had never gotten closure, so everything felt uncertain now that they were alone. 
‘Your mom’s really nice,’ Marina suddenly said. ‘She’s really young though, I thought she would be older.’
Raleigh smiled. ‘She had me when she was sixteen.’ 
Marina’s eyes widened but she didn’t comment. Raleigh continued. ‘It’s always just been us. My dad left her before I was born so I never knew him.’
‘I’m sorry, Raleigh,’ Marina murmured. Her eyes caught his. ‘Do you know anything about him?’
Raleigh let out a dry laugh. ‘Just that I inherited his rebelliousness. Everything else I have is my mom, thank God.’ 
Marina smiled and brought the blanket up around her neck, snuggling in. ‘She raised you right.’
Raleigh blushed, looking away. He cleared his throat. ‘Enjoying the film?’
Marina looked back at the TV. ‘Sure. It’s not a Halloween film though.’
‘What the hell?’ Raleigh cried, whipping round to face her. ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas is definitely a Halloween film!’
Marina rolled her eyes. ‘You’re wrong. It’s a Christmas film.’
‘Eight year old Raleigh would disagree,’ Raleigh said, pretending to be offended. ‘He would fight you and win.’ 
Marina giggled and focused on the film again. Raleigh cleared his throat. ‘Uh.. do you want to talk about what happened with you?’ he asked. ‘In the bath-’
‘No,’ she interrupted, her voice sharp. ‘No, Raleigh.’
‘I just want to watch films with you and forget about what happened, okay?’ she said, her breath becoming hitched. ‘I just want to forget.’ 
Raleigh caught her hand and squeezed gently, his eyes fixed on hers. ‘Okay,’ he whispered. ‘I get it.’ 
Marina blinked back tears and looked back at the TV screen. Raleigh cursed himself for his idiocy. They watched the film in silence until Raleigh spoke, needing to break the tension. 
‘Did you know I used to have a huge crush on Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas?’
Marina’s body began to shake and Raleigh looked at her in alarm, before realising she was laughing. 
2am. Raleigh was woken up by the sound of his bedroom door creaking open and soft footsteps on the hardwood floor. Blinking, he saw movement in the shadows. 
Marina let herself into his bed and snuggled under the duvet. ‘Raleigh, I can’t sleep.’
Raleigh turned on his bedside light and looked down at Marina, who was pale and shaking. Her forehead was beaded with sweat.
Dread filled his heart but he knew that this had been coming. Withdrawal. 
‘I’ll get you water and a face cloth,’ he whispered. ‘You’re alright, Marina.’ 
He raced into the bathroom and found a face cloth. He filled a glass with water and brought the items back to her, placing the cloth on her forehead to mop up the sweat. Her hand shook as she lifted the glass to her lips; Raleigh steadied it with his own. 
They stayed like this for a while before Marina turned over and lay on her side, trying to keep calm. 
‘Can you spoon me?’ she asked, her voice tiny. 
Raleigh obliged and pulled her gently into him, spooning her. His fingers twirled her hair around his finger. ‘Distract me,’ she whispered. ‘Please.’ 
Raleigh thought to himself and before he could think about how stupid an idea this was, he began to sing softly. 
It was their song, their duet. Love Who I’ll Be. They played it together acoustically just before Marina’s album went platinum and the public had adored it. But the song had united Raleigh and Marina. 
‘Lost in the darkness
You showed me the light
I was feeling heartsick
Til you made it right’
Raleigh sang, his voice crooning in her ear. He made sure to sing softly and gently, like a lullaby. 
Baby no one's perfect
But I know what I'm worth
I finally found someone who understands
He sang to her over and over, determined to keep her calm. 
No more doubt, no more pain
No more feeling like I am to blame
My days will be brighter and I will fly higher
I'm gonna love who I'll be
He stopped when he heard her snoring softly.  All he wanted was for her to feel peace. His eyes felt heavy and her body was warm against his. Soon, Raleigh was asleep too, his body curled against her back, his hands placed tightly over her fists, keeping her together.
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softforcal · 5 years
Coverup : Soulmate!AU C.H
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summary: Soulmates have the same matching mark/tattoo at birth. Calum has a mark and doesn’t believe in love, angst ensues 
word count: 3k
warnings: angsty slow burn stuff
special thank you to @notoriouslyhood for letting me bounce this idea off of her
when Calum was born, the doctors and nurses in the delivery room marvelled over the small, perfect black mark on his skin.
only half the population was lucky enough to be bestowed a mark that could identify them to their soulmate who would, in turn, have the exact same mark. 
growing up was difficult for Cal. other children always wanted to look at the beautiful design on his bicep. From an early age he always found himself looking for the same mark. it was exhausting. 
and he never found it.
he watched as the lucky few found their matching mark in another. watched the smiles and the laughter, the instant connection.
he began to hate his tattoo. opting to cover it but the hot summers in Australia made that near impossible.
Calum was 15 when he had his first love. 
his first i love you left his mouth like the most natural thing in the world and the girl reciprocated. but every time she looked at his arm her smile would falter. she broke his heart a year later, he wasn't hers. no matter how much Cal had pleaded and told her that his mark didn’t matter, she refused to stay.
Calum joined a band and distracted himself with music which generally worked, until his band began to gain popularity and he realized what being famous and having a mark would mean.
he’d heard of musicians who were openly marked. heard of the crazy fans getting the same tattoo and convincing the celebrity that they were soulmates.
Calum had lost his trust in love and in people the day the girl who promised the mark didn’t matter left and all her words became lies.
He got his first tattoo a short time later in the hopes that if he decorated himself, it would be less obvious which mark was the original soulmate tattoo.
he fell in love with the needle and would spend hours looking at different designs. meaningful designs to remind him of the true love in his life, his family.
and then he came across a piece that reminded him of his roots. a Native Headdress. 
walking into the tattoo parlour, Calum explained to the artists: “i got this tattoo a while ago and i really hate it and want is covered, do you mind putting this on top of it? would it work?”
the artist agreed and a few hours later the small star mark that had always been on his arm was gone, replaced by a beautiful piece that Calum already adored.
and life for Cal continued.
he no longer found himself looking at other peoples arms and for most of the time, Calum could forget that somewhere in the world was his soulmate.
he tried not to think about it. 
and in some ways he harboured resentment against them too. 
but he also tried not to think about that.
only a select few knew Cal’s secret and Cal preferred it that way.
his band got bigger. and bigger. and bigger.
he distracted himself with a new girl in every city, skin unblemished by the mark that had haunted Calum for years. he enjoyed the simplicity. the freedom.
Calum met you at a bonfire party in LA. wrapped in a hoodie you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. he talked with you while people danced around, drunk on life and being young and rich and famous.
sitting next to you in the sand and talking until everyone else had either fallen asleep in the sand or gone home. the sun rose and you stood to leave, Cal standing to offer you a ride. “i’d rather walk.” you responded, giving him a hug, “i’ll see you around Calum.” and then you walked down the beach, Calum watching you disappear.
weeks passed with you constantly on his mind. it was the most connection he’d had in... well... ever. But Cal refused to think it was anything more than sexual attraction and friendly interaction. after all, he didn’t believe in love.
a month later he was at a party and felt the need to grab a smoke. going outside he was shocked to find you sitting there, once more wrapped in a hoodie. you grinned when he approached, “fancy seeing you here.”
“could say the same to you.” he smiled, sitting on the lawn chair next to you, “what are you doing out here?”
“just needed some air.” you answer, watching him take out a cigaret and put it between his lips, switching on his lighter.
“this doesn’t bother you does it?” he asked, stopping.
“as long as you don’t blow it my way.” you answer.
Calum chucked, taking a long drag and blowing it the other way before turning back to look at you. you looked so cute in the oversized hoodie.
he tore his eyes from you, “so uh... JFK an inside job huh?”
and just like that the two of you began a discussion that lasted well into the early morning, covering all sorts of conspiracy theories. Calum found himself laughing more than he had in ages.
once again the two of you watched the sun rise and like a princess leaving at morning light you stood again, “i should get going.”
“let me grab your number.” he suggested, “or i could just cross my fingers and hope to bump into you at the next party.”
you laugh and give him your number, “catch you later Cal.”
and like that, you were gone again, prompting Cal to whip out another cigarette, that always seemed to help him think.
girls were always just sex. they could never be anything more because they would always leave. they’d find out about Calum’s original mark, unless he lied the entire relationship, and then, just like the first girl he’d ever loved, they would leave.
and his real soulmate? well where the fuck was she. Cal knew that the mark wasn't her fault, i mean she couldn’t just choose to not be born but part of him blamed her. no matter how unmerited the feeling of distain and resentment was, Cal couldn’t shake it.
a week later, Cal was invited to a party and messaged you to see if you were going. you say you are and agree to meet outside at around 10.
you were so perfectly situated when he finally got outside. sitting all cuddly on a deck chair, wrapped in the same hoodie Cal always saw you in, smiling at his approach. 
after a bit of back and forth you let out a sigh, “Cal i need to tell you something.”
“okay?” he laughed, already on edge from your tone.
“whatever this is... it can’t happen. i’m marked.” you explain, “and i’m waiting for whoever he is.”
“thats okay.” he answered, “i’m marked too.”
“have you found her yet?” you asked, “i mean you haven’t mentioned-”
“no. and i don’t want to.”
“what? why?” you laughed, “thats crazy!”
Calum shrugged, “just don’t really believe in the whole thing.”
“you can’t just not believe in it. you had a mark at birth!” you pointed out. 
Calum shrugged again, “my mark never brought me anything but trouble.”
“well, i’m sure that won’t be the case when you finally find her Cal.” you smiled, “she’s out there.”
“i like being alone. i’m on the road a lot.” he answered, “don’t have time for a distraction.”
“a distraction? did you seriously just call your future soulmate a distraction? wow i feel so bad for the girl.” you teased. 
“she would be a distraction!” Calum grinned.
“yeah whatever, you’re heartless.” you rolled your eyes, “hey, wanna see my mark? everyone always asks but you havent.”
“thats because i have a mark so i know how annoying it is to be asked constantly.” Calum shrugged.
“makes sense. i’m sure you’ll see it soon. it’s getting warmer. i can’t keep wearing this hoodie forever.”
“it’s a nice hoodie.”
the night continued and for a third time, you talked until the sun came up.
it almost made it easier knowing that you were marked. taken. spoken for.
and you knew what it was like to keep yourself secluded. at a distance.
it was different. Cal kept people at a distance because he hated his soulmate. you kept people at a distance because even though you had never met your soulmate, you loved him.
Cal didn’t understand it. but he respected it.
a week later Ash decided to through a big party celebrating the completion of their new album. Cal messaged you right away. he was already depending on you as a party buddy and he kind of liked that. he needed more friends. or at least, more female friends.
and you were safe. because of the mark.
of course you agreed to go. 
“so whens she coming?” Ashton asked the day of the party as Cal helped him set up.
“i dunno.” Cal answered, “she’ll be here.”
“so she’s just a friend?” Luke asked, already sipping on a beer.
“yeah she’s marked. saving herself for her soulmate that sort of thing.” Cal answered absentmindedly.
“so you actually like her?” Michael grinned, “that’s new.”
“you guy don’t know what it’s like to be marked. she does. its easy with her.” Cal shrugged.
“i think it’s a good thing. can’t wait to meet her.” Ashton grinned.
you arrived an hour into the party, Calum grinning at you as he opened the door to let you in. “you staying inside for a bit or are you going straight to the back to find a lawn chair?” Calum teased.
“i think i’ll stay inside for a bit.” you laugh.
“let me take your jacket.” Cal suggested.
“thanks.” you say, pulling the hoodie over your head and handing it to him to hang up. once it was put away he turned to look at you, eyes landing on your bicep. you noticed his gaze and grinned, “oh yeah! here’s the mark! people always say it kind of looks like a small star.”
his mouth was dry as his eyes stayed fixed on your arm. he hadn’t seen that mark in years. not since he got his own covered up. he’d almost forgotten what it looked like but there it was, clear as day. 
he could hear the blood pumping through his body. 
“Calum?” your voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
“i guess it kind of looks like a star.” he agreed, “i want you to meet my friends, let me go grab them.”
he turned and left in a hurry and you looked around.
Calum found Ashton and Luke in the kitchen, “Y/N’s here and you two have to meet her but you can’t bring up her mark.”
“what why?” Luke asked.
“because it’s a small star.” Calum stated.
both of their eyes widened as they realized what that meant. “she’s your soulmate!” Ashton whisper screamed.
“did you tell her?” Luke asked.
“no and i’m not going to.” Cal answered.
Ashton opened his mouth to say something when his eyes landed on you entering the kitchen, “you must be Y/N!” he grinned, pulling you into a hug.
“and you’re Ashton and Luke?” you asked.
“that would be us.” Luke grinned, hugging you, “nice mark.”
“thanks.” you smiled.
“have you found the lucky man yet?” Luke asked, looking at you over the rim of his cup.
“nope. but i’m sure he’ll find me when the time is right. sorry, i’m kind of sappy about it, i’m a bit of a romantic.” you grinned, hiding your face with your hands.
Cal felt a twinge of guilt in his chest and frowned, “what if he’s an asshole?”
“have you ever heard about two soulmates and ones an asshole?” you laughed.
“she’s got you there mate.” Ashton laughed.
“i just think... Soulmates are kinda rare and they always work. always. and i’m hopeful, even if you aren’t Cal. i can be hopeful for both of us and when you find yours i’ll be there for you to admit she’s not just a distraction.” you grinned, poking him, “hey what’s your mark look like?”
“its on his ass.” Ashton said before Cal could make an excuse himself. 
“oh, so i guess i don’t want to see that.” you laughed.
“Cal when do you think you’ll find your soulmate?” Luke asked.
“i’m not looking.” Calum answered, grabbing a beer, “Y/N there’s a super nice pool chair outside with your name on it.”
“you sure know your way into my heart.” you teased, “nice meeting you guys.” you said before following Calum outside.
“are you sure you’ll find him? your soulmate?” Calum asked.
“i know i will. it’s fate. thats how this works.” you answered.
“and you’re sure it will work out?”
“Look Cal, if you’re worried about finding your soulmate i get it. i do. but you have to have more hope dude, she’s out there, i know it.” you smiled, nudging him gently.
once more, the guilt made Cal’s chest hurt.
this night was not like the others.
the conversation wasn't easy. Cal kept finding himself distracted. he was conflicted but he tried not to show it.
so he’d distract himself by looking at you. and that made it worse of course.
Ashton watched most of the night and he could see Calum floundering so he jumped in to talk to you as well. and so became that dynamic. 
Calum needed to be near you but he was conflicted, Ashton would act as a crutch. he would be there until Calum could walk on his own and tell you the truth and Ashton was okay with that.
the three of you were together at Calum’s place a few weeks later, Calum was cooking while you and Ash talked about them being a band. “i can’t believe you two have known each other for so long.” you smile, “i bet you guys were such cute kids.”
“i have pictures!” Ashton grinned, whipping out his phone. he opened a folder and clicked on an old picture of him and Calum in his basement, showing it to you. 
your eyes scanned the phone, “oh.” 
the sound left your mouth and Ashton frowned, “what is it?” 
“is that...” you zoomed in on the photo, “on Calum’s arm... I... uh...” 
Ashton’s heart sunk in his chest. he never really worried about the mark because he didn’t have one. 
“oh that?” Ashton asked, taking the phone back, “Calum used to love drawing all over himself-”
“Ashton please.” you said, looking into his eyes then at Calum through the window who was cooking in the kitchen, “that mark on his arm looks like mine.”
“you really have to talk to Calum.” Ashton answered with a sigh.
you stood, walking into the house and closing the door behind you. Calum grinned, “hey, food’s almost done.”
you walked past him, turning the stove off, “what are you-” Calum began but you cut him off, “shush.”
you grabbed his arm, looking at the beautiful headdress tattoo on his arm, you could barely see it but the original mark was still slightly visible. 
the small star.
“Y/N-” Calum began.
“why did you lie?” you asked, letting go of his arm, “you know how much this means to me.”
“i was scared.” Calum answers.
and you’re kind of shook because it’s a real and raw answer. 
“i never believed in the whole thing.” Calum sighed, “you know that. i told you how i felt about it. when i saw your arm at the party... i dont know... i got scared.”
you looked into his eyes, at the guilt. you wanted to be mad. you did. but you understood. ‘maybe this is the whole soulmate thing’ you realized. because looking at Cal mad all of those negative feelings disappeared.
and he could see your expression soften, “i’m really sorry, i get it if you’re mad.”
“im not. i should be. but i’m not.” you cut him off, “i understand Cal. and i get it if you don’t love me right away-”
he grabbed your face before you could finish your sentence, lips pressing against yours. you melted. the way he kissed you felt right. it felt complete. it felt like nothing you’d ever experienced in your entire life. 
when Calum pulled away, the dazed look in his eyes told you he felt the same.
“i’m really sorry. i want to make it up to you.” Calum sighed, pressing his forehead against yours.
“you just did.”
he grinned, “i haven’t believed in love in years. and you came around and part of me knew it before i even saw your mark. part of me always knew. and i do love you. it scares the shit out of me. but i do. i’m not used to being vulnerable-”
“i would never hurt you Cal.” you whispered.
“i know. i’m worried i’ll hurt you.” he sighed.
“you won’t. Cal. you just lied to me for like a month and i’m fine.” you laughed, “i mean, don’t go doing stuff you know will make me upset to see if this whole soulmate thing actually sticks because if you do that i will kick your ass.”
you both laughed as his fingers brushed against your face, “i won’t lie to you again.”
“i know.” you paused, “i can’t believe you covered your mark, i always thought the little star looked cute-”
“it looks cute on you.” Calum grinned, fingers moving down to trace the mark.
you smiled up at him, “so are you going to change my contact name on your phone to ‘distraction’ now or what?”
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spidxysense · 5 years
Back to You | 2
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: So I got to thinking, maybe I’ll do a schedule for new releases? I was thinking I’d update every Friday to Sunday, so I’d be updating a chapter either Friday night, Saturday or Sunday, just so it’s also easier on me since squeezing in 3 chapters in like a week was honestly so stressful. This chapter is also notably a lot longer than the other two since A LOT happened in this one. There’ll be a time skip in the next one, so watch out for that!!! I honestly love your responses! And rest assured that I read every single one, I just can’t reply since my dumbass self didn’t make this her main blog and I honestly can’t share my main blog. I honestly love hearing from you guys, feedback, reviews, I’ll take them all! Even notes on how I can make my writing better? Or whatever you guys can think of!
Word count: 5,413
Prologue | 1 | 2
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"WELCOME HOME!!!!" Someone screeches in your ear right as you open the door.
"Holy fuck." You stare in awe and bewilderment at the house party currently going on inside the house you share with Troye.
It's been a few days and you'd just gotten back from LA and now all of this was happening.
"Y/N! Y/N!" You try to turn to find who was calling you, your luggage long forgotten.
You squint your eyes at Troye, jumping up and down on the table he made as a makeshift stage as he called your name on the mic.
You pull your luggage along and push your way past all the people in the living room, just barely making it to the table, "What the hell is going on?!"
He covers the mic with his hand, and crouching down to speak to you, "I wanted to host a listening party to my new unfinished album but things got a bit…"
"Out of hand?!" You complete his sentence for him.
He nods solemnly, "But isn't this great?! Just what we both needed!"
You can't say you feel the same, but you nod anyway, "Did you make sure nobody came in my room at least?"
"Totally!" He points up the stairs to you room, "See for yourself!"
You lift the luggage above your head, maneuvering around all the people in your house, and at a certain point, they even help you carry your luggage, getting it to the top of the staircase before you. Cheek to cheek pecks and quick hugs are exchanged as you try to find your way out of the groups of people in the living room and by the time you get out, it's as if you'd been dancing with them from all the panting you were doing when you grab your luggage again. You stop in front of your door, scoffing in disbelief, "Leave it to Troye to make my room look like a crime scene." You mutter to yourself as you begin tearing off the yellow and black striped tape labeled 'CAUTION: DO NOT CROSS' You lug your suitcase into your room, leaving it in the middle of the room as you jump into bed face first. Just when you're about to shut your eyes, you hear your door click open and a body sit next to you on the bed, you don't bother looking, you already know who it was.
He slaps your thigh hard and squeezes until your sitting up and glaring at him, an amused grin on Troye's face.
"Come downstairs and have fun with us." He whines.
You rolled your eyes, "I just came from LA, there have been numerous girls in cars screaming 'Spring Break' in my ear even though it's the middle of November. I think I'm good on the party lifestyle." You fall back down on the bed, shutting your eyes.
He gets up, not letting go of your hand, "Janet told me she gave you your phone after your beautiful best friend got it fixed for you."
You lift your head in Troye's direction, "And?"
He gives you a pointed look, "And are you sure you didn't spend the past three nights looking at old pictures of you two and listening to his voicemails as you cried and hugged your phone?"
Only one of those two things were right, "Joke's on you, I didn't open anything from him." I fish out the phone from my back pocket, throwing it his direction, "So in your face."
He claps his hands giddily, "This calls for celebration then!" He manages to pull you up, and throwing a dress he'd already had hung on a chair, "Get changed, and get moving, because we're ending this night laying on the floor."
"I don't have any other choice do I?"
He bit his bottom lip, looking like a kid excited to meet Santa, "Absolutely." He grabs your hands pulling you up, "And I have a really big surprise for you too!" He rushes out the door.
"HURRY UP OR I'LL COME IN THERE IN 10 MINUTES AND DRESS YOU MYSELF!" He calls out from behind him. You sigh, looking at the piece of work you had to work on.
"This is gonna need more than an hour to look even remotely presentable." You mutter to yourself with a sigh.
You walk out your room, looking down from where you were looking out at the people still partying inside the house, "There she is! I have missed this Y/N, it feels like years since I last saw her!" You hear Troye say into the mic from below you.
You give him a sarcastic smile, flipping him off. But the sudden commotion near the front door is enough to take your attention away from him, and widening your eyes in shock and disbelief, and before you can even look back at Troye, you let your feet drag you there yourself.
"What is Harrison doing here?!"
Troye rolls his eyes, clearly drunk, "I'm pretty sure I invited him via text half an hour ago-"
You pull Troye to the nearest unoccupied bathroom, "Have you gone batshit crazy?! Why the hell would you do that?!"
He pats your head, "Don't worry, I told him not to bring Tom. Y/N, Harrison is a whole snack, he is so foine, and so toight-"
You scoff, "And you thought that just because you told him not to bring Tom, he wouldn't?" You turn on the faucet, letting it run under your hand before whisking him in the face with the water in your hand.
He looks at you in realization, covering his mouth in shock, "Holy fuck. Did I just indirectly invite your ex-boyfriend to my house party?"
You sigh leaning on the bathroom counter, "This wasn't exactly the surprise I thought you had for me."
He shakes his head furiously, "No, no, no, no, no! My surprise was I'm including our little song that we never released! I was gonna have you sing with me! I already told everybody and everything!"
You grip on tight to the bathroom counter, "It'll be fine, I can stay in here for the rest of the night, you can sneak me cheese platters and check on me every hour or so, I can do this. I-I mean, seriously, I've probably done worse-" suddenly you feel a sharp pain across your cheek.
You stand there frozen, staring at Troye who was also frozen, his hand still in the position of the slap he just gave you, "Oh my god, I am so sorry." He clears his throat, standing up straight, "But you needed that.” He points a knowing finger in your direction, and all you can do is nod.
“If not now, then when?” He paces back and forth, “You can’t just keep avoiding him forever, aside from the fact that I wouldn’t let you in the first place, it’s just impossible. So in hindsight, you should be thanking me.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh my god, thank you SO much, Troye for inviting my ex’s best friend and inadvertently inviting my ex who I’m not even remotely close to getting over in the process.” You continue rambling, "Thank you for letting the only guy who's ever broken my heart into your humble abode, that's for inviting who just the other day, you told me to get over to your party." You were screaming by now, "Thank you so much because everytime I see him, all I can see is him and Zendaya, who by the way is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met so I don't know how I'll even ever compare to that-oh my god, I need to sit down." You grab onto the counter for support while taking deep breaths.
He gives you a sheepish smile, “Feel better about that little confession?” he crosses his arms, "You are way prettier than Zendaya. Trust me. I'm gay, so I'm pretty much an expert at judging other people based on appearance alone." He speaks in a matter of factly tone, handing you a paper shot cup, like the ones from the dentist's office. You take a whiff, pure tequila.
You peer up at him, wordlessly taking the cup and tossing your head back as you take the shot. You’re breathing heavy but the weight from your chest has definitely lifted, “Yeah that did it, definitely feeling a lot better.” You grab his arm, pulling him out with you. Suddenly, right when you were about to walk into the kitchen, a familiar beat plays, and you turn around to find Troye, on the table, another mic next to him on the stand as he starts singing, holding his hand out for you to take while singing the song.
Young ambition
Say we'll go slow but we never do
You grab his hand, letting him pull you up on the table with him.
See me spendin' every night with you
Oh, yeah, under the kitchen lights
You still look like dynamite
And I wanna end up on you
Oh, don't need no place to go
Just put on the radio
You know what I wanna do
We can just dance to this
Don't take much to start me
We can just dance to this
Push up on my body, yeah
You know we've already seen all of the parties
We can just dance to this
We can just, we can just
Dance to this
Dance to this
We can just dance to this
He turns to you expectedly and you stick your tongue out at him grabbing the mic, still attached to the stand, tilting it over while singing and dragging it along with you as your shimmeyed closer to Troye.
Dear beloved
You face Troye, gesturing for him to come closer with your index finger.
Bring those 501s a bit closer, bit closer
And dear, my lover
Do that thing we never do sober, sober
Oh, yeah, under the kitchen lights
You join him for the chorus.
You still look like dynamite
And I wanna end up on you (yeah)
Oh, we don't need no place to go
Just put on the radio
You know what I wanna do
We can just dance to this
Troye grabs your hands, jumping up and down with you as you laughed and danced t the song, completely forgetting about the people watching you two.
Don't take much to start me
We can just dance to this
Push up on my body, yeah
You know we've already seen all of the parties
We can just dance to this
We can just, we can just
Dance to this
Dance to this
We can just dance to this
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
I just wanna take that ride
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
I just wanna take that ride
We can just dance to this
Don't take much to start me
We can just dance to this
Push up on my body, yeah
You know we've already seen all of the parties
We can just dance to this
We can just
We can just dance to this
Don't take much to start me
We can just dance to this
Push up on my body, yeah
You know we've already seen all of the parties
We can just dance to this
We can just, we can just
Dance to this
Dance to this, love
Dance to this
We can just, dance to this
Dance to this, dance to this
We can just dance to this
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
I just wanna take that ride
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
I just wanna take that ride (We can just dance to this)
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
I just wanna take that ride
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
I just wanna take that ride
We can just dance to this
I don't wanna sleep tonight-night-night-night-night
You lean against his back as you two finish the song, hugging after it’s done.
Troye gives you a pat on the back and a proud look, “Still got it, Y/N." He gives you a hip bump, "Alright, well it looks like you’ve earned yourself some alone time. Go on up ahead to your room, I can hold the fort down here, but I expect to see you later." He hands you a bottle of unopened tequila, "You better be shitfaced when I see you later."
You make your way around the house, deciding to do a quick walk around just to greet the people who came, taking the shots they offered you whenever they came up to you, and telling them you'd be gone for a bit to organize your luggage. You come across Harrison in the kitchen, leaning against the stove. At first you don't mind him, going forward, but a force pulls you back, making a double take.
"Don't come crying to us if this night ends with you on fire." You try to speak over the music.
He jumps slightly in surprise but eases up once he sees it's you, "Jesus, Y/N!" He leans over to hug you tightly, "Where the hell have you been?"
You rub the back of your neck, "I've been here and there. Sorting some things out." He nods silently.
"Well, Tom's here too! I hope you don't mind I brought him here with me."
You give him a small smile, taking the shot in your hand, "Can't avoid him forever." You laugh, shrugging, remembering the joint panic attack you and Troye just had in the bathroom a  hour ago.
Your eyes soften up, "H-how is he?" You stare down at your feet, suddenly nervous about the question, "Is he alright." If sounded more like a statement than a question, like you wanted him to be doing alright no matter what.
Harrison's face goes serious, "I don't know what to tell you, Y/N. I mean I could lie and tell you he cried for a few days and is now in the process of moving on, but if I'm being truthful here, he's an absolute mess." He sighs, running a hand through his hair, "It's hard enough just getting him out of bed. I mean, I don't blame you, he was an asshole, what you did wasn't exactly in the right either- you know what, this isn't even my business, so I'll keep out of it." He takes a sip from his red cup, "It was great seeing you again, Y/N."
"You're still the smartest person I know." You reach out for a hug.
He rubs your back, "Go talk to him, yeah?" He pats you on the back, "Sort this mess out, so I can hang out with the both of you again."
You give him a curt nod, you weren't really even sure you'd sort it out with Tom, and if you were being honest, part of why you even talked to all these people, walking around the house before retiring to your room was the small glimmer of hope you'd come across him. There was just too much emotion and issues there that you had no idea where to start to untangle. You turn around, walking out the kitchen, "Don't leave too many broken hearts behind you!" He calls out after you. You just laugh, turning to look at him, flipping him off.
Even Harrison knew the most obvious outcome of this breakup was that it was permanent. In your mind for the time being it was. It had to be, you were so sure of it that the scenario in your head when you see Tom again was you, acting aloof, keeping a strong footing as he asked to to get back together. But in the end, no matter how many scenarios you come up with, you don't know how it would end up between the two of you. Not anymore. Back then if you asked yourself that question you knew you and Tom would end up together, get married, have kids one day, and you'd live in London. But the you three or four months ago was someone different. The you back then had never even imagined Tom cheating on you was even remotely possible, the you back then loved him with so much more of your being, and you thought he did too.
You grab the doorknob to your room, turning it and pushing it open, but upon entry, a familiar melody drifts into your ears, a song written for only one person to hear besides you, and that person was standing here now, over by the window, staring down at the people below. You don't make a sound. Time seemingly flowing in slow motion as he turns around to face you. Thinking about this vs actually experiencing it was a stark difference. He looked tired, worn down, he looked like he had the world on his shoulders, like he hasn't been getting enough sleep, he was pale, and there was nothing you wanted more than to run in his arms and embrace him. Forget he ever cheated, forget he ever threw away all your feelings for him, forget he ever broke your heart, and just forgive him and love him without exception, but you don't because you know better and you remember everything. He was your world, but you had to love yourself more than the world ever could.
He played with the ring hanging from his necklace, the same one you left on top of the note you wrote him, "Y/N." His voice is hoarse as he walks to you with open arms, but you don't budge.
This feeling was strange, to have this person who you knew you loved, someone who you lived with and shared a home and life with for 2 years standing in this room that belonged to you, yet he looked like he didn't belong here. Like there was no place for him here, a complete stranger in a room that belonged to his other half.
He stops in front of you, clearing his throat when he realizes you weren't jumping into his arms, "I-I can't do this, Tom." You turn away from him as he furrowed his eyebrows and reaches out to grab your wrist.
"You can't." He sounds like he's on the verge of pleading, "You can't just leave me again." Tears were threatening to form in your eyes as he reaches out to hold your hands.
You pull them away, "You can't do this now." You put distance between you two, "It's not fair-"
He gives you a hurt look, "What's not fair is leaving in the middle of the night." He wipes his eyes, "What's not fair is refusing to take any of my calls and hiding out with Troye while I held out some hope that we'd get to talk about what happened like adults, I had no idea where you went, if I'd ever even see you again. I came home, Y/N. I stayed with you, and you wrote me a note and left me. We were going to talk about it in the morning-"
"Staying with me isn't going to fix the problem, Tom." You feel your eyes sting with tears, "No amount of talking between us would have solved this." You gesture towards the space between you two, "We were headed in different directions and you were just the first to do something about it to make it all the more obvious." You blink back the tears.
He reaches out again, grabbing your hands and this time you don't have the strength to pull away, "I love you, Y/N." He looks you straight in the eyes, "I have never loved anybody more than I love you."
"I know." You pause, taking a deep breath, "There's not a bone in my body that doesn't believe you do." You smile sadly at him, "But it's not the same anymore."
The tears fall down your cheeks as you hold his cheek in you hand, "I love you, Tom." He leans towards your touch, "But I can't be with you right now." You pull back your hand but he grabs it in time.
"No, no, no, no, no." He pulls you closer by the wrists, he rests his forehead on yours, his eyes shut as tears streak down his cheeks, "Come home. Come back home and be with me and-and we'll fall even more in love with each other." He whimpers, "Just don't leave me." He whispers, "We can slow dance in the kitchen, we can get more dogs, we'll watch your favorite romantic movies, we can kiss under the rain, we'll spend everyday together and we'll cuddle every night, we can  travel the world, go anywhere you want to go, leave this whole thing behind, and we will just be us and I will love you so much more."
You feel the tears down your cheeks, words that had they been said to you months before, you would have jumped at the chance to make them come true, but that was then and this is now.
"We can't do that, Tom." You shake your head smiling sadly at him as you wiped his face free from tears, "I love you more than anything." You clutch the back of his head tight, "But we have careers. You're you, and I'm me, and a lot of people in the world are counting on us. We-we can't just leave that behind."
He grabs your face in his hands, softly, like he'd break you if he applied any pressure, "I didn't mean to hurt you." He sighs, "I just want to be with you so much."
"I know." You place your hands over his, pulling them down and away from your face, "But you did." You don't let go, "But we need to find who we are, I need to find who I am, and I can't do that if all I do is depend on you to be that defining factor of me."
"I'd follow you anywhere." He pleads, "Just be with me and I'll make sure you're happy, whatever you need to grow, as long as you stay with me."
You smile sadly at him, "In any given situation, Tom, I would absolutely love that. But the fact that you'd even be willing to let down all these people who are counting on you and who look up to you is proof enough that we both have some growing up to do." You caress his cheek, "But not together, not with each other, and when the day comes that we've both grown, a little wiser beyond our years, and we meet again, I think by then we'll both really know."
He shuts his eyes, savoring the moment, "C-can I kiss you?" He blinks a few times then adds, "For the road."
And you giggle, because that's what Tom always said before kissing you one last time before he had to go off and travel, you giggled because in that moment it was you two, just the two of you from months and years back when you knew and felt in your hearts that the two of you would end up together, when all you knew was loving each other, days when it was just you and him and nobody else, when things didn’t matter. You bit you lip, smiling nodding before he's leaning in. The kiss that you wished lasted a lifetime, at first both of you were smiling, but then, you felt tears coming from your eyes as you realized, this may be the last kiss you'd ever have with Tom, and you think he felt it too, because he was crying as well. You pull away first, his eyes glazed over, "I love you." He rests his forehead on your again before sighing, "I should probably get going." He sniffles, "I literally only came here to talk to you." He smiles sadly, his jacket in his hand, giving you a small wave, "I'm not giving up on us, Y/N."
You maintain the curt smile, giving him a tiny wave back, but when  the door closes, you collapse on your knees, sobbing. This was supposed to help you feel better, it was supposed to feel liberating. But why did it feel wrong to let him go? You eye the abandoned tequila bottle on the carpeted floor and you take a deep breath, reaching over for it as you sat against your bed, slouching as you take a swig from the bottle.
It's been a couple of hours and the tequila bottle had been long abandoned an hour ago, instead you broke into your small case of wine from under you bed and now here you were, laying on your floor, halfway through your 2nd bottle of wine. A small couple of knocks brings your attention to the door. Troye peaks his head in.
"Hey." He gives you a sweet smile, "I saw him coming from here. I've already kicked everyone out. I thought I'd give you some time. Do you want more time?"
Suddenly you face contorts into all kinds of pain as you shake your head, "I need you " you cry.
He doesn't say a word, laying down next to you on the floor as the song plays in the background.
"Do you miss him?"
You stare straight up at the dimmed light, nodding your head silently.
"Did you get back together with him?"
You shook your head.
"Does it hurt?"
"So much." You barely manage to whisper.
He sighs, reaching for your hand and intertwining it with yours, "Good. That means you're living life."
You stay silent letting the song flow from your laptop, he takes a swig from your wine bottle, "Is this one of your new songs?"
You shook your head, this song was probably 2 years old, "I wrote it for him." You shut your eyes, letting the sound of your love fill your quiet room.
You remembered the day you first played this song. It was a month after Tom first said he loved you and you just replied with a thank you even though you already knew back then you felt the same.
2 years ago
You watch Tom get frustrated with the sink in your tour bus. It was the second to last month of tour and he'd be with you for the rest of the week, and things seemed tense with him. You stand up from your seat and walk over to him, hughing him from behind amd pecking him on the neck, "Hey." You whisper, "Are you okay?"
He sighs, "The bloody sink is just annoying me." He groans, walking away from you.
You furrow your eyebrows, "Well if I knew any better, I'd say you were pissed at me."
He was sat on the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose, he stands up, and stops in front of you, "Do you remember what I told you last month?"
You open your mouth in confusion, "We said a lot of thing last month." You place your arms on his shoulders, pulling him closer, "Come on, don't be mad at me." You peek up at him, meeting his eyes.
He sits you two down, facing each other, "Last month, I told you I love you. If I'm being honest I already knew it before I even said it, but it was a huge leap of faith that I took because I was absolutely terrified of saying it to you, and you said, 'Thank you'." He looked upset.
"I don't know what that thank you meant to you, but to me, it was a rejection, that you didn't love me back." He sighs, "I thought maybe you needed some time, a couple of weeks to think it over, but it's been month and I think you really only meant it as a thank you." Tom was definitely annoyed.
"I just want everything to be perfect." You try to reason, "I want this whole week to be perfect." You emphasize.
"It's fine even if I just hear you say it, Y/N." He states point blank.
You gulp, you already knew Tom was pretty annoyed, but you really did want it to be perfect, you'd been preparing for it for a month or two now and to just say it now would be a complete waste of time, you were sure it was worth it, no matter the consequences.
He stares at you for a few more seconds before standing up, "Why does everything have to be perfect with you?" His eyebrows were furrowed and he was frowning all around you, as he gestures all around the room, "Why can't you just for once, accept that things in the world just aren't perfect and they don't have to be? I told you I loved you in that moment because if I didn't tell you any sooner, it felt like my heart would explode, because it was what I felt. But here you are worrying about the damn weather or whatever instead of worrying about getting the message across."
He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs, pacing, "I can't do this right now. I only get a week with you and I can't spend it mad at you." He rushes out the tour bus.
"Is there a reason you guys brought me here when I should be on my way home now?" You hear him ask the security personal.
You were sat at the piano, and right when the curtains opened, you began playing, singing along to the tune with a song you'd been working on for the past few months.
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
To you, I'll give the world.
To you, I'll never be cold.
'Cause I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
By this time, Tom's sat in one of the seats, his arms crossed in front of his chest and his eyes glued on you
And the songbirds are singing, like they know the score.
And I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before.
You peak over at him, his eyes turning soft and a huge grin slowly growing from the tight line he had his mouth in earlier.
And I wish you all the love in the world.
But most of all, I wish it from myself.
And the songbirds keep singing, like they know the score
He approaches the stage, stopping when he's standing next to the piano, as he stares at you and studies your face, a soft smile still gently lingering on his face.
And I love you, I love you, I love you
He reaches out, pushing your hair behind your ear as he caresses your cheek as you played the piano, "I love you so much, Y/N."
Like never before, like never before, like never before.
When the song finishes, you grab his hand on your cheek, "I'm sorry it took so long for me to tell you." You bring his hand towards your heartbeat, "But because this-" you point to your chest, 'and this-" you gesture towards your the side of your head, tapping it, "Don't get along sometimes, talking to you about how I feel or telling you I loved you seemed impossible, but I'm really trying my best." You cry, "And since I couldn't tell you, I thought I'd just say in through a song, but it took me months to finish it and I know it's sloppy and I could have made it longer-"
"I love it." He kisses you, "And I love you most of all." He kisses you over and over again all over your face, squeezing your hand in his.
You're staring down at your hand, intertwined with Troye's, "Do you think I made the right choice?" Looking at both your hand in his, it almost looked like Tom's and yours whenever you held hands, except Troye's hand was very dainty and feminine.
He sighs,"I honestly don't know." He squeezes your hand, "But I know for a fact that you did the right thing for yourself." He gives you a reassuring smile, "And that's enough for me to know that my best friend is going to be alright."
The silence between the two of you is comfortable, "Y/N." Troye speaks softly, wiping your eyes for you.
"Hmm?" You look him in the eyes, light blue, like the sky on a clear day.
"Do you still love him?"
You smile sadly, "Yeah." You pause, "I still do, and I think I always will."
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