#I worry about all this now that I'm almost 19
snyder-side · 3 days
I am not exactly sure if this classifies as an Au or headcanons since Trolls Band Together was kinda short and for the life of me I kinda hate when movies are rushed and we get the cut scenes afterward only as a storyboard(I also tend to like the concept art more than the official art)
But enough of me ranting and more into me getting into what I think/want to happen to Brozone when the band split up
(I choose to call it their solo career)
John Dory(19):
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Seeing John Dory's entrance attitude and smugness truly made me think yeah this guy is definitely full of himself and in major denial about some things and what really confirmed my suspicion was when he said "I was the oldest I had no choice but to lead!"
So for his solo career, I thought maybe he did some odd job like bounty hunting, or perhaps he played hero with a small town with a small population of trolls or some other anthropomorphic species. Of course, anyone he would save or any group of bounty hunters he'd join didn't like him because he enjoyed taking control of the situation so much or bossing everyone around. He never liked being alone but he kept driving people away, so eventually he knew solitude was his best option, therefore living in Ronda alone in a forest. He did feel regret for driving his brothers away but only because he knew he was more familiar with bossing them around than some random strangers he'd just met. He kept the mindset of "Why should I feel bad when they're the ungrateful ones!" and "All I've ever done was look out for them, and I stepped up when Mom and Dad died!" after those thoughts he couldn't help but think "What are you doing John Dory?"
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I thought it would be funny if almost everyone at his little restaurant on Vacay Island or should I say Brandy's restaurant...well her dads knew who "Bruce' really was except Brandy. I like to think Bruce went to vacay island because either his therapist or himself thought he should relax more so he went on a "vacation". He chilled out, gained a little bit of weight making him lose his six-pack, and most importantly tried to win the heart of Brandy because she seemed to be the only one not falling for his charm. Brandy played a tsundere type of approach when it came to all his advances on her, but then it all came to a game of volleyball as Bruce's way of showing his dedication to her, of course some of the other players used his small stature against him and he was getting his butt handed to him. He was only able to score a single point (IDEK how volleyball works) and the way he leapt into the air had Brandy star struck, the that that was holding his hair back snapped and he used nothing but shear will power to spike the ball. I mean sure Bruce lost but did he really? He got the girl in the end so it's all that counts right?
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(So I don't really have much for clay because I used most of my ADHD superpowers on the other guys and there's not too much I can go on from the movie)
Now Clay just looked around for jobs, it was retail, then tried working at some corporate building but it all didn't exactly work out because none of his co-workers took him seriously. Feeling out of options Clay walked aimlessly eventually finding Viva and the Putt-putt trolls, at the time imagined them looking more post-apocalyptic and slightly barbaric and frankly chaotic, Viva needed drastic help because she was just a little kid like Clay. Clay offered to help her mainly because he has a tiny bit of OCD (Saying this because of how grumpy he looked when John Dory went off and did his own thing and him practicing and worrying before Brozone performance.) and Viva thought/thinks so highly of him and thought of him as serious which is all Clay ever wanted so he just felt at home...and may or may not have developed feelings for her in the long run. Still, hey I've already got into a Romance segment.
I'm going to leave this here and not do Floyd because I'll talk about his little solo career journey in an OC ramble. (I have no shame.)
Thanks for reading have a lovely day!
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wanderingmind867 · 7 months
I would prefer never to work. School isn't always all that fun either, but I'd prefer to spend the rest of my life on and off in high school (or even just in school). At least at school I can read and learn. Besides, to quote the old adage: better the devil you know than the devil you don't. (Or something like that).
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mayasdeluca · 12 days
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MAYA AND CARINA STATION 19: 7x10 'One Last Time'
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Little update ^^
Well, well, who'd've known, yours truly is reckless and got Covid "-.-
I blame Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard and my constant love for going to concerts after such a long time in this godforsaken lockdown :)
(my Dante side is showing)
Anyways, I'm isolated in my room now. I'm making this lil' update so I can tell you people: do take care of yourselves - but if you are in a risk group, take care of yourselves in double, please.
A year ago, my sister and my dad got Covid - they felt almost nothing. They just got really grumpy and locked in their rooms, waiting for the day of their sweet, sweet freedom. Apart from that, they felt only like a mild flu, nothing much.
As some of you know, I've an autoimmune liver disease - which puts me in risk group. I could barely get up yesterday - I slept the whole day, got up at 7 p.m, had fever the whole day and through the night, couldn't eat without feeling miserable and slept until 2 p.m today. My whole body hurts, my head also hurts really bad, I couldn't properly work on my artist tasks for the week, and I am so so so tired I think I'm gonna faint sometimes.
But worry not, I'm already feeling a little better today. I think the worst day was yesterday. Hopefully by next week I'll already be ok regarding this.
I'm just writing all this because seriously, we all react differently. I was so scared to get Covid and everyone kept telling me like "oh, it's ok, don't worry, if you get it you'll feel like a flu and in 2 days you're good" - I've been feeling like this for 4 days now. I'm really sick and miserable.
Point being: my reactions to this are VERY different than everyone else's and I'm not being too over the top when I'm still wearing masks and taking care of myself when going out.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking care of your health too. It's better to look like a weirdo than being sick like this, trust me ;)
My mom, in the other hand, is taking relentless care of me and is the one single being in this household to seem not to get sick. I say she's like Highlander, nothing can touch her.
Seriously. The woman ate a dead oyster in her youth and only felt a little sick in a flight home. She is the toughest being I've ever seen in my whole life. She got an Extreme Unction from a priest who thought she was going to die when she was like 12 years old and, lo and behold, the woman persevered.
Greek half-immortal heroes know nothing compared to my mom.
I do think Eva is pretty much like her in that department, no demonic or human disease could touch her
All in all, everything is fine. I'll take this isolation time to draw like a mad-woman, be more serious when studying languages, learning to play the guitar properly and writing more stuff to you guys.
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autismserenity · 4 months
know someone who enjoys horror stories? share this one! it's true!
hahahahahahahahahaha aarrggghhhhhhhhhh 3,000,000 deaths due to COVID-19 last year. Globally. Three million. Case rates higher than 90% of the rest of the pandemic. The reason people are still worried about COVID is because it has a way of quietly fucking up your body. And the risk is cumulative.
I'm going to say that again: the risk is cumulative.
It's not just that a lot of people get bad long-term effects from it. One in seven or so? Enough that it's kind of the Russian Roulette of diseases. It's also that the more times you get it, the higher that risk becomes. Like if each time you survived Russian Roulette, the empty chamber was removed from the gun entirely. The worst part is that, psychologically, we have the absolute opposite reaction. If we survive something with no ill effects, we assume it's pretty safe. It is really, really hard to override that sense of, "Ok, well, I got it and now I probably have a lot of immunity and also it wasn't that bad." It is not a respiratory disease. Airborne, yes. Respiratory disease, no: not a cold, not a flu, not RSV.
Like measles (or maybe chickenpox?), it starts with respiratory symptoms. And then it moves to other parts of your body. It seems to target the lungs, the digestive system, the heart, and the brain the most.
It also hits the immune system really hard - a lot of people are suddenly more susceptible to completely unrelated viruses. People get brain fog, migraines, forget things they used to know.
(I really, really hate that it can cross the blood-brain barrier. NOTHING SHOULD EVER CROSS THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER IT IS THERE FOR A REASON.) Anecdotal examples of this shit are horrifying. I've seen people talk about coworkers who've had COVID five or more times, and now their work... just often doesn't make sense? They send emails that say things like, "Sorry, I didn't mean Los Angeles, I meant Los Angeles."
Or they insist they've never heard of some project that they were actually in charge of a year or two before.
Or their work is just kind of falling apart, and they don't seem to be aware of it.
People talk about how they don't want to get the person in trouble, so their team just works around it. Or they describe neighbors and relatives who had COVID repeatedly, were nearly hospitalized, talked about how incredibly sick they felt at the time... and now swear they've only had it once and it wasn't bad, they barely even noticed it.
(As someone who lived with severe dissociation for most of my life, this is a genuinely terrifying idea to me. I've already spent my whole life being like, "but what if I told them that already? but what if I did do that? what if that did happen to me and I just don't remember?") One of its known effects in the brain is to increase impulsivity and risk-taking, which is real fucking convenient honestly. What a fantastic fucking mutation. So happy for it on that one. Yes, please make it seem less important to wear a mask and get vaccinated. I'm not screaming internally at all now.
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I saw a tweet from someone last year whose family hadn't had COVID yet, who were still masking in public, including school.
She said that her son was no kind of an athlete. Solidly bottom middle of the pack in gym.
And suddenly, this year, he was absolutely blowing past all the other kids who had to run the mile. He wasn't running any faster. His times weren't fantastic or anything. It's just that the rest of the kids were worse than him now. For some reason. I think about that a lot. (Like my incredibly active six-year-old getting a cold, and suddenly developing post-viral asthma that looked like pneumonia.
He went back to school the day before yesterday, after being home for a month and using preventative inhalers for almost week.
He told me that it was GREAT - except that he couldn't run as much at recess, because he immediately got really tired. Like how I went outside with him to do some yard work and felt like my body couldn't figure out how to increase breathing and heart rate.
I wasn't physically out of breath, but I felt like I was out of breath. That COVID feeling people describe, of "I'm not getting enough air." Except that I didn't have that problem when I had COVID.) Some people don't observe any long (or medium) term side effects after they have it.
But researchers have found viral reservoirs of COVID-19 in everyone they've studied who had it.
It just seems to hang out, dormant, for... well, longer than we've had an opportunity to observe it, so far.
(I definitely watched that literal horror movie. I think that's an entire genre. The alien dormant under ice in the Arctic.)
(oh hey I don't like that either!!!!!!!!!) All of which is to explain why we should still care about avoiding it, and how it manages to still cause excess deaths. Measuring excess deaths has been a standard tool in public health for a long time.
We know how many people usually die from all different causes, every year. So we can tell if, for example, deaths from heart disease have gone way up in the past three years, and look for reasons. Those are excess deaths: deaths that, four years ago, would not have happened. During the pandemic, excess death rates have been a really important tool. For all sorts of reasons. Like, sometimes people die from COVID without ever getting tested, and the official cause is listed as something else because nobody knows they had COVID. But also, people are dying from cardiovascular illness much younger now.
People are having strokes and heart attacks younger, and more often, than they did before the pandemic started. COVID causes a lot of problems. And some of those problems kill people. And some of them make it easier for other things to kill us. Lung damage from COVID leading to lungs collapsing, or to pneumonia, or to a pulmonary embolism, for example. The Economist built a machine-learning model with a 95% confidence interval that gauges excess death statistics around the world, to tell them what the true toll of the ongoing COVID pandemic has been so far.
Total excess deaths globally in 2023: Three million.
Official COVID-19 deaths globally so far: Seven million. 7,000,000. Total excess deaths during COVID so far: Thirty-five point two million. 35,200,000.
Five times as many.
That's bad. I don't like that at all. I'm glad last year was less than a tenth of that. I'm not particularly confident about that continuing, though, because last year we started a period of really high COVID transmission. Case rates higher than 90% of the rest of the pandemic. Here's their data, and charts you can play with, and links to detailed information on how they did all of this:
Here's a non-paywalled link to it:
Oh: here's a link to where you can buy comfy, effective N95 masks in all sizes:
Those ones are about a buck each after shipping - about $30 for a box of 30. They also have sample packs for a dollar, so you can try a couple of different sizes and styles.
You can wear an N95 mask for about 40 total hours before the effectiveness really drops, so that's like a dollar for a week of wear.
They're also family-owned and have cat-shaped masks and I really love them. These ones are cuter and in a much wider range of colors, prints, and styles, but they're also more expensive; they range from $1.80 to $3 for a mask. ($18-$30 for a box of ten.)
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy Birthday!!! some zuko and lu ten please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
They dock at Kyoshi Island and it's clear they've just suffered an attack by the Fire Nation - burnt buildings and everything covered in ash and more people than you'd expect with bandages wrapped around them. They're almost immediately swarmed by women in face paint and Sokka reaches for his boomerang, worried about their reaction to someone as clearly Fire Nation as Lee.
But Lee shouts, "Ami!" and a women jumps into his arms, clinging to him as the others press close and call out greetings.
Sokka feels himself relaxing. Not just because they're not attacking them, but he feels some of his suspicion towards Lee loosening as well. If people so recently the victims of the Fire Nation are at ease around Lee, maybe he's really not secretly a spy for them, or whatever.
Ami pulls back and sniffs. "They went inland and they took Suki and Kiho and they probably already," she stops, biting her lip.
Lee shakes his head. Sokka says, "They took them as hostages to keep your compliance. Dead hostages aren't much leverage."
His home and people were destroyed by the Fire Nation and they've been working to save the Southerners still stranded in their home and managing to avoid the Fire Nation. He's familiar with their tactics.
He has all their attention now. Lee places a hand on Ami's shoulder and says, "Sokka's right. We're going to get them back."
"How?" she demands. "They've camped out-"
"By the volcano," he says, an edge to his voice that makes Sokka uneasy. "I know. Don't worry, we'll sneak in." He pauses. "Well, Sokka will sneak in. I'm planning to just walk right up."
This has not been part of the plan they'd discussed. "Really? How do you think that's going to go? They'll just take you hostage too!"
Lee raises an eyebrow, holding out his hands and flame bursts from his palm. Several of the warriors lean back, but Ami stays exactly where she is. "You kept the armor from the soldiers you'd killed, right?"
"Yes," Ami says, grinning.
"No," Sokka objects, even though he knows it will work, for exactly the same reason he's been so wary of Lee and his father.
Regardless of their loyalties, they're still Fire Nation.
Still fire benders.
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Rule No. 19
never fall in love with the same person twice, the second time you’ll be falling in love with the memories not the person.
Miguel O’hara x reader
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word count: 1056
synopsis: You were Miguel’s wife in another universe and he just can’t come to terms that you’re not his.
a/n: i know a lot of people are asking for part twos of my other stories but i just can’t think of anything 😭
Your death was a horrible day for Miguel. He easily blamed himself for what had happened to you. Shot twice by a random mugger off the side of the street. And he, Spiderman of all people, couldn't save you. How could he even call himself a hero after that? He held your lifeless body in his arms as he came to terms with the incident.
Miguel wouldn’t allow your killer to get away. Chasing him down the block, cornering him in an alley and slowly, almost torturing, beat the life out of him. Miguel tore at his skin with his claws, used all his strength to break his teeth, and practically ripped off the man’s hand from the wrist.
Miguel so desperately wanted him to feel pain he would do anything. But that wouldn’t bring you back, and he knew that.
Miguel had fallen in love with you for many reasons. You were beautiful, smart, funny, and the kindest person he had ever met. He knew that if you saw the person he was now you would not have fallen in love with him. When he looks at himself in the mirror he doesn’t see the man he once was, he doesn’t see the man you loved but a distorted ugly image of that man.
He knew he had changed for the worse but truthfully he didn’t care. If changing meant he got what he was after he didn’t care how it made him look.
The first time Miguel found you in another universe he was ecstatic. You had a family, a beautiful daughter and a life worth being a part of. “Your” Miguel had recently died and he thought he could replace him.
“Oh, I'm so glad you’re home. I was starting to get worried,” You kissed your husband as he walked through the door.
“Im here,” Miguel whispered as a response.
He didn’t know what to do. You were there, in front of him. Alive.
He pulled you in for the strongest kiss he had ever given you. You were slightly shocked but melted into the kiss with such love. Failing to see the tears building up in his eyes.
You were happy, so happy. Until the day it all came crashing down on him. Your world started to collapse within itself, Miguel felt like Atlas trying to hold up the universe on his shoulders. He didn’t know what to do, he was lost. Running from an inescapable situation with you and your daughter. You fell to your knees as you were running. You were glitching. Slowly, in the most painful way he could imagine both you and your daughter disappeared from his arms.
For the second time Miguel lost you, and it was his fault. From then on he vowed to only watch you from afar.
“She isn’t yours, Miguel,” Jess reminded him for what? the tenth time today?
“I know that Jess,” he practically rolled his eyes at her.
“Y’know it’s creepy. You’re basically stalking this girl who has no idea you exist. There are just some things you have to let go,” She offers her advice.
Miguel clenches his jaw at her words.
“I don’t need a therapist, alright? I’m fine dealing with this,” he says.
He’s had enough of Jess and her advice for today. Even though he won’t let himself interfere he can’t help but watch you from the rooftops. He agrees that it’s creepy but he can’t let anything else bad happen to you, he just can’t.
From everything telling him not to, he swings down to try and get closer to you. He enters the coffee shop you just went into. He doesn’t know why. He shouldn’t be here behind you in the long line. It’s not right. He’s about to turn before he’s greeted with your sweet voice. Your voice that sounds like honey and all the good things on this planet and the next.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering what you usually order? I’ve never been here before and I'm sort of lost,” you giggle. God, he could melt on the spot.
He knows you're lying, of course. He’s seen you in here more times than he can count. And you always get the same exact thing, every single time. In fact, you refuse to get anything different. He wants to believe you’re asking him as a way to flirt but he can’t get attached, not again.
“Oh uhm, i usually get their vienna latte,” His eyes flick up to the first thing on their menu, never having gone to this shop himself.
“And then their bear claw,” if there’s one thing he noticed about you it’s that in every universe you love a bear claw with your drink.
“Great! I’ll get that then!” You smile happily as the barista asks for the next person in line.
He didn’t realize how in love with you he really was until he spoke to you all these years later.
“Do you maybe want to sit down together? I know a park nearby,” You approach him after both of you have gotten your drinks.
“I’d…” he trails off remembering Jess’ words. He can’t, he shouldn’t, no matter how much he wants to. “I don’t think I can. I’m really sorry,” he feels horrible after seeing the look on your face. He wants to crumble up into a million pieces seeing you disappointed like that.
“No worries then. It’s okay,” you smile kindly at him. A clear tinge of sadness in your voice.
You walk off leaving him there unsure of his choice. Would one conversation really do anything? Would it tear the world apart like last time? Was he willing to risk it just to talk to you again?
The truth was yes, he was absolutely willing to risk everything for the chance to have you fall in love with him again. But he couldn’t do that to you. He stands there, heartbroken for a third time.
Even though he loves you he’s well aware you’re not his, not really. He knows that if he were to fall in love with this version of you it would be compensation for what he had lost. He would simply be trying to recreate something he couldn’t have.
Miguel loves you, but he can’t have you.
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theabigailthorn · 6 months
Hey I’ve been a fan for a little while now, and I just wanted to say that you’ve been an inspiration for me, a younger transfemme. But I do wanna also ask: what’s it like being a trans woman with her life together? I’m 19 (as of sending), been on hrt for almost 5 months, and have been trans for a year and change. But I’m scared. So, I guess, I wanted to ask: does being trans ever become the norm, my baseline? What’s it like after 2-3 years? And does it get any less confusing or scary?
I think there are a few things going on here.
I don't have my life together as much as it might seem; I just don't show you all the ways it's not. I don't talk publicly about the auditions I don't get, or the things I try and fail at, or the insecurities in my own head that hold me back sometimes, or the handful of decisions I've made that were bad calls and which still keep me up occasionally. I've talked about trauma and mental illness in the past, but I only ever discuss stuff I'm comfortably over - when I'm overwhelmed or in the middle of a crisis I don't post about it. I don't set out to deceive you by presenting myself that way, I just keep my most private stuff private. Everybody has failures and regrets and insecurities: "it's a sign of having lived," as my friend Phoebe told me today. But you see a curated version of me that appears not only more together than the real person, but more together than any real person.
Also, if you're 19 a lot of your life hasn't been in your control until pretty recently and a lot of it still might not be. I'd say it's okay to not feel like you have it all together. You just transitioned, which I think is one of the hardest things a human being can do: you can give yourself credit for that even if you feel like you're not settled into it yet. Congratulations!
As for it becoming the baseline, I mean yeah? Kinda? At least for me. Sometimes I forget. I had a moment today in the gym where I saw a man and I was like "Oh yeah, I used to be one of them, sortof? Weird!" The first year is the hardest, or so they say. I wouldn't say I get less confused or scared now, just scared and confused in different ways. I worry less about getting attacked in the street than I did in my first year, for example. (I'm lucky and privileged in that regard.) But I worry a lot more about other people. I struggle a lot with survivor's guilt, which is something only people who survive get! Anyone who's had a drink with me in the last six months has heard me beat myself up because the night of The Prince premiere in New York was the night of Brianna Taylor's vigil in the UK. That wasn't a deliberate decision - the premiere was booked and paid for months before she was even killed - but I've become a lot more sensitive to those sorts of feelings precisely because I spend less time worrying about myself. I'm more aware now of what my transness means for other people. Like, I made an ironic joke when I came out that I'd become The Transgender Princess of TERF Island, and it's kindof haunted me since - I didn't set out to become "a famous trans person" but it's happened a little bit and it's going to happen a lot more next year. That comes with serious responsibilities and a few mild drawbacks, as well as perks, obviously. So I guess that's a longwinded way of saying I might be a weird person to ask this question because, at least for right now, my transness, my whole self, doesn't just belong to me.
Oh also, some great advice I got from my friends: Paris: "Only change the things that bother you on your good days," and Mattie: "Don't believe anything you think about your life after 9pm."
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Innocent act pt2, don't be a brat.
Ahh!! Thank u all for your love on innocent act!! Also, there will be a pt3 after this!! Read pt1 here , read pt3!
Word count: 2k
Reblogs, comments, and likes absolutely make my day and are encouraged!
WARNINGS: age gap- Eddie is 30, the reader is 18+ Language, arguments, Eddie tells reader she’s acting like a child, pet names, dom!Eddie, Sub!reader, readers dad is a cop, spanking, fingering, face fucking, edging + over stimulation, degradation, degradation kink, praise kink, Eddie punishes reader for being a brat
Summary: after a fight with your dad, your brought over to Eddies house, where you end up arguing. Somehow the argument ends when Eddie decides he needs to do something about your bratty attitude.
Taglist: @thefreakofhawkins86 , @yaspillz
You sat on Eddie's couch pouting as he talked to your father at the door, you and your father had gotten into an argument only a few minutes ago.
“Make sure she doesn’t get out, she had a fake ID no telling what else she’s done.” You heard your father say from the door, “sad I can’t trust my daughter.” He yelled from the doorway.
“Don’t worry! I’ll watch her like a hawk, you and your wife go have fun tonight. It's deserved.” Eddie covered your father's view of you on the couch. A few more minutes go by and you hear the door almost slam shut.
“So, you wanna tell me what happened? Why you were escorted to my door at…” Eddie checked his watch “8 pm” you sigh, “I accidentally left my fake ID on the counter, and when I realized daddy had already found it.” you stood up, walking over to Eddie. “Then we fought…”
Your father had busted into your room, demanding to know why your ID said 21 and not 18. “Because daddy! I wanted to get into the hideout to watch Eddie perform! They don't let eighteen-year-olds in!” Your father sighed loudly.
“You’re grounded” you stood from your bed quickly after hearing this “you can’t ground me! I’m eighteen! Almost nineteen! I’m a legal adult!” You almost yelled, stomping your foot down onto the Carpeted floor, almost in disbelief he would try and ground you!
“You still live under my roof, young lady! My word is law in this household, and I say you're grounded!” His voice raised to match yours, a screaming match bubbling to the surface “Now, your mother and I have a date, you can either walk yourself to Munsons or I can cuff, and escort you.”
“And now I'm here…” halfway through your recount of the fight, you ended up in Eddie's lap on the couch. Legs were thrown over his, and head resting against his shoulder. “God, he's such an asshole. I turn 19 in a month! He can't ground me!”
Eddie makes a sound of disagreement, “technically, he can, I got grounded by cops all the time as a teenager.” you rolled your eyes, almost scoffing. “You mean arrested and put in jail.” Eddie grins, “same difference, doll.” you moved off his lap, standing in front of him. “You don’t agree with him, do you?” You questioned, Eddie hasn’t exactly stated which side he’s on.
“Do I think he’s overreacting? Yes, but mainly because I was doing way worse than using a fake ID at your age. Do I get where he's coming from? Also yes.” you groaned “you so agree with him!” “Hey now, I didn't say that.” “you implied it!” Eddie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sweetheart-” you crossed your arms, raising your voice as anger bubbled up slowly. “No! Don't you sweetheart me!”
Eddie stared at you, almost surprised by your sudden outburst. “You complain about being treated like a child then decide to act like one, you're not helping yourself.”, you huffed “maybe I wouldn't act like a child if I wasn't treated like one! Both of you still treat me like one!” Eddie had to laugh at that, between the first time you had sex with each other and now, he doubts he's treated you like a kid.
“So by your definition, me treating you like a child is me fucking you stupid for months?” You stuttered slightly “w-well- that’s not what I meant and you know it!” Eddie grabbed your hips, pulling you between his legs, the smell of weed, tobacco, and cologne filled your senses. “Then give me an example of me treating you like a child.” You really couldn’t, you had only said it in the heat of the moment. Anger blinded you and now you’ve backed yourself into a corner.
So of course, you did the only logical thing you could, “fuck you” you mumbled quietly, praying he didn't hear you. Eddie could be fucking ruthless when he wanted to be. “I'm sorry what?” the grip on your hips tightened, and the cold metal of his rings dug into the skin exposed by your crop top. “I didn't quite catch that baby, what did you say?” you sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the punishment that will ensue. but since you decide to be a brat, might as well commit to the act.
“Fuck you, old man” you internally smirked at yourself, Eddie wasn’t that old, but his reactions, whenever you called him old, were priceless. Though right now, it’s going to earn a punishment. Eddie’s voice lowered, “Alright, just remembered you asked for this” Eddie pulled you in, maneuvering you to lay across his lap on your stomach, his hands pulling down the thin cotton of your pajama shorts and underwear. Eddie's jeans are rough against your bare thighs, he must’ve been getting ready for a show. You thought. Eddie's hand rubs the flesh of your ass slowly,
“Can't wait to see this cute ass all bruised up…” he talked darkly, Eddie loved making things difficult for you. He loved making it hard for you to sit, let alone walk. The first strike came down hard, making you yelp and jump slightly, he hadn’t bothered to take off the rings that adorned his fingers. “count.” Eddie said sternly, “one,” you said weakly. You would be a liar if you said, Eddie wasn't hot like this, you fucking loved when Eddie was mean and rough with you.
“Two!” you yelped, as Eddie's hand came down on your ass again, the strike was just as hard as the first. Eddie's hand soothed the soft flesh of your butt. “Look at you baby, actin all tough until I get you like this. A spoiled brat who just needed attention.” you could feel how wet you got at his words, maybe you are a little bit of a masochist because you definitely shouldn't have been getting off on this.
“Your bein mean, sir! M, not a brat!” you know you really shouldn't talk back, give him any more reasons to punish you but you couldn't help it. You were addicted to Eddie when he was like this. Eddie growled, giving your ass another smack “Oh no sweetheart, I’m being nice I could be a hell of a lot meaner and get my belt. spank you with that, make pretty little welts on your ass.”
Eddie gave you a total of 15 strikes. By the end, you were a sobbing, moaning mess, subconsciously grinding your bare pussy onto Eddie’s jean-clad thigh. “Pathetic slut…I’m trying to punish you, and getting off on it.” His fingers found their way to your pussy, pushing in slowly “your soaked doll, you enjoy being spanked that much?” He asked, slowly pushing his fingers in and out. You moaned and nodded, rocking back onto his finger, which surprisingly, Eddie didn't stop you. “Words pretty girl, words,” he told you, his fingers working in and out of you, the cold press of his rings against your cunt made you shiver.
“Yes! Love it when you spank me, sir,” you whined, praying he would let you off easy. Your back arched, you were quickly approaching your orgasm, his fingers found your G-spot quickly, zeroing in on it. “Yeah, all you needed was some attention, huh doll? Acting out because you just wanted me. There are better ways to get my attention doll.” Eddie dragged you close to the edge before ripping his fingers away from your leaking cunt. You whined at the loss, “Now I have to punish you, can't have my good girl thinking she can be bad.”
Eddie's finger delved back into your cunt again. This felt like it went on forever, being taken to the edge only to be ripped away again. Every so often Eddie would smack your ass lightly, your wetness on his fingers only added to the sting.
You cried the last time he pulled his fingers out.
“Think you can kneel, sweetheart?” you nodded, moving out of his lap and onto the floor.
Eddie spread his legs, giving you room to move in between them, you palmed at his erection, earning a groan from him. Your hands slowly unbuckled his belt, before quickly undoing his jeans and pushing them down just enough to free his cock. Wrapping a hand around his shaft you pumped your hand up and down slowly, thumb swiping against the head of his cock, smearing pre-cum over his length. His dick barely fit into your small hands. Eddie was big and thick, his size was a little intimidating if you were being honest.
But you pressed kisses to the head of his cock, and down his shaft, giving him small kitten licks when you could. Eddie's hand tangled in your hair, “c’mon baby, don't be a brat and tease, suck me off.” you kept eye contact as you took him into your mouth. You took him as far as you could without gagging, tongue swirling around the tip of his cock. Eddie groaned above you, praises falling from his lips as his grip tightens in your hair, guiding you to bob up and down on his cock. “Mmm, fuck just like that sweetheart, always feel so good on me.” He moaned.
“Wanna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours-” a sharp inhale left him as your tongue traced around a vein, “you gonna let me? Make you choke and gag on my cock, Maybe then you'll learn something.” you made a sound of approval, sending vibrations through his dick. “Fuck sweetheart- you still remember the safe word?” you nodded to the best of your ability and sent another round of vibrations to say you knew and remembered. One tap to slow down, two to stop.
“Goodgirl” was the only warning you got before Eddie snapped his hips into your mouth, keeping a firm grip on your hair to keep you in place. Eddie roughly thrusted into your mouth. “Shit,
Always a whore for me, letting me use you like my personal fleshlight- Fuck!” he groaned loudly, warmth and a bitter taste filling your mouth. You whined, pulling off his cock and opening your mouth. You had hoped he would've lost his control and cum inside of you, like always did. “Swallow, slut.” you closed your mouth and swallowed his cum. Hoping listening to his commands would earn you at least one orgasm.
“C'mere pretty girl.” he pulled you back up into his lap, capturing you in a needy kiss, his tongue slipped into yours while wandering hands found their way to your already bruised butt. A light smack to the sore skin had you moaning into the kiss. Eddie kneaded the flesh there, almost sorry for the bruises that'll sprout there. Almost. Eddie moved down to your neck, biting and sucking at the almost completely faded love bites. Creating more for you to cover up later. “I think you earned a reward, what do you think doll?” you nodded slowly “please sir, been s’good for you” You wish you could’ve seen the mischievous look on Eddie's face or the glint in his eyes.
Eddie moved you to straddle one of his thighs, “here's the deal sweetheart, you ride my thigh and you get to cum” you whined again, disappointment evident. “Brats don't get to cum on my cock, think about this the next time you decide to act up. Now you gonna ride my thigh and cum, or are you going to bed pent up?” when your hips moved slowly he chuckled darkly, the noise being sent straight to your pussy. “That's what I fuckin thought.”
Your clit rubbed harshly against his jeans. You looked down to where you had been kneeling and noticed a wet spot, you could already feel the bruises forming on your knees. You whined, tucking your face into Eddie's neck as you chased your orgasm. Feeling a damp spot starting to form under you from where your pussy was leaking. You were wetter than you had been before, Eddie was just so fucking hot when he was pissed off at you. Your hips fell into a steady rhythm as you quickly approached the edge, it didn't take long to build yourself up.
“Oh fuck- gonna cum Eds, please, please, let me come!” you moaned pathetically. Eddie shushed you “it's alright pretty girl you can come now.” His permission sent you straight over the Edge, your orgasm racking through your body, and a loud moan- practically a scream left you. Your hips stuttered to a stop, you were completely fucked out. “Did I say stop?” Eddie asked you “wha- what?” Eddie's hands wrapped around your hips, starting your rhythm back up again. “Oh did I not mention? You get to come over and over again!” Eddie exclaimed like that wasn't one of the most horrifying sentences you've heard tonight.
“Get ready sweetheart, you're not walking outta here tomorrow,” he mumbled as he gave you your second orgasm of the night. Which was only the beginning of the 6 more orgasms he would rip out of you
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 2 months
hii I JUST LOVE YOUR WORK i stay and read them every day tbh, it's my first time requesting so I'm a lil nervous (also english isn't my first language so if i write too tangled things don't mind please) yandere disease has been corrupting my mind lately like this disease has taken over the world and now people are divided in two types: yanderes and darlings. Every darling is forced to stay with their yanderes by their parents and government when they turn 20 , like goverment has been taking care of yanderes too much, there's territories and special occasions where yanderes can meet darlings, if darling tries to escape people are just gonna drag them to their "soulmate" otherwise they think darling are too weak and fragile to protect themselves.
If you're too busy, just ignore this. I also know how hard it is to write. Hope you're doing good💗💗
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Your English is perfect ❤️ better than some native speakers' ❤️ I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy!!
Yandere!Fiance x GN!Reader
There were conspiracy theories as to how it happened.
Populations around the globe had declined dramatically, worrying nearly every country in every continent. The most popular theory online was that to combat the rapidly declining birth rate, one (or more) of the suffering countries conspired to create a new kind of biological warfare; an illness directed at their own people to foster relations. Unfortunately, while half of people were naturally immune to the attack, the other half were affected too much.
It was just a theory. Nothing could be proved. No government wanted to get to the bottom of the "attack" because their economies were booming; who would want to rid people of an illness that drove the rate of divorce to an all time low? It didn't matter if there were a few hiccups along the way.. As long as people were pushing out more babies, governments across the planet were more than happy to just create new laws to keep the death rates minimal ensure happiness amongst couples.
(Reader) prayed on their knees like fanatic, begging any God that may be listening, for years that they could be one of the Lovers instead of a Darling. They were terrified of the idea of becoming someone's Darling; becoming a prisoner to a loving murderer. No matter how perfect each family unit seemed to be, the young adult could see it in their father's eyes, the longing for the outside world, away from their mother. The suffocating love their mother drowned him in; the almost unnoticeable quiver to his smile.. (Reader) wished upon every single star in the sky that they could fall madly in love with someone, just so they didn't have to live through the rose tinted hell their father did.
But every crush they had was normal, none of the guys they thought were cute in highschool awakened some kind instinct in them. Eventually (Reader) turned 19 years old, and found out that they were engaged.
"To who??" (Reader) nearly barfed onto the dinner table. Their parents sat across from them, smiling happily from the good news they had just delivered to their child.
"He went to the same elementary school as you! Isn't that romantic?" Their mother cooed, poking her husband while doing so. "Apparently he's known since forever that you two are soul mates, but he's been too shy until recently to approach the Family Planning Bureau about his feelings~"
(Reader) gripped their thighs under the table while their eyes stung from the blossoming tears. ".. Do I have to meet him?" They asked quietly.
Although the building was painted bright blue and was surrounded by a beautiful, flowery landscape, it felt like a prison with it's tall chain link fencing.
The sorrowful expression on their father's sympathetic face burned into their retina so painfully, that every time they blinked while on the bus to their first meeting with their "fiance" they could still see it. He knew just as well as (Reader) did that there was no escape.
Even the walk towards a private meeting room past other Darlings felt like a death march. (Reader) could only hope that the "electric chair" wouldn't be too painful.
The kind guard opened a door, and a young man they did not recognize sitting inside immediately stood up, his face bright red.
His freckled and bespectacled face was almost hidden by his wavy, unbrushed hair. A smile stretched sweetly across his round cheeks, and (Reader) noticed that his blush went down his neck. "Ah- (Reader)! It's nice to- it's nice to meet you!"
It didn't matter that he was incredibly adorable: (Reader) was determined not to let their guard down.
"You said we went to elementary school together?"
"-I'm sorry, but I don't remember you." They interrupted him, curt and to the point.
Instead of looking offended, his eyes softened and his smile became (somehow) warmer. "I'm sorry." He motioned to a seat near the table he was just sitting at. "I can explain everything.. if you give me a chance."
Reluctantly, (Reader) sat across from him. It was hard to deny that he was attractive, really being their ideal man, but they continuously bit the inside of their cheek to prevent themselves from feeling any sort of positive emotion. They knew better than to fall into this trap.
"My name is Anthony." His freckles almost disappeared entirely under his blush. "I'm sorry I never had the confidence to approach you.."
"Huh?" The confused teen forgot to hold their tongue. "Isn't it, like, frowned upon to talk to your Darling before registering with the bureau?"
Anthony rubbed his hands together nervously. "I - I really didn't want you to meet me this way.." He sucked in air between his teeth, looking faint. "I.. Do you believe in true love?"
A pang shot through (Reader's) heart. They remembered every time they would chase a crush, yearning for something true and genuine. Reading love stories from the days before the bureau, and wondering if that was what love was really like once upon a time. "No."
He sighed sadly. "I believe.. or at least, I want to believe in true love." Anthony sat straighter, staring into (Reader's) eyes with a shaky confidence. "I should have asked you out when I first met you in the fifth grade. I'm sorry I was too nervous to talk to you back then."
Vibrating adrenaline shook their system as they tried to make sense of what this stranger was saying.
"I wanted to ask you out, and take you on dates, and get to know you like in the old days."
"Why didn't you?"
His head fell slightly, obscuring his face entirely. "I thought that my feelings for you weren't strong enough.."
(Reader) suddenly felt as though they were connected with Anthony on a spiritual level; as though he was the only person in the whole world to understand them. The need for love, conflicting with the fear of not being a Lover, being destined to be labeled as a Darling. "Are you.." (Reader) dropped their voice to a whisper, "are you a lover?"
Sorrow filled Anthony's figure. Shoulders slumped, and back shuddering under his uneven, heavy breaths. "Would you report me if I wasn't?"
It was as if God had finally answered (Reader's) prayers. Their heart was racing; their head felt lighter than a cloud. Stuttering over their words, the young adult had to avert their gaze. "I don't remember you.. but I wouldn't mind getting to know you." Even though they didn't love him, Anthony felt like their one and only chance to fall in love naturally. To not be trapped like their father.
"Then.. I can see you again?"
(Reader) smiled. "Yeah.."
The second (Reader) left the room, Anthony's head hit the table with a loud bang.
It felt like he was going to vomit with how excited he was, and he couldn't contain his giggles any longer. Being in the same room as his childhood love was almost too much for him, and he almost ruined everything.
Anthony had worked so hard to make (Reader) love him.
He knew they liked shy, nerdy types, so he morphed into that. Destroying his eye sight so he could wear glasses, growing out his hair so he could always look slightly dishevelled, biting his tongue until it bled to force himself to stay in character.
Tears pooled around his nose on the table. He was smarter than the Lovers that made his precious (Reader) scared to be a Darling.
"I'm so happy..~" Anthony sobbed loudly in the empty room. "Please fall in love with me quickly~ Although, I don't mind waiting on you forever.. I want you to love me now..!"
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tan1shere · 5 months
Ellie williams x female reader !
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A/n: ahhh new series alert ⚠️! Hope you guys enjoy part 1 I'll be working on part two over the next few days MUAH
Summary: Ellies the bad girl in the school but she takes a liking to the reader, everyone's worried but the reader somehow changes her for the better
Warnings: fluff, bad girl Ellie, not really anything flirting, swearing? This is set at college/uni so they're a bit older then 19? Mighttt have smut in future chapters !
Masterlist || pt 2 ! Pt 3 !
It was frightening being the new girl. You were shy, very shy. You didn't know at all how to make friends, wandering the halls with your books clutched to yourself. It was overwhelming with how many people there were, you just wanted to get to your last class then go to your second home. The library. You had been waiting all day to finish and head straight there. You had heard good things about the schools library. It was massive, full of so many books. Old and full of memories, it was ancient.
You just sat down in a chair for your last class of the day when some girls approached you. "Oi, dork." You look up from your book seeing a tall brunette with a few blue streaks in it. You await her words, wondering what she wanted. "You new here or something? I don't recognize you." You nod. "I am yeah." She looks down at your books. "Stella." You keep your gaze on her. "Oh- im-" She gets down to your level. "I don't care. You're in my seat." You look at where you were and giggle just a bit. "What are we 16?" You fucked up. She slams her hands down on the desk making you jolt back.
"Wrong. Answer." You widen your eyes, swallowing. "S-sorry." You stutter, going to get up when a hand gets placed on your shoulder. You turn your head to a tall copper haired girl. "Leave her be Stella." She stares coldly at her. Stella just smirks. "You haven't called me back Williams." You look at the girl beside you. "Yeah cuz I don't keep in contact with egotistical sluts like you." You almost gasp, shocked by her language. "Harshhh. No need to get bitchy." The girl chuckles. "Youre one to talk. Pestering someone so innocent. Just sitting there minding her own business." Stella looks at the girl like she's crazy. "And you're so different? You bug anyone and everyone." The girl pouts. "Sad it's not you? Is that burning your ego even more?" Stella rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She spits going to leave.
"You alright?" The girl asks. You nod, putting your hair behind your ears. "Thank you." She nods also. "I'm Ellie. You're new huh?" You nod again, not use to all these people conversing with you. "Well I'll see you round new girl." You watch as she walks to the back of the class to her seat, sitting by another man and woman. She intrigued you for some reason. You had no idea what it was but, you wanted to know.
You were happy, smiling and walking briskly to the library, ready to wind down from a day of classes. You open the old wood doors, they were tall, with carvings and designs. You step inside taking in everything, the smell, the quietness. It was your new happy place. You stride in going over to each section. You were just admiring it all for now but you were determined to find this book you've been meaning to read. As you browse you suddenly come across it, your smile widens, getting on your tip toes to reach it. "Curse being so short." You mutter to yourself.
"Need some help there, new girl?" You turn around to be faced with the copper haired girl yet again. "Oh uhm. Yeah actually." You laugh a little embarrassed. "Struggles of being short." She nods, reaching to grab it with ease. "Glad I was here to help then." She smiles giving it to you. "What're you doing in here?" You ask, not even knowing why you did, anyone could go in here. "Ouch, do I not look like the reading type?" You shake your head. "No no no I just-" She giggles. "I'm teasing you love. And I am a big reader actually." She looks at the book she gave you. "You're going to really enjoy that." You look at the book yourself. "I've been meaning to read it for so long." You admit.
"Well it's worth the read." She smiles. "So what's your name new girl?" You hug the book to your chest. "Y/n. But I- i don't mind the nickname you already give me." She smirks. "New girl? Alright then I shall call you that." It went silent. "So-" You then hear stomping, turning your head. "Ellie leave this poor girl alone." A dark haired woman comes by her. "I'm not even doing anything just casually speaking." Ellie replies. "We should get going anyway, come on." The woman begins to walk off. Ellie looks at you. "I'll see you around, again. New girl." You keep your gaze on her as she goes. Thinking about how most people view her, confused by it all.
Knocking on the door of your dorm, you had just found it. Watching as the door opens. "HI can I help you?" A girl is in sight, giving you a toothy smile. "Uhm im your new roommate." You give her a smile also. "Ahh, well come on in." She moves out the way inviting you in. "How come you didn't do this, this morning?" She genuinely asks. "I wanted to get straight into it, I decided to come back and unpack later." You look around at the cute little dorm room. "Well, all your stuff is in your room, make yourself comfy." She smiles at you, going into the kitchen. You return the smile, heading into your room. It was tiny but just the perfect fit for you. You begin to unpack setting everything out nicely and to how you like.
Once you're happy with how everything looks, you go out into the main area, seeing your roommate. "I'm Angela by the way, everyone just calls me Angie." You nod. "I'm Y/n." She nods. "Its nice to meet you. How has your first day been?" She pours herself a coffee. "Want a drink?" You shake your head. "I'm ok, thank you though. And it was good, classes were good. I got to see the library which was probably the highlight of my day." You smile, going to sit on the couch. "Its pretty cool isn't it." She smiles sipping on her coffee. "Hey, do you know someone called Ellie Williams?" She stares at you. "You don't wanna get involved with her, she's bad news." You furrow your brows. "Wait why?" You inquire. "She's a complete asshole. She will hurt you, and you're too sweet to be involved with someone as putrid as her."
You look at the couch in thought. Why was she such an asshole, she seemed really nice. "Can you tell me more?" You ask, looking at her. She strides over to the couch taking a seat next to you. "Ellie doesn't care about anyone but herself. She'd hurt you just to please herself." You ponder. "But she was nice to me-" She shakes her head. "Its all an act, don't fall for any of it ok?" You just nod. She gives you a reassuring smile. "Right well I'm going to start on some dinner, you in the mood for anything in particular?" She begins to go back into the kitchen. "I'm not fussy." "Awesome." She smiles.
Voices. You heard voices as you woke up, rubbing your eyes as you sit up. You put a brown robe on, peaking your head out the door to see. "No Williams. You're fucking creepy." You try to make out more of the conversation. "I'm not being creepy I was just wondering if she was here or if she had left already. Is that a crime?" Angie let's out a dry chuckle. "Yeah with you it is one. Leave her alone Ellie. Shes a sweet girl, she doesn't need your games." You hear the door shut. What did Ellie even want? You shake your head out of your thoughts, deciding to ignore it and get on with the day.
"New girl wait up!" You hear from behind you, fast footsteps coming closer. You turn your head. "Oh, hi." Ellie comes to a halt. "I've been looking for you all morning." You furrow your brows slightly. "Whys that?" You ask, still keeping your text books close. "I wanted to show you another book that you might be interested in." She starts to walk with you to your first class. "We can go to the library later and check it out." You nod, but suddenly think about why everyone is not fond of her when she's so nice to you. "What's it about?" "Just like the one you had yesterday but a different style and author. I think you'll like it." You nod, coming to your class. "Well I'll see you later, Ellie." She smirks. "See you, new girl."
It was on your mind all day, could you really trust this mysterious woman. You had only met her, and from what you had heard it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. You were walking down to the library as it was now the end of the day, you were planning to study a little bit in there also. Going in you spot Ellie immediately, she gives you a smile signaling to come over to her. She was sitting in one of the maroon colored chairs. "Hey." You say setting your stuff down and joining her in one of the chairs. "Have a good day?" She inquires. You nod. "Yeah it wasn't too bad. Yours?" She nods also. You look at her hands, at the book she held. "Right yes, the thing you've been waiting all day for." You sit up a bit, looking at her. "Give the one you got yesterday a read first then read this one, and let me know what you think about it."
She hands it to you, you give her a smile taking in her words. "Thank you for this." She leans back and smiles. "You're welcome angel." She looks at all your other books. "You going to study?" You nod. "Yeah just some history stuff I'm going to work on." You bring out all your supplies, stuffing the book she gave you in your shoulder bag. "Want some company?" You look at her. "Sure, company can't hurt." You smile still at one another. "I'll just be doing my own stuff." You watch as she gets out her own book, you look at it further. "Are you studying too? What subject." She looks at you. "Meh no just personal pleasure." You look more at it, it was a sketch book. "You draw?" She gets the last of her supplies. She nods at your question. "Yeah I do, guess that's another thing you didn't peg me to do huh?" You laugh a little bit. "I didn't, no. How long have you done it for?" She fully looks at you now.
"Since I was young." You look at the book again. "Can i see some of your work?" She nods, opening it up and giving it to you. You examine them, flipping the pages, she was incredible. "These are amazing." You continue to flick through, coming across some colorful ones. You admire them. "You like that one?" She noticed how you looked at it. "Its so beautiful the color, is this done with paints?" You trace your finger over it lightly. "It is yeah, you like paintings?" You look at her fully. "I actually paint myself." She sits back in the chair again. "Well what do you know. Learning new things about you every second new girl." She smirks at you intrigued. "Well, Ellie what about you." She leans forward. "What do you mean by that." You contemplate on whether or not you should ask.
"Why are you so nice to me. You don't even know me." You state. "Well, that's a good question, and I know exactly why you've asked it. Don't listen to them I may not be perfect but I'm not a monster. You interested me. No one here's, ever interested me like you have, so I took liberty into getting to know you." That's it, why do people hate her so much. Which brings you to your next question. "Why do people not like you." She let's out a tiny laugh. "You're very interested too huh. I'm not a sweet angel. I don't follow by anyone's expectations, or rules. I make some not so great choices, but I dont really care most of the time." You listen to everything. "But why me, im so ordinary." She looks at you, deeply this time. "Not to me. I see something in you, I'm drawn to it."
You look at her shoes, something you always did, it always told you about the person. She had worn out converses on. "I want to get to know you more." She grabs your hand, making you look at her. You look into her eyes as she does so. "I want to get to know you too." She smiles, letting go of your hand and sitting back in the chair. "What do you paint?" She asks, but looking at her sketch book. "Nothing special I just normally work with water colors and some paints, I just do whatever is on my mind, it may not make sense to others but I envision it and just, do." She looks up listening. "I admire that. I might have to check some of your work out sometime." You smile and nod. "Yeah I'm sure that could be arranged." You wanted to continue studying but you couldn't help but get distracted by her.
She was without a doubt beautiful she had a messy half way mullet looking haircut. Green eyes like emeralds. Light freckles coating her face, as she concentrates. Her grungy clothing, hanging baggy over her body. You were so mesmerized by this woman, so far she's made you feel so, real. "What're you drawing?" She doesn't respond right away. Still looking at her paper, but she looks up at you. Keeping silent and looking back at the paper. You look at her with confusion. "Ellie?" She continues to sketch whatever it was she was scribbling at. But once she was done she looks at you, flashing a smirk. She moves, keeping the book to her but ripping one of the pages out and handing it to you upside down. "See you tomorrow new girl. You'll have to give me a tour of your paint work, I'll hold you to it." She smiles as she goes to leave. You watch but then you look at your lap, at the drawing. It was of you. You smile to yourself, looking at every detail. You keep looking, spotting a note in the corner. 'Meet me at my dorm ####, tomorrow morning -E' you keep smiling to yourself. This was just the beginning.
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here's a wild one for y'all. cw for parental death. names have been changed, it is a kinda specific situation but I think only 1 of my family members is on Tumblr so whatever. sorry it got so long, it's a complicated situation and still VERY fresh so my brain is kinda fried lol.
tldr my dad passed away without a will and we want to give his long-distance "side" gf the house he helped her buy. I'm worried she won't be able to afford the mortgage, but don't really want to give her any of the monetary payouts. WIBTA if my brothers and I kept all of the cash?
so late last week (it's Dec 19 as of submitting) my father (60s M) passed away in a sudden car accident on his way to work. I'm (late 20s ftM) his oldest child, I also have a younger brother (mid 20s M) who we'll call Phineas and an even younger half-brother (almost tween, M) who we'll call Aaron.
so I'd describe my dad as a kind and loving but stubborn and stupid man. I would also guess, based on what I know of his love life, that he was polyamorous but didn't realize it due to his conservative Christian upbringing and didn't know it was an option so instead ended up being...well, kinda an adulterer tbh. this isn't to excuse his actual actions bc they were obviously wrong, but is the way the situation reads to me, a polyamorous person.
Dad had a long distance girlfriend (50s??? maybe??? F) on the West Coast (we live near the East Coast), we'll call her Melody. I met her a few years back when he flew Phineas and I with him to visit her. she's a sweet woman from what I know of her. when I got the news of his passing, I was the one who called her to let her know what happened. (which sucked.)
well, what I Didn't know until I was trying to scrape together travel arrangements (I live 5 hours away from Phineas and my dad) was that he also had a Wife (60sF), who we'll call Patricia. (it wasn't a legal marriage, it was "in the eyes of the Lord" as they said, due to legal complications to do with her social security benefits or something. which is why the arrangements for his death fell onto Phineas and I as his adult children. but if he called her his wife then as far as I'm concerned that's what she is.) he didn't really tell me or Phineas about the full nature of their relationship. Phineas found out bc our dad was spending so much time with her that he'd practically moved in w her, put two and two together and asked her to confirm. I never even knew she existed till all this happened. he had told his parents and siblings about her, and they approved of her. we can only speculate why he kept it so quiet to us, she thinks bc of his history with Real Duds that we'd be upset somehow. idk.
so anyway Patricia knew about Melody. my dad was already seeing Melody when he started seeing Patricia. I don't know what he was thinking when he got with Patricia tbh, can't ask him now anyway, but she knew about Melody the whole time. wasn't thrilled about it, constantly told him he needed to tell her the truth and end things, but doesn't truly hold that against Melody herself bc she didn't know.
Melody, however, did not know about Patricia. he was planning to tell her at some point. kept meaning to. still loved her, didn't wanna hurt her, but was also trying to be monogamously committed to Patricia too. he never got around to actually ending things with Melody before he passed, and as far as she knew he was still planning to move out there and get married to her. he even took out a loan to help her pay for her late mother's house, both their names are on the mortgage and deed.
which brings me to my question. my dad didn't seem to have a will (not that we can find anyway), so Phineas and I are the ones in charge of distributing his various belongings and payouts and such. we both agree that we don't have any use for some house across the country, and Melody is already living in it anyway. imo she should just Have It. however, she is also Pretty Poor. I don't know the specifics of her situation (or, really, much about the complications of home ownership?) but I do worry about her ability to continue to pay the mortgage, assuming that's a thing. we're still waiting to hear about all the details and numbers and have somebody who actually knows about that stuff translate it into layman's terms for us non-homeowners (or in Phineas's case, Brand New Homeowner) so we can get a full picture of how all that is going to work legally speaking.
Dad also had life insurance thru his employer. we are still working thru the red tape at his company to figure out who the beneficiary is, the most likely candidate being me as the eldest child. Phineas and I are agreed that we'll at least be splitting most, if not all, the money evenly between us and Aaron. Patricia is INSISTENT that she doesn't want any of it, she wants us kids to keep it bc unlike some of his exes she never cared about his money (he made GOOD money, but still ended up kinda poor due to both being generous to, and having been taken advantage of by, multiple women since my bio mom died. including having to shell out an insane amount of child support for Aaron despite already having a very active role in his life. like he paid more child support than either I or my fiancee even make at our jobs, while also frequently just straight up directly providing for him where he could). because of his income it's looking like a pretty hefty payout.
however, my brother and I are both pretty poor as well. while we don't know the exact amount we're getting, some are speculating a number that, even split 3 ways, would be Life-Changing for us. we're talking 5 figure amounts, more than I or my fiancee make in a year. like we'll still need to work for a living but, for example, it could be a down-payment on a house or a massive safety net for when I'm out of work (I have a steady job but with seasonal unpaid breaks). it could help Phineas afford expensive repairs for the trailer he now owns, which my dad was supposed to help pay for. in the right account with a decent interest rate, it could be tuition for when Aaron goes to college.
I feel like I Should probably toss some of that money Melody's way, esp since I feel so bad that she's getting the one-two punch of finding out her bf died AND also he had a wife she wasn't aware of. but my brothers and I could really use that money as well. I don't know that Phineas wants to send her any, we're saving that conversation for when we know more of the exact numbers. I don't even know how much Dad was paying towards it, or if he even was anymore. plus--and this is kinda a minor detail--but there's kind of a general vibe I'm getting from the Family (ALL 4 of my dad's siblings AND both his parents are somehow still alive) that Melody is kinda...unliked. they love Patricia and were CONSTANTLY frustrated that he was still visiting Melody and frequently sending her money; I get the feeling they viewed her the same as some of his other gold-digging exes so i think maybe sending her Even More Money would look a little weird? like she's already getting full ownership of a house out of the deal. most of them are in agreement that Phineas and I are the ones who get the final say on the bulk of these decisions but they're...a little pushy anyway.
like I said, we don't know what any of the actual numbers look like AT ALL yet, so it might actually be fine. but WIBTA if we just left her the sole homeowner when she couldn't really afford it, and not send her any money? the consensus will probably show up too late to affect our decision but hey, figured the situation would make for a wild ride anyway (or maybe I just feel like that bc it has been for me LOL).
What are these acronyms?
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under-the-dirt · 6 months
Hi Liv, my dear mutual, who is hopefully warm right now, it's 29°F where I'm at, could I possibly have platonic 141 cuddles with reader to warm me up?
Take your time and stay warm :3
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me too!!! i’m so cold here it’s actually 19 degrees right now. it’s so cold in my house at night and i wish i had a big man to cuddle so i wouldn’t suffer!!! i’d put my ice cold hands between his thighs and cuddle into his chest like ahhhh i wish my bf was built like one of the cod men.. <3
ALSO!! i’m making this one dif bc the last one was rly hard 2 write <3
pairing: taskforce 141 x gn!reader
tags: fluff, cold reader, cuddle puddle, sorry if i suck at writing gaz he’s the only one i don’t simp for </3 UNDER 13 DNI
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Today was cold. Normally, you’d be okay, but the base’s heater was broken and you had no extra blankets to cuddle up with. You shivered beneath your thin blanket, curled up and cold.
John Price
You’re shivering in your room when he knocks on your door, opening it and seeing you all cold.
“Are ya cold?” You nod. “C’mere love.” He coos, crawling into your bed beside you, lifting the covers and climbing under. He wraps his large arms around your waist, calming your shivering almost instantly as his warmth seeps into you. You sigh as he pulls you to his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and wrapping the blankets tighter around you.
“Thank you,” You whisper, and he chuckles, the vibrations running through your body and causing you to smile as well.
“Oh it’s no problem, I’m a little chilly too,” He chuckles, resting his chin in your hair and closing his eyes.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
He knocks on your door, expecting to find you doing some work or dancing like you do, surprised when he sees your shivering beneath the covers. He’d known it was cold in the base, but he’d just gotten used to it. The cold never really bothered him. He’d always run rather hot, as he was a large man, so he didn’t need heaters and excess blankets. Who knew such a thing could become such a gift, able to warm you up!
He crawled into your bed, wrapping his arms around your waist, turning you to face him and pulling you to his chest as he rubbed your lower back gently. He pretended not to notice as you nuzzled into him, curling up in his arms like a cat, your shivering ceased and you now happy and warm. He responded to your whispered thanks with a grunt, although he was quite happy on the inside.
John “Soap” Mactavish
He’d been annoyed by the cold, always preferring to be warm and cozy. He’d assumed the same about you when he saw you shivering in a hoodie around base before retreating to your room, not leaving for anything. So, why wouldn’t he go help out his little bird?
He opened your door, and as expected, you were shaking like a leaf beneath your thin blankets.
“Ye mus’ be freezin’ wi’ those thin blankets, aren’ ye?” He chuckles, tossing off his shoes and climbing into your bed, pulling you close to his chest. “Feelin better, aye?” He asks, and you respond with a nod.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Anytime, lovie.” He coos, closing his eyes as you nuzzle into his arms and fall asleep.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
He knew, after seeing you grab a blanket and run off to your room, that you were freezing. They all knew it was cold, you were just more susceptible, he supposed. So, naturally, he went to your room to find you hiding beneath your blankets, teeth chattering.
“Oh love, all cold aren’t we?” He coos, climbing into your bed and rubbing your arm. “Don’t worry.”
He climbs beneath the covers, turning you to face him and pulling you into his chest and stroking your hair gently as you fall asleep.
“There we go, much better,” He chuckles, and you nod.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, love.”
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AHHH I WAS SO SCARED TO WRITE GAZ!!! IDKHOW BC I DON’T LOOK INTO HIS CHARACTER ALL THAT MUCH WASAHHH SOMEONE HELP ME IMPROVE MY GAZ WRITINGF anyways that’s a fun one!! asks cleared finally and i can stop feeling bad abt it!!
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xentualzzz · 11 months
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pairing: E42!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
summary: you give Miles a surprise. 😏😏
warnings: kissing, use of papi and mami, miles is aged up to 19, reader is 18. undressing but not too crazy. i think that's it.
miles: purple
you: pink
rio: blue
uncle aaron: green
a/n: this is connected to my last post late night shopping
a/n: i got the Spanish from google translate, so if somethings wrong, blame google translate not me. also, please give me feedback on what you think about it and things i could do better!
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the surprise:
Miles was sitting on his bed with his eyes closed.
You were still trying get your dress on.
He was just waiting for that surprise you had for him.
"Are you almost done?"
"Yeah almost, give me 2 more minutes."
Miles sighed.
He was SOO impatient.
You got this tight purple dress just for him.
I mean purple suits him right?
That's why you got it.
Anything for him.
"I can open my eyes now?"
He opened his eyes.
He was so lost in how beautiful you looked.
How the dress hugged your curves, your waist looking snatched, and your hair.
"So? What do you think?"
He stood up and walked up to you.
He took your right hand raised it.
"Spin for me."
You did a quick turn.
"A little slower."
His half lidded eyes..
'oh gosh why did he say it like that.'
You spun again, but a lot slower.
Miles was just staring at your ass the whole time.
He let go of your hand and put his hands of your waist.
His hands slowly gliding to your ass.
You put your arms around his neck.
"Te ves hermosa Mami."
(you look beautiful mami.)
"Gracias Papi."
"But.. I think the dress would look a lot better on my fl-"
You both chuckled.
"You tryna have a little bit of fun tonight Mami?"
You gave him a small smile.
He pressed his soft lips against yours.
You kissed him back.
He is such a gentle kisser.
He put his hands underneath your thighs and dropped you on his dresser.
You wrapped your legs around his waist.
Things were starting to get wild pretty quickly.
His mom yelled from the kitchen.
"¿Está todo bien ahí arriba Miles?"
(is everything alright up there Miles?)
"Yeah I'm fine!"
Miles yelled back.
"I think Miles finna rail his girl."
"How do you know?"
"I have some.. experience."
"Aaron. What the hell."
Back to you and Miles.
He kissed you again.
He slid his tongue into your mouth when he got the chance.
You let out a little whimper.
He was exploring every part of your mouth.
He started to slide the purple straps off your shoulder.
You pulled away.
"What is it Mami?"
"Miles it's like 11 at night won't we get tired?"
"Don't worry Mami."
"I can go all night."
a/n: stop why did i giggle a lil bit while writing this.
a/n: also soon, i might be writing some Gwen Stacy and 1610!Miles stories in a bit too.
Tags: @hellokittygator @mapacheconsopreso @blackout-marker @iheartalotofthings @tammyslove @jst-sarahh @0eye0 @lalalolosstuff @5khannah @lalalolojoot @ulovejayy
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grey342 · 5 months
But daddy I love him
Dbf! Phil Wenneck x reader
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synopsis - An innocent, family friendly barbecue soon turns dirty at the return of your fathers best friend from college..
warnings - MDNI 18+ content, Age gap (reader is 19, Phil is in his early 30s), (VERY) fast paced, thigh riding (kinda), Phil talking you through it, daddy kink and unprotected sex.
authors note - This post is in celebration of 100 followers 🎉 I can’t thank you all enough, so sorry again for my absence. I will hopefully be posting (semi-) regularly again, let me know what you thought of this in the comments and my requests are always open ❤️
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
Oh. My. God
Your jaw almost drops to the floor with how wide you open it. You don't believe it's him when he first walks through the door, it's been so long since you’ve seen him. Too long in fact.
Phil Wenneck. Your dad’s best friend in college, you haven’t seen him since you were thirteen and he moved away to LA. Even back then you had a childish crush on him.
But now that childish crush was replaced by a salacious need. His eyes raked down your body, his tongue poking through his cheek. It seemed your lust for him was very much reciprocated. You walk over to him, slightly popping your chest out, and as you got closer you noticed his signature smirk plastered on his face.
"Well haven't you grown up?" He says, eyes never leaving your chest.
"I could say the same to you." You retaliate, he chuckles.
"See you still have the same attitude." He takes a swig from his beer. You focus on the way his adam apple bobs, your core clenching.
"And you're still a raging ass." He lets out a real laugh after that, it's quickly become your new favourite sound.
"You kiss your daddy with that mouth." He straightens, towering over you.
"Wouldn't you like to know," you smile up at him, "i'm gonna go inside. Maybe get a snack, wanna come with?" His eyes scan over your face, licking his lips as he nods.
You make sure to sway your hips when walking to the kitchen, knowing he would be tracing your every move. He scans your surroundings as you open the fridge door and say:
"What do you want fruit? Chips and di-" He grips your waist and presses his lips against yours. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck and lace your fingers in the hair at the base of his skull.
He groans into your mouth and places his thigh between your legs, you moan at the contact.
"You like that huh?" He says against your lips, sharing breaths. You nod your head, face scrunched in pleasure.
"Yeah I thought so," he slowly starts to guide your hips over his thigh, "you want me to take you right here? Bend you over the counter and pound my cock into you with everybody outside? Huh?"
"Please Phil.." You breath.
He claims your mouth again and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He takes you into the bathroom places you down on the counter.
"Take off your shirt." He says whilst turning to lock the door. You follow his instructions and strip out of your tank top.
He turns back around and you swear he moans at the sight.
"Look at you baby," he grabs them, "but how about we get this off too hm?" He reaches behind and unclasps your bra, letting it fall to the floor. He groans grabbing your boobs and pinching your nipples.
"Phil, stop teasing," you gasp as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, "please...daddy."
He froze, you instantly panic worried you've scared him off until-
"Say it again." He rasps, eyes consumed with lust.
"Daddy-" He rips your shorts off, along with your panties and his pants. He pumps his dick a few times before rubbing the tip on your clit. You groan at the same time until he pulls back.
"Shit, are there any cond-"
"I'm on the pill, I was tested last week and it came back negative." You cut him off, he smirks back at you and rests his forehead on yours before slowly sliding into you. You gasp, he was big.
"Holy shit.." You moan, as he begins to thrust into you mercilessly.
"Yeah," he groans, "bet you've never had a dick this big before huh?" You rapidly shake your head, moving your hands underneath his shirt and rake your nails down his back.
His hand reaches down to rub and pinch your clit, you squirm underneath him.
"Come on baby give it to me," he rasps, "y'gonna cum for daddy hm.." He trails off getting lost in the way your pussy is clenching, pulling him in deeper.
"Fuck, daddy please." You feel the knot in your lower stomach begin to tighten. You claim his lips with yours once more as his other hand reaches up to pinch your nipple.
You throw your head back, mouth wide open with lewd noises spilling from it. Phil takes the opportunity to kiss and suck on your neck. You're certain there will be hickies left there for you to cherish this moment later.
He pounds into you relentlessly, knowing how close you are. You wouldn't be surprised if you were drawing blood with how deep your digging into his back. Your moans are getting louder and louder. His hand rubs faster on your clit and his head leans down, mouth clasping around your nipple.
"Fuck, Phil!" You cry out, legs shaking as the pleasure ripples through.
"That's it honey, that's it, good girl." He encourages, his hands gently rubbing your thighs. He allows you to come down from your high before picking you up and flipping you over. Your front pressing against the counter.
"Now," he slowly starts to thrust again, "two more."
You look at him through the mirror and give him a dopey smile, knowing you have a long night ahead of you.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!!
WWX identity shenanigans? Or anything!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
A-Qing is scared.
Everyone around her is dead.
Everyone except Xiao Xingchen and Chengmei.
She doesn't know what to do. Xiao Xingchen remarks at how strange and reclusive everyone in this town is and she nods and complains, saying she wants to go someplace a little more lively, but Chengmei insists he likes it here.
Xiao Xingchen is blind and can't tell that everyone around them is dead and A-Qing can't tell him because she's supposed to be blind too, because if she tries then Chengmei will discover the truth about her and she'll become just one more dead girl who can't do anything to help anyone.
There has to be something happening here, some spell or trick. Xiao Xingchen had smelled blood on the road but he doesn't seem to notice the air of decay or the way no one around them is breathing. Chengmei has done something to dull Xiao Xingchen's senses or addle his mind, has done something to him that he hasn't done to her.
It's important to her that people underestimate her. She's worked hard to be underestimated. But she's almost regretting it now - maybe it would be better to be walking around in ignorance, rather than having to smile and laugh and pretend that the walking corpses around them don't frighten her halfway into being a corpse herself.
She could leave. Chengmei doesn't care enough about her to stop her, she doesn't think, and maybe she could get some help. But what will happen to Xiao Xingchen while she's gone? What if Chengmei does something terrible to him? What if he takes Xiao Xingchen and leaves and by the time she comes back they're gone forever?
The thought is ever worse than her current situation, so she stays, and hopes one day she'll find an opening to get them to safety.
She's by the river, because the corpses seem to avoid running water, when she sees a woman she's never seen before walking through the mist. A-Qing squints, trying to make sense of what she's seeing as the woman heads in her direction. It makes her nervous, but the corpses have never hurt her before.
She's wearing pale blue robes and she's tall, for a woman, and almost too skinny. Her dark hair falls freely down her back but she has a strange ribbon wrapped around her forehead. A-Qing is trying to figure out what killed her, considering she lacks the puffy face of strangulation or and her robes are free from blood, when she notices a sword at the strange woman's side.
Terror shoots through her. A-Qing yanks her robes to her knees, getting ready to run, when the woman waves at her and shouts, "You there! You're alive, aren't you? Have you seen anyone else alive around here? He'd be this tall, in all white, very pretty?"
A-Qing freezes, mouth dropping open. The woman still has her tongue. Her eyes sting and she desperately tries to blink her tears away, worried if she loses sight of the woman in front her that she'll disappear completely.
This woman is alive. She's got a sword and she's smiling and she's asking for Xiao Xingchen, which means maybe she's a cultivator too, maybe she can save them from Chengmei's horrible games.
A-Qing throws herself at the woman, who in spite of her small stature doesn't so much as sway with the impact, and instead lays a warm hand against her back. "What's all this, then? What are you doing here with all this going on, anyway?" She rubs soothing circles into her back. "Hey, hey, don't cry! It's going to be okay. I may not look like much, but I'm pretty good with stuff like this."
She's warm. She's warm and alive and she's a cultivator and she's going to help.
A-Qing keeps her forehead pressed against the woman's chest and starts talking.
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