#Merlin but it’s frozen lol
noodles-and-tea · 1 month
I love your merthur art style, it captures them so beautifully!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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j-ellyfish · 1 year
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Poll's over, the right answer was The Sword in the Stone :D But Lilo&Stitch is a close second, I absolutely loved it as a child and I still do! Lilo is one of the few female characters I ever related to in my childhood and I still believe she's a great example of an amazingly written little girl character. I also really like Robin Hood, The Jungle Book and Alice in Wonderland. Zootopia is possibly my favorite 3D-era Disney movie although in general I no longer enjoy Disney productions much. Inside Out has a very nice concept and I liked some of the jokes and teary moments, but overall I can't say I adored it.
Pinocchio is a personal pet peeve of mine and I dislike it a lot, not even having watched it in my childhood makes me have nostalgia for it// Frozen, welp, I find it very boring, I couldn't even watch it to the end, I'm sorry.
As for Sleeping Beauty, I love its aesthetic but I'm true neutral when it comes to the story itself.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Cryptidclaw's WC Prefixes List!
Yall said you were interested in seeing it so here it is! 
This is a collection of mostly Flora, Fauna, Rocks, and other such things that can be found in Britain since that’s where the books take place! 
I also have other Prefixes that have to do with pelt colors and patterns as well!
Here’s a link to the doc if you dont want to expand a 650 word list on your Tumblr feed lol! the doc is also in my drive linked in my pined post!
below is the actual list! If there are any names you think I should add plz tell me!
EDIT: I will update the doc with new names as I come up with them or have them suggested to me, but I wont update the list on this post! Plz visit my doc for a more updated version!
Freshwater Fish 
Saltwater fish and other Sea creatures (would cats be able to find some of these? Probably not, I don't care tho)
Bass (Saltwater version)
Bream (Saltwater version)
Eel (Saltwater version)
Insects and Arachnids
Flowers, Shrubs and Other plants
Rocks and earth
Water Formations
Weather and such
Cat Features, Traits, and Misc. 
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disney-is-mylife · 3 months
Alas, with only 12 options, I had to leave out several possible candidates. I did not count most talking animals (Jiminy being the big exception because, well, he doesn't exactly LOOK like a cricket, does he?), nor did I count any robots, aliens, or superheroes/humans. This poll only features characters that are either magical themselves or could only exist in mythologies/fairytales.
(I also did not count any Alice in Wonderland characters, despite considering the Cheshire Cat, because none of them count as "companions" to Alice, more like weird residents she bumps into on her journey down the rabbit hole.)
And as for any other options.... honestly, I just ran out of space and wanted to include from as many eras of Disney animation as possible lol ^^"
Happy voting! ❤
Disney 20th Century Animal Sidekick Poll!!
Disney 20th Century (Other) Animal Sidekick Poll!!
Disney 21st Century Sidekick Poll!!
Disney (Other) "Magical" Companions Poll!!
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Snow and Dirty Rain (Merlin)
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Richard Silken, "Snow and Dirty Rain" // BBC Merlin
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
it's finally here! the fourth and final part!!!
this one was hard, I had the most trouble with the last three pictures. I really wanted to include Elena and Mithian as well as Geoffrey, but they just... didn't really fit. it was objectively awful. sorry for that. so I reached out to @shana-rosee , and they threw me a few ideas! it was their call to have Geoffrey last - and they might not have realized it, but it turned out great for the symbolism, as I'll point out below. so thank you for that! (/gen) but yeah, today it was just bugging me and I NEEDED to get it done, and I think it turned out pretty good!
so the first image is alluding to part 3, where the line "if this isn't a kingdom, i don't know what is" is assigned to Arthur. for "the hunter's heart" I had the unicorn horn, because it showed that Arthur was pure of heart. for "the hunter's mouth" I had Leon, (yay! Leon!) because he's Arthur's advisor, and speaks for him.
I was DETERMINED to get Leon, Hunith, and Gaius in this one, and I'm so glad I did.
Tristan and Isolde have their line to represent, honestly, what they did in the show - a reflection of Merlin and Arthur, and how their great love (filled with magic, secrets, and war), ends in tragedy.
Hunith and Gaius are there to represent "the space between the trees", as they are Merlin's sanctuary, his parental figures, the ones who know about his magic and love him - not in spite of, but for it. and of course I had to have Gaius casting a spell for the gold line!
for the last three, it got a little complicated, but I figured it out.
for "the words frozen," I did the moment that Arthur and Merlin became officially forever connected - when Uther assigned Merlin as Arthur's servant after he saved his life. the knife in the throne, the speechless moment that followed.
for "the creatures frozen.", I had the most difficult time with. Shana suggested the Lamia, which was a great idea, but I didn't think that it quite fit with the rest. so instead, I did Dragoon at Camlann. that lightning is the moment that even a fraction of Merlin's true power is shown. Dragoon is representative of Merlin being allowed to be his true self, and the consequences that come with it. Merlin can literally freeze creatures using his words - a la spells, or, more fitting, dragonspeak. people also freeze in terror or awe at the very mention of the name Emrys. so yeah, I think it worked out quite well!
and lastly, for "Explaining will get us nowhere." as i said, Shana suggested Geoffrey here, likely because of his love of the library. that reason was actually why I considered putting him under "the words frozen," but I realized putting him last was much better. why?
well, because Geoffrey of Monmouth was a real person. who, you ask, exactly is he? well, just "one of the major figures in the development of British historiography and the popularity of tales of King Arthur." yeah, in case you didn't know, Geoffrey the record keeper in BBC Merlin was an allusion to the man who helped carry Arthur's tale throughout the years.
so, why "explaining will get us nowhere?" well, because, if you accept BBC's Merlin as the true canon, then Geoffrey recorded it wrong! lol.
(in line with this, if you haven't read it already, go read @katherynefromphilly 's We Begin Again series. it's absolutely incredible, well worth the long read, and will leave you wanting more! in a good way, I promise. in it, Merlin in the present day goes out of his way to fix everything history got wrong, and it's incredible. also I distinctly remember there being fish in little pond things indoors, which was a super cute detail.)
so, that's the last of my Snow and Dirty Rain/Merlin series. I went a little overboard explaining things, but it was just so fun finding and linking the symbolism!! I hope you all enjoyed!
(p.s. I'm planning to make more of Snow and Dirty Rain, but with twelveclara/whouffaldi from Doctor Who. if you're interested in that or other things I make, check out my richard siken or original post tags in my blog.)
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
What is Queerbaiting?
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I had a good conversation about this with @ejassy the other day and figured I'd just make a post about it in case anyone else wanted to either share their own thoughts too or were just confused over what people mean when they say queerbaiting. Which CAN get confusing, especially when it gets used incorrectly ALOT.
So in short simple terms, for queerbaiting and its similar phrases?
Queer subtext: I normally think of this in 2 ways. The first being unintentionally gay. This was clearly not the intention of the writer ever, but the gay ships were just accidentally too full of chemistry and the ship shipped itself by accident even though the characters aren't "canon" gay (think batman and joker. Or Lord of the rings or Elsa from Frozen. Or like a good portion of misogynistic anime writers who can't write a female character that isn't flat AF lol)
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The second being where it can also be defined as INTENTIONALLY gay. Where instead of it being something that just happened, it was written like this pn purpose and with full intention of being queer and is in its own way, good queer representation, even if the queer relationship isn't ever technically confirmed, or only confirmed "off screen" by the writers. This is subtext and its sometimes left only as subtext because the romance is only a subplot or because of censorship. (Think Legend of Korra or Think Merthur from Merlin bbc.)
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Queercoding: acting queer or leaning into queer themes/subtext but not explicity queer for any number of reasons, including censorship for fictional universes or just being closeted. Basically there is enough subtext available for the audience to read them as queer regardless of if their sexuality is never confirmed either way. (Again, think Elsa. Or Jo March from Little Women, or think Nick Carraway from the Great Gatsby. Think of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji from The Untamed, the show not the web novel verison lol. Think Xena: Warrior Princess)
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Queerbaiting: obviously leaning into and promoting queer subtext and queer themes to keep gay fans on the hook and invested in your media with zero intentions of follow through. Almost at times even turning it into like a joke or just making it very obvious that the character was never actually queer. This was a term coined by queer theorist academics in the 1990s and didn't actually exist before then. This is not a term that can apply to real people. Real people can't queerbait. With very few exceptions to that "rule." Which I will discuss some of those possible exceptions in a bit. (Think Destial from supernatural, or Johnlock from Sherlock, or think Supercorp, Lena and Kara, from Supergirl. Or think Sam and Bucky from MCU, Bechloe from Pitch Perfect or Sterek from Teen Wolf. If anyone doesnt know why these would fall under a more queerbaiting label and dont already know, please feel free to ask for sure)
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There are some good sources out there that go into much more detail about what queerbaiting is, how it's been misused and more too as well if you have the time to watch them. This video was recommended from @guacamoli-avocadorado here. It is a great intro to the term and how it is used/should be used broken down in an easy to understand way. And it gives a bunch more examples like I shared above, etc.
And this one is longer but a really good and interesting dialogue about the topic. They take the definition of queerbaiting and expands upon it greatly as well as gives a very through dive down the history of queerness and queer subtext through film and media. This one was recommended by @chikooritajjk
Now, real people cannot queer bait. It's impossible UNLESS they have CONFIRMED their sexuality as "straight" and will sometimes "play gay," for an audience. And not just a straight actor playing a gay one, but doing something that is intentionally queer but backtracking and being like "well I mean, I'm straight so I didn't mean it." And doing so repeatedly and/or even making light of it or joking about it. Or even just being plain homophobic about it. Unless you are talking about the actions they take to promote their "brand" in an effort to profit off queer fans on purpose, while continuing to make it clear its not "that serious," then you could make an argument that that person is queerbaiting. Which, for clarification, two people of the same sex simply interacting together, even with lots of general affection, cannot be classified as queerbaiting ever. Especially because a person doesn't have to be "out" to act on their queerness. Our queerness is our own. No one gets to demand someone to give answers about their sexuality to confirm queerness or not before the public "decides" to keep trying to bully an answer out of them or not. You don't get to take self expression and someone else's comfort away from them for your own comfort in labels that don't belong to you anyway. The thing is, no one owes anyone any explanations about how they present themselves or what their sexuality is. You can't forcibly out people. "I think you are gay, therefore I'm owed an explanation and if you don't give me one, it means you are just queerbaiting" is WRONG. It's an umbrella media term, not a bullying tactic. This applys to everyone, random people off the street, actors, musicians, authors who write/engage in queer literature, public speakers, influencers, etc...
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There are some of kpop idol groups (or other celebrities in general) that could be classified as queerbaiting. Because they use queerness to build and promote their "brand" while otherwise never doing anything about it (even as an ally) and/or even being lowkey homophobic about it all or just continuing to make sure the audience knows they "arent actually gay." Or they use queerness in a way that fetishizies it, again without actually meaning it in any way. That's a whole seperate issue, and it could in ways be considered queerbaiting. Or it could more likely dig further into the issue of inauthenic queer fetishization used as a shock value for an audience to be used as sexual fantasies for their STRAIGHT audience, rather than to draw in a queer audience who are more looking for the possible authenticity of queerness or allyship in the celebrities/idols they are building these parasocial relationships with. Because again, unless you know what this person's sexuality is, how are you sure they aren't just exploring/or expressing their own queerness and aren't labeling it or are closeted for whatever their reasons may be, including just not being ready to come out yet.
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It is a fine line to walk, and there will probably be times in the "real life" instances above where you will have to use your own critical thinking skills to decide how you feel about things, etc. But for the most part, real people can't really queerbait. But hopefully this helps anyone who was/is confused. There are also a lot more resources out there if you wanted to continue looking into it. This is just what I know about it all myself too, if anyone has anything to add, they are free to do so. 💜
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wolfiery · 2 months
writing patterns: first lines
~~~ Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
ahh, thank you for tagging me, @emryses ! i haven't been writing much these days but this still seemed really fun and interesting to do! continuing the format steal from mona, because it also pleased my brain LOL
Arthur freezes when the sound of glass shatters. fluke [merlin | merthur]
It’s hidden here, marooned from morality. i'm at the end of the world with you [merlin | merthur]
There had a been a tunnel-like staircase to get into the basement; the wooden bar nearly felt damp from all the lingering smoke within, the brown-bagged bottles and teacups on the table were left behind with an obliviousness of impermanence. ne me quitte pas [merlin | merthur]
“I used to be the glue. The man with a plan." sandglue [ teen wolf | sterek]
Merlin's mind is groggy, but he's been here before. aiming for heaven above (an angel ain't what i need) [merlin | merthur]
Merlin sags defeatedly at the mess on the table, silver platters heaped with torn-up bread and half-eaten ham, forgotten about as the patrons inevitably gave way to drink and dance instead. i know what hands are for (and i'd like to help myself) [merlin | merthur]
There’s a heat wave in Hawkins, a vicious temperature spike in the air that’s made its way into Steve’s hair, now falling flatter than usual since not even Farah Fawcett hairspray could withstand the agony of a hundred degrees. these are the dreams we should be having [stranger things | steddie]
It's a heavy feeling when moonlight doesn't creep in through the white blinds on the window; instead a blurred streetlight does, barely illuminating the coarse, white carpet. carried my cross of shame [teen wolf | sterek]
Nick shuts his bedroom door with an utterly prolonged sigh, his hand frozen on the doorknob as he takes in the massive conversation he just had with his mum. i wanna feel them all [heartstopper | nick/charlie]
They say that she’s out of touch with her people. midnight strikes (not posted yet but i've been working on it for 2 years so it's getting a mention) [merlin | guinevere/oc & merthur]
apparently i do have some love for a semi-colon. absolutely no pressure! @insane-ohwhyfandoms @tansyuduri @idyllic-idioms @fictivecircle @lesbianlefay
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yumeka36 · 2 years
Yumeka’s adventure in the Frozen Realm (Disney Dreamlight Valley) - part 1
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Disney Dreamlight Valley is a new life simulation game very similar to Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, except with a Disney theme. It’s currently in early access and will have its full release next year. I decided not to wait and bought the early access version. Of course, my first goal was to unlock the Frozen characters!
Not many Frozen accessories are available early on, however, I made sure to put Elsa’s snowflake motifs on my shirt!
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The Frozen characters aren’t available right away so I had to do other quests and duties beforehand. But I did manage to snag the ice throne and ice castle snow sculpture early on! (also the radio will sometimes play instrumental tracks of Let It Go and Into the Unknown).
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Mickey decided to pay me a visit while I was decorating and made himself at home on my ice throne...didn’t even ask if he could sit on it. The nerve!
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I was hoping Scrooge would sell more Frozen items but his inventory currently has none. Makes me wonder if he’s really putting his money to good use.
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I randomly found The Swing painting featured in Frozen hanging on the wall in Remy’s house.
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When I finally had enough resources to unlock the Frozen Realm, I first had to help Anna round up Bruni.
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I burst out laughing when I saw that the game treated Bruni as an item after I caught him and had to “give” him to Anna, lol! Guess it wasn’t worth their time to make an actual game sprite for him.
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Apparently Anna’s engagement ring was in the lake, and the spirits saw that as something “polluting” the lake and that’s what caused them to be upset...they’re quite sensitive, aren’t they?
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I have to say that the design of the Enchanted Forest looks really nice in the game! The music is great too. Whoever designed the music did an excellent job of remixing Christophe Beck’s eerie melodies from the movie.
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Unfortunately I couldn’t progress further since the materials I need for the wind chime to calm Gale down are in an area I haven’t opened yet.
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But before I left, the girls were gracious enough to humor me with some photos.
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After doing more activities, I unlocked Forest of Valor so I could get the needed materials for the wind chime...and who should I find there but Kristoff! (who also didn’t mind taking a photo).
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Apparently Kristoff is friends with Donald Duck in this world. Who knew?
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But Merlin really needs to know him better, lol!
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Not too far from Kristoff, I was surprised to find what appears to be a home shaped like Arendelle Castle!
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The interior is quite cozy. I wonder if this is where the Frozen characters will live once I further their quests.
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Beyond the forest is what appears to be one of Elsa’s ice staircases leading to a snowy area - the Frigid Heights according to my map. Maybe this is where Elsa will live, and Anna and Kristoff will live in that castle-shaped house in the forest? I’ll have to progress further so I can unlock it!
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That’s all for now but I may continue this post series as I complete more of the Frozen Realm. The game is very fun and addicting!
Click here for part 2.
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takearisk-xo · 1 year
hannah i know you took off work last week to work on chapter thirteen may we please (pretty pretty please) have a sneak peek
LOL uh… i will share the last 1k words i wrote knowing full well i am opening myself up to absolute clownery
Harry’s shoulders slumped, the tension in his back screaming in agony. He rolled his neck in frustration and stared around the locker room in all consuming annoyance.
“Would you get a move on?” He spoke to the ceiling. “I’m going to be permanently disfigured at this rate-”
“Harry!” Ginny hissed from across the room. “What in Merlin’s bloody tits are you doing?”
“Having a go at the twat running this shitshow.”
She rolled her eyes, but her posture relaxed too. Robards and Morgan remained frozen in time, their expressions cemented in examination and pain, respectively.
Harry supposed if Morgan stayed like that forever it wouldn’t be a complete loss.
Leaning back against the wall, Ginny let out a bit of a groan. “How long have we been like that?”
“Weeks?” Harry asserted. “Months? Too long.”
Ginny shrugged in agreement but otherwise didn’t comment.
He scoffed. “You’re trying to stay on her good side aren’t you?”
“Wha-” her mouth dropped open in indignation. “No-”
Pulling a face, he paced over to a sofa and dropped heavily onto the cushions. “Ginny Weasley, a brown noser. Who would've thought.”
“Oh, please,” she shot back. “What about that bit in chapter nine? You’re telling me she made all those cuts without any coaxing from you?”
“That was different-” He snapped and Ginny laughed.
“You know what she’s got planned,” she continued, stretching her arms over her head. Ginny’s eyes glinted as she caught Harry’s gaze drop to the flash of skin at her hips. “I’m trying to cache up as much goodwill as I can.”
He stared at her, his expression going hard. “You think what she does to you doesn’t affect me?”
Ginny held his gaze. “Not yet.”
“You’re wrong.”
“It doesn’t matter,” she replied quickly. “Because we’re stuck in this bit for the foreseeable future.”
Harry chewed on the inside of his cheek and settled further into the sofa, stretching his legs out in front of him. “Well if I can’t yell at her to hurry the hell up, how would you like to spend the time?”
Humming at his request, Ginny sidestepped Morgan and collapsed onto an arm chair sideways.
“We could talk…?” she trailed off, biting her lip to hold in a smile.
The silence lingered for the space of two heartbeats before they both burst into laughter. Ginny shuddered with giggles as Harry swiped at the tears of mirth rolling down his face. Once they had subsided into silent chuckles Harry pulled in a deep breath.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Not yet.”
“Not yet.” She repeated.
It felt like a promise.
Harry didn’t stamp down the grin that spread across his face. Three more chapters, he reminded himself. They just needed to stick it out for three more chapters.
Ginny’s answering smile was soft and her amber eyes warm.
“I miss you.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper, the words forming around a shuddering sigh that escaped her lips.
It made the space between his own lungs go tight.
“I know,” he breathed. “I miss you too.”
Her eyelids fluttered slightly, the only indication there was a depth of emotion beneath her well placed mask.
“What do you think it will be like?” she asked quietly. “When it finally happens?”
Harry crossed and uncrossed his arms, unsure how to articulate the fierce burning that ignited in his chest.
“Worth it,” he said finally. “All this wavering and indecision, it’ll be worth it if I just get to-”
He stopped speaking abruptly, aware he was about to say something he couldn’t ever take back. Something that would catapult them five chapters into the future.
Ginny’s eye’s sharpened at his sudden silence and her smirk grew gradually into a wicked grin.
“Not yet?” she asked, one copper eyebrow twitching in challenge.
He shook his head. “Not yet.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “Now who’s the brown noser?”
Harry let her tease him. He’d been given a little taste of that moment to come and as much as he wanted to launch himself across the room and snog Ginny senseless, there was no way in hell he was trading that moment for this one.
“Any idea what’s next, then?” he asked when her giggles subsided.
Ginny’s brow furrowed and her expression became troubled. “Yes.”
He grimaced. “That bad?”
She watched him for a long moment, then nodded twice. Harry’s stomach sank at the desperate look on her face.
“Can I help?”
She nodded again. “You do.”
He only had a vague outline of the next few days, nothing concrete and it infuriated him to no end.
“Give me a hint?” He tried, one side of his mouth tipping up into a smile.
“No,” she grinned back. “I don’t think I’ll spoil it.”
“Oh, so it’s like that, is it?” Harry’s eyes shot skyward. “Alright, fine. I won’t tell you about the roof, then.”
“What roof?”
“Dunno,” he quipped. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
Ginny picked up a throw pillow and chucked it at him.
Harry batted it aside easily. “What was that for!?”
Her smile was a little too self-satisfied. “Just a taste for what’s to come.”
“Not if we never get out of this sodding memory.”
“She’ll figure it out,” Ginny reassured. “She always does.”
“Never taken this long though has it?”
“It’s a lot of pressure to get it just right.”
Harry pushed his glasses further up his nose. “I suppose, but she’s done fine so far. What’s so different this time around?”
Ginny sat up a little straighter in her chair. “Do you really not know?”
“Know what?”
“Wow,” she pulled the word into three syllables. “You’re really in for it… we both are.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Great. What else is new?”
“No, really,” she stressed, her eyes going wide. “This bit changes everything.”
He felt a sigh of relief bubble up in his throat. “About damn time.”
They sat in companionable silence for several long minutes, their breathing the only sound that pervaded the space.
“Shall we crack on then?” a disembodied voice spoke from everywhere and nowhere.
“Stop pretending to be British,” Harry shot back. His joints stiffened at the thought of returning to a bloody standstill.
“We’ll go back,” Ginny compromised. “If you promise to finish this scene in twenty four hours!”
Harry awaited the forceful scolding, but after several beats of silence the disembodied voice spoke again.
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milkyetoile · 2 months
I've confused myself with my own Fandom Trumps Hate offer lol so I thought I'd make a new post. Please see below for my FTH offers and refer to the listing post for further details.
OFFER #1 Fandoms: Good Omens, Merlin, or original work Length: 5-10K words Highest Rating: M
OFFER #2 Fandoms: Any (including original work) Length: 3K words for fandoms I'm familiar with, 1.5K for fandoms I don't know Highest Rating: T
For examples of my podfics, you can refer to my AO3 profile here:
Please see under the cut for a list of fandoms I can do up to 3K words for:
Artemis Fowl (book ONLY ohmygod) Back to Back (musical series) Card Captor Sakura (only until 2nd movie, I haven't watched Clear Card yet) Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy Club Slazy Dear Evan Hansen (musical only - idk if the movie has differences) Detective Conan/Magic Kaito (separately or not at this point; I'm honestly so behind but idc LET'S GO) Diamond no Ace Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy (/cries) Dimension 20: Misfits & Magic* Doctor Who (New Who; I've only watched until start of Twelve but I'm familiar enough with the succeeding parts) Fullmetal Alchemist Frozen (movie and musical) Gensoumaden Saiyuki Good Omens Hadestown Hamilton Harry Potter (original series & Marauders era)* Howl's Moving Castle (book or movie) Idolish7 In the Heights Kyou Kara Maou! Legally Blonde (movie and musical) Marvel (mainly Avengers until Endgame) Mean Girls (movies and musical) Merlin Mula Sa Buwan Naruto (original until Shippuden maybe) Ouran High School Host Club Percy Jackson and the Olympians (original book series and TLT musical - haven't watched the TV series yet and the movies do not exist--) Phantom of the Opera (musical) Pokemon Prince of Tennis (The) Prom (musical and movie) Sherlock Holmes (ACD, BBC, Enola Holmes, RDJ movies) Spies Are Forever (TCB) StarKid: A Very Potter Musical* StarKid: Firebringer StarKid: Holy Musical B@man! StarKid: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals+ StarKid: Twisted Tiger and Bunny Tolkien (LOTR and The Hobbit movies) Usagi Restaurant Walang Aray Wicked (book and musical)
* If you're requesting these fandoms, please make a donation towards the Sherlock’s Homes Foundation or organizations that support transgender rights. + I'm honestly willing to go 3K words for any Hatchetfield verse. Or pretty much any StarKid that I can easily watch. The rest are on my list of to watch anyway. The same goes for other Dimension 20 seasons except maybe Fantasy High, which is ongoing and now very long. I'm only just working my way through the shorter ones ok 😂
Thank you very much for your consideration and donations <3
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Broadway songs that remind me of books/shows
Songs that just have to right vibes for scenes, characters, or overall stories (Might this post be too niche? Yes, but that’s too bad lol. Crossing my fingers that at least one other person gets it :)
Stranger Things
“Monster”— Frozen
“Live Like This”— Tuck Everlasting
“IDK”— We Are The Tigers
“Maybe”— Next to Normal
“Seventeen”— Heathers
“Portrait of a Girl”— Bare: a Pop Opera
“The Beauty Underneath”— Love Never Dies
“Freak Flag”— Shrek: the Musical
“Dust and Ashes”— Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Marauders Era Harry Potter
“Some Kinda Time”— Dogfight
“Fame”— Fame
“Birthday, B*tch”— Bare: A Pop Opera
“Santa Fe(Prologue)”— Newsies
“Goodbye Love”— RENT
“A Soft Place to Land”— Waitress
“All That’s Known”— Spring Awakening
Six of Crows
“Everything’s Golden”— Tuck Everlasting
“All Grown Up”— Bare: a Pop Opera
“Once and For All”— Newsies
“This World will Remember Us”— Bonnie & Clyde
“Why God, Why”— Miss Saigon
“No More”— Tick, Tick… Boom!
“Killer Instinct”— Bring it On
BBC Merlin
“No Good Deed”— Wicked
“Unlikely Lovers” — Falsettos
“Not my Father’s Son”— Kinky Boots
“Who I’d Be”— Shrek: the Musical
“Stronger”— Finding Neverland
“The Point if No Return”— The Phantom of the Opera
“Wait for it”— Hamilton
“Sunrise, Sunset”— Fiddler on the Roof
“Drink with Me”— Les Miserables
“Those You’ve Known”— Spring Awakening
“Run Away with Me”— The Mad Ones
“Role of a Lifetime”— Bare: a Pop Opera
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
“What I Did for Love”— A Chorus Line
“Let me be your Star”— Smash!
“Who I Was”— Bandstand
“Good for you”— Dear Evan Hansen
“All You Wanna Do”— Six
“Changing my Major”— Fun Home
“She Used to be Mine”— Waitress
“What Would I Do?”— Falsettos
“There are Worse Things I Could Do”— Grease
Hopefully this made sense to somebody. Have a nice day :)
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besidesitstoowarm · 5 months
"Midnight" thoughts
i'll be honest i did not super enjoy this rewatch. everyone was so goddamn stupid and annoying it was kind of hard to sit through
i do like bottle episodes and wish we got more of them. donna has a nice relaxing spa day and the doctor tries to go on a field trip and has the worst day of his life. i like how he short-circuits the various bits of entertainment so that they can all talk to each other instead, it was cute. we briefly see rose on one of the music video screens when the doctor's back is turned
bus stops and something outside starts knocking. it starts with two, the dad knocks back 3 times and it repeats, the doctor knocks 4 times and it repeats. there's only one thing i think of when i hear 4 knocks and i'm not sure if it was an intentional reference or not
so the power goes out briefly and something enters the newly divorced lesbian and she's frozen, unable to do anything except repeat what everyone is saying. first normally, then it speeds up so she's speaking at the same time. it's suitably creepy and interesting that this thing is learning, mimicking. i also like that we never see it, learn nothing about it, and have no idea what it is or what it wants. the professor continually insisting nothing could possibly live on midnight just pissed me off, motherfucker do you know what lives in deep sea vents?! have you seen what tardigrades can do?! extonic sun or not
it's a classic hysteria story, like the house md episode set on an airplane. if i were there i would simply not become hysterical so it's hard to relate to these people, lol. eventually the doctor gets possessed too and they go to throw him out the airlock but the hostess realizes the thing never left sky so she murder-suicides them and everyone is saved. the doctor asking at the end what the hostess's name was and no one knows cause they never asked was a good touch
i think i must be spoiled from the last episodes or something cause everyone felt so goddamn annoying. no one was likable and i would have started throwing hands with that annoying ass couple like immediately. i do want to give a shoutout to colin morgan, who was cast in "merlin" bc of his performance in this episode, and the professor who was played by david troughton, son of patrick :) the episode was also directed by alice troughton but she has no relation
so yeah, kind of mid (-night) tbh. really curious about how i'll feel about the next one as i've never rewatched and didn't get all the hype last time
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tiodolma · 1 year
Here's a short mergana AU:
In which 30 something Merlin is trying out a spell that lets the user see their greatest regret and accidentally ends up in the past, in front of the scene where Morgana confesses about her suspicions about her magic. "I would tell her about your magic if I were you," he utters, casually, making his younger self and the lady Morgana jump in surprise.
Basically, in which an older Merlin ends up ruining whatever destiny the old lizard had cooked up and earns two pupils who insist on learning from him. The End.
P.S.: He also brought his Morgana (who's not dead) along for the ride.
I'll leave what happens to your imagination. 🤣
i'm still working this one out lol but rest assured i didn't forget this. it's just.. turned into smth very big. anyway. here's a draft? :D
Morgana and Merlin end up in Merlin’s quarters.
“W-where are we?”
“This is my room. It’s night and..” Merlin opens his bedroom door a little and sees his younger self from eleven years ago moving to blow out a candle.
“It can’t be...”
“Emrys... what is it -”
The door burst open and a young Morgana strides in with tears in her eyes, wearing only her thin nightgown.”
Morgana looks at the man beside her just in time to see tears welling up in his eyes. “Emrys...” She glances back at their younger selves staring at each other, the Morgana in front of them desperate... desperate to hear the truth, afraid of her own magic, afraid of becoming a monster
“...was this your biggest regret?” she continues quietly. She had thought he regretted poisoning her in the throne room. She did not expect this.
All of a sudden Merlin pushes open the door just in time to hear the Younger Merlin whisper “I wish there was something I could say.”
Their younger selves freeze as they saw their own faces staring at them from Merlin’s bedroom.
“Just tell her.” Merlin pleads at his younger self.
Morgana siezes his wrist, “What are you doing?!” she hisses. “Emrys, No!” She has no idea if this will affect the future, but even Morgana knows, in her own dark heart, that time and the past should not be messed with. “Emrys, no!”
But Merlin doesn’t listen, instead he buckles down and lands on his knees, face angled towards the younger but frozen Merlin.
Consequently, even in her fear and confusion the Younger Morgana squeaks, “I-it’s magic, isn’t it?”
Morgana is at a loss. The answer is at the tip of her tongue herself. They cannot change the past, she knows this, but her heart is breaking for her younger self as well.
“We- we are just seeing things.” Young Merlin speaks out bravely.
Merlin stands and faces his younger self fully. He wrenches his wrist free of Morgana’s grip. “DON’T YOU DARE LIE.” He bellows, his voice colored with a dark and powerful timbre that even Morgana, with all their shared history, has never heard before.
Morgana whimpers. “Emrys... Merlin... no!”
“IT’S MAGIC ISN’T IT?!” Young Morgana screams this time, on the verge of panic.
Young Merlin deflates and bows his head low. There was no logical explanation to anything anymore other than the truth. Plus he recognizes and senses real power when it’s in front of him. And there is not one but three extremely powerful beings in the room. If he’s not mistaken even the Morgana, his Morgana, not the Morgana that came with the man that looks like him in his bedroom, his Morgana can probably senses power in the room too, even in her in distress.-
“Yes... it’s magic. You are a sorceress, Morgana.”
Young Morgana turns to him sharply. “NO! NO! NO!” She starts pounding on his chest.
Young Merlin holds on to her arms as she thrashes and screams wildly.
Morgana looks away. Merlin rubs at his face. What has he done?
Both of them hear shushing sounds and they look up to see their younger selves tightly entwined around each other. Young Merlin pressing Young Morgana as close as he can to his own lanky body, his hands on her the back of her hair and on the small of her back. Both youths have tears flowing from their eyes. The young man kept saying “it’s alright, it’s alright, I’m here, I’m here, we’ll be fine, we’ll be fine, I’ll help you, I’ll teach you, I’ll protect you.” over and over again.
Morgana is dumbstruck by the sight. She stumbles back into the wall and collapses on her hunches. All her life this was what she always wanted, what she always needed, this one simple thing that Merlin was never able to give, to hold her and give her the truth himself. She finds tears flowing on her own cheeks as well. It’s so unfair, so unfair. Her life was full of pain and misery. Just one gesture of comfort and understanding from him was all she needed, all she wanted from him.
Through her own tears she looks at the back of the man in front of her. The Merlin from her time. The Merlin who denied her everything. The Merlin whose biggest regret was her. The Merlin whose biggest regret was never telling her the truth when she needed it the most.
Young Morgana’s sobs abates and she pulls her head from Merlin’s chest. “How will you teach me, Merlin?”
Young Merlin gawks, in his ramblings, he had promised that. If he was going to reveal himself, he’d have to give away his biggest secret. Can he do it? Can he say it? He had been warned by everyone against doing this. Revealing to Morgana her magic was one thing, but revealing his?”
“Morgana... I...”
Young Morgana takes a glance at the other Merlin, the younger man follows her gaze to see the man nodding at him.
“But...” Young Merlin pleads, he doesn’t want to make mistakes, he doesn’t want
His older counterpart shakes his head.
“Merlin please... what are you not telling me? You told me you will teach me... I don’t want to be alone... don’t pawn me to someone else...” the young woman grasps at the front of his shirt.
Merlin raises his head up to the heavens, as if asking for guidance. The older man waits with baited breath. The older woman couldn’t tear her eyes away.
“Morgana you won’t be alone because I...” With tears in flowing down his cheeks, he closes his eyes and brings his fist to his mouth and chants “Fonbearnan”
Young Morgana gasps to see the gold in his eyes and on his palm a small ball of flame.
“You’re magic too.”
“I am.”
“You can teach me?”
“I am still learning but yes I can.”
“Thank you.”
The Older Merlin moves to go back to the chambers. His head bowed. Morgan is standing still against he wall, her face turned away from everything.
“Wait.” The Young Merlin calls out. His older counterpart stills.
“Are you sure that I won’t regret this?”
The younger Morgana furrows her brows in shock. But her Merlin keeps his tight hold on her.
“Emrys.” Morgana hisses at her Merlin.
“You must know... that... Gaius and the Dragon warned me not to tell her repeatedly.”
Older Morgana blinks... “What? Emrys... is that true?”
Young Morgana “Not to tell me? Dragon? Why?” Morgana is hyperventilating now.
Young Merlin lets his Morgana go. “T-They told me it was dangerous.”
Morgana’s eye widen. “Is this true, Emrys?”
“Dangerous? I am dangerous? I’m a monster? I’m going to be a monster? Uther was right! Magic hurts people! Merlin Merlin I don’t want to die!” Young Morgana screams.
“That’s not true Morgana, you have a good heart! They were wrong! You are not dangerous!” Young Merlin grasps at her desperately again.
“But I... But I... I almost killed Uther already.”
Younger Merlin pulls her into his embrace, “The important thing is you stayed your hand. You didn’t go through with it! You’re not evil!”
Young Morgana trembles, “No.. no... If.. if he hurts them again, I’m gonna kill him... I’ll do it again... I can’t let him hurt anyone again.��
“Please, Morgana, please. You are not like this. You are wise, kind and lovely and caring. You don’t have to kill the King. There is another way. I’ll help you, we will find a way together. W-when Arthur is King, everything will be better. He helped us with Mordred, remember? He’s a good man. In time... he’ll be on our side.”
Morgana nods shakily against his chest, “Yes... you are right. I can talk to him. We can talk to him.”
“Him and Gwen.” Young Merlin adds.
“Yes. We won’t be alone”
“Never alone.”
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robinegreenwood · 2 years
'fall'ing in love
James Potter X Reader [best friends to lovers]
WARNINGS : none that I can think of ?? they make out lol. its pretty clean.
WORD COUNT: 5106 words — it’s pretty long
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It was September 23 and autumn had officially begun at Hogwarts. The school grounds certainly proved as much as they sloped wonderfully in an array of vivid shades of yellows, oranges, and reds. You found the view of the landscape to be particularly breathtaking, feeling almost humbled as you gazed over the rolling hills that led the way to the black lake. You were sitting lazily on the edge of a stone bench, casually leaned back against the castle wall as you waited for your friends. The group of you had agreed that the autumn weather simply had to be taken advantage of before winter blew its frozen wind over the grounds. An afternoon walk had thus been in order, but the longer you waited for them, the less sure you were that your friends hadn't fallen asleep in their dorms due to the warm hazy feeling of the day. But, much to your relief your attention was quickly drawn to the sounds of a loud, friendly banter coming from one of the school entrances. Your eyes followed the sound, and you smiled as you spotted your friends making their way over to where you were sitting. Lily and Marlene were leading the group, with Sirius and Remus not too far behind, and very last but surely not least, was James Potter, your best friend.
"Hey guys," you stood up as they reached you, "Glad to see you didn't get lost."
"Only in your eyes YL/n," James shot you a wink.
The group groaned at how terribly cheesy the line was but you merely shook your head at the curly haired boy, you didn't mind his lines one bit, no matter how seemingly terrible they were.
"Well, is everyone ready to explore the beautiful nature around us?" you asked humorously.
The group around you went completely silent before Lily started hesitantly, "Um, actually Marlene and I sort of forgot that Mogonagall's assignment is due tonight and we're hoping we could take a raincheck on the walk?"
"Oh," the smile fell from your face, "Yes of course you can, another day then."
Lily and Marlene both smiled at you in apology and you turned towards the boys questioningly.
This time Sirius started, "Y/n, I'm really sorry but I also have to finish the assignment, I didn't quite forget about it, I just didn't really do it,"
You nodded in understanding, you weren't surprised by Sirius's behavior, but it still hurt that everyone seemed to be dropping out on your plans. And it seemed awfully strange that Lily and Marlene hadn't done the assignment, especially Lily, but there wasn't anything you could do about it.
You looked hopefully towards Remus, "Are you still free?"
"Yes I finished the…"
Remus was quickly interrupted by Sirius who jabbed him in what was meant to be a discreet fashion. Remus's eyebrows furrowed as he turned to Sirius who just stared back at him in a look that plainly said 'what in Merlin's name are you doing?'. It only took a second before a look of clarity came across Remus's face as he caught on to what Sirius was hinting.
You waited expectantly as he restarted, now speaking in a suspiciously polished manner, "I finished the assignment but I just remembered that I agreed to help Mrs. Pince stack books in the library for a few house points. I'm awfully sorry."
You looked around the group, nodding to yourself as you tried unsuccessfully to convince yourself that you weren't disappointed. Afterall, fall was always a busy season for everyone and it wasn't like their excuses weren't valid.
"Hey," a soft voice drifted into your thoughts, "I don't have anything to do if you're still up for a walk?"
Your downcast gaze lifted up to meet James'; the deep midnight color of his sweater had brought out the blue of his hazel eyes, and for a moment you were lost for words.
"Y/n?" he repeated, looking at you in a puzzled manner.
"Oh, yes sorry I just zoned out a bit," you smiled before quickly ducking your head and running a hand through your hair in an attempt to hide the blush you felt spreading across your face.
"So we'll see you guys later?" Lily waved happily at you both.
"Yes at the quidditch match," James nodded.
"Don't be late," Sirius winked before giving a knowing look to James.
James merely shook his head and uneasily ran his hand through his tousled hair.
Raising an eyebrow, you looked at James as the group began making their way back into the castle, "What was Sirius on about?"
"Oh you know," James grinned nervously, "Sirius is always dramatic."
You nodded, only slightly unconvinced as the two of you turned to the cobblestone path that lay along the edge of the forbidden forest. It was a magical charm you had managed to perfect the year before, making the cobblestones appear and then gradually disappear as you passed over them. Taking a deep breath in of the fresh autumn air you allowed yourself to steal a look over at James. He looked utterly enticing. But he was your best friend since you could remember and that meant he was off-limits; a piece of forbidden fruit that you could never touch, never call your own. Sighing to yourself the two of you continued to walk the path in a comfortable silence.
After a few moments you looked back over at James who appeared to be lost in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked curiously.
"Well," he said, stopping to look at you mischievously, "I was thinking about how fun it would be to toss you in the Black Lake."
"What?" you stopped dead in your tracks.
"You heard me," James grinned before he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you in the direction of the briskly, cold water.
"James… Potter!" you squealed as he lifted you up bridal-style and continued marching towards the lake, "You put me down right now!"
"Where's the fun in that?" he grinned widely, the two of you now getting dangerously close to the edge of the water.
Quickly thinking up a plan to escape your predicament you reached down and jabbed James in the sides, taking him by surprise before you began to desperately tickle him.
"Hey, hey!" he laughed, "Stop that- that's cheating!"
Laughing along with him you continued your desperate plan of escape, James' arms were loosening his hold on you and you could almost taste freedom until…
"James watch where you're going!!" you shouted as you spotted a large dip in the grass.
Unfortunately James was too late to see what you were shouting about and he lost his footing, the two of you went down in a tumble of arms and legs.
Laughing together you tried to straighten yourself out but only succeeded in landing yourself directly on top of James. Your hands touched the earth on either side of his head, hoisting your head up, the rest of your body pressed fully against his own. His hands settled naturally on your hips and his gaze met yours unwaveringly. You swallowed nervously as your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips, a fear grew in your mind that he could feel just how fast your heart was pounding. Looking down at him you were tempted beyond imagination, the feelings you had been hiding for so long were fighting to get to the surface; a war was on in your mind and you weren't sure which side of you was going to win. His face was slightly flushed, and his hair disheveled, but somehow you were even more allured. Your eyes blinked open widely as you caught yourself lowering closer to him, horrified at your rather forward actions you abruptly pushed yourself off of him.
Startled, he leaned up and looked over at you, "Are you alright?"
"I- yes sorry," you managed, your face burning.
He nodded unsurely to himself as he stood up off the grass, offering his hand to you.
Still fully embarrassed, you took his hand and stood up to face him.
"It's getting kind of late, we should probably head back so you can get ready for Quidditch," you said, refusing to look him directly in the eye.
"Right yeah, definitely," he awkwardly put his hands in his pockets as you started your way back a few steps in front of him, your thoughts too overwhelmed to notice the cobblestone path magically appearing before your own feet.
"So you didn't tell her?" Sirius exclaimed as he pulled on his quidditch jersey.
"No," James ran his hand through his hair feeling pure disappointment towards himself, the two were the last ones getting out of the quidditch change room.
"But," he started unsurely, staring off into space.
"But what?" Sirius waved his hands in front of James' face, "Earth to James!"
"I think she almost kissed me."
"You think…" Sirius sat down, bewildered "Did she actually?"
"Well, ugh, I don't know," James threw his hands up in exasperation.
"How do you not know?? Did she try to kiss you or not?"
"I don't know!" James exclaimed, "I just don't know."
He sat down, running his hand over his face, clearly stressing himself out.
"Listen Prongs," Sirius crouched down as he looked at James, "We know she likes you back, even Lily agrees, so stop overthinking it and let's go win this match. Then you can talk to her. Alright?"
Leaning his head back James let out a sigh, standing up he nodded at Sirius, "You're right, let's go give Slytherin a wake up call."
"Now you're talking."
Shivering, you clutched the plaid blanket you had brought with you tighter around your body. It was always, always, windy up in the quidditch stands, but today the fall wind felt especially frosty. Looking to your right you noticed Lily wrapping her arms around herself, slightly shaking from the unyielding chill of the air. Kindly, you scooted closer to her and silently draped part of your blanket over her.
"Thanks Y/n," she said gratefully.
You nodded your acknowledgement before returning your gaze to the field. The players were lined up in their starting positions, the game would be starting any second now. And at last it was, the whistle was blown and the 15 players went flying speedily in different directions through the air. A loud banter filled the stands as the different houses began cheering for their select teams. You joined in full-heartedly, waving your gryffindor flag proudly as you cheered loudly for your friends, the recent events of the afternoon were thankfully, yet only temporarily, clouded over in your mind.
It was a long 34 minutes into the game when finally the snitch made its appearance. It had taken the longest time that you could ever remember to show up, and because of it the game had gotten particularly rough as the players grew frustrated and tired. Sirius and Marlene had both taken a hard hit from a bludger, as well as many players on the Slytherin team. Thankfully, James had avoided being struck and had spent most of his time flying on the far edges of the field searching relentlessly for the snitch. Now, after catching sight of its golden streak, he was darting quickly along the bottom of the stands, his hand stretched out as he tried to reach it. Flying right behind him was the Slytherin seeker who hadn't actually spotted the snitch, but had seen James take a sudden strong interest in the bottom of the field and knew something was up. The score was 50-70 for Slytherin and everyone, including you, had stood up in pure anticipation. The stands were full of noise as everyone shouted at their players.
"James! Come on James let's go!" you leaned closer to Lily, "Is it stupid to shout? I really don't think any of them can hear us anyway."
Lily shrugged at you, only half hearing you before she shouted herself, "It darted up James, look up!!"
Regardless of whether or not James actually heard Lily, he did manage to see the snitch that had momentarily evaded from his sight. Swiftly pulling his broom up he flew in quick, sleek circles upwards after the devious snitch. It was within an arm's reach when suddenly a bludger whipped its way right past his face nearly taking him right off his broom! He recovered quickly but the momentary distraction had allowed the Slytherin seeker to take the lead, and he was now ever so close to catching the snitch. Thinking quickly James spun his broom around, flying speedily through the air he got himself positioned so that he was flying directly towards the incoming Slytherin seeker, and consequently also the snitch. Seeing James flying right for him, the Slytherin involuntarily ducked his broom down as a reflex, leaving the snitch flying through the air right towards James. Hand out reaching, James sent himself flying forwards at a dangerous speed, the grip on his broom was slipping but he didn't care, the snitch was within his reach. Wily, the snitch suddenly changed its course and flew down towards the ground, but James was ready. Dropping himself off his broom with only one hand holding himself on, he caught it straight out of midair. Grip slipping, he used his momentum to throw himself back on top of his broom. The crowd (excluding the Slytherins) went absolutely wild. You jumped up and down along with the others around you as you cheered for your team, for James.
Flying victoriously towards his teammates, James looked to find you in the crowd. And there you were. Your arms were in the air waving your gryffindor flag as a beautiful smile spread across your face. Locking eyes with you, James beamed, a million thoughts flying through his mind but you couldn't read a single one of them. You couldn't have imagined what he was thinking, what he had been yearning to tell you for so long, and never in a million of years would you have guessed that it was the same thing that you had been needing to tell him.
You dropped James' gaze as you heard the rather obnoxious voices of a group of gryffindor girls standing directly to your left.
"Oh my gosh, Tracy, did you see that?"
"What? What?"
"James was staring right at you, and like smirking, he totally caught the snitch for you."
"Oh, yeah well it doesn't surprise me honestly. He's been into me this whole year, like winking at me during potions class everyday. And it was only two days ago when he basically asked me if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him."
"No effing way, that's so awesome, he's like one of the most popular boys in…"
Their voices went muffled as you felt your head spinning. You thought you were going to pass out. Your legs went numb as your head was swimming, sitting yourself down you couldn't see anything, everything seemingly becoming a blur around you. A knot formed in your stomach and you felt like throwing up, screaming, and crying all at once. You knew Tracy Brandon had a liking for James, but you never once thought that he was reciprocating those same feelings. Had he been staring at her the whole time you had thought that he was looking at you? Embarrassment added itself to the many feelings you were experiencing.
"Y/n," Lily's voice was muffled.
"Y/n," she put a hand on your shoulder, "Are you alright?"
"Hmm?" you asked, not hearing her.
"I asked if you were alright? You just went all pale suddenly."
"Oh," you said, "Yeah I'm alright. Just thinking about it, I don't think I remembered to eat lunch today."
Lily's face looked puzzled as she tried to recall the day's events, "I think you're right, you better go get something to eat."
You nodded, mostly to yourself as you gladly accepted the convenient excuse, "Tell everyone I said congratulations."
Lily smiled worriedly at you as you stood up and turned to exit the stands. Your steps felt heavy like you were trudging through water and you had to put your weight on the stair rails to keep yourself upright as you descended towards the ground. Your thoughts were a dark storm swirling destructively through your mind. Your hopes had been tarnished within an instant.
James, completely unaware of the conversation you had overhead in the stands, was very confused as he entered the common room to find that you weren't there. He had already been confused when you hadn't come down from the stands to meet with him right after the game like you usually did. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but while he had felt proud of his playing today, it didn't mean much to him unless you thought he had done well too. He wanted to hear you say it, that you were proud of him, but none of that mattered at the moment because he had no idea where you had gone. He wanted to make sure that you were okay.
The common room grew louder as the rest of the team came through the fat lady's portrait, followed by a large crowd of patriotic gryffindors.
Raising his voice above the noise, he picked Lily out of the crowd and caught her gently by the arm, "Hey do you know where Y/n went? I can't find her anywhere."
Lily shook her head, "She was looking really pale right after the game so she left immediately to go get something to eat, but I was just down in the kitchen to check on her and none of the house elves had seen her. I was just on my way up to see if she went back to her dorm, Belinda might know."
James nodded, "If she's there could you send her down? Tell her I'd like to talk with her?"
"Yes of course, just once sec."
Lily disappeared up the staircase to the girl's dorm while James leaned impatiently against the railing. Less than five minutes later Lily descended the stairs followed by a sickly looking Belinda, your rather odd but very kind roommate.
Raising his eyes expectantly James looked at the pair, "She wasn't there?"
Before either of the girls could respond Tracy Brandon crashed right into James' unwelcome arms.
"I am so so proud of how you played today James, and when you caught that snitch, oh my gosh I've never felt so many emotions ever before," Tracy gushed, her body pressing firmly into James.
Highly uncomfortable, he, half-politely, pushed Tracey off of him, "Um, thanks I guess."
"Of course," Tracy bit her lip in what she thought was a seductive manner, "If you need me, you know where to find me."
She pranced away to her group of friends, who immediately began to further boost her ego.
"What in Merlin's Beard is wrong with her, is she high?" James looked at the two girls who were struggling to contain their laughter.
"Oh she's terrible," Lily said humorously, "Now Belinda tell James what you told me."
"Right well, oh," Belinda coughed into her elbow, "Sorry about that, anyways she came right into our dorm, grabbed her coat, and left muttering something about needing to go clear her head. I don't know where she was going because she left in such a rush but, well it almost looked as if she had been crying."
James' face grew heavy with worry as he took in the information, he had no idea what she would be crying about, she had seemed fine that afternoon. But wait, oh no, the kiss, well the almost kiss, had she regretted it that much, that she was crying about it? He didn't know, but he knew he desperately needed to find her and make sure she was alright. An idea flew into his mind as he stood, still leaning against the railing.
"I think I know where she went."
Without waiting for a reply, James pushed his way through the crowd, past Marlene, past Sirius who called out after him but James didn't even hear him, he had one single thought occupying his mind, find Y/n.
Pulling the sweater he had thrown on after showering closer around himself, James ducked through the castle doors and into the night. Thankfully, the fall moon was full tonight and the world around him was lit in a faint glow. Walking his way towards the Black Lake, he began calling out your name.
"Y/n, Y/n! Are you out there?"
Peering closer at the lake he finally caught a glance of you. You were out on the lake, sat silently on a canoe floating calmly on the surface of the lake. He'd guessed right.
"Hey Y/n, come back to shore. Are you alright?" he cupped his hands around his mouth as he shouted out across the lake at you.
Lifting your head up you heard a commotion on the edge of the lake, squinting your eyes, you saw James standing on the white sand of the small beach.
"James?" You called, "What are you doing out here?"
"I need to talk to you!" You heard him shout back, "Are you okay?"
Shaking your head you let out a tired sigh, you weren't okay, and seeing him right now felt like it was making you even less okay. You didn't know what to say to him, or what on earth he wanted to say to you. Maybe he wanted to tell you how he asked out Tracy after the match, or maybe he wanted to tell you how uncomfortable you had made him feel earlier when you had caught yourself leaning in to kiss him. Merlin's Beard, you did not want to talk to him.
"James, just leave me alone." you said exasperated.
"No, tell me what's wrong." he responded adamantly.
"I'm not joking James, please just go." you felt tears coming, but you refused to let them fall.
After a few minutes of not hearing a reply, you thought that he had left, but the sound of splashing water had you turning your neck to look over in the direction of where he had been standing. There he was, sweater off- slacks rolled up, knee-deep trudging into the cold lake water.
"James what in the bloody hell are you doing?!" you shouted at him.
Ignoring you, he ducked under the surface of the water and disappeared. Looking anxiously for him to reappear, you leaned cautiously over the edge of your canoe.
"James?" you called out, highly concerned.
Finally he re-emerged from the water, his hands gripping the side of your canoe, causing it to wobble side to side from the unevenly distributed weight.
"What were you thinking?" you scolded him as he brushed the water out of his eyes, "Are you trying to send your body into shock?"
"Whatever it takes for you to talk to me," he smiled up at you.
Biting your tongue you felt a twinge of guilt, he had no idea what you were thinking, it wasn't his fault.
"Sorry," you murmured, "Here get out of the water, it's too cold."
James gratefully accepted your invitation and hoisted himself up, beads of water trickling down his naked torso as his muscles tensed under the momentary stress. It was then that you really noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt. You really noticed it, you noticeably noticed it, just staring unashamedly as you lost your train of thought.
James smirked at you, "I can give you a picture if you want, it'll last longer."
"What?" you asked wide eyed looking up at him.
Your face turned scarlett as you realized what he meant, damn you, honestly what were you thinking.
He grinned at your very obvious blush, but suddenly his face turned serious, "What happened earlier? Belinda said you were crying. I'm your best friend Y/n you can tell me anything."
"That's just it James, that's the problem, you'll never see me as anything but a friend," you exclaimed, surprising both James and yourself.
He went quiet for a moment, and regretting your words you dropped your eyes to the bottom of the canoe, you felt like you were wrecking your friendship.
"Do you actually believe that?" James asked softly, lifting your chin up with his finger.
You nodded, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Hey, Y/n look at me," he murmured.
Lifting your eyes, you finally met his gaze, his eyes were sparkling in the reflection of the moonlight hitting the lake, and it had cast a faint glow along the water drops lining his naked skin.
"I'm sorry," it came out as a whisper as you looked at him, "I've ruined it all haven't I?"
"No, no Y/n don't think that," he gently cupped your face in his hand.
You leaned into his touch as you briefly closed your eyes, not fully understanding the weight of his words. Not yet.
He looked at you now with an earnesty you had never seen before, "Y/n, you have been absolutely driving me insane, I haven't been able to picture you as my friend for a very, very long time, and spending time with you, pretending I don't feel the way I do has been killing me. I can barely control myself around you anymore."
Your brows furrowed as you looked at him, his hand dropped from your face to grasp your own. You couldn't seem to open your mouth to speak. Was he actually serious??
"I thought you were going to kiss me today," he went on, "I thought I was in a dream, Y/n I've never felt this way before,"
You cut him off, "James, but what about Tracy?"
"Who's Tracy?"
"Tracy Brandon, she said today at the Quidditch match that you asked her to go to Hogsmeade with her."
He raised his eyebrows, "Oh that Tracy, she's on something else I swear, I mean that never even happened. Her friends probably just convinced her it did."
"Oh," you felt embarrassed, he was right, Tracy did act like she was on drugs most of the time.
Absent-mindedly you began to trace light circles over James' hand.
"See, this is what I'm talking about," James said, almost sounding pained.
You shook your head, not having a clue what we were talking about.
"Your touch," His gaze locked on yours, "Do you have any idea how it makes me feel?"
You weren't sure what it was, but his words set off something in you, your eyes darkened as you leaned dangerously close to him.
"How does it make you feel, James?" you asked, breathing the words over his lips.
His knuckles went white as he gripped the wooden seat that he sat on, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly as he stared back at you.
"This is a dangerous game you're playing Y/n."
Your body burned at his words, whatever he had set off was now a raging fire inside you.
"Mhmm?" you murmured, trailing your hand up over his thigh, over his torso till you reached his chest, bracing yourself against him, you dared an inch closer.
He cursed lowly under his breath, "Are you sure you want to be with me?"
You nodded slowly, your gaze once again flickering from his eyes to his lips.
"I want to hear you say it," his hand moved to tilt your face up to his.
You looked at him from under your eyelashes, "I want to be with you, James."
That was all he needed.
Softly pressing his lips against yours it was if the stars and the moon had finally aligned..
You were the first to pull away from the kiss, your hand traveling up his chest and then around his neck, lightly pulling on the ends of his hair.
His hands moved to grip your hips, and pulling you over he sat you down, straddling his lap.
"Don't tip the canoe," you murmured against his lips.
"That's the last thing I'm thinking about right now," he whispered back, his voice noticeably lower.
This time you pressed your lips against his, savoring the taste as you kissed him deeper, with the passion that you had kept hidden for so long. He responded in kind, his free hand traveling to the small of your back pulling you even closer, while his other hand grasped your thigh.
He pulled away slightly before you felt his lips against your neck, softly placing kisses there before returning to your lips.
"Mhmm," you pulled away, "No, do that again."
Not even bothering to smirk at you, James moved once again to your neck, your hand gripping his hair harder as you tilted your head back. He sighed quietly against your neck in pleasure causing a vibration to travel down your body. Leaving crimson marks along your neck, you squeezed yourself closer to him.
He pulled away slightly and smiled, admiring his work before gazing into your eyes, "You look beautiful."
You smiled in response, "I've always wanted to hear you say that."
He pressed a kiss to your neck murmuring the words "You're beautiful." Peppering kisses around your face he repeated the words before finally reaching your lips.
Kissing you fully, you allow yourself to get lost in him entirely.
"Marry me," he murmured.
You looked at him strangely, your body still wrapped around his.
"Getting ahead of yourself there, aren't you Casanova?"
He grinned, "No harm in trying."
You smiled against his lips, "How about you take me on a date first."
He stopped as if to ponder your idea, "Well, I suppose that would be okay."
You smiled as you kissed him softly, "Okay."
He was finally yours, and you were his. No longer best friends, but something much more.
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disney-is-mylife · 11 months
Do you know the ages of the Disney princes and list the official Disney princes.
The Official Princes are literally just whoever ends up with the Official Princess lol.
As for the age thing....
Okay, so this topic has been on my mind recently because of a LOT of misinformation floating around, so Imma go off for a bit (keep in mind, I use profanity quite loosely, but I swear I'm not mad at you, anon, I just have a Lot of Feelings lol):
Canonically speaking, in the texts of the films, almost NONE of the Disney princes/male love interests have an exact age stated. So all those stupid posts that claim that Snow White's prince is 31 while she's 14 or whatever the fuck? Bullshit. Pulled out of someone's ass because there's concept art of stating Snow White is a young girl, around 14 years old. But it's NEVER stated in her film. And there's no evidence around the Prince's age.
Disney movies and characters with an age, or alluded age:
Sleeping Beauty, when Maleficent casts the curse on Aurora: "Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday..."
The Sword in the Stone, when Merlin is predicting Wart's arrival: "He'll be, uh, a boy. Small boy, uh.... 11... 12 years old."
The Little Mermaid, what Ariel says to her father mid-argument: "I'm 16 years old! I'm not a child!"
Beauty and the Beast, during the prologue about the Beast/Adam: "... an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year."
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, when Frollo reveals the truth about Quasimodo's mother and finally gives us a time frame: "Now I am going to do what I should've done 20 years ago!"
Hercules, as stated by the Muses the day he was born: "In the 18 years precisely, the planets will align ever so nicely..."
Atlantis, when Milo realizes Kida is immortal: "That's impossible, because, I mean, that would make you, you know 85... 88... hundred years old!"
Tangled because. Well. I mean. Rapunzel's 18th birthday is Kinda a Big Deal in the film and brought up several times lol
Encanto, since the film opens with hMirabel being 5 years old to get her door, but it never happened, and the rest of the film takes place 10 years later, so, obviously, she's 15.
Honorable Mention Frozen, because the creators came out and said that Anna is 18 and Elsa is 21, but again. Never actually stated IN THE MOVIE.
Disney heroes/heroines are, for the most part, ageless. They are either children or vaguely older teens/young adults because they are for a younger demographic, meant to be role models or relatable, and teenagers are the perfect vessel for coming-of-age heroic stories.
Honest to gods, when in doubt, if the hero/heroine is an older looking teen, I just assume they're 18+ lol, maybe 16-17 at the youngest. Snow White is 16 now. That's my canon now.
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for the ask game, skrael because i cant help but pick favorites
bc you didn't specify what questions, I'm Going To Do All Of Them
(except for the ones i already did lol)
1. a fun headcanon
so i'm not sure if this is fun, persay (skrael had fun, douxie was experiencing psychological warfare) but when the order'd find out where he and nari were he'd leave dead things on their doorstep, frozen solid
it was mostly pigeons that got hit by taxis, and nari always reanimated them anyways- with the fun bonus of creeping douxie the fuck out
bellroc: ......why are you putting that dead bird in your pocket?
Tumblr media
2. a sad headcanon
when bellroc was healing after kilahead he didn't leave their side for a moment he feels so guilty he didn't stop them from going in
3. a headcanon that canon doesn't disprove
he isn't bald he isn't bald he isn't fUCKING BALD
4. a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
he never calls merlin merlin, instead he calls him his og name that he first knew him by: Myrddin
5. a headcanon that's all but canon, and that's a hill I will die on
skrael is absolutely the voice of reason in the order- he's measured where nari and bellroc are absolutely feral (though he does have his moments😅)
7. a pre-canon headcanon
the order apprenticed merlin, when he was a young man (that's how he got the sealsssss😳)
8. a post-canon headcanon
he gets introduced to nail polish and his natural nails never see the light of day again
9. a missing scene that definitely happened
when he and nari had a nice long talk and hugged instead of horribly murdering each other :)
11. something [other character] believes about them that isn't true
tbh most think he wouldn't have a problem killing a small kid but he wouldn't do it unless absolutely necessary-
teenagers are a different story, if they manage to become his enemy he treats them just as he would an adult- murder and all
12. something they believe about [other character] that isn't true
that she hates them now
14. their worst memory
during killhead, just after bellroc fell- hearing their scream...
15. a secret
he's not very open about it, but like bellroc, he collects remnants of the past, there's a reason he was the first one to come up with a preservation spell
that and so they don't have to make new clothes constantly bc can you fucking imagine
16. favorite canon relationship
i guess i'll go with the Literal Only Person he interacted with more than once
he and bells <3
17. favorite fanon relationship
if canon won't give me content i'll make it so i guess that makes it fanon lol✊
him and nari bcs they had what? one conversation?
also him and the green knight (he's his poorly reanimated sON)
18. favorite should have been canon relationship
look. i just want more content on him being a little bitch to merlin (i'm actually writing smth with this, let's see if it ever sees the light of day)
19. [blank] / dealer's choice
he's got a bunch of little snacks (dried fruits/meats) in his scrying rooms bc once he goes in there it might be days until he leaves again
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