#New Shazam series
youtwitinmyface · 10 months
Knight Terrors: SHAZAM! #2
Written by Mark Waid Drawn by Roger Cruz Published by DC Comics PREVIOUSLY: Knight Terrors: Shazam! #1 In this issue, Mary “wakes up” inside her nightmare. She realizes that she’s dreaming and thus Insomnia’s tricks don’t work on her anymore. This is a plot point straight out of Nightmare On Elm Street…that’s how Nancy beat Freddy the first time. But it turns out that Insomnia has also trapped…
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stoat-party · 6 months
Zachary Levi be like “Hi, I’m here to audition for the guy who has trauma over not really knowing his parents.”
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yahim0491 · 2 years
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penny-anna · 10 months
actually i'm just going to make this a new post:
fanon Billy Batson is based largely on Superman/Shazam: First Thunder, which is a mini series from 2006; I'm honestly not sure if it was originally intended to be part of mainstream continuity but storywise it's a standalone and in terms of characterisation it doesn't really fit with the other post-crisis Captain Marvel content that I've read.
pre-nu52 canon Billy:
is typically older than depicted in fanfiction; his age fluctuates and is often ambiguous but a common take going back to the 40s is that he's around 12-14 years old. he's usually a young teenager rather than a pre-teen.
generally has living on the streets following the loss of his parents as part of his backstory, but has since used his ability to transform into an adult to earn money, re-enroll himself in school, and rent an apartment. he is in an extremely non-ideal situation but he's not roofless & starving.
has an extensive supporting cast including a number of adults who are helping him out (variously: the Wizard Shazam, who in some continuities is alive and acting as a mentor; Uncle Marvel/Uncle Dudley who plays different roles in his life depending on the continuity; Mr & Mrs Bromfield, his sister Mary's adoptive parents who being reasonable people respond to learning that their adopted daughter has a twin brother with 'oh I guess we have 2 kids now'; and of, course, Tawky Tawny the Talking Tiger).
the idea of Billy being alone & desperate and needing Favourite DC Character of Choice to help him out is extremely appealing (i'm into it ngl) so by all means read & write it as much as you want, but do be aware that it's not very well supported by canon. it's not a scenario that tends to play out in the comics bcos Billy is pretty self-sufficient both in terms of storytelling and in-universe ability to take care of himself.
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vinelark · 10 months
Hi! Just curious, what are your favorite comic runs? I've finished the comics on my current to-read list so I love hearing what other people like!
hello! as always i’m sure i’m forgetting plenty of stuff but these are some of my favs, both completed and ongoing series.
batman: the knight (2022)
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miniseries, 10 issues total, so it’s extremely readable and really satisfying in a short amount of time! i like zdarsky’s bruce a lot (i’ve also enjoyed his work on the current batman run) and carmine di giandomenico’s art is fantastic. also, it’s the ghost-maker origin story and bruce & khoa somehow get divorced at least twice before the story’s over. love that for them.
superman: american alien (2015)
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anthology collection about clark kent through the years, a really great read for superman—digging into clark’s character rather than focusing on external plot!—with some great cameos too (like young adult clark getting mistaken for some rich guy named bruce wayne at a yacht party, or reporter clark running into pre-robin dick grayson).
future state (2021) batman: dark detective
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i am not immune to dan mora’s bruce wayne, especially when he is skrunkly and beat up the whole time.
batman: urban legends (2021)
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an anthology so you can kind of pick up/put down as you like! these are a good read if you don’t want to be tracking huge overarching plotlines for a bit. the first few issues have a great jason series too.
ongoing series aka my current pulls at the comic shop:
spirit world (2023)
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this one is new and is SO fun and compelling; i love xanthe already, and the assorted cast (including constantine and cass!) and new side characters (bowen my beloved, i’d die for you if you weren’t already dead) are delightful. one of those comics where i’m genuinely interested in the plot too and not just reading for my favs. alyssa wong is doing some really cool things with this concept/cast and i hope they have a chance to do way more in this world.
batman/superman world’s finest (2022)
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again, i am not immune to dan mora, or the delightful superbat of it all. (and robin!dick! i love him.) i also started reading waid’s teen titans spin-off that takes place in this same era and there are only a few issues out so far but i’m having a great time.
city boy (2023)
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i am OBSESSED with this concept (sentient cities! sharp-edged/lonely character figuring out his connection to them!) and the writing is super fun so far. also the intro comic (free on kindle/elsewhere; also has a free spirit world issue) has a great nightwing run-in.
i’m also subscribed to nightwing, superboy: the man of tomorrow, action comics (anything with kon crumbs…), and dark knights of steel (listen…i am still holding out hope for more royal court spy!tim crumbs), and i don’t know much about shazam yet but i’m giving the new series a try too.
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cypherscript · 1 year
Comic Con-versation
Had this little blurb idea while I was mowing at work, I seem to get these a lot while doing that...
This comes from the idea that during the episode Reign Storm, when Pariah Dark rips Amity Park from the land of the living it's not quite put back into its right dimension which ties into Reality Trip when Danny finds out there's a comic book series about him that heavily goes into his backstory to his dread. The universe? DC where Danny Phantom is essentially the same level as DC is here.
The Justice League was currently called into a meeting, not that is was a new thing for Billy aka Shazam. What WAS a new thing was that Constantine, workaphobic/smokeaholic Justice League Dark member, was the one to call in the meeting. Billy gets deposited by the zetatubes and sees some familiar faces around the table; Batman, Nightwing and Red Robin on one side while Flash and Kid Flash/Impulse sat across from them adamantly talking. Constantine stood by the projector controls with huge stacks of comics, newspapers and magazines.
One of the comics catches Billy's eye; a young man in a hazmat suit looking into a screen that loops onto him watching the screen titled Masters of All Time. He quickly flies over and snatches it from the pile, "Awesome! I didn't know we were aloud to bring comics up here. I've been meaning to catch up on this series." He kicks up his feet and starts reading.
Constantine gives a tired look at Shazam, "You mean to tell me that you know this series? I've just spent that last bloody three weeks studying this bollocks."
"Of course, who doesn't know about Danny Phantom?!"
The remaining league walks in at that point as Batman, Nightwing and Flash raise their hands. Impulse flashes over and reads them in a second.
"Dude that's so crash, these are CLASSIC~. Dad had an incomplete set that he gave me for my birthday. Oh dude! Reality Trip, I remember this one; Danny, Sam and Tucker are chased-"
"HEY! Spoilers!"
"Constantine if you can just start the meeting about why we're here?"
"Right. As Shazam said; this is a comic book series about a ghost themed superhero. Sorta like Deadman but not magical." Constantine types into the console and brings up multiple pictures of Danny Phantom's scenes from the book. "The comic book series has been running for nineteen years, it's had multiple adaptations and crossovers. Thousands of roleplaying accounts across multiple social medias, millions of enjoyers of the media across the globe."
"How is this a problem for us," Aquaman asks as he flips through one of the comic books. "It's fictional."
"Yes and no." John presses a key and a real life picture of a town comes on screen."
"Holy Geez! Is that Amity Park?!" Red Robin exclaims as he takes over a personal console and makes a 3D render of the city, rotating and zooming until he finds a brick building with a heaping monstrosity of metal atop of it with a sign stating Fentonworks. "It's real..."
Batman looks at Red Robin calculatingly, "I wasn't aware you partook in that kind of media."
"It's a guilty hobby."
Constantine clears his throat, "It appears real. This city didn't exist four months ago and not just that." He pulls up an actual picture of Danny Phantom in the flesh, "This has magical bullshit written all over it and the only thing to explain it is a Tulpa. All of the evidence points to it; millions of thoughts based on one subject, it suddenly appears out of nowhere and there wasn't a blip on our systems."
"Is a tulpa that much of a problem," Wonder Woman asks as she looks over the pictures of Phantom and Amity Park."
"It can be difficult; seeing how this character's powerset changes more than Supe's does and he's just as strong. The problem is if it's NOT a tulpa and the comics are prophetic."
"Why," Batman asks straight to the point.
Constantine looks through the stacks of comics and pulls out two of them; one with a black gauntlet wearing a green skull ring taking up the front page and the other a grim scene of a large blue skin version of Danny Phantom with fire like hair standing amidst skulls and ruin buildings.
"This first one is about a King of Ghosts ripping the city from their plane of existance, he manages to defeat him in single combat and return his city to his world. Sound familiar?" John gestures at the images of Amity Park. The second is where the problem comes from; this is an evil version of the stories hero, corrupted after the lose of his family. He destroys his world with Amity Park being the only remaining city."
"Ok," Flash asks bored as he flips through the comics.
"Ok? Ok?! It's not bloody ok. It hasn't happened yet but other things have happened exactly as they did in the comics!" He pulls up videos of Danny Phantom and Danny Fenton being split apart and a satellite feed of a massive armored vehicle firing at something that can't be seen.
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"The next part is Doomsday! Those two events happen directly after the city is ripped from its dimension and dropped into this one. We all die! Dark Danny comes back in time to reassure his future, we have to stop this."
The Justice league shares a look as Constantine keeps ranting about the incoming apocalypse from a comic book.
"Constantine when is the last time you had a vacation?"
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bish-0-p · 6 months
i finished reading Power of Shazam! and i have some thoughts that i wanted to share. buckle up
firstly, i am so tired of "billy joins the batfam" stories, especially because 99% of the time the bats are reduced to fanon tropes with personalities that they don't actually have in canon. not to mention, mary is never included in these stories. it would be one thing if this was New 52 billy, who is only mary's foster brother, but the majority of what ive seen takes inspiration from the idea of billy being a homeless kid in fawcett
so why are we throwing billy in with people who live halfway across the country, when the bromfields are right there?
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if you're going to write a fanfic where billy (and, hopefully, mary) joins another established superhero family, why not have him be taken in by superman? though they argue a lot in canon, their morals, abilities, and worldview are much more similar. they admire each other!
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additionally, a lot of the time other members of the marvel family are completely ignored. freddy freeman only ever appears to be a romantic interest for billy or mary, tawky tawny shows up in some fics for a moment or so, but dudley and ibis the invincible are nowhere to be found. even black adam, doctor sivana, and mr. mind are underutilized!
Power of Shazam! is such a heartfelt story, when you look at the bigger picture. it's about a boy who's had to look out for himself for so long learning to trust family again. it's about him sharing the burdens of the responsibilities he has, and also sharing the guilt. billy feels so much guilt all the time, and it's absolutely gut-wrenching at points. there's an issue where fairfield, the twins' home town, is nuked to get back at them. and billy just has a breakdown
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i have my criticisms on how New 52 handles billy as a character, but him having anger at the world is not out of character. billy is a very, very angry boy— why wouldn't he be? his entire life was taken away from him, his trust was betrayed again and again, the people around him think him to be incompetent
but he still finds joy in life. he's silly, he's funny, he always sees the bright side to things. and this run does a phenomenal job of demonstrating just how complex he really is
there's also the problem of mary and freddy acting subservient to billy. throughout this series, mary is explicitly referred to as captain marvel several times. she's captain marvel as much as billy is. and much of freddy's arc within this series revolves around him outgrowing the "junior" tagline and becoming captain marvel 3. they're not just a team, they're a family
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they protect and look out for each other. this is what i want to see more of! i have fun with fics or headcanons where billy gets looked after by another hero, but if that's the only way you interact with his media, it's a disservice to his character and the characters of his family
read Power of Shazam! look into these characters. and please stop reducing these complex and dynamic characters to tropes
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wolfsbanesparks · 4 months
First octavo!!
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This Binderary I wanted to try a few new things so here is my first octavo! Making these little books was so fun, I'll definitely be making more in the future.
It is a collection of oneshots I've made including:
My Powers of S.H.A.Z.A.M. series
Shazam's Champion
and The People I Used to Be
The foil wasn't as bright as I was hoping so I'll probably try HTV for the next one, but overall I really like how this one came out! And it was a perfect way to kick off Binderary! (I have 3 more books of various sizes and stages of construction that I hope to complete!)
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radiofreederry · 11 months
DC invites you to pitch ten comics to them. What do you go for?
DOCTOR MID-NITE (miniseries): House, MD meets Daredevil as blind vigilante doctors Pieter Cross and Beth Chapel handle cases at St. Camillus, the hospital for superheroes, where an emerging plot to use the Earth's superhumans as a transmission vector for a deadly disease forces them to race against time.
TEEN TITANS (ongoing): A coming-of-age story as Superboy assembles a new team of Teen Titans, featuring himself, veterans Static, Robin, and Solstice, new Titans Thunderheart and Animal Girl, and new characters Blue Lantern and Space Cadet, to provide a space for young heroes to come into their own and find themselves.
THE SPECTRE (miniseries): The Lord's Spirit of Vengeance comes to Earth to mete out justice in a horror story with a heavy dash of theology.
ADVENTURES IN THE DC UNIVERSE (ongoing): An anthology series in the vein of 52 which features rotating casts of second- and third-string DC characters, fleshing out their stories and giving them time to shine.
MYSTERY IN SPACE (miniseries): It's a galactic whodunit as Captain Comet and Adam Strange must team up to solve a murder at a United Planets summit before events spiral into a cosmic war.
STARFIRE (ongoing): Koriand'r moves to Malibu to start her life on Earth fresh, but this attempt at a reset is disrupted by threats from beyond the stars, seeking vengeance on Tamaran for crimes long forgotten, as well as the possibility of new romance between herself and Dick Grayson.
PIED PIPER (miniseries): Hartley Rathaway struggles to reintegrate into society as an ex-con, even with the support of his friend Wally West, the Flash. He is soon forced to re-don his costume and sonic weapons after he discovers that a serial killer is targeting Central City's homeless population.
MARY MARVEL (ongoing):After Billy Batson is forced to take the Wizard's place at the Rock of Eternity, his sister Mary steps up as the main bearer of the power of Shazam. She must now juggle superheroics and a normal life as she begins classes at Fawcett University, even as Billy's enemies target her for revenge.
DOCTOR FATE (miniseries): As war breaks out between the Lords of Order and Chaos, threatening to swallow the world in mystical pandemonium, Khalid Nassour must find a way to save the world and restore the magical balance.
BOOSTER GOLD AND THE LEGION OF SUPER HEROES (ongoing): During a mission gone awry, Booster Gold is de-aged into a teenager and stranded in the 31st Century. He joins the Legion of Super Heroes while searching for a way to restore himself, and his self-aggrandizement and materialism causes endless conflict with his altruistic and science-minded teammates.
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thevoidstaredback · 4 days
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant
Masterpost Please don't comment on this post
Part 1 - How To Survive A Meeting Part 2 - How To End Up Where You Don't Want To Be Part 3 - How To Make New Friends Part 4 - How To Be A Younger Sibling Part 5 - How To Avoid A Bunch of Teenagers Part 6 - How To Avoid Answering Questions Part 7 - How Not To Get A Coffee Recipe Part 8 - How To Upset A Magic User
Side Story - Adventures in Gotham
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant (5585 words) by Cheshire_the_Grinning_Cat Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League Dark (2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Constantine & Danny Fenton, Billy Batson & Danny Fenton, Tim Drake & Danny Fenton, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Danny Fenton, Red Robin - Character, John Constantine, Billy Batson, Shazam, Justice League Dark Members, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Ghost King Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Meets the Justice League (DCU), Kinda, Established Relationship, Danny isn't a kid but everyone keeps acting like he is, John did not sign up to be a father, Oops, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 1 of Tumblr Saw It First
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youtwitinmyface · 10 months
Knight Terrors: SHAZAM! #1
Written by Mark Waid Drawn by Roger Cruz Published by DC Comics PREVIOUSLY: SHAZAM! #2 Okay, so, just 2 issues in and this series is already interrupted by having to incorporate some company-wide crossover story that I’m not interested in. I always hate it when that happens. Fortunately, Mark Waid handles this pretty well. Instead of derailing the storyline he’s writing for Billy, he puts Mary in…
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
prompts for November 15th. @avaritia-apotheosis
My Masterlist of DP/DC Prompts
Mistaken Identity:
Dick can’t believe his eyes. Babs was in Blüdhaven. Or else… It really looked like it was Babs. This girl's body language was far different. A thick psychology textbook was held firmly in one hand and another grasping her purse that no doubt had a brick in it. The biggest sign that it wasn’t Barbara was that she was walking. This wasn’t Babs but he might as well say hi.
Duke couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Right in front of him was a lady who was the spitting image of his mother. After cautiously asking if she had any relation to Elaine Thomas and getting told that she didn’t, he awkwardly apologized for asking and was about to leave before a hand on his shoulder stopped him. The lady told him that she heard that name before in the victims of the Joker Gas attack a few months back. She was sorry for his loss and she gave him her phone number to talk about it if he ever needed a friendly face to spill his worries. Duke looked at the contact name this lady gave him: Valerie Gray. Little did he know that this was the start of a very strange mentorship
It's tough gaining respect from new League members when they find out one of their superiors is a 14-year-old:
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster are kind of miffed that one of the founding members keeps bossing them around and chastising them for mistakes in the field. Who is he to talk shit? He’s like 12 for gods sake. Oh boy do their complaints end quickly when Danny shows the full extent of his powers during a battle
Roy Harper does NOT fuck with having a child as his supervisor for a JL mission. He feels as if this was a rude jab and an insult to his being. Turns out, the kid is in a reverse Shazam situation and he’s actually Roy’s age when he de-ghosts himself. What Roy thought was Phantom faking trying to relate to him was actually genuine conversation. Sucks that he had to find out Danny was actually his age from falling unconscious mid-battle though. That sucked.
Mistaken Identity & It's tough gaining respect from new League members when they find out one of their superiors is a 14-year-old:
Shazam was very nervous about this Phantom guy. The dude was immensely powerful but when he transformed into his human side he looked exactly like Billy Batson. Through a series of events, Billy goes into the watchtower without transforming into Captain Marvel and someone mistakes him for Danny. He hopes to god he can keep up the guise for just today or else his secret is out.
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I'm writing a modern setting with magic, but how do I stop the trope "blood purity" with magical elements? I really want to avoid that trope!!
So when it comes to magic, you're down to a couple of main questions:
What do you want the magic to do?
Who do you want to have the magic?
How do you want the rules of magic to work?
For an example, let's look at The Last Airbender's bending - it follows recognizable rules, is split into clear categories, and has one 'special' character that can harness it in ways others can't (you can also use Shadow and Bone, or your series of choice).
Bending is split into four recognizable categories. It's inherited, though not everyone is born a bender, and at first, it seems locked to people from particular regions. The series goes on to show exceptions, alternative ways to obtain bending, and eventually blended families can have different kinds of benders. Blood purity has nothing to do with it; bending is as complex as other inherited genes.
So you have a couple of choices:
Everyone can do magic, with varying levels of skills or specialties. Schools or apprenticeships may be set up to help develop those skills.
Certain people can do magic, and it is either known how (by heritage, place of origin, prophecy fulfilled, etc) or a mystery (could pop up in anyone, resulting in tests to find magic users, etc).
Magic is something granted/done to you, either through a particular process or a cave of mysterious wizards kidnap you and make you Shazam (curse those mysterious wizards).
And honestly, you have way more choices than that, but these are some basic options. Let's look back at ATLA for a moment. They avoided the blood purity route by making the origins of bending complex and varied. They also made inheritance of those abilities uncertain - no matter how powerful the couple is, they may end up with a non-bender, and non-benders can have children with bending abilities. And as well as having families that can have different kind of benders, they also had bending influenced by other skills and techniques - like lightning, metal, and lava bending.
So the next set of questions you want to ask youself, after you've established the basics, are:
What are the rules of magic that everyone knows? (Only witches can fly on broomsticks, only island people can see the future, etc)
How can you subvert those rules in a way that fits your world? (By studying different kinds of magic, your MC is able to combine them to create new spells, etc)
What point are you trying to make by subverting these rules? (The Witch Boy by Molly Ostertag turns magical gender norms on their head, etc)
By thinking about how the magic your story uses underlies the message you want your story to have, you'll be able to build a stronger story overall while avoiding harmful tropes. Good luck!
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fancyfade · 4 months
Hey, curious are there any good comics where Damian interact with the Justice league? Like what their opinions on him?
Also have non Batfamily heroes are figured out or suspects Damian is a Al Ghul? I mean it wouldn’t be hard given Damian skills and his speech structure.
I know he interacts with the Justice League in Batman and Robin (2011) #39 and 40. Mostly he's very confident in himself and generally unimpressed by the Leaguers. They seemed like... generically polite, didn't seem to have strong opinions (except since this was during Damian's temporary powers time, Shazam/Captain Marvel/whatever his new 52 name is, was jealous that Damian had powers without having to turn into 'an old guy').
Anyway :P Interaction
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OK wait also I found a tumblr post here (link) where I went into it more
I'm not sure why the other justice leaguers would assume Damian is an al Ghul due to his speech and skills, given that there are a lot of organizations who might train kids to fight. Azrael was brainwashed to fight as a baby by the Order of St Dumas, Cass was trained (initially with no connection to league of assassins, but i think they retconned a connection in).
I also think the al Ghuls interact most with Batman. Like I have heard they interact with Green Arrow (but not read a ton of green arrow comics, so grain of salt), Ra's interacts with Azrael but not a ton, and Talia helps Black Lightning in Black Lightning year one (and the first series), and Talia interacts with Superman in Lexcorp comics but more from a perspective of Lexcorp minion (from Clark's POV) than an al Ghul. I'm not sure why various super heroes would leap to the assumption that he's an al Ghul unless they knew Batman had a thing with Talia (which Clark does).
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kenandeliza · 2 months
A Marvel Family What-If : What If They grow up normally?
If the suspendium event and the rest of the shazam 1970s comic series didn't happen, i wondered what the future would be for the golden age Marvel Family
Billy: Mr Morris would probably hand over Whiz station to Billy, so he'd be the new owner of the station. Happily married to Cissie Sommerly
Mary: based on my previous headcanon on her being a fashion model (because i kept seeing mary being used as a model for back to school advertisements or clothing advertisements in fawcett comics), I'd like to think she'd own a Fashion magazine brand or continued the Shazam.inc business after Uncle Dudley's passing
Freddy: He'd probably open a comic book shop. In future days where he is in his 70s-80s, he'd write comics based on his previous diary entries of his adventures with the marvel family with a fake pen-name, as the newer generation are not familliar about the family and thinks of his comics as fictional
Kit: He tries to spend as much time with his brother after revealing himself accidentally, going out everyday to fish in a boat or to admire nature. It was a bit sad seeing everyone grow old as he stays the same, but it saddens him even more when Freddy started forgetting past events in his older years, it was why he would often read Freddy's diary back to him
Tawky Tawny: Tawny had a pretty long and famous life, still relaxing with the marvel family, being a businessman, a hollywood actor once. He was incredibly famous that they tried to make a documentary on his life! Sadly, there weren't any young tigers who could talk and walk like him to play the role as Tawny (let alone a tiger who wouldn't maul the camera crew), so they used CGI despite Tawny's complaint about the tiger being uncanny
idk, it's just these headcanon that popped into my head if the family grow up normally without the events of the 1970s shazam continuing the golden age, sorry if thid had reached some light-angsty territory (i know my angst writing is bad, forgive me for the cringe :>
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