#Patton Croft
edupunkn00b · 9 months
The Uses of Adversity, Ch. 21: I'm Coming Clean
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Prev - I'm Coming Clean - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
I can't stay this way, but I pray that nothing changes Like I'm stuck between the gears of a broken machine I'm on fire and I'm frozen stiff Down to the wire, wondering if Today's the day I'm coming clean
'Cause I've got dreams that might not come to any kind of fruition I've got cracks in my façade I might fall between I've got pictures in the dresser drawer I whisper through the bedroom door Today's the day I'm coming clean -I'm Coming Clean by Ezra Furman
WC: 4013 - Rated: T - CW: none -
The next morning, Roman woke to bird song, a muted chorus of robins and starlings and chickadees all greeting the sun. Soft, golden light spilled through the gaps along the curtain’s edge. Sprawled on Logan's bed, Roman was warm and comfortable. Well, mostly comfortable. His stomach growled, a not-so-quiet nudge that perhaps it was actually hunger that woke him and not the birds outside.
He’d burrowed under the covers in his sleep and when he pushed them back and peered over the fluffy comforter, he saw Logan, sleeping curled around a pillow in the chair he’d set up by his bedside. A sunbeam landed just behind the chair, lighting him in an ethereal glow his technical director would be jealous of.
Logan's face was soft in sleep, the near-everpresent tension gone from between his eyebrows, his jaw. He’d removed his glasses and his lids were smooth, eyes darting back and forth in a dream. Mouth relaxed, his lips looked even fuller, an almost smile curving up one side.
He was gorgeous.
Moving carefully, Roman wiggled his way out from under the covers and confirmed that, yes, he was, in fact, proudly wearing bright white boxers festooned in multicolored hearts. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he watched Logan sleep for just long enough to start to feel creepy. Finally, he stood and tried to remember where he’d noticed his jeans last night. It was cool in the room and Logan only had a small throw blanket stretched over him, so Roman tucked the comforter around him before he went to dress and wash his face.
He’d seen Logan make coffee often enough to know how he liked it. After the way he’d cared for him—clearly all night judging by the shadows under his eyes, the very least Roman could was make sure that when he did wake up, there was a fresh cup waiting for him.
Roman gathered the dishes and an empty Gatorade bottle from the nightstand and pocketed his—charged—phone. Logan sighed in his sleep, soft and contented. He was sorely tempted to press just one tiny kiss into his hair but he satisfied himself with a quiet whisper. “See you when you wake, Lo.”
He crept downstairs and loaded the dishes in the dishwasher, then pulled out his phone to check in with his brother.
Good morning!
Re replied almost immediately.
heeey! back from the dead! how you feeling? did he take good care of you in your time of need? 😈
It wasn’t like that
like what? *blink blink blink*
aw, i’m fucking with you. i’m sure he was a perfect little repressed gentleman.
Mr. Sweet n Sour Sauce, everyone. He’s here all night.
just sayin’… da nile’s not just a river in egypt
Turning off my phone now…
nah, don’t be like that. seriously, he called three times, worried as fuck. then it was like it was christmas day when your fever broke.
He’s sweet.
i can see that. don’t fuck it up
Roman rolled his eyes and tapped at the screen but Re continued before he could finish his retort.
oh, and jannie says to tell him, ‘that’s not what he meant by celebrating but at least he got part of it right’
Smiling despite himself, Roman shook his head, unsure which of the dynamic duo was more cryptic. Those two were made for each other.
I’ll be home tonight, maybe even this afternoon. I don’t know what plans I’ve already disrupted for him.
you really so blind? his only plans are YOU, ro bro 
When he didn’t respond, bubbles popped and stopped repeatedly, Re writing and re-writing some message. Finally, he asked,
what’s stopping you from making your move? he’s obvs crazy about you
It was difficult to tell just how seriously he should take his brother’s assertions. It didn’t feel like teasing and Re knew, really knew how much Logan meant to him. His brother was an ass, but he wasn’t cruel. He wouldn’t lie to him about something so important.
It was even more difficult to convince his heart that Logan’s actions over the last day and a half weren’t more than the care of a truly altruistic person. Logan was a good man. He would do what he’d done for anyone… Wouldn’t he?
He wanted to ask how his brother could be so sure. Roman had been wrong so many times before. He’d fallen hard, taken in by charm or misattributing basic lust and desire for something… deeper. Logan wasn’t the type to take advantage of someone, let alone go through some sort of farce of denial of his sexuality. But…
But what if… what if the problem wasn’t with the men Roman was falling for, but with him?
Re sent a single question mark and Roman finished his message, dodging the real question sitting like a rock in the pit of his stomach. 
He’s asleep right now. I’ll text you if anything changes, okay?
okay thanks ro. kiss the nerd for me
Roman pocketed his phone, the dream-memory of Logan’s soft skin against his lips fresh and strong. When he closed his eyes, he could still feel it, the warmth, the way his muscles flexed just under his skin. Shaking away the ghostly sensation and the longing that came with it, he picked up the coffee pot and filled it with water.
“Ro!” Patton’s surprised voice bubbled from the hall. “You’re up!” he cheered and threw his arms around him in a hug.
“Thirty-six hours is probably long enough to sleep,” he laughed, ruffling his hair. “Hey, I wanted to make your dad some coffee and breakfast. Would you like to help?”
“Yeah!” Patton grinned and pointed up at the top shelf of the cabinet above the coffee maker. “Use the brown bag. It’s stronger, but it’s his favorite.”
Face buried in his pillow, Logan groaned and stretched as he woke, eyes snapping open when his book thudded to the floor. The sound was muffled by the comforter gathered around him. The comforter that had been tucked around Roman. He sat up. “Ro?”
His bed was empty, the blanket completely wrapped him instead. Craning his neck, he checked the ensuite, but the door was open, the light off. Roman’s jeans were gone from where he’d hung them on the back of the door and the nightstand had been cleared. Yawning, he stood, only slightly stiff from spending the night mostly upright. Watching Roman sleep so peacefully, seeing with his own eyes that he was well, or at least on the mend, had made it easier to set aside his worry and finally drift off for a bit of rest for himself.
After checking his phone—no messages from either Remus or Roman—he made the bed, then hurried to change and brush his teeth. He hoped Roman hadn’t already left. It had been easy to behave as though, here, in his room, Roman was already home. Home with him. He knew he’d need to return to reality eventually. Logan just hoped he hadn’t already missed him, that Roman would’ve said goodbye before leaving.
As soon as he opened his bedroom door, Roman’s booming laughter danced up the stairs and his cold, quiet fear dissolved. A chuckle spilled from his own lips, the mere sound of Roman’s jovial voice enough to make him want to join in. He skipped down the stairs, real laughter bursting out when he entered the kitchen to the sight of all four boys huddled around the table and engaged in a friendly—if loud—debate over the best flavors of jelly.
“Apple jelly?” Virgil’s nose scrunched even as he laughed.
“Hey,” Emile shook his head. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tasted apple Hamentashen.”
“Oh, are those the ones your dad made last year?” Remy grinned. “Mmm, Em’s right. I thought I didn’t like apples until I had those. You gotta try it, Virge.”
The homey scents of fresh coffee and toast and, of course, jam filled the air and Logan stood to the side, watching the conversation. He was caught, though, when Roman turned and asked Patton how he liked his eggs.
“Good morning, everyone!” Waving at his sons and his future son-in-law, he entered the kitchen to a small chorus of greetings. Roman stood in the middle of the kitchen, sleeves pushed up and once again wearing Logan’s apron. “Good morning, Lo. There’s coffee on,” he smiled. “Can I pour you a cup?”
Logan stepped closer. Bright sunlight streaming in from the kitchen window gleamed against the shiny stovetop and the coffee maker, bouncing up and turning Roman’s hair into a halo of almost red curls. The boys chattered, now debating whether Hamentashen were cookies or tartlets, and he kissed the top of Patton’s head when he gave him a quick hug on his way to the fridge.
Their happy voices faded into the background as he met Roman’s eyes. “How—how are you feeling? Shouldn’t I be getting you coffee? Or at least some juice? You must be starving.”
“Patton made sure I ate something before we started all this. I’m really feeling much better, thanks to you. See?” Roman reached for his hand and pressed it to his forehead. His skin was warm, but no longer hot, no longer that frightening feverish heat. Just… wonderfully warm.
He smiled when Roman blushed—actually blushed. He was beautiful when he blushed, soft pink painted over the apples of his cheeks, darkening his lips and spreading down his neck. “You took excellent care of me. I’m certain you lost more than a little sleep, though.” Roman bit his lower lip, holding up a cup. His favorite cup. Logan drew close and inhaled deeply. His favorite brew. “Though, it makes a nice excuse to wake you with a cup of coffee,” he grinned.
Logan had had this dream before. While tonight there was no glint of gold on either of their hands, with the perfect sunlight, the perfectly chaotic and peaceful morning with the boys, and the literal man of his dreams offering him his favorite coffee, this could be nothing but a dream.
He nodded and stepped closer. “You’re always a wonderful way to wake up, Old Heart,” he murmured and closed the distance between them. Both arms draped over Roman's shoulders, Logan smiled and pulled him down into a kiss. Roman’s surprised little noise turned into a happy hum and, laughing, Patton took the cup still in his hand and set it on the table.
Hands now free, Roman wrapped one arm around his back and the other cradled the back of his head. He drew him even closer, gently deepening their kiss.
It was like nothing in any other dream before. A soft need that matched his own drove Roman’s kiss, heat and warmth and softness pouring from him, even as he pulled him close, fingers curled through his hair. Logan melted against him, captivated in a way he’d never felt before, not in his dreams and not in his waking life.
“Alright, alright,” Virgil laughed. “Get a room already.”
Patton giggled. “Oh, leave them alone and eat your toast. Look how happy they are.”
“Jacinta’s so gonna say ‘I told you so,” Emile murmured.
Logan broke away, eyes wide. The butter in the pan sizzled and popped, starting to brown, and Remy hurried over to lower the heat. “W—wait…” He patted the top of his own head and felt his bedraggled hair and smelled the faint smoke from the butter as he struggled to catch his breath. “This… this isn’t a dream,” he whispered.
A broad grin spread across Roman’s face. “Do you frequently kiss me good morning in your dreams?” He murmured close to his ear, low voice rumbling through his chest. When Logan didn’t answer, he pulled back and searched his eyes. “Unless… it was a mistake?”
Logan looked up, Roman’s brilliant green eyes soft with concern. And more than a little pain. “Not a mistake,” he whispered in a rush. “But maybe…” His eyes darted to the table where the boys were studiously spreading more jam on their toast. “Maybe something we should talk about?”
He looked toward the hall. “Perhaps we can go for a walk?”
Smiling, Remy revealed just how much they could hear from the table and picked up the spatula. “Breakfast will be ready for you both when you get back.”
They gathered their shoes and jackets silently, each wrapped in a bubble of their own thoughts. Guilt for kissing Roman without consent clashed with wild, desperate hope, his heart pounding to a rhythm of ‘he kissed you back, he kissed you back, he kissed you back.’ 
Words tangled in Logan’s throat, unable to push out even an apology. They stepped outside, each braced for the same chill the previous days had held, but the sun shone brightly, and the air was fresh and unseasonably warm.
He pointed to the park across the street. “There’s a quiet spot there by the pond, if… if you’d like….”
“That sounds perfect,” Roman smiled and offered his hand. When Logan hesitated, though, he lowered it, smile faltering.
Logan took a deep breath and risked it, lacing their fingers together before crossing the quiet street and heading into the park. The return of Roman’s smile told him it had been the right thing to do.
Dried leaves crunched underfoot, the gentle earthy scent following them down the path. “I’m so sorry I kissed you without asking,” Logan began. “I…” His throat tightened, but he pushed forward. “It’s not an excuse, just an explanation. I… I have had… many dreams like that,” he admitted in a tiny whisper, eyes down on the ground. “Where we… we're—we’re together and… I—I’m sorry.”
“Lo…” Roman stopped walking and tilted up his chin. “Is that why you’re so upset? You thought I was… bothered by our kiss?”
“That’s…” He nodded. There was so much more. “That’s part of it.”
“I liked our kiss,” he murmured, stepping closer. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.”
“Oh.” Logan looked up into his eyes. Roman meant it.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure where your feelings were. This…" He smiled gently, thumb brushing over the edge of his jaw. "Something between us would be… new for you. I never would want to push you or make you… uncomfortable in any way.” Suddenly Roman looked nervous. “I… How…” He took a deep breath, like he was bracing himself for bad news. “How do you feel about it? Is it… Is kissing me something only for your dreams?”
Roman’s hand on his jaw was gentle and warm and Logan wanted nothing more than to throw himself into his arms. To forget why it would be wrong to take advantage of Roman’s kindness, to chase this feeling and…
“I liked our kiss, too,” he whispered, head screaming at his heart, but once the words slipped out, more followed. “I—I want more, I want all the things I dream about with you, I…” He clamped his mouth shut. No. He can’t ask for this. 
Roman’s eyes grew guarded but he didn’t let go of his chin, or his hand. Not yet at least. His smile shrank, though, and his shoulders curled in as a familiar expression flashed over his face.
It took Logan a moment to recognize that the look in Roman's eyes was the same he’d had when talking about Devin. “Are we…" Roman swallowed hard, a tremor in his lips. "In your dreams are we only physical?” 
“I…” Logan shook his head, the words sticking in his throat. 
Confess! There’s no going back now. You can’t leave him thinking you just have dirty dreams about him. 
“No.” Logan blinked back tears and tightened his grip on Roman’s hand, looking down at the way their fingers intertwined, the same way his mind wove their lives together in his sleep. “I… I get to love you in my dreams. We’re together, married sometimes,… usually,” he admitted after a moment. “And… and we dance and play or we wake up together or sometimes we’re…” He nodded, cheeks burning. “Sometimes we’re intimate.” Logan hung his head. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, Lo…” When he didn’t look up, Roman raised his chin until their eyes met. “Lo that’s beautiful. Why would you be sorry about that? Do you…” Sudden hurt washed over his face. “Do you… wish you didn’t feel that way? Not when you’re awake, at least? Do you… do you not really want that with me? ”
“Of course I want that with you.” He shook his head, staring back into Roman’s eyes. How to make him understand? “Ro, you’re incredible. Brilliant and creative, funny and so, so kind. You’re wonderful and… And you deserve so much more than… me.” His voice broke and he swallowed hard, determined to get through this. And with any luck at all, figure out a way to hold on to their friendship when he was done. 
“I’m damaged. Scarred. Here…” He released Roman’s hand and held up the shameful scars on his left hand, including the newest from clumsily dropping a knife when he’d been startled by the damn doorbell. “And here.” He touched his chest, his traitorous heart pounding under his ribs. “I’m broken beyond repair.”
Roman smiled, tears in his eyes, and cradled Logan’s cheek with one hand, slowly shaking his head. “Lo, you are beautiful.” He covered his hand, tapping to the beat of his heart. “You're beautiful here.” Wrapping strong, warm fingers around Logan’s, he gently pulled his hand away from his chest and lifted it to his own lips, and kissed his scarred palm. “You're beautiful here.”
The hand on Logan's cheek shifted, tilting up his chin and brushing a thumb over his lips. “And you're beautiful here,” he whispered, once again closing the distance between them. Roman’s breath warmed his face, and he smelled like vanilla and coffee and strawberry jam. He smelled like home. 
“Lo, I love you.”
“After everything you’ve seen?” He couldn’t hold back his tears, those soft, sweet words ripped right from his dreams just too much to hear. “I’m a mess, I jump at slamming doors, I work too much, I drop everything when one of the boys calls…” Roman chuckled and moved closer. “Why are you laughing?”
“You haven’t listed a single reason to love you any less,” he smiled, hand sliding back to card through his hair. 
Logan stared, speechless, and he couldn’t help leaning into the soft touch.
“Do you love me?” Roman asked.
“Yes!" Logan whispered. "I love you so much. All I want is for you to be happy, Ro. I want you to have someone in your life who’s worthy of being by your side.”
“‘I would not wish any companion in the world but you,’ Lo,” Roman said, quietly but clearly. Logan stared back, eyes wide. “I never did get to finish what I was going to say that night. I felt it then…” He brushed a line of soft kisses down his cheek, following the trail of tears. Roman's lips burned against his skin, a sweet, hot fire. “And I feel it now.”
He shouldn’t. Logan knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t stop the words. “‘When you depart from me,’” he whispered, chest warming at Roman’s growing smile, “‘Sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave.’”
Roman kissed the tears on his other cheek. “Then ‘thee I will love, and with thee lead my life.’” A gust of wind blew up over the water and Roman turned them, putting his back to the cold and shielding him. “I love you, Lo.”
“And I love you, Roman,” he whispered back.
“Then kiss me.” He lifted his chin, warm breath ghosting over Logan’s cheeks. “Kiss me like you did in your dream. Kiss me like your heart tells you to.” He drew closer, lips grazing his with each word. “Kiss me like you love me, Lo. And let me love you back.”
Logan couldn’t remember anymore why he was fighting this feeling, this warmth. A slow smile spread across his face. “Happily,” he whispered, and pulled him down into their second first kiss.
Spring brought longer days, warmer weather, and finally, in May, Remy and Emile’s wedding.
The ceremony was small and intimate, held in the sanctuary at Emile’s parent’s temple. After an oneg attended by the congregation, QLaw staff, and everyone in the newly joined families, a second party kicked off at a candlelit park down the street.
Virgil’s music was loud and boisterous, a benefit of a grass-filled park surrounded by shops that closed by seven on a Sunday and they danced into the night. Taking a break, Roman and Logan had found a mostly quiet corner in a gazebo and they blew bubbles and watched the remaining couples dance.
As the moon rose up over the trees, the music slowed and a quiet guitar melody spilled from the portable speakers. “Oh… I love this song,” Logan murmured, his eyes soft and sparkling in the candlelight.
Attabody, Virge.
Sending the DJ a little two-fingered salute, Roman grinned at Logan. “I know.” He offered his hand and whispered, “May I have this dance, Lo?”
Logan looked up, cheeks a sweet pink that matched his boutonniere, and nodded. Roman draped his arms over Logan’s shoulders and pulled his body close, the soft, easy tempo a wonderful excuse to hold his love in his arms. They swayed to the music, Logan leading in that gentle way of his.
He tucked his face close to Logan’s neck and breathed in his warmth, the scent of spice and vanilla, even a hint of his own cologne. Roman chuckled when Logan suddenly pulled back, a new grin spread across his face. “Wait—how did you know I like this song?”
“You called me your ‘old heart,’ the day you kissed me,” he murmured. “And everytime it plays in the car, you hum along.”
Face hidden against his chest, Logan chucked. “You weren’t meant to hear that.”
“But I always listen to you,” Roman smiled into his hair, brushing kisses against his temple and his cheek. “Besides, I like it.”
They danced quietly, the extended version Virgil had created giving Roman plenty of time to phrase his next words. “It makes a lovely wedding song,” he whispered.
“Mm-hm,” Logan nodded, relaxing into his arms. “It does.”
“We could dance to it next year,” Roman murmured, pulse pounding in his ears. “If you’d like.”
Still holding him, Logan stepped back, eyes wide. Roman pulled a tiny box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a silver band. “‘Here, take my ring. My house, mine honor, yea, my life, be thine. And I'll be bid by thee.’” he whispered. “‘A heaven on earth I have won by wooing thee.’ Will you marry me?”
Logan was quiet, staring up at him with a thousand thoughts swirling behind those steel blue eyes. Swallowing back the fear bubbling in his chest, Roman stroked Logan's cheek and waited. Then the clouds parted and his face beamed in a brilliant smile.
“I was going to wait until we were home.” A soft laugh spilled from Roman's lips when Logan reached into his own pocket and revealed a remarkably similar ring nestled in his palm. “‘And on your finger in the night I'll put another ring, that what in time proceeds may token to the future our past deeds.’” Chuckling quietly, he drew close and whispered against his lips. “You have won a husband of me. And I of you. And there my hope has grown, Old Heart.”
Roman’s eyes fluttered closed as Logan pulled him down into a slow, soft kiss. An entirely different song was finishing by the time they broke apart for air. Chuckling, Roman carded his fingers through Logan’s hair and worked to still his heart enough to speak. A newly familiar fuzziness filled his chest as, instead, he lost himself in those bright blue eyes.
“So is that a yes?” Logan grinned.
Head thrown back in a laugh, he nodded. “Yes!” Roman pulled him closer. “With everything I am, yes!”
Taglist: @crossiantgay @emoprincey
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ajexists1214 · 2 months
One of my favorite things about being in the Sanders Sides fandom is seeing the last names people come up with for the sides when doing AU’s
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These are the ones I came up with… YEARS ago now at this point, I’m curious to see what yall use
I know Foster for Patton is probably the most common one. I see Storm for Virgil a lot which… eh not my favorite. Crofter or Croft I see a lot for Logan, which I kinda used as inspiration for Crawford. Roman (and sometimes Remus if they are written as brothers/twins) I see Prince a lot which… I don’t know, I get it, but to me is too on the nose. I honestly don’t know what I see for Janus a lot. How I came up with Zeno, Irving and Forrest is I just looked up last names that related to their characters. Like for Virgil it was “dark/spooky last names”. Roman/Remus was “royal last names” and Janus was the hardest, I think I just ended up looking at medieval last names or something like that and found Zeno and liked it
Then of course you got the “who’s going to get the Sanders last name”, which I’ve mostly noticed it with Logan or Virgil getting the Sanders last name
I’m kinda rambling at this point, but recently I’ve been sucked back into this fandom and reading a lot of fan fiction so I wanted to point it out and talk about it
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Roman and Remus Royale
Virgil Storm
Patton Everhart
Logan Croft
Janus D. Ceit
OOOOH!!! Those are good!!! Also Jan's being D. Ceit is S O clever I L O V E that XD
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innovacancy · 8 months
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Mr. Bungle Roadrunner, Boston, MA 11 September 2023
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After not visiting the Boston area in about twenty years by Mike Patton's onstage estimation, the man of many (many) projects brought Mr. Bungle back to Boston - although perhaps not in the form one might have expected. They play a thrashing, grinding, whirlwind of a set that starts with a detuned rendition of "Also Sprach Zarathustra' playing over the speakers, and doesn't get any less crazy from there. Patton and band first "cover" 'Won't You Be My Neighbor?', and what follows is a set whose focus splits between their thrash-metal Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny (originally recorded in 1986, re-done in 2020), and a wealth of notable and left-field covers including 10cc and Seals & Crofts (the latter with some choice lyrical adaptations), as well as Slayer for a more genre-cohesive choice.
The night seems designed to throw the listener between sonic extremes; one moment the drums and bass are vibrating the foundation of the building, with Patton interjecting every now and again with a whistle or a second mic to twist his elastic voice into further forms; but just as quickly the room can be paused in a gentle lull. But fury is the majority stakeholder here: Patton is energetic and wild, crouched low oscillating back and forth like a fighter or an animal ready to lunge. They're positively carving a path through the set and its many immense and sometimes even operatically-epic moments, highlighting an era of Mr. Bungle's history that predates the band's most fertile period in the nineties, given new life alongside numerous tributes to the band's many influences and contemporaries in the wider field of metal.
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
A Snake By Any Other Name…
(A Sanders Sides High School AU)
Ships: Logince (they are dating at the start of the story), Loceit (slow burn, they date after Logince split up), Prinxiety (friends to lovers, they date after Logince split up), intruality (secret relationship, already together at the start of the story)
Just to clarify: This isn’t unsympathetic Roman. He’ll start out as forceful but he gets character development. This also isn’t unsympathetic Janus. Part of his motives are to spite Roman, but he also genuinely cares about Logan’s well being.
Warning: This story will likely contain swearing, Roman being overly controlling/overprotective at first but he’ll get character development, and sexual themes. I’ll try to put more specific warnings for each chapter.
Edit: I’m going to write this on AO3 instead of Tumblr, just to make things easier and so that all my followers aren’t just flooded with a long post. Also I saved a draft for a chapter I was working on and edited it to write the chapter but then lost the whole thing when I saved it without knowing my internet cut out. (Let this be a lesson to write stuff in a document instead of just writing directly on Tumblr 😅)
Description: Logan Croft wasn’t planning on acting in the Drama Club’s production of Romeo and Juliet. While he’s a fan of Shakespeare’a poems, he’s never been one for theatre. The only reason he’s in the Drama Club to begin with is because his boyfriend, Roman Gomez, insisted on him being there. He was supposed to be the tech guy, that was the deal at least, but when Roman discovered that the play was a gay rewrite of Romeo and Juliet, he insisted Logan audition to play the Juliet to his Romeo.
Much to Roman’s dismay, however, Janus Viper, his arch nemesis, is the Drama Club’s director. Surprisingly, Logan does get the role of Juliet, but the role of Romeo goes to Janus himself. Will Logan be able to navigate the difficult situation he has found himself in?
Chapter 1: Auditions
“Roman, I thought we agreed that I would only be joining the Drama Club as the ‘tech guy’ as you call it.” Logan sighed as they entered the cafeteria, where their friend Patton was waiting for them. “But they’re doing Romeo and Juliet! Or, as it’s now called, Romeo and Johnathon! I could be Romeo, and you could be Johnathon! It would be perfect!” Roman cheered as they sat down.
“Hey guys! What’s going on?” Patton asked, seeming as chipper as he always was. He was used to his friends bickering, though it was a bit tiring. He honestly wasn’t sure why they were dating, but he tried his best to be supportive.
“Patton, my friend, would you please tell Logan how great it would be if we were to play as lovers in the greatest love story known to man?” Roman scoffed. “Patton, could you remind Roman that I agreed to sign up for Drama Club on the condition that I wouldn’t have to perform?” Logan retorted. “Okay guys, calm down.” Patton told them softly. “I am calm.” Both Roman, who raised his voice slightly as he said it, and Logan, who said it more matter of factly, informed Patton in unison.
Patton took a deep breath before turning his attention to Roman. “Roman, if Logan is uncomfortable with it, you can’t force him to audition.” He began, causing Roman to pout. “Well, yeah… I know that. I just thought it would be something we could do together… He doesn’t have to, obviously.” Roman explained. “Thank you, Patton.” Logan stated.
“And Logan, this does seem to be really important to Roman. Now that he’s calmed down, maybe you could explain why you’re uncomfortable, so that he knows this isn’t a rejection to him, just to performing?” Patton suggested. “I suppose that sounds fair… I’m uncomfortable with the idea of performing as a character. I have trouble suspending my disbelief enough to enjoy a play, therefore it would be difficult for me to play a character, even if I am actually dating the love interest.” Logan explained.
“That… makes sense.” Roman admitted. “But will that make you uncomfortable? If I end up playing Romeo, and you have to watch me kiss some other guy and remind yourself that it’s not real?” Roman asked nervously. “I… I’ll know that you are simply following instructions.” Logan assured him hesitantly. “Are you sure?” Roman questioned, noticing that Logan seemed uncomfortable with the idea.
“Hmm… I suppose that would be difficult, but I don’t want to prevent you from doing something you enjoy… but I’d also be uncomfortable playing a character, and kissing you in front of so many people.” Logan admitted. “How about this. We audition, if you don’t get the part, we both drop out of the play and I’ll just work on back stage while you work on tech.” Roman suggested.
“And if you don’t get Romeo?” Logan asked. “Then you can drop out and go back to being the tech guy. Besides, I highly doubt I won’t be Romeo. Even with Janus as the director, I’m the best actor there. He has to cast me as the lead.” Roman assured him. “And you don’t have to even try that hard, all I ask is that you audition. If you’re uncomfortable, they won’t cast you. No worries.” Roman quickly added.
“Alright, that does sound fair.” Logan agreed. “Splendid! Oh, Patton! You should audition as the Nurse! Then you’ll be able to support Logan if he does get the role!” Roman decided. “That sound’s like a great idea!” Patton cheered. “Wonderful! We can meet in the Auditorium on Wednesday!” Roman exclaimed, relieved that everything seemed to have worked out.
“Alright everyone, quiet back stage. Auditions are about to begin.” Janus announced. He was sitting in the front row of the school’s auditorium, waiting for the chatter back stage to come to an end. “First, auditions for Romeo. Will Farris Becker please come to the stage?” Janus called.
After watching two auditions, Janus waved a hand to dismiss the auditioning actor. “Thank you, the cast will be posted on the Auditorium doors on Friday.” Janus informed him. He then put his feat up on the seat beside him as the actor left the stage, checking his list of people auditioning. “Roman Gomez.” He called, a smirk on his lips as he did.
Roman strutted onto the stage, confident as usual. Janus chuckled as he brought his legs down, sat up straight, and gave Roman his full attention. “Hello, Roman.” He greeted. “Janus.” Roman returned in a bitter tone. “Any day now.” Janus sighed, gesturing for Roman to begin his audition. Roman nodded, clearing his throat before delivering the lines.
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?” Roman began, the lines already memorized as he gazed at the lights above, as if gazing to Johnathon’s window. “It is the east, and Johnathon is the sun.” Roman sang, gracefully raising a hand to the imaginary window. “Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off.” Roman continued, waving his hand aggressively to the side, as if to cut off the moon’s envious light.
“It is my lord, O, it is my love!” He then declared, his expression gentle as he reached again towards the ‘window’. “O, that he knew he were! He speaks yet he says nothing: what of that? His eye discourses; I will answer it.” Roman continued before placing a hand on his chest, his expression one of admiration. “I am too bold, 'tis not to me he speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat his eyes, to twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if his eyes were there, they in his head? The brightness of his cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; his eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how he leans his cheek upon his hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!” Roman concluded.
“Thank you, Roman. The cast will be-” Janus began. “Yes yes, I know.” Roman dismissed with a cocky smile. He walked off the stage, leaving Janus to roll his eyes. “Oh Roman, I don’t think you know much at all.” Janus mused, his smirk growing as he read the list of people auditioning for Johnathon. “Next, auditions for Johnathon. Will Logan Croft please come to the stage?” Janus called.
Meanwhile, Roman and Logan stood back stage. Roman had just returned, and he smiled brightly as he held Logan’s hand. “Break a leg.” He whispered, kissing Logan’s cheek. “I would hope not.” Logan murmured. “It’s an expression, Starlight. It means good luck.” Roman laughed softly. “Oh.” Logan replied as Janus called his name again. “Go on!” Roman urged, gently pushing Logan towards the stage.
Logan took a deep breath, then walked over to the stage’s centre. He blinked, his eyes sensitive to the lights. “Logan Croft, I didn’t expect to see you auditioning.” Janus mused, though it was a lie. He knew Roman would convince Logan to do so. It was all going as he had planned.
“Yes, well… Roman wished to audition together.” Logan explained. “I figured. Whenever you’re ready.” Janus then prompted. Logan nodded and cleared his throat. Having also memorized his lines, he began his monologue without the script’s assistance.
“O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!” Logan began, his fingers starting at his temples before popping way to display frustration. Janus was instantly taken aback. He had expected Roman to have Logan perform Juliet’s, or in this case, Johnathon’s more famous monologue, the one where he confesses his feelings for Romeo, struggles over first love, yadda yadda yadda. Instead, Logan seemed to have chosen this one… One where Johnathon is angry with Romeo, but is conflicted between his love for him and his anger at Romeo’s actions.
Janus couldn’t help but feel intrigued.
“Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?” Logan continued, pacing around the stage as if irritated. “Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical! Dove-feather'd raven! wolvish-ravening lamb! Despised substance of divinest show!” Logan shouted, arms angrily tossed into the air as he paced. “Just opposite to what thou justly seem'st,” Logan scoffed, pausing to laugh and wave a hand dismissively into the air.
“A damned saint, an honourable villain! O nature, what hadst thou to do in hell, when thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend in moral paradise of such sweet flesh? Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? O that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous palace!” Logan concluded, taking a deep breath to ease his nerves after he had finished.
Janus watched Logan with great interest as he applauded, the sound startling Logan. “Well done, Logan. I’m surprised, who knew you were so talented?” Janus remarked. It sounded like mocking, mainly because such a tone was a force of habit for Janus. However, the compliment was genuine. “Casting will be posted on the auditorium doors on Friday.” Janus then informed him. “Thank you.” Logan replied, giving Janus a respectful nod before walking off the stage. “Not a problem. Not a problem in the slightest.” Janus mused quietly as he watched Logan leave.
“You did amazing!” Roman cheered. “Did I?” Logan asked, genuinely asking. He just did the performance to the best of his ability. It really wasn’t much of a difference to him whether he did well or not. “Yes! I’m sure we have this in the bag!” Roman cheered. “Is that another expression?” Logan questioned. “Yes. It means we’ll surely succeed.” Roman answered, chuckling as he held Logan’s hand and brought him out of the auditorium.
“Hey Jannie! How did auditions go?” Remus asked as Janus walked with him to class. “Better than I had even hoped. Logan was there, just as I had predicted, and you’ll never believe it, but he did terrifically.” Janus admitted happily. “Really? I thought he was gonna be stiff as a plank.” Remus replied. “I thought the same. It seems Logan Croft is full of surprises.” Janus mused.
“You sure you’re not just biased cause you want to fuck him?” Remus teased. “Shut it!” Janus hissed, glaring at his friend. “What? Afraid someone’s going to hear? Who cares.” Remus taunted. “If he finds out I… like him… He’s going to reject me before he’s even gotten to know me, all because he’s loyal to Roman.” Janus explained, rolling his eyes.
“I doubt they even like each other that much. Everyone in school knows they fight constantly, hell, they’re more like brothers than you and Roman are. Sure, they’re inseparable, but boy do they have at it when they disagree on something.” Janus ranted. “Yeah, Patty gets pretty tired from helping them sort things out.” Remus confirmed. “But if Logan gets to know me, without Roman there to cause a bias, then I may get a chance. Practicing lines with him will be the perfect opportunity.” Janus concluded.
“Oh so that’s the reason for your big plan. To be honest, I thought you just wanted an excuse to kiss him.” Remus snickered. “That’s just a perk.” Janus admitted, blushing slightly and waving his hand dismissively. “It will certainly be thrilling to practice with him… I really meant it when I said he did well.” Janus sighed fondly. “We get it, you’re a goner for the nerd.” Remus mocked. “You’re one to talk. How’s kissing your boyfriend in the janitor’s closet so your brother doesn’t find out going for you?” Janus countered.
“Okay, okay, listen.” Remus began, stopping in his tracks and pointing a warning finger at Janus. “I’m listening.” Janus stated, smirking as he stopped and turned to face Remus. “Patty and I will tell him… We’re just waiting for the right time.” Remus insisted. “Sure. You’re totally not avoiding it out of fear that he’ll try to break the two of you up.” Janus teased, causing Remus to glare at him.
“Shut up.” Remus complained, causing Janus to chuckle as they continued walking to class. “You’ve had a crush on Patton since Kindergarten. Even someone as idiotic as Roman is going to eventually realize you’ve been avoiding talking about Patton lately.” Janus pointed out. “This conversation isn’t about me.” Remus huffed. “It is now.” Janus mused. “No, it isn’t.” Remus stated before clearing his throat.
“So, you’re gonna cast yourself as Romeo and Logan as ‘Johnathon’ or whatever. What are you going to do if Logan just backs out of acting?” Remus questioned. “If I can’t find a way to convince him without making him uncomfortable or making Roman get too aggressive, I’ll simply warn him that auditioning for a role he doesn’t even want will get him removed from Drama Club for wasting my time. That’s what I’d do with anyone else who did the same thing. Roman will want his precious boyfriend around, so he’ll convince Logan for me.” Janus plotted.
“See, this is why we’re friends. You, good sir, are an evil genius.” Remus declared. “Now now, Remus. We don’t use the E word around here.” Janus told Remus before laughing softly. “But yes, being an intellectual certainly has its perks.” Janus then agreed.
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For the hell of it... here’s some (AU) ethnic/cultural background HCs (all diaspora), in one place... (some I’m still crystallizing here.)
Roman & Remus
iZombie (Ortiz) - Italian / Spanish
Gymrat (Sanchez) - Mexican
Begotten (Espinoza) - Costa Rican  / Filipino
iZombie (Enache) - Romanian
Gymrat (Baskoro) - Indonesian
Begotten (Delacroix) - Cajun / x
iZombie (Scorsone) - Italian
Gymrat (Drivas) - Greek
Begotten (Miele) - Italian / x
iZombie (Baker) - English
Gymrat (Wattson) - Scottish
Begotten (Metz) - German / x
iZombie (Min) - Korean / White
Gymrat (Houlmes) - African American
Begotten (Sumner; AKA Ellis Croft) - English / x
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Expected Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, murder (of both people and undead), panic attacks, guns, major character injury, torture, sex jokes(typical remus), kidnapping, cussing.
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Remus, Janus, Patton, Roman, Remy, Emile, non-important OCs
Romantic Relationships: Logan/Virgil, Janus/Remus, Roman/Patton, Remy/Emile, possible endgame LAMP
Summary: It's been ten years since the outbreak. Logan Croft never expected the science fiction of a zombie apocalypse to ever become a reality, but he was living through it. He’s been searching for some place to call home, some place where he could find genuine human connection again.
When he rediscovers a childhood friend in the middle of the end of the world, his new normal is changed. Logan’s search for a sanctuary gains a new component, a friend to search with.
Their group continues to grow more complex as they find more people from each of their pasts. Logan doesn’t know how he feels about all the new individuals in his life, and all of the trouble they can cause. He should’ve known more people would bring more conflict. Human interaction is so gross.
But, then again, Logan hasn’t been around people for this amount of time since the beginning of the outbreak. He finds he likes it more than he remembered. He wonders if, maybe, they could become a new home in his ever-changing world.
(Or a zombie-apocalypse au in which Logan finds his family)
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naminethewriter · 2 years
Brothers and Secrets Chapter Six: Explanations
Masterpost | First | Previous 
Summary: Remus set out on his backpacking trip across Europe with a route in mind but no set time frame. So when he suddenly calls Roman as he's about to go to bed and demands to be picked up from the airport, Roman is rightfully caught off guard. As it turns out, Remus has experienced more in those two years than his brother had thought, not only getting himself a boyfriend but also a house to live in with said boyfriend.
There are many things Roman finds suspicious about this new set of circumstances and as time goes on, the mysteries pile on. Remus is hiding something, but what? And how will his secrets impact not only Roman's life but that of their friends Patton and Janus as well?
The parlor had been turned into a living room at some point. There were two sofas and two armchairs placed around a coffee table, facing a fireplace above which the television had been placed. The fire was crackling, illuminating the room with a soft, orange glow. It was a cozy place that just may be Roman’s favorite room in the house.
 Logan and Remus were nowhere to be seen as he entered with Patton. Virgil had taken one of the armchairs, while Janus sat one of the sofas, examining his fingernails as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Roman watched them with suspicion.
“Where’s my brother?”
 “Getting something to drink and eat with Logan,” Janus replied without looking up. “To be good hosts, I suppose. Also, to maybe come down from his high, I believe.”
“So he was high?”
 “In a way, yes.”
 “What does that mean?” Now Janus finally looked up at him though his face was blank and unreadable.
 “He was high but not in the way you think.” Before Roman could ask for clarification again, he was waved off. “They will explain in a moment, just sit down for now.” He huffed but followed the advice, gently pulling Patton with him towards the remaining empty sofa. Patton stayed close to him but Roman could see him glancing over towards Janus often. It was a given, the two were close and it must be a shock to him to see him acting like he did. And while Virgil was clearly not enthused by Janus’ presence, they didn’t know if it was because he was a witch or if it was a personal problem between them. Janus did know his name and the way he talked to Virgil spoke of familiarity.
 No use pondering it for now, Roman decided. They were going to get their answers soon, hopefully.
 It took but a minute for Logan and Remus to join them, the latter now walking on his own and seemingly a bit more present. Logan was instead carrying a tray with glasses, a water pitcher, a pitcher with some deep red liquid and a few bowls containing, most likely, snacks. He placed it on the coffee table within reach for everyone and poured some of the red drink into a glass and handed it to Remus. Then he sat down in the remaining armchair. Remus, who had accepted the glass without complaint, immediately placed himself in his lap. Knowing his brother and the way Logan barely reacted, Roman figured this was a habit that had been established early on in their relationship.
 “Well then,” Logan started and immediately all eyes were on him. “These are… not the planned circumstances in which I would have chosen to gather all of us together, but I suppose this will do. My name is Logan Croft, it is a pleasure to meet you three, I’ve heard a lot of good things about you from Remus.” He nodded his head towards Roman, Patton and Janus before continuing. “This is Virgil” – he motioned to the armchair next to his own where Virgil sat and gave a quick, unenthusiastic wave – “who is a member of the same family as I am. He and I are what you would consider a vampire.” Roman’s eyes immediately flashed to his brother who had a guilty-looking smile on his face.
 “You went out to Europe, alone, and hooked up with a vampire?” he asked, slowly, trying to keep his temper in check. Remus laughed nervously.
 “Technically, I hooked up with two.”
 “Not the point, Remus!”
 “Sorry, okay! People told me about this club that supposedly was a hangout spot for the supernatural, what did you expect me to do? Not go?!”
 “Yes! Or at least to stay away from creatures that could kill you and not sleep with them!”
 “They’re not monsters, Ro!”
 “Vampires are the definition of monster!”
 “In stories, but this is real life!”
 “Yes, real life where, until twenty minutes ago, I didn’t even know they existed!”
 “Kiddos, please stop yelling,” Patton cut in, squeezing Roman’s hand, while Logan worked on calming Remus by gently stroking his arm. “I get why you’re concerned, Roman, but maybe let them explain some more first? We don’t know what ‘vampire’ and ‘witch’ mean in their context. And if Remus trusts them, maybe we should give them a chance?”
 “Fine,” Roman huffed and Patton squeezed his hand again, this time in gratitude.
 “Thank you… Patton, I believe?” Logan asked and Patton nodded.
 “Nice to meet you, kiddo.”
 “I am not a ‘kiddo’, I am several centuries old,” Logan replied, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. In his lap, Remus giggled.
 “He calls pretty much everyone that, Logie, don’t think too much about it.”
 “…Alright. Let me resume my explanation then. We are vampires in the sense that we do require human blood to survive and stop aging once we are turned. However, there is no need to kill for us to get the amount of blood we need to sustain ourselves. Mostly we find volunteers or, if there aren’t any available, take a smaller amount from multiple people and wipe their memory of the encounter. Remus and I are in a courtship which means that we are romantically interested in each other, and we are in a sort of trial period to see if our relationship is sustainable. If it is, there will be a discussion about whether turning him is an option and if not, if there are other types of immortality should be pursued or he can remain human. If our relationship is not sustainable, the family would see to it that he – and everyone involved with him – forgets about us ever meeting.”
 “Which won’t happen!” Remus merrily declared, gaining a chuckle from Logan and a groan from Virgil.
 “Forget about it how?” Roman questioned, ignoring his brother. He was trying his best to follow the explanation, but it was a lot of information at once.
 “Well, there are a few methods. It depends on how many people know. In our case, at the moment it would only be you, Patton, and Remus so me and Virgil could hypnotize you without much problem. For larger groups we would ask for the help of, for example, a witch such as Janus since they are more efficient with magic than we are.” Now all eyes wandered over to the man in question who hummed in agreement.
 “It would be in the realm of possibility, even if it’s not something I specialize in.”
 “So, you really are a witch?” Patton whispered. Janus’ gaze softened as he seemed to take in just how confused his partner seemed.
 “Yes, Pat, I am a witch. I’m also a lot older than you think.”
 “How about you drop that shitty glamour spell if you’re coming clean,” Virgil spat. Janus rolled his eyes.
 “Again, love that you’re just spilling my secrets for me, Virgil, you are such a dear.” They hissed at each other for a moment until Logan cleared his throat.
 “I do not know what happened between you two, but please keep your animosity towards each other contained.”
 “You don’t know what you’re talking about, she is a-“ Virgil began but was cut off by a loud snarl.
 “I am a man currently, Virgil, and no matter how angry you are at me, I will not allow you to misgender me.”
 “Oh,” Virgil said after an awkward pause. “I did not know that. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
 “Apology accepted,” Janus huffed, but seemingly placated.
 “Wait, Janny, you’re genderfluid?! How much stuff were you keeping from me? Did I misgender you at any point?” Remus called, upset at the possibility.
 “No, Remus,” Janus sighed. “I’ve lived a long time and there are times where my body starts to feel… uncomfortable. Switching sexes helps most of the time and since I use magic to do so I would’ve adjusted your memory so that you believed that I was the same the entire time. There was no need for it in so far, though. When Virgil and I last met I was still a woman, so I know it was a genuine mistake.”
 “That is so fucking cool, can you teach me to do magic?”
 “Stop, stop, stop!” Roman interrupted before Janus could answer. “Could we please get back to the point? I still have questions that I’d like to have answered.”
 “Understandable. However, Virgil does have a point, I should show my true face.” With that a ripple started to move across Janus’ skin, starting at the hairline on his forehead and then steadily moving downwards. The vitiligo on the left side of his face disappeared and instead made room for scales that glimmered in the light cast by the fire. His left eye morphed from brown to green and his pupil became slanted.
 “Fucking snake.” Roman could just hear Virgil mumbling and though he was really curious what happened between the two of them, there were other matters more important to him right now.
 Soon after, the rippling stopped and Janus smiled.
 “There we go, entirely me now.”
 “Thank you for trusting us, Janus,” Logan said with another nod and Roman got the feeling that his brother’s boyfriend was used to moderating hostile discussions. He almost sounded like a therapist.
 “Now that we have established the basics of our nature, what else is there that you wish to know about, Roman?”
 “You said that you don’t need a lot of human blood to survive, and Virgil said you fed off of Remus earlier, correct?”
 “Yes, that is true.”
 “Then why was he acting like he was on drugs? Or lightheaded from blood loss?” Remus started giggling again and Logan sighed. Roman thought he might be blushing a bit, but it was hard to tell in the dim light.
 “I assure you that I did not drink enough for your brother to be in any danger of collapsing. He was in that state because of a kind of toxin that enters his bloodstream while I feed that is meant to soothe the pain and keep him calm during the process, so he doesn’t hurt himself. The beetroot juice is for his iron intake, as a precaution. But I want to apologize to you again, Roman. If I had been more alert, I would have noticed Virgil’s arrival sooner and he wouldn’t have felt the need to attack you.”
 “Yeah, sorry about grabbing you, I thought you were a hunter.” Virgil scratched his head and Roman could tell he was genuine in his apology, as was Logan.
 “I understand and I accept your apology. But does that mean that there are hunters that come after you, like in stories?”
 “Yes. There aren’t as much as there used to be and since the family was established, it has become easier to communicate about attacks and keep us and our homes safe.”
 “The family was established?” Patton asked, confused. He had been quiet during the explanations so far though Roman had felt him tense during Janus’ reveal, but he seemed to be relaxing again now. Roman himself was too, he believed that the three of them didn’t have any ill intentions towards them or his brother. Still, there was more he needed to know before he could be sure.
 “Indeed,” Logan confirmed. “A long time ago, even before I was born, vampires were more commonly known about and had the ruthless reputation many fictional stories still give us today. Whether or not they were like that or not, I don’t know but they were hunted fiercely. With their numbers dwindling, the rest gathered to establish some rules and fabricate their extinction.
 “The rules were mainly meant to regulate the growth of the community, meaning they put a limit on how many could be turned and how to handle them, as well as keep our continued existence a secret by refraining from killing or injuring people. Over the years the title of ‘family’ emerged because it was an easy cover to use. A large group of people scattered over the world but still connected to each other. And it strengthened the sense of community, I believe.”
 “What did you mean by ‘handle them’ when you talked about newly turned vampires?”
 “The time immediately after the transformation is rough. You need to get used to new senses you didn’t have before, your body as a whole feels different, you can’t do things like you used to before and, of course, there’s the matter of feeding. If not instructed properly, young vampires are very likely to kill the people they drink from because of a lack of control. So it is up to the Sire – the one who turned them – to keep them under control and teach them to adjust to their new life. Usually, they stay together for several years until the young vampire can go live on their own. I personally have not sired anyone, but Virgil has. Speaking of, I was wondering how Elliot is doing?”
 “They’re fine,” Virgil said, sounding annoyed at being the center of attention suddenly. “If they were here, they’d be delighted to give you an entire lecture about vampire history. They’re currently studying the subject under Elder Augustin in Ireland. I was planning on visiting them after I talked to Remy.”
 “I see. Well, Remy left but a few days ago. He was heading to Emile.”
 “Yeah, I figured. And considering how long he was stuck here, I’m guessing he’s gonna stay a while, so it’ll be easy to track him down.”
 “Speaking of Remy,” Roman cut in, “I have a few questions. He is a vampire, too, right?”
 “But I saw him outside during the day and he drank coffee almost all the time. How much of vampires’ weaknesses are real?”
 “Well, the sun isn’t deadly to us, for one. It does weaken us somewhat and most of our kind prefers the night and cooler temperatures, but it can’t do too much harm. Silver on the other hand is a bit more dangerous though simply touching it isn’t enough to do serious harm either, it does burn a bit however. The mirrors are technically true but only the old ones that were made with silver. I believe the wooden stakes would kill just about anyone, if they’re stabbed in the heart by it, and while we do heal a bit faster than humans, we are not immortal in that sense. As for food, we are able to eat but do not strictly need it to live. Drinking fluids besides blood is also not necessary per se but does help and lengthens the time one can go without feeding a little bit.”
 “I see,” Roman hummed, trying to commit the information to memory.
 “What about Emile,” Patton asked. “Is he a vampire as well? The two seemed to be together for a long time.” While he’d probably seen the least of Remy out of all of them, they’d taken a liking to each other, so they talked more one on one than Janus or Roman did.
 “No, he’s a dryad. Which is why he couldn’t visit himself. He is able to leave the forest but not for too long, he’d weaken and slowly died otherwise. The little time they would have had wouldn’t be worth the risk, so Remy looked for a replacement instead,” Virgil explained.
 There was a lull in conversation for the first time since they sat down and Remus yawned, quickly infecting Patton and then Roman.
 “I believe it’s time to go to bed,” Logan said, stroking Remus hair as his boyfriend heavily leaned against him. “I hope we proved that we do not intend to hurt you and any further questions to our nature can be answered at a later date. Unless there is more you wish to ask of Janus.” The witch in question snorted.
 “There isn’t much to tell. I do magic in a variety of ways, I could talk your ears off for days about it, but the important points are that I won’t hurt any of you, I still consider you my friends and I do not have a problem with vampires.” Patton looked doubtful.
 “What about you and Virgil then?”
 “It’s personal,” Virgil answered himself. “He screwed me over and I haven’t seen him since. I’ll stick around for a bit, I’m sure he can find some way to make it up to me.”
 “I’m looking forward to it,” Janus smiled in a way that clearly said that he had no intention of doing so. He and Virgil stared at each other for a moment before Roman spoke up again.
 “There is one more thing I wanted to ask you, actually. You told me that you also had a family with weird traditions, too, in the car the first time we came here. Do witches have a similar group structure like the vampires?”
 “There are convents, though I never belonged to one. What I was alluding to was that I was raised and taught by my mother who was a witch also, so I was born into this. Though I have no idea who my father was or what kind of creature he was. Maybe he was plain human, I don’t know and don’t really care.”
 “Is your mother still alive?” Patton asked, obviously curious.
 “She is. I don’t know where, but I would be notified if she passed, as she would be if I did.”
 “That’s nice.” Patton smiled softly and once again yawned. “I’m getting really tired.”
 “It’s past 2am, it’s natural that you would be tired. Let’s retreat for now and meet again in the morning. Virgil, you-”
 “I’ll find an unoccupied bed. I’m pretty wiped, too, so I’ll see you tomorrow.” He left. Janus stood and stretched before offering his hand to Patton.
 “I hope you don’t mind continuing to share a bed with me, my dear?”
 “I can’t promise that I won’t freak out a bit in the morning if I can’t remember this immediately, but I don’t mind at all, Jan.”
 “I can put the glamor back on until morning.”
 “No, I’d rather you don’t, actually. I think you look great like this.”
 “Thank you, darling. That means a lot.” They left hand in hand, both smiling softly. Remus watched them and giggled.
 “I was worried for a moment, but they seem to be fine after all.”
 “Indeed. I had not intended to unveil his nature to anyone besides you before talking to him, but I guess Virgil had no such qualms.”
 “I mean, he did think the house was under attack and everyone already knew about the supernatural stuff.”
 “Excellent point. Now, love, please stand up so I can clean up and we can go to bed?”
 “Aww, but you’re so comfy!”
 “Remus, please.”
 “Fiiiiiine.” He got up and hopped over to his brother who seemed lost in thought. “You bring the stuff back; I’ll talk to Ro for a bit.”
 “Very well. I’ll wait upstairs for you.”
 “Okidoki!” Logan gathered the used glasses and took the tray, closing the door as he left the room. They sat in silence for a bit before Remus gently nudged his brother with his elbow.
 “You good, Ro-bro?”
 “Hm? Oh, yeah. Just a lot to take in, y’know?”
 “Yeah, I get that. I learned most of that over the first three months of staying with them, so I had more time to process it, I guess.” Again, they were silent for a bit before Remus spoke again. “Sorry I kept this from you for so long. I wanted to tell you, like, immediately but Logan advised me not to. If we wouldn’t have worked out it would’ve been way easier to just erase my memories than hunt you down all the way out here just to get to you too, even if you didn’t believe me. They’re thorough like that.”
 “It’s okay, Rem. I get it, it’s a complicated thing. I wish I wouldn’t have found out while being attacked in the middle of the night but it’s fine. You didn’t mean for that to happen, and I get why Virgil reacted like that.”
 “Yeah, you don’t have a symbol so of course he would think that.” Roman glanced at Remus’ hand.
 “The ring?”
 “Uhuh, it’s magical and let’s other vampires know that I’m cool. So they don’t attack me and stuff.”
 “Makes definitely more sense in this context.” They both chuckled. “I’m just glad you’re safe, Re. And as much as it annoys me to say, you’re a good judge of character so I’ll trust them if you do.”
 “Oh, don’t be like that. I saw the way you looked at Virgil in the hallway, you liked being pinned to the wall by him.”
 “Shut up, you were barely lucid.”
 “Nah, you were definitely turned on.”
 “I said shut up!” Roman hit him with a pillow and his brother giggled again. He closed his eyes, exhausted. But there was one more question he had to ask before going to bed.
 “Do you already know? If you want to be a vampire?”
 “Not really. Doesn’t tickle me as much as I would’ve thought, to be honest. Becoming a witch though, now that would be sick.”
 “I don’t think Janus was very enthused by the idea of teaching you.”
 “Pff, I’ll wear him down, you’ll see. And if I can’t manage it alone, I’ll get Patton to help. He can’t resist his puppy-eyes.”
 “Who can?” They chuckled again.
 “…They will be fine, right?”
 “I think so. Patton probably has more questions, but I don’t think much will change.”
 “Queer-platonic partners forever, huh?”
 “If Patton wants to, I’m sure Janus wouldn’t be opposed to sharing his secrets with him.”
 “What about you?”
 “What about me?”
 “Are you interested in learning more? Besides your interest in Virgil, I mean.”
 “Stop it.”
 “Fine, fine. Answer the question though.”
 “I don’t know. I learned about the possibility only about an hour ago and I’m kinda sleep deprived. Give me some time to process.”
 “Fair. But whatever happens, you’re my brother and I love you most, okay?”
 “You must be really tired if you’re willing to admit that,” Roman snorted. Remus elbowed him but smiled. “Love you, too, you idiot. Let’s go to bed.”
 “Yeah, let’s.”
 They went upstairs together to Roman’s room. They hugged and then Remus left further down the corridor to his and Logan’s room. Roman watched him before heading off to bed. A lot happened that night but he felt like he could fall asleep without worrying for the first time in over two years, knowing his brother was safe and happy.
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starcats1219 · 2 years
Surface Changes
Chapter 1
Masterpost - ao3 - next chapter
no warnings i can think of for the first chapter, so i hope you all enjoy!
From the outside, the building looked normal. An office building with a boring grey exterior that you could find in any city. If you didn't know the true purpose of the building, it would continue to look normal in the interior as well. An entranceway with a receptionist's desk and elevator, and floors and floors of cubicles and meeting rooms. Completely ordinary.
The contrary, however, could be said for those who knew the truth.
If you were one of the few trusted, you were given a passcode. Punch that into the elevator, and instead of travelling up to the office spaces, you would travel down, to the true purpose of the building.
The headquarters for The Sanders Society.
The underground headquarters is a mirror of the prop office. Offices and meeting rooms, with employees on computers and talking with one another. There's even a break room fully equipped with coffee and snacks. At first glance, everything would seem average, making one question why there was so much secrecy.
That is until you notice who is in this building. Besides humans, it's common to see aliens, ghosts and ghouls, fae, and all sorts of supernatural creatures. You see, that is the point of The Sanders Society. They deal with what governments don't want the general population to discover. All the supernatural sightings, kidnappings, and anything that could be pinned on "abductions", were investigated and stopped by the team.
Thomas Sanders was the head of the facility, and he accepted only the best for his select team. Field agents were required to pass extensive physical and psychological training, while medics needed to have the best medical training possible. Researchers specializing in the supernatural were valued as well, collecting information for those going into the field. While all members of the TSS were valued greatly, there were a few at the organization that Thomas secretly favoured.
Roman Prince, field agent. The man was known for his bravery and skill in combat. Always the first to jump into a battle, and the first to protect those he cared about. He joined the agency when his brother, Remus, went missing. Remus had apparently been interested in supernatural beings, so Roman joined both out of memory for his brother, and the slim chance that Remus was out there somewhere.
His partner, Logan Croft, field agent and part-time researcher. While his counterpart was known for his physical skills, Logan was known for his intelligence. The two contrasted each other nicely, though their partnership was rocky at first. Logan was considered one of the best, both at fieldwork and research. He had contributed to many projects and assignments and was highly respected at the agency.
Patton Hart, medic. The oldest of a large family, he had always been a caretaker. This carried into his career, where he topped his class in medical school, before being recruited to the TSS. He treats his coworkers like his children, telling dad jokes and giving out cookies.
The three of them were incredibly close, and it showed in their work. At the tops of their fields, they were able to help with whatever case was thrown their way.
All that was tested. One case. One mistake. And it nearly ripped them apart forever.
Logan sat at his desk, typing frantically on a computer. Roman had been pulled to assist another team's mission, leaving Logan to do the filing for their current case on his own. It hadn't been anything difficult, just assisting some mer-creatures after a storm. Patton had been able to come with the pair, which was always a treat, and the three worked quite well together, giving the creatures the care they needed. But, work like that required lots of paperwork to be done, and being from the medical faction of the agency, Patton had different paperwork to fill out, so Logan couldn't ask him for help either.
Logan glanced up from his computer to look around the office space, hoping Roman had returned. While he couldn't see his partner, he could see other teams filling out papers, filling up coffee mugs, and chatting about their weekends. Logan had been working at TSS for years, but he was always too much of an introvert to really get to know the other agents. Roman and Patton on the other hand, were social butterflies who loved making new friends, and coworkers were no exception.
While scanning the office, however, Logan did find a familiar face. Patton met his eye, before grinning happily. Logan could see the medic begin to maneuver his way through the agency members and towards where Logan was. Logan smiled back slightly at the other man once he reached his desk. Patton's energy was infectious, everyone was slightly more perky around him.
"Hey, Lo!" He exclaimed.
"Salutations, Patton. How have your reports been going?"
The man smiled brighter if that was even possible.
"Just finished, actually! It took forever, but at least they're done. What about you, kiddo?"
Logan grimaced slightly at the nickname but continued speaking.
"Still working on them, I'm afraid. It's taking much longer without Roman here."
"Oh yeah, I'm sure you two are incredibly productive together." Patton winked suggestively.
"Who is teaching you these things?" Logan could feel himself groan.
Before the dad figure could respond, a secretary from one of the department heads interrupted.
"Very sorry to interrupt, Mr. Hart, but Mrs. Roth wants to see you in her office immediately.
Patton tried (not well) to hide a nervous gulp, before turning to Logan and giving a quick goodbye, before following after the secretary.
Logan frowned slightly as he watched his friend's retreating figure, before turning back to his computer. Whatever the department head wanted, Patton would tell him when he came back. But, these forms weren't going to finish themselves.
After completing the work required of him, Logan glanced up from his desk and saw Patton leaving the department head's office. He couldn't be sure, but Logan thought he saw tear tracks running down the medics' face, and he felt concern run through him, worried about his friend. What possibly could have happened to make Patton so upset? While the medic was much more emotionally inclined than Logan, he generally kept a professional air around him while at work, it was uncommon to see him express his emotions like this in a work setting. Something really bad must have happened, and Logan could feel dread pooling in his gut like a serpent.
As he got out of his seat to go check on his friend, Logan heard a commotion at the agency's entrance. He, as well as most of The Sanders Society’s staff, turned towards the front doors. He could see a small crowd of people maneuvering a single person to a chair, someone calling for a medic. Logan saw Patton rush past him, a few other medics joining him. Logan moved closer, curiosity pushing him to see what was wrong. He tried his best to stay out of their ways, but the moment he saw who was sitting in the chair with medics attending to them, that goal went straight out of his mind.
His partner looked up at the shout, smiling slightly when he met Logan's panicked eyes.
"Hey, Specs."
The injured man spoke quietly, so much so that Logan had to move closer to even hear him. Up close, Logan could see the cloud of pain in Roman's eyes, that he was trying to hide away for the sake of his own pride.
"What happened?"
Roman grinned slightly, this time feeling more genuine.
"Mission didn't go quite as planned. When we were running from the banshee I tripped on a tree root. Team medic said it's some sort of fracture." Roman explained, wincing slightly in discomfort as a medic examined his leg.
Logan cringed at the injury. "I'm sorry, Roman, that sounds like it hurts. You've been given pain medication, correct?"
At Roman's nod, Logan looked and felt relieved. Roman would be okay. "Good. Go with medical, I will see you once you have a cast and any other necessities. Got it?"
Roman nodded, his face breaking into a large smile.
"You got it, calculator watch."
They ran along a darkened hallway, being dragged faster than they were able to keep up. They tripped over their feet, still weak from the experiments. They could feel their collar being jerked up, keeping them from dragging everyone else to the group with them. They arrived at their destination, getting a small moment of reprieve while the door was unlocked.
They were shoved back into the darkness of their cell, the barred door clanging shut. Their body ached down to their bones, with deep exhaustion that wouldn't go away with just a short nap. They collapsed to the ground, strength leaving them, before hearing a quiet voice from the cell next door.
"How bad was it this time?"
They mustered enough strength in their body to manage a short response.
"Bad. I can't- I can't-"
Another voice replied to their hushed conversation.
"Hey, breathe. It's not ideal, but we'll survive. We have to."
They nodded, knowing the other two couldn't see them. They slowly clamoured off the floor, a new strength rising up. The strength that came from the need to survive, the strength needed to endure truly horrible situations.
They knew they needed to escape. This place would kill them sooner or later, and they couldn't do that to the others, to the cellmates they called friends, to the family they hoped was still searching for them.
They wanted to do more than survive this place, they wanted to live away from it.
And with that thought, Virgil smiled.
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years
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Hey so... we're back!! We're back and here with more AUs! We've compiled a list of our major AUs (bc trust us, there's wayyyy more) and decided to share them. Based on public reaction, we might release more information about them (such as fics, drawings, story details, etc.), so make sure to let us know what you think! Alright, enough talking, let's get into the AUs!
Divinities AU
Basically, “Divinities” are the equivalent of gods in this AU and they all live in the Gardens of Heaven.
Roman – Divinity of Love (A being with a firey passion and fierce love for his family)
Remus – Divinity of Chaos (A being who thrives off of disruption and disarray)
Logan – Divinity of Knowledge and Heavenly Wrath (A being who granted humanity intelligence and punishes them for their wrongdoings)
Janus – Divinity of Justice (A being worshipped for the purpose of judgement. As justice is blind, so is he)
Virgil – Divinity of Death (A being who is responsible for letting spirits pass on when their time comes)
Patton – Divinity of Life (A being who made all life on Earth and loves his creations dearly)
Thomas is a child who dreamed of adventure. After finding out that a family heirloom was actually a key to a hidden temple, he makes it his priority to find that temple and retrieve the treasure within. However, he finds something completely different when he gets there. He finds what seems to be an angel, shackled and magically suppressed. When Thomas frees him, the angel offers him more adventures in exchange for being his cleric and helping him to achieve his goal. Though, Thomas is unaware that this “goal” stems from quite the backstory; one of betrayal and pain.
Swapped AU
Roman – Morality (The “younger” brother, childish and clingy. He has an interest in Japanese culture)
Remus – Anxiety (The “older” brother, protective and loving. Somehow he's very expressive, even with a mask on)
Patton – Creativity (A prideful inventor with high ambitions. Opinions of others matter a lot to him)
Janus – Logic (The “parent” of the group, knowledgeable yet ignored. He has an interest in snakes)
Virgil – Deceit (A classic villain “cursed” with 8 eyes. He’s severely insecure about them)
Logan – Intrusive Thoughts (An insane scientist/engineer. He finds people hard to interact with)
What would happen if Thomas watched Veggie Tales? And if he already has, then what would happen if he never watched Veggie Tales? This AU is what each side could’ve been if something completely random had happened and shook up their roles. (...totally a shitpost backstory-)
Roman and Remus are still brothers and Patton and Logan have a cousin-type relationship. Janus, Virgil, and Logan are also husbands because… why not <3 love wins
Comfort Crew AU
HP- headphones (comfy clothes only, matching black eyeshadow, shaggy black hair, verryy introverted)
Kat- katana (Japanese style clothing, obsessed with studying fighting stances, has long hair he usually keeps in a bun, practices fighting with Roman)
Macey- mace (eccentric clothing, likes fighting but chaotically, surprise attacks Remus to make him feel better, knows Remus really well and helps him on bad days)
Cane- cane/staff (selectively mute, communicates through sign language with Janus and HP, very reserved and quiet, trusts very few people)
Croft- crofters jam (sweetest person you'll ever meet, convinced Logan he likes cuddles, cottagecore aesthetic)
Choc and Chip- cookies (literally Patton's children, they run and jump on him for hugs when Pat's not feeling good, always knows when Pat wants cuddles, transports exclusively through piggy back rides)
What happens when the sides favorite objects become personified? Well, they become the comfort crew, of course! Meet HP, Kat, Macey, Cane, Croft, Choc, and Chip. Each comfort is connected to their specific side; HP with Virgil, Kat with Roman, Macey with Remus, Cane with Janus, Croft with Logan, and Choc and Chip with Patton. With these new additions, who knows what shenanigans they’ll get into!
Stanley Parable AU
(Small rundown if you don’t know The Stanley Parable: Stanley is a character created by the Narrator, a protagonist in his story. You play as Stanley. You can choose to follow the Narrator’s story or deviate from it, which gets you a variety of endings. The story is also a game programmed by the Narrator [presumably])
Roman – Stanley (A curious protagonist, guided by a voice he can’t hear)
Logan – The Narrator (An inhuman and isolated writer, who’s perplexed by humans)
Remus – Bugged Employee (this was an original role. His code was copy and pasted from Roman, but his model was sloppily changed by Logan. Due to his bugginess, he was able to learn of media outside of the Parable and his behavior became irregular)
Virgil – Employee 432 (Used to be an employee before Roman was “awoken”)
Janus – The Curator (A similarly inhuman being as Logan. He knows the beginnings and ends, some of which not even the creator himself is aware of)
Roman, for as long as he’s known, has loved his office job. All he ever did was press buttons, one after the other, but he still loved it nonetheless. That is, until one day when he realized that everyone had disappeared from the building. Where could they have gone? He decided to check the meeting room first, just in case he missed a memo…
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Roman, a lonely writer sat behind a screen. That writer couldn’t wait to build a story for his beloved protagonist.
Siren AU
Roman- siren, unintelligent about the human world, loves his partners with all his heart, has a human form
Virgil- Pirate captain, wears a charm to protect him from siren magic, values his crew greatly and takes good care of them, also loves his partners very much
Janus- first mate, had a little sister but lost her, Virgil’s most trusted crew member, loving partner, last added to the relationship, would do anything for his partners
Logan- siren, husband to Remus, lives alone, spent years searching for Remus, watched over Roman
Remus- siren, husband to Logan, fate unknown
Patton- second mate, takes care of the crew in a paternal way, ensures everyone has proper accommodations, is entrusted with the ships functions in the case Virgil and Janus are occupied
Remy- coffee shop owner, partner to Emilie, transgender
Emilie- florist, partner to Remy
Roman is a lonely siren, stranded and looking for his next victim. Luckily for him, he finds a ship with a rather dashing captain and first mate. Although his attempt to seduce the captain doesn’t go as planned, Roman finds himself in a loving relationship with his two partners, Virgil and Janus. Although, an unanswered question bubbles below the surface; what happened to Remus?
7 sins AU
Roman – Pride (Was once a powerful tyrant, and now settles with helping Thomas with his makeup and love life)
Remus – Lust (Was a prince to a corrupt kingdom, serving as “comfort” to the common people. Usually helps with body positivity :))
Logan – Greed (Was an overachieving professor, driven by the need for knowledge. Helps educate Thomas in topics he struggles with)
Virgil – Wrath (Was a blind middle school student, bullied by his classmates. Helps with caution and anxieties)
Janus – Envy (Was an assassin in Russia and killed during a mission. Helps Thomas understand that wanting things is okay)
Patton – Gluttony (Was a cannibal who eventually ate himself. Gruesome, I know. Helps Thomas make sure he's eating enough every day)
Thomas is a seemingly average man. After inheriting a house from a relative and moving in, he starts noticing strange events. Perhaps the piano would play itself or the fridge would be more empty than he’d remember it being. Little did he know that his new house was haunted by demons; tortured spirits with untimely and gruesome deaths. Oh and they also help him get his life together, as part of their redemptions. (All sides are sympathetic)
Anaghostical AU
Virgil- college student, an anxious mess, relatively lonely
Logan- ghost, caring, supportive, also lonely
Roman- friend of Virgil, attends same college
Remus- friend of Virgil, attended same college but dropped out, training to become a tattoo artist
Janus- Virgil’s father, married to Patton, successful lawyer
Patton- Virgil’s dad, married to Janus, runs a daycare
Virgil is a broke college student trying to find his first official apartment. In an odd stroke of luck, he finds a newly vacant apartment for cheap rent near his campus. Upon moving in, he finds out why it was vacant; there’s a ghost! Because of his strict belief in cryptids, demons, monsters, and the like, he decides to befriend the ghost. Will the two fall into forbidden love?
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edupunkn00b · 10 months
The Uses of Adversity, Ch. 18: Under the Greenwood Tree
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Prev - Under the Greenwood Tree - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Janus and Remus meet Logan's boys. WC: 2260 - Rated: T - CW: swearing, mild innuendo, hidden angst (if you know, you know) - and a whole lotta fluff -
“Okay, then it’s a left at the intersection,” Roman said from the backseat.
Janus leaned over the steering wheel, frowning at the faint white line a hundred yards ahead. That’s an intersection? “Right here? You’re sure? The GPS says to go further up,” Janus asked but still flicked the turn signal.
Roman laughed, “Lo had to give me real directions the first time I visited. Google hasn’t caught up with the street change by the park. You’ll hit a dead end if you don’t turn here.”
“Mmm, Ro's got the inside track!" he grinned at Janus. "It sounds like he could drive here in his sleep.” Re turned and waggled his eyebrows. “Do you sneak out after curfew to see your boyfriend?”
“Lo’s not the only reason I come to Kirkland,” he muttered. “And he's not my—”
Re cackled as Janus shifted gears and cut the engine. “Maybe he’s just the only reason you come in—”
“Re, I swear to god if you say shit like that in front of his kids, I’ll—”
“Down, boy,” Janus purred, patting Roman’s knee as he leaned over and kissed Re’s cheek, leaving it ambiguous which of the twins he was chastising.
“Aw, Ro Bro, you know I’ll keep my teasing positively G-rated in front of the little mini-Logans.” He tried but with Janus’ hand on his cheek, he couldn’t quite manage to put on a pout. “Fuck, what do you take me for?”
“My beloved brother who has zero filter and even less experience with children.”
“Hardly my fault,” he rolled his eyes, grinning. “Besides, they’re kids. It’d go right over their…” His voice faded at Janus’ little chuckle and he shook his head. “No?”
“Patton is thirteen, Muse,” Janus laughed, lifting his hand for a kiss. “You remember being thirteen.”
“And Remy is about to be married,” Roman said, tapping out a message on his phone. “And all of them are as sharp as their dad. They could teach you a thing or two.”
“Fuck, I hope not,” Re chuckled. He raised both hands at Roman’s scowl. “Okay, okay, I promise. I’ll challenge my assumptions,” he grinned. “I’ll be good.”
“We all will be,” Janus murmured. He popped the trunk, then stepped out of the car. They’d parked a few hundred yards from the big castle-shaped playground. Off in the distance, Logan sat on a blanket under a big, shady tree. He happened to look up and Roman waved with both arms.
He might’ve poked a little fun at his brother-in-law’s oh-so-cool demeanor, but Logan stood and waved back just as excitedly. Janus grinned, shaking his head. Dorks. He winked at Re and laughed. “Remy’s the same age I was when we met, Muse.” Nodding to Roman, he pulled out a cooler of drinks and passed it to Roman.
“Ugh, don’t say that,” Re laughed. “You make us sound so old.”
“Don’t worry, my dear,” Janus murmured, hefting another tote bag from the car before closing the trunk. “You two will be the third youngest adults in attendance.”
“You’ve found such a gorgeous spot here!” Remus’ hands twitched at his sides as he took in the trees and flowers edged along the big grassy field. Sunlight dappled through the leaves, dancing over the grass. A giant playground bursting in primary colors, complete with a castle-shaped tower and big, winding slides filled the center of the park. Janus could practically hear his husband’s thoughts, planning out what to sketch first.
The art supplies he’d snuck into the big tote would certainly come in handy today.
“The park’s remarkably quiet for such a nice day,” Janus added. He’d been privately bracing himself for a loud, chaotic park with dozens of children running about and screaming. But this was… this was pleasant.
“There are no sports fields here,” Logan looked around, smiling at Roman as he set down the cooler. “No soccer, no softball. The parks with the fields get swarmed during Little League season leaving this one…” He chuckled and gestured to where Patton and… Janus guessed the young man with pink hair must be Emile had teamed up against Virgil and Remy. “It leaves this park nice and peaceful.”
“It’s truly beautiful here, Lo,” Roman smiled, stepping closer. “No enemies but winter and rough weather,” he sang quietly.
Logan laughed, reaching up and presenting the leafy, forked branches overhead. “It’s an oak tree, not a greenwood, but come hither!”
“Ro!” Patton shouted and barreled into Roman, knocking him closer to Logan and wrapping his arms around both of them. “You’re just in time for the next battle!” The other three soon followed, granted, at a more measured pace.
To his credit, Logan managed to keep his footing despite the energetic greeting, and held on to both Roman and his son to keep them steady. Janus wouldn’t put big money on it, but he swore he saw the kid smile up at each of them when he did. Sneaky little thing.
“Before you run off, I’d like you to meet my friends,” Logan said, ruffling his sunny blond hair. The boy nodded and, one arm still wrapped around Roman, reached with the other to shake. “This is Janus, and his husband Remus,” he smiled.
“Hello,” Patton smiled. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said, mostly addressing their shoes. 
“Hello,” Janus said, laughing. “You must be Remy,” he said, winking when Patton looked up, stifling a giggle. He gently clasped his hand with both of his own and shook vigorously. “Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.”
At that, Patton broke, laughing. “I’m Patton! He’s Remy!” he pointed at the young man with a bright pink streak through his nearly black hair. “And Emile’s going to be his husband.” He laughed again. “And Virgil’s hiding behind them.”
“I’m not hiding, Pat,” Virgil huffed, tugging the cuffs on his hoodie. “Hi,” he said, reaching first for Remus’ hand, then Janus’. “It’s nice to meet you both.”
“Virge is the one I was telling you about, the new sound director at Nate’s place up in Bellingham?” Roman cut in, his proud grin only outdone by Logan’s. With the two of them standing next to each other, each of them still with their arms loosely wrapped around the other, Roman looked and sounded like he was talking about his own kid.
Remus caught Janus’ eye and smiled. He saw it, too.
“It’s just a title,” Virgil demurred, shaking his head.
“What?” Emile bumped his shoulder, smiling. “You mean we’re not going to get the Sound Director from Bellingham Blue’s for our wedding?”
“No, of course, I—” His nervousness cracked under the exaggerated puppy dog eyes his older brother and future brother-in-law gave him and he grinned. “Well—I—”
“Brothers, am I right?” Remus murmured with a little grin, reaching out to shake Emile’s, then Remy’s hands. Then he turned to Patton. “What is this about a battle?” He looked down at the toy lightsaber hooked on his belt. “A duel of the fates, perhaps?” he grinned and Patton’s face lit up.
“So which one of you’s older?” Patton asked the twins.
“I am,” they said together.
“Perfect! I have my team!” he cried, grabbing Roman and Remus and dragging them over to the remaining lightsabers and Nerf swords strewn across the grass.
“Ha! He picked me first!” Remus laughed, waving over his shoulder as he followed Patton’s lead.
Janus waved back and started to settle on the blanket. “‘Have fun storming the castle!’”
“Oh, I don’t think we’re getting off that easily, Jan,” Logan said with his own laugh.
Remy tilted his head at him and grinned, and Janus’s memory flashed back to Logan in law school. He was the spitting image of his dad from back then. But so much happier. He glanced over at his friend. Logan looked happier now, too.
“So, Ro says you know krav maga…” Remy began. “With you and Emile, I think we have our secret weapons.”
Emile shrugged, “I learned a little at summer camp.”
“Where the hell—sorry,” Janus interrupted himself, grateful his slip wasn’t in front of Patton. Or Roman. “Where did you go to summer camp?”
“Jewish summer camp up north,” he shrugged. “Half the counselors were Israeli. Army service is compulsory there.”
“We’ll have to go easy on them, then,” Janus laughed. “C’mon, Lo.” He tugged Logan’s sleeve. “We’ll psych ‘em out and say we’re the old folks’ team.”
An hour later, Janus lay panting on the blanket. “Oh, it’s been too long.” Remy had also tapped out and he passed him a cold soda from the cooler. They sat together in the growing shade and watched the rest of the battle slowly devolve into an impromptu fight choreography session. Remus took great joy in following the exact opposite of each of Roman’s instructions, but they made it work somehow without any bloodshed.
“So… You’re the Janus from Dad’s work I’ve heard about.” Remy kept his voice low and, face turned to where Roman stood close to Logan, slowly working through a pivot, hands linked together on a nerf katana. 
Still, Janus didn’t miss the way Remy watched him from the corner of his eye.
“Why, yes,” Janus murmured with a small smile. “I am. I see my reputation precedes me.” Remy bit his lip in a remarkable imitation of his father and Janus raised an eyebrow. “I see perhaps not all in a good way, though.”
“Oh, no!” Remy shook his head. “Not—not at all, Dad’s told us how awesome you are, I… But you’ve worked with Dad a long time, like…”
“We went to law school together,” he nodded. “And joined Q-Law the same year, right after graduation.”
“It is you.” Remy said it more to himself and Janus sipped his soda, waiting him out. They watched the others play for a long moment. Finally, Remy looked back at him, eyes cautious. “My parents used to fight about you, well…”
“I’m aware how unidirectional those ‘fights’ were,” Janus said quietly and Remy’s eyes lost their guardedness.
“I wasn’t supposed to listen,” he whispered. “But I’d hear them… hear her at night sometimes and I’d go sit by their door. And…”
Janus nodded slowly.
“My mother used to say stuff about Dad cheating with someone named ‘Janice’. I thought… I’d thought Janice was a woman.” Remy winced, looking up like he expected him to be angry. “I shouldn’t’ve assumed.”
“Hm,” he nodded again. “Your dad’s never mentioned that. And I take no offense for a ten year-old’s—”
“Five,” Remy murmured without looking up.
Janus sighed and squeezed his shoulder. “I take no offense,” he repeated. “And it’s more than understandable, given the circumstances,” he added. They both looked up when Logan’s laughter rang out. Patton was holding him, arms pinned at his sides, and he playfully struggled, laughing, while Remus and Roman circled each other, lightsabers drawn and feinting hits with mock seriousness.
“You and your brutish henchman will never get away with kidnapping the King!” Roman cried, his voice carrying over the distance. Said brutish henchman giggled, hiding his laugh against his father's back.
Remus parried and cackled in his best evil villain voice. “It seems we already have!”
“But circumstances change," he nodded, smiling at the joy on their faces. Remy laughed when he noticed Emile holding up his phone, clearly recording. Virgil stood behind him, one hand over his mouth, muffling his own laughter.
Janus reached over and tapped their soda cans together. “They certainly do.”
“And did you see the way Virgil broke out of a hold!” Remus buzzed in the passenger seat, turned to talk with both of them as Janus drove back to Capitol Hill. “He was watching you during the first battle and picked that shit right up! And Remy and Emile are just too cute with their pink and black streaks. Oh," he grinned, squeezing his thigh. "We should do that again, Jannie!"
“I don’t believe I can carry off a green streak in court, Muse.”
“Ah, then another tattoo! You can be boring and get it under your sleeve,” he laughed, winking at Roman.
He knew he was being baited, but he played along. “Need I remind you, Muse, that I am the one who needed to convince you to get your first tattoo?”
“Oh, details,” Remus laughed, stroking Janus’ forearm over the pride flag etched into his skin. 
“You really looked like you were hitting it off with Remy, too,” Roman said from the back seat. His phone buzzed and Janus caught his blushy little smile in the rear view mirror when he checked the message.
“Yeah, and Patton was so sweet.” Remus’ voice, still excited, had grown… soft. “I thought he was gonna fall asleep on you, Ro Bro.”
He chuckled. “Wouldn’t’ve been the first time.”
“He’s a good kid,” Janus nodded. “They all are.”
“Yeah," Remus said, nodding. "We should get one.”
“I think they’re out of stock at Target, Muse.”
“I’m serious,” he laughed, reaching over to play with the edges of his hair. He moved his hand away when the light turned green. “We have space.”
“For what it’s worth,” Roman murmured. “I think you two would make good parents.” 
“I don’t know if that’s really how it works,” Janus stalled. Before today he’d never considered children as any part of his life. He’d been a child, but then he’d grown up. He’d expected that to be the extent of his involvement in children outside of any incidental work from his cases.
But Janus would be lying if he said today hadn’t left him imagining otherwise.
“That’s not a ‘no,’” Remus said, turning again to face him, eye wide.
“You’re right, Muse,” Janus smiled back at him. They were at another red light, so he reached for his hand and slowly kissed each knuckle. “It’s definitely not a no.”
Under the greenwood tree who loves to lie with me, And turn his merry note unto the sweet bird's throat, Come hither, come hither, come hither: Here shall he see No enemy But winter and rough weather. - As You Like It, Act II Scene 5, Shakespeare
taglist: @crossiantgay @emoprincey
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fmrockola · 1 year
Mike Patton (Faith No More) intenta derribar un dron en pleno concierto: falla su brillante plan
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El cantante se encontraba dando un concierto en el Knotfest de Chile con Mr. Bungle. Mike Patton, vocalista de Faith No More y Mr. Bungle, intentó derribar un dron durante un show de los segundos en el Knotfest chileno el pasado 11 de diciembre. Por desgracia, aunque su estrategia para acabar con el artilugio no era mala, fracasó en su ejecución. Como puedes ver en las imágenes más abajo, Patton y la banda estaban tocando una versión del “Hell Awaits” de Slayer cuando, de la nada, apareció el dron. Después de hacele una peineta, Patton le indicó al dron que se acercase. Así lo hizo, pero no lo suficientemente cerca como para que el vocalista consiguiera derribarlo cuando le tiró su micrófono. Entonces, Mike volvió a hacerle otro gesto obsceno al aparato y, sin frustrarse, siguió con la siguiente canción, una versión del “Summer Breeze” de Seals and Crofts. Los problemas con los drones volando demasiado cerca del escenario de conciertos y festivales comienzan a ser algo cada vez más común. Hace tan solo unas semanas, Axl Rose, vocalista de Guns N' Roses, tuvo un problema similar. El vocalista tuvo que emitir un comunicado a raíz de todos los drones que se había encontrado en la gira australiana de la banda. "Me he encontrado con algunos drones en esta etapa", dijo Rose a través de las redes sociales. "Anoche fue probablemente la más intrusiva. Fue un poco una distracción... obviamente alguien pensó que estaba bien tenerlo tan cerca del escenario, y luego una y otra vez durante el concierto. No es algo a lo que todos estemos acostumbrados. Muchas reacciones impulsivas pasaron por la mente de todos que... no tenían mucho sentido" "La gente estaba enfadada", continuó. "Por mucho que alguien se divierta, todavía estás tratando de mantenerte concentrado... y de darles a los fans el mejor espectáculo que puedas. De todos modos, entendemos que puede ser 'divertido' grabar tu video pirata de drones, pero nosotros apreciaríamos que alguien que pilote un dron pirata piense en los fans y la banda y juegue con sus juguetes en otro lugar. ¡Muchas gracias de antemano!".     Read the full article
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virgilfingsanders · 4 years
Prologue: An Invition Out
Masquerade AU prologue
Description: Virgil and Roman receive an invitation to an upcoming ball
Pairings: none, possibly implied analogical/logince maybe?
Trigger Warnings: none
Your presences is requested at the Masquerade Ball celebrating the 18th birthday of the Crowned Prince of the  Kingdom of Crai, where His Royal Highness will chose a groom.
Friday, 9/3/XXXX
The West Ballroom of Vira Palace
Please wear formal attire as well as an appropriate mask for the occasion and dress.
The note had come in a pretty brown envelope, with the royal Crest holding the envelope shut with gold wax. Captain Virgil Salem, strategist of the Crai Royal Gaurd and extensive Military, was slightly surprised to find two of the envelopes in the box for barrack room 301 that morning. True, the ball had been the talk of the castle for 4 days time now, and both Virgil and his roommate and co-Captain, Captain Roman Sinclair, were both of age.
However, as Captains of the Royal Guard, they were ineligible to be considered for any of the Princes hand in Marriage, especially the Crowned Princes.
Not that that stopped wondering eyes and lustful gazes. Virgil knew, and was just as guilty, of the sins against the Crown that his best friend was committing.
Still, Virgil left the letter addressed to "Captain Roman Sinclair of the Royal Guard" on the dining room table of their small barracks room, and circled the date on the calendar, before going to find an acceptable outfit. Blatantly ignoring the fact that the handwriting of the two invitations weren't the same, and Roman's seemed personalized in a way that was borderline- and just barely borderline- suspicious.
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crofterscryptid · 3 years
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based on this post
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ask-botwot · 4 years
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BOTWOT Playlists
a special thanks to @sunshineandteddybears for helping me curate these playlists and stopping me from making them too angsty.
disclaimer: there is some crossover between the playlists—it’s intentional and I avoided it unless it fit the story. also, these playlists are not meant as strictly current. especially for the younger boys, since no one makes a thoughtful playlist when they’re 12 or under.
🤍Patton Spotify; Patton YouTube🤍
💜Virgil Spotify; Virgil YouTube💜
💛Dee Spotify; Dee YouTube💛
💙Logan Spotify; Logan YouTube💙
❤️Roman Spotify; Roman YouTube❤️
💚Remus Spotify; Remus YouTube💚
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