#Romantic killer fanfic
Riri/Rio x Reader
“Rio x Reader
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Fandom:Romantic Killer
Omg I just realized this was the first Romantic Killer fanfic on tumblr , Im honored:D
“Noooo! Where did you put Momohiki?!Bring him back!”You whined in desperation as your eyes scattered around the room with your precious cat no where to be seen.
“Don’t worry , he’s up there!” giggles pointing on top of a high shelf where Momohiki sleeps.
You looked at them with the stink eye and they smiled ear to ear maliciously knowing damn well he did that again to get on your nerves but you sighed in response.
“I told yaaa , remember I said that when you don’t make any romantic progress you’ll lose your three desires again?Or did you forget hehe!?”He teases you.
“Oh shut it!” You yelled in laughter grabbing the closest thing you can find , a pillow to throw in their face , throwing it will all your force.
“Heyyyyyy!”They dodged and it landed against the wall , they picked up the pillow you threw against the wall to throw back at you which ended up hitting your face resulting into a pillow fight.
Both of you started grabbing random pillows from the bed , mercilessly beating each other with them , they holler childishly in laughter as you started to chase them all around the room.
  But then as soon as you got a couple of inches close enough to hit them you stepped on a pillow , your foot slipped and you tumbled over with Rio falling right after you.
“Owww , that hurt. Y/N are you okay?” They groaned in pain , his entire body shielded the impact of your face slamming on the ground.
“I should be asking you that question. But I’m fine..” Blinking a bit  , you were about to get up but then you felt something bulge like that you were cupping against the hand of your palm and considering that the position of where your arm was it was obvious what you were touching. 
  Your eyes widened as you realized the position the both of you were in and you sprang up almost instantly in a flurried movement.
“AHH!” Shrieking in fear of what was going on you jumped back onto the wall of the book case hitting your back against it , a book on the shelf fell onto the ground in response , you hyperventilate a little trying to process what the fuck just happened while your heart still beats in a fast rate.
Your face turns into a faint crimson , you kind of knew cause of how hot your face felt. Your body went stiff for a second , you were blushing? I mean who could blame you for being so flushed but what was worse is that it was painfully obvious.
Author’s Note:I’m probably gunna make a part two to this so please tell me what you think!And if I should continue!
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vakhiyamusings · 1 year
I Need To Do What?! - Part 6
Part 6 - The Night Before Judgement Day
Anzu's POV:
It was the night before judgement day. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, it landed on a Saturday.
Anzu knew she was a nervous wreck. Rio was awkwardly sitting in her chair, watching as she paced like a caged animal.
"Why can't I choose someone? Pretend to date so the council is satisfied?" she asked for the umpteenth time making Rio sigh.
"You know they can detect fake love. Wizards haven't been around for millennia to be fooled by a single human girl," he replied.
"But- but how do you even know you love someone? You can't just force someone to fall in love!" Anzu shrieked, clutching her hair.
"Under the right circumstances, it's entirely possible," Rio muttered mildly, looking at his fingernails.
"You're not helping me at all! Don't you have some jumbo jumbo gadget to gauge my feelings or lack thereof? What is going to happen tomorrow?" Anzu shrieked, shaking Rio till his head lolled like a broken doll.
"Only the council has an emotion reading machine. They will assess your feelings tomorrow," Rio said decisively with a nod.
"Such a thing actually exists?!" Anzu shrieked, feeling a tidal wave of apprehension hit her.
Anzu hunkered down by the side of her bed with her head clutched in her hands.
What was she going to do? 
How was anyone supposed to know what they felt? 
Especially a teenage who had never once been in love before? 
How did people recognize the emotion for what it was?
Anzu knew she was capable of love. 
She loved her parents. 
Her sweet cat, Momohiki was another object of her affections. 
Inanimate objects such as video games and chocolate were never classified under the category of love. They were necessary for her very survival. She needed them like the very oxygen she breathed but in those dark days, she proved she could live without them all.
Everything she held dear was ripped apart from her overnight and she still survived. 
Did that mean she didn't love her parents, cat and games that much?
Anzu didn't understand what wizards called love.
Rio did say that the whole point of this endeavor was to increase Japan's population.
Oh. My. God!
"Rio!" she gasped suddenly.
"Anzu?" he asked concerned. He was crouching in front of her, poking her cheek, not that she noticed. Anzu batted his hand away.
"Why are you wizards spending so much time getting me to fall in love? You do realize that not every loving couple in a relationship wants kids, right?" Anzu asked fixing him with a cold stare.
Rio's eyes widened as he followed her line of thought. 
"If this love scheme doesn't work out, what do your people plan to do?" she inquired in dangerously quiet voice.
Rio gulped.
He played with his fingers as he spoke.
"Um, I don't think the council thought that far ahead. Wizards - they can't interfere with your free will. We live long lives and it's frustrating to watch humanity plummet before your very eyes. They just want to make a difference where they see fit. Plus, it gives us something fun to do!" he exclaimed, waving his wand around.
Anzu pondered his words, trying to push the darker images of wizards trying to breed humans like cattle for their amusement. 
What did you expect? 
She was a Non Heroine for a reason!
Anzu stymied down as she continued her meandering thoughts.
She thought of Tsukasa, Junta, Hijiri and Rio. They were her close friends and she would do anything for them. Hell, she would even help them bury a body and lie in a court of law if push came to shove. Anzu wondered why her thoughts were darker than usual today. She blamed the blasted wizards for their nosy, interfering ways.
If Tsukasa or one of the others left her, it would hurt. She wouldn't mind if she could meet them whenever she wanted and could just talk over the phone. She wasn't that attached to the hip with them, but she truly valued their friendship.
If their relationship was destroyed, if they could no longer remember her, if they simply passed by her in a crowd without a sparing a glance her way or worse, they had no spark of recognition, it would be like getting shot in the heart. Only she would remember their friendship. All their inside jokes, taunts, camaraderie! 
It was the cruelest punishment of all!
Anzu spent many days worrying over this mess but she was no closer to an answer than she was before.
"Anzu, why are you on the floor?"
She lifted her head to look at Junta who was peering down at her.
"Hey! Why are you crying? Rio? What happened?" he demanded, crouching down to pick her up. He sat down with her on the bed. Anzu noticed Tsukasa look at her with concern as he sat beside them.
Rio sighed and sat on the ground.
"She's upset because the council is going to decide whether you all get to keep your memories of Anzu or not tomorrow," he replied sounding more down trodden than ever.
Anzu wailed as she heard the words out loud. No matter how many times she heard it, it still hurt.
She closed her eyes at the twin exclamations of surprise. Guess the truth was going to come out whether she liked it or not.
An hour later, Anzu was surprised to find Hijiri among them. Secrecy meant nothing when the wizard council was planning to do something potentially malicious to them.
"Let me get this straight. Anzu has to fall in love by tomorrow or we all will lose our memories of her?" Hijiri inquired Rio, eyeing him intensely.
Rio nodded slowly, biting at his hangnail.
"Anzu," Hijiri crouched in front of her, holding her gaze steady.
"Do you love Tsukasa, Junta, Rio and me?"
"I do love you all," she replied without hesitation. 
"I just don't know if I'm in love with you. What does romantic love feel like? I don't understand!" she cried closing her face with her hands.
"Do you enjoy spending time with us?"
"Do you like holding hands with us? And the occasional kiss?" 
All the guys leaned forward to hear her reply.
Anzu blushed under their scrutiny and closed her eyes.
"Do you have fun with us around? Even if all we do is sit and watch tv?"
"Do you miss us when we aren't around?"
"Of course, I do."
"I'd say that you are ready for being in a romantic relationship with any one of us. All that's holding you back is hurting the feelings of those you haven't chosen," Hijiri replied with a shrug.
"The wizards' plan backfired. She can't move forward because you placed her in a stalemate. You were being thorough by providing her options like an otome game but real life doesn't work out in such a way," he explained.
Anzu, Rio, Tsukasa and Junta stared dumbfounded by Hijiri's simplified explanation. 
"The wizards should cut their losses and move to a new subject. Only time will tell how this relationship will pan out in the future. Wizards are not as clever as I would've expected them to be," he went on with a casual flip of his hair.
"What do we do tomorrow?" Anzu asked quietly.
"We meet them as a united front and confront them on the idiocy of their ways. I, for one, will not tolerate for my brilliant mind to be addled by mythical beings," he answered placidly, taking a sip from his cup of tea.
Anzu couldn't believe that it would be as simple as confronting them with the flaw in their plan.
But a girl could hope.
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romantickillerfan · 10 months
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
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“Let me put my hands on your knees, I’m Angelina Jolie”
Ethan gives the reader her first orgasm when he's literally a virgin. She's been with a couple other dudes but they’ve never made her finish :(
Content includes: SMUT, P in V sex, orgasm, Virgin! Ethan, blowjob!!
"Is this okay?" You looked up at Ethan, having pulled away from his now hickey-covered neck. "Yea...yes" his breath became unstable as your hands messed with the buckle of his belt, pulling it off in one simple motion. He watched as you pulled it off so easily, his eyebrows slightly furrows.
Your hands ran back up his torso, scratching and running your hands along his light-toned abs. You always saw Ethan as tall and lanky, but with the way his polo shirts squeezed his biceps, you should've known better.
You stuck your hand in his boxers, gently pulling his hard length into your hand. You adjusted yourself on his thigh, your lips back on his neck as you rubbed his tip with your thumb.
The stickiness of his precum made him shudder. His head pushed back against the car seat with a groan as you continued to kiss him. You spit in your hand, wrapping it around his warm cock. You looked down at the sight with lust in your eyes. Your ears taking in all the small whimpers he was trying oh so hard to hold back. But you liked it...No, you loved it. "Holy shit"  he bit down on his lip as your hand started to pump.
"You're doing so good already" You smiled into his neck, squeezing him tighter as you stroked. You could feel his breath on your face. After a couple seconds of the painful teasing, you lifted yourself off Ethan's thigh, sitting down on the ground next to him.
Your lips wrapped perfectly around his dick, it was like he was made just for you. He never took his eyes off you, his hands shooing off any hair in your face that dared to take away from the view. You felt heat grow in your belly, one of your hands now down your skirt.
You could take all of him down your throat. You wanted him to be harsh but you knew he wouldn't do that. He's not the Ethan you had made up in your head. The one that would fuck you senselessly, fucking your throat as cum and spit almost made you choke to death.
You pulled down your tank top with your free hand,  your nipples hitting the cold air. Whimpers escaped Ethan's mouth as you continued to suck, tasting all of him and feeling every perfect vein on his cock. "Y/n...please" he felt so dirty begging, but he couldn't care less. The scenario he had carefully built up in his dreams was becoming a reality.
He would practice just for you. Making sure he could last long enough. He'd always edge himself, not allowing himself to cum to build up a tolerance. He was a complete virgin, not even a first kiss. You opened up that door for him, and he was more than thankful.
You'd given more blowjobs than you'd like to admit, over time you just learned what men liked. Although they never learned what you liked. No man had ever made you finish before. Sure you had experienced a mediocre, half orgasm but you didn't know what it actually felt like. You weren't expecting much from Ethan, if it did go any further then just giving him head.
You bobbed your head up and down, the sounds of wet skin and swallowing filling the car. He finally gathered enough courage to pull your hair up, thrusting himself into your throat. You let out a gasping moan, your hand between your legs speeding up, rubbing your clit with the juices you had collected from Ethan's cock.
"I'm..I'm gonna" he couldn't talk as you swallowed him down, your hand on his knee for leverage. You pulled away for air, your lips now focusing on his sensitive tip. You took your hand out of your pants, clit begging for pleasure but right now you could only focus on Ethan's. You squeezed his base tight, pumping up with harsh, fast movements. His cock twitched and he cursed under his breath. Feeling that tight feeling in his belly snap.
Your tongue was already waiting for him, licking the mess he made off his thigh. You could help but pull him down to you, sharing a harsh kiss with his cum still on your tongue. Cum and spit mixed between your two mouths, swallowing hard with your hand still on his sensitive dick. "How....how are you so good at that?" He looked at you, lost and confused.
You just shrugged, straddling his hips as your hands ran through his soft curly hair. “You lasted longer than I’d thought” “You have low expectations” you pulled him back into a kiss with a smile. His hands were placed on your waist, his finger gently running across your skin.
You looked down at the space between you. Pushing yourself further down onto him, your covered pussy made contact with his dick, your wetness seeping through the fabric. You moved aside your panties, taking his length in your hand and running it through your folds.
Your head collapsed onto his chest, the feeling of his sensitive tip on your clit making you melt. Heavy breaths came from the both of you, pleading until you finally slipped him inside of you. He let out a hiss, your warm walls around his dick were a feeling he’d never thought he’d experience.
He filled you up, all the way up. You weren’t even moving yet but you could feel his thick cock stretching out your walls, his tip almost hitting your G spot. Holding onto his shoulder you slowly started to bounce, his breath hitched, arms moving up along with your waist.
Ethan felt like he was gonna pass out from the pleasure, your walls squeezed his cock so tightly. His head was rested back, eager to take off your top. He had no difficulty taking it off, no bra to create another barrier. His hands couldn’t stay put, the mix of you bouncing on his dick with his hands all over your chest made him wanna bust instantly.
He sloppily kissed your neck, pulling out a groan or whimper out of him from time to time. His fingers rubbed over your nipples, thrusting his hips higher so your tits were right in front of him. You let out a moan, feeling him all the way inside of you.
He wrapped his pink lips around your tit, feeling you harden in his warm mouth. He looked up at you with shiny eyes, all the admiration he had for you had tripled. You started to push harder, wanting every inch of him inside you. You wanted him to split you open, you craved more and more of him even if it hurt. “So..so good” your voice sounded whiny, music to Ethan’s ears.
His legs started to shake, your breaths no longer matched as he was closer to finishing. “Are…are you close?” You could feel the tight knot in your stomach, so close to just snapping. “Yea…” This time maybe you wouldn’t be able to finish like you’d thought, your legs getting tired from moving for so long.
“Tired?” “Mhm,” he slipped his arm around your waist, laying you down as he hovered on top of you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer into you so the rest of his length fit inside you again.
He rolled his hips forward, pushing you down with his hands on your hips. He was doing everything just right, maybe even perfectly. His thrust caught up to the pace you had set before, your legs started to shake as you felt yourself fall closer to the edge. Ethan was barely managing, trying his hardest not to cum inside of you.
Your breathing got heavier, eyes closed tightly as his pace quickened. Your legs shook and you bit your lip, feeling yourself finally release. Cum covered the base of Ethan’s dick. Satisfied he pulled out, cum shooting onto your pussy and stomach. You could feel the hot liquid oozing off of you, not caring as you gained back your composure.
The car was filled with heavy breaths, windows cloudy as the smell of sex filled the small space. “How’d you do that?” He looked at you confused, fixing up his zipper and putting his belt back on. “Do what?” You couldn’t believe he was a virgin, his tolerance was too high, and he actually made you finish. He threw his shirt at you, placing it over your naked body as you still stared in confusion.
“You’re not actually a Virgin? Are you?” “Why would I lie?” “Cause you’re good, like really good” he just laughed it off, scooping you onto his lap. “Did I do a good job?” Your hands ran through his hair, looking back at him with pouty lips. “More than good, baby”
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briardoll · 2 months
I’ll write about my HCs for whichever one wins !! (╹◡╹)
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empress-pug · 1 year
Do you take romantic killer (the anime) requests? if yes can you do general hijiri koganei headcannons?
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Hijiri Kogane x reader is now entering the FLUFF ballroom…
These headcannons are completely random and he might be ooc sorry!
It’s super short too, disappointed in myself for that but I genuinely could not think of anything
Content warnings: none
Not proofread
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I feel like he’s the type to spoil you, buying anything you eyes lay on for more than 1.67 seconds.
That cute accessory from your favorite show? Bought. A particular outfit you spoke about for a while? Oh look, a package appeared at your doorstep with the outfit inside!
In terms of dates, beautiful and expensive places- if that’s not your cup of tea then he’s down to go to the quaint coffee shop that opened up at the end of the block. (anywhere you want he will not complain as long as it makes you happy)
If you’re the talkative type then you’ve got yourself a great listener. He’lo listen to you, make sure no one interrupts you, and stares at you with such adoration in his eyes as you talk about something that crossed your mind.
Could you imagine getting sick and having him as your caretaker? It would be a learning experience for him and a rather chaotic time for you. Him wanting to tak if your himself, asking and searching up what to do, making your towel colder or hotter, homemade soup with the best ingredients. At first he’s be hesitant to be around you if it’s not to take care of you but he’ll soon cave in and give you cuddles (might make him sick but oh well) But he wont give you anything without any remarks about how dumb you have to be to get sick, like HeLLOO?? How dare you get sick smh..
Oh en geee imagine how your birthday would be with him!!! He’s bring you to a beautiful place, gifts laying on top of a small but obviously valuable table, the smell of roses and the cake being made by a highly sought out baker. And a cupcake made by him! Telling you how you’re lucky to have him, lucky to be blessed by his presence, lucky for him to be celebrating your birthday with you. You can shut him up with a kiss tho he’ll die on the inside might scoff or have a flush faced and quickly turn around
If you’re ever sad, listening and spewing words of comfort and kindness are not below him. He’d do it without hesitation if it meant seeing your pretty smile once more!
Hes romantic but not overly romantic, you’d probably have to squeeze it out of him. But trust me when I say when and if you squeeze it out of him you’ll be stuck with him. It’s him or him, no one else. I mean he did allow you to be with him, not a luxury many people find themselves bathing in.
He doesn’t have a preference in terms of cuddling, he’d try to be a big spoon but then you end up wooing him, then he ends up sloping you and that turns into a cycle. He’s needs his beauty sleep so try not to wake him up, he doesn’t wanna look like a mess in front of you, if you do he’ll only respond in sarcastic remarks
Two words: hand squeezes.
That’s it…
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pandoa · 2 years
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me, to the twst requests in my inbox: we must stay focused brothers
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chuunai · 6 months
How long should the first chapter of Romantic Killer (if you don’t know what this is, please refer to my previous posts on my profile for context) be? I was aiming for around 5-10k words, and I’m only at like 950 TvT
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asukamood · 4 months
Social Experiment (Dust ver.)
Happy Valentine's Day or however you are supposed to say it! You guys must have been wondering where I've been, dead for at least a couple of months without any activity on any of my accounts. Truth being told, I have been struggling and getting beaten up with exams, homework and all the typical school stuff. (Good Lord I need sleep.)
I haven't had any time to spare to write anything but luckily I've found something I never uploaded before so there we go.
In this one-shot, Killer has just been given the right to feel like a normal person again, so he is still clumsy when it comes to emotions. Here, he was curious about wanting to know how his friends would react to him passing away so he went missing for a while and then planted his jacket next to a pile of dust and waited until one of them found it.
This one-shot has Dust finding Killer's fake remains, two others with Nightmare and Colour will come up eventually.
This was inspired by a comic, but I can't seem to recall how it is called. It had something to do with Killer dying and being replaced by another Killer, that much I can remember. If anyone knows what this comic is called, it would be a huge help for me to know.
Warnings: Violence, blood, implied schizophrenia, mention (semi-joke) of suicidal ideation, strong language.
Synopsis: Killer was not expecting anything to come out of this experimentation.
But this...
Across from him, Dust shook and twitched violently, muttering strings of "I'll kill them" over and over again as tears rolled down his cheeks. Both his hands were clutching the dusty fabric of Killer's jacket desperately as if it were a lifeline.
Killer was not expecting anything to come out of this experimentation.
But this...
Across from him, Dust shook and twitched violently, muttering strings of "I'll kill them" over and over again as tears rolled down his cheeks. Both his hands were clutching the dusty fabric of Killer's jacket desperately as if it were a lifeline.
The owner of said jacket was absolutely speechless, eyeing the scene with extreme confusion, the white rings in his eyes shrunk.
While they may have grown closer (dare he say even friends) after the guardian of negativity's big change of heart, Dust had always made a point to express how much he disliked Killer.
Growling at him when he passed by, glaring daggers into his back as he turned away from him, rolling his eyes at him when he was relaying the Boss's orders... If anything, he expected him to be happy he no longer had to see his 'pathetic suicidal blockhead face' (his words!)
So why did he seem so negatively affected by his fake death?
Killer stared at him as Dust muttered some more looking to the side, most likely talking to his ghost brother, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to understand what that all really meant.
It is only when Dust started to list names of potential assassins or at least a universe they may have come from that Killer finally snapped out of it and regained focus on the situation at hand.
As confused as he was, he knew it was probably best to stop... that experiment? How was he supposed to name whatever he was doing? Before it would de-escalate too far.
He stepped out of his hiding place, standing a few feet away from the crounched man. "Dust!" He called out. Said one jolted, snapping his head toward the origin of the voice with glowing red and purple eyes. A flame-like hue surrounded the two visual tools, his tears only accentuated by the lightning they provided.
Killer gulped, the sight only worsening the unpleasant feeling in his chest that settled a few minutes ago.
He looked down, not bearing to look him in the eye anymore.
Guilty, he started to apologize...
... But quickly, he found himself yelping as he suddenly had to dodge a projectile aimed his way.
"Goddamn hallucination!" Dust yelled, holding the cloth in his hands even tighter as waves of magic attacks hurried toward Killer like a sea in the middle of a storm. Killer's eyes widened as he struggled to parry and dodge all of them, clearly caught off guard.
The fact some of Dust's projectiles had random trajectories and sometimes exploded into smaller ones did not make dodging any easier.
"I don't have the time for your shit!" He hissed, holding his hood with one hand. The other never left Killer's jacket. "Go away and leave me alone already!" The attacks kept coming as he spoke, the other barely able to make out what he was saying with all the noise.
In an attempt to dodge yet another exploding magic lance, Killer dove down, rolling onto the ground. His limbs, having be left untreated for a few days now, ached terribly. That was the moment he realized he was in even bigger trouble than he initially thought he was.
This was really bad.
"Dust, wai--" He tried to reason with him or to calm him down, only to receive the opposite reaction he was looking for.
"NO, SHUT UP!" He roared, his attacks getting even more intense as his frustration grew seeing what he assumed to be a hallucination was still not gone. The sound of more explosions rang in Killer's ears as he moved once again out of the trajectory of a moving lance.
He winced as he felt his ribs scream in pain.
Fuck, some old wounds seemed to have reopened.
He could feel the red liquid staining his shirt as another burning sensation spread all over his legs and arms. His vision was starting to get blurry, if it continued like that, he had no doubt Dust would actually reach him this time.
He could only hope whichever lance hit him would not touch a vital organ or would not explode inside of his stomach, for example.
"Dust please-" After the first time, one would expect Killer to have gotten the hint that talking only made the situation worse but really, he could not think of another way he could possibly use to get themselves out of this predicament. Plus, Dust was most likely starting to run out of stamina anyway, seeing how much magic he was using for his attacks.
As expected, the other opening his mouth only heightened his anger. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE USE HIS VOICE!"
Dust was not even bothering aiming at him anymore, only shooting lances at random. Or rather, he was not able to truly use his abilities correctly because of his emotional distress. He continued blabbering, visibly unbothered by whether Killer was listening to his monologue or not.
"I'LL FIND THOSE FUCKERS!" He yelled shaking his head, like he was arguing with someone. Must be his hallucinations again. "I'LL KILL THEM, I'LL KILL THEM!"
As good a soldier Killer was, there was only so much he could do with all the pain, shock and other factors taken into account. He lost his footing at one point and was a lance, as a result, directly stabbed him in the knee, making him cry out as he fell to the ground.
That seemed to snap Dust out of his trance, shocked to see the hallucination not gone even after it was hit by a magic attack. The waves of projectiles halted but not fast enough. Another one landed right into his hip.
This time, Killer collapsed completely. He prayed internally in hopes this one would not explode into his stomach. He waited a few seconds but thankfully, nothing happened.
Though, that did not make his situation any better. His entire body was hurting and most of his senses were so fuzzy that it took Dust touching his cheek for Killer to notice him crouched next to him.
His vision was unbelievably blurry and he could have sworn those black dots were nagging him though, he tried his best to stay conscious as Killer, behind the ringing, was able to hear some vague noise that he attributed to Dust's voice.
It hurt like a bitch to try and listen but he did anyway, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration to try and make out the words he was being told.
"...er?" He tried to crawl closer but soon gave up as his nerves happily reminded him that perhaps not trying to treat his wounds like he was being told to these past few days was definitely not his brightest idea.
"...ller?" Most likely calling his name but he had to make sure.
"Killer? Are you actually there?" After numerous tries, he was finally able to understand Dust. He opened his eyes, squinting but before finally seeing Dust hunched over him, eyes blown wide open. A tear fell on his cheek and started to roll down the surface, mixing with his own tar.
He took the deepest breath he could muster as he answered a pathetic "yEah" with the most horrible voice crack he had ever heard. Though, the other did not seem to care about it enough as he felt himself being lifted into a tight hug.
"Holy shit, you are alive." Dust muttered in disbelief before trembling again, body rocked with soft sobs. "You are actually alive."
Killer's face was shoved into his shoulder. He would have warned him his jacket was going to get ruined because of his determination but stayed silence for once, too shocked about this whole thing to really care about his jacket.
Though, as much as he wanted Dust to have this moment, there was quite a pressing issue at hand.
"Uh Dust, I'm happy to see you and all but I am kind of losing lots of blood and it really hurts haha" He tried to chuckle, only to wince as the pain got even more intense.
Dust's eyes widened as he realized Killer had two of his projectiles still inside of his body.
In the history of teleportation, never has anyone seen such an effective one in the multiverse.
"What you did was not okay Killer, we were all worried sick about you!" Nightmare lightly scolded, a frown on his face. Sitting in a hospital gown and attached to a blood bag, Killer lowered his head, a fog around his brain and several phantom pains in his chest and stomach. Those physical pains translated to what most people would call guilt.
Or so that is what Killer thought it was. He could not be sure about it.
He opened his mouth, about to say something but before he was able to let out a single sound, the door was sent flying by a furious Dust who was being chased by Horror. The poor guy was just trying to make it so Killer's bed rest would not be interrupted.
"YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT KILLER." Dust screeched, making Killer smile nervously. "I REALLY THOUGHT YOU DIED YOU BITCH." He continued to yell, only held back from beating him up (again) by the giant that was Horror. "NEXT TIME YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT I PROMISE TO SHOVE YOUR DIRTY FUCKING JACKET UP YOUR ASS!"
Killer laughed, still nervously. "It's okay Dusty, you're just embarrassed that I found out you care about me but it's okay, I love you too bestie <3"
"Dust, please, Killer needs some rest so can you let him be for the day? I'm mad at him too, but this isn't what he needs right now." Horror reasoned with Dust who finally grumbled a reluctant 'fine' as he crossed his arms around his chest. Finally, he was put to the ground.
"Thanks Ro!"
Horror sent him a glare. "Don't misunderstand me, the second you're out of the hospital I'll kick your damn ass to Mars."
"Fair enough, can I have some chocolate though---"
"Error ate them all."
"Permission to kill myself?"
"Denied. Suffer."
"Boss, why do you hate me?"
"Why do you have to pretend you're dead?"
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Okay? But for anyone that’s read/watched Romantic Killer, where‘a the crack fanfic’s about anzu falling in love with Riri??
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Romantic Killer Headcanons
WHeadcanon: The characters with an extremely affectionite significant other(S/O)(Reader)Part 1
Characters: Rio/Riri , Junta
Author note: Author note:I'm not sure if I should give Rio/Riri male or non binary pronouns cause Riri is called they/them but when Riri was in their male form Anzu called Riri by male pronouns so I'm assuming it applies only in Riri's true form so when I address Riri I will use they/them but in Riri's male form when writing its going to be he/him starting now.
-Rio is also very affectionate , whenever you both go out places, he makes sure that you’re always holding hands together cause to him he just likes it like that.
-He likes PDA , he enjoys teasing you all the time whenever you’re all over him so when you go for a hug he gets very bubbly and giggly but way more than usually.
-Whenever he teases you for hugging and kissing him a lot Rio is usually like “Awwww you love me sooooooooooo much” and he would usually end that with kissy faces and a smile.
-He likes giving you affection but it feelss way better to him whenever you initiate it first, makes him feel loved.
-He has this huge revenge thing where whenever you surprise him with a display of affection, he tries to scare you afterwards with the same amount of affection.
-He usually doesn’t blush and get nervous because he knows all about romance and is a romance wizard but the one thing you do to make Rio blush is while he’s talking you lean towards him and kiss him on the lips cause he wouldn’t expect it.
-If you do that he would bombard you with kisses as pay back , smooching your face literally everywhere.
-He really loves giving you forehead kisses and whenever you’re out he would drag you outside and even though your always affectionite he would playfully play with your hands by entangling yours with his or play with your hair.
Junta Hayami
-Considering the amount of girls that are into him , his self esteem is pretty low so having someone he loves giving him all of the love in the world makes him have butterflies.
-He isn’t used to any form of affection cause he never had a girlfriend before and he always manage to reject others but as polite as possible cause he’s a good guy like that.
-He’s very tall so whenever you trick him into leaning down making him believe that your trying to tell him something and then you kiss him instead he blushes and he panic’s inside , he tries so hard to not show it at all but whenever you give him that amount of love its just so obvious cause of how he blushes and looks at you.
-Junta tries to give you the same amount of love as you give him because he thinks you deserve it though he asks before holding your hand or kissing when you started dating.
-at first he was too scared to hold your hand cause the idea of it was to stimulating for his heart to handle , of course he’s very calm whenever it happens but it takes time for him to get used to it.
-His friends would see you smooching him and everything and his friends would always walk up to him and tease him about how he loves you and everything and he would always tell them its not what it looks like but from the way he stutters and turns red in front of them all because of that says the opposite
Author Note: In the next one I will add Hijiri and Tsukasa:)
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vakhiyamusings · 1 year
I Need To Do What?!
Part 1 - The Ultimatum
The school year was about to come to an end and Anzu couldn’t be happier! With her parents gone to a magically created land far, far away (she still wasn’t convinced her post office worker Dad was transferred to the United States), her best friends Tsukusa and Junta were still rooming with her (not in her own room but in her house obviously!).
Of course, they had company in the form of Tsukasa’s sister, Arisa every other weekend. Hijiri and Tsuchiya occasionally came by for dinner once Hijiri got accustomed to the taste of commoner’s food.
Rio or Riri popped in at inoppurtune moments and caused mayhem whenever they came by.
Anzu was excited that nothing magical had occurred in the past few months. She almost believed that she would safely reach the end of the school year with no magical hijinks.
Now, this optimism would be much stronger and believable if Rio hadn’t decided to adopt a sullen routine these past few days. He would open his mouth to say something and then clam up, looking forlorn like it was the end of the world. Not to mention his weary sighs and sad looks when they would all sit together for dinner or go to the park or go shopping.
It was driving Anzu insane!
Now that Anzu had her video games, she made sure to reunite with her gaming console and had regular dates with it. She was about to defeat the evil warlord in her latest game when she heard that blasted despondent sigh.
Anzu threw the gaming console down with a loud crash.
“That’s it! I’ve fucking had it with your attitude these past few days, Rio! Spill!” she roared into his startled face.
His aquamarine gaze and cute boyish features hardly ever had any effect on her anymore. Well, mostly.
“Anzu, what are you talking about?” he asked with that annoying coquettish grin of his.
Anzu wanted to throttle him, not that it ever did any good when she did.
She eyed that blasted star shaped wand carelessly sticking out of his pocket. She held his gaze and stepped closer, till she was towering over him.
“You will tell me what your problem is,” she whispered into his ear, ignoring his shiver. “Or else, I’ll fling this wretched thing into the sewer!” she threatened as she held out the wand in her hand. It was so easy, like taking candy from a baby.
“Anzu! No! Please don’t do that! I need it desperately! More so this month than ever!” he cried pitifully.
Anzu narrowed her eyes at his words.
“What’s happening this month? Other than the fact that our little game comes to an end and you wizards can no longer play with my life?” she asked, tapping the wand against her palm.
Rio played with his fingers and replied without looking up. “Uh, yeah. You see, that is not entirely accurate,” he hedged.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Anzu’s voice had taken on a dangerous tone, one she adopted when a certain tiny peach fuzzball was about to get the beating of a lifetime.
Rio winced.
“You remember that tiny little deal earlier this year? The one where the wizard headquarters graciously granted you a year to fall in love?”
“I was there for it all! Now what the fuck does it have to do with your sudden desolate attitude?” she barked at him.
“Um, you see, they might have reason to believe you don’t take the deadline seriously. After all, is it so hard to fall in love when you have 4 ikeman at your disposal?”
“And you are the 4th ikeman I believe?” she asked drily.
Rio nodded emphatically like it was obvious.
“Let’s not forget the 0.001% chance of me falling in love with you,” she pointed out.
“Numbers mean nothing when it comes to love!” he exclaimed with stars in his eyes.
“Can you get to the point now?” Anzu asked, massaging her temples. It was incredibly difficult getting a straight answer from Rio about anything!
“Uh, yes. So where was I?”
“I am not falling in love before the blasted deadline!”
“Right,” he snapped his fingers at her. Anzu growled and Rio took a step back. “Since our company has never given such a generous amount of time for any project. Even a Non-Heroine such as yourself is capable of falling in love. A year is simple far too much time!”
“When will this explanation end?” Anzu muttered to herself. Perhaps, this can of worms should have been left unopened.
“-if you don’t fall in love by the end of this month, this entire project will be labelled as a failure and your ikeman, all 4 of us will lose our memory of you completely,” he said.
Anzu took a moment to process the information.
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mushm00nsblog · 4 months
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Hi! My name is Vivian/mush! I'm a beginner writer who posts frequently with random inspirations/asks!
You'll likely see... on my blog:
Fanfictions (smut, drabbles, fluff, comfort/hurt, angst, etc..) (can be of one character or more)
Poems (haikus and comparisons)
Who I write for:
Any genshin impact character(s)
Any My Hero Academia character(s)
Some of the Tokyo Revengers cast (Mikey, Draken, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Baji, Hina, Emma, Senju, Souya, Nahoya, Inui, Koko)
Some of the Bungo Stray Dogs cast (Atsushi, Dazai, Ranpo, Poe, Kunikida, Akutugawa, Kenji- ONLY FLUFF AND COMFORT!!, Kyoka- ONLY FLUFF AND COMFORT!!, Lucy)
Any Disasterous Life of Saiki K character(s)
Any Komi Can’t Communicate character(s)
Any Romantic Killer character(s)
Some of the HoriMiya cast (Hori, Miyamura, Yuki, Sakura, Remi)
Any of the Toilet Bound! Hanako-kun character(s)
Some of the Sk8 the Infinity cast (Reki, Langa, Miya, Joe)
I do NOT write..
Smut for underage characters.
(It’s impossible for me to imagine a minor, even a pixelated one, doing anything sexual. I just can’t expand my imagination to such disturbing bounds.)
Anything to do with a character or reader sexually assaulting the other.
(I’m not one to kink shame I just find this extremely disturbing.)
(I’m not opposed to discussing the subject in a hurt/comfort fic, I just can’t write and describe an assault on either the character in question or the reader as it disturbs me.)
Please note that I can write any type of fanfic and haikus for the listed characters! My asks are open!
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
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minors DNI!
You just wanted some time to yourself, not knowing the masked killer was getting off to you from outside your apartment window…
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ: SMUT, P in V sex, vibrator, fingering, slight degrading kink, overstimulation!!
This is my first time putting up something on tumbler! Hope you enjoy!!
You danced around with your friends, enjoying the moment of freedom. You were all caught up in classes, you had good grades and of course, your apartment was shiny and clean. You felt good, the one time you actually wanted to come to a party it was for something you were interested in.
You've always loved Halloween, you had a interest in horror. Especially the Stab movies, but the candy and getting to dress up in a tiny outfit made the holiday that much more enjoyable. You pulled up your small top, your cleavage exposed as you grinned on your friend jokingly.
"Hey! My friend here, total snack right?" You glanced at the boy in the box-like hat, an awkward smile on his face. "Yea, what's your name?" You walked up to him in a sultry way, your words dragging by the amount of alcohol in your system. "Ethan...Landry" "Oh! You're in my Econ class, the awkward cutie" Chad's smile was off the charts, Ethan's hands shaky as you went to ask him for his phone, typing in your number.
"Well E, I'll see you around" You handed him back his phone with a side smirk, going back into your group of friends. The night gave you a rush, the taste of alcohol you had indulged in still on your lips as you walked home.
You took off your heels, reaching your apartment. You started to strip, it wasn't like anyone was in here with you, or so you'd thought. You were careless wandering in your apartment, tits out in your little pair of pink, silky shorts. Ethan was hard under the black cloak, the ghost face masked murderer just out of your sight.
You felt goosebumps on your skin, feeling a sense of danger. You shook it off, turning up the temperature in the Cold, New York Apartment. Ethan's eyes wandered over you, wanting to take his mask off to admire you fully. He had to hold back, to hide his identity and the fact that he had become obsessed with you in a matter of seconds.
You were gorgeous to him, long hair and perky little henti tits that made him hard. He wondered what they would look like as you bounced on his cock, overstimulated by the hot pleasure.
He still remembered your scent, getting off to something similar as soon as he got home. "Oh my god Ethan! Stop being a pervert. Dad wants to talk" Quinn groaned from outside the door. But he didn't stop, he didn't care. His mind was flooded with thoughts of you, your boobs, and how good your ass looked in that short skirt.
He wanted more of you, he wanted you. The memories weren't enough. He was yearning for your touch. Your hands around his base as you pumped up and down, he could picture it already.
You cleaned up the kitchen, picking up your thrown Halloween costume into the bag to wash it later. You hugged your body, warmth, and smooth skin tingling. Your drunken state made your mind cloudy, picturing yourself doing the things you'd never admit to.
You had some toys, a vibrator, small to bigger dildos. You could never actually find someone good enough to lose your virginity to. So while you waited you learned, where it felt good. How to play with yourself. If no one was gonna make you feel pleasure then might as well do it yourself.
You unplugged a charging toy, it was your favorite. It could make you cum over and over. You underestimated the power of the small device. It had a couple of settings, controlled by a remote that you've almost broken hundreds of times from holding onto it so tightly. It made your legs shake and your back arch, you had a thing for being overstimulated so this was just the thing.
You slipped it inside of you, teasing your clit with spit covered fingers. You shuddered against your own touch, relaxing deeper into the cushion. You had a routine, mostly teasing yourself until you had to cum, only to put it back on the lowest setting as your weeping hole begged for more.
You started with the medium setting, feeling the vibrations through your entire body. You felt weird about your surroundings, not caring as ghost face casually watched you through the small sliver of your apartment window. He thought going in was too obvious. And he wanted to see your body shaking as it came before he did anything to you.
He palmed himself, melting at every small noise and whimper that came from your lips. He wanted to break in, help you cum for hours. Multiple rounds as he made you bleed. You crying for his cock as he choked the fuck out of you, your pussy throbbing as he thrusted.
You were now at the highest setting, your legs shaking at the shocks of pleasure. It was like a pulse, your body jolting at every beat. He took this as the perfect opportunity, not allowing you to finish as the phone rang. “You-you have to be kidding me” you groaned, the vibrator off as the knot in your stomach undid itself.
You were frustrated, picking up your phone angrily. “Hello?” “Well hello Y/n, how has your night been?” You froze. That god damn voice modulator. “This isn’t funny” you knew Tara and Sam, but you never thought you were in close enough range to them to be killed off by ghost face. “I’m not trying to be funny-“ he took a breath before continuing to talk. Your naked body frozen in place. “Are you having fun? You seemed frustrated when you didn’t get to cum”
Your heart dropped, covering your chest with a large shirt on the side of your bed. “Where are you? What do you want?” Your breath hitched, waiting for a response. “I wanted to see you cum…too bad I called right?” You put on your clothes quickly, a pathetic laugh coming from your phone.
“I’ve been watching you this whole time. You can undress yourself again. You look so pretty shaking like that. Making me hard” you heard a groan, your chest rising up realizing that ghost face was probably getting off to you getting off this entire time.
“Who are you?” You hummed, only for your question to be answered with low whimpers. You asked again, this time the call cutting off. You heard a loud bang, a gunshot going off and ghost face walked into your bed room. “I- please” he loved hearing you beg, pushing you up against the wall with a large knife in his hands.
He pressed it up against your neck, your legs trembling but in a different way. “Who- who the fuck are you? What did I even do?” You pleaded. “Please, I’ll do anything” your breaths were heavy, you were in survival mode. Anything you had to do to stay alive you would do it. Even if that meant getting on your knees for the masked killer.
“Take it off” his knife made a slit in your shirt, your arms shaking as you slid it off your body. “You take something off now” you spit bitterly, a chuckle coming from him before he pulled the mask off from over his head. You gasped, “Ethan?” He dropped the knife, pushing his lips onto yours harshly so you couldn’t pull away, your only option to kiss him back and feel his hard cock rub against your sensitive clit.
You let out a small groan, his lips on your neck as you struggled to let out your thoughts. “How? What?” He shushed you, finding the sweet spot on your neck that made your knees weak. “Let me fuck you, please” he whimpered against your neck. His hands on your sides as his hair tickled your chin.
His cock rubbed against your pleading pussy, feeling your clit get wet. “Let me take these off” he slashed the crotch, slashing not only your shorts but your panties too, ripping the fabric off with a hard tug.
You were completely naked now, his hands getting closer to your arousal. You wanted him so badly, but you couldn’t admit it. He was a killer. He hurt your friends. But he didn’t want to hurt you, so how should you really feel in this situation? He took his gloves off, shoving them into your mouth as he fingered your clit, feeling your wetness on his thumb.
Your eyebrows furrowed together as he slipped a finger in you, slowly pulling in and out. He took his time, admiring your facial expressions of impatience, only then adding another. His pace was the same, making your walls clench around him. He knew you wanted more, you just didn’t want to ask. “Tell me if you want it faster” you could feel his breath on your neck, breathing heavily with a nod. “Tell me Y/n, beg you bitch”
“Please, please…oh fuck, faster” “what a good girl, telling me just how you want it” he shoved in a thirds finger making you jolt, his hand pumping in and out of you at an absurd speed. Your mouth was open, loud moans escaping as you watched his fingers pump into you. You felt that tie in your stomach come back, so close to snapping. His hand was removed from your side, slowing down his fingers and bringing his attention to your clit.
It was a mix of delicious pain and pleasure, your head pushed back against the wall as you felt your own start a pattern of opening and closing around his fingers. “I’m gonna..fuck” “Uh uh, not yet baby” you bit down on your lip, unable to hold it in, feeling a warm, sticky sensation in between your legs. “I didn’t say you could cum, y/n” he pushed you into the wall, holding one of your legs up with his hand.
He got on his knees, kitten licking your clit before making a bold stripe with his tongue, swallowing all your juices. “Taste yourself, baby” he stuck his cum covered finger in your mouth. The taste of tangy sweetness covering your tongue before he went in to kiss you.
He placed kisses on your collar bone, biting and licking all over your body. His hand massaged your tit as he sucked on the other one like it was a lollipop. He kissed it, licking your nipple and sucking on it till he could feel you harden in his warm mouth. You collapsed against his touch, wrapping your legs around his waist before he brought you over to the bed.
Your mind was foggy and clouded, eyes coming back into position from being rolled into the back of your head. In a quick motion you flipped. Now on top of Ethan. “I want you to ride me” your head traveled backwards, hands messing with his belt as he took off the long black cloak. “Maybe if your pussy is good I won’t kill you” he rocked his hips up, allowing you to fully pull off his pants.
You reached into his boxers, his cock twitching at the warmth of your hand. Ethan’s eyes were closed as you pulled his dick out, waiting for you to get on top. But instead you wanted to make him beg. Just like he made you. You spit on him, rubbing it on his lower stomach all the way up to the tip of his cock. You licked off his pre-cum. Making him curse lightly under his breath. “Suck it, slut” you tapped his tip against your tongue. Tasting him as you popped him into your mouth slowly. You did tricks with your tongue, circling it around his tip before letting it hit the back of your throat. You could feel his veins on your lips, craving the same feeling on your other pair.
Your head bopped up and down, gagging on his thick cock that you were addicted too. He grabbed your hair, holding it up for you but also letting it control how deep it went into your throat. You sucked all of the air from your cheeks, the feeling of just your wet mouth and teeth on his dick. You licked a bold stripe just like he did to you, placing yourself on top of him but not sitting down just yet.
Your head was down, Ethan looking at you with list filled eyes as you dragged his tip against your opening, the feeling of his wet skin against your clit making you shudder. He was tired of your bull shit, pushing down on your shoulders so you would take all of him. You let out a soft gasp, Ethan’s whimpers turning you in even more. Your hips swayed forwards and backwards, not letting yourself bounce just yet. “Please, god y/n please just fuck me already” a smirk was placed on your mouth as you tucked your hair behind your ears. Letting him watch you hop off his dick painfully slowly before sitting back on him in a hard motion.
Your hair tickled your back as you bounced. His eyes taking in every movement and his ears picking up on every groan and moan you had let out. You eventually started to feel tired, Ethan thrusting his hips into you so you could both finish at the same time. You helped balance yourself with one hand, all your hair flipping that way. A sight That brought Ethan to his knees. Your legs shook together, moans and pleads filling the room as the bed creaked.
“You’re fucking me so..so good ,baby…such a good boy aren’t you?” You bit your lip as he quickened his pace, your cunt aching and your lip bleeding from the pleasure. You felt the tie in your stomach finally snap, a ring of cum coated the base of Ethan’s dick as he continued to thrust into you. His legs gave out as he slowed down. The feeling of hot cum shooting into your pussy.
He continued to thrust, overstimulating the both of you. You were cock drunk, mind cloudy as he kept thrusting. “E..Ethan, it’s..it’s sensitive” your mouth was still wide open as he thrusted, turning you into missionary position, his cock perfectly hitting your G-spot. “Ethan…E stop” your hand was placed against his toned chest. But he didn’t care. As much as the red pain took over him it was worth seeing you beg for him to stop, making you pass out against the bedsheets.
He pulled out of you, the sight of your creamed pussy and his swollen tip driving him crazy. He leaned over to you as you caught your breath. Placing kisses on your jaw and closed eyes, watching your body regain its composure. “You looked so beautiful tonight, baby” he kissed your lips with a sweet voice.
(Not checked!!)
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charjararts · 2 years
Whelp I couldn’t sleep until I wrote something for this ship so excuse me if I just
Oh boi oh boi those last episodes geezh
Also my hope for season two is that everything just stays platonic and she really killed the romance :,) Or that when she chooses one over the others they still be friends (because they deserve that) or that she’s gay ;] (let’s hope for that last one don’t we)
Anyhoops let’s join that small number of fics :]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ロマンティック・キラー | Romantic Killer (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hoshino Anzu/Riri | Rio Characters: Hoshino Anzu, Riri | Rio (Romantic Killer) Additional Tags: no beta i wrote this at 12am, Riri is gender fluid you can't change my mind, I'm so sorry but the cat dies..., it's for story purposes I swear Summary:
Riri has many schemes but suddenly they lead to different goals than before
(after season 1)
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riri25 · 10 months
Nuevo capítulo de Río y Anzu de Romantic killer en wattpad ❤️
Nuevo capítulo de Río y Anzu de Romantic Killer en wattpad 😍
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