alwaysshallow · 9 months
— gorgeous, part 1
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader
You're a vet - and you wouldn't ever think that a big guy with a skull face, kitten on his hands, would be in your clinic. (2,1k)
AO3 version
A/N: I have no self-respect; Poland won in volleyball, SO. your insane man and vet lady is here <3
next part
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The first time you see him? It is a wild one.
You didn't really know how to react when your assistant, Bernie, stormed into your office, telling you that some "big guy with a skull mask" had a kitten that needed an examination. I mean, you were a vet, of course, and you ran your clinic to the 11 P.M. sometimes, but... the skull mask part?
First, you thought she was joking or trying to prank you, like in the past, when she told you that a guy came here with a head of a fish tank came to your clinic. When you thought about this later, it was really dumb that you believed that, but the emotions were too high before; you almost slipped on the floor when you were storming out of your office, to see if:
a) he actually had a fish tank,
b) if he had some fish in it.
The skull mask wasn't a joke, though; Bernie also looked like she saw a ghost or something, and was basically hidden after your figure when you went to the corridor, where patients should wait until it's their turn. Usually there weren't many people, only emergency ones, which happened rarely enough. You usually closed after 7, but today you decided to say a bit... longer. 4 hours longer, but who count that, right? There was no one except indeed a big, huge guy in a skull mask and military uniform; at least you thought it looked like a military uniform, your friend's best friend, Johnny, had one like that. You probably wouldn't even speak to him if he hadn't had in his arms a cat that was meowing sadly, like something hurt him – or, her. You didn't know what it was yet. Guy was scary as hell, and if he wanted to, he probably would've knock you out in just one move, but you walked closer to him – what he was gonna do, hit you with his cat in his hands?
"What happened?" that's the first thing you asked, as you approached the man; and for the first time, your gazes crossed.
His, unreadable, brown, piercing even. You couldn't even get a single thought from them, like it was behind some kind of shield, and it confused you, but interested you in the same time enough to know that this interaction will be seated in your mind for some time right now.
You always liked the mysteries, and he seemed like one.
"I don't know." he simply said, standing; and you could see how much bigger he was; not only in height, but in body, muscles. It was like a doll standing to a WWE fighter, as you watched those silly shows after your work at night. "Found that kitten near a dumpster. Seems like it's hurting, so..." he shrugged.
"Aren't you a talker" you murmured, your head up high, to look at him. "Come on in."
He said nothing; simply followed you, with that kitty on his big hands.
You didn't know his name even, and you were more than willing to help him, or more – to help this cat live without any pain because your heart was aching how pained and scared it was.
As well as your assistant, if you were talking about "being scared" part; she kept glancing at that big man, who put the animal on the special table (as you asked him to). It probably would be you in the past, the scared and with some kind of reserve but now, you were more than amazed with his gentleness to care about things like skull mask or the fact that he would crush you with his finger.
Trying to be as gentle as possible, you started examination; it was a certain routine if it was about strays, and this particular one seemed to be abandoned not so long ago.
Probably nothing was breaking your heart more than this; throwing animals to street instead of trying to get them a new home. You saw too much.
"I'll have to fill a report for animal shelter" you started after a few minutes, as you were trying to localize the cause of pain; it was probably a broken bone, but cat was pretty beaten up too. "And I have to know where it was exactly, if you know the streets around here. Maybe there's more kittens like this."
"Animal shelter?" he asked, and you could just feel how his brown eyes are piercing through your green scrubs.
Intimidating, to say the least, because in addition with his low, gravelly voice, it was something alluring, like you couldn't be indifferent about it. Hell, you didn't even knew the guy, he could be potential axe murderer that stopped in your clinic because he was sad about the cat.
"Yes, I can't take him. Someone has to." you explained.
"Who said I won't?"
As you raised your eyebrow, you looked back at him, in a little shock – positive one, though. Most of the people that were bringing strays weren't eager about giving them home, for multiple reasons, and you didn't judge. It was a good thing that they were bringing them here, but this man...
"So, you will?"
You smiled under your nose, stroking the little kitten, as you waited for her to calm down, before taking her to an x-ray. Her new owner wasn't really talkative, but the most important thing was that he cared enough to not only bring her here, but to take her home.
It was easy to gain your trust, considering that the skull mask that he had right now wasn't so scary anymore.
"I'm gonna take her to an x-ray. Wait up here, okay?"
Again, no response, just a simple nod.
Was it thing about you two being strangers? He could act reversed only because of this, or he was maybe tired and didn't wanted to talk. Yet, you rolled your eyes to yourself while you were taking an x-ray in a special room.
Weird. Weird, because as the bubbly and talkative person you were here, always talking with owners of animals that were coming to you (or in some cases you were out in a farm or something), you couldn't do that here. I mean, right, he answered your questions, but it was... automatic.
Not leaving a small pole to discussion, and it was irritating at some point, because you wanted to tell him at least half of stories about strays and how it was heartbreaking to find them a proper, loving home. And how you were actually curious if he liked animals before, if he had any.
And yet you were, not able to talk to him in any way that would untie his tongue. If you weren't such a curious woman, you wouldn't give a single fuck, and you would only do your job, but... now, you were more than eager to have a proper conversation with that man.
At least a few words more.
"She broke her leg." you explained after an x-ray, to show him under the special light what were you talking about, when the results came in.
Usually, it wasn't so quick, but it was an emergency.
"It's not as bad as it seems to be, your cat will need a splint and a bandage."
He didn't say anything; just nodded, fucking again, still staring at orange cat that was lying on the table, with your assistant cooing to the animal.
You expected some questions, though. Anything. "Questions?" "Not really" he said, glancing at you.
"It will take a while. You can sit if you want" you pointed at the chair in the corner. "I can stand."
So if he wanted to stand, he will stand, end of story for you – so, naturally, you just started to do your job with the kitty. It was a stray, obviously, so it wasn't an easy job with her writhing under your hands, but you managed, somehow.
"Do you want to register me as her vet?" you looked at him again.
Maybe it could finally be a proper subject of your conversation – not many people thought about that when they were taking under their wings a stray, so you had to offer. Especially when that kitty was just too cute not to ask.
"Will it be different than visiting you from time to time?" he asked, his arms crossing on his chest.
"I mean, yeah. I'm under the phone, basically 24/7, if you have questions, you call me. Vaccines, medicines, everything is under your hand. And since the little one knows me..." you trailed off, focusing more on that construction you worked on.
It seemed almost done.
"Right, we can do that, then" he muttered, coming a little closer to the table, to look at his cat. "I assume you need something? Contacts, I mean."
You chuckled, amused. "Yeah, pretty much. Your phone number, your name, adress."
He frowned at that last mention and sighed, glancing over you again, like he was judging something before he actually will answer you.
Hell, what was that in him?
"Is adress necessary?"
"Not really, no."
You both went silent after this; as you finished, you sat to your computer to add another patient to your folder, where you kept everything in check. Meanwhile, Bernie was still occupied with the cat that was too sleepy to even respond, but the meds were kicking in, so it wasn't a surprise.
Rather, it was good. She needed some kind of rest.
"Name?" you looked at him.
"Simon Harris."
It felt like a lie, what he was telling you – especially his last name, but you didn't say anything about it.
"You have an idea for your cat's name? Or not yet?" you smiled softly.
"Not yet, no. And as for phone number..." he started searching for his phone in his cargo pants.
Took him a while, to go through the pockets, but when he finally managed to give it to you, you could finally save everything – the cat's name was just missing, but he needed to think about it.
You could think of multiple stories of people that came back to your clinic or called you to change the name in your documents, because they wanted something different. Mostly it was because the previous one wasn't a "good fit", but some were... funny ones, or weird enough that you didn't even bother to ask why.
Sometimes your curiosity got the best of you, especially when you asked why does he want his cat to be named "Pussy"; you regretted asking almost immediately, when he sat in the chair right in front of you. He talked for almost twenty minutes of his girlfriend and how he wanted to "give" her the cat with a name like that because it was funny enough.
And because of other things that you'd like to forget.
"Addison Frost. I run this clinic" you said, when he was saving your number in his phone. You could swear that he rolled his eyes, but it wasn't so clear as he wore that damn mask. What it was for anyway?
You wanted to see his face, badly.
"That much I figured" he muttered, his phone going to pocket of his cargo pants right now; he looked back at his cat, and at you again. "Can I buy something for her here? Or... I should go to the store?"
Hell, it was his probably longest sentence to you that day; and that made you smile a bit, when you reached out to the place you kept starter kits for kittens that needed to be taken care of more than the regular ones; you made a couple of them, and that was one of the last ones.
"No need to pay me for this" you said quickly, as he reached for his wallet. "It's... something that I give, just that" you muttered. "You can borrow that transporter too, until you won't buy your own. She needs to rest for the most of the time, and as she's a stray, she'll probably want to wander around your place."
He nodded, deep in thought, as you helped him with putting his cat into this; he was ready to leave, but before that, he dropped 90$ at your desk, leaving without any further explanation. "Hey! That's way too much, I can't take something like that" you left after him, approaching him as he was already putting the transporter into his Jeep. "It's just a simple help, not an operation, or..."
"You helped her" he cut you off, looking straight into your eyes "and that's enough. If that's too much, don't charge me for another visit or so. I won't take it back." he said, getting into his car; still looking at you, he nodded slightly. "Thank you. And, goodnight."
And with that, Simon Harris left you with many thoughts about that evening.
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
Sinner and saint
Miles Quaritch x female omatikaya reader
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Words: 2.4k
Summary: Quaritch captured the oldest daughter of Jake Sully, making it his personal goal to draw every bit of useful information out of her.
Warnings: explicit smut, minors dni, non-con, captivity / kidnapping, age + size difference, degradation kink, p in v, semi public sex, mirror sex, rough sex, corruption kink, mentions of blood, oral, blackmailing, unprotected sex
Notes: I wrote this instead of sleeping lol I just feel like there aren’t enough Quaritch fics so I had to do my part
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Sully‘s daughter, the oldest of his spawn, put on a tough fight. But in the end, she sacrificed her freedom in order to protect her younger siblings, letting herself get captured by the RDA‘s recombinant squad. Quaritch himself was the one to throw her into a cell and he made it his personal goal to draw every useful information out of her, regarding Sully and his Clans location. The method he chose to do this, though, was entirely up to him. General Ardmore said so herself.
The cell is quiet, save for the sound of your own breathing and the faint noises coming from behind the door. By now you already know the gait of his footsteps, the heavy combat boots against the concrete floor. The door then slides open and an entirely too big recomb enters the room, bending over to even fit through the door frame.
Sully‘s brat was young. Not so young he should’ve felt creeped out by himself when his eyes lingered on your body for longer than necessary. But still a tad younger than him. He’s surprised you were even able to put on such a fight with his squad. Your limbs are long and thin, no board muscles in sight and he could’ve sworn your face wasn’t the one of a warrior, too pure and innocent looking. But apparently that’s what you were, a warrior, given the smeared remnants of war paint on your face and the way you easily put down three recombinants with your primitive weapons only. Parts of your hair are braided in intricate patterns, with colorful beads and feathers just like your mothers –the woman of Quaritch’s nightmares.
Big, scared eyes look up at him from under the table that’s standing in the middle of the room, trying your absolute most to look intimidating. How cute, he thinks to himself with a grin on his face. You’re left almost entirely bare before him, just the little loincloth and top your people usually wore, were covering your privat parts. A delightful sight. Nothing else but a few leaves and strings of leather. No wonder you’re shivering.
Like some cornered animal, you dart out from under your hiding place, once Quaritch approaches you, scrambling across the floor and towards the door. But you don’t make it very far. "Easy, Kitty," the recomb scoffs as he scoops you up like you weight no more than just a feather to him, before he roughly pins you down over the table. The metal is cold against the bare skin of your front and you hiss, struggling against the big blue hand on your back that’s holding you down without any effort.
"I just wanna ask you some questions and if you‘ll be a good girl and answer them, you’re free to go, back to your cute little family. Doesn’t that sound good?" It sounded more than just good, if you were being honest. But still, you weren’t even tempted to answer any of them. You weren’t that stupid and whatever those questions were about, you wouldn’t give them anything. You wouldn’t betray your family, even if it meant dying in this cell. You wouldn’t say a word– not over your dead body.
"Where’s your daddy, hm? Tell me where he hides, kitty and I’ll let you go", he tells you. You can feel the warmth of his entirely too tall body caging you in, invading your personal space. With every passing second, he inches closer to you, the hand on your back holding you down with more force, until you have trouble breathing.
"I will slice your throat, demon", you hiss at him in Na’vi and your tail whips around, almost hitting his face in the process. With a grunt, Quaritch wraps his hand around the base of your tail and tugs. It’s not too hard and not necessarily painful but still, you yelp and all your movements stop immediately. You feel frozen in place.
“You know, cupcake", he lowers his face closer to yours, his hot breath tickling the shell of your ear, making it twitch, "Capturing you really was something. Had me stressed the whole night and now three of my men are dead. The least you could do, is answer my questions." One of his boots swiftly kicks your legs apart and your eyes widen in fear.
"I have to have some way to deal with all this stress…”, he says lowly and your stomach twists when he tugs on your tail again and your back instinctively arches like a cat. “Lucky for both of us, I usually handle it by fucking.” He emphasizes the last word with a groan as he grinds his growing erections against your bottom.
"Well, do yourself a favor and fuck off then!", you hiss the words like venom but the recomb only laughs at your bitterness. "You really are your daddys girl, aren’t you?" You bite your tongue, preventing yourself from spitting any more insults at him and possibly getting into more danger than you already were.
"Well, better answer my question then. Or didn’t daddy teach you any manners, cupcake?"
Behind your back you hear the buckle of a belt being opened and then a zipper and your blood runs cold. For a moment, you think about lying. But would he even believe you? What if this was a trick? What if they already knew where your family was hiding? What if they managed to capture one of your siblings too and just wanted to see if your answers match? Lying could mean the death of either one of you, if that was the case. "Fine", the Colonel sighs when you don’t reply, "If you don’t want to make any noise, I‘ll have to draw them out of you."
You can feel his hand, the one that was holding your tail, lower itself to prod at your bottom. Expertly, he flips your loincloth to the side, exposing your privat parts to him. With a gasp, you want to push yourself off the table but his other hand still holds you firm and secure, bend over the table. "Now would you look at that", Quaritch muses, "What a pretty little pussy."
He moves back a little, just enough to unfasten his belt and zipper before he pulls his cock out, hard and leaking pre-cum from its tip.
"One last chance, kitty", you hear him chuckle behind you and then feel the head of his cock, thick and warm, nudge between your soft lips, prodding at your entrance. "Tell me where he is. Where is Jake Sully?" But stubborn as you were, your lips were still sealed shut.
Quaritch doesn’t know what outcome he would’ve preferred here –you giving him the much needed information about Sullys hideout or you keeping you mouth shut and letting him fuck you, until you were nothing more than just a cute little mess below him. He slowly starts to believe that it’s the latter.
A sick and twisted part of him wonders if you’re still a virgin, such an innocent, pure looking thing. Did you have a boyfriend back home? Would daddy even allow you to bring boys home? Quaritch wonders if you’re curious, did you kiss and touch them behind your fathers back or were you an obedient little girl? Never giving them much more than a quick glance to the sway of your hips or a tight hug that was nothing more than friendly to you, but gave them enough feel of your soft chest pressed against them so they could rub one out once they’re alone. God, he wants nothing more than to corrupt you. He can’t stop the grin spreading on his face when he imagines the look on Sullys face once he finds out about this– the man he wants dead ruining his perfect, precious daughter. Makes this whole thing even better.
With that thought in mind, Quaritch pushes the tip of his length past your entrance. He goes slow at first –he’s not a monster. He lets your body adjust to his size, letting his cock sink into the tight heat of your cunt and it’s rewarded with a high pitched whine falling from your plumb lips. The one way mirror in front of the table you were sprawled out on gives him a nice view of your face, eyes squeezed shut and with your lower lip sucked in between sharp teeth. When his pubic bone finally meets the swell of your ass, he groans and let’s his head fall back against his neck. For a moment he stays like this, just relishing in the feeling of your soft walls around his cock.
When he looks back down at you again, he finds you looking at him from over your shoulder. Your eyes are sharp and there’s a hint of desperation now as they glare back at him.
Quaritchs hand finds the plump swell of your ass and he caresses a cheek before giving it a hard smack. A sharp inhale of air is drawn in between your lips and you whine at the stinging pain cursing through your body. Your eyes go dark as you continue to look back at him.
The recomb tilts his head slightly, grinning, before returning his hands to your hips. He pulls out ever so slowly and for a moment, your gaze softens as if you believed it would be over so quickly. But then he’s ramming forward, burying himself inside you to the hilt. You hiss, stifling the scream that is threatening to escape from your lips and you grab at the edges of the table as you endure the waves of pleasure and pain as they come. 
You hear a mixture of a moan and a laugh coming from behind you and you shut your eyes tightly once he begins to fuck into to you in long, hard strokes, hammering your quivering hole. 
It doesn’t take long for you to moan, not able to hold back your bodies natural responds anymore. Much to Quaritch amusement.
"Where did all your bratty attitude go, hm kitty? Not so bitchy anymore, now that your cute little pussy is stuffed full of my cock!"
You know you aren’t going to last long. Not with the way he’s thrusting into you, not with the way you’re tightening around his cock, not with the way his balls slap against your clit, hard and rhythmic.
A pressure is building up inside you and you want to suppress it. You don’t want to come, don’t want to give him this satisfaction. But you can’t help it. It’s wrong, yet it feels so, so incredibly good. You clench around his hard cock forcing its way in and out of you and mindlessly, you push back against him, bratty and wanton. You’re rewarded with one of his hands darting to your head and yanking a fistful of your braided hair. Your head whips back violently and you accidentally bite down on the tip of your tongue with one of your canine. The coppery taste of blood floods your mouth and as he forces you to look at yourself in the mirror in front of you.
"See how fucking good you look? That’s much more how I prefer you, fuck yes, takin' me so well, like a good little girl", he groans behind you. Due to the strong thrusts of his hips against yours, the table beneath you begins to squeak and slide forward a few inches.
“T-Too much, 's too much”, you sob, swallowing back the metallic taste that sours your mouth when you feel your orgasm approaching.
He hammers into you and you can feel the pressure mounting as your legs begin to shake. You’re a little more than a trembling, incoherent mess when you cum, the walls of your pussy bearing down around his cock. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you would have collapsed on the table below you if Quaritch didn’t have such a firm grip on your hair and hip. 
"There we go, cupcake, there we fucking go."
He continues to fuck you, his thrusts have become painfully hard, too deep for your comfort, the tip of his cock teasing your cervix.
You let your head rest against the table, the side of your face pressed against the cool tabletop and the table’s edge digs into your abdomen and the tops of your thighs. You moan as he keeps his rhythm up, loud and shameless, squirming underneath him from overstimulation.
"Gonna cum, fuck kitty, you’re so tight I can’t help it. Gonna cum in that sweet little pussy, yeah?", he moans and you can feel his hands squeeze around your hips so hard, you’re sure they’ll leave bruises. Quaritch buries himself deep inside you one last time and then it fills you– warm and sticky cum filling you up to the brim, with a groan falling from his lips. His strong grip finally goes slack after a few shuddering breaths.
You feel like a warm puddle of goo when he pulls out of you. You’re still slick between your legs and feel his cum dribble out of you when he steps back. With his thumbs, the Colonel spreads your lips apart and hums at the sight of more of his release seeping out of your overused cunt.
You barely register it at first, the way he moves, circles the table like a shadow until he comes to an halt with his crotch right in front of your face. Your eyes widen when you find that he’s hard –again or still? You don’t know. Doesn’t really matter though. "Alright, cupcake, let me ask you again", with his hand he gives a slow, almost threatening, stroke of his cock right in front of your face, "Where is he? Where is Sully hiding?" Your eyes narrow as you look up at him, a glare contorting your otherwise soft features and you shake your head -no. You wouldn’t tell him anything.
Quaritch only chuckles at that. Oh he would have his sweet, sweet fun with you, you just didn’t know it yet. You swallow thickly when he steps closer.
"Open wide, kitty", he nudges the tip of his cock on your soft lips, his thumb prying your mouth open before he swipes his digit over your sharp canine. "And be careful with those. I‘ll be nice once. Then I won’t."
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sexlapis · 8 months
- halloween cats? (flufftober 2023)
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❀ : toji fushiguro x reader
ᨳ  ࣪ . synopsis : on the eve of halloween, you unexpectedly bring home two cats. toji is not too pleased.
. cw : s4w, short fic, fluff, lowkey crack fic, mentions of animal euthanasia, toji & reader are married, reader loves cats, toji swearing, petnames (‘kid’), _____= your name
ᨳ  ࣪ . wc : 1.1k
.. a/n : first fanfic after seven months of no writing! please enjoy <3
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“…what the hell is even that?”
you’re soaked by the time you step into the house, the rain had seeped through your (very poorly chosen) coat and you had forgotten your umbrella. face and hair sprinkled with droplets, nose red and clothes drenched, a multitude of shopping bags hanging from your arms. you were a mess.
but all of that is not what toji is referring to.
in both of your hands you carry a pet carrier. you didn’t mean for it to happen. it was a free day for you so you decided to make the most of it. first it was clothes shopping, then trying out new pastries in cafés, purchasing a bouquet of orange and black flowers for the vase at home, getting spooky-themed nails and more of the sort.
you believed you were done for the day, but on your way back home you spotted a sign saying, ‘Cat Adoption Here! Give a Cat a Loving Home!’ and being the cat lover you are, resisting was futile.
so there you were, standing in your home facing your bewildered husband, holding a pair of old, bonded cats.
“uhhh. they’re…toy cats.” you lie. “it’s a new thing for young adults toji,” slipping off your shoes, you rush past him, placing the pet carriers on the floor softly and plopping your shopping bags on the kitchen counter, “you wouldn’t understand.” you sniff the kitchen, smelling something sweet and homey. “oooh, what are you baking-”
“don’t bullshit me, _____.” toji chides and followed you to the kitchen. “i heard a ‘meow’ in there-”
“ok, i got a cat!…s.”
you sigh. “i…i got two cats.”
toji groans. “_____-”
“you don’t understand!” you exclaimed. “i had to! i know i should’ve spoken to you first but i did it to save them! they are both the sweetest cats i have ever met and they’re bonded and those people were going to kill them because they were old!”
“what?” questions toji. “_____, why would they kill the cats?”
“…well, they told me they’d euthanise them since nobody wanted them..that’s animal murder and that’s illegal last time i checked.”
“and that’s “killing” to you?”
“well if somebody euthanised me without asking is that not murder?”
toji doesn’t say anything and just stares at you.
that’s a win in your eyes. “exactly.”
you hear a whiny meow from one of the carriers. “oh my god, we must’ve scared them with our shouting.”
“i wasn’t shouting..”
but you pay him no mind as you lay on the floor and open the little door to the pet carrier.
“tt-tt-tt-ps-ps-ps, hi little kitty.”
the black, one-eyed cat, named ‘stitches’, lets out the cutest, high-pitched meow as she slowly walks out of the carrier. stitches looks around the new area she is in for a few seconds before walking up to you and nuzzling your hand. your heart almost bursts.
“awww!! you are sososo sweet!” you coo, scratching in between her ears and stroking her smooth, shiny fur. stitches purrs, seemingly already happy to be here. “toji look at her! isn’t she adorable? her name is stitches. because of her eye and stuff.”
toji blankly stares down at you and the cat from where he is standing. stitches looks up at him and blinks slowly before leaving you and walking up to him. she stands for a second before reaching up and puts her paws on toji’s tree trunk of a leg and meows.
“aw, toji, she likes you!” you cry out. “we definitely have to keep them now.”
toji huffs and gently waggles stitches off of his leg. “none of that, cat.”
stitches isn’t one to take no for an answer, proven when she decides to jump and climb up toji’s body all the way to his shoulders.
you cackle as toji jumps at the cats sudden movements, shoulders hunched in shock and confusion. “hey! what the hell!”
“oh, yeah, we are so keeping them.”
you quickly open the door of the other pet carrier, ignoring toji’s struggles of trying to remove the cat from his body. it was funny to see big, intimidating toji stumbling all over the place, being taken down by a cute, tiny senior cat.
“kid, you sure this is an old cat? seems pretty fucking athletic to me.” he grunts as he tries to pry stitches’ claws out of his flanneled shirt, arms contorting to reach behind his shoulders.
“mhm, i’m sure toji.” you reply, picking up the other cat, an orange male named ‘teddy’ and holding him in your arms. “this one is a boy cat. his name is teddy and he likes to be held like this.”
“uh-huh.” toji says, finally getting stitches off his body and placing her on the ground. “thanks for the help, kid.”
“you’re welcome.” you’re barely paying attention to him, gently rocking the fluffy orange cat in your arms, baby talking to him and making soft noises. teddy the cat lets out a gentle meow.
he draws his attention to you, hair ruffled from his recent battle. “okay why don’t you have a shower and change? you're drenched.” toji pats your dumb wet head.
you had forgotten about that. “alright, yeah.” you put teddy on the floor and jog towards the stairs, leaving wet footprints in your path. “keep an eye on them, toji!”
“yeah, yeah.” he waves dismissively.
toji turns back to the cats and sighs, hands on his hips. the two felines look up at him expectantly. “now what am i going to do with you two, huh?”
stitches walks up to him and reaches her paws onto toji’s trouser leg.
“ah-ah, no, no, no. bad cat! bad-”
stitches is already climbing his leg again and finds her way to his shoulder, rubbing her cheek against his temple and purring.
“ah goddammit.” toji exhales, crouching down and attempting to shake stitches off once again.
toji looks at teddy, who is staring at him quietly. “wanna help me out here orange cat?”
finished with your long, hot shower, feeling warm and cosy, you go downstairs to see how toji is doing with the cats (not before having one of the cookies toji had baked though).
“toji?” you call, walking through the hallway to the living room and the sight that greets you tugs at your heartstrings.
there toji lays on the sofa, asleep, snoring, with teddy sleeping on his chest and stitches nestled at his side on his arm, also asleep.
“aw, toji..” you snap a quick picture for memories sake and save it to your favourites. underneath all that hard, domineering exterior of his, toji at heart is just a big softy.
toji seems to sense your presence and he slowly blinking awake. he groans and looks up to see you standing above him. he rubs his eyes.
“so we can keep them?”
toji rolls his eyes, huffing and puffing, looking at your pleading eyes. he doesn’t even remember why it wouldn’t be a good idea to keep them. who is he to deny you of anything? “sure why not?”
you smile, teeth and all, and kiss him on the forehead, careful not to disturb the cats. “thankyoutoji!”
the cats are purring and you’re all giddy and joyful. toji can tolerate these cats since they make you so happy.
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silverflqmes · 2 months
begging for a cloud x reader fluff of reader hiring him to help her get her cat stuck out of the tree but he loves her so much thats it free of charge
notes. CLOUD HELPING A KITTY YES<3 anon you are onto something fr tysm for this request, i hope this fulfills what you had in mind, it’s a little on the shorter side.. but enjoy<3
genre. fluff
cloud strife x gn!reader.
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getting a cat out of a tree was the last request cloud would have ever thought he’d receive. what was he, an animal whisperer? he could barely communicate with people as it was, and now.. he was standing at the base of a great oak, lips flattened, with mild regret weighing on his conscience.
oh, the things he did for love.
“cloud, be careful! she’s shy around people!” you warned him a few feet away, gazing up at your feline companion — who clung helplessly to a worn down branch.
the blond had to wonder what on earth possessed your fuzzy friend to go into a tree and find the worst possible branch to lay on. it was completely absurd, and downright risky??
a sigh left his lips as he grabbed onto the protruding pieces of bark, shaking his head. “it can’t any worse than getting stabbed in the same place twice.” the former infantryman muttered, scaling the tree slowly, carefully.
cats were typically.. skittish. he remembered that much at least from the time he’d helped out wedge with finding his. therefore, the spiky haired male had to be slow with his advances and quiet, as they didn’t favor loud noises or sudden movements, either.
as cloud finally reached the level the cat was on, he shifted to sit on a sturdy branch, locking eyes with sora — your calico kitty.
distress was evident on her features as she let out a meow that sounded more or less like a cry for help, but the mercenary could tell she had been on guard, too.
“you’re doing great cloud!” you cheered from the ground, stepping closer in case your friend decided to jump down rather than accept your lover’s assistance. “almost there!”
his lips pursed together at the praise, cheeks tinting with pink as he lowered himself, almost hugging the bough he sat atop. “pspspspsps..” ugh, this is so embarrassing. “over here, sora.. gonna need you to inch closer.” he mumbled to the cat, outstretching his hand as far as it could go — which.. was just barely out of reach.
meaning, your feline friend would have to find it in herself to not only put her trust in him, but risk the wood snapping beneath her in an attempt at moving in on him.
a tough decision, indeed.
a frown ghosted the blond’s lips as he curled his fingers toward himself, a gesture to urge the cat to follow. “this is so stupid.. come on, please? y/n’s worried about you.” he pressed, scooting forward, only for the cat to scoot back. just.. great.
cloud let out a groan, nearly tossing his head back, but he didn’t want to risk scaring her. “they’re expecting me to save you, and you’re very important to them — which..” he grumbled, looking away. “means you’re important to me, too.. pay or not.”
something almost seemed to change in sora’s ivy orbs as she blinked up slowly at the other, considering his words — from what he could tell, at least.
you found difficulty in making out their conversation, or well, whatever cloud was trying to tell your cat. it seemed he wanted it kept between her and him.
despite the current situation, you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh into your hand. and he said he wasn’t an animal whisperer.
feeling the tips of his ears redden at the intense stare he was given, the owner of strife delivery service let out a low exhale before reaching his hand out one last time. “come on, y/n has treats waiting for you and somewhere way more comfortable to hang out than.. whatever spot you found here.” he added awkwardly, closing his eyes to receive his rejection once more, only.. it never came.
a low crunching noise filled his ears and his sapphire-mako eyes shot open, finding that sora had shifted closer.. at the expense of the branch she held onto.
panic flooded cloud’s system as lunged forward for the multi-colored cat, stretching one hand out to retrieve her while the other grasped onto the limb he previously sat atop.
the gasp that entered his ears was expected, followed by the noise of surprise you’d let out when he safely caught sora.
when aquamarine met olive, cloud shook his head at the cat in his hands before bringing her close to his chest and allowing himself to drop. “you need to be more careful. you may have nine lives, but i don’t..”
a confused meow, as though the feline was feigning ignorance ( most likely ), had been the only response cloud earned in return for his doings as he felt her cheek nuzzle into his chest. were cats always this bipolar?
with the danger gone, you ran up to your boyfriend, panting in relief at the sight of your furry companion clinging him. “geez, — that nearly gave me a heart attack. you just had to wait till the last minute.. you’re lucky cloud was there!”
sora seemed to lower her ears into something akin to the wings of an airplane before she leaned into her savior more, purring quietly.
the action had you gasping, appalled and yet.. touched at the same time that she had taken a liking to your partner.. unless it was just her being defiant.
still, it made cloud blink, not used to being favored by animals as he sheepishly placed a gloved hand to pet her gently. “um.. maybe just stick to cat condos from now on..” he offered quietly when you peered over at him expectantly.
notes. cloud with kitties will never not be cute — i wish he picked up wedge’s cat like tifa did during the plate fall😭 but it’s fine, edits and art exists.. anyways, i hope you enjoyed anon<3
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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melehound · 9 months
141 + König catch you staring! GN READER!
Cw: a little cursing I got a little mess with this one 💀
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Kyle “gaz” garrick
He’s so cocky 🙄
He thinks his physique is very impressive and he works out a lot (every time he sees a mirror he stands in front of it flexing and checking himself out for 5 straight minutes 💀) so when he catches you staring he feels validated
The second he catches you staring he can’t help but smile like a dork
After that he starts snapping you those shirtless pics in front of his mirror randomly like “whoops didn’t mean to send those to you my bad lol haha 😛” like mf yes you did 💀
John price
He does it on purpose he’s been doing it since you met him he just looks at you to make SURE your watching and then will start working out (he has a makeshift gym in his cold ass basement)
If your in a relationship with him you always know where to find him if he’s not in the bathroom manscaping he’s in his cold ass basement working his ass off
He likes when you watch him work out it makes him feel great about himself and he’ll say something like “I’ve still got it, yeah?” When he catches you staring
John “soap” mactavish
Turns it into a full flexing contest with himself he turns you into his mirror
He really likes to work out he’s not like a gym bro or anything but he likes it enough to do it outside of work biweekly
Sometimes before you pick him up from work he’ll be all sweaty because he wants to take a shower with you after working out but he’s a big fan of sending you shirtless pics with 0 context or warning
You can be in the middle of cooking dinner and he’ll send you like 5 different pictures of him flexing and posing in the gym mirror for absolutely no reason
Simon “ghost” Riley
Genuinely either didn’t know that you stare or he’s doing all this physical stuff in front of you on purpose it could be a mood thing
Like if you walk in on him lifting he’s not worried about you looking but if you were to be hanging out with him and THEN he’d start working out then that’s a sign he wants to see if you’ll stare but it looks like hes the one staring and he’s still wearing his mask so it’s so obvious when he’s staring 👁👁
He’s scaring you a lil bit it turns into a little bit of a staring contest (he almost drops a weight on his foot because he’s not paying attention)
After that he’d try and do what gaz did but he’s a little worried because his old broken decrepit ass phone has such shitty quality but somehow you can see all the scars on his ribs and torso so when he takes shirtless pictures he looks like a red room victim
He also takes so much pride in his body type it makes him feel more confident sometimes he thinks his physique is slipping because of how much he likes to eat
So when he catches you staring he gets a little burst of confidence and maybe he’ll flex at you a little bit MAYBE
But most of his happiness is inward he thinks about it before he goes to sleep that night smiling kicking his feet like a teenage boy and he tried to send you shirtless pics on snap but he was sweating his ass off and his hands were all wet and he chickened out
((✿: “she’s gotta be running out of cute hello kitty stuffed animal headers!” think again mfs))
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fairyhaos · 11 months
how seventeen react to their s/o bringing home a pet
requested by anon: "svt members reaction to you bringing home a pet? (Can change the animal for different members like kitten for wonwoo, puppy for mingyu etc) "
notes: i kinda altered it a bit to pet sitting? bc i just feel like it's a breach of consent (?) for you to bring in a whole entire pet to their lives unannounced lol
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stares at you and the cat in your arms with great scepticism as you beam up at him. you're looking after the cat for your friend while she's away for a couple of days, and seungcheol is very reluctant to call the cat cute for that entire time. he's loyal to kkuma and dogs, you know? does grudgingly admit that he's "not a bad cat" the day you're driving to drop the cat off to your friend. definitely complains about how much hair the cat shed tho
"oh, cool, a dog. did you pick him up off the sidewalk?" unbothered tbh. at least, he pretends to be, but he's then cooing all over the dog that you brought into the house. feeds the dog treats literally every five seconds, subsequently has him in love with him. is offended when you ask him to take the dog on the walk in the evening tho, bc wdym dogs need exercise???? he doesn't need exercise come on can't you take the dog on a walk instead?
the most adorable being he's ever seen is sitting in his room awww!!! oh and you're there too, he supposes. is shocked but mostly just vv soft when he sees you playing with a cute rabbit on his bed bc you'd bought it for your little niece and it had arrived early. pets the bunny for hours, fingers running through the soft fur, and manages to make the rabbit so comfortable in his arms that it falls asleep and just. cannot be woken no matter what you do
almost steps on the tortoise in his absentmindedness until you scream at him to look where he's going. then he's screaming too bc why is there a tortoise in the house?????? watches it with great awe as it walks very slowly around the house. tries to imitate the way it chews the lettuce leaves. asks how tortoise are able to do the deed with a shell on their back, and promptly watches several nature documentaries to find the answer
the snake is out of control when he comes home, and as he sees you desperately trying to untangle the thick green thing from around their curtain pole, he screams and promptly backs out of the room. is shaking with terror the entire three days you're pet sitting the snake for your friend, despite the fact that you don't let the snake out of its glass box for the rest of the time it's here after that initial incident. tells you very seriously that you need to warn him of these things beforehand unless you want him to have a heart attack and die
"oh, when did we get a cat?" is totally chill. loves the adorable kitty that you've brought home for a couple of days to pet sit, bonds with it almost immediately. when the cat meows, he responds back like he knows exactly what the cat is saying to him. by the time your friend gets back, the cat is essentially refusing to part from wonwoo and is literally digging her claws into wonwoo's sweater in an attempt to not leave him. 
takes one look at the hedgehog that's temporarily taking up space in the corner of your room, laughs, and says it's basically the animal form of him. thinks the prickly and adorable little animal is rlly cute, but he's not really home enough to fully be able to spend time with it. takes a couple of pics and sends them to soonyoung tho, pretending that it's a deadly porcupine because honestly, hoshi probably would probably genuinely believe anything he said
"we're not keeping a skunk in the house." "hao, she's not a skunk!" "it has a weird tail and striped markings like a skunk, ergo, it's a skunk." "no!!" is not the most pleased when he comes home to you grinning at him, a ferret sitting on the top of your head. is slightly placated when you tell him you're just taking care of her for a friend who's away. will not touch the ferret, looks over in slight disgust and mild wonder as you play with the animal running up and down your arm. won't let you actually get a pet ferret tho. 
there's a puppy in his apartment omg omg omg!!!! is excited for all of five minutes before he like "hey >:(( you're not replacing me with an actual pup are you??". still gets kinda sad when you tell him you're just pet sitting tho. bonds with the pup so well, is well on the way to replacing your friend as the puppy's actual owner lmao. takes the pup out with him when he goes for a morning run, and is actually really good n diligent at picking up the poop when the dog does its business on the street
he is enamoured oh god. you're not gonna be able to talk to your bf for a good hour bc he's not even gonna notice you're there. is totally fine with pet sitting your friend's dog for a week, and is utterly delighted to find out that the pup knows a few simple tricks. spends hours telling the puppy to roll over and sit and hold out its hand and by the end of it, both the pup and dokyeom are giddy with happiness. nearly cries when you have to say goodbye to the pup, asks your friend if he can pop by to say hi to his new friend sometimes
you adopted a dog without him?????? he literally already owns a dog why would you want to get another one. nods in understanding when you tell him you're pet sitting, pulls up a feeding and walking rota to make sure that the dog has The Best time while staying with you two. lowkey gets really sassy when the dog starts making high pitched barking noises at him for no reason, seems to communicate with the dog crazy well
he stands there confused at the sudden appearance of a fish tank in your living room for a good few minutes. turns out, your uncle is getting his new one fitted at home, but until he can get it fully prepped he needs someone to look after the fish, and that someone had been you. stares in fascination at the fish for a good hour that evening, mesmerised by them moving around. you laugh at him and call him a cat but he can't even deny it because the fish are just so fascinating to look at and honestly, he feels like a cat himself
uhhhh honestly he's really not sure how he should react when he comes home to you staring at a glass box full with a bunch of twigs. it takes him a while to see the stick insect, thinks that maybe he should get his eyes checked out because ten minutes really is too long. it doesn't rlly bother him tbh. does think it's a little frustrating that it's taking him so long to see the insect. double checks and triple checks with you that there's actually an insect in that box and you aren't just messing with him. 
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the 'Kon :)' in the list of things you're pleased about in aeiwam has be EXCITED please tell us more (if you want to)!
Soon after Masaki died, Isshin Kurosaki moved his family. It's mostly because the original clinic didn't feel haunted- if Masaki's spirit were still here, Isshin would know what to do, but instead he felt like his heels were dogged by the hole where she used to be.
It didn't hurt that the new place was larger, in a better school district, and closer to his friend Ryukken. He's almost feeling cheerful about the new place when Ichigo runs up the stairs and from room to room before calling dibs on one, because he's a big kid now and doesn't want to sleep where he has to listen to his dad snoring all night >:(.
Isshin felt slightly less cheerful when he looked out the big window in Ichigo's room to determine if he needs to put up some child safety grates, and realized their new neighbor was a taxidermist.
"I feel like it gives them a sort of dignity- A Life After Life, if you will." she said when he went by to make sure his neighbor was only eccentric and not something out of a horror movie. He wasn't entirely sure which, actually- Ms. Tanaka was an octogenarian with skin like tissue paper and a back like a question mark, but her living room was a veritable zoo of reconstituted animals, many of them former pets, if the number of domestic cats was anything to go by.
"Oh. Yeah!" Isshin grinned, terrified, and was struck by the idea of some goon in the 12th division slavering in the afterlife, desperate for her to shuffle off the mortal coil and bring her undoubted skills with dead bodies to R&D. "We've always been very spiritual people."
(Continued under the readmore)
"Oh, just like the nice young man who used to live in your house!" said Ms. Tanaka, sitting down in her armchair that was adorned by an ostentatious past-tense peacock perched on the back. "Odd fellow. Worked nights, spoke like he was born in the Sengoku Era or something, but very nice."
"He's BEAUTIFUL!" said Ichigo, staring in awe at an enormous Ginger Tabby Cat by the window, mounted in repose on a emerald velvet cat bed. Ms. Tanaka had done an excellent job conveying a sense of benevolent egotism on his whiskered face, but Ichigo's growing fascination with the Macabre was beginning to worry his father- Ichigo had seen the taxidermy stoat in the back window and INSISTED on coming along.
"Isn't he?" beamed Ms. Tanaka. "His name is Bostov! He was my very best friend for many years."
"Wow! Can I pet him?" Ichigo asked, eyes wide with delight.
"Ichigo, that's uh- that's not a real kitty-" Isshin began to sputter.
"Of course he's a real kitty!" Ms. Tanaka laughed, a noise like an ungreased gate. "You can pet him if you're very gentle." Ichigo stroked the deceased animal with exceptional delicacy for an overexcited Kindergartner. "He's so soft!" he gasped.
"Do you like him?" asked Ms. Tanaka.
"I LOVE HIM!" Said Ichigo, cheeks flushed and eyes bright for the first time in months now. Perhaps having a distant relative of the Addams family for a neighbor isn't so bad, if her creepy hobby cheers Ichigo up... Isshin sighed.
"In that case, why don't you take him home with you?" Smiled Ms. Tanaka. "I'm sure he'll be a good friend to you too."
"UH." Isshin blurted out, nearly spilling his tea on a flock of quail under the side-table.
"I have SO MANY friends in my home with me- it's bordering on a fire hazard!" Ms. Tanaka chuckled. "I'd be delighted to send him to a home where he'll be loved. Please- consider him my housewarming present!"
"CAN WE? CAN WE TAKE HIM HOME? PLEASE DAD??PLEEEEEEEASE-!!" Ichigo asked, stars in his eyes.
Isshin froze, horrified at the prospect of having... That. In his house. Watching him. ...and at the same time, completely unwilling to dash his little boy's dreams.
"yEaH oKaY." Isshin grimaced, soaked in a cold sweat.
Bostov The Former Cat was bad enough, but at least the taxidermy beast 'lived' on Ichigo's bedroom dresser and not down in the living room where Isshin would have to look at it's green glass eyes, which seemed to follow him around the room. It wasn't right having a hollow thing in the house like that- any wandering spirit could decide to climb in there! He resolved to have it warded, but Kisuke said he was on a trip to the Caribbean for "Botanical Research" , and wouldn't be back until "After the Big Holiday on the 20th". Isshin hung up the phone, groaned and rubbed his face. It was fairly late, and he was still at the kitchen table, going through all of the licensing paperwork to get the clinic up and running.
"Hey Dad?" Ichigo asked, holding up a small plastic toy. "What's 'Soul Candy'?"
"Soul Cand-?" Isshin frowned, turned to look at the toy and nearly jumped out of his skin, swiping it away from the boy. "WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS? DID YOU EAT ANY??"
"...it was upstairs, in the back of my closet." Ichigo pouted. "-and no, I didn't eat any strange closet candy. I'm not stupid."
"Oh thank the Gods..." Isshin sighed, sitting back down at the table and shaking the small, duck-headed pill dispenser. Empty. "-I'm sorry I yelled Ichigo, but this is Very Dangerous stuff."
Ichigo arched an incredulous Eyebrow at him. "Really? Is this the same kind of dangerous that the half my Halloween candy you confiscated and ate was?"
"Ah- well. No. That was Dad Tax. This is actually dangerous. Here, come sit with me a minute." he pulled out the other chair at the kitchen table. "Remember how I told you about the ghost that lived in my attic when I was your age?"
"The Shinigami?" Ichigo asked.
Isshin did not *enjoy* lying to his children, but a little knowledge was a dangerous thing, and not enough even more so, so he'd concocted a little fantasy to explain why he knew all about ghosts and why the children never saw their grandparents, so he could tell them about the dangers of this world without telling them too much.
"That's right- His name was Kaien Shiba, and he was a Soul Reaper. At night, he'd turn into a ghost and leave his body behind, and go escort spirits to the afterlife or fight hollows." Isshin said. he'd named the fictional soul reaper after his favorite nephew in a fit of inspiration- he'd started telling Ichigo a tale from his days as a Shinigami one night after slightly too many drinks and had to convince Ichigo that that was only a distant acquaintance.
"...Like what killed Mom." Ichigo muttered.
"Um. Yeah." Isshin nodded.
They were silent for a moment.
"-Anyway, the way he turned into a ghost was that he'd swallow one of these little candies that would come in these tubes-" Isshin pulled the duck's head back to show Ichigo the mechanism. "-and Poof! he'd jump out of his body as a ghost so he could use magic to save people! But-there was a little soul inside the candy that would come out and take care of his body while he was away! Like a babysitter, but for his own butt! After a few hours, the little soul would stop working, and Kain would be home to climb back in."
Ichigo blinked at the mechanism, thinking. "So. There's a little person in these candies?"
"If there were any in here, yeah." Said Isshin. "They're not like. Whole people. Just little collages of behaviors and phrases. You know, like the fake voice that talks on the phone when you call to refill a prescription!" Ichigo frowned, considering something. "...There weren't any candies in this thing, were there?" Isshin asked, suspicious.
"No." Said Ichigo, frowning at him. "It'd be really lonely, being just a little soul, stuck in a candy, wouldn't it?" he asked.
"I suppose so, but I don't think the little souls are aware while they're in there. It's like being asleep for them." Isshin shrugged, lying to himself as much as his son about that.
Ichigo still frowned. "...What happens if the candy goes into a body without a soul in it? Like a dead body?" "Huh." Isshin frowned. "I dunno, actually. I guess the little soul would run around and operate it for a while, until it faded out, like it did with a normal body?"
Ichigo nodded, still preoccupied.
"Why?" Isshin tried.
"...No reason." Ichigo muttered, kicking his little feet. "Just thinking."
"Alright. Promise me if you find anything else weird or see any random candies to not touch them and tell me right away, okay?"
"Yeah okay." Ichigo nodded, only sort of paying attention. "I'm gonna go to bed. G'night dad." he muttered, getting up from the table and handing the dispenser to Isshin before giving him a quick hug and stomping up the stairs.
Isshin watched him go, aching a bit. I wondered how old he was gonna be when he started keeping secrets from me. He sighed, looking down at the Soul Candy Dispenser. Not that I'm being a Paragon of Honesty for him to follow...
"GIRLS? ICHIGO? HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN MY STETHOSCOPE?" Isshin hollered, searching fruitlessly under the couch cushions.
"NO!" Hollered Karin from where she and Yuzu were playing in the small front yard.
"THANKS GIRLS!" he called back stomping up the stairs. Ichigo was at karate- he'd finally returned to classes, or at least, Tatsuki had finally physically dragged him back into the Dojo. "Man I hope I didn't put it through the washing machine-" he muttered, opening the door to the boy's room and started searching through the basket of laundry on his bed.
Isshin stopped, and stood up, frowning around the room. Something was off.
Ichigo was a tidy boy, somehow, and his room was usually in order save for whatever video game he had out to play and the bed he never made but... Isshin turned fully around trying to figure out what was off before his eyes finally landed on the top of the Dresser.
The Emerald Green Velvet Cat bed, home of Bostov The Cat, was empty.
"Did he take the cat out of the bed to play with?" Isshin wondered aloud, hoping that that, and not several other horrible scenarios, was what was happening. He could hear Karin and Yuzu giggling through the window, and he peeked down at them- they appeared to be having a tea party on the thin strip of grass, and the guest of honor amongst the dolls and stuffed animals was a familiar-looking ginger tabby. "Oh! The GIRLS took him out to play with." he sighed with relief, leaning against the window to watch them.
...and watch a strange man approaching down the street, who stopped at the garden fence. Isshin frowned- maybe he was just watching the girls play, in a normal, wholesome way like he was doing right now. ...or he could be taking candy out of his pocket and waving the girls to come through the gate.
Isshin jumped on the bed, tore open the window with such force it jumoed out of it's track and was halfway out to jump down at the man from the second floor when the most EXTRAORDINARY thing happened.
Bostov, Who by all accounts had been deceased for the better part of a decade and was made of little more than a skin and some glass stretched over a wood-and-cotton frame, Suddenly leapt up from his chair, claws and teeth drawn like swords and leapt upon the man, battering him visciously with a stream of einvective so foul it made Isshin's barrack-hardened linguistic sensibilities blush, before chasing him back down the street like a short, furious, ass-seeking missile.
"GIRLS!" he shouted, jumping down anyway. "-ARE YOU OKAY?"
"DON'T GET MAD AT ICHIGO OR KON!!" Shouted Yuzu, tears in her eyes.
"...ichigo or who?" Isshin blinked.
"Way to spill the beans, Yuzu." Karin groaned. "Yeah Dad, we're FINE- Kon was here, he'll beat the crap out of anything."
"Who's Kon?" Isshin repeated.
"HEY DAD." Shouted Ichigo, skidding into the garden in his karate gi, and out of breath, clutching an unconvincingly stiff Mr. Bostov under his arm. "SO. UH- WELL MR. BOSTOV CAN MOVE NOW. FOR SOME REASON."
"Uh-huh?" Isshin glared at the cat, who glanced away nervously. "Why do you think that is?"
"...it's a Christmas Miracle?" Tried Ichigo.
"Ichigo, it's fucking April." groaned Karin.
"...Passover?" tried Ichigo.
"-This wouldn't have anything to do with that Soul Candy Dispenser you found, would it?"
"uhhhhhhh..." said Ichigo. Honesty might not have been one of the boy's virtues, but at least he was a terrible liar.
"Yeah, actually, Kon's like. the first thing to make me laugh since. Well." Mumbled Karin, plodding over to Isshin's other leg and leaning heavily on him. "Please? he's weird, but he's a good guy."
Isshin sighed, then glared back down at the cat. "Alright. Who are you?" he demanded.
Ichigo and the formerly immobile cat glanced at each other and the feline unfolded as Ichigo set him down, shaking himself out and sitting on the walkway.
"So, uh- Hi. My name's Kon. Kon Bostov, if you wanna be formal, in honor of the beast whose body I currently inhabit." He nodded, waving a paw evocatively. "-And, uh. Well, how much do you know about the afterlife?"
"-Being from a long line of psychic mediums and prone to hauntings, my parents rented out our attic to a Shinigami when I was a child, and he told me pretty much everything." Said Isshin, and Kon winced. "So. Is 'Kon' short for 'Mod Konpaku'?"
"Ehh... well, Yeah." Kon winced. "-But hey! It wasn't my idea to be cooked up in a lab by some maniac and then put to death minutes later for something I didn't even do!" he snarled, fur bristling.
"What?" asked Karin.
"Kids I- Look, I didn't mean to lie, there just wasn't a good time to bring it up but. Technically, I'm wanted by the law. I'm an artificial soul created for battle to be put into dead bodies, but literally four and a half minutes after I woke up, the soul society- where all the Shinigami are from- condemned me to die, because they didn't like how strong some of the other Mod Souls were. I managed to roll myself off of the table and into a box of normal bodyminders to hide, Got put in a dispenser and then the shinigami that had been here accidentally left me behind." Kon explained.
"COOL!" Shouted Karin.
"NOT COOL. BAD!" Shouted Isshin. "Okay, okay I- I mean you're right, I never- I mean, the way Kaien told it, the whole Mod Soul program was pretty shady and it sounded really unfair. But why would a Shinigami just leave an important and dangerous tool lying around?"
"...I don't know how much spiritual sense you have my guy, but this town doesn't have a Hollow problem so much as the Hollowpocalylse goin' on." Kon grimaced. "-I really hope that guy's okay, he seemed pretty cool from what I could tell. I don't actually remember hearing him get called back to soul society." Kon muttered. "-Anyway, about three weeks ago, your brother found me in the dispenser in the back of his closet and put my candy body into this taxidermy cat, and I've been hanging out with the kids since then! You know, like a cat is supposed to do!"
Isshin stared blankly at Kon. The girls hugged his legs, lips wobbling, but he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, firming up his resolve- no matter how nice he seemed, a Mod Soul was a dangerous thing- and one crafty enough to live right under his nose for the better part of a month? No, absolutely n-
Isshin opened his eyes to see Ichigo had picked up Kon, cradling the cat to his tiny body, eyes wide and beginning to glisten with tears.
"...Ah. What the hell. You make the kids laugh." Isshin sighed, and all four cheered, thanking him profusely and promising to be extra-good and take good care of Kon- "But you put so much as a Whisker out of line and you're in deep trouble, got it?" Isshin leaned into the cat's face, scowling menacingly and shaking his finger at Kon.
"Understood sir!" Kon Saluted. "So when's dinner? Ichigo's been sneaking me scraps but I could really go for some chicken, or maybe ham-" he asked, tail thrashing excitedly.
"You can eat?" Isshin asked. "I thought you were all... Whatever they stuff taxidermy animals with?"
"-Might've been, but I'm all complete now? Fluff, guts, claws-the works!" Kon shrugged, hopping up on Isshin's shoulder. "-Between you an' me, I ain't even neutered! But that ain't a problem- Plenty of hot pussy around, if you know what I mean, especially that sweet little tuxedo bobtail just up the street- Me-YOW, huh?"
"Oh gods." Groaned Isshin, covering his face. "What am I letting into my house?"
"An intact male cat is called a 'Tom' Dad." Karin called over her shoulder.
"Alright Kon, a few rules- No more swearing in front of the kids, no bringing ladies around the house and for goodness sake DON'T TELL ANYONE YOU'RE HERE!" Isshin snarled at him.
"Alright, alright!" Kon sighed, rolling his eyes. "Out of curiosity though- What rank was your guy Kaien?"
"Hm?" Isshin asked.
"Only that I thought only the captains and a few lieutenants ever knew about project Spearhead." Kon glanced at Isshin, arching an orange-striped brow at him. "-funny thing, having a seated officer doing routine patrols, isn't it?"
"I dunno?" Shrugged Isshin, trying to keep his shoulders from tensing up, "-He didn't actually tell me all that much about how the soul society is governed."
"Huh." Kon nodded, smirking just a bit. "Interestin' guy, this Kaien. You should tell me about him sometime!"
"KOOOOONN!" Yuzu called. "My Dollie's shoe got under the fridge!"
"Coming Sweetie!" Kon called, jumping off Isshin's shoulder to reach his skinny little cat arm under the fridge and swat the missing accessory out from under the appliance. Yuzu applauded with delight and hugged him, laughing for the first time in ages.
Isshin watched them play for a bit and sighed. He not a bad guy, this Kon. All the same- Isshin took out his phone and dialed a number.
"~Urahara Shoten, home of Karkura Town's finest Candies, Cell Phones and Card Games! I'm on sabbatical 'til the end of the month or so, so if it's an emergency, hang up and call the Kurosaki Clinic! Or die! If it's not an emergency, leave me a message with what you need and I'll hook you up when I get back! Bye!~" Urahara's voicemail recording sing-sang over the line.
"Kisuke. It's me, Isshin. You will not fucking believe what my kids found in the new house. Call me as soon as you get back."
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jayjj7 · 5 months
chapter 7. helping (half written)
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a/n: thank you for 300 followers omg❤️
hanni and haerin arrive at the vet that you work out in a panic not knowing what’s wrong with haerins cat, kitty. haerin is holding kitty close to her chest like one would hold an infant. kitty had been throwing up regularly for the past week but after some medication you prescribed her it stopped, though it was a very small amount because you just suspected kitty just had a stomach ache. hanni, still panicked, was calmer than haerin; she still thinks kitty is fine and just needed more medication.
as they both walk in they are greeted by a lady sitting down peacefully on one of the waiting chairs, 7 vacant leashes in hand. hanni and haerin look around, confused as to why no one is at the reception. but because this was like a second home to the both of them because of how often they’ve visited you on your breaks, they weren’t patient.
“hello?” haerin tries to draw your attention towards her.
“y/n! kitty needs help!” hanni shouts leaning over the counter hoping to make her voice heard.
haerin slightly slaps hannis arm, offended.
“don’t say that, kitty is okay” haerin scolds while petting kitty’s head in comfort.
hearing your name being called after ryo and tae arrived to help with the dogs felt like a call from heaven. an excuse to leave you explain to the boys, “okay dani is coming with the gloves, i’ll be right back to help you all” you jog out of the room. you recognized hannis voice but you assumed it was nothing important and it was just another time she stopped by to say hi.
as you jog to the reception you bump into danielle, throwing you off balance towards the wall, which she quickly holds you by both arms so you don’t fall.
“oh my god i’m sorry!” danielle stares at you, hoping to not irritate you.
“it’s fine, go help the boys with the dogs” you don’t even hold eye contact with her as you leave her grasp and make your way to the front.
“hey what’s going on?” you ask slightly out of breath.
“kitty won’t stop throwing up and i ran out of the medicine you gave her!” haerin looks at kitty while explaining to make sure her cat isn’t distressed.
“oh uh okay,” you’re kind of shocked by this as you thought the medicine given to kitty would stop the sickness.
“here, ill take her into the back and run a few tests but that’ll be a $50 copay” you wince, feeling bad charging your dear friend.
“yeah okay here” haerin doesn’t hesitate as she hands you kitty before inserting her card to pay.
in the inspection room you start off by getting kitty some water and writing down any observations. you decided to place some food for her to eat and see any reactions she may have. after serving the food, all kitty does is sit there and stare at you instead of approaching the food. this happens for several minutes. no matter what you do, she won’t eat.
“maybe dani knows what to do?”
you leave the room to find dani washing the dogs with the boys.
“dani can you come here for a second?”
danielle mouths a ‘thank you’ as she takes her hairnet and gloves off before throwing them away after leaving the room.
as you both arrive to the room where kitty was left, you explain the situation to her. danielle hums in confusion as she listens while kitty is cuddling up to her.
“mmm..? how about this?” she walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a can all the way in from the back before opening said can. danielle picks up kitty in her arms and holds the different kind of food to her while she speaks sweetly to kitty, trying to convince her to eat the food.
confused and somewhat annoyed, you cross your arms thinking that danielle won’t be of any help until kitty eats the food with no concerning reactions.
danielle looks at you and smiles.
“maybe kitty doesn’t like the food her owner gives her, i mean she’s not throwing up. she’s almost finished the food!” danielle laughs as kitty continues eating. you can tell danielle loves her job and every animal she treats. it’s heartwarming seeing her care for animals and the smile on her face after she’s found a solution to a problem.
“she’s also over due for a shot so we should take care of that” she says in a more serious tone while handing kitty over to you after kitty had ate all her food.
you’ve been through this process before: hold the animal in a comfortable yet secure position so that it’s not only hard for them to leave your grasp but also comfortable enough for them to relax. all while someone else injects the medication into the animal. simple enough.
“okay ready? one two three” danielle whispers as she inserts and injects the needle into kitty…or so she thought.
“wow did you even give it to her? it’s almost like she didn’t fee-woah” your amusement was cut short as you feel the medicine being poured into you. your hand was under kitty’s stomach so it was hidden, danielle must’ve not seen your hand and injected the medicine into you instead of kitty.
“oh my god y/n!”
in a slump, tired, and exhausted manner, you hand over kitty back to haerin. “turns out she doesn’t like the…food…you give her” your voice is almost a whisper as you talk with noticeable pauses in between words.
“what? kitty!” haerin takes her cat back in disbelief.
“i told you it was nothing” hanni groans and she holds haerins shoulder.
you lean on the counter with your head facing down and hold up a thumbs up. “she was…due for her shots so we…gave her it-to her” you stumble.
“thank you y/n! see you later!” haerin thanks as she walks out with hanni, both of them waving to you.
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midnightlizard · 3 months
Kara Danvers x gn!spidey! reader
Love square
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Summary: Kara loves the reader, but they're in love with Supergirl. None of them knows who the other secretly is. (it's basically the miraculous plot if you've ever seen it)
Warnings: nothing really. Reader has Spiderman powers but the superhero name (Y/S/N) is not specified
Word count: 5080
It was a quiet night out in the streets, you already swung over the city a couple of times looking for people getting robbed, attacked or even murdered. But to everyone's luck, except maybe yours, National City was very peaceful tonight.
Hanging from a streetlight, you were pondering ending your patrol and just going back to bed, until you noticed something small moving out of the corner of your eye.
It didn't trigger your senses but you still decided to get on the ground to check it out.
What seemed to be now a small animal shierked away from the sudden movement, hiding under a bench.
Looking through the cracks of the wood you saw a pair of yellow eyes looking back at you.
"come here kitty, come come" you knelt on the cement, trying to get it to come to you. Surprisingly enough, it slowly advanced, coming out to sniff your outstretched fingers.
"oh sorry baby I have no food with me" but thankfully the cat didn't seem to mind, as it started headbutting your hand in search of cuddles. Now that it was under the light you could see its black fur and white spots, that made it look like it had socks on and a mustache.
"ahw look at you, you're so cute!" he wasn't wearing a collar, but you could tell he was a boy.
Between finding the best place to pet him and thinking how you could sneak him into your apartment at this hour without anyone noticing, you suddenly felt a shiver run down your spine and heard a gunshot a second later.
"sorry baby, got to go" you hurriedly said, and the cat almost seemed to miss your touch as you sprung into action, shooting a web at the nearest building and launching yourself into the air, swinging towards the sound.
When you arrived, not too long after, all you could see was a big red cape twirling around and three men around it.
There she was, the girl of steel, in all of her glory, fighting bad guys and not breaking a sweat. They didn't seem too dangerous and you both knew she could handle them herself. But that way you wouldn't get a chance to flirt with her.
You silently crawled the walls, as to not alert the men, and with every bad guy she sent flying into the air, you trapped them with your webs.
"what took you so long?" she asked, removing dust from her hands.
"I was with a kitty! I came as soon as I heard" you leaned close to her face "why, you missed me?"
"not a chance spidey" she put a hand on your cheeck and turned your head the other way. "where is the woman?" she took a step back, searching around. When her gaze turned to you, she saw your head tilted to the side in confusion, and decided to explain.
"there was a woman with them, they were trying to rob her, I jumped in but she must have escaped. Did you not see anyone on your way here?"
Even tho she couldn't see it, you smiled and shook your head "sorry beautiful, but you're the only woman I see" that made her groan out loud, though you knew she wasn't seriously bothered by it.
Since the moment you two met, you were instantly drawn to the blonde, to the confidence in her steps and the undeniable sweetness of her heart, and the fact that she was gorgeous was definitely a plus.
And from the first moment you decided to make it clear, you were never one to hide your feelings no matter the nature, hence the constant flirting.
Unfortunately, she never seemed to return the sentiment, turning you down every single time claiming she already had someone in her heart.
"I need to take them to the police station" she replied, ignoring the flattery "wanna help me bug?"
"You know" you started, already attatching two of the men on your back "for someone who insists on refusing me, you sure like using pet names"
You didn't give her time to reply when you gave her a mask covered kiss on the cheeck "race you there sweetheart" and with that, you started swinging, leaving her to scoff and pick up the remaining criminal.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, with only a couple of people speeding at a red light, but you weren't a traffic vigilante, so you didn't intervene.
- - -
It was almost five a.m. when you got back to your apartment. You went to check on your phone, not really expecting anyone to text you during the night. Much to your surprise, someone did.
Two hours ago, almost at the time you met supergirl, Kara texted you. It was nothing really, she just said how excited she was for your lunch plans for tomorrow, but it still made you laugh that she felt the need to say that in the middle of night.
Throwing your phone back on the nightstand, you took your suit off and got into bed, trying to get as much sleep as possible, to not look like a zombie in front of your friend.
- - -
Turns out, she looked just as sleepy as you. In fact, as soon as you two sat down at noonas, she let out a big yawn, covering her mouth with her hand "sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" she apologized, light blush on her cheeks.
"oh I believe it" you said, picking up the menu "with texting me in the middle of the night and stuff"
Had you not been so focused on what to order, you probably would have noticed the darker shade of red that took over her face. "yea I was uhm, I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about it"
"We could have met another day, I wouldn't want you to fall asleep on me" you stated jokingly but she instantly started shaking her head.
"No! No, I mean, we haven't seen each other in a long time and I wanted to see you. Besides, I'm fine, really"
You almost wanted to laugh at her eagerness, she always managed to look cute without ever trying to. While on the other side of the table, Kara felt so embarrassed she wanted to fly away and never come back.
You resumed talking after the waiter came for your orders "You wanted to see me? You need something?"
yea to be your girlfriend.
"No it's, it's about next week's game night" she seemed to take a breath, pondering her next words "I was wondering if you could come earlier to uh, to help me prepare"
You squinted your eyes at her request, she never wanted any help setting things up, and she always ordered take out so it's not like she needed help in the kitchen.
Taking your silence as an answer, she started fidgeting with her hands. "Yea you're probably busy sorry, don't know why I-"
Kara stopped mid sentence, feeling your hand on hers. "No it's okay hun of course I can, I was just confused." she just nodded, raising her free hand to adjust her glasses.
When your food arrived, you removed your hand and the blonde immediately missed your warmth.
Nothing special happened after that, except for Kara blushing one too many times for her liking.
Once you two finished she had to excuse herself to run back to the office, before Cat would notice she's late. She went to reach for her purse but you stopped her, wrapping your hand gently around her wrist.
"Today it's on me beautiful"
If she hadn't felt her knees buckle at the petname and at your smile, she probably would have been more stubborn; instead Kara just hangs with her mouth open and nods, quickly running away.
- - - -
As soon as she entered the building, she was told by an intern that Cat was looking for her, so with a heavy sigh she ran into her office.
"Is the article I asked you last week-" she asked as soon as Kara got in, sending the blonde a slight glare "finally ready?"
Kara pushed her glasses up "Yes miss Grant, I just need to fix the layout" and she was about to add something, but the breaking news report displayed on the big screens behind Cat caught both of their attention. It was about a bank robbery (Y/S/N) alone just thwaterd.
With an intrigued glint in her eyes, the CEO turned her head to face her employee. "amusing, isn't it? Just a few months ago we all thought they were just Supergirl's side kick, turns out they're equals."
Hearing a scoff coming out from the blonde, she raised an eyebrow "you don't think so, Keera?"
"Of course they're a hero and they're saving people but they're definitely not like Supergirl" taking her boss' silence as a question she continued, and the words left her mouth before she could ponder them.
"Supergirl is serious and wants to get it over as quickly and as efficiently as possible, but they always plays around and get distracted constantly, and they're not serious at all."
"You seem to know a lot about them" she leaned forward, with her arms on her desk, and not caring about the blonde's stuttered excuse, she shrugged her shoulders "well considering you and supergirl are basically best friends"
Kara found a way to get out of this situation "yea she talked to me about them a coup-"
"I want to interview them. Give your current article to Jim or Finn," who was probably Winn "and get me that interview as soon as possible. They've never been in a real interview so it will be a scoop."
Knowing she couldn't even try to argue with the CEO, she nodded her head "you'll have it miss Grant" and got out of her office.
- - -
"what do I do Alex? It's not like I can go as Supergirl and ask them, they'll know something is up and will probably figure out who I am."
Unlike for (Y/S/N), where no one knew who they were, a lot of people knew who Supergirl was, and Kara thought it would be better if no more people knew about her other identity, and that meant hiding from you too, both of you.
"You're giving them a lot credit, I thought you thought they were dumb?" Alex asked with a small smile on her lips.
The kryptonian raised her head from the couch of her apartment, where it was previously buried, and looked at her sister with a frown. "They annoy me because they play around too much and constantly flirt with me but I never said they were dumb, they're actually really smart, and a good hero."
Alex has worked a lot with you so Kara knew she was just joking, but for some reason she still felt the need to defend you. The agent looked at the blonde before suggesting her idea "what if I ask them? They know you're my sister and it wouldn't be weird that I want to help you with your super demanding boss."
"mhh yea, that could work." a soft smile appeared on her lips "Thanks Alex"
Alex just nodded, waving her hand around dismissively. "More importantly," she started again, with a glint in her eyes that made Kara fear of what she was going to say "how did it go with (Y/N)? Are you two a thing yet?"
She started laughing as soon as she heard her sister's loud groan. "ugh I knew you were gonna ask that"
"you didn't tell them, did you?" Alex leaned her arm on the backrest of the couch, leaning her head on her arm.
"I mean I tried to" she glared at her sister's laugh, but she knew she couldn't really blame her "I just, stutter so much around them they must think I'm stupid"
"Ahw I'm sure they don't Kara" she stopped her teasing to reassure the kryptonian "first of all, you two are friends before anything else, second of all they're such a sweet guy they'd never think of you like that"
She stopped for a second, seeing the hopeful gaze in her sister's eyes "and most importantly, I'm sure they like you back, with all the pet names they give you."
"that doesn't mean anything, they call everyone by a nickname"
"you're the only one they call beautiful or pretty or honey or sweetheart or-"
"okay I get I get it" the flustered blonde hid her head between the pillows of the couch, face red from the tip of the nose to the top of the ears, just by thinking of all the times you called her any of these names.
"I mean...(Y/S/N) uses those on me too" the kryptonian resumed, and for some reason the blush didn't leave her cheeks.
- - -
Two days later, you sprinted from your house all the way to the D.E.O. and landed on the balcony, running to find Alex.
You started looking around, the big screens that often showed info about the mission were turned off with no one around, but that's not what caught your attention. Supergirl was nowhere in sight, she must have been called in too right? Unless she couldn't come.
When you noticed dark brown hair sitting at a chair from afar, you got into the director's office, probably breaking the handle with the sheer force you used.
Alex turned her head to look at you.
"What's going on Alex? Where's Supergirl? Is she okay?" The agent got up from her seat to face you.
"Calm down (Y/S/N), she's fine nothing happened" she reassured you "I just need your help with something"
Even though she couldn't see your face, frustration could be heard from your tone. "Nothing happened? You sent me a 911 signal" your shourlders slumped.
"yea because I need your help now"
You loudly groaned, though you were mostly grateful nothing serious happened, especially to Supergirl. "What do you need short Danvers?"
Making fun of her was a privilege you could only have while wearing your suit, given you were normally afraid of her.
Knowing you had the upper hand with your powers, and that it was all just playful teasing, she let it go, voicing her need. "My sister needs to get her boss an interview with you and she knows I work with you and supergirl so she asked for my help"
You opened your mouth to agree but closed it right after, thinking you could get something out of this too. "If I agree to the interview-"
"oh my god" Alex rolled her eyes "I'm not getting Supergirl to go on a date with you"
You loudly laughed at that, everyone knew where your head was at. "that's not what I was going to say!" you took a brief pause "but if that's what your offering..."
She crossed her arms, raising her brow, successfully shutting you up.
"I want to know who she-"
"definitely not" she interrupted you.
"oh come on, why not?" you move your hands in the air "you know who she is, John knows who she is, even Winn knows!"
"It's just safer this way spider, don't argue with me" her excuse didn't really hold up but you let it go for now, it should be Supergirl's call after all.
"fine" you rolled you eyes. And besides, "when's the interview?" you couldn't say no to Kara.
- - -
The next day you were on the roof of CatCo, your legs dangling off the edge.
"oh good you're here" you turned around at the sound of Kara's voice.
"your sister said you needed me" you got closer to her.
"yes hi" she replied quickly "but I will not be the one doing the interview, my boss Cat will" she glanced at the door. "but I need to tell you a few things first"
With a confused look, not that she could see it, you shrugged your shoulders, letting her go on "okay first" she took a big breath, speaking rapidly after that "do not let her drag you into her office, she will have the upper hand and you will not be able to withold information. Second, do not answer any personal life question, no matter how useless you think they are, she could always use them to find out who you really are. Third, don't even think-"
"with all due respect, my lady" you stopped her rant with your hands on her shoulders, and she regained her breath with a slight glare. The reason for it was unkown to you. "I am the superhero between us, so I know what I can and can't say"
And she didin't have time to rebut when she suddenly heard heels clicking their way up the stairs, making her jump away from you.
"Keera, glad to see you were able to do what I asked"
"isn't it Kara?" you spoke loudly, faking innocence, wanting to correct the older woman without being too obvious.
The woman gave you look, but didn't say anything. "can you leave us alone?" she turned to the reporter "I'd like to interview them alone"
- - -
The interview went well, you think, you didn't say anything about yourself and ended up following Kara's instructions. You thought about telling her how it went, but as you got to her desk you noticed her bag and jacket were gone.
"where did Kara go?" you stopped Winn is his steps, knowing he wouldn't be surprised by your presence.
"oh she went home early. She had a thing with (Y/N)- a friend" he corrected himself, thinking you wouldn't know them.
You forrowed your brows, but when your eyes landed on the clock hung on the wall you felt a shiver run down your spine. You were very late. You should have been at Kara's huose over half an hour ago.
You let out an exasperated sigh, "great- uh, I have to- I have to go now. I''l see you at- the DEO...soon?"
Winn only looked at you weirdly but he didin't have time to respond before you patted his shoulder and jumped out of the window, drawing some curious looks.
If Winn didin't know about your crush for supergirl, he'd probably thing you were jelous of yourself.
- - -
After picking up the backpack you left in one of the allies near Catco, you quickly put on some clothes, hiding your suit. You run up the stairs to Kara's apartment, frantically knocking on her door, still breathless and with your hair messy.
She had been pacing around the room for quite a while now so she quickly opened the door to your apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late love, I had a work thing and I thought about getting you something but it would have just been worse so I didn't"
You tried to explain, but to be honest her mind was still on how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed and how you breathlessly called her "love".
"oh it's fine. It doesn't matter now" she said letting you in, closing the door behind you.
"why? I thought you wanted help with something?" you shrugged your coat off, standing in the middle of the room. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around, your eyes meeting Alex's.
"hi, I didn't know you were coming here earlier too" you said, going in for a hug.
"she didn't come here early" Kara answered with a light edge to her tone, going into the kitchen.
"did you forget?" Alex whispered, and her tone wasn't as harsh, but it did sound like she wanted to scold you. It couldn't have been that serious, right?
You shook your head "no I told her I got caugth up in-" James knocking on the door stopped you, and soon after everyone else was there.
- - -
The night was going on smoothly, except for the fact that Kara didn't seat next to you like always, and she was persistent on avoiding your gaze, even tho you could feel her looking at you from time to time. She seemed to fidget more with her hands than usual, so you were sure something was up.
Thinking that asking Alex was not an option, you leaned towards Lena, whispering in her ear when it wasn't her turn to play.
"you know what's wrong with Kara?" she subtly turned to look at you, her lips in a thin line, she didn't need to look at her best friend to know what was going on inside her head.
"she's been like this all night, did she tell you anything?" you pleaded
Said blonde jumped up from the couch, claiming she was going to get another round of snacks and went into the kitchen. The Luthor gave you a nod, silently prompting you to follow the kryptonian, and as you got up to do so, you felt another pair of eyes on you.
You quietly made your way over, Kara's back facing you while she got herself a glass of water.
"uh are you okay?" you uttered, leaning on the counter so you could see her face "I noticed you were acting a bit..strange" you lowered your head, but she was once again avoiding looking at you, using her glass as a distraction.
"did something happen at work?" you met Cat, so you woulnd't be surprised "or-" you gulped, you'd hate to be the reason why she was acting like this "-are you mad I got here late?"
She slammed the glass back on the counter letting a few drops spill out, surprising herself when it didn't break. Kara took a deep breath, before replying "I'm not mad at you, (Y/N)" but it was really hard to believe it.
"okay, then what is it?" you got closer, putting your hand on hers, so she would look at you, and she did. The reporter raised her head, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth agape, as if she was thinking on what to say. But when nothing came up she resumed to looking at your conjoined hands.
Kara could feel her wrist burning from your hold, and all the whispers and heartbeats she could hear from the other room prevented her from thinking.
"come with me"
You followed her closely, making up a stupid excuse on why you're exiting the apartment, even if none of your friends seemed surprised.
Kara brought you all the way to the roof, and still hasn't uttered a word. And you let her, giving her time.
But after a minute of silence and her pacing around you got in front of her, making her almost bump into you.
"Kara" You called "it's just me. What's going on?"
You smiled in reassurance, but she just forrowed her brows, letting out a big sigh. That wasn't much you could do to help her if she didn't talk unfortunately, you could only look at her.
Look at how her hair was slowly coming out of her ponytail due to the wind, how her eyebrows were so close together you were surprised she hasn't got a headache yet, and how her eyes seemed darker under this light.
And this sight was so familiar, but it didn't feel like you were looking at Kara, not really.
"I know what you want to tell me" you breathed out, and the fact she was looking at your lips is probably the only reason why she was able to hear you.
"you do?"
"yea" you smiled, shaking your head in disbelief "I can't believe I was so blind"
She felt her cheeks heat up, but her heart fell right out of her chest with your next words.
"you're Supergirl"
The super profusely tried to deny it, claiming you drank too much or had a wide imagination. Even going as far as commenting "I wish"
"oh" you raised your brows "so you don't have super strength, laser eyes, ice breath, and you can't fly?"
"no oh my god I could never be her" she let out a shaky laugh, adjusting the glasses on her nose, you couldn't believe they deceived you for such a long time.
You started walking around, getting closer to the edge "mhh you're right, I just thought because you're blonde you might be her" you reasoned, pointing to your hair.
"not the only blonde in National City" she replied and shrug her shoulders, hoping you would just drop the subject, the idea of expressing her feelings long gone.
"such a shame" you were able to see Kara turning on her heels in your peripheral vision "I really hope the real Supergirl comes to my rescue then"
She couldn't have spun her head around faster, but you were already out of sight, falling down the building.
The kryptonian shouted your name, jumping off the edge using her powers. When she couldn't see you anywhere she started panicking even more.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?"
"behind you, beautiful" You were smirking with your arms crossed, your feet glued to the wall, steadily keeping you in place.
"what were you thinking about, jumping like that, you could have died, how are you even-" she said it all in one breath, stopping only when a look of realization took over her face.
"I've never seen Kara so pissed at me, it's new"
She let out a big groan, and not sparing you another glance, she got back onto the roof, you following after her.
"were you ever planning on telling me?" she squinted her eyes
"I mean, were you? You and your sister always made sure to tell me how I should keep my identity a secret"
"that's different, I didn't know it was you" she knew she wasn't making any sense, but her brain wasn't working properly at the moment, her heart still hasn't recovered from the scare you gave her, and she had so many things to process.
"come here" you took both of her hands in yours, bringing her closer to you. "I know who you are and you know who I am, doesn't that just mean we can trust each other more?" you offered, running your thumbs along the skin, effectively calming her down.
"I've always trusted you, even when I didn't know who was hiding behind the mask"
"oh, oh I'm sorry" her smile turned into a face of confusion "is it Kara or Supergirl talking? because I know Supergirl would never say something so sweet to me" that earned you a slap to the shoulder.
She rolled her eyes "shut up I take it back, we both think you're annoying"
But you didn't laugh with her, something else occupying your thoughts.
"do you like me, Kara?" you took a step closer, and she didn't have it in herself to take a step back. "you always say it's useless to flirt because there's someone else in your heart and I never asked, but now I'm asking you" you took a brief pause "do you like me?"
She sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to you anymore, so she slightly nodded, curling her eyebrows.
"but you like Supergirl"
"you are Supergirl" you answered matter of factly, but you had a feeling you knew what she was getting at.
"I like her because she has the biggest heart I have ever seen, she' s passionate about her job, both of her jobs, I love how her cape bounces around as she walks and how she can't seem to keep her glasses from falling off"
You brought your hand up her chin, making her look at you, while your other hand adjusted said glasses.
"I've always liked you Kara, all of you, I just thought of this part of you too much of a friend to notice"
Kara was totally hanging from your lips at this point, not only because she was looking at them.
You leaned your head down as she circled the hand that held her face.
"can I kiss you?" you murmured, making her nod vigorously.
It only took you half a second to close the distance, and you instantly felt Kara reciprocating the kiss, moving her lips against yours in an almost desperate demeanor. Her other hand gripped your shirt to pull you closer and when she felt you fingers on her sweater she gasped lightly.
you broke the kiss after a minute with a bite to her bottom lip, making her let out another small sound and left her chasing after you.
She blinked quickly a few times after she recovered, a deep blush still present on her cheeks. "I like you, too" the blonde replied breathlessly and slowly lowered her hands, not sure what to do with them.
"yea i guessed that" you teased, stealing another kiss.
Soon after that you two decided to head back, after Kara told you everyone knew she was planing on telling you today, and thanking you for the interview.
When you got back into the apartment everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at you.
"so, did you two kiss?" it was of course Winn who broke the silence, voicing all of their thoughts. You looked over at Kara, and seeing her flushed face, you decided to answer, nodding.
"and I know she's Supergirl" you added, trying to ease the mild akwardness
"and I know you're (Y/S/N)" she retorted, not realizing what she said until she heard gasps all over the small apartment
"Kara!" you tightened your grip on her hand for a second, but she could see you weren't really annoyed. Various confused questions followed your statement, Alex's voice sounding above them
"so, the person who likes to make fun of me and never does as I say" she crossed her arms, letting her lips curve into a smirk as she watched you get behind the krytponian, now aware of the strenght she possessed.
"you know, you should probably focus on something else" you spoke up from behind Kara's shoulder, while gripping the end of her sweater "why don't we go back to the game, you were winning right? isn't it right Kara?"
Said woman smiled at your antics, playfully rolling her eyes "let them go Alex, you can torture them another day"
"no she can't" you tried to argue, but the brunette was already off to get another bear from the fridge.
You suddenly felt the sweater slipping away from your grip, and lowered your head to find Kara now looking at you, with a small smile on her lips.
"come on, let's go play" she pulled on your hand, making you follow her.
She did seat next to you now, still stealing glances when she thought you wouldn't notice, and instantly looking down every time you caught her.
Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist
General Masterlist
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 8 months
So like Kafka with a s/o who has cat ears and tail 👉👈
Kafka x Catgirl! Reader
☆ Female Reader that has cat ears and tail ☆
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽
Oop maybe I went too far- sorry-
Tw: slight yandere Behavior
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽
!! Not comfy with men will block on interaction !!!
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• Aww, the moment Kafka saw you, she knew you would be hers, Like who would pass up the opportunity to take a cute little kitty home! You practically looked starved and unhappy with your life, a kitty like you doesn't deserve to be treated like that, you need an owner who would care and love you!
• So who can blame her for adopting you out of your own home and bringing you to hers?
• At first as expected you were a little hostile, Maybe you were just a feral kitty? One that needed to be trained so Kafka obviously took on that role
• She would train you with good reinforcement, since she didn't want you to be scared of her if she used a shock collar or anything so she would just give you some candy or treats you like when you do something good!
• She would get you a very nice wine color collar that has a little bell in the front! It jingles every time you move so she knows where exactly you are in the house, it has a lock in the back so you can't take it off without her help
• Kafka also buys your favorite food and some cat toys- She won't listen to you when you say you are a catgirl not a full cat but she gets them anyways and you seem to enjoy them! So after that she gets you more cat toys and maybe even a very big cat tower so she can put you on it-
• She love's spoiling you! She'll have you cuddled up on her lap as she pets your ears, she loves your ears and tail so much- She loves how sensitive they are and how they react to almost everything! If there's a loud noise, your ears twitch or if she pets you in the right spot your tail wags!
• She also knows that some kitty's don't like fireworks so whenever there's fireworks, she'll make sure to get some earphones for you and have you listened to music as you cuddle with her in bed
• She will let you outside to explore but she has to be there with you since she doesn't want a wild animal to hurt you or someone to kidnap you
• She loves her little kitty so much <3
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speedycoffeedelight · 1 month
An Animalistic Disaster
CH-18 :Truth behind the transformation
Where the cast realises the requirement of transforming and you get into trouble... again.
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T.w : Animal abuse, animal death, descriptions of corpse. (Just a small section)
Husk looked at the transformed duo in front of him. Angel had light skin, similar to Niffty's and puffy blond hair. Husk noticed he still had little pink eyes under his normal blue pair of eyes. He was still wearing his demon outfit from hell. Speaking of that, it seems like he still had some of his chest fluff like before which was poking out from his shirt. Also god damn this man was tall, almost 6'3"or more.
Cherri's skin tone was a bit darker then Angel's. She had blond hair as well but it had a bit of pink hue in the end. Her eyes were bright brown with a reddish touch in them. Her left eye was covered with hair. She had two little squirrel ears as well as a big fluffy tail behind her.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking angel?"
"You need to have feelings for (Y/n) in order to transform!" They said at the same time.
"That's exactly why everyone who transformed were around (Y/n) when it happened! They must have realised their feelings then."
"Cherri we might be geniuses."
Charlie walked into the room right then. Her eyes widened seeing the new transformed pair. "Angel! Cherri! You guys turned human again!" She walked closer to them, taking in their new forms.
"Charlie, perfect timin'. We hafta ask you somethin" Angel grinned looking at her. He slided off the counter and looked down at her with a hand on his hip.
"What is it Angel?" She looked at him curiously, wondering what it could be.
"Tell me, Before you and Vaggie transformed. Did'ja catch any feelings for our dear ol' host?"
Charlie felt her face heat up. Did he know somehow? Why is he asking this all of a sudden. Husk kept his ear out waiting for the reply while eating.
"And no lyin' Charlie. This could be the key to discoverin' the secret behind our transformation"
Charlie shut up again. She was about to deny it but now hearing that, she had second thoughts. She finally sucked it up and nodded before looking down. She twiddled with her fingers.
"Okay, yes....we may have discovered we kind of like her a little bit..." The poor girl was blushing madly. Angel and Cherri exchanged a knowing look at each other while grinning. They finally got a confirmation of their theory. Charlie finally gathered up the courage to look up at him again. "But what does that have to do with the transformation?"
"That's the thing Charlie! You transform into human when you realise you have feelings for the gal!" Cherri replied while leaning onto Angel with an arm on his shoulder. Husk choked on his burger hearing that. All three pair of their eyes landed on him. Charlie quickly went ahead and poured him a glass of water.
"I guess that makes three confirmations Angie~" Cherri said crossing her arms.
"It would seem so. Our kitty cat likes (Y/n) too. I'm really suspicious now if they did somethin' that night."
Husk finally calmed down enough to talk and looked at the bickering pair. He had feelings of that girl? No way. That couldn't be possible, could it? They were just sprouting nonsense.
"There's no fucking way I caught feelings for her. I lost the ability to love years ago,damn it." He shouted at them. Husk didn't know why he was so worked up suddenly. His heart was pounding like crazy. God, he wanted booze now more than anything. At that time, Niffty came while holding a broom and sweeping.
Charlie looked at Husk and back at the pair. If what they said was true, then does that mean everyone who transformed has the same feelings as her towards (Y/n). So did it meant all these people fell in love with (Y/n) just like her?
"Move your feets. I need to sweep! "
Niffty wasn't the least bit surprised to see them for some reason. She was more concerned about cleaning. "Aha, contestan' number four. " He crouched down to her level. "Niffty, tell me somethin' . When you transformed, did'ja feel a little...something for (Y/n)? Like maybe ya realised you really liked her?"
Niffty scratched her chin in thought. "Mmmm, yeah! I did." She looked at them with a smile." I wouldn't mind working for her everyday hehehe....." Angel's smile was practically rivalling Alastor's now as he stood up. "That confirms it. You get to become human again after you realise your romantic feelings for the girl."
"Romantic? Nonono. What I feel for (Y/n) isn't romantic in the slightest! That feelings only reserved for the bad boys..Now if you'll excuse me. I have to clean."
Niffty began sweeping in the pace of lighting again. Her statement caused the group to rethink. To make things clear, they decided to ask Pentious as well. Pentious was stuttering on his words while answering. Plus the blushing on his face practically confirmed it to be romantic.
After some time, the group, which consisted of Angel, Cherri and Charlie, sat down outside discussing everything they've gathered. It was given that whenever anyone transformed, they had to have strong feelings for (Y/n) but it didn't necessarily mean it had to be romantic, like in Niffty's case. This made Charlie relieved a little thinking maybe all of them didn't fall for the girl that way and she didn't have so many rivals.
Now that they thought about it, the only one who didn't transform till now was Alastor. When they realised that, Angel burst out laughing.
"That guy? Catching feelings for someone? Good fucking luck with toots. He's gonna hafta to be stuck in his form forever!"
'Tell me you're fucking joking. '
When Alastor found out about their transformation, he was furious. He was holding onto his patience ever since Pentious transformed. He never thought he would be the damn last. What did these miserable pathetic sinners have that he didn't? Nothing, so why hasn't he transformed yet.
"Ya need to have feelings for that girl to transform smiles"
Feelings? Feelings? Surely the effeminate guy was joking right? They were playing him for a fool. How would having feelings help someone to change? He couldn't believe them. But when he heard all of the explanations from Niffty as well, he had no choice but to accept the reality.
You were indeed quite something. You intrigued him. He found it fun and healing to annoy you from time to time and revel in your annoyance. The fact that you were a fan of him was just the cherry on top. This just made things all the more amusing.
But now to fall for you? Or catch some sort of feelings? That's absurd. The radio demon doesn't do feelings. Yes, you made his days a lot more fun, but to feel a special bond with you..that's completely different. But oh what choice did he have. Either that, or he had to be stuck in this form for however long imaginable.
After you came out of shower, it was a pleasant surprise to see Angel and Cherri transformed. Good lord, both of them looked absolutely breathtaking. Cherri grinned looking at your speechless face. She strided over to you and before you knew it, you were pinned against a wall. Cherri's hand found its way to your chin,as she lifted it to make you look at her eye to eye.
"Cat got your tongue sweetie?"
You took a big gulp as you began blushing like a tomato. Angel walked over and stood next to you with the same smug face. "Don't worry baby. We'll take good care of you for all you did for us..." Angel's whisperes ringed in your ears.
Your heart was thumping loudly. What was going on, why were you in this position, you didn't know. But what you did know is if this continued, you were probably going to melt like puddle on the ground. You just kicked the both of them from your bathroom for peeking mere minutes ago. And now here they are, as humans, pinning you against a wall.
You were about to mutter out something but they were shoved away from you. "Hey, what gives-" Angel tried to argue with a very furious Vaggie who was holding them from their collars. Angel had to lean down from the force from how tall he was. It was an uncomfortable position for him.
"(Y/n) has been nothing but kind and generous to us ever since we came here and this is how you repay her?" Vaggie's voice boomed through the cabin. "By making her uncomfortable?!"
"Hey, don't go making assumptions now Vagina. I'd say our host quite liked it~" he pointed at you, who was hiding her face in her hands. Vaggie pinched her nose, sighing. She didn't know what to say to that. She wished it was her who made you feel that way instead of them. "Just... don't push yourself too far"
"Yeah,yeah, I think you're just jealous that I flirted with her, aren'tcha"
"I am not! You know what? I think it's about time you two help out with chores around here since you transformed. Come here."
Vaggie dragged away the pair who was booing at her. You finally had enough time to clam down and steady your heartbeat.
The day after, you took out the pair to the town since they wouldn't stop bothering you. Husk, Pentious, Vaggie and Niffty joined as well, leaving only Alastor behind at the cabin. You felt bad for him, but you couldn't really do anything. You promised to buy him big chunks of venison once he becomes human, NOT as a deer.
Charlie went to the shop as usual after waving at you. As you were about to leave, Adrien called you for a bit.
"Hey (Y/n), you got a second? There's something I want to talk about."
You tilted your head curiously. What could he need you for. But whatever it is, you'll have to hear him out first.
"After Charlie joined our cafe, the number of our customers has increased a lot surprisingly! I think it's because of her cheerful aura and positive attitude. She's really a charm."
"Indeed she is." You replied smiling. "Is that all you wanted to say?"
"Ah, sorry, no. It's just that because of that, we earned quite a bit of money recently and I was thinking of renovating some of our stuffs." He pointed at Pentious sitting at your car. "That guy over there, what did Charlie call him again.. Pentious right? She said he could help."
"He absolutely can! Are you willing to hire him?"
"Yes if possible. We'll properly compensate him of course "
After chatting for a little longer, you headed back to the car and told the news. Pentious was more than happy to oblige with the request. You went on a shopping trip first to get cloths for the newly transformed animals. You may have enjoyed watching Husk change through different clothes more then you'd like to admit. And on the other hand, you had to repeatedly stop Angel and Cherri from trying to buy clothes that were probably twice as much as your sallery.
"This.shirt.rocks! Look at this cool design!"
"Does this dress make me look sexy (Y/n)~"
Yeah..you had to go through that as well. You were once again hiding your blushing face in your hands while Husk was shaking his head like a disappointed father. The whole commotion earned quite a few looks from others, nevermind the ones you were already getting from beforehand for the animalistic features of the crew.
In the end Vaggie once again came to your rescue by hurrying them up. After buying some snacks for them, you came back home with Charlie at evening. Before coming, you snatched a job application form for the cashier just in case. Even though it was risky, it was worth a shot. You gave the task of this job to Vaggie. She was the most serious of the bunch and if you teach her well, maybe she could pass the interview.
That night while you were working, you found out some disturbing news. Apparently many small animals like cats and dogs are being brutally murdered in the next town. People have complained about some disgusting odor coming from an area nearby. When some people finally went to investigate it, they made the shocking discovery of numerous rotting corpses cats and dogs and other small animals.
From the outer looks of them, it was clear those poor little creatures didn't have a swift death, they were abused. This gruesome image caused the local police to investigate on the matter. There was also a catch in this whole thing.
The way these animals were killed seemed very similar. Many of them had their stomach cut open, spilling the guts out. Some had their body parts cut off. After a forensic test by the police, it was concluded that the weapon or blade used to cut the animals were the same type as the infamous killer. Did the killer go from killing humans to animals?
You bit on your fingers in thought. What exactly could be the reason for the killer to do this? Is it just just one of his twisted hobbies or is there another reason behind this change of victims? Because before this, there hasn't been any case of such findings. So why go for these small, poor, defenseless animals now?
Suddenly it clicked into you. They were small and defenseless. That's probably why. The killer was shot previously in his hand. The wound most likely hasn't been healed yet. It's a possibility that he was satisfying his twisted desire to kill and torture people on this poor animals. Though you couldn't be sure. It was just a hunch after all.
The news settled heavy on your chest. You looked down at Husk who was laying down on your lap as a cat. He wouldn't be doing this normally. But Alastor has been bugging him nonstop ever since he became a human. Most likely due to the jealousy of him transforming earlier then him. To escape, he sought you out. The said stag was now behind your chair, laying down on the ground bored after being scolded by you.
If it was in any other situation, you doubt you could get away talking to Alastor like that so much. But he was under your roof and stuck as a deer. So he better suck it up and listen to you if he doesn't want to spend the night outside.
You softly patted Husk's fur and tried to think about something else for now. Angel was cooking with Cherri tonight . He promised to make the best pasta you ever had so you held onto that. There was only a day left before the release of the first two episodes of Hazbin. You really couldn't wait for that.
Another thing to worry about was the space inside your cabin. There were too many people here and too little room. There was no way everyone can sleep comfortably while being human. The only solution you could think of right now was that some of them had to sleep as an animal, so that you all could sleep comfortably. You had to make this place larger one way or another. Maybe Pentious could help to come with an easy solution for building a few extra rooms. He has been the most useful so far.
You finally sat up holding a sleepy Husk in your arms who mewoed from being moved so suddenly. You walked over to the kitchen while scratching the cats ears, making him relax once again. Niffty and Charlie were settling down the plates while Angel was serving the pasta. He flashed a toothy grin seeing you, his gold teeth shining in the light.
"Finally ya showed up. I was about to drag your ass right now."
"Sorry Angel, had to finish my work somehow since we hung out the whole day today."
Husk opened his eyes now hearing all the conversations happening around him. He jumped down from your arms and transformed into a human again. You eyed the pasta as you sat down at the table. The platting, smells, everything felt so nice. It looked like it was made by a professional chef.
"Well don't just stare at it! Dig in toots."
"I will, I will." You smiled as you picked up a fork and finally took a bite. It felt like rich flavours were bursting inside your mouth. The taste was just was good as it looked. Angel could see how much you enjoyed it from the look on your face. He felt his chest puff up from pride. He smiled softly as he began eating his fill.
That night before sleeping, you began to fill out the form you brought with Vaggie. You filled in fake information about personal details from overseas. It's not like they'll call there to check right..? You hoped not. It was just a job as a cashier. For extra security, you searched all you could about the places you put and taught Vaggie all about it. She was just as serious about it as you were so it went smoothly.
For sleeping, it went as you thought. Husk and Angel shared your bed. Husk was very reluctant with the idea and Angel was grinning from ear to ear. After making Angel promise he wouldn't try anything while sleeping Husk finally agreed. Cherri slept on the lounge with Pentious as a snake alongside Alastor. You slept with Niffty, Vaggie and Charlie in their animal forms. Charlie was happy to finally have an excuse to cuddle you while sleeping.
The next day, you drove Pentious and Charlie to her workplace and dropped Vaggie at the interview. You gave her a thumbs up as she disappeared behind the door. You waited anxiously during the whole thing.  You stood up from the chair as soon as Vaggie got out. You grabbed her shoulder to make her look at you.
"How...did it go?"
"It was fine! I think..? I answered all of their questions correctly. They said they'll let me know in the email you filled in."
"That's good to hear. I believe in you Vaggie."
Later that day after you finished working late in the afternoon, you thought about going out for a walk alone. You came here to get away from people and live in peace and quiet before. That expectation has quickly shattered by now. It's not like you hated their company, not at all. You were one of the luckiest people alive that got to meet their fictional crushes in real life. But you desperately needed some alone time as well.
So you did just that, you took your side bag once again. You packed it with some foods, water and a drawing pad. For some reason, you felt like something was missing. You figured out what it was soon enough. It was the small pocket knife. The one that you lost during your fight with the wolves. Even though you weren't planning on going into woods today, you still felt a bit unsafe.
But you pushed that thought away. ' I'm just going for a small walk. There's going to be no danger. I'm just being paranoid haha...'
You went around the small pond beside your cabin. You skeched some scenaries in the meantime and had a little snack as well. There wasn't anyone with you except the nature. You were enjoying your time very much. The sun was about to set and you were finally getting ready to get back to the cabin.
Suddenly, your eyes caught the sight of something bright from the corners of the eye. Turning your head towards it, you found out it was a butterfly, a blue butterfly. For some reason it's wings seemed to be glowing. It was sitting on top of a swaying flower.
You went to get a closer look at it. But it began to fly away just as you went near, disappearing into the forest. You felt like your mind got entranced. Almost like there was secret force pulling you towards it.
Before you knew it, you were standing up and following it into the forest. Your entire mind was screaming at you to not do it, but you couldn't control your body. Your eyes were focused on the butterfly which went deeper and deeper into the dark forest.
The sun had set when the butterfly finally stopped somewhere. Moonlight shone into the flower it sat on, illuminating the blue and black designs on it's wings. You finally felt free from the pull as a dirty smell hit your nose like a truck. Looking around, you found some dead wolf carcasses. This was probably the place you rescued Alastor from. Why did this butterfly bring you here again?
When you looked back at the butterfly again you saw it disappearing into a bush. Before you could follow it, red eyes shined from that bush as a large paw stepped out.
You took a large gulp, you didn't have anything to protect you with this time. You left the bag around the pond. But even that bag didn't have a knife. There wasn't anyone else to rescue you like last time either. Your mind started to race with fear and uncertainty. But you had one big question in your mind .
Just what was that butterfly?
A.n: Alrighty guys, we're reaching the start of the season and it's time for a vote. You guys can select either Vox or Velvette to join your harem. Comment down the names below and whoever gets the most vote will join.
You can't vote for both and the time is until I publish my next chapter.
And for anyone wondering why not Valentino, look into my eyes and tell me you want him when there's Angel on the team!!
Also I wonder how many of you will guess the identity of the butterfly correctly (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
And here's two pictures of the cabin I drew from my headcannon. This might help you understand the surrounding area better. I'll probably draw inside of the cabin in future, who knows.
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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ravenstargames · 3 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #9 | 02.29.24
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What is this?! Two devlogs in one month?! More likely than you think! This February has been very productive for me and the team, so let's dive right into it!
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Ooooh boy, Raquel keeps knocking it out of the park! She managed to get done every expression for every LI, and I coded them all! Now we have our wonderful characters ready for their debut. We have been using the wonderful Image Tools for Ren'py made by the talented and hard-working Feniks, whose tutorials and resources save a lot of dev's lives every day! This tool has made everything a bit easier for newbies like me, hehe.
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Here's a taste of our edgelord's expressions! 💜 They're kind of a cutie when they put some effort into it!
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We also had our second valentine's day celebration art piece thanks to Kayden! Sadly with the reworked version of the demo, you won't meet Vycar yet, so we thought we could ask for his forgiveness by giving him a beautiful bouquet and reminding him how much of a sweetheart he is! 💜
Also, Raeya got a hair update!
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So, we weren't completely satisfied with the way we portrayed Raeya's hair, so this has been a rework we were sure we wanted to make. At first we were just going to render it again, but we ended up working on it from scratch to better represent what we envisioned for her. We hope you like it as much as we do! ; v ;💜
As always, we are open to any critique or advice; we are white people who have the luck to be able to ask POC friends for their advice as we work, but the more the merrier! Don't hesitate to send us your opinion to our ask box or even our email, [email protected]!
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When it comes to the background department, we have been making great progress thanks to Airyn, who is honestly leaving us with our mouths hanging open every time! Thanks to her, another background has been finished and another one is in the making, leaving only two backgrounds to be revised and approved!
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I personally can't stop looking at this WIP! She understood perfectly what we wanted to portray just by looking at an old WIP we had, and this is what we have so far—and it's already amazing!
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Allie has been OBLITERATING the script. As of today, I think we have almost gone through everything that needed to be corrected and discussing, and lord if the script doesn't look a 100% better after we put it in Allie's hands. The way she writes, the way she understands everything I want to say even when sometimes I don't even know myself—what a talented, inspiring and amazing writer they are. I know I may sound annoying at this point singing her praises endlessly, but if the script is in the state where it is now, it's thanks to her!
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My programming adventure of the month has been a success, if I say so myself! I've coded the characters with aaaaall their layers, their expressions, the blinking animations, made some videos, and started coding the script. Step by step as they say; I've coded 18 pages, and there's, uh...142 more to go. Haha! *sobs*
BUT WE ARE GETTING THERE! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I can finally click 'new game' and read the script and see the stuff going on! YAY!
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Some extras of the month—we are preparing a Casting Call to choose the voice acting talent that will hopefully give voice to our characters. The demo won't be fully voiced (it's impossible with the funds we have, which are...zero), but if we are lucky we'll use some of our personal savings to pay for at least a few lines for each character so you can get an idea of how they'll sound if we get funded! Raquel is preparing an art piece for the announcement, and I'm getting the document ready and asking fellow VA friends for advice :3.
Also, we have a new member here at Ravenstar Games! Some weeks ago Astro and I formally adopted our first kitty, 8 month old Riki, fulfilling one of our dreams. We got him from a feline association that works with volunteers and fosters cats who have been abandoned, cats they find on the street, and so on. Riki has been living with me since January, and he's a happy, long big boy who loves playing, cuddles, and sitting on my desk while I try to work!
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Say hi to the Ravenstar family, Riki! 💜
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A productive month full of accomplished milestones, excitement and new challenges! The team has worked so hard, and I've done my part too! We still don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but we have done a lot of stuff we were sure we wouldn't finish yet, and look at that! We are doing so well!
As you can probably tell, my batteries are starting to run low, so I'm going to leave this devlog here. Thank you all like always for cheering us on, for being here in this journey with us, and for all the love you send our way. Let's hope March is as amazing as February has been, for us and for all of you! 💜
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mywifealhaitham · 3 months
Sunday with yaoyao! reader?
See him being take care by yaoyao! reader make so ughh!!!😩😩👍👍
Like she will worry about his health, care for him like a mother dispite she is a child.
Father and daughter relationship!! Diffidently a father and daughter relationship!!
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this is literally so cute and I sm fun writing it, I hope u enjoy!!
gn!reader, platonic, they're basically father and child but no exact relationship is described besides father and child.
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- first off your definitely his favorite person ever... he spoils you rotten, getting you whatever you want, letting you tag along for some events, showing you upcoming places in penacony (with you on his shoulders so you dont hurt yourself obviously)
- the same goes for you too! you can't just help love him like a father and you make sure you show him it in ur own little ways! you like to make sure he's always taken care of by bringing him trays of snacks and a glass of water during his work hours when he just sits at a desk for hours
- I'd like to imagine he has a space in his office for you, it's just a simple lounge chair with a small coffee table next to it but it's a space all for you and sometimes if someone sits there he might get frustrated or even flat out say get off because that's literally his child's space get OUTTTTT!!!
- he really appreciates that you're always so concerned for him and all the gestures you do. when he's really stressed you make robin cut you up some fruit while you arrange it into a cute little animal and bring it to him with a cute worried expression then proceeded to yap in his ear about his health
- as much as he softly dismisses in health with a quick and quiet I'm fine he really loves your care and always makes sure he sends you off with a pat on the head and sometime a small candy from the stash he keeps for you. you always wave bye to him and remind him to take care
- once his hand got cut from something he was doing and you immediately entered tiny mother mode, dragging him by the sleeve to the bathroom and sitting him down on the toilet. you grabbed a stash of hello kitty bandaids along with a damn towel and immediately started patching him up. he giggles to himself and starts teasing you despite your dead seriousness.
"So little doctor, what's my diagnosis? I do hope it's not too severe." he chuckles as you frantically dig through a drawer looking for some bandages. "it's very serious!" you say in almost a whine "you cannot keep hurting yourself! I diagnose you with needing a break" you said turning ur head at him with almost teary eyes. his wings cover his mouth to hide the smile he has before extending his arms out for you, which you run into. he embraces your smaller frame and gently pets your head to calm your racing thoughts. "shhh... I know, I know. I'll definitely listen to your expert advice little doctor, I'll take more breaks" he says in a loving tone as he gently pokes your nose "now little doctor for your payment for my treatment.... how about ice cream?" he smiles at you and you beam right back at him.
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yup-thats-me · 10 months
kitten love • kudo. k
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a/n: hello! long time no see. I've been so stressed due to my studies and couldn't manage time to write in here. hopefully, I'm back. I've lost the habit of writing, so it might be a bit rough. but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated! lowercase intended.
prairing: finacé!Kudo Kiyoka x shy!fiancé!reader. from "my blissfull marriage"
warning: none.
synopsis: Kudo brings home a kitten for his darling wife-to-be 🩷
the call was so feeble, almost as if it wasn't there. but thanks to Kiyoka's heightened senses, he was able to tell where it came from. walking behind the building, Kiyoka saw a black and white kitten, not bigger than his palm, curled up in a small ball.
he reached down gently stroking the animal. the kitten nuzzled closer to the warmth, purring contently.
"are you separated from your mother, kitty?" Kiyo asked softly although he knew it obviously cannot answer his question.
he continued petting the cat as he thought about what he should do. he cannot leave this small kitten here for the night. it will take mere minutes for wild dogs to tear the animal apart. too small and weak to defend itself.
suddenly he remembered a conversation that took place between him and his fiancé y/n.
the two were out, to run some errands. a date if you will. Kiyoka had left y/n only for a minute to grab one of his work papers. when he came back, y/n was not there where she was supposed to be. getting concerned about his fiancé, Kiyo ran around the alleys to find her. he found y/n a bit later, crounched down beside a vending machine, petting a stray cat.
"y/n! I told you not to go anywhere," Kiyo gasped standing beside her. "Oh. I'm so sorry, Kudo-sama. this cat was nuzzling my leg. I couldn't resist not to pet it. but it got away and hid behind this vending machine so I followed." She said with her head low. "I'm sorry to worry you, Kudo-sama. please forgive me."
Kudo smiled softly, petting her head. "do not apologise, y/n. I'm not angry. just worried about you." He said. "just don't go anywhere without telling me from next time, okay?" He asked to which his fiancé nodded.
"you like cats, y/n?" Kiyo asked her as they drove back home. y/n nodded softly. "Yes. I do like them. is there any problem with it, Kudo-sama? are you perhaps allergic to cats?" her question made Kiyo chuckle softly.
"no. no, dear. I'm just curious" He smiled. "Oh. okay then," y/n blushed.
y/n liking cats is something that has been on his mind ever since that day. he knew y/n would be overjoyed to get a new pet. it'd keep where from getting from at home.
so Kiyo picked up the kitten gently, carried him to the care, and drove home with the kitten in his lap. when he entered the house, y/n was there at the door as always, waiting for her fiancé to arrive.
"welcome back, Kudo-sama," she said, smiling softly. for some reason, seeing y/n smile always made Kiyo blush. "uh...good evening, y/n" he replied, almost stuttering.
y/n looked at her soon-to-be husband confused. getting out of his trance, Kiyo quickly showed the kitten to y/n, which he had covered with his handkerchief to provide some warmth.
seeing the little creature in Kiyo's hand, couldn't help herself but reach her hand towards the kitten in Kudo's hand. realising her mistake she quickly withdrew her hand. "excuse me for my immature behaviour, Kudo-sama." she spoke quietly with her head low. Kiyo sighed. "How many times do I have to talk you not to apologise for everything, dear? l don't mind. here" He said passing the kitten to her, "you can pet it all you want. I brought it home for you."
y/n bowed, caressing the cat. she smiled to herself as she felt the silk-soft fur of the kitten. as Kiyo watched his fiancé smile, he knew he had made the right decision bringing the cat home.
"you can keep the kitten on a blanket while we have our dinner, y/n," Kiyo said as he went to take a bath. "Yes!" She replied.
after the two had their dinner, they sat as y/n brushed out Kiyo's wet hair. "have you thought of a name for the kitten yet, y/n?"
"um...i'm thinking Etsu (delight) .?" She said softly. "what do you think, Kudo-sama?"
"Etsu. it's a nice name. Y/n. I think it suits him."
Kiyo looked at the mirror as she combed his hair. a smile gracing her lips. the sight made Kiyo's heart flutter. all he wanted to do was to make y/n smile for the rest of his life. he knew, all he needed to continue living was her smile. he'll always make y/n smile. he'll always love her. it's a promise he made to himself. and he was a man to forever abide by his promises.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Hi! Happy new years eve ✨🥂 hope you had an awesome 2023 and all my best wishes and blessings for 2024 🫶🏼
Now, I can’t get this idea out of my head. Levi adopting a kitten with his girl. I always thought of Levi like a cat person, idk he just seem to fit on it. And as a cat person myself I would love to read something about it.
I can imagine him thinking is a bad idea but then he cant go anywhere in the house without the kitty 🫶🏼 so adorable I guess
Ahhh happy new year!! Thank you for all your well wishes and sending them back to you! I'm sorry it took me this long to write this for you sweetie! T-T so sorry
It started in the least expected way. Levi and his group of friends had been trying to find new ways to spend time together in their difficult adult lives. They wanted to revisit certain activities they used to enjoy in their glory college days and bond a little. You, of course, didn’t complain. If Levi decided to go camping with his friends or hiking on any weekend, it was also a chance for you to hang out with your friends at home, maybe watch a movie he doesn’t like, and have a “me” afternoon. It was all positive until Levi began to notice something during their hangouts.
All of them, particularly Mike and Erwin, had their own respective big, fluffy, loyal-to-death dogs that they would take with them on hikes, jogs, or even camping trips. You could see from the look in your boyfriend's eyes that he was envious. The only reason you and Levi hadn’t adopted any pets before wasn’t because of you in particular. You grew up with pets, loved them, and felt that the house was missing something without a fluffy companion. And don’t get me wrong, Levi had always had a soft spot for animals. But, in his own words, “As a kid, my family could never afford one… and Kenny hated them so.”
When you two moved in together, he didn’t want any pets due to "too much hair, too much mess, and too much money spent on the vet." But now, you could see in his eyes that he desired one, especially when they took pictures with his friends' dogs, and Levi hardly ever took pictures himself. Sooner or later, you brought up the idea, and he seemed excited. You quickly guessed that he wasn’t going to be the one to suggest it since perhaps his pride stopped him from admitting that now all the previous reasons he had given you to say no weren’t that important.
One lazy Saturday, you were walking past the doors of a shelter. Both of you admitted that if you were going to get a pet, it would be a rescue, giving the chance for an animal to live the American dream (two adults with good salaries, a pretty house, and no kids) after someone had made them believe they were trash. Both of you talked to the receptionist, who said that soon she would walk both of you to the dog’s department to choose. But when the guide came back and you were ready to go in and check out the puppies with your boyfriend, he was nowhere to be found.
Quickly, you followed the sound of people talking, and there he was, talking to a vet at the cat’s side of the shelter. The vet seemed to be deeply engrossed in conversation with him as you reached his side.
“Lev? Love, they are waiting to show us the dogs,” you called to him before smiling softly at the vet, acknowledging their presence.
“Oh, I was just telling him that she never gets close to anyone, not even to us. It was almost magical seeing her trying to reach out to him,” the vet said, and you quickly concluded it was the cat that was rubbing the top of her head against the front of her cage, trying to reach Levi.
“Aww, poor thing,” you said as you bent down slightly to have a better look at her face and perhaps give the cat some love through the small space of the bars. But the cat quickly moved away from your touch and softly hissed.
It hurt you, despite knowing that all cats have their temperament, until the vet spoke again, “Oh, she has always been a little grumpy; she’s not a fan of people.”
Levi also bent down to the cat's level, and he seemed to be the chosen one because the cat was continuously bumping her head against the cage, seeking more love from him. “Well, that makes two of us,” he commented, admitting his antisocial tendencies.
“When we found her, we thought she was feral because of the damage from living on the streets and her attitude, but we found she was chipped. We contacted the owner, but he said that since she couldn’t have more kittens, they left her in the streets,” both of you slightly raised to look at the shelter’s owner with heartbroken faces. “She’s been here for a while, but nobody wants her because she’s old, grumpy, and because of all the pregnancies she had, she has FIV, which is an expensive treatment an-”
“I’m taking her,” Levi interrupted the vet without a second thought, and you were about to comment that the plan was to get a dog, nothing against taking the little cat.
“Are you sure? It’s a lot of responsibility, and she’s rather old,” the vet warned.
“I’m sure. What do I have to do to take her home?” Levi replied with confidence.
That’s how Chai Tea, or just Chai, came into your life. She was a grumpy old lady, but you two loved her to death, especially Levi. She seemed to be a golden brownish Persian, which made sense given her breeding history, but one of her ears was damaged from living on the streets, giving her a permanently angry face. The first sign of her enjoying being a spoiled princess was during her first visit to the vet after her adoption, when the instructions were to reduce her food rations because she was already a bit too chubby.
“Shhh, don’t listen to the vet. You’re perfect,” you heard Levi whispering as he rocked her in his arms in the kitchen. “Here, have some ham.”
She was obsessed with him, and he was obsessed with her. Did Levi complain about the hair? A lot, but at least he took the effort to vacuum and brush her himself. In his own words, “If I can make her life worth it for even a little bit at the end of it, then I’ll do it.”
It was endearing to receive a text message from Levi saying "On my way home," and then witness the little fluffy ball rushing down the hallway with her short legs once you tell her "Chai! Daddy is coming home!"
It was incredibly cute how she would meow all the way to the front door, occasionally looking back at you to make sure both of you were going to greet him.
It’s rather funny how he went to a shelter to get a big dog for his "bro's" adventures and came back with a cat that demanded to be picked up and rocked in his arms while he prepared dinner. Even funnier is how he accepted it. Now your camera phone is full of pictures and videos of Levi humming lullabies, sleeping with a cat on top of him, or holding her up in the air so she can hunt a moth.
A little bit jealous? Perhaps. Sometimes, Levi seems more eager to greet the fluffy cat when he gets home than he is to greet you. But being able to give an elderly cat a second chance was a better experience than anything else.
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @s0meb0dy-0nce-t0ld-me @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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jihyocentric · 2 months
before you read this, know that the fill where jihyo talked about her first date with nayeon to jisoo might have a line or two that won’t make sense after this update, but i can change that later. it’s not really a major change.
jihyo’s headache starts early in the morning, when instead of tending to jisoo’s needs, nayeon seems more focused on foolishly decorating their pancakes for breakfast by making animal shapes with powdered sugar, even cutting the fruits to make hearts with them and decorate their plates.
it was a special occasion, as after jihyo took care of a problem at work, they would go see the doctor, and hopefully find out whether they were having another baby girl or a boy, like nayeon so wanted. even then, nayeon was taking too long doing basic things, and consequentially making jihyo slower.
jihyo had only just finished getting ready for work when jisoo, still in her pajamas and with her bunny plushie in hands, stopped jihyo from going downstairs to rush nayeon, slowing her down, mumbling something jihyo hardly understands with the biggest pout on her lips.
“slow down, bun. what do you want?” jihyo asks, her built up stress coming to a cease the moment her legs are being engulfed by jisoo’s arms, the grip tight, but jihyo didn’t mind the near abrupt approach from her baby.
“i want the kitty plushie!” jisoo sighs as she repeats her words, slightly annoyed when she isn’t understood, letting one of her arms detach from jihyo’s leg to show her the bunny plushie. “his friend.”
it’s a cat plushie jisoo asks for, jihyo knows.
where exactly that could be was a good question, but jihyo’s major guess was that the plushie jisoo looked for was in the attic, along with another few. jisoo was usually gifted with too many toys, some of which jihyo kept, knowing she might want them later, but others were donated after a while — jihyo hopes that the cat plushie wasn’t one of those.
“i can find that for you later,” jihyo palms jisoo’s cheek, squeezing it softly, caringly, but jisoo’s pout becomes even bigger. jihyo sighs. “do you need it now?”
jisoo nods. “wanna take the kitty outside too.”
making nayeon find it instead of doing it when she was already late for work would’ve been a smarter decision, that is if nayeon was able to find anything — she could barely find her own clothes in the closet, therefore jihyo strongly doubted she’d find jisoo’s plushie among plenty other toys.
while jisoo makes her way downstairs to rush nayeon with the breakfast on jihyo’s behalf, jihyo makes her way to the attic, hoping it wouldn’t take longer than five minutes to find jisoo’s toy. jihyo is relieved to find the place still clean, but the cat food on the ground next to the big container where they kept it indicated that nayeon had been there.
“messy,” jihyo sighs, swiftly making her way to the shelves.
there are toys there, all inside clear boxes, but there were no signs of jisoo’s cat being there. jihyo finds nothing on the shelves, but when she’s about to put one of the boxes back in place, she notices a cardboard box right next to it.
jihyo doesn’t remember seeing that there before — she certainly hadn’t placed it there. it was heavy, heavier than what nayeon would allow jihyo to lift while being pregnant, but jihyo couldn’t help but be curious of its contents. she fetches a pair of scissors, the only thing sharp she could find there, and opens the box carefully, leaving it on the ground.
“oh,” jihyo gasps, surprised with what she found. for some reason, her cheeks became warm instantly, and jihyo almost closed the box again.
those were the last things jihyo imagined she’d find there — a few letters from nayeon, multiple polaroids of them together and almost all of the gifts nayeon had given her in their teenage years. what grabs jihyo’s attention is a bunny plushie, blue like jisoo’s, almost the same. jihyo vividly remembers the day nayeon gave that to her.
even though jihyo was the youngest between them, nayeon had always been shy, reluctant even, to speak to her. that was before they started dating, of course, as the both of them could hardly look at each other without being met with a strong color on their cheeks, sheepish and deeply flustered.
during that time, they communicated through actions. it was the only way they could interact without embarrassing themselves, so nayeon developed a habit of giving jihyo small gifts, doing it religiously every friday, because that’s when she would usually meet jihyo while hanging out with their friends.
the sound comes from either jeongyeon or momo, jihyo doesn’t know exactly who was the one already teasing her, but still she rolls her eyes, turning her face to the side, attempting to hide her red cheeks as she hears the couple’s annoying chatter.
“justin bieber?” momo asks, teasing the youngest of them. “i didn’t know jihyo liked this kind of music.”
jihyo crosses her arms, making a stern face that was anything but scary to her older friends. “unnie likes him. now shut up.”
“do we really have to listen to this if she’s not here yet? come on,” jeongyeon sighs, strongly against listening to the artist’s album. “she won’t stop liking you if you’re not his fan! you know nayeon-”
“unnie!” jihyo whines at the mention of nayeon liking her, her eyes barely meeting jeongyeon’s or momo’s, instantly getting up from the couch. “you really deserve each other.” she huffs pettily, leaving them alone in the living room, grumpy as she mumbled a pair of impolite words, ignoring their fake apologies and the teasing cooing that came with them.
it wasn’t any special date, but instead of giving jihyo the usual flowers or the cute, small toys that she’d find in random stores and immediately get for jihyo, in hopes of confessing to her (and despite knowing she would fail again), nayeon uses her savings to buy a delicate bunny plushie that cost perhaps more than it should. but it was worth it if it was for jihyo.
when nayeon arrives at jeongyeon’s, jihyo is doing homework upstairs, using jeongyeon’s room like it was hers, all because that was all that was left for her to do if she didn’t want to be a third wheel for jeongyeon and momo. the couple was preparing the popcorn for the movie they would watch together, telling nayeon where jihyo is even before greeting her properly.
“your little girlfriend woke up in the wrong side of the bed,” jeongyeon laughs. “be careful, nayeonie.”
“maybe you’re both just annoying,” nayeon replies, suddenly not interested on staying next to them now that she knew where jihyo was. “don’t burn our popcorn!”
“she doesn’t even deny that she’s her girlfriend anymore,” momo comments once nayeon leaves, tucking her head in jeongyeon’s neck, hugging her from behind while jeongyeon waits for the corn to start popping. “our girls are growing fast.”
jeongyeon laughs softly. “nayeon is older than you, silly.”
“sometimes she is.” momo mumbles, voice muffled against jeongyeon’s neck.
in jeongyeon’s room, jihyo and nayeon are hugging awkwardly — not because being close to each other was awkward, but because they never greeted like that. for some reason, instead of a saying the regular, shy ‘hi’, nayeon hugs jihyo the moment jihyo opens the door for her, only then giving the smaller girl a hello.
“i have something for you,” nayeon says, handing jihyo a small, cutely decorated cardboard box. out of anxiousness, nayeon resorts to being a coward again. “b-but only open it when you get home!”
once more, there goes her chance to confess to jihyo.
jihyo closes the box instantly when the memory hits her.
she remembers it perfectly, how she could barely speak to nayeon without her voice coming out shakily, how she trembled when nayeon hugged her, how mortified she felt when nayeon pointed out that she was blushing — they were a mess back then, and jihyo still felt embarrassed when she thought about those times.
the plushie came with a short, but sweet message. opening the box again, jihyo searches for it, eager to know what younger nayeon was doing to get her to fall in love for her, as if jihyo didn’t already know who she had fallen for and why. knowing exactly what to expect, jihyo retrieves a polaroid picture from the box.
in the picture, nayeon was smiling with the plushie next to her face, as if confirming that she looked like the bunny, because jihyo would tell her that a lot. behind it, nayeon had written a few words for jihyo.
“hey, kiddo
jihyo laughs right at the first sentence. “kiddo? why would she call me that…”
you keep saying i look like a bunny, so i decided to get one for you.
yoo jeongyeon may or may not have told me you like sleeping with plushies. i figured you would like this one! ><
from: your pretty unnie
ps.: i saw you took your braces off. you were pretty with them, but even prettier without <3”
“no.” jihyo whines at the mention of her braces. “alright, that’s enough.”
placing the items back into the box, jihyo ignores the urge to go through all of the things inside it. she was more than late for work, and if a short message from nayeon already made her feel shy like the teen she used to be, reading full letters would make her situation even worse. and jihyo didn’t have the time for that.
she finds jisoo’s cat in a cabinet, along with other plushies, and then she makes her way downstairs with the toy in one hand and a bag hanging on her shoulder. if not for her pregnancy, she would definitely skip breakfast, far too late for work, but the baby inside of her was hungry — and nayeon wouldn’t allow her to go out without eating.
“there you go, bun.” jihyo kisses the top of jisoo’s head, placing the plushie on the table. she sits next to nayeon, leaving her bag on a chair, ready to leave as soon as she finished eating. “nayeon, when did you get that box?”
“the one in the attic?” nayeon asks, handing jihyo the honey, knowing she’d ask for it. “your mom gave it to me last week, when i was picking jisoo up from your parents’ house. she even scolded me a little because i gave you too many gifts back then…” she pouts as she speaks.
“and i loved all of them, don’t mind her,” jihyo reassures, kissing nayeon’s cheek softly, headache long forgotten. at least for a brief moment. nayeon still made her late for work, and she’d face the consequences later.
nayeon smiles. “i know. remember when you used to sleep with that bun-”
“i don’t remember anything.” jihyo looks to her plate. “so this is why you took so long making pancakes?”
nayeon hums, looking at her impeccable art displayed on the pancake. “uh-huh. bunny shaped for the baby girl, kitty shaped for the pretty wife.”
neither of them notice jisoo had excused herself from the table, sick of her parents’ antics, to eat with bbuyo on the couch.
to: im nayeon
nayeonie, get food for bbuyo on your way here.
the container is almost empty.
don’t forget!
“unnie, i think we are done.” yeji says, rather shy after making jihyo show up for work when she wasn’t supposed to for her own mistake. “you only have to sign here and i’ll take these to miss bae.”
“you don’t have to be so nervous,” jihyo offers her a kind smile. “we all make mistakes. i should have read before i signed those papers. as your supervisor, i made a mistake as well.”
“thank you.” yeji says. rather than blabbering about jihyo being the perfect supervisor and how she was the only one in the wrong, she keeps her mouth shut, knowing she would embarrass herself if she tried to praise her superior again — she knew that from experience.
“joohyun won’t be mad,” jihyo continues. “we delayed the deal, but she’s my friend. she won’t mind. don’t blame yourself too much.”
yeji waits patiently as jihyo reads the document handed to her, letting out a relieved breath when jihyo finally signs the papers, knowing she didn’t make any mistakes then. jihyo checks the time on a watch adorning her wrist, eyes falling on yeji again once she knows she won’t be late for her appointment.
“unnie, can i ask you something?” yeji calls, already making a question.
jihyo nods, taking her glasses off after she finished giving the documents a final read. “go ahead.”
“isn’t it weird to carry a baby?” yeji asks, shoulders losing their tautness, as if she had been dying to make that question. jihyo wants to laugh at how fussy she is about it, seeming curious but, in a way, disgusted with the thought of having a baby inside of herself. “like, it is growing inside of you… doesn’t it freak you out?!”
jihyo never forgets yeji is hardly an adult — she was clearly very young, trying to be mature and competent as an employee, but sometimes it became too obvious that yeji was just a kid. the way she speaks to jihyo makes her laugh softly, knowing she wasn’t speaking to her intern yeji, but rather the barely 20 years old yeji.
“when i found out i was carrying jisoo, yes. it did freak me out.” jihyo replies. “but now it’s just normal, until they start kicking. that is a little weird.”
a sound indicating that she was receiving a notification reaches jihyo’s ears, making her grab her phone instantly, knowing there was a possibility of it being nayeon. and it was.
from: im nayeon
hyo would you be mad if i got a bnuy
soo saw them at the pet shop. they’re cute :(
at a random pet shop, nayeon sees jisoo standing a foot or two away from the bunnies available for adoption. she had stopped there on her way to pick jihyo up at work, right when she got the message that they were out of cat food. as those were domesticated bunnies, nayeon had no excuse to tell jisoo they couldn’t have it or that she should stay far from them.
from: wife <3
what? absolutely not, im nayeon.
taking care of a cat and a kid is already hard enough.
we don’t have time or the necessary things to own a rabbit.
jihyo’s headache comes back instantly, knowing, from the way nayeon was texting her, everything that would happen the moment she got in the car with nayeon and jisoo. jisoo would be mad and nayeon would try to make things better, but jihyo would feel like a bad mom for not allowing her kid to have more pets.
yeji excuses herself, feeling slightly intimidated by jihyo’s sudden stern face, but jihyo isn’t upset with her, so she thanks yeji for her work with the softest tone she could manage out.
from: im nayeon
i know, but we could have one still
bbuyo needs a friend
cats need company from other pets :(
“look, mama, there are baby cats too!” jisoo grabs nayeon by her coat, dragging her to another session of the pet store.
from: wife <3
no, nayeon.
we have talked about this already.
i’m free now. come pick me up. don’t forget bbuyo’s food.
just like jihyo had imagined, jisoo keeps quiet in the backseat, with a pout on her face because, once again, jihyo deprived her from having more pets.
it’s not like bbuyo wasn’t enough, but jisoo wanted more, which was natural for a kid of her age, who didn’t understand how hard keeping a pet was and how important it was to be truly available to take care of them properly, which jihyo and nayeon weren’t. especially because jihyo was pregnant again.
“how was your day with mama, soo?” jihyo asks, looking at the rearview to see jisoo, who held both of her plushies tightly.
jisoo’s pout remains intact. “good.”
nayeon knows she’s in trouble then. jihyo looks at her sharply, and despite keeping her eyes on the road, nayeon can feel the stare on her skin.
“what did you do together?” jihyo asks again, trying to fix the situation nayeon had created.
the question seems to lit jisoo’s face, much to nayeon’s relief. at least her daughter was doing some damage control when answering jihyo’s questions properly, without pretending she’s sleepy to avoid speaking to her or blatantly expressing her frustrations.
“mama took me to the park!” jisoo replies, rather excited for someone who was supposedly upset. “we ate cotton candy and there was a train ride too!”
“is that so, bun?” jihyo seems to relax and so does nayeon — jisoo was upset, but, for a reason jihyo didn’t know and wasn’t going to question at all, she was quickly overcoming it. “did you enjoy the ride?”
“uh-huh.” jisoo nods, her plushies pressed tightly against herself. jihyo was sure that the bunny’s ear would fall off any time, as jisoo kept holding it by its ears.
giving jisoo space, jihyo’s attention goes back to nayeon. she was angry, very much so, because nayeon could’ve bought bbuyo’s food at any other store, easily avoiding pet shops that way. still, that day was supposed to be a happy day, and jihyo wouldn’t allow nayeon’s lack of basic thinking ruin it for them.
“do you think we’ll really find out today?” jihyo asks, instinctively placing her hand over her growing belly.
nayeon hums. “we just need to hope they won’t be crossing their legs this time.”
“come in,” the doctor says. “oh my god, this princess grew a lot.”
jisoo becomes shy when the attention falls on her, even if the only “stranger” in the room was the doctor, and hides behind jihyo’s legs.
the middle aged woman wasn’t a total stranger, as she took care of jisoo’s health until she was about a year. despite jihyo and nayeon having a pediatrician of their trust, the doctor who took care of jihyo during her pregnancy would always be the most reliable one, so whenever they needed help, the obstetrician would be the first one they would call.
“a lot? she’s so small for her age, like her mommy.” nayeon jokes, making both jihyo and jisoo look at her with a piercing gaze. she clears her throat. “uh… w-we’re here to find out if the other princess- or prince is doing well!”
“alright,” the doctor laughs. “you already know what to do, jihyo.”
jisoo sits quietly on a couch, attentively watching everything that was being done to her mommy, scared of the doctor for jihyo, as her mothers didn’t seem scared at all. someone had to be scared for them, so jisoo plays a ‘guard dog’ role, getting distracted by her plushies from time to time, but still taking care of her mommy from not so far away.
nayeon stands anxiously next to jihyo, who is lying down and wincing at the cold gel being applied on her tummy.
“good news,” the doctor says. “the baby is not crossing their legs. do you want to know…”
“it’s a girl, isn’t it?!” nayeon nearly squeals, interrupting the doctor because she knew the answer in her heart.
it wasn’t bad luck per se, as nayeon would love them regardless of anything, but she feels like, because she wanted a different experience with a boy and expressed it so often, she would definitely get another baby girl.
perhaps she was fated to have girls only. at least nayeon thought so, because, deep down, something told her she would never have boys with jihyo. she was even relieved to a certain extent, because although nayeon wanted a boy, she thinks she would go insane with a kid like one of jeongyeon and momo’s twins living with them.
“please,” jihyo answers the doctor properly. “we came here for that.”
“well…” the doctor analyzes the screen carefully. “nayeon is correct. she is a healthy girl.”
the ride home is mostly silent — jisoo doesn’t talk, because she has a lot to think about now that she knew she was going to be a big sister to a girl, and jihyo doesn’t say anything because she’s tired.
it’s only when they’re having dinner that jihyo lets out a sentence with more than three words.
“jisoo,” she starts. “do you know why mommy won’t let you have more pets yet?”
nayeon pretends she’s not listening because she knows jihyo isn’t only scolding jisoo, but also her. of course jihyo would never call nayeon out in front of jisoo when it came to things like that, so what jihyo said was only really directed to jisoo, but nayeon knew she was in the wrong there.
jisoo sticks her bottom lip out, playing with her food. “no.”
even if jisoo doesn’t say it, jihyo knows jisoo sees her as the strict mom and nayeon as the cool mom. it’s something that truly bothered her, because nayeon was permissive while she was only being careful. jisoo didn’t understand such things, so her immediate reaction was thinking jihyo was simply being stern.
“having pets makes you responsible for another life,” jihyo says, in a soft tone, not wanting to sound harsh. “it’s not easy to take care of an animal. you see, bbuyo is our responsibility, mama and i take care of his needs, isn’t that so?”
jisoo nods, earning a head bump on her foot hanging off the chair from bbuyo. “uh-huh.”
“once you grow up, you will also do that,” jihyo resumes her speech. “and only when i’m sure you can take care of him, i’ll let you have another cat. even a bunny, if that’s the case.”
there is always a but when jihyo has serious conversations with jisoo, but this time jisoo understands jihyo’s reasons, so it never comes out. she’s clearly sad — ‘growing up’ before getting another pet meant more waiting, but because nayeon had previously talked to her about being patient with her pregnant mommy, jisoo admits defeat.
curiously, it seems she’s momentarily no longer the baby of that house, but jihyo instead, because both jisoo and nayeon were watching over her.
“i understand, mommy.” jisoo mumbles, not even needing jihyo to ask her if she had been clear. “i’ll wait.”
when she’s ready to sit on the bed and read a book before sleeping, nayeon is handed a pillow and a blanket.
“you’re not sleeping here tonight, im nayeon.” jihyo says, assertive with her decision.
nayeon had asked for it — jihyo has forgiven her way too many times for going over her choices on raising jisoo, which gave jisoo reasons to think jihyo was too harsh. too strict. this time, jihyo punishes nayeon by making her sleep on the couch, or anywhere that wasn’t next to her.
“but baby, i’ve already said i’m sorry!” nayeon whines, being pushed out of the room. she allows jihyo to kick her out, not trying to fight back, knowing she was in the wrong.
“you keep making jisoo think i’m the bad guy,” jihyo huffs. “because of you, i become the bad, cruel mom who won’t let her daughter have cute pets. or fill herself with candy until she throws up. or sleep without taking a shower before!”
“that only happened one time…” nayeon mutters. jihyo holds onto the handle of the door, ready to close it right on nayeon’s face. “wait, hyo! don’t be mad, i’ll make up for it! i can become the scary mom… look,” she clears her throat. “no, jisoo! don’t grab that flower pot, you might let it break!”
nayeon’s impression of her fails to make jihyo convinced to let her sleep inside, but manages to make her even angrier.
“i’m not scary,” jihyo’s lips quiver with sheer irritation. “and i don’t speak like that, dumbass. good night, im nayeon!”
the door closes, but nayeon keeps standing in front of it. perhaps she shouldn’t have tried to be funny, but jihyo was scary giving the fact that she hadn’t spoken to nayeon normally since morning, only when it was necessary, so nayeon had to break the ice somehow.
“hyo,” nayeon calls, hugging her cold pillow and blanket. “are you still there?”
jihyo rolls her eyes. “where else could i be, im nayeon?”
“right.” nayeon smiles. “i love you. and our baby girl. sleep well, hyo. if you feel cold, turn on the heater. i… i’m sorry.” she says, voice coated with nothing but genuine affection. “i, uh… i’ll leave now. good-”
nayeon is surprised by jihyo opening the door again, jumping into her arms suddenly. she barely has time to understand what is happening but accepts the kiss, dropping her pillow to pass her arms around jihyo’s waist instead. the kiss is soft just the same amount it is abrupt and hurried, and nayeon almost falls trying to, unpreparedly, support jihyo’s weight over her.
when jihyo pulls back, nayeon sighs, already missing her lips.
“by the way, you didn’t deserve this. this one was for me,” jihyo explains, before she leaves nayeon alone once again.
nayeon has two options then.
she could 1) sleep on the couch, in that lonely, cold living room, that would feel way bigger than it was without anyone there with her, or 2) squeeze herself in jisoo’s bed and sleep with her, leaving bbuyo without a job for the night.
the second option is what nayeon chooses, of course, cuddling jisoo the entire night, even when bbuyo had complained and meowed in protest.
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