#The more I live the more I read my ex blog the more I feel I am the bad one
hugs4neth-official · 7 hours
new intro post because the old one was a mess. Putting the entire thing below the cut for convenience. you should read all of it because it’s still a mess, just less of one.
Sup folks, I’m Alexi. I also go by Neth, Hugs, and any nicknames of Alexi. (The nickname list is currently Lexi, Lexus, and Lex, but feel free to come up with more!) My name is not Alex because that’s another alter’s name.
He/Xe/Bun/Fir/Other neo/They pronouns. I haven’t found a neo pronoun I don’t like yet, and y’all should us random ones so I can find more I do :] No it/she unless you’re an alter in my system (Which you aren’t)
I am the host/core of The System X. You can find our alter list/system intro/collective pronouns here. In general we use both plural and singular pronouns interchangeably, we’d like you to do the same. (Unless of course you are referring to a specific alter)
If there is no sign off or my name signing off, it’s me. If another alter is fronting they’ll sign off with -[name]. In dm’s/comments they’ll sign off the first message and then talk as normal.
We have a tendency to use the different alter blogs to talk to ourselves. As of now the blogs are @curlyhaired-nico (Nico) and @vix-the-shift (Vixen) and myself.
Interacting with me: (✅=yes!!!, ❌=no, ⚠️=if i’ve talked to you or followed you for more than a week) (thing THEN whether im chill with it. ex: being mean ❌) Nicknames ✅ Pet names ✅ Terms of endearment ✅ Asks ✅ Dms ⚠️ Spam interactions ✅ Comments ✅ Vents ⚠️ Asking about DID/other alters ✅ Directly interacting with other alters/Addressing asks to other alters✅ Compliments✅ Physical affection✅ Fake claiming ❌ Being rude ❌ Bigotry❌ Syscourse (we have our own problems - syscourse neutral)❌ Tags ✅ Tag games✅ Chain asks⚠️ Post requests ✅ Ask games✅ mutual aid requests❌ untagged vents❌ asking for advice ✅ asking for comfort/compliments/affection✅
I live on reblogs. Please reblog.
I love asks and comments.
Tone tags greatly appreciated! Also please tag pictures of food, flashing lights, and gifs/moving images.
My likes: cooking, baking, crafts, activism, fashion, natural history, animals, theology, fandom, friends, cows, psychology, stuffies, agere, stimboards,
My interests: PJO, Nimona, French Horn, Art,
I am very active in the PJO fandom and can recite along to most of the nimona movie. I also have wonderful meta you should ask me about my meta. I’ll also occasionally post recipes — if I mention I cooked something and don’t attach the recipe but you want it, lmk and I’ll post it for you! I’m an artist (I don’t post for AI reasons but I’m happy to DM you stuff) and I play classical french horn. I also take stimboard requests :]
Problems: Bpd, depression, autism, DID, adhd, anxiety, severe sensory issues, ARFID, chronic pain/severe generalized hyper mobility disorder, etc. Suicidal and will vent on main. I try to tag appropriately. Will also occasionally regress and send bizarre asks if we’re close. Sorry bout that little me is a bit special. Usually there will be another alter trailing behind apologizing lmao.
Frens!!! (In no particular order) I probably won’t update this list so don’t feel bad if you aren’t on it you’re still my friend. Also I feel bad about tagging people 😅 If I wasn’t sure how you felt about me I didn’t tag you but I love all of my moots. @weewooooweew @o-kye @antigerrymanderingspiderman @hunner806 @daggerhobbit @theautumnaldemon @gummy-axolotl @daonedaonlyskh @inkling0121 @raeprise @touch-starved-lurker @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @three-eyed-skullbunny @xx-midnight-candy-goblin-x @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @dumblond-ie @normal-nyoom @copper-ichor @melemele-island-official @ford-mustang-1969 @lesbiansiffrin (So sorry for all the tags y’all)
Honorable mention to @catinasink who is not my friend.
Daily clicks (The link is for Palestine but you should do the other causes too!)
Queer stuff: Genderfluid, queer, berrisexual/romantic, patheccentrean, arospec, bellusromantic, aegosexual, queer platonic, polyamorous (currently single), gnc, transmasc,
#hugs talks - me talking/original posts
#asks - i answer asks
#ask game - ask games so you can send me asks (you can send me asks not on ask games ofc, anytime)
#hugs goes mom mode - me giving advice on how to not die and how to do shit.
#life updates - important stuff about my life. the important tag.
#the system x - talking about system stuff or other alters
#Am small boi OR am in little spece - Little me making a fool of themselves while I'm regressed. Please be patient lol. Inconsistent because small boi is really fucking bad at tumblr. If you get really bizarre asks it's probably because I'm regressed lol.
#moots - my moots <3 i am inconsistent with this one
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videodumpego · 5 months
the pain I feel is undescribable to me.
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the-raindeer-king · 1 month
Imagine Simon's mom doesn't die with Tommy and Beth. Maybe she was out of town, or at a friend's house, and Roba's men were sloppy and missed her. Anyway, so it's just Simon and her now, and because he blames himself for what happened, he's pulled away from her.
He pays her rent, even if he wanted her to live in a nicer apartment complex. And he visits during her birthday and Mother's Day, and sometimes just randomly stops by. But he never stays very long, and he doesn't tell her a lot about his new life. It's a very one sided relationship, but she tries to make the best of it.
And then you move in next door, during one of Simon's deployments. You feel bad for the sweet lady that lives next to you. She never seems to have much company, and you take it upon yourself to befriend her, spending more time in her apartment than your own.
You learn about her ex husband, her sons, the tragedy, and most importantly, you learn about Simon. And you hate him. Mrs. Riley (she insists you call her Sarah) is such a lovely woman, and it's clear how much she cares about her living son, how hard she's trying to keep their relationship alive.
It's the second Mother's Day after you move in when you finally meet Simon. Your relationship with your own mother is complicated, so you've opted to spend the day with Mrs. Riley. You'd gotten her a small present, and had planned to spend the day drinking wine and watching historical romance movies.
You're thoroughly shocked when you knock on her door, and a man answers. Six feet, built like a brick house, but under his scowl, you recognize Sarah's eyes.
“You must be Simon.”
His scowl deepens, but before he can say anything, Mama Riley is pushing past him, pulling you into her apartment to fuss over you.
She apologizes for not telling you sooner, but your plans will have to be rescheduled. Simon's back early, and she can't waste a precious second.
You're understanding. You've listened to her worried rants, given her space to cry over how things have turned out. You know she loves spending time with her son, even if the visits are short and he doesn't talk much.
Simon doesn't miss the way you glare at him. There's a fury in your eyes, even as you cheerily wish his mother a happy mother's day. For a moment, he wonders if you're a spy. But that thought is quickly diminished, when you verbally eviscerate him at the door.
You're quiet, not wanting to upset his mom, but your anger is clear. It may not be your business, but Mama Riley is your friend, and you adore the older woman. And you cannot stand by while he treats her like this. She loves her son so much, and he needs to step up and try harder.
As you're chewing him out, Simon's already head over heels, planning your wedding as the seconds tick by.
(A/N: You can read this as a stand alone piece, but I did write 3 more drabbles (four in total!) for this! They're all on my blog under the tag mama riley au. Thank you for reading!)
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belladonna-moon · 1 year
☽ Closet Witch Tips ☾
Hi, everyone! I spent years living as a closet witch and wishing I had more freedom to practice. Nowadays my living situation is different which allows me to do things I couldn’t before, but I know that there are many witches out there who are still struggling with this so I decided to share some tips on how to practice in the broom closet
Keep in mind these are all suggestions, you don’t need to have an altar, a book of shadows, practice divination, etc if you don’t want to
(Disclaimer: you don’t need an altar to practice, but in case you still desire to have one)
Inside a jewelry box
Shoe box
Tin can
In a video game such as animal crossing, the sims, minecraft, etc
The #SelfCare app has a little altar in which you can decorate with crystals, herbs and tarot cards
Notebook (then add the items by drawing them or maybe making collages)
Make/buy a little terrarium (artificial or real)
I’ve heard of people using plant vases as altars as well
(In case you can’t buy tarot decks/runes/etc)
Make your own tarot cards/oracle cards (it can be a little tiring but it’s what I did when I couldn’t buy my own)
Use playing cards as minor arcanas to read tarot
Pendulums (doesn’t have to be an actual crystal pendulum as you see on witchy stores, anything on a string will do)
Make runes out of seashells, rocks, clay, etc
Flip a coin for yes and no questions
Give dice divination a try
Deity Worship/Work
Wear jewelry that reminds you of them (ex: sun necklace for apollo, moon ring for artemis, etc)
Wear their associated colors
Practice devotional acts such as reading about them, praying, drawing something for them, writing them a letter, something related to your deity’s domains
Keep a notebook in which you can write their myths/domains/associations/etc or write prayers/poems, make drawings of things they like, etc
Keep a small altar
Watch movies that remind you of them
Play video games associated with their domains
Study something they have domain over
Make them a playlist
Make them a pinterest board
Make a devotional blog
Light a candle in their honor (it’s ok if you can only use LED candles)
Keep something associated with them on your desk/shelf
Keep a crystal associated with them near you
Get a small statuette/toy of one of their sacred animals to represent them (on your shelf/desk, on a small altar if you have one, etc)
Make a little deity jar and keep it near you
Have a devotional plant for them
Spend time in nature in their honor
Take care of yourself
Book of Shadows
Notes app
Google docs or google keep
Tumblr blog (either private or public, up to you)
Somewhere on your phone/computer
Simple Practices
Enchant your jewelry with intention
Use color correspondence in your clothes/makeup
Open your windows to cleanse your room
Keep crystals around you
Physically clean your space
Take showers/baths with the intention of cleansing yourself
Try practicing some kitchen magic if you cook
Enchant your food/drink
Make sigils
Keep plants in your space associated with your intention (ex: protection, creativity, etc)
Keep in mind that you’re not any less of a witch for not being able to do certain things, your practice is still valid
☽ Feel free to reblog with more tips! ☾
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seventhemaverick · 7 months
Astro Observations 🌱
Disclaimer: This is my first Astrology post! I tried to do this earlier this year but tumblr lagged and it deleted all of my hard work lol. But now I’ve gained the courage to give it another go! I’m not a professional astrologer. I just study it in depth when I have time. Still very much a beginner. Please be kind and if I’m misinformed let me know! If you want to repost my work please credit me. This also has personal opinions in here don’t take it too seriously babes!
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🌾 I don’t typically think Leo’s and Scorpios go together romantically BUT any other relationship outside of that exudes power team. For ex: Kylie and Kris Jenner. Scorpios are known to love power and Leo’s love the spotlight! Kylie was bound to be a favorite after her « ugly duckling » phase. Kylie rolls in the dough and Kris keeps that empire going. I’ve seen many Scorpio parents with Leo kids and they really seem to love them the most lol
Let’s talk about underdeveloped placements real quick!
🌿 Having a parent that is toxic or underdeveloped and has placements that fall into your second house can obliterate your self worth. ESPECIALLY if you have planets in that house and their placements are exactly conjunct 0° or 1-3°.
🌾 If your mars sign is exactly square one of your parents mars or 1-5° orb… 🌚 take the steps to move out if you haven’t already it’s for the best.
🌿 Capricorn moons I wish I could hug all of you. You had to grow up so fast and got handed some of the worst cards. But nevertheless resilience is your middle name. As you age things will get easier if you stand on business! Integrity is key.
🌾 I know libras are known to be superficial or whatever and I’m kinda one of them lol. I literally live off of aesthetics and I typically have nice skin but when I have a massive break out? I literally want to hide until they’re gone. My stress is next level when I don’t look my best.. I’m also a Leo Venus 😅 in the tenth house at that and have cancelled plans when I look and feel shitty.
🌿 All of the air signs almost always value intellectual stimulation first from their partner. Someone they can have great rapport, banter with. Someone that’s witty and knows a wide variety of subjects or has many interests is very hot. Sagittarius is the air sign of the fire signs so I’ll loop them in on this too.
If we lost any zodiac element, it would bring chaos to the entire world.
🌾 Air brings logic and reasoning, water brings compassion and empathy, earth brings grounding and patience, fire brings passion and vitality. Life is about interconnectedness.
🌿 I remember reading a blog that the gods put the constellation of Libra in between Virgo and Scorpio because they were too much alike and it’s so true lol. Both signs can be so compulsive and it’s overwhelming from what I’ve heard from Virgo and Scorpio placements. I can also see this easy going equivalence being the case for Sagittarius being in between Scorpio and Capricorn. The benefics happy go luckies in between the malefics drained and over it.
🌾… moon 3rd house overlay is addictive especially combined with 7th/8th/12th overlays in that synastry. I don’t think I can ever do that again unless we both have it overlaying each others charts. Someone’s moon in your 3rd house, their mind fascinates you and it’s easy to communicate with them you feel seen and heard. You dream about them, you think about them all the freaking time. It is the most annoying thing because why are you taking up my brain space like that bro? I had this with someone and I still think about them it’s been over for quite some time now. Another person that’s in love with me, my moon falls into their 3rd house and they tell me how much they think about me and day dream about me. I had said issue of daydreaming with the other guy. 2/10 would not recommend unless moon person is developed.
🌿 When the moon transits your first house you’re more likely to be more emotional and make drastic changes to your physical features! When Doja Cat shaved her head the moon was transiting her first house and I literally did mine the next day when it was transiting my first house.
🌾 Opinion but I love Pisces placements they are so helpful and loving when developed. I think the underdeveloped ones are too but they expect something out of it where the developed ones are just really selfless. I’m a Pisces Stan! I have so many in my life lol I have no Pisces placements. My 5H is in Pisces lol
🌿 Degree theory is that gworl. It helps you relate to the planet and it’s placement more depending on what the degree rules. For example I was dating a Sagittarius Venus in the 9th house at the 9° and he embodied that free spirited nature of Sag Venus fr. Another example, you can be a Pisces Venus but it’s in your first house at the first degree and the way you love embodies a more aries way of loving. Fiery, passionate a bit aggressive but very deep and tender to the core.
🌾 I’ve also heard the theory of when you reach the age of certain degrees of the placements you have you unlock that placements characteristics. Something significant happens to you during that age or you might master that placement regarding the planet and house placement.
🌿 The degree of your rising sign is more than likely the age of something significant happen in your physical life/to you physically. This is tea y’all.
🌾 You most likely share placements or degrees in your chart with your siblings. My sister is a Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Virgo moon and I’m a Libra sun, Scorpio rising, Aries moon. If I was born two days earlier I would’ve been a Virgo sun and if she was born one or two days later she would’ve been a Libra moon. So I think thats pretty cool. We’re also both Venus dominant and she has a Libra stellium 💗. You really choose your family for your next life lol like that’s so crazy to me.
🌿 Ima say dis with my chest. STOP doing wrong by Saturn ruled placements!!! Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius in traditional astrology and we cannot forget about its exalted sign in Libra. As a Libra, I receive karma with the quickness but also people that have done wrong by me their quality of life decreases and or whichever house Saturn is in their chart is deeply affected in the worst ways.. daddy Saturn don’t play bout his! Be fair and follow the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
🌾 Having heavy Sagittarius placements in your chart makes you open to learn different languages or different cultures.. just always wanting to learn. Whatever house it’s in you want to master in life.
🌿 The mutables Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces love their niches, they are the teachers and preachers of the zodiac.
🌾 Geminis have the gift of gab more than any other zodiac. Sagittarius could possibly go toe to toe with them
🌿 If anyone ever tries to degrade you for studying astrology and eggs you on to prove this practice to be true, get their birth info and read them their Chiron sign and house placement. Hit ‘em where it hurts!
🌾 Scorpio and Libra placements are usually the generational trauma breakers of their family. Honorable mention- Saturns children, Capricorn and Aquarius
🌿 An undeveloped Capricorn placement that enters your life is literally satan reincarnated to torture you for whatever you did wrong in your past life. And I (if u were raised around Christianity) believe Jesus was a Pisces/Aries! I can argue about this all day! In tarot Capricorn rules the devil! Like hellooooo
🌾 Sixth house/Virgo placements are pretty good at taking care of pets and plants. They feel the most sane around nature and animals.
🌿 Personal planets harmoniously aspected to Neptune make the person seem very angelic like. Very soft souls, earth angels. Hard aspects have people having an even more distorted projection of you.
🌾 Personal planets harmoniously aspected or not to Uranus gives you that shock factor some people will be repelled and some people will be very intrigued.
🌿 Aries placements especially sun and moon are really loyal! I’m talking mostly platonically. Once they see you as their person they are truly ride or die.
🌾 Cancer placements can be one of the most loving and giving when developed. Some spiteful mfs when underdeveloped omg.
🌿 I realize cancer placement women get treated with the cutest romantic gestures. I think they lovers want to do these things for them because they give off ethereal or princess vibes but they’re also real nasty in the sheets lol
🌾 Cancers don’t really get a bad rep even when they do shady things. For example: Selena Gomez when she dated Abel even tho she was cool with Bella was super weird. And I think a lot of people forgot how Kevin hart cheated on his wife like it was nothing lol. Ariana grande with the donuts and now the Ethan thing chileee. It’s like they get a second of backlash and then everyone adores them again lol.
🌿 Having a grand trine in your chart can make you so damn lazy in the houses those planets/figures are in 🥹🥲. It’s crazy cuz that talent(s) will come natural to you and you’ll over look it! Please don’t.
🌾 Grand squares are TOUGH but it pushes you to break cycles and overcome so much in your life. Same with t-squares
🌱 Astrology is really a map. It shows you which path you can take and where you can end up when you include discernment and discipline into your daily life. It’s never an excuse to behave the way you do. Ultimately it helps us reach our most aligned and enlighten self! I hope you all enjoyed. 🌱
Idk why I can’t figure out how to delete this question thing so let’s do a cute lil questionnaire!
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navstuffs · 1 year
Your (ex)boyfriend's neighbor
Pairing: Carlos Oliveira x F!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend cheats and breaks up with you, and you find solace in his neighbor's arms.
Warnings: SMUT SO MINORS DNI, porn with plot, carlos is brazilian in my fics, mention of cheating (not between the main pairing), carlos is taller than reader, p in v, masturbation (f), exhibition, some possessive!carlos, tiny cockwarmimg
Author's Notes: hiii! finally, finally i have a fic for my boy carlos prepared. fun fact: the cat carlos has/had is named after a character from a kid's comics in brazil: a boy named cascão who simply HATES water! all credits for the image go to @rysanf who so kindly let me use it their image, thank you so much! check their blog they have the BEST pictures (i mean it)! enjoy your reading!!
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You slam the door of your boyfriend's apartment, tears flowing down your eyes. How could he? After years and years of commitment and promises of eternal love? For you get dumped just like that? You are furious, the ring on your finger burning against your skin. You have to get it out. You pull it and throw as far away as possible, almost hitting Carlos Oliveira returning home.
"Oh, sorry, Carlos, sorry!" You murmur as he looks at you, tears falling down your eyes. 
"You okay?" Carlos asks, worried. You shake your head, looking down at your feet, sniffling.
Carlos ponders for a moment before opening the door of his apartment. You think he will leave you alone, but he keeps the door open, motioning with his head for you to come in.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out you broke up with your boyfriend, especially for Carlos Oliveira, who almost got hit by your ring; Carlos never liked your boyfriend that much. He never treated Carlos wrong or anything, but something didn't sit right for him.
It could have been with the fact that on the day your ex moved to the building, Carlos watched you carry a heavy box while your ex carried a much lighter one. Not wanting to jump to any conclusions, Carlos immediately offered you two help, and your eyes went from his muscular arm before looking at his face and thanking him. 
Your ex never liked how comfortable you were with Carlos, but you used to tell him that was nothing to worry about. Because, well, there really wasn't. You would never have cheated on your boyfriend, and Carlos was way out of your league.
That didn't stop you from secretly admiring Carlos. Since your first meeting, the electricity pierced your veins when you accidentally bumped into or touched each other. There was a particular tension even when you two crossed eyes, but nothing you would act on it. 
Today is different.
You enter Carlos's apartment, and he closes the door. You are furious, angry, upset and confused. You sigh, looking around. It is your first time in Carlos's apartment: it is definitely not what you imagined. It is much more comfortable and full of light. You instantly feel safe and much calmer there.
"You want some water?" Carlos's voice comes from the kitchen, and you answer a distracted yes, your eyes wandering around his living room, stopping by his bookshelf.
There are a few pictures in there: one of a much younger Carlos with an older woman, both smiling, which you judged to be his grandmother. Another one of a big black cat with green eyes, which makes you smile.
"I see you found Cascão's picture."
Carlos is at your side, offering you a cup of water. You thank him, drinking it in a few gulps. 
"You have a cool place," You tell him as you are done. The cold water feels good against your throat. "Not what I would have imagined, anyway."
"Not as manly?" Carlos teases, and you shake your head, embarrassed. He chuckles. "Don't worry, I get that a lot. Not what you would imagine from a guy like me."
Carlos and you cross stares as he finishes saying this, and a chill goes down your spine. The tension is palpable in the air, especially after you notice Carlos probably just came from the gym: his hair is wet, some droplets in his dark jacket. Your eyes go down to his gray pants, and you are gulping. You shake your head, placing the cup on his bookshelf before you mumble an apology and move to the exit. Carlos holds gently into your arm, his dark eyes scanning your expression.
"You didn't tell me what happened," Carlos whispers, his tone so soft and caring that your legs turn into jelly.
You should leave now, you think. You should leave before you commit some sort of mistake with Carlos. Ignore that he is also breathing rapidly, his dark eyes focused on your lips. Ignore your heart beating fast against your chest and your body screaming to kiss him.
But that's what you do. You kiss him, and Carlos doesn't open his mouth back when you lock your lips with his. You separate, thinking you screwed up.
"I am sorry, I shouldn't have—" You start before Carlos holds into your shoulders, scanning if you are serious.
"No," Carlos answers, his eyes focused on you. "But do you want this?"
You nod. You have never been more sure of something in your entire life.
You are in Carlos's bed in no time. You know you want this: you have wanted this since the first time you saw him. Carlos kisses your neck brings you back to the present as he takes the last piece of your clothing, your panties.
If you knew you would be in Carlos's bed, you would have worn something more sexy. He doesn't seem to mind your cringy comfortable pair of panties, no, his eyes are full of desire from the top of your head to your toes. He is engraving you on his mind, taking you all in. You are much, much more beautiful than he imagined; how many times has he touched himself and fantasized about you spread like that in his bed?
"Are you still sure about this? Last chance."
"I want you, Carlos. Always had."
Your confession seems to awaken something in him, and Carlos doesn't have to hear more. He shoves two fingers inside your wet cunt, making your back arch. Your hands look for him, anything you can hold, as Carlos fingers you, keeping a steady pace. Carlos watches, fascinated by your pleasure expressions as you bite your lips down. 
This is much better than any fantasy he had.
When Carlos finally, finally hits your pleasure point, his thumb focusing on your clit, you place your hands over your mouth so you don't scream. That's when Carlos realizes: he left his window open, so enchanted with you that he was, curtains and everything. A window right in front of your ex's bedroom. He motions to get up and close, but you hold into him, shaking your head.
"As you wish."
You are so close now, so close. But you don't want to cum without him, but it has been so long since your last orgasm. You try to move away from Carlos to signal you are about to cum, but he keeps you there, his movements much faster now. When you finally cum, your toes curl as your entire body shakes.
Carlos waits for you to recover, your breasts coming up and down. You look at him, drunk with your orgasm, as Carlos finally starts to undress, his eyes never losing contact with yours. Now it is your time to be left speechless: Carlos's body is built like a freaking Greek God or a statue to represent the peak of a male body. Your eyes wander from his toned hairy chest down, his arm, his abs, and his pubic hair. Your eyes widen slightly when you stop by his dick, and you wonder if you will survive tonight. Carlos wants to be gentle, he really wants to, but you bring something feral inside of him.
He needs to have you.
"Ready?" Carlos asks, and you gulp, nodding.
Carlos enters you slowly, groaning, feeling you squeezing down on him. It had also been too long for him: with his line of work, he was allowed a quickie here and maybe his hand at some night. Carlos knows he isn't going to last, not with your pussy squeezing him down so deliciously. You are perfect, made for him. His eyes roll in his head, and he needs a moment inside you to calm down and control himself.
"You are so tight. So warm," Carlos declares, his voice soft.
You can only bite your lips in response, your legs locking around his hips as your arms hold into his back. You need to hold onto something so you don't lose your mind. Before Carlos can start moving, he has a sudden idea.
"Hold tight onto me," He whispers in your ear.
You don't even care what he is about to do, Carlos could do anything with you at this point.
Carlos lifts you from the bed, and you hide your face into his neck, inhaling his smell. Carlos carries you near the wall close to his open window. Your back welcomes the coldness of the wall until he starts moving, poking directly into your cervix. You sob, attempting to keep your voice down.
"Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me." Carlos demands, and you open your eyes to find his staring directly at you: full of passion and lust. "Do not hold back. I want to hear you," Another thrust, making you wince with pleasure. "I want this whole building to hear you."
His hands go to your ass, keeping you steady as he snaps, his balls slapping against your ass. The way Carlos is gazing at you should give you an orgasm alone. It has gotten too much, and your voice comes out loud with every thrust. You scream his name, scream "Harder and faster!" You don't care anymore if the whole building can hear you. You want them to hear.
"That is it... let it all out," Carlos whispers in your ear, satisfied, biting your neck.
You both won't last, and Carlos's thrusts become even more erratic. You pull his hair, moaning incoherent things, when finally, the pressure into your core becomes too much, and you cum, screaming Carlos's name so loud you wouldn't be surprised an innocent bystander by the street could hear you.
"That is it, that is my good girl," Carlos whispers as he gives one final thrust before cumming himself. He grunts, his seed filling your walls, and he hides the face on your neck, giving one final bite.
Carlos slowly pulls away from you, a small, proud smile on his face as he sees small spasms in your body, a satisfied smile on your lips. He carries you into bed, placing you there gently, and when Carlos looks up, he thinks he sees a shadow in your ex's window.
Carlos can't help but smile, closing his curtains before joining you in bed. You seem awake now, and you look embarrassed. Breathless but embarrassed. You look adorable, Carlos thinks.
"You okay? Need water?" Carlos asks, lying at your side. He rests his head on his arm and places his arms around your stomach.
"Yeah. I am fine." Your eyes can't meet his. Carlos is worried you regretted this. He doesn't want to ask, but he decides to joke, "Regretting this already?"
"N-no! No!" You seem shocked, shaking your head. "No! I just- it is complicated."
"I get it. You just broke up with your boyfriend. Things aren't supposed to be easy..."
You sigh, staring into his attentive eyes.
"I don't want you to feel like I have used you, Carlos."
"If that is how it is, I can always be used by you. You call, and I answer." Carlos giggles, content you don't regret him.
"Of course you would," You laugh back, hitting light on his arm.
"I mean, I could invite you to dinner if you want. To make you feel less guilty," Carlos says, the teasing tone disappearing as he looks serious in your direction. You play with the hair on his arms, thinking.
"I would like that," You admit, a warm fuzzy feeling installs on his chest.
Carlos kisses you on top of your forehead before nuzzling at your side. Not even five minutes pass until he falls asleep, and you watch him, his expression calm. You smile, closing your eyes. 
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energeticwarrior · 5 months
Apologies for my delay in using my platform, I found out about this strike yesterday and was taking some time to figure out what to say
Palestine has been suffering long before October 2023 and I need everybody to understand that. There is a genocide happening right now and if people don't use their voices to speak up, then they will become a lost cause in our history. We do not want the stories of their people to be told 50 years from now with a side comment like "oh no I wish someone would've done something" or "I can't believe that actually happened." Our voices can spread like a wildfire, so I hope that everybody joins the global strike this week in support of Palestine and uses their voices, social media, platforms, etc to voice their support.
If you are unsure of where to start, I suggest reading up on the history of Israel's occupation of Palestine dating back to 1948. Here is a free PDF download of this book. To be honest, I have not finished reading this book yet, but it's been highly recommended to me by multiple people. Buying the book from the author would be better, but I understand that it's not within everybody's budgets which is why I included that link.
If you follow this link, this is a great guide on how to participate and support the strike this week. Doing every single thing is not realistic but do what you can and that is enough.
Here are some Palestinian journalists you can follow on Twitter, as they are the most reliable source. Many news sources worldwide have been misconstruing this "conflict" and completely ignoring the blatant genocide happening before our eyes. These journalists are Palestinian people who have been living this their whole lives (there are many more people and the Twitter thread can be viewed here)
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Additionally, here are some other Twitter accounts that you can receive information from.
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I urge everybody (art blogs, fandom blogs, etc) to put their interests on pause for the week and use that time to educate themselves on what's been going on for the last several years. This did not start in October. Keep speaking up and uplift Palestinian voices!
Resources and other ways to help:
Donate E-Sims to help journalists be in touch with the rest of the world
Stop supporting Zionist celebrities (ex: Noah Schnapp, Gal Gadot)
Uplift Palestinian journalists
Donate menstrual products to menstruating people in Gaza
Donations to UNRWA, Islamic Relief Canada, Arab (daily clicks and proceeds go to UNRWA)
If I missed anything, please feel free to message me or send me something in my inbox. Again, I urge everybody to pause their week to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and continue to uplift their voices. We are all stronger together.
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chilschuck · 2 months
AAAA i love your blog!! could i pls request a post-canon scenario where chilchuck finally admits his feelings for reader now that they’re not co-workers anymore >_< (assuming reader joined the laios party during the story)
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAAAAH ANON i’m so happy you love my stuff!! i LOVEDDD writing this for you, and i have another request in my askbox that’s similar that i’m going to do as well! this was super fun, and i found myself enjoying this idea and coming up with things i could do with it!!! i hope you enjoy!!! <333
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— SHELTER: chilchuck x gn!reader.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw fluff!! takes place post-canon.
꒰ wc: ꒱ 1745 (got carried away again…)
✦ i’m scared to reread this, but right now I’m actually happy with it!! i hope you are too!! <333 i tried my best to keep spoilers to a minimum, and to make this fun to read!! also, the title comes from the song shelter by ray lamontagne, which i listened to while writing it. i hope you enjoy!!!
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With your party’s adventure finally over, you had decided to try and finally settle down as much as you could. With everyone finding their own new place in life, you did your best to find one too.
You couldn’t deny it had been rather lonely lately. Your own home was empty, a small place you had tried your best to make feel cozy. With your old party members living their own lives, you hoped you could live yours. But evidently, no matter how hard you tried, your mind always went back to him.
It was a bittersweet feeling; imagining him finally living healthily, working on helping others, and even maybe starting up that shop he talked about wanting. It wasn’t like you never saw him, but going on with every day life without him felt… mundane.
Chilchuck was working on himself, reconnecting with his family, and building the future he had hoped for. That alone helped you feel as much at peace as possible. Your feelings, to you, were not nearly as important as his own happiness. So here you waited, counting down the days you’d get to see him again. Maybe he’d be happy to see you too.
Little did you know, Chilchuck was devastatingly nervous. Buttoning up his shirt with shaky fingers, he tried his best to look as decent as he possibly could. It was the final thing he felt he needed to move on, and he wasn’t going to let himself ruin it. Not this, he told himself. There were some things he refused to let slip through his fingers, and one of them were his feelings he had developed for you.
Through it all, you had been by his side. An integral part of the party, you had built him up when he needed it most. Looking past all the mistakes, all the cynicism he liked to cloud himself with, you proved how much you simply cared. Not only for him, but for everyone. Chilchuck had fallen in love with you, and for once, he didn’t want to push those feelings down.
He had bought the flowers he knew you liked, tied with a sweet ribbon that he felt maybe was a bit too much. In fact, maybe all of this was a bit too much, but he hoped it’d work. Chilchuck even went to talk to Marcille about it all, a sign in his own mind that he was more smitten than he had been in years. Not to mention that he had, in fact, reconnected with his ex-wife, and had gained the closure he needed to take this big of a step. There was nothing holding him back now, and he could only hope the words of encouragement he was given would hold true.
Chilchuck had visited your home before, always noting just how comfortable he felt there. You were always happy to have guests lately, and he felt himself praying that this would be the case this time, too. Fist raised in front of your door, he took a deep breath before rapping it against the wood.
The knock came as a surprise, but not as surprising as the person who was behind it. Your eyes widened, his name leaving your lips in delight. “Chilchuck, hello!” It was slightly out of breath from the sheer excitement you had to try and suppress at seeing him here in front of you. Moving to the side, you motioned him in. “Do you… Want to come in?”
One hand behind his back still, trying his best to not snap the stems of the delicate flowers between his fingers, he nodded. “Yeah, sorry for the sudden visit.”
Shaking your head, you walked inside to prepare him something to drink. “Not at all! You know me… I could never say no to seeing you.”
It felt like another of Cupid’s arrows shot him through the chest. Maybe he shouldn’t look too deeply into your words, at least not yet. Following you inside, Chilchuck found himself trying his best to find anything to look at of interest. The plants on your shelves, the well loved books on the table, the occasional trinket you had decided you couldn’t live without… Everything that made it feel so much like you.
While you fiddled around in your small kitchen, Chilchuck cleared his throat. His mouth felt dry, and to try and slow down the thoughts rushing through his head, he spoke up again. “You know… You’ve done a great job with this place. I remember when you bought it.”
You couldn’t help but smile, thinking back fondly of how proud you were. Preparing you both glasses of wine, you turned your attention to him for a moment. “That means a lot, thank you. How have things been with the guild?”
Chilchuck hummed, eyes studying a particular painting on your wall. “Good… Pretty much the usual. Things are going pretty well. What about you, anything interesting since we last saw each other?”
Other than your constant war on your feelings for the half-foot, you’ve been trying new hobbies in order to distract yourself. As you turned to hand him the glass, you racked your brain for something to say. Giving him a sheepish smile, you shook your head. “Not particularly. Here, it’s one you like. Let’s go sit, yeah?”
He held your gaze for a moment, the flowers in his hand a constant reminder of what he was here for. Swallowing hard, he opened his mouth to speak. “Yeah. But first, I have something to give you…”
Finally taking the hand from behind his back, he steeled himself as much as he could before holding them out to you. Quickly setting the glasses down, you let out a sound of surprise. Your hands reached out for them, as delicate as possible.
Chilchuck felt like his face was a bit too hot for something as simple as this, but it’s been such a long time since he’s had to really woo anyone. How the hell did he manage to do this all those years ago? Scratching the back of his head, he broke the silence between the two of you.
“They’re your favorites, right? I happened to see ‘em and thought you’d be happy.”
Although Chilchuck felt like he was doing a piss poor job at this, you felt like you were swooning all over again. You know how much he used actions as a love language, yet could you even call it that in this situation? Friends did nice things for each other, yet…
His brows were furrowed in determination, the tips of his ears rosy and suddenly you felt like maybe there was something there. Your gaze fell to the buds in your hands, freshly picked and done so with care. The smile that made its way on your features was unabashed.
“Yes, yes they’re my favorites… I can’t believe you remembered that. Let me go get something to put them in. Thank you so much, Chil.”
It was worth it just to see you smile like that. Even if he felt a little ridiculous at the action, it paid off when you held the vase proudly in your hands. “I’m going to put them on my desk. I love them…” You spoke softly, your own cheeks turning that shade of pink he loved so much. For a few moments, it became silent again, his brain scrambling for what to say next.
“You asked me about my plans after our adventure was over. There… was something I wasn’t honest about. And I want to be honest about it now.”
Chilchuck made sure to correctly word everything he needed to say. Taking time in between his sentences, his gaze returned to yours. There was something there that you had only hoped you’d seen in the past; a taste of desire.
“I want to be there for you. I know we’re no longer coworkers, so…” The words fell silent, you remaining patient through his pauses. Softly, you gave a gentle phrase of reassurance. “You’re already there for me, I know that, Chil—”
Raising a hand, he silenced you. Contemplation took over his features, that worry line between his brows that you always found endearing still making an appearance. You waited for him to elaborate.
“…As more than friends.”
Your heart stopped. Did you hear him correctly? Certainly you did, your voice having gotten stuck in your throat as you tried to wrap your head around the weight those words carried. Was he saying that, this whole time, you’ve been a goal all along? Hearing your name, you snapped your attention back to him.
“I want to be more honest with how I feel. I know how I used to be, and I’m working towards fixing it.” His deep brown eyes held a small glimmer of hope, of vulnerability. Chilchuck was trying, and he was trying for you.
Feeling as if the wind was knocked out of your lungs, you asked shakily, “You want…?”
He smiled, a small etch in his features. Huffing, Chilchuck fiddled with the collar of his shirt. “You’re really gonna make me spell it out for you? I… Have feelings for you. If you don’t feel the same I get it, don’t—“
Before he could finish his sentence, you hurriedly set the flowers down before just about tackling him. The shock of hearing him say exactly what you’d been wishing for so long melted into a need to relay exactly how you felt. Chilchuck grunted at the impact, nearly toppling over.
“Of course I feel the same! You think I’d put up with your grumpy ass for this long if I didn’t?” You couldn’t help the teasing words that followed, pulling away from him to grin widely at him. “Can I kiss you?”
Your excitement caught him even more off guard, eyes widening at your question. “Sorry, that was probably a bit too much—“
Instead of giving you a verbal answer, Chilchuck tugged you to his lips in a desperate attempt to get you to just shut up and do it. You happily obliged, only pulling away to ask one more question. “How long?”
Chilchuck panted, confusion evident on his features. “What?”
“How long have you felt this way?” Your curiosity was getting the better of you, wondering just how long you two had managed to dance around each other like this. Chilchuck sighed, giving the only answer he could think to say:
“Too long.”
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <3
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bigtreefest · 5 months
Fic Rec Masterlist
*This list is constantly being edited as I read more that’s so good I feel the need to share
Fluff 💞| Smut 🔥| Angst 🧊 | ST’s Favorite 🌟
Bucky Barnes
🌟An Offer by @wntrs0ldier
I Thought You’d Never Happen to Me by @nickfowlerrr
Van Helsing Retold 🧊by @gaysindistress
New Tricks by @sebstanwhore
The List by @srgntjamesbuckybarnes
Catch Me if You Can by @buckyalpine
Treat You Better by @notafunkiller
Wedded Bliss by @gutsby
I Think He Knows by @delicatebarness
Wrapped Around Him by @angrythingstarlight
Back Again by @delaber
Are You Bored Yet? By @pellucid-constellations
Curiosity Killed the Cat by @queers-gambit
My Everyday by @pellucid-constellations
Traitor (technically a 2-shot) 🧊🔥 by @insomniumstella
Details by @soulgazingwithbucky
When we are Older by @buckys-wintersoldier
Hell Hath no Fury Like a Farmer Scorned by @eat-limes-bitches
You Know Just What I Need by @sinner-as-saint
Right Here by @ellemj
I Hate You by @ellemj
My First and Only by @buckyalpine
Bake Nights by @jobean12-blog
Steve Rogers
Reckless 💞🔥🧊 by @kinanabinks
The Gemini by @rogersideup
With You by @buckets-and-trees
I’m So, So… Sorry by @ronearoundblindly
The Brooklyn Boys by @buckets-and-trees
Backstage Pass by @luxeavenger
Mafia!Stucky by @myfictionaldreams
The Fuckboy Committee by @kinanabinks
Ari Levinson
Highways & Heatstrokes (trucker AU) 🔥 by @oh-my-damn
🌟Bedrock and Blueprints by @ronearoundblindly
Sweet Renegade by @cevansbrat0007
Being in Love (ex Bucky) by @imtryingbuck
Pearls & Sunflowers by @chase-your-dreams-away
Flamingo King by @onsunnyside
Stoner sex 🔥 by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
I’ll Wait, Angel by @buckyscombatboots
Jake Jensen
A Helping Hand by @buckymorelikefuckme
Curtis Everett
Live Is Short So Make It Sweet by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
I Know I Should Know Better by @krirebr
Dream Come True by @thezombieprostitute
Andy Barber
Like I’m Gonna Lose You (with Ransom Drysdale) by @paperweight91
Ransom Drysdale
Precarious Agreements by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
The Root of All Ransom by @ronearoundblindly
More Than This by @krirebr
Afterglow by @stargazingfangirl18
Johnny Storm
Colin Shea
Sprawling Multi-character AUs
Lucky Charms by @yenzys-lucky-charm
We’re All Monsters by @krirebr @paperweight91
Come Hell or High Water by @imaginedreamwrite
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mintkookiess · 1 year
It's Always Been Her.
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A/N before anything else: Hey there I'm Mint! I finally got the guts to actually post something instead of keeping it in my private blog sue me (╯•﹏•╰)
Felt a bit angsty today and I've been practicing more on my writing so, I decided why not post it
Please also note the characters here are aged up, none are minors, and Miles and our dear lovely fem!reader here are old enough to live together (Feel free to think up what age you want esp since there isn't really an age stated her). Plus, this has only been proof-read like twice and ran through grammarly once, hope it turned out okay still with the grammar and typos ಥ‿ಥ
Anyways enough about that, you can go ahead! Hearts and reblogs are appreciated
(Pls be nice ty)
P.S. AO3 saw it first here!
Summary: Y/n finds Miles comforting his ex girlfriend Gwen in their home.
Word count: 2.6k
Tags: Miles Morales x Fem!Reader Slight mention of blood (those are paper cuts I promise), angst (no happy ending babe), heartbreak, cutting up onions .°(ಗ д ಗ。)°.
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"Y/n...?" Miles looked as if he had just seen a ghost, "How long have you been—" She hadn’t even realized how she stood by the door, crying with her mouth covered, her other hand clutching her aching chest, until he noticed her.
"Miles..." Y/n managed to choke out, her voice barely a whisper as she looked at her supposed lover Miles, comforting Gwen on the floor of their shared home's living room. Her eyes were filled with absolute sorrow, betrayal, hurt, anger, and anguish all rolled into one. She stood there helplessly, feet seemingly glued to the ground even if her brain has been telling her to run.
But she couldn't seem to look away or move a single inch as the tears continued to flow down like a stream down her cheeks that have turned pale from shock. Miles was rendered speechless, he had never seen Y/n like this, and he hadn't seen her cry much either.
"Y/n..." He said with a weak voice, his voice breaking ever so slightly as he slowly unwrapped his arms from Gwen, standing up to take a step towards her. He knew he should come to her, to hug her, comfort her, tell her it's okay but he couldn't seem to bring himself to do it. His hands trembled as he looked into her eyes. Y/n could see the fear and regret in them.
"What... What are you doing with her?" She croaked, still in a tone that made her voice sound like the harsh cold wind of winter. Y/n had watched Miles comfort Gwen for the past thirty minutes, and all she could do was see how vulnerable they were to each other, how Miles' comforting voice that felt so much like caramel soothed his ex-girlfriend who had been weeping like a deer in his chest.
It was another sense of betrayal and hurt, a whole new level of pain that Y/n couldn't even begin to explain. No words could describe how... broken she felt.
"She's... She's having.." he started, before pausing, trying to configure the right words to say to her—"She's having a hard time right now." He finally finished, his voice sounding weak. All Y/n did was stare right at him, tears still rolling down her eyes.
Seeing her cry made him want to do anything—to hug her, comfort her, and just say “Everything’s fine. I'm sorry, please stop crying, I love you." Miles didn't know what to do, it seemed as if he couldn't stop her from crying and it broke him.
Y/n started to let out small sobs from her lips that had dried and cracked from letting out so many tears. Her hands crept up to her face, trying to see if she could wake up from this dream that's become her new hell.
She was shaking her head slightly, shoulders sagging more and more as she felt all her patience thin out like paper. "You promised... You told me that you don't talk to her anymore." Y/n said slowly, her words slightly muffled from her hands.
Oh, how she tried so hard to not have her voice crack, even though she could hear her heart break into a million pieces per second.
Upon hearing her words, Miles visibly flinched. He looked down at his feet as if he was suddenly ashamed of himself. His head tilted back up to her, his eyes filled with shame. Miles stood there frozen, a few feet away from her, unable to bring himself to approach or move a single inch.
It was as if he wanted to make it up to her, but he was too scared, too fearful of what would happen. "Y/n..." The way he said her name was like it was a silent prayer, a plea. "I'm... sorry..."
After a few more tears, she removed her hands from her face. Her head hung low, but her eyes looked up at Miles with newly found determination and courage but still with a tinge of fear and hurt.
"You still love her."
Her words itself may have downright punched her heart as she could feel it gets beaten up and shatter, falling to the depths of her very soul. She didn't want to utter what she had been thinking since she saw the way Miles comforted Gwen with so much love that she thought was only reserved for her. Y/n feared that once she said it out loud, it would become real.
But deep down she knew that this had become her reality, whether she said it or not.
Miles felt like he was stabbed at every syllable, how deep her words wounded him. Yet he had to admit that the truth in what she said made them all the more gut-wrenching.
He looked away from her, trying to gather some little courage before facing Y/n once more. Miles' brown eyes bore into hers, two pairs of eyes containing remorse, regret, and betrayal. "Yes..." He finally answered, the weight of his guilt dragging every word down with him.
The second he confirmed her statement, it was as if her vision went black. "Thank you... for your honesty." Was all she could say.
Y/n's feet may weigh a thousand pounds right now, but she forced herself, dragging herself out the door. The only thing that she could think of was that she had to get away.
To run.
To hide.
To go to a place where Miles wouldn't find her.
His simple “ yes “ reply was enough to tell her that she was no longer wanted or needed. She felt herself to be a burden, someone holding back Miles from truly loving Gwen. Even though he had made promises to her, that he'd keep his and Y/n's relationship safe and out of harm.
As she started to walk away, Miles' heart severed apart with each step she took. He had never felt so lost, so scared, as he did right now. He hasn't even spared Gwen a glance behind him as he tried to take another step towards the direction Y/n disappeared to.
She walked away from him and he could only watch. All he wanted was to ask her to stay, to forgive him. He didn't want to lose Y/n, but he was too scared to act, fearing that it would make matters worse than it already was.
If that was even possible.
Y/n turned right towards their shared bedroom, her eyes sticking to the ground because she refused to take in the sight of the many pictures of her and Miles scattered around the walls and tables of the bedroom.
She made a beeline to the closet, pulled out luggage, and just threw in all the clothes she owned, every accessory in their shared drawers, and every perfume that decorated the vanity.
Y/n was slowly removing every trace of her in the bedroom.
Once she was done, she zipped the luggage close, and stomped to their framed pictures, their polaroids that were clipped to the walls, everything that had the both of them in it, and started throwing them across the tiled floor. She didn't let out a single scream, letting the picture frames break to make all the noise for her as she couldn't let out any noise.
Every time it shattered against the polished floor, her heart broke along with it.
Y/n continued to break and rip every picture, tears streaming hot down her cheek, dripping off her chin, and staining the dissipated pictures and smashed frames by her feet.
Miles stood there, his heart in his throat, hearing the sounds of glass smashing and wooden picture frames hitting the floor. He didn't move, though it hurt to hear that, and seeing the pictures being destroyed hurt even more.
He knew he should do something, he knew he should call out to her—but he was too much of a coward. He watched her destroy everything that held memories of their now-broken relationship.
Once everything was laid out on the floor either broken or ripped to shreds, Y/n fell to her knees, her hands covered in deep cuts as it started to bleed out from how hard her grip was while smashing the frames and destroying the pictures.
But she could only stare, her soulless eyes glazing over her two hands that had so much resemblance to her emotional and mental state. All wounded and cut up, bleeding for the whole world to see.
Her fingers shook ever so slightly, her perfectly manicured nails were now tinted a crimson shade from her blood, and all she could do was stare.
She didn't even feel any pain.
Miles finally snapped out of it, letting out a pained gasp as he sees her lacerated hands. He knew he had to do something and so he tried to walk to her, taking each step as if they were as heavy as lead weights. "Y/n... please... stop... you've hurt yourself..." He said as tears made their way down his face once again.
It was as if Y/n didn't hear him even though she did. She refused to respond, picking up the little pieces of the pictures she destroyed and examining them with her bloodied hands.
Every picture she saw, each one was of them that stared back at her with wide smiles. So much life, so much love and passion.
Now look at them. Look at how they ended up.
It was so pathetic that she thought it was laughable. How could their picture-perfect relationship turn into something so hideous, so ugly? Her mind was on constant replay of the way Miles' arms were wrapped around Gwen, whispering sweet nothings to her as she cried uncontrollably against him.
"Why did you do this to us Miles? We were doing so good..." She muttered. Y/n's face no longer held any sadness or... Any emotion. She was just there, kneeling on the floor with her cut-up hands and body staying still like she became a doll devoid of feelings.
"Y/n—" He started, his voice quiet and unsure. Miles continued to inch closer and closer to her, though it was clear he did so with caution. "I know that right now it may be hard for you to believe me, but... I'm sorry... I didn't mean for things to go this far I swear..." Miles whispered with quivering lips. He was trying so hard to remain composed, but he could feel his emotions overflow and take over his entire body.
He continued towards her until he was inches in front of Y/n, his heart practically beating out of his chest and with hands that were mad trembling.
"Y/n... Please don't leave me..." His voice convulsed in guilt. Miles knelt to be at her eye level, to beg for her forgiveness. He didn't care that the frame shards were probing his knees. He eyed her injured hands, reaching his hands toward her as if he was trying to stop her from leaving him forever.
But he could sense it. They both could. It was the end for the two of them.
Y/n was too tired, too exhausted to push his hands away. She remained in her spot as she felt walls around herself build-up, her soul fading further away from reality, causing her to be numb. Her eyes drifted to the hands that belonged to him, she couldn't help but remember how these same hands were the place she called her safe space for so many years.
Now, she thinks of it as the hands that had ruined her ruined them.
She sees the hands that had comforted someone who wasn't her, another girl who wasn't even supposed to be in their lives anymore. "Go to her Miles..." She whispered weakly, still refusing to look at him.
Miles' breath hitched, and his face paled at the words that came out of her mouth. "Y/n... no..." he tried to say something, to make her stay, anything. There were so many words on his tongue that he wished to utter out, but he didn't have the courage or strength to say a single one.
He wanted to say how much he loved her, but he knew that Y/n was drifting further away from him with each passing second.
So Miles did the only thing he could and stared at her, with a face frozen with shame and fear.
His words slowly snapped her out of her trance, like a spell that seemed to have awoken her back to reality.
She slowly pushed herself up, wiping down her hands on her skirt to remove the remaining blood that hadn't dried out. Her e/c eyes finally looked down at Miles, kneeling before her.
Y/n felt her blood boil at how pathetic he looked. She wondered how he could look in such a way when he was the one at fault, who practically shredded their relationship into pieces the moment he let Gwen inside their home.
"Go to her Miles," She repeated with a more stern voice. Her breathing started to become heavier with all the anger inside of her threatening to spill over. "That's what you wanted anyway right?" Y/n said a bit louder now. "It's her! It's always been fucking her right?!" She was yelling, each word leaving a strain on her throat and a bad taste on her tongue.
Her hands balled into fists, feeling the sting of her nails digging into her new cuts and wounds but she didn't give two shits about it right now.
The fire in her eyes scared Miles. He started to hyperventilate, his chest tightening and feeling his lungs scream in search of air. Her voice was laced with so much malice and hatred that it scared him. “Y/n, please... I—" His words were getting tangled, and they were sounding more and more like a mess.
"It's always been her. No matter how many fucking times I tried to be perfect for you, to be the best woman for you. It was never fucking enough because I WASN'T HER!" Y/n cried out, her hand clutching her chest so hard that she thought she would dig into her skin and her heart would bleed out.
She was heaving alongside him, their chests rising up and down in sync. Her every word tasted sour to her like each syllable was a dart of poison that was stabbing her insides and gutting her out. Miles flinched as her words pierced through him.
It was his fault, and he knew it. It hurt him to see the person he had come to love, hate him. He knew he deserved the anger, the hate, and he just felt himself hit rock bottom.
How could he do that to her?
To destroy her trust?
Gwen had wanted to talk to him about something and started telling him about her problems. He wanted to be there for her, but not realizing that he was jeopardizing his relationship with Y/n until it was too late. Some of his heart still belonged to Gwen, but god did he wish it didn't.
"Well, you should be fine now though, right? You can go back to her because I'm leaving." Y/n said with a newfound calm tone. She walked past him to grab her luggage, wincing in pain from her wounds as she pulled them out of their bedroom, leaving Miles in the heap of ripped-up pictures and broken frames.
She also walked past Gwen who was sitting silently in the living room.
She tried to approach Y/n, but the wounded girl was quick to walk out the door, slamming it behind her as she disappeared into the night, leaving the place she'd called theirs for the last five years.
But now, it wasn't her home anymore.
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See more of my Miles content here babes!
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The One Who Get Away
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Hi guys!
This one come just from my imagination, I can't stop listening this cover of Katy Perry's song so... Here it is! Hope you'll like it :)
I put the version of the song I'm talking about under this text, please listen to it while listening :)
TW : Break up, angst, pressure.
Summary : Your a singer travelling the world with your group but the distance is too hard for you and your (ex) girlfriend. Will you find a way to make her stay?
"I just can't do that anymore"
Ona's voice, coming from your phone make your heart go heavier. You know how she feels about you always being away from your shared penthouse at Barcelona. Well actually you are away from Spain, and today even from Europe.
It’s been three years since your record company managed to place a Spanish band in the international market. Yours. So, now that it’s launched and that it’s been months that you are at the top of the charts, no one hesitates to make you travel to all the countries of the world, without stopping.
It’s been three years since you and your band arrived here by chance, when one of your single ended up on a summer hit. Since then, it has never stopped. In three years you have released two albums and you have made three world tours. You’re exhausted, physically and emotionally. But you made the mistake of not reading carefully the clauses of your contract, too happy to be able to live your dream.
Well, the dream slowly turned into a nightmare. Away from Ona for months now, you were supposed to return to Barcelona in two days to finally have a few weeks of rest. Except that your agent found it more interesting to impose televisions and various promotions in Japan, preventing you from returning from England where you currently are to Ona.
Yet, it was what you expected the most since the day you left her at the airport.
"I’m sorry" you whisper, feeling your throat squeeze. "I can always…"
"No, Y/N. I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t. There are no more ways out"
"What do you mean?"
You know what she means and you’ve been terrified of hearing that sentence for weeks. You’ve known Ona since you were a teenager, one night when you felt lonely and couldn’t sleep, you came across her blog. You don’t know what prompted you to write a comment to which she replied and you started chatting like that. Realizing that you were both from Barcelona, you met and the rest is history.
"I think we need to break up"
"No! Ona please we can work through this. Please. I need you, I can't lose you."
"It's better this way. I'm so sorry"
You don’t think you heard Ona’s voice shake in this way before and you are convinced that she is crying, too.
"Onita please… don’t do this"
"I’m sorry. I have no choice"
"Why? Did you… Did you met someone else?"
Ona has a sad laugh and you can perfectly picture her shaking her head sadly.
"Of course not. It has nothing to do with that. But it’s getting worse every time. It’s been going on for three years."
"It’s not my fault" you whisper softly.
"I know"
A new silence sets in and you hope that your girlfriend is thinking and changing her mind. You know you wouldn’t stand a breakup with her. Ona has been your lighthouse in the dark forever. She’s the most important person in your life.
"I have to go, the team is waiting for me. I think it’s better if we don’t write or call each other for a while."
"Ona wait…"
"No, Y/N. It’s over"
"I love you"
Ona doesn’t answer you, but the breath you hear on the phone confirms that she’s crying. She hangs up after a few seconds and you remain motionless for long minutes, stunned. You are dress for your next performance, your presence on stage being required in about twenty minutes. Fortunately your mascara is waterproof and it’s not necessary to redo it when your friend and guitarist enters the room.
"Ona just broke up with me" you say, looking at him through the mirror.
And with that, the sobs that were until now stuck in your throat suddenly come out. In a few seconds you find yourself transformed into a crying mess, hugged by Juan. He’s your best friend, even if your fans imagine you together. The record company has forbidden you to reveal your homosexuality and has fun supporting the rumors of romance between you two, claiming that it helps the group’s popularity.
"I’m so tired. I just want to go home" you manage to say in between sobs.
Said house being mostly Ona. Making a grimace, Juan caresses your hair. You are not the only one to be exhausted by the frantic pace imposed by your record company. Juan, your drummer Marco and your bass player Ricardo are just as exhausted as you.
"I know" is all he can tell you before someone of the staff come looking for you.
Your manager looks at you coldly seeing the state in which you are and hands you a tissue for you to arrange the draws. He doesn’t ask you what’s going on. He doesn’t care. You just know that if you don’t perform properly, you’re going to get yelled at.
"Are you sure you want to watch this? We can switch channels if you want" Cata kindly assures while looking carefully at Ona.
The brunette shakes her head negatively, stuck against Alexia who passed a protective arm around her. Ona was unable to hide your breakup from her teammates, she’s just as devastated as you are. They had planned an evening to watch the charity concert that you and your group are attending, installed in Lucy’s apartment.
After exchanging a look between them, they finally decided to leave the same channel, the artists walking one after the other. Since this is a charity concert, you had the opportunity to cover a song by one of the featured artists. Your group choose a song by Katy Perry, "The One who get away", a slower version than the original. If you had known, you would have made another choice.
After avoiding a nervous breakdown, you go sit on the stool in the middle of the stage. Juan at your side, you wait for his guitar to be tuned.
"She doesn’t look like she’s ok" Aitana begins, before being immediately shuts up when she meets Mapi’s murderous gaze.
Feeling Ona tense against her, Alexia gently tightens her against her as Ingrid starts to stroke her hair. At the same time, the song starts and you wonder how you are going to finish it. Your hands are shaking, your throat is clenched and you have trouble looking up at the crowd in front of you.
From the end of the first chorus, you have tears in your eyes and at the end of the second you feel a tear roll on your cheek. Despite Juan’s whispers of encouragement, you’re unable to hold her any longer. When the song finally comes to an end, you have the impression that every person who has looked at you has been able to read into you and realize how destroyed you are. And you hate it.
After greeting the audience with the three boys, you let yourself be taken backstage by Ricardo. Juan tries not to make too friendly gestures towards you in public, knowing how much it hurts you and Ona to see everyone jump on these kinds of moments to support their theory.
The ride back to your hotel room was awful. All along the way in the van, your manager yelled at you so much that for the first time the boys rebelled against him. It surprised you but also made you very feel loved and cared. They’re the reason you haven’t dumped everything yet, you don’t have the courage to betray them by leaving. If you had been alone, it would have been different. But they are your childhood friends, more like brothers.
You haven’t looked at your phone once since you got back to your room an hour ago when someone knocked on your door. You know Ona won’t contact you. You have no interest in looking at it. You don’t answer when you hear a knock a second time, then a third time. And you don’t move either when the door of your room opens anyway a few minutes later. Juan went to ask for a copy of your magnetic card at reception, not hearing you open.
"We need to talk Y/N."
"Don’t want to" is the only sentence you manage to get out of your mouth.
Rolled up in a ball under your sheets, your cushion tight between your arms and your head resting on the plush lion that Ona offered you years ago, you only want to stay here until the end of time.
"We talked, with the guys," said Juan, regardless of what you just said. "We think you have to go."
You need a few seconds to realize what he just said.
"I booked you a plane to Barcelona. You have six hours to pack and go to the airport. Marco takes charge of the manager and Ricardo makes sure the way is clear, but you’ll have to go out from this shit. You and Ona are more important than all this bullshit. Go take your girl back."
It is 7am when you land in Barcelona and 8am when you arrive on the doormat of your shared penthouse. You don’t have the key, usually Ona picks you up at the airport and opens you. You didn’t think about it until now. You’re too afraid to lose them somewhere in a hotel room on the other side of the world. But despite your doorbells, no one comes to open.
So you resolve to sit on your doormat and wait for Ona’s return. Your phone is out of battery, preventing you from contacting someone close to your girlfriend. You don’t know where she is and it awakens your fear that she actually found someone else. If that’s what pushed her to break up with you, it will be even harder to fix things.
Exhausted, you let yourself go against the door frame, your feet leaning on the other side. New tears roll over your cheeks and you are so tired that you start to doze.
Ona’s incredulous voice wakes you with a start and you bang your head against the handle of the front door while getting up. Your face fell when you realize that Ona is accompanied by a pretty brunette, who looks at you with curiosity. Is she the one she left you for? Why is she here? It lasts a few seconds, until Alexia comes out of the elevator too. Mechanically massaging the part of the skull you just banged, you continue to observe the unknown.
"What are you doing here?"
Ona's question makes you shift your attention to her and you cannot say why, but you cannot gather your ideas. Yet her tone is neither harsh nor accusing, quite the contrary.
Reacting first, Alexia slips between Ona and you by seizing the keys Ona was holding and opens the door, making enter everyone. Seeing you struggling to get your suitcases, Ona bends down mechanically to help you get everything in.
"You never met my girlfriend, I think?" Alexia looks at you, maybe realizing what’s happening in your head. "This is Olga. Olga, this is Y/N."
You simply acquiesce but Olga hug you with a smile and you hug her back akwardly, the relief making you feel like you're hovering a thousand meters from the ground. Ona hasn’t met someone else. Just like she said.
"I think we’re going to leave you. Are you going to be okay?"
The look that Ona and Alexia exchange lasts a few seconds, before the captain decides that she can actually leave you both. She hugs you too before delicately closing the door behind Olga and her.
"You look exausted. Maybe you should go take a nice hot shower?"
You carry your eyes with heavy eyelids over Ona, shaking your head negatively. You honestly don’t know how long you will endure this sleepless journey, but you also don't know how long you will be able to stay with Ona. She can leave at any time.
"Come sit down, at least"
You feel a heat wave invading your body at the exact spot where Ona puts her hand on your arm to train you in the living room. You let yourself go on the couch, Ona settling next to you.
"You didn’t answer me. What are you doing here?"
"I left" you just whisper. "The boys helped me get out of the hotel and to the airport. Juan booked me a plane and I called my manager to tell him that I was leaving once on the plane. I was too afraid that he would hold me back"
"Wait, when you say you left…"
"I… quit? Broke the contract, call it what you want"
Ona looks at you with disbelief. She never gave you an ultimatum about your career, because she knew you had no choice.
"I should have done this before. But I couldn’t betray the boys" you whisper without being able to look at her.
A new silence settles and you end up lifting your eyes on Ona. She was looking at you attentively and you plunge your gaze into hers for a few seconds.
"I came to ask you for a second chance. I know things have been super complicated between us, especially these past few weeks. But I can’t live without you, Ona. I’ll do anything. I swear."
Ona’s face softens. Your eyes close when you feel her hand on your cheek, your whole body in search of any source of comfort from her. She stroke your cheek with her thumps, making you shivers.
"Do you know why I never asked you to choose between music and me?"
Without opening your eyes, you shake your head negatively. Ona’s voice is soft and helps you to calm down a little.
"Because I know how much you like it"
"I love you more"
You open your eyes even though your whole body is asking you not to. You’re exhausted and wondering what you might look like. Ona certainly saw you in a better light. She continues to look at you elsewhere, a few seconds of silence settling between you.
"I love you too" she ended up whispering. "But we’ll finish this conversation later, I think you need to sleep before you lose consciousness."
Without really giving you a choice, she gets up from the couch and makes you follow her, gently grabbing your hand. You let yourself be guided to your room, in which she helps you put on pajamas before letting you go to cool off in your bathroom. You don’t leave her figure with your eyes, even through the mirror while washing your teeth, fearing that she will disappear. But no, she waits patiently for you, sitting at the feet of your bed.
"Will you be there when I wake up?" you ask in a hesitant tone, finding the inimitable comfort of your bed.
Ona nods and even smiles as you slip under the sheets. Installed on your side, you can’t bring yourself to leave her eyes. That she still agrees to stay by your side despite everything makes you as happy as it terrifies you. She broke up with you less than 24 hours ago and didn’t really confirm to you that something was still possible between you. She said she loves you, but is that enough?
"I can hear you thinking from here"
With an arched eyebrow, Ona observes you with a semblance of severity.
"I’m just scared" you mumble without taking your eyes off her.
"Of what?"
"Losing you forever. You’re the most important thing in my life, I shouldn’t have waited until I lost you to fix things. You deserve the best, of course, but give me time to show you that I can offer it to you."
Softly biting her lip, Ona advances into the bed until she finds herself sitting on her knees, at the height of your chest.
"I’m not going anywhere Bebita"
"Does that mean you believe enough in us to give us another chance?"
As before, Ona’s face softens and is soon dress with one of her most beautiful smiles. You wrote in one of your song that only one of her smiles makes you feel better and that’s still the case today.
"I thought it was clear. Of course I want to give us a second chance."
You’re so relieved you might cry. In truth, real tears cost on your cheeks and you realize that when Ona leans over your cheeks to kiss them.
"Don’t cry. Rest. I’ll be there when you wake up later, and every other day."
As if to support her words, Ona slips with you under the cover and sticks you against her, in her arms. It doesn’t take long for you to fall into a deep sleep, lulled by her caresses on your back, the softness of her hair that sometimes tickles your cheek and the smell of her perfume and shower gel.
When you wake up, hours later, you need some time to understand where you are. Only after that you realize that Ona isn’t here and you panic.
You stand from your bed so quickly that you fell, making a terrible noise. While you stand up, you here footsteps coming to you and you raise your head just in time to see Ona enter your bedroom.
"What happened?" she asks you, taking your hand in hers.
"You weren’t here, I thought you left" you mumble while looking at your feet.
But Ona make you look at her, tilting your face with her index.
"I’m here. I’m not going an where, I promised"
You nod, taking your phone on the floor. You have hundred missed call, messages and notifications everywhere.
"I made pasta, are you hungry?"
In reality you are not at all, but Ona took the time to prepare you to eat and you don’t want to disappoint her at all. Or give her the impression that she wasted her time. So you nod again before following her to the kitchen. You sit where she asks you to, wincing when you see the different messages from your manager. He’s really not happy. In truth, he is even completely furious. "Is everything all right?" asked Ona as she sat down in front of you, serving you a plate that would be enough to feed your entire neighborhood. "I’m in trouble" you sigh softly as you let yourself go against the backrest of your chair. "They will surely seek to press charges or make me pay" It will not be easy. Your gaze is lost on the bay window of your living room, giving a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s partly thanks to this incredible view that you decided to choose this apartment. But you are quickly pulled out of your thoughts by the hand of Ona which lands on yours. "It doesn’t matter mi Corazon. Remember? We don’t care about others... "As long as it's You and Me" you answer with a slight smile. That was your credo when you were both teenagers. And when you grew up it stayed, even if lately the geographical distance took precedence over the rest. Now that you have her in front of you, you wonder how you managed to stay so long away from her. "We’ll find you the best lawyer and I’ll be there every second you need me." "Thank you" you answer simply, throat knotted with emotions Ona smiles tenderly and you feel your heart soaring like a butterfly. You find it hard to believe the reality in which you find yourself. Last night, Ona told you she wanted to break up with you and less than twenty-four hours later, you find yourself in front of her, in your apartment, apparently free of any contract.
"Can I kiss you?" you mumble shyly.
"Since when do you have to ask?" Ona laughs.
You shrug and smile too, inviting her to come to sit on your lap. Ona did and you pass your hand around her smaller frame.
Ona gently puts her hand in your hair, making you shiver.
"What do you want to do now?" Ona ask gently.
"Come see you play at the stadium, eat tortilla de patatas, go to the beach… Catch up on my sleep, if possible with the most beautiful woman in the world next to me."
"Did you already call her?" jokes the Spanish.
You roll your eyes before giving her a little kick on the thigh.
"As if you didn’t know it was you" you snorts before gently kissing her cheek.
"You missed."
Ona’s amused smile makes you smile back and you put your lips on hers this time. It’s a sensation you haven’t felt in far too long. Ona all against you, her skin against yours, her inimitable perfume. She is everything that count for you, well beyond your music group, your success and that we forgive you but obviously well above your fans.
"I’m so in love with you" Ona whispers against your lips.
"Certainly not as much as I am" you answer with a smile.
As you predicted, the record company, your producer and even your manager will launch legal proceedings against you. But thanks to Alexia’s lawyer, you managed to get away with it without much damage. Honestly, you didn’t care about losing money, all you wanted was to be able to get your freedom back.
Like you, the boys came back to Barcelona after the group disbanded. They formed another one for a while, with another singer, but they finally turned the page, claiming it’s not the same without you. None of the three resent you and you still see them regularly.
A few months after you left the band, you came out on social media. Without giving all the details either, you and Ona have not made an official announcement for your couple. You attend almost all of Ona’s matches, sometimes making the trip abroad with her and the team. You post what you want to post on social networks, photos of your holidays, your moments spent with your friends or with Ona, obviously.
It’s fun to see people wondering about your relationship, but you appreciate that they do it with someone you really are. Which you’re extremely in love with and extremely proud of. Wag’s life suits you perfectly, especially when the woman you follow is as perfect as Ona.
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vhagarlovebot · 1 year
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pairing: modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader.
summary: on valentine's day everything seems to have a discount for couples, so why not pretend to be one to save some money and have fun?
content warnings: fake dating trope, hurt/comfort, pining, some mildly suggestive content, confessions.
note: hello, lovely reader ! i just want to say a few things before you start reading. this was one of my first ever works here on this app but in a different blog way back when i used to write for the marauders. this was actually a request sent to me from a prompt list i can’t find anymore, and it was about sirius black. i edited it the best i could, so you’re probably still going to see some very poor grammar and it’s because i’d just started writing in english and because of that it is completely normal for me to still have problems writing in a language that isn’t mine. i really hope you enjoy! reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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“YOU SHOULD COME WITH US.” your friend maris says, applying lipstick in front of her mirror.
“and be the third wheel?” you ask from your spot on her bed, flipping through the pages of a magazine. “it’s bad enough you are dating my brother.” sighing, you toss the magazine having lost all your attention. “besides, i’m sure aegon and aemond are on their way.”
at the sound of their names, cregan’s head appears in the door. “you didn’t hear?”
“what?” you roll your eyes.
“aegon has a date.” the couple says, looking at each other, and then you.
“he what? fucking traitor.” you get up, going for your phone. “didn’t even have the decency to tell me. but he’s go—aemond is calling me… i swear to the seven if he’s going to cancel our plans i’m goin’ to kill myself.”
cregan laughs, calling you a dramatic as he walks away.
“you heard?”
aemond laughs. “yea’, i played matchmaker.”
“stop being so dramatic, i’m on my way.”
“and who the fuck is his date?” you ask again.
you hear him sigh, but you really want to know who’s this girl your friend is ditching you for. “just a friend.” his answer doesn’t make you feel better at all. it’s silly but this tradition of the three of you eating junk food and watching slasher movies has been going on for three years. it all started the valentine’s day your useless ex-boyfriend dumped you and both of them cancelled their dates to stay with you. you never really thought this day would come.
“it’s okay, just one more reason to be mad about.” you collapse on the couch, going immediately for the remote to search for a movie. “you bringing the food, right?”
“about that…” you sigh, ready to be stood up. “maybe we should go out.”
“just make sure to be ready by the time i get there.”
then the call cuts out.
maris and cregan look puzzled at you, asking what’s going on without actually asking. you shrug and that is the only answer you give them, because you really don’t know what his plans are.
and not even five minutes have passed when aemond is knocking on the door.
an expression of pure terror crosses your face and before cregan opens the door, you run to maris’ bedroom.
“what’s going on?” she asks, her dress half buttoned.
“aemond said something about going out,” you explain while going through her clothes. “and m’not going out in sweatpants.”
you find a red skirt that goes with one of your tops and with a little help from your raven-haired friend you have as a roommate, ten minutes later, with an “are you done?” coming from the living room, you are ready to go to wherever your friend is taking you.
aemond is chatting with cregan, neither of them aware of your presence, so you take the time to look at him… like really look at him.
he’s wearing his leather jacket, the one he got during sixth year at boarding school and hasn't taken off since then, the same one you used to see girls wearing all around campus when he was with them. never the same girl twice. aemond is dressed entirely in black and you can see his chest peeking out from his button down.
aemond catches you staring and looks at you with a raised eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips, only to show you what’s behind his back; a bouquet of roses. it’s part of the tradition but it still makes your heart beat faster. you accept it with a smile, smelling them and leaving the bouquet on the table.
you pout, crossing your arms. “are you going to tell me what you have planned?”
“nope, let’s go.” aemond grabs your arm, dragging you out of there.
“no, seriously, he’s kidnapping me and you’re not doing anything.” you protest, looking back at your brother who just laughs, waving you goodbye. “i’m telling mom and dad!”
the door closes behind you and you let him walk you out of the building.
“aaand?” you ask once more, walking down the street, your arm around his.
you see couples everywhere, a few of them with flowers and balloons, holding hands, radiating love. and a part of you wishes for something like that. maybe not the balloons and a lot less cheesy, but the commitment, the tender love, someone with whom you can share your thoughts with, your nights, your future. you want to feel the passion, the need to have someone kissing every part of you, worshiping your body, sleepless night with bodies intertwined. you don’t want a one-night thing; you want it all.
“there’s a restaurant with discount for couples and is giving dessert for free.” his lilac eye looks straight into yours, a lopsided smile on his face. “and i was thinking about eating there, then bring dessert home and watch texas chain saw massacre on your couch.”
“that sounds like a great idea.” you smile, walking beside him a little more excited than before.
“you know we’ll have to pretend to be a couple, right?” he stops walking.
you roll your eyes. “know your limits.”
“i’m serious!”
“i know you've been dying to kiss me since forever, but that’s only going to happen in your dreams.”
he brings a hand to his chest, feigning sadness. “you are cruel.”
you slap his arm, pushing him aside. “fine, but keep your hands to yourself. i’m not one of your groupies.”
“you could be.”
“in your dreams.” he just laughs, walking by your side.
neither of you spoke again, but every time his arm grazed against yours a cold shiver ran down your spine. and that is something you haven’t felt since seventh year, when you walked in on aemond having sex with a girl and couldn’t look him in the eyes for weeks. you weren’t exactly quiet, dropping the books was what gave you away, and the girl was focused on something else, that being her body being pushed against the bed, so the only one who saw you was him. you’d think he would stop, maybe feel embarrassed, right? that is not aemond targaryen. he just kept doing it, eye focused on yours, on the way you held your breath when he moved his pelvis a certain way making her cry out. you were frozen in place, your eyes going from the spot where their bodies met to his eyes, and it was only when he moaned something that sounded a lot like your name, you got out of there.
you couldn’t look at him, opting instead on avoiding him and all the questions from your friends. eventually, what you saw was left in the past, even though he tried to talk about it you didn’t give him the chance. you couldn’t. even if a part of you wanted to know what he was going to say, even if you spent the rest of the year dreaming about it, wishing to be one of those girls. even if you still want to be one of those girls.
“oh gods.” you say, stopping in front of a sushi restaurant full of valentine’s day decorations.
the host greets you and aemond immediately gets into character, hand going to your lower back, right where your top meets the skirt, leaving a few centimeters of bare skin. your whole body reacts at that and it’s like touching the sun.
the whole place is full of heart-shaped balloons hanging from the ceiling, the tables have red tablecloths with red roses in vases, and each one of them is named after a romcom.
“your table.” the host smiles, stepping aside.
“no strings attached? really?” you could cry at how cheesy, awkward and stupid everything is.
“i wanted that one with matthew mcconaughey because it is your favorite, love. but it was already taken.” he seems genuinely sad and you smile, fixing the collar of his button down.
“it’s okay, aem.” you kiss his cheek. “thank you.” you give the man standing in front of you a smile and sit in the booth. it’s discrete and you are grateful for that, not wanting to pretend the whole time you are going to be there, afraid of arousing suspicion.
“your waiter is going to be here any minute. if you’ll excuse me.” the host walks away and you can finally breathe normally.
aemond sits beside you and when you make eye contact, it’s impossible not to laugh.
“i can’t believe we are doing this.” you hide behind your hands, making him laugh even more.
“i knew you’ll like it.” aemond winks at you. “no, but really, i can’t believe how they do this.”
“and how people like it.” you pretend to throw up, and he laughs again. “but at the same time it’s kind of cute?”
“are you serious?”
“it’s cute to see couples enjoying this day, going to restaurants like this and enjoy each other’s company.” you shrug, playing with the rose petals, avoiding eye contact.
“you want that?” he asks, moving closer, creating a bubble around the two of you.
“yeah.” this time you look up, meeting his eye looking intently at you. “i’ve wanted it for a long time, but i think i’m not made for that.”
aemond must see the sadness on your face, because he places his hand on top of yours. you smile, feeling the sudden urgency to run your fingers through his hair.
“i know the right guy for you is out there, maybe you just need to pay more attention.”
“you think so?” you lean towards him, whispering.
“maybe what you’re looking for is… right in front of you.”
you smell the cigarettes and peppermint on his breath and are almost able to see and count all the freckles on his face, you just need to move a little closer to know if his lips are as soft as they seem.
“aemond targaryen?”
a third voice startles both of you, and just like that the moment has passed.
a blonde girl stands in front of the table and by the pad and pencil in her hands you know she’s the waiter. she has green eyes and a bright smile addressed to aemond.
“do you—you known each other?” you ask when a minute has passed and none of them has said a word.
“um, yeah.” aemond moves away from you, hands resting on his thighs.
“i think the word known falls short.” the girl giggles and you want to throw up.
“i thought you were off tonight.” it’s like you are invisible for him right now.
in any other circumstance you wouldn’t care, but not today. not right now, not after what almost happened a moment ago, because you’re a hundred percent sure that if this girl hadn’t shown up you two would be doing a totally different thing.
“i didn’t know you were in a relationship.” her green eyes look at you. “i mean, if i’d known i wouldn’t have gone to your apartment yesterday.” there’s poison in her words, she’s doing it on purpose to hurt you, and succeeding.
you chuckle, closing your eyes. why does it hurt?
aemond says something and you immediately let your guard down, allowing you to believe, and wish, and dream about things that most likely aren’t going to happen. ever.
you thought the little crush you used to have on your brother’s best friend had vanished, but one night with him was enough to know that aemond targaryen still has power over you. that’s why you are never alone with him; you don’t trust yourself.
you never made a big deal about it until that incident in seventh year. that was the moment everything changed. but you were able to get over it, or so you thought.
“it’s okay.” you smile, trying not to look at aemond at all. “we’re just pretending, aemond wanted to get the discount.”
she giggles again. “couples only, sorry.” she doesn’t look sorry at all. “i’ll give you time to look at the menu.” with a flirty little smile, she disappears.
“why did you do that?” aemond asks, touching your arm for a second before you move away. you don’t want him to think something’s wrong, but it’s a little hard for you to pretend you’re not hurt.
“did what?” you play dumb, pretending to look at the menu.
“why did you tell her we’re not together?”
you frown. “’cause we’re not? and you had sex with her yesterday, if we’re going to pretend at least let me have some dignity.”
“you are getting it all wrong.” he huffs, running his hands through his hair. “if you let me explain—”
“you have nothing to explain, aemond.” you say, looking at him and trying to swallow the urge to scream. “i know how you are, we’re friends, remember?”
“you know what? i think i would rather order something from mcdonald’s and call it a night.” smiling, you touch his hand trying to make it look like everything’s okay and you don’t want to jump in front of the blonde girl and scratch her face. “you are more than welcome to join.”
you don’t give him time to say something else, standing and walking out of the restaurant in less than a minute. not bothering to look back to know if he’s following, all you want to do is choke on ice cream and watch a movie, the thing you should be doing tonight in the first place.
the night is cold, but it helps to clear your mind.
you’re not even a block away, when his voice makes you stop in your tracks. “i like you.”
you’re surprised by his confession, even a little flame of hope taking place in your heart.
“tonight was supposed to be fun.” aemond sighs, and you know he’s scratching his neck, something he usually does when he’s nervous. “but i messed everything up.”
you stopped breathing after his first confession, but you still can’t turn around because you’re a coward, not sure what to do with a confession you have been dying to hear for so many years.
“i didn’t have sex with her.” you hear his footsteps and, in a second, he’s in front of you, his fingers lifting your chin up, lilac eye locked fixed on your face. “and haven’t had any in a very long time.”
“what?” you can’t hide the surprise in your voice.
he chuckles. “i know i haven’t been good at showing it, but i’ve had a crush on you since forever.”
“stop messing with me, aemond.” you don’t want to believe him, you really want to walk past him and forget this night happened at all. but the part inside of you that still wants this to be real, won’t let you.
“m’not!” both his hands are now on each side of your face, the only thing you can see is his good eye, his lips, the longing on his face. “i’ve wanted to tell you for a very long time… seventh year, to be exact.”
your eyes open a lot more at that. “are you—”
“yes.” he chuckles, his cheeks a soft pink. “it was stupid, but i thought you would take the hint. after all, i moaned your name on purpose.”
“shut up!” your face is burning, you don’t even need a mirror to know you’re blushing hard. “you were having sex with another girl, aemond.”
“but i was thinking of you.”
“that does not make me feel better, y’know.” you step away from him, taking some distance.
“i know, i’m an idiot.”
you silently agree, not jnderstand anything, tonight has been a blurry, a lot of things happening in so little time. old feelings resurfacing, jealousy, heartbreak, happiness.
“but i like you too, idiot.”
his face lights up. “i knew.”
“you—what?” you frown, heart about to get out of your chest.
“i had a feeling.” he shrugs, slowly getting closer to you again, making sure you are not running away this time.
“are you serious?”
“i think i just buried ‘em because was sure nothing was ever going to happen. you were, well, you. and i was not willing to suffer because of those feelings.” your arms wrap around his shoulders, fingers interlocking in his soft hair.
“i always thought you deserved much better. and i was a total coward, too afraid of not being what you expected.” he smiles, his hands going to your waist and caressing your soft and delicate skin, still burning for his touch. “and i kept denying it and denying it. denying that my heart beats faster every time you walk into a room, that i want to kiss you every time you laugh, every time you make fun of cregan, or cry watching animal planet, or talk about what you like and don’t like. that the only thing i’ve wanted for years has been to hold you in my arms and touch every part of your body, to make you feel what i feel. to show you what love really means, to show you things you haven’t experienced before. and just… to be by your side.”
all you feel is him, his calloused hands creating patterns on your bare skin, his peppermint breath, his warm, rich, woody scent engulfing you. and for the first time in years, you let those feelings rise to the surface. you let yourself burn for aemond targaryen.
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honeydewsour · 6 days
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The Quibbler but as monthly shoujo magazine cover parody with wizarding world fanfic titles
(made this while ago to play around with fonts and giggles so pardon the messiness)
might become a series hopefully getting all the titles covered as the cover art or/and adding new titles …uuuh let’s see, any idea what bonus gift for the next parody?chocolate frogs?snitch keychain?? also can anyone guess which shoujo magazine i used for reference?
warning all of the titles mentioned are 18+ read the tags!
a bit of review me gushing out/screaming about the fanfics mentioned, under the cut;
A Good Man Is Hard To Find by cloniccouer
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | completed | post canon 7th year au | re-read worthy | characterization 10/10 | cinema | easter eggs type of writing | the more you re-read the better | banter between the characters is one of the best part | filling the hole in the canon hp universe | this is probably the 3rd time i mentioned this fic in my blog | that’s your sign to read it! |
Lace, Letters, and Lectures: Professor Sallow by mahoushoujo_m
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | ongoing | post hogwarts au | professor!seb au obv | i’m letting this one marinate to 100k words | will come back to edit |
Lost Connection by AsphodelRose87
Harry Potter x OFC | completed | Post Hogwarts Battle au | questionable harry | questionable character(s) | questionable decisions | messy, just messy | the kind of messy i like | auror!harry au | right person wrong time and place or right place and time wrong person? |
break a sweat by @shadowtriovibes
Sebastian Sallow x OFC | ongoing | 7th year au | but iirc there is also a tumblr completed ver? if you want to read it | sports & sweats yeah | seeker!seb au | imelda best captain you can ask | inappropriate use of the room of requirement ahem |
Post War by @josiecarioca
Severus Snape x OFC | ongoing | EVELYN BLACK IS SO MOTHER | this one is masterpiece | cinema | Post Hogwarts Battle au | Snape lives au | i still read Al-Andalus part A LOT | better writing than some of tv series out there | exploring more about hogwarts founders | characterization 10/10 | especially the OCs | even the villains | altering the chemicals in my brain | prepare yourself | for this life changing event |
Unraveling of Fates by @aesopsharpstuff
Aesop Sharp x OFC | ongoing | pre canon au | ex auror OFC | werewolves | trauma | i can feel nina’s pain through the screen or am i just dramatic | unreliable ministry & headmaster black what’s new?? | 1880s hogwarts staff are baddass | not talking about a certain headmaster obv |
In The Shadow of Us by @slytherizz
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | completed | post hogwarts au | #sebastiansallowgettingoutfromazkabanparty /jk uuuh not really but that’s the vibe | post azkaban | enemies to lovers mmm slurrp | was it a misunderstanding or was it betrayal? |
To Frame the King (of Cats) by heartsof_theround
Ominis Gaunt x OFC | ongoing | OMINIS IS A CAT PERSON CONFIRMED | nostalgic shoujo manga vibes except the 18+ part | sigh…teenagers | emotionally constipated ominis | lowkey stalkish OFC | cute cats | lot of cats | slow burrnnnn | character development | this fic might be the next art cover i will draw |
Of Paper Planes and Wildflowers by @eggymf-archived
Ominis Gaunt x OFC | ongoing? | filthy in the beginning | wholesome heartwarming vibe after that | pen pals | the letters is the best parts i still re-read them a lot | this fic lives rent free in my head | you don’t know me but eggy i miss you | idk why but i’m always getting hungry reading this | prepare snacks | sorry for the typo TT |
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spider-stark · 2 months
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spider-verse masterlist // link to my general masterlist
General Warnings -
🕷️ This blog is 18+
🕸️ This particular masterlist contains tasm!Peter Parker, tasm!Harry Osborn, & MCU!Peter Parker fics
🕷️ Some of my fic's contain dark themes or content that is considered inappropriate by some readers, so adhere warnings! I am not responsible for your content consumption; so please read responsibly!
🕸️ If you happen to notice that something is not tagged appropriately or you feel a fic needs a particular warning, please let me know and I will do my best to correct this mistake.
🕷️ And, as always, happy reading!
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🕷️ SUMMARY - Thinking he has no chance with y/n as himself, Peter begins approaching them as Spider-Man.
🕸️ WARNINGS - older work
🕷️ SUMMARY - Your ex-boyfriend, Peter Parker, finds out that you're planning on going out with Harry Osborn, and he's definitely not happy about it.
🕸️ WARNINGS - sexual situations, slight degradation kink if you squint, no true smut, older work
🕷️ SUMMARY - Peter gets seriously hurt saving someones life, in the midst of panic your true feelings for him come out.
🕸️ WARNINGS - stabbing, blood, violence, some fluff, older work
🕷️ SUMMARY - Peter is completely oblivious to just how horny you get while watching him work.
🕸️ WARNINGS - sexual themes, older work
🕷️ SUMMARY - You tell Peter about an idea you had, he makes it a reality.
🕸️ WARNINGS - breaking & entering, rough handling, bad smut, potentially could be seen as con-non-con
🕷️ SUMMARY - You barely even remember Peter's name, but that hasn't stopped him from forming a dangerous obsession with you.
🕸️ WARNINGS - mature themes, stalking, some non-con acts (taking pictures), -creep/perv!peter
OUR GIRL ft. Harry Osborn
🕷️ SUMMARY - You're forced into attending a gala with Peter and Harry, where your best friends unintentionally plant a tempting idea in your head.
🕸️ WARNINGS - pining, light alcohol consumption, banter, alludes to sexual content, best friend harry/peter
PLAY NICE ft. Harry Osborn
🕷️ SUMMARY - Peter and Harry both want a turn with you.
🕸️ WARNINGS - light smut, threesome, degradation
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🕷️ SUMMARY - Peter Parker might’ve saved your life, but Harry Osborn owns your heart.
🕸️ WARNINGS - mature themes, cheating
OUR GIRL ft. Peter Parker
🕷️ SUMMARY - You're forced into attending a gala with Peter and Harry, where your best friends unintentionally plant a tempting idea in your head.
🕸️ WARNINGS - pining, light alcohol consumption, banter, alludes to sexual content, best friend harry/peter
PLAY NICE ft. Harry Osborn
🕷️ SUMMARY - Peter and Harry both want a turn with you.
🕸️ WARNINGS - light smut, threesome, degradation
🕷️ SUMMARY - Harry gets into a fight and emotions start to unfold.
🕸️ WARNINGS - angst, fighting, lil fluff, smut, blood, unprotected sex
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ANTI-HERO - unfinished - part I // part II
🕷️ SUMMARY - In their personal lives, they're both head over heels for one another, their friendship finally blossoming into something more. But as vigilantes? It's complicated.
🕸️ WARNINGS - fighting, blood, potentially mature content
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INFINITELY YOU - series masterlist linked here
🕷️ SUMMARY - In every universe, Peter Parker seems destined to fall in love with you. And, in every universe, he realizes it too late. When universes collide and two of them are granted a second chance at rectifying their biggest mistake, neither of them are willing to let the opportunity go to waste–even if you end up not being the person they thought you were.
🕸️ WARNINGS - story will contain mentions of blood, broken bones, weapons, suggestive language, and more. all versions of peter are between the ages of 19-23 in this story. I will try to update warnings accordingly for each chapter, but please read at your own discretion
A DARK AGE - on hold
part one // part two
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toji-girl · 2 months
there for you | k. ryuguji
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synopsis: Life sometimes doesn't go the way you want, people make mistakes but this one wasn't a mistake, it was one of the best things that has ever happened to you, no matter the hurt it caused others.
wc: 2.8k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + repost from my old blog + angst with the smut + cheating from reader + high sex [ducon] + weed + shotgunning + you're married to Mikey + fighting between you and him + slight sexting + fingering + squirting + unprotected sex + creampie + spitting + daddy kink + if Mikey is one of your favorites this might be your cup of tea [I do love him] 
an: this was my submission for the REDDIT-INSPIRED COLLABORATION hosted by @ohkento!
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People would say that sleeping with your ex-brother-in-law and best friend's wife while he's out of town on business, would be an asshole move, right?
They just didn't know the circumstances of what led up to it. Only you and Draken do. A dark secret you both are taking to the grave.
You didn't mean to send the half-naked picture to him. Well, maybe not the first one, at least. He complimented you endlessly on how beautiful you looked, and how lucky he is to see such an art form. 
As of late, he's been giving you more attention than your own husband has, which isn't acceptable in any shape or form but you still ate it up greedily like a starved puppy.
And you'd be lying if you didn't think the tall, dark-haired man wasn't cute, and you knew him when you met Mikey at a young age.
Your mother forbade you to hang out with such 'trash' even after you and she got into endless arguments, and you ended up running away with him and Mikey pretty much, but it was thrilling to do so. Mikey wouldn't put you in any real danger though.
But he made sure you'd have your fun and also had his friends watch over you, especially Draken, who developed a serious crush on you before he started liking Emma but then after you and his friend got together it was all swept under the rug for a multitude of reasons. 
Now after being married to Manjiro for almost a decade the flame that once was strong and could burn down the world was a barely-there flame. The slightest breeze would put it out leaving nothing but smoke that would whoosh away as well.
And a part of you hated to admit that your mother was right when she said that Mikey would end up hurting you, and he did but it wasn't in the way she thought. His long business trips were weighing on you more than you really thought they would. 
He was gone more than he was at home, which made you feel like one of those cliche lonely housewives, but if it was true, then it isn't too far off. Mikey reverted back to his old ways months ago.
Between the fighting and everything else.
Draken got the front seat when he was around which was more times than not, a lot of the times he'd bring his son to see you and his uncle but his mini him stayed attached to your side thankfully this time it was just the three of you sitting in the living room talking. 
"You're going to be gone for an entire month? What - what about me Mikey? I can't even tell you the last time you hugged me or held me, your little missions are so much more important than me? Our marriage?" You asked in a pinched tone as you stared at him. 
Having an audience to the downfall of your marriage brought tears to your eyes as did the blank stare your husband gave you, his eyes blinking owlishly watching you cry for him. 
You stomped to the bedroom, sure to slam the door enough to rattle the walls, and if you had to guess a few of your husband's wounds popped back open bleeding into his soul.
The very same one, he said you fixed and mended, but you didn't believe it anymore. You worked hard on getting him back, doing everything you could.
When he gets back home from trips, you'd greet him at the door naked with dinner on the table only for him to tell you he was exhausted.
Not that you'd ever blame him, you know what you were getting into when you married him, but you didn't know it could hurt this bad.
And you always thought that your sex life wouldn't die out either, until it has. You can't even remember the last time you saw your husband's dick or his interest in you.
Many times, you pleaded for him to get help, talk to you, or anything of the sort but he flat out refused which left you alone and frustrated.
"Hey...he's gone. Can I come in?" Draken asked from the other side of the door as he rapt his knuckles on the heavy wood with a sigh.
You wiped at the tears flowing down your face while you sniffled and pressed the heel of your palm into your eyes. "I really don't care."
He pushed the door open and stepped inside with his hands in his pockets looking at you unsure what to say. "I'm not mad at you, your best friend is not the man I married."
Dark eyes softened as he crossed the threshold into uncertainty to sit down next to you. Draken is very familiar with the term 'a shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on.'
"I know. He's - you know, Mikey. I've talked to him, and said it would end up like Emma and me did." He replied with a shrug. 
"Thankfully, we don't have a kid - oh, that was not nice of me. I'm sorry, Ken, I'm just a big ball of emotions. What did he say to that?" You questioned softly, curious on his answer of another failed marriage, his own sisters no less.
You both turned your heads at the same time and looked at each other. "Not much, I don't think anyone can help him anymore."
His sentence felt like a turtleneck sweater that was too tight as your throat formed a lump, making it hard to breathe or swallow.
Draken pulled his hands from his pockets and rubbed his large palms over his jeans. "Call me if you need anything." He told you before standing up giving you one more glance before leaving you alone.
Morning came with a heartache knowing Mikey was already gone, and you knew he didn't sleep in the bed last night. Everything came as it always did, doing the same things daily until it was time for bed.
Later the next night you lay in bed taking pictures in an attempt to feel good about yourself capturing a few good ones sending them to Mikey, unknowingly they went to Ken as well who saw it immediately.
It went unseen on your husband's phone, but not his friend who was staring at it feeling all his blood rush between his legs at work which was not a good place to pop one of those around all the guys.
Incoming message
Ken: Tryin' to get me in trouble?
You read his text feeling flustered thankful it wasn't a totally nude one, but he could use his imagination to see the rest of you bare for him, your flesh looked so biteable, his teeth ached to sink into you.
But you couldn't lie the attention was nice even though it was from Ken, the relationship was already complicated, to begin with, and this was pushing more boundaries but you sent another one anyway.
Outgoing message
You: No, but maybe I am now. Come by for dinner?
He ducked into his office and locked the door looking at the picture you sent him, your bra off and bare tits out for his greedy eyes to take in. Now his dick was extremely painfully hard and throbbing now.
Dark eyes scanned his screen reading your invitation with an arched brow knowing he needed to say no and delete the pictures, not reaching down with an open palm to rub against his bulge.
He pulled away and tapped his reply before sliding his phone into his pocket knowing he was going to end up fucking you later if you ask, it's been a long time since he's been with anyone.
He knows you're lonely, plus it's not right with how Mikey is treating you and his son isn't with him this week who you happen to be the aunt of, instead, he's with his ex until he picks him up on Monday.
You waited for his answer for a few minutes feeling dread fill your stomach as you slipped your wedding ring off and pulled your bra back on when he FaceTimed you. Hitting the answer button you looked at him on the screen. "Keep it off. I want you for dessert."
His voice was dark as he looked at you then the curves of your breasts. "I get off in an hour, see you then." With that, he hung up leaving you an estimated time to get ready for him.
In that time, you cleaned up, made dinner, and changed your pj pants into shorts keeping the tank top on without the bra when you let Ken inside. "Smells good, thanks for the invite." He murmured with a grin.
"Not a problem, also I rolled us a joint if you want to smoke that before we eat?" You suggested taking his coat from the harsh winter wind that blew outside pushing against the door with a groan.
He grinned and nodded letting you lead the way into the kitchen where everything was already set up. Being a gentleman Ken pulled your chair out and poured the wine then lit the end of the joint.
The conversation was pleasant, something you appreciated. Not once did he bring up Mikey or Emma, nor did you. The white smoke curled around you two while soft music played in the background. 
Long slender fingers stroked your shoulders playing with the strap of your tanktop. "You know the first picture was a mistake but then you replied almost immediately to it, at work might I add." Ken shrugged. 
"You look sexy what can I say?" He murmured moving his hand to the back of your neck giving it a squeeze as he leaned in pressing his lips against yours blowing smoke into your awaiting mouth with a kiss. 
Ken pulled away to puff on the joint before giving it to you to serve dinner where you both shared a plate feeding each other, the eye contact so intense your heart beat like a heavy dream in your chest. 
After more conversation about your day, he helped you clean up and sat back down on the couch with you draping his arm over your shoulder grabbing the remote to change the music, the beat more sensual and the lyrics turned sexual in nature making you flustered. 
You looked up at him with a lazy smile, your eyes red and glassy as your hand stroked up and down his arm. "Tell me you want this too, beg me to touch you." He murmured squishing your lips together. 
"I want you to touch me, Ken, please." You whispered and let him pull your tanktop straps down slowly until it was pooled around your waist baring your tits to his greedy large palms that cupped them. 
A sigh escaped your lips when he dragged his thumb over your pebbled nipples leaning in to taste your lips again, his tongue tangled with yours in a passionate kiss that left you breathless and wet. 
Ken pulled the rest of your clothes off just as slowly leaving behind a trail of wet open-mouthed kisses as his hand slid down between your legs his finger pressing into the wet slick spot with a squelch. 
You parted your legs wider for him letting him have more access to your bare pussy with a low growl. "So wet, all just from a little bit of kissing? How cute. She's weeping for me." He husked in your ear. 
No matter how bad you wanted to look at him you couldn't so you opted to close your eyes and let him pump two long slender fingers inside you, his thumb caressed your clit in a soft circle dripping spit down and pooling around where he was buried knuckle deep. 
He nipped at your bottom lip feeling his cock throb between his legs as you palmed at him tugging at the band of his sweatpants letting the heat rise between you two. "Want you so bad please, baby." 
Your hand slid into his boxers stroking his cock from base to tip slowly as he curled his fingers hooking them against your g-spot. "Look so good for me like this, wanna cum 'f me? Be a good girl and squirt for daddy." Ken demanded testing the waters for that kink. 
This time you looked at him as you let go of him to hump his fingers wildly as he sunk to his knees between your legs stroking your clit with his fingers pushing you over the edge until you squirted. 
Ever the gentleman he was, Ken lapped up the mess lewdly as he withdrew his fingers from you to tug his sweats and boxers down freeing his aching cock that bobbed from the sheer weight of it. 
You both looked at each other then down between your legs as he hooked his arms under your knees and pulled you closer to the edge of the couch rubbing the tip between your pussylips. "You sure still?" 
It's been months since you've done anything like this, borderline a year, and you didn't care about anything else but him fucking your pussy making it a puff cream like you deserved. "I am yes! Please!" 
The room filled with the musky scent of sex and desired pants as he thrust the tip inside your tight pussy with a strained grunt, his fingers squished the fat on your thighs keeping your legs spread obscenely wide for him to bare witness sinking into you with a guttural moan. 
You both let out unashamed moans, feeling how you mold around his cock. It felt even better while floating from the joint, Ken bottomed out, leaning down to kiss you deeply. 
His tongue met yours as he rolled his hips nice and slow, making sure you felt him as he scattered kisses all over your face. "You feel so good." He whispered against your neck softly. 
With your legs wrapped around him, he used his  strength to flip positions, putting you on top of him. "Go slow. You're getting greedy with it." 
Your eyes focused on his as you sat down, fully feeling the air get knocked from your lungs as you gripped his shoulders. "Because I want it." 
He huffed, blowing a chunk of dark hair from his face as you leaned in and sat up, letting the tip of his dick stay inside of you before sitting down again, repeating the motion while kissing him. 
It couldn't be helped. His soft lips felt nice against yours as he held your hips guiding you into riding his cock until you see fit. His teeth finally found your neck biting down at the soft flesh nipping it gently. 
Ken left soft love bites that would disappear in an hour all over your shoulder as he fucked into you from below. "You're so pretty riding me. I might keep you as mine." He huffed loudly letting his head fall back against the couch watching you fuck him. 
Your pussy clenched around him as you ground down now rubbing your clit against his pubic bone hearing the soft wet suctioning sounds of where you two met in an erotic dance that left you moaning from swollen mushroom head kissing your cervix. 
His hands squished your ass cheeks together, hitting a certain spot when he rocked up into you. "Good girl, want me to cum in you?" Ken asked as he leaned forward to kiss your breasts again, his mouth latched onto your nipple suckling hungrily as you nodded wildly.
With your fingers buried in his hair that came free from his braid, you tugged on it pushing him closer to you chanting his name like a prayer that poured from your open mouth like a river. "Draken!" 
Ken grunted as he gripped your asscheeks feeling your pussy ripple around him wet and so fucking tight he couldn't help it any longer and filled you to the brim with thick cum that seeped from your cunt. 
The both of you stayed like that coming down from your high as you buried your face in his neck, the reality of what happened finally hit you like a truck as your phone rang, Mikey's name popped on the screen as Ken looked at it then you with a heavy sigh. 
Sex clung heavily to you as you cupped Draken's cheeks pressing soft honey kisses along his face. "Thank you for making me feel appreciated and beautiful, I know this is beyond the scope of wrong but I really enjoyed our time together, don't leave me tonight please." 
Dark eyes widened at your request. It was something he wasn't expecting, he figured you just wanted his dick but it was clear how truly lonely you are and it made him mad as hell at Mikey for treating you this way and how lucky he is that he's the one there for you. 
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bellaxgiornata · 1 month
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Honestly I cannot believe that I've been on tumblr for just over a year now and somehow there's already so many of you wonderful people here that are reading, enjoying, and supporting my silly little fics. When I jumped over here from AO3, I had not anticipated how much fun I was going to have getting to chat with all of y'all while also sharing my stories with those of you who aren't on AO3. I've definitely made some wonderful friends this past year because of tumblr and I just want to say thank you to everyone for the support. I always mean it when I say y'all are the reason I keep writing these stories 💖
I could certainly get sappier but instead I'll just invite y'all to join me for my first ever celebration! There's a few fun things below the cut that y'all can pop up with in my ask box starting today May 3 through Wednesday May 8! I tried to think of some interesting things that I could realistically make time to do with everything currently going on in my life, especially because I'm also still trying to stockpile rough drafts for many of my stories so that I can still have updates during my upcoming "writing hiatus" (that I'll explain more about later). My plan is to answer things as they come in and hopefully have them all finished shortly after the celebration ends. And once the celebration finally ends, I'm hoping to give y'all an update to a story or a one shot!
Hopefully this will be fun for everyone!
Let's Chat! - Feel free to send me an ask about anything at all! No, seriously. You want to tell me about your day? An upcoming vacation or exciting accomplishment of yours? Do it! Or maybe you want to ask me questions about one of my stories or my writing process? Hell, feel free to ask me about myself, chat about coffee, music, books, pets, whatever!
Discuss Headcanons with Me! - Have any headcanons about Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, or Michael Kinsella that you want to chat about or share with me? Send them in! Or are you interested in a headcanon I might have about one of them in a certain situation? Feel free to ask! We can chat about the boys!
Send Me Fake FFTD Installment Titles! - Create a title name for an installment for my Falling for the Devil series (ex. "The [insert title]") and I'll write a couple of sentences about what I could picture that installment being about! You win bonus points if you can actually stump me on coming up with a plot for your title. But also who knows, maybe some title suggestions could spark an idea for future updates...
Let's Play a Game! - We can play would you rather, have you ever, or fuck/marry/kiss (or kill). For the record, f/m/k can be with anyone from Daredevil, Punisher, Defenders, Kin, or even any of Charlie's characters that I'm familiar with (Matt, Michael, Owen, Henry, Tristan, or Adam) or those of Jon's that I'm familiar with (mainly Frank, Shane, or Julian). If you can think of another game feel free to play it with me!
Ask the Boys! - Do you enjoy my weird internal dialogues with fictional characters that probably make me sound crazy? Great! Feel free to send me an ask to either one or all of the fictional men that live in my head (Matt, Frank, and/or Mikey) and I'll relay whatever they respond with in something of a short internal dialogue!
Request a Sneak Peak! - Since I have been stockpiling quite a few WIPs and rough drafts for a couple of months now, I am open to y'all just requesting a sneak peak. If you do, I will share a snippet from a fic I choose at random from something that's either a fully finished rough draft or still a work in progress!
**You're more than welcome to participate multiple times, but all I ask is that you (1) send things in separate asks, (2) are not rude to me or anyone else, and (3) are 18+ to discuss anything spicy (this is an 18+ blog anyway so I'd hope everyone here already is).**
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