nextstepsusmle · 3 months
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coachias · 4 months
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mokshconsultant · 4 months
What is the USMLE? The acronym USMLE stands for the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It is a three-part examination that international students must pass in order to practice medicine in the United States.
Who governs the USMLE? Ownership of the USMLE is divided between two entities:
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), representing state medical boards responsible for issuing medical licenses.
The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), which is responsible for developing and administering the USMLE examinations.
Who is eligible to take the USMLE? International medical graduates outside the United States and Canada are eligible to take the USMLE. Registration is facilitated through the online services of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) via the official USMLE website.
What does the USMLE evaluate? The USMLE evaluates various aspects of physician characteristics essential for patient care, including medical knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes.
How many steps are there in the USMLE? The USMLE consists of three distinct steps:
USMLE Step 1: Evaluates basic science knowledge and principles.
USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge): Assesses the application of medical expertise in patient care.
USMLE Step 3: Serves as the final assessment for physicians assuming independent responsibility in delivering medical care.
Where can the USMLE be taken? Prometric test centers, located in major cities worldwide, offer USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK examinations. However, USMLE Step 3 must be taken within the United States.
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emgoesmed · 1 year
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Time has been flying lately — I can’t believe I’ve completed a month of my surgery rotation. Just a couple more weeks of third year left and then it’s on to dedicated studying for step 2 😳🤯
Now it’s time to celebrate since I’ll be on the ophthalmology service for the next couple weeks aka no more 4am alarms 🤩🎉 I’m also looking forward to seeing more pediatric patients after working on general surgery with adult patients the past two weeks.
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turfaa · 2 years
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Heyy! After a long time i’m back here!
(Will post sth later describing what happened in the last period of my life.)
Now I’m just here to say good morning!
I’ve been struggling with biochemistry for the past few months and this made me really depressed🤦🏼‍♀️
But now I believe i can beat it! 💪🏻
With consistency and dedication.
Get up and work hard! Your future is waiting for you!
Good morning ☀️
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usmlestrike · 1 year
The Best 6 USMLE Step 1 Preparation Plan | USMLE Strike
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Trafalgar Law x reader
💌 Fake it till you make it: Chapter 7  💌  
Summary:  To avoid an arranged marriage set up by Doflamingo, Law needs to bring home a girlfriend during the Christmas break and you just so happen to be a theatre major in the same dorm at One Piece University. What could possibly go wrong?  
Tropes: College AU, Fake Dating, Idiots in love
💌 Word count: 4,562 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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Now that you and Law were official and on the same page things were going great or rather as good as it could be. With the start of the semester you both found out that your schedules don't line up at all and you have barely seen each other all week. Most of your classes were later in the day into the night while Law's were in the morning throughout the day. Law was in his last year of medical school so this semester would be a mix of clinical rotations and lectures. You have no doubt he'll pass the USMLE but with the long hours at the hospital on top of his studies he has no free time. Which doesn't bother the surgeon that much. To him it was the perfect schedule. By the time Law made it back to the dorm you would have about thirty minutes before you had to head to your classes. It gave Law the perfect break before he threw himself back into his studies like the workaholic he was. When you finally returned to the dorms he'd finally put his pen down, indulge in your company until you scolded him for his terrible sleeping habits and then proceed to coax you into his bed swearing he sleeps better that way. Law was always gone before you woke up.
From your perspective you'd wake up to an empty bed, kill time doing chores that needed to be done, maybe answer an email or two, prepare everything for your classes so it didn't cut into your Law time and then wait for him to come back to the dorms. If you were lucky you got to see him for two hours, maybe three per day. You might finally be his girlfriend but it was hard to describe how it felt. You never really pegged yourself as the clingy type and it wasn’t bad or anything but you hadn't had a proper date since becoming official. That was mostly due to the fact the semester just started and because again Law had no free time but he could still ask you out on the weekends. This past weekend he spent it with the guys. He asked if you wanted to tag along but it wasn't the same. On top of that you've heard his fanclub was not happy hearing the news that he's off the market but they also refused to believe in the rumor because neither of you are seen together outside of the dorms. You're not the jealous type either, you're just curious about the group. They call themselves the death club which is super cheezy and weird since they are mostly medical students. How Law even got the nickname "Surgeon of Death" is beyond you.
It was one of your slower days because it was friday and because your classes were canceled. Apparently your professor had a family emergency and would not be able to make it. Which meant you had the night off and that meant you were bored out of your mind waiting for Law to come back. You had other things you could be doing with your free time but you didn’t feel like doing anything in particular. You were still independently self-sufficient without the surgeon by your side. You guess you just miss his company.
"Why don't you just go to the clinic?"
You turned your head to Luffy raising an eyebrow. "Huh, what do you mean?" You have been spacing out laying on the couch for the better half of the morning. Luffy smiled "You're waiting for Torao right? Why don’t you just go to the clinic, we have lunch with Chopper all the time." You hadn't thought about that. Mostly because part of you knows Law doesn't like to be disturbed when he's working on something but lunch was entirely fair game. Why didn't you think of that?
"I mean Chopper is medical so their rounds are different from surgical. Hell, I don't even know when Law typically goes for lunch." You slumped back into your seat as Luffy grinned "Well then it's settled, we are going to see Torao! Shishishi"
"Wait, we?" Was he going with you to make sure you didn't chicken out?
"You miss him right? Torao sometimes gets tunnel vision on his work and besides I haven't played with him since before the break!"
You couldn’t say no to Luffy. He already put his hat on which was usually a sign that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer anyhow. He tried to drag you out of the dorms immediately but you stopped him by making bento's to bring with you. If there was one thing you knew Luffy could easily be persuaded by his stomach. It was your way of thanking him for the idea. Over the past few weeks as everyone learned about your new relationship Luffy appeared to be the most thrilled to hear about it. Apparently he even made a bet with Nami before you had left for Dressrosa and now that you were official he won. It's the first time Nami’s ever lost money on a bet. You were also quite surprised how many people thought you guys would have made a good couple. Seems like a good handful of your dorm shipped you guys based on the few interactions you had before Christmas. It was interesting that all your friends were so congratulatory over your relationship. It's not like you were getting married or anything but many of them said it was a miracle since no one could see the surgeon getting into a relationship to save his life. You had the best friends and you wouldn't trade them for anything.
You've never actually been to the clinic since it was at the edge of the campus and never had any real health issues to warrant going. When you walked in Luffy nodded at the receptionist and continued walking, greeting most of the nurses. He really must come here a lot because no one batted an eye at him. You wandered around with Luffy neither of you having any idea where Law would be at the given moment. You tried not to get in the way as much as possible but Luffy wandered off when he saw Marco carrying an unconscious Ace through the halls. You overheard one of the nurses say he fell asleep as he was going down the stairs. Allegedly he tumbled down three flights before someone managed to stop him. You shudder, narcolepsy is scary.
You continued to the cafeteria. If he wasn't on the floor then the only other place you could check was the dining room. There was a chance he was observing a surgery but you crossed your fingers. As you approached the entrance you saw a swarm of girls surrounding one of the tables. It was a pretty loud commotion of squealing. You moved to the side, peaking around the door to get a better view while still remaining out of the way.
"What do we have here? A little runt thinking she can win senpai's heart pinning from a far. Fat chance loser!" You turned around to see three girls, each of them in different colored scrubs. Light blue was for medical, green was for surgical and pink was for nursing. The one thing they all had in common was a yellow band tied around their heads that read "Death Club". You still found it extremely ironic to have a death club at a hospital but that's when it hit you, this was it, this was Law’s fabled fan club. You stiffen you didn't think you'd actually run into them. You gripped the bento bag tighter. Did they know who you were? Alternatively would this technically make you captain of the fanclub? You shake that last thought from your head. You just had to leave Luffy, it would have only taken a few minutes and then you wouldn't have to be alone to face the notorious groupies.
"Gasp! Sunny, I think she was going to try to give Senpai a homemade lunchbox." She gestured to the bag in your hands. "I think you're right Ginger. Say what do we do with desperate wanna be noticed trash, Miranda?"
Just as they were threatening you Luffy turned the corner. You're saved or so you thought he walked past you pushing past all the girls shouting "Torao! I finally found you!" that sure got the surgeon's attention. While he was trying to pry himself out of Luffy’s famous running jump hug he glanced in your direction. Once he managed to set himself free he made his way over to you ignoring the mass amounts of girls trying to get him to notice them. Part of you wonders if he’s completely oblivious to all the girls or if he’s just gotten used to it over time. He did say this was always a problem he had when first years start coming around to see the upperclassmen.
"(Y/N), what are you doing at the hospital? Did something happen?" Law put his hands on your shoulder looking you over with concern. In your peripheral vision you could see Ginger, Miranda and Sunny death glaring at you, fuming presumably because Law was touching you and he typically detests physical contact with his peers. You shake your head "Oh n-no nothings wrong I just-"
Luffy threw an arm around your shoulder cutting you off, overjoyed at being the one to find Law. "We came over to have lunch with you!" Law retracted his hand, frowning at Luffy seeing the bag you were holding. When he realized you made him lunch, he smiled softly at you "Unfortunately I just had lunch, but I can have it on my next break. Someone couldn't make it, so they need an extra hand. I’ll be back later than usual though I’m glad I still got to see you before you go to class.”
You perked up “Actually my classes are canceled today. That’s why I came here with Luffy.” You pointed to him, but his attention was on the trio who were telling him he can’t just hug Law as he pleased. They were wasting their breath, Luffy does what he wants when he wants. When you focused back to Law, he looked torn. You tilted your head, waiting for him to say what’s on his mind.
Law cleared his throat very matter of factly “Since you're free this evening would you like to go out to dinner and maybe a movie?” Your eyes widened at the question, although before you got to answer, Luffy chimed in again “Sure as long as we go somewhere that has lots of meat!” Law rolled his eyes at him “Not you idiot. I meant just me and (Y/N)” you giggled at the exchange. Despite Law not showing affection as often as most, it's cute to be able to see him like this. His love language is definitely quality time. “I’d like that a lot." You smiled. It was a date. It's about damn time.
Law’s pager beeped, signaling his assistance was required. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and handed him the bento as he hurried off. He looked really cute in his scrubs. You snapped out of your daydream when you heard grumbling behind. You almost forgot about the fangirls. Luffy had already been getting on their last nerve as he picked his nose, not even paying attention to them anymore, but now that Law was gone they could focus fire on you.
"Who do you think you are going on a date with Senpai! Don't you know he has a girlfriend? Wow, you're actually stupid." They all crossed their arms, leaning back, turning their noses in the air being snooty. You sigh "Oh trust me, I know he has a girlfriend because, I AM, his girlfriend. Let's go Luffy, we could try to find Chopper." He nodded as you walked away from the heartbroken trio. They were whimpering into handkerchiefs groveling on the floor, saying that the rumors were true. You grimaced at the display but kept walking. They don’t deserve the time of day, and you hope you never see them again.
"So how's Ace? I heard he fell down the stairs." Luffy hummed, remembering you weren’t with him to get the details. "Ace is fine. He's stronger than he looks. Marco said because he was asleep he didn't even get a scratch!" At least that was comforting, although had he been awake there was a chance he could have broken his neck and died. Narcolepsy was still a scary thing.
It wasn’t that hard to locate Chopper. Similarly to Law, his iconic hat could be spotted from a distance. It turns out you weren’t the only ones seeking to have lunch with the fellow. Usopp and Zoro had also sought the medic’s company. Well, Usopp chose to be there. It seems Zoro got lost and found them instead. You decided to usher the swordsman back to the dorms, knowing it would have taken him at least an hour to make it there on his own. Seriously, what was wrong with his internal compass? Whatever the case, you hung out in the common room with Sanji, Nami, and the others. More people joined you as they finished their classes for the day. It would be a while until Law got off anyway.
That’s when you heard the door open and Luffy, Ace and Sabo returned. Before Luffy or Ace could say anything Sabo captured everyone's attention with a few claps "Okay big news! They didn't say exactly what time they'd be coming, but we're going to be having a guest visit our dorm. They might get to transfer even though they missed the cut-off." Sometimes you forget that Sabo was the dorm's RA because he kind of just lets everyone do what they want as long as they don't get caught. Although someone with the ability to transfer near the middle of the semester was interesting. They either had to be a prodigy or rich as fuck. Which wasn't unheard of for One Piece. Sometimes the university even tried to steal top students by offering ridiculous scholarships just because they could. Since everyone was interested in what kind of student it would be this time around you lost track of time.
The next thing you knew, the doors opened, and you heard a moderately familiar voice. As Sanji raced over to flirt with the newcomer, you were stopped in your tracks when you saw who it was. You were at a loss for words, jaw on the floor stunned as you saw a familiar blonde before you were nearly tackled to the floor.
“(Y/N), Doflamingo didn’t tell me you were in the same dorm as Law!” Pudding easily had brushed Sanji off and bounced straight over to you, giving you a hug as if you were besties. Glancing over her shoulder, sure enough, Doflamingo followed after her, grin as wide as ever. So this was what those cryptic words meant. You steadied yourself firmly, standing your ground, throwing on a cheery smile. “Pudding, it’s good to see you! What are you doing here? I thought you would have been busy opening up that Café you talked about.” You didn’t want to come off as rude, but you were also shocked. Pudding finally released her vise grip on you “Well you and Law made uni sound like so much fun, I decided to transfer here!” she looked around, ignoring everyone else in the room. "Where's Law?"
“Oh he’s still at the clinic, but he should be coming back soon?" You looked at your phone to check the time. "He didn’t actually tell me how late he was going to be.” Pudding pouted “Boo I was hoping he would give me a tour of the campus." Sabo walked up, holding out a packet for Pudding. Probably the same orientation guide everyone gets when they first come in. "Actually, that would be my job, although Sanji over here might fare better since he's enrolled in culinary arts." Sanji twirled over with heart eyes at the mention of his name as they started talking away about Pudding's field of study.
You were distracted and didn't notice Doffy walk up behind you “See, I told you we’d be meeting sooner than you think.” He smirked as you jolted, almost forgetting he was there. "I was wondering if you had meant anything by that. I mean no disrespect, but your words often seem almost cryptic." He laughed at your response. "None taken, I'm interested in your discernment. Corazon did say he thought you were quite perceptive."
You didn't like the feeling that washed over you at his words. It was like he was toying with you almost like he knew something you didn't and was lording it over you. Like it was a game and you weren't aware you were playing. Suddenly the door clicked again, snapping you back to reality. Law took no time swiftly taking to your side. It's almost like he could tell you were in a spot of bother. He gave a slight nod to address the blonde. "Doflamingo."
"Ah Law, how nice of you to finally drop by. I trust you're doing well." He leaned over Law putting in perspective just how much taller he was comparatively. You felt even smaller standing in between the two. Law folded his arms across his chest. "Cut the pleasantries. Why are you here?"
"Now now, is that anyway to greet your father?" Law scoffed, rolling his eyes "Corazon is my father, you are my uncle at best." You could see Bepo hide behind Penguin in the corner. Shachi looked tense next to him as well. They probably had the same thought that passed through your head concerning Doflamingo.
Pudding on the other hand finally noticed Law’s appearance and Sanji seemed to catch the tail end of the conversation. "I knew you were also from North blue but you're a Donquixote?"
Doflamingo merely glanced at Sanji before he snickered "Ah you must be Judge's boy."
Anyone within earshot froze knowing Sanji’s strained relationship with his family. His father even went as far to fake Sanji’s death and refused Sanji’s emancipation when Zeff wanted to properly adopt him. Luffy wore a grim expression as he tried to make a pass at Doffy but Zoro stood in front of him. The swordsman gave him a look and Luffy grunted but didn't try to back down.
Pudding was oblivious to the clear tension in the room "You're a Vinsmoke, that's so cool! I come from the Charlotte family, I guess it really is a small world."
"No kidding." He trailed off slumping his shoulders but Pudding didn’t seem to notice. Instead she smiled, bouncing over to Law “Law, now that you’re here you can give me a tour!” He looked away from Doffy and put an arm around you “Actually me and (Y/N) were about to go out to dinner.” He didn't wait for a response before he turned you by the shoulders attempting to usher out of the room.
"Perfect, I already made reservations. We can have dinner together." Doflamingo put one hand on Law’s shoulder and the other on Pudding's before anyone could argue. The others left at the dorm were mystified at what exactly they just witnessed. There was a storm brewing and it wasn’t a coincidence but you couldn’t do anything about it at the moment.
Doflamingo somehow managed to get Law in a car and you were dragged along for the ride. It wasn’t that long of a trip but you were surprised that Doffy managed to find a moderately higher end restaurant this close to campus. Before you knew it you had all sat, ordered and ate. You’re not even quite sure what you had talked about the whole time. It was all a haze. In fact your head was kinda fuzzy since you left campus mostly because of Doflamingo's words, and his mannerisms. Why was he accompanying Pudding? You should splash some water on your face or get some air to clear your head. Pudding peered at you grinning grabbing your arm “We’re going to freshen up before we leave.” Without further warning she dragged you away. You had mixed feelings about Pudding. She came off as kind of two faced and you’re not sure which one was the real Pudding and which one was the mask. It was clear when she was talking with Baby 5 and Monet that she really had no interest in her family's social standings but at the same time she made it a point to present herself as the perfect daughter. It was something about her smile that tipped you off.
Pudding checked that the two of you were alone before locking the bathroom door. You tilt your head to the side at the action waiting for her to say something. She scratched the back of her neck bashfully. “I uh sorry about that, I wanted to talk to you alone.” she fidgeted with the end of her dress before making eye contact with you. “You don’t like me do you. I kind of get the feeling that you’re annoyed with me.” it was true but probably not for the same reason she was thinking about. As a person she was fine but around Law she was just weird. It was hard to tell if she liked him or resented him.
You were about to defend yourself when you started coughing and choking on your own inhale. You tried to wave her off so you could explain your reaction but instead she laughed at you. “Actually I’m relieved. I dislike when people lie to me because of my family name. If I’m being honest it makes it easier because I hate you too!” she smiled but it looked hollow. This was not what you thought you’d talk about as she continued “Well it’s more like I envy you.” she looked down at her feet and you finally took that as your cue “To be fair I was going to say I find everyone annoying at first it’s more of a me problem then a you problem, but you envy me?”
Pudding sighed looking at herself in the mirror fixing her hair. "You're lucky you know, you get to date for love. I don't have that luxury. As the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family I know what is expected of me. So I envy you.” Once she was done she looked up at you. “Since you’re the first person to be frank with me can I ask a favor?” you really wanted to say no outright but you were curious what it was. “Sure why not.”
“Will you be my maid of honor?”
Law watched you leave folding his napkin on the table frowning at Doflamingo. The blonde hadn’t stopped smiling since pushing him out of the dorm. It was creepy. “Now that they’re gone, talk. You’ve looked like you’ve wanted to say something since I walked in the room.” The blonde only laughed, reaching into his coat to pull out a manila folder. As Law reached for it Doflamingo snickered “I had Vergo look into something for me during the holidays.” Law rolled his eyes at how smug he sounded. Looking through the file made his blood run cold. Law grit his teeth the file was about (Y/N).
“You really do know how to pick the most interesting people. I was quite surprised when I saw the names tied to her family background.”
You had only briefly told Law about what happened regarding your family’s “accident”. He didn't try to pry or anything because he could tell that it still bothered you to some degree. Now he understands why but it wasn’t Doflamingo’s place to devolve that kind of information regarding your past. He needed to calm himself before he made a scene. “What’s your angle? This hardly changes my relationship with her.” Law closed the folder he had seen enough although he didn't understand what the significance to Doffy was.
“Indeed, I would think no less. Especially not from you. However I have come regarding your fixed engagement.” Doflamingo rested his head in his hand using the other to swirl his drink with his finger, tipping it just far enough not to spill it. Law rolled his eyes. He was getting real sick of it. “This again? Did you forget our arrangement?”
“I said I would give you the choice, I never said I would take no for an answer. Which reminds me your little song was rather cute. Truly you won Linlin over for the proposal.” He was acting as Doflamingo’s little puppet without even knowing. He played right into Doffy’s little trap without even realizing because he was distracted with his personal endeavors. Law was furious but he kept his voice down “You bastard. I’ll never agree to it, you know I won’t go down without a fight.”
“Oh but that’s where you're wrong or maybe you didn’t look at all the details in the file. Honestly, for a future doctor to overlook such a glaring detail you should probably switch professions already.” He laughed taking a sip of his drink “I have (Y/N) to thank really. The poor girl has been through a lot and at such a young age too. The only family she has left has become a permanent patient going from hospital to hospital for treatment. Although I wouldn’t worry too much about it, the most recent hospital she was admitted to is known for curing an incurable disease. It's a funny story, actually you’re quite familiar with this hospital since it’s the one we own.”
Law’s eyes widened as he hastily grabbed the folder again. How could he have missed that. Sure enough Doflamingo wasn’t bluffing but would he really go through with it? All for what, for Law to bend to his will.
Doflamingo leaned back in his chair polishing off the rest of his drink. "You of all people should know I would sacrifice innocent lives to get what I want so what is it going to be?" Doflamingo moved to put the folder back in his coat. He probably saw the girls coming back from the bathroom. What was Law going to do?
As you made your way back to the table you were sort of lost in thought and you could tell that Law was the same. Neither of you spoke on the way back to the dorms. You stood outside for a while holding his hand. It was a lovely night and it was still relatively early.
"(Y/N) do you wanna go for a walk?"
You nodded wondering what was on his mind. The air was drastically different when you and Pudding came back from the bathroom but you didn't have the right words to ask about it. Knowing Law he might not even tell you what was bothering him. Especially given the last time something was bothering him. As long as you could be there for him to make sure he wasn't alone this was enough. At least you hoped.
Chapter Navigation: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [You are here] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
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lonestarflight · 4 months
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"Columbia (OV-102) returned to KSC after its 2nd Orbiter Maintenance Down Period (OMDP) overhaul to prepare for its 12th mission (STS-50 USML-1) in June. Later in the OPF Columbia was fitted with the 1st Extended Duration Orbiter (EDO) kit allowing for 14+ day missions."
Date: February 9, 1992
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myscrubslife · 2 years
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I’m not even preparing for USMLE but First Aid for Step 1 when paired with pre-made flashcards on the USMLE-RX app is such a great revision tool for Pre and Para-clinical subjects for even Post Graduate medical entrance exams in India! I think I owe my degree to SketchyMicro/Pharm, Pathoma, Osmosis and FA haha.
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dr-scarlette-witch · 1 year
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Bleh day today. I started rewatching demon slayer instead of starting any new show because there are enough uncertainties in my life already. I made a pencil sketch of naruto and my friend asked me to make one for Itachi too, so I started making one. Went for a walk because the sky was pretty but 5 mins outdoors I realised the weather was too humid to enjoy the walk yet I continued to walk for 3kms🙂.
Also on a different note, I always wanted to do a fellowship post MD outside India, I always wanted to experience the learning and working there. I always planned on giving USMLE but I never really prepared for it and I did not want to spend my parent’s money as an MBBS student for the exam preparation when I really did not want to settle down outside India and it was not my main goal. But the idea was always there at the back of my head. Now that I have some free time and I can use my money to spend on resources I am considering giving step 1, so I am planning to keep my knowledge updated and brushed up.
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shiningneedlecastle · 1 month
You uhh... you wanna talk about the med school residency, bud?
oh lol i didn't think i was gonna get an ask about it, thanks for asking. i'm actually not quite in residency yet, just med school. 2nd year
just so happens to be the part of med school where you study for this fuckmassive 8 hour exam named USMLE step 1 that covers every part of the curriculum (and also a bunch of outside shit since too many students passing = less money the host company gets to charge us to retake the exam). for perspective, the summary book for it named first aid is ~750 pages long and everything in there is fair game.
people regularly study for this exam with a schedule of ~10 hours a day for 6 weeks straight no breaks. that's what I'm doing now but i wanted to be careful so i planned mine to be 9 weeks. that's bc my med school itself didn't prepare us well for that despite us paying 60k+ tuition a year. a real shit tier lectures and wasted money type of thing. people also regularly experience both physical and mental health problems from studying for the exam to the point it's just expected
i've heard things from current M3s (3rd year med school students) about 24 hour straight shifts while having to study for board exams at the same time. also stuff about residents often having 80 hour work weeks, sometimes without one/both weekend days off. the work itself is naturally strenuous since it's doctor stuff. the sort of situation that gets overworked residents into car crashes from falling asleep at the wheel due to how exhausted they are. fun little article about that phenomenon here. notice that first line "Resident physicians often work longer than 24 consecutive hours with little or no sleep." btw residents get paid ~$20 an hour on average
currently wondering what to do with the fact the next couple years for me are gonna be the (probably? hopefully it won't get worse later?) shittiest time of my life. i can't really get out of that without wasting the preparation i did specifically for this, aka SHITLOAD of grinding i've been doing since start of university so close to a decade now. i realize at this point that this field might not be for me but the concept of exiting now and losing so many years of my life to stress and endless studying for nothing in return + a fuckload of debt makes me pretty unhappy
this probably sounds whiny or something but i'm in not a great spot mentally tbh.
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nextstepsusmle · 3 months
Title: USMLE Preparation - Next Steps
Description: Prepare for the USMLE with expert guidance and comprehensive resources. Ace your exams with Next Steps tailored study plans, practice questions, and tips for success. For more details Register Here: https://nextstepscareer.com/usmle-steps-preparation/
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irhabiya · 2 months
on the medicine thing — when i lived in india there was a board exam to get into an undergraduate med where they prepared u for graduate med school. and then there was a graduate medical exam also. and a residency etc after that. not sure why they made it so complicated
wahhh that's so crazy omg? sounds so stressful :(
here it's like, you do your admission fresh out of high school, you get accepted, you spend 6 years studying, divided into preclerkship and clerkship phases, there's board exams like usmle throughout your entire education. by year 6, if you pass the board exam + pass university finals, you graduate and get your MD then apply for residency that's it
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mokshconsultant · 5 months
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Refer the above web page for complete guidance for USMLE Step 1 Exam, below is the summary
USMLE Step Guide for Indian Students
To practice medicine in the United States, successfully passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination, commonly known as the USMLE Exam, is mandatory. The USMLE is a three-step exam comprising Step 1, Step 2CK, and Step 3, sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). IJSMLE Step 1 is a computer-based exam conducted over one day, evaluating your knowledge of basic sciences crucial for medical practice.
It is typically taken after the second year of medical school and assesses your grasp of essential concepts and principles in basic sciences. The focus is on understanding how these concepts relate to health, disease, and treatment, ensuring a strong foundation for lifelong learning in medicine.
Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the USMLE Step 1, you must be:
A current medical student or graduate of a U.S. or Canadian medical school leading to the MD degree, accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).
A current medical student or graduate of a U.S. medical school leading to the DO degree, accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
For International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to be eligible for the USMLE Step 1, they must:
Be officially enrolled in a medical college or university listed in the World Directory Of Medical Schools (WDOMS).
Fulfill other eligibility criteria specified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). Refer to the usmle.org website for updated information.
ECFMG Registration: To register for the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1, complete the online process through the USMLE website. The registration process includes the following steps:
Create an ECFMG account and apply for ECFMG Certification. Receive your ECFMG ID and password in about two weeks.
Fill out the USMLE Step 1 Application form on the ECFMG website, pay the exam fee, and select your eligibility period within a three-month window.
Complete and mail Form 183 to ECFMG, ensuring the college dean's signature on the form matches the one on file.
Await your scheduling permit from ECFMG, which will be sent via email within 2-3 weeks of mailing Form 183. This permit is crucial for your exam day; review it for accuracy.
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patient-in-med-school · 4 months
30|01|2024 - 25/70 of productivity
There’s still a long road ahead of me. One more regular exam before I can finally go all in with the preparations for the first state exam that I will take in March. It’s quite comparable to the USMLE 1 I would say. It’s a two day written exam and one oral exam. After that, the preclinical semesters will be behind me and I will finally be in my first clinical semester. Oh, how I’m looking forward to that.
My mental health and chronic physical illness took a real toll on me the last years, so I am very proud of how far I’ve come. But now that I’m so close to achieving the first big step (well, actually the second one considering how hard it is to get into med school), my motivation has grown and I’m dedicated to keep studying for the next weeks.
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prasadmedicals · 6 months
How to Get a Medical Residency in the USA as an International Medical Graduate
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Choosing to the medical residency for IMG medical students in USA is the best opt. With world-class training opportunities and state-of-the-art facilities, landing a coveted US residency spot allows you to advance your skills and expertise to the highest level.
However, getting a US medical residency as an IMG involves a step-by-step process with many requirements along the way. By understanding and following the key steps, you’ll place yourself in the best position to match into your desired residency program.
1) Register with the USMLE
Your first step when applying for US residency positions is registering with the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). The USMLE is a three-step exam assessing an IMG’s medical knowledge and clinical skills. It is a core requirement when applying to US residency programs.
Registering is an easy process online via the USMLE website. You’ll need to create an account and provide background information on your medical education and credentials. This allows you access to schedule test dates and testing center locations.
Registering with the USMLE is the vital first step for IMGs seeking US medical residencies.
2) Pass the USMLE Exams
The next step is successfully passing all required USMLE exams. These are challenging, marathon tests covering a wide range of topics. Thorough preparation through dedicated study time and practice questions is a must.
The USMLE step structure is:
Step 1 - Assesses core concepts in basic medical sciences. Often taken after 2nd year of med school.
Step 2 CK - Focuses on medical knowledge application in clinical settings. Taken during 3rd year typically.
Step 2 CS - Evaluates clinical and communication skills through interactions with standardized patients.
Scoring well on your USMLEs signals to residency programs your strong medical knowledge foundation. It also indicates readiness for the fast-paced rigors of a US residency.
Many IMG applicants space out their exam schedule over a 1-2 year timeframe. Create your own prep timeline backward from desired residency start dates.
Allow plenty of dedicated study time to pass the USMLE exams.
3) Get Valuable Clinical Experience in the USA
In addition to tests, US residencies want applicants exposed to the American healthcare system and culture.
Gaining clinical experience in the US through observerships and clinical electives are a big advantage. These allow you hands-on learning of workflows, systems, treatments, technologies, patient populations, documentation, communication norms and more in American hospitals and clinics.
Observership organizations like Prasad Medical Center (+1 718-774-6060) assist IMGs in securing observership positions across the country. Be sure to research and understand program eligibility terms before applying.
Even a few weeks of US clinical experience can give that important edge among competitive applicants.
US clinical experience highlights adaptability to American medical norms.
4) Register with the AAMC
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has two key systems you must access during your application process:
MSPE (Medical Student Performance Evaluation) – Official record of medical education including grades, rankings and assessment.
ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) – Centralized online application portal distributing all materials to selected residency programs.
Register with AAMC early to get your credentials verified, understand each platform and have ERAS documentation ready when application season starts.
Connecting with the AAMC is essential throughout the residency hunt.
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5) Pick your Residency Programs
When deciding which residency programs to apply for, start broad. Identify specialties matching your interests, strengths and USMLE scores. Use online directories to make a list of reach, reasonable match and safety options across several states or regions.
Factors like location competitiveness, program size, IMG match history and curriculum emphasis can help you categorize options. Have a few safety choices with higher IMG acceptance rates.
Research programs thoroughly to have residency options at each level.
6) Get your ECFMG Token and Register with ERAS
Once programs are selected, activate your ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) token. This allows ERAS to verify your test scores, credentials and identity when applying.
Next, access your MyERAS applicant profile. Add your exam history, experiences, publications and other credentials that programs will review.
Double and triple check all entries for accuracy before submitting to avoid costly mistakes or delays.
MyERAS is your central application hub throughout the residency process.
7) Finalize Documentation and Submit ERAS Application
With your MyERAS profile complete, finalize all required documentation:
Personal statement
Medical school transcripts
MSPE Dean’s letter
Letters of recommendation (3+)
School catalogues
Proofread all materials thoroughly before uploading to ERAS by the deadlines. Activate program selections and assign supporting documents for each.
Carefully prepare all pieces of your ERAS application package.
8) Medical Residency Interview
With a strong application submitted early, interview offers should follow!
Interview formats vary widely across residencies. Common options include one-on-one, panel interviews, multiple mini interviews (MMIs) and virtual interviews.
Careful preparation is key. Research programs, polish answers to common questions, hone your communication style, dress professionally and send prompt thank you notes.
Treat travel associated interviews as 24/7 assessments of fit. Be gracious, avoid complaining and share your passion for medicine and interest in the program.
Interviews are critical to sealing a residency position – make the most of them!
9) Register with the NRMP
After interviewing, register with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) by late January. Creating your NRMP account starts the matching process based on how you rank programs and how they rank applicants.
The yearly Match Day in mid-March reveals results simultaneously to applicants across the country. This coordinated effort fills nearly 40,000 residency roles each spring.
Understand match statistics for given specialties and programs to set realistic expectations before this nerve-wracking day!
Learning match nuances helps ease the anticipation leading up to Match Day!
10) Residency Post-Match Focus
If matched, congratulations on achieving that coveted US residency program spot! Notify all relevant parties, celebrate thoroughly and handle any needed visa application processes.
Review program details to address required paperwork, licensing, preparations or moving requirements before start dates. Share excitements and ask graduated residents for advice as you transition to this intense but rewarding new chapter!
For those not matched, don’t be discouraged! Strategize about strengthening certain areas of your application and discuss options with mentors. Often success comes with perseverance and giving yourself the best opportunities the following year.
We hope this overview gives international medical graduates more clarity on the pathway to getting a US medical residency. While challenging, thousands achieve this goal annually through careful planning, dedication to preparation, and showing your passion for serving US patient populations.
If you still need assistance securing clinical experience or have any other questions along your journey, don’t hesitate to contact the knowledgeable team at Prasad Medical Center at (+1 718-774-6060) or visit https://www.prasadmedicalcenter.com/ We wish you the best of luck in achieving your American medical career dreams!
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