#Yandere Platonic MHA
itsabouttimex2 · 8 months
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Toshinori Yagi:
With Nana Shimura’s long lost granddaughter.
“I can get that for you, Mister!”
He turns around, getting ready to thank an unusually cheerful and upbeat employee for helping him grab an item just barely out of his reach, already smiling at your joyful tone. Your voice is like a shot of energy right into his heart, and he takes a look at you.
And then he freezes.
You hop on the air like it’s something solid, pulling an item from the top shelf and bringing it down for the blonde man, gently pushing it into his hands.
He doesn’t have a chance to react before you’re off helping another customer, using your Quirk once more. You send him into a deluge of memories, moments he tightly clings to and cherishes above all else. He sees her in you, and relives a storm of his previous life.
You’re just like his mentor.
You have her eyes. You have her smile.
And those two things alone aren’t so damning, but you have her Quirk.
And he decides that maybe he needs to come back to this store, just a few more times. Just to make sure.
He starts buying groceries for Izuku and Inko, disguised as thanks for treating him so well. Instead, it’s really just a reason to go back more often, to get more glimpses of you, of his mentor.
Each time, you greet him with the same enthusiasm and cheer, always with with that brilliant smile of yours. Always hopping around on the air with your infectious joy.
It hurts, deep inside. When he isn’t chasing the high that comes from your presence, he’s mourning, because let’s be honest, Toshinori never stopped mourning. He misses Nana as much as the day he lost her.
And here you are, a living memento, a fragment of Nana, in the flesh. Something she left behind, good and kind but dreadfully unaware of the dangers and threat that All for One poses, if he finds out that Nana has another grandchild he can hurt, all in the name of targeting Toshinori.
All Might realizes that Nana has something of herself left in this world. Not just Tomura, twisted, corrupted, and out for blood. But you as well, sweet and warm and loving.
A piece of her lives on.
One that he can save. One that he can protect. One that he won’t lose.
Because he’s lost enough. And he’s not taking the chance to lose you, as well.
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Platonic yandere shigaraki HCS with a younger sister who's the daughter of AFO? (Since he's readers adopted older brother since AFO adopted shigaraki)
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Yandere Older Brother Shigaraki Tomura
“This is the little sibling I was telling you about. Would you like to hold them?”
“But my quirk–!”
“Not this time. Trust me.”
It was hard not to pull his cradled arms away when AFO unswaddled and slowly lowered the baby down
Visions of his past 
His quirk’s awakening flashed violent through his mind 
Tightly shutting his eyes in fear 
he feels the warmth and substantial weight in his arms
Opening his eyes to see a darling little baby cooing at him
Giving a gummy smile when he lets out a little chuckle in disbelief
“This is (Y/n). You’re little sibling.”
“My little-?”
“Yes. Will you protect them?
From then on it was history
It’s been him and his newfound family against the world 
Even with his old notfamily he wasn’t the oldest
And now you’re immune to his power letting him connect with you in a way he just can’t with others
All that being said he’s a doting big brother
“(Y/n). Are you giving the nanny trouble?”
“Psh! It was only a mud pie!”
“Really? That doesn’t sound so bad.” 
“They threw it in my face!!”
“It was meant for the pillow! Honest!”
“If (Y/n) said it was meant for the pillow then it was meant for the pillow I see no problem here.”
Because AFO is AFO the way you’re raised will really dictate how he watches over you
If he’s not the only one doting on you but your father dearest as well you can expect to always be miles away from the action
Kept in the boonies or shipped across the world
If AFO demands it you will see no such thing as a world he doesn’t create
But if you’re just another tool of his then you both will start to get competitive
“Awww heard about the little incident in Kamino! Heard you couldn’t get the job done!” “And I heard about your little excursion with the American division.”
“Pft! it was more so just a distraction.”
“Oh yeah? Is your enemy weakened and out of the game for good?”
“That’s what I thought little Padawan!”
“Grrr shut up!”
If AFO completely ignores you and keeps you only because Tomura wants it 
Or because you have too many features like your late uncle
He’s dealing with a rebellious little sibling that he’s intent on tracking down
Whether you’ve decided to side with the heroes or strike out on your own
He will make it everyone’s problem that you’re not in his custody
“You seem to forget (Y/n) that as your older brother, I’m going to protect you…whether you like it or not.”
In whichever universe you are the apple of his eye
And he refuses to let you leave it
Whatever plan AFO has for him can wait if it doesn’t mean you safely within his grasp
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black-aurora-nora · 5 months
Give In | Platonic!Yandere!Hawks x Teen!Reader
This had to be the worst day of your life.
You didn't think anything would top being kidnapped, but here you were sunken into the couch of your 'home' weighed down by your own dejection.
Your entire body was cold.
Wet, muddied clothes clung to your body and there was an obvious trail coming from the door to the couch.
Everything was numb.
Your fingertips, your toes, your mind.
The sound of the door opening paused your inner monologue.
"Man, that rain is no joke today! I'm soaked!" Hawks' voice came from the front door, but you didn't bother looking at him.
He strolled over to you after taking his shoes off, but again you paid him no mind. You couldn't bear the sight of him.
He stilled for a moment, looking you over while a frown overtook his features, "(Y/N), my sweet little sister, did you go outside?" His voice was so soft yet unbearably sarcastic. He knew the answer.
He hummed unhappily when he received no reply, "You're gonna get sick if you sit in those wet clothes any longer. I'll go draw you a bat-"
"Yeah, I hope I get so sick that I die." You spat. But even that held no real emotion behind it. You couldn't even bring yourself to be angry at him.
You'd been angry at first.
You'd spent so long trying to figure out an escape plan, only to find the door unlocked when you didn't find a key. Then you anxiously ran out into the rain, screaming for help and looking for any other houses or even streets.
For miles, you ran.
For miles, you hoped and prayed that today was the day you'd be free again.
But as if your prayers were nothing but a joke, you found a tall wall at the end of your journey and it suddenly made sense why the door was left unlocked.
The image of Keigo laughing at you was the first thing that flashed in your mind and you felt something snap in your psyche.
You grabbed at the muddied ground, throwing clumps of mud and grass into the wall as if it were mocking you. Curses of Keigo's name left your mouth with fiery breaths and when the clumps of mud weren't enough, you hit and clawed at the walls.
It hadn't mattered that your fingers were bleeding or that a few nails were gone.
Nothing mattered anymore.
Nothing mattered except for Keigo.
"Okay, grumpy, you still have to take a bath."
You clenched your fists and took a deep breath, "Why didn't you tell me about the wall?"
Keigo stopped, turning back towards you. He had a cocky glint in his eyes, "Did you really think I was gonna let you go that easily? Or that someone wouldn’t find you and return you?”
"Why..." You trailed off, "Why did you let me think that I had a chance? I... I ran for miles... thinking I was free..."
A sound of pity left Keigo and you wished you could slap him, "(Y/N), you're a smart kid. I'm your older, smarter brother." You wanted to scoff at his ego, "Why wouldn't I or the Heroes' Commission plan ahead?"
Why wouldn't they plan ahead?
You felt so stupid.
Of course everything had been planned.
Your prior kidnapping from your home.
Your shipment to Japan.
And your 'rescue' accomplished by Hawks himself.
It was so obvious now that all of that had been an orchestrated to get you into Keigo's possession.
You were a business plan.
Something to keep Keigo occupied from losing his sanity.
"Y-... You're all sick... you're all fucking sick!" Your chest hurt and you clawed at your heart with mangled fingers.
"(Y/N), focus on your breathing for me." Keigo told you, ignoring your spiraling. When you couldn't calm down, he stalked towards you, "(Y/N), I said focus! Slow your breathing."
Violent sobs tore your throat.
Everything had been taken from you just so you could play house with some hero.
Keigo cooed softly and closed the gap between you to hold you close and slide you down to the floor, telling you to slow your breathing.
He uttered praises to you when you finally listened and slowly but surely, your breathing was dissolved into quiet sobs and sniffles.
He stroked the top of your head before grabbing one of your hands to look at your fingers. He gave a small sigh when noticed how bloodied and swollen they were. They were probably riddled with fractures and would surely bruise.
“Maybe,” he spoke, “If you’d let go…this whole thing would be easier.”
“I… I’m gonna go take a bath now…” Your voice was hoarse, grated raw from your sobs and you stood on wobbly legs to make your way to the bathroom.
Keigo only smiled reassuringly and before you closed the door, he spoke one more time, “I love you so much, (Y/N). Please don’t forget that.”
But how could you?
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serxinns · 2 months
Yandere Older class 1a x Deadpool reader
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You were a goofy sarcastic playful hero who always made jokes while brutally punching villains in the face while doing wacky and wild stuff saying the most unhinged stuff with a smile on your face and your Fans and Most pro heroes love that about you
Iida was always with you not because you were dead gorgeous and your fighting skills were amazing but because he's worried about you! You pulling these dangerous stunts makes him have a heart attack whenever he peacefully wants to see the news he sees you teasing and taunting a very dangerous and very deadly villian riling them up to the point where they just slash at anything to get you to stop your yapping, next thing you know he's grabbing his hero suit and running over there right now he always scold you for being u safe while you just either laugh it off do those cringey "I'm sowwy🥺" look iida pretends to be cringe out about but deep down he thinks your pouty face and puppy eyes are cute,
Bonus: both you and Iida's fans agree that Iida was the Dad friend and make those complications video of him being one
Bakugo wants you to depend on him and look up to him he always wants you to be by his side whenever you work with him, but you being a little shit makes his job way harder, you always making fun little jokes and uncanny comedic lines while the two of you are literally in a life and death situation while you're just singing nursery rhymes, He always yells at you to be serious and all you did was say "uh oh cranky pants need a sippy cup?" He chased you around that day and seeing that cute little cheeky face of yours made him blush he always acts like he doesn't wanna work with you but in truth, he stalks your schedule and demands his agency to work close to yours but he won't admit that even the fans kinda see that he cares for you and loved you and himself dynamic
Momo is the worried mother if you ever get hurt by a nasty villain she's beating that villain to a pulp heck even making the dude see the clouds, she always is very protective of you like a mother hen making sure you eat, sleep brush your teeth she always tell you to while you whined like a child, if you didn't bring your lunch don't worry she brought a little bento box for you!, whenever your merch comes out or before she's always the 1st one to get it. She even has a room dedicated to it (just like Izuku but we'll get to him) literally she and Izuku would have a battle about who got the rarest merch and expensive merch
Ochako is like your number 1 biggest fan she always knows your schedule as well so she can either watch you from afar and if you needed any help she'll be there to kick their asses!, she's like Pucca (if you know the childhood show congrats) she always watching you dreamily eyes fluttering but strong and dangerous if anyone messes with you, she's is always in her dream world imagining carrying you like a little princess and she's the knight although she's also ok with you holding her like that as well both ways make her blush and giggles and kicking her feet while floating up, she makes fanfiction of you x reader or her under a fake username ofc so she can write down all her fantasies (some of your classmates would follow that page secretly) she keeps an oversized merch t-shirt that you wrote an autograph
While Izuku may be all Might's number one fan who said he can't be yours as well? Like this dude knows it all has 4-6 pages of you, your quirk, your weapons, your personality, your likes and dislikes, your family, your address-, you name it! He doesn't even need to write down your schedule since he remembers it so easily dude has a great memory there's no denying it, whenever his fans scream all over him wondering what's his favorite hero everyone is so surprised when he mutters out you heck he's shy whenever he talks to you your his idol his darling his sweetie standing in front of him happily making jokes and laughing along or badass shooting and slashing any bad guys, as mentioned in mom's headcanon this boy got a WHOLE ROOM dedicated to you heck one time you jokingly put a dick shape drawing when he asked to Have a autograph he bought a photo case for that and put it on display like he's PROUD
Sero and Denki were your go-to when wanting to cause trouble and Crack some jokes heck all even flirt with each other trying to see who gets the most flustered denki craves whatever attention you give him whether trying to annoy him or not he loves it when you eyes are on him he may act like a carefree person who jokes with you but he's a possessive dude he glares at your fangirls from afar when they're squealing all over you trying to get a autograph calling you hot that made his blood boil that he had to intervene by saying there's a villain waving goodbye at the girls while their squealing got louder seeing Denki but Denki glared at them Sero is the calmer one but is Obsessive he loves everything about you whenever your close to him on the outside he as cool as a cat but inside he's dying screaming on the inside just wanting to hold you close he always ask for any sort of physical interaction like high fives, hugs, he even remembered you patting him on the back praising him for wrapping up the villains luckily someone recorded it and now he saves that in his phone watching it repeatedly over and over again also he keeps those spiderman x Deadpool comics
Jirou and Kiri are like Sero but she acts more like a soft tsundere while Kiri acts like a love-sick puppy following you around and worshipping you head to toe. She acts cool and tough around you but if you compliment her she turns red and hits you to shut up just like Izuku she's too shy to speak to you and always lets you do the talking while she doesn't pay attention just hearing your voice makes her trapped in a dazed smiling dreamily she just couldn't help it You were so adorable even under that mask she wants to cup her hands on your cheeks and give you the biggest kisses leaving you a hot flushed mess kiri on the other hand worships you like a God, he always rants to his friend teru about you and even works together with bakugo at times talking to him about you the two of them will rant on about how cool you are (mostly Him and bakugo just listens) he will invite you to spar with him and if he ever accidentally hurts you he feels so bad and apologies to you even tho you didn't even show any anger or sadness but he thinks you do but all you did was laugh saying how strong he was making the number 4 hero blush and crumble right there he always used to complimenting you on your skills body and even your muscles but you complimenting him!? It's like a kid getting a gold star for their behavior! After sparing he always buys you his favorite drink which you teased him about while he looked annoyed with your teasing he actually likes it and when you promise to stop he mentally whines wanting you to do more!
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fluff-n-cookies · 9 months
mrrps n chirps
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Shinsou and Aizawa with a child with a Cat quirk owns my heart.
For example, imagine the reader is Just a lil' baby and whenever they need her attention, they Just call out her name, and in return. she, on instinct, will mrrp in response and whips her head around to see what happened an hopefully get/earn some head Pats. (like a cat!)
unless you're shinsou Since HE has been ABUSING his Mrrp powers.
he will Just randomly Call out your name to annoy you and now, you Just ignore him.
and now, he could be PLEADING for help as he is eaten by feral dogs but you won't budge. if anything you'll attempt to play with the dogs as he is eaten.
Conversations with aizawa go something like it is:
Aizawa:"(y/n), baby, honey, have you Seen Shinsou?"
baby (y/n): "mrrp."
Aizawa : "oh, I did not Know that!"
baby (y/n) : "mrrrp"
Aizawa: "well okay, it's been nice talking to you but I need to go find your brother BUT I WILL tuck you in tonight K? K.''
and when your excited and do that Iil' chirp IT'S OVER THEIR HEARTS ARE MELTING oh would you look at that it's now a puddle.
and they do anything for it!
plushies? done. Snacks? done. ALL the CUDDLES in the WORLD?!?! DONE. Just please chirp, they are addicted to it like it's the worlds strongest drug!
and if you ever cuddle up to them while they are grading or studying and start purring it's practically a dream come true! that's it. this is their life now.
Because everything is right now, all is good in the world and there is no-where else they'd rather be. maybe that's because they can finally relax now, Knowing you, their top priority, is safe in their arms, purring.
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thecuriousquest · 5 months
Platonic Yan!Bakugou Blurb
Bakugou gives off “dad of the group” energy, but I feel like he’d be so much worse as a platonic!yandere.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, huh?!”
“Where’s your fucking sunscreen, idiot?!”
“Take a charger with you incase you need it.” “…Did you really just ask me why? Because we’re going on a long ass trip, and I don’t need your whiny ass complaining because your damn phone died!”
“Can you guys in the back quit fighting?! I WILL FUCKING PULL THIS CAR OVER!”
“Eat this. I said fucking eat it. You look like you’re gonna pass out, damnit!”
He’s never not yelling, he’s always handing out orders and threats. I’m pretty sure he carries around a leather belt in his backpack just because he might need to straighten someone out.
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
I was rereading some of your works and this line stuck out to me
‘Enji is keeping up with all your cravings, no matter how weird. You're craving ice chips? Alright. You want ice cream at 3 am? The fridge is stocked with your favs. Oh no, you want soft serve? Its okay, princess, I'll drive us there. I'm sure they'll open the store for the no. 1 hero.’
I immediately pictured him, banging on the front door of the shop, absolutely panicked because his “baby” is hungry for ice cream and is worried that she’ll cry because of pregnancy hormones
HAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSS and like u can't blame him??? He's already so protective of you as his daughter, but not that you're pregnant with Ratsuki's baby, his protectiveness increases ten folds. Who knows what that devil's spawn is doing to your poor body???? How much pain you're in because of Ratsuki's baby????
Ugh, he just- even if you tell him how excited you are to gave this baby, Enji just can't stop fretting over you because you're his baby! Always were, and always will be!
Yandere dad Enji with pregnant daughter reader is literally so cute because there is nothing that will stop this man from making sure that you are healthy and comfortable and yes, he will still hold you whenever you're feeling down, baby bump or not, you weigh nothing to him🥰
You're feeling emotional and end up calling Enji (instead of Katsuki cause he's busy with work) and he hears a wobble in your voice? BAm, papa is at your door step in 10 minutes with ice cream and snacks and warm cuddles. Feel free to bitch about Katsuki to him (actually dont, he will kill him)
Ever since you got married and moved in with Katsuki, Enji had been missing your company. And once you had returned from your honeymoon and visited him, he realised just how terribly he missed you. So of course he grabs any opportunity to spend time with you. Baby checkup? Okay, papa Enji is coming to pick you up. Grocery shopping? How odd that he's also out of groceries. Cmon, lets shop together, and maybe some cute (SUPER EXPENSIVE, LUXURY BRANDED) maternity and baby clothes to spoil you. Nothing to do at home? Well, you can always help out dad at his work! Enji's sending a car to drive you to his company 🥰 And its like, even if you do have plans with Katsuki, Enji will pull some strings to make sure that Katsuki gets stuck at work while you sulk at home, awaiting your husband. But Enji will come to console you, cry on his shoulder baby. Sometimes, Enji will drop by unannounced, especially if he finds out that you're spending the weekend with Katsuki's parents. He'll be bringing in a boquet, kissing you on the cheek, before wrapping his coat around you, telling you that you must come home with him right away. And you're all like "??? Dad! I'm here with my in laws. I cant just up and leave-!" And he pulls the big sad eyes and says "Its Rei." and you automatically sigh and nod before going to apologise to Kats parents for cancelling your plans with them, claiming there's a "family emergency", which isnt a lie because yandere Rei is an EMERGENCY at all times. Its just, you've always known your mother's mental health was detoriating, but the rate at which it detoriated increased ten folds when you moved out. She's always been protective of you, because of all the trauma and because you're her youngest, so of course... she took it the hardest when you left her side to be with Katsuki. And before your marriage, you swore to your father that you'll always be there to help him with Mom, whenever needed, no questions asked. Its the only reason Enji gave you his blessing marry RATsuki. So whenever he misses you too much, he tells you that Rei is having another "episode" where she's screaming your name, crying that someone took you away and is hurting you, is resorting to harming herself, etc. And sometimes Rei does have these epiosdes, other times she doesnt, but it doesnt matter to either of them because if they want u home, you will come. And as soon as Enji has brought you to the Todoroki estate, your're running (or waddling) inside, immeadiately engulfed by your mother who will now proceed to coddle you and fret over you non stop for the next couple of days (spoon feeding you her food, brushing your hair until you dose off, rubbing your baby bump while humming lullabies. Enji's having the best time too becuase he gets to tuck you in at night and wake u in the morning and have more daddy-daughter ice cream dates with yall) until she's better or... well, your husbands comes to fetch you.
And Rat- KATSUKI, sees through all their BULLSHIT! But you dont and thats why he cant call them out on it. Thats why he must be the more patient one between him and your greedy parents.
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(AU what if: What if Mythical Forest! Reader had no one and was sent out as a sacrifice? What if Dabi and Shigaraki were respected and feared rather than hated?)
Warning: (Mentions of violence, animal murder, brothels and the use of whore. Non consensual hypnosis)
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Long ago, a deal between the nearby village and two nagas had been struck. In exchange for peace and protection from intruders, the nagas would have to receive food and protection fees from the village.
Until they made a seemingly unreasonable demand, they wanted a child. Not a virgin woman nor man, but a child. Shigaraki made his request known at the last exchange, his voice longing for a child to raise as his own.
“I don’t want one of those whores at your brothels, I don’t want your gold, I desire a child.”
His mate, the scarred one who declared himself as Dabi, echoed his mate’s statement. They couldn’t breed and have their own hatchlings, thank the gods for that, so they went with the next option.
The village elders refused that demand, how could they give up their kin to monsters? Had they grown a taste for human flesh?
Were Dabi and Shigaraki that heartless? Once the village denied their request, Shigaraki grew violent. All of the village’s livestock had been slaughtered, blood stained the green grass and the fences.
Some hunters were lured out of their homes and had their bones crushed and skin melted away by venom. Shigaraki had a simple request, why couldn’t they just answer it?
Dabi wasn’t exactly innocent either, he hunted down foolish humans like a feral beast and proceeded to kill them, like a feral beast. The village had no choice but to meet their demands, so Shigaraki could stop his violent temper tantrum.
The forest was dark as you were sent out, you whimpered at seeing the gates to your village shut. You were a measly orphan who certainly wouldn’t be missed, so you were perfect for this opportunity.
You hoped that the rumors of Shigaraki using child bones as toothpicks weren’t true. Sticks and leaves crunched and broke under your feet as you wandered aimlessly through the jungles, birds tweeting and distant howls of wolves filled your ears as you looked around paranoid.
Shigaraki watched as you stumbled around helplessly as he gave a little smile, oh you were utterly perfect. He slowly slinked out of his hiding spot, his tail slithering across the floor. “Hello my dear.” He said softly. You froze before yelping in fright. You stumbled like a newly born fawn as you gave a frightened whimper at seeing Shigaraki. His gaze softened as he got closer.
“Aw, little lamb, it’s okay. Papa is here.” He purred. You couldn’t help but begin to cry from the fear, which utterly broke Shigaraki’s heart. What did those rotten villagers say to you about him?
He had no choice but to work his hypnotic magic on you, forcing you into a state of relaxation and calmness. You ceased your cries as Shigaraki gently lifted you up into his arms. Dabi decided to slink out as well, frowning at seeing your relaxed state.
“You know that shit fucks with peoples brains.” He lightly scolded. “Oh hush, our baby was in clear distress. She needed to relax.” Shigaraki defended as he smiled down at you.
“She’s like a little cherub.” Dabi commented as he booped your nose. Shigaraki let out something akin to a purr before the two slinked together in the forest.
With their new baby in tow
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zwolfgames · 5 months
Yandere Platonic MHA x child!reader
Requested by: jocru046
Part two/sequel of this.
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(Warnings: kind of kidnapping, kicking a child, creepy overbearing behavior, yandere in general.)
(3rd person POV)
Life sucked.
No really, it did.
Atleast for you, that is. Y/N, not even a last name. Just a small kid, no parents or guardian. You can't even remember how thar happned. Did you have parents? Did you just spawn in one day? Only god knew. No wait, that didn't exsist. Trust me, you had begged that god for help and received nothing.
Never having gone to school or kindergarden you were far behind other kids. Now, as a illiterate 8 year old with no hopes or dreams you live on the streets. Luckily, your quirk kept you alive.
A simple concept. You cried pearls. Or well, thats all you knew of it. It would be sad if that was the only thing you could do but you didn't care at the moment. Survival was your top priority.
So, when you ran low on money, you cried and collected the little pearls. Selling them to who-ever you could. It worked... well enough. You were a kid, you definitly got scammed a lot.
So that brings us to this faithfull moolit night. One where you were drawing on an old newspaper. You couldn't read it anyways.
All was calm untill you began to hear footsteps. Loud frantic footsteps and heavy breaths. Like a group of humans running from a bear.
You held your breath and shrunk into your make-shift dumpster house as the footsteps came into your alley.
You expected them to just run past, like everyone always did. But no...
They stopped... Right in the middle of the alley.
It was quiet for a moment, just a moment. As if they were scanning the space.
"Oi! Kid. Come out, right now! We know you're here!" Some loud man screamed. A sudden crash of a thrashcan being thrown against a wall was heard. You gulped.
Surely they were thinking if some other kid, right? I mean, surely there was some other poor orphan child in this alley besides you?
Just as you finished the tought the lid of your dumpster home smashed open and before you could even gasp one of the men had a crushing grip on your upper arm. Ripping you out of the dumpster as if you were nothing but a twig.
"Got it." He huffed to his boss as this henchman, or whatever, held you beside him in the crushing grip.
"Who are you? Let go! You're hurting me!" You growl and bare your teeth, a trick you had seen the stray dogs use on weirdo's.
"Shut it. Hurt them." The boss man said harshly. He looked disgusting. Like some vile criminal. Whatever his quirk was wasnt helping his appearance. This man had the skin of a fish yet the appearance of a man...
The thug holding you complied and bashed your head against the rough brick wall. You let out a pained sounded and started slightly crying at the pain. Your head feeling heavy as you saw stars. If you guessed right you were even bleeding.
Two small pearls streamed down your cheeks and fell to the dirty alley ground with a small sound.
The fish man grinned, revealing scary, shark-like, teeth. "Thats them. The pearl seller. Take em away. We'll be rich by the end of the week!" He laughed and you were dragged along. Your head still spinning.
This was going too fast. What was happening?! Who were these people? Why did they hurt you?
You began realising the situation when their black van came into vieuw. They'd stuff you in there and you'd never be seen again! You knew it! You've seen it happen to kids before!
So in that moment you let out the most blood-curdling scream of despair. Shrill and loud, just like you wanted it.
The chance someone would come to rescue you was small, seeing how humans were.... But it was worth a shot.
The man holding you growled in anger and kicked in your stomach. You almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for his deadly harsh grip on your arm. The air knocked out of you.
The thug was about to throw you into the dammned van before you were suddendly back on the ground again.
No longer having your arm crushed. Now curling up into a pained ball on the ground as you cried. Shiny perfect pearls rolling down your face.
There, infront of you, stood some darkly dressed man. Somehow, his scarf somehow floating...
Just a moment ago all those bad men were ready to drive off.... and now they were either knocked out on the ground or too pained to move...
What was this... mosnter? How did he do this? The scary looking man came closer to you, taking light steps.
You could see his face now. Some ridiculous yellow goggles on his eyes. His long, messy black hair swayed with his steps. Overall, he didnt look too bad... maybe a bit sleep-deprived and dead inside but oh well... What made him scary was the fact that he just wiped out this gang of men that wanted to kidnap you.
The unknown man kneels down in front of you. Not too close, not too far.
He observes you. Just faintly, you can see his eyes stare into yours from behind his strange yellow goggles.
"Are you alright?" He asks after a long silnece. You had alreadt seized your crying... now just a pile of little pearls on the ground.
"Im... fine." You whispered. In a broken choked voice. Who could blame you? You just released the loudest scream you ever had in your short life.
"Sounds like a lie. You're bleeding kiddo." The mysterious man sigh and reaches his hand towards you, to wich you flinch and scamble to your feet to take a step back.
The man frowns and stand up aswell, way more intimidating at his full height.
"There's no need to be afraid. Im here to help." He said, keeping the distance as to not scare you further.
This man... He may be scary but he didn't feel the same way the thugs on the ground felt.... More... safe.
How could some-one so scary feel safe? You wondered.
The man seemed to notice your questioning look but said nothing, merely making sure you didn't run off. You were injured and he needed the whole story.
"Whats your name?" He suddendly said, his voice soft and caring, as if he was speaking to a small child- oh wait, you were a small child.
You hesitated for a moment but decided to just answer before he bashed your head in like he did with the thugs.
"Y/N..." You answer softly. Not looking him in the face anymore.
"Where are your parents, Y/N?" He asked calmly. That question stunned you for a moment, maybe you should have expected it but somehow... no-one had asked you that before.
"...Non-exsistent." You answered bluntly. Not a hint of care for the subject in your voice.
The man had expected that but not in... such a careless way.
"I see... Would you trust me to help you?" He asked. This man only asked questions, how annoying.
"...No." You answered after a moment of silence. The man seemed baffled, as if no-one he had rescued had ever said 'no'.
He opened his mouth to say something yet before he could a groan was heard from the fish man on the ground behind him.
He shot into action at the mere sound and before you knew it you were off the ground and in his arms.
The wind blew into your face before the man tucked your head into his chest. Now you had no clue what was happening.
But judging from the loud air sounds, you were going fast as fuck.
As the surprise faded and you came back to your senses you started struggeling, to wich the man simply tightend his hold on you.
"Don't struggle, im taking you somewhere safer." He said calmly, tough the wind made it hard to hear. Was this dude doing parkour or something? You were getting sick from these abrupt movements! But i guess that did make you struggle less.
You tried to speak but this mans clothes were smothering your face. That weird scarf fluttering against your head as the man jumped and ran.
After an agonizing whileof running and wind he set you down on a chair. No wait, this was a car...
"Mister, what do you think you're doing-" You quickly asked but he held a finger to your lips and buckled you in. You were utterly confused.
First, some thugs tried to nab you for unknown reasons. And now this random man shoved you into his car?!
You gulped in slight fear yet looked around the car curiously, never having been in one before.
The man seemed satisfied with your silence and got into the car, taking the wheel and driving off.
"I know this is going too fast for you, but you'll be alright. Im EraserHead. A pro-hero." He side-eyed you and you simply looked up ahead. He was right, this was going too fast. And a pro-hero? This slobby dude? Really?
You said nothing and simply stared ahead. This was too complex for a child. You felt as if you should be scared but he had infact saved you... untill he grabbed you himself but eh.
EraserHead eventually stopped the car and got out before walking over to your side and unbuckeling you. Taking your hand as he leads you into a huge building.
"See, this is U.A. You've heard of it, haven't you?" He smiles slightly down at you. Those stupid goggles off of his face now so you could actually see his eyes.
You wanted to say no... but decided just to nod to avoid any boring info.
EraserHead led you into the grand building and after an endless amount of twists and turns you arrived at some sort of hospital room.
There, at a desk, set a tiny old lady. She turned her head and greeted EraserHead before turning her attention to you. You didn't know what it was about her but she immeadiatly had your trust.
"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked softly and observed your still bleeding head and multiple scrape wounds. Wich now that the adrenaline had stopped working, hurt quite a lot.
"I-Im fine." You meekly uttered, shrinking into yourself slightly. Eraserhead was about to comment 'Lies.' Once again but he didn't have the chance as the old lady shot him a glare.
"Is it okay if I help you dear?" She smiles at you. It was quite comforting since she wasn't way taller then you. You nod hesistanly.
The lady somewhat kisses your forehead and you can littarly feel your wounds being healed. Wich was really really weird!
The lady nodded and pat your head before gesturing to EraserHead that you were now fixed.
He nodded back and took your hand again. Seeing as this man claimed he was a hero, you'd seize your struggeling..  for now.
After another long trip of twists and turns youre back outside. Now walking on a nice path with a bunch of tall buildings next to it.
Where the hell did you end up?
"Students... This is Y/N. They'll be staying here temporally, untill I figure out how to solve their living situation." EraserHead ordered a group of weird looking teens. Wait, stay here?! Your consent was not asked!
Your eyes widen and you instictivly hide behind EraserHead. An action he found just adorable, tough he would never admit that.
The students stared for a moment untill you were suddendly swarmed.
Some pink girl squished your cheeks and you felt observed by everyone.
"Y/N, you're such a cutie. How did you end up here hmm?" The pink lady asked, to wich you had no answer. Luckily, EraserHead still exsisted and shooed the teens away.
"Y/N almost got abducted by a gang. They got hurt so I took them here. They don't seem to have parents or a guardian so untill that is sorted they stay here. If I hear even a single complaint from the kid, you're all dead." He sneered and glared at some spikey haired blonde specifically.
You gulped at all the attention and took a step backwards only to bump into some green haired guy.
He smiled such a friendly smile down at you, it was impossible to feel scared. That was what you tought untill he hugged you.
"Whats your quirk, little Y/N?" He asked sickingly sweet as he held you. You bet he tought it was comforting but after today and the amount of grabbing you've lived trough it was not..
"I um... cry pearls..." You uttered weakly. Overwhelmed by all the states and attention.
He nodded and seemed fascinated. Patting your head. "Thats so cool! Do they stay forever or is it temporary? Is it real pearl or does it just look like it? Does it hurt? Are there drawbacks? Do you get tired? Does i-"
"Shut up you stupid nerb!" That spikey haired blonde dude yelled harshly and his hand suddendly exploded.
You yelped in surprise and clung onto the green haired boy for dear life.
Not a moment later the blonde get wacked in the head by EraserHead.
"Stop bothering them. Introduce yourselfs so I can show them their room, they must be tired." He instructs and they did indeed introduce themselves. Some more elaborate then others but hey.... Its not like you'd remember their names anytime soon...
Like he said, EraserHead, also known as Aizawa now, led you up the stairs and showed you a vacant room.
There was a bed, a coffee table, a desk and a chair.... Thats more then you've ever had! Oh my god?!
Aizawa noticed you absolute bafflement and had to surpress a chuckle.
"Will you be able to sleep kiddo?" He asked softly and looked down at you. You slowly nodded, still taking the room in.
He smiled and pat your head before leaving you in the room. Closing the door behind him. You were now alone. And very tired. So you slumped onto the bed and fell asleep.
"Y/N. Wake up. Satou made breakfast." Some sweet female voice called out to you in your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes and were met with... Momo.... And her last name was too long for you to remember, so Momo it was.
Her black hair was nicely tied up and she put some clothes at the end of your bed.
"Come down when youre ready." She smiled and left your room. You were still sleepy but complied. Wow, these people were nice.
You put on your clothes, you had no clue how they got your meassurements but whatever.
You came downstairs and followed the sound of loud teens.
It led you to the dining room in this weird dorm like building and the room went quiet when you stepped in.
You were almost scared you did something wrong untill the students began argueing on who you should sit next to.
You stood there awkwardly before you were grabbed of the ground by none other then Aizawa and he just plopped you into an empty chair.
Now the people argued over who got to sit next to you but you just shrunk into yourself and quietly ate your food. It was amazing!
The students finally stopped bickering by the time you were done with eating, so, it was all for nothing. You jumped of your seat and went back to your room, unsure of what you were supposed, and allowed, to do.
Like that, life went on for some weeks. Tough you had noticed the way the class had become way more clingy and affectionate. You almost felt like some baby-doll they were assigned to take care off and got too attached to.
Your room had slowly been filled up with gifts and toys you had never seen before. But as much as you wanted to ignore it.... you had noticed how your balcony window did not open...
"Kiri, put me down! I can stand, I have legs!" You huff and struggle. Thats another thing they liked to do. Just pick you up.
"Would you rather not have legs, hmm?" He smiled sickingly sweet. It shut you right up. Another one of those scary remarks.
Something was wrong with these people.
You were hoping and praying for Aizawa to finish finding where you would go. Maybe an orphanage? Perhaps directly to a family?
He would never tell you he stopped searching long ago.
As Kirishima carried you to the living room for a movie you noticed everyone had gathered there.
You were put right in the middle, nicely tucked into a blanket. The movie started and you tried your best to pay attention... but you felt more watched then the movie...
You wanted to go home... But there was no home. You used to live in a dumpster for gods sake! They really had you stuck here.
The evening commenced and you fell asleep on the couch. It was way past your bedtime afterall.
The next day, you just woke up back in your bed. Probably carried there by who knows who... Everyone of these kids was strong enough to carry ten of you!
It was a nice loop. Wake up, eat, get left 'alone' for the school hours, play with the teens, eat, sleep. The same, every day.
You were so stuck in this routine. Figurativly and littarly.
You were used to it yes.... But they wouldn't ever let you leave either.
You hadnt tried yet... But each time you wandered outside you were quickly dragged back... It's like you were watched 24/7.
They didn't want you to play outside. It was dangerous. You could catch a cold, or scrape your knee.
All very normal things. You tried to reason. Back when you lived on the streets you got hurt and sick all the time. It made them even more protective.
Soon, you began noticing. The hushed whispers they tought you didn't hear. The hidden cameras. The damm baby monitor under you bed.
They were crazy! They had to be! What was all this? Why weren't you sent away yet?
What were you doing here?
Answers never came. You just had to stay in the loop. Wake up, eat, get left 'alone' for the school hours, play with the teens, eat, sleep.
Thats what they wanted.
You didn't have to know how dear you were to them. An innocent child. Waiting for them at the end of a stressfull day. Smiling and laughing.
You were precious to them.
You didn't have to know. You just had to stay.
None of them had ever expected that they could agree on something this... unhealty. Yet they did.
These teens, with such diffrencess, agreed to keep you with them.
How absurd.
But it happned anyways.
All was fine untill these 'villains' attacked their school.
From what you've heard, it wasn't the first time. You had seen nothing of the fight.
Aizawa had handed you to Jirou and Asui right at the beginning. They had a simple task. Bring you to the safest possible place.
Wich to your displeasure was a basement.
It was dark and you could hear fighting, but you couldnt go see. Couldnt move.
They made sure of that.
You were like their sibling. Their dear younger sibling.
You had suffred enough.
If they couldnt keep you safe now, how would they ever be great hero's?
So thats how security became even stronger after the attack.
No longer were you even allowed to step a foot outside. Not even look at the door if they could help it.
There was always someone with you.
Some nicer then other.... Surprisingly, Bakugo had more chill then Midoriya.
The angry blonde tought you how too cook omelets while the green nerd didn't even let you lift a finger.
Life was dull, repetitive and utterly.... boring.
What was fun if there were no risks? You couldn't go down a slide without someone holding you the whole way.
Couldnt build a pillow fort without Uraraka standing by for if anything fell.... Not even a pillow could graze your skin or panic would break loose!
You could argue as much as you wanted. In the end it didn't matter. You were the child. You were helpless. You needed them.
They made that clear.
And you would never, ever leave.
Where could you go?
It was them.... or nothing.
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Have a nice day/night!
Words: 3543
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itsabouttimex2 · 8 months
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Pro-Hero!Izuku Midoriya:
With a little Quirkless vigilante, still a teenager.
There’s an endless well of determination in your eyes, and you swing your dented iron pipe with practiced ease, busting a villain’s knee to pieces. He crumples to the ground, screaming in pain as he drops his weapon. You kick it into the shadows, and heft the pipe above your head.
At the peak of your swing, a pair of strong hands tug it out of your grasp.
You spin around, reaching for a dingy little knife that’s been strapped to your waist during each and every last one of your midnight patrols, knowing you’ll need something to defend yourself with.
A black vine-ish thing snatches it out of the sheath before you get the chance, and holds the blade in the air, well out of your grasp. The man holding your pipe tosses the makeshift weapon into the air, and another vine catches it, keeping it up next to your knife.
“Easy, kiddo.” He hold both his hands out, showing you that he’s unarmed, and unlikely to harm you. “It’s gonna be okay.”
You believe him, to your surprise. He sounds warm, and so very kind. You drop your guard, a mistake you’ve never made before on these little patrols of yours.
He snatches you up, jumping off the ground in time to clear a surprise attack from the downed villain. You barely get hit by a spray of his acid, eating into the skin of your thigh as you bite back a scream.
The green-clad hero gently swings you onto his back, a load of vines wrapping around and immobilizing the villain. You wrap your arms around his neck, trying to steady your pained breathing as tears sting the corners of your eyes.
A powerful blow to the villain’s head leaves him unconscious but alive and without permanent damage, and the hero makes a quick call to the police station to have the criminal picked up.
Everything occurs so dizzyingly fast that you have no argument when he walks out of the dirty alleyway with you still on his back. He gently ferries you to a little bench before sitting you down, smiling reassuringly at you.
“You aren’t in trouble,” he warmly starts. “But I want you to answer a few questions for me, okay?” He pulls a roll of packaged bandages from one of his pouches, and a bottle of antiseptic from another.
He looks you in the eyes while he unwraps the bandages and twists open the antiseptic, his massive arms flexing with each movement. “What’s your name, kiddo?”
He begins to clean the acid burns, wincing in sympathy as you flinch in pain. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. Is this the only place you’re hurt? Did he get you anywhere else?”
“N-no. And I had him taken care of.”
“Of course,” he sweetly reassures. “Of course you did, Y/N. Now, deep breaths, in and out.”
You do as asked, before sharply hissing as he tightly wraps the cleaned wound, your leg throbbing from the tight constriction.
“There we go, all fixed up!”
“Thank you, Mr…?” You look at him, trying to get a clear view of his face through the darkness of the night, wishing there was a streetlight nearby to illuminate your surroundings.
“Midoriya,” he answers, watching your face pale at his answer.
A Pro-Hero. Japan’s number one Pro-Hero, Deku. And he’s right here in front of you, a vigilante who’s been fighting criminals and villains for the better part of the last year.
When you stand to run, he grabs you by the shoulders and sits you back down on the bench.
“I’m not mad,” he says. “And like I said, you aren’t in trouble. So please sit still and listen to me.”
Nervously, you look up at him, not moving from your spot on the bench.
“I’m sure you understand that being a vigilante is dangerous, and causes trouble for both yourself and Pro-Heroes all around, don’t you? So please tell me, truthfully, why you chose to do this.”
When you pause and look away, he places a comforting hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing it. “Be honest with me, okay? Maybe saying it out loud will make you feel better. I’ll listen to you, I promise.”
“…this is the closest I’ll ever get to being a hero.”
He moves to sit beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders with a soft smile. You feel both trapped and safe, but don’t have time to think on those feelings before he pushes a water bottle against your lips. “Drink up,” he gently says. “You’ve earned some rest.”
You know better than to accept food or drink from a stranger. It could be laced, or even outright poisoned. More than a few times, food left out for you has been tampered with, and now you just source all your needs yourself. Food, water, clothing. Even the tiny little abandoned warehouse you found to live in, you had to fix up as best you could with your own two hands.
You’re hurt. You’re tired. And after answering that question of his, you’re a little sad, too. What’s the harm in accepting a sip of water from a genuinely kind and heroic man?
It’s the sweetest water you’ve ever tasted.
Everything after that is a blur.
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Could you do Platonic Yanderes Endeavor (reformed), Aizawa, Present Mic, with a child darling who wears a mask and basically said screw hero life and became a vigilante + them finding out there a kid under the mask
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Child Vigilante Reader | Yandere Boku No Hero Academia
They recognized that you were short and the words you’d say sounded funny in your deep voice modulator. But it still came as a surprise when they pulled that mask off your face to reveal the lightly battered face of a young child:
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Aizawa Shota
Just by your height and general instinct as a hero he’s always putting a protective arm in front of you
And he figures your young with your insistent yells that ‘you’re not a kid’ 
Only to pick up your injured body taking off your mask to check if your okay
Only to be filled with an overwhelming urge to protect you as he registered how little you are
You’re his kid now 
No questions asked
He takes you to his home, having had you checked up by the doctors
He’ll do his research find out what you’re homelife is like
when you don’t show up and a fuss isn’t raise he takes it upon himself to officially adopt you
“You’re not my dad!”
“Your papers don’t say so!”
“Then give ‘em to me I’ll burn it now!”
He’s used to dealing with rowdy kids
And he’s willing to deal with your now unpowered fits
And most animosity is cleared up when he gives you some food
You’ll try to run away but he catches you everytime
And eventually you’ll fall into a cycle
Where you join him as you fight crime 
Then you go home and live the domestic life with Aizawa
He doesn’t stop you until he feels like its too dangerous and when you’re lured into a false sense of security
“Sorry kid, I can’t have you getting hurt. Trust me this is an act of love.”
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Hizashi Yamada
He probably quietly follows you at the end of a long day
Doing the thing he’s never doing around you: Being Quiet
Usually he doesn’t mind working with you 
After a couple attempts to bring you in he doesn’t anymore
And instead just works in harmony with you 
Usually joking and bantering with you to turn down all his jokes
But he’s horrified to know that your a kid
Young enough to be his kid is so nonreactive to his animated actions
What made you so serious!?
He does the same as Aizawa 
Finds out your homelife and legally takes control
“Whazzup kiddo! Guess who’s your new daddy!?”
“A bumbling frat boy idiot-hero?”
“Ack! H-how do you even know to insult me like that!?”
He’s not the best at catching you if you try to run away 
But you’re so lucid you’ll end up willingly moving in with him
because child services
He tries 
He really does
But you’re such a little adult you end up teaching him how to properly take care of you
He doesn’t really restrict you because you seem like you’re so smart
You usually outsmart him enough to keep doing your vigilante work
But the one time he outsmarts you, he might get some help you’re stuck
At least for this major battle you were prepared to die defeating
“Sorry baby bird, but I can’t have you getting hurt. That’s for your papa to deal with!” 
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Todoroki Enji (Reformed)
“And you’ll be going away for a loong time.”
“Yes…thank you for your help with this one.”
“Of course! Always happy to help!” 
“...Now reveal yourself to me!” 
“Hey!? Let me go!”
He’s suspected you were young from the beginning 
And it infuriates him now
That some idiot father of yours would let you run around like this
They’re probably as bad as he was 
And he can’t let that be
So he’ll go to your family’s home
And tear them a new one 
Practically bullying them into signing adoption papers or at the very least making you meet up with him weekly daily
He’s such an old man
Lecturing you about how you dress 
Scolding you when he finds you fighting villains
He’ll force a bunch of tracking devices and bugs in your room 
So that he can keep you safe
And when it gets real he doesn’t mind locking you wherever he decides is best
“I’ve done…a lot of horrible things. I’ve hurt my family. I’ve hurt my fans. And you’ll probably hate me but you need me to protect you, to guide you. So trust me, this is for your own good.”
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black-aurora-nora · 1 year
New Baby Pt. 2 | Yandere!Todoroki Family x Reader
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Quiet sobs could be heard from behind the door of the room you now slept in.
Enji had thought you'd be more understanding and compliant if you received a letter and 'paperwork' showing that your parents had given the Todoroki's legal guardianship over you.
However, to his shock, that only seemed to upset you more.
You asked him to leave the room in such a thin, sullen voice that he couldn't help but oblige.
Now he, and the rest of the family, were sitting at the dinner table watching their food go cold.
Your seat was still empty.
All eyes were on Enji, wondering what the next move was.
"I'll... I'll get (Y/N) out of her room by lunchtime," He said. "Even if she's still upset."
Rei nodded, shifting her attention to her kids, "And make sure that everyone is extra nice today. (Y/N) has obviously felt some big feelings and I don't want her to get too overwhelmed like yesterday. Understood?"
Three nods and Rei smiled back in answer, "Good."
When it was time for lunch, just like Enji had said, he got you out of your room.
Everyone's hearts crumbled at the sight of you. Your eyes were puffy underneath and red. It was obvious all you did today was cry your heart out.
At the table, you were seated between Enji and Rei.
You could feel everyone staring at you while you tried to eat.
When you couldn’t take the staring anymore, you put your utensils down, unable to make eye contact as you asked, “How long will I be staying here?”
“There’s no telling.” Enji answered firmly, “If your parents can get back on their feet, they will come back and get you.”
You shuffled in your seat slightly. “How long will that take?”
“Let’s not discuss this over dinner, sweetheart.” Reid’s voice cut in.
There was no need for you to keep thinking about your old parents anyway. It made you too upset. She’d be a much better mommy anyhow. You’d see soon enough and would forget all about your other mom.
After dinner, Fuyumi took you to the shower room.
“Here, you get the use the shower before the dirty boys do.” She smiled kindly.
She made sure you had the proper necessities and even let you pick out whatever body wash you wanted from her personal collection.
You liked how kind she was. It was nothing like Enji, who was always towering over you and bleeding with intimidation.
“Just shout if you need something.” She told you and left you alone.
A nice wash and soak was a good start to bettering your mood. Maybe you could ask Enji or Rei if you could call your parents tomorrow to get a better idea of the situation.
It wasn’t like them to just leave a letter.
Wrapped in a towel, you strolled back to your room to find Rei sitting on your bed.
Beside her was a pair of expensive-looking silk pajamas.
She smiled at you despite the uncomfortable look on your face, “I hope you don’t mind that I picked out some pajamas for you. We bought these for you last minute.” She explained coolly.
She stood up, “We can go shopping this week to get you your own clothes, how does that sound, (Y/N)?” She tilted her head at you, waiting for an answer.
You clutched the towel closer to your body, “What about my old clothes?”
She chuckled at you, as if you’d said something silly.
“You don’t need to worry about that. New clothes never hurt anybody.”
You supposed that was true. It would probably be nice to get out.
You walked over to the pajamas and then looked over at Rei. Why hadn’t she left yet?
She didn’t seem to be taking the hint and threw you a concerned glance, “What’s wrong? Do you need my help?”
You immediately shook your head, “No!” You yelped. “I-I need privacy, please… Mrs. Todoroki.”
“Oh! Of course you do!” How could Rei have forgotten? You were a big girl. Of course you could dress yourself.
She left the room, standing right outside in case you needed help at any point.
Once you had your pajamas on, you had to admit that they felt quite nice. The silk was soft and smooth. It was comfortably cool against your skin as well.
At some point as you finished getting ready for bed, you gasped sharply when you banged your hand against the counter of the vanity in your room.
Rei burst into the room.
"Did you hurt yourself?!" Rei asked, panic clear in her voice. She reached out for your hand and you yanked it back, "Let mama see, (Y/N)," She told you sternly.
You flinched at the word.
You looked at her as if she'd grown another head and frowned deeply, "You... You're not my mom, Mrs. Todoroki."
Rei looked so upset at that declaration that you would've thought you'd shot her.
You could see that she was incredibly hurt by what you'd said but she masked it with a smile, chuckling to herself, "Right, of course I'm not... Force of habit."
After an awkward goodnight, she left your room disheartened.
Enji was waiting for her in their shared room, arms crossed with a frown. “What the hell is wrong with you, woman?!”
Rei flinched back, “I jus-“
“You’re moving too fast, is what you’re doing! Stop forcing yourself on her! Do you want her to hate you?”
“No, Enji, I don’t.”
“Then slow down. I had to pay a good amount to get guardianship of (Y/N). We can’t mess this up because you can’t control yourself.”
Rei kept her head down, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll apologize to (Y/N) tomorrow.”
Enji huffed approvingly, laying down in his bed and turning over.
This wasn’t going to be easy for either one of you.
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serxinns · 4 months
Mocha bunny reader Headcanons!
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A yandere class 1a (plus maybe some teachers) x reader
This fic was inspired by my beloved friend and mom @lady-ashfade and her strawberry bunny reader here
Info: Your quirk was a bunny but you were a mocha bunny your ability was speed, Strength in both arms and legs , amazing sense of smell and have super hearing and sharp claws you have 3 forms your normal form (basically a human form) your rabbit form when ur basically a whole rabbit and a gremlin form when ur half rabbit half bun but is smol
•Your classmates are obsessed and abored with everything you do they instantly fell in love with the 1st sight of you
•They would fight over about who would pet your ears or touch your fur or even your little tail (you bite denki hard for pulling it)
• Izuku would research about bunnies and you and would ask you millions of questions about you and the bunnies Ochako and mina would pinch your cheeks too hard which u had to told them off about but dismissed cause you were too cute at times but if you actually wanted them to back off they'll pout whenever you did something cute in front of bakugo he will either call you carrot muncher or cotton bitch and blushes to look away
•You and kota and also kota's bunny are bestie in when nobody is around you and kotas bunny will talk about EVERYTHING even bunny related stuff how hard it is and what delicious food are there
Kota's rabbit: *Speaks,
Reader in the bunny form: THATS WHAT IM SAYING these people have no respect for bunnies
Kotas rabbit: squeak
Reader: Woah woah that's some strong language you have
there dude don't let your owner hear that
•Kota is like your mom's friend since he knows EVERYTHING about rabbits he makes sure you eat the food you need and make sure to slow you down on treats he even makes izukus job easier don't be surprise if these two team up
•Sato will still make sweets for pastries for you but puts ingredients and stuff you like or ur tolerable with and out bunny like puns on there
•Aizawa is the only person you can trust to be in your bunny form he would invite you to cuddle in his sleeping bag or create a best by him so y'all can sleep and cuddle with each other whenever your classmates are overwhelming you Aizawa will lecture the students whenever they give you a hard time
•Mic will make sure to lower his voice because of your sensitive hearing he will make funny bunny puns at you which you'll groan at but he doesn't care he'll spoil you with gifts and hugs and he's VERY overprotective if anyone talk to you in a mean way their eardrums are about to be broken beyond repair
• Mirko is just in AWE she's so glad there's another person with a rabbit-like quirk so it's easier for her to teach you her skills she'll always give you tips about your abilities and encourage you to use every one of them she also give you tips about being a bunny hybrid
Bonus headcanons
•When your Classmates discover you make little squeaks in your sleep the class was holding their selves BACK from either squealing or screaming they all whisper and yelled at themselves to be quiet some tried pulling out their phone but Iida warned them not to since the flash were alert you awake
•Mirko LOVES to talk about you everywhere from her fans to her coworkers even to the number 1 hero Shes always mentions you she even imagines you working at her agency when you grow up you in a copy of her hero costume she's just dying of cuteness
•Denki and Seek love using cheesy bunny flirts to tease you which makes them giggle every time it gets annoying when they spam text over it (denki)
•You and Tsuyu are besties you both chat about your favorite foods and facts about your quirks y'all exchange baby photos of each other and Tsuyu is just dying when she sees you in a cute outfit ur little ears perk up your cute smiling face showing your little tail she keeps these photos to her self tho
•tokoyami is also a great person to hang out as well the two of you would often hang out at a park he would always get nervous about asking you questions that are bunny related afraid that he'll might say something offensive (poor bb) he even let's you sleep in his dorm room whenever you wanted to et sway from your classmates overbearing nature he would even bring snacks for you
•The bakusquad and dekusquad fight over who gets to baby you more which turns into a war when the other students join in Shoji says he wants a turn with you Momo offers to go shopping with her while Hakagure tries to steal you away and attempts to run off it was chaos in the end Aizawa heard and they all got detention while Aizawa was comforting you putting you in your bunny form while having a proud smirk on his face
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fluff-n-cookies · 9 months
soft yan! Dadzawa Head canons
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SPOILERS DONUT DO NOT READ also contains light swearing
• Aizawa is the type of person to hold the Cat in his arms So you can pet it, since it's too big for you to hold. it Just makes his Day when he sees the way your eyes light up when you hear the cat start to purr.
• we will also wrap you up in his scarf if you even say it's too cold. (you and Nezu are scarf buds!) Just say the word and he's rolling out the sleeping bag and prepping to make your favorite hot chocolate with the extra whipped cream and cat marsh mallows and we all know he has all your favorite cartoons for the two of you to binge together!
• however, like most things, it's not perfect.
• a good example of this is that Aizawa likes to have you nap on his lap as he is grading papers.
and Aizawa tries his best but he will probably come up with a story worthy of being a german fairy tale. (translation: there are no happy endings, sorry.)
most of the time he ends up reading to you Denki and Mineta's test answers. and by the time he's done you're asleep.
and then his mind starts to wander,
you just remind him so much of Oboro
how you always manage to light up the room with your smile, how you always manage to be pretty Badass yet kind, and how you always care for others so deeply.
he won't let you go, not this time.
some times, he'll lay awake at night sitting on the couch just curled up into a ball just thinking about the future, when he's all old and wrinkly, maybe you'll be a beautiful young lady (oh who am I kidding, ofc your will! some of you are! others are just beautiful!)
then will you leave him?
that's when he gets up to go look at your photo album. from when you were a newborn, to now, when you are a toddler.
that's when he comes to the conclusion, you may older, but he will always be your dad, he will always protect you.
sometimes Eri joins him, and draws hearts around the ones with you and her, or you Aizawa and her.
likes helping you do your hair, braids are his favorite, but he'll do any hair style as long as it's not too hard.
Aizawa loves you, nothing more than that <3
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Reaching into the Fire
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, brutal spanking/beating, child abuse, wounded reader, slight manipulation, Enji is an asshole, kidnapping, ass kicking threats (towards you), death threats (towards someone else)
Summary: What happens when Touya-nii comes home to find you a mess after a severe punishment from your father?
NOTES: Reader is thirteen years old. Reader has red hair. Like other works of mine concerning Platonic Yandere Dabi, he is in the LOV and living with his dad and siblings. Idfk, don’t come at me with plot holes.
Master List here.
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Looking out the window, you don’t understand. What’s taking him so long to get back? Touya should be home by now. He should have been home two hours ago.
“Get your elbows off the table, and eat your food, Y/N,” your father, Enji, Endeavor, orders you in a nasty snarl.
As if you’re not eating because you’re an ungrateful brat.
As if you’re not eating to spite him in some horrible way.
After all I’ve done for you! You can hear his distant voice ringing in your head like an explosion that has almost just settled but not quite.
You glare at your redheaded father with a dark and deep stare that’s too young for thirteen years old.
“Don’t look at me like that, and I won’t tell you again. Do as I say and eat.”
“Where’s Touya-nii?”
It’s all you ever say to him when he’s not here to act as your savior, the buffer between your hot head and your hot headed father.
Your fiery red hair isn’t the only thing you inherited from him.
Your father curses your disobedience, slamming his hand down on the table.
“That’s it, young lady! Either eat or go to your room.”
“Touya-nii would never talk to me like this!”
That’s not exactly true. There are many occasions where he, himself, drifts from his cool nature and is overcome with anger from some of your “dumbass antics” as he calls them.
He’ll hug you with a fierce possessiveness after he calms down and reverts to his level headedness. He’ll tell you that he’s just looking out for you, tells you that he needs you to understand just how precious you are to him. He tells you you’re his baby sister, and he’ll always be here to protect you.
You never heard a semblance of something like that come from your father’s mouth.
Not that it matters. No, you’ve given up on that long ago.
Your father, in all of his mighty glory as the patriarch of the Todoroki household, slams both his hands on the table and stands up. He towers over you like a massive boulder. It’s unsettling.
“Well, Touya’s not your father!”
You’re in dangerous territory.
“I fucking wish he was…”
And his quirk intensifies. He grabs you by the collar of your school shirt, roughly yanking you out of your seat.
Shoto looks shocked, Fuyumi looks like she’s about to say something, and Natsuo puts a hand on both of his siblings’ arms to keep them in their seats.
He knows that if someone does something against their father, then the entire house might burn down with everyone in it.
You feel your father’s flames lick the backs of your bare ankles as you traverse the stairs with him holding onto you firmly. You don’t wince, you don’t struggle, you’re used to this by now.
The door to your room busts open, oh so close to being torn off of its hinges. A knee jabs right into your stomach as you find yourself face down over his bulky thigh, just a giant mass of muscle.
“You’re so ungrateful.”
He spanks you hard with his flat palm.
“After everything I do for you!”
Your poor skin isn’t even kept safe from his hellflames. The fire scorches your bottom in ways you’ve never felt before. His quirk extending, amplifying with his brute anger.
You are what he chooses to release his frustrations upon this time.
How utterly fucking convenient.
You scream into your sheets, kicking your legs wildly.
You hear movement from above you, but you’re in so much pain that you think one slight shift might cause your ass to slide off of your body.
No, you would like very much for your poor butt to remain intact.
And then something even worse is hitting your backside in an angry barrage, and this time, oh this time you have to look — ass sliding off be damned.
It’s a leather belt. Well, that’s new. You’ve never had that before.
Touya-nii always fought for you over this, telling his father that you’re too damn young for the belt.
“If she’s old enough to mouth off, then she’s old enough to accept the consequences!” Your father had shouted right back in Touya’s scarred face.
Your father, up until now, never used the belt on you though, even after all of those arguments with your big brother.
Guess you went too far tonight.
“You act grown, so take it like a big girl if that’s how you want to behave!”
And the belt stings, stings more than you could ever imagine, causes throbbing and aching deep in your muscles, causes the tears already streaming down your cheeks to flow like rapid waters.
You ball your fists up, punching your mattress, pushing at your father’s knee with a weak grip. There’s nothing you can do to escape as he holds you down with one massive paw on the middle of your back.
You wheeze with the cracks in your heart growing deeper, growing wider. The hitched wail tumbling forth from your lungs like a desperate plea for a love reprieve that you know you’ll never get.
And then he’s standing up, letting you fall to the floor with a loud thud. And then he’s putting his belt back on, glaring down at you like a mighty warrior who has just defeated a rebel army. And then he’s leaving you all alone without a word.
And you ball your hands up, cross your arms on the wooden floor, and sob inconsolably.
It’s late at night having just woken up from a terrible dream on the floor of your bedroom. It takes so long to move to the banister, down the steps, into the kitchen. You can’t even be bothered to turn the light on. Takes so much for your muscles to drag a chair over to the giant refrigerator. You wish you were tall, something Touya-nii and Natsuo inherited from their father, one of the rare good qualities.
All of a sudden, a lanky arm wraps around your waist, and you cry out, not from surprise, but from the contact of your ass against someone’s front.
When you’re set down on your feet in the kitchen, you turn around and look up at Touya with watery eyes.
“Whatchya lookin’ for, squirt?” He ask absentmindedly as he rummages through the freezer for some microwave dinner to heat up.
You gulp down an onslaught of emotions trying to purge before you find composure.
“Ah, woke up thirsty, huh? You get like that after having a bad dream. What? Was I chasing you around? Trying to tickle you until you piss yourself?” He snickers at his own version of a joke.
You rub your arms. “Something like that.”
Touya puts the ice in a glass for you, setting his microwaveable dinner aside on the counter so that he can take care of you first.
He moves to fill the glass with water, but you stop him.
“Wait, you don’t need to do that. You can just leave it as it is. I only wanted ice.”
You can’t manage eye contact. His eyes are too…intense. Too blue. That bright electric blue that cuts through you, can always tell when something’s wrong.
You don’t want him to find something wrong.
You don’t want something to be wrong.
Everything is okay now that the beating is over.
Ice. You just need ice. Ice and a goodnight hug from Touya will fix everything.
It always does.
But he grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, forces you to look into his vibrant cobalt eyes that cut through you like a knife dicing fruit.
Slices through you like it’s nothing.
Like you’re soft.
And maybe you are soft, too soft for your own good.
“What happened?” He shakes your jaw gently in his grasp.
And he sees them, sees the tears welling up in your eyes like a geyser by the light of the full moon shining in through the kitchen window.
And you see something gnarling, brewing, melting together behind that intense gaze of his, the only kind your big brother can carry. It screams danger and rage.
But you don’t want to say what’s wrong because nothing is supposed to be wrong. Everything is supposed to be okay.
Ice and a hug will make everything okay, but it’s never that easy for some reason.
Touya knows how to pull answers from you, even if it’s like pulling teeth. He always gets what he wants because he’s stubborn, just like you, just like your father.
“I…” You shake your head and advert your eyes, trying to pry his hand off of you.
But he’s your big brother, and your big brother is determined to know what’s bothering you. Deep down, you know you should just answer him, but you don’t want to. You want to rebel and get away with it!
When do you ever?
Why can’t things just be different sometimes?
“What. Happened?” Is his steady reply, putting emphasis on each word, slowly drawing it out between gnashed teeth.
And his eyes, those eyes filled with storms of his own, look at you like he NEEDS to know what’s causing yours to fill with tears so that he can destroy them.
It’s all you had to say. He turns the light on, and then he’s yanking at your school uniform, trying to find the marks, trying to find anything that will cement even further just how much of a fucking monster, fucking piece of shit asshole their father is.
You don’t like having your sleeves all but torn off of you. And then he’s looking at your legs, lifting them hem of your skirt in a way you don’t like, trying to push it back down in place.
He doesn’t care. He needs to know where you’ve been hurt, needs to know so he can make it better. Not anyone else. Only he gets to make things better for you.
You hope that what you say next might make him stop shoving at your clothes, but you’re so wrong.
“Touya-nii! Stop it! He spanked me!” You snivel into your hands.
You’re spun around, the back of your skirt lifted up to the small of your back, pinned there by a warm hand that you can feel through your untucked shirt. There’s a heavy whimper caught in your throat as he digs one finger into the waistband of your panties and drags them all the way down to the middle of your thighs.
And it’s all over for him.
The welts. The bruises. The scorch marks. The blisters. The blood smeared across the curve of your bottom.
You don’t like it. You knew this would happen. This makes things feel not okay!
You know Touya-nii is probably so worried.
You never want him to be worried because he’s so good to you, the best sibling you could ever hope for.
But the longer he stands there looking at your beaten and raw ass, the more he stands there in complete silence, that’s how you really know things aren’t okay.
You step out of his hold, his grip on your shirt lax enough for you to wriggle out of. You right your underwear and adjust your skirt before turning to look at him with your arms crossed.
“That…that was not from a spanking. What the fuck did he do to you, baby?”
He pulls you into a tight hug, and this is exactly what you wanted — no, needed.
“I think he was so mad that his fire got on me, and he used his belt at the end.” You press your cheek against his chest.
There’s that silence again. A full five heartbeats go by where nothing is said. It doesn’t bother you. You don’t really want to talk about it anymore. Just want to be held by Touya-nii, the best big brother you could ever ask for, hope for, pray for.
Someone out there knew what you needed.
His arms around you are tighter, and you can tell he’s thinking…planning. Planning what, you don’t know.
“Everything will be alright. Your big brother is right here. He’s got you, baby.”
Baby. That’s right. You’re his baby. His baby sister who can do no wrong in his eyes. He knows when to stop being mean and coddle you, and right now is a time where you most definitely need his warmth instead of the venom laced through his teasing words.
All you know is that you’re too sore to be riding on a train, too damn sore to be walking around, too damn tired for whatever journey your big brother is taking you on.
And then you arrive at a rundown bar, and he’s taking you down the steps. The staircase seems like it goes on forever. You pass a lot of doors, walk even further and further down the hall until he stops and opens one.
The room is…dank to say the least. Rundown is a better description.
But so are you, right? Who are you to judge this room? It feels like a reflection of your insides.
Big brother Touya, with his hand still wrapped around your wrist, tugs you into the room and over to the bed where he has you lie down so that you can go to sleep.
You don’t at first. The place is entirely new. You don’t even really understand what this place is.
“Touya-nii, where are we? Why did you bring me here?”
He shakes his mass of black hair at you, sighing in his early twenty years. You understand the depth of which that sigh is coming from.
You sigh just like Touya-nii too.
“Go to sleep,” is all he says as he unties your black shoes, pulling them off of your feet. He lets them drop to the floor, and you cringe at the sound of the dull thud.
The fall from your father’s lap is too fresh in your memory.
“But, I wanna know-“
You don’t get the chance to finish your sentence. He’s already tucking the blanket in around you and pushing your face down against the scratchy pillow.
Huffing with the manhandling, you try to push his rough hands away.
“Okay, I’ll go to sleep, but you better answer my questions in the morning.”
“You’re my good girl, you know that?” His fingers brush your fiery red hair behind your ear. “I’m proud of you. I know you were real tired tonight, but you listened to me. You did everything I asked you to do without complaining or fighting me.”
Your cheeks blush. Of course you’re Touya’s good girl! You’d never deliberately disobey him. All you want is his praise, and here he is, offering it to you on a golden platter.
You take it with a hungry appetite.
He presses a kiss against your forehead and lies down next to you.
You know he runs warm, hot even, but you can’t help but feel bad for hogging the blanket.
“Move your fat ass, Touya-nii,” you tell him as you try to pull the blanket out from under him.
He huffs and flicks your cheek before acquiescing. He turns over only slightly, deciding to make things a bit easier but not entirely, still trying to make you work for the blanket even with a bit of his weight taken off.
He can’t help it. He’s still your big brother after all.
You grumble and puff, but you’re too stubborn to give in. It takes all of your effort just to gracelessly pull the blanket out from underneath your big brother and half hazardly throw it over him before lying down on your stomach.
“God, you’re so annoying, Touya-nii.”
“Why don’t you go cry about it, baby?”
And you smile before drifting off to sleep.
“You brought a kid here?!”
Your eyes immediately open. You blink, adjusting to your surroundings, remembering that Touya brought you here last night.
You stand up from the bed, walking closer to the door, pressing your ear up against it.
“Why would you bring a child here?!” The voice sounds like it’s cracking, crazed.
He sounds like he could use some water.
“I had to. There was nowhere else to take her. She won’t be a problem here.”
You open the door and step out into the hallway. Your eyes land on several people, all of them strangers. There’s a girl who looks about your age, but most of them are older men.
“Touya-nii, what’s going on?”
Stern. He looks at you with stern eyes and a pointed finger. “Get back in the room and shut the door.”
“Listen to me or so help me, I will kick your ass.”
Oh, you know he most definitely will, but he doesn’t mean it in the way your father kicks your ass. No, never. He means he’ll tackle you, wrestle you, pinch you, maybe ground you to your room for a few hours if you piss him off enough. Never the brutal spankings, beatings, of your father. No, Touya-nii would never.
But you’re his good girl. His good baby, so you obediently tuck yourself away in the rundown room.
The conversation moves away from you. It’s obvious because you can’t hear voices outside of the door. You’re forced to lie down on the creaky bed, trying to shut your eyes.
It takes what feels like forever and a day for your brother to come back and get you. He sits down beside you, placing a hand on your back.
“So, you wanna know why I brought you here?”
You nod your head as if he just asked you such a stupid question because it is a stupid question.
You asked him that just last night!
“You’ll be staying here with me. This is…where I work, I guess you could say. Dad doesn’t know, and he’s not going to. He won’t be able to find you here. You’ll be safe here.”
“What about school? I left all of my things at the house.”
“You’ll have to forget about your stuff and school. I’m more worried about protecting you than seeing what kind of grades you bring home. I’m not letting him or anyone hurt you ever again. Dad can fucking go to hell. He had no right to do that to you, and I won’t let it happen again.”
“But, Touya! I need to go to school.”
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, determined azure seeping deeply into your soul.
“Fuck school. I don’t give a damn about school. You’re not going anymore and that’s final. This is your new home now. I can’t let you get caught. I won’t let you go back. I’ll keep you safe here.”
A lonely tear drips from your eye, turning into a cascade down both cheeks. “I don’t understand!”
And his palms are on your face, cupping your wet cheeks. His hands both warm and warn. The familiarity of it all trying to overwhelm you.
He’s trying to calm you.
It’s only making things worse.
“You don’t need to understand, baby. Your big brother is here. He’s got you. I’ll always be here to protect you. He’ll never hurt you again because I’m going to keep you safe here with me, and I’m going to kill that fucking bastard.”
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thetreefairy · 11 months
Platonic Aizawa and Present mic where they reader looks like they’re about to having a mental breakdown any second and she doesn’t take her medication. (I just cheek my medication or just don’t take them)
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Warnings: mental breakdowns, reader hates meds (like me), forced medicine intake, talks of punishments since she/her pronouns are used in the ask, those will be used. KO-FI
Reader hates her meds, everyone knew it, it was quite obvious. Often their friends in 1-a had to beg them to take her medication. And Reader took her medication so that they wouldn’t tell Aizawa or his partner Hizashi.
Only this time, Hizashi and Aizawa noticed themselves. 
“Reader is scared, she had been targeted by Dabi herself, so maybe she simply didn’t notice the way she was acting.” Hizashi told Aizawa, trying to defuse the situation. Aizawa always had the worst yandere tendencies of the two. “Iida told me she didn’t take her meds 5 times this week.” Aizawa hissed at Hizashi. “I am simply going to check if she took them.”
“Reader.” Aizawa tapped Reader’s shoulder, they were in the library. “Aizawa-sensei?” Reader mumbled out. “What is wrong, is there a new mission?”
Aizawa shook his head. “No, did you take your medication?”
Reader chuckled nervously; “So that’s what you want..”
“Did you take them?” Aizawa pressed, Reader shook her head. “They make me feel slow, I need to be on guard right now.”
This was an obvious lie.
“You are completely safe in U.A, and if I remember correctly you have no home visits.” Aizawa stated. “So that excuse is bullshit, follow me.”
“But, I still have to study sensei.”
“You can study later.” Aizawa hissed. “Don’t make me drag you.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll follow you.” Reader mumbled. Aizawa asked Hizashi to follow them as well. “What is this an intervention?” Reader joked when they arrived in the teacher lounge, the place she was usually brought to when she was going to get scolded. She then saw Hizashi pull her meds out.
“You are going to be taking your meds in front of us now.” Hizashi told her gently. “And if you don’t we will have to punish you.” Aizawa interrupted. Reader’s eyes widened; “Excuse me? You guys aren’t my parents!”
“We might as well be.” Hizashi mumbled, and Aizawa nodded in agreement. “Your parents are doing a shit job, letting you skip your medication so much.”
“Hizashi-sensei! How dare you talk about my parents like that!” Reader stood up angrily, and made the movement to walk away. Aizawa grabbed the pill out of his partner’s hand and showed it to Reader. “You better sit down, take your fucking pill and listen to us.”
“Fuck off.” Reader hissed, still angry at how they insulted their parents. Reader started to walk away only to be stopped by Aizawa's capture weapon. Hizashi moved to hold Reader down, cooing at them. “I am not mad at you, don’t worry.” He said as he saw Reader doing their best to get out of his arms. “I will forgive you for swearing at us if you take your meds.”
Reader shook her head, she didn’t want to take her medication. Especially around them, they seemed weirder than usual. And her medication makes her quirk weaker.
Hizashi tried to convince Reader to take it, and when Aizawa finally had enough he opened their mouth and put the pills in her mouth.
Before she could spit them out, he shut her mouth with his hand and closed her nose, forcing her to swallow the pills.
“Assholes.” Reader breathed out when she could speak again. “Now that is no way to speak to us.” Hizashi scolded Reader. “Maybe we should show the police the shit your parents have been pulling then we really will be your parents.”
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