#already have like half of the next chapter heheheh
virescent-v · 4 months
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Part One
Summary: Tragedy strikes Emily, leaving her with a life or death decision. Tempted by a stranger, enticed by a life she knows nothing about, Emily has twenty-four hours to decide. What fate beholds our beloved agent?
Word count: 1.3k
Warning: Nothing for this, I think? Light talk about restraints, maybe a little blood/gore if you squint?
A/N: I've been dreaming of a vampire!Emily fic for ages. I'm taking the stake to the heart and writing it myself lol. This is Emily x OC. I'm curious how everyone will feel about it, so leave me some comments! This first part is going to be kinda short, just a glimpse of what is happening in my head. Lmk what you think!
A quick, shadowed, blur brought a searing pain across Emily’s abdomen. With the adrenaline pumping through her veins, the pain took a few seconds to hit her. A draft in the darkened, damp, warehouse highlighted the fact that her sweater had been sliced across the middle. Putting her hand across her belly, however, made her aware that there was blood. 
A lot of blood. 
She tried to take a few more steps, push further into the warehouse to meet back up with her team, but the pain caused her to crumple to the floor. 
“Fuck,” she whispered, trying to put pressure on the bleeding. Emily could feel it ooze from around her fingers, dripping steadily onto the floor below. 
Trying to keep her voice down to not alert the unsubs they were chasing, Emily brought her wrist up to her mouth, trying to communicate through the mic that was hidden in her sleeve. “Officer down. I’ve been stabbed. I repeat, officer down.” 
She wasn’t sure how exactly the team had ended up separated, other than the warehouse being a maze full of shipping containers stacked almost to the ceiling. She could’ve sworn Derek was behind her, but when she turned around, she was alone. 
“Emily, where are you?!” Hotch’s voice came through on the ear piece. 
There were echoes of hurried footsteps all around her, becoming more and more indiscernible as seconds ticked by. She wasn’t sure if they were her team trying to find her or assailants trying to escape. 
Emily blinked rapidly, her vision becoming blurry around the edges. With a groan, she lifted her arm to speak into the mic. It took more effort than she cared to admit, each breath feeling like fire in her lungs. “Gah, I don’t know, Hotch!” She laid down on the floor, the coolness seeping into her overheated body. “I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” 
She was vaguely aware of Hotch’s panicked voice in her ear, her brain refusing to focus on the words. 
The echoes of footsteps were getting louder, but she had the sinking feeling it wasn’t her coworkers. She tried to drag her weakened body across the floor, push herself against the shipping container to hide as much as possible. Trying to give her team more time to find her. 
Another shadowed figure appeared, staring over her body with their head tilted. The body was slim, and couldn't be much bigger than her. 
The hairs on Emily’s body stood up, a warning. She didn’t know this person, but something about them felt almost familiar. Like she could trust them. Not that she had much choice, her muscles in her extremities falling limp, buzzing with the loss of electrical impulses as her body tried to save the major thoracic organs. 
“Grab her,” the figure said. “She won’t make it before the ambulance arrives. Leave the others.” 
From the darkness, a taller, broader, more defined body came into view. Emily tried to focus on their features, but the spots in her vision made it impossible. 
A rush of wind, the feeling of floating before a hard surface at her back. The slam of a door. A  car? Her breath coming more slowly, her pulse faintly drumming in her chest. 
The last thing Emily remembers before darkness is a pinching sensation at her lower neck. 
With a grimace, Emily shifted, her body heavy, like trudging through a thick layer of mud. Overwhelming sensations prickled across her skin, almost as if she could feel each fiber of her shirt against each single cell of her body. 
She tried to blink, but her eyelids felt glued shut. She went to rub at them, only to find her hands tied down. 
As the panic started to overtake her, a slam of a door thudded in whatever room she was in. 
Slow, steady footsteps – heels? –  echoed on what seemed to be marble flooring. She tried to slow her breathing, but realized she was already holding it. 
Where was she? What was happening?
The last thing she remembers is the warehouse, all-consuming pain, and then nothingness. 
“I know you’re awake,” the voice said. “I can almost hear your thoughts.” The voice chuckled, a melodic sound definitively belonging to a woman. “You need to open your eyes. We have much to discuss.” ‘
Emily swallowed dryly, utterly confused.  She tried again to open her eyes, to no avail. 
“Oh, sorry. They’re still taped. Gimme a second.” 
Emily flinched as extremely cold hands lightly touched her face, slowly peeling tape from her eyes. Cautiously, she opened them, her eyes focusing sharply. 
“Where am I?” She said, tilting her head around, trying to figure it out, but nothing looked familiar. Marble floors, expansive windows, decor that even she couldn’t afford. 
“Agent Prentiss, you need to listen to me. I will answer all of your questions, but we’re running on a tight time frame right now.” The woman moved closer, staring directly into Emily’s eyes. 
Emily’s brow furrowed at the color of the stranger’s eyes; a deep cognac color, hints of a golden honey. Unnatural. Contacts, maybe? 
The woman smiled. Somehow, this put Emily at ease, her tense muscles relaxing slightly. 
“My name is Adelaide Turner. You may call me Addie. Two nights ago, you were stabbed in a warehouse in Boston. You had gotten separated from your team trying to catch a prolific serial killer.” 
Memories flooded Emily’s mind, the vision of a darkened blur, the feeling of the cold, wet floor beneath her. A slight, hooded figure and a larger henchman. 
“The wound across your abdomen was extensive. Your organs barely kept inside by the fascia. You would not have survived if I hadn’t found you when I did. No living medical person would’ve been able to save you.” 
Emily’s eyes cut to Addie’s. “Living?” 
Addie smirked. “Caught that, did you?” She cleared her throat. “Stay with me, Agent. What I’m going to tell you is absolutely true, no matter how unbelievable it may seem.” 
Emily felt her walls go back up, distrust starting to overtake her. Who was this woman? 
Addie took a deep breath. “I bought you more time. I–,” she faltered for a second, eyes downcast. Emily watched her steady herself, before catching her eyes again. “I am a vampire. I bit you to buy you time.” 
Addie watched as Emily processed her words, stopping her before she could object. “You know it to be true. You remember the bite.” 
Another glimpse of a memory. A pinch at her neck. 
Addie nodded. “I know it sounds made-up. Trust me, I’ve been there,” she rolled her eyes. “The only thing keeping you alive right now is the virus  coursing through your veins.” 
At this point, Emily finally felt a slight burning sensation continuously running up and down her body, flowing with her blood. She winced, not enjoying the way it felt in her toes and fingers. 
“The virus takes time to take hold. If I leave you as is, you will turn into a vampire, just like me,” Addie said, smiling. She waited for Emily’s full attention, opening her mouth and letting her fangs descend, the sharp points overtaking her canines. They weren’t much longer than her other teeth, but definitely noticeable. 
Emily struggled to believe what was clearly in front of her. Vampires were supposed to be myths, legends, costume ideas for kids at Halloween, and fun, action-packed horror movie characters. Not real beings. 
Trying to wrap her head around the new information, Emily paused. “What do you mean if you leave me as is?” 
Addie shrugged. “I could give you the antidote to the virus and you could die.” 
Emily scoffed. “That’s it? I have two options?” Her brow furrowed deeper. “Dead or deader?” 
Addie darkly chuckled. Emily tried not to bristle at the noise. “I know, neither are great. It’s up to you.” Addie turned and started walking to the door. She paused, her hand on the handle. “You don’t have long to decide. The virus will completely take hold in two days time. After that, you will become one of us.” She turned and looked back at Emily, still strapped to a table in the middle of the room. “You have until tomorrow morning to decide, Emily. I’ll come back in a few hours and answer any questions you may have,” she said, closing the door quietly behind her. 
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Want You Back | ateez x reader
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Pairing: werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
Genre: fluff mostly, romance, poly, a little angst?
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 1452 words
a/n: I'm considering this more of a filler chapter and the next chapter shall be the juicy one hehehehe. :') Enjoy! <3
Chapter 6
At first, life continued to be monotone for the rest of the boys. The only difference was Mingi’s departure which added further strain on the already overburdened household. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were no longer on speaking terms after the dinner, as Seonghwa demanded Hongjoong to get his mom off their backs but the latter argued that he tried and he didn’t know what else to do.
“Well if you tried harder instead of fooling around with Lila.” Seonghwa accused.
“You’re really playing it like that? You were also hanging out with Lila a lot at one point to Seonghwa.” Hongjoong spat back. 
“Yes and it was a big mistake on my part. She’s not my mate, Y/N is, and I’ll be damned Hongjoong if I lose Y/N because of your negligence,” Seonghwa explained, “Like really, why are you hanging around Lila so much? Don’t you feel an ounce of remorse?”
This was the first time since a week and a half that the two oldest said anything to each other. But Hongjoong was cut off when he felt it - he felt you, and given Seonghwa’s wide eyes and surprised face, he knew he wasn’t imagining things. Both of them were snapped out of their dazes when Wooyoung screamed and there was loud banging and slamming of doors coming from upstairs.
The boys were confused and panicked. They felt you after so long but something wasn't right. It appeared to be like a call for help but they had no idea where you were. And Mingi was still gone too.
Chaos erupted. San paced back and forth, hands behind his back, a worried look plastered on his face. Seonghwa leaned against the window and stared outside angrily. He had a lot of thoughts swirling through his mind at the moment. Meanwhile, on the far end of the living room, Wooyoung and Yeosang sat on the floor with scattered books trying to figure out what was going on. Wooyoung chucking away anything that wasn’t helpful at Yunho’s direction, who alongside Jongho remained quiet but unsettled. Hongjoong sat in a chair with a blank expression.
And then there was Mingi, who stood outside the large mansion wondering if he could just go back to you.
Mingi wasn't sure how this was going to go. In all honesty, he didn't plan to tell them immediately when he got back. The way he considered this unravelling was more like: he might get some dinner first and then break the news over dessert or after dinner. It was a long journey after all. But now that the boys were aware, dinner might have to wait.
"Mingi." Hongjoong's father called from the front door.
He had just arrived to check on the boys and was astonished to see the tall wolf. He wasn’t expecting him to return so soon, but given Mingi’s expression, he knew something happened.
“Why are you standing outside like that?”
“Well…you see…” Mingi started.
Everyone's heads snapped to the front entrance of the mansion when the familiar aura walked in. In the foyer, Mingi stood with an uncomfortable look. He hated attention like this. Maybe he should’ve brought Chan for moral support.
Seonghwa rushed to his side, getting straight to the point.
"Mingi, you felt it too didn't you?" 
Mingi only nodded.
"And!? Where were you!?" Wooyoung chastised. 
"Calm down Wooyoung." Yunho tried to pacify the second youngest.
"Tell that to San. He'll make a ditch on the floor just now."
San stopped pacing and glared at the younger alpha before turning to Mingi.
"Seriously though Mingi, where were you? You left for a week and a half and then suddenly we felt a pull from Y/N?"
Where should I begin? Mingi wondered. He glanced briefly at Hongjoong who eyed Mingi carefully. Deep down Mingi had a feeling that Hongjoong may have already put the pieces together.
"I felt it too…” he began, “And she's okay."
All the other six pairs of eyes snapped in shock and astonishment at Mingi’s bombshell. 
"She's...okay? Mingi did you—" Yeosang started.
"I found her, I've been with her for the past week and a half. She got cornered earlier by some rogues but she's safe now."
Suddenly, time felt like it froze for all of them. Like the slow movement from a sand glass, as the grains of sand leisurely and steadily move down, everything began to stir in slow motion as they processed what Mingi just said.
"You—you found her?" Jongho spluttered.
Mingi only nodded again.
"And? You didn't bother to tell us," Hongjoong vocalised, "What, were you only going to keep her for yourself?"
"Hongjoong." His father warned.
"No, it's a valid question Father. You said you needed time by yourself Mingi, but now suddenly, you’re telling us that you were with Y/N and you didn't notify us. This is how we find out."
"She was always sneaky." Hongjoong's mother condemned.
"NO!" Mingi warned loudly, "Mrs Kim, I have respect for you as you are an elder but please do not even think about slandering Y/N, she's been through enough especially from you."
Mrs Kim scoffed rudely, “How dare you speak to me like that!”
“He’s right,” Mr Kim announced, “There is no need for your input if you don’t have anything helpful to add.”
Hongjoong ignored his mother and continued to interrogate Mingi.
"And what about us Mingi? We haven't been through enough? Seonghwa hasn't been sleeping, San and Jongho didn’t leave their rooms, none of us have been able to function. And Y/N didn't even try to communicate with us!"
"And why should she? Mingi asserted, “We never even listened to her when she was here, we weren't there for her, we wrote her and her feelings off every time. Really Hongjoong, are you just trying to run away from the fact that we failed her? Do you not want to take accountability? Is that why you’re running around with Lila?"
Hongjoong bolted upright to tackle Mingi by his shirt’s collar but he was held back by Seonghwa.
“What is it with you all and accusing Lila and I? What, I can’t have a friend to talk to?”
Mingi glowered at the pack’s leader. He had a feeling deep in his gut but he was hoping that it was wrong. 
“We did," Yunho answered, “We did hurt her, and we weren’t there for her. I don’t blame her either.”
"Exactly and comments from Mrs Kim are not helping either,” Seonghwa responded, “She kept pushing Lila time and time again and we saw Lila more than we saw our actual soulmate. And we allowed it, we didn't stop to think that we should make an effort, we just expected Y/N to be there." 
“You too Seonghwa?” Can’t you see that girl-” Mrs Kim began.
"He's right and that’s enough from you," Hongjoong's father commented, "Where is she now Mingi?"
"The human realm."
"What!?" All seven voices boomed through the room.
You were in the human realm? The forbidden realm?
"She's in the human realm and she's running a very successful café,” Mingi explained, “she's got a degree and I'm going back to her."
"Wait a minute, Mingi..." San started.
"I hope you will also decide to come. We all need to apologise. A friend of hers, Chan, he's a wizard and he helped me get here and is waiting for me to come back."
They felt empty. They pushed you away to the point where you built a whole new life without them in another realm. Besides Hongjoong though, the others didn’t blame you - they couldn’t blame you, they were the ones who alienated you from them. All they hoped right now was that you would at least consider forgiving them and give them a second chance.
 Mingi looked at them with his eyes downcasted as he turned to leave.
"We owe it to her."
Meanwhile, you were restless. Any attempt to try and ease your mind proved fruitless. You paced back and forth, fiddled with your fingers and huffed in annoyance at yourself. You decided that maybe a change of scenery would do you good, so you grabbed your jacket and scarf to head out for a bite to eat. Maybe some soup would help. As you made a beeline for your cafe to ensure the security alarm was active and everything was safe and secured, you felt it again.
The magnetic pull just like the night when Mingi arrived. Looking around, you turned to the large window that always provided a picturesque view of the busy streets of Seoul. 
But this time, on the other side of the window, there stood your eight mates.
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blinddreams24 · 1 month
A Mermay Prompt
(Note: there is blood and an aggressive wound in this chapter. I tried not to go into too much detail, but it’s there. You have been warned)
Prev / Next
You made it to the coral reef before Cross showed up. It was weird not seeing him but you figured he was an orca after all and probably had things he needed to do. Like eat. You hadn’t seen him eat since the barracuda incident. Or maybe he was busy with something else. You wouldn’t know until you asked.
Something moved.
Smiling, you turned to greet Cross.
He wasn’t there. Nothing but water and coral. Though, he could be hiding.
Oh, Cross.
You swam up to the boulder you thought he was behind and peeked around it. Nothing.
Where did that movement come from then?
Something big, but not Cross big, sped past and brushed your legs. You spun around just in time to see something gray dart behind a boulder.
“Mm?” You questioned into the water. That wasn’t your Cross but maybe they were friendly too?
If it was a siren, that is, and not a shark.
A skeletal head peeked at you from behind the boulder, its eye sockets empty. “You’re a bold one, aren’t you?” His voice, similar to Cross’s but with a little more gravel, questioned you.
You shrugged at him. You weren’t fearless, this new siren definitely had you nervous, but his size didn’t compare to Cross. Which made him far less intimidating.
A grin split his face and he slipped over the boulder like an eel, his shark half moving gracefully as his belly faced the ground as if hiding his move vulnerable part from you. “Have you met a siren before, human?”
You nodded and gestured ‘big’ with your hands. You couldn’t get over the fact that Cross was so much bigger than this shark siren. Also, moving your hands kept them from shaking.
“Big guy, huh?” His face drifted up to be level with yours. You tried not to shrink back or show fear. “Orca, maybe?”
He laughed. “Heheheh! Cross is gonna be in trouble~!” Black ink-like fluid drifted out of his eyes as he leaned close and whispered. “Those scars were supposed to stay, little healer.”
Before you could move away or process what was just said, sharp teeth sank into your arm. All hell broke loose as you screamed and fought to get him off your arm. His clawed hands batted away your attacks and dug into your suit.
Bubbles and blood filled the water.
“KILLER!!!” Came a roar that your mind clung to like a lifeline.
The teeth left your arm. “There he is.” Your attacker sounded almost happy.
Cross’s huge form tackled the shark off of you and into a violent scuffle that you could barely keep track of with your tired, foggy mind. Subconsciously, you realized you were bleeding out and needed to get the your first air asap. So you started swimming in the direction you hoped was home.
Your racing heart was the only thing keeping you awake and in motion. You were suffering from blood loss. The sooner you patched yourself up into something resembling stable the better. Just count the coral boulders on your way back. There were… seven between you and the shore. The orange one. You pressed your right hand against the top as you floated over it. It wasn’t all orange. There were greens and grays and reds and pinks. But it had an orange… thing on top. Like a flag.
Six left.
Keep your mind stimulated.
Keep moving.
Stay calm.
The blue boulder. Big ol’ blue tubey thing on top. Like a crown. ‘The Blue Prince’ you’d called it. Mostly green with a few reds and yellows. Very pretty.
You almost bumped into the next boulder, your left hand dragging across the sand.
No. Stay focused. Get to the shore. It wasn’t that far. You’d already made it halfway…ish. You could do it.
Hands gently wrapped around your torso and suddenly you were moving much faster. You couldn’t even look at the coral on your way back.
Cross burst out of the water and twisted midair to land with you on top of him. “Y/n! Where’s your healer box? Which one is it?” His hands were gesturing at your stuff.
Right. First aid.
You reached for the correct box but it was further away than you anticipated. Huh. That wasn’t good.
Cross lurched forward on the beach and grabbed the box. With a few heavy shoves, his front was back by your side. He opened it and immediately looked lost. “What do you need?”
You slowly pulled the nozzle out of your mouth. “Tourniquet.” At his confused look you added; “Strap lookin’ thing.” He yanked out the correct item and shoved it in your good hand. After wiggling it up your arm and getting help tearing away the rest of your sleeve, it was tightened and your arm started going numb.
“Now what?”
You sighed. “I need to clean the wound. Do you remember those alcohol wipes?”
The wipes came into view. “My turn.” He gave you a goofy, halfhearted grin.
A breathless chuckle left you. “Yeah, your turn.” You pulled the rest of your sleeve off your arm, avoiding looking directly at the wound.
Cross shuffled closer. “I… I’m gonna start now. Uh… what exactly do I need to do? Just wipe?”
“You need to make sure nothing stays in the wound. Anything that’s not attached to me needs to go.”
“Okay…” A wipe touched your bite mark.
You hissed through your teeth at the pain. Your arm wasn’t completely numb yet and you could still feel pain but it was slowly fading away. It still hurt.
You turned and leaned into Cross’s chest, seeking comfort and safety in the pain. He froze for a moment. Then his free arm wrapped around your back to hold you still as he continued.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
“Not your fault.” You mumbled into his chest.
“Mmh.” He didn’t sound convinced.
You sighed. “Cross. I don’t have the energy to argue with you. It’s not your fault. End of discussion.”
His chest shook slightly when he chuckled. “Yessir.”
The sharp pains of the wipes slowly turned dull as your arm numbed. It felt more like he was petting you and you melted into him.
“Thank you, Cross.”
“For burning your hide with these cursed wipes? Sure, no problem.” He snarked.
You laughed. “Well, yes. But also for saving me. Twice. Who was that?”
“Killer. He’s… unstable. From what he said during our fight, he was upset that someone tended to my wounds yesterday after our fight. He wanted to get back at you for it.” He curled over you. “I shouldn’t have gotten you involved.”
“Not your fault.” You glared up at him. “It’s Killer’s fault for attacking you in the first place. And it was my choice to help you. You were kinda telling me not to.”
“Heheh. You’d make a good siren.” He poked at your forehead. “Stubborn.”
“Hey. You have to be nice to me. I’m hurt.”
His lopsided smirk was paired with a raised brow. “Oh, yeah? What about the akohole wipes?”
“Alcohol. And I can’t feel it anymore.”
“What?!?” His hand left your back to grab your shoulders and hold you away from his chest. His panicked gaze searched you. “The adrenaline should have already worn off! Why can’t you feel pain?? Y/n! That’s not okay!”
You gestured to the tourniquet. “Tourniquet. It stops blood flow and also numbs the limb. It was the only way to keep me from dying. I can still feel pain. Just not in that arm. Don’t touch it.” His hand whipped away from your arm.
“Lucky. Why didn’t I get a turniket?” He gestured at the still healing scars along his spine.
“Tourniquet. Because it would kill you? Also, I don’t have one big enough.”
“It can kill you?!?”
Laughing, you shoved his worried hands away. “Only if you’re stupid with it!”
“…Ow. So now I’m stupid?” Cross looked down at you with mirth in his eyes.
“Mmm. Maybe just a little bit.”
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theamphibianmen · 2 months
Ok, I'll bite. What is The Ore?
Hehehehe I'm so glad you asked (you totally will not regret asking me) (I'm an oh so very normal person) ! Warning for very long ramblings about some very weird shit under the cut. Mostly body horror.
The Ore is a Steven Universe AU in which Steven effectively has the gem version of DID. His gem removes itself from his body and splits off into four parts, which form Rose Quartz, Pink Diamond, Pink Steven, and that thing he turns into at the end of Future. Steven's human half is still alive but he did crash the van because of this. He is also very sick and ends up needing a bone marrow transplant from Greg.
Rose, PD, PS, and the creature are also a bit smaller than they were when the gem was still intact, putting PD at about the same height as Peridot and Rose taller than Pearl but shorter than Garnet. The creature is about the size of Pumpkin, and is basically just a really angry dog.
PS talks the other gem bits into traveling to Homeworld by claiming that the Homeworld gems attacked Earth, and Little Homeworld is actually a military base. He tells them that by bringing PD back they can end the war. They get there by stealing a spaceship from Little Homeworld (it was a group project/enrichment activity for some of the Peridots). Once they get to Homeworld, PS sets his plan into motion.
This war, and everything that has ever gone wrong in his life, only happened because of disagreements between gems. That wouldn't be an issue if all gems were one.
He has Rose present PD to the other diamonds while he sneaks off to Pink's room, where he uses forced fusion tech to fuse with all the gems he can find in the palace. This amounts to quite a lot of gems since they literally make up the walls in some places.
Once he's fused all the palace gems into The Ore, the diamonds are next. Blue knows something is terribly wrong and puts the pearls and Spinel on a ship to Earth to get help. White and Yellow go willingly, but blue has to be forced. Because of this she and the other unwilling participants don't join the hive mind, which is why PS tries to convince gems to join willingly so that he doesn't have to force them.
By the time all the gems on Homeworld have fused, The Ore is the same size as Earth. Its new mission is to travel to all colonized planets and absorb all the gems there. Peridot's satellites quickly pick up on the planet sized mass hurdling towards them at 1/4 light speed. She sends the CGs (and Connie) to check it out because her readings keep coming back inconsistent, and because Homeworld isn't responding to her messages for obvious reasons.
One of the two chapters I've written so far is Connie getting vored by the planet and sent to a horrible writhing flesh labyrinth.
Imagine: you've landed on a planet that's almost entirely pink. The clouds look suspiciously familiar and the air smells strongly of metal. The ground is ever so slightly bouncy, and smooth to the touch. You stroll up and down the pink hills and come across the mouth of a cave, as in a literal mouth with lips and teeth. You enter and are quickly swallowed, tumbling down the esophagus. The ground you land on is soft enough to break your fall, but something snaps beneath. You look around to see thousands upon thousands of limbs, eyes, mouths and other body parts lining the walls. Voices cry out for help. Tears drip from the ceiling onto your face. You now understand where the gems of Homeworld have gone.
The Ore is made up of three main layers: the willing participants/crust who make up a skin-like outer layer, the uncooperative ones or the mantle who form the system of horrible flesh tunnels, and the core which is basically the gems of all the unwilling parties. PS's gem is also in the center of the core because he KNOWS ppl are coming for his ass.
The mantle is the part I wanted to write about. I'm definitely in it for the body horror aspect. And because my brother already got on me about this, no, the CGs didn't know the planet was a gem fusion because it's not reasonable to expect characters to know what genre they're in. They think they're in sci-fi fantasy when they're really in sci-fi horror with fantasy and drama undertones.
There'll be some other plot stuff too like Pearl getting corrupted and turning into a bird, Jasper sacrificing herself so that the others can escape the flesh planet, Connie dying and being resurrected, Steven shattering his own gem which won't really affect him physically but is still super fucked up, etc etc.
Basically I want to write something that someone can reasonably say is the worst thing they've ever read. I want people to be so disturbed by my writing that I get messages from mental health crisis lines. I want people to think I'm deranged.
Hope this clears things up! <3
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
okay first i have read your satosugu fics and the pacific rim fic one you’re so RIGHT I CAN SEE THE SIMILARITIES esp with yizhi and suguro also with how they seem so gentle and kind n smiley but when it comes to the ones they love they’re on it to jump whoever is threatening them!!
(also i’ve realised as anon i’ve said it a lot but not as 📚 anon so i have to mentioned i am literally IN LOVE with your writing you’re so talented and amazing and spectacular seriously!!)
second for the hozier nfwb i can definitely see wooyoung as one of them that would probably protect her but also i feel like in the slight future jongho would because he seems more of an acts of service person and he would consider going cray cray protectay for anyone who thinks about hurting bug
and also lowkey i can just imagine as she mostly works defensively rather than offense wooyoung would protect her from the injured eye side and they’d like work together in battle and understand each other v v well because they’ve already picked up on each others habits while fighting so they know what to cover from the other persons weakness
- 📚 (ALSO also i just finished iron widow by accident i was just gonna read like a few more chapters then i see the acknowledgments…? it finished so quick?? was a good read though!)
yes haha!! I absolutely wrote gods and monsters after reading half of iron widow xD I was just so into the universe that I couldn't help it,, I needed my own satosugu au hehe :3 and I'm weak for the seemingly sweet and gentle characters that are secretly pretty dark and protective of the ones they love <3 suguru is a little more silly than yizhi I think since he and satoru are pretty much menaces but I still think they're pretty similar xD
(also thank you so much omg <33 I'm so glad you like my fics,, it means the world :')) )
and yes yes!! I absolutely think wooyoung fits 'nothing fucks with my baby,' like first for seonghwa in the beginning, and soon for bug ;D (I mean y'all are gonna see in the next chapter if he really fits the lyrics I guess hehehehe >:DD <- that's me laughing maniacally)
but oooooo I hadn't considered jongho before but that totally makes sense,, he's def an acts of service person, and I think he absolutely would go off the rails if someone hurt bug or atz (and we will see more of jongho and his love languages in the future too, we'll hit a jongho centric chapter soon ;) )
NOO STOP I'LL CRY :')) woobug fighting together absolutely happens like that,, woo def covers bug's blindside and makes sure she doesn't get hit there - she fights defensively, and I think at first woo will cover for her in terms of offense, but I also think he wants to teach her how to protect herself :') he knows partially how she feels and wants her to be able to know that she can fight for herself (and for others) when she needs -- they def understand each other in battle very well (and we'll see more of that soon too hehe)
I'm dropping so many spoilers here omg xD
(I have a few chapters left of iron widow!! I'm very excited to finish, but I'm also dreading it because I love it so much :') I've never found an actual healthy polyamorous relationship where everyone is actually in love with each other in books before so I am savoring them while I can :')) -- the closest I ever got to poly couples was the infernal devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare,, I desperately wanted will, Jem and Tessa to all be together </3 )
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1;  report ix
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: doctors! au; humor, romance 
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.8k
g/n: ((unedited skfslkdf)) also,,, i will be releasing Parallel Palpitations very soon [which features this Jimin hehehehe stay tuned for that] PLUS, im very excited to release the report x AHHHHHH send me your thoughts pleaseee 
[taglist]:  @nottodayjjk @ditttiii @zeharilisharaban @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @aamxxrii @codeinebelle​ @btsmakesmehappy​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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You open your new group chat first thing in the morning, wanting to check on Soomin and Jimin. Just yesterday, the two had informed you of their concerns separately, both worried over the same thing. Soomin’s mother wanted to hold a small congratulatory celebration for her daughter’s KMLE results, and her subsequent acceptance at Woocheon, so there was going to be a party exclusively for all tenants of the building at the restaurant just next to the cafe. 
The two hadn’t worked out their budding acquaintance, as you had practically forced them to greet each other the last time you were at the cafe, so you thought this might be a great way to have them start over their tricky relationship. 
As you’ve expected, both of them had even tried to convince you to come, in the hopes that a mutual friend could help diminish the awkward air around them. You’ve declined each of them politely, not wanting to intrude on their little get-together. Besides, (just like you hadn’t forgotten to mention to them), this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of this wall hindering their friendship (to which, both of them had also quite strongly disagreed upon). 
A mere three hours after their outpour of sentiments, as you’re rewatching episodes of Dr. Romantic with Chohee, the pair drunkenly call you, requesting a video chat. You’re pretty sure not one of them is aware of what’s happening, especially with Jimin refilling his shot glass every thirty seconds; Soomin speaking gibberish, and Chohee literally teasing them through the screen of your laptop and yet none of them seem to mind a damn thing about it. 
So, with hopes that each of them arrived home safely last night, you type in your text message. 
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‘What is this place, really?’ you mutter to yourself, slightly regretting your decision to take the subway instead of a cab. You only ride taxis for places you’re not familiar with (such is the case with today) but you didn’t want to spend twice as much solely for transportation so you took the train to the building. 
Now you feel lost. You’ve just gone to the main entrance of the building, but there was scaffolding barring the entrance, and now you’re struggling to look for Entrance B with the singular tarpaulin saying “Please use Entrance B” and a faded arrow below pointing to the left. After a grueling ten minutes of asking people for directions and walking all over the place, you finally find Entrance B and hurry on your way inside. 
There’s already a small crowd forming where the directions for the processing of your license is posted, and you can’t seemingly read the directions all the way down with people clearly taller than you blocking the way. 
“What’s the matter? Can’t see the directions, smally?” 
Your instant recognition of his voice makes you hang your head low. You figure there’s no way you can get rid of this guy anytime soon. 
“Hello, Jungkook.” 
Why is it that he’s always there wherever you are? He couldn’t be stalking me, could he? 
Jungkook almost spits his water on the girl in front of him. Oh, so he heard your thoughts then. “Yeah, you wish, woman. I wouldn’t do that even if you had one million strapped to your neck.” You roll your eyes at him. 
“Wasn’t asking for any conditions for you to do that, but thanks for letting me know your thoughts.” 
“Awh, you mad, babe?” Shaking your head at him, you try to continue peering over everyone’s shoulder to check the post. “If it makes you feel any better, I would for two million though.” 
You were just about to retaliate with a smart comment, but you see a girl walking towards Jungkook while twirling her hair with her newly manicured fingers. “Jungkook-oppa, you’re here!” she says, hooking her arm on his elbow. 
Ah yes, it’s the same brat that kept defending Jungkook’s ass during the KMLE exam. “Why don’t you come with us? My mom works here,” her voice gets down to a whisper, but loud enough for you to hear. “If you come with us, you wouldn’t have to fall in line, then maybe we could have lunch together. 
Jungkook removes her hand from his, “No thank you, I’ll just wait here.” 
“With her?”
The audacity of this bitch. 
“Yes, with her.” Jungkook says, not skipping a beat. “She’s...better company.” Oof, that’s gotta hurt. 
You try not to show much of your currently soaring pride on your face, but you can’t help but clear your throat as a terrible disguise for a snort. The girl becomes silent after that, with most of her friends trying to control their facial expressions after Jungkook’s reply. 
“Fine then, your loss,” she says with a flip of her hair, then makes her exit. 
You're unsure what to do now as the girl has already left, and you’re also not sure if you’re entirely happy about being left with Jungkook now. “Why didn’t you go with her? Could’ve saved you a lot of time considering the people here.” 
Jungkook clenches his jaw, as if in thought. “I don’t like cheating. I believe that there’s a different value in the reward that comes with something you worked hard for.” 
You’re surprised. You really hadn’t expected this kind of quote, coming out of Jungkook out of all people, but you find yourself nodding as he speaks, quite impressed that you share the same principles. 
As the crowd starts to disperse, you and Jungkook finally get your turns to take a look at the poster. “Is it often?” 
“What is?” 
You point a thumb backwards towards where the girl had gone to, “Having girls throw themselves at you all the time?” 
“Oh that,” Jungkook chuckles, then gives you a lopsided smirk, “Yeah, that. Hadn’t realized being this hot was so tiring.” Squinting your eyes at him, it then again dawns on you that you shouldn’t even have asked him that sort of question at all. 
“You know,” he says, nudging your shoulder with his, “I’m quite jealous of you really,” your brows crease together. This can’t be good. “At least you don’t experience all of that, cause you know…” he says, gesticulating his hands over his face. 
He did not just insinuate that you were not...attractive at all. Huh. This bastard can wait for his license alone then. 
“Goodbye, Jungkook.” 
“Hang on! ________, wait! I was just messing with you,” Jungkook laughs, running after you.
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The cashier is already scanning the last items on your grocery list by the time Jimin and Soomin had texted you that they were done with their licenses, and you three had agreed on meeting up by the mall’s concierge. It doesn’t take long before you all decide on having Italian for dinner, after seeing the restaurant nearest to where the concierge was. 
“Wait, it took you guys only half an hour?” you exclaim, recalling how you had to endure at least more than an hour with Jungkook as you waited for your licenses to finish. Thankfully though, the latter had other errands to run so you two parted ways as soon as you got your IDs. 
Jimin, always the gentleman, offers to get your group the utensils as well as a few condiments and spices you might need with your meals. “Soomin-ssi, do you know anybody else who’s going to Woocheon too?” he says, setting the silverware atop the napkins. 
Soomin thanks Jimin for the thoughtful gesture, sending a small smile his way. You squeal inwardly, wanting to know what happened last night for them to interact like this. “Um, also, I’m not so sure about the others who will be attending Woocheon too...I only got a glimpse of the list, sorry.” 
“Ah, no worries about that. So, how was the dinner party last night?” 
The two glance at each other, seemingly communicating with their eyes. Oookay, what’s going on between these two? What exactly happened last night? If they wanted to be alone, they could’ve just said so… 
“It was fun,” Jimin initiates, plastering  what seems to be a painfully wide grin on his face. Soomin nods along with him as she adds more, “Honestly, I don’t remember much about last night, but I do recall Jimin calling me ‘sajangnim’ the whole night. And I told him to not call me that, but Jimin here is a stubborn man.” 
“Yeah, you complained about that too last night,” you laugh, cutting your garlic bread into pieces. “Wait, what?” Jimin squints his eyes at you, “Were you there last night? How did you....” 
“I’m guessing you both don’t remember calling me last night too, didn’t you?” 
“We did?!” they say in unison, making your eyes go wide. “Did I do something stupid?” “Please tell me I didn’t say something I shouldn’t have?” 
“Hmm, well, it was quite the conversation last night,” you tease them, wanting to see how far this can go, “plus Chohee was there too so I have another key witness.” 
“What?” Jimin squeaks, lips pressing into a thin line, “what’s the key witness for?” 
“That, my friend, is up to you to remember and figure out.” You give each of them a wink, before turning your attention back to your pasta.  
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Transferring all your groceries to one hand, you fish your keys from your purse, shaking it lightly to hear its jingle as you blindly course your fingers through your bag. As the elevator doors open, you see your neighbor down the end of the hall, trailing after a man. 
Ayoung hears the elevator bell ding and turns to your direction. She excitedly points her thumb to her back, mouthing ‘new tenant’ to you. She keys in her code and lets the guy in first. The moment he’s inside, she leans by the doorframe and whispers how hot the guy actually was and how much of a lucky neighbor you were going to be. 
You shake your head at her, leaving Ayoung to entertain her guest. Of course, not forgetting to pray that she manages to score you a hot man next door.
© joontier 2021
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thinkatoryprocess · 2 years
me muttering to myself in a corner: don't suggest joshroman brain break don't suggest joshroman brain break don't suggest joshroman brain break
hehehehe jk jk - Btw i really loved the new chapter of strung out, it's a total dark horse for me, never expected to love it as much as I do <3
In all seriousness, Joshroman wedding fic is set to be next after Romelukas. I feel like half of it is already written through my asks, so I hope people who hang out on Tumblr with me will still tune in. (I'm only half-joking.)
Also thank you <3 <3 People don't talk about it because it's really depressing, I think! I'm motivating myself to complete it with good ol' "I have to see how this goes I love them all so much" rather than the kind of feedback DYWGU or even Romelukas get. (I swear I'm not begging for feedback, a single comment or kudos makes my day.) I just want them all to be okay <3
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sukirichi · 3 years
— 💌 ; a love letter from @kyriaan
long post below regarding broken records. cw includes adultery, physical assault, toxic relationships, broken records spoilers, and mature content
[ from the ask ] BROKEN RECORDS ; track 005
Okay! I finally had time to actually sit down and properly read chap 5 cause ill be damned and burned if i dont pay special attention to one of my favorite series here! Rather drown or be sting by bees slowly 😒
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙃 I for the first time don't even know where to start so allow me to be all over the place cause my emotions are also all over the place with this chapter ✌️
Ill start by y/n's dad caN GO FUCK HIMSELF? Like okay sir you might have fallen in love with our mom (ill give him the benefit of the doubt regarding his feelings) BUT SIR YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST? FROM THE BEGINNING? ALSO BRUH YOU KIDDING ME??? SIR YOU LEGIT ABANDONED YOUR OTHER DAUGHTER AND THEN YOU PROCESS TO 'LEAVE US' I- YOOOOO I WOULD BITCH SLAP HIM I SWEAR!!
Also ALSO ILL SCREAM FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK NO KID HAS EVER TO BE BLAMED FOR BEING BORN!! Y/n mom's line: 'we have to atone for our sins' its legit BULLSHIT it wad NOT y/n fault her DAD COULDNT KEEP HIS DICK INSIDE HIS PANTS NOR ITS Y/N FAULT THAT HER DAD CHEATED!!! ATONE FOR OUR SINS MY ASS!! the father is the one that has to take responsibility for all this shitty situation we do NOT nor any kid out there in this situation has to be taken accountable by this!!
And now Suna 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 bruh im just gonna cry... Everything he does just makes me heart swell i feel so cozy when i read his parts like how sweet and present he is I- bruh I never had that... Actually seeing y/n breaking up with him when shes clearly falling in love with him just breaks me cause Girl for real Suna would be there for you... I get it shes afraid and shes acting on that fear but girl... Pls he truly loves you deeply not everyone is like your dad. There are happy endings. There are good people Sunas one of them pls 🥺🥺🥺 also MY LOVE TSUMU BEING A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND EVEN THO SUNA GOT THE GIRL BRUH TSUMU I FUCKING LOVE YOU MY CHILDISH YET ADORABLY SMUG BOY 😭😭😭😭😭
Nagisas a bitch btw ✌️ so far i see no redemption not excuse in what she did so far. I get her reasons but that does NOT excuse her behavior. She has to lash out at her cunt of a dad not at a innocent woman who was also a victim all along. Nor even her half sister. I get her mentality behind this but doesnt excuse her behavior at all- its basically the same as being a victim from a bully and playing bully after aswell.
[ from suki ] 
BROKEN RECORDS IS UR FAVE SERIES??? babe pls you’re gonna me cry !! nah nah fr his dishonesty caused all this mess. YEAHA SAKLAA tbh I love mama lucy but her words of ‘atoning for their sins’ or her mindset of ‘we don’t deserve to be happy when we’ve hurt others’ really messed up YN. she was only 21 and vulnerable with all the shambles happening in her family + the sudden assault from nagisa, that when her mother said those words, she struggled to let go of it. to her, it became like a final verdict that dictated how she lived her life.
SUNA URGHHH PLEASE GIVE SUNA A CHANCE HE HAS PURE AND GOOD INTENTIONS BUT I CANT BLAME HER EITHER AHSJAKA. and the comparison of nagisa being a bully’s victim only to become the next bully is true. nagisa should lash out at their shitty excuse of a father. ALSO AAAAHH THE NEXT CHAPTER (007) IS WORSE AHSJKAAL
[ from the ask ] BROKEN RECORDS ; track 005
I know shins attractive I mean mans perfect?? Does he even have any flaw?? And the way he cried when he got his jersey MYGOD FHDHFHFJSKS but I still look at him and im like.... Hmmmm nah i wouldnt date him its just not my... Do i dare say type? Cause i dont think i have a type ghfhfisofbd but like I just 🧍‍♀️
I love him i just dont love him i guess
The makeout scene tho ill give you that 🥵🥵🥵 made me bark (i would still walk out next day like was a good fuck kita byeeee🚉🏃‍♀️💨)
... More drama regarding mari... And you said this will have like 10 chapters... And from 8 on will be angsty.... 🙂 *traumatized noises*
[ from suki ] 
YUUHHH KITA IS PERFECT HERE AHSJKAA IDK MAYBE ITS MY SIMPING FOR NAOYA CONVERTED TO KITA ALREADY BEING PERFECT AS HE ALREADY IS AND I AMPED IT UP BCOS THE SIMP MODE IS ACTIVATED AHSKAA. the make out scene !! pls sir i’m on my knees spare some love in ur heart AAAAAAHHHHHH. also. i assure you. businessman! kita got game. he’s gonna make you walk funny if you give him the chance HSJKA
yeah i just finished writing the outline for track7 right now and the drama is HSJKAA it gave me a headache sobs 
[ from the ask ] BROKEN RECORDS ; track 006
I want to give you my usual thoughts on the new chapter and at the same ahm...
I just saw myself on Suna... Deeply....and it kinda slapped me harder than i was expecting...there were too many things from him giving himself to mari/treating her like he wants to be treated... To deleting his best friend from social media thanks to his girlfriend... And it really hurt me ahah..
I would vent but.. Yeah
But yes this chapter i saw myself in suna and i had to take quite the long breaks cause it was getting to me 😅😅😅 also if anything i learned from my experiences is that MARI SCREAMS RED FLAGS and even Osamu can see that pls
I would honestly end Mari there, i wouldnt even bother to just retort i would walk my way into to the damn apartment and fucking take Suna for myself cause Mari does not deserve him. Shes manipulative, and in a way abusive.. Not allowing him to keep contact with his best friend his a total redflag and o know its because Suna had feelings for y/n and vice versa but Suna never gave het a reason to distrust him.
The moment he said he was best friends with y/n and was single she immediately clinged himself to him and for what? To then dump him like he was trash...
He gave himself to her, he proved he was there for her he even took her back this boy deserves the fucking world and its not Mari...
I kinda want to say it's not y/n at this point either cause the way she broke his heart was kinda the same Mari did.. Y/n disregarded his feelings and just broke it up.. Mari disregarded his feelings abd broke it up... But y/n stated from the very beginning that she would eventually break up Mari just shrugged and didn't care so i can in a way forgive y/n i cant forgive mari
Besides y/n was supportive from the beginning while Mari was obsessive and controlling.
Another really insanely well written chapter as usual (albeit this one making me ball my eyes off harder because yeah) but yes~ eagerly waiting for the next one~
Take your time tho 😌🙌
Mari can go fuck off 💗💓💞💕❣️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💯💝💖💋💅
Suna x y/n pls
Y/n deserves to have a healthy love life with someone she loves (hence why npt Kita) and loves her back
And Suna deserve the fucking world and be treated right
[ from suki ] 
NAHHHH cuz when you said suna was treating mari the way he wanted YN to treat her... that’s right. on point. they’re all so complicated sobs. MARI IS A WALKING RED FLAG THAT OSAMU CAN SMELL FROM A MILE AWAY. ALSO yes mari is manipulative and borderline possessive when it came to suna. like yeah, let’s be real, she could tell a long time ago that suna was in love with YN and it made her insecure / jealous, but the whole time, YN kept her distance. she was supportive over their relationship from afar as to make mari comfortable. suna also did everything he could to make sure she was well cared for. for three years, he was focused on her and only her. he gave love a second chance despite being brokenhearted. suna never mari a chance to doubt because he, too, was sure he could be happy with her.
until mari left him.
and now suna is back with YN because they will always have each other. but honestly,,,if we think about it, if mari never broke up with suna or at least gave him the chance to explain himself - if mari didn’t do the exact thing YN did to suna years ago - he honestly would’ve been really happy with mari. they were going well. like yeah mari has always been toxic by pushing suna’s boundaries and asking him to unfollow his own best friend on social media, but he did it anyway. because he trusted their relationship. he wanted the best for them. 
also yeah, the parallels between mari and YN were intentional !! 
thank you for taking the time to send me this, kya, it means a lot to me and it motivates me to work harder on the future chapters !! <33
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Sinners in a Pod (Chapter 1)
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Updates for this will start posting after Witcher of the Night is finished. So, chapter 1 for this will only be posted right now and shall continue its updates soon. Currently, this is on hiatus. But, please do tell me what you think if you manage to read this! Thank you! 💞
PROLOGUE (Summary)
Characters:  Mob/Professor!Henry Cavill x small!stalker!reader (AU)
Warnings: 18+ Blood. Death. Psychopathic issues. The Mafia. Suggestive content and thinking. Stalker and manipulative reader. The word ‘Daddy’ used in different ways? (I don’t even know why this is a warning?) Y/L/N means Your Last Name. 
Words: 6.3k
A/N: Il babbo means Father and il compagno means comrade. Tell me if I’m wrong, I’m using google translate on this one. Sorry, if I’m making this on a hiatus. I wanna see how this will click for anyone. Also, the Geralt fic comes first because I wanna finish it. Hehehehe.
TAGLIST WILL BE OPEN FOR THIS ONE! Heehee! Don’t forget to REBLOG, COMMENT OR GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU DID LOVE THIS CHAPTER! (I hope you would, bb!) IT’LL MAKE ME SMILE! Sorry for the grammatical errors and such because English isn’t my mother tongue!
Disclaimer: PNG’s and pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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9:35 AM.
Mr. Cavill has been well-known in just his first day of becoming the substitute for your previous professor who has died due to an infectious disease that still had no cure. He has been the main topic of every person in the campus. Your professor in History was a complete hot-shot. An additional fact about him being attractive was his unconventional pedagogic style that can get students listening to every word that leaves his mouth, leaving you all wanting to hear more than just his educational discussions.
His presence definitely aroused each and every women's curiosity in your campus; hearing gossips about how they were willing to be the teacher's pet to have a piece of what your professor could offer like he was being treated as a play thing or some sort of food that they wanted to have a taste despite of how indecent it sounded. The hungry felines were willing and taking their chances, seeming to want and do it to also save their grades from their previous quizzes and special tests that they have taken from the deceased professor.
Until, You started to realized that you were even included in one of those students who was thoroughly affected by his presence; lately comprehending that he was being the main image of your filthy fantasies every night.
Especially whenever you notice how he tries to keep eye contact with you whenever he discusses. Your best friend can see how he kept on taking secretive glimpses without anyone noticing. Nonetheless, one person did and he was unlucky to have been caught by your best friend who promised to never lie and keep secrets when it involves you.
Though, there are certain situations that should be kept from her. Specifically the part about what happens every night with the idea of your professor fucking you like he'd never want you to walk for seven days straight.
That kind of fucking where you both can be considered as animals in a rut.
It took one look from your best friend to know that he was staring again. You could imagine his piercing ocean blue eyes that had a speck of brown drowning with it; observing every breath and move you make under those black spectacles of his. Curly hair gelled back looking professional but so tempting to be yanked hard.
You suddenly shook your head at the thought, blinking hard while you tried to keep focus on your paper.
Your best friend was done with her pre-test, but you weren't. She kept on silently but repeatedly snapping her fingers under her desk, giving you a signal that he was doing it again. You tried hard ignoring your best friend who was just clearly beside you; bringing you into a much more dangerous scenario by having your test incomplete or rather receiving a failing grade that would make you repeat this subject again.
Then, you'd remember the professor who could get you writhing under his gaze. He was also one of your fantasies---the one and only who could get you off every night---though, leaving you insatiable and craving for more.
Immodest thinking, but it was worth it every time you came.
"Daddy's lookin' again, hunny! Oh, teach me your ways, please! I would so let him fuck my ass raw, I tell you," She whisper-yelled knowingly. Only silence can be heard from around the four corners of the room, constant pages being flipped one by one, triggering you into panicking more than you should because you were still stuck on page one. You eyed the multiple choice that was written. 'Is it A? B? Or C?'
Your eyes narrowed on your test paper, struggling to think of an answer for the last question of the first page. The pen in your hand stopped on letter B, and in one quick motion. You encircled the whole letter before turning to the next page in a jiffy, never thinking whether your answer was right or wrong.
A small creak from your best friend's chair caught your attention, half on the test and half on your noisy best friend; seeming to be the person who was asking you answers when you haven't even finished the damned test yet.
"Psst! Bitch!"
You've sighed an exasperated one from being constantly distracted by everyone and especially from the penetrating gaze you could feel whenever Mr. Cavill tries to check on how everyone was doing from his desk.
"Ms. Rodriguez, I would rather like it if you try and keep your hands on your desk when you're done with the test,"
All together, the whole class turned their heads towards your best friend who had a panicking, shocked look written on her face. Her eyes seeming to tell she was guilty of trying to distract you while you answer the paper at hand. She evidently gulped, nodding silently and tentatively slipping her palms across her desk like a child getting a scolding. Embarrassment filling her body, the paper beneath her hands appearing to be more interesting rather than the gossip she ought to tell.
Mr. Cavill looked to be insouciant from her tricks, His eyes completely blank, cochineal lips forming a thin line from what he had in mind, "You all have thirty minutes left," the suave and sophisticated twang of his accent got you shifting in your seat. His baritone timbre that kept you up every night; never failing to give your core a throb whenever you get to listen to it personally rather than imagining it had you fidgeting with the sharp ends of your test paper.
He leaned back in his seat, the obvious bulk in his arms protruding once it was crossed. Your professor had always wore that extra tight, white dress shirt despite how it was popping out due to his sinewy biceps. The thatch of his chest hair slipping above the second to the last button of his clothing. You knew he was jacked in the flesh, the filament of his muscles straining out of his clothing which gives you images of what he could be like when he was stark-naked.
You had a bad habit of daydreaming in the wrong time.
Those Lapis Lazuli were brilliant under the morning sunlight that was escaping through the windows. Those eyes that you've been able to memorize landed on you, a sudden jolt in your insides made you feel warm and tingly.
"Please, do finish the test before the time is up, Students."
You were the first to break his gaze, the papers were an important matter and you didn't want to fail. Reason to that is because you didn't want to disappoint him by giving him a result that could make him think that you were never actually have been listening to his lessons and have just been daydreaming about his pretty little mouth on yours every day.
It was illicit of you to even think about having his mouth on yours or all over your body, exploring you till his curiosity would be answered and the same goes to yours. The devil was probably grinning in hell because of how risquè your thoughts have been.
Your soul was probably going to burn in hell.
Yet, on second thought; all seemed to be worth it.
Especially when you've been trying to stalk him for about two weeks already.
You haven't been caught yet; but, the idea of being collared seem to be a prize when you were a sinner.
10:05 AM.
"Time's up, everyone." Mr. Cavill's smooth, reverberant voice made you jump in your seat. You were only on the third page of your test and there were three pages left. The sheer frustration went to your head, emitting a vocal groan and a hard bite on your dried up lips. Every loud beat of your heart made your hand tremble in panic. Your eyes skimmed through every question, randomly circling any letter as long as you get to finish the damn test and not be left alone. Despite how anxious it made you feel, deep inside; you knew you were anticipating such a moment.
"Its time to pass your papers. Get your bags and you can go, I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow," He spoke in a monotone manner, his chair creaking once he stood up tall and lusty, grabbing onto the pile of papers, neatly stocking every test one by one with those hefty, streaking fingers of his as each student passed by in front of him. Some women slyly sparing him a glance, trying to check him out and that outstanding derriere of his as they smirked and quietly giggled on their way out.
Your tall, lanky but quite fit block mate stood along the threshold. His bright hazel eyes, tanned skin and dark red lips drawn with a grin as he held onto nothing but his pen; known to be a nerd but also a philanderer who had innocuous looks that appeared to be like he spends his time nose diving in games and books, "Have a great day, Mr. Cavill!"
"You too, Brent."
You could feel your breath shortening, grappling to answer your test urgently. Your breath hitched when somebody tapped your shoulder, you turned to look at the person you were expecting, but was left disappointed when you saw your best friend eyeing your papers; scrutinizing everything inside her head.
"Oh, you're doomed, Y/N." She inspected your answers and observed how her brows raise in an uncanny way, obtrusively telling that your answers were beyond incorrect. There were still students inside the room, slowly taking their time to leave before undergoing another set of lessons to be learned soon from their other professors.
"---I'll get going now, see you later, Chiquitita!"
She didn't even gave you a chance to ask some answers to your tests. What are friends even for?
Once the door was shut by her and others who left one by one, it was like every blood in your veins stopped cycling. No noise could be heard. You could feel an intense pair of ocean blue eyes began shooting you holes through your body that gave you the shivers.
Now, it was just you, him and nobody else.
You mentally gave yourself a slap for not reviewing for his test. It was quite embarrassing for him to see how you were struggling for a test that was undoubtedly easy for everyone.
"Ms. Y/L/N," Your professor started completely unfazed by your endeavor to get the test done in a minute. You breathed out a breath in utter frustration, closing your eyes and capping your pen closed. The time was up.
A large, warm hand gently clasped your shoulder, and you were sure you felt the imaginary sparks from it that also held a flush of shivers, creating a reaction that made your whole body go rigid.
"---Don't rush, you have all the time." Mr. Cavill surprisingly spoke in his calm, low voice. Warm, comforting heat gathered in a close proximity and before you could even realize what was happening; he was already hovering from behind, checking your answers for you.
His breathtaking face were inches away from you, his perfect side profile seen from your peripheral vision and his spectacles slightly falling on his tall, pointy nose. The dimple on his nose winsome for your taste and for every thirsty felines as well. Eyelashes long that can be considered as pretty, an exact length to beautify his eyes a lot more than it would. There was something mysterious about what lies beneath his bright azure eyes. Something dark was laying deep inside of it but it was a locked up window that nobody could ever get to see and understand.
Something about him was making you more intrigued for what his lifestyle is and the more curious you are, the more you were getting yourself at risk. Deeper. Intrusive. You were going to risk it all.
The deep scar on the top of his right eye brow distracted you from thinking anymore else. It looked like a battle scar that he once got from a fight, and it was quite interesting to see such a perfect face that held a flaw; telling you he was actually human after all and not a prince in your dreams.
"Ms. Y/L/N, I suppose you never listen to any of my lessons, am I correct?"
Oh, the way he says your last name always made you sin. Heat traveled towards your face, and some even had the audacity to travel down south. It was wrong.
You had to stop.
"I-I..I do, Sir." You struggled to keep your mind straight. Your eyes stared straight at the whiteboard in front of you, never giving him a glance.
Those heavy gaze of his fell on you; piercing and utterly inquisitive; giving your heart a chance to leave the curiosity before he would want to pry a lot about you that you couldn't imagine him to know, you could feel the disappointment within his eyes that crushed your hopes in making him proud.
"All of your answers are incorrect. It seemed like you've been guessing your answers the whole time,"
Shame and guilt was all you felt at that exact moment. The ends of Mr. Cavill's lips formed a tight thin line before languidly curving into a small, sinister smile that he never gave to any of his students. Yet, you were an exception.
"Must I say, do I sound uninteresting for you?"
An excruciating ring of your school bell rang loudly enough for you to jerk on your seat. You couldn't deny the intense attraction you were feeling towards your professor. The windows weren't locked anymore, and you knew for a fact that you've seen the treacherous glint in his eyes; giving you the key for you to decide if you wanted to enter. Deep down something diabolical lived inside and it left you curious enough to dig down whatever hidden darkness it could be.
"I..I.." You anxiously trailed off and stared into his eyes, feeling yourself get enticed by the gorgeous hues around his dark pupils. He was bold enough to stare back, his face too close for your liking.
"You think I don't notice it at all, do you? you're interested---curious even and that curiosity of yours will risk you a lot, sweetheart."
The words that came out of his mouth were utmost accurate, you felt your throat become dry from getting caught red-handed and from how he could read you with his eyes. Your professor was totally unbelievable and you didn't know whether or not he was just too conceited enough to say it straight to your face like it wasn't wrong nor indecent.
"I think...y-you got everything wrong, sir." you quickly scrambled out of your seat, books falling from your hands and you crouched down to get it, yet your professor was faster than you. He gathered those fallen books and stood undeniably tall, placing them on your opened palms. His eyes absolutely unreadable. You couldn't see what his emotions are at the moment, and it was terrifying to see that he looked like a sociopath for one second before playfulness have been replaced within his eyes.
He looked down at you, a small smile on show, "You think? No, Darling,---" Mr. Cavill momentarily paused with a smirk that got you swallowing the uncomfortable, heated feeling down your throat.
"---I know what's running inside those pretty head of yours and I assure you, it can be shameless and utterly unchaste as it can get,"
Without any second thought, you had everything around your arms; running out of the room. Never looking back at your professor who lowly chuckled to himself, seeing how he connected the dots with the right pattern. He knew you would end up walking with the same path as him, together and as one because of how you were hunting him down behind his back.
You were only acting. He could feel it.
Your unfinished paper was left on your desk, the ends of your test so wrinkly from the hard tugs while you tried remembering the right answers to those questions on his test. He remembered your face, he remembers every move you make all day and Henry knew you've been his shadow for the last two weeks like a canine he didn't remember that he has adopted.
Mr. Cavill had your papers at hand. He smiled to himself and with no doubt, he ticked every question correct despite of your wrong answers.
You passed his test and darkness was bound to happen soon.
10:20 PM.
The strange encounter you had with your professor didn't stop your undying attraction towards him, to be honest. It lured you into knowing more about him; becoming selfish to the point of being invasive, secretly following him around to find details about him and his life. All you knew was his name and that he was your History teacher.
William Cavill. That was his name. Other than that, there was nothing you ever did know except for where he lived. In a basic, plain rental apartments where everyone had one gate to begin with. You've noted that in your hidden diary made just for men who'd reach the point of being stalked by yourself. The kind of level where you plan on breaking inside his house to find more information because your lack of knowledge about him was frustrating you from the start.
You would try breaking into his apartment soon enough.
His place wasn't extravagant like how you imagined him to be, owning no car as he walks home and sometimes take public vehicles to arrive in your university like a normal human.
He wasn't rich. Though, his features could mistake him as a prince. Deserving more than to live in a ramshackle apartment.
You've lost track of Mr. Cavill and his whereabouts. One minute you were just following him in discreet, and now he was nowhere to be seen after turning at a sketchy street that made your feet stop from following him.
'Am I turning into a nutjob? No. I'm doing this to know him better, know what he likes or dislikes, knowing more about him that a typical woman would do. This is for the better and he probably will like it if he knew, I need to jot down things that will make him like me,'  You thought to yourself, your feet trembling with every step you took; the brisk, cold wind making it difficult for you to keep steady as you walked through the dark, strange street that your professor just walked in minutes ago.
There was finally light after walking through a dark path; feeling like it could've been a new beginning for your life if you were being metaphoric. You've seen a streetlamp beside a locked up door and a dumpster. It was the only light you could see. From your perspective, the end of the street was a dead end.
You were about to turn around, thinking that this might be a trap for being caught because your professor was no where to be seen. Up until, you've squinted your eyes at two men talking farther away from the lamp, hiding amongst the silhouette of the night sky. One voice quite foreign and the other recognizable by your ears.
The pitter-patters of your feet were stealthy, strolling closer and closer towards danger zone.
"Did the Rossi's hired you?" there was a hint of Italian from the stranger's voice, you managed to move and hide beside the huge dumpster, and it was the right hiding place because you could see and hear everything.
Everything including Mr. Cavill's features. Howbeit, without the black spectacles.
Why was he here and why is he interrogating a man? a man that also seemed familiar to you?
"You just don't know when to shut up, will you?" He curtly spat, the usual calmness whenever he talks in front of his students was now gone and replaced with a very ill-mannered tone. A tone you didn't expect to come out from him because he was pretty much a reserved and refined man.
"I am living a good life by being a professor in St. Hallmark Institute. But, you've come to try and ruin everything,"
"I've never ruined anything in the first place. It was you who made your own destiny. You've told secrets to other people that was meant to be buried deep in the ground, Henry. Finally, I found you---we were all looking for you,"
Henry? who was Henry? All you knew was that his name was 'William Cavill' and not the Henry that he was talking about.
Your hands began trembling with your back against the dumpster, eyes popping out of its eye sockets from all the scenarios happening.
The more you wait, the clamorous and intense their voices have become, "You're a Cavill, yes? I've known that unimpeachable but minatory gaze in your eyes. A family where everyone kills for a living, one of his son's best known hit man in Jersey; definitely the best out of the rest and people have been striving to find you---wanting to experience services that would definitely be worth the shot because you've struggled to learn everything---trained to become unstoppable. Although, there is one mistake that runs in the family,---" pause, "Your daddy never misses, yes?" The man dragged on and on, he was walking on a path of burning coal and fire. Hence, you were sure he was soon going to get a beating out of what gossips he was saying.
You closed your eyes, breathing quieter than normal; scared to get caught listening to their conversation. You heard a thud on the wall beside you, and it was because your professor boldly strangled the man around his neck, choking him to the point of taking his life out of it. His rage seen from how the veins on his temples were protruding and aching to burst from his anger.
Your fingers trembled from the sudden violence. Downright feeling frightened for what was going to happen with the pestilent man who wanted to get onto his wick, provoking to turn him into a savage animal who wouldn't deliberate for the kill. This man was bringing back memories that Henry wanted to avoid and forget after months of thriving.
But, it never happens because he was born to assassinate and the memories and guilt continued to haunt him forever.
"U-Until, he missed the part that your mother wasn't the target, but your weak, senile, clumsy il babbo aimed the sniper at her head," The man was trudging with fire, a fire that wouldn't be easy to kill.
You heard a cock of somebody's gun, and a deep hitch of breath from the stranger. He violently thrashed against his hold as he could see the gun tucked between the side of his pants. The barrel of the gun shiny beneath the moon light. The Italian clawed on Henry's large hand that was wrapped around his neck with a vice grip. Your professor didn't felt any remorse, nor guilt. Only amusement after trying to spur him on.
"It's quite a shame that you think of me that way," he smiled, a pure wicked beam that you haven't seen since then, cocking his head to the side as he gave him a frightening glare and a simple raise of his eyebrow, "---I'm definitely not like my father because when I hold a gun?" Mr. Cavill seethed through clenched teeth and a tight jaw, "---missing a target would be one of my greatest mistakes and I haven't had any blunders since then,"
"---I never risk to make any mistakes, Leo. I'm far different from my father. When I annihilate a target, I don't think twice and I know you've heard the gossips,"
Leonardo Bianchi desperately tried to fight off the hand that was slowly killing him. After a few more attempts, he have seen that there was no escape and that he'd click the switch inside Henry's head to become the lethal weapon that he was born to be.
The family has given him the go signal. Leonardo has only been a pawn for the family's success into whatever decision they had for the only Cavill that was left alive. But, he had hunt him down; catching the beast as to where it lived; hunting down its location. But, tonight will be the night he reaches his demise, and the man definitely knows it when he'd been given the order to stay close and find what they needed.
Leonardo was just merely their cat's paw.
He loudly laughed manically, breathing labored as the latter heaved to live for his family that was held hostage by the organization that he was in. If he wasn't alive before they get to track him down then his very own family---the real ones---will lose a father and a person who protects them from treacherous doings that he had been involved.
"I won't be the only one rotting in hell, Henry---" he deadpanned, "---you are too because revenge can be bittersweet and you're living for it,"
Mr. Cavill's smile turned upside down into a phlegmatic grimace, sliding the pistol out of his black trench coat that was tucked in between his pants before closely aiming the gun right in the middle of Leonardo's forehead, sweat began to roll down Leonardo's temples from the fear of being dead in the middle of a dead end street. Henry's eyes held no sympathy and just undying wrath for how his past was haunting him down no matter what he does. No matter what he does, they always crawl back like they have been hiding under his bed since then.
Leonardo Bianchi shut his eyes before death could even take him. He knew then and there he was going to die because whenever one does get to find the hit man that every familia wanted to get a hold to, they die in that exact day; complicating their trackers and showing them the wrong location until Henry decides to leave whatever life he created in his current one.
Though, he doubt that he'll be leaving this place for good today. Maybe, fate was about to take its turn and play the wild card.
"Let's share hell together then, il compagno."
It didn't take two seconds before you've heard the blaring sound of a gun going off; never thinking twice about pulling the trigger. He was dead, just like that; leaving his family in the past of his sins.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Everything was gory. The bullet punctured the wall where Leonardo's head was roughly pushed with his dreams and faith that has been crushed in just a single bullet and because of one malefactor that you didn't expect to see.
Mr. Cavill killed a man with his gun and he wasn't just any man; the Italian man was his co-worker, a fellow professor too who went with the name 'Aaron Anderson' who also hid his Italian accent with a rough southern intonation of his tongue.
He was your new Physical Education professor last week ago and now Mr. Anderson was laying on the cold, hard ground on a dead end street.
Henry slipped the gun in his trench coat for safety; audibly sighing for a sight that he never knew would happen again. However, they took three months before he was found again rather than those weeks that they've taken for him to be hunted down. He didn't need another re-location of his life in another country or place; the latter was pleased to be a professor in your university, living in a secluded and a slightly run down rental apartment which was needed for his bolthole; so he would hardly be found.
Crimson blood pooled along the ground, he crouched before Leonardo; his eyes wide opened to tell that he was fighting to live with a gun on his head. Yet, Henry apathetically stared at his pale, bloody face, showing no ounce of pity for the whole situation. He took his white handkerchief tucked in his coat pockets, expunging the blood that coated on his thick fingers before bluntly throwing it on Leonardo's face. Once his rue was clean and forgotten, he firmly stood on his feet like this has been a daily occurrence for years end.
Curiosity killed the cat and care was too obsessed over the Cheshire cat. Now, she was left to deteriorate for letting her other professor be killed by his own co-worker.
Your hands began trembling and your breath was getting the best of you. Hence, it added more panic when the rough, relaxed sounds of footfall started to echo closer and closer before it ceased before the dumps that was behind you.
A faint click of a button has been heard before hearing his low, satiny timbre of his voice nearby; feeling as if eyes were boring into your head while you have been rooted, crouching beside the dumps.
"Blind alley. East side. You know where I am because I know you track me down, Huntsman. Go check your fucking tracker---yeah, yeah. Another bullshit of a carcass. Shot in the head, mate. Got blood on my hands again---it was the first time for the last three months though,"
He sounded like he was just talking dinner with the caller on his phone. Too stolid for what he has done after the shooting. Thus, you've heard soft tapping of his foot on the ground, nearer than it ever has been.
"---I want the whole fucking alley pasteurized in less than ten minutes, got it?" he brusquely ordered around, giving a moment for the caller to finish whatever he or she was saying before you've heard Henry scoff from above your head; making you audibly hitch your breath, "---Don't act like you aren't following me around and that you live nearby,"
You were caught. The cat was captured from her sheer curiosity. Cats have seven lives based on the sayings. Nevertheless, you only had one left for tonight.
It felt as if a bucket of ice was thrown on your head. The eerie, tranquil silence for waiting whatever it is that his friend wanted to say was killing you alive. You began to breathe fast, hyperventilating in your space as your nails scratched the clothing of your knees, panic was rising through and becoming uncontrollable.
Sure, you were a stalker. But, did you deserve to die in the same place where your P.E professor has been killed? will you accept the fact that you'll be perished by the man who was worth the obsession before you knew he was a convict?
If so, then why was your core still throbbing to be caught like it was giving you thrill and excitement to be lured in?
"---Might have caught a witness this time," Henry bluntly confessed, his tone quite exuberant from the expected emotion you imagined him to be in; sounding like he caught the biggest fish in the sea as he went on to talk.
"---Don't worry. This one's mine. I'll do all the interrogating tonight,"
Then, you've heard the shuffling of his clothes, thinking that he'd tuck his phone inside his pockets before you've felt him crouch beside you; slowly and painstakingly.
Warm set of thick fingers clasped onto your fretful ones, his touch sending sparks and probably knives from how tender yet threatening it felt; like his softness had a trade of contract with the Grim Reaper because he didn't seem to be like a person whose heart was delicate, virtuous and guileless like how you've imagined him to be.
His face can trick you into imagining him to be the opposite of what he actually was. An unfortunate disguise that he had which infatuated you to the core. Literally.
He pried those hands away from fidgeting over your knee, his eyes burning you alive as it felt so heavy on the side of your face.
"You shouldn't have followed me, sweetheart."
His presence was near. Too near for you to handle the bad omen lingering around. Your heart stopped beating from the moment those thick, rough, calloused fingers reach out to lightly clasp around the width of your soft, silky neck. The loose grip more frightening than to receive a rougher one because it was giving you mixed signals that you've hit a nerve and your death was just being postponed for minutes.
You've unconsciously swallowed, "You've seen the murder. I know you were a smart one no matter how you were always misbehaving---but, this time; you behaved like the good girl that your parents have always believed in," Henry whispered in your ear; his fiery, hot breath fanning the side of your face in ways that got your heart pounding in such crazy exhilaration. Shivers began to shake your spine, leaving you scared and thrilled for your life.
His thumb grazed along the edge of your jaw, your primal focus on his hand ghosting over your neck like he was planning to choke you alive. Henry could have it, he could do just that with how you've easily submitted to the murderer of your night.
Those cobalt eyes were cryptic. An enigma that kept you insane and wanting for more because of how secretive he was that got you following him around. But, you obviously couldn't deny the tremor of being caught by the man himself.
Your professor forcefully turned your head to look straight into his face. Thus, there you notice splotches of blood has painted his face; such perfect canvas that has been ruined by the blood of the person's life that he has taken. Henry was almost perfect, too perfect that it leaves you thoroughly intrigued for what flaw he had because you knew, deep down; there was something more.
His nose nuzzled upon yours, the dimples of his nose slightly grazing as he lowly seethed with spite and utter sophistication, "If you were any normal person, you should have left me alone since the last two weeks,"
He knew.
Mr. Cavill knows he was being followed by you and nothing was more frightening than a smirking devil who hid behind a picturesque face that would make you kneel before him like his Acolyte. Though, you were just thinking about it that you haven't even realized you were already glorifying him before you even know it.
His breath met your mouth. Your veins were flowing faster than it ever does before, much more than your orgasms could ever take. You lightly scoffed, sounding a little more shakier than how you imagined it to be, worried about everything you've done for the last two weeks. Your actions thoroughly inconspicuous.
The stalker title taken seriously like you have done it for a long time.
"But, I'm far from sane, Sir."
You knew you were. Saying it out loud was so bold in your part. But, if you were being honest it felt like this whole shaken girl that he was seeing has just been all an act that you wanted to manipulate.
Manipulation was just the icing on the cake because you could do more than that for the man you love. The facade that everyone sees was just merely a veil that came with your fancy dress, drinking wine as you let all the plans go through your head that was written inside your secret diary that was buried under the Sycamore tree that your mother loves to disregard because of how high maintenance it was, close to reaching its death as you noticed the leaves falling every day like bad-omen was coming. Hence, she didn't like how ghastly it appeared to be like; making it a better spot for your secrets to be kept under the pile of shattered dreams and bones.
If your mother wouldn't love the horrible ones, then you were willing to appreciate its natural beauty despite of how hideous it was for everyone.
Once you love someone or something, you never let it go that easily; reaching to the level that you would do everything in your will power to get and have what you want.
Henry's grip tightened in a way that got you grinning like a Cheshire cat, he was playing a game where he was trying to let you run for the hills. Mr. Cavill was mindlessly telling you that your life wasn't useful nor significant to him; though, you knew he didn't have it in him to place the gun on your temples because if he did then you should've been dead right now.
Deep within the waves of his ocean, you've seen something valuable that can be useful for you. Your lips curled wider as you've read his eyes that secretly tells you that he was more than interested for the poker game because of the cards he set beneath his palms; confidently assured that he would win.
He had a three of a kind.
But, you hold out a straight flush.
"---I doubt you're sane for stalking me around like it is a normal thing for a student like you,"
You quietly giggled beneath being dominated within his reach. Your tongue slipped out of your mouth, the wet muscle sticking out to lick the cupid's bow of his lips which made your crime-filled professor growl from the sudden action. He harshly huffed out of his mouth, giving you a menacing flicker of his Cobalt eyes which made you laugh out louder as the pungent, metallic scent of blood wafted through both of your noses.
Tag, he was it.
Now, you had more reasons to pry into his life more than how you were invited. Howbeit, Invitations weren't needed because your strong determination was enough to trespass into his dangerous world.
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tineechi · 4 years
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 92 English Summary
Hey! Sorry for the delay. Here's the summary for Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 92.
*Insert all disclaimers about me not being a Japanese native speaker here.*
The chapter starts off with Chika running to go to school very early while remembering Chiharu and Satowa's words from the last chapter.
He arrives in the club room first and starts practicing. After morning practice, Chika is shown to be really sleepy (with his soul leaving his body) and Takezou is surprised when they found out that Chika started today's practice 2 hours earlier. Sane kind of teases him and says that he's an idiot.
Chika tells him to shut up and explains that he remembered something important so he wanted to play the koto earlier/immediately. They ask him "Something important"? Everyone is now listening to him as Chika continues on to say that Baa-chan said before that sound is another form of language/another way to communicate and that his grandfather said that sound resonates/shows the heart. He says that recently he has been thinking a lot about the technical aspects of playing and he forgot about these things. Sane and Kota realize this as well and agrees with him.
Chika thinks to himself that "also...it is not right to forget and remember the important thing constantly..."; with Satowa in the background of the panel, his thoughts continue with "...I have to learn it like second nature." (Not sure about this specific line. Sorry! Native speakers, correct me if I'm wrong. :p)
Takezou thinks to himself that Kudou is amazing. He thinks that Chika, compared to him, always aims to understand things in a  deeper level. He also thinks that he, being the club president, can't lose. He looks more serious and Chika smiles at him.
The scene moves to Hiro and her thinking about what she should do. She thinks that right now the club's atmosphere is really good. She agrees with what Chika has just talked about and she knows that everyone is just positive and looking forward. But she can't help but be worried about Satowa and Chika.
She remembers the scenes in Baa-chan's place and thinks "But that thing happened and that thing happened and Chika went to Satowa's house alone!" She also remembers a scene earlier when Sane asked Chika about what happened yesterday (In Satowa’s house) and Chika answered with "It was great! I learned a lot!”. She feels that these are inadequate information. She continues to be torn about wanting to ask about it and thinking if everyone else is not worried about what had happened. While deep in her thoughts, Satowa calls out to Hiro and asks if she is okay. She asks if Hiro isn't feeling well.
Hiro is touched by her concern and answers with "Sorry. I am okay." while thinking that she can't tell Satowa that she couldn't sleep last night because she was worried about the two of them.
Satowa answers with "If you say so... but please don’t overdo it." Hiro is a bit shocked and remembers when Satowa also said that she won't burden the club anymore. She thinks to herself that maybe Satowa is sorting out her feelings and maybe she shouldn't say anything about this/she should just mind her own business but she remembers Satowa's embarrased and pained expressions. Hiro decides that she doesn't want Satowa to feel those feelings; to feel like her emotions are troublesome/burdensome to the club. T_T
While everyone is going out of the club room, Hiro calls out to Satowa and asks to talk to her. Sane and Kota ask what it is about and if something happened. Hiro tries to explain but is unsure how to tell them. Takezou, understanding that this topic needs privacy, convinces everyone to go because they'll be late for homeroom. (Major brownie points for a sensitive Takezou!!! <3)
Hiro starts off with apologizing for suddenly holding Satowa back but she says that she needs to talk about what happened with Chika. Satowa is obviously taken aback. Hiro tells Satowa that yesterday she said that she won't be a burden to the club anymore. She tries to explain that maybe she was shocked when she was swayed by Chika but Satowa interrupts with "SORRY! I understand. It was really the worst! It was childish and I only thought of myself. I even worried you Hiro-senpai. I'm sorry. But it is okay already".
Hiro takes her hand and shouts out that she thinks that it is good to cherish it. Satowa is astounded and they look at each other seriously while holding hands. T_T
Satowa says "Eh?" and Hiro smiles. Hiro hugs Satowa and says that "Ah. So you were really thinking like that... I understand. I definitely understand". She tells Satowa that everyone is working hard for the club and she also felt like she shouldn't have those kinds of feelings. Satowa is a bit startled and pulls away a little from the hug to look at Hiro's face. She says "Hiro-senpai... you too?" Hiro smiles widely and tells her "But it's a secret, okay?"
She tells Satowa that she is the same. She explains that she fell into self-loathing and wanted to throw away those feelings and emotions. She said that she thought that she had to lose it but Suzuka-chan-sensei found out about it. Satowa reacts with "Eh?!" XD
While smiling widely, Hiro tells Satowa that Suzuka-sensei said "In any case, let's use that power". :D (SUZUKA SENSEI FTW)
Hiro assures Satowa with "If it is you, you can definitely use it as a power for the koto". Satowa is still a bit apprehensive because she remembers the past with her Mom and Akira-sensei (when she used the power of her emotions to play the Koto and she hurt them accidentally). She sadly tells Hiro that she might make a mistake again and someone might get hurt. T_T
Hiro remembers the scene where Satowa misunderstands the reason for Chika trying to avoid touching her and Chika saying that he was trying to avoid touching her because he might want to touch her all the time and that he doesn't want her to feel bad about it. She smiles gently and tells Satowa that Chika and her are very much alike. Again, Satowa is unsure about what Hiro meant. But Hiro thinks to herself that to the both of them, the club is very important (I think it was unwritten in Hiro's internal monologue but she knows that Satowa and Chika like each other but the club is also very important so they hold back.)
Hiro just tells Satowa that "It's okay. Houzuki-chan, you're not alone. Even if Chika's every single move may make you happy, make you sad or may make you angry, those are feelings that won't shake/affect our club (I think she meant affect the club in a negative way; IMHO, people in love can be more expressive in their craft. HEHEHEHE. So pour out all that love in your performance Satowa! XD) . So, be at ease/relax. Houzuki-chan, it is good to cherish your own feelings!"
The bell rings and Hiro says that they should go. Satowa calls out for Hiro-senpai and sincerely tells her "Thank you!". Hiro smiles and tells Satowa to hurry. Satowa remembers Chika's face, thinks about Hiro telling her that it is okay for her to feel that way and that it is good to cherish that feeling and a tear falls from her eyes.
Hiro enters the classroom and apologizes for being late. The teacher says that Kurata already told him that she had to do something for the club. Hiro looks at Takezou and is extremely touched by his gesture while thinking "Kurata..."
She sits on her chair and thinks "Thanks!". Takezou throws a note on her desk that says "Is Houzuki doing okay?" and Hiro shows a thumbs-up. Takezou smiles and throws another note. This one says "Wonderful Vice-president!" and Hiro smiles to herself. (HAHAHAHA. I love these two! This is too wholesome!)
Closing notes say "supporting each other... the Nationals competition is a month and a half away".
I wonder if next chapter Chika will say something to Satowa when she comes in late into the classroom with teary eyes. :D
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inu-jiru · 4 years
Tomoe, the Eastern Tigress - Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen - Enter Genba!
“Gyaaaaah!” An Ohu male let out a dying scream as fangs tore through him like paper. What had once been a small patrol of dogs now lay in the snow, their bodies shredded and mangled. A large paw landed one of their heads. “Mmph,” the murderer of the unfortunate males grunted. “Too easy. None of these fools were Ohu’s best. They all must be hiding out in Gajou, the cowards.” The bloodthirsty dog was a massive harlequin Great Dane, much like Hougen, though his ears were undamaged and flopped at the middle. This was Genba, brother of the tyrant. With vibrant, yellow eyes, the male looked around, huffing impatiently. “Where the hell are those bastards…?” he grunted impatiently. “If they don’t report to me by the next hour, they’ll regret it. C’mon, you lot. Let’s keep cleaning up in the meantime, hehehehe.” “Won’t we recruit any of them, sir?” asked a soldier. Genba’s jowls peeled back as he flashed his fangs in a wicked smile. “Not a single one of Gin’s allies leaves this mountain alive,” he responded. With that, the march was on. An army of three hundred males began their climb up the mountain. Genba licked his chops; he hungered for the taste of Ohu blood. “Sergeant Ben!” cried Mel, his voice bouncing off the stone walls of the Ohu stronghold. As he entered the main chamber, the puppy saw Ben jolting awake. Instinctually, he looked around, though he could only see blackness. “What’s that?” Ben barked, slightly panicked. His nose quivered, catching the scent of Mel nearby. He turned towards the approaching puppy. “Mel? Is that you? What’s the matter?” “I think there’s enemies trying to enter Ohu territory,” explained Mel. “They told me they wanted to join Ohu, but something didn’t seem right about them. I sent them in the opposite direction, but…” The puppy shuddered. “I think this might have to do with Hougen.” “Damn…” muttered Ben, his brow furrowing. He stood up. “We need to get everyone back here. With luck, we can hold back an enemy attack on Gajou.” “But will we be enough, sir?” asked Mel cautiously. “We don’t know how many dogs are gonna be coming.” “That may be, but the least we can do is try and keep a hold on Gajou for as long as we can. We’ve just reclaimed Gajou; I’m not about to lose it “Sergeant…” the Golden Retriever gasped admirably. Ben’s words filled Mel with inspiration; his fears began melting away as the pup’s chest swelled with confidence. “How can I help, sir?” “Lead me outside,” Ben instructed. He held up a foreleg. “I’ll howl for the others.” “Sir!” replied Mel, before padding to Ben’s side and grabbing his foreleg gently in his maw. Together, both males slowly made their way to the entrance of Gajou. The base was mostly empty of dogs; those who weren’t patrolling or hunting were resting and enjoying meals. Noticing the ex-General, the small gathering of soldiers sat up, their ears perking in attention. “Sergeant?” called a male. “What’s going on?” “Prepare yourselves,” responded the old Dane. “We may be in for a fight.” “Sir!” the dogs replied in union. They got up, taking their places in front of Gajou and staring out into the woods. Mel, meanwhile, guided Ben up the rocky structure, up to the very top. When the Great Dane felt that the time was right, he raised his head and unleashed a deep, booming howl. At the edge of the forest, gazing out at the stronghold, the leader of Genba’s seven scouts began to smirk. “You guys go and get Lord Genba,” he ordered. “I’ll keep watch, heh.” Nodding, the other six males were off, leaving their scarred leader as he set his sights on Mel. He bared his fangs. As soon as Genba gave the word, he was making a beeline for that lying, little twerp. The minutes passed, and soon the Ohu base was beginning to fill with the remains of the army and its Mutsu allies. The Veterans gathered at the base of Gajou. “What’s going on, Ben?” Jiyū called out. “Intruders,” the Dane replied roughly. He lifted his paw again and Mel quickly helped him down from atop Gajou. “I don’t know how many for certain, but my gut tells me we’ll be in for quite a fight.” “Hougen’s come here already…?” murmured a concerned Wilson. “Moss and Musashi still haven’t returned. Even with the dogs from Mutsu, our numbers might not be enough…” “Who gives a damn about numbers?” snapped Kurotora. “My boys’ll cut half of the enemy’s troops down with a single move. We won’t be fighting long.” “Don’t be so cocky, Kurotora,” Akame warned. “Even Battouga wielders can be overwhelmed by great numbers.” “What are you doubting them for?” the hot-blooded Kai shot an angry look at the ganin. “You really think they’ll lose to a--” “We’re wasting time arguing like this,” Cross interrupted. Kurotora growled in response, but otherwise said nothing. The Saluki turned to her mate. “Tell us what to do, Ben.” “Kisaragi,” said Ben, taking a whiff of the air and glancing in the direction of where he smelled the Husky. “If it’s alright, I’d like for the others to form small platoons with the dogs you brought. When the intruders come, you’ll all lead your platoons into battle as you see fit. Remember, no one is to throw their lives away needlessly. If we have to fall back...then so be it.” “Yes!” most of the Veterans responded. Kurotora, however, was still fuming. He refused to believe that Ohu could be taken down again, especially not by a bunch of flea-bitten mutts. His and Chutora’s sons knew the way of a Kai dog: they fought to the death. Kurotora’s brother, Akatora, was proof of that mindset. As the Veterans split, beginning to seek out dogs for their platoons, Kurotora immediately sought out the young Kais. “Dad,” Harutora began. “There you are. We came as fast as we could.” “Good,” the black Kai replied. “Because all that training I’ve put you boys through is being put to the test today. Get ready.” “We are, Uncle,” assured Shouji. “But don’t tell us you’ll be fighting too…?” “Of course I am.” Kurotora looked offended at the suggestion that he would ever miss out on a battle. “Why the hell wouldn’t I?” Neither Shouji, nor the other young Kais responded, though Chutora’s boys all shared concerned glances. Kurotora grunted impatiently. “Come on, then. You boys’ll be under my platoon. We’ll show this pack of mutts what Ohu soldiers are made of.” The next few minutes were tense and silent. Each platoon stood, facing a part of the forest. They were each spread apart from each other, making it impossible for the enemy to approach unnoticed. As the minutes passed, a rumbling filled the air, the threatening bays of enemy dogs following shortly after. Jiyū stood before the dogs under command, her heart pounding in her chest. If even a single one of Genba’s dogs managed to cut her down… No, the panda Shepherd thought, shaking her head. She wouldn’t die, not before seeing her family again. For the sake of surviving this war, she’d take down any dog who dared to approach her. A cold, white flake landed on her nose. Staring up towards the sky, Jiyū noticed that it had started snowing. Within minutes, the winds began picking up. A blizzard had come to the Pass, and the forest was soon partially obstructed by the increasing snowfall. The platoon leaders peered through the snow as best they could. There was faint movement coming from the edge of the woods. Genba’s soldiers marched onto the stone battleground, led by the Great Dane. “They’re here…!” Kisaragi gasped, his eyes widening as the large number of enemy dogs. The rest of the Ohu Army braced themselves. At Ben’s signal, they’d attack. Across from them, Genba was taking notice of what stood before him. “How cute,” he purred. “Even with their smaller numbers, they still think they can win. This’ll be easy.” With that, he raised his head and let out a howl for his lackeys to attack. Immediately, Genba’s army rushed forward. “Ohu!” Ben’s voice boomed in retaliation. “Defend!” HRAAAAAAAH! The distance was closed between the two armies. The unstoppable force was met with an immovable wall of Ohu soldiers. The members of each platoon moved forwards, assisting their leaders in keeping as many dogs out as they could. Fangs tore necks and claws gored bellies. Genba’s troops came in waves; a number of dogs would attempt to break through Ohu’s numbers, only to be launched back the way they came. The strength of Ohu had not been lost. Among Genba’s army, the Husky male that had led the search for Gajou was searching the battlefield for Mel. He hung behind the rest of the fighters, scanning each platoon for the little, golden pup. As he approached the area where Akame’s platoon was fighting, he could make out Mel’s little body as the youngster dove to the side, lashing out with his hind paw and giving an enemy a kick in the throat. It was an impressive feat for someone his age, but his luck would soon run out. The vengeful male pushed past his comrades, dashing for Mel. “You’re mine!” he roared. Mel only had seconds to turn and face him before fangs clamped down on his neck. Mel could only let out a sharp, croaking sound as his airway was cut off. Sneering, the Husky picked Mel up and bashed him into the ground. “This is what you get for lying to me,” he seethed. “You should’ve run away while you had the chance, brat, gyahaha!” By now, Mel was having trouble staying conscious. Desperately, he swung his forepaws, trying to pry the male’s jaws apart. The Husky snickered. “What’s the matter? Does it hurt? Heheh...good.” No…! Mel thought. His eyes burned with tears. If he died here, everything he’d done to become an Ohu soldier would’ve been for nothing. He might as well have died by the fangs of his old boss, Blue. Had what Weed told him all those weeks ago been true? Was his spirit really weak? “Not…” Mel choked quietly. A single tear streamed down his cheek. “...weak…” “Eh?” The Husky raised a brow. “What’s that, pipsqueak? Speak up. I wanna hear you beg.” “Not…weak...!” said Mel again, this time, his brow furrowing as he attempted to gather all of his strength. He tucked in his hind legs and shot out a paw. The puppy heard a bloodcurdling scream; the Husky’s grip on his neck loosened. Quickly, Mel slid out from beneath the male and got to his paws. Facing the male, Mel could now see what damage he’d done: he’d stabbed into the Husky’s eye with his claws, permanently rupturing it. The young retriever’s heart raced. He’d battled before, but this was the first time he’d injured an enemy like this. The fight wasn’t over yet, however, and if the Husky wasn’t filled with homicidal rage before, he definitely was now. “You…” he seethed, glaring at Mel with his remaining eye. He pounced, saliva dripping from his parting jaws. “You worthless, little--!” Mel darted beneath the Husky, catching him by the throat and cutting him off mid-insult. With a grunt, Mel flung the male down onto his back, forcing a yelp from his maw. Without wasting a second, the puppy bit down on the Husky’s exposed neck. He felt the enemy male’s muscles tense. “You wouldn’t…” the Husky hissed, though his voice trembled from fear. Mel’s brow furrowed. Without hesitation, he jerked his head back, the wet sound of ripping flesh following behind. The Husky gurgled, blood filling his throat and mouth. It wasn’t long before everything went black. Mel lifted his head, gasping for breath. At that very moment, Mel had become a new dog. He left the Husky’s body there, joining his rest of his packmates in combat. By now, Genba was losing his patience. The Ohu soldiers weren’t the pushovers he assumed they’d be, and the waves of attacks were being repelled with little difficulty. With a growl, the Great Dane lifted his head, calling out over the battle: “That’s it! All of you, attack at once! Crush their barrier!” Genba’s army obeyed, now charging the Ohu Army as one, large wave of death. The Ohu Platoons stuck together, desperately trying to keep the enemy out. Unfortunately, Genba’s minions had no desire to fight fair. Two, three, and sometimes four dogs would tackle an Ohu soldier, not even giving them the chance to try and fight back. “Ben!” Cross cried as three enemy soldiers aimed for her mate. Ben, already occupied with one enemy, swiveled his ears in order to pick up the sounds of the approaching males. With a grunt, he swung the male he was clutching onto, smacking away one of the three soldiers. Cross assisted, delivering a headbutt to a second male. The final soldier, however, skirted around the old Saluki and caught her by the flank, sinking in his fangs. “Gyaaaah!” “Cross!” Ben cried in alarm. The Dane was about to turn and assist his beloved, but another pair of soldiers pounced on him, one tearing at the side of his neck and the other gripping a paw. With his lack of sight and the overwhelming scents and sounds surrounding him, Ben was now at a major disadvantage. Blindly, the male chomped at the air and swung his head like a battering ram. Cross, meanwhile, reached back and grasped her attacker by the back of the neck. Then, she flung him against one of his comrade’s holding Ben. Both males yelped in pain before lying on the snow, dazed and injured. With only one male left to fight, Ben effortlessly managed to throw him off with a swing of his head. The final male vanished into the blizzard; some other Ohu soldier could deal with him. “Are you alright, Cross?” asked Ben, panting from exertion. Even with all of his strength, he was still incredibly old, especially for a Great Dane. Cross leaned against him, licking his cheek. “I’m alright,” the bitch replied. “Just a couple of scratches. But I don’t think we can keep this up, Ben.” The Saluki paused, taking a quick glance around. The individual platoons had fallen, with Ohu’s soldiers now gathered together in order to protect their allies. Most of Kisaragi’s soldiers had fallen, as did much of Ohu’s remaining troops. “We need to fall back, Ben!” “Dammit…” Ben cursed, his ears falling slightly. He shouldn’t have been surprised, and yet the thought of having to flee their base once again left a particularly sour taste in his mouth. Still...what sort of man would he be if he allowed the rest of his troops to be killed? With a sigh, Ben raised his head. “Ohu soldiers! Fall back!” At Ben’s command, most of the Ohu survivors began to flee, rushing in the direction of Gajou. Jiyū gritted her teeth, the burning pain of defeat hurting more than her physical wounds. The only dogs to remain where they were were Kurotora and the young Kais. Harutora and Nobutora were prepared to run, but their father barked at them sharply. “Where are you two going!?” “Father…?” asked Nobutora timidly. He glanced back at the fleeing Ohu Army. “Mr. Ben gave the order to leave; shouldn’t we--?” “Hell no!” Kurotora snapped. He and his nephews continued taking on approaching soldiers, trying to keep them at bay. “A Kai Ken never runs from a fight. My brothers never did, and I sure as Hell don’t plan to!” “Kurotora!” a new voice called. Glancing over his shoulder, Akame returned to the battlefield. “Didn’t you hear Ben!? Fall back!” “Like Hell I will.” “Uncle, perhaps you should go with Mr. Akame,” Shouji suggested. Kurotora stared at his nephew in disbelief. “Have you lost your mind, Shouji?” barked the old Kai. “I have plenty of fight still in me.” “You’re the one who raised us,” Buru said, pausing to dispatch an enemy. “If you died here, we’d never forgive ourselves.” “Fool!” Kurotora was seething now. “I’m not gonna--” “Let’s go, Kurotora!” Akame interrupted, grabbing the Kai’s scruff in his jaws. “The rest of you boys fall back; that’s an order.” “Let go!” screamed Kurotora, struggling in Akame’s grip. His vision had gone red from anger. “Let go of me!” Nobutora and Harutora shared a glance, before aiding the ganin in dragging their father off. Despite his protests, Kurotora was taken towards the cliff behind Gajou. Most of the Ohu soldiers had leapt down into the river already; it was time for them to follow. “AKAME!” roared Kurotora as he felt himself being pulled down into the abyss. At Ohu’s base, Chutora’s four sons remained, facing the enemy pack and surrounded by the bodies of dogs they’d once called comrades. They fought against Genba’s army as best they could, hoping to bring down as many as they could before their inevitable deaths. In their minds, they all had the same thought: Uncles...Father...this is our final moment. May the rest of our comrades use our sacrifice to their advantage. “Grah!” Buru howled as multiple sets of fangs tore at his flesh. He stumbled, soon being overtaken by Genba’s males. “Buru!” cried Dodo, before he, too, was tackled. His cries rang out as a swarm of enemies wasted no time in ripping him apart. “Brothers!” Shigure sobbed. Tears burned in his eyes; how could his brothers have been slaughtered in a matter of seconds!? The Kai mix felt someone grabbing his scruff, and his heart fluttered. Quickly, he began to struggle with a growl. “Easy, kid!” Smith’s voice caught his ears. “It’s me!” “Uncle Smith!?” asked Shigure in disbelief. The Spaniel didn’t respond as he began pulling the younger male away. “Eh? Wait! I can’t leave, Uncle! Me and Shouji...we can do this!” “Don’t be stupid!” Smith scolded. “We’ll be back for Gajou soon, but right now, you and Shouji’ll--!” “Take this!” Shouji roared from afar. Smith and Shigure looked to see the male launching himself into the sky, over Genba’s army. His body cut through the air like a serpent, the Ran Daryushin-Battōga, and was aiming towards the Great Dane. Genba, who’d been watching the entire battle from the safety of the treeline, looked up at the approaching Kai. He smirked. SWOOSH! A single swing of Genba’s paw picked up a curtain of snow, blocking Shouji’s sight. “Uh!?” Shouji cried out in alarm. He couldn’t see Genba at all! Perhaps it wasn’t too late to stop his Battouga…? As the thought came to Shouji’s mind, the snow fell back to the ground. Shouji could now see Genba’s parted fangs ready to chomp down on his head. “SHOUJI!” Shigure screamed. “GAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Shouji’s head exploded into a shower of blood and brain matter. Genba dragged his body to the ground, bashing it against the snow. The scream ended as suddenly as it began. Shouji was dead. “Shouji!” Shigure was wailing, hot tears now running freely down his face. Smith, who’d watched in absolute dread, felt his legs begin to weaken. How could this be happening? Why now? Why after they’d just gotten Gajou back from Kaibutsu!? Genba’s dogs now advanced towards the two males, the final obstacles needing to be killed. Smith, though he desperately longed to cry for the fallen Kais, began to drag the screaming and crying Shigure away to the cliff. As Akame had done, Smith had no choice but to force the young Kai down into the river. Shigure’s wails were the last thing Genba’s army heard before the battlefield had gone silent. Genba, still holding onto the lifeless Shouji, slowly began to pad to the cliffs, his remaining soldiers following behind him. The air was heavy with the scent of blood and death, not that Genba seemed to care. His paws kicked and crushed any carcass that lied in his path, no matter if they were friend or foe. The soldiers, on the other hand, had a bit more respect. Even if Ohu had been the enemy, it was foolish to deny that they’d fought with honor and courage. “Hmph,” Genba finally grunted, stopping as he peered over the cliff. “Those Ohu bastards...so obsessed with honor that they’d rather take themselves out rather than feel my fangs. How boring. Still...it does make things easier for me, heh.” The Dane turned back to his comrades. “Oi. Start clearing away these bodies. This place needs to be spotless for when my brother arrives.” “Shall we bury them all?” asked a grunt. “Pheh,” Genba scoffed. “Don’t be stupid. Why waste time on burials when…” Genba paused, taking up Shouji by the back of his neck. He held him over the cliffs, the soldiers looking on, wide-eyed. “...we can toss ‘em out like the trash they are?” With hesitation, Genba threw the Kai dog down into the rapids. The soldiers flinched at the faint splash. What a monster Genba was! Silently, they slipped away, following their leader’s orders. Meanwhile, the sadistic Great Dane threw back his head, cackling madly. “I did it, Hougen!” cried Genba triumphantly. “Ohu is DEAD!” The howl of victory echoed through the mountain, down after the retreating Ohu soldiers. Kurotora, who’d still been struggling violently against Akame and his sons, stopped to listen. “Son of a bitch…!” he growled. “What have you three done!? Chutora’s boys...my boys…!” “They should’ve retreated behind us,” replied Akame reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Kurotora. We’ll all return to fight another--” “NO!” Kurotora’s single eye glistened. Though the river’s water was freezing cold, the fire in the old Kai’s blood wasn’t dampened. “There won’t be another fight, not for my boys! Nobutora! Harutora! You both should know that more than anyone, and yet…!” “Father, you have to understand,” argued Harutora. “Not even you could’ve taken on that many dogs! Even our cousins knew that!” “Why do you think I’m so angry then!?” A tear now rolled down Kurotora’s cheek. “Shouji, Buru, Dodo, Shigure…! They’ll fight to the death! You hear that bastard!? He’s won! He’s...he’s killed…!” Akame’s blood ran cold as the realization settled in. Nobutora and Harutora, despite their firm grips on their father, felt themselves begin to tear up as well. A hopeless Kurotora let out a sudden, anguished wail, one that rang out over the fast-paced winds.
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ducklooney · 5 years
Problems at work
As I started yesterday, I continue today and will probably only next week (commitments around college so I can't write my fanfiction story these days, sorry about that) and this story of mine will continue first with Donald and his work, and then later with something else, which will be the main theme of my first fanfiction story. For the first chapter you can see here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/188288119589/my-first-fanfiction-quack-pack-fanfiction
If you have any questions about what I am doing, feel free to ask me and please correct me for any mistakes so I can continue on where I left off:
Chapter Two
Donald leaves downtown Duckburg and gets off the bus at a bus station and hurries to his workplace, the Everett Ducklair Building, or the Ducklair Tower, which was one of the tallest buildings in Duckburg. It was where inventions designed mainly by Everett were designed, and the Channel 00 television and internet station, where Donald and Daisy worked as cameramen and reporters, was housed in the same building. He pushed among humans (and humans, and most of all anthro-animals) to get to his workplace because he was certainly too late. Somehow, he managed to get to Ducklair Tower and reported to the porter that he had arrived. It was already seven o'clock in the morning. When he answered the doorman, in the meantime, Donald swung violently through the moving door that went in a circle and suddenly found himself outside again. He soon regained consciousness and returned to the building again, answering to the doorman, and found himself with a well-known journalist and reporter who had just swung him through the sliding door, unaware that it was Donald. His name was Angus Fangus, whose origin is from New Zealand, where he is from, and he is a kiwi bird. In fact he was partly his superior boss after Everett. When Donald re-entered, he was behind Angus and suddenly with his clumsiness pushed him away, but luckily Angus did not fall. Angus then turned and said to Donald: "What are you doing ?! And how early are you?" "And, uhhhh, I don't know, Chief Everett ordered me to come at this time," Donald replies with shyness and confusion. "Everett ordered ?! Well then, since you shouldn't have come today, at least for me. And you're wearing that stupid Hawaiian shirt again. I told you not to wear it to your workplace," Angus replies angrily. "Have a day off today ?! Well I didn't, I knew. Oh well, then I'll be home." - Donald said and then whistled to the door. However, Angus then took him by the shoulders and brought him back: "Not so fast. Once you are there, go to the archive where the paperwork is heavy and digitize it through the printer, and copy copies of all our channel's documents and reports in recent years. That must be over by tomorrow. Is that clear?!" "Sure boss. Yes, sir." Donald replied sadly and went to the elevator up to the seventh floor to do the digitization, and Donald was known to be unable to handle the new technologies. As he turned to the elevator and until Angus saw, Donald climbed Angus as if he were a naughty boy, since he did not love him. He soon runs to the elevator, not to notice Angus what he is doing, and so he manages to reach the elevator and the seventh floor. Basically, he has problems when he goes by elevator and sometimes he has to go up stairs, luckily this time it didn't happen to him. And it reaches the seventh floor and enters the document room and one printer and scanner with lots of documents, filings, complaints and reports on everything and everything. Poor Donald. Still, Donald is pouring into his confidence and moving on with his work. Donald, meanwhile, thought he luckily did not see Everett, nor did he receive any charges against him, nor did he receive inconvenient criticisms or reprimands, despite being late. Then Donald thought to himself, "Um, it looks like Louie Duck is really giving me luck. Maybe I should have taken him anyway. Maybe not." Meanwhile, while Donald was thinking of something else, he accidentally scanned his hand and squeezed it and suddenly several copies of his hands came out on the computer. Donald tries to erase it, however he erases everything and suddenly the printer starts to worsen. Many copies of one report came out of the printer, and Donald tried to pick up all that paper, but to no avail. He manages to get his hand out of the scanner, but again everything goes wrong. The computer goes crazy, the printer keeps printing what it doesn't need, and Donald buys papers everywhere. And so until those machines exploded and at that time the fires began to spread in that room. Luckily, Donald finds a fire extinguisher and extinguishes the fire, but by the time the fire is extinguished it was too late. Most of the documents were burned, but luckily the computer was left whole. Somehow, the computer itself turned off and on again. Donald sat on the floor and when he saw the whole mess and the rest of the documents left over, he got sad and started crying, "Why?! Why does everything have to go wrong every day? Why do these things have to happen to me?! Why? Why? every accident must fall on me, why? Am I damned?! ", and so Donald hooks up with his unfortunate fate not believing that he will get out in the end because of this mess. He was afraid of the worst, not to get fired. He'd been fired before, but if he got it again, he worried he'd have a hard time finding a job next time. He thought that he would not deal with the crime later, like his nephews, and that they would all end up in prison. When he thought about things, he wept again and said, "Poor me! Buhuhuhuhuh..." He shed a lot of tears. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door and Donald says he's busy and can't go in and he cried again and shed tears, however this unknown guest came into the room and stood behind Donald and suddenly raised Donald to get up. 
"Don't cry, my cousin. Unhappy things happen to everyone. If I need you I can help you." At that moment, Donald stopped crying and shed tears and turned to face unknown and when he saw the video he hugged him and then asked him: "What are you doing here?! Don't you know that it is forbidden for the unemployed to enter this building then into this room?!" That unknown guest was none other than Donald's cousin, Fethry Duck, who was wearing a hoodie sweater and certainly a little red with a slightly yellowish color and matching his cousin Donald: "I don't know. I kind of went in when no one else was looking. Uh, this room is really clean." "There was a fire here that took more than half the documents, so it looks like there's nothing." - replies Donald dissatisfied. "Well, look what I found on this computer. It says that all the documents have been scanned and stored in the archive. What archive?!", Fethry asked curiously. "Probably on this computer, there are files for such things," Donald replies, but suddenly he pauses and asks Fethry, "What did you say?!" "I said I saw that it says that all the documents are stored in the archive, probably as you say on this computer," said Fethry, and suddenly Donald pushed him, "Sorry cousin, but I have to look at that. See, really, all the documents are stored in Donald. ”Donald responds abruptly and notices that all the scanned reports and documents have ended up in Recycle Bin, a program that is deleted but not permanently and where deleted files are stored. "Look really. Well, how stupid I was, I thought everything was deleted and everything had fallen into oblivion. Now, I'll put all the documents back and put them in the proper program," Donald said, smiling a little and grasping for head that he thought he was going to experience the worst. And do so and then hug Fethry and kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you Fethry! I don't know what I would do without you. "You don't have to thank me and can you please let me go," Fethry asked. Donald let him go and then told Fethry, "You're welcome. And to be honest I'm not very smart, certainly not with this technology. But I wonder how you know about this stuff? I know you're not very skilled in technology." "Hehehehe ... Years of experience have taught me that, and one person has taught me that too, so I have no problem with such things unless something goes wrong like in this case." “Great, but who is this person?” Fethry asked him. "Um ... that's not a person, it's ..." Donald replies and answers halfway, realizing that he must not reveal his mentor, called One (Uno), who was a computer duck. Otherwise, this One helped him with this scan of documents, since he has the power to enter the world of computers, since he himself is part of a programmed computer, except that Donald did not know that One helped him. After a moment, Donald continues, "It is already someone whose identity is so secret that he must not be revealed or be damned to anyone who knows the secret." Fethry got scared and said, "God forbid! Then it better be your secret Hmm ... otherwise is there any help with this business or is it?" "No, this is all the work I've done. We can go home now," Donald replies. "Great, can I keep your boys safe ?!" "No, you can't, Fethry," Donald replies angrily, but again this says, "Don't worry, we're going to have some coffee or tea now, if you like?" “Yes!” Fethry says cheerfully, and then the two of them head for the door and suddenly meet Daisy Duck. "Daisy ?! What are you doing here ?!" Donald asked awkwardly. "Hi Donald. Good luck finding you after I have to tell you I got a message from Everett about a new job." "What kind of work ?! We already have a job. Don't they move us ?!" Donald asked awkwardly. "Oh, Donald, don't be funny," Daisy smiles, "It's not what you think. We have two jobs at St Canard where we need to interview and record an important person and not just him, but some other personalities as well." "What kind of personalities and what are we going to do at St Canard?! Can't you see I'm busy?" "I see, half this room is strewn with ash, right?" Daisy asked awkwardly. "Yes, but all the documents are stored on your computer." Donald shyly replies. "All right then," Daisy smiles, "My Donald. All in all, we have to leave today and this afternoon." "This afternoon?! Wait, we have time for that." "Unfortunately, Donald doesn't have time. It's 12 o'clock." "Noon?! Then, Fethry, nothing else, I'll honor you the second time, I have to take an important trip with Daisy."-Donald said nervously, grabbing Daisy from her arms and running toward the elevator.
Fethry replies, "Ah, well then. It will be another time and I wish you a happy journey and say hello to Huey, Dewey and Louie from me." Fethry, all happy, went to the elevator, waiting for the queue to come in afterwards, and to get out and go to the door of that building and go joyfully to Fethry through downtown.
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Make Your Mark, 3/10
Series: Undertale, Underswap Relationship(s): US!Sans/Reader Chapter Warnings: Suggestive joking, language  
AO3 Link
In a world where soulmates exist, monsters and humans have one thing in common: the first time two soulmates touch, a mark randomly appears somewhere–anywhere– on their bodies to represent their match.
It still doesn’t make relationships easier…but maybe it does make them a little more interesting!
Sans hasn’t yet had the pleasure of being invited to your bedroom, but it’s not as if it’s hard to find.
He can hear your great, wracking coughs from the living room, and what kind of friend would he be if he didn’t intervene?
He hefts his bag of supplies more securely over his shoulder and tracks you down to your inner-sanctum. His knuckles rap twice against your door—for manners’ sake—but he doesn’t bother to wait for an answer before barging right in.
“JUST AS I SUSPECTED,” he tsks at the sight of you. “YOU LOOK TERRIBLE!”
And you certainly do!
You can barely sit up to blink owlishly at him through bleary, bloodshot eyes. Your bed-sheets are in a haphazard tangle around your legs and your face is flushed—Sans can’t even tell if that’s snot dripping out of your nose or just sweat, but either way, you’ve clearly given up on trying to mop it off of yourself.
Your voice comes out of you in a pathetic croak, nothing at all like your usually delightful tones. “Sans…? What’re you…doing here? I told you not to come…” Then, as if doubting your own recollection, “…didn’t I?”
You squint at him knowingly. “…You’ve been on WebMD, haven’t you?”
You groan a little.
“I’m not dying,” you say, “and you don’t have to do anything, really… I was just gonna…sleep it off…”
Really, Sans thinks, you oughta know better than to think he’ll be that easily dissuaded.
You poor, sick, scatterbrained human. The both of you know damn well that you’re not going anywhere for the rest of the day—food and drugs and more room to cram used tissues be damned.
You could really use Sans’ help right now, and he watches you slowly realize that.
It’s not long before you physically slump back against your mattress, defeated. “I’m…not gonna be much fun,” is your last feeble protest, and Sans’ grin broadens.
And so begins Sans’ lovely afternoon taking care of his best friend and not-so-negligible crush.
………Sans will be the first to admit that he may have a case of the rose-colored glasses, here.
It’s not particularly lovely to have to dump out a bunch of snot-filled tissues…or to stop you from sleepily face-planting into your soup before you could finish it…or listen to you audibly gag at the terrible flavor of the cough syrup, triggering yourself into a wince-inducing coughing fit.
It’s actually kinda the opposite when your hacking sends a wad of…fluid…straight onto his favorite bandana, probably staining it beyond repair.
But the wide-eyed look of horror you give him just half a second afterwards shows off your entrancing eyes, and the sheer mortified panic on your face makes you look so cute, and it’s all Sans can do to hold back a laugh.
I REGRET NOTHING, he decides with ease.
Sans just reaches up to undo the knot at the back of his neck, even as you sputter, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, that’s so gross! I’ll! I’ll wash that for you, let me—”
He jerks his arm back, pulling his bandana off and out of your reach—your grasping fingers barely even graze his ulna—and he wags a finger at you.
“NO CHANCE,” he firmly tells your paling, wide-eyed self. “I’LL TAKE CARE OF IT. YOU STAY HERE AND REST, THAT’S AN ORDER!”
You’re…oddly compliant, almost uncharacteristically so…but Sans isn’t about to complain.
You just sit there and watch him leave in search of your bathroom, and Sans puts your gawping stare down to your illness.
At least…he does, until he starts to rinse his bandana in the sink and catches a strange flash of green in the mirror above it.
The soiled cloth slips right out of Sans’ fingers, his eye-lights winking out from shock at the sight of his own bare collarbone.
There’s a flower there, its stem coiling along his clavicle and bursting into a colorful bloom of petals across his manubrium.
It’s your favorite.
Sans knows that because you told him so when he asked and he's associated it with you ever since, just one of a thousand inane little facts about you that he memorized because everything you’ve ever told him feels like the most important, interesting thing he’s ever heard.
And…you’re his soulmate.
Somehow, he’s not surprised…but he is excited.
In the mirror, he sees his eye-lights pop back to life in his sockets, already star-shaped, and as lazy as it is, he doesn’t want to waste even a second—he has to see you, right now.
Sans shortcuts back into your bedroom.
In the few moments he’s been gone, you’ve managed to kick off your sheets and are puzzling very intently over your leg, where some squiggly blue lines seem to have taken shape.
“WHAT IS IT?” Sans asks eagerly, jogging all two steps up to your bed. “WHAT’S THE MARK???”
“I…I dunno?” you admit. “I’m happy, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t… It’s just, like…hexagons? And…lines? I don’t…get it…”
The up-close view triggers something in Sans, though, a nearly-buried memory from his schooldays.
Sans doesn’t bother to explain, whipping out his phone and yanking you closer by your calf in spite of your startled squeak.
“C…43, H66, N……” He quickly types the values in and looks the chemical up, clicking through to the first reputable-looking website he can find. “OKAY, THAT’S……OH. OH!”
“What?!” you demand, starting to sound distressed. “What is it?!”
“IT’S OXYTOCIN,” Sans happily informs you, discarding his phone with the cockiest smirk he’s ever worn in his life. “IT’S A HORMONE IN HUMANS. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S FOR…?”
“No…? I, uh…uh.” Your mouth drops open as Sans starts crawling onto the bed, eye-lights bright with excitement.
Sans can practically hear the, oh, holy shit racing through your mind, clear as day. His grin goes crooked when you just swallow hard and shake your head.
You yelp as Sans pounces, scooping you into his arms and snuggling you tightly against his chest. He nuzzles fervently at your sweaty neck, making you laugh even as he tucks the both of you back up against your pillows and pulls up your sheets.
You laugh until you start to cough and as much as Sans hates to hear you suffering, he can’t quite resist teasing you.
“Oh…oh god…” you breathe between rattling hacks. “…fuck…”
“Oh my god,” you wheeze, “I hate you…!”
But you turn and bury your face into Sans’ chest, clinging to him in a way that just makes him want to squeeze you tighter.
He can’t wait for you to get over this cold.
UT!Sans | UT!Papyrus | US!Papyrus | UF!Sans | UF!Papyrus | SF!Sans | SF!Papyrus | HT!Sans | HT!Papyrus
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mattness · 5 years
Space Dementia
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Another hot chapter is here /heheheh/ c: Hope you enjoy >:3 OTP: Jennifer Wright/Robert Grey !Sorry for mistakes and typos! Pleasant reading!
Chapter XI.
About three or four days ago
 The cold night descended on Derry. The yellow light of the street lamps illuminated the wet asphalt after the rain. Riley calmly headed toward the house after a noisy party. The girl was in a good mood, and the alcohol in blood made her feel even better. On her lips froze a stupid smile, and a gait with each step became more and more unsteady. The noise of the approaching car made the brunette turn around. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, noticing a friend of Aston Martin, who had recently stopped at a shopping center parking lot. The dark blue car slowed down beside Riley, who was already smiling slyly. Drunk girl's mind began to hope for a more colorful sequel to this night. The window on the passenger side slid down smoothly, and Riley bent down to look inside. "Hi, handsome! Can you give me a lift home?" she asked playfully, chewing gum noisily.
Robert looked at her sideways, but made no reply. "I don't think Jennifer would be offended by that", Riley got into the car without a doubt and slammed the door. "We're not going to tell her, are we?" Grey remained silent. Hunger gradually increased, and his mouth was filled with a viscous saliva. The man slammed the gas pedal to the floor, guiding Aston Martin straight to Neibolt street to twenty-ninth house. While he stared silently at the night road, lit by the lights of Derry, the girl talked incessantly about herself and work in the store. But Robert was not interested. He felt like this little brat was about to do something nasty. No wonder at school used to tease her a whore, casually thought Grey. Riley reached for his hand, which was resting on the shift lever, but Robert caught it. As soon as he touched the warm human skin, the desire to bite off a large piece of flesh immediately seized him. Eyes instantly became bright orange in color. Sharp fangs cut the mouth, filling it with blood. Grey somehow restrained, roughly swinging away hand girl's. "I see you like it rough", with a vulgar grin noticed Riley, turning to him on the seat. "I like that." The man noticed that they were almost there. Just a little more, and he can safely pounce on this vile girl and eat her, gnawing bone by bone. To his happiness, people did not possess telepathy, otherwise he would long ago would have lost their only source of subsistence. Of course, human food was okay, too, but compared to the same human flesh, it's disgusting. Riley boldly reached out her hands to the buckle of the belt on the pants of Robert. He hissed and rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, stopping the car right near the abandoned house. The girl enthusiastically tried to cope with the belt and shyly touched her lips with his lips. Grey frowned, not reacting to the victim's determined actions. He touched the tip of his finger to Riley's temple, causing a powerful hallucination in front of her eyes. Now she thought that this night had more a fabulous sequel. "You live here?" she asked, representing a luxurious mansion, not the old famous Derry's ruin, which the city authorities could not demolish. "Oh, yeah", Robert said coldly, getting out of the car with her. He immediately caught her by the elbow and shortened the distance to the boarded-up door. Breaking down all the boards, the man roughly pushed Riley into the corridor. She tripped over her own feet and fell to the floor, skinning right hand on the old wooden floorboards. The girl groaned from pleasure. In her inflamed brain, the hallucination continued to transform everything. She didn't feel any pain until Grey grabbed her short black hair and dragged her forcefully into a room with crumbling furniture. On Riley's white skin appeared more and new scratches, and the floorboards were left small bloody footprints. "Maybe you could be a little more gentle?" asked the little girl, and Robert thunderously laughed. "You're naive little slut!" the man cried out in a high voice, slamming the victim's unintelligent head against the wooden floor. "You're thought I brought you here to get laid?" Riley screamed in pain. A thin stream of blood ran from her temple down to face, dripping onto the floor. A glitch in front of the eyes disappeared, and she immediately started screaming and trying to escape. But Grey held her tightly, still laughing madly. The man broke one of the lumbar vertebrae, and she, feeling unbearable pain, screamed louder. With each second girl all less felt own feet. "Let me go, asshole!" "Scream, scream, Riley", Robert smiled with sharp fangs, turning her on back so she could see him. "Nobody's gonna save you anyway. No one will come to your call. In this town, no one will help you because I'm control everything here." Orange eyes ominously glazed a bit. Riley looked at him fearfully. The mad smile was terrifying, and the saliva dripping from his mouth was a direct hint of what he was going to do with her. Without another second's hesitation, Grey gripped the human flesh with fangs, biting through the carotid artery. Warm blood sprayed into his face, driving him crazy. The girl cried and begged for mercy until she went limp in his arms. Robert took pleasure in devouring human flesh, swallowing one piece after another, disfiguring the body. A pleasant feeling of satiation gradually took possession of him, forcing him to stop and drag the remains to the well, from which came a terrible stench. Robert wiped his mouth, licking the blood from his fingers and dropping the bones with scraps of meat into the well. It's fell into the dirty water of Derry with a thud. Maybe he'll come back later and finish his late dinner, but not now. Grey brought himself up, quietly and fairly hiccupping. Having removed traces of blood and that there was this nasty girl, he left the house and went to other end of the city. There was a small mansion in which Robert had lived for the last few years as a distraction. * * *  On the next sacrifice Grey found utterly accidentally. Robert smiled wily when he saw the detective he knew. He's been wanting to deal with someone who's been trying to sniff out the disappearances in Derry for a long time. Now the missing detective would alert the police even more, but Robert didn't really care. He easily hid his tracks, knowing that stupid people are unlikely to climb into the dirtiest place in the city in search of corpses. Aston Martin tried to imperceptibly pursue bright Kia, which was heading to the outskirts of the city. Robert swore, knowing that the victim was about to slip out from under his nose. But a strange combination of circumstances suddenly went to his advantage: a white car with a deafening crash crashed into a pole, and its owner immediately jumped out into the roadway. Grey smiled, grasping in his right hand the crowbar that lay at hand. If he didn't attack now, there would be no other chance. Robert got out of the car and, hiding the tire iron behind his back, carefully crept up to the detective. "Oh, man, be a friend, call the emergency", politely asked the gray-haired man, not noticing how red eyes opposite were filled with madness and began to mow. Robert swung once to make a powerful blow to the victim's skull. There was a faint crunch, and the detective fell to the ground, losing consciousness. Gray quickly oriented himself and dragged the limp body into the car, throwing the tire iron into the trunk. The house on Neibolt Street was waiting, as was the descent into the sewers. In the sewers, a detective named John Parson, who had successfully investigated murders outside Derry, came to his senses chained to a chair by rusty iron chains. His hands were tied so tightly behind his back that he could barely move. The man nervously examined everything around him, understanding nothing. How did he get into the sewers? Who brought him here? And who would want him dead anyway? Yes, the life of a detective is not easy, considering how many enemies Parson managed to get hold of for solved cases. Maybe one of the maniacs he put away years ago decided to take revenge? The man frowned, feeling his headache on the left side. The dried blood made it impossible to look around properly and find any way to get out of here. "You think you can escape?" Robert asked, laughing loudly as he watched from the shadows. "Who are you? What you want?" first of all inquired Parson. "Are you avenging me for something?" "Oh, no, John. We barely know each other", Grey replied with a smile. "Nothing personal, but I really don't like that you're trying to figure out why people are disappearing in this small town." "So this is all your fault?! You're kill people?" Robert laughed ominously, but said nothing. "Stop standing in the shadows!" John barked, trying to break free. "As you command, sir.…" The detective opened his mouth in amazement when the light came clown in white fluffy clothes. The red buttons attracted attention most of all, as did the elegant collar. The makeup on his face didn't look stupid, like the clowns in all the circuses. No. This clown was not like the others. He shook his head, and from somewhere in red hair came the faint sound of bells. "Who are you?" the detective repeated. "I'm the dancing clown", began to speak the man, struggling to walk, sneaking up to Parson, and increasingly feeling the familiar scent of fear. "Everyone calls me Pennywise." "Pennywise?! What kind of name is that?" The clown pursed his lips, one deft leap reducing the distance to the victim. John held his breath. He's been scared the hell out of clowns since he was a kid, after that horrible circus incident. Then the little Parson went on the view with mom and the clowns were the terrorists who massacred half of the audience. Since then the actors, wearing masks, jesters, did not inspire him with confidence. "Why don't you think of something better, honey?" rapaciously smiled Pennywise, and saliva out of his mouth started to drip on the pants and shirt of a detective, why he frowned. "You're crazy", John frowned. "You're belong in a mental hospital! And if you think that you will not be caught, you're deeply mistaken!" The clown laughed, but the laughter quickly changed to an ominous growl. Parson stared at the madman in the clown suit, not understanding. Pennywise grabbed him by the throat with his white-gloved hand and clenched the sharp claws around his neck. The victim complained hissed from the pain, eyes begging for mercy. "No one will ever find me in my town", viciously hissed through teeth Pennywise, exposing fangs and already wanting to begin to meal. But Parson managed to escape, why the clown was taken aback. He stared at his victim, which bounced for a few meters and already sent at him a revolver. The chain fell to the ground at the detective's feet. Perhaps Pennywise was jumping to conclusions about his victim's stupidity. "Stay back or I'll shoot you!" John shouted in despair, but It only laughed again insidiously, still drooling in anticipation. It boldly stepped forward, and a deafening shot rang out across the sewers. Pennywise frowned, feeling the bullet lodged in his chest. Not just a bullet. It was real silver. The son of a bitch worried about the gun, the creature thought in disgust. The clown winced in pain that pierced his body, but he was not going to give up. It caught up with Parson, starting to tear him apart. Loud cries of terror and pain filled the empty sewers. The crunch of bones and splashing blood cheered Robert, who devoured human flesh with relish and tried to numb the growing pain. A small silver bullet in his chest caused as much pain as a normal person causes a stab in the heart. It growled angrily when the silver cross was in his mouth. All inside in the region of the heart gradually eroded, as if under the effects of a terrible poison. Pennywise screamed in pain, jumping away from the victim's lifeless body. The clown tried to spit a piece of silver, but it didn't work. He was stuck across the throat, where his own blood began to accumulate. It doubled over, puking a black puddle in which the shape of the cross could be seen. In the head immediately darted nervously thought, trying to decide how not to die today. It's all this damn detective's fault! If it were not for him, perhaps today Robert would have been able to deal not only with him, but with Jennifer... Jennifer! It growled angrily, suddenly realizing that Jennifer was to blame for all the troubles. He needs to get to her right now! Found and kill. It's time to float, baby. Let her pay for what Pennywise was in unbearable pain. He promised himself that he would do everything possible to continue his eternal life. The clown, quickly hobbling and constantly spitting blood, went away from the sewer. * * *  Present days It was a warm summer evening. The sky turned purple and crimson, forcing Jen to enjoy the beautiful view from the cafe window. Lights slowly were lit on the streets Derry, people with every hour in district became all less. Everyone hurried home to own familys, and only a few spent the evening as well as she, in a cafe. The girl quietly waited for Robert, who was already ten minutes late. She reassured herself that maybe he was just working late or something. In the end, Grey would still come, she thought. Otherwise why she is wearing like this? Jen was wearing a light long orange dress that perfectly emphasized her slender figure. She straightened her hair slightly, put a long gold chain around her neck, and a bracelet on her right hand. She painted her eyes and a light pink glitter highlighted her lips. Wright hoped Robert would like it. Jen wrote her father a message that she is now on date, and asked just in case not to wait for her at the hospital. In response, a he send sly smiley face, causing the girl irritably rolled eyes. She put the phone aside, sighing sadly, and the next moment the door to the cafe opened again. Robert quickly spotted Jennifer and headed for the table. He unbuttoned the button of his black jacket, smiling and appreciating the dress of the girl who had risen from her seat. She looked beautiful. Yes, that's what Grey thought in the first place, oddly enough. Or was it his satiety? However, it does not matter. The man whispered in her ear how beautiful she was and kissed her gently on the cheek. Robert's plans for the evening seemed to coincide perfectly with hers. "I'm sorry I'm a little late", Grey first decided to justify himself by sitting at the table opposite her and picking up the menu. "The company called, they had some kind of information leak. In general, messed with my head, and only." "That for such employees, once allowed some hackers to hack the server?" Jen smiled. "I'm thinking of firing them", Robert smiled, and the waiter came up to them. They ordered several dishes and red semi-sweet wine, which was immediately filled with glasses. The evening for Jennifer was just gorgeous. She enjoyed Robert's company, listening to his stories and sometimes telling her own. She felt extraordinarily at ease and warm. The man often joked, and Jen genuinely laughed, embarrassed covering her mouth with hand. It's been a long time since she felt like this... In love? Grey smiled and watched her closely, reveling in her tender feelings and not believing that somewhere deep in his soul sometimes there was something similar. Too weird and new. In any case, it was too late to retreat and deny anything. He agreed to this himself. Now he had to behave in a completely different way, completely contrary to the inner "I". When all the dishes were eaten and the wine drunk, Grey felt his feet gently touched Jennifer's leg. She was smiling sheepishly, propping her head up with her hand, and Robert smiled back, moving his foot closer to hers. He knew exactly what Jen wanted right now. And the man was not against: in this stupid game called "love" you need to try everything. "You need a ride home, Jen?" Robert asked when he had paid for dinner and they were standing together in the parking lot in front of the cafe. The man took a cigarette from his jacket pocket, lighting the tip with a lighter. Jen stood beside him, shivering in the cold and hugging her shoulders. She smiled at him sadly. The dark blue car was a couple of meters away, and the house was only a block away. Grey released a cloud of smoke to the side and went with Jen to the car. The girl was once again in close proximity to him, but so far he had not said a word. Robert snorted and threw his cigarette butt out the open window. "Or we can..."  he began cautiously, and blue eyes caught his attention. "Go for a drive around Derry and his neighborhood?" "Rob!" Jen chuckled as she leaned toward him. Robert smiled, instantly covering her plump lips with his gentle kiss. The girl answered, feeling his hand on her waist and powerfully squeezed the fabric of her dress. A wave of blissful oblivion covered her head, and a pleasant warmth spread throughout her body, tightening the tight knot in the lower abdomen. Grey knew that she was beginning to balance on the edge, and so easily pulled away, hearing a sigh of disappointment. "Or shall we go to my house?" Robert suggested, and Wright smiled, gently passing her hand over his perfectly comb hair. From such small actions from the girls somehow the body went goose bumps. He felt like a kitten, which the owners never picked up and caressed and today decided to make a concession. Strange feeling… Especially for Robert, who had tried to avoid any tenderness in his direction for many centuries. Everything is too unusual, and for people — this is the norm. Jennifer nodded, and Robert started the car. The bright headlights lit up the night road, where the dark blue Aston Martin slowly drove out and headed for the outskirts of Derry. Grey first decided to show his toy a good house in which he spent most of the time when he was not looking for food. Later he will take Jennifer to 29 Neibolt street, but not today. The man peered into the road, occasionally turning the steering wheel in the right direction, while the brunette silently sat next to and enjoyed the atmosphere of the evening. Wright noticed that even silence with Robert was pleasant. She didn't feel any awkwardness, and neither did he. Sometimes it was really necessary for him not to talk about anything, just to be silent. Stupid questions always infuriated Robert and spoiled the mood. He couldn't understand what troubled people in the long silence. He was particularly irritated by the victim's own, which sometimes had to wrest the language, so they finally shut up. Thinking about his own, Grey didn't notice how carefully he moved his hand from the gear lever to Jennifer's knee. He smiled, feeling the warmth of the girl's body even through the fabric of the long dress. Robert looked at her, noticing in her blue eyes so much tenderness towards him that he could not help being embarrassed. So, in complete silence, they reached a two-storey house, which was located a couple of kilometers from Derry. The car stopped smoothly at the entrance to the garage, and Jennifer looked with interest at the modern cottage, made in pleasant shades of ocher. It wasn't like the usual Derry houses. It was more like a house from somewhere in Florida or California. Modern wouldn't fit in in the old town. Large panoramic windows on the second floor of the house immediately attracted Jen's attention. If she had been richer, she might have been happy to live in such a house. "Come", Robert called softly, already helping her out of the car. Opening the door, the man missed Wright inside and turned on the light. Before eyes girls appeared a spacious room without an extra walls and doors. There was nothing superfluous here at all. The kitchen was located to the left of the entrance to the house, and a wide staircase in the back of the house led to the second floor. Robert allowed the girl to look around a little while he went to the kitchen to quench his thirst with a glass of water. Jen with interest examined the expensive interior, the leather couch that was facing the plasma TV. Small lamps on the suspended white ceiling pleasantly illuminated the room, creating a cozy atmosphere. The girl sighed and removed legs black heels, deciding now to go to the kitchen. "It's cozy in your place", Jen said, sitting down on the high bar stool next to the marble countertop. "Perhaps, I won't call you in my house. Traumatizing you after such a luxury." Robert burst out laughing, setting his glass aside and leaning his hands on the countertop. "Here is very empty, but I there is almost never, so I don't really pay attention to it", Robert explained, quietly breathing in the pleasant scent of Jen's mixed with embarrassment. He took his jacket off his shoulders and hung it on the back of chair. Robert felt that something was shackling the brunette and didn't allow to relax. Grey went silently to her, standing in front of her. Jen turned to him on the chair and arranged her hands on his waist, gently gripping the fabric of the black shirt. Smiling, she straightened up as Grey leaned over. "Can I ask you something?" between short sweet kissing breathed out Jennifer, and he, licking lips, nodded. "Have you ever had a girlfriend, Robert?" The man, bewildered by the question, straightened up. Jen mentally cursed, realizing that she messed up. Same as usual. For her this is not the first date on which she spoiled the whole atmosphere, asking is too silly and irrelevant questions. But now the brunette was bursting with curiosity that so long ago prompted to ask Robert about it. Wright hoped that he won't be angry and won't expose her to the door, he'll not say anything bad. Grey looked into the anxious blue eyes, which were waiting for an answer. "Actually, no", he said, scratching his head a little distantly. "Does that bother you, Jenni?" "No, no, not a drop", girl cried, exhaling with relief: all is not lost. "It's just nice to know I'll be the first one you're with... you're with…" Robert chuckled, feeling her embarrassment grow stronger. Jen's cheeks blushed a little, and she immediately looked away. Now Grey let go of all his cruel thoughts that his next victim was sitting across from him. For the first time he really wanted to try and feel like an ordinary person next to a girl who was falling in love more and more every day. He desperately wanted to understand what it was like to enjoy each other's closeness and at the same time experience something incomprehensible called "love". "I'm worried, too", he admitted honestly, and taking her hand, he went into the bedroom, where he rarely went. Together they went up to the second floor of the house, where he kindly opened the door to a spacious room with panoramic windows. They offered a picturesque view of the Derry's forest. Jennifer walked to the window, very much impressed by the landscape. She did not pay attention to the large soft double bed and the dim light in the room. The girl blissfully exhaled as Robert's fingers barely touched her neck, brushing her hair over her right shoulder. He leaned down to the exposed skin, barely restraining himself from exposing his fangs. Grey fought himself and gently touched lips to Jennifer's neck. She closed her eyes, enjoying Robert's actions. The man inhaled the smell of her silky skin, feeling the pleasant electric shock run through his body. He left a trail of kisses from earlobe to collarbone, bumping into the strap of an orange dress. Grey growled with displeasure, opening his eyes, which had become the same orange. Jen woke up from the haze of oblivion, glancing over her shoulder. "Can I help you?" she whispered softly. He swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in his mouth, nodded in response and watched closely as the girl picked up the fabric at the waist and confidently pulled up. Taking off the dress over her head, Jennifer threw it somewhere to the side and was in her underwear. Robert looked greedily at the fragile shoulders, the graceful back, which at the shoulder blades crossed the black strip of the bra, then lowered his eyes below her waist, on her elastic tightened buttocks that were barely hidden by the fabric of neat lace, the same black panties. Of course, Robert had seen a naked female body before. Not times fed to of female flesh, but now... It was different now. That is why he is a bit out of breath, and from the opened view of Jen's body through his body walked unknown to him before the excitation wave. The girl smiled sheepishly under the greedy gaze of Robert. She turned to face him. Grey felt his heart skipped a beat once he saw the billowing smoothly delicious breasts from every breath Jen. He could not really explain how everything inside was overflowing with a wild animal desire, bubbling in the blood. Eyes had again acquired a reddish tint, and Robert clung to the lips of Jennifer's, kissing passionately. The girl groaned in response, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Her cheeks burned crazily, and between her legs gradually became wet. Once in the lungs out of air, Grey pulled away from the swollen lips of the girl and began kissing her neck, shoulders, collarbone. Robert was barely aware of what he was experiencing. In real life, everything was very different than described in meaningless books that he read. Everything was different than in the movies that he watched. The feelings that filled him were beyond his control. Robert began to like the excitement and desire to take possession of the beautiful body of Jennifer, who had already undid the buttons of his shirt and began to pull off his shoulders. He didn't have the usual feeling of hunger, and saliva did not accumulate abundant masses in the mouth. He didn't notice Jen unbutton the belt buckle on her pants and then the button. Pulling away from the girl, Robert was embarrassed. He looked at his own body, not understanding why it reacted so strangely. Grey wanted to ask Jennifer, but immediately forgot about this, overlooking the, as in the next second unnecessary thing flew in side. The sight of a naked woman's breasts, Robert could barely contain a guttural moan. Jennifer smiled and stepped closer, taking his hands. "It'll be all right, Rob", she said gently, and Grey nodded back. The man immediately forgot about any embarrassment, passionately kissing Jen and already falling with her on the bed. The kiss grew hotter and hotter as if Robert could not get enough of it. He found himself on top of Jennifer, feeling her thin fingers begin to leave faint marks on his back. Enjoying the full lips of the girl to the lack of oxygen in the lungs, the man pulled away and began to caress the supple and tender body. Sweet skin wanted to bite, but he skillfully restrained. Robert caressed her breasts with his tongue, his ears hearing the moans of Jennifer's bliss. He smiled, suddenly realizing that he was doing the right things. The girl lifted her hips, helping Robert to pull off the last thing. Cautiously, he removed the thin and soaking wet cloth, suddenly the scent of Wright's arousal. Grey threw aside the unnecessary thing, pressed his nose to the girl's body. He groaned in bliss, not understanding why Jennifer's arousal smelled so insanely sweet. Again covering with kisses breasts and stomach of the girl, the man went down to the pubis. Jennifer groaned loudly when Robert left a timid kiss in the most sensitive place. "Robert", the brunette hissed, indignantly, why Grey was surprised and once again loomed over her face. "Not today..." "But you're smell so sweet", he said confidently, making Jennifer blush even more. "I want you", seductive Wright smiled, passing her hand through his hair. She took the initiative, licking the skin of Robert's neck and kissing his collarbone. Jen wanted to continue, but Robert wouldn't let her, growling softly. He took off his gray boxers, throwing them somewhere to the side to the rest of the clothes. Wright laughed softly, letting him push her knees apart. The brunette settled more comfortably on the bed, looking expectantly at Grey, who didn't dare. Robert swallowed nervously, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He knew that the girl was waiting for him to decisive action. But Grey found himself embarrassed at the last moment. Excitement still raged throughout the body, clouding the mind. The man did not dare because he was afraid to do something wrong, although he knew perfectly well what had to be done. He didn't want to hurt her. And that scared Robert. "Robert", the girl called, and added quietly, "You don't hurt me." Jennifer's words restored him confidence, and he leaned over her and slowly entered to her. Jen groaned with the bliss that gripped her, and Robert too couldn't help himself. Wave of new sensations covered him, making him start to gently move. Now it could only be compared to the way he enjoyed devouring human's flesh. But the feeling was twice as strong and colorful. He began to breathe heavily, clinging to the headboard with his hands. Jennifer something unintelligible whispering and moaning, scratching the shoulders of Robert. She arched toward him, pressing her whole body against him, showing how good she felt with him now. Grey smiling, suddenly aware that he felt the same way. He leaned toward her confidently and, savoring, left another kiss on her swollen lips. Unity with Jennifer gave something more than the usual pleasure. His head was spinning pleasantly, and Robert dutifully fulfilled the requirement of the girl to speed up. Now her moans filled the whole bedroom. Grey smiled softly. Approaching discharge forced Robert to make a few last sharp and deep thrusts, of which Jen is stronger clung to his shoulders. She groaned loudly, feeling pleasant cramps all over her body. After a moment, the man felt the same, groaning with bliss and ecstasy. He smiled lazily at Jennifer, who began stroking his hair gently. Robert lay down beside her on the bed and tried to catch his breath. He tried to put his thoughts in order, tried to understand what he had just experienced. The only thing Grey was a hundred percent sure — is the fact that he really enjoyed the feeling of bliss from unity with the girl who was lying beside him and was smiling. "I want to repeat it again", Robert told her suddenly, and Jen chuckled softly. The man moved closer to her and hugged her. Wright smiled, looking into misty green eyes. "Let's do it again tomorrow morning?" Jennifer suggested, and he nodded back, kissing her on the nose and covering them both with a blanket. "Good night, Rob." Robert mumbled something unintelligible, closing his eyes and feeling tired all over his body. __________________________________________________________
Jen’s dress
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songs for chapter: Selena Gomez — Fetish  Alina Baraz — Unfold Muse — Undisclosed Desires
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loviswriting · 5 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Bizarre Beach! Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis!
JJBA part 4 fan fic. Chapter 9: Finale! Operation Clean the Beach (and Bite the dust)!
Summary: During his stay in Morioh, Jotaro needs to come up with a subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology! Strange happenings in the waters of Morioh beach piques Jotaros interest, making him investigate strange sightings of a mermaid, followed by injured surfers! In hopes of finding a subject for his thesis he teams up with Kishibe Rohan and Joseph Joestar to solve the mysterious happenings! Is it the work of an actual mermaid or is there a Stand user lurking around the corner?!
Number of chapters: 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Total word count for all chapters: 12 749.
Chapter 9 word count: 1713
Authors note: this is my first fan fic, I tried my best and hope you will enjoy it! You may also read it on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20937995/chapters/49778429
Jotaro spent the following day, together with his chil-, I mean, companion Koichi to formulate a plan for helping not only the starfish but all of Morioh beach. After a good night's rest, Jotaro went to the beach and met up with Koichi, awaiting the rest of the team to show up. The festival was still ongoing, with a lot of buzz and people there, which was to their advantage for setting the plan in motion. After about fifteen minutes everyone was there; Jotaros nephew Josuke, Josuke's bro Okuyasu, Koichi's date-mate Yukako, the local Italian delight Tonio, old man Joseph and of course Rohan the guy who can not speak Italian. Jotaro took tone, “Okay everyone, as I mentioned yesterday over the phone, we’re here today to take care of all the littering and trash that has been piling up at Morioh beach. It’s endangering the wildlife in the sea, making a couple of Stand user starfish attacking people recently, you’ve probably read the headlines… so today we’re putting a stop to that and making the environment better. Koichi hit it,” he passed over to Koichi. “Ah, yes, Jotaro-san! So, we have come up with a plan where we have tried to utilize everyone's abilities as much as we can to make the beach and the waters cleaner! You will work in teams with different tasks. The first team is the seafloor team, Okuyasu and Josuke. Rohan will use his Heaven's Door to make you able to breathe underwater. Then Okuyasu, you will erase any trash at the seafloor with your Stand, The Hand,” Koichi did not have time to finish his sentence before Okuyasu had ripped his clothes off and showing off a pair of swimming trunks underneath his clothes, bright blue with golden dollar signs on them, proceeding to flex his muscles along with his Stand The Hand behind him. “Hell yeah let’s go! I’m great at erasing things, hehehe! Leave it to me!” he boasted with confidence. “Uhm, that’s great Okuyasu-kun, but please try to not erase any actual sea life or plants down there.. and that is why you have Josuke with you! Josuke, your task is to use Crazy Diamond to heal any unhealthy or damaged sea life down there.” “Okay, got it, count on me,” Josuke nodded, not ripping his clothes off in excitement. Koichi leaned towards him and whispered, “Also please make sure that Okuyasu doesn’t do anything that’s, well... too Okuyasu, you know?” Josuke nodded with a grin and gave thumbs up. “Ahem, next team will be me, Yukako and Tonio, we’re team boat,” Koichi could once again not finish his sentence, due to Yukako bursting out in happiness. “Ooo!h I will get to be with my beloved Koichi! And the chef! Is this a romantic lunch date in a boat, with locally produced environmental friendly food?!” she jumped of joy and fiercely hugged Koichi. “DI MOLTO! I will prepare an exquisite romant-” Tonio burst out in agreement leaping forward into the hug but could not finish. At the same time, a voice muttered tiredly, “For fucks… Za Warudo,” and suddenly Tonio and Yukako stood some meters away from Koichi, with Jotaro behind them with a hand on each of their shoulders, “Continue Koichi.” Koichi felt naive not seeing this coming, but continued although being a bit startled from the sudden hugs, “Ah, yes, thanks Jotaro-san… As I was saying, we’re team boat and we are taking a boat out into the waters. Yukako, you will use your Stand Love Deluxe to form your hair into a net to collect trash from the water and try to filter out any fish that gets stuck. We will then put the trash in the boat. Don’t worry I have already made an appointment at a local beauty shop to  make your hair look fresh and amazing and afterwards I have made an appointment at Tonios for that romantic exquisite meal...” Yukako and Tonio swooned a bit and Koichi continued, “Tonio, your task will be to use your Stand Pearl Jam to prepare a delicious nutritious fertilizer that we can drop into the ocean to heal it and make the water cleaner. I have supplies loaded up in the boat. I will drive the boat and use my Echoes to locate trash in the water and also calculate a path so we cover everything.” “How fun, Bellissimo!” Tonio was happy, “Such a culinary challenge!” “Good. Now, the last team will be team beach, composed of Rohan and Joseph,” this time Koichi paused, having a feeling he would be interrupted otherwise. “Hey, I have to be with that old geezer?” Rohan said in chock, pointing to a half-asleep Joseph. “Yeah we figured it was the best choice to just have Joseph at the beach, with you.. but it won’t be that bad!” Koichi reassured the sweating mangaka, “Rohan, you’re an important spearhead in preventing further littering. You and Joseph will go around and inform people about not littering. Use your Heaven's Door to write into people that they will throw their trash in trash cans instead of littering and that they will pick up any trash they see and throw it. Joseph will then hand them a flyer about information about how important Morioh’s sealife is and the importance of throwing your trash where it belongs and to recycle. With your ability written in them, they won’t simply throw the flyer away!” Rohan nodded in approval, “That’s is a very clever idea! And I guess I will just...” he summoned Heavens Door and opened a book in Joseph, pen eagerly writing, “... write into him to do his task properly...” “OH MY GOD!” Joseph gasped after Rohan had finished writing the commands in him, “I feel a sudden urge to hand out flyers after Rohan has talked with people!” “And that just leaves Jotaro, who will communicate with everyone through walkie talkies and organize the whole operation and be where needed. He will also communicate with Morioh’s environmental committee to keep them informed about the needs of the beach and garbage disposal,” Koichi nodded to Jotaro who nodded back and then proceeded to hand out walkie talkies and items to respective teams. “Alright then,” Jotaro said when everyone had got what they needed, “Let’s commence “Operation Clean Morioh Beach! Go!” he pointed towards the water and all the teams spread out to their respective assigned area. “Oi Josuke! There will be turtles huh?! Watch out so you won’t get snapped by one of them, hehehehe!” Okuyasu teased with his friend. “Ugh, turtles!!! The worst! I’m heading to the changing room to get into my swimwear…” Josuke replied bitterly and walked away. “Yare yare…” Jotaro said and proceeded to meet up with the committee. Meanwhile in the bushes a few meters from where the gang had assembled, a certain serial killer sat hidden and had overheard the whole operation. “And here I thought they had met up to track me down today, and I just wanted to have a nice day at the festival… Can’t take any risks, I will do that another day I guess,” Kira said and walked out of the shadows, away from the beach and back towards town. “But they do have a point about caring for the environment and keeping the beach clean, don’t they, Killer Queen?” he said as a newspaper fluttered about in the wind on the ground and his ripped pink wrestler cat Stand showed up and poked the newspaper, making it explode in a tiny boom and turning it into dust, “Nyaa~” Killer Queen meowed. “I guess it's not as good as recycling it, but I don't want to soil my beautiful hands with something as dirty as that…” he scoffed, “But I guess the town too might be kind of dirty, and since my plans for the day got cancelled, I might as well…” he looked his Stand in its eyes and gave off a small smile, “Let’s go Killer Queen, we have some litter in town that needs to bite the dust,” he said and walked off into town for a better cause.
And so the evening came. The festival had quieted down and most of the people had dispersed from the beach beside a few citizens enjoying the evening sunset and the glittering ocean view. The gang had assembled at the beach once more. Bags of trash had been taken away by the garbage truck. Flyers had been handed out. Signs had been put up with the message to not litter. The water was clean. The corals and seaweed on the seafloor were healthy and healed. Yukako's hair had been brushed by Koichi. A certain punks fingers had been bitten by turtles and a certain other punk had laughed his ass off. The starfish Scylla and Charybdis had given their thanks to Jotaro and could rest easy. All was well in Morioh beach and waters. Jotaro stood in front of the gang. “Everyone… Good job today. We have helped the sealife of Morioh beach to start recovering and to spread a culture among the citizens of taking responsibility for our actions, for the sake of the environment. A single person may not be able to do much, but together we can keep our world and planet in good shape. To make it a place for both humans and animals and nature, without the expense of another. And this is a responsibility we all have, especially adults like me, who will leave this planet to further generations, like several of you. Keep up the good work everyone. Thank you,” he started to clap his hands and everyone else joined in. The operation was over and successful and the gang went out to have a lovely dinner at Tonio's. And remember, as long as we all try to do our best and take responsibility for our actions, there will always be a shining hope for the future.
This was the story of how bizarre happenings at Morioh beach led to the beach being a better place. But this was also the story of how Jotaro Kujo found the perfect subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology; the intriguing starfish of Morioh!
Bizarre Beach! Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis! END.
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emmabodt · 5 years
Mission Success: Chapter 15
Ymir stared up at the ceiling fan, watching while the blades slowly went in a circle before coming to a stop. The freckled girl stood up and spun the star on her ceiling again, laying back down to watch it slow down again. She hadn't slept all night.
Now that she was back home, all the familiar things she was seeing was triggering an aggressive memory attack from Marcel. Every time she closed her eyes, she would see some random things like when he was training with the others(she was happy to note that a certain blonde really sucked), but what reoccurred more often than anything else was the day Marcel died. Over and over, like it was on loop, she would see her Titan leap up out of the ground, reach for Reiner, grab Marcel, and eat him. When she couldn't sleep, Ymir would turn her attention to the ceiling fan. Watching it wind down was oddly comforting for some reason...
A tiny knock sounded on the door before it creaked open. Ymir smiled a little as a tiny blonde head peeped at her from behind the wood." Ymir?... Are you awake?"
The freckled girl propped herself up on her elbows." Yep."
Krista returned the smile on Ymir's face as she slipped in through the door, shutting it behind her." Good. Want to go get some lunch?"
Ymir quirked an eyebrow." Lunch?..."
Krista nodded." It's around one o'clock."
Ymir sat all the way up with a yawn." Oh... Big Blonde and Sweaty Turtle down there?"
Krista shook her head." No, Reiner and Bertholdt left a little while ago to go home."
"Mmmm..." Ymir stretched her arms over her head and craned her neck to let out an audible crack! before returning her attention to Krista.
"What about the weird gal and the snub nosed assho-"
"Ymir, knock it off with the mean names!"
The freckled girl huffed in amusement." Why? My names suit them perfectly. The Porkchop guy has a weird nose and is a complete asshole, the chick with the black hair is really weird, Berty is sweaty and...the turtle just fits him, and Reiner is a huge blonde," she said nonchalantly before giving Krista a mischievous smile." Maybe I should call you the Tiny Blonde... oof!"
"Not appreciated, Ymir. I already have one name more than I should, and I don't need to be reminded of how ridiculously short I am," Krista huffed, rubbing her head as she stepped away from Ymir. One advantage of being her size was the ability to head butt just about anyone in the stomach. However, her hit didn't have much of an effect on her freckled friend.
"Alright, sorry!" Ymir smiled and held her hands up in surrender, not sounding sorry at all." Now, back to my earlier question..."
Krista sighed and brought her hands up to her hair, tying it back loosely as she answered.
"Yeah, they're still down there. It's actually kind of cute; they've been down there a while." The blonde smiled at the end of her sentence while Ymir stared at her blankly.
"Wow, you really are a hopeless romantic."
The freckled girl rested a hand on her hip and smiled at the blonde before her.
"I'm not really that hungry right now. Let's find something to do that's not boring."
Krista shrugged." Okay; chess?"
Ymir stuck out her tongue." Hell no; that is really boring."
"That's even worse."
"Sewing, cleaning, and talking?"
Ymir shook her head." We're already doing that, no, and no way in hell."
Krista sighed." Then what do you want to do?"
Ymir tilted her head, thinking. What did she want to do? The two girls stood in silence before a fuzzy idea popped up in Ymir's head. A huge grin grew on her face as a mischievous glint entered her eyes.
"I know exactly what we should do, Historia," said the freckled girl conspiratorially. Krista watched her warily.
"What do you have in mind, Ymir?..."
The brunette raised her eyebrows." Let's go exploring."
The blonde blinked." ...Exploring?..."
Ymir sniggered." You know, sneaking around this huge, almost empty place, snooping through people's rooms, messing with the important shit..."
Krista worried her lip between her teeth." Won't we get in trouble?"
Ymir strode forward and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the door. Krista squeaked at the sudden move, and Ymir chuckled." Not if we don't get caught."
Half an hour, a meeting room that Ymir rearranged, a balcony, and a lot of doors later, the duo found themselves...lost in H.Q.
"Ymir, where are we?" Krista looked at the portrait covered walls. There was a lot of men and women watching them from the stone.
"Hell if I know. Best I can say is the Hall of Creepy Staring People," Ymir said casually, also observing the pictures. They seemed...familiar somehow. Not the people, but the pictures themselves. As a matter of fact, the whole hall looked familiar. Must be Marcel...
A sharp tug in her vision proved her right, setting her honey eyes on a door with simple, yet detailed carvings.
"Let's check this out."
Ymir reached out and turned the knob, pushing it open to reveal some sort of sitting room. Opposite the door was a huge fireplace surrounded by comfy looking chairs and a table. On the left and right sides of the Walls were two more doors.
"This looks really comfy," said Krista, trailing her fingers over one of the chairs. Ymir shrugged and walked over to the door on the right.
"You check it out in there. I'm looking in here."
When the freckled girl walked through the door, she immediately saw three more doors, all in a row.
"Hmm... This is interesting..." she mumbled to herself, approaching the door to the far right. In the room behind it was a very comfortable looking bed surrounded by bookshelves of books and the occasional potted plant. The window above the bed also had some small, pretty flowers. In the corner next to a closet stood a wooden crutch with red wrapping. Ymir gave it two blinks and shut the door.
The door in the middle was completely empty, no bed or chair to speak of. When Ymir opened the door to the last door, the one on the far left, she stared in shock.
“ So these are the Warriors quarters...”
The room had a tiny, tiny bed, a small bedside table, and multiple punching dummies. On the bedside table was nothing but a small picture with a little girl and stoic man on opposite sides of a kicking target. Ymir didn't need to look closer to know whose room this was. This was, without a doubt, none other than Annie Leonhart's room.
Ymir suddenly felt a tiny wave of...guilt? Sympathy? Whatever it was, she felt it, and somberly left the room, walking back into the parlor where Krista was browsing through the bookshelf next to the fireplace. At the sound of her footsteps, the blonde turned to face Ymir.
"Find anything?"
"Yep. You wanna know where we are?"
Krista tilted her head a little." Yeah..."
"The Warriors quarters."
Blue eyes blew wide as the blonde carefully stepped back from the bookshelf." If this is their room, we should go, Ymir. This is an invasion of privacy-"
"Like I care," drawled the freckled girl, dragging Krista through the door on the left." Life is short, and a lot more fun when you break a couple rules." Ymir ignored the sudden twinge in her gut. She knew all too well that her days were numbered.
"Ymir...." Krista whined as Ymir pulled her through the door. Just like the door on the opposite side, there were three more doors. Ymir dragged her to the middle one first.
"Nothing in this one," said the freckled girl, towing Krista to the one one the far right.
In this room, there were two child sized beds against opposite sides of the room. At the foot of the bed on the right was a long, slim gun, and the bed on the left had a huge, curled up, man sized dip in it. On the bedside tables were the familiar ODM gas dispensers.
Ymir stared at the beds for a minute before releasing Krista and covering her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. Krista watched incredulously as the freckled girl's giggles became full blown laughter.
"What is so funny?"
Ymir, who had bent double and was clutching her sides, released herself and started to wave her hand at the beds.
"This....hahaha....this is Reiner and...hehehe...Bertholdt's room...hehehe... You know how big those two are?...Hahahaha....now look at those itty, bitty little beds! Gahahahaha! Look at 'em! How the hell do they sleep at night?! Hehehehe! Look! That has to be blondie's bed; the only way....hahaha....he'd be able to fit would...hehehehehe....be if he curled up into a teeny, tiny, little...hahaha!...big man ball! And he's so big, he broke the bed! GAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Ymir fell to her knees in uncontrollable laughter, rolling onto her back as tears squeezed out of her eyes. Krista watched her with a blank stare and huffed before prodding her freckled friend lightly with her foot.
"Come on, Ymir, let's go explore somewhere else..."
It was a few minutes before Ymir calmed herself enough to stand, exiting the boy's room and leading Krista into the the last room.
The moment she set foot in that room, Ymir felt a chill run down her spine. This room was familiar; so familiar, that she knew it like the back of her hand. Up against the wall was a bunk bed, the top bunk neatly made and the bottom a complete mess. On the top post hung an old,worn leather jacket.
Ymir shivered as one memory after another flitted through her head. A late night talk. A game of cards. Consoling a hurt brother. A quick roughhousing session. A solemn embrace. They flitted through her head so fast, she felt dizzy...
"Ymir! Ymir! Can you hear me?! Ymir!"
The freckled girl blinked rapidly, trying to see who the voice belonged to. When her vision cleared, she saw Krista on her knees in front of her, shaking her by the shoulders. When she saw that her friend had recovered from her spell, the blonde stopped shaking her.
"Ymir! What happened!? Are you okay?!"
Ymir blinked again and rubbed her temple with one hand." Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a couple flashbacks from the guy who had the power before me..."
"His name was Marcel."
Both girls' head whipped around to see Porco standing in the doorway of his room, glowering at them. Krista visibly wilted a little.
"I'm guessing it was you two who messed with the meeting room. Am I right?"
Ymir smirked at him." Technically, that was my handiwork. This place is so big and boring, I decided to explore and mess a few rooms up. Got a problem with that, sir?"
Porco's eyes widened slightly before he huffed." Just go explore somewhere else, freckles. Get out of my room."
Ymir stood up and stretched nonchalantly." You heard the man, Tiny. Let's go."
Krista huffed and slapped Ymir's arm." Don't call me that," she said, passing Ymir into the hall. The freckled girl was about to follow her when she stopped.
"Hey... I just want you to know that I'm sorry. For taking your brother away from you."
There was a beat of silence before he took a deep breath.
"It wasn't your fault for what happened. Pure Titans can't help it."
Another beat of silence.
"When do you think you'll...eat me?"
"Maybe in the next two weeks. Usually they would have had me eat you sooner, but it's being delayed for some reason."
Ymir took a deep breath, both scared and relived. She was still going to die, but she had more time with Krista.
"I see. Sorry again for bothering you."
She was about to walk out the door when Porco spoke again." The exploring idea wasn't yours."
She turned her head to see him smiling sadly." Huh?"
"It was Marcel's. He liked to walk around this place and mess around with the stuff in some of the rooms. It really pissed Magath off."
Ymir looked down at her feet." From what I could tell from the memories, he was a pretty cool guy."
"He was."
"Ymir? You okay?" Krista popped her head around the door to the parlor. Ymir looked back at her before nodding at Porco. He nodded back at her before entering his room.
"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie. You know what, let's go see of we can wonder over to the mess hall from here. I'm starving."
Ymir looped her arm around Krista's shoulders as the blonde shook her head." I'm not sure if they have food down there anymore..."
"Then we can steal some from wherever they make the food."
Krista huffed." Ymir..."
Ymir sniggered." What? It's fun."
"You really are a...a...a..."
"A freckled girl who will be troublesome forever? Yes, you are correct."
Krista nudged Ymir with her elbow." I guess that means I'll have to be your friend forever so you don't do something too bad."
Ymir tensed a little bit as she forced a laugh." Yep. You and I will be friends... Forever."
Word Count: 2207          
Alright! This chapter came out a lot longer than I expected! I hope you all enjoy!
Up next is a little sad, but cute PokkoPikku(Porco and Pieck).
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