#also good choice you came to me lol even tho I wasn't there from the start I think I know most Felix things at least
yonglixx · 1 year
Heyooo! I've been looking for this particular Felix look and can't find it anywhere :/ I figured I'd ask you
I think it's from back door era. It's like one of his prettiest looks and he's wearing a red apron of sorts if I'm not mistaken
If you remember anything of this nature please let me know xx
Hello👋💙 I think I know what you're talking about..sadly not a lot of pictures bc he looked so pretty but I have some :
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and I also made some gifs a while back:)
and the video :)
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just-a-carrot · 8 months
Yo yo yo Carrot.
I did do research on character design a bit ago. I was just wondering if there were any specific tips/things you kept in mind while designing any of your characters. I have a general idea of where I'm heading but I figured it couldn't hurt to try. No need to push yourself though.
(Orlam has a white shirt because he's basic :). It's perfect character design. )
hhhhh... i can try 💦
behind the cut because this got long
i think the problem is i never have any specific things in mind. for the life of me i can't even think back to how i came up with any of the characters i've ever come up with. usually they are like a mish-mash inspiration of various ideas tumbling around in my head, often influenced heavily by sheer vibes and/or music i'm listening to and/or media i've consumed or images i've seen
for me i think the biggest thing i've noticed is that i develop characters incredibly slowly lol. like i have a really hard time jumping into a new story with new characters that i haven't spent a long time thinking about (i.e., literal years). they all start from like a small random kernel of an idea or inspiration and then they grow and develop as the rest of the story starts slowly turning into random scenes into my mind, and i continue to learn new things about the characters even while actively writing (i think i've said before but some of the biggest themes and plot points in OW that feel like core parts of the story i didn't even come up with until i was actively in the midst of writing it, like, post writing arc 1 and even arc 2; arc 4 in particular like i had not planned 80% of what happened in that arc until i was writing it laksjdfa)
and i feel like a big part of this is because i'm actually really bad at designing/developing characters at the drop of a hat and can only figure them out through long periods of thinking and writing
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2018 vs 2023
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2018 vs 2023
i first drew the OW characters in 2018, but i'd had the idea for the general story (arc 1) even before that. from what i can remember when trying to come up with what they'd look like, i would try to think about their vibes from their role in the story. iggy is somewhat soft, awkward, and anxious, so i guess my mind developed a somewhat nerdy disalarming look for him with kinda muted colors (we don't talk about the fact that his shirt/overshirt combo makes no sense laksdjfads). orlam i knew i wanted a kinda scraggly little guy with greasy hair (sooper sekrit never-before-heard!ow lore: i actually did originally design him with a ponytail but it changed to a rattail while working on arc 1)
i'm quite bad when it comes to fashion design in general so i often come up with fairly plain-looking outfits. but some of the things i like playing around with the most are things like height dynamics and color variety (i always try to use a diverse range of hair colors for instance, as i feel like it's one of the big things that can instantly differentiate characters in a group)
you can see this in easter too i guess:
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admittedly with easter it was a bit different in that tho i had some mental images in my head of generally what i wanted the chars to look like, some of the details and choices got limited because i had to use a sprite generator someone had made to create the sprites for the game (because it was an RPG maker game and i wasn't good/still am not good at creating animated sprites). so their final designs were a bit of a mix between my original ideas and my ideas translated into sprite generator options, hence some of the... odd design choices lakjdfsd
going back even further to characters i designed for other stuff like novels and stories, though my art style was different back then i feel like a lot of the same types of design choices can perhaps be seen LOL:
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also please enjoy this old old old old OLD carrot!art from 2005 of three chars i created as a child that i thought were the coolest things ever...
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i feel like i've lost the plot here a little bit LKAJDSFLKADSF
though i guess this is simply because i can't really explain what my head does when it comes up with characters. i don't have any sort of formal training in character or game design. i do have an art degree but that was more formal stuff (and i was often told that my personal cartoon-esque style of artwork and the stuff i drew in my sketchbooks was Not Creative). so i don't really have any set sort of guidelines or rules or even strategies that i use for coming up with characters. they tend to just kinda form over time in my mind according to my own aesthetics???? like i create characters that i would like to write and draw. i create groups of characters because i really really like group dynamics. i create characters with varying heights and body types and vibes. i create lots of short loud-mouth snarky asshole characters ldkajfsldkadlfafLDJFADFAD
if you have any more specific-type questions i can try to answer them but i think this might be the best i can do for just talking about my general mindset for characters... 💦
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strqyr · 1 year
Do you ever feel isolated when you enjoy something and can see the value in a piece of media, but people online outright do not understand it at all, or even care to try to understand it to the point that they effectively scorn you indirectly every time they insult that work, and you can't do anything about it because you'd get labeled as overthinking things and "needing better taste", even though you aren't some mindless drone?
And that you wish they'd give that media a proper chance and actually making the effort to recognize your point of view instead of dismissing it because they only care about surface level impressions and listening to popular opinion?
i wouldn't say i ever felt isolated bc i do enjoy solitude and silence can be incredibly comforting ( tho this is probably more of a cultural thing rather than a me thing, specifically, but if the shoe fits ) so like. isolation isn't really a negative feeling to me bc it's kind of my starting point? but i have definitely been there where i want to see what other people are thinking about something i like, and then letting the negativity get to me and affect my own enjoyment of it.
and then i learned two things about myself: 1. despite what my brain sometimes likes to tell me, i do, in fact, like being happy, and 2. i'm that spiteful that like hell am i going to let other people ruin my fun. like. why care about "better taste" when what's really important is if you find enjoyment out of your choice of media? it's called entertainment for a reason. if i'm entertained then job well done. if not, it wasn't meant for me, and i move on. simple as that.
anyway, to prevent myself from making myself miserable, i made myself my own place where i can share my thoughts and art and all that stuff, and that's. this blog. i don't wander far from here, i filter tags and words like there's no limit ( i certainly hope there isn't lol ) and the block button is never too far. the education system here helped ensure that i came out with some critical thinking skills so i don't need other people to tell me how to feel about this and that; different perspectives are nice and all but when people start acting like only their or the popular opinion is all that matters i'm like. who are you people lol
anyway. find your happiness in cultivating your own space and not giving a damn about what other people think. i know it's easier said than done bc i've been there, but it's time better spent than trying to argue with and change minds of people who have no intention of doing so ( and really, that's their right, they don't need to like everything in the world or even give it a chance if they don't want to, and they're free to give their opinions just like you and i are, be it the same opinion or not )
sorry if this makes no sense. it's been a long day and i'm very tired, so i might have rambled a bit and completely missed the point. i guess what i'm trying to say that it's good to learn to recognize when a conversation isn't going anywhere ( for whatever reason ) and just cut your losses instead of sticking around just to walk into a brick wall over and over again.
and also prioritize your own happiness and well-being by finding or creating yourself a place where you don't feel that way.
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umhuhwellthen · 7 months
One of Chizu's peers:
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She's a Prussian cat and Miss Mommy issues herself (joking) (im sorry)(all of the neko ninja need therapy but Norie especially)
Putting my ramblings under readmore, I don't usually go for angst, i like hurt/comfort tho and shitty parents getting what they deserve and was/is in the bnha and dp phandoms so sibling relations and family dynamics analysis are always fun
Norie makes me insane fr fr. She has different outcomes for what her fate can be. If Lady Fuwa is defeated and exiled away from the city, she could follow her. Because she is nothing but loyal to her. And she knows that may not be the best decision, but damnit that's her mom okay? And she wasn't very good but couldn't she have been? She liked them well enough (when they acted like she wanted), couldn't that grow into genuine family love? And maybe, yes, maybe Norie can get Lady Fuwa on the road to redemption. For this one ninja(daughter) that stayed by her side through all of her faults. Or maybe she doesn't. Maybe she continues to be callous and cruel even though Norie has abandoned everything she has ever known for her. And Norie accepts what the other ninja have been saying to her, and gives up on Fuwa. Leaves. She can't go back to Neo Edo. The other Neko Ninja do not trust her or see her as family for choosing Fuwa. Nor would she want to, with all the memories there. She sets out on her own path. Alone, but free. Or if Lady Fuwa gets exiled but Norie is kept from following her or Lady Fuwa gets straight up killed (either by Chizu or another Neko Ninja). Then she just has to live. Live without the one person she cared about(that didn't care about her, never did) and judged all her selfworth by. Where is she supposed to go from there? With living with comrades that were wary and distrusting (with sisters worried and hurt and trying to help themselves and her from healing from all Fuwa put them through). With Chizu (the favorite, the sister she could never match up against. Who she betrayed without a second thought and who came back for her. She hated her. She admired her).
Good lead into design details of Mitsuki, Hinata and Norie. Notice they're all wearing face masks. All Neko Ninja must wear the masks, from the youngest trainees to the senior members. Unless their mission requires them not to(Chizu). That's a hard habit to break. They also still wear parts of the Neko Ninja uniform. The orphan kittens too. And some of it is just practicality, why throw away well made goods?(Remember when Chizu picked up the kunai lol) They've repainted some of the armor pieces for personalization, to reclaim them. But some of it is to represent how they're still under Fuwa's hold, the shadow they fall under. This is most explicit in Norie, her outfit is literally just the Neko Ninja uniform but without the hood and chest plate, and an alternate style top. The inclusion of the uniform is to show that they're healing from their experiences. But those experiences still haunt them. And it will take time to heal. Some more than others. But they've all taken steps in the right direction.
Also hair too, under Lady Fuwa they'd keep short, low maintenance styles or not grow it out at all, but after Fuwa's final defeat they'd start growing it out. Hence why I draw most of them with hair, it's growth(and to differentiate them more). Itsumi keeps it short out of choice now, but maaaaaaybe she'll grow out a tuft of bangs (maybe just like a certain samurai and ninja, hm?), but Norie is keeping it short out of habit, she's still not comfortable with expressing herself (let alone who she really is and what she really wants), hasn't picked out any personal clothes like the others. Hard to develop opinions on clothes when all your outfits have been decided for you years in advance.
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My Top Posts in 2022:
The londoner in ur birmie squad sjdhhdf
i am so sorry bro i dont think i am who u think i am 😭😭
8 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
aras have you seen the Joan of Arc outfit yet
10 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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3000 posts!
ashamed 😔
16 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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19 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe <3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
36 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
Plate Anon 🤝 Poltergeist-coffe
Screaming at each other
(also, this remember me something, like, what you like to be called? Just your username or something else, I was curious for a while but kept forgetting to ask)
But yeah, qpac and qetoiles need therapy (like everyone else in this island) THEY ARE IMPORTANT BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THEY CAN'T SEE IT
This make that time qetoiles lost to the codes more painful, because think about what could'vecrossed his mind after it, he failed on his duty, he failed everyone who was counting on him, who trusted him. Sometimes I think qetoiles don't see himself as more than the weapon he holds, that he can't fail, but he's more than that, he is a friend, heis a father, he is a person(or would it be a cucumber?) he's not made of metal, he can get hurt
And qpac just thinks that if someone had to go, that would be him, because would the best choice, right? Cellbit is the main investigator, and now there's Bagi who is also great, Mike has a good knowledge on create and Forever, well, he's the president, he has charisma and dedicated, the n.i.n.h.o is a proof of this, and well, Felps is Felps(to this day I can't explain this man, he simply is), they would left an hole if they left(and worse, they did) it would be notified, people would feel it, and from that point of view, qpac thinks he would be less of a loss if he was gone. But that's the thing, they are all important, their family works in this way, every piece matter, pac felt every loss, again and again, and they felt when he was gone, when he hurt himself to save qforever
(This what I love in the favela 6, if you looked at their past a everyone you might as "how can this be a functional family?", but they are regardless of all the odds)
(☝️ plate Anon aways finding a way to talk about favela 6)
Honestly,this what makes both of them interesting characters, qetoiles had a big responsibility on his shoulders he couldn't fail(I still find funny how apparently he was supposed to die way before than he did in his last fight with the codes, that's the french beast to you) and qpac doesn't see his own worth, like, y'know the day Kameto came back? He was calmly fighting the mobs and even stopped to fix his hair(also if you find the stream you mentioned please tell me Wich one is)
And if I remember well etoiles was the first to mention pac was a good fighter, right? Sadly they don't interact as much as before but they have a such interesting dynamic
Also I remember that I heard that etoiles wanted to have a villain arc back in the elections arc, but I think he gave up because he didn't exactly have a reason, Pomme had two lives and he's literally the strongest person there lol
(Also THAT part of the fandom is a *insert some insult here because I can't find any word on English that isn't a swear* and he could receive a lot of hate, thats why I don't use Twitter)
But he would be a terrifying villain
And I've been waiting for a TazerCraft villain arc since they got arrested, like, I think Pac deserves to go a bit wild
(Talking about villains, while the happy pills arc wasn't exactly a qforever villain arc, I'm surprised how people embraced it, especially the first day the eggs disappeared, the chat was saying to explode everything and kill. Forever even called Pac to calm him down(Wich he did but he also was like "explode everything" too, Pac has potential to be part of the voices in the head that almost everyone has lol)
-God of the 🍽️ Anon
You call me my username, any shortened version of my username or Kasper! I don't mind whichever you pick lol
plate anon im shaking you by the shoulders youre so based your analysis is immaculate im eating your words now they're mine you cant have them back NJKASDNVAKJS
YOU'RE SO RIGHT THO AAAAARGH!!! i 100% agree i think q!etoiles struggles with seeing himself as more then anything but a protector or like what weapon he has. like he was so lost right after he died from the code and it took the code stuff back. he sort of like gave up/lost all motivation and it didnt help that the eggs are gone!! like he couldnt protect his daughter or the other eggs and now he's failed all the islanders because he couldn't beat the code?? what is he suppose to do now??
sometimes a family is 6 dysfunctional people with complicated pasts and one (1) egg and that makes them an amazing family <33 EVEN IF THEY'RE AT ODDS WITH ONE ANOTHER THEY WILL SUPPORT EACH OTHER/HELP EACH OTHER GAAH!! THEY'RE ALL IMPORTANT TO THE ISLAND AND TO EACH OTHER!!
crying and screaming i want them to interact and talk agina TT maybe they will tomorrow... because there's an event and ik etoiles will log on but idk if pac will......... it's okay... i'lll make my own content of them while i wait... sobs....
the twitter qsmp fandom is so TT it can be good but also sometimes its so bad TT like aah there is a lot of hate that comes from there at times,,,, if qetoiles decided to become a villian or to genuinely oppose the other islanders he would be unstoppable like hes so strong kajsdnvkas they're lucky he isn't right now...
i loved seeing forever's chat the first day when we found out the eggs were gone like kjasndvjkas his chat was like "FUCK THE ISLAND GET RID OF IT ALL!!!!" i was also apart of it... i also sort of wanted him to blow it all up.... sorry my bad... i think qforever deserves to do a little crime.... all the stress of being president was too much let him blow up shit i say... (QPac is such an enabler at times akjnvkajs i love him for that)
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
BAEK FIRST OF ALL IK I TALK SHIT ABOUT UNDERCUTS AND LAUGHED AT SEONGHWA'S RECENT ONE BUT THE PROMO PHOTOS 😵😵😵😵 UHMMM THE LAST PHOTO WITH THE FLAG ESPECIALLY HIS EYES AND PROFILE!!!! Man made the skirt and the undercut trend, lmao. The way he's holding his choker too 😳😳😳😳 The hours are so fucking random iwhshshdhshhs yesterday I was awake today I wasn't 🔫 I missed a Yunhwa live too....also Hwa said his Jeddah outfit made him look more buff... yeah we saw mate
ALSO THIS and THIS I will never stop yelling about the way Seonghwa looks both delicate, soft and sharp, powerful, his whole demeanour in the promo pics is stereotypically masculine, but the skirt and his face makes him look feminine too, pure androgynous perfection
What family Park Seonghwa lmao get your ass over here and protect me yourself
I'm glad you're feeding other stans not just Shitstars, although I wouldn't mind racer Seonghwa 🤗 because the MV to DV made me crave racer Hwa
That author is maddddd in the best possible way, omgggg :o so many long chapters, blesss I admire people for being consistent with uploads. I'm still waiting for some fics to continue, it hurts when the authors disappear, but even more when they post other works and I feel selfish thinking HEY WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER STORY 😭🤧
Hwa did look good unfortunately, like this... this haunts me. Uhm Seonghwa night club dancer AU perhaps??? 👁👄👁 when he seduces Y/N with his hips and Y/N is like uhuhu I'll see myself out! But just imagine Y/N being dragged to that club by her besties and she wasn't having it until certain Mars appeared then she came back to the club on her own... ok I'm done, anywaysssss
Girllll I need some air and the fan is too much sometimes (I start coughing or sneezing), so I prefer natural air flow, sadly it means BUG PARTY. The window is just ajar tho so what the fuck, they see the opportunity and take it
I feel like lore can be a bit limiting, people are tired of Aespa's lore even though they just started because it's kinda cringy, but when well executed MWAH CHEF'S KISS!
This is such an US centred comeback too, because of the time and date IT'LL BE 6AM FOR ME FUCK YOU ALL! Sorry the racists did it to you :/ like I get it, USA is sadly an important market, but for fuck's sake they get KCON's too, they get everything 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Oh shit I need to write that question for Hwa down! They announced 74737 more fan calls and me and my GO friend are ordering more stuff next week, so hopefully both of us win something ❤ I don't wanna be like those people who win 10 fan calls in a row, but maybe I deserve it after not seeing them, heh. But that NFT shit I hope KQ stops working with companies which do them, cause 🔫
Okay I might lend you some of my inches then, we can't have you disowned from the fam <3 I got your baek
Omg ETL noice, I chose completely different movies though some choices were haaaaaard. I've seen 10 things I hate about you so many times as well, lol
P.S. It happened... I dreamt of Mr Kim...🙈🙉🙊 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
BAEK FIRST OF ALL IK I TALK SHIT ABOUT UNDERCUTS AND LAUGHED AT SEONGHWA'S RECENT ONE BUT THE PROMO PHOTOS 😵😵😵😵 UHMMM THE LAST PHOTO WITH THE FLAG ESPECIALLY HIS EYES AND PROFILE!!!! Man made the skirt and the undercut trend, lmao. The way he's holding his choker too 😳😳😳😳 The hours are so fucking random iwhshshdhshhs yesterday I was awake today I wasn't 🔫 I missed a Yunhwa live too....also Hwa said his Jeddah outfit made him look more buff... yeah we saw mate
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ALSO THIS and THIS I will never stop yelling about the way Seonghwa looks both delicate, soft and sharp, powerful, his whole demeanour in the promo pics is stereotypically masculine, but the skirt and his face makes him look feminine too, pure androgynous perfection
What family Park Seonghwa lmao get your ass over here and protect me yourself
I'm glad you're feeding other stans not just Shitstars, although I wouldn't mind racer Seonghwa 🤗 because the MV to DV made me crave racer Hwa
PLS DONT MAKE ME CHANGE FBWHDEKHEKW ive been writing hwa since his birthday last year 😭😭😭🤚🏼 need to start my san era <3 yOU KNOW WHAT ILL INCLUDE HWA IN THE RACER TOO a little action for him too <3
That author is maddddd in the best possible way, omgggg :o so many long chapters, blesss I admire people for being consistent with uploads. I'm still waiting for some fics to continue, it hurts when the authors disappear, but even more when they post other works and I feel selfish thinking HEY WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER STORY 😭🤧
no fr gOD bless authors like that truly truly a saviour for society,,, RIGHT IM WAITING FOR SOME TOO omg do u rmr this san fic from a while back called ouija it was like the BEST san fic in atinyblr but unfortunately the author deactivated,,, he was a demon and the mc was like “bro can we do this tomorrow?” and goes to sleep 😭😭🤚🏼 BREKHD NO BC SAME I THINK OF THAT TOO 😭😭😭🤚🏼
Hwa did look good unfortunately, like this... this haunts me. Uhm Seonghwa night club dancer AU perhaps??? 👁👄👁 when he seduces Y/N with his hips and Y/N is like uhuhu I'll see myself out! But just imagine Y/N being dragged to that club by her besties and she wasn't having it until certain Mars appeared then she came back to the club on her own... ok I'm done, anywaysssss
bestie how dare u send that here. do u see that upper- i? wow? LETHAL,,, YOU KNOWWWWWWWWW THAT DO BE SOUNDING REAL GOOD (but i believe someone wrote that for san 😭😭)
Girllll I need some air and the fan is too much sometimes (I start coughing or sneezing), so I prefer natural air flow, sadly it means BUG PARTY. The window is just ajar tho so what the fuck, they see the opportunity and take it
NO FR BESTIE IT GETS SO HOT BUT WITH THE FAN IT GETS FREEZING 😭😭 them nose sniffles esp,, BUG PARTY SHUT UP 😭😭😭 SCREAMINGFNWNBDWN u know what u should make a pact with them,, they ur besties u ask them to come over a certain time of the day and boom they’d listen,, theyre loyal bc they only come to ur apartment <3 hopefully they listen <3
I feel like lore can be a bit limiting, people are tired of Aespa's lore even though they just started because it's kinda cringy, but when well executed MWAH CHEF'S KISS!
NO FR aespa has a great lore but its literally been a one year into their debut like pls give them a chance 😭😭🤚🏼tHE BLACK MAMBA ONE IS ABSOLUTE CHEFS KISSES
This is such an US centred comeback too, because of the time and date IT'LL BE 6AM FOR ME FUCK YOU ALL! Sorry the racists did it to you :/ like I get it, USA is sadly an important market, but for fuck's sake they get KCON's too, they get everything 🤬🤬🤬🤬
NO BC WHY 🔫🔫 ALWAYS THE US 🔫🔫 NO YEAH WHEN THEY DO THE “north america tour” bestie i thought canada was there 😭😭 what’s 😭😭 happening 😭😭 NAUR THATS SO TRUE THEY GET KCON TOO AND THE EXCLUSIVE SHIT WHEN ASIA-EUROPE LITERALLY BUILT YALL 😭😭🤚🏼
Oh shit I need to write that question for Hwa down! They announced 74737 more fan calls and me and my GO friend are ordering more stuff next week, so hopefully both of us win something ❤ I don't wanna be like those people who win 10 fan calls in a row, but maybe I deserve it after not seeing them, heh. But that NFT shit I hope KQ stops working with companies which do them, cause 🔫
PLS DO !!!!! omg omg that’s so exciting u get to package things all nicely 😭😭😭🤚🏼 JDBWKDHS 10 CALLS IN A ROW WOULD BE EXHAUSTING 😭😭 no bc i thought we were overthrowing the govt not the environment 😭 what happened kq 😭😭😭
Okay I might lend you some of my inches then, we can't have you disowned from the fam <3 I got your baek
pls thank u so much for ur donation i will open a go fund me fhdhd god bless u and ur legsies <33
Omg ETL noice, I chose completely different movies though some choices were haaaaaard. I've seen 10 things I hate about you so many times as well, lol
I WATCHED IT YESTERDAY AGAIN AND HEATH IS SO 😭😭😭😭🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 AAAA,,, hear me out,,, yunho as heath in 10 things i hate abt u
P.S. It happened... I dreamt of Mr Kim...🙈🙉🙊 - DV 💖
excuse me.
u better have written it all down i need ALL the details ASAP RN ASAP RN RN FULL PARAGRAPHS RN 🔫
also pls ignore any typos im terribly sick <3 and my arms r nUMB <3 AND CHOUSAN AND MINGIVDJDKKW??????
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0 notes
Any Sport in a Storm
Listen I didn't get the time to do this w the last 2 eps (even though I had a lot of thoughts and feelings believe me) but I'll do it now bc this episode was so cute? And it surprised me too! Let's see
all the coven heads ignoring him is unsurprising, tho Raine hesitating didn't escape me. even under Terra's control they seem a bit concerned
Belos being like a single working parent leaving notes on the fridge or smth
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so. the old golden guard sigil is also the Gravesfield sigil? I already had noticed it looks similar to the Emperor's coven symbol but the bird's wings are more closed. thinking...
grown witches let's stop bullying the literal teenager
"Little Prince" is the cutest nickname ever and if Darius is the closest thing Hunter will get to a mentor figure I love the idea of it going from a condescending name to an affectionate one. I love it
seems Darius and Eber are very involved in Belos plans? what are they doing
Darius knew the previous Golden Guard? He was his mentor?? There was a previous Golden Guard???
So I was wondering how or why he would be sent to Hexide, turns out it wasn't Belos idea at all. Makes sense
Willow is an absolute badass and I love her YES GIRL GO
HER DADS? awww jock nerd family!
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Luz dropping all the books really got me for some reason. my child
"spill it hermosa!"
I suspected Luz and Amity would be busy elsewhere, and really enjoyed their B plot! Theorizing just like us about the mysterious person, the answer was the simpler option
I had assumed Eda had brought the books and sold them at some point. It was smth like that but without Eda lol
Tiny Nose has a name now also? good for her
To the surprise of no one, he sucks at interacting with other kids but this is even worse than expected lmao authority! and rules!!
heck yea Jerbo fight the system!
Professor Homunculus is a big jerk. tho we already knew that
Glad our boi Hunter gets to show off a little with the flying skills, he's had a, uh, rough season. He also got attacked by Puddles
I thought Caleb was the name of the museum guy obsessed with witches but it was actually Jacob generic english man names got me confused my bad
"hm, I don't feel sick" oh you clueless child
Gus being suspicious and protective I love my son
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the Best and the Brightest I love them
Two "half-a-witch" witches huh? Loved the parallel but also ouch. Guess that's a common insult for kids who struggle with magic which is yikes
Skara tactical genius hell yeah!
"now I'm only scarred emotionally ;)" girl omg
I hope Viney and Jerbo can reconcile after this. He looked terrified lmao we take sports very serious here
I love Hunter's teleporting technique. sneaky boi
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TEAM SPORTS. TEAM SPIRIT. Hunter making friends!! and he came up with the team name! Cute and creative
"Icepack for Steve"
seems training for the emperor's coven is brutal. Yet to hunter it's whatever lmao oh boy
also one free day a year.... yikes
Darius pushing Hunter to make choices for himself let's gooo
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and he gave him a phone scroll thingy 😭 which means he can keep in touch. Typing like an old man
I hope he won't get in trouble for it but Belos is ancient af he probably thinks social media is the real dark magic so he'll never see it I guess
sewing is indeed a very helpful skill to have
so third time was the charm, after Luz then Amity tried to reach out it seems Willow and her team might be his first real friends!
what's his username I need to know
I already liked Darius as a fabulous jerk and antagonist but now I'm super interested to see more of him
also his past with Amity's dad SPILL THE TEA! bitter exes? former besties? rivals since forever? is it a one sided aggression thing? please I need it
and he follows him on social media just to scoff and mute him, petty king
obsessed with Amity and Luz showing up at the end like oh did we miss anything imporWHAT
Little Prince!!
So yeah, very cute and fun over all, and revealed more than I expected. S2 has been fantastic non stop. Glad Hunter got to have some fun bc I feel he won't for too long
oh, spoilers for the upcoming episode synopsis:
So next week we'll have Amity and Luz focus, and it seems Amity wants to impress her dad so we might get more Darius too! Show me the handsome witch again!! Not expecting to see Hunter next week but maybe more Willow and Gus. I love them. I do hope we keep seeing the Emeralds hanging out in the future as a club and having practice and playing matches, idk. also show them talking w hunter through the scrolls? it'd be cute
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loudestcloud · 3 years
BNHA Character Theme Songs!
Pt4: Here we are lads! Final part because I do just keep forgetting to update this. Ive had this actually playlist done for literally 4 months so. Sorry lol but here we go. Villians & Vigilantes! reminder that this is spoiler free but I am up to date on the anime, and almost with the mangas
Edit: it's been a year now. Sorry about that 💀 I think I lost the motivation because a lot of my villian choices just make sense and I can't explain much about them because they are easy picks for me. Also please check out the other parts
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Explanations vvv
Stain: I was gonna pick Killer by The Hoosiers but I think this one is better. I can really see an AMV to this one and tbh it's a good song that no one reall talks about anymore. Also, blood quirk, blood song ect.
Overhaul: This man thought he was invincible, he thought he was incredibly and that no one would ever stop him. Now he's nothing 🥰 Also, people still make AMVs to this song and they slap every single time, I'd sell my soul for more audio inclusive AMVs. The presents of this song is very similar to that of Overhaul. It's very overbearing, powerful kinda iconic in a small way but at the end of the day, I mix this song up with so many others. The style, beat and vocals are just so similar to so many others like it.
ReDestro - This was chosen before I read the arc. I think it's still good. Keeping it spoiler free, while he may not be the most remembered for events he helped in, he should won't be forgotten in the Bnha history books.
All for one - A slow piano start, Soft high vocals, an ere vibe leading up to heavy metal! Add the lyrics and it's perfect for him. It feels like his into then the ground zero fight.
Shigaraki - " Everything you love turns to dust " and " You'd kill for answers but learn to live with questions " is very on brand. The vibe is also what's I see him as if that makes sense at all. It's kinda chaotic in a way. 🎵Don't get attached to live🎵
Kurogiri - This is a joke I like to make about something and I can't explain because this is a spoiler free zone. But that aside, Kurogiri gives me mother mother vibes, anyone else?
Dabi - okay I cave, I have to say it. Spoiler warning: I picked this before it was cannon and was fully just gonna say "we all know it's true by now, come on" like!! 🎵bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life🎵 Get it bitch! Headcanon this was his dance song? I think soooo!!!
Toga - 🎵the boy I loves got another girl🎵 💃🏻I just feel she would like this song choice💃🏻and vibe it a lot💃🏻 na but for real, Vibes, style, lyrics, voice? Very Toga
Twice - This was all I could come up with that wasn't wildly ablist towards him. I will be taking replacement request lol cos I think something better could be out there but for now, we have this. It feels like twice having a panic attack alone and then remembering that the LoV are his family now.
Spinner: Hahaha, gamer boy villian song. I just wanted to include him but both he and this song is very cool.
Compress - This was also added before the thing you may think. This song is here because I had a Yung Gravy obsession for about 2 months while also having a thing for Compress. I think it works but I'm bias.
La Brava - It's literally her quirk, it's kinda cheesy* and the lyrics are very VERY her.
Gentle Criminal - Old YouTuber boy! He's definitely getting rickrolled over and over, not understanding anything going on. I actually really like this song, 100% unironically and it's a romantic vibe. Gentle is loyal to La Barva too n that's most of what the sing is at its core.
Knuckleduster - He is a natural but at the start his vibes are low key ominous. He slaps tho and it's not a spoiler but I miss him.
*Koichi - It's a soft song, kind on the ears. Kochi was really out here living this song almost to a t, huh? Damm boy. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about him and this song is also very underplayed.
Pop⭐Step: * not as cheesy as this one, baby! Okay so this song is from a 2007 movie and in the fictional universe the song came out in the 80s. No one cares about this movie at all, even less people care about this song and I'm almost curtain my mother and I are the only ones who actually know the words anymore. That being said, Pop would 100% sing this once a show and shed think it's amazing. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about pop at all either.
No.6 - He really can't, can he? He's a strange little man.
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annoyingloverbear · 4 years
Before you ask......don't ask. Yes I like assassination classroom too.
This is a HC about Y/n and Gakushuu attending the same high school.
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Ohh boy do I tell you this boi fell hard for you.
And by 'fell' I mean literally fell.
It was one of those rare occasions his father being the disciplined father he is made Gakushuu walk home from school just because he didn't eat his roasted asparagus in dinner last night.
He didn't really mind tho. His home wasn't that far and he liked to see what's going on in the outside peasant world sometimes.
As he was passing a convenient store, he heard some commotion in the alley behind it.
He ignored it and started to walk his way, but he saw a glimpse of a grey uniform skirt and snapped his head towards you.
He saw you, clad in Kunigioka's grey uniform and surrounded by three tattooed bulk men.
"Come on little girl, just keep us company for some karaoke. You see my friends and I we all are really bad singers and would love some help."______"What makes you think I'm good at singing?"________" Oh I can tell you are naturally good at it little bird! Your angelic voice is like as sweet as honey to my ears."________"Back off."_________"What?"________"I said back off you pathetic excuse of a human being before I break your willy and shove it down your throats."________"YOU STUPID BITCH!!!"
He raised his hand, but before he could even swing you neck sliced him in the throat and kicked him down there. He clutched himself as you once again kicked him in his ribs and hope that the blow was enough to keep him down for a bit. You grabbed your heavy aluminium water bottle (those things hurt guys😭 not that I've been hit by one but I accidentally hit myself. it's a great, heavy yet non-obvious self defense tool so carry one around👍) and swung it towards one of his friends. A sickening clang could be audibly heard as you hit him in the head and Congratulations!! You eliminated one more player.
You turned around and swung it towards yet another person who skillfully twisted and yanked your aluminium bottle away from you. This person was similar to your build and was standing in a defensive position, so you kicked the only thing available to you, his shin.
You were surprised as you heard a rather boyish yelp as your victim fell to the ground and grabbed his aching leg. Only then you realized......
Shit it's the previous headmaster's son.
"Oh no!! I didn't mean to kick you are you okay?"_________"I'm fine thank you."
You moved your hand towards the part of his leg which was sprained and saw that he flinched. Clearly he was in pain and seeing that he took care of one of the guys who was hitting on you felt bad so you took him to your house to treat his injury no matter how much he refused.
That was it. That's how he fell for you.
He expected himself to fall for someone who was at the same level of genius as him, but apparently he was wrong.
Why you ask he fell for you? Because you were the only one who can kick his ass purple and speak sweet words to him at the same time.
Seeing that you were an average student, not too good not too bad, he didn't really have a problem with sharing his feelings for you with someone.
The first one to notice it was not Ren, but Karma. Or you could say that Karma found his theory to be correct as he eavesdropped on Gakushuu telling Ren about how he felt for you.
Ren, knowing his manipulating skills encouraged Gakushuu to manipulate one of the teachers to transfer you from class C to class A.
And so you did.
Gakushuu, Ren along with Karma and you. This was a particularly chaotic classroom.
You weren't really complaining, as your grades got better the day you stepped in the class. But you can't shake the feeling that ten pairs of eyes were watching your every movement.
(And lol that was so true😂)
Gakushuu only respectfully watched you and your subtle movements. The way you'd chew on your pencil or nails when you were stuck, the way your eyes turned big round and innocent every time you didn't understand a concept, the way you'd pick on your peach fuzz on your face when you were anxious. Every single habit, every little thing he loved about you, he would have it memorized. Heck when he was feeling stressed out about his future company finances (yes he's planning big) he would pick on his own peach fuzz and smile like an idiot as his heart relaxes and flutters at the same time.
Ren however, watched for your responses to guys. Every time the handsome professor walked in, (admit it, we all have one at some point in our life😏) you would sit up straight, your spine rid of any slouchiness from studying. The way you would cross your legs so your skirt rides up just a bit, and the way your gaze turned sly and your smirk naughty, yes this boy is serious about helping his best friend. Heck he would even come up to you and talk to you to get some type of reaction towards him, but figures out you didn't really like him (ouch!😢)
But Karma stared. And by stared I literally mean stared. Bore holes in the back of your head by staring at you too much. He didn't understand that a guy as corrupt as Gakushuu would fall for a disheveled angel like you. It's not that you weren't beautiful, but the combination of scary principal's son and a smol fluffy bean didn't seem very safe. At times you would even find Karma behaving as an older brother to you. And you weren't one to complain but rather happy that someone in here truly cares for you than judge you for your grades.
Add 7 other girls who were suspicious of you and that's all the people who keep staring at you during the time you're in class.
Every morning you hand in your homework, it was always Gakushuu. You would hand in your homework, he would scan it once and turn around to check others'.
But you knew better than that.
After school was over, you would make your way to the hallway but a strong grip held you back.
"We need to work on your Social Studies. You suck at it."______"But shuu!!!"_______"No buts. Get in the library and wait for me there."
He would drag you to the library and make you study your worst subject (which isn't fun at all🤢) but he would make it a LOT easier for you to understand.
Of course Ren gave him some tips to flirting. Hold her pinky, look in her eyes, compliment her and yada yada yada yada yada......
He did try one of them, but he almost had a heart attack from his heart beating so fast that he decided not to listen to his minio- I mean friend anymore and do it his way.
And honestly he loves his way!!
He loved the cute nicknames you made for him while you whined for him to release you. He loved it the way your face lightens up when he explains there was an easier way to solve an equation.
All the nervousness is his system had vanished.
He also got to the point where when you got an obviously easy question wrong, he would pinch your cheeks while grinning wide.
This made study time a lot easier for you.
You weren't aware that he was like that for and with you only. Only you made him feel that way.
But you found out soon when he got TOO comfortable one day and let it slip out.
"Y/n I think I have a crush on you."
As soon as he said it, blood rushed to your cheeks and drained from his.
Both of you were staring at each other for a hot minute before you broke the silence.
"You're kidding aren't you? I'm not even that smart or that much of a genius in anything. I- but-"
"Y/n I know that. But it's just something about you that I love. I- I can't express in words how much I adore you."
You were starstruck.
Asano Gakushuu. THE Asano Gakushuu likes you!!!!
But you still refused to believe yourself AND his words. Wondering if he was turning into a playboy like Ren.
All you could say was "Then show me."
The library was quiet and you two specifically picked up a spot away from other students, the librarian and surveillance cameras so both of you can goof off. Who knew that this was also the perfect place to kiss?
He gently took your hand as he first stared at your eyes and shifted his gaze to your lips. You acted confident as if you knew how to kiss but god knows you kicked the ass of your first boyfriend before he could even hold your hand.
His gaze stayed on your lips as he licked his and visibly gulped. You wanted to throw a snarky remark but seeing the boy was as edged as a cat you wouldn't dare.
Bringing one of his hands up to your cheek he slightly tilted his head as he came near you before stopping right where your lips weren't touching his but you could feel his minty breath. Obviously waiting for you if you were okay with this, you decided to close that painful space between the two of you.
As soon as your lips touched his, he was in charge. This wasn't a particularly deep or fast kiss. You weren't digging your tongues in each other's mouth but rather just moving your lips to each other, as if giving silent yet intimate messages to each other. His lips slightly glided over yours, and you definitely knew that the way he was kissing you, he was an expert hidden within an amateur. The kiss wasn't heated or passionate in any way, but it was sinfully sweet.
It lasted for about a minute, but felt like an eternity.
Pulling away he stared at you again softly before saying "Thank You" and intertwining your fingers with his.
You were too shocked to react to anything. You were an average student. You got into fights. Your mom always yells at you to behave. Your dad keeps telling you to improve your temper. Why the hell does this boy like you?
He noticed you were staring at him the same way you stared at the blackboard during class when the professor was teaching the quantum theory for the first time.
Now that this boy had finally kissed you, he was bold enough to reach out his thumb and running it over your lower lip before popping it in his mouth.
"Pineapple flavoured lip balm, huh? I thought strawberry was the preferred choice when it came to anything for girls. Including......" his eyes lowered to your legs which felt like they were bare naked in the tiny skirt.
"Shuu!!!! Don't stare at me!!" You shoved him away as he laughed and you covered your face with your sweater paws.
"I'm sorry dear. You are just so adorable I couldn't help myself." He said while stroking your hair.
Little did they know a certain playboy on the other side of the library was paying attention to them the whole time and a redhead was poking his head from above one of the bookshelves.
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the last chapter of unexpected partners,,,,,, why am i kinda emotional 🥺🥺
i'm so thankful that i was able to find such a fun and interesting smau and making you laugh with my asks was honestly just a plus! ty for taking the time to answer every single one of them and even write that ynlix spin-off <33
honestly we've seen ynwon evolve (mostly jungwon bc at first i just wanted to 👊👊👊) into the beautiful and funny couple they ended up becoming, and it was a ride i definitely enjoyed: seeing yn slay at different clubs, become closer to stuco and be happy with her friends... she's definitely an mc i won't forget!! same for jungwon tho, because he went from this insensitive asshole to such a nice guy and a loving bf, i'm kinda proud of him tbh 😌
rlly ty for writing this and providing all of us with top tier ynwon content!!
(also i love that all the girls jumped into the men hating train at the end and that you gave the ynlix besties a last focus <3)
and now we're going onto another ride so... could you add me to the wrecking her plans taglist 🥰🥰🥰
Ngl I wasn't emotional when I was writing the final chapter, but now that it's out there it's hitting me that Unexpected Partners is over 🥺🥺.
As a writer I struggle a lot with wondering if anything I write is good or worth putting out there. So to hear you say that you found UP to be fun and interesting is just so gratifying.
Girl I think out of the two of us, I had more fun answering your asks than you probably had in sending them. Not just yours but the multiple anon asks I got for this au as well.
That Ynlix spinoff will forever be special to me. I never thought in a million years I'd write a spinoff story for a ship in one of my aus.
Not only that but it was my first time writing for Stray Kidz, since Felix was the main love interest. If inspiration strikes I may just write a smau for Stray Kidz, I'm not fully into staning them just yet but I'll probably be a stay in no time 😂.
Honestly I don't even remember where this idea even came from but once I got started with it. I just fell in love with everything in the Unexpected Partners universe 😂.
I think the idea of being so in love with someone that you do everything to help them, only for it to be unrequited and then you take the steps to better yourself and love yourself is when the other person realises what they've lost.
The concept itself is very much loving yourself before you love another. I'd like to think I showed that in the way YN grew as a person, branched out and became her own person outside of this identity of being the StuCo VP.
Honestly I was afraid that Jungwon's redemption arc wouldn't be well received or that it wouldn't seem genuine but I'm glad that everyone liked the way it went and it seemed realistic to me in the way a 17 year old boy would act 😂.
Lol I think we're all proud of Jungwon and his growth from asshole to a loving, caring boyfriend. Another reason I love the Ynlix spinoff so much. It shows what would've happened of Jungwon didn't grow, if he stayed the asshole. If YN didn't make the choice to leave StuCo and he wasn't faced with realising that he'd been taking her for granted.
I loved writing this, so thanks for reading and sending asks, hating Jungwon, loving Ynlix, eventually coming round to ship ynwon. Honestly so happy you think my little fic is top tier ynwon content 😂😭😭.
The girls going on a men hating train just felt very justified 😂. And the StuCo girls hating on Jungwon was really just to show how even on a girl's outing that consists of Jungwon's girlfriend (YN) and his best female friends (Karina, Winter and Giselle), the StuCo girls will still drag him 😂😂.
Ynlix besties will forever hold a special place in my heart. Even when ynwon are old and grey, Felix will still be third wheeling them just as old and grey as them 😂.
Some little Ynlix besties + Jungwon headcanons I have:
1. YN and Felix are both doing the same course at SNU and obviously they're shipped together. Our Wonnie boo gets so jealous that the shy baby gives YN a very heated, shouldn't be public kiss just before her lecture in front of her classmates to get the Ynlix romantic shipping to stop. Poor YN is in a daze for the rest of the lecture and Felix was live tweeting the whole thing 😂.
2. When ynwon first move out together. On their first day in their new flat, Felix comes with a box of his things and starts putting them around the flat. Jungwon questions him and he's like well I gotta have things that make me comfortable in my besties flat. When they at some point get a 2 bedroom flat it's a unwritten rule that the 2nd bedroom is for Felix.
3. Over the years, Jungwon and Felix become close, they have a Tom and Jerry dynamic. Always fighting but they got each others backs. This is shown when ynwon overhear some idiots saying rude things abt Felix and before YN can go give them a piece of her mind. Jungwon is already there glaring and shouting at these idiots who dares to badmouth Felix.
4. Finally when ynwon get married, Felix gives a speech with a PowerPoint presentation chronicling their relationship, he absolutely roasts Jungwon on his wedding day but Jungwon is too happy beside his bride to care. Oh and when ynwon have kids you bet Felix is their favourite uncle.
Okay I got a bit carried away with that 😂.
I'll definitely add you to the Wrecking Her Plans Taglist. I'll eagerly be awaiting your asks for that, there will be lots of drama in that au.
This turned out longer than I expected 😂.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
God I'm so glad to talk about the game lmao. I also finished it! It was fine Ig I think the start of the game was so fantastic so my expectations were a bit much but it was fun! I loved playing as Ciri and just zapping all over the place, wish we could do that more.
But yeah I completely agree with you on basically everything that you said lmaooo, Yen is just unbareable the more I learn about her and the things shes done/the way she treats ppl, I just don't see what I'm meant to like, even if Geralt wasn't the Best person, he deserves so so much better, Idk how I'm gonna read the books if this romance is canon there too, hopefully it won't bother me too much. She so far doesn't really have any redeeming qualities, even her small moments of humour and wit are sort of "yeah okay but it's not fun when you do it cause you just spent the past few moments berating someone for daring to try and help you so like" I actually ended up sort of liking triss the more I talked with her and Yen, she at least apologises for her wrongs (which are still massive holy shit) and doesn't rly treat geralt like shit (same with Kiera, I think thats how her name is spelt, shes cool), they both kinda fuck over geralt but they own up to it which I can at least respect, still not a fan but they're okay, at times. God the women in this game are either really fucking cool or just a bitch, usually in a not fun way The game came with both dlcs! havent really touched them cause the ending was a bitttt of a let down, I thought I wasn't near finishing cause I put it off for so long lol so my bad, probably will get into them tho! And im on ps4 so no mods :( the exp shit would be so good, the last boss fights were really easy though? I think I was level 34 (I wanted to wear my good armour lol) and the quests are level 28 so maybe I was a bit over leveled but some random mobs in world beat my ass just before the main quests so idk lol. Do you get to hang with Ciri at all post game? They're so damn cute together
Out of curiosity which ending did you get? I was pretty satisfied overall (witcher!Ciri ending for me) but I remember thinking that the last couple of plot points were pretty rushed. Though tbh, looking back I’m not sure if that’s actually the case, or if things just felt fast to me because I missed so much buildup trying to keep track of the basics. Now that I know the characters, world, conflicts, etc. I keep coming across lines and details that make me go, “Oh, THAT’S what we were referring to!” for plot points that previously felt like they came out of nowhere.
Playing Ciri is so much fun though. I enjoy zapping around as well...even when I accidentally zap myself into some guy's sword XD
I’m constantly told Yen gets better in the books (something, something major character development) and I’d be lying if I said that “The Last Wish” didn’t turn me off, but I personally stopped reading due to more than just Yen. The epic just didn’t grab me. The short stories absolutely, but I didn’t like the writing as much in novel form, heard a lot about future plot points I had no interest in/made me very uncomfortable, didn’t want to read a bunch of Yen being Yen prior just to getting a development I may or may not like… there was a lot that made me drop the books, so I’m not exactly in the best position to be recommending them, or even warning against them from an unbiased perspective lol. I might give them another shot sometime, but for now I’m happy with the games and fandom content.
I’m liking Triss a lot more on my second playthrough too (especially how selfless she is regarding the other mages) and I always liked Keira. I think the game did a good job of making her kinda selfish and manipulative (as sorceresses are wont to be in this world), but not to such an extent that you’re utterly repulsed by her actions. Her conflict is “I want to not live in squalor the rest of my days and am willing to mislead a friend to achieve that. Also foolishly trust a mad king that, if I go through with it, ends in my horrific death.” With the resolution being like, “Oh, someone else will give me a place of safety with something as basic as clean bedding? Sweet! Yeah, now that I have some security, company, and comfort I’ll use this research to cure a plague, nbd.” Keira is a great example of TW3’s argument that if you choose to help and nurture people, good things will happen for everyone, and it doesn’t ask you to ignore anything really awful to get there. I can very much stomach “You kept some info from me and put me to sleep for the night” in a way that’s far harder to do with, “You actively misled me for months while I had amnesia, cultivating this fantasy relationship” or “You callously disregard another’s culture and torture our daughter’s friend through necromancy.”
Depending on the choices you’ve already made, you can hang out with Ciri for like, one cut scene in the DLCs lol. But it’s indeed a cute one! Basically, if you didn’t romance either Triss or Yen and Ciri is still alive, you should see her again. I’m absolutely that fan that if CDPR decided, after this many years, to randomly add more TW3 content, I would in no way be opposed. I want more time with Ciri, with Regis, there’s a character from the second game named Iorveth who was supposed to reappear in TW3 but had to be cut and that tragedy will forever haunt me. Forget the mess that is Cyberpunk, just keep making more Witcher content!
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luci-on-the-moon · 3 years
Hi, I hope your day, wasn't ruined by the rude anon. I was, offended as a Sebaciel shipper. I mean, some in the fandom already see us, as boundary crossing weirdos. Let's not, be boundary crossing weirdos. I mean, if you wouldn't draw Sebaciel, if someone paid you, cool, your choice. Also your headline is Bard's number 1 simp, so guessing, you like Bard lol; so I wouldn't bad mouth, Bard to you. Even if I had a problem with Bard, which I don't. Hope doesn't discourage, you from sharing your art
Hi there 👋👋 well I was real confused by the ask, it was like if someone came to my house and critiqued my carpets or curtain lol. Like uh, get out my house if you don't like it?
And the thing is, I have done sebaciel art (specially Commissions). I'm a proshipper, I draw all ships.
Some proshippers behave like antis tho. Those are even worse than the antis.
But yeah nah I'm quite alright and that ask only confused me but all is good 👍
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I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe <3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
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deliciously-yeeted · 3 years
I was in desperate need of some beel fluff, so i wrote some. As one does. Uh, ive never done this,(posting fanfic, i normally jus write small things for myself tbh😅) before so please have mercy lol
I hope ya like it though, it put a smile on my face so im hoping it does the same for you♡
You started filling the hem of your shirt with snacks, as many as you could fit in the scrunched up fabric that is, a tired but playful grin on your lips, as you thought over what you planned to do, mentally prepping yourself.
Normally, you're not so bold about seeking out comfort and such, feeling shy about showing vulnerability...but today, ugh, today had you particularly worn down. You needed something, affection preferably. You'd settle for a warm bath and some melatonin if you had to. Though, you really didnt want too.
You were tired of self soothing all the time. And Asmos care packages could only help so much. But you knew how to make it all magically better. There was only one option in times like these .
You worked quickly, excitement bouncing around in your gut, making your hands a little shaky.
Having grabbed all you could you carry, you practically dashed from the kitchen. Your mind set on finding a certain big demon. Last you heard, he was headed to his room for a bit. You hoped he was still there.
When you finally reached his bedroom door, you found yourself in a tad bit of a pickle. Your eyebrows furrowed, the realization that you wouldn't be able to open the door making you frown at the closed door briefly. You cursed yourself slightly, for not thinking that far ahead. You forgot in all your excitement.
Briefly you considered trying to use you feet before dropping the idea. Guess you've got no choice.
Dang it! You felt kinda bummed that you'd be losing the element of surprise, but the grin soon returned, thinking about seeing Beel always you happy, regardless of the circumstances.
"Beeeeellllllllllll!" You called out, letting a bit of a whine into your voice, hey, who knows? Maybe it'd get him in front of you faster?? He tended to be on the slower side of answering his door, sometimes he simply didnt hear it. Especially if he was working out or watching tv.
Apparently, whining his name did not speed him up:(
You were about to call out again, worried he hadn't heard you, when the door clicked open. The mere sound making you feel slightly giddy. Your eyes snapping up to meet his briefly. You soaked in as many details of him as you could, without just straight ogling him, before flicking your eyes back up to meet his.
"Y/n?" He seemed pleasantly surprised, dressed in a black tank top and grey sweats (you were happy to see him wearing them, because while he looked like a whole ass meal in them, it also meant he had no plans of leaving the house tonight).
His eyes were quick to find the odd lumps wrapped up in your shirt, as well as the bit of tummy peaking out. The position you held your shirt in had caused the bottom of your stomach to show, something you had worried about on the way here, anxious about a different brother catching a glimpse of you. You could feel his stare burn against your skin, he was about to say something, but then his nose twitched, and his eyes fixed on your bundle of snacks instead.
Not that you minded his staring your stomach, not with Beel.
The others...maybe.
Your tummy was one of his favorite parts about you, he's hands finding their way under your shirt to touch and squeeze the soft flesh more often than not. Always gentle and non intrusive. I think he'd full on cry if he accidentally upset you somehow tbh.
Boy had absolutely no shame about it, once he learned you didnt mind much.
Especially when you seemed to be a bit shy about showing your stomach, with the others, or just in general. He made sure to let you know how much he loved your squish. Be it at RAD or just casually in the house.
The only person who ever raised a fuss over it was Mammon, although, he tended to fuss over everything you did anyways;; His protests did absolutely nothing to deter you or Beel, much to his dismay.
Sometimes, if Beel was hungry and needed a distraction or a quick 'pick me up', he'd scoop you up and just shove his face into your tummy. (Much like what I do with my cat when I'm bored and/or sad) Then he'd just hold you there until he absolutely had to let you down.
Relishing in the feel of your softness and you heart racing under your skin, fluttering so delicately under his lips, pressing his face against you was an instant mood lifter for him.
You loved it, a surprised but delighted laugh always ripping from your chest, almost subconsciously. You couldn't hide your happiness in his affections, not that you would want to (thats a lie, you cant help but be embarrassed at the end of the day by the intensive joy you felt whenever you looked at him). Which only seemed to motivate him even more, and soon each time he scooped you up, he'd kiss all over your tummy, making you giggle because it tickled, before hugging you close with a small sigh.
"I brought snacks, and some cuddles. So uhm, can I nap on you for a bit? 'M tired. Unless your busy or something..." you beam up at him, starting to hesitate toward the end, suddenly a little unsure.
"Pretty please?? I wont bug ya, I promise." You plead, pulling your best puppy dog eyes, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. His eyes widened as his brain processed what you said, and the cute sight in front of him. If he was being honest, it made his brain stop for a split second.
He chuckled at you and lifted you up by the back of your knees, holding you carefully to his chest, mindful of your full shirt. A small startled squeak coming from you as he did so, a sound he never got tired of hearing.
You glanced in the room as he closed to door, he had papers sprawled over the small coffee table in the middle of the room, and a few (you spotted more in the trash bin in the corner) empty food wrappers around his work space. He plopped down in front of the table again, taking only a few steps to reach it. You were kind of jealous, your short legs never being a fair match against his. Luckily he enjoyed carrying you, which solved that issue right quick.
"You can keep me company while I finish my homework." He says, shifting you into his lap and keeping a loose hold on your lower stomach, fingers splaying out to get a small feel of your exposed skin. Glancing around, you dont see belphies mop of hair in his bed, he was probably sleeping in the attic or the observatory, you quietly hum to yourself, abit happy to have Beel all to yourself for the moment. Shifting forward, Beels hands refusing to let you go and setting on your waist, you hold your shirt above the edge of the table, and let the snacks spill from your shirt before smoothing the garment back down, missing Beels frown as he looses sight of your tummy. Quickly moving to organize the snacks a bit, so that they were within reach and not scattered all over his papers and in the way.
"Thank you, your the bestest!!" You say, the dull ache in your arms more than worth the effort in your opinion.
You tilted your head back so you can look up at him. Making eye contact with him made your brain kinda just...mush. Your hands slowly squeezing his on your waist, lifting them so you move a bit.
You tore you gaze from his, before turning around and wrapping your arms around his nack and your legs around his torso,(like a koala in his opinion).
Scooting as close as you could get away with, (your not as stealthy as you give yourself credit for, he knows, he just too nice to tease you for it, and he doesn't want you to stop), so you could snuggle up to him and be comfy at the same time. Which wasn't all that hard to do with him, being the teddy bear he is.
Your eyes glazed over slightly, and you were distracted as you mind pulled your attention away.
Ah, you were in pure bliss, you could die happy like this~
You had grabbed plenty of snacks, being sure to vary in your choices, knowing Beel would like to have options, and hoping to be able to buy some extra time with him and a cute Beel smile as a reward for your effort. Tho, youd do it anyways.
Not that you'd ever admit to that. Nuh uh, no way. Unless he asked nicely, you'd give in embarrassingly fast if he ever did, the realization making your face heat up.
Embarrassment be damned, youd never tell Beel 'No'.
He looks down at you, face going all blushy and soft at your slightly dazed and flushed expression. Your thoughts getting the best of you for a moment. Shaking your head slightly and letting out a resigned sigh.
"Of course you can," you snap out of it when he speaks up, looking up at him, quick to give him your full attention. "I love when you cuddle up with me, it helps me focus a bit. You didn't have to bribe me, though, as long as its you, my cuddles come free-" wrapping his arms around your shoulders, giving you a snug hug, he moves to continue. "Not that I'm complaining-" you cut him off, feeling slightly guilty about it. You were already flustered, and his sweet words weren't helping your predicament one bit. That was until your eyes actually focus on his face, oh sweet hell, hes so precious!!! Your heart thumps nearly painfully for a moment, nerves biting into your thoughts.
Your face was definitely beat red now, you could feel it at the tips of your ears even. Yet you refused to move, your eyes locked on his. A rare occurrence, one you could tell he was basking in, his eyes were glued to your face, studying it. His flush deepening slightly.
Squishing his cheeks and "shushing" him gently. Your basically cooing at him, to tired suddenly to care much about how your words or actions came off. The nervousness slipping away from your voice and movements. "Its not a bribe hun, I just felt like seeing you smile before I fell asleep on you. Heh, your smile is my goodluck charm for good dreams, ya know?" You tiredly rub his cheek with your thumb, eyes lit up happily and content. Giving him a small breathless laugh at the end.
He really did calm you down, your mind slowing down as the excitement started to fade, a fact you became overly aware of quite suddenly, your eyes feeling quite heavy now that you felt safe.
You yawned, your weariness catching up to you.
Beels quick to notice, taking note of the bags under your eyes. Dont worry, he'll make sure you get some good sleep, no bad dreams were gonna plague you on his watch. He glances over at the snacks you brought, unbelievably happy. Seeing you so cutely curled up to him, the fact that you brought him as much food as you could carry(a sight he nearly died from when he saw it) and your sweet sweet words, it definitely warmed his heart to say in the least.
He loved that you actually came to find him, just so you could cuddle. His adoration for you is bottomless, just like his hunger.
So, Beel wraps you inna big bear hug, pulling you closer and peppering the top of your head and face with kisses. He gives you a big grin, his eyes sparkling happily. "Nap, I'll wake you up when I'm done and we can hangout till dinner."
You tiredly nod, relaxing against him.
Grabbing a baggy of chips, he smooches your forehead, before tucking your face under his chin so he could munch, and see his work(not like that was much of an issue, beels a big boy after all👀), without completely covering the top of your head in crumbs (you'd told him you didn't mind, especially since he always ruffled your hair to get then out, and you loved that...but he still feels bad about it and tries to avoid it to some extent) and being able to rest his chin on top your head was just the cherry on top for him.
💗Happy beel mode activated💗
Sighing happily, you close your eyes. Beels cuddles making all your stress melt away, just like they always did. Slowly, you start to drift off, listening to the soft scratch of his pen as he starts to work and his deep breathing, letting it lull you into sleep.
I dont know why my brain wanted me to got all out on this. I literally jus couldn't stop tweaking with it. Imma post if before i decide to change it. Imma just conveniently forget i wrote this now, maybe ill like it more after a week or two... :/ also if theres any spelling or grammar issues plz tell me, its like 2am rn so im sure i missed something
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Continuing on that observation because I forgot to add this part, as a gen z I'm glad you understand that we or young people don't invent new ways to be evil, but it's not completely true. You aren't seeing new forms of online abuse in every platform, I doubt second hand information is going into details as well. Also the fact that you are a white man, there are things being said and done to poc in various online communities that I don't expect you to be privy to. Harassing fans of color and poc media has become a lot more common and normalized which parts of the fandom at large will never see. I don't know if anon did all of the thinking before saying "gen z bad" but they're not completely wrong looking at the kind of mass bullying behavior literal kids are exhibiting. They are learning from or being encouraged by older people but that shouldn't take the focus away from them to blame only the older people.
And my ask regarding Barbara, you assumed I hadn't thought about if my disdain for the character could have come from ableism. I had tho, granted you couldn't have known that and it was surely a possibility, so I'm not saying I'm mad about it, I was at that time a little bit. But you could perhaps give your anons a little more credit sometimes. Sometimes people know what they're talking about, you don't need to explain other possibilities to them each time.
Once again, sorry if this came off as very rude I just needed to share that observation and among many other instances these two were really highlights and kept bothering me. My issue with Barbara goes in a different direction than anything to do with her appearance and I've personally faced online abuse from people younger than me in ways that technologically, even politically, wasn't possible or as easy a few years ago, so you can maybe see why...
Please keep in mind that whatever context you have for yourself or your ask when you come into my inbox on anon......I have none of that. You have an awareness of yourself relative to whatever you asked me. I literally only know an anon by the words they put into my inbox and nothing else.
Also please keep in mind that every anon I answer, I do so in the larger context of my own interactions with tumblr overall. I have a lot of precedent with things I say being taken out of context, misrepresented or even just me not conveying myself as well as I like.
So the combination of those two things is that a) I literally just don't KNOW what any anon does or doesn't know and b) If I'm going to answer an anon, I tend to want to answer as fully and clearly as possible.
I can understand it coming across as being talked down to, so I'll work on that, but I would ask people to remember the above and keep that in context too when weighing my responses.....am I actually being condescending in every case, or does it simply feel that way because I'm including stuff you already know in my response? And if its the latter, is THAT something I COULD know about you without knowing who you are or you as a person and not just a paragraph sent in anonymously?
I'd rather be safe than sorry, and so from my POV since there's no harm in somebody seeing someone cover information they already know as PART of their overall answer or response, like, there's no reason for me not to include whatever I think is relevant and just expect readers to decide for themselves what about my response, if anything, is helpful, and like....just ignore the rest, y'know?
Also, just for the record, I am ADHD and I save my medication for when I'm working or writing or have stuff I absolutely need to get done, which doesn't include my usual blogging. So I'm usually posting while not on my ADHD meds at all, hence the rambling tendencies and the length. Another aspect of ADHD that doesn't get talked about much ime is we tend to over-explain, part out of just excitement/interest in whatever it is that has our attention, and also in part because we're used to people not necessarily following the leaps our minds take when jumping around rather than proceeding in an orderly thought pattern.....so, part of why I break things down so incrementally is I literally just don't know where my way of looking at things diverges from the way neurotypical thinking views things, so I want to draw as detailed a map as possible in order to ensure the most people possible can follow my thought process, just in case.
(And again see, this is something you might already know, and hell, you could have ADHD yourself, I just literally have no way of knowing that so rather than just mention it and be like "oh and also I have ADHD and so that's something to keep in mind" I'd rather explain WHY I feel that's particularly relevant to your question, since I'm kinda like, why not answer as fully as I have the spoons for? People can stop reading at any time if I go on too long. Its fine).
As for the specific asks you're referencing - my response to the gen z anon was not meant to convey that the sort of things you're describing don't occur among gen z, so sorry for giving that impression. Its actually the opposite of my point, which was simply that I don't think its a generational thing, or that anything is gained by treating it as a generational thing. This kind of behavior exists in gen z, yes, but it also existed before gen z. Its not gen z SPECIFIC, or limited to just that generation. That's all.
And the other ask, the one you made about Barbara - to be honest, I don't have anyway of knowing for sure which one you meant, and there are a couple it could have been, but if its the one I THINK you're referencing, I believe you asked how to stop people from assuming you dislike Barbara for reasons rooted in ableism when its because of other things? If that's the one, then I mean, the thing is....I DID answer your question, in as much as anyone could. I addressed the perceptions other people might have of your stance there, but basically - there IS no way to ever ensure people take you at your word or any kind of guarantee you can present your POV in a way that won't be misrepresented or misunderstood. So ultimately, I just had no real useful advice for that?
And so I expanded into the only thing I think anyone CAN control, aka their own thoughts and words, and suggested that you just double check to be sure of your own possible biases that others might read into your words without you being aware you were putting them in there. That wasn't meant as an insult or to suggest you hadn't already examined yourself for possible ableism - it was simply saying it never hurts to check again, y'know? We don't always catch everything every time we do a self-review, and internal biases are inherently tricky to pick up on ourselves. And it just loops back into the fact that I really had no way to know what you had and hadn't already considered, you're essentially a blank cipher to me....and in my experience, a lot of people are a lot more ableist than they realize.
And this isn't an insult either! It applies to me and I'M physically disabled! I'm constantly to this day unpacking new realizations about how I still have more ableist views and opinions than even I realize, even after about five years of living with chronic pain, vertigo, nerve issues and associated problems stemming from only half a working mouth lol. I'm not trying to insult people by asking them to just do what I do every day and just like....make sure I'm not the problem when other people have a problem with me. Because sometimes, even after reflecting as fully and genuinely as I can, I think they're still wrong! I don't have to agree with their conclusions! But that doesn't mean that they're never right.
And for the record, I do think its still worth examining on your end, because I don't love that you said your issues with Barbara have nothing to do with her appearance, when we're talking about ableism specifically. It very well could be just a poor word choice on your part and not a reflection of your actual views, but it could also be a suggestion that you tend to think of physical disability as something that's limited to there being a visual sign of, and there's a lot of invisible symptoms and changes to the ways a disabled person interacts with society and society with them that don't alter a disabled person's appearance in anyway...and many of these things are the exact stuff a lot of unacknowledged ableism revolves around.
So I'd like to give you and other anons more credit and the benefit of the doubt and assume you know what you're talking about and don't need things broken down as much as I tend to break them down to - but keep in mind I don't OWE you that, and its a lot to ask someone to take you on faith when you've already made the conscious choice to present yourself to them anonymously, and deliberately limit how much a person even CAN know about you before answering, when you have an equal opportunity to present yourself by name, allowing someone the full context afforded by your blog, that they can use to familiarize themselves with you and what you likely do or don't know before answering. I don't think its entirely reasonable to anonymize YOURSELF and then expect people to still give you the benefit of the doubt.
Especially when not giving you the benefit of the doubt only really results in me over-explaining something you don't think you need explained in certain ways or in as much depth. Its not hurting anyone, and you're not going to be the only one reading this response and maybe that over-explanation ISN'T something other people know and it could still be of use to someone else, y'know?
But lastly, please keep in mind that you came to me, and I just answered in the way that made the most sense to me. If that didn't work for you or wasn't what you're looking for, that's fine, but like. You knew way more about me going into this interaction than I could possibly know about you, and assuming good faith of you and your interest in my response and giving you as much of a response as I did in the first place, let alone now, IS giving you the benefit of the doubt in the sense that I'm assuming you can find some way in which these responses are of use to you.
And if not, like....just don't send me more asks? LOL. I kinda feel like you just didn't expect the answer you got, and that's sitting weirdly with you. Which I get, to be honest, but I don't particularly think that's a me problem, because that has nothing to do with anything I can control.
I can only give the answer that occurs to me when I read and think about an ask. I can't guarantee it'll ever be the answer the asker actually WANTS.
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