#am i. am i explaining this in a way that makes sense
toji-girl · 23 hours
tw: fem reader + harassment towards you + this is solely written for and about me + writing helps me process things + Toji doesn't play around
It was only once in a while that you and Toji preferred to go out and about, date nights consisted of you two staying in and cuddling on the couch with takeout or leftovers with your heads pressed together.
But Toji loved to show you off and he wanted to make sure you were happy and if that meant taking you out to dance the night away while he gets the chance to watch so be it, and it made him feel good knowing that other people wanted you but you were his wife.
Most people just moved out of the way when they saw your husband, he was a hulk of a man, big and broody too. With his broad shoulders, large and bulging biceps you felt protected around him and safe.
Which is something he took very seriously, he knew your past and Toji made a vow to keep you under his protection and in his arms, he was by far the best man you've ever had the pleasure to meet let alone marry, every day you counted your lucky stars for that man.
The club was a bit busier this weekend but you two were able to snag your favorite booth in the far corner smooshed together, knee to knee and heads pressed against each other while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, pulling out his Mr. Smooth card.
"I'll be right back darlin', you stay right here," Toji murmured in your ear before kissing the patch of skin under your lobe then you watched him work his way to the back of the club to the restrooms.
You knew Toji told you to stay there not to be controlling but he was worried that something would happen and he couldn't be there and as you waited you finished your ice water and wanted more due to the heat from the bodies grinding together creating a furnace.
With a sweep around you didn't see anyone that looked out of place so you slid from the booth and made it the bar in need of something to drink as did Toji so you put in an order for two more ice waters and leaned against the oak watching out for your husband.
"Hey there good looking, are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got fine written all over you." A man who appeared out of nowhere slid up to you resting one elbow on the edge as he stared at you.
His eyes dropped down taking in your full body with a grin that made your skin crawl, his pickup line made your stomach twist but you heard the horror stories of being rude to men like that so you let out a fake nervous laugh which in turn only spurred the stranger on.
You were stuck between a rock and a hard place, either way, he was intent on making you go with him. "It's rude not to reply." He huffed.
Before you had the chance to say anything he was being lifted off the floor by the collar of his shirt that was beginning to rip. "It's rude to keep pressing a woman for something, especially my wife," Toji growled as the man kicked his feet while squealing like a pig.
Almost everyone now was paying attention to the whole scene. "Now I suggest you apologize." Your husband told him in a tone that brooked no argument as you met his eyes feeling your knees almost give out.
The man uttered an apology while begging to be let down which Toji promptly did, letting go of his shirt. You watched as he scrambled off the floor and scurried out of the building. "Toji-"
You were in his arms being crushed in a hug before he pulled away to look you over. "He's lucky I didn't kill him. Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes gleamed with a mixture of emotions and you could sense the anger that simmered under his skin.
"I am now, let's go home please baby. I love you, thank you thank you." You told him meeting his loving gaze as he cupped your face in his large palms.
"You ain't gotta thank me for taking care of my baby girl, let's get you home and in the shower."
With that, you both left after explaining the situation and a few people were gushing about how Toji stood up for you, but of course, he always will, he is your husband and protector.
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mrs-snape5984 · 1 day
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“There is no other love, it's only yours…”
“You're all I want, all I love…” (“You’re all I want” by Cigarettes after Sex)
Yesterday I had a really rough day. It didn’t just feel like one of my regular “PEM-Crash-Days” (PEM = post-exertional malaise = the worsening of symptoms after crossing the boundaries of my condition, due to my disease ME/CFS). The whole day was also coated in a thick layer of sadness and grief…an emotional turmoil, which I could only barely endure. Well…mixing these feelings with another wave of fever and pain, seasoned with the incapacity of tolerating screen time, adding the suffocating sensation of loneliness….et voilà! The perfect recipe for a day in hell was created! 🙄
In order to cope with my emotions, I found myself drowning in my fantasies of teenage Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules…rewriting one of their short fictional scenes. Again, Severus was tormented by his own insecurities, getting carried away in self-loathing. I don’t know, how many times I’ve already written scenes like these. Jules encourages Severus to stay resilient, praising him for all those traits, which he only identifies as his flaws and weaknesses. But for Jules, there’s so much beauty, so much strength in his imperfections. She’s making his blemishes look like the most loveable attributes of Severus’ personality with her passionate speech.
When I wrote this little scene, I recognised something: I already knew, that I’m identifying myself a lot with Severus…but Jules’ words of encouragement and consolation to her beloved friend Sevy…well, they’re are also things, I would crave to hear for myself (how pathetic, huh?!). But since I’m struggling immensely with the acceptance of my own insecurities and fears, I’m not able to reassure myself of my own worth. It’s just not on the table for me!
So…I’ll just keep on telling Severus in my stories, that he deserves nothing less than the whole world…and that Jules will always try to make him feel loved and cared for. She will never stop to compare his flaws with her own weaknesses by explaining to him, how perfectly they’re matching. Jules will never grow tired to assure Severus, that his cynicism is the perfect complement to her sense of sarcasm. For the Slytherin girl, it's a clear sign for Sevy’s extremely high intellect, which is also something, that she adores about her friend. In Jules’ eyes, his bitterness mirrors a form of hypersensitivity, a characteristic, which she knows so well from herself. That’s why she’s acting so empathetically with Severus, whenever he’s suffering with his life…and Jules is convinced, that sharing those feelings will make them less unbearable! The girl even praises Severus’ stubbornness by telling him, that she’s enjoying every good and intelligent argument with him to clear the air between them. All together, Severus’ imperfections are pure perfection to the hopelessly devoted (and obviously love-struck 😅) girl.
I’m aware of the overdramatic nature and the unnecessary fluffiness of my short stories, but that’s the reason, why I’m writing them for my eyes only. It’s my form of a coping mechanism…the only way of allowing myself some kind of self-assurance and comfort…through Severus!
Some time ago, I found an artist here on tumblr, who made me fall head over heels for her tender style of drawing my beloved dungeon bat. Especially an artwork of her interpretation of the younger Snape made my heart ache with longing for him, so of course, I just had to commission @pssherri for an illustration of Severus and my OC Jules in their teenage years.
Sonja, you did an amazing job with this project and I can’t express, how grateful I am for your kindness and the dedication to your profession! It was a pleasure to cooperate with you on this idea of mine and I hope, you’ll be open to work on more of my requests some day. Thank you for everything, my dear!
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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acesquirrel · 3 days
Randall returning in MAW but better
While I'm glad he's back, I am not a fan of the explanation on how he came back and I know others who don't like it either. I get there's a time constraint for the episode, but I feel like they could've explained this just as concisely.
Randall should've ran from the trailer he got thrown into and stayed and struggled in the human world for a while before finding his way back by himself. He doesn't need anyone to help him out here especially when some random guy in a cloak magically putting his broken door back together in KH3 makes more sense than Johnny immediately swooping in to save him. How would Johnny know what's going on? Does he have Randall chipped or something lol
Also, if a big furry guy like Sulley can get back into the monster world so easily, Randall can do it even easier and without being noticed.
While in the human world, Randall is currently unaware of the switch to laugh energy for Monsters Inc. So he does what Sulley does, search for a place with screaming kids and go through their closet door back onto the scare floor. But since Monsters Inc. doesn't do that anymore, he ends up in Fear Co. instead.
This is where he can meet up with Johnny and take the rest of the story from there.
I feel like this way makes more sense, still eludes to the original films, and also keeps at least some impact Randall's fate in the film had. What do you think?
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breakfastteatime · 1 day
Today's Survivor request is 'Echo' for @animatedjen
Master Cordova joins Cal in the stacks of holobooks, the elder Jedi radiating such a sense of peace and belonging Cal can’t decide if he wants to ask how he does it or run away and hide in shame.
He takes the secret third option and simply says, “Hi.”
“Hello, my friend,” Master Cordova says. “I take it you are finding plenty to occupy your mind.”
BD laughs louder than Cal, and he dodges Cal’s half-hearted swat, leaping onto Master Cordova’s shoulders for cover. “Plenty, thank you,” Cal says.
BD does a jig and tells Master Cordova Cal wouldn’t know how to not occupy his mind even if his life depended on it.
“Well then, perhaps I can pick your mind for a while.”
“Sure, although I’m not sure there’s much I can tell you that you don’t already know. Unless it’s about Venator deconstruction. There’s a good chance I know more about that than most people.”
“If it’s alright with you, I wonder if I might make use of your psychometry.” Master Cordova holds up his hands. “Please, do tell me if I am stepping out of line. You owe me nothing, and I do not wish for you to feel like a performing bogling.”
Hearing Cal being compared to a bogling is apparently the funniest thing BD has ever heard, and he cackles so much he almost falls from his perch. Cal shakes his head, promises Master Cordova it’s fine, and follows him to a small chamber off to the side of the main archive. Inside, a small collection of artifacts awaits them. An Anchorite bows, wishes them both a good day in a melodic voice, and slips out to leave the three of them alone. Master Cordova shows him what appear to be Zeffo artifacts – Cal recognises the art style and the script. While BD scans, Cal runs his hand over them, echoes singing as they always do. Those on the surface belong to Master Cordova and shimmer with the excitement of discovery. Diving deeper, Cal reaches further into the past. There, deeper down, the original carver’s emotions. Pride at being asked to create an image of the Sage Eilram, the Life Wind guiding mind and hands to create perfection. Cal reports his findings to Master Cordova. “Sorry, nothing to say where the Zeffo went.”
Master Cordova shakes his head. “I expected nothing of the kind. Now, may I ask for one more?” This time, the artifact he reveals is distinctly Jedi in origin.
A lightsaber hilt. Its ostentatiously curved hilt and intricate carvings suggest it is a relic of a bygone age, even more bygone than the one Cal grew up in. Lightsabers were sleek, functional from what he remembers. This? This is art. Curious, Cal touches it.
She raises her weapon, a final salute to her enemy, to her Padawan, to the Force, to the Jedi Order who went to such pains to train her. The Sith are coming, and she cannot allow them to pass. Deep breath. Release your fear. The Force is your ally, you are a conduit. She ignites a brilliant blue blade and swings into battle and – 
His master is gone. Dead. Not even a body left to cremate. She took many of the Sith out with her, their bodies scattered where only her robes remained. He opens the lightsaber piece by piece and takes the crystal nestled within. Reconstructing it, he places it in its final resting place with all the other weapons of the honoured dead.
Cal opens his eyes. Master Cordova watches intently. Embarrassed to be the focus of such focused attention, Cal hands over the lightsaber hilt and shares its story. “Where did you find it?”
“In an ancient temple, one so old even my old friend Jocasta Nu knew little about it,” Master Cordova explains. “I found it in a small nook. There were many such nooks in the wall, but this was the only lightsaber that remained. Cal, the wars with the Sith are ancient. The echo remains that powerful?”
Master Cordova seems delighted. “What a wonder it is to know that we truly do become part of the Force, immutable within it.”
“I’m sorry you can’t perceive it the way I can,” Cal says.
“Oh, my friend, there is no need to apologise! Just hearing about these few things is enough for me.”
A subtle, no, evil laugh emanates from a certain droid. Master Cordova could ask Cal to find more echoes in the room. In fact, Cal would love to do so, wouldn’t you, Cal?
Cal shrugs. “I don’t mind.”
Master Cordova lights up.
It’s Cere who comes to rescue Cal hours later. She suggests they all go for lunch, and subtly pulls Cal aside while Master Cordova and BD go on ahead. “Here.” She slips a pair of pills into his hand. “You don’t have a migraine, do you?”
He takes the pills, swallowing them dry. “Nah, just a headache,” he says honestly. “Takes a lot more these days to trigger anything more serious.”
She stares at him. He shrugs. “It’s been a while, Cere.”
“Too long,” she says, her hand squeezing his.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 2 days
how do you have such a huge amount of doctor who knowledge? do you really remember it all??? have you read all the books and listened to all the audios and read all the comics etc? genuinely so curious how you have such an impressive amount of information seemingly on memory
I'd love to have a good answer for that, but I just kind of...do? I wish I could remember normal things too (God forbid I have to remember when my dentist appointment is, no one take my calendar away from me), but there are a few topics that take up permanent residence in my head.
If it's relevant, Doctor Who has been my lifelong special interest. I'm kind of struggling with how to explain what's going on in my head.
I struggle with memory though. I forget people's birthdays, forget their names, forget appointments and meetings and assignments etc etc.
But I can remember my Doctor Who. Doctor Who is...I don't know how best to word this, but it is the language I use to communicate my own feelings and the lens through which I look at my everyday life. I hope that doesn't sound too lame - I genuinely struggle to communicate without making references or without somehow relating my own feelings to the show. It irritates the heck out of my family, but it's the only way I have found to convey important things.
And I'm not saying I bring up Doctor Who when ordering at a restaurant or anything, but if I'm distressed about something, I usually bring up a story or anecdote that would convey how I'm feeling. I don't have words for my feelings, just moments in which the characters feel the same way I do. And normally that's adequate to give them a good idea of what I'm feeling...if that makes any sense.
Doctor Who means a lot to me. To be honest, there is barely a moment when I am not thinking about it in some regard. I remember a lot because the fine details helped me understand who I am and how I feel. It's kind of like...I know a lot about Doctor Who just like the Fifth Doctor knows a lot about cricket. I don't think he could forget a detail about cricket if he tried. And kind of like that, there will always be a spot in my head for Doctor Who. Not to say that I remember every little detail as that is impossible, but I remember a lot more than I probably should, especially if they are details I find interesting or relevant. Hmmmmm. Now if only I could remember where my ID badge is....
Anyway. I hope that makes sense? I kind of just started typing, and this happened. It makes sense to me, but I've been told I sound like gibberish when I try to explain it....so at least I tried?
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transmascutena · 8 hours
Okay a bit related the awful discourse happening right now I would like to say that interpreting Anthy as thousands of years old is just... okay I wouldn't say it's impossible but it feels like such a strange thing to be so ubiquitous in the fandom as opposed to a niche interpretation. Anthy is Utena's age when Utena first meets her. I've never seen a reason for why she's Utena's age in one flashback but is somehow eternally 14. Anthy and Dios's flashback is probably the main reason this reading exists at all, but I think it's safe to say this scene doesn't tie itself to any specific time period and is also not completely literal? I think timeline of the series is actually extremely condensed compared to most peoples interpretations when you consider that Tokiko (who got to age and is still alive at the time of the main plot) and Mikage worked on the perpetual motion machine which plays a huge part in the duels.
Am I making sense?? Does this cohere?? I just hate how gross Anthy is able treated by some fans while they defend it with an incomplete headcanon that doesnt even suit the series very well. My main problem with the reading isnt even the timeline, its that it does Anthy a wild disservice! Shes a child! Shes not an immortal being whos existed for centuries, shes 14! Akio isnt either, for that matter. Propping him up as an all powerful god of patriarchy actively works against the series' conclusions about him as a pathetic manchild who can only have power when its as a figurehead chairman. Thanks for listening to me ramble a bit!!
thank you! just saw this take too and it's one of my most hated interpretations of the show. "anthy is a 1000 year old in the body of a child" as a literal take (as opposed to like. she feels that way because of the nature of her abuse) is so . bad. always used to justify hating her for some shit that is very easily explained by the fact that she is a child. or to say that her and akio's age gap doesn't mean anything. or to say that there is a weird age gap between her and utena when, like you said, they've been the same age in every scene they're in together, including back when they're children. taking the flashback with dios and anthy completely literally as taking place hundreds of years ago, while simultaneously arguing that all of akio's current abuse is strictly metaphorical is just. an incredibly stupid way to read the show.
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notgonnaedit · 2 days
The Red Bandana
Summary: The story of how Hunter got his bandana
Warnings: None
A/n: I absolutely loved writing this. I'm very proud of it and it was the first of my writings that I've ever shown my dad
Art is mine
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Hunter blew the long strands of hair out of his face. His desire to be like his defective brothers was why he even grew out his hair. But during training it was always in the way. The thick brown curls always got in his eyes and messed up his aim.
As much as he loved his long hair, Hunter knew that in the heat of battle it would cost him. It had to go.
The enhanced clone stood in the barracks refresher staring at the mirror. Looking back was the young clone. Dark hair hanging in eyes that changed with the light. Technically, he was around 8 years old. But because of the Kaminoans’ accelerated ageing, he had the mind and body of a 16 year old.
Hunter turned the blade in his hand. He had been training with Commander Cody in hand-to-hand combat. Learning to use a vibro blade was his favorite part. Now the blade was being used for something he'd rather not do, but he had to be practical. If his hair was in the way in the middle of a battle, it might cost Hunter his life. Or worse, his brothers.
He let out a sigh, no longer stalling. He reached behind his head with his left hand and gathered the thick locks. He held them tightly and raised the knife to them. He took a deep breath, ready to cut his hair.
The young clone faltered. He had not heard anyone enter. He cursed himself silently for not paying closer attention. Him and Tech had come to the conclusion that whenever Hunter felt strong emotions his heightened senses were dulled significantly. Tech had suggested that since because Hunter had stronger senses, his emotions were stronger too and, therefore, cancelled his other senses. It seemed maybe he was more attached to his long hair than he had previously thought.
Hunter lowered his blade and turned to the older clone in the doorway. "99, what are you doing in here?"
The older clone hobbled into the refresher. "You're late for evening mess." He said. "Your brothers were wondering where you were." His gaze shifted to the knife in his hand. "You're cutting your hair?"
Hunter looked down at his blade. He technically wasn't supposed to have it since he was still a cadet, but Cody had convinced a few of the trainers to let it slide. "Let the kid practice." He had said.
"Uh, yeah?" Hunter said a little sheepishly. 
"I thought you liked your long hair." 99 questioned.
"It gets in my face when I train, and it makes me kinda sweaty." Why did Hunter feel like he needed to explain himself? He hadn't done anything wrong. 
99's gaze bored into him. "Why did you grow out your hair in the first place?"
"Well," Hunter fidgeted with the blade in his hand. "My brothers are all different than the regs, and I guess I wanted to be different too."
99 looked at him quizzically. "But you are like your brothers, Hunter."
Hunter shook his head. "No, I mean look different. The regs call them names because of how they look, but not me. I thought that if I looked different, maybe the regs would, well, hate me too."
"You want them to hate you?" 99 asked.
Hunter clenched his fists. "Yeah. When we're done with training, I'm supposed to lead us into battle. If I look like a reg, they’ll end up hating me too. How am I supposed to lead my squad if my brothers don't even respect me?”
99's gaze softened. "Oh, Hunter. You know your brother's look up to you no matter what you look like, right?"
"Not Crosshair." The young clone scoffed. "He doesn't even care if I look like them. He says that it's obvious what I'm trying to do, and I should just give up because I'll always look like a reg."
99 chuckled. "Are you going to change everything about yourself for one person?"
"I'm not changing everything, just..." Hunter trailed off, not sure of where he was going.
99 seemed to be smirking, but it was hard to tell with his lopsided face. "So, you’re cutting your hair because of something one person said? I thought you didn’t care what people said about you. Or have you been spending time with the regs?”
Something stirred inside Hunter. A feeling of defiance. "I am not a reg." But the more the thought about it, he realized 99 was right. He was cutting his hair and looking more like a reg to lead his squad, a batch of  “defective” clones. They were anything but normal. Hunter realized he didn’t need to change for anyone. He liked his long hair, and Crosshair could stow it if he said anything about it.
A smile spread across Hunter's face. "Yeah, who cares? I'm gonna do what I want with my hair, no matter what Crosshair says." But there was still one problem. "Oh," His smile faded when he realized this. "Um, 99?"
"Yes, Hunter?" 99 said with a smile.
"My hair still gets in the way a lot." Hunter scratched the back of his head.
99 chuckled lightly. "I think I may have a solution for that. Come on."
Hunter followed the older clone through the halls of Kamino. They ignored the regs snide remarks and dirty whispers. Hunter dug his fingers into his palms to keep from punching them. He could hear everything. Every comment meant to hurt them, and they knew it. 
Eventually, they made it to the armory. Hunter looked around. There were blasters, detonators, bombs, and anything that Wrecker would try to steal. The armory also housed armor and clothes in the back. 99 lead him towards the back.
"Uh, 99, where are we going?" Hunter asked.
The older clone stopped by the bundles of tunics, undershirts, and pants. They were tied together with a belt and the boots to complete the uniform were sitting next to it. 99 unrolled the bundle and took the red undershirt sleeve. He ripped a decent sized strip off from the red cloth.
"I doubt anyone will care if we just take this off." 99 said cheekily. He set the rest of the clothes down and held out the strip of cloth. "Turn around."
A bit confused, Hunter obeyed and turned. He felt 99 put the cloth around his head and tighten it. He tied the ends.
"There," 99 stepped away. "Now you can keep your hair and it won't get in your way."
Hunter looked walked to the mirror at the end of the room. He could still feel a few strands of hair on his forehead, but they no longer hung in his eyes. His chocolate locks were held back by a red banana. Now, he could be himself without risking anything. 
“And just so you know, Hunter.” 99 spoke up again. “Your brothers don’t look up to you because of how you look. It’s because you have a good heart.
Hunter turned to the older clone and smiled. "Thanks, 99."
99 may never see active duty, but he was always there to help Hunter and his brothers prepare for their own battles. And that was something the young tracker would be eternally grateful for.
Tags for other wonderful writers @royallykt @bibliophilesince2003 @hugmekenobi @awkward-tension-art
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myechoecho · 3 days
The Double, Ep 15-16
I loved these two episodes!
Of course they met at the brothel. What's interesting here is that Li is the one to instigate the bit of flirting because she thinks he's here to see her. Which yes, he thought he'd see her in Luyang just not at a brothel. When the Wu Lan interrupts them and deliberately gives Li the wrong impression, Li is hurt and yes, jealous, that he's really there on business and not explicitly there to see her.
The Duke does not know how handle the mess Wu Lan deliberately created and desperately wants to fix it with Li. But the Wu Lan takes pity on him and tells him that Li is jealous. Which gives him pause and hope that Li does have feelings for him.
One thing I love the most about the Duke is how much he believes in Li and respects her intelligence. He chastises his underling when he thinks he is underestimating Li. "You never learn your lesson. Why do you still dare to underestimate her?". He doesn't know what Li will do, but he does trust her to do it.
The Duke knows why Mr Li invites him to watch the "play"at Lizheng Hall. He sees Li there and just waits. Once Li finally makes her move, he really sits up and pays attention. When Mr Li expresses surprise that Li would stand up for the Ye family, he basically tells him in his Duke way to shut up and pay attention. Li hasn't even started yet.
He loves watching her display her intelligence; he's turned on by it. Look at his face when she stats to tear the official apart:
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I love their little interaction after the play. Neither want to give an inch. And while the Duke does get tiny, slight upper hand, he relents and asks her "Can you just let me let me win for once?". Which essentially acknowledges the power she has over him. Still, he does explain who Wu Lan is, as much as he's able to. Judging from Li's smile, she is happy with this explanation and that he wasn't at the brothel for carnal reasons.
At the same time, she refuses to let him know that she understood his message so he's left wondering.
I love the drinking scene! The Duke drops everything, though his investigation is coming to a critical point, to go to Li. He at first was going to let her do her thing, but then she asks him to drink for her. He started to reply that she should beg him and before he can finish, she does beg. He's surprised by this. Once he confirms that it won't be on her tab (which lets be real there is no tab where she is concerned despite what he says), she agrees to let him take over the drinking.
I like how the under lord cannot figure out if the Duke is her saviour or enemy. Even more, the under lord has a tie to the Duke's father. Li and the Duke's differing agendas are getting more and more intertwined.
Despite being drunk, Li still has enough sense to realize that she'll need to do something. It did not escape my notice that in her inner monologue she refers to the Duke by his name, Xiao Heng. I'm not even sure knows she did this. She comes up with the plan to use the fireworks and gets the Duke to shake the dice.
He immediately knows that she's has a plan and does it without hesitation. Once he understands what she's doing he's again turned on and proud of her. I think he likes seeing this side of her, the one that is more free. He also takes the time to ask what is most important on his mind - is she still upset with him?
I am so excited for the next episodes.
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miscfandomwrites · 3 days
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A/N: This is a short drabble I had hidden in my drafts, I believe this is a start to my 'Volchista' series which is something that's been thought about for a couple years, but I think for now I just want a cowgirl who falls in love with another gal...or two. ;) Oh, btw, I make all of my headers by myself. Please don't steal them from me, they take a lot of work.
Pairing: Cowgirl! Reader x Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: None / Reader has an aversion to alcohol
Words: 935
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
"I think it's time to retire 76, she keeps going lame, and I doubt she'll survive another calf season" I told Clint as I headed to the kitchen to wash up for dinner. 
"You know what's best for the animals, if that's what you think needs to be done, take care of it." He replied beside me, cutting up some tomatoes for the burgers.
"How come you let her make all the decisions?" Tony asked him, leaning back in his chair, sipping on a glass of what I could only assume was either whiskey or bourbon. 
"She lived in Montana, and has spent, what..three decades ranching?" A slightly confused look on his face as Clint faced me, leaning back against the counter. 
"Four, but yeah, I have experience and background" 
"So what's going to happen to 76 then? You'll kill her?" Spoke the dark redhead, judging by the length of her hair, that would be Wanda Maximoff.
"I have a friend who will euthanize her out in the field, but until then I will make sure she is as comfortable as possible. I believe that an animal should live its best life, and be as healthy as can be, but if repeating issues occur or the way of life for the animal is made to where it would be unethical to keep alive, then in that case there is necessity for euthanization.” 
“So just because she’s old and can’t have a baby, you’re going to kill her?” 
“The average lifespan of a cow is twenty years. 76 is twenty-two years old, the last calf she had nearly killed her, and the last three calves haven’t survived birth or gestation.” 
“So she’s old, so she’s going to die?”
“No, it would be mean to keep her alive because she would keep getting sick and when she doesn’t feel good it’s not good for her, (Y/N) just wants the animals to be happy.” a small voice piped up, coming from Clint’s oldest, Abigail. 
I nodded at her as she glared, or as much as an eight year old could glare, at the billionaire.
“How old are you?” 
I shrugged, and started to help Lauren bring the dishes to the table, ignoring his question. 
“Want a beer?” Steve asked, holding out an unopened bottle to me.
I saw both Clint and Lauren open their mouths, but before they could said anything, I settled my face with a neutral expression and told him bluntly. “I don’t drink.” before walking past him to grab a soda out of the fridge. 
I grabbed one of the glass cokes that were kept stocked next to the beers and popped the top off, tossing it into the little bin next to the fridge. 
“Mind if I ask why?” Stark asked, sipping on whatever it was. 
I shrugged. “I honestly don’t like it. It dulls the senses and I’ve genuinely never had an alcoholic drink that tastes good. Besides, I feel like I’ve had enough alcohol to last me the rest of my life.”
“Are the cows names just numbers?” The dark red-head blurts out as I was sitting down. 
I took a sip of my drink and tried to piece together the best way to explain to her that I knew how. 
“Technically yes, we have three-hundred and seventy-nine cows in our herd, we can’t really give them all names. Well, the older ones, the ones past twenty, yes we name, but we also retire them.” 
“Just because they can’t breed?” 
“Yes and no, they are old enough and have had at a minimum of three calves, so I see no reason to have them out with the bulls where they could potentially get pregnant again and miscarry, or end up dying during labor. Or, if they resist the bulls, the bulls will attack them. Occasionally, if I have an orphan calf or if I am given one, I give it to the older ones because they know how to care for them.”
“Giving them a chance at motherhood again without the pain of pregnancy or the dangers of giving birth.” Lauren adds on, raising her mug to me. 
“Exactly. I try my best to look after them. If an animal’s well-being is ever called into question, especially if it has to do with how they could live the rest of their life in pain, I do everything I can to make sure that animal will not be in pain even if it means relentless vet visits or having to euthanize so they can have a chance of being free from the pain. And trust me, I hate it. But it is necessary.”
“You definitely sound like you’ve been doing this for a long time. Where on earth do you get the money for the vet visits though? I imagine with all of the animals you have the bills are ridiculous.” 
“I know a couple people, and I do the occasional mission to help fund the farm if needed. However, that's only when Clint or Nat are on leave.” 
“I’d rather not leave my family without someone who knows how to protect them. That and someone who knows how to manage the farm when they’re gone.”
“Even then, I rely on the girls more than anything when it’s just me here. The cows have a particular…fondness for me.” Natasha spoke over her cup of juice. 
I chuckled. “They know a good soul when one’s around, I don’t blame em’ for gathering around you.” 
“Not when they leave their calves with me! I don’t know what to do with baby cows!”
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megumiatethetable · 10 hours
𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬!𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (@𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞)
note: hiiiii this is my first drabble about choso here on tumblr. i apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes, try not to mind them too much. enjoy!
The two of you are sitting at your favorite hanging spot. It's a hill covered in grass over your favorite park, presenting the lake and trees before you. You had begun coming here initially to teach Choso a way to hang out with other people, as he still was clueless on how to do so; but ended up coming almost every other day with him.
After getting to know Choso for a few months, you found out the great company he could be. Despite perceiving him as lonely and cold at first, you grew to understand the type of person he really was.
You had tries countless attempts to befriend Choso, and he yielded up until to a certain point. However, what you wanted with Choso was far more than just a friendship. It was impossible not to fall in love with such a careful, adorable, and sweet person.
"I just don't understand..." The half-curse says. He's looking out the horizon. You recognize this as Choso being too anxious to make eye contact with you. He usually did this when you first met.
"What is it?" You ask him.
He seems to think carefully before speaking again. "Why...why are you here with me?"
You tilt your head in slight confusion. You´ve joked about your weird friendship a few times before, it was no mystery that you liked sharing your time with Choso. "Hmm? What do you mean, Cho? We always come here after dinner."
"No, that's not what I meant." Choso replies. "I mean to ask...why are you here with me out of everyone else? Why am I more deserving of your time than the rest of them?" His voice trailed off into a whisper by the end of the sentence. "I'm nothing more than a freak."
You sat back with your back a little straighter this time, turning around to face him. You had totally missed the sad undertone of his voice. "Choso..." you reach out to touch his arm, but he flinches away.
"I haven't understood up until now why you´ve tried so hard to get closer to me." He explains, he stares at the moving waves of the lake. "This is not to be taken as ungratitude for you, no, that´s not what I feel at all. But...why? Why do you wanna hang out with me like this? Why do you smile as if you enjoy our conversations? Why do you bring joy into my life when you don't have to? What exactly is the reason behind all of this?"
Taken aback by the raw pain in his voice, you move to sit in front of him, so Choso has no choice but to look at you this time. "Cho, please look at me." You tell him, gently laying your hands on his arms.
He looks up, and you can immediately sense the fear in his eyes. Fear of rejection. And for the first time, you realize how hard it must have been for him to live around both human and curse, yet be accepted entirely by none.
"When I met you, I couldn't help but be in awe of you. You were both a human, and a curse, yet you had the biggest heart out of anyone I've ever met before." You begin, swallowing back your own nerves. This catches his eye and he looks confused. Since when where you this shy in front of him? "It's true, you are different from others, and that's what drew me to you. The way you talk about your brothers, the way you're protective over those you care about, how careful you are whith your words..."
Your eyes are drawn to his own, small hazel-colored eyes. "You're incredible, Cho. I want to be closer to you, because you're interesting to me, and I want to get to know you better and teach you about the world."
The brunette still hasn't moved away from your touch, and you realize how solid his arms feel under your palms. You try to dissipate the blush that suddenly starts spreading over your cheeks by looking back at the horizon. It's the sunset over the lake, what you pretend you are watching, but you can feel Choso's eyes on you.
"You shouldn´t think that way about me." He says quietly.
"Well, I do."
For a moment he looks back at the lake, the trees, the park. Anything else but you, because it hurts him the most, the sight of you, hurts him the most. To think about you that way and how things could never work out.
A bitter taste floods Choso's mouth before he speaks. "We can't. I'm just a curse who's slightly more human, I don't...I don't deserve you. Don't deserve your care." He shakes his head, and looks away again. He can't tolerate the idea of being worth any ounce of love in this world, beside his brothers'. "The amount of people I've hurt, they make me just a curse. I'm no better than any of them. So why—?"
You reach out again, catching his hand, grounding it before he begins inflicting himself any pain. You've seen Choso do it before, scratching at his own neck, out of anxiety and fear. "You defended your brothers out of love, something a curse doesn't feel."
"No. That's different." He still doesn't seem to be listening, he doesn't want to believe it. "The way you trust me, how you care about me. If you keep doing this, I'll..." he stops for a moment. Choso's too scared to say the next part. "We can't, we shouldn't."
This time, the half-curse doesn't stop your hand from reaching out to his face. How you trace his cheek, and jawline, as he swallows. "I'm not deserving of your love." He whispers, but his eyes can't leave yours.
And despite all of his hurtful words towards you, he hasn't moved an inch away from you. If anything, his eyes are begging you not to let go of him. Choso can only slightly shake his head as you lean in to his lips. "I'm sorry." You whisper, all before kissing him.
The moment your lips land on his, he pulls you against him, his body melting against you. Choso's arms gently holding you, his hand moving up to touch your own. You feel his fingertips shaking, as they hold your hand.
"I love you," You confess against his lips, between kisses. “I love you, Cho."
It had been impossible not to fall for him during this time you'd been getting to know him. How you'd both found trust with each other, and how protective he’d grown over you. You wanted him to be yours only.
Choso pulls away to cup your face and look into your eyes. “I love you so much more than you can imagine.” He whispers, so quietly you can barely hear him. “And now that I have you like this, I don’t wanna ever let you go.”
You throw your head back and laugh as Choso pulls you into a warm embrace. You can feel him flustering against you. “I’m serious.” He says into the crook of your neck. "You're stuck with me now."
"I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else," You tell him, smiling and kissing along his cheek and curse mark, enjoying Choso blushing under your lips. "My Choso."
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ninibeingdelulu · 21 hours
Anything…right ? ✧
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Plot: After cheating on you, Oliver thought it would be like it’s always been going: finding another prey. But for some reasons… you’re different.
A/N: AHHHH screaming like literally. Read this while listening to Haunted (the last part) by Beyonce and come thank me later😙. Reminder: English isn’t my first language.
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The air was thick with tension as Oliver Aiku stood before the woman he had once called his girlfriend.
His usual cocky demeanor had been replaced by a rare vulnerability, his gaze searching your face for any sign of forgiveness.
It had been a week since you had discovered his infidelity and ended your relationship, and in that time, Oliver had found himself unable to shake the persistent thoughts of you.
Try as he might to return to his old ways, to lose himself in the company of other women, something felt... different. Off-kilter in a way he couldn't quite explain.
And now, here he was, on your doorstep, his heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and a newfound desperation he had never before experienced.
Oliver began, his voice uncharacteristically soft and hesitant.
"I need to talk to you. Please, just... hear me out."
You regarded him with a stoic expression, your eyes betraying the turmoil that raged within you.
You had loved him, trusted him, and he had shattered that trust with his selfish actions.
Yet, something in the way he carried himself, the vulnerability that had crept into his gaze, gave you pause.
Silently, you stepped aside, allowing him to enter your home.
As he stepped over the threshold, Oliver felt a surge of hope, a glimmer of possibility that perhaps, just perhaps, he could make things right.
"I'm sorry," he began, his words tumbling out in a rushed, uncharacteristic manner.
"I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I... I don't know what I was thinking. I was an idiot, a selfish bastard, and I hurt you in the worst way possible."
You remained silent, your arms folded across your chest as you listened, the expression unreadable.
Sensing your unwavering stance, Oliver took a step forward, his eyes pleading.
"Please, I'm begging you... give me another chance. I swear, I'll never hurt you like that again. I'll be faithful, I'll do anything, just... please, don't leave me."
Your brow furrowed, a flicker of emotion crossing your features.
"Anything, huh?" You murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
Oliver nodded frantically, his desperation palpable. "Anything," he affirmed, his gaze never wavering from yours.
"Then get on your knees," you said, your tone unwavering.
"Beg me for forgiveness, and swear to me that you'll never betray my trust again."
For a moment, Oliver's eyes widened in disbelief, the weight of your demand sinking in.
This was no mere request - it was a test, a challenge to the very core of his pride and ego.
And yet, as he stared into your eyes, he knew that he had no choice.
Slowly, almost reverently, Oliver sank to his knees, his gaze never leaving yours.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
"I'm so, so sorry. Please, forgive me. I swear, on everything I am, that I will never hurt you like that again. You... you're the only one for me. I need you, more than I've ever needed anyone. You’ll be the only woman in my life— you’re the only woman in my life."
You watched him, your expression softening ever so slightly as the sincerity of his words washed over you .
This was no longer the cocky, womanizing Oliver you had known - this was a man stripped bare, his pride and bravado cast aside in a desperate bid to reclaim what he had so carelessly thrown away.
And in that moment, you knew.
You knew that he had truly changed, that the weight of his actions had finally sunk in, and that he was willing to do whatever it took to prove his devotion to you.
Slowly, you reached out, your fingers gently brushing against his cheek.
"Alright," you whispered, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "I forgive you."
Oliver's eyes widened, a glimmer of hope igniting within them as he gazed up at you, scarcely daring to believe his ears.
"You... you do?" he breathed, his voice trembling with a mixture of relief and disbelief.
Nodding, your hand move to cup his face. "Yes," you murmured.
"But you have to prove to me that you mean it. No more lies, no more betrayals. Can you do that?"
Oliver nodded frantically, his own hand reaching up to cover yours, holding it against his cheek as if it were a lifeline.
"I can," he vowed, his voice thick with emotion. "I swear, I'll be the man you deserve. I'll never let you down again."
The air between the two of you crackled with a newfound tension, a fragile hope that had been reborn from the ashes of your broken trust.
Oliver knew that he had been given a second chance, and he was determined to prove himself worthy of the woman he loved - no matter what it took.
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scekrex · 3 days
i will most likely appear often so HAH
So like adam has a band right? And they make copious amounts of merch, like think adam plushies and shit, and ftm or male reader finds this merch in a random store and just decides to splurge on adam plushies and shirts and all this crap because he wants to support his boyfriend yea? It can be fallen adam or angel adam, adam’s adam lmao
(i wanted to add ftm because i am ftm, u can make it just plain male if that works better!)
Nuh uh bitch, you want ftm so we're making it ftm also this turned out a lil short but I hope you like it nonetheless.
That’s my fucking boyfriend, you intolerant cunts
pairing: Adam x trans!male!reader
warnings: language, reader gets misgendered (once)
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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Having a famous boyfriend wasn’t always a good thing, especially when said boyfriend was Adam. It was bad enough that basically all of Heaven knew him for being the first man, the fact that Adam had decided to also be the lead singer and the face of his own band made it even worse, because that gave strangers an actual reason to walk up to Adam and talk to him. And now people did not only know Adam, they also knew you. He wasn’t very subtle about dating you - not that you wanted him to be, you found it quite adorable how proud Adam was of having you as his boyfriend. But Heaven’s people could be complicated and less tolerant - a thing you had to learn the hard way.
The intolerance of people had been way worse when the brunette and you had just started dating years ago, back then people didn’t even know Adam was bisexual. You and him were walking through Heaven’s streets, having a nice chat while also enjoying each other's company. The first man had his arm wrapped around your waist, he made it quite obvious that he liked you, not only by the way he looked at you every now and then, but also by his body language. The tip of his wing rested on your shoulder, he had you pressed close to his side - seeming a little overprotective and maybe even possessive.
That was when a small crowd of people surrounded the both of you, taking pictures of you and your boyfriend without your consent and asking Adam a million questions. Out of reflex you pressed your body against Adam’s side, trying desperately to escape the curious eyes and the flashing cameras. Adam was quick to raise his wing and shield you from their view. “How are you?” one of them asked Adam, not noticing that they were interrupting a sweet moment between boyfriends. “Can we take a picture together?” another angel asked as they took a picture of Adam without his consent. “Who’s the chick you’re hiding?” And that question made you tense up. A chick. They thought you were a woman. But before you were able to correct them, the first man pushed the noisy people out of the way - and let’s just say that he wasn’t gentle about it - as he hissed, “That’s my fucking boyfriend, you intolerant cunts.”
But then there were the bright sides of having a famous boyfriend - the merch. Well, actually there were more bright sides than just merch, but seeing shirts with your boyfriend’s face printed on it was quite hilarious to you and the fact that multiple stores in Heaven sold the merch of Adam’s band with such pride made it even better. The store you were in that very day made it even better. The brunette had told you a couple weeks ago that he and his band were working on selling plushies of themselves - he had explained that chicks loved cute shit and given that the majority of their fans were women that made a lot of sense. At least to you and Adam.
You stepped up to the shelves and took a closer look at the new plushies and you chuckled how inaccurate they looked. You didn’t know whether Adam and his band mates wanted them to look like that or if the production simply fucked up, but knowing your boyfriend and his friends, they most likely were too lazy to design them to look accurate. You grabbed one of the Adam plushies off the shelf - it was surprisingly soft - and without thinking twice about it you put the soft plushie in the shape of your boyfriend in your shopping cart. The other plushies on the shelf followed and the shirts hanging from the wall didn’t remain untouched either - let’s just say that you were quite surprised by how many different printed shirts they had with Adam’s face on it, because fuck, there had been a lot.
When you got back home from grocery shopping a couple hours later, Adam chuckled at how you tried to drag the quite heavy bags into the kitchen before he decided to help you with it. “The fuck did you buy? Rocks?” he joked as he lifted the heavy bags onto the kitchen counter. The brunette opened one of the bags to help you put away the groceries and when he was met with one of the plushies he and his band mates started to sell not so long ago, he raised an eyebrow at you. You simply shrugged, grabbed the bag filled with merch and pulled it off the counter, “Someone’s gotta support your ass after all.” And Adam couldn’t really argue against that.
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i’ve talked about my headcanons regarding the stan twins’ genders, but i’ve never actually gone into much detail about stan. i’ve just said ‘he doesn’t know’ and left it at that, when i do actually have an extremely specific headcanon about what exactly his gender is. so here we go, we’re doing that now:
ford is agender
stan is what can only be described as genderfucked. not genderfuck, genderfucked. different things
his gender is an incomprehensible mishmash of femininity and masculinity and neutrality and androgyny that dance around each other much the same way a star designs roses around a black hole
it is the non-Euclidean geometry existing outside the box, and the non-space that said geometry exists within
it is the unmovable object and the unstoppable force. it is everything and nothing. it is all of the above and none of the below and as above and so below and infinite and finite and the start and the end and existing and nonexistent and everything you think it is and exactly the opposite of what you think it is
it redesigns concepts in a way you can’t understand, but they’re there, and that, in my mind, is irrevocably what stan pines’ gender must be
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things about being an educator is that you hear what parents want their kids to be able to do a lot. they want their kid to be an astronaut or a ballerina or a politician. they want them to get off that damn phone. be better about socializing. stop spending so much time indoors. learn to control their own temper. to just "fucking listen", which means to be obedient.
one of the things i learned in my pedagogy classes is that it's almost always easier to roleplay how you want someone to act. it's almost always easier to explain why a rule exists, rather than simply setting the rule and demanding adherence.
i want my kids to be kind. i want them to ask me what book they should read next, and i want to read that book with them so we can discuss it. i want my kid to be able to tell me hey that hurt my feelings without worrying i'll punish them. i want my kid to be proud of small things and come running up to me to tell me about them. i want them to say "nah, i get why this rule exists, but i get to hate it" and know that i don't need them to be grateful-for-the-roof-overhead while washing the dishes. i want them to teach me things. i want them to say - this isn't safe. i'm calling my mom and getting out of this. i want them to hear me apologize when i do fuck up; and i want them to want to come home.
the other day a parent was telling me she didn't understand why her kid "just got so angry." this woman had flown off the handle at me.
my dad - traditional catholic that he is - resents my sentiment of "gentle parenting". he says they'll grow up spoiled, horrible, pretentious. granola, he spits.
i am going to be kind to them. i am going to set the example, i think. and whatever they choose become in the meantime - i'm going to love them for it.
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alevens · 4 months
zolu is maybe one of the easiest ships i've ever liked. they're dating, except when they're not, they're best friends even when they're kissing and they're still captain and first mate when they aren't. they hold hands, they hug. they have sex. they don't.
Luffy can hold Zoro's katanas and Zoro can hold Luffy's strawhat and no one bats an eye. one says "You're so cool!" and the other says "You're strong" and it's just another way to say "I see you, this is why I follow you/this is why I trust you". it's not seeing each other for a long time and still knowing how the other's steps sound like against wood and sand. the captain runs and the first mate follows. it's always "Zoro and the others" and "Where's Luffy?"
if they're just friends, if they're something more, if they don't have a label for it, at its core, it's just about how they get each other. they understand how the other's mind works. however you view them, it doesn't erase they fact that they love each other in a way they don't love other people.
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
a 2 act tragedy starring me: i’ve been making fruit smoothies in the morning for a few days which has been great because it’s getting me to actually eat fruit for once, only to go on the internet and be told that it apparently releases all the natural sugars so it's actually Not that great for you and i am devastated
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