#and spelling for a lot of words just dont make sense!!!
trixi-is-a-bimbo · 7 months
autocorrect, gettinf stuff wrong, using different words
someone asked me recrntly why i spell sp much stuff wrong snd like i thinj its really important to say im not doing this deliberately and faking typos!! but i have made some chnages to be a better bimbo because thsts super important :)
i do mostly know how to spell stuff, i just turned off autocorrect and only correct stuff now when it makes totally ni sense at all. that way i sound dumb and dont have to thinj about gettinf stuff right. the only words i always make sure i get right are really important words like Cock
dumbing dkwn works in loads of ways. the more u act dumb and soubd dumb the more it bcomes normal to be this way. snd the more dumb u sound the less respect othrr people have for u which is rwally good beacause then they treat u as dunb which feels rwwlly good and like reminds u how dumb u are even more and it becomes like a cycle thing??
what i have stsrted doing deliberately is usinf less big words and using less like commas and stuff so i can just fpcus on saying stuff for people to get off to snd not boring stuff because i figure it still makes sense anyway? also stuff like u instesd of you because it soubds dumb and cute!
anyway i hope thst explains it!!
please let me kmow if u think theres ways for me to sound dumber and more Cock pleasing!!
edit: i forgot a super important thint! all not caps except important words like Cock 💕 lots of pretty colours and emojis too esp hearts and stars!! ✨✨
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minas-linkverse · 2 years
As requested I’ll share some of my comic making knowledge. Keep in mind that I’m not a professional and have been self taught when it comes to making comics, SO take my tips with a grain of salt. Also English is my second language, I dont know some words.
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First of all I think a very useful thing you can do is study film, especially how shots are designed. The way film makers decide what is in a specific frame is very similar to deciding what should be in a panel, and in general improve your visual language skills.
Still, comics are a different medium and have different advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind.
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Second thing I wanna share is that often there’s a lot more thought put into what is inside the frames and not the frame itself, when they should work in harmony. In the above example are two versions of the same exchange, where character A is making character B upset. The first works, but lacks impact, while the second one uses visual language tricks like being bigger and leaning over the other to show who is in charge.
Now, the first example might work better in different scenarios, it’s less about what’s always right and instead about knowing your options.
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I recommend dividing a comic page into two or three segments, any more will be cluttered. Clutter CAN be very useful to drive home a joke or a sense of anxiety, but most of the time I’m guessing you arent doing that.
But what’s also important is to not necessarily use stock page layouts. There are only so many ways you can put squares on a bigger square, but you need to understand what each square can bring to the table.
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I’m sharing some general tidbits, but remember that when you start learning the rules, you also got to learn to break them when appropriate! If you want to show how ineffective an attack is, maybe dont give it the flair of a cool panel. If you want to have a big panel full of small snappy speech bubbles to express a group chat kind of conversation vibe, why not! Experiment!
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Finally what’s better than learning from the real deal. I’m gonna show off my own stuff here, but remember that the more varied your study topics the better. Look at manga, western comics, newspaper strips, all of it and see what you like and dont like in them! Or how they approached something you want to tackle.
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Full comic here
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Full comic here
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Full comic here
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Full comic here
I just noticed a bunch of spelling mistakes oops. That’s other people’s problem now, I can’t be bothered.... 😭 
So in conclusion, focus on making things readable, visually interesting, and have fun or smth. If you are doing things correctly, each element should feed into each other. Visual interest should help in clarifying whats going on, and so on.
PS. I didn’t include more basic tips like how to make panels that flow in the right order, or the fact that level of detail and line thickness can tell whats in the foreground and whats in the bg. Consider this more of an encouragement to study things, and less of a full tutorial.
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spoiledlbleach · 2 months
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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scarasimping · 1 year
note: sorry for any spelling mistakes this is not proofread. i just threw words onto my phone and rolled with it. its all fluff and im whipped for itto
okay i know i said i would post more scara stuff but i cant stop thinking about itto rn
specifically how nice itto's hugs would be.
he's a pretty big dude, compared to almost everyone, so itto's hugs would completely envelope you. his strong arms wrapped tightly around your upper body and holding you against his chest. literally the most comforting thing ever.
he may also give you a noogie on the top of your head but its out of affection, promise.
i like to think he's the type to be just always warm, maybe because of the oni blood, but his body heat would be so soothing especially on colder inazuman nights. who needs a blanket when you have itto to lay on???
speaking of which, cuddling with itto and falling asleep with him??? (im ignoring the whole "sleeping with his eyes open" thing, let me just pretend that doesn't happen.)
like i said, so much body heat, you might not need a blanket unless it's the middle of winter, then maybe one.
both of you laying on your sides, facing each other, one of his arms outstretched on the bed so you can lay your head on his bicep and the other holding your waist tightly and pulling you closer to him. itto's the type to mumble things in his sleep, and a lot those things probably dont make sense, but every once in a while his hold will tighten very slightly on you and he'll mutter something like "mine."
oh my god, and while you're both just laying there before you fall asleep, you start tracing the red oni marks on his body. itto's normally the type to never stop talking, even before he goes to bed, but when you start trailing your fingers along his chest and arms so lovingly he can't help it. he just shuts up and gets so red in the face. you managed to make the itto flustered, good job.
anyways i'll stop here. maybe i'll write a full fic about this one day
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So....the KFP4 plot huh? WHEW! I really needed DAYS to process all this & uh...I think I’m finally ready to talk about it?
Also before I start saying anything please note that I may share few more EXTRA details. Where did I get the details? Welllll? I may have cheated & decided to spoil myself a bit to get more stuff out. Although I promise I’m not gonna share any images & go deep to spoil movie. To be honest I myself only managed to get like only 5% extra details. Also reason I had to spoil myself to dig this deep by talking with the person who got this stuff personally from CinemaCon is that I’ve seen a lot posts saying most of you all have GIVEN UP on the franchise after the plot news was out. Granted some of the plot is not making sense. I myself had to read like 100x to process all in. But giving up on the franchise? I still can’t do that. KFP has a special place in my heart. I’m not saying I’m here to rescue by giving you guys hope. Instead I’d highly suggest you all to keep the expectations low....LIKE REAL LOW! The higher we’re setting the bar the more disappointing results we’re gonna get. Some things so far I found does give us a little hope of light & some are well....meh?  
So first let’s just start with the villain herself. The Chameleon. Turns Kate Mckinnon is voicing the villain & her design so far is actually not bad? So far it actually looks good. Only way I could describe her looks is that she’s giving me a bit Shen mixed with bit of Viper vibes. Elegance is the only word I can describe her. Since its only a storyboard image sadly. Its not even a concept art image. 
As for her abilities/powers! Ooooh I hate Dreamworks here for baiting us saying this Chameleon can ‘summon’ the old villains. I know they’re doing this for keeping this a surprise or something idk but whatever the CinemaCon fans saw are completely different from the whole summoning idea. Apparently turns out she IS THE ONE HERSELF who can turn into TAI LUNG, SHEN & KAI. SHE’S A SHAPESHIFTER! Which is no surprise since she is a Chameleon & they’re known for changing colors. So I really don’t see the point why Dreamworks made movie news blogs & reports saying & using the word “SUMMON” which is completely different from “Shapeshifting”? Another thing this is gonna disappoint a lot of Tia Lung, Shen & Kai fans because i’ve seen a lot over excited fans who are waiting for a rematch Especially a Po vs Tai Lung. I’m so sorry guys but these guys are not coming back. They originals are dead DEAD!
She’s also gonna shift into one of Po’s biggest challenger yet too. I’m not mentioning this one this is worth saving it for the movie or the trailer. I hope they save this surprise of the MOVIE ONLY
So far for me the villain actually does sound & look promising. Whoever came up with Chameleon shapeshifting idea is actually pretty darn smart. My only concern is that she doesn’t become one of jokester type villains since its Kate Mckinnon who’s voicing. So yeah...that’s the villain info
Now for the fox character Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? LMAO y’all have no idea how many different spellings I had to come across to get this character info! The funny part is people are even changing the fox’s gender in some articles which is really weird because its Awkwafina who is gonna voice her. So far we only know that she’s gonna be shown as a thief first? And later as Po’s student? Her design? No idea. For now. 
Judging by Awkwafina’s past animated characters like Sisu & Ms Tarantula I’m assuming the character might be some playful, sneaky, childish, cunning type of a fox character since the fox is gonna be introduced first as thief? idk this is just my thoughts? Bonus if she turns out to be some annoying teenager or young adult who would try to get on Po’s nerves during their adventure.Kinda to give Po taste of his own medicine & realize how difficult it is for Shifu & Tigress who has to deal with Po’s shenanigans. 
Also I won’t be surprised if the Fox too has some very similar backstory like Po or Tigress. I’m really getting a feeling the story is gonna be about misunderstood fox who most likely could be either an orphan or abandon by family/villagers or something
Okay so now comes the plot. We all know that Po is gonna get promoted to higher master position & he has to find new Dragon Warrior...yaddy-yaddy-yadda!  Apparently their gonna show Po finding Chen/Zhen/Zhan/Chan (SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM WHAT’S HER REAL SPELLING!) in the museum where Po is....patrolling? (i’ll be honest this info is a little confusing because I really don’t see why Po of all people is patrolling at the museum especially since now he’s in a bigger position....like why?) So after he finds her & catches her & stuff & she tells about Chameleon & later go on this adventure (Oop! Dragon Knight plot?) to city where the Chameleon resides & here comes the typical Mike Mitchell writing. Take a wild guess what the city is gonna filled with? We had got Wolves for the Gongmen City right? Now what could be MORE DANGEROUS THAN WOLVES? Hmmmmm? Well.....
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This really reminds me of one episode in LoA where Po had to deal with his past bully which was also a BUNNY! Funny part of that episode was that even Tigress had hard time believing Po couldn’t fight his bully bunny enemy & constantly reminded Po how tiny the bunny is which pissed & offended Mantis off. Anyways back to the main topic.
Now I’m not gonna sugar coat this one. The plot STILL very much does sound very off & very animated series level of writing. Also the person has confirmed this movie is gonna have more of comedy BUT (here’s the hopeful part or at least I’m hoping) the thing is all this info is just like 10 or 20% of the plot. There could be chances that we could still get some emotional stuff since Dreamworks is known for hiding & saving the emotional stuff strictly only for the movie. Remember Puss In Boots? The trailer gives us more of action & the idea of the plot meanwhile the scenes like Puss feeling guilty about not attending his own wedding, the anxiety scene, Goldie’s wish scene & Perrito’s back story all this was saved for the movie. So yeah I am still keeping 5% hope we do get some heavy stuff especially if this movie really does turn out to be the FINAL CHAPTER. Who knows that those storyboards were only the main stuff just to give idea & furious five too MIGHT be there during the adventure but their all split up or something? Idk man I’m just saying.
Where is Shifu? Furious Five? Po’s dads? The Other Pandas? OKAY....uh...so far uh....sadly I’ve no freaking idea where the hell are Po’s dads or the pandas? I’m just gonna assume all the pandas have settled down in Valley of Peace & living regular lives. Po’s dads I’m assuming running the restaurant? There’s sadly no info on this one. Although I really wished his dads would’ve played important role in this one since its gonna be lot difficult for Po to take in his new position & to pass his Dragon Warrior title. 
As for Shifu & the Five. We are gonna get them but we’re told they’re NOT gonna be part of the adventure or what so far the storyboards was shown at Cinema Con din’t have much of them. I am still like 3% hopeful for this one since the guy mentioned these were only the boards which were shown there could be chances the changes can be made. But if the movie really is only focusing on Po, the fox & the Chameleon than I’m assuming we might get very few cut scenes of Furious Five & Shifu. Back & forth scenes like they did in KFP3. Either that or the Furious Five are having some other separate mission & hence that’s why Po decides to go solo with the fox. 
Now for the big question; Why isn’t Po giving his Dragon Warrior title to any from the Furious Five? Especially to Tigress?! OH BOY! When I came across the articles saying Po is gonna have to find new Dragon Warrior replacement my mind too immediately went on Tigress! HECK! EVEN MY MOM SAID THIS! Also I had the whole KFP1 movie flashed in front of my eyes Especially the scene of Tai Lung screaming at Shifu telling him about how he filled Tai Lung's head with Dragon Warrior dreams & trained him hard till his bones cracked & Shifu & The Furious Five being sour & bitter towards Po in beginning...I understand now...I FREAKING UNDERSTAND THE PAIN THEY WERE GOING THROUGH TO PROCESS THE FACT THAT THEY ALL TRAINED THE HELL OUT OF THEMSELVES FOR THIS DAMN TITLE EVEN GOING TO EXTEND THE GET THEIR BONES CRACKED & END UP GETTING NOTHING & instead some random noodle folk panda fell from the sky with no whatsoever kung fu skills gets the title...YUP I UNDERSTAND THE RAGE NOW. AND THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD THIS DRAGON WARRIOR TITLE IS SUCH A FREAKING CURSE!! GODDAMN OOGWAY!!
BUT...BUT...Here's the thing what we also see is that Five...ESPECIALLY TIGRESS never had that desperate goal for Dragon Warrior title in the first place. We all know at this point well aware that Tigress only wanted to get the Dragon Warrior title is because she wanted to make Shifu proud but after seeing Shifu finally being more compassionate and the older playful self again thanks to Po. Tigress doesn't hold that grudge or jealousy anymore towards Po. Which same goes for the five since they were already warming up towards Po before Shifu & Tigress.  
I know most of us & myself deep down all wanted Tigress to get the title since she has gone through hell the most right from her Bao Gu days but Tigress has made it very much clear that she's moved on from the whole wanting Dragon Warrior title and she's become her own warrior
Now in Tai Lung's case. Even though Tai Lung says he did all that training to make Shifu proud but it was clear that Tai Lung was already blinded & thirsty for the Dragon Warrior power the most (Thanks to Shifu). Heck! Shifu himself admits this that his pride blinded him so badly he turned Tai Lung into a monster.
So yeah I know right now we're all disappointed that Po isn't giving his title to any of the furious five but to some random fox (who is a thief...wow..nice choice Po) but let's not forget that's how even Po's story started & we'll just have to wait & watch to see Po taking Shifu's role as master & trains this fox character. 
Also I’ll make a separate post on how Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? (I SERIOUSLY STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HER REAL SPELLING IS) on how she could earn the Dragon Warrior title. That’s not gonna be a spoiler post that is just gonna be an analyzing post or how I can see it happening
And lastly can we trust Mike Mitchell?...OOOOOH BOY! Judging by his past projects I would say it’s a little concerning but lets not forget even Joel Crawford had made some not so very successful projects in the past as well & years later Puss In Boots 2 became one of his best & successful projects yet. I’m not so concern of Mike my main concern is what exactly happen to Jennifer Yuh Nelson for not being part of this so sudden? I remember in interview she had mentioned if she really decided to make all 6 chapters like Jeffrey Katzenberg suggested she really wanted to make a complete beautiful necklace franchise for Po’s journey! Heck to be honest the third movie itself WAS ENOUGH AS A PERFECT END TO THE CHAPTER! It really did give us a perfect trilogy I honestly don’t know why or what made them to give us fourth. This whole retiring thing & passing on torch has been a very common plot trend in most animated/anime/comic medias lately. Anyways. Too late now. Lets see how this chapter turns out.
So....uh..yeah I guess that's it? I tried my best to keep this post with some positive stuff just to you know...lighten up? The thing is we can't say much anything right now because the movie is still in beginning/mid (storyboarding) stage. Its still too early. Changes still can happen hence we cant say much yet. Jack himself mentions that its too early for the trailer. So yeah its very common at times last moments some ideas could have changes.
Only word of advice to the pandom I'm gonna give is be a little more patient. I myself needed DAYS to process & break it down. If we have waited this long we just going to have to wait a little longer. My guess on getting the first teaser we could most likely get it in... August or September (this year)? I'm calculating according to how we got Puss In Boots trailer. The trailer was released in June & the movie was released in December.
We just gonna have to play the waiting game a little long & PRAY!! LOTS & LOTS OF PRAYERS (& INNER PEACE) THIS MOVIE DOESN'T RUIN THE FRANCHISE!! That is all for now. Feel free to share your thoughts or can private DM me!
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luxsf · 24 days
Just a rant about Travis mischaracterization in sally face (salvis) fanfiction (Please don't take this post too seriously if you are a fanfiction writer I love you and we should just get married <33)
This is mainly about salvis (sal x travis) fanfiction btw and it kinda goes along with a post I made talking about how the fandom treats Travis and I am gonna make a post about the mischaracterization of sal soon as well (I know I am spelling so many words wrong lmao) BEGINNING OF RANT: Why do so many fanfic writers make travis some uwu shy boy?!?!?! I feel like Travis wouldnt be "Shy" when he is trying to be nice I feel like he would just sound agressive when he speaks if that makes sense. Idk why everyone just got the idea that Travis (after the bathroom scene in episode three) would just become shy or quiet. Like he was loud and not shy when he was bullying sal but all of a sudden he become shy and anxious?!?! that makes no sense to me. Also I am not trying to say that you cant write travis like this because in reality he was only in the game for like a few minutes but idk its just something that bugs me for some reason. I dont really care if you see travis like this btw live your truth king (or queen or wtv idrk) I am just saying in most salvis fics I have read travis is always just so....not travis lol. Btw I am not trying to shit on any persons writing because I do see a lot of this mischaracerization (idk if I can even call it that tbh but I cant really think of any other word for it) in peoples writing and I dont wan it to look like I am shitting on their work. I am not a writer but I do know that commiting to writing an entire work based off of one of your intrests takes talent and dedication so I am not trying to sound rude to any of those people because I respect them a lot, I just think it is weird how people see travis after the bathroom scene because when I first played the game I thought he would probably just be more nice ig. But still be pretty aggresive or rude lol. Its kinda hard to explain how I see travis acting but it definitly isnt like how I see everyone else portraying him so I just thought I would share. END OF RANT: (Holy woah this is a long ahh post so I am so sorry for that lol but thanks for reading ig also fanfic writers once again lets get married plzzz) I reqlly hope this post makes sense aaaaaaaa :')
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ we always end up like this (chapter 8)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5k !!
Chapter warnings- swearing, mentions of fights, emotional abuse, manipulation, relationship drama, confused feelings, mentions of depression, kind of a sad chapter, lots of deep emotions. oh and also smut. (guys you arent ready) - also excuse any spelling errors.
enjoy :)
You didnt end up falling asleep until around 4am that night, Taehyung stayed up with you the entire time, making sure you were okay.
"its okay, lets just stay in bed" he hushed when you protested something about getting up and ready for the day.
"I want to shower" you sat up and looked over at him, dark circles under his eys, he looked....rough.
"then shower" he finally sat up as well, his face turning to you when his eyes shot wide. "oh"
Tilting your head, you looked back at him, "what?"
"you have a bruise" he gestured to his own jaw while looking at yours. your hand flew to cup your cheek, hiding it. "yeah I figured I would probably have a mark. Good thing for makeup, right?" you joke and pull the covers back, feet meeting the cold floor.
"you know we still have to talk about everything, right?"
You tensed up and turned on the ball of your heel to face him. "yeah....just give me a few, okay?"
he nodded, taking a breath as you scurried into the bathroom, door shutting loudly.
He wasn't mad at you, he was upset in the same sense you were upset at him for hitting kaito. However, when something bothers Taehyung, it bothers him deeply and fully. It was something you observed from a young age, the complete mental shutdown whenever something didn't go right for him, or there was a situation that made him upset in anyway. You cant remember the last time he has been like this.
After your shower, the aroma of bacon infiltrated your nose, leading your footsteps out to the kitchen. "what are you doing?" you asked quietly, wet hair dripping onto the tile below you.
"Im making breakfast?" he made an obvious gesture to the stove and fridge, making you roll your eyes. His attention was on the lavender camisole you changed into, as well as the fact you had used your makeup to hide last nights evidence.
"why do you have a tone with me" you leaned against the counter and crossed your arms. "I dont" he shrugged
"youre being snippy"
he laughed and turned back to the food, throwing some onto a plate with fruit and shoving it your way.
you took the plate and met his eyes with your own. "thanks. why are you moody?" you quickly pressured once again
"are you serious?" he whipped around to you
"have you completely forgotten what has happened in the past 24 hours? or do you want me to catch you up?" he scoffed
"im fully aware" you glared at the boy
"then why are you acting like I dont have a reason to be upset?"
"you dont-" you paused, setting down the plate of food and looking at it. You allowed yourself to take a breath before looking out the window. The shitty weather captivated the shitty aura of the kitchen. "lets just eat breakfast then talk"
he looked at you before slowly turning back to his food, you returning to your room and shutting the door.
Now you were alone with your own thoughts to gather before having to face the situation. It wasnt that you were afraid to talk to taehyung. It would never be that, no. It was you were afraid to be honest with yourself.
You so desperately wanted to just bathe in what felt like love, what felt like a chance at a happy easy-going relationship. You wanted it so, so badly.
So badly- that you told everyone things were good when they werent. You knew this ship would sink soon enough, but not like this, not like that. You thought the bliss would at least last a little longer. Now you sat like an open exposed wound for everyone to examine and tell you how to fix it, when you already knew the problem wasn't fixable.
stitches couldn't hold together what you felt.
Once you both silently took your collective times apart in seperate rooms, you agreed to sit in the living room. The rain pattering onto the glass quietly as his record player was faintly heard in the other bedroom created a semi-comfy environment to be in.
"So..." Taehyung sat on the floor, in front of the tiny table, watching you cross your legs to sit on the opposite side of him, body scrunched up defensively.
You chewed your lip and looked at your hands, avoiding contact with the boy in front of you. "I'm sorry, for everything" you quickly decide on ripping the bandaid off as soon as possible, his eyes flicker to yours.
"I lied about so much and, its not fair to you. Youve been my best friend for so long and I dont like keeping secrets, theres been a strain between us for quite a bit now, and I dont know what to do"
He nodded as you spoke calmly, part of him elated and relieved that he didn't have to pry you open to the conversation.
"Kaito was an asshole, he is an asshole. I don't even know what it was that I saw in him."
"I would assume...that it wasnt the first time he had done something like this, put his hands on you, that it?" tae added in
You sighed and finally looked up to him, shrugging helplessly. There it was, your heart on the table in front of you both, you mine as well be honest because theres no going back anymore.
"theres been a few times. not to that extent but yeah"
He exhaled and ran his hand over his face, "why didnt you tell someone?"
"I couldnt" your voice was shaky now, eyes trailing to your wrist that still had marks on it from just a few weeks ago. It was embarrassing.
"what do you mean you couldnt? you just sat and fucking suffered?" his voice was a bit louder, hands now gripping his arms as they crossed over his chest.
"Its not that easy, taehyung! fuck, I, I just couldnt come out and tell everyone that I was going through that, and then be questioned why I stayed, and then further have to fucking explain that im incapable of feeling loved without someone loving me romantically." you wipe a tear, slight anger and frustration evident. "that shit is fucking humiliating" you shook your head.
He swallowed harshly and looked at you, scrambling of something to say.
"you dont get how hard it is to be in college, and having all your friends hookup and shit....I dont want that, I never wanted that. I cant, I attach myself too easily and-"
"that wasnt love, y/n"
"you said you needed someone to love you romantically in order to feel genuinely loved? That man never loved you" he spat, knowing it sounded harsh but hoping his point came across in the directed manor. It was obvious; any person who could hurt their so called significant other with no regret is not someone worth the label of loving. You knew that.
"i was lying to myself"
"and everyone around you, too" he sighed, folding his arms out in front of himself.
"im sorry" you breathe, watching as he looked around softly.
"I wish you hadnt kept it a secret for so long, y/n, I know that you wanted everyone to see this fake image of what you wanted to be perceived as, but you know...its okay for things to not go as we plan, right?"
you shrug
"we are young, and frankly, we are stupid. Do I think I should have hit Kaito last night? no, it was wrong of me. Do I think he deserved it? yes, but thats not the point, the point is that sometimes you have to forgive yourself and accept yourself."
"what do you mean?"
"you have to learn to accept yourself for how you are, stop trying to create some fake fucking image for the rest of the world. who cares? You have so much going for you, who gives a shit if you dont have a perfect relationship? there are many people we know who are probably doing much worse" he chuckled lightly, making you nod.
"just be easier on yourself, I would never judge you. Faking shit is not worth getting hurt over." he added on, emotion and sadness now showing through his voice.
You nod once more, eyes filling up again, "okay"
He stood to his feet and walked over to sit beside you, using the opportunity to pull you into his warm embrace, sighing contently when you returned the hug.
"you have to just...let some things go." he whispered, "nothing has to be perfect" his hand gently rubbed your back. "sometimes what we want isn't what we get"
you sniffled and hid your face in his neck, pulling back to look into his eyes. "and what is it that you want?"
He smiled softly as he examined your face, so much thought in your head as your hands fidgeted. you
"you to be happy" he emphasized, squeezing your palm
"I want you to be happy too, taehyung. I should have never dragged you into this shit."
"Im happy when you are, and hey, we cant change whats happened. we need to just...move forward and hope for the best"
You quickly hugged him again, face tight against his chest as his head rested atop yours.
"Do you ever miss Gwangju?" you asked
Tae smiled and got lost in thought for a minute, "yeah...yeah I do" he whispered.
"we should have never moved here, Busan is nothing but trouble" you giggle softly, a sound that lifts weight off of taehyungs chest.
"we had good times there, huh?"
"I miss it so much, I miss everything about it."
"like what?" he asked gently, hand playing with your hair.
"Just how we would always be at eachothers houses, eating home made meals and biking through the streets. Just living normally, just being kids" you sigh, leaning into him
"we still can do all those things now, here, at the apartment" he spoke up quietly. You two are used to spending time close together, but schedules have been clashing, creating a difficult distance between you both.
"we cant" you chuckle breathily, pulling away and wiping your nose with a tissue.
"why not?" he pouted, a slight, hopeful smile on his lips.
You gave him a knowing glare, pressing your back against the couch as your hands fell into your lap. "well....isnt it obvious?"
"No, guess not" he tilted his head, genuinely confused.
"I think....over the summer..." you trailed off, eyes lost in some random object across the room as the boy next to you tried to catch on. "I think we made some mistakes"
"oh" he looked down, immediately understanding what was coming.
"and we never have spoke about it, and I think we should" you turn your body to him.
"I dont think thats necessary" he shook his head, bouncing his knee.
"you told me to be honest with you"
"I told you to be honest with yourself" he clarified, scoffing slighting.
He never wanted to fully confront the whole issue you both fell into almost a year ago, it was something that just happened. You both agreed to sleep together for a little while, it was mutual, nothing more nothing less. He had a hard enough time getting over his feelings and hopes he had for you, and he isnt ready to have this conversation. Not here, and not now.
"what if this is being honest with myself?" you spoke calmly, making his head lift up to you.
"what are you talking about?"
You looked at him and back down at your hands, "I dont know why we did all that, I dont know why we agreed to sleep together. Youve always been my best friend and I worry if I maybe ruined something-"
"no, no, you didnt." he stopped you quickly, "we both decided to do it, it was very much mutual. please dont think like that"
"but everything has been so off between us since then...." you pick at the fabric of the carpet.
"Yeah, I agree, but I dont think it has anything to do with that stuff"
"I do"
He looked at you and chewed on the inside of his cheek, feeling cornered.
"It wasnt like what we did was exactly bad, we had fun, we made rules, set boundaries, we jus- I mean, do you regret it that much?" he murmured quickly.
you stared at him for a moment, watching his chest rise with anticipation for your next words.
"I dont regret it at all...thats the problem" you quietly admit
Taehyung looks up, unsure if he heard you right. "im-im sorry?"
You shake your head, "I don't regret any of it, tae. I feel like we approached it, all of it, wrongly. I messed up a lot of things for myself, I cant seem to look at you the same anymore." you add.
Taehyungs heart was in his stomach, he pinched his thumb to make sure he wasnt having some dream. "so, you mean that..you dont regret doing what we did?"
"do you?" you counter.
"absolutely not" he exhaled.
you both looked at eachother quietly for what felt like forever.
"I feel like ive already embarrassed myself enough today but i'll just add to it I suppose" you start, taking his hand and looking at it. "when I say I miss the old us, it means I miss the time before I pretty much set myself up to fail....I guess I developed some feelings for you, which is entirely cliche, i know, but Ive been programming myself to get over it because I know that you and I wouldnt work" you admit
His eyes widen quickly, not sure what to do other than laugh, which makes you confused.
"what?" you semi-smile as he stands and catches his breath
"y/n...oh y/n" he kneels down to you, "if only you knew" he sighed
"knew what?" you panicked
"Ive felt the same way about you for the past few months and its been fucking eating me alive!!!" he openly speaks, making your eyebrows rise.
"you have no clue how hard its been to see you with Kaito, wishing it was me. you have no clue what its been like to live with you and see you look like that every day, its painful!" he laughs, feeling free in finally admitting what has been eating him alive for so long.
You find yourself breaking out into a smile, small giggles as your stomach flipped at his words. You wouldnt have pictured this happening, but here you were.
"I dont care if I look like a fool right now, you just.... you just made everything so much easier" he took a breath, smiling like crazy
"did I?" you smile widely, feeling elated that the outcome to this wasnt an embarrassing one.
"how could you ever think we wouldnt work?" he asked, holding your hands as he spoke more quietly now
you shrug, "I just didnt think you saw me that way"
"ah...." he sighed, "we should have known, we arent hookup people." he joked, making you laugh as you started at each other.
"I didnt think it was gonna be this simple...." you giggle, squeezing his hand, still shocked at how easy the coming clean was.
"we are fucking idiots" he smiles before pulling you closer
"yeah, we are" you whisper before pushing your lips to his suddenly, pulling back to see his reaction.
He blushed, pulling you back down to him and returning the kiss once more. It wasnt rushed, it was sweet, slow and meaningful.
Once you pulled back to catch your breath, you cupped his face lovingly, feeling like right now, there is nothing more you could possibly do to make yourself happier. "you know we will still have to further discuss this whole thing, yeah?" you whisper, thumb grazing his cheek.
"I know, I know." his hand falls on top of yours, "I want you to know that I care about you and Im serious about this, but I also dont want to rush things..."
"same here" you add
"but as of right now...I really wanna kiss you again." he spoke, making you laugh as the blood rushed up to your face. "do it all you want" you breathe out, returning his lips to yours as you moved yourselves up onto the couch, your legs coming around to straddle him.
He nearly choked, pulling away to wrap his hands on your waist. "maybe we should move to a more comfy spot?" he chuckled
you looked around before realizing you were about to bang it out with your friend on the living room couch. "yeah, okay, bedroom?" you stood, grabbing his hand as you both ran into the hall, escaping into your room like 2 horny teenagers in love.
It was ironic, actually. The first few times you two had sex, it felt mature, it felt like there was more to it, but it wasn't genuine. After today, things felt like they didn't need to be as put together, it was okay to just be....
The bed dipped as you crawled onto it, turning over to lay on your back as you watching Taehyung join you, his figure hanging over yours. "whats so funny?" you smile, hands climbing up his arms, wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer.
"nothing" he chuckled, lips moving from your jaw to your neck, making you gasp quietly. "just...think its funny how we always end up back here"
Your hand was tangled in his hair, "mhm...like I said, we are idiots" you smile, closing your eyes blissfully as his tongue swipes down to your clavicle. "dont tease, I think we both have waited long enough"
"okay, okay" he winked at you jokingly before gently moving his hands to your tank top, lifting it carefully. You sat up slightly, wrapping an arm around to unclip your bra and toss it to the side.
There was no shyness with him when it came to being naked, it was the feeling of comfort, like you know he would never judge you or your body, and he never did.
"mmm" he hummed against your neck, lips kissing down to your breasts as his tongue slid across your nipple. "ah-" your head gently fell against the pillows behind you, biting your lip to try to contain any noises that attempted to escape.
"youre okay with this, yeah?" he looked up a bit to catch your expression, making sure you were alright.
"yes, im okay with it" you smiled and watched as the boy carefully returned to pressing his lips against your chest, gently sucking the skin on the side of your breast so he would leave a mark.
The arousal between your legs was hidden under your shorts, thighs rubbing together beneath him as you tried your best to just let go and not be so tense.
"can we take these off?" he looked back at you, fingers lightly holding onto the hem of your shorts.
"I personally find it unfair that Im naked and you still have all of this on" you gestured to his hoodie and sweatpants, making him laugh. Usually when you two were in this position, there was very little talking, and very little time spent on taking clothes off. Taehyung wanted it to be different right now though, he wanted to take all the time in the world, there was no rush here.
You sat up and pulled down your shorts, kicking them off from around your feet before directly moving to take off Taehyungs hoodie, placing it somewhere off the bed. His lips attached to yours, pushing you back into the bed. Something about kissing Taehyung was just different, you couldnt put a reason as to why, exactly, it just was. The comfort that was felt, the way he was messy but also passionate as his tongue danced against yours.
His long fingers delicately ran across your chest, making its way ever so lightly down your stomach, and to your thigh, causing you to shiver a bit. "Youre so beautiful" he whispered, teeth grazing your ear lobe as his words spilled into your system.
He would beat himself up if he ruined this, if he hurt you, if he made you feel like you were anything less than what you had become; treating you as if your skin was nothing more than the thinnest glass. He didnt want to just compliment you, he wanted you to feel how much he has yearned for this, for you to understand his regret in not being 'a man' and openly expressing his feelings within the first go around. For someone who knew your body almost as well as his own, he was so worried about breaking it.
His index finger hooked into the hem of your underwear, beginning to lightly pull them down your legs. The exposure felt familiar, it wasn't nerve wracking for you. The man above you was one you trusted with your body more than anyone.
"taehyung" you breathed out, slightly parting both of your thighs apart, the feeling of his breathing against your skin as he slowly kissed down to your navel, stopping right before your center.
He took one last look up at you, perhaps it was a moment of pride, or an ego boost over, but seeing how red your face had become even in the dimly lit room gave him a sense of accomplishment- and he wasn't even rightfully touching you yet.
Once his tongue pressed flatly against your core, your hand shakily flew to grab onto his hair. If you hadnt been so aroused in the bliss, you would have opened your eyes and looked down at the boy sitting between your thighs. You woke up this morning with a sore jaw, headache, and a bone to pick, now here you were getting eaten out in your bedroom with the boy who put you in this position in the first place.
"mmmh" you used your other hand to press over your lips, knowing that if you were too loud, your neighbors might have a few words to share with you. His tongue continued to poke at your clit slowly, a little too slowly. His arm came up to press down one of your thighs, keeping your entrance open for his access.
"youre soaked, holy shit" he laughed softly, moving back and wiping your wetness off of his jaw as he began to use two of his fingers to trace along your vagina. "baby, please" you whispered, hand trailing down to find his hand, locking it into your own.
You gasped at the sudden intrusion of his long fingers, pushing deep into your cunt and retracting slowly, only to repeat over and over again. You couldnt tell if you were blushing at just the simple action, or the lewd sounds filling the room, either way you were left breathless and squirming under his touch.
"this okay?" he smiled, still feeling his chest tighten at the given fact you called him 'baby'.
"yea- oh my god..." you arch your back slightly when he presses his tongue back to your neglected clit, kitty licking it just barley.
"ride my fingers, cmon baby" he egged you on, unable to help the smirk stuck on his face as he searched around for that one spot.
You had to admit, you were surprised at Taehyungs dialogue- he was never one to speak during sex in general, despite the occasional pet name. It shocked you, but at the same time only turned you on more.
Your hips rocked gently against his hand as he added a 3rd finger, making you whine loudly. "I feel so full, fu-fuck" you clenched around his digits, catching his smug face as he watched you fall apart.
The ends of his fingers curled perfectly, making you moan aloud, hand slapping over your mouth once more as you tried to shut your thighs. He seemed proud of himself for being able to find your g-spot, recognizing your behaviors and hardening his actions even more.
"Taehyung, please," you plead, rocking your hips as a faint layer of sweat builds up on the creases of your legs. "cmon baby, cum for me, its okay just let go" he spoke so gently, in such a tone that didnt match the situation playing out in front of him.
His fingers continued to prod at your sweet spot before he returned his tongue to your bundle of nerves, watching your chest rise and fall frantically. "im right here" he whispered- and that was just what you needed to come apart.
"ohhh" you clenched around him once more, arching your back as your vision went white, you could have sworn you went blind for a moment. "you okay?" he asked, pulling his fingers out and crawling back up to you, kissing your forehead. Your eyes flutter open to see him, complete admiration in your face as you take him in. "yeah...yeah im okay...that was-"
"good?" he giggled shyly, his behavior completely switching from what it once was just a mere few seconds ago.
"yeah.." you sighed, smiling. You felt like you were on cloud 9, but you still wanted more. You, somewhere deep down, feared this was a dream, and he would leave if you stopped.
Your hands ran down the front of his chest and down his stomach, biting your lip as you looked back at him, noses touching a bit as he leaned to kiss you once more.
It started as slow kisses, but the eagerness you had for eachother quickly took over. Your hands led to the hem of his sweatpants as you untied them, his mouth attacking your neck roughly, panting.
"baby-" you whimpered, trying to push him back so you could take off his pants easier. He smiled at you and leaned back, untying them himself as he moved and slid them off along with his boxers.
You watched as his erection sprung out, eyes immediately drawn to the red tip leaking with pre-cum. You had to admit, you almost moaned just looking at it.
He caught your gaze as his hand began to stroke himself a few times, moving back above you. He blushed and tried to return to hiding his face as he kissed your jaw. "dont be shy now, its too late to be hiding" you teased, hands wrapping around him and gently grazing his back, pulling him down.
"you want this?" he asked once more, eyes looking into yours.
"I do, do you?"
"of course" he nodded, kissing you once more before bringing his dick to your center, sliding his tip up and down your folds slowly, making you lift your hips up in search of more friction.
You hid your face against his shoulder as he pressed himself into you, eyes checking and making sure you were okay while doing so. Once he bottomed out, he moved both of his forearms on either side of you, face against yours as he pressed his lips all over your face, peppering you in kisses. "are you okay, angel?"
You squeezed your eyes together until he was all the way in, it obviously wasn't your first time, but it definitely had been a long enough period of time since the last time you have had sex, so the feeling was a bit abnormal. You exhaled and opened your eyes faintly, "yeah im okay" you pressed your lips to his, feeling more comfortable as he made sure you felt okay enough before moving. "you can move now" you pushed his hair out of his face and cupped his cheeks, looking into his eyes as he began to move his hips, slowly pulling out only to push back in.
The first few strokes were not that pleasurable, so you wiggled your butt to allow him to access deeper into you, shifting the placement. He groaned quietly as he pushed back in, hands now gripping your hips.
"ahh, fuck" you whispered, pushing your head back into the pillow as you began to feel more pleasure between your legs, his dick reaching spots his or your fingers never could. "feel good?" he asked, fighting back his own moan as you clenched around him so deliciously, he had to go slow or he would cum right there and then.
"so fucking good" you grazed your hand down the side of his face as you whined, your arousal speaking for you as the wet sound became more audible the faster he pumped into you. "missed this, missed you" you admit, eyes squeezing shut once more
"missed you so fucking much" he groaned, crashing his lips against yours as he lifted himself carefully. "More please" you whisper shyly, feeling a tightness in your stomach that yearned to be released.
He sat back and gently gripped your thighs, spreading them further apart s you were exposed entirely. He took in your fucked out state before beginning to thrust into you once more, this time with a quickened pace.
He mumbled your name as he threw his head back, skin slapping against yours as your moans filled the room. "yes, yes" you encouraged him, bucking your hips up to meet him in between each time he pushed further into you.
He urged you to lift your hips as he put a pillow under your lower back, something he always did to ensure he reached your g-spot.
You gasped and clutched the blanket, whimpering as he continued to thrust into you. "right there!"
The headboard of your bed was clashing against the wall, creating a loud sound. You tried to reach over to hold it but couldnt, "tae, the neighbors, fuck, its too lou- oh!" you could barley finish a sentance, his dick fucking you just right as you felt yourself becoming dumb at his actions.
"I dont care, let them hear" he spoke forcefully, hands squeezing into your thighs as he held them up. "let them know how good you feel"
You clenched upon hearing his words, for someone who never did dirty talk, he sure fucking knew what to say.
You whined and gripped your chest as he pulled out, once again gliding his tip down your folds and to your clit. "so fucking perfect for me, baby" he whispered, pushing back in and making you moan louder at his sudden action.
"tell me-" Taehyung began, setting a pace as he thrusted into you, "did her ever touch you like this? did he ever make you feel this good?" he groaned, eyes trailing down your sweaty body squirming beneath him.
Your face grew red as you shook your head frantically, "no- no he didnt" you admit, whimpering as you began to feel a build up.
"good" he leaned forward, his dick angling just right as he got close to your face, "dont ever let anyone touch you like this" he warned, his possessiveness something entirely new to you.
"mhm, n-never" you manage to spit, nails digging into his shoulders and back. "baby im so close" you cried, sneaking a hand down to between your bodies, fingers rubbing at your clit as his mouth reached down to your breast, tongue prodding at your hardened nipple.
"me too" he breathed out, lifting your thigh higher as he fucked into you more, "fuck im gonna cum, where do you want it?" he exhaled
Your hands gripped him harder, barley managing to speak, "i-inside" you whimper, feeling your orgasm suddenly wash over you the same time his did. Your mouth fell open softly as you arched into the bed. You werent sure how loud you both were, but you knew that it was probably one of the best orgasms of your life.
"so good for me, y/n, always so fucking good" he gently pulled out, watching his semen spill out of you and onto the bedsheets. You pulled him back up to lay on top of you, the room silent, filled with heavy breathing. your hands delicately played with his hair, eyes shutting as his head rested on your chest.
You both werent sure how exactly this happened, or if it even should have happened, but it was something to worry about later. All of these months, harboring feelings and keeping secrets- it didnt mean anything anymore. You felt safe, comforted here with taehyung, and as you both silently spoke and praised eachother before drifting off to sleep, you hope he did too.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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gwayenjoyer · 2 years
there is something so uniquely fucking vulnerable and REAL about every song that frank iero has written. i mean the lyrics specifically. death spells, celebration, parachutes, future violents. its so fucking honest and fucked up. frank iero is a pretty troubled individual (at least at the time of those projects) and it is really comforting to see someone lay all that shit out so proudly. he doesnt hold back, everything that he needs to get out is written out and sang clear as fuckin day. he doesnt sugarcoat things, he doesnt worry about grand, overarching metaphors (which are cool a lot of the time, but you run the risk of people missing the point.), he doesnt lose anything in his editing process. I just love his lyricism. its a skill in itself to be that honest with yourself about your struggles, its an entirely different thing to be so unabashedly open about those struggles and i just have so much respect and admiration for franks ability to translate such complicated feelings into such beautiful words in a way that makes so much fucking sense. i always joke about frank being the most emo mother fucker out there, but its because most people dont get it, most people havent tried to confront their flaws and insecurities and fears and be honest. that shit is hard! and i could NEVER even fathom showing those words to other people. i mean the only fight ive ever been in was over my journal. i guard my words with my life and would rather die than have someone read all the dirty, raw, and downright fucked up shit that i write there and it all makes franks words mean more to me. his openess and honesty is inspirational. especially since i can relate to so much of what hes written.
id give anything to tell him this, to ensure that hes aware of the impact that hes had on me. i feel like he deserves it.
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officialgleamstar · 16 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank u for the tag @cerealmonster15 :] sorry for forcing you into tagging me and then FORGETTING TO DO IT ONCE I GOT OFF WORK but insomnia is killing me tonight sooo tag game time :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
127 fics on my account, and then 130 anonymous fics, and two? maybe three? orphaned fics lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
826,251! getting close to 1 mil... maybe that should be a writing goal for this year :0
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently its oxventure all the way down, baby bfdjgfdhhj i have a few dndads fics im still working on though, and i have an aftg fic im working on for an event right now as well! i need to... make sure i finish that on time, actually
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they aaare mostly anonymous LOL but! for fics i list, these ones. the way that three of these are from 2017 and 2018... i know that makes sense because theyve had more time to accumulate kudos and also are for more popular fandoms but :') man 1. Cleaning Up - Haikyuu!! - 908 kudos 2. heart under your sleeve - 3rd Life - 616 kudos 3. four am - All For the Game - 502 kudos 4. his soul - Empires SMP, 3rd Life - 391 kudos 5. "Are you dense, or do you just not know how to say no?" - All For the Game - 288 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes i do!!! im bad at it, but i do :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
just like cereal, i dont write much angst, but probably you know i love you, right? or these feelings, they're not gone :0
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics are disgustingly sweet and sappy so its hard to judge
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but not enough to be a trend, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah lol if i cant write pet play and/or breeding kink i wither up and die. who said that
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
just once! (can you kiss me more) absolutely beloved
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
two times that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah lol someone translated a handful of my old rpf fics into russian :]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, but never a finished fic
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
you simply cannot make me choose. you cant make me choose. please.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Divorced Dad Rock Mix you are everything to me but chapter 3 thru 6 are probably never seeing the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
im really good at telling a compelling story in a very small amount of word :] also, SPEED WRITING. i can write very quickly when i put my mind to it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
im so awful at ending fics just absolutely dogshit at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
its . writing dialogue in another language, i guess? lol its fine
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon or harry potter i think. maybe my little pony or minecraft. or world of warcraft but i think that was later? id have to dig through my deviantart and i dont feel like it lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
god that is a hard question to answer, i love all of my fics a lot bfdgfjhdbghjd i think... the first fic to come to mind was, naturally, my beloved your love is tried and true-blue. normscary <333 AND my glennry soulmate fic as well, so where do we begin? hmmm... the johnny spells thing comes from a very personal space, and its a fic that i thought about for literal years, so its very near and dear to me in that sense as well. and on our dates, it's never daytime is a super self-indulgent fic that i reread a lot because its so perfectly targeted at myself lol same thing for fall (back) in and i love mine, mine, mine for more recent examples. uh. okay thats a lot of rambling LOL those i guess :3
tagging: hmmmmm @bidoofenergy and @cookies-over-yonder i think!!! have fun guys
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Bf Headcanons
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 Hi everyone I'm back yay!😊
I'm feeling a bit better so i decided to just make a part 2 instead of snoozing around....
I hope u guys enjoy this part and I'm sorry for the wrong spelling or bad Grammer.
I also apologize if the headcanons are a bit occ or not canon at all these are headcanons after all. i wrote this on my laptop
Also one more thing I'll apologize for is sometimes the writing style will change like last time it might look nice and now its....just a bit not nice?? Does that make sense? sorry sorry I'm getting side tracked....
I just had my adhd moment−
oh even if i wanted to copy the same style as i did last time I'm too lazy to check the last post probably cause I'm derived of sleep and surviving with coffee ok fr imma stop-
REMINDER: All these characters belong to hoyoverse and does not belong to me (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Anywaysss hope u enjoy this!
(Liyue Boys)
~Ajax my boi~ (Childe, Tartagila)
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~Possessive Boyfriend~
• I had a debate between possessive or overprotective since he's technically both, a cunning fox and a blood thirsty wolf, but possessive takes the cake for me hahaha
• He doesn't like people's eyes on you. makes him jealous but he also likes peoples eyes on you. makes him prideful to show off that your he's
• Definitely leaves marks on you like obvious places too!
• If you fight or have a vision and can fight expect him to train with you, help you with your tasks and spar aka fight with you just to see who's stronger lmao
• Buys you expensive gifts when he's away(That fatui money yuh~✨)
• PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO MAKE HIM JEALOUS. i feel like if he gets like really jealous your walking card....gone bish✨ and that person ✨G O N E✨
• Like when you met traveler he full on THOUGHT that were flirting with you and actually kind off threatened them-
• He siblings/family already adore you even if they haven't met you yet, they just know your a very nice person because of what teucer tells them!
• Speaking of teucer.....he probably loves you more then he's big brother....lol jk..or maybe...? But teucer loves you a lot since he sees you make he's big brother really happy all the time and also because your very nice and play with him a lot! This makes childe very happy since he knows he doesn't have to worry about he's siblings hating you.
• If you can't cook expect him to cook breakfast or dinner and also if he's free and yall live together he could also clean the house if you want~
• He always has hearts in he's eyes whenever you guys are together and for once the people around him and see a Slight sparkle in he's eyes
•  He's your overprotective but possessive wolf and he would go crazy if something happens to you...
• You guys go on dinner dates especially if your both are in Snezhnaya
• He kinda keeps you a secret from the fatui but sometimes he can't help but brag about you still being careful with he's word of course 
• He loves you...a lot...but sometimes it can be... a little....crazy
Nicknames: Mine, Babe and baby
Voice line about you: Heyyy there comrade! I see your getting quite comfy with y/n over there....what nono..I'm not assuming you of anything I'm jjust gonna let you know their mine....alright? Good! dont want you sealing them now haha!
When he talks to you: Hiya babe~ what? You didn't like the way i talked to traveler? oh come on the were sealing all your attention from me tho~!
~Old Man Morax~ (Zhongli)
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~Gentleman boyfriend~
• I don't imagine him as a jealous or possessive person since he's lived through so many years he probably has high patience. However doesn't mean he's not  overprotective since he's basically lost a lot of things in he's life he always make sure your safe, your eating well, water etc always cares about your health.
• Hu tao at one point has told you both that you remind her of an old married couple....and i think she's right-
• He wakes up before you and prepares you both tea not before admiring your sleepy face of course❣
• Cooks breakfast(Imagine him in an apron😫)for you both and cleans you guys house when your at work just him being a malewife🥺
• Would always open doors for you, buy you flowers(When he has mora) and buys you thinks when he's out in liyue(Again if he has mora otherwise its childes-)
• When you first made him lunch as a surprise at work he had the most heart warming smile ever like smiling while eating the food you cooked and just praising you constantly as well. Hu tao was jealous you didn't make her lunch lol
• At one point of you guys relationship he told the whole truth about him being an ex-god and even showed he's dragon form just so you would believe him.... and thank the archons you still accepted him for who he was and loved him...
• Sometimes when you guys are at the comfort of your house he lets out he's horns and tail so you can pet or touch them which he likes very much and you end up with a big dragon on you-
• Xiao has definitely been watching over you and zhongli knows it...he's grateful that even if he's not present xiao will be the one to watch over you🥺😭
• You guys would be outside at the sunset enjoying your tea and just overall chilling...those are he's favorite moments with you❤
• You guys can be found strolling around liyue just looking at the beautiful city
• He appreciates how you try and listen to he's tales even if he knows that some of them are boring and makes you fall asleep but he still appreciates in you trying to listen.
• Arguments would almost never happen in your relationship of course excluding you guys disagreements but zhongli tries to avoid arguing with you since he hates yelling and overall just hates seeing you mad.
• Even in a million years he would never stop being over in heels inlove with you💕
Nicknames: My gem, dear and my beloved
Voice line about you: “Hm...traveler..would you perhaps think that this would look nice on y/n? You think it would? Alright then I'll be taking this then. What? Oh...m-mora i..uhm..forgot my wallet again it seems...apologies..I'll pay you back traveler”
When he talks to you: “Dear i must thank you for this....it tastes marvelous”
~Baby Xiao~ (Alatus)
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~Shy But Overprotective Boyfriend~
• He's both shy but very overprotective of you. Like he thinks your made of glass so he always watches you. minus when he has to go fight demons at night of course, but he always wants you to stay at the hotel when its night time since he knows how dangerous it is when its night time at liyue. if you have errand to do however...except him to come with you even if he hates large crowds.
• He'll only come and see you when you bring him food or call out he's name. and that was at like at least a few months into your relationship with him. The reason for this is because he doesn't want he's karma to affect you since your the only light he has.
• He only eats whatever you cook as he thinks their exceptional to he's taste. girl he actually thinks your cooking is delicious thats why lol
• He LOVES headpats and LOVES kisses on the forehead. FIGHT ME I DARE YOU🙂
• When you hug him he turns red in an instant and then relaxes but sometimes(Sadly) pushes you off of him...since he's too scare of he's karma going to you😭, meaning he's always running away from you....
• But there are sometimes when you convince him to stay...and when he does stay...he lets you do whatever you please with him. Thats including kisses, reassurance, comfort and cuddles for the baby💕
• If you get hurt he instantly blames himself. So you have to reassure him that it isn't he's fault whatsoever.
• He brings you Qingxin flowers he's favorite flowers and leaves it at your nightstand if you live in the hotel its a reminder from him to you that he loves you and that he always watches over you.
• At every affection you give him it doesn't matter if big or small he always turns red since that how much he had fallen for you. 
• Ya know you'll feel like you have a guard dog always watching you....in a good way
• Always dreads the day you'll have to leave him...he knows your a mortal...he knows their fragile and weak...but he just doesn't wanna let you go...your he's only weakness and the only one who shows he's love for.
Nicknames: My light(Rarely)
Voice line about you: “What? I'm not looking at y/n...your simply imagining....”
When he talks to you: “You called? H-huh? Cuddles? I suppose it won't hurt...just this once...I'll humor you..you mortal”
~Bookworm Boi~ (Xingqiu)
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~Prince Boyfriend~ 
• He might act like a prince but he is still a bookworm...but we love he's nerdy side so thats fine!
• Since xingqiu’s basically rich he definitely knows how to act like a gentleman...although before he fall inlove with you i like to think he had ignored every person who he's family set him up with..so they were surprised to find out that he suddenly took an interest in you.
• There are sometimes where he pays more attention to he's books more then you but please dont worry he loves you😊
• Buys books that he thinks makes you think of him. i mean he does have the money-
• He thought of a love story that was about you both and wrote it down...but writing it down poor Chongyun had to since our water boi’s hand-writing sucks, but it was worth it since it was very romantic and cute⁓
• He also writes poems about you and then read them to you in the afternoon under a tree while your napping either on he's shoulder or lap.
• Compliments everyday baby💕
• HE'S A MF TEASE. like you see the pranks or things he does to poor Chongyun?? I feel bad for you both😔
• When he's not occupy with a book you both are walking around liyue either buying things at stalls, books or food really anything he's down.
• Yelan watches over you both. like sometimes she'll treat you both to a restaurant and she'll sit in another table while you both have your meal(She pays for it too)Basically she observers how you both interact with each other and finds you both cute🥺
• Overall he's a real prince to you minus being a bookworm
Nicknames: My liege and love
Voice line about you: “This book reminds me of them....lets buy it”
When he talks to you: “Hm? You would like my attention? Hehe...alright then my liege..I'll give you what you want~”
~Precious Exorcist~ (Chongyun)
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~Shy Boyfriend~
• Now him...he's 100% baby
• Whenever you touch him he short circuits. My boi knows nothing about girls-. Xinyan or yun jin obviously don't count, When we're talking about periods...its a different story....
• But he's very sweet and cares for you!, always senses when your upset/sad and immediately tries to cheer you up.
• Your he's meat shied if xingqiu comes looking for him...he tries to avoid he's friend quite a lot.
• Xingqui teases you both well mainly chongyung about how much he's a simp for you hehe...
• He always stutters when he talks to you. with the blush too!
• He's always on a look out for evil spirits or demons since he wants to protect you. When you have a nightmare he blames it on demons and he's dislike towards them increases.
• Like how yelan would watch over you and xingqiu. Shenhe watches over the both of you as a protector since she knows that chongyung still has a lot to learn and even if doesn't wanna admit it...she worries for you both.
• Shares he's popsicles with you💘
Nicknames:(Sadly no nickname he's too shy yall)
Voice line about you: “I-i get it now xingqui! g-geez...i..love them..a lot..”
When he talks to you: “H-how are you? O-oh fine? thats good...uhm..would you like to go to xinyan’s concert tomorrow?”
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And that concludes our liyue boys!
tysm for reading this far everyone and again I'm sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
I hope u guys enjoyed this one my brain kinda hurtled from thinking this much headcanons lol
But it was worth it I'm proud to have finish part 2!. Now part 3 will be maybe after a few days and its the inazuma boys this time yay💕
But yea tysm for reading this far everyone mua mua~!💕✨
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laincelebi · 3 months
I have seen there have been some alterations in Yukari's social link, not a fan of those to be honest, but I understand these were made due to you not needing to romance all the girls but still... I think they could have done a bit different and some were not even necessary. so my thoughts after the cut if you want to read to avoid leaving spoilers in the open.
So lets start with the reversal hug....yeah they went p3p route of changing to "but you are a girl" which honestly I am not very upset about, even though I like the original dialog Yukari says when you pick that option.
one thing that I feel like wasn't a good change was how now Makoto tries to talk to the punks instead of just running and punching them. I like that detail a lot about him, how the option to help Yukari was basically no questions asked, see some jerks intimidating his friend/crush, just punch the guys.
Next, how Yukari now doesn't tell him to not invite anyone else, to just be the 2 of them when talking about going on a trip, but Makoto can say that they should go the 2 of them. I honestly don't get why this was changed, There are many other moments that were kept that show that Yukari is romantically interested in him through her social link so this change is a bit weird to me.
Now rank 9, I understand they had to change it to make the friendship option, and its not really a real issue but changes one aspect I always liked about their relationship.
Rank 9 now gives you the option to say "I love you" to Yukari to go the romantic path. and that's cute and all, but one thing I liked in the original was, they never had to say that to each other. they had this mutual understanding, they didn't need to spell it out, it gave the impression their relationship evolved naturally from friends to lovers.
In the original Yukari would say she love him in rank 10(reload too) but that is much more "hey I know you know this already but I will say", so Makoto saying that changes a bit this dynamic to me. in a way I wish it was some other option like "were not my feelings clear enough" or something better worded but with the meaning of "we both know the answer to this." and I think it would fit fine with the rest of the dialog.
There is also the point that if Makoto says he loves her, doesn't make much sense to me she would say "I want you to only have eyes for me", that's already implied.
And rank 10 has a few weird choices... in the original they would be talking to each other sitting on the floor, she would say that if she is loud people might find out. and they continue talking for a bit before Yukari gives him her phone strap, when in reload that was cut short.
And to me that also feels like it harms a bit their dynamic, cause it was cute how much they seem to be talking to each other, Yukari says one thing that makes Makoto tease her and they just continue to have a good time. When in reload its more direct. Also...removing the hug from rank 10 was weird imo, like i guess they moved it to rank 9 but dont know I liked where it was in rank 10.
This last bit I am unsure now but I faintly remember Yukari asking Makoto to go to her room with the excuse of playing cards... why is this not in reload lol its just so funny, it could be added in her dialog like "let's go to my room...uhmm so we can ....play some cards or something uhmm" it would be a funny nod to the original
Anyway these are just my thoughts on the matter, they don't really ruin the game for me or anything of the sort, are just some nitpicks I have, I just love when a couple don't really need to say they love each other they just know. and well that being said I will just headcanon that some parts are like the original in any works I do so that's fine.
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orangesideirrational · 4 months
drabble (technically 4) inspired by @cartilagehumdrum 's horror mvt au!
(i originally shared this in the discord server)
(if you see red throughout this then its a break in the text to explain smthn rq/ break up the different drabbles because its 4am lol)
be warned- gore? kinda? vauge depictions of gore.
you dont need to have read mvt horror to understand this, but it will definitetly make far more sense if you do
edit- sorry for forgetting but this entire thing is inspired by this post!
sorry about all the spelling errors and i hope you enjoy!!
'benny...' champagne started. benny's heart quickened and he just knew that champagne could hear it.
'whasup, champ?' he grinned unsteadily.
'can i.. have something? of yours?' champagne asked, with a voice that suggested a deep hunger. benny stepped back, not letting his smile dip but feeling fear pulse through him.
'well ya already got 3 of my ribs and a kidney, what more do ya really need?' benny asked lightheartedly, trying desperately not to let the fear infect his voice
'i was thinking...' champagne said slowly, stepping towards benny smoothly in a way that made benny's heart skip with something other than fear for a moment.
'maybe.. i could have your heart?' benny was sure champagne had somehow stopped it for a moment as he said that, because he was suddenly breathless. and very very aware that he was pressed against a wall, face an inch away from the doctor's, in a room alone with a quite-possible-psychopath that had already stolen several of his bones and an organ.
'd-dont i need that o-one t-ta survive?' benny stuttered, trying not to look at champagne's lips because that was not appropriate when his life was being threatened. even if the guy threatening him was very attractive.
'oh, ill keep it safe.' champagne assured, placing his hand over benny's chest but not touching, like if he did he wouldnt be able to stop himself from just reaching in and just...
benny took a stuttering breath and-
sterling came crashing through into the room calling for benny before stopping and making champagne leave the room.
'you ok benny? i know that guy gets to you a lot.' sterling asked. benny nodded shakily and assured him that he was fine, he would be ok.
what terrified benny most, however, was that before sterling came running in the word on his lips was yes
and champs pov-
(for this- bold= emphasis italics= flesh)
'benny...' champagne started. his heart thudded in his chest and champagne relished in the sound. it was so melodic. so pretty. just from champagne saying benny's name. now how fast can you make it go?
'whasup, champ?' benny's smile was so pretty. maybe you can take some teeth next! champagne felt a familiar hunger that wasnt his brewing as he stepped forward towards benny. just like a beast hunting its prey!! ew, hunt.
'can i.. have something? of yours?' why are you asking permisson? thats so boringg. just reach in and- champagne almost shushed it, but felt it might ruin the moment.
'well ya already got 3 of my ribs and a kidney, what more do ya really need?' oh he was so cute. his fear is so so fun! so sweet and nice and-
'i was thinking...' champagne drawled, smoothly stepping towards benny thats not all fear though- ooh this makes it MUCH more fun! and letting a smile crawl across his face, showing off his sharp teeth.
'maybe.. i could have your heart?' champagne was asking for so much, and benny didnt even know it. its not that much, just another- delicious, mind you- organ he had trapped benny, now, against a wall. he would back off when benny said no, because he would almost certainly say no, but for now this was fun. not in the normal flesh way either. this was fun for him.
benny stuttered something out, but champagne was distracted by the way his eyes ew. eyes. kept flicking down to champagne's lips. champagne didn't kiss him, it likely wouldnt be a pleasent experience for either of them i mean youve never really TRIED, but he really really wanted to. in a midly terrifying way (and not in the usual terror-filled way, either)
'oh, ill keep it safe' champagne assured. he needed benny to let him have this. his heart. yum. not to eat. he wasnt lying. he was going to keep it safe. he promised.
then someone came crashing in and ruined it.
champagne didnt hold grudges per say but if that guy was the next to be turned into a dinosaur it would be his own damn fault.
he was sure benny would say no, but the moment itself felt special, somehow.
heres also a few versions of 'if sterling didnt interrupt!' (he is being attacked by moths)
benny took a stuttering breath and swallowed a lump in his throat.
he should say no. he has to say no. this is crazy. he should just say no. or maybe dont even say it, just push champagne away and run. SAY. NO.
'sure.' benny said, breathless already. champagne blinked. was he surprised?
'oh, are ya surprised?' benny grinned, pretending his heart wasnt going a mile a minute and his throat was dry and he was bracing for sweet pain and that he wasnt so in love with this insane doctor that probably wouldve had his medical lisence revoked if this wasnt the literal apocalypse
'really?' champagne sounded breathless too, like they had both run a marathon and were now here. with benny agreeing for champagne to take his heart oh god this was insane-
'sure. as long as you put it back before i die.' benny smiled, heart going insane (just like he did. he mustve gone insane. champagne mustve made him insane because there was no way he had just agreed to let someone LITERALLY BORROW HIS HEART-)
'of course.' champagne seemed shocked and pleased and hungry and dangerous and- and beautiful and benny felt a hand cup his cheek before he passed out.
champs pov
(again- bold = emphasis italics = flesh)
benny's shuddering breath landed on champagne's neck and it felt so human that for a moment the flesh didn't exist and it was just them and-
'sure.' benny sounded breathless. champagne blinked. YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT GIVE IT TO US CRUSH IT IN YOUR HANDS GIVE IT TO US- benny was supposed to say no
'oh are ya surprised?' benny snarked acting like champagne couldnt feel his heart beating and hear its beautiful melody and like he couldnt feel their chests heaving why are you so worked up? it should be us because were about to get FOOD
'really?' champagne breathed and ignored bennys snark. because he had to be sure before he took his heart. WHY DO YOU CARE? JUST FEED US FEED US FEED US FEED US FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD-
'sure. as long as you put it back before i die.' benny smiled and champagne disregarded any idea of stealing teeth the flesh ever had because holy shit champagne was in love.
'of course.' champagne promised. he didnt care how loud it screamed he was going to keep that FUCKING promise. he cupped benny's cheek which was a mistake because now he really wanted to kiss him-
and benny fell to the floor. champagne followed and ended on his knees next to an unconcious benny and the flesh was going insane.
champagne wasnt going to hurt benny. he wasnt going to crush his heart in your hands then eat it then feed it to us then then then oh my everything the possibilities GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US hurt benny.
champagne reached his hand into benny's chest and it was warm and beautiful and TAKE EVERYTHING WARP IT FEED US WAKE HIM UP AND MAKE HIM SCREAM so human that champagne almost felt jealous as his hand closed around benny's heart and he didn't even want to disturb it because of all the stupid human poetry about love and all that shit and champagne blinked back the red red red that was seeping into his vision because he was not the flesh and he fucking promised and he withdrew his arm from benny's chest and he closed his hands around his ears because he didnt care what they screamed he was going to keep benny safe- his heart. he was going to keep his heart safe.
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buckyismybae · 11 months
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summary: you were part of the ✨orginal seven✨ who saved nyc in 2012. steve’s friend bucky was recently brought to the compound to be an avenger after being saved from hydra. bucky being known previously as the “winter soilder” had never known kidness from anyone but steve and sam after being saved. you accidentally run into bucky in the most awkward way possible. what a great way to welcome the newest avenger.
warnings: nudity, bucky being a gentleman (yes thats a warning), fluff, curse words, thats pretty much it
comments: hii this is my first fic so please be nice!!! im sorry for any and all spelling errors and i hope you enjoy!!!
Unlike everyone else in this compound besides Steve, Sam, and Nat I wasnt totally upset about the whole bucky thing.
Yes he killed Tony’s parents but it wasn’t actually him. Thats what these people dont seem to understand. It wasnt his fault that he was being tortured and controlled by hydra. 
I haven’t actually met him yet so I still have to do that. But im totally team Bucky, Tony just needs to get over it (its not like he liked his parents anyways).
I was unfortunately sent on a two week long mission the day Bucky was set to arrive so I was the only one from the team who hadn’t met him yet.
But today was the day I was supposed to go back to the compound where I would go immediately take a shower to make myself somewhat presentable as I had blood and dirt caked on my skin from my mission.
I didnt want to be all gross when meeting someone who meant that much to steve, let alone a new teammate as he was offically an avenger as of two weeks ago today.
Steve honestly hadnt talked about Bucky before we found out about him. I can understand that though as it was probably to painful to talk about past people who meant a lot to us.
Its painful enough trying to see Steve talk about Peggy.
I think we all have people who even though they might not be apart of our lives anymore they will always be with us spiritually.
Thats what my parents are to me. Its what Bucky and Peggy are to Steve. Its what Yelena is to Nat and so on and so forth.
I couldnt wait to meet him. He really did mean so much to Steve, therefore he meant a lot to me.
Often times people would assume Steve and I were dating when in fact he was like a brother to me.
I was only 20 when the avengers first assembled to defeat and detain Loki. God that greasy headed man did some damage to NYC.
Steve looked out and was there for me since day 1 and promised that he would always be there for me. Thats why I love him as a brother. Thats why i was excited to meet the man who had protected him for all those early years of his life. To meet the man who had been there for Steve when his mom died.
I had offically gotten back and headed straight for the showers. Did I have my own in my room that was amazing? Yes I did. But they make us decontaminate before we enter the compound which makes sense.
No body wants to be walking around and step in ailen goo from someone after all. Totally not based of my own experiences.
I was walking into one of the open shower rooms when I heard some recruits behind me.
But just left it alone as I didnt have the time nor energy to even wonder what they were laughing at.
I got in the shower and immediately turned on my music. My playlist had a lot if music on it but it was mostly just taylor swift if im being honest.
Thats when the shower thoughts kicked in.
Does Bucky like taylor swift?
Does he even know who taylor swift is?
If he doesnt i HAVE to be the one to show him.
i wrap my shower up and go step outside to wrap myself in one of the softest towels ever.
I go over to my locker bag to get my clothes I was going to change into. Thats when I relized why those recruits were laughing. Those bitches stole my clothes.
So now I have no clothes on or to change into. I peek outside the room and relized im screwed.
My only plan is to scoot to my room in this skimpy towel before anyone sees me.
I run. I book it. Its still not enough.
Why did stark have to put so many god damn windows in this place.
Of course the Avengers are having a meet when I try to run back to my room. They all turn to look at me. This is the first time I ever met Bucky. In a towel that barley went passed my mid thigh, hair dripping wet, i look like a wet mole rat.
They are all staring directly at me. Tony starts to walk out of the glass room where meetings are held. He stares directly at me as if he had never seen me in his life.
“Woah, what the hell happened to you?”
“The fucking recruits stole my clothes when I was showering.” I made sure to say it loud enough that everyone in the room could hear.
They all just looked at one another puzzled not really knowing what to think.
“Now if you all excuse me i am going to go dry off and get some clothes on before i found what who stole my clothes and murder them.”
I scurried off down the hall to try to get to my door before anyone talk to me again.
“Hey your y/n right? Hey wait up.”
I turned to see Bucky coming towards me.
“Oh hey, sorry I didnt really hear you. Whats up?”
“ I just wanted to ask how come I havent seen you before and if you were alright?”
I stand there for a moment too long thinking about the last part. He didnt even know me yet he wanted to know if i was alright. This was the man who steve talked so greatly about these past few weeks. This was Bucky Barnes not the winter soilder.
“ Oh hey sorry I was going to introduce myself later but sorry I was on a mission the past two weeks. This is my first night back since, sorry! I wouldve introduced myself a few minutes ago but…” I glance down towards my current state pointing towards the short small towel that was covering my body. “ I was a little preoccupied.”
“ Oh well im sorry for bothering you but I just wanted to say hello and make sure you were ok.”
“ Thank you so much bucky, and hey we should hang out sometime. Maybe when i have some clothes on.” I said with a certain little giggle.
“ I would be honored to hang out with the great y/n y/l/n. Everyone that ive talked to said you were the kindest person they have ever met, i mean steve alone talks so… greatly about you that you didnt seem real. I dont have very man friends around here and he said if anyones gonna be my first it should be you.”
I look at him for a moment. How could anyone not wanna be his friend? Hes seems so caring and kind even after everything hes been through.
“ I would love to be your first friend, even though I think you have a few you dont know about yet.” I say simply knowing how everyones warming up to him or atleast the idea of him.
“Well goodbye y/n ill let you get back to well getting dressed see ya around.”
“Ya bye bucky see you around.”
With that I relized he lived right down the hall from me. Wow I thought to myself. Just wow.
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shadeslayer · 7 months
Would you be willing to talk about the inspiration for you sinti, shunti, kanunuk, & nunni designs? They're really cool!
absolutely !!! :D i usually have pretty explicit stuff that im referencing or am inspired by so im always happy to share <3
*ramble incoming*
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[the dr pepper cans are how you know im a real southern usa babe. earlier today there was 5 empty cans in a row until i put them in the recycle bin]
i take a Lot out of the book "sun circles and human hands: the southeastern indians - art and industry" (2001 edition, not the 1957 one) which i have a physical copy of and i have sticky notes tabbing out out and also annotated highlighting every mention of the chickasaw and of sites where i know the chickasaw [or our ancestors, like the chicaza and other early mississippian/SE ntv cultures] so i can reference stuff i know would be from us, but i also take inspiration from all the designs in it because we were all a part of an interconnected cultural network of art
if you are from a tribe that would be from mississippian culture or the southeastern ceremonial complex/southeastern cult as it used to be called, or you know your people wouldve come from places within that like spiro or moundville, and you want to bring more native styling into your art this is THEEE book i would recommend. it is insanely useful. i cant vouch 100% for the text of it, and the second half is mostly kinda grainy b&w scanned photos of pottery and other items lmao, but the first half has lineart depictions OF designs found, with the attribution for the site they were found at. it is a Massive wealth of symbols and style and has been the best thing for wanting to study and emulate SE ndn art. for real i lent a copy to my grandma and then couldnt find where it was and i had to just order a new copy bc i use it so damn much
like i would post pages of it, and before i bought it i survived off the pinterest pics of scanned pages, but i cannot say enough just buy the book and look through it bc its just perfect its so useful. just posting a few pages doesnt do any justice to the wealth of style and art in it. ive tried to make myself some mock style/symbol guides from it, but even those fail to capture the variety of stuff in there and its why i still have it on hand for reference bc every time i get stumped theres so many ideas in there
but ok . book rec rant over (partly.)
i had done sinti homma, the red snake earlier, and i wanted to do a little motley of other simple transparent animals to go with it. so i did! ive got a few different animals that i played with doing, but a lot of them ended up veering too much off of the more hardline ntv style i wanted to do, and the others didnt fit the guideline i had made - i wanted them all to have a pointed tail that pointed to some corner of the frame, and curl around in the square a bit to have more of a sense of motion. i was thinking deer, turtle, spider... but none of those really fit that. so i flipped thru SC&HH for some ideas and came up with some :3
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the bottom left one on the first pic there gave me a good idea of what to do with a rat tail, and on the bottom right of that same pic is the Fattest fucking fish and i lifted a lot of that design to use for my fish (and while we're here, the rattler tails on the top right of that pic were what i used for sinti hommas tail), and the bottom left on the second pic gave me the idea for the lizards legs/feet shape, and then i used the chickasaw vocab flashcards of animals to think of animal ideas and so i used the pinti from there to jump me off into doing a rat
theyre all named after the chickasaw words - sinti (snake), shunti (rat/rodent), kanunuk (lizard, specifically green striped lizard, which is why i made it green with stripes lol), nunni (fish) . i use the chickasaw dictionary webpage a lot these days though i should use my dictionary copies more bc they use the spelling style i dont prefer lol
i also want to do maybe a sort of pop art style big print of them, like repeated with different colors behind them? and/or them in a medicine wheel? but those are still wip so we shall see!
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frstcorinthians · 2 months
fic writer ask !
thank youuu @almost-a-class-act !!
How many works do you have on AO3? just six! i haven't been posting for long
What's your total AO3 word count? roughly 48.6k
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. graveyard shift - which still surprises me lmfao it's the oldest one i have so i guess it makes sense?? the people are clamoring for fun retail worker content 2. cowboy cassanova - i still dont think i spelled that correctly. alas. jake seresin nation rise up 3. rest your head one more time - and here comes rooster with the steel chair! 4. maybe everything that dies someday comes back - i Will get this to the number one spot its literally the best thing ive ever written and ive barely started 5. angels that have no place - coming in clutch, my most recent fic
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? YESSS i love them i always reply they make my heart very full
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? i think the answer has to be the half-dozen ive left fully unfinished. nothing more depressing than that
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending? probably angels, given that it's the only one i actually finished. winning by default, it would seem
Do you write crossovers? i don't currently but there's still time. i'm not opposed to it!! i just havent gotten around to it yet
Have you ever received hate on a fic? nope! there's still time
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i do lmfao i don't think its very good?? but its usually surrounded by at least a semblance of plot
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not yet. there'd better not be time for this one.
Have you ever had a fic translated? no, unfortunately!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? also no but....if anyone's out there......
What's your all-time favorite ship? OH MANNNN i don't even know
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? rosary-strung, my weird nonsensical self-indulgent sandman fic. maybe once season 2 comes out i'll get sucked back into it? it needs some serious reshaping and revision to make it make sense at all, though
What are your writing strengths? i think i'm good at describing feelings! i think i tend to use weirdly specific metaphors and sensations when i describe them, so i think it sticks in the mind well.
What are your writing weaknesses? i'm bad at getting everything i'm thinking/picturing out onto the page, as in i'll make some jumps that make sense to me because i can see the whole picture in my head, but i forget to put them down onto paper, so the reader is like "what..just happened"
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i wouldn't dare, unless it's like a canonical thing a character does? like if its a term of endearment or something, that's a thing real people i know in real life do sometimes, so it wouldn't seem so out of place i think.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? wayyyy back when in elementary school i wrote REAMS of h*rr* p*tt*r fanfiction. in my defense i was in north carolina and ten.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? the pacific! i'm finally watching it now and there's a lot more to chew on and wrestle with, which is...maybe not a thing for fic to do; or maybe it's the thing only fic can do. we'll see. also mota because some ocs have wandered into my mind and won't leave. they also won't pay rent help
What's your favorite fic you've written? my nebraska fic, hands down. its my baby my everything my darling my firstborn. i love her and she loves me.
i will humbly tag @venus-haze @blood-mocha-latte @shoshiwrites and @latibvles !! if you've already been tagged my apologies it's late late late in north carolina
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numericalbridge · 1 year
i made the blog to post writing, but this one thing has been my pet peeve since the KT aired, so i might just blabber about it. (the bold text is just there to make it easier for me to reread, i'm not yelling)
I really, really disagree with the interpritation that Darius surrendering for Eberwolf at DoU means that Darius was willing to sacrifice the whole isles for Eber and that it was an ultimately selfish act.
First, i thought it was quite clear that at the very moment Darius didn’t have time to think and consciously weight his options at all, he was in the middle of a fight. And i dont think this is unique to Darius, I doubt Eda and Lilith, for example, would’ve acted differently in his position. 
From the writing point, the moment is there to show that Darius does care about Eber, and to cement the point that he is not as cold and ruthless as he likes to pretend to be. (If going into fanon territory, it can be seen as him being terrified of losing other people he loves in general). His actions are not flawless, and there is definitely both irony and tragedy that he was put in the position where he had to surrender, but that also doesn’t automatically mean he is deliberately willing to sacrifice other people for his loved ones. And also it is a kids show, where a friendship moment like this does represent a positive thing.
Second, about what happened immediately after (and the way it is completely ignored was what irked me from the start) - at that point, when Darius had just surrendered, he still doesn’t know that Raine and Lilith and the rest of the rebels were caught! That would mean that he would assume there is still time while the other CHs need to bring in Raine’s replacement or find real Raine. And since it was shown that Katya and Derwin were disguised as scouts, it is probable that there was some plan B. That could even explain why Eda wasn’t trying to fight more - if the Bard Coven Head isn’t there, there is still hope. And once Raine is in the circle, it seems like no one could stop/physically escape the spell. (this part is also why i dont agree that Raine would have 100% kept fighting in Darius’s position, i think it would depend)
and somehow no one, hopefully, thinks that Raine was ultimately selfish for wanting to be there for Eda and the rest of them, even though it would be smarter for them to be far away so they couldn’t be captured.
Third, when Darius mutters “No, we’re too late” - the way it is worded makes more sense if it is about stopping the spell to save the whole isles, and that is still where his main priority is. And, while it is mainly for the sake of the pacing that he says it at that moment, it can be seen as him despairing only at that moment, and that he still had hope before.
I am not even saying my interpritation is the correct one. And i think it needs to be kept in mind that it is a fictional story aimed at children that often relies more on the rule of cool in the tense scenes, and that in such scenes some details need to be sacrificed for the sake of the proper pacing. And the DoU plan was probably very heavily affected by the shortening of the show (and, unlike some other writing choices, the weird logic lapses in the plan is the thing i will excuse with time being cut), so it might be hard to say what was actually going on with the characters and it's an additional reason why different interpritations are possible. It just irks me that Darius’s actions are seen almost exclusively from the worst possible angle.
And, tbh Darius being someone who cares a lot about people closest to him, but also about doing the right thing and saving others, and yet he is put in a position where is has to chose on an impulse and finds out that he can’t let his loved one die, and has to deal with his hard choice, is much more interesting than a character who just easily choses his loved ones over everyone else as some interpretations make him to be.
And it seems sometimes like the fanon just wants to put him into one category or the other - either he is primary a rebel and is absolutely horrid with personal relationships, or he is all about taking care of the other characters but is a terrible irrational rebel, when actually he can have flaws both as a rebel and with his personal relationships, while still being a good person and a good (for a cartoon) rebel - just like every other positive character.
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