#aries love horoscope 2024
jeevanjali · 6 months
Taurus Yearly Love Horoscope 2024: प्रेम के लिहाज से वृषभ राशि को इस साल मिलेंगे क्या फल जानिए Taurus Yearly Love Horoscope 2024: वृषभ राशि के जातकों के लिए साल 2024 प्यार के मामले में ढेर सारे अनुभव लेकर आएगा, आपको अपना जीवनसाथी मिल सकता है बृहस्पति के शुभ सहयोग के कारण आपका सामाजिक दायरा बेहतर रहेगा।
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astrosolutions · 6 months
Aries Horoscope 2024: How will be year 2024 be for Aries People?
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Aries Horoscope 2024, through this special article, we will tell you what kind of changes the year 2024 is going to bring in the lives of Aries people. If you are born in Aries, you must read this article to know about your career, your business, your financial status, the possibility of financial gain or loss, your educational status, ups, and downs in love relationships, marital problems, and happiness in 2024. And also know how the year 2024 will give you results of stressful moments and health-related problems.
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aengelren · 3 months
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astrologiaxo · 3 months
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 04.02.24 – 10.02.24
Aries During a family function or official event, you may encounter someone with good news or an important message. Don’t feel rushed; there’s no ticking clock. Take your time to figure out your desires and how to pursue them. If you’ve been striving for a long time without success, reconsider your approach and intentions. Reflect on why you’re doing what you’re doing—is it for money, success,…
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babas-astrology · 5 months
Aries Love Horoscope 2024: Igniting the Flames of Passion
Dear Aries, fasten your seatbelt as the cosmic stage is set for a sizzling love story in 2024! The celestial energies are aligning to fuel the fires of passion, spark spontaneous connections, and invite you to embrace the thrill of love with your characteristic zest and enthusiasm.
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A Fiery Start: Passionate Encounters
Aries, the year unfolds like a grand overture, with the fiery chords of passion setting the tone. Singles, get ready for passionate encounters and sparks flying in unexpected places. Your charismatic energy draws others to your flame, creating opportunities for exhilarating connections that may ignite the flames of a newfound romance.
Couples: Rekindling the Fire
For those already entwined in the dance of partnership, 2024 is a year to rekindle the flames of passion that first brought you together. Aries, inject spontaneity into your relationship, plan surprise dates, and let the energy of your fiery spirit breathe new life into the dynamics of your connection. Rediscover the thrill that comes from embracing the unknown together.
Mars' Influence: Dynamic Energies
As the ruler of Aries, Mars fuels your love life with dynamic energies throughout 2024. This celestial influence urges you to be bold in expressing your desires and taking the lead in matters of the heart. Embrace the courage to pursue what you want and let the magnetic pull of Mars guide you in your romantic endeavors.
Passionate Pursuits: Chasing Dreams Together
The cosmic energies encourage Aries to intertwine passion with purpose in love. Seek partners who not only ignite the flames of desire but also share your ambitions and dreams. Aries, 2024 invites you to embark on passionate pursuits with a significant other, creating a synergy that propels both of you towards shared goals.
Adventure Awaits: Spontaneous Escapades
Adventure is your middle name, Aries, and the cosmos nods in agreement. Singles, seize the opportunities for spontaneous escapades, and let your adventurous spirit lead you into the unknown realms of love. Couples, plan impromptu getaways, explore new activities together, and infuse your relationship with the thrill of unpredictability.
Challenges: Navigating Turbulence with Grace
While the flames of passion burn bright, every fire faces challenges. Aries, when cosmic turbulence arises, embrace challenges with resilience and grace. Your ability to confront obstacles head-on and find creative solutions will be crucial in maintaining the vitality of your love story.
Opportunities for Growth: Balancing Fire with Patience
As you navigate the passionate currents of 2024, opportunities for personal and relationship growth abound. Aries, balance your fiery spirit with moments of patience and reflection. Allow your impulsive nature to coexist with moments of introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of your own desires and those of your partner.
In Conclusion: A Year of Fiery Romance
Aries, as you traverse the realms of love in 2024, let the flames of passion illuminate your path. Whether you're a single spark igniting a new romance or part of a committed duo stoking the fires of passion, may your love story be a thrilling adventure filled with sizzling connections, spontaneous escapades, and the irresistible allure that comes from embracing love with the fiery spirit of an Aries.
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famousfestivall · 6 months
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Dr. Vinay Bajrangi's Exclusive Aries Horoscope 2024! Unveil the cosmic forecast tailored for Aries, revealing celestial insights for career, love, and health. Gain strategic guidance to conquer challenges and harness opportunities. Dive into precise predictions to align with cosmic energies, empowering your year ahead. 
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everydayhoroscope · 6 months
Aries Horoscope for 2024
Aries Horoscope for 2024
Dear Aries, get ready for an exciting glimpse into your 2024 horoscope! This year, your main focus will be all about achieving stability, fostering harmony in your relationships, and experiencing tremendous professional growth. Brace yourself for positive news and abundant opportunities for success! Brace yourself for spiritual growth if you’re a woman, and for exciting career changes if you’re…
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uyuforu · 6 months
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Jungkook' Solar Return Chart 2023 - 2024 Analysis
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What is a Solar Return Chart?
A solar return chart is a chart that literally describes your year from your birthday of a year until the day before next year. For example, Jungkook's 2023-2024 Solar Return will starts on September 1st 2023 until August 31th 2024. It describes the year for you, what will mostly happens. It said as a solar return chart because your sun returns in its home sign (your natal sun).
How to check your Solar Return Chart?
Go to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings and Data > Extended Chart Selection
Enter your birth day, month, year, time and location
Where it's written chart selection with "natal chart", scroll to Solar Return Chart
On the box down there you can add asteroids to see more details ("additional objects")
-> This post will be featuring a dear anon, we talked a lot about this, I will be talking about his solar Return Chart and I will add what she told me as her opinion of it. Hope you enjoy!
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✌️ anon's predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 So a spoiler: He'll be doing a shit ton of shadow work and healing in 23-24 and you'll know why.
‧₊˚✩彡 Also even though there IS a 5H stelium I don't think any relationship would occur because homeboi will be focused on himself AND himself only.
‧₊˚✩彡 So he has Jupiter, Uranus, North Node and Chiron in 12h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Chiron at 19 degrees in Aries: He'll stop people pleasing, wanting to be who HE is, would show individuality, start confronting, healing his inner child, stepping into his power, becoming independent, creating boundaries for himself and others. Self love will be a big theme too as it's in Libra degree.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler is Mars in libra at 3 degrees in 5h: Again healing his inner child and falling in love with himself, accepting himself, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 North Node in Aries at 25 degree: Becoming a leader, creating his own path, being himself, focusing on himself, wanting freedom, becoming self reliant. It's at an Aries degree so it intensifies these themes.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 5h Mars in libra at 3 degree: Again about self love, innerchild healing, wanting creative freedom, re-evaluating shit from school years. (The reason for me talking about self love and not relationships is because we have Aries here and Aries are very much about me, myself and I. He moves on VERY FAST from relationships so he doesn't have any baggage about it)
‧₊˚✩彡 There is a conjunction in Jupiter, Uranus and Ascendant too!
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in Taurus at 15 degrees: extreme luck, business tactics and GROUNDING in money matters because he NEEDS it. It's at a Gemini degree and you know what it is.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 4h in Leo at 12 degrees: He'll learn the value of family and homeland. He'll be admired in his homeland(overseas too because its in Pisces degree and it is about foreign affairs as well)
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees: His views on money and possessions will change, he'll learn to be independent in those cases too. It's at an Aquarius degree so it could also be that he'd join people for business purposes(which he already did by collabing).
‧₊˚✩彡 The Uranus and Jupiter conjunction tells me about him learning to be smart (he applied for trademark on his logo <being smart and not letting others take advantage of him anymore> {very much Aries} and being successful in doing it) in business and money game, also needing independence.
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus conjuncting Asc: He'll also "upset" those that admired him by being rebellious and not playing by their rules. ☆Jupiter conjunct Asc: Personal growth, beneficial relationships and HUGE luck in material/money matters.
‧₊˚✩彡 Now the 5h because it's the most aspected house with 12h. He has sun, mercury and mars in 5h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in virgo at 8 degrees in 5h conjunct Mercury at 18 degrees: Identifying his innerchild by focusing on it, changing his views on love and relationships. Waking his delulu self up and realizing what actual love is and also realizing that he really hasn't been in love because of his delulu expectations (but he'll know that it exists when he meets his wife)
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars in libra at 3 degrees: It has been aspected to Aries so its more about "me" again so self love but also realizing that his intense thoughts about love and relationships are very delulu since the time he started dating (again would also realize that no relationship was actual love and they were just delusions too).
‧₊˚✩彡 It's ruler Venus in Leo at 12 degrees in 4h: He'll be loved/admired/adored in his family/homeland (overseas too) and gain more fame too. I see him starting to invest more in lands,etc. Due to Uranus and Jupiter's ruler being in 4h too and he'll be lucky in it!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn Pluto in 9h at 28 degrees: So what I've noticed is that half of the things this year will be focused on his homeland/family. He'll reform/change his beliefs/views on life,spirituality,etc. That will be different and foreign to his homeland/family. Its ruler Saturn in Pisces at 3 degrees in 10h: He'll start diving deeper into spirituality. His views on career will change,after this year he may spiritually start making decisions in his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon in Pisces at 29 degree: He'll be highly sensitive and emotional,it will be a completion of his spiritual lessons. Will imagine and think more about his wife,fall in love more deeply with her. Would also make emotional connections with big communities. Its ruler is in the same house so it's gonna double up.
‧₊˚✩彡 Neptune in Pisces in 11h at 26 degrees: Will open himself to learning more about spirituality and focus on his future become more dreamy and imaginative. Would also think about stepping up the future business game. Sort people from his circle that don't have a good influence on him.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon and Neptune conjunction: Will have vivid dreams and exciting imaginations about his wife(i could've talked about other things but its Pisces we're talking about so its romance for sure and I'm certain about it being his wife because we have late Taurus degree in Neptune and late Leo degree moon, these both tell us that its his endgame we're talking about). Will imagine his life with his future wife too!! (That's cute)
Summary: He'll be getting big fat bags, will be himself and say fuck you to those that don't want him to be that way, be independent, big on self love and healing, being creative/imaginative about his future (especially his wife) have vivid dreams, transform his views, dive deep into spirituality and be open to learning it. It's a shadow work and self love/embracing, new views on money and beliefs, healing his self created wounds, being independent, becoming more spiritual and falling in love more with his future wife.
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Uyu's Predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 Scorpio DSC: To me it's a year of being single, it's not a year of being in a relationship, it gives me the hermit kind if vibe. 7H is empty meaning nothing serious is over there this year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in 5H conjunct Mercury: Focused on this year is creativity, fame, being under the light for our ideas, conducting mercury (voice) so focused on singing and singer ideas. His album went out after his birthday so I'm not shocked it happened during this solar return. Sun in 5H could make him dating or enjoying flings, flirting, but not searching for a serious relationship.
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars 5H Libra 3°: Mars shows one's drive and ambition during that year. In 5H it means all ambition are focused on creative ideas, he will have many ideas for this year and it's all about art and so his career. The 3° (gemini) means to me the ideas are really focused on his voice, and so singing. So technically the focused this year is his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 MC Aquarius: Career is more important and focused on social medias, and in foreign lands. This also shows because how much JK has been present on social medias already? He ain't stopping. 5° (Leo)= creativity, art, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 Venus Leo 4H 12°: Def more focused on family life. There could be a changment in his home life, how he feels loved and secured. 12° is pisces and there could be some hidden stuff coming out, and it may change a lot.
‧₊˚✩彡 Taurus Rising: Rising means how you appear this year. Jk will appear as very stable, harmonious and expensive person. A bit secretive or just looking cold or introvert, but more like shy and distant, looks like he enjoys to be on his own, and he enjoys his sh*t basically. Uranus conjuncts the rising meaning he may look different or just unique this year. He could look very weird or just people don't recognize him in a way. He may change suddenly? (could be bald hair for military lol)
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn over 9H: Traveling and foreign land are part of his job much
‧₊˚✩彡 Saturn in 10H: Limitied in career, mostly I think caused by military service that is happening quite quick and early in this solar return chart
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon conjunct Neptune in 11H: People will have delusions about him this year, mostly on social medias. It could be people creating rumors about him, or just gossips. Or it could be people building a fantasy about him on social medias. There is for sure an illusions that people create about him on social medias. And hear me out on this one, you will understand after why I said that. I said in my BTS Tarot Reading about military that people expect JK to have the time of his life during military while he will not enjoy it so much in reality (based on cards), and it actually make sense to me in this src. The illusions people create about him could be related to that, people expecting him to haver a good time and actually ignoring the reality about him. It conjuncts moon, his emotions, which means people will not see it or notice the reality of him. It's also in Pisces, that represents the hidden things. Like bro, everything is connected. Why do I think it's related to military? Keep reading....
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries 12H: So 12H is all about the spiritual stuff and hidden things, like the hidden worlds, etc. If we focused on this part, and remember what Aries is about, you can then remember that sign is about anything that involves physical body, the war and so military. Fighting too. In the 12H it means it's part of the spiritual world, but such a sign in it would make me feel like it's more a shadow work, because it's about fighting. So this military service was just right there, in that year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries Chiron conjunct Aries North Node in 12H: Chiron is about traumas and the wounds, whatever it is and where it is, it is never pleasant to experience. Man this is literally in Aries in the 12H. Do you still think he will enjoy it????? Yep. Literally to me it means that he will not like military and will mostly see it as a painful experience than anything. It's also in libra degree which means it's also unbalanced time for him. There are no harmony and he hates that. He will experience such a shadow work to do, for real. But, don't worry too much for two different reasons. The first reason is that it conjuncts North Node, which represents your purpose this year, and it's also in Aries 12H with an Aries degree. THIS was his destiny this year, okay? He needs to go to military, because it's his Korean duty but also for shadow works. Shadow works are supposed to make you work on yourself, and any triggers you have or red flag (in a sense) for you to grow up (in a sense). So he needs to go through it.
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in 12H: This is the second reason you don't need to worry. Jupiter shows where you will be more lucky in/at. It's also in the 12H, now not conjucting Chiron and NN, but in the same house. So despite the rough year spiritually, we know it has to happen. But it will also bring him a lot of luck and abundance afterwards. And here's the thing about shadow works: it's literally "blue sky after the storm". Or the rainbow after the storm, I don't remember. But you see what I mean, it's literally realizing how lucky you are and how the universe blessed you to go through a shadow work. He will realize how lucky and bless he is that it happened, and how much he grew spiritually. He will grow spiritually for sure.
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elminx · 1 month
Energy Update: May 2024
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May is a "4" Universal Month [5 (May) + 8 (2024) = 13 = 1+3 = 4] in an "8" Universal Year. "4" months are about shoring things up and creating structure. We were put through the wringer during April's intense total solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde cycle, and now we are tasked with picking up the pieces and making something out of what is left.
The Set Up
We begin the month of May with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus in Taurus; Mercury and Mars in Aries, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius. This continues our pile-up of planets which have now been in a sequence of conjoining signs for several months. This indicates that this area of life - stretching from Aquarius and Pisces (the last two signs in the horoscope wheel) through to Aries and Taurus (the first two signs) - needs all of our attention. Something is ending and something is beginning but we are still mid-process.
By month's end, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will have entered Gemini and Mercury will enter Taurus. Additionally, Pluto will have stationed retrograde.
The Nitty Gritty
When I say that "4" months have a certain feel, I want to point to May 2024 as a prime example. April was challenging for many people (I hesitate to say most but I think it might be headed in that direction) and it has left a big mess in its wake. It may take some time to gather ourselves enough to pick up the pieces, but May, with both its transits and its 4 energy, will offer us every opportunity to do so. The thing is, "4" energy isn't something that just happens, you need to work for it.
In this, often-lazy Taurus isn't doing us any favors but we are getting quite a bit of support from Mars in its home sign of Aries and Saturn in Pisces. This month's big flex will be to get up daily and put one foot in front of the other. Show up for yourself. There are a couple of potential windfalls towards the end of the month but they will be much more beneficial for those that have put in the work beforehand.
The month begins with a bit of an ending as Venus in Taurus meets up in a fixed square with Pluto in Aquarius. There are a couple of things in play here. The first is that Pluto retrogrades the next day; during this retrograde, it will move backward into Capricorn for the last time later this year. The second is that this is part of an ongoing interplay between Venus and Pluto that stretches back to Venus's retrograde in January of 2022 which was directly conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn.
We are in an ongoing cycle that involves the evolution of relationships (highlighted by our lunar node's transits through Aries and Libra) with a marked push towards valuing the individual over the system as a whole. Venus, through her rulership of our relationship-loving sign Libra, has been in the hot seat for a while now. Now she is in her other ruling sign, Taurus, a sign that can be equally as unwilling to make a change. The problem is that Pluto isn't a planet that can be reasoned with - as one of our outer planets, it is far beyond our control and immune to our influence.
When given the choice to bend or break, Taurus rarely chooses to bend. That will be a problem all month long as our personal planets all move through the sign of the bull and are forced to butt heads up against the inevitability that Pluto brings to the table.
Mars is in play here, too. At the end of April, Venus and Mars entered their home signs which is generally a positive indication for relationships of all kinds. Unfortunately, it brings both into immediate contact with Pluto. This could be a boon for relationships that are future-focused and committed to changing in ways that benefit all people involved. But it will be part of the ongoing stressor for those that are not. This is your cosmic reminder that the North Node in Aries demands independence for all parties during this time; avoid that at your peril.
Pain is on the table. Mercury, now direct, is working its way through its post-retrograde shadow where it meets up with Chiron for the third and final time at 21° Aries. This is very close (within 1°) to the point of our solar eclipse last month which included a rough stellium between the Sun, the Moon, retrograde Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node. We may have moved on (it has been a whole month and we are about to experience a new moon at 18° Taurus), but the scars have barely scabbed over. Monday 5/6 may prove a rough day for many who had difficulty with the solar eclipse as it may echo those same repeating themes.
As a culture, we are taught to ignore our pains but Chiron calls for us to stand up and look at them in the eyes. To know them and where they come from. This isn't the easy path and it can require help (professional or otherwise). All aspects to Chiron support shadow work and healing of all kinds. With Mercury involved, you may want to talk it through or write it out.
This will still be in play for our New Moon at 18° Taurus on late Tuesday night (5/7) or early Wednesday morning (5/8) depending on your time zone. This lunar conjunction is in a strong sextile with Saturn in Pisces. Saturn can be a hard taskmaster, but that is necessary here - after a rough month, we are tasked with picking up the pieces and moving on. This is our first new moon since our eclipse cycle and our first chance to set intentions or to set things right. Taurus can be a very self-indulgent sign, so do your work and get yourself a little treat afterward for morale.
Small consistent steps are the name of the game all month long. Saturn can help us here. Things may feel hopeless (especially if you were rocked by eclipse season or Mercury retrograde) but Saturn reminds us that time changes all things. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, you might as well get going and do something about it.
After that, we sit for almost a full week without any non-lunar aspects. This is always a sign that we need to think about what we've done. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. Keep moving. If today is hard, wake up tomorrow and start all over again. Taurus has a lot of staying power, you just need to tap into it.
5/13 will be a big turning point in the energy of the month. Venus in Taurus will sextile Saturn (another chance to work, I guess?) and Mercury will finally exit their post-retrograde shadow. Additionally, our Sun will conjunct Uranus at 23° Taurus - this starts a major Taurus stellium between the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus that won't complete until Venus conjunctions Jupiter at 28° on 5/23.
Ten days to get some shit done, that's nothing to snaggle about. This energy will go from intense to more fruitful. I'd stay very aware and out of the fire on 5/13 (Uranus rules unexpected disasters) - don't handle explosives if you don't have to, physically or metaphorically. Uranian energy is uncontrollable at best, so step out of the way if you need to. But it does tend to encourage change and, with both the Sun and Jupiter involved, we can use this to our advantage.
On 5/15, Mercury finally enters Taurus after its ten-week tour of Aries. This was a really long time to experience our planet of communication in the fiery cardinal sign of the ram. It's been a rough go all around with seemingly everybody having opinions about things they know nothing about. May the know-it-alls fall back into the shadows where they belong. Mercury in Taurus can be a bit bullheaded, but, for the most part, will think before they speak which is a major win. Depending on how your April went, you might need to apologize for a few things you said or fights you picked. Own up now because Mercury will meet up in sextile with Saturn soon enough. (Saturn rules consequence and repercussions)
In fact, Mercury makes an immediate square with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto, like Uranus (who is very much still in play in that major Taurus stellium), acts upon us as an otherworldly presence. We don't get to control how the planet of death and transformation shows up in our lives; the best we can do is adapt to these overarching inevitabilities. Neither Taurus nor Aquarius is particularly adaptable, so this may be a tough day - thankfully, Mercury transits pass quickly.
5/18 is our first benificent day of the month: our Sun is conjunct to Jupiter which brings great opportunities for luck and expansion (especially in the abundant, fertile sign of Taurus), Venus is conjunct to Uranus so chance is on the table, and Mars is conjunct to the North Node in Aries. If you need a change of pace, this is your day. If you are looking for luck, love, or money, this is also your day. I would work firstly with the Sun, then with Jupiter, and finally with Venus. Together this trifecta can pull in the power of otherworldly Uranus and our lunar nodes.
The seasons are beginning to shift again and we look to the late-spring mutable air sign Gemini. Our Sun in Taurus makes a quick and murky sextile to Neptune in Pisces on Sunday 5/19 before entering the sign of the twins on 5/20. Venus and Jupiter aren't far behind which is a major boon to anybody with a strong Gemini element in their charts. But first, our Sun meets up with retrograde Pluto once again, this time in trine rather than last month's square. The changes that need to be wrought this month are getting easier the further that we progress - Gemini, unlike Taurus, is open to bending in the ways needed to accommodate new things. That is, so long as they understand what they are bending for.
We've got a full moon for that! On Thursday, 5/23, Venus conjuncts Jupiter (so, so auspicious!) under the light of the full moon at 02° Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter. This is our second beneficent day of the month. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are inquisitive signs eager to learn and study. This is an auspicious day for all, but especially for scholars, students, artists, and writers. This is a great day to plan out your (artistic) year ahead, to apply to see your work published or in an art show, or simply to work with the magnanimous energy of Sagittarius to expand and grow. Set out some milk and cookies for Jupiter during this time (or maybe a good glass of scotch) and ask for some inspiration, it will be sure to follow. Later in the day, Venus enters Gemini.
On Saturday, 5/25, Jupiter joins Venus and the Sun in Gemini. Anytime our intermediate or outer planets change signs, the energy shifts substantially. We may find ourselves more interested in intellectual pursuits while Jupiter transits the airy sign of the twins, but we should be wary of Too Many Mind. Jupiter enbiggens everything it touches and Gemini is known for its chronic indecisiveness. Unlike some signs which can be too maudlin to see any options at all, Gemini's indecision comes from seeing too many choices and a desire to explore them all. You may need to take concrete steps to stay on track. (unless you enjoy rabbit holes, I'm not judging)
With Jupiter in Gemini, Gemini season will happen fast and you can see that reflected in Mercury's aspects. Mercury in Taurus makes a tougher aspect to Saturn in Pisces on 5/27 which is a reminder to keep a check on our thoughts during this airy season (always important) and then makes a major conjunction to Uranus at 24° Taurus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercurial energy - where Mercury is thought, Uranus is pure inspiration, or, sometimes, madness. If you are prone to extreme flights of fancy or intense mania, this is a day to watch out for. If you need a good push to create or be bold, it can be used to your advantage.
Our last aspect for the month is a tough conjunction between Mars and Chiron at 22° Aries - this again is a reminder that when we are not paying attention to our actions, we can end up in some pretty rough places. Mars in Aries would rather run at full speed and is known for not looking where he is going. You might need to reign in some of your impulses as we get deeper into Gemini season, or else you end up sore muscled, and unable to move for a bit.
The Details
5/1 - Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius 5/2 - Pluto retrogrades 02° Aquarius 5/3 - Mars in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius 5/6 - Mercury conjunct Chiron 21° Aries 5/7 - New moon 18° Taurus (EDT, will be 5/8 for most of the US), Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/13 - Sun conjunct Uranus 23° Taurus, Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 27° Aries, Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/15 - Mercury enters Taurus 5/17 - Mercury in Taurus square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/18 - Sun conjunct Jupiter 28° Taurus, Venus conjunct Uranus 23° Taurus, Mars conjunct North Node 13° Aries 5/19 - Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces 5/20 - Sun enters Gemini 5/22 - Sun in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 5/23 - Full Moon 02° Sagittarius, Venus conjunct Jupiter 29° Taurus, Venus and Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, Venus enters Gemini 5/25 - Jupiter enters Gemini 5/27 - Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces 5/29 - Mars conjunct Chiron 22° Aries 5/31 - Mercury conjunct Uranus 24° Taurus
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jeevanjali · 6 months
Aries Yearly Love Horoscope 2024 : मेष राशि के जातकों के लिए प्रेम के मामले में कैसा रहेगा साल 2024Aries Yearly Love Horoscope 2024 : मेष राशि के जातकों के लिए प्रेम के मामले में यह यह वर्ष सकारात्मक रहने की संभावना है और आप निश्चिंत हो सकते हैं आपका साथी भी आपके विचारों का समर्थन करेगा
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astrosolutions · 8 days
Cancer June Horoscope 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope Predictions.
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The Cancer June horoscope 2024 indicates that this month will be a time of embracing changes that can catapult you toward success and happiness. The cosmic influences present a pivotal opportunity for you to embark on a path of self-discovery and embrace the exciting new opportunities that present themselves.
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b1acksh33p999 · 2 days
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June 2024 Horoscopes 🔮
🔥Aries: “Simply taking care of business.”
This month is going to allow your ambitions and strong work ethic to shine! With the moon starting in 0° Aries while touching mars in a soft conjunction, this energy will allow your emotions to drive your ambitions. Many Aries will find more enjoyment in their work and planning abilities, while receiving consistent positive feedback for their efforts. A special highlight for Aries will come on June 6th- during the new moon in Gemini, this day will put a heavy focus on matters of communication and in some cases can completely redirect Aries in how they express their leadership abilities to others. My advice to you this month is to ensure you have your ego in check while embracing your power in all matters where you lead, otherwise you may encounter some unfortunate events of miscommunication, or misunderstandings with those people closest to Aries. Lead by example, and take care of business!
🏔️Taurus: “It’s time to explore a new avenue!”
This month is going to push Taurus to try new things, and allow them the ability to view their current problems from a new perspective! With mars in conjunction with your Sun sign on the full moon on June 21st-this will be a major turning point in the current interests and perspectives that Taurus hold for themselves, especially with the end of the month’s transit moon falling in the exact same degree as mars was on during the full moon; 9° Taurus. My advice to you this month is to keep your mind open for new ways to express your current talents, and keep your eyes peeled for epiphanies and changes that would improve your self-worth. The universe is sending Taurus an abundance of energy at the end of the month to make the changes they need to level up their lives in ways that would dramatically improve their quality of life. It’s time to stop limiting yourself, and remove any doubt preventing you from embracing the happiness you deserve!
🌬️Gemini: “It’s a whole new world, so get ready to explore!”
This month is a huge turning point for Gemini’s! Many Gemini’s may find themselves ending old relationships, starting new ones, or even experiencing a change in residency. With the new moon in Gemini on June 6th, the universe is challenging Gemini to evolve past their previous limitations in areas of love, career, and most importantly to remove doubts that prevent them from taking necessary risks for further growth. Any Gemini placements will feel the pressure to rid themselves of the past version of themselves, and reintroduce themselves as the mutable people person they’ve always been. My advice to Gemini this month is to reevaluate the issues they had with reputation, being wronged, or lies that may still hold them back emotionally. This month is meant to bust open your emotional state and allow you to release the words about you that were never yours to begin with. By the end of the month, Jupiter in conjunction with your Sun sign will help provide an abundance of new information and opportunities to validate the changes they’ve made in their lives. Any growth that’s needed for Gemini to actually let go of the past will be most effectively dealt with in the first week of June. Get ready for a whole new world!
🌊Cancer: “Creating stability in the watery elements”
This month is going to amplify the nostalgic feelings of a much earlier time in your life. With the full moon on June 21st lighting up for cancer’s this month, all of the situations presenting are simply allowing you to respond as your more knowledgeable self. Some cancer’s may find themselves in situations, places, or surrounded by people that trigger unresolved past karmic pain; testing old behavioral reactions to ensure that Cancer is capable of practicing what they’ve learned. My advice to you this month is to dig deep and stand your ground in the sometimes-tumultuous waters, and never disempower yourself or step back in growth for others. Allow yourself to believe that you are knowledgeable enough to overcome your previous mistakes!
🔥Leo: “It’s finally your turn to relax and heal.”
This month is going to start off with a very refreshing energy for Leo! With help from the transit moon in trine to your natal sun sign, most Leo’s will feel heavily optimistic towards the future; most may not know exactly why they feel this way. The Full moon on June 21st will solidify Vesta’s shift into Leo. Vestas influence will aid in Leo’s recovery in all forms. Any form of self-nurturing, or motherhood will be a blessing in disguise during this 4-month long transit. My advice to you this month is to enjoy the little moments, and memories both that are made now and that will come in the future. This is the best way to keep a positive perspective, and stay in the moment. It’s finally your turn to heal!
🏔️Virgo: “The gig is up.”
With the months starting transits pressing on your need to tie up loose ends, this energy will push on Virgo to find the momentum needed to break free of bad habits or unresolved limiting behaviors. The blessing in disguise for Virgo will come with the changes associated around the full moon on June 21st. With the full moon degreescrossing each other in 1°- this Aries ruled energy will force change in anything preventing stability in both physical stability, and emotional stability; even if it must come in forms that feel harsh or unwarranted. My advice to you this month is to get organized! The more closely you look into the details, while maintaining control of your stability, the more you will bring once in a lifetime abundance gifts, and opportunities. Any outdated behaviors that lead to narrow minded thinking or self-limiting beliefs must be shed in the first few days of the month. Otherwise, this will lead to more harsh displays in order for Virgo to finally learn their lesson. The beauty and abundance that comes with self-empowerment instead of self-limiting is where the universe is guiding Virgo to explore. The gift of knowledge through experience is a priceless quality associated with Gemini, and typically counters Virgo’s sometimes stubborn nature. Allow yourself to shift into empowerment, and learn to go with the flow!
🌬️Libra: “Embracing your power and independence is crucial for upward mobility.”
With June’s transit moon starting off in opposition to your Sun sign this will strengthen the importance of the events throughout the month. This volatile and sometimes challenging energy can be used as a catapult towards success for Libra placements if they really commit to the growth associated with the success they seek. My advice to you this month is to embody the positive changes that you aspire to attain, as if you already have them. This will help fast track manifestations, while helping maintain focus on your direction. Embracing your power and independence is crucial to upward mobility!
🌊Scorpio: “I navigate obstacles and transform.”
This month is going to give you the time to reflect on how you learned to persevere through obstacles and gain transformative insight into life’s hardest lessons. With Pallas in Scorpio retrograding the entire month, this may be associated with major moments, or crucial transitions in your life, putting a focus on your intuitive and inspiring nature for those around you. The full moon on the 21st will be the peak for natural celebratory energies, and mood towards the future. My advice to you this month is to ensure that your mysterious and inquisitive nature is being used to help guide others through what you’ve been forced to learn from life experience. The blessings that will come with seeing how healing your words of affirmation can be will help heal your past traumas of going unnoticed. Get used to standing out as a mentor, because you’re meant to guide!
🔥Sagittarius: “Not all who wander are lost, but those who are lost will always find their way back home.”
This month is going to push Sagittarius into a more emotional, and comforting period. With the complementary energies in the beginning of the month, and the strong aspect of 9° on the full moon June 21st; this month will start out and finish out incredibly eye opening for Sagittarius placements. Whatever themes present now will only be pushed into focus by the emotive security that will come with this full moon. Many Sagittarius’s may notice they are breaking generational curses or habits and will finally get rewarded or acknowledged for their efforts. My advice to you this month is to focus on relearning the things that held you back, and share your wisdom from breaking these generational curses by passing on the best fit for what behavior or lesson you believe is best. Knowledge is power!
🏔️Capricorn: “Allow yourself to receive the blessings from your hard work and dedication.”
With the full moon this month honing the focus on emotional matters and hidden motives, this month is going to set you up to reap the rewards from all of your hard work! A highlight for Capricorn this month falls between the full moon June 21st, and Saturn retrograde starting on June 29th. With your ruling planet changing direction, Capricorn placements will all notice a huge shift in their assets, career matters, and money matters overall! Anything that was left holding Capricorn back in the previous month will finally be shed from the past and let go from the subconscious identity. My advice to you is to keep your focus on what you desire to expand at this time, and keep putting in the hard work that’s gotten you this far. The fruits of your labor will be rewarded soon!
🌬️Aquarius: “Keep your mouth shut and observe what’s happening around you.”
With the month’s transit Sun sign degree starting off in an Aquarius degree, 11° Gemini, this will amplify the need for interpersonal hands-on learning. For some Aquarius placements this may feel repetitive or pointless, however this is simply because the lessons surrounding the energy presented will come naturally to Aquarius placements. My advice to you this month is to be of service to those who are having a hard time understanding the lessons that are required for them to digest during this time. Whether it be to act as a guide for others, or to stand back and keep your mouth shut; your reaction and affiliation with the people around you matter desperately. As we approach the full moon, Aquarius’s may find themselves growing impatient with those around them. Do not let others naivety bring you down. Allow yourself to guide others, selflessly; to receive that same consideration from those you helped later in the year. Just because you already mastered this lesson doesn’t mean you’re done learning!
🌊Pisces: “Be ready to receive tests and opportunities to add bountiful changes to your everyday life.”
With this month’s heavy focus on Pisces evolving their everyday lives through hard work and following their intuition, the Saturn retrograde starting on June 29th will be a defining moment for all Pisces placements to begin reaping the true fruits of their labor from the past year’s efforts. With this 5 month long retrograde window, Pisces placements will start receiving major shifts in opportunities or blessings. Some in which they have lost faith in receiving. My advice to you this month is to hold on to that positive outlook that has gotten you this far, and do not doubt what is already meant to be yours. Any tests now will simply precede the blessings meant for you!
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
YOUR 2024 Mars in Pisces Horoscope
Recently, water sign Pisces has been making waves. I mean, there was the Neptune cazimi in Pisces, which was preceded by Venus in Pisces, and before that was the Saturn cazimi, Mercury in Pisces, and Pisces season… Well, guess what? Another planet is joining the Pisces party. On March 22, Mars enters dreamy, passive and sleep-loving Pisces, where it will remain until April 30. 
     In case you were wondering, Mars is the planet of action, energy, motivation, competition, self-assertion and goals. Mars is fire, heat, action, and your ego. But in Pisces, the ultimate water sign of passivity and pacifism, Mars’s motivation gets drenched in emotions, dreams, intuitive hunches, humanitarian ideals, and compassion. Pisces is the sign of selflessness. Pisces aims for the dissolution of the ego. You see where I’m going here? Mars in Pisces isn’t motivated by the typical ego drives. There’s not a strong desire for competition, excessive self-assertion, outward aggression, or achieving goals for just for the sake of a trophy and/or glory. (Save that for Mars in Aries.) No, Mars in Pisces wants peace, ease, serenity, cease-fires, and a poetic utopia.
     So, when the outward-directed planet (Mars) transits the subdued, non-confrontational sign of Pisces, all those Mars-ruled facts of life—aggression, motivation, activity, goal-setting—can feel a bit watered down, like a flooded engine. That’s especially true if you’re trying to motivate yourself to chase/achieve something for purely selfish and/or unethical egomaniacal reasons (i.e.: greed, glory at the expense of others’ humiliation, etc.) Don’t get me wrong, Mars in Pisces has the potential to pursue any goal for greedy / selfish reasons. But because this slippery eel of a transit secretly longs to supersede greed and transcend all the earthly, egoic ambitions of the world, Mars in Pisces won’t feel good about any accomplishment driven solely by selfishness.
     All that said, Mars in Pisces doesn't mean you’re completely unmotivated or completely ego-less; rather, what motivates you more during this time are your dreams, fantasies, compassion, emotions, and yearning for something greater than yourself, greater than your ego. And yes, the typical Mars-associated courage, bravado and goal-setting are all there for you to pluck up and call on, if/when you need to, but they are birthed by energies and themes not traditionally associated with Mars. Think: creative / divine inspiration, compassion and sensitivity to others, emotional investment, commitment to something greater than Y-O-U.
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astrologiaxo · 3 months
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 28.01.24 – 03.02.24
Aries Get ready for blessings coming your way, but are you open to receiving them? Now is the time to focus on healing and taking steps toward your dreams. Start planning and take action accordingly. Archangel Raphael is here to protect, guide, and bring miracles and blessings to your journey. You’ll soon encounter people who will support and propel you forward. If you’re in finance, real…
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