sabrinaboglund · 1 year
Sådan Gjorde Selvsikkerhed Mig Til en Bedre Lysarbejder
Nogle mennesker har mere selvsikkerhed end andre. Det er noget i vores personlighed! Selvom selvsikkerhed ikke kommer naturligt for dig, så betyder det ikke, at du ikke kan være selvsikker. For mig så kommer selvsikkerhed og være assertive relativt nemt, fordi jeg har et leder-løsningsorienteret-har-ikke-tid-til-bullshit mindset. Lad os bare være ærlig, jeg kan være ret bossy, viljestærk og…
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maleficarlife · 2 years
Zevran/Anora new ship
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astrum-medeis · 1 year
Placements that (imo) are tough to have 🎅🎄
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Highlights: Pisces/12H; Aquarius/11H; Aries Moon; Moon-Mercury; Mars-Pluto; Virgo/6H; Capricorn/10H Moon
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(„• ֊ •„) ♡
Pisces/12H placements 🤝 not being believed or getting falsely accused.
Chiron in Aquarius/11H. No sense of belonging. Like you belong to everywhere and nowhere in a society. Maturity level between you and your peers is like chalk and cheese. Having hard time making friends with peers. Getting bullied.
Aries Moon natives have it hard in life. The truest rebelliant of Zodiac. In this world, there never was a place for individualism, assertivness, straightforwardness and honesty. You must to have strength to follow your own path, apart from the crowd. People hate other people who possess this strength. They hate it when you have your own mind, your own moral compass and when you follow your own path. They will tell you to shut up, they will try to suppress you, but do not ever let them do that. 🐏
Moon square/opposite Mercury may have hard time getting along with women. 🫠
Pisces/12H Moon or Venus natives love with all of their heart, soul and mind. The purest and deepest form of love. Love beyond the body and mind. Unfortunately, some evil person could easily take advantage of this. Or native does love someone so much it causes almost physical pain to be apart from their lover.
Mars trine/conjunct Pluto, I think this kind of energy may be overpowering for other people so they can’t withstand your presence for a long time. There definitely draws a difference in a room when you walk in. �� You’re a strong personality.
Virgo/6H placements may be hard to have because resting feels uncomfortable to the native. Like you have to be doing smth all the time in order to feel useful.
Capricorn/10H Moon natives are accused of being emotionless so it may be annoying and overwhelming, but believe me, no one is emotionless. There are just different ways to express emotions. However natives may be having hard time understanding and accepting emotions so they may come across as emotionless.
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anxiousandpessimistic · 4 months
Charlie: I'm texting Vaggie, i'm gonna ask her to dinner. How should i say it "Let's get dinner" or do you wanna get dinner" ? Sir Pentious: Go with "Let's get dinner" so you sound like assertive and confident Charlie: For sure Angel: Actually no cause now you sound a little aggressive Husk: Cause you don't wanna be the kinda girl who's like " LETS GET DINNER" like some sort of caveman Niffty: You're supposed to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner Alastor: Just say " do you wanna get dinner?" Charlie: Perfect Adam: Actually wait, now you sound kinda like a pussy Charlie: This is tough Vox: The last thing you wanna be is like that overly masculine guy who's like " lets get dinner,on the breadwinner bitch" Valentino: Women also love assertiveness Cherri: I hate assertivness, bitch Lucifer: Say "Dinner would be something i would enjoy taking you to, if you are also interested in attending the meal Carmilla: The more words the better Rosie: Wait, say " I would like nothing more, than to take you to the finest restaurant in town, for a lovely meal that we call dinner Charlie: Should i send that in a voice memo? Lute: FUCK THAT. Say " Dinner tonight, take it or leave it BITCH" Cause she's playing games Velvet: Sign it, seal it, deliver it Zestial: I dont know why girls are so difficult all of the time Charlie: I'm not gonna say that Vaggie: Definitely don't say that
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beestriker015 · 6 months
Mikan x loving and protective male s/o
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(Non-killing game AU)
This poor girl has been abused and mistreated basically her whole life, so she was in for a big surprise when she went to Hope’s Peak and met someone who actually treated her with kindness.
“Hello! My name is s/o. Are you new here too?”
“Y-yes I am. M-my name is M-Mikan Tsumiki. I-it’s n-nice to m-meet you.”
The young man is slightly taken aback by her stuttering and timid response, but smiles at her warmly nonetheless.
“Nice to meet you too Mikan. I hope we can become friends.”
“F-friends? With me?”
Mikan mutters to herself and begins shaking a little, much to s/o’s concern.
“H-hey! Are you ok Mikan?!”
“P-please, if you’re going to h-hurt me, just d-do it quickly.”
The girl says in a quiet voice while looking like she’s ready to burst into tears any second now.
“Hurt you? Why would I do that? Calm down Mikan, I have absolutely no intention of hurting you.”
S/o tells her in a voice that makes Mikan relax a little.
“Y-you’re not?”
“No. Why would you think I would?”
She doesn’t answer and just hugs s/o for comfort.
“What has this girl been through to act like this?”
He thinks to himself before comforting the fragile girl, thus kicking off their friendship.
As time passed, s/o and Mikan grew closer and closer, leading to the development of feelings between the two.
Early on in their friendship, Mikan confided in s/o everything she’s been through, much to his shock and horror.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry you had to go through that Mikan!
He wraps his arms around her in a warm embrace, causing her to flinch a bit before relaxing into it.
“I-it’s alright s/o, I deserved to be treated that way.”
S/o breaks their embrace and gives Mikan a slightly stern look, while also being careful not to accidentally scare her.
“No you didn’t. Mikan, no one deserves to be treated the way you were, and as long as I’m around, you will never be treated like that again. I promise.”
“T-thank you s/o.”
Being a man of his word, s/o stayed true to his promise and protected his friend from her bullies (especially Hiyoko).
“Ew! Why is the pig here?!”
Hiyoko exclaims and points at Mikan, who tries stuttering out a response but can’t.
Luckily for her, s/o swoops in and proceeds to defend her.
“I asked her to come here with me. Do you have a problem with that Hiyoko? If not, keep your fat mouth shut and mind your own business.”
Hiyoko quickly runs away wailing as s/o gives Mikan a smile that she absolutely loves.
“God I hate that girl so much. Mahiru should really keep her on a tighter leash.”
“T-thank you for defending me s/o.”
“Of course! I promised you I wouldn’t let people treat you like that anymore didn’t I? I love you Mikan.”
S/o’s eyes widen as he realizes he unintentionally confessed his feelings as Milan’s face turns deep red with a blush.
“Y-you l-love me s/o?”
“Honestly? Yes, I do. Sometime after we became friends, I developed feelings for you that never went away. If you don’t feel the same, we can still be friends like we are now.”
“I d-don’t want to just be friends with you anymore s/o, because I love you too.”
She tells him with a shy smile before giving him a small kiss on the lips, making both of them blush.
As a couple, not much really changed from when they were only friends, except a little more cuddling and saying I love you to each other.
When it comes to giving and receiving attention, Mikan is still a bit reluctant due to her past, which s/o completely understands and respects.
It goes without saying that Mikan is incredibly touch starved despite being so sensitive to physical touch, but when it comes to her boyfriend, she practically turns into a puddle whenever he gives her a hug or some kisses.
(Mikan’s favorite way her boyfriend gives her affection is headpats. She. Loves. Headpats.)
S/o continues to protect and stand up for Mikan, maybe even more now that she is his girlfriend.
Being with s/o has had an immensely positive impact on Mikan as she’s become more assertive and doesn’t stutter like she used to.
“I won’t let you treat me this way anymore Hiyoko, I am tired of you calling me a pig.”
Her newfound self respect catches Hiyoko off guard.
“Y-you didn’t stutter. When did you suddenly grow a spine?! Tired of having your stupid boyfriend stand up for you?”
One thing Mikan absolutely doesn’t tolerate is hearing anyone talk badly of her boyfriend.
“S/o is not stupid! The only stupid one here is you!”
Caught off guard by Mikan yelling at her, Hiyoko runs off with crocodile tears in her eyes.
(If you can’t tell by now, I really do not like Hiyoko.)
Due to her not being overly shy and timid anymore, hardly anyone bullies or mistreats Mikan now, though s/o will still step in to protect her if someone does.
Whenever s/o is sick or needs first aid, his girlfriend the Ultimate Nurse is always ready to take care of him.
“I appreciate you taking care of me babe, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His words always make her heart flutter.
“I can say the same thing about you s/o. Now get some rest and I’ll check in on you later. Sweet dreams my beloved.”
Whenever s/o goes to sleep, it isn’t uncommon for him to wake up to find that his girlfriend had snuck into his room and snuggled up next to him in bed.
“This is too adorable. I don’t understand how anyone could be so cruel and horrible to the most precious girl in the whole wide world.”
S/o says to himself quietly as he gazes lovingly at the sleeping form of his girlfriend, who is laying next to him with a content smile on her face.
“It’s a bit early, so I might as well go back to sleep. I love you Mikan, sweet dreams babe.”
He whispers before kissing her gently on the forehead before lying back down beside her.
“Hahhhhhh…I love you too s/o.”
Mikan says in her sleep and unconsciously begins spooning her boyfriend, much to her embarrassment when she wakes up.
Overall, despite the horrible way she’s been treated in the past, Mikan thinks of herself as the happiest and luckiest girl in the world to be in a relationship with her loving and protective boyfriend.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 3 months
part one part two part three part four
a few days later, lord toji arrives with a set of gifts like he occasionally does. he tends to bring ameera brushes and papers for her paintings, ingredients and herbs for mildred, and today he brought you a stunning pair of earrings.
"one of the townspeople gifted me this," he tells you, attempting to lessen the significance of this gift, thought it was partially a lie. he had saved the son of a baker and artisan from drowning one day. grateful for their child's wellbeing, they offered him anything in his shop, to which he humbly selected a pair of white gold earrings, encrusted with pearls, giving the illusion of the owner wearing flowers, handing from their 'white gold' leaves.
"you had to have done something," you find yourself whispering, crouching down in awe as you inspect the beautiful piece of jewlery in your hands. no one would have every spoken to him like this, but the chuckle emitting from his chest
"is it so hard to believe a young, handsome man like me would get gifts?" your eyes flicker to the hint of a smile spreading upon his features before you look down to the set of earrings and shrug. "don't know," you admit. who could have given him this? you think. surely a woman, right? gods were fairly popular with women so surely this was an everyday occurrence, or could it have been an old man from a shop...?
"you look like you don't like it."
"what?!" you flush, jump at his words as you're flushed and furiously shaking your head, "no, I love it! it's just..."
"you're wondering how I got such gift."
you nod, feeling your shoulders drop. he sighs, not exactly upset, but preferring to not have said anything.
"sometimes," he starts, "humans are appreciative of our good deeds they deem..."
"-you don't have to tell me," you feel slightly bad for this, "I... I'm grateful for this gift. even after everything you've done for me..."
"it's only a fraction after you've mend' my wounds."
"it's the least I could do." you reply back, a certain soften spoken assertivness he seems to admire and follow like a moth to a light.
"well, it seems like I still have a lot to return." he says, heart pounding before he and you part ways.
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deutsche-bahn · 9 months
Irgendwelche Tips für LARP-Interessierte? Also, außer "Nicht bei Legion starten" ofc
Hm. Wenn du gleich im klassischen Mittelalter/Fantasy-Setting mit einem eigenen Charakter loslegst, nimm einen Charakter der dir Spaß macht. Also, klingt offensichtlich. Aber achte zB darauf dass du für's Erste einen Charakter hast, mit dem Leute interagieren wollen. Unsympathische Charaktere machen auch Spaß, brauchen aber ein bisschen Feingefühl. Schließlich willst du ja, dass Leute mit dir reden, interagieren, dich ansprechen wollen. Ein auf diese Weise "ansprechendes" Arschloch zu spielen ist ein bisschen tricky.
Falls du eher introvertiert bist, stell dich darauf ein dass vieles dir anfangs echt eine gewisse Überwindungskraft abfordern wird. Auf Leute zugehen, sie einfach ansprechen, assertiv sein und die Initiative ergreifen sind nämlich in einem Larp nicht unbedingt einfacher, wenn du damit von dir aus schon strugglest. Dafür wirst du aber relativ schnell merken dass all das gar nicht so schlimm ist, und dir irgendwann einfacher von der Hand geht. Im Gegensatz zum Ottonormalverbraucher im Lidl deiner Wahl freuen sich Larper nämlich meistens, wenn sie von irgendjemand Neuem angesprochen werden.
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v1ct0la · 5 months
sorting tlou2 characters into hogwarts houses because i’m bored and cbf to finish the fics i have stared 😀
i'm getting back into my harry potter era becuase i've been bingeing all the movies before they leave aus netflix tomorrow 🥲
pls ignore any grammatical mistakes i truly just could not be bothered to properly edit this
TWs: mentions of killing but just within tlou2 plot, nothing heavy
ellie williams - slytherin
ellie is 100% a slytherin IMO and i’m tired of everyone saying she's a gryffindor. she’s incredibly ambitious, driven, cunning (uses her own intelligence and skills for personal gain, i.e. tracking abby and killing all her friends), ruthless (in the aforementioned killing), self-reliant (rejects help, oftentimes from joel, i.e. at the dance), and brash, all of which are big traits of slytherins. we see her cunning, ambition, and drive particularly in her drive to kill abby, and ellie's disregard for the people that get in her way (i.e. owen, mel, nora).
abby anderson - gryffindor
in my eyes, abby is definitely a gryffindor. she's brave, stubborn, can oftentimes be blunt, and is not one to back down. i know some people argue that she'd be a slytherin because they have an idea that abby = evil and evil = slytherin, but i disagree. abby has drive, but it isn't pushed to the extreme like we see with ellie. abby also has a pretty solid moral compass, with the exception of killing joel, but i would argue she was haunted by grief from her father's death. i think, in general, she understands what's right and just, and tends to act accordingly, rather than choose pretty self-centred actions like we see ellie do.
dina woodward - ravenclaw
i was tossing up between ravenclaw and hufflepuff for dina, but i settled with ravenclaw because i think it just makes more sense. dina is rational, logical, is an observer rather than someone who acts, and she doesn't jump into things on a whim - we see this when tommy visits ellie and dina at the farmhouse to try and get ellie back on abby's trail - dina is rational in understanding that continuing ellie's revenge quest will get them nowhere and leave them with more blood on their hands.
joel miller - gryffindor
joel was a really hard character for me to sort, because i think he has traits from both gryffindor and slytherin. ultimately, i ended up in gryffindor, because i think, especially in the first game, joel shows his bravery and stubbornness to leave ellie with the fireflies. while joel's killings might be more slytherin, as they are quite self-serving, they weren't intentionally so, unlike ellie's.
jesse - hufflepuff
jesse's a hufflepuff to me. he's hardworking, honest, compassionate, practical, and dependable. jesse is loyal, and determined to protect the greater good. i see this especially when he tries to get ellie to go with him when they suspect the sniper in seattle is tommy, and make sure he's safe (where ellie stays to track down owen and mel, jesse finds tommy).
tommy miller - gryffindor
i put tommy in gryffindor because not only is he loyal, especially to maria and joel, but he's also very brave and definitely stubborn. i do think he's a little brash, like ellie.
lev - hufflepuff
lev was definitely a bit harder, but i landed on hufflepuff because of his drive to do good. i can see this in him especially when he calls off abby from killing dina. he's loyal, especially to his mother (despite everything), yara, and also abby once he begins to trust her.
yara - ravenclaw
yara is very rational, analytical, and intelligent, hence sorting her into ravenclaw. she's also very emotionally intelligent, especially when it comes to lev, and i noticed this in how she talks to abby.
owen moore - hufflepuff
i put owen in hufflepuff because he's got a very strong moral compass, diffuses confrontation, is generally good-hearted, and very practical. he doesn't jump into things irrationally and is loyal to his close circle.
mel - slytherin
mel is realistic, determined, and quite assertive in what she wants, hence slytherin.
i hope all this makes sense! pls don't hate on me if you disagree 😅, but my comments are open and i'd love to hear what you guys think!
also i used this image for sorting info...
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daphnedauphinoise · 2 years
A lot of people say to be mysterious but I still dont get what you are meant to do. I dont understand what being mysterious is ?
At it's core, in my opinion being mysterious is being okay with missing out. I find that people have this restlessness when it comes to the thought of missing out on things. FOMO is real and now more than ever. But a mysterious person is okay with missing out. There is no need to be everywhere, do everything infront of everyone, have the whole community up in your business.
What does this resilience show? This demonstrates that you are a secure individual who has a fuffilling life of their own. That confidence and assertivness is sexy on everyone. You don't feel the need to be at every party and every event, you are okay with going to things . This is not to say you don't trying out new things but more so that you don't feel like you have to do everything and prove people wrong. Infact, it is never about proving people right or wrong. It is about being authentic and intune to your wants and needs. A lot of the times people will participate in things that they don't want to and it isn't even adding to their growth or value just for the sake of appearences. I think the allure of a mysterious woman or a man is that they are asserted. Humans are a lot like sheeps in that we like to be led. We automatically seek leaders and put them in a pedestal and we like pleasing these people too. When you have people who are consistently put themselves and their joyhood above societal requirements we are slighty uncomfortable at the defiance but moreover in awe.
Also like I mentioned earlier being mysterious is being secure in yourself and the life you are living. Given what tools we have to overtly glamourize our lives , people feel this need to showcase every single thing that is happening in their lives to prove a point. I am not saying that every single who posts a lot on social media is insecure but the generalisation can be made and it is true. When you caught up in the sway of things and living a vibrant life I don't think there is need to prove anything.
I know people are going to ask 'well how do I deal with FOMO' and I think you need to do soul searching and figure out what you like and don't like. For example, I like dance parties but not the biggest fan of clubbing so I will say yes! to salsa night and twerking classes but no to rowdy nights and staying awake till 4. (I literally ahve to be in my bed after 10pm, not sleep necessarily but I have to be in bed). I love going to the theatre so I naturally gravitate to that and share that interest with my friends and make plans for us. This doesn't mean I never go clubbing or I need stay past my bedtime, I do what I want, when I want and my reasoning is just that. I am more than happy to say 'That isn't my scene but thank you for thinking of me and inviting me along' instead of lying and making excuses.
These are just my thoughts though, do tell me what you guys think 💖
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 years
Thanks for answering my wallflower! reader concept, you totally right that Tomura in his gremlin era needs to understand that not everyone will take his shit. That's why I enjoy reading"Play nice" reader's and Shiggy's bickering. For shy reader, I think it depends of their boundary setting, in some way interacting with Tomura might be (traimatizing) lesson of assertivness especially if they don't like being infantilized.
Totes! I absolutely love character metas and what if's like this -- and it's a super flattering exercise to be able to do that for my own versions of the characters, so thank you for the ask!!
And definitely! It absolutely would depend on the arc written for this type of character - is it a mind break story where the character has a fall from grace, or more of a rise from the ashes story where the Reader grows a backbone? There's fun to be had either way. ^^
I'm actually playing around with this shyer/meeker type of character in my respective Dabi and Overhaul WIP's so we'll see where that goes!!
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cremalimon · 4 months
The other day I went to this conference about Women In Science held at my university. And after the spokeswoman had finished talking about the loneliness and the antagonism she experienced for being in a STEM field while being a woman, alongside positive events she's lived through, a female teacher in the public said (paraphrasing): "It's good that you are speaking up about this, but we shouldn't paint the boys and men as the bad guys". The spokeswoman never made any comment against men, yet she felt the need to apologize for not making herself clear, that she did not want to come across as blaming all men for the sexism she experienced, that she was only speaking about what she went through.
Women have to walk on eggshells when opening up about their experiences with sexism, lest they offend men. The discomfort men experience during this sort of conversations is important. They should not be coddled. They should reflect on how they themselves perpetuate the misogyny that exists in the STEM fields.
There needs to be more assertivness from women while discussing sexism. There's no point in having all these discussions regarding the dynamics between men and women if we are gonna backtrack as soon as some uncomfortable truth comes out.
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astrum-medeis · 1 year
Placements that (imo) are cool to have
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Highlights: Cancer Venus; Aries Moon; Taurus Venus; Venus Dominant; Sun/Asc conj Saturn; Jupiter in 3rd; Jupiter in 2nd; Cancer Mercury; Gemini Venus
Cancer/4h Venus (natal), literally the cutest of all Venuses. They wear their heart on a sleeve 🥺 You’re lucky if you are Cancer Venus, however don’t ever let anyone to take advantage of your kindness!
Aries/1h Moon (natal), we need more individualism promoted in this world. Following the crowd stupifies you. Aries Moon knows this well. I chose this placement because we need to accept emotions. We’re humans, we laugh, we cry, we’re excited and sometimes angry. Aries Moon lets it out instead of bottling it inside, sadly they get admonished a lot for that. Instead of treating them like sh*t and telling to shut up, people should learn from them. Learn the individualism, assertivness, authenticity, the ability to express emotions in a healthy way. 🙌 If you are an Aries Moon, do not ever let anyone suppress yourself.
Taurus/2h Venus or Venus dominant (natal), natives tend to be very lucky in love (if Venus is not poorly aspected). 💋
Sun/Asc conjunct Saturn (composite) may not sound too encouraging but I believe it’s a wonderful aspect and it is a great reality check. It’s the kind of relationship you didn’t really want but it was what you needed. As you understand why did you need it and work on it, the relationship will become your dream one. 🫶
Jupiter in 3rd (natal) natives have an ability to word everything beautifully. Every word they speak emanates wisdom, it absolutely amazes me. 🦉
Jupiter in 2nd (natal) natives are lucky with money, they attract cash easily 💸
Cancer/4h Mercury (natal), I love how careful they are with words they direct to their close ones. Their emotional intelligence is just 🤌 *chef kiss*. Natives are very understanding, caring and loving. They may love pet names. We need more people like this in our world.
Gemini/3h Venus (natal), their soul stays young forever. Natives are super funny, sharp-minded and some may be very talented with words. As long as you can keep up with their sharp mind, they will stick by your side. 🫦
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estrategiastarget · 5 months
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astrologermurthyji · 1 year
Love Compatibility: Exploring the Depths of Romantic Connections
According to the Best Astrologer in Melbourne :-
Introduction: Unveiling the Mysteries of Love Compatibility
Love, an enigmatic force that has captivated poets, philosophers, and dreamers for centuries. It intertwines souls, binds hearts, and creates a profound connection between two individuals. Yet, in the realm of relationships, not all connections are created equal. Love compatibility, the intricate dance of harmonizing energies, is a captivating subject that intrigues many.
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of love compatibility, exploring its various facets, theories, and practical applications. From understanding the zodiac signs to exploring personality traits, communication styles, and beyond, we will embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of lasting and fulfilling relationships.
Love Compatibility: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?
Love compatibility refers to the level of harmony, understanding, and overall connection between two individuals in a romantic relationship. It involves a complex interplay of various factors, including personality traits, communication styles, emotional compatibility, and shared values. Understanding love compatibility is crucial as it can greatly influence the success and longevity of a relationship.
The Importance of Love Compatibility in Relationships
Building a strong foundation in a romantic relationship is essential for long-term happiness and fulfillment. When two individuals are compatible, their connection tends to be smoother, more harmonious, and less prone to conflicts. Love compatibility enables couples to understand each other better, communicate effectively, and navigate challenges with grace and understanding.
Exploring Different Perspectives on Love Compatibility
1. Astrological Love Compatibility: Unveiling the Zodiac's Secrets
Astrology, an ancient art that draws on celestial positions and influences, offers insights into love compatibility. Each zodiac sign possesses unique characteristics and tendencies that can impact relationship dynamics. By exploring the compatibility between different zodiac signs, we can gain valuable insights into the strengths and challenges of a potential partnership.
2. Psychological Love Compatibility: The Power of Personality
Psychology plays a significant role in understanding love compatibility. Personality traits, such as introversion or extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and emotional stability, greatly influence how individuals interact and connect. By examining the compatibility of different personality types, we can shed light on potential areas of compatibility and areas that may require attention and growth.
3. Love Languages: The Key to Effective Communication
Communication lies at the heart of any successful relationship. The concept of love languages, popularized by Dr. Gary Chapman, suggests that individuals express and receive love in different ways. By understanding and speaking each other's love language, couples can deepen their connection and foster a sense of emotional fulfillment. Exploring love languages can enhance love compatibility by facilitating effective communication and meeting each other's emotional needs.
4. Shared Values and Interests: Building a Strong Foundation
While love may ignite the spark in a relationship, shared values and interests serve as the bedrock for long-lasting compatibility. When couples align on core beliefs, life goals, and interests, they create a solid foundation for growth and mutual support. Exploring the compatibility of values and interests can help individuals assess the potential for a meaningful and fulfilling partnership.
Unveiling the Compatibility Secrets of Zodiac Signs
1. Aries (March 21 - April 19): Fiery Passion and Dynamic Connections
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its fiery and adventurous nature. Individuals born under this sign are often passionate, assertive, and fiercely independent. They seek partners who can match their enthusiasm, challenge them intellectually, and appreciate their desire for freedom.
2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Stability, Sensuality, and Loyalty
Taurus, an earth sign, embodies stability, sensuality, and loyalty. Taureans value security and seek partners who can provide a solid foundation for their dreams and ambitions. They appreciate affectionate gestures, enjoy the pleasures of life, and value loyalty above all else.
3. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Intellectual Stimulation and Versatile Connections
Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its intellectual prowess and versatility. Geminis crave mental stimulation and seek partners who can engage them in deep conversations, share their love for learning, and embrace their ever-changing nature.
4. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Emotional Depth and Nurturing Bonds
Cancer, a water sign ruled by the moon, embodies emotional depth and nurturing qualities. Individuals born under this sign value emotional connections, seek partners who can provide a sense of security and understanding, and appreciate the power of a warm and loving home.
5. Leo (July 23 - August 22): Passion, Leadership, and Drama
Leo, a fire sign ruled by the sun, radiates passion, leadership, and dramatic flair. Leos seek partners who can appreciate their vibrant energy, support their ambitions, and celebrate their need for the spotlight. They thrive in relationships where their creativity and charisma are acknowledged and admired.
6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Practicality, Attention to Detail, and Intellectual Connections
Virgo, an earth sign known for its practicality and attention to detail, seeks intellectual connections and partners who appreciate their analytical nature. Virgos value stability, loyalty, and effective communication. They thrive in relationships where their need for order and organization is understood and respected.
7. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Harmony, Diplomacy, and Shared Values
Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, embodies harmony, diplomacy, and a love for beauty. Libras seek partners who can create a balanced and harmonious relationship, appreciate their aesthetic sensibilities, and align on shared values and beliefs. They value fairness, compromise, and open communication.
8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Intensity, Depth, and Emotional Connection
Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Pluto, exudes intensity, depth, and emotional magnetism. Scorpios seek partners who can match their emotional intensity, embrace vulnerability, and explore the depths of passion and connection. They value loyalty, trust, and profound emotional bonds.
9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Adventurous Spirit and Intellectual Stimulation
Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, embodies an adventurous spirit and a love for intellectual exploration. Sagittarians seek partners who share their love for adventure, possess an open mind, and can engage them in philosophical discussions. They value freedom, honesty, and intellectual compatibility.
10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Ambition, Stability, and Mutual Growth
Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, values ambition, stability, and mutual growth. Capricorns seek partners who share their drive for success, appreciate their practicality, and support their long-term goals. They value loyalty, commitment, and a solid foundation for building a future together.
11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Individuality, Intellectual Stimulation, and Unconventional Bonds
Aquarius, an air sign ruled by Uranus, celebrates individuality, intellectual stimulation, and unconventional connections. Aquarians seek partners who can appreciate their uniqueness, engage in thought-provoking conversations, and embrace their progressive mindset. They value independence, friendship, and a sense of shared purpose.
12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Sensitivity, Empathy, and Soulful Connections
Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, embodies sensitivity, empathy, and a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Pisceans seek partners who can understand their emotional depth, appreciate their intuitive nature, and share their longing for soulful connections. They value compassion, creativity, and emotional support.
FAQs: Unraveling Love Compatibility's Burning Questions
Q1: How can I determine my love compatibility with someone?
Determining love compatibility involves considering various factors, such as zodiac signs, personality traits, communication styles, shared values, and emotional compatibility. By examining these elements and exploring how they align with your potential partner, you can gain insights into the overall compatibility of the relationship.
Q2: Can love compatibility change over time?
Yes, love compatibility can change over time. As individuals grow and evolve, their needs, values, and communication styles may shift. It's essential to nurture the relationship, adapt to each other's changes, and communicate openly to maintain love compatibility as the relationship progresses.
Q3: Are there any zodiac signs that are more compatible with each other?
While some zodiac signs tend to have more natural compatibility due to shared elements or complementary traits, love compatibility is not solely determined by zodiac signs. It's important to consider the entire picture, including personality traits, values, and communication styles, to assess compatibility accurately.
Q4: How can understanding love compatibility improve my relationship?
Understanding love compatibility can improve your relationship by fostering effective communication, enhancing emotional connection, and providing insights into potential areas of growth. By recognizing each other's needs, embracing differences, and working together to overcome challenges, you can create a stronger, more fulfilling bond.
Q5: Can love compatibility predict the success of a long-term relationship?
While love compatibility offers valuable insights, it's important to note that no system can definitively predict the success of a long-term relationship. It serves as a tool for self-reflection and understanding, allowing couples to navigate potential areas of compatibility and work towards building a strong foundation.
Q6: What should I do if there are compatibility issues in my relationship?
If you encounter compatibility issues in your relationship, open and honest communication is key. Express your concerns, listen to your partner's perspective, and work together to find solutions. Seeking the guidance of a couples' therapist or relationship counselor can also provide valuable support and insights.
Conclusion: Nurturing Lasting Connections Through Love Compatibility
Love compatibility is a fascinating and multifaceted aspect of relationships. By exploring the mysteries of zodiac signs, personality traits, communication styles, and shared values, we can gain a deeper understanding of the intricate dance of love. Remember, love compatibility is not a definitive measure of relationship success, but rather a tool to enhance understanding, foster effective communication, and nurture lasting connections.
So, whether you turn to the stars, delve into psychological insights, or explore the power of shared values, love compatibility offers a pathway to building meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Embrace the journey, celebrate your unique connection, and cherish the beauty of love's infinite possibilities.
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georgie-ssnh · 2 years
In french, "Crafting" is translated into "Artisanat" it's close to "Art" as a word and I love the hell out of it.. Silly, I know but bear with me on the fact that my education and viewpoint on art is that "Art is Craft and Craft is Art". On one side, this gives me quite the harsh viewpoint about procedurally generating the output of your idea but on the other, I have no shame calling even IT itself (in spite of the damage to Art caused by its profiteers) art. Especially in AI where its design works strongly implies that the dev has to make some strong choices as to "what is the best way of learning something". I do despise tech nerds, as in they're merely the most active consumer base. but boy, do I love the actual tech passionate folks that are profficient at their stuff. Mr V**** If you ever find me here, by miracle.. you were my teacher for merely a year but I truly felt your passion, I'm sorry I renounced doing dev works but I sure am never renouncing what you taught me and the class about the importance of knowledge, hard work, assertivness and faith in one's craft (P.S: I gave your online ressources to my fiancee, hope you don't mind.. She'll chose wether or not she'll lean more towards the IT side of her current studies' field or if she'll go towards anything else, but I personally think she has some solid potential and THE mindset to become a formidable technician/dev)
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zaynab1999 · 3 years
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