#become your best self
chantararose · 9 months
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nugiii · 2 years
Self-doubt : Insecurity atau justru main ingredient for success
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Self-doubt : Insecurity atau justru main ingredient for success
 Suatu ketika, marshmallow di atas meja. seseorang punya waktu lima belas menit untuk tidak memakannya karena marshmallow kedua yang besar dan empuk sedang menanti , tetapi hanya jika dengan menahan keinginan untuk memakan yang pertama.
Satu hadiah sekarang, atau dua hadiah nanti: Keputusannya mungkin tampak jelas bagi kita, tetapi bagaimana dengan anak prasekolah yang lapar?
 Sebuah kisah,
Pada akhir 1960-an dan awal 1970-an, seorang peneliti bernama Walter Mischel melakukan serangkaian penelitian yang mengeksplorasi pengendalian diri dan kepuasan tertunda pada anak kecil. Dalam "eksperimen marshmallow" yang sekarang terkenal, dia menguji kemauan anak-anak prasekolah dengan meletakkan marshmallow di atas meja di depan mereka. Sebelum meninggalkan ruangan, Mischel menjelaskan kepada anak-anak bahwa jika mereka menunggu untuk makan marshmallow sampai dia kembali, mereka bisa mendapatkan satu lagi. Bisa ditebak, sebagian besar anak tidak bisa mengumpulkan kendali diri untuk menunda hadiah mereka.
Studi yang sedang berlangsung menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang menolak dorongan marshmallow mereka demi peluang yang lebih baik di kemudian hari umumnya lebih berhasil.  
Dalam tes lanjutan pada tahun 1988 dan 1989, anak-anak yang sekarang dewasa yang menunda pemuasan mereka berhasil lebih baik di sekolah, mengatasi stres dan frustrasi dengan lebih baik, dan umumnya lebih rasional dan kompeten secara sosial daripada anak-anak prasekolah yang langsung makan marshmallow.
Di samping sains, hipotesis eksperimen mungkin terdengar lebih benar dari sebelumnya. Dalam budaya pemuasan instan, kebanyakan dari kita mengalami kesulitan untuk menunda hadiah. Dan itu ada hubungannya dengan pikiran kita: kita kehilangan kemampuan untuk berpikir.  
Mari kita telusur bersama.
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Apa marshmallowmu?
Kita semua sering menghadapi pilihan ini: baik sekarang, atau terbaik nanti?
Ada smartphone baru yang ramping di pasaran, dan untuk membelinya, namun harus meletakkannya kartu kredit untuknya. Apakah kita akan menghindari hutang atau menikmati aliran dopamin yang datang dengan perangkat baru yang baru?
Jika kita membiarkan pikiran pertama, kita bisa menyebutnya “dorongan” atau “naluri” , hal ini hampir selalu mengarahkan kita ke pilihan yang paling memuaskan, tanpa terlalu memikirkan diri kita di masa depan.
Seperti anak berusia empat tahun yang lapar dalam eksperimen, kita semua memainkan permainan melawan pikiran pertama kita. Kami ingin meraih marshmallow atau produk atau pengalaman baru yang mengesankan.
Masalahnya, naluri tidak selalu mengarahkan kita ke arah yang terbaik. Otak kita dikondisikan untuk mengarahkan kita menuju kesenangan.Itu tidak membantu bahwa semua yang kita inginkan hanya dengan sekali klik. Dengan sentuhan tombol, kita dapat memperoleh respons dopamin. Namun impuls bukanlah masalahnya. Masalah sebenarnya adalah kita tidak meluangkan waktu untuk berpikir. Permainan panjang kepuasan yang tertunda
Pentingnya self-doubt
Dalam microwave, dunia kepuasan instan, beralih ke kompor lambat bukanlah kebiasaan. Kita tidak bisa serta merta mematikan impuls kita, atau pikiran dan ide yang langsung melayang ke permukaan pikiran kita. Tapi kita bisa meluangkan waktu untuk mengamati dan akhirnya menanyai mereka.
Di sinilah seni menginterogasi diri sendiri masuk.
Coba kita pikirkan pikiran pertama kita seperti rancangan kasar mental. Mungkin ada beberapa materi yang bagus di sana, tetapi untuk mencapai tujuan yang kita inginkan, mungkin perlu melakukan beberapa revisi dan perbaikan. Self-doubt mempertanyakan impuls dan keinginan kita untuk menemukan jalan ke depan yang lebih baik yaitu jalan menuju pemikiran terbaik kita. Jalan menuju marshmallow kedua.
Konsep ini terangkum dengan baik dalam gagasan berpikir tingkat kedua. Karena kita mengalami kesulitan untuk menunda kepuasan kita, kita membuat keputusan yang positif tingkat pertama dan negatif tingkat kedua. Pilihannya mungkin langsung memberikan hasil yang memuaskan, tetapi kita harus membayarnya nanti.
Untuk mencapai kesuksesan sejati, dan untuk tetap setia pada hal-hal yang benar-benar kita inginkan, kita harus bertanya pada diri sendiri.
Pentingnya meluangkan waktu untuk berpikir
Jika self-doubt sangat penting untuk mengatasi impuls, maka perhatian sangat penting untuk menata itu. Dengan kata lain, kita tidak dapat memiliki pemikiran original atau bertahan lebih lama dari impuls kita tanpa waktu khusus untuk berpikir. 
Saya suka apa yang ditulis oleh penulis esai dan kritikus William Deresiewicz:
“Hanya dengan berkonsentrasi, berpegang teguh pada pertanyaan, bersabar, membiarkan semua bagian dari pikiran saya ikut bermain, saya sampai pada ide original. Dengan memberi otak saya kesempatan untuk membuat asosiasi, menarik koneksi, mengejutkan saya. Dan seringkali bahkan ide itu ternyata tidak terlalu bagus. Saya perlu waktu untuk memikirkannya juga, untuk membuat kesalahan dan mengenalinya, untuk membuat awal yang salah dan memperbaikinya, untuk bertahan lebih lama dari dorongan hati saya, untuk mengalahkan keinginan saya untuk menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan telah selesai dan beralih ke hal berikutnya.”
 Saya menyadari bahwa dalam dorongan hati saya untuk melontarkan ide dari seorang rekan melalui teks. Atau refleks saya untuk meraih ponsel saya dan memeriksa berita, meskipun dimatikan. 
Tetapi kali ini juga memberi saya kesempatan untuk mengevaluasi apa yang benar-benar saya inginkan, dan menggunakan keraguan diri yang sehat pada diri saya. Di saat tenang ini, saya bertanya pada diri sendiri pertanyaan:
Di mana saya berkompromi?
Bagaimana saya mengandalkan emosi daripada fakta?
Apa yang saya korbankan untuk mengalami hadiah langsung?
 Waktu sendirian, menghapus diri dari hiruk pikuk kehidupan sehari-hari saya, memperbarui perspektif saya. Dan itu membantu saya berpikir lebih jernih, bijaksana, dan tegas ketika saya kembali. Menumbuhkan kehidupan yang bijaksana. Meluangkan waktu untuk mempertimbangkan keuntungan dan risiko dari keputusan kita. Memikirkan masa depan, bahkan jika itu berarti merasa seperti anak prasekolah yang lapar saat ini.
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Bersikap kejam dalam mempraktikkan self-doubt, dan lihat ke mana itu membawa kita.
Dan, yang terpenting, menikmati marshmallow kedua kita.
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sproutedlavender · 4 months
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sunbookflowerdork · 2 years
I keep wondering, how many people do you need to be, before you can become yourself.
-Pleasefindthis, I wrote this for you and only you.
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Thinking abt how Will and Hannibal are like that old myth where you can cure a werewolf by calling it by its Christian name, making it remember that their true self is human. Except, with them, Hannibal saw Will for who he truly was, allowing him to become the monster he was on the inside.
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canisalbus · 10 months
For how much Machete is described by others as off-putting, he really is a beautiful dog. Does Vasco ever tell him so? That his eyes make him look earnest, his fur the most comforting shade of white like cream, the way his ears catch light like stained glass? If someone doesn't tell him so, he'd forever think he was ugliest duckling
I think Vasco definitely tries, sincerely and often, but Machete is very reluctant to accept compliments and positive feedback. Especially if it's about something as personal and innate as his looks.
#he quietly spends a lot of time and effort trying to make himself look his best so appearances aren't a trivial thing for him#he's always very clean and neat and presentable#except on those occasions when he's soaked in blood but that's totally besides the point#white fur is kind of high maintenance any tiny bit of dirt or staining becomes an eyesore and if it dries it may be hard to remove#he bathes very frequently way more than average considering the time period#some of the outfits he wears are worth more than the combined lifetime earnings of like six generations of his family#silk was outrageously expensive and the brightest red dye came from pulverized cochineal insects that had to be imported from America#which had been colonized less than a century ago so those tiny little cactus bugs were really troublesome to get and the demand was huge#he doesn't quite have the nerve to wear perfume despite it's widespread popularity at the time#but he makes sure the smell of frankincense burned during church services sticks to his fur and clothes#in general when you spend your entire life around strict emotionally congested highly religious men#you might not end up developing a very healthy self-esteem or body image#once you've internalized that sense of inferiority it's hard to unlearn it#he's so thirsty for approval and praise but when he receives some he immediately gets uncomfortable and distrustful and vaguely angry#he absolutely struggles to compliment people back as well at least on any meaningful and personal level so there's that#answered#anonymous#Machete
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felgueirosa · 7 months
doctors, therapists, psychiatrists etc need to understand that many of us do not want to live forever. we do not want to "become our best selves". we do not want to optimize our lives. we just want to be ok. we just want to live.
i am not trying to take away the things i love, the things that give me small joy, i am not trying to spend my life going from doctor to doctor so that i can make my body and mind more efficient. so that i can make myself better. i am not a machine. i am ok as i am. i just want to feel ok. i just want to not be in pain. i just want to live.
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moofahdrome · 1 year
In regard to your pin post, what games do you like to play? I'm always a sucker for hearing about other tabletops people enjoy.
Ooooooh thank you for asking!!! I'm a big sucker for easy to run character focused games like Thirsty Sword Lesbians or Masks: A New Generation, but I also love love love games with potential for really cool and creative combat like Eidolon: Become Your Best Self, Gubat Banwa, and LANCER.
My primary experience is with Powered by the Apocalypse games, but I'm looking to expand my horizons a bit in the future! Blades in the Dark is super cool, but other Forged in the Dark games appeal to me a lot, especially Brinkwood - The Blood of Tyrants, a super cool game about organizing a revolution against colonialist capitalist vampires.
There's really so many amazing games by queer indie creators out there - Apocalypse Keys recently had its full release, as did EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER the TTRPG! There's really something for everyone. I really need to play more Ryuutama for its lovely adventure vibes, Hard Wired Island for a return to true anticapitalist cyberpunk, as well as Flying Circus for amazingly accurate WWI-era plane action in a miyazaki-inspired setting! Other stuff I've had for a while but need to play are Monster Care Squad, Heart: The City Beneath, and Comrades, a Revolutionary RPG.
There's also plenty of nice, charming, slower paced games as well. Wanderhome is a beautiful pastoral journey game, where everyone comes together to heal a land and experience wonders. Our Traveling Home is inspired by Howl's Moving Castle and has everyone play a unique role as a queer found family. Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast just released, and it's an amazing episodic experience packed full of beautiful content!
One of my favorite game creators is Dinoberry Press, creator of fantastic titles like Justicar, What Waits Beneath, and GUN&SLINGER, a cool 2-3 player game where one person plays a magical gun and the other their haunted wielder. It's got a couple great extra modes of play, too, like SWORD&BEARER or MECH&PILOT !
And there's even more amazing games in development. Dinoberry's You're in Space and Everything's Fucked just funded, as did HELLPIERCERS: TACTICAL HARROWING ACTION. Guns Blazing and Wetrunners are really close to being funded, too, check them out! Some other great games that aren't fully complete but you can play right now are ICON, Bloodbeam Badlands, Red West, and In the Time of Monsters, all of which are some of the COOLEST things I have ever seen.
Feel free to ask more questions about any of these! I love talking about them and I'm thrilled to see interest in indie ttrpgs!!!
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
A lot of people may scoff at the notion, but when you truly start learning more and more, you realize the binary between "you are disabled and I can recognize you as such" and "you are barely disabled, if that, and I can tell" are false dichotomies.
You will never completely understand the intricacies of somebody's disability, and even the most simple of disabilities ("simple" in the ableist way) can easily become life-threatening to a person, and vice versa. There's this glorification of the self for so many people that's done in such a way that their word feels like law, even if it robs others their own words.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Y'know the thing about writing feral/unhinged versions of Orion/Optimus, is that you can't go too far into the feral/unhinged direction to a point where OP's core character traits are lost or become too diminished. After all, in a multiple-continuity franchise like TF, part of what makes the stories make sense is that even if details change (sometimes major details), the characters are still recognizably themselves to one degree or another. (Although this isn't always the case due to executive meddling or some characters being such blank slates from their initial G1 appearances that there's basically nothing to model them off of, but I digress.)
It's pretty much another reason why I love IDW1 Optimus, bc he literally is a canonical feral/unhinged Optimus who's unhinged as a direct consequence of who he is as a person and what he's been through. Like, he still has those fundamental character traits of trying his best to be moral and make good choices, trying to be a role model, etc, except after 4 million years of war and untreated depression he's basically holding onto his sense of self by his fingertips. So when he "goes feral" e.g. losing his temper and beating up/killing people or saying hurtful things, he's feral in a way that's directly tied to his normal personality and not just as a random quirk he has.
IDW OP's feral moments arise from the gaps between "Optimus' attempts to be who he thinks he needs to be" and "the reality of the world that he can't fix/seems to only make worse" that cause him to lose hope, or become cynical, or lose his temper. But in this case, the unhinged-ness makes perfect sense because it arises out of Optimus trying and failing to be the best person or to make the most morally good choices he's trying to make. Basically, the "feral/unhinged" label is just another way of me trying to say that he's not just unhinged because he's weird or because he's a bad person, but because it's an emotional reaction (more like an emotional explosion due to pent-up emotions) to the context he exists in.
I'd also say that IDW OP's personality being generally reserved/stoic and (trying to be) noble works in tandem with those moments he has of going feral because it makes him more realistic. His psyche is treated in a way where the writers are like, "Hey what if the pressure of having to be everyone's idol and be the best person in the galaxy at all times actually broke Optimus down mentally and emotionally?" It makes IDW OP far more relatable. Instead of naturally being a perfect Christ-like figure who never wavers in his morals or convictions and is just naturally a nice person who always has the wisest and best answer, being a good person is something that IDW OP has to consciously strive to be. Even when he feels like it's useless, or the cycle of violence will never stop, or any attempts he makes to help only ends up with things becoming worse.
And I feel like this does a service not only to IDW Optimus as a character, but also as a sort of moral/philosophical perspective for the reader to ponder upon? I feel like culture at large (or at least my experience of it) tends to believe that "goodness" in a person is simply an innate feature that people are born/not born with, and that being "good" means that you must be good at all times, both in your actions as well as the way you feel emotionally about yourself and the world. Like, there's a tendency for our vision of "a good person" to be good in every aspect at all times without having to try to be a good person. So I think IDW Optimus' character stands as a good example of how someone can be good at heart but still struggle to maintain those feelings of optimism and hope and justice. It's a good idea to have such a paragon of a character (in-universe and out-of-universe) be so conflicted and to even be mistaken, misguided, or make things worse because it shows that goodness is as much about "trying to behave/act in a way that is good" and not just "existing as an innately good person."
It's way more realistic for a person to want to be good, try to be good, and sometimes/often fail than it is for them to just be a good person. I enjoy the fact that IDW Optimus is both a good person at heart, but also has to strive to be a good person and live up to other people's expectations of what they see in him. I like how he wants to be a good person and change society for the better, but he also spends a good amount of time either feeling hopeless and alone or being angry at/detached from other people because of how frustrated they make him. He's realistically portrayed as someone who wants to be good and hopeful and change things for the better, but is also mentally and emotionally broken by that burden because of how impossible it is for him to Fix Everything and be the Perfect Prime/Leader/Autobot that people see him as. It's this fascinating mixture of "yes, this is who he is as a person" but also "there are things he desires to be that he could never possibly become or live up to."
This got really far off based from feral/unhinged Optimus sdklfjaslkdlfkas. The TLDR is that if people want unhinged OP, I feel like they should give IDW OP a chance because he IS unhinged but he's unhinged in a way that's a realistic/thematic representation of how being an Absolute Good is impossible. And how being a good person isn't just about Existing And You Are A Good Person, but rather goodness is a constant state of flux in which you adjust, you make mistakes, you lose your temper and feel hopeless, but then you pick yourself up and try again.
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Also IDW OP really likes climbing in dangerous wilderness and jumping out of flying vehicles which I think is very feral and sexy of him to do.
#squiggposting#idw op love#idk if i adequately explained it in the body of the post. but i really do feel some kind of way about the idea of like#being a good person isn't about just being static. always being the same person. just naturally being good and nice all teh time#but rather being a good person will cause you to be CHALLENGED and being a good person calls you to ACT#and you WILL make mistakes. there's never a situation in which you're all wise and always have the right solution or are infinitely patient#but goodness is something you can CHOOSE something you can BECOME and you can still have negative emotions and CHOOSE to be good#like being a good person is a continuous process of self improvement. you aren't just born a good person#and i'm not trying to tear down the notion of 'goodness' or say it doesn't exist#rather i'm trying to say that it's far more comforting to hear that you don't have to be The Best Person at all times#it's comforting to know that good people aren't just Effortlessly Good because they were Just Born That Way Naturally#there certainly are some people like that but most of us aren't like that. and i just like idw op for that reason#he shows that like. you can be a fucked up mentally ill guy who despairs and loses his temper and is basically suicidal#but you also still genuinely try to be hopeful and try to help others. like you are good because you Try To Be Good#and you Try To Hold Onto Your Principles bc giving up or becoming evil isn't an option for you#but also trying to be A Good Person drives you fucking crazy bc we live in a universe where that perfect good simply isn't possible#so the result is an optimus who's at once Noble Paragon and Unhinged bc he's unhinged as a result of trying to be a paragon
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bitter-rabbitholes · 1 month
yknow the nice thing about the welcome to phantomive's ova was that us, or the lady assassin stand in for the audience, seemed to change her mind because of lizzy.
(...i know it was mostly sebastian threatening her the whole time but!)
like our evil mafia family puts lizzy down for being tricked by our fake identity and actually respecting us :(
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and the camera keeps focusing on lizzy and how nice she is to throw a surprise birthday for her new friend and go to such lengths.
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and in the end, our assassin lady gets one last look at Lizzy and Paula sleeping defenselessly and that's when she discards her knife. and its adorable that lizzy reformed an assassin by being such a sweetheart.
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theartsycanary · 7 months
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Hey you. Yes, you. Go read my new webcomic.
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shirtlessradfahrer · 5 months
I love that his bodyguard is clearly A-grade but I fucking hate that it’s come to the point that he needs one at all
I suppose it's inevitable when you get this popular but... :(
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verminfang · 2 months
It's a shame Eidolon games are so rare to get together it feels bad wasting opportunities on joke characters because I think a really solid bit would be playing a Wildcard that it steadily becomes apparent over the course of several sessions is just getting the power to murder people with a rock every single time.
"Rock Me Like a Hurricane obliterates my enemies by throwing rocks with the speed of a tornado/Can't stop the rock is a real physical rock my skill at murdering people with rocks allows me to break through any barrier\Precious Stones perfectly senses fist sized rocks in its range" etc
"Guys I'm starting to wonder what that Eidolon says about Cain Rockmurder's inner self"
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kimis-diary · 3 months
bruh u have ten followers shut up 💀 ur not all that
And if all ten of them came to me and told me that they liked what I do, I’d be the happiest person ever! 🩷
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ewingstan · 4 months
Okay breaking my no-posting-during-finals rule to say that Aisha Laborn fans should really listen to Eidolon MONTREAL. It has another sterling entry in the "characters who go through life constantly being forgotten by everyone because of their powers" niche. Aisha and Illana Ramsey need to get together and shoot the shit about having to deal with their powerset. It also plays with Worm's trope of "powers that work by transferring things between parallel universes" to really interesting results.
Its a 4-episode actual play miniseries in one of my favorite RPG systems, the first episode just came out on the public feed and its really spectacular. Give it a listen if you like riffs on the SCP foundation and anomaly-of-the-week procedurals. Or if the idea of a bunch of people with Jojo Stands based on of Montreal songs appeals to you.
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