#british phone booth
doo-wop-city · 1 month
First Look at Madison Resort
Everyone’s been anticipating the grand opening of Madison Resort’s Ocean Tower on Rambler Avenue. The time has come: This is the establishment’s first weekend in operation! With its newly-renovated rooms and repaired Blast-Off! rooftop, people have been watching this Doo Wop location with great interest. I couldn’t wait until opening day, so I took a look at the outside area surrounding the lobby…
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Probably better that the programme kept the K6 version of the BOOTH
rather than ‘upgrading’ to the K8.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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This is an amazing piece- look at the gold leaf. I wouldn't do it to my British phone booth, but it's beautiful.
blue_sparkly on flickr
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shutterandsentence · 3 months
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Springtime in Scotland!
Photo: Edinburgh, Scotland
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lifewithaview · 2 months
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The Young Ones (1982-1984) Bomb
When the guys find an atom bomb in the kitchen, Rick wants to use it to blackmail Thatcher, while Vyvyan tries to set it off. Meanwhile, the TV-detector man shows up...
*Although set in north London exteriors were filmed in Bristol. This is explicit here when a street sign for Codrington Road is clearly seen; the only Codrington Road in the UK is in Bristol.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 7 months
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Vintage Kurt Adler Polonaise London Phone Booth Glass Christmas Ornament 5.5 ebay stillgooddeli
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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In Jackson, Wyoming, there's a little library inside a British payphone booth On Willow Street near Jackson Town Hall, there is a red British telephone booth. Inside is not a phone but free books, notepads, pencils, and packets of hot cocoa. My daughter, SJ, is in Wyoming this week and texted me photos of the snow-covered kiosk, sharing that she had grabbed a book about American history out of it. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/02/23/in-jackson-wyoming-theres-a-little-library-inside-a-british-payphone-booth.html
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miguelhugger2099 · 5 months
Little Miguel, Big Miguel (Pt. 2)
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Summary: Miggy meets a few people and he finally grabs the chance to speak with you again. Previous This chapter was so hard to write oml Art in the middle by LBY2K99 Miguel x GN!Reader, fluff, lowkey crack, not proofread at all, Word Count: 3, 106
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Eventually Miggy and Jess walked through the entrance of the cafeteria, the threshold being much larger than he expected with various spiders on high beams or on a string of web. Others were normal and sitting at the many tables and booths the place had provided. 
Was that a T-Rex?
“You hungry?” She peered down at him after walking in front of a counter. Miggy shrugged despite his stomach growling.
“I could eat,” He huffed when Jess shoved a tray in his hand, a burger that had his variant’s mask plastered on the bun. His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Huh. A little more conceited than I thought.” He mumbled to himself. 
“Hi, guys!” Jess walked past and called out to a group of people sitting at a booth. They all turned and greeted her back before all of their eyes landed on Miggy. He squirmed slightly as Jess walked in front of him and Miggy followed hesitantly behind.
“Bloody hell. Did the boss shrink? That's jokes.” One smirks, chuckling to himself, his voice smooth and deep that melted nicely with his British accent. 
The other three are slack jawed, not believing what they’re eyes.
“Did he shrink?!” One with a blue headband gasps.
“No, Miguel didn’t shrink,” Jess rolled her eyes. “This is our new recruit, Miguel, obv–obviously. He's getting used to the place so,” Her hand stretches out to list their names. “Hobie, Pavitr, Miles and Gwen.” 
“Is no one finding this strange?” A teenager that looked a little older than him spoke out, his suit completely black except for the red stripes running down his arms. Miles, Miggy made sure to remember. “It's Miguel but…pocket sized.” The girl next to him softly smacks his chest with a warning look.
“He's a kid, Miles. We've met other variants of ourselves before so this shouldn't be different.” Her eyebrows furrowed and the metal piercing by her right glinted underneath the fluorescent lights. Gwen.
Miles pouted. “At least my variant was the same age.” He mumbled under his breath.
Gwen smiles. “Nice to meet you, Miguel.” 
“Ah–actually. You guys can call him Miggy or anything other than Miguel. Just to avoid confusion for the time being.” Jess intervenes awkwardly, helping Miggy into a seat by Miles and Gwen. All of them give their own greetings, welcoming Miggy in despite the strangeness of seeing a more timid and kid version of the man in charge.
“Qué tal?” Miles leans back in his chair.
Miggy brightens up. “Hablas español?” He asks Miles. Miles sits up, wide eyed and suddenly nervous.
“Y-yeah, I know un–un poquitito, y'know.” There was still a bit of an accent but Miggy didn't mind, simply chuckling and nodding, subconsciously showing off his sharp fangs when taking a bite of his burger.
“Woah, were those fangs?” Pavitr leans over the table to take a closer look. Miggy leans back. “Are they retractable too?”
“Uh, no. It’s–it’s just like that.” Miggy chuckled awkwardly after swallowing.
“How long you been Spider-Man for?” Miles asks and turns to him.
“Ah…almost a year, pretty sure.” He kept eating, taking another few bites.
“Are you on rapture?” Hobie tilts his head with a raise of his eyebrow, almost with a hint of concern in his eyes.
Bug-eyed and jaw slacked, Miggy snaps his head to Hobie, nearly choking on himself. “No!” He sputtered while Hobie nodded and leaned back as he relaxed. “Shock, what is wrong with you guys?” He wheezed out.
Pavitr laughs. “I like this new little boss.”
“He don’t got a stick up his arse, that’s for sure. Makes him ten times better than the geezer.” Hobie plays with his bottom lip ring.
“Be nice.” Jess warns with her arms crossed.
“I am nice. That was my nicest, actually.”
Jess’s phone pings in her pocket and she checks her alarm. “Shoot. I need to go. Miggy,” He turns his head to her. “We’ll have to finish orientation another time. I gotta head home. Guys, if you could just keep an eye on him till the end of the day?”
The group of young spiders nod up at her, all responding with their own variations of responses. Jess gives a lingering look to the group, eyeing them down to make sure she can trust them. Deeming them good kids, she sighs and waves, walking away to open a portal back to her dimension. Miggy shrinks in his seat, now being with semi-strangers and the only person he kinda knew in this place, left.
After she leaves, all of them begin to ask more questions like how old he was, if their Miguel’s universe was similar to his universe, etc, etc. Miggy tried his best to answer ease their curiosity with a gentle yet nervous smile. It had been a while since so many people have been kind to him.
Gwen mentions your name after thinking for a moment. “Do you think they know about him?” Miggy’s ear perks up at the mention of you. Where were you anyway? Did you leave? He wanted to see you again.
“Not if Miguel allows it. I can see him getting mad about this.” Pavitr rests his chin in his palm.
“Be a bit freaky if I were to see ‘em together anyway. Since they’re always around the big man.” Hobie crosses his arms on the table.
“I don’t think it’d be freaky. Everyone’s making a big deal about this.” Gwen frowns. Miggy droned out their talking, his eyes searching side to side to find and exit. Don’t get him wrong, these are nice people and he can see himself being friends with them, he just…really needed to see you.
Or maybe it was an excuse to escape their gossiping while in front of him.
Miggy slipped from his seat and escaped the flurry of whatever the hell they were saying while they chatted amongst themselves. He used his webs to swing himself to the ceiling with a small fwizz coming from his wrists. His claws poked out, clutching onto the metal as he crawled away, avoiding Spider-Monkey and out of the threshold. He failed to notice a pair of eyes watching his exit.
He hopped off the wall and landed on one of the many beams the building provided. Miggy took a few glances around him to make sure no one could bother him when he lifted his wrist to his face. He hesitantly raises a finger to the screen. Even though it looked like his universe tech, he still had no clue how it operated. Deciding not to break it accidentally, he brought it close to his lips. “Hey, miss…AI lady, ma’am?” He whispers to the watch.
Lyla suddenly popped up on top of the screen, her holographic body standing in front of many tiny floating monitors. Miggy yelped, covering his mouth with his other hand.
“What’s up little boss? Got a question? And no, you’re not allowed on any mission. You’re on babysitter protocol.” Lyla didn’t look up at him, choosing to look at each file and trashing the ones she deemed unimportant.
“Babysitter?” Miggy scrunched up his face in disdain.
She yawned. “Big boss doesn’t want you out and about to other universes yet. Sorry, kid. Now if you’ll excuse me–”
“Wait, wait! No! That’s–that’s not what I was gonna ask.” He panicked, gripping the watch with his hand. Lyla’s heart sunglasses slid down her nose as she turned her head over her shoulder to face him. “I was just gonna ask about…” He saw your form leave Miguel’s corridor before bumping into another spider person he didn’t recognize for a quick chat. He felt his little heart speed up and smiled. “...them.”
Miggy and Lyla both peered down to watch you smile and laugh with the other spider-man. Miggy noticed a redhead baby in his arms. Lyla glanced at him, back to you and then back to him. She stood up straight and crossed her arms after sliding her shades back on her nose bridge. “Oh, they’re way too old for you, kid.” Miggy frowned at the holographic lady. You had finished talking with whoever that was and waved him and the baby goodbye. Miggy’s heart raced as he prepared himself to jump off the beam.
“Whatever, pequeñita. Don’t need your help anymore. Catch a virus or something.” Miggy grinned mischievously down at her while Lyla gasped in shock.
Miggy switched her off and quickly used his webs to stick to the ceiling and swung down behind you, landing on his feet with a quiet thump. Hearing that sound, you turned around to check to see Miggy had stood up on his feet with a toothy smile. The sides of his hair had fallen out of place and he tucked it behind his ear as he walked up to you.
“Hey.” He placed his hands on his hips and puffed up his chest to appear more muscular. You huffed a small laugh, crossing your arms and tilting your head as you looked at him.
“Hi there. I didn’t think we’d meet again so soon.” You decided to amuse him. Miggy shrugged.
“Guess it was fate,” You snorted but Miggy continued anyway. “I was wondering if you had time for a chat? This is your universe I'm assuming? You could show me around the city. Maybe grab a snack together.” He grinned, looking at you with an innocent expression. But you knew better. Miguel would try the same thing in his own version once in a while.
“Uh-huh, yeah, right. Where’s Jess?” You placed your hands on your hips. Miggy stiffened but recollected himself.
“Busy.” He said, technically not lying.
“Sure,” You dragged out. “Well, I thought you came from a similar universe. I don’t think there’d be much new stuff to show you, kid.” You give him a playful pointed look with a tilt of your head. Miggy tsked, poking his cheek with his tongue in annoyance. He didn’t like you thinking he was just some kid. He was more than that, he’d prove it!
“Well, I beg to differ. I’m naturally curious, y’know. It’s one of my charms so I’d like to see if you’re right.”
“So you don’t believe me?” You raised your eyebrow.
Miggy hummed in thought, looking off to the side. “Not at all. Just a test.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Alright, I’m not doing that,” Miggy’s face dropped. “But I am just heading home really quick and then coming back here. So, if you want, you can join me.” You offered and his face brightened up.
“Yeah! Yeah–sure, sure. That I can totally do.”
“Great. It’s actually not far from here so we could just walk to—”
“Woah, woah, woah. Walk? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m Spider-Man.” Miggy gestured to himself with a smug smirk, but your face didn’t falter.
“I see that.”
Miggy pouted. “I can carry you.”
You waved him off. “That’s really not necessary. I know you’re strong but–” You yelped as you felt Miggy grab your waist and pull your close. The height difference was a little awkward but he didn’t seem to mind one bit. He wanted to prove to you he was capable and strong. His webs shot out and stuck to the walls, swinging the both of you around while he tried finding an exit with a determined look. You wrapped your arms around him, hoping to the universe that you wouldn’t fall, and he felt his heart race a little faster.
“Directions, please!” He exclaimed, a smile in his voice while you screwed your eyes shut. You eventually felt the wind in your hair and the far away sounds of hover cars zipping past. “That’s new!” He dodged the cars with stealth, clutching you tighter to him.
Your legs became shaky and as soon as your feet touched the ground of your patio, you fell to your hands and knees with a giant huff. Miggy landed beside you, letting you take a breather.
“Estas bien?” He asked gently, his voice much softer than the persona he tried to maintain. He knelt by your side, hugging his knees to his chest.
“Fine, fine. Just…don’t do that again.” You helped yourself up and walked inside after opening the glass door. Miggy followed behind you, slightly embarrassed. He glanced around the area, seeing a void of color all around. Simple grays, blacks, and whites as the palette for couches, walls and the like. It was super different compared to back home. His mom usually did the decorations. Miggy thought this room felt very cold.
“This is your home?” He asked, feeling like this was a stark difference from your personality.
“Yeah, well kind of. I live here with someone.” You reply, rummaging through some things in a different room. Miggy perked up, his lips turning downward and feeling jealous.
“Who?” He asked, looking around to see if he could find anything that showed two people lived here.
You didn’t respond. Maybe you didn’t hear him, maybe you did. Miggy was distracted anyway as he walked slowly around the living room. In the corner of his eye, he saw a box that was out of place on one of the selves by the giant holographic TV. He strolled towards it, its dark purple color being the only thing attracting him.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go around touching things.” Your voice was heard behind him, making Miggy jump. He took a big step away from the box, becoming more curious but he respected you enough. “I thought you would’ve had enough manners to not go snooping in someone's home.” You tossed him a soda and he caught it, seeing that the name brand was slightly spelled different from his own dimension. He found it a little unsettling; still getting accustomed to everything.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, popping open the can with his talon. “What did you get?”
You shrugged. “Some things to help out the society.” You walked towards the couch and sat on the far right to rest yourself on the armrest. “Just give me a minute and we’ll head back.”
Miggy nodded along, shifting his weight from side to side. “What…are you to the society?” He asked quietly, almost afraid he’d offend you.
“What do you mean?” You looked over at him, patting the side next to you to offer him a seat. Miggy walked over and sat by you, a little farther than what you offered.
“Like…you’re clearly not a spider person, much less some powers, but yet you’re in the society. You know all those people yet you’re…a civilian?” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m just a regular person. I can’t climb walls or shoot webs but…I think I have a right to be there.”
“You said you were special. What does that mean?” He peeked over at you, his soda faintly fizzing.
You avoided his question. “How about you tell me about yourself instead?”
Miggy tilted his head. “Me?” He asked. “But…I don’t think I’m much different from your ‘other me’.”
You waved him off. “I’m sure there’s some difference. C’mon, don’t be shy. I wanna know about the newbie.” You cross your legs and turn to face him.
Miggy looked apprehensive, not really sure if it’s the right time to spill his life story but you asked so he caved in.
“Well, I was bitten trying to save my, uh, bully.” He looked down at his drink and took a small sip. Your smile dropped.
“You were bullied?”
Miggy nodded. “Well, yeah. It, uh… didn’t end well,” He rubs the side of the can. “There was this huge explosion when checking out the spiders in Alchemax– my dad used to work there,” He doesn’t look up at you. “My dad’s boss and his kid were there. His son bullied me, sure, but when that explosion happened, somewhere in between I got bit and…I dunno,” He sighed, a clear heavy weight on his young shoulders. “Kron was there and I tried–I did– and I don’t even know why I did but he still…y’know.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine but even though he died, he bullied me. But it doesn’t mean he should’ve passed, y’know? Then I woke up and they said my dad died too so it was all confusing back then.” He leaned back on the couch with a heavy sigh.
“I’m…so sorry,” You apologized grimly, guilt eating you up for asking. Miggy looked over at you and gave you a reassuring smile, his fringe falling out of place.
“It’s fine. It happened a while ago. The feeling is still there, just a little less. You didn’t hurt me, promise.” He then chugged the rest of the soda down his throat, feeling the fizz bubble down to his stomach. He crushed the can right after, his talons digging into it and showed you the marks he made. “I got sick powers and I can help my family more now. When they’re in trouble I can just put on the suit and make sure they’re safe.” He beamed with pride and you mirrored the same expression.
“You love your family?” You asked gently, taking the can from his hand and getting up to place it in the recycling bin.
“Mhm!” Miggy nodded. “Since the explosion, we all became a little more tight knit. My mom especially. She became more protective over my little brother since he’s still super little.” He looks up at you as you come back.
“What’s his name?” You hide your smile since you feel you know the answer.
“Gabriel.” Miggy beams. “He’s practically my shadow, which mom doesn’t like. Says I’m too reckless and doesn’t want him to be like me.” He blew raspberries to signify his mild annoyance at the thought.
You laugh and grab a backpack full of things that Miggy assumes were the things you came to collect. “After you swung me around, I think I agree with her.” You joked.
Miggy shot up from his seat and pouted. “Not cool.” But he enjoyed the way you smiled. “Gonna head back out now?”
Nodding, you slip the backpack on and walk with him back to the balcony. “Yup. Whenever you’re ready.” You look at him expectantly. He went a little wide eyed.
“You want me to swing us back?” Lost on why when you screamed earlier.
“Well, I’m prepared this time.” You and Miggy smiled at one another and he looped his arm around your middle. Your hands around his neck and he stuck his web to a building, jumping off the balcony and swinging back to HQ.
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A/N: Please forgive me for this mid chapter i'll try to make the next one better i promise
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
Tattooed Heart - Part I
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SUMMARY: You are a cocktail waitress at a swanky lounge. Harry comes in one night, and you instantly dislike him. But another encounter eventually changes your opinion.
PAIRING: Waitress Y/N x Artist/Tattoo Artist Harry
TROPES: Enemies to Lovers
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You could spot the birthday parties from across the room. Beautiful, rich kids and socialites tend to go all out, with the balloons and banners, ordering bottles or at the very least, top shelf cocktails by the dozens. On occasion, you might get a wealthy middle-aged businessman, or some guy who just made his first half-mil in crypto, ready to live it up for the night, but they usually kept a lower profile, not attracting as much attention to their celebration.
Zelda’s was a swanky, high-dollar lounge for the rich and the wannabes. In your two years as a cocktail waitress there, you’d learned how to spot the difference. Those with money knew how to spend it. Those that were only there for one evening of “let’s pretend” spent frivolously, cashing it in before - or sometimes after - going belly-up.
Tonight seemed to be just like every other weekend evening, the corner booths filled with decorations and Gucci-lipped twenty-somethings taking cell phone pics of each other. You gave your best fake smile, ready to serve anyone willing to blow a few hundred on drinks and hopefully dishing out hefty tips.
“What can I get you, doll?” you asked the blond at the end of the half-circle booth.
She gave you a quizzical look at first, as though you had just interrupted a private conversation. Then with a flip of her hair, she smiled at her group.
“Oh, I think Harry was gonna order for us all,” she said. “It’s his birthday.”
“And which one is Harry?” you grinned at the three young men who shared the booth, all dressed in suit jackets with their shirts unbuttoned past their pecs. Everyone at the table pointed to the dark-haired guy who sat in the center with his hands up.
“That would be me,” he remarked nonchalantly in a syrupy British accent.
“Well, Happy Birthday, Harry,” you raised your voice over the loud music. “What are we having for this celebration?”
“Tequila, the best you’ve got,” he replied, his ringed finger gesturing in a circle. “All around. And a bottle of Cristal.”
Two of the girls at the table cheered, clearly impressed with Harry’s selection.
“Sounds like a good party to me,” you nodded. “Be right back.”
Heading over to the bar, you heard the group cackle behind you. Then one of the girls shouted, “Stop it!” When you reached the edge of the bar, giving John, the bartender your order, you snuck a glance over at the table. The girl sitting next to Harry held her cell phone up to take a photo, the birthday boy with his tongue in her ear. Clearly the group had gotten a head start on drinks before they’d ever arrived.
“Another one of those, huh, Y/N?” scoffed John.
“Same shit, different day,” you commented, shaking your head. “Gimme one of the birthday glasses, will you?”
“Ah, which Paris Hilton wannabe is the birthday girl? Lemme guess…the blonde in the silver bandeau top getting her ear tongue fucked.”
You chuckled. “Try the fucker.”
“Oh yeah?” John raised a brow, placing the bottle of Cristal on your tray. “The himbo, eh? Wouldn’t have guessed it.”
“Why not?”
“Imposter Armani suit? I can spot it a mile away, honey.”
You laughed as he finished pouring the tequila. “Guess he’s out of his element. But he obviously wants to impress on his birthday.”
“From the look of the caliber of girls he’s with, I’d say I don’t blame him.”
You nodded, carefully taking the tray. You knew what John meant. Harry may have not been the typical socialite to walk through Zelda’s doors, but the women in his company obviously were. And they expected to be treated as such.
Returning to the table, you gave your biggest smile as you set out the tequila. You noticed Harry eyeing you as the rest of the group claimed a glass.
“This is your best tequila?” he asked, almost in a huff as though you couldn’t have possibly selected the best.
“Definitely,” you replied. “It’s a Siete Leguas.”
“Hmm.” Lifting his glass, he let the liquid swirl before taking a sniff.
“Smells good to me,” remarked the blond next to him. “But I don’t know much about tequila.”
Harry took a slow sip, his eyes still on you above the rim of his glass.
“What d’ya say, H?” asked one of the other gentlemen.
“It’ll do.”
Trying your best not to react negatively, you chewed your bottom lip. “I can get you something else if you like.”
“I said it’s fine.”
Not bothering to mask your frown, you took a deep breath through your nostrils. This was gonna be a long night.
“Would you like me to pop the champagne now?” you asked.
“Sure, go ahead,” Harry gestured with his hand, taking another sip of his tequila.
Taking the bottle, you opened it with finesse, just the way you’d been taught and had been doing since you’d started working at Zelda’s. The girls all cheered when the cork popped. Harry, however, was not impressed.
Grabbing the special birthday glass, you began to pour.
“What the fuck is that?” spat Harry.
“It’s for you,” you smiled.
“I don’t want that. Gimme one of the regular champagne glasses.”
“I’ll take it!” beamed the blond on the end. “It’s cute!”
Harry rolled his eyes before handing the glass to her with a smirk.
“Here, Tawnie,” he said. “Pretend it’s your birthday.”
“Aw, yay!” she giggled with glee.
Trying to keep your composure, you poured another glass of Cristal, handing it to Harry.
“Shouldn’t ladies go first?” he remarked, scooting the glass to the girl next to him.
“God, I’m gonna be so wasted,” she laughed.
Swallowing hard, you knew where this was headed, so you poured champagne for the other two girls, then passed around the remaining glasses to the guys, leaving the last for Harry.
“Happy Birthday,” you said again, this time with no enthusiasm. “Enjoy.”
Leaving the bottle on the table, you turned away, cursing under your breath before making your way back to the bar.
“Jesus fucking Christ, kill me now,” you whined at John.
“That bad, huh?”
“He’s a petulant, disrespectful asshole!”
“The good looking ones usually are,” John sighed.
“You think he’s good looking?” you twisted slightly to look over at the booth. Harry was laughing at something one of the other guys had said.
“Honey, don’t tell me you didn’t notice!” chuckled John.
“I was too busy wanting to pour tequila over his head,” you grimaced.
“Well, try not to let it get to you, hon. Just be your sweet self, and get that massive tip. The night will be over, and you’ll never have to see him again.”
With a nod and a sigh, you took the refills for the next table, handing them out with a bright smile. The older gentlemen gave you a thanks and a wink, one of them patting your behind as you bent over. You hated being fondled at work, but if you had a choice, you’d take that any day over dealing with jerks like Harry.
“Excuse me!” you heard someone shout as you started to make your way back to the bar. Speak of the devil.
“Yes?” you grinned, stepping over to Harry’s table. “What can I do for you?”
“Can I get a glass of wat-” asked a brunette before Harry rudely interrupted.
“We need water,” he said, accusingly.
“Sure, no problem. All around?”
“Of course,” he rolled his eyes. Apparently this man lived to be constantly perturbed.
“I’ll get those for you right now.”
“That should have been like…a given, right?” he remarked. “What waitress doesn’t automatically bring water?”
With a sigh, you slid your tray under your arm, pressing your hand on your hip.
“If you want water…or anything for that matter…you can ask for it!” you barked. “I’m happy to bring it to you. But you don’t have to treat me like an imbecile!”
“Jeez,” one of the other guys muttered under his breath.
“What?” Harry glared at you, his eyebrows knitted together.
“You heard me, Birthday Boy! I’m just doing my job!”
As you started to turn away, you heard him mutter, “Doesn’t look like it,” followed by the rest of the group either giggling or shouting “Ooooh!”
You decided not to delight him with a response. Instead, you strutted to the bar where your darling pal John was already getting water glasses ready.
“Fuck me sideways, girl, that was rough!” he exclaimed.
“I’m done, John! I can’t deal with these assholes anymore!”
“Uh oh, looks like you may have to,” John averted his eyes to the glasses in front of him. Turning to see what he was talking about, you nearly ran into Mr. Personality.
“You owe me an apology,” he growled.
“Excuse me? I think it’s the other way around!” you yelled.
“I’m out with my friends for my birthday,” he explained, gesturing toward the table, “and I don’t appreciate the way you’re treating me.”
“The way I’m tr-” you turned beet red. “How dare you! You entitled, self-centered prick!”
“Easy, girl!” you heard John shout, but you paid no mind. You were ready to have it out with this guy.
“What did you call me?”
“Y/N!” someone else shouted. Looking up, you noticed your boss, a scowl on his face as the entire lounge had turned their focus on your encounter. “What seems to be the trouble here?”
“Are you the manager?” asked Harry.
“Yes, sir, how can I assist you?”
“I’m not sure exactly,” he began, “but your waitress here seems to have a problem with me. I’m here celebrating my birthday with my mates, and she’s gone out of her way to be rude to me all evening.”
“What?!?!” you shouted incredulously.
“Y/N, did you have a problem with this young man?”
“No, sir,” you shook your head, your arms crossed over your chest. “It’s the other way around. He’s been nothing but rude since-”
“She just called me a prick,” Harry interjected.
“Because you’re being one!” You glared at the asshole, shooting daggers at him. You felt like your insides were on fire as you held your hands in fists at your sides.
“Y/N, if you can’t control your temper, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” said your boss.
“I’m sorry, but he’s so rude, Mr-”
“Y/N,” your boss narrowed his eyes at you, before turning to Harry. “Sir, I do apologize for my employee. We do not condone this kind of behavior at our lounge.”
You watched Harry as his shoulders fell, a breath releasing from his nose. “I should hope not.”
“Now…” your boss added. “What can we do to rectify this situation? Perhaps we can put your tab on the house?”
Harry raised his brows, surprised at the offer. “That would…yes, that would be nice. Thank you.”
Your boss nodded, patting Harry on the back. “No problem whatsoever. I hope you’ll come see us again.”
“Not if she’s here,” Harry scowled.
“I assure you, that won’t happen.”
With a gasp, you watched your boss turn around and face you. “Get your things, Y/N,” he said in the most relaxed voice possible, as though you weren’t just getting canned.
“Are you serious?” you cried.
“We don’t talk to our patrons this way,” he explained. “I won’t allow it. Now, put your apron away and clock out.”
Your jaw set, you tried your best not to cry. No, you wouldn’t allow yourself to. Not in front of him.
“Fine,” you said, untying your apron. You slapped it down hard on the bar, then turned for the back room, but not before noticing the sly, satisfied smirk on jerkhead’s face.
Only when you reached the back room did you let the tears fall. Cursing at yourself, at Harry, and your boss, and at the entire situation, you managed to grab your jacket and purse. You almost forgot to clock out, but you figured you might not get paid otherwise. Sitting on the dark green leather sofa, you waited until you thought Harry and his crew might be gone. Then wiping your eyes, you stood up, nearly bumping into John.
“Oh, Y/N, honey I’m so sorry!” he cried, wrapping you in a big hug.
“What the fuck, John? Why does he get to win?”
“I don’t know. The whole ‘the customer is always right’ thing, I guess.”
“That’s a load of bullshit,” you sobbed against his chest..
“Preaching to the choir, sister.”
“Is he gone yet?”
“Mr. Pretentious? Yeah, he left a few minutes ago. Want me to walk you out?”
With a nod, you let John walk you halfway through the lounge until you met up with your boss again who insisted he be the one to see you out. Just in case you were to cause a scene or some shit. As if you would. Not after that whole ordeal. You felt completely defeated…and deflated. You felt the eyes on you as you made it to the front door. Your boss held it open for you as you stepped into the balmy night air. With a sigh you walked to your car, turning once to give Zelda’s the middle finger.
Fuck that Harry guy. Fuck him to hell and back.
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“Are you ready?” asked Shae.
With a sigh and a nod, you grabbed your keys. Last month you had promised your roommate that you’d go with her to get a tattoo. While you had been thrilled then about getting some new ink, after getting fired from Zelda’s, the excitement had worn off. In fact, you’d considered canceling all together, seeing as spending dough on a tat now seemed frivolous, and you could certainly use the money in case you couldn’t find another job soon. But in the end, you decided you owed yourself some kindness. And besides, Shae was chomping at the bit to get one, and she wouldn’t let you live until you went with her.
You drove to Fine Line Ink, just a few blocks from your apartment. You’d driven by it several times, but had never gone inside. Shae specifically requested this tattoo shop because apparently it was fairly well-known on social media. At least your roommate had done her research, even though she had no idea what tattoo she wanted to get.
“I’ll know it when I see it,” she’d insisted.
You heard 90s rock music playing when you opened the door, but saw no one standing near the counter, or even in the waiting area. The front room was dark, but with warm lighting, much like at Zelda’s. You could smell incense burning as you gazed around at the walls decorated in various designs. Wandering over to the glass counter, you inspected the display of body jewelry.
“Hi, how can I help you?” you heard a voice say.
Your body instantly felt cold as you stood up straight. You knew that voice. And it was one you’d hoped you would never have to hear again. Turning around, you caught a glimpse of his tall frame, his t-shirt stretched tight across his chest, his biceps peeking out from the sleeves.
“Hey,” beamed Shae. “We’re here to get tats.”
Shae gestured toward you, and your body went numb.
“Oh?” Harry raised a brow, then looked at you. The recognition and disdain both happened instantly. “Oh.”
Turning back to Shae, he asked, “Do you know what you want?”
“Not exactly,” she shrugged. “Nothing too big. But not too small either.”
Harry chuckled. “Alright. I have a book right here,” he pointed to one on the counter. “It’s got some ‘not too big, not too small’ ideas in there, if you wanna take a look.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“Take your time,” Harry grinned at her. “I’ll be back.”
He gave Shae a small wave, but you didn’t miss the way his expression changed when he glanced at you before he disappeared to the back.
“So what are you thinking of getting?” your friend asked as she perused the book. She stopped on a page of flowers, but scrunched up her nose. “Nah.”
“Um…let’s go somewhere else,” you told Shae, practically pulling her arm out of the socket.
“What? No! I wanna get a tattoo here!”
“Well, I don’t.”
“Why not? I heard this guy’s the best. Plus…he’s like hella hot!”
“No, he’s not,” you argued.
“Are you fucking blind?” scoffed Shae. Turning the page in the book, she stopped and pointed at a baby lion. “That’s it!”
“I just…” you stammered, “I just don’t think this is a good idea anymore. I changed my mind.”
“Did you find something you like?” Harry asked from the doorway.
“Uh huh!” exclaimed Shae. “This baby lion is so cute. It’s so me. I want him right here on my hip.” She jutted out her hip, slapping her hand where she wanted the tattoo to go.
Harry chuckled again, making your insides churn. You wanted to vomit.
“Alright,” he said, handing her a clipboard. “If you’ll just fill this out for me, I’ll go prepare your stencil.”
You weren’t sure what to do. You’d already promised your friend, and she looked so excited. You knew there were dozens of other tattoo shops you could go to, but Shae had picked this one. Why did it have to be this guy’s shop? Of all the fucking…
Taking a deep breath, you lowered yourself slowly in a nearby chair as Shae filled out her paperwork. Signing her name, she turned to you with a smile.
“Isn’t it cute? I’m so excited!”
With a gulp, you were about to respond when Harry returned.
“Let’s go back here,” he gestured once he’d taken the clipboard from Shae.
“Wait, my friend’s getting one too,” she looked at you. “Aren’t you?”
“No.” Although the sound came from your mouth, you could have sworn Harry’s lips moved too.
“Um…” you cleared your throat. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Shae asked, confused.
Although you didn’t want to, you gazed at Harry. His frown was so apparent, it almost looked like his eyebrows were sewn together. Finally, he relaxed his expression, pretending for Shae’s benefit.
“Don’t reckon I have enough time, love. It’s only me here tonight.”
You had to hand it to him. That was a good answer.
“Oh,” Shae pouted. “But I wanted to get tats together.”
“It’s alright,” you assured her. “I need to save my money. And I doubt there’s anything here I’d want anyway.”
You had to hand it to yourself. That was a nice dig.
It wasn’t lost on Harry, either. He scowled at you before turning for the tattoo chair, Shae following behind.
“This your first tattoo?” you heard Harry ask as you remained in the doorway.
“Yes. So please be gentle,” your friend replied, obviously flirting.
You rolled your eyes as Harry chuckled. In any other situation, with any other man, not only would you have encouraged the flirting, you might have even joined in. Both John and Shae were right in saying he was good looking…or hella hot as it were. Even you had to admit that. But you hated to. And you also hated how his laugh rang through the shop, like an invisible tattoo of its own, lacing with the sound of the Foo Fighters song that played.
Crossing your arms, you leaned against the door frame, trying to think of a way to get out of the situation. You thought of faking an illness. You did feel like throwing up. But Shae wasn’t having it.
“Come sit over here, Y/N!”
“I’m fine here.”
“Noooo. Come over here in case I need to hold your hand. What if I pass out or something?”
“Do you pass out easily?” Harry asked as he pulled on his gloves.
“No,” Shae replied. “I’m actually not scared of needles. But you never know.”
You caught the grin on Harry’s face as he turned in his chair. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Y/N!” Shae whined. “Please!”
Rolling your eyes, you surrendered, walking slowly toward Harry’s tattoo station. You noted everything he had set out on the tray beside him. At least he seemed to know what he was doing. But you weren’t about to admit that. Grabbing a nearby chair, you took a seat on Shae’s other side, opposite from Harry.
“So, you want it on your left hip?” Harry confirmed.
“Alright. So I’m gonna need you to pull down your pants just a bit, past your hip, and turn on your right side facing…um…your friend.”
“Yes, sir,” Shae smiled, happily willing to oblige.
You watched as she unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them down as sensually as she could on the leather chair. You caught a glimmer in Harry’s eyes when he noticed she was wearing a thong.
“Seriously?” you scoffed.
“What?” he frowned, looking up at you.
“Do you have to ogle at her for fuck’s sake? She’s getting a tattoo, not stripping for you.”
“You’ve got to be joking.”
“Believe me, joking is the last thing I’d be doing with you.”
Shae stared at you as she laid on her side. “Y/N, it’s okay! He can ogle at me all he wants!”
“Shae,” you narrowed your eyes.
“I think your friend can speak for herself,” remarked Harry.
Making a face, you sat back, crossing your arms and legs. His expression stoic, Harry pushed his chair closer to Shae, lightly swiping her skin with rubbing alcohol. Then he took a disposable razor to gently shave her hip.
“I promise I just shaved this morning,” giggled Shae.
“I’m sure you did,” Harry smirked. “It’s just procedure. We have to thoroughly prep the area before adding ink.”
Taking the stencil, he placed it on Shae’s hip, directly under her panty line.
“Is this where you want it?”
“Yes, that’s perfect.”
“Good.” Harry ran his fingers slowly and smoothly across the thermal paper, and you just had to say something.
“You’re enjoying this way too much.”
Blowing air between his lips, Harry glared up at you.
“Would you stop? I’m just doing my job.”
“Oh, really? Could have fooled me. Looks like you’re trying to feel her up.”
“Y/N, what the fuck?” cried Shae. “Do you have a problem with this guy?”
“Oh, you noticed?”
Shae sat up, looking at you quizzically. “Do you know him?” Then lowering her voice, she whispered, “Did y’all fuck?”
Hearing the question, Harry snorted.
“Yeah, you wish,” you scoffed, giving him the evil eye.
“In your dreams, babe.”
“That’s it, I’m outta here,” you sprinted out of your chair, heading for the door.
“Y/N!” Shae shouted. “What is going on?”
“I’m sorry, Shae, I tried to keep my cool. But I can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.”
“Feeling’s mutual,” muttered Harry.
“Ugh!” you cringed. “C’mon, Shae, pull your pants up. We’ll find someone more competent to do your tattoo.”
“I believe I’m more than competent,” Harry rolled his eyes.
“I’m so lost here,” Shae whimpered, still in her chair. “How do you know each other?”
When you reached the doorway, you turned to face her, your arms still crossed.
“He’s the asshole who got me fired.”
“What?! Are you serious?!”
Adjusting herself in her chair, she faced Harry, waiting for him to retort. But he remained expressionless, his mouth in a straight line. Giving up on getting any response from him, you sighed and gestured for Shae again. When she slid off the chair, buttoning her pants, Harry finally spoke.
“I didn’t mean to.”
“What?” you glared at him.
“I…I didn’t mean to get you fired.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“I mean it. I was…a complete prick to you…just like you said. And I’m sorry.”
“Pffftt,” you sounded. “It's a little late for that. I lost my job because of you!”
“I know, and I felt bad about it.”
“No, you didn’t!” you spat. “You were ecstatic that you’d gotten your way! You’re an asshole!”
“You’re right,” Harry nodded. “I deserve that. But I hope you know that wasn’t me.”
“Do you have an evil twin?”
“No. I was trying to impress my friends.”
“By being a jerk?” piped Shae.
“Yeah. I know it’s not a good look,” Harry shook his head. He rose from his chair, stepping closer to you. “I was seeing this chick, Nicolette…and she was…used to a certain lifestyle. It felt good to be part of her world for a while.”
“Doesn’t sound like friends to me,” you remarked.
“No. They just wanted to go to Zelda’s and get drunk. I swear, it’s not my scene.”
“You don’t say.”
“Look…” Harry sighed. “I’m not asking for forgiveness because I know you won’t give it to me. I have no real justification for the way I acted. I truly was a prick that night. But I regretted it later. I knew it was wrong of me, and I wanted to apologize but I didn’t even know your name, let alone where to find you. I broke it off with Nicolette, too.”
“Oh, jeez, that makes me feel soooo much better,” you said sarcastically.
Throwing his hands up, Harry turned around and began to gather things from the tray.
“You really have some nerve, you know that?” you added.
Harry spun around, “For what? For apologizing?”
“For everything! For acting like a big shot, especially when you obviously didn’t belong there. For yelling at me in front of the entire bar, including my boss, and for getting me fired. And for being rude to me as soon as I walked in here.”
“Hey, you were rude to me first!”
“I was not!”
“Hey, guys?” Shae interjected. “Maybe we should just drop it. You were right, Y/N. We shouldn’t have come here.”
“I swear, Shae, if I had known he worked here, we wouldn’t have. Let’s go.”
As soon as you pushed the door open, you heard Harry huffing. “Your loss, not mine.”
“Fuck you, dude!” you exclaimed. “And get a life. A real one, not someone else’s.”
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holllandtrash · 10 months
london boy | lando norris (6 to 1) - smau
part of the lover x 6 to 1 series | lando norris x leclerc! reader
So I guess all the rumors are true You know I love a London boy 
takes place 3 months after part 12 of 6 to 1 vote for the next part here
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ynleclerc added to their story
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landonorris added to their story
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ynleclerc 📍 London, England
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 54,103 others
ynleclerc london night 1 + lando picking me up from the airport (merci to the person who captured him giving me a literal garden)
view all 508 comments
landonorris only the best for the best
ynleclerc i will expect flowers everytime now landonorris okay
givememclarens not a fan of the soft launch pics bestie everyone knows you're dating the least u could do is give us bf lando
liked by ynleclerc
charles_leclerc please return home in one piece
ynlelcerc no promises
lewishamilton my second home 🖤 let me know if you need recommendations
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liked by ynleclerc, arthur_leclerc and 314,484 others
tagged: ynleclerc
landonorris london rookie had to see all the sights today
ynleclerc you loved that double decker bus ride as much as i did landonorris i lost my bucket hat ynleclerc i told you not to wear it
charles_leclerc why aren't you sitting like a normal person
ynleclerc because i know how to have FUN charles
ynleclerc 📍London, England
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liked by danielricciardo, riabish and 67,810 others
ynleclerc im sorry..the old y/n can't come to the phone right now
view all 315 comments
danielricciardo you know you're not just supposed to look at the phone booth right, you can actually go inside
ynleclerc leave me alone
charles_leclerc why are you wearing shorts in october
landonorris i asked the same thing ynleclerc its called fashion look it up
riabish cuuuute
ynleclerc can't wait to see you tomorrow ♡
ynleclerc added to their story
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riabish added to their story
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 31,406 others
tagged: riabish
ynleclerc ria is a better tour guide than landon i said what i said
view all 830 comments
riabish love you♡
charles_leclerc landon
danielricciardo not the landon slander
mclaren landon?🤨
oscarpiastri i love my teammate, Landon Orris
landonorris my goodness
landonorris added to their story
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ynleclerc added to their story
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liked by riabish, charles_leclerc and 478,309 others
tagged: ynleclerc
landonorris she cleans up nice for someone who didn't get out of bed until 4pm
view all 18,305 comments
ynleclerc i got ready faster than a red bull wins a race
liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 5,607 others
mclaren but where's landon?
ynleclerc we are done with this joke oscarpiastri no we are not
thepaddockbulls never in my wildest dreams did i think i would ever see a leclerc make a joke about red bull winning
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 43,360 others
tagged: landonorris
ynleclerc day 6/6 🇬🇧 could this photo dump get any more british
landonorris there's no tea in any of those pictures
ynleclerc remind me to get some tmr before we leave
oscarpiastri where's landon?
ynleclerc OSCAR
nofornorris sad that her little london trip is ending i was living vicariously through her
sunnyseb petition for them to just move to london full time
landonorris added to their story
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ynleclerc 📍home
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liked by landonorris, mclaren and 89,205 others
tagged: landonorris
ynleclerc you know i love a london boy
view all 1,104 comments
landonorris im from bristol
ynleclerc not today you aren't
danielricciardo you kids grew up too fast
mclaren Well if there's ever an F1 race in London, we know who'll be the first to support it 😉😉
OscarPiastri thought you loved Landon Orris
landonorris mate shes gonna block you, i just watched her throw her phone across the airport
----- vote for the next part here
805 notes · View notes
doo-wop-city · 2 years
Stella Star At Phone Booth
See Stella Star in a British phone booth...right here in Doo Wop City! #StellaStar #PhoneBooth #Wildwood #WildwoodNJ @NewJersey #JerseyShore
After a stroll on the Wildwood boardwalk, Stella needed to make a phone call. She stopped at a booth on Spencer Avenue, which, for some reason, has a British design, right here in Doo Wop City! These pictures were taken on July 1st, 1965. (…Or, was that 2021?) This booth is located at an apartment called The Flats. All photographs (c) Stella Star. All rights reserved. Contact Stella at…
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There apparently was no argument from BT when BTV wanted to establish copyright over the BOOTH.
Given how few red telephone kiosks are out there (thanks to the mobile phone), BT had redesigned the boxes long ago and it wasn’t like it needed to bring them back.
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fever pitch (b.b.) - part two
previous part | series masterlist
soundtrack: lavender haze - taylor swift pairing: footballer!bradley x popstar!reader synopsis: you and Bradley go on a date. they say the wrong things --or right things-- and surprise each other as they get to know each other better. warnings: language, so much unresolved tension, mentions of character deaths, fluffy heartfelt stuff, but also like sexy stuff 👀 notes: i had so much fun writing this! special shoutout to @gretagerwigsmuse who had to deal with my annoying thots at all hours. comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated as always. happy reading! <3
✨I do not have a taglist. Please follow @ficsbygreenorangevioletgrass and turn on the notification to get the latest update on my fics✨
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Subject: Guest Attendance Confirmation From: [email protected]
Dear Madam,
Thank you for confirming your information regarding your upcoming visit to Annabel’s.
It is our pleasure to host you for your dinner reservation on the 23rd of March, 2023, as a guest of our member Mr. Bradley Bradshaw. We hope that you have a wonderful experience dining and entertaining at the Club with us.
In order to ensure your positive and memorable experience with us, we kindly ask all members and guests to be aware of a few key rules of the Club:
DRESS CODE. We encourage individuality and style in your smart attire. After 6PM, gentlemen are required to wear jackets. Read the full dress code guidelines here.
PHONE & PHOTOGRAPHY. As a Private Members’ Club, we kindly ask Members and Guests to refrain from taking photographs within the Club’s premises. Posting content to your social media from your visit to the Club is not permitted. Phones must be kept on silent at all times and are only permitted for use in limited areas of the Club.
For guidance, read the Rules & Bylaws of the Club here.
If you require further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out through this email address or by phone at +44 20 7946 0011.
Thank you and see you soon.
Best wishes, Maude Adams Floor Manager.
You’re not sure why you’re bracing for something to go wrong.
The restaurant is rife with opulence, with rich chartreuse and bronze walls and Japanese-style paintings over classic British architecture. Bradley booked a little corner booth just off the fireplace, the privacy still granting a nice view of the grandiose bar across the room. He pulled up your chair and told you that you look beautiful—a good three or four times, and it feels just as genuine as the first. With your show and his training the next day, you both had to pass on the booze and settle with some green tea to go with your food. Conversation flows effortlessly, exploring easy topics like your shared love of old movies, the Venn diagram of your music tastes, the novelty of the sport that he plays…
“Okay, but how did you get into soccer—I mean, football?” You smile sheepishly as you correct yourself. “Sorry. Wouldn’t wanna get maimed to death by the locals.”
He laughs. “Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.” And then he takes a deep breath as his finger toys with the condensation on the side of his glass. “It’s… uh, my dad, actually. He bought me a soccer ball for Christmas when I was like 2 and… it’s most of the memories I had with him, playing kickabout in the backyard.”
He smiles—diplomatically, all things considered. “He died when I was 4.”
Your face falls. Fuck. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry…”
“Nah, don’t be. It was a long time ago. And I feel like he’s with me every time I step on the pitch.” Bradley nods, ever so reassuring. He’s had enough ‘I’m sorry’s’ for every time his dad comes up in conversation, and he doesn’t want you to feel obliged to do the same.
“But hey, I think it’s wonderful… that he’s right there in spirit with you every game.” You smile back, trying to save this slip-up in conversation. “And I bet your mom’s really proud of you, right?”
To his own surprise, he chuckles. It really is true that tragedy plus time equals comedy. “I mean, I like to think so.” He notices your questioning look, and realizes he needs to let you in on the joke too. “My mom died when I was 17. Cancer. I moved out here and lived with my godfather. Got scouted for Arsenal.”
And there it is.
You’ve been so worried about all the external factors going wrong, that you didn’t consider that the faulty one might be you. 
The clinks of plates and cutleries suddenly become so loud. The subtle piano playing over the speakers sound garbled, like you’re underwater. And the salmon sashimi in your mouth tastes like lead now. How the fuck does lightning manage to strike twice?! 
“I’m sorry, I…” and now you can’t even muster up a proper apology, because what do you even say?! The only thing that comes out of your mouth is a lame excuse, “I… thought it was a good idea not to Google you.”
His heart catches at the sight of you, all wide-eyed and dumbstruck. You wouldn’t believe it if he told you, but he thinks he might have just fallen in love with you there. Foot in mouth and all.
But you… you think you must’ve looked so stupid right now. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed—”
“No, no, no. It’s alright!” Bradley quickly interjects, that twinkle of amusement in his eyes still lingers. “I appreciate it, actually. I’ll take awkward moments with you over anything else you can Google about me.”
He nods. “Of course. I mean… it’s not like you killed them, did you?”
There’s a split second of silence, when you meet his playful gaze, and his mouth pulls into a grin over your petrified look, and then… the tension simply melts away in a sigh of tentative laughs. The garbled underwater music has come up to the surface, the dining noises dissipates, and everything turns back to normal… ish.
“Anyway, what about yourself? How did you get into… all of this?”
“Oh, it’s all I’ve ever known, really. Pretty sure I sang before I knew how to talk. I was always pestering my mom about ballet and piano lessons and living room concerts… I was that kid, you know?”
The image makes him smile, and it sends butterflies to your stomach. “Your mom must’ve been thrilled.”
“Eh.” You shrug flippantly, and that non-answer is enough of an answer for Bradley. “But she knew I was stubborn as hell, and she’s better off letting me tire myself out than trying to stop me, so…”
“But you didn’t.”
You shake your head. “By 5, I was on Broadway—”
His jaw falls open, and he looks at you like grew a new head. “I’m sorry. Five years old?”
You raise your hand in defense, not wanting to oversell yourself. “To be fair, though, it was mostly luck. My mom was working in the theater company and they needed a kid, so I volunteered to stand in—I mean, naturally,” you roll your eyes at yourself, “And they liked me. So they put me on. But I didn’t have to do anything but pretend to be asleep while the adult cast carried me around.”
“Still. That’s more than most people can say. You continued doing it afterwards, right?”
“Mm-hm. Stage, commercials, TV, the occasional movies… anything I could get my hands on.”
Bradley studies you with this look of awe—not an unusual reaction, he’s sure; it’s a pretty impressive feat. But he also catches a lost sense of melancholy in the way you say it, and he can’t help but ask, “Did you have a childhood at all?”
And your heart catches. That’s something nobody ever asked you before… “What do you mean?”
He pauses, realizing he may have inadvertently touched on a sensitive subject with this line of questioning. So he tries again more carefully. “I just meant… you’ve been working most of your life. Did you ever just get to be a kid?”
“I…” you trail off, considering your answer. You want to say yes, of course you did, but the little sting in your throat makes you question yourself: did you?
And with the soft look in his eyes, you know he knows the real answer to that. Both of you do.
It’s alarming how disarming he can be, and you would hate it… except you don’t. At least not enough to make you run off. “I guess, being in that kind of environment, I didn’t really know how to be a kid…? If that makes any sense.”
Bradley nods, understanding. He’s not entirely sure how to respond, but he wants to be empathetic.
“I went to school and made friends for a while, but…” Normally this would be an uphill point in your story, but tonight… this part is tinged with distant sorrow. “I got a record deal when I was 15, and suddenly I was living in LA and working in the studio or going on tours and… I just wasn’t a kid anymore.”
It breaks his heart, the thought of a childhood lost on you like that. “Wow. You really have lived a life, haven’t you?” He can’t resist but reaches out for your hand. 
The touch makes your heart catch, and it feels overwhelming. It feels like you’re gonna burst, so you chicken out with a lame joke. “Haven’t slept in 22 years.”
Bradley can’t help but smile at that, squeezing your hand three times in comfort. And just like that, the bubble bursts and the world continues on its axis once again. He finishes his last slice of tuna tataki and washes it down with his konacha.
“You know, for how much you’ve done since you started out, I thought you’d be more… Hollywood.”
You raise an eyebrow in amusement. “Hollywood?”
“Okay, that came out wrong,” he admits bashfully. “I just… you’re very down-to-earth. And real. I guess I expected more, like, an attitude?”
“Oh? I can have an attitude…” you smirk coyly over your tea, “...if you can handle it.”
Fuck. You’re gonna be the death of him. It’s insane how easily you switch from being sweet and vulnerable, to flirty and borderline devilish. But he wasn’t born yesterday, and he knows he’s well-equipped to handle this back-and-forth.
“I think you’d be surprised by what I can handle.”
Oh, here comes the fun part. “Is that right?”
He nods, leaning into you a little bit from across the table. “I think you’d find a lot about me surprising.”
If the whiff of his Tom Ford Black Orchid catches you off-guard, you don’t show it. Instead, you mirror his body language, propping your chin on your knuckles for good measure. “Like what?”
God, he really wants to kiss you… but it’s way too soon, and he doesn’t know how you feel about public displays of affection. “Like… I’m a pretty decent cook. And I like reading.”
“An athlete who can read? My, my…” you smirk teasingly.
Bradley laughs. He walked right into that one. But he’s not ready to admit defeat yet. Instead, he makes use of that bedroom voice girls like so much to push the point further. “That’s right. I know how to use the washing machine, too.”
You bite your lower lip and sigh, shuddering a little from his low rasp but definitely playing up the dramatics. “You do? Mmh…” 
Jesus. If that’s you faking it, he can’t wait to make you all wet and needy for real. “And you wanna know the best part?”
You meet his gaze, and for a moment, the lustful tension is real. “Yeah?”
He leans in just a little closer, head tilting as if he’s moving in for a kiss. Maybe if he throws it out there… “I can put together Ikea furniture.” 
You throw your head back and feigns a quiet but dramatic moan for your one-man audience. “Oh my gosh, I think I just came in my pants a little.”
Fuck. He really wants to make you come now. With his fingers, his tongue, his cock—
Your gaze drops to his mouth, the stupid 80’s pornstache you’ve never been into before this, the soft inviting lips underneath. The ball is in your court now, and you know he would kiss you earnestly if you close the distance…
But you burst out laughing instead. Bradley releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, although your bright laughter doesn’t deter him from thinking dirty thoughts about you. If anything, it just makes you ten times hotter in his eyes.
“Well played. That was a good one,” Bradley concedes, his face turning just a little bit pink.
“We should probably stop before the staff kicks us out for having too much fun,” you lean back into your seat, looking around the restaurant, making sure no one is listening. Squeezing his hand three times as the next course arrives… not entirely putting the kiss off of the table either.
Bradley recommends the vanilla mille crepe to close the meal, and you come up with the idea of sharing a slice. The dessert arrives, a lush little golden brown thing with thin layers of cream in between, so simple and so intricate at the same time. He lets you take the first bite—insists upon it, actually. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.
That, and he wants to watch your face twist in pleasure again. Eyes fluttering closed, chest falling in a sigh, lips parted ever so slightly... God, he can’t wait to be the one responsible for it.
“Amazing, right?” He beams at you, very pleased with himself.
“Mm, it truly is,” you hum in agreement, watching him take a bite. It gives you a naughty idea… “It’s so amazing, I might just hijack this whole thing.” You jokingly pull the plate a little closer to you.
Bradley playfully holds the plate back, looking faux offended. “Hey! Come on. You know I’m a little bit stronger than you, right?”
“Please. That’s never stopped me before.” 
“I have my ways…” your finger reaches out just enough to touch his, just slightly.
Between that and your eyes darkening in mischief, Bradley fights hard not to turn into goo under your slightest touch. He bites the inside of his cheek to contain himself. “You’re really making me earn this, aren’t you?”
“Why? Girls never gave you a hard time before, Mr. Big Time Football Man?”
He laughs. “No. But you’re probably the only one giving me this hard a time for a bite of dessert.”
“Is that all we’re playing for? A bite of dessert?” you smirk, egging him on.
“What else do you think we’re playing for here?” He takes a second bite, maintaining eye contact as he does so.
You take another bite and lick the cream off of your fork. “I don’t know. A bite of… something else?”
Ah. So we are interested. Bradley is unfazed as he gently warns you, “Careful. I might take you up on that.”
“Good. I was hoping you would.”
The tension rises as reality sinks in. You both want to fuck, and looking at the trajectory of the evening, there’s a good chance you will. And it sobers you the hell up, pulling you both straighter in your seats. Sharing the slice of cake in quiet civility. Keeping a completely respectable distance, as if worried you don’t trust yourself not to climb over the table and kiss him senseless. 
But the game… oh, the game is on.
“I don’t know about you, but… I was thinking maybe a few bites, though.”
“Oh, yeah. I intend to explore every part of this… dessert.”
You stop chewing for a moment. There’s something so hot about how he says it so casually. “That’s… very optimistic of you.”
“Not optimistic enough to decide if kissing you out here was a good idea,” he admits sheepishly.
“Why is that?”
Bradley shrugs. “Just a hunch.”
He’s right, of course. He didn’t choose an ultra-exclusive, members-only establishment with a no-phone policy just for kicks. He sees the security detail that follows you around, lurking at a safe distance—from back at the club. And tonight, you’re traveling light with just two bodyguards, each strategically posted near you and the exit, but it’s still more than he’s ever encountered. There’s no way you would risk a first kiss in public, no matter how discreet the place is. No matter how much you like him.
And you like him a whole lot.
“Tell you what…” you put the fork down as quietly as you can. This is the moment of truth. “I’ll let you kiss me all you want back at my hotel, hm?”
Bradley’s eyes light up instantly. He takes a moment, not so much to consider his options, but to process what’s about to happen. “I would like that very much, yes.”
“Alright, then. Shall we?” you smile brightly, flagging the waiter for the check.
“Uh, yeah. Totally. We shall,” he stammers a little, recovering fast enough to snatch the check and slips his credit card in the tab. Barely addressing the waiter as they walk back to the till.
It all happens so fast, and you whine in complaint. “Oh, come on!”
“What, was I supposed to let you pay or something?”
“You were supposed to let me pretend to fight for it, at least…” you huff.
He smiles in amusement. You are so adorable, it makes his heart fucking swell. “Okay. Next time I’ll let you pretend. I’ll even give you a little pushback for good measure, how about that?”
“Now, let’s go back to your hotel and… I don’t know, pretend you have to try really hard to resist my charms.”
“Yeah, okay.” You chuckle in agreement. This is really happening. Wow. And just as the excitement sets in, another point of concern pops up in your head, like a really annoying notification. “Did you drive here or…?”
He nods. “You wanna take my car?”
“No, I got a car waiting for me…” you smile apologetically, glancing at her bodyguard. There’s no way they’re gonna let you jump into some guy’s car. “And there’s gonna be paps out front…” Here comes the tricky part. “Would you… mind if we… go separately and meet up at my hotel?”
Oh. Bradley’s face falls a little upon realizing that he can’t just walk out the door with you. He sees how this works. You don’t want the media to jump on this first date, and it’s actually a smart move. Besides, what’s a few more minutes to a whole night of complete privacy? “Sure, no problem.”
You nod tentatively. Well, that was surprisingly easy… “And just to be clear, this has nothing to do with you. It’s just… this whole thing can be a circus, and I don’t want you to deal with anything you didn’t sign up for.”
He smiles at you. Bless you for being so thoughtful, but it does make him wonder if other people have had trouble with it. But maybe that’s a question for another time. “Hey, I totally understand. We’ll just meet up at the hotel and leave it at that.”
“I’ll text you, okay?”
You squeeze his hand gently before you get up, making your way out of the restaurant. Powering through the camera flashes as soon as you walk out of the front door. Giddy because you know something these vultures don’t.
Meanwhile, Bradley sits. Waits. For one minute, and two, and three. Looking at people walking in and out, wondering how inconspicuous he would be if he walks out now.
And then…
His phone buzzes.
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jayke0 · 8 months
You Know I Love It When You Beg
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Pairing: Steven x fem reader
Summary: kinktober day 2, Public Play
Rating: 18+
Warnings/content: public play, vibrating toys (cock massager and insertable vibrator), Dom!Reader, Sub!Steven, teasing, cum in pants, cumming easily, who ever cums first gets fucked, mention of pegging, light mocking, name calling (just mild British insults), lmk if there's anything else i should add :).
Word count: 1,071
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
"Love, can we try something?"
Steven's voice echoes from the hallway as he approaches the kitchen where you're sat, phone in one hand and tea in the other.
"Mmmm depends... if it's anything like those cardboard tasting crisps, then absolutely not." You chuckle, but as you see Steven's nervous face your laughter is cut short, "Sure darling, what's up?" You put your mug down.
Steven chews the inside of his cheek (a habit you'd tried to get him out of months ago but to no avail) as he places the boxes on the table, sheepishly occupying the seat opposite you. 
You examine one of them before holding it up next to your face. "Vibrators? Why are you so nervous about this? Not like we haven't used them before—" 
"I wanna go out with them on, maybe to like, a posh restaurant or something," he quickly interjects. "I think it'll be... fun, if that's the right way to describe it. I'm sure I'll regret calling it that later." He chuckles a little uneasily.
The idea fills you with excitement, and that's evident by the grin that creeps across your face. "You sure you can handle that, sweetheart?" You batter your eyelashes at him and reach out to take his hands "You know how fast you cum." 
Steven huffs in response. "All the more reason to do it! You're just as easy to work up, dear." He raises a brow at you before leaning closer "What's wrong, you scared?" The evil grin now plastered on his face instead.
"No! No... of course not— take that goofy look off your face—" you shove his head gently which results in a giggle from the man. "So you'll do it then?" He asks eagerly, and it's hard to say no to his stupid happy face.
You'd both agreed not to turn them on until you've actually reached the restaurant, otherwise it'd kind of ruin the whole fun of it… given how easy you both get worked up, despite how you argue that you don't.
Fortunately, you get seated in a somewhat closed off booth, and you notice how steven seems a little relieved at that.
"Yes, dear?"
"You look very handsome this evening." You compliment, and he's about to thank you for your kind words, but he's cut off by his hand slapping over his mouth.
"You bugger..." He manages to groan as he feels the vibrations already buzzing through his slacks.
You give him a smug look. "Oi, that's not a very nice way to talk me after i compliment you! Maybe I should turn it u—"
"No!" Steven's hand flies over your phone to protect his dignity. "Not yet... please." He breathes, giving those big puppy dog eyes that you always fall for. 
"Oh baby, you know I love it when you beg."
That warrants a quiet whimper from Steven, and honestly you're surprised how he's already getting worked up over this; he must've been fantasizing about it for a long time. 
Steven is patient though, always is, and that's one of the things you both love and absolutely hate about him, because he can edge you for hours sometimes, bring you to that cliff just to rip you away from it for the 6th time. He waits till you've relaxed before striking, waiting till you ask the waiter to take your orders to pounce on you.
A shiver runs up your back as you feel the buzzing perfectly stimulate your clit, the sudden feeling making you bite down on your lip hard. You briefly give Steven a death stare before continuing your order… only to feel him turn it up further. The vibrator is pressed against that sweet spot inside you, and you find it difficult to not rock back on it with the waiter breathing down your damn neck. You hide your moan with a cough and thankfully get through the order, and once the waiter is out of sight you turn Steven's all the way up.
His sly smirk is quickly wiped from his face as his hips buck forward instinctively and he hides his face in his hand.
"You prick," you mumble to him, now slightly rocking against the buzzing like you wanted to a couple of moments ago, "you handsome prick." 
Steven looks at you, and you can see how fast his chest is rising and falling now, but the look he's giving you is one of complete submission; was it really that easy?
"Oh c'mon, you're not gonna cum yet are you, sweetheart?" You mock lightly while your hand rubs his shoulder. You lean in towards his neck and take in the smell of his cologne (your favourite one) before nipping the skin. "Don't cum Steven, I wanna get fucked tonight."
That, of course, only makes his situation worse, his face now beet red. "God, I can't help it, shit it feels so good." He moans softly and reaches for your phone to turn it down.
You let him, since you don't want it to be over too early… and you at least want your starter.
You're still rolling your hips towards the pleasure vibrating through your underwear when the waiter brings over your desserts, the starter and main having gone surprisingly easy despite both of you now huffing and arousal seeping through your underwear. 
"Thank—yOU—" another moan hidden by a cough when Steven tries to embarrass you again.
You look at him darkly before running your hand over his thigh, resorting to the one thing that you know works on him; fuck cares if it's cheating.
"Please baby, I want you to cum for me..." you whisper in his ear with your best desperate tone, "Just want you to make a mess in your underwear, can you do that for me, sweetheart?" 
And boom, that's all he needed as he shrinks in on himself and hunches over, his body shaking a little while his hips wildly buck against thin air. He can't moan, but there's pants reminiscent of whimpers that leave his lips, until eventually he calms down.
"Good boy." You praise and pepper kisses over his neck and cheek, hand running up and down his back comfortingly.
"I want you bent over the bed when we get home, yeah?"
All Steven can do is nod enthusiastically, his cock already growing hard again at the thought of you fucking him just the way he loves.
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Prompts by: @/flightlessangelwings
Tagging people: @cowboymarcs @sad1st1c-wh0re @poopoobuttsy @boredzillenial @mllover260 @simpforbritgents @saevenswelt @partssoldseparately @keira-kaz2y5 @theincredibleinkspitter @l-lune @red-hydra
346 notes · View notes
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Have you ever wished you could live in the It's a Small, Small World exhibit at Disney? Wanted to visit a Paris cafe, go on an Elephant safari, visit a Zen retreat, or stroll a Vegas Mall? Well, you can do all of that without even leaving home in this 2007 house in Liberty Lake, WA. 3bds, 3ba, $1.275. I truly admire the dedication & commitment to decor, art & theme. I would buy this house.
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From the front door, enter the streets of Paris and enjoy brunch at a little bistro. Those must be the mountains of Montmartre in the distance. Note the lovely flowers sprouting from that rock.
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In the living room, there's a life size weeping willow tree and mountains, but when I saw how they attached the branches to the ceiling, I was kind of disappointed in the execution.
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Next, visit the kitchen pavilion. It looked a little Bavarian to me.
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I imagine that the kitchen wasn't built this way, or that they at least put those fin things up there (why does it bother me that they're crooked?). Anyway, we must be in London, b/c there's a British phone booth on the fridge door.
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Have dinner at the Vegas mall.
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I'm sure they'll take the bed with them, but I love the sky canopy. I don't know what theme you'd call the primary bedroom. There's a lot going on.
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The bedroom is so large, it has room for a double office in the corner.
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It also has an outdoor terrace.
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Even the en-suite has a little bit of everything.
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I'm surprised that the closet isn't set up like a Paris boutique. Too narrow, I guess.
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I didn't expect that you could actually see down into the kitchen from the upstairs mezzanine.
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The 2nd level hall.
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This bedroom is used for a home gym.
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The secondary bedroom has a Zen retreat theme.
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Another full bath. I don't like all the draping fabrics in the house.
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Now, we're heading on down to the ground level.
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The owner has a very extensive sewing room in what would be the rec room. Oh, look, the Washington's area taking tea in their parlor back there.
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So, this large space would normally be a rec/game/family room area.
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Very long, large deck runs the length of the house.
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There's also a patio and a pavilion.
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A brook on the property.
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The large home is on a very big 14.09 acre lot.
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Bill and ted are Next to the tardis
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bill and ted are in the general vicinity of the TARDIS! dude, it's like our phone booth! but british!
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