#bughead in hogwarts
atlasdoe · 2 months
Things that The Marauders fandom say that pisses me off
warning: i will not be holding back. if you are sensitive do not read. feel free to disagree or anything in the replies but don't be a dick
i'm only doing this cause i'm bored and have a lot of rage in me
also just to be clear if we're mutuals then i'm not on about you :)
"It's so sad that one of the only things we have in cannon is the prank"
or something along those lines. If knowing that the prank is cannon makes you upset then I have some great news for you. Nobody cared about the prank in cannon!!!! it's literally just another Tuesday for the Marauders and not once does anybody lose any friends or hold any grudges about it!! yay, now you can sleep at night!
"Dumbledore raised an army of children twice"
I've already spoken about this before but for anyone who wasn't here please know that this is a lie! Neither time did Dumbledore raise an army of children. You had to be an adult to join The Order and although the Marauders were young they were not children. As for everyone else, their ages are not confirmed. We are the ones who made Marlene and Dorcas the same age as them. For all we know The Marauder's could've been the youngest in the Order by far. As for the DA, Dumbledore literally had no part in that. It was Hermione, Harry and Ron who made the DA. All Dumbledore did was take the blame for it because they named themselves after him
"Dumbledore could've helped Regulus, Evan and Barty"
Firstly it amazes me how these three are the only Death Eaters yall have any sympathy for. I understand Regulus to a point considering we only really hear good things about him from Kreacher but with Evan and Barty genuinely what makes them so special?? Evan is in the exact same pool as Wilkes and y'all don't give a shit about them. Also Barty helped resurrect Voldemort and tortured Frank and Alice. Either way regardless on if you like them or not trust me when i say that if they would've gone to Dumbledore for help he would've helped them. When have we ever seen Dumbledore turn somebody down because they were a Slytherin. This man literally tried to help Draco as he was about to kill him and help the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts. Dumbledore doesn't know everything and he's never passed on the chance for a new spy.
"This fandom is misogynistic for making Lily/Tonks bad mothers/surrogates"
Fanfiction does not equal headcannons. Just because Lily or Tonks are bad mothers in a fanfiction does not mean that the author dislikes them or thinks that they're a bad person in cannon. Also reading about your favourite ship raise a child is a very common trope in fanfiction and as much as Harry and Teddy are Lily and Tonks children they are also James and Remus'. James and Remus are just as responsible for their children and I see nobody batting an eye when the roles are reversed. On top of all of this, Lily and Tonks were young mothers and it's very likely that they would make mistakes or in other universes not be as good as they were in cannon. That does not make them bad people nor does it make them unworthy of being liked. If you don't like it, don't read it cause i know that nobody is saying that Regulus and James raised Harry in cannon.
"Marlene/Dorcas/Mary/Evan is so underrated!"
No they're not. They're mentioned like once or twice. If anything they're incredibly overrated. Nothing wrong with that. Just facts
"Jily is dying out because people are scared to go against Jegulus"
Don't make me laugh. Jily is one of the only cannon ships we have they are literally the blueprint to the entire series. Jily is not dying out, you're just seeing more Jegulus posts because you keep interacting with them and fucking up your own algorithm in order to argue with people in comment sections
"[Insert ship here] need to stop hating on [Insert another ship here] (same with characters)"
I remember one time in the Riverdale fandom when a Bughead shipper did an interview with a magazine pretending to be Lili Reinheart and told this magazine that Bughead will be cannon just to piss the Barchie shippers off. Y'all would not survive "real" fandoms. Just because somebody doesn't like your ship does not make it hate and even if someone does say something like "Jily is trash and I hate it" so fucking what?? it's one person and trust me there is another room on the internet for the both of you. I don't even think I've seen anyone truly post hate about a ship since 2020 when i was in the instagram fandom and the Wolfstar and Blackinnon shippers had each other by the throat
"Jegulus came out of nowhere and I don't understand why people ship it"
Jegulus has been around for as long as i have (2018) and at least to me it's very obvious why people like it. It's the best friends brother, opposite sides of the war, secret relationship, forbidden romance tropes that people love. it's not that hard to understand. And as I said before we know just enough about Regulus to get some sense of what he was like but not all of the bad parts.
"Sirius was tall but Remus was TALL"
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this. I just hate it. Especially if you're commenting on somebody's post about how Sirius is canonically tall. Half the time, unless they say it themselves, they don't think that Remus is taller and don't care if you do
that's all i've got for now. i may do this again :)
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
Im gonna combine. Bughead + Hogwarts and Soulmates
Never Had Enough Time - Bughead
Requests open!
Read on AO3 here!
Notes - So uh, I apologise in advance for this. It was way sadder than I originally intended it to be - I think I went a bit overboard since I haven’t written anything Hogwarts related since Christmas. But enjoy. And I’m sorry Sara. :)
Prompts - Hogwarts / Soulmate AU.
Warnings - Major character death, death, brief mention of suicidal thoughts, battle.
Word count - 3.5k.
Riverdale tag list - @bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @happy-puff @cheryllclayton @jesso80 @dietbreadloaf @thebluetint @lilireinhartsimp @camiczzzz @bitchy-broken @crazyninjalight @luella-cane @literarygetaway21 @hopeversusillusions @bc-jh22 @happygmc8
To join my tag list fill out this form.
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From the moment he’d started being friends with Betty, Jughead knew that she was his soulmate. There was no way that she couldn’t be. The sweet Hufflepuff girl who had woven her way into his heart by the middle of their first year was his absolute favourite person; she meant the world to him. The way that Soulmates had been taught to them in class matched up with everything he felt with Betty. The adoration, the comfort, the longing to always be with her. It was a way that he had never imagined he could feel about someone before he had met her.
So when it was nearing his sixteenth birthday he knew his theory about them being soulmates would be proven with the timer that would appear on his wrist. He wasn’t so fussed about the timer itself; the countdown to when his soulmate would die hadn’t even crossed his mind as he couldn’t ever imagine losing Betty. He could picture them somewhere away from Hogwarts married and living together; happy. She couldn’t die before they were grey haired and had grandchildren and had lived an amazing life together. No, he wasn’t worried about that. He was just excited to see the timer on his wrist, the timer that would only appear if he had met his soulmate.
He had waited for it the whole of September before his birthday, excitedly talking with Betty about how it could finally be confirmed that they were soulmates. He could picture her excited smile perfectly as he thought about it; the way her giant green eyes lit up as she looked up at him with her huge beautiful smile. She was perfect.
When he woke up on the morning of his birthday, after Sweet Pea had hit him with his pillow on his way out of the dormitories with a shout of “happy birthday, Jones”, as soon as he was coherent enough to do so he sat up and looked down at his wrist.
And his heart fell into his stomach as the air was knocked out of his lungs.
Betty Cooper - 1 year, 238 days.
He didn’t even realise he was shaking until his arm was moving so much that he could barely read the writing embedded into his wrist. It had to be wrong, there was no way that it could be true. Betty couldn’t die, she just couldn’t. It was impossible that someone so perfect and sweet and angelic could just die. There had to be a mistake with the timer, it had to be wrong.
With his eyes blurring with tears he lifted up his hand and harshly rubbed the skin of his wrist, as if he could rub away some sort of mistake. He rubbed the skin until it was red and sore, though nothing changed.
Betty had a year left of her life.
It took him almost an hour before he could show his face from his dorm and head down to the Great Hall. He’d managed to convince himself that the timer was wrong, and later in the day he’d find a book about it in the library. But he had to show his face at some point, aside from Christmas his birthday was one of Betty’s favourite days, and he had to see her. Especially since he might not have that much time left with her.
When she spotted him walking into the Great Hall she immediately sat up with a smile, and it caused his chest to ache to see her so happy now that he knew the time she had left.
Jughead had decided that Betty couldn’t know. He didn’t want her to live the last of her life in fear of when and how she would die. He wanted her to be happy and to enjoy herself. She only deserved to be happy from that moment onwards.
“Hey, what took you so long?” Betty asked as he walked towards the Hufflepuff table as usual, taking his normal seat beside her with a false smile so she wouldn’t know something was wrong.
“Sorry, slept in.” Jughead somehow managed to fake a smile as he put his arm around her once he was seated, dropping a kiss to her forehead which caused her to blush pink and smile bashfully at the action.
“Happy Birthday!” Betty smiled fondly as she moved her arms around his waist, and he smiled a little genuinely as he felt the warmth coming from her body. “So, what does it say?” She gestured to his wrist and he almost blanched.
Nobody but him could see the timer, to make it that much worse, so he had to keep it to himself.
“We’re definitely soulmates.” He smiled slightly, and Betty grinned as she hugged him that much tighter, giggling into his robe as he tried to hug her back.
“I knew it! That’s great! It’s official!” Betty grinned, and he had to try not to break down as he hugged her back, resting his chin on the top of her head as he closed his eyes.
In the time from his birthday to Betty’s, Jughead had done everything to try to figure out what could be wrong with his tattoo. With every book he read and every wizard or witch he spoke to, the answer was always the same; the timer was never wrong. After a few days of looking at it he couldn’t bare it anymore, so he constantly kept a black band covering his timer so he could never see it. It hurt too much to even think about.
As her birthday grew closer, Jughead was hoping for another option. If she was going to die so soon, he wanted to as well. He couldn’t live when she wasn’t around. It physically hurt him to think about having to live through her death and carry on while she was gone. If she was going to die, so would he.
Jughead was almost more nervous for her birthday than he had been for his own. Every time her timer was brought up he only had one thought.
Please let mine be the same as hers. Please let me die too.
But on her birthday morning when he walked into the great hall and met her beaming smile from the Hufflepuff table, his heart fell again and he knew that he wouldn’t get the luxury of dying with her.
“Seventy-six years!” Betty had assured his worst thought as he sat down, and he almost threw up. Seventy five years without her was like his own personal hell.
Jughead did everything he could to make Betty happy.
He took her to Hogsmeade, he stayed with her and her family at Christmas, and during school was always found by her side. And with every day that passed it ended with his terrible thoughts reminding him that it was all just leading one day closer to her death.
During summer at the end of his sixth year, he knew that he couldn’t go any longer without letting Betty know how he truly felt. All of the love he had for her, that of course she shared as they were soulmates - he had to act on it.
They always had a booth to themselves on the Hogwarts Express at the back of the train; away from loud students and loose pets and Weasley Wizard Wheezes pranks that could probably set them on fire (he’d seen it happen to Sweet Pea once). He always gave Betty the window seat because he knew that she liked to watch the scenery blur by when she wasn’t looking at him.
They’d been on the train for ten minutes and he was a nervous wreck. His palms were sweating and suddenly his tie felt too tight around his neck and he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. It shouldn’t be that hard; they were soulmates for Merlin’s sake, of course she wasn’t going to not like him.
Taking in a deep breath he turned to face Betty, meeting her wide green eyes with his blue ones.
“Betts?” He asked, and she smiled as she hummed and tilted her head a little in questioning.
He swallowed and paused. He physically couldn’t make himself say anything, it was like his lips were glued shut. Instead of trying to force out some words, which he knew would just end in a bunch of word vomit which wouldn’t seem very lovely at all, he lifted his hand up and placed it on her cheek, giving her time to pull away if she wanted, before he leaned in and kissed her. And she kissed him back.
It was like bliss. The air almost completely left his lungs when she felt her smile pressed against his lips, and her hands against his neck as she pulled herself closer to him. She tasted like strawberry lip balm and lemon sherbet and she was so close he could smell her vanilla perfume. It was all making him light-headed.
He pulled away after a moment, and sighed softly as his forehead just pressed against hers. She was warm against his skin as her hand grasped his, and he had to smile as he let his lips press to her temple before he mumbled against her skin quietly in a hushed tone.
“I love you.”
Her dainty hand squeezed his back, and he looked down to meet her eyes and soft smile. “I love you too, Juggie.”
After that, he couldn’t be separated from her. He spent practically all summer with the Coopers - a weird experience on his end as Betty was a muggleborn, and Jughead was a pureblood so he had only ever known magical households - and when they were back at school he spent all of his possible time with her. He only wanted to make her happy; to make sure that she would have the best possible year of her life.
With each day that passed he felt more and more sick at the thought of losing her, and the thought of being left without her. He found himself getting more and more upset as the days passed, and often cried himself to sleep every night at the thought of what was to come the following May. Though he never once let Betty see - he didn’t want her to find out and ruin the last few months she had left of her life.
“I really need to get going to bed, if I get caught out after hours I’ll be in trouble.” Betty giggled as Jughead tried to kiss her again, and wriggled out from his arms so she could stand up from the couch in the Slytherin common room. If she was caught out after hours she would be more than just in trouble - with Professor Snape taking the place of Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts had been all but miserable, and even dangerous for students who went out of line. Though Jughead had given Betty every single secret passage and shortcut through Hogwarts that he knew so she could get back to the Hufflepuff dormitories safely.
Jughead pouted playfully and Betty laughed softly again, a sound that marked him smile.
“I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” Betty smiled, and Jughead nodded as he reached forwards to take her hands, using them to pull her down just enough so that he could kiss her for a long moment.
By the time he pulled away her cheeks were flushed pink and she was smiling a little flustered, and he couldn’t help but be stunned by how beautiful she was.
“Okay. Goodnight Betty. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Betty smiled and gently squeezed his hand before she walked towards the exit of the common room, blowing him a kiss before she left.
And then he was alone. Things were so much worse when he was alone.
Jughead didn’t move from his place on the couch, and just let his head fall into his hands as his eyes closed. Another day passed, one closer until the twenty-eighth of May, when Betty was going to die.
He didn’t even realise he was crying until his throat was thick and his palms were wet against his face. Jughead wasn’t even sure he could make it to May. It was killing him on the inside knowing that Betty was going to die. Part of him still wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but deep down he knew it couldn’t be stopped.
Jughead looked up through his fingers at the voice, taking in a deep breath to calm himself, though just sighed when he saw Toni hovering by the couch.
Slytherin’s head girl Toni Topaz was probably one of his closest friends. And she was the only other person who knew about Betty’s timer.
“Are you here to kick me up to bed?” Jughead mumbled into his hands with a quiet sniffle, and let his head drop back down into his hands as he heard Toni sigh.
He felt the couch dip beside him before her arm wrapped around him, and he started crying again. Toni didn’t say anything as she rubbed his back, and Jughead appreciated the silent comfort she gave. There was no point in talking about it, because nothing was going to change. Nothing that anybody could say would change what would happen. Betty was going to die and nothing would change it.
The rest of the year came and went all too quickly. And as time passed, life at Hogwarts only got worse under the new headmaster. Though even in the darkest of times, Betty still managed to stay positive and happy. Jughead made sure to be with her as often as he could, and one thing he had to credit her for was how she was always so optimistic, even in the darkest of times. Even when they had experienced the most awful day, Betty still managed to make him smile. And it made him fall in love with her even more.
May came too quick, and Jughead spent every second with her. He even resorted to staying in the Hufflepuff dorms with her (after everyone had gone to sleep so he wouldn’t be caught) and even willingly went through his punishment of the Cruciatus Curse when he got caught. Twice. He didn’t tell Betty about that, though, because he would go through it a hundred times just to spend the last month or her life with her.
He walked and met her from every class, ate meals with her, slept with her; he made sure she would be happy.
And then everything went to hell.
Jughead hadn’t even remembered how it had all started, he had been so focused on watching the timer on his wrist go to just hours left, but Hogwarts was being attacked. Severely.
Everything was a mess. Teachers and advanced students were heading out to fight the Death Eaters and countless evil creatures that were breaking into the castle. But none of that mattered to Jughead, as the timer on his wrist changed from hours to minutes; he couldn’t find Betty.
He ran through the castle, avoiding blasts and curses being shot his way that he quickly deflected, despite some injury that came to his way. He met with Toni at the top of the staircase, and after a conversation with her, she told him she had seen Betty in the courtyard.
His legs had never moved so fast as they did in that moment, rushing against the clock to be with her as the timer scrolled down to just ten minutes. Jughead felt sick to his stomach as he ran, pushing past the ache in his body just to be with her. He knew what he had to do.
He caught a sight of blonde hair in the courtyard as five minutes and yelled her name, catching her in his arms as soon as he had reached her.
Betty was sobbing into his robes as she gripped onto him and he held her tightly, promising that it would all be okay. She leaned back from his chest, with tear-stained cheeks and a cut along her eyebrow, and gripped his collar tightly as she leaned up to kiss him. Their last kiss.
Two minutes came around and his hand gripped hers tightly as they ran inside, both of them deflecting any curses that came their way. He didn’t once let go of her hand as he pulled her through the castle, stopping underneath one of the staircase where they couldn’t be seen from one angle.
One minute came and Jughead dropped his wand as he pulled Betty into her arms, kissing her at least five times as he held her tightly, tears in his own eyes. “I love you so much.” He whispered into her hair, and she gripped onto him tightly.
“I love you too Juggie.” Betty whimpered, her eyes meeting his, before they widened as she looked past him at a Death Eater that was stood there, his wand pointed right at her.
Everything went too quick, a blur of colours and actions. The green curse blasted out from his wand right towards Betty, and Jughead held his breath as he moved quickly; pushing Betty out of the way right in time for the green curse to hit him instead.
“Jughead!” Toni yelled as she grabbed his arm, stopping him from where he was running to.
His eyes were wide and panicked as he stumbled a little, stopping as her smaller hand grabbed his arm. He didn’t have time for this, he needed to find Betty before it was too late.
“Toni I can’t- Betty-“
“That’s what I need to talk to you about!” Toni rushed, pulling him behind a wall so they could have some safety. “I know it’s today, Jughead, I’ve been trying to find you all day! I found a book in the restricted section that spoke about soulmates and the timer, and it says that someone can take the place of their soulmate and swap their timers if they die instead of them!”
Jughead felt all the air leave his lungs at the news. Betty could live instead of him. Betty could live.
“You have to be with her! I saw her in the courtyard!”
Jughead quickly pulled Toni into a hug, knowing it would be the last time she ever saw him. He mumbled a goodbye against her head and tried to ignore the way she was crying as he pulled back from the hug and ran towards the courtyard to find Betty.
His body dropped to the floor and Betty screamed. She didn’t see the spell cast towards the Death Eater that killed them so she didn’t die too, all she could see was Jughead crumpled on the floor.
“No no no, Jug!” Betty screamed as she fell on her knees by his side, her hands cupping his cheeks. He couldn’t die. He still had so many years left. He wasn’t dead.
But when she glanced at her arm the timer had changed. It had one number - zero.
She was shaking as she gripped onto his robes, tears flooding down her cheeks as she cried his name. The battle around her was far from her mind as she shook his body, his limp body not moving no matter how hard she shook him.
Once the battle was over, and his body had been moved to the Great Hall with all of the other bodies, Toni found Betty kneeling by his body. The head girl took a seat beside the Hufflepuff and told her everything; about Jughead’s timer, how badly he had felt for the past year, how she had told him he could die instead. Betty didn’t know what to say in response - she couldn’t say anything. It all hurt too much to try to even talk about it. Toni held her as she started crying again, allowing the blonde to sob into her shoulder as she continued gripping onto Jughead’s now cold hand.
Betty had imagined their lives one day in the future. They would have a house in the English countryside with two boys that looked just like Jughead and a ginger cat that slept on the end of their bed. Their house would always be full of laughter and joy, and they would both love each other as much then as they did when they were teenagers.
But that would never happen, Betty realised with a pain in her chest that was worse than any of those curses that she could have been hit with. They never had enough time.
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easyluckyfree45 · 3 years
Betty Cooper and the Elixir of Life - Part 20
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Jughead’s not sure what to expect when he enters the Headmistress’s office, trailing after her steps. Uncertainty, worry, and anger mix together in a volatile way in the pit of his stomach. The first thing he notices as he steps into the room is Ethel’s bright red hair. It’s curled perfectly and she has it pushed back off her face with a headband. This simple thing bothers him beyond reason. He hates that she looks so utterly put together when she should be in disarray. This is all that he desires right now, her ruin.
He stands at the edge of the room, a few feet away from Professor Malfoy who has not taken his intense gaze off of Ethel. To her credit, Ethel seems completely unbothered by all of this.
Read more here. Start from Part 1 here.
Can you believe that @bettycooper​ has made TWENTY of these masterpieces for me already? Ughh I am not worthy. I bow down to her amazingness!!!!
Written for @riverdalebingo​ 2021 - Truth Spell - M - Part Twenty: 7860 words - Betty/Jughead
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gogenevieveart · 7 years
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Bughead in Hogwarts
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Can you do a riverdale Hogwarts au when Jughead, Archie and Betty meet on the Hogwarts express and Jughead is completely little kid crush, heart eyes over Betty! And then fast track to like fifth year (cause they're sophomores) and they're already dating and Juggie confesses to Betty that that was when he first fell in love with her and FLUFF. Please omg I need this!! Thanks ily
Aww thank you ;) This is so sweet I hope you like it and hope it isn’t cheesy :)
She looked like how you would expect a fairy princess to look: wide, clear green eyes framed in long lashes, narrow face, small, pink mouth with a pretty, gap tooth smile. Her lemon yellow hair was done in two neat braids, tied with pink elastics, little flyaways held done by glittery clips. She stood tall, skinny the way eleven year olds were, dressed in a soft cardigan and jeans. The girl, despite her muggle-looking clothes, seemed right at home on the Hogwarts Express. There was a magic, a spark about her that withstood any outside influences. She was truly magical.  
Jughead Jones had never been a very good judge as to who was pretty and who was not, but even he could tell that the girl he had ran smack into was beautiful.
He took a step back, straightening his beanie, eyes wide. Jughead felt himself blushing over his stumble, his tongue suddenly stationary. Other young wizards and witches watched them from inside the compartments, only adding to his embarrassment.
The girl, on the other hand, didn’t seem so stunned.
“Oh,” she said, her voice light and merry, like Christmas bells. Her own eyes were even wider. “Oh, sorry. I should look where I’m going.”
Jughead tried to stammer out a response, but was met with the same uncooperative vocal cords.
Archie Andrews, his best friend, snorted unhelpfully behind him. Stepping around Jughead, he extended his hand to the girl, confident smile in place. Jughead felt even smaller than before.
“That’s okay,” Archie replied. “I’m Archie. Archie Andrews.”
“Elizabeth Cooper,” the girl said, unnecessarily smoothing her clothes. She peered over Archie’s shoulder, meeting Jughead’s eyes and smiling. It felt like a gift, that smile. “But you can call me Betty,” she continued, still looking at Jughead.
“Erm,” Jughead cleared his throat, regaining his normal brain functions. “I’m-I’m Jughead Jones. The third,” he added, before immediately regretting it.
“Cooper?” Archie asked curiously. “Like Alice and Hal Cooper? From the Daily Prophet?”
Betty nodded, suddenly seeming a little on edge at the mention of her parents.
“Yeah,” she said. “And Andrews like Mary Andrews? She’s defended my parents more than once in front of the Wizard Council. Some of their news stories…” She trailed off, shaking her head.
There was a tight, uncomfortable silence. Jughead knew they wouldn’t mention his family: his father, Forsythe, was an ex-death eater. He could feel Betty’s green eyes on his face. He could feel their pity. Why had he told her his last name? She probably didn’t even want to talk to him anymore.
Jughead waited for what seemed like eternity for her to get away as quickly as possible, but instead he felt only her hand gently starting to pull him along.
“Come on,” she said. “I barely know anyone else here. My mother, you see, believes in isolation. But she’s not here right now. So let’s sit together.” Betty cast a look at the two boys, eyes wide, looking suddenly afraid. “Unless you have other friends. I can sit with different people, it’s okay.”
Jughead squared his shoulders, finally feeling his usual confidence - some might even say swagger - return to him.
“No,” he said, grinning. “We like you.”
Betty’s eyes shone. Jughead may have compared them to emeralds, but the crystals, in his mind, were too cold, too lifeless. Her eyes were much more like the sea, constantly changing, constantly moving, alive and restless and beautiful.
He wrote a poem about her eyes during the ride to Hogwarts, his quill scratching the parchment in his messy, eleven year old script, as he sat curled up next to the window, glancing at Betty every now and then. It was bad, over dramatic and serious. But he kept it. In a secret compartment of his suitcase, he kept it.
Betty Cooper was a Hufflepuff. She had been for five proud years, wearing the Hufflepuff crest like a badge of honor. She practically bled yellow and black. But it was on days like Valentine’s Day that the Ravenclaw Table seemed so far away from the Hufflepuff’s.
So when she walked into the Great Hall that morning she wasn’t surprised to find herself walking past her friend Kevin Keller - who gave her an understanding wave and wink - and sitting down next to Jughead Jones.
“Hi,” she said, reaching across him to grab a jar of strawberry jam.
“Hey,” he replied, not even trying to hide his smile. “Not feeling particularly badgery today?”
“Of course I do,” Betty smirked. “It’s just the jam over here is way better. Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Jughead repeated, leaning in and kissing her cheek. “It’s not because of a certain Saint’s day that you’re over here?”
“Oh, is it Valentine’s day already?” Betty asked airily, licking strawberry off her fingers. “Huh.”
“Huh,” Jughead repeated again, draping his arm across her shoulders.
After breakfast the two wandered over to the Blue and Gold, waving goodbye to Veronica Lodge and Archie who had their own plans. Betty and Jughead had found their secret hideaway seemingly by accident a few months ago, a spacious room full of desks and filing cabinets, cork boards that moved pictures when asked, and stacks and stacks of parchment paper. They had nicknamed the place the first time they visited - thanks to the paint job - and found, on returning a second time, a giant banner hung on the far wall with the words BLUE AND GOLD printed in shimmering, color changing ink.
Betty had shrugged and grinned. “Must be magic,” she said. Almost everything was. Like the way Jughead’s hair curled under his beanie, or the way his eyes caught the light, twinkling like stars. Magic.
Jughead pushed the door open and Betty gasped, eyes wide. The entire room had changed; the walls were painted a tasteful light pink with paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on frayed string. Fresh vases full of roses sat on every desk, and the banner, their prized banner, now read HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, JUGGIE AND BETTS, with little hearts dotting every i. The parchment, desks, and cork boards had been whisked away, replaced by beanbags and cushions, all in the shapes of hearts. There was even an old radio, quietly playing love songs of days gone by.
Betty’s hands flew to her mouth. What had happened to all their work? Their research? Jason Blossom’s case files? But a small voice inside of her told that it would okay, everything would be returned. The room wanted them to take a break.
Jughead glanced at Betty. Her face had broken into one of her delighted smiles, full of surprise and amusement. She had grown up a lot from the time they first met; her braids had been swapped for a high ponytail, the pink elastics and glittery hair clips forgotten. She was no longer gap toothed, but she had never lost that endearing, sweet look about her, the look that spoke of a wilderness contained. Nor had she stopped looking like a fairy princess.
Jughead reached for her hand, leading her farther into the room.
“Must be magic,” he said softly.
Betty drew him close, resting her head on his shoulder. He was warm. He was home.
“It’s not too cheesy for you?” she asked.
“You know, I kind of like cheesy,” he said. “Kind of… love it.”
“Me too,” Betty murmured.
“Hey, Betts,” Jughead started after a pause. He swallowed and took her hands, beginning to sway along to the music. “Do you remember when we first met?”Betty raised her eyes to meet his. “Of course. You almost ran me over.”
He chuckled, blushing. “Yeah. But do you remember…ah,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I’m doing this all wrong. I’m sorry.”
“What do you mean, Juggie?” Betty asked. “Doing what wrong?”
“Um, okay,” he said, starting over. “So that moment, when I saw you for the first time, I thought…well, I thought you looked like a fairy princess.”
Betty laughed, pleased.
“You thought that skinny eleven year old was a fairy princess?” she giggled.
“I still think that,” Jughead said, taking her hand and spinning her slowly. This was going to be harder to explain than he had thought. “What I’m trying to say is that, in that first moment of seeing you, I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to know you. You were… you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen.”
“Juggie…” Betty whispered, surprised.
“I was afraid that you were going to think that I wasn’t interesting enough, or good enough, or normal enough to be your friend. But then you smiled at me and everything was okay.” Jughead said this all in a rush, feeling his cheeks grow even redder.
“Good enough?” she said in a shocked little voice. “Jughead how could you think that? You’re the kindest, most loving, most caring person I have ever met. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m not good enough for you.”
Mystified, Jughead wrapped his arms around Betty’s waist. At almost the same time, Betty threw her arms around his neck.
“Well,” he said, “perhaps we’re the best people for each other. Perhaps neither of us need to worry about that again.”
Betty nodded. Looking into his blue, blue eyes, she felt a wave of emotion, a wave of complete happiness in that one moment that she just couldn’t keep her mouth closed.
“I love you,” she blurted.
Jughead froze, stunned into silence. His princess…loved him? This girl, the girl who belonged to the day and the light, whose smile could make an entire room melt, whose very glance stopped his heart, loved him?
Betty could feel her own heart pound as she waited for him to speak. The seconds felt like an eternity, ticking in time with her throbbing pulse. They filled her up and left her empty, stopping and starting her heart, destroying and remaking her. All in the stretch of a few breaths.
Finally, Jughead lent his forehead against her’s.
“Betty Cooper,” he whispered. “I think I have loved since the first moment I saw you, and every moment afterward I have loved you more and more. But I never thought that you-”
“Yes,” she said, pulling them closer together. “I do.”
Jughead’s lips found her’s, velvet and silk. Blue and gold. Day and night. Light and dark.
“Must be magic,” he breathed.
I really hoped you enjoyed this and I love getting your feedback or requests! Love you all xxx
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blueandgoldoffice · 3 years
Can you help me find the fic where Jug is bullied by Reggie I think and Betty has had a glow up. It’s a Harry Potter au and I’m pretty sure that Bettys family are usually Slytherins but she’s a Griffindor and I think Jug is a Ravenclaw? Thankyou!
Why certainly! I’m pretty sure you’re looking for
I don’t care who you are (or where you come from) by @riverdalenerdlol
M  3/3
Summary:  The Jones family was once a respected, wealthy family in the wizarding world. That was until evidence was found that Forsythe Pendleton Jones I, a long-dead Death Eater, had some not-so-legal transactions. All of the wealth inherited from Jughead's grandfather was confiscated by the Ministry of Magic. Jughead's only escape from his home of horrors is to get to Hogwarts. FP II wants him in Slytherin to uphold the family tradition. Jughead doesn't want to be like his dad.
Elizabeth Cooper, younger daughter of Alice and Hal Cooper, has been taught from a young age that her family has only been sorted in Slytherin. Her mom, dad, sister. Her cousins, the Blossoms, are the same way. Her mom is related to the Malfoys, her father to the Weasleys. Her parents would be pleased with nothing more than Elizabeth being sorted a Slytherin and getting on the quidditch team. But Betty Cooper isn't like her family.
What happens when a girl from a rich, strict family is sorted a Gryffindor? A boy from a besmirched family, Ravenclaw? Two misfits of their respective families meet in front of the Room of Requirement. What could go wrong? Everything. Absolutely everything.
Enjoy! <3 ~MM
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aliciarm · 3 years
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Bughead in Hogwarts 💛💚💛💚💛💚
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let-me-sort-you · 4 years
Riverdale characters sorted into their hogwarts houses.
(supporting characters)
Slytherin: Penelope, Cliff & Claudius Blossom, Chic, Hiram Lodge, Josie & Sierra McCoy, Dilton Doiley, Penny Peabody, Alice Cooper, Edgar & Evelyn Evernever, Gladys Jones, Toni Topaz, Donna Sweett
Gryffindor: Fred, Mary & Frank Andrews, FP & Jellybean Jones, Kevin &Tom Keller, Michael Minetta, Tall Boy, Sweat Pea, Jason Blossom, Reggie Mantle
Ravenclaw: Midge Klump, Myles McCoy, Ethel Muggs, Rose Blossom, Valerie Brown,  Mrs. Burble, Dr. Curdle, Hermione Lodge
Hufflepuff: Katy Keene, Hermosa Lodge, Melody Valentine, Andre, Polly Cooper, Smithers
Main characters:
Betty Cooper- Hufflepuff!
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Jughead Jones- ravenclaw!
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Archie Andrews- gryffindor!
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Now, that we have the obvious ones out of the way, let's take a look at our hatstals...
Veronica Lodge- gryffindor!
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Yeah, i know that she often get sorted into slytherin, but as I've mentioned in my latest post, the thing that's decisive about one's hogwarts house is the choice to belong in there. Veronica would most definitely chose to belong in the house of lion.
Cheryl Blossom- slytherin!
I had quite a hard time with sorting Cheryl, since she's my favorite character in the show. She's kinda like the reversed Veronica in that sence- I feel like she could belong well enough in gryffindor, but she'd chose to be in slytherin.
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aam-loves · 5 years
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Can’t wait for the next chapter in @lilibug--xx series maybe we can hold off✨
Jug in glasses, because I can’t picture him without them after reading every second with you i want another
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rollisideyes · 4 years
If anyone could link me to a Harry Potter Bughead AU tag or good fics that are in that genre please I’ve been looking for a while now❤️🥰
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riverdalenerdlol · 5 years
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i don’t care who you are (or where you come from)
A Riverdale x HP Universe Crossover
The Jones Family was once a respected, wealthy family in the wizarding world. That was until evidence was found that Forsythe Pendleton Jones I, a long dead deatheater of the Second Wizarding War, had some not-so-legal transactions. All of the wealth inherited from Jughead’s grandfather was confiscated by the Ministry of Magic. FP Jones II turned into a drunk since then, a firewhiskey constantly in his hand, or a cheaper mead if he wasn’t feeling up for anything. The Jones Family went down in flames. Jughead’s only escape is to get to Hogwarts. He’s warned by his father before he goes, that the best way for the Joneses to get back on track is for him to be sorted into Slytherin, to keep the family tradition alive.
He’s sorted into Ravenclaw. His father is not happy.
Elizabeth Cooper, younger daughter of Alice and Hal Cooper, has been taught from a young age that her family has only been sorted into Slytherin. Her mom. Her dad. Her sister, even. Her cousins, the Blossoms, are the same way. All Slytherins. Her mom is related to the Malfoys. Her cousins are related to the Weasleys. The noble pure bloodlines of Cooper and Blossom thrive through the Slytherin House. Her parents would be pleased with nothing more than Elizabeth being sorted into Slytherin and fulfilling the other Cooper tradition of being on the quidditch team in the House.
There’s only one catch: Betty Cooper isn’t like her family.
So what happens when a young girl from a wealthy, strict, Slytherin-heavy family gets sorted into Gryffindor?
Two misfits of their respective families meet in front of the Room of Requirement. What could go wrong?
Everything. Absolutely everything.
Coming Eventually to AO3
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thedrarryfeels · 5 years
Person A: [does literally anything]
Person B:
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easyluckyfree45 · 3 years
Betty Cooper and the Elixir of Life - Part 19
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It’s brisk in London today.
Jughead pulls his black peacoat tighter around his chest as he crosses the street. He’s almost right on time for his meeting slash interview at the Astronomical Society. Uncertain of what to call it, he decides to stick with meeting as that seems to involve less stress. While this job of Research Scientist may be exactly what he’s looking for, it’s not the end of the world if he doesn’t get it.
There will always be more jobs and opportunities.
He repeats this to himself as he pushes against the glass panel in the revolving door. His usually unruly hair is in disarray from the wind. Running a hand through it, he approaches the front desk, greeting the receptionist with a friendly smile.
Read more here. Start from Part 1 here.
Ahhhh!! This beautiful header by @bettycooper​ is EVERYTHING. Absolutely gorgeous!
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gogenevieveart · 4 years
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This is a zine-exclusive print I made for @riverdaleprideandjoyzine . Bughead having a fundraiser at Hogwarts for LGBTQIA (and Elvish) rights (and yes this is directed at JK Rowling, who just keeps on disappointing 😪)
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How about Betty and Jughead being prefects/head girl & head boy and on patrol duty? :)
Hi! So this is a really cool idea and I hope I do it justice :) Thank you so much for messaging me! 
People often said that that sullen, black-haired Ravenclaw Jones boy was a poor choice for one of the Heads. They whispered about his father, the ex-Death Eater, and how much he resembled him.
Betty Cooper, however, was not one of these people. She had long ago become deaf to those rumors and opinions that circulated through Hogwarts like an infection. When she looked at Jughead Jones, all she saw was his kind, intelligent eyes and the gentle soul within them.
It was a wonderful, summery day when it happened. The Great Lake shone like a mirror, the Giant Squid sometimes surfacing from it’s depths to shake hands with students. Students sat outside, enjoying the warm weather, chatting lazily beneath green leaves, socks stuffed in shoes. Betty and Jughead, however, were stuck inside the walls of Hogwarts, begrudgingly patrolling the halls for their Head duties.
“No one’s even here!” Betty cried indignantly, dragging her feet. “We should be outside with the rest of the school. If anyone breaks any school rules WE’RE going to have hell to pay for not supervising. What are the professors even thinking?”
“Teachers have never been very good with logic and reasoning,” Jughead said, a little smirk playing at edges of his lips. “Anyway don’t you like the quiet? No rowdy quidditch players or overzealous cheerleaders trying to drown the school in prep. It’s nice.”
Betty elbowed him. “Hey, I’m one of the overzealous cheerleaders. And I’d rather be out in the sun with the fresh air. The school’s so old and dusty and stale. Sometimes I need a break.” She glanced longingly out the windows, the clear blue sky taunting her.
Jughead smiled. He liked the way her face looked in that moment; bathed in sunlight, her green eyes sparkling. Sometimes he would try and imagine Betty in the moonlight, the stars blazing behind her. He would imagine that even the darkest night could be brightened by Betty Cooper, with her bright yellow hair and wide, shining smile. Jughead was convinced that she had some kind of never-before-seen magic that allowed her to brighten a room with just a smile. But Betty belonged in the sun. If he could’ve, Jughead would have given her all his summer days, just so she could look like that forever. He wished he could tell her all this, but any time he ever wanted to his tongue got tied and his mouth went dry. Instead he said only, “We can go outside later.”
“I suppose,” she replied, sighing.
They walked for a few minutes, talking lightly about homework and teachers, before they encountered Cheryl Blossom with Moose Mason on her arm. Cheryl looked perfect as always despite the heat; scarlett hair tied back in a tight, neat braid, uniform pressed within an inch of it’s life, Gryffindor tie tied in her own stylized knot. She strutted down the hall, eyes passing over Betty and Jughead as if they didn’t exist. Moose, however, paused, causing her to grind to a halt.
“Hey, Betty, Jughead,” Moose, a kind-hearted Gryffindor, said, smiling. “Have you seen Archie? We’re looking for him.”
“Outside by the lake with Veronica and Kevin,” Betty said, pretending not to notice the small way Moose clenched his jaw when he heard Kevin’s name. “Why?”
“Because,” Cheryl said shrilly, “your crimson headed golden boy of an ex-crush has messed with me for the last time.”
“What?” Jughead asked, frowning. “What did he do?”
Moose shook his head sheepishly. “He cancelled on her is all. For a family thing.”
Cheryl glanced at him, a little hurt. Moose had always been kinder than most guys, especially some of the guys in Gryffindor. He had always seemed to be there for her, even when she was a little intense or harsh. When Cheryl had got the news from Archie that he was going to flake yet again from one of her family’s parties, she felt herself crack. She needed someone steady and gentle to lean on, so of course she went to Moose Mason. He wasn’t Jason, but her brother was gone. She had to make do. Moose had listened to her, had read the note that Archie sent, and suggested on finding him. He knew what this meant to Cheryl, he knew about the hole in her life without Jason. But, Cheryl thought, he had only been amusing her. Moose thought she was ridiculous.
Cheryl watched the others exchanged amused looks and felt her heart harden. She dropped Moose’s arm, cocked her hip, and flipped her hair. Betty could see a strange fire in her eyes.
“Yes, the ginger god of Hogwarts isn’t coming to my party,” Cheryl said, blood red lips slowly smiling. “But standing next to you, Juggie, my life doesn’t seem that bad. I mean, at least my Daddy isn’t a deadbeat, ex-Death Eater. My brother’s dead, but I know he was a good man. Good and kind.”
Jughead stilled. Cheryl bit the inside of her cheek: she knew she had hurt him. Perhaps she had crossed the line. She of all knew people knew that family was a precious, limited thing that had to be protected. Especially in this day and age, where wizards on the street scurried past each other like rats, not meeting one-another’s eyes, their old family names abandoned like an old cloak to escape detection. Jason’s death was one in many.
Nonetheless, Cheryl wasn’t in an apologizing mood. She flipped her hair, ignoring the bubbling of regret in her chest, and pulled Moose along.
Later, Cheryl would wish that she had turned around and said sorry. Or that she hadn’t said anything at all.
Jughead rolled his shoulders, avoiding Betty’s eyes.
“We have to finish patrol,” he said, walking quickly. Jughead was barely taller than her, but Betty still had to jog to keep up.
“Juggie, don’t listen to her,” she implored. “Cheryl’s just upset.”“I know.”
“She’s lashing out. Jason was more or less her entire impulse control.”
“I know.”
“She’s mad at Archie too.”
Jughead shook his head, sighing. His eyes lingered outside, deciding on something. His hand suddenly grabbed Betty’s.
“What?” she asked, smiling at their clasped hands.
He flushed slightly, but started to lead her outside. His skin was cool against her’s, like a breath of fresh air.
“Let’s just ditch,” he said. “Like you, said no one’s here. It’ll be fun, and I promise we won’t get caught.”
Betty grinned and rushed outside, tugging Jughead behind her. The sun filled her heart and warmed her skin. She and Jughead shed their cloaks, loosened their ties, and kicked their shoes and socks off.
They walked across the field to a secluded old oak tree and collapsed together, enjoying the sweet summer breeze.
“We’ve set a bad example,” Betty laughed, lazily watching other students discard homework and other duties to lie in the grass.
“Oh, nobody cares about us. They think we’re… uptight,” Jughead said. “Teacher’s pets.”
“You’re not, at least,” Betty said.
“No, I’m the kid with a “dead-beat, ex-Death Eater” dad,” he sighed.
“Jughead -”“No, no, it’s fine that it doesn’t matter what I do, or what he does, because no one will forget,” Jughead said darkly. “The Blossoms have especially good memories.”
“Who cares?” Betty asked, sitting up. All the warmth and pleasantness of before was suddenly forgotten. “Who cares about forgetting or remembering?”
“Everyone!” he cried. “Everyone does. Everyone will always remember that my father made mistakes. Bad ones. And that I look like him. And that he has a Dark Mark tattooed on his arm. You can’t just erase stuff like that, Betty. It doesn’t go away.”
Betty stared at Jughead, and thought how defeated looked. How sad and lonely he was. Even his eyes, almost always dancing with unseen magic, were dim. She leant forward and brushed her lips against his. She had meant the kiss to be light, to be a reassurance, but as soon as their skin touched it was if they were two magnets, finally touching. She crawled into his lap, his arms wound around her waist, her hands in his hair, his beanie falling to the ground. It was a while before either stopped, but when they did Betty gently touched her forehead to his, breathing fast.
“You’re strong, Jughead,” she whispered. “You’re brave. You’re father made mistakes, but he’s trying to get better. Not many people do. He loves you more than anything and the only thing he wants is for you to be proud of him. You’re not alone. You never have and you never will be. I promise.”
His eyes were wide, taking her in. Never had Betty seemed so otherworldly. Jughead had to keep toughing her to make sure she was real.
“Betty,” he murmured. “I -”
“You’re not alone,” Betty repeated fiercely. “You have your friends. Your father. Me. And…I love you.”
Jughead suddenly felt as if the world was singing, as if all the colors were a thousand times brighter and more vibrant. But all he could see was Betty Cooper, and the magic that surrounded her.
“I love you too,” he whispered. “I love you, Betty.”
Never in her life had Betty loved summer days more.
I really hope this was okay :) I love feedback and suggestions! 
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blueandgoldoffice · 4 years
I’m looking for a Hogwarts fic which goes through the lives of betty and highways through all of their years at Hogwarts. I remember they would meet up after hours to see each other and they didn’t talk for a long time until Jughead got in a fight with someone (either Archie or Jason) and they got back together. Sorry if this is confusing, i’ve already checked the Hogwarts tag and I just can’t seem to find it.
Hiya - I *think* you’re looking for this one...
Behind The Mask by @futureheartswithbooks (34/40 - M)
Summary: Starting Sixth Year was meant to be the same as starting any other year a part from the apprehensive of discovering your soul mate, but with the disappearance of Jason Blossom looming overhead, this year would not be like any other. Yet, for Betty Cooper, she also had the complication of sifting through the lies of Archie Andrews and attempting to work out just what was going on between her and Jughead Jones, the Serpent Prince.
BUT it also kinda could be this one... so I’m going to link both. Enjoy! 💕
The Darkest of Times by @writing-as-tracey (24/24 - M)
Summary:  In the small town of Hogsmeade, 6th-year witch Betty Cooper returns from a summer internship to find her entire world upside down: Archie and Jughead aren’t speaking, her sister Polly is missing, and Jason Blossom is dead. She’s quickly wrapped up in drama with new girl Veronica, getting over her crush on Archie but growing one on Jughead, and wanting to solve Jason’s murder and Polly’s disappearance. But when you mix magic and murder, nothing is quite like it seems.
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