#but also jealous obi-wan as a little treat
tennessoui · 2 years
Chapter Three: Foolproof, Foolhardy
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kanansdume · 4 months
Andor is honestly one of the only pieces of more mainstream Star Wars media (so none of the little comics and very very few of the novels) I've seen since the Prequels that REALLY encapsulates the themes of non-attachment and everything that means in the way George Lucas truly intended. The only other thing I've seen that is its equal is the Obi-Wan Kenobi show.
And this makes me want to discuss Timm Karlo.
Yeah, Timm, the character everybody remembers most from Andor right?
That's what I thought.
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This is Timm. He was Bix's boyfriend in the first three episodes of Andor. He seems to be pretty normal but he gets jealous when Cassian shows up because Cassian and Bix used to date and he can tell the two of them are cooking up some kind of secret together that he's not involved in. He decides to cover up his jealousy with fear for Bix's safety because Cassian is clearly in some kind of trouble and eventually ends up ratting Cassian out to PreMor security behind Bix's back. This results in PreMor invading Ferrix and getting Bix captured and beaten. Timm himself is murdered when he tries to help Bix.
All we ever get to see of Timm is that he's an insecure little asshole whose actions nearly get Cassian and Bix killed. He's an antagonist in this story.
But Bix loved him. He seems like a fairly average dude before this and presumably treats Bix fairly well outside of this particular incident. He's not a villain, he's just... a dude who lets fear of losing the woman he loves consume him to the point of making a REALLY stupid choice and it costs him everything. But that choice turns him INTO a villain for Cassian. Cassian will now always remember Timm as the man who betrayed him and wanted him dead. Cassian will always remember Timm by the selfishness of his final choice. That's the legacy Timm leaves behind in the end. Bix mourns him, but even Bix recognizes that Timm fucked up and nearly cost herself and Cassian their lives.
And if any of that sounds kind-of familiar, it's because it should. It's Anakin. Timm makes the Anakin choice. He wasn't a villain by default. He wasn't a villain his entire life. He was a normal dude who made one really awful choice out of fear and it ended up being the choice that defined him. He had the capacity for both good and bad in him and he chose to act on the bad and it was the last choice he ever made.
And this choice is what really screws up Ferrix, it calls down PreMor security on them which is what causes the massive screw-up when they try to capture Cassian and Luthen and that gains the attention of the ISB agent in charge of Ferrix as well as Dedra Meero who ultimately brings an entire battalion of stormtroopers and officers to occupy Ferrix. Ferrix gets far far worse as a result of Timm's one choice made out of insecurity in his relationship.
But it also ultimately leads to Ferrix realizing that enough is enough and they rise up and riot and throw the Empire out of their home. It helps push Maarva into joining a rebellion at the end of her life and making that recording that inspires the people to fight back. Maarva says that the Empire has been creeping in like a disease while they slept. And if Timm hadn't made the choice that took their situation from tolerable to intolerable, maybe Maarva and the people of Ferrix never would've bothered to fight back. If Cassian had been able to just silently slip out of town with no one being the wiser, Ferrix would've just kept going on as it had been.
None of this means Timm gets to claim credit for Ferrix and Maarva's own choices, obviously, but much like Anakin, the selfish choices he makes lead to unintended good things happening down the line, too. Anakin's selfishness leads to his relationship with Padme which ultimately creates Luke and Leia who, together, are the ones that manage to bring down the Empire for good. Anakin doesn't get any credit for how Luke and Leia turned out obviously, or the things they do that cause the Empire to fall, but they wouldn't have existed without Anakin's selfishness.
Timm's choice makes Ferrix worse, it calls down the Empire, but it also leads to the push that ultimately pushes Ferrix into rebellion.
Timm makes Anakin's choice. He's the villain of Cassian's story, but he is not WHOLLY a villain because Andor tells us that no one is ever JUST a villain or JUST a hero. People will always be people and that means they all have the capacity for both selfishness and selflessness within them. Timm loses himself to his fear for just long enough to destroy everything he cared about. Maarva chooses to stand up rather than run. Bix chooses to persevere in the face of impossible odds. Luthen gives up his morals to try to create a future for the rest of the galaxy. Mon Mothma sells her family for democracy. Cassian has to give up his dream of a normal happy life and settle for taking control of his own life.
And this is what makes Andor one of the best pieces of Star Wars media I've seen in a LONG time. It doesn't have any Jedi in it, it doesn't have any Mandalorian super soldiers, it doesn't have any Sith or Inquisitors or witches. It's just a group of people from different walks of life all having to figure out what matters most to them in the end. Some of them make the selfish choice and some of them rise above and make the selfless choice. It takes all of the themes that we've gotten from Star Wars via the Jedi and Sith conflicts and applies them to the little people, too. It's not JUST the Jedi and Sith who have to abide by those thematic narrative rules. Everybody else does, too, actually. Timm would never have become a Sith because of his choices, Dedra Meero and Syril Karn are never going to be Sith, but they can still become villains in someone else's story everything they claimed to care about can come crashing down as the result of one selfish choice.
THAT'S Star Wars. THAT'S what it's all about. THAT'S why Andor feels like Star Wars should to me without a single Force user showing up while something like the Ahsoka show feels like the opposite of a Star Wars story despite all of its fan service and nostalgia bait. Andor gets it. Andor took the time to understand the core of Star Wars even when telling a Star Wars story in a very different way.
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padawansuggest · 10 months
I’m writing a fic where Obi-Wan gets bit by a feral cat (they have never seen a cat in Star Wars they think it’s just a really fucked up tooka) and instead of getting rabies shots, like a normal person, he’s on campaign with the 212th, and ends up mutantly growing cat ears and a tail. But wait, there’s more. Since he’s already got fangies and purrs super hard and has glow in the dark eyes, the 212th sorta just accepts it. He’s not much different than normal. Likes to crash in their cuddle puddles more, plays with feathers sometimes, accidentally dragged Dooku and Ventress back to the light side through purring hard and meowing at them till they followed him home, normal Kenobi stuff. So the clones are like ‘yeah, this is his new normal’ and accept it.
But then. One day, he’s laying on Cody’s chest and tummy, and maybe biting him a little, and suddenly he’s nursing on Cody’s chest…!!?! Okay??? So Cody, not wanting to get a rash, takes off his backs so his general can nurse in peace, like ‘yeah this isn’t normal or humanoid but at least he’s content and sleepy and DID YOU SEE THAT HE SLOW BLINKED AT ME WAXER IT WAS SO PRECIOUS- and he’s being a good boy yes he is yes he is he’s the goodest little orange boy in the whole world-!’ And so now that’s normal for them.
But then one day Cody is cleaning his blasters with The Boys (Rex and Fox and Wolffe are there this is sooooooo embarrassing he’s gonna kill someone) when one of them points out that his shirt is wet. Well, after some panicked (he was fine he just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole but getting sucked on was how we got into this mess in the first place so maaaaaaaybe no) checks with Kix and Helix (they are arguing and no one can figure out what about) it turns out he’s just a big milkie maker good lad so this is absolutely normal too.
Well, their precious No braincells orange cat General quickly realizes his normal nursing buddy is making special treats for him!!!! How kind!!! So obviously the others of Ghost company get hella jealous and start inducing lactation too so he’ll come cuddle up to them too. He will also take that.
At first the Jedi are like ‘wtf are they all doing’ till Bant frantically spreads the news that Kenobi gained four pounds and it’s not much but the numbers lately have been CONSISTENTLY down and she’s so excited she’s passing out lactation inducers like candy it’s so weird.
Anyways. Palpatine has a heart attack a month later (poor guy, someone shit on his headstone at the funeral, how sad) and now Obi-Wan lives in a big compound of happy Jedi and gets milkies whenever he wants. What a great ending. Have you seen his favorite toy spring??? He could have sworn he was playing with it in front of the refractory unit. He’ll go ask Alpha to help rescue it.
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obiwanobi · 2 years
Seeing Obi-Wan with little Leia is making me wish we got to see him with another padawan someday. Like in an alternate universe where Order 66 never happened, and the war ended, and Obi-Wan gets assigned a new padawan to distract him after Anakin leaves the order.
And his padawan’s very young, because a lot of the older ones like Ahsoka ended up padawans without a specific master because there just wasn’t enough masters left or willing when most were one the battlefield constantly. So now that the war’s over, the only ones left are like ages ten and under.
And Obi-Wan gets stuck with an 8-9 year old padawan due to the council being sick of his moping, and she’s very cute and very smart and well-behaved at first which lulls Obi-Wan into a false sense of security that his padawan might actually be sane this time.
Except, it turns out she’s also a gremlin of the highest order who gets into enough trouble to rival Anakin and Ahsoka put together, whose idea of flying is just as bad as Anakin, and he thinks he’s going to end up severely grey before her knighting.
I don’t ask for a lot of things, world, but gimme tired dad Obi-Wan and Cody spending the next 10ish years of their lives running after this tiny little jedi while Anakin watches from afar (like ten minutes away), jealous out of his mind, because it’s not like anyone ever asked him if he was okay with Obi-Wan replacing him so soon.
you're so right about Anakin's reaction to Obi-Wan getting a new padawan 👌
Obi-Wan, knowing how dramatic he likes to be, would have tried to ease him into the idea, like,
Obi-Wan: please don’t forget that it’s a very stressful time for a youngling, so I don’t want you to loom menacingly over them, or keep saying that no one can beat the Chosen One, or start your sentences with ‘as Obi-Wan’s favourite padawan,’ or— Anakin: master, I would never, I can be polite and welcoming if I want to and I have a padawan myself, why can’t you treat me as an adult? Obi-Wan: alright then, Anakin please meet Reva, my new padaw— Anakin: I don’t like her 
But after a lot of barely expressed 'you're my first padawan and you will always be my first padawan', some gentle pats on his shoulder and acknowledgement that yes, Obi-Wan will always be proud of Anakin, Anakin does a 180 degrees turn and 'Obi-Wan's padawan' becomes 'our padawan' and they now spend their time texting each other like "are the kids with you? Ahsoka isn't replying to me so she's probably getting into trouble with Reva and trying to hide it. Can't remember if it's your turn or mine to be good cop"
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hanasnx · 2 months
You have a lyric from brutus in your pinned and its one of my favorite songs and I was talking to a friend earlier today about how the lyrics remind me of anakin
it's on my anakin playlist :) i adore that song for him. i actually wrote you my analysis (more under the cut):
I've been watching him for my entire life I hate the air he breathes, his foolish decrees His words so contrived And I hate the way the townspeople gather outside They hang on every breath, cling to his chest Home to his heart full of pride
this passage reminds me heavily of anakin's jealousy towards obi-wan kenobi. from anakin's perspective, he's an observer, and he sees how obi is constantly calm and collected which is something anakin deems a facade. especially because anakin is not as gifted at hiding his emotions as obi-wan. going as far as to "hate the air he breathes" is such a stretch into the imbalanced hormonal declarations of a teen boy who spends far too much time with one person.
not to mention obi-wan has a way with people anakin wishes he has. the amount of— what he believes to be "blind"— trust. but obi-wan has earned that trust, anakin just can't see that. anakin may see people "hang on every breath" and "cling to his chest" and see them as foolish for debasing themselves like that because he himself relies on obi-wan so heavily, and he thinks himself less for it. which is only taught by obi-wan, unknowingly.
The oracle told him to beware the Ides And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing For untimely death or demise Or am I just wishing I could be like you? That the people would see me too as a poet And not just the muse
jealousy can create a number of negative feelings such as wishing you'd never met the person you're jealous of, or wishing they'd die peacefully so you wouldn't have to deal with your jealousy or deal with seeking out closure with that person. the choice of words being, "i'd be lying if i said i wasn't wishing / for an untimely death" softens the blow of such a direct bottom-line being: i wish you were dead. it says a little with a lot, skirting around that blunt bottom-line to sugar-coat it. much like a teenager who might regret his harsh words or knows his wishes are evil in nature because he cannot understand why he'd be having these feelings if they weren't true. and if they're true, that must make him bad.
"or am i just wishing i could be like you?" anakin does wish he could be like obi-wan in many ways, especially in the seemingly easy way people adore him. "that the people would see me too as a poet / and not just the muse" muses exist to be looked at. they can be a representation in the middle of a room in which people gaze upon. it's to capture their essence on a page. in a way, it dilutes the muse. it takes an entire being, and minimizes that being and their complexities into an angle on a page, usually in the style of the painter. anakin may be sick of being looked at, and drawn conclusions about in each individual way. it is his perception that people are hard on him for a number of reasons, and it is also his narrow perception obi-wan is not treated with the same scrutiny.
Oh, it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you From birth we've been like brothers of different mothers Within the spirit of the same womb May the gods strike me down if I forsake you Frater meus, you're beautifully made And to you I'm forever grateful
"oh, it's not true, i don't wish harm upon you" is a potent example of that regret. the last verse spoke of wishing obi-wan to be dead, but now anakin back tracks on it, he doubts himself. of course it's not true, of course he doesn't wish obi-wan harm, contrary to what was said. anakin deals with a lot of cognitive dissonance, and this is a very key phrasing to demonstrate how frequently he experiences it. he wants obi-wan dead at the same time he loves obi-wan and wants him safe and protected. it would be easier if obi-wan were not in his life at all, if they had never met.
yet they are "brothers of different mothers / within the spirit of the same womb" obi-wan and anakin are often described as brothers, obi-wan being the older, respectable, responsible one. he is a father figure to anakin, and anakin's resentment for that power held over him is another motivation to terminate obi-wan.
"may the gods strike me down if i forsake you" anakin speaks in hyperbolic tongues. when he confessed his love to padme, he overcompensated with a lot of love-bombing dramaticism that couldve been used to entrap her. he does not know a healthy way to court nor does he know a healthy way to love, and his idea of love is warped. may the gods strike him down, kill him, destroy him, dematerialize him if he ever abandon obi-wan to whom he is forever grateful and indebted to. he cant believe he would ever say a nasty word about his pseudo-father when he loves him so much. that line of thinking is what drags him down to the depths of the dark side, for when you experience human emotions and you shame yourself for them and hide them, they only fester in that darkness you've thrust them in.
I'll never forget that you showed me to make art And I know the love you showed me came From a pure and noble heart I love you, and if you want, I'll call you King But why do I lie awake each night thinking "Instead of you, it should be me"?
obi-wan showed anakin the wonders of the jedi. the meditation, the peace, the sanctuary, the teachings. he introduced anakin to that slice of culture. he showed anakin that he is responsible for his own autonomy and what he can do with that autonomy. he can make art, he can live for an artform, he can live in a luxurious way compared to where he came from. a life of leisure in a peacemaker compared to a bomb in your neck. he learns later that it's too simple a life for him, but for a while he chews on the meat of the false paradise he built up inside his head for so long.
"pure and noble heart" anakin may see obi-wan as a man without faults, or convinces himself obi-wan is incapable of faults to further scold himself for insisting obi-wan is jealous of him (fed via the lies of the emperor).
obi-wan is promoted past anakin, he's a knight first, a master first, on the council first. the first in a thousand years to defeat a sith lord, a highest honor. "i love you, and if you want, i'll call you king" anakin will admit obi-wan is his better, his superior, if that's what obi-wan wants. that's how much he loves obi-wan.
yet, he envies obi-wan's place. in both rank and adoration, anakin wants that kind of devotion and blind faith, regardless if that does not align with reality because obi-wan has his fair share of obligations and proper procedures he must follow, he is not immune to the same rules anakin is.
Something wicked this way comes And as I set to face it, I'm unsure Should I embrace it, should I run? What motivates me? Hatred? Is it love? What's more wrong; that I too wish to be great Or my mother wished she'd had a son? And even if I can't be the one Maybe I could at least help make way for him Until the day that he comes Maybe my name could also be known That I helped return good to the people And restored greatness to Rome
this is the beginning of the climax in revenge of the sith. he senses a wickedness impending, and he's unsure how to go about dealing with it. should he embrace the emperor's offer, or should he deny him? killing mace sets his decision in stone, and he falls to his knees. is his motivation his hatred for his status or his love for padme? he chooses to make padme his scapegoat, and performs atrocities in her name. if he really loved her, he would know she would've rather die than have people slain in her honor.
anakin wishes for more power, more status, and he left to become a jedi because he believed it to be the way to do it. but he left his mother behind, who wishes she still had her son. now his mother is dead and he is outgrowing his environment.
even if he can't be the one, the dictator, that that "someone wise" he spoke of in attack of the clones, he would make way for him. he would become his sword and his shield. vader is the emperor's sword and shield, and paved the way for palpatine to seize that throne. his name as darth vader is known and in his perception he has overturned the corrupt republic and restored greatness to the galaxy.
Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus! Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus! Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus! Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!
the story brutus and julius caesar is worth the research dive, and very much aligns with anakin's own perception of his warped hero's journey.
My name is Brutus and my name means heavy So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy I, too, have a destiny This death will be art The people will speak of this day from near and afar This event will be history, and I'll be great too I don't want what you have, I want to be you
this marks the climax of revenge of the sith where obi-wan and anakin cross blades with the intent to stop one another. anakin knows he must kill obi-wan, and so he intends to plunge his saber into the heart of his enemy. most of his life, obi-wan was his teacher, brother, father, and friend. his actions are no longer motivated by that jealousy, now it is lust for power and eradication of the weak and corrupt. his destiny is to be the most powerful jedi.
the overturning of the republic into an empire will be history, and because he was a part of that he'll be spoken about as well. and he'll take obi-wan's place as a shining example, but he has to kill him first.
I always knew I could be the one Though I feel the endless pain of being And I am scorched by the Sun Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex My name is Brutus, but the people will call me Rex
he always knew he was destined for greatness. but he is scorched by the mustafarian earth underneath him and the pain in the inside has bled out to his skin as he burns alive. the pain of being. of humble origins in the dunes of tatooine, born from a slave, his name is anakin, but the people will call him darth vader.
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mykinkyyandere · 3 years
I'm Not A Child
Part 2
Request: Hi,if you’re not busy I was wondering if you can do yandere!anakin x reader where she takes the role of Obi-Wan or just another Jedi master who is older and Anakin has this cute little crush(puppy love) and as he gets older it turns into more. But nothing violent I know it’s yandere but like sometimes they can be very soft. Cure my sadness please
Pairing: Yandere!Padawan Anakin Skywalker X Jedi Knight! f!Reader
Warnings: obsessive possessive behaviors, cursing, forced taking off clothes (not that way)
A/N: The reader is 6 years older than Anakin. I wanted it to be like Anakin and Ahsoka. I hope my decision doesn't disappoint you.
I'm so sorry if I didn't write your request the way you expected. Please feel free to tell me when you don't like it. 🤍
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Anakin had a habit of following her wherever she went. He was always after her, always wanted to talk to her. From her point, he was a little clingy.
"You're an an-" His words were cut short as he stared at her with admiration.
"Stop saying that." She sighed in disappointment.
"No, I won't. I'll tell you this until you believe you're an angel."
"But Anakin I'm not-" She paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "I don't know why you're being so stubborn about me being an angel, but you know it's not real."
"I don't know why you're being so stubborn about you not being an angel, but you know it's not real." He responded with a defiant expression.
"You-" She cast her eyes in disbelief at 12-year-old Anakin. "Ugh, nevermind."
He laughed. "Someday when you become a Jedi Knight, I'll be your padawan."
She was relieved that the subject had changed. "Why is that?"
"Because I want you to be my master." He said in a strange tone. A little jealous.
"What makes you think I'll be a good master?"
"There's nothing you're not good at." He smiled, showing all his teeth.
"How do you know that?"
"How do you not know that?" he asked in surprise.
"I don't know how you see me, but I'm not as perfect as you think."
He shook his head immediately. "I can't believe you think that way about yourself. You're perfect!"
"Okaaay... that's enough. Time to go." She stood up and started walking.
"Where are we going?" He immediately followed her.
She stopped and looked at him. "No, Anakin. I'm leaving, you're staying."
"No but."  She started walking again and left him behind. "You're a good child, but you're acting weird."
He clenched his fists. "I'm not a child." he whispered.
Then he shouted after her. "I'm not a child!"
"Leave me alone." She rolled her eyes.
She was injured and it wasn't a big deal but it was clear that Anakin didn't think the same way. He sat her down on the couch and looked for something to make her comfortable.
"Anakin" she was annoyed. "You're being silly."
He looked at her in disbelief. "You're the one being silly."
"What? You are the one overreacting!"
"Because you got hurt!" He shouted, pointing at her wound.
"Look, I know I'm kind of an older sister to you, but it's ridiculous that you're overreacting."
"What?" His tone changed, sounding like a whisper.
"You're like my little brother."
"Is this how you see me?"
She laughed. "How else am I supposed to see? Don't worry, you're also my little friend."
Anakin threw the pillow in his hand. "Don't call me little."
"Hey, calm down..."
"I'm sick and tired of you treating me like a little child, stop seeing me as a child!" He shouted.
"Anakin, calm down!"
When the medics arrived, he made his way outside to control his anger.
"I'm sorry!" She shouted after him.
From that day on, Anakin took his duties more seriously, worked harder, tried harder to grow up. He tried to improve himself as much as possible and wanted her to be proud of himself when he became her padawan.
And when that day came two years later, he was so stubborn, so aggressive in order to become her padawan that no one could calm him down. He even had a nervous breakdown one day and threw his lightsaber.
"If she won't be my Master, neither will I be a Jedi!"
They let him be her padawan, hoping that she would fix his aggressive behavior. They had no idea it would only fuel Anakin's feelings even more.
In his early years as her padawan, he was so ambitious. Circling around his Master, engraving every word that came out of her mouth, constantly trying to prove himself. Also he seemed to take a strange pleasure in calling her Master.
"How was I, Master?"
"I'm so strong, aren't I, Master?"
"I must've really grown up, Master. A child couldn't do that."
She thought it was normal. He was just a child trying to prove he wasn't a... child. She decided that it was best not to push him.
"So good! Well done, Anakin."
"Yes, you're stronger. You must be practicing well."
"You are right. I may start to think that you're no longer a child."
When he turned 17, his behaviors got worse. Changed from a desire to prove himself to being possessive. He was jealous of the people she talked to, wanted to know where she was, often got into fight...
He was trying to protect her on every mission they went on. It didn't even have to be a mission, he was trying to protect her wherever they went. She kept telling him not to do that, but he wasn't listening. Each time he was throwing himself forward, trying to hide her behind him. Even if there was no one around.
"So dangerous, Master! Stand behind me and I'll protect you." He threw his arm back and grabbed her as he looked around.
"Stop that Anakin."
"It's too dangerous, I can't allow that Master! Hide behind me."
"Do you even hear yourself? I can take care of myself. I'm the one who's Master here!"
She was so disturbed by his behaviors that she didn't speak to him for a while.
"Don't talk to me Anakin."
She quickly started to walk away without saying anything else, but then she stopped and turned towards Anakin.
"And stop acting like a child. When I give you an order, you have to do it. I'm your Master! I understand you see me as a sister-"
Anakin interrupted her. "Seeing you as a sister? Are you really going to talk about this shit again?" He raised his voice.
"What are you talking about, Anakin? You're not even listening to me."
"What am I talking about? I wonder why you keep putting us in some sort of fucking brother-sister class!" He shouted.
"And what class am I supposed to put in?" She ran a hand through her hair nervously.
"Seriously... I can't believe you. How can you be so blind? I've been trying to prove to you that I'm not a child for years but you keep seeing me as a minor!"
"You want me to see you as a big guy? Anakin, we're six years apart. You're a little boy to me!"
"You're wrong!" He shouted and closed the distance between them.
"When will I be old enough for you, huh? Tell me, when?" His voice was pleading.
"Anakin-" No...
"Tell me." He took her hands and placed them on his chest. "Will you stop seeing me as a child in a few years?"
"Anakin, please stop..." Her heart was beating like crazy.
"No..." He rested his head on hers. "It's okay if I'm not old enough, I'll grow up one day. And I'll become a great man worthy of you, with power that no one else has seen. Then you will love me, right?"
She broke free from his grip and staggered backwards. "Attachments are forbidden! What are you saying Anakin? I'm your master." She was looking at him with puzzled eyes.
"Who cares if you're my Master? My feelings for you are obvious."
"This is against the rules!"
"I don't care, I love-"
For the next two years, that case never came up again, and she took a much more distant approach to him, but that didn't mean Anakin's behavior had improved. In order to stay by her side, he kept his love as a secret and let it grow inside him. When he turned 19, he was obsessive and delusional. No matter what he did, she was always on his mind, he was always lost in his dreams.
He cursed the stupid rules and the age gap. But he would find a way, he would make all the problems go away, and they would be together. Anakin was much more mature now. The age gap didn't matter anymore, he had grown up, right? It was okay if she thought he didn't have the power to protect her. Someday he would be the most powerful Jedi ever. Then she could trust him. He knew they would be together no matter what.
"Anakin, come here."
Hearing his master's voice, he stood up. Rushed towards her without taking his intense gaze from her for a moment. Then stood in front of her and waited for her to speak without blinking.
She couldn't get into the point because of his gazes.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?" He seemed hypnotized. She was so beautiful.
"Don't act like you don't know."
"But I don't know..." His voice was hoarse with desire.
"Stop looking at me like you're in love, stop looking at me like you want to kiss me."
"But I'm in love with you and I want to kiss you."  He didn't even try to hide it. "You're so beautiful, so beautiful... Were you once an angel and lost your memory? Did they steal your wings?" He was so ecstatic that for a moment he believed what he was saying and filled with anger.
"Did they hurt you?" His raised his voice as his gaze darkened.
"What the hell are you talking about?”
"Show me your back. Now!" He gasped in anger.
"You're going to show me your back right now," he said emphasizing each word. "Or I'll do it myself."
"I can't believe you believe this bullshit. Do you think I wouldn't even notice if that was the case?" She couldn't keep her voice from shaking.
Anakin quickly grabbed her arm and turned her back towards him. "If something like that happened, I swear I'll destroy every single planet to find them." said while taking off her clothes.
"S-stop!" Before she could resist him, he had already exposed her back. He ran his fingers lightly on her back and made her shudder. Seeing there were no scars, he let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help but kiss her on the back.
"I'm sorry," he whispered and put her clothes back on, turned her towards himself, and grabbed her arms. "I just… I can't stand the thought of you being hurt." His voice cracked, eyes filled with tears.
"Anakin..." she cried, a little bit scared. "I'm okay. But you're not."
"Please don't cry, I can't stand it please..." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he let go of his grip on her arms and held her hands. "I'm okay, really. I'm okay. My love for you makes me stronger. Just accept me and..."
"Your love for me makes you weak. Attachment-"
"No." He tried to keep his voice from shaking, but he couldn't. He pleaded with tears in his eyes. "I want to be with you, I want you. Why won't you just let me?" He was crying so hard, so miserable, so lost.
"You're leaving me no choice." She wiped the tears running down her cheeks. "You can no longer be my padawan."
Anakin was... quiet.
He turned 21. For two years he watched her from afar. His angel, who believed in the nonsense that the Jedi can't have attachments. His angel, who believed in all the Jedi nonsense. He had to save her from this poison, he had to open her eyes. She needed him.
“I'll save you from them.” he said to himself. "The dark side is guiding me. I just need a little more time, my angel."
Part 2
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
I loved that answer and also realised I'm an idiot and sent the wrong letter so same fic but letter E please? 🥺
Tomi my friend 🥰 E for Aggressive Negotiations it is! (💙💙💙)
E: If you wrote a sequel to [Aggressive Negotiations], what would it be about?
An extremely good question. As of right now, that is one of my two one-shots that I don't intend to continue at some point. But I'm sure there's something there.
Since Aggressive Negotiations was a 5+1, I think I'd like to do more of that and flip the POV. Maybe continuing the missions to made up planets theme it would be "five times Anakin got insanely jealous on a mission and one time he didn't." It would overlap a little with the original fic, timeline wise, but also afterwards once Anakin and Obi-Wan are together but they're pretending they aren't because they're Jedi. But in the +1 they go on a mission where they have to pretend to be married and Obi-Wan gets to publicly treat Anakin like he does in private and Anakin does so insanely well with Obi-Wan's constant love and attention that the council is like "we don't care anymore, just date if these are the results we get."
It would be a bit cracky, I guess 😂
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
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Hi my name’s Maeve! 😇 I write for Anakin and a tiny bit of Obi. 
My inbox is closed! 
Feel free to send me any thoughts you have, but if you send a fic request I can’t promise that I’ll get to it anytime soon. I still love to see your ideas though! 
(ps check out my ongoing fic Give Me Love) 
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First Kiss - Anakin treats reader to their first kiss
Drunk - Reader comes home from a party wasted, and Anakin is there to witness it… and maybe make out with…
Anakin Cuddling Hc’s - What it’s like to cuddle with the Best Boy
Anakin with giggly reader Hc’s and Anakin x Jealous/Insecure reader - first half is hc for a giggly reader and second half is a fic where reader gets jealous and insecure and Anakin comforts them
Anakin x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Hc’s - Just some headcanons of a soft boy
Loving On You - Slight Anakin angst, basically you hold him after a crappy mission
Be My Forever - Anakin proposes with as little words as possible
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Hc’s- nice car go zoom 🚗💨
Anakin With a Pregnant Reader Hc’s- use protection kids
Anakin x Touch Starved Reader Hc’s - definitely not self indulgent
Touch Starved Anakin x Reader Hc’s - this was actually rlly cute
Playing with his hair imagine - i know i write about this a lot but cmon
Anakin Comforting Reader Hc’s - cue the uwu’s
Distraction - Anakin distracts reader as they study
Walking with Anakin as he does General stuff- small blurb
Domestic Anakin Hc’s - random thoughts I had of him
Giving Anakin a massage - w a tiny hint of smut
Complimenting Anakin - is never talked about enough
Anakin x curvy Reader Hc’s
Anakin x skinny Reader Hc’s
Fluff blurbs! - one, two
Stargazing with Anakin
Wearing Anakin’s Jedi Robes Hc’s
Sleepy moments with Ani Hc’s
Jealous Anakin x Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
Anakin x Jealous Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
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Patched Up - Reader comes back from a mission all cut up, Anakin helps patch her up
Sick People Should Stay Away from Balconies - Reader is sick and asking for trouble, Anakin deals with her shit
Jelly toast - a request for a reader coming back from a mission all bruised and cut up, Anakin takes care of her
Anakin x Asthmatic Reader Hc’s - how he would act to you having asthma
Bad Dream- Reader has a nightmare during a thunderstorm and goes to Anakin for help
He Kicks Your Ass And Then Lets You Braid His Hair - see title
A Helping Hand (part 1) - Reader hurts her arm during a mission, and Anakin comes to help her (in more ways than one). Whump is in part 1, smut is in part 2 listed under Smut.
Anakin x Reader on her Period heacanons - shark week oofs
Anakin x Sick reader headcanons
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Don’t Forget About Me - Reader begs Anakin not to go break up the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine
I Gave You All - Our war-torn baby just needs a hug
Anakin x Reader w/ Mommy Issues - bro i just 
Night Bus - The Council forces you to leave Anakin
A Reason to Stay - read this at your own risk, deals with severe mental health issues. basically Anakin helps reader through a dark time.
Misunderstandings - angst ending in fluff, Anakin and reader go on a bodyguard mission together and both get jealous.
Anakin crying blurb - give sad boy a hug damnit
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Anakin and Reader Take a Shower -basically what the title says. The shower gets heated in more ways than one.
What That Mouth Do Though 👄💦- he eats you out like a champ 💪🏻
Needy Anakin - (you give him a blowie)
Say My Name- jealous Anakin, choking, fucking, you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
First time - Readers first time HAVING SEX with Anakin 🥰
His First Time - The first time Anakin HAS SEX, & it’s with you :)
Welcome Home - Anakin comes home from war and reader welcomes him back with open arms... and open legs 
Save a Spaceship, Ride a Starpilot- Anakin has reader sit on his face and then she fucks him slowly ;)
Giving him a lapdance short - just a lil imagine
Jealousy (part 1) - classic under-the-table action at a high end event
Jealousy (part 2) - he gets his revenge
Master Kink Hc’s - exactly what it sounds like
A Helping Hand (part 2) - Anakin helps Reader out bc she has a broken arm :) very sweet and soft and fluffy to mend y’alls broken hearts. (part 1 is under Whump)
This is what he sounds like when he cums - grab ur headphones
This is what he sounds like in bed - grab ur headphones again lol
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 1) - from the top make it drop thats a wap
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 2) -  wap wap wap
General Kink blurb - credit goes to @kenobikittens​
Cruel Intentions - holiday smut, this hurt ppl’s feelings for some reason woops. anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty mouth, and also it’s Life Day.
Anakin x fem reader Pregnancy Sex Hc’s - i hate kids but this was cute
NSFW blurbs! - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Sub Anakin Hc’s - good boy ;)
Deepthroating Anakin Hc’s 
Dry Humping Hc’s
A Dream Come True - Anakin helps reader masturbate and cum for the first time
Anakin & size kink hc’s
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Anakin is smart - just a post talking about how intelligent our favorite Jedi is
More proof that he’s smart
Anidala Fluff - A request where Anakin and Padme do it in the fields of Naboo for the first time (no smut it’s romantic get ur head out of the gutter John B)
Love at First Sight - Anakin falls in love with you as soon as he sees you
All These Little Things - Padme x Reader / Anakin x Reader Hc’s where reader is romantically interested in Padme until she notices all of Anakin’s little things
Anakin’s hands appreciation post
Anakin’s Cheekbones Appreciation Post - he’s just got em okay
Anakin’s arms appreciation post
Aggressive Negotiations (part one) - Anakin and Reader go to a ball and it doesn’t turn out the way they expect
Aggressive Negotiations (part two) - combines the ‘he sees her dressed up for the first time’, ‘handcuffed together’, and ‘stuck in a closet’ tropes all in one mission gone wrong ;)
When he does the hand-on-cheek thing - *cries*
For people who have freckles
For people who have freckles p2 - not my work but thanks to @haydens-moles​ you guys have to suffer through this post with me
Anakin can sing
Anakin + drinking - some musings about the jedi and booze
Anakin loves rain
Anakin’s Eyelashes Appreciation Post
Random facts about his childhood
Sad Anakin fact
Anakin Reaction Pics
Random Anakin Thoughts - im so disorganized my b
What does his dick look like?
Is he brunette or blonde discourse - spoil alert: it’s neither. see next link
What color is his hair really?
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It’s you- Obi Wan x Reader fic where he comes back from a mission planning to break it off with you, but then realizes he can’t let you go
You Can Rest Now - Obiwan x Reader where you take care of him after a mission that’s left him tired and sick
Obi-Wan Hc’s - random thoughts I had about him being in a relationship
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What I Imagine The Star Wars Boys Wear For Underwear
What I Imagine The Star War’s Boys Dicks Are Like
Rating the Star Wars Boys Cum Faces on a Scale from 1-10
Kinky R2
The fanart that ended thousands of careers
R2D2 x C3P0 Smut 
You get Acid in your Vagina Hc’s 
Carrot Fun w Anakin - two parter, includes videos
Yoda smut snippet
He gave you a specific order
If Anakin can pull off a butt chin then so can I
How many shots it would take for me to sleep with the stars wars men (part one) (part two)
Anakin w a weave
Which Star Wars Characters Have a Foot Fetish
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band--psycho · 3 years
Obi Wan x Reader-I Love You(Follower Prompt)
My fifth entry for @girl-next-door-writes bingo challenge! I hope you enjoy it!!
Follower Prompt by @xacatapelsyx :
Were you ever going to tell me about her? You weren’t, were you? I had heard rumours but I didn’t even think to ask, I… I thought we told each other everything. 
You hated how jealous you were of Satine...hated the thoughts that flooded into your mind when you saw the two of them together. You’d heard quiet rumours about the two of them but naively, you chose not to believe them. It wasn’t until Anakin mentioned it that you thought there may be some truth in the words some of padawans were saying. And then you saw it, the way he looked at her...like she held all the suns and stars in the universe, a look of pure adoration, you knew that look all too well because it’s how you’d catch him looking at you..but now, he just did everything to avoid you. Instead of going on missions with you, he’d send Anakin in his place, the training sessions you both normally took part in all but ceased to exist...and you hated it. 
From the second you laid eyes on him, you knew you were a goner. When you first met him you felt both calm and nervous, a contradicting collection of emotions that you thought would fade in time, but they didn’t, you just got better at hiding them. After years of working and training together, things began to change, or you thought they did, you thought he felt the same. Now, you weren’t sure what to believe. Whenever you saw them together, you’d feel your heart ache as thoughts of jealousy would swim through your mind. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death there is the Force, that was the Jedi code, your code. And You knew how you shouldn’t have felt how you did, it was against the code, against everything that you were meant to believe in but that didn’t stop you from falling for Obi- Wan Kenobi.
 You needed answers. You needed to know if you’d imagined everything between the two of us, if it was all just some embarrassing miscommunication. So I headed to Obi’s chambers, you knew he was going to be back from his latest mission soon, so you thought you’d just wait here and ask him about it. You practised what you were going to say over and over again in your head, none of the words seeming to fit together or make sense. You couldn’t help the curse that fell from my lips as the words ran through your head; if you were wrong about how he felt, you were going to make a complete idiot of yourself. Then a wave of anxiety washed over you. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all you thought to yourself as you began to walk towards the door, but just as you were about to reach for the handle, it moved downwards as the door opened to reveal Obi Wan Kenobi on the other side. Confusion washed over his once soft features, including his eyes as he pushed your practically frozen body deeper into the room as he abruptly closed the door behind him before standing infront of you. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked, you could feel his eyes burning into you, waiting for your answer, you thought about lying but he’d know even before the words left your mouth that it wasn’t the truth. 
“Were you ever going to tell me about her?” Your timid voice asked as you locked eyes with him, seeing all the colour drain from his face. Your question caught him off guard. 
Slowly he approached you; carefully he placed one foot infront of the other treating you as though you were prey and he was the predator and then you saw it in his eyes. A flicker of truth, that was only there for a second, he wasn’t going to tell you.
“You weren’t, were you?” Your voice was sharper now, gone was the timid girl who’d asked the first question, you tried to remain calm but couldn’t help the feeling of pain and anger that rushed through you. 
“I had heard rumours but I didn’t even think to ask. I thought you’d tell me.Maker, I can’t believe you! We’re supposed to be a team. I… I thought we told each other everything,”you said shaking your head, a fake laugh escaping your lips as you walked away from him, before you did though you noticed the  pain flashed in Obi Wans eyes. 
“Yes, I kept it a secret from you but don’t think you can get up on your high horse and lecture me about secrets when you have your own,” he said, grabbing your arm, halting your footsteps. You felt yourself jolt as his touch, a single touch shouldn’t have had this effect on you, it shouldn’t have made you want him more but it did. 
“Secrets. No I only have one secret and it’s not exactly a secret, least of all from you,” you whispered harshly, recoiling your arm from his grasp.
“But if you really want to hear me say it?” As you said those words you walked closer to him, your confidence momentarily faltering as you looked into his sapphire orbs. All the anger that you held seemed to wash away with one glance, instead you just felt sadness as reality dawned on you. You loved him and he didn’t love you...and now you were about to admit it, knowing what would happen, knowing what his answer would be. 
“I love you, okay? I love you and I hate it. I want this feeling to stop, but it won’t, I know it never will, I’m in love with you and I can’t stop,” you felt the tears fall from your eyes and slide down your cheeks as you admitted your feelings to him, your gaze instantly shifting to the floor, not wanting to see the look in his eyes. You were so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you hadn;t even realised him coming closer to you saw his shoes appear, when you looked up, he was closer than you originally thought. 
“I had feelings for Satine, a long time ago and I pushed those feelings aside to become a Jedi and I hadn’t seen her until this week. I won’t lie to you, yes, some of my old feelings came up but something else also came to light. How I feel about you,” you felt your heart flutter as he said those last few words. How he felt about you...
“None of it was a lie or in your head, you didn't imagine any of it. It was real, all of it. How I feel about you, is real,” he said, his voice soft and vulnerable as he placed his hands either side of your face, pulling you closer to him. So close that you could feel his warm breath on your lips. So close that with the slightest movement your lips would be touching. 
“I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you.I love you, Y/n, I’ve tried not to but I cannot get you out of my head,” and with that he closed what little distance there was between the two of you, placing his lips on yours. He was kissing you. It took a few moments for your brain to catch up with what was happening, but soon enough you started kissing him back, like he was the only source of oxygen in the world. You felt like you were on cloud nine, every thought seemed to fade away, the only thing on your mind was this moment with him. This perfect moment.
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(Credit to the gif owner)
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hannya-writes · 3 years
A White Demon love song
Title: A White Demon Love Song
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Obi wan Kenobi x reader
Other characters: Anakin, a Mandalorian? It can be Din Djarin if you like
Category: Romance, Sad, Song fic maybe?, Implied sex scenes.
Warnings: Almost Sith!Obi Wan
Author's note: the first time I wrote this... It was in spanish cuz that's my first language, and I had to translate myself, which was weird and freaking frustrating, but I like the results! Hope you like it!
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Obi wan had hear about "The Killers" bar. It was far away from the center of Coruscant and the jedi temple, it was a place were one could contract a mercenaries, have a nice drink and hear some music. It was one of the very few nice bars in the area. It also was the place where Master Yoda had been informed about the presence of a Jedi, but not just any jedi: someone claimed that Y/n Y/l/n was there every night.
Obi Wan and Anakin where assigned to look out the place. As they grew closer, publicity got heavier. Almost all of the paper and screens announced a singer by the name "Dragon Owl". By his side Anakin sighed in boredom, but he didn't dared ask why were they going to that place, the only data Obi Wan had have him as that they were looking for a death jedi.
As soon as they got to the hidden entrance the Jedi master felt a weird sensation through the force. He couldn't quite place the feeling it provoqued in him, but it was familiar.
A voice reached them and Anakin stopped in the middle of the stairs. Unlike Obi Wan, he recognized the force signature and the voice of the singer: it was Y/n Y/l/n's voice. She had hummed that song to him at night to help him fall asleep.
— Anakin? — Obi Wan made him get back to reality, making him move after seconds of music. His feet moved in a hurry, wishing to see the person singing. He had to see if he was being fooled because it couldn't be Y/n, she was dead, Count Dooku had killed her.
The Sith had gloated about his lost. He had told him how hard she had fought him, how he had tortured her. But there she was, eyes closed in concentration, her mouth open while singing.
— no — he muttered to himself incapable of believing what he was seeing.
— she's alive? — Obi Wan said under his breath, as surprised as Anakin by the vision in front of him. — it can't be... She...— Her eyes opened and Obi Wan felt as if someone had hit him with a blaster. It had to be a clone of Y/n.
"Let us be in love" she sung and the Jedi Master felt a knot in his throat "Let's do old and gray" a headache started with those words as memories came back "I won't make you cry" Y/n was crying in his memories as she cupped his face "I will never stray" no, she hadn't said those words. She had said "You will never stray, you will do your part"
— what are you talking about? — he remembered himself asking her, a smile in his face as she laughed with sad eyes.
— will you let us be in love tonight? — she asked and he lifted an eyebrow.
— I will let us be in love forever — he answered to her delight before taking her closer to kiss her.
He remembered that night a couple of years ago. How the kisses turned wet, how he had traced patterns through the naked skin. How she had whispered love words in his ear while he moved against her, inside her making her moan in pleasure. Her barely audible voice calling for him, singing "Obi wan" like it was the only words she knew. The pleasure, the sweat, the lust. The dangerous need to posses her in every possible way. Then the morning after, her quiet sobs as she explained that they couldn't be together, how it was better to forget. She confessed she had a vision of him falling to the dark side because of his love for her. Why she couldn't allow it to happen so she erased all the memories that made him love her. And he forgot.
Until that moment, with that song. She had made him forget and ran away so he wouldn't fell in love with her again. But she was there singing about the past, about an unreachable love when he was right there dealing with feelings that he was forced to forget.
He wanted to walk towards her, kiss her, hold her in his arms. He wanted to sooth the pain away. It hurt him to listen to her singing about something he could fix, because he could fix her broken heart.
The song ended slowly and someone asked for a big applause for the Dragon Owl. Y/n bowed for the clapping audience and went to the little stair to walk down of the scenario, she had a big smile in her lips. Obi wan felt a brand new blast in his chest seeing her smile, it had been a life time since he saw her smile. He walked towards her to help her get down, he was going to offer his hand but someone beat him to it.
A gloved hand offered it's help and she took it in her left hand, she winked at the person and Obi Wan saw that hand guided to a man with a mandalorian armor, the beskar shone under the bright light.
His muscles tensed acknowledging the treat a mandalorian supposed, however his hands turned into fists when Y/n turned and stretched out to kiss the mandalorian helmet, not in any place but in the spot where the lips of the man should be. As an answer the man took out one of his gloves and caressed her lower lip, as if making a promise to kiss her.
Obi Wan knew that little touch over her lower lip could mean a lot of other things, but the intimacy in it annoyed him. Hand in hand, the couple walked to the back door and he followed with Anakin right behind him.
They kept the distance with the couple, waiting for the right time, the perfect moment to pull Y/n away from the mandalorian. Her loud laughter made Obi Wan jealous, he wanted her away from that man.
Funny enough in that moment she shoved the man while laughing, the man got closer and pressed her to the closer wall. His bare hand pushed the helmet up to uncover his lips, his free hand cupped her face gently, tumb caressing her cheek.
— oh, my dear Mandalorian — she sighed the words charged with a tender love that made Obi wan's gutt twirl.
Anakin gasp was barely audible. From all the people in the galaxy, Y/n was about to kiss a Mandalorian. A Jedi and a Mandalorian. He couldn't avoid thinking about Obi Wan and the Duchess of Mandalore subtly flirting. On the other hand, what he was seeing was everything but subtle. Y/n hands getting the helmet off a bit more, a chaste kiss turning lustful.
A deep blush formed in his face and felt angry, annoyed by this man, kissing Y/n in that way in an alley. He was not going to let it happen, he stepped out to protect Y/n but Obi Wan had moved a couple of seconds before, he ran the little distance and kicked the man away from the supposedly dead Jedi.
The mandalorian huffed trying to get back the breathe he had lost from that powerful kick, he tried to stand up but an invisible force was pushing him to the ground. Somehow his helmet had got back to cover his face.
— how dare you put your hands on her? — Obi Wan voice was calm but hide a underline of danger. If someone had asked him why did he do that, he would have answer that he saw a threat against Y/n. The truth however was he moved because he couldn't stand to see the woman he loved with another man. It made him get mad and jealous. His fear of losing her again was in control.
— Obi? — Y/n said in a surprised tone, eyes open in a expression of astonishment. Her eyes took in every detail in him, from his clothes to the bear. She couldn't stop herself from thinking "it's really him". But there was something wrong, his stance, his lightsaber on and in his hand ready to kill the enemy and the enemy was the man dressed in beskar. — wait! — she jumped in front of her lover.
Y/n felt the force, forcing her to back off, step by step with a strength but carefulness that she found amazing.
Obi wan brandished his light saber aiming for the head, but the lightsaber stopped midair. His eyes turned to Y/n, hand reaching for his weapon, stopping him.
— Stop! — she ordered and the force keeping her still vanished, a second later she let go his saber. She walked quickly to get back in front of Obi wan. — Obi Wan, look at me — she asked looking at man she was still in love.
— Are you willing to die for him? — the question held rage even being said in a low tone. His hand moved to get the lightsaber closer to her, the blue flame of it almost touched the skin of her neck. She made an expression of pain but held her ground.
— I'm not doing this for him, it's for you — she clarified and her eyes looked at those of the Jedi. However for the first time, they weren't of that baby blue color she loved so much, they were golden. — you are good man, an excellent jedi, you are a role model, I won't let you stain your hands with blood —
— Master! Stop! — Anakin said standing behind Obi Wan, looking horrified how Y/n walked towards the Jedi master without getting away from the lightsaber.
— you lied, you didn't love me— loathing was the only thing in his voice.
— but I did and I still do — she muttered with the very first step to get closer to him.
— you left, you faked your dead Y/n — he was threatening, his expression made her feel fear and a deep desire to ask for his forgiveness.
— It was necessary — she claimed standing by the hilt of his lightsaber, the blue fire bit on her neck and she made an expression of pain. Her hands reached his, holding the weapon.
Only then with the touch of her hands he reacted, his mind finally processed what he was doing. He was holding his lightsaber against Y/n. He had hurt her in her delicate neck
Obi wan didn't put resistance as she disarmed him and went to hug him while stating seven words that made him relax.
— I only love you Obi Wan Kenobi — she said softly and he hug her back, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, in the side that wasn't hurt.
— My apologies, I didn't meant to hurt you — he said in a low and barely audible voice, she sighed holding him close. — I don't know what happened to me —
— I know — she answered not knowing what else to say, she couldn't tell him he had tasted the dark side, that he had acted motivated only by his feelings. How could she tell him? How could she explain to him that was the only path they could take while being together? How would she explain she left because it was getting out of hand? How could she tell him he had killed a squadron of clones because they had looked at her too long? How could she confess that his love for her will turn him into a sith? — It's fine, everything will be fine— she lied looking at Anakin with sadness.
The young man looked at her and she almost smiled, the pressure of Obi Wan's arms around her made her stop, along with a soft petition that sounded more like a demand.
— Stay with me — those words make her tremble and understand, there was no way to avoid destiny.
— of course, Darling —
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
You looked beautiful in the sun- all two of them. 
Word Count: 2006
Requested: Obi Wan heated fluff on Tatooine. Delivered. (I hope)
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apricity. PRONUNCIATION: (a-PRIS-i-tee)/ the warmth of sun in the Winter.
Obi-Wan did not know what had happened to you, after. 
He could recall your last meeting, however. He could recall it so vividly. It was the day before he was sent to Utapau, and the day you had been sent to the other side of Kashyyyk to assist Master Yoda. Your Clones, who you were immensely proud of, had painted their armor differing shades of camouflage green with little white markings and a bright green streak down their right arms. Even your closest confidant, Commander Syphers, had modified his appearance to match both the jungle of a system, and your lightsaber. 
He had approached you while you and Commander Syphers were nudging at each other while giggling at something. Obi-Wan couldn’t remember what. When you had seen him, a big grin came over your face. You told him your clones had planned something special for your birthday (which was the next day) and that they were all very excited to participate in battle. This was followed with applause from the soldiers on the gunship, and you beginning to walk away from Obi-Wan. 
“You’re not even going to wish me a happy birthday?” you said with a smirk, walking backwards. Obi-Wan didn’t remember what he had said. He could only remember you rolling your eyes, and your final interaction towards him being a playful salute as your gunship lifted up into the air. 
Obi-Wan had not realized that Order Sixty-Six had been executed on your birthday- and possibly you along with it- until much later. You probably hadn’t even gotten to see or experience what your men had done for your birthday. They had already turned on you. 
He had been so focused and finding Anakin after, that he had completely forgotten about you. It wasn’t until his first night on Tatooine that you began to suddenly bombard his thoughts, and he was forced to assume that you had died. 
So this did not explain why you were standing in front of him.
Obi-Wan understood that this was no trick of the suns, nor the heat. The clouds were fluffy in the baby blue sky, the sand mustard and deep, and the plains infinite and distant. You were there, clear as day, in the middle. You didn’t look real, but you were. If anything at all, Obi-Wan Kenobi would’ve described you as surreal. 
You were dressed in a grey cloak and poncho, with the hood up and your makeshift face mask pulled down so he could see and confirm your whole face. Your hair color, which was peaking out from the bun by your neck, had not changed. Your eye color, eyebrows, lips, nose- hadn’t changed. Despite a few sunspots, the shadow of a scar on your collar bone, and the hollow look in your eyes, you were you. And you were real. And you were alive. 
“I thought you were dead,” Obi-Wan said. It was the first words he spoke to you since you had come into his little hovel, and it sounded like a confession of some kind. He knew he shouldn’t have felt silly for it, but he did. He felt ashamed for not having faith in you, even though he knew you wouldn’t have cared much about that. You would’ve understood- you did understand. 
“Me too,” you said. Your thumb rubbed against the clay cup of a warm liquid Obi-Wan had made for you. It was comforting to know that even after tragedy, the man’s manners were unbreakable. “How long have you been here?”
“About nine months,” Obi-Wan guessed. His hands rung together in thought and nervousness. You noticed his voice was so much more soft now, like whatever authority he once had had been shaken. You knew, with a deep sadness, that this was because he didn’t feel he was worthy of authority anymore. It was a shame, because you would’ve followed him anywhere. That’s why you were here now. “How did you find me?” he asked sincerely, his eyes crinkling as he thought about all the options. 
“Master Yoda wasn’t the only one who could see things,” you told him. This too sounded like a confession. Holding his eyes a second longer, you averted them to the table and your cup. “Is he...?”
Obi-Wan took in a silent, shaky breath. “No,” he promised. “He’s alive. On Dagobah, I believe.”
You nodded your head in understanding, looking anywhere but Obi-Wan’s eyes. He was disturbed that you were not the same person as you were, but he didn’t blame you for that. He wasn’t the same person either. 
But you were, at one time, a rather charismatic person. Intelligent and cunning, you were known for your sarcasm and quips. Obi-Wan liked that about you. You were refreshing to be around. Although you two were not the closest, it was a treat working together, and Obi-Wan was sure there was a mutual respect. Now it wasn’t the same. You were more serious, more sad and lonely. You were like a shadow of what you once were. 
“May I ask...” You looked up at Obi-Wan’s words. He knew he shouldn’t have asked, but he was not a man to just leave his words hanging. “What happened? On your birthday?”
Your eyes fluttered shut sharply. “I apologize,” Obi-Wan said quickly.
“No,” you ushered, talking over him slightly. “No, I...just...” you inhaled. “Sometimes, I feel like I’m back in that moment, when I can’t breathe. And I just feel like I’m dying.” Obi-Wan gave you a moment to compose yourself, deciding against placing his hand over your own comfortingly. After another breath, you spoke again. “It was during one of the attacks,” you began. “Wookies everywhere, Seppie scum all around- we were winning. I was looking over it when I heard him say something and then...” your eyebrows scrunched together, almost in confusion, as you recounted the memory. “He raised his gun at me.”
Obi-Wan found himself leaning forward as he listened to your tale. He understood what you meant about the feeling. He could imagine the rocks falling all around him and the breath leaving his lungs as he was shot down. But Cody didn’t look Obi-Wan in the eyes, no. 
“Who did?” Obi-Wan asked quietly. He felt like it was such a forbidden thing to ask, and maybe it was. But this also felt like an interrogation, and it didn’t feel right to let it hang. 
“Syphers.” Maker, he could hear your voice breaking. 
“And, what about your birthday?”
You shook your head softly, and in the most lost and confused voice, you told him: “I don’t know.” 
You were always there when Obi-Wan would wake up. When he stretched his muscles, and wandered outside to watch the twin suns rise into the sky, you were there. Whether sitting or standing, you would watch him when he watched you. Sometimes, he could’ve sworn you had tears in your eyes, almost as if you were saying that you couldn’t believe you had finally gotten to see the sun again.
In the beginning, Obi-Wan Kenobi thought you were simply exquisite in this way. 
Your light colored outfit was simple and contrasted the orange and red light of the world. It seemed distant and far away to think that you were someone the Jedi once knew, almost as if you were from a past life. Although, he supposed that you were. But you were a woman, a companion, someone he trusted with everything inside of his chest. Obi-Wan knew, at least, that there was one person in the world who understood. 
Soon enough, the Jedi would realize you were more than just exquisite- you were beautiful. 
You always had been an attractive woman, though Kenobi supposed he had not given it much thought in the past. There had never been a reason, nor opportunity to until this point. You were a colleague. Now you weren’t. You had bonded through the pain of Anakin’s betrayal, which had become Anakin’s last favor for his old Master. 
Obi-Wan was beautiful too, in the mornings. When you looked over to him, the suns always cast an orange glow across his features, which looked sorrowful. Although he had begun developing tired wrinkles from focusing everything into the force, he had remained the same Kenobi you had always known. Thoughtful, methodical, and handsome. 
The love that grew between the two of you was unsaid for a while. It was all just a poem, a hazy dream that only seemed to become hazier. The mornings that you shared with him wordlessly seemed to melt into nights, and when you had finally begun accepting food from him, dinners. 
You would tell Obi-Wan about your life before the Jedi, and the Master you wondered about so much. In turn, he revealed how he had cradled Qui-Gon in his arms while he died, and Satine’s death sometime later. You were not jealous at the latter, instead admitting you had fallen in love one of your men- a Clone named Ace who had died on the battlefield. That was the first time you had held hands. 
In the low light of the candles and the dry wind that came from the window, Obi-Wan put his hand over your own tentatively, sharing the pain. It did not seem as heavy as it had been before, and it didn’t take long to melt into his touch. 
In the nights, Obi-Wan and you began to sleep on the same blanket. You did not sleep for a long time, instead looking into his eyes and wondering, wondering if you were supposed to die that day. You became hyper aware that you were glad you hadn’t, because then you wouldn’t have been with Obi-Wan now, who was becoming the only thing in the world that brought you peace. 
The mornings became shorter. The way he watched you in the tangerine light never seemed to last long enough. Obi-Wan agreed. 
Following the mornings, the days without his touch and his dialogue seemed to become unsatisfactory. On those days, all food tasted like ash. The blanket you shared seemed scratchy. All the stories you would think of telling him didn’t seem worthy anymore. All you wanted was him in his entirety, even his pain. More than that, you wanted his peace, and he wanted yours.
You could not recall how it happened, because everything up to that point didn’t seem to matter. Obi-Wan didn’t mind. All he focused on was you and your skin, and how the horizon contrasted your back and the suns made the tips of your hair buzz in different shades. 
The both of you were completely naked, you on his lap with your chests pressed together. Your face, which Obi-Wan had accepted as a work of art, was buried in the crook of his neck. Your eyes watched the view behind him, quite literally watching his back while your fingers dug into it so he didn’t turn to dust. 
Similarly, Obi Wan held you as close as he could while he watched the suns rise. Your skin and aura had seemed to fall together, creating a golden glow that he deemed worthy of defining you. Your core- your heart along with your sex- seemed to be a part of him in the best way. You were not Satine or anyone from his past life, you were the trusted companion who understood. And quite frankly, neither of you could fully recall if he was inside of you or not. 
Whether he was or wasn’t didn’t matter. Obi-Wan was a part of you now. You didn’t want that to stop, and Obi-Wan had become too lost and guided by you to stop it. 
But that moment in the sand as the suns rose into the heavens above, and the two lovers entangled as they watched the air all seemed very much like a painting, in which the artist had decided to paint over something very sad, with something very sunny. 
Taglist: @omg-we-really-doo​ @chokemeanakin​ @haztory @laorme34
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himboskywalker · 4 years
do you have any ideas or HCs about what would happen if Obi-Wan were to take on another padawan?
Honestly the only scenario I can imagine of Obi-Wan taking on another padawan is Anakin’s seething jealousy.Like he already exists in a state of I must have every iota of Obi-Wan’s full attention or I will literally die.I feel like he’s okay sharing Obi-Wan with Ahsoka but only because Ahsoka is technically his and not Obi-Wan’s.
I just have this hilarious mental image of Obi-Wan cooing over this little adorable furry Bothan youngling who he’s taken on as his new Padawan and it’s a little girl so she has Obi-Wan just disgustingly wrapped around her little paw and Anakin is just this hysterical wreck. I can imagine him dramatically throwing himself on his couch like a disney princess and wailing to Ahsoka that Obi-Wan doesn’t love him anymore.
I feel like he would be horribly grumpy and take it out on the little padawan so there would be this very awkward time where Obi-Wan is furious with him because he’s treating his padawan like an angry sibling.And of course it has to be Ahsoka with the one braincell to go to Obi-Wan and sigh like, “He thinks you’ve moved on from him and that you don’t care about him or love him anymore.He’s jealous Master Obi-Wan.”So then Obi-Wan has to go to Anakin and reassure him, (with an appropriately snippy attitude) that he is a damned Jedi master and he is doing his duty to the Order and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about him. “Anakin I am fully capable of loving more than one living thing at a time.”
Of course once Anakin is reassured that he hasn’t been tossed into the garbage chute then Obi-Wan has the equally annoying problem of Anakin being like,oh???is this Bothan also now my child???Like you know after he accepted the little bean he would go around being like ‘our padawan’ and Obi-Wan would be gaping after him like, “What do you mean our padawan???” “Well of course she’s ours, master, she can have two fathers you know.”And that’s how Anakin thinks they’re married and now have a child and Ahsoka is secretly totally for it and calling herself Auntie A to the little Botham padawan. 
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atamascolily · 3 years
Okay, Flint has now given Leia a love interest - basically Isolder, but with fewer planets and less matriarchy. But he’s upset that Han treats Threepio like a servant, so he can’t be all bad though he might be secretly evil, even if he is otherwise a cardboard cutout.
Of course, Threepio is then kidnapped by unknown assailants, though they don’t stay unknown for long. 
“Utilizing  this  transmitter,”  Voss  lifted  a  closed  hand  and opened it, showing Threepio a small disk on his palm, “which  we will implant in you. And, using a special code, you will send a message to us just as soon as the destination is learned.”
“And  just  what  makes  you  think  I  would  cooperate  in  such  a treacherous act?” the droid said indignantly, pulling himself defiantly up as much as his fetters would allow.
“Oh, you’ll have no choice in that,” the smirking Voss replied.
He gestured back toward the pudgy man as he stepped down from the platform. “You see, our good Doctor here is well adept in A. I. T.”
“Artificial Intelligence Transmogrification?” Threepio amplified, fear entering his voice.
Okay,yes, I know “transmogrification” is a synonym for “transformation” but it’s still impossible for me to take this seriously outside of Calvin and Hobbes. Anyway, it’s basically the same plot device from TROS except that Threepio is now actually evil. 
Meanwhile, Luke is...well, see for yourself:
He  was  now  stretched  out  spread-eagle  on  the  sand,  chained hand-and-foot  to  metal  stakes.  He  had  been  stripped  down  to  his trousers, the white flesh of his torso exposed to the merciless Tatooine suns.  Exposed  to  something  else,  too.  A  curious,  golden  goo  with  a pungently  sweet  smell  had  been  poured  on  his  chest  and  was  slowly oozing down his sides.
I know, I know, I  know this isn’t meant to be funny, but this paragraph makes it sound like Luke went to a really kinky BDSM party in Space Burning Man Festival and I just... can’t stop laughing.
(the sap is to summon a Dune Maggot, which is also impossible to say with a straight face, although from the description it appears to be more slug-like, or at least in possession of a radula)
Anyway, Luke ends up with the Sand People, who have Obi-wan’s sugar bowl and deliver a colonialist critique that @teagrl has written extensively about and got me interested in this book in the first place. Unfortunately, we rush through all the interesting stuff to get to Luke having to fight his way out through single combat against one of their warriors, sigh.
BUT we do get a Tusken who has lived in the outside world (I guess he went on a Rumspringa of sorts?) and offers to help. Luke is too principled to cheat, even to save his life, but he does agree to a placid bantha mount since apparently they are jousting or something?
Anyway, I kept hoping this was an A’Sharad Hett cameo, but no such luck - turns out to be Pollux in disguise. Luke wins, refuses to kill his opponent, and this impresses everyone.
The shirtless young Jedi sat patiently on a stool in the throne room of the O-Tal while Jattal Or tended to his wounds. He had many of these. The fight with the dune maggots and his contest with Dovra Ackru had left little of his torso unmarked by vivid welts, bruises, and cuts.
The  O-Tal—at  the  moment  the  room’s  only  other  occupant—looked on  from his  rattan throne as his translator carefully smeared more  ointment  from  an  earthenware  pot  over the  last welts.  He was clearly admiring of the young man’s stoicism.
Yeah, sure he’s admiring Luke’s... *checks notes* “stoicism”. I know I am.
Meanwhile, Han and Prince Love Interest are sniping over carrying luggage and Wedge shows up to play Mr. Exposition. Leia dresses up, which makes Han jealous and uncomfortable and he and Leia argue while manipulating holo-chess pieces in a sequence I would enjoy more in a slightly different context and less stereotypical gender roles.
Threepio is OOC because of his reprogramming and it’s hilarious.
“Our  relationship  has  changed,”  the  droid  told  him  in  a brusque,  lecturing  tone.  “I  am  no  longer  going  to  play  your  slave  or servant.  My  service  is  now  to  Princess  Leia  and  this  mission  only.  I am  much  too  intelligent  and  valuable  to  be  utilized  otherwise.  I  will thank you to consider that factor from this point on.”
With this he pushed past Han and marched out of the cockpit.
“Well, I’m blowed!” said Han, looking after him. “You think you know your comrades...”
The  Wookiee  nodded  and  made  a  low,  rumbling  sound  of commiseration.
Han moved to his seat and plopped himself down into it with a certain weariness.
“I don’t know, Chewy,” he said in a perplexed way. “Luke, Leia, and now him.” He shook his head. “Things are changing so fast, I don’t know who anybody is anymore.”
The Wookiee made a growl of protest at this, and Han quickly gave him a smile.
“Sorry. I meant ‘except for you’, old pal,” he assured.
D’awww. Most of this book so far has made me raise my eyebrows but every now and then there’s a passage or idea that’s spot-on, and I really like it.
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bi-naesala · 3 years
A small push, a story about two (clueless) people - On the other side
Maul and Obi-Wan discuss a certain trooper.
If you ask Maul, he’d tell you that this day has started in the best of ways: not only he’s managed to get commander Cody for himself for a while, and was able to catch up with him, but he’s also got the chance to annoy Obi-Wan, which is something that he’ll never get enough of. Even though their relationship has greatly improved from that bitter rivalry that has characterized his first years as a jedi initiate, they still like to rib at each other.
To think that he used to be jealous of him, something that isn’t true anymore… except for one small detail, but that’s another story, something that he doesn’t want to think about now, not when they’re in the middle of a debrief.
 Speaking of said debrief, if Maul has to keep staring at the holographic model of the factory, he’s going to cave his own eyes.
They’ve already discussed everything, why are they still there? Right, Obi-Wan would rather die than not to consider any tactical possibility, no matter how unlikely something is to happen. It’s not a wrong behavior per se - it’s good to prepare for anything - but it’s also oh so boring, and Maul can’t stand boring things, even though his station as a Jedi forces him to experience them quite often.
He ever so subtly moves his gaze towards the figure on Obi-Wan’s right. Cody is as professional as always, posture rigid and bucket on his head; a shame.
Maul knows well that he can’t afford to spare him more than an occasional glance, or else someone will notice his distraction and call it out, something that he doesn’t need at the moment.
 Soon, however, he begins to tune out Obi-Wan’s voice, bringing his attention back only when Cody intervenes. Even then, however, he doesn’t really focus on what he’s saying, rather on how he’s saying it: his voice, his accent…
He’s already committed all that to memory since his and Cody’s first interactions, but listening to him has never stopped being fascinating. It may or may be not one of the excuses as to why he always tries to keep him for himself, so that he’ll be forced to speak to him.
 It’s during moments like this that he appreciates how good he’s gotten at hiding his emotions, especially given how full this room is of Force sensitive people, between Obi-Wan, little Anakin - who isn’t that little anymore but since he hates being called that, Maul will continue until the day he dies - and padawan Tano.
 If anyone picks up his thoughts it would be very embarrassing, that’s why he keeps quiet about them, though he supposes he’s not entirely unsubtle, if the way Obi-Wan stops him after they’re done tells him something.
While everyone else is beginning to leave, Obi-Wan tells him:
“Master Oppress… Would you mind staying here another few minutes?”
He does mind, actually, because he has the feeling that he’s not going to like what Obi-Wan wants to tell him, but well if he gets to annoy him some more, he can take a hit.
“Of course, master Kenobi,” he replies.
He has to fight with all his willpower not to turn around to glance at Cody who, having been dismissed, will probably join his brothers. If he turns towards him, Obi-Wan will certainly pick up on it and will mention something about it, so he’s not going to do it, though at this point he could’ve done it, because Obi-Wan isn’t as oblivious as he’d like him to be.
 Once they’re alone, Obi-Wan rests his hands on his hips, staring at Maul with an unimpressed gaze.
“… So?” Maul echoes. What does he want this time?
“Are you going to try stealing Cody away this time too? I’ve already seen you looking at him instead of paying attention.”
At those words, Maul can’t help but to burst into laughter. Not that Obi-Wan is entirely wrong, because this is the only thing he’s still envious of him: Cody. Maul works alone, he’s a shadow, but even if he’d never admit it out loud, he longs for some company, Cody’s company that is; of course he’s a professional and he’d never actually try to steal him away, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t joke about it.
“What if I am?” he challenges, as if Obi-Wan could do anything to stop him. Just as he thought, his friend rolls his eyes.
“Why do I still deal with you?” he mutters under his breath, but loud enough to be heard by Maul.
“Because I’m a karking delight and you know it,” he replies immediately.
Obi-Wan doesn’t even say anything this time, he just looks at him with his eyebrow raised. Maul holds his gaze, but before they get locked into a staring contest that would last for ages - because neither of them would ever be willing to lose to the other - Maul receives a message to his comm; it’s Cody, telling him that he’s around if he wants to have another small debrief before their departure.
 Even though he’s not showing it to Obi-Wan, he must’ve understood anyway what this is about, since it’s not the first time Maul and Cody meet up right before a mission.
“You’re going to him?” he asks, voice carefully neutral.
“Yes,” Maul replies, immediately. “You can’t stop me.”
“I wouldn’t-- Maul, I’m no trying to stop you,” Obi-Wan says, realizing now that there has been a misunderstanding. “I’m just worried for you. Both of you.”
Now it’s Maul’s turn to rise an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue.
“You’re obviously both holding back but… aren’t you hurting each other like this? Is this because you’re sticking to the code? I just don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish, leading him on but never doing anything about it. And he does the same thing too! Is this some sort of game that I’m not privy to?”
“It’s not that…” Maul replies, though he doesn’t continue immediately. It’s not even that he doesn’t know how to explain it to Obi-Wan, because he knows how, and he’s sure that he would even understand, but… Some things you just have to keep to yourself, right?
Despite Maul acting like an open book, there are many things he actually keeps from himself; it’s a habit he picked from the start, when he was still unsure of his place in the Order - a dathomirian zabrak being a Jedi? That was just unheard of. Even though that feeling of not belonging soon became an unstoppable desire to rebel, he also rarely disclosed the deepest pits of himself to others. Even now, with the people he considers friends, not always he’s able to do it.
Cody seems to be the only exception to this: with him, Maul has never feared to be judged, even when it turned out that what he said was very dumb - Cody never fails to point it out, but the smile on his face as he does it makes it always worth it. This is but one of the many ways that Cody makes Maul feel at ease.
 Eventually, however, he’ll have to give Obi-Wan a concrete response, he owes him that, especially since he’s acting out of worry not just for him, but for Cody too. After all, he’s both their friend.
“It wouldn’t be right, at the moment,” he begins to explain. “I’m a general, he’s a commander. The chain of command expects him to follow my orders.”
By the face Obi-Wan makes, it’s obvious that he’s understood what he’s implying.
“You think you’d be coercing Cody?”
And that, in the end, is the major problem with this entire matter.
When he nods, Obi-Wan immediately says:
“Oh, come now, I think we both know that it wouldn’t be the case. Whatever it is that you’ve got going on is completely mutual.”
That’s another thing Maul’s aware of; he didn’t mean to search inside Cody’s mind, and in a way he didn’t really do it. It happened a couple of months ago; like now, Maul had been assigned to help the 212th. The battle was just over, and as Maul was about to approach Obi-Wan and Cody to get an update on how things went on their side, Cody noticed his approach and started projecting such warm feelings towards him, that for a moment Maul was completely overwhelmed, it must’ve been the stress of that campaign what made him lower his guard - he hadn’t even noticed it. Long story short, from that moment on, Maul knew that the affection he felt for the commander is completely reciprocated.
In a way, things would’ve been easier if that wasn’t the case.
“That may be true, but we’d never be fully certain,” he says, for once carefully choosing his words. “Also, if someone finds out, what would they think? That the Jedi use their authority over the clones for…”
He doesn’t need to finish the sentence for Obi-Wan to understand. Yes, that is a problem.
 Ironic, isn’t it, that this is what Maul is more worried about rather than, say, the code?
Well, as long as he doesn’t become selfishly attached, he’s fine; that’s the conclusion he reached. Besides, he thinks, with how Cody is, he’d never allow Maul to choose him over his duty, knowing how important it is.
No, the true problem is whatever the public opinion would come up to discredit their supposed relationship.
It’s not even that he cares about what they’d say about him; he’s handled way worse growing up already - never perpetrated by the Jedi, however, as they always treated him with kindness. No, he cares about what they’d say about Cody, because they would surely gang up on him for whatever made up reason they’d come up with; that, he can’t stand for.
Besides, it would also make the entire GAR - and especially the Jedi - look incredibly bad. No, he can’t do it.
 “Well…” Obi-Wan begins then, scratching his beard, “The war won’t last forever, isn’t that right?”
Maul huffs, rolling his eyes.
“As if this wasn’t the plan from the beginning, Kenobi,” he replies, because yes, he knows what Obi-Wan’s suggesting; it was his plan all along. Waiting until the end of the conflict sounds impossible, but he’s willing to do it for Cody. “So I need you to keep him alive when I’m not around, you understand?”
“I assure you,” Obi-Wan begins, smiling, “That he’s the one keeping me alive rather than the other way around…”
He turns serious, eyes still on Maul.
“But I promise you that I’ll do my best.”
Maul nods. That’s enough for him.
“Thank you,” he says, from the deepest of his heart. Obi-Wan goes back to smile.
“Now go, before we have to depart.”
 Maul doesn’t bolt at those words, no matter what Obi-Wan will say later, he doesn’t
And if he hears Obi-Wan laugh as he hurries out of the room, well, he’ll make sure to make him pay the next time he has the occasion to do it.
At the moment, however, he has something completely different in mind: he needs to find Cody.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Star Wars Pizza AU
You read that right. In my defense, I saw a post about someone ordering pizza and their order was number 66. I decided to read the comments for a laugh. And then my brain exploded. Whoops.
Dominos (aka the Clones)
The franchise was technically bought by the owner of Little Senators years ago, but no one knows about that except the original owners (*cough cough* The Kamino family *cough cough*) who pretend they’re still in charge for a large hunk of money (ILLEGALLY)
Their best store (the one that makes the most money and has the best reviews) is in the city named after the Kamino’s (Kamino) and is run and operated by a different family, the “Fetts” (and no one is sure how it is legal, but so far no one’s gotten sued so...)
It’s a joke that the “Fetts” will run out of workers at some point but so far it hasn’t happened.
Also, weirdly enough, all of the employees are boys and look a lot alike
The manager’s name is Cody. He’s very strict on the dress code, very fair to the customers, and loves his job.
His brother, Fox, manages another Dominos across town and the two of them will often team up on especially large orders and hold a (friendly) yearly competition between the two stores (Cody’s team has won the last three years, something he will bring up whenever he can)
They have another brother, Wolffe, who manages another store as well, but he’s across the country so they don’t see him as much.
All three were taught how to make pizza, run the storefront, etc, by their grandfather (Ninety-Nine), who passed away a few years back. Their grandfather was one of the original managers during the franchises’ early years
Rex is the younger brother of Cody and acts as an assistant manager to him. Rex hopes to be promoted one day but he’s happy where he is right now.
Boil and Waxer (the cousins) are the best chefs they have. The kitchen is filled with bickering and teasing with flying dough and toppings but everything comes out perfectly (somehow).
Kix and Jesse are the head delivery boys. They are in charge of training the newbies and take the furthest orders (Jesse is known to run the speed limit at one point going 90 down a 35. Kix knows the city like the back of his hand and knows all the short cuts)
Nicknamed, “The Domino Squad” (aka, the thing that started this AU idea), is Fives, Echo, Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup. (Fives and Echo are twins, with Droidbait as a little bro while Hevy and Cutup are cousins of theirs. All are nephews to Rex and Cody) Cody and Rex quickly learned the five of them could handle the day shift all by themselves. (hence the nickname) 
Fives is excellent on the front end, taking orders and answering the phone with a friendly smile and pleasant attitude.
Echo is the best on the register, his mind able to add up the order and give back change very quickly and efficiently. He also keeps the orders straight and has never given anyone the wrong slip/pizza.
Hevy can run the kitchen on a busy shift with help from Cutup (who doubles as a janitor when needed).
Droidbait is one of their fastest delivery boys and manages to rack in a lot on tips and good reviews.
Hadcase and Tup are also delivery boys, with Dogma helping in the kitchen. Tup is also trained on register and is quite good at it.
The advertising team is nicknamed “The Bad Batch” because why would anyone in their family go into advertising over pizza making? (Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair would, apparently)
Pizza Hutt (aka bounty hunters and scoundrels) 
Jabba is the owner (who else would it be)
Their best store is in the town of Tatooine, which is weird given how hot the climate is.
The manager is this really creepy guy named Bib Fortuna.
Employee of the month (most of the time) is the delivery boy Boba Fett (who deserted from Domino’s after his dad died in a car accident or something). Bobba is known for always delivering on time and with the food still hot. He’s also really good at getting extra on his tips.
The employees come and go on a regular basis, some staying for several years, others only a few days. Jabba is very particular about his place and if he doesn’t like the worker or how someone is doing something, he’ll fire them. Usually with no notice.
On the plus side, Jabba is known to give some pretty good bonus’ if you do a really good job.
Every once in a while, the company offers a special topping. No one is a hundred percent sure what it is but it tastes really good so it sells well. (Don’t ask me what it is)
The employees are not allowed to interact or affliate themselves with any of the other pizza places or Jabba will fire them. He’s very jealous of his company and will not risk losing his secret recipies (hence why only a few people actually know it)
Han and Chewy work there for summer jobs.
Little Senators (later Little Empire-- aka Palpatine and pals)
Palpatine “bought” the franchise years ago (he persuaded the previous owner to basically give it to him with some blackmail and a few other shady business moves, but hey. If no one can trace them, it never happened)
Their best store is in Coruscant (which also happens to be one of the biggest cities in the country) and are considered one of the largest franchises in pizza (if not the largest)
There are two managers that stand above the rest: Dooku and Padme.
Dooku runs the southern Coruscant Little Senators while Padme runs the one in the little off branch city of Naboo. Neither like the other one.
Dooku’s store is known to deliver on time and never mix up orders. The actual pizza’s taste fine, but they are a little haphazardly thrown together.
Padme’s store is known for having the “better tasting” pizza and their food is always hot. If the order is mixed up, they do full refunds and deliver the proper order with no charge.
Dooku’s store is one of the first experimenting with robotic help at the counter and in the kitchen. It goes... well enough.
Padme’s assistant manager is Bail Organa and her best employee is her daughter, Leia Amidala.
When Palpatine brings out the new name (Little Empire), Dooku fully supports it and continues under the franchise.
Padme doesn’t support it or the new company regulations (”These new rules and regulations are tyranny!”) and quits (along with Bail) to start their own pizza place (it’s like a local family joint, not a franchise but who knows). They call it “Pizza Rebel”.
Papa Yoda’s (aka the Jedi)
I can’t stop laughing at the name of this one, help
Yoda is the owner (duh) and most of the employees believe he’s at least a hundred and are shocked he’s still alive. And working. He’s short, walks around with a wooden spoon and will whack anyone who tries to eat the toppings. And yes, he is still involved in the kitchen (and hasn’t retired)
He taught Dooku all about the business of making and selling pizza’s. Dooku grew in skill and then one day left the company without a word. A few years later he showed up as a manager in Little Senators. Ever since then, Papa Yoda’s has been struggling to stay a float.
Some managers worth mentioning: Mace Windu, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, and Shaak Ti.
Obi-Wan runs the store in Naboo, which had been run by his teacher, Qui-Gon Jinn until his sudden death several years ago. He is the youngest employee made into manager to date. His assistant manager is Anakin Skywalker, who really wants his own store but Yoda thinks he’s not quite ready (which he isn’t). Their best employee is Ahsoka Tano, who can do it all (cook, deliver, and serve) followed closely behind by Luke Amidala (who Anakin claims he’s not related to, but everyone knows otherwise)
(Anakin has been secretly married to Padme of Little Senators but when she leaves the company there’s not much of a reason to keep it a secret. Turns out it really wasn’t a secret because everyone in the store knew-- they also knew about Luke and Leia, apparently)
Mace Windu runs his store alone, but runs it efficiently. The closest thing he has to an assistant manager is his head cook, Deba Billaba. Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus) is their best delivery boy who has recently decided to start training some of the newbies (Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Garazeb Orrelios). The front end is run by Hera Syndulla (who may or may not be dating Caleb, it’s a running bet).
Plo Koon and Shaak Ti run their store together (as business partners that’s it) and are known to treat their employees, customers, and their rivals with consideration and kindness. They have a shop very close to Wolffe’s Dominos, which does cause some contention at low points but for the most part, they get along fine. (Plo and Shaak Ti absolutely love the family dynamic between Wolffe’s “pack” of employees). The two will often help Wolffe and his crew in outside business affairs (finding open apartments for employees, helping buy a first car, etc) and they will do the same for the two managers. Most people don’t get how Dominos and Papa Yoda’s are both still open because of this relationship, but they are. (In the future, someone finally figured out Dominos had some legal issues in it’s ownership and was forced to merge with Little Empire or shut down. Wolffe chose to shut down and he and his pack were immediately offered jobs at Papa Yoda’s. They accepted.)
Yoda actually manages a store as well. It’s the “first” one he ever opened and he uses it as a training grounds of sorts for future managers and other job positions. He’s patient, but strict and will often speak in riddles which is annoying to no end. He finds it a great way to weed out the ones that don’t want to be there, and the ones that do.
Order #66 has been banned as an order number. The “why” is never to be spoken of ever again and all the newbies are confused and will ask, but no one will tell them because “they don’t talk about it”
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cutelittleluckysoul · 4 years
hey there! if your ships are still open I’d love a male SW (pre and sequels) and marvel ship? I’m 5’2” with shoulder length honey hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, freckles, and full lips. I love anything outdoors, especially gardening whenever I get the chance. I’m a cat person, I enjoy cooking a lot as well ; mainly sweets and pastries that I give to other people. I can be too brutally honest at times, but it’s all because I care, thanks!!!
Here you go I hope you enjoy this 😊
For the Prequels I ship you with Obi Wan Kenobi
Obi is obsessed with your freckles the first time he sees them and you can’t change my mind
he thinks they are so cute
also your lips are always so kissable which he loves to do when no one is around of course 
Obi knows you are like animals but he nearly loses it when you bring home a hurt Loth Cat
it heals pretty fast and you try to tame it
even though it is only a small one it already makes a mess of everything
so you let him go back to the wildness after it is healed
he made you promise that you never do anything like that again (though the Loth Cat shows up from time to time to give you some company but we don’t tell Obi Wan that He totally knows)
he actually really likes gardening and after the events on Mustafar you two are growing stuff on Tatooine or attempt to it isn’t that easy but you manage somehow
it helps him relax actually
and he picks flowers and gifts them to you with a compliment 
oh and don’t get me started on your baked goods
the man has a sweet tooth so your stuff is perfect for him
he swears he ascents to another galaxy when he eats them
he is always willing to try your new creation from a new recipe
and they are always amazing in his eyes
and you know what they say the way to a man's heart is over food
and maker is your food good
you also go on long walks every day (there isn’t much to do on Tatooine)
you either have deep conversations or just enjoy the quiet in each others company
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For the Sequels I ship you with  Kylo Ren
the boy needs some peace and quiet in his life ok?
and the only person to give him that is you
you are his light in all that darkness that surrounds him
you always listen to his problems and try to help (mainly by giving him something to eat and a good advice)
he swears you are sent from the Maker himself personally made for him
you also are not afraid to stand up against him and be honest with him
he appreciates this very much because you know what you are talking about, are looking out for him and know what is good for him
though it does happen that he loses his temper around you 
you leave him alone in those moments
he always comes and apologises in the end
he actually quite likes gardening after you introduce him to everything
though at first all his plants die and he gets frustrated
you explain to him that he needs to properly care for them and that he shouldn’t be angry at them
he gets the hang of it
he even names his plants but no one knows that not even you (of course you do you just don’t let him know that)
he is very protective of you and if someone dares to even look at you the wrong way they get force choked
you hate it when he does it but know where he is coming from
in the end you do love him and you would be pissed to if someone looked at your man  the wrong way
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For Marvel I ship you with Sam Wilson
Sam is a really soft but also passionate boyfriend
you bake the treats for his therapy group 
when you come and get him after those meetings everyone compliments your baked goods and you flush so hard
even harder when Captain America himself is complimenting one of your pastries
Sam gets a little jealous but you make sure he knows you only have eyes for him and that you will bake him as many pastries as he wants
he is very happy with that
also there is a constant debate on whether you should get a cat or a dog because Sam is a dog person
in the end you get both
you adopt a little foster kitty and a Labrador (sam names him Cap because of reasons)
he loves to come home from whatever business he had to attend to see you in the garden doing your thing
he swears you live more in the garden then the house
he likes to watch you and finds it funny if you talk to your plants
he also teases you a lot which you always get him back for 
Sam knows he can count on you whenever he has to make a decision and you are always honest with him
that's really a nice change for him because everyone else seems to try and sugarcoat the situation just to kind of please him
you also helped a lot when he became Captain America (you were actually so proud of him)
he is just glad he can count on you for whatever and you know you can do the same
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