#but its for the funny
anxiouslittlepossum · 2 years
03 clone wars
alrighty part 2 lets go
the underwater lightsaber is like, so genius like yeah thats exactly how a pillar of indestructible flame would behave underwater
the force actually being powerful when in use???? capable mon calamari???? yes please
fistos little yin/yang fishy belt is adorable
wowwie that is quite the water cannon
okay so i forgot what their called so the guys with the separatists are now called squidward fucks
Squidward fucks cannot aim
playing baseball underwater with deadly lasers what could go wrong
SINCE WHEN WAS KIT FISTO POSEIDON???? my guy just yeeted a bubble at an enemy ship and it took three bites outta the dang thing and it just decided 
“ya’know what fuck this” and died
ah yes lets push the giant explosive device into a volcano 10/10 plan
i take back what i said about the mon calamari
these ARC troopers just vaporized three bb1s, a baby spider droid and a long spider droid
chads. legends. kings.
oh so we’ve upgraded from blowing up city blocks to the entire city. again where are all the civilians
these guys are the most evil shadows to evil shadow
oh so here’s the lad we have to worry about
Just sic the ARCs from last time on him he’ll last 5-10 minutes tops
the regular troopers need to take some tips from the ARCs wimps just got bulldozed
my guy brought a javelin to a shootout somebody come get his ass
lads. you have guns. you have tanks. SHOOT THEM
when did this become monster battle royale?
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princeshilo · 2 months
sometimes im like "wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking" and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says "youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine" and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me
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characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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amygdalae · 3 months
kind of hate my stupid caustic pussy for dissolving my underwear over time but it's kind of cool, like, scientifically
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pharahsgf · 6 months
iceland is threatening to pull out of eurovision unless israel is removed... please g-d let them blacklist israel that would be so huge
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itsaspectrumcomic · 8 months
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A 2pm appointment can take all day when you're autistic
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littlelightfish · 2 months
Funny things I found out playing with language setting in Netflix while looking episode 15:
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Chilchuck's scream sounds HAUNTED in brazilian portuguese. Give it a try if you can.
(You can hear it here)
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In spanish dub, Senshi says: "tocó mis senos de hombre", which means "he touched my man boobs" in Spanish. And I think that's the best dub line one so far.
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brown-spider · 1 year
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Hey remember how Noir is an anti-fascist from 1933
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viorhysealberia · 4 months
pokemon fans when they have to wait another year for the next big game with no major releases in-between
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xekstrin · 2 months
One of the most memorable interactions was Saturday. Into our booth strolls a small family, tempted by free samples of freshly brewed tea. We chatter and give them the spiel, that the tea is character merch and we’re a cozy health-based app called Forage Friends.
The young girl zeroes in on our pride pins.
“They have my pin!” She says excitedly. “They have my flag!”
The dad blinks. He is surprised, but also calm and positive when he sees it’s the lesbian flag. “Oh. That’s… different from what you told me.”
“That was months ago, dad.” And she rolls her eyes. Definitely a teenager.
I turn to him and say, “Yeah, dad.” And we share a little laugh about it.
He says, “No, it’s great. That’s amazing, honey. It was just news to me.”
“Well, I guess I just decided to stop lying to myself. About liking guys. Like right now.”
A little lesbian just came out to her dad and he was super cool about it.
I’m standing there in my tie-dye mask and my cheery blue apron pouring tea and making small talk and I’m trying really hard not to cry or compare it to my experience, the fire & brimstone, the disgust, the conditional acceptance as long as I never bring it up.
So as this beautiful bonding is going on, the girl’s even younger brother turns his gaze around. He’s in a snorlax hoodie and bored and wants to go look at the swords across the hall. But on the other side of our booth….
“WHY DO PEOPLE DRAW THAT?” He asks loudly, and we all turn to our neighboring booth.
Our neighbors were extremely lovely people. Every time we had a break we would talk, and we became good friends over the weekend. They kept apologizing that their booth was next to ours and we kept repeating that it was totally fine. Their booth was great. I even bought their merchandise.
The thing that was so contentious, that they felt the need to apologize for, was that they were selling explicit titty hentai stickers of popular characters. They were censored with little yellow R18 labels but the content was very clear.
So back to the family: I freeze and immediately go somewhere else to let dad handle this question. With adult customers I’ve been loud and positive about our neighbors. (“Man, how has it been boothing next to them?” It’s been great! They bring a lot of foot traffic and they’re kind and wonderful professional neighbors. If anything it’s a fun juxtaposition. We believe in artistic freedom. I bought a sticker too!)
But this is a kid, it’s not my place to explain anything…. But I was extremely curious about what this chill dad would say.
“Well,” dad says with a long measured silence between each word. “Sometimes people are horny.”
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sebdoesnothing · 2 years
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She saw her moment and got glossed up for it
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fleshdyke · 4 months
the funniest thing abt hannibal fans on this site is the way ppl will post screenshots from the show and be like "HIS SLIME 😍😍😍" and the picture is mads mikkelsen looking like this
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markodragic · 4 months
I dont think anything on this earth tickles me so hard as how busted white people look in the yakuza franchise
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its so dhsjdjfjxjfjgk
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cemeterything · 8 months
i have so much respect for quick-witted people who can just improvise a joke on the spot. when i tell a joke i have to do background research and rehearse it like i'm defending a thesis.
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venator-signum · 5 months
the pjo fandom on tumblr vs tiktok is so funny cause we've all (or most of us) have already read the entire series, we know what's going to happen so we can see the parallels and the tragedy behind it but on tiktok???
they're in love with Luke
they think he's so kind and nice and its wonderful he's percy's friend, there's no way that he'd be evil - I've seen theories that annabeth is going to be the one who betrays percy (prior to ep4)
the tonal shift is insane and I can't wait to see all these first time viewers lose their fucking minds
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gallusrostromegalus · 1 month
I thought I was late to my appointment at the ADHD clinic but the ADHD clinic knows their clients well and the appointment reminded me to be here at 1:30 when my appointment was actually at 2:00.
Me: oh good I'm actually on time! :)
Me, realizing why and being overcome by the mortifying ordeal of being known: >:/
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