#but its ok because HE will be able to see through it and HE won't be targeted easily:))))
mayspicer · 29 days
Ok, the boss is no more! There were some super stressful moments but surprisingly we all survived o:
My animal companion got hit with disintegrate, but we had hero points to make him avoid it. I would cry actually, because disintegrate means no resurrection x_x
The war is prevented! At least this one, because Cayden's party is right at the center of a much bigger one just starting. Today we saved the country. Cayden is trying to not even save the whole world, just maybe slow the whole thing down and save as much people as possible...
#majek says shit#I have the diamond for a raise animal companion spell but it can only be used if you have a body and even then there are restrictions#and Kela wouldn't even know about it until after the fight because she got trapped between a wall of force and a stone golem?#or a stone Big Humanoid Fucker idk what that technically was but it would've killed me pretty fast#and it all was in an area of supernatural darkness emanating from the powergamer's character...#which interfered with so much of everyone else's actions and we even addressed it before the session that it's a bad idea to cast this#but its ok because HE will be able to see through it and HE won't be targeted easily:))))#he also almost ended the encounter in the first round of proper combat...#by using mechanics so outrageous but technically ambiguous enough that our GM can't deny them by using only RAW...#and he prefers to settle arguments by going as RAW as possible...#and it wasn't a problem until now when we have a player who exploits to an actually unbelievable extent#we shared our character sheets online yesterday and I finally saw his... still have no idea how the character works#because like half the stuff is custom and missing from the app#he has 9 AC in the app and allegedly 32 AC before buffs...#and the GM says the math checks out but 1. nobody saw that math besides him and 2. so far he trusted that player without too much questions#and only recently he actually realised he's been manipulated multiple times when me and some others started dismantling that players actions#I so hope this was the last session with that person#the worst thing is I think he's an ok guy when I'm not playing any kind of game with him#and I understand different people find enjoyment in different aspects of games - his being figuring out how far he can go with the rules#and there are whole groups of people who like to play like that and enjoy the challenge of making the most broken “build” possible#but the rest of the group are not that kind of people. maybe some like to have fun with researching what's possible#but it's never the purpose of the game and these things dont find their way into the actual game#I'm actually considering the possibility of just leaving the campaign if he stays there... I know I whine a lot in the tags#about different players that get on my nerves for various reasons. it sounds like I'm never happy about anything#but our group is big and we play together as a friend group in 4 different campaigns now (I'm in 3 of them)#and every one of these smaller groups has it's issues. sometimes it's the characters not matching and sometimes different expectations#or interpersonal stuff that can be worked out. this here is not a group composition issue because the powergaming attitude is everywhere#it's impossible to talk casually between sessions and confronting the guy leads to like actual temper tantrums#literally said “the fuck do I care if the party dies I'm not gonna be useful anymore” after the GM gave him feedback to maybe ease it up#he never says things like that when the gm or me are present but we still get info. he just can't be confronted by the gm like that
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permanentswaps · 1 month
Boy's Best Friend
Reposting one of my favorites from Male Transformation Blog, which you can find here.
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So how did you find out? How does it work?" I asked my lil' bro Duncan. "I don't know, I just found that I could pull myself out of my body and float around," he replied excitedly. "Mom and dad won't be back for a few hours, so I could show you." "Huh, I'd better go before they get back. Dad said he'd kill me if he ever saw me again." "No, they're cool." "You'd say that, you're the favorite son." I looked around the pictures on the wall. "See, no pictures of me, its like I never existed." Duncan looked sad. "I miss you," he declared. "Maybe you'll come stay with me soon, like old times. Anyway, show me this trick of yours." He nodded, "When I leave my body don't touch it or anything." "How will I know you're doing it? You could be just shitting me." "Hold you hand behind your back, stick out some fingers and when I'm out I go and look." I shrugged and held my hand behind my back with three fingers showing. "OK, so do it then." Duncan stood for a moment, then his eyes glazed over. I called his name asking if he was OK, but he didn't reply. I was starting to worry when he blinked and grinned at me. "Three fingers, you're holding up three," He told me. I looked around for mirrors in case he could seek a view, "Yeah right. That is so fucking weird. How far have you gone?" "I've been in all the houses in the street, that's about it." "Have you tried getting inside someone, like in the movies?" I asked. "No," he replied. "Never thought of it." "You should try." He looked at me, expectantly. "Hell no! You're not trying it out on me!" "So who then? All the people in the street are old." "Try something simple first, one that isn't going to fight." I said.
"Hmmmm." He pondered for a moment, before going over to the other side of the room to a cage holding the family pitbull. "Here, I'll practice on Rex, he's super clumsy and he's definitely not a fighter." I watched as Duncan's eyes glazed over. Rex started to yelp and whine before wriggling free of Duncan's arms as they fell to his side. Rex staggered around the floor looking like he was trying walk for the first time. After a few moments he was bounding around just as he'd done before. I crouched and the dog sat in front of me. "Is that you Duncan?" Rex licked my face and rested a paw on my knee. "Eww, gross!" I exclaimed.
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Walking over to Duncan I looked at the vacant expression in his face. He was cute kid, popular as well. I looked at Rex bounding and jumping around. I went to touch Duncan's cheek, but my fingers instead to stroking his skin slipped through the surface into a tacky sticky substance. I pulled my fingers away, but it was difficult like something was holding onto them. I was finally able to recover my digits and looked around for the dog. He was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the motionless body that belonged to Duncan. My life sucked at the moment, Duncan had always been the favorite son. I'd only turned up because I'd just been thrown out of my apartment; I had no money to pay the rent. There was a clatter, I looked up and Rex ran past the door. Ideas were swirling around my head, but one was sharp; if Duncan was now in the dog, could I get inside his vacant body? When I'd touched it, it felt like it was trying to pull at me. I had to try, it would solve so many of my problems. I walked up behind Duncan's body and placed my hands on his back. I felt the fabric of his shirt and then my hands slipped inside, this time I didn't struggle just felt myself being drawn into his body. At the point my body touched his, I could feel myself being drawn inside. My arms has already disappeared up to my shoulders and I could begin to feel Duncan's arms becoming mine. I watched Rex trot in and stop tipping his head. I tried to imagine what it looked like, his elder brother stealing his body. Rex whimpered and I knew this was wrong. Immediately I started to struggle, trying to pull myself free, but I was already in too deep. The more I struggled the quicker I sunk into the quicksand mire of Duncan's body. "I'm sorry," I pleaded to the family dog that sat before me. "I'm s--" Was all I could manage before I was sucked inside completely. The darkness faded and I blinked at the dog looking up at me. I straightened, feeling stiffness in my body. I looked down. "Shit," I muttered, I was not only wearing Duncan's clothes I was also wearing his body. I felt my torso through the shirt and looked at the dog. "Have you been working out bro'?" Rex snorted a nod. "Damn," I whispered pulling at my sleeve and inspecting the complicated tattoo on my arm. I took a step back and almost tripped over a pile of clothes; the ones I'd been wearing only minutes earlier. I picked them up and walked up stairs, straight into Duncan's bedroom with Rex trotting behind me. Inside I stuffed them into a bag at the back of the cupboard. Then it hit me, this was the first time I'd been to their new house and yet I knew everything about it. I swallowed, everything about Duncan. "You got all his doggy memories as well?" I asked Rex. He barked at me excitedly. I sat on the bed opposite the mirror and looked at my new reflection; young, strong and handsome. Everything I wasn't. Rex jumped up and sat next to me and we both looked at our reflections for a few minutes. "I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me," I told Rex. We looked at each other and he licked my face a couple of times. "A boy and his dog; what could possibly be tighter than that?" Rex barked again, and wagged his tail. "Maybe we can figure this out." I could here a door open, and then a shout. "Duncan, are you upstairs?" It was my dad. "Yeah!" I replied. "Is that your brothers pickup parked down the street, because if he's in the house--" "Yes, he stopped by to say goodbye. He left about twenty minutes ago with some friends. Said something about moving to the West coast." "Good riddance," I heard him say to my mom. I hugged Rex again, "Looks like we are going to be together for a while." He barked again. "We'll have to work out a code little bro'," I said with a smile as I walked downstairs to meet my parents again; their favorite son.
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moonsaver · 2 months
ok this is not really a request, but what would yan!dan heng be like? i barely see any yan!dan heng content and thats probably because I don't even know how he would behave. Would he silently obsess over you? Would he not let you leave the archives, taking his life when he was young as an example, giving you books as your only respite? Would the astral express crew be in on it?
I feel like yan!dan heng would be like a pathetic wet cat about it, acting unfeelingly but then begs and begs for your affection in private, guilt tripping you without noticing and then finally giving up and taking what he wants whether you like it or not.
Hello anon!
I understand your frustration, and tbh even i struggle a bit with characterizing yan!dan heng, so i havent been able to push out any of his content.
He's not an exact favorite either, so i wasnt at all bothered by the lack of content but i understand you (sunday enjoyer here).
Honestly, i think one of the major reasons its hard to character yan!dan heng is kind of because hes actually a bit of a mellow character who's pretty cozy. Im not thorough with his backstory but it seems like he's always trying to be on the down-low, and never do things that warrant attention. Yan!dan heng would, as a result, not be so different in my opinion. However, a few of his aspects do seem to be interesting as a result.
As far as i know of his character, yan!dan heng would probably be extremely secretive as a result,kind of the stalker-ish type, who gets insecure easily and has to constantly keep grounding himself about you. But whenever you're within the vicinity, his patience wears thin. It grows dreadful to handle over time.
If his obsession gets strong enough, he'll only frequent his darling more and more through mysterious means, the kind that makes his darling more paranoid and as a result, seek out refuge in him about their "stalker", not realizing who they're actually talking to. Yan!dan heng would probably gauge out how much info his darling has about their "stalker", and if it's too much, he adapts and finds more hidden and unnoticeable means. The only time i can see him officially tie down his darling is if they take the initiative to investigate what's been going on and find out his entire archives worth of information on darling, and dan heng being confronted by it. In a bit of a panic, he'd take countermeasure and his patience finally snaps.
Another flip side of him is what you mentioned. Depending on how far within yan!dan heng's grasp you're in, he would be very starved for any form of affection. He's been constantly leaving behind everything, running away from things, to the point he probably seldom feels like anything in his life is permanent. So when darling comes along, yan!dan heng is so so desperate, he won't show it at first because he'll try to resist and give darling space, but it just constantly snaps taut strings inside of him, and he can't help but cling onto you. You'll thrash and scream and yell at him but he's so eerily quiet, gripping you and crushing you against his chest. He feels so guilty about it, but he's just so lonely. He does guilt trip you sometimes, and gets you to quiet down, but who knows how often that'll last? He can't get himself to "punish" you often either, so he just gives you strict warnings and scoldings from time to time, but then his insecurities get the best of him, and he can't help but cling to you even in your sleep, afraid you'll slip away like everything. He has self-doubt very often, and his main way would be just to seek you out, and force himself onto you in any physical form of affection, even if you grumble and protest about it.
In any case, i feel yan!dan heng would be a luckily tolerable yandere.
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galacticlamps · 28 days
ok I have A Lot of thoughts about the staircase confession (well really about Edwin's whole character arc, but all roads lead to rome) but for now I just wanna say that, yes, I was bracing myself for something to go terribly wrong when I first watched it, and yes, part of me was initially worried its placement might be an uncharacteristically foolish choice made in the name of Drama or Pacing or Making a Compelling Episode of Television but at the expense of narrative sense--
But I wanna say that having taken all that into account, and watched it play out, and sat with it - and honestly become rather transfixed by it - I really think it's a beautifully crafted moment and truly the only way that arc could've arrived at such a satisfying conclusion.
And if I had to pinpoint why I not only buy it but also have come to really treasure it, I'd have to put it down to the fact that it genuinely is a confession, and nothing else.
That moment is an announcement of what Edwin has come to understand about himself, but because it takes the form of a character admitting romantic feelings for such a close friend, I think it can be very easy, when writing that kind of thing, to imbue it with other elements like a plea or a request or even the start of a new relationship that, intentionally or not, would change the shape of the moment and can quickly overshadow what a huge deal the telling is all on its own. But that's not the case here. Since it is only a confession, unaccompanied by anything else, and since we see afterward how it was enough, evidently, to fix the strangeness that had grown between him & Charles, we're forced to understand that it was never Edwin's feelings that were actually making things difficult for him - it was not being able to tell Charles about them. 'Terrified' as he's been of this, Edwin learns that his feelings don't need to either disappear completely or be totally reciprocated in order for him to be able to return to the peace, stability, and security of the relationship with which he defines his existence - and the scale of that relief a) tells us a hell of a lot about Edwin as a character and b) totally justifies the way his declaration just bursts out of him at what would otherwise be such a poorly chosen moment, in my opinion.
Whether or not they are or ever could be reciprocated, Edwin's feelings are definitively proven not to be the problem here - only his potential choice to bottle it up - his repression - is. And where that repression had once been mainly involuntary, a product of what he'd been through, now that he's got this new awareness of himself, if he still fails to admit what he's found either to himself or to the one person he's so unambiguously close with, then that repression will be by his own choice and actions.
And he won't do that. Among other things, he's coming into this scene having just (unknowingly) absolved the soul of his own school bully and accidental killer by pointing out a fact that is every bit as central to his self-discovery as anything about his sexuality or his attraction to Charles is: the idea that "If you punish yourself, everywhere becomes Hell"
So narratively speaking, of course it makes sense that Edwin literally cannot get out of Hell until he stops punishing himself - and right now, the thing that's torturing him is something he has control over. It's not who he is or what he feels, but what he chooses to do with those feelings that's hurting him, and he's even already made the conscious choice to tell Charles about them, he was just interrupted. But now that they're back together and he's literally in the middle of an attempt to escape Hell, there is absolutely no way he can so much as stop for breath without telling Charles the truth. Even the stopping for breath is so loaded - because they're ghosts, they don't need to breathe, but also they're in Hell, so the one thing they can feel is pain, however nonsensical. And Edwin certainly is in pain. But whether he knows what he's about to do or not when he says he 'just needs a tick,' a breather is absolutely not what's gonna give him enough relief to keep climbing - it's fixing that other hurt, though, that will.
Like everything else in that scene, there's a lot of layers to him promising Charles "You don't have to feel the same way, I just needed you to know" - but I don't think that means it isn't also true on a surface level. It's the act of telling Charles that matters so much more than whatever follows it, and while that might have gone unnoticed if anything else major had happened in the same conversation, now we're forced to acknowledge its staggering and singular importance for what it is. The moment is well-earned and properly built up to, but until we see it happen in all its wonderful simplicity, and we see the aftermath (or lack thereof, even), we couldn't properly anticipate how much of a weight off Edwin's shoulders merely getting to share the truth with Charles was going to be, why he couldn't wait for a better, safer opportunity before giving in to that desire, or how badly he needed to say it and nothing else - and I really, really love the weight that act of just being honest, seen, and known is given in their story/relationship.
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klaineownsmysoul · 10 months
You'll have to indulge me, because I just need a moment to talk about one of my very favorite parts of the whole movie:
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Baby. In the words of Claire Fraser, "Jesus H Roosevelt Christ." Henry has no idea who's on the other end of the phone, and then its Alex's voice calling him the pet name he loves and you can see his relief visible. His whole being practically lights up at just hearing his voice because Alex is the only one he's needed and the one person he wasn't allowed to talk to. His first concern is to make sure he's ok and once he hears that Alex is (more or less), he answers truthfully when asked the same question. Because he hasn't been ok; he's been alone and scared and miserable. Hounded by the press, berated by his family, and discussed like he's not even in the room and is nothing more than a problem that needs a solution instead of a person whose life has just been blown up. Its his worst nightmare - everything he was afraid of as he swam away from Alex in Texas has happened and its worse than he could have imagined. I have a sinking feeling that no one else has even bothered to ask him if he's ok before Alex.
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He's been stoic and silent and Prince Henry through all of this because its the only way he knows. He'll take what they throw at him and bury it down like he's been doing all his life.
And Alex? He doesn't ask anything past "are you ok" because he doesn't need to know anything other than Henry is not ok. He doesn't ask what's been happening, he doesn't ask if he wants him to come. He decides he's coming and everyone else can fuck right off. And Henry misses him too much, needs him too much to tell him not to come.
Henry running down the stairs, arms outstretched as he reaches for Alex. Alex catching him as he collapses against him and they fall to the stairs together, all the fear and loneliness he's been feeling bleeding out of him. Here he can be Henry Fox - he can break and crack and fall and Alex will literally catch him before he goes to pieces completely. He won't judge him or think less of him; not the man who twice crossed an ocean for him and him alone.
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Alex just holds him. You can see the deep breath Henry takes, like its the first time he's been able to exhale in a week and Alex just holds him tighter, whispering to him with Henry's ring visible on his hand. He's safe and wanted and loved. They will tackle whatever comes next together.
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I personally am a big big fan of comfort moments so I will watch this over and over and over again. Alex is there for him in the same way that he is there for Alex on election night. Its glorious and I fucking love it. Anyhoo, thank you for coming to my TED talk as this movie continues to have me in an absolute stranglehold.
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mncxbe · 10 months
i have a angsty smut request. Could you write an aku x fem reader where they both have a really passionate sex the day before him and atsushi fights fukuchi, because they feel like they won't ever see each other again (they're kind of right sob)?
yes of course. I'm not used to writing angst so I hope I did a decent job jsdhhdjd but anyway thanks for requesting. I really loved writing this. Enjoy♡
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ angst
Ever since the night he met up with his former mentor, your boyfriend has been extremely anxious. It wasn’t unusual for him to obey Dazai’s orders even after the brunette left him and you weren’t one to judge; except this time, it affected your relationship.
After days of unsuccessful attempts at convincing Akutagawa to tell you about the mission, he finally admitted that it was incredibly dangerous.
“Dazai entrusted me with this task because he knew I am the only one who can do it.” he said in a hoarse voice.
“And you accepted? Even if you knew you could die?”
“Of course. I couldn’t possibly refuse Dazai he’s-“
“Oh you shut it!” you suddenly snapped at him “All you care about is pleasing that asshole. Please, stop putting yourself in danger for him. This is not your battle, love.”
That morning he left without sparing you another glance and throughout the day all you could think about was your argument. Yes, the situation wasn’t ideal. Yes, even he half-heartedly admitted that he may die. But if these truly were your last days together you wanted to make the most of them, not to waste precious time on hopeless fights. And so you decided to surprise him with a home cooked dinner and a freshly brewed cup of his favourite tea.
That evening you waited anxiously for your boyfriend’s arrival. When the door of your shared apartment closed shut, you rose yourself from the couch and tip-toed to the hallway.
“Ryu, love I’m sorry for today. I made us some~"
You were quickly cut short by his lips harshly pressing against yours.
“Ryu what are you doing?” you mumbled between kisses.
“Just shut up and kiss me” he said lowly: his slender fingers tangled in your hair, slightly pulling at it.
His daring actions made your knees wobble and you gently pressed your palms against his heaving chest in an attempt to find some support.
Your boyfriend didn’t break the kiss as he hurriedly guided you to the bedroom, pushing you onto the soft mattress. Soon enough, his lips found their way to your neck, leaving a trail of love bites along its expanse.
A ragged moan escaped your lips as he sucked on your sweet spot, causing him to groan against your skin.
One of his fingers hooked under the wristband of your shorts and he swiftly yanked them off, leaving you in your underwear.
“You’re so beautiful, my darling” he whispered against the shell of your ear; his hot breath sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.
He kept his gaze locked with yours as he haphazardly unbuckled his belt and slid off his pants, low enough to be able to free his painfully hard cock from his boxers, before pushing himself into you. His sudden actions made you cry out, a mixture of pain and pleasure like hot syrup clouding your mind as you grasped the sheets beneath you.
"Are you ok now?” he eventually asked; and the moment you nodded in agreement he picked up the pace. Each of his deep thrusts caused whimpers and high-pitched moans to leave your parted lips. Soon enough his hands found their way under your blouse, fumbling with the hook of your bra.
“’s too much love please” you uttered between whines while he started moving slowly, allowing you to adjust to him.
“Nah Ryu lemme take it off f’ your” you mumbled, trying to support yourself on your forearms but his digits curled around your throat, shoving you back onto the mattress.
“Just stay there baby. Be good and stay put” A black tendril swiftly snaked under your clothes and cut through the flimsy material of your bra, exposing your chest.
Desire burned in Akutagawa’s eyes as he leaned in, his teeth sinking into the tender flesh of your breasts. You let out a string of muffled sounds, causing the grip on his throat to tighten.
Your boyfriend picked up the pace again and you rolled your eyes back. One of your hands abandoned the crumpled sheets and squeezed his wrist, signaling him that you were out of breath and he quickly let go of you, allowing you to breathe properly. It didn’t take more than a few minutes for you to get close to your high; his relentless pace mixed with the lovely sounds he was making allowed heat to pool inside your core.
“Love please I’m so close don’t stop now” you slurred, thighs squeezing the sides of his torso.
Your boyfriend watched your ecstatic expression with half lidded eyes: your eyes were shut tight and you were biting down on your lower lip in attempt to contain the lewd sounds you were making. He himself was drowning in pleasure, your warm walls wrapping around him like vise as he buried his cock deep inside you.
“Shit. You’re squeezing me so tight, love” he babbled out, breath fanning over your mouth as he captured your lips in a feverish kiss.
You moaned at his words, the sound of your voice almost sending him over the edge.
“Just cum for me, pretty. Make a mess on me.” He said in a honeyed voice, tugging at your hair once again “Open your eyes. I need to see how good I make you feel baby” he mumbled between grunts. The digits of his free hand dug deep into the plush of your thigh, nails leaving crescent marks on your plump skin.
Your lids slowly fluttered open, allowing your boyfriend to relish your fucked out gaze; it was all it took for him to finally reach his orgasm. He didn’t cease his motion as he came inside you, his hand pushing down on your belly.
“You feel how deep I am baby? No one will ever make you feel like this ever again” he slurred, silver eyes rolling back as he started circling your clit with his thumb. “I need you to cum for me tonight, love. Please.”
Need, need, need. He never needed anything from you before, not unless he was badly injured after a fight or almost losing his breath during a coughing fit. No, he never truly needed anything from you unless he felt like was about to die. As your gaze met your boyfriend’s once again, you could see the pearly tears that brimmed in them, threatening to spill out. Surprisingly enough he didn’t try to hide it; he simply kept moving in and out of you at a steady rhythm.
“Please love please, please, please” he chanted as his lips met yours once again, causing the knot in your stomach to snap. Your back arched in pleasure as your orgasm washed over you.
Akutagawa guided you through your high, hands caressing your soft skin as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. When you finally managed to regain your breath he pulled out and rested his head on your shoulder. His body grew limp in your embrace as you carefully slipped his clothes off of him and neatly folded them, placing them at the foot of your bed.
You were now both laying naked in bed with your fingers intertwined, a simple gesture of affection.
“I’m leaving tomorrow” he finally said, and by the slight tremble of his voice you knew what he meant. He was leaving and was probably never going to come back.
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze as you pulled him into a tight hug. “I love you, Ryu” you whispered, trying to contain the tears that blurred your vision. You needed to be strong for both of you.
Akutagawa’s arms snaked around your waist as he nestled himself against your frame, relishing your presence. “I love you too, Y/N” he said quietly before allowing your tender ministrations to lull him into a slumber.
You fell asleep entangled with your boyfriend, wishing for the first time that you would never wake up. Because you knew what awaited you the next day.
Outside cards drove by aimlessly, the loud hum of cicadas filling the hot summer night.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
Darwin is such a silly guy omg <33
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Honestly he's just glad you aren't as scary as some of the other children in the manor
Most, if not all of the children that live in the manor are there because there was quite literally no other choice for them
They come from such bad homes with such bad caretakers, it's not shocking that most of them have learned to protect themselves by any means necessary
So while Toby understands, holy shit do they scare him <//3
So seeing a kid that is allowed to still just be a kid makes him happy
He finds you quite fun to be around
He loves hearing you get excited with the things you're passionate about
And he loves how silly you can be!
You are one of the easiest kids to talk to, so he uses you for intel on the other children for things such as gifts for the holidays
He's also thankful that you are so truthful and don't like breaking the rules
It really helps lower the stress levels in the house
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You're a good kid
That's about the extent of his opinion on you
He likes that you're a goody two-shoes, because it makes his job as the "secondary dad" of the manor waaay easier
First dad being slender
"Alright, which one of you spilled water on the carpet" tim asks, eying the two children sitting in front of him
"Im sorry! It was me, i didn't mean it, i swear it was i mistake!" You blurt out fearfully, hoping to not get in trouble
"Woah, relax kid, it's just water. We can clean it up easily"
He's also glad that you're one less kid he'll have to worry about sneaking out, running away, or getting in general trouble
Other than that, you guys don't really have a relationship
You might talk from time to time, and he'll be there for fatherly support and comfort
But that's about it
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He's not exactly the greatest with kids
He doesn't dislike them, but he isn't really a kid guy
He can handle teens though, and with you being such an easy kid to handle, you manage to make his good list
If he sees you around, he'll wave, he'll get you things that remind him of you, and he's generally just more tolerant of you
Like if any of the other kids asked him to make them breakfast, he'd probably be like "oooh i actually juuuust started cleaning up sorry"
But if you or sally asked him to he'd be like "omg of course, you little angels 🥰"
Like tim, you won't really have a relationship outside of him just being more tolerant of you
He's considered the cooler uncle, and sometimes a big brother amongst the kids so he won't be able to provide the fatherly comfort that Tim does
But he CAN provide some brotherly shoulder pats or cool uncle McDonald's
And maybe, just maaaaaybe a hug every now and then
Eyeless Jack
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Ej finds children quite bothersome
They get in the way of his work, they are noisy and they are messy
Three things he will not tolerate
But he was very pleasantly surprised with you
He doesn't mind teenagers as much, as they are much less noisy and messy than younger children, but he does have his issues with teenagers as well
But while you are sitting on his medical bed, waiting for a bandaid for your cut arm, you are actually very pleasent to be around
You came in in a bit of a panic, fearing your arm might be permanently damaged, but you were able to calm down as Ej took the time to explain that you were ok, as well as walking you through everything he was doing
You were very nice and quiet, and quite polite actually
You are a good kid in Ej's books
When he sees you around the manor, he makes a point to show at least some sort of sign of polite recognition to you, instead of just walking past with a blank expression
Whether it be a small smile, a nod, or a wave, just something to let you know that he thinks you are ok
Espcially with how anxious you seem to get, he knows that it will likely help you to know he doesn't hate you
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Could you maybe write some headcanons for how the demon brothers would feel about an MC who has a service dog for anxiety?
If you don't feel like writing it or it's too difficult that's completely okay too don't worry.
(I'm a service dog user myself so I just thought it would be nice.)
I hope you'll like these headcanons and that I got everything right! If there is anything I need to correct let me know.
Also sorry for taking so long, I needed to be finished with a fic for a collab first!
Demon brothers x gn!MC
Warning: Belphegor's part has spoilers for lesson 16!
MC with a service dog for anxiety
Since he is one of the people in charge of the exchange program he made sure to also prepare everything for your dog. Anything from food to all the way to paperwork so you two can go anywhere without being disturbed.
He is a dog person so he got a soft spot for your emotional support dog. The dog is probably more spoiled than you, at least until he starts to actually like you.
Since you are in need of your dog he won't bother it. He knows the dog has its job to do.
Is honestly relieved that you got someone other than his brothers to rely on, especially that being dragged to a different dimeons is not good for your mental health.
So not only does he need to take care of a human, but he needs to take care of their dog too now??
Before actually realizing that your dog is more than a simple pet he wanted to include it in one of his money making schemes. After you and Lucifer tell him off he actually gets it and backs off
He does a 180° with his attitude and is really glad that there is someone to be near you when he can't be there to protect you. Lowkey he and the dog have some kind of nonverbal agreement on how to help you with your anxiety.
Tries to spoil the dog and buy luxury items for it. You'll have to let him know what could distract your service dog or not. He honestly gets everything really fast.
Jealous that he can't take Henry with him the way you can do with your service dog...and looking at him he might need some service/therapy/emotional support animal outside of his fish.
He knows how bad anxiety can be, so he is both greatfull that you got some support and a bit jealous because of it too.
He is really chill with the dog, he even made a small spot where it can relax when you stay in his room.
He once saw Henry trying to get your service dog's attention and took it as a sign that both of your guy's friendship/relationship is made to last for a long time.
Tries to find animes where the protagonist has a service dog for anxiety so you could relate to more chatacters
He has only read about service/therapy/emotional supports animals so he was really curious of seeing one in real life.
Be prepared to be asked a ton of questions about your dog's training, routine, how it helps you manage your anxiety. He sees it as a way to both get to know you better and to learn something new.
Might use the way your service dog helps to convince Lucifer to let him get an emotional support cat for his anger. Lucifer, of course, denies his request.
Just because he is a cat person it doesn't mean he doesn't love other animals as well. He knew that service dogs go through some training to be able to adapt to different situation, but being dragged to hell might go out of what any service animal is prepared for. He will go out of his way to give him a bit of training and some protection spells.
He adores dogs. He had to be told that service animals are not the same thing as pets, so he can't go around playing and dressing up the poor dog.
He will pout about it for a bit before getting over it but that just means he can focus in spoiling you even more.
Lowkey educates the Devildom by accident about service animals due to how many Devilgram posts he makes about you and your dog.
A/N: ok but there is one event where Solomon talked with a fish and apparently the god damn fish had better working conditions than humans...so yeah, I guess animals are really treated with respect down there.
He will make sure that your service dog always look at its best. His resoning? Seeing him be so cute and soft will help you with your anxiety. He does make sure to not really separate it from you.
He was watched very closely at the begging by his brothers, so he wouldn't try to eat you or your dog. It didn't take long for things to settle and for him to start liking your service dog. Especially that he likes dogs.
He might or might not have tried some of your service dog's food...he felt really sorry and went to buy any and all snacks he could find. MC would probably have to remind him what their dog can and can't eat.
He sees the dog as part of the family and takes it upon himself to make sure that both you and your service dog are safe and sound.
If, by some chance, you have to be away from their service dog Beel will be the first one to volunteer to take care of him.
How the fuck did both you and your service dog sneak into the attic, more times than once?? The poor animal is acting uneasy the first time it sees Belphie.
Imagine if you decide to sneak into the attic alone for your visits and leave your service dog behind. Those would be the times when the dog is on high alert.
OK BUT imagine lesson 16. One moment the dog is with you and the other the dog is trying to understand how you suddenly got hurt and die...
If after the incident your anxiety gets worse, your service dog would put himself between you and Belphegor to try and distract you/put you at ease.
Outside of all the angst, Belphie is pretty chill with the dog. If he wants to cuddle with you he will even welcome your service dog in the cuddle pile. He is honestly relieved that you got some support system, especially after the whole lesson 16 affair..
Also a dog person, so he will be very fond of your service dog.
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wellgoslowly · 4 months
I may or may not be rewatching as I type this hehe. ANYWHOM I asked if I should do another locklyle analysis for the adaptation's first birthday and yall said yes!! so here we go: locklyle as sun and moon (idea courtesy of @queer-and-nerdy ).
ok ok so it would be pretty easy to say that lockwood is the sun and lucy is the moon upon first seeing the characters. I mean, lucy is relatively closed off and can be i guess kind of brooding at times, whereas lockwood is very charming and loves attention. but upon further examination, its clear that its actually the other way around: lockwood is the moon, and lucy is his sun.
yin and yang is a clear example of sun and moon being complete opposites but existing in perfect balance and harmony with each other. in the symbolism of yin and yang, the moon symbolizes adversities and obstacles. lockwood fits perfectly into that role. i mean, his sister died when he was young and his parents died when he was even younger. At face value in this comparison, you could say that he fits into the role of the moon because of everything that he's gone through in his life- all of his adversity and the various obstacles he's had to face. but when you're insane and autistic like i am, you realize that his connection to the role of the moon goes deeper. not only has he experienced tragedy, but he sees himself as a tragedy. he believes that he causes the death and/or pain of everyone he's ever loved. i mean, that's the canonical reason why he pushes everyone away and why he's so reckless- he believes that if he distances himself, then the people he loves are less likely to get hurt. He believes that if he risks his life, it will be ok because his loved ones will be safe and won't have to deal with this curse he's convinced himself that he has.
In contrast, the sun (lucy) symbolizes hope, "for even though a moon eclipse may block the sun's light, there is always a portion of the sun that shines through." as much of a cynic that lucy appears to be (and is), she ultimately still always has hope. when she was working with norrie in her hometown, she had hope that they'd be able to make it out of their town and make it big time in london. when norrie got ghost-locked and her team died, she was still able to harness enough hope to run away and try to make it on herself, even without her fourth grade. and even when she left at the end of the hollow boy, she had the hope and the conviction that allowed her to believe that she was doing the right thing and saving lockwood. cynical as she may be, lucy is filled to the brim with hope.
now, locklyle as the sun and moon begin to make so much more sense in this way. lucy's sun works to keep lockwood's moon grounded and frankly alive. she is the one who is determined to make him understand that he is still worthy of love despite everything that has happened to him. no matter how badly his depression is affecting him, she is still there to keep him grounded and force him to understand that whether he likes it or not, he has people who care about him.
lockwood's moon takes on the role of being determined to support her no matter what, just as the moon does for the sun. when lucy gets overwhelmed during a case or just during everyday life, lockwood is always there to balance her and to offer her support in any way she needs. he understands her without even needing to ask and always strives to be the best person he can be in supporting her, whether that means making her tea and making her toast during the morning or offering to leave a hired job because she's uncomfortable that night. he would do anything for her, just as the moon supports and balances the sun.
i think that this is really interesting for multiple reasons but ill give you two:
i love how they expand from your expectations. for a while i thought that lucy was the moon and lockwood was the sun, but they both stray from that expectation so much because of the added complexities that come from their backstories and their relationships with others, especially one another.
the sun is usually defined as a "masculine" energy, and the moon is defined as a "feminine" energy. I think its really interesting how they once again stray from the usual in this context.
ANYWHOM HAPPY ONE YEAR OF LOCKWOOD AND CO!!!! I'm gonna make a long sappy post before bed but i hope you guys like this little first birthday gift!!
@oblivious-idiot @ikeasupremacy @losticaruss @yveni @neewtmas @waitingforthesunrise @youmanynotrestnow @saltwaterburns @ravenous-rage @maraschinomerry @psychicbluebirdmiracle @uku-lelevillain @acecharmander @rainysaturdayafternoon @ettadear @thisgameissonintendo @impossibleclair @givemea-dam-break @krash-and-co @kazbrekkerfast wanted to tag some people that i thought might enjoy this hehe
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jmdbjk · 9 months
This is my bias...
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Help me figure out what's happening here... is this the big dick energy I was talking about or just an optical illusion with the mirror?
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Jimin was relaxed and seems like he has certain specific things he wants to accomplish and he's going after it in his usual Jimin-like way. He laughed when talking about what he's been doing and why he's not come to see us live. He said "Do you think I would be doing nothing?" and laughed:
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Our Jiminie, through and through.
He addressed his busted up knuckles several times during the live.
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Ok, here me out... if he's dabbling in martial arts again... what if Jimin is practicing breaking cinderblocks... because I feel like there are a few blockheads out there that need breaking...yes? But seriously, what if...?
One of the things that I love about Jimin is his self-awareness, his humility and his unpretentiousness. About attending the Dior event prior to this live he expresses how he views himself:
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Nervous amongst people in those circles, he says he's a little uncertain and awkward. Though he might feel out of place because of how he views himself, we all know the impact he brings whenever he (or any of the other members) makes an appearance at events like this, no matter how briefly. Fans just want to see him.
One of the things he spoke at length on was how he's been assessing himself, saying it as if stepping back and evaluating what he was doing in a "cold" way, as in clinically critiquing himself.
He said he was able to learn a lot from his Face album activities and promotions and he is improving the way he does things from now on.
He felt like there were a lot of areas where he was lacking and instead of just working on fixing this or that, his mindset is to "start from scratch".
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Looking back at it, the excuses are not acceptable to him... to say he was lazy and didn't practice enough or that equipment malfunctioned.
He heard the antis and the criticisms. I personally want to smash their heads in two but I digress with my violent little thoughts.
In order to feel confident while performing onstage he wants to change the way he approaches things.
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Overall, Jimin seems like he's got his shit together. He knows there's a time crunch...
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He has been thinking how to spend his remaining time with us...
But because he's re-evaluating himself, its taken a long time and I think he's still working on it.
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Other things he's mentioned during this live: he's composing new music, shooting a few things, working out, studying English.
He said if he doesn't force himself to take lessons he won't do it. Same, Jimin, same.
He mentioned that he goes out alone in the middle of the night to run along the Han River and when he does he sees Namjoon:
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There was other stuff on his mind but he wouldn't share it.
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He's been thinking deeply about his future. He is facing his own Chapter 2 (they all are and collectively we are calling this BTS Chapter 2) and he says starting anew is not easy. He's thought a lot about it and still considering how he wants to live his life and future.
You can understand more of his attitude as soon as someone says "Don't forget there are many people cheering for you, Jimin."
His reply is: If there were no people supporting me in my job then there is no need for me to do it.
This is his job. He is the artist. We are the fans. He is not going to forget that there are people cheering for him. He is not worried about fans disappearing as long as he delivers a good product to us.
He is reinventing Park Jimin. And he is taking time to do it and that's why he has not come to see us.
His goal is to change and he's fully confident he can do it. He feels a responsibility as a member of BTS and the man is out to conquer so I say watch out for future Jimin. He just asks for time to make it happen.
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I said in a previous post a while back that Jimin – and the company – are not perfect. Speaking only about Jimin: after Face promotions were over and everyone was criticizing him and the company, I said he will evaluate what he's done and if he sees mistakes, things that could be done differently or better, he will fix them going forward. I told y'all this. This is exactly what he is doing.
He mentions that he cut his hair today... and described how long it was (to his chin) before he cut it and I'm crying. I hope he shot photos or video for something before he cut it so we can see...[cry]
His brief mention about Jungkookie's birthday:
My interpretation of his body language: The wheels are turning as he glances around, he is thinking about everything he knows that Jungkook is up to and matter-of-factly tells us "Jungkook is really busy." (Because I know what he's working on).
"I talked to him on the phone yesterday too." Too as in talked to him today as well since this day of Jimin's live IS JK's birthday.
He pauses a moment, thinking about what they spoke about/what he knows about Jungkook's activities and repeats "he's really busy," glances around again, still thinking about what Jungkook is up to and with an intake of breath and looking directly at us says he hopes Kookie-pookie takes good care of his health. He didn't say Kookie-pookie, that was me saying Kookie-pookie.
We know when Jimin is working intensely that he sometimes overdoes it. This is what Jimin implies when he says "he's really busy" and "I hope he takes care of his health" because Jimin can relate to the intensity of JK's activities.
Then asks us to please send his Jungkookie many birthday wishes.
Taking care of his Jungkookie, as he should.
And ending with his own thought about Jungkook's birthday: "It's a wonderful day, right?"
Awwwww.... so sweet. And then that little smirky smirk that I had to edit off because he smirked for another six seconds until someone else asked him AGAIN about his beat up knuckles.
Does he mean scroll back later after the live and look for his explanation about his scraped up hands or is he saying we'll find out later (in future content) why his hands are all beat up?
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He's embarrassed his apartment is dirty or he'd show us. Ok, this is ALREADY A DIFFERENT PARK JIMIN.
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My first reaction was NO SHIT, JIMIN! But he meant what he was about to show us was unusual for him. He wanted to show us his solar system mood light (my whole self burst with love for him when he did this).
He's laughing at himself the whole time he's setting it up, telling us his friend made fun of him, a 30 year old man with a mood light.
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In bed with Jimin:
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Versus in bed with Jungkook:
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This is one of the ways I see Jimin transitioning himself. I don't know what the specific catalyst is/was but he's pivoted from being a total privacy freak to now walking around his apartment and showing us various rooms.
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His dad's room when he comes to visit:
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Jungkook has stated how he grew up learning from the members. You can see that he's learned a lot specifically from Jimin. Well, I think it's Jimin's turn to learn from Jungkook how to show another side of himself in this less inhibited way. I don't expect a naked-in-bed live from Jimin anytime soon but just the fact he showed us even a glimpse of his bed:
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And then actually laid down on his bed and did this:
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It's fitting he has a realistic solar system mood light. He was into astronomy in school, right? And as I said in a previous post, it makes sense now why the moons on his back look realistic.
He responded to a few comments and one about his earring, he's wearing one in his left ear but the right one got infected so he took it out.
When asked what his plans were for activities he said this:
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[he said something that translated to "pondering" and I love him]
When asked to show his seven tattoos (behind his ear, his back, left elbow, right elbow, chest, wrist, finger) he said he posted it yesterday and he looked like an anchovy:
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That's my bias, a skinny little anchovy with a heart as big as the universe and a smile that rivals the sunniest day.
I just want this man to be happy in his life:
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Jiminie seems to be in control and thriving. I'm excited for him and my heart will break in a billion pieces when he leaves for enlistment. I know I will need to take the day off work (HOW CRAZY IS THAT??)
But sounds like he's going to show us/give us more before he goes and I feel very blessed that this one is my bias.
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asmutwriter · 7 months
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 3)
DESCRIPTION: The Shelby's have started to welcome you slowly into the family and start to show you how the business works but things take a dark turn.
A/N: I am hoping to write a lot more over the upcoming weeks of the various stories I'm writing. However I am not sure when I will be able to write them or post them. I will try and do it as often as possible.
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: swearing, threatening of violence, mildy toxic relationship
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
This story will not follow the timeline of the show. But I hope you enjoy.
You sit in the gambling shop. Waiting for the rest of the family to show up. Arthur and John walk in, their cheery mood cut short as they see you. "What are you doing here?" Arthur says.
"I was asked to join this meeting by Mr Shelby"
"You aren't part of this family. And this is a family meeting. So get the fuck out"
"She won't do that" Tommy says as he walks into the room. "She is my wife and therefore a member of the family. So she should get a say in how we run our business. Understood?" he looks at his brothers who stay silent. The lack of an answer being enough for him apparently "good. Now we just wait for Pol". As if on cue she walks through. The soft smile on her face dropping as she walks into the room, seeing you.
"Why is she here?"
"Because she's family" Thomas says. She looks at him. A silent look being exchanged between the two of them before he keeps talking "I had a discussion with her last night and she says she wants to be a part of this business. So Florence will be joining us for future meetings. If you have a problem with that then you can talk to me about it afterwards" he looks at everyone in the room before he talks again.
"Our first matter is about Harry Thompson. He has been bribing our men. He has a lot of money and power so has been able to take some of our good men. Making them fight for him and not for us. Arthur, John, and myself are meeting with him later today. We are going to negotiate with him to leave Birmingham"
He takes out a cigarette, lighting it and quickly puffing on it before speaking again. "The second matter is regards to our money. I've had to relocate it due to someone deciding to take a large sum of it. I'm working on finding out who and I will deal with them when the time comes. But I trust everyone in this room to know that I have moved it to a safe in the Garrison". He takes another puff of his smoke "would anyone like to add anything else?". Soft no's being heard around the room.
"If that's everything then we should be going. Arthur. John" he heads out the room. His brothers following him. As the door shuts you go to head out as well. Polly walks in front of you, facing you as you stop in your tracks. The fun and friendly atmosphere (the small amount of it anyway) changing in a heartbeat as she keeps her eyes on yours.
"What are you playing at?"
"Excuse me?" you hear the front door shut. Knowing its just you and your aunt-in-law remaining in the house.
"We both know that I told Thomas about you eavesdropping on him. Yet now you've worked your way into the family meeting. I want to know what you did to him" you stay silent. Eyes on hers as she gives you a glare very similar to that of your husbands.
"We did have a discussion. We talked about the situation that you brought up to him. It's sorted now. I simply told him the truth"
"About the rats?" she scoffs before you can answer "Only an idiot would take that story of rats in walls and all that crap. I'm not an idiot Florence. I know you're up to something"
"I'm not up to anything Miss Gray. He asked me for the truth and I gave it to him. He is my husband, I have no intentions to lie to him. If he asks me for the truth I'll give him the truth. It doesn't give me any benefits to lie to him" she comes close to you, pulling a long needle from her hair as she holds it close to your throat. Feeling the end of it nipping at your neck. You tense every muscle in your body as to not flinch away. Clenching your fists in an effort to stop them shaking.
"I don't know what kind of spell you've put Tommy under but I will break it. He will see the manipulation you've put onto him. Then I'll sit back and watch with pleasure as he breaks you". Although you felt a fear in your body you maintained eye contact with her as you manage to keep your composure. A few beats of silence before she moves the needle away. Placing it back into her hair as she straightens out her jacket before walking out of the room. Letting out a breath you weren't aware that you were holding.
You go back to your house. Going inside you shut your eyes. Back pressed against the door as you let the full fear finally catch up to you. Taking a few deep breaths before opening your eyes again. Feeling tears pricking at them as you straighten out your dress. Hands shaking over the soft material. One day you'll be able to be in this family and not have your life threatened by one of them. Pushing your hair behind your ears.
You look at the small table in your hallway. A letter adressed to you written onto it. You pick it up, recognising the handwriting you open it quickly.
'Dear Florence,
I am celebrating my 40th birthday party this weekend at my house up in London. I would love if you could join. Feel free to bring any plus one that you have. Come on the Saturday morning and stay the night. I hope to see you then.
Your friend,
Vanessa Smith'
You smile at the kind words. Folding the letter and placing it back into the envelope. Not realising how much you needed a friendly note. You went upstairs and placed it onto your bedside table.
You spent the day doing your house hold chores. Cleaning, cooking, so on and so on. So when you'd put the girls to bed you retired yourself. Grabbing a cup of tea and a book as you do some light reading in the comfort of your bed after a busy day of house work. The door opens to your bedroom, an obvious attempt to be quiet as its slowly opened. You look at the doorway, seeing Thomas walking in. You go slightly tense as you see him. You hadn't seen him since this morning so you were still slightly tense from the interaction you had with him and his family. But you try and hide it quickly by smiling sweetly at him. He shuts the door behind him, turning to look at you.
"Did I wake you?" you shake your head
"No I was reading"
"At this late hour?" you tilt your head slightly, a soft frown on your brow as he looks at his pocket watch "its nearly two in the morning"
"Fuck" you let out a soft laugh as you look away from him. "I wondered why I was tired". He starts to disrobe as you continue speaking "how did the meeting with Mr Thompson go?".
"It went well" you nod slightly. Moving a few items from your bedside table to make room for your book. He starts to unbutton his shirt "who's the letter from?"
"Oh" you look at the envelop in your hand then back at him "its just from my friend up in London. She's having a party but I probably wont go". He undoes the last button of his shirt, keeping the fabric over his shoulders as he reaches a hand forward
"May I read it?". Although he asks it as a question, and although you know you have every right to say no, you obediently hand him over the envelope. Wanting to show him that you have nothing to hide and that you will be truthful with him. He takes it out, reading the letter quickly. A flash of emotion going through his eyes as he reads the paper. "Why weren't you going?"
"Its' a full weekend and I wouldn't like to leave my sisters for that long. Plus its a long way to go by myself" he nods. Placing the paper back into the envelope before handing it back to you.
"I think we should go"
"Yes. We are married and it says that you can bring a plus one. It makes the most sense to take your husband. How about it, eh?"
"I can't leave Elizabeth and Mary for that long. I-"
"John and Arthur will be here to look after them. Make sure they stay out of trouble" you scoff slightly, causing him to give you a look of confusion
"All do respect to your brothers but they're the likeliest to get them into trouble". A smile ghosts his lips as he nods
"I agree with you on that one" he thinks for a moment "I'll ask Ada to come over. She can help run my businesses whilst I'm away, plus she can keep an eye on yor sisters for you. Would that be better for you?". You bite at your bottom lip
"I wouldn't want to be any trouble to her. If its an inconvenience for her then I'd rather just not go" he nods slightly as he takes his shirt off fully, placing it over the chair in the room. He has his back to you as he undoes his trousers
"I'll ask her tomorrow. See what she says"
It was Saturday morning. Thomas had asked his sister a few days ago to which she had said yes. To be honest, you were hoping she'd say no. But here she was, Thomas telling her everything that she needed to know the day you were meant to be going. You did feel a lot happier leaving your sisters and house with Ada in charge, but that doesn't mean you were overly excited about leaving as a whole. Your sister in law seeming to see this, coming over to you and taking your hands in hers after you've placed your belongings into the back of the car.
"I promise that I will look after your sisters. I did last time you went away" she smiles softly at you as you nod. Gripping her hands tightly before letting go.
"Thank you Miss Thorne" she keeps her smile soft as you let go of her hands, tucking your hair behind your ears as you then bite at your thumb.
"Have you got everything you need?" she asks. You nod in response, motioning at a trunk in the back of the car
"Got a nice outfit for both me and Mr Shelby for when we get there, then a normal yet fancy outfit for Sunday when we drive back" she nods as you straighten out your dress "I should go and say goodbye to Lizzie and Mary. Excuse me" you go inside, poking your head into the living room. "Girls?" They both turn to face you, the older not looking at you as she folds her arms over her torso. Mary speaks up
"Do you have to go?" you nod, going over and kneeling in front of them
"I'm sorry girls. But you'll have a great time with Miss Thorne. Do as she asks ok? Please?" Mary nods. You look at Lizzie, who feels your eyes on her. Giving a very, very slight nod. You smile, a sadness in your eyes as you hug them both. "I love you two. So very much. I'll see you on Sunday, ok?" more nodding as they hug you back. Well, the younger does. The older keeps her arms folded as you force the affection onto her. You move away from them, smiling as you stand up. Going back out to the car you say goodbye to Ada who is still waiting. Getting into the car next to Tommy as he starts driving.
You arrive at your destination. A man comes over to your car after you park "any luggage?" you nod, motioning behind you and into the car. He nods, grabbing your bags "please follow me". You get out the car, following behind the man as Thomas stands next to you. Taking in the ornate building in front of you. You get to the entry way of the house. "If you'd like to follow me down this way, your rooms are on the first floor" you go to follow just as you hear a voice speaking.
"I don't believe it. Florence?" you turn, seeing your friend walking down the staircase. She nearly runs as she comes over and hugs you. You hug her back "You actually came". She moves away from the hug, holding your face between her palms as she looks at you, causing you to smile. She drops your face as she sees Thomas, her smile not faltering as she looks at him "and who is this?". He holds his hand out for her to shake
"Thomas Shelby. Florence's husband". Her smiles wavers marginally at the name. But she takes his hand, shaking it.
"Vanessa Smith". She looks at you as she drops his hand "You didn't tell me you got married?" she looks at you
"Its a recent thing, only happened a few months ago" she nods slightly, looking at the man as he keeps his eyes on her. "When are your other guests arriving?" you ask
"Some are already here. They are in the living room" she holds her hand out for you to take "I must show you your room for the weekend though". You take both her hands as she leads you to your room. Thomas following behind. Going into the bedroom you beam as you look around
"Its beautiful" you whisper. Going over to the wooden furniture, running your hand over the delicate features.
"I will leave you two alone. Guests are arriving at 2 so you have a couple of hours before then" she smiles "please come join me once you've settled" she turns, walking out the door and shutting it behind her. You hear the tapping of her heels on the floor outside. You go over to your bags, opening it and rummaging through. Finding your perfume you spray some of it onto your wrists and neck. Placing it back into your bag before turning to Thomas
"We should go and see them Mr Shelby" he nods, holding his arm out for you to take. Which you do.
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emoani · 9 months
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summary: the sith lord darth vader is in love with you and your baby blue dress
pairing: darth vader x f!reader
warnings: insinuation of sex, vader in love, but still an evil sith lord
observation: i dedicate this post to my corazón @fuckmyskywalker because his favorite color is blue
▪︎baby blue dress▪︎
You run your hands through your hair, smoothing it down for the thousandth time. Until you hear his breathing. Vader has finally arrived, and that makes you excited.
- Are you getting ready for our special night, honey? Have you already chosen what you are going to wear? -His voice comes out through the modulator, he was looking for you anxiously in that big suite, but he doesn't see you.
- It's a surprise - You tease him, with a smile on your lips, you were hiding somewhere in the room so he wouldn't find you, even knowing he could do it quickly with force.
- Ok, darling. I'll do my best to guess. Will I get to know what you're wearing tonight? - Vader joins in the fun.
- At night... - You pause pretending to think - I won't wear anything!
The Lord takes a while to answer you, his breathing gets faster. You had managed to affect him with so little and it was so much fun.
- Honey... Please say you're going to use something...
You laugh at him.
- Yes love. I'll wear it, usually in front of others.
- Don't make me anxious, my dear. What are you going to wear for our special night?
- A long baby blue dress - You describe what you were wearing at the time and walk slowly towards him, feeling his anxiety.
- Forgive me, but I have to be honest... You're going to look like a goddess, dressed in a baby blue dress... Your eyes and hair match the blue so well - As he's talking you approach and poke his shoulder. He, anxious, can't stop touching you from your hair to your beautiful blue dress. He is in love with what he sees - Baby, you look beautiful, my love...
You laugh, so happy as you wrap your arms around your man to hug him. You loved him so much.
- Who knew that one would say I would see a Lord so in love like this - you think aloud.
- Honey, I feel like a seventeen-year-old boy by your side. I won't be able to take my eyes off you all night!
His voice might not be able to convey that much emotion, but how could you not be moved by those words? Vader could look so bad to other people, but not to you because you understood him. And that's why he loved you. You understood why he ended up that way, you waited for him for years until he allowed someone into his heart again. You loved that bad guy. And he didn't care what people said. You loved him so much that you would always be there for him, follow him to every planet and ignore the bodies he would leave lying around.
- I don't get used to so many compliments - you says blushing.
- Don't worry. When I marry you, I will always give you compliments. I will always tell you how beautiful you are, how perfect you are for me, how you are the woman of my life...
Its robotic arms were around your waist, holding you as tight as if you were going to walk away.
- I'm looking forward to kissing you now. But I'll control myself until dinner time... give me a hug, I'll control myself until later.
You can't not laugh about it all. Oh, how she loved him.
- How will dinner work, since you can't eat with me? - Worried question - Won't you mind?
It wasn't the first time you said that. Ever since you started planning this night, you've been insisting that you can skip that part. But Vader always said he wanted to give you the full experience of a romantic night. That included dinner. He made it very clear that it wasn't an option to skip this part, however you were so insistent.
- We've already talked about this - He reminds you, walking around the room - I don't care, as long as I'm with you, my dear. I will feed myself with your beauty, with your personality, with your presence, with the air you breathe, with the same air you exhale when you kiss me. I'll be by your side, watching you eat... To be honest: I'll be very focused on you; I want to see every little bite you take...
So passionate.
- You're obsessed with me, so glad I am with you too
- I'm a Sith Lord, but I'm the most passionate being you've ever seen.
You continued exchanging flirtations the entire time. As you walked, while Vader chose a good ship to take you to the planet he chose just for that night.
The whole place was beautiful, as well as the dinner. The place he took you to was more romantic than he expected. The walls with glass chandeliers. The soft wood floors, and the brightly lit stairs. There are roses on the ceiling. It's all perfect.
And the dinner that Vader insisted so much on was great, and once again you imagined what it would be like if that accident on Mustafar had not happened, you were sad to think that he could no longer feel and enjoy certain things.
- Honey - Vader says and you know he was in your thoughts - I'm feeling good now. We still have the whole night ahead of us.
You finish eating and thank him. The androids begin to silently clear the food from the table.
- I'm anxious to know where this night will take us - You observe.
- I can use my mind to show you a little what awaits you. Do you feel, my love?
You, still sitting, raise an eyebrow without quite understanding what he is saying. Seconds later you tremble all over, feeling an invisible touch between your legs. Was he really teasing you like that? You bite your lip and lower your head in embarrassment. You were out in public, by the way. Even if there was no one else in the place besides the androids.
- So, my queen? Are you feeling my rage? My desire to have you in that blue dress?
You squeeze your own thigh, trying in vain to contain the trembling in your legs as he, through the Force, touches you.
- Vader, please... - You ask softly - Not here.
- Here, yes. Do you think you have the right to deny me something? - He speaks each word slowly, as if he wasn't doing anything - I demand to be rewarded.
And you who were being stimulated the whole time, trying to hold your breath, don't even think about stopping it. Who did you want to fool? He was the Sith Lord, your Lord and he could boss you around and do whatever he wanted. And he knows it.
- As you wish - You answer, making your submission clear.
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dunefeather · 2 years
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Thank you for your request and thank you for your compliment ! 😊
18+blog, minors don't interact
Please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
His (18+)
Dark!Paul Atreides x F!Reader
Content: smut, dubcon (Voice used), dark!Paul, naive!reader, Dom!Paul, possessive!Paul, manipulation, toxic relationship, unprotected sex, mutual pining, fluff, angst.
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Anyone else would look pathetic being so clumsy and terrified of everything but for Paul you are pretty enough to be considered as cute. Himself thinks the Voice remains rather difficult to master but you don't do yourself any favor.
"Try again." His mother tells you from across the table. "Tone. Inflexion. Pronunciation. Conviction."
Lady Jessica does her best not to show her frustration at your series of failures but it's obvious to the young Atreides that you can still feel it in her aura.
The long sleeves of your grey dress got folded under the pressure of your nervous fingers playing with them. Your eyes full of tears are directed to the piece of cereal bread right before his mother. The corner of your lips moves nervously to keep your sobs at bay.
"Not like that. And your gaze." Jessica half-sings to hide her anger. "It's over for today. We'll try again tomorrow."
Despite the gentle hand pressing your shoulder as a sign of encouragement you sit deeper in your chair, refusing to look at her in the eyes.
It's unbelievable how sweet you can act even while sobbing like you are, your elbows resting on the table. You would be so easy to make his, but it wouldn't be pleasing. Too simple.
"Please don't be angry at Mother. She tries her best."
"I know but... how can I accept to use that power on... on living beings ?" You whine before wiping your wet face with your shaky hands. "It's monstrous. I already feel bad enough when a dog stares at someone to get a bit of food, I won't even be able to look at people in the eyes because I would have made them do something horrible."
That's your main flaw. Too weak and sensitive but for some reason he finds it hot. Unable to live with that overwhelming pressure of that reality, the one where any hesitation could cost your life.
"But one day it could save you." He argues softly as he sits next to you. "You know with all those assassination attempts, conspiracies, mentally unstable political opponents..."
"Oh no I wasn't even thinking about all of them oh no not that."
"The training only consists in using it for simple things. What was wrong with telling her to give you bread, or water ?"
"Paul... it's manipulating one's mind. That's unbelievable." You whisper.
He hums and nods. He still doesn't understand your point but it's not today with such stress level that you are going to accept the facts.
"So... do you want me to ask something to the cook to get you some good supper ?" He asks as he takes your wrist in his thing fingers.
You let a shaky sigh out, shy eyes crossing his as his confidence skyrockets. It's clear for him to see through your behavior towards him. So sweet. So innocent and genuine. Finally someone normal and spontaneous there.
"I-I don't know Paul but thank you for asking. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm sorry for being such a disappointment."
"Don't worry about its the beginning is always a bit rough." He chuckles as he rubs up your forearm, witnessing you melt as his hand starts to get under your sleeve. "I know you well. If you can't then you can't. It's only a matter of time before you get comfortable with that idea. It's a gift."
He smiles at your timid response as you look down at his hand disappeared under your sleeve. You want more and see his signals.
"I have to go." He says as he stands up, abandoning your soft skin and your sad face. "I'm expected to join my quarters soon. New lessons." He adds with a pouting face.
"Oh. I see." You mumble before walking up to him eagerly. "I'm happy for you to have so much opportunities to learn and not to get stuck on the same stuff all the time. You are going to be a great Duke."
"Thank you. And despite what you might think you are going to be a great Countess, or Baroness or Duchess."
He meant it in a flattering way, but he knows something is off as you keep walking silently in the desert hallway.
"Actually Paul... it's what is stressing me out. I'm a walking undesired mess. I'm too clumsy and shy to get anything right. I should be a peasant. Not training for the Bene Gesserit. Technically I shouldn't even talk to you with respect or anything. You are a male so you should be weaker than us. Yet I'm here seeking for help from someone who I should consider as miserable compared to myself. Please don't take it as an insult, it's our order that... well I guess you know what I mean, you're clever after all. But it's not how I'm going to find a husband."
"I wouldn't have thought that would be a priority for you."
"I'm following this training and I'm going to marry a noble man. A bit like..."
Paul stops dead in his track, not even smiling as he watches you walking and talking with your head lowered to your feet. His fists are clenched, as well as his teeth. They are planning to marry you ? And he was not even aware of it ?
"Come back here."
You obey blindly, just as weak as anyone else to that power he is starting to master. Your footsteps are quicker and confident than usual, your eyes empty.
"Listen to me." He adds as he takes your head in his hands. "You deserve better. Keep that in mind."
You nod again and Paul feels a burning euphoria threatening his reason. He is gifted.
"Tell me you're beautiful."
"I am beautiful."
He rubs your cheekbones with his thumbs, and right as you come back to your senses with that worried light in your eyes...
"Say it again."
"I am beautiful.
"I am beautiful."
He stops by biting his tongue as he already feels tipsy with such simple yet unnerving power he has on you. It would be so easy.
You blink and step back from him, your breath high-pitched and all too fast.
"Paul it's n-not good it's... it's nice of you b-but really I don't t-think... that's not a good id-idea."
You are melting on your feet right before him as your fear turns into flattered grimaces. It'd be so easy to make you his. You. An Atreides. His Duchess. His Lady.
"I'm trying to help you." He insists with his arms crossed. "You have to confront the world around you. Keep an open eye on everything instead of looking away. It's not like that that your enemies are going to disappear."
"But I'm going to have my husband." You squeal. "I'll get protection from the guards and..."
"That is not how a Bene Gesserit would think." He argues back as he steps towards you. "Show me your strength. Show it to me."
"I have none Paul please you're scaring me..." you whisper while looking around you.
"I am trying to help you." He reminds you softly. "My mother is a powerful woman. You can trust her. Why would you be afraid of me ? You should be afraid of the outside world."
"I'm already afraid of that thank you." You mumble pitifully before closing your eyes as your back reaches a wall.
"Look at me. Keep your eyes on me."
It's infuriating how much you treat yourself like you are nothing. If only you knew how much he cares about you he wouldn't have to try to protect you. Is he going to cross that dangerous line ? It's wrong.
Your empty eyes remain on his for a while before you close them again, swallowing hard as he caresses your cheeks with his folded fingers.
"You're beautiful." He whispers as he admires your features. "So delicate."
The moment his fingers reaches your throat he notices your strong pulse below. Poor little thing. He really should make you understand that once his, you would take have to fear anything nor anyone.
"May I ?" He asks.
Behind his curls falling on his forehead he watches you nodding, eyes half-closed. Is this arousal or anxiety ? Who cares.
His fingers linger on your dress covering you completely from throat to toe. Especially on where a cleavage would be. He likes to feel that firm flesh underneath. With his height it would be easy for him to see some breasts without you noticing it.
"Paul... it's for.. uh... my husband. I have to r-remain pure for my husband."
"I'm going to be your husband."
No sound leaves your lips to form that "what" you were about to say, instead they get pressed against his. Finally he gets you resisting a bit and showing some bravery. Finally. He looks down at you as you gasp for air, your horrified eyes turned to your hands that clenched on his jacket to maintain some distance between you.
"Paul you're not going to.."
"Listen to me."
Once he has your fully artificial attention he kisses you again, moaning against your lips as his tongue plays with your unanimated one. It feels good to have you as his. He definitely should make you his.
"I'm going to marry you."
"Are you ?" You ask shyly.
You're falling, all too confused to resist.
"I am. I am."
"But Jessica never told..."
"Why do you think she is the one educating you, in the heart of this House ?" Paul lies with a huge comforting smile as his mind starts to wander in some decadent place. "They wouldn't have sent you there."
He kisses you again and this time you mirror him although with nothing similar to his own passion. You squeal as his hands grab your buttocks, his kiss deepening at the pain he feels when you press harder against the wall. They want you to remain chaste but he has other plans for his girl. He may have never done it before but it doesn't mean he doesn't know the theory.
"Go to my room."
You obey, blinking and confused once in front of his bed. After this he doesn't lose much time as he embraces you from behind, his hands rubbing your thighs through your dress as he whispers to your ear.
"My lovely future wife." He says before kissing your burning cheek. "So beautiful and hot like that."
"Am... am I ?" You ask.
He got you. That edge in your voice, that's begging.
"Oh yes you are. Such a magnificent future Duchess."
He does his best to keep his voice as seductive as possible but his shaft is throbbing against his pants. He presses you harder against you, dry humping your buttocks gently as he listens to your breathless sighs.
"Do you think that any girl can drive me crazy like this ? An Atreides ?"
"No... No I don't think so..." You moan as he kisses your throat eagerly. "Fuck Paul stop it's getting too much..."
"But that..." he emphasizes his word with a more insisting grind from his hips, "that was not too much ?"
"I-I don't know..."
"Are you aroused ?"
You don't say it immediately but he feels lightheaded as you move your hips back to add pressure to his needy crotch.
"I am aroused." You whisper.
"I am aroused." You squeal.
"Take that off."
That formidable power he has over you is the most delightful thing he got to experience in his life. He watches your back now bare to him if not for your bra, and himself losses his belt at your curves still covered partially by white panties.
"Remove the rest." He commands as is palm massages the bump in his pants.
Shoes gone, socks gone. Panties gone. Bra gone. Your nudity is pure. So pure he could come right there. He could ejaculate right there on your bare asscheeks on on your legs. He'd love to cover you with his seed, all this seed he wasted in his hands throughout the months just by thinking about you as his Duchess kneeling for her Duke. His beloved Duchess using her own Voice for dubious things in bed.
You are back at yourself as you hide the front with your arms, but he smiles. It's cute but crossing your legs like that only spreads your asscheeks a little.
"You're magnificent like this. Don't you know that ?"
"Thank you but I'm not."
"If I were you I'd touch myself every night while looking at my own reflection. Turn around."
He definitely could come right there. Your perked nipples are better than in his fantasies. Not too big, not too small. Exactly what he likes as he takes them in his hands. No wonder why there are so many naked statues of women everywhere.
You moan as he starts to suck on your perked nipple, his smile hard to repress as you hide your face behind your hands.
"Oh no it's embarrassing." You moan as his tongue circles your left nipple. "Oh no... I shouldn't. It's too... too soon."
His hands grab your bare buttocks as he keeps harassing that same nipple over and over, his lips closing on your firm flesh. He's obsessed now. He is going to marry you and give you so many heirs. He's gonna try every night while making you scream of pleasure like you are some desperate whore taken off the street trying to arouse the whole district. He's going to make you yours more and more at every hips thrusts.
"Paul... Paul... I..."
For a second he thinks he hurt you somehow but your silent and ashamed orgasm only makes you hotter. So many possibilities to make his future wife come.
"Lie down on my bed."
You do as instructed, your shaky legs carrying you and he stands there, right in front of you as he removes his clothes slowly, his chest rising fast.
"Spread your legs."
You obey, revealing the wet part as you fold your leg. It's dripping onto his own blanket.
"Touch yourself."
He stops lowering his black boxer to watch your fingers playing with your own body. His own erection is almost painful now, pulsating under his gaze. It never happened before and after tossing his boxer away he doesn't waste his time more than that to join you.
The Voice loses its effect on you at the moment the Atreides positions himself between your legs, his eyes half-closed like drunk as he witnesses your ashamed face.
"You're beautiful. Don't be shy honey. Don't be shy." He whispers as he caresses your bare leg. "My lovely future Duchess. Please look at me."
No order there, but you do as intimated, you face still hidden behind your hands. He clenches his teeth as he watches his shaft sliding inside you, a moan escaping him, followed by another as he feels you clenching around him. There is some resistance.
"I love you beautiful. It's going to be alright." He moans with his eyes lowered to your connected intimacy.
He doesn't want to hurt you or even injure you. It's none of his plan. He wants to make you fall in love with the best sex any man could offer you.
"Paul please be gentle. Please I..." You articulate breathlessly. "Please kiss me."
He connects your lips, his tongue quick to find yours. Your arms and soft skin swallows the top of his body completely. And with a smooth hip thrust, he finally gets where he wanted to go.
He moans against your neck as your nails scratch his back, your legs agitated like the ones of a bug struggling to get back on its feet.
It's going to be alright he whispers as he looks down at you, his mind shut to the outside world. He feels great. You're tight, warm, wet, naked. Perfect. He can run his fingers through your hair, calm you down with open-mouthed kisses, you are convinced you are going to marry him. Even better. You moan between kisses. You're hot. Really hot. He is definitely going to convince his parents to marry you. Oh yes he is going to do that. He wants you everyday. He wants to take you every morning, every night.
Your first name escapes his lips as he feels you close. He loves this intimacy with your obvious stress as he caresses your naked breasts and kisses your chin. Fortunately he "I love you"s manage to make you enjoy this time together. And by the Gods, how much he loves you.
He smiles widely once his face hidden in your hair, your delighted moan muffled against his neck as he thrusts inside you once more. Then another time, and the next one is the last one before he feels himself too far gone to worry about the world. It's so satisfying for him to know you got his seed and loves what he has done to your body. He lets a sigh out of his mouth as he feels your muscles clenching and unclenching around his shaft. He didn't know that. No wonder why it is said that sex leads the world. Why is it considered as a bad thing ?
"Paul... it was... it was great..." You whisper in confusion. "I... oh shit I shouldn't have done that... I liked it too much."
"You are going to be my wife one day and we are going to lead a planet." He promises absentmindedly before kissing your forehead. "That was just the beginning."
He is going to protect you from everything, teaching you how to embrace that corruption necessary to evolve amongst the monsters preying on people like you two.
- - - -
Thank you for reading, please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
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pocketramblr · 6 months
AU with bio dad all might where Inko dies during child birth and because of how busy he is in hunting down AFO, along with the safety concerns. All Might gives temporary custody of Izuku to Gran.
1- Toshinori is crushed. He might have been able to suggest Inko take Izuku and hide, but he can't stand to send their baby away alone with nothing, no way of knowing if it's actually safer, nada. Gran thought he might, but when he enters the room and sees how Toshinori is holding the newborn, he knows he won't. Toshinori kisses Izuku's forehead and says he's going to be staying with his grandfather for a bit, but his dad will be back as soon as he can.
2- Toshinori doesn't visit. He didn't go to Gran's house before, not since the day after graduation when he left for the airport, and he won't do it now that AfO could be watching. But he does call. Izuku knows the sound of his father's voice over the phone, knows Gran calls him 'Toshinori', knows there is something he has to do before he can return. When he's little, he imagines a hero, then an astronaut, then a vigilante, then an important businessman, then a researcher. His dad doesn't talk much about his job, always sounds so tired by it, always so eager to hear about his days instead, or maybe tell him about his mom.
3- After the potato smashing, Gran leaves Izuku in the care of a neighbor (she delivers groceries when he's too tired to walk and get some, and her son's a hero Izuku adores, he'll be safe with both of them for a couple hours) and goes to the hospital as Sir and Toshi argue about retirement. He reminds Toshinori that the custody was supposed to be temporary. Sir asks what he's talking about and gets kicked out of the ward. "You weren't arguing back about it as strongly as I thought you would. You lose your stubbornness too?" Gran asks. Toshi sighs, leans his head against the wall, and admits that he wants so badly to go to Gran's, grab Izuku, and vanish for a decade, make up for lost time. But he can't give up on saving people. But he wants so badly to have his family, its all that's been pushing him through years of twenty hour workdays. But people could die, would die, if he did that.
Gran hums, and says Izuku'll be so thrilled to finally see his dad in person. Almost as excited as he'll be to find out his dad is All Might.
Then he hands Toshinori two tickets to I-island, and leaves for his own vacation. (being a single parent is hard)
4- Toshi meets Izuku, and explains on the plane who he is and why he was gone for years- a very brief overview of it, anyway. Izuku keeps pinching himself. Toshi cries in David's arms for a while. Izuku and Melissa hit it off. Izuku asks if he can be a quirkless hero, and Toshi, getting David's pointed looks, says maybe, but he'll have to practice a lot. It really is like a dream, and when its time to go back, Izuku almost asks if they can stay- instead he says 'come back' and Toshi agrees they'll visit, wonders if Izuku will want to attend the academy there for high school, but Izuku wants to be a hero. On their return, Toshi, Gran, and Izuku have to resettle awkwardly around each other, but manage. Toshi brought back support equipment Dave made him, similar to what helped him in college manage his power. He cuts back on hours too, and the HPSC assumes its all because of his injuries.
5- While the rule has been changed to allow it for a couple of years, Izuku is the first quirkless student admitted to the UA Hero Course. No one else from his middle school got in, so its all alone and making new friends, but he manages. He's exited. His dad and grandpa are exited.
Then, during lunch a few days into the school year, Izuku gets a call. It's weird in the middle of the day, but he picks up- "Hey dad, what's up?"
It is not his father's voice that responds. "Huh, 'dad'?"
Izuku freezes, unsure who this scratchy, younger voice could be. Uraraka asks him if he's ok. He hangs up, breathing faster, and calls Gran. - "Someone got dad's phone and i answered and-" / "Hold on kid, let me see if he just forgot it at his desk and- shit there's been a break in at the tower. Izuku, go to Nedzu's office right now and stay there. One of us will call him, don't answer your phone to anyone. Go."
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spidori · 3 months
Doctor Danny Fenton: On The Run
Danny knew he was on borrowed time.
Sure, he was harder for Clockwork to find than most- something about it being harder to look for an acausal nexus than a causal one, and the medallion fused into his core severing him from standard causal flow, Dan had explained it to him once, before he... no! Focus Danny! You don't know how long you have until he finds you!
Dragging himself out of his dissociation, Danny took stock. He still had the Infinimap in one hand; it was still green and dripping from something he couldn't afford to think about right now. Where and when had the Infinimap interpreted his shout of "a way to run away" as asking to travel to?
"Dann'O! You're just in time to see our newest upgrades to the speeder!"
"Uhhh... You made it look like a Volkswagen beetle?”
"Oh, Sweetie, no. See!" his mom said, opening up a control panel and poking around, then stepping away from what was now a cargo van.
"Your father and I finally figured out how to fuse ectoplasm with metals to make ecto-alloy! We rebuilt the speeder from it and added a camouflage circuit. Now it can change shape into whatever will blend into the surrounding environment for any ghost hunting scenario."
"And the best part is, it even gives off an ecto-signature! Those spooks won't know what hit 'em when you ambush 'em from this one Mads!"
A transforming vehicle with its own ecto-signature to hide inside? Yeah, that might work, even though Danny remembered the camouflage feature had been a short-lived modification because of how often it would get stuck and have to be put through a hard-reset to get it changing again. And judging by the way the Infinimap was subtly tugging towards the improved speeder that's exactly what it brought him here for.
"Mom, Dad, whatever happens next, I love you, and I'm sorry."
"Danny, sweetie, is something wrong?"
"More than I have time to explain, mom. Look, if you see Jazz... If this timeline... Just, tell Jazz I love her too, ok?"
"Dann'o, you're scaring us."
"I know. I'm sorry. Hopefully you'll have the chance to be able to forgive me for this. Going Ghost!"
Ok. He had made it into the speeder. The new metal wasn't phase-proof, there were pros and cons to that, ones he would consider later if he made it that far. At least the interior was pretty much unchanged, so he'd been able to get the speeder started before he'd heard the sound of a clock tolling and his parents' banging on the door had suddenly stopped.
He'd gunned it into the portal quickly enough to get into the relative safety of the zone before its stop sign frame and hazard pattern doors dissolved into obliterated nothingness along with everything else he had been able to see, or sense, of his home dimension...
Something else to be stuffed in the trauma box to be unpacked never if he was ever able to stop running 'later,' something to unpack 'later.'
The tugging in his hand was getting stronger, so at least he was probably heading in roughly the right direction.
He tried veering a little to the right to see if he could get a better sense for the direction the map was tugging, only for its pull to remain unchanged.
Confused, Danny glanced down to see it was actually tugging towards the dashboard.
Or rather, the ectoplasm- all that remained of Dani... 'LATER!'- which coated it was tugging towards the dashboard.
Desperately hoping this meant there might be something of his favorite halfa left to save, Danny pressed the coated map to the dashboard, and prayed.
Within seconds, the map was gone, absorbed into the speeder. Then things got even weirder.
Weirder than the group of ancients putting aside their many feuds to team up on him had been.
Stranger than those ancients somehow getting the Observants on their side.
More out of the blue than the Observants using their binding vow with Clockwork to force him to try to eliminate any timelines with Danny in them, as well as anyone who was even part Danny.
It had been a hell of a day.
And now the speeder had apparently grown absolutely gigantic after absorbing the Infinimap if the anachrofuturistic room Danny suddenly found himself in was anything to go by.
And according to the view screens it was generating a relativistic time, space, and dimensional tunnel?
Oh Lord. Danny was going to have quite the time explaining this one to his parents if he managed to undo enough of this to have a timeline to return to.
The tunnel let out in a universe with low-to-minimal ambient ectoplasm according to the external sensor arrays.
That phrasing! That was Exactly how Clockwork had phrased it the last time Danny had talked with him as 'Clockwork'; after the Observants took control of him with their vow he had called himself Chrona, which was the first thing which clued Danny in that something was wrong.
What was it Clockwork had told him?
"Local ambient ectoplasm levels are an important consideration for stronger ghosts, Danny. Your perception is skewed by the limits of your experiences, as well as your unique biology, but Amity park and the Infinite Realms as a whole are essentially the top of the scale for ambient ectoplasm levels.
Normally, ectoplasm is a renewable, but much more finite resource. A sufficiently powerful ghost can easily consume all that is available in an area with a normal level before they are able to accomplish anything worth the effort if they aren't extremely frugal with their use of power. Normally, it makes any plans which would involve other realms simply not worth the effort and energy expenditure involved, especially with the additional up-front cost of breaching the veil.
There are even locations with low-to-minimal ambient ectoplasm, which makes them practically immune to ghostly influence. Only the very weakest of shades, ones who require next to no ectoplasm to maintain their current state of existence, can naturally persist in such places. Well, them, and extremely rare exceptions such as Halfa's, whose unique state of existence allows them to generate nearly all of the ectoplasm required to sustain their ghostly half. Any other ghosts would have to gather all of the ectoplasm they would need before going to any such spot, like how the astronauts you love so much need to bring everything for survival with them into deep space.
Actually, the deep space metaphor is particularly apt, as there are whole dimensions with far lower levels of ectoplasm than the one you call home.
Should you ever find yourself able to indulge that space obsession of yours, that would be a good place to do it. Most ghosts would be unable to follow you there, and even those who technically could would have great difficulty sustaining themselves once they arived."
"Geez, Gramps, you're feeling talkative today. Usually I can't get anything nearly this direct out of you."
"It will be important for you to understand your options, my young halfa. Speaking of which, keep in mind that your specific nature is vital to your ability to so easily sustain yourself in such environments. Even other halfas will have much more difficulty surviving in the lowest ecto-level locations as a result of their less balanced compositions. I know your young mirror's obsession also involves exploration, but she would require near constant fulfillment of her obsessions to have a hope of generating enough to get by without supplementation for you or another living being with a similar drive to seek new experiences. Mr. Masters would be better off due to his greater degree of human biology, but would also be hindered by the less complete connection to his ghost side. He would likely find transformation essentially impossible outside of survival scenarios- though you yourself probably would as well- and even his human form would experience side-effects like pounding headaches, or the constant sound of his heart pounding in his ears like a drum as it was pushed to maintain his starving ghostly side."
"I'm sure Dani and I could manage. And if we couldn't, we could always call you to pick us up."
"Untrue, actually. Any location with low enough levels to cause young Danielle to suffer would also be extremely difficult for me to reach. Such low levels could require anywhere from days to centuries in order to push enough ectoplasm through the veil to form a link, possibly more if an entity- such as an injured halfa- or anomaly- such as a rift of any kind- on the other side is draining whatever bleeds through. Your own presence may act to shorten that time somewhat if you can generate enough ectoplasm on site, but even then I would have to find you first. My abilities as an ectoplasmic entity rely wholly on manipulation of ectoplasm, and that includes my near omniscience. Should you ever find yourself in a location with sufficiently low ectoplasm, I would have a great deal of difficulty locating you; the link between our cores would mean that I would always be able to locate you eventually, but you would need to stay in one place for quite a while, which would rather defeat the purpose of emergency rescue."
"So if I ever need to hide from you because I actually manage to pull a prank on you which you don't see coming, all I have to do is find and then literally flee to one of a very select subset of alternate dimensions?"
"Pretty much. Although if you're hiding from me you would want to actively muddy the waters as well."
"Setting aside that I don't think I'd ever want to hide from you, Gramps, muddy the waters?"
"I'm a conceptual entity, Danny. I anchor to that concept in every single reality in which it exists. If the concept of time is sufficiently redirected to something or someone else to any degree, whatever portion has been redirected is therefore unavailable for me to latch onto. The same idea applies to Nocturn not being able to enter the DC Dimension because of their Dream of the Endless. Meanwhile, Pandora could enter almost at a whim if not for her guard duties, because that universe associates hope with her almost directly. In my case, anything strongly associated with the flow and concept of time could hinder me, while spreading my own name would allow me a greater share of any ectoplasm generated by the dimension.
Danny could work with this.
He would have to keep traveling so that Clockwork- no, it was Chrona now- couldn't lock onto him or Dani-fused-to-the-dimensionally-traveling-speeder (He would have to workshop that).
If possible, he would also have to find a way to make a myth associated with time in an abnormal manner; the question was how to do that?
And he would need to do all of this while expending as little of his ectoplasm as possible, and probably supplementing Dani's whenever he could if she was ever going to have any chance of reconstituting.
He could definitely work with this; he refused to accept otherwise.
Maybe his parents had left some things he could use in the speeder before they were- 'Later!'
Hmm... No tools lying around... There was the weapons locker, but he should probably use whatever was in those ecto-batteries immediately so they wouldn't act as some kind of concentrated-ecto-homing-beacon. Maybe they could help Dani heal?
As he brought the disconnected batteries to the console in the center of the room, he saw it. There, sticking out of one of the panels which would probably have originally been the cup-holder in the center console before everything was transformed, was his dad's favorite 'screwdriver.' Not that it was even remotely recognizable as a screwdriver anymore; his dad had modified it so many times that it looked more like a futuristic laser pointer now. It had become his favorite hobby project before he was- 'LATER!'
He recognized this one as the version which required next to no ectoplasm to work, but as a trade-off had been completely unable to interact with wood for some reason. Something about still partially living matter and destructive interference with foreign emotional resonance as a naturally evolving survival mechanism in- Ramble 'later', focus on surviving now.
And Danny was actually starting to feel like he could find a way to survive with what he had. It was like his dad had always said about the screwdriver.
"See how many things it can do now, Dann'O! If I had tried to turn it into this version from the start it never would have worked; I would have gotten frustrated and had to move onto some other project for the sake of my sanity, and our house's walls. But since I took it one small change at a time, look at what I've been able to turn it into.
Incremental change, son! It's how any real change happens. If you want to accomplish something big, you try to choose the things which you think will lead towards wherever you want to end up, especially when they won't get you all the way there, big easy changes like that almost never stick for one reason or another. Over time those small steps add up, and you end up somewhere a lot better than where you started. So, what do you think you can do to apply that to working on your grades?"
Yeah, Danny could start to do something with what he had. He was still half alive, and could keep himself that way as long as he never stopped running long enough for Chrona to find and catch up to him. He had a Time and Dimensional and Relativistic Space ship (still not quite right, but better) with Dani fused into it to help him do just that. And he had his dad's screwdriver and advice.
So where should he start?
Well, if he wanted to build a myth, and to fulfill his obsessions wherever possible, protecting people while exploring all of time and space was probably as good a way as any. A time-traveling madman with an ever-changing camouflaged space-ship and a 'screwdriver', just passing through, helping out, was sure to get some attention.
It just needed a name to really give people something to latch onto.
He had just gotten his doctorate in engineering before everything went to hell, but as much as he'd like to use Dr. Fenton, that was just laying down a trail and begging Chrona to follow. His real name would probably have to be a closely guarded secret; the title was good though, so instead, he would just call himself
The Doctor.
Now, where should he run to next?
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didishawn · 1 year
Hey bestie!!!! Your works are chef kiss 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 uhm I was wondering if you can write angst w Ferran? Idk like there's an argument n he says something hurtful?? Miss ma'am tbh I have no clue what im requesting😭😭 all ik is that I'd like some angst ending in fluff pls??? N ur writing is amazing so 🤌🏼
Broken souls (Ferran x Reader)
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Warnings: angsty with happy ending, mentions of Ferran's insecurities and mental health, mentions of the internet being assholes, Sira mention (not in a truly bad way as the girl is amazing)
You know Ferran adores Barça and loves playing in it, it's where his best friends play and 9ne the best club's out there, but sometimes you can't help but wonder if things would be better had he stayed in Manchester City.
Words can bring down even the happiest of people, that person who everyone knows to be the nicest, the funniest, being broken by people on the Internet feeling the need to comment on all his flaws and creating insecurities.
It's terrible for anyone, brings them down, worsens their mental health and makes them sometimes not be themselves.
Your boyfriend, you know is broken, as months pass by he becomes even more of a shell of his true self, he might pretend everything is alright out there, but you know it isn't.
He overworks himself, training hours not enough for him, locking himself in the gym or using the goalie on your backyard to practice until late night hours, then waking up even before the sun rises.
You know he is exhausted, but he refuses to stop, you are worried about what will happen to him, you have told him so multiple times, and the screaming match you both are having right now is a repetition, already happened.
"I just told you to please come to bed, I don't think there is nothing wrong with it!" you shout at him, trying to get your words through that thick head of his, he shakes his head, a smile that is not truthful, almost cruel.
"You don't fucking understand, don't you? How can I go to bed when I fucking suck! Its almost as if you have fun seeing how terrible I am!"
"How can you say that? You know I am your biggest supporter! I just think you should also keep in mind to take care of yourself!"
He gives a dry laugh, face to face with you as he glares down at you, you are not afraid though, you know he would never hurt you -at least not with his hands that he furiously moves around and points at you.
"Really? Because I think you enjoy it, having all culers hating on me, maybe you like that I have no one by my side to have me all for yourself! Always so fucking clingy" he sighs "Sira understood..."
You both tense, his eyes snap into yours, apologetic, trying to reach out for you.
"Love, I'm-"
"Fuck you, Ferran. If Sira was so much better then she can take care of you so you don't fucking die from exhaustion" you are in tears "I fucking care for you and you just treat me as if I was a parasite, someone you don't actually love, maybe you didn't want a girlfriend -at least not me as its obvious you did want Sira, you wanted someone to keep your house clean and all that shit so meanwhile you repay me like this"
You walk away from his, you don't let him grab you a she wants, picking up your purse and intentionally leaving the house keys behind. You stop, see the promise ring on your finger, and go to take it off, his hands stop you.
"Please, amor, don't do that I promise I will try to do better, ok? You are right, I am sorry for treating you like shit, I promise I will listen to what you say"
You laugh "Only when you are about to lose me do you react, how can I believe your words for a second if maybe this conversation will repeat itself in a week"
"It won't, ok? I swear, y/n, I will do my best so there is no repetition on this, I want you, I love you, I won't be able to do this without you. I know I am an asshole, bit the one good thing I have is you and I will make sure to always remind it"
You think it over for a second, dropping your purse you let his arms wrap around you, taking a moment in them, you then go on to whisper.
"You are still sleeping on the couch after that Sira comment"
"Totally worth it if you stay"
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