#cheese toe fungus
goblin-spider · 5 months
My Spidey mail is back open (asks) if anyone wants to request any artworks they want me to do. I don't charge anything bc I just genuinely enjoy drawing. Asks can also be used for RP 🧑🏻‍🏭
Hi I'm Cas but most of my friends either call me red, patch, spider man or toe fungus. My pronouns are he/they, I'm an intj (5w6 Sanguine-Melancholic), Indigenous aus and Irish :) demi + biromantic (mostly mlm leaning) ♋♏♓I mostly post multifandom content, waffle about what's on my brain and support creators and mutuals in the ways that I can. I also post bits of my writing and art here AND the MANY silly playlists I make on YouTube. I also rp my spidersona Mer and Their husband ponderosa.
To gauge my personality easier, I relate deeply with the following characters: Cicero, Miguel O'Hara, Sasuke Uchiha, Dustfinger, Pearl, Steven, Vilkas, Web Slinger (Patrick O'Hara/Ponderosa parker), Spider Noir, Guillermo, little misfortune & Jim Hawkins.
To gauge even better, characters my friends say I'm like: Miguel O'Hara, Kaine (nier replicant), Darby (murder at the end of the world), Eddie Brock, Tim the enchanter, nappa (dbz parody), Patrick O'Hara (web slinger) & Bruno (Encanto).
Characters I would say I relate to the most are definitely Cicero and Miguel though. Like in a gothic mirror being held up to me kinda way.
You may see the name 'todd' (@toddwest69) pop up a lot in my posts, he's my best friend. Characters I often compare him to are: Peter B Parker, The Spot, Majima, Deadpool & Loki. He's an intp but mf acts like an entp. His big 3 are ♏♓♌.
Some of my many interests that you can expect to see me posting about include: Skyrim (and tes in general), Spider-Man, both marvel and DC, the dark crystal, goth stuff, memes, video games (red dead redemption, Minecraft, ESO and we happy few are the few of MANY), psychology, MBTI, astrology(mainly for the fun of it I don't really deeply believe in it), artists I love, comics, literature I enjoy, the occasional politics, trans stuff aaannddd music stuff because I love music.
Ocs (please don't steal them or trace my art of them): Mer Osborn (and his alternate Mer G Osborn), Noah O'hara, Kirk Connelly (and his alternate Kirkpool), Pat B O'Hara (an alternate of Marvel's web slinger), Nadia Osborn, Peter N Taylor, Nelly Hlaalu, Styx Winterborn, Sil Hlaalu, Morphel Greylock, Ferrinar Greylock, Thanatos Aretino, Una gro shub, Achilles Honeyed tongue, Seldrine, Fleenwrake, Ravenous, Morwynnlo, Aephig & Cornelius.
Ships I love and am feral for (mostly crackships): Sasusaku, tempest X Miguel, Miguel X Peter B (and MJ), Miguel X Jessica drew, Cicero X the listener ships go hard, mild fan of skano bc of moots getting me into mk, Gwen X Miles, Farengar X the dragon stone of bleak falls barrow, jarl ballin X ireleth 🤌🏻 Skully X Mulder, guillermo X nandoor, Harley Quinn X poison ivy, Deadpool X Spider man.
Hashtags created for my content: #vonbowiesfrostfallseries #The life of mer Taylor #Mer Osborn #Noah O'Hara #patchworks spideymail #oc: mer G osborn
Art Instagram: Patchwork_spider
YouTube: Sheogoraths cheese tower
Art Tiktok: Patchwork - spider
AO3: Mer Taylor
Wattpad: Vonbowie
Twitter/X: patchwork spider
I try to keep my page as safe for all ages as I possibly can but I am prone to spouting my mind freely without thinking on here, I do also try to use trigger warnings/ warnings in general when I'm venting about topics or writing about things that may be traumatic or inappropriate for some age groups.
Things I believe in/support before you hit follow: Land back, BLM, the freeing of Palestine, Ukraine and the congo (+ any other countries being oppressed), Trans and LGBTQ+ rights, Intersectional feminism, Equity, general leftism although I'm not overboard about it, healthy masculinity, the idea that you can do what you want when you want as long as it isn't actually harming anyone and makes you happy.
I hope you enjoy my page and find some semblance of entertainment from it.
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leam1983 · 5 months
Disability makes the simplest fucking things more difficult than it seems.
There's not an ounce of my body I can't groom or wash on my own, but there's something to my apparent inability to dry my own toes off correctly after a shower that's absolutely chronic, and I can't say I haven't tried. The end result is a spot between two toes on my left foot that invariably smells of "feeta cheese", to reference Sarah's bad pun, and that also invariably devolves into the most localized, annoying and demanding case of Athlete's Foot ever. It never spreads because I manage it, it never worsens - but it takes weeks to reverse.
It burns for days, before settling back below my normal sensory perceptions. I've noticed it overnight, slipped on some new cotton socks and finished my night, then came the first of many, many, many strenuous cleansing sessions. The slit between my left pinky toe and the fourth is this diaphanous valley of skin that's waiting for the right excuse to slough off, and the spot where my toe always curls in on itself thanks to my muscular rigidity is red, with even redder splotches visible. It's a real fuckin' Fungus Party down there, and I've asked Mr. Clotrimazole to crash it.
What really annoys me is the rituals involved. Twice-daily washes, mainly, the notion that all the washcloths I'll touch for the next week or so are going to be handled like toxic waste - and Walt offering to help me with some aspects of my grooming that I, realistically, should be able to handle on my own.
There's no easy way to tell him, either: Thanks, I love that you're concerned and that you care, but I SHOULD be able to handle this on my own.
There's an unspoken variable, here. I should, but we both know that all it takes is my being less sensorially aware of remaining humidity levels in certain darker corners and perceiving myself as bone-dry when I factually am not - and this'll spring up again. Over and over and over.
It's degrading. I'm forty and I have spurts where I show up for a pedicure looking like I have the feet of an eightysomething man of which the primary caregivers don't give a shit. Being your own caregiver means caring, sure - but it doesn't always guarantee consistency and competence.
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aariskin · 11 months
Fungal Skin Infections : Causes ,Symptoms & Treatment
Fungal skin infections are common conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. These infections occur when fungi, microscopic organisms that thrive in warm and moist environments, invade the skin. While most fungal infections are not life-threatening, they can cause discomfort, itching, and cosmetic concerns. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking appropriate treatment are crucial for effectively managing fungal skin infections. In this article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for these prevalent infections.
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Causes of Fungal Skin Infections:
Fungal skin infections are primarily caused by different species of fungi. These organisms can be found in various environments, such as soil, plants, animals, and human skin. The following factors contribute to the development of fungal skin infections:
Warm and moist environments: Fungi thrive in warm and humid conditions, making areas like the groin, armpits, and feet particularly susceptible to infections.
Weakened immune system: Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy, are more prone to fungal infections.
Poor hygiene: Inadequate personal hygiene, including infrequent handwashing, can increase the risk of fungal skin infections.
Direct contact: Fungal infections are contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, contaminated surfaces, or contaminated items like clothing and towels.
Pre-existing skin conditions: Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis can create an environment conducive to fungal overgrowth, increasing the likelihood of infection.
Common Types and Symptoms:
There are several types of fungal skin infections, each with its own set of symptoms. Here are some of the most prevalent ones:
Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis): This infection affects the feet, especially the spaces between the toes. Symptoms include itching, redness, scaling, and the formation of blisters or cracks.
Ringworm (Tinea corporis): Ringworm appears as a red, circular rash with raised edges, resembling a ring. It can occur on various parts of the body and often causes itching and flaking of the skin.
Jock itch (Tinea cruris): Primarily affecting the groin area, jock itch causes a red, itchy rash with a scaly border. It may spread to the buttocks and inner thighs, causing discomfort and irritation.
Nail fungus (Onychomycosis): Fungal infections can also affect the nails, causing them to become thick, discolored, brittle, and prone to crumbling.
Yeast infections (Candidiasis): Candidiasis can occur in various areas of the body, including the skin, mouth, and genitals. It causes redness, itching, and a white, cottage cheese-like discharge in affected areas.
Treatment Options:
The best fungal infection doctor in Jaipur typically involves topical or oral antifungal medications. The specific treatment method depends on the type and severity of the infection. Here are the common treatment options:
Topical antifungal creams: Over-the-counter or prescription creams, ointments, or powders containing antifungal agents like clotrimazole, terbinafine, or miconazole can effectively treat many fungal infections. Application instructions should be followed carefully.
Oral antifungal medications: In cases of severe or widespread infections, oral antifungal medications may be prescribed. These medications work from within to combat the infection and usually require a longer treatment duration.
Keeping the affected area clean and dry: Practicing good hygiene and ensuring the infected area is kept clean and dry can help prevent the further spread of fungal infections.
Avoiding sharing personal items:  To prevent the spread of fungal infections, avoid sharing items like towels, clothing, and shoes with infected individuals.
Treating underlying conditions: If a fungal infection is associated with an underlying condition like eczema or diabetes, treating the underlying condition is crucial for preventing recurrent infections.
Prevention is Better than Cure:
While fungal skin infections are common and often easily treatable, prevention is always preferable. Here are some preventive measures to reduce the risk of fungal infections:
Maintain good personal hygiene, including regular handwashing and proper cleansing of the body.
Keep the skin clean and dry, especially in areas prone to moisture, such as the groin and feet.
Avoid sharing personal items like towels, clothing, and shoes with others.
Wear breathable fabrics and change out of wet or sweaty clothing promptly.
Use antifungal powders or sprays in shoes and socks, particularly in humid weather or during physical activities.
Fungal skin infections are a common occurrence, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Recognizing the causes, understanding the symptoms, and seeking appropriate treatment are essential for managing these infections effectively. With proper care, hygiene, and timely medical intervention, most fungal skin infections can be successfully treated, relieving discomfort and preventing recurrence. Remember, if you suspect a fungal infection, it is always best to consult a Best Dermatologist In Jaipur for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.
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souryogurt64 · 3 years
its the way young pete was for sure a dick cheese factory yet i would sell my soul to go back in time to fuck him :-(
the way pete sucks so bad in every possible way yet girls are drooling over him. you know his dick piercing was so infected, nipple piercings never heal and he had those too. it would be worth destroying your pH for a month
he and patrick both admitted on loveline they got jock rot, the fueled by ramen diaries from that time feature pete complaining about andy complaining about crotch itch too so i wouldnt be surprised if all of them got it. pete had to have multiple surgeries to deal with the toe fungus he got from wearing the same pair of socks for all of warped. dirty apparently smelled so bad all of the time it even made hey chris gag
gerard began to reek so bad but refused to shower and instead tried to dry shave his balls to reduce the stench and sliced them wide open. and just any photo of him and bert. foul and rancid and sour and funky
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kill-ie · 3 years
time for more threats, its been a while (feel free to add more)
I truly wish I could find this person and fill their anus with hornets
I am going to shave your knee caps with a cheese grater
do that again and I'll play the piano at the same tempo of your heart and melt it to spaghetti sauce and serve it to myself
I will force feed you 10 bowls of taco bell and then super glue your face on to your ass
I'll personally use your spine as a whip to beat some sense into you
im going to throw you into a woodchipper and blame George Washington
I swear to God I will strap you to a chair and force you to watch ecchi shit in 8k 3D audio on 90" tv
im gonna replace your snot with your tears
I'll find you and staple your eyes to a Christmas tree
I will change your skin irl
your toes are going to be gone in the morning, don't test me
im gonna put your liver in a display case
unthink that or so help me i will delete the entire nation of Swaziland
I will rip your tongue out and wipe your ass with it
im literally going to kill the both of you with a sharp hamburger
I will weave your nerves into a long rope and make you bungee jump with it
delete what you just sent before I delete your heart rate
I will murder you and turn your unborn children into biofuel
do it before I piss on both sides of your pillow so that it's warm and wet
I'll personally put bear turds in your bedsheets and your pillow on both sides
I would suck the tendon out of your arm like a ramen noodle
I will delete your pancreas
im gonna dip you in chocolate and call you spicy
I will hunt you down and carve your skull into a shoe that I will beat your mother to death with
I will turn your intestines into hotdogs
im going to kick someone so hard their offspring will lose the ability to reproduce
im going to fill your eyes with glass shards
I will rip out your spine and whip you with it while I force you to use your intestines as a jump rope
im going to shove a scalding teaspoon under your friends fungus pocket
im going to find your house, steal your penis and you won't have a kitchen anymore
I hope you get hit by a train and live
im gonna highlight your face in yellow with piss
u better be out here respecting trans people or your pronouns are gonna be was/were
like it or else your favourite milfs will no longer be milfs
I will install the surgery mod into real life and replace your heart with a sea pickle
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stuffedwalrus · 3 years
hey guys! welcome to my blog, before i start todays post is sponsored by lick-my-little-fungus-toes-845 and if u use code 'bungus' you can get a 15% discount on their latest post!
The thing about cheese curds-
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geckolady · 3 years
Skulduggery Pleasant: Raising Cain - Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Clues and progress
They got to the car they borrowed and had to call a taxi to help get them all back to Gordon’s. They decided to rest for a little while before heading out and Crow went upstairs to remove the body which would be collected by the Sanctuary Cleavers and then cleaned up what he could, Wolf helping him.
Panda sat carefully at the kitchen table, looking at her nervously try to think up something to eat. She could make little bits, her and Gordon had been learning things slowly as a way of spending time together and also so Gordon wouldn’t forget to make food as often, Stephanie would remind him to spend time with her. It made her chest ache for him for a moment. She still loved him, but he had set up everything so she could move on quickly and she intended to make him proud.
She found some rice, tinned tomatoes, passata, cheese and mozzarella after a while and after digging out the recipe from the messed-up folder they had created together. Panda helped her work out how much food they needed for six, then decided after a moment to add on another two portions considering they were all so big and they were all so hungry.
It took a while to make and she had had to replace some passata with tin tomatoes, which were meant to be fresh anyway, and there defiantly wasn’t enough mozzarella, but with cheese on top and the fact it was alright tasting and there was more than enough for everyone, she was the star of the night and everyone doted on her. She’d always thought cooking for people was boring, but they made it fun, and Panda had done all the onion chopping so it wasn’t too horrible.
When they had all finished the meal – Stephanie had forced Crow to sit with them – they all went their various ways to relax. They had made sure to have two on night duty as well as Crow at all times but Stephanie was not involved though she didn’t complain with that, as the others would also be doing washing, drying and putting away since she cooked.
She washed for a long time in the shower, finding a lot of bruise and feeling a lot more aches than she realised she had. There was a particularly big yellowing bruise on her butt cheek she had no idea about but it didn’t hurt and too soon she was out the shower and in her massive, fluffy towel. She took the old nail varnish off her toes and couldn’t be bothered to repaint them after filing so she finished up, including her teeth and putting away the things she’d used in the draws, although they had no real home so it wasn’t exactly organised.
She didn’t care though so she took her clothes back to her room with her towel around her. She was sort of embarrassed to get waved at by Weasel who was going into his room someway down the hall as she was used to sleeping on a whole different floor to Gordon and had even walked, quiet freely, from the bathroom to her room naked without fear of being spotted in the past. She wouldn’t be able to do that anymore, which was disappointing in a weird way. Walking around naked was fun.
She shook the strange thoughts from her mind and went to her room with her massive super king bed and beautiful sheets and all her pillows and throws in various colours and materials, some gifts from her friends, others artfully picked by Gordon. The four-poster had semi-transparent white curtains she always had the tied up. When she was younger they had been the best thing in the room.
She had a desk and fairly new computer though the monitor was the same one from years ago, possibly from before she was born, a desk that went across the span of the room held up with massive screws and brackets rather than legs, giving the allusion of a lot of space. She had a vanity and massive walk in wardrobe with custom shelves, hanging space and shoe space that had never been full but she still loved for the fact it was over the top and made her feel important.
She changed into new pyjamas and got under the covers. She slept soundly.
She had a vague dream of Gordon that night, nothing of importance, no particular event, but she dreamt of Gordon, her and her boys. That’s what she called them in her dream and as soon as she awoke, she remembered that and not much of the dream itself. She decided that was what they were. She was their girl and they were her boys, her bothers. Sure, it wasn’t a perfect name for them, but it was the feel more so than the name itself.
She didn’t bother changing from her shorts and massive t-shirt Gordon had handed down to her some years ago, just grabbed her Panda toy to show Panda and slowly rubbed her eyes and went downstairs.
They were all in the kitchen, Bear, Panda and Weasel mumbling over tea, Crow reading a newspaper and the others far too excited for the morning and making up a big meal for them all. Stephanie sat on Bears lap and he moved back to give her room and was in a good enough mood to even wrap one arm back around her so it rested on her opposite hip, basically hugging her. Such a big, bad man, so feared across the land, and here he was, grumpy, drinking black tea and cuddling her.
“Cub!” Wolf said when he turned around. He was wearing an apron that said ‘I’ve been a naught cook’ on it and started laughing. “What do you want for breakfast?”
She stifled her laughs. “Whatever’s going I guess.”
“A full Irish, coming up.”
“Well, not a full one,” Crow pointed out over his paper.
“No,” Snake agreed. “But it’s pretty close.”
Stephanie listened to them argue over breakfast and noticed she was the last down and only one that hadn’t gotten dressed. Looking at the clock, she noticed it was ten o’clock and they must have been waiting for her.
She was given her food not long after and when they had all eaten and she’d helped putting things in the correct place when it was washed, she ran and got herself ready for the day. Back in her protective clothes, she came back to the kitchen to reconvene and found them inspecting her Panda bear.
“Hey!” She said, making them jump. “Don’t touch my Pandy!”
Wolf put it in the middle of the table. “I just wanted to see Ghastly’s namesake is all.”
“Yeah, just curious,” Snake said.
“Which is totally allowed,” Weasel pointed out. “So don’t get mad.”
“Yeah, but this is special. It was made for me and it’s special and you can’t hurt it,” she told them. “Anyway, I wanted to show Panda.”
“He saw it earlier,” Crow said, coming in from the living room. “He said it brought back memories of the wild animals his father made for him as a child. I think he wishes he made you more now.”
“He made me tones of stuff. I have almost everything you ever got me upstairs. Even the nonsense stuff you gave me.”
“They weren’t nonsense,” Crow muttered and left the room. “We’re leaving in five so get ready.”
Stephanie put her old toy, which was quite beaten up but still cute, at the end of the table and they got into the Bentley and the van and made their way down to the coast.
They stopped near her aunt and uncles place and Stephanie looked out the window at the nice little house. It was deceiving, how quaint it looked considering how bad the people within it had been to her on occasion. She was hardly Harry Potter but she deserved a little better from them, at least.
“Can’t we just steal it? I want to break in,” she told them.
“Stop whining. You get to steal it now, just walk over, go in, steal it and leave. Done,” Crow told her.
“It’s not the same and you know it,” she said, but got out the car, accepting that she was about to embarrass herself greatly in front of everyone.
She knocked on the door and waited until Fergus opened it. “Oh,” he said.
“Yeah. I was wondering how you were?” She asked. It sounded more like she was questioning the question. She certainly was.
“Uh, we’re fine. How are you?”
“Grand, grand. Um, could I use your bathroom?” She blurted out, wanting to get it over with.
He looked at her suspiciously. “Why? What are you up to?”
She frowned meanly at him. “Nothing. I went for a walk at the coast, needed to pee and came here. Is that so bad?”
He made a grunt noise but let her in and she bolted up the stairs to the bathroom. She closed the door and then listened carefully, hearing him call Beryl’s name and her shout back from the kitchen. She crept from the bathroom to her Aunt and Uncles room and searched the jewellery box. She found it quickly, flushed the loo and ran down the stairs.
“Thank you!” She called and closed the door on her way out.
She walked at a normal speed until she was sure Beryl couldn’t spy on her and then ran to the car and got in.
“That was not fun. I hope you understand that.”
“I don’t,” Crow said. “Now let’s go.”
They travelled back to the mansion and found it thankfully clear of intruders. The basement only took a moment to search with all seven of them and they used the key to get in, Stephanie getting to do the honours. It smelt dank and wet and felt frigidly cold.
They couldn’t all go in as there were monsters within would sense their magic, so Stephanie, Crow and Wolf would enter and the others would stay behind to guard and keep them hidden since they didn’t know if Serpine knew of the caves yet and if it gave them a few moments to get the Sceptre’s alliance to them first, it would be the edge they needed.
It felt slow at first, being in the cavernous maze and just slowly wandering around, finding boring plants and fungus everywhere. She had been instructed not to touch any as it was as dangerous as the sentient things down there. Maybe more so.
Stephanie pulled out the little torch she had stashed away in her jacket and they used it to pass a little stream type thing, and to avoid a massive tendril that was moving silently and might have been a snake though she honestly couldn’t tell. They couldn’t use magic, so her torch was invaluable. When they heard noises up ahead she clicked it off and they pressed into the shadows, Wolf’s hand on her shoulder.
The monster passed them with slow, powerful sweeps of its paws – a single claw was bigger than her foot. They waited for it to go around the corner and Wolf let her go and they began running through the dark halls with the torch to help them. Eventually they stumbled across a Snickers wrapper.
“Gordon,” Stephanie said, almost welling with emotion but holding it back resolutely.
“A clue,” Crow said. “We’re on the right track.”
They carefully followed the cave system further down into the dark and they were relying solely on Stephanie’s light for guidance. They reached a large space at the end with three other corridors and an overhang above them. In the centre of the room was the Sceptre.
Crow carefully checked the air with his magic and then nodded to them. They had already decided that Crow should be the one to touch the Sceptre first since he had the most control and would be the hardest for Serpine to kill. He strode forwards and the thing started to sing. He picked it up. It… did nothing.
How anticlimactic.
“Boring,” Wolf said, stretching. “Time to go.”
They left the caves at a jog and Stephanie was incredibly surprised to find everyone above perfectly fine and healthy. They hadn’t even spotted cars around the walls. Bear said it was too quiet, but they were grateful nonetheless and sat around the living room to think of their next move, the Sceptre sitting innocently, and loudly, on the coffee table.
“It needs to be destroyed,” Bear said. “It has no place existing, especially now Serpine is after it.”
“It’s a valuable weapon though. It could be an asset in stopping Serpine,” Weasel suggested though didn’t seem too happy with it.
“I think we should destroy it as soon as Serpine is dead,” Crow said. “It is an asset, and if we could get it assessed first, prove its existence, we can kill Serpine without consequences.”
Wolf shook his head. “I don’t like the idea of destroying it, but it’s too dangerous.”
Panda nodded. “Dexter’s right. I know you want to be certain we can kill him Skul, we all do, but this isn’t the way.”
Stephanie put her hand on Crow’s gently. “It’s way too dangerous. We might not get another chance to destroy it and if someone else gets it, it’d be awful.”
He was quiet as he thought about it. “I suppose you are right. The risk is too great. But that means we need to know how to destroy it.”
Panda stood up. “I think it’s time I paid a visit to the family Vault. Who else wants to go?”
In the end, Panda, Stephanie and Crow decided to go to his family Vault while Bear went to the Sanctuary to try and convince the Elders of the Serpine’s actions. The others would stay where they were to guard the house and Sceptre. It was a fairly long drive to The Vault and on the way Panda and Crow explained a few things.
“The Vault is not a place that is gone in lightly or often,” Panda told her. “My family have collected things over centuries and I have only been in their twice myself. My mother didn’t even go in there as it was from my father’s side and they were always too protective over it.”
“Why are you bringing me and Crow then?”
“You’re family,” he said. “And that one won’t let me not take him.”
She laughed. “What stuff did they collect?”
He shrugged. “Mostly paintings, but they were very interested in the Ancients, which we told you about already, so hopefully they will have something in there that can tell us about destroying it.”
They got to the art gallery in good time and caught the guards before they were leaving, allowing Panda to show his documentation, though it was unnecessary since it was impossible not to recognise him, and they waited for them to open the massive metal door, and it was shut after them, so they could browse.
It wasn’t as big as Stephanie had assumed it would be, but it was still packed with things, all valuable looking. There was art everywhere, some of what she assumed was the most valuable on the walls, and cases of clothes, jewels, piles of books and a massive oval table and chairs in the centre though upon the surface was more things she couldn’t identify.
“Where do we start?” Stephanie asked.
“I’ll start over here,” Panda said, walking to one of the corners.
“You look at the paintings,” Crow told her. “If you find anything relating to the Ancients that might be useful, tell us.”
She nodded and got started on the nearest rack of paintings. They were very expensive and she did her best to handle them with care, the way Gordon had taught her when they had gone through his collection one time. Panda found some maps in his corner they thought could have been places the Sceptre might have been found at one time, though they had no way of checking since they had the Sceptre. They did put them carefully on a chair for photographs though, just in case there was more information about the Sceptre in those places. It must have been almost twenty minutes later that Stephanie found a picture of it.
“I found something,” she said. “But it’s just someone using the Sceptre, not anything about destroying.”
“Tell me about it,” Crow said, his voice muffled as he was bent straight over into a chest.
“It’s a man, and he’s reaching for the Sceptre. It’s sort of hovering just out of reach, and it’s glowing.”
“Is there anything strange about him?” Panda asked, looking through scrolls.
“Yeah… he’s shielding his eyes but they’re both wide open. He looks kind of crazed actually.”
“What does that mean?” Crow asked her, pulling himself from the chest.
“Well, you’d expect him to be squinting, you know? There’s so much detail, there’s no reason the painter wouldn’t make him squint.”
“Anything else strike you as odd?”
She looked it over again. “The shadows.”
“What about them?”
“There’s two. And the Sceptre isn’t making them, the angles are wrong. Maybe the sun?” She suggested as he came over to look too.
“Yes, but what time of day would it be?”
“The shadow at his feet would make it noon, making the sun overhead, but the shadow behind him would make it morning or evening.”
“Which one?”
“How am I meant to know?” She frowned at him, seeing he wasn’t looking at the painting at all, actually playing with a little box. “Maybe morning.”
“So, you are looking at a man who is reaching for the Sceptre in the past and present, seeing everything at once.”
“I suppose so. What does that have to do with the box you’re messing with?”
“Who painted it?” Crow asked. “Ghastly, get over here.”
“There’s a crest. Leopard and crossed swords,” she said.
He lifted the box and showed them the same crest. “Whoever, family or individual, made that painting, also made this Puzzle Box. People like to put things in Puzzle Boxes that might help us in our quest for information. It’s another clue, Stephanie.”
He played with it a little more and then rested it flat on his palm. It clicked and there was a high pitch motorising sound before the top opened and they saw a little blue stone inside.
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lady-boa · 5 years
Witchy Translations
Old witchy names for herbs/roots in their modern names.
*Warning: A good chunk of these are poisonous*
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Adders Fork- Adders tongue Adders tongue- Dogstooth Violet Ass's Foot or Bull's Foot - Coltsfoot Bat Flower - Tacca Bat's Wings - Holly Bat's Wool- Moss Bear's Foot- Lady's Mantle Beggar's Buttons -Burdock Beggar's Tick- Cockhold Bird's Eye- Germander Speedwell Bird's Foot- Fenugreek Black Maidenhair- Black Spleenwort Black Sampson- Echinacea Black Snake Root- Black Cohosh Blind Eyes- Poppy Blood- Elder Sap or another tree sap Blood from a Head- Lupine Blood from a Shoulder- Bear's Breeches Blood of Ares- Purslane Blood of Kronos- Cedar Blood of Hephaistos- Wormwood Blood of Hestia- Chamomile Blood of a Goose- Mulberry Tree's Milk Blood of a Titan- Wild Lettuce Blood of an Eye- Tamarisk Gall Blood Leather- Reindeer Moss/Rock Tripe/Caribou Lichen Bloodroot- Tormentil Bloodwort- Yarrow Bloody Butcher- Valerian Bloody Finger- Foxglove Bone of an Ibis- Buckthorn Brains- Congealed Gum from a Cherry Tree Bread and Cheese Tree- Hawthorne. Whitethorn, Hazels Broom- Gorse Bull's Blood or Seed of Horus- Horehound Bull's Foot- Coltsfoot Burning Bush- Fraxinella, White Dittany Butcher's Broom- Irish Tops Buttons- Tansy Calf's Snout- Snapdragon Candelmas Maiden- Snowdrop Capon's Tail- Valerian Cat's Foot- Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy Cheeses- Marsh Mallow Cherry Pie- Heliotrope Chocolate Flower- Wild Geranium Church Steeples- Agrimony Clear-Eye- Clary Sage Click- Goosegrass Clot- Great Mullein Corpse Candles- Mullein Corpse Plant- Indian Pipe Courtesy- Summer Wind Crocodile Dung- Black Earth Crow Corn- Ague Root Crow Foot- Wild Geranium Crowdy Kit- Figwort Crown for a King- Wormwood Cuckoo's Bread- Common Plantain Cucumber Tree- Magnolia Cuddy's Lungs- Great Mullein Dead Man Ash- Mandrake root poppet Death Angel- Agaric Death Flower- Yarrow Devil's Apple- Datura Devils Dung- Asafoetida Devil's Eye- Henbane, Periwinkle Devil's Flower- Bachelor's Buttons Devil's Guts- Dodder Devil's Milk- Celandine Devil's Nettle- Yarrow Devil's Oatmeal- Parsley Devil's Plaything- Yarrow Dew of the Sea- Rosemary Dog Fennel- Anthemis Dog Grass- Agropyrum Dog's Mouth- Snap Dragon Dog`s Tail- Cynosurus Dog's Tongue- Conoglossum Officinale Dog`s Tooth Violet- Erythronium Dove's Foot- Wild Geranium Dragon Wort- Bistort Dragon Bushes- Toadflax Dragon's Blood- Calamus Dragon's Scales- Bistort Leaves Duck's Foot- May Apple Eagle- Wild Garlic Ear of an Ass- Comfrey Ear of a Goat- St. John's Wort Earth Smoke- Fumitory Elf leaf- Lavender, Rosemary Elf's Wort (Elfwort)- Elecampane Enchanter's Plant- Vervain Englishman's Foot- Common Plantain Erba Santa Maria- Spearmint Everlasting Friendship- Goosegrass Eye of the Day- Common Daisy Eye of Newt- Wild Mustard Seed Eye of the Star- Horehound Eye Root- Goldenseal Eyes- Aster, Daisy, Eyebright Fairies Eggs- Molukka Fairie's Finger- Foxglove Fairies Horses- Ragwort Fairy Bells- Sorrel, Wood Fairy Cup- Cowslip Fairy Smoke- Indian Pipe Fat from a Head- Spurge Felon Herb- Mugwort Filwort- Centory or Feverwort Five Fingers- Cinquefoil Flesh and Blood- Tormentil Fox's Clote- Burdock Frog bit- Hydrocharis Frog fruit- Phyla Frog Orchid- Coeloglossum Frog's Foot- Bulbous Buttercup Frog`s Lettuce- Groenlandia From the Belly- Earth-apple From the Foot- Houseleek From the Loins- Chamomile Gazel's Hooves- Quickset, Albespyne Goat's Foot- Ash Weed Goat's Leaf- Honeysuckle God's Hair- Hart's Tongue Fern Golden Star- Avens Gosling Wing- Goosegrass Graveyard Dust- Mullein Great Ox-eye - Ox-eye Daisy Hag's Taper- Great Mullein Hagthorn- Hawthorn Hairs of a Baboon- Dill Seed Hair- Maidenhair Fern Hair of Venus- Maidenhair Fern Hare's Beard- Great Mullein Hare's Foot- Avens Hawk's Heart- Heart of Wormwood Heart- Walnut Heart of Osmund- Royal Fern Herb of Grace- Vervain Hind's Tongue- Hart's Tongue Fern Holy Herb- Yerba Santa Holy Rope- Hemp Agrimony Hook and Arm- Yerba Santa Horse Hoof- Coltsfoot Horse Tongue- Hart's Tongue Fern Hundred Eyes- Periwinkle Indian Dye- Goldenseal Innocence- Bluets Jacob's Staff- Great Mullein Jew's Ear- Fungus on Elder or Elm John's Bread- Carob Joy of the Mountain- Marjoram Jupiter's Foot- Houseleek Jupiter's Staff- Great Mullein
King's Crown- Black Haw
Knight's Milfoil- Yarrow
Kronos' Blood- Cedar King's Crown Black Haw Knight's Milfoil- Yarrow Lad's Love- Southernwood Lady's Glove- Foxglove  Lady's Mantle- Nine Hooks Lady's Meat- May Flower blossom Lady's Slipper- American Valerian Lady's Tresses- Spira Root Lamb's Ears- Betony Lion's Ear- Motherwort Lion's Hairs- Turnip leaves Lion's Tooth- Dandelion aka Priest's Crown Lizard's Tail- Breast Weed Little Dragon- Tarragon Love in Idleness- Pansy Love Leaves- Burdock Love Lies Bleeding- Amaranth or Anemone Love Man- Goosegrass Love Parsley- Lovage Love Root- Orris Root Man's Bile- Turnip Sap Man's Health- Ginseng Maiden's Hair- Maidenhair Fern Maiden's Ruin- Southernwood Master of the Woods- Woodruff May- Black Haw May Lily- Lily of the Valley May Rose- Black Haw Maypops- Passion Flower Mistress of the Night- Tuberose Mother's Heart- Shepheard's Purse Mouse's Ear- Hawk Weed Mouse's Tail- Common Stonecrop Mutton Chops- Goosegrass Newt`s Tail- Saururus Nose Bleed- Yarrow Old-Maid's-Nightcap- Wild Geranium Old Man- Mugwort Old Man's Flannel- Great Mullein Old Man's Pepper- Yarrow Old Woman- Wormwood Oliver- Olive Organ Tea- Pennyroyal Paddock Pipes- Horsetail Pantagruelian- Marijuana Password- Primrose Peter's Staff- Great Mullein Pig's Tail- Leopard's Bane Poor Man's Treacle- Garlic Poor Man- Weatherglass Pimpernel Priest's Crown- Dandelion leaves Pucha-pat- Patchouli Queen of the Meadow- Meadowsweet Queen of the Meadow Root- Gravelroot Queen of the Night- Vanilla Cactus Queen's Delight- Silverleaf Queen's Root- Stilengia Rabbit's Foot- Field Clover Ram's Head- American Valerian Red Cockscomb- Amaranth Ring-o-Bells- Bluebells Robin-Run-in-the-Grass- Goosegrass Scaldhead- Blackberry See Bright- Clary Sage Semen of Ammon- Houseleek Semen of Ares- Clover Semen of Helios- White Hellebore Semen of Herakles- Mustard-rocket Semen of Hermes- Dill Semen of Hephaistos- Fleabane Seed of Horus- Horehound Serpent's Tongue- Adder's Tongue Seven Barks- Hydrangea Seven Year's Love- Yarrow Shameface- Wild Geranium Shepherd's Heart- Shepherd's Purse Silver Bells- Black Haw Skin of a Man- Fern Skull- Skullcap Mushroom Snake's Blood- Hematite Stone Snake's Friend- Indian Paintbrush Snake's Head- Balmony Snake's Milk- Blooming Splurge Snake's Tongue- Adder's Tongue Fern Snake/ Snakeweed- Bistort Snow Drop- Bulbous Violet Soapwort- Comfrey or Daisy Sorcerer's Violet- Periwinkle Sparrow's Tongue- Knotweed Spider Lily- Spiderwort Squirrel's Ear- White Plantain St. John's Herb- Hemp Agrimony (This is not St. John's Wort) St. John's Plant- Mugwort Stag's Horn- Club Moss Star Flower- Borage Star of the Earth- Avens Starweed- Chickweed Sweethearts- Goosegrass Swine's Snout- Dandelion Leaves Tanner's Bark- Common Oak Tarragon- Mugwort Tartar Root- Ginseng Tears of a Baboon- Dill Juice Titan's Blood- Wild Lettuce Thor's Helper- Rowan Thousand Weed- Yarrow Thunder Plant- House Leek Toad- Toadflax Toe Of Frog- Bulbous Buttercup Leaves Tongue of dog- Hound's Tongue Tooth or Teeth- Pinecone(s) Torches- Great Mullein Tree of Heaven- Chinese Sumach Unicorn's Horn- False Unicorn Unicorn Root- Ague Root Wax Dolls- Fumitory Weazel Snout- Yellow Dead Nettles/Yellow Archangel Weed- Ox-Eye Daisy White- Ox-eye Daisy White Man's Foot- Common Plantain White Wood- White Cinnamon Witch Bells- Foxglove Witch Herb- Mugwort Witch's Asprin- White Willow/Willow Bark Witch's Brier- Brier Hips Witch's Hair- Dodder Witch's Thimble- Datura Witchbane- Rowan Wolf Claw- Club Moss Wolf Foot- Bugle Weed Wolf's Hat- Wolfsbane Wolf's Milk- Euphorbia Worms- Gnarled, thin roots of a local tree
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
Nicholas cage is noNE of your damn business toe sucker! I’m sure redestro has some foot fungus you can make into cheese focus on that
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Really? This guy?
Be nice to the anon, Dabi. I respect your taste in men.
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xylune · 4 years
Fuck salted caramel. I want my REAL caramel back. Quit forcing that nasty toe fungus version on me. It was fine until it became the mandatory version everywhere, but now I can’t get a simple caramel late without the motherfucking SALT in it. FUCK THAT.
It’s like being forced to eat pineapple or anchovies on pizza, when all I want is an ordinary favorite without fucked up conflicting sweet blended with savory or too much salt.
Also I’m trying to avoid salt unless it’s the Himalayan variety, and I’m salty--ha ha--about one of my favorite occasional sweets being destroyed by another example America’s godawful fucked up taste bud crazes. You want peanut butter on cheese? Fine. You want soggy pineapple drenched pizza? Your choice. I resent having my choice to enjoy sweet and salty separately taken from me though. Sucks that I now have to figure out how to make my own caramel to avoid the ridiculous salt craze.
And why oh why is it nearly impossible to find hard candy anymore? Everything is gummy. Gummy bears used to be a unique treat but now virtually all fruity candy is chewy. Trying to quit smoking is a bitch and working with dogs makes lolly pops a very risky, impractical option. Thank the gods Jolly Rancher still puts out hard candies.
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colitisandme · 5 years
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‘In  Lockdown’
‘It’s Shingles’ she confirmed in a brusque manner, pulled down my top and then strolled back to her laptop. I inaudibly groaned.  ‘I have a compromised immune system’  I squeaked at her, cursing the fact that again my unco-operative and hyperactive body had got too feisty with itself for its own good. She eyed me suspiciously over her glasses and, with all the bedside manner of a bath sponge retorted with a snort, ‘We don’t treat Shingles anymore’.  I tried explaining through crossed eyeballs and gritted teeth that I had a chronic health condition and as a result my immune system basically beats itself up and everything else around it on a daily basis, and she again repeated her last sentence, thanked me for coming and ushered me out of the door.  I sighed and shuffled out of the door, defeated.  Couldn’t have been a cold? A stubbed toe? fungus? But no.... Shingles?!  Marvellous.
The last time I had shingles, was two years ago, down my right arm. It made it impossible to grip anything, lift my arm and pretty much ravaged my body for 2 solid weeks and was so painful; I could have quite cheerfully gnawed my own arm off to stop the pain. So I was absolutely thrilled that I was about to go through the experience again. This time the rash was left of my spine, which meant I was looking forward to 10 days of pretty much avoiding all contact with surfaces, backs of settees, taking showers where I would have to wash only half my body,  desperately trying to twist myself into some horrible pretzel shape as with bulging eyes, sweaty face and with grinding teeth, try to fold myself in half in order to avoid any water on my back, having to practically levitate or hang from the ceiling like a bat, to try and get some sleep and spend the whole week walking like a crab because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand up straight. How wonderfully attractive!  I am sure my husband was thrilled that he was shortly going to be sharing a living space with a sweaty, irate, scuttling rash covered zombie where he would have to handle me using tongs, whilst wearing a surgical mask.  All my plans went to hell as from past experience, I was pretty sure I was going to have to become a hermit whilst I got over it, which meant a week of enduring a week of bloodshot eyes, hair on end, isolation, loneliness and pain.  On top of the isolation, pain, discomfort, lack of sleep  I was already facing with IBD.
 That’s the thing they don’t cover in the ‘this is what you have to deal with when you have Colitis’ guide for dummies. As well as dealing with the annoyance of symptoms like diarrhoea, constipation, and stomach pain, they fail to mention about the rubbishness of chronic fatigue, joints that feel you have mistaken your own for a rheumatic 80 year olds joints, and a brain that feels like you have set yours to maximum speed spin cycle where every day is like you are staring in your very own episode of sesame street.. Today will be brought to you by the letter.... S, T,9, 77, ball, House, crumbs????  and by the number...... 1,4,9,12, Twelfty 7..... house, ball crumbs, testicle.... etc.  It makes for very confusing and alarming sentence structure and more than a few raised eyebrows when trying to converse in public. It doesn’t tell you that because Colitis is at its heart an auto immune condition and so now, every day and night is fight night. ‘Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!!!!! Introducing you in the red corner, fighting well .... also..... you, in the blue corner’. Confusing right?
But the very worst thing about Colitis, specifically the strain I have which Is Microscopic - Lymphocytic Colitis, (worth 85 points and a triple word score in scrabble) is that not even the professionals have a clue about it. There is so little information about it, especially here in the UK, it’s often misdiagnosed as something else, and the only way  it is diagnosed is by biopsy under colonoscopy, which is something you have to beg plead, whine, grovel and cry for,  So even though it says very clearly in my medical history that I have MC,  the DR who diagnosed the shingles, probably would have had very little knowledge about it because as well as being classed as an invisible illness, it is also completely invisible in the pod of IBD diagnosis. If I said I had any other disease in the IBD family, you would have probably heard of it. Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis are known. Both are devastating. Both are classed as really challenging conditions and also in severe cases classed as a Disability. MC (Microscopic colitis) no one has a clue about. Microscopic makes it sound small and insignificant doesn’t it? Well after living with it for 8 months, It’s not small and its certainly not insignificant. In fact I can state with absolute confidence that it is completely devastating, confusing, maddening, upsetting and every other emotion you would associate with living with any other Long term Chronic disease. There are pages and pages and pages of information about IBD, but it makes me both sad and angry that there isn’t the same kind of profile, support, knowledge or help available for those of us that have MC, making living with it, understanding it and conquering it very sodding difficult.
At the beginning of my journey with MC, I wasn’t informed that I was sharing my body with an autoimmune disease. I had no idea that I would be spending all of my time trying to cajole a hyperactive immune system to stop spinning round in circles, calm down and take a nap. I had no clue, that there were going to be days where I would be in so much pain, I would learn creative new swear words that I would shout into a pillow, while I curl up in a ball, trying to get into any comfortable position that wasn’t hanging from the ceiling by my ankles and taking on the form of a bat. I didn’t know that I would be met with ‘questioning stares and raised eyebrows’ and helpful conversation starters like‘ You don’t look ill’ or ‘ oh well at least you know what’s going on now, just change your diet and everything will be fine’ and certainly not that there would be days I would feel so tired, it would feel like my brain was being submerged under water and I would start imagining people as giant, walking pillows, that I could happily snooze on whether they gave me permission or not.  I was ignorant to the fact I would have to give up cake, cheese and all the yummy things I used to love because, by eating them I was turning my bowel into an angry, spiky porcupine, stabbing anything it touched with care free abandonment. Because these are the things they don’t tell you. They just tell you about the joyful toilet troubles. But I promise you. It’s not just that we have to deal with, we deal with a whole cacophony of bloody wonderment, and I wish that every time we had to discuss our disease, the whole process didn’t feel like we have to become a desperate salesmen,  but  instead of trying to persuade someone to buy a car, we are trying to get help or intervention to give us the best chance to exist harmoniously with this disease.
 So, yet again I am enjoying an unwelcome tenant living in my body without paying rent. Yet again I am having to over explain my condition to a professional to try and get any form of treatment for a related autoimmune condition, and yet again I am having to shield myself from the world whilst this butt hole of an illness works its way out of my system. And then after all that fun, go back to dealing with the IBD until another squatter of an illness uses my body as its own personal cave, dwelling there until my body musters up the energy and enthusiasm to squeeze it out again. There’s no room for anything else and I truly worry if something else moves in whilst I am trying to recover from Shingles,  I might spontaneously combust. But hey, maybe if I use a dust buster to hoover myself up and present myself as a little pile of dust with eyeballs and shoes in front of the DR, maybe just maybe, she will read my notes, understand my condition, actually show some sympathy and take me seriously instead of hoofing me out of the door. Well We live in hope eh?
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cheesetoefungus69 · 3 years
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suburban-satan · 5 years
shit my friends say
So I made a list of all the wild shit my friends say, started in January 2018 and still going. It's one year old I guess? Well, enjoy what I have so far!
2018 -d a d d y w i s e -well there’s chains on the ground so that must mean this was a kinky sex dungeon -GORSH MICKEY NOT MY G SPOT -I can wait until I turn 40 so I can troll Japanese Girls on roblox -what if we all looked like mike wizowski but our heads were the same size as they are now -I wanna give pot to a bird -I take pills without water -daddies cummie wummies are the best cummie wummies -enjoy your nonexistent stomach acid -cum glaze -I hope you choke on MY meat -who hasn’t been on pornhub -(wipes tears away and starts belting despacito) -MY GAY IS BEING TRIGGERED -that omelet looks delouse -is semen a liquid or solid -iTs nOt aQuaNauTs yOu uNculTurEd fOoK -vaginas are scary -what is menstruation -you should change your name to pussy something -my gay has been activated -“have you ever owned a vibrator?” “No” “would you like to rent one” -“do you like glazed or cream filled” -wHaT dOeS cUm sOuNd LiKe -he is on too much fertilizer -sometimes cum is hot I know from experience -if you jerked off at the speed of sound would your dick be on fire -I don’t have a sonic fetish -can your dick ignite because of the heat of your cock -aren’t dicks like cannons -who the fuck draws a glowing peepee on a skeleton -honey Freddy freaker is dancing in the living room -does penis smell like garlic -she don’t swallow in this household -*downloading garrison nudes* -don’t you realize that tentacle porn is just using octopus arms as a dildo -frickle my nipples -Minecraft porn consists of the male genitalia replaced with a stick -OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We make a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this! -“I’m big for an asian” -cockilicous -“His anal glands need milking” -fready flipper -FREADY FAPPER -daddy better make me choke -does Freddy freaker have a mutated alien dick -sonic breaks the sound barrier by beating his meat -the sun looks like it’s gon vore you -bootyhole exploration -is megalovania sex music -i like to drink cock -cum is just genital snot -penis musk -Shid piz and farbt -Bull + shit = sis it don’t add up -Hey don’t tell me at least once in your life you haven’t thought about being gently caressed across the genitalia by the kraken -I swallow boba like i swallow cum -I wuv fungus kun, the way he waps a awond my tosie wosies so tight! He’s gibing me a huggie!!!! Fungus kun gibes my tosies a new color too!!!! Wat a good fungus kun make my doki doki go “ UAU” heeheehee -eating banana with the banana peel -orang juce -father I want cheddar -don’t you just look at someone and think about how long their neck is -breathing is just boneless vaping -get outta here juuling criminal -yall ever succ a dick for juul pods -unironically drawing miss piggy -“Jack don’t let go 😱🤭🤭, jack sweetie 😐👀 if you let go 🙊🙈 you’re weave 🙀🙀 gone 😇😘💅” -I've been watching spooky movies for 5 hour -omg it’s daddy sans undertaker!!! -bröther -I ate my sister -are you'd's't've kidding me? -oh youtube please don't show me the shrek movies rn -My brother is calling me out on the family group chat for eating a bowl of peanut butter -Hamilton is best girl -get outta here you fuckin loyalist -what doesn’t cum have -drink flex seal and you won’t have to worry about a marriage -I feel water. -“Superfood or supergross? Is Sperm good?” -coochie hands gucci bands -just imagine trying to cast a spell and then you get disturbed by a banjo -toto africa is sex music now and everytime they say rain it’s just cum -y'all ever burp in your mouth and exhale it through your nose like a vaper -how dare them make my green senpai an honorable member of society -If you didn’t search big boobs video on google at least once are you really a Gen Z kid????? -laugh pussies -i’m watching the history of japan on pornhub -we have the same name because we are secretly the same person -what if you eat your phone and it’s all in your tummy -why would you ever think i’m not serious all the time you silly dragon but we’re both (my name) so we can be the silly dragon together -why would you wash your face before you go to bed when your tears wash it off for you *wooshing noises* -I want to drive a bus because I like busses -my shoe broke -why does everyone talk about the drugs i’m eating -i’m going to break her because she’s talking about smoking cocaine and I don’t like drugs -(stage whisper) metal heads live among us but we don’t know because they look like normal people -oh bye mr music teacher -the pussy? designer. cucci, if you will. -DID I HEAR S A N S P O R N -"i'm about to nay nay on your dead fucking corpse" -alert alert the toes are coming -you got a fucking problem with my 𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐬? -imagine using an oven for something designed for a microwave this post was made by the doesnt have much motivation gang -Please take my Minnesotan snow Wait that sounds like Minnesotan cocaine -when you funny scream -"dating the Bill of Rights for fun" is now exactly how I'm going to describe my hyperfixations -the penguin  from fruit loops is a twink (bitch its a toucan) -if white cheese exists is there black cheese -What’s rosum opossum -whale cum -dicko mode -(GETTIN SOME CHRISTMAS SPIRIT UP IN THAT PUSS) -pennies more like penis amirite -It’s Sunday don’t forget to squeeze cheese on the cat -the grinch is dr seuss’s fursona -everyone is gangster until the trees start speaking vietnamese -big chungus is my dad -“if the apocalypse happened what would you do” “eat bees” -I'm tired as fuck but I gotta wait until it's 4:20 to go to bed -mom: you need to be reasonable and wait two hours before having another brownie me, stuffing my mouth full of brownie: br o w n y s -This honey in whole foods is in fucking comic sans -it's more likely that I'll guess someone is gay before I remember the existence of women -im gonna say it again for the people in the back:
i eat bees -Thanos penis, it's actually called a thenis -yort -uwu its the mowst thorstiewst time of the yeaw uwu -It is I Teh gromc -The gronk is here to say eat all the dish soap in the house -the grinch but he's wearing crocs the entire time -answer my question or else i will establish sans porn -You make him doki doki uwaaaaa!!!! -birdbox but all the bird sounds are replaced by cardi b noises -THE GROMPK IS TOO POWERFUL -consume ocean sauce -square up in judge judys court -half consumes ocean sauce -ice juce -frick stick -you guys wanna read undertale fanfiction     -2019- -it might be 2019 but thats not gonna stop me from terrorizing my family's groupchat -(pineapple voice) first date idea: digest eachother -Wait dennys will arrest you for doing illegal things?? -pls purify me -my toes are very succulent today -two succs having flex two succs having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily checks -f u r r y , N a s h . -Perfect for all occasions! Spill something on your nice shirt, give a messy blowjob, and sphagetti!!! -Do you want cum on your nice shirt??? -it would be nice if i had cum on my shirt -cocc succ machine -I KNOW TONGUE JUTSU -I feel like i’m in a meat prison -hi you obese elephant -plant porn is just flowey porn -We all love the out of the box 4am messages we get -YOU LIKE SNAS PEEPEE
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Still Have a Yeast Infection After Diflucan
Still have a yeast infection after diflucan? Yeast is a type of fungus that can live on the skin, mouth, digestive tract, and genitals. Some yeast in the body is normal, but if there is an overgrowth of yeast on your skin or other areas, it can cause an infection. A yeast test can help determine whether you have a yeast infection. Candidiasis is another name for a yeast infection.
 Other names: potassium hydroxide preparation, fungal culture; fungal antigen and antibody tests, calcofluor white stain, fungal smear
What is it used for?
 A yeast test is used to diagnose and detect yeast infections. There are different methods of yeast testing, depending on where you have symptoms.
Why do I need a yeast test?
 still have a yeast infection after diflucan? Your health care provider may order a test if you have symptoms of a yeast infection. Your symptoms will vary, depending on where the infection is on your body. Yeast infections tend to happen in moist areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Below are symptoms of some common types of yeast infections. Your individual symptoms may vary.
 Yeast infections on the folds of the skin include conditions such as athlete's foot and diaper rash. Symptoms include:
     Bright red rash, often redness or ulcers in the skin
   Burning sensation
 Yeast infections on the vagina are common. Nearly 75% of women will get at least one yeast infection in their lifetime. Symptoms include:
     Genital itching and/or burning
   A white, cottage cheese-like discharge
   Painful urination
   Redness in the vagina
 Yeast infection of the penis may cause:
 Yeast infection of the mouth is called thrush. It is common in young children. Thrush in adults may indicate a weakened immune system. Symptoms include:
     White patches on the tongue and inside of cheeks
   Soreness on the tongue and inside of cheeks
 Yeast infection at the corners of the mouth may be caused by thumb sucking, ill-fitting dentures, or frequent licking of the lips. Symptoms include:
     Cracks and tiny cuts at the corners of the mouth
 still have a yeast infection after diflucan? Yeast infection in the nail beds can happen in the fingers or toes, but are more common in toenails. Symptoms include:
     Pain and redness around the nail
   Discoloration of nail
   Cracks in the nail
   White or yellow nail that separates from nail bed.
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