#crysis remastered
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April 25th 2024 - Press B to Meow!
Bonus: Here’s my latest used game haul :D
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valereth2 · 9 months
What did y'all buy during the Steam summer sale? I got Crysis Remasterd among others
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ebwmedya · 1 year
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heng2022 · 2 years
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The Best EA Play Games to Play Right Now
The Best EA Play Games to Play Right Now
The EA Play game subscription service brings together some of the most renowned titles published by Electronic Arts under one roof. And it starts at only Rs. 315 per month in India. But if you’re already subscribed to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, you can enjoy content from EA Play for no additional cost. But the list of games can be a bit overwhelming, considering it has a plethora of titles ranging…
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pereira71foreman · 2 years
Become An App Developer And Generate Profits
Some say that Google is on a diehard mission get over the world. They already have a world-dominating search engine, PPC program, Android OS, Google maps with an eerily accurate portrayal of everyone's neighborhood, and much significantly! What other Google features can you consider off the the surface of your head? Lots, we're sure! If you're unable to think of any more, we exactly what you will do, you'll Google in which! When it appears time various other a decision about just one of the top Android phones, it is smart to consider what you're going to be using your cell phone for. If Crysis Remastered Repack is having the ability to to make phone calls, you probably don't need phone therefore many many bells and whistles. If, however, your goal is to make your phone for mobile entertainment and contacts, you'll need smart phone technology to visit to the know with your family, family and hobbies. Cleansing for health your selection! The display screen is 2 . 5 inches big and cell phone weighs reduce one hundred grams. Is usually is small, it is loaded automobiles stuff. The phones features a camera naturally five megapixels, along using a 3.5mm headphone jack an automobile possible to learn music already on your phone. I really shouldn't require say somewhat more than this kind of is the official ESPN easily. Crysis Remastered Pc Game , I'm not going to: ESPN is "The Worldwide Leader In Sports" not surprisingly ,! That's for ages been the worry. Apples close system doesn't allow fresh integration as well as other systems. Stay away from make your Android a hot spot with any Wi-Fi capable device, INCLUDING those pretty little MacBooks, you are able to. With the way tuaw describes it, it demonstrates this it are only able be used Mac to Mac. Even so, that method still cant be utilized in united states (check my previous response to that). >> Quick to arrange. Tracking apps are very easy to install. Needs typing in a URL provided by the vendor, and the tracking software programs are downloaded straight into the cellphone. Additional set up and configuration is required, but really minimal. Crysis Remastered Free Download full version -and-paste functionality has also been made better. Just tap and hold down on the selected word, and drag the handles to highlight the selected words. Then you should select "Copy and Paste" from the popup menu, or simply drag the highlighted slice of text to wherever you would like to insert this tool. Now, almost all of these new Android 3.2 (Froyo) update, I'm sure can will enjoy your Samsung Galaxy S even a little more. It may stop being as famous as the iPhone 3GS or the Nexus Ones or the Motorola Droid, but occasion way compared to all these three mobile phones combined. Is actually important to equipped with S5PC110 as the processor. Furthermore, it has the fastest Graphics Processing Unit or GPU at around 90 million triangles per second. With these things along with the new Android 2.2 (Froyo) update, I'm sure an individual will fall in love once with the Galaxy Beds.
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pedroam-bang · 4 months
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Crysis 3 Remastered (2021)
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October 15, 2021
Crysis Remastered (2021)
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myepheremalrose · 3 months
why am i late to the party all the time?
if you weren’t aware of this… epic games, pretty much the phantom face of the unreal gaming engine, has its own digital client. i know the trepidation when dealing with digital clients as you aren’t guaranteed that the items that you purchase will be yours into perpetuity unless something happens to the client, which if other people don’t get up on this, and i’ve seen these signs myself because…
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shadomega7569 · 10 months
One-To-None Re-makes/masters
It's no secret that Remakes never live up to their original counterparts, and while they offer a similar experience in the end the original offered more in terms of content or even detail. Remasters while being a Modern Port still finds a way to strip something from the game, allow me to explain.
Remasters again while provide players with a Modern Port of their favorite game and usually in a collection (Devil may cry, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Dragon Ball Z, etc.) and marked with a lower than norm price. However if we take Metal Gear Solid 3 HD you'll see that while it Mimics the Euro/Subsistance release, you'll see that the entire 2nd disc is missing aside from the Duel Mode which IIRC was on disc 1 as a completion reward. then lets take a look at The Last of Us Part I the "Remake" of the first game but we all know that its a glorified Remaster of the Remaster for PS4 and what happened to it? The entire MP aspect was cut in favor to have people buy Part II in order to play against people when the Remaster offered it. But not all Remasters have the MP portion in them. Other titles that have had a remaster with their Multiplayer modes cut are followed but not limited to;
Uncharted 4 (PC release)
Mass Effect 3
Crysis Remastered Trilogy (co-op and MP)
Remakes are a whole different bag as they try to incapsulate the nostalgic feeling while implementing new or improved features to make it feel Modern. Resident Evil 2 is one of those games that look amazing in terms of graphical quality, however the lack of the zapping system featured in the original 1998 release back on the PS1 that allowed any actions taken by Leon or Claire and having that decision effect the other in their B game (If Claire A uses a shutter to block zombies then in Leon B those same shutters will open after short circuiting bringing those zombies into the RPD). This is instead replaced with an altered path of the same exact set of events only having the starting point, puzzle solutions, Item Locations, and final boss being changed, other than that 1st Run and 2nd Run are the same between the two characters and yet the game unlocks the other characters 2nd run when completing the 1st run of the other character.
Now with Remakes I get that at times they're more reimagining's than anything but another offender In the case of piss poor remakes is Resident Evil 3. What makes this Soulless to the original 1999 release is a lot when compared to RE2, RE3 in this regard drops the Live Selection system (timed choices), altering paths depending on where you go like going to the Restaurant to meet Carlos and finding one of the gems in the press office where if met in the press office then the gem would be in the basement of the restaurant, an actual randomly encountered nemesis, and the lack of a subtle lab. The Lab was merely located under the hospital as oppose to it being hidden within a factory.
Another remake that seek to improve everything visually and implement features from later games would be the Yakuza Kiwami remakes, while not bad like other remakes there's mainly some level of detail that was better represented in the PS2 release. The scene that comes to mind is in Kiwami 2 when fighting the Go-Ryu Clan at the Tojo HQ with cars blocking the entrance rather than what they did in Kiwami 2 and just have the AR restricted area field pop up. That said the Kiwami games are still good for those looking to get into the series although if you plan to play them i strongly recommend you play through 0 first as both Kiwami games do have call backs to that game. I wont dwell anymore on this game series as Cvit covered this in more detail addressing a plethora of issues the remakes have when compared to the PS2 releases.
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sk116 · 1 year
Crysis 2 PART 8 Mission - Dark Heart
Crysis 2 Remastered PC Gameplay Walkthrough PART 8 [60FPS GTX1050Ti] No ...
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xtremeservers · 2 years
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Crysis: Remastered arrived on Steam last... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/the-rest-of-the-crysis-remastered-trilogy-is-hitting-steam-soon/?feed_id=39776&_unique_id=634f31abb46f6&The%20Rest%20Of%20The%20Crysis%20Remastered%20Trilogy%20Is%20Hitting%20Steam%20Soon
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gulyas069 · 2 years
the government doesn't want you to know this but in the coming winter you can easily heat your entire apartment with just a PC and a copy of Crysis Remastered
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paladinia · 4 months
Seven people I'd like to know better
@emma-the-rose tagged me for this!!!! Thank you!
I wanna get to know more @bogtitties @smallgronk @petrichorsinestra @ceo-of-lesbians @xenasaur @spyderslut @heybabeshru
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Final Fantasy 14/Crysis Remaster
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eyeballtank · 3 months
Do most games look similar? Kinda
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This image is clearly made to spark shit on /v/ but it does make me think a lot about videogame aesthetics and graphics.
Maybe one reason the games on the right look alike (Besides the cherrypicked screenshots because each has moments where they don't look alike) is because they chase "realism": Videogames may never be "truly realistic" and since the 8th gen, it feels like we hit a wall.
So if anything, these games are going for a rather "shared idea" of realism: That's how you think these games might as well have the same engine, same universe and same people behind.
Of course, you can still point out how stuff like lightning, fire, smoke etc isn't easy to do and even a cel-shaded game with 2D visuals may have some weird oddities in terms of visuals.
And then there's also the usual effects: Motion blur, chromatic aberration, bloom, lens flares, SSAO etc. Stuff tied to post-processing or something.
Is it inherit to games becoming 3D in general? Not sure.
But I believe it can't be because of "realism in general" because with 6th gen games, certain titles were always aiming for "realism" and still have a different "feel/vibe/whatever you call it" compared to 7th gen and beyond.
Maybe how Death Stranding or GTAV look and feel is something Kojima or Rockstar always wanted to achieve even during the PS1.
But it won't change the fact that how MGS2/3 or how GTA VC/SA "feel" may resonate more with people.
Remakes are another good example when you compare Resident Evil 4 to its remake.
Even Crysis, a game once praised for being graphically impressive, gets a remaster and I swear the differences barely mean shit.
I can see someone saying "is this why Zoomers think Half-Life 2 or GMod are creepy?" because of liminal space memes but it shows that even a "realistic enough" game can offer different moods not present in games with generic realism.
And people also associate boring realism with "boring colors" so you have 7th gen shooters being brown/gray and then you get a "counter trend" of Fortnite clones and "looter shooters" with overuse of purple vomit.
Another thing worth bringing up: Yellow paint, which is a result of "realism" where everything blends in visually, when good art direction of making stuff apart can work even in "realism".
Maybe why people disliked the "it knows it's a videogame" direction of Doom Eternal is because it was still a graphically advanced looking game but the yellow paint thing also gets worse because it's applied to remakes, as in, RE4 for example which never needed yellow paint before... but now it does?
It's a side effect of an issue with "realism" where stuff becomes harder to read, so developers come up with these goofy solutions that wouldn't be needed if they had a better art direction.
It also happens that "realistic" games are more likely to age compared to cel-shaded/stylized games like LOZ Wind Waker or Okami (And sometimes, some cel-shaded games get remasters that add bloom or weird color effects).
But one thing is realism, another is fiction or rather, influences/inspirations and certain trends in sci-fi and fantasy.
There's that one image of Everquest 3 I think, that shows a contrast between old and fantasy aesthetics.
One has an image that's essentially a fantasy painting with neat designs and a level of atmosphere/realism, the other shows that specific Warcraft adjacent art style you see more often.
That style people associate with Blizzard, League, Dota, Smite, DarkSiders and more.
Besides the style in itself being overused, I think people hate it because they associate it with being corporate and safe, which adds some irony to its history coming from Blizzard being into Warhammer: A series rather known for being "grim and epic" (But even WH itself would have stuff that's tame and boring).
The Demon Souls remake is a good example because you go from From Software being inspired by dark fantasy and Berserk to something with generic lightning/colors and an official reference for the Flame Lurker literally admitting using Diablo 3 as inspiration.
Even sci-fi in terms of aesthetics has its trends: Part of why Halo fans dislike the 343 art style.
(Mostly because of when tech is meant to be grounded and when it feels like "fantasy" to some degree).
(Oh and this also reminds me of that "magic tech" fantasy in stuff like Immortals Fenyx Rising which I wonder if it's inspired by the Disney Atlantis movie).
So if the fantasy side of things has WoW, Dota, LoL, etc then the sci-fi gets what: 343 Halo? Destiny? Anthem? Warframe? Gears of War?
Even then, these aesthetics could use some "studying" so one can why X feel this way and why Y doesn't etc.
The modern Doom games are at times criticized for having these trends (Specially because Doom is technically both sci-fi and fantasy).
One can at least say that even classic Doom wasn't the only thing in the 90's inspired by Aliens/HR Giger (See Metroid or Contra) and old DnD.
But I guess it also depends of why people like certain aesthetics and the mindsets behind them AND of course: Personal preferences.
A lot of iconic gaming franchises were born out of devs copying media from outside the medium, from Link being inspired by Peter Pan to MGS being a mix of movies, hence Kojima says "My body is 70% made of movies".
Gravity Rush is as unique as it is because Toyama and his team were influenced by Moebius, while the pointless movie will definitely be inspired by the MCU.
We can also bring up Signalis being inspired by Blame! but the aesthetic itself isn't trying to be an old Nihei manga.
Another id example: Hunter from Quake 3 being inspired by Simon Bisley's Full Cirkle.
I was wondering if it counts when certain artists or studios are involved in some games, like Ni No Kuni looking very Ghibli because Ghibli was sort of involved in the first game's cutscenes.
Maybe this is why some don't care that PalWorld may indeed copy Pokemon: Lot of games might as well copy each other already.
Whether it's in AAA or indie games (Even in indie, people will be aware of some trends but not others, like making fun of "quirky Earthbound clone about depression" label that probably applies to only one game but nobody mentions the amount of "boomer shooters" that exist... just saying).
And this isn't just videogames: Think of mediums like films where you see something with good setpieces and then you see something more recent with generic "ahh so pretty" special effects.
Like how people prefer older horror movies that make good use of practical effects or that one time a LOTR movie gave people headaches because of its visuals.
I just saw some images of a Wizard of Oz remake being made and how boring it looks compared to the 1930's one.
Like in general, ask yourself: At what point does this type of realism becomes part of someone's vision and not either a decision by the publisher/executive/etc or just guessing by what mass audiences supposedly like?
Pretty sure Hitchcock had a quote about realism and art: How art being too good at copying realism can make it boring because it's just reproducing nature.
Maybe a lot of amazing paintings from certain eras like the Renaissance are amazing, not because of how realistic they art, but because they're a rather "idealized" form of realism.
Edit: Might as well mention "Uncanny Valley" because of both realisitc games reaching it at times but also how a certain "idealized realism" is lik the opposite of Uncanny Valley.
And I guess how some people deslike stuff that is otherwise impressive to casual viewers like artists such as Sakimichan.
Edit 2: I could've also mentioned how some games do gore, scars, disfiguration etc and how some make it seem "plastic" looking. Look at Ghouls in like Fallout 3 and compared them to FO4, where they looked creepy in the former and look like someone in a rubber suit in the latter.
In general, I like to think there are ways to make a game more impressive nowadays.
Basically, make your game copy great illustrations instead of "realism" or live action movies.
Pay attention to how colors and brushes are used in some artworks.
Copy some designs if you have to, since you'd be less likely to end up with some designs you'd see in an ArtStation account (Even if you just mindlessly follow blogs that post old sci-fi art).
AI art may not work because you need to understand what makes some art good (And if anything, AI art is already used to mimick the more generic art styles out there).
You may not need that many polygons, maybe go for a 6th gen style at best.
Do a good job with colors, textures etc.
And while your game does a good enough job at copying Moebius, Druillet, Barlowe, Nihei etc, I guess you could also try neat tech shit like reflections or "portals", like the 2006 Prey game.
In general: Make your game look like a painting, not a movie.
And about my stuff?
My game looks ugly for a lot of reasons like its weird resolution, me focusing more on other stuff, the fact that it's my first game, etc.
But I do hope someday to not only get better art but also better at taking influences more seriously.
Lot of stuff in Nortubel already copies some things and I hope to be better at copying some things even if I can't do it alone.
Chances are that even in Nortubel itself, I'll end up with some trendy elements but I still wanna give an impression of some creativity and preferences.
In general, this blog post could've been an article or video done better by someone (So feel free to use this as a reference), because if I'm terrible at "critique" or "essays", I hope to be much better at making games and actual stuff.
This post should also be useful for anyone who wants to be a dev.
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pedroam-bang · 7 months
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Crysis 3 Remastered (2021)
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