#deep fanfic asks
historicfailure · 2 years
Hiya ☺️
For your deep writer asks
Sorry if you have already answered 🌻
Hey there! Thank you so much for sending in your ask, it means a lot to me ^^ And no, I think neither of those questions were answered yet :D
5. what fic of your own won't you read?
Lately, I haven't read any of my fics, actually. I just didn't have the time and, to be quite frank, willpower, to read through my longer fics, which I like a bit more, in general. So, I'm probably less likely to re-read the one-shots, no matter for which character they were written for ^^"
7. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
Ngl, there was a time I didn't care for either much. I wanted to write and was so hyped up by simply posting my fics that I was grateful for every single comment and didn't care about the "lack" of comments. Now though, I'm kind of bummed out that there might be less comments on a fic I worked really hard on, especially as I know that my writing isn't bad, per se. It's hard to keep my motivation up nowadays anyway, but I'm certainly trying my best :)
17. What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
It's almost always the long, rambling comments. But then there are also shorter ones, for example a comment I received about someone actually opening their shop late because they were reading my fic and couldn't rip themselves away from it, those comments are just... wow. I'm sorry for making you late, but at the same time, it's also so flattering that people like my fic so much that they have a hard time to get away from it ^^
Thank you so much for your lovely ask ^^
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
can you answer ALL the deep fic questions ? or if that's too much... 1-5, 7, 9 thank you!
Deep Fic Asks
Well sure, hello Anon! I'll do that. I'll negate the ones I've already answered, however. So I'll do all the ones I didn't answer yet.
2. What's a fic that took you to an emotional, dark or hard place?
This ones not so much the fanfic's fault, but I've been fairly open about admitting I had a vast fanfic library of works on my AO3 pre-my psychiatric hospitalization. Before that I had an extensive amount of James Bond and Hannibal fics I'd written that I deleted in a haze shortly before my admission to the hospital. I do regret this a bit now, but I can tell myself at least that should a situation like that ever arise again, I'll be more understanding of the signs and perhaps be able to avoid such an event. This was almost seven years ago, now. I was around 25 at the time.
3. What fic are you emotionally attached to?
I have over 900 bookmarks on AO3, give or take. I think it’s hard to really narrow them all down. As it depends on what I’m currently in the mood for. I think that on some level, I could go back and see which ones I’ve re-read the most (some well in the double digits) and think ‘yeah I think I’m really obsessed with this one’.
4. What fic of your own do you currently re-read for comfort?
None at the moment really, I admit. Sometimes I do re-read just to see how I wrote it, check for any errors to fix again, and make myself laugh.
5. What fic of your own won't you read?
Heh, well I guess see answer to question 2.
6. What's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
PLOT. I am good with dialogue, banter, establishing setting and atmosphere. Hell I think I'm even decently good at chemistry and smut. But big-extensive plots? My brain just collapses. I'm much better at character dynamics than story, if that even makes sense. Which is shame because plot is one of my favourite things to read. Hilarious.
7. How does receiving or not receiving feedback or support impact you?
It depends. Sometimes it can be discouraging to write something and have no traction whatsoever, but even one or two people reading something can keep my motivation going. It depends on how inspired I am at the time. There's always going to be that great serotonin boost when someone enjoys something you've created, and I'm certainly no exception here. I also just really like making people happy. (Which is why I enjoy gift fics and requests so much). I love doing things for people. It's as beneficial to them as it is to me, I think.
8. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? If not, would you tell anyone?
Nobody at present does. But if might tell someone if I was comfortable enough with them and they were also a huge nerd.
10. How has writing positively impacted your health or overall mood?
I love to write. I love creating things. Writing brings me a great deal of pleasure, as does people enjoying it. I think it's a big boost to my mood for sure.
11. Has a fic you've written ever caused issues or controversy?
At the moment *no*. Thankfully. Well, none that I'm personally aware of anyway.
13. Do you take pride in your writing or does it embarrass you? Why or why not?
I am not really embarrassed by my writing. Except maybe some stuff I wrote as a teenager. When I didn't know what I was doing. I take some pride in it. I'm hardly an award winning author, but I do like some of the stuff I've produced. If not most of it.
14. Do you compare yourself to other writers? In a positive or negative way?
Both, and I think it's inevitable. All creators are gong to do this. Only some more than others. I try to be positive when I can, but some level of 'gee they've done this way better than me" Is very human and only natural. I let it pas along after a bit though. I try not to dwell on it much.
15. How do you think your writing improved over time?
I think I started getting better at the things I was always good at, and using less word clutter, you could say. I used to be so bad for run on sentences, rambling. I've tried to trim and focus better. This goes much better when I have someone editing for me of course. Practice has helped a lot.
17. What's the best engagement/interaction you've received from someone who has read your work?
I love all the engagement I get, and I find it difficult to rank them. I like being quoted back to a lot, or people who say 'you did this bit really well'. I try to be as in-character as I can, and start getting annoyed with myself if a character sounds too OOC. I know that on some level, every character is largely up to interpretation, but I do my best to fit in with what I believe is accurate to them. Whenever I get feed back to that end, I appreciate it.
18. Do you only write when you're inspired, or do you try and sit down and write no matter what?
Definitely the former. I did one Big Bang and had to write regardless and found it at times nearly impossible Forcing writing is one of the hardest things to do, and it will sound stiff and stilted if you try. At least it does for me. I don't even use outlines. I am a flow only dude.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Hmm. It would honestly depend on the fic, but I guess something with a really engaging plot (action or mystery, perhaps? Or something spy thriller like) with intense character dynamics, intrigue. Things I enjoy reading already, aided by good dialogue and atmosphere.
20. What's the greatest gift you've gotten from your writing?
Having fun and making people happy (or any other satisfying emotion) I know it might sound silly, but having a good time and people enjoying themselves really is half the gift for me. After all, this is fanfic. I'm not getting paid, it's not going to wide audience bookshelves. This is for fellow fans, engagement with friends, and the fun of writing in a conveniently pre-established area. You could say.
Thank you for sending in!
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4. What fic of your own do you read for comfort?
Oh gosh hmm. Well more recently I've been rereading When Wrong Feels Normal for comfort, though obviously I get to read the whole thing rather than just the two chapters that’re posted rn haha. It's my first MK fanfic and since that's what I'm obsessed with atm it's what I've been rereading. Before that though I would read No problem, kid or Feels weird to cry with a smile, a couple fics from back in my Irondad days. Both concern thoughts and problems I’ve had in the past and it’s nice to read them when I’m dealing with those problems again
Give me deep fanfic asks!
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suchawrathfullamb · 3 months
One thing I don't get is how can some fans see and write Hannibal as protective or caring of Will? He never cared about Will's safety, he has done so much damage to Will's body, it's out of character that he'd suddenly care...I don't know, I just feel like it's wishful thinking of shippers. I ship them too but I'm not delusional about Hannibal...He would still hurt Will in season 4 and I hate when fics write him as if he gives a fuck about Will's well being.
Oh wow. Okay.
Hannibal has known pain in a way most people around him have not. He has known cold, hunger, loss, abandonment, violence and death and god knows what else. All of this before his rational mind was fully developed, which essentially means his mind was shaped through those experiences. That's what it's ingrained in him, regardless of anything else, even the luxurious and opulent life he built for himself years later.
"God" throws his seeds in the air, violently, and they scatter everywhere. Some fall on fertile soil, and grow to become beautiful, strong trees. Some fall on rocky ground and don't yield any fruits. And some fall on thorns, and those thorns choke them. God is ruthless and careless, but not all of his seeds become the byproduct of his violence. But some do. That's just the way it is.
So the first part of this answer is not an attempt to justify Hannibal's behavior, but simply put it into context. No, he didn't have to punish the world for his own suffering. But he chose to do so. Well, I personally don't believe it's a choice, per se, but more of an illusion of choice. People tend to think they are always choosing how to act, but digging into human psyche, you'd find that no, you never had a choice. Free will is an illusion. The reasons behind your behavior go way back, to places you cannot reach. But that's besides the point.
So, again, don't take this as a justification. Hannibal is what he is, and does what he does.
Hannibal found himself at the mercy of a merciless, careless, amoral God, in his formative years. And so he mirrored that God, "can't beat them, join them" sort of deal. If God is careless, so will he be, if God is amoral, then so will he be. If He gives and takes as he pleases, then so will him. If he delights in bloodshed, then so will him. He won't try to please God, he will please himself. He won't worship God, he will worship pleasure, because it is the antithesis of what he feels. We worship that which we desire to experience, or that which we perceive as the opposite of what we're trying to escape from, the remedy for our specific wound. if you fear death, worship him, the one who conquered it and rose victorious above it. Or if you fear your own desires, the same one offers you to be cleanse of those things you perceive as shameful. Whatever you fear, there's a God for you.
And Hannibal's God, at least for most of his life, would become the big P's: Pleasure and Power. It's only a little funny that in order to experience one, you need to let go of the other, at least to some degree.
Hannibal is so afraid of the pain and vulnerability he felt, having perceived it as lethal, that he learned how to remain in absolute control of himself and his environment. He was, in his mind, unaffected by God. You can't hurt him, because he does not expect You not to. In fact, he expects the worst out of You.
He collects church collapses to remind himself that God does not care, since He is destroying his dedicated worshippers. To remind himself of how little his own destructions matter, how small they are, compared to God's.
So, play a little Will Graham here and see through his mind. Walk in his shoe and see. If you do so, you'll never think that him caring about Will is out of character because he hurts him.
Will did something to Hannibal that only God was able to. He made him vulnerable, made him feel out of control. Not even his sister was able to fully accomplish that. Hannibal loved Mischa, but he ate her to prove to himself (and to God), that he was beyond love. That even if he loved, he was still stronger than that feeling. That it wouldn't overpower him. Our NBC Hannibal didn't eat Mischa because he had to. He ate her to forgive her, for making him love her. "I forgive you for being so lovely, and now I will consume you to dominate this weakness". He wasn't able to do that to Will, and he wasn't going to. Bryan Fuller has confirmed he wasn't going to go through with it in the head sawing scene. No matter how hard he tries, Will always conquers him.
Imagine what this must feel like for Hannibal. He had the will to eat his sister. God took her away from him, violently, and he was still capable of defying Him by willingly consuming her, "you do what you will, but I'm still stronger, you are not capable of destroying me, look what I can do with the pain you give me". It's as if Hannibal sees God as a ruthless father who keeps testing him, over and over again. Beating him in the face, repeatedly, and all he needs to do is take it, bloody and smiling, as if he's enjoying it, as if God's intention of causing pain is futile. Does that evoke a certain scene from the show in your memory?
Hannibal finds some people slightly interesting, some disposable, some inconvenient, and most boring. He sees them as weak, mostly. They haven't endured what he has, they complain about things that are frivolous to him, they care about things that don't matter to him, and mostly, they would never relate to him, to his view of life. They'd be scared, or disgusted by him. He knows he's a monster in most people's perspective. Does he see himself as a monster? He tries not to. He looks at his church collapses whenever he feels this thought creeping inside his head. Yes, of course he sees himself as a monster. But he works very hard to argue against that...After all, God is so much worse.
Arrogance is not a an actual belief of superiority. It's just a mask for a deep feeling of inadequacy. It's an overcompensation. He has learned, from the way he was raised, and the type of people around him, that politeness and etiquette are signs of dominance, and most importantly, the opposite of what most tend to consider ugliness and brutality. Someone harmed him very gently. A nice and friendly person. No one believed him. And so, he learned the best character to play was this exact one.
I could be wrong, this isn't canon, it's just the most obvious explanation. But regardless if Hannibal is the way he is independently of the trauma, as Mads stated, that doesn't mean he didn't adapt, evolve, become. I already established that I do not think he is the way he is because of his trauma, I'm still going along with canon. But I see him as just one of God's little seeds that didn't fall on good soil. But he's still a human being, regardless if he's the incarnation of Satan, he's still incarnated, literally meaning born in flesh. He still has a linear story, a way of becoming, of flourishing (or withering) in a manner that his thorns could rise from his skin and harm others, even if they were there all along.
Punishing "the rude" is a way of justifying his own motives. Can't kill other killers, that would be hypocritical of him, he's not trying to be a vigilante, he's beyond that. Can't kill people who remind him of those who harmed in the past, that would be vindictive of him, therefore a display of weakness, as if he's still affected by them. So? Kill whoever is rude, disrespectful, unrefined out of pettiness. It's petulant and it is flippant (in most cases, that homophobic medical consultant may or may not had it coming, I didn't say it, you did), but it's the only reason he found. Other killers may kill because they can, because whatever. Hannibal needed to justify it to himself, in a way that still put him in a position of power. Again, vengeance or vigilance is too affective to his liking. He doesn't like playing good or bad. He just likes playing.
Here comes Will Graham with his rude, dismissive, agitated, grumpy and messy behavior. He's arrogant, he's childish, he lacks control of himself, yet everyone sees him as innocent, pure, genuine. What a punch to the stomach. Hannibal has to try so hard to be seen as innocent. And there goes this mongoose, acting all crazy and everybody treats him like an injured puppy. But he's just like Hannibal, he has thorns peaking out of his back, forcing their way out. And he's still able to be perceived as innocent? Oh no. Not on Hannibal's watch. So he turns people against him.
Hannibal's very aware of how Will affects people around him. He knew Alana liked him, he even told Will in the first episode, in the breakfast scene, but they cut the line out. He wanted to know if Will liked her back, but was dismissed. He tells him how Jack sees him as fragile, tells Alana they have Will dressed in moral dignity, pants, "nothing is his fault". He's very aware of how Will is able to evoke this type of unconditional compassion.
But then it affects him.
He wasn't expecting it, he was surely not prepared for it. All he knew was to hurt. Eat him like he did his sister. Hannibal realized his feelings were deepening in the opera episode, the singer who played that part (of the opera singer) said she chose the aria specifically for this, because it was like Hannibal was realizing he had a heart. He cried. Later on, Will told him he kissed Alana and that his connection to the killer, Tobias, was getting stronger ("it's our song"). This affects Hannibal in a way that disturbs him, and so he acts impulsively and sends Will to Tobias. "I do not care about him, see?". Denial.
What a shocker when he has to face the truth that he does, in fact, care. He looks defeated, and submissive in that scene ("I was worried you were dead"), even their physical positions mirrors that...But, "I got here on my own", he insists on remarking, after Will says he feels like he dragged Hannibal into his world. No. You didn't. I am here because I chose to be. I am still in control.
After that, he cannot lie to himself any longer, he knew what he felt when he thought he had lost Will. And so, it only got worse from that point on. Now, he was aware of his feelings and actively fighting them. All of his actions were an attempt to eradicate Will, as a way to eradicate his feelings towards him, to prove to himself that he can still overpower his feelings, "see? I can still do what I want with you, my feelings for you do not stop me". And Will rejects him for the first time, in that kitchen. And he still loves him. How infuriating. So he decides, "No, I will not jeopardize my own freedom for you." Anger.
When he saw Will in prison for the first time, you could almost see the exhilaration in his eyes. To cage the one who controls you, how divine of a feeling. He is elated. At first.
It seems that it takes Hannibal a few shocks to realize that he does care, a lot, about Will. And so he realizes that, once more. And needs to deal with it...Again. Meanwhile his inner world is spinning out of control, it is becoming a grand, beautiful mess, and he cannot stop himself, even though he is trying very hard to.
Bedelia brings him to awareness by telling him he's obsessed. "I'm intrigued", he tries, mostly to himself. Obsessed? Him? No, it can't be. Nobody is capable of doing this to him. Obsession indicates a lack of control, the incapacity to take one's mind off of a subject. Just imagine the war he was battling inside himself.
When Will tries to kill him (by proxy) he is as satisfied as he is hurt. Satisfied because he was right, Will is a killer. Hurt because he did almost die. The night he lets Alana kiss him and decides to engage with her, it's the night Jack made it clear Hannibal was a suspect. He felt alone without Will, and Alana made him feel less alone, "walking away what does that leaves us with?", he asks, "each other", she says. He does appreciate her, even if she doesn't truly see him and when she eventually does, she's afraid, she's still better than nothing, and convenient for his alibi. But it's more than that. This is the woman who had (has) feelings for Will, and those feelings seemed to be reciprocated, at least to some extent and at some point. Having her is like conquering Will in a petty way. "She rejected you. You rejected me. Now we're together", it says.
But he still sees potential in Will, in their union, and he still cannot deal with the ache of being without him. And so he finds a way to get him back, let his bird out of the cage, unbound, even if it means danger. He's so lost in his feelings that he allows himself to be deluded, to believe, to open himself up. And even after realizing the betrayal, he still couldn't let go, and offered his carefully crafted life, up, "we could disappear tonight". And when Will says "you were supposed to leave", he doesn't interpret it as protection, he hears it as rejection. Again. He did the same thing to Hobbs, not because he cared, but because he wanted to. He doesn't think Will did that because he cares, at most, he thinks he did because he felt guilty for lying. But mostly, this is Will rejecting him again. He is devastatingly hurt, and Will stands like God, so cold, so cruel. But at least you have a body, so I'll hurt your body, since I can't hurt your feelings, apparently. "You think you can change me?", denial, "I already did," the truth, spitting on his face. So he ends Abigail, because to Hannibal, Will cared about her, he protected her, he had compassion for her. But not him, so she will be Will's pain. "No, you haven't changed me. See? I'm still the monster". The monster he tries to convince himself he isn't, the monster he tried to show Will he wasn't, but Will didn't want that gift. That burden, that curse. But he'll call it a gift, to make himself feel better. After all, he's so much better than everyone else and seeing him in all his truth is such an honor...Isn't it?
He knows Will is right, even if he kills Abigail to prove a point, in his mind, he knows he's right (the script says so). So really, there is no point in denying anymore. But can still move on, overcompensating for the dark, endless pit in his soul, with opulence and a smile. Until Will comes to him, and once again, he cannot handle himself, and he's at it again, acting completely reckless and out of control.
"I forgive you", hope. Then Will tries to kill/harm him. And he's so done. With everything. Everything. How many times will Will Graham shake him out of his center, ruin his sense of self, spin him out of control, play him, hurt him? Leave him? No more, that's how many. He's done. He's ending it. And he knows he won't live without him. He's so deranged in that scene, so...Out of it, almost uncharacteristically insane. Consuming his God, finally. "I'll do this, so the pain will stop," he bargains.
Then, he would most likely end himself indirectly after that. After all, "suicide is the enemy", but letting himself get caught after a lifetime of expertly evading it, isn't the same now, is it? Of course not. Surrendering to the authorities even though you are certain you'll get the death penalty isn't the same as suicide, of course not. Refuting your insanity plea that saved you from getting the death penalty also isn't suicide, of course not. Not at all. Neither is allowing God to throw you off the cliff, even though you made it very clear that you were aware of His intentions.
Hannibal Lecter loves Will Graham to the point of insanity. He hurts him out of insanity, out of the inability to surrender to his love. When he finally does, he regrets what he did to Will. He's so insanely filled with regret he tries to reverse time. He's acting maniacally, and then he's rejected again. And just...Gives up. Accepts it. "He knew Will would come back, it was just another manipulation"...He gave up his freedom and risked his life just to be petty? Sure. You tell yourself that cause it's exactly what he'd rather you believe in.
At the end, he looks at a weapon and considers hurting Will, but he can't. He knows Dolarhyde is watching. Knows where he is. Will tells him he doesn't think he can save himself, and maybe that's okay. Hannibal clocks him right there, and his compassion for Will is inconvenient as he steps in front of him and takes the bullet. It's inconvenient when he allows Will to pull them off the cliff just to be able to hold him, even if it's for first and last time, because he'd rather die than live without him.
After all, how do you leave without your God once you've been graced by His glory?
So no. I don't this logic makes sense, anon. You're interpreting Hannibal as a person who follows one logic, when he in fact, "follows several trains of thought at once without distraction from any". And one of the trains is love.
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ronearoundblindly · 17 days
Dirty Water
Steve Rogers x deep sea mermaid!Reader
Prompt from this dirty ask game with our pairing from the Sun, Salt, and Shield series.
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Summary: After a very long (but unofficial) courtship, where Steve is too shy to bring up your anatomy and his compatibility, a cultural misinterpretation quite literally sinks his resolve.
Warnings for smut (I'm gonna have to call this what it is and just say it's monster-f**king, or the one where Steeb gets maybe-CNC-boinked by a 'monster.' Sorry, babes. Ro's dipped a toe into the darkside for a smidge.) MINORS DNI. Poorly--or rather, not--edited and I have no idea the word count...
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Steve swallows harshly and tries not to nervously splash his feet in the pool.
"What?" he chokes out.
He can't think of anything more articulate to say, not that it would matter when so much is lost in translation.
All you did was ask about the singing outside the doors of your 'room'--the retrofitted gym pool at the Avengers compound, the one is the basement without windows for your highly sensitive eyes--but he...could never have predicted why you were so curious.
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"They're just enjoying themselves," he'd chuckled, shrugging like it was no big deal. "Do you sing?"
The look on your face, jaw slack and head tilting in contemplation, it should have warned him. You unfurled from your relaxed posture, the stance where your arms cross behind your back and fit atop the swell of your--he'd say tail, but it's more like your ass--rump, the rest of your body bent in a curve until your fin nearly touches the surface, and inched closer to his feet in the deep end.
"Yessssss," you hissed slowly through three rows of sharp teeth, crawling up his legs, out of the water, dripping over his lap as you braced large, webbed hands on either side of his hips.
Even in the very low light of damp room, he could see the lavender of your stare drop to his crotch.
"You sing too?"
Steve's an idiot. He didn't understand yet, so that dumbass actually began humming 'You Are My Sunshine' because nothing else occurred to him.
Then he noticed your tail glowing beneath the scales.
Then he realized you were pressing yourself to his legs.
Aaaand then Steve Rogers looked down your body to witness his knee disappearing in a spongy spot where the armoring swelled apart.
Oh god.
"What?" he now asks like an frightened teen seeing boobs for the first time.
"I make you sing?" Your broad green lips turn up in a smile. "Show me."
Suddenly, Steve's forgotten more english than you've learned. "Huh?"
Your flowing, textured hair, shapely even out of the water, sways when you cock your head to the side, looking through your lashes at him.
"How Stevie sing?"
He shivers for the first time in the cool water and lets an involuntary grunt leave his lips.
He's tried to stop himself from imagining your body and how it works to...ya know, and how he might...oh god, he's going to hell, but apparently, you've already been imagining that humans are either masturbating or fucking outside your door at all hours all the time--
--and oh shit, that means you sing as a part of sex.
He turns his head to the almost black ceiling and fails to think of anything else as the light from your body reflects in waves on every wall. He whimpers when he feels a ripple of muscle through the wet cotton of his jeans.
"Doll make Stevie sing?" Your voice is hoarse, and just as quickly as you say that by his throat, you flip back into the water. You can only breathe air for so long without hurting your throat and lungs.
He thinks he's off the hook, praying the tightness in his pants dissipates faster than they'll take to dry, but he lowers his head to find you peeking from the water, intent as ever on learning his ways.
He should be ashamed, so very fucking ashamed, of how badly he wants to take himself out of his pants and watch the wonder of those pretty eyes as he comes at the thought of you, but Steve's drowning in the hope that he can have you. It's been so long that he's wanted this, even in the most innocent ways.
Your final plea bubbles to the surface.
Steve inhales sharply, running a hand through his hair and licking his lips.
This is wrong, he thinks. You should not be doing this.
Yet he does it anyway because he wants to; he wants to so badly.
He sits up straight at the edge of the concrete, popping the button of his jeans and aches as he lowers the zipper. He can't meet your eye while he pulls out his semi-hard cock and fists it harshly.
You're so long that even looking away leaves your shimmering tail in sight, and he thinks he sees you rattle in excitement. It makes him shiver again, and the vibration shakes the moan escaping his tight chest.
Yikes, it does sound a bit like he's singing...
What the hell are you even doing?
Of course, he knows he's touching himself and he knows well enough how to do that, but he shouldn't be doing this in front of you, much less enjoying it. His blood is running so hot beneath his skin, though, the chilly pool feels soothing over his shins where he rolled up his pants (to no avail).
The heat floods his veins and mind to the point rational thought quiets, and Steve's eyes slither up your demure form.
Your eyes get wider and wider the more noise he makes, and his rampant imagination feeds off the sight of that gap in your scales visible as it undulates in the refraction beneath his feet.
He leans his head back and closes his own eyes at just the wrong moment.
Mid-whine, he misses the splashing sound that would have warned him you were coming, and instead Steve is pummeled by the end of your tail and topples into the pool, shocked and sputtering salty water until his body is pinned to the flat of the concrete wall he used to be perch on.
As he scrambles to toss his arms over the ledge, he feels claws dragging his jeans farther down his legs, and the fabric hangs like an anchor while the silky-slick webbing of your fingers glides up and down his thighs.
Then your tongue runs the length of his cock, making Steve moan embarrassingly loud and thrust his hips forward. If he weren't in the water, he'd be a puddle.
Pleasure races up and down his spine, fighting for dominance over the feeling of cold when he slips from the ledge and submerges briefly.
He barely registers the loss of your tongue and your quick lap of swimming before you're backing into him again.
It's on your ass, too, the soft entrance like you rubbed against his knee, but he could not have imagined what it could do--what you could do--how you could manipulate your muscles inside your tail.
He has no brainpower left to describe it. Steve just lets go, trusting your body to hold his weight as one hand grips the mossy softness of your waist and the other hand spreads over your lower back. Out of instinct, he tries to get leverage to push himself in and out of you, but that's useless.
There's a strong ripple of muscle that pulls him in, and in, and in, delicately tight on his sensitive cock and wide enough to slowly suck his balls into the massaging cavern.
Steve's eyes roll far into his head. He's going to pass out if this keeps up.
"Doll," he gasps, but it's too quiet in the slosh of the water. "Please, I'm--"
A clear, high note crescendos from the deep below, something disturbingly pure and paralyzing, and Steve can't move. He can only feel and experience a siren's song in action.
His body twitches violently before his cum is milked sensually, desperately, methodically from his cradled and ravaged pelvis, and never in Steve's long life has he ever been so fucking spent.
He whimpers when your cunt releases him, only faintly aware that he's propped on your back by his elbows as you swim to the shallow end and let him 'stand' on his shaky legs.
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The screeching hinge of the door startles him.
"Cap," the junior agent yells over your hiss from the bright light spraying in, "everything okay? I heard..."
Yeah, I couldn't describe it either, Steve thinks.
He spits water from his mouth. "Fine," he huffs back, "we were...singing, and I fell in."
"Oh. Alright. Sorry to disturb you, Miss G." The man nods his apology at your hand-covered eyes and leaves.
Steve can't help but laugh like an insane person, laying to properly float in the water, uncaring what you're up to until he gently hits the stairs leading out of the pool.
Your head rises out of the water hopefully, and he cups your cheeks, still chuckling. He has zero words to describe...anything at the moment, but he can show you a human tradition of affection in return.
Shifting as easily as a feather in the water, he pulls you two together and sweetly presses his salmon lips to your seaweed pout, letting your long locs fall over his own shoulders.
Soon, he's gasping for air again, yet just before you dunk below the surface, you grin and coo at him.
"Stevie sings lovely."
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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what...the hell have i done. *hits post before final two braincells protest*
@fandom-has-taken-me-hostage @leah2901 @blogbog710 @supraveng @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @late-to-the-party-81 @rogersbarber @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @jamneuromain
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immunetoneurotoxin · 3 months
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“Not a soul assigned to their case at the Bureau could make sense of their existence. There wasn’t a single scientist, parapsychologist, doctor, or specialist with over a dozen PHD’s under the sun that could figure them out. Pyrokinesis in a human? They defy every law of nature, yet they exist amongst humanity regardless. How do you explain that?” “The truth is that there are a lot of unknown things out there in the world that mankind hasn't even begun to scratch the surface of. Everyone flocked to this case trying to find rational answers, but there aren’t any. Look at the files in your hands. By the eyes of science, Pyro should not exist. Don’t you know what happens to things mankind doesn’t understand? The Bureau has done sickening things to them in the name of research.” “That’s why I helped them escape, Conagher.”
Excerpt from the novel INCENDIARY; A TF2 Pyro origin story Read the latest chapter of 'Incendiary' on AO3 here! Artwork created by the incredible @narklos ♡ 
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writergeekrhw · 9 months
Do you read Star Trek fanfiction? And, if so (although I can see why you might not, considering you may want to write for the show again some day), what type do you enjoy most?
Character exploration, missing scenes, seeing how fan interpretations of characters differ from your own, relationships...?
Unfortunately, because of potential legal issues, I can't read fanfiction for Star Trek or anything else I worked on or might work on.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
In your recent space ai au where Eclipse is using heat to help Y/N's back relax, are the bandages that Sun saw around their neck from the same incident as the earlier one where Moon had to help them out when they almost died, or was it some other sort of general recklessness? Or was I just mistaking those bandages for a bandana?
You were right, those ARE bandages!
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But those aren’t from the scene where they came really close to dying- that actually comes later! But they also aren’t from general recklessness, either. :)
I’ve dropped a few tidbits here and there as I started fleshing out the idea of the plot point those bandages are now! There’s been some inconsistency in the doodles I’ve shared, but to vaguely sum it up,
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This is the doodle I first did when I was thinking about a falling out between Sun, Moon and Pilot Reader! A little before and after, I guess. (It’s hard to tell, but they DO have the bandages in the ‘after’ part. In the before, it’s just the bandanna)
At the same time I was wondering if I should give Moon something like the Afton-influence-virus-thing that security breach had going on, and my gf suggested that maybe Moon was normally quite stable but during moments of high stress it could put pressure on him that triggered a ‘bug’
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And, well, this Reader has a bit of a temper (always has),
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And has a bad habit of,, basically making arguments worse, kind of purposefully provoking the other person into losing their cool- at least that way, they can act like THEYRE the one who’s more composed
And normally, the bots all have very precise control of regulating their body’s temperature! They can even make their hands cool to soothe someone when they’re hot, or make their hands warm to- in Eclipse’s case- soothe tense, sore muscles
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(Side note: Reader still has bandages at this point! The majority of the injury has healed, but Sun is the resident nurse and Reader is just too tired of bickering to put up much of a fight about it. They won’t let him change the bandages, though- they always do it themselves.)
But when the bug is triggered, Sun’s AI goes out completely, and all ship functions are channeled to Moon. That, on top of the already rocky state of his reasoning skills at the time, is kind of a lot for one bot to handle! So, like most computers when overloaded with too many processes at once, he’s really quick to overheat!
Luckily, there’s a failsafe in the ships system that will power down Sun and Moon in such a situation, so in only takes a few minutes before Moon crashes and goes unconscious until the ship is prompted to get him up again. By that time, the ‘bug’ moment has normally passed, so yknow! All’s well that ends well!
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(This particular scene happens later in the timeline, and is actually the first step Moon takes in repairing the relationship he and Sun had with Reader. <3)
But yeah that pretty much sums it up I think! Basically, Reader, Sun and Moon are all pals > The Reveal Happens > Reader has bandages and everyone is walking on eggshells with one another > Reader finds Eclipse and bonds with him, making Sun and Moon jealous slightly annoyed > Reader puts themselves at serious risk of death > Moon comes to his gotdam senses > ?????? > profit
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months
your tags!! which apostrophic fics?
The short answer is all of them (I'm obsessed, quite literally-- one of my top authors of all time); but the real answer is:
@mappingthexfiles/Apostrophic writes Mulder and Scully dating by early/mid S6; and I love those stories to death-- they're how I wish S6 had unfolded (though it captures the lightheartedness of their dynamic regardless.)
Agua Mala
Post Agua Mala Scully got a bad cold and hearing loss from their trip to Florida; Mulder, bad movies, and more ensue.
Mulder and Scully celebrate her birthday before they fly to California; and while in Arcadia, the two discuss their own versions of happily ever after (Scully's comments, particularly on the Schroeders, sticks in my brain to this day.)
Mulder, down about Karin's death, makes sandwiches with Scully as they both contemplate "the dream."
Mulder and Scully banter after Chimera.
Hope you have fun reading! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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the-ninjago-historian · 3 months
Hey again!
I was just reading about Flaris for Into the Deep and it said something about Kai having to face his deepest fears and since this AU is based to fit within the canon...does that mean Kai is going to have to face some with Water and possibly Nya? (If I remember correctly I know a fear of his was losing Nya or something unless that wasn't Canon but I think it was?)
So my question is... Would Kai have to face something to do with Water and Nya at the same time at some point in the series? (1. Cuz that'd be sick af and 2. I've only read Flaris' so far and this question popped up in my head and I had to ask-)
Oh man! That a good question! Okay, let me see if I can explain all of this coherently. Lol.
So, it all started after a read a fan's character analysis on Kai and the changes he went through from the pilots till now. They spoke of how people were complaining that Kai didn't act like he used to in the pilots. One example that was brought up was fire chapter. After Kai lost his powers, he didn't want to keep fighting until a little boy convinced him. Some people said that pilot Kai would have kept fighting without his powers, no convincing needed. I believe some other examples were brought up. But that was the most notable one.
The person writing the analysis went on to explain that Kai wasn't acting out of character. He was changed because of his experiences. Like many of the other Ninjas, Kai has been severely traumatized by everything they've been through. And as a result, he's lost a bit of that fire he used to have.
This fanseason though, plans to address that.
It aims to look deep within Kai's character and help him regain that inner fire! Now, this isn't saying Kai isn't brave. He most certainly is. Especially seeing everything him and his family has been through. And he certainly still has some of that confident swagger. Lol. 🤣 But this season will help him finally overcome that trauma and get his old spark back!
(BUUUUUUT, even with all this said, him having to face something involving Nya and water sounds exceptionally cool, and I will consider it.👀)
Thanks for the ask! I hope I answered your question properly! :) - ✒️🐉
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
I love the idea of Maggie being a rebel like her father as a teen and I love how Eddie knows all her tricks. How does Chrissy deal with her daughter’s schenanigans?
She worries about her all the time, she tries to be patient and give her the benefit of the doubt, but Maggie’s pretty wild and rebellious so it can be difficult sometimes. She always gives Eddie a tired sigh eye after a melodramatic tantrum.
“Why am I getting that look?”
“You had to be difficult for Wayne.”
“Hey! You knew the risks!!”
“Mom, I’m begging you please, please,” Maggie cries half prostrate over the counter, hands folded tight as she pleads. “Everyone else is going to be there and it’s one weekend!”
Chrissy sighs softly as she continues to scrub the dishes in more earnest, her legendary patience all but drained out. “Maggie, I’ve provided my reasons multiple times, the answer is no.”
“But whhhhyyyyy!?” she asks. “You would have let Liv go!”
“To a cabin five hours away when she was only fifteen-years-old? With several boys over eighteen and no adult chaperones for four whole days?” she asks in astonishment. “I most certainly would not have.”
Livvy would never have even had any interest in something like that in the first place.
“I’m almost sixteen, Mom! It’s not fair! The whole band is going and I’m going to get left behind!” Maggie exclaims, blinking back angry tears.
“Baby, I know this is important to you and I’m sorry I have to say no, but you’re just not old enough to go that far away by yourself for that long.”
“You never let me do anything!” she whines, slumping face down on the table, sobbing loudly and dramatically.
Chrissy takes a slow inhale through the nose.
Yoga breathing. Yoga breathing. Yoga breathing.
She empathizes. She really does.
If anyone understands what it’s like to be a teenage girl who’s not allowed to do anything, it’s her. But, they don’t know Derek or his family well enough to let their impulsive daughter spend three nights somewhere up in Alexandria Bay.
“That’s a tad of an exaggeration,” she replies wearily. “Don’t you think?”
She doesn’t respond, just pouts heavily with an angry little sniff, propping her chin on her flattened hands.
God, that face she’s making.
She’s so Eddie that it’s ridiculous sometimes.
Speak of the devil, he comes in from the garage after changing the oil to her Explorer, cleaning his hands off with a damp rag, whistling to himself before noticing the tension in the air.
“…Hey,” he greets cautiously, glancing between them, walking over to kiss Chrissy on the side of her head.
“Hi,” she exhales.
“Hi, Daddy.” Maggie mutters.
He eyes their youngest daughter’s petulant moping, looking back up at Chrissy questioningly. They’ve picked up something akin to a psychic connection over the years and he’s quick to catch on that they’re still on the ‘Maggie wanting to go away for the weekend upstate’ topic when she levels his gaze.
He nods in understanding, rubbing her shoulders from behind and Chrissy shrugs silently in response, not knowing what else to do at this point.
Help me out here, I’m going to snap!
“Okay, what’s wrong, Mags?” he asks all cool and casual, ruffling her loose curls as he walks past her toward the fridge to grab something to drink.
“Nothing, I’m just going to be stuck here while all my friends get to go away for the weekend because Mom doesn’t trust me.” She informs him miserably, rubbing vigorously at her face when a few fat tears that slip free.
“…Margaret, that’s not true.” Chrissy sighs, trying not to roll her eyes.
Mom doesn’t trust her?
Well what about her father who nearly blew a fuse when he heard that Derek kid offered for her to go in the first place? Mom had to spend nearly forty minutes talking Daddy down from breaking a seventeen-year-old boy’s nose.
Why is she the bad guy?
“I just don’t understand why Stacey and Megan’s parents are letting them go, but you won’t let me! They’re my age!”
“Why don’t you ask your father what he thinks?” Chrissy suggests, stifling her irritation. “I think I’ve gone over it enough.”
“What’s the point?” Maggie mumbles under her breath. “He’ll just think whatever you tell him to think.”
The silence that follows is earth shattering. The cup she’s holding slips from her hand, plopping back into the sudsy water clanking loudly against the bottom of the sink.
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historicfailure · 2 years
hi! i hope you're doing well :3
9. what's your writing process like?
Hey there! :D
Yeah, I'm doing okayish. RL is just a bit busy atm and I'm... stressed out ngl ^^" But it's going upwards now, which is definitely appreciated and a relief for me xD Thank you so much for that! And for sending in your ask ^^
9. what's your writing process like? (copied it from the ask before but added some tidbits to still make it worthwhile)
Disorganized, I would say. I pretty much have an idea for a single scene, and if it tickles my fancy enough, then I will either immediately get to writing around it aka writing the scene out, or I will take notes for the scene and let it sit for a while until I have more time/another idea to tie everything together. Then I just try my best to create a plot, more or less successful ^^"
Best example would be End My Loneliness. Initially, I had the idea of this lone woman living in the woods and caring only for her plants, not having talked in months. The moment she speaks for the first time and she notices that her voice is rough and weak from not using it was literally the first thing I thought of for this fic :D
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
11 and 13 for the fic ask?
Deep Fanfic Asks
Hi Anon!
11 and 13 have been answered here :) Thank you so much!
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ohitslen · 11 months
My favorite pieces of media are Trigun, Monster, Princess Tutu, Strangers From Hell, Link Click, Beyond Evil, the webtoon Guardians of the Videogame and Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
It’s a very elaborated way of saying I choose to make myself depressed and being gay is also a choice
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ragnarokhound · 6 months
Happy Halloween! Trick or treat?
Hee hoo thanks for the ask, anon! Happy Halloween :3 A silly supernatural jaytim 3 sentence paragraph (lol) fic for you:
"For the last time, I am not getting in the damn coffin with you," Jason huffs.
Tim leans out over the polished wood and satin lining, his fangs flashing as he pouts, winding his arms lazily around Jason's neck and burying his fingertips in Jason's hair-- because he's a dirty cheater and he knows that Jason's willpower is brittle as old bone this close to the full moon. He resolves to stay strong, because if you give Tim an inch then he'll take the whole damn continent.
"You don't have to, I suppose," Tim sighs, red eyes flashing from under his eyelashes. "I'll just be here...cold. Lonely. Wanting." He breathes the words against Jason's lips, and Jason whines. Christ. The things he does for this bloodsucker.
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manofthepipis · 6 months
I was rereading chapter 12 of system rebooting please standby and I found it just a little sweet that spamton was excited to see Kris (even tho it wasn’t them lol). tho he mostly was hoping for Kris to save his hide, I also think he was just happy to see his friend since he’s so lonely at that point
im rlly glad you liked that bit!! :D spamton will always have his more selfish motivations, and i've tried writing him so that if he ever does want/need something from someone else he goes into salesman mode, playing nice and innocent enough to get what he wants. But like they're his friend!! his buddy!! :D!! they're a puppet just like him and they helped to free him even if it was obvious he was up to no good in the first place! someone like that to return to him in his extreme loneliness and confusion would be a godsend, but he doesn't get those often. so whoops it had to be an addison lmao
I'd imagine if kris were to return, he'd be hanging around them and their friends to the point where it got annoying but only because he genuinely cares now and they've given him a new purpose in the world he's forever fated for. Though it would genuinely surprise me if he appeared again in canon (i think he's just gonna get the jevil treatment and be a quiet close-to-nonliving item in your inventory), but in this au hed be harder than hell to get rid of (akin to actual spam) hfjsksksk.
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