#dill harris
Atticus, after Halloween: This is what we call a traumatic event.
Atticus, turning to Jem: Not a “major L”.
Atticus, turning to Scout: And not an “oof lmao”.
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gettingthebitches · 2 years
Y’all my dumbass decided it would be a great idea to write tkam fanfiction set in princess dress era (I don’t have a set one) and it’s going great, yeah, but I can’t let any of my classmates know I stopped this low.
My friend loves the book too but I’m just like “you don’t need to see me write archery, it makes me embarrassed.”
I literally just need to get it off my chest, internet forgive me.
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asexual-juliet · 2 years
another day another sadness about how gideon glick didn’t win the tony for to kill a mockingbird
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thegayfangrrl · 5 months
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romanceyourdemons · 2 years
i love propagating plants in water. it’s like rejoice. roots be upon ye
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biohazard-4ever · 1 month
Claire: Why is Leon so quiet?
Chris: I bet with him he can't stay a single day without making sarcastic comments or jokes.
Jill: Chris, that is literally like telling a normal person they can't breathe for an entire day
Claire: You will kill him.
Chris looks at Leon as he sits down with his lips shut tight and his legs bouncing restlessly
Chris: I don't know! I'm kinda enjoying this!
Jill: Well,anyway, Dill called and--
Chris: What Dill?
Jill: Dill Doe.
Chris: Oh, right! From the Harry Cox company.
Leon: *Arms drop dejectedly and he groans loudly*
Jill: Is he in pain?
Leon:... Dill Doe...?
Jill: Yes.
Claire: What?
Leon: Harry... COX?
Chris: Yeah. What about it?
Claire turns to Chris with a smirk: Know what, I am enjoying this, too.
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dills-musings · 6 days
Something I see a lot on writeblr, and various other places, is people celebrating hitting something like 150k (I've seen people celebrating 500k, or HALF A MILLION) words. Unless you're a vet author, plan to self-publish, or are literally as good as a NYT bestseller (Hint, you're likely not) you shouldn't be writing books of that length if you expect to go the traditional publishing route. Even in Fantasy, which is notorious for being really long door-stoppers, most traditional publishing places and agents won't accept anything over 80k unless it's REALLY REALLY good.
"But, Dill," I hear you say, "Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are hundreds of thousands of words each."
They are the exceptions in every way. Harry Potter took literally YEARS and dozens of attempts to find a publisher that would even consider it. Let that sink in for a moment.
While you can argue that publishers are out of sync, they are the ones that decide to publish your novel. It might not be fair that they decide to publish by word count in addition to other stuff, but shelf space is valuable, and a door stopper can't fit as many copies on the shelf. And they are in the business of selling books.
If you plan on literally never publishing it, or going the self-pub route, write your doorstoppers. But if you plan on going the traditional route with an agent (Which is STRONGLY recommend you get one if you go traditional) you need to play by their rules. Write something shorter.
Keep in mind that 50k words IS A NOVEL and not everything has to be the length of War and Peace.
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black20viking · 2 months
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Chunky Dunk Sandwich - Smoke Turkey, Black Forrest Ham, Bacon, Provolone Cheese, and Dill Dipping Sauce
Harry and Harry Too - Bishopville, SC
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friendship-showdown · 10 months
Friendship Showdown: Preliminary Round #49
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Ellie Miller and Alec Hardy (Broadchurch): They go from shitty new boss and subordinate who's about to McFreaking Lose it to bickering duo who work surprisingly well together to ride or die you're my best friend and we've been through so much shit but we'll get through it because we're together. But we're still not on first name basis bc Hardy doesn't think names are necessary. Also it's Olivia Colman and David Tennant, the vibes are immaculate.
Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe): They're really supportive of each other, both during action scenes and slice of life moments. They're each unique in their own way (Connie is a shy nerd and Steven is an emotional Cloudcuckolander, to say nothing of the magic stuff) but they each support each other's idiosyncrasies and they love to good off together and do cute friend things. Literally one of my favorite friendships in any media even without the M/F qualifier.
Dill Harris and Scout Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird): "Summer was our best season: it was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots, or trying to sleep in the tree house; summer was everything good to eat; it was a thousand colors in a parched landscape; but most of all, summer was Dill.”
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fvrnandas · 1 year
location : fernanda's place availability : open
' i don't know, ' fernanda said, shrugging her shoulders as she placed her favorite bowl of chips, hot dill pickle lays, onto the coffee table. she took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, brought her knees up to her chest, and reached over to grab a handful of chips. ' ' personally, I think I could be a successful dj, like calvin harris-level, ' fern finished her thought with another shrug. ' anyway... ' she muttered with a chip in her mouth, ' if we go on tour, do you think it'll be a bus situation ? i don't think that would work out so well... '
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copitoflakes · 6 months
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Tbh, i kinda made moomin like dill (dill harris from TKAM, i kinda imagine him with white hair and chubby.. but that’s js my imagination)
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Scout: How did you even get in here?!
Dill: Jem’s window! Or as I like to call it, Dill’s door!
Jem: I’m closing the window.
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catgirljaneway · 6 months
Ask game:
Janeway, Kira, Julian, Tom (if you want to)
(ask game in question)
Thank you for the ask, anon! I love these characters.
Stan Account: Amelia Earhart. She mostly posts text heavy + very intellectual posts about her impact on women in aviation, but honestly the more intellectual the posy, the hornier the undertones. Janeway has shared it with Tuvok (he beta reads her posts) but she tries to keep it secret from everyone else. Everyone is onto her. Tom found it first and showed it to Harry who showed it to B'elanna and it spiraled from there. Janeway hasn't realized this.
Convenience Store Purchase: Coffee without a cap. Also chocolate covered espresso beans. (This one was hard to figure out for her, not sure why)
Kink: Sex on the captain's chair for sure. Also smart people who argue with her turn her on. I also think she'd be into something like orgasm denial. Also being called Kathryn because she rarely gets to be called Kathryn in the Delta Quadrant cause ya know... it's lonely at the top. I also think that while she enjoys dominating, she also likes giving up her control cause she never gets that chance otherwise.
Stan Account: The prophets. Unfortunately she posts those terrible Christian mom bible verses over highly-pixelated "aesthetic" photos....
But also she runs a stan account for GIRLI (This is because I've decided Kira would like her music + her music reminds me of Kira) She starts it while she's still not out to herself, so there are so many photosets she posts of her being like "wow! I want to be her!" and Jadzia takes one look at the account and is like..... hey girl... i have some news for you....
Convenience Store Purchase: Beef jerky.
Kink: Honestly romance and setting the mode. You know that cheesy romance movie "trail of rose petals leading to bed" stuff? Yeah that would work on her methinks. Also biting.
Stan Account: Himself. He runs a stan account for himself. He claims it's not him running it, it's just "someone who appreciates his work" but no one believes him. He routinely makes burner accounts to send his "fan blog" hate for attention. I also believe he used to run a stan blog for some musician but then it got "too mainstream".
Convenience Store Purchase: Celebrity gossip magazine + those iced starbucks frappichinos
Kink: Unfortunately it's being called kitten. (also voyeurism)
Stan Account: He runs a 20th century car stand blog. He gets in the most HORRIBLE drama with other 20th century car bloggers. He gets so upset and is constantly telling Harry about it. Harry wants to delete his social media. Also he runs a Tom Petty blog. He likes to post "cool" photos of 20th century cars with Tom Petty lyrics.
Convenience Store Purchase: Dill pickle lays, hotdog, slurpee, beef jerkey, bubble gum. He has no self-control.
Kink: Dying in Harry's arms. (also daddy + degradation)
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pinarworks · 7 months
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Bir Saat 16 Dakika Uzunluğunda Bir Hakaret: Kedicik Belgeseli
140Journos isimli yapının Adnan Oktar tarikatı üzerine hazırladığı Kedicik isimli belgesel bir dış ses tarafından anlatılmıyor. Anlatı belgesele tek tek kendilerine özel mekânlardan bağlanan, “işinin ehli” oldukları imasıyla davet edildikleri belli bazı kişilerin görüşlerini takip ederek örülüyor. Kimler yok ki bu güvenilir uzman ekip içinde? Dönemin Emniyet Müdürü Furkan Sezer, araştırmacı gazeteci Barış Terkoğlu, gazeteci Nagehan Alçı, mağdur avukatı Eser Çömlekçioğlu ve dönemin Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Psikiyatri Klinik Şefi Prof. Dr. Sefa Saygılı. 
Bu uzmanlar takımı arasında, en çok konuşan ve aslında anlatının belkemiği sayılabilecek bir isim daha var. İzleyicinin bilinçdışında inandırıcı ve bilirkişi olarak kodlanması için bu gazeteci, avukat ve psikiyatrist gibi uzmanlar arasına yerleştirildiği aşikâr biri: tam 18 yıl boyunca tarikatın bizzat müridi olan, tarikat için çalışan, bu çalışmanın karşılığını tam 18 yıl boyunca almış ve tam 18 yıl sonra tarikat/örgütten ne olduğu asla açıklanmayan bir sebepten koparak itirafçı olmuş Özkan Mamati isimli bir şahıs. 140Journos ekibi Mamati’yi, muhtemelen Mamati’nin kendi evi olan malikâne-vari, lüks bir mekânda ziyaret ediyor/ağırlıyor ve yapım boyunca bu eski örgüt üyesine emekli bir MİT ajanıymışçasına saygıda kusur etmiyor; öyle ki kendisine gösterilen bu hürmetle birlikte Mamati belgeselin adeta kahramanı konumunda, son derece belirgin bir gururla ve süslemeli bir dille yapıyla ilgili şok edici detayları uzun uzun veriyor. İlk fırsatta tarikatla olan ilişkisinin 18-19 yaşında başladığını, “düşünsenize, karşınızda sizden 15 yaş büyük insanlar var… ne bilebilirsin, hayata karşı ne öngörün olabilir, reflekslerin ne olabilir, ne algılayabilirsin?” diye açıklayarak seyircinin empati rezervlerine saldırıyor, kendini aklama teşebbüslerine giriyor. Detay detay anlattığı kumpasları, genç kadınları tarikata dahil etmek için izlenen türlü pislikleri “öyle olmuş, en iyi yol bulunmuş, o geliyor, bu gidiyor” gibi cümlelerle, adi bir tecavüz şüphelisi (muhtemelen suçlusu) utancıyla değil, adeta bir FBI ajanı bilgiçliğinde bizimle paylaşma “nezaketini” gösteriyor.
Bu çok sinsi ve insanı küfürlere gark ettiren bir yöntem, zira bu sahne, belgeselin devamında da politik bir sorgulamayı engellemek adına bu gasp edilen empati ve acıma hislerini sömürmeye odaklanacağının ve böyle başka numaralara başvuracağının da ilk işareti olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Bu manipülasyon şöleni Adnan Oktar’ın gizli gey bir “manyak” olduğunu ima eden psikiyatrist Sefa Saygılı, “Kedicikler diye gülmüş geçmişim, işin vahameti görememişim” diye günah çıkartan Nagehan Alçı, tarikatın İslamcı yayın ve siyasetçilerle bağının altını çizen seküler haklılık ve bilimsellik temsilcisi Barış Terkoğlu’nun söylediklerinden oluşturulan anlatıyla ilerliyor. Bir yandan da konuşanın söylediklerine ve oluşturması gereken ruh haline göre özenle seçilmiş ve hiç susmayan müzikler, izleyenin bilinçdışına saldırıyor. Oktar’ın önünde dizilmiş genç kadınların Oktar’ı övgüye boğduğu ve ancak yabancılaşarak izlenebilen tuhaf TV kayıtlarından görüntüler, izleyicinin zihninde kendisinin de zamanında bu tarikatı ciddiye almayarak ortak olduğu kolektif şaka tarihini uyarmak, uyandırmak adına adeta “hınzır” denebilecek komedi unsurlarıyla bezeli bir müzikle destekleniyor; sanki izleyicinin kendini suçlu hissetmesi hedefleniyor ama bu suçlu hissedişin işin politik tarafını irdeleyecek kadar derinleşmesi de engellenmek isteniyor.  
Başka bir sahnede, Oktar’ın evrim karşıtı fikirlerini anlatan Barış Terkoğlu tarafından gelen seküler müdahaleye Harry Potter’ın ses dünyasını hatırlatan ve bu şekilde olayın “irrasyonelliğini” vurgulayan bir müzik eşlik ediyor. Velhasıl yapım boyunca ortalama bir T.C. izleyicisinin kafasında depolanmış tüm kültürel referanslara çekinmeden başvuruluyor. Olay ajitasyon ve manipülasyon aracılığıyla orasından burasından kırpılıp, bir tür duygu tüccarlığı vasıtasıyla maddi sebepleri ve rasyonel tarafları olan bir gerçeklikten çıkartılarak bir realite şovuna dönüştürülüyor. 40 yıl boyunca gözümüzün önünde devlet-sermaye-din ortaklığında süregiden bir suç, yine gözümüzün önünde bir Flaş TV yayınına indirgenmek istiyor.
Özetle Kedicik, Adnan Oktar’ın cinsel ilişkiye giremediği ve giremediği için de kendine plastik kadınlardan oluşan bir harem kurduğunu ima ediyor. Toplum kurbanı zavallı bir incel’in dramını mı izliyoruz, yoksa sapık gey bir adamın kadınlardan intikamını mı? İzleyici kendi algılanan endişesine bağlı olarak istediği seçeneği seçebilir. Bu korku filminde mağdur konumunda yalnızca hayatları kararan kadınlar yok, Mamati gibi 18 yıl ne yaptığı belirsiz eski örgüt üyesi de kurban gibi sunuluyor. Kendini mehdi sanan gey bir psikopatın 40 yıl boyunca yaptığı kötülükler anlatısı, av-avcı gibi Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız’vari şiddetli metaforlar, isteyenin daha sonra egzersiz yaparken veya kitap okurken dinleyebileceği bir çalma listesi olarak derlenip Spotify’da özel tüketime de açılan son derece ajitatif müzikler, uzman konuşmacı kadrosu ve kahramanlaştırdığı itirafçı/mağdur Mamati vasıtasıyla bir üçüncü sayfa hikâyesi olarak senaryolaştırılıp daha büyük bir suçu gizliyor. Devletin ve sermayenin izni ve teşvikiyle yıllarca TV’den canlı yayınlanan, bu iznin çizdiği çerçeve ile toplumun basitçe “salak salak işler” diye küçümsemesi sağlanan, ünlülerin ve siyasi figürlerin desteğiyle rahat rahat istediği yerde top koşturabilen bir örgütün yaptıklarını iktidarsız bir gizli geyin kan donduran intikam hikâyesine indirmeye yelteniyor. Bu tiyatronun, bir saat boyunca örgütün suçlarını bir kriminolog havasıyla soğukkanlılıkla anlatan eski müridin kahramanlaştırılarak ve şanlı Türk polisinin daha önce neden yapmadığı anlaşılamayan ani müdahalesi övülerek polis propagandasının zirvesinde bitirilmesine ise diyecek söz kalmıyor. Oktar tarikatının hayatlarını kararttığı kadınlarla aynı ölçüde değil, şüphesiz, ama bu “video’’ son derece sinsi bir şekilde izleyiciyi de istismar ediyor. Kadın düşmanı, LGBTİ+ düşmanı, halk düşmanı, kim bilir kimi/neyi (s)aklamak için çekilmiş, mağdur kadınları çocuksulaştıran, onları “manipülasyona açık, korunması gereken saf ve temiz kadınlarımız” olarak resmetmesiyle bir kere daha istismar eden, tüm normatif kodları ve teknikleri kullanarak izleyiciyi de bu kadınlar gibi “robotlaştırıp” bu istismara ortak etmek için sinsice çalışan bir hakaret şov izliyoruz aslında. Bir şeyi saklamanın en iyi yolu onu göz önünde tutmaksa, şu ana kadar saklanan şey her ne ise, bize göstere göstere hâlâ korunmak isteniyor.  
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thegayfangrrl · 5 months
DILF December bracket
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Order decided (roughly) by percentage of the movie/show's A03 fics in which the character is tagged.
Round one:
Caractacus Potts (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) vs. Jean Valjean (Les Miserables)
Joel (The Last of Us) vs. Sam Sylvia (G.L.O.W.)
Ulysses Everett McGill (O Brother Where Art Thou) vs. Georg von Trapp (The Sound of Music)
William Adama (Battlestar Galactica) vs. Dan Connor (Roseanne)
Waymond Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. Armand Goldman (The Birdcage)
Walter Bishop (Fringe) vs. Martin Crane (Frasier)
Harry Bright (Mamma Mia) vs. Stacker Pentecost (Pacific Rim)
Han Solo (Star Wars) vs. Elrond Peredhel (LOTR)
Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) vs. Gerry Quinn (Derry Girls)
Bernard Lowe (Westworld) vs. Clay Morrow (Sons of Anarchy)
Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek Deep Space Nine) vs. Bud Hammond (Political Animals)
Herman Boone (Remember the Titans) vs. George Banks (Mary Poppins)
Robert Neville (I Am Legend) vs. Daniel (Love Actually)
Konstantin Vasiliev (Killing Eve) vs. Tuvok (Star Trek Voyager)
Noah MacManus (Boondock Saints) vs. Dill Penderghast (Easy A)
Earl Johnson (Black-ish) vs. Rowan Pope (Scandal)
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lauredove · 7 months
The Differences & Similarities of Jem and Dill In “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
A lot of friends that seem like they get along best with each other actually have differences and similarities, and can be compared and contrasted. Even though Jeremy Atticus Finch (Jem) and Charles Baker Harris (Dill) from “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee are really good friends, they can be compared and contrasted in many different ways. Although Jem and Dill have guardians watching over them, their situations are totally opposite. Jem has a father, Atticus, but no mother, while Dill has a mother, but no father. In the novel, Jem’s younger sister, Jean Louise Finch (Scout), is telling her life story to the reader:
“Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence. She was a Graham from Montgomery; Atticus met her when he was fifteen years his junior. Jem was the product of their first year of marriage; four years later I was born, and two years later our mother died from a sudden heart attack. They said it ran in her family. I did not miss her, but I think Jem did. He remembered her clearly, and sometimes in the middle of a game he would sigh at length, then go off and play by himself behind the car-house. When he was like that, I knew better than to bother him.” (Harper Lee 6)
She goes on to ask about Dill’s family. Dill’s family, on the other hand:
“Dill’s family was from Maycomb County originally, his mother
worked for a photographer in Meridian, […] (Lee 7)
“When Dill reduced Dracula to dust, […] I asked Dill where his
father was: ‘You ain’t said anything about him.’ ‘I haven’t got one.’ ‘Is he dead?’ ‘No…’ ‘Then if he’s not dead you’ve got one, haven’t you?’ Dill blushed and Jem told me to hush, a sure sign that Dill had been studied and found acceptable.” (Lee 8)
Another difference that they have is that they have different physical appearances. Jem has: “a point of straight brown hair kicked down from his part.” (Lee 60) In other words, he has straight brown hair that falls to his eyebrows. Dill is almost the complete opposite. Scout describes him as:
“Dill was a curiosity. He wore blue linen shorts that buttoned to his shirt, his hair was snow white and stuck to his head like duckfluff; he was a year my senior but I towered over him. As he told us the old tale his blue eyes would lighten and darken; his laugh was sudden and happy; he habitually pulled at the cowlick in the center of his forehead.” (Lee 7-8)
So, as one can see, Jem and Dill do have differences, even if they are alike too. The lack of a family member and difference in physical appearance are good examples of their differences.
Despite their differences, they also have similarities. One example is that their given names are similar in that the both sound professional, while their nicknames sound similar. It is quite obvious to see this if one thinks about their names for just a millisecond or so. Take Jem’s given name for example: Jeremy Atticus Finch. That does sound pretty professional. But when it is reduced to the nickname Jem, it is much more simple. The same situation with Dill’s given name: Charles Baker Harris. As he says: “‘Folks call me Dill,’ said Dill, struggling under the fence.” (Lee 7) Wouldn’t one say that it sounds simpler than his given name? Another similarity Jem and Dill have is that they both like movies. (Or picture shows, as they call them in the novel) For example:
‘Dill was from Meridian, Mississippi, […] his mother worked for a photographer in Meridian, had entered his picture in a Beautiful Child contest and won five dollars. She gave the money to Dill, who went to the picture show twenty times on it. ‘Don’t have any picture shows here, except Jesus ones in the courthouse sometimes,’ said Jem. ‘Ever seen anything good?’ (Lee 7)
By showing interest to Dill going to see the picture “Dracula”, it can be said that Jem is interested in them, as well as Dill. So, one concludes that they are capable of having similarities, as well as differences. Although Jem and Dill developed a friendship because they are both boys, they also have differences and similarities. Even the best of friends can be compared and contrasted through their differences and similarities. Not everyone is a perfect replica of his or her friend. (Although twins could count as friends.) Personality and physical appearance, along with other traits, are the building blocks of people. So, because Jem and Dill are quite different from each other, they still are friends and can use their similarities in many different ways.
LMA 1/11/2006
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