#don’t blame you if you didn’t though lmao this shit LONG
peachypizzicato · 1 year
The Five Of Cups: An Open Letter to Dorian
Hey everyone! Welcome back to my soapbox (or, if you see this and by some divine happenstance don’t know me: Hi! I’m Felix! Or Anemone. I go by many names.)
As you can tell by my Big Boy Letters, I’m comin’ to talk about kind of a serious subject. At least, it’s serious to me anyway. I wanted to talk a bit about the game The Arcana. You know the one. The definitely not at all divisive one. That Arcana. (/s)
(Warning: I will be touching on depictions of racism, misogyny, anti indigenity, antisemitism, and just general mistreatment of marginalized people!)
TLDR; The Arcana is full of harmful portrayals of marginalized people and the fandom at large ignores it at best and encourages it at worst. The best thing we as the community can do is make it abundantly clear to the company that this is not okay and should not continue.
To be completely upfront here, I’m not going to be going in-depth on every single problem with the devs or the distributors or anything. We’re all busy people and there’s not nearly enough time in the day. But what I am going to do is touch on a few things I’ve witnessed firsthand that I think are worth sharing with the wider community.
One of the behaviors I’ve noticed most often is what I can only think to call… Strange treatment of the love interests. Not by everyone, mind you, but on a startlingly normal basis. Now, what do I mean by “strange”? Well, it really depends on the character honestly.
With Asra, much of the portrayals feel significantly more sexualized than that of their peers. Drawn and portrayed as if their body exists to be ogled by someone else rather than lived in by themself, y’know what I mean? That, combined with blatant orientalist imagery baked into much of their designs, makes for a feeling of feast or famine when seeking out content. And this isn’t even to comment on the intense focus on them as defined by their relationships to others– namely Julian– and all of the mischaracterization that comes with that.
It’s not much different in regard to Nadia, if you can believe it. The image of “step-on-me-queen dominatrix” cultivated by the original writers persists in the community, with overwhelming focus put on her body and her sexuality over anything else. Anyone who’s known me since I discovered the game knows I actually really liked her at first, but it’s hard to have a genuine attachment to a character who seldom even gets to have a personality outside of basic traits and Having Tits.
Julian is, admittedly, a difficult one. I am not jewish myself, but I’ve heard testimony from jewish fans that his portrayal is less than ideal (to put it lightly). At the very base, his design itself is riddled with common antisemitic imagery and was based primarily on a real brown-skinned jewish man whose melanated skin they excluded, surely coincidentally (/s). but it goes even further than that (depicting a jewish man as a bloodsucking vampire, anyone?). I don’t claim to speak for any groups I do not belong to, but with the knowledge I do have it simply makes things uncomfortable to witness.
Muriel. Oh, Muriel. Again, if you’ve known me for any significant amount of time, you probably knew I was dreading this. But as much as I’d like to think nothing could ever be wrong when he’s around, there are definitely problems. Now, I could go into all the issues with the way the writers concocted his route, his story, his character as a whole (brown man with a ~foreign~ type of magic lives in solitude in the woods and is “in tune with nature” to the point of communication, very original /s), what I really want to touch on here is how this informed the way the community treats him. Listen, I’m not gonna sugarcoat this, a lot of Muriel fans are not subtle about their (most often white, but not always) savior complexes. More times than I care to remember I’ve seen him babied, treated like he’s incompetent, made at best into an animal to be tamed and at worst into an uncontrollable monster. I’ve seen pieces of fanfiction call him, a very blatantly indigenous-coded character, a real actual slur. Not to mention how watering down the trauma he faced has become something of commonplace. And this isn’t even an exhaustive list of ways he’s mistreated! For as much as it makes me angry, it’s also extremely saddening. The devs and writers made one of their most genuine kindhearted characters into a metaphorical punching bag, and the community has only continued swinging for years afterward.
But, I think I’ve made my point. Moving on.
Portia is a combination of problems I’ve already touched on. Conveniently, all of the stereotypical traits that Julian inherited happened to skip right over his little sister. What didn’t skip over, however, was the gene of being shamelessly and gratuitously oversexualizing of her. Take a look at any of her CGs; most if not all of them are centered on her chest or otherwise use color and design to draw the eye there. Every one of her sprite outfits are low cut to show varying levels of cleavage. And the few vocal fans she does have only serve to perpetuate this over and over again. To be completely clear, there’s nothing wrong with characters who embrace their sexuality. That goes without saying. However, for being the one “plus-size” love interest– which really in this case only means short and curvy– the emphasis on her body over anything else about her is startling and sad.
Finally, we find Lucio. Our one ethnically white male love interest. You may be wondering how a character like that could possibly receive “strange treatment”. Or maybe you’re not. I will elaborate anyway. The biggest problem with Lucio, with the fans and absolutely with the teams behind the game, is and has been for the longest time the complete and utter lack of awareness of his role in the world and the consistent retroactive rewriting of his character. What I mean by that is this: Lucio, originally and in every route but his own, is blatantly written to be an unforgivably cruel and immoral man. He seeks the best treatment he can get while cityfolk all but die in his streets, he takes advantage of the kindness and generosity of others and punishes their trust. There are many assumptions that can be made but we are shown explicitly that he can know Asra, a child (as an adult himself), and make sexual advances on them in adulthood with absolutely no guilt. He blackmailed Muriel into being and staying his slave and in turn forced him to perform brutal public massacres for an indeterminate amount of time: all we know is that it was long enough for a colloquial name to become well known and for his appearance to grow unkempt and haggard. All this plus more things that I don’t even have the time to list. And yet, he is arguably one of the most popular characters. Take two steps into the fandom at large and you’ll see countless postings about how his childhood was so tragic and how he’s so very sorry, he’s just a little oopsie whoopsie uwu soft boy! The few times I personally have seen his horrible actions even addressed by his fans was to underplay them, to insinuate that he has it worse than anyone he hurt. In spite of, or maybe even because of his extensive list of broadly observable crimes, he thrives in the community. The people love him. I don’t think I really have to explain why this in particular is so extremely chilling to me.
So, with all of these things laid out… What now? We’ve acknowledged the problems, there’s pages upon pages of other posts outlining ones I didn’t even cover here, so now what do we do? What’s the solution?
The answer to this isn’t quite cut and dry. There’s no simple solution to murky waters that run as deep as these do. But, for what it’s worth, I have a few suggestions I’d like to propose.
First off, I understand that all of the routes are finished. They had all completed well before the Dorian acquisition, I’m fully aware of that fact. However, in regard to said acquisition, I feel as though Dorian dropped the ball when transferring the property to their own app (and I’m not even talking about the writing of the tales, which is its own can of worms). Rather than simply copy-pasting the routes from the existing app, things could’ve been redone, remade better. Problems could have been solved now that the game had gained new life. This was much of the inspiration behind my own reworking of the concept, to address the problems and fix them. I don’t even believe that it’s too late for them yet; routes have only just begun being uploaded to the Dorian app, in theory there’s still room to reconsider things.
But that’s the problem. I don’t believe that the crew behind Dorian really cares. I don’t believe the original development team or Nix Hydra crew really cared. If the people involved really cared about these problems, there was ample time within the last nearly five years to fix things. They did nothing. They continue to do nothing. People like me shout endlessly into the void, hoping someone will hear and actually listen to the issues happening within their game. But they don’t care. They continue to make money, they continue to draw in players, why should they? If racism and misogyny and every other form of bigotry under the sun doesn’t hurt their bottom line, why change anything? Why care, why change if the community at large not only ignores it but actively encourages and supports it? Why listen to criticism if you can just block it and soak up praise from your unconditional fans? Why?
As I said, I don’t have a simple solution for any of this. But I’ve made personal choices in my own life to give less of my time and money to the company. If I want merchandise, I seek out independent artists. If I want to see or read something again, I can find screencaps. As much as I miss certain things, I don’t play the game anymore. I can’t help being attached to characters who have been important to me for as long as I’ve known them, but what I can do is make purposeful choices in response to the affection I feel. Maybe my singular actions won’t mean anything to them, but specifically and purposefully refusing to support the profits of a fundamentally flawed game that doesn’t even have the self awareness to be ashamed of itself means everything to me.
Thanks for listening. I hope anyone who happened to make it to this point can take something good from my impassioned ramblings.
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flamingtouya · 2 months
𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐩 (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞) —
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pairing: dabi + f!reader
word count: 4381
cw: getting to know each other (against your better intuition), flirting, bad flirting,some explicit language but nothing too bad, no quirk AU, dabi commits a crime or two
summary: In which Dabi meant to text Toga instead of a random stranger. But these things happen, and you were never one to shy away from troublesome men. This whole thing is told entirely through text messages.
a/n: check out my AO3 for different formatting! :)
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Mar 02  10:07 PM
Unknown: Grab bleach while you’re out Unknown: And paper towels
You: who is this??
Unknown: So funny
You: u got the wrong number my guy 
Unknown: Shit Unknown: You don’t happen to have some bleach at your disposal rn? 
You: try the convenience store You: where’s the body at, anyways
Unknown: Ohara street by the fitness park, you should come check it out
You: sounds enticing You: i’ve always wanted to be on a true crime podcast
You: sort of expected myself to be the alive one though
Unknown: I was taught that women tend to be smart about stranger danger and stuff Unknown: You're out to prove me wrong
You: how’d you know i’m a woman? 🤨
Unknown: U sound cute Unknown: And men don’t listen to true crime
You: that’s so sexist You: and correct You: you'd do numbers on reddit
Mar 03 00:16 AM
You: hey don’t leave now
Mar 03 00:34 AM
Unknown: Had a body to take care of
You: you didn’t wait for me? :(
Unknown: … Unknown: Are u fr
You: ofc not You: i don’t hang out with edgelords
Unknown: Whatever u r probably boring anyways
You: entertaining enough for u to keep texting me
Unknown: We all have our moments of weakness 
Mar 03 01:09 AM
Unknown: So wyd
You: you don’t have anybody else to bother?
Unknown: I do Unknown: I want to bother you tho
You: damn, what’d i do to deserve this
Unknown: Is that a complaint
You: i have uni tomorrow and ur buzzing keeps waking me up
Unknown: Mute your phone, stupid 
You: can’t mute unknown numbers
Unknown: Save this one then Unknown: Or block me idc
You: what name should i put it under
Unknown: Dabi 
You: lmao i knew you were an edgelord
Dabi: Stfu
You: good night to you too
Mar 03  07:58 AM
You: fuck
Mar 03 3:56 PM
Dabi: Did you miss me that bad 
Mar 03 4:32 PM
You: i overslept and am blaming you entirely
Mar 03 5:19 PM 
Dabi: Sucks to be a useful member to society
You: why what do you do
Dabi: I'm actually a bit of a part-time freelancer, you regular uni folk just wouldn't get it
You: freelancing around ohara at 1 in the morning sounds like the truly fulfilling purpose we all long for You: did you just get up
Dabi: Hey now  Dabi: Yes  Dabi: I’m still in bed technically, looking at the ceiling fan is so interesting when I don't want to move a muscle
You: you are everything I am jealous of
Dabi: I promise you it’s not that good 
You: first time a guy’s been honest right away. i applaud u
Dabi: Omg no way 
Mar 03 5:40 PM
You: no way what
Dabi: No way you said something witty 
Dabi: Maybe you’re fun after all
You: i’ll have u know that deep down, i’m just a fragile being trying to make it thru this bitch of a world, running on fumes and caffeine all while chasing a childhood dream that i'll never be able to reach anyways because of my parents' expectations of me crushing my soul
Dabi: Damn, being vulnerable already 
You: your turn
Dabi: I’m not sad. My life is great and my parents never expected anything of me
Dabi: That was a lie 
You: so you’re a liar
Dabi: I suppose I might be
You: that counts as being vulnerable. i’m so proud of us. <3
Mar 03 9:12 PM
You: you probably have daddy issues
Mar 03 11:34 PM 
Dabi: Mind your business 
You: so i’m right
Dabi: Nosy sounds more like it
You: that’s a yes then
Dabi: When I tell you he SUCKS so bad 
You: LMAO You: i’m guessing you don’t particularly like your family then
Dabi: It's not the type of stuff I'd tell anybody, especially not to some nosy individual whose number is one or two digits off
You: alright i’ll stop digging You: wait how old are you You: am i talking to some 50 y/o dude You: please no
Mar 04 00:02 AM
Dabi: Chill I’m 48
Mar 04 00:06 AM 
You: say sike right now You: if u rly are then i’m half your age
Dabi: You thought Dabi: Are you actually 24 tho
You: give or take a few days lol
Dabi: When’s your birthday 
You: do you want my social and tax numbers while we’re at it
Dabi: Stfu I wanna see if I’m older 
You: 🤨 You: it’s at the end of this month
Dabi: Baby 
You: are u flirting with me or insulting me
Dabi: Can’t I be doing both 
Mar 04 06:30 AM
You: love me a guy who can multitask You: did you ever get your bleach and paper towels
Mar 04 11:11 AM
You: it’s 11:11 make a wish
Mar 04 2:02 PM
You: my wish is that you’d commit to a humane sleeping schedule
Mar 04 2:59 PM 
Dabi: Anybody hear sum 
You: i heard you’re a lazy bitch You: who doesn’t even do his own grocery shopping
Dabi: Maybe I do. Maybe I got the bleach all on my own like a big boy
You: X
Dabi: What's that mean
You: X for doubt You: it’s a meme
Dabi: Here I thought we were about to get spicy 😔
You: ew
Dabi: I was joking  Dabi: …unless 
You: has anybody ever told you that your flirting is immaculate
Mar 04 7:10 PM
Dabi: What do you study 
You: are you trying to find out my location
Dabi: Let it be known I’m terrible at geography and if I wanted to stalk you I'd already be on it
You: that’s a consolation You: forensic science You: i actually can’t wait for the semester to be over bc my professor is one of the most annoying individuals i have ever had the displeasure of meeting
Dabi: So you do have bleach 
You: never said i didn’t
Dabi: What do I have to do to make the list of annoying individuals. What's my current score
You: we haven’t met You: and i’m not sure if i’d survive u
Dabi: You have a point, I'm super nice tho
You: bet You: are you handsome You: asking for a friend You: the handsome ones are usually more annoying
Dabi: I'll say I’m frighteningly unique-looking 
You: ...well played
Mar 04 10:09 PM 
Dabi: My boss is making me do errand work in the morning like I'm some kind of functioning human being with principles Dabi: The next piercing I’m getting is a lobotomy 
You: thought you were “freelancing”
Dabi: Freelancing only gets you so far. You'll understand when you're my age
You: can't imagine what the back pain must be like You: do you have a tongue piercing 👀
Dabi: Perhaps I do
You: u r so mysterious You: tell me an opinion 
Dabi: Mint ice cream makes my teeth feel weird 
You: that’s not an opinion 
Dabi: Alright, more foods should have mint in them. And coriander. I want to make things inedible for 80% of the human population
You: nvm keep your opinions to yourself 
Mar 05 02:26 AM
Dabi: I've gotta burn this number. Txt u in a few 
Mar 05 05:16 AM
You: what are you, some kind of druglord This message could not be delivered.
You: I knew it This message could not be delivered.
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Mar 0512:03 PM
You: ayo are you still there This message could not be delivered.
You: this is only funny if you come clean right now This message could not be delivered.
Mar 05 4:16 PM
You: "text you in a few" minutes? hours? days? This message could not be delivered.
You: just know that if it takes to long i'll forget about u This message could not be delivered.
You: won't even miss u This message could not be delivered.
Mar 06 09:00 AM
You: hello is this thing on This message could not be delivered.
Mar 07 3:15 PM
You: my social security number is 6007 0023 6799 0324 This message could not be delivered.
Mar 07 8:46 PM
You: eggs, vinegar, panko, sprite, sliced ham, parmesan, deodorant sencha if they have the good one ground pepper, lemon juice This message could not be delivered.
Mar 08 04:44 AM
Unknown: Am I still the man of ur dreams
You: I'm killing you You: violently
Unknown: I was hoping softly Unknown: With your song
You: are these messages being monitored You: am i a suspect
Unknown: If they were, could I write that I'm a ruthless baby killer anti-government fuck the police pro abortion the prime minister is an idiot bomb. bomb at the airport, terrorism, detonate Unknown: I guess now they are
Dabi was added as a contact.
You: just when i thought i'd have to find another witty asshole with a tongue piercing
Dabi: Aw you missed me Dabi: Does my tongue piercing make me hot be honest
You: what are my chances of getting an explanation for the past few days You: are u a murderer fr, that would be so cool You: i totally didn't use our abandoned chat as a grocery list btw
Dabi: The only thing I slay is pussy 😎
You: somehow i have doubts about that statement You: animal abuse is no joke
Dabi: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100, if you guess it correctly I'll tell u everything
You: 69
Mar 08 08:21 AM
Dabi: It was 72 Dabi: Because you were so close I'll give u one free question. But I want another one in return
You: you're a dirty little gremlin who plays dirty little games You:: do i get to ask a follow-up question
Dabi: No
You: in that case You: which of the following activities did you partake in? 1.) vandalism 2.) drug dealing 3.) drug trafficking 4.) violent crimes 5.) violent crimes that resulted in the death of one or more individuals 6.) assisting someone in a violent crime 7.) assisting someone in a non-violent crime 8.) theft 9.) robbery 10.) hate crimes against a minority 11.) politically motivated acts of defiance 12.) consumption of illegal substances 13.) running and/or hiding from law enforcement 14.) domestic terrorism 15.) human trafficking 16.) money laundering 17.) having a good time
Dabi: What the fuck Dabi: What is this, a multiple choice? Dabi: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13 Dabi: My turn Dabi: What's your favourite food
You: fr, just like that You: that's your one question out of everything you could ask? am i really that boring
Dabi: I ask what I ask
You: spicy miso ramen with minced pork You: can we go back to the part where you ran from law enforcement
Dabi: Don't we all have demons that we run from Dabi: Mine are just a bit more persistent
Mar 08 10:52 AM
You: i want another question
Dabi: If you come up with one that's not related to the past few days, go ahead
You: fine i'll take it You: have you ever been caught and gotten in legal trouble for one of your… dubious activities
Dabi: Yeah
You: …and?
Dabi: That's another question. Gonna trade?
You: fine
Dabi: When I was 16, two Officers Of The Law 🐷 caught me dumpster diving behind a 7/11 Dabi: The dumpster diving wasn't the crime but because it was on private property they charged me with trespassing
You: damn, that's a lot of truth from u in just two sentences You: i wanna know ur tragic backstory so bad
Dabi: You could try to get me all sentimental for the 6 minutes after really good sex before the post nut clarity sets in
You: uh huh, taking notes You: anyway. you get one question. think hard
Dabi: If you couldn't have minced pork on your ramen, what would your second topping choice be
You: you're impossible
Mar 08 1:27 PM
You: tori karaage or extra ni-tamago i guess
Mar 08 2:23 PM
Dabi: Doesn't the Karaage lose its crispiness if it's in the broth for too long Dabi: I wouldn't know
You: please let me recommend you a good ramen place, you seem like you'd need it
Dabi: You have no idea. Take me out
You: like romantically? or are you asking me to murder you
Dabi: I love surprises
You: i just laughed out loud in the middle of my lecture
Mar 08 7:18 PM
Dabi: Need your forensic expertise for a sec
You: …oh no
Dabi: It's a purely hypothetical scenario
You: alright lay it on me big boy
Dabi: If a 176 cm tall and 67 kg heavy person were to climb over a 4,60 meter high fence that has electrical wiring on it Dabi: What would the most likely way for them to die be?
You: this is not forensic at all You: how strong is the electricity You: is there a way to shut it off You: where would you hold onto the fence You: can it be damaged
Dabi: Not me, a 176 cm tall and 67 kg heavy person
Dabi: The only points that provide decent grip surface are the hooks holding the wires in place
You: so the most likely way to die would be electrocution You: will that be all
Dabi: How would one determine whether the electricity has been properly shut off Dabi: In the theoretical scenario that you couldn't get close enough to hear
You: the 176 cm tall and 67 kg heavy person should tap the wiring from the bottom with the back of their hand You: that way their fingers curl downwards and not around the wire You: so the person won't DIE from ELECTROCUTION
Mar 09 00:08 AM
Dabi: Excellent Dabi: Gonna do some field research Dabi: Will report back in maybe a day
Mar 09 08:01 AM
You: i'm gonna be so mad if you die before you've had decent karaage This message could not be delivered.
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Mar 11 6:10 PM
Unknown: So it turns out that the person did not have to climb the fence after all. Pliers are such useful tools Unknown: Thanks for the electricity tip tho
Mar 11 6:39 PM
Dabi was added as a contact.
You: you're so hot when you're alive 
Mar 11 9:14 PM
Dabi: Do u think I'm a catch 😏
You: judging by the way law enforcement is trying to get their hands on you, i'd say you're pretty slippery
Dabi: The slipperiest Dabi: You couldn't handle me
You: i'd trap you using cheese and a paper box  You: put you in a jar and turn you into spicy miso broth 
Dabi: Would you hold the jar tight at night and tell me everything's going to be okay 
You: of course 
Dabi: I'm liking this scenario 
Mar 12 01:07 AM 
Dabi: Ever thought about what Mint Karaage would taste like
Mar 12 01:23 AM
You: i need u 
Dabi: Tell me more
You: to shut your mouth
Dabi: Are you trying to romance me
Mar 12 07:15 AM
You: i'm actually so upset right now  You: can i vent
Mar 12 07:27 AM
Dabi: Listening Dabi: Am I gonna have to get the tissues out
You: you're not empathetic enough for that 
Dabi: How would you know 
You: call it a woman's intuition  You: i just need someone to bother about my hot girl troubles
Dabi: Let's hear it girl  Dabi: Men ain't shit 💅
You: damn right they aren't You: but unrelated to that You: i ran out of my medication a few days ago and thought if i stretched the remaining 3 pills to last me 6 days i'd be able to make it till the end of the week  You: now my doctor's office is closed and i can't seem to get an appointment anywhere You: and i'm super jittery and on edge and almost had a panic attack just trying to make coffee
Dabi: What type of medication 
You: Ativan You: it's prescription only
Dabi: Nothing is ever "prescription only" 
You: i'm not gonna try some experimential backalley drug You: just feel like dying rn
Dabi: Who said anything about backalley? You actually came to the right guy for this  Dabi: What's the name of the nearest druggery 
You: ...fukuju pharmacy
Dabi: So I've been talking to a Setagaya girl 
You: only moved here for uni, hate to disappoint if ur expecting a wealthy maiden 
Mar 12 10:02 AM
Dabi: Don't you feel like getting a snack from the vending machine  Dabi: Specifically the one next to the pharmacy  Dabi: A bag of skittles sounds nice, doesn't it?
You: ? ? ?
Mar 12 10:34 AM 
You: did you commit a crime for me  You: how did you get your hands on actual fucking Ativan this fast
Dabi: I don't kiss and tell
You: did you follow me home  You: is this how i die
Dabi: You make it so hard to be nice to you Dabi: What do you think I am, a creep
You: if you were here i'd suck you off so good rn
Dabi: Whore Dabi: (Respectfully)
You: lmao ur right You: thank you for real though
Dabi: Stfu
Mar 12 1:33 PM
Dabi: Do u like cats
You: yes
Dabi sent an image.
Dabi: Noodle thieving menace 
You: 🥹 You: that has got to be the fattest street cat i’ve ever seen
Dabi: He’s hella fast 
You: how does it feel to be the one chasing the culprit for once
Dabi: Not nearly as thrilling as being the one committing the crime 
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Mar 13 00:00 AM
Unknown: Congratulations! You have been selected as an eligible member for a free trial of Osaka Daily Post. Unknown: If you would like information about your benefits, reply 'BENEFIT' Unknown: If you would like to stop receiving these messages, reply 'STOP' 
You: i know it's you shithead
Unknown: Your message could not be processed. 
You: this is the unfunniest you've ever been ngl
Unknown: Your message could not be processed. 
You: you're truly one of the most annoying individuals in my life
Unknown: Your message could not be processed. 
Unknown: LMAO you thought
Dabi was saved as a contact. 
You: i'm reconsidering if the tongue piercing is really worth it 😤
Mar 13 04:55 AM
Dabi: Any particular reason why you chose forensics 
Mar 13 06:09 AM
You: i've always admired criminals but been to scared to become one You: and if i know about psychotic assholes it might help me to steer clear of them, or so i thought
Dabi: Is it working
You: evidently not
Dabi: Use me in ur thesis  Dabi: I'll be your lab rat
You: nah you're more beneficial to me when you're not stuck behind bars You: what do you have me saved as in your phone
Dabi: I don't save contacts  Dabi: Especially not yours  Dabi: You mean nothing to me 
You: aww do you know my number by heart, that's adorable You: i'm kinda genuinely impressed at how persistent you are at bothering me, it's almost like you like me or smth
Dabi: No fr though lmao if anybody finds my phone you'd be on a list
You: do u delete these chats
Dabi: Always
You: that's so romantic You: admit it you're actually a softie
Dabi: Would that make you more interested in me  Dabi: Then I'm the softest 
You: what do i need to do to make you the hardest
Dabi: ... Dabi: There's absolutely no correct way for me to respond to that  Dabi: You've left me speechless 
You: 🥵🥵
Dabi: What's your worst quality  Dabi: Besides being an irresistible smartass  Dabi: *irritating 
You: was that a freudian slip You: you're so obsessed with me it's adorable
Dabi: Proving my point so diligently 
You: you don't seem like the kind of person who would use words like 'diligently' You: i'm rather talkative at times You: to the point where it gets unbearable to listen to me
Dabi: I never would've guessed
You: what's yours? You: besides the obvious
Dabi: Still putting up with you 
Mar 13 7:45 PM
Dabi: Wyd 
You: i burned my rice a little You: but it's edible
Dabi: Don't you have a rice cooker? Who raised you 
You: my very strict but sweet and committed grandmother who made the best teriyaki salmon in the whole world You: i'd kill another human being to eat her home cooked food one more time
Dabi: So your parents ain't shit either 
You: eh, they're alright You: they're Business People overseas and aren't around a whole lot, means i get my own place though You: so i can have visitors at any desired hour 😏
Dabi: Omg sick Dabi: Me next
You: it was implied
Mar 13 11:11 PM
Dabi: Ok but do u actually wanna meet up sometime  Dabi: No strings attached ofc 
You: i'm down
Dabi: What if I'm a creep after all
You: if anything, it means i won't have to attend my lecture about carbon dots tmrw
Dabi: I can't tomorrow  Dabi: What about the day after Dabi: I'll give u my credit card info if it makes you feel more safe, don't bother trying to buy anything with it tho, you'll be disappointed
You: you may not show it a whole lot, but are you actually a considerate person? You: the day after sounds good
Dabi: Preem
You: oreryu shio ramen, right by harajuku station You: about time you had some good karaage You: my treat You: unless that's too far away for u
Dabi: I would fly across the world for u Dabi: Yes Harajuku works fine
Mar 14 08:49 AM
You: how will i recognise u You: what do u look like
Dabi: As my dad once said. I'm impossible to miss 
You: i laughed
Dabi: Guess it was all worth it then  Dabi: Do tattoos scare you
You: i was gonna ask cause there's no way you got only a tongue piercing and nothing else You: stand there with your tongue out
Dabi: Shouldn't we at least get to know each other before 😳
You: don't get any ideas  You: i don't intend to fuck u You: ...for now
Dabi: That's a relief, I thought I might have to file a restraining order afterwards 
Mar 14 1:42 PM 
Dabi sent an image. 
Dabi: If u see this guy u can still run the other way 
You: hhh fuck You: are u trying to intimidate me You: how do you have so many tattoos but no bedframe
Dabi: Cut me some slack, I just moved into this place 
You: fair warning i'm not as hot as u
Dabi: Bet 
You sent an image. 
Dabi: Why do women always lie. I thought you were better. I thought you were different
You: 😳 You: i'm actually worse
Dabi: We're such a good match
You: don't get ahead of urself. u r still a guy with no bedframe
Dabi: Please shut up
Mar 14 4:16 PM
Dabi: To be clear I'm not bringing flowers or anything  Dabi: And I'm actually willing to let you pay this time lol 
You: you have such a unique way with words 
Dabi: A bit tight on money rn but I'll pay u back some other way 
You: can we make that the first line in our sextape  You: dw i said it's my treat and i mean it You: does that make you feel emasculated
Dabi: Who would I be to say no to free food tf Dabi: If there's a next time I can take you out for drinks  Dabi: Nothing fancy but an old friend of mine owns a bar downtown and his girlfriend mixes a killer mule 
You: if you're gonna poison me after gaining my trust over my favourite food i will be incredibly sad 
Dabi: Give me some credit here. I'm trusting u to not rat me out to law enforcement 
You: you're giving me ideas You: is there a bounty on your head
Dabi: I'm not that important 
Mar 14 9:44 PM
You: so you're just too good to get caught
Dabi: Both flattering and factually correct Dabi: For the record I've never harmed anybody that didn't deserve it 
You: thanks for clarifying  You: i feel so safe now 
Dabi: Anytime  Dabi: If you're having second thoughts lmk before 10 am so I won't spend time getting ready for nothing 
You: 10 am is crazy  You: u r so vain 
Dabi: Alright then I won't 😔
You: i take it back You: be pretty for me
Mar 15 5:30 AM
You: can't sleep 
Mar 15 7:12 AM
Dabi: How the turntables  Dabi: Are you alright
You: yes  You: it's the good kind of sleepless 
Dabi: It's fine if you're having second thoughts, I won't hold it against you at all  Dabi: Just texting like this is nice too
You: fuck no i wanna meet the man behind the screen You: the myth, the legend, the crimelord himself 
Dabi: I'm never showing consideration for ur wellbeing ever again 
You: should've ghosted me before i got attached
Mar 15 9:54 AM
Dabi: Last chance to bail gracefully  
You: you make it so tempting 
Dabi: Getting out of bed then 
You: it's not a bed if it doesn't have a bedframe
Dabi: Shut, and I mean this in the gentlest way possible, the hell your mouth
Mar 15 12:08 PM
Dabi sent a location pin.
Dabi: Is this the place
You: that's the one  You: be there in a few minutes 
Dabi: I'm waiting outside 
Mar 15 12:13 PM
You: omg i think i see u You: im shy
Dabi: U literally have so much blackmail material on me 
You: give me a second You: alright I'm coming over This message could not be delivered.
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bobeni · 1 year
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  ⠀   ⠀   ⠀ ‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎O23 ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ፧ ‎ ‎EGGS AISLE ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏♡ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎
✶ users! › denji, m!reader.
✶ synopsis! › it could no longer be simply considered a coincidence; with how denji always seemed to pop up at the same time, at the same little store, just to see you.
✶ wrdcnt! › 1,586.
✶ cw’s! › fluff, possible ooc here we go, simp denji, trio stuff in the beginning, this is probably unnecessarily long lmao. i used they/them for the reader for one line, btw.
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“Aw crap, we’re out of cereal and milk again! I’ma head out to the store to get some more!” Denji shouted as he zipped past two lazy bodies to the front door, snatching his hoodie off the rack with poorly disguised eagerness.
Aki sighed, looking up from the creased daily newspaper. “Again? That’s the third time this month.” His orbs followed Denji’s haste movements to shrug on the clothing.
The blond barely spared him a glance as he tried to fix his bedhead, “Yeah, yeah, I know, right? It’s bogus how Power keeps eating it all.” He feigned understanding just as said girl squawked at the blame now delivered to her shoulders. “What the fuck? I haven’t even touched the cereal since two weeks ago!” She yelled, mouth full of her breakfast, unfortunately it was just amalgamation of bacon and eggs.
“Ya can’t fool me, Powy, I know you sneak around in the middle of night, scarfing that shit down.” The gobsmacked look on blonde’s face was one Denji could remember for centuries.
“You bi一” as she was prepared to scream her indignation, she was stopped in her tracks by Aki’s agitated groan, followed by Denji’s so-called reassurance.
“Don’t worry, though,” the boy flicked the lock open, stepping an inch outside the apartment with every syllable. “I’ll make sure to replenish your stash, so don’t wait up!” Denji grinned at that last part, officially saying his leave to the both of them, the door narrowly missing his behind with how fast he tried to shut it.
With the boy off and out, Aki’s eyes lingered on the door. But they began to narrow in suspicion, prompting him to rise from the coach and walk into the kitchen for further investigation.
However, his investigation ended as soon as it started. The man found not just one, but several boxes of cereal, moderately filled. As well as the milk, as far back in fridge as it was, half full. This made his face scrunch up in confusion as he shut the fridge and leaned against it to turn his attention to Power一who now had a lap full of Meowy, clearly had to have been ruffled by the morning ruckus and sauntered out of their bedroom.
“Power,” Aki started. She nodded in his direction, still stuffing her face. “We’re still good on breakfast一he’s not just ‘going to the store,’ is he?” He wondered aloud, sighing at the thought of Denji pulling some shit.
“Yes, see!” she jabbed a finger in the air, “He’s up to something. Something... I can assume is very stupid.” Then Power just pets a purring Meowy as Aki shakes his head at it all.
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Geez, that was close, Denji thought as he strolled down the sidewalk. It was getting real tiring having to think excuses pertaining to various foods they did or didn’t have. Many apologies and more to his family, but he couldn’t let them know the reason why he had those excuses for where he was going一especially not Power, god, he’d probably never hear the end of it.
Oh, what was the reason exactly?
He has a crush.
That’s right, the reason why he began waking up early in the morning and trying to make sure not a single hair was out of place一well, in his own unique way一was because someone is after Denji’s heart. And he’d so let them take it if they pleased.
One day when it was actually his duty to do some shopping, at this little grocery store a few blocks down from his apartment, is where he met you.
He was only there to gather the items on the short list that Aki handed over to him that morning, but when you stepped up next to him while he was eying two freaky looking fish, and the shy offer for assistance flew out of your mouth, he found himself a bit touched.
“But you don’t even work here, though?” was what he said back then, now eying you.
“Do I have to work here in order to help out some clearly indecisive guy?” The little chuckle that you ended your rebuttal with was unfortunately cute enough that it made his heart jump in his chest. When you leaned over to help him pick the better fish, his heart was absolutely drumming at how close you were and how easily his hand could slip into yours.
He didn’t say a single word of complaint when you offered to help him finish up his shopping; he just let his cheeks burn a bright pink while he trailed behind you with two baskets and hearts for eyes.
After that day, every other week or so he’d pop up at the store, yearning to see you, while also juggling his best attempts to make his appearances look normal and coincidental.
It was a flawless plan in his mind. Every day you two seemed to be getting closer and closer; then soon, he couldn’t deny the hope that lingered.
Even if it should’ve been embarrassing一considering how easily he fell for you after only meeting a handful of times. But he couldn’t really find it in himself to give a fuck.
Denji smiled proudly, maybe he could finally get to do all the things couples do with you.
Meanwhile the blond was gushing, it didn't occur to him that had already arrived at the store until he heard that familiar bell’s jingle giving him the signal.
Then he let his eyes wander, searching the store trying to pick you out of the bustling crowd of shoppers. He stumbled upon right when he almost missed you; you were crouched down by a vending machine, mashing away at the buttons.
With a little bit of pep in his step, he made a b-line for you.
“Good mornin’, [name].” Denji jostled the keys in his pocket when he tried to wave. You looked up at the approach and softly smiled at him. “Hi there, Denji. You doing some shopping again?” you made casual conversation as you were inserting money into the slot. Pink dusted his cheeks as he immediately responded with no, in his head. But in real life he stuck with a shy confirmation and told you that he just needed some cereal.
But as you were prepared to say something else, you were interrupted by two bags of chips spilling out of the bottom.
“Holy shit, what did you do?” Denji was cackling at the surprise you exuded.
“I don’t even fucking know,” you chuckled, pushing yourself up from the ground. “But how perfect is this?” the smile on your face was too warm, too soft, he almost ignored the next words that came out of your mouth.
“One for me, and one for you, Denji.”
You held out a bag for him and he stared in disbelief.
“You’re... gonna share with me?” He hesitantly reached for the bag, awaiting your next answer.
Still smiling you told him exactly what he wanted to hear, “I’ll always split stuff with people I like. Obviously.”
Obviously, you said. You also said that he’s one of the people you like. Obviously.
He was so glad it was obvious to you because he clearly missed a chapter or two一but he didn’t care, this was what he was hoping for the entire time. Maybe he’s got it.
“[Name]...” Denji called as you were already munching on your bag of chips. You immediately caught his eye, humming as you wait for the moment the boy was ready to speak.
“I... I just want ya to know that I really, really like you.” The blond laid his heart out on the table. “And I wanna date you and一nd take you out someday...?” He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the chatter of civilians the longer you kept quiet. And he was actually so ready to bolt out of the store right about now if this goes down a road he hadn’t hoped for.
But there you go, exceeding his expectations again.
“I know,” is what you said.
Denji’s eyes snapped open at that and you laughed at the shock written all over his face.
“You know? Wha一Whaddya mean you knew?” Because of the shock, Denji’s voice also was getting louder so you took his hand and led him outside to avoid any suspicious eyes. Though you were laughing along the way, Denji was angry pouting as he tried to shush you.
Calming down a bit, you stuttered out apologies before confessing. “I’m sorry, Denji, but it’s not like you tried to hide it or anything一” his mouth fell open. “I coulda sworn I was being subtle!” That was one of his most natural build ups for a confession, like, ever.
“You have the subtlety of a puppy,” you covered your face as you snort. “But that’s okay because it’s one of the things I like about you.” He flushed red underneath your teasing gaze.
“So... ya really do like me then?” Denji didn’t take his eyes off of you this time. This new smile of yours formed cute little crinkles around your eyes and he thinks it’s one of his favorites.
“If I say yes, would you be my boyfriend?” The sly question had Denji’s heart doing flips. He’d love nothing more than to wear the title of your boyfriend and to have you as his.
So he answered with a kiss.
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✶ notes! › i actually completed this holy mf shit i did not have hope. i still think it’s literally too long for my original plan but whatever i’m kinda happy with what i came up with.
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frogserotonin · 1 year
Hii, could you do an Anthony lockwood x reader where they just have a nice chill day. They are together and have nothing to do so they just stay in bed all day sharing Stolen kisses, words of affirmation, cuddling, talking, bed hair, morning voice, makeout?
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y'all don't understand this is so different from what i write on ao3 for my other fandom, i am an angst machine there, all of these fluff requests are terrifying bc idk how to write fluff 😭(/lh dw i still love writing them)
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as long as you're next to me(just the two of us)- anthony lockwood x reader
(@citizen-01, @gibby31)
a/n: hope i could do justice to what u wanted!! was just listening to beabadoobee when writing this lmao warnings: none??? unedited, kissing ig, idk cursing?? ooc
Waking up in the morning wasn’t something you enjoyed all that often, the prospect of another day not that appealing when the Problem was still a prominent…problem issue. You’d never grow tired of waking up to the sight of Lockwood next to you though, limbs shot out in all directions-and yet always with an arm over you. Sometimes he’d have a little frown on his face when he was very deeply asleep that made you coo and smile so widely it hurt your cheeks. To be fair, who could blame you?
Waking up this morning was no different from most for you, a flash of disappointment at the world around you, and then giddiness at the realisation of Lockwood’s arm being slung around your torso and the most adorable fucking frown on his lips. You sigh happily, sitting up slightly, careful not to move his arm from its place. You glance at the clock on the bedside table-7:36am- dismiss it because it’s cold as shit, and weave your fingers into his hair, stroking his head and humming a song you don’t remember the name of. Today is a good day, a free day. Lucy will probably stay in bed until 9 and then make herself some toast, a cup of tea and then head back to bed and draw with the radio on. George won’t be up until around the same time, going to the kitchen to grab a pastry, make some tea and then bury himself in research about the Problem. 
If he could help it Lockwood would probably not awaken for another couple hours also. Unless you moved. He’d probably wake up to drag you back to bed to cuddle with him then.
You wouldn’t be opposed to that actually. 
Slowly you remove your hand from his hair, and then his arm from around you, letting out a small huff of laughter when he immediately moves it back, although still very unconscious. You swing a leg out from the quilt and place it on the (really fucking cold) floor, allowing for the majority of your weight to shift to that side. His other hand shoots out and grabs yours. For a couple seconds all you can pick up is incomprehensible mumbling, and then-
“Darling, come back.” It was a miracle you didn’t swoon, the nickname and the morning voice were a lethal combination. More grumbling and then he cracked an eye open and offered you a hopeful grin. “Please?”
Wow. How are you even alive anymore? It’s like your heart is simultaneously beating faster than humanly possible, and not at all. 
You feel his arms completely embrace you and drag you into them. He props himself up on one elbow and kisses your forehead, whispering a ‘good morning’ onto it and then attacking the rest of your face with lazy kisses, his other arm still securely hugging you to him.
“How’re you so pretty after having just woken up?” he asks, and it sounds so curious and genuine, you almost melt, right there and then. 
“I should ask you.” You try to play off how completely smitten you are by bantering with him, “Your morning hair is gorgeous dear.” you giggle at the hand that shoots up to try and smooth it down. It doesn’t work but you don’t particularly want to tell him, simply dragging his arm back down to cuddle you again. 
You lay together, you in his arms and his chin resting on the top of your head, for a little while, simply enjoying each other's presence. You turn around, burrowing yourself further into the blankets-because it really is fucking cold as balls, far out-and you wrap your arms around his middle. Neither of you are quite sure when you started kissing or who started kissing who but neither of you were planning on pulling away first.
Kissing Anthony Lockwood was many things. Sometimes it was rushed and breathtaking, like after a particularly terrifying case, when he’d push his lips to yours with a certain sort of vigour, reassuring himself of your stable and safe condition. Sometimes it was heated and intoxicating, deep kisses that doused you in gasoline and lit you aflame. 
These kisses are slow and idle, just the both of you enjoying the feel and existence of each other. You feel like you’re floating, tethered only by the feeling of his lips on yours. You’re infinite in his arms, your hands have found their way back to his hair, running your fingers through his hair. He pulls away and kisses the tip of your nose.
“You’re absolutely stunning.” His eyes lock with yours and his voice is hoarse and breathless from the kissing but still gravelly from having recently woken up. “You deserve everything and anything you so desire and I will go to the ends of the earth to provide you with that.” You kiss him again, just once, but it's hard and full of as much love as you can convey.
“I think that everything I want at all in this world is right here.”
“That is disgustingly adorable.” His smile is all the stars in a clear night sky.
“Thanks', I try.”
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rainylana · 2 years
“You have no idea what that night did to me.”
Eddie Munson x reader
summary: eddie disappears for a while, and when he gets back, you loose your shit.
warnings: language, mentions of ptsd and trauma, anxiety, crying, panic attack, eddie being dumb af. angsty as hell but fluffy too lmao.
a/n: this is a part 2 of “Why the hell would you say something like that,” since you guys loved the last one so much, i wanted to give you all something else so you could satisfy and cope with the ending! thank you for the kind support:)
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It took everyone a long time to put themselves back together, to get through the nightmares. They jumped at loud noises, had anxiety and panic attacks. But over time, things got better for everyone. Even you, in one way or another. Eddie knew how hard it was for you to work through everything, so he always tried to be cheery and lighthearted with you, which wasn’t hard. That was just him.
You’d wake up screaming from a nightmare, crying his name as he held you tightly, assuring you he was okay. At first, it really scared him, because he thought you’d never get over it. But like everyone else, it distilled slowly over time. There were some days where you just wanted to stay in and lay in bed with him, you even called off work sometimes. There were days where days where you felt nothing but dread and sorrow. You hid these things fairly well, but Eddie caught on pretty quick.
He couldn’t blame you, though, because he’d be the same way if it had been you. You didn’t want to be a clingy girlfriend, needy. You never really had been. But sometimes, you couldn’t help but follow him around, or wake up to check on his breathing. You were no better than a parent with a new born.
Eddie noticed how you had picked up some new anxiety traits. Biting your nails to the edge of your skin. He could even hear you in the middle of the night sometimes. You always splashed your face with cold water, sometimes at the most random at times. He was concerned, but again, things were getting better.
“So, what time do you think you’ll be home?” You asked over your shoulder, standing in front of a mirror as you braided your hair in pigtails.
“Uh- not really sure. Ten, Eleven, maybe. You know how those kiddo’s are. They love me!” Eddie said with a smirk, throwing on his jean jacket.
“And you? What do you have planned today?”
You licked your lips, glancing at his reflection as he hopped to sit on the counter. “Oh, I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I may just stay home.”
“What? No, babe, you should do something. It’s nice out!” He encouraged, flinging about his ringed hands. “Maybe go shopping with Robin?”
“Robin hates shopping, Ed’s.”
“Well, then, Nancy Drew.”
You chuckled as you tied off the braid, turning around with a smirk. “I suppose some new shoes would do you some good.” You looked down to his feet, cringing at the worn souls of his sneakers.
“Oh, jesus,” He rolled his eyes, hopping down. “I meant shopping for you, dufus. I don’t need new shoes, anyways. Just- go do something, okay? Don’t stay in cooped up all day.” He worried about you doing that, because he knew you tended to get worked up by yourself. Some days after work, he’d come home and instantly be able to tell how your day was. “Please?” He pouted just lip, lifting up your chin.
You smirked, curling your hand around his waist. “Fine.”
“Pretty please.”
“I said fine, Eddie.”
“Pretty, pretty please?”
You snorted into laughter, shoving his shoulder as he giggled playfully. “Shut up and get outta here, Munson. Dustin’s waiting.”
“Yeah, well, Dustin doesn’t have a hot girlfriend.” He snatched his keys off the dresser, sending you a wink. “Oh, and by the way, I love when you have your hair like that.”
You blushed as he wiggled his eyebrows seductively, and you made your way toward him. “Please, be careful tonight.” You wrapped your arms around him. “You said around eleven, right?”
“Around that time, yeah.” He hugged you back, his hands holding you against your shoulder blades. “I’ll be alright, don’t worry about me.”
That was impossible, and he knew it.
“I mean, it’s not like I can do anything, now. Jonathon’s back in town. Nancy she- I don’t know, do you think she still loves him?” Steve rambled on, mouth full of corn dog as his elbows rested on the picnic table.
“Have you asked her?” You sipped on your drink. You knew the answer was no. “You should, Steve. Just be honest with her.”
“I’m just-”
“Scared?” You finished for him. “I’m sure she is too, but I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She had feelings there.”
It was getting more and more potent within the friend group that Steve had developed feelings for Nancy again. It was pretty much all he talked about.
“You think so?” He wiped his mouth, his eyes full of that hopeful gleam.
You nodded. “I do. She gives you that same look Eddie gives me.” You said softly, smiling to yourself.
He smirked at you. You were both whipped. “Where is the dungeon master tonight?”
“With Dustin,” You sighed, glancing at the clock tower. “I think they were going to see a movie, I’m not sure.”
You were nervous at the fact you didn’t know for sure where he would be, that way, in case something happened, you’d know where he was. Still, you weren’t going to make him decide what he was doing just for the sake of your sanity. It was close to seven thirty, and your eyes glued on the town clock.
“I’m surprised you didn’t want to hang out with the girls.” He crumbled up his trash. “They were going to the pool. You like swimming, don’t you?”
“Not really.” You shrugged your shoulders, nibbling on a fry. “Feels like one big toilet bowl to me.”
You loved Robin and Nancy, but they were always looking for another mystery to solve. Hawkins was healed, believe it or not, but they were always on the move. They made a good team. But they made it difficult for you to move on from everything, and once after hanging out with them, you had a complete meltdown on the shower floor. Eddie kept asking if you were okay, due to your red eyes, but you said everything was fine. You felt like a big baby, a lot of the time.
And Steve knew why you usually chose him rather than the girls, but he never confronted you about it. It didn’t take a genius to guess. He smiled, standing up. “Well, I’m bored, so let’s go crash a wedding or something.”
You looked at the clock again, sighing as you stood.
You tried to focus on the tv in front of you, holding the glass of water in your hand as tightly as you could without breaking it. Your knee bounced anxiously, and your heart was beating steadily. It was fifteen passed eleven, and you sat in you and Eddie’s trailers, trying your hardest to not go insane.
Breathe, you told yourself. Just breath. You felt your stomach sink into that ball of stress you had grown familiar with, your eyes going back and forth between the clock.
But, Eddie hadn’t come home yet, and another hour had passed, bringing almost to twelve thirty. Your reassurance to yourself had done no good, because you were having a full blown panic attack. You paced back and forth, hand on your chest as you hyperventilated.
And you couldn’t stay there, so you flew down the highway in your busted up truck, headlights on bright as you searched for him. You had given Nancy and Robin a ring, and no word. You tried radioing Dustin, but all you got was static.
You even checked the theater parking lot for his vehicle, you even checked the bike racks for Dustin’s, but nothing. And then, by two thirty, you decided to go back to the trailer to check. You’d never been so happy to see his junky old truck, and you slammed on your brakes, putting it in park.
You slammed the truck door shut, running up the steps and opening the door. “Eddie?” You screamed. “Eddie, where- Eddie?”
You nearly fainted when he came running out of your bedroom, eyes widening when he saw you. “Y/n? Hey, what? What happened?”
You didn’t pay attention to the mirror, so you didn’t realize how terrible you looked. Your braids were frazzled, loose hair frizzy and curling around your face. Tears and mascara marked your face, eyes swollen and red, and you sniffled repeatedly to keep the mucus from running down your nostrils. “Are you okay?” You sobbed, running to him. You grabbed at his shoulders, his face. “God, Eddie- are you alright? Where have you been I’ve-”
“Hey, hey, calm down,” He rushed, your appearance scaring him. He grabbed at your biceps, looking over you. “Baby are you- are you hurt? What’s going on?”
“You,” You cried, whimpering as you wrapped your arms around him. His grip on you was deadly. “You said you were coming b-back earlier! What happened? Did something-”
“Sweetheart, I was with the guys,” He interrupted you, holding your shaking body. His anxiety was even spiking at your panic attack, because you were an absolute wreck. “We were at the school, just playing dnd, okay? Nothing happened, baby, I’m fine.” His goal with telling you this was to assure you everything was okay, that nothing bad happened, but it did not. Your cries stopped, and you opened your eyes as they narrowed.
You pulled away slightly, seeing his puppy dog eyes fill with love. “What?” You questioned, a tone of confusion in your voice.
“Yeah,” he nodded, cupping your cheek. “I was just playing dnd with the boys.”
Yeah, that’s what you thought he’d said. You pulled away immediately, your face dropping as your heart rate slowed. That paralyzing fear washed away, only being replaced with anger.
“Are you kidding me?” You breathed, your face shining with tears. He narrowed his eyes at your stance, his hellfire shirt damp from your tears.
He opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it. “You do realize what time it is, right?” Your voice cracked angrily. “Eddie, it’s three o’clock in the morning!”
He shuffled awkwardly, not knowing how to take your sudden change of behavior. He swallowed uneasily. “Honey-”
“No!” You snapped. “Don’t you dare honey me, right now!” You pointed at him, your voice growing into shouts. “So you were there the whole time? Just playing that stupid game! The whole night! You knew I was sitting here waiting for you! You knew my eyes were glued to that stupid door for hours! I can’t- oh, my god, I can’t believe you!” You were absolutely seething with anger, and truth be told, you almost scared him, because he hadn’t ever seen you so mad.
He was beginning to realize just how badly you fucked up. He’d hurt you, badly. His face was in a mixture of shock and disbelief. “Fuck, I’m- I’m sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten! We were having fun and I-”
“Fun?” You gritted your teeth, practically stomping your way toward him. “Well I wasn’t having fun! I was loosing my shit looking for you!”
His eyes narrowed. “Out looking-”
“Yes!” You nodded. “At the theater, the park! Your uncles! I called everybody trying to find you!”
His face, little by little, melted into the guiltiest you had ever seen, but for now, you didn’t care. You choked on a sob, shaking your head as you covered your face.
“Oh, god, y/n, I’m so sorry!” He began his apologizes, grabbing on to your shoulders. “Baby, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry!
He tried pulling your hands away, but you refused to pull them down. He cursed himself repeatedly. “Please, y/n, come on, look at me,”
The feeling of his hands were suffocating you, and your mind flashed images of that dreadful night in the upside down. You felt like passing out. You took a deep, shuttering breath. “Get off me!” You shoved his hands away, backing away and turning your back to him. You ran your hands through your hair, letting out a deep, whimpering sob that made him freeze in place.
Dear god, he’d messed up big time.
You hugged yourself, your heart breaking as you relieved everything. You couldn’t look at him right now, you didn’t want to be touched. You had to get ahold of yourself. You tuned him out as best as you could, his loud breathing being prominent in your ears. His fingers twitched at his sides to reach out to you, but you were flat out ignoring him. He gulped, not being able to look at anything but your shuttering shoulder blades.
It had been awhile since you had an ordeal like this, he’d forgotten how guilty it made him feel. This was worse, though, because he caused it, this time.
After a few moments, you had reached a more calm point, and you uncrossed your shaking arms. “I’m not- I’m not trying to be one of those c-clingy girlfriends, Eddie,” You began, turning around to face him. He frowned even more at your distress. “I don’t want to be needy or- or annoying, but- god, you’re making it really hard not to be!” You exasperated, biting your lip to keep from crying out.
You stood there and looked at him, while he looked at you. Both eyes were full of sorrow and guilt, trauma and grief. “You have no idea what that night did to me.” You said quietly, your voice shaky with cracked tears.
“I can still smell the blood,” You cringed. “It was- god, it was everywhere and I couldn’t get it to stop!” It was like you were speaking to yourself, like talking to a mirror. Eddie stood in front of you, his face masked into a heartbroken expression. You described the scene perfectly, but he couldn’t remember everything as clear as you did.
“Your screams,” Your lips pulled down, eyes bright. “I had never- never, I-” You choked on your whimpers. “I had never heard anything like that before, how much pain you were in. And the blood was everywhere, god it- I just couldn’t get it to stop!” You cried softly, holding your stomach.
You had never openly talked about that night like this, not in such detail. You were afraid too, you didn’t want to revisit it. Of course, Eddie always tried to get you to open up with him, but he didn’t want to push you. “You kept trying to talk but- you were in too much pain and your words they d-didn’t make any sense,” You moved your hands about, acting like a master of puppets.
“And Dustin,” You narrowed your eyes, looking at him. “You kept trying to tell him something. ‘Dustin make her’, you tried saying it over and over again, but you couldn’t get it out. What were you wanting to say? Did you want- you wanted him to make me leave you? Is that it? You wanted him to drag me away and just- fuck, just leave you there? What were you going to have him make me do?” You spat violently, standing just a few feet in front of him. He could barely make eye contact, trying to recall the words you were screaming.
“Answer me!” You shoved him, causing him to jump.
“I don’t remember.” He shook his head, voice quiet. It shamed him to say so. “Y/n, I’m sorry- I just, I don’t remember.”
And that was the entire point. He didn’t remember it. You brought your hands back down to your sides, taking a slow breath. “Yeah, you don’t remember it, but I do, Eddie.” Your anger had disappeared, and he watched as your face grew brighter with tears. “I remember it everyday.”
You looked down at his stomach, remembering the sickening wounds that nearly killed him. “I remember it when I sleep, and as- as soon as I wake up I even,” You cut off, scoffing in embarrassment, but you didn’t give a shit. “I even check if you’re still breathing.”
Then, when you looked back up to him, you noticed the tiny, shining gleam of unshed tears that lined his eyes. You didn’t say a word, your lips quivering as you shuttered with exhaustion.
“You can’t do that to me again, Eddie.” You said after a moment, watching as a tear glistened down his face. “You can’t- I can’t take it.”
He nodded quickly along with your words, his face evident in shame and sorrow. His fingers twitched your way. “Can I-” He whispered. “Can I touch you?”
It took you a moment, but you nodded, and he slowly, wrapped his arms around his torso. You both clung to each other so tightly, it nearly hurt.
“I’m sorry.” His voice broke, buried in your shoulder. “I am so, so sorry, Y/n.”
Your heart hurt at the sound, and you buried your face in his chest. “I love you so much.” You cried. “You don’t know how much.”
He pulled away, only to take your chin in his hand. He wiped away a tear. “I do.” And softly, he placed a kiss against your lips, and your tongue collided along with his.
Steve was right. You were both whipped.
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Yeah… the more news that comes out just confirms more of what I thought. This unnamed character who moves from HYBE to ADOR, and mere weeks later, HYBE gets a ‘tip-off’ and all the incriminating documents are in his work diaries where he narrates things MHJ has supposedly said, including that she believes that Bang establishing BTS or groups with the same cache as BTS, was him copying her…. Everything that’s found in his documents is almost clinically incendiary lmao. Like, weapons-grade rage bait. Partly because of how bizarre it is. And the sinker - they tie it to Min Heejin supposedly wanting more money. MHJ has meanwhile released another, stronger statement refuting the allegations about trying to stage a management takeover, or artists contract leaks etc.
Of course, the discourse about this is going to develop predictably, especially after the mention of BTS and other groups MHJ supposedly says copied her.
This has all the makings of one thing and only one thing, to me. It doesn’t change my opinion about Bang PD but it does make me revise my view on Min Heejin, she’s a bit more naive than I assumed her to be. I feel a bit sorry for her, because she’s been got. Again. It’s similar to the ig situation that also started with ‘a gift’ her ‘friend from SM’ gave her to congratulate her on launching ADOR - a gift that ended up being the most damning controversy that almost sunk the group. A controversy where the primary demand was for her to leave NewJeans and HYBE. Now, a ‘right-hand man’ transfers from HQ to her team and it’s his uncorroborated narrations that match what’s in the ‘tip-off’… the demands are the same.
I like MHJ, but I’ve always watched her with caution because in Korea, no woman makes it to the c-suite without making a shit tonne of enemies. Imagine it to be triple the amount a regular working class man makes on his way up the ladder, because that kind of status in Korea is something you’re either born into, or born close to. It’s rare for working class men to work their way up and even more rare for women. In fact, I’d say it’s an aberration.
I see all the flack MHJ gets for being a narcissistic bitch, wanting to constantly assert ownership of her ideas, wanting to be widely associated with her successful projects, etc. I see people irritated by her arrogance, but full disclosure, I like her for it. For several reasons, but one reason is that in her environment, the default is to let your male superiors take credit for your work. It happens in corporate environments all over the world, but in Korea it’s a mentality entrenched in the DNA. Pushing against that earns you enemies every time you speak, by default. But I suspect that’s how she worked her way up from being a graphic designer to having a seat on the board of directors at SM Entertainment before leaving when they wouldn’t give her more autonomy. So, in my eyes, she’s got spunk. But also, now I see she’s clumsy.
Oftentimes with corporate drama, there’s no point using moral language because it’s just business. You either pitched the best deal or you didn’t. You either fucked up or you didn’t. It’s cold numbers and rationality - business. But… there are some cases where it’s not really about the business, cases where it’s personal.
I don’t have meaningful insider information, I’m reading the press releases and ‘leaks’ along with everyone else, so I can’t be certain and that’s why I’m talking in this long-winded ramble without coming right out to say exactly what I think. What I’ll say though is that this is less about NewJeans and more about Min Heejin. And she’s the first person who should’ve understood that and taken necessary precautions.
Clearly, it doesn’t look like she has, and in that sense she has no one but herself to blame. She’s being stupid, in fact I’d say delusional in some ways, but I guess some things can’t be helped. NewJeans isn’t exactly fucked, but it’s clear that yet again, they are collateral damage. And it’s a shame.
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c-t-r-l14 · 4 months
What I find the most amusing is the fact that Saku likes my rants about Alex.
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if ya’ll know me as, “That One Girl Who Despises Alex”, because I write about how mad he makes me, and have MULTIPLE RANTS about how much I dislike him and his gaslighting, excuse-making, manipulative, no-backbone having, crybaby bitch ass.
Like—I be jumping Alex, reading his ass for filth, and be downright destroying him and Saku reads it and is like “Lmao, good stuff”, and LIKES THE DAMN RANTS.
It’s really crazy because at first, I was really scared about posting my first ever rant about him, because before people saw just how immature Alex was being in the breakup audio, a lot of people were jumping listener in the comments and talking about how it was their fault that this happened in the first place. Now, listener is definitely NOT a saint, at all. Even though I sympathize with them, what they did was wrong—point BLANK. But the way their relationship ended wasn’t entirely their fault.
I remember reading the comments and there were some people who said, “Ugh, if listener just didn’t say anything at all, this would’ve never happened”, but that shit confuses me so much?? I do agree that they should’ve been more careful about their approach when it comes to confrontation, but if THIS is the way Alex reacts when Listener looses their cool and does something in the heat of the moment, who is to say that it wouldn’t happen at all? He was so damn quick to end a four year relationship over a mistake. He never put in any work to see why listener acted out that day. He never once tried to talk to them, he acknowledged the fact that they don’t usually act like this, made up stupidly flimsy excuses on why the relationship would supposedly would not work, said some out of pocket shit about them not being the right partner for a long distance relationship, AND THEN PROCEEDED TO GASLIGHT THEM into thinking that THEY were the crazy one for reacting to what he just said, tried to manipulate them into thinking that the reason why their relationship ended was all their fault, and tried to act like HE was the mature one by making the decision to end it in the first place—-
And you’re telling me you saw ALL OF THIS UNFOLD, and your first thought was, “Oh yeah, all of this is definitely listener’s fault. They had it coming, lmao. Good luck to Alex in the States.”
If he had been so quick to end his relationship of F O U R Y E A R S in a heartbeat over something he K N E W to be an out of character mistake, then what on God’s green Earth would make ya’ll think that he’d stick around had listener stayed silent???? Listener will make mistakes, and there will come a time when their emotions will get the best of them (as it does with all of us), and you guys really believe that Alex’s fickle, emotional whiplash having, “this would be good for us, we both wouldn’t be tied down anymore 🥺” headass would still stay then???
Because, HE W O U L D N ‘ T.
He saw the opportunity to leave, and he took it. He already had his mind made from the jump when he told his mother and father, his friends, his acquaintances, his ancestors—and the ENTIRE W O R L D that he was taking that NYC job and his partner was last to know. Listener—-his own goddamn partner—-was the only person he needed to get rid of. They were his “burden” to bear, and he wanted to rid himself of it. And he didn’t want to seem like the bad guy, so he made excuses to make the break up easier on himself, pushed the blame away from him, and cried like the little baby back bitch he is in order to make it seem like this was such a hard decision to come to. He disregarded listener’s feelings, disregarded them as a whole, disrespected them, and left them with (probably) more trauma then what they started with.
I am sick and tired of seeing people blame the listener for everything that happened. They did not deserve the way they were broken up with at all. Alex isn’t a victim. He never was—and he stopped being the “mature one” (if you can even call it that) the moment those dumbass excuses came out of his slimy mouth.
For the people who were saying, “Alex deserves better than listener! I hope he finds a new partner.” Ya’ll need to realize that if this is how he acts when listener makes a mistake, he will do the absolute same thing with his future partners. He will give up the entire relationship and make an exit plan as soon as they do something even a little bit out of character. People who fold that easily and refuse to put effort in their relationship will NEVER KEEP IT. He will end up being single, and I know he’s the type of person who will never consider himself as a factor as to why his relationships all end in faliure because he has such a victim complex.
This man deserves absolutley nothing, ya’ll! NOTHING!
And I hope that one day, he realizes what he did was wrong, and apologizes to them. I will literally not be able to die peacefully if this doesn’t happen.
The craziest thing is that back in the olden days (four months ago), I would’ve been so scared to publish this whole rant, ya’ll. 😭 My dislike for Alex has been a hyper-fixation that held me in a massive chokehold—and I was honestly scared I was going to get hated on for not liking him (as well as my reasons for disliking him in the first place). But in the most strange turn of events, a lot of people share the same disdain I have for him too, and the comments on that break-up audio is now more critical toward Alex than it is toward listener, and these were both really big shocks to me. I’m really happy that a lot of people enjoy my rants, and even more happier (and surprised) to see Saku HIMSELF like my rant posts too.
Like literally ya’ll, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The love ya’ll leave for these rants are the reasons why I feel more and more confident to make them in the first place, and I appreciate it all very much.
So, here’s to next year, and to all the rants I’ll make in the future! And I hope we’ll all have a great year!
(Except for you, Alex. I hope your credit card declines when you try to pay for that $2.90 train fare and nobody opens the emergency door for you).
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girasollake · 2 years
rather be | e.m.
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pairing: eddie munson x fem! reader
requested: yes
type: somewhere between angst and fluff i guess
summary: you go to a party feeling good about yourself. however your confidence which was already fragile, breaks completely after your unpleasant encounter with jason. after that you go to eddie, because he’s the only person who praises how you look like
warnings: fat shaming obvi, curse words, mention of alcohol, i think thats it
a/n: this was easy for me to write cause i feel like that and i based this fic a bit off of my own past with people saying shit, and the part with eddie is based on some of the convos i usually have with my boyfriend lmao, hope you guys will like it!
word count: around 2,200
You plopped down on your bed after a long day of school. Looking around your room you started thinking about what to wear for the approaching party at Nina’s. She was a popular girl on the cheer team but her popularity didn’t change her. She still remained a kind, nice girl who invited to every party most of the people from school, no matter their social background and status. You had never been to parties like that and decided to finally break that cycle. You even asked Eddie to come with you, but he refused. He had a performance at The Hideout and even though he wanted to go with you, he simply couldn’t. What’s more, parties like that weren’t his thing as well so he wasn’t that sad about not going. You didn’t blame him, you understood. After some time of thinking about outfits you finally got up and walked over to you closet. For about twenty minutes you had been throwing your clothes out of it to find something perfect but nothing seemed to meet your standards. That was until you spotted a black material at the bottom of your drawer. You pulled it out and tried it on immediately. It was a dress your favorite auntie had gifted you for your 17th birthday and surprisingly it still fitted. You had never worn it out though, you didn’t have a lot of confidence back in the day. But all of this had changed when you had met Eddie. He had shown you how beautiful you are every day and you were extremely grateful for that. He had helped you built up some of that confidence however you often still felt insecure. You were grateful for his actions, his words, but demons from the past were still haunting you and it felt impossible to get rid of them completely. When you put on this dress, they left for a moment. You felt pretty. You felt beautiful. You felt sexy. Smiling to yourself you took it off and went to the living room to iron it. After doing that you hung it on your mirror and then started doing your makeup.
☽ ☽ ☽
Your mom gave you a ride to the party. She insisted on you wearing some kind of jacket because it was immensely cold outside and the dress wasn’t covering your arms. You obeyed and took your black denim jacket, which was actually Eddie’s. Let’s just say, he thinks it disappeared under suspicious circumstances and doesn’t know who has it.
‘Call me if you need anything, okay honey?’ Your mom asked when you opened the door.
‘I’m gonna be fine mum.’ You replied.
‘I know.’ She gave you a small smile. ‘I just don’t want you to get hurt like last time. Kids are mean these days.’
‘I won’t get hurt.’ You got out of the car. ‘See you later mom!’
‘Bye, darling!’ You closed the door and looked at her one last time before she drove away.
A sigh escaped your lips when you saw all the people entering the place. You also felt this tight feeling in your chest when you saw all of the conventionally attractive skinny girls standing everywhere. No, (Y/n). Stop it. You look nice. For once just have fun. You thought and with that you entered Nina’s house. You wanted to find your friends but no one seemed to be around. You searched the crowds for any sign of Robin or Steve, they weren’t anywhere. Well, they were somewhere, but with so many people in a huge house like that it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Finally, you found the kitchen and saw some beers next to the fridge. You grabbed one and headed somewhere else while also taking off your jacket. You wanted to have a good time and you were kind of enjoying yourself when you had found someone to talk to. It didn’t last long because when you went to get yourself another drink you bumped into someone.
‘Oh shoot, I’m so sorry.’ You mumbled and looked up to see Jason standing in front of you.
‘Yeah, you should be.’ He hissed and then looked you up and down. ‘Damn, you’re brave for wearing that.’ He snickered. ‘Ayo, boys, come check this out!’
You were confused. Why were you brave for wearing a dress? A cute one, at that.
‘What do you mean?’ You chuckled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
‘I just think people like you shouldn’t wear dresses like this. You’re giving it a bad look.’
‘Excuse me? What do you mean by “people like me”? You whispered but tried your best for it to sound at least a bit intimidating.
‘I think you know exactly what I mean, piggy.’ He whispered straight into your face.
You heard all of his friends laughing behind and you felt your face getting hot.
‘What? Gonna cry?’ He asked when he saw your eyes filling up with tears.
‘You’re such a son of a bitch.’ You muttered. ‘I look nice.’
His laughter filled up the whole room, ‘I don’t know who told you that, but they have a bad taste. The dress would be nice if someone like Chrissy was wearing it, not you. Don’t flatter yourself.’ He remarked. ‘Now go change or leave before I’ll throw up by just looking at you.’
You turned around and ran away, tears streaming down your face and messing up your makeup. You went to the nearest bus stop and found the route that would take you to The Hideout. After fifteen minutes of silently crying on the bus you stepped out of it and headed to the pub. Then you realised how you must look. You retreated and started looking for Eddie’s van in the small parking lot, you spotted it almost immediately. You walked over to it and sat down on the cold pavement with your back pressed to the vehicle. It was in fact freezing and you were glad your mom had made you take that jacket. You covered your face with your hands and started sobbing again, you wondered why some people were that mean. You had started healing from the last time it happened and now everything hit you twice as hard.
‘Come onnn, I don’t want to be late mom!’ A twelve year old you tugged on her sweater.
‘Okay, okay, get in the car, I’ll be right there.’ She replied and went back to the conversation she was having on the phone.
You took the present in your hands and headed outside. You were going to a friend’s birthday party and you were even more excited because your crush was going as well. You smoothed out your dress and held the present tightly in your hands when your mom entered the car. The ride went rather quickly, maybe due to your happiness and excitement overwhelming you slightly. You got out of the car and knocked on the door.
‘Hi! Happy Birthday, Joe!’ You cheered and have the boy a quick hug along with the present.
‘Thank you, (Y/n/n).’ He smiled and let you in.
You went inside and greeted your other friends, along with the boy you fancied. You were having nice time talking, gossiping and laughing with your female friends when the boys went to a different room. After a while you decided to go to the bathroom and sadly, walk next to the room they were in.
‘Man, I can’t believe you invited her.’ You heard your crush speaking.
‘What do you mean? She’s nice.’ Joe replied. ‘She’s my friend.’
‘Yeah, but don’t you worry that she’s gonna eat all the food?’ Your crush snickered.
‘To be honest I thought that the floor would collapse when she entered your home.’ Another boy peeped in.
‘Who are you guys talking about?’ Another voice asked.
‘Oh, (Y/n) (L/n). I mean it’s not hard to not know which one it is.’ They all laughed and you tried your best to hold it together.
You didn’t want to go to the toilet anymore, you wanted your mom. So that’s why you went over to the house phone and quickly called her number. Soon enough, when she heard you crying, she was there to get you.
All of the memories came back to you at once when Jason had said those words. You just wished Eddie would finish his gig and go outside to get you before you freeze to death. You almost wanted to go inside and get him, but that would be unfair. He deserved to play with his friends and have fun, you didn’t want him to leave them because of you. You wrapped your arms around yourself and tried to heat yourself up while you were waiting.
‘(Y/n/n)?’ You looked up and saw Eddie heading your way, it was nice that you didn’t have to wait that long for him. ‘What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be at that party or something?’
‘Ye-ah. I was.’
‘Is everything okay? Shit, were you crying?’ He asked when he finally approached you. ‘Oh god, what is that dress? It looks hella amazing on you, baby.’
‘Don’t lie Eddie.’ You whispered and shook your head.
‘I’m not. Why would you think that?’ He asked and furrowed his brows, and when you didn’t reply he continued. ‘Did someone say something?’
You nodded your head and a few tears fell down your face, ‘I just wanted to feel pretty for once.’
‘Hey, hey, don’t fucking say that. You are pretty, you always are.’ He said and brought you into his arms, your cries echoing throughout the parking lot. ‘Who said something?’
‘Jason.’ You whispered. ‘He said I-.. I shouldn’t be wearing that dress. Because I make it look bad.. And-.. And it would look better on someone like Chrissy.’
‘That’s the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard.’ He replied instantly. ‘The dress is nothing without you and you are the one that makes it look so hot. Jason is a dick who doesn’t know shit. He just likes to talk down on other people, don’t think about his words.’
‘You don’t understand Eds..’ You sobbed. ‘I can’t stop thinking about all of the situations that have made me the insecure person that I am. The memories are replaying in my head every second and it sucks. It fucking sucks because they are consuming me and even though I have memories of you telling me the good stuff, it’s not fucking enough. The thoughts are always there, always, and I can’t push myself to think about my body the way you do. I just can’t…’ You snuggled your face closer to his chest and let him stroke your back delicately. ‘I’m so sick of feeling like this Eds, and I can’t stop it, I don’t know how to stop it. Every time I start to feel better it consumes me over and over again, and today just… It broke me even more than I already was. I don’t want you to see me the same way they do.’
He pulled away from you and grabbed your face in his hands, ‘Listen, okay? I do not care what anyone thinks of you. I love you. I have never met a person more perfect than you. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I love your body, every fucking inch of it, you hear me? Every. Fucking. Inch. They can show me thousands of models with those so called ‘perfect bodies’ and I’ll still choose you, because to me it is your body that is perfect, no one else’s. I know I can’t make you look at yourself like I see you, but I’m willing to try even more. You deserve to see yourself like I see you. Fuck them. Fuck Jason. Fuck anyone who thinks they can comment on what you look like. Okay?’ He finished and you just nodded while trying to process it all. ‘Repeat after me, ok? I am beautiful.’
‘Eddie, I ca-‘
‘Shut up. I am beautiful.’
‘I am.. not.’
‘(Y/n) I swear to god I’m going to drive you over with my van.’ He threatened. ‘Say the fucking sentence.’
‘I can’t.’
‘Yes you can.’
‘Can we go? I’m freezing.’
‘Not until you say it.’
‘I don’t want to say it Eddie.’ You cried.
‘You can do it, (Y/n/n). You know why? Because you are beautiful.’
‘I am…’ You whispered and swallowed thick saliva. ‘…beautiful.’
‘See? Was it that hard?’ He asked and kissed the top of your head. ‘I’m gonna keep making you say that until you believe it yourself.’
You groaned and hit his chest with your head. You didn’t know how to feel because a part of you felt like you didn’t deserve his help and kind words, the other however, it was grateful for his determination to try and change your way of thinking.
‘You ready to go home?’ He asked.
‘Can I stay at yours?’
‘Of course, sweetheart.’
You chuckled, ‘I thought that nickname was reserved for your guitar?’
‘Things change, now shut up and get inside.’ He replied and opened the door for you. ‚Wait, is that my jacket?’
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urfavstargirl1 · 2 years
wasting your tongue - eddie munson x fem!reader
Summary: After becoming close classmates with Eddie, you soon learn that he could fuck love you better than your boyfriend ever could basically you’re chrissy and this is how things should have ended that night in the trailer if st4 didn’t happen
a/n: Not Allowed by TV Girl has been stuck in my head for the past who knows how many weeks and heavily inspire this piece, so please listen to this song as you read its the soundtrack to this story lmao (song linked below)
Cw: NSFW, 18+, swearing, angst, heavy making out, touching, mentions of oral sex (f receiving), fluff, angst with a happy ending, implied p in v sex, f/m orgasm, not sure how to tag it all cuz its my first smut piece but its pretty mild/vanilla tbh
Minors dni!
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So how should you begin this? You guess it started when you were with him. And how he never even took you out to dance or barely fucked with any rhythm. He was playing with your head and poor Eddie was on the sidelines of it all; but not for long.
You were a beautiful and popular cheerleader that just so happened to be in the same elective class as resident D&D playing metal head, Eddie Munson. 
On the first day of class, you two had sat next to each other and ended up being paired together on classwork throughout the school year.
You often got to talking about things beyond class material. Turns out, Eddie was actually really cool and smart and funny. And it didn’t take too long for him to realize that you were a lot nicer and funnier and down to earth than he imagined too.
As the weeks passed by, you settled into a rhythm where you and Eddie would get to class and instantly start talking about anything and everything. You always asked how each other’s days were and what new music or movie recommendations you had for the other.
“Oh I couldn’t watch that, well, at least not with my boyfriend. He hates scary movies.”
“Yeah well it sounds like your boyfriend’s a little—“ bitch is how Eddie wanted to finish that statement, but when he sees the little quirk on your eyebrow he cuts himself off. 
“What were you gonna say,” you press curiously.
“Nothing,” Eddie nervously laughs as he rubs his hand on the back of his neck. 
“C’mon finish that sentence Eddie, I know you want to,” you egged him on. 
“Uh, was just gonna say he’s a little scaredy cat,” he shrugs in attempted nonchalance, cheeks ablaze. 
“Uh huh, sure,” you replied unconvincingly. Smiling at how flustered he got. 
The banter you and Eddie had never failed to make you laugh and you always ended up thinking about the conversations you had with him for the rest of the day.
Before you knew it, you were looking forward to that elective class every day just so you could spend time with Eddie. Sometimes you even fantasized about things you would want to say to him and the things he might say back to you.
The subject matter of your conversations didn’t even have to be anything special. Sometimes, it just helped to have a listening ear for whatever cheer drama was going on or which classes were stressing you out. 
As a distraction, Eddie would tell you some silly story about the boys in his Hellfire Club or what crazy thing happened last time he played with Corroded Coffin.
Upon finding out he was in a band, you knew you would just die to see him perform one day. But you knew you probably never would because his performance times always conflicted with your cheer practice or homework schedule. 
Not to mention, your boyfriend, the captain of the basketball team, would absolutely flip his shit at the idea of his girl sneaking out at night to see some other guy. 
It wouldn’t be like that though. At least, it wasn’t supposed to be. But now it might be since things haven’t been going so well for you and your boyfriend. 
You had been dating him for a while, but lately, you’ve been fighting a lot. He blames it on the stress of basketball season, but you don’t fully believe that. 
For one, you’re a cheerleader all year round, what’s your excuse? But more than anything, things just feel off with him and your gut tells you it's not just because of basketball. 
Sometimes, you want to tell Eddie about it. You don’t think your friends or your family would really understand and somehow, it feels like he might. But you also feel kind of weird talking about it to Eddie because you don’t want to complain or worry him.
So even though you don’t talk about it, at first, Eddie definitely notices a difference in your energy. Or maybe it's the fact that it's the third day in a row that you’ve come to class with a frown that drapes across your pretty lips.
At this point, Eddie has already started falling for you, hard, but he knows nothing could ever happen between you two. Despite the banter that often feels like shameless flirting, he knows there's a limit to your connection, so he tries to keep his hope at a zero. 
On days when he can’t, he reminds himself that even if you weren’t taken, there’s no way the queen of Hawkins High would ever want anything to do with the school freak.
But it’s because of these feelings that it pains him to see you with your boyfriend. What’s worse is that Eddie knows deep down that he can treat you so much better than he ever could. 
He even fantasizes about all the ways he could. He knows you and him would be a long shot, but if he can’t have you in real life, he can at least have you in his daydreams. 
Eddie sees it clear as day that this guy is playing with your head. If it were him, he’d much rather play with your…
Has your boyfriend ever made you cum? It’s obvious that the jackass has made you cry. Eddie knows he could do the exact opposite, if given the opportunity.
One day after school, at a Hellfire Club meeting, one of the boys pulls out an old yearbook. Eddie snatches it from him and flips through the pages to find your picture. It’s with him, in the class superlatives: cutest couple. 
Your boyfriend has his arm around you. You’re practically matching: him in his lime green basketball uniform and you in that cute little green and yellow cheer number smiling up at him as he smiles into the camera. 
He could stare at that picture for the rest of the campaign just thinking, God, I wish that was me. But he knows it's different because you actually love your boyfriend, or so you say.
Sometimes when you talk about your boyfriend, all he can think is, you're wasting your tongue with lame excuses and lies. If it were me, I’d rather waste mine between your thighs.
Eddie should be disgusted and ashamed at some of the thoughts he’s had of you. Like when he lies awake at night and images of you flood through his mind while his hand is rapidly jerking up and down and quiet obscenities escape his lips as his skin glistens with sweat. 
He has such a sick and twisted imagination, but hey, shouldn’t that at least count for something?
Around you, he can push those thoughts to the sidelines. The last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable or jeopardize the fact that the prettiest girl in school actually likes talking to him, even if it's only for 50 minutes a day.
So when things start getting worse with your boyfriend, Eddie makes it his personal mission to turn your frown upside down at any given opportunity. 
He doesn’t know what to say otherwise, but he knows laughter is the best medicine, so he’lll always do something silly to make you laugh and take your mind off of him or whatever else might be stressing you out.
It doesn’t escape your notice how happy you feel when you’re with Eddie. How his smile makes your heart skip a beat. Or how he looks at you in this sincere way that seems so effortless for him but is the only time you ever truly feel seen. 
But there’s also another way he looks at you. One that makes you feel like your body’s been lit on fire. 
It’s on game days, when you have to wear your cheer uniform to school that Eddie loses it and just looks at you as if he could absolutely devour you. 
You’re already so pretty, but in that itty bitty cheer skirt that swishes and swirls with every step you take or gently drapes the softness of your thighs when you sit? Yeah, he’s a goner. 
At the sight of your legs alone, Eddie just hopes the teacher won’t make him stand up. 
It’s on those days especially, when you’re all dolled up and the immaculate vision of Hawkins royalty, that he can’t believe how pretty you are and how a girl like you is even talking to him.
He tries not to let it show but you definitely notice how he’ll trip over his words or fidget with the rings on his fingers a little more than usual. 
It was weird to think you had this effect on him. But it made you wonder if seeing him in his element, at Hellfire or with Corroded Coffin, might have a similar effect on you too.
Little did you know, you wouldn’t be left to wonder for long.
The night before the championship game you and your boyfriend got into a massive fight. 
He always gets worked up during basketball season but he said some things you just couldn’t forgive. It was obvious: his head wasn’t in it anymore and neither was his heart.
And if you were being honest with yourself, you weren’t quite in it anymore either. 
You knew the timing wasn’t the best, but it seemed like there was no other option than to break things off. Neither of you were happy anymore and maybe some time apart was just what you needed.  
He wasn’t particularly happy, but it made sense to him too. So you both agreed, you would spend some much needed time apart and if there was anything truly there, you would eventually find your way back to each other.
Despite knowing you made the right decision, it doesn’t stop you from crying yourself to sleep that night. It hurt to finally accept that the boy you had been with for so long and convinced yourself that you loved wouldn’t be in your life anymore. 
The next day, you try to carry on like normal, but it’s obvious how terrible you feel when you come to class. No amount of makeup or hairspray could hide the fact that something was wrong, at least not to Eddie. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks as soon as you take your seat. 
You could hide it from anyone else, but you knew you couldn’t hide it from Eddie. 
So you tell him. You give him the gross oversimplification of the previous night's events, but one thing was clear: you had nothing to do with him anymore. 
Eddie is a bit shocked to hear the news but more than anything, is proud of you for standing your ground. 
“It’s tough, but you did the right thing. You deserve way better than that guy anyway.” Eddie says in a lighthearted manner, but it makes you wonder, “Like who?”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, taken aback by the question. “What?”
“What kind of guy do you think I deserve Eddie?” You ask innocently. 
Eddie scratches at the back of his neck nervously, trying to play it off by saying, “Oh well, you know, obviously, Prince Charming.” 
“What do you think my Prince Charming would be like?” You asked with naive doe eyes.
Eddie is sure you must be playing with him. You have to know what effect you were having on him or why else would you be putting him through such torture?
“Uh let’s see, maybe someone who knows the difference between his head and his ass.”
You giggle then look at him with a bit more seriousness, “No, really?”
“Yes, Eddie. Really really.”
“I dunno know,” Eddie squirms under your intense gaze. 
What is he supposed to say? That you deserve someone like him? Even he knows that can’t be true. As much as he knows he could be better for you than your boyfriend ever could, he also knows that deep down, he would never be worthy of a girl like you. 
“Eddie,” you coaxed.
He looks at you with a straight face1, seriousness laced in his features in a way he’s never shown before. In an instant, the energy in his body, the energy in the room, everything about you two shifts. 
“You deserve the world. Simple as that.” 
He turns his attention to the assignment in front of you two. He takes the wooden pencil in his hand and scribbles something down. 
You slightly gasp, taken aback by not only his answer, but his sincerity too. 
And then it hits you: it’s Eddie. 
Eddie was the one who always made you laugh. He was the shoulder you knew you could cry on. He was the one that truly made you feel alive.
And suddenly, it’s like you’re seeing him for the first time. Eddie, and his beautiful long brown hair that flows down his head. Eddie and the cute wrinkles starting to form between his eyebrows. Eddie with his big brown eyes that you love, cast down, lashes fluttering above his cheeks. Eddie and his smooth button nose pointed downward hanging over his delicate full lips. Lips that you always kind of wondered what they would feel like against yours, but pushed the thought to the back of your mind, till now.
The sound of the pencil scratching the paper catches your attention and you look down to admire the way Eddie’s slender fingers wrap around the pencil. The chunky silver rings adorning each one. The muscles in his forearm flex as he flips the pencil around to erase something. 
You gulp, dry throated. Eddie feels your gaze, and for a second, flits his eyelashes up, gazing into your eyes. Your breath is caught in your throat. He offers a small, nervous smile before turning back to the paper in front of him. 
You blink rapidly and pretend to turn your attention back to the assignment as heat explodes in your cheeks. 
How could you not see it before? All this time and he was right in front of you. Eddie Munson, your knight in shining armor. 
Before class ends, you make sure to tell him, “You should come to the game today.”
“Uh, no thanks.”
“What? Why not?”
“Not exactly my scene sweetheart.”
Eddie’s called you this many times before. It’s a nickname you hadn’t really given much thought to. But now? Something about the way he says it makes you feel like your entire body has been lit on fire.
“Still, it could be fun. And besides, isn’t one of your friends on the team?”
“Yeah, you guys should come out and support him. It is the championship game after all.”
“Oh the championship game is it now,” he mocks you and you roll your eyes.
“I’m serious Eddie.”
“Can’t. Got a Hellfire meeting after school.”
“The game’s not till 7:00, you can come after.”
Eddie furrows his eyebrows, “You know that’s not really my thing. Last I checked, freaks and athletes don’t exactly mix.”
“Please, Eddie,” you jut out your bottom lip. 
His features soften, unable to withstand the temptation. 
As a cherry on top, you add, “For me?”
Eddie feels something stir in his chest as he looks into your gleaming eyes, your sweet face he has a really hard time saying no to.
“You really want me there?” He asks, apprehensive to accept the reality that you’re asking this of him.
You nod, smiling at him pleadingly. 
He exhales “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”
And sure enough, you spot him in the stands later that evening surrounded by other boys with wild hair and all black outfits. Throughout the game, you look in his direction, hoping he’ll see you.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie spotted you from the moment he walked into the sweaty old gym. There’s no way in hell he would’ve come here otherwise, but for you, the boy would move mountains. 
At the moment you see each other at the same time, you lock eyes and give him your brightest smile. And for the rest of the game you and Eddie can’t keep your eyes off each other. Each routine you perform, it’s like you’re performing it all for him, and only him. 
Your ex, squeaking his shoes across the waxed wooden floor of the court is right in front of your face, but long forgotten in your mind.
Because the cheer team only has a few routines that get cycled throughout the game, Eddie starts to pick up on a few of them and mimics your movements in the stands anytime the team makes a point. Seeing him do candlesticks and daggers or wave an imaginary pompom makes you giggle and almost forget your next step. 
It’s not until a half court shot is made that Eddie does a blade and accidentally thwacks a younger boy with curly brown hair standing next to him in the face that you laugh out loud. The girls closest to you in your formation look at you funny. 
Even across the court, you can tell the younger boy yells something like “what the hell” to Eddie. Eddie brings him in a head lock and nuzzles his cheek against the younger boy's head. He smiles at you and winks before telling something to the boy that you hope is along the lines of an apology. 
It makes your heart warm to know Eddie came out tonight and see him so happy and comfortable with people you assume to be his friends. 
By the end of the game, the tigers have won and you’re doing the victory routine with the squad.  
As the teams go into the locker room and they start clearing out the gym, some of the girls in the squad try to catch your attention. They invite you to go out to whoever's house for a victory after party, but you have better plans. Even if they’re with someone who just doesn’t know it yet.
You search for Eddie, having lost him in the crowd as attendees dispersed toward the exit. 
He must be outside already. You grab your cheer bag and head outside. As you exit the gym doors, you look around. The sun has already set and the streetlights in the school parking lot have turned on. Dozens of people are milling about. He could be anywhere.
You scan your surroundings and out of the corner of your eye, you see a group of boys huddled around the corner of the building. You hear a cacophony of loud male voices, but a particular one stands out to you. 
You squint in their direction, and sure enough, you see that familiar head of wild wavy hair. You start walking over. A few of the boys notice you and say something to Eddie.
Eddie’s caught mid laughter and turns to look in your direction.
“Eddie,” you call out and wave. Eddie smugly grins. He says something to the boys and starts walking toward you. You run over to him, bag hitting the side of your leg. When he’s close enough you drop the bag and practically jump into his arms.
“You came,” you squeal as he wraps his arms around you and chuckles.
“Only ‘cause you practically begged me.” He says into your hair. You squeeze him tight once more and pull away. 
“Don’t act like you weren’t having fun Munson. I saw you cheering in the stands.” You lean forward and cup your hand around your mouth to whisper, “Between you and me, the cheer squad could really use someone like you.”
Eddie smirks and in his D&D voice says, “As flattered as I am, I’m afraid I have to humbly reject the advances of the beloved Hawkins High cheer team.”
You smile at him in glee but it fades away as you look behind Eddie. You see his friends whispering and looking at you and Eddie. Eddie follows your gaze and turns over his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry about them. They’re just being a bunch of dorks,” he says the last part loudly while pointedly looking at them. 
You laugh nervously. “Hey, um, are you doing anything after this?”
Eddie looks at you and quirks an eyebrow. Eddie didn’t have anything to do besides maybe give a few of the boys a ride home, and even then, he knew they could find someone else to do that. 
“No, not really.”
“Some of the girls from the squad invited me to some party tonight,” you say. Eddie’s features drop at your words till you add, “But um, I don’t think that’s exactly my scene right now.”
“Oh,” he responds, lips forming in a circle. Eddie’s features brighten slightly, but he keeps it restrained. He’s not sure what’s happening right now, but it sounds like you’re about to ask him something. 
He’s not sure if you’ll be bold and actually ask it but he’s too afraid to be bold and somehow fuck things up by asking for you, so he stays silent. 
You look between his eyes, hope lingering in the air as he searches yours too. “Do you maybe… wanna do something tonight?”
And for some reason, Eddie’s eyes quickly flit up and down your body. Here you are, in your cute little cheer uniform, asking him out. Out of your own free will. You’re asking Eddie “The Freak” Munson if he wants to do something with you. He’s gotta be dreaming. There’s no way this can be real. 
“Yeah,” he chokes. All sense of pride out the door. No pretense of playing things cool anymore. He’s been dreaming about this moment since you sat next to him that first day of class.
You’d hoped he’d respond as such. In fact, you half expected him to. But as much of an ego boost as this interaction might’ve been from any other guy, you’re still nervous because this is Eddie Munson we’re talking about.
Your Eddie. Eddie with the wild hair and chunky rings. Eddie with the shit eating grin and sweet expressive eyes. Eddie who can make you smile no matter what. Eddie who knows you inside, and pretty soon, out. 
You start walking past his group of friends who wolf whistle at the both of you. Eddie flips them off and yells out a few harmless threats at them. You nervously laugh, but the nervousness lingers as you approach his van. 
On school grounds, the ball is in your court, but as you drive away, it becomes apparent that the ball is now in his. You’re no longer the bold confident girl standing outside the gym. Now, you’ve resorted to the shy nervous girl fidgeting with the zipper of her jacket in his passenger seat.
In a similar manner, Eddie is no longer the awestruck, can’t believe he got the girl, boy he was in the school parking lot. Now he’s the cocky guy who's taking the queen of Hawkins High home with him. 
But it doesn’t take away from the fact that he picks up on your nervousness. “Hey, we don’t have to do this, you know. Just say the word and I can take you back home and we can pretend like this never happened. Scouts honor.“
“No!” You yelp. Eddie looks at you for a brief moment before returning his eyes to the road. 
“No I…I don’t want that.”
Eddie looks at you apprehensively. 
“I want… you.” You say, the taste of the words foreign on your tongue but delicious nonetheless.
Eddie looks at you in confusion, “You do?”
“Mhm,” you respond, confidence slowly coming back and reappearing in your smile.
A moment of silence passes between you two as Eddie contemplates your words.
“Okay, well tell me sweetheart, how exactly do you want me?” Eddie grins with a hint of smugness. 
He’s trying not to let it go to his head that this moment is happening right now, but god does it feel so good to know he has you in the palm of his hand. That you want this just as much as he does too.
“Any way you’ll have me,” you sweetly say, voice practically dripping with honey.
That was as much a green light as Eddie’s cynical ears had ever heard. It takes everything in him not to just simultaneously combust at the revelation.
And before either of you know it, you’re standing at his doorstep, just like he’s always imagined. And pretty soon he’s licking sweat off of your forehead, just like he’s always imagined.
Your leather jackets, his biker and yours letterman, hit the ground and Eddie’s ready to act fast. He’s not sure if the sense of urgency comes from wanting to do something before you change your mind or just making up for lost time.
He brings his hands to the backs of your thighs and picks you up in one swift movement. He carries you to his room and roughly lays you on the bed.
“Eddie,” you whine between kisses. His full pink lips a delightful refuge for yours.
“Sorry princess,” he mumbles against your lips, “Got a little carried away.”
You feel him smiling against your lips and your tongue acts on its own to swipe against his lips.
Your kiss grows hot and heavy. Desperate and needy. Your bodies crave the other's touch. The satisfaction is only less than a school year in the making. 
Your lips intertwine as you explore the other's mouth. Hands grazing every square inch of the other's body. Moans and whines and whimpers fill the air.
And when he puts his finger in your mouth, you close your eyes and lips, swirling your tongue around it. 
It’s like there's wires in your mind and Eddie is sewing them together. His touch and his taste have them rubbed and severed by the heat.
And soon, his touch migrates south. As he moves from your lips to your jaw, he pauses at your neck.  
Before he can move any further you pull away and look at him fondly.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, interpreting your pause as hesitation.
“Yeah,” you swoon at his glazed over eyes and kiss swollen lips. His features illuminated by the soft yellow haze of the lamps in his room.
“You sure? ‘Cause we can stop at any time. I don’t want you to feel like–”
You bring a hand up to cup his cheek. “Shh. I don’t want to stop. I’m just… taking in the fact that this is finally happening.”
Eddie cocks his head to the side, leaning into your touch, and smiles. “Finally? You been daydreaming about me or something princess?”
You look at him like a deer caught in headlights. Eddie’s hand, rubbing circles into the fabric covering your waist, squeezes.
“It’s okay sweetheart,” he leans down to press more soft kisses along your neck. You hum and instinctively bring your hand to his head, running your fingers through his hair.
“I might’ve had a daydream about you here or there too.” His kisses start becoming sloppy and you withhold a moan desperately trying to make its way out of your mouth.
“A daydream? O-or a wet dream,” you try to tease until his lips find a particularly sensitive spot making you whimper.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he mumbles against your skin, lips curved in a self-satisfied grin.
“Y–” You half attempt a sarcastic response, but Eddie’s mouth sucking and teeth nipping at the sensitive spot cut you short.
He’s sure to leave evidence of his touch. If your brain wasn’t going into sensory overload, you would make a note to self that you’ll probably have to wear a turtleneck or scarf tomorrow.
As desire takes over, your clothes are ripped off and thrown on the floor. Eddie hungrily looks at you and you give him an equally devourful look at the sight of his inked skin. All burning cheeks and sweaty foreheads.
Your lips return to each other like opposite ends of a magnet. Your hands keep wandering and warm bodies keep moving in a deliciously electrifying rhythm till Eddie makes his way down. 
His tongue is finally wasting its time right between your thighs like he mentally promised you so long ago. His expert movements creating a coil of tension deep within the pit of your stomach
His tongue tastes and caresses while his lips suck and brush in all the right places. His movements add to the ever growing tension of the coil till it reaches a breaking point and snaps. 
Your legs shake and back arches at the pleasure. A pleasure you never even knew existed till now. It takes over you, possesses you mind, body and soul. 
You’re crying out Eddie’s name, fists tightening and pulling the hair at his scalp. You’re whimpering and shaking as he smiles into your wet skin.
 He hooks his hands around your thighs to ground you as he continues to supply white hot pleasure sourced at the apex of your thighs and delivered to every square inch of your body. 
“Just like that,” he coaxes into you, words vibrating in the place you need it most. “All for you princess.”
You’re crying from the pleasure. It’s too much yet all too good. It all feels right. Like all along, it was supposed to be like this. Why did you ever waste your time believing otherwise? 
Eddie’s own body is electric. Buzzing with anticipation. Red hot blood pumping violently throughout his veins. As much as he loves kissing every inch and curve of your body, there’s one place he needs to feel most. He needs to go to the place you two will call home.
You’re dizzy from the heat, but use the moment Eddie reaches over to his bedside table to catch a breath. 
“God you taste so sweet,” Eddie purrs as he rummages around and pulls out a little square packet. 
“But to be honest princess, I’m just dying to know how good you feel.”
If you’re being honest, you’re dying to know just how good he feels too. You tell him so and he leans over to sloppily kiss you. You can practically taste yourself on his lips as your mouths languidly connect to the other.
He pulls away and looks you in the eyes. He holds your gaze for a moment before softly asking, “Do you want to keep going?”
You nod, not as eagerly as you feel, still recovering from the crash of euphoria. “More than anything Eddie.” You run a hand over his head and let it rest at his jaw. You pull his face forward and give him a quick kiss.
“Please… wanna feel you.”
Eddie grunts and scrunches his face. His breath is heaving. He can’t believe this is actually happening. Should he pinch himself? He has to be dreaming. 
He opens his eyes and sees you with your hair disheveled across the pillow, cheeks flushed and mouth open in a shy smile. He grins back at you.
As he rolls the condom on, he smiles to himself and says, “Can’t believe this is happening. I’ve wanted this for so long.”
“Me too,” you squeak as Eddie starts to line himself up with your entrance. 
He freezes, eyelashes touch his eyelids as he peers up at you. He cocks his head to the side. “You… what? How long?”
You giggle. “Do you remember that week when one of your favorite band’s new albums came out so you kept humming it all throughout class and almost got in trouble?”
He smiles and nods.
“You were humming and like bopping your head back and forth and you kept trying to sing the lyrics but you didn’t have them fully memorized yet so you were kinda just loudly singing gibberish at me?”
He squints and smiles, “Yeah, I remember but what does that have to do with it?”
“You were just really, I don’t know, revved up. It was kinda hot to see you like that.”
Shocked was an understatement for Eddie. He had no idea you ever paid attention to him in that way, let alone felt the way you did.
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, I don’t know. That and I also saw you without that bulky jacket and vest for the first time. That Hellfire Club shirt really does wonders for your upper body.”
Eddie chuckles. “So the Hellfire shirt did it for you too?”
You giggled, “Yeah. I mean, I know music is something you’re passionate about but seeing you so excited about it in that way… It was like you just had this raw, wild, almost animalistic energy that was… such a turn on. And I was seeing you like that in a classroom. I couldn’t even imagine what that kind of passion and energy would look like…“
“In the bedroom?”
You look at him shyly, “Mhm.”
“Looks like we're in a bedroom now. Still curious?”
“Mhm,” you hum with outstretched arms and grabby hands. You reach forward to pull his body closer to you. 
He leans in for a kiss, but stops right before your lips touch. “What’s the magic word sweetheart?”
“Please?” You whimper.
“Uh uh. I want you to tell me what you want.”
“I-I want to see your passion and–”
“Nope,” he says firmly, fingers teasingly along your exposed skin.
“I… want you?”
“Getting closer,” he hums between sloppy kisses placed along your sternum.
“I want you inside me?”
“Almost,” he chuckles as he places a chaste kiss on your lips.
“I want you to rock my world? I don’t know. I just want you Eddie, right now. I want you so badly,” you whine, legs bobbing up and down.
Eddie chuckles at your needy response, ego boosting at the way you beg. “You mean that princess?”
But before you can even respond, the same animalistic energy you just mentioned takes over Eddie in that moment. He wants to show you just what kind of passion and energy he can give to you.
The adrenaline takes hold over you both. Your eyes trail to the muscles flexing in his abdomen. Slowly, Eddie began to move into you making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
He starts off slow, not wanting to rush or cause any pain. But then you felt him, all of him, and it was better than you ever imagined. It drove you wild. 
He began to rock to a slow and steady rhythm, and it was already better than anything you had ever experienced before. 
“Eddie. Need more.” You gasped as you clutched the sheets. 
And like the flip of a switch, heat and fervor filled the room. Eddie answered your prayers and picked up the pace. You locked your arms around his neck and held him close to you. Eddie groped your sweat coated flesh and groaned between your whimpers and moans. 
He gave it all to you and savored your responsive body. “God you feel–so fucking good,” he would grunt in your neck.
“I can’t get enough Eddie,” you said. “I need you like this forever.”
Eddie hiked your leg up and hooked it around his hips. The position inflicting a newfound wave of pleasure. The coil in your stomach being brought back to life. 
You grasp at his shoulders, fingernails digging into the hot skin.
“Oh Eddie,” you whimpered. Eddie leans forward for a sloppy kiss, practically sucking your mouth.
“Such a dirty fucking girl,” he mumbled against your lips. You gasped but he kissed the gasp right out of your mouth.
“You act so innocent in class with your little cheer skirt and ponytail,” he kisses you again, “But only I know how naughty you really are. Isn’t that right?”
You whimper and tightly wrap your other leg around his hip in response and Eddie chuckles. “Don’t worry princess, your secret’s safe with me.”
At this point, he’d reduced you to a mess of scattered whimpers and moans. But he’s starting to feel close and he knows you are too. Your bodies are heaving and breathless. Sweat clinging to your skin as your bodies morph into one. 
It feels too good, like unearthly good. Eddie’s never even felt this way before. Like he was just made for loving you.
Eddie’s heart races as he admires the way your face tightens and screws. His skin feels alives at every point where yours touches it. As your legs cling to his hips and your arms cling around his shoulder, you press your chest against his. You whimper and breathe shallowly along his neck.
Eddie’s movements become harder and faster. His thrusts are sloppy and messy but it feels just like heaven. The hair that doesn’t cling to the sweat on his skin hangs over your face, tickling your own skin. 
“Eddie, you feel so–ahh, feel so good… I’m cl–” you gasp at a particularly deep thrust, hitting a new spot within you. 
“It’s okay, let go for me baby,” he coaxes. You’re on the verge of tears. The pain and pleasure becoming all too much for you. But you want it all. You want all of him right now. You run your fingers through his hair and tug lightly at the scalp. Eddies groans and kisses you passionately. 
The coil of tension within you snaps. You’re crying out his name and soon he’s crying out yours too. 
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he whispers into you neck as you reach your peaks. 
You’re whimpering and shuddering under his touch as you see stars. He rocks you through your pleasure as you come down. 
You’re breathing heavily, feeling waves of euphoria crash throughout your body. As the sensations slowly subside, you lay down blissed out with Eddie and his heavenly body lying next to you.
After a moment to catch your breath, you and Eddie turn to face each other. Eddie pulls your body against his. He wraps his arm around your waist to hold you close. 
You close your eyes and smile in bliss. Eddie places soft kisses along your closed eyelids, then your nose, and ends at your mouth. 
You hum contentedly and nuzzle your head into his chest. 
You’re still a bit breathless but you have enough in you to say, “Oh Eddie, that was-that was so good.”
“Yeah? You liked it?” 
You run your fingertips along the plane of his shoulder, “Mhm. Did you?”
“Every second of it. You did so well, baby.”
Your heart flutters at his words. You open your eyes and see him smiling down at you. You lean forward and slowly kiss him. 
“You were really good too. I-I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good before.”
For a second, your praise injects a wave of pride in Eddie, but then his head comes back to earth. Was this just your way of getting over your ex? Is Eddie just a rebound for a jerk who couldn’t even treat you right?
He doesn’t want to get ahead of himself or ruin the moment so he tries to play it off by saying, “It’s what you deserve princess.”
His words ring a bell reminding you of your conversation earlier that day. 
“All thanks to you, Prince Charming,” you say as you peck his lips.
“Woah, I don’t know about Prince Charming.”
“Why not?”
“I’m far from it babe. More like a lovable jester.”
“You can be my loveable jester.” You coo as you smile at him.
He looks at you quizzically, trying to see if you’re just fucking with him or not.
You notice his features and ask, “What?”
“You mean that?” He asks, voice fragile.
You nod, “Yeah, I want to give this a shot.”
Eddie laughs, “And here I was hoping we’ll still be friends after this,” Eddie says, a half joke half truth.
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, but I think I want to be more than just friends after this Munson.”
“You sure about that princess,” he asks as he leans over to kiss you. You feel the warmth of his mouth and savor the taste of his tongue.
You pull away, looking lovingly into his eyes. “More than anything in the world.”
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andyling · 1 year
Heyyyyy so session 5 sure was a time SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!
Team Ties really woke up and chose violence this session
were they even trying to kill anyone? i think they just wanted chaos
soooo Team Bites hmmm, let’s see how long that lasts
Skizz I’m sorry, but Bdubs betrayed y’all before in Last Life and he sure as hell will do it again
I think the whole reason Team Ties blew up the bread bridge was because they had too much TNT and all of them are obsessed with blowing shit up
Like they didn’t go for anyone’s actual bases, they weren’t trying to destroy resources, and they weren’t trying to kill anyone
motherfuckers just wanted to make things go boom
Tango’s toaster PSA caught me so off guard WHO GAVE HIM THAT IDEA?!?!? WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?!?!?
the fact that Tango had already accepted that their tower was gonna get destroyed, mans may be insane but he’s fair that’s for sure
awwwwww them chanting MVP to Etho is so sweet
tango’s the server resident professional warden wrangler now
good to know Tango still remembers every person that’s wronged him
also Tango getting an effective trap out of tnt minecarts is character development, good for him! :D
soooo does Tango have the most time out of everyone on the server now?
team bites did not last long askdghajsghkjadkdsak
Nosy Neighbors and Team Ties becoming allies is not something I expected to happen, but it is very welcomed
Team Ties are actually pretty great to have as allies as long as you don’t spite them, then honey you got a big storm coming
Jimmy “sad boi” Solidarity everyone
Love how Jimmy spends most of Limited Life acting as though he’s in a Let’s Play series
mans is in the middle of a death game and he’s like “Alright gang, today we’re getting sheep!”
gotta love how the title for “most antagonistic team on the server” keeps bouncing between the Bad Bois and Team Ties 
Flower Husbands and their never-ending divorce
bye bye bad bois bread bridge
why is Joel specifically blaming Tango akjfjhdkasghkadjs
it’s hilarious how they’re all questioning why Team Ties blew up the bread bridge when the actual answer is probably “they like blowing things up”
no thoughts, head empty, just boom boom
awwww judge judy and executioner jumped to Jimmy that’s cute
poor judge judy and executioner :(
Grian is so appalled at the carrot cake oh my gosh
dude Grian is so done with everything 
the Bad Bois and the Clockers are family now, this family tree is wack
Scar you can’t call them Boomers when Bdubs was literally on a team called the Boomers on Hermitcraft with Impulse and Tango
this is why we all think Grian’s gonna betray them
everyone is so nonchalant about reds this season 
Zombiecleo watches her children make poor decisions for 40 minutes
Cleo packing snacks for Bdubs and Scar and then sending them to be supervised elsewhere is so funny
sending them to Etho was probably not a great idea though considering Team Ties need supervision themselves 
they don’t have any which is why they’re constantly going off the rails
ooooooooh Bdubs is in troubleeeeee
it really does feel like he’s being scolded by his mother LMAO
Scar really decided to make up a whole ass holiday and not tell anyone else on the server except for his family and only to give them presents
love how aware Cleo is of whatever the fuck is going on with Bdubs and Etho throughout the life series
honestly i think Cleo dislikes Team Ties because of Etho and Etho specifically, like she seems pretty chill with Tango
“if you’re gonna be an absent father could you at least be absent” GOES SO HARD HOLY SHIT CLEO GO OFF QUEEN
Bdubs is so close to being disowned by his family
whelp Team Bites is dead
“Bdubs, how was your day?” Etho asks fully aware that his teammate blew Bdubs up because of Boogey and a two season long grudge
“This episode is weirder than the one with the fever” IT REALLY IS
mom and dad are fighting
“sometimes children only learn the hard way” THEY NEVER LEARN
i don’t even think Etho was trying to kill them, all of them are just insane
this is the reason that skizzle didn’t go red first, THIS IS THE REASON
Etho is definitely losing the custody battle
i’m getting flashbacks with “the red army rises” goddammit
what the fuck is wrong with Skizz
In conclusion, next session is gonna be WILD
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
thinking about how augustine puts all the blame for what happened to alfred on cristabel and by extension mercy, because if he didn’t direct all his anger that way he’d have to be angry with john......... and even, most painfully and fraught of all, with alfred himself. and that is so deeply incompatible both with his devotion and loyalty and love and with his immense eternal-life-long guilt. (it somehow feels like there’s something alike here to the dynamic that happened between harrow and gideon after the suicide of harrow’s parents to me -- the trauma-weight shifting blame and guilt and responsibility around to wherever will hold it when it’s too painful to look at straight on -- though I can’t actually explain it properly yet, and in that situation there wasn’t also a notorious deific gaslighter involved to intentionally muddy things up even further over centuries lmao). augustine is definitely not a reliable narrator of what happened back then because of all of this, but notably mercy never really defends cristabel against this particular accusation of being the instigator of the suicide pact either, for all that she clearly loved her immeasurably and will fiercely defend her against any other criticism. so it appears they’re more or less in agreement about what happened back then, they only differ in what they think it means? I don’t know honestly haha I have only Vibes here and from the outside it’s of course easier to spot that at the end of the day the real blame lies with john and the system of empire he set up around him anyway.
there’s also a really interesting contrast between mercy and augustine in how they relate to their cavaliers in the now -- mercy sort of keeps cristabel alive, she keeps bringing her up in conversation, makes idle observations about what she might think of things; to her cristabel seems to be very much still present even in her absence. meanwhile augustine, during the divine threesome dinner party (I love these books), describes being prompted to talk more about alfred and what happened back then as ‘oh very well, then, just dig him back up’, like he wants to at least let him rest in peace, considers him dead and buried in some way that’s of course at odds with the fact that he’s kept forever alive inside him as fuel. (which are also the opposite impulses of what they envision for themselves after their bout of some light recreational mutual deicide -- at that point mercy wants to be buried with cristabel in death, and augustine feels the obligation to keep himself and alfred alive at least until they’ve done what little they can to mitigate the damage they’ve caused. I love how they trade roles back and forth like that at the end of the book it’s so neat. ‘mom said it’s my turn to have the hysterics so you gotta keep your shit together for a few minutes before we switch again’)
mercy says ‘she’s still here’ and augustine says ‘he’s gone’, and they’re both right and they’re both wrong. and this is the system john put in place at the start of his new world: a world where nothing is truly alive but grief.
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Just Beneath The Flames (Part 4)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: cursing, smut at some point probably lmao, zombie shit, typical canon violence. You know the drill.
A/N: As always, thank you to everyone reading this and coming on this journey with me.
You watched carefully as Billy tried to hotwire the car to no avail. It wasn’t the first one he’d tried, you’d lost count somewhere between car four and five. After he’d calmed down slightly, he’d announced you’d both be taking one of these cars back to his camp. His rationale was that there were so many, that one of them had to work. Only a bunch of them now looked like swiss cheese and the others just didn’t run after being sat here for so long. Every single one he tried had been a failure and you were starting to get anxious. He was in a terrible mood, not that you blamed him, but he hadn’t uttered a word to you after he’d told you his plan. The only thing coming out of his mouth was curse words directed at the cars every time it didn’t work. Sometimes he’d even hit the car as if he thought that might help, but you knew this was your fault and it was prickling at you. The idea of him being mad at you because of what you cost the camp felt like a heavy stone settling in your stomach and you just wanted to leave. You’d been here hours now working on the cars and you needed to get back before it got dark. On the way here you’d driven through a neighborhood so you knew you could camp out there to wait out the night, the journey being considerably longer on foot than in a car. You didn’t know how to broach it to him though without the possibility of him blowing up on you. He was well within his rights to leave you here but you were further than you’d been out here and you weren’t sure you’d know your way back on your own. But as he lay on the front seat with his long legs dangling out of the open car door, once again cursing as the car wouldn't start, your eyes anxiously darted to the sky you knew would be getting dark soon before back to him.
“Billy… we should just leave on foot,” you murmured, your stomach twisting uncomfortably. He shot you a dirty look before trying once again with a car. 
“I’m serious, I don’t wanna be stuck out on the highway at night,” you added, worry lacing your tone. It was bad enough being so out in the open if the dead came but you’d already had a run-in with the living and you didn’t want a repeat performance if they came back. You’d hoped it would be a long time since you had to deal with hostiles again but you knew you’d asked for too much. You could only hope they had just been passing through. He heaved a large drawn-out sigh and you prepared yourself for an earful. Instead though, he sat up, wiping a weary hand over his face as he rolled his shoulder.
“Fine, let’s go,” he muttered, climbing out of the car and slamming the door shut roughly, making you wince. You grabbed the duffel from the floor that you hadn’t put in the van before it was taken. All that was in it so far were the comics but you wondered if there would be anything in the house you’d camp out at. Neighborhoods could be deadly but this one seemed silent with no sign of the dead or the living. Clearing out one house if needed wouldn't be too bad.
You followed him as he walked, not quite in step with him as you were feeling far too on edge by his silence. 
“We should go by those houses we passed on the way here, camp there for the night,” you suggested gently, eyeing him as you did. All you got was a stiff nod and you gripped the duffel bag tighter. The tense silence felt like it was suffocating you as you walked and when you were almost at the houses, you couldn't take it anymore.
“I’m sorry,” you blurted, a deep frown on your face. Billy didn’t stop walking but he turned to look at you, a confused look on his face.
“What for?” he asked, sounding oblivious and your frown only deepened.
“This was my fault. If you didn’t bring me here to cheer me up, the van and all of your supplies wouldn't have been stolen,” you lamented. Billy’s dark eyes roamed your face quickly for a minute and you couldn't read his expression.
“Did you steal the van?” he asked pointedly. 
“Well, no but-” you started, getting cut off by him.
“Then stop feelin’ guilty for shit that ain’t your fault,” his tone was bitingly final, his raised brow punctuating the sentiment. Part of you wanted to argue, to tell him it was your fault, that you were the start of the chain of events that led it to happen but you kept your mouth shut. Surprisingly, he wasn’t mad at you and you weren’t about to convince him to be, so you decided it was best not to look a gift horse in the mouth. You fell into step with him then as you both walked, feeling a little less tense at the idea of having to stay the night with him since he wasn’t pissed at you. When you finally got to the houses, it had started to get a little dark and Billy stopped, you stopping next to him as you looked around. The street was mostly silent, a few roamers lurking further down but they wouldn’t be a problem. You looked up at Billy as his dark eyes assessed the houses and you wondered what was going through his head, what exactly he was looking for as he picked one. But then he was off again and you followed him to a blue house. He banged on the door much like he had the time you went to the hunting store but no noise greeted you, so he pushed open the door. Despite it starting to get dark outside, it wasn’t dark enough to blanket the inside of the house in complete darkness and your eyes swept around the place as you both walked in and shut the door. You strained your ears to see if you heard anything. Any shuffling, banging or groaning, but you heard nothing.
“I’ll check upstairs, you check down here,” Billy muttered and you nodded at him before he started making his way upstairs. The house didn’t smell like death which you were grateful for. One of the houses you’d been to with your old group a while back had the stench of death so ingrained into it that you didn’t think it would ever leave. The family there had been decomposing in the master bedroom. The dad had killed his three kids and his wife before turning the gun on himself, seemingly thinking he was saving them all from a worse fate. Maybe he had. 
You looked around, your knife at the ready with every door you opened but nothing popped out and tried to bite you so you relaxed a little. You were just making your way back into the living area when Billy came downstairs.
“All clear,” he stated.
“Same here,” you nodded, moving to flop onto the sofa and give your weary feet a rest. You watched him as he grabbed a small trash can from the corner of the room and brought it to the middle near the coffee table. He then went over to the little bookcase along the wall, looking at the books for a long moment before selecting one. He didn’t choose it to read though, instead, he opened the book and started ripping out the pages, throwing them into the trash can. When he was satisfied, he took a lighter out of his jeans pocket and set a page on fire before tossing that into the trash can also, making a small fire. You were grateful for the warmth as it started to get colder as the darkness got worse. He moved over to a large cupboard then and pushed it in front of the front door, no doubt to stop anyone coming in. He then went into the back of the house and you heard scraping on the floor and you presumed he was doing the same with the back door. You’d offer to help him but you didn’t want to get in his way, especially when you still felt sheepish over him losing his van. When he came back in, he was carrying a saucepan, grill rack, a tin of tomato soup, two bowls and two spoons. 
“There’s food?” you asked hopefully and he gave you a smile with a nod.
“Yeah. Not too much but it’s better than nothin’,” he said as he put the rack over the trash can and then put the saucepan on it. You didn’t exactly have your own backpack with you, not packing for a trip overnight. You had no food on you for either of you and you hoped there would be enough to take back too, that maybe it would soften the blow of all you’d lost. He emptied the soup into the saucepan before sitting on the floor near the fire. It didn't take too long to warm up the soup but he still had to keep stopping to put more pages of the book in the fire since it burned so quickly. But before long, he was handing you a warm bowl of soup.
“Thanks,” you murmured sincerely, wasting no time in digging right in. It felt so odd now to eat out of a bowl and with a spoon, felt so foreign. Even just having warm soup for once was a pure delight that felt so far removed from all you knew. 
When you were done, you set the bowl on your lap for a moment as you enjoyed the feeling of being full with something warm for once. But now with the warm food and the fire, you started feeling a little hot. You shimmied out of your jacket, tossing it next to you on the sofa before rearranging your scarf out of habit.
“You wear that thing ‘cause you're cold or ‘cause of the scar?” he asked bluntly, dark eyes watching you. 
“What?” you squeaked out, body tensing at his words. 
“I’m just sayin’... I get it if you wear it ‘cause it reminds you of bad shit, probably doesn't make you feel good. But if that’s why you’re wearin’ it then you’re thinkin’ about it all wrong,” he shrugged, going back to eating his soup.
“And how should I be thinking about it?” you asked pointedly, drawing his eyes to you again. He licked his lower lip and tilted his head at you.
“Those assholes tried to kill you, slit your goddamn throat and somehow, you survived and here you are and now they're dead. You got outta there alive. You should wear that thing like a badge of honor. It shows how strong you are, that you're a fighter, a survivor. It shows anyone that sees it that you're not weak,” he insisted firmly, eyes never wavering from you. You looked away quickly, toying with the spoon for a moment. He wasn’t wrong. It wasn't like you got to see it often but just knowing it was there would make you feel sick. You’d wear your scarf even when no one was around as if you could pretend none of it had ever happened. Because when you remembered, you got flashes of what they’d done and how scared you’d been, helpless. You didn’t like it. But you’d never thought about it the way Billy just explained it and you weren’t sure how to feel about it. The whole topic felt very heavy and far too deep and you weren't here looking to get attached to anyone. That was a fast track for one of you to die and you didn't want Billy to die. You cleared your throat before setting your bowl on the coffee table.
“I’m gonna see what shit they have upstairs. They might have some clothes we can take,” you murmured awkwardly, not missing the look of disappointment cross his face at you not acknowledging his words. You stood up and walked up the stairs trying not to feel too guilty about it. 
You started in the master bedroom and found a suitcase in the bottom of the closet. You got to work filling it up with clothes. You weren’t sure if there would be stuff to fit everyone but you did your best, folding things up carefully so you could get as much in as possible. Even things like t-shirts or long-sleeve tees would be good for winter if you layered them. Once you cleared out anything usable, you went into the kids’ room. The pictures on the wall and the two beds in the room made it seem like they were twins, a boy and a girl. Once again, you had no idea if anything would fit but you put stuff into the suitcase anyway hoping they could make use of it. On your way out of the bedroom, your eyes were drawn to the nightstand where an iPod lay. You picked it up and turned it on, fully expecting it not to work. To your surprise, it turned on. A smile broke out on your face and you got the urge to listen to it but you stopped yourself and turned it back off, slipping it into the suitcase. You’d let the kids have it, give them some sunshine in their very dark world. It wouldn't last forever obviously but you hoped it would at least make them smile.
The suitcase was getting heavy but you made your way into the bathroom, setting the suitcase down on the floor before opening the cupboards and rummaging around. You found some pain pills, nothing major but maybe they’d come in handy and you put them in the suitcase too. You noticed some body wash and shampoo on the side of the bath and while they weren’t really essential, they were still hard to come by. You knew the creek ran behind these houses and you wondered if Billy would be okay with you cleaning up a little before you head out the next day. You knew you needed it, maybe he’d want to too. You put them in the suitcase too, leaving them at the top where you could easily get to them if you ended up needing them the next day. When you were done, you glanced into the mirror feeling confused about who was looking back at you. The end of the world wasn’t kind to anyone and you’d definitely lost weight out here with so many days you’d gone without food. You looked tired beyond belief, rings around your eyes. You blinked at yourself for a long moment before you carefully unwrapped the scarf from around your neck and forced yourself to look at the jagged skin there. It looked a lot better than the last time you’d seen it but it was still glaringly obvious. You felt that wave of nausea but you blew out a long breath and forced your eyes not to look away. You tried to remember Billy’s words, that this was something to be proud of. A badge of honor. This was physical proof that you’d made it out of there that day and Frank and Billy had taken care of your problem for you. As you tried to take his words to heart, it got a little easier to look at it. You kept repeating in your head that you were a survivor and you looked down at the scarf in your hands before you folded it up and put it into your jacket pocket. You weren’t sure when you’d feel the deep need to hide it come back but for now, you’d see how this went. 
“Find anythin’ good?” Billy’s voice startled you and you whipped around, a hand over your chest.
“Jesus Christ, you need to wear a bell or something,” you huffed, feeling your heart beat against your hand rapidly. 
“Thought I wasn’t stealthy?” he asked amused, raising a brow at you and you gave him a look. You noticed then how his eyes darted to the scar on your throat and your body tensed a little. He didn’t look repulsed or disgusted though and instead, you noticed how his lips curled into a small smile seemingly happy that while you hadn’t acknowledged his words, you’d clearly listened to him. You were grateful that he didn’t comment on it though, you’d feel far too awkward for that. 
“So, what d'you get?” he asked as he glanced down at the suitcase.
“Some clothes, not much but it's better than nothing,” you smirked, echoing his earlier words and he chuckled.
“I found an iPod too for the kids, and some pain pills,” you added and he smiled.
“That’s good. More than what we came here with,” he murmured, looking pleased and it made you happy. He grabbed the suitcase with ease from the floor before he left the room and you followed him. When you both got downstairs, he set the suitcase by the door before sitting in the armchair and you sat on the sofa again. 
“You should get some rest,” he murmured as you sunk into the soft cushions.
“What about you?” you asked, raising a brow at him. He also looked pretty tired.
“I’m gonna take watch,” he explained and you rolled your eyes.
“You need sleep too, Billy. You take first shift and wake me up, then you can get some rest,” you said, giving him a firm look before he could argue. He snorted but nodded.
“Alright,” he acquiesced and you felt a little better. You didn't need someone watching over you sleeping like you were some princess, you were more than capable of taking watch just like anyone else. You pulled your boots off before laying down on the sofa, facing away because it was weird to sleep facing him. You hadn’t slept around anyone else in what felt like forever and it was a strange feeling to do so again. You were so exhausted that it didn’t take long for you to drift off, feeling the safety of having someone else there with you and the warm fire going. 
When you woke up, it took your brain a moment to figure out your surroundings as your eyes adjusted, but once you came to your senses, the first thing you were very aware of was that it was now light outside. You sat up, glancing around and seeing Billy nowhere. Hearing some movement in the kitchen, you got up, padding over to the kitchen door and peeping inside. Billy was filling up the duffel bag you’d brought with you with what little food was in the cupboards. 
“What happened to waking me up for watch?” you asked as you rubbed your eyes tiredly. You’d admit it was the best sleep in a while. He shot you a wry smirk before continuing to stuff things in the bag.
“You looked peaceful,” he shrugged and you narrowed your eyes at him even though he couldn't see.
“Billy-” you started, a chastising tone to your voice but he cut you off.
“It’s fine, I got some sleep too. We were pretty safe, didn’t see the need in wakin’ you,” he explained, zipping up the bag and turning to you. Your eyes scanned his face for a moment and he did seem a little more well rested than the day before. You decided to drop it.
“I was hoping before we left that I could go by the creek to wash up. I found some body wash and stuff last night,” you mused. It wasn’t like you really needed his permission, you were a big girl and could do what you wanted. But you’d cost him his van and supplies and you didn’t want him to just leave you behind if he just wanted to hurry up and get back.
“Sounds like a good idea, I think I’ll wash up too,” he nodded, flashing you a smile before he walked back into the living area. You followed him, watching as he went upstairs, and you grabbed the shampoo and body wash and also a clean change of clothes you’d found. You weren’t too fussed with finding things for yourself, you had a couple of things back at your treehouse. You’d been more concerned with making up for what you’d lost them. You did grab one change of clothes though simply because you needed them and you knew you’d need things to layer once it got colder. You grabbed a pair of dark gray jeans, a black long sleeve tee and a red plaid shirt to go over it. You’d also packed some underwear for everyone. While in the old world, wearing someone else's under garments would have horrified you, beggars couldn't be choosers here. They had been in the chest of drawers clean and it would give you an opportunity to wash your own in the creek as well as your current outfit. Billy came down then and you noticed he’d brought down a few large fluffy towels from the bathroom and it made you smile. There were a lot of things you took for granted in your old life that were precious luxuries now. Billy handed you a towel and you took it gratefully, bundling all your items together as he rummaged through the suitcase for some clothes too. You watched as he picked black jeans, a white tee and a dark red sweater. 
You both headed out the back door of the house and went out the back gate that was directly behind the creek. 
“Alright, you go first, I’ll keep watch,” he instructed and it was already something you’d anticipated. You’d been about to say the same thing to him. The both of you being naked and vulnerable was the quickest way for things to go south if a threat appeared, whether that was living or dead. 
“Are you gonna turn around?” you asked with a raised brow as he just looked at you. A devilish smirk curled his lips as he tilted his head.
“You really gonna deprive me like that? You know how long it’s been since I seen a naked woman?” he asked, amused. The wry grin tugging at your lips really took the wind right out of the ‘firm’ look you were giving him and his eyes danced with mischief as you gestured with your finger to turn around. He rolled his eyes playfully but complied. 
“If you take a peek, I’ll have to return the favor,” you murmured as you started stripping off.
“You say that like I got somethin’ to be ashamed of,” he laughed and you snorted at him. It wasn’t like you were too bothered with nudity these days, modesty had no place in the new world. There had been plenty of times where your old camp mates had seen you naked at some point or another out of necessity to get clean, the only person you point blank refused to with was your brother because that was just fucking weird. But something about Billy seeing you naked made your whole body flush. Once naked, you took your dirty clothes, shampoo and body wash over to the creek and got to work. You tried to be quick, not liking being so vulnerable like this and also not wanting to take up too much time so Billy also got a turn. You washed yourself and enjoyed how amazing it felt to be grime free and smell so good, even if the water was super cold. In the rare moments you’d been able to wash up at the creek that ran down the forest, you’d not been able to use products to do so. With your body and hair washed, you got to work quickly washing your clothes before you got out, squeezing out as much water as you could before wrapping the towel around you. You lay your clothes out on a large rock, not that it would do much good to dry them since it wasn’t really warm, but it would be better than nothing until you got inside. You took the towel from your body, giving you hair a rough towel dry before drying yourself. This was also something you didn’t get to do often and nothing sucked more than having to put clothes back on while you were still wet so you made sure to dry yourself completely. You were just stepping into your panties when Billy’s voice broke the silence. 
“Nice ass,” he murmured, a teasing lilt to his voice. Your head whipped over your shoulder but he wasn't looking at you and you squinted. You couldn't tell if he peeped or not. 
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, so now I’m gonna have to look at your ass. I hope you’re happy,” you sighed dramatically. He did turn then but thankfully your panties were now on and while the rest of you was still bare, your body was facing the other way, your head the only thing facing him. 
“Don’t sound so hard done to, sweetheart. I think you’ll like the view,” he smirked and you couldn't help the inelegant snort that left your lips as his confidence. 
“You flirt with every strange girl you meet, Billy?” you asked him teasingly as you turned back around and grabbed your bra. It was a size too small and not great and you’d often considered forgoing one altogether. But you felt like most of your body heat seemed to come from your breasts like some personal body heater and the bra added an extra layer of insulation. Without it, if your boobs got cold, the rest of you would soon follow and you’d have no chance. 
“Only the pretty ones,” he replied smoothly and you could hear his smirk even if you couldn't see it, you felt your cheeks burn hot. You shimmied into your new jeans and then slipped the tee over your head and then the shirt, buttoning most of the buttons but leaving the top few undone. 
When you turned around, he was still looking at you with a sly smirk on his face and you had no idea if he’d been watching you the entire time you got dressed. You couldn't even be mad at him with the boyish look he was giving you and you rolled your eyes, scooping your knife and thigh sheath from the floor where you’d left it.
“Your turn,” you snorted, moving over to where he was. With one last smirk, he walked over to the creek and you heard him shuffling around and getting out of his clothes. 
“Thought you were gonna look at my ass,” he remarked wryly and you smiled to yourself. You were quickly realising he was a cheeky little fucker. 
“I am, but I didn’t say when. Gotta keep you on your toes,” you replied playfully and he chuckled at you. When the sound of clothes rustling stopped, you waited a beat before glancing over your shoulder. He was walking over to the creek and you got a good eyeful of his ass, and what an ass he had.
“Nice ass,” you smirked, making him look over at you with a laugh. He didn’t look embarrassed at the least, only amused and a little cocky as he shrugged with a grin. You shook your head before turning away again and letting him get on with his task. You kept watch vigilantly, making sure to be aware of any threats that might pop up. Billy was counting on you here to have his back with him so vulnerable and exposed and he’d done the same for you. You stayed that way until he walked over to you fully dressed and clean. 
“God, I missed bein’ clean,” he sighed, rubbing at his hair with his towel. 
“Tell me about it. I always dream of finding some kick ass cabin in the woods that has a rigged up water system or something,” you snorted, making him smile. You’d love something like that. You knew it was possible but you’d have no idea where to start to make something like that yourself. You both grabbed your items and brought them back into the house, bundling the wet clothes into the towels and putting them in the suitcase. You’d lay yours out to dry once you got back, you didn’t have time to sit there waiting. After making sure you had everything, you both set off to make your journey back home. Billy had insisted on carrying the suitcase since it was ridiculously heavy, even at your insistence that you were fine and you’d been the one to pack it so full, so you wound up with the duffel which to be honest, was still pretty heavy. You’d shared dry cereal as you walked, passing the box back and forth between you both as you made small talk. He’d told you a bit about growing up in foster care and you’d told him about your family and brother. Before long, you recognised where you were as you weaved through the woods to his camp. Your body clock had a pretty good gauge on morning, afternoon, evening and night and it was telling you it was somewhere in the afternoon.
“Are they gonna be worried about you?” you asked as the thought occurred to you. Billy had essentially vanished the morning before and hadn't come back.
“Probably,” he answered simply and you nodded. It made you feel a little uncomfortable, the idea of his people running around like headless chickens wondering where he’d gone. This whole thing had been because of you, because Billy wanted to cheer you up. You didn’t want them all panicking that he was gone, but that was exactly the scene you came back to. Not everyone was there but those that were seemed panicked as they rushed about. Karen was the first to see you both and relief seemed to hit her like a train before she barreled over and tackled Billy into a hug.
“Oh my god! Where have you been?! We’ve been worried sick about you! Frank, Curt and Micro have been out looking since last night!” she rambled, squeezing him tightly. He smiled lightly and rubbed her back before she moved away.
“Got caught up, some shit went down. I’ll tell you when Frank gets back,” he murmured and she nodded. Her eyes drifted to you then and she smiled brightly at you. 
“You’re both okay though?” she asked, looking from you to Billy.
“Yeah, we’re good,” he smiled, tapping her on the arm.
“I’ll walkie Frank and let him know,” Matt smiled, grabbing a walkie from near a sleeping bag.
“Raven, come in, this is Red Devil,” Matt said into the walkie and you looked over curiously at the weird names.
“Go ahead,” Frank’s voice came through the walkie and he sounded stressed.
“Blackbird’s here, just got back…” Matt explained before he glanced over to you even though you knew he couldn't see you. “Artemis is with him,” Matt added and your lips curled in amusement as you turned to Karen who was closest to you.
“Artemis?” you asked with a snort and she smiled.
“We all have code names, we thought you needed one too. Billy was the one who picked it,” she grinned and you turned your eyes to Billy then who smirked at you.
“Artemis? Really?” you asked and he shrugged.
“Come on, Goddess of the hunt? You even got a bow and everything,” he grinned ruefully and you shook your head with a smile. It was a bit of a compliment if you were honest. 
“They’re on their way back,” Matt informed you, you’d missed whatever Frank’s reply had been since you’d been talking to Billy and Karen. You felt anxious then knowing he wouldn't be too happy to learn his van and the supplies in said van were now gone. You had the urge to say your goodbyes now but you couldn't do that to Billy and leave him to deliver the bad news on his own like that. With Billy back, the others in the camp seemed a lot calmer as they all settled around the fire. 
“Oh, before I forget!” Karen rushed over to a bag on the floor rifling though it for a moment before rushing back over and holding out a walkie to you.
“This is for you. It’s already set to our channel so if you have it on, you might hear us communicating if we’re not with each other and stuff. But if you ever need us, feel free. Not all of us have them on all the time but at least one person does so you should be able to get through if you need anything,” she smiled. You blinked at it for a moment before you took it, grasping tightly in your hand.
“I uh… thank you,” you murmured, a shy smile on your lips. It was an incredibly kind gesture and one they didn’t need to extend to an outsider. It said a lot about how much they trusted you, giving you a direct line to listen in to their conversations like that. It did make you feel a little safer though, knowing if you were ever in a bind, you could reach out if you needed to. You waited around a little bit feeling nerves and guilt twist at your stomach. You’d had to fight the instinct to gravitate towards Billy who was chatting to Sarah near the tent and you just leaned against a tree as you waited for the others to come back. It didn’t take them too long. 
“Jesus fuck, Bill! Where’ve you been, man?” Frank asked harshly, an accusing tone to his voice that was in conflict to his very concerned face. He made a beeline for the man and grabbed in in a hug that reminded you of when Billy had turned up after thinking his camp would all be dead. When he pulled away, he gave Billy a look.
"I got some bad news, Frankie,” he chuckled sheepishly, rolling his shoulder. He looked like a child about to be told off.
“What is it?” Frank asked seriously.
“I went out to the highway, took Y/N with me,” Billy started.
“I thought we were going out there in a few days,” Foggy frowned in confusion and it only made you feel worse. If the group had gone out there and not just you and Billy they might have had a fighting chance to keep their van if the assholes still showed up to take it.
“I know, but you know me,” Billy smirked and Frank scoffed.
“Impulsive is your middle name,” he muttered with a wry smile. You wondered why Billy didn’t rat you out about why he’d taken you there. He made it seem like he was the reason for all of this and he’d just taken you along for the ride.
“Well we went out there, I got a bunch of gas, Y/N found a bunch of clothes and shit, good for the winter. But then these assholes in a truck pull up, start rainin’ bullets down on us. And I’m takin’ heavy fire power here, rapid gunfire and shit. We were outnumbered and outgunned. Next thing we know, they’re takin’ off in our van. Took it with all the shit inside,” Billy frowned, a dark look passing on his face, you remembered how mad he’d been when it happened, how you thought he’d been mad at you.
“I’m really sorry, Frank,” you frowned and he turned to look at you.
“You’re kiddin’, right? I mean, yeah it sucks we lost our shit but you two are safe and that’s all that matters,” he said sincerely, looking at you like that should have been obvious. 
“We had to walk back, camped out in a house overnight. Y/N found some shit at the house though so we brought it back,” Billy explained as he gestured to the duffel and suitcase on the floor.
“What did you get?” Sarah smiled warmly as she glanced from Billy to you.
“Clothes mostly, just tried to fit in as much as I could. Billy found some food too,” you shrugged. 
“She got some shit for the kids too,” Billy grinned, unzipping the duffel bag. The comics were only in his hand for a second before Zach snatched them up.
“Awesome!” he beamed, running off to the tent with them.
“Zachary!” Sarah chided, her mouth agape as Micro snorted.
“Thanks!” Zach yelled before he was in the tent and you smiled to yourself.
“What’s this?” Leo asked curiously, grabbing the iPod out of the suitcase. It was obvious by her face that she knew what it was, just not who it was for.
“I found it in one of the bedrooms, thought you guys might like it. It still has some charge left,” you smiled. Her eyes widened, a face splitting grin taking over as she jumped up. She shocked you when she wrapped her arms around you for a very brief hug before she pulled away.
“Thank you!” she grinned widely, popping the earbuds in right away before moving to sit under a tree. You felt yourself smile, happy they liked what you’d gotten them. This life was hard enough but you couldn't imagine going through this as a kid.
“Thank you,” Sarah murmured, sincerity coating her voice as she squeezed your arm. You nodded, smiling shyly and not feeling all too comfortable with all the focus on you. 
You were thankful when Billy took the suitcase over near the fire and pretty much everyone started looking through it, pulling things out and claiming them. Frank and Karen were still standing near the tree as they spoke softly among themselves and you walked over.
“I’m gonna head out,” you said with a sheepish smile. It always felt weird to announce you were leaving like this, it made you feel awkward. Before Frank or Karen had a chance to reply, another voice came from behind you.
“You were gonna leave without sayin’ goodbye?” Billy asked with a teasing tone, moving to stand next to you.
“I’m hurt, thought we bonded and shit. Even saw each other’s asses and everythin’,” he huffed playfully, pouting a little. You almost choked on the air you were breathing as Frank barked out a laugh and Karen’s eyes widened.
“You what?” she asked with a laugh.
“I knew it!” Foggy exclaimed from near the fire, pointing at you and you felt your face heat up.
“I wasn’t gonna leave without a goodbye,” you muttered with an eye roll and a smile, willing your face to calm itself with how flushed you felt. 
“Mhm, sure,” Billy scoffed, his slight smile betraying his offended tone. 
“It was good seein’ you again, Y/N,” Frank smiled kindly and you smiled back. It seemed like that was his go to parting words for you and you wondered if he felt as awkward as you did with these goodbyes. 
“Karen give you the walkie?” he asked and you nodded.
“Yeah,” you said, holding it up in your hand.
“Alright, don’t be afraid to use it,” he said firmly, giving you a look.
“And you still need to come around for dinner sometime,” Karen reminded you with a grin.
“I will,” you snorted, making her smile before she glanced at Billy and then tugged on Frank’s arm to lead him to the fire with the others, leaving you with just Billy.
“I’d offer to walk you back but we seem to have the unfortunate habit of windin’ up in trouble when we’re alone together,” he smirked in amusement and you snorted.
“Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something,” you grinned.
“Maybe it is, but I like a little danger so not too sure what message it’s tryin’ to send me,” he shot you a toothy grin and you smiled.
“Stay safe, alright?” he added, raising his brows at you.
“I’ll try my best,” you murmured wryly and he nodded, moving over to the duffel on the floor. You hadn’t noticed but he’d put the towel and your wet clothes in there and you saw before he zipped it that he’d also left some of the food items in there for you and it made you smile.
“Thanks,” you smiled.
“Anytime. And remember what Frank said, you need anythin’, you use the walkie,” his face was a little more serious then and you nodded. 
“Do I need to use the codenames?” you asked teasingly and his grin was back then. 
“Obviously,” he snorted and you rolled your eyes playfully. 
“I don’t even know them, except for yours, Frank's and Matt’s,” you shrugged and he moved away, looking through a backpack you were sure was Karen’s since it was near her sleeping bag. He grabbed a notebook out of it and a pen and started scribbling something on it. You waited patiently until he tore the page out and sauntered back over to you.
“Better get memorizin’ ‘em. I’ll be givin’ you a quiz in a few days,” he smirked playfully and you took the paper, noticing he’s scribbled everyone's names and codenames down. 
“Yes, sir,” you muttered impishly and he raised his brow, a slow sly smirk spreading on his face that made you feel almost weak at the knees. 
“I’m leaving,” you huffed with a snort, making him laugh as you turned on your heel and left. 
When you got back to your treehouse, the first thing you did was bury the rabbit from the day before. It was still there and the last thing you wanted was to draw the dead to where you were sleeping. After that, you climbed up and pulled the ladder up. You clipped the walkie to your backpack before opening the duffel bag and setting your wet clothes over the hole of the window to dry, then you sat down and grabbed a tin of peaches, using your pocket knife to open it. You glanced at the paper Billy had given you, reading over the list. 
Billy - Blackbird
Frank - Raven
Curtis - Pirate
Karen - Swan
Matt - Red Devil
Foggy - Badger
Micro - Spook
Sarah - Mama Bear
Leo - Lion
Zach - Hawk
You smiled to yourself as you read it before putting it into the front pocket of your backpack and devouring the peaches. You settled leaning against the wall and sighed, your head falling back onto the wood with a thud. It suddenly felt far too silent in your little treehouse all alone. 
Taglist: (if you’ve been asked to be tagged and aren’t here, it wouldn’t let me tag some people.)
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
Burrow’s End episode 8
Two minutes in and I’ve lost the plot this is delightful
I’m gonna be totally honest gang I am exhausted and distracted tonight so we’ll see how this goes
Let’s hear it for the muas btw. Knocking it out of the park every single time
We’ve skipped hat and gone straight to miter.
Oh yeah the hat chant was fun
Siobhan I love you
Unsleeping city shirt!
She’s so chill about it lmao
Tula’s heart is still beating???
The name of their cop show 😭
My body is composed of tubes :)
What has happened to your family indeed
Erika <3
Oh goddamn okay
Revenant Tula confirmed! Fascinating
Oh I thought that was gonna be a comedic beat and then it Was Not
Oh is this a thing Geoffrey cast on her???
Wait when she said ‘the winter we had lost dad’ did she mean Kenji or Geoffrey?
This does not feel like the whole truth.
Jasper looks SO devastated
You cannot really blame them
Oh that’s some thoughts that sound a lot like suicidal ideation
Yeah just checked the warnings! Glad they put the warning in for it.
Oh Geoffrey info!
She has needed to snap for so long
Oh Rashawn 💜💜
We are EIGHTEEN minutes in Jesus Christ
Let’s hear it for ttrpg safety tools! And players that communicate with one another!
MeatWolf merch when
It is NOT kosher
God what is with GMs and the word viscera.
I mean you could have said like. Explain or something but go off
Oh nooooo
I’m very not alive :)
Ok good thank you
Good lord
“Since we got here” you’ve been here One day but ok
No? That’s not at all what was said?
It really does seem like a magical hat
That seems like a good call yeah
How did we get here things were SO tense like two minutes ago
That was NOT subtle
Thorn is so fucking creased 😭
If Bennet turns out evil I will cry
Guys maybe chill. You just got off the topic of the killing.
What point are you trying to make??
You cannot try to pull the ‘we’re new’ card right now
That makes me want to Die in My Body
What’s the DC on democracy?
Thorn cleric level??? Is that new or was that there last ep and I missed it??
Is this just a normal thing that happens??
If you didn’t want me to fuck it up you wouldn’t have had such a whimsical redwall-ass name I am DEAD
Yeah no it’s the accent and the whimsical name it has nothing to do with jwc’s Astronomical talent or storytelling ability
He’s reluctant but he is still a cult leader cmon now
OH ok
That was wild few seconds
How is he rolling so well now?
The DEEPEST betrayal from her husband
She’s already dead man
Nuclear radiation did that sweetheart.
How do they have guns
MeatWolf Merch When
They’re coppers now? Maybe don’t? Idk idk idk
Just a thought!
Erika <3
No yeah sometimes you do just need the shit kicked out of you
So… are they gonna tell Bennet that they put spies in the police force
I saw that eye twitch
Gotta nudge the homies
That was such a muppet face Brennan just pulled
What a lovely moment actually
The name bit keeps getting me-
Oppenheimer 😭
Warby Parker is Not that affordable lmaoooo zennioptical.com forever
We’re getting so many sponsors this week
was that just a fritos bit sweetie or did you wanna do something in character I’m dead
Maybe it’s the week I’m having but the jokes are hitting harder this week
The sass
We’re roughhousing :)
After this season I’m gonna try and make an actual timeline of events
Oh god that was just this morning
Aww Erika’s face
That is so purely sweet
Oh they’re GONE
Psychic damage in real life
The energy is wild rn
Lotta strong feelings
Okay here we go
He’s hot though.
Sabotage??? Like by stoats sabotage?
He’d already been exposed to the radiation
Oh my god
Oh that’s not gonna haunt me at ALL
What the fuck is happening Aabria. Aabria what.
God I wish I knew more about this specific section of history so I could know what’s in historical context and what’s Burrow’s End lore
God radiation is so fucked up
The shadow puppet show! We found the light and began the world
Ooh I just noticed the gm screen changed and you can see inside now that’s so cool
An egg threat!
I’m gonna lose it I think
I need to have an in depth understanding of things please
I would like to know what is going on :) I am stressed and confused :)
Plot twist they’re all vegetarian now
Oh my god Aabria you’re brilliant
I am terrified!
Ok it’s 2 am I’m going to sleep and hopefully I don’t have nightmares about stoats I will be back to rewatch and re-freak out tomorrow!
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moabunnie · 2 years
TXT / on a road trip with them❤️
These are some reactions as to what it would be like to go on a road trip with each member! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy❤️
Warnings: jokingly mentions “died” and “kill me”
We are going to pretend you’re going on a 10 hour road trip to have a mini weekend vacation with your bf. And that they can all drive.
Literally forgets to pack anything
“Where’s your phone charger?”
“Oh shit-“
Have to go buy two or three phone chargers just in case he loses one again
He has to pee like every hour so you’re constantly stopping at gas stations
But that’s ok because then you also get candy and sweets
When you’re driving, he’s taking pics of you
When you’re not driving, he is holding your hand or your thigh
“Soobin stop looking at me you’re going to crash”
Which then freaks you out so you make him switch with you lmao
He’s gonna fall asleep like halfway there so just turn on ur tunes lol
He doesn’t want you to drive because he is a gentleman and will always drive for you
But he’s gonna complain about it the whole time lmfao
I feel like he has hella road rage and honestly I don’t blame him bc people are rude
Every time he yells like “fuck you” to someone on the road, he turns to you and says “I’m sorry I shouldn’t yell” but continues to do it ???
Y’all gonna be having so much fun singing together in the car though
He’s gonna harmonize to whatever song is on
With his beautiful voice 😩
You feed him while he’s driving lol
Just pop some chips in his mouth
And he blows you air kisses as a thank you 😩😩
Dances a little while driving and almost kills you
He’s gonna put on a romantic playlist bc he wants to have a good romantic time with his baby
However, it’s not very romantic when he’s rolling the windows down and yelling at every bird he sees
“I will avenge thee brethren!”
“Beomgyu please stop it’s just a bird-“
“Nonsense foolish mortal”
You guys get honked at a lot
Also gonna stop for a lot of snacks
Sometimes he will wait in the car if you just have to use the bathroom. And will pretend you took years
“Y/N you took so long I almost died”
You two will probably get lost if he’s in charge of the map/gps
But no matter where you end up, it’s always a blast with Beomgyu <3
This man got the whole trip planned out
He knows exactly what you’re gonna do each day and how long it’s gonna take and etc
He drives bc he doesn’t want you to lift a finger 💅
You’ll probably stop for food somewhere at a restaurant
And then you’ll have to take a nap in the backseat of the car bc you ate too much
I can see you two putting on somewhat aggressive music and just screaming your hearts out 😌
He constantly asks you if you’re cold or hot or uncomfortable
You’d also have a lot of deep conversations that bring you closer to each other:,)
He’s just a cutie what can I say
You: “can we pull over and take a picture with that landmark?”
Him: “no.” But does it anyway lol
“Y/N you’re so pretty when you’re driving”
As if you didn’t wake up hella early in the morning to drive for 10 hours still in your pajamas
Always forget to put his seatbelt on so you have to nag at him every time
Holds your hand the entire time
When you stop at a gas station, he goes inside and tries to look for a little keychain or souvenirs with your name on it, but gets sad if he can’t find it 🥺
He’s probably gonna sleep off and on
So when he’s sleeping all is well and quiet
When he’s awake, you might be fighting about who’s conspiracy theory is better about the city you’re in? Maybe fighting about where to eat? Who knows
Loves to just look out the window and look at all the scenery and cities
Will be trying to show you things on his phone forgetting you’re driving lmao
“Kai, baby….. I’m driving I can’t look”
“Oh yeah”
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giddlygoat · 1 year
tbh i did not know who cyrus borg is nor have i ever interacted with the ninjago fandom but i am obsessed about him. blorbo via osmosis.
anyways if you have any headcanons about him i would like to hear them :3c
cyrus borg my beloved blorbo babygirl <3
thank you for asking about this man. he is like a chew toy for my brain. hold onto your butt bc it’s 2 am as of writing this and that’s when all the big brained stuff happens 
in his mid/late thirties and slaying <3 he started his tech business at about 17 and now he’s got a crazy monopoly on like half the city but it’s okay bc he’s a kind philanthropist and actually treats his employees like human beings so no one cares that he’s effectively one of the most powerful men in the city lmao 
i see cyrus as autistic and adhd tbh. the way he gets so hyper focused on his work that he literally does not perceive anything else around him is a bit too relatable, and he strikes me as a very brilliant man who simply does not retain information unimportant to his interests. he could tell you the precise components of the most advanced computers and explain their relationships with one another, but hell if he knows who the president is. you’re lucky if he even remembers what day it is. this man constantly uses reminders and alarms for sure. 
he’s on the aroace spectrum i think. i’m not exactly sure how but he just gives me those vibes. 
also transmasc swag tbh?? i think i’ve seen that hc around and it goes hard 
hear me out. cyrus listens to rap. this is based on absolutely nothing at all i just know it with my very being. he likes stuff with fast, predictable and heavy beats. would totally blast shit like masquerade by siouxxie sixxsta at full volume in his office. it helps him get in the zone. idk what to tell you man [<- 100% projection] 
cyrus is like. absolutely fascinated by zane. he admires dr julien’s work so much and wants to study zane under a microscope. as he gets to know zane better personally though, i think he would realize that he has been looking at things through the lense of an engineer for so long that he forgot zane was just like his human family. it’s not that he ever viewed zane as simply a machine, quite the opposite - he fully acknowledged that dr julien had created a full person, and an incredible one at that - but cyrus still has to remind himself that people don’t like being poked and prodded. [the moment he makes the mental connection between zane getting put on an examination table and himself getting operated on by the overlord against his will, he realizes the error in his line of thinking] 
oh yeah. the trauma! yeah cyrus might be just a little bit majorly fucked up over the overlord thing. the overlord did amputate his right arm after all, which leaves him with only one fully functioning limb. he still has nightmares about it. getting used to a prosthetic arm wouldn’t have been such a hurdle if the overlord had put any sort of thought or care into the operation, but it left him severely scarred up and just fucked in general. however! as the years pass he becomes pretty much fully accustomed to his situation and doesn’t let it inhibit his creative passions. 
also when zane died in s3 cyrus was super broken up about it and blamed himself for it in part. then, not days later his daughter disappeared for reasons he would not understand until like a year later, which totally messed him up. he inevitably threw himself into his work in an effort to not feel anything. he didn’t take very good care of himself during this time. when zane returned from chen’s island, he let pixal explain everything to cyrus, who was just glad they were alive, but the whole situation took a really long time to get over. 
when he’s hyper focused he forgets to eat/sleep etc and can run on fumes for hours before his body suddenly becomes a wet paper towel in a parking lot at 3 am and he has to konk out at his desk. thankfully he has people looking out for him, and he’s slowly getting better about it, but once he gets started sometimes the only way to stop is by brute force. 
i absolutely love @alanshee’s amazing cyrus headcanons, so you should totally go check out her takes. she has some really cool headcanons about his 16 robot children [in reference to a line where cyrus mentioned pixal was the 16th iteration, i believe] and they always make me smile so big. a lot of my headcanons are inspired by her stuff! 
[sorry for the late ass reply it’s been a crazy week and then i forgot rip but thank you sm for the ask!!!]
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cherienymphe · 8 months
Long anecdote warning (sorry)
Girl I had my first fucking kiss last night (I’m 20 & still a virgin never had anyone interested in me before) and I’m fucking terrible at it. But holy fuck the things I felt but I’m a bit conflicted on the way it went down. I’m usually quite conserved about myself. I’m always nice to people, I don’t get majorly drunk when I’m with friends as I end up being the mom figure and looking after everyone else. Had never done drugs even though my friends constantly do it, and if it’s offered I’d say no.
So I went to a houseparty for my friend’s b-day and there was lots of guys there like 3-4 years older than me. I got there late and started drinking to catch up. There was one guy who my friend kept saying was nice. After a while, I got a bit in a state where I’m just observing everything. That guy asked me if I wanted a drink and he made me a Fireball & coke. I watched him make it and he put a shit ton of fireball in it - nothing else. Later on I downed 3/4 of a bottle of whiskey and I ended up a bit too drunk. I tried to sober myself up, so I went outside and I was out there on my own for a while. Then, he came out and sat down next to me asking if I’m okay and shit. We were talking and looking at the stars and then he asked me if I wanted a bump.
This is where I was so fucking stupid and immediately said okay. He told me that it was only a little bit and wouldn’t do much but it’d help to sober me up. I did it, it was a small amount and I didn’t even know if I actually did it or if he took the key away before I done it. Anyways after a bit he said “hey” and I looked at him and he was leaning in and I fucking kissed him and it was the most weird thing in my life. Idk if I was just terrible at it or if he was bad but it’s nothing like when I used to practice on my hand at all LMAO. I couldn’t tell if I was supposed to use my tongue and I kept feeling my own teeth on his lips. I started laughing and he was like “what?” and I kept saying sorry about how shit I am at it and about how I’m too “teethy”. He stopped and after a while he was like “wanna try again” so I went in, and it was still shit but omg. He put his hand on my thigh and his other hand was like caressing the side of my face and after being touch starved all of my life - it felt so so good. I ended up stopping again because I thought I was really shit at it (Idk why I stopped tbh) and we ended up going inside and he added me on social media but I haven’t accepted his friend request yet.
Now I’m kind of regretting it but literally I could not sleep last night because I kept thinking about his hand on my thigh and him rubbing my back and shit. I’m in two minds about it because 1. i really liked being touched and i’m glad i got my first kiss out of the way, but 2. he’s not that good looking, and in all honesty, the way he was offering bumps when he was told by my friend that I don’t do drugs, and filled my glass up with a lot of whiskey when I was already clearly drunk. But I can’t blame him as he was drunk too yk, at least I think so, and that’s what he kept telling himself. So yeah. I keep getting flashbacks and part of me is like “wow” and the other part is like “I hate myself so much, you slag, why’d you do that that’s weird” even though it literally is not. But the concept is so foreign to me because I’ve never had anyone interested in me before. So yeah.
Shame you thought he was ugly 😭 at least he was nice about it and understanding when you said you felt like you were bad at it. As for the other stuff, from my perspective, I don't think he was being sleazy or at least not intentionally. I've had men just flat out try to hand me drinks and whatnot without even asking. He asked if you wanted one and like you said, he was drunk too. As for the coke thing, prepare yourself but he was probably trying to sober you up. I don't do drugs but I've had plenty of people tell me coke is good for a hangover or if you need to sober up quick 😭
I'm sorry it was weird for you! I feel like it would've been better for you if a) you were 100% sober and b) you were genuinely into the guy. Worst case scenario you can pretend that one doesn't count and get a do over
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