#gaslight gatekeep lie on the stand
wufflesvetinari · 2 months
If you would like to talk about another fic, consider this your encouragement to talk about 'strange decanter'
ehehehe my trap card has been activated, this is origfic. it's meant to be a short story or novella exploring a) "utopia" and its reliance on human psychology to actually do the right thing in extreme conditions, always, forever and b) spite re: the potential of season 1 of st:disco and gabriel lorca's whole entire deal
He holds my gaze. “They’ll have questions for you as well.” 
“Of course. But they’ll understand our options were limited.”
His arm stills halfway to putting the bottle down. My stomach lurches; I’ve said the wrong thing.
But his voice remains gentle: like tempering the hopes of a child. “The Council weren’t on the ground with us, ██████. They may not understand the gravity of the situation.”
I can’t think of anything to say to that. My eyes slide to the wine pooled in the decanter’s tendrils. It’s left red streaks on the inside of the glass. 
Releases meant for the public cited unavoidable accidents: a quirk of the ionosphere making a one-time tactical hurricane into a hellish closed loop of atmospheric destruction. Or the enemy’s derangement virus loose in our tech, a force multiplier on the devastation. 
For all I know, most of it could be true. 
The General sighs and leans back in his chair. “It’s damn hard to maintain an Eden. Let conflict fester, refuse to face it, and you’ll bumble your way out of post-scarcity. Back to war and want and inequality.”
“Eden doesn’t sound like the right word for that kind of work.”
“Fair point. Eden is for innocents. We sift our impurities out manually.” He flicks the half-empty wine bottle. All the sediment is left over at its bottom, leaving the wine clear: the virtue of the decanter. “But you can’t deny we’ve come a long way from the barbarism of our ancestors. What else would you call a society started from seed?” He smiles wanly. “Utopia?”
In the ethics practicums, every child learns to think for the social good. How to ensure the rights of the minority and the will of the majority at once. How to recognize apologia for injustice and evil. 
How to become good. How to self-correct.
“Maybe Eden is a process,” I tell him.
The General laughs, startled into delight. He touches my wrist, then stands to get the wine glasses. “I hope not. That means you and I will never rest.”
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Battle for 3rd place
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Propaganda under the cut
The Xenomorph
To cause general fuckery. To impregnate people to death. Impervious to most means of harm, she slays the day away by toying with her prey and murdering anyone who stands in her way.
Ianthe Tridentarius
She is trying so hard to be the main character by lying and manipulating her sister, her cavalier, her mentor, her ?love interests? (Spoiler???) And also god. Not sure how it's working out for her but she does love to lie and manipulate
Worstie Ianthe is the DEFINITION of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. She is one of a set of necromancer twins that are the heirs to their houses rule. Except wait, only she is a necromancer and she has spent their entire lives doing necromancy for the both of them. She is constantly mean to their cavalier, Naberius, who she occasionally nibbles on like a chew toy, before eventually killing and eating him to ascend to sainthood. She goes to gods spaceship with another woman who ascended to sainthood who she has a crush on, this other woman is like…. Both incredibly mentally unwell and also haunted by at least 211 ghosts. Ianthes method of flirting with her? Gaslighting her about the corpse that keeps moving around and hiding under her bed. For no real reason tbh. She is clearly plotting to overthrow god, and at the moment that consists of her manipulating him while he’s too sad about his long term partners betraying him and subsequently exploding to really care. She dresses in terrible outfits and makes soup by burning onions to the bottom of a pot, putting meat in and some vegetables and then it doesn’t taste like anything so she puts in a few teaspoons of salt so it tastes like a few teaspoons of salt. She had her crush amputate her arm and regrow her a new one out of bone and it’s one of the horniest things I’ve read in my life.
"Gaslight = told her lobotomized (she helped), schizophrenic girlobsession that there was no corpse under their bed, even tho there totally was. Gatekeep = girl did NOT share the secret to god-like ascension. She kept that shit to herself until it was time to eat her boytoy, and by then everyone knew already. Girlboss = she has a non-necromancer twin sister, and literally Everyone thinks they r both necromancers because Ianthe is so good at it. She reverse engineered ascending to the aforementioned ascension without even completing any of the supplementary tasks. She held her own in a fight against a 10k year old lyctor. She becomes the figurehead of her entire empire. "
She uses a man as a chewtoy in the first book, literally gaslights the protagonist of the second book about a corpse, and elder-abuses God when he gets depressed in the third book. Nobody is doing it like her.
Dives headfirst with no regrets while basically laughing and covered in blood into murdering her cavalier once she realizes what the gothic locked room mystery/competition leads to while everyone else is questioning it, helps perform lobotomy on harrow so she doesn't remember the person she loves, manipulates everyone to get to the top
idk just everything about her
her relationship with her sister is incredibly Bad, she fosters codependency and views Corona(the sister) as an extension of herself. This does not stop her from keeping up the con that Corona actually has magic (She doesn't, it was always just Ianthe) for 22ish years and every single person who interacts with them falls for it. She killed a man against his will (most dying for this purpose specifically go willingly) and she consumed him and she will be burning his soul for eternity. She's completely repulsive and still somehow incredibly hot.
she takes advantage of the fact that the main character is prone to hallucinations. at one point she gaslights the mc into believing that the corpse under her bed isn't real just because she can. she reverse engineered a set of very complex trials on her own without anyone realizing she had the skills to complete them normally. she's also babysat god through his drunk and pathetic era.
Artist: @may12324
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padfootastic · 1 year
Ahaha thank you for the nice comments in tags <3 i love Remus but he seems bit like a spineless people pleaser and after dating somebody who would rather lie about their feelings than have people be mildly upset with them..... I chose violence 🗡
no but ur so right because!!! i’ve been sleeping on this for a while but let’s talk about remus’ personality traits and how they have the potential to make him a bad/absent partner, at best, and an abusive one, at worst. everyone wants to turn him into this image of perfection just bc he’s such an ‘uwu victim’ figure in fanon but that’s SO far from the truth omg
(i am…just gonna put this remus character analysis under a cut bc it got unnecessarily long and i wouldn’t want u to read it if u didn’t want to lol)
so, for one, he’s manipulative. he has no combinations in twisting the truth or dodging it entirely for his own benefit. like, the man could stand in front of his dead best friend’s orphaned son & not even allude to the fact that he knew his dad. he had no problem bringing james & lily up in the most twisted ways possible to guilt/emotionally influence harry. so remus in a relationship would have the capacity to either knowingly or unknowingly manipulate his partner. the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss except more sinister.
next, his spinelessness. either as a defensive measure to deal w anti-werewolf hostility or as an innate personality trait, remus has the habit of just—not standing up for things. he looks away when his friends act like assholes, even when he’s in a position of authority (which yes, u can argue that he’s afraid of losing them but atp they’ve literally risked life & magic & azkaban for him so either way, he comes off badly—either he doesn’t mind himself, or he doesn’t fully trust their friendship, or it’s just easier to look away). in a relationship, this can manifest as bottling everything inside u until it makes u bitter or u violently unload on the other person in an entirely disproportionate manner. the dynamic would also be a bit skewed. the people pleasing u mentioned is also such a big thing that people usually overlook. when ur constantly trying to make the other person happy and don’t want to rock the boat, that is a cocktail for miscommunication and breakdown of relationships. ur also constantly putting the emotional burden of constructively dealing w issues on ur partner instead of doing it urself.
connected to his cowardice is his habit of running away when things get tough. remus is conflict avoidant; he does not like to put himself in a position where he has to take a decisive stance, especially if it’s against what others around him believe in. he runs away when things get tough, and tbh, for me, this comes from a constant spiral of self hatred & self victimisation, both of which stem from his experience as a werewolf. in every difficult situation, he centres himself & his discomfort and instead of dealing with it and moving forward for a constructive solution, he decides that stepping back from it altogether is better. which, yeah, works well for him bc he can temporarily put a pin in it but it’s kinda terrible for everyone’s who’s left behind. so i also think that remus is a profoundly selfish character who doesn’t look beyond the end of his own nose. u can imagine how those traits might manifest themselves in a relationship.
and his people pleasing!! so this might be verging on fanon but his gratitude and/or devotion to dumbledore sets an…interesting tone. it’s also another example of how he cannot conceive himself in any other term except as a victimised werewolf. the marauders did a lot for him, arguably even more than dumbledore’s token representation formula, but he never felt indebted to them the way he did for D. dumbledore also kind of makes him feel needed? validates his feelings? and that just speaks to a very twisted sense of self for me. which, again, won’t bode well for his other interpersonal relations.
also, on a very hc note, i also feel like remus just…does not have any significant capacity to love. he takes and takes and takes but doesn’t give much in return. this doesn’t even have to be an actively malicious decision, tbh, just a very self-centred one. he doesn’t realise how much he’s taking bc he’s only thinking about his own circumstances.
all of these are also just why i can’t see r/s working out in any healthy manner. remus is exactly antithetical to everything sirius is/believes in, and not even in the fun ‘opposites attract’ way. but that’s another rant no one asked for lmao
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I love all the hype surrounding the episode, but can we talk about Moxxie not even getting his own fight scene, not even in his own liberation? Like I get it, Millie is a girlboss gaslight gatekeep badass whatever, and I genuinely have no hatred for her. But you cannot drop a scene like this
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With a cool and suspenseful 3D movement, and a line that went so hard it made my heart drop. AND THEN NOT FOLLOW THROUGH??
I hate to be the one to say it, but it feels like they pushed the girlboss agenda for Millie over Moxxie's own character development, and took away his birthright to beat the shit out of his dad, his dad's goons that watched him suffer over the years, and Chaz, just to insert the line "WHAT THE FUCK, SHE'S A DAME, SHE'S A BROAD, KILL HER." That I STG, has already been used in the show eight times too much.
It's truly wonderful to see a show didn't fall for the "Damsel in Distress" troupe, but that show is not Helluva Boss.
I won't lie and say that this episode wasn't by far one of my favorites, but that's only because I relate to it personally. And seeing the oppressed and abused character had his chance to stand up to his horrible homophobic father just stripped away from him? Yeah, wow, that did very little to comfort me.
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misty-doodles · 1 year
AIB Executive Board found family HC's
shout out to @bdanp, thank you for the lovely content, I wish to add my own.
Hehehe I love the idea of these fools being a dysfunctional family unit. I literally need semi-wholesome content on the beach members because otherwise I will lose it. The AIB fandom has really brought out my drive, bc I will be the change I wish to see in the fandom space. Uh, they are dysfunctional with a capital D, so this isn't entirely wholesome, but I'm writing this, so you can't be too surprised.
Today on the board; Aguni, Kuzuryuu, Mira, and Chishiya
-Aguni, Hatter, and Kuzuryuu are the father figures to the group. -Aguni and Hatter used to date but are still friends who maybe have lingering feelings. Who knows. -Aguni just fucking sighs and has to drag them around when they're being stupid, especially the militants. -Has a special soft spot for Arisu once he joins bc he's so hopeful and sweet, and he likes having a moral compass around. Arisu is also the only heart specialist who doesn't resort to murder -He's the only one Niragi listens to, which is why he's the only diamond orientated militant. -Hates the beach and everything it stands for, bc he knows it's a lie. He misses the Hatter before the beach ruined him, and his feelings for him are forever tainted. Tries not to make their history the beach's problem.
-Kuzuryuu didn't even realize he was a dad, he's just fucking there. He's the calm fatherly validation half the board craves, and he has 0 questions. -He has favorites, and it's the exec's diamond trio (Ann, Chishiya, and Niragi) -Fully supports Chishiya's tinkering hobby. Told him that if being a doctor didn't work out, then he should go into STEM. -Finds the entire beach to be a headache, but does genuinely care for the exec members. -Best friends with Mira, who's taken up the role as wine aunt. She's the one who convinced him to come check out the beach. They both help put the exec members into games they're good at.
-Mira interacts with everyone with a Gatekeep Gaslight Girlboss energy about her that freaks everyone else out. She's fully capable of making normal expressions, but chooses to smile her way through everything. -Unironically plays therapist to the exec board bc she was/is a licensed psychiatrist, and they're all so mentally fucked up. She does it in the 'I can't make you better or worse, but I can figure out what's so funky about you' kinda way. She mostly does this to Niragi and Arisu, and also maybe Hatter when he's around. -Casually threatens everyone's life subtly and offers 0 explanations. She's unironically the scariest person at the beach, bc she's so unsettling. -enjoys girls night with Ann, Kuina, and Usagi whenever she's invited, and gets her hair braided -She makes the most references to memes along with hatter, to the annoyance of literally everyone else.
-Chishiya stares in silent judgment whenever he has to fix up an injury, frequently pulls out the 'I'm just a med student' and 'i work with children' cards to get out of things. Makes jokes about just letting them die to scare them. -He wears hoodies everywhere he goes bc they're his comfort clothing item and no one comments on it. Uses big medical words in casual convo to irritate the execs. Autism creature #1, I'm right. -Hates being touched unless he initiates it or gives permission, and is very firm about this boundary. Arisu once tried to hug him and got tased. He didn't try again.
-Silent rage towards Ann for being so goddamn tall. Wears chunky sneakers to appear slightly taller (a/n no genuinely, look in the show those are 2-inch shoes) -He sees Niragi as the worst version of himself, and it honestly freaks him out sometimes. Entirely neutral on his existence most of the time, but finds bickering with him amusing. -Chishiya simply doesn't express himself like everyone else, but he does feel the normal range of human emotions. Mira mentioned him possibly being neurodivergent.
-Kuzuryuu is his dad and that's fine with him
Comeback next time for the rest, bc it's like 3 pages on my Google Docs, and that's too much for one post.
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full fic masterlist
most of these are over 1000 words, stand on their own, and are posted to ao3. any major warnings will be stated.
here lies keith kogane -- felled by accidental innuendo [ao3]
it might be crazy but it aint no lie, baby (bi bi bi) [ao3]
spies, sneaking out, sobbing, and other such stressors [ao3]
the butterfly effect ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 [ao3] [ongoing]
fuck bitches, get money (or something like that) [ao3]
panicked flirting is still flirting (shut up, pidge) [ao3]
you crazy-assed cosmonaut (remember your virtue) [ao3]
light pollution in my mind [ao3]
ten minutes on the clock (twenty years on my mind) [ao3]
take my tea with formaldehyde (for my feminine side) [ao3] 
monkey boy [ao3]
a mother’s love ch 1 ch 2  ch 3 [ao3] [ongoing]
i’m talking to a memory (calling can you hear me) [ao3]
we’re not broken (just bent) [ao3]
you can always find me (in our favourite little memories) [ao3] [MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH]
dancing in the mirror, singing in the shower [ao3]
baby, you’re my stability [ao3]
mr. snuggles [ao3]
the tarantula hawk wasp incident [ao3]
i’m just a holy fool (baby it’s so cruel) [ao3]
baby, you’re my lightning in a bottle [ao3]
land or sea, i’ve got the power (if i just believe) ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 [ao3]
i hope some day i’ll make it out of here (even if it takes all day or a hundred years) [ao3] [GRAPHIC DECRIPTIONS OF A PANIC ATTACK]
if there’s something weird (and it don’t look good) [ao3]
blow (this place about to) [ao3]
hey baby (i think i wanna marry you) [ao3]
i’ll go get a ring (let the choir bells sing) [ao3]
is it the look in your eyes (or is it this dancing juice) [ao3]
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss [ao3]
i can’t decide (whether you should live or die) [ao3]
patito [ao3]
smackdowns and fistfights (and other such forms of affection) [ao3]
sorry daddy (but i’m not that easy) [ao3]
i know you love me (wearing nothing but your boots) [ao3]
chocolate chip chivalry [ao3]
if you’re ready (like i’m ready) [ao3]
a night you won’t remember (i’ll be the one you won’t forget) [ao3]
how much is you paying (i don’t speak broke boy language) [ao3]
no one will know (oh come on) [ao3]
you’ll never be alone (i’ll be with you from dusk ‘till dawn) [ao3]
he might not look like he gets bitches (but honey that dick was 11 inches) [ao3]
cats and charms [ao3]
young love murdered (that is what this must be) [ao3]
love, gimme love, gimme love [ao3]
walk, walk, fashion, baby! [ao3]
eighteen (crazy) ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 [ao3] [ongoing]
bug boy [ao3]
spendin’ my money (i’m outta control) [ao3]
hey, brother [ao3]
rhinestone top (tits peeking out) [ao3]
dumb dog (why aren’t you following me) [ao3]
save a horse (ride a cowboy) [ao3]
nails, hair, hips, heels [ao3]
what if i lose it all pt 2 pt 3 [ao3] [ongoing]
broken bones and stone-brick homes [ao3]
you turned around (and you stole my heart) [ao3]
i only got one thing on my mind (you) [ao3]
i’ve never been a natural (all i do is try try try) [ao3]
if you wanna be my lover (you gotta get with my friends) [ao3]
i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to. [ao3]
come here. let me fix it. [ao3]
i think you’re beautiful. [ao3]
do your worst (’cause nothing’s gonna stop me now) [ao3]
i can’t help falling in love with you (would it be a sin) [ao3]
you know i’m drunk on love (nothing can sober me up) [ao3]
is it so bad (if you don’t get what you wanted?) [ao3]
how long will i be with you? (as long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand) [ao3]
give up your dream of going away (forget your sailors in galway) ch 2 [ao3]
when you get older your wild heart will live for younger days (think of me if every you’re afraid) ch 2  ch 3 ch 4 [ao3]
i know you get me (so i let my guard come down) [ao3]
how long will i hold you? (as long as your father told you) [ao3]
i’m in love (with a fairy tale) [ao3]
like you made it to 48 (and still made my birthday cake) [ao3]
i see your face (when i close my eyes) [ao3]
this is the part of me (that you’re never gonna ever take away) [ao3]
you’ve got me stuck where i’m sittin’ (lookin’ at your eyes) [ao3]
tell a hater kiss both cheeks (ciao, bella) [ao3]
he’s into superstitions (black cats and voodoo dolls) [ao3]
you look like you can handle what’s under my hood (you keep sayin’ that you will, boy, i wish you would) [ao3]
and with every step together (we just keep on getting better) [ao3]
i will grind you to sand (beneath my louboutin heel) [ao3] [MATURE & VIOLENT THEMES]
to the town of agua fria (rode a stranger one fine day) [ao3]
maybe something happened in a past life (didn’t make it over 25) [ao3]
you would not believe your eyes (if ten million fireflies) [ao3]
but i’ll know where several are (if my dreams get real bizarre) [ao3]
take my name out of your mouth (you don’t deserve to mourn) ch1 ch2 [ao3]
got the neighbours yellin’ (earthquake) [ao3]
such a shame (you don’t put up a fight) [ao3]
all i want is to fly with you (all i want is to fall with you) [ao3]
if it was raining you would yell at the sun (pick up the pieces when the damage is done) [ao3] [SUICIDE IDEATION & ATTEMPT]
i’ve been running with the wolves (to get to you) [ao3]
hey, hey, you, you (i know that you like me) [ao3]
i like shiny things (but i’d marry you with paper rings) [ao3]
on a neighbourhood street (where the little kids play) [ao3]
if you knew (what i still got in my closet) [ao3]
i’m everything (they said i would be) [ao3]
i’ll put you down slow (love you goodbye) [ao3]
i’ll make the choice to hear that voice (and do the next right thing) [ao3]
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unikittythings · 10 months
MLB season 5 Adoration:
Zoe do you have a crush on Marinette?
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss! You go Zoe
It's you girl! She's crushing on you!
You guys are terrible friends for not standing up for Marinette
Zoe, no
That was really sweet 😭. Oh Zoe
😨 The sentimonster theory 😨
You suck Gabe
Oh the existential crisis
Omg Ivan 😆, he's so precious, sweet and thoughtful
Wow Lila, couldn't you think of a more believable lie
I absolutely hate both of them🤬
I just hope Marinette made copies of the real forms
So that's why Juleka is in this class🤔
About. Damn. Time!!
Finally the charms have some use
OMG, the wig scene
They are a cute couple, not going to lie
When will the pancakes stop? When will they stop!?
I'M dOiNg tHiS fOr YoUr HaPpInEsS
Lila's going to snatch the Butterfly Miraculous when the time comes isn't she? 🤦‍♀️😤
They really should vote for a new mayor, because this is utterly ridiculous
Ms Bustier let's go
Is she in a relationship with a woman?😳 Good for her 👏
I feel like this show is slowly feeding us the dangers of AI
There is so much wrong with police robots
But who's going to be the next mayor? This is going to be bad isn't it?
A 14 year old can't be mayor. Wtf is wrong with their political system 😑
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ahaura · 1 year
yellowjackets s2e2 lb
"what'd you do with my ear, shipman?" says the ghost/hallucination of shauna's best friend <3
i KNOW that they're doing the cannibal gaze w shauna but also it's gay. so.
taissa keeping the others from eating shauna's share <3 <3
"you only had sex with him imagine being me" dont you mean kissing jeff was ALMOST like kissing jackie because jackie was the last one to kiss jeff....
"it's not what you're hungry for" CANNIBAL TIME LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
i really do like that lottie copes with the past by putting on layers of bullshit but underneath all those layers is the girl in the antler mask/headdress i want to SEE the silhouette is so. SO much
also i really really REALLY hope that creepy dude that taissa sees makes a return i want to see her struggle with her place within the fairytale and within the confines of fairytale logic its so insane on the plane that she's operating on
"my mom wants to know if you want chocolate chip pancakes" "no we dont because im breaking up with you" yellowjackets is a comedy <3
ok but was the reaper leading taissa off the cliff? is her suppressing her true self/the self that belongs within the fairytale urging her to "wake up?" is the forest/fairy tale setting punishing her for not getting in? i need to knowwwwwwww
taissa SHUTTING down even remotely discussing whats happening to her w lottie her Opponent in the forest the one who has embraced her role within fairytale logic vs. taissa who refuses and clings to "logic" and "what's real" instead of letting go and entering into the Self or the Space that Wants her to
taissa after almost walking off a cliff while asleep: "yeah im going to continue repressing these things and not talking about them this is obviously going well for me already"
ALSO IS THAT MASSIVE ATTACK because a movie i watched the other night LITERALLY had the same song im DYINGGGGGG
natalie in the same camp as taissa "seeing's believing" wherein travis is open to embracing the fairytale aspect and natalie is firmly rooted within the confines she's used to and cannot stand another way because letting go means accepting that you do not know and being vulnerable and it's scary and there's no control there etc etc
misty posting on forums is so funny
i love both taissa and lottie in this bec both are like "we care about shauna" but are so deeply rooted in different places that they come at it like enemies its so fun
"so you lied to be feminist" SAY IT WITH ME! GASLIGHT GIRLBOSS GATEKEEP!
surely this wont have consequences at a later date :) surely not?
FINALLLY some travis progress
oh my god thats so fucking up...
im with nat on this. whats the underneath. spill!!!!!!
OH MY FUCKING GOD????????????
um. ok. uh. -
stooooooooooop callie STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
gay eulogy time!
loving putting sick in forensics guy hes wonderful finally misty gets her own weirdo bestie
is travis hallucinating lottie... while he and nat are... wow ok
DID THE WOODS STOP JACKIE'S BODY FROM BURNING THATS SO FUNNY. the woods are like "alright she's been barbecued enough you WILL be turned into cannibals"
w h o o p s
something something remember when persophne ate the seeds and she couldnt go back or something idk but they have Crossed A Line and im READY for it
coach is SO next on the menu
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thoselethalarts · 2 years
Rank your OCs based on how good they are at lying.
Sounds fun! For simplicity's sake I'm going to limit the ranking to my currently active TWSTocs-
Who's the Best Liar?
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7. Kazuo - This poor boy can't lie to save his life. He's an awful liar and hates to even try, and unfortunately it gets him in a hell of a lot of trouble with the wrong people all too often. He's gotten hurt from his inability to lie far too many times, and has learned instead to just keep his big mouth shut to try and avoid the hellfire.
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6. Stahli - Brutally honest even when it hurts, and when he's not being brutally honest he's just honest in general. Lying isn't something that comes naturally to Stahli, he just doesn't think to do it most of the time. He says what's on his mind even when it hurts the person he's talking to. But he's not entirely heartless, and will stop and sweat momentarily to tell a lie if it makes someone feel just a little bit better.
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5. Nyx - He's not the best, but he has his moments where he can squeak through a lie if it's small, fast, and innocuous enough. His physiological reaction sometimes is a tell to when he's trying to bluff his way out of a situation: the fur on the base of his tail stands on end, and his ears start to twitch just a bit more frequently than usual. Sometimes if it's quick he can get through a lie smoothly, but if you keep pushing him he'll just get more and more obvious.
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4. Phobos - He just doesn't talk much to people in general, so it's not like he'd have many chances otherwise. But he does have his fair share of secrets to keep, and those are things he'll fight someone on to keep them secret. Gets angry the more your challenge his lies and arguments, which leads most to drop the subject because, really, who would get that upset if they weren't being honest?
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3. Marcus - He isn't proud of his ability to weasel out of trouble by stretching the truth when needed, but it really has saved his hide more times than he'd like to admit. When you've lived a life like his you learn quickly that sometimes a white lie deals less harm than the truth ever could.
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2. Matt - He tends to stray on the side of omitting information rather than outright lying, as tis in his nature as a deal-maker, but that doesn't mean he can't easily tell a lie in order to further his own goals. Twisting and bending information has been what's kept him alive for almost all of his life, though that doesn't mean he can't be brutally honest when he chooses to.
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1. Vantablack - Lying comes second nature to them. Honestly, they even do it compulsively sometimes without even thinking. Their whole being, their everything, was built and matured on the back of pretending, acting out roles, putting on façades, and lying through their teeth until they get what they want. Which sometimes what they want could just be to fuck with somebody for shits and giggles or to gain information about something or someone they want to know more about, but sometimes their intentions are more than just a little darkly malicious. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss king.
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peskyimmortals · 3 months
Let's not gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
listen, I understand it's for the bit, but gaslighting is incredibly damaging to the victim.
It systematically chips away at your ability to trust the people around you, your own senses and instincts, your own memories. The confusion and disorientation when you get multiple conflicting information that should by all means be true but aren't.
And it doesn't go away! Even years later, a loved one might accidentally say the wrong string of words and suddenly that mental confusion/disorientation comes slamming back and you start questioning everything, to the point where you question if the sky is actually blue.
Like, take Picard's Light scene from TNG.
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The Cardassians were trying to gaslight him into believing there were 5 lights when there were only ever four. The episode is commenting on escaping the physical pain of torture, but it can absolutely be applied to emotional abuse (and abuse in general).
Now instead, imagine the Cardassian was your parent or partner. You can clearly see there are 4 lights, but... maybe they know they're standing in front of a fifth? Maybe the fifth light is out so you can't see the light but the bulb is still there, right? Surely they have more information than I do. They love you, they wouldn't lie about something as small as the number of lights, surely? Can't you count? this is elementary skills, you're not that hopeless right, everyone else sees 5 lights.
Well, I guess there could be 5 lights?
And this goes on for a while before suddenly, the script changes
What do you mean there are 5 lights? There are not 5 lights you silly thing. You're remembering wrong. You always forget these things. Everyone knows there are only ever been 4 lights!
But? if there were only ever 4 lights, why did you tell me there were 5?
I never said that, why would I lie about that? Why do you always make me the villain? God, you're so dramatic, always making up silly stories. Do your friends believe such fanciful things. Such an active imagination.
And on and on and on, until it's easier to just follow along with the lies to try and alleviate the brain fog of confusion and disorientation.
Just, stop trying to make gaslighting funny, or normal, or whatever is really going on with the sentence. Gaslighting is abuse.
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k-dokja · 3 years
perceived weakness
summary: they targeted you, joongoo's favourite. honestly i started this because of a gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep joke then it went everywhere and nowhere all at once.
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See, when people expected to exploit you for a weakness from Joongoo, they often never expected the psychopath's accomplice would carry the same chaotic energy.
Stupid in hindsight, if you thought about it. Because if it was you, which it was, then you'd have picked someone with the same wavelength for company. Somehow, they never thought you'd be even worse to approach than the man himself.
Not that you ever cared to rectify the situation.
The one approached you stood at a head taller than you, smile far too charming to be seen as anything but dangerous. You entertained him anyway, it was your expertise to play with fire.
After one too many cocktails and the continuous delivery of playful banter, you pretended to loosen up, smiling at him openly.
“I heard you are pretty special to Joongoo...” He began and stepped into your trap with his eyes opened, “do you love him?”
“Ah,” you traced up the length of his arm, flirty eyes and coy smile, “pretty personal, don't you think?”
He leaned closer into your space, his cologne was calming when they hit your nose. “I want to know the lay of the land before I charge into the battle, it'd only be prudent.”
The giggle you made was an imitation of a drunken person, a lie, if anything. “I love him as much as I love the content of my Gucci wallets,” you lowered your eyelashes, “does that answer your question?”
“Taking advantage of the situation, then?” His smile had the hint of a sneer, but you with you inebriated mind wouldn't notice it.
“People would say I'm opportunistic, but I know I'm ambitious,” you winked at him, signaling your perceivable intention, “as long as I'm the one benefiting, I don't mind either way.”
The man looked at you thoughtfully, apparently musing over something you weren't privy to. “Interesting,” he said finally, “and what would you say to a better chance at furthering your station?”
“Hmm,” you pretended to think it over, “depends on the scope we're talking about.”
A few more cocktails and promises reserved only for two later, you bid the man goodnight with his number in your phone.
There'd not be a chance for you to go back to his place, not while you were "masquerading" to be Joongoo's little lover. You feigned tiredness, skipping out early because of a long day ahead of you.
There was a moment where he was left in doubt, but when you dropped a kiss next to his lips, he took your bait and allowed your departure. It was too easy.
You had to return to your abode afterwards, washing away the scent of club and alcohol from you. At least, that was the plan for you to do after you returned to the dark of your apartment.
The moment you stepped in and closed the door behind you, the reading lamp in your living room lit up, revealing Joongoo sitting on staunchly on your sofa.
“Welcome back, traitor,” Joongoo cackled maliciously, “I know you sold me out!”
“Really,” you deadpanned before sliding out of your high heels, shaking away the aches in your soles, “how long have you been sitting there?”
Joongoo scrunched his nose, “Like fifteen minutes, I was bored after I took a shower.”
“Well, we will have to talk about it later,” you said and walked over to drop your purse on Joongoo, “I need a shower now, I stink of alcohol.”
“Ooh, without me?” Despite what he said, Joongoo made no move to stand up and follow you.
However, after you got the hot water on and walked underneath the shower, you heard him walked up to your door and leaned with his back on it. “What did they want from my little honeysuckle?”
“Aside from trying to bait me into cheating on you?”
He giggled at the idea. It was hilarious because it was impossible. “Good to know people are stupid, anything else?”
“Hm,” you mused, “trying to goad me into betraying you, playing double agent.”
He snickered at that, but a change of tone came swiftly, “I knew it, they want to use my buttercup against me,” Joongoo bemoaned dramatically, “and the horror of it all,” once again, his words dissolved into his laughter, “you agreed to go along with it.”
Well, you couldn't lie to him. “That I did.”
“My sweet buttercup, how dare you?”
You could see his face, grinning to the point of manic. The plan was setting into motion, you, his perceived his little weakness will be his venom killing his enemies from the inside.
All you needed left was the time and effort to cultivate this plan into action.
“More importantly, how dare they?” His accusation was sinister even with the door between the two of you. “To think they'd try to use my beloved sweetpea for their henious crime, force your hands to pretend to be bait for me. Them trampling on our toes like that... we can't have that now, can we?”
You were positive he was grinning to the point of disturbing, then again, it was those manic moments of his that you found endearing. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been here.
“No, we can't,” you turned the water off and only now realized you were smiling too, no less wicked than he was.
“We should probably kill them all.”
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jooyeone · 2 years
hi! can i ask which run bts are a must watch for jimin stans? 👀
hii omg i love this yes 💘 i think it's worth watching most eps because jimin finds a way to be hilarious/entertaining in almost all of them, but these would be my must watch for A+ jimin content:
eps. 140/141 + the rest on youtube - their collab with the game caterers led to some of the most hilarious eps they've ever done, and jimin? jimin's just there to mess with everyone and i mean everyone
eps. 112/113 - good schoolboy jimin! you get stuff like jimin standing on a chair to "concentrate", being carried on jungkook's back like a sack of potatoes, and his infamously bad although exceptionally enthusiastic rendition of 'i will always love you' flute version
ep. 109 - VOICE ACTOR PARK JIMIN!! he is INSANELY good (and painfully shy) at this, his voice acting of judy hopps from zootopia will never stop amazing me. i remember even the co-director of zootopia saw the footage and said he'd love to work with him :')
ep. 103 - minimoni cooking ep 🍝 a mess of an episode, from jimin 'ordering' namjoon to call him hyung and be nice to him to the double salt incident and jimin's exasperated "chicken stock?!" that i can hear even in my sleep
ep. 85 - and all the eps leading up to this final one, but i'm putting this one here because of hobi gifting jimin an exclusive physical copy of his song promise :') idk it's just such a special moment, you can see how much it means to him and how overwhelmed he is with hobi putting so much thought into his gift!!
eps. 79/80 - THE gaslight gatekeep girlboss jimin episode. he will lie, cheat, throw tantrums his way through this game and i for one support him wholeheartedly <3
eps. 47/48 - the one where jimin is the village menace. i don't know why, but in my head this is every baby army's "oh so THAT'S what he's like" moment hsdhfsh like i don't know what the origin of slytherin jimin is but it might as well be this one right here
ep. 41 - lajibolala. i rest my case.
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Group E, Round 5
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Propaganda under the cut
He can't lie according to some curse or sm so he just manipulates thoughts and feelings to the point where basically eveybody dies bc of him plus he's hot
Aaravos gaslight gatekeep girlbossed his way into having a baby homunculus with another man in a different dimension from him. I feel that is import to note.
The Xenomorph
To cause general fuckery. To impregnate people to death. Impervious to most means of harm, she slays the day away by toying with her prey and murdering anyone who stands in her way.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
Lonely Hearts Club ♡ BTS OT7
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Pairing: female reader x OT7
Warning: smut. polyamory. kinda voyeurism (? like- how else are you supposed to make an 8 people intercourse work.
A/N: this has a very poor representation of polyamory ok. It actually contains everything that is not how polyamory works, but it’s in favour of the theme. This is my last work for the Electra Heart Series
Summary: January to December, do you wanna be a member? In this Lonely Hearts Club, do you want to be with somebody like us? 
Genre: smut
Word Count: 4.5k
“Where are you going Kookie?” Taehyung called from his spot cuddled on Jimin’s side without really tearing his eyes from the screen as they both watched some movie on the couch, a usual Friday night. 
Jungkook paused for half a second as he made sure he had everything in his pocket before heading to the door “Out”
“Out where?” Jungkook groaned loudly at the questioning, as if it were nothing common within their relationship, determined to extend the silence in the room long enough to be comfortably dismissed from the conversation.
“Out with that girl he has yet to come clean to” Yoongi mentioned as he made his way to the living room, bag of chips in hand and stuffing a few inside his mouth as he did “which by the way, I’ve told him a thousand times before, it’s not decent to keep on leading her on”
“I’m not” the youngest murmured under his breath, which earned him a pointed look from Yoongi, followed by the TV pausing and both of the other men to turn their attention to him “I’m not leading her on”
A hand was placed on his right shoulder from behind, making him startle, wide doe eyes in full display as Seokjin voiced his input in the situation “You’re going out with a girl that we all know likes you while being a relationship, Jungkookie” Seokjin made the most overdramatic pout “I’d say that’s leading her on, plus, placing us second”
Jungkook let out a heavy sigh, already knowing he was about to be very late to the date “You guys all said you were okay with me dating out of the circle”
“You know we’re messing with you, come on, you’ll be late for your date” he’d have to thank Namjoon for always coming to the rescue when Seokjin was being a little bit too much.
If someone was to tell him he would end up in a polyamorous relationship he would have laughed in their face. If someone was to tell him that he would end up in a polyamorous relationship with the six older men he was forced to share his college unit with, he would have crumbled apart right there and then, it was no secret whatsoever that he had the biggest crush on the six of them the moment he first saw them, call it gay panicking or whatever.
And you see, things were going smooth, at least as smooth as they could be when 7 people are dating each other, minus the stares when they went out in public, the questioning of their not so close friends and the constant battle royale when it came down to sleeping arrangements, it was smooth. Until you came along. Sure, after eight months of him joining the polycule, and people unable to think outside their monogamous mindset, a fair number of guys and girls had approached him, which was always meant to go in either of two possible ways:
First, and best, case scenario, they were only interested in a fling, a one night stand that ultimately turns into a somewhat friendly distanced greeting when on campus, it was a thing between the seven men after all, being able to casually date outside the circle and understanding that the strongest emotional bond was with their boyfriends at home, although… Jungkook was the one doing it most often, Jimin following him casually in indulging in the pleasure of casual sex from time to time.
Second, and the hardest scenario due to him having the softest heart (if having Hoseok cutting ties with his potential partners in more than one occasion is anything to go by) is when after the first scenario, people keep trying to get in touch with him, not that there’s anything wrong with it but he wasn’t interested, plus, when he went as far as explaining the whole polyamory situation, people would dismiss it as an non-existent relationship or worse yet, there was a guy that went as far as telling him that all he needed was to be ‘dicked down good enough’ for him to stop being polyamorous; Yoongi had gone and had a friendly talk with the dude when Jungkook went home that night crying (he might have sent the guy to ER but there’s really no way to know)
So really, third case scenario was way out of control for him, said scenario being you. Never asking anything too invasive, hooked up a few times and even made him breakfast one of them which ended up with Jungkook bolting right out of your apartment, thinking that was it and he’d never see you again but boy was he wrong, you had texted him after to make sure he was okay, had the most amazing round of make up sex (could it even be called that when you two didn’t even fight? and it was all just him being a moron?).
So here’s the thing, maybe his heart started picking up when he saw you, maybe he started feeling butterflies when you two made out on your couch, maybe the blurred line between being a casual hook up and falling for you had become no line at all, and soon enough his hyungs started pestering him that he shouldn’t play with your feelings. God how much easier would it be if you were a student at his campus, with the amount of talk about the ‘7 best looking guys being in a polyamorous relationship’ really would have done the trick, so that he could stop the inner fear of losing you that came with owning it up and telling you he was indeed not just bisexual, but in an eight month relationship with 6 guys.
So far, Namjoon had had the most serious talk with him ever since he was invited to join the relationship, then came Yoongi constantly bickering with him as a passive agressive way to get him to come clean, Hoseok aggressively cuddling him while whispering borderline nasty and teasing things to him while Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin had made it their job to try and gatekeep him from you before any date with the theatrics of non existent jealousy. Deep down he knew it was wrong, so wrong of him to keep such a vital piece of information from you, then again, he couldn’t bear the feeling of seeing you being disgusted for his love choices, polyamory was one hell of a misunderstood topic, often overseen as being greedy and unable to choose. Which was a blatant lie. He had made a choice eight months ago, and it pained him to even think that if the time came, he would have to stand by it. He would choose the six of them all over again. No doubts in his mind he would choose them over you if it came to be like that.
What if he had spent a week bawling his eyes out at night after a date with you and quality time at home, people should mind their own business. And the men he loved the most in the world were proving to be deserving of his love yet again. He had cried one last time after thinking just how much they were meaning to go out of their way to keep Jungkook happy. They had kept him in their best interests when they decided that maybe, prior further consideration and a serious talk involving you and Jungkook, maybe an eight addition wouldn’t be so bad. 
“God I can’t believe we are not only condoning this behaviour but now we are endorsing it” Seokjin mentioned in one of his many overdramatic tones as he and Namjoon placed some delicious looking dishes out in their small backyard where they had all dressed up the place when little Jungkookie announced he was bringing you over.
Namjoon was quick to attempt to calm his boyfriend down while placing a small kiss on his lips “You’re overthinking” 
“Oh, I’m overthinking? How about Mr Jeon Jungkook who apparently can neither keep it in his pants nor grow a pair and tell someone that they are polyamorous, huh?” Namjoon really had to try his hardest not to burst out laughing at the way Seokjin’s words seemed to blend in together as they came out of his mouth in a flow that resembled a rap song “Don’t you try and gaslight me, Namjoon, I’ll have you know, psychology was my major before it was yours” 
“Doctor Kim has a beautiful ring to it” 
Seokjin did not stop a whole minute to stop placing everything out on the table as he kept on bickering with the younger “Don’t try to woo me Kim Namjoon, I know you only like the ring of it because we share the last name” 
Jimin walked out the exact moment they were blasting fiery heart eyes at each other, nothing out of the ordinary in their dynamic, “Seokjin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, I think she’s here” the youngest of the three lend a hand for the whole table to be set in record time, already hearing an additional female voice that didn’t use to be there before coming from inside “I don’t think Taehyung’s on board with all...this” 
“What do you mean he’s not on board, we talked about it before!” if there was the slightest bit of panic in Namjoon’s eyes, he was one hell of an actor to have it covered up as soon as he sensed Seokjin stiff on his side and the whole room began to feel stuffy even when being outside.
“Tae says he’s not coming down for dinner” Hoseok announced as he popped his head outside “Y/N is talking in the living room with Kookie and Yoongi, she seems nice” before disappearing inside the house.
“I fucking told you all of this would come to bite us in the ass Joonie, eight people is one person too many” may Seokjin’s inability to read eye expressions be damned when Namjoon and Jimin tried to get him to keep his voice down before any more damage was caused.
A mop of black hair popped up from inside just the way Hoseok had done before, startling the three men outside when Jungkook spoke “Hey, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, totally” Jimin tried to fake a smile which ended up being the fakest smile he had ever put on his face, making the youngest squint his eyes at the three of them in a questioning manner, a few seconds away from dismissing it, Seokjin broke 
“Taehyung is not taking part”
“What do you mean Taehyung is not taking part?” Jungkook’s eyes widened almost comically but anyone could see the anxiety and panic rising in them, Namjoon ever the peacemaker in the relationship intervening 
“Tae says he’s backing down, but I’ll have a talk with him and-”
“I’ll do it” Jungkook shook his head as he took off back inside to the opposite side from which he came from; even with the whole uncertainty of the situation, it was sure not to head the right way it should have.
“That sounds lovely, I can just imagine” you said as Namjoon, who had just introduced himself, finished a random story about all seven of them “So.. you all live here together then?”
“Oh yeah, inseparable bond and what not” Seokjin, the oldest of the seven smiled somewhat uncomfortably at you, avoiding any type of direct contact. At first it really seemed to have taken the right turn, chatting with Yoongi and Hoseok after Jungkook left to see if anything else was needed before dinner, but then things started to shift, an unknown but uncomfortable silence filling the room every now and then, the way Jimin couldn’t stop fidgeting in his seat and Seokjin made little to no effort to not show just how uncomfortable he was. Jungkook had mentioned earlier that his housemates could be somewhat weird, without mentioning exactly how, but from the looks of it, it had something to do with dating within themselves. 
“Hey, do you mind if I use your restroom?” 
“Ah sure, upstairs, first door to the left” Yoongi answered with a tight lip smile on his face, everyone’s eyes discreetly following you in silence until your figure couldn’t be seen, probably out of earshot as murmurs took over the living room.
Not that you really needed to use the toilet but it would be nice to splash some cold water in your face if you wanted to even try and survive the rest of the night, but as you reached the end of the stairs, a room across what seemed to be the bathroom caught your attention, snuffling noises coming from the inside, and you really should stick to your own business, but how much weirder could the night go? apparently, exponentially weirder.
You reached the door that was conveniently slightly open, allowing you to take a peek inside, a guy sitting beside Jungkook  on the bed as he rubbed circles in the small of his back at the same time as he whispered things to his ear and you felt a pang in your chest, not really believing the whole sexual tension inside the room, perhaps your mind playing with you; up until the guy clearly nibbled Jungkook’s ear, a breathy moan escaping from his lips, your brain shortcircuiting between not understanding what was going on and finding it extremely hot.
“Tae no, you know I’m going out with Y/N” Jungkook said as the other guy moved around, seemingly placing a hand to his crotch in a playful manner, as far as the smirk in his face but obstruction of bodies allowed you to see from the door.
The guy’s eyes quickly turned to Jungkook in the biggest puppy stare you had ever seen, low voice above a whisper “Having someone around never stopped you before” 
A heavier moan escaped from Jungkook’s mouth, hands immediately locking the guy around him as he straddled his hips on the bed “Do you not love us anymore?”
Whether it was whatever that was going on inside between the two of them, or the mention of love, that made you forget your compromising position, getting the feeling that you should stop watching and panicky closed the door, making your presence known, the world may never know, but there were thousands of thoughts running in your mind. Sure, Jungkook had never put a label on your relationship, and from time to time you had believed that perhaps there was something beautiful there, now coming to think of it, maybe his heart had always been occupied, as all those friends of yours that knew him from somewhere had once said to you, how it was the weirdest thing out there watching 7 great looking guys hanging out as if they were on a date, the unusual way they carried around each other. Not that it was bad, but i crushed your heart to know that you would never fit in, as much as you kicked it off with Jungkook and the sex was amazing, the dynamic between them seemed to put you as just a plaything for the youngest of them all.
“Y/N? Jungkookie wants to have a talk with you” you didn’t even noticed the shift of your surrounding, knowing Jungkook, how he most probably bolted right out of the room when they heard the door close forcefully, too absorbed in your thoughts, still too absorbed in your thoughts as Hoseok led you back down, sitting you down a few feet away from where Jungkook was seated, the TV playing a random programme in the back “You two do your stuff, we’ll be outside, feel free to join, okay?”
The TV Show echoed in the dark, it seemed like it had been hours since you joined Jungkook in his living room, wanting nothing more than cross the door and never see him again, but he was a great kid, you knew just how much he would blame himself over what were your insecurities and inability to speak up on the matter, on never questioning what game you two were playing, sleeping around, going on dates but not getting involved. Until he was the first one to speak up.
“I am in a polyamorous relationship, Y/N” he heaved a sigh, as if the world was lifting from his shoulders “Have been for the last eight months” 
Your heart sped up, the words unable to leave your lips, all tangled up on your brain “You should have told me before” you turned your face to where he was at the same time as he did the same “I would have understood”
“I don’t want to leave you”
“I know” which, you did know, time and time again he had made it clear that there was so much more to your relationship, although Jungkook wouldn’t express it out loud “I would love to have you… if there’s a way”
Jungkook’s doe eyes seemed to shine brighter at your words, although you could see tears forming in them “I don’t understand why would you want to be with someone like me” 
“Jeon Jungkook”  you scooted yourself to be closer to him, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder “Some people are so full of love they can give a way to a lot of people, I understand that” his eyes lighted up at your words, the tiniest bit of hope in them 
A hand was placed on your shoulder, softly grabbing the exposed skin, making you turn your head to see Hoseok, shadows playing on his face as he smirked down at you “Plus, love will never be forever, might as well have seven plans ahead, right Y/N?” 
You could feel a lump in your throat at that, images of what you had witnessed inside the bedroom with Jungkook and his friend still fresh in your mind, clearing your throat you hesitated “Uhm.. I really don’t know how to feel about all this Hoseok” but as soon as the words left your mouth you could see the rest of the boys joining the living room, as if you were some kind of prey you were after, the only source of light coming from the fairy lights in the backyard, illuminating them as they approached, hiding their true intentions in their eyes at the same time as their faces became darker, heart thumping inside your ribcage
“Oh come on, Y/N I saw you looking at Jungkookie and I outside our bedroom” Taehyung mentioned, which made you flush, fortunately going unnoticed by the lack of light, although he chuckled as he once again straddled Jungkook inches beside you, an all-too familiar image of the both of them as he grinded hard down on Jungkook’s crotch, earning him a groan from the youngest  “Seemed to me you were enjoying it a bit too much”
A firm hand underneath your chin turned you to face upwards by the slightest, a face that took you seconds to recognise as Yoongi’s too close to yours, grazing his lips with yours before he tutted and added a “Good girls are meant to share their toys Y/N” for good measure.
“Jungkookie here practically gave you up before asking you to join us” Jimin added as he took a sit beside you, body clinging to Yoongi who was still too close to you
“I just-” you turned your face to Jungkook, who was currently busy with his mouth all over Taehyung and Hoseok, both on each side of him as they seemed to get an equal amount of attention from the youngest, your lower abdomen firing up at the image and the prospect of you taking part in the dynamic “I guess it doesn’t really sound so bad”
“Even Seokjin is willing to give you a taste” spoke Namjoon as he walked into the area with Seokjin just inches behind him, nodding his head when you locked eyes with the eldest “But I bet you’ll be Yoongi-hyung’s favourite”
“It’s your turn to call the shots, Y/N”
Instead of a response, you pull on Jimin’s shirt until he leans onto you, capturing you lips in his in a kiss that seems to last just seconds before he is placing you on top of him, allowing Yoongi to take you previous spot, caressing you side so when you lean back to catch a breath, his mouth is on yours stealing your breath away; out of the corner of your eye you watch as Hoseok has his hand inside Jungkook’s pants “Sharing is caring, Yoongi” you remind him as he tries to have a second go, Jimin’s laughter underneath you hitting the right places as he frictions his front side up to you, earning a soft moan from your lips, which only turns to a second one when you feel two wet mouths on each side of your jaw, gently nibbling on the skin before they stopped to kiss right in front of you, tongues catching, groans escaping from each of Seokjin and Namjoon throat before they turned to look at you and retrieved to their original spot to entertain themselves.
“As much as I’d love to take her, I think it’s best if we let Jungkook welcome her into our dynamic” a soft laugh falls from Jimin’s lips as you quietly gasp when he places you on the couch, an awaiting Jungkook on your side, the blond man taking his turn with Yoongi a few inches away.
Jungkook’s eyes seem dazed, and he quickly finds your mouth, just the way he did all those times before, except that now it was somewhat different from them, in a room full of people, his boyfriends, yours soon to be; as he absentmindedly tongues your bottom lip to deepen the kiss, a single hand slides underneath the fabric of your shirt as the other grips around your thigh, slowly working its way to where you could already feel your panties dampening. Fingers dancing familiarly over your nipples, “God I don’t know what I’d have done if you said no to this”, you barely register his words so you just nod in agreement, desperately wanting him to touch you where you needed the most. Warm fingers find your folds, stroking them slowly, squelching sounds that somehow don't seem to phase the way the rest of the group keeps on having their tongues deep down on someone elses throat, changing partners everytime you look up. The tips of his fingers find your entrance, slowly working a pace in and out, pairing it with wet kissed to your exposed neck as you try and hold on to his shirt for dear life “You’re so wet already”
His fingers pick up speed, barely curling into that soft spot inside you. Hips lifting slightly as your head lulls back against his shoulder, peaking both Jimin and Yoongi’s interest from beside you, a clear interest in the action if the way their pants seem to grow tighter by the second “Hey baby, is Jungkookie making you feel good?” voice raspy, dark, but soft lips on your own as the youngest kept his pace with his fingers, stretching you open on the couch.
“She sounds so sweet I can’t wait to taste her” Yoongi adds as his hand reaches out inside Jimin’s pants, starting to stroke his member to life. And that’s when you see it. Namjoon and Seokjin, ever so reserved, in their own little world, sitting across from all the action, hands on each other’s bulge, not daring to look away from you. And it somehow stirs you in all the right places, mind set already on giving them the best show ever. 
Hands cup your breasts from behind you, softly massaging them, feather like kisses on the back of your neck as your shirt is lifted, bra forgotten and your tits are free for everyone in the room to watch and enjoy, a voice behind you, owner of the hands pinching your nipples whispering in your ear “I’m willing to forgive you interrupting quality time with Kookie”
You feel a pinching in your clit joining Jungkook’s fingers pistoning into you, making you reach your orgasm in record time in a broken mess of calling out Jungkook’s name. Hoseok’s instantly reaching for the waistband of your panties to pull them down “Well I’d say, dinner’s served,Yoongi-hyung” before said man is  leaning forward, Yoongi’s hands exchanging Jimin’s cock for your knees – holding your legs open. Yoongi’s tongue takes a bold lick over your slit before he’s diving in, lips attaching to your clit as the tip of his tongue flicks against it. Hoseok’s chin is rested on your shoulder,ocassionaly opening up your outer lips to allow the elder a deeper access to your cunt,  watching Yoongi’s  tongue fuck into you. You could feel Taehyung’s thick length pressed into your lower back, the slow lift of his hips dragging it against you. Soft groans from the friction falling from his lips, mixing with the husky moans that echo from around the room as everyone watched Yoongi intently. Your eyes find Seokjin and Namjoon across the room, both of whom have since pulled their cocks from behind their pants, glistening tips on full display as their large hands stroke over the base of each other, their  hips moving to match the movement of their hands.
The tongue between your legs moves swiftly, pushing past your folds and slipping into your entrance, lapping up the juices from your past orgasm as Hoseok leans down to share a wet kiss with him, then Jungkook, the three of them tasting you on their tongues. As Yoongi returns to his spot between your legs, he moans against your core like the taste of you is the most delicious thing to ever hit his tongue, the sound sending vibrations through your body that has your cunt tingling, not far from your next release. “Aah- Yoongi” you gasp, reaching down to tangle your fingers in his hair, pushing his face further between your legs.
“You gonna cum all over my tongue, huh?” his movements intensify, nose pressed against your clit, rubbing it precisely as it makes you fall apart in a rush of desperate pleas before he removes himself from his position, chin covered in your juices to which you can’t help but moan at the sight of as he licks his lips in delight. His lips capture yours once he’s on your eye level,  hand set on the back of your head to keep you still, mouth instantly flooded with your taste, pulling away with fiery eyes and a smirk. “Joon was right, you’re gonna be my favourite”
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angelyuji · 3 years
I also love Yan!Spiderman, there will never be enough content for him ! Can I request a headcannon ? Or a blurb, whatever you prefer ? I love the amnesia trope, like the reader having long-term amnesia after an accident or whatever and yan!Spiderman swooping in, saying they have been dating for months... You may get suspicious of how flustered he gets but he knows so much about you, he can't be lying, right ? 😚
cw// stalking, non-consensual picture taking, kind of kidnapping, familial neglect, car accident caused by superheroes, non-consensual kissing, non-consensual touching, forced hugs, lying, manipulation, “gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss” energy, implied murder, peter being a crybaby to guilt trip you, idk peter being gross and pervy and being a liar, toxic relationship (kind of because you’re kinda not aware of the fact that he sucks and he’s lying)
· OMGBESTIE sorry i just absolutely ADORE the amnesia trope in yandere fics GHJKJHGF
· it’s just so perfect *chef’s kiss*
· anyway
· you got into accident that totally not caused by peter…yeah, it was totally definitely the criminal’s fault …
· but i mean, why were you driving in the middle of a villain attack anyway? oh, you had to go to work?...so??? peter didn’t give you the ok?????
· right, so he’s tossing cars and trying to bring justice (or something like that) and he saw you coming, but alas, he's too late
· you see something hurtling towards your car as you stop at a red light. you squint your eyes, “oh. ha, that’s a car…wait”
· peter was only a couple feet away when he sees the truck he threw slam against the hood of your car, crumpling the hood like it’s made of aluminum foil. time moves in slow motion as peter tries to reach you. out of reflex, peter shoots his webs to move you from impact. he can feel himself move, but his mind shuts down. when he regains consciousness, you’re in his arms, passed out, but seemingly unscathed. he feels relief, then fury. peter barely noticed when the paramedics came to move you out of his arms. he turns to the villain, his whole body shaking, and launches himself at the man.
· you end up in the hospital for a brain injury that left you in a coma and peter literally never left your side. he came every day and stayed by your side until visiting hours were over, and came into your room at night as spiderman after patrol.
· the hospital staff saw him so much that they assumed you were both in a relationship, so when you woke up at night during his patrol hours, they called him first.
· they called your parents after…weird, i know
· “how do you feel?”
· “fine, i guess. tired, surprisingly” you chuckle dryly and the doctor smiles.
· “fine is good. what’s the last thing you remember?”
· “…um….i can’t… I don’t-”
· “hey, it’s okay. take your time.” the doctor tries to be reassuring, but you feel panic bubble. what’s going on, why can’t you remember what happened? what’s happening to you? your breathing turns rough and the air feels thicker as you seem to remember less and less of what you should know. all of a sudden, two arms wrap around you and pull you into them.
· “it’s gonna be okay” they mumble into your hair as you cry into their shirt.
· peter and the doctor eventually figured out that you were missing 4 years of your life. the 4 years that you’ve lived in queens, to be exact.
· peter realizes exactly what he has to do when the doctor pulls him and your family aside to explain the situation
· (they had asked him who tf he was and he, in a panic to not be kicked out, said y’all were dating)
· he offers your family a way out, a way to not take the stress of taking care of you, by letting him take care of you
· “i love them. i can’t lose them and i won’t lose them, so please, let me take care of them”
· honestly, your family was lowkey relieved that peter offered to take care of you, not even remembering that you have never mentioned this man in any conversation (who has amnesia now??)
· peter would go into your room and tell you that you’re going home with him
· “what? what about my family?”
· “they’re okay with it. they have a lot going on and, as your boyfriend-”
· “boyfriend? i’ve never seen you before in my life?”
· “no! no, we started dating when you moved to queens!" at your blank stare, he lowers his head slightly and you see tears fall, "i wish you would remember”
· peter will pull out his pictures of you saying stuff like “then how do i have these pictures?? hmm????” and fake crying to make it seem like he was your grieving boyfriend
· he’ll be constantly mentioning the fact that he’s your boyfriend to you and to others (at some point, ur confused on whether he’s trying to convince you or trying to convince himself) “as your boyfriend’ “your boyfriend” “i love being with you and going on dates haha yk since im your bf”
· he’ll make up different stories from places he’s seen you. if he stalked you while you were walking at the park, he’ll say you both went on walks often. if you went on picnics by yourself often, he’ll say you constantly had picnic dates. had a fun day at the arcade? more like, you had fun day at the arcade with peter!
· peter’s smart, he uses these events as a way of tricking your brain into thinking that each memory you recover of these moments are just moments that are missing him, and eventually, he’ll start appearing in memories
· peter would take you to his apartment and absolutely REFUSE to let you leave, he’ll have an excuse ready to make sure you can’t leave your new home
· “the doctor said you shouldn’t move too much”
· he’ll make you sleep in the same bed as him, go on dates with him, hug and kiss him like “you used to do” with the excuse of “the doctor said you should do things that you used to do before the accident to start remembering everything”
· …riiight
· “are you coming to bed?” you lay in his bed, waiting for peter.
· “i-i sorry, yes, I-” peter stumbles on his words as he stands by the bed.
· you sit up in annoyance, “peter, you said we slept together. what’s wrong?”
· peter turns bright red, “no! nothing’s wrong! it’s nothing, i-i’m coming to bed in a sec.” you lay back down and soon you feel him crawl into bed. you turn your back to him, but peter pulls you closer to him and start leaving kisses down your back.
· ���what are you doing.” you whisper into the darkness. his small touches feel foreign on your skin and your body itches to move in disgust.
· “i’m helping you sleep. uh-before, i helped you fall sleep like this, maybe this’ll help you remember” peter pushes his head into the crook of your neck and holds you closer, his fingers grazing under your shirt and feeling your stomach.
· you try to move away without panicking, “maybe, we’re moving too fast? i kinda need some spa-” you feel peter freeze.
· “do-do you not love me anymore?” you feel peter’s tears before you hear his sniffles, “i didn’t want to push you, but i just missed you so much and i thought that you were starting to remember how much you love me.” his sniffles turn to sobs and you start feeling guilty. you push your discomfort away and let yourself get pulled into his warmth.
· “no, it's fine. just don’t, you know, cry please.” you press your lips into a thin line and sigh as peter stops sniffling and hums in content.
· he’ll guilt you into doing what he wants with tears and sobs about how he misses “the old you”
· funny, considering the fact that this mf basically made up his entire relationship with you because he’s literally psychotic
· your relationship would be seemingly normal too, except that all of the friends that talked about how they’ve never met peter before your accident went missing…huh, definitely no connection there…
· but by the time they inform you of their concern, it is already months after your accident and peter would have already made you believe that you were dating
· in peter’s mind, you’re everything and more than he imagined, even though you barely know him, he knows you so well that it’s easy for him to make you believe that you’re together.
· peter would tell he’s spiderman once you’ve stopped resisting him to make sure that you won’t search up your accident and see that spiderman was involved
· the only way for you to break from peter’s grip on your mind is for him to accidently confess that he’s lied to you
· and that’ll happen, peter may be good at lying, but during a fight, he might let it slip
· “they’re my friends, peter. you can’t stop me from seeing them.” you roll your eyes when peter’s face crumples. “ugh, peter, stop with the guilt-tripping. your fake tears don’t work on me anymore.”
· peter’s face turns cold, “your friends are liars and they’ve been trying to break us up since the accident. all they say when they see me are lies.”
· you keep a straight face, “well, i know it’s a lie, so you don’t have to act like this.”
· “but-but what if you start believing them? what if you realize that you can do better than me? what if you remember everything? what if they make you break up with me? wh-” peter turns to you and sees you frozen in place. he moves towards you and pulls you into a hug, but you stay stiff.
· “what do you mean “remember”?” you whisper and peter’s eyes go wide. silence fills the room as peter says still.
· “well, shit”
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Was thinking about Wilbur seeing the sunrise for the first time after being revived, and then that got me thinking about him experiencing all those little things that there's no sign of in the void, like when it's chucking it down and you're being soaked to the bone, or when you step on grass after a frost and it crunches.
Wilbur's on his way to do something nefarious with Snowchester or the Syndicate and then he just has to take moment because suddenly he's knee deep in snow and what a thing to miss, feeling like your legs are so cold they're about to fall off.
i love scenes like these - little moments were there’s just,,, silence and a character being aware they’re alive + coming to terms with that moment of peace and euphoria of being alive, and how hypersensitive they become to the world - they’re some of my favourite to write and picture, so i had to write this :) c!wilbur’s idea of remembering he’s alive comes from a place of ,,, unhealthy habits (ie. standing/sitting in snow until you’re numb and everything hurts), but it’s also something that reminds him he’s alive and free from the void and so it becomes this bittersweet thing, i guess?? anyway enough of me rambling KHKWNDKF, have this :D
warnings: emotional dysfunction (?), mental instability, trauma, mental illness, self harm (c!wilbur sits in snow even though it hurts/numbs him), unhealthy thinking, recovery/healing (?) (implied to be temporary)
He’s so numb.
Contrary to popular opinion (popular opinion being, of course, his own projection of what he wants people to believe until it’s become truth - he’s always been a fan of the whole ‘gaslight gatekeep girlboss’ schtick), Wilbur is not numb. He never has been. A slow burning fuse is not numb: it’s raging anger and bitter wild emotions tempered only by the intensity of his self control and containment, it’s an explosion cruel enough to pretend to be something else until it explodes, and Wilbur had been the slowest burning fuse for a while, had been nothing but destructive and self destructive and everything in between in the most controlled way possible.
(Until he hadn’t.)
(Until he hadn’t.)
He doesn’t need to pretend anymore. Doesn’t need to fake calm or containment, doesn’t need to pretend to be anything other than what he truly is. And it’s a bloody blessing, after so long playing the fallen hero and after so long pandering to the idea of redemption - fuck, it feels good to take off the disguise, to fire, if he wanted to bring back old metaphors, Chekhov’s Gun. Wilbur embraces it. He doesn’t lie anymore, not to one person - he is sorry for what he’s done, and he is sorry that he’s probably going to do it again, but hey, what’s the saying? “If they can’t love me at my worst they don’t deserve me at my best”?
He’ll try using that one on Phil after he breaks Dream out of prison. Maybe it’ll work.
But he’s numb now. Physically numb - his legs throb in time with his heartbeat, one two one two one two, and he can’t feel them or his feet or his fingers, can’t feel anything other than the bitter cold biting at his skin and the snow swirling to land softly in his hair, and oh, oh, he’s missed this.
Snowchester is dismissed momentarily from his mind as he tips his head back, throat bobbing as he stares up at the sky. It’s dark grey, snowflakes dancing through the air, and he thinks it’s beautiful that something so pretty can hurt and numb so much, thinks there’s symbolism in there somewhere, if he chooses to look for it.
For once, he doesn’t.
Instead, he closes his eyes, and takes in a deep breath.
It’s always so refreshing, to become aware of the fact he can breathe again. Wilbur forgets, often, actually, that he has to breathe and blink and live as a human again, but when he becomes aware of it like he is now, sucking in a breath of thin icy air and exhaling and opening his eyes just in time to see his own breathe billow in front of him like smoke, it’s exhilarating. Life is exhilarating.
He’s missed this. Missed being alive. Missed it all, and he can’t help but decide to sit down on the stump of a log nearby, drawing his coat further around him to prevent himself from getting too cold (frostbite is a bitch), but he’s far more preoccupied with the snow. Memories come back to him, of being a child, running around giggling in the snow with Phil, of building snowmen and whining at Tommy when he’d knocked them down, of lying in the snow with Techno at night and falling asleep as the other had pointed out constellations in the stars. The snow brings nothing but good memories, and Wilbur hasn’t had those in a while.
(Does blowing up L’Manburg count? It’s less of a good memory than it is his best and worst memory at the same time, and he’s not sure that counts.)
(He still remembers it well.)
The stump is cold. Almost as cold as the snow. Wilbur grazes his hand along the side of it, marvels at the feeling of bark and rough wood underneath his fingertips. Everything feels so solid here, compared to the Void, where nothing had been distinct and the world (if it could be called that) had been smoke against his touch. He rests his back against the tree beside the stump, brings his knees up to his chest, stares in open eyed wonder at the snowy scene around him. 
This is what it means, he thinks, to be alive. It won’t last, he’s not an idiot - his own mania and wild emotions will catch up to him again, his destructive tendencies, his possessive tendencies, his anger and glee and ambition and determination will wrap themselves around him soon like a warm blanket, but for now, Wilbur is cold, so cold, and it feels so nice, to be exposed to the world, to sit on the stump of a tree and shiver and feel his legs go numb and his limbs ache painfully with the cold.
And, just this once, he lets himself breathe - lets himself watch the world around him in endless quietness until the sun begins to set, silent and observant and reflective.
The sun glistens gold in the sky, and Wilbur thinks maybe this is what peace feels like.
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